#also Dain: this is why being on my own is better
reginrokkr · 7 months
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Dain @Wriothesley, based on his miscellany and deeds in the Fontaine story arc: could like him
Wriothesley: wants to fight him
Dain: ...jfc
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justallihere · 2 months
The torture was bruuutaal! Such psycos aetos and gang. Loved that dain here did better than the book dain. Though book dain was good too in this situation.
Liam and vi friendship, loyalty and love is everything. As it should be ! I cannot be more grateful to you for keeping him alive here. I feel like the quality of a man Liam is really tell us about the kind of man xaden is. As Liam is xaden’s brother 😭I loved the soft moments of how much Liam trusts x to rescue them and his relief when he finally comes. Loved how vi and l were both ready to die for each other. Why does Hayes say- liam cares about riorsons life? Just to break her? Is something more complex I ddnt understand?
also why is vi in disbelief that x will come for her? Multiple times? Even when she hears from dain x is on the way?
loved loved violets reaction to seeing the show does. She just cries 😭I would cry too.
why does xaden give her a weapon? For her comfort/ so that she feels safe?
loved loved Lilith here! loved vi wearing x jacket
loved the squad!
loved the Brennan Mira.
my heart absolutely melts and it’s the biggest compliment to someone whenever someone is described as someone’s home and it melted- twice in this chapter.
so excited for next chapters.
I’m glad everyone seems to have liked Dain this chapter! I went back and forth on having Violet kill Aetos instead, but I liked it better for Dain to do it and let his dad suffer given everything he’s put him through. I think Dain and his dad’s relationship could be an interesting mirror to Violet and her mom’s if Rebecca Yarros would actually take the time to explore it. After what she did to Lilith I have 0 hope of that though lmao
Hayes said that about Liam only caring about Xaden to fuck with Violet’s head. Obviously it’s not true but Violet is so vulnerable at that moment they were willing to try anything. Violet wanted to believe Xaden was coming but couldn’t have handled it if she was wrong, so she just didn’t let herself be hopeful for it until it actually happened and she saw him with her own two eyes. Violet isn’t very good at being loved
Yes, Xaden gives her the dagger so she has something to protect herself. Not that she needs it, he’d kill anyone before they ever got close, but she’s been helpless and defenseless for days and he knows her well enough to realize she’s reeling and needs some semblance of control. The weapon helps
Thank you! 🩷🩷🩷
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I guess you can also argue cryo and all the shenanigans being pulled as like. Alls fair in love and war- but we’re going to need to meet the Tsaritsa to really see how they characterize that beyond Dains description of her having no love left for her people. Can’t wait to see how the next two nations develop- and it’s a fun thought exercise to see how they can shape into different things. Like you said- Anemo can be interesting under “love” considering Venti is both kinda doing the “if you love something, let it go” thing with letting his nation choose how they want to go, versus him clinging to the memory of the nameless bard to the point of wearing his face, even this far into the future. A god who loved a human so much he couldn’t bear to let them go, who’s statues are made in their image now (and the achievement when you sit down in the hands? Beloved of the Anemo Archon, when the statue is at the scale of the nameless bard and whisp Venti? That’s a fun thing to turn over)
Sorry for rambling again. What do you think are some of the more fun interpretations/swaps that you could do? -☁️
you're so right on the venti thing. and yeah, we don't know what the tsaritsa is, we're just going off of the only hint available hahah
i honestly think the easiest swap would be wisdom for zhongli and contracts for furina. zhongli is already possibly the wisest/most knowledgeable character in the game (nahida is a different issue), and you wouldn't really need to change anything about him or the plot of liyue to make that work. it could literally go from the contract to end all contracts to if i want my people to grow wiser and grow stonger then the smartest move is to simply step down and let them be. you'd have to think of a better excuse as to how he settled a deal with the tsaritsa and why he cannot tell you about the cataclysm later, but you could work something out. maybe factor in forbidden knowledge much earlier into the game. this would also have the added bonus of linking him to guizhong in that she could very easily be made to align with wisdom, and so zhongli ending up as the archon came down to guizhong dying before he did, like a rukkhadevata/deshret situation, and how the raiden twins were both about eternity.
contracts for furina would be interesting because you could make the plot of fontaine about punishment for breaking a contract, since that's also what sinning could be (egeria's sin). and furina being unable to tell anyone what was going on could've been made even worse if she had to sign a contract with focalors to literally not say a word about it. after that, you could make the traveler finding out the truth a loophole to the contract, since strictly speaking furina never did tell anyone, and neuvillette found out from focalors anyway. like the plot of fontaine is already about consequences of one's actions, the overarching one being about the consequences of egeria's orignal sin; you could easily just make it about the consequences of breaking a contract with the divine instead of just offending them (not that that's less strong a plot point, but if it's about breaking a contract, it might give more nuance to celestia as oposed to just 'oh they got offended')
now that i think about it, you could also do something interesting with freedom for nahida. make it freedom to pursue knowledge in whichever way you may want to. freedom to enrich your mind and be wiser however you see fit, be it through arts, through study, through dreams. i mean she's already locked up (denied freedom to be out and about on her own), the akademiya was controlling the akasha (denying freedom of knowledge) and banning the arts (denying freedom of expression). sumeru's history is also about freedom, somewhat, what with deshret wanting to get over fate so his people would be free to dictate their destinies, but his solution being a literal hivemind (complete lack of individuality and freedom). even post-deshret with the jinn and their enslavement and all the mess liloupar kicked up. like sumeru is already more about freedom (and the lack of it) than mondstadt is LMAO
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prettybbychim · 12 days
i always start by complaining so this time, i’ll go w the good things first lmao
⚠️ new dainsleif quest spoilers below! bedtime story i believe it was called
absolute cutie pie i’ll protect u w my life such a kindhearted boy who just wanted to live
god fucking dammit
caribert was my favorite interlude quest i think like that shit fucks and this one put a nice lovely bow on it
and damn the things u can active w just a simple hairstyle and eye change he’s such a pretty boy and for what?? all to break my fragile heart
it was a very good choice on their end imo when it’s not a run of the mill basic npc model, you immediately pay more attention to them and what they say. you know they’re important. but they also become more personable — they’re no longer a passing stranger on the street. they stick with you, or at least have a better chance to
he just wanted to be normal, to be real, to have an impact, to be seen, to soothe and protect
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and the picture he left us i’m sobbing he has such a beautiful heart i’ll never be okay ever again
i could talk about him forever and ever but i gotta move on here at some point lmao that said—
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and whatever this is lmao if i had to guess, it’s the story caribert told them but i will def be figuring that out. can’t be bothered to do my own translation so i’ll just look around to see if anyone else has done it yet lol im sure they have already, a long while ago lol
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and this!! i’ve been saying this forever now
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god the delivery and aether’s reaction fUck so good couldn’t have hoped for anything better
also lumine ur being su ch a meanie face :<<<
i’m also not at all surprised dain had the eye on him (or inside him??) this whole time like i was genuinely surprised he didn’t just whip it out right there and he led us to some remote domain that was like a mix of enkanomiya, the chasm ruins, and our playable domains lol is this ur take on an adeptal abode why is ur house so gloomy no wait actually that tracks and i shouldn’t judge
and lastly, here’s a piece of dialogue that fucks and i think is totally hinting at the relationship between the twins
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(altho she was full on bullshitting herself saying this lol)
anYwya it was fun! felt a little short? could’ve been even shorter if they cut out all of paimon’s lines where she repeats what was literally just said 0.5 seconds ago
i think the writing and delivery could’ve been a bit better. but that’s personal preference i think idk im sure it’s fine lol i mean i still enjoyed it in the end lol
there was so little of dain :<<<<
aaaand those are my negative thoughts it’s time to wrap this up it’s gotten so long and it feels like the app is gonna crash w every letter i type lmao
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wingedshadowfan · 9 months
some basic ya/fantasy/romance tropes that fourth wing took a spin on, imo (spoilers)
-weak and dainty female character trope - while violet is physically smaller, weaker and gets injured easily, we find it's due to a disability she was born with and there are two main ways she goes about this: she trains hard to become stronger, wherever that's possible, and also uses disability aid (because isn't that what Tairn's saddle is? the shorter daggers too, to some extent) which i think is so important and much better than her refusing that aid/never getting it in the first place, she takes no shit from characters who look at her like there's something wrong with her but she also knows her own body and its limitations
-the demsel in distress female character trope (similar to the one above) - because of her physical disadvantage and her lack of preparation for the riders quadrant, violet gets saved/protected by others in many situations and even gets accused of "hiding behind strong men", but as the book - and her training - goes on, she begins to stand her ground more and more, earning herself the nickname "violence" and making up for any physical shortcomings with intelligence, stubbornness and fervor, hard work, skill and good character (the reason why tairn and andarna both chose her, the former giving her a crazy op signet), so much so that she ends up single-handedly offing the guy who accused her of not being able to defend herself
-the enemies to lovers trope - unpopular take but violet and xaden were never truly enemies! despite it being marketed that way. at least not on xaden's part - his dad didn't kill brennan and he's known this (him responding with "hardly" when she said they were even when they first met at parapet), we don't know if he knows this but while lilith did "catch" his dad, she was against forcing the rebellion children to watch the executions too. so violet basically started off as a nuisance to him (she was never strong enough to be a problem - he thought the parapet would end her for him if need be), after watching her for a while - seeing the mismatched boots, her collecting berries, flinging the daggers, choosing to keep his secret, poisoning people, defying all odds - he even made sure the other marked ones wouldn't try to kill her either, which he easily could've just stood aside and let happen, because she became interesting to him, again through intelligence, skill and kindness, and the (mutual) interest and attraction developed into feelings; on her part it was a bit more difficult because she knew less and felt like everyone was out to get her, her most trusted people had warned her about him so she naturally kept thinking he hated her and wanted her dead - but other than him moving her squad to fourth wing on parapet day he'd made no moves indicating he wanted to harm her and had consistently been helping her instead; they never hated each other personally because they didn't know each other and when they really got to know each other, they just found respect and admiration for the other
-the good guy/bad guy/good girl love triangle (though it's usually more of an angle or a choice the girl needs to make) - in the very very beginning i was rooting for dain because i love childhood friends to lovers and i thought running from the riders quadrant could be a turn the plot takes for violet, i also personally didn't see myself finding a guy who wanted me dead all that sexy (even less considering his dad killed my brother), especially when he's apparently a cold blooded murderer, emotionally unavailable and generally quite threatening, but i am well aware there's a specific demographic who would eat the dark moody ripped bad guy up and leave the "boring" soft cute nice good guy childhood friend in the dust - that's a trope i despise and i'm so glad that here a) violet fully acknowledges, despite being physically attracted to xaden, that he's toxic and she shouldn't like him because he can't meet her emotional needs. and i don't remember characters from other books with this trope being so delightfully intelligent and self-aware (which is important because otherwise you're basically selling young girls the idea that this is okay and that unavailable, dangerous, messy men are hot and you can fix them - violet doesn't even try to fix him, she sets a firm boundary and forces him to fix himself and get his shit together if he wants her!) and b) it turns out xaden and dain's roles are actually reversed, with dain being much more toxic, manipulative, hypocritical and crossing boundaries he shouldn't be, while xaden is more supportive, attentive and caring, protective but not coddling, and while he's not ready to admit a lot of things to himself just yet, he's got some self awareness going for him too and he's sworn to do better (so rare in such books)
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Wild speculation here. I’m overthinking how fairy names (true names) work. Like is it given to you by your fairy parents? And in that case wouldn’t parents have the ability to make you do anything by conjuring your true name?? Is there an etiquette that makes it taboo to do that to your child? Does the child choose their own full name?
Im thinking about this cuz I wouldn’t put it past Cardan’s mom to use it as a wagering chip. Access to the King of Elfheim’s one true name is gotta be a big deal.
It’s _probably_ just a tiny loophole that wasn’t given much thought but damn if it doesn’t keep me up.
i love how you think, nonnie! and it's a question i've definitely had, too.
i happen to have already answered a similar question a while ago on a reblogged version of one of my asks (scroll to the bottom for how faeries might get their names), but maybe i'll expand upon it for you here in a new post.
to my knowledge, there is no concrete textual evidence for how faeries are given their true names (as of yet). that being said, here are some potential theories as to how things aren't a complete circus of faerie children always doing their parents' bidding:
they give themselves their true names- essentially, faeries don't have a true name until they reach speaking age and are able to give themselves a true name. in this theory, faerie parents would give them the name that everyone knows them by, and faerie children would not be able to be controlled by anyone until they could speak or know their true name.
there's a magical object that names them- a rock? a plant? a pope? something that is bound to never speak the name aloud.
faerie parents name their children, but must vow to never use the true name- maybe it's done through a name giving ritual shortly after birth. and, since faeries are bound by their word, they would never be able to speak the child's true name aloud.
along the same vein as the last one, faerie parents give their children their true names, but due to the strict etiquette of the fae, true names are considered to be an oath and/or an honour. if parents used their child's true name against them, it would be going back on their oath, or stripping them of their honour. which is not very chivalrous or fae-like at all.
perhaps they do use their child's true name and we just haven't seen this aspect of Faerie up close yet- this is definitely the darkest theory, though i expect this means there would be varying levels of use/misuse/abuse of true names by Faerie parents just as there are varying levels of use/misuse/abuse of power by parental figures in the mortal world. so perhaps some faerie parents are better about it than others.
though it is dark, i kind of like the complexity the final theory on this list. not only does it reflect real world power systems between parents and their children, it would also explain some things:
why Cardan got Asha everything she asked for. it was mentioned in QON that when Cardan was a child, Asha would demand that he get her whatever she wanted, because he was a prince of Faerie and he had the power to get it for her. i always presumed that Cardan complied because he wanted to please his mother, and because he thought it might garner her affection, but Asha speaking his true name could be another explanation for it.
Cardan's stance against forcing people to do something they don't want to do. if the final theory is true, and he grew up with Asha always abusing/taking away his free will in this way, it's easy to see how such a thing might truly repel him in the future. why he would feel obligated to return the compelled mortal servants to the mortal world. why he wouldn't shoot the apple off the top of the compelled mortal's head when Dain told him to.
potentially, Asha knowing Cardan's true name is why, when Jude went into exile, he didn't throw Asha right back into the Tower of Forgetting. because she commanded him not to using his true name.
–Em 🖤🗡
more on True Names and Marriage Vows
more on Cardan's True Name
more theories and analysis
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meili-sheep · 1 year
I'm slowly loving the Crepus slander 😂
That what if Crepus comes back to live thing, how does Kaeya react and do when he sees that Crepus is an asshole to his very own son?
I'm just hungry for protective Kaeya shit 🗿👌✨
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You know I have several essays about why he sucks?
And I've been considering researching child psychology and finding papers to scientifically prove he's a bad dad, like legit. I have some experience writing academic papers, and I might as well put this knowledge to good use.
Let me also tell you about my story with Kaeya. I used to hate him because of Venti's Story Quest and his own quest. Because in Venti's his line in that was so fucking outta pocket and unnecessarily hurtful just to "Please drink responsibly"
It didn't help that I was exposed to "fanon" Kaeya a lot. And that's a whole other mess.
So I was like, you know what. Let's change this around a bit. And I started to think of him more how I think of Ayato. Someone who recognizes that they are bad and keep doing bad things because it still causes a good outcome. And Kaeya gets a sprinkling of the depresso and over protectiveness of Diluc because he recognizes how much he hurt Diluc, and he never wants Diluc to be hurt again.
And you know with each update with him in it. My vision of that keeps getting clearer and more backed up. I did kind of do an "I told you so post" when his conversation with Dain happened, and he said, "I think my dad just left me there to be happy."
I think Kaeya is very protective of his brother.
So Crepus coming back. And now, being an adult and Kaeya can see how poorly Diluc is treated. And how favored Kaeya is. (Because he had to be favored IMO) Especially since Kaeya is still a knight.
Kaeya would be like
"No, no, no! Hold the fuck up. You should be showering and spoiling your son! Not me! He's been hurt by everyone! And he can still find it in his heart to try and save them! To be kind. You don't get to praise me when I am not even proud of this job. But I am damn proud of Diluc! He's doubled the winery's income and made drinking better for everyone! He's sweet and kind and the best person in Mondstadt. And I won't allow you to come here and shit all over him just because he doesn't were some stupid uniform anymore!"
And while Kaeya normally likes to keep his distance from Diluc. (Insecurity and feeling of not deserving to be there) I think while Crepus is around, he would stick closer to Diluc's side to butt Crepus out. Because while Crepus being there would bring out a bit of the younger Diluc, Kaeya would see just how fragile and trusting young Diluc was and how much Diluc is still that person in some ways. But He could also see how Crepus keep constantly failing Diluc. In giving him an unobtainium goal to reach and making it feel Crepus's love is tied to the goal.
So yeah, he'd let Diluc nowhere near Crepus.
There is also the back from the dead angle, which is how Kaeya would probably play it off to Diluc because god forbid they actually tell each other their honest feelings.
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moonybadger · 1 year
Tamora Pierce series thoughts (I listened to the audiobook versions of these, which I’ll also touch on a bit):
Lioness Quartet: A little dated and clunky in places, but it’s fascinating watching TP grapple with genderfluidity even without having the language for it that we do now. Like I know normally people don’t like it when a writer posthumously declares that a character is LGBT somehow, but Alanna being genderfluid is just such an important part of her character even without the modern words. Like way more then Dumbledore having a gay crush on Grindlewald or whatever his name was. The characters are all great in this one, though the plot is a little all over the place and has to make some weird leaps of logic (like wtf was up the Nameless Ones and the Old Ones, that was really weird). Mostly just first time author awkwardness, TP grows out of it pretty fast. The Bazhir tribes are toeing the line a little close to Dances With Wolves stuff, but I think just barely manages to not make it too White Saviorish. I mean it does a bit with Alanna and Jon, but it could have been worse for the time it came out. Also Roger is an incredibly boring antagonist, but TP gets a lot better with those too the more she writes!
The Immortal Quartet: Oof I dunno. This one’s always been more miss then hit with me and I’ve never really been able to articulate why? The progression of Daine’s control over her powers just always felt really slow, like in the third arc of Warriors where the main characters are apprentices for a billion years. For some reason Daine just never clicked with me and the huge age gap between her and Numair never helped. Like this age gap thing shows in almost every TP romance but it was definitely the most pronounced here. Even besides that... I dunno??? I’ve just always bounced off this one, and I don’t like that the audiobook is full cast. I do really love Emperor Mage though, that’s the one exception in this arc. I enjoy Ozorne a lot more as an antagonist over Roger, though he gets a little one note in The Realms of the Gods.
Me @ tamora piece and natsuki takyua: your books mean the entire world to me and basically formed my entire moral backbone but please stop putting giant age gaps in the romances of your characters 
Protector of the Small: You have never done anything wrong in your entire life and I love you. Seriously I have absolutely no problems with this arc, besides the fact that I do think the confrontation with the Nothing Man at the end is kinda boring. And like, I get that it’s supposed to be but I do think there still could have been more to it then “he tries to do one magic trick, fails, then Kel stabs him”. But that’s it, that’s my only problem everything else is wonderful and amazing. 
Trickster Series: I mostly like this one??? I think it’s really cute that the narrator for the audiobook of Alanna’s series also reads this one. I feel a little differently about it depending on what the current state of world events are whenever I reread this one. I did find Aly a little more grating then usual the last time I reread this one, so we’ll see how I feel about it in the future; I think sometimes she tends to tip over into condescending the people of the Copper Iles in the first book when she’s just supposed to be giving rougish quips, though she gets better about it in the second book. I like Nawat in the first book, but I don’t love his pushiness about sex in the second one. I like that he needs to learn to be his own person, but it mostly ends up feeling like an excuse to keep him out of the first half of the story without really paying off later. Kyprioth is really great though, I love how he swings back and forth between a seemingly affable uncle and really revealing how the gods view people more like chess pieces in a board game. I also like how it kinda calls out the Mother Goddess and Mithros even though they’re the main “good” gods in the first series, great way to expand on the established mythology. 
Beka Cooper Trilogy: My main problem with this series is just that I loved Terrier SO MUCH that Bloodhound and Mastiff never managed to live up to just how much I adored it. Bloodhound has a lot of good moments and a pretty good antagonist, but it was hard to get really emotionally invested in the counterfeiting plotline (also I couldn’t stand Dale). Mastiff was better then Bloodhound; I was much more invested in the hunt for the prince and the various characters they meet along the way, though it had some weird dropped threads that REALLY bothered me. I don’t like how most of the cast in Terrier gets sidelined in Bloodhound and Mastiff, and a lot of the setups that I was really interested in in Terrier (Beka and Ersken working really well together as dog partners, Beka’s estrangement from her sibilngs, Goodwin getting basically just a cameo in Mastiff) never really come up again. That places Bloodhound and Mastiff both pretty well behind Terrier, though Mastiff DOES have the ultimate best antagonist in the series. Honestly if there’s any high praise I can give the Provost’s Dog trilogy is that it has AMAZING villains.
Circle of Magic Universe: Only listened to the first book and I hate hate HATED the full cast audio version so much that I’m just going to have sit down and actually read a physically copy of the series in order to get through it. I THINK I actually liked the story itself, but the audiobook version just grated on me so bad that I can’t give an honest answer. Not a mark of quality against the writing, I feel the same way about the Redwall audiobooks after all and those books are one of my favorite series ever. 
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intothegenshinworld · 4 months
Fate’s Destiny ~ Chapter 12 || It's canon!
You somehow, not being able to explain it, had fallen into the Genshin world you know oh-so-well. You were no new player and had explored most of the nooks and crannies of the world. When you first had woken up in Windrise you wondered; it might be a dream, after all, you were behind your screen usually, and now- here? It made no sense, and the world was keen on keeping it that way.
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Warnings: Spoilers for main story.
Word count: 3.1k+
Auteurs note: My health is still undergoing challenges, but I was able to write this on my better days. If you liked this chapter, please leave your thoughts on this chapter behind in a comment or reblog <3 It'd make me more motivated to post the next chapter :D
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The conversation you had with Dainsleif last night left you feeling like he understood you better than any stranger should. It was as if he had anticipated finding the Creator, as if he was familiar with the aura and thus unsurprised when it led him to you. However, that wasn’t the most concerning thing about the situation. The juxtaposition of what follows has been plaguing your mind the entire morning.
Despite never mentioning it in the company of Lumine and Paimon, Dainsleif seemed to doubt your status as the Creator. It wouldn’t have been unusual, if not for the fact that he felt your aura. 
Up to this point, there was a clear division between the people who felt your aura and the ones who didn’t. The former had always been insistent on your identity. They never doubted you for one reason: the fact that they experienced this unknown feeling around you. You couldn’t explain it since you didn’t have any control over the aura, that much was obvious with the fact that seemingly at random some people experience it and others don't, but it felt terrifying to have an anomaly in this formula. 
Why did Dainsleif not believe in the Creator?
The more you look back on your interactions with Dainsleif, the more you are led back to your initial conflict: who is the Creator? 
Moreover, you wonder why you believe his convictions over your own. 
Lumine turns her head over her shoulder. “What’s your opinion about it?”
“Huh?” You pull yourself out of your daydream with a forceful blink. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
You gaze at Lumine. Paimon hovering at her side. The three of you are currently waiting in a small clearing on the side of the main road. Conversations from passing strangers echo in the background. They are accompanied by the sounds of galloping horses and carriages being pulled along. The sun hadn’t been up for an hour before your party had set out but somehow you were unable to avoid the now gathering crowds.
At this moment, you were waiting for Dainsleif to return. While Lumine insisted on staying at your side, he had offered to scout ahead. He’d keep an eye open for suspicious people on the road and potential shortcuts to use. He’d also be able to estimate when the crowds would get thicker and could warn you ahead of time so you’d be better prepared. 
Paimon holds her hands close to her chest, a clear sign of her worry. “Are you okay? Paimon thinks you seem a bit out of it.”
You force a smile. “Don’t worry about me. I was just thinking.”
“If you say so.” Paimon turns her worried frown upside down and places her hands on her hips. “Lumine was asking if you were alright with travelling on the main roads. Even with Dainsleif scouting ahead of us, it’ll likely get more crowded the closer we’ll get to Wangshu inn.”
Lumine adds, “We’ll keep you safe regardless, but I understand if you want to take a different route.”
You think about the last time you visited Wangshu inn. It had also been with Lumine and Paimon, the only difference being that you came from Mt. Aocang and thus barely met anyone on the road to and from.
More about your last visit, despite feeling like you’re missing something important, you can’t remember. 
Before you can answer, Dainsleif walks up to your group. He nods his head when you acknowledge him and then starts talking. “The roads are beginning to get busy. We should head out.”
“Oooo. Paimon wonders if we’ll arrive today.” She kicks her legs in the air excitedly. It had only been a few days since you departed from Wangshu Inn but she undoubtedly was missing a soft bed to sleep in. You did too.
Dainsleif crosses his arms. “If we make haste, we will arrive before sundown. Many people are currently travelling through Liyue Harbor for the upcoming Creator Fest, so we should remain unnoticed since everyone is focusing on their own business.”
You lift an eyebrow. “Creator Fest?”
“Hm.” Dainsleif closes his eyes and ponders to himself for a moment. “Though the name is self explanatory, it is a festival held to celebrate the creator. From my understanding, the festival is held once every five years.”
Paimon looks from Dainsleif to Lumine with a confused expression. When she sees the outlander mirror the same confusion, she fiercely disagrees. “Lumine and Paimon saw the preparations in Liyue Harbor. There, they said it was held every year.” She lifts a finger in the air and waves it around all-knowingly. “Paimon remembered it well because they had many stories of the festivals from last year.”
You turn your gaze to Dainsleif. He doesn’t seem confused, nor does he try to refute her claim and explain his. After Paimon rambles for a bit longer, he simply agrees and states he must have mixed up certain festivals. 
While Paimon gloats in her victory, Lumine’s scepticism doesn’t escape your eye. Just like you, she seems on edge. Until that, too, disappears. 
“We should head out.” Lumine states.
Paimon throws her fist in the air. “I can’t wait to eat some of that delicious food we had last time!”
With your cloak pulled over your face, your expression remains hidden to even your companions. A frown is settled on your face when you recall that the festival Liyue had been preparing for was meant for the resurrection of Zh…
What was their name?
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The morning continues to pass by in a hurry. As you persist your journey forward, Wangshu inn becomes a more prominent sight in your vision, growing taller the closer you get. 
In the end, Dainsleif’s words had proven to be correct. Many carriages that passed by were loaded with decorations, many of which seemed to fit Liyue’s colours but had the same details and signs as the books with your face on it. 
And when you and your companions fell into a comfortable pace, conversations started to follow.
One of the more interesting topics spoken about involved the anemo Archon. According to the other three, he currently goes by the name ‘Venti’. You knew that Lumine and Paimon met him during their heroic deeds in Mondstadt, but when you asked Dainsleif about the Archon, he answered with: ”I know everything that I should.” —a vague yet seemingly in-character answer.
However, that is not where the conversation ended. Instead you were dragged into an open discussion about the options you had, including Dainsleif’s personal thoughts on the Archons. 
He told both you and the other two, not to trust anything. Which was funny, considering he decided to travel with the Creator. 
You would’ve believed it to be a strange paradox if it hadn’t been for the conversation you had with him last night. 
Dainsleif walks in front of everyone. Always one step ahead. He doesn’t turn his head when he talks, but you know he is invested in the current topic. “I am merely suggesting that the Archons do not have the ability to answer all your questions. You should know this better than anyone, Lumine.”
She gives him a pointed look. Paimon answers for her. “Well, Paimon isn’t hearing any better suggestions from you. Besides, Paimon thinks it’s better than sitting around and doing nothing.” 
The pixie adds, “Besides, the tone deaf bard might look like he doesn’t care, but Paimon thinks he knows more than he lets on. Who knows? Maybe he can give us a push into the right direction.”
“I highly doubt it. Many times before, he failed to. I can't imagine why this time would be different at all.”
Paimon visibly deflates. “Geez. Are you always so pessimistic?”
“I prefer to call it realistic.” He corrects. 
Before the two can continue with their bickering, the gnosis in your pocket starts to rumble. Struck by surprise, you halt your movement. 
As you nimbly reach for the object, the others turn to stop as well. Dainsleif is the first to guess why. 
“The gnosis.”
“Yes.” You wrap your fingers around it and furrow your eyebrows together. Confused at why it started to rumble, you look up at him. “I thought it was broken.”
“It might as well be.” He replies despondently.
Lumine crosses her arms as she presses her lips in a thin line. She thinks for a moment, and then asks, “Is it glowing again?”
The object is firmly within your hold. As your grasp tightens, it hums in approval. 
Because you’ve been travelling through the main roads towards Wangshu Inn, your sudden stop has caused an unintentional roadblock for other passerbys. The majority of the people and carriages go around you, but the longer you stand still, the more the people stop and stare. 
They’re getting aware of your presence. 
From within your pocket, your fingers continue to be tightly wrapped around the gnosis. When you peek inside, you notice that you can’t see a visible glow emitting from it. While you can’t confirm if it lost its light entirely without revealing it to everyone walking on the roads, the constant vibrations from the object and the ground below was enough to confirm that it came back to life. 
At last, you reply. “I’m not sure about the glow but it’s pulsating geo energy.”
“Paimon thinks that’s a good sign, right?” The pixie holds up her hands to her chest expectantly as she looks around at the different faces in your party. 
Dainsleif grunts. “It’s hard to deduct any use of it when we don’t know what the gnoses can do.” He turns to face you. “The geo Archon has told you that it’d help ‘the creator’ regain their past memories. Think about it. Which part of his promise was wrong in the first place?”
You think back to the many days of trying to uncover the gnosis’s secrets without prevailing. In the end, the geo Archon couldn’t help you either. Their promise of helping you with your memories remains, but you’d have to wait for the Archon and the Adepti. 
When you find your answer, you create a new question. “Are you saying that the gnoses never held memories?”
“Not yours, at least.” Dainsleif answers.  
Lumine cuts in. “That’s why we’re going to Mondstadt. Aside from the gnosis losing its power, it never responded to anything Y/n did either.”
“Yeah! Paimon agrees with that. Rex Lapis seemed to be unsure after our last visit too.” She waves her hands in the air. “What if the gnosis has yet to recognise the aura?”
Your eyes light up. “That’s a great idea, Paimon!” 
With the gnosis constantly pulsing out geo energy, you probably needed to do the same before it could resonate with you. Perhaps you should’ve asked the geo Archon how they used the gnosis instead of continuing to ask about your memories. 
In the worst case, you could still ask the anemo Archon. If you have any luck, they’d recognise your aura like the geo Archon did, making it easier to ask for help and confirming your identity. 
A scream erupts from a woman on the other side of the road. Her hands reach up to her mouth, eyes wide as her previous relaxed face turns into one of horror. When you first hear it, you let go of the gnosis and reach for your hood to pull it down more, afraid that you have been discovered. 
Then, another one follows. The person next to her cries out terrified. You take a step closer to your companions this time.
You hear a weapon being unsheathed close to you. When you turn to the sound, you see Lumine at a ready stance to combat. And it continues. Another scream echoes through the crowd and when you finally look at the people, they’re facing away with their hands held together in suspense. 
If there is one thing you regret doing, it is standing motionless amongst them. 
Horses are forced at standstill and carriages stop in place. The previous laughter of children travelling alongside their parents are quieted and replaced by hushed voices. And because so many people had been travelling from and to Liyue Harbor, you feel like the entire nation can see this sight in front of them.
A huge wave reaches the tips of the largest mountains. It seems to be reaching for Liyue Harbor, until you see flashes of light shoot from a place you visited once before. 
The Jade Chamber,
You watch the lights of the once glorious floating palace flicker on and off. You hold your breath as you watch a battle between the ocean and the people of Liyue Harbor play out at a far distance. There is no way of knowing what is going on, until the sea calms down.
Before the waves lay upon the water, a few people have already begun to celebrate. Cheers slowly become louder and praise to the geo Archon is spread around before a loud rumbling emits from far away. This time, you realise it is not the gnosis putting out geo energy. And yet, it responds to the wave by tugging you forward. 
With the crowd stunned, it takes everyone a second to realise victory came with a precious cost. 
The Jade chamber tilts from side to side, as if it’s trying to regain its balance in a struggle against gravity. As the gnosis continues to pull more and more, you realise what’s happening before the crowd does. 
A few more elemental flashes of light dash around the Jade Chamber, and perhaps because you’re looking at it from a grand distance, you notice it has been falling down. 
When the chamber hits the midway point between its original position and the horizon, you see chunks of the building let loose. Some parts fall faster, while others cling on to the gravity defying magic they previously had. But before any part can reach the ground, it disappears from sight behind a set of mountains. 
The crowd is silent. You can only hear the winds blow against your face as you wait for the conclusion of the events. 
Then, a second low thud echoes through the city. It travels across the roads and the crowds try to protect themselves against the sudden soundwave. In the distance, from behind the mountains where it fell, dense smoke from the crash fumes up. 
“What happened?”
“The Jade Chamber!” 
And faster than the Jade Chamber could fall, chaos erupts on the roads to Wangshu Inn. 
People from behind and in front of you are trying to decide whether to turn back or to reach their loved ones in Liyue Harbor. Murmurs of uncertainty deafen your thoughts as you reach for the gnosis. With trembling fingers you take it out of your pocket, just to take a quick look. 
It radiates a dim orange hue. 
Paimon calls out for you as a carriage rides to crash into you. The horse pulling it seems to be out of control when it stops and stands on its hind legs, squealing if not screaming when the people crisscross in front of it. 
Dainsleif ends up being the one to save you in that scenario. He is swift when he moves between the people and pulls you away right before the hind legs of the horse move down and crash at the place you had been standing in. 
“We need to get out.” He yells to Lumine. “This isn’t going to get better, even if we get to Wangshu Inn.”
Lumine hurries over to you with Paimon at her side. She has put her sword back in its holder but seems to be alert nonetheless. “We should head back to Liyue and find out what happened.”
“Have you lost your mind?” Dainsleif shakes his head. He lets out a breathy chuckle. “You intend to go back in these conditions. Can you not see the outcome of that decision?”
A few people push past you and your companions. Luckily due to both Lumine and Dainsleif’s efforts you are able to keep your group of four united. With the chaos surrounding you, you hadn’t noticed you held the gnosis in your hands, visible in sight to any who would stop and look. 
Lucky for you. Not a single person had the time to consider standing still. Dainsleif seems to follow your gaze and you open your hands for him to see. For the first time since obtaining it, the object floats in your hold. 
Like a miracle, it seems to have recovered all its past potency in an attempt to guide you forward. Deep hums echo from within the gnosis, singing an unknown melody as a path opens up from where you’re standing to Liyue Harbor. Unknownst to the people in the crowd, they make way for you and your party. 
You reach up and intertwine your hold together with the invisible hold of the gnosis. A determined expression forms on your face when you look up. “It’s telling us to head to Liyue Harbor.”
Paimon kicks her feet in the air. “You’ve finally unlocked the powers!”
Lumine stands ready. “If we head out now, we can make it before the sun sets.”
A cynical laugh escapes from Dainsleif’s lips. “Have you forgotten how long it took you to get to Wangshu Inn?”
The outlander turns to him. “What do you mean? We all headed out this morning. If we make haste, we can easily return to Liyue Harbor before nightfall.”
With the gnosis in hand you look up at Dainsleif. A silent question lingers in your eyes and he shakes his head before you can ask him the question.
“If you intending on returning to Liyue Harbor, it will be the last time you’ll see me.”
Paimon throws her fist against his shoulder. Even with all her strength, he remains unchanged—safe for the frown that deepens. “Oh come on! Paimon knows you want to save everyone. That’s why you helped us with the Adepti last time.”
He turns back at you. You feel like there are so many things left unsaid but he simply turns and walks away. In the end, he didn’t give you a chance to ask him why he chose to leave. 
A hand is placed on your shoulder. When you look over towards the person who put it there, you see a resolute smile on Lumine’s face. Next to her flies the pixie. “It’ll be alright. You’ve got me and Paimon.” 
Her white-haired companion agrees as she throws her first into the air. 
You knew that the journey ahead of you would remain with many more questions left unanswered so you simply held onto the few things you could trust in. 
The gnosis agrees with you and a path forms once more. 
You run towards your destiny, followed by Lumine and Paimon at your side.
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If you liked this chapter and think I deserve a comment, please leave one behind! I appreciate it a lot and it'll make me more motivated to write in the future ♡
© intothegenshinworld. Do not copy, repost, translate or take heavy inspiration from my content. Thanks for reading.
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gachagon · 1 year
I really don't know if I'm enjoying this book lol T_T
I get that it is supposed to be enemies to lovers, but the main character just seems kind of naive about a lot of things. Like why is she messing around with a dude who sat back and watched as she and her sister almost drowned in a lake??? A dude who is besties with the kid who pushed them in a lake at that.
And now she's shocked, beyond gobsmacked that he would be two timing her with her own sister. Like girl, come on now.
I can chock it up to her being a teenage girl (idk how old she is actually I think she's like 16 though and that IS pretty young and naive)
and she killed a dude and hid his body in the woods near her own house, someone is DEFINITELY going to notice he's gone missing??? And just WHAT does she plan on doing with this prince now that her employer is dead??
I don't really see why she wants to work so hard to save Cardan's life, I guess because she "wants power" but like what is her game plan here. Just kidnap him and hold him for ransom or something?? The prince who employed her as a spy is dead now, and nobody even KNOWS about the spy part.
Also I don't know about you guys but I think she's pretty bad at this spy thing. I mean she's great at snooping at information but she never told Prince Dain anything and was always like "I gotta go back to the castle and blah blah blah" girl if you don't just go and tell someone????? She couldn't have just sneaked into the castle and gone to their little secret hiding hole and left a message or told The Ghost about what she found so they'd know in advance or whatever???
I will never really understand why she felt she HAD to go back to the castle when she learned the truth about that little acorn thing in Locke's dead mom's dress. I get needing proof or whatever, but telling someone would've at least made it so they would be aware, regardless of if they believe her or not. And wouldn't the locket have been proof enough anyways, i mean that would've helped paint a better picture of what the brother was trying to do I guess.
Though it was all for nothing anyways because his brother brought out the whole army I guess. So it's like what was really the point of all this anyways, and if I were Prince Dain I'd probably not have asked my human spy who's also the daughter of the general to ONLY spy on my brother??? Maybe if he asked her to spy on the dude with all the man power, he'd have been able to see through this whole coup beforehand.
Idk man this book is kind of just a head scratcher, everyone is making such strange decisions and then when things backfire they act all surprised and shit T_T
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Okay okay, I’m super excited and nervous bc i’ve never requested anything but: can I request some headcanons of Dainsleif, Scaramouche and Tartaglia falling in love with a god? I’m the anon from that ask 😅
archons of my heart
this might have been the most different set of short little stories i’ve ever written - each character responds so differently to this scenario! (note: based on what we know about these characters, I stuck true to their values* - it might not be what you were intending, and I keep things true to their character) <3 
Warning -> angst (Dain), fluff (Childe), genera/fluff?(Scara - mention of long hair)
Character X GN Reader | Anthology 
Includes: Dainsleif, Scaramouche, Childe
Devastated, conflicted - these words have never resonated more in his mind than the day he found out about who you were, what you were 
What does he do … he dislikes, no hates the archons and yet … you were one of them - you’d always been one of them and the whole time you hid this fact from him knowing full well the feelings he had for them 
He couldn’t really hear as you desperately tried to explain to him why, he only heard the shattering of his heart as your face turned into something he no longer recognized 
He stood there, his hands balled into tight fists at his sides, eyes tracking your movement as you paced back and forth in front of him, your feet wearing down the grass with each passover. 
“I know you’ll never forgive them for what happened …” You begin, your voice somehow distorted now that he saw you for what you really were. He didn’t have words to respond, he felt out of his body. An observer rather than a participant, how he wished that were the case. 
You stepped closer to him, hands reaching for his arm - the arm that had been tainted for so long - and without noticing he recoiled from your outreach. It was the first time he had ever deliberately refused your touch and, although he understood the pain it caused you, it was clear from the reaction of your face, he couldn’t bear your hands on him. Not now, not when the whole world was crumbling down around him. 
You stood there, just the way you always did, incredible, perfect, beautiful and reverent in a way no-one ever looked before - he loved you, he thought he loved you 
You were so different than those gods that destroyed everything he ever knew, everything he ever cared for, fought for 
If only you hadn’t tried to save him then maybe he could have gone on living in the delusion of this relationship .. though, it was only a matter of time before he found out anyway - one day he’d notice how you never aged ... it was inevitable 
To love you, to love you so deeply and intensely; to love you after keeping his heart sealed up for so long, to love you with the passion that burns like the stars in the sky only to know this truth - he felt that light burn out in a painful flash 
An eye for an eye - he will maintain his beliefs  
“Do not …” His voice caught in his throat, it was the first time you’d heard him be taken over by his emotions, “ … do not speak my name.” 
“Please, I love you.” Your hands pressed against your chest, body bent forward as if to beg him, plead with him to reconsider. 
“I owe you nothing but the repayment of the life that you saved. I shall spare yours to conclude my debt.” For one final time he gazed upon your face, burning into memory the cheeks that he once touched, the eyes that held his breath, the lips that lingered against his skin and were capable of transforming into the most incredible smile. He looked, he lingered, he tried so hard to will the power in him that would whisk him as far from you as he could go but each time he tried he stalled, like a stubborn fool he hesitated. 
Your wet cheeks moved as you studied at him with a hopeful, supplicating smile, your head shook and your lips parted as if to call out to him and the power he lacked to leave you filled him suddenly. Like a flash of lightning in a storm he disappeared from your eyes. 
Citizens will often recall the days when it rained with an intensity of a woeful god, and can’t help but notice the mysterious man who would leave the room every time your name was mentioned. 
Cool -- cool, cool, cool - you’re a divine being - bet
It’s very likely that Scara will be excited about this revelation - he already thinks so highly of himself that knowing that he has captured the affection of a god only swells his pride more than it already did
He’s so smug when you tell him, when you spill to him what you are - he doesn't believe it either and will make you demonstrate that power to him and if you look back at him after your display, you’ll see him with a devious grin 
Be careful, he may manipulate you to act as an extension of his wishes -- and if he has any vengeance to enact on the people who harmed him, you’ll have to be very strong in your convictions (though, you can do whatever you’d like honestly, you a god) 
“Again.” Scara commands, his arms crossed over his chest, head tilted up so he can look at you from his perch on the rock and a smile stretched so far across his face you wonder how his lips don’t steam in pain. 
“I’ve already shown you multiple times. Do you still not believe me?” You huff, resting your hands on your hips, adamant that you won’t comply with his request. 
“Okay okay, I’m convinced.” He shrugs, hoping off of his stoop and walking toward you. “So how long have you been a god?” 
“I don’t know, it’s hard to keep track of the years … though I’d say around 500.” 
“Interesting. Can you make me a god?” 
“No, I don’t have that authority.” 
“Disappointing, but oh well.” He stopped just before you, he was shorter than you so you looked down at him, thankful that he removed his hat otherwise you’d have a hard time seeing his face. He reached for a strand of your long hair, his fingers twirling around it before sliding down the silky strands and repeating the process. “So, why did you decide to tell me this secret of yours?” 
“I …” Why did you tell him? You knew what kind of person he was, you knew the actions that would follow - his greed and selfishness would motivate him to use this information for his own advantage. “Against my better judgement, I told you because I love you.” You cover your face with your hand, embarrassed by the confession. It’s the first time you’ve ever fallen in love with a human before, Scara was your first and that notion electrified your skin. 
“You love me?” You didn’t need to see him to catch the cocky attitude spilling from him. 
“I do …” You replied with a sigh. 
“Who would have thought that?” “Listen, if you’re going to make fun of me then I’ll just …” Your voice was cut off by Scara pulling you toward him and pressing his lips against your own. Your knees nearly gave way at the contact and you reached to his arms to stabilize yourself. His lips are thin and the power he uses, the pressure of the kiss tells you what kind of man he is. 
“This is excellent news, don’t think I’ll let you get away from me now.”  He hummed, his lips dancing over your own as he spoke, his breath warming your skin. Was this really the best human that could have stolen your heart? Well, you were sure it wouldn’t be borning. 
He’s likely indifferent to your real status - to find out that you’re an archon or a god - he’s almost unsurprised by the news  
You wonder if he didn’t already know that you weren’t human, you wouldn’t put it past him to have done some digging on you and after being alive for so long it was bound to be suspicious that you knew things that many people didn’t anymore -- it was also suspicious that Zhongli seemed to recognize you pretty quickly, his eyes shining as if he saw an old friend  
“You could have just told me.” Childe emphasized, crossing his arms and leaning against the large pole behind him. 
“I know … but, well I wasn’t really planning on sticking around.” 
“Oh, so you’re one of those.” 
“Ah, no! That’s not what I meant.” For being of reverence, you always found yourself stumbling over your words when talking to Childe. “Ugh, I meant that I didn’t think that … well that I’d fall in love with a human.” You picked at your clothes and shook your head. 
“If there was ever a human for you to fall head over heels for, I am the best candidate for that.” You looked at him, laughing at the way he pointed his thumbs at his chest and grinned from his own joke. 
“I don’t know … maybe I made a mistake?” You express, rubbing your chin with your hands.
“Hey now!” 
“I’m joking of course … so, you really aren’t … upset?” 
“Why would I be upset?” He asked, eyes furrowing and head tilting to the side. 
“I don’t know … my timeline is different from yours for one.”
“So. That doesn’t matter to me.” 
“There will be a day when you’ll be old and I won’t have aged a day.” 
“Don’t care.” You huff and take a few steps away from him. He didn’t seem to grasp what it meant to be in love with a god. This was the reason you rarely took human companions, the guilt in your heart at watching them age and the pain of losing them was all a strain on your heart. 
“Childe …” You begin again but as you turn to face him you notice he’s moved from his place and is now standing in front of you. 
“I don’t care who you are, what you are, or what you’ve done.” He takes your hand and brings it to his lips, his breath of humanity filling your very soul. “I love you, and I don’t take that feeling lightly.” 
“I don’t want you to regret choosing a partner who cannot live a normal human life.” 
“If I wanted a normal life, I wouldn’t be where I am to begin with. What I want is you, and I’m pretty good at getting what I want.” He smirked and kissed each knuckle on your hand. How was it that a man could bring down a god so easily? 
“Now, the real question …” Childe’s tone shifted, his body extended to his full height which made you tilt your head to look at him. “Do you still have your divine powers or whatever?” 
“Like …?” 
“Like, can you summon lightning or manipulate the earth with a snap of your fingers?” 
“Haha, oh, I still have my abilities, yes. There were times I had to fight, so I’ve adapted them for those purposes.”
“Excellent.” He grabbed your wrist and pulled you along after him. “Let’s fight, don't hold back.” 
“Childe! That’s dangerous.”
“Even better.” He gave you a quick wink before dragging you to a place where the two of you could engage in the battle of his dreams.
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I just found your Tortall AU, and it was amazing! At first I wasn't onboard with Tobias as Numair with the swagger, but by the end I was into it. Is Wild Magic your favorite Tortall series? Mine is the Trickster's duology, but Wild Magic is second
So I think I mentioned this in passing on another post, but I actually wrote that entire AU after finishing Tempests and Slaughter and being in a snit about the jossed interpretations of Numair.
To be clear, I really like Tempests and Slaughter, including the way it confirms a lot of representation: Numair’s bisexual, he’s brown-skinned, he’s AHDH, and that’s all canon.  The book felt a little clunky, and like it devoted too much attention to the less-interesting plots over the more-interesting ones.  Arram having an easy time in magic school because he’s already been established as The Best Wizard Ever to Wizard was never going to be a page-turner.  Arram gradually realizing that he can be in love with Ozorne and still have a moral obligation to oppose everything Ozorne stands for, even if it means giving up his home?  That’s a hell of a lot more interesting, and I do not understand the decision to make it the B plot.  But overall, I enjoyed the book.
HOWEVER, there were two tiny details that got under my skin.
The first is the fact that Arram actually learns how to juggle in this book.  I reject this version of reality.  Numair cheats at juggling, and this is the fanon hill I will die upon.  Because I actually think that Numair cheats at juggling is an important character beat.
Our first meeting of Numair sets him up as a source of fascination because he is so paradoxical.  He has staggering amounts of magical power, but almost gets killed because he cannot undo one of his own spells.  He doesn’t care about nudity, but spends way too much time messing with his hair and robes.  He’s tall and well-built, but uses his mind over his body.  He has the highest educational degree in this universe, and he juggles.
And over The Immortals quartet we gradually learn why that last detail is important.  We learn how he ended up panhandling on street corners after getting his magi-doctorate, and why academic freedom is so important in Tortall but so controversial in Carthack.  And part of Numair’s paradox is that he puts huge effort into appearing less powerful, less talented, and less interesting.  He refuses to wear the robes that mark his magical station.  He claims to be “acquainted” with Ozorne before a “slight disagreement” led him to leave Carthack, only for Emperor Mage to show that he was once Ozorne’s closest confidant and that Ozorne wants Numair back more than Numair wants Ozorne.
So Numair tossing a single ball around, and channeling that enormous magical power to make an incredibly arcane skill (a multi-sensory illusion of three balls in motion) look like a mundane one (actual juggling) is the most in-character detail imaginable.  Also, him trying to solve All The Things (such as how to survive as a refugee with zero practical skills) through applying ever-more-complex magic to the problem fits the character far better than him having actually learned how to juggle for real.
The second tiny detail was the issue of names.
Because, of course, the biggest paradox of all is that Numair’s real name is Numair, he goes by Numair, he insists on people who get it wrong learning to call him Numair... and when he’s half-dead from drugs and bad magic, he instinctively answers to a different name.
As with the juggling, we did not actually need Tempests and Slaughter to explain how Arram became Numair, because The Immortals explained it already.  Numair changed his name at first because he could hardly walk around openly going “Hi, I’m Arram Draper, the Carthacki emperor’s treasonous ex-boyfriend.”  But over time, Numair became a different identity from the one he had as a kid.  Arram is Carthacki; Numair is Tortallian.  Arram cares about books, books, books, and his two best friends as a distant second.  Numair actually uses all that book learning to help people.  Arram was willing to overlook Ozorne’s politics out of love.  Numair is willing to die opposing Ozorne, because those politics involve killing and enslaving thousands of people.  When Numair tells Daine that he changed his name to sound more wizardly, he is obviously lying.  It’s a hell of a lot more nuanced than that.
So when Tempests and Slaughter mentioned that “Draper” is the kind of low-class name that any self-respecting mage would be expected to change upon graduation, I howled in rage and threw the book across the room.
It feels like a disrespect to the character, if he’s giving in to classist pretense and that’s why he changed his name.  If “Numair” isn’t Numair’s name because Numair actively chose to be Numair, but because he was forced to hide his heritage to fit in with the upper crust, then the name loses 99% of its power.  All of a sudden, Numair correcting Ozorne every time he says “Arram” at risk of imprisonment isn’t about Numair asserting his adult identity and the ways he’s outgrown Ozorne’s childish callousness.  Now it has the same energy as the guy who makes his Facebook name Dr. Smith, Ph.D. and refuses to answer to Mr. Smith anymore.
Anyway, Numair is Numair because he chooses to be Numair, and Numair Salmalín cheats at juggling.  Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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outivv · 3 years
Boy do I have an angsty request for you :D So The Boys confess their love to their crush, but she asks them if they take her for a fool, because she believes that they're using her as a substitute for someone they couldn't have. Like Zhongli with Guizhong and Dainsleif with Lumine, etc. She doesn't believe they love her because she's been in a toxic relationship like that before, and it left her heartbroken. Just sum angst with maybe sum comfort. Also congrats on 801 followers! \(≧▽≦)/♡
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Synopsis: it’a happened a few too many times, being used as a replacement. So when (idk insert a character from the tall boys group) confessed to her, she doesn’t believe it.
Warnings: angst, and mentions of a toxic relationship, I also made y/n a bit... bitchy(?) in the beginning of kaeyas part. Flat out I made them kinda rude.
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Characters: zhongli, Diluc, childe, kaeya, and Dainsleif
Pronouns for reader: she/ her (I assume that’s what you wanted... if not then I apologize)
A/n: I am in love with this request oh my god. Zhongli and guizhongs relationship pains me so much, like all of the fanart and headcanons for them it just ahhh. Makes me so sad. But aside from that, thank you for congratulating me it means a lot ☺️. It’s a lot of fun seeing how far I’ve come, and with that I hope you enjoy and take care of yourself! Remember to eat something if you haven’t and drink water you amazing human!!! <3
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— zhongli —
Zhongli built up the courage to confess to you while stargazing one night. Only to have his hopes and dreams crushed. You though he was lying? He was using you? Why would he ever do such a thing to someone he admired and loved?
“I know your past relationship with guizhong... I’m not an idiot zhongli. I know that you’re going to use me to get over her.” You said coldly with a deadpan expression.
He didn’t understand... how could you think that he’d hold on for that long. He loved her once, but then... then he didn’t. It was hard to explain his feelings, but he knew that it was different with you. He didn’t know how to express that though.
Zhongli pondered for a second before saying, “I wouldn’t do such a thing even if I still loved her. I’ve moved on, and I want to be with you now. My words are true and are straight from the heart.” You still were hesitant though.
You wanted to be with zhongli, but were too scared to be. Past relationships made you have trust issues when it came to giving someone access to your feelings. Because you’d let them in only for them to move on from you weeks later. You were the recovery girl, the practice dummy, only there to get their confidence back.
Zhongli wouldn’t treat you like that though... would he? He could see the gears in your head turning with worry, so he cupped your face in his hands and said, “I would never say something I didn’t mean. Especially something as serious as this.” And kissed your forehead.
Butterflies formed in your stomach at the closeness, and you could feel yourself getting emotional. You hugged him tightly, and nodded, a way of saying that you trust him. He wouldn’t take your trust for granted.
— childe —
Childe wouldn’t like to admit it but he’s had few partners in the past. Being more focused on fatui work, and not wanting to hurt anyone. You had him wrapped around your finger though. He’s never felt this connected, and emotionally attached to someone. It took him a while to sort out his feelings but here he is, confessing to you.
As soon as the words left his mouth he felt a weight lift off of his shoulder, only to be replaced with a nauseous feeling growing in his stomach. “Childe... I know what happened with your last partner. I’m not going to be a replacement.” Replacement? Is that how you thought he viewed you...
Before he could think he said, “no! It’s not like that you’re way more than just a replacement! I haven’t spoken to them in ages, I don’t even know where they are now... how can I still be in love with them.” He made a valid point. You still were cautious though.
Not wanting to get your heart broken again you took baby steps. Your heart was fragile, and surrounded by walls to protect it. It took a lot to break down those walls, but maybe, just maybe could childe do it.
“I haven’t felt this attached to someone, I know that sounds stupid, or cliche, but that is truly how I feel.” He said pouring his heart out. He took your hands into his and looked into your eyes, his own bright blue ones full of love and honesty.
“I’ve loved you since I first saw you. I tried to get your attention many times, and now I finally have it, do you really think I’d lie about anything that I’m saying?” He said, his voice hushed, and his face painted with a smile.
You muttered a no, looking away from his intense gaze. “Well there you have it!” He shouted, a contrast to his previous attitude. “Do you believe me now?” He gently grabbed your chin to make you look at him. He smiled goofily waiting for an answer. How could you saw no to him when he looked so excited?
— kaeya —
Kaeya has been with many lovers in the past, none of them were serious relationships, he never quite found the right person. Until you.
It took a long time for kaeya to confess to you, afraid to get rejected, and break an amazing friendship he built up. His fear was proved to be correct when he confessed to you though. “Kaeya I know about your past lover. They wouldn’t shut up about you...” you said your arms crossed “I know that I’m just the rebound, they still talk about you after months, clearly they still like you. Why go for me when you can go back to them hm? You’d probably do it in a week anyways.”
Wow... he didn’t know you thought so... horribly of him. For once kaeya was speechless, he was so hurt that he couldn’t think straight. “I wouldn’t go back to them even if I was forced to. Why would you think that of me...” Kaeya said speaking the truth. He hated his most previous lover, they were a god awful person, so he left them.
“That’s what everyone does. They get with me, and then leave when they’ve regained their confidence and go get the girl that they originally wanted, or go back to their ex.. as simple as that.” You said coldly. You were treated like a doll to be tossed around, and mistreated until the person got what they wanted from you. You weren’t about to get your heart torn to shreds by someone you came to love.
Kaeya was shocked even more by your words. Were you really treated that way? He felt angry, and hurt all at the same time. He looked at you apologetically, and pulled you into a hug. “I wouldn’t do that to you. Ever. I wouldn’t take this long to confess to someone if I didn’t really care about them.” He said putting his hand on your head. You could feel tears pricking your eyes at his sudden show of affection. You’ve come to trust kaeya with your life, so his words meant something to you.
“Seriously it took me ages to do this.” He said with a chuckle, an attempt to lighten the mood a bit. You let out a laugh yourself, pulling away from his hug and rubbing your eyes. He truly did know how to put a smile on your face.
— Diluc —
Diluc contemplated his feelings for you for months. He didn’t want to get his own heart broken, and he never had been in a serious relationship with someone. He’s never wanted to be in a serious relationship with someone. He was the most sought after bachelor in all of mondstadt, and he had no interest in anyone. Until you.
He wanted to make sure what he was feeling was love, and not a... strong yearning to be your friend. Oddly enough he’s never had that feeling either.
He confessed to you one night, showing you a beautiful sight of the ocean from stormbearer point. He oddly loved the ocean, so he thought it was a perfect place to confess to you. Sadly you rejected him. His heart sank and he felt embarrassed.
Though he held his composure, and asked, “I... I see. May I ask... why?” He wanted at least some sort of explanation. He thought he was owed that at least? “Diluc. You’re the most sought after man in all of mondstadt, you could, or better yet would, leave me in a week.” You said bluntly.
He.. didn’t understand. He had paid no mind to any of the people who wanted him, and finally he had some sort of attraction to someone and they say he’d leave her in a moments notice? Why would he ever do that? “I’ve... I haven’t felt this way about anyone. Why would I leave you for someone I don’t even like?” Diluc said confused.
You looked at him sadly and coldly, “because you can.” You said shortly “you can, and then you’d be just like everyone else.” Everyone else? What did you mean everyone else?
Diluc walked closer to you, and put his hand on the back of your head saying, “I don’t know what you mean by everyone else, but I can assure you I’m not like them. I’ve never felt anything close to this until I met you.” His words were from the heart, and you could tell.
Diluc was a man to speak what was on his mind, and to speak the truth. Even he knows not to play with someone’s feelings. He wouldn’t go out of his way to cause someone pain, he’s too familiar with the feeling himself. He would only treat you with the utmost care, and you could relax and let your guard down around him.
— Dainsleif —
Dainsleif is a man who has seen many people in his lifetime, only truly growing romantically attached to you. He loved once in the past but... they turned out to be... on the wrong side.
Traveling with him for about a year made him trust you, as you trusted him. It also made him love you, as you hopefully loved him. He confessed one rainout night as you took shelter in a ruin in liyue.
He could feel his jaw drop and his heart sink when you said, “dain... I can’t... I don’t want you to leave me... I... I care about you. A lot. And I don’t want to lose you.” Your voice was shaky and sad. His heart broke hearing it.
“Why would you lose me? I want to stay with you, that’s why I’m saying this.” He said starting to get worried. You looked at the ground in front of you, snuggling into the blanket you had wrapped around your shoulders before saying, “that always leave... so I left for once. I left my hometown and started traveling with you...” your voice started to crack as tears started to form in your eyes. “I don’t want to go back there. I want to stay with you, and travel and...” you cut yourself off with your own sob.
You truly cared about dain, and you’ve grown rather attached to him. But you had an inkling feeling that he’d leave you like your past lovers. His heart broke for a second time that night, and he scooted closer to you wrapping his arms around your smaller frame, and kissing the top of your head.
“I wouldn’t leave you. Especially not when I’ve come this attached to you.” He said kissing the crown of your head once more. You have felt more at home traveling teyvat with Dainsleif than you have in the very twin that you grew up in.
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The Halfling from the Mountains Cont’d
Hey all! So I wanted to write something for Fanfic Writers’ Day, and even though it’s coming in a bit late, I decided to write a small continuation of the Mulan AU. It is almost a year exactly since I posted this little drabble, and it’s by FAR the most popular drabble I have on tumblr. Also, I really needed Kili to ask Bilbo if he “would like to stay forever.”  😆 Please enjoy.
Thorin and Bilbo had barely hobbled their way to the base of the hill before they were swarmed by allies. Healers ushered them to one of the many tents being erected on the cleanest part of the battlefield. While Bilbo only had a few bumps and bruises of little concern, Thorin was all but thrown into a cot as they tended to his foot. Bilbo was able to get one more glance at the protesting king before he was shoved down on a makeshift bench with a bowl of stew in his hands.
“Eat up, laddie. I’m afraid the hard work isn’t over just yet.” Oin instructed before leaving to tend to others.
Bilbo allowed himself the moment of peace as all the adrenaline seeped out with each bite of the bland, but very welcome food. Perhaps, truly this time, the worst was behind them.
Then again, perhaps not. Bilbo’s head whipped up to see a furious Dain stroll into the camp. He jumped to his feet, the stew regrettably spilling to the ground only to invite the irate dwarf’s attention. Dain immediately stalked into his direction, and for every step forward, Bilbo took one back until he bumped into someone behind him. He startled and turned to apologize only for the person to put a hand on his shoulder and gently push him behind them. Bilbo’s shoulders sagged in relief at the sight of Dwalin. Dain, on the other hand, was flummoxed.
“Stand aside.” Dain ordered. “That creature isn’t worth protecting.”
Bilbo flinched at the sheer acid in his tone. Before Dwalin could respond, his brother appeared on his other side completely blocking Bilbo from view now.
“He’s a hero.” Balin argued.
“He’s a Halfling and a thief.” Dain scoffed.
Bilbo’s jaw nearly dropped as he was suddenly surrounded by his entire company minus the Durins. Each of them with a hard glint in their eyes.
“Listen here you pompous windbag.” Bofur growled. It was the only time Bilbo ever recalled him truly angry. “I think we know our Burglar better than any here. You owe the life of your King to him.”
Dain looked about ready to spit fire as his face changed to match the color of his hair.
Well that seemed to set everyone off as the Company started to yell loudly in defense of their honor, and Dain and his men continued to besmirch the hobbit’s name. Bilbo, having quite enough of such nonsense, was about ready to find some way to shut them all up when a strong voice broke through the clearing.
Silence rang through the camp as all eyes be they man, elf, dwarf, and hobbit, turned to regard Thorin. The king’s foot was wrapped tightly yet blood still managed to seep through the bandages. Because of this, he was being supported by his two nephews, but all three managed to look regal and proud in their grimy states. Thorin’s cold eyes bore into Dain until the other dwarf dropped his head. At that point, Thorin regarded the Company and silently demanded they stand aside. Bilbo was once more exposed to the glares and curious stares of the surrounding crowd. He could kill Thorin.
“This is Bilbo Baggins.” Thorin announced in a clear voice that somehow seemed to ring for miles without being too loud.
“He was contracted by my Company of thirteen dwarves to leave his home in the Shire and burgle from a dragon. He thinks of nothing but creature comforts of good homes and good food. He was inexperienced with a blade prior to joining us, and knew nothing of how to survive in the wild and yet…”
Bilbo blinked in shock at the warm smile that split Thorin’s face.
“He has saved us all. As King, I pardon any and all crimes against his person. Master Baggins shall only ever be treated with respect on behalf of all Durin’s folk.”
If Bilbo was caught off-guard before, the sight of Thorin bowing to him nearly had him flat on his back. What made it worse was it started a domino effect as next the Company was bowing, then the rest of the dwarves, and finally the remainder of the entire Free People’s army. Even Dain, who looked like he tasted something foul, bowed in deference to his king. Bilbo wanted to scream that he wasn’t a hero! He was just a simple hobbit from the Shire, but faced with the truly humbling sight, he couldn’t find the words. Almost as if realizing his newfound conundrum, Thorin rose with a hidden twinkle in his eye before he turned to return to his tent using his sister sons as his crutch, satisfied that Bilbo would have no more difficulties. The Company patted his back or ruffled his hair. Dori even offered to stay with him if he felt unsafe, but Dain’s hasty retreat spoke volumes about any remaining troubles Bilbo would had. In a matter of seconds, he was alone once again.
“There’s seems to be an awful lot of excitement this side of the Misty Mountains.”
Almost alone. Bilbo looked up at Gandalf whose smirk somehow managed to reflect amusement and pride all at the same time.
“He didn’t have to do that.” Bilbo finally found his voice, regardless of how awe-filled it was.
“I would think Thorin has a differing opinion on the subject. You’ve done well, Bilbo. You can go home now knowing you have gone above and beyond the call of duty.”
“Hmm?” Bilbo mused, not registering Gandalf’s words.
“Why back to the Shire! You do still plan to return to Bag End, don’t you?”
“Of course!” Bilbo snapped reflexively only to flinch at the harshness of his own words. “I mean, yes, I do...I just...”
“Well,” Gandalf offered. “We have a few days. Think about it, and let me know, whatever you decide.”
Bilbo thought about it, but he was no closer to an answer. He had to go back to Bag End. He was a Baggins after all, but the idea of leaving his dwarves. Leaving Thorin...it left a hole in his chest that refused to be closed. He finally decided it was just the freshness of leaving his friends. A few months back in the Shire, and the pain would leave him once he was back where he belonged. Therefore, despite how much it hurt, he told Gandalf he did still intend to go home.
His dwarves did not take the news well.
Bilbo ignored the pleading eyes of the Durin princes as he finished putting away his new clothes from Dori into his pack along with trinkets from the whole Company. Well, all but Thorin. Even Dain had come by to apologize for the way he had reacted after he got the full story and left Bilbo with a rather large and impractical shield. Remarkably, Bilbo had seen neither hide nor hair of the new King Under the Mountain since his declaration to return home. 
“You could build a new home here! You don’t have to go, Mister Boggins.” Kili pleaded.
Bilbo couldn’t help smirking as he patted the dwarf on the shoulder.
“As I have said before Kili, the Shire is where I belong."
“You also belong here.” Fili added, looking oddly serious and melancholy.
Bilbo’s smile fell as he turned his back to hide how effected he was by the prince’s words.
“Me? I’m just a silly hobbit. I no more belong in a mountain than an acorn in a window garden. Now, are you going to walk me to the gate or expect me to carry all of this myself?”
Fili and Kili had many more protests for him, but in the end gathered the ornate shield and the chest bearing his company’s treasures to be loaded on Bilbo’s pony. The rest of the Company, minus their king, was gathered just as somber as Bilbo’s companions. The wizard was ready to go, and waited for Bilbo to make his goodbyes.
“Well...” He started. “T-Thank you. Thank you all for...the most amazing adventure. If you’re ever in the Shire, tea is at four...don’t bother to knock.”
That earned a weak chuckle from his friends.
“And I suppose tell Thorin that...”
His throat closed, and Bilbo had to look down at his toes to gather his courage.
“Tell Thorin...”
Bilbo’s head shot up as his heart thrummed in his chest.
“Thorin!” He breathed in delight.
The king was looking much healthier if but for the dark circles under his eyes and the saddened expression.
“You’re here.” Bilbo remarked in awe.
Thorin ducked his head with a small smile. 
“I was getting your going-away gifts together.”
Bilbo should have been delighted much like he was with the other Company members’ gifts. However, he had been hoping for...well, he wasn’t quite sure what. Without further ado, Thorin pulled out Bilbo’s small sword he had been rather fond of but sacrificed in desperation to rid them of the monster orc. Sting.
“I asked Prince Legolas and Captain Tauriel to try and find it. They were more than happy to assist. I hope that it reminds you of all that you’ve done for Erebor.”
He presented it to Bilbo with a small bow, and Bilbo repeated the motion happy to place the blade back in the scabbard on his hip. Even with his limited experience, it certainly made him feel better having it on his person.
“Also,” Thorin added almost eagerly. “I want you to have this.”
Letting his braid flutter lose, Thorin tugged one of the hair beads from his own raven locks and presented it to Bilbo.
“So all of Arda will know what you have done for me, a grateful and indebted king.”
Bilbo was practically trembling.
“Thorin.” He croaked. “I-I can’t...”
“Please.” The king whispered as he carefully closed Bilbo’s fingers over the bead sitting innocently on his palm. “For me.”
It was too much. Thorin looking at him like that. His too large hands still softly cradling his hand. There was only so much a respectable hobbit like Bilbo could take. Before he could stop himself, he closed his eyes and surged up onto his tiptoes as he planted a kiss on the handsome king. It was quick and chaste and breath-taking all at once. Thorin seemed equally befuddled but hopeful. Bilbo tried his hardest to ignore the cheers of the Company and the heat in his own cheeks as he gave Thorin a single nod.
“Well then...good evening.”
He turned to saddle the pony when his actions seemed to catch up to him. What exactly was he doing?! He loved Thorin. How could he leave him now? His mind struggled to process the influx of emotional information while he remained halfway on his pony, staring into the setting sun.
“Perhaps...” Gandalf finally offered, far too amused. “We got too late a start.”
Thorin picking up on the cues rushed to Bilbo’s side.
“Would you...? Would you like to stay for dinner?” He blurted much to the annoyance of their friends.
Everyone couldn’t help but laugh including Bilbo and Thorin. The hobbit finally returned to the present turning to Thorin with a large grin.
“I think dinner would be a lovely start.”
And Bilbo enjoyed dinner in Erebor for many years to come.
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ayuen · 3 years
Gnostic Chorus - theory time!
Not really, just something that bothered me for a long time. From the first moment I saw this one story it did not left my mind and sometimes new information we get fit... so I decided to have a little fun and write down my own thoughts on it. And since we have little to no information about Kaeya... about that a little later, well, let’s treat it like my little headcannon that may turn out not true but is so fun, so here we go :D
Also some spoliers? about newest Archon quest I guess? it may turn out long, I’m just in a mood for it, so you have been warned. 
So the story starts with this glorious kingdom, established among the heavens:
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Khaenri'ah was like Dain said: 
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He says nothing about them being underground. 
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And well, they didn’t have a god, so these words can be understood differently, like Khaenri'ah being among kingdoms in a heaven in garden of gods.
Next we have this line about a crowned heir, will come back to her later. 
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She was tasked to search for the genesis pearl...(genesis makes me think about creation - so here another idea for a possibility like remember Khemia? maybe she was meant to find it, but somehow forgot who she was? And stayed as a ruler of  Khaenri'ah? well, let’s leave it for another time) from the kingdom of darkness. 
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So lets’ stop here. There is this theory that Teyvat is upside down. 
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Which could mean that what we consider top is actually bottom. So if the lore in the books talks about Khaenri'ah as an underground kingdom maybe it’s just misinformation? Maybe not but if we take into consideration how recent Kaeya’s love poem isn’t without a doubt translatable, truly who can trust in everything that’s written about historical events in the pieces in the game? But if it was in fact turned upside down... also this quest and the theory of a fake sky? From  The Crisis Deepens. This would be too much to write about it, also I read all about it, bc I wasn’t playing the game at the time so yeah, it’s on youtube in any case.
So from newest Archon quest we have this: 
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I know it doesn’t say out right that there is someone above our sibling leading Abyss but whatever Paimon says something, it is relevant so we can take it into consideration. Will come back to it in a moment as well. 
And here comes Childe, Tartaglia, I don’t have him so here a part of his story: (And why did I bring Childe?) Well, first we have his story where it’s said that he learned how to fight from a woman in the abyss:
Story 4
“That 14-year-old boy got lost in the snowy forest.
Pursued by bears and wolf packs, he lost his footing and fell into a bottomless crack in the earth's surface.
There, he witnessed the endless possibilities of another ancient world. There, he would meet a mysterious swordswoman...
Or perhaps one should say that this dark realm had sensed the burning ambition in this boy's heart.”
“In those three months, the swordswoman taught Tartaglia how to pass through the Abyss unhindered, and more importantly, nurtured the ability to stir up endless havoc from within Ajax's trouble-mongering nature.”
Also a really nice post on reddit about his transformation.
Also there’s another one:
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For those who prefer to see it all in one post. And in the story line our sibling who leads Abyss is Lumine, it does not fit her fighting style. even before coming to Teyvat she was using a sword, so her style wouldn’t change much, even after traveling through every nation. 
So I’m assuming it’s another person who is higher than Lumine in a hierarchy in the Abyss. So remember this Crowned Heir that was supposed to find the Genesis Pearl? What if she did in fact ended up in the Abyss, she believed to be a queen of the darkness.
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Which would also explain why our sibling is not called queen, but princess:
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We don’t know how she may ended up in there, but we also know that The Abyss equals ppl from Khaenri'ah. Than why Dain is against Abyss order? 
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Like who laid this curse upon him? Not Gods I think, so maybe the queen of the abyss? Since abyss mages fear her more than they fear painful interrogation...
Also The Abyss order and Dain are on different sides. Why? We don’t know what happened there for sure. 
There are also theories (also on youtube) about the cycle and the truth of the word. What if the Genesis pearl is just a knowledge of this word? What if this crowned heir figured it out? And decided to destroy Celestia? And forgot about her orgins, forgot Khaenri'ah? What if what Abyss is trying to do have really not much to do with revenge for for destroying  Khaenri'ah but for all the destruction that Celestia did? What if Dain is on other side because he doesn’t need to fight this order? He doesn’t like gods for what happend to Khaenri'ah but we don’t see him rushing to harm them either. But that’s topic for another occasion.
Coming back to this “theory”. 
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The second crowned heir taken on the path where the first have stumbled. 
Here also why I think it’s not about our siblings. We don’t know from where they come from, true. We know they were traveling together, maybe they where searching for something? Maybe they are royals? Now we know nothing about it. We know that:
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I’m not putting the whole exchange here but from this we know that our sibling was not send by someone to find something our sibling failed to do. We don’t know what is this destiny Lumine/Aether talks about.
From the Gnostic Chorus we know this about first crowned heir:
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But as we see in the newest Archon quest, it’s from Aether being on the side of the Abyss because I play Lumine.
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He/Lumine didn’t forget who they are. From this we can see they also searched for their new home, maybe their last one was destroyed too? Maybe that’s why Lumine sides with people from Khaenri'ah? 
But anyway...
Who in the story have a task to do? Who was send with a clear mission we know nothing about? Who is a person about which we actually know less than about Dain? 
Yeah, Kaeya.
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We know his father abandoned him at Down Winery with a mission of being their “Last hope” (I will be not posting pictures here about it, this post is long enough). There is a lot of theories about him being a prince or some royal since theories about Dain being a sword are confirmed (see theories about Alberich) not to mention the names of his talents that led us to this conclusion long ago.
For for sake of this theory let’s say that Kaeya is a prince send to find Genesis Pearl. Wouldn’t it fit that he makes friends with criminals? Who is better for a information network? 
Not to mention, he told the truth to Diluc, if he was a treat wouldn’t he kill him? or at last told about him to others? Diluc was respected at the time, who wouldn’t believe him?
So maybe his goal is not to destroy Mondstat?  
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I always was wondering about this one. What major decision? maybe I’m thinking here too much from experience, maybe it’s not common approach... but his father left him in unknown land, with strangers. With a mission on his shoulders. And Mond gave him a loving family, Crepus, Diluc other ppl who love him, as it is stated on official side of Genshin Impact. 
Why would it be a hard choice to choose between happiness and duty? Like I said maybe it’s not a common approach, but what does some old kingdom mean when you have a found home? Shouldn’t it mean more? Is it really that hard of a choice?
But what if he have someone to save? Someone he cares about? or loves? Who isn’t guilty but lost? 
You probably can tell where I’m going now with it right?
What if he will have to save his sister? Ok, some will say Aether have to save Lumine from Abyss order but does he? Is she kept there against her will? did she forget about him or their goal? or is she just waiting for him so they can really reunite and continue their journey through words?
I know that this messes with my “theory”:
Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail|Genshin Impact
But Dain is against Lumine? He is against the whole Abyss Order, why would be stop us from getting or sister and getting away from Tayvat for good?
The thing that doesn’t fit is that he seems to be talking to Aether here with “You who set foot into this word. Your journey has reached it’s end but one final doorway remains.” And yeah, Aether is travelling, prob the reason why most of NPC call us Traveler instead of using our name. But it can be taken about kaeya as well, if we consider the fact that he come from Khaenri'ah and now he is in Tayvat, which is not considered to be a part of Tayvat. 
Ok, it’s longer than I thought... and I still wanted to put her more but oh well.   
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Hey so that Dainsleif quest huh 👀
[Spoilers for those who haven't played it yet ofc]
These are just some disorganized initial thoughts for your consideration:
So I'm pretty sure his "travel companion" that he keeps mentioning is our twin
Does that mean our twin has gone to the exact same places as we've been going?? Dainsleif seemed to be familiar with all the locations we visited in Mondstadt but I suppose that could've been from an even earlier journey
And the possibility that the Abyss is trying to mislead us bc we hadn't encountered any abyss mages since Dvalin 🤔🤔🤔 what do they want??? We know (kinda) that our twin is watching our progress and that they're the prince/princess of the Abyss so like are they trying to keep us from getting in the way of their plans so as not to accidentally hurt us? Though something tells me we're gonna get tangled up in it one way or the other lmao
Dainsleif said that his goal is to oppose the Abyss so perhaps he's got his own secret plans to try to stop our twin (as is also supported by what he said at the end of the mortal travails video about proving ourselves worthy of stopping "her"/Lumine probably)
Also turns out I'd been pronouncing his name wrong the whole time lmao I had been saying dains-leaf instead of dains-lif
No Vision as confirmed by his full character model
Also his eyepatch is more of a phantom of the opera mask lmao
Important observation he looks like post timeskip Dimitri from a distance when I had to meet him in Dvalin's Lair I legit thought he was Dimitri for a sec XD
Anyway those were my thoughts about the new quest lmao my internet was cutting out the whole time while I was trying to play like dsfkdksjf pls I just wanted to talk to blond eyepatch man
Important part of this post: 
I took a lot of pictures of Dainsleif if you want to use them as references (or appreciation).  The pictures are under the read more tag so if you don’t want spoilers, don’t read anything and skip to the read more. 
Also, he calls you and your sibling “idiots” through money.
He asks for 500 mora and (this is probably just a coincidence but considering Zhongli tips Xiangling 888 mora I’m sus). The number 250  [二百五] or ( èr bǎi wǔ) means “idiot”. 
If someone calls you 250, they can say (nǐ shì wǔ bǎi) or “You are [250]”. But if you give someone 500, this can be taken as saying two people are stupid (250 + 250 = 500). I mean, that’s probably not how it works but I think it’s funny to imagine Dainsleif being too polite to call us stupid. 
I know right? When I saw the leak for it and seeing it confirmed in patch notes, I was so confused. Wha-Why are you here so early? I wasn’t expecting you for another 5 years at least. I’m happy to see you and your beautiful model in game but at the same time I was so worried that we were going to get crumbs of interactions. Same thing with Guizhong in Zhongli’s story quest. Genshin please...finish your stories (that’s fucking hilarious coming from me considering I still have a part 2 to Childe that I need to write), but I’m honestly just happy that he’s in the game. But yes 👀👀 more lore food. 
You know, I was talking about the archons a bit with @maagdalen and, I may have been misunderstanding or reading the wrong message, but they brought up the idea that what if the archons’ personality is based on their regions country's? So for example, Venti’s personality adopts the German mentality because Mondstadt was modelled after Germany? Obviously, I have no idea if that’s true because I’m not from or am German but in the context of Liyue and Zhongli. I can definitely see some sort of connection. 
But some food for thought:
“But cyro archon is very viable since she's suppose to be a kind hearted person that needed to be cold for the sake of freedom. or peace. something like that.”
 “Sorry, but this is stupidly Russian style. No matter what you say, people will always be dissatisfied. Of course it's not that bad...but it's something to think about.“ 
But yess, @svnflowery​ said the same thing. That Dainsleif was Lumine’s “guide” the same way Paimon is our guide. I actually think that’s an interesting idea. That Lumine has gone to the exact same places as we’ve been through. It actually makes me wonder (since we can play as both her and Aether), that Lumine went through the same story line as Aether. She met Venti, Zhongli, everything that’s happening right now. She’s already been through, then when she reached the Khaenri’ah chapter she failed. So she decided to spin the clock back and change destiny. I mean, this is me spit balling and I don’t think this happened but it’s something to think about. 
You know funny enough, hasn’t Venti been asleep for a while? Either way, he doesn’t really strike me as the type that truly wants to be an Archon. He says in his voicelines as well that “that’s a problem for Mondstadt to deal with”. So it would be easier for the Abyss Order to mess some things up. While Zhongli has been alive for 6000 years and I highly doubt Abyss Order can do anything to him haha. If we’re going on that “Lumine has already been through this journey” she could be trying to re-make or lead us on the same path. 
I wouldn’t be surprised if Dainsleif was our guide, then when Lumine spun the clock back and aligned herself with the abyss, that’s when they split. That could be a reason why he’s trying to oppose the abyss order but really I think it’s because the Abyss Order’s goal is to basically set the world on fire (or something like that). I always pronounce character names wrong and I don’t understand why people make such a big deal out of it. You know who I’m talking about, my pronunciation isn’t completely shit to the point you don’t know. So why do you keep yelling at me??
Also. The most important part of his quest was it was “Aether’s version” of the “We will be reunited” trailer. 
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It even showed the crushed dandelion flower and the ruin guard footprints. IT’S OUR SISTER. 
I knoww, I was searching for his vision and got weird pics but that’s alright, I LOWKEY HATE THE OPERA MASK SO MUCH. GIVE ME ACTUAL MASK. THERE GOES THE “SEPERATE COLOURED EYE” ART OF KHAENRIAH PEOPLE. Yo, knock off Dimitri let’s go. 
I love Dainslief’s english voice but I hate Xiao’s en voice. What a dilemma. I usually play in chinese but wow does Dainslief sound old. Jp is slightly better but I hear grandpa vibes. Korean isn’t bad and I actually don’t mind korean xiao so korean we shall go. It’s weird. I like Dainsleif english voices, Xiao chinese voice, paimon korean voice haha. Jp is usually just good all around but I have preferences. But tyty for telling me your thoughts! I’d love to hear about the Xiao quest that just dropped. Beautiful boy 
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yeah about that...xiao scammed me. I wonder if his speech changes based on what you say. i kind of doubt it though. 
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I’m looking at his outfit from every angle while Xiao stays pretty in the back. 
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I like that you can see his magic arm there. 
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While on this side you can’t. 
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I swear this is for research. IM TRYING TO SEE IF HE HAS A VISION. IM INNOCENT!!
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he also has some sort of weird...blue thingy on his foot?
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Im using Xiao as a personfication of me BUT TELL ME YOUR SECRETS 
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