#alp 200
sirgj1989 · 13 days
The Alp in its element!
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fredericbrumby · 1 year
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Les couleurs de la ville.
Allée des Brotteaux II
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marinebeccarelli · 2 months
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Haute-Savoie, décembre 2022 © marinebeccarelli
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dvidmueller · 14 days
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mjolnirswriststrap · 8 months
“It's getting dark and it's all too quiet
And I can't trust anything now
And it's coming over you like it's all a big mistake”
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Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: Reader escapes her abusive ex and moves to the alps. Bucky is in denial about some things, like what the year is, and if he’s dead. Part 1/6
Warnings: Mentions of an abusive boyfriend, Ghosts.
Masterlist Pt.Two
You shiver as a freezing cold breeze finds its way through the cracks of the window. The train is old, insulation and heat are nowhere to be found. You sit back in your seat cupping your hands for warmth, looking around at all the empty seats, you’re sure its only you on the train, no one wants to go to this tiny village in Austrian Alps. You made sure when you picked it, population of only 200, no one would find you there.
Some people might say you’re crazy for moving halfway across the world because of a crazy ex, but it wasn’t just that. You couldn’t shake the feeling of disappearing. How freeing it would be, to live just for yourself. You know it was the right thing to do, you had to much emotional baggage and you left it in the taxi at the airport in New York. It was also who you left in that taxi, they are the reason you walked into an airport with nothing but the clothes on your back and a purse.
They didn’t know you were hidden underneath three layers of shirts, pants, underwear, socks. You looked like a hobo, but no one could tell you had shorts, leggings, and jeans underneath your baggy sweats. No one noticed the sports bra overtop the strapless one, or the doubling of tank tops. Maybe they noticed the light blue of your favorite t-shirt popping out of the collar of your grandma's cable knit sweater. Did they notice the amount of gold bracelets or the diamond rings on your fingers? He didn’t, you hid your hands in your sleeves around him. TSA didn’t bat an eye though. Your purse contains everything, your whole life stuffed into a school bag you’d been pretending was a new purse. You made up the excuse that you needed more organization. You practically brought nothing; he’d notice if it was stuffed to the gills.
You told him you were picking up your cousin from the airport, you knew he wouldn’t let you go by yourself, so you couldn’t pack a bag. You just got extremely lucky when he said he’d wait in the taxi. That was 10 hours ago, and it was night then, it’s somehow 2 pm here. You were exhausted and freezing, you just wanted to get to your cabin.
You bought it in secret when your aunt died last year. Instead of putting you in her will, she left cash behind in the cat food container. She knew your situation, and she knew you’d be the only one to think about her cats after she died. When you found the money, it had a note saying to make a secret savings account, never tell a soul, one day the moment would come when you’d had enough. You know your aunt didn’t mean move to Austria, but what can you do when your abusive boyfriend is a secret agent for shield. You have to be this dramatic, taking chances wasn’t an option now. You had to go as far as you could. Even though disappearing excited you, it was very necessary. The chance was minimal that he would ever find you, but it was enough to keep you looking around the train.
When you make it to the tiny town you don't realize there is a welcome parade waiting for you. It really only consists of some local women and pies. They keep you entertained with their broken English, as you all hike your way up to your new cabin. They tell you how lucky they are to have you, how excited they are for summer and to be able to show you around more properly.
You thank one of the women as she hands you a key, "The bank sent this from the city.". You wave them off, turning the key and stepping inside. Once you're in the door you're standing in the kitchen, a countertop that doubles as a bar separates it from the open concept living room. A wooden staircase leads to a loft bedroom. You smile at the thought of no more slamming doors.
You do see one door, making your way towards it. Opening it reveals an outdated bathroom that needed some tlc. You covered your nose at the stench of mildew. There was a major leak, you need to find where it comes from so it doesn't get worse. You make your way up the stairs, and you search around for the cause of your grief. A sizable patch of mold is found behind your bed, under the windowsill. The realtor's photos did not disclose this damage.
As you’re bent over accessing the costs, you hear a loud creak come from downstairs. It's enough for you to jump up and run to the banister, searching for what caused it. You find nothing, you tell yourself it's just the wind and shake it off. It's too early to be getting spooked. This cabin is so old, there's bound to be creaks and whispers ever once and a while.
You make your way downstairs to have a closer look around. You check the cupboards to find that the women stocked you up with the basic necessities, sugar, flour, salt. You find farm fresh milk, cheese, and eggs in the fridge. You close the tin door; the women were nice enough to give you food but not enough to dust the place. You find some supplies under the sink and get to work.
You dust old pictures of strangers, as you're knocking down cobwebs in the corners a powerful scent clouds your mind. You stand against the wall, steadying yourself. Pine and mint, it is gone before it was truly there. No matter how hard you try to find the smell again, it's gone. You try to explain it away to yourself.
You're done by the time the sun finishes setting. The cabin envelopes you in a dim yellow glow from the old lamps. Ornate rugs where found, rolled up inside an armoire. The leather of the couch gleamed due to the scrubbing and polishing you did. A warmth fills the room, something you haven't felt in your own home in years. You run into the kitchen grabbing a glass of milk and a piece of pie.
You devour your pie and milk before you can find a watchable channel on the tv with an antenna. You settle on the hallmark channel. The acting is enough to make you cringe. But you know entertainment is slim pickings in the mountains. Throwing a fleece blanket around your shoulders your curl up into a ball. You start to fall asleep when the princess on the screen admits she was not who she said she was.
Right as your eyes close the front door bursts open. White flurries intrude on the warmth you created. You jump back, holding your chest. You know this is it, he found you that quick. When no one enters, you run and slam the door shut, locking it behind yourself. You can't help but laugh manically at yourself for clutching your pearls. Turning, you make your way upstairs, today was hectic, and you're too exhausted to deal with anything,
You wiggle your way into the flannel sheets. As you fall asleep you think about everything you left behind. Your family, a few friends, him. Your family was the hardest part. Your little brother Max will understand one day. You are going to miss out on so much, you just hope they don't hate you forever.
A stinging stabs your eye, and before you know it, tears are pooling on your pillow. It is all becoming overwhelming. Leaving your whole family behind, spending all of your aunt's money on a cabin, being alone in this cabin, the constant fear that he is coming. You had luxuries in New York; places to run, people that can hear everything. You don't know what he would do out here, especially because of what you did.
Before you can spiral completely you hear the faint sound of a train whistle. Strange, you think to yourself. The tracks are a mile away back in town, there's no way you should be able to hear them out here. The whistle sounds like it's getting closer and closer. You stand from the bed and look outside the window; you're greeted with darkness and still trees.
With no sights on a train, your heart jumps out of your chest when the house begins to rumble beneath your feet. It's like only the cabin was being affected by the nearby train. You walk to the center of the room, covering your ears as the whistle gets unbearably loud. The cabin starts shaking violently, causing a picture frame to crash on the ground. You let out a scream and fall to your knees.
Everything ceases. The house is silent, your rapid breathing echos off the walls. You raise your head, looking around, you half expect something to pop out at you. When nothing comes, you stand and slowly walk down the stairs. The only thing out of place, shattered glass.
You cross the room to the kitchen, grabbing the broom off the hook. You're still trying to explain it away and catch your breath as you sweep up the shards. Maybe there is a different set of tracks nearby. You're being paranoid because it's your first night. It will take time for everything to be okay again. You toss what is left of the frame, practically crawling back to bed.
You fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, exhaustion overtaking you. Your dreams are no reprieve from your fast-moving life. You're hurt really bad, and you're trying to flag down a soldier in the woods for help. He's running away from you, holding his shoulder, screaming a man's name. Its muffled, and his face is fuzzy, the only thing you could make out were images of dog tags.
You drift to a happier place as you smell mint and pine again. Instead of clouding your senses, this time it relaxes them. letting your dreams ease your anxiety while you slept.
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Some headcanons for Haikyuu, starting off with our famed pairings (platonic or romantic, whatever you make of it) @crazyyanderefangirlfan this is for you 🌼
Fukurodani 🦉
Bokuto: This man can cook 3 star Michelin worthy dishes. He'd actually be able to point out the ingredients of a dish he has tasted for the first time. Food is all he'd talk about with Samu having forgotten Tsumu's existence when the Jackals hang out at Onigiri Miya.
Akaashi: we all know he's an intellectual lad, and sometimes the cogs of the brain just get stuck from time to time. To relax, he'd play the piano. A habit he's carried forward from childhood. I'd like to think his family owned a classic Bechstein at home. Just imagine his hands delicately tickle the ivories on a decades old piano.
Karasuno 🐦‍⬛
Kageyama: is a philanthropist. He donates a portion of his earnings as a pro-player and volunteers whenever he can. You'd see his photos feeding the less fortunate and teaching them volleyball circulate online but he'd never post it himself. A fine humble gentleman.
Hinata: he won't be a sunshine baby if his energy isn't as bright as his orange hair. He's as sweet as chocolate and warm as the sun. (He inspired Kags to do volunteer work) He'd collect trinkets like shells, fallen leaves, etc. He's definitely a boarding pass collector (think train passes, planes ferries etc)
Shiratorizawa 🦅
Ushijima: speaking of collecting, Mr. You-shouldve-come-to-shiratorizawa is an avid collector of sailing ship miniatures. The moment you enter his home you'll see his treasured collection right away, his largest ship hanging from the high ceiling of his living room. Even his gym space would have those wooden ships displayed on the wall.
Tendou: Okay, so he would've learned to speak French, and living in a country in Europe would've presented him many opportunities to tour around the continent. Of course, he'd have developed many friendships with the locals. (Hence why his chocolates sell out fast because his shop would be their first visit in France) I also bet you Ushi's ship collection that Tendo learned silly and cursed words in 200 different dialects in cursive Satori way.
Seijoh 🌿
Iwaizumi: The man could sing. He's someone who would write songs about his crush, an absolute romantic. He could play the guitar. He's a can-do-it-all, you'll-never-find-another type of man.
Oikawa: has dimples on both cheeks. One side is deeper, and the side that's shallower only shows when he grins happily. Also, he could dance. Elegantly. Not hip-hop dance but waltz. And I say this again. Bachata.
Nekoma 🐈
Kuroo: you think Oikawa is a flirt? This man is a male version of a clever minx. A smooth talker I say. He'd use his body stature and looks but still in respectful way. A clingy baby for sure
Kenma: I think this is a worldwide headcanon we can all agree on. He'd be a "sugardaddy." Not in an immoral way, but this man will buy you anything. You say in passing that a famed 5 star spa resort in Switzerland is pretty cool. Next thing you know, you're in his private jet flying over the Swiss alps.
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Mountains of the World by Rise Above Surroundings / Jut
by u/Gigitoe
Jut is an indicator I developed to quantify how sharply/impressively a mountain rises above its surroundings, factoring in both height and steepness. A mountain with a jut of X rises as sharply/impressively as a vertical cliff of height X. Roughly speaking, the higher the jut, the "bigger" and more imposing a mountain appears.
Some things to note:
The most impressive mountains in the world, measuring over 3000 m of jut, are Annapurna Fang (world record, jut = 3395 m), Nanga Parbat, Machapuchare, Dhaulagiri, and Gyala Peri—all of which are in the Himalaya.
The Alps have 2.5x the jut of the Colorado Rockies, despite having a similar elevation. That's because the Colorado Rockies rise from a high plateau, rather than from close to sea level. Other mountain ranges with a higher jut than the Colorado Rockies include the Canadian Rockies, Southern Alps, and even the British Columbia Coast Ranges.
Jut-to-elevation ratio increases as one moves closer to polar latitudes, as glaciers carve steeper slopes and deeper valleys. The Equatorial Andes and Patagonian Andes have a similar jut, even the Patagonian Andes have about half the elevation.
A mountain with a jut of 10 - 100 m is perhaps more aptly called a hill. Points with jut below 10 m don't rise significantly from there surroundings, and were not included.
Some regions of the world are not well-mapped in the GeoNames database, including Mexico, polar regions, and the Tibetan Plateau. Places without dots may still have mountains, that just aren't in the database and therefore couldn't get measured.
Q: How is jut different from prominence?
A: Prominence is actually a bit of a misnomer, and should be called "independence," as it determines whether a point rises independently enough to be considered the summit of a mountain, rather than being a subpeak or non-summit point.For instance, Lone Pine Peak in the Eastern Sierra has a low prominence of 129 m, as it is connected to Mt. Whitney, and might as well be considered a subpeak on the Whitney massif. However, its jut of 911 m is very high, as it rises very sharply above Owens Valley. There are many non-summit points with low prominence that still have a high jut, such as the Nose of El Capitan, or the rim of the Grand Canyon.On the other extreme, an example of a high-prominence, low-jut point is Dome Argus, Antarctica. Since it's the highest point on the Antarctic ice cap, its prominence a high value of 1639 m. However, since the ice cap gains elevation super gradually, its surroundings are flatter than Kansas. Not surprisingly, its jut is only 0.2 m.
Q: How does jut work?
A: Let P be the summit (highest point) of a mountain. You're standing at some point Q on the planetary surface, looking up at P. How impressively P rises above you depends on both the height (h) of P above Q and the angle of elevation (θ) of P above Q.The formula h|sin θ| factors in both height and steepness to describe how sharply/impressively a mountain rises above an observer. Note that |sin θ| equals 1 when θ = 90° (standing under a vertical cliff) and is lower for less steep rises. Thus, it can be thought of as a penalty to impressiveness incurred for lower steepness.The jut of P is the maximum possible value of h|sin θ| from any viewpoint on the planetary surface. The location that maximizes h|sin θ| can be called the "base" of a mountain, and is usually at the bottom of a major mountain face or an adjacent valley.For example, a vertical cliff of height 100 m, a 45° slope of height 141 m, and a 30° slope of height 200 m would all measure a jut of 100 m, and be considered to rise equally sharply.
For more info on how jut works, check out this post.
This visualization was made possible with Google Earth Engine, MERIT DEM, and GeoNames.
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Those who travel to mountain-tops are half in love with themselves, and half in love with oblivion.
- Robert Macfarlane, Mountains of the Mind: A History of a Fascination
Restored footage from 1899 of climbers descending the Mer de Glace (Sea of Ice) located on the northern slopes of the Mont Blanc massif, in the French Alps. The footage originally from the Lumiere Archives.
The Mer de Glace glacier lies above the Chamonix valley in the French Alps. It is spectacular and well worth a climb, for those inclined. I’ve climbed to this side of Mont Blanc . It is 7.5 km long and 200 metres (660 ft) deep but, when all its tributary glaciers are taken into account, it can be regarded as the longest and largest glacier in France, and the second longest in the Alps after the Aletsch Glacier.
In literature it was made famous by Mary Shelley who had Dr Frankenstein meet his creation twice whilst mountaineering on the Mer de Glace.  
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 11 days
Tell me 3 highlights of your trip
Omg where do I begin
1) Eras. It’s everything everyone says and more. The show is incredible on about a million levels. I’m so glad I persisted and got tickets and took a chance on travelling to go because it was worth it on a million levels. Even if things around it weren’t 100% all the time (dodgy stadium security, long days on feet, trying to tone down my Taylor hyperfixation to a degree around friends who are more casual lmao — don’t get me wrong they were AMAZING but I definitely cooled my wild a tad to not overwhelm them with my online-ness lol) it truly was the show of a lifetime on numerous levels. The show, the city, the trip, everything. I think I may want to travel for all concerts now.
2) Mont-Blanc. Have dreamed of going to the Alps since I was a kid and my dad told me stories of his ski trips in France and Switzerland in his youth. No skiing was had lol, but being in the mountains was so inspiring and humbling. (AND I DIDNT CRASH MY RENTAL CAR EVEN THOUGH THE ROUNDABOUTS MADE ME THINK I WOULD)
3) Beach time. It’s silly but I’m such a beach girl and spending a few hours a day at the end of my trip just soaking in the sea was so soothing and healing and now I know why the aristocrats were all prescribed a rest on the Mediterranean 200 years ago lmao. My itinerary planning was elite and other than a stupid backtrack to go home it was perfectly paced lol.
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scotianostra · 2 months
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James David Forbes Scottish physicist and glaciologist was born April 20th 1809.
James was a sickly child ever since birth, and his early years were marked by several tragedies which affected his world view. His mother died in 1810, his older brother William in 1826, and his father in 1827. Consequently he was a solitary individual who made no friends until well into adulthood.
One of the sources I have read says he grew up, conservative, superior, and aloof. After the tragedies in his early life I find it amazing he went on to still be talked about 200 years later.
James David Forbes entered the University of Edinburgh at aged 16 initially studying law but abandoned his legal interests in 1830 and embraced a life of science. There he won academic prizes and began writing articles on meteorology. The articles got him into the Royal Society of London,.At only 24 he became a professor at Edinburgh., the great James Clark Maxwell was one of his students.
Until his health gave out, Forbes never stopped. His character was simply relentless, as irresistible as the glaciers he devoted his life to studying. I am in awe of the amount that he achieved, from groundbreaking research on the polarisation of thermal radiation to the invention of the seismometer, from the first accurate maps of the Alps to the foundations of modern glaciology. Until Forbes came on the scene, glaciers were shrouded with ignorance and folklore, poorly understood and shoddily studied. A keen mountaineer capable of thirty miles a day for a week across the roughest terrain. He did all this before the invention of modern mountaineering equipment, safety techniques, or even maps.
In 1843 he suffered an attack of gastric fever that nearly killed him. He struggled against chronic illness for the rest of his life and would never again regain his former strength. In 1846 he returned to the Alps but was too weak to climb, and his doctors prescribed complete rest for his annual six month vacation. Needless to say, his active personality rebelled against the sentence of peace and quiet, and in 1847 and 1848 he conducted a geological campaign in the Western Highlands.
1848 saw Forbes explore the north face of Ben Nevis. He was probably the first man to turn a scientific eye to the mountains of Lochaber and Glencoe. When the Alpine Club was founded in 1857, Forbes was the first honorary member. He maintained a keen interest in the Alps but never again climbed: “My heart remains where my body can never be. My yearnings towards the home of my youth and towards the Swiss Alps are much on a par: both homesickness.”
James David Forbes died in 1868. I’ve shied away from his scientific work which made Forbes famous to show that some of these great inventors that Scotland spawned were more than scientists but led a life away from their labs and studies.
Forbes is buried in Dean Cemetery in Edinburgh. The grave is marked by a simple but large grey granite Celtic cross and lies on the south side of the main path just west of the roundel.
There’s more about Forbes here http://scihi.org/james-david-forbes-seismology/
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sirgj1989 · 13 days
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Had a great time on the Dutch TET with friends. The Netherlands are full of sandy dualtrack, so the Alp was a bit out of it's element (only having 18 hp).
However, I kept the throttle pinned the whole ride and it kept up with the big boys (Yamaha T7, Honda CRF300L) just fine!
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fredericbrumby · 1 year
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Les couleurs de la ville.
Allée de Challes II
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marinebeccarelli · 6 months
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Haute-Savoie, juillet 2022 © marinebeccarelli
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beyondmistland · 10 months
Like Bjorn Ironside pretending to be dead and getting his coffin only to suppress attack, what’s the coolest battle/fight tactics in history?
I'm going to preface this with the fact that 1) There are too many to list here (or anywhere really) and 2) I'm limited to what I personally know.
That said, here are a few that spring to mind:
Richard III's last charge at the Battle of Bosworth Field. Not only did he get within a sword's length of killing Henry Tudor himself but Richard also killed Henry's standard-bearer, Sir William Brandon, AND unhorsed burly John Cheyne, his older brother's former standard-bearer. Not bad for a guy who would today qualify for the Special Olympics. (The Japanese equivalent would be Sanada Yukimura.)
Harold Godwinson marching his army 185 miles (or 298 km) in just four days to take the Norwegians by surprise at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. (Honorable mention goes to the soldier who got in a barrel and floated under the bridge to spear the Viking holding off the entire English army. Chevalier de Bayard, a real life knight in shining armor, later replicated this feat by holding off 200 Spanish knights single-handedly at the Battle of Garigliano.)
When the rebels started chanting "Henry Percy King" at the Battle of Shrewsbury, Henry IV shouted back "Henry Percy is dead." Needless to say, Henry Percy did not respond. (His eldest son, the future Henry V (or as Shakespeare names him in his youth, Prince Hal), took an arrow to the face in this same battle, which is why Henry V's portraits always depict him from his uninjured side.)
Hannibal crossing the Alps and whooping Rome's ass multiple times on its own turf. (There's a reason "Hannibal ad portas" became a saying. Also, Napoleon I later replicated this feat.)
At the Battle of Bremule, a Norman knight seized the reins of Louis the Fat's horse, shouting "the king is taken!" Louis' response? Hitting the guy with his mace and shouting "the king is not taken, neither at war, nor at chess!"
Alexander the Great turning the island city of Tyre into a peninsula.
Alexander Buchanan killing Thomas, Duke of Clarence at the Battle of Bauge and holding the dead duke's coronet aloft on his lance.
Thanks for the question, anon
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bladerbunny · 8 months
Hello! I was wondering if there’s any headcanons of Johnny asking for advice of how to approach his crush! From his friends!
If course! Always happy to bring up Johnny my idiot bastard son! I'm just going to list what each of his teammates would say because that's easiest way
Johnny: Would finally break down and ask his teammates when the advice from all of the butlers didn't work. you see, Gustav told johnny if he had cleaned and polished all of the silverware in Robert's castle, then Johnny's crush would be impressed with his masculine fingers and want to go out with him. Clearly, it was a trick to give Gustav the afternoon off so he could run to town for tea and a round of golf, a rare occurrence when you are Robert's top butler.
Enrique-Pooh: Enrique would tell Johnny to surprise her! Sneak up behind her, toss a nice silky scarf over her eyes, and without saying a word shove her into the car. She will be too shocked when she realizes whats going on to say no. This is absolutely terrible advice and in some states could be classified as kidnapping, would not attempt.
Oliver: Would suggest a cooking date, but make it fun! refuse to use measurement tools and just use your heart and soul to measure out the ingredients needed. Will you end up with 2 or 200 baguettes? No one knows! And your crush is too impressed with your cooking skills to notice that you two are surrounded by bread.
Robert: Would just look at all three of his teammates like they are the biggest idiots this side of the Alps, rubs his temples, and tells Johnny he will personally invite his crush to Roberts next dinner party and robert will be sure that Johnny is sat right next to his crush as their escort
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thoughtportal · 1 year
Five years ago Catholic priest Johannes Schwarz left his parish to "withdraw for a few years" in the Italian Alps (in the shadow of his beloved Monte Viso). He bought an old "rustico" - stone farm building - for 20,000 euros and transformed it into his mountaintop hermitage.
Inspired by the early Christian desert hermits from the "200s and 300s when some people went into the deserts of Egypt and Palestine searching for a more rigorous life", Schwarz found something remote: he has only one full-time neighbor on the entire mountainside and in winter, he often has to snowshoe for a couple hours just to buy food and supplies.
To be as self-sufficient as possible, he makes his own bread and stores plenty of potatoes which he grows using Ruth Stout's "No-Work" gardening method. To grow much of his own fruit and produce, he terraced the steep hillside (using stones from the area) to create micro-climates. "You try to build walls that have southern exposure because they heat up during the day and they give off the warmth and can make a difference of several degrees." (Studies show differences of 27°F/15°C in the ultra-deep Incan terraces). He grows plenty of tomatoes inside his self-built recycled greenhouse.
For heating and cooking, he built a combination rocket stove and masonry heater by creating his own casts and loam coating. His refrigerator, which he transported up the hill on top of his bicycle, is kept in the unheated room, along with his food stores. He uses a tiny 30-year-old 3-kilogram washing machine and built his bathroom out of salvaged materials. To transport the lumber up the hill for his remodel, he got some help from a local farmer.
He divided the old barn into four small rooms on two floors; the living room/kitchen and pantry on the ground floor and a chapel and bedroom upstairs. His bedroom also serves as an editing studio where he creates videos on philosophy and religion.
He created a wooden-arched indoor chapel where he “celebrates the traditional Latin mass” alongside a wall he painted with Byzantine, romanesque and gothic styles in appreciation of "the symbolism of the ancient art."
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