#almost 10 years of self taught art for this
gwacha · 10 months
sakuatsu: cursed pajamas edition
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*only the first chapter
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aashwarr · 1 year
15 questions. 🤎
i was tagged by multiple simmers! i’m trying to be more active here, so i wanted to participate! i’m tagging anyone who wants to participate as well!
1. are you named after anyone? ashley banks from fresh prince!
2. when was the last time you cried? like two hours ago when i watched ratatouille LMAO.
3. do you have kids? i have one pup named benji, but no kids. i’m not ready for those lil things anytime soon. 
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? all the time, especially with my sister.
5. what sports do you play/have you played? cheer & dance! 
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people? their attire and how they present themselves (not me being materialistic lol). i don’t judge someone’s character solely based on this, but it’s def the first thing that catches my eye.
7. eye color? dark brown, almost black. 
8. scary movies or happy endings? cliché romcoms all the way! 
9. any special talents? i’m a very quick learner!
10. where were you born? i’m from the southern united states. 
11. what are your hobbies? self-care, watching romcom movies & anime, playing video games, trying new restaurants & bars, traveling, going on walks. 
12. do you have any pets? benji! he’s a 3 year-old miniature schnauzer who doesn’t like men (taught him well LMAO).
13. how tall are you? i’m 5’2. 
14. favorite subject in school? art & dance. 
15. dream job? i’m currently doing it. :’) a full-time content creator, part-time sims youtuber!
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akolnoix · 8 months
I love your art sm!!!!!! Do you have any drawing tips / process examples?
thank you!
i don't take many progress pics, so here's a timelapse just for you.
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i'm almost entirely self-taught (and in a very uneven manner lol) so i can't offer much in the way of technical skills. so i'll just say a few of the things i'm glad to have learned over the years. (largely wrt digital art)
-if you really dislike a step in the process, there's a good chance you can decide to just... not do it. hate doing lineart? you can just neaten up your sketch a bit, or go completely lineless. hate coloring? switch to black and white. hate shading? just don't do it.
you'll draw a lot more if you enjoy it, and in the future you'll probably get in the mood to try again at something you used to hate, and re-evaluate, so you're not missing out.
like for a while i drew almost entirely in black+white because i hated coloring, and then i played theresia: dear emile and was hit with the inspiration to work with color again, and i've continued to do so ever since.
on the other hand, i've been doing digital art almost exclusively for like 10 years now. occasionally i'll be in the mood to draw with an actual pencil again, so i do it. and my decision is reaffirmed haha
-the scope of your character drawing will truly unlock the moment you realize there is no fundamental difference between drawing men and women, only specific features that differ on a person by person basis
-most programs will let you use any brush as an eraser (or "draw with clear"), it's a lifesaver for using heavily textured brushes
-use pureref for your reference images. idk how i worked without it for so long.
-fall in love with drawing noses. they're one of the most distinctive parts of the face, and so many people just default to one or two types!!
-sketch on a grey canvas, instead of a white one. spare your eyes the strain
-the artists who actually went to school are right, you really should use references. they making everything so much easier AND you improve your skills. win win scenario
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sillygoblinantics · 14 days
I haven’t been sound of mind lately, but thought it would help to share an essay I wrote almost a year ago when I was in a similar headspace.
This was a meditative and cathartic essay.
Pain Response
(Written 10/20/23)
In a few months it will have been exactly ten years since I made an attempt on my life. A scary unsettling beginning to the piece, but I’ve been able to get help. I wanted to write this as a way to reflect on the past and present of how my brain and body responded to not just physical pain, but mental, internal and emotional pain.
I was bullied from fourth grade to eighth grade as a kid. Seventh grade was when my self esteem and confidence was shattered at a school dance. A dance where my bully made one of our classmates slow dance with me as a joke, causing me to run to the girl’s room and cry so hard. My mind was on a tightrope and slipped a few times but somehow got back on the rope either way. Because below was an inky black pit, that if it touched me would pull me below the surface like a kelpie racing to the sea once I ignorantly touched its adhesive pelt. On the outside I was scared and wasn’t getting help with my bully. As a result I would have to sneak away with a paperclip and hide in the bathroom, marking my flesh with small lines until it began to bleed like a farmer sowing the land for his crops. My mom did everything she could to keep me safe and address the issue that was the bully at this private school. Each day I would stare out the window, down the driveway to the street where the cars would go speeding by. Everyday I watched, thinking, calculating, planning it. The day came and before I made it, I stopped. I looked back up to the school, having outran my teachers, and looked back at my planned demise. I couldn’t do it and ran back up the hill. My lungs paced in breath and hid behind the school building in the woods until I was found. It was this year when I reached a low, my confidence and self worth was barely there, only fragments. I was twelve years old and was sent to a hell that disguised itself as a safe haven for preteens, tweens and teens who were suicidal for five days. It scared me so badly that the effects would remain as toxic coping mechanisms for stressful situations. I was scared to talk about my feelings for a while when I was in high school.
I had points where the smallest inconvenience would pierce the dam that welled up my tears and break down or disconnect from the world if so,etching rattled me. I still bear a scar from a time when I was in math and because I was good and finished I would draw to keep focus. When my teacher saw me do this she made me stop drawing which scared me, and while in my chair, my hands not knowing what to do, I began methodically moving my thumbnail up and down my wrist. To when I bled. My mom had to talk with the teacher and the school about this and I was allowed to draw in class. I was able to get a good therapist during high school too and was comfortable about talking to her about what I was going through and what was on my mind. My senior year of high school, I was stuck doing still life drawings to fill my portfolio. I planned a series of them about my journey and preparation for leaving home and following my creative dreams and heart. The head of the art department and my home room teacher walked up behind me, noticing me doing a piece that incorporated a barn that she said most students can’t draw. I was trying to make a forced perspective still life and was feeling so confident in myself about it until my teacher said this while behind me;
“You can’t draw that.”
“You can’t draw that.”
“What do you-“
“You’re not good at perspective, draw something else.”
She then walked away leaving me confused and disheartened. And no I didn’t continue with what I had, I was scared of her. So I did what she said and drew something else. She could’ve gone over it with me or at least taught me a bit but no, she had to be a bitch. And this was internalized up to my freshman year of SCAD during Winter Quarter 2019/2020 in my DRAW101 class. We were starting perspective and I froze up, panicking and trying to hold back tears. It felt like I was back in high school again and that teacher was behind me repeating all the things she told me. I eventually couldn’t continue the class and luckily my professor was very understanding and I retook the class the following quarter.
I used to punish myself by inflicting pain thinking it was the only suitable payment. It was scary. When I think about it, I think about how different the pain feels between an accident or on purpose. For accidents its quick and lingers for a minute, but when it was with a purpose it stung and remained for much longer, you would feel every fiber around the wound pinching and almost burning and trying to hold together. The accidents heal faster than the mistakes and the mistakes are crinkled and white but shine a bit. Like a small badge and string to remind you of what happened and that its there. It’s not a reward though, it isn’t honorable either, the less there are the better and if they get harder to see it shows growth then.
I have a scar that’s from Fall Quarter of 2020, back when we were all home but some of us were slowly coming back; being roomed in a suite either with one other person or all to ourselves. Around this point I was doing good, keeping up with taking three classes per quarter, but this wouldn’t last. My mental health suffered greatly at the hands of one of the professors in the animation department. Before his class, my anxiety and depression were separate things that stayed away from each other, but when my anxiety was rattling at the lid before blowing it off and cascading into my depression. I hurt myself, I thought the same thoughts I had back when I was twelve. My mother had to bring me and my dog home. Eventually closer to the end of the quarter I was able to get help and was able to pass. He got what he deserved. Sorta.
The pain of loss is strong, be it the loss of someone you knew in passing, the loss or end of a friendship, and the death of a friend you only knew their whole life. It will soon be two years since my old dog passed, and I find myself still mourning and longing for her return. She was there in my life when I was in the abyss, in pain. She would come to my aid the instant I shed a tear or whimpered, opening the door to my room and racing to kiss away every tear, cleaning the self harm wounds and providing a source of comfort and understanding when I felt that no one knew. She passed only in the first week of the spring quarter. The day was as normal and she seemed normal, but when I got home my dad was rushing us into the truck to get her to an emergency vet; she had a seizure for the first time in twelve years of her life. I was terrified watching her shaking and foaming and trying to move, but was too scared to hold her. Next day came and I got the news she wouldn’t be coming home. Not alive, not- I’m sorry. It’s been a while since I’ve thought about that day and though I seemed ready to retell the story and emotions, it seems I wasn’t. She fortunately didn’t cross the bridge in pain, when vets had gotten her in a stable condition, she was able to get up and move around, playing a bit before going back to bed. I couldn’t continue with the evening class I was taking, as it would bring me back to that night. A month passed and my mental health was stagnant in a negative space. My mom was looking at dog breeders and found one that was two hours away from us. She showed me one that she said had my old friend’s eyes, but I didn’t see it until I saw a different puppy. That got my attention enough to make us drive the two hours that same day and meet her and she was patient and observant. And when we looked each other in the eye, she took what felt like a minute before deciding to climb into my lap. We were able to bring her home the following week. And she’s now almost two and an amazing wonderful dog that is slowly learning what to do.
Whenever I had been in a hard place I took the frustration out on myself, using something sharp to dig into my skin. Slowly I’ve learned to take control back, I don’t hear that nasty voice that perches atop my shoulders weighing me down like a vulture who’s slowly waiting for me to collapse from the treacherous sun, it’s now more or less the size of a field mouse. But when I do hear those nasty suggestions from that voice I hear myself rationalizing the weight and telling us to breathe. And instead of inflicting something sharp on my skin, I use my hands and said object to cut my hair. The weight of the stress and worry falling from my head releases the tension and makes it easier to breathe. I think of this as shearing a sheep which is how I describe the level of my curls. I also cook which I’ll occasionally get small burns from oil or accidentally cut my fingers with the kitchen knife but the wounds fade and or are hardly there.
I’ve grown from the small lamb whose wool was tarnished by the inky black of depression to a ram that bears its teeth and sheds its stained wool without much intervention or assistance from the farmer. But I still talk about the things that got stuck and ask for help when I can’t do it myself.
I don’t think I was expecting to end this with an analogy to sheep but what are you gonna do.
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alas9 · 1 month
✨ 📖 ✏️ studyblr masterpost jam ✏️ 📖 ✨ Day #5 as an independent game designer maybe?
Today is about study tips! And I think you won't like mine, hehe but I'll give them anyway.
Create the environment for studying
My first one is to set the environment you study at, to make it more conducive to do so!
Our brain does not like friction, since it was forged in a time of total sedentary lifestyle. Animals in nature only expend energy to flee/fight a predator, search for food, and reproduce. All other energy costs represent enormous friction for us. When creating a habit we must lower the friction to the minimum, to the point where we can repeat the task day after day without it bothering us, and gradually increase the demands. If you don't have a study habit, don't try to lock yourself up for an entire afternoon until you understand basic concepts of whatever. Try watching one video, then two, then 5, then spend an hour on a tiny project. Think tiny, well your first project should be smaller than that. The 1% everyday rule.
Adopt an aesthetic that you can maintain over time
I don't want to discourage the flirty fairies of studyblr, I love following beautiful studyblrs and people who romanticize their lives, but I'd love to say to you to don't make your own honeypot that diverts you away from your goals.
I know it sounds super idiotic to say it, but for many people, it is important to romanticize their life as a way to reduce the friction in their tasks. Aesthetic is in everyting and some of us like to have control over it. Part of it is maintaining a blog, a bullet journal, etc. I don't think it's a bad practice, since falling in love with your lifestyle is something healthy and not an obstacle. Romanticizing student life can be trap that we all may fall into sooner or later. In the first years when I decided to be self-taught (before that I went to art school for 5 years before dropping out, missing a year to graduate) and started investing my time in learning programming, I wasted a lot of time trying to accommodate every minimum detail to make it enjoyable. I loved going to art school because it was a very sensorial and aesthetic experience, and I wanted to bring a little of that experience to my new life in programming. My first notebooks were unsustainable, my blogs too, I never managed to finish a bullet journal, my Notion had the most beautiful and impractical templates ever seen by humankind, and I spent more time maintaining those things than actually studying. I had an intermediate hiatus, driven by having started working in programming, and I returned to studying in a much more practical and clean way, with fewer worries and clear goals. Reaching your goals is also a vibe lol
Do excercise and invest in a good chair (or a good desk)
I know this sounds random and I have no advice to give. In fact, I think this is my best advice. I have a protrusion on my spine, I have another coworker who has 2, and a coworker with 3 (the latter is working full remote because she can't tolerate sitting in the office). Office and study life is extremely sedentary, and even worse if you do both at the same time. I used to be a girl who did ballet, gymnastics and basketball, until I moved to study and almost at the same time I started working. The anxiety of stillness made me addicted to snacks. I have gained considerably weight since then and my physical disposition after 10 years is no longer the same. I have colleagues who go to the gym just to physically support this lifestyle. You need a lot of strength and endurance to avoid falling into depression and other physical illnesses, such as obesity, bulges, or back pain. Sitting for so many hours can shorten your leg muscles and twist your spine. The sooner you dedicate yourself to your physical health, the further you can go. Sometimes you just can't study or challenge yourself more because your body doesn't allow it. Besides that, eat well and drink water.
Get an ergonomic chair that keeps your spine aligned, or some of those desks that allow you to work standing up, they are excellent investments.
Information about programming is everywhere all over the surface of the web, there is little to honestly talk about it. That's why I think it was more valuable to talk about the consequences of living this lifestyle for so long. I hope it helps someone.
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years
⏳Timey Wimey Wincest 2: Electric Boogaloo ⌛
💜 Ft. Younger!Dean/Older!Sam 💜
+ a side of Samcentric and honorable mentions
[on tumblr]
💙 This ficlet by @writinginthesecrettrees
[on AO3]
💜 The Ghost In You by AmyPond45
Rating: Mature | Words: 3860 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: In an effort to ease his grief after Dean dies, Sam visits Dean in the past, during the Stanford era, when Dean’s missing his brother something awful.
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Post-Finale, Grief/Mourning
💜 Return to Thunder Dome by raidensrealm
Rating: Explicit | Words: 6918 | Underage
Summary: As a firefighter from the year 2115, Sam readies himself to time jump. After almost twenty years he reflects on the wild events leading to when his sixteen year old self witnessed when he kicked through the cabin door at Yosemite State Park like some big damn movie hero.
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Firefighters, Earthquakes, Boys Kissing, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Consensual, Landslide, Yosemite - Freeform, Weecest, Wincest - Freeform, shower makeout sesh, HEA, First Kiss, First Time
My Note: I don't usually read AU, so if you're like me and kinda want to back away from that AU firefighters tag, let me just tell you that it's not like that, bestie, I prommy. It's sci-fi, which is kissing cousins with supernatural. It's time travel and action and feels.
💜 Welcome to Your Future by klove0511
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 11336 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: When Dean is suddenly pulled through time, he's confronted with a broken little brother a decade older than he should be. With Sam determined to send Dean back to his own time, will Dean be able to figure out where his present day counterpart is and fix things for Sam?
Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Time Travel, Pre-Series Dean Winchester, season 9/10 Sam Winchester, Mutual Pining, implied unrequited sam/cas, Show level violence, Demon Dean Winchester, Implied/Referenced Suicide
💜 The Time Traveler's Brother by AmyPond45
Rating: Mature | Words: 54752 | Underage
Summary: Dean's life is turned upside down the night his mother dies. But that's also the night a mysterious grown-up version of Dean's brother first appears in his life. While Dean grows up, "Old Sam" is often there, especially when Dean's father isn't. As Dean learns what the future holds, he begins to question everything his father has taught him about who he is and what he is supposed to become. Can Dean find a way to save his little brother from his own future?
Additional Tags: Underage - Freeform, Pre-Series, First Time, Schmoop, Cuddling, Romance, soul-mates, older sam/younger dean, bottom!Dean, Top!Sam, rating: R - Freeform, Hurt!Sam, hurt!Dean, time-travel, Weechesters, Wincest - Freeform, Sam/Dean - Freeform, Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester - Freeform, powers!Sam, Happy Ending, Multiple Sams, Multiple Deans, Alternate Reality, Soulless!Sam, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV: Dean
💜 A Brief Moment in Time by Annie46fic
Rating: Mature | Words: 8903 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: Dean's death was caused by the Mark of Cain. Sam decides to go back to a time before all of this started. After finding a suitable spell he finds himself back in Truman High, and goes hunting for Dean who is now the younger brother. Posing as a janitor Sam finds Dean, but can he change things for good this time? Or will everything go to hell?
Additional Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, Younger Dean/Older Sam, Bottom Sam, Season/Series 09 Spoilers, contains NSFW art, Implied/Referenced Character Death
💜 The Midnight Rider by AmyPond45
Rating: Explicit | Words: 5173 | Underage
Summary: Did Sam really "stop" looking for Dean after he disappeared at the end of Season 7? Or is there just something Sam did that he doesn't want Dean to know about? Soon after the brothers move into the bunker, Dean has a weird dream, and when he confronts Sam about it, he gets some answers he wasn't quite expecting.
Additional Tags: Wincest - Freeform, Time Travel, Bottom!Sam, Schmoop, fix-it for Season 8, Wincest Big Bang 2016
💜 Most Things Happen Somewhere Else by riyku
Rating: Explicit | Words: 3300 | Underage
Summary: A storm is ripping across the plains the night that the guy shows up.
Additional Tags: Time Travel
My Notes: This fic inspired the one listed above it, The Midnight Rider, but I personally enjoyed reading this one second as it's like it colors in the details from Dean's POV.
💜 It's the Blueprint of Your Life by queenklu
Rating: Explicit | Words: 38400 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Sam jerks awake in the middle of the night and everything goes to hell. Well, not literally, though Dean is staring down the barrel of less than a year before his deal comes due. In the midst of dealing (or not dealing) with his impending death, a killer ghost ship, and Bela showing up out of the blue, Dean also has to figure out what’s going on in Sam’s head to make him so twitchy, why he’s suddenly breezing through this case while writing endless notes in a notebook he won’t let Dean see. Damn it, Dean thinks, This is gonna take a lot of chickflick moments.
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Fix-It
💜 Ganymede Summer by phoenixflight
Rating: Explicit | Words: 4254 | Underage
Summary: Tracking down a series of disappearances, Sam gets flung back in time and has to solve the case with sixteen year old Dean. It's very distracting.
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Case Fic, Established Relationship, First Time, Rimming, Bottom Dean Winchester, Younger Dean Winchester/Older Sam Winchester
💜 You Can't Go Home Again by AmyPond45
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 27799 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Sam and Dean discover evidence that they time-traveled to 1983 to help their Dad and their younger selves right after their mother died. Then things get complicated.
Additional Tags: Season 9 AU, Time Travel, Wincest - Freeform, established wincest, Prequel AU, outsider pov, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Weechesters, Schmoop, cuddling goo, chick-flick-moments, Happy Ending, Fluff, Pre-Series
My Note: Despite this having both pairs of siblings, I decided this fic strictly belongs on this list because it's from wee!Dean's POV and wee!Sam is a baby. Outsider POV my beloved -- with a twist!
💜 Come to Leave Me by raziella
Rating: Explicit | Words: 49834 | Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: He just wanted to change some things - go back and redo the parts that lead to this. He didn't expect to end up here.
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Season/Series 11, Pre-Series, Pining, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Age Difference, Sam Winchester's Demonic Powers, First Time, Sam has moral objections, John is a complex character, Underage Drinking, Bisexual Dean, Sibling Incest, Self-Esteem Issues, Angels are Dicks, John's A+ Parenting, Teenchesters, BAMF Sam, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Internalized Homophobia, Temporary Character Death, Fix-It
My Note: This was lost in my tabs and added to this list October 1, 2022. It's epic!!
❤ To Take Your Hand and Feel Your Breath by AmyPond45
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 12089 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: Two months into Dean’s tour of Hell, Sam rescues him, with a little help from a friend from an alternate future. From his future self, Sam learns there are much worse things than Dean turning into a demon in Hell, and much darker futures await the Winchesters if Sam can’t get Dean out in time.
Additional Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, au for season 4, Post-Season/Series 03 AU, Sam Winchester Saves Dean Winchester, Selfcest
My Note: This fic is really more about past!Sam and future!Sam interacting, though you do get some Dean interaction at the end.
❤ Pick Myself Up Off The Ground by WetSammyWinchester
Rating: Explicit | Words: 14790 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: When hellhounds came for his brother, Sam was overwhelmed by grief and guilt, and willing to do anything to bring Dean back. Then a man who looks just like him shows up from the future with a story of angels and Armageddon.
This other Sam is dealing with his own guilt and loss, but he has a plan to stop the apocalypse before it begins and to rescue Dean. Now, the two of them must work together - two Sams to bring back one Dean.
Additional Tags: Angst, Time Travel, Spells & Enchantments, Sam Winchester Big Bang 2017, Hurt Sam Winchester, Grieving Sam, Vessel Trauma, Mutual Masturbation, Sam Winchester-centric
My Note: There's a sequel I haven't read yet.
❤ The Only Place I Ever Called Home Was You by hunters_retreat
Rating: Mature | Words: 6000 | Underage
Summary: Sam and Dean never talk about what happened that night, but what happens when they find themselves in the same town, the night before everything went wrong? Can they change their past? And if they can, what happens to their future?
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Underage - Freeform
[honorable mentions; some of these are on both lists]
💚 Not Her Sam by Yuval25
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 4866 | No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: "Oh," Sam says, and it's not her Sam, it's the other Sam, the older one, the broken one.
This Sam has not been hers for twelve years.
Basically, Future Dean goes back in time to change the future and saves Jess. Future Sam tags along unexpectedly. And Jess is okay. No, seriously. She's fine.
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Fix-It, Older Dean, Older Sam, Slash, Older Dean/Older Sam, But also, jess/sam - Freeform, POV Jessica Moore, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Wincest - Freeform
My Note: Since this is Jess POV it doesn't exactly have the elements I typically desire from time travel wincest. But I love Jess in this and the wincest is blatant, with a side of SamJess.
💚 Sincerely, Sam by FallenKy
Rating: Mature | Words: 87505 | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Summary: Sam Winchester is praying for death.
Dean's already gone after sacrificing himself to take out Amara and Sam's losing more and more of himself each day at Lady Bevell's hands. He's reached his limit. Then suddenly he finds himself in 1998 and the sole focus of a supernatural lawyer who has one very firm request; She needs Sam to cure a demon. Dad, Dean, and Bobby won't let him out of their sights and Sam has enough to juggle with the swarm of supernatural creatures who think the Boy King has come back to take his crown.
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Pre-Series, Weecest, Weechesters, Time Traveling Sam, BAMF Sam, Protective Dean Winchester, Miscommunication, Tortured Sam, Hurt Sam, Hurt/Comfort, powers!Sam, Boy King of Hell Sam Winchester, Underage Kissing, Bottom Sam Winchester
My Notes: TBH the only reason this is Honorable Mention is this is a WIP that hasn't been updated since 2019. But it's at 17/19 chapters and it's a really awesome story. It's a Sam-time-swap, with 15-year-old Sam in the future with s12 Dean, and s12 Sam in 1998 with 19-year-old Dean. Hella plotty.
💚 Sam's Magic Time Closet by AmyPond45
Description: One day, Sam finds a magic closet in his room in the bunker. He uses it to travel back in time to fix mistakes he made in the past, to check on his brother, and to bring home other versions of himself and Dean. It's mostly complete, but there are always room for more storylines with this kind of trope, so.
My Note: I haven't read these yet, but they look fun. There's a mix of who is older and younger in each work.
💚 Pray Unto The Splinters by weeping00willow
Rating: Explicit | Words: 31861 | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Summary: Still on the trail of Pestilence and running from both the Devil and Heaven's Host, Sam gets transported 15 years back in time and sucked into a case that seems to hold more than meets the eye.
Additional Tags: Time Travel, First Time, older!Sam/younger!Dean, Case Fic
My Note: I haven't read this yet but it sounds good. Case fic ftw!
[timey wimey wincest pt 1: older!dean/younger!sam]
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dont-worry-honey · 1 year
Please. I need to know.
Hi!! So I’ll be very honest I don’t use anything fancy!
So here’s the list and a funny story along with them! (You’re getting the whole experience)
STA Pigment Liner Pack. (I found one in the street and I liked it so I went to look for more online. Almost died for picking up something from the street counter: 1)
- Pros: Waterproof! (For a while) And since it’s a pack, they come with many different sizes
- Cons: after some time the ink does erase a little, and loses its waterproof….
Sharpie Permanent Marker Ultra Fine (I was in desperate need for new inking pen.)
-Pros: Doesn’t ERASE!! Very strong pigment. Water proof. Lasts!!
-Cons: smell…
Royal & Langnickel 18 watercolors: (I just wanted to have something to do in school since I never had much work to do)
Pros: Very Travel Friendly
Cons: idk!! I’m not a watercolor person !! It’s the first time for me!!
Aenart 36 Dual Pens: (I was gifted this from the school!! The embarrassing part was that I sleeping when it all happened. They stormed in the classroom with a camera in my face saying: “YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED.” I practically jumped out of my chair! Apparently my teacher bought it for me!<3)
Pros: MANY COLORS!! VERY PRETTY!! White marker is perfect for shading white!! (I know nothing about shading)
Cons: none I love them
Staedtler 10 Triplus fineliner: (no story)
Pros: very fine! Very pigmented!
Cons: I don’t remember… maybe don’t put them near watercolor if not dried or applying?
Crayola Color Pencils: (I do not have a full pack. The ones I have are from elementary. I’m currently in college.)
Pros: I like them :) very affordable
Cons: idk! Maybe a professional knows…
Imperial Color Pencils: (I only have ONE! It’s the red one. Almost died for picking up something from the street counter: 2)
Pros: The red one is very nice! Very pigmented!
Cons: idk… I don’t have the full pack…
U Brands Gel Pens 30 Count: ( I got this from a secret Santa! A YEAR LATE. A YEARR!! So when I received it I was very pleased. The year wait was worth it)
Pros: many colors!! Glitter!! Metallic too!!
Cons: does NOT dry fast. Need to wait for it to dry or it will smudge everywhere. The white gel pen doesn’t work well. Get a special one for that! (Someone told me here which one but I already forgot….)
So ofc sketch first!!
Inking: I use the STA pen for face and face shape. Since I draw Fukase (mostly), I use it for his face markings too. (After erasing sketch, I advice to touch up anywhere you used the STA Pen) For the Sharpie Pen I use it for the the rest. Background, body, clothes, etc.
Coloring: First I go over it with my watercolors. I put them down before I put down the markers. For example, I use the watercolor first for Fukase’s hair. Then I use the Staedtler Pens to get that bright red! For clothes (or anything else) I use Aenart Markers. For the background, I put my crayola/ imperial color pencils on top. Depends on the feeling I want. Then I usually like to outline my drawings with the U Brands Gel Pens. When I tell you I put glitter on all my drawings, I put it on ALL my drawings!! I LOVE SHINY!!
I really hope this was able to answer your question! I’m pretty sure most of the things on my list are affordable! I also hope my process was able to help explain how I make coloring… well coloring (English is not my first language I apologize. I suck at my first language too, though). I also hope you enjoyed the bonus stories (I didn’t want to make this whole thing boring). If you have any more questions I’ll be happy to answer them!! Also THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I never thought someone would actually like how I color since I struggle big time with it,,, I’m self taught so I have no idea of the art basics of coloring.
Anyway, thank you so much again!!
- Honey
P.S. Due to legal reasons, not sponsored.
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ladyelainehilfur · 6 months
when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite mutuals (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!) Xx
1. I consistently purchase responsibly sourced clothes, either thrifted, second-hand, or custom made.
2. I'm pretty good at drawing and digital art, especially compared to when I first started using a digital art program
2017 vs 2024 self portraits
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3. I can kinda cook!
4. I have really strong nails?? I grew all five on one hand to .75 inches once and people constantly asked me if I took keratin/calcium supplements 💀
5. uhhh I taught myself how to enjoy reading again, I guess. I had a year where I read almost nothing and I could feel my brain suffering from the lack of non-digital media, so I've been consistently reading books since lol
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helluvaflames · 6 months
knowing your partner can potentially make writing together a lot easier.
♡ NAME: Alyssa
I'm a self taught artist, when it comes to drawing my art. I started out doing digital art and have yet to venture out into the sketch side of art.
I love going to concerts, it's one of my favorite hobbies and I love to travel when I get the opportunity to do so to see my favorite artist.
hmm i did get paid to write for a bit. i was making youtube videos doing writing on there and had enough subscribers at the time to get paid. However I haven't done it in a long time because of lack of inspiration and doing the videos took way too long.
♡   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): 10-11 years on this site. i've been on this site for a long time and i go through phases of how long I keep up with certain characters. but normally a couple years. hopefully be around longer this time.
♡   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: facebook, twitter, tumblr, discord.
♡   BEST EXPERIENCE: it's definitely been tumblr for me. it's been the best platform to write on in my experience. Despite it's faulty website sometimes. I just like the way of roleplaying on here and have had some amazing experiences! I do like discord though for socializing.
♡   FEMALE OR MALE: males. I'm almost always rping as them. It's very rare that you'll see me picking up a female character these days right off the bat.
♡  FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I'm all for the fluff and being a hopeless romantic. However I do love the angst and smut side of things too. Even if I don't do smut here that often at all.
♡   PLOTS OR MEMES: memes. it's the easiest way to interact with me. Though i will attempt at plotting too if my partner would like too.
♡   LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: both. i'm not the biggest fan of one liners but will do them. i love the long replies. but short replies are great too when i dont want to put that much effort into something.
♡   BEST TIME TO WRITE: either when i get off work in the afternoon/night or morning. on my days off i'm normally on when i can be.
♡ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): hmm not really. though if i were to say anyone maybe i kind of have moxxie's personality of being kind and loyal.
tagged by: @jizzlords
tagging: @radioiaci @radiiosugars @peppy-jester @gctchell
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mollish-art · 1 year
'Ello, me again lol
This time I'm after art tips because I really want to get better at art and yours is so amazing.
Awwww thank you so much!!
I've been drawing digitally ever since 2015, and am entirely self-taught. I never went to art school, and I learned most of the techniques that I use now just from watching hours and hours worth of speedpaints from my favorite artists while in high school!
With regards to things like anatomy and more fundamental stuff, I learned a lot by watching Aaron Blaise's tutorials. He sells them on his website and quite often does really good deals (I purchased a toooon of them for like $10 total during the pandemic). For those that don't know of his work, he is a professional artist and animator who has done a ton of stuff for Disney (he animated for Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, and directed Brother Bear!)
As for my own personal advice when it comes to improving art, I learned the most by drawing fanart. So, SO much fanart. In high school, I pretty much only drew dragons. The one exception was the little bit of Homestuck fanart I did - that was the one thing that pushed me to start practicing humanoids more often.
The best way to get better at art is simply to just do it A LOT. A LOOOOOT. And the best way to do a lot of art without hating the process? Find a piece of media you really like and draw fanart for it!
My fanart was shiiiiiiiiiiiiit for the first few years. Truly. But nonetheless, I still drew nearly every day, and posted almost all of it to my deviantArt account at the time. I got a ton of constructive critiques as well as encouragement from other artists at the time, and that really helped to keep me motivated!
As I got better, I started to branch out into doing commissions. Doing paid work really motivated me to take my time when drawing things that were outside of my comfort zone (like landscapes, for example), and I always put in a ton more effort and detail into my commissions than my personal work or fanart. It helped me to grow my skills a TON.
But yeah! I started out just by looking at the work of other artists I admired and took inspiration from their artstyles, then just drew a bunch of fanart, and, most importantly, KEPT GOING.
The worst thing you can do as an artist is to constantly compare yourself to others like it's some kind of competition, or to see someone's work and say "I'll never draw like that". All that does is de-motivate you. Instead, what I grew to start doing, is to compare my art where it is right now to my OWN art from previous months/years.
I have kept ALL of my old art up on my deviantArt page (yes, even that really bad Homestuck fanart from 2015) as a reminder of how far I've come, as well as a reminder to other aspiring artists that we all start somewhere. The most important thing is to just get started and to have fun with your work! Do art because you enjoy it. Draw cringy shit. Draw ship art. Draw your ancient sparkledog OC from 2012. Just do it! You'll be happier for it :)
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penaltyboxboxbox · 1 year
how did you learn to draw so well? are you self taught or did you study it in school?
i have been drawing my whole life, like as long as i can remember! I was also put into art classes at a very young age and took them throughout my childhood and teenage years, so even though i didnt like get my degree in drawing/illustration, i wouldn't consider myself completely self taught. there is a lot I have learned on my own, but getting that foundation from taking art classes really made learning specific things on my own a lot easier!
As far as where I am as an artist today, I have.....pretty much been a person who draws in some capacity almost every single day for probably about 10 years now. This is why my biggest advice for anyone who wants to draw is just to keep trying, wether its a tiny doodle or a big piece, realistic or cartoony. I wouldn't have learned or improved as much as i have if i didnt just keep doing it!!
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revengeiscoming · 1 year
((no one asked for them, but here are all of my magnus hammersmith headcanons
•i know i posted this one already for an ask, but reiterating it and going a little more in-depth. he’s audhd and only sensory seeking when it comes to music. very quick to meltdowns or shutdowns. he also has bpd and aspd meaning he had conduct disorder as a minor. he also has PTSD because he did not reach this point in life by having a wonderful childhood, he’s also traumatized by the metal masked assassin and the revengencers. he also has double depression and anxiety but those come out as rage more often than not and end up meshing with the aspd rage and bpd rage in unfavorable ways. he also experiences psychosis. most of his delusions have to do with people’s perceptions of him which has destroyed most of his close relationships. in the canon of my blog he’s trying so hard to get his shit together.
•he was born on november 6, 1964 in woodstock new york at 3am (giving a birth time for the astrology bitches). he was born a week early and the nearest hospital is 10 miles away so his mom gave birth at home and then his dad immediately drove them the 10 miles to the hospital because everyone involved would rather he not be born in the back seat of a car.
•his parents were artists and beatnik turned hippies hence why they lived in woodstock. his parents knew michael lang so as a very small child he got to see the chaos that was organizing woodstock and the road to it eventually happening in bethel new york. him and his parents were at the festival, he was 4 years old. his parents weren’t keeping a great eye on him so he was basically babysat by an entirely different family for three days super confused as to where his parents were (one of them did the brown acid so probably good that he wasn’t in their care for that).
•he was the kid who left something fucked up on the teacher’s desk to get a message across. he was also definitely the kid who threw a desk and proceeded to walk home while everyone just sat there shocked that a 9 year old just threw a desk (the adrenaline from rage is the only reason the desk went as far as it did though)
•his guitar heroes growing up were jeff beck, jimmy page, eric clapton, keith richards, and tony iommi. he taught himself guitar bowing because he saw jimmy page for it and thought it was the coolest fucking thing.
•he was almost 12 years old when led zeppelin the song remains the same was in theaters and he saw it at least 3 times a week until it was out of theaters again. his favorite scenes were all of jimmy page’s bullshit.
•he ran away from home as a teenager. first he went to nyc to try to make a name for himself, but eventually he headed out to california like a lot of musicians had been doing for years by that point.
•he’s bi. he’s bi and he doesn’t give a fuck who knows.
•his special interests are guitar, black sabbath, led zeppelin, music theory, metal, and art but he’ll never admit to it (but he likes to draw cover art in his spare time)
•he’s down to do drugs and party as long as it doesn’t interfere with his creative process. he likes to towe the line of being out of his head while still maintaining full control over himself and the situation.
•as seen in canon, he can’t handle not being in control. if he feels out of control of himself or his situation it makes him completely fucking spiral. in situations where he does feel remorse for his actions caused by those spirals he has no clue how to apologize so he just doesn’t.
•he was the lead guitarist at first, but while he has a big ego his music special interest won out when skwisgaar came around. he knew skwisgaar being lead while he was rhythm would produce the best sound. that said, he maintained the same amount of creative involvement until he was kicked out.
•if things are going too good for him, he will self destruct and self sabotage. he hates that he does it, he doesn’t know why he does it, sometimes it feels like he’s just stuck to watch while this happens. it scares the fuck out of him but he will never tell anyone about it.
•this is pretty much canon, but he would not have gone as far as he did in doomstar requiem if he hadn’t been used and manipulated by the metal masked assassin. his mental health problems and desire for revenge were definitely used against him and amplified by the metal masked assassin.
•he probably has at least 1 bastard child running around. between substances, mania, and self destructive tendencies there is no way he’s engaged in safe sex 100% of the time or bothered to ask about birth control. he is nowhere near skwisgaar level, but he’s got at least one kid out there. the thought of having one of his kids show up on his doorstep one day terrifies him.
•he has a pretty big problem with substance abuse. nowhere near dr rockzo, but he will try anything once and has his favorite drugs.
•he smokes lucky strikes red 100s because he’s perpetually broke.
•he lives in a rundown apartment in a really bad area of town. all of his furniture was found on the side of the road. he doesn’t bring people over often if ever so he doesn’t give a fuck. that said, anyone who comes into his apartment is shocked to see his equipment setup along with his album collection, turntable, receiver, and speaker setup. the money he does have he puts into music more often than not.
•he’s great at shoplifting necessities. the only stuff he buys are the things he can’t conceal easily. he’s been doing this for literal decades.
•if toki hadn’t taken his place he might have considered an actual friendship. he reminds magnus of himself on some ways while being entirely different in most ways.
•in my blog’s canon where he’s trying to recover and admit to how he feels without his thoughts clouded by rage he’s down to rekindle friendships with anyone who will let him. he doesn’t expect it to happen and doesn’t expect trust or forgiveness, but four of the members of dethklok were the longest friendships he’s ever had and he genuinely missed them a lot. they used to be his fps and he doesn’t want to admit that they still kind of are.
•he has a therapy cat. it’s a black cat that he named sabbath.
•in the canon of my blog he lucked out and was able to get an emergency heart transplant. it took the doctors a long time to get him fully fixed up and he constantly wishes he had just died.
•because he was literally impaled before killing himself the doctors don’t believe him when he says he tried to kill himself. he does end up still going to the psyche ward after having a “why didn’t you just let me die i want to be dead” mental breakdown. this is the only reason he has made any strides in his mental health, he hasn’t continued with therapy since being released.
•he has maybe 4 shirts and 4 pairs of pants, that’s it. he doesn’t give a fuck and pretty much always wears the same thing anyway.
•he will not admit that he’s old because he feels like he wasted his life away.
•he has never been in an actual long term romantic relationship. he’s had short relationships and one night stands but that’s pretty much it. he’s not aro, he just not stable enough to maintain most relationships. while he hates admitting how old he is, at this point he feels like he’s too old to bother so he’s fine with things staying the way they’ve always been.
•he painted to walls of his apartment because what are they gonna do? take the security deposit? they were going to do that anyway might as well give them a reason.
•he’s released solo work and has some money from that. he was also a drug dealer for a while but called it good when it seemed like he was starting to get on the radar. he’s glad about that decision because someone narced on him and his apartment was searched 2 months after he quit. he’s still pissed cops were anywhere near his apartment. the guy who narced on him had to leave the state because he knew magnus would come for him otherwise.
•he has sold cocaine to dr rockzo. that’s part of why dr rockzo knows about him and what kind of person he is (or was since in the canon of my blog he’s trying to recover).))
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aralezinspace · 2 years
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I said yes to the shoes! 🩰they’re Gaynors ✨brace yourself, thoughts and feels incoming.
Yesterday was a day that has been a long time coming, almost 10 years to be exact. I have danced on and off for most of my life, and always wanted to be able to go on pointe just for all the creative possibilities. When I was a musical theatre major, I had to take lots of dance classes, including ballet. My intent was to work towards going on pointe while at college, through the local dance studio that two of my teachers owned and taught at.
It soon became apparent these teachers did not see any value in me as a student, dancer, or person, and contributed greatly to the emotional abuse that made my time in the major the worst and hardest three years of my life.
10 years later, I decided to get back into ballet, both at home during Covid, then taking classes once the studio reopened. There are no words to describe what it felt like to enjoy dancing again, to be comfortable in my body and mind in a studio, to know that I wouldn’t be neglected and passed over as a student because of a perceived lack of value. And to be encouraged and guided by several teachers when I expressed the desire to go on pointe.
Yesterday was important not just because of how long it had taken me to get there, but because I was going on pointe as a trans non-binary person. The ballet world is still strictly and rigidly gendered, to the detriment of both masc and femme presenting dancers. It’s important to me that I do this as my full authentic self, to do my own little part to make this art that gives me such gender euphoria more welcoming and open to dancers of all orientations 🏳️‍🌈
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frumentariae · 2 years
venting :/
when ur sibling is going to art school and is getting better at art than you and they learned everything they know from you early on but you’ve grown slowly artistically and are almost entirely self-taught bc your parents never nurtured your talent and told you to be practical and get a job and support yourself, while they bankroll your sibling in art school and they don’t have to have a job because art school is hard and they have anxiety, don’t you know, but you have been struggling with OCD, PTSD, depression, and several different types of anxiety since childhood and autism and adhd since birth and never got any proper help or treatment, you’ve always been the difficult one, but never got the support you needed, and really it would just be best for you to get a job, be practical, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, be the adult, be the mature one. a few handouts every year is enough to support you, isn’t it? we can’t *afford* to help you buy the tools for your passion, don’t you know we just bought your sibling and IPad Pro and a Laptop? You had to pay for over half of yours. We helped you buy a car you know, a car that you needed in order to work and be independent. Sorry about all the times you needed to go to the hospital for injuries that still give you chronic pain 10 years later, but your sibling needs to go to the ER, they’re sick, sick for real (it was just a panic attack, and they needed a gatorade), but you’re crazy. it’s all in your head. you’re never really sick or hurt. be practical.
i’m okay
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beyiran · 17 days
an opportunity came, and who is yiran if he didn’t tried to take it? he adjusts the camera, going over his lines again and again. all has to be perfect. he ensures that he’s in the middle of the frame, and that the lighting is good. fortunately, he has a ring light. he’s used to filming videos of himself but… he really isn’t confident about his face, it feels… bare. but yiran tries his best, it could change his life after all. at least he did his skincare well enough that his face has a nice glow to it.
yiran clears his throat, gazing into the camera. all he has to do is act like himself.
“studio delta,” yiran says almost instantly, as if there isn’t any other company to think about. he knows that out of the three, studio delta is the most difficult to get into, which is honestly nerve-wrecking, but he doesn’t lets it show on his face. “i’ve always had a passion for creation, choreography specifically, and i believe studio delta will allow me to explore that creativity with an open mind. all the artists in studio delta are impactful in their own ways, but what i notice is that everyone that debuted isn’t just about talent, but also how much blood and sweat is poured into what they do. i too, would like to break the limits of my potential.”
these words did carry a lot of weight, but yiran means what he said.
initially, yiran thought about skipping it, but he went with it anyways. “another choice is sr media,” he continues. he’s dead set on studio delta, but he thinks about how his mother would have pushed him to sr media instead. maybe, he’s just saying this to comfort himself a little. “i have an acting background, so the unique concepts that sr media has are eye-catching. i also admire how multitalented the artists are.”
“i grew up with traditional chinese dances,” a memory flashes in his mind, thinking of those days where his mother would have relentlessly sent him to such classes. “i have knowledge of quite a few of them, but it’s stronger when it comes to fan dancing — shan zi wu (扇子舞). it incorporates a lot of graceful movements, and for that i had to learn some acrobatics to control my balance and agility.” yiran pauses momentarily. “singing wise… i do have some experience in chinese opera as a result of my mother’s influence, but i did not pursue it professionally.”
“currently, i’m attending k-arts as a modern dance major. it was quite difficult to transition from traditional to modern at first, but i got it down rather quickly. it was more helpful than i thought. i’m also at the dance studio almost everyday, and i take down a lot of notes with choreographing from professionals.” yiran particularly says this with utmost confidence. “i don’t have much experience with vocals, but i find myself taking vocal lessons sometimes whenever my schedule allows me to.”
this part took quite some thought for yiran. he didn’t know what to actually say in this segment. in fact, he was almost sure this would lose him some points. “i… cosplay. cosplaying is a network of several skills and hobbies: sewing, makeup, and styling. i know how to do all of that roughly, and i’m self taught. i learnt most of it online.” okay, that’s it. he can’t bring himself to go in depth about it. “i’m not sure if this is a talent but… in my gaokao year, i was top 10… in beijing.” suddenly, he feels embarrassed about it, since it could come off as bragging.
“i… mentioned i have an acting background, acting was actually my main priority when i was younger. i’ve appeared in several shows up until i was a teenager, they were mostly side roles, but i did acquired a main role once.” yiran doesn’t expands on the rest of it.
“some artists i like are s.h.e, tfboys, and wang lihong. i grew up with these artists in china, but korea artists wise… i like darl!ng a lot. i always thought their experimental sound was interesting, and i still listen to them nowadays even if they’re disbanded.”
the recording comes to an end. yiran leans back against his chair for a while. it’s over, for now.
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teabee124 · 2 months
Holy cow its been years since ive last posted, I still do not know how to use this site... Let me make a introduction however
Im teabee, I go by he/him and I am a minor.
I'm a artist who loves drawing furries, but I hate drawing humans. I'll still learn how to draw them
I've been drawing for almost my entire life but I started taking it seriously around 6 years ago when i picked up digital art for the first time. However I didn't make digital art my main form of art until 2021. I am a completely self-taught artist
I use Ibis Paint for all my drawings (I don't have a drawing tablet or a cool drawing program but I am planning to get one soon)
Okay enough with the art lore, Lets talk about interests
I have tons of interests, and I want to get into so much more. As of now my top interests are Persona, Nintendo (more specifically the Mario series), Vocaloid, Earthbound, Kikuo, Mushi-p, Furries, Old internet, my ocs, Art, and writing. I have a lot that I don't talk about often but I still like them a lot.
My interests can switch up a lot as well so keep that in mind! Do not follow me if you can't keep up with me (I don't think this matters because I barely post about my interests anywhere but we'll see 🤷‍♂️)
I hope I can post on here a lot more (and get used to this site), but for now have some of my recent art for art fight and one character i made just today
Anyways that's all, bye bye
*More info about me can be found on my carrd
character credits (art fight usernames)
1. Aselmaiyu (Twitter)
2. Zeky (Twitter)
4. Mew-Universe
6. pizzarollpoltergeist
7. ElectricYoshi (Twitter)
8. kokopati
9. MapleDrawzYT (DA)
10. churroach
11. FRITZOVICH (site)
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