#sakuatsu fics
snowysakusa · 10 months
Here's a sakuatsu fic rec <3
These are some of my fav fics with some probably useless commentary:
The MSBY Black Jackals Read Thirst Tweets by isaksara (syailendra) 11.4k; annoyances to annoyances with benefits to lovers, pining atsumu, getting together; social media
Sakusa’s eyes are very dark naturally, sucking in all surrounding rays of light and crushing them in his pupils. For an athlete, he is rather pale. His lips look very pink in comparison. Atsumu is suddenly catastrophically aware that in this instance, ‘accent’ is a euphemism. “Good enough for your Olympic-size ego, Miya?” (In which Atsumu realizes that he is attracted to Sakusa Kiyoomi in the most inconvenient way possible.)
first sakuatsu i read and it was BANGERRRR!!! the tension??? the entire situation??? :chefskiss:
Terminal Curiosity Series (9 Parts atm) by favspacetwink, moonlumie 126.4k; BDSM, various kinks, post-time skip
SakuAtsu BDSM AU featuring Experienced Dom Sakusa and Kink Newbie Atsumu. Post-time skip & loosely canon compliant.
Burden of Blame by DeathBelle 91.2k ; yakuza!au, murder, blood and gore, ptsd, slowburn, bg sunaosa
Atsumu has a long history of pissing people off, but this time he’s gone too far. Someone wants him dead, and although he doesn’t know who or why, it becomes clear very quickly that both he and Osamu are in danger. After a couple of close calls, Kita - the Kumicho of Inarizaki - decides it’s not safe for the two of them to stay in Hyogo; not until he finds out who placed the hit and eliminates them. Atsumu reluctantly finds himself in Tokyo, taken in by a yakuza group that’s nothing like Inarizaki. The Black Jackals are a different breed, more lethal than he’s used to, and Sakusa Kiyoomi is the worst of them all. Of course that’s who Atsumu gets stuck with, and he and Sakusa are in constant competition for who hates each other more. Tokyo should be a safe haven but between Atsumu’s bloody new assignments, the lingering threat on his life, and all the days trapped with Sakusa, Atsumu isn’t sure he’ll make it out of Tokyo alive.
TOOK ME TOO LONG TO GET TO THIS FIC!!!! EVERYTHING WAS AMAZING?! LIKE THE PACE? PERFECT, THE CHARACTERS? PERFECT? THE WRITING??? AMAZING HOW THE FUCJ IS THIS SO GOOD. fucjing loved every second of it, ate this shit up so quickly too. the pace wqa srsly astonishing, like it was so good, there were no filler scenes everything made sense, evRYTHING FIT THE IN! deathbelle fucking slayed w this one holy shit. and their relationship developed so well, didnt seemed forced, didnt seemed too much, it was just fucking right. amazing. loved this
People Will Say We're In Love by tirralirra 9.5k; fluff, social media, post-time skip, humor, getting together
“Saku...Atsu? What does that even mean?” Atsumu says, squinting at the device. . . . . People seem to think that Sakusa and Atsumu are in love, so they come up with a list of things to do to deter that. Maybe it would work...if they weren’t in love.
but we're not, like, in love by goshkiki 17.3k; getting together, sharing a room, fluff and smut, domesticity, crack, fwb
Neither Kiyoomi nor Atsumu are strangers to casual sex. The reason for that is “a lack of emotional capacity,” as Kiyoomi would say, and Atsumu is “just really horny”. They sometimes meet in the hallways when they pull their victims behind them, heated gazes clashing in the space between them. That they end up sleeping with each other at some point is an inevitability, and so is the rest. They just take a while to realize it.   Featuring the complications of room assignments, unintentional domesticity and a lot of mutual dumbassery. Also, the bone-deep exasperation of an entire volleyball team.
Versus by Anonymous [ABANDONED] 30.7K; canon compliance, casual sex, pwp, explicit sexual content
"Why is it so hard for you to believe that I’m a decent kisser?” "Oh, I’m totally happy to accept you bein’ decent,” says Atsumu, obligingly. “As long as we both agree that I’d be better.” Pausing, Sakusa turns to face him, something combative entering his narrowed eyes. “I never said I agree to that.” It's a terrible formula, when you think about it. Miya Atsumu, proud and competitive; Sakusa Kiyoomi, who can't bear to leave things half-finished; and the all-important question of who's better in bed.
liminal spaces by hatsuna 25.9k; canon compliant, post-time skip, getting together, pining
"Fuck you, Atsumu thinks, pointing at the pixelated Sakusa in the team photo on his bedside table." It’s easier than you’d think to ignore loving your teammate.
this was ... idk but so pretty?? the slowburn was amazing. this is rly gold
again, like this by noodletastic 55.7k; canon divergence, fwb, slow burn, explicit sexual content, pwp, bj, hj, praise kink, minor angst
“I’m pissed off because we lost, and we should have won.” Sakusa's staring at him again with those stupid black eyes that give away absolutely nothing. “Yeah,” he says. “Yeah, I know the feelin’.” “And I just want-” Suddenly, Sakusa looks as frustrated as Atsumu has felt all fucking day. “I want to break something.” “Yeah,” Atsumu says, and it comes out like a sigh. “I wanna- I wanna practice serves until my hand's numb.” “Until my fingers cramp.” “Until my fingers break.” “I want-” Sakusa stops, swallowing thickly. “I want to forget about it.” --- or: when nationals don't go their way in their third year, atsumu and sakusa distract themselves with each other. and it keeps happening.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA love their dynamic. i just- cry
Bedside Manner by DeathBelle 7.2k; doctor!sakusa, hospital!au, happy ending
Sakusa has been a doctor for three years and he’s long since fallen into a routine. He diagnoses a patient, treats them, and moves on to the next. He doesn’t linger and he certainly doesn’t build any lasting connections. There’s no time for that in his line of work. Miya Atsumu, his new appendicitis patient, seems determined to make a lasting impression.
docTOR SAKUSA KIYOOMI PLS----- THIS- THIS IS SO GOOD!! top fav fics for me omg.... i want moreeee
like a kiss by bastigod 2.8k; soulmate!au, soulmate identifying marks, sakuatsu week
"Hypothetically speakin'…" Atsumu refused to meet Bokuto's eyes as he spoke. There was no higher power in this world or the next that willed him to look at the smug grin about to spread across Bokuto's face. "Is it possible for someone ta just never get a mark?"
its just fucking cute
three roses and a smile by strawberrycitrus 19.7k; college!au- they're teachers, atsumu is a microbiologist, kiyoomi's a surgeon, light angst, fights
“I just got this job, I’m not givin’ it up for some moral boost ‘cause I actually need to pay my rent, ya insensitive -” Atsumu waves his hands around, trying and failing to come up with the right word to convey the amount of injustice that this gaunt motherfucker has brought into his relatively simple life thus far. “If you can’t pay your rent, go get a job at the McDonald’s over by 8th Street,” Sakusa growls, “it’ll pay more than your researcher position.” If you even attempt assault on a coworker, forget teaching about cells - you’ll fucking be in one, Atsumu. 
SO FUCKING GOOD?#?€?(€(€(_
we call everything on the ice, "love" series by awkwardedgeworth 27.9k; ice skating au; ice dancing specificially; childhood friends au?; fluff and angst; happy ending; social media; minor injuries
(summary for Notte Stellata, the first installment of this series) "Your partner doesn't need to hold anyone's hand other than yours," Sakusa's father crouches, "And you can wear gloves." Sakusa ponders. He hears the other skaters of rink two whiz past as they launch themselves into lifts. "Alright," He looks up from the ice, not knowing how he'll dedicate the next couple of decades to this sport, this partnership, this boy.
SO FUCKING GOOD!!!!! trsut me, i know i've said this a lot buT TRUST ME
dog eat dog eat dog world by perennials 8.4k; getting together, author did not use sakusa as comedy relief, canon compliant
sPOILERS in red and crossed out
I thought abt where to put this fic and ended up choosing fav because this was so pretty. we dont get an official relationship in the end, only a confession of sorts and even tho i kind of wanted more, i get it??? why they stopped where they did. the entire story is just pretty as fuck, atsumu is an already made character for the most part, we see kiyoomi's character develop in front of us and its rly good. the way the author wrote this- i- its so pretty. i like to believe that after the end, they probs kept with the late meetings where sakusa fixes atsumu's fingers and then eventually, gradually (just like we saw in the fic) they kept growing closer and get tgether eventually. i also like to believe, sakusa is good for atsumu and vice-versa. atsumu isnt as anxious anymore, he doesnt hurt himself as much, etc... growth i guess.
i just thought it was really beautiful and kinda poetic
Sakusa Kiyoomi Is Gay by kitcassia (omii) 7.2k; post-time skip, fluff and humor, awkward crush, tinder, MSBY
The pros and cons of swiping right on your very attractive teammate.
frankenstein's monster by starbeyy 83.6k; enemies to lovers, post-time timeskip, obsessive-compulsive disorder, falling in love, angst, fluff, slowburn
When Miya Atsumu gets off on the wrong foot with a certain Sakusa Kiyoomi on the first day of practice for MSBY Black Jackals, he vows to avoid the stuck-up spiker as much as he can, even while on the same volleyball team. And it would've been a good plan--if Atsumu didn't meet Sakusa again at group therapy that very night.
THIS fucking masterpiece- the way they wrote abt their OCD's and its just so well done, character development 10/10, the slowburn :muuwaahh:, again the acCURACY ON THE PORTRAYING OF THE OCD's holy shit man... this is so good. i cried, multiple times- :chefskiss: AND THE ENDING???? PERFECT
re: chat by aalphard 11.9k; canon divergence, fluff and humor, ,office!au, attachments!au, flirting
He likes Miya Atsumu in everything he is, from the dorky emails to the way he looks, from the childish giggles to the soft, muffled laughs when Kiyoomi attempts to joke back. Yeah, no, that was terrible… Kiyoomi smiles at his computer screen. And then he tries to gulp it down, pressing his lips against each other so hard they’re white, his nails digging into his thighs, his eyes almost bulging out because oh, fuck of all fucks. He probably likes Miya Atsumu way too much, doesn’t he? or: kiyoomi hates the fact that his new cybersecurity job involves reading other people’s emails. that is, of course, until miya atsumu shows up.
livestream by sketchedsmiles 14.1k; college!au, fluff, getting together
Sakusa is used to attention. As a full-time student and a part-time streamer, his videos of gameplay garner thousands of views on a daily basis. Still, nothing can prepare him for what it's like to have the attention of Miya Atsumu. Atsumu is many things: chatty, endearing, earnest. But he's more observant than most give him credit for. And he might be the only person who reminds Sakusa to take care of himself.
I'll keep adding more when i have more time!
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zebida · 10 days
I need help finding a SakuAtsu fic 😩
I honestly have no idea if this fic has been deleted but I really wouldn’t be surprised if it was because I haven’t been able to find it for years but here goes 😭
I think it starts out with MSBY in a match and Atsumu sends Sakusa one of the last sets and while landing Atsumu falls weird a tears his ACL, in the process of recovering Omi starts to help out Atsumu and it eventually leads to them falling in loovveee
The tags should be pro volleyball player Sakusa and Atsumu, maybe injured Atsumu, and I cannot remember anything else for the life of me and I’m almost 100% positive it’s on Ao3
Please help a poor girl out 🙏 tell me if it’s been deleted so I can have a funeral or tell me it’s still out there so I can read it again
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sktsnation · 2 years
Title: Heart Too Full of Love Summary: Kiyoomi is now a father, more than anything. Characters: atsumu, kiyoomi, minor sunaosa Words: 1,208| Notes: contains omegaverse and mpreg
Kiyoomi decided to be a stay-at-home Alpha the moment Atsumu told him they're gonna have a baby—babies, to be exact, after finding out they'll be having twins a few weeks later. No one can dissuade him from the idea—not even his omega, who's rightfully confused at the announcement.
("Not to sound ungrateful, Omi—coz I am—grateful—I mean. So much! But ya have foreign clubs knocking at yer door, begging you t'join them."
"Sure." Kiyoomi shrugs. "I can do that, but I just want to do this more. I love what we have now, Atsumu. You, me, our pups. Pups! I still can't believe it!"
"Ya better believe it! There's no turnin' back, yanno!" Atsumu had laughed, tickled at his alpha's excitement. "I'll be taking time off soon—"
"Take all the time that you need, love. Volleyball has been here way before you were born, and it'll still be here after the twins arrive.
"Not gonna lie, I'm lovin' all—" Atsumu points to all of Kiyoomi "—of this support. In fact, if I weren't already carrying yer pups, I'd ask ya for one—eep!"
"Do not tempt me, my darling. Ask and shall be arranged in a few years. Planned Parenthood and all that."
"Oh... so sexy, alpha."
"Anything for my most favorite, omega. If taking care of you means taking time off from the sport as well, then by all means, I'm here for you every step of the way."
"Realistically speaking though, 'every step of the way' is still six months long—"
"Then here's to hoping you won't get tired of me even for that long.")
Naturally, Kiyoomi makes do with his promise and stays with Atsumu, bidding the team temporary farewell as he and Atsumu retreat to their house in Hyogo, near his in-laws, and, to his chagrin, Osamu.
Not that there's anything wrong with Atsumu spending time with his twin. It's just that, he's seen more of Osamu in the past month than he has, collectively, over several years. It's not all that surprising since they're two peas in a pod, but wow, his presence sure is felt.
Kiyoomi even (half) jokingly proposes to implement visiting hours—strictly for Osamu only, but Atsumu laughs it off.
("Aww—" Atsumu cooes. "Is my baby daddy jealous he doesn't get all my attention?"
"I literally have my mark on your neck—and vice versa, too, which is weirdly uncommon. I think I rank higher than a baby daddy, Atsumu."
"What do ya propose I call you then? Sir?"
"Not if you want irish twins—or triplets." He replies nonchalantly, smirking when his mate chokes upon hearing his answer, cheeks immediately flushing red.
The doorbell rings, followed by a familiar scent that is, distinctly, Osamu. Kiyoomo groans loudly, not even hiding his displeasure at the sudden (expected) intrusion.
His mate, however, is quick to laugh at him. "That's 'Samu."
"I know." Kiyoomi pouts, arms wrapping around Atsumu’s waist to pull him closer, effectively trapping him in an embrace so he can't stand up and let his twin—intruder, his mind corrects—inside their home.)
Never in his entire life did Kiyoomi ever expect Suna Rintarou to be his confidant, but he had, and Suna, in turn, unloads all of Osamu's baby fever woes on him. Suna tells him about the baby books Osamu currently keeps in their home and how he's getting mixed signals from it.
("Osamu said, and I quote: 'If I learn along with Atsumu now, then I'd be a master at childrearing by the time it's my turn, and that's a point in my favor.'" Suna shakes his head fondly. "How do I even interpret that?"
"At least Osamu didn't say now."
"That's what you think." Suna grins. "Osamu wants our kids and yours to be the same age."
"Same age." Kiyoomi deadpans, then smirks, seeing the calm look on Suna's face. "You look pleased by it."
"C'mon," Suna scoffs lightly. "It's Osamu. How the hell can i not be pleased? Besides, it's not like we bonded without expectations of a pup or two."
Kiyoomi agrees, until he remembers how he's been kicked out of Atsumu’s nest a week ago when Osamu visited them.
"I've been kicked out from the nest, by the way."
Suna winces. "I figured. For an omega who spends hours on end at your home, I can't even smell a whiff of your scent on Osamu."
Kiyoomi hums, then circles back to their previous topic. "I'm sure it's not a mixed signal anymore if he wants our kids to be the same age. I mean, Atsumu's how many months along already? You're on a time limit as it is, man."
Suna laughs. "That's true. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an omega to talk to.")
Five months later finds Kiyoomi in the hospital, hand crushed to death in Atsumu's vice grip as the omega wails when a contraction hits him again, his body working hard to deliver their babies.
Their family is outside, waiting patiently for the twins' awaited arrival. The team too. Meian had sent them a text over the group chat; it's a photo of everyone in the waiting room, each carrying a gift of their own. Then another one, this time with their family in the picture.
Needless to say, Atsumu had been in tears.
The moment the twins finally do come, Kiyoomi cries. Atsumu is in bed, tired from all the tears and childbirth, but he looks happy and content, like everything he's wanted is in the palm of his hands.
The twins lie secured against their mother's chest, skin to skin, and ever present. Kiyoomi combs Atsumu's hair away and presses a kiss against the omega's forehead, all love and care poured into that single gesture, heart too full to even put his gratitude into words.
Atsumu still understands. His eyes soften, smiling through the tiredness overtaking him.
("Hey you," he whispers, mindful of the twins asleep on his chest. "How are ya feelin'?" Atsumu asks, only to be kissed in return, a kiss so soft, so gentle, yet it leaves him breathless all the same.
"You're so strong." Kiyoomi tells him. "So unbelievably strong, it's insane." The compliment draws out a soft laugh from Atsumu's lips, barely a puff of breath, still, it's there.
Kiyoomi looks at him with stars in his eyes, the all-encompassing love the alpha has for him reflected in his gaze that the omega has no choice but to lean in for a kiss again.
"Sap," Atsumu teases when a stray tear falls on his cheek. "My big strong alpha is crying, why is that?"
"Aside from the twins being born? Everything I guess." Atsumu purrs when he feels Kiyoomi's fingers run through his hair again. "But mostly you. Just... you."
"Sap." Atsumu repeats.
"Most ardently, my love." Gently, Kiyoomi leans down to place a kiss on each twin's forehead, so carefully that his lips barely graze the skin. There's a hint of hesitation behind the gesture, as if doing so would pop the bubble of happiness around them. Atsumu, ever observant, notices this. His free hand comes up to cup Kiyoomi's face, his thumb stroking light circles against his alpha's cheeks.
"They're real, Omi."
"I know," Kiyoomi breathes. "I know. I'm still processing everything, but I know. They're... here."
"And I'm here." Atsumu reminds him. "Say it."
"You're here."
"Yup! And I love you." Kiyoomi's cheeks pink and his feels his heart balloon at the declaration. He's been Atsumu's mate for how long now, yet the magic behind those words is still the same.
"I love you.")
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hijinks-n-lowjinks · 2 years
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Shoutout to my beta A_Tired_Tactic for drawing this scene from chapter 3 of my sakuatsu fic, It Had To Be You!!! They did SUCH an amazing job on it, I'm shook.
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amoena55 · 3 months
One thing abt haikyuu fans is they fucking LOVE to put some regular ass guys in a Situation
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sktsficrecs · 6 days
are you a “libero chasing after their troublesome ace” son or “spiker that has their setter wrapped around their finger” daughter
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starrynightarchive · 3 months
fic masterlist
you can find all my fics sorted according to fandom, ships and wordcount here! along with a silly paragraph on why you should read it in every post :p
bungou stray dogs:
achilles come down (soukokou || 6k words)
fleurs du mal (fem!skk || 2.6k words)
i won't let go of your hand (fukufuku || 1k words)
darling, don't you weep (soukokou || 3.8k words)
of heathens too far-gone to save (nikonathan || 10k words)
we are alone (and all we need) (fyolai || 4.5k words) (ft. @feralshadowdemon )
friend, please (don't take your life away from me) (fukuzawa & dazai dynamic study || 15.3k words)
where we're from, there's no sun (yosano & dazai dynamic study || 15.9k words)
he ain't heavy, he's my brother (ranpo & dazai dynamic study || 13.7k words)
navarasam (soukokou || ongoing)
till forever falls apart (iwaoi || 82k words)
do you like or like like me? (sakuatsu || 5.2k words)
the love you gave me remains, that's why i'm still alive (sakuatsu || 13k words)
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miyasstan · 4 months
Bokuto the bf who's oblivious 🤝 akaashi the bf who literally adores him like he hung the stars in the sky (canon)
(In this house, we love bokuaka 😭)
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naofairy · 2 months
Haikyuu!! March fic recs
If you’re hungry for more, here we have my March hq fic recs! These are my favourites chosen from many fics I read in March, I hope you find something to your liking and remember to leave kudos and comments for those wonderful creators!
This time I wasn’t able to add my notes on time because I’m still down with a cold, but as always you can chceck the summaries and tags through the 🔗 to the fic
3-way smash bros by mysterioustrumpet
corrupt by sumuviolet
worth a shot by dogmad
The Mystery of Ushijima Wakatoshi’s Chocolate-Making, Paris-Living Boyfriend by crookedsilence
Creepin Inta Yer Heart by 221bornotobe
Keep your enemies close (And your clients closer) by mor
ATSU101: how to fall in love with your fake boyfriend by solyn
hold on, who’s got a boyfriend now? (yea right) by akitasan
vintage by winterwaltz6
new love in old places by stormhund
never the same love twice by lettersinpetals
Onigiri for the Broken Hearted by novocaine_sea
Still. Always. by sinkat_arts
Temporary Insanity by WritingMyOwnHappyEnding
astronomy in reverse (it was me who was discovered) by Flumes
Nino Bo vs. The World by sparrowrites
an interim of a thousand years by viverella
in the same room, at the same time by quel_nightmare
The Reason I Miss You by WritingMyOwnHappyEnding
no time for rewrites (we couldn't help it) by akaashism
getting it right by akaashism
fic rec masterlist
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chodzacaparodia · 5 months
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A new obsession is born
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kitasgloves · 6 months
— ♬ NSFW
part 1
Everything feels so hot. ATSUMU MIYA's head was spinning delightfully with how you and your husband touched him. Your lips were latched against his, sucking his bottom lip until it was swollen. Sakusa was leaving bite marks on his tender neck while he massaged his bare thighs. Atsumu couldn't help but feel greedy.
"Mo-more please"
He whimpered. You shared a look with Sakusa who's behind Atsumu and both smirked. Atsumu has been naked for twenty minutes, drowning in both of your affection. 
"Think you're ready, sweetheart?"
You purred to the blonde as he helplessly nodded. Sakusa grabs Atsumu's jaw and locks them in place as his lips ghosts against the setter's ear, sending an aroused shiver.
"You better not miss a goddamn thing, Miya"
Oh, Atsumu wasn't planning to when Sakusa whispered lowly against his ear. You begin to strip as Atsumu watched hungrily. As you settled on the blonde's lap, Sakusa starts to tug down his sweatpants. Atsumu gasps as you grabbed his dick and gave it a few languid strokes.
"Can't wait to get you and Omi inside of me"
Atsumu was about to open his mouth to reply until you lined his cock against your entrance. You slowly sank down causing the two of you to let out a low moan. You felt so tight and warm. Sakusa finds his place behind you as he grabs your hips and pulls your ass up. His cock teases the entrance of your asshole, he spits in his hand covering it all over his dick before gently entering.
Holy fucking shit
Atsumu thinks. There's no way he and Sakusa were inside of you right now. He's fighting the urge not to bust right there and now. The three of you went still for a few seconds until Sakusa begins to move. You and Atsumu groaned. The spiker starts to find the perfect pace. Atsumu felt encouraged to move his hips upwards and it makes you yelp and grab his shoulders.
"Oh fuck!"
You moaned as the two men tried to find the perfect rhythm while buried deep inside of you. When Sakusa's pace begins to quicken, Atsumu goes slack as he lets out a loud moan. You leaned against the blonde, gasping against his neck.
"Alright, let me know if I should slow down or go fast, darling"
Both you and Atsumu replied. An embarrassed flush appears on the blonde's cheeks as Sakusa tries not to laugh at his slip-up. The spiker begins to move his hips sensually. You and Atsumu held on to each other for dear life, sharing whimpers and groans.
"Fuck baby, can you go faster?"
You panted. Sakusa obligied as the pace of his hips quickened. Atsumu throws his head back with a high pitched moaned while you go cross-eyed.
"Fuck! I can feel ya, Omi!"
"Yeah? Do I feel good, Atsumu?"
Although the question wasn't directed to you, you replied with a breathless 'yes'. Sakusa pounds your ass as you and Atsumu reveled in the pleasure. Sakusa chuckles as he leans down against your ear.
"You're taking us so well, darling"
You whimper and clench around both of them, Sakusa and Atsumu moaned in unison.
"Faster, Omi!"
"Fuck! M'gonna cum!"
Both of you were so impatient, Sakusa thinks. However, the view makes it all worth it. You're lying against Atsumu, breasts rubbing against his chest, the setter was fighting to not let his eyes roll back with every thrust. When Sakusa hits a particular spot, both you and Atsumu threw your heads back simultaneously letting your eyes travel to the back of your heads.
Sakusa grins devilishly as he targets the same spot with a much brutal pace. Both you and Atsumu had your jaws slack and drunk on pleasure. Sakusa wraps a hand around your throat from behind while he reaches to capture Atsumu's lips. The two shared a brief but heated kiss and it pushes you close to your release.
"Hnngh! Oh fuck!"
You moaned wantonly. Sakusa's pace grows rapid, showing his incoming orgasm. Atsumu whimpers as you begin to drool.
"Ya both feel so fucking good"
Atsumu grunted. The way he can feel you tightening around his cock and Sakusa's cock ramming inside your ass pushes him to the edge. You softly placed your hand on his cheek.
"Cum-ah!-cum inside of me, 'kay?"
You told him. You were the first to cum, letting out a silent scream. Atsumu followed after two thrusts from Sakusa, his cum painting your walls. Sakusa grits his teeth and viciously rams against you while both of you were still in the middle of orgasm before cumming in your ass too.
All three of your labored breathing echeoed in the room. As soon as the high has passed, you all pull apart and laid together on the mattress. Atsumu was squished between you and your husband. He finds it absurd that he just had sex with a married couple.
"That was...fucking amazing"
You said. Sakusa lets out a breathless chuckle. Suddenly, Atsumu feels shy even if he was lying naked with the both of you.
"Are you okay, Atsumu?"
"Yeah Omi, just processin' everythin'"
"Did you enjoy it, Tsumu?"
"Yes, [Name]"
This makes you smile as you enveloped him in a hug. Sakusa grunts and softly kisses both you and Atsumu's forehead.
"I'm gonna go start the bath"
The spiker pushes himself up as he trudges butt naked to the bathroom.
"We should do this more often"
"...You guys really don't mind me?"
"No! We adore you, Tsumu. Although Omi isn't too keen showing it, he truly does"
"I heard that, [Name]! Get both of your asses here the bath is ready"
You shared a giggle with Atsumu as you two entered the bathroom to wash off with Sakusa. Needless to say, round two unfolded during the bath.
sorry part 2 took so long lol
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tsukimirecs · 15 days
SAKUATSU/// fic recommendations
note: read the tags!!
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burden of blame
a liar's truth
terminal curiosity
dear dr. love
the 28 postcards you left me
body language
finders keepers
bonds severed & mended
won't you get up off, get up off the roof?
rinse and repeat
the doctor
eight days a week
reaching through the screen
akaashi's list of steps to make sakusa and atsumu get together
take me to the limit, hold me down there
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sommerregenjuniluft · 2 months
Hello! Have you any haikyuu fics u recommend? :)
oh boy i do (all on ao3)
literally everything by snoqualmie but esp cotton breathing, routine, untilted (<- iwaoi), mixed signals and mint and pine (<- kyouhaba)
birdcat dude their fics wreck me Every Time, like that shit touches me at my Core esp: mercy is a shade of blue and the north : south : east : west series (<- iwaoi)
also literally everything by deathbelle esp the loyalty of a traitor!!!!!!!!!!1, lockdown (<- iwaoi), burden of blame, different kinds of dysfunctional (<- sakuatsu), liminal space!!!!!!!!!, the monster of shiratorizawa, true colors (honestly the whole plumage series tho), where you've been (is who we are) (<- tensemi)
fairycake as well, absolute forever fav will be insert coin to play, also red dahlia and three sheets to the wind (<- sakuatsu)
desperado (and the prequel teenage fever) by verbrennung (iwaoi)
the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle by kittebasu (iwaoi)
stumble into the sun by sunsmasher (iwaoi)
also i could have sworn i have some kuroken and matsuhana bookmarked but apparently my dumbass didnt but if i find them ill repost and add them but that's it for now<3 (more recs are very welcome ofc!!)
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sktsnation · 2 years
Title: Stolen Tender Moment
Summary: Hinata feels like an intruder, even when he isn't.
Characters: Kiyoomi, Atsumu, Hinata
Words: 202
The one time Hinata has decided to arrive early to morning practice, he is greeted with the sight of Sakusa sitting on the gym floor, his back leaning against the wall, and Atsumu deeply asleep with his head on his lap.
Sakusa's jersey, which the man barely takes off, is draped over Atsumu's torso like a makeshift blanket, while he threads his fingers through the setter's hair, sometimes pausing to trace the lines on his face with his fingers.
‘Oh’. Hinata thinks, feeling awfully conscious about himself as his teammates share an intimate moment, ‘so that's how they are when they’re alone.’
The team knows—have known for a long time, actually—about Sakusa and Atsumu's relationship, but that's the extent of their knowledge. Daily practice carries on with them ribbing against each other; calling names, making faces, and throwing half-hearted glares. It's the only dynamic they show to the team.
Not like this.
Sakusa's fingers slide down to cup Atsumu's cheeks and leans down, pressing a soft lingering kiss on his lips. Hinata's face flushes from catching them in this tender moment and turns away, his feet taking him back to the gym's entrance where he waited for Bokuto to arrive.
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hijinks-n-lowjinks · 7 months
fic recs masterlist
since I was thinking about rereading some of my fav fics, here's a massive list of my favorites include haikyuu, jjk, bsd, etc
frankenstein's monster by starbeyy: sakuatsu fic where they both are diagnosed with OCD. this is the fic that is my instant rec, it's my roman empire. "you were the first beautiful thing i couldn't stop thinking about"?????????? this is a MASTERPIECE
the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle by kittebasu: THE iwaoi fic of all time, permanently altered my brain chemistry, my friend made me a gift of an embroidered hercules beetle and a quote from this fic and it's one of my most prized possessions
The Chosen One by moonyfest: one of my all time favorites, it's just so good and I love how their relationship develops, it's one of the fics that I reread every few months, nsfw in later chapters
Miya Atsumu, Adored By All (loved by some) by honest_pebble: the sakuatsu fic of all time, my inner atsumu kinnie came out while reading this and I cried multiple times while reading it but holy FUCK was it amazing, I reread this every few months as well, I have it downloaded on my phone lol
i wanna ruin our friendship by roseknight: highschool iwaoi fic, one of the first hq fics i ever read and it's very close to my heart because of it, make sure to look at tags for trigger warnings
i'm a house with no windows, you're the flowers on the front porch by miracleboysatori: a phenomenal childhood friends to lovers ushiten fic that has not been given the love it deserves, one of my favorite hq fics of all time, nsfw in later chapters
butterfly in the subway by bigspoonnoya: You've Got Mail au daisuga fic, a ton of background ships that are all super cute, I reread it all the time it's one of my favs!!!!!
the spirit of the resolution by starbeyy: this is my fav sunaosa fic of all time, osamu's complicated relationship with his self esteem really hit me especially when they're getting late night take out, i adore this fic and it's one of my favorites
can i be close to you by radian: kuroken fic where they don't know each other at first but slowly become friends and it's all lowercase but it's so good i promise, super fluffy
Vienna Waits For You by Pouler (poulerslashes): asanoya timeskip fic that's sooooo good in talking about what it's like to grow up and feel the pressure of the world on your shoulders and living up to your potential and expectations, nsfw in later chapters
Black and Blue by MTrash: daisuga au fic, i was obsessed with this fic when i first read it, it's really sad but really good, make sure to look at the tags for trigger warnings, nsfw in later chapters
you're the brake lines failing (as my car swerves off the freeway) by ghostpot: kuroken fic where kenma realizes he's in love with kuroo and spends the entire fic freaking out about it
campfire in your chest by deanpendragon: tsukkiyama fic where tsukishima realizes he's in love with tadashi before kagehina realize they're in love with each other and it's super cute, all of this author's tsukkiyama fics are so good
Liebesträume (Dream of Love) by emivance: sakuatsu rivals to lovers musican au, their dynamic this entire fic is so funny and they're obviously intro each other but are in deep denial about it, nsfw in later chapters
surfacing by meeks00: bokuaka au where they find out their bfs have been cheating on them with each other, one of my fav bkak fics they're so precious, nsfw in chapters 2 and 3
daisy rings and frivolous things (i am deliriously in love with you) by gabstar: bokuaka one shot that I am OBSESSED with, the way their relationship speed runs is my favorite aspect of this fic because its exactly what i imagine their relationship doing
Similar Creatures by h_lovely: iwaoi Pretty Woman au that's soooooo good, i really liked how their relationship developed and grew throughout the fic, nsfw all over this fic
Kiss Me (Like You Wanna Be Loved) by kazzydolyn: bokuaka friends w benefits fic where they fall in love with each other at the same time but akaashi doesn't know what to do about it, nsfw
Guiding Stars by daedalust: hiruhoshi fic that y'all will devour once we get more of hoshiumi and hirugami in the anime, they have one of my fav friendships in the series, hirugami is enamored with hoshiumi who asks for dating advice
Behind Bricks by DeathBelle: bokuaka au where akaashi is a sex worker and they become friends but bokuto falls in love with him instantly, a lot of nsfw obviously
Hard Times by mooifyourecows: daisuga au where olympian daichi pays con artist suga to be his fake fiance during a cruise, my FAVORITE daisuga fic ever, i was chomping at the bit for each update, nsfw in later chapters
Valor with Honor, Fealty with Love by radiantradish: daisuga medieval knight au, they slowly fall in love as rivals and it's suuuper cute yet angsty, mild nsfw in later chapters
In the Armpits of Spring by Paintbrushyy_Ducky98: iwaoi au where they meet in high school and oikawa confesses to iwaizumi before they ever really meet, iwaizumi's growing curiosity about oikawa is soooooo cute their relationship is developed really well
The Space Between Stars by leuralo_l: bokuaka fic where everyone but bokuto knows that akaashi is in love with him, I was so impressed with this fic especially since the author said it was their first fic pls give it a read!!!!!!
wait (I'm on my way) by viverella: sunaosa fic where they're both oblivious to each other's affections and are quietly pining, their relationship is super cute and adorable
Close to the Chest by darkmagicalgirl: kyouhaba fic where they bicker but slowly fall for each other during high school along with background iwaoi, i loved this fic it was so good, some mentioned and blatant homophobia
beautiful monsters by gravitates: ushiten fic with slight angst but damn did it make me feel emotional, ushijima is so soft and tender and loving to tendou, another one of my favs
Cool, detached, casual by fluorophoring: kuroken fic where they try to have casual sex but it doesn't really work and they both spiral lol, nsfw
Breakers by ftld: sunaosa 90s au, god I LOVED this fic and how obvious of a simp osamu is, it's sooooo good, some mentioned/blatant homophobia
Special Relativity and Years by buttonstuck: mega angsty iwaoi fics with the second being an alternate ending of the first fic that has a sad, bittersweet ending that made me cry harder than I have in YEARS, some mild nsfw in the first fic
your whole life on your play by emleewrites: kagehina proposal fic that goes exactly how i picture it would go in canon
make up your mind by sketchedsmiles: sunaosa fake dating au where osamu asks suna to be his fake bf in order to one up atsumu who's dating sakusa, i absolutely loved this fic lol
Jujutsu Kaisen
Caesura by cielelyse: suuuuuuch a good rivals to friends to lovers satosugu fic about their first year in jujutsu high together and the mission that made them friends, probably my fav jjk fic ever
And every day, it's changed since then. by BotanicalBites: inuokka college au where yuuta is an artist trying to escape from his growing fame in the country and meets farmer inumaki
What Instinct Can't Teach by kiyokosturtle: chosoyuki and it's sooooo good how to author develops their relationship before the smut lol, nsfw in the last chapter
The Long Con by lyrebirdswrites: an itafushi no curses au that isn't finished yet but is soooooo good, this fic is currently being plagiarized by another author so it's on hiatus for now but I'm hoping the original author gets everything worked out!!!!
Bungo Stray Dogs
where your loyalties lie by writingfromtheshadows: soukoku yakuza au, this is by far the best bsd fic i've read so far, their relationship is just so believable and their characters are wonderful, nsfw
the art of burning bridges by sanguinekitten: soukoku fic from chuuya's perspective about different times in their lives together, it's so good
i think he knows by sanguinekitten: soukoku 5+1 fic where dazai knows that chuuya loves him but the latter refuses to admit it
Threats Made in a Hotel Room by moonrice (moonyeyes): soukoku fic where dazai pisses of chuuya so much they start making out
A Lesson in Thorns by arkastadt: soukoku beast au fic where they're in an arranged marriage and slowly fall in love, similar premise to where your loyalties lie but an entirely different plot, I still have ten chapters left but I'm really enjoying it so far, nsfw
i'll be your biggest kept secret and your biggest mistake by sascake: mha tododeku fic that I instantly fell in love with, the way the author writes both of them is so well done, not finished yet, mild nsfw mention
sore must be the storm by Pouler (poulerslashes): mha tododeku fic where they're trapped in a collapsing building and they have a deep talk about their lives
Until my Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches by Reiya: yoi viktuuri au fic that I binged like crazy, yuuri and viktor's first interaction goes differently and yuuri is determined to hate viktor, nsfw in later chapters
seraph's nest by phile: csm akiangel fic where they slowly become friends and fall in love with each other over the course of the manga's plot
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astrowaffles · 3 days
General Audiences | Crack/Fluff | JNT bonding
“HINATA!” Atsumu yelled over Lady Gaga. “RESCUE YER BOYFRIEND!”
Hinata, though he clearly understood who Atsumu was referring to, immediately refused to take another step forward. “WE’RE NOT DATING!”
“HE’S GOING TO DIE!” Yaku screeched. Hinata swivelled just in time to see Kageyama almost get knocked unconscious by a wayward stilt.
“Don’t say that, he’ll start attacking things,” Sakusa huffed. “And by things I mean innocent performers.”
“Since when were ya the voice of reason?” Atsumu asked, slightly unnerved.
“You have known me since we were sixteen years old, Atsumu, I don’t see how you’ve only just realised-“
“Oh god, someone save Kageyama,” Aran interjected, watching the athlete be whirled between the performers.
“We just told Hinata to,” Yaku argued. “MOVE IT, GINGER!”
“Woah,” Aran said, hands up in surrender. “Now I’m not passin’ judgement or anythin’, but one could say, Yaku, that yer hair is a bit-“
“Not now, Aran,” said Yaku dismissively, cupping his hands around his mouth. “HINATA, SAVE HIM!”
“Who knew getting a grown man to cross the road was this hard,” Sakusa commented.
OR: JNT do pride!
“My Ma had a sayin’,” Atsumu observed, fanning himself with a rainbow flag. “’They’re about as welcome as a rattlesnake at a line dance’. It’s the same with those idiots.” He gestured vaguely towards Hinata and Hoshiumi, who were watching the stilt performers and asking them irritating and slightly invasive questions like ‘how tall are your stilts?’ and ‘could you fit me under that skirt if I really, really needed to hide from the cops?’
“She’s never said any such thing,” Aran scolded. “Ya got that from a list of cowboy sayin’s on Tumblr.”
Atsumu gasped. “I would never!”
“Ya sent me the list.”
“False accusations,” Atsumu sniffed, and gave up on trying to gain a draft from the flag. “It’s just so hot yer hallucinatin’.”
Aran pointedly sipped from his water bottle and tipped his eyes upwards to his wide-brimmed hat. “Ya think I can’t handle a little heat?”
Atsumu, who had only just taken the time to don SPF at Sakusa’s insistence, chose not to comment.
Sakusa himself, dressed head to toe in protective gear and sunscreen, stood slightly menacingly in a shaded corner of the street. He held an umbrella over his head, presumably in case the roof of the shop he was sheltering under suddenly disappeared without a trace and left him at the mercy of the UV rays. Beside him, Yaku offered him a sip of water, which Sakusa refused with a face of disgust. Yaku shrugged, chugged the last from his paper cup, and sat on the ground to wait for Hinata and Hoshiumi to come back. Sakusa moved away in case the floor germs spread.
Atsumu waved at them cheerily. “Should we join ‘em?”
“Sure,” Aran agreed, already moving for the solace of the shade. It was by no means the hottest day he’d experienced, but the energy it took to wrangle just a single teammate was enough to compensate for another several hundred degrees.
“When are the others coming?” Yaku asked when they got close enough, having evidently given up on making small talk with Sakusa. “It’s getting too warm to stay out here and wait.”
“Aw, don’t ya wanna see the floats go past?” Atsumu protested. “That’s my favourite part.”
“That’s not happenin’ fer another hour,” Aran reminded him. “The others’ll be here by then.”
“Oh, on the next train, then?” Yaku guessed.
“Yup. Well, Bokuto will be here fer that because he’s bringin’ Akaashi, and Akaashi only comes on the train,” Atsumu nodded, quickly scrolling through his messages.
“Kageyama was supposed to already be here,” Yaku tutted, following Atsumu’s lead and examining the team groupchat. “Think he got caught up in something?”
“Probably. Ushi’s not here because he’s in France, Suna’s with Osamu-“
“Komori’s on his way,” Sakusa interrupted. “He’s bringing bug spray.”
“So that’s everyone.” Yaku stood and dusted himself off. “Oh, there’s Kageyama.”
On the opposite side of the street, Kageyama stood looking completely lost. He clearly didn’t feel confident enough to cross in case he walked into one of the performers, who were doing their best to edge away from Hoshiumi and his accomplice. As they couldn’t fully escape without moving too fast (or running), and therefore ruining the performance, they could only lead the duo further down the road and into Kageyama’s path. Kageyama, terrified of anything he didn’t understand – like snakes, or Fanta – was frozen and unable to either reach the group waiting for him under the shop awnings or join Hoshiumi and Hinata’s adventure. In fact, he actually just looked likely to be swept away among swathes of fabric and stilts.
“HINATA!” Atsumu yelled over Lady Gaga, who was booming from a speaker held by the lead performer. “RESCUE YER BOYFRIEND!”
Hinata, though he clearly understood who Atsumu was referring to, immediately refused to take another step forward. “WE’RE NOT DATING!”
“HE’S GOING TO DIE!” Yaku screeched. Panicked, Hinata swivelled just in time to see Kageyama almost get knocked unconscious by a wayward stilt as the performers tried frantically to both retain their grace and get as far away from Hoshiumi as physically possible.
“Don’t say that, he’ll start attacking things,” Sakusa huffed. “And by things I mean innocent performers.”
“Since when were ya the voice of reason?” Atsumu asked, slightly unnerved. “I don’t like it. Stop it.”
“You have known me since we were sixteen years old, Atsumu, I don’t see how you’ve only just realised-“
“Oh my god, someone save Kageyama,” Aran interjected, watching the athlete be whirled between the performers like a bowl between the chopsticks of a street magician.
“We just told Hinata to,” Yaku argued, and lobbed his paper cup towards Hinata as best he could. “MOVE IT, GINGER!”
“Woah,” Aran said, hands up in surrender. “Now I’m not passin’ judgement or anythin’, but one could say, Yaku, that yer hair is a bit-“
“Not now, Aran,” said Yaku dismissively, and cupped his hands around his mouth. “HINATA, SAVE HIM!”
Hinata, who had been sulking in the middle of the road for the past few minutes, finally decided his point was made and began to make his way towards the performers. This only made things worse, however, as the performers began to panic that a second Hoshiumi was now coming to harass them with questions about how to avoid the police, and what the toughest wood was (for the purpose of making innocent-looking-yet-deadly swords). In their haste to get away, they began moving faster, making Kageyama spin so quickly his eyes were almost visibly swirling.
“Who knew getting a grown man to cross the road was this hard,” Sakusa commented, though he was just as invested as everyone else.
When Hinata eventually managed to get a hand on Kageyama’s arm and drag him, practically kicking and screaming, away from the whirling colours, almost the entire group broke out into cheers. Sakusa refrained, sniffing snobbishly at the (definitely homosexual) reunion hug.
“I hope someone tells ‘em,” Aran noted, watching Kageyama pick Hinata up and spin him around aggressively. “I hope a drag queen stops ‘em and congratulates ‘em on their marriage.”
“Why marriage?” Yaku asked.
“Well, they’re not just datin’, are they?” Aran pointed out. “They’ve been married since high school, in my opinion.”
Atsumu nodded sagely, and opened his mouth to add something, but instead a different voice said-
“Who’s married?”
“Komori!” Yaku welcomed. “Finally! Tell these morons they’re engaged.”
“Kiyo, Atsumu, you’re engaged,” Komori said solemnly.
Even Lady Gaga couldn’t salvage the awkward looks that followed, as Sakusa and Atsumu edged slowly apart and Aran bit his lip to avoid a grin.
“We meant the star-crossed lovers over there,” Yaku clarified, as Hinata grabbed Kageyama’s hands and started dragging him across the road.
“Oh, my bad,” said Komori cheerfully, without a shred of remorse. “Those two, too.”
By the time everyone had managed to regroup, Bokuto having been rescued from the sperm bank people (or was it the other way round?) and Akaashi having been rescued from the train station, there seemed hardly any point in trying to remove Hoshiumi from his riveting conversation with a stray kitten.
“I vote we leave him there,” Komori said, as the kitten left a long, red scratch across Hoshiumi’s face.
“Aw, but then he’ll miss the parade!” Bokuto pointed out.
“He’s a grown man, he’s perfectly capable of findin’ the parade by himself,” Atsumu shrugged.
“But why bother gathering here if we’re not going together?” Hinata countered.
Sakusa side-eyed him. “We’re all third wheeling you two anyway, it’s not exactly a bros trip.”
“Never say the words ‘bros trip’ again,” Komori admonished. “I’ll take away your bug spray.”
Sakusa hugged the small can close to his chest in defiance and turned his pleading eyes on Aran. “You have sense. You’ll leave that demon here, won’t you?”
“Well…” Aran hesitated. “We did all come here together…”
“Besides, what if he gets lost?” Bokuto agreed.
“Only you could get lost here, Koutarou,” Akaashi sighed. “All the streets lead back to each other, it’s not like he can end up on the other side of town. Unless he really tried…”
“I think we should take him,” said Kageyama, unexpectedly.
“For some reason, I didn’t think you’d want to,” Atsumu observed.
“If we take him, nothing bad will happen because it will all happen to him,” Kageyama reasoned.
“We’re taking him,” Aran said immediately, to a chorus of nods.
“HOSHIUMI!” Yaku yelled, because apparently he was the foghorn of the group today. “We’re leaving.”
Hoshiumi stood up, still holding the stray kitten. “Okay. Can I keep Jeremy?”
Jeremy hissed and struggled.
“No,” Yaku told him. “Pick something else.”
Hoshiumi obediently linked arms with Kageyama. “I’ll take this guy, then.”
Kageyama scowled. “I don’t want to be taken.”
“Yeah,” Hinata agreed, sporting a matching scowl. “Pick something else, Hoshiumi.”
Hoshiumi shrugged. “No.”
“Don’t bother trying to convince him,” someone called from another table. Surprised, they turned to see Iwaizumi, subtly decked out in pride converse and a pin badge, as well as Oikawa (pride flag cape & rainbow crocs) and two men they hadn’t seen before, one with startling pink hair.
“Iwa!” Oikawa hissed. “You promised not to talk to them!”
“I couldn’t watch any longer,” Iwaizumi said apologetically. “I just couldn’t bear it. Someone’ll get killed if they keep provoking Hoshiumi like that.”
“Ever the sensible one,” the man with pink hair sighed, though he didn’t seem upset.
“Couldn’t stop him from parenting if we tried,” the other agreed, and drained the last of his drink. “Still, he did promise it was our day…”
“Exactly!” Oikawa exclaimed, pointing triumphantly. “Even Mattsun says so!”
“It is our day,” Iwaizumi argued. “I just don’t want any deaths on the team-“
“Blah, blah, anyone would think you wanted to win the Olympics,” Oikawa interrupted. “Makki and Mattsun have come a long way for us, you know, at least spend time with them.”
Hinata, ever lacking in social skills, chose this moment to wave enthusiastically at Oikawa. “Tooru!!” he greeted. “I didn’t expect to see you here!”
“You didn’t expect to see me at pride?” Oikawa snarked, but he stood to hug Shoyo with a grin. “Iwa, I’ve decided. We’re joining these guys.”
“What about us?!” ‘Mattsun’ complained, helping Oikawa to disentangle their chairs and drag them over to join the bigger table. “We don’t even know them.”
“Volleyballers, this is Makki and Mattsun,” Oikawa introduced quickly. “Makki and Mattsun, this is the Japanese volleyball team. You know them already.”
“They’re Hanamaki and Matsukawa,” Iwaizumi elaborated, pointing at each in turn. “Sorry for the intrusion.” He made no effort to dissuade Oikawa from inserting himself into the group, knowing full well there was no stopping Oikawa. Ever.
Another group walked by the window, blasting Super Bass. Oikawa immediately began chanting the words; Sakusa, who had removed his mask to sip tentatively at his drink, started to mouth along too.  Iwaizumi, looking very close to killing himself, said, “Let’s move on, shall we?”
The parade began happily enough. After Bokuto managed to grasp the concept of drag queens, he immediately became their biggest fan, screaming and cheering whenever one went past. Akaashi simply kept a hold of his hand so he didn’t run out into the road and trample anyone, and smiled agreeably whenever Bokuto pointed something out to him.
“Simp,” Atsumu muttered under his breath; Sakusa looked at him questioningly, but Atsumu just flashed him a grin and offered to top up his friend’s SPF.
Oikawa, meanwhile, had tugged Iwaizumi, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa into a circle to dance. Hanamaki appeared to be doing his best, but Iwaizumi and Matsukawa were just observing - Mattsun was multitasking by recording, snickering, and daring Makki to do stupider and stupider moves. Oikawa looked like he was about to start breakdancing, as Iwaizumi covered his eyes and tried very hard to become invisible.
Hinata and Kageyama had somehow found a row of vendors and covered themselves in pride flags, from pin badges to face paint to literal flags stuck in their buttonholes, pockets and collars. Kageyama was finding it especially hard to move as he was encrusted with rainbows, but seemed content to stand still and watch Hinata, who was constantly being offered people’s numbers. Kageyama gave a satisfied nod every time Hinata turned one down, and every moment of hesitation deepened his scowl by another millimetre.
Yaku looked ready to pass out from heat on the sidewalk, leaning heavily on Komori, whose eyebrows seemed to enjoy Dolly Parton immensely. Aran had been sent on a mission to find more water.
“You’re going to be 60% water by the time you’ve finished,” Hoshiumi commented.
“All humans are anything from 45-75% water,” Bokuto recited, and beamed proudly. “Isn’t it amazing that I still remember that from university?”
“It’s so amazing,” said Akaashi, before anyone else could react. “You’re so smart.”
“Thanks, Keiji! Never as smart as you!”
Atsumu gagged.
“Homophobia,” Oikawa accused, seeing him. “Two people being innocently gay, and you’re gagging?”
“Oh, please,” said Atsumu. “Me? Homophobic? Me?”
“Yeah, he’s gay too!” Hinata agreed.
“Bi, thank you so much,” Atsumu corrected.
Oikawa gasped. “A woman kisser!”
“You’re a woman kisser, moron,” Iwaizumi said.
“Only in theory!”
“Just say you don’t like women,” Atsumu advised. “Less embarrassing than admitting it’s them that don’t like you.”
“Everyone likes women,” Hinata disagreed.
“I meant romantically.”
“Oh.” Hinata shrugged. “Well, I like women in all senses, anyway.”
“That’s not the point, Shoyo, because women like you back.”
Kageyama made a discontented noise. “I wish they didn’t,” he muttered.
“What?” asked Hinata. “Did you say something?”
“He did,” Atsumu teased. “He said that-“
Kageyama threw a flag at him. “Stop!”
“Chill, dude, I didn’t even hear you,” Atsumu assured him.
“I did,” said Komori idly. “Do I get a free flag too?”
“Guys, shut up,” said Yaku. He’d finally collapsed onto the pavement. “You need to hear my last will and testament.”
“You’re not dying,” Iwaizumi dismissed, but he knelt down and felt Yaku’s pulse. “Oh. Well, you’re probably not dying, but maybe we should-“
“Hospital?” Yaku asked.
“Hospital,” Iwaizumi agreed.
“…So who gets his money?”
“Bad timing, Koutarou.”
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