#also I LOVE YOU
unworldlycreature · 3 months
Hmm, anyways I'd love actually if White Man Obsession would pause for a bit for other things of equal if not more quality and worth.
...in other words, Dropout if you're out there please bring Aabria back to the dome?
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kaajukatli · 1 year
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Happy Birthday, Roe!! @jaanwangji 🫐🫐 inspo
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vamprisms · 4 months
if you say nice things about my art in your tags you can summon me during combat once per day
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
Consistency often matters more than duration or perfection. If you can't be perfect or do something for a long time, then do it consistently. If you only have enough energy to do one thing, then be consistent.
It's easy to fall into despair when you can't do something perfect, but please, remember that pails in comparison to you being as consistent as possible. You, often, will form much more fulfilling, enduring, and impactful behaviours when you are as consistent as you can be. There is no need to be ashamed of imperfection or slow progress. You are an imperfect person born in an imperfect world, and we don't have to overcome imperfection - unironically, we are perfect in our imperfections.
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queen-mihai · 1 year
I hope yall enjoy my original posts.
I'll tell you a story.
When I was a kid, and through my teenage years, me and my dad would talk about some of anything in the car.
Girls, band, music, philosophy, religion, jokes, funny or ridiculous stories, science...I like my dad. Actually, I did the same thing with my brother too
I must say I got spoiled by that because now (I'm 42 now) any time I'm in the car with someone, especially someone who I think will understand me, that's exactly what I wanna start doing.
This blog, I guess, is kinda me sitting in the car with you.
We're all cruising through life together, and I might occasionally just pipe up with whatever I happen to be thinking about. If you think of it that way, my blog might make more sense.
In any case, please enjoy my blog. I truly do try to write everything with love.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being here
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"Following the law should be practically effortless. If not, the law itself is what needs to be changed"
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fortheloveofexy · 10 months
I’d peel an orange, fingers sticky with juice and flesh as I wandered to where you sat. I’d tap the desk, tell you to sit up because you’ve been here so long, your back must be aching. My fingers would brush your mug of tea to find it cold. I’d remind myself to put the kettle on. I’d tell you that your art is beautiful, even as you tell me it’s unfinished. Do you want sushi or Chinese for dinner, because I still haven’t tried anything else. I’d hook my finger through the handle of your mug, tugging it closer. I’d smile, because it’s you and you make it easy. I’d hold out the orange, fingers sticky and fruit sweet. Here, I’d say. You get first pick.
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and how am i supposed to go on and be normal after this?? how am i supposed to live, knowing that you'd let me have first pick of the orange halves, knowing that you're filling the kettle and thinking of dinner?
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widevibratobitch · 1 month
slay women in gorgeous outfits smiling to me on the street is life's greatest joy
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disability-can-be · 1 year
I can't find a replacement for my bracelet.
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[Image: a double sided silicon bracelet. The green side says "Happy to talk." The red side says "Please leave me alone."]
It's coming apart and it seems the store no longer exists. I also got sad at just how bad stores are at marketing to adult autistic people.
So has anyone seen anything like this and know where I can get one?
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mmvalentine · 1 year
So…. I know im never here anymore but. I gotta tell you guys that I wrote this lil book and it comes out in 10 days and I would love it if anyone wanted to maybe give it a read.
It’s not porn I’m sorry, I know that’s kind of ~my thing~ but it is a faerie romance between a little waifish fae and an oversized half wolf lug of a man so I hope that gets you guys on board 😂 i wanted to make a warm fuzzy thing, it’s mostly a hug made of words, but it’s also about being a minority someone in a majority world because I guess that’s what I know and I can’t untangle that from the things I make. I hope that resonates a little, with some of you. And if not still come along for the love story!
Anyway this all feels very strange and vulnerable and scary, most of my friends and family actually don’t know about it but I thought if anyone might buy my silly little book it’d be the friends I keep in my pocket. So, and with complete respect that money is hard and not everyone can throw cash at yet another book, here are the links if you want to:
Another UK one that has international shipping
This hecking random Finnish site I guess how do I have a Finnish distributor and not an Australian one I’m so sorry to my home country peeps anyway it’s in euros so that’s good?
I’ll post again in a few weeks when I get my author copies but yeah if anyone reads this please let me know because that would really just make my year.
Nervous fidgeting, a lot of love, etc.
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arsoniiii · 11 months
after all’s said and done, i want to share my tomorrows with you
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me everytime i check my inbox
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hier--soir · 1 year
I need you to know right now
that the latest chapter of a lover's pinch
has changed me irrevocably
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gojonanami · 7 months
sab, i want you to break my heart by writing something gut-wrenchingly sad.
(i love your stuff and i'm happy to read whatever you write!!!!)
👀👀 well if you insist…
I can oblige 🤭
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peachesofteal · 11 months
You're literally like our taylor swift fr ❤️
What does this mean 🥲
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xxshadowcasterxx · 7 months
Making a Google Slides presentation on The Magnus Archives because I need more people to talk to about this
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the-lonelybarricade · 1 month
Hi LB! I hope you've had a good week so far 🥰 I was going through some AO3 fics and HAD to come over here to tell you what an incredible catalogue of fic you've written!!! 🤩 It's incredible how much content you've gifted us over the years - THANK YOU 🩷 I also just wanted to tell you how special La Vie En Rose is to me - I love you forever for putting it into the world!
Sending you lots of love and good energy 🤍✨
SEL 😭😭😭
Are you trying to make me cry???? I think about La Vie En Rose all the time - I promise I haven't given up on it!! That story made me fall in love with Elucien and I've always intended to give them the happy ending they deserve 🥺
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also, I love you
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A 3 star read for me | First of all, the chapters were way too long. I lost motivation a bunch of times because the chapters seemed never-ending. 8 chapters in 200 pages? Eh
I also didn't like the romance. I'm aware that it's the main thing in the book but if it eould have focused on the discrimination of fae in the human world and scrapped the romance, it would have been amazing. But the romance aspect was bad and the fae-human plot half-assed.
Much of the dialogue was cringe.
Raven was lowkey a shit friend and sometimes she felt like a fifty-five year old, faux-wise sorcerer and the next like a 12 year old child, it felt very inconsistent
the timeline was confusing
Three stars because I see the potential and I really liked the modern fae combination but it mostly bored me, sadly
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