#alpha derek supremacy
feelsforsterek · 2 years
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fairytalegumiho · 2 years
I'm really super proud of Derek becoming a true alpha. It was always my headcanon that Derek has a huge potential for it. Derek has a huge saviour complex and doesn't hesitate when it comes to saving others. But back in the days most of the antis had blatantly criticized me (very rudely too). So my then teenage heart is dancing right now as I'm bawling my eyes out in the present.
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nuttypenguintyphoon · 2 years
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Derek hale is my one and only true alpha and that's that on that... 😭
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What's your favourite teen wolf headcanon?
True alpha Derek Hale supremacy! Also, spark and/or magic Stiles.
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stilinskiderek · 2 years
Hi! I have a question about the Teen Wolf movie, if it's not too much trouble, because I don't really want to watch it. I've gathered from gifs and summaries that Allison doesn't remember much at first, not even Scott. There's a scene where Allison is wearing a cap and holding a dagger up and pointed at Scott, where she doesn't seem to recognize him, and asks where the alpha is. And Scott asks her, I think, if she means him, and Allison counters asking where Derek Hale is. I thought at first that she had some kind of full-on amnesia, not remembering anything from her life in Beacon Hills. But is her memory just spotty? So she doesn't remember Scott but somehow she remembers alpha Derek, which is a memory that's way later in her Beacon Hills life than meeting and dating Scott. Or is there maybe some kind of wacky mind and memory control thing from whatever brought her back to life? Sorry for the length of this and thank you!
I do not recommend watching the movie as it was in fact trash. I don't remember exact details because i did in fact hate it. I tried my best! i hope this answers your question
Major spoilers ahead for the teen wolf movie! The movie opens with the nogitsune being rereleased, and we later cut to Scott hallucinating Allison from the first season, where she hit a dog with her car and shows up at the animal clinic. Chris Argent shows up and he and Scott share a moment of “you’re seeing her too” and they get in contact with Lydia, bringing the gang back together to save Allison, who’s in some form of limbo? The gang sets off to the woods to find the nemeton with an oni sword that of course they have. Why wouldn’t they have the sword that killed Allison? Chris has apparently just been trucking around with it for 15 years. Allison is brought back to life, somehow, supposedly the same Allison who died 15 years ago despite her hair being a different length and her not looking the same at all. So she’s aged? In limbo? Who knows. Not me. Allison goes to the hospital, poor long suffering Melissa runs her bloodwork and we’re told oh yeah, it’s Allison! For real Allison. Allison leaves the hospital and like you saw, says she’s looking for the alpha, Derek Hale. She bumps into Scott and has no memory of him. I don’t think she recognizes her dad either. So we have Allison who is presumably a weapon of the nogitsune who wants to take revenge on Derek. For something??? The nogitsune says it wants retribution. Allison finds Derek with his son, Eli, the only redeeming quality of this movie. Dilf Derek supremacy. Allison tries to kill Derek and almost succeeds but is thwarted by Liam and new character Hikari who I would love to know more about but alas Jeff remains not giving a shit about female characters. Allison is eventually somehow trapped by Scott who has to convince her of who he is. She gets some memories back (?) but it’s spotty. I cried so hard I missed the last 15 minutes of the movie including the scallison ending.
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agentmmayy · 3 years
should i get back into teen wolf…. it’s been years and i only saw some s1
if you do, PLEASE watch season 3 it is the best season of the entire show and 3b is an actual masterpiece
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
Deaton traveling on his own dime to Japan for a rare lichen to save Stiles and poisoning the yakuza all while looking like he'd fit right in in a action/spy movie will never not be badass. Especially when he says "There's an evil spirit inside a teenage boy and I'm going to poison it." He's unequivocally portrayed as a good guy but fandom still deems him shady and untrustworthy all while writing about Peter mentoring Stiles and Lydia lol.
There's obviously the antiblackness of it all but also the white supremacist notion wherein white characters are entitled to power, and that's what they view the Nogitsune as. Power. Power for Stiles. They see it as wrong for Deaton to "deprive" him of that especially since he's Black.
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Here's the thing that underscores your point while also driving racist Teen Wolf fans (and yes, I'm calling them racist at this point, there's no reason not to) to distraction: if you set aside Scott McCall, the person who supports Stiles Stilinski (and Derek Hale) the most often during the entire run of the show is Alan Deaton. Let's look at the tape:
doesn't call the cops on Derek in Season 1
tells Scott about the Bestiary (which ultimately helps Derek)
recognizes and makes sure to include Stiles in the plan to capture Jackson in Season 2
makes sure Derek is okay after Peter uses him
warns Derek about how Peter will try to manipulate him
helps Derek try to locate his missing betas
answers Stiles's questions about Druids in Season 3A
goes with Stiles to investigate the missing music teacher in 3A
rescues Stiles from Agent McCall in 3A
provides Stiles with the means to save his father in 3A
helps Stiles understand his dreams in 3B
travels to Japan to get the Letharia Vulpina
stops the possessed Stiles from killing Scott
secures the possessed Stiles
treats the de-aged Derek
endures Valack's gaze to help Derek
I'm sure I've missed instances but you get the idea. Deaton supplies Stiles with purpose, with information, with lore, but that's not enough for them. It is arguable that Deaton could have done everything for Scott that Stiles did and far more effectively, but Deaton chooses instead not to try to replace him. Deaton cares about Stiles a lot (certainly more than Derek or Peter did).
Oh, sure, the Sheriff rushed about bellowing about "where the hell is my son?" but he didn't actually do much of anything tangible to support Stiles. Their scenes are always about their relationship, and more often than not that relationship was an obstacle to resolving the plot.
Alan Deaton certainly appreciates Stiles's talents as much as anyone, but apparently that doesn't seem to matter to the fandom. You've already covered the reasons why.
I am always wary to use the term anti-blackness because it feels like that is not my lane but I'll do it this time because you said it first. They literally do not have any problem with any white male character criticizing other white male characters. Deaton's criticisms of Peter, Derek, and Stiles are comparatively mild when compared to how those three (or Isaac) go after each other, but somehow that's shown as an emotional connection. Deaton's reticence -- which is extraordinarily exaggerated in the minds of fandom -- is seen as a sign of sinister intent, even though Derek, Peter, and Stiles habitually hide critical information from others. To them, a black male character simply has no right to his own secrets.
But ultimately, Alan Deaton's unforgivable sin is prioritizing Scott -- even if that prioritization only serves to place Scott in danger -- over any white male character. I was watching a reaction video to Frayed (3x05) once, and the white women watching it were shrieking at Deaton not to relent and treat Ennis even after Marin explained that not doing so would place Scott in harm's way. At that point, the Alpha's were Derek's enemies and the reactors thought he shouldn't help them, no matter what. And there's the white supremacy you're talking about -- because this is the same episode where Derek endangers Scott by attacking his peace summit with Deucalion. It's very clear who fandom expected Deaton to value the most, and their disdain for him arises from the fact that he chose to value the lead protagonist over his foils.
It's a clear sign of the unearned importance they try to award white male characters.
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failbaby · 3 years
how is spencer queer-coded. like i know he gay but i cannot think of any specific examples of queer-code
(Please note that I’m not saying any of these things make you gay/genderqueer, or that all LGBT people fit these tropes, but these are common experiences that LGBT people share, and with the knowledge that his character was supposed to be queer, they fall into place, in my opinion.)
(Also these examples include gender stuff because I believe in nonbinary Spencer supremacy)
• He repeatedly sets himself apart from other male characters who are “alpha males.” This is presented as just a personality thing, but what it is at its core is that he consciously rejects hypermasculinity and sees himself as a different kind of man than his hypermasculine peers. This is very similar to how I feel about straight female peers.
• This is kind of an obvious one, but that character he met up with in New Orleans, Ethan, was pretty clearly supposed to be an ex-boyfriend, in my opinion. Spencer splits off from the group, meets Ethan at a bar, and doesn’t make contact with the group again until the next morning. He tells Gideon that he had thought about ditching the FBI entirely to stay in New Orleans.
I can’t say for sure, since they don’t tell us, but given that Spencer doesn’t have anything else going for him in New Orleans and there aren’t a lot of fully grown adults who have platonic sleepovers when a free hotel room is available, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume they were hinting at sex and rekindling a college romance.
• His disdain for and disillusionment with Christianity. He’s not just not religious, Christianity specifically seems to actively make him uncomfortable and unhappy. In part 2 of Fisher King, he plays along with Diana’s delusion about giving a lecture, but he absolutely refuses to entertain Tobias’s religious delusions, even when his life is on the line. He gets annoyed when Derek talks about believing in God but not the Devil, and tries to poke holes in his logic. He talks about people “perverting the Bible” to “justify anything.”
They never explain why this is other than the one time he says he’s “a man of science,” which doesn’t hold up—he never has this sort of knee-jerk negative reaction to astrology, JJ’s fortune teller, Islam, superstitions, or literally any mentioned belief system other than Christianity.
(It’s quite common for LGBT people in the US to have negative experiences and trauma associated with specifically Christianity, since, for lack of a better way to say this, Christianity is the religion that creates most of our problems.)
• The whole Tobias Hankel plot. Why was he, specifically, written into a situation where he’s being told to repent of his sins?
• This is gender, but in the Adam/Amanda episode, Spencer closely aligns himself with Adam. (“Guys like us…”) Ofc I’m aware that Adam is not genderqueer, and that Adam and Amanda are two distinct personalities born of a mental illness, but Spencer being the only character who is able to relate to, identify, and understand an unsub who is simultaneously a man and a woman reads as genderqueer coding, in my opinion.
Derek and Rossi aren’t able to get through because they’re “alpha males,” but I’d note that Emily wasn’t able to establish rapport with Adam, either, indicating that Spencer specifically had a connection to Adam.
• Also gender—being able to relate to and establish rapport with the pregnant woman in the swinger episode when Derek and Rossi couldn’t, because he (again) is a different kind of man than they are
• His whole background as an “outcast” and his tendency to relate to and empathize with people who others don’t understand, tbh. (Fortunately, this is not so common anymore, and a lot of LGBT people thrive in high school, but when Spencer would’ve been growing up, gay teens were often abused and mistreated by their peers.)
• The sexual assault element during the goalpost incident. The fact that he was stripped naked is odd. It resembles a sexual humiliation factor that (very sadly) is often present in real life homophobic hate crimes.
• Having to hide his significant other from his close friends at the risk of their safety. (I know Maeve was a woman, obviously, but keep in mind that this was aired on CBS and they didn’t want him with a man. The storyline mirrors the situation of a lot of gay youth in love.)
• Minimal Loss. Spencer and Emily, who are both heavily queer-coded, were trapped inside a church, facing the wrath of a corrupt sect of fundamentalist Christianity. I’m 100% convinced that the fact that it was those two characters inside of the church is significant
This is all I can think of at the moment, but if anyone has examples they’d like to add, please do!
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ijustdontlikepeople · 3 years
for the salty asks: based on a quick look at your tags, think i'm also a fan of most things you are, so pls answer these with any fandom in mind 😌
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? (i'll suggest teen wolf bc there's a lot to choose from lmao but really any show is fine)
23. Unpopular character you love?
+ any other one you wanna answer 💫😚
I just saw this! Sorry if it’s been a few days!
5. I don’t think fandom itself has ever ruined a ship for me. Writers definitely have but I can’t think of a fandom that’s done it on its own.
11. I like Lizzie Saltzman and Caroline Forbes from tvd! They were pretty unpopular at the beginning of their respective shows but I think they’ve gained some traction! People disliked them because they were both kind of bitchy from a place of insecurity. Caroline put on fake niceness, and Lizzie was outwardly hostile. I felt for Caroline from the get go. And watching lizzie struggle with her mental health, i kind of understood her. Her issues didn’t excuse her actions but it explained them. Plus, they were always funny and interesting.
On Teen Wolf, I love Cora. I don’t think people dislike her but I think she’s underrated.
I thought Octavia was always interesting and she had some really spikes and valleys in her popularity in The 100. She did terrible things when leading the bunker, but I read a very interesting opinion piece on the level of accountability placed on her vs Abby and Kane. I don’t think she did the right thing, but I still enjoyed watching her character. I always liked Gabriel in the 100 too. He was so interesting. I think people disliked him bc all of season 6 was so jarringly different from the rest of the 100. And bc he he created the whatever chip things. But he was smart, cute, and deeply sad so you know I’m interested.
16. Things I would change about Teen Wolf? Wow there’s so much to choose from! First, I’d pretty much leave canon up to season 4. Kira never goes to the skinwalkers and remains main cast. Sterek is canon (down the road, like Stiles Junior year of college maybe? Make up for all the queerbaiting) Emotionally, I want Erica and Boyd back, but plot wise their deaths made sense so instead I’ll settle for them actually remembered and Isaac not fucking off to France. Actual Hale Pack! True Alpha Scott is great but my heart lives with Derek Hale and he’s lost so much he should get to have his pack with his found family. Oh! Cora’s here too! Jackson as Peter’s son! Maybe we make a few new additions to the pack Liam still gets bit, dragging Mason in too.
Plot line maybe involving the recognition of Deaton as untrustworthy! Also Spark!Stiles supremacy!!! They dropped in that he had magic and then forgot about it! So let’s say, coming off the nogistune possession Stiles starts getting powers; the possession awakened his dormant magic. Stiles starts learning magic from Deaton but he does research on his own. He figures out Deaton isn’t telling him everything. Something to this tune. Maybe a big evil too. Vampires? Lydia dates vampire?
Let me add in here a few small critiques of 2 other shows too.
The 100: season 6 and 7 do not happen. Bellarke ends up together raising Madi. Earth is hospitable. Memori and Marper have kids. Dealing with harsh climates since the nuclear explosion and internal issues. (Might sound boring but I think I would have liked it better lol)
TVD: Damon doesn’t do anything to Caroline in season 1, because I rewatched season 1 recently and it ruins his entire character for me. Give Bonnie some happiness that lasts. Many other things.
23. So I’ve kind of answered this with 11. But I’ll add, some people really dislike Clarke Griffin and I love her. She has done many terrible things but as a character she is so good to watch. (I’m ignoring season 7 bc it doesn’t exist in my head). I loved Jackson on The Originals too. (I feel like I don’t have a great idea of people the fandom dislikes or are unpopular).
Thank u so much for asking!! I hope these answers are fun! ♥️😄
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camelotpark · 4 years
Nah. Scott McCalk became a “true alpha” (whatever the fuck that stupid white supremacist title even means) out of shitty, nonsensical writing and cheap fan service. The alpha pack was supposed to come to Beacon Hills for Jackson and Derek, but Colton left the show and they needed to make Scott “relevant” – since Posey was bitter about the fact that Dylan O’Brien and Tyler Hoechlin kept eclipsing his talentless ass without even trying – so the writer came up with that true alpha crap last minute.
With everything that is going on these past few weeks I get this coward's anon in my ask box. Comparing a title that in canon mostly centers around a moc getting rewarded for his kindness and bravery and refusal to use violence as a first resort to white supremacy.
White supremacy that as we speak has lead to countless deaths of innocent black men and women from police brutality. Deaths that have seen poor black and brown people pushed into a prison pipeline designed to stifle their futures. That has lead to protest of defending another black life lost unjustly.
You use white supremacy because you are pissed that a Mexican American character was bestowed something that your white favorite wasn't and something you think he doesn't deserve.
But I see you for what you are. Someone who has only ever benefited from it so feel completely comfortable in using it to to once again cut down a character who is too brown and too visible for your liking.
Remain cowardly.
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feelsforsterek · 2 years
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fandom-rants · 5 years
Okay, I realize that the Teen Wolf fandom is about as capable of deep and critical thought as the Kingdom hearts fandom, but the fact that I had to read with my own two eyes the idea that “fans who write Derek as powerful and strong in fanfictions are actually fans of white supremacy” made me want to burn my eyes in acid.
This person actually said this, and then they backed it up with a list of the number of times Derek won a fight, and then said that it wasn’t just about white supremacy, but was also about wanting Derek’s victories to mean something - which meant these fans who wanted Derek to be strong were actually trying to argue the idea that might means right! “It’s because they continue the idea that violence is how to solve a problem instead of Scott’s attempts to solve said problems without resorting to violence!”
Are you fucking kidding me? As if Derek didn’t ever, say, try to raise pack strength, get the pack to work well together, help out kids in need, talk it out with enemies, or reach out a helping hand. As if Derek hadn’t done everything possible to help his uncle and Scott and Boyd and Erika and Isaac. As if he hadn’t helped with Jackson or with the Alpha pack or anything else. As if his character had circled around attacking instead of, I don’t know, defending.
As if Scott hadn’t chosen violence with Peter and Jackson and the Alpha pack and literally all the same enemies Derek had. In order to defend people. You know. Just like Derek.
These fucking dumbass fans have pointed out the exact reason we fans want Derek to be strong and then twisted it until they could create a reason for the reason when they had already damn well reached the conclusion.
The problem isn’t that Scott is peaceful while Derek is violent, it’s that all of Derek’s efforts, both peaceful and violent, were written as complete failures for sometimes extremely arbitrary reasons, while everything Scott did, both peaceful and violent, was written to be inherently successful, oftentimes for even more arbitrary reasons.
Derek was more knowledgeable, more powerful, more skilled, more adaptive, and more accommodating, yet he was written as weak and foolish and crude and close-minded despite canon evidence to the contrary. Scott, meanwhile, was foolish and rash and judgmental and obstinate, yet he was written as right and just and inherently wise, despite canon evidence to the contrary.
These fans who write Derek as a great leader are just fixing what’s broke. And trust me, when it comes to the Teen Wolf storyline, that’s the baseline of things that need fixing up.
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justjimedits · 4 years
A racist, whiny, entitled middle aged white man preaching about white supremacy… Priceless.
Also: “And it doesn’t stop with the Hales. There’s a recent trend when ‘fixing’ Season 6 where they make Brett an alpha and slowly strip away Liam, Theo, Corey, Mason and even – hilariously – Alec from Scott and put them into a new pack”
No one could ever strip away Liam, Theo, Corey, Mason or Alec away from Scott McCall, because they NEVER belonged to Scott McCall in the first place. Every single Teen Wolf character is his own person, not an exclusive property of Scott.
User @princeescaluswords wants his fictional stand-in Scott McCall to be ‘better’, ‘superior’ and everyone’s leader/alpha/owner so fucking bad, but even Tyler Posey confirmed that Scott disappeared from everyone’s life and started a new pack away from Beacon Hills during that virtual Teen Wolf reunion thing. So yeah… sucks to be you, antis
People can do whatever the fuck they want in their own non Scott centric stories; and if they despise Scott McCall and don’t want to include him in their works? They are perfectly entitled to do that *shrugs*
Escalus and his toxic Scott McCall defense squad friends though are NOT entitled to routinely stalk, bully and harass Teen Wolf fans (especially Stiles/Derek fans and Sterek, Steter, Steo shippers ofc) for disliking their toxic fav Scott/Posey ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My add: I think it’s extremely hard to go against Pew and his Posse because nothing you say can make them change their opinions, they are too set in their ways and won’t even listen to the POC fans of Teen Wolf who correct him on his use of racism constantly and he ignores. PEW and his group confuse quite a few things, like fanfiction with Canon, and the show characters with the actors. They use facts of all of that and make that into their own truth. It’s an endless, tiresome feud they have for years.  I come across PEW’s comments on fics from 2013, that’s when he was already doing what he’s still doing to this day, demanding Scott to be the vocal point of ALL fanfiction because he’s the star of the show. Then comes with little numbers of fics on AO3 to try and prove racism but he conveniently leaves out the numbers that say differently. He rudely demands of writers to acknowledge his pleas and if you disagree with Scott as hero of the story, you’re racist. That’s how he goes about it since the show started.  I hate Cheating Derek fics for example, it goes against who Derek is as a person but they seem to be popular these days. I always read the tags before I go read a fic and I simply don’t read the ones I don’t like. It’s not up to me to demand those fics to be changed because they don’t meet my views. It’s fiction for a reason and there are those that do enjoy them, good for them. I respect other fans enough to not force them into agreeing with me by bullying and harassing their posts and fics. And in the end, that’s the entire problem. He doesn’t respect opinions that are different from his, it’s why he blocked me, it’s why he chooses not to answer anything he can’t go against anymore, and why his club of haters spread hate instead of Scott love. The Antis make people hate Scott and that’s a shame, because that’s not what Scott McCall deserves.
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ao3feed-peterstiles · 4 years
Uniting the Families
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NEhkKo
by skargasm
Werewolves, Hunters and Humans maintain an uneasy balance, with humans very much at the bottom of the food-chain. The Super-powered Hunters are battling for supremacy and the Werewolves are determined to remain at the top of the pyramid.
In Beacon Hills, in order to avoid full-scale war, the Alpha comes up with an unusual suggestion: an alliance between the three factions.
Or: the five times the bad guys came after Stiles and the one time they didn’t get the chance!
Words: 737, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Uniting the Families
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Sheriff Stilinski, Alan Deaton, Melissa McCall, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Talia Hale, Greenberg (Teen Wolf), Laura Hale, Cora Hale, Derek Hale, Kate Argent, Gerard Argent, Deucalion (Teen Wolf), Kali (Teen Wolf), Aiden (Teen Wolf), Ethan (Teen Wolf), Ennis (Teen Wolf), Dr. Valack (Teen Wolf)
Relationships: Chris Argent/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Peter Hale, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Alternate Hale Fire (Teen Wolf), Left Hand Peter Hale, Spark Stiles Stilinski, Speciesism
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NEhkKo
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ao3feed-petopher · 4 years
Uniting the Families
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NEhkKo
by skargasm
Werewolves, Hunters and Humans maintain an uneasy balance, with humans very much at the bottom of the food-chain. The Super-powered Hunters are battling for supremacy and the Werewolves are determined to remain at the top of the pyramid.
In Beacon Hills, in order to avoid full-scale war, the Alpha comes up with an unusual suggestion: an alliance between the three factions.
Or: the five times the bad guys came after Stiles and the one time they didn’t get the chance!
Words: 737, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Uniting the Families
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Sheriff Stilinski, Alan Deaton, Melissa McCall, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Talia Hale, Greenberg (Teen Wolf), Laura Hale, Cora Hale, Derek Hale, Kate Argent, Gerard Argent, Deucalion (Teen Wolf), Kali (Teen Wolf), Aiden (Teen Wolf), Ethan (Teen Wolf), Ennis (Teen Wolf), Dr. Valack (Teen Wolf)
Relationships: Chris Argent/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Peter Hale, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Alternate Hale Fire (Teen Wolf), Left Hand Peter Hale, Spark Stiles Stilinski, Speciesism
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NEhkKo
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bitchofdarkness · 4 years
Scott McCall and Gerard Argent are the embodiment of dehumanization, entitlement, toxic masculinity, and white privilege in Teen Wolf. And Scott’s nonsensical “True Alpha” title gives me big fucking White Supremacy vibes
Uhm, hold on, are you telling me you think Scott is white? I mean TW does not outright say anything about Scott's roots, Posey is not white per se. It's a bit like Jeff Davis refusing to tell us the age of certain characters and comes up with werewolf age and crap like that. So it is up to us to determine how we see him, I guess?
I do think all those words fit Gerard Argent, cause he's sick and twisted. And a white weapon loving asshole af. People falling under the White Privilege point are Peter, Jackson, Ethan, Isaac, Liam, Hayden, Lydia and yes Stiles and Derek also (not gonna list the dead). Because they are definitely white and wether or not they use it, it's there. White Privilege doesn't mean you have no tragic live overall, you're just not going to be disciminated because of the color of your skin on top of everything else.
Please keep in mind who wrote TW and who gave the character of Scott his titel of True Alpha.
Do I think Scott got it rightfully? No, he was always whining about the fact he's a werewolf and didn't want anything to do with the supernatural world. He doesn't deserve to be a leader, he didn't even have enough time to grow into his own skin. He double-crossed a lot of people and was lucky to get out okay. He never got his own hands dirty, but got other people to do so. It just reminds me of some mob boss ordering others around. That's not a genius move or thought through. My 6 y/o niece knows how to manipulate her brother into doing shit for her, so she wouldn't get punished for it.
Does it make any difference that he's a super special True Alpha in comparison to other alphas? Also no. We never really see what he can do better than others. It's clearly not his sight, sense of smell or hearing. He's not faster or stronger. He was just stubborn enough to break a mountain ash circle.
I hate Scott's character for what the writers made him do to others and how they portrayed him in general. He got no real depth, he's perpetually falling for the new girl. Other than Allison none of those really got to be their own character. Kira's story felt completely half assed and quickly forgotten. Which pissed me off, cause I liked her a lot. Nothing with Malia made any sense.
You probably wanted me to only agree with you or something, but I can't completely do that. Since we get to interpret Scott's heritage, I like to picture him with mexican roots, thus he doesn't fall into supremacist, white privilege and entitelment. I do think he's toxic, manipulative and harmful to his friends, since you can be all that regardless of your skin color.
Since you didn't really ask a question, I hope you're okay with the way I chose to answer.
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