#alpha mode cross
cherrio-krispz · 1 year
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wait no I’m invested what’s this specific alpha cross detail? /nf (I’m gonna regret asking /hj)
oh boy errrmmmmmm
So like…….
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paintingwhiteceilings · 7 months
❃S/O being drunk/tipsy around Seventeen❃
A/N: So I may have gotten massively drunk last weekend as the region I live in celebrates a specific type of carnival that goes on for five days straight. I might have, maybe, drank a little bit too much during the music festival day and as I was drunkenly stumbling around, I wondered what it would be like to get drunk around svt.
Also, am I the only one who has a K-pop idols I want to get drunk with bias line? Currently, my list consists of Lee Know, Xiumin, Jin and San (to name a few). Just wondering whether that is a normal thing to have or whether I should be concerned about my sanity.
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❀ Chances are that if you are drunk around him, so is he. Coups loves a good party on the occasion and isn't a stranger to clubbing. However, where he can hold his liquor and knows his limits, you may have forgotten about yours. Part of him adores your clinginess and finds you adorable; thus, he lets you be your embarrassingly drunk self, laughing at your shameless and less-than-stellar dance moves. As long as you are in the safe, not-too-drunk zone, he will let you have fun and try to match your drinking pace.
❀ However, the moment he notices that you are crossing the line into way too drunk territory, the responsible part of him will kick in, and he will chase you around with water. He will get very serious, going all alpha leader on you and doing whatever it takes for you to take a sip of water.  
❀ No amount of cuteness or begging will convince him to stop his getting you sober plight; you can flirt all you want with him, but once he is concerned for your well-being, it is difficult to persuade him to let you keep on drinking. He is definitely not above cutting the night short either, taking you home instead. If you do as much as refuse, he will throw you over his shoulder and walk out like you weigh nothing. 
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❀ To the poor soul who decided to get drunk around this man, I hope that he will never feel the urge to show those embarrassing videos that he took of you to those around you. Although he will, of course, keep his eye on you to prevent you from getting progressively drunker, he is enjoying you being drunk way too much. He will have his camera out the entire time and instigate you to do something embarrassing that sober-you would very much regret.  
❀ He has an entire folder dedicated to your drunken mishaps, whether it is a five-minute video of you slurring your words as you argue why cows are grossly underappreciated when it comes to favourite animals or you crying as you hug a tree, sobbing that they do not receive enough love. Jeonghan cherishes every single photo and video he took of you being drunk, frequently rewatching them to cheer himself up.
❀ Honestly, it never fails to make you regret drinking around this man because he has no problem using it as blackmail against you. Whenever you try to argue with him during game nights, he will subtly reference one of your entertaining escapades, teasing you that anyone who repeatedly drunkenly asked whether turning a phone on aeroplane mode would give it the ability to fly is in no position to argue with him.  
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❀ He is so unbelievably gentle with you. The moment he senses that you are getting ab bit too tipsy or borderline drunk, he will make sure to switch to water for himself instead. Although he enjoys the occasional drink, he wants to make sure that he is able to take care of you, letting you freely drink whilst he makes sure you do so safely.
❀ He is genuinely the sweetest, listening to all your drunken ramblings with a fond smile on his face. Whenever you are not paying attention to him, he will secretly switch out your alcoholic beverage for water, cheekily gaslighting you into believing that it is still the same drink by taking a sip himself and pretending that you are imagining things when exclaim it no longer tastes like vodka.
❀ When you guys get home, he will go into full caregiver mode, helping you remove your makeup, making sure that you didn’t forget to plug in your phone for the night and laying out your comfiest pyjamas for you to slip into after a brief shower. He will tuck you into bed after making sure that you drank enough water for the night, preparing a glass of water and some medication for you to take in the morning when the hangover kicks in, before turning in himself.
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❀ The moment you enter your shared apartment drunk, Jun feels torn between laughing at your ridiculous actions spurred by your drunkenness and helping you sober up. Seeing you put your hand in the fish tank as you try to pet your now traumatised goldfish because you felt bad for never petting it before is hilarious to him. He is curious about what else you might do, following you around as you try to do more ridiculous things. He is thoroughly invested in seeing where your drunken brain is taking you next and what else you will get up to if he lets you roam around.
❀ Jun will entertain your drunken childlike curiosity, using it to finally be able to do the totally safe experiments you usually tell him off for. The two of you will engage in a plethora of dubious food experiments, mixing different drinks to find out whether they will taste any good together and go to the supermarket to buy a dozen different ice cream flavours in order to rank them all. Where usually you would scold him for trying to see whether a bath can really overflow, drunken-you would join him in watching the water level rise slowly.
❀ However, he simultaneously will be very caring, preparing a hearty meal to combat your drunkenness. He might not be the best chef in Seventeen, but he can cook up a couple of meals that help with absorbing the alcohol, preparing one of them to help you sober up a bit. He will ensure that you eat plenty of it and drink enough water before you go to bed.
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❀ In no universe is this man not drunker than you are when the two of you go out drinking. Hoshi’s tolerance is so incredibly low that he could get drunk on the smell of alcohol alone. The other members have to babysit the both of you, not even for your own safety but for those around you. He would be the type of person who, when you buy your shots, forgets that they are not his and, in his drunken stupor, take them when you turn around to pay. You are too drunk to notice either, not that it matters much, as you finish most of his drinks on accident, too.
❀ The dance floor is a danger zone when you two step onto it. Neither of you cares much about dancing decently; instead, the two of you have a competition going on who can come up with the most creative, shameless dance moves. The dance battle only ends when one of you accidentally knocks over a slow-dancing couple during an emotional ballad.
❀ The other members will ultimately have to step in, guiding you back home before either of you does something illegal. It is easier said than done; the two of you are so incredibly drunk that you decide to pose and take pictures with random statues you spot on your way home. Once home, they try to get you both to drink water but miserably fail as Hoshi completely breaks down, professing his undying love for you between sobs. The night ends with the two of you in each other’s arms, crying about how much you love each other.
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❀ Considering he doesn’t really drink himself, he will make sure you are not exceeding your drinking limits, babysitting you the entire time. However, where he usually makes sure to stop you from getting drunk the moment he notices you are getting tipsy, he hadn’t anticipated that the dinner with the members would turn into an out-of-control drinking party. When they suggested doing some drinking games whilst waiting for the food, he had assumed they would have gone easy on you; instead, you had lost so many of the drinking games that you were borderline drunk by the time that the food reached to your table.
❀ Throughout the dinner, Wonwoo tries to get you to drink as much water as he can. Your glass doesn’t stay empty for long as, rather than eating himself, he is way too focused on making sure that it is constantly filled with water. You have barely swallowed your food when he puts another piece of meat on your plate, hoping that the grease will help you sober up somewhat.
❀ When the members insist on playing more drinking games during and after the dinner, he initially refuses on your behalf. If you insist on continuing, he will awe the members by taking every punishment shot going your way for you. Unfortunately for him, the members have finally figured out a way to get Wonwoo to join their drinking festivities, using you as bait to get the usually introverted member to drink.
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❀ As another member who rarely, if ever, drinks, he always tells you to be careful when you do. When you get invited out for drinks with the members, he fully trusts them to keep an eye on you for his sake as he is stuck in the studio, having to finish a song. What he is not expecting, however, is for them to call him at 1 AM to come pick you up, as they may have grossly overestimated your alcohol tolerance. He can hear drunk-you brabble about how much you miss him in the background of the phone call as he talks to the members about coming over to take you home.
❀ With a big sigh, he makes his way over to the pub you guys had been drinking at, realizing that it might not have been the smartest to have the members who frequently drink and have built up quite the tolerance take you drinking. He is not necessarily angry at you or the members; instead, he is disappointed in himself for not having been there with you to ensure you would not go past your drinking limits.
❀ He is incredibly gentle with you when he finally arrives at the pub, scooping you up in his arms, ready to take you home. He will hear no apology on your part or the members, reassuring you that it happens and that although he would like for it to be prevented in the future, he understands that getting drunk happens. At home, he will be so soft as he makes sure to give you whatever you need. He will make sure not to leave your side, helping you shower and giving you plenty of cuddles in bed to make you feel better.
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❀ Another member who is probably just as drunk as you are, if not more. He would be getting drunk with you, sharing most of his drinks with you to the point where neither of you remembers which drink belongs to whom. He is definitely enabling your drunk behaviour and perhaps even the cause of it because whenever he picks up his shot of soju, he makes sure to give you one, too.
❀ He will rope you into doing something stupid, putting on one of his infamous skits with you as the second lead. You don’t know where he got a wig from, but he is fully engrossed in his role as Sandra, the woman who is about to be eaten by zombies. Where sober-you would be mortified by his behaviour, you are currently too drunk to care, down to join him as one of the vicious zombies. It doesn’t help that a small part of him still feels embarrassed about his actions and keeps taking a swig of the soju bottle left on your now-unoccupied table, making him progressively drunker as the performance continues.
❀ At the very least, your performance will be enjoyed by a considerably large, amused audience who decide to pay for some of your drinks in appreciation, making it a relatively cheap night out. Neither of you will be able to do much the next day as both of you completely forgot to drink water before going to bed, too busy re-enacting the best moments of your play, resulting in a massive hangover. As a result, the two of you spend most of the next day cuddled up in bed; DK claims that your hugs are the best cure for his crushing headache.
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❀ Mingyu sometimes forgets that taller people tend to be able to drink more compared to those who are more vertically challenged; thus, he accidentally got you very drunk when he dragged you to go clubbing with him and the members. That being said, he is not feeling too guilty about it because where sober-you would try to limit the PDA in front of the other members, drunk-you completely forget they exist. Mingyu is on cloud nine when you start to touch him more than usual, thinking he has officially gone to heaven as you hug him close and refuse to let go.
❀ He is giggling uncontrollably, as you are all over him, insisting on slow-dancing to every song that comes on, even if it is to the most upbeat techno song. Although he makes sure that you don’t get too drunk, he will not make any attempts to sober you up immediately either, enjoying your attention way too much. He, for sure, will take at least fifty photos and videos where you are kissing his cheek and drunkenly rambling on and on about how much you love him, saving them for a rainy day. You are the cutest person alive to him, and he seriously considers always bringing you along from now on.
❀ Once home, he will make sure that you are fully provided for, cheekily suggesting to shower together as he is incredibly ‘worried’ that you might slip in the shower in your drunken state. Part of Mingyu is slightly sad to see you sober up when he hands you your tenth glass of water in an attempt to prevent a nasty hangover.
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❀ There is no way in hell that Minghao is not watching you like a hawk when the two of you go drinking, taking away your drinks when he notices that you are getting a bit too out-of-control drunk. You always try to argue with him when he does, whining that you, the adult, know your limits and don’t need him to babysit you. Thus, to prove you wrong and to get you to stop arguing with him whenever he stops you from drinking, he makes a deal with you; you get to drink however much you want, and he won’t interfere with drunk you whatsoever.
❀ This is how you end up drunk out of your mind at one of the members’ birthday parties, challenging Seungkwan to an arm wrestling match after you had tried to beat a drunk and crying Hoshi in a dance battle without much success. You even competed in Scoups’ and Mingyu’s beer pong competition, making you drunker than you already were. Minghao hovers nearby, ready to jump in when necessary, keeping a close eye on your questionable actions. His phone is in his hands as he quietly films you from a distance, ready to present sober-you with the consequences of your drunken decisions.
❀ Nevertheless, he will interfere whenever you are about to do something too embarrassing; sure, he wants you to learn that you do stupid things when wasted, but he does not want you to be relentlessly teased by the other members for your intoxicated mishaps. Minghao will immediately take you back home and sober you up when he thinks that he has let you go on for long enough and that he has collected enough evidence to prove his claims. The next morning, he will lovingly confront you with reality, regardless of whether or not you are nursing a hangover, after which you agree that maybe, sometimes, he might have a point.
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❀ Seungkwan is honestly one of the best people to get drunk around. Sure, he drinks himself, but the moment he notices that he is getting tipsy, he slows down his drinking. He has had to deal with the members being drunk so often that he has developed successful ways of dealing with drunk people, making him well-equipped to deal with you. The moment you sheepishly admit that you are slightly drunk when you two are having dinner with the members, he will do his famous drunk check, rubbing over your forehead, making you giggle uncontrollably, before concluding that, indeed, you are gone.  
❀ The entire evening, he will treat you like a little kid, listening to your drunken ramblings and providing you with sassy and funny remarks in exchange. He loves that you are laughing even more at his jokes than usual, and he will not miss a chance to elicit another fit of laughter out of you by doing something stupid. Seungkwan is not above embarrassing himself as long as it means that you are entertained.
❀ Honestly, I can’t imagine Seungkwan letting you do anything embarrassing. He will make sure that you sober up a little, providing you with water every now and then, and talk you out of whatever stupid plan you were about to execute. The moment he spots you climbing onto the bar, ready to execute your and Hoshi’s well-choreographed but slightly ridiculous dance routine, he will expertly redirect your attention to something else, making you completely forget about what you were about to do. As funny as he knows it would be for you to embarrass yourself, he knows you would be mortified the next day when you find out what you did the previous night and is fully committed to preventing that from happening. He would never let you do anything you would regret sober.
❀ Still, if you refuse to listen to him or you manage to do something stupid when he is momentarily distracted, he would not let you live it down.
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❀ Similarly to Jun, he is highly amused by your drunken escapades, curious to see what you will do. Where Jun, however, will join you in your antics, Vernon will mostly observe you, laughing his chair-screeching laugh as he does. He is not going to interfere whatsoever and lets you do whatever comes to your drunken mind, highly amused by whatever you are doing. Unless you are doing something illegal or dangerous, he is letting you do whatever your drunken brain convinces you to do.
❀ Getting drunk around Vernon means providing him with an arsenal of slightly embarrassing pictures that will be stored for later use. His phone is in his hand the whole evening, and he will make sure to snap thousands of images of your intoxicated self as you pose for him. You completely forget about him taking the pictures until he starts using them as stickers and memes in your private chat. Most of his reactions to your messages are you pulling a weird face. It wouldn’t have been that bad if he hadn’t started using them in the Seventeen group chat and as his phone’s background.
❀ As Vernon doesn’t strike me as someone who drinks often, he wouldn’t really be much help in sobering you up and making sure you won’t have too bad of a headache in the morning. Instead of making sure you drink enough water and get enough sleep, he convinces you to stay up late to watch a movie with him, entertained by your drunken commentary throughout, most of which he records. Needless to say, when morning arrives, you wake up with a lot of regrets.
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❀ Dino is the king of being drunk; the amount of stories this dude has where he is wasted and doing something questionable are too many to count. Of course, he will be drunk with you, and of course, you two will create the best, most amusing drunk story ever. He had tried so hard to take the punishment shots for you whenever you lost a drinking game, not wanting you to get too drunk, resulting in both of you being incredibly intoxicated and hyping the other up to do some questionable stuff. The members tried to supervise the both of you, but you managed to escape when they got distracted for merely a second.
❀ In retrospect, your memories are kind of hazy on what had actually happened that night. In flashes, you remember a couple of rich people inviting you guys along, a boat, a garden gnome and something about a museum. Somehow, at the end of the night, you two end up in a fancy hotel, holding a garden gnome under your arm, all expenses paid, with the staff congratulating you on your engagement as you sport a very cheap plastic ring on your ring finger.
❀ In the morning, the two of you are nursing massive hangovers, utterly confused about where you are and how you managed to get there. Dino sees the thirty-plus missed calls from the members, knowing he is in a world of trouble, and someone mysteriously saved under the name Bob the Magician. The ring is so tight around your finger that you barely manage to get it off. Still, neither of you is planning on leaving any time soon, enjoying the luxury hotel the next couple of days as you try to piece together what transpired that night after ensuring the members that you are not dead in a ditch somewhere.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Haitani Baby Brother
Part 1
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(Name) hadn't been feeling the best the past few weeks. His Omega was out of control and according to his older brothers. His sent necame sweeter. (Name) thought it was because his heat had been coming up. It starts in two days. He didn't want to find an Alpha for this coming heat. He wanted to be alone. Maybe he'll just steal his brothers clothing again.
(Name) woke up confused and felt even more sick. He was supposed to start his heat today. But nothing happened. (Name) ran his hand through his hair before leaving his nest. He opened the door to his room and was greeted by his oldest brother. "(Name) what are you doing up? You started your heat didn't you?" (Name) crossed his arms and shook his head. "Aniki. I didn't start my heat." Ran looked confused then froze.
(Name) confused waved a hand in front of his brothers face. "Aniki? Are you okay should I call Rin?" Ran quickly grabbed (Name)'s wrist. He grabbed it tightly but not too tight. Ran quickly made his way down stairs and grabbed his car keys. While getting dragged (Name) was honestly getting scared. "Aniki what's going on? Your scaring me!" Ran released his wrist and pulled out his phone. "(Name) I'm taking you to the doctor that works under Bonten."
Confused as he was (Name) knew not to argue with his brothers when they went into protective brother alpha mode. (Name) confusingly nodded and watched Ran call not only the doctor but Rindou too apparently. As Ran excorted (Name) to his car, (Name) couldn't help but get more worried. What was going on?
As they arrive at Bonten HQ Rindou was outside pacing. When (Name) got out of the car he made his way to his other older brother and quickly shoved his head into his scent glad. Trying to calm himself with a familiar sent. Rindou jumped but calmed himself while rubbing (Name)'s back. Smelling the worried but extremely sweet scent of his baby brother. Rindou trying to calm him down while Ran leaded them towards the doctors office.
(Name) looked around his brothers work place as they went. He's never been here before since his older brothers didn't like exposing (Name) to what they do. When they reached the doctors door (Name) was pumping out scared pheromones. His brothers tried calming him down but they weren't helping. The door opens and what welcomes the doctor is a crying Omega and the two Haitani executives trying to calm him down.
"Mr. Haitani you called me about an ultrasound?" Ran nodded quickly and wrapped his arm around (Name) pushing him into the doctors office with Rindou on his heals. (Name) was confused. Why would his brother want him to get an ultrasound? Unless....(Name) paled and cried harder. Freaking his brothers out more. Rindou pushed Ran away and scooped up (Name). Getting him to the awaiting bed quicker.
Once (Name) was sat on the bed the doctor immediately got to work setting up the equipment. Ran gave a quick glare to Rindou before looking at (Name) who honestly looked like he was going to faint. Ran felt bad. He probably should've explained what he was taking (Name) to the doctor for. He just knew Rin was gonna lecture him later. After the doctor was finished setting everything up he grabbed a tube of what looked like clear jelly.
"Okay Mr. Haitani. I need you to lift your shirt." (Name) wasn't even paying attention he was stuck in his head. What's gonna happen if he's pregnant? (Name) thought he was careful! He always had the Alpha's he slept with use protection. He took medication that was supposed to prevent pregnancy. The older Haitani's shared a look. Knowing exactly was going through their baby brothers head.
They softly grabbed (Name)'s hands. Each brother taking one. Knocking (Name) from his thoughts. "Whatever happens (Name) know we're here for you. Just one question though." Ran continued Rindou's statement. "Who was the last Alpha you were with?" (Name) didn't need to think hard. He knew what the Alpha looked like....just not his name. (Name) looked embarrassed. Ran smirked. "Aww did our baby brother have a one night stand?"
(Name) shook Ran's hand off and covered his face groaning. Ran teases him over almost anything and everything. Rindou growled. Thinking some Alpha knocked up his brother. Without thinking it wouldn't come back to him? Rindou was gonna track this asshole down. The doctor cleared his throat. Gaining the attention of the Omega.
He raised an eyebrow motioning to the shirt and (Name) blushed. He slowly lifted his shirt showing his stomach for the doctor. When the jelly hit his skin the air left his lungs. Why was the jelly so cold!? His older brothers laughed upon seeing his reaction. The doctor placed the wand on his stomach. Looking around for a few moments before making a happy sound. He pushed a few buttons before removing the wand.
He handed Rindou a towl to wipe the goop off (Name). While Rindou was doing so Ran was talking to (Name) trying to keep him distracted until the doctor was done. Rindou joined in the conversation when he was done. After a few minutes the doctor came back with a smile and a folder in his hand. "Well congratulations Mr. Haitani! You are almost 4 weeks pregnant!" The brothers all froze.
Ran snatching the folder out of his hand opening it quickly. (Name) and Rindou looking over his shoulder. Inside the folder were multiple pictures of a small circle. (Name) was pregnant? (Name) paled. His brothers shared a look. One was surprised the other was angry. They nodded to one another with one though in mind. They were gonna find that Alpha. Rindou took a deep breath and leaned down to his brother.
(Name) looked absolutely terrified. It worried him. "(Name). Hey I need you to look at me." Rindou spoke as soft as he could as to not startle the Omega. That's the last thing he needs to do. After calling his name a few more times (Name) slowly meet Rindou's eye. "I need to know about who you had that one night stand with." (Name)'s eyes started watering. He quickly said he didn't know who it was. He only remembers what he looks like.
When asked what he looked like. The Haitani Alphas saw nothing but red. "H-He was tall. Had beautiful blue eyes. Soft pink hair. H-He also had matching diamond scars on the side of his mouth...." (Name) didn't know what he said wrong but with how murderous his brothers look he could only assume they knew the Alpha. Rindou was the first to somewhat calm down. Noticing how scared (Name) looked. He sighed and smacked the back of his older brothers had.
Ran turned to glare at Rindou until he heard a whimper. When he saw (Name) his heart broke. Neither brother have ever seen (Name) look so weak. They knew what was going through his head. (Name) thought he was gonna raise the baby by himself. Without the Alpha in the picture. Not on their watch. The older brothers nodded. Ran took (Name)'s wrist and helped him up.
Placing his suit jacket on the Omega's shoulder and handed the folder to Rindou so could carry (Name). Once Ran had the Omega settled in his arms the brothers left the office. Both making their way to Ran's office. Where (Name) had a nest in the hidden room behind the book shelf. Once they had (Name) settled down and the Omega was alseep. The brothers made their way to the meeting room.
As they got closer to the meeting room they could hear a loud voice laughing. The voice stirred the anger and fury both brothers were feeling. Ran threw open the door. Anger written all over his face. Rindou gripping the folder knuckles white. Everyone inside stared at them confused. "Who pissed in your cereal?" Sanzu asked a shit eating grin on his face.
Ran immediately lunged towards him. Kakucho grabbing him inches away from Sanzu. Rindou lunged after getting caught by Mochi. "Woah! Hey! The fuck did I do?!" Sanzu had jumped out of his seat. Ready to fight both brothers if needed. Mikey annoyed with all the yelling and growling put a stop to it. Grabbing his gun he shot upwards shutting the fight down quickly. The Haitani Brothers panting and stopped growling glaring hatefully at Sanzu.
"Now. I want to know what the fuck makes you think you two can come in here acting like that." Mikey glared at the brothers. Ran quickly shook Kakucho off and straightened himself glaring at Sanzu one last time before looking at Mikeym "I apologize sir. We were just given some....news." Everyone looked at the older Haitani annoyed and confused. "You got some bad fucking news and tried taking your anger out on me?!"
Sanzu was ready to shoot both brothers in the head and dance on their graves. Rindou growled and tried lunging at him again. Mikey growled loudly. "ENOUGH!" Everyone froze. Mikey stared at Rindou noticing the folder he was gripping. Mikey raised an eyebrow. "Rindou. What's in the folder?" Rindou hadn't calmed down enough so Ran took the lead taking the folder from his brother and handing it to his boss.
Mikey opened the folder. Staring at the pictures and looked at the brothers with a raised brow. "Whose ultrasound?" Mikey placed the folder on the table spreading the pictures. Sanzu laughed loudly. "Aww did one of your bitch Omegas get pregnant saying it wasn't yours?~" Something in Ran snapped. He yanked his wallet out and pulled out a picture. He slammed said picture on the table in front of Sanzu growling. Sanzu stared at him then looked at the picture and grinned.
"Hey! Thats the Omega I've been looking for!" He picked up the picture. "He was the best fuckin I've had in a long time. I've been wanting a round 2." Ran lunged again and once again being caught by Kakucho. Sanzu laughed at his reaction. "Don't tell me he's your Omega?" Mikey stared at the ultrasound pictures and the angry brothers. Going back and forth until something in his mind clicked.
"The Omega." Mikey spoke gaining everyone's attention. Sanzu stared at his King. Hanging on every word. Mikey spoke again. "Who is he?" Sanzu shrugged. "Don't know. I met him at some club. Had an absolute fucking addicting sent." The brothers that were calming were even more angry. Finally Mikey snapped sending the brothers out. Mikey held his hand out towards Sanzu. Who immediately set the picture in his hand.
Mikey looked between the picture before catching a name at the top. He smirked before looking at the small picture in his hand. "Do you know what the Omega's name is?" Sanzu shrugged. "I didn't really care at he time." Mikey started laughing. Scaring the other members in the room. "Oh you fucked up." Everyone confused stared at Mikey waiting for him to continue. "Sanzu that Omega you slept with was Haitani (Name). Baby brother of the Haitani Brothers and-" Mikey slid the ultrasound pictures towards Sanzu.
"He is currently carrying your pup.
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babyleostuff · 1 year
Hey hey, i just randomly thought of this lol
I went out with someone today and idk my "protective" side came up like holding hands while walking and letting them walk on the inner-side of the road and always on alert mode, siren eyes and things lol (for some reason I wanna be on the receiving end but always end up being a giver-)
So how about the members reaction to it? Like them being taken care of!?
Idea maybe dumb but it just clicked to me, hehe
Get well soon bub ♡
um it’s definitely not dumb 🤚🏼 i love the idea (i decided to write short bullet points because why not)
also i love the protective ones, being protective is hot 😌 you’re slaying (although i get why you want to be on the receiving end 😔)
+ jealousy jealousy, because of the lack of my love life
➼ SEUNGCHEOL: a blushing mess, because we know that he likes being taken care of and he needs the attention AND HE IS A BABY (fight me). It would still take him by surprise if you ever did something like walk on the outer side of the road, but he would eventually switch sides because in the end he is the protector and the baby alpha.
➼ JEONGHAN: the urge to tease you??? immaculate. the urge to pinch your cheeks??? over the charts, only because he finds it so cute that you try to be the protective one 🥰 and you know what, fuck toxic masculinity, he’ll let you be the protective one in your relationship.
➼ JOSHUA: oh, his hearts skips a beat whenever he notices your small acts of “protectiveness” towards him. He never expects you to do so, and it always makes him so smiley, because you care about him that much??? to put his safety over yours??? and the fact that you do it almost unconsciously makes it even better.
➼ JUN: shy shy shyyyy. He loves your protective side, never comments on it though, but his heart eyes say everything - anyone of sane mind can see how smitten he is with you. But he loves being protected, and what about it haters.
➼ SOONYOUNG: gigglessss. This man is a softy, a softy for you, for anything you do - you simply breathe? perfect 🤌🏼 So seeing your protective side towards him??? everything he needs in life. He’d try to take over being the protective, but you wouldn’t let him :)))
➼JIHOON: okay this one is complicated. because yes, he’d very much appreciate being taken care of, and seeing you so protective over him, does things to him. BUT in the end i think he’d like to be the protective one.
➼ WONWOO: i don’t care how much of a hard dom you say he is, HE LOVES BEING PROTECTED AND TAKEN CARE OF. like, can you imagine his little cat smile and giggle, this man has me screaming. Yes, he loves being the protector, but he still goes insane anytime you do anything protective towards him.
➼ SEOKMIN: he has those massive biceps and for what, because he’ll still let you be the protective one (from time to time, he likes taking care of you way too much). Oh, the heart eyes he’d have for you 😍 also, i feel like at some point you’d fight over who should be the protective one.
➼ MINGYU: gym bro nr. 2 and the biggest baby of them all. It could go two ways - either he’s the protective one and you don’t have anything to say or “please take my hand” while crossing the street. The duality of this man makes him so difficult to write about, because you never know what he’s up to.
➼ MINGHAO: he’d try to be all resting bitch face, i don’t care BUT he loves you way too much to do that. It’s so precious to him that you take the role of being the protective one, because in his mind you don’t really need to do that, he’s right there??? to take care of you. Not this time Hao, let someone else take care of you.
➼ SEUNGKWAN: he’d fight, because isn’t he supposed to be the protector? but boo would quickly give up, he loves being a softy for you, and he wouldn’t mind being the protected and taken care of. BUT i feel like he’d also have this urge to protect you, i don’t know, but i see him as someone who is really protective of the people he loves
➼ VERNON: kind of chill about it? but then again, vernon is chill about almost everything. in his mind it should be 50/50, both of you taking turns being the protector and protected.
➼ CHAN: okay, my baby (he’s mine, fight me) would love to be the protective one. Like, we know how mature he is, + the fact that he’s the oldest in his family, he is a natural protector. OF COURSE he’d love and appreciate being taken care of and protected and whatnot, but he still, he’d prefer to be on the giving end.
in conclusion: these men are a bunch of softies
taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe
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jovial-thunder · 5 months
Pre-alpha Lancer Tactics changelog
(cross-posting the full gif changelog here because folks seemed to like it last time I did)
We're aiming for getting the first public alpha for backers by the end of this month! Carpenter and I scoped out mechanics that can wait until after the alpha (e.g. grappling, hiding) in favor of tying up the hundred loose threads that are needed for something that approaches a playable game. So this is mostly a big ol changelog of an update from doing that.
But I also gave a talent talk at a local Portland Indie Game Squad event about engine architecture! It'll sound familiar if you've been reading these updates; I laid out the basic idea for this talk almost a year ago, back in the June 2023 update.
We've also signed contracts & had a kickoff meeting with our writers to start on the campaigns. While I've enjoyed like a year of engine-work, it'll be so so nice to start getting to tell stories. Data structures don't mean anything beyond how they affect humans & other life.
New Content
Implemented flying as a status; unit counts as +3 spaces above the current ground level and ignores terrain and elevation extra movement costs. Added hover + takeoff/land animations.
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Gave deployables the ability to have 3D meshes instead of 2D sprites; we'll probably use this mostly when the deployable in question is climbable.
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Related, I fixed a bug where after terrain destruction, all units recheck the ground height under them so they'll move down if the ground is shot out from under them. When the Jerichos do that, they say "oh heck, the ground is taller! I better move up to stand on it!" — not realizing that the taller ground they're seeing came from themselves.
Fixed by locking some units' rendering to the ground level; this means no stacking climbable things, which is a call I'm comfortable making. We ain't making minecraft here (I whisper to myself, gazing at the bottom of my tea mug). 
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Block sizes are currently 1x1x0.5 — half as tall as they are wide. Since that was a size I pulled out of nowhere for convenience, we did some art tests for different block heights and camera angles. TLDR that size works great and we're leaving it.
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Added Cone AOE pattern, courtesy of an algorithm NMcCoy sent me that guarantees the correct number of tiles are picked at the correct distance from the origin.
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pick your aim angle
for each distance step N of your cone, make a list ("ring") of all the cells at that distance from your origin
sort those cells by angular distance from your aim angle, and include the N closest cells in that ring in the cone's area
Here's a gif they made of it in Bitsy:
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Units face where you're planning on moving/targeting them.
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Got Walking Armory's Shock option working. Added subtle (too subtle, now that I look at it) electricity effect.
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Other things we've added but I don't have gifs for or failed to upload. You'll have to trust me. :)
disengage action
overcharge action
Improved Armament core bonus
basic mine explosion fx
explosion fx on character dying
Increase map elevation cap to 10. It's nice but definitely is risky with increasing the voxel space, gonna have to keep an eye on performance.
Added Structured + Stress event and the associated popups. Also added meltdown status (and hidden countdown), but there's not animation for this yet so your guy just abruptly disappears and leaves huge crater.
UI Improvements
Rearranged the portrait maker. Auto-expand the color picker so you don't have to keep clicking into a submenu.
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Added topdown camera mode by pressing R for handling getting mechs out of tight spaces.
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The action tooltips have been bothering me for a while; they extend up and cover prime play-area real estate in the center of the screen. So I redesigned them to be shorter and have a max height by putting long descriptions in a scrollable box. This sounds simple, but the redesign, pulling in all the correct data for the tags, and wiring up the tooltips took like seven hours. Game dev is hard, yo.
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Put the unit inspect popups in lockable tooltips + added a bunch of tooltips to them.
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Implemented the rest of Carpenter's cool hex-y action and end turn readout. I'm a big fan of whenever we can make the game look more like a game and less like a website (though he balances out my impulse for that for the sake of legibility).
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Added a JANKY talent/frame picker. I swear we have designs for a better one, but sometimes you gotta just get it working. Also seen briefly here are basic level up/down and HASE buttons.
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Other no-picture things:
Negated the map-scaling effect that happens when the window resizes to prevent bad pixel scaling of mechs at different resolutions; making the window bigger now just lets you see more play area instead of making things bigger.
WIP Objectives Bullets panel to give the current sitrep info
Wired up a buncha tooltips throughout the character sheet.
Under the Hood
Serialization: can save/load games! This is the payoff for sticking with that engine architecture I've been going on about. I had to add a serialization function to everything in the center layer which took a while, but it was fairly straightforward work with few curveballs.
Finished replacement of the kit/unit/reinforcement group/sitrep pickers with a new standardized system that can pull from stock data and user-saved data.
Updated to Godot 4.2.2; the game (and editor) has been crashing on exit for a LONG time and for the life of me I couldn't track down why, but this minor update in Godot completely fixed the bug. I still have no idea what was happening, but it's so cool to be working in an engine that's this active bugfixing-wise! 
Other Bugfixes
Pulled straight from the internal changelog, no edits for public parseability:
calculate cover for fliers correctly
no overwatch when outside of vertical threat
fixed skirmisher triggering for each attack in an AOE
fixed jumpjets boost-available detection
fixed mines not triggering when you step right on top of them // at a different elevation but still adjacent
weapon mods not a valid target for destruction
made camera pan less jumpy and adjust to the terrain height
better Buff name/desc localization
Fixed compcon planner letting you both boost and attack with one quick action.
Fix displayed movement points not updating
Prevent wrecks from going prone
fix berserkers not moving if they were exactly one tile away
hex mine uses deployer's save target instead of 0
restrict weapon mod selection if you don't have the SP to pay
fix deployable previews not going away
fix impaired not showing up in the unit inspector (its status code is 0 so there was a check that was like "looks like there's no status here")
fix skirmisher letting you move to a tile that should cost two movement if it's only one space away
fix hit percent calculation
fix rangefinder grid shader corner issues (this was like a full day to rewrite the shader to be better)
Teleporting costs the max(spaces traveled, elevation change) instead of always 1
So um, yeah, that's my talk, any questions? (I had a professor once tell us to never end a talk like this, so now of course it's the phrase that first comes to mind whenever I end a talk)
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dalekofchaos · 4 months
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RE1 is getting remade for the 30th Anniversary and here's why I support it and what I'd love to see in the RE1RR.
Updated with the next gen graphics in the RE Engine
The plan is obviously to remake RE5, but we need to do Wesker's OTHER big appearances first. I believe we should get the following released in the specific order. 1, 0, then Code Veronica and finally RE5. Cause if you tease RE5 and have Wesker, you should have the three games that featured Wesker before his death in RE5.
The atmosphere and tension of the Spencer Mansion in the new age and basically RE1 meets Village. The visual aesthetic of Village’s Castle Dimitrescu for Spencer Mansion.
Better characterization. Flesh out all the characters. Improve the plot/story.
Chris and Jill’s campaigns to be separate and different, so by the time they meet at the end they’ve both had their own adventure, and you need to play through both to see both sides. Perhaps give Chris the mines and Jill the guard house. Expand the mansion, and when they separate at the start they pick up different keys and access different areas. That way they story would be canon regardless of what happens, and there would be some variety. Also have Rebecca and Richard as playable paths, similar to Sherry and Ada in RE2R.
A playable Wesker mode with him having to move about the mansion and into the lab under a certain amount of time.
Also would like them to keep the REmake music (especially the save room theme), though they could always release a Deluxe Edition like 2R with the OG music too?
Additions. I would be happy with an entire new floor in the Spencer Mansion. Or making the Residence 3x as long. Adding a forest section, either during the opening and/or later in the game. Extended playable sequences for Rebecca and Barry – different locations for each, like how the Orphanage was entirely new for Sherry in 2R. An abandoned greenhouse near the guardhouse with Plant-42 and similar experimentation , an extended cemetery with more tombs, a third floor in Spencer Mansion, more floors in guardhouse, etc.
Making S.T.A.R.S. matter. The game begins at the R.P.D. After picking between Chris and Jill, you make your way from the garage and up into the department proper, crossing paths with various characters referencing the recent cannibal killings and the fact that Alpha and Bravo have been assigned. The walk through the RPD could be intercut with news reports and police banter about what’s been happening. You can interact with the various characters as much or as little as you want en route to the briefing room. Chris and Forrest can talk some trash and reference their apparent contest for top shot. Enrico can be seen helping Rebecca organize her equipment and her nerve. Joseph can be given more personality than being puppy kibble. Marvin can be caught informing Rebecca that she won’t be the rookie in a couple more months. Chief Irons can greet the player with the mask of a competent professional because his mind was still intact. Hell, perhaps we can even catch a glimpse of whatever act Wesker put on for the two years that made these people trust him. Wesker and Enrico would then host the briefing that will send them into mountains, still treating this like they think the suspects are hill people or whatever, culminating in Bravo Team taking point while Alpha Team remains behind. There could be some more small talk or some kinda time lapse before Richard makes contact in a panic before communications break down. Alpha Team immediately preps and heads out, complete with changing clothes in the locker room and gearing up. The player will actually play the search through the woods, discover the crashed helicopter, and play through the mad chase to the mansion where the game as we know it begins.
Throw the players off by changing the keys and rooms
Zombies, Crimson Heads and every other BOW in the first game
Defense weapons and head stomping
Lisa Trevor(she could work like as a stalker enemy)
Same notes, but add in some new ones
All the puzzles, but mix it up
Just give us “One more second and you were ALMOST A JILL SANWICH” let Barry be the cheesy bastard that we know him to be
Stick with the REVIll face model for Chris, but younger and less steroids. Like how many faces can he wear?????
Stick with the RE3R face model for Jill, but don’t let it look like she just got out of being dipped in the sewer
Include Zero as DLC. My pitch of a RE0R. But the main requirement for RE1 is for Rebecca to NOT be cowering in the corner. Rebecca CANNOT be in the corner cowering from a Hunter when she is more than capable. A simple scream of surprise, but when we reach Rebecca, we see that she's perfectly fine
Bonus costumes For Chris:Made In Heaven outfit, BSAA outfit, CVX STARS outfit For Jill:RE3 original and Remake, BSAA, RE:Resistance, and RE5 Battle Suit.
And finally getting what we never got in the original or the 2002 remake. The ending that has Chris, Jill, Rebecca and Barry in the chopper. So my big idea to make this happen is this. If we play as Jill, Chris makes it to the mansion with us. Jill and Barry go and investigate, while Chris and Wesker are outside. They vanish. Richard will mention that Rebecca Chambers left the mansion after hearing Brad’s radio and went to get help. We will later see Rebecca in the cell with Chris in Jill’s story. For Chris’ story, Barry makes it to the Mansion. Chris investigates the gunshot while Wesker will say they will split up and investigate the Mansion and everyone vanishes. Later in the game before we get to the lab, there would be a dropped Barry’s photograph. Later when we get to the cell, Barry will be in the cell with Jill. Barry apologizes to Chris for what he’s done and Chris understands why he did what he did and he can help make things right. Ultimately in both playthroughs, all 4 S.T.A.R.S. members work together to fight the Tyrant until ultimately Chris or Jill destroys the Tyrant with the rocket launcher. It ends with all 4 members escaping in the chopper as the Mansion explodes.
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grogusmum · 2 years
Crash Into Me
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WORD COUNT 2100ish
WARNINGS: A/B/O Dynamics, omega reader in mild peril
A/N: The idea of Din discovering his alpha nature as an adult took hold of my brain and I couldn’t shake it, or write anything much else until I got it down, so here it is. I’ve never written a/b/o before and I don't read too much of it. So please be gentle with me. 
It starts out in third person, from Din’s pov and then switches to second person when the pov opens to both of you. 
It’s pretty fluffy (What? You say. Shocking, I know! Hazel replies.) and doesn’t contain smut. (I know, I know)
This here is a one-shot that could expand when and if inspiration strikes, if there is to be smut in its future, the Magic 8 Ball says “Reply hazy, try again”.
*** When reblogging or talking about Omegaverse, please remember that ‘a/b/o’ without the slash punctuation marks (/) is considered a slur for the Aboriginal people in Australia. 
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Din enters the local cantina. The job’s complete, but the kid needs to eat before they bring the bounty back to the client. He gently lifts Grogu out of his satchel and places him in a booth. Grogu coos and tries to climb onto the table.
“Hey don't do that, pal.”
A friendly-looking server comes up just as he settles himself and Grogu on one side of the booth with a ready warm smile.
“Welcome, traveler,” the server greets. Upon seeing Din settling Grogu beside him on the inside of the booth, she corrects herself sweetly, “I’m sorry, welcome travelers! Are you interested in eating or just a- ”
“Yes, thank you,” Din interjects. “Um, just for this one here.”
“Very well, the special today is fried gorg over pashi noodles.” she reaches over to point out a few items. Reaching past Din, as Grogu is playing with the single-page menu.
“Unfortunately we are out of roasted craw-maw and the ladnek bisque.” 
Din stills when her arm crosses him, below his helmet. His helmet filters out much in standard mode, but he catches a scent he has never experienced. His head swims slightly, normally he would turn on the extra filtration, but something in him wants more.
“Oh, I apologize for my reach, sir,” she pulls back realizing she has invaded his space.
“Don’t worry about it,” Din's voice is low, lower than usual. He is taken by surprise, it’s his ‘bring you in warm or cold voice’, without any of the menace. He clears his throat. And his server does the same, he looks at her properly for the first time. Warm eyes and very cute, pretty, he decides. Her moment of fluster pleases him in a way he doesn't understand and he tries to keep from puffing out his chest. Din thanks the stars for his helmet.
“He will take the gorg and noodles,” he says. “Enthusiastically.”  
Grogu watches this exchange closely.
“Very good!” her laugh is warm and genuine. Still smiling as she goes to the kitchen. Din wonders what that was all about and thinks of putting the extra filtration on again.But doesn't.
A busser delivers the food, Din thanks them politely, but can’t help but look past them to see where his server has gotten to.
Grogu digs in, just as his dad anticipated, with enthusiasm. Din is just happy he is eating a cooked gorg.
Quickly, Grogu is down to his last noodle.
“You ready, kid?” 
Grogu looks up and nods, making a little mrapp sound. Seeming full and content as Din lifts him off the bench and he sinks comfortably back into the satchel. 
After Din goes to settle up, he tells himself he is not put out at all that he didn't get to pay the pretty sever with the sweet smile and twinkling eyes directly, as he heads out the back. It's just the quickest way to the Crest. It has nothing to do with passing the kitchens. 
The crash of trash bins behind him catches Din’s attention, and he rounds the corner to investigate. He pulls up short, seeing her against the cantina wall, a hulking human looming. The bin lids continue rolling, then reverberating like cymbals. Her look of fear sends a kick of adrenaline through Din's system, and there is a rush in his ears. His growl shocks him. He has more control than this.
When her attacker looks in Din’s direction, she tries valiantly to take advantage and kick him. He is thrown off balance, yes, but it's not enough, and he quickly has her by the arm.
“I’m only going to say this once, let her go.” Din’s hand moved to his blaster.
“I’m only going to tell you once, to mind your business.”
Grogu ducks as Din draws his blaster. 
“Wait!” She shouts. 
“See the omega wants to go with me.”
“I do not,” she says, pulling away, but he clamps his hand harder, causing her to wince. 
Din is torn between seeing red at the pained expression on her face and the curiosity of this new information- what did he call her? Is that your name? Din holsters his blaster, his hands come to his hips. 
“Fine. It seems to me, Omega doesn’t want to go with you.” Din makes himself take up as much space as he can, and drops his voice further. Surprising himself yet again today, he adds “she wants to come with me.”
Confused and again relieved to be under his helm, for after saying such a presumptuous thing, Din can't keep from wincing just a little. Regardless, he stays in Bounty Hunter mode. The woman pulls away again and walks over to Din. He almost forgets about her assailant, watching her progress. Coming to him. Almost-
“It is Omega’s grace and not mine that you are still standing. I see you again, you won’t be so lucky,” Din says only after he has stepped in front of her, completely shielded her from view. 
When the other man is completely out of view, he turns and looks down at her. She is very close to him, eyes large. He catches a hint of that smell again. His thoughts lose focus-
“Omega,” he almost whispers. 
She looks, he isn't sure, concerned? Disappointed?
Then she tells him her name.
“Oh,” Din chuckles, it’s just a misunderstanding. He is taken aback at how relieved he feels. “I'm sorry- he called you Omega, I just assumed it was your name.”
Now, it is her turn to look confused, but then she smiles. 
“Can I escort you to your home or…”
“I thought I was going with you?” She says, a little cheekily.
Din flusters, but he is so curious about her and his feelings, that he makes no further comment, he just places a hand on her lower back and guides her in the direction of the Razor Crest. 
Grogu starts to fuss, reaching for this virtual stranger.
She looks at the baby and smiles-
“Do you want a carry?” 
Grogu coos and babbles, reaching animatedly.
“I don’t mind, if you don't.”
“Alright,” Din says and brings the satchel around to his front, and she scoops Grogu out. Grogu immediately clings to her shirt, telling a thrilling tale that usually only he, himself understands.  But Din watches her close. She listens in wrapped attention and laughs at seemingly all the right places.
Din can see her looking at him with curiosity, a question on her lips. He has plenty of his own.
The assailant had called her omega, but it's not her name. It stirs memories. He hadn't really thought about Aq Vetina, or the lessons the Mandalorians had taught him about his unique biology in years. 
This woman is not called Omega, she may be and omega. She might have omega physiology, but that would mean he is not what he thought… 
After the battle droid siege that took his parent from him, Din was taken from his homeworld by the Mandalorians before puberty. They understood Aq Vetina was peopled by Alphas, Betas, and Omegas, and knew that even out of their society, Din would have to understand what it all means. They not only taught him about what it is to be any of those designations, but instilled discipline so he would be able to marshal control over the base instincts that can disrupt his ability to function in non-a/b/o society such as the Child of the Watch and much of the galaxy. But not being part of the unique group of people they of course, couldn't tell Din what it felt like.
From what Din understands about it, he has always assumed he must be a beta. But when he thinks about it, he has never knowingly been in the presence of an alpha or an omega, the two designations that would inspire the strongest reactions. 
Lost in thought Din arrives at the Crest before he knows it. The Mandalorian hits a few buttons on his vambrace, lifting the security protocols, and lowering the gangway. He again guides his guest with a light hand on her lower back.
Din knows he should say something… 'welcome' or 'make yourself at home' comes to mind and is nixed immediately. He goes with-
"Watch your step."
She looks around. Her curiosity spurs her on but he can see, no feel, a guardedness too.
He reaches for Grogu, and the baby reaches back, then squawks in indignation when he is placed in his hammock.
"Sorry, Grogu. I'll come get you soon," he says as he presses the button to close the door to the bunk.
When Din turns, she is more apprehensive than curious. It comes off her in waves. He knows he needs to explain, but… he doesn't know exactly what to say.
"I'm not going to hear the end of that for some time."
She gives a small smile.
"I- um…" Din starts and stops, her eyes are so… 
Din takes off his gloves. 
He tries again, taking her hand-
"Aq Vetina is my homeworld, but I was saved after my parents were kiled and taken in by the Mandalorians when I was very young."
Whether she is also from Aq Vetina or just knows of it, he doesn't know, but he can see some recognition. She looks down at his hand on hers, his thumb making circles on her wrist. Her eyes close, and she hums a contented sound. The sound causes fireworks to go off in him. Din breaks away to walk over to a control panel on the wall and shuts down the lights.
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You are plunged into darkness. Has your curiosity gotten you into trouble? 
"As a Mandalorian, to protect my creed my face can not be seen by others," he explains from across the hold. "But I want to take off my helmet with you-" 
The dark is absolute, but you can tell where he is from the sound of his voice. Then a hiss and clunk, followed by a soft fwump, fabric maybe. There is a moment of silence, then right in front of you-
"Do you understand why?"
He sounds different, no longer speaking through the helmet. And his scent- you breathe it in. 
"I think so, Alph- you're an alpha," you didn’t plan to whisper.
Din is hit with your scent, now unencumbered by the basic filtration within the helmet. He takes your hand again, bringing your wrist to his nose, inhaling. You know he is restraining himself from going to the scent gland in your neck. But if you are honest with yourself, it's all you want.
Din doesn't know what he is doing, he feels untethered, almost floating. He has never felt this way, his thinking is not confused though, on the contrary it is very clear though it almost feels like someone else's thoughts.
You move closer, bringing your neck so close. Din lowers your hand-
"Can I?"
"Please, Al- Mando"
"Din, please call me Din."
You tip you head to the side, you trust he will only smell, you don't know how you know and that frightens you.
"Alright, Din."
A shiver runs through him, and very slowly, he brings his face to the juncture of your neck and shoulder and inhales deeply. He feels drunk. His training battling with instinct and training all but raises a flag of truce when your nose is buried in his now bare neck, and instinct rumbles its victory. Little does he know that that rumble escapes him until you moan in response. 
"Din," you sigh. His response is quick and desperate, a growl rumbling from his chest and arms wrap tightly around you, as he murmurs your name.
How you got to the large crate you are now sitting on, you aren’t sure. Your feet dangle, legs open with Din standing between them, but he is not pressing against you. His head is tucked against your shoulder as he noses against your scent gland. Your hands in his hair,it's soft and fine. He does nothing without express permission. You have never met an alpha like this. You remind yourself he wasn't raised in a/b/o society, where the hierarchy puts him at the top, so many taught that they can just take what they want, like the alpha behind the cantina. You also can tell he is holding back, keeping instinct in check. And you are torn between incredible respect and wanting him to let go. 
“I want to kiss you, may-”
“I want to kiss you too, Din.”
Din brings his mouth to yours with an urgency that scares him. He wants to live here, right here. He knows he has to marshal himself, take control. But your lips are soft and the sounds you make, he wishes he could see you- 
Suddenly, there is the swoosh of a door to your right and an affronted cry that is as cute as it is furious. You smile, your lips still against his.
“Time’s up, I guess,” Din sighs.
"For now."
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You can find more of my writing here, and if you are interested in being tagged for this or any of my other works, here is my taglist form.
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darkskippychan · 8 months
Temp Work and the Dangers of GMO
By DarkSkippychan
Hello fans of my darkness.  I wrote this story for a fan of mine who decided to share herself with me when I was feeling down as a token of appreciation.  I hope you are able to afford to go back to university soon and things work out better for you.  This story contains Non Con, Sommnophilia/drugging, F/Monster, Tentacles, Forced Orgasms, and Impregnation.  Please do not read this story if any of these things may be triggering for you.  You have been warned.
Marin Biotech (the 3rd largest biotech firm in the world) had just opened its newest research campus two months ago in her local suburban town.  The new work campus provided the nearby community with an influx of much needed capital as well as fueling a new boom in housing, local shops, and (of course) jobs.  Their sprawling 43-acre campus was home to many lab facilities, greenhouses, and office buildings all catering to the global companies’ many research projects.
She had been lucky enough to land an afterhours temp job entering data from several of the many research groups and labs.  Her normal shift ran from 6pm to 2am, so she seldom saw other employees of the company. 
Some people would have found the work conditions lonely, but she actually enjoyed the solitude and freedom to work at her own pace.  Not to mention she got full access to the company’s well stocked employee lounge and was pretty much left alone to do her job with little to no supervision as long as she was completing her assigned tasks.
After parking her car in the near empty concrete employee parking garage, she hurried quickly to the main facilities building, her breath fogging out in front of her from the winter cold.  Fortunately, snow hadn’t started falling yet, but it always felt right around the corner.
The building was quiet, and she didn’t see another soul as she used her employee pass to enter the building.  She crossed the lobby and took the elevator down to basement floor 1 where the buildings main labs and her computer terminal awaited her.
Upon reaching her workstation, she quickly removed her coat, scarf, and gloves before the heat of the heavily climate-controlled basement overwhelmed her.  The company always kept it a bit warm down in the lab levels, and she wasn’t sure why.  She had learned to drink generous amounts of coffee to offset the urge to doze or sleep while she worked in the comfortable warmth.
The hard copy file ‘In box’ on her desk had several inch thick manila files of printed paper data for her to enter, but she noticed that her workload was about half of its usual size.  Thinking it over, she figured some of the researchers had decided to get a head start on the three-day weekend with Monday being a company holiday.
She settled down and woke her computer from sleep mode, as she fell into a rhythm and began to get down to work entering all the collected data.
Lab 3 (of 8) of Marin Biotech main research building was currently devoted to the development of new Genetically Modified Organisms (or GMO for short) mixing plant and animal DNA to create new fast growing and disease resistant strains of plants and animals.
The work was slow and tedious and led to hundreds if not thousands of non-viable products.  More recently work had begun to create mutations of promising strains by bombarding them with different forms of hard Alpha, Beta, and Gama radiation, hoping to create organisms with a more favorable outcome.
Among the newest batch in the lab was genetic specimen Beta-317.  The Beta series were all different Amazonian Jungle species (picked for their high growth rates and competitive nature) mixed with different ocean animals to try to cultivate their unique properties.  Beta-317 or B317 was specifically Cissus Amazonica also known as the Amazon Jungle Vine propagated and enhanced with spliced genes of the Enteroctopus dofleini or Giant Pacific Octopus for its RNA editing abilities and regeneration properties.
Work in Lab 3 had ended early in the day as the staff left early for their vaunted three-day weekend.  Multi spectrum bulbs illuminated the far quarter of the lab where the Beta specimens were constantly exposed to full spectrum light as to encourage their rapid growth.  Each GMO hybrid had also been placed in a nutrient rich water bath to provide each with the proper nutrients to sustain rapid growth.
Unseen by human eyes, experiment B317 quivered under the constant UV assault, before unfurling several of its thin appendages in its nutrient bath.  Roots quested out and dipped into its neighbors fluid baths, draining the fluids and growing in size and length from the additional nutrition. 
One appendage discovered the edge of the pool of light and B317 quivered as it began to pull itself out of the damaging brightness still growing from all the rich nutrients it had just absorbed from its neighbors.
A couple of hours had passed in the blink of an eye while she worked when she suddenly let out a big yawn.  Stretching, she decided it was time to take a break and get some coffee to help her finish her work shift.
The employee lounge was just down the hall from her workstation, the ecofriendly lights automatically turning on as she entered.  She picked up a cup and placed it in the coffee machine, then frowned as nothing happened after she hit the dispense button.  Looking at the illuminated control panel she saw the machine was displaying an error code.
She sighed loudly and instead selected some Lavender tea from the tea display beside the coffee machine.  A little hot water, milk, and honey later and her second drink of choice was ready.
As she headed back to her workstation, sipping her tea, she didn’t notice the quivering greenish form of B317 clinging to the ceiling down the hall behind her.
B317 had moved through the empty building hallways virtually silently despite its growing size, but not finding anything of interest until it had spotted the woman’s movement as she left the employee lounge.
Attracted to her heat and scent, it slowly began to follow her down the hall moving silently along the ceiling, vine-like tentacles spreading it’s weight evenly as it moved.
She sat down and began working again, taking a sip from her tea now and then.  After a while she suppressed another yawn just as she finished up her current folder.  She stretched again and leaned back in her chair deciding to close her eyes to rest for just a moment.  After all, she thought, her workload was light, and a little nap couldn’t hurt.
B317 found its prey not moving as it slipped past the door frame and into the room.  The only sound in the room was the gentle rhythmic breathing from the woman reclined in the chair, and the quiet hum of the lights and office equipment around the room.
Slowly it moved along the wall and down onto the office floor.  Moving carefully, it cautiously reached out several tentacle vines towards the sleeping woman.  Delicately they brushed across her warm skin, savoring the heat from her body, before stopping as she murmured in her sleep.  As she settled back down, they continued to move along her body exploring.
B317 was confused by the cooler non-living clothing around the body of the young woman, but it began to become more excited by the closeness of her warmth and scent.  More of its appendages began to move to the body of the woman, wrapping around her very gently as not to wake her.
As B317’s vine tentacles began to move up her body to explore the woman’s face she suddenly shifted and began to blink awake, unconsciously knowing something was wrong.
‘Whaaaa..’ she began, her brain still foggy and dazed from her short nap.
B317 struck out of instinct, jabbing a needle like barb into her neck and injecting her with a potent venom.  The woman cried out and her body tensed at the sudden prick of pain.  Her eyes shot open, then almost just as suddenly her eyes rolled back into her head, and her body went limp as the creature’s venom coursed through her system.
The newly born mutant vibrated in pleasure as its prey surrendered to its toxin.  Hungrily it began to tear through the young woman’s clothing, vine tentacles desperate to expose more of her soft warm flesh.
The woman moaned weakly as the mutant creature stripped her body roughly and she involuntarily shivered at her body’s sudden exposure.  Questing tentacles began to explore every inch of her body, causing her body to react of its own accord.
Her nipples began to harden as her body was roughly explored and goose flesh rose as it attempted to fend off the sudden change in temperature.  The creature lifted her whole body up off the chair, easily holding her weight aloft.  Her head fell back, causing her mouth to open, which B117 took as an invitation to explore.  One thick tentacle vine pushed into her mouth, and began to slide down her throat, enjoying her mouth’s warm wetness. 
Her heart began to beat faster, her body aware of the danger, even if she herself was not.  Warmth flowed over her as her body flushed and reacted to the creature’s touch.  Moistness gathered as her juices begain to drip from between her legs.
The creature’s body quivered, and a bulge began to form along its body before bursting forth into a new appendage from its central mass.  More of the mutant’s vine tentacles wrapped around the woman’s legs, spreading them wide while it held her in the air before it.
The new appendage moved towards her exposed womanhood drawn there by her musky scent and dripping juices.  It slowly began to rub along her slit, collecting her juices along its length and head before nuzzling against the opening of her sex.
A soft moan escaped her lips around the vine tentacle in her mouth that quickly grew to a cry as the creature suddenly forced itself inside her.  Her cries just as suddenly turning into soft whimpers as the large appendage slid deeper and deeper inside her, stopping only once reaching the opening to her womb.
Suddenly the creature began to roughly pound its length in and out of her, causing the woman to involuntarily orgasm after just a few thrust of its large phallus like vine tentacle. 
B117 greedily absorbed her juicy discharge and the rich nutrients it carried, not stopping for one moment to let the woman rest as it continued to forcefully fuck her.  The head of the appendage struck the entrance of her womb like an ancient battering ram trying to forcibly enter a besieged castle.
The woman’s whole-body shook, and her breast bounced with each hard thrust into her limp unresisting body.  Orgasm after orgasm ripped through her as the creature continued to have its way with her and absorb her rich juices.
Finally, after several minutes of attempting to force its way inside her, the creature was able to modify its breeding appendage.  The tip forming petals that it used to pry and force her cervix open, thus allowing its head to slip deep inside her womb and nestle inside her.
Her stomach began to bulge as it worked more and more of itself inside her, stretching her out birth canal out.  She moaned in unconscious protest as the mutant filled her body fuller and more completely than ever before.
B117 pulled the young woman close to it as it felt something deep inside itself grow, then detach, and begin to work itself along the length of its body and down into the appendage connecting them.
Slowly bit by bit, it contracted and moved the hard lump along its length.  Reaching the connection between them, the creature was stymied by the tightness of the woman’s body wrapped around its breeding tentacle vine.
Slowly it began to push, harder and harder, increasing the pressure until finally with a loud moan from the woman, her vaginal passage stretched out far enough to allow the hard mass to pass.  Using more and more pressure now, the creature continued to push the hard lump of its seed deep inside her.
Centimeter by centimeter the seed moved up her birth canal to be stopped once more as it reached the much smaller opening of her cervix.  Twisting and pushing, B117 thrashed the tip of its tentacle inside her womb, causing her to orgasm once more.   The sudden tensing and relaxing of her body with each pulse finally allowing the seed to continue millimeter by millimeter up inside her until finally it plopped into the warmth and wetness of her womb.
The woman’s whole body suddenly relaxed as the mutant finished implanting its seed inside her.  Sweat dripped from her limp body to be collected greedily by the vine tentacles enveloping her as they sucked at her skin.
Content for now, the creature labeled B117 began to move out of the room, holding its prize in a cocoon of vine tentacles above it.
The woman rose to conscious slowly, her mind still slow and foggy from the mutant venom the plant hybrid had injected her with.  Her whole body felt sore, and every muscle abused as if she had run several marathons or had climbed a couple of tall mountains.
She could feel the cool air of the room on her naked skin and her throat felt raw and dry.  Her eyes moved around the room, not recognizing where she was.
A very bright group of lights was over a table in one corner of the room.  All around her was a green vine type plant mass, covering what she could only assume were tables, chairs, and office equipment.  The plant covered the walls, and even parts of the ceiling, and seemed to pulse almost as if it were breathing.
As she looked around, a vine began to move towards her mouth.  She tried to turn her head, or to pull back, but she found she didn’t have the strength to even do that much.
As the tip of the vine tentacle opened her mouth and slid inside, it suddenly pulsed and began to disgorge a warm, thick, starchy tasting liquid into her mouth.  Disgusted the woman had no choice but to swallow the liquid or risk drowning in it.  After a minute or so the vine tentacle stopped and slid back and out of her mouth.
Even as she was disgusted by what had just happened, the woman was surprised to find that she felt better and a little stronger.  But before she could even begin to adapt to her situation, she felt something twitch inside her lower belly.
She looked down and her eyes went wide as she saw that her belly had grown and was now stretched out as if she were six months pregnant.  Her eyes darted around wildly, looking for something to help steady her mind with.
She saw a clock on the wall displaying the time and date.  Only a few hours had passed since she went to the lounge for her tea.  It seemed incomprehensible to her.
How could all this have happened in only a couple of hours?
Suddenly she felt a large movement inside her growing belly.  She managed to flop from her side onto her back as the first contraction hit her.  She cried out loudly and moaned as she felt something moving, fighting its way out of her.
‘Oh god… noOOOOOOOO!’ her hands each wrapping around a vine and squeezing hard as her legs spasmed.  The vines felt almost like a kind hard rubber with very little give in them as she panted and struggled with the new life growing inside her trying to be born.
Sweat covered her entire body as she panted and felt the organism inside her moving towards its birth and freedom.  She cried out again as another contraction helped to move it along.  Two small vine tentacles burst from the slit of her red swollen sex and began to wrap themselves around her thighs, giving the creature additional purchase to pull itself out of its mother.
She came then, hard and long despite everything, the pain and pleasure signals mixed up and scrambled in her brain.  The hard rubbery body of the birthing creature pushing hard against her G spot as it pulled itself out of her, raping her from the inside out.
With a final push she collapsed back against the labs floor, totally spent.  Her eyes fluttered as she fought to stay conscious despite the struggle of birthing the creature and her ordeal. 
The newborn creature began to slide up its mother’s body, two vine tentacles questing for the milk already dripping from her nipples.  Attaching themselves to her hard nipples, they began to suck greedily on their mother’s breasts, nourishing itself on her milk and already beginning to grow.
B117 began to stir once more.  Vine tentacles quested out for the young woman’s warm sweat covered body once again.  After all, her womb was now empty and available, and it had a full three-day weekend to procreate and progenerate…
As the young woman began to slip back into unconsciousness, she felt the touch of B117 along her body once more and wondered if taking the temp job had actually been such a good idea….
I hope you enjoyed my little dark story.  Thanks for reading and congratulations for making it this far.  If you did in fact enjoy the story, please feel free to buy me a coffee or send me a nude or two.  Nudes nourish my soul and fuel my imagination.  Till next time friends, stay dark and weird.  DarkSkippychan Feb/2024
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apomaro-mellow · 4 months
Mafia AU 8
Part 7
The next day, Eddie was thinking about all the little interactions between Robin and Steve. She seemed to be the one hanging around him the most. She was allowed to be alone with him. She’d been hiding in the room when Steve had tested him before, trying to seduce him. Eddie realized that despite knowing all this, he didn’t know much about Robin herself.
She had yet to go out with them when he escorted Steve on collections. She didn’t go to the trip to the tailor’s. But she was present for the important events. 
Was she like a fiancee for Steve? Maybe not officially, but someone that Steve was seriously considering. If that was true, then what was… well, now that Eddie thought about it, he might have been seeing too deeply into things. What seemed like meaningful touches and lingering glances had all been in his head.
He had a rare day of freedom, which was normally a good day to catch up on hobbies. But today all it meant was that Eddie stewed in his thoughts all day. Honestly, he was hoping that Steve might call him. Getting a last minute job meant he was thinking of Eddie. The phone was agonizingly silent.
By the time evening came, Eddie was in full self-deprecation mode. And it showed as he prepared dinner for him and his uncle that night.
Wayne made it a point to not always address when Eddie was down in the dumps. Eddie was normally pretty good at getting himself out of it, or coming right to Wayne when he had a problem. But Wayne had to admit that whatever had him this time might not just be a scuffle in the street or losing a book.
“You’re cuttin’ up those potatoes like Steve put out a hit on ‘em”, Wayne commented. It was said in a joking manner, but with an edge of warning.
Eddie let up so he didn’t accidentally de-finger himself. “Just mad at myself for being led on. Such a goddamn idiot.”
Wayne peered at him from over his paper. “Did that boy…?”
“No”, Eddie laughed at himself. “That’s the thing, I should’ve known better. He’s got that Robin chick hangin’ around him all the time, I should’ve known that they were a thing, I’m so fuckin’ stupid.”
Eddie went on and Wayne folded his paper, watching his nephew go on a spiral about some omega that not too long ago he gave nary a thought to. He considered it heavily before he spoke up.
“He’s not going to marry her.”
Eddie put the knife down and looked to Wayne. Normally, whenever Wayne spoke up about this kind of thing, he was just trying to cheer Eddie up. But he was more into the family than he was. He might know something.
“You know something?”
“I know she’s not an alpha. Nor is she Italian”, Wayne said.
Eddie stood there frozen for a moment. “But she speaks-”
“Eventually you have to, in this business.” Wayne closed his paper and readjusted in his seat. 
“...Steve’s dad isn’t Italian.”
“And you know how controversial that was”, Wayne pointed out. “So with Steve, they’re going to wanna stick close to tradition.”
“Well, even if they’re never going to be official, that doesn’t mean there’s not feelings involved.” Eddie crossed his arms and leaned against the fridge. “Something happened the other night. And I was trying to comfort Steve but he…he didn’t want me. He wanted Robin.”
Wayne looked him up and down, taking in his body language. “I’m gonna say this for your own good son.” He stood up and went over to put a hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “Don’t put in more than you get out.”
Eddie nodded, knowing what he meant. At the end of the day, this was all a job. He couldn’t afford to get mushy over an omega he couldn’t have. If anything, he should pity Steve. Clearly, he was in love with Robin. But all they could be were secret lovers.
That was why when Steve called him next, Eddie went with the intention of being completely professional.
“Do you think I was wrong about him?”, Steve asked Robin. 
They were sitting in the garden, enjoying the last bit of warmish weather on this afternoon. Mornings and nights were getting crisper as summer turned to fall. Eddie had been under him for almost a month and he had been so sure of it. But his father had this way of making him second guess himself.
“Honestly, Steve? I don’t know. But that’s just because I don’t think you’re being totally honest with why you’re doing this”, Robin said.
“I was told to sponsor someone. It was supposed to be my dad giving me a chance. I was taking it seriously.”
“Were you? You literally picked the scruffiest mutt from the lot, Steve. Eddie’s not exactly pedigree.”
“Yeah, neither am I”, Steve reminded her. He got enough respect for what he was owed, but he knew about the whispers behind his back. That no matter what, he wouldn’t be worthy of inheriting any title. Just marrying an alpha to carry it on. The few who did accept him, did so because of his mother and grandfather, not because of himself.
“You were obviously trying to stir the pot when you picked Eddie, though. And when you pulled that stunt with him earlier.”
“A stunt you agreed to.”
“Only to make sure he wasn’t one of those alphas that would slobber after you.” Robin shivered. “Like Tommy. Or Alvin.”
Steve had a shiver of his own. He knew that Tommy was who his father wanted for him. Even so, there was something intriguing about Eddie. Beyond that rebellious ‘fuck you’ to his dad. There was something interesting about him that Steve couldn’t put his finger on. 
That night, Steve was given a task. To take care of a deal going down on the docks. Take any men he needed and to be cautious of any cops doing a sting. Steve dialed Eddie right away.
Part 9
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blueikeproductions · 24 days
After days of uncertainty, it’s official via a trademark applied by Hasbro.
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It’s coming next year, and is indeed the successor to EarthSpark.
It’s still being treated with uncertainty by some if it has a show, but we’ve crossed this bridge before with each new show. Need I remind people how it was commonly believed Cyberverse was going to be a filler toy line with no show or some new Animated or Prime sequel when increasing evidence proved otherwise. (Though I suppose in a way they were half right on the former, since it did come off as a filler kids line when Hasbro put all their eggs in Netflix WFC’s basket, & look how that turned out.)
But no matter what we keep having that weird cycle of denial. Some still convince themselves Cyberworld is a sequel to EarthSpark or that it’s a continuation of TFONE.
TFONE themed series is more plausible but too soon to call because TFONE isn’t out yet, & we don’t know if it will be profitable. Just because people say they liked something doesn’t mean it made money or casuals liked it. -gestures to CV, RotB & ES rotting on shelves-
A Mutant Mayhem style Tales of the TMNT continuation DOES make sense, but Hasbro going full steam ahead with Cyberworld after EarthSpark’s underperformance feels more like a reaction to EarthSpark specifically not TFONE.
And again, why focus on what appears to be an Optimus Prime vs Galvatron story? How does that make sense where TFONE leaves off via leaks. What emotional connection does Orion Pax have towards Galvatron if he’s a separate person? Why skip ahead to D-16 having apparently upgraded further to Galvatron when he named himself after his idol Megatronus Prime? Theres leaps of logic that don’t make sense from either a Hasbro or fan perspective. The same can be said with Scorponok, who to my knowledge, isn’t even IN TFONE.
EarthSpark sequel speculation. Same problem. Even Rescue Bots Academy, despite focusing on new Rescue Bots, was very upfront in leaks and marketing about still including Heatwave’s group, so how is this an ES sequel when the Terrans aren’t even included? Not even any hint of new Terrans or for that matter new unique to the show Transformers.
The Autobots so far appear to be Optimus, Mirage, Grimlock & Snarl. Unless Hasbro is also sick of Bumblebee, the little lemon should be front and center along with Twitch & Thrash (with new Vehicle Modes), but he’s seemingly not in favor of Mirage. People try to defend it as an ES sequel due to its “unorthodox choices”, but are they really? Cosmos, Skywarp, Nova Storm, Skullcruncher, & the Insecticons feel more like hold overs from Cyberverse more than anything since both shows share staff, & in both shows hardly any of them get to do anything memorable. ES Cosmos’ only memorable thing is being voiced by Weird Al so far as of typing. Hardtop is the only one that sticks out to me because of his highly specific reference to a forgotten toy only TF Cybertron toy. And then he proceeded to be a nothing character with his arm used by Mandroid. Dude didn’t even get his own toy (yet), not even as a bad repaint of Swindle’s toy…
Sky-Byte, in fairness if he were allowed to be his RiD personality, DOES make sense for EarthSpark, but they never used him for it for whatever reason. (He too is a Cyberverse hold over in that earlier context, so it is kind of strange they didn’t use him).
One thing that does stick out to me though.
Similar to Digimon, Transformers has gotten into the habit of using one of the 13 Primes as a gimmick for a show, like using one of the Seven Deadly Digimon as a set piece.
Prime had Alpha Trion (& the Prime arm Megatron wore), RiD15 had The Fallen as a major villain and Micronus as a supporting character, Cyberverse had Alchemist Prime as a major character (albeit not handled well & feeling tacked on), & EarthSpark of course has Quintus Prime as the reason the show’s events happen.
If we’re to assume Cyberworld follows a similar approach, would that mean Onyx Prime gets used here?
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It’s still bizarre to me he wasn’t used in RiD15’s own Beast theme, and with Cyberworld seemingly having its own Beast theme using Grimlock, Snarl, Sky-Byte & Scorponok, perhaps Onyx might have a role here? Maybe his weird Mask ties into the World aspect?
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It can see other times, people, places and WORLDS after all.
Above all, the bare minimum is CyberWorld has to be fun instead of whatever CV, PW, WFC, & ES were.
And that will be put to the test soon enough…
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…As Studio Trigger has been confirmed as working on some kind of Transformers anniversary anime thing. Notable rep includes Animated, Armada & G1 in what’s been teased so far. More than likely it’s a short similar to Gridman’s Boys Invent Great Hero short, and as many have pointed out, that served as the launching point for the well received SSSS.Gridman, SSSS.Dynazenon & Gridman Universe series & film. Fans seem extremely excited at this, so hopefully it’s a big return to the anime TF era that began with RiD01 in the states (yes I’m aware of Headmasters & the rest but still). With Trigger at the helm too!
We have nowhere to go but up after late stage IDW, CV & ES’ shortcomings, & with Skybound continuing to do well as of typing, hype for TFONE remaining strong, and general excitement at Cyberworld & Trigger, perhaps an emphasis to back to basics is just what we needed.
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thedarkmistress16 · 2 years
Yandere!RPF Headcanons: HJ Edition
There aren't enough of au!yan!rpfs out there. There is so much fictional drama potential here and someone needs to deliver it. Anyway, typical yandere warnings here- talk of theoretical kidnapping, violence, sexual acts, obsession, all that jazz.
Yandere!Hugh Jackman (Insp. from Deception)
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If your interests even slightly align with his, YOU. ARE. FUCKING. DONE FOR. There ain’t no way in hell he ISN’T going to snatch you up if you’re this compatible.
Like to sing? Calls you his little songbird and encourages you to sing songs he thinks suit you or that complement your range and tone of voice. Does his vocal exercises with you and pushes you to further master it, even doing viral duet covers on occasion.
Into show business? All the connections he can offer from theater to film to television, but mainly encourages the higher-ups to be your co-star when you’re casted or as a future candidate. He'll be disappointed if he's not involved, but still encourages you from the sidelines.
Health enthusiast? You’re tagging along with his film and normal regimens and so is he with yours, switching off when appropriate.
Even if you don’t share any hobbies or likes, he’ll still get attached in some way. A small thing like your smile or the way you hold yourself, even, can reel him in.
You captivate him enough where you’ll catch him looking your way. He'll either pretend you didn't see him or send you a grin or a wave depending on how confident he feels about pursuing you.
Living your life alone isn’t an option. You’ll either accept him trying to take it slow with invites to dates and later moving in with him as his girlfriend like a normal couple, or let yourself be kidnapped and stuck in his home if you say no too many times. There WILL be a relationship, but he hopes he doesn’t have to do it the hard way.
When he kidnaps you he will play it off like you two are joking and having fun being carried bridal style. In reality, your protests hold more weight than he'll let anyone in on. He'll go as far as carrying you fireman-style in broad daylight to his car, without giving you any restraints or sedatives as you try to yell over him at the drive-through window. His sure-fire attitude and control over the situation shoots you down immediately, and the seriousness and hopelessness of your predicament hits you full force then.
Doesn’t mind the press, honestly, as long as they know you’re taken and not to mess with either of you. It’s why you’re usually with him whenever you go outside.
Knows how to put up this facade of a genuine, heartfelt guy for the world, mainly because he’s never become this obsessed until you. This front is even put up for you, to make you believe he’s a normal guy, until push comes to shove. 
This changes when you try to leave or cross him, or someone involved with you in some way ticks him off. His behavior will become a little concerning with how possessive he becomes. If the person or you doesn’t stop or shut up, it will be more clear that alpha man Wolverine is going into berserker mode. He hates showing this side of himself when you’re around, filled with tension as he makes sure you’re safe, and then stalking off to calm himself down before trying to comfort you.
Doesn’t need a blunt instrument or an explosive gun. His body IS the weapon. Look out, rivals, he WILL punch them to death if angered enough.
Gets mad when you fight him and try to escape. Just wants you to be happy here with his doting and attentive self. He may get loud and grip your arms tightly, but he'll never hurt you more than that. He hopes that when he comes off with enough of a threatening presence that you'll back down and drop it.
Very perceptive. He can read through your lines as well as your expressions, no matter how good you think your acting skills are. He simply pretends to believe you before confronting you later. Is hurt that you don’t trust him enough to show how you’re truly feeling.
If he ever does let you go outside on your own to do things like see your friends, which is rare, expect to be intensely stalked by him and your phone to blow up every two seconds the whole time.
Will absolutely install cameras in every inch of his home to make sure you’re safe as he’s traveling the world for his job. Will sometimes send you tickets to visit him, which is never a suggestion.
Slightly into more private intimacy than eating at a fancy restaurant concerning date nights. Tucking into a home-cooked meal with you curled into his side and the TV on as background noise is just as indulgent.
Has moments of desperate cuddles, but does give you space most of the time. A lot of shared moments involve sitting together or you on his lap or some other part of his body. Seldom are you ever sitting across from him unless he just wants to analyze you and smile brightly for a cute reaction; that’s too much space between you for him to handle most of the time.
Struts around the house in different levels of nakedness out of his own enjoyment, but also to get a rise out of you. Hopes you find him more attractive this way and that it lets your guard down, so you give him more time and affection, perhaps encouraging you to do the same.
Indifferent toward sex. Partakes in it, but it isn’t necessary nor does he feel like doing it all the time. This is the one subject he completely respects your boundaries on.
If you aren’t into it, he won’t touch you in those ways ever again and will go relieve himself of any tension away from your eyes and ears.
If you don't specify clear boundaries, he’ll slowly push for more in very subtle and exploratory touches, such as hands on clothed hips gliding toward erogenous zones and later under clothes on those direct spots, caressing and softly pinching all the way. Accompanied by featherlight kisses that soon grow more passionate, of course. Will stop when you ask him to in a serious voice or if it looks like you aren’t into it- especially if he’s not particularly horny that day- and won’t do whatever made you uncomfortable again.
If you are clearly into it, he’ll be on top of you for the first few times, getting out all his frustration and over the moon at finally having you, before letting you take the reigns; putting his trust in you and noting all the things you like and dislike for the future.
He wants at least one child with you, and might push for one insistently the older he gets and especially so if you’re sexually active. When you do have a child, he wants both of you to share the joy and burdens. You’re partners, which makes you equals as well.
Will end up proposing when he realizes you're pregnant so expect to be refitted for your dress constantly during the planning and proudly displaying a bump in your wedding photos.
Prefers dogs, but may settle for a cat if you really want one. Just always keep in mind to balance the attention.
Just wants you to live a happy and fulfilling life just with him only (and hopefully a kid or two).
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pigeontrash · 5 months
Sebaciel omegaverse part 4?
So I'm posting the Pregnant Sebastian headcannons. Might be bit out of character but oh well
Neither Sebastian nor Ciel would realize this at first. Both thought that idea of producing half-human half-demon offspring was impossible so the concept of pregnancy never crossed their minds
What would tick them off would be comments from other servants about a change of Sebastian's scent when he was around 4-5th month.
After that, they would connect the dots. Neither Sebastian got his heat/ Ciel got into a rut*, Sebastian's physical appearance changed slightly, and now both of them realized that Sebastian's scent became softer with a hint of milky smell that meant only one thing: He was pregnant.
They both panicked at that revelation. What would the society say, after all relationship between master and servant is very inappropriate, but also what that child would be. But after that initial panic passed both were ultimately quite happy. Both of them.
With that revelation, Sebastian was made to step down from his butler duties at least a bit. But that did not stop him completely, he more or less became a housewife. The rest of the servants teased him about it a bit, but ultimately they were happy for both him and their young master. All of them tried their best to not mess up while doing their work.
While one would think that pregnancy would be easy on Sebastian because he is a demon after all it was not. It still was easier on him than on regular humans, but for Sebastian being pregnant with a possibly human-demon baby meant accommodating human needs that he did not pay too much attention to. Providing nutrients from the human food, having to rest and because he is not immune to it, the pain that came with changes during pregnancy. Morning sickness, swollen feet, joint pain. Unfortunately, Sebastian had to suffer a bit.
But with pregnancy craving came one that he welcomed. A thirst and ultimately need for blood. The demon part of the baby had to be satisfied too, and for that Ciel allowed Sebastian to drink his blood to feed Sebastian.
Sebastian himself does not care too much about it until his bump starts showing. Both he and Ciel are fascinated with it. And the more time passed the more both of them paid attention to it. Sebastian casually rests his hands on the bump, caressing it when the little one inside him is fussing and kicking. Ciel too loves to pay attention to it, caressing the bump, poking back when he sees little feet prints, and wrapping his arm around it when in bed. One could call it too much, but he refuses to be like his parents and he will give all his attention to his child from the beginning.
Around 5th month his bump started showing and he was still wearing his butler uniform, but then Ciel requested Nina to sew some clothing for his pregnant omega. ( She was stunned that Sebastian was the one pregnant between the two) For the rest of the pregnancy, Sebastian was mostly wearing very fancy dress shirts looking like rich housewife
.When someone points out the state Sebastian is in he is not ashamed about it. He is very proud of himself and when someone tries to bring up the fact that he was a butler to his mate Sebastian just says something along the lines of “I was true, how lucky I am to be able to provide my master with an heir” in rather sarcastic tone and goes to Ciel to be his arm candy. That is a clear signal to Ciel what is going on. And being the alpha from high society, Ciel does not take disrespecting his mate lightly.
Because he had to eat human food Bard would find him snacking in the kitchen. He would test Sebastian for it, but after that, he would also try to learn what was that the demon was craving and make sure that this thing or the supplies to make the dish were always in the kitchen.
In the later months of pregnancy, Sebastian would go into let’s say energy saving mode. He does not need to sleep but pregnancy started to wear him off and so he dozes off when he can. This results in both servants and Ciel spotting him “sleeping” in random places ( library, any couch, etc.) If he is in a makeshift nest then the person that spots him usually leaves him to sleep. If there is no nest they either wake him up or put some blanket around him Between 8th month and the birth, he becomes really annoyed and on edge. His demonic features show more and so he states more inside. Ciel is usually the only person allowed for longer periods of time and even requested to be by Sebastian's side because the demon became more possessive of his small alpha. 
About ruts and heats* I assume that ruts/heats happen more or less every 3/4 months. While mated if the omega is pregnant their heat cycle stops, but it also stops the rut cycle of their alpha
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dumbawesomev69 · 5 months
Arc Giga
Dorm living room
Team rwby were waiting with worried expressions as Ruby was pacing back and forth, yang was leaning against the wall tapping her foot impatient while crossing her arms, blake while being the quiet one she sat in silence but her bow twitch every minute looking around waiting for something to happen and Weiss finally spoke her mind.
Weiss: Oh for the brother's sake! What's taking them so long it's been three hours!
Blake: two hours.
Weiss: whatever! They should be here by now!
Suddenly the door opened revealing their sister team however one of the members wasn't with them.
Team rwby gather around them asking questions about one person. "How's jaune!?"
Pyrrha: he's fine, they managed to sedate him and move him to the basement and lock the entrance.
Lie ren: They also contacted his sister who notified their parents, said they'll send the medicine for jaune but won't be here until a few weeks is for now jaune is on his own.
You may be wondering what is going on well let me explain you see our favorite lovable blonde boy jaune is a faunus but not just any faunus but a prehistoric one called a dino faunus thought to be extinct or fairy tales.
But jaune is one, a Giganotosaurus meaning he's much larger than other faunus on the size of an elephant faunus (just to give you an idea he dwarfs over yatsuhashi and elm) however he's not only he's a rare he's also an apex on like an alpha, apex's are extremely more powerful and aggressive. For jaune case he gets it from his great, great, great, great, great, gre-uh skip a generation, great-grandmother who had a rage semblance when she takes enough damage she goes crazy and it didn't help for the fact that she was a dino faunus but a Brachiosaurus.
Because of that jaune developed a rage mode where he will lose control and hurt/kill everything especially when he was a kid occasional he'll wander in the forest and will be later found surrounded by destroy trees, dead grim or the occasional bandits of course he managed to control it however like many faunus it's that time of year... Mating season where many find a mate but for jaune that's a difference because being an apex means that many faunus are afraid of him whether they are alphas or other small carnivores.
Plus jaune never thought about having kids yet but because of that jaune went through the season so many times he became extremely aggressive towards everyone and everything plus his rage Jaune with a walking bomb.
Team rwby and team npr were all saddened as Ruby spoke up. "There's got to be a way to help him."
Pyrrha: the only way to help him if he takes his special suppressed pills or mate with him but the second option is extremely dangerous his father explained it but his mother seem to encourage it.
Yang: Still we got to do some or poor vomit boy will stay like this forever!
Both teams were interrupted when they heard a mighty roar that shook the build, making Blake shake in fear as they all immediately knew who it was as Nora looked down whispering to herself. "Don't worry, Fearless leader We will think of something."
Late at night
Pyrrha was laying in bed as she turned over to an empty bed where jaune used to sleep but now he's sleeping in the basement as the shattered moonlight shines through the window the Spartan champion made a decision.
Sneaking out of bed carefully not to wake her two teammates up before grabbing a flashlight and head off towards the main school walking down the halls towards the basement as the door was tightly secured until Pyrrha used her semblance to unlock the door.
She opened the door slowly making loud creaking before heading down but closed the door behind her not wanting anything to see or panic. As she walks down the stairs she couldn't help but felt an odd chill run down her spine but ignore it as she makes it down the stairs.
She carefully moves around trying to find jaune, she starts to sweat in fear but thankfully there is a warm breeze to calm down. "Wait a minute, how can there be a breeze when there are no windows or any opening for air to come in unless..."
Pyrrha slowly turns around spotting two glowing eyes as she shines the light revealing shirtless jaune arc as he lets out a roar making Pyrrha screams as he launches at her. She avoided his attack as she wished to bring her shield as jaune swings at her Pyrrha again avoided it however she didn't see his large tail.
It hit her, sending her flying against the wall thankfully her Aura protected her but it still hurt as she tried to stand up but jaune pin her down as he kneel down to her growling next to her ear as he whispers in a deep voice.
Pyrrha did as he told her and submitted to him as a wide grin covered his face as he lifted his hand off of her and started its way down and before she knew her half pajamas were torn off as jaune chuckles as he started rubbing her pussy.
"Wow Pyrrha already wet just from me touching you, well that small fight got me thirsty."
Jaune moves down lowering his hand and opens his mouth revealing his razor sharp teeth before closing around Pyrrha crotch area and started sucking.
Pyrrha moans feeling his mouth muscles working and his tongue enters inside her feeling near her womb as Pyrrha couldn't hold it in and cum to which jaune drank all of it as he removed his mouths licking his lips as he removed his boxers revealing a tape down cup.
He ripped off making growl in pain letting loose his large dick as Pyrrha stared in complete shock as her face turned red as jaune grabbing it with one pointing it down as he uses his other hand to tear the rest of Pyrrha clothes and slowly but firmly shove it in her making Pyrrha to scream in pain.
Tears form around Pyrrha's eyes as they started streaming down but suddenly jaune started licking her face as she saw his eyes weren't glowing anymore. "Don't worry Pyrrha I got you."
Jaune spoke in his normal voice making Pyrrha smile as they didn't move for a while until she gave him the go to move. He started thrusting as he held on to her with one hand as the other played with her breast before he lends in and started sucking them care not or bite them with his teeth.
Pyrrha: Oh jaune~ go easy on them.
Jaune: I can't help it, they are so good I can't wait for them to give milk~.
Before Pyrrha can reply jaune stood up as he started thrusting even hard as he wraps his arms around her and her legs slamming deeper inside her as she moans louder feeling womb completely filled with jaune.
Jaune: I'm going to come and I won't stop filling you until you're pregnant with my kids.
Pyrrha: Then do it! Make me a mother!
With a few more thrust jaune release years of not mating finally was xom out as screams in pleasure as her stomach expanded, tongue sticking out, eyes widen as jaune roar as he held onto her not letting go until his seed spit out.
He carefully pulled Pyrrha off and a wave of his seed poured out as he lay her against the wall smirking. "Team rwby who wants to go first?"
Up on the stairs was team rwby naked as they stood their faces red they made their way down each bowing down. "We're ready for you."
It wasn't long as Ruby was moaning as jaune held her head down, ass up and slamming down on her as Ruby moaned. "Yes! Jaune fuck me! Make me your slut!" Jaune once more came filling Ruby womb with his hot seed.
Yang was on all fours as jaune mounted her, grabbing her hair pulling it as he slapped her ass. "You like this uh you blonde bitch!"
Yang moans out. "Yes! I do when you do it! Now make me a mommy too!" Jaune pulled harder as he thrusts even harder until coming inside. "Oh yeah it's so warm!" Yang moans out as jaune chuckles.
Blake was getting mating press as jaune used his tongue to mind fuck her. "This is so FUCKEN kinky!" Blake moans out as jaune pulls his tongue back. "Oh this is just the beginning." He started thrusting faster as Blake started meowing before letting out the loudest nya ever as jaune seed filled her up. "I'm going to have so many kittens!" Jaune roared out as he said. "I like to see how that monkey fucker reacts when he finds out, his crush is getting breed by me!"
Finally it was Weiss turn as jaune sat back as she started pushing herself onto him which was cute. "Weiss you sure you got this." Weiss pouted. "Of course, it's just hard to put your thing inside me." Jaune smiles as he decides to help her by grabbing one of her legs and pulling which causes her to fall on top of jaune's dick immediately tears start forming but jaune calms her down by grabbing her cheek and rubbing it. "It's alright snow queen, you're fine."
Weiss smiles, after sometime she starts moving which as jaune moans he asks. "bet Neptune wasn't as big as I am." Weiss blush. "Actually we never did it nor kiss even." Jaune smirks as he pulls Weiss in for a deep French kiss shoving his tongue down her throat making her gag before he pulls back. "Well now it's time for me to make sure that blue hair mother fucker don't get near you nor try to claim you." Jaune grabbed a hold of Weiss and started thrusting crazy as he saw Weiss small stomach bulges out as weiss face was distorted as Jaune continued before releasing filling the ice queen small womb with his Apex seed.
By the time jaune finished breed Pyrrha and team rwby he was still hard as the girls started licking his dick and sucking his balls before jaune carried them to his dorm living room where he placed them down when he heard glass shattering.
He looks to find ren standing in the kitchen frozen in fear as jaune moves over to her towering over her shaking body before rubbing her cheek. "Ren don't worry I won't hurt you." He then tore off her pajamas and picked her up then kissing her ramming his tongue down her throat.
Ren moans as she feels his tongue taking over her mouth before jaune pulls back leaving a trail of saliva as he places her on the kitchen table opening her legs. "So wet guess I won't need to warm you up anymore." With one motion he inserted himself inside of her as he starts thrusting.
Ren's eyes widened as she looked to see her bulging stomach as jaune held her sides and started moving faster making her moan as she wrapped her legs around him not letting go as he got even faster. "Jaune, oh fuck s..she's asleep in the room I want you to go ravage once your done with me."
Jaune smirks as he leads down to her. "Good idea for that I'll make sure that when you give birth, I'll impregnate you again first." Ren smiles. "Yes master please do." With a few more thrust jaune release filling ren up before slowly pulling out letting his seed pour out of her as jaune clean up the broken glass and headed towards the dorm room where he saw Nora sleeping peacefully.
He approached quietly as he got to her bed he saw she had his pumpkin Pete custom-made sweater holding it tightly which made jaune smiles as he started rubbing her ass. Nora moans a bit as jaune removes her underwear and spreads her cheeks as he shoves it in again making her moan as jaune feed until he stops as jaune slowly mount her whispering her to waking her.
"Nora wake up". Nora opened slowly when she saw jaune which got her confused. "Jaune-jaune? Is this a dream?" Jaune smirks. "Let's see." Without warning he ram straight inside her not only waking her up but causing her to moan loudly as jaune wrap a arm around her neck holding her in place before thrusting with no mercy.
Nora gritted her teeth as jaune held onto her as he was ramming her nonstop. "God Nora your pussy is so tight and warm!" Nora just moans as jaune slaps her ass. "God I can't wait for you to be pregnant with my kids I wonder if your milk will taste like pancakes and syrup." Nora continued to moan until jaune roared out as he came releasing his seed inside her making Nora to moan louder.
Jaune let's go as Nora then pushed him onto his back where she looked at him straight in the eyes before slamming herself onto him. "Fearless master I'm not done yet, in fact we are not done yet." Jaune looked towards the doorway, finding the others standing there ready for another to which he smiles.
"well then, let's get busy~"
To be continued
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talonabraxas · 9 months
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Description of the Frontispiece in Magic: White and Black by Franz Hartmann.
At the foot of the picture is a sleeping Sphinx, whose upper part (representing the higher principles) is human; while the lower parts (symbolizing the lower principles) are of an animal nature.
She is dreaming of the solution of the great problem of the construction of the Universe and of the nature and destiny of Man, and her dream takes the shape of the figure above her, representing the Macrocosm and the Microcosm and their mutual interaction.
Above, around, and within all, without beginning and without an end, penetrating and pervading all, from the endless and unimaginable periphery to the invisible and incomprehensible center is Parabrahm, the unmanifested Absolute, the supreme source of every power that ever manifested or may in the future manifest itself as a "thing", and by whose activity the world was thrown into existence, being projected by the power of His own will and imagination.
The Omega (and the Alpha in the center) represent the "Son", the Absolute having become manifest as the Universal Logos or The Christ, also called Buddhi, or the sixth principle, the cause of the beginning and the end of every created thing. It is One with the "father", being manifested as a Trinity in a Unity, the cause of what we call Space, Motion, and Substance. Its highest manifestation is Self-consciousness, by which it may come to the comprehension of Man.
The spiritual man whose matrix is his own physical body, draws his nutriment from this universal spiritual principle as the physical fetus is nourished by means of the womb of the mother, his soul being formed from the astral influences or the soul of the world.
Out of the Universal Logos proceeds the "invisible Light " of the Spirit, the Truth, the Law, and the Life, embracing and penetrating the Cosmos and becoming manifest in the illuminated soul of Man, while the visible light of Nature is only its most material aspect or mode of manifestation, in the same sense as the visible sun is the reflex of its divine prototype, the invisible center of power or the great spiritual Sun.
The circle with the twelve signs of the Zodiac, enclosing the space in which the planets belonging to our solar system are represented, symbolizes the Cosmos, filled with the planetary influences pervading the Astral Light, and which are caused by the interaction of the astral emanations of the cosmic bodies and their inhabitants.
The activity in the Cosmos is represented by the interlaced triangle. The two outer ones represent the great powers of creation, preservation, and destruction, or Brahama, Vishnu, and Siva, acting upon the elements of Fire, Water, and Earth — that is to say, upon the original principles out of which ethereal, fluid and solid material substances and forms are produced.
The two inner interlaced triangles refer more especially to the development of Man. B, C, and D represent Knowledge, the Knower, and the Known, which trinity constitutes Self-knowledge. E, F, and G represent the Physical Man, the Ethereal or Inner Man, and the Spiritual Man. The center represents the divine Atma, being identical with the Universal Logos. It is, like the latter, a Trinity in a Unity. Of the three interlaced A's only one is distinctly drawn in the figure.
It is the spiritual seed implanted in the soul of man, through whose growth immortal life is attained. Its light is the Rose of the Cross that is formed by Wisdom and Power. But below all is the realm of illusion, of the most gross and heavy materialized thoughts, sinking into Darkness and Death, where they decompose and putrefy, and are resolved again into the elements out of which the Universe came into existence.
(Excerpts from: Magic: White and Black by Franz Hartmann)
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greetings-inferiors · 6 months
What game do you think most deserves a remake?
Any game ever? Kingdom hearts 358/2 days. That game is on the ds and it's still the best non numbered (i.e. 1,2,3, I get it is technically numbered but shut up) kingdom hearts game. It's a CRIME that only the cutscenes were added to HD 1.5 ReMix, especially since one of the things that made the narrative so compelling is that the cutscenes were the reward after a hard day of working missions. The cutscene collection is just the reward without any of the buildup, it sucks. It's fine I guess if you want to just experience days, but the actual game is SO FUCKING GOOD. I'd kill for a days remake. Giving it kh3-ish combat would solve one of the only problems with the game, the boring combat. I don't want them to add mission mode or the non-roxas playable characters, because I want them to focus on the main story, and the consequence of having about 20 playable characters is that every weapon has exactly one combo and it gets boring fast. KEEP THE PANEL SYSTEM THOUGH IT'S SO GOOD.
The only downside to a days remake is that there are certain scenes where Roxas visits places Sora had once been, and on the bottom screen you control Sora at the same time as controlling Roxas on the top screen, and like yeah I guess you could just cut to Sora but it's way less immersive. Still very much worth losing that one thing and getting a remake of one of the best kingdom hearts games, but still.
The only other kingdom hearts games that I'd want remakes for is kh2 (just to fix the disney worlds mainly. They're so distractingly awful compared to the rest of the game and the rest of the series) and Union cross (it's a bloody mobile game that no one's ever played with possibly the most important story in the series. At least the damo279 fandub is PHENOMENAL.)
Other games I want remakes for...
Persona 4, Persona 3 reload is absolutely phenomenal and I think that fixing persona 4's combat (every dungeon is a palace???) as well as all the other small things they could add could very well make it the best game of all time. Also you could call it Persona 4 Rewind and that's really funny
I'd love to see an omega ruby alpha sapphire level remake for pokemon Black and White, maybe even including black 2 and white 2. They've definitely got the best story of a mainline pokemon game (scarlet and violet's gets better, but it's only really the last few hours that are good) and I'd love to see them get a proper loving remake.
Last thing: Chibi Robo. I've never played it, but I've heard nothing but good things and the concept is FANTASTIC. Having a open world (but in reality it's just the whole house) Chibi robo game would be incredible. It's the most unlikely (okay maybe kh2 is more unlikely) one but I just think it'd be really good.
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owl127 · 1 year
Unplanned Pregnancy (T)
Clexa; read on Ao3
Alpha!Lexa, Omega!Clarke, family drama, alpha!Anya, omega!Raven 0000
Lexa stretched as she pushed her car door closed. Her fingers toyed with the new coffee stains on her collar, little liquid brown dots that littered all the way to her tie. With a long sigh, she loosed the garment and beeped her truck closed.
With three kids in college and one on the way to a scholarship, Lexa worked as much as she could.
Raven’s EV shone in the late afternoon sun in front of their garage. Lexa squinted her eyes, trying to remember if Clarke had invited them to dinner, but it could be the two omegas simply catching up. She climbed the steps to the garage door with a light bounce, her gun holder clicking against her belt at each step. 
A frown crossed her face when she entered through the kitchen. The house was silent beside light sniffing, and Lexa went into alert mode, walking into the living room before taking her uniform or gun off. The alpha bristled at the scene, going to Clarke and Lumi first.
Clarke held their daughter tight to her chest, tears trailing down their faces. Raven finished a call with a sharp order to “come over, it’s important” and turned to Lexa with red eyes.
Cold ran down Lexa’s spine, her hand on Clarke’s shoulder. “Where’s Anya?” 
“She’s coming. And she’s fine,” Raven answered. “That’s not the situation here.”
“Situation? Clarke?” 
Clarke disentangled from the embrace, cupping Lumi’s cheek to give her a soft peck on her splotchy, red skin. “Hey,” she said to Lexa, and the calm on her face tranquilized her wife.
 “What’s going on?” Lexa sat next to her wife and daughter, trying to meet Lumi’s eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“She’s going to hate me,” Lumi exhaled in a ragged whisper, more tears spilling from eyes that matched Lexa’s. 
“Who’s going to hate you?” Her patience running thin, Lexa raised her voice.
A firm grasp on her forearm was the message to control her tone. Lexa looked at Clarke in complete loss, unsure of why she was being chastised.
Raven watched the scene with a sad smile.
Clarke murmured something to Lumi, but the teenager shook her head, biting her lip. With a sigh, and a hand holding Lexa’s forearm, Clarke spoke with a longing finality,
“Lumi’s pregnant.”
It didn’t do it at first. It didn’t click in Lexa’s mind that their youngest, their little protégé, their only omega, their sweet girl, her baby, her pup … was pregnant. 
When she tried to speak, it was an indignant squeak. 
Lexa stood, shaking off Clarke’s hand. One look at Raven and realization sank in: Lumi’s girlfriend, Hannah.
The front door slammed open along with the sound of laughter, and Lexa’s nose caught the potent scent of alpha mate and unmated. Mother and daughter.
“Hey guys,” Anya greeted the crowd with both arms full of groceries. “What’s the emergency that couldn’t wait for groceries?”
“Or a shower.”
The voice Lexa expected to hear.
Covered in sweat from soccer practice, Hannah strolled into the room with a young alpha confidence, all cocky grins and swag. Her dirty blonde hair, the same shade as her mother’s, contrasted well with her amber eyes. 
I surprised Lexa when Hannah was the first to react to the heavy fog of distressed hormones in the room, her teen smile dropping. Her eyes searched for Lumi on the couch and Lexa snarled.
That was when Anya realized something was wrong.
Lexa focused on the eyes, the smirk, the alpha, and red took her vision.
She ignored Clarke’s shout or Raven’s gasp as she launched forward, fist aimed at a high cheekbone. There was a dry, loud crack at the contact.
Anya dropped the bags at the sudden blow, but Lexa was faster, and a second punch found Anya’s face before she could take a step back. 
Hannah didn’t interfere, in a similar shock to the flabbergasted Lumi on the couch as they watched the scene unfold with open jaws.
On the floor and with Lexa being more rage than technique, Anya rolled them to get the upper hand, though not without another blow to her stomach.
A broken chair and splattered vase later, Clarke disentangled the alphas, draped on Lexa’s back to hold her. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Anya exclaimed with a bloody nose. Raven, unimpressed, went by her side with a frozen peas bag.
“With me?”
Clarke tightened her hold before Lexa could surge forward again. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” Lexa shouted back, braided hair falling messily around her face. “Can’t you fucking teach your daughter how to use a condom?!”
“I—what?” Anya winced when Raven coaxed the cold package against her face, though her expression was pure confusion. 
The alphas turned to look at the couch, where Lumi had been crying again, and Hannah held her with the same confused frown that was between Anya’s brows. 
Lexa slumped against Clarke, who released her with a light shove. “That was uncalled for,” Clarke hissed at her mate. 
Raven and Anya shared a two phrase conversation, Anya’s eyebrow shooting to her hairline and then down again in a snarl. 
“I’m sorry,” Anya said, and when she looked at her daughter, Hannah’s eyes were red and full of tears. “I’m sorry, Lexa,” she repeated after a long pause. 
The sharp elbow in her gut forced Lexa’s next words out. “I’m sorry too. I flipped. With Serah and the boys in college, and Lumi’s track scholars—” Another hard elbow and Lexa shut up. 
“Now is not the time to fight,” Clarke said in a tone lower than Lumi was used to listening to her mother. 
“How far along?” Anya had not looked at her daughter again, instead holding the frozen peas to her bloody nose while asking directly to Clarke.
“Ten weeks.” 
Anya gulped, cursing under her breath. “We need to talk.” Anya put the bloodied peas down, eyes first on Raven, then on Lexa. “We have the beach house, and I can join Indra’s task force again.”
“She’s under our insurance, and we will update it,” Clarke added, two fingers massaging her temple. She had her migraine face.
“Mom.” Hannah’s voice was unsure and cracked when the four adults in the room looked at her. “I can help. Instead of going to college this fall—”
“You’re going to college,” Raven interrupted firmly. “That’s out of the question.”
“Did you mate?” 
The teenage couple shook their heads at Lexa’s dry question. 
“So they can be separated,” Raven completed for Lexa. Hannah tightened her arm around Lumi.
“I don’t want to leave.” Hannah dared once more, and Raven’s teary eyes burned with constricted fury.
“I pulled in favors I cannot do again to get that shot at your scholarship,” Raven warned. “And you delivered. You’re eighteen. You will go to college.”
Anya’s nose started bleeding again, and Clarke walked with her to the closest bathroom.  
“Let’s talk tomorrow. I need a scotch.” Lexa didn’t wait to see anyone’s reaction and, hand tight around her gun, walked to the kitchen. 
“Hey.” Raven kneeled in front of the couch with her daughter and goddaughter sat, Lumi slightly shaken. Raven rested one hand on Hannah’s knee and another on Lumi’s. “We will figure things out. You both will study and we all can help with the baby.”
“Mom, is it ok if I stay here tonight?” Hannah had a hand over Lumi’s shoulder and the younger omega had her face buried into her neck for comfort.
“Don’t even think about it,” Lexa replied while reentering the living room, a full glass in her hand. “That was what got us in this mess.”
“We used condoms…” Hannah said weakly, eyes low under Lexa’s burning gaze.
“She’s sixteen,” Lexa spat back, pheromones escalating. 
“Lexa!” Clarke called from the hallway at seeing her mate staring down the terrified young alpha. 
“No Clarke, there’s no excuse for this.” Lexa turned and didn’t see when Lumi started crying again.
“Lex.” Raven stood up and put a calming hand on Lexa’s shoulder. “Anya and I will stop by after work.”
Anya emerged from the bathroom with a tampon stuck in her nose and didn’t meet anyone’s eyes. Hannah’s first tears rolled down at the clear shame in Anya’s posture.
“We’ll talk numbers tomorrow.” Anya opened the front door, leaving the groceries behind. Raven touched Clarke’s shoulder and walked behind Anya, and, hesitantly, Hannah followed her parents.
After the door closed behind Hannah, Lumi failed to swallow a sob and ran upstairs to her bedroom.
Lexa cursed at Clarke’s tone.
“I did what I had to,” Lexa defended before the accusation.
“You broke Anya’s nose.”
“I doubt it. She’s fine.” Shame crept into Lexa’s cheeks, but she wouldn’t give in. At least not yet.
“You’re going to have to deal with this, Lexa. There’s no punching your way out of this. Lumi wants to keep it, and we will respect her choice.” Clarke touched Lexa’s tense shoulder, her fingers digging into the muscle. “She needs you right now.”
“I… I know.” She touched her mate’s hand.
“So get it together,” a teasing smile made its way to Clarke’s face, “grandma.”
Lexa felt warmth in her cheeks and grunted under her breath. “Too soon.”
“You have a few months to get used to it.”
“I’m not sure if I ever will.”
Lexa waltzed between the living room and kitchen with precision and speed, the toddler on her hip not slowing her for a single second.
“Aden, do you call those balloons? You can do better than that,” she told her son, who raised an eyebrow and continued to blow into the colorful balloons. “This arch better be ready by the time the guests are here.”
“He’s turning one.” Jake walked from the garage carrying folded chairs, a chuckle escaping his thin beard. “He won’t remember about the balloon arch.”
“But I will!” Lexa called as the front door opened. “Oh, your momma is here,” Lexa whispered to her grandson, watching his light brown eyes sparkle as Hannah walked in, her cadet uniform crumpled. “Say hi to momma.”
“Hey.” Hannah kissed the top of her son’s head, her arms loaded with party supplies. “Where do I put all of this?”
“Octavia and your mom are outside next to the pool,” Lexa instructed as JJ found her watch more interesting than the pacifier hanging around his neck. “I’ll go check the cake.”
“Did Clarke bake it?” Hannah asked on her way to the backyard.
“Lumi helped.” At Hannah’s grimace, Lexa amended, “she’s just helping with the icing. Don’t worry.”
An excited shriek erupted from Lexa’s chest as JJ saw his mom and other grandma in the kitchen. Or it could have been the cake; the kid was known for his appetite. Unsurprisingly, considering the mix of Lexa and Anya’s genes.
“Ma-ma-ma-ma!” he babbled, pudgy hands in the air toward Lumi. Her icing-smudged cheeks broke into a smile.
“How’s the icing going?” Lexa asked while Lumi continued the somewhat smudged yellow icing.
“Surprisingly good.” Lumi leaned up so she could reach JJ’s cheeks for a kiss. “Mom went upstairs, though. Asked me to tell you to go after her.”
Lexa frowned and passed JJ to Lumi. “Is something wrong?”
Lumi shrugged, one arm around her pup and the other back on the icing. 
“I’ll be right back,” Lexa said and made her way upstairs to her bedroom.
Clarke’s ponytail was skewed as she sat on the bed, staring at her phone as if it had offended her ancestors.
“Hey.” Clarke jumped at Lexa’s proximity, but then closed her eyes as her mate hugged her from behind. “You smell like baby powder,” Lexa whispered and nuzzled the fair hairs on Clarke’s nape. “What’s up?”
Clarke closed her eyes for a moment and held Lexa’s hand. “We need to talk.”
“Is something wrong?”
“I’m 45, Lexa.”
“Yeah. And?” Lexa dove into the soft skin of Clarke’s neck again. 
“And you’re 48.”
“I’m aware of the inevitability of time, Clarke,” Lexa whispered under her ear. “And JJ is one now. Everyone has a number.”
���Lexa, I’m serious.” 
Lexa lifted her head to actually see her mate. The red-rimmed eyes, the way Clarke bit her lip.
“Something’s wrong?”
“Probably. At least very risky, and I’m not sure we can pull it off this time, not to mention—”
Lexa turned on the bed to face Clarke, kissing her knuckles to stop the spiraling. That was unusual for Clarke. She almost never rambled. Her MO was to analyze, compartmentalize, get a to-do list.
“Clarke. What’s going on?” 
Endless scenarios went through Lexa’s head: Clarke was sick; something happened to the kids; the kids were sick; Clarke’s mom was sick. They all involved someone terminally ill.
Clarke wiped a tear away, the small wrinkles next to her eyes folding in her grimace.
“Does Liam need to be bailed out again? I told Serah—”
“None of the kids were arrested,” Clarke chuckled wetly. “But it’s about the kids.”
“If any of the girls are pregnant again, I will castra—”
“The girls are not pregnant!” Clarke took a deep breath, a tear rolling down and hanging by a thread as she avoided Lexa’s eyes. She blinked it away and faced her mate. “I am.”
“You’re what?”
“What now?”
Lexa knew the meaning of the word. After four pups, she was naturally familiar with the entire concept.
“You’re 45,” Lexa argued, inherently confused. “You barely get your heats any—”
Oh. Not as frequently, not as intense, but definitely still happening.
Like three months ago, when Lumi and Hannah surprised Lexa and Clarke with a weekend getaway for their anniversary.
“We stopped using protection years ago.” Lexa’s voice was faint. “You said—”
“Don’t you dare turn this on me!” Clarke said with a bite to her tone, and PTSD flashbacks of pregnant-Clarke flashed in Lexa’s mind. “You were the one knotting!”
“You were in heat! You’re my mate!”
“This one is on you.”
“You always say that!”
“And it’s always true—why are you smiling?”
Despite the heat of the argument, Lexa could not stop the grin splitting her face.
“When did you find out?”
“I thought it was menopause,” Clarke breathed, showing her phone with the positive test result. “Or hepatitis.”
“Little hepatitis,” Lexa whispered to Clarke’s stomach. “Are you okay?”
“No sign of red flags. We can do the genetic testing for more details. If… if we’re keeping it.”
The grin withers in Lexa’s face. “What do you want?”
“I… I had not planned this.” Clarke threaded a hand through her ponytail and pulled her curls free. White streaked her blonde hair, and Lexa knew her own braid was the same. “I’m exhausted just thinking about it. But then…” She leaned down to place her forehead on Lexa’s shoulder. “Then I see you with JJ, and it makes me want to cry.” She sniffled quietly, and Lexa kissed her forehead.
“I could get a van again,” Lexa offered, heart beating fast in her chest. “And we already have one baby in the house. It will be like with the boys.”
Clarke groaned. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”
“Should we tell people?”
“Not yet.” Clarke leaned back to kiss Lexa’s cheek. “It’s too risky. Let’s wait.”
“Okay. Whatever you want to do.” With a small push, Lexa laid down on the bed and pulled Clarke on top of her.
The party drifted from downstairs: the jingles of children’s songs, the laughter, the random pop of a balloon.
“We should get back.” Clarke tried to lift her head, but Lexa gently coaxed her down.
“Not yet,” Lexa whispered. “Let’s stay here a while. Just us.” 
Clarke’s entire body relaxed against her mate.
“Just the three of us.”
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