#almost typed ‘typed’ tiped
ariel-seagull-wings · 2 years
The Most Common Types of Snow White in "Snow White" Adaptations
@princesssarisa @angelixgutz @faintingheroine @the-blue-fairie @softlytowardthesun @grimoireoffolkloreandfairytales @themousefromfantasyland
I made a list for most common Types of Cinderella. Now is fair that i make a list for the second most famous and most adapted fairy tale princess story of all time.
Interestingly, while Cinderella goes trough the most radical changes in different adaptations, Snow White still keeps a core essence in most of her portrayals: she is kind, idealistic and adored by most people around her who want to protect our heroin of the Wicked Queen.
But there are still subtle changes that make different types of portrayal appear on stage and screen.
And today i will present those six most common types.
The Wild Child
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This encarnation of Snow White is playfull and energetic, a free spirit who loves playing outside and is very close to the forest and the animals, wich may make her look not very classicaly lady like because she doesn't botter much with messing her hair or dirting her clothes.
Of this tipe, the most strong representative is the portrayal by the 1988 anime Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics. The 1916 silent movie Snow White also is a precursor of this type of portrayal, but is an even more strong relative of the next type on the list.
The Princess Next Door
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The Girl Next Door, but who was born a royal. This portrayal type doesn't have any formality, they will always talk with you and treat as an equal. She has no problem doing house chores like cooking and cleaning, and is probable she will be great doing the job. Its likely that her stepmother the Wicked Queen putted her to do those hard domestic jobs because she hoped Snow White would turn ugly in the proccess. But innocently the heroine didn't saw any malice, and like Pollyana joyfully went to the kitchen, while continuing to sing and be a generous friend to the Palace Maids, the Huntsman and the Animals.
What really shatters her innocent outlook is when the Huntsman reveals the Wicked Queen's desire to kill her and she has to run, but still, having become a friend of the Seven Dwarfs, she finds a place to keep being her spontaneous and joyfull self, and her joy spreads to the friends around her.
The 1916 silent movie Snow White was a precursor, but what really cemented this type of portrayal in popular culture was the 1937 Disney animated movie Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, wich has since influenced portrayals like in the 1955 German-Turkish TV Movie Schneewitchen, the Turkish TV Movie Pamuk Prenses ve 7 Cüceler El Chapulin Colorado parody Blancanieves y los Siete Churin Churin Fun Flais and the Cannon Movie Tales 1987 movie musical adaptation.
The Ethereal Youth
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This is a more passive type of Snow White, closer to the Brothers Grimm tale: she is beautifull, sweet and gracefull, and the story follows less her point of view and desires, and focus more on how the other characters react to her. She is more of a simbol, almost divine, in how her unatainable beauty and grace is adored by the other characters around, rather than a palpable flesh and bone person. The portrayal in the Emilio Aragon ballet and the Luigi Zaninelli opera are very strong representatives of that portrayal type.
The Lonely Beauty
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This type of Snow White portrayal is sad and melancholic, because she misses her father, who is neglectfull to her, and doesn't understand why her stepmother acts hostile when she tries to befriend her. She is tired of people praising her beauty, because she feels they are only adoring her from afar, but don’t actually come close to know her as a person.
When she goes to live in the Seven Dwarfs cottage, she finds in them the loving and atentious family she always longed for.
The versions presented by the 1983 Faerie Tale Theatre series episode, the 2001 Hallmark Channel TV Movie Snow White The Fairest of them All and the 2009 series Sechs Auf Einen Streich follow this type.
The Spoiled Royal Brat
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This is a more flawed type: a Snow White who, having grown with the privileges of a Princess, becomes an entitled and futile person that demands people cater to her every wish, and slowly experiences a character ark of becoming more humble, diligent worker and not take people for granted, but actually respect their humanity and become a better friend to them.
The portrayals by the 1992 TV Movie Schneewitchen, the 2007 Shrek 3 animated movie and the 2010 animated movie Happily N'Ever After 2 are memorable examples of this type of portrayal.
The Kind and Courageous Leader
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This type of Snow White is the heroine of an adventure tale.
She is not only hiding and conformed with surviving.
She wants something. That something can be uncover a mystery about her father's disappearance, reunite with her beloved childhood friend the Prince, or an revolution to put down the opressive rule of the Wicked Queen.
She can either be an intelectual strategist who becomes a leader thanks to her kindness and loyalty (wich inspires the Dwarfs and other characters to do acts of bravery to help her), without necessarily fight with swords, or indeed she can be a gracefull warrior with ability in archery and swordfithing.
The representatives of this type of Snow White are present in the 1994 anime series The Legend of Snow White, the 2019 animated movie Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs, the 2012 movie live action Mirror Mirror and the 2011 live action series Once Upon a Time. The Hallmark minisseries The 10th Kingdom presents a combination between Lonely Beauty, Ethereal Youth and Kind and Courageous Leader.
What are your favorite types of Snow White portrayals?
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voyeur-clairvoyant · 8 months
The thing about fortune telling with cards 'aka' cartomancy is that you're between two major styles:
Tipe of deck
Use non based in reality cards.
Use high based in reality cards.
Secret third option (not necessarily better).
Tipe of consultation
Specific question about a specific topic.
The classic combo (love, work, money, health, family).
Has no fucking clue.
Non-based in reality cards
Here are classic tarot decks like the Marseille style ones and the very old ones like the Visconti-Sforza and any deck that has almost no root in tangible concepts. Yes, there is a Pope and there is a Sun and a Moon but you will never be close enough to call them 'tangible' in a everyday life context. That's the exact same reason they can answer almost any question*. Here are also playing card decks in the context of abstract type of reading interpreatation.
Doesn't matter if you were a high aristocrat or a humble baker's daughter, the Sun shines for everyone the same way Death will come for all of us. These decks are perfect for specific questions and the development of specific situations but kinda vague with general topics like Work and Love. They will answer? Of-fucking-course they will but keep in mind that this kind of reading will demand more steps:
Symbol -> Symbolic meaning -> Tangible situation.
And the final conclusion will still be vague without an additional layer of meanings because our mind will see the literal object before the simbolic information. This cards are also vague with the third kind of consultation (I don't know what to ask :3) but vague answers to vague questions, what were you expecting hahshasha.
(*Althought they will answer ANY question this doesn't mean that the answer will be more easy to understand. You could ask the exact number of atoms in the universe but good luck trying to extract any comprehensible information from the reading.)
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Highly based in reality cards
In this category we have the sibyls and other oracles that have specific cards for specific everyday life situations:
The House, Money, Happiness, a Meeting, receiving a Message, sudden Luck, sudden Misfortune, Travel, Love, Marriage, etc.
These decks are born with the concept of fortune telling in mind. This can be the actual deck design or the meaning associated with every card. Old school tarot cartomancy is also here (+ the advantages from above). La Sibilla Italiana, traditional meanings for spanish/french/german/etc playing cards, Kipper cards and more.
These decks are vague with specific topics UNLESS the topic itself can be expressed within the cards of the deck. If your question can be related to any of their cards is your lucky day because these decks will answer with a lot of actual details, easy to understand and read.
But another of their advantages is that you can see the Classic Combo type of reading in a more efficient and accurate way. There are less steps in the interpretation:
Everyday life scene -> Tangible situation.
The House will usually be your house, Money will usually be money. Less steps are less loss in the translation from illustration to meaning. And this is the reason they're also excellent with I don't know what to ask :3 readings, cuz the deck itself with will give you a significator to focus the reading on.
Althought their advantages they are restricted to their own meanings. The can't adapt like symbolic decks without falling into more frustrating steps:
Everyday life scene -> Symbol -> Symbolic meaning -> Tangible situation.
The best path is to use them exclusively for everyday fortune telling readings and let the symbolic decks take care of the qustions beyond this field.
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Secret third options
And of course that's not all pals! We still have a lot of decks that are either symbolic or straight up literal. The first one I can think of is Petit Lenormand. Althought the deck itself is usually used for everyday questions its cards are symbolic, so we face both the advantages and cons of both type of decks. Old school tarot could also be here.
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My final thoughts in this dilemma is to use one Symbolic deck and one Literal deck (marseille tarot + kipper cards). I don't use the Petit Lenormand or third secret oprion decks because I think they do a lot of things but none of them with the excellence a specific deck can do in that specific situation.
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I may or may not of offered all my sleep just to play MysticMessenger and I have no regrets I love my sleep deprived gamer boys
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darling-i-read-it · 2 years
HCs for Chris and a pregnant reader
Chris Redfield x fem!reader
Warnings: pregnancy, throwing up
Requested: by anon, hello maya! how are you doing today? so, i was wondering if you could write a fic with little signs of pregnancy (swollen breasts, nausea and all), with chris redfield x reader. I always thought that chris is the dad tipe, so i think I'd be nice to see him and his so realizing that they'll be parents! if you don't feel like or just don't like my idea, it's ok! you can ignore it. thank you 🥰
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy darling! Chris my absolute dearest boy.
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- when you found out you were pregnant Chris was at work
- which honestly, wasn’t that big of a surprise he was at work more often than he wasn’t
- but you had been having some symptoms lately but it was the morning sickness that really tipped you off
- you had never really been one to throw up before so when you started to feel awful in the mornings you got the clue
- you took the test while Chris was away on purpose, in case it was just nothing
- then you took another test and another and one more, just for safekeeping and you were pretty guaranteed to be pregnant
- waiting for Chris to come home was agony
- part of you wanted to call him immediately
- you weren’t sure how he would react but you were dying to get it over with otherwise you would be stuck even longer in this limbo
- when he was in the door you were already standing
- he stared at you, put his bag down slowly and gently asked if everything was alright
- what he really wanted to know was if you were leaving him but he didn’t want to be very forward about that
- this was after the spencer mansion, after he had started getting really into the STARS work but before the BSAA had really taken hold of him
- aka he still had a lot of his soul left
- you showed him the pregnancy test. He was too far away to tell if it was positive but he was willing to bet, based on the fact that you told him, that you were pregnant
- his mouth opened and stayed ajar for the moment as he processed the information
- agony for you by the way, that couple of seconds
- and then he was ecstatic
- picked you up, held you close, twirled you around, laughing
- he was gonna be a dad! With you! You were gonna be a mom! With him!
- he had had those fantasies before, he wasn’t the type of guy that thought his life would be over when he had a family
- he wanted one actually
- and he would love to have one with you
- he was the most attentive father to be
- well, as much as he could be with work
- it was taking up more of his time and he couldn't’ spend every waking hour with you like he wanted to but he did take the rare time off a lot in your last trimester
- he gave you the backrubs, ran to the store late at night for your cravings, all of the things
- he argued with you over names but insisted they be a Redfield (though you were already kind of planning on that)
- he probably wanted a name that was classic, something that wouldn’t age
- he had the bag packed before you went into labor but the second your water broke he lost all functioning brain power
- he almost got lost on the way to the hospital and he would have had Claire not been on her way
- he was seemingly more stressed than you were
- he held your hand the entire time though I don't’ know who was squeezing more
- when the baby came out you were busy trying to catch your breath but he was falling in love
- he had his little baby and you had given it to him and it was like all was right in the world
- he vowed there, while he held his baby in one arm and your hand with his free one, that he would never let anything happen to you
- his job would never get in the way
- he would be the best father and husband he could be, for the both of you
- and he was. He was there for their first steps, first words, all the big milestones
- and if he wasn’t, you had it recorded to the best of your abilities
Resident Evil Tag List: @chloe-online, @alexxavicry, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @secret-obsessions
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ally22042000 · 3 years
BTS Reaction: Them forgetting / not coming to an important event - Aftermath
Commenting and rebloging is appreciated.
BTS x Reader
Fluff, Angst
Wordcount: 2K
Previous Part
Special Thanks: to the individuals who commented one the previous part. I hadn’t even considered writing a second part. Thank you for giving me inspiration.
A/N: I think I was a bit dramatic at certain part, but oh well. Here your go, I hope you’ll like it.
Kim Seokjin
“I’m sorry, honey. I promise to make a greater effort for this to work.”
And he did. It took you some days to forgive him, but you had noticed the change immediately. In the beginning you didn’t let yourself dream, thought it was only a temporary change because he felt guilty. But when he prioritises you even months later, telling the company no, when they wanted to plan a “Run BTS” shoot on your birthday, you realised that he truly chose to change his behaviour – for you and your future.
And now, as he was driving the packed car, you in the passenger seat, sleeping heavily, he couldn’t be happier to have made the right decision.
Your wedding ring reflecting the afternoon sun. He stopped at a red light and turn to take you in fully. Hand slowly lifting to land on your pregnant belly. Another four month and the both of you would be proud parents.
“The both of you are worth every effort a man could make. I’ll make sure my girls will never forget that.”
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Min Yoongi
6 pm on the dot he stood in front of your booth, flowers in one hand, a beautifully wrapped gift in the other.
“Hey”, he awkwardly said.
You stopped your tiping to turn your chair in his direction, not bothering to stand up or replay to the greeting. A heavy sigh left his lips as he realised you hadn’t forgiven him yet.
“I- ahm, I brought you flowers and this” he held the present in your direction “this is the gift for our anniversary, I brought it month ago.” Slowly you turned back to your screen while announcing that you still had work to do.
“Oh, okay, that’s no problem. I’ll just wait right here until you’re done and then we can go for dinner.” You didn’t give any sign of acknowledgement and just started tipping. After a few minutes he rolled over a chair from one of your co-workers who had already left and soon after he pulled out his phone.
You wanted him to wait, to suffer, he knew that. Just like you had waited after preparing dinner for the both of you. But he would brave the silence and wait until you were ready to start the process of healing what he broke. Because if Min Yoongi was one thing, then it was patient. You were both aware that he would not leave until it was with you.
That’s why you were surprise when he got up suddenly and called for the elevator. It was just past 7 pm, no way would he give up that fast.
You decided not to go investigate and return to your document which could easily have waited until the following morning.
You didn’t look up when the doors opened a new, and you heard him walk back to your booth. What made you lift your head though, was the delicious smell, that suddenly floated in the air.
Two white bags were placed on your desk, on the side the name of your favourite Take Away.
“If you won’t let me take you to dinner then I’ll bring dinner to you.” He grumbled, while emptying the bags.
Not being done with that little dance of yours, your resume your typing, waiting until he would go off. You didn’t have to wait long though.
His hand grabbed the arms of your chair and spun you in his direction, caging you in your seat.
“Eat Y/N. You don’t have to talk to me, forgive me, hell even look at me. But you will eat.”
His eyes held a fire that you hadn’t seen in a while. Slowly you reached for the first dish and started eating. Meanwhile Yoongi had fallen back into his with a satisfied not.
You continue to ignore him for the rest of the evening. This dispute wasn’t over, and you were still hurt, you were both aware of that. But when you finally slipped into bed with him you made sure to pull him close, a heavy sigh slipping past both of you lips.
You fought and pickeered, but you would never give up on him. Never give up on your love.
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Jung Hoseok
You heard him mount the steps before you saw the letter enter through the opening in your front door.
Two months, that’s how long you hadn’t spoken to him. Using the time and distance to find yourself again and reorganise your thoughts and feelings. Analyse the situation and trying to find the solution that fit you best.
And each week he dropped of one letter. He never ringed, respecting your boundaries.
The content was random thoughts he had had throughout the week about you - your smell that had left his bed sheets – your song that had play while he was on his way to work and made him stop in a parking lot to cry his heart out – the way he missed holding you – kissing you – making love to you – hearing you laugh.
In the two-month gone you were able to fix yourself again, gluing the pieces back together that you needed to protect yourself and to make the tough decision that was best for you.
And while you were able to do all of that, the loneliness never left. The loneliness only he could cure.
You had a lot of things you would need to work on, and he had to prove himself a lot before you would trust him with your love again, but your heart never left his clutches. Jung Hoseok was your man, your soulmate, your future.
And so, for the first time in two month you opened the door. He was in the middle of turning back around when he heard the movement. Your eyes connected. Shock written all over his face.
“Do you want to come inside for a cup of peppermint tea?” On simple question and the sun came out. His entire face was lit up with happiness. He nodded eagerly not able to form any words.
And with the closing of the door, a new chapter in your story begun. Let’s hope this time it would have a happy ending.
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Kim Namjoon
Namjoon’s entire body felt like it was made out of stones when he entered his bedroom. He was beyond tired and everything hurt. He flipped on the light and almost let out a scream when he saw you sitting on the edge of the bed, exactly where he had left you.
“Y/N?” his voice nothing but a whisper.
Slowly you lifted your head to look at him. Your eyes red from crying. A white stick between your fingers.
“What is that?”, what a question? Of course, he knew what that was. Was he ready to hear it, though?
“I’m pregnant.” Your voice sounded horse and tired. Your entire posture screamed exhausted. No at all how he imagines he would ever hear those news, but well it was kind of his own fault.
“Okay.” Was all Namjoon said, knowing both of you weren’t in the right state of mind to have the required conversation right now. He helped you clean up and tucked you in. Quickly jumping into the shower, himself before he crawled beneath the sheets next to you, one arm thrown over your middle.
Sleep came fast for the both of you, your bodies allowing you the rest. Tomorrow you could deal with all of this. With the emotions. With the questions: does this change anything? Will this be enough for him to change his priorities? Or will the same factors win again as they always did.
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Park Jimin
It was shortly past four in the morning when you returned. Silently you walked through your apartment and slid though your bedroom door. After cleaning up and changing you slid beneath the sheet ready for sleep. That is when you realised that the man next to you was awake. Eyes trained on your celling, not moving a single muscle.
“Jimin?” his name was nothing but a mere whisper as it glid past your lips. You thought he would be deep asleep by now.
“Do you still love me?” You barely heard the question, not sure if you were supposed to.
“What?” An incredulous look took residence on your face, confused about the sentence.
His head turned in your direction, eyes filled with tears, pain written all over his face.
“I am so sorry, Y/N. I swear I didn’t mean to forget. I am so stupid. Please forgive me, please. Please.“ The silent tear turned into pained sobbed as he buried his face in the pillow.
Stunned into silence you watched as the man you love fell apart in front of you. Slowly you scooted toward him, fingers gliding into his hair as you buried your face in his shoulder. Softly massaging his scalp, you tried to calm him down.
“Jimin, of course I still love you. Nothing could ever change that. You are my Jiminie, okay? Please stop crying.” He didn’t, for a long time, but he reached out and held your hand through it.
And while you were laying there, comforting him, and waiting for him to calm down, your realised that this was not something you could do with Jimin. His love was too passionate and his insecurities too big for him to take this kind of behaviour. He needed words of affirmation during though times, not abandonment.
You would be sure to remember that because you never wanted to see him in this kind of pain again.
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Kim Taehyung
This time he was prepared. He had the gift, invited your friend and family, planed the entire day weeks ahead and made sure everything was perfect.
This was going to be your day. You were going to feel like the queen you are, and he would read every wish form your eyes. Royalty would be jealous for the way you would be treated, and everybody would long to be in your shoes. That was what he had planned.
What he didn’t plan for was the black attire and the crying. What he didn’t plan for was the preaching and the current venue. What he didn’t plan for was the car crash you had a week ago. What he didn’t plan for was for you to be found dead on impact.
So here he was, watching as your cascade was lowered into the ground. On your birthday. It sounded like a sick joke.
Life gave Taehyung so many chances, but sadly he couldn’t redeem himself to the person that is most important to him – was most important to him.
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Jeon Jungkook
Your heard him as he walked through the door. The blanket above you felt heavy just like the silence that filled your little apartment.
The screeching of your bedroom door notified you of his entrance. The rustling of clothes as he disrobed, and his soft breathing was the only thing that you could catch.
Your body stiffened when you felt him slip under the covers behind you. His naked chest pressed into your back as he slung his arm around your middle. A faint kiss was left behind your ear as he mumbled the words, he declared every night: I’m home.
Two years later but nothing had changed. At the same time so much had. Tonight you didn’t sit, waiting in a restaurant by yourself for hours, praying he would show up. You didn’t endanger your life on the way home or cry yourself to sleep.
No, tonight you laid in the arms of your boyfriend while your mind was with your lover who had entertained your loneliness for the past three months.
You had been correct in your assumption that nothing would change and after a lot of fights and tears but without the strength to actually leave Jungkook, you had fallen in love with another man. Obtaining through him the love and touch you missed from your absent boyfriend.
Namjoon and you weren’t proud of what you were doing, far from it. But you kept gravitating towards each other.
One who seeks love, one who gives it and one who is blinded by misplaced priorities: a recipe for disasters and broken hearts.
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minzart · 2 years
Last here-
to 15 please
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You're very lucky I know you're a simp for Mathias or else I would be lost in who to do this to Lazuly my dear
15. Are they the type to adopt strays (animals or people?) What or who have they “adopted” over the years?
Mathias isn't the tipe to adopt normally
But you can say he did "adopt" a little kittyhe found almost starved when he was 14, in the labs, there's no way he couldn't hear it mew, the mother died extremely soon, he couldn't do much about it
But her daughter lived, so he took care of it, feeding and playing, a good companion for some years, until she didn't came back from a little adventure she had, he mourned... and then Nico came along- who is basicaly a very energetic and needy cat or a straight up dog-
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bas-writes · 3 years
Hi there! 👋
Easiest character to write? And most difficult one?
Ps: I know your requests are closed but i was wondering... do you write angst? The tipe that makes you want to cry?
Hello! ❤
Hmm, this is a difficult question because it all depends on the type of request. Some characters just vibe better with comfort, some with super cute fluff, some with certain kinks etc. In general I tend to vibe more with characters who are introverted, emotionally distanced, autistic-coded etc. because I can easily bullshit thanks to my own experience - but I remember requests when writing even for my absolutely fav character (Law) was giving me such a mental butthurt I almost gave up 😂
Though, the most difficult are always those, who don't display many, hmm, human reactions? I ain't talking here about the good/evil sweet/bastard categories - but about characters who are stone-cold, calculated, self-serving or utterly cruel without any reason. Y'know, characters like Crocodile or Lucci.
Oh, and there are also characters who didn't have enough shared screentime with others, so I can't tell anything about their behavior and interactions with other people.
And finally, when it comes to angst.
Not a big fan, tbh. I don't read it, hurt-comfort is the only angst-ish thing I touch. I can write it, depending on context. Definitely will never write about cheating and unrequited love, if Reader is the one who falls in love. Death of reader feels weird for me because - why tf one would want to die in a story? xD I mean, I can write that one but I just so don't understand xD
Oh, and I also don't touch dark content. I know it's not angst related per se, but I know some parts overlap.
I'm sorry this answer is like... Not an answer at all lol If you have something in mind, you can just throw an outline at me, that will give me a bigger chance to tell you if I can work with that or not.
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Distant attraction
+++++Jaemin/Female character++++
Jaemin loved to admire you from afar, you were the story he wanted to be able to read
She always sat in the farthest corner of the library and I assume it's because its secluded, but still everyone could see her if they sat facing the windows. She always had a pair of headphone in, and she was meticulous about it as-well. you could always tell when he headphones died because she would pull out a pair of wired headphone and plug them in while waiting for them to charge. she had a separate keyboard that connected to her laptop that was bigger and was a sleek sage green. and he computer always sat elevated on whatever notebook she deemed well enough for the job. Her pencil bag sitting adjacent to whatever she was doing. she especially favored the grey highlighter whenever she was writing.  Her backpack being another shade of green, leaned against the table leg emptied of it contents.  Her hands dancing across the keys of her computer, eyes darting back and forth between the screen and the keys. she was in her own little world, unaware to people like me, Who always notice her.
Her hair is a stark black that contrasts from the windows behind her letting in rays of sunlight, her hair hits above  her waist and is always styled somehow, she always stick to the same three. depending on when I see her it changes. Mornings; she usually has it styled. Curled at the ends and pushed behind her ears, or stick straight with pieces hanging in-front of her face. IN the afternoons when she came it almost always was pulled back out of her face, different colored clamps holding it loosely behind her head, or a hair tie barely holding the hair its wrapped around. she has a habit of always brushing her hands through the front pieces and pushing them behind her ears. sometimes I wonder why she doesn't clip the hair back, but nonetheless she prefers to brush it behind her ears. The urge to go and sit next to her and brush it for her is a daily occurrence.
For the first couple months she sat in the library all that was visible to the eyes was the two round brown eyes that sat behind the glasses that sat atop the nose bridge of the mask she wore. Her eyes from time to time looking up to refresh not exactly focusing on anything, but just looking off into the distance. The deep browns carrying a warm feeling behind them. When they faced the sun shining a fierce red lined with black.  from the times i had been close enough to you, you were always so immersed whatever you were doing that you just ignored me, not purposely but just because you were so focused in whatever you were doing. I was envious of a computer screen, how pathetic.
you were always wearing a sweatshirt that was two sizes too big for you, the sleeves engulfing your hands, you always rolled the sleeves or shove them past your elbows in an attempt to keep them out of your way. mostly during the week sticking to the comfy but classy look, in jeans or leggings and on the weekends surrendering to sweatpants and pajama pants. But you always made it look effortlessly pretty. the wire rims of your glasses pushed down, you hair falling down your shoulder and the pale navy blue sweatshirt painting a picture in front of my eyes
On a weekend you had brought in a coffee, which isn't usually allowed but you sat down in the corner and pulled down your mask to take a sip. revealing the entirety of who you were to me. A slender nose with full lips, cheeks littered with a good amount of freckles. and the tipe of your nose red, from the fall wind. You were beautiful, in the way where you found flowers pretty. You had features that made sense with the type of person you seemed to be.
It has been three months since you've began coming to the library and I have had the pleasure to witness your presence everytime you are here. all in hopes you could maybe notice me as-well and think that I could possibly fit into your busy schedule. you were a mystery to me, that I desperately wanted to solve, something about the soft hues and dark colors made you so intriguing.
It was late on a monday night and you had long left but I was still here. sitting in the abrasive LED lighting sitting and waiting for the time to hit 10, I was 15 minutes away from being free. I wonder what you are doing. did you go out for dinner after you left? did you go straight home? my mind revolved around a display of possibilities of where you could be at this time of night, but my thoughts being disrupted by the open and shut of the double doors behind me. feet hitting the tile at a fast pace walking towards me. a flash of black to my side and then directly in front of me.
There you were.
"Hi, I'm so sorry it's so late, but I forgot My water bottle here and I was wondering if someone turned it in" you said quickly, words a bit muffled by the black mask sitting on your face
the tops of your cheeks were flushed and you were breathing heavily enough that the bottoms of your glasses were fogging from your own breath. It was obvious you rushed here, before close.
I turned the chair immediately scanning the table until my eyes landed on the water bottle I very obviously knew was yours next to another water bottle, so I grabbed both and turned around.
"these are the two we have" My voice said, thanking whatever god there was that I didn't stutter.
the way your eyes lit up when you saw the lavender water bottle covered in stickers that sat in my right hand made my stomach erupt in butterflies. I didn't even know your name
"oh my god that's mine! thank you so much!" you leaned against the corner of the counter and stared at the nametag on my chest, my heart beating so fast it scared me.
"Jaemin, Thank you so much Jaemin" you said, this time your words slower and sweeter. obvious a smile was dancing at your lips.
I couldn't even speak, my heart now in my throat. I nodded quickly, you were now standing in front of me studying my features like how I have done to you for the past weeks. your gaze burning through me.
Your hands going over the desk grabbing the post it notes from in front of me and placing them on the desk in front of you.
"you know I know you work here but you are always welcome to come join me, or if they don't care if I sit here with you I'm basically always here. But you seem nice" you say while scribbling onto the post it. I don't even open my mouth because I know that I will stutter with whatever I say.
You place it on the table in front of me, and my eyes flash down to it and widen in response. a string of numbers and a star with the thing I've been craving for the last four months.
Your Name
I wanted you to leave now so I could practice it. I wanted to say thousands of times until it didn't even sound like a word anymore. I wanted it to become a permanent part of my brain, just like how you had become.
You stared at me again and leaned forwards pulling your mask down below your chin.
"I know you've seen me before and I know you have a bit of a staring problem, but I don't mind. Because I like looking at you too. so please, text me" you whisper between the two of us, leaning back again and slipping the mask over your nose.
"goodnight Jaemin" you say finally, blowing a faux kiss and I swear I felt my heart jump into my throat. I push through the frog in my throat and turn.
"I'll text you! have a good rest of your night!" i say urgency lining my tone hoping to catch you before you reach the double doors.
You slowly turn around the black hair falling in front of your face and you wink, waving your hand and pushing your way through the double doors once again.
and now the thought of fixing your hair, pushing it behind your ears, doesn't seem like too distant of a want.
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scribblemetae · 3 years
Hey guys ! Hey Noxie !
First of tf are you in a freaking stadium to answer the question ? Like ? Why....?* Laughs a lot and falls off the chair from it *
Ok first off grettings Mr.worldwidehandsome from Jin's World ! So when we talk about body worshipping do we agréé that it's like a praise kink x 1000 ? And huh .... *Shy* 👉👈😳 are you into body posivity like ...y'know any Tipe of body shape ? I Guess this one is kinda for everyone ? Ho and when did you learn to speak english fluently I'm geniually impressed?
Hello Jimin ! Whatsupp'? So I Guess you already showed off in front of the guys and if not IS it something you'd like to try ? * Take notes*
JK hi!!!
So mommy kink ? Don't worry no kinkshaming*winks* here it's just unusual and I wanted to know what lead you to this kink ?
Tae ... Ok each one they're like approch to each other but stay respectfull ok , didn't Do anything to you.
Take a drink and relax and chill a little. * Not saying it as offensive or brutal mot jk than anything*
Hoseok yoooooo!!!!
First All you have one of the most charming smileys ever 'you know' the one in an Heart shape to me you become mister sunshine really best song to describe you hahahaha , enough of flirting , so shibari huh ? Since when do you practice this art ? And do you ever take artistics picts of your creation ?
Hi Yoongi ! * Smiles timidly but happily eyes sparkling *
Have you ever been in trouble due to your kinks like with nudes videos/sextape with BigHit ? If you dis I'll be on my way just let me 2 s to remove thé dead body in my truck and I'll get a meeting with them.*jokes pretty darkly hoping everyone get that it's a joke and not to be awkward* * becomes a little self concious*
Haaaa the dessert ...so Namjoon *Whisper* remember how I Said hoseok has one of m'y favorite smile, well you're in the same gang , very pretty smile 🌼👌 so.....very important question..........will you at any point clench your jaw ? *Stares at it dreaming*
IS it a kink to share the same pet / girl/gf / sex worker or anything else because in reality you could have each of you one so I Guess it's a common agrément more than like an obligation ?
Ok love you All si grenat catching up with you loves, and good Luck handling them Noxie ✊😵😂
*Okay to start with I have no idea how the fuck this turned into a stadium QNA but honestly this is how all Ask My Muses will be held in the future phaha*
They all listen to intently to your questions and adore that you have so much to say. You can see all there faces light up with each word.
Jin goes to answer you first question with a flying kiss before he talks “I love to worship my partner at all times, make them know just how much I adore being with them in that moment. I love every single body type. Everybody deserves to be loved and pleasured no matter what.” - He smiles as you compliment his English - “When I found out we were looking for playmates outside of just Korean I started to brush up on my English” Jimin picks up his microphone as he winks at you  “I have had sex in front of some of them before but not all of them, I can’t wait to try it”
When Jungkook comes to answer this question you can see he feels very unsure and shy when it comes to answering. Almost like talking about it worried him “I’ve been told how weird it is but, I just.... I can’t explain it. I realised I liked it when I accidently said it once but “ - You can see him start to falter -” That didn’t end so well”
Taehyung shrugged at your comment and everybody looked at him with pleading eyes. Jungkook couldn’t look anywhere but the floor. “You have no idea if JKs done something to me though do you darling?”
Yoongi laughs at your comment trying to move things along from Taehyung “Luckily I haven’t, im not the one who usually sends the nudes so I don’t tend to get into to much trouble. I’ve also never managed to make a sex tape yet”
Noxie takes over to answer Namjoons question for him just before he gets the chance “100% JOONIE WILL BE CLENCHING HIS JAW AT SOME POINT WITHOUT A DOUBT I REFUSE TO LET THAT GO”
Seokjin takes it upon himself to answer the last question “Sharing the same person is actually EXTREMELY important to all of us. It shows trust we have in each other, besides we share everything. Each of us having a different person could get messy so we like to have one we can all have fun with its not an obligation at all, its something we decided together as a team. Besides, its way more common than you think for groups to share... Just look at Stray Kids for example”
Noxie gives you a huge wave a blows a kiss with a smile 
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Overhaul and reader from 1-A (part 2)
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You played with the card in your fingers nervously as you numbly stared at it.
A loud bang on the door made you yelp and almost throw the card away.
"HEY FUCKING DUMBASS CLASS IS ABOUT TO FUCKING START GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!" Bakugou yelled from the other side as he banged furiously on your door.
"Geez Bakugou come on you sound like a police officer going to arrest (Y/N)!" Said Mina as she probably wss trying to stiffle her laughter.
"Come on bro mister Aizawa said only to call her, not to explode her door." Said Kirishima as he probably was trying his nmbest to calm the blonde down as you heard Kaminari and Sero laughter.
You stared at your door and giggled nervously before opening it, and just in time Bakugou mumbled a 'fucking finally' as he stormed his way out.
"What was that?" You asked looking at Mina who only smirked as Kirishima started to lead you to class.
"Mister Aizawa called us to bring you to him. Said he wanted to talk with you."
"Oooh! What have you done for that (Y/N)?" Asked Mina teasingly while you only rolled your eyes.
You looked at the watch and noticed it was already eleven p.m and you wondered how your tired teacher was still up...
Fucking insonia (Y/N)
But then your heart seemed to stop along with your whole blood system at remembering his voice echoing in the back of your head.
You only had one hour to contact them...
"A-ah... actually I need to... u-uh..." you twirled around, which made the baku squad look at you in wonder.
"I-I need to call my... m-my parents! They said they were worried about me sleeping on the school grounds, so c-can you please tell Aizawa-sensei if I can talk with him tommorow instead?" They looked at you before changing glances at each other, finally they smiled, showing their understatement.
You thanked them and runned to your room, locking the door as you desperately picked your phone and tiped the numbers with trembling fingers.
The phone ranged for a few seconds and you felt a knot forming in your throat when someone finally picked up, a raspy voice.
"What's your deal?"
"I-I-I... U-uh..." what was his name again?
"Are you fucking joking? Whoever is the little punk calling to make a prank I WiLL KiLL IT For MakiNg JoKes On ThE YakUsa-!" You flinched at the shout coming from your phone as you putted away from your ear's sake.
"I-I-! Sorry! Sorry! It just that s-someone gave me this phone a-and he asked for me to call it since he was the boss o-or something! O-Overhaul I-I guess? I'm sorry!"
The voice quieted down as he calmly asked for you to wait a moment.
What a sudden change of humor...
"Why, isn't this interesting?" The familiar voice spoked through the call, which made you shiver at hearing the stranger vouce again and so close to your ear.
"You let for calling me on the last minute." He paused, emiting a sound that reminded you of a scoff "Not very much pontual, right? We will need to correct that..."
"I-I didn't even say what is my decision." You spoke while rubbing your sweaty palms on your bed.
"Is that so? You have literally 15 minutes to tell me dear student." The voice spoked in false amusement.
Your silence was a signal for him to start making what he did best.
"Aren't you tired of this? Being classified by numbers and strenght of your quirks between, dare I say, colleagues? And imagine if you do end up as a hero. Everyone who you study with will challenge and compete against each other to surpass the tittle of being number one or to at least have a good ranking..."
You thought for a moment... he wasn't lying, how many times did you caught Bakugou fighting with Midoriya about being better than him?
"Judging by your silence I was correct." He sounded even pleased at his accomplishment.
"You're quite the smug type aren't you Overhaul?" You said, sounding a bit more irritated then pretended.
"And you are quite the interrogator one in here..." he said in mockness.
"Seriously, there's so many people you can try to recruit, why a student of a hero course even caught your attention? Aren't you a villain?"
"Are you deaf by any chance? Or just has a serious problem on your earring?" He sighed, clearly already not with just as much pacience he had before "I saw this ridiculous sport festival in your sick school, and saw the potential you carry. Why put yourself under trash when you can be under someone who is looking for a cure for this sick world filled with the hero syndrome? Let me be your leader and tutor, and I can show you how explendid and valuable you can be for the yakusa."
Silence between you two was implanted, although you could feel the beating of your heart pouding in your ears.
"And if I say n-no?"
"Ever heard of what the yakusa is capable of? We have our own methods to get what we desire... And I'm sure you wouldn't want any of your close friends or even family to get hurt now would you?"
You froze, how can this man be so cruel..?
"Not to sound too annoying and rude now, but you have only one minute to tell me your answer U.A student... your time is ticking."
"Ah. Actually, you have now ten seconds before I send my subordinates to take care of your loved ones. Ten."
"N-No wait! Please!"
"Please don't do this!"
"Eight. Seven."
"You can't be serious please! They don't have anything with this!"
"Six. Five. Four..."
"Three. Two..."
"OK I WILL JOIN YOU JUST OLEASE DONT DO THIS!" you cried, gripping tightly on your cellphone as your tears fell on the sheets of your bed.
"Wonderful. Tommorow some papers will be delivered at your dorm. You will get out of U.A and follow a man called Chronostasis. He will lead you to where you will be living now."
You hummed, still trying to contain your sobs
Why you of all people..?
"Pleasure doing bussines with you (Y/N). I look forward to see you tomorrow pn the evening." He said coldly before finishing the call.
You layed on your stomach, crying your eyes out in your pillow, dreading the way your life would drastically change after tommorow.
"WHAT?! WHY?!" The deku squad yelled, except Todoroki who only carried a woried look, after you delivered the news of you changing suddenly the school.
"M-My parents asked me to do it.. Not enough money in my house so I will have to helo them..."
Ochaco seemed even more hurt at these words, as she bringed you to a crushing hug, accidentally using her quirk on you and making you float a little.
"(Y/N)-chan! Please let us talk with them!" Said Midoriya, bot even a bit shy but instead with confidence and determination on his eyes "I'm sure if we talk to them they will see how this is inportant for you!" Tsuyu nodded with a 'kero'at the green haired boy words.
"Yes, I'm sure they would understand. You worked hard to be on the hero course of U.A after all!" Iida said moving his hands dramatically.
"They don't have the right to order something like that." Said sternly Todoroki placing a hand on your shoulder bringing you down to the ground as Uraraka apologized.
"Guys... Thanks for this, but trust me, its for the be-"
"(Y/N)." Called a man with white hair and white hoddie aproaching.
"Chronostasis. Let's go." He whispered close to you, making you shiver in fear.
"(Y/N)-chan? Who is that?" Midoriya approached, placing a protective hand on your shoulder as he stared up at the unknown man.
Chrono merely glared down at the green boy as he lied.
"Not that it is your bussines anyway. But I'm their sibbling. Now, dont you all have classes to go or something?"
"(Y/N) is that true?" Asked Uraraka worriedly as Iida mention to her as if making the same question.
"You never told us you had a older brother." Todoroki murmured.
"Personal life out of the school, congrats for only noticing that now. Now let's go." Said clearly irritated Chrono as you sighed sadly and sayed your good byes to them.
Midoya continue to stare thhe pare until they left the school grounds and left the gates with a sick feeling on his stomach.
Something wasn't right...
You got out of the car and nervously followed the man through the house.
"Made a good job on not giving them much information. Overhaul will appreciate that." The man said oppening one door for you to enter.
You took a couple of steps and your heart seemed to have vrashed in a billions pisses as your soul threatened to leave your body in fear as you saw the man which you were fearing ever since the moment you locked gazes with him.
"Glad to see you again... my protege." Said coldly Overhaul, sitting in his couch, motioning for you to sit in front of him and a table where it was leaved a white plague mask.
"Welcome to the Shie Hassaikai."
It took me three days... FINALLY HERE.
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lebensmoode · 4 years
There are two types of what-friends-are-for, at least from my glasses.
First, people who think that their friend's problem is also theirs. So they tend to give suggestion, to help, even to take action for it. It is good for some reasons because it may show that they really care about their friends so they feel like they need to help as best as they can.
Second, people who think that their friends' problem has nothing to do with them....UNLESS that friend asks them for a help. This is not to show that they are ignorant but simply, because they think that friend has been grown-up enough to deal with the problem. They're afraid that their intervention will just make it worse. It also means they trust their friends that they'll go through it well.
And in my case, i breathe for the second one.
You know, my ex, was the first type. Dia pernah cerita masalah temennya yg berkaitan dengan keluarga. And you know what? He was trying to solve it by coming to his friend's house and talking to the family!
Kalo misal itu emang temennya yang mau dan minta bantuan, ya it's okay. He did a very honorable job. Yeah. Bravo. Beut........ if his friend didn't ask for it, then it was definitely considered rude. He crossed the line, man, seriously.
But later that friend thanked him for having done so cause it worked. Ya i guess that cingu really asked for help.
And when it was my turn to tell about my type of friendship, which was the second one, HE'S GONE MAD :)
"Itu bukan temen lah namanya. Temen itu harusnya giniginigini. Kalo ngebiarin aja gak bantu apa fungsinya jadi kawan? Ngapain bekawan deket? Apa bedanya dengan kawan biasa? Harusnya tu dikasih tau, abcdefghzzz....."
Haaahhhhhh how could i survive for almost a year with a person like that....
Sumpa ya kalo diinget inget lagi emang keterlaluan banget sih. Gilak. How relieved i am to having broken up with you pil.
Trus gajadi ngomongin mantan hawe ~~
So ya, the second type is how i can live my lyfe. Hamdalah dari SMA dulu dapetnya temen temen yang emang punya tipe pertemanan yang sama. Yang gak pernah mencampuri urusan masing masing kecuali kitanya yg minta saran atau bantuan. Trus apa gunanya temenan? Hah. Bodat you ex. Ya untuk hepi hepi lah. Udah tau banyak masalah, ya kita sama sama cari distraksi dan pelampiasan. Karaoke, ke timezone, makan bareng, memotoran, poto poto. Ada waktunya kita saling cerita cuma untuk ngurangin beban aja biar lega. Tapi trus yaudah, gak ada campur tangan apapun. Kasih saran sekedarnya, itupun yg sama sekali gak mendikte dan menggurui. Apalagi merasa benar. Semua diakhiri dengan "pilihan ada di tangan elu." Dan sampe sekarang usia pertemanan langgeng. Udah lebih dari 10 tahun dan masih suka vidcall-an.
Dulu memaknai persahabatan itu ialah adanya the sense of belonging. Ternyata, as time goes by, friendship is all about the sense of appreciating. Apapun; menghargai privasinya, karyanya, usahanya, waktunya, bahkan keputusannya.
This is, for me, the real what-friends-are-for.
Trus pas di Medan dipertemukan lagi dengan lingkungan pertemanan seperti itu.
Have you ever felt thankful for some people's existence? Cause i have. And it strangely makes me want to continue living.
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okami-sakka · 3 years
A normal history for a comedy/action/Ecchi manga
Hello i am Okami Saka this is my first post, sorry for my bad english, portuguese is my first language and the auto correct don't help.
Characters apresentation for knowing the entire situation, a little long so don't need to read in details.
Young Squad: a group of heroes that try to save the city from evil beings (and evil humans). The government don't like them because some of the evil beings give a lot of tax money. They are called this because only young people (in most part) make part of the Squad. Leader: Young Squad leader and one of the three founders. He is a teenager with age between 15 and 17 years, 1,70 m (5'7'') of height and with black hair. He is very charismatic and athletic. He fight using Sharp things (kitchen knives, razors and forks) and kicks and use a mantle, a mask covering his mouth and armor (made of olf biker jackets) all in the color black. Vice: Young Squad vice leader and one of the three founders. She is a teenager with the same age as Leader, 1,65 m (5'5'') of height and with blond hair. She is a hot head and athletic person. She like romantic things and has a crush in the leader. She fight using a inprovised mace (an iron pole with a tip of concret), a shield (a refrigerator door) and a armor (made of a wahing machine) with a helmet (bike helmet) all yelow. Tec: the tec guy of the squad and one of the three founders of the Young Squad. He is a teenager one year younger than the Leader, 2,00 m (6'7'') of height, brow hair and use glasses. He is a muscle and computer nerd, he usualy use computers making poses showing of his muscles. He is a guy that is nice to have around. He is strong but he prefer to stay in Tec suport. When he fight he use a big Rod and a luchador bunny mask ( to avoid recognition). Smith: he make the weapon and armor of the squad and entered after the foundation. A adult with age between 18 and 22 years (he is still considered Young), 1,60 m (5'3'') of height and has red hair. Has a hobbie of making improvised weapon and armor with what he finds. He is shy with strangers but persons that don't know him confund this with a cold and cool personalit. He fight using a spear (made of iron rod with knife wielded in the tip) and armor made of metal parts and a wielder mask praticaly all in the red color. Ranger: she is the ranged fighter of the squad and entrered after the foundation. A adult in the mid-30 of her age (she claim to be young in heart), 1,40 m (4'7'') of height and she has black hair with some white strands (she already has white hair because of stress). She is very social but don't like to be confused as a child or to be called old. She use a crossbow (made of car parts, wood and rope) and a leather jacket and googles black with some white parts.
Ok i apresented all the squad so lets go to the story.
Young Squad discovered a evil being causing harm to young women. After a long time of searching for clues they finaly found his hideout. Now, with the four squad menbers neat the fortress (minus Tec that is in suport), Leader started a strategy meeting.
Leader: Ok guys where here, now how do we enter? Vice: How about enter and hit everiting that move! Smith: NO! We almost where killed with this crazy plan Vice. And this time the fortress has SNIPERS. Vice: Ranger can take down the snipers. Ranger: NO! The last time i was almost hit in a bad spot by a gunner, and he had a freaking shotgun, he wasn't even close. So, no thanks. Leader: Yeah... I want to see a movie that will stream tomorrow, so i need to prevent hospitalization. Tec what we know about the enemy? Tec: Ok Leader. The enemy is a being made entirely of tentacles called "tentaclo", and he harass woman in the internet. His fortress is very guarded with only one entry and the sewers are too smal to enter. But i found a manner to enter. — Excited muscle pose. Leader: Good, what is it. Tec: Ehhh... Iiissss... — Hesitating muscle pose. Leader: Isss... Tec: Iiissss... with a big breasted loli or a tall flat chasted woman. — Embarassed muscle pose. Nobody understand. Leader: Sorry. Could you repeat. Tec: With a big breasted loli or a tall flat chasted woman. — Embarassed muscle pose. Leader: ... Excuse me, WTF? Tec: I found his web acount and he says a lot about liking these two tipes of woman in adult sites. — Desespered muscle pose. Leader: ... Ok so how will this help. Tec: You guys only need to get one of this two type of woman enter take down the snipers so the other can enter Leader: But we don't have this type of woman. Vice is not too tall And bad with hiding weapons. And Ranger can be classified as loli, but all parts of her body is small and her weapon is too big to hi- uff. Ranger: DON'T CALL ME A LOLI! Vice: Can't Leader go? Everyone: WHAT!! Vice: Leader is tall and with clothes wig and some makeup, we can make him look like a woman. Smith: Vice... Was this your inteligent side or you horny side? Vice: Yes. Tec: ... This could work, but who walk with feminine clothes, wig and makeup.— Inquisitive muscle pose. Vice: I have. Tec: Oh god. She was realy expecting this.— Suprised muscle pose. Leader: Guys calm down, i will do this. Smith: Are you sure. And if you have something awakened inside you. Leader: Smith i know myself when i say i will not. Vice: Leader accepted so i will start the process. Ranger help me. Ranger: Ok. Leader: Wait, why is maid clothes? Vice: Because i want to see.
So Leader was transformed in a tall flat chasted woman with a long black hair. Wearing long skirt maid clothes of his exact size.
Tec: ... It of the exact size. — Preocuped muscle pose. Smith: Yeah... Exact size. Ranger: I helped, but now i questioning If this was right.
The three Squad member talk between yourselves.
Leader: Vice... How you found my exact size? Vice: I hear Smith repeating to himself when making you armor. Tec: Guys guys calm down. All time Lost there is one more victim of Tentaclo.— Serious muscle pose. Leader: Yeah yeah we know. Ok Squad i going. Vice: Wait let me take a photo. Leader: Ok, but only one and fast. Smith: He don't cares about taking photos! — Think to himself
After the photo the Leader go alone in enemy territory and sucefully enter the fortress. He manages to escape his escort and take down the snipers. With this, the rest of the Squad can infiltrate the fortress.
Ranger: Snipers down. Now we can initiate part 2 of the plan. Smith: I already have the hooks ready. Vice: Lets go and beat up everithing that moves. Smith: Wait, the plan was not to enter by using hook in rope? Ranger: Yeah, and Leader proibed you from using this plan. Vice: Leader is not there, so i decide the things now. Smith: I DON'T WANT DO DIE YET!!! Ranger: LET ME GET A BOYFRIEND FIRST!!! Vice: Shut up and go or i will force you guys to go.
They start to run in the direction of the fortress, being pursued by a woman with a concrete mace. Meanwhile Leader.
Leader: C'mon guys hurry up. I can't hide for so long. Henchman1: She here! The woman is there! Henchman2: Don't let her escape! Mr. Tentaclo want her. Leader: Stay away from me your creeps! Henchman1: Watch out, she has knives!! Henchman3: Argh. My knee! I was hit by a fork in the knee! Henchman4: Oh my god. She throwed a pizza cutter! Henchman2:Who let her enter with sharp things. Henchman4: Tyler and Josh escorted her! Josh: Tyler said that already revisted her! Henchman3: F#CK TYLER!!!, how am i going to explain this to the doctor! Tyler: Hey! This was not nice. INTERCON MAN: INTRUDERS! INTRUDERS! INTRUDERS ENTRERED THE FROTRESS!!!! The henchmans: WHAT. INTERCON MAN: THE INTRUDERS ARE A CRAZY PERSON WITH A MACE PURSUING ONE MAN WITH A SPEAR AND A LITTLE GIRL WITH A CROSSBOW. THE PERSON WITH THE MACE IS HITING EVERITHING THAT MOVES SO LAY DOWN!!! Leader: What! They entrered in this manner! We had concorded in a more silent entrance. I need to calm Vice down.
Leader started running in the direction of the comotion, meanwhile the henchman are hiding or laying in the floor with various sharp things in then. Leader meet the rest of the Squad in front of a big heavily decorated door in the end of the fortress.
Leader: I found you Guys! A crying Smith amd Ranger: LEADEEER!! SAVE US! — They got behind Leader using him as a shield. Vice: Oh, Leader! Finally we found you. Leader: Vice, you can't hit teammates with you weapon. Vice: But they don't wanted to initiate the plan. Leader: The plan was for you guys to enter more quietly. Vice: But is boring to enter this way. Tec: Guys shut up. You are in enemy camp.— Angry muscle pose. Leader: Ok ok. I think that Tentaclo is behind this door. Vice: How do you know this. Leader: Is a big heavyly decorated door in the end of the fortress. They are always boss door in games. Vice: Ohhh... Tec: Wait, Tentaclo has this type of door?? — Suprised muscle pose. Leader: Yes i took a photo, i will show to you later. Smith: Leader... Leader: What. Smith: When will you return to normal clothes. Leader: Oh, after defeating Tentaclo. Smith: ... Sure.
They open the door with a kick making a loud bang. What is inside the room is a creature made entirely of tentacles, aproximately 2,75m(9 feet) in height using a computer.
Leader: Tentaclo! You harassments end now. Tentaclo: ... Uhhnnn, you will only satisfy me for some days. — Said Tentaclo extending his apendages in Leader direction. Leader: Wait Wait Wait. I'm a man.— Said Leader taking off the maid uniforme revealing his normal clothes. Tentaclo: Heh, still work. Leader: WHAT?! — A tentacle pull Leader leg. — AHHHH! I'M A MAN!! Tentaclo: And i'm horny. — Said Tentaclo wraping his apendages in the Leader. Leader: AHHHH!!!! HELP M-BLRGRLG Smith: OH SHIT, WE NEED TO SAVE HIM FAST OR IT WILL BE LIKE A HENTAI!! Ranger: I DON'T WANT TO SEE [NSFW scene] HAPENING!! Vice: LEADER ASS IS MINE!! Tec: WHAT!!? — Confused muscle pose
The Squad was capable of defeating Tentaclo, before the hole of Leader was used. And with this they returned to the city.
Tec: Hey guys. How is Leader going. Vice: Look like this was very traumtic to him. Smith is making some specie of therapy with him. Tec: Yeah... Thank god he is okay. I was thinking that could lock himself after almost being [NSFW action]. — Relief muscle pose. Vice: Yeah only a little of lotion entrered his mouth. Tec: ... You need to learn how to see what is more inportant. — Tired muscle pose. Vice: But hygiene is inportant Tec: hahh... Only go home. — Tired muscle pose
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wzombie · 3 years
Hello lover
How're you going? I wish you were here.
I miss sleeping in your arms and feeling your warm body against mine. I love that. I feel like we are one when it happens. In my entire life, this is the most comfortable tipe of feeling I got.
I miss your gentle kisses on my cheeks. I like the sensation of your lips touching my skin, it gives me shivers on my arms and make me feel loved.
I miss the sound of your beautiful voice. Everything you tell me sounds so good when you talk about it. I like hearing you telling about your day and your doings. I love to see you excited talking about every single detail of your day.
I miss holding hands with you. We have a thounsand of ways to hold hands, and all they are just ours... it's a simple and innocent thing and even then we made it unique. It's like we had a connection with this type of stuff.
I miss your smile. You're absolutely gorgeous when you smile. It warms my entire body. You almost shine, to me, when I can see all of your face expressing your happiness. I have a million of portraits of your smiles on my head. Just like an exposition of it.
I miss your cuddles. Nothing in the entire world make me happier than that. It's when you make me feel the more loved person in the universe. I love it...
I miss kissing you. Our kiss is one of a kind. The sensation of our warm lips touching ignites my heart. Its soft and careful. I love feeling like our tongues are dancing each other, we never missed a single step of it. Always is perfect, like a ballet concert, but never choreographed. Its always a new piece. Just ours.
I miss making love with you. Our bodies fits like a puzzle. We respect each other and know each other's bodies as if they were our own. We always get right. It's like we had a map of each other body. We became one...
I felt safe with you.
I miss you. I miss you for real. I always will do. Sorry for making you another letter.
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uptothestairs · 4 years
50 Questions Tag!
Tagged by @daydreaming-juna :)thanks
What colour is your hairbrush?: Pink
Name a food you never eat: anything with non glutenfree wheat in it 
Are you typically too warm or too cold?: Too cold
What were you doing 45 minutes ago?: scrolling tumblr
What’s your favourite candy bar?: quite hard since i can not eat a lot of things,it is some time i had one,so lets say last snack i ate (today)is vegan “nutella”
Have you ever been to a professional sports game?: Nope
What’s the last thing you said out loud?:well,let me think about it since i am sylent type.....um i yelled at my dog to come to me since i went to take him out for the walk
What’s your favourite ice cream?: i will mix frozen fruit ,so that it is 
What was the last thing you had to drink?: Water
Do you like your wallet?: Yes.
What’s the last thing you ate?: rice with zucchini
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: No.
What’s the last sporting event you watched?: it was looong time ,maybe ice hockey
What is you favourite flavor of popcorn?: dunno eat popcorn that much ,maybe salted one  
Who’s the last person you sent a text to?: @daydreaming-juna
Ever go camping?: when i was a kid,now i would not make it anymore
Do you take vitamins?:not often.
Do you go to church every Sunday?: No.
Do you have a tan?: almost everyday at work ,didnt had time to get one 
Do you prefer Chinese or pizza?: i like both ,cant decide
Do you drink soda through a straw?: i dunno use straws at all 
What color socks do you usually wear?: Multicolored 
Do you ever drive above the speed limit?: dunno have driving license
What terrifies you?: “Losing those I love and many more,world is scary place ..
Look to your left, what do you see?: turtle
What chore do you hate the most?: Ironing clothes
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?: honestly nothing :D
What’s your favourite soda?: i dunno drink soda
Do you go in fast food places or just hit the drive thru?: cant eat outside that much,so none 
What’s your favourite number?: i think i dunno have any 
Who’s the last person you talked to?: Mom
Favourite cut of beef?:not picky about that
Last song you listened to?: i think it was G-IDLE Lion
Last book you read?: Manga Silent Voice
Can you say the alphabet backwards?: Never tried it
Favourite day of the week?: Free day 
How do you like your coffee?: I drink only once in day,with vegan milk or black,two sugars
Favourite pair of shoes?: sneekers
Time you normally get up?: Between 5 am - 8 am
Sunrise or sunsets?: both are beautiful,but sunset seems more charming
Describe your kitchen plates?: there is more tipes,usually white ceramic or with something printed on them 
Describe your kitchen at the moment?: clean
Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink?: Nope,drink maybe once twice a year
Do you play cards?: when i was a kid
What color is your car?: have none 
Can you change a tire?: dunno have car so yeah nope
Your favourite state/province/country/etc.?: Japan,Korea 
Favourite job you’ve had?: none
How did you get your biggest scar?: the one i remember is falling from the chair in work 
The longest is in my arm - when i was a kid i poured hot water on my arm ,and i have many mini scars from burn out 
The ugliest is in my head - I am not sure if i have one
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hanenoaozora · 5 years
Saya INTP Lagi
Disclaimer (?): pardon my weird occasional bilingualness… happens when I’m under tremendous stress LOL
Saya baru-baru ini ngambil tes MBTI (demen banget sih situ tor…) lagi. Hasilnya masih sama seperti sebelum-sebelumnya, INTP. Cuman kali ini N dan P saya mendekati angka 70% sedangkan sebelumnya N, T, dan P saya di angka 50an, yang saya artikan sebagai “being a more well-rounded person”. Kesimpulan ini hanya karangan saya sebagai perwujudan wishful thinking :p
Gimana dengan I-nya? Ngg… baiknya ndak dibahas #tutupWajah
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Tes di 16personalities.com
Selama beberapa tahun hasil tes MBTI saya berubah-ubah terus bagian N/S, T/F, dan P/J-nya. Saya pernah dapat INFJ lho!!! Ada F-nya lho!!! As strange as it might seem…
Waktu itu (kalau dilihat dari perspektif sekarang) adalah masa saya lebih fokus dalam hal pengembangan diri secara utuh, masanya mencari kestabilan hidup, berusaha make the most of what I had that day, not seeking for more or other possible path.
Berkaitan dengan kegiatan selama ~2 tahun terakhir, saya itu bak pole yang nongkrong di unity circle. Mungkin hasil tes ini salah satu indikasi bahwa saya tidak lagi manusia yang imbang proses berpikirnya (lagi-lagi… ini hanya kesimpulan saya). Dengan kondisi “baru” ini, saya pun membaca kembali penjelasan tentang tipe saya, trying to find some insights into how I can better myself in pursuit of becoming more comfortable in my own skin.
Mencengangkan lho ternyata… not that I found something new, but more, like, being reminded of some things that REALLY happen that are put into words and it’s just so mind-boggling!
They love patterns, and spotting discrepancies between statements could almost be described as a hobby, making it a bad idea to lie to a Logician. 
Yea... paling seneng bagian nerusin series kalau di psikotes/TPA. And sometimes I wonder how people can recite dialogues with their own wordings that don’t even reflect the true dialogues that happened. Bukannya saya punya photographic memory dan bisa mengulang omongan orang verbatim, tapi paling enggak jangan bikin implied meaning-nya berubah dong!
People with the Logician personality type tend to share thoughts that are not fully developed, using others as a sounding board for ideas and theories in a debate against themselves rather than as actual conversation partners.
Haha maap yah...
People with the Logician personality type can get frustrated in trying to explain how they got from A to B to Z, sometimes they give up with a dismissive “never mind”.
Pernah ada teman yang somehow bawa-bawa almamater ketika dia tidak mengerti apa yang saya jelaskan. “Jangan samain kita sama alumni SMA X dong!” katanya. I remember being extremely annoyed hearing that. Saya sendiri merasa bahwa saya produk low-end dari SMA X (angka asli disamarkan) tersebut, dan langsung berasumsi bahwa ni orang cuma menyalahkan kondisi tanpa berusaha mencerna apa yang saya omongin. Atau mungkin sayanya yang emang ngomongnya ga jelas hahahaha... yasudahlah...
Logician personalities know that as they practice, they improve, and any work they do is second-best to what they could do.
Yea, I often feel like I submit a subpar work each time...
Many of the usual motivations for making friends – emotional support, social validation, shared routine – simply don’t apply to Logicians. More likely, these concepts are met with disdain, as people with the Logician personality type prize intellectual depth above all else.
So there’s actually explanation on why I have very few friends, and that my relationships with them are more knowledge-based than personal. Misalnya, kalau ngobrolin anime sama si A. Ngobrolin elektro sama si B. Minta insight masalah sehari-hari ke si C. Dan biasanya saya nggak ngobrolin anime dengan B dan C, nggak ngomongin elektro dengan A dan C, dan tidak curhat masalah pribadi ke A dan B. Bahkan ketika saya ngomongin pengalaman pribadi ke A, itu tuh (biasanya) konteksnya membicarakan plot anime atau sejenisnya. Dan kalaupun saya ngobrolin anime ke C, itu karena saya ingin menceritakan mengapa suatu anime relevan dengan apa yang saya curhatin. Sometimes I feel like I’m using them, but probably it’s just my naturally knowledge-seeking mind at work?
Though it’s a challenge for people with the Logician personality type to teach empathy alongside rationality, if they are able to pull it off, their children will grow into confident adults who know how to ask questions, use their minds, and take care of themselves no matter what comes their way.
If they are able to pull it off... what a way to be discouraging... Tapi mungkin pas saya punya anak entar, saya udah bukan INTP lagi. Who knows XD
Logicians have little interest in social distractions like chitchat and motivational speeches. For this reason, the flatter the workplace hierarchy, the better, making small, technical workplaces and fields such as law, forensics, and laboratory research very desirable for Logicians.  They can also move things forward as data analysts, mechanical, electrical and software engineers, and even as technical writers and journalists, provided the field is interesting enough.
This is something I need to hear ;;_;; Tapi apa saya ga bisa jadi novelis?
If they can smile and shake hands just long enough to establish themselves as the brilliant innovators that they are, people with the Logician personality type will find that whatever the expectations for social conduct, it is the qualities unique to them that are truly in demand.
Haha... at the end of the day, ga bisa 24/7 ngansos ya... :’D
Trus… ngapain ngeshare tulisan ini? Berharap orang lain maklum kalau situ nyerocos ga jelas, kerjaan ga kelar-kelar atas nama perfeksionisme, dan having zero people skills and zero empathy? Hem… yah, agak wkwkwk… but seriously though, the biggest achievement out of this exercise is that I know that some things about myself have theories backing them up, 
that I’m not a complete failure just because I obsess over the small, unimportant details that don’t seem fit in the bigger scheme of things and spend a lot of time mulling over it, 
that my lack of enthusiasm in participating in mundane conversations about daily lives or what other people are wearing is just a normal trait and not signs of antisocialness (atau mungkin memang ini tanda-tanda keansosan), 
that my inability to form coherent thoughts the first time and need to, like, practice in front of the mirror before a simple presentation do not mean I have a terrible communication problem (well… they are communication problem, but now I’m seeing it not in the worst destructive way).
All in all, I feel pretty good knowing more about myself. Lumayan lah untuk ningkatin mood di tengah-tengah keserabutan kerjaan yang beberapa waktu belakangan ini bikin pengen nangis frustrasi.
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jangantakut · 5 years
Ray : After almost 2 years, Ryan. Finally you came back. Finally, we're back!
Gue : Lagian gue nggak kemana-mana kok. Cuma jadi manusia aja.
Ray : Enak?
Gue : So-so.
Ray : Malam ini lo teriak kencang banget di kepala gue. Anehnya, teriakan minta tolong lo terdengar lain.
Gue : Lain gimana?
Ray : Bukan teriakan bernada minta tolong untuk urusan percintaan.
Gue : Tetep ya, lo masih jadi yang paling ngerti.
Ray : Gue kan cuma nggak ketemu lo 2 tahun, Ryan, bukan 2 abad.
Gue : I'll bet you still the one who understand me, even it takes centuries.
Ray : How can i help you, now?
Gue : Jadi, gue punya seseorang yang gue tuakan, yang gue hargai, yang ngasih gue sumber kehidupan setiap bulannya.
Ray : Boss lo.
Gue : In a simple way, let's called him Mr. Seb. Gue kerja sama dia udah hampir 2 tahun ini. Khusus kerja buat dia, bukan buat perusahaannya.
Ray : Mistress?
Gue : Nope! Fucking nope! I'm kind of his personal dictionary. If he needs anything about writing something for media, i'll do it. If he needs caption for his instagram, i'll go make it.
Ray : Sounds boring.
Gue : Sounds pressure.
Ray : How come?
Gue : Waktu gue bekerja buat sebuah perusahaan, gue ngerasa bebannya bukan cuma di gue, tapi di setiap orang. Sekarang saat gue bekerja hanya untuk 1 orang aja, i need to and i have to make sure he likes everything i did. Face to face!
Ray : Setau gue lo bukan tipe yang cemen buat ngadepin yang kayak begitu.
Gue : Memang enggak. Gue cuma ngerasa kalau Mr. Seb tidak sebijaksana yang gue dengar dari omongannya waktu dia merekrut gue.
Ray : Maksudnya?
Gue : Pertama kali dia meng-interview gue, dia bilang kalau gue hanya bertanggungjawab atas apa aja yang dia suruh. Personal dictionary dia sebelum-sebelumnya juga seperti itu. Kerja saat dia me-request sesuatu. Dan dia bilang, that made them feel lonely. In order to fix it, dia bilang ke gue kalau ada weekly meeting, gue ikut aja. Biar ketemu karyawan lain dan gue tidak merasa 'sendirian'. Gue pun setuju.
Ray : Idiish, sejak kapan lo suka berbasa-basi sama rekan kerja. Sendirian jadi personal dictionary-nya Mr. Seb udah paling bener buat lo!
Gue : Like i said before, gue sedang mencoba jadi manusia. Jadi bersosialisasi secara sehat, gue anggap salah satu latihan jadi manusia.
Ray : Terus, lo seneng setelah bisa bersosialisasi sekarang?
Gue : Awalnya iya, gue seneng. Tapi lama-lama, kok gue malah merasa 'Bukannya jadi nggak sendirian karena kenal sama karyawan lain, tapi malah invisible buat mereka, bahkan buat Mr. Seb'.
Ray : Gue udah tau nih, pasti lo bakalan ngerasa kayak gini.
Gue : Yaa gue emang dateng waktu weekly meeting, ketemu karyawan lain, ketemu Mr. Seb, dan mereka semua welcome dan baik sama gue, gak pake basa-basi. Tapi, di luar weekly, gue tuh kayak gak pernah ada buat mereka.
Ray : Lo nggak pernah diajak nongkrong yaa di luar jam kantor.
Gue : Exactly! Mereka nobar, mereka ngerayain working anniversary karyawan lain, mereka nonton Asian Games, mereka nyobain MRT, tanpa sama sekali ngajak gue. Gue cuma tau mereka jalan n nongkrong bareng dari upload instagram mereka aja.
Ray : Wake up! You're not one of them. Mereka karyawan. Lo personal dictionary.
Gue : Iya, awalnya gue juga berpikir positif kayak gitu. Gue bukan bagian dari perusahaan itu. Gue hanya tunggal, sendirian. Tapi kan yang mereka lakukan tanpa gue, yaa bukan kerjaan kantor juga. Nyobain MRT emang kerjaan kantor? Apa susahnya sih nanya gue, mau ikut apa enggak.
Ray : Ratusan kali gue bilang, lo emang gak akan pernah bisa punya temen kantor deh. You're not a group working type.
Gue : Well, i'm not angry with them. I'm angry with Mr. Seb. Kalau emang tujuan dia dulu bilang gue ikut weekly meeting aja, biar nggak merasa sendirian, terus kenapa dia malah bikin gue invisible di mata karyawan lain. Kan dia nggak susah ya untuk bilang, "Coba tanyain Ryan, dia mau ikut apa enggak?" He makes me so small.
Ray : Ryan, you have to start see me again. Lo harus bisa menemukan gue di mana pun lo berada. Di setiap lo menoleh, lo harus memastikan gue ada di sana. Kita nggak bisa cuma ketemu lewat chatting macam ini aja.
Gue : Why?
Ray : Karena gue tau, gimana rasanya lo pasti mau menangis, kalau temen-temen karyawan lo ngobrolin sesuatu yang lo nggak dilibatin di dalamnya. Gue tau gimana lo berusaha nahan nangis waktu mereka cerita tentang Asian Games. Gue tau lo pasti cuma bisa ketawa-tawa kaku dan sok ikut-ikutan seru waktu mereka cerita tentang MRT. Pastiin lo menemukan gue, Ryan. Gue ada di mana pun saat lo ingin melihat hal lain selain muka temen-temen karyawan lo dan muka Mr. Seb, yang seolah-olah nggak masalah membicarakan sesuatu yang lo gak dilibatin di dalamnya.
Gue : (menangis pelan-pelan)
Ray : Tenang aja, lo gak akan butuh siapa-siapa kalau nanti lo udah menemukan gue lagi. Lo bisa ikut ketawa sama mereka, padahal lo lagi ketawa bareng gue.
Gue : Why always me?
Ray : Because you have me. Cuma lo doang yang punya Ray, orang lain nggak punya.
Gue : Thanks, Ray, because you still you.
Ray : Gue kan emang gak pernah berubah.
Gue : I'll try to find you, tomorrow.
Ray : I'm waiting.
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