#also I know there are several things that wouldn't work with the universal translator idea
skibasyndrome · 5 months
Get to Know Me Tag :)
thank you so much to @lollygirlpops, @themarsbar & @hergrandplan for tagging me in this <3<3<3
do you make your bed?
nope, not unless I'm feeling veeeery motivated (which hasn't happened in a while)
what's your favourite number?
Hmmm, I don't really have one I think, but I do really like 2 and 4 and 8. Those just "feel" right, you know?
what is your job?
I’m a university student :) Aaaaaand since Monday I'm working part-time as a (and I hope this is the correct English translation) teaching and research assistant
if you could go back to school, would you?
Hmm, if we're talking about school-school, no I don't think so. I used to say that, but I think with having experienced uni now I wouldn't like to be put back into that rigid system. If we're talking about uni though: I never ever eeeever wanna leave, so I guess that's a yes, haha
can you parallel park?
I can't even drive to begin with, whoops
a job you had that would surprise people?
Hmmm, I don't think I've had too many unusual jobs. I used to work in hospitality every summer and then one summer I had a reeeeally cool job where I worked as a stage technician but since I'm kinda doing stuff with theater now in uni as well maybe that's not so surprising?
do you think aliens are real?
I think the universe is too big for us to be the only life form out there, but I don't think aliens are out here trying to abduct people or something like that
can you drive a manual car?
Again 😅 No driving for me (and I never even tried once)
what's your guilty pleasure?
Honestly I ~technically~ don't think that you should feel guilty about anything that brings you joy if it's not harming anyone buuuuuut, in the sense that I need to be very careful not to neglect all other parts of my life over it: maybe fic writing 😅
Yes! I have a very tiny one that I got myself for my recent birthday :)
it's the tiny heart that Simon drew on Wille's hand <3
favorite color?
I don't think I have one! But because I have pavlov-ed myself into always thinking of yr when I see it I've been loving purple a lot recently
favorite type of music?
My taste in music is aaaaall over the place tbh. I wanna say something like indie or alternative rock or something like that? But I just listen to anything that feels kinda catchy and/or is lyrically strong
do you like puzzles?
Meh, I'm never in the mood to do them tbh
any phobias?
Not severely, but I generally don't do all too well in tightly packed crowds when I don't have my escape plan ready. Oh and certain social situations that could lead to me being judged for being inept. I always like to say that my biggest fear is being an embarrassment and while that sounds ridiculous it's also very, very true
favorite childhood sport?
I never really did much of anything sports-wise, but I used to love swimming before I discovered that swimming means Being Perceived (TM) and then I started hating it lmao
do you talk to yourself?
definitely inside my head, but occasionally also out loud when I'm alone. especially when I need to get a grip and follow a plan I made
what movies do you adore?
I generally don't watch a lot of movies, but I enjoyed Hereditary enough to watch it twice with my friends
coffee or tea?
I like both, but I loooove coffeeeeeeeee
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
the first "thing" I wanted to be was probably a mermaid lmao. job-wise I think I cycled through eeeeverything, but I think some of the early ideas were painter or author or zookeeper
Onward tagging: I kinda lost track of who did this and who didn't, but I'm just gonna go ahead and (no pressure) tag @toffeelemon, @mintycurry, @pagegirlintraining, @irenes-diary, @royalwilmon, @goldenwilmon & anyone who feels like doing it :)
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janewayseven · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers, J7 edition
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 15
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 90,585
3. What fandoms do you write for? Star Trek, mostly Voyager, some cross-over into Picard and TNG.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Four times she denies you and the one time she doesn't. What happens if our ladies have their shit together and mutual attraction trumps stupid little issues, like Starships to run.
Slowly, then all at once a collection of moments, big and small, painting the picture of two women, learning and growing together, falling for each other slowly, then all at once.
Things that Fall What happens from the first time your heart feels full until you finally let yourself fall? An exploration in 12 vignettes.
The Space in Between  Seven is a precious baby-queer, Kathryn is in denial, B'Elanna is the friend we all need (and a fun play-mate to Kathryn).
I'm a little tied up right now My attempt at rectifying the severe lack of prehensile-plant fics in the J7 fandom...
5. Do you respond to comments? Sometimes, when I don't get too in my head about how to respond...
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hands down definitely They're In Love, Where Am I?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics have a happy ending... For finished fics I think I'd go with autumn is a second spring, including WIPs I think home is a moment in time has the most momentous happy ending so far.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Nope!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes. Depends on the what the story needs - sometimes soft and emotional, but I also have some more kinky BDSM fics. And sometimes they mix, just like in real life...
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Within the Star Trek universe, yes (ask me about the polycule, I dare you!). Not crazy by any standards, but a fun little drabble has the biggest crossover: Come to Quarks, Quarks is Fun (...they said)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?  No, I don't think so.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, not yet.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? NCC-1701 will always be my first love, but Voyager is hot af. (half-kidding. It's J7. Hands down.)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The Janeway & Riker Chronicles. In my mind he hit on her once and got bitchslapped so hard he worships her to this day. They end up being thick as thieves and getting into all kinds of trouble with each other. There's traces of this in some of my fics, but I doubt I'll ever actually write it.
16. What are your writing strengths? Flow, emotionality, little details, switching POVs
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Brevity, Punctuation, getting lost in the characters' mental space too much
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Sure, why not. But not if you can't speak the language/have someone to help with translation.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Star Trek Voyager | Janeway/Seven
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? I think I'll always be especially fond of my first one (Things that Fall) and the most recent one - just because the idea wouldn't let me go for three years (home is a moment in time) - but I Will Follow Where You Lead has a special place in my heart - because of the challenge of it and the fact that it started a new relationship tag.
Tagging: Thank you for the tag, @curator-on-ao3! If you see this, consider yourself tagged - because I just know I probably forgot to tag someone. Also, to the amazing writers I got to meet here: @moonxshape @jennyandvastraflint @femslash-universe @notdeannatroi @queenology @katerinadeannika @waknatious @stardatextoday @problematick @captainkatie42 @angstbotfic @ussjellyfish @evilwickedme
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scaredcrab · 2 years
Wukong can't read? (lmk hc)
My personal headcanon about the whole "Wukong is illiterate" thing in the show is that he knows how to read and write perfectly in his native language, but he is still learning english.
Well, technically his native language is the monkey language, but you guys know what I mean.
Follow my mindset here. In the Journey to the West our king spent years of his life studying with his first master to learn how to turn immortal and all, it's impossible that he didn't learn how to write and read there, in my opinion that's when he learned.
And my main proof of him being capable of writing, it's when he gets punished for causing a havoc in the celestial realm. When Buda challenged Wukong to escape his hand, he jumped and went so far that he found giant pillars of the universe (that later was revealed to be Buda's fingers), so the Monkey King literally pissed in the pillars and left a message there to prove that he actually got there.
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(this is a scene from a series of children's videos about jttw, you can search for little fox jttw and find it on youtube)
"But the Lego Monkie Kid show isn't a direct sequel of the JTTW, it's only inspired on it."
Within the show, there are several occasions where his ability to read and write is shown:
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In the "Impossible Delivery" episode, Wukong reveals to us that he receives emails from a lawyer.
How would Wukong read 37 emails from his lawyer if he didn't know how? Yes, he is shown to be too lazy to read, but it wouldn't make sense for the two to communicate via emails if the Monkey King couldn't read or write.
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Those were all the times that I saw Sun Wukong actually writing something inside the cartoon (as far as I can remember).
In the special "Revenge of the Spider Queen", it is shown a small note that Wukong leaves behind in the peach trees of the heavenly realm after he ""borrows the fruit"" (but keep in mind that this scene may just be a visual representation of the situation and not something that Wukong actually did).
In the same special episode, he leaves a Happy New Year note behind when he gives a box of traditional sweets made with his fur.
And he once wrote (and illustrated!) an instruction letter to MK in the second season episode, "Ping Pong Panic". Also, MK doesn't show difficulty in reading what his master wrote to him, it could be that he already got used to the calligraphy or Wukong is simply good at writing.
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(what i.o.u mean? it's "I owe you one"?)
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Of course, in the show, some of these notes were translated into English, but that for me is just to facilitate the visualization, and there is nothing too complex being written in the translated notes, the most complex text that MK reads in the ping-pong episode remain as scribbles not understandable by the public in both versions (or maybe our king wrote everything in a rush, so his calligraphy isn't the best in this letter for me to recognize as actual letters).
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And the third episode of the second season isn't the only time when writing is represented with unknown symbols, this happens in many episodes like in the vr game that Wukong owns in the sixth episode in season two, "Game on".
This surely happens to make the translation easier, there's no need to change the text written every time if it's just symbols, but this occult if things are being written in a specific language, and to me is everything in chinese.
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This is a scene from the Ping-Pong episode where Wukong just beat every guard in some heavenly place, and he doesn't seem happy with whatever is written in this scroll. The letters in this scroll look like lots of hanzis instead of unknown symbols.
Of course, as I stated in the start, this is a personal headcanon of mine. I really enjoy the idea of Wukong knowing how to speak in the monkey language, in cantonese and mandarin, and to be learning english in the modern times. I can't confirm if this is all how it works in the show itself, still cute to imagine him speaking a broken english (just like I do, lil bit of projection on my side).
That's it, thanks to everyone who read all this thing.
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If Donnie had grown up/been raised by Draxum, how would that have worked out. I can see a AU of "Repairin the Baron" where Mikey gets Draxum and Mimir/Donnie (Mimir is the name I think Draxum would have given Donnie if he had gotten to keep him) an apartment next to April's. Mikey also gets the idea for Mimir/Donnie to spend time with his "twinnie" and Splinter (as well as April). In fact, I want to make a one-shot out of it.
That name works, but like...I can't help but notice that Odin beheaded Mimir?? And then Mimir seems to be a pretty friendly disembodied head to him, so like...was it a friendly beheading? Did Mimir just think of a wise severed head as being his final evolution or something? It would be like naming your kids Cronos and Zeus.
I did some rambling here if you missed it, one thing I thought I might add is that Draxum would definitely end up softer and more outwardly affectionate, while Donnie would likely end up less. Even a soft Draxum wouldn't compare to a cuddly Splinter, or three brothers who have very little understanding of personal space. Which would all work out fine, they'd approach a happy medium with each other.
The thing about translating the actual episodes in an AU, it's like...it just wouldn't go down that way. I don't think Draxum would have let the dark armor thing consume him, for one, but the events of the show would just be off from day one. Before, depending on how Mutation Day went down. (this is actually something that really annoys me with some separated aus, where the authors just try to recreate every episode with some additional commentary-we've seen the show! Change it up! Show us how this is different!)
Like, how did Draxum end up with Donnie? With only Donnie? Did Splinter think there was only three turtles? Does he think the fourth died? Did he see Draxum snatch him back? Because if Splinter knew that Draxum still had Donnie, he would have been trying for years to get him back. Splinter would be on Draxum's list of 'people who will absolutely kidnap my son if I give them the opportunity'. The brothers likely would have grown up knowing who Draxum was, knowing that they had a fourth brother that Daddy was trying to get back, and ultimately would taken it upon themselves to rescue.
If Splinter had thought Donnie had died, he'd likely be a very different parent. Maybe more involved, since he had to protect his three remaining sons? Or maybe even more tuned out, since he now has the guilt and grief of losing a child weighing on him. Even if the pilot progressed as normal, even if they managed to sneak off without their dad knowing-I feel like they'd have questions? "Uh, dad? Can you tell us the truth about how you got us and why we're turtles, because we just met this goat man and his turtle son who looks weirdly like Leo, and it just made us think-" "I AM GOING TO KILL THAT SHEEP FUCKER."
The whole show would have just played out so differently. You probably could work in a 'Mikey rehabilitation' angle though, that would still probably happen in any universe. April would be a hard sell with Donnie-he was raised by Draxum, after all, who would have raised him on stories of their brutality and telling him to always avoid them at all costs or they would kill him. He'd have a hard time with Splinter, especially if Splints continues to hate Draxum. I feel like he and Leo would want to absolutely murder each other at first, and then one day a switch would flip and they'd still act like that, but would mean it all in a best-friends way.
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cousticks · 8 months
Can you expand on Rimlaine in your zombie au? 👀
oh i sure fucking can. warning for self destructive behavior a little greater than canon because i did some rather messed up things to make them work!
I kind of gave them a bit of a "you're the only person in this town crazy enough to handle me" dynamic but more of as a quarantine measure because nobody else wanted anything to do with either of them. My explanation of how I translate their abilities and dynamic into this universe is kind of long so I'm putting this under a cut!
so, i spend a lot of time in this au trying to translate everyone's abilities into an ability-less zombie au. rimbaud's ability in translation kind of got broken down into two main parts: compartmentalization and control. in an ability, this is his ability subspace, and the manipulation of the rules within it.
now. we know rimbaud is kind of nuts. we also know that in canon he's used his ability to keep himself "alive" when he should have died.
you're probably reading this going okay cou, that's cool and all, but where's the zombie apocalypse part? well, resistance to death, compartmentalization, and control? rimbaud is going to survive several zombie attacks. in the most fucked up way.
i've mentioned my zombie virus's function is, among some other diseases, based upon rabies. rabies spreads pretty slowly in the body, through nerves. so if rimbaud gets bitten? he's not going down so easy. compartmentalization and control - he just fucking cuts off a solid chunk of whatever part of him just got bit before the wound has a chance to spread then carries on. (note: i do not know if this would work with real rabies nor do i recommend it. this is science fiction! i do what i want!)
so we've got rimbaud, who just lops off chunks of himself when he gets attacked to survive. he develops a bit of a reputation for this. after all, in canon, he's a powerful ability user. why wouldn't he be of high reputation (with people a little afraid of him) in this world, too? he's known for having ways of "dealing with" zombies.
now, verlaine. he, like chuuya, is an experimentally "cured" zombie (not cured. still zombie. just... staved off.) he's still dangerous and unstable to a point. the experimental cure is rather miserable and not super effective (most just die when its attempted). he's still very much infected with the zombie virus, but it won't be getting much worse, save for occasional "slips" of fun zombie brain moments (not fun in the slightest). shoutout to @/squidsandthings for giving me another virus type to look into for ideas on how these slips work!!! i love taking inspiration from real life diseases to make this work.
so after verlaine gets essentially thrown to the wolves after the zombie treatment, he gets passed off into the care of pretty much the only guy who can put up with someone that's just a zombie with a still functional brain, aka rimbaud.
yes, verlaine has bitten rimbaud a few times. this is fine though. remember how rimbaud literally gives himself up for verlaine at the end of stormbringer? i'm carrying that over, here, with rimbaud literally being willing to chop bits of himself off to keep verlaine around. and in return verlaine is the only person around not dismally horrified of rimbaud... Doing That.
i wanted at least someone to be kind of happier than in canon somehow in this universe so i'm allowing rimlaine to at least get to stay together without that separation they have in canon. but also one constantly runs the risk of killing the other either accidentally or out of necessity.
i also really wanted to create the rimbaud & dazai parallels of "immunity" of a sort, though rimbaud's is a distinctly different flavor of immunity since its very self-wrought.
so there you have it! that's the rimlaine zombie au dynamic. they're both miserable and having a bad time but at least they're having a bad time together. (fun fact! they can't like. kiss or anything. because, like rabies, the zombie virus can be spread through mucus membranes ((like mouths!)) i can make them as canon as i want and it still doesn't do either of them any good! <3)
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supernovafeather · 1 year
Update about my novel project, click below to get the full post. :D
As my book is coming closer to its ending, I wonder whether or not I should publish it under my actual name or take a nom de plume. I'd be more inclined to use my actual name but at the same time I wonder if a gender neutral name wouldn't make it easier for me as it is sci-fi. Not such a big deal as I do think i'm gonna use my actual name anyway and it's pretty secondary. I'm also starting to work on the cover, the title, summary etc and have several ideas I like.
I'll try to be as independant as possible and go full Internet promotion. It's a risk but I like this challenge. Also I'm about to start creating an Instagram account about it (but keeping it private for now) the time to learn how to promote my work properly. I think I'm going to have to make my own website as well I have several ideas on what to include to give it its own identity and some other work.
The thing is as I'm going to start a new job next week and have to prepare some professional exams in a few months I hope I won't get burned out or something. I have my priorities straight and know what is more important for me but I also know what I love to do and what I do because I have no other choice and as often those things don't combine well. Anyway, that's part of life and I started to accept it a few years ago.
At least if I start having some success with my books (cuz yeah I have other story ideas and all the lore I created is developped enough to write other books in the same universe and I have a few ideas on the themes I could work on) it's going to have some interesting backstory.
Short reminder that it's going to get published in French but I'll try to do it in English as soon as possible (as well as translating the potential future website and my social networks in English at some point). Either translated by myself (what a power move that'd be to write it in several languages myself lmao) or maybe by a professional if I feel unsure about it all. I want everybody to have a good quality work.
So yeah, stay tuned. I hope you can understand that I can't give any precise schedule neither and still have some work ahead (like by a lot). Despite my tumblr audience being 99% English speaking the main support I've received about this personal project went from there, and I appreciate that !
Thanks for reading till the end and have a nice day/night ! <3
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tellmegoodbye · 2 years
Thank you @suchagallabitch for tagging me to do this Fic Writer Interview!
(I also did some picrews at the bottom)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What are your top five fics by Kudos?
My top three are all three of the shameless fics that I have written, 4th and 5th are fics from another fandom.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Sometimes there's only so many ways I can say 'thank you' to someone so I won't respond to every single one, but I definitely read all of them.
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I would say all three of my shameless fics have happy endings, allthough shut the door and let go is very bittersweet when you know what happens next in canon.
If we're talking non-shameless fics, I did write mcd in my other fandom (nothing too crazy) and you can find that fic here.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
When all is said and done definitely has the happiest ending if we're talking about the context of all three of these fics. Most of my other fics have pretty happy endings as well.
7. Do you write crossovers?
No. Not my thing.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not necessarily hate, but I have received some weird comments in the past.
9. Do you ever write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep! I never used to so you won't find it in any of my old fics, but all three of my shameless fics have smut in them so.....character development. 😂
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that would be cool!
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I've cowritten several fics with my girlfriend! My favourite of ours that we did is for the rest of our lives. Not a shameless fic, but I'm still proud of it.
13. What's your all time favourite ship?
I'm about to betray my branding here, but just because of how much time I spent in that fandom and how hard I was hyperfixating (and still am, let's be honest) it still has to be Dan and Phil.
If you have problems with that I don't want to hear it I've already heard it all and I'm tired okay thank you.
14. What's a WIP you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I had planned out a whole chaptered fic to write and then completely fell off for months after getting overwhelmed. I still really love the idea but the task was a little too much for me and I just don't think I have chaptered-fic writing in me anymore.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I'm really good at coming up with different ideas. I also really love going into detail and trying to describe everything I see in my mind. I can see my fics play like movies in my brain, so sometimes it's a little overwhelming trying to get it all into words.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Transitions. The less a scene has going on in it, the harder it is to write. I also suck at time management, and consistency in general.
Cries in haven't posted since March.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It's cool. Haven't done it myself, wouldn't be opposed to it though.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
It was very small and hasn't been relevant for years so I'm just gonna go with the first fandom I actually published anything for, which again, was Dan and Phil.
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I breifly considered heartstopper (shortest hyperfixation of my life) but I'm kind of already over the obsessive stage. The fandom is fucking awful anyway.
I also considered arcane but I would have to go full on AU (which isn't a strength of mine) because I don't know nearly enough about that universe to write anything canon compliant. I also just didn't really get to the point of actually wanting to write something for it.
20. What's your favourite fic you've written?
Out of my shamless fics: lover, please stay
Out of my other fics: unequivocally yours
Tag 2: Thank you @grumpymickmilk and @vintagelacerosette for tagging me to do this picrew! I did this picrew as well even though I don't think anyone tagged me, I just really liked it.
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I'm tagging @sunoficarus @gallawitchxx @heymrspatel @auds-and-evens @traenawrites @squidyyy23 and @sleepyfacetoughguy to do either the questions, the picrews or both!
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healbellls · 11 months
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@noitxll has sent: 🌓🥂
send an emoji and i'll tell you my opinion on... [Accepting]
🌓 crossovers
// When it comes to fanarts, crossovers can be so cool looking! They can create such fun ideas and concepts, I love it tons! In fact, I'm totally looking into doing some more crossover funtimes in the future, in my art blog.
TLDR: Crossovers in fanarts >>>>>>> Crossovers in RP
However, my appreciation for it doesn't exactly translate it to RP. I'm DEFINETELY not someone who's all too eager about crossover RPs, in general. To begin with: I feel like there are certain franchises that just would NEVER mesh well together, at all. Most of the time it's due to the drastic shift in tone between them (miss me with that Star wars & pokemon crossover. I also have 0 interest in doing any form of crossovers with my other fandoms like Castlevania and Saint Seiya). Furthermore, when translating a Canon character to an entirely different fandom, they lose SO many key elements to them just to try make it fit in with the new universe (some things are just impossible to fit in, outside of that universe's specific context). You may as well just make an OC out of it, and use them as a FC for that purpose. Which IMO this works a lot better, than trying to insist in crossovers. That will also save ppl from the FC's main fandom, assume they are there to do proper canon interaction, when a blog's main focus may be on their crossover AU.
I've done this several times now (e.g.: prior to this blog I had a Dialga and an Arceus muses that were short-lived, they started off a crossover AUs for my Yu-gi-oh muses that later became their own thing [they had priest Seto and Atem as FCs]. Matsuba's FC, Virgo Shaka from Saint Seiya, is a proper active muse I have in my other side-blog). I feel like it is also a lot fairer to people's dashes, who would be following me for 1 specific fandom's content and not for the actual series the character is actually from.
I feel like another factor that HEAVILY prevents me from doing crossovers, it is the fact that I personally like knowing at least, one or two things about the other source material from my partner's muse. Even if they say how prior knowledge isn't needed to interact. That's entirely a me thing.
It's not all a loss though. I'm just not looking to do them anytime soon.
🥂 my favorite part of the canon
// It's Pokemon's plot holes that make the story interesting. Pokemon is far from ever putting out some kind of deep and profound story, that just isn't this franchise's goal, and it will never be. As such, we almost always are only left with a rough idea and molds, of what a far more expansive story could be like (in the games). It's up to us, fans, to build on what we got.
With that said, I'm SURE it wouldn't hurt to get some more crumbs about the characters. But I suppose that's what Masters, is trying to remedy.
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gogomeaty · 1 year
Do you mind telling about your oc headcanons?
Well it wouldn't be headcanons but actual canon for them, and i don't have too much rn because im still planning lore.
She was the princess of the Moon and she wasn't okay with everything the absolute monarchy get to do with the people so there was several occasions she had argues with her dad, the king, who was getting sick of her attitude even when it was assured that some day she would be the queen and do whatever the way she wanted. But she wanted to do the right thing at that moment and hidden from her father she always got to the city and help the people.
And after everything she did the father punished her with banishing her from the moon which he did at some point. That's all i have for now for her, I have ideas for what happen after that but i need to write down and think of if better because it have serious themes I prefer to make everything right while writing.
She lived in Jupiter, her natal planet, when she met Dhekea meanwhile Dhekea was being moved through planets to get to planet the father wanted her to be isolated (i haven't thought of it, probably would be Pluto) and even if it was prohibited to talk to the old princess she got a way to do it.
My idea is that Unri helped Dhekea to get out of all the translation thing but i don't know yet how but from there they become friends and stayed together.
She was rescued by Dhekea when she was still a little girl living by herself in the streets of Saturn and since they got together she was like a mother to her also why Unri is like a sister to her because the two were together when they found baby Aileen.
Aileen is originary from the Moon as well but her parents wanted to scape the horrible situation of it and decide to move to Saturn but everything went wrong with it because Saturn people weren't okay with Moon people moving there in case the monarchy went to that planet searching for fugitives (thing that happen but it's a serious theme so i have to work very hard on it that's why I'm not talking more about it now, still working on it)
Saturn originary, helping to the development of the entire planet in science and other stuff but the impact on the Moon monarchy in Saturn and it's disaster made her traumatized at the point of not talking again and nobody knew how to help to make her talk or communicate in a efficient way so the science university or whatever she were with kicked her out and all she helped now was work of said university and the recognition was snatched from her hands.
Dhekea showed Christy how to talk telepathically because doing it was only something high standard people were able to do to keep information out of low people ears, also from everything that happen with her recognition she become colder and have problems making bonds and trusting peoole.
She's from Uranus and everything was fine and happy for her in comparison to the rest but one day her parents gifted her a small ovni, so, excited Selenite decided to try it for the first time; she didn't know how to use it obviously and even when their parents tried to stop her to ride it she did it anyway.
The ovni crashed into the earth and it went days inside the ovni scared to go out of it till one day a excited voice outside called her attention making Selenite to peek out and realize it was a human, making her to panic while the boy outside only screamed "SELENITE, A SELENITE!!!".
Eventually the boy was the only who help her to fix the ovni and they became friends,,,, then a couple. SO yeah Selenite name is not Selenite but her human boyfriend called her that the first time they met so now she says that's her name even tho she have say him she's not from the Moon but from Uranus which it only made the boy laugh bc yknow the joke with Uranus; Selenite didn't understand at the beginning but now it's one of her personal jokes.
The real name is Qalea.
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kingofthewilderwest · 7 years
Voltron Paladins’ Native Languages
So, I’m not like 100% sold on the idea, but I guess it would make most sense that Earth has developed a full-blown universal translator by the time VLD events transpire? Not going to get into the linguistics of where universal translators are problematic, but it’s still the most plausible thing I think could be going on in Voltron.
The Galaxy Garrison is likely an international organization. Now, the global lingua franca (ex: English) could be the official language of the school, and the students they accept might have to pass language proficiency tests. That’s a possibility. But it’s sort of odd that all the Voltron characters have American English accents despite their diverse origins. The United States of course does have people of all backgrounds in the country, but I always felt that the writers were intentionally diversifying the Voltron characters to represent the world... and thus they’d actually be BORN in Cuba, BORN in Samoa, BORN in Japan, BORN in Italy. And yet not a single human has a hint of a non-native American English speaker accent on the Voltron team... not even an American dialect with stigmatized regional features can be heard.
Then there’s the talking-to-aliens aspect we need to consider. The Alteans are capable of visually modifying themselves to help interact with different species, but I don’t think that includes suddenly being able to speak other languages. Not to mention every species that the Voltron team meets can be immediately understood. How are they understanding the Galra or the Balmerans? A universal translator again, avoiding scientific problems of this device would be the trick.
It also explains why Pidge can understand anything Allura says but cannot read Altean. It explains why the only words that don’t translate from Coran or Allura are the words which have no direct translation. So. It could be the case that there’s something like a universal translator each Voltron character has that analyzes audio of a species and translates the audio to the Voltron characters. Why they’re always wearing it and why it’s not seen... uh... let’s not get into it.
But anyway! What’s so great about the universal translator idea is that it opens up a world of amusing speculations. There are all sorts of fun headcanon questions to answer like what languages are the Voltron team actually speaking?
My headcanons, more or less:
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(I don’t like the idea of everyone having this much English exposure, but the language is currently a global lingua franca and is an L1 or L2 of 20% of the world’s current population. So I did have to rationalize the language into this).
Lance is a full-blown bilingual. He knows English and Spanish completely fluently, grew up speaking both languages, and prattles in both of them with ease. He’d be great at picking up more languages if he had the motivation to do so - he’s a natural!
When he’s hanging out with the Voltron crew, he’s usually speaking English because English was the accepted international language used in the Garrison’s written reports. So since he first meets Keith, Pidge, Lance, and Shiro at the Garrison, that’s the language Lance defaults on with them. Hearing Allura speak in something that sounds like a British dialect is going to subconsciously keep Lance using English too while they’re in space. But there are times he’s switching between both languages. He definitely speaks both around the crew.
Pidge is somewhat monolingual with decent exposure to several other languages. My emotional heart says that Pidge speaks only Italian I really don’t like the idea of the Voltron crew having a common language and I want that to be my headcanon, but I realize that’s not realistic at all. 
She lives close to the Garrison, obvious in that she’s able to just hop in and break their security. Since the Holts live close to the Garrison, this means that the Garrison is either in Italy or she knows the local language where the Garrison is located. Between those two scenarios I’d say it’s more likely the Garrison is not in Italy... especially given as the news report for the Kerberos’ failed mission is in English. And I would imagine her father has been working with the Garrison for a while, so that disproves the idea of her growing up mostly in Italy and then moving close to the Garrison only within the last few years.
So Pidge knows Italian and whatever-local-language-is-around, and if the local language isn’t English, then also a decent amount of English. English would be useful for programming languages, after all! So she’s got no problem programming and reading in English. However, since her exposure to English is mostly text, she’s not competent at all in a conversation, either listening or speaking in English.
If my heartcanon for Pidge being a monolingual Italian speaker had made sense, then I’d love for there to be this moment that her universal translator glitches maybe the idea still slightly works if the Garrison isn’t in an English speaking nation. Suddenly she can’t understand anybody except for sort-of Lance when he speaks Spanish. The two languages are borderline mutually intelligible, after all. So Lance tries to help her out with Spanish while she’s speaking Italian, they’re somewhat making it halfway function (Lance’s slang is not helping), but she breathes this enormous sigh of relief when she gets the tech fixed.
Keith is monolingual. He knows American English and that’s it. Given as his father seems to speak in one of the Southern United States English dialects, I like to headcanon that little boy Keith lived in the South for about eight years and spoke a Southern dialect. Then he and his father moved northwest, Keith dropped that dialect through lack of exposure before adolescence, and picked up an Upper Midwestern American English accent in place (what we hear him speak on screen). Keith could still speak in a Southern accent if he wanted to, but no one’s ever heard him do it. And no one ever will.
Shiro is essentially monolingual. He’s only fluent in Japanese. He was taught Mandarin Chinese and English in school for many years, but despite being a good student, he was always bad at foreign language. The result is he’s highly limited in both. He’s more than alright reading Mandarin but not so good in conversation. Regarding English, Shiro can understand the language just fine when he hears it (since he’s heard it spoken enough), but he’s never been good at returning a response. If Shiro tries to talk in English, he’s got noticeably slow, broken, ungrammatical English and a reaaaally thick Japanese accent. He demonstrates his limited Chinese and English speaking abilities to the team at one time. They think it’s adorable.
Hunk knows Samoan. Again my heartcanon says it’s Samoan alone, but my head points out that Samoan + English makes sense (depending on where he grew up). Those are the two official languages in the country (with more L2 Samoan speakers than L1), and other Samoan populations are in English-speaking countries like New Zealand and Australia. So it’s just likely Hunk has been heavily exposed to both languages since he was young. But! That said... he’s terrible at English spelling. Downright terrible.
As for Allura and Coran... we don’t know anything about Altean languages and dialects outside of the few words Pidge hears in the training (the Alteans have clicks! woot!). My headcanon says that Allura and Coran don’t speak the same dialect (since the voice actors don’t speak the same English dialect) but they do speak the same language. Allura speaks the most sociolinguistically prestigious dialect of Altea. Coran’s dialect is noticeably different but doesn’t have too much negative sociolinguistic status to it. His speech sounds just as ridiculous to Allura as it does to the Paladins because he uses a lot of his regional slang.
So if everyone’s universal translators broke at once... Hunk, Lance, and and Keith would be able to converse just fine. Coran and Allura are able to talk to each other. Lance and Pidge could get some things to work if they speak slowly and avoid slang. With everyone else Pidge would be shrugging. And there’d be poor Shiro stuck, capable of communicating with absolutely no one beyond gestures, pained facial expressions, and the occasional grammatically incorrect English sentence.
And during the event of a Lion/Voltron fight with said translator glitch:
Shiro: Make... [forgets word for “sword” in English] ...stick???
Pidge: Che palle! Merda! Lance: Con esa boca comes? Keith: Wait, what are you saying? Lance: I didn’t catch it all, but I’m not translating! Hunk: Whoa. You saying Pidge has a potty mouth?
Keith: They’ve got the tactical advantage here. If we’re not careful, they’re going to outflank us. We’ve got to outmaneuver them before they outmaneuver us. Pidge: I don’t understand. Can you explain me in simple English? Lance: Explain me? No, no, Pidge, you mean “Explain to me.” Keith: Fewer grammar lessons, more fighting!
Shiro: Etou... robotto? Make-oo? Keith: What?!?!? Lance: Hey Shiro, we need that in English! Shiro: Ro... no... make-oo robotto. Lance: English! Shiro: Make-oo robotto! Pidge: That is his English! Hunk: What is he saying? Keith: “Make... robot?” Everyone else: Ohhhh! “Form Voltron!”
(P.S. I checked with a friend who speaks Italian for Pidge, and I speak a decent amount of Spanish, but I am only a native speaker of English so I apologize if I made mistakes!)
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gellavonhamster · 2 years
Hi! I know almost nothing about Arthuriana, except some few stories that we read ten years ago in Middle School in English class. I would want to know a little more about the historical context, the origins, the meanings and the orders of all those legends, but I don’t know where to begin. Do you study them in school/uni or do you research about them on your own? Thank you!
Hi! No, I've never really studied Arthuriana, though we touched upon it a little at university during some of our English Literature classes, but in very broad strokes. Plus our professor made us read the book she wrote on the similarities between Arthuriana and the Latvian epic Lāčplēsis (don't know about my classmates, but I read it - it was pretty interesting, but I still found it funny that she was essentially forcing people to read her book). Frankly speaking, I wouldn't say I do research about it now either - I just read whatever works I find available online, choosing them based on what I've heard about them and what links I find floating around on tumblr. Regarding the historical context and origins, some years ago I read a pretty comprehensive book that was like a summary of previous research on the historical origins of Arthuriana, but it was in Russian - "Меч короля Артура. Так рождалась легенда" (The Sword of King Arthur. So the Legend Was Born) by Vadim Erlikhman, so I don't think it will be of much use because it is hardly translated into English. It has a long bibliography which includes a lot of books and research works in English, but I don't know which of them are the most useful.
As to where to begin... it’s a difficult question, especially since a lot of these legends contradict each other more or less because they belong to different traditions. I think it helps if you already have an idea which characters or events in particular you would like to read about, because then you can start with the texts focused on them and then move to other characters or events if you decide that you enjoy these legends in general. @fuckyeaharthuriana has a lot of useful rec lists (links in blog description), including those sorted by character. I can also suggest some works that I enjoyed the most, but please bear in mind that I am far from being an expert - I read several texts last year in the wake of watching BBC Merlin and The Green Knight, and this year started devouring basically all texts I could find after reading Le Morte d'Arthur, but I haven't read the Vulgate, for example, and some other things that, I believe, are considered basics, while having read some more obscure texts that caught my attention but are not as fundamental. Anyway...
Yvain: Knight of the Lion by Chrétien de Troyes - this one has everything: adventures, love, friendship, active female characters (Lunete my best friend Lunete), an Animal Sidekick, and a happy ending after a lot of tribulations. The main character is Sir Yvain, son of King Uriens and Morgan Le Fay, and the story is about him falling in love with a widow of a knight he killed, managing to win her affection but then losing her trust and having to win it back while doing a bunch of heroic deeds on the way. Quite long but I found it a lot of fun.
The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell for Helping of King Arthur - I’m linking the translation I read, but there are many of them available online. It’s a short and fun romance in which a knight captures King Arthur and challenges him to find out what women desire the most or lose his head. His nephew Gawain decides to help him and ends up having to marry an ugly lady who helped him find the answer, but then it turns out that her ugliness is actually a curse, which the answer he discovered helps him undo. 
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - I read it in translation by Bernard O’Donoghue, for the simple reason that it was the one I stumbled upon in a bookstore, but I can’t find it online. There are several other available, however; the one I’m linking is by Jessie Weston. With a movie recently being out, you probably know the gist of the plot: a green stranger arrives at king’s court and challenges Arthur’s knights to give him a blow of an axe and then, a year later, receive the same blow in return. So Gawain accepts the challenge and chops the Green Knight’s head off, but he puts the head back on, and now Gawain is due to lose his head in a year. As he rides off to meet his fate, he stays at a castle belonging to a married couple, where his honour is tested (and things get pretty gay). 
The “Arthurian” Portion of the Roman de Brut by Wace - this one is not one of my favourites, to be honest, even though the language is really beautiful in some parts, but I think it’s important. It tells about Arthur’s ancestors, Uther’s rise to power, Merlin’s origins (which I found the most interesting part), Arthur’s rise to power, various conquests and death. Mostly conquests, which is why I wasn’t too engrossed. 
Le Morte d’Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory (Volume 1, Volume 2) - this is one of those foundational works, a XV century attempt to put all the main Arthurian legends together. Arthur’s birth and the start of his reign, Lancelot and Guinevere, Tristan and Isolde, the quest for the Holy Grail, the fall of Camelot - it’s all here. There are various editions, but I don’t know which to suggest, because I made a questionable decision to read the original (the one I’m linking) which is not very easy to read because of the old language. 
Prose Tristan and Povest ‘o Trystchane - I love the Tristan and Isolde stories not so much because I like the main couple but because they’re usually a lot of fun. Shenanigans, wild adventures, horniness, the “everyone’s a little in love with everyone” vibes... My preferred version of all I’ve read is Tristan’s part of Le Morte d’Arthur, but these two are also cool. They’re pretty similar until the second one (the XVI Belarusian version) starts diverging greatly (there’s a whole subplot where Tristan, Isolde, and Guinevere travel to save Arthur from captivity, it’s wild).
Morien - a Dutch romance about a young Moorish knight who goes on a quest to find his biological father and ends up having some adventures with Gawain and Lancelot. I like it because searching for one’s father is such a... normal reason for a quest, something perfectly understandable to a modern person, unlike many of the more outlandish ideas that appear in some other romances. 
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nyx-aira · 3 years
Destiny Awaits
Chapter 7: Hollow Heart
Summary: After decades of her vengeful rampage Agatha realises that there's nothing to live for anymore.
A/N: This whole fic got darker than intended but it's still the work I'm most proud of.
TW: mention of suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
PSA c/@ynscrazylife
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March 23rd, 1862
It's been three days.
Three days since she had won.
Three days since she had defeated her enemies.
Three days since she avenged your death, fully.
She should feel happy, should feel good that there was no one alive anymore who had tried to harm you once in their life.
Instead she felt hollow.
Her rage and desire to avenge you had kept her going through the years, kept her from completely breaking apart but now? Now she had severed the last connection the world had to you, the last person who had ever know you.
Now Agatha was the only one who remember you, the only one who knew you ever existed, your grave protected by more spells than she could count, hidden from the world.
61 537 days or 168 years, six months and six days since she had last seen you, last held you and last kissed you.
58 974 days or 161 years, five months and nineteen days since she had found your body.
It had been so long.
Some days Agatha had troubles remember your face or your voice. Those days she spent crying and screaming, cursing the universe and herself for not looking after you.
Those days she had stared at her kitchen knife longer than she should have, longing to be with you again.
Those days the only thing stopping her was her promise to avenge you and find everyone that had ever hurt you.
Now there wasn't anything stopping her, now there wasn't anything keeping her here.
But for some reason she couldn't, for some reason she felt like she wasn't allowed to have this mercy.
Ever since she came into your life she had brought you nothing but pain and suffering. She had robbed you of a peaceful lifetime and instead made you wait seven years. Seven years where Agatha could have visited, could have sent a letter.
But she didn't.
Her cowardice didn't let her, too afraid she would harm you like that but she had harmed you anyways, abandoning you when you needed her most.
She wasn't even sure if you had still loved her, even though your diary said otherwise. The little brown book with beautiful flowers carved into the letter the only thing she kept on her person all the time.
Agatha had cast more spells on that book than any of her spellbooks, making sure it wouldn't get destroyed over the centuries.
Every time when life got too much she read it again. Read about your days in the cabin, the poems you wrote and the drawings you drew.
Almost every page was filled with small doodles or beautiful flowers, drawings of animals and the occasional drawing of the sunset.
The one Agatha loved the most was the one on the last page of the simple book.
She remember that day clearly. It had been a hot summer day and they had gone to the lake, playing in the water and studying the herbs and flowers.
The drawing showed Agatha standing in the water, laughing as a butterfly had settled on her nose.
You had captured the moment beautifully and on the bottom left corner of the page two words were written.
My love.
Even now, after more than one century Agatha still cried when she read the those two words.
It wasn't fair, it should have been her but you got in the way.
You, sweet you, with the beautiful smile and bright mind. You who would drag her outside in the middle of the night to watch the stars together. You would would listen to her stories like they were the most magnificent thing there was.
The love of her life.
She had made her lifes purpose to avenge you, to correct the wrongs that had been done to you but now she realised something.
There wasn't anything to correct, there wasn't anything to avenge.
Her actions had brought nothing but pain and destruction to those around her, turning her into the monster her mother had always said she was.
She had lost her heart and broken her promise.
She had broken her promise.
She had broken her promise.
She had broken her promise.
That's what she was, a broken woman with nothing left to lose.
If life was this cruel, was it even worth living?
Taglist: @escapetodreamworld @midnight-lestrange @ynscrazylife @sokovianheadtilt @procrastinatingsapphictrash @ineffablebean @cliint @wlwlovesreading @satxnsupreme @ycfwmalise14 @eilarch @sapphic-stress @booklovinbi @mysticfalls01 @adorkwithaplan @nathaslosttheirshit @agathaharkness-simp @paulawand @sarahp-stan @amethyst-bitch @emril-osvigne @celasteria @danvers97 @scruffyumbreon @mochiadria
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wavebiders · 4 years
Operation: "Ignore the Shitty Live Action Winx Show and Just Rewatch the Cartoon for the First Time in Almost a Decade" part 46:
Mandatory Time Off
The way in-show they always translate pixies to "elfjes" but still use Pixie in this title card
"It's been a rough time for you girls too" "that's putting it lightly" drag her Stella
Welp! A plant killed Avalon the day is saved. Rest in pieces binch
Oh hey you're sending them on the vacation they told you they needed 7 episodes ago good job Faragonda
At least Paladium is still emotionally a twink. I miss his old design sm😭
"What about the classes we'll miss?!" Flora I love that you're being a nerd about this but you haven't been taking classes this year anyway lmao
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My boy!!! I have located my boy!!! Has he run away with this pixie and is that why he didn't do shit when his girl turned adorably evil?
Palladium. Livvie. Just let That Man die
The boys! Hate to say that I have not been missing them at all😅
Pour one out for Aisha. She's gonna spend these next few episodes third-wheeling several dramatic couples
Fhhdf you could just see Riven mentally counting the seconds before saying "hey" to Musa so he wouldn't sound too eager😂
Oooh looks like Bloom hasn't entirely kicked those dark vibes yet. I mean I think that's what they're trying to show. I don't actually think she's being snappier than the other girls but it's towards Sky so it's Serious™️
Riven has never been more relatable to me. It's ok buddy. I also wouldn't know what to do there. Ski hats are supposed to be warm😭
Actually I'm adding Riven to my autistic Winx character collection now that was too big of a mood
...that line alone cost Brandon his spot as my favorite speciallist. Riven you're up
Timmy and Tecna are finally being cute again thank fuck
Me: I don't care for the pixies
Also me: If anything were to happen to Livvie I would kill everyone in this room and then myself
See? Riven actually bought the bear thing! Autistic king
I can't believe F*te made Stella the irrationally jealous one when there is only one blonde royal on this show who qualifies for that role
I am way too entertained by them not even asking for an explanation before undressing at Bloom's request sdfgcdf Like whatever her weird-ass ideas normally work why not
Also Bloom is not even struggling to carry Aisha on her shoulders lmao She was able carry Icy last season too she's just freakishly strong
This is the fight between two bad bitches I didn't know I needed
Did they make a fucking glider?? That's both stupid and awesome
Palladium gay but also bad taste in men
Hello random magical upgrade that has never even been mentioned before. Eh I like the character work required to get it so I'm cool with it
Especially for a kids show this actually gives an universe reason for the character development to be explicitly explained to the younger audiences
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arisamsara · 5 years
The change of relationship: breaking point of Yoo Jung
Cheese in the Trap Season 4, Ep. 30
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WARNING: This post contains several spoilers of the story released up to this particular chapter. The selected plot points are needed for explanation of the chosen topic. If you haven't but plan to read Cheese in the Trap (much reccomended), please avoid this post or read at your own risk.
Cheese in the Trap (치즈인더트랩) is a Korean manhwa (aka comic) series created by Soonkki (story and artwork). It was published on online platform Naver Webtoon in 2010-2017. Later the story was published in print, translated into English on Webtoon app, made into a TV series and live action film. The English translation is in its last 4th season and still has around one year worth of material yet to be translated.
The story revolves around Hong Seol, a hardwoking and little overthinking 3rd year university student majoring business management who is suddenly approached by her same major sunbae, very rich, handsome and popular 4th year student Yoo Jung. It would seem Seol hit a jackpot, attracting attention of such a guy as Jung; however, there is no promise of typical romance in sight. Why?
Maybe because Seol knows that Jung is not as nice as he pretends to be in public?
Or maybe because the previous year Seol's university life was turned into hell and the main puppetmaster behind all those evil schemes seems to be... Yoo Jung?
Relationship that began shrouded in misunderstanding, antipathy and suspicion. Can it ever be turned into romance? Or is it just another Jung's masterplan to get back at Seol?
In this post I will:
1) do a quick recap of "Jung's attitude towards Seol" evolution (in approximate data graph form in interval -10 to 10 because they're business majors, duh);
2) explain what happened in this episode, what was mistranslated in Jung's monologue and what character details are hidden here;
3) clear the mistranslation of Jung's repeated "Seol" in this episode.
Important parts are highlighted with colour (setting/situation) or bolded (particular events). The words in "..." are actual quotations. The words in '...' are rephrased sentences. Lets begin!
[1st Part] RECAP
How Jung's attitude towards Seol changed since the beginning of previous year aka flashback year? Jung returned from military service to the 3rd year, Seol returned to the 2nd year; they first met during comeback drink party. Seol got wasted (she can't drink much), picked up thrown ciggarettes from the ground outside (for Bora) and kept side-eyeing Jung all evening (how he spilled drink on clingy girls). Jung's first impression of Seol was bad, around 0 to -1 (she's "pathetic"). Then Seol kept saying hello and smiling to him (he was sunbae and popular/respected as well) but Jung flat out ignored her (thought she's another leecher).
During Jaewoo's study group Seol was the only girl there (they thought she outsmarted other girls and came alone to be closer to Jung); Jung caught her laughing at him (he thought she was mocking him and saw through his "nice sunbae" mask; she was just laughing at her imagination of Jung as aloof prince) and his impression dropped to -5 as he really disliked her now. Seol tripped on waxed floor and Jung caught her saying "Be careful" (not about tripping but about her behaviour towards him).
Seol then badmouthed Jung in public (said he was distanced, chose with whom to mingle, acted a bit fake); he found out about it and started to hate Seol (drop to -8). Seol tripped again and dropped papers, Jung kicked them and said "You keep making mistakes. I told you to be careful" (again not about tripping but about making him seem WEIRD to others in public). So he began to act nice with Seol to make Juyeon (black-haired girl who crushed on Jung) jealous and ruin Seol's life (in study related matters)
Then Younggon badmouthed Jung during basketball game (something like 'Jung pities you clingy people', which was true). When everyone turned their backs on Younggon, who went to talk to him, comfort him with snacks? Seol. Jung saw that and likely thought 'So these Jung haters team up now, huh? They deserve each other'. Jung's hatred for Seol got even bigger (drop to -10). When Younggon came to Jung asking for forgiveness, Jung was tired of his sh*t and wanted to go home already (he sighed and ruffled his hair). Juyeon told Younggon he and Seol would be a great couple; they asked for Jung's opinion and he was like 'Yeah whatever you would look good' with a fake smile to be left alone and not involved in unnecessary rumours and drama. He also didn't stop Inha from taking his phone and writing Younggon (pretending to be Jung and advising to send Seol gifts etc.), because, well, he disliked Seol and couldn't be bothered thinking about her. However, Jung had no idea how far Younggon would go during summer break (stalking, threatening and assaulting Seol).
When Seol came straight to Jung and asked if he really told Younggon Seol liked him (and Jung found out how obsessed Younggon was) Jung was shocked and felt bad. Yes, he hated Seol but didn't wish her to be hurt/threatened. Then Juyeon sent homeless woman to the library where Seol was and Seol got cut with a glass. It was Jung (if I remember correctly) who secretly called security guard to save Seol (yet Seol thought Jung was there knowing what happened and did nothing). Jung was really mad with Juyeon for this.
More things have happened that I forgot a bit, but essentially Jung kept noticing he and Seol are somewhat similar. He overheard her phone call with her parents and learned she was also lonely and not fully appreciated by her family. They both were diligent and hardworking in studying (both often were the ones who were used in team projects and ended up doing most of the work, or even did all work alone so their grade would not be affected by other people's laziness). They disliked petty drama. And found it difficult to speak their worries to others (Seol was too self-conscious and afraid to burden her friends, Jung had no one to speak to at all). So Jung's hatred for Seol started to decrease and he occasionally found himself thinking about her and even smiling when doing that (which made him frustrated and confused).
Jung looked for opportunities to speak with Seol but she always ran away, avoided to be left with him alone. During festival Jung made her a part of his preparation group, assigned her an easy job (sort out boxes) so she wouldn't overwork herself as she usually does and so that they could have time to talk alone. Jung didn't know silverware arrived earlier than planned and those boxes were heavy instead of light (Seol thought Jung gave her that job on purpose, to get back at her and just make her more miserable). While working they kept glancing at each other (Seol saw Jung wipe his sweaty face and cough - he caught a cold and felt really sick, but kept working). As others ran home early avoiding work, finding ridiculous excuses, Jung said Seol will help him clean up, but when everyone left, he told her to go just home (no one will appreciate her sacrifice and hard work, he knew that from experience). Seol wanted to leave, but seeing how Jung was sick, she went into rain to place directions towards their bar space. As she got back to take her bag, she saw Jung cleaned the place and lied back on the sofa, mumbling with fever. She couldn't just leave him there, bought him medicine, placed a wet towel on his head and fell asleep on the other couch. Jung woke up feeling better and was surprised to see Seol who was also sick and grabbed his hand in her feverish sleep (Seol's habit). The way they both tended to each other as both were sick (such caring gesture) made them closer but still confused about each other.
Jung left umbrella to Seol (she didn't take one and got wet while placing directions outside) and next day didn't take it back immediately between lectures so they could speak in person when she returns it, but that plan failed (Seol was too sick to keep running after Jung; she didn't want to be alone with him; the students' pissed her off saying 'Poor Jung, got sick working all alone'). In episode 29 sick Seol mistook Jung as Euntaek and asked him for money (initially 10$, then changed her mind and said 2$ was enough). Jung was happy to help her (he knew Seol wasn't like other students who hanged out with Jung only because of his money; also she approached him first and he hoped now they could talk) and offered 40$ (possibly all the cash he had on him, as Jung seemed to favour his card for paying). However, Seol recognized him and ran away again thinking Jung was showing off his money and pity, humiliating her. He followed her and saw her crouched (she vomited), tried to approach her but couldn't (street between them was drawn as an abyss); during next break Jung bought a health drink for Seol but she collapsed and was carried to the infirmary.
Then this episode happened (explained in detail in 2nd part). After that, Jung found out Seol was taking a study break. He was desperate to keep her at university so he could finally get close to her (it was going to be Jung's last year, so if she took a break, they would likely never meet again). Having no other idea how to do that, Jung blackmailed Assistant Seo to make his research paper dissapear (Assistand Seo had stolen and used Jung's credit card, so Jung gave him a chance to be forgiven; once research paper was gone, Jung's grade would drop, Seol would become first in business department, get the scholarship instead of Jung and stay for another year). Then the first chapter of CITT happens when Jung approaches Seol all smiles and offers to buy her dinner (bomb food and triangle rice). So during this 'realization' period which started after Younggon's assault, Jung's like/dislike bar towards Seol jumped from -10 to a decent 8.
This whole chapter is from Jung's POV, so it's a rare opportunity not only to see him behave but also hear what he's thinking. Infirmary part is the breaking point is Seol-Jung relationship: it's Jung's last effort to stop being bothered and confused by his feelings towards Seol; and his utter defeat as his opinion of Seol changed completely. Jung was getting worried of her and her health before, but here we see the extent of it. Jung is super diligent when it comes to studying (a bit later, during their first movie date at the cinema Jung was hangover and asked Seol to wake him up if he falls asleep; but it was Jung who stayed up watching boring historical film without breaking attention because it was homework; while Seol quickly fell asleep). It is absolutely outrageous to see Jung deliberately skip important lecture (which has attendance marks) in the middle of it just to go and see Seol. It shows how much he worried about her without even realizing.
Then Jung quietly stared at Seol for a long time with a serious, cynical face as if criticizing, evaluating. Although Jung has dated many girls before (they asked him out and he said ok), he has never had any romantic feelings for them and had no experience with love. So here Jung tried to rationalize whatever newly experienced softness he was feeling towards Seol, remembering past incidents (how she fell several times and got her hand cut). But his concentration broke as soon as Seol moved and Jung was controlled by the unconscious desire to touch her HAND. Seol woke up (delirious) so Jung put his HAND over her eyes to make her sleep (it mirrors how Seol put her HAND over Jung's eyes to calm his rage after Sangcheol pushed them and Jung hurt his HAND). Seol grabbed Jung's HAND half asleep, thanked he was still there and told him to go already. Since she spoke in banmal (informal language), she must have mistaken Jung for Euntaek again, as she never spoke informally with Jung before. Obviously a HAND motif is extremely important in the story. Seol keeps grabbing people's hands (usually Jung's after they became close, ex. when he asked her to become his girlfriend, during volunteering etc.) because she pushed away grandmother's hand; Seol had her hand cut by homeless woman; Inho got his hand hurt during assault; Jung's habit to tap his fingers when he's thinking. I can say this hand grabbing was one of the deciding elements that defeated Jung and last effort of resistance, but why exactly this gesture has such an impact on him is revealed only at the end of the story.
The part time job paper he found in her pocket softened him more. Jung's monologue is MISTRANSLATED in English version on Webtoon app; in essence Jung said he was frustrated about his feelings towards Seol but now feels better (weird), it means he changed (that's weirder). Seol caused a chaos of emotions inside him and she was the only one who could contain that chaos and bring back peace to his heart. He had no proof they could get along as their relationship was dissapointing so far but he wanted to try once more and make sure of it. He admitted he had never regretted his actions so much as he did now (things he did to Seol). Jung realized he couldn't run away from Seol, was fascinated by her, worried (her call with parents), touched by her kindness (she cared for him at festival), apologetic (she crouched after asking for 2$). Suddenly realization hit Jung like a lightning -  he lost the battle and got taken over by affection and crush towards Seol. Jung fell in love for the first time. And here started his obsession with food and having dinner with Seol.
Why Jung kept repeating "Seol" like crazy? The way it's translated in English on Webtoon app, there is no difference between Jung addressing Seol as he first got into the infirmary and at the end of the chapter. In original Korean version there is a huge difference. For ex. Seol never adressed Jung as Jung; he was Yoo Jung or Sunbae (the latter even after they started dating). Titles of hierarchy or full names are used between people who are not very close and are in official respectful relationship, mostly professional. Family members, close friends and lovers use banmal (informal speech) and address each other using each other's name (there are exceptions; also Bora and Euntaek also often called Seol as Hong/Hong Seol but it may have been a tease). So people who are very close would usually add ending -ah to other person's name as a form of endearment.
When Jung first entered the infirmary, he adressed Seol formally as "Hong Seol" (a fellow student and hoohae of the same major). But after Jung realized he fell in love with Seol, he smiled and called her name softly as "Seol-ah", suggesting she became a close person to him, a dear friend and a possible future lover. Being first time in love, Jung was fascinated by how lovely it sounds and kept happily repeating it.
CITT emphasizes the importance of subjectivity of one's point of view. This post was written explaining Jung's point of view, how he saw Seol and judged her behaviour. However the story is written mainly from Seol's point of view, so the reader identifies with her and can clearly understand only her actions and thoughts. Most of the time Jung looks weird, unreadable and suspicious to the reader because Seol sees him like that, affected by her past experiences which were caused by misunderstanding between them (and also because Jung is a complex person in general who on top of that is inexperienced in expressing himself clearly).
Nothing like that would have happened if Jung and Seol had sat down and talked everything out in the beginning. But these two do not openly speak about things. Instead they observe, overthink and internalize, judging people by subjective patterns of their own experience. Seol and Jung are similar in this appproach, only their patterns differ.
Seol grew up nice, diligent, disliked troubles and drama, smiled at sunbaes and was often underappreciated. And Jung was always at the center of attention. Seol thoght it was unfair, but she didn't know that people hanged out with Jung only for his status, money and connections, looking for personal gain. When Seol tried to be nice to Jung because she was just raised like that, Jung thought she was another leecher as he only knew such people.
Money was a touchy issue in Seol's family and she had to work several part time jobs to earn for tuition. Jung never thought about money at all or give it much importance. He was collecting expensive watches because he hd nothing better to do (habit came from the childhood as he was lonely and wanted to have a hobby). His issue was not using money for other people (paying for team dinners; Jung is generous) but for people using him only for money. So when Seol paid for her dinner (like she was raised to do) she thought Jung considered her a fool. Actually, he was impressed and surprised (sge's a first who did that) and even felt a little mocked. So he had no issue to give her more cash than she asked - 'I have money, you need it as you're sick, take it all'. She felt humiliated as if Jung was showing off.
Jung made her part of his festival preparation group only to have a chance to speak with her. She thought he did it to make her life hard. Whatever nice Jung did later, he was misunderstood by Seol as having evil intentions. Even when he "lost his paper" and gave up his scholarship so that she would stay at University, he avoided telling her the truth as Seol could (and eventually did) misunderstand and judge him resorting to blackmail (Seol is very righteous). But she would not open to him or ask him for help otherwise, so Jung had to repeatedly help her from behind the scenes and later get scolded.
Also, I wanted to clarify Jung's line "I'm all you got" from episode 27 that generated a lot of discussions about his 'inappropriate, sketchy and manipulative' behaviour. The sentence does sound creepy, but it was partly the fault of translation. Actually this sentence does not mean Seol has no family or friends and has to rely solely on Jung. It is a mistake to take this one sentence out of context, as the sentence was a continuation of Jung's train of thought about unconditional love and trust; about putting someone always first.
Read the colour coded dialogue below:
Jung Seol
"Next time tell me anything. Even if it's just a suspicion. Didn't we agree to share everything? That night, at my house... We talked about it."
"Yes we did, that conversation. Well, I was suspicious of him (Sangcheol) for being a thief so I had to be cautious."
"Seol, when you get suspicious, you had a good reason to be. You can tell me."
"What? How can you be so sure? Aren't you trusting me a little too much?"
"Of course. Who else would believe you and take your side if not me? See? I'm all you got."
Jung never experienced unconditional love and trust; his father never put Jung, his son, first above everything else. Jung was told to give beloved picture frame (mom's treasure) to a boy who simply liked it. Father told Jung to stop whining and be nice - apparently how other people saw Jung was more important than what Jung wanted. Jung's father considered him weird and the lack of trust was expressed by making Baek twins spy on Jung and report back (twins were manipulated too). Father even seemed to like twins' company better than Jung's as father was always smiling and laughing around them, but giving Jung a cold shoulder and scorned face. In Jung's mind, he was never first to Inho too although they were best friends. Jung went to see Inho's favourite musician and get autograph in Inho's name. And Inho kept reporting to Jung's father about Jung, laughed about father liking him more than Jung and caused a scandal about being a second son in the family. People at work and University also don't care about Jung as a person, only about his status in society.
Seol's life is different, she has family and friends yet she can relate to Jung a lot too. In episode 29 Seol said: "No matter how hard I try, there is someone else who's on a whole different level from the beginning. Do I really need to feel this way even at school?" and a picture of Seol's brother Joon appeared. Seol was never put first too - her brother as the only son in the family was the most important. Grandma used to favour Joon and bring him more snacks. Parents sent him to USA to study (Seol also wanted that) and sent him money frequently but Joon stopped his studies and went home. Meanwhile, Seol took a break and had several jobs to earn money for her tuition. No one at home asked how she felt, what she wanted; no one noticed how sick she was (father said no one around the house was useful). Seol had Bora and Euntaek but they had their own problems at home and Seol couldn't find strength to tell them everything thst bothered her. This lead Seol to keep stuff to herself and just brace through it alone.
For Jung, Seol is his girlfriend, the girl he loves and by far the closest person he has. Despite rocky start she eventually tried to know him behind the façade. She bought him a watch (he collects them) with her scarce savings when her time, interest and honesty were more than enough for him. After arguing she would still come and try to work it out and understand him (the night they talked at Jung's house). She often worried about him to the point where she thought she would trouble him with her "small" problems. So that's what Jung talked about - he wanted Seol to share even the smallest worries with him, not bottle everything inside. When friends can be very close, they both are a couple. For Jung couple means people who are ultimate, the most important for each other. "I'm all you got" means "the ultimate/the last one/ the only one to remain with you when everyone turns their backs on you and leaves". It means that as her boyfriend, Jung is the only one who ALWAYS puts Seol first above others, supports her and is on her side no matter what, even if she is wrong or mistaken. That is unconditional love and trust they haven't experienced from their family and friends, so have to give to each other instead.
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