#along with other factors
cosmicheartz · 1 year
watching taopib after having had watched the last wish is rlly interesting bc it makes you wonder if puss's time in san lorenzo might have affected him later down the line ( for better or for worse )
an example would be what if his 4th death ( ie the dumbell death ) was influenced/a result of him being insecure about how he wasnt the muscle of the operation ( The Muscle episode ) so he decided to go and get super jacked and ends up dying as a result
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cienie-isengardu · 7 months
Hot take: It's okay that Bi-Han doesn't like Tomas. He doesn't have to see him as family or like him.
By the addition of “Hot take” I assume this is not something that fandom at large figured out by themselves yet. Can’t say I’m surprised though. Yes, it is okay for Bi-Han to not like or see Tomas as family, as no one can be - nor should be - forced to like anyone just because others (adults) expect it. That alone doesn’t make Bi-Han an evil person, even if Tomas feels rejected in the process, as each person will define what makes one a family differently. 
Their brotherhood was forced on both, as none had any say in Grandmaster’s decision to adopt the orphaned and traumatized boy (how they adapted to the situation is another matter and so far, we know more about Smoke’s process of adaptation than Bi-Han’s). We know only small bits of what happened that significant day, but so far sources - the way the informations are phased at least - feel to me like the Grandmaster adopted the boy less for Tomas’ sake and more to smother his own guilt 
[...] Having accidentally trespassed onto Lin Kuei lands, they were attacked. Smoke was orphaned. Ashamed by his warriors' actions, the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster adopted Smoke. He raised him alongside his sons, Sub-Zero and Scorpion. [Smoke’s BIO]
and/or to save his honor:
Kitana: "You are Kuai Liang's adopted brother?" Smoke: "His father's honor demanded that he take me in." 
So this is not a situation as if Bi-Han urged father to give him another younger brother and dad complied to make his son happy but once he brought the orphaned Tomas, Bi-Han decided nope, I change my mind and from on I will act as a spoiled brat that didn’t get what he wanted. Tomas did not choose to be orphaned nor to be adopted (as he himself admitted he did not think being taken in by Lin Kuei was anything good for him at that time), the same as Bi-Han was not asked by Grandmaster for approval (and even if he was, his objection apparently wasn’t taken into account as Grandmaster still adopted Tomas).
Smoke: "Father wanted us to be brothers." Sub Zero: "Yet another of the old man's foolish dreams." 
Note this: father wanted. Not hoped they will eventually find a common ground despite the not the best circumstances. He wanted to save honor. He wanted them to be brothers. Again, not sounding as taking into account what the kids wished for or needed and who knows, maybe Grandmaster wanted it so much, he pushed too hard to get the most comfortable solution for his own conscience - except Bi-Han simply never clicked with Tomas, whatever due to incompatible personalities or factors beyond their good will? I presume they all were still enough young when Tomas was brought into picture, but if Bi-Han is the eldest out of them three, then he could had his own duties that simply didn’t give him enough time to bond with the (culturally and ethically) different kid the way Kuai Liang did, again presumably, as closer in age to Tomas. 
But even if Bi-Han simply didn’t like Tomas, then it is still okay, because people can’t be forced to love or like others. Not liking someone though doesn’t give anyone the right to act disrespectful - yet so far, we only heard he was cold to Tomas but that does not necessary mean being intentionally cruel either. A human can be polite and still come off as emotionally cold (and let’s not forget that people can also be naturally introverts or fall into the autism/asocial disorders spectrum that makes it difficult to establish good relationships with strangers. We are familiar with MK1 Bi-Han for what? Maybe twenty minutes of story mode and through intro-dialogues that only gives us a sense of who he is at this point. We don’t even have an idea if cryomancer genes affect his perception of the world or behavior). 
Bi-Han as an adult person seems to come to terms with the situation to some extent and got used to the idea of an additional brother - his and Tomas relationship is tense and complicated but it is now tainted by their conscious choices, however in the past, if Bi-Han didn’t like Tomas for whatever understandable or petty reason, no one can demand from a kid to act as an adult and control/smooth their own emotions to solve the problem adults created in the first place. The whole situation wasn’t fair to Tomas and so wasn’t to Bi-Han either. 
Would it be sad to learn that Bi-Han has never liked Tomas or never come to love him the way he loved his biological brother? Yes. But not liking someone or not considering someone a family member is not a crime itself and is not an indication of being inherently evil. Be it fictional characters or real human beings, people sometimes simply don't like each other and they have the right to feel that way. Not liking each other though does not mean anyone is allowed to abuse or disrespect others, just to be clear here.
I like to think this should be obvious, but knowing fandom, it may indeed be the hot take.
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autisticlee · 1 year
it kind of sucks when all your friends and family, everyone you know, are all pairing off and getting married and havinf families, except you. you're the only one that doesn't have a partner and probably can/will never get one. especially if one around you has time for you anymore, they never reach out, never get back to you, because they're only focused on their partners and families. you're stuck alone and drift away from everyone through no fault of your own. you have no hope of finding your own partner or no motivation to look for one for whatever reason. the lack of connections while seeing everyone around you having their own can get overwhelmingly lonely at times....
#autism#autistic#asexual#aromantic#these are probably the two factors that put me in this position#im undateable because im too autistic to form any connections with people and cant even make or keep friends around for long#so how would i ever try to date anyone????#and also asexual which makes it harder. and aromantic (not sure what kind if its like demi and i just need to meet “the one”#and form a connection first to actually have any feelimgs for anyone or not sure if I simply cannot experience romantic attraction#either way its a lonely existence in a world where 99% of people pair off or obsessed with trying to partner up#and theres less value/time/effort put on friendships#ON TOP OF being autistic and forming any connections at ALL is an extremely difficult task that seems to always fail on me!#lee rants#lee rambles#im actually visiting a friend and her gf (who is also friend but we are less close) so i know not everyone partners and shuns friends#but they live in another country and i cant visit all the time so it doesnt help this lonely shit feeling all the time D: to have ~1 friend#would be nice to have all the close benefits and of a dating partnership without the physical stuff and pressure of “dating”#if thar makes sense. best friends but life patners. the person is obligated to help me and bw there for me at all times#someone who chooses me first instead of others. someone that doesnt make me their last choice all the time#their very comfortable to be around and we relate and get along perfectly and make up for each others weaknesses#my favorite person and im their favorite person#they usually always say yes to me and include me and im their first choice for eveything#they respect my needs and boundaries and work with me if we have a misunderstanding or disagreement.#its so hard to find people like this. someone who matches me well enough to fit all these picky things i want#someone who would like me enough to be like this. someone im comfortable with and like who fits the energy i want#even if someone liked ME enough and was these thjngs if they arent comfortable or match my energy then i dont want them#im not desperate enough to take Anyone ans im extremely picky about it#being aroace makes any kind of datimg very hard because theres ~less fish in the sea~#but being autistic makes it EVEN HARDER becuase i cant even make and keep FRIENDS so how would i have a /partner/ ?????#sighs. i think im meant to live a lonely life and need to learn to accept it
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narwhalandchill · 6 days
its been like. nearly a year (How.) already but i cannot lie theres Still a part in the back of my brain occupied with and being thoroughly entertained by the way that childes confirmed 4.0 complete self-awareness over waking up the narwhal at 14 recontextualizes some key liyue things leading to some very funny self indulgent scenarios in my head
like yes chili is old news its basic please excuse me for predictable popular ship crimes (do NOT however associate me w the crimes of fanon against their actual range. theyre peak to Me) but i just keep replaying the imagery of zhongli and childe back on their homoerotic Professional Working Relationship bullshit where their flirting passed the jkjk unless treshold of even remotely plausible deniability like 8 exorbitantly priced business dinners ago and theyre just like. doing that whole song and dance now neither committing to a move except zhonglis presently feeling moderately conflicted (but nonetheless fairly unfazed at) by the prospects of actually developing some sort of a thing for the harbinger hes supposed to puppet master into executing the major story climax of his 67-step retirement plan bc he turned out to be quite the strangely charming ginger specimen (to His weird fucking 6000 year old tastes at least. they deserve each other) with some fascinating life ambitions he cant help but be enraptured by.
but because hes still 100% Locked In on his entire plan zhonglis also just . simultaneously dual wielding his coy-ass "i like you and am taking it slow to Savor this developing relationship (Also bc of the Geo Archon Shaped Elephant In The Room) except am old as shit so my languid sense of time inadvertedly Automatically turns my behavior into an equivalent of the dark souls boss of playing hard2get" act (cue "waddup im ajax 24 and im in fucking agony with this hot funeral consultant". Yes they live like this) AND also meticulously theorycrafting like 12 moves in advance for his 6d chess play of leaving the most subtly crafted trail of breadcrumbs behind for the tsaritsas 11th to follow into the intended & completely "Coincidental" idea of unleashing the one particular sealed sea deity that zhongli Specifically wants momentarily released for his sweet 6k retirement party and graduation test for the nation hes helicopter parented for 3.7k years .
like. this is zhongli we r talking about the guy Absolutely has it planned out down to a fucking art like he has an entire branching path dialogue tree planned and memorized like its a visual novel for every possible way he can conveniently namedrop osial in a non-suspect way and also that he just happens to be sealed right over there across the harbor (what a coincidence!) and also to slip in the intel about the latent power of the sigil of permission etc etc. like zhonglis just out there doing all this massive galaxy brain computational work simultaneously while infodumping on an academic level about whichever subject childes latest random comment of amicable small talk happened to remind him of because in his helicopter parent in remission mind its Absolutely Critical that the idea about releasing osial occurs Completely organically in childes mind it Has to he Cannot risk revealing anything . (hes in remission not in recovery guys.) so like here we are. he requested notes from the tsaritsa Personally on the character of her 11th just to ensure every move was painstakingly crafted to draw him Specifically to the intended conclusion without risking revealing his true identity .
except. the thing . neither he. nor the tsaritsa . would have been informed of . is that this simply isnt childes first fucking rodeo waking up an eldritch city sized sea creature . and he is very well aware of this fact . he woke that beautiful wonderful beloved huge fucking narwhal up by himself had his brain chemistry Immediately and Irrevocably rewired as a direct consequence do you fucking think hes somehow stopped thinking about that singular moment for even a second since then???
yeah . thought so.
so what actually ends up happening in reality is theyll be on another definitely-serious-business-not-just-a-date and zhonglis going to get down to like dialogue selection part 10 of the 86 step conversation tree at Most where hes only beginning to like Vaguely allude to the key pieces of information involved but it turns out Because Hes That Guy (TM) And Has Been There Done That Before childes basic pattern recognition and sense of irony simply proceed to kick in Way ahead of time and hes Immediately perking up like Hey wouldnt it be really fucking funny if i wake up an eldritch sea beast Again . like just in case. as a last ditch effort .
and zhonglis just sitting there seeing the gears turn in his head as they enjoy their cringe fucking picnic (bc they just stare at each other intently like that nowadays its a thing. being in a room with them by this point is essentially a human rights violation) and is just completely fucking flabbergasted and lost on how in the hell childes speedran his way to that conclusion at what amounts to barely a 13% completion rate in his whole overkill fucking plan (just 1 of 3 contingencies btw) and its like yes he has his intended outcome but also precisely 0 idea on how the fuck said outcome was reached the way it was this fast . like hes still winning its His plan thats well underway and ahead of schedule but How
(pov: ur selling the concept of waking up destructive sea creatures to the guy who woke up a celestial body eating cosmic whale at 14)
anyway its truly beautiful i absolutely detest these two and have prime liyue AQ hijinks nostalgia now thank you for the lore drop that allowed this to become canon in my head hoyo
#im sorry for completely out of nowhere ship posting dude idk where this came from . i had to get it off my chest ig . runs away#chili my dearest i miss em . theyre the most normal business partners to lovers dynamic to me NO drama whatsoever they just#happen to be insane fucking people and thats why it ends up weird . but relationship wise. bland as SHIT they just get along well#drama?? betrayal?? angst?? NO. 1 spar and childe forgives instantly we all know this to be true#theyre so fucking basic as a couple bc both of them being as weird as they are just ends up canceling out#bc neither is unnerved by the insane shit the other comes with . and they just like. date normally . and make a semi-open committed ldr wor#they simply civilly agree not to bring up the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Religious differences .#6k yo highly suspect god known for signing NDA with celestia dating guy intent on torching the fucking place personally like .#'we make it work despite our differences 😌'#and the known self-admitted heretic if it gives him power looking to conquer the world just#'oh no need to Rush the agenda after all im still busy getting stronger 😊 in time watch tf out tho <333 youre so sexy aha'#dont listen to bland tropey fanon guysss listen to me they could be so fucking peak. they Are to me#altho childe pairings are so weird to me now being a true narwhal truther. theyre all basically a love triangle to me now LKWDJKWDKJWDKJ#like listen. they could be in love they could be the same entity they could be opposites. nemeses. platonic soulmates. romantic rivals. idc#BUT whatever the fuck they are i want them together please thank uuuuuuuu so like. added hysteria factor to any other ship w ajax .#hes still fucking cheating on his narwhalllll on all levels. romantic. platonic. cosmic. unphased by any attempts at defining their bond#with mere words. what are they??? no clue. still cheating. no i dont explain my poetry often. theyre simply everything to me xx#how do i even fucking tag this man its not rly childeposting worthy is it....#and im not abt to risk breaching containment in the chili tag.........................#guess its just#genshin#rambles#lmaooo wjkdwkjwjkdjkdw
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lecliss · 3 months
I'll never be able to take the theory that Vincent is Sephiroth's real father seriously cuz I cannot stress enough how important I think it is to the plot that Vincent wanted to fuck Lucrecia and did not get to.
#once again i jest but now i have to actually talk about it#like. okay we have no proof of any actual timeline for the dirge flashbacks other than. it was at least 30 years ago#so who knows how long they were at the manor. could have been weeks before The Incident. or months. or maybe a full year! who knows#but to me a timeline of like. they fucked and like a week later vincent found The Evidence and lucercia had her little breakdown#AND THEN EXTREMELY QUICKLY SHE AGREED TO THE EXPERIMENT AND IT COULD GO ONE OF TWO WAYS#1. she knew she was pregnant and thats why she agreed to the experiment cuz there was already a usable subject#and therefore she must have fucked hojo like a week after she fucked vincent AND THATS STUPID FAST FOR THESE EVENTS#or 2. she didnt know. agreed to the experiment. fucked hojo. and therefore thought seph was hojo's and NOT vincent's#AND BY THE WAY. i dont even actually believe hojo fucked either!!! cuz theyre both scientists so why wouldnt they think IVF was the best way#okay. well.... hojo is canonically a fucked up little freak. so. he might have taken the opportunity to... get in there.#also when did ivf even start being a thing? cuz that may play a factor into this if nomura even considered that#well either way lets just unfortunately assume hojo got in there#ITS STILL AN ODDLY FAST TIMELINE#also. fuck man doesnt lucrecia have a later line in dirge where she actually says shes in love with hojo? or something along those lines#IMPLYING ITS BEEN AWHILE SINCE SHE HAD THE FALLING OUT WITH VINCENT. YOU WOULDNT FUCK THE GUY AFTER ALL THAT SHIT#AND WHILE CLAIMING TO LOVE/CURRENTLY FALLING IN LOVE WITH HOJO!!!! LIKE CMON MAN!!!! SHE SUCKS BUT SHES NOT THAT KIND OF A MESS#i dont think vincent would fuck her until they sorted out their issues anyway and that CLEARLY didnt happen.#its VITAL that that did not happen!!!!#its just. if vincent and lucrecia fucked. everything would have had to happen EXTREMELY fast within like a 2 week timespan#and im just talking about up to when vincent learns shes partaking in the experiment. it was probably another week or two until vincent died#SO. logically it must have been like#fall in love->learn about the gimoire incident->refuse to speak to vincent->get obsessed with hojo->fall in love(?)#and then thats where i think its ambiguous on did the experiment become an idea before or after seph started to exist?#like chicken or the egg ya know. experiment idea or sephiroth zygote?#that feels fucked up to say. im so fucking sorry to seph to talk about this. yeah sorry i have to debate who fucked your mom bro#god imagine telling him that. like not even as a reveal thing cuz he knows who his father is. just like as a sick joke. your mom joke.#NO OH M Y GOD I HAVE A QUESTION NOW#in accordance to him having a photo of lucrecia in ever crisis. after he reads that jenova is an ancient (incorrect btw)#does he think that picture is still her? what about when he takes jenova's body from the lab????#oh my god 30 tag limit. FUCK. i need like a rant blog for all this vincent talk now. my brain is going a mile a minute
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Me: I would really like to begin writing these specific stories from my idea list.
Me, after like one day of serious brainstorming: What if instead you worked on every single other idea you've ever had?
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aefensteorrra · 1 month
hmm having flatmates was definitely very good for me
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nerdierholler · 2 months
Book binding supplies should finally arrive today! I've done a lot of the prep work so I'm hoping once I get supplies I can start making some quick progress. The big thing left to do is making my end pages so I can sew them in now that I've decided on the fancy paper for them. I didn't leave enough blank pages at the end of the text block so I'm going to have to sew them in, which is fine, but it does mean that need to be done so I can stab holes in them and add to the sewing stack.
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floralstorms · 6 months
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tehe I have. An au. For The Characters
#Idk if it’s any good but it’s been a few weeks that it’s existed on paper so now it’s digitally drawn as well#there is a plot also#that is mostly figured out#So ask about that if you want that kind of exists just probably not well considering I haven’t technically watched Adventure Time#but eh I know hopefully enough for this au#anyway! So Scarab is an acidic water spider beetle creature thingy. (These two are both made of magic water stuff) he works as and disguise#as a fire spirit type creature instead though with the help of a neat little magicy necklace#Prismo is a mermaid type water spirit and is supposed to keep his little corner of an environment nice and cared for#which he does and well but Ig he meets Jake who’s a fisher or something and has been having trouble catching anything because Prismo’s a#little too efficient with that and also other reasons#they get along or something Idk and Prismo helps him catch some fish#a lot of it because Prismo has little concept of how many fish are too many fish or something Idk#anyway he isn’t really supposed to do that#other spirits are probably suspecting something like this is going on but they don’t think he’ll cause any harm so they’re pretty chill#about that Ig#Scarab however is of course not and has nothing better to do#Ig he ended up with a really cramped environment or something and didn’t like it much thus jealousy and also other factors? Idk. Idk. But#anyway he quit that and works as a firespirit instead as kind of a law enforcement Ig and yeah pretty much tries to get Prismo in trouble#it doesn’t particularly work naturally#Orbo still doesn’t care etc etc#Scarab gets fired which was Not meant to be a pun but sure take it that way Ig bhdfbvjhdfbvhjbdfjhvbfdjhb lol#and at some point Prismo found out that Scarab is also a water spirit and is really confused because like.#Yeah without context that’s a little confusing sure Idk#Anyway this all pretty much goes like Fionna and cake does except Idk of F&C and all of that exist so really it’s more so just the Scarab#plot in a different situation without all those characters??#Idk#also maybe Jake drowned at some point (Prismo wasn’t there and didn’t cause it) or something a while before#and Scarab has been busy but now he has time to get Prismo in trouble#maybe Prismo tried helping someone like this again or the environment thingy of his went into a little disrepair following the death#Idk dude this stuff is just vague ideas
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bangcakes · 6 months
#personal#ok whatever. ive decided to go all in. like what?? am i just gonna sit around hoping he'll message me???#someone has to make a move and CLEARLY it has to be me NDNNDJDJDJDJDJDJSJ#tho to be fair its like. holidays JJDJDJDJDJD#i also dont know if ive mentioned this detail. but im 2 years older. so idk if That also plays a factor.#like maybe thats intimidating. idk#i just !!!! dont want this chance to pass by. so im gonna like.... Make Moves even if !!!!! it means that he'll know i like him#like ...... ok assuming he doesnt already know NDJJDJDJDJD#im sure i get GooGoo eyes u know#but n e way...... literally i have nothing to lose#like i have more to lose if i do nothing JDJJDJDJDJDJND#hhhhh god. ive been thinking about this for days. weeks even maybe. hhhhhhhhhhhh.....#but also like i think itll just be good to hang iut as friends for a bit bc like ik him in a school setting and ive hung out with him#(along with others) outside of school twice#but like... ya idk id like to know him better b4 im like YA UR THE ONE.#tho like im already thinking he is NDJJDJDJFJFJ. god............ it could just be a culmination of different things making me think that#and like i think ppl can have multiple 'the ones' or whatever#and like idk b4 him i was actually settled on being single LMAO. so like my options are pretty stacked already#like ok 1. him. and 2. me. i mean......... thats 10/10....#i'll be heartbroken if he doesnt feel the same or we dont work out but..... i mean.... whatever JDJXJXJDJZMZM#i was fine b4 i met him and i'll be fine after........
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ninas-gf · 1 year
while i obviously love the idea of eula and jean being paired with each other… i am also kind of obsessed with the dynamic where the yearning is extremely one-sided on eula’s part. or perhaps something with even more potential flavor… mutual yearning over the course of several years, but neither of them fully acting on it because they’re Repressed 👀
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imsosocold · 1 year
Okay but Larry refusing trying to try to learn  about his son and his problems, insistent that if he does the same things he did with Connor when Connor was younger it’d work, unable to acknowledge how his son changed. Cynthia trying ever so hard to understand but not knowing what the source of Connor’s problems and being afraid to push him to the edge, trying literally everything available as a response.  Connor always expressing  his emotions and getting  frustrated people can’t pick up on he’s feeling. Connor knowing what’s wrong but not knowing how to break the cycle except removing himself from it.  Zoe in contrast closing herself off and refusing to express herself in response to being at the forefront of Connor’s outbursts. But becoming cold and snarky like him as a defense mechanism.  It leading to her developing some ableist ideas.  All of them are searching for understanding.
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Always weird seeing people talking about violent crime statistics with Baltimore as this, like... "obviously unlivably bad" standard. As this cartoonish abstraction they've made up in their head. I saw someone on here literally refer to it as "hell on earth" and like... sorry no? That's just so... lazy, incurious, reactionary. It's like, you realize that real people live there, yeah? Real people with normal lives? Who live there and think it's basically fine, or even actively like it? You understand that such people exist yes??
It's... mostly just a very affordable city with bad public transit and an abundance of vacant rowhouses, ime. I lived and worked in Baltimore for like 5 years, took public transit regularly, and it was fine.* And like, I was in some of the shittier neighborhoods because that's all I could afford, not the isolated island of rich white people** that is Johns Hopkins-- which is its whole own separate thing! Did the guy calling Baltimore "hell on earth" know the first thing about the makeup of the city, the different dynamics at play? I'm guessing not.
(My impression from living there was always that if you're not personally involving yourself in gang stuff then your risk of violence is about the same as any city, it's mostly just gangs doing violence to each other that throws off the numbers.*** Now, I'm a bit of a shut-in so my experience isn't completely unbiased but I had plenty of friends who weren't and they felt basically the same way. Like even in real cheap neighborhoods it's basically just. Fine. I wonder how often it's like that, really.
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catboybatman · 10 months
I saw the barbie movie btw. I have... opinions...
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ask-ursa-tonypeter · 2 months
[fic: double blind] If there's not too many AU questions yet, the AU from one of the previous asks lives in my head rent free - the one where somehow (magic? probably magic) extremis!Tony and cured!Tony exist at the same time and the former realizes that Peter very much prefers the latter. So if it's ok, question for that extremis!Tony:
So what are you planning to do now, how will you go about "winning Peter back", so to speak? Will you do anything about the non-extremis-enhanced version of yourself? Will you still try to continue with your plans, or will this development cancel them/put them on hold? I'm so incredibly curious xD
I will… have to try to understand him. He doesn't… see the world the same way, and… if he can't accept my plans, in the end-- he has to come first. I… none of this is worth anything without him.
I need him to-- trust me, that I want the best for him, and… if he doesn't want what I'm offering, I'll have to-- give him what he does want instead. I can do that for him. Easily. Easily.
And when I've re-earned his trust we can revisit my plans, and I can make them new with his input-- it will be better that way. It will work. I can make it work.
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firebenders-are-cool · 3 months
Years ago I came up with an ATLA fic idea for the earth avatar after korra and it was kinda good but I stopped caring about it. as I developed the plot and transformed my initial (flawed) idea, I got less interested in it because it was no longer the same idea. I basically wanted to write Trope A, didn't like that it was such a bad rendition of Trope A, fixed it, and got bored cause it wasn't Trope A anymore. I absolutely don't have the time (or desire) to go write it now (especially with avatar studios coming in hot with a new avatar), but damn I hope an alternate universe-me wrote it.
#atla#basically it was the same issue genji had and kyoshi had and all the fics have with not knowing who the new avatar is. Confusing two ppl#/not sure which is which#person A was abandoned at birth and given to family B#family B also had a child at the same time (gasp) which was person B#They grew up together in B's family. Both are benders#B was super clever and brave and maybe a bit headstrong but otherwise everything everyone expected of an avatar#kinda crappy parents of B are warned around age 14 or something that A and B could be dangerous together by Some Secret Source (villain for#and *insert political factors here* parents of B abandon them both.#[both A and B are mixed earth and fire nation]#A is a bit mellower and follows B's lead a lot of the time / doesn't mind not being the best at everything.#A and B go on adventures/solve mysteries on why their parents left both of them etc#that's like the first act and they find out one of them could be the avatar#they're poor btw. anyway#They of course make friends along the way (similar to aang's aventure-journey arc) and bam team avatar 3.0#except they don't know who the avatar is. gasp#so they look for people who might know how to find that out and they're like “it doesn't matter if it's you or me it's fine!” But ofc B#is really confident that it's them#blah blah they train and they find out Person A is the avatar. world crumbles#B is shocked and maybe there are issues beforehand yknow but A leaves for training and B is left in the dust feeling useless#Now abandoned by both family and friends in their eyes#B retreats and disappears for a few years as A trains. A does avatar things. B secretly gets involved with the Wrong Sort [villains]#maybe something spiritual? unlike lok2? who knows. Not me#leads up to A and B confronting each other and it's sad. A does not want this. B feels betrayed cause of x and y events#B obviously feels justified in their cause#*cue fight* but something changes w/ the villain and B's reality starts to crack#A convinces B that it's not all lost. Insert something about their parents again#gasp B's parents were threatened maybe. or not. Never decided#B starts to come around and together they kick ass. B has a LOT of community service hours to fill#protagonist to villain (maybe antihero?) to protagonist again
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