#also I just love the idea of the episode with the hunting trip that instead of Rhaenyra begin alone reading with her bard
depvotee · 5 months
Y know what I'm mad abt? Omitting Rhaenyra's ladies in waiting. It could've been an incredible way to also show the disconnect of Rhaenyra and Alicent's relationship with all of them watching once their friend Alicent become their queen which of course changes the dynamic alienating Alicent further
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potatoeofwisdom · 11 months
I’m so dogshit at art and writing but if I was better I would draw a comic of an au of Danny phantom where instead of the portal incident turning Danny into phantom, it gives him an affinity for the supernatural which leads him and his friends ghost (and supernatural adjacent) hunting because of sam’s egging on for them to bank on this opportunity.
But slowly, as the plot progresses, they realise that Danny didn’t just get kinda spookier and better at attracting spooky things. That he might be More Changed then they realised and it could even culminate into a big reveal thing where Sam realises that she’s actually responsible for permanently irreversibly changing her friend by making him get into that portal that day. Think of it as a kind of character arc for Sam kinda. Learning that her actions have consequences, especially since she’s a rich kid and she may still need to learn this lesson. And what better way to learn it then to literally kill your best friend lmao
Also this could lead to more level power sets between the trio and giving them all chances to shine on equal grounds, at least until Danny realises he’s less alive then he thought.
The accident would’ve hospitalised Danny but other then his heart stopping then restarting and various other spooky things he comes out the other side (seemingly) unscathed, which means Sam doesn’t feel as bad when she realises Danny can attract the paranormal now and therefore attempts to drag him and tucker ghost hunting with her.
Danny doesn’t get a transformation until much later on in the plot and the only physical indicators of his accident are maybe some white hair and occasional green eye flashes. Maybe slight bioluminescence in the dark, as a treat.
I love ectoplasm being spooky juice that can tear u apart from the inside so after the accident sometimes danny would have times where he would throw up ectoplasm and blood and stuff and see flashes of things he doesn’t understand. (Body horror woohoo!!)
Danny keeps a lot of the more gory stuff from his friends and doesn’t tell them about his ‘episodes’ or his weird hallucinations or anything.
The Fenton’s are just as Insane to everyone else as ever because ghosts are a little less in your face and only a pinch more subtle and spooky. I think the fentons would be slightly less intense tho, not too much because I love their insanity, but enough so it makes their threat to Danny as he slowly realises hes less human much more menacing and less slapstick.
In this the ghost fights would be less catastrophic and more spooky. There would be far less property damage but the risks instead would now be genuine horror movie possession, mysterious deaths, being tripped out of windows and stairs, blood on the walls, spontaneous heart attacks among many others. I’m not sure how to best explain the vibes i have in my head rn but the threat would still very much be there but it would be less solve-able through flashy fist-fights in the sky. Hell I’ve got an image of a house mysteriously being set ablaze.
Their methods for removing the ghosts would be far less sci-fi too and more like trying to solve murders to stop angry murderous ghosts and demon banishing with salt and jazz. Maybe Sam uses her occult knowledge and gets really into a type of witchcraft, maybe there’s an arc where she somehow learns more about her ancestors and the founders of the town. I dunno¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (not to say there’s no sci-fi at all- that’s a pretty fundamental part of danny phantom me thinks, I think it’d be more along the lines of ghostbusters logic tho maybe)
another cool idea: Danny sees flashes of a ghosts life when he enters their haunt or gets near them, and the ‘visions’ eventually show him their death. This can fuck him up or just be mildly traumatic whichever best fits.
I feel like even after getting his ‘ghost’ form there should still be several drawbacks. Maybe he’s less physical? Maybe he coughs up blood? Maybe he just doesn’t like being dead? Maybe he loses himself a little? Who knows! I don’t
A lot of thoughts about this but I’m not sure how to word it, so have at thee tumblr if anyone sees this
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
Ahh, salvation in the shape of an anime I want to watch voluntarily. Episode 16: Endless Eight, Part 5. We are halfway through this arc.
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I know I said Yuki's throwing the cicada hunt on purpose because Haruhi having fun is more important than winning at competition. And I stand by that. But I also think she's making her own fun each loop via a self-imposed challenge to find the rarest insect she can possibly locate every time the cicada hunt comes around.
Anyone who's played the same game 15,000 times would inevitably start looking for ways to spice it up.
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Hey. Uh. Yuki? Here's another statistic for you to check. How many loops feature Kyon being kicked in the butt by a random passing child?
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Hey. Hey, Yuki.
I know I've been asking how many loops there have been in which Mikuru discovers the missing future. But I also want to know: How many loops have there been in which Mikuru discovers the missing future but Kyon refuses to answer a dead-of-night call and just lets it ring until she goes away?
How many loops in which Mikuru and Itsuki find out but Kyon does not?
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Who are these random boys chatting up Mikuru and Yuki? What the hell kind of conversation could they possibly be having? Mikuru is bawling her eyes out because the future was deleted while Yuki is Yuki-ing nearby, and these guys are... here. Chatting with them. And then they just leave. Like. Oh yeah, cool, have a good night, ladies.
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I am way more interested in seeing whatever the hell just happened over there than in a fourth round of the expositional infodump.
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7 more offscreen loops since last episodes.
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This. This is the statistic I am monitoring most closely. I keep waiting with dread to see if it's going to go up.
Because. No. How dare. How dare we take a trip to the Bon Festival and not go goldfish scooping. I will murder everyone here. Except Mikuru, of course.
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I sure hope the unfinished business that leaves Haruhi so dissatisfied isn't that she never got to spot a Martian because if it is, we are fuuuuuuuuuuucked.
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It still kills me how aggressively disinterested Kyon is in Haruhi. Like. He is clearly the designated Shallow Love Interest for the show; The world-cramping event laid that out in no uncertain terms. But even 2/3 of the way through it, he just. Does. Not. Want.
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Itsuki tries to bait Kyon into a jealous outburst. He's like, "Oh nooooo, what if I tried to seduce Haruhi instead, hmmm~?"
And then the moment just. Hangs there. Kyon legitimately does not give a shit. Itsuki has to backpedal himself because Kyon doesn't care.
It's such a wild contrast to how a lot of other animes will handle their central Fiery Tsundere/Boring MC romances. Like, it's super common for the designated romance partners to be like "Fuck you I don't want to be here" but then they're secretly harboring all these feelings and get violently protective of each other and shit.
And that's exactly what Itsuki thinks he can provoke here.
But. No. Kyon really, truly does not want to be here. He has absolutely no qualms with the idea that someone else might sweep Haruhi off her feet and then she'll leave him the fuck alone forever.
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Moral Orel #35: “Trigger” | October 24, 2008 - 12:15AM | S03E05
Trigger is a return to form, and I mean that in the most neutral way possible. I guess what I mean by that is that the formulaic episodes and the more experimental episodes of Moral Orel roughly have the same hit percentage, so really I’m just making note that “hey, this one feels like an older episode. It’s been a while!”. For starters, this one starts off with the actual regular opening sequence, and it ends with the usual “Orel making a stop-motion movie” sequence. It also is largely self-contained, with only the details of the plot having to do with the larger story of the hunting trip. This one is about Clay teaching Orel how to shoot. This could be a season one episode where they are preparing for A hunting trip rather than THE hunting trip. 
Doughy, numbed by a lack of parental love (see Courtship), starts becoming a nihilistic loner type. When he shows up to Orel’s house during target shooting practice, he ends up picking up a gun and demonstrating an impressive proficiency at gun-shooting. Clay begins to give Doughy lots of attention, much to Orel’s chagrin. Orel, wracked with nerves, continues to shoot like absolute shit, constantly shooting things he’s not supposed to, many instances narrowly avoiding tragedy. This is bad, as he’s forced to bring his gun everywhere with him, even school. That last bit is maybe the episode’s edgiest joke, but I don’t think Columbine ever happened in the Moral Orel universe, which is important to keep in mind. 
Doughy enjoys the attention and develops a sadistic streak when dealing with Orel. He gleefully rubs it in Orel’s face when Clay threatens to take Doughy on the hunting trip instead of Orel. Orel is eventually affected by this to the point where he too becomes nihilistic and numb, which also makes him become a good shot. Clay reneggs offering Doughy a spot on the camping trip, telling him it was just a ploy to get Orel to shoot better. “You could be Lee Harvey Oswald and I still wouldn’t bring you on that trip with me”.
Okay, so I’m pretty sure Columbine didn’t happen in this universe, but I could be wrong about that. JFK’s assassination seems to have happened, and I’d say for the most part the world of Moral Orel is frozen in time roughly around the time of that event, which is interesting to think about. I’m guessing the reference just exists for the joke; I don’t think Moral Orel considers itself a Venture Bros style show where every joke needs to be explained retroactively by lore. But the idea of an America that split off into right-wing Christian fanaticism during the mid-20th century and roughly stays that way is interesting. It also sorta matches the time period of Davey and Goliath which THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT A PARODY OF HOW DARE YOU. 
This one has a lotta funny jokes. It’s conceptually dark but, but the entire series has towed this line. I just mean it handles the balancing act more like a pre-Nature season two episode. Like when Doughy feels dejected and his parents are gleefully using up the band-aids and refusing to let him have one even though he actually needs one is hilarious. “I promised my dad I’d help him hug me” is another very funny “actually a joke” line. Clay also memorably teaches Doughy how to smoke while a jealous Orel eavesdrops on them. This one feels like a very solid season two episode, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
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Just Courtship aired between this and the last premiere. I complained about them not airing Courtship in front of Alone. How short-sighted of me.
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 36
Nightshifter/The Girl in the Fireplace
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: We're already investigating. It's not a matter of whether I'd survive I guess
For as skeazy as Dean can be, he's slow on picking up that that girl really wanted to hook up
Anyway, we're doing another shape shifter episode.
Omg dude, say mandroid again, istg.
"I like him. He says 'okie dokie'" shouldn't be that cute but it is. It's charming and endearing...right before he decides to be sleazy again.
Oh. Oh no. He's gonna think...omg. Thought the conspiracy nut was going to think that the Winchesters WERE "mandroids" not just working for one.
I'd be so annoyed if I were Sam, listening to that woman gush about Dean on and on. But I'm...dubious of this Dean. I think the shifter is Dean again...
Ok, and sometimes I'm wrong about who the shifter is. Well, at least it's not Dean..oh, oh god. Look, I didn't like the conspiracy guy but I don't think he deserved to die.
This must be a terrifying prospect: you're hunting a shape shifter while the fbi is also breathing down your neck outside....nope, now inside.
Okay. I knew I was first introduced to Renegade by Styx from AN episode of Supernatural, I didn't remember it being this one.
"Been On My Mind...": There were a couple girls crushing on Dean pretty hard, but...nothing.
"The Girl in the Fireplace"
Honestly, I'm more worried about the first five minutes of THIS episode.
Man, she must sound absolutely bat shit to be yelling into the fireplace for a doctor because her clock is broken.
IT'S SO REALISTIC?? Mickey...of course it's realistic, it's...the universe?
Very nice of the Doctor to admit he made up a very flourish-y new sci-fi word to avoid saying "magic door"
Fuck I hate jump scares. And jump scares featuring giant doll things?? No. Absolutely not.
OMG Mickey is so excited to be on this trip, it's cute.
Everyone's so delighted to be on this trip. And it truly is a fun one. oh...the Doctor's gonna crash through some big window on that horse later, if I recall correctly
"What's pre-revolutionary France doing on a spaceship? Get a little perspective" Ok fine...Moffatt can write some good lines
I love the trope of someone threatening captors with the very idea of the person who will come to save them only to have that person arrive on the scene in the most embarrassing way possible, this time it's drunk and singing I Could Have Danced All Night from My Fair Lady. What was it about the mid 00s that the best way to show that a dude had really let loose was to have his tie around his head instead of his neck? Like that was such a THING that I haven't seen since
Ok, not a window, it was a mirror.
Oh Rose looks so betrayed...and with Mickey teasing her about all the women the Doctor has traveled with or met in his travels...oh, it's just...poor thing
Side note: had no idea what I was getting in Supernatural tonight, so the fact that the cybermen are in the next Doctor Who episode is really....*chefs kiss*
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Jazz with a Prosthetic Arm
NOTE: Before you read this, I want to make something clear. There are, in fact, authors on this server. One of them is mentioned by name in this post. If you join the server and harass them for updates there will be consequences.
Source: #amity-park
Conversation inspired by this ask and art: link
Multiple options, gonna list ‘em as I know ‘em
i just like the idea of her rocking a prosthetic limb and Danny being more worried about her but she ain’t having it >:O
I like that too <3
1) portal accident. In the episode where Johnny tries to save kitty from the portal, jazz loses her arm because kitty bonding to her body goes wrong, and she gets a prosthetic arm FMA style
2) Technus broke into axiom labs again (Mr. "Announces his plans" never learns) while jazz and her class were on a field trip there. Technus hijacked an experimental medical biomatter reprogrammer, and jazz jumped in the line of fire to save someone on the one day she'd told Danny to take off for himself
Danny never takes a break again
Yeah, this AU is a bit more angsty I think
ooo Nasty burger (Or house) explosion happens but jazz lives~ she and Danny rebuild her an arm instead eoe
or Vlad does and Danny bribes Technus to fix the arm eoe so many ideas
I'm thinking motorcycle accident for the johnny bit
It would also be narratively interesting if it happened when spectra tried to blow her up with fireworks
man can see johnny freaking out because he knows phantom protective of his sister-
OOOOO I like that idea
Extra sad though because that failure would get in Danny’s head
aw yea
she wouldn’t get to see phantom unless she catches him in a different way
What if it happened during the fight with Danny in the Secret Weapons episode?
like why is Phantom in my window
Murder happy Danny lmao
while in hospital
               [What if it happened during the fight with Danny in the Secret Weapons episode?]
Ooo which one was that? idontremembernames of anything lol
Also irony of Johnny having more than one motor cycle accident. guilt might actually make johnny clean up his act faster especially because Danny would be mad
The episode where she went to Vlad
ooof yes!
They didn't get her out of the battle suit in time
Like Vlad used the nanites but they only got her arm?
               [Also irony of Johnny having more than one motor cycle accident…]
also, yes~ Johnny being a bit timid and skittish around phantom but maybe actually get the ball rolling into ghosts integrating with society instead of hindering
Or full body but she loses the rm somehow and the nanites rebuild it
I’m loving all of this
No one ever followed up on the nanites in her bloodstream after that episode
Also part of me wants this to be a wheelchair Danny fic
God that makes the Fenton’s look bad though
We can still have Johnny be the reason she's armn't and the nanobots rearming her was a surprise
Even though in this case Jazz’s accident is unrelated to them
I’m also tempted to have her Fenton made prosthetic give her mild ecto-contamination if it's made with ectoplasm in it
oo or maybe it was the Fenton’s fault and they quit ghost hunting because of the accident they saw happen to Jasmine... which you think would make Danny's life easier... but instead they find out it makes it worse.
Jazz and Danny's attempts at getting their parents back into it makes it worse too because reveal gone wrong… but as in it just solidifies their position on quitting ghost hunting... and now thinking about giving their kids to Vlad because they are too dangerous.
Do Maddie and Jack move from visible weapon making into mobility devices?
Among other things but yeah. They could make bank with these
               [I’m also tempted to have her Fenton made prosthetic give her…]
yes! I love that~
Ecto-acne at first? Or will Danny bring in the cure
Oh man Vlad would be a nightmare if jazz got the acne though. He would definitely use it as a way to bring the kids to his side because history repeating itself
with Jazz I can see hers being different but that’s personal hc of ectoplasm effecting each person differently.. or that jazz already a little contaminated as it is
               [Oh man Vlad would be a nightmare if jazz got the acne…]
Oh definitely! LOL
He'd be biting off more than he can chew though. Danny is feral on his own. Danny and jazz together go extra feral because sibling arguments and protective instincts
Vlad targets Danny: Jazz foams at the mouth
Vlad defends himself: Danny gets mad at him for touching his sister
It's a vicious circle
How long until he begs the parents to take their feral kids back?
Jazz taking off the arm and using it as a bat to smack Vlad
Danny asking for a hand and Jazz throwing her arm at him like Buzz and Woody
Classic disabled humor there
Danny will run things over, sometimes intentionally
Boy is going to intentionally roll over Vlad’s toes with his chair
I also could see him riding over bearbert as a dumb brother move
Jazz uses her arm to put stuff on the highest shelf
She forgets Danny can fly so she played herself
Now she can't reach it
You know the goal over giving her ecto-contamination is eventual halfa jazz
               [Now she can't reach it]
The arm has a grappling hook extender
But now she's hanging
If anyone asks she puns it
V: what are you doing?
J, stuck: just hanging out
Fuck yeah. There are so many dumb inventions in that thing. Like most of them are unnecessary and i also imagine it being really heavy
To the point where her doctor is gonna get mad
It can burn Jack's face into things
Like toast
Or the Fenton works logo
Oh, invention shenanigans and accidents with her arm. Comparable to when Danny first gets his powers
Both for the burning logos thing
Oh man. The arm mechanisms getting tangled in Jazz’s hair. Short hair jazz for convenience
The arm can probably shoot some sorta goo
Portable nets
it's a thermos
Physical therapy must suck for a while, especially if the prosthetic is heavy
She sucks Danny in lmao
The ecto-contamination actually helps with the weight but begin period would be achy
And yes, Danny ends up on butt end of a lot of these malfunctions while she's still figuring the arm out
maybe it working on ectoplasm after a while feels more lightweight the longer she has it~
poor Danny
jazz feels bad about it but they both know it’s just to be expected
He'll zap her back sometimes
They definitely get in dumb little powered fights
Also is it just me or is it sad that all the Fenton kids are half dead, this is including Dani. But dang
Jazz gives him time out in the arm thermos and Danny just sticks fridge magnets on her
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Your fusion au made me think of a different idea. Danny, Tucker and Sam go into the portal together but instead of each becoming their own halfa's, they come out fused into one ghost. They initially panic at sharing a body but then split apart into their normal human selves. They can only become ghost when they fuse together which has the benefit of more power and a stronger secret identity. On the other hand, they are constantly having to make sure they are close by or able to get to each other quick enough so they can defeat any ghosts that attack the town.
i have a vague memory of seeing a concept like this a long time ago. regardless, i love it.
just the sheer complication of all three needing to be together to be a ghost is wild to me. the sheer chaos. all their grades suffer. you know their parents are going to start trying to seperate them due to being bad influences on eachother. hell just the three having to go to the bathroom at the same time is going to trip them up. and then there's the times danny is shown to go on vacation and such or one of them gets possessed. like there's going to be plenty of times when they can't get together and having work arounds for that is exciting to me.
because it means they're going to have to learn to ghost hunt as humans too. i think a concession i'm going to make is that they all have small powers when separated. like they can do as much in human form as danny can do in human form in cannon. maybe have small individual powers. for instance danny would still have his ghost sense. tucker i want to say has a sort of super hearing but specifically to radio frequencies. because tech powers. same has the opposite of danny, she can sense, or see life. so she'd know when their parents are coming and also is just sensitive to the presence of plant life. i decided their powers are like 'see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil' because it's a nice set and also just cool powers in general. but other than that they have the basics and kinda rely on danny to know when to transform. sam would also prevent them from being caught most of the time. and tucker is good at eavesdropping in general, though he's extra sensitive to ember.
that would probably be one of the situations where he's separated from the team. sam taking the dragon necklace would be another instance. every time they get possessed. i'm inclined to include danny switching places with sydney for this. and most importantly, the time danny is at vlad's mansion. he would be dealing with that situation fully human. fights between the trio could also interfere. and i could see moments where certain emotions get the better of them interfering with their focus. so for instance the hospital episode, tuckers fear and avoidance of hospitals in general would keep them separate. sam and tucker having meat and veggies fights would also prevent them from fusing. stuff like that.
i'm honestly not ready to think about the dan episode.
but just in general. they are a lot closer and borderline codependent because of fusing. like they died together. they're dealing with gaining ghost powers and and invasion of ghosts together. they can't really trust the adults in their lives and it's just a lot. trauma bonding is a thing, add sharing a body and mind, and going through even more trauma and well... they're inseparable. sometimes literally. (are they dating? idk, you decide)
oh i could see the fenton dream catcher episode being extra interesting if they go through it while fused and separate into three mixed versions of themselves. aside, the circus gothica episode is also one i'm not entirely sure how to handle because they'd all be susceptible to the mind control. jazz finding out by walking through a door would be a bit more difficult because sam can sense her. but i could also see her putting certain pieces together.
i would also find it interesting to see if the trio gets mildly more popular when they fight in human form. since they can't always fuse, sometimes they're going to be seen doing ghost hunting outside of Geist and when they're seen saving people and being heroes, that might increase their public coolness a little. they also just in general need to be pretty fit to do that. i know for sure, jack is excited about the kids following in his ghost hunting footsteps.
i'd also like to see how this effects their other relationships. i kinda want the foley parents to find out and be supportive similar to how val's dad supported her. like tucker doesn't have bad parents and having them in their corner would be nice, even if they're concerned about safety. jazz of course would big sister the entire team. their relationship with val would probably be more complicated because i only really see danny ending up in the ghost zone with her and getting a crush. tucker is still pretty neutral, and sam is still pretty jealous, but they're dealing with the fact that she hates all three of them now. vlad is an even bigger can or worms. i'm tempted to say he doesn't find out about them fusing for a while but at the same time, you know that when skulker discovers that not only are they halfa's but a tri-core halfa he is so much more invested in hunting them, and he would absolutely spill to vlad. i wonder if the ghosts are aware that they're tri-core in general or just assume they're one ghost. would the ghosts have a way of sensing this? hive minds are a thing in the ghost zone and what i would call bonded pairs. johny and his shadow springs to mind. and there is a point where technus and skulker fuse, but that might just be technus possessing skulkers suit. vlad finding out would be a nightmare in general though because he would become invested in separating the trio.
there's just a lot here. ^u^ love it - Hestia
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Wormhole | Spencer Reid x Reader Platonic
WC: 10k
A/N: This is a comfort fic disguised as a CM episode. Also, I had a lot of fun writing this.
WARNINGS: Kidnapping, murder, general CM things, hospitals, mentions of blood, psychopaths
You weren’t normally nervous to talk to Agent Aaron Hotchner. Sure, he was your boss, but he had also been leading the BAU for so long that you always trusted his reactions and motives. Still, the reason you had asked him to meet was so far out of left field that you were nervous he would tell you you were insane.
You were the first one in the office for the morning, perching on your desk in the empty bullpen while you waited for Hotch to arrive. You stood up when he entered the office, but waited to move until he made it to his office door and beckoned you to follow him inside.
“Good morning, (y/n).”
“Morning, Hotch,” you stood awkwardly in front of his desk, clutching the file in your hands.
“Please, sit. Is everything ok?” As soon as you made eye contact with him, your nerves settled. Everything about his behavior showed that he was genuinely concerned for you and interested in what you had to say. You took a deep breath, sliding the file onto his desk.
“I was looking into this cold case from the eighties, in Illinois. Mia-Rose Horn, 16, found murdered under a bridge. I have a theory, and I was hoping I could take a couple of days to go check it out.” You bit your lip while he picked up the file, thumbing through it.
“What’s your theory?”
“The only suspects considered were older transients in the area because the town was so biased against migrant workers. My preliminary research shows that the unsub profiles as younger, someone who knew the victim and her family personally. It feels like there’s a piece of the puzzle missing, and I think victimology can really help this case. I’d like to visit the dumpsite and walk the crime scene. I’d also like to go through the evidence to see if I can narrow it down a little more, and possibly do updated DNA analysis. I’ve already contacted the lead detective, he said it would be fine if I went out there.”
Hotch was quiet for a minute, reading the case information from the file. The longer you sat in silence, the more you feared he would say no. Finally, he closed the file and handed it back to you, “the FBI wasn’t invited in on this case when it was active, how did you find it?”
You blushed, hard. “I was watching a cold case documentary and when they talked about this one it just didn’t feel right, so I asked Garcia to pull the file. Once I looked it over more I realized my hunch was correct. They barely built a profile and the one they did make was wrong.”
“Do you work on cold cases often?”
“I’ve only worked on it when we don’t have an active case and I’m caught up on my paperwork, it makes me feel like I’m still making a difference when things are slow here.”
Hotch nodded, “you’re a good agent, (y/n). I trust that you’ll represent the BAU well. I can’t let you take the jet but you’re welcome to an SUV. However, as soon as we get an active case it takes priority. Do you understand?”
You stood up quickly, excitedly gripping at the file, “Yes sir, of course. Thank you so much. I promise I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t think I could do something. I won’t let you down, sir.” Hotch smiled softly at your energy. You had reached for the door handle before he spoke again, calling after you.
“(y/n),” you turned, hand still on the doorknob, “take Reid with you, I assume he knows the details of this case, too?” You nodded quickly, practically bouncing back to your desk with excitement. You checked the clock, Spencer would probably arrive in the next ten minutes or so, giving you time to arrange everything you’d need for the trip.
As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, you were waiting for him, go bag in hand.
“Hotch said you could go?”
“Not only that, he said you could come with me,” you smirked, falling in step next to him as he walked to his desk.
“We’re leaving now, so get your go bag.” You did a little happy dance as he started to gather his things.
“Ooh! Where are you going?” Penelope joined you at Spencer’s desk, hot cup of coffee in her hands.
“(y/n) is solving a cold case, we’re going out to Illinois to get more information.”
“The one I pulled for you? You actually solved it? Is there anything you can’t do?” Penelope asked in disbelief. Just last week she had explained to you why she was convinced you were a superhero.
You laughed brightly, “I don’t know if I can solve it yet, that’s why I need to go check it out for myself. Yes, I’ll call you if I need anything,” you answered when she opened her mouth to speak again. She hugged both you and Spencer before you left, making you promise you’d call her with updates and letting you know she’d call the detective to let him know you were on your way.
In true Spencer fashion, he had brought enough audiobooks to last the whole drive. You didn’t mind, your brain was more focused on driving. You didn’t talk about the case until you were nearing the end of the twelve hour road trip. Spencer was the one to bring it up, turning down the volume knob on the console.
“How are you feeling about this?”
“To be honest, Spence, I haven’t really been listening.”
“I meant about the case,” he chuckled.
“I’m trying not to get my hopes up. It’s been a cold case for over three decades for a reason, you know?”
“We wouldn’t be in Illinois right now if you weren’t on to something. Instincts exist for a reason, and your instincts are usually right.”
You fiddled with the air conditioning vents absentmindedly, “I don’t want to dredge up old wounds for the family and the town unless I’m absolutely certain I can bring some closure to them as well. The detective is the only person who knows we’re coming. I don’t want to start interviewing witnesses until I know I can do something to help.”
Spencer nodded, “I’ll follow your lead, you just tell me what you need.”
You spent the rest of the time discussing the details of the case, Spencer looking over the file again while you navigated to the police office. Having Spencer with you made you feel a lot better. You knew the case front to back, but this was your first time leading an investigation and you didn’t want to accidentally miss something in the file out of nervousness. Spencer’s eidetic memory and genius brain would keep you on track and ask you questions you knew would only help you in the grand scheme of things. Spencer was also your best friend, your biggest supporter. Any considerations he had would always come from a place of love and mutual respect.
When you arrived at the police station it was late in the evening, but the detective was waiting for you. He was an older man, tall and mostly bald.
“Hi, you must be Agent (y/l/n). Nice to finally meet you in person.”
“Detective Reeves, nice to finally meet you, too. This is my partner, Doctor Reid.” Spencer brought a hand up to wave. “Thanks for letting us take a look at this.”
“Thanks for making the drive out here. This case…” he sighed, “Mia-Rose went missing two months after I started this job and I’ve been hunting her killer ever since. It’s been thirty two years, a fresh pair of eyes will do this case good. It’ll do the whole town good if you can see somethin’ I haven’t.”
“We’ll see what we can do,” you said, not wanting to promise any results to him. “Is there a room we can set up in?”
“I’ve brought all of the evidence to our conference room. Use it for as long as you need.”
“Thanks,” you took off to the door that he had pointed at, Spencer on your heels. He shut the door behind you, dropping his bag on a chair while you picked up examination gloves.
The next few hours were spent meticulously going over the evidence that had been collected. You occasionally made comments to Spencer about where the item had come from and any notes that had already been documented about it.
The clock had just passed midnight when you were ready to move on to the next part of your investigation. You wanted to walk the dumpsite, but it would be useless to go while it was still dark. Instead, you retreated to a small motel at Spencer’s insistence that you needed sleep.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to shut my brain off enough to actually sleep,” you confessed once you were wearing sweatpants and leaning up against the headboard of the bed.
Spencer wandered out of the bathroom, giving you the softest look as he sat down next to you.
“What are you thinking about the most?”
“The evidence told me exactly what I thought it would, but I can’t build a decent mental picture of what happened until I see the dump site. What if I get there and it still doesn’t make sense? What if I’m in too deep on this one, Spence?”
“This case has been cold for thirty years, it can wait one more night. You are an incredible FBI agent. You’re an incredible human, at that. I know you can handle this, and Hotch knows you can handle this, too. If you aren’t able to solve it, you’re not letting anyone down. It’s been a cold case for a reason, I’m sure you’ll solve the next one.”
“Logically I know you’re right, but that isn’t making sleep happen any easier,” you sighed, sinking down onto a pillow. You could tell from Spencer’s expression that he had an idea when he reached up, turning off the lamp beside him and laying down next to you in the dark.
“This is called Image Distraction, all you have to do is close your eyes, try to relax, and listen to my voice.”
“Are you hypnotizing me?” you giggled into the darkness, feeling like a small kid at a sleepover with their best friend.
“No, it’s just a strategy to help you fall asleep. I’m going to describe a scene to you and the idea is that it takes up enough space in your brain to prevent you from re-engaging with other thoughts. Hypnosis doesn’t actually put you to sleep, just in a trance that seems like you’re sleeping. It’s been proven to help change habits and thoughts around sleeping though. There was a study done in 2010-”
“Is that what I’m supposed to be picturing? I’m seeing dudes in lab coats and creepy hospital walls.”
You felt the mattress shake next to you as Spencer laughed.
“No, that wasn’t it. I’m going to start now, picture a waterfall. As you walk closer it gets louder, pounding onto the rocks below it and spraying a mist into the air. The droplets of water stick to your face. You can see a rainbow that touches the pool at the base of the waterfall. The plants growing around the pool of water are greener than emeralds, bright and shining in the sun…”
That was the last thing you remembered him saying before succumbing to sleep. You had a very vivid dream while you were sleeping, not uncommon for someone in your field, but it wasn’t one you had had before.
There was a teenage girl walking in front of you down a long hallway. You instantly recognized her as Mia-Rose. She turned around every so often, beckoning you to come closer, but no matter how fast you tried to move your feet it was impossible for you to catch up. The hallway was familiar, you realized it was one in Quantico that you walked down every day to get to the elevator. It took longer than normal to reach the end, and just when you thought you could catch up to Mia-Rose, Hotch stepped out in front of you, holding Spencer with one arm and holding his gun to your best friend’s temple with the other.
“You have to choose, (y/n).”
“Choose what?”
“One of them has to die. Him or her?” he moved his gun to point the barrel at Mia-Rose.
“I don’t understand, why can’t I save them both?”
“One of them has to die.”
It only took you a moment to consider, “me. Shoot me. Let them live.”
“Brave choice,” Hotch’s gun came to point at you and his finger squeezed the trigger.
You woke up.
Soft morning light was coming in through the window and Spencer was already awake, quietly tying his tie while perched on the edge of the bed.
“Morning,” he grinned when he noticed you watching him.
“Morning,” you panted, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“You were dreaming.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Hotch made me choose between him shooting Mia-Rose or shooting you.”
“What did you choose?”
“I made him shoot me instead.”
You expected Spencer to launch into an analysis of your dream and what it meant, but instead he asked another question, changing the subject.
“Can we stop for coffee before we walk the dumpsite?” he pulled a blue cardigan out from his go bag and stuck his arms through the sleeves.
“Sure,” you said, stretching as you stood up. While you got ready, Spencer found the nearest place to get coffee, and you stopped there before continuing on to the bridge where Mia-Rose’s body had been found thirty years ago.
“I’m too used to walking active crime scenes,” you murmured when you pulled over to the empty dumpsite. Normally dumpsites like this were taped off with officers present, as well as some news reporters and civilian gawkers. You were sure that it had looked like that when the crime had first happened, but now it was just a bridge that nobody thought about.
When you stepped out of the SUV you noticed a small memorial for Mia-Rose nailed to a tree, wilted and weathered flowers around it. You stopped for a minute to look at it, then continued through the brush to the overpass.
Mia-Rose had fallen off of the bridge onto the ground beneath, where you were standing now. Her death was originally ruled a suicide, which had slowed the investigation until her parents insisted she wasn’t suicidal and had her autopsied, revealing ligature marks and evidence of assault. Just from reading the file, you knew that her parents were right. She didn’t profile as suicidal, and if she was she could have jumped from further down the bridge into the flowing river to your right, not onto the ground where she likely would have survived.
“Mia-Rose was found right here,” you pointed, “and her belongings…” you turned to your left, Spencer moving from behind you to stand where the girl’s school backpack and shoes had been found, a handful of yards away.
“They were found next to this rock.”
“That doesn’t make sense,” you said, facing him from where you stood, “the ME found traces of motor oil on her skin, so she must have been transported in a car. That means the unsub was driving on this road, stopped here by the bridge, then tossed her over the side. Why not just toss her stuff after her?” After thinking in silence for a minute, you started moving. “Stay where you are,” you instructed Spencer as you climbed the embankment. Once you reached the bridge, you stood on the edge so you could see both locations of dump sites.
“Spence,” you called to him, “how long is the average car?”
“Anywhere between 10 and 18 feet, depending on the size of the vehicle,” he answered quickly. You positioned yourself in line with where Mia-Rose’s body was found, then paced out roughly fifteen feet, landing you almost squarely in line with where Spencer was standing down the hill.
“What are you thinking?”
“This might sound kind of out there, but what if there was a partner?”
Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, trying to figure out how you had gotten there. He climbed up to where you were standing before asking you about it, “what makes you think that?”
“Eyewitness accounts said they saw Mia-Rose in a car with a man the night she went missing, and they were both sitting in the front of the car, but that’s about all anyone can agree on. What if there was a second unsub sitting in the back? If I’m the unsub getting Mia-Rose out of the front, you’re taking her stuff out of the trunk and tossing it over the side,” you acted out.
“Which means my DNA should be on her belongings,” Spencer concluded, finishing your thought, “I’ll call the lab and start getting things processed.”
“Good idea, I’m going to call Garcia and then we can head back to the station,” you said, pulling out your own phone as Spencer took a step away to make his call.
“Crimefighter! What have you’ve got?” Garcia answered her phone quickly.
“Hey Penelope, can you go through the list of Mia-Rose’s family members and get me some updated contact info?”
“Of course! Did you get a lead? I knew you could solve this,” she rambled. You could hear the clicking of her keyboard as she multitasked.
“Not quite, just a better understanding of the situation. I want to start interviewing family members to really nail down victimology and see if they know of anyone who fits my profile. Spencer’s calling the lab to get some evidence re-examined. When they send you results can you run them through CODIS?”
“Absolutely. Anything else?”
“That’s it for now, thanks Garcia.”
“Anytime, my love. I just sent the updated contacts to your tablet. Garcia out!”
Spencer was waiting for you in the SUV, once you finished your call with Garcia you drove back to the station. Detective Reeves assigned an officer to help you call the family members and invite them in for interviews.
“Mrs. Horn, thank you for coming in to talk with us,” you said gently to the elderly woman sitting across from you.
“Anything to help you find my little girl’s killer. Do you really think you can solve it?”
“We’re trying our best. Any information you can give us will make our job easier. Mia-Rose was walking home from school when she went missing, and was later seen getting into a blue car. Is there anyone she would have willingly accepted a ride home from?”
“No, she always walked, rain or shine so she could say hello to the neighbors on her way home. Except for Tuesdays, my brother Dylan would drive her home from band practice on Tuesdays because it was after dark.”
You exchanged a glance with Spencer, silently acknowledging that Mia-Rose was abducted on a Friday.
“Did she have any enemies? Anyone who would want to hurt her, bullies or friends she might have had a falling out with?”
“No, she was sweet to everyone. That’s why it was such a shock to the town when she was killed. There wasn’t a soul who hadn’t been touched by her kindness.” Mrs. Horn spoke so highly of her daughter, further validating your theory.
“Let’s take a break,” you said, noting the way she was tearing up, “excuse us.” You stepped out of the room with Spencer.
“We should talk to Dylan,” he said once you were out of earshot of Mrs. Horn.
“I agree. He was interrogated by police when Mia-Rose first went missing, but I don’t think he’s a suspect. His alibi was rock solid, but he might know something about what happened.”
You had the detective bring in Mrs. Horn’s brother, Dylan Godfrey. While he agreed to an interview, he was much less cooperative than Mrs. Horn.
“I told the police thirty years ago, I had nothing to do with it,” he drawled, “I was at home with my wife, God rest her soul. I didn’t even have my car to kidnap Mia if I wanted to.”
“Where was your car?” Spencer asked quickly.
“My boy had it, out with his friends. He had just gotten his driver’s license. You know how kids are, impossible to control.”
This was the first you were hearing of his son. Nowhere in the records from the original investigation did it say Dylan Godfrey had a son, let alone a son who’s whereabouts were unknown on the night of the crime.
“Mr. Godfrey, let me ask you this. How old was your son the year Mia-Rose was murdered?”
“Do you know where he was that night?”
“Out, like I said. He didn’t come home until after two o’clock in the morning.”
“Do you know where he is now?”
“Last I knew he was working on a farm just out of town, the McGilroy’s place.”
As soon as Spencer had gotten the information out of him, you were firing off texts to Garcia. She sent you the address of the farm, and you called her once you were en route.
“You’re on speaker, Garcia. What have you found about this guy and why didn’t we know about him before?”
“I’ve been asking myself the same question. He wasn’t included in any of the original witness statements. I’ve barely been able to find information about him online. I know he’s still alive because I don’t have a death certificate, but other than that no home address, no phone number, no nothing. Everything I know about him is from his childhood, before Mia-Rose went missing.”
“Something is better than nothing, what did you find?”
“Daniel Godfrey, born in 1965 to Mary and Dylan Godfrey. He was a decent kid from what I can tell. He got good grades in school, even got a scholarship to a college in Chicago but he turned it down at the last minute. I’ll hit you back if I figure out why.”
“Thanks Garcia,” you chirped before she hung up. You pulled up the long dirt drive of the McGilroy’s farm, putting the SUV in park and getting out. Spencer was by your side in an instant, you noticed the way his hand rested on his revolver.
“My goal is to get him in for a voluntary interview. If we can get him talking, we can figure out what happened that night and why his known locations on that night fit our timeline. Best case, we get a confession and the name of his partner, worst case, he had nothing to do with it and we’re back where we started.”
Spencer nodded, so you reached up to knock on the door. After a moment, a blonde woman opened the door.
You flashed your credentials, “hi, I’m SSA (y/l/n) with the FBI, we’re looking for Daniel Godfrey and we were told he might be here.”
“He’s out back in the barn,” she said, pointing down a gravel path.
“Thanks so much,” Spencer said as you stepped off the porch. You reached the barn and pushed open the large door, revealing a man inside. He was carrying a bucket of water that he poured into a trough for a horse before acknowledging you.
“What can I do ya for?”
“Are you Daniel Godfrey?” you asked.
“Depend’s who’s asking,” he chuffed, wiping his hands on his dirty coveralls. You held up your credentials.
“I’m Agent (y/l/n) and this is Doctor Reid. We’re with the FBI investigating the murder of your cousin, Mia-Rose Horn. We were hoping you’d come in to the station so we could get some more information about her.”
“What kinda information? Mia’s been dead a long time now.”
You had to play this carefully, one wrong word and he wouldn’t voluntarily interview with you, “your father told us you were out with friends the night she disappeared. We were hoping you could tell us what town was like that night and if you saw anything unusual.”
“You talked to my father? I can tell ya right now, it was quiet. Just like any other night in this town.”
“Great, that’s exactly the kind of information we’re looking for. Would you be able to come with us to the station so we can get that statement through the official channels? While we’re there I’d like to ask you a few more questions, if that’s ok.”
“Are ya saying I’m being arrested?”
“No, not at all. This is completely voluntary.”
Daniel fell silent, considering your offer. When he finally spoke again it was gruff and hostile, “will my old man still be there?”
You exchanged a glance with Spencer, hoping he had a better read on what answer would be your best choice. Spencer’s tongue flickered over his lips, then he cautioned a response, “he’s there right now, will that be a problem?”
Daniel looked dejected, scuffing his feet in the hay below his boots, “not unless he makes it a problem.”
“We’ll make sure that doesn’t happen. Our car is out front, is there anything you need to do before we go?”
Daniel shook his head and quietly followed you and Spencer back to the SUV. He didn’t say much while you were driving back to the police station, and neither did you. You escorted Daniel inside the station, walking quickly past where his father was sitting, still talking to the officer Reeves had assigned to your case. Dylan stood up when he noticed his son, but Daniel just kept his head down and quickened his pace. You brought him to an interrogation room, a small space with just a table and a couple of chairs.
“You can wait here, we just have to go collect some materials and then we’ll be back, alright?”
“Whatever,” Daniel said, taking the seat closest to the door. You stepped out, shutting the door behind you.
“Did you see the way Dylan reacted when he saw Daniel?” you asked Spencer quietly. He nodded.
“Did you see the way Daniel reacted when he saw Dylan?”
“Do you think it’s relevant to this case? I don’t want to waste time asking about it if it’s just some squabble they had once. Hotch said I could only work this case until we got an active one back at Quantico, and you and I both know serial killers don’t take extended vacations.”
Spencer considered the situation, you could almost see the gears turning in his mind, “it might be a way we can get him comfortable talking to us, irrelevant or not. This is the best lead we have. Just like you said earlier, you have to get him talking.”
You trusted Spencer’s opinion, not just because he was your best friend, but because he had led his fair share of interrogations during his time in the FBI. He was really good at it, his accelerated mind picking up patterns of words and behaviors that you could only be envious of.
“What do you mean ‘I’ have to get him talking? I thought this was a team effort.”
“It is, but you have to lead this interrogation.”
You weren’t surprised at his statement, but you resented the fact that he was right. Your favorite part of your job was the quick thinking, the on-the-fly deductions you had to make in the field that helped you put all of the clues together. You liked helping people and actively putting bad guys away for the greater good of the country you served. You were good at your job, too, having spent so much time developing your skills with arguably some of the best agents in the Bureau. You couldn’t not be good at your job surrounded by minds like the ones at the BAU.
Like everyone though, there were some aspects of your career that you were better at than others. You usually excelled in the takedown and arrests of suspects and left the mind games to your colleagues that were much better equipped to handle them. Sure, you could talk a suspect into putting their weapon down instead of pointing it at you or a victim, but that was a heat of the moment interaction. Cool, collected interrogation rooms just weren’t your strong suit, and nothing during your time at the BAU so far had changed it.
“You really think I can do this?”
“Absolutely. You have the skills, knowledge, and rapport to conduct this interview,” Spencer showed no hesitation in his answer.
“Promise to let me know if I’m going down the wrong rabbit hole?”
Spencer smiled, “of course. Let’s go solve this case.” He handed you a sheet of paper, a form for Daniel to sign with his Miranda rights on it.
Once you were seated across from Daniel, you handed him the paper and read him his rights.
“If you don’t mind me asking, Daniel, what happened between you and your father?”
Daniel’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked back and forth between you and Spencer, “what kind of FBI agents are you?”
“We’re with the Behavioral Analysis Unit in Quantico, Virginia. We use psychology to solve crimes. I hope my question wasn’t intrusive, Doctor Reid and I both just noticed the way your behavior changed when you saw your father. He’s been helpful in our investigation and I don’t want any family conflicts to interfere if you’re going to help us too.”
“We had a disagreement.”
“Just a disagreement?” you pressed carefully.
“Just a disagreement.”
“Alright,” you said, deciding to leave it at that and move on. He was giving you too much resistance for the direction you had wanted to take the conversation, so you changed the subject. If his disagreement with his father was relevant to the case, you’d have to get that information out of him another way.
You started off by asking about Mia-Rose and gathering any information Daniel had about her. At first he was reluctant, just explaining that they saw each other during family gatherings and when his father would drive them both home from band practice.
“You went to the same high school then, if you were in band together?”
“Uh huh. It’s a small town, everyone goes to the same school.”
“Can you tell us about who Mia-Rose spent time with? Who were her friends?”
“Everyone was her friend. She was the friendliest kid in school.”
“Who were your friends?” Spencer asked, tilting his head. It wasn’t a question you had thought to ask, but as soon as he did you saw where he was going.
“Does it matter?”
“It does to me,” Spencer answered.
“Alec Krause, Markus Sparrow, Nicolas Rush,” Daniel listed.
“Where are they now?” you asked while Spencer pulled out his phone, presumably to text Garcia for a background check, “are you still in contact with them?”
“They all moved out of town for college. Haven’t seen or talked to ‘em since,” Daniel shifted uncomfortably in his chair.
“You were supposed to go to college, in Chicago, right?” you prompted. Daniel’s eyes flickered between you and Spencer, probably wondering how much about him you knew.
“Why didn’t you go?”
“Got a job at the farm,” he shrugged.
“Daniel, I’m going to be real with you,” you squared up, “I’ve seen plenty of small towns in this job. I’ve talked to many people from small towns just like this one, and almost all of them in your position would have taken the out. They would have moved to the city as soon as they got the chance, so why didn’t you? Why did you choose to stay in this town?”
“I didn’t have a choice,” Daniel was quick to correct you.
“You didn’t?” Now you were on to something.
“The disagreement I had with my father was about me leaving. He wouldn’t let me leave, so he got me the job at the farm.”
“Alright, let’s take a break,” you said, standing up and stepping out of the room. Spencer exchanged a few words with Daniel, then followed you out.
“That was big,” you panted, trying to shake out the jump of adrenaline that you were feeling.
“You’re doing great,” Spencer confirmed.
“When Dylan was talking about his son earlier, during his interview, it seemed like he didn’t have control over Daniel. What was it he said, ‘you know how kids are’? Something must have changed to make Daniel listen to his father telling him to stay, something that changed after Mia-Rose was murdered.”
Right before you were going to go back into the interrogation room, your phone rang. Hotch’s name lit up the screen.
“Hold on, Spence. (y/l/n),” you answered, praying that Hotch wasn’t going to tell you to abandon the case and get back to Quantico right when you were making strides.
“I’m just checking in to see how things are going.”
“We’re talking to a person of interest right now, it’s just very slow going. We think he had been working with a partner when the murder took place, but he’s not giving up names,” you explained, “please don’t tell me we have a case that we have to come back for, we just got a break that might open this case up for us.”
Hotch chuckled on the other end of the line, “no, we don’t have a case. Garcia told me you had a lead and I was curious.”
“Honestly, I don’t know how you were a prosecutor before joining the BAU. This is exhausting, and every time I say something I feel like he’s going to invoke.”
“You’re doing fine,” Spencer whispered reassuringly.
“Spencer says I’m doing fine,” you relayed to Hotch.
“I’m sure you are. Sometimes unsubs like this take time to crack,” he reminded you.
“It’s already been thirty years, I’d like to close it now,” you decided, squaring your shoulders. “I’m going to go back in there and wrap this up. I’ll call you back when we’re done.” You hung up with Hotch, then turned to Spencer. “Let’s do this.”
Daniel seemed to tense up when you walked back in, sitting down across the table from him once again.
“Thanks for being patient, Daniel. I’d like to know why your father wouldn’t let you leave town. From what he told us, he gave you a lot of freedom in high school. What happened?”
“We had a disagreement, like I said.”
“Right, we’ve covered that. It must have been hard going from being able to do whatever you wanted to working a farm job under your father’s thumb. I was hoping you could tell us exactly what kind of disagreement. Was it because Mia-Rose was murdered?” Daniel nodded, “ok, that’s a start. Was there a specific reason beyond Mia-Rose’s murder?”
Your tactic was deliberate, validating his feelings before pressing harder in hopes that he would give something up.
“He didn’t want me getting into more trouble.”
“More trouble? As in, you got into trouble here first?”
“We don’t have any police records for you, Mr. Godfrey. Usually that’s the kind of ‘trouble’ that stops kids from going to college,” Spencer chimed in.
“The police don’t know I was there.”
“Where?” Your question was burning hot, and you watched Daniel squirm as he realized he had dug himself into a hole.
“I was in the car.”
“Which car?” you hoped he meant the car you thought he did, but you needed a true confession.
“My father’s car…” you chose not to say anything and instead let him sit in uncomfortable silence, “the night Mia was killed.”
“With her? Was Mia in the car with you?”
“Yes, she was.”
You had to maintain your composure, even though your insides were doing cartwheels out of excitement. This was exactly the kind of lead you were looking for, you couldn’t blow it now.
“Your father said you were out with friends, were any of the people you mentioned earlier with you? Alec, Markus, and Nicholas?”
“No, it wasn’t with them.”
“Who else was in the car then, Daniel? It wasn’t just you and Mia-Rose.”
“I don’t remember,” he started backpedaling, a clear sign that you were closing in.
“We’re going to step out and give you some time to think about it, see if you can try to remember,” Spencer interrupted before you could say anything, nodding towards the door when you made eye contact with him. You followed him out, turning to him abruptly once the door was shut behind you.
“I was getting somewhere with him.” You were fired up, to say the least. Now that you were in the comfortable privacy of Spencer’s company, you could let your emotions come forward.
“I know, I know,” Spencer smirked, “Garcia got a hit with Daniel’s friends, we should call and see what she has so we have more leverage when we go back in there.”
You took a deep breath, pulling out your phone and calling Garcia.
“Boy Wonder got my text!” she answered after the first ring.
“What did you find, Garcia? We’re really making strides here and anything you’ve got could really close this for us.”
“I ran the names of Daniel’s friends, like you asked. Almost all of them checked out, normal guys with normal lives.”
“Almost all of them?” you caught the specificity of her words.
“Right. One of them, Markus, he checks out too… but his brother, oh my his brother has done some stuff.”
“What kind of stuff?” Spencer asked, brows furrowed in thought.
“Kyle Sparrow. When he was 11 he attempted to rob a bank, and not just as a joke. When he was 14 he was suspended from school after locking students in storage closets. He’s been in and out of jail his whole adult life. He got out a year ago and hasn’t been back since.”
“That fits our profile. How old was he when Mia-Rose was killed?” Spencer followed up.
“That’s where things get weird, I was hoping you guys would have a good explanation because this really doesn’t make sense.”
“Garcia,” you called, refocusing her.
“Right. Kyle Sparrow was 10 years old when Mia-Rose was murdered.”
“What?” you whipped around to look at Spencer incredulously, hoping he would have some kind of information about child serial killers that would clarify the situation. Instead, he just frowned and shook his head. You had to decide if it was worth bringing up to Daniel and risk wasting precious time. You considered for a moment, then spoke. “Send us his address, we’re going to ask Daniel about him. If he seems like a viable lead then we’ll head out there. Thanks Garcia.”
“Done and done. You’ve got this, crimefighters!”
“Are you ready to go back in there?” Spencer asked when you reached for the interrogation room door handle.
“Do I have a choice? This case just took a turn that I wasn’t expecting.”
“It’s been four hours and thirty six minutes. We can take another minute to get coffee if you need a longer break,” he suggested.
“I’m too close to cracking this. I can feel it,” you confessed. Spencer nodded, acknowledging that your gut feelings were usually right. You opened the door, sitting back down across from Daniel. Spencer stood in the corner behind you, hands in his pockets.
“Did you remember who was in the car with you the night Mia-Rose was murdered?” Daniel shook his head. “Ok, that’s fine. I have some names that we’ve collected as people of interest for this case. I’m going to read them off and you tell me if one sounds familiar, ok?” Daniel nodded, so you opened your file and pulled out a blank piece of paper, holding it so Daniel couldn’t see the lack of information on your side.
“Emily Prentiss.”
He shook his head.
“Derek Morgan.”
Again, nothing.
“Penelope Garcia.”
Your list was intentional, listing people you were certain Daniel wouldn’t know so you could get a baseline for his behavior. It paid off when you listed the next name, “Kyle Sparrow.”
You could practically see Daniel tense up. Though he shook his head, his leg started bouncing nervously and his eyes were flickering frantically around the room, looking anywhere but at you and Spencer.
“Daniel,” you started, keeping your voice low, “remember when I told you Doctor Reid and I use psychology and behavior to solve crimes? You may not have noticed it, but your behavior shifted when you heard Kyle’s name. You know something about him, don’t you? Was he in the car with you that night?”
Daniel finally looked up at you, eyes watering, “I’m not a criminal.”
“I didn’t say you were. Was Kyle in the car with you the night Mia-Rose was murdered?”
“He was just a kid, my best friend’s little brother. We were out in my dad’s car, I had just gotten my license so I skipped class and took Markus and Alec for a spin around town. When I dropped them off back home Kyle said he was lookin’ to go across town to the library so I offered him a ride. I even made him sit in the back because he was still just a small kid. Then we saw Mia walking home. It always took her longer because she stopped to say hi to everyone she passed. Kyle suggested we offer her a ride too, so I did.
“It all happened so fast, first she was getting into the car and then Kyle had a knife at her throat. He told me he’d kill her if I didn’t do what he wanted. He made me drive out of town to the woods and watch as he tied her up and did horrible, horrible things to her. I didn’t even know a kid was capable of doing those things. When he was done with her he made me help put her back in the car and drive to the bridge. She wasn’t dead when he made me push her over the edge, that’s why I didn’t throw her in the river. I thought she’d survive it without Kyle knowing because he was too busy getting rid of her stuff in the trunk. He still made me drop him off at the library after, even though it was closed on account of it being real late at night, and swear that I’d never tell anyone what we did or he’d kill me too.”
“How did your father find out?” you asked.
“He found blood in the car the next morning. I told him it was from Markus, that he had gotten scratched up while we were messing around in the afternoon. He made me clean it out with bleach, told me I’d have to learn responsibility if I wanted to move out. When my auntie called him later and told him about Mia being missing, he connected the dots. He told me he didn’t want to know what I had been doing the night before, but if I tried to move away it would make me a suspect. He got me the job at the farm and I’ve been there ever since.”
“Thank you for your honesty, Daniel. We’ll tell the court how cooperative you’ve been, they might ease your sentence because of it.”
“The court? What?” Pure fear crossed Daniel’s face. It didn’t sit right with you that he had to be arrested, knowing he had been coerced into helping murder his cousin, but he had still committed a felony. You had to let the court decide his fate.
“Daniel Godfrey, you’re under arrest for accessory to the murder of Mia-Rose Horn,” Spencer moved behind Daniel, taking his hands to cuff them. As soon as he was done Daniel was passed off to an officer and you and Spencer took off, SUV keys in hand.
You sped towards the home address Garcia had sent you for Kyle Sparrow, wishing the rest of the team was there so you could split up in case he was at work. This part of your job was where you felt the most comfortable, the tactical side of an arrest that was more physical than the mind games you had just played in the interrogation room. It was just starting to rain, a light drizzle that darkened the skies as you drove to what you hoped was your final location for this case.
“Is there Kevlar in the back?” you asked, realizing you hadn’t gotten vests from the police station before you had left. Spencer turned around in his seat, checking around the vehicle.
“Great,” you sighed, “let’s try not to get shot at then, alright?”
“Sounds good to me,” Spencer agreed.
You pulled up to Kyle’s house, which was more of a rundown shack on the outskirts of town. You drew your weapon as soon as your boots were on the ground, approaching the door cautiously.
“Where’s Morgan when you need him,” you mumbled, hoping you wouldn’t have to kick the door down, “Kyle Sparrow, FBI,” you announced, knocking on the door. A gunshot flew through the window next to you, shattering the glass. That was all the invitation you needed to bust open the door, but Kyle wasn’t in the room inside. You moved quickly through the maze of rooms, taking one side while Spencer took the other.
“Clear,” you called every time you ensured a room was empty. You heard Spencer clear a couple of spaces, then fall silent. You worked your way to the kitchen, finding him in a standoff with Kyle.
“I’m not going to jail again. You can’t make me,” Kyle seemed unreasonably calm, grinning slightly to himself while he pointed a pistol at Spencer.
“You’re wanted for the murder of Mia-Rose, Kyle. There’s no way to get out of this one,” you had to keep things simple for him and talk him down as quickly as possible before he shot at you again, “let’s just talk about it.”
“I don’t want to talk about it. I’m not going to jail for a person I killed thirty years ago.”
“There’s no other option. We know it was you, this ends here.”
“If I have to go back, it has to be for something better. You’re right, this ends here, but not because I killed Mia-Rose Horn.”
“How does it end, Kyle?” Spencer asked. You noticed the glint in Kyle’s eye, giving you a split second to push Spencer out of the way and get hit with a searing pain in your side. You heard Spencer’s revolver fire as you hit the floor.
“Get him first,” you grunted, putting a hand on your side to try to stem the bleeding. Spencer crouched next to you, worried eyes looking you over before he pulled your handcuffs out of your pocket. Your ears were ringing, but you could just make out the sounds of Spencer talking before you blacked out.
You woke up in the hospital, an all too familiar experience. Spencer was beside you, nose in a book. You weren’t sure how much he was paying attention to it though, considering the way his brows were furrowed and his fingers were tapping against the cover. He was lost in thought somewhere, you just didn’t know where.
“Spence,” you managed to croak through your dry throat. His eyes shot up from the page, lips turning up in a small smile when his gaze met yours.
“Hi,” he practically whispered.
“Is Kyle dead?”
Spencer hesitated, no doubt weighing the value of telling you the outcome now or waiting until you were better rested. He chose the former, shaking his head.
“I did what you would have done and shot him in the hip. He’s not dead, and once he’s healed he’ll go to trial. You did it, (y/n). You solved the case.”
“We solved the case. I couldn’t have done this without you.”
“You also wouldn’t have gotten shot.”
“So?” you shrugged, “I lived. Where’s Garcia? Usually she’s the first one at the hospital.”
Spencer’s smile returned, “she wanted to but a case came in right right after you went into surgery. She sends her love and said she’d make up for not being here when we get back to Quantico.”
“A case? We should get back to help,” though you were exhausted, you brain immediately went into profiling mode.
“No, you’re going to stay here and rest. You should be staying for longer than you’re going to, but I was able to convince your doctor that I was more than capable of making sure you got home safely.”
“I didn’t realize you were a rule-breaker,” you teased, feeling your eyelids droop.
“I’m not, I just thought you would want to go home as soon as possible. You’re not the kind of person who likes being away from their family, and we’ve already been gone three days. Staying here doing nothing, although it would be good for you, would just torment you more.”
“Thanks, Spence,” you murmured, falling back to sleep. You dozed on and off for the better part of the day, Spencer staying by your side the whole time. Towards the end of the afternoon, you woke up to his seat vacant. The immediate panic you felt was squashed by calculated thoughts, he’s probably getting food or in the bathroom. You fought to stay awake while you waited for him to come back. He surprised you by returning with someone behind him.
“Mrs. Horn wanted to talk to you, if you’re feeling up for it,” he said, resuming his position in the chair next to you. You nodded, watching the older woman enter the room from where she had been standing in the doorway.
“I wanted to thank you for finding my daughter’s killer, even though it put you in the line of danger.”
“I’d do it again in a heartbeat,” you reassured her, sitting up a little against your pillows.
“I wish her father could have been here to see it solved. He always told me not to lose faith, that a blessing would come our way. You were our blessing,” she dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief.
“I was just doing my job, I’m sorry it took so long for someone to figure this out.”
Mrs. Horn tutted, telling you she was just glad that her daughter could rest in peace now. Before she left, she made sure to tell you that if you were ever in Illinois you and Spencer were welcome to come over for dinner, and that she hoped you got better quickly so you could go help other victims.
Once she was gone, your doctor came in to follow up with you. You had been shot in the side, the bullet passing through and exiting out of your back without hitting any major organs. Spencer did most of the talking for you, asking questions you couldn’t make sense of and checking over your chart for what was probably the hundredth time that day.
“You seem to be healing well and have a… knowledgable… support system, so I’m going to clear you for discharge. If anything changes you’ll need to go into the nearest hospital, ok?”
“Yes ma’am,” you answered. A nurse came in later with your discharge papers, which you signed before Spencer helped you in a wheelchair and out to where the SUV was parked.
“Are you sure you want to drive in this rain? I can-“ you winced in pain, hand flying to your side, “I can do it if you don’t feel comfortable.” Spencer stifled a laugh, reaching his hands out to give you something to brace yourself against as you moved from the wheelchair the SUV.
“I don’t mind driving,” he said simply.
“Yes you do,” you quipped quickly, exhaling as you settled into the passenger seat.
“Ok, yes. Under normal circumstances, I do mind driving, but I think I can make an exception when my favorite driver has been shot.”
“Don’t let Morgan hear you say that,” you smirked, still struggling to breathe in a way that would make your side hurt less.
“Are you warm enough?” Spencer fiddled with the heating knobs once he was settled behind the wheel. You nodded, but the shiver that ran down your body betrayed you.
“You’re the one driving. I want you to be comfortable,” you mumbled.
“You’re the one who just got shot. Here,” he reached behind him into the back where both of your go bags were stored. He unzipped his own and pulled out a cardigan, then leaned over the console to drape it across you. “The wool will help you retain heat.”
“Thanks,” you sighed, relishing in the comfort of his gesture.
“You didn’t have to take that bullet for me.”
“I did. I pulled you into this mess, I wasn’t going to let you get hurt because of it.”
“Hotch sent me with you so that you wouldn’t get yourself hurt,” he rebutted.
You brushed him off, “I’ve been shot before, I’m going to be fine.”
“I’ve also been shot before, you didn’t have to push me out of the way.”
You were quick to counter, “you didn’t have to push Blake out of the way either.”
It was an unnecessary squabble, a fact you both caught onto quickly once you realized the direction the conversation was going. Instead, Spencer changed the subject to explain the history of the small towns you were passing through on your way to the interstate.
Miraculously, once the car was comfortably cruising on the highway, Spencer fell silent. You suspected it had to do with his intense concentration on driving in the elements as the rain got harder, though he also could have been giving you the space to sleep if you needed to.
It wasn’t until you were over an hour into your journey that he spoke again, after a quick glance at you revealed fresh tear tracks down your cheeks under the passing street lights.
“(Y/n), are you crying?” His question was so soft you almost missed it, “is it the pain? You’re not due to take your meds for another three hours but I know you have ibuprofen in your bag that would be ok to take now. I can pull over-“ his hand was about to move back to the steering wheel from where it had come to rest on the console, but you reached out to grab it instead.
You and Spencer didn’t really ‘do’ physical contact. You both had reasons not to, instead finding comfort just in proximity. As long as he was around, you were happy. This time, though, it was different. Maybe it was because you were touch starved, or because you had just been poked and prodded at all angles while in the hospital. Whatever the reason, the light grip you had on Spencer’s hand to stop him from pulling over was enough to make you feel the tiniest bit better. He was there with you, he was real.
“It’s not the pain,” you managed to hold your composure, knowing that letting any kind of sob escape the confines of your soul would only physically hurt you more.
“Are you tired? I drank enough coffee to get us home by morning but if you really need to sleep we can find a hotel somewhere. There are three off the next exit.”
“Spencer,” you ran your thumb over the prominent vein in his hand, “it isn’t something you can fix.”
“What do you mean?” He was puzzled, and by the way his hands were twitching you could tell he was deciding whether or not to stop the car anyways.
“There are hundreds of thousands of cold cases. Hundreds of thousands of families that don’t have closure. Hundreds of thousands of victims that haven’t gotten justice.”
“There’s one less because of you. You made a difference to Mia-Rose’s family, you got her the justice she deserves.”
“She deserved justice thirty years ago. I feel like the system failed her, the very system I work for. She was just a kid, and the answer was right there the whole time. Why did I have to be the one to figure it out, thirty years too late?”
Spencer’s response was soft and gentle, “because you’re exceptional, (y/n).”
“I didn’t have to be exceptional to solve this case, though. That’s what I’ve learned from all of the cold case documentaries I’ve watched. The ones that get solved are because someone knew what happened and didn’t come forward about it until years later. There was a psychopathic kid on the streets for thirty years because the police didn’t think to talk to Daniel Godfrey.”
“We can’t change what happened in the past, but we can make a difference in our futures.”
“I’m just so tired, Spence. I chose this job, I love this job, but it’s exhausting.”
“Then rest, (y/n). It’s ok if the only person you save some days is yourself.”
He was right, of course. You wanted to keep saving others, but you couldn’t do that if you didn't make time to save yourself too. You finally closed your eyes and pulled his cardigan up to your chin. Though you were still conscious, limiting your sensory input helped calm you down enough that you found yourself flitting in and out of dissociation. Even when Spencer’s hand gently moved out from under yours to answer his phone, you kept your eyes closed.
“Hey JJ,” his voice was quiet, barely audible over the rain pounding against the windshield, “they’re doing ok.” He paused while he listened to JJ’s response. “No, they keep reminding me that it’s not the first time they’ve been shot. I’m worried about them though.” He trailed off.
“They’ve been shouldering this burden of over 185,000 cold cases since we started working on this one, and now that it’s solved they’re finally feeling the weight of it. I don’t want them to drive themselves crazy trying to solve all of them on their own. We deal with enough active cases as it is.”
Though you were barely in a state of mind to process his words, he had hit the nail right on the head.
“How is the case you’re working on?” You presumed JJ was filling him in on what they knew, “have Garcia look into large purchases of triacetone triperoxide… Call me if anything changes. We should be back by morning.”
“Yes,” his change in tone indicated that JJ had asked him a question, “that would be great, JJ. Thank you so much.”
He must have hung up with JJ because his hand found yours again, fingers just barely touching. It was a simple action, loaded with a lot of meaning. Spencer was your best friend, and would always be your best friend. Bullets, cold cases, marriages, there was nothing that could break the bond you had with him.
You didn’t understand why people called their significant others their “better half”. It insinuated that you weren’t a whole person to begin with, a fractured existence that only found completion by the means of someone else. The idea that your life couldn’t be fulfilling until someone else made it whole was a concept that was set up for failure and self-loathing.
Instead, you believed that you were a whole person who could live a fulfilling life without the necessity of another. Instead, you surrounded yourself with people who lifted you up and helped you achieve your goals without being the direct cause of your success. Instead, you followed your dreams and somehow found Spencer Reid along the way.
Spencer was your best friend, your confidant, the one person who you knew you couldn’t live without, but he was not your other half. He was his own whole person, a mirror image of your own being. You found solace in his companionship, safety in the complexities of his brain. When the stress of your job got to be too much, you could reliably turn to each other and exist in the little slice of the world you called yours for a moment.
No, he was not your other half. He wasn’t even yours, for that matter, but he was there. He was there in a capacity that nobody else could achieve.
This is part of my GALAXY universe! If you liked this relationship, check out the MASTERLIST for more content!
Galaxy Taglist: @kermitsaysgayrights @niallthedancingharry @shadyladyperfection  @thatsonezesty13  @lexshead @ceeellewrites @howdycharlie @girlycakepops @fantastic-fans @canimarrypizzaornah @daisyflower138 @dyingrexx @taylormobley @bazzleslynn @tj-drinks-tea @willa-wonky @eddiesbifocals @tee-mbrown @reniescarlett @bone-hurty-bitch @messyacademia
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thegeminisage · 2 years
how the hell on earth do you plot out a story. i feel like im beating my head against a wall. please help me thank you thank you xx
hi bestie don’t worry i got you. this is a pretty open ended question so my answer is also gonna be pretty open ended. cuz i dont know if you have a plot problem youre stuck on or if youre just starting out and totally blanking. (i suspect the latter but it’s a fun mystery.) BUT if you want to specify what it is about plotting that is killing your crops and manifesting snakes in ur house, ur welcome back in the askbox anytime, i enjoy talking about this stuff <3 im not gonna put this under a cut bc tumblr is auto-shortening posts these days sorry to anyone who has that feature turned off lol
first if you want to you can read this and this. these are asks i got w/ similar questions which may help! the first one is me detailing the fic writing process from start to finish, including how i put all of my ideas in order once i have a basic idea of all the things i want to happen in a fic which is important if you’re just starting out. the second talks about solving plotholes, and how to get used to thinking of the plot of your story, and the events, and the mechanics of the world, as tiny moving pieces under your control instead of rigid obstacles to write around. i think that’s a big part of what makes plot Work instead of fight with you
ok, with that out of the way, here is the big question: what do you WANT from this fanfic? this one is easy enough, usually. we are writing fic for a reason! most fic is written by people who thought their idea was too good NOT to write or who couldn’t rest until they jotted it down or who wanted something very specific that canon and other fic wasn’t giving them. there is something you want to happen here. what is it? once you know your answer, think of it this way: your plot facilitates that desire.
here’s some examples (taken from my own fics, sorry, it’s just easier): 
in anchor, i wanted my teen wolf rarepair to spend lots of time alone together in order to develop a relationship that i felt had more potential, and i also wanted a continuation of teen wolf that didn’t write derek out at the end of season 4 - so i put those two on a road trip at the end of season 4 hunting down derek’s enemy, which gave me my continuation and the alone time and got to follow derek even after he was officially written out
in how arthur got his groove back, i wanted a fic that dealt with the fallout of the episode “the sins of the father” in which everything that happened was covered up and forgotten about, and i also wanted to write a fic with arthur who had magic - so i used a curse that gave everyone magic, but could only be broken by acknowledging the events of the episode instead of letting them stay a secret
in broken road, i wanted a more nuanced take on john’s relationship with his family instead of either apologism or character bashing, and for his return to have something to do with the michael plot of that season - so i had what was going on with michael be the mystery he attempted to solve once he got back, and (even let michael represent john and dean’s relationship in a way), but it left lots of time to have john talk with his family and have them talk with each other
...etc, etc. whatever you want to happen, your plot exists to serve that desire. if you want a reunion with tears and kissing in the rain then part of your plot is that your lovers get parted. if you want to write about a murder then a motive is part of your plot. if you want to write a wedding, then at some point someone fell in love (or didn’t?! gasp!). if you want to write about a long journey, part of your plot is where the characters are going and why. (whether or not these things happen “on screen” is of course up to you; sometimes it’s not necessary to write them.) of course, slice of life fics where nothing in particular happens and single-scene fics are also fine, but i get the feeling you wouldn’t be asking if that was what you’re writing lol
also, as you can see, sometimes you have more than one desire (all of the above examples of mine have two), and it is both satisfying and more efficient to combine them. especially with longfic, if you have multiple things going on in there it makes it feel like a fuller story/more realistic world. (plus sometimes you get unique combinations! not to sound terribly self-involved but i have to say i think my merlin fic was pretty unique in its premise, and i’m really pleased with how it came out.) for example, you could write about two lovers separated in a battle, character a dead and character b getting promised to the bad guy, and so character a goes on a long journey, only to find out when they arrive that character b has already murdered the bad guy, and they have a romantic reunion in the rain, now this big planned wedding can be for them instead. see what i mean? 
then you can have subplots. maybe character a’s parents died when they were a baby and they find out on their journey that bad guy was the one who killed them, or that their dad is still alive but has amnesia, or that their dead parents were secretly next in line for the throne, making character a the lost heir. maybe character b learns the bad guy killed character a’s parents and that’ve the motive for the murder. maybe character a travels with some characters who have their own problems that can be solved with this same journey, such as other people who fled the battle or people attending the upcoming wedding between character a and the bad guy. and there you go, i just outlined a 75k fic in a few sentences! obviously the more plots you have the harder it will be to juggle them (i use spreadsheets) but if you have a big blank “middle” section with nothing in it you can throw More Plot in there to pad it out
the point is, if you have even one tiny scene that you are holding in your mind, you can work outward from it. let’s take an example from earlier. if you want to write a reunion, that’s a plot point. two people get reunited. so, you then also need to know how our two lovers got split up. was there a battle and someone was presumed dead? bam, got a second plot point. now third plot point: how do they find each other again? even if it’s as simple as “they got in a car and drove there” that is a third plot point. before you know it you’ll be swimming in them, especially if you are balancing multiple plots/desires. if you have a friend or a beta reader i find talking it out with someone else is very helpful if you’re blanking. if you don’t, you can type into an empty document as though you’re writing into a chatroom or talk to a rubber duck and that might help too! 
remember also the action-reaction idea of events. like for example in broken road, where dean is caging an archangel inside of him, he can’t get too upset or that will weaken his self-control. so if his abusive father comes back from the dead and says too many upsetting things, the archangel could get out and hurt people. or in anchor, it’s hard for hunters to trust derek because they don’t like werewolves, so if he loses control of himself that could cause them to attack. or in how arthur got his groove back, uther hates and fears magic, so if he’s cursed with it he may get increasingly desperate to be free of magic and ultimately wind up hurting himself. 
(all of this is under your control btw! You Are God In This Universe. the second ask i linked to up top discusses how to keep these things in mind as moving parts that belong to you. and putting your plot IN ORDER after you know what all you want to happen is pretty important imo, so if you want to you can read the FIRST post i linked to at the top of this ask for that. sorry it’s so much extra lol <3)
another question you’ll probably need the answer to is: when/where are the starting and ending points of this fic? since you’re not writing these characters from birth to death, at some point you will hit a place where the story begins and another where the story ends. 
for beginnings: most people say it’s best to start as late as possible, but if there are things you just WANT to write you can since the writing “rules” around fanfic are basically nonexistent. you can begin wherever you like - if you wait until the fic is done or mostly done to post, you can always change it later.
endings: this is a little harder. you want to end after the majority of your plots have been “resolved,” but what that resolution is is very subjective and of course unique to every plotline. the same way you can start late, you can also end early, by hinting at the future or even leaving hooks for a sequel, but you don’t want to leave it so unresolved that it’s frustrating. it’s a fine line to walk and another good reason to get feedback from someone you trust to give it to you straight (but nicely) before you post.
a good rule of thumb to whether or not a plot has been “resolved” is to think of an individual plotline as a question. will the lovers be reunited? yes! resolved. “yes but only for a short time” is also an answer. “no” is an answer. “will these characters get married?” is a question, or even “will these characters figure out a way to AVOID getting married?” in my own fics some of the questions might be “does derek ever catch kate?” or “does arthur ever learn the truth about merlin?” or “does john ever find out that dean said yes to michael?” the question is what draws people in and makes them want to keep reading (to find out the answer, or to get a hint at the answer). it doesn’t have to be a yes or no question, by the way. it can be way more complex if you want, like, “why keep going when things seem hopeless?” or “why fall in love when you keep getting hurt?” or whatever. 
finally, i want to touch on there being two kind of scenes/storylines in most fics - the Action Plot that moves things along, like breaking a curse or hunting down a killer or banishing an archangel, and the Character Stuff where two people just kind of talk and their relationship develops and changes. obviously these two things will overlap from time to time, but sometimes the first kind of plot (action) is really just an excuse for the second kind (character) to happen. and the action plot is what can really trip up people who aren’t used to plotting. but to bring it full circle and go back to desires - what you want out of this fic - if the character plot is what you’re really wanting to write, then the action plot exists ONLY to serve it. especially for fanfic, where the readers also typically desire the character plot, if you just use the barebones of an action plot you’ll still do just fine. as with everything, it takes practice, and the more you do it, the less frustrating it will become. 
sorry that this is really rambly and unorganized! i hope at least a little of it is helpful to you. as i said if you have a more specific question re plotting (i probably can’t help with the actual plot itself) definitely come back if you want to. GOOD LUCK, i believe in you so much <3
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h50europe · 3 years
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Why the ending of the series finale felt off for many of us (and what PL could have had really in mind) - Aphorisms
As you can easily see from the photos, season 11 was a safe bet, as was a new team member, McCole. What could have been, it says, written by Justin, the wife of Alex stunt/stand-in double. I'm going to play the advocatus diaboli.
In the penultimate episode of H50, Lenkov created a new character. He was sort of based on Steve, but also not. As it turned out in the last episode, Cole and Steve also had a mutual friend: Catherine. Why does that not really surprise us? The rumor mill was really churning, and it was a given that PL was definitely going to bring her on board. So, without further ado, he made her a key person. She was the one who cracked the ominous code that Doris had left for her son. Question, couldn't Jerry have done that just as well?
Anyway, PL set up Cole and Steve. But the chemistry - for us - wasn't really there. They could have just as easily put anyone next to Steve. PL built on the military past of the two (what else) and finally the common denominator: Catherine. Oh, how original. NOT. If you look at this constellation, you can already guess where this was going. But there remained this one obstacle: Danny.
Well, no problem, Lenkov thought and had him kidnapped without further ado. All planned because of all the great McDanno moments we got to see in season 10. So appropriately for lulling, even if these moments did not have nearly as much heart as in previous seasons, but hey, the fans would swallow and relish it, PL thought.
Then came the obligatory threatening call from Daiyu Mei (note the clever pun ala Yoda: die you may...), and the drama unfolded. The whole thing was further clarified by the words of Wo Fat's ex: "I have the person you care about most in the world." Bummer, as she is not talking about Catherine but Danny. Queerbaiting at its worst. Then comes the usual. And during the escape attempt, Danny, who is already half-dead, gets shot. So far, so good, or not.
Danny's injuries could have easily been fatal. So now I'm going off the premise and just claiming that this was PL's original plan. Why? PL did mention at one point that he could imagine H50 without Steve or Danny, but he certainly wasn't stupid enough to believe that. It was nothing more than a smoke grenade. But what PL had wanted for a long time was the end of McDanno. He preferred another ship. But while McDanno sailed blithely across the seven seas, PL's fav ship never left the harbor. But now, he had the ultimate opportunity with a new, equal partner at Steve's side (Book'em Cole), who also pulled Catherine out of a hat.
PL's heart did somersaults. What a great plan that was. Alex didn't say anything about really wanting to quit, even after the series ended. While he had been open about his departure after season 7, there was no need to hide this fact now in season 10. And as you can easily see, all signs were pointing toward season 11. What PL didn't count on was the massive resistance from CBS.
In contrast to PL, they had no problems with Scott/Danny or McDanno. They knew that this was the heart and soul of the show. And PL's protector Moonves was no longer available because he had been kicked out of the network. So PL's back was against the wall. And nothing and nobody could change that. Too bad, because actually, PL had everything perfectly planned.
Danny would either die on the way to the hospital or later in the hospital. This would lead Steve to a massive revenge attack, which should have ended in a brilliant showdown (brilliant for PL, not necessarily for the fans), but Daiyu Mei escapes eventually. Then, Steve would have been driving around aimlessly. We were possibly shown some flashbacks, only to end up at Casa McGarrett, where Catherine would have already been waiting for him. Nice reversal of the goodbye scene from season 6.
The conversation between Steve and her would have been similar to Danny's, except that it wouldn't have been about his parents, but about Danny and that he just can't take it in Hawaii any longer. Too much reminds him of his dead friend. Steve also wanted to pay his final respect and bring him back home to Jersey. Of course, Catherine suggests joining him. What else? Now that one ship sunk, PL could easily replace it with HIS fav ship. And because Cole has done so well, Steve also entrusts him with the task force's leadership. Before Steve leaves to accompany Danny on his last journey, he hands Cole his credentials.
Steve and Cath stand next to each other at the airport and watch as Danny's coffin is loaded onto the plane. Then they board the plane together, ending with them holding hands as we know it. Fade out, season 10 ends.
How would it have continued in season 10? Danny's funeral would have happened off-screen, like so many other pivotal scenes. Steve would have maybe spent an episode or two mulling it over and then returned to Hawaii to hunt down Daiyu Mei with Cole and the team, which now included Catherine.
So much for Lenkov's wet dream, um, plan. However, because CBS knew that McDanno was the heart and soul of the series, they found this idea more than lousy and turned PL down. We could imagine that Alex also threw in that he would certainly not continue without Scott. There was a short back and forth, and it was decided to cancel the show. So we've come full circle to the sloppy, heartless execution of the last episode and the absolutely meaningless words PL put in Steve's mouth as a result. Due to lack of creativity and apparent lack of time, the deadline seemed to be predetermined, considering how quickly the soundstages at Diamond Studios were obliterated.
The crew was equally surprised when PL succinctly informed them that there would be no season 11. See the post from an angry crew member on IG.
Can we prove any of this? Nope, but it's the only reasonable explanation for why the show ended the way it did. Namely, completely illogical, with a Steve who was more than just off the rails. At the very beginning of the series, Steve gives completely different reasons for staying. If you do a rewatch, you'll see.
Everybody knows that you don't solve problems by running away. You don't get rid of the weight that you carry around with you. Steve may be a stubborn mule, but one thing he has never been: self-centered. And if Danny was really the most important thing in the world to him, as Mei said, then he wouldn't have dumped him in the end. Because that's what you do when you really love someone, you stay and fight against all odds. Especially when someone is in a bad place, like Danny, who has just jumped from the brink of death.
You don't suddenly go on a self-realization trip and kick the person who's already lying on the ground. But that's exactly what Steve did. At least the way PL wrote the part. The man must have really lost it when he wrote those lines. I'm sure he was enjoying pure schadenfreude.
And if you take a close look at the two protagonists, you can clearly see the reluctance with which they shared it all with the audience. There was no more room for any affectionate ad-lib actions that we knew from before. They could only stubbornly reel off what was in the script. PL would have done well to sit down with Scott and Alex and find a common solution instead of imposing his version on them and the audience. That's what people with integrity do, but the man never any.
In our opinion, the show's ending ranks among the dumbest and most unimaginative of all time. Rarely a person manages to drive a show against the wall in such a way and at the same time assassinated the main characters. PL shouldn't be proud of it. He should rather stand in a corner and be ashamed of himself.
And now you can go ahead and bash us, or just ignore the whole thing and keep on scrolling. Thank you for your time and for letting us share our thoughts with you.
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carbootsoul · 4 years
anyway no one asked but: yue joins the gaang instead of becoming the moon at the end of season 1 hcs!!
- instead of giving up her life to replace tui as the moon spirit, she gives up tui’s blessing to give them the final burst of strength to escape from zhao. basically yue gives up her blue eyes, pale hair, and waterbending. she never (?) waterbends on the show, and the loss of her bending isn’t too devestating to her.
- also sokka gets a friend who can’t bend either... he deserves it.
- when the gaang leaves after the battle is over, yue decides to come with them and it’s a HUGE thing with her father and begins her main character arc, which is about whether her responsibility to her tribe and the preservation of their culture is more important than her paving her own way and also how those two things can coexist!
- she leaves her betrothal necklace on her bedside table and the last shot of the episode is just of it, lying there. 
- this got rly long so there’s more under the cut
- her traveling clothes are a thing shawl and a tunic similar to sokka’s with pants. she keeps her usual haircut but it’s tied with leather instead of the fancy hair things she used as princess. also she uses a hunting knife as a weapon
- she and sokka continue their weird not-dating-but-kind-of-dating dance for a lot of episodes and it’s generally awkward and easy comic relief. also more shots of yue blushing because she’s just so cuteeee
- there’s a scene of them stargazing where yue tells sokka the story of a pair of lovers who died and then remained best friends in all their future lives (because avatar friendships enduring through lifetimes and also friendship being just as important as romantic relationships)
- yue becomes friends with EVERYONE they meet IMMEDIATELY and everyone falls in love with her because she’s sweet and pretty and has a nice laugh.
- there’s a filler episode that’s just sokka and yue going shopping together and trying on lots of jewlery but the running gag is that yue keeps getting distracted with talking to other people and definitely flirting with every girl she runs into and sokka is always distracted with a pair of earrings or a set of rings and doesn’t notice. finally some random guy is like ‘man your girlfriend has been flirting with my sister this whole time... are you aware.” and sokka is immeditaly like ShE’s NoT mY GiRLfRiEnD and then like wait what
- so maybe yue is a lesbian. sokka is very distressed that he’s been trying to court someone who’s not interested so he talks with katara while she’s sewing or something and he’s like is yue gay?? and katara is like oh i don’t know. lots of people we know are queer. sokka: WHO??? katara: well, zuko. suki. sokka: ZUKO??? SUKI??? and this is when katara realizes her brother’s gaydar is nonexistent. 
- yue tries being a vegetarian (to be nice to aang) but thinks nuts are gross so she and sokka go on hunting trips together. she’s Very Good at archery.
- also the episode where they watch toph wrestle?? she and sokka are SO on her side. it made me angry in the show that sokka wasn’t on her side but yue would convince him very quickly and they are very loud together.
- she also stays to talk to toph on the estate because she doesn’t look as suspect as the rest of the gaang so the guards don’t kick her out immediately (read: she’s good at conforming to elitist ideas of how people r meant to act and passes the rich kid test). she and toph sit in the garden and watch the moon (because the moon symbolizes yue’s perceived failure to sacrifice herself to save her tribe) and talk about how sometimes to live as yourself you have to skirt your responsibilities to your family. yue leaves a few hours later firmly friends with toph.
- she continues to be the one firmly on toph’s side in the toph/katara disputes that are in the first few episodes with toph. katara can’t hold it against her though because literally who could hold a grudge against yue she’s so incredible
- (ok we’re skipping a lot of time here bc i frankly do not remember everything that happened in book 2) her ba sing se tale is her uhhh going to the market to buy herself an iced tea because she’s gay and just having a good time being a no one. a girl she runs into at the cafe asks her to go on a walk around the city with her and it’s very sweet but yue does Not know this is a date so when the girl gives her a kiss she gets blushy and says something dumb
- also at the end of another episode we have a short scene of yue on the roof of their house in the upper ring, staring at the moon and touching the place on her neck where her betrothal necklace isn’t. then the camera switches to zuko, on the other side of the city, looking at the same moon and absently running his fingers through his hair where his topknot used to be
- yue and jet hate each other but yue still advocates for him because she sees how he’s been hurt and thinks that he deserves a second chance. i don’t know the funeral traditions for any of the nations but she does a quick northern water tribe blessing over his body before they run away.
- yue and mai are like.. yes we r gay..... yes we do flirt with each other while fighting sometimes.... yes we r the two knife fighters.. yes we are ALSO narrative foils
- yue looks SO GOOD in fire nation clothes but she keeps her usual hairdo because she deserves it. the fire nation propaganda makes her very angry, as does the institutionalized homophobia. she starts arguing with some guy over it and katara is ready to back her up and start fucking screaming and get arrested and sokka is like.. now. now is when i should talk to her. 
- he drags her away and she’s like fuck dude i can fight my own battles and he’s like no i just.. what you were talking about.... i have something i need to tell you..... and she’s like you’re bi!! good for you, sokka, thank you for telling me. and he’s like :bi shock: no?? you’re a lesbian. anyway yes she is a lesbian they are wlw mlm solidarity. 
- there’s a filler episode where toph and yue rob a bunch of fire nation soldiers and when they get caught (after a While of these robberies) they get out of it by playing the ‘dumb rich kids’ card and run away with jewelry like.. dripping off their hands. katara makes them sell all of it except a choker necklace yue keeps that looks like a betrothal necklace but instead has an etching of a bird flying away.
- skipping again bc this is getting rly long. when zuko joins the gaang he and yue have a tentative conversation about their relationships to their nations and he’s like.. idk sounds like you needed to leave? that wasn’t an environment that you can thrive in. and she’s like but i can change it! i need to be there to change it, and i left. and he’s like well no. some things are just toxic. i went back to my nation and it was terrible. and she’s like i have a responsibility to my PEOPLE and gets mad at him and she and katara r like angry at zuko team. 
- yue’s life changing field trip with zuko is just them leaving on appa to go to a market and be normal teenagers. they both viewed each other as Fire Prince and Water Tribe Princess, but this lets them open up and realize concretely that that’s not all that they are. 
- zuko apologizes for implying that the nwt was irreparable and explains that the fire palace wasn’t something he could fix and that trying just hurt him more. yue says that part of the reason she was angry with him was because he was right and that she felt so much more herself when she was away from her home. they finally reach the conclusion together that they have to become themselves before they can hope to change their cultures for the better.
- yue comes along to boiling rock but is v much background to zukka bromance. she hangs out with suki some (lots more yue blushing oc bc suki is BUFF) and does some dumb gay fighting with mai but they’re both bad at it because yue is busy mooning over suki and mai is busy protecting ty lee.
- ember island players still say she turned into the moon >:(
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader
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Summary: Reader feels homesick after a particularly gruesome case. Spencer can’t buy a plane ticket, but he can try to help recreate part of home with them.
A/N: hey heyyyy- this is my eighth fic for my 30 fics in 30 days for April- I’m very nervous for this one to be honest- idk if it’s going to be a lot of peoples cup of tea- this one had me researching a lot lol since I have no clue about boats at all lol- I hope I did the request at least a bit of justice (sorry in advance if I fuck up any terms or anything) but I think I did pretty well with my research (I think). I originally got the request from @imagining-in-the-margins when she handed it over to me also thanks for some help on the folklore parts too! Here it is-
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I always want to hear from you guys so feel free to drop me an ask here- and hopefully y’all enjoy!!
Warnings: ~disclaimer lol I know nothing about boating~ Anyway into the other warnings- Takes place directly after season 3 episode 8 (Lucky with Floyd Feylinn) Spencer gets really fucking sea sick- poor baby, Reader is from overseas (originally Cornwall in the request but I made it a bit more vague) and Reader’s father is a fisherman
Main Masterlist Word Count: 1.8k
The air that floated around whenever I was out on the water, salty sea water or fresh salt water always seemed to breath life back into my lungs. The river that we were boating on was quite salty near its widest point, tides brought the saltwater in to mix with the fresh making the water quite brackish.
I was lucky to still live somewhat near water after I had moved over to America. I hadn’t had the luxury of picking exactly where I was going to live and work when I transferred to the FBI, I just happened to draw all the right cards. With my schedule I didn’t go out on the water as much as I used to, definitely not as often as I had as a child. I yearned often to feel the specific type of air people only felt when on the water, especially when my job got particularly gruesome.
Gruesome was a way to define the last case my team and I had been brought in to investigate. My stomach churned at the thought of our last unsub, his name couldn’t leave my mind and the images of his heinous acts certainly didn’t leave either. Floyd Feylinn Ferell had been his name, though I wished I could forever scrub it from my memory. His crimes were too vile that everything seemed to trigger a memory, specifically of the frozen corpses.
The team had even noticed how affected I was by the case, often sending me worrying looks whenever it looked like blood drained from my face over sheer shock- just like the corpses. Cases had been gruesome before, sure, but there was something about this one made me feel frozen by fear.
I needed air, and not just any old air.
Homesickness was another factor that was making me feel so ill. I hadn’t been back to my home in so long, the only time I spoke with my father was over the phone, no video chats at all. He was just as technophobic as Spencer, maybe even more so to be honest. My father’s life as a fisherman hadn’t made him exceptionally tech savvy. He did know how to work a phone now thanks to you, which was another similarity to him and Spencer. I had helped Spencer learn how to work his new smartphone just last week.
Spencer, my lovely boyfriend of a few months, wanted to help quell my dark thoughts as best as he could with all of his knowledge. His first solution was to always revert to books, which I didn’t mind, it only made him more special to me. He tried to find books that would remind me of home- and get my mind off of gruesome cases that were closed and shut cases.
Hotch had then suggested the team take a day off, just one. After weeks of back to back cases with little to no reprieve we’d finally get some time alone, even if it was only for a day. All I needed was one day to get on the water and cleanse myself of the negative thoughts I had been feeling lately.
It was actually Spencer that had first suggested this excursion. He had come to one of our dates with his arms full of pamphlets all about renting a boat for the day. He also had definitely read up about boats, I’d expect nothing less of Spencer. I had learned it was his way of subtly showing affection, researching anything that I even was passively interested in.
Spencer packed even more than I did when we set off on the day long date, packing to the brim at least one too many bags- to be honest he packed two too many bags.
Once we had gotten the boat out into the water, the relief was almost instant. It was like my body knew I was home. I wasn’t actually at home of course, but it somehow knew I was near the water again. Honestly, Spencer hadn’t been far off when he called me a mermaid on one of our first dates, I had gone on a ramble about my love for it.
The water wasn’t nearly as clear as where I had grown up, much more dull in my opinion. But, the breeze that danced across my skin as well as the water made me feel more at home then I had been in a long time. After letting the mist spray onto my cheeks for a while I looked over to check on Spencer, who was not doing well by the looks of it.
Spencer’s face was twisted up in a grimace, not used to being in a boat. Until I had asked him a few weeks ago, to make sure it would be safe to go out on the water with him, I hadn’t even been sure he could swim. I also wasn’t that surprised that he had this reaction, it would have been less of a problem if it was a boat that I had picked out and bought. But, I’d take what I’d get if only to be by the water.
He pretended to hide his urge to dry heave over the side of the small boat that I had rented for the weekend. He looked almost green at this point, I knew he was only staying for my benefit at this point making me a tad bit sad. Water definitely seemed to have the opposite effect on Spencer compared to me, being on the water always felt like instant relaxation to me.
I still, however, didn’t want him to feel any major discomfort like he was obviously feeling so I decided to pipe up since he wouldn’t tell me himself, “Are you sure you’re ok enough to stay, Spencer?”
He pulled his life vest around himself as tight as he could while crossing his arms around his stomach. It took him a second to answer and in that time I almost started to turn the boat around back to the bay.
“I’m fine!” He squeaked out and I could see a shiver run through him. If I had offered to turn the boat around he’d most definitely have given me a glare, not wanting me to turn it around for his own sake. I squinted my eyes in suspicion, he was not completely fine obviously, but if he was insistent on staying maybe I could find something to distract him from it.
“Do you want to hear a sea shanty or do you want me to tell a regular story?” I asked out into the wind, thinking that might distract him from his nausea.
“A story, but you can’t call them regular stories.” He teased back as well as he could with the urge to dry heave, as if he didn’t know what I had meant. I scooted a little closer to him before I prepared myself to tell my story.
Selkies were always the ones I started out with whenever I told the stories I had grown up with. Despite its dark undertones I had latched onto the story as a child, finding it similar to the mainstream perception of what mermaids were. Though I’m reality seals that could transform into humans were a far cry from mainstream ideas of mermaids, a Merrow would have been a better comparison.
I always gave Spencer the origins of the story, he liked to know exactly where they had come from and how I had heard about the story in the first place, “As you know by now the folklore about Selkie’s originates from Scotland. Well- let me think about what I haven’t told you about Selkies before…” I pondered for a moment before remembering an aspect of the Selkies powers I hadn’t educated Spencer on yet. There was no doubt in my mind that he probably had all this information stored away in his brain somewhere, it was nice to know that someone genuinely cared about the stories I liked to tell. “Selkies are immortal, but they can be killed by other creatures. And I know I’ve told you that part, but I haven’t told you that they are generally killed by sharks when they are in seal form.”
I then went into the whole lore surrounding Selkie’s immortality. My hands were waving around animatedly as I talked, just like how the small waves were rocking our boat. They had definitely calmed down by now, hopefully Spencer would feel better soon.
Once I finished my tale I beamed over at him, my mood had brightened significantly over this trip, even though I could sense that Spencer’s had not. Though the story might have helped, he seemed a little less sickly now. He then managed to ask again without puking, “Could you tell another story? Maybe about the Kelpies? Or the Pixies of Cornwall? You can pick anything though really, I love listening to your stories.”
My heart swelled enough from his words that I thought it might burst. I wouldn’t have expected anything less of Spencer, he always hunted for more knowledge about things he was maybe more ignorant about compared to other topics.
I opted to then tell him about the Kelpies, who were also water dwelling creatures, before moving onto the pixies. He even seemed to be getting attached to the same stories that you favored as a child, and even as an adult.
I looked over at him as I finished my last little bit of information that I felt I could muster up today. A smile filled with fondness crept onto my face, his fluffy hair strewn about. It was cute despite his lingering sea sickness.
His face was remarkably less green now, my stories must have soothed him which made me feel heat run to my cheeks. Each time Spencer took interest in my origins I felt deeper feelings bubbling up, that were more than what we had expressed yet. Instead of voicing my full feelings just yet, I leaned forward to give him a chaste kiss on the forehead. He may have not looked green anymore, but I’d wait to give him a kiss on the lips until after we got back to shore, just in case something was to happen.
“Can you sing now?” I knew that he was not requesting me to sing any silly old song. He wanted me to sing the sea shantys that my father had taught me as a child. Not that I minded his request, I’d do anything to make him happier and I loved singing them anyway.
I smiled brightly as I guided the boat back to shore while I sang, already feeling lighter. It had not just been the water this time that made me feel better, it was also because of Spencer. He had taken so much care to help me feel more connected with home, loving to learn about your origins.
Ask Me Anything
Tag lists (message me if you want to be added):
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @oreogutz @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg @takeyourleap-of-faith I’m sorry 😭
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup @willowrose99
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes @onlyhereforthefanfics @jareauswifey
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 09 second part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Blather)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Wen Chao’s Weird Bird, Redux
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji walk away after killing the dire bird, and then Wen Chao, who was standing like 2 feet away, comes to collect its resentful little corpse. He totally heard Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji talking about him.  
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Wen Memorial
Now we visit the Wen memorial, which Wei Wuxian 2.0 won’t remember when he sees it again. Everyone who isn’t a Wen is confused and awkward while the Wens have an impromptu family conference. Agenda: 1. weeping 2. apologizing to ancestors for involuntarily being turned into temporary zombies. 3. getting the fuck out of dodge before it happens again
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This is a burial place, and the non-Wen cultivators are deferential and tentative where before they were bossy. Wei Wuxian’s affect is particularly different from his normal swagger and decisiveness. 
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Look how gently he asks Wen Qing about this place, thinking carefully and making his expression conciliatory before he opens his mouth to speak. 
(more after the cut)
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The others react to this revelation by becoming even more awkward and uncomfortable...
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But Wei Wuxian responds with shock and sympathy, once again showing why he makes friends wherever he goes, and why he is so vulnerable despite his many strengths. There is no “not my problem” setting in Wei Wuxian’s heart.
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It occurs to me, in watching his reaction, that Wei Wuxian doesn’t have a single living blood relation, as far as he or we know, and at this point he has never met a single member of his own clan. Yes yes, he has an adoptive family, and that’s lovely; I’m an adoptive parent myself. But genetic family is also super important, particularly in the ancestor-revering culture we see depicted in The Untamed. 
In any case, this moment of standing before the grave of Wen Qing’s people, with these few remaining members of her family--people who he will later get to know so well--seems to resonate with him.  
Baby Wen 
The scene at the shrine includes our first look at random cute kid massively important character Wen Yuan. 
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Let’s pretend Wen Yuan is a different age from however old he will be at the end of the Sunshot campaign, since the actor did not magically change ages. Here the character is probably two years old. 
Rich Gege Lan Wangji in this scene is wearing the same gorgeous blue color he will be wearing years later when Wen Yuan grabs him and won’t let go. Maybe A-Yuan’s pre-fever memory was super good, and he remembered that Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian belonged together. 
Chicken Hunting
Wei Wuxian seems to be all in on this chicken hunt, making sure Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang join him, but then he circles back to talk privately with Wen Qing and Lan Wangji. This was a ruse to distract Jiang Cheng. 
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Wei Wuxian is very good at manipulating Jiang Cheng and he does it frequently. He takes this ability way, way, way too far when he concocts the whole golden-core plan, which I’ll get into in the relevant episode. But this sibling dynamic is not great in either direction. 
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Incidentally, nobody asks about the giant chain mark on Wei Wuxian’s throat after he and Lan Wangji come back from their time in the woods together. What kind of rep does he have, exactly?
Having cornered Wen Qing, Wei Wuxian starts to question her seriously, but can’t resist an opportunity to flirt with Lan Wangji like an embarrassing dumbass. 
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Lan Wangji’s communication skills continue to improve, as he angrily tells Wei Wuxian "bì zuǐ! “ instead of storming off or shanking him with Bichen. [Chinese vocab OP has learned from watching CDramas: bì zuǐ (shut up),  duì bù qǐ (sorry), nú cái zuì gāi wàn sǐ  (your servant deserves to die for her offense)]
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Wei Wuxian makes a visible effort to drag himself back over the line into propriety.
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While Wei Wuxian apologizes to Lan Wangji with his eyes, Wen Qing wonders what she ever did to deserve being stuck in the middle of this crap.
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Eventually the boys get the whole Wen backstory, and Wen Qing hits the road.  
In what will become a repeating motif, Jiang Cheng asks Wen Qing to forget her family, abandon her clan, and bail on her little brother. 
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What the fuck, dude. You wouldn’t do that to Wei Wuxian and he’s your shige, not your didi. You are on this very road trip out of a sense of concern for him. As a female orphan who is the elder to her male sibling, Wen Qing’s obligation to Wen Ning is enormous even if she didn’t love him to bits. Not to mention she seems to be the clan leader for the Dafan Mountain Wens at this point. Jiang Cheng should understand her, but doesn’t.  
Club Ruohan
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God I’m boring 
 At some point in the episode we stop by Club Ruohan. Yawn. WRH tells Wen Chao he’s a dumbass for targeting Wen Qing’s people, and to get back to his fucking project already. Wen Chao talks about wanting to get “Wei Wuxian” and his homies - he doesn’t namecheck Lan Wangji, the ringbearer Yin Iron having person. Just bird-killer Wei Wuxian. That doesn’t bode well for Lotus Pier.
Wen Ruohan is actually fairly reasonable, for a power-hungry megalomaniac who’s busily corrupting himself with dark energies. Most of the atrocities in the “fuck all of the other clans” campaign were Wen Chao’s idea. 
The gang goes to Qiting and Lan Wangji gets ready to go doorknocking to find out where the next hunk of Iron is. Wei Wuxian stops him and says that his plan is stupid and it sucks. 
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In a truly amazing display of his developing trust in Wei Wuxian, socially awkward Lan Wangji asks WWX for advice on how to proceed. 
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Wei Wuxian’s answer is to go drinking. But...he’s not wrong. And he explains his reasoning to Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji before the grabbing and dragging part. Lan Wangji seems to be getting used to that part. 
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In fact Lan Wangji has already become a lot more comfortable with Wei Wuxian’s extroversion and high spirits than Jiang Cheng is, even though Jiang Cheng isn’t nearly as introverted as Lan Wangji. That’s love for ya.
Tavern Talk
Wei Wuxian slaps a heap of coins down on the table and proceeds to extravagantly order...three jugs of wine. That seems pretty moderate, but they all react like he’s a big spender. 
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Wei Wuxian: No worries, Rich Gege's got me covered 
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Wangxian’s old-married-couple dynamic appears on the scene fully formed, as Wei Wuxian slowly undresses a bottle of wine and Lan Wangji tells him to stop dawdling. 
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Chatting with the guy at the Inn works exactly as well as Wei Wuxian said it would, as he tells them about creepy doings at the old Chang place. 
Lan Wangji’s bag of holding, which was definitely not tucked into his perfectly smooth chest placket a second ago....
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bursts forth like the xenomorph in Alien, startling everyone and causing Lan Wangji a lot of pain and brow furrowing.
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Wei Wuxian leaps over and puts a steadying hand on his shoulder, and tells him to relax and concentrate, in a bit of a role reversal from earlier. Lan Wangji doesn’t shake him off. 
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Once the Yin Iron settles down again, they dash off to investigate the creepy doings, leaving Nie Huaisang behind to meet up with Meng Yao. I’m sure everyone will be glad some day that they created an opportunity for Meng Yao to join them and the new enemy they are about to capture. 
Cheng Compound
At the Cheng compound, the door is shut and there are creepy noises. Time for a talisman! 
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It’s sweet how when anything fucked-up and necromantic happens, these guys immediately look to Wei Wuxian for the right way to deal with it. 
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The outfits here form a nice a nice contrast, with the two clan lineal descendants dressed in near-matching blue with silver crowns, while Wei Wuxian has changed out of his blue and red robes and into his future signature black. The leather hair band is as fancy as he gets - he wears his outsider status pretty proudly, even at this early age. 
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The boys open the doors on a scene so grotesque, even gravity has become meaningless. 
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Lan Wangji: This is horrifying, so extremely untidy
Jiang Cheng: Do I know any of these people? No? Ok, this is fine then
Wei Wuxian: I wonder if I could kill this many people all by myself. That would be epic.
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thehollowprince · 3 years
Aah, Andromeda! I still remember fondly lil 14-year old me sitting down on sunday afternoons to watch "back2back action pack" starting with Hercules (bland), Xena (iconique!), Cleopatra 2525 (highly entertaining but absolutely bonkers), Jack of All Trades (Bruce Campbell!) and lastly Andromeda, from which the ONLY thing I remember is Tyr (norse wargod-name, because I was a MASSIVE mythology-nerd) and that the ship's computer had a crush on Sorbo's character...
"Dylan Hunt is the least interesting part of this show." Ironically enough Kevin Sorbo's Hercules was always the most boring part of The Legendary Journeys and the show really suffered and dragged after killed off Iolaus. I literally remembered the ship computer having a crush on Sorbo's character before I even remembered his name (I still wouldn't have remembered it if you hadn't written it down.) I'd rather watch Cleopatra 2525. which was bonkers, but everyone seemes to have a good time!
I was on Tubi the other day, just going through old titles from back in the day - the B-list stuff that most people don't remember, when I came across Beastmaster, featuring Daniel Goddard running around in a loincloth with a big stick, talking to and saving animals. In one of those episodes, Keith Hamilton Cobb showed up, looking fine as hell, and I suddenly remembered that he was on that show with low-rent Hercules.
So I went looking for Andromeda, which was also on Tubi, and I've been enjoying this trip down memory lane, despite Sorbo's overwhelming (and unwanted) presence. I enjoyed all the characters except for him. I loved the crew of the Eureka Maru (forever said about Rev Bem), I loved Rommie, the Android version of the ship itself, and I especially loved Tyr.
Twelve-year-old me didn't understand why, but twenty years later... I get it.
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People actually expected me to find Dylan attractive when I had this man right here every episode.
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This man who wpre leather pants and chain mail and fishnet tank tops, his arms forever on display.l, looking like a whole ass meal and dessert.
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The more I go through it, the more I think Captain Dylan Hunt should have been played by someone else... Gina Torres maybe. She has the presence and it would have been entertaining, and made more sense why Rommie would have been attracted to the captain. Hell, we wouldn't have even had to have changed the character's name.
Part of me also would have loved to have seen this show in its original context - as a spinoff of Star Trek. This whole show was based off of unused ideas by Gene Roddenberry, and so I can't help but see it.
The Commonwealth is obviously supposed to be a knockoff of thr Federation, so Dylan Hunt is Captain of a Star Fleet vessel and on a diplomatic mission, they're ambushed by the Nietzscheans (I like the idea of them being a new species introduced as opposed to a knockoff version of Vulcans, Romulans, or Klingons) and the Andromeda gets stuck in a black hole for 300 years. I would have loved to have seen how the galaxy would have been 300 years after the fall of the Federation, instead of this dream of restoring a Commonwealth that we have no attachment to.
I'm enjoying this trip down memory lane with all of these old scifi and sword & sorcery shows from the late 90s and early 2000s.
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Your thoughts on the epi? And the trailers? I'm loving the in love Edser! We've waited so long for this!!!
This episode was so fun and fluffy! I don't know about you, but I am enjoying the tone during this second season. A lot. I don't care how stupid the audition process was for the spot in the school, it gave us some very good comedy and a lot of USTy, sexy, flirty goodness.
And like you, I also love in love Edser!
Thankfully this episode was dominated by Edser, and with Kiraz at Granny's house we even got some alone time. The supporting characters were used to good effect this episode, Engin and Piril were the funniest they've ever been, Kerem and Pina served to poke Serkan about his mentoring style, and it was actually nice to have an excuse for Ayfer and Aydan to share a storyline again.
(more under the cut)
However, we'll start with Burak and Melo. UGH. I mean I love Melo and Elcin has done a really good job of showing Melo's heartbreak and trying to hide her melancholy behind her usual bubbly personality, but I really can't stand that it's over such a dud of a character. I know I'm a broken record here but Melo deserves better than this fool. Honestly, he's such a bland sad sack I don't really get why Melo loves him, Eda wants to be friends with him and Ayfer thinks he's so great she wants him for a nephew-in-law. Well, for Ayfer the only qualification is that he's not Serkan, so never mind that question.
However, maybe there's some hope? Before this episode it seemed certain they were heading in a romance direction, but the way he told her she was like a sister to him? Is there really any coming back from him saying that after he remembered kissing her? On the other hand we're barreling towards the end here and there's not really enough time to introduce anyone new for Melo (and no indication from spoilers that they have) and I'm pretty sure Ayse and the writers want to give her a romantic happy ending (although I'd be fine if they didn't and instead had her go off and do something entirely for herself like go back to school or travel or open a shop). So we'll see, because even with the sister line they left some room open because Kerem was the one who suggested he say that (it wasn't necessarily his own idea) and with Melo he seemed to be coming from a place where he assumed he had forced himself on her and she was angry because she didn't want it. Which we know is not true, so might be a misunderstanding that leads to something more. Anyway, I guess we'll just have to endure whichever way they go.
Personally, I like the Serkan-Kemal father storyline. I think it's a good way to add a bit of drama in the waning episodes, gives Serkan a bit of an identity crisis, interestingly mirrors his own situation with Kiraz, and it just makes sense with everything we know of the characters. Because were we seriously supposed to believe that someone as sniveling as Alptelkin sired Serkan? I mean Serkan is the epitome of BDE, he has an inherent charismatic and commanding presence. Sorry to the actor who played Alptekin, but he didn't really have any kind of presence, however Sinan who plays Kemal, does. They've done a great job of casting, because it just feels true. I believe Kemal and Serkan share genetics.
However, even before that storyline starts in earnest, it's interesting that Serkan was being a big baby, not wanting his mom with a man she clearly loves. I wish Eda would have pushed back at him a little more when he was going off that Aydan shouldn't pursue love at her age! Does he think he'll be out of love with Eda by the time he's in his 50s and 60s? Of course not! I'm guessing Eda, though, is just letting him blow off some steam and come to accept the relationship on his own terms. Don't get me wrong, though, after all the meddling Aydan's done with Edser, she more than deserves to have Serkan's opinion of Kemal negatively impact her!
Loved that Kiraz and Can found out first that Kemal is Serkan's father! Cat is out of the bag, Aydan, you can't make a deal with a 5 year old, lmao. It put a nice ticking clock on the whole thing and gave us some good comedic moments where Kiraz is speaking the truth and everyone thinks she's just really fond of the dude. Hee.
Also I enjoyed the Aydan and Ayfer moments. To be honest, I also used to enjoy their true friendship moments when we got them, like when Kemal first appeared and Aydan was freaking out and needed Ayfer and Seyfi around her, and when they were trying to hunt down Deniz after the fake wedding turned real. After so much animosity, it was nice that Ayfer recognized that Aydan was truly in distress and needed a friend and they were able to actually talk. Also we got some (mildly) funny comedy with the two of them and the school lady. Speaking of Ayfer, thankfully she finally realized some consequences to her actions in pushing Burak at Eda. She hurt Melo! Glad she finally opened her eyes to see what should have been obvious to her (Eda never saw him that way, and Melo obviously did) and apologized to Melo. I'd like it if she would apologize to Eda as well, (and Burak deserves an apology as well because she most definitely gave him false hope) but since Eda wasn't influenced by her we probably won't see that.
Switching to Eda and Serkan this episode gave us lots of good stuff. This was a great episode for showing us where each of them stood. Eda is terrified of getting hurt and trying to hold him at arm's length even while he clearly is inching back into her heart, and Serkan is dreaming of their future together, and taking every opportunity to tie them together. How much did I love Serkan admitting he was poking at Eda, and doig things to make her angry, just so she would talk to him? Interesting that he's doing it and love that he's being honest and admitting it to her. One of my favorite relationship dynamics between them is around "talking." In the very beginning Serkan did a lot of complaining about how much Eda talked and how she never shut up, but starting around episode 18 all he wanted was for Eda to talk to him. And this is just more of that. The thing he wants most is to talk to her.
Plus watching domestic Edser is just so much fun, I could watch their full grocery shopping trip in real time and be perfectly happy, lol. At the age of 35 it's time that Serkan learn how to do a few things for himself, I don't care how rich he is, so it's nice that we see him evolving a bit as he embraces the dad role.
The jealousy gambits, even as mild as they are, are getting pretty eye roll worthy since Eda and Serkan are living together, care so much, and obviously are still so hot for one another. It's a bit more understandable from Serkan since Eda is the one creating the barrier between them, but are we really supposed to believe that Eda is jealous of Deniz when Serkan is so obviously in love with Eda and planning their future together? Especially when he clearly can't stand Deniz and tries so hard to avoid her? I suppose it's to show us that Eda is in a jumbled state, her head is trying to keep space with Serkan, while her heart wants him badly and is scared he's going to take her rejections seriously. Even so it was quite irrational for her to get angry at Serkan for having lunch with Deniz when she ordered him to leave with her. Poor Eda is in emotional turmoil.
It was hard to tell with shaky translations, but I guess Serkan claimed to have been injured while rescuing Eda and that's how he talked his way into her bed? Impressively done, Serkan. Love it because it meant we all got to wake up to snuggly family, snuggling together. This gave us another glimpse into Eda's psyche, she wakes up first, and is clearly enjoying it and feeling at home in his arms, until the sleep clears enough and her head realizes she's not supposed to be enjoying it. But once again Kiraz knows how to handle her parents and their complicated relationship beautifully and fixes everything with a pillow fight. That is one smart cookie.
One of my favorite moments of the episode is when Eda is trying to convince Serkan to go to Aydan about the school. Eda knows that her big eyes still work on him, and they did. He still can't say no to her, another one of my favorite relationship dynamics of theirs. I'm super glad some things never change. Speaking of their visit to Aydan's, how great that they went to meet the horse without a name as a family, and then Serkan finally came up with the perfect name. Definitely a star.
Love, love, love that Serkan and Eda beat Engin and Piril when it came to the 'how well do you know your spouse' game. They may have been separated for 5 years, but they both have a genuine interest in the other, so they remember things, and they always made a much more compatible couple than Engin/Piril who have absolutely nothing in common. Of course I adored all the fake married hijinx this gave us, not to mention all the opportunities for Serkan to touch, kiss, and hold her. SO MUCH UST!
The heart-to-heart on the bench was well done and it finally gave us Eda opening up and telling him what's been holding her back. She's scared. Of course she is, the poor thing. Serkan might have thought he was doing it for her own good both times, but he ripped her heart out twice (not even counting all the heart ripping he did during amnesia) how could she not have fears? Of course she's afraid! Whenever she lets herself love him and be loved by him, it's ripped away horribly, and often in ways that feels like it's him doing the ripping. She can take into consideration the circumstances, which she has or else he wouldn't be anywhere near her, and still need time to be sure she's not just setting herself up to get emotionally demolished again.
For Serkan's part all he can do is keep being there, being honest with her, and showing he's in it for the long haul, which I think he's doing and which is why they are where they are at the end of this episode.
Engin and Piril's dance practice is probably the first Engin/Piril alone scene that I thought was genuinely funny and fully enjoyable. I can't think of another... message me if you think there is one, lol. Elsewhere, I saw some folks saying that Engin and Piril should have won the dance competition, because they actually danced, and Eda and Serkan didn't. LOL, you think? I'm pretty sure that was the point. That Eda and Serkan didn't really dance, all they did was get up there and turn their sexual tension and intense smoldering towards one another up to eleventy and won because it's that powerful.
It's sort of a metaphor for this whole series. Sen Cal Kapimi is 100% powered by their chemistry. Of course they can win any competition by just pressing their bodies against one another! They can turn a ditzy Turkish summer romcom that probably should have gone 13 eps into an international hit that's going on 50 episodes, just by looking at one another.
I'm glad that the school officials overheard their conversations and dismissed them, any organization that requires this of the parents, is going to be a lifelong pain-in-the ass, lmao. Also it was good to see Edser and EnPir make up by the end.
Now, on to that ending. I'm glad the subject of the tatoos was brought up, interesting that Eda kept hers until a few months ago. Also interesting that she moved it... can't blame Serkan for wanting to see it. Was that one great seduction line, or what?
I join with everyone who thinks it was a slightly awkward place to leave the episode. We only have 13 (probably) episodes this season, and we've only had one kiss so far. That was definitely a moment for a kiss. Part of me thinks they were going for the cliffhanger, what will Eda do? Will she kiss him or slam the door in his face? Tune in next week to find out! Except that audiences have to wait no time at all for the fragman and that makes any such cliffhanger moot. So what's the point? Have her pull him in, kiss him, and the show can end with them passionately making out and the door slamming with the camera outside the house.
Oh well, it is what it is, and we can only hope they pick up next week right where they left off. As for the fragman, obviously they are fully back together for this episode which means she lets him in to hunt for her tattoo. (please oh please give us that internet ozel because I don't think I can stand being online in this fandom if they don't. Thankfully I'm traveling next week and will be too busy to spend much time on twitter.)
As I said in another ask, I'm not surprised Serkan is barreling them straight towards marriage. When you know, you know, so why wait? Once they emotionally commit to one another, they need to just get married. No waiting for psychos to interfere, family to meddle, or tragedy to strike!
Seriously can't wait for a full episode of them together and Serkan figuring out how to propose. I'm also looking forward to the Kemal/Serkan stuff, it will be interesting to see how he reacts once the news sets in... should be a great episode!
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mylittlegemlins · 3 years
Hello tumblr, during my childhood I was really obsessed with smurfs and since I found out that they released a reboot, which unfortunately I haven´t yet been able to see, I think I had some inspiration and ended up writing this.
I don't usually post this kind of blog about series unless I'm too immersed in it because I feel like it's too childish but to hell, blogging about-analyzing series for kids is my entertainment method and if I can't post about my likes on Tumblr I don't know why have an account.
So I present:
How to catch the Smurfs
This is the definitive tutorial on everything Gargamel ever did to catch the little blue critters.
It is based mainly on the animated series from the 80s and the 3 films that were produced between 2011-2017, I watched several episodes again to write this, but I still hope I don't forget some important information.
Following these steps:
1. Why catch the Smurfs?
During the comics, the series and the recent movies there were many reasons why Gargamel and other humans wanted to capture the Smurfs that change over time, among its main uses we have:
- They are ingredients for exotic dishes.
-Turn them into gold
- Ingredient for the Philosopher's Stone
- Use its essence to obtain magic
- Their tears serve as an ingredient for spells
-Their skin serves as a treatment to cure diseases
2. Points to consider:
This is a set of rules that fall between the lines when using a Smurf for any of the recipes mentioned above.
2.1 How many are needed:
In some episodes Gargamel was about to cook a single Smurf, so 1 is enough to eat them.
To turn them into gold you need at least half a kilo, about 6 smurfs.
2.2. They don't need to be alive
I didn't remenber any place where it said that Smurfs must be alive to use them in recipes.
2.3. Smurfette doesn't always count
She has to be a real smurf or else it won't work, during her first appearance before the papa smurf spell and the episode "smurfette unmade" where she reverts to her original form she is not a real smurf, so it wouldn't work unless that is in its blonde form.
2.4. Fake Smurfs:
The reason Gargamel can't just create another Smurf and use it in his recipes is because his creations are blue clay with a conscience, to turn them into real Smurfs you need the “true blue”spell
2.5. Artificial Smurfs:
Smurfette, Sassete, Kactus, Vicky and any other Smurf they come up with in the future, count as real Smurfs only after their transformation.
To clarify the points, these are the steps:
3.Locate them
The Smurfs are in a village protected by a magical force that makes it invisible or unreachable, it is only possible to find the village if a Smurf guides you to it, even after finding the exact location it will have disappeared if you try to return, so the best It is marks the surroundings of the village and look for them in the places that the Smurfs frequent.
It is possible to capture them when they leave the village, force them to guide you, enter the village using teleportation spells or hoaxes.
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Catching smurfs is relatively easy, you can chase them with butterfly nets, catch them with your bare hands, using a cat or any other hunting animal, now that I think about it a hound would be very useful to track their scent.
Using some classic traps to hunt animals also works with Smurfs, traps with cages or hidden holes in the ground, or camouflage in a bush until a Smurf is close enough to catch it, you can't use traps like an obvious cage with food in it, they are too smart to fall for that.
It is more effective if they are placed in strategic places such as a field of smurfberries which is outside the village.
Small female creatures are also used as decoys, such as female smurfs, little mermaids and lymph to make a smurf fall in love and thus leave the village to a point where they can be captured.
5.Which Smurfs to capture
Personally I think there are Smurfs that are easier to catch, although Gargamel could not have a list of all with so many times that they have passed by his house, he should already recognize one or another Smurf and I remember that there is a episode where he knows some of his names.
The main cast, Smurfette, Hefty, Brainy, Clumsy, Greedy, Grouchy, Jokey and Handy as far as i can remember, they´re the ones that have been captured the most times and also the ones that have escaped the most, since they're easy to capture, it would be convenient to take advantage of this, but since they know how to get out, they should change the cages with them, put the cages in another place, move the objects that previously used to get out, and above all not to fall the same tricks again.
Papa smurf has been captured many times, he is the one who most leaves the village and if in one of his trips they capture him, maybe the others would not notice his absence, it is something difficult because he already knows how to escape and he can use spells against you, but if you manage to kill him the others would be lost without their leader, and with the disaster they would be easier to capture.
Lazy smurf takes naps during his work outside the village so it's a good chance to catch him, hopefully he might still be asleep while preparing the recipe and he won't try to escape.
According to his debut episode sickly smurf was never able to escape from Gargamel and Azrael; it is so easy that he catches him with his bare hands in 20 seconds.
Baby Smurf is more vulnerable for obvious reasons, the negative side is that there is always a Smurf looking after him, but if they manage to separate the baby it would be easy to cook , considering the life expectancy of the Smurfs is more than 500 years, it may remain a baby for the next 10 years so there is time to execute your plan.
Nat, Snapy, Sassete and Slouchy, the 4 children Smurfs that appear in season 5 are in almost the same circumstances as Baby Smurf.
In Wild Smurf's first appearance he kicked Gargamel in the face and easily made Azrael afraid of him so it might not be a good idea to mess with him.
I guess Smurfs like scaredy would never leave the village unless they forced it so the only times he gets caught is when they capture all 100 together.
6.Don't let them escape
In many occasions the Smurfs escape when they have already been captured by Gargamel, either from his hands, cages and in their closest attempts they escape from the pot.
These are the points to keep in mind:
6.1 Capture only one
If you capture a single Smurf than two or more as it will take a while for them to realize that one is missing and they will not come to their rescue, the more they are, the more likely they will find a plan to escape, so keep them in mind. separate cages.
6.2 The others will come
Once Gargamel has one or more Smurfs, it is 100% certain that the others will come to rescue him at his house, so it would be convenient to go to another place away from the forest where he can cook the Smurfs without others being able to find them. Gargamel has a basement with a secret door, he was able to hide there and pretend he didn't have them until the rescuers leave.
6.3 catch rescuers
Knowing that more Smurfs could come, you could use it to your advantage by placing traps on the doors and windows, or on the contrary, closing everything so that it is impossible to enter without having a key.
6.4 They will leave him for dead
In the episode "the tear of a Smurf ", it seems that if they don't find a missing Smurf it only takes a week for them to surrender and prepare for his funeral. You can hide the smurfs with their mouths tied up in a drawer and pretend you don't know what they are talking about until they give up, then it will be time to execute the recipes. If Gargamel had enough brain cells to keep the secret, he could eat the Smurfs and the rest would think they were eaten by birds or something and would not take revenge.
6.5. Do not look any further
If you already have 99 it is enough, even if you have only one, it is not worth risking it to find one more, it is a trap.
6.6. Don't open jokey surprises.
The characters always forget that gift.
6.7. Don't listen to them
On several occasions they try to make conversation to buy time, they trick him into thinking that he will bring more Smurfs or that he cannot eat him, everything is a trap.
6.8. Just kill them
He never did that but it's a very obvious choice, I don't remember somewhere saying that smurfs have to be alive for recipes, Gargamel has repeatedly expressed his desire to destroy them. Wouldn't it be easier to kill them before throwing them into the pot? if you can't, they don't even have to be dead, just unconscious or asleep. Gargamel has drops of lava in his lab for some reason, how come he doesn't have substances to knock them unconscious? In case he have many captured you could use classic techniques such as placing the cage in a tub of water until they drown, even stepping on them would be enough since they are very small.
6.9. Papa Smurf's books
If Gargamel tries to kill them with an epidemic, papa will have the cure, if he casts a spell, papa has the antidote, since he has been in the village on several occasions, he should take the opportunity to steal or destroy their books, he could look for the true blue spell and perhaps find another useful spell.
7.Enjoy your smurf soup
If that's all i came up with, you can already eat or become a millionaire at the cost of a smurf's life, hopefully you'll have to face a horrible revenge from papa smurf, but i'm not responsible for that.
8.Other methods to get smurfs:
This is a set of theories for alternative ways to get smurfs without capturing one from the village.
8.1. create smurfs:
In the second live action movie gargamel gets the formula for the true blue spell, so from here technically he could create smurfs, then transform them into real smurfs and do whatever he wants with them, during the series he had to look for the formula instead to look for smurfs.
8.2. Clone Smurfs:
In the episode "the hundredth smurf" Vanity creates a clone of himself that eventually integrates into the village, it is a genetically exact clone so there is no doubt that it is a real smurf. He just needs to place a mirror in front of a smurf and get it struck by lightning, Gargamel could capture a smurf and make clones that will work, he wouldn't even have to keep the original and he would have an infinite smurf machine.
8.3. Kidnap Baby Smurfs:
During the blue moon it is possible that a zork came to the village bringing a baby smurf, it can take up to 200 years without bringing one but if you are alive when that happens, you can try to hunt the zork and capture the defenseless baby.
8.4. Repeat the fake smurf technique:
If it is possible to create fake Smurfs like Smurfette, it might work on a second try, Smurfs are not very cautious around strangers, once Smurfette arrives in the village no one wonders where she came from or why she was in the forest, but rather Immediately they offer him a house, Gargamel could create a smurf and this time instruct him to lead all the smurfs in the village into a trap and make sure he does not turn good, he can also turn himself into a life-size smurf costume, Nobody will notice that there is an extra Smurf and he can repeat the same trap,third time’s a charm
Surely there are many other methods to catch Smurfs but I can't see the whole series again even if I wanted to, because it is a series for children Gargamel never learns from his mistakes I think that catching Smurfs is not that exaggeratedly difficult, especially for someone who has access to magic may be as difficult as capturing a talking rabbit, Gargamel is just stupid.
The end.
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