#also!! 😍 thank you again for this amazing ask 🥰
singsweetmelodies · 1 year
Omg I enjoyed your dragon rider fic so so much!!! Definitely a fav.
One question. Did Pierre end up joining Lewis House?
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! thank you so much for this ask 😍😍😍 that fic is my favourite child, just a little bit (🤭🥰) so it means the world that you enjoyed it <333
and as for your question! well 😏 i'm actually not going to answer it, but that's only because i do have a sequel in the back of my mind. i deliberately left the "will pierre join lewis' house?" question very open-ended in the main fic, to give me some nice space to explore it later... 👀 i don't know WHEN later is, unfortunately, because goodness knows there's a lot going on at the moment, lmao. but someday? i hope to give you the answer to that question in full fic form 😍😘 thanks again for asking!! ❤️🐲
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beskarandblasters · 8 months
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I Might Kill My Ex
Ex!Joel Miller x F!Reader
Main Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist
Author's note: Inspired by Kill Bill by SZA!! This amazing graphic is by the crazy talented @nostalxgic 🤯😍 Matching MDNI/support banners from @saradika 🥰 And thank you to @wannab-urs for beta reading ❤️‍🔥 Please read the warnings before deciding if you want to read this!
Summary: Joel Miller breaks up with you unexpectedly and you’re not taking it well. Five days later he starts dating his smuggling partner, Tess, and you’re completely livid. One day while you’re in your apartment scheming you come up with a truly diabolical plan.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: reader is able-bodied, canon divergent, no age gap, non con (done by reader to Joel), dark!reader, major character death, blood, descriptions of death/murder/mutilation, blindfolding, oral sex (M receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, hate fucking, creampie, Joel is also kinda fucked up too, ambiguous ending, no use of y/n
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“It just isn’t working out anymore.” Joel says, looking down at his feet.
“What do you mean?” you ask, afraid that your worst fears might be coming true. 
“We’re done.” he says harshly, looking at you directly in the eye with his brows furrowed
“But-” you start.
But before you can even finish, he leaves you there, turning on his heel walking away from you without even looking back. And you’re left there in the street, replaying the moment, the very brief moment, in your head over and over again. 
How could he? How could he leave you like that without so much as an explanation? You deserve one. You’ve been together for a few years, you're both grown adults. If anything you’re owed an explanation. There were no warning signs, nothing to indicate he was thinking of leaving you or seeing someone else. Just last night you were laughing together, something that is so rare for Joel. But that’s what you did for him. You made him enjoy life, even just a little bit in this life where happiness, joy, and excitement are rare, a fleeting moment if anything at all. And he’s going to leave you? The best thing that’s happened to him since the world went to shit? How could this be?
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It’s been five days since Joel broke up with you. You’ve been putting this off for a while but… you need some of your stuff that’s still in his apartment. The dread builds in your stomach, Joel’s apartment is the last place you want to go to. You decide to go when he’ll be at work, figuring you can just let yourself in, grab what you need and slip out. But as you come upon the door to Joel’s apartment you hear what sounds like… panting?
You crouch down beside his door and press your ear against the thin wood. Tears well up in the corners of your eyes as you listen; listening to the sounds of Joel having sex with someone. You can’t tell who it is by her moans. Her voice is high pitched as Joel plows her, the sound of skin slapping skin filling the small apartment and spilling out into the hallway. 
“Takin’ this cock so good, darlin’,” you hear Joel say. You can tell just by the tone of his voice that he’s smiling; smiling at whoever’s underneath him. You can’t listen to this anymore. It’ll kill you. 
You stand up and start pacing, the tears spilling down your cheeks now. Five days later and he’s already fucking someone else? The audacity of him. Did he not think what you had was special? You’re completely torn up inside, at the lowest of lows you never thought possible. But Joel? Joel’s on top of the world, already fucking someone new in the bed he used to fuck you in. 
You stop pacing and rest your head against the wall, closing your eyes and trying to forget the sounds of him with another woman that are just etched in your brain permanently. 
The lewd sounds eventually come to a stop and the thought hits you, What if they’re leaving right now? 
You can’t bring yourself to look Joel in the eye after what you just heard so you start to leave. The door opens behind you and you freeze, knees going weak at the thought of Joel catching you outside his apartment, listening to him fuck another woman while you cry. To your surprise it’s not him.
“Hello?” a woman’s voice calls out. 
Turning slowly, you mentally prepare to see the person standing behind you, hoping it’s someone you don’t know or recognize. 
That couldn’t be farther from the truth. 
You look at who it is and the contents of your stomach threaten to eject from your body at the sight. 
No. No. No. No. No, this can’t be happening. 
Standing before you is none other than Tess, Joel’s smuggling partner. Out of all the people in the Boston QZ it just had to be her, right?
“Are you okay?” she asks.
Is she fucking for real?
“Uh… No?” you snap. 
“I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do? Do you want to talk about it?” 
You have to resist the urge to laugh in her face. Does she really think you’re gonna wanna talk to her about your problem? She is the problem. 
“No thanks. I don’t need anything from you,” you say coldly before turning on your heel and leaving, heading all the way to your apartment and not looking back; not letting the tears flow again until you’re alone. 
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Flash forward to a week after you saw Tess in the hallway. You’re still seething, the anger bubbling inside you and threatening to spill over. You could maybe accept that Joel wanted to leave you, sure. But you couldn’t accept that Joel left you for her. How could you be so fucking stupid to not see what was happening right in front of you?
If you can’t have him, no one will. 
Well past midnight you stay up and pace around your apartment, racking your brain for ways to solve your problem. The reality is, Tess is the problem. Joel left you for her and now she needs to be dealt with. She needs to be eradicated; out of the equation completely. 
Once you come to that conclusion you concoct a three step plan: 1. Find out the route she takes home every day by observing her. 2. Situate yourself somewhere along that route and wait. Put on a show; a real sob fest. Make her believe she can help you and lure her into an alley. And finally, 3. Get rid of her. 
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The next afternoon you linger in the streets, loafing around and waiting; waiting for Tess. The sun is starting to set and the air is turning crisp, a new invigorating feeling washing over you. She’ll be walking home soon, she just has to be. 
It’s dark now, the only light around is the pale moonlight and the dimly lit, flickering street lamps. Curfew is approaching fast but this is too important. You’re too determined to let something like FEDRA’s stupid curfew stop you now. Lingering at the edge of an alley, you poke your head around the corner, slipping back into the darkness when someone other than Tess or a FEDRA truck passes by. 
Just when you think this is hopeless, you spot her, walking on the other side of the street and glancing over her shoulder at her surroundings. This will be tricky, Tess is a smart woman and a tough one at that. If you’re going to lure her into an alley you’ll have to be convincing and ready to strike quickly. You’ll have to pretend to be nice to her, as hard as it will be. 
She walks in the direction towards Joel’s apartment of course. You expected her to, but it still hurts to see. She turns a corner and disappears into the night, going home to him. 
You know what you need to do.
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It’s the next day; the day everything is going to come crashing down. Ammo is too precious of a commodity to be wasted on such an easy kill like this. An ax is too big; too noticeable to be hidden discreetly. You know exactly how you’re gonna do it. You have a knife Joel gave you. It’s smaller, easy to hide but fatal when it needs to be. He gave it to you when you first started dating to protect yourself on the streets whenever you were alone. And now it’s being used to get your old life back; your old life with Joel. How poetic. 
And so you leave your apartment, knife tucked into your pants, without a single doubt in your mind that this is the right thing to do. She thinks she can swoop in and take what’s yours? Then she pays the price. You’re not gonna let her of all people take what rightfully belongs to you. Not even for a second did you have doubts or second thoughts about this when you concocted your plan. It should scare you that you came to his dark conclusion so fast, without stopping to consider if this was even a good idea or not. But it doesn’t. This feels natural like something inside you snapped. Or better yet, like your true self was finally released, like you’re no longer a wolf in sheep’s clothing. 
Leaving your apartment just before sundown you head to the street where you saw Tess, except this time you’re on the opposite side of the street where she walked home the night before. You hang out in the alley as it gets dark and get ready to put on the best show of your life, crocodile tears and all. 
Thinking about why you’re doing this, you start to cry. Hot tears roll down your face as one hand clutches the handle of the knife behind your back. Poking your head out of the alley you spot Tess heading your way. You step out onto the sidewalk, putting on the full show now, crying dramatically and your nose running. Tess is approaching you, worry painted on her face. Yes. Yes, this is all going according to plan. 
“What’s wrong?” she asks, brows furrowed with concern. 
“It’s… It’s about Joel,” you choke out, pretending to hold back a sob. 
“What do you mean?! What happened?!” 
You look both ways, as if to check if anyone is coming before motioning for her to come closer. And she does. She has no reason not to trust you. Backpedaling deeper and deeper into the alley, she follows you. 
“Tess, he’s… I can’t even say it,” you start, voice quivering. 
If only the Oscars were still a thing, you’d win one right now for best actress.
“Is he hurt? Is he in trouble?”
“He’s… He’s…” you say, taking one final step back. 
She’s getting frustrated; frustrated at you for not spitting it out already. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. As you open your eyes one final tear streams down your face. She gets closer to you, inches away from your face. You clutch the handle of the knife and in one swift motion you swipe the blade across her neck, all of the anger, pain, and frustration released in your motion. Her skin splits apart and her screams are mangled and broken. You’re sprayed with her blood, covered in the warm, sticky liquid and reveling in the feeling of a life slipping away thanks to you. 
She crumples to the ground, falling backwards only just a little. You stand over her, watching the life fade from her eyes. She stops twitching and her eyes glaze over. You look down at your clothes, spattered in blood. Crouching down, you close her eyes, scanning the alley for a place to hide her for the time being. You spot a dumpster nearby and drag her behind it, a trail of blood following in her wake. Ah fuck, it’s pretty bad; very noticeable. Whatever, it’s dark out and no one saw you. You take one last look at her before leaving the alley, scurrying home before someone sees you covered in the dark red liquid. 
Now that she’s gone and you’re home, you’re replaying the night’s events in your head. The thing is… You loved that feeling; the feeling of having a life in your hands one moment and gone the next. 
Another thought pops into your head… Joel is home right now; home alone. Time to pay him a little visit. 
You change into different clothes, grabbing the same knife and a cloth. It’s late, Joel has to be asleep already. It makes this easier for you anyway. All of this begs the question… Could you really kill Joel?
Stepping back out in the street you weave in and out of alleyways, hiding in the dark whenever the coast isn’t clear. As you climb the stairs to Joel’s apartment you replay the last time you were here, when you saw Tess, and how different everything is now- for the better. 
You let yourself into Joel’s apartment and just like you suspected Joel’s asleep. He stirs a bit when you open the door but it doesn’t last long. It’s hard to describe the feeling you get when you see him now. You love him, you really do. But you’re also scorned by him, still reeling from the feeling of being dumped in the middle of the street. He needs to pay for his actions. He needs to suffer for the way he treated you and moved on so quickly. If you can’t have him, no one will. 
You slip off your clothes, and walk towards his bed with the knife and cloth in your hand. As you get closer you realize he’s sleeping naked, something he never really did before but you realize he was probably waiting for Tess. And the anger inside you bubbles some more. With the cloth in your hand you tie it around his head. He wakes up with a confused, “Huh?”
But as soon as he feels your hand on his cock he relaxes. He touches the blindfold tied around his head and chuckles. 
“A blindfold, huh? Didn’t realize you had that in you, Tess.”
It burns. It burns to be called that. It burns that he thinks you’re Tess but you stay quiet, offering a small shh as your hand caresses his cock. 
You set the knife down on the bed and get up, grabbing his hands and prompting him to sit at the edge of the bed so you can crouch down to suck his cock. You kiss along his groin, inching closer to his cock and letting him grow frustrated. Slowly, you take him in your mouth, as much as you can fit. You wrap your hand around the base and bob your head up and down, feeling him get harder in your mouth. The wetness and excitement brews between your legs, something about tricking him is adding to your arousal. The charade won’t last long but it’s exciting to have the upper hand. 
You cup his balls with your other hand, feeling them grow tighter. He’s getting closer but he can’t cum just yet. You pull him out of your mouth much to his dismay, standing up and spreading your legs apart. You take his hand and bring it to your cunt, letting him feel how wet you are.
“Oh you’re soaked, darlin’. You like doing dirty stuff like don’t you? Filthy girl.”
He strokes your entrance, fingers sliding back and forth between your cunt and your clit. You can’t wait any longer, needing to have his cock one last time. You push him back, forcing him to lay down as you straddle him. Just as you sink down onto his cock he reluctantly asks, “…Tess?”
The charade is up. 
“She’s not here right now,” you say, wearing a devilish grin that he can’t see.  
He inhales and the realization clicks in. 
“You break into my apartment… And blindfold me… And pretend to be Tess…” he starts. 
“And you suck my cock and sit on it, all while pretending to be Tess…”
“Never said I was Tess. You just assumed,” you say, rocking your hips back and forth. 
“Fuck,” he curses, letting out a shaky breath. 
“Don’t act like you’re not into this,” you tease, resting your hands on his chest as you ride him harder.
“Fuck, I shouldn’t be… But I am.”
“And you don’t mind that you’re cheating on her?” you ask, feeling the pleasure in your core build up. 
“You mean like how I did to you?” he asks, the smirk evident in his voice. 
“What?!” you ask, leaning forward and ripping the blindfold off. 
“Mhm,” he teases. 
No way. He’s not going to have the upper hand now. 
You start riding him faster and faster, desperate to cum before switching the gears of your plan. 
“Well, too bad I took care of her. Now you’re all mine.”
“What do you mean “took care of her”?” he asks, the horror of the situation dawning on him. 
“What do you think, Joel?” you laugh, your orgasm threatening to break loose. 
“You wouldn’t!” 
“Oh, but I did,” you laugh. Your orgasm spills over now, the muscles in your core, contracting and releasing erratically. It’s different from any orgasm you’ve ever had, but because the build up and the context of it was so unconventional; diabolical. 
Your orgasm triggers Joel’s, his cum painting your insides as the movement of your hips slows. Just as he’s finished coming you grab the knife, dragging it across his skin in small flicks, enough to draw blood. 
He yells in response to the pain but you don’t stop, continuing to make multiple small cuts. 
“This is what you deserve, Joel,” you say, flicking the knife across his arms and chest. 
“You cheat on me, you dump me, you fuck her five days later,” you continue, making a slice after each word, all while his cock and his cum are still inside you. The yelps in pain start to dissipate and he eventually falls silent. 
“If I can’t have you Joel… no one will,” you finish, inflicting one last cut across his chest, this one longer and deeper than the rest. 
You pull yourself off of him and collapse onto the bed. You feel Joel and his labored breathing beside you. Sleep is overtaking you. You had a long day. You don’t know if Joel will be there in the morning when you wake up, but either way you got what you wanted. 
You meant it when you said if you can’t have him, no one will. 
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Tag list for anyone who interacted with the announcement post: @wannab-urs @lincolndjarin @mrknightt @living-daisy @superflymaterial @local-bxbby @lizz-1 @lavema @linzels-blog @obscurexsorrows @undrthelights @tuquoquebrute @millerscoffee @pamasaur @h0neyb3ars @runningmom94 @catchallfangirl @rav3n-pascal22 @uphill-winds @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @kez-bez @starkovli @marisemonteiroo @almodovarispunk @morgaussy @nervoushottee @dugiioh @axshadows @butiknewyoudlinger @notsosecretspy @daddysfavoritesexkitten @intheseaofme @northennlights @lovequinnslover @maryrhodalouandted @pedrit0-pascalit0 @psychedelic-ink @kylosbitch @jediknight122 @adigitalgirl @dilfspitdrinker @lilliesonthemoon @texassred @marleneev @yazsos @morallyinept @love-the-abyss
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the-lonelybarricade · 3 months
LB my dear dear! I have devoured all yours and MB's ao3 works till date ❤️🤌 and I am feeling pathetically ravenous for more 🫠. Although my question is- since I have seen people asking you for suggestions as to which blog and which writer to look to for more feysand/elucien content I would like to request the same only and only if you are comfortable and have the time for this pressing request. And thank you even if you couldn't for some reason im only scared since you are busy and wouldnt want to burden you with such an exigent task. . I'm sorry to bother you That would be it 🥺 👉👈
You want blog suggestions for Elucien/Feysand authors? And you think you're bothering me??? Anon, this happens to be my exact area of exertise and there is nothing love more than hyping up my friends!
To kick us off my lovely friend @velidewrites is an extraordinarily talented writer and artist, and also just an all-around ray of sunshine whose blog I cannot recommend enough.
There's also @writtenonreceipts who's every work is literal potery. Pick any of her stroies and you will come undone.
@belabellissima has a beautiful Feysand/Elucien series called the State of Grace and is also one of my favorite people 🥺💝
@azrielshadowssing also regularly feeds us with delciioiusly sinful Feysand and Elucien stories 🥰 hehehe definitely read the tags though!
Among a host of other incredible fics, @damedechance has an onlyfans series that will make you feral - Playgirl (Elucien) and darling.exe (Feysand) 👀👀 Come back to me once you finish losing your mind
@xtaketwox and @itsthedoodle come as Feysand/Elucien pair hehe. @xtaketwox has treated us to lots of goodies, but I wanted to highlight her modern soulmate AU which has a dedicated work for Feysand, Elucien, and Nessian! @itsthedoodle has written so many beautiful feysand oneshots and is the sweetest, most unhinged person you'll ever have the pleasure of knowing.
@asnowfern is so talented and writes for a lot of different pairings, including Feysand and Elucien! Right now she's working on a stunning Feysand AU inspired by a chinese legend called Till Forever Falls Apart
if you're a fan of next-gen, @areyoudreaminof has lots of adorable fics and headcanons centering around Elucien and Feysand as parents!
@witch-and-her-witcher again writes for many couples, including Feysand and Elucien! She recently wrote a Feysand and Nyx oneshot, The Little Tiger, that completely fractured my heart and put it back together.
@thegloweringcastle is another extremely talented writer who has a wealth of feysand and elucien fics! One I really love is the The Law of the Land which is a Feysand western AU with background Elucien 🤠
@darling-archeron has been in this fandom since 2016 and in that time has blessed us with so much wonderful Feysand and Elucien content!! (One day you really need to sit us all down and tell us the fandom lore we all missed out on from the acomaf/acowar releases 👀)
@iambutmortal has a lot of delicious Feysand and Elucien stories! For Elucienweek last year she wrote a really addicting story called The Honeymooners
@labellefleur-sauvage has written so many incredible Elucien fics! As well as a very delicious monster!Feyre fic called Meet Me In the Woods hehehe 👀
@foundress0fnothing always blows me away with her writing. For Elucienweek last year she wrote an Elucien sex cult fic titled Both Forever and Rather Die that lives in my head rent free.
@howlingcaptaincommando is working on a really amazing pirate AU, Never Shall I Die, centering around Elucien, Nessian, and Feysand!
@vulpes-fennec has so many lovely stories, including her Prythian Fantasia WIP which centers on the Archeron sisters and their mates 😍
@popjunkie42 has yet to dip her toes into writing Elucien but maybe one day we can convince her 👀👀 That said she has so many amazing Feysand works such as Hate Me Instead and her current WIP Blossoming In Winter.
Likewise my dearest friend @wilde-knight has only written Elucien and Nessian, but I can't recommend her works and blog enough!! She's working on an amazing Princess Bride AU called Burnished Gold
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship is a die-hard Feysand, Elucien, Gwynriel, and Nessian! Currently they're working on a Feysand fic Five Minutes to Midnight which also features background Elucien!
@octobers-veryown creates so many wonderful moodboards for variuos ships and characters! I cannot recommend following them enough💕
And finally @rosanna-writer, @reverie-tales, @thesistersarcheron, and @starfall-spirit are my multishipping queens 🥰 On their blogs you'll find wonderful content for Feysand, Elriel, Elucien, and other ships as well!
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mandiemegatron · 1 month
Awwww your Story about Killer is so cute 🥰😍 can I request another one? Would be awesome to read a story where the reader starts helping Killer in the kitchen and realizes how much he's doing for the crew and how gentle and soft he is inside. And then they get closer while cooking ❤️
Hello my darling, sweet anon !!
Firstly, thank you so much for your patience in waiting for this and Secondly, please forgive me as this is a shorter one as I lost the original file for this and had to start all over. I remembered what I could but it's much shorter than i originally planned BUT ! It is sweet Killer loving times regardless, so I hope you enjoy either way ! All the good things under the cut to keep this post short for my fellow mobile friends 💖
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𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙨 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙆𝙚𝙚𝙥
𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧 𝙭 𝙂/𝙉 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
𝙍𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙: 𝙂 !! 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩, 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙛𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛.
ᴹᴰᴺᴵ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵃⁿʸᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ˡᵃᵇᵉˡᵉᵈ ¹⁸+, ʸᵒᵘ ʷⁱˡˡ ᵇᵉ ᵇˡᵒᶜᵏᵉᵈ ᵒⁿ ˢⁱᵍʰᵗ.
Thank you again anon, and I hope you enjoy ! 💖💖💖
My beta was busy unfortunately so i had to do it myself, if you see any mistakes, I'm sorry, I'm sick with the flu so blame that 😭😭😂😂
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Fitting in on the Victoria Punk was somehow an easy task for you.
Always being the one to say “Yep, no problem!” to any task handed to you was one of the many reasons everyone adored you; The other was the absolutely delicious food you and Killer always managed to create and feed to the crew.
“And just a small dash of oregano…”
You watched Killer with concentrated eyes, only taking them from him and his favourite dish to smile widely up at his masked visage as he stirred the sauce boiling away in the pot.
“... and voila! The perfect spaghetti sauce.”
He gently pooled some of the sauce into a small spoon, blowing onto it through the holes in his mask as best he could before holding the spoon out for you.
You went to grab the spoon when he pulled it away, knowing he hid a cheeky look under that mask as he gave a soft “tsk,” before holding it back out to you.
You rolled your eyes playfully before taking the sauce into your mouth, humming in content as the array of flavors hit your tastebuds.
“Amazing,” you gushed as he pulled the spoon away to toss into the sink nearby. His chest puffed a bit at your praise, which you noticed immediately, a knowing smirk resting on your lips as you commented jokingly,
“You know, I really thought you were never going to show me how to make this.”
Killers head turned to you, tilted slightly as he asked genuinely,
“Really? Why so?”
You gave a small shrug, unable to meet his masked gaze as you looked out one of the large windows overlooking the Victoria.
“I'm not sure why, just felt that maybe because it's so important to you that you'd want to keep it safeguarded from everyone or something.”
Killer was silent for a moment before he went back to stirring. Once he was happy with the consistency and temperature, he turned off the stove and turned back to you, lifting your chin in one of his massive hands as he finally replied,
“It is important to me.”
Your eyes slowly rose from his chest to his mask, trying to decipher any hidden emotions behind it but found nothing.
“You are also important to me. Why would I not share this with you?”
Your heart raced at his words, your stomach churning with butterflies as your cheeks burned a dark pink.
“... oh!” Was all you could get out, truly shocked by his words.
He chuckled in reply, shaking your face slightly in his grasp before he bent down to press a masked kiss to your forehead.
“Stop thinking so little of yourself. You're incredibly important to me, and to this crew.”
He pulled back to press his mask against the tip of your nose, as if trying to press his own against yours as he murmured softly,
“I love sharing with you, and I love spending time with you, no matter what we do.”
You can't help but lean up slightly to press your lips against his mask, ignoring the small sound of surprise that leaves him as you reply,
“And I love doing things with you, especially the things you love to do.”
Your eyes stared right through the pirate, the man feeling almost naked under your gaze as you continued,
“And I love that you shared something so important with me. Thank you, Kil.”
He hums in response, clearly pleased with your words as he presses his mask to your lips again, holding you in place for a few moments before pulling away and turning back to the stove.
You notice his discreet motions of adjusting himself below before he clears his throat and gets out in a slightly higher voice,
“Let's feed some hungry men, shall we?!”
He picks up the pot and walks right past you, ignoring the chuckles from you but stops as you nearly purr at him,
“Maybe later, I can show you some of my own important things…?”
He stops right at the door out to the main eating area and slowly turns his head, staring you down as he thickly replies,
“... Don't tempt me.”
He stalks off with heavy feet before you can reply, the sound of your laughter echoing after him.
You chewed your bottom lip with a grin, thinking about the many, many things you could teach him before you picked up the other pot containing the noodles and walked after him, unable to wipe the wide grin off your face.
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thelucyverse · 8 months
Keep fandoms alive, comment on more fanfics!
The do‘s and don’ts of fic reviews
Because a friend told me she never knows what to write and then never comments, but wants to learn how to do better, I thought I’d compile a list, and maybe it will help someone else as well!
As always, this is unofficial and just from my personal experience writing and reading fic, and talking with other fic authors.
My posts on beta reading | ao3 bookmarks
What to comment
Honestly, authors love friendly comments, no matter how small. Here are some ideas for short comments you can write to pretty much any fic you enjoyed:
I loved it!
Great fic!
Thanks for writing this!
Thanks for sharing your fic with the fandom :)
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 10/10 perfection
So happy I found this!
Reading this made my day
I had fun reading this
You’re a great writer!
Love your writing style
If you want to write something a bit longer, you can for example
Tell the author where you have been reading the fic or what you were doing while reading it
Tell the author what you should have been doing instead of reading fanfic (and that it was worth it to read the fic)
Copy a passage (or several) from the fic you particularly enjoyed
Did the author write a note at the end or beginning of the fic? Maybe even ask a question? Sometimes you can reply to author’s notes in your comment
How did the fic make you feel? Happy, made you cry, made you laugh, made you jealous of a character, or made you want to punch an antagonistic character’s nose in? Write it in the comment!
Is it your first fic in a fandom or with a ship? Your favorite fic in a fandom, or with a specific character? Did you read it in one go? Did you savour it slowly reading over days or weeks? Have you enjoyed every update of a multi-chapter? Do you wish you could read it again for the first time? Write anything you want to let the author know about your reading experience!
Is there a character you particularly enjoyed in that fic/chapter? Tell the author you think they wrote xy character really well!
You can always start or finish your comment with one of the suggestions from the short comments to make sure the author knows you liked it :)
If you really don’t know what to write, or are reading fic in a language not your own (though authors usually don’t mind you commenting in your native language) and aren’t comfortable commenting in either language, you can also leave emojis as comments, for example variations of:
for any fics:❤️💕💜💗💞💓💖💟🤩😍🥰
for humor fics: 😂😆🤣🤪💯
for shippy fics/getting together: 🎉💖🥳💋💘💏👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨💑👩‍❤️‍👩👨‍❤️‍👨🫶
for angst or hurt no comort: 🥹😭🤯😱🫣😢💔❣️❤️‍🩹🖤 maybe still include a ❤️heart in there so the author can be sure you still liked it!
for smut/pwp: ❤️‍🔥💯🫣😋🤩🥵😈🤯🫦
There are even some stickers you can comment by copying the html! A few tumblr posts with stickers to copy can be found here & here!
There isn’t much you can do wrong when writing comments on fic, but there are a few things you should keep in mind:
don’t criticize (unless negative critics/what they can do better has been specifically asked for by the author, and then stick to the kind of criticism asked for, and best try to include something positive too to soften the blow)
don’t demand more/ask for updates - you can tell the author you’d read it if they wrote more, but don’t put pressure on them, you don’t know what’s happening in their lives right now and for what reason new entries might have slowed down, and they don’t owe you regular or any updates!
don’t tell them what to write (unless the author is taking prompts, and in most cases the comment section is not the right place for prompts, check what the author specified)
Remember: Fan fiction are free, from fans for fans, so etiquette is a bit different than in the Amazon reviews of books you paid good money for! Fic authors don’t have to cater to you, just enjoy that there are fics shared with the fandom :) If you don’t like something, or don’t like a part of something, either close the tab or quietly ignore the issue and just enjoy the parts you do like.
And in general, to end this on a positive note:
Yes, you can comment on older fanfics!
Yes, comment on several fics in a row if you’re reading through fics by one author!
Yes, comment on as many chapters of the same fic as you like!
Yes, you can make art for the fic and tell the author about it!
Yes, absolutely tell the author if you’re still thinking about a fic hours/days/years… after reading it!
Yes, send authors asks on tumblr/other sites talking about how you love their fics, if they link these sites in the author’s notes! (But also comment on Ao3)
Yes, you can comment/review even if you don’t have an account (at least on Ao3 and ffnet)!
Yes, please let the author know if you’re reading a fic for a second time, even if you just write ‘re-read kudos!’
The best comments are also written directly on the site the fanfiction got posted on (so usually ao3/ffnet and not tumblr/discord), both because it makes the note count higher, and because then the comment won’t quickly get buried under unrelated messages or posts.
If you want to leave long comments about different parts of a fic or chapter, you can also make use of the floating Ao3 comment box! It allows you to type your comment while you're still reading, without having to leave the page!
Some more kinds of comments on another post
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barmadumet · 4 months
My dad’s surgery is behind us 🙌 We got kicked out of the hospital until tomorrow. He probably won’t be awake until then anyway. Long recovery ahead, but the triple bypass was a success!
After 5 days of megacon craziness (and getting news of the heart attack in the middle of it) then running to my parents’ house the next state over as soon as I got home, I can finally kick back this evening. Hello, tumblr 😃
It was one week ago, almost to the minute, when @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart and I met face to face. I had jokingly asked her to bring the snow with her when she came, and she did! Look at this! It really is snow from Denmark! We are full-on spring weather here now, but I can’t wait to decorate with these gorgeous handmade ornaments next winter… But the Vader key ring is year round 😍 I love him! Thanks so much 💕
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I have also received this adorable little collection of obikin loot all designed and created by @pararararablof 🙏 ❤️ Thank you! You are so talented, and all of these things are so CUTE! It was a pleasure to meet again… I have a feeling it won’t be the last time lol. The cons call us! 🥰
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I also brought home some new pins:
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AND this amazing art that almost brought me to tears…
Me to the artist: “You don’t understand, sir; I have these ships tattooed on my body! 😭”
Artist: “Really?? Where?” 😆
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BEYOND THAT, I brought home some amazing memories 🥰 I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: meeting the boys is SECOND to meeting fandom friends 🥲 You guys give me life, and I hope to meet more of you in person in time 😘
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sunshine-on-my-mind · 9 months
Hi sweet Meera!!! Thank you for asking for some inspo! I recently had the picture below pop up on my Pinterest and it gives off such a vibe so I thought it would be perfect for this! Create anything you want with it for Matt Murdock please and thank you! I adore him❤️😍❤️
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Have the best day! Hugs and love💕🥰💕
a/n: hiiiii Jo!! ohhhh i love this picture, love fall and Mattie 🫶🏽 so this is a short fluffy one, hope you like it. also there is a cameo from a special someone hehe.
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Sometimes when the darkness of Hell’s Kitchen became too much, even for the devil himself, he goes to one of his favourite spots in the city, the Central Park.
Especially in Fall, he found a sense of peace when there was a chill in the air, it smelled so nice and he loved to hear the crunch of the leaves.
He sits down on a bench, taking some deep breaths, a small smile on his face, he likes it here. It was calm, it was nice and- wait- what’s that? His ears perk up when he hears little ‘meows’ followed by a voice.
Matt hears soft paws coming towards him and soon a fluff ball nudges his leg.
“Alpine!!” you run after the kitten and see she has found her way to someone. Matt bends down a little and scratches her little head.
“Alpine don’t run away!” Matt hears the voice has gotten closer, he can feel your presence now. He smiles softly.
“I’m so sorry”
“That’s alright, a nice kitten you’ve got there.” You chuckle at that.
“Oh I wish she was mine, but no she is actually my friend and her boyfriend’s cat.” Matt nods.
“You can take a seat of you want, looks like this little one has taken a liking towards me.” And it’s true, Alpine is all snuggled up by Matt’s leg with no intention of leaving. You chuckle with a little huff and sit beside him.
“So, do you look after her a lot?”
“Not really, my friend and her boyfriend absolutely spend all their time with Alpine, but now they are on a holiday and she doesn’t like to travel, so she is here with me.” Matt nods at your answer.
“Well I’m glad I got a chance to meet this little one”, then he looks at you with the signature smile of his “and you.”
And suddenly you all you can do is bite your lip and giggle. Who is this man? That’s all you think about.
“And unfortunately, as much as I’m enjoying our little chat, I’ve to go to work.” You nod and look at the briefcase he is carrying. Suddenly that makes you sad, will you see this handsome stranger again, wait you don’t even know his name.
“I’m Matt by the way, it was lovely meeting you, and you Alpine” He pets her little head and she meows with content.
“As amazing it was to meet like this, wouldn’t mind to meet you on purpose some time.” He admits with a blush.
“Would you like to get some coffee sometime?” He asks hopefully
“With the handsome stranger who likes cats? Yeah I think I’d like that.”
He gives you his card. ‘Nelson and Murdock - Attorneys at Law’ with his name and number on the back.
“I guess I’ll call you then, Matt Murdock.”
With that infectious smile of his, he makes his way out. You keep smiling and looking at him.
“Well I guess it’s true after all Alpine” you pick her up on your lap and she looks at you with those big eyes of her. “you’re quite the wing woman”
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theharrowing · 7 months
Harrow's Holiday Cheer Event 🎁
hello, friends! 🥳 i am excited to announce that i have reached 2k followers!!!
since my semester is winding down to an end and i have been having some troubles with writing lately, i thought that doing a little excerpt/drabble event might be a fun way to get the creative juices flowing, so here is what i have in mind...please read all the rules before joining in on the fun!
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Rules & Guidelines:
there are two levels of participation to this event:
anons & blank profiles can only get sfw excerpts
folks with age or age range listed clearly on their profile can get nsfw excerpts & drabbles
this means you can either have an exact birthday ("21") listed or you can have a range/year that you are born in ("80s baby" "in my 30s" "94 liner" etc.) this is because i do not give smut to minors, nor do i encourage it, and i need to be able to see that you are at least 18+. this also has to be clearly listed in the open; i am not going to dig thru 'about me' and 'faq' posts/pages to find anyone's age.
anyone under 18 with their age listed will be blocked because i do not want minors interacting with me at all.
how to participate:
pick a prompt from this smutty prompt list
pick a character of mine or let me choose by telling me whether you want any member x member or any member x reader
send me a little dm with your choices
crossover pairings are allowed! want a certain character from one fic and a certain character/reader from another? let's do it!!!
if there is a particular scene that comes to mind with the prompt, you may tell me what it is, but i may be less likely to build of an existing scene that create a new one.
and if you would like me to put some kind of holiday spin on it, i can try, depending on how inspired i am to do so. i'm kind of a scrooge when it comes to the holidays, but feel free to ask for it!
more guidelines & disclaimer:
all of my past characters are acceptable, unless it is for a fic that i have orphaned. a short list of orphaned fics can be found at the bottom of my master list.
please only submit once! if the event is slow, i may call for more people to join, and at that point you can submit another.
i reserve the right to deny any request, or to only fulfill as many as i have time for. should i receive more than i can fulfill during this event, i will save them in my inbox for future events!
depending on how inspired i am by each request, i may write just a couple lines of dialogue or i may write a full on drabble.
depending on how many requests i receive, i may continue to write these into the new year. i have no end date planned, just vibes, so i will make an announcement in the future when things begin to wind down!
these rules and guidelines are subject to change or be modified. i will reblog with any and all updates if they come.
if you have any questions at all, shoot me a message!!!
thank you again so much for following me!!! 🎈 🥳💜💐🥺✨😍💖🎉🤸‍♀️🌷
this little community we have built means the world to me, and i am so thrilled to have such lovely readers, and to be making so many really amazing friends!!! the irl connections i have formed through this fandom and through writing have been wonderful, and i really, truly cannot put into words how much everyone means to me!!! 💜💜💜 thank you for being here!!!
if you would like to gas me up by sharing how we met, or sharing any memories or whatever, i would be excited about it, but no pressureeee!!!!! 😍🥳🥰 i love you!!! drink some water and stretch your neck!!!
p.s. shout out to @sailoryooons for coming up with the name hehehe. 💜
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tarabyte3 · 8 months
I'm finally home from 10 days of traveling so I can post that
Dallas Fan Festival was last weekend!!
It was so much fun! 😭 I got to see Andy Serkis again and hangout with some of my dear friends (who are also some of my beloved mutuals 💕🥰). We all got autographs and to torment each other in line—some of us (me) more than others. 😇😈 We also got a group photo with him, which I absolutely adore! It's one of my favorite photos ever. He was SO excited when we all swarmed him! We all look so cute and he has a massive grin on his face.
(During the photo, I also rested my hand directly between his flexed shoulder blades and THE MUSCLES ON THAT MAN, DEAR FUCKING GOD, Y'ALL 🥵 trying to MURDER me)
Here are some photos I took of him in the autograph line
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I had him sign the covers to Pandaemonium and The Accused 😍🥺 He was thrilled about Pandaemonium and said he really liked that movie. I told him I have a degree in English Literature and Poetry (which he seemed very impressed by 😎 My degree finally came in handy lol), so I really liked it as well. That it meant a lot to me to have a movie actually about poets—even moreso because he was in it. AND I finally got his signature next to Liam Black 🫠 There isn't a lot of open space on the cover so he wasn't sure where to sign it. I said, "We might have to sacrifice Sean Bean's head." He chuckled and, in a fake serious voice, said, "Sorry, Sean." HE'S ALWAYS SO SWEET AND LOVELY AND WONDERFUL 😭🥹
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Sunday we went to the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas because they were playing Blue Whales: Return of the Giants. Which is a documentary on blue whales...narrated by Andy 😂 The lady checking our tickets said she liked our shirts because of course we rolled in there representing. (The documentary opened with him going, "Can you hear that? Can you feel that?" And we were all Very Normal 😌)
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The panel was really good. I know there are people that don't like that actors can't talk about their projects with the SAG-AFTRA strike going on, but I LOVE that we get to hear him talk about himself. He talked about his acting and performance capture, theater, mountain climbing, his love of jazz, and his photography, which he doesn't talk about a lot and was very exciting!! The interviewer was fantastic and asked a lot of fun "this or that" questions (he picked art museums over history museums, vampires over werewolves, but struggled with plays vs musicals lol). Here's a link to the panel if you want to watch it yourself!
I got a Caesar Funko, a Snoke figure, and an OG Cornelius figure. We also ""acquired"" some of the photos you could get signed if you didn't have anything special for him to sign, so I ended up with a David Robey and a Caesar print 🫠😌🥵. (Bless you and your taste for crime, H. I love you.)
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Overall, it was such a great convention and an amazing weekend. I loved Dallas. Huge thanks to @communism-bitches, @csboz, @the-eyes-of-andyserkis, and @tarrenterror25 for making the weekend extra fantastic and for being so lovely. 🥹 I love and appreciate you all so much. We're absolutely doing this again soon, hopefully with the rest of TNBF crew to make it EVEN better! 😍💖 Andy Con 2024!
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nowimyurdaisy · 2 years
Hi can I please have a request for Jeremiah x reader, thank you so much 🥰 your writing is great!!! And Amazing!!! Where you and Jeremiah swim in the pool in the day time where everyone can see. Your dating but no one really can tell. You two flirting and giggling, just having fun but then the girl, Gigi. I think her name is? She try’s to flirt with him, he declines saying he’s got a girlfriend not really paying attention to their reaction, instead just focusing on you. She looks over to you jealous, as Jeremiah brings you into a kiss. Just that the girls are jealous that Jeremiah is only looking at you. Thank you so much 🥰😍
warnings: language? make out sesh
a/n: sorry this took so long, i've been really busy painting my sister's room. enjoy this jere 🧸  fic. Also I tweaked it a little... Sorry 💛
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Visiting Jeremiah at his job at the Club was one of your favorite things. Sure it was annoying seeing all those girls drooling over him, but it made you smile when he declined their flirtatious attempts, because you knew he was yours.
Today was one of those days. As soon as Jere saw you approaching the pool, he waved, and jumped down from his post, and ran over to you. "eager to see me? " you asked, wiggling your eyebrows. He chuckled lifting you in the air & spinning you around. You were wearing these big mirror sunglasses, and a dress covering your bikini.
"Hey, i'm still on my shift but when it's over, you and I are gonna have some fun" he said, poking you in the side, earning a giggle from you.
"Okay, ill be waiting " you said poking him right back in the side. "imma chat with steven at the snack bar" you said beginning to walk off.
When he responds, "you mean bug him at the snack bar?" and walks back to his post. You roll your eyes and head for Steven.
"if it isnt little mis y/n" Steven asks when you aproach.
"ha ha" you laugh half heartedly, "lemonade, Steven" you demqan more than ask.
"what's the magic word?" he asks, smiling, knowing that it bugs you.
"please" you sigh, steven raises an eyebrow, giving you 'and what else' look. "pretty please with a cherry on top" you say giving him your prettiest fake smile. And while the two of you were teasingly bickering with each other, Gigi was making her way over to your man in the pool.
"Hey, Jeremiah" Gigi swims over to Jeremiah.
"Hey Gigi" Jeremiah returns the smile.
"I didn't know you were working here this summer" Gigi starts flirting.
Jere ignores her statement, and blows his whistle "Billy no choking! all right?" you know he must have been talking to billy & carter, he complained about them on a daily basis.
"Jeremiah, aren't you gonna save me?" Gigi tries flirting again, capturing Jere's attention. At the sound of this you turn you head their direction, Jere surely knew she was flirting with him, right?
He gave her a smile, like he was contemplating her offer, with made your stomach swirl with jealousy. Steven notices your attention on the two, "She has been flirting with him ALL summer, surprised he hasn't gone for it yet, he's been ignoring her like she's a bag of fleas or somethin'" Steven chuckles. That comment didn't ease your stomach as well as you had hoped, you started walking back over to the pool, since Steven was being called away.
Neither of them saw you walking over, "so you got a girlfriend or something, Jere Bear? " Gigi asks Jeremiah, and god how you hated that she was calling him that.
"I do, actually" Jeremiah responded smiling at the thought of you, making him look over at you, noticing you were approaching.
"Oh what a shame" Gigi fake pouts, "we could have so SO much fun together." she smirks, biting her lip, looking up at him.
You swore your face turned red, angry & jealousy swirling in your stomach, gosh why is Gigi such a bitch you thought.
Jeremiah chuckled uncomfortably. "Uh, yeah." Jeremiah looked in your direction, seeing you walk over, he flashes a smile.
"well-" Gigi starts again, to flirt again.
At this point you were sick of it, "Hey Jeremiah" you exclaimed. You took Jeremiah by his lanyard, pulled him down and kissed him. You kissed him passionately, your jealousy fueling your passion. Your other hand is wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, as you slipped your tongue slipped past his lips, down his throat. Jere slipped off his chair and wrapped his hand around your waist. The shock on his face was wearing off. You only broke apart for air. Gig coughed "ahem"
Your head swiveled around, your arm sliding down from his neck, to rest on his bicep. "Oh, I'm sorry, are we bothering you?" You asked with fake sympathy failing to withhold a smirk.
"i- I uh, so your the girlfriend huh?" Gigi chuckles nervously.
"Yes I am" you smile proudly. Planting a kiss on Jere's lips then one on his neck then his bicep. Leaving your boyfriend a blushing mess. Making sure she knew, actually everyone knew Jeremiah Fisher was yours, your man, your love.
Taglist: @bigassnocash @http.ily @http.ilysm @buckys2thicc @xtom-darling-x17 @crazylokonugget @a-ndys-stuff @almostcontentcreator
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
I don’t know when you’re actually going to read this but I just gotta scream a little at you because
because that’s so fucking good omg I love fantasy and dragon stories and of course I love piarles so it’s like-
I don’t even know, just know that I loved it so so so so much that it got me wishing that it was *for me* instead 💚💚💚
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH 😍😍😍🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰 oh my gosh, okay, so - i've read this probably five or six times by now, and every single one of those times, it just makes me blush and twirl my hair and grin like an absolute idiot. it's just - this is SO sweet of you, oh my fucking god. YOU ARE TOO KIND 🙈🙈😍😍😍 but this makes me so freaking happy!! it means the WORLD that you enjoyed this fic so much, and that you took the time to tell me, and just... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. you are absolutely wonderful for this. thank you thank you thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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alittlefrenchtree · 2 months
What's the thing you love most about Taylor and what's the thing you love most about Nick and what do you think they have in common? 🥰
oh hello sweet Nonny and thank you for the adorable question 😍 There aren’t enough of them around here sadly. 
Of course my favorite thing about the both of them will always be the way they handle their work and characters. I wouldn’t have paid attention to any of them if i wasn’t curious about both of their careers.
but that’s not a fun answer so i’m going to forget about that for a second.
Taylor: i think it’s how comfortable he is with himself. I know it sounds a bit like a fancy way to say that he’s beautiful and he knows it but for me it’s way more. I think being happy with the way you are (not only physically, but as a human being in general and in your life) is the roots for many great qualities. Like being kind and supportive and many others traits Taylor has already shown. I love confidence. I think it’s an amazing quality and it saddens me when people (especially women and minorities (from an occidental pov)) belittles their confidence because they don’t want to be perceived as arrogant or something. We need more people who are comfortable and confident with the way they are, their choices and opinions while remaining open minded and curious. So yeah, a little bit of all of that.
Nick: I think it’s a tie between the humor and how nerdy he seems to be and how both of these traits shine on an introvert like him. I’ve been dying to hear him talk about video games ever since Casey said they were texting about them every now and then.
Something in common: I feel like they’re both easy to be around in different ways. I’ve been told by several people on several occasions that I’m terrifying and I see them as opposite to that. For me part of that it’s because of how giving they are as people. Some actors are really giving on screen but not so much as people. Taylor and Nick both seem like generous people and easy to connect with. I often think about what Matthew said, about not being worried that people will love them on screen and even if he was also talking about Alex and Henry, some of that is also true for Taylor and Nick.
Thank you again for the ask! I’ve read it when you sent it and it was lovely to have positive things to think about during my afternoon of work 💜
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silenzahra · 3 months
Hello my dear, I just want to thank you for your latest feedback on one of my other SMB stories “Mi Manchi”. I was having a few rough days and your wonderful detailed comment really cheered me up and lifted my spirits, helping me release some of the bigger feelings in me. I love that we share a head canon that Luigi is a fantastic violin player and how Mario is so proud of him. I’d like to repay a favour of sorts if you’d hear me out.
I’d like to make a post contributing and regarding about your musician head canon lore you did recently. This is specific to your second idea about them playing classical music, with the brothers performing and singing to Josh Groban’s rendition of “Mi Mancherai” to their princesses in a private concert as a way to declare their love to them. I’ll add references of where I got the inspiration from and credit you for the lore.
Of course I’ll do it ONLY if you’re okay with it, my dear. Thank you for listening to me and for once again, gracing your beautiful feedback and appreciation for my stories.
Hello, dear friend! Thank you so much for sending this ask! 🥰
I'm so sorry to hear you were going through some rough days 🫂🫂🫂 Sending you lots of love and hugs! I couldn't be happier to see that my comment made you feel better, I honestly hope these last days have been much better 💖💖💖
Your fanfic was so beautiful! 🥰 I also love that we share this headcanon, it's very sweet and perfect for Luigi! And of course for Mario, he's so proud of his little brother! 💚❤️
And OMG, that's such a lovely idea! 😍😍😍 I actually also thought of it when reading your story! It totally fit the bros and their respective princesses, they'd both be so happy to hear their boys singing and playing for them! 🥰 I can only imagine them both falling even harder for the brothers 🤭💖
It would totally be a TREAT to read such idea written in your wonderful and delicate writing style! 😍😍😍 AW thank you, dear friend, I'm just HONORED that you liked my suggestion and my headcanons so much as to write a story based on it! 🥹 I feel flattered and blessed 😭🫂💖
Please go for it! 🥰 I love reading your stories and commenting in detail so as to show my love and enjoyment for them. You're an amazing writer and my heart warms at the thought that something I wrote has inspired you 🥹 It's such a dream! 😭🫂💖
Really looking forward to seeing what you come up with! If you're okay with it, I could add the link to your story at the end of my headcanon post so more people can go and read it 🥰
This is just a suggestion, and of course, I don't intend to rush you! Take all the time you need, dear friend! I'll be more than happy to read you when the time comes 🫂 Please take care and thank you again! 💖💖💖
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lauratheghost · 21 days
My trip to Montreal
& the Sleep Token show
(long post below)
The Trip:
I went with my sister, who did the driving. The drive there was awesome. We left at 5:30 a.m. and there was no traffic at all. The border took five minutes. We laughed at the "warning Canada ahead" sign (that was like five feet in front of the border 😂)
It was like an hour of driving through massive farms before we reached the city? Idk why but I didn't expect the farms.
Driving in Montreal was another story. It was terrifying 😭 I have car anxiety in general but it was so stressful. It made traffic in Boston not seem so bad. The way the lanes were marked was confusing to us, and some of the signs were also confusing. We hit a speed bump going crazy fast because we had no idea what the sign meant and the actual bump on the ground wasn't yellow (now it seems obvious though, ok 🤷🏼‍♀️😂) and the buses drive crazy fast and one cut us off and almost hit us.
Our phones didn't work as soon as we crossed the border. We tried to add a global package to our plans but it still didn't work. This was only a major problem because we needed GPS. If we missed a turn we would have to find a Harvey's or Starbucks or something to get their wifi and reroute. It took us a long time to get to Laval 😂
Once we got to the hotel we parked the car and didn't use it again until we left. But we took taxis and that was cool! I don't think I've ever taken a taxi before and the drivers were really nice.
We loved our hotel and we could see Place Bell from our window. The area was so nice, and very clean for a city. It feels like Laval is an up-and-coming city because of all the construction we saw, and our hotel was also new apparently.
Everything was so cheap? The lattes I bought were like $6 CAD so $4.40 USD. In my hometown, lattes are double that. All the food and snacks were such a good deal. I stopped obsessively checking my bank account after a while because everything seemed so inexpensive 😂 (Also, I'm a cheap person so this is saying something lol)
It was more of a culture shock than I expected. I knew it was going to be a lot of French but I guess I didn't grasp the reality of that until I was there. Thank God I took french in high school. I could not really hold a conversation, but I could read some signs and menus and kind've get the jist of what people were saying to me.
Everyone was so kind and helpful. We asked a lot of strangers questions and they were all very nice. I only had two small experiences with rude people (and I laughed about it)
Crosswalks were also a bit scary lol. It was weird that some cars still go when the crosswalk button goes off. In my area, all directions of traffic stop while people cross.
My hotel was 50 % people with Sleep Token shirts and 50 % hockey players 😂
We LOVE Tim Hortons 😍 Their iced mocha latte was amazing. I wish I had one in my town now.
Three days went by so fast! It felt like one day.
We went to Mount Royal Park, the Cosmodome, the Biosphere, and La Rhonde. I rode the ferris wheel even though I'm scared of heights. I think my heart stopped for a second but the view was beautiful. 😂🥰
Some random things we noticed- nobody really wears jeans or Crocs 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 everyone dresses a bit nicer. And we didn't see any cops besides event security the entire time we were there, which is unheard of in Massachusetts, I see cops drive by twenty times a day everyday probably. There were lilacs everywhere which I loved. So many people biked- it made me want to be more healthy and active. Public transport seemed very available and I'm jealous of that because public transport where I am is trash.
Can you drink in public? Idk, but we saw a guy drinking a twisted tea while casually crossing the road lol.
The Show:
People were lined up starting around 7 pm the night before 👀
At 5:30 a.m. there was maybe ten or fifteen people camped out with tents and everything. I applaud their dedication, but I could never 😭
I kept an eye on the line and once the merch stand opened I went over and bought a shirt beforehand. I got a t-shirt with the tour dates on it 🖤
The line system seemed really unorganized. Nobody knew what line went where. Besides that, getting inside was easy and I liked the venue.
Our seats had a good view, but we were so high up it made me a bit anxious. It was a little hard to see III because of the fog/lights, and Espera was kind've blocked by a light fixture, but I had a great view of IV and II which made me really happy 🥰
ESB's opening set: So, they are not exactly my cup of tea BUT I don't think they deserve the hate they've been getting. My only problem was that the singers scream sounded the same over and over. I wasn't sure if he was saying the same phrase or not, but it made every song sound the same. They did have some good moments though! There was a moment where he screamed lower/more gutteral and I liked that more. There was also a moment where the guitar and instruments sounded really cool but I can't explain it. I was glad to see they had a little mosh pit going too.
Sleep Token was amazing as expected. I'm forever in awe of how good Vessel sounds live. I was so happy I could see II good too, I loved watching his little dances and hand gestures. I saw III do his little swimming motion and he did get a pit! A pretty big one too from what I saw. I didn't expect them to hand out drumsticks and stuff so early, because they didn't play TMBTE or Euclid yet- but they were just doing that fake-out encore thing I guess. 😂
I love the diversity of the fans at their shows- all types of people and all ages and it's so nice to see 🖤 The guy sitting beside me did not look like someone I would expect to listen to Sleep Token, but he was singing every word and recording all the same parts of their songs as me 😂
After the show I got to meet @shatterthefragments !!! It was so great, and they made awesome ST keychains- I will treasure mine forever 🖤
I still haven't really processed any of this yet because after the show I was constantly busy- between packing up and doing the few last things we wanted to do in the city, and then driving five hours back home. There's videos and pictures from this weekend that I haven't even looked at yet. I will definitely post some videos or photos here soon though
Overall, I give this trip a 9/10
I'm so glad I impulsively bought tickets and got my passport renewed. It was so fun and it makes me wanna travel more in the future. 🖤
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bunny-lovers · 21 days
Ooo, how about 🥰 for the ask game?
(- @zappkisser)
Hope you & your f/os have a great day & thank you for the ask! 😊 @kaijus-love-zone @meredithblakee @askthelovenest
💌 - What would a love letter from your f/o look like?
It would be a paragraph about her saying sweet things to me, how much she loves & adores me. Also telling me how much she missed me & can't wait to see me again.
🍷 - What was your first date like?
The first date was amazing! We went for a stroll on our first date. The weather was perfect! We had our arms around each other while walking. Then we went to get a bite to eat and then we walked back to my place.
😚 - What was your first kiss like?
The first kiss was soft & sweet!
😳 - How does your f/o fluster you? How do you fluster your f/o?
It's when she flex her muscular arms & gives me surprise kisses. Whenever I get clingy, she gets very flustered surprisingly enough & when I'm wearing one of her sweaters.
😍 - When or how did you realize you fell in love with your f/o? How or when did your f/o realize they fell in love with you?
It was right after Rumi saved me from the villain. I couldn't stop thinking about her, I was so in love with her! For Rumi, it was when she & I met in person at the coffee café. While I was talking about myself, Rumi realized that she had feelings for me & that never happen to her before.
😴 - How do you cuddle together?
We mainly do the spoon position. Sometimes we cuddle face-to-face.
🥰 - What little thing do they do makes you happy?
Seeing her smile, I love her smile so much!
💭 - If you could read their mind, what thoughts would they have about you?
Her thoughts about me would be how sweet I am, how much we have in common, & can't wait to exercise with me.
💋 - Where do they like to kiss you the most?
She likes to kiss my forehead the most.
👻 - Do they cuddle you when you're scared or do they cling to you when they're scared from watching a horror movie?
She definitely cuddles me when I'm scared from watching a horror movie.
🫂 - How do they comfort you when you're sad?
She would hold me in her arms, say sweet words, & sometimes brings me one of my comfort foods.
🐱 - Would you adopt a pet together? If so, what pet would you get?
Yes, Rumi & I would get a cat together.
🕸 - Which one of you is the one to scream upon seeing a bug and which one of you is the one who kills the bug without batting an eye?
I'm the one to scream upon seeing a bug & Rumi is the one who kills the bug without batting an eye.
💐 - What flowers would you get your f/o? What flowers would your f/o get you?
I would get Rumi white lily's & she would get me red roses.
🍽 - What would your ideal dinner date with your f/o look like?
It would be a healthy meals for dinner, along with a dessert at home.
🥄 - Who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
Rumi is the big spoon & I'm the little spoon. We sometimes alternate.
🏖 - What would a beach date with your f/o look like?
We would play volleyball together, going for walks, go for a swim, & lay in the sun.
🎃 - What Halloween costumes would you and your f/o wear? Do you match?
We would be witches!
🎄 - How would you spend Christmas with your f/o?
We have a Christmas breakfast, then watch a Christmas movie & then lunch. In the afternoon, we open our Christmas presents. For the rest of the day, we have dinner & watch some Christmas movies.
🎉 - How would your f/o plan your Birthday? Do they set up a party or take you out on a casual date to your favorite place?
She would just take me out on a casual date to one of my favorite places for my birthday.
🎁 - What present would you get your f/o? What do they get you?
I would get Rumi a gold crescent moon necklace. Rumi would get me a silver cat pendant opal necklace.
🎟 - What would a movie date with your f/o look like?
An action film, along with light snacks, & cuddling together at home.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 month
Loved your meta on Ronon and Sateda 💜💜💜
What are your thoughts on Athos' old city and their level of technology before they went more nomadic? Like Teyla's crazy lighter we never saw again, or the drawings of their old cities. Were they more advanced when that one Wraith started experimenting on them genetically or had their cities already fallen? Has their art and culture changed? Or stayed traditional)?
Anything you can think of would be awesome to read about 💜😍🥰
first of all thank you i'm glad you enjoyed them!! i love any and all excuses to talk about stargate characters so i'm glad y'all enjoy it so much!
okay so i have been rotating this in my brain since last night so sorry for the delayed response but i actually have not put much thought into this before and i love the idea so i've been thinking a lot
first, i think the athosian's were INCREDIBLY technologically advanced. like, insane medical technology, incredibly fast vehicles (you just KNOW they would've had an amazing train system of my god it would've been everything) and i think the average person was INCREDIBLY smart, like i think the athosians had incredibly high iqs compared to the rest of pegasus (this is because despite living most of her life as a nomad, teyla picks up everything rodney teaches her SO FAST like he says it once and she knows and understand it's perfectly you cannot tell me that girl is not a fucking genius there's nothing she can't do)
also i think them being so advanced is why that wraith chose them for experimentation, but i think it was specifically because of their medical technology. i think the athosians had some of, if not the best medical technology in pegasus and the wraith knew this so that one wraith started using their medical knowledge of humans to do the genetic experimentation (bc let's be honest i doubt the wraith cared enough to do research into human genetics but i'm guessing you need to have a base understanding of human genetics to alter human genetics)
i think the experiments are also probably at least partially responsible for the downfall of the athosians. we know the wraith will seek out and destroy any groups that even have a possibility of advancing too far, and if you take the level of technological advancement they were at and combine that with the powers the humans were getting after being experimented on, you're left with what could be a pretty big threat towards the wraith. i can definitely see the wraith realizing what's going on and destroying everything so that no other human (or wraith) could continue with those experiments.
anyways back to the athosians and their culture, i think because of the result of their medical advancements and how it lead to their downfall, i think after the destruction of their city, the athosians kinda swore off science? and i think they would start prioritizing spirituality/religion and focusing on community and relationships with other people and that's why the athosians have such a big network of trade partners
okay this has gotten super long so i'm gonna stop it here but thank you so much for this ask bc this is such an incredible thing to think about and i do not go insane about teyla enough which is frankly criminal of me so thank you for the excuse to think about her non-stop 🙏🏼
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