teacakes1799 · 3 months
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a very lively deer for @catbatart
also very important, the spider's name is NANSI
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sha666y · 1 year
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mtgatherercomments · 8 months
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noirrelite · 11 months
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wip of my titania preem oc with eyes that I forgor existed
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reuxben · 11 months
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Here’s our MTGinktober for “Dangerous,” starring Famished Paladin, Sorcerer's Wand, Splendor Mare, Porcuparrot, and Selfless Savior! I wouldn't test him--homie's porcupined up from the hind up.
Click this post’s Source link for this piece’s Making-Of.
More MTGinktober here.
Daily art updates on Instagram and Twitter.
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katiajewelbox · 1 month
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Watch out, Crima Claws will probably become a real thing alongside invisibility cloaks in the next few years!
The tech in the anime Vision of Escaflowne may be more magic than science, but some things may not be that fanciful after all.
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coverteyes · 1 year
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Is it just me, or is Folken's hand strategically placed?
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castellla · 2 years
this post is a grave for the urls I loved but didn’t save. goodnight sweet prince(s)
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marshalleeeee · 2 months
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kahran042 · 7 months
A list of my OC universes
Jonas Corbin's Guide to Life (JCGTL): Cornerstone universe. Animesque high-school dramedy with some degree of magic realism/Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane. The JCGTL master file can be found here.
RPG Hero Academy: RPGHA for short, pretty much what you get when you combine Final Fantasy, Harry Potter, and Naruto. Also somewhat based on my spite lore for a Tortallan forum-based RPG that would probably make Tamora Pierce spin in her grave if she were dead. My only setting with no direct ties to JCGTL.
Alseide: Medieval fantasy setting similar to medieval/Renaissance Earth, but with steampunk and magitek technology and standard fantasy monsters. Notable as perhaps the only fantasy setting with a Fantasy Counterpart Culture to the Kingdom of Georgia, and for having many small stories instead of one big one. This is also where Mark Seaver's Wayfarer (Pathfinder expy) campaigns are set in JCGTL.
Exoframe Chronicles (XFC): Real Robot sci-fi mecha setting, set in our solar system, which humanity has colonized as far out as Uranus. For this setting, I tend to focus more on the main antagonistic faction, the Maralean Empire, and mecha designs in general because I don't really have a solid idea for a hero. Also exists as an in-universe anime in JCGTL.
Legend of Altheria: Sci-fantasy JRPG setting, similar to Alseide, but with a main storyline, albeit one that I haven't been able to complete. Exists as an in-universe JRPG in JCGTL, and in the past of RPGHA.
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Alseid Penn {original character}, a mood board ; guilty rich, Capitolite turned defector, fervent idealist. [AO3 fic ; A Girl Who Is Both Death And The Maiden]
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toskarin · 14 days
song of the day
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akwolfgrl · 4 months
>Omg! Thank you so much. I can't stop thinking of the nymph au. Of course, I will credit you! If you don't mind, I do wish to tweak it a bit. Mostly that nymphs are not completely wiped out. They might as well be since there are so few left, the few that are, they are mixed with humans.< Yes! I love that idea of soke nymphs being mixed with humans.
>Bell-mère is a half nymph, a Alseid, nymphs that are guardians of groves and glens.< That fits Bell-Mère so much!
>Nami and Nojiko are both part nymph. Only another nymph would be able to recognize them as such. But it's still a part of their DNA. It's part of the reason Bell-mère adopted them.< Yes, nymphs have the ability to recognise other nymphs. It's an ability that came from past generations.
>Nojiko is a Dryad< A nymph inhabiting a forest or a tree, especially an oak tree. That fits Nojiko well, considering her and her sister and mother own tangerine groves.
>Nami is a Nephelai, they were the Okeanid-nymphs of clouds and rain. She is excellent at predicting the weather because of this, and it's also why she was able to pick up weather control so easily. The Skypiean's do recognize Nami right away.< That's fits well with Nami. I'm surprised that the Skypiean's are ability to recognise her ability.
>The Fishmen/Merflok do not recognize them because they don't have anything to do with the water.< For other nymphs, yes, however, because Sanji is a nymph related to the ocean, I'd think they would be able to recognise Sanji.
>I think the reason why Sanji is full nymph and not half like his sister is because he took his siblings' nymph half lol.< Noooooo not angst 🤧 but for me, the reason why 124ji aren't full or half nymph is because of the experiments their father placed them in. 124ji don't really care if their nymphs or not, as long as their not as useless as their brother.
>Zoro is the first to pick up on the weirdness of Sanji (after Nami because fellow nymph). Sanji goes for a boring swim, and Zoro is on watch. He watches Sanji go diving and starts to panic because the blood hasn't come up yet. They really don't need a death to distract Luffy from getting free. After all, it seems like the owner and the blond are close. They might shut down to morn. But as hes about to dive in and try to save the blond from drowning, he pops back up with shells and trinkets in hand.< LOL Sanji giving his future nakama (and future lover/mate) a heart attack.
>Sanji and Nami's relationship does change because of this, they act more like siblings.< When they first met, Sanji was gonna try and flirt but when he say Nami and Nami looked right back at him, they already knew that the person their looking at is a nymph. Nymphs consider other nymphs like family.
Btw, if you look into your response where they have (<,>) I put correct grammar spelling so in the future you can see these errors and change them.
Yah I have awful spelling lol. I was writing it on the bus to work.
I will post the frist part when it's finished hopefully in a week or so if my creative flow allows me to.
And yah the fishmen do recognize Sanji I just ment they didn't recognize the others becase they aren't related to water.
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Making a world (Part 4)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 3.5
It's culture time!
I should be writing my book (or practicing for my driving test -_-) but I'm doing this instead because the novelty is more appealing. I'm going to do each island individually, focusing on settlements but talking a bit about the native species of plants and animals, food sources and all that.
The Island of Alseid
Alseid is in encircles by a ring of other islands. No monsters comes from the mainland or from the sea as they are many more places that are more convenient.
This city of Alsea is considered a wonder of history, art and invention. The shining city on the hill has been an inspiration for many heroes, poets and legends of old (think Arthurian).
Being inland, and on a hill helps keep the city safe from attack from raiders, while the wide river Achelous allows decently sized ships to travel to the sea.
Other than the city, there are five large towns worth mentioning: Crocus, Nelumbo, Nucifera, Iris and Lycoctonum. Yes, these are all flower names. There are many, many farms and small villages and shires that follow the river in both directions to and from the city itself.
Alseid is a gentle island with rolling hills and many small woods and forests. It's beaches are rocky and its weather is gentle with most of the storms having blown themselves out over other islands before arriving from the sea.
The main crops grow like corn but the kernels need to ground up into a flour in order to be used. The roots of this plant are also edible when roasted, but considered to be a poor person's food and is often used instead to feed the short, wooly cows found here instead. These cows are sometimes eaten by eagles and the small number of wolves that still live on the island.
The children here are educated until they reach ten and any of those who have shown talent (or have connections) will be given a patron to pursue their talents.
All others are allowed two 'fallow' years where they are allowed to work or be with family before being conscripted (until they reach 16). Once again, those who have shown talent are encouraged to remain in the military and those who have not are released.
There are policies in place to try and find every boy a trade to study at this stage. For some, it is easy. For example, a carpenter's son will be placed with his father unless there is good reason not to.
The girls are brought to the temple to serve for another year, where they are awarded merits. These merits are used to increase their bride-price for their family. Girls without families are also awarded merits and their bride-price are given towards the temple unless they decide to become priestesses.
Women are considered to be the protectors of the Alsean culture because of an old myth and all women are taught to read and write and write poetry in other to safe-guard the Alsean way of life. Any Alsean woman who travel out into the world (with their husbands, for the temple or by themselves) are expected to bring their culture with them and establish their traditions in new settlements.
Children educated outside of the city have instructors, who are to report any 'auspicious' children. Each school is visited yearly by a examiner who interviews the children and looks at their work. Any children who show talent are brought to a school in the city.
All 12-year-olds have to report to the city for their military training. Celebrations and festivals in Alseid mostly feature its naval pride and discipline in some way. Either through parades, the cleansing festival (think of it like a country-wide spring clean), the celebration of the construction of a new ship or a new bath construction. There is a celebration for births, but they only happen a year after the child is born and focuses on the mother 'overcoming the battle of birth'.
Naming conventions in Alseid are quite simple. A person's has a family name, but outside of their hometown the will refer to themselves as having the name of that hometown as their last name.
For example: in Iris, Atticus will be referred as Atticus Hann. Anywhere else, he will be Atticus Of Iris. Unless he meets someone else from the town, in which case they may swap 'home names'. I have a bit more on each of the towns themselves, (such as Crocus being Alsea's shield and Lycoctonum being next a wild forest with various beasts inside used for the last round of training for recruits in a annual 'Hunt') but the post is long enough.
I also have an idea for a series of short stories about a kid growing up through the military training and experiencing the island's features and faults - but I have a book to write and I really should focus on that.
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eireanness · 11 months
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Finally finished coloring this in! Trying to play with lighting and filters. Hopefully this looks semi spooky~~ I have one more Halloween themed illustration I am working on. Hopefully I will post it before then... I have just been super busy @__@
The hubsy bought me the Moderoids for Escaflowne and Alseides. So I'll probably take some time after Halloween to assemble those with him.
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