#alpha Atsumu
teamatsumu · 3 months
I want apex alphas Miya Twins
And a pretty lil omega reader who’s super shy 🤰🤰
I’m cumming just thinking about it
Oh you are so real for this because really, lets imagine.
Apex Alphas are extremely rare, so even finding one is difficult. Now imagine if you have two, and both of them wanted the same omega: little old you.
You cannot, for the life of you, imagine why. You are an unclaimed omega, yes, but you are not anything special. You are one of a hundred different omegas who would give their right limb to mate with one of the twins. Yet not one, but both want you. And once they have set their sights on you, there’s no getting away.
Atsumu is more outwardly aggressive about it. You are his omega and that means no one else can have you. He physically puts himself between you and other Alphas. They cower at his presence, of course. They cannot match an Apex Alpha, so they give up on you pretty early on. It seems you’re already taken.
Osamu is more quietly intimidating. If someone hits on you, he will burn a hole in their head with his stare. Only a truly stupid Alpha wouldn’t get the hint. While Osamu won’t beat them to a pulp like Atsumu will, he is mean about his insults. He immediately comments on any Alpha’s worth, how they don’t deserve you. He goes for the jugular, and then he watches them struggle to take him on.
And there you are in the middle of it, helpless to stop them. Not that you want to. Having two prime species battle any other man so they could claim you is a massive turn on. How could it not be? Being so desirable? Your omega is preening on the inside.
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slicesofapple · 10 months
"What's that smell?" complained alpha Hinata.
It was a horrible, musky scent, one which burned all the way down his throat. He pinched his nose against it.
At his side, alpha Kageyama didn't answer.
When Hinata glanced up, he saw that his friend's face was set in an expression which called to mind that of a big cat eyeing its prey.
Or perhaps an angry rhinoceros.
It was hard to tell.
Hinata followed his line of sight and sighed.
No wonder Kageyama was emitting such a bitter, awful scent.
Because right there, to their left, was omega Oikawa Tooru lifting one leg up onto the railing. He leaned over, face set in concentration, stretching the limb out into what seemed like an endless, golden length.
And standing oh-so-helpfully right next to him, with two large hands pressing into Oikawa's back, pushing him into the stretch, was alpha Miya fucking Atsumu.
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jenjenen · 2 years
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Waiting for my short story to be published in google play books
I hope it will be approved 😓😓
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queenkeiji · 10 months
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dilf king advisor sakusa from the sakuatsu fic, “fool’s advice”
commissioned piece for @vmkbiased! 💗 go read her amazing alpha king advisor x alpha prince skts fic!!
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moonycoco-fic-recs · 8 months
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match made in heat
Summary: “Ya fuckin’...ya piece of shit alpha.” “Excuse me?” “Ya put me in heat, ya fuckin’ knothead.” In the heat of an argument, Sakusa uses a command on Atsumu, unexpectedly triggering his heat. Over the course of their forced proximity as teammates, Sakusa has come to regard Atsumu as an aggravating and aggravatingly attractive man, whose presence constantly threatens to send him to an early grave. So when he agrees to accompany him through his heat, it’s under the guise of mere guilt and having the decency to take responsibility for his poor actions. But in the following days of spending time with Atsumu and getting to know him beyond the pleasures of his flesh, Sakusa is helpless to deny the storm that brews inside of him. And in the eye of it is something that threatens to overwrite his entire being, something he’s never once felt in his entire life—the overpowering desire to claim and mate.
Author: celltea
Ship: Sakusa Kiyoomi/Miya Atsumu
Tags/Genre: ABO, Enemies to Lovers, Possessive Behavior, Heat, Omegaverse
Length: 21.5k and more
Status: On-going
Ratings: Explicit
Site: Ao3
Art ctto: throttlee
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noctumbra · 1 month
another sakuatsu fic is loading...
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atsukita for the ship bingo? if you want of course
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i'll be so real, absolutely nothing in canon compels me about them, but it's thanks to some fics [including yours!] that lets me see the vision a little. i love both dearly as individuals first and foremost, but i don't mind the two of them together either yk?
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tsumukono · 1 year
He is protective jealous, but he loves me how i love him.
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sktsnation · 2 years
Title: Heart Too Full of Love Summary: Kiyoomi is now a father, more than anything. Characters: atsumu, kiyoomi, minor sunaosa Words: 1,208| Notes: contains omegaverse and mpreg
Kiyoomi decided to be a stay-at-home Alpha the moment Atsumu told him they're gonna have a baby—babies, to be exact, after finding out they'll be having twins a few weeks later. No one can dissuade him from the idea—not even his omega, who's rightfully confused at the announcement.
("Not to sound ungrateful, Omi—coz I am—grateful—I mean. So much! But ya have foreign clubs knocking at yer door, begging you t'join them."
"Sure." Kiyoomi shrugs. "I can do that, but I just want to do this more. I love what we have now, Atsumu. You, me, our pups. Pups! I still can't believe it!"
"Ya better believe it! There's no turnin' back, yanno!" Atsumu had laughed, tickled at his alpha's excitement. "I'll be taking time off soon—"
"Take all the time that you need, love. Volleyball has been here way before you were born, and it'll still be here after the twins arrive.
"Not gonna lie, I'm lovin' all—" Atsumu points to all of Kiyoomi "—of this support. In fact, if I weren't already carrying yer pups, I'd ask ya for one—eep!"
"Do not tempt me, my darling. Ask and shall be arranged in a few years. Planned Parenthood and all that."
"Oh... so sexy, alpha."
"Anything for my most favorite, omega. If taking care of you means taking time off from the sport as well, then by all means, I'm here for you every step of the way."
"Realistically speaking though, 'every step of the way' is still six months long—"
"Then here's to hoping you won't get tired of me even for that long.")
Naturally, Kiyoomi makes do with his promise and stays with Atsumu, bidding the team temporary farewell as he and Atsumu retreat to their house in Hyogo, near his in-laws, and, to his chagrin, Osamu.
Not that there's anything wrong with Atsumu spending time with his twin. It's just that, he's seen more of Osamu in the past month than he has, collectively, over several years. It's not all that surprising since they're two peas in a pod, but wow, his presence sure is felt.
Kiyoomi even (half) jokingly proposes to implement visiting hours—strictly for Osamu only, but Atsumu laughs it off.
("Aww—" Atsumu cooes. "Is my baby daddy jealous he doesn't get all my attention?"
"I literally have my mark on your neck—and vice versa, too, which is weirdly uncommon. I think I rank higher than a baby daddy, Atsumu."
"What do ya propose I call you then? Sir?"
"Not if you want irish twins—or triplets." He replies nonchalantly, smirking when his mate chokes upon hearing his answer, cheeks immediately flushing red.
The doorbell rings, followed by a familiar scent that is, distinctly, Osamu. Kiyoomo groans loudly, not even hiding his displeasure at the sudden (expected) intrusion.
His mate, however, is quick to laugh at him. "That's 'Samu."
"I know." Kiyoomi pouts, arms wrapping around Atsumu’s waist to pull him closer, effectively trapping him in an embrace so he can't stand up and let his twin—intruder, his mind corrects—inside their home.)
Never in his entire life did Kiyoomi ever expect Suna Rintarou to be his confidant, but he had, and Suna, in turn, unloads all of Osamu's baby fever woes on him. Suna tells him about the baby books Osamu currently keeps in their home and how he's getting mixed signals from it.
("Osamu said, and I quote: 'If I learn along with Atsumu now, then I'd be a master at childrearing by the time it's my turn, and that's a point in my favor.'" Suna shakes his head fondly. "How do I even interpret that?"
"At least Osamu didn't say now."
"That's what you think." Suna grins. "Osamu wants our kids and yours to be the same age."
"Same age." Kiyoomi deadpans, then smirks, seeing the calm look on Suna's face. "You look pleased by it."
"C'mon," Suna scoffs lightly. "It's Osamu. How the hell can i not be pleased? Besides, it's not like we bonded without expectations of a pup or two."
Kiyoomi agrees, until he remembers how he's been kicked out of Atsumu’s nest a week ago when Osamu visited them.
"I've been kicked out from the nest, by the way."
Suna winces. "I figured. For an omega who spends hours on end at your home, I can't even smell a whiff of your scent on Osamu."
Kiyoomi hums, then circles back to their previous topic. "I'm sure it's not a mixed signal anymore if he wants our kids to be the same age. I mean, Atsumu's how many months along already? You're on a time limit as it is, man."
Suna laughs. "That's true. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an omega to talk to.")
Five months later finds Kiyoomi in the hospital, hand crushed to death in Atsumu's vice grip as the omega wails when a contraction hits him again, his body working hard to deliver their babies.
Their family is outside, waiting patiently for the twins' awaited arrival. The team too. Meian had sent them a text over the group chat; it's a photo of everyone in the waiting room, each carrying a gift of their own. Then another one, this time with their family in the picture.
Needless to say, Atsumu had been in tears.
The moment the twins finally do come, Kiyoomi cries. Atsumu is in bed, tired from all the tears and childbirth, but he looks happy and content, like everything he's wanted is in the palm of his hands.
The twins lie secured against their mother's chest, skin to skin, and ever present. Kiyoomi combs Atsumu's hair away and presses a kiss against the omega's forehead, all love and care poured into that single gesture, heart too full to even put his gratitude into words.
Atsumu still understands. His eyes soften, smiling through the tiredness overtaking him.
("Hey you," he whispers, mindful of the twins asleep on his chest. "How are ya feelin'?" Atsumu asks, only to be kissed in return, a kiss so soft, so gentle, yet it leaves him breathless all the same.
"You're so strong." Kiyoomi tells him. "So unbelievably strong, it's insane." The compliment draws out a soft laugh from Atsumu's lips, barely a puff of breath, still, it's there.
Kiyoomi looks at him with stars in his eyes, the all-encompassing love the alpha has for him reflected in his gaze that the omega has no choice but to lean in for a kiss again.
"Sap," Atsumu teases when a stray tear falls on his cheek. "My big strong alpha is crying, why is that?"
"Aside from the twins being born? Everything I guess." Atsumu purrs when he feels Kiyoomi's fingers run through his hair again. "But mostly you. Just... you."
"Sap." Atsumu repeats.
"Most ardently, my love." Gently, Kiyoomi leans down to place a kiss on each twin's forehead, so carefully that his lips barely graze the skin. There's a hint of hesitation behind the gesture, as if doing so would pop the bubble of happiness around them. Atsumu, ever observant, notices this. His free hand comes up to cup Kiyoomi's face, his thumb stroking light circles against his alpha's cheeks.
"They're real, Omi."
"I know," Kiyoomi breathes. "I know. I'm still processing everything, but I know. They're... here."
"And I'm here." Atsumu reminds him. "Say it."
"You're here."
"Yup! And I love you." Kiyoomi's cheeks pink and his feels his heart balloon at the declaration. He's been Atsumu's mate for how long now, yet the magic behind those words is still the same.
"I love you.")
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arxonaut · 2 years
Atsumu knows his husband is not having a good day. He woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning, he barely ate breakfast, and if Atsumu remembers right, he has two long meetings for today. It's only right that he gives his absolute best to make sure Kiyoomi comes back in a warm, loving home.
It's few minutes before Kiyoomi gets home. House is clean, dinner is all set and still hot. Same with the bath filled with Kiyoomi's favorite scent. And most important of all, their nest is neat and filled with both of their scented clothes.
The door knob rattles as a key is inserted, but Atsumu's faster, opening it before the person behind can fully get it in.
"Welcome home, Omi." He greets his husband.
Kiyoomi was surprised, but recovers quick.
"I'm home." He gets in, smiling at the sight of his sweet, sweet, wife.
"Prepared something for ya." Atsumu drops to his knees before Kiyoomi, untying his shoes and replacing it with his house slippers.
"Yeah? What is it?" Kiyoomi nuzzles on Atsumu's hair as he stands.
"Just something simple." Atsumu gives him a peck on the lips. "Bath or dinner?" He asks, wrapping his arms around Kiyoomi.
"I think bath first. I feel gross." Kiyoomi scrunches his nose, which Atsumu kisses.
"Alright then." Atsumu pulls him up to their room, taking his bag and unbuttoning his shirt for him. "Get in there love, I'll get ya towels and clothes."
Kiyoomi happily obliges, but not without giving his wife a kiss.
Atsumu takes his time warming up towels in the dryer and scenting Kiyoomi's favorite lounge shirt.
Meanwhile, Kiyoomi stays in the bath long enough to get his body clean and his mind to relax, but not any longer. He knows there's dinner waiting downstairs, and making a Miya's homemade food wait is a sin.
"Done?" Atsumu asks, just standing outside the bathroom, as Kiyoomi opens the door.
"Yeah." Kiyoomi's taking the towel, but Atsumu wraps it around him first, ruffling his hair with it, patting on his face, then drying the rest of him.
Kiyoomi felt so warm, not only from the towel, but from Atsumu giving him the utmost love and care one can get.
Atsumu sets the towel aside, and Kiyoomi snatches the shirt, wearing it before Atsumu can do it for him too.
"Naughty Alpha." Atsumu chuckles, squeezing Kiyoomi's cheeks together.
Kiyoomi only smiles, turning his omega around by the shoulder and giving him a back hug. "What's for dinner love?"
"You'll see. Come on."
Kiyoomi follows Atsumu to the dining hall, and was greeted with the aroma of miso soup and unagi.
Kiyoomi can't help the rumbling of his stomach.
Atsumu laughs.
"Go on Omi. It's all yours." He gently pushes Kiyoomi onto his usual chair, giving his two moles kisses before sitting himself.
"Thanks for the food." Kiyoomi mutters before digging in.
"Good?" Atsumu asks after swallowing his own food.
"The best." Kiyoomi replies, rice and eel still in his mouth.
"It better be. Asked Samu to get me some eels from his supplier in Hamamatsu. Wasas still alive when it got here."
"You killed it yourself?" Kiyoomi asks, knowing Atsumu's distaste for handling live fish.
"Nah." Atsumu scrunches his nose. "Got Samu to do it, then I did the rest."
"Good. Don't do anything you don't like."
"I won't." Atsumu smiles at him. "Don't worry."
The rest of their meal was enjoyed in relative silence, before they went to wash the dishes together.
The low hum of two toothbrushes echoes just right after, and finally, Atsumu takes Kiyoomi to their nest.
"Come here Alpha. Let's cuddle." Atsumu gets in first, opening his arms as invitation for his alpha.
Kiyoomi happily gets in, resting his head on Atsumu's chest and letting his wife cage him with his arms.
"Ya had a long a day, huh." Atsumu coos while caressing his head.
Kiyoomi hums, enjoying the warm embrace.
"My alpha's so good. Providing for me. Working nonstop just for me. The best in the world." Atsumu peppers Kiyoomi's face with kisses just as he showers him with praise.
Kiyoomi can only purr so loud, burying his face in Atsumu's neck, right where his scent gland is.
"You're so so so so good for me, alpha. I love you sooo much. Want yer pups so bad." Another litany of praises come in.
Kiyoomi feels like he's in heaven.
He wraps his legs around his wife, tightening his arms as well, trying to merge with him.
"Don't tempt me." He growls, or at least tries to. It came out more like a purr.
Atsumu chuckles, releasing his freshly baked bread and cinnamon scent.
"Go to sleep alpha, lemme take care of ya." Atsumu tightens his embrace, before giving him one last good night kiss.
Kiyoomi is only a man, made to follow his deity's words.
And so, he falls asleep, in the arms of the man he kneels for.
Ao3 here
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bunny-eats-fox · 2 years
cliché fated alpha / omega pair but make it Osamu is foreigner!Yn's fated alpha but she's dating Atsumu; and when they meet for the first time Atsumu needs mental support so he takes Osamu with him to the airport (and lbr also to boast haha). Drama unfolds as Yn reacts to Osamu and vice versa.
Will Atsumu's and Yn's love prevail or will the natural instincts to mate with your fated partner instead of your loved one take over?
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slicesofapple · 1 year
Headcanons Timeeee
I can't stop thinking about your last fic, and about Tooru/Tobio/Tsumu/Toshi (yes i love this 4T thing!!!!)
Do you have any random headcanons you want to share with us?
How dud they start dating? Do their family/friends get along with theuir partners? Who cooks? Who drive? Who is the most and less romantic?
Or any other thing you have in mind!!!❤️❤️
OK, so, first of all, by asking these questions, you are now obligated to tell me what *you* think the answers are, lol!
And, let me see, I am wholly unprepared for this level of detail. But, off the cuff, I'd have to say, I think (and, yes, I love the 4T thing, too, which I also hadn't realized before I actually wrote out the names, lmao), I think that it all comes from OIkawa, he's the spider at the center of the web (or maybe the glue?). They've all been sucked in (despite themselves) by his (equal parts) magnetism/idiocy/ artistry on the court/ ridiculousness, and of course, his smell (which i haven't worked out yet - any ideas?). but how it actually happened, and in what order... hmmm
oh man, my brain is shuttng down. each of those questions is like its own fic. i don't know that i can even start to compute any of it. but i'd have to say for some reason i think wakatoshi and tobio cook (maybe the rice thing) and in my mind atsumu is, weirdly enough, the most romantic (although i think tobio shocks the others every once in awhile by doing something wholly and unexpectedly romantic out of the blue that takes everyone else's breath away.)
damn, i think that's pretty good for a first pass, isn't it?
ok, so now i need your input.
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thero0ks · 2 years
Castle In The Sky <Chapter 1>
A plane crash results in a platoon being stranded on an unfamiliar island. The soldiers quickly find out that there is more to the island inhabitants then meets the eye. They slowly discover the secrets of the island as they try to make their way back home.
I will update the tags as I go.
**Minors DNI. 18+ only**
Updates will be monthly.
Chapter 1: Motion Sickness
Calloused hands gripped the thick harness straps. A dim bulb flickered above two-toned hair. “Minor turbulence,” Bokuto told himself as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes. Mad Dog probably flew the plan too high, or they hit a patch of rough weather he reasoned. 
A loud pop, disturbed him as a plastic air mask hit him in the face and the incessant pinging of the “fasten your seat belt” sign went off as round eyes flew open. He concluded that this was more than minor turbulence as his head snapped to attention. Daichi appeared to just be waking up from a nap, and he could feel blunt nails digging into his forearm leaving crescent moon shapes in its wake. 
Kuroo Tetsuro had always had a fear of flying. Bokuto could recall doing his best to put his best friend at ease before they boarded the military transport aircraft. Golden eyes flickered around the cramped cabin, and up at the seatbelt sign. 
“Kind of funny they bothered with a fastened seat belt sign on a military transport right?”
“I swear to god, those will not be the last words I hear Bo,” Kuroo hissed as he dug his nails further into Bokuto’s skin.
Bokuto clenched his teeth hissing, “shit! Take me out to dinner first!” 
He tried to get Kuroo to loosen his hold; worried his dark haired companion would break skin.
“Relax Kuroo-Chan!” Oikawa said in his typical suave voice. The bastard was grinning, actually grinning. Bokuto cursed the lanky brunette for being the only one on the plane that enjoyed turbulence. “The plane is still running.”
Bokuto would have laughed at that moment if he wasn’t so terrified as he heard the engine stall. The only thing filling the silence in the cab was the whistling of wind passing by the slowing metal bullet they were strapped in. 
Kuroo’s eyes were paralyzed with fear. The dark irises were the size of saucers as he stared blankly at Tooru who was smart enough to have the fear of god in his eyes. A crackling over the intercom broke the silence as Mad Dog’s voice filled the cab. 
“Everything is under control, we’re about to make our descent. Buckle up, say a prayer, and prepare for a rough landing.”
“What do you mean a rough landing?!” Daichi shouted as Bokuto was thrown back into his seat as the plane took a nosedive. 
Bokuto gripped the harness he was strapped into as his eyes flickered around the cabin. The comrades he’d been through hell with; all tried to keep fear from taking over their faces. 
He was told that time slowed down when tragedy struck, but he found each second ticking faster than the last. Fear gripped his heart, and his blood ran cold. He thought about closing his eyes, he’d probably pass out and never wake up again. Is that what he wanted? To let the last few seconds of his life slip by in a peaceful sleep? Before he could think any more on it his ass lifted off the seat before slamming down on the metal bench. Everything was happening so fast he couldn’t process the bruise that was forming on his ass as the plane continued to bounce. 
The sound of metal crashing against stone echoed through the cabin, as he was slammed back into his seat. His heart raced at an ungodly speed as he tried to register how they had hit land so fast. Before he could question it further, smoke filled the cabin, and he pulled at the restraints to escape...
Akaashi lounged on his throne, his fingers absentmindedly playing with Atsumu’s hair. Nimble fingers twisted the golden locks as he smelt a spicy presence at his side. The older twin let out a sound of annoyance.
“Stop hovering, Keiji is giving me attention.” 
A low growl could be heard from Akaashi’s side. The raven haired omega did everything in his power to stop himself from smiling in amusement. He tried not to play favorites, but there was something endearing about the older Miya twin that Keiji couldn’t ignore. He was adorable, and Keiji wanted to spoil him. Osamu didn’t seem to mind. It was rare that the alpha didn’t act like the older twin, and if Keiji hadn’t heard the Miya twin’s mother confirming that Atsumu came out first; Keiji never would have believed it. 
An annoyed scoff sounded from his right, and he hummed at the twins' antics. He heard some shuffling, and he dared to peak over his shoulder, only to see the large alpha sitting on a plush cushion. Broad shoulders were slumped, and a pout was on his lips as he scowled at Atsumu, who as Keiji found out was sticking his tongue out at the alpha. 
The omega loved slow afternoons lazing around with his small pack. A pleasant breeze blowing gauzy curtains, as the soft turning pages of a book were occasionally heard from the lanky blond alchemist. A content sigh escaped his lips as he buried his nose in Atsumu’s scent glands, soliciting a pleasant purr from him. 
The peace seemed almost eternal until a loud whirring sound echoed through the palace, and a loud crash could be heard in the courtyard. Akaashi sat up startled, as Atsumu let out an alert scent.
Osamu was already on his feet, gripping the heavy spear in his hand, letting out a powerful scent. Akaashi appreciated the way his muscles moved under his inked skin. The intricate art accentuating each one of his muscles. Akaashi stood, walking towards the doors of his palace, curiosity getting the better of him. 
“Your majesty!” Iwa shouted, running after Akaashi. “We don’t know what’s out there! Give us a moment to inspect it first!”
Atsumu was at his side in an instant. Linking his arm with Akaashi’s as they walked through the marble halls. When they came to the courtyard Akaashi’s inquisitive eyes flickered over thick black smoke billowing from a metal contraption shaped vaguely like a bird.
“By the gods,” Sugawara gasped, appearing at his side. 
Bokuto’s eyes burned as he coughed on the smoke, doing his best to avoid inhaling anymore as his fingers fumbled with the straps. As soon as he was free he covered his mouth with a cloth and went to work undoing Sakusa’s straps. 
“The crowbar! Get the crowbar!” He shouted, coughing on the smoke.
Oikawa pushed his shoulder into the service door until he heard Bokuto’s command. Turning he searched for the crowbar, finding it strapped to the wall. Oikawa grabbed the crowbar, prying on the door until it finally gave way. Fresh air immediately entered the cabinet and Oikawa choked on it, taking gulps of it as he stumbled out of the plane. His eyes watered as he tried to blink the sting of the smoke away, and his vision slowly focused on a large white palace.
“Holy shit, you’re not gonna believe this…” Oikawa murmured in awe, at the way the sunlight reflected off the intricately carved marble of the palace. The architecture alone could rival the seven wonders of the world. 
Osamu’s eyes sharpened at the sight of the newcomers, as he approached them, spear at the ready. Metal being drawn from a sheath sounded behind him, and he knew Iwa was supporting him. He held his spear at the ready.
“Who are you, and where did you come from?”
Kuroo stiffened in surprise, holding his hands up to show he meant no harm. “Is that a spear?”
The rest of his comrades immediately drew their guns, pointing the barrel of their guns at Iwa and Osamu. “Drop your weapons, or I’ll blow your head off.” Oikawa said, switching the safety off.
Akaashi approached them in curiosity. He had no idea what the stranger meant by that, and he had no idea what odd contraptions they held in their hands. 
“Your majesty! Wait! We don’t know what kind of people these strangers are!” Osamu said in a panic, as Akaashi didn’t falter in his steps.
“They smell kind of funny Keiji,” Atsumu murmured in his ear, as he sniffed the air.
“They lack a scent,” Akaashi commented, as leaned forward to look down the barrel of the gun, making Daichi nervous. “I never knew betas were so…strange.” 
“We’re serious, we’ll shoot. Back off…” Oikawa began again. 
“It’s them!” Sugawara shouted in realization as he came running. “Our god has finally returned to us! Just like the prophecy foretold. Don’t you see your majesty? Do you not recognize Hypnos in the flesh?” Sugawara exclaimed.
Much to Bokuto’s surprise the priest’s finger was pointed directly at him. He lowered his weapon, distracted by the silver haired man. Golden eyes shifted to his comrades looking for answers, but they looked just as confused as he did.
“I’m no god…” He spoke up.
Pieces started to fall into place as he took a quick assessment of his surroundings. The palace, the outdated weapons, and the waterfalls that seemed to flow off the edge of the earth and fall into nothing but clouds. They had crash landed on an island of an ancient society that was far removed from the rest of the world. They called him god, because they simply didn’t know any better.
“Yes you are! You fell from the heavens just like the prophecy foretold. Bringing with you more people to help repopulate our kingdom!” The priest continued, waving his arms frantically.
“It worked!” Atsumu shouted, bouncing excitedly as he grabbed Akaashi’s hand. “It was my sacrificial mouse! Hypnos is here because I sacrificed my mouse to see our god!”
“You did so well ‘Tsumu,” Akaashi purred as scented him. “You have Hypnos' favor.” 
“We crashed our plane,” Bokuto interrupted before they could draw any more conclusions. He pointed at the still smoking plane. “We didn’t fall from the heavens.”
Bokuto straightened as the man with curly black hair stepped into his personal space, sniffing the crook of his neck. “What are you doing?” He asked, trying to gently push him off, crystal blue eyes peered up at him in curiosity.
“How dare you disgrace the king of Fukurodani,” the silver haired man seethed. 
Palms were immediately in the air as owlish eyes flickered down and a spear tip was centimeters from his throat. Fabric strained under Bokuto’s heaving chest as he tried to calm himself. He was a soldier, he’d trained for similar situations as this. Black ink marked the man’s skin. He was almost Bokuto’s size. “Almost,” he mused. He’d have the upper hand in a hand to hand fight, as long as the other man’s skills didn’t surpass his own.
Slender fingers reached out to grip the spear, pushing it down. The larger man didn’t fight the ethereal creature, starry eyes were looking directly at him once more.
“If Suga says our god has returned then he speaks the truth,” his words held power amongst his followers. None questioned his rule, even Bokuto wanted to accept his words as truth. His head was screaming at him to speak up. To correct this beautiful creature, another primal part of him told him to take. Take everything this king was willing to give him until he could only be claimed as his own. “I am Keiji Akaashi, and I’ve been waiting for you Hypnos.” 
Bokuto looked up at Akaashi, and slowly shook his head. Whatever thoughts he’d conjured quickly disappeared at the name, “Hypnos.” 
From Bokuto’s limited knowledge of gods, he knew Hypnos to be the Greek god of sleep. Perhaps their Hypnos was someone else, anyone else, as long as it wasn’t him. 
“My name is Kotaro Bokuto. I am not this god you seek.” He stated, bluntly, and the man just smiled at him. 
His breath caught in his chest as his eyes took in that smile. Perfect, ethereal, warm and only for him. Those ocean pools bore into him, stripping him bare and all he wanted to do was drown in them. 
“Perhaps you just don’t remember Kotaro.” His voice was gentle, and his eyes were filled with an emotion Bokuto couldn’t put his finger on. “Come, you all need rest,” Akaashi said as he turned to walk back to the palace. 
Bokuto watched a blond copy of the silver haired man run past him, dragging Sakusa by the hand as he buried half of himself into Akaashi’s side. The raven haired man welcomed him into his embrace by wrapping an arm around him.
Bokuto glanced at the rest of them and shrugged. There wasn’t anything else they could do but follow them into the palace. He felt out of place on this island frozen in time. Kotaro hadn’t believed in magic since he was a child, but like most kids the magic went away when he approached middle school. Stepping into the polished stone palace had his jaw dropping. 
The place oozed luxury, but Akaashi and his followers seemed to pay no mind to it. There was an ornate throne that Akaashi took a seat on, shifting to sit comfortably, as the blonde that had stolen Kiyoomi away sat on a pillow at his feet. 
“‘Tsumu who is this?” The king asked leaning forward to peer into Sakusa’s face, obviously assessing the prize Atsumu had taken for himself.
“Omi-Omi!” The name was spoken with pride. “This is my mate!” 
A low growl emitted behind him as the twin stepped forward, “don’t say something so foolish.” 
“‘Samu you don’t get to pick my mate!” Atsumu said standing to his feet, as Sakusa was still trying to recover from the idea of being anyone’s “mate” and what exactly that implied. 
“You’re an omega ‘Tsumu. You pick an alpha, he’s just a beta!” Osamu said standing his ground.
The way Keiji absentmindedly played with his curls was a good indicator to Bokuto that these fights happened often. 
“He is too an alpha!” Atsumu shouted, squaring his shoulders determinedly. “Besides, omegas can mate with betas. Isn’t that right Tssuki?!”
The blond omega looked up from his book, sitting it down in his lap as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. A small smirk creeped on his face. “‘Atsumu is right, omegas can mate with betas.”
“You have the potential to give us another Pack Alpha ‘Tsumu. Don’t waste that on some beta.” 
“You and Keiji will give us plenty of pack alphas!” Atsumu said, walking towards Sakusa. “I’m mating for love!” He said plopping himself in Sakusa’s lap and wrapping his arms around his neck.
“Love? We just met.” Sakusa said furrowing his brows as he looked at Atsumu, suddenly remembering his disdain for germs. He attempted to push the omega off him but he just heard a low purr and felt blond hair brushing against his skin.
Oikawa laughed from where he’s sitting. “Don’t let me miss the wedding Omi-kun.”
“Omi-Omi!” Atsumu’s eyes were alight, pleased with the clever nickname he’d given his dark haired acquaintance. “You’ll nest with me Omi-Omi.”
“Is this a sex thing?” Kuroo asked, finally speaking up. “Because this sounds like a sex thing.”
“Kuroo,” Daichi lowly hissed, elbowing him in the ribs.
“No, Tetsu-Chan is right.” Oikawa chimed in. “With all this talk of alphas, betas, and omegas it sounds like some kinky roleplay shit. You know, like that shit you read in fanfics where authors classify their favorite characters as an alpha or an omega.”
Daichi stared blankly at Oikawa trying to process what he just heard, while Kuroo let out a wolfish laugh.
“Did you just admit to reading fanfic?”
Oikawa huffed, “you get my point.”
“Yes, it is sex stuff.” The lean blond that has been introduced as “Tssuki” chimed in. 
His voice was devoid of any humor, and sounded as if he was lecturing a group of obnoxious teenagers. Though, it was clear when you put Tetsuro Kuroo and Tooru Oikawa in a room together they were just as bad.
“Some people present as alphas. They tend to be more aggressive, protective, and dominant. Others present as omegas. They’re the nurturing ones, the smart ones. Each need the other to exist. Omegas need alphas through their heats, and alphas need omegas through their ruts. Occasionally you get an omega who doesn’t entirely fit the mold like Keiji. He possesses the need to protect, and oftentimes takes the lead like an alpha, but he has the strong desire to care for others as well. So, nature made him a head omega.” 
“What does that have to do with sex stuff?” Bokuto asked, furrowing his brows as he tried to process everything the omega was telling him.
“It means we each have a secondary gender that determines  who we can have pups with.” Akaashi said, speaking up. 
The silence in the room was broken quite quickly as the palace doors were practically kicked open, and a tall alpha walked in. Akaashi seemed unphased as he watched the alpha approach, a large boar slung over his shoulders, blood splattering on the white marble from the jugular that had been split open.
“Toshi, you know I hate it when you get blood all over my palace floors.” Akaashi said as sharp eyes flickered to the trail of blood. Unphased, the alpha dropped the boar at his feet.
“Your majesty! Look at the beast I’ve slain!”
Osamu growled, as he stepped forward. “Where the hell have you been?! These beta’s could have killed the king!” 
A low growl rumbled in the taller alpha’s chest as he stepped forward. “Are you saying the kingdom’s pack alpha was too weak to protect our majesty?” 
A slender body came between the two, pushing them apart as palms rested on their chests. “I will not have fighting infront of our guests.” Akaashi said softly. “This is Wakatoshi Ushijima.” He introduced the tall alpha before walking towards the patio that led to the gardens. 
“Come, after a bath we’ll see you to your rooms.” Akaashi said as the entourage followed him out to the gardens. “We have a small bath dedicated to betas.” Akaashi explained, as he gestured to the entrance of a small bathhouse. “Once you’ve finished bathing, Iwa will escort you to your rooms.” 
“Thank you, we appreciate your hospitality.” Daichi said, stepping forward and slightly bowing to Akaashi, soliciting a small grin from the head omega.
“You’re welcome, Sawamura.” Akaashi said softly. “We will hold a feast in the main hall tomorrow night. A celebration for Hypnos’ return, and his followers.” 
Daichi opened his mouth to ask further, but Akaashi was already retreating to the palace. Tssuki, and Atsumu clung tightly to his sides as Osamu followed loyally behind. Brown eyes flickered down briefly, to see wide eyes staring up at him. Startled, he took a few steps back, the omega following him like a magnet.
“Sawamura Daichi,” he said with a wide grin. “You’re part of the old clan, it was said that the first born male was always an alpha.” 
Daichi swallowed, “you’re saying there is a Daichi clan here?” 
“There was, until they left with Hypnos.” 
“Hypnos, who you think is Bokuto?” Daichi asked as Suga nodded with a wide smile. 
“You’ve all come back though,” Suga said softly. “Right when we needed you the most. Just like the prophecies said.”
Daichi tried to wrap his head around what Sugawara was trying to tell him, “I’m glad we came at the right time then.” 
He turned to follow the rest of his comrades into the bathhouse, and tried to come to terms with everything that had happened. Was he upset that they crash landed on a paradise island with no return home? His family was non-existent, and the military was the only life he knew. As he slipped off his clothes he decided that staying on the island might be a chance to start over. 
“What do you think of this place Boku-Chan?” Oikawa asked as he admired the view. 
The bath pool seemed to flow off the edge of the island and disappear into the clouds. Bokuto admired the sunset as his muscles relaxed in the hot water.
“It’s beautiful, but I have a sister to get back to,” he said with a shrug. “So, I’m going to work on fixing the plane and getting us out of here…” 
Kuroo swallowed, “if they accept me I think I’ll stay.” 
Bokuto’s head snapped up at Kuroo in surprise, and Kuroo gave him a desperate, fear driven look.
“I can’t get on another airplane, Bokuto,” Kuroo stressed. “Not after what happened. Not after the crash.” 
Oikawa gently rubbed his arm, “it’s okay Tetsuro. Everyone seems welcoming here.”
Akaashi led Atsumu through the gardens, picking through the various flowers to add to his growing bouquet. Soon he had a colorful bouquet in his hands and he practically skipped towards his room. Osamu let out a low huff as he followed after the pair, watching Akaashi grab Atsumu’s hand in his. 
“Do you think Bokuto will like these?” Akaashi asked, pushing his bedroom door open, and going to his collection of ribbons. He pulled a periwinkle one out, tying it around the bouquet of flowers.
Atsumu nodded as he peered over Akaashi’s shoulder, “he’s going to love those!” 
Osamu shook his head as he leaned against the bedpost, “I don’t know why you’re wasting your time with him Keiji.”
Atsumu whipped his head towards his twin, putting his hands on his hips and let out an annoyed growl.
“He’s not wasting his time!” Atsumu said taking a step closer to Osamu. “You’re just jealous cause you can’t catch Keiji to mark him.” 
Osamu growled, “that’s not true! I have the kingdom’s best interests at heart, and an outsider will ruin us!” 
Akaashi sighed, “it’s okay ‘Tsumu.” A slender hand was placed on the omega’s shoulder. “Pack alphas don’t usually get along.”
The head omega felt his blond companion relax under his touch and soft voice. “He does look like he’ll be a pack alpha.”
A small smirk crept across his face as challenging eyes met his brother’s, soliciting a small growl from the alpha. Moments where he could be a little shit to his twin were his absolute favorite. Especially when he knew Keiji looked at him like he hung the moon. He could do no wrong, and Osamu knew it. A quality the pack alpha both loved and loathed about Akaashi. 
A small hum from Akaashi tore Osamu’s gaze away from Atsumu’s. The small sound of agreement had his stomach rolling with jealousy. He was supposed to be the only one, the only suitable mate for Keiji. They both knew their mating was destiny, but he was the only one that acted like he wanted it. Now Akaashi was prancing around, gifting flowers to a beta who knew nothing of their ways, and would just leave Akaashi sad and heartbroken.
Before he could speak up, Akaashi was already flitting towards the beta’s room, bouquet in hand, and Atsumu animatedly chattering at his side. With a low huff he followed along, shoulders slightly sagging as he watched his future mate woo another man. 
After watching the head omega place the bouquet on Bokuto’s pillow with care, he followed him down to the kitchens to order a feast for tomorrow night. The servants instantly went to work preparing the palace and Akaashi went to meet the betas in the foyer. 
Bokuto was the first out of the bath, and the first thing he noticed was all of their clothes were missing. The servants had been kind enough to replace them with robes. Tossing the fluffy towel at a bin he went to work putting the robe on, and was unimpressed as he looked in the mirror. 
“Cute ass,” Kuroo commented as he entered the dressing room with a towel wrapped around his waist.
Bokuto let out a low growl, “there’s one for you too dumbass.”
“Oh my god!” Oikawa exclaimed, lifting his sheer robe up. “I can totally pull this off!“ 
Bokuto rolled his eyes as he tried to cover his dick with his hands. Nudity was widely accepted here, and he wondered why these omegas seemed to have no shame. He heard Daichi shout “when in Rome,” and a disgruntled growl came from Sakusa at his side.
Walking into the castle Oikawa was the only one among them completely content with the sheer robes they were placed in. They found Akaashi, Atsumu and Osamu waiting for them in the hall. Iwa stopped, and slightly bowed at Akaashi, before turning to the group.
“Keiji will show you to your rooms.”
“Thank you Iwa,” Akaashi said with a smile.” I’ll give you rooms in the same hall as me. Don’t hesitate to knock on my door if you need anything.”
After getting everyone settled, Akaashi retired to his room with Atsumu. Not bothering with clothes he slipped into the nest, snuggling Atsumu. 
“You like Sakusa,” he stated as he played with Atsumu’s hair. 
Atsumu hummed in reply, “you know me too well Keiji.”
A laugh that sounded like music to Atsumu’s ears filled the room. “I’ve known you a long time.”  His voice turned quiet, “perhaps he will warm your bed tomorrow night.”
Atsumu didn’t respond to Akaashi’s remark. A comfortable silence filled the air as Atsumu’s mind wandered. He was ready for an alpha. Keiji had taken care of his every need up until now, but something was missing, and Atsumu believed Kiyoomi Sakusa was the missing piece.
19 notes · View notes
malereadermaniac · 4 months
Omega team manager x Random Guys
How Kuroo, Daichi, Bokuto, Atsumu, Ushijima, and Oikawa as alphas would interact with their Omega!manager
I'm fucking FEEDING u lot with this one it's SO LONGGG
Also sorry if some of these guys are OOC I haven't watched Haikyuu in 3 years xoxo
Sfw and Nsfw - fem readers and minors dni!!!
Tumblr media
Kuroo sfw
He wasn't opposed to the idea of having an omega as his team manager, in fact Kuroo was quite keen on the idea
He liked the idea of the team leader being an alpha and their manager being an omega
But he didn't let on that he fucking loved it
Kuroo immediately became protective over you, but in a more detached way
He would hang out with you, scenting your stuff over time to reek of his pheromones
After a few months, the rest of the team, as well as every other alpha in the school had backed off from you
The two of you took forever to even start courting
But it wasn't bad that way, you received the same amount of attention from Kuroo that you would if he was to court you
Kuroo would give you his team jacket to wear when the team was running laps outside, his scent enveloping you
The built alpha would tell you to cheer extra loud for him before a game
Eventually, the alpha mustered up the courage to court you, and the two of you have been together for ages now
Dates every weekend, study dates if you have exams the next week
Sleepovers after dates were mandatory
And you two were insufferable at college, Kuroo loved to rub his relationship in everyone's face - you were a very popular and sought after omega, so Kuroo liked to make sure people knew you were claimed
"I fuckin' love it when you wear my volleyball tank, babe - can't have an omega as handsome as you walk around without even a trace of my scent"
Kuroo nsfw
What escalated your relationship from courting to dating was your heat
The two of you were at Kuroo's house, home alone studying for a quiz the following Monday
You knew your heat was due soon, but soon meant in a week, not THAT day
What set you off were Kuroo's pheromones, the strong smell of musk mixed with woody scents sent you over the edge
The alpha noticed your panting and blushed face immediately
He apologised, kept his distance and told you several times not to do something you two would regret
Fast forward to the two of you dating, Kuroo's rut
His carnal desires took over and you were willing to help
His chiseled body, gleaming with sweat stood naked in front of you, your alpha looking down at you with hazy eyes
Your knees buckled from his pheromones
An hour had gone by and Kuroo was still sloppily eating you out, not even putting a finger in you, his rut keeping his focus only on the addictive taste of your slick leaking ass
Once your alpha had finally had his fill, he moved on to fucking you
Kuroo's rut made him ruthless, fucking you with vigor, panting and grunting into your ear, biting your body and covering you in marks possessively
The room was hot and stuffy with the smell of sweat, alpha pheromones, omega pheromones, cum and slick - but Kuroo and you kept going until his rut finally started to let up
"My Omega- HAHH! FUCK! Go-oood Omega-! Love you- so fuckin' - GAHH- SO FUCKIN MUCH"
Daichi sfw
He knew you before you became Kurasuno's manager
Daichi was practically courting you by the time you became the teams manager - so Nishinoya and Tanaka were quickly put off of you once they smelled Daichi's pheromones all over you
Again, being one of the few male Omega's at your college made you highly sought after
Daichi always told you how lucky he was to have your love
He's the softest Alpha you've ever met, gentle touches juxtapose his rough hands
He likes that the two of you are relatively popular, people watch as the two of you walk together and think that you're the perfect couple
Daichi likes to cuddle you, scent you constantly and to always feel his hands on you or vice versa
The alpha has no clue about PDA, he kisses you in corridors - his Alpha then prolonging the kiss to a make-out session that lasts the whole of lunch - it's up to you to drag him away to a more private area
Daichi is completely head over heels for hid omega
"I'm so glad we're together, I'm so lucky to be with you, (y/n). I love you, darling~"
Daichi nsfw
Daichi is the complete opposite of himself when he's in a rut
He isn't violent, but his grip changes from soft to firm on you, he shows his possessive side a lot more - calling you "Mine" and "My Omega" instead of his usual nicknames for you
He fucks you hard and each of his rounds last ages - Daichi being a manager of a volleyball team being incredibly daunting once his stamina gets applied to sex
Once his ruts ends, Daichi has to care for you for at least 2 days, your lower half not working at all
On the other hand, during your heats Daichi becomes a fat tease
The alpha fucking loves when you get desperate for him, it awakens something carnal within him
He makes out with you for a while as you grind into him, calling you pet names and cooing at you mockingly while you try to get off
Then, Daichi will only finger you for a while until you start literally crying for his knot
Finally when he gives in and fucks you, Daichi goes mental - you'd think he was in a rut
He jerks you off while he fucks hard into your prostate, making you cum over and over again, desperate for his knot
Thank god that you're on contraceptives, because by the end of your heat, you get the best of your alpha at least once or twice, his knot locking him inside of you while your walls tighten and milk his dick
"Fuck baby~ So- tight! 'M sorry baby, cumin- CUMMING! Fu... fuck baby, soo good baby"
Bokuto sfw
This man was ALL over you the moment you became the manager
Bokuto would flirt with you on the daily, and you would flirt back - your confidence and charisma made the owl-haired alpha want you even more
He was always friendly towards you, seeing you as more than an object like most other alphas - he more wanted to be your friend than to mate you
Only once he was in a pre-rut and had to spend a few hours with you did Bokuto fall for you - you were such a caring Omega for him, doting on him and providing him with anything he needs
After that Bokuto was still all over you but now in aims to court you
Which you gladly let the strong, muscular, Alpha captain of your college volleyball team do
So once Bokuto marked you, the two of you became THE college couple
People envied you for dating Bokuto and others envied Bokuto for dating you
He always has an arm around your waist or shoulders, Bokuto has to let people know that he's your alpha
He likes that you're witty for an omega, you're not super soft spoken - you match his vibe, he fucking adores that shit
He tries to be the best alpha he can for you, so he always pays for your meals and other things no matter how much you protest - it inflates his ego (his chest literally puffs up)
He loves spending time with you more than anyone else, Bokuto has never felt the way he does with you with anyone else
"You're mine, cutie~ My fuckin' perfect Omega... You're my everything, (y/n)"
Bokuto nsfw
Bokuto's demeanor in bed depends on if your in heat or if he's in a rut or not - in the best ways possible
If you're in heat and Bokuto is helping you through it, he's caring and careful with you - taking care of each of your needs
He's happy to be a dildo for you to use, a scenting and biting machine that you use to feel better
He rubs your tummy while he fucks you hard, his dick makes your belly bulge slightly - the euphoric feeling making the burn in your stomach from your heat disappear
On the other hand, if Bokuto's in a rut he's an animal
Bokuto loves the sounds you make, they ground him while he pounds you to high heaven, pumping cum into your hole while you squirm and moan under him
He loves the scent you make when you're horny, your sweat and your pheromones keeping the ache in his gut at bay while he drills your hole with his swelling, veiny dick
But unlike most Alphas Bokuto can remain mainly conscious during his ruts
Due to that consciousness, Bokuto makes you blow him at some points, which eventually turns into him mouthfucking you
The alpha marks your whole body when in a rut, grunting and groaning your name into your ear with nothing but lust and love dripping off of his tongue
"Jeusus- fuck- (y/n)- CUMMING! FUCK- Fuck yeah! My fuckin' omega- take my- SHIT- Take my fuckin' pups babe~ I fucking love you- I need you!"
Atsumu sfw
He'd heard of you before you became the team manager
Atsuma had never gotten the hype over Omegas - that was until he met you
The way you doted on every single team member, made sure they each had water or a towel or anything, the way you cheered him on at the side of the court - it made his Inner Alpha jump with joy
Atsumu had never wanted someone as badly as he wanted you - and he was gonna get what he wanted
You noticed him talking to you more, Atsumu would purposefully show-off the height difference between you both while releasing his scent to envelop you
It flustered you st first, but as time went on you embraced the Alpha trying to subtly flirt with you
When the two of you finally started dating, Atsumu had never felt lighter, everything just felt right with you
You took care of him, keeping him in check and fully shouting at him when he gets too high and mighty
The alpha would always buy you gifts, take you out in expensive dates but most of all he liked to have sleepovers with you
You would go to his house and Atsumu would cook for you, really charm you with his looks and skills then cuddle you all night while breathing in your pheromones like air
Atsumu nsfw
Atsumu really understood the hype around Omegas when he first helped you through a heat
The alpha got lost in your scent, the lewd sounds you would make, the way you would beg for him like you needed him to live, and oh god the way you tasted and felt around him
Atsumu felt like he physically couldn't stop fucking you, his hips having a mind of their own as he pounded your loose, slicked up hole
Atsumu is also found that he's a really mean Alpha in bed, something about you brings that out of him
And he found out that you fucking live for his degradation and teasing
He loves the idea of teasing you and laughing at you while your heat is eating at you, your body writhing from the feeling in your stomach as your ass craves for his knot
Atsumu is so mean to you it turns you on so much
He teases your dick, going as far as calling it a pussy as he rubs your dick against his palm while he only just fingers at your prostate
You squirt more and more slick out of your ass until Atsumu finally gives in to your pleas and absolutely ravages your ass
Your walls tighten around your Alphas dick while he fucks up into your prostate with every thrust
Moans and grunts echo in the room, Atsumu's veiny hand wraps around your throat and he squeezes gently while your hands dart to his muscular back and scratch him like a scratching post
By the time you've came for a 3rd time, Atsumu has filled your hole up to the brim
Your alpha is 6 loads in and is still willing to push through till the end of your heat ♡
"You're so cute, Omega~ Such a pathetic excuse of a man, such a cute little dick, look at you squirting sterile cum all over yourself"
Ushijima sfw
Omegas avoided Ushijima like the plague, even for an alpha he was huge and scary
So when you showed none of that when interacting with Ushijima, you had caught his eye straight away
He liked how kind you were, caring and doting like any other Omega but in a natural way - not in an overly exaggerated way like he had seen other Omegas behave around his teammates
The rest of the team noticed how much Ushijima was head over heels doe you - and they supported it so so much
He liked the height difference between you two, Ushijima would focus on how small you were compared to him even for an Omega, your small waist which his veiny hands could easily wrap around were on his mind practically 24/7
Once the team started to push Ushijima to court you, it was funny to see how you, as an Omega, were pulling most of the weight - making all the first moves while Ushijima blushes away
You were his first everything- his first crush, his first courting, his first kiss, and first time - He was like a schoolgirl around you
But once he mustered up the courage to ask you to be his, you were ecstatic - and so was the rest of the team
Dating the massive alpha was incredible, he was rich so of course Ushijima spoiled you
He compliments you so, so much in a nonchalant way - saying shit like "You're the most gorgeous man I've ever laid my eyes on" like it isn't the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to you!
And you two go on so many romantic and heartfelt dates, many of which happen at your house
Ushijima absolutely loves it when you cook for him, he sits down at the table and watches you cook away while you talk to him about something random
The whole time your words going in one ear and out the other while your muscular Alpha fantasises about you doing this for him everyday of the rest of his life after marrying you - which he most definitely plans on doing
"(Y/n) Ushijima~ I like the sound of that. Would you like to marry me, my omega? I think we'd make beautiful pups, don't you?"
Ushijima nsfw
Again, you were his first everything - so of course you were the Alpha's first time, too
The first time you helped Ushijima through a rut was insane, the poor virgin Alpha could not stop for his life
His scent was extremely powerful from the pure excitement and lust he was feeling, Ushijima was fucking you at an animalistic pace while he grunted and moaned so loud that the entire Ushijima estate could probably hear
He'd already came 4 times, his hips not stopping once, your dick overstimulated as you moaned and cried - Ushijima apologising between moans, drunk and high off of his rut
He'd never felt such pleasure before, a pure and constant rush if dopamine flooding his brain as he fucks his pups into you, his knot now just pushing in and out of you - the pain and pleasure mixing like the smell of pheromones and sweat in the Alpha's room
By the time Ushijima had regained consciousness and control over his body, he was appalled at himself
His eyes glanced over your body, widening in horror at the state your body was in - bite marks on every little patch of skin, bruises all over your hips and neck and wrists, cum still leaking out of your loose hole and your body covered in dried, sticky cum
After being bombarded with apologise, you calmed Ushijima down and promised that you enjoyed yourself
A part of him also felt really guilty that when he saw your puffed out hole, filled with his cum - a part of him hoped you'd carry his pups, so much so that he'd already gotten a semi from the idea
On the other hand, the way that Ushijima helps you through heats is incredibly sweet
The alpha does his best to soothe your pain, fingering at your prostate until you cum on his fingers while breathing in your mates scent, the burn in your stomach already dissipating
The alpha had laid plenty of attention in health class, so his dick is in you almost instantly after your first orgasm, slow thrust directly against your prostate making you slick up even more, cumming once again from the way Ushijima pressed a hand against the bulge in your belly
By the end of your heat, Ushijima's back is torn to shreds along with some beautiful bite marks from you all over his broad shoulders and neck
Your body on the other hand is perfectly clean - apart from.your mating mark, which Ushijima ensured to make fresh once more
"You're so beautiful, Omega. Feel so good around me, such a good boy for me, all slick and taking my big dick all the way - you feel good don't you, (y/n)?"
Oikawa sfw
The idea of having THE campus omega as his team manager made Oikawa's chest puff up
He was all over you immediately - which made you more flustered than uncomfortable
The whole team liked you, you were very attentive to their needs and would always be up to help them with whatever - but Oikawa liked you even more than the others
The Alpha could feel his heart rate jump when you would arrive at practice and could feel his mood perk up when he had a class with you
The whole team knew the captain liked you - even you weren't oblivious to that fact, so it didn't come as a surprise when Oikawa tried to court you
You made no complaints, you were used to Alpha's trying to court you but you had always turned them down - you decided to give your handsome team captain a chance
And holy crap did he quickly make you fall for him
The alpha would scent you every chance he would get, Oikawa would greet you with a hug and a gift and then spend the whole time you two were together following you around like a puppy and chatting to you non-stop
His masculine scent and his charisma made it hard not to fall for him
So once Oikawa had successfully courted you, the two of you started to date
Never had the Alpha's ego been as high as it is now that you two are dating
Everyone at college knows about you two, due to Oikawa's loud mouth and inflated ego
He's constantly touching, you're on his arm every hour of every day bur you have no complaints about it
The Alpha constantly compliments you and wants to spend time with you - his playboy ways being long forgotten since he started courting
Every time you two are together is good, even arguments with your alpha end in hugs and tears
"Gosh (n/n)-chan you're so cute! Ya know, you look so good on my arm, bet everyone's soooo jealous of me right now~"
Oikawa nsfw
A selfish lover is the only way to describe Oikawa during his ruts
Like any other alpha Oikawa can only focus on his needs - but trust me only after Oikawa has came at least 3 times to you cum for the first time
The alpha will be fucking into you, milking his dick empty of his fertile seed for hours on end and you only cum around twice per rut
Oikawa feels bad about this once he comes back around but he can't help himself, you just feel too good around him he can't even focus on you
Your heats are totally different though
Oikawa loves to make you feel as good as possible - almost a little too good
The alpha has you cumming on his tongue within minuets - minuets which turn into hours of your heat craving your alphas dick and him not giving it to you
He fucking loves it when you literally cry for him to fuck you, beg for his veiny dick and his thick knot
Once Oikawa gives in and finally fucks you, he's ruthless, fucking you with so much vigor that you're squirting cum all over yourself constantly
You're moans and your scent are enough to make Oikawa fill you with cum, his knot finally making that burn in your belly calm down
Bathing in the afterglow, Oikawa can't help but stay hard from the way you look
You're like an angel sent by God himself, his perfect omega, your face fucked out and tired, your body covered in cum and marks - and oh fuck your hole clenching on his dick, milking your alpha for his pups
"Aww do you need my dick, baby? Does my poor Omega fucking desperate for my knot - do you want my pups, darling?"
Hope you guys enjoyed - this was weird for me - very long for my kind of writing and I think it sucked in some parts but hope u liked xoxoxoxoxo
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teamatsumu · 3 months
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primal. (miya osamu x reader)
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word count: 2586
warnings: a/b/o dynamics, fem!omega reader, porn with minimal plot, swearing, typical omegaverse jargon (scent, heat, rut, slick, knot)
tags: @keiva1000 @kindnessspreads @msbyomimi @sleepyxxhead @priv-rose
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This was getting ridiculous.
Three whole days Osamu had not spoken to you. And for what? Because of a stupid argument you had about his new menu? In your mind, if he didn't want constructive criticism, he really should not have asked you for your opinion.
(You tried to ignore the gnawing guilt you felt that maybe you had been too harsh.)
But still, was it worth being this upset about? He hadn't replied to any of your messages. His phone was going straight to voicemail, and to top it off, even Atsumu hadn't heard from him. The blond twin had told you to just give him some space, and that he was ‘going through it’. But you scoffed. What exactly was he going through? All this over a controversial menu item? You didn't know Osamu could be so unreasonable over something so stupid.
Which is why you were standing at his door now, knocking for the last ten fucking minutes, while he didn't even bother to respond or open up. Your knocking had now progressed to vicious pounding, and you didn't give a shit if the neighbours heard. You were pissed. Osamu was being a baby and not communicating with you and you would make him talk if it was the last thing you did.
“Open this fucking door, Osamu!” You shouted for the tenth time.
“Go away!” Finally. Now that Osamu had gotten tired of your incessant pounding, he had finally responded. Triumph coarsed through you.
“I knew you were in there!” One more smack on the wood. “Open up. Now!”
“I'm tellin’ ya to go away.” His voice sounded strained. Your eyebrows furrowed a bit.
“What's up with you?”
There was some shuffling, and then a pained groan. Your muscles stiffened in alarm.
“Samu?” You could feel your anger drain away, replaced by worry. “Are you okay? Open the door!”
“Just go away. Everythin’ is fine. I'm not mad at ya. I just need ya to…. get away.”
You couldn't ignore the pain in his voice anymore. You tried the doorknob again to no avail. “Please let me in. I'm getting worried.”
Silence again. You leaned against the door, your panic only building. “Samu, please.”
Your anger was non-existent now. It didn't matter to you whatever stupid fight you two had gotten into. Your paranoid mind was racing and all you could think about was a million different ways that Osamu might be hurt. If anything happened to him…
Your heart imperceptibly broke.
You had known Osamu since high school, when him and his brother would melt your brain with their unnecessary fighting and competition. He was young and naive then, with that godawful gray hair that he thankfully abandoned after high school, and an attitude so fiery it left most other people in the dust. You couldn't understand why you were so attracted to him at first glance, but then he presented as an Alpha mere months after you first met, and your attraction to him became quite clear.
More than anything else, Osamu was your close friend. He understood you in a way his twin didn't, and you liked to think you were a good friend to him too. You kept your feelings for him pretty tightly wrapped up in your heart, afraid that an Alpha like him wouldn't want you. He was desired widely by many, many omegas. And he had always turned them down. If all those prime omegas weren't good enough for him, you didn't stand a chance.
So you lived with him as your friend, because you would rather have that than nothing at all.
You knocked on the door again, more softly this time, knowing he was right on the other side. “Samu, please let me in. Let me see.”
There was a thunk. You assumed Osamu had leaned his forehead against the door. “Omega…”
It clicked in you, like gears fitting into place. Your heart raced. You shuffled closer to the door until there was no more space left. You sniffed carefully.
There was his scent, heady and musky, sandalwood and something you had come to associate only with Osamu. A scent you had loved for so long it made you want to buckle to your knees. It was strong, heavier than any time you had smelled it before. It made your eyes cross, your breath pause. Something in your core stirred.
“Your rut?” You mumbled. You knew he heard you.
Osamu groaned low in response. Your thighs clenched.
Over the years, you observed that Osamu's ruts were rare. Maybe once every three months. He would always disappear a few days beforehand, and didn't reappear until it was well over and done. Atsumu said that since his ruts were so spaced out, they would always hit really hard. So you tended to leave him alone until he reached out first, talking normally and as if nothing had happened, picking up where he left off.
In your anger and with your fight fresh in your mind, you didn't realize that Osamu had likely gone off the grid because of his rut, and not because he was ignoring you. Now you were standing here, mere inches from an Alpha in full rut, with your own core tightening and something wet slowly dripping down the crease of your thigh. Your inhibition was slowly dissipating the more you frantically tried to breathe his faint scent. Your omega purred and whined.
“I could help.” You dared say. “I could help you, Alpha.”
Another groan, low and desperate, and you felt like it was rattling through your very soul. You bit your lip hard, hand twitching to move between your thighs, but you remained frozen. Osamu didn't move away from the door. His pants grew louder, and then he whined.
“Are you sure?” His muffled voice came, almost broken with desire. He wanted- needed- you to say yes. You nodded vigorously even if he couldn't see you.
Some thudding, clicking, and then he pulled open the door. Your breath caught at the sight of him.
He was gloriously shirtless, and his loose sweatpants were doing nothing to hide his problem either. His erection was obvious, straining and standing against the struggling material of his pants. It would look almost comical if you weren't horny out of your fucking mind right now. His bare torso shone with a thin layer of sweat. You bit your lip so hard you were sure you drew blood.
“Holy fuck, you smell good.” Osamu's nose, more sensitive with his rut, twitched. His eyelids fluttered, and he took in a deep breath. You stared at him some more, wondering if you were dreaming.
“What are ya standin’ there for? C’mere, Omega.”
He tugged on your arm, until your body was making contact with his. Your hands rested on his chest, and you could feel how rapidly his heart was beating. He leaned down until his face was mere inches from yours. His breath hit your lips, made them tingle. Your core clenched painfully. His scent got stronger.
“Ya sure ya want this?”
You didn’t even have the strength to nod, feeling lightheaded. You only tilted your face up until your lips brushed his. “Please.”
A breathy curse, and then he was kissing you. His arms wrapped tight around your back, like he was scared you would disappear, one hand gripping possessively over your hip. You suspected it would leave a bruise.
You wanted it to leave a bruise.
He left you breathless when your lips parted. He tugged you in further and shut the door with a loud bang, before pushing you back against it. The manhandling turned you on to no end, the thought that you were someone Osamu was about to use to satisfy himself. Your already aroused mind went wild at the notion and you arched into him when he crowded you against the door, lips meeting in a frenzy. He bit and licked your mouth raw, invading your mouth like he couldn’t bear to be apart from you. You dug your nails into his biceps, reveling in the feeling of him, of finally having him the way you wanted. Your panties were soaked through by now. Your inner thighs held the signs of your desire.
His lips traveled down your neck next, licking and biting, inhaling and exhaling as he scented you. His cock pressed into your hip and you let him satisfy his need to leave his mark on you, basking in his scent that mixed with yours and how he laid his claim on you, albeit temporarily. His hands gripped hard at your sides, pushing your shirt up to run over bare skin.
“Wanted this so bad.” He rasped, biting dangerously close to your scent gland, you leaned into the sting. “Every rut. Ya know how many times I’ve jerked off to ya?”
His accent was thick, his words slurred. You were sure he was completely gone by this point. You gripped his hair hard.
“Wanted you too, Alpha.” You whimpered back. “Touch me, god, please.”
Osamu lifted you up then, two strong hands grabbing your asscheeks and carrying you across the room to where his couch was located. You wrapped your arms around his neck, taking the opportunity to lap and nip at his neck, scenting him back. Your drenched walls fluttered around nothing, crying and weeping for a nice, thick knot to fill you up.
You had a suspicion you wouldn’t have to wait long.
When Osamu dropped you on the couch, his hands immediately tugged on your clothes, pulling off your jeans and panties in one go. The fabric clung to you with how wet it was, and the air was cool on your burning skin. You used the moment to pull off your top until you were bare before him. Osamu kissed your calf, traveling up quickly with a few kisses laid on your skin. Your thigh, your stomach, the valley of your breasts, your jaw. He had tugged his sweats down already, and you felt something hard poke at your dripping entrance.
“Can’t wait, baby.” His voice trembled. “Need ya now. Need to knot ya so bad I’m gonna explode.”
And then he was sliding into your slicked up but unprepped pussy, carving his way through your spasming walls until a sharp pain went through you. You gasped at the glorious stretch, at your walls recognising an Alpha cock and opening up to accommodate him. Your wetness ran down your ass, likely soiling Osamu’s couch but you doubted he cared. He was cursing and whining in your ear, spine bending forward at the relief of finally sinking into a wet, ready cunt. His face was flushed a deep red, sweat building on his forehead. He sank into you to the base, your toes tingling with the sensation of being so full.
“Hold on, omega.” His last words. They almost sounded like a threat. Your breath caught.
Then he was gripping your hips and holding you down, before fucking into you hard and fast. You gasped at the sudden pace, legs pushed even further open as his cock repeatedly bullied itself into you. Your jaw went slack at the sensation, how he hit you so deep, sloppy noises filling the air along with your cries and his moans. His skin slapped hard against yours, leaving the inside of your thighs red and tender. His cock hit every spot just right. You felt your toes curl.
Osamu watched your reactions, nearly delirious himself, barely holding on by a thread.
“Feel good?”
You nodded frantically, fingernails scratching over his shoulders and arms. Osamu leaned down on his elbows, tongue poking out to lick at your lips every now and then.
“Tell me how good it feels. Tell me.”
“I-” You gasped and jolted with the force of his thrusts. Tears built up in your eyes and spilled down the sides of your face. “Can’t- can’t talk.”
“Yes you can.” His hand wound into the hair at the back of your head, tugging hard until you arched into him. “Say it. Say ya love my cock.”
“Love your cock.” You managed to wail, clamping down hard on him. He cursed and leaned down further, pace not even faltering in the slightest. His lips sealed themselves against the skin of your neck and he sucked hard.
“Tell me how bad ya want my knot.”
“Want it so bad.” You parroted, losing every coherent thought and just going along with what he was saying. Osamu continued to pound into you like he wasn’t even talking, like he wasn’t rearranging your guts or turning your legs to jelly. Like the base of his cock wasn’t rapidly swelling and catching on the rim of your hole.
Osamu pushed himself deep into you before stilling completely, and you nearly weeped in frustration.
“Tell me why ya deserve my knot.” He gritted, eyes meeting yours. Little golden flecks shown in his irises, and his incisors elongated below his bottom lip. He was deep, deep in the clutches of his rut. Combined with his messed up hair and flushed cheeks, he looked wild. Uninhibited. Dangerous. Your pleasure hit its very peak, teetering just over the edge, begging for that last push. You sobbed.
“Wanted you for so long.” You gasped and cried, tears pouring from your cheeks. “Wanted you to fuck me and knot me and give me your cum. Please, Alpha, please. I’ll be so good for you.”
Osamu groaned. Something in his eyes softened. He hooked a hand under your left knee and tugged it up, folding it against your torso. His cock pulled out before pushing back in, slowly picking up his pace again. You moaned loud, feeling your pit tighten up again.
“Why don’t ya cum fer me nice and hard, baby? Get me wet with your juice and then I’ll fill you up. Promise. I’ll shove this fat knot into your tiny little cunt. Just cum fer me, little omega.”
And you did. You arched into him, eyes rolling and arms seizing as you came harder than you ever had in your life. Electricity zipped through you and all air was punched out of your lungs until you felt that your very soul was leaving your body. You didn’t even register when Osamu groaned and stuttered in his pace, or when his knot swelled until it was bullied into your thoroughly fucked out and sore pussy. White hot cum filled your insides as he locked into you, hips flush against your own.
Strong arms wrapped around your waist as Osamu’s comforting weight settled on you. He licked and lapped at your neck softly, breathing into you until you were nothing but his scent, his touches, his marks. You panted and tried to catch your breath, legs trembling with aftershocks of the event. You could barely lift your arms to run over his bare back, but you managed. Osamu hummed at your soft touch.
All was silent beneath you two as the fog of his rut lifted. You could feel him slowly cool down, get pliant against you. You could almost sense his apprehension.
“Do ya regret it?”
You smiled slightly, staring up at the ceiling. “I meant it, Samu. I’ve wanted you for so long.”
You could feel his own smile against your neck, his embrace around you tightening. “Me too.”
Your skin buzzed with warmth. While Osamu breathed softly against your neck, you let yourself drift into a quiet sleep.
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bizkitsnuggets · 28 days
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main m.list
synopsis: in which atsumu miya is helplessly in love with yn but can't make a move until his professor partners them up for a project.
fluff, atsumu being a dummy, sort of dense yn, tiny angst, college au
status: completed (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
introduction: alpha sigma fr || foursome (what!)
a/n: hey sry if this is bad 🤕
likes and rebloggs are vv appreciated!!!
chapters —
chapters with ✎ are written parts.
01: a wreck ✎
02: oddball
03: a ride? already? ✎
04: crisis
05: nana addict
06: nana addict pt. 2
07: ppl w/ bleached hair sux ✎
08: territorial feelings
09: cuddles and nana
10: what did you do? ✎
11: stupidity at its finest
12: animals and regrets ✎
13: 4ever your passenger princess
bonus chapter
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