#also I like seeing emotionless characters being forced to FEEL things for the first time in god knows how long
forget-me-ghost · 2 months
I've seen a lot of people reminding the fandom that Alastor is evil and a psycho and tbh I'm all for it, people tend to forget who Al is as a character. The uwu portray I see sometimes gives me the heebie jeebies (like THAT'S scary).
But I do want to see the painful process of a dehumanised man being reminded of his humanity.
Alastor spent over 100 years in his lil murder bubble, I want someone to burst it and ruin him in the process.
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myabsurddreamjournal · 8 months
(part 1)
Soldier Boy x Fem! reader
Summary: Reader is a scientist who is forced to work at lab that they keep soldier boy frozen, she talks and cries to him when she is alone, thinking he can't hear her but he hears everything.
warnings: None, im a ace so my character and story is going to be asexual💜
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she slowly approached to cryo where they kept him frozen. it has been a while since she had a opportunity to do this. Since she was taken here they always kept an eye on her, watching every move, punishing any sign of disobedience. It didnt take long for her to learn to be silent, be obedient. scar on her arm reminded her to keep her mouth shut every time she wanted to question something they do. She still remembered the pain. It was her second week here, and she made a mistake of asking why they kept him frozen for almost 40 years. She got the scar for her mistake. The sound of her bone breaking... She could still hear it.
Teardrops started to fall from her eyes as she opened the door of cryo, whenever she was alone she was crying now. It almost became a ritual, sitting on floor with her head hanging low while confessing and apologising to him. Who looked like a statue of a almighty god.
"Hello Ben" she opened her mouth. It made her feel weird hearing her voice saying something other than "yes", or "sir"
"its september 19 today, your birthday isn't it?" she was crying harder now. "i read your file other day. It says you had a rough childhood, me too you know, and now we are both prisoners here. What a fate huh?" she looked at his face as she said that. He looked pale, too pale for human. Well he was in this damn lab for almost 40 years...but deep down she liked the thought of him being something other than a human. Humans always hurted her after all.
After watching the torture tapes she learned he experienced pain and anger just like her. (she threw up all night after seeing the tapes for the first time) he had a life once, he was a child, he had a family. favorite food, favorite drink, he even smoked weed which made her a bit shocked when she read it on the files. But in time she found out he was a lot different from what they made him seen. She saw the few unaired interviews where he acted strong and confident as usual until he was asked about his family or childhood. His eyes getting teary for few seconds, Then his hard expression getting back. His mouth twitching every time journalists made a rude remark.
She knew he was a human. But him being alive after all things human did to him told her he was also something other than human.
and it made her feel good.
"i never wanted to be here, i never wanted this, she said. "i wish i could save you. If i had a powers like you, i would burn here to the ground. And kill all of them. But im so weak. Im so sorry Ben. Im so sorry." She waited there for few minutes. Her head between her hands. Until tiny beeping sound from her watch made her flinch. Telling her it was almost midnight. She needed to get up. Too many work tomorrow. Another day as a prisoner here
She cupped his cheek before closing the door of cyro. It was so cold, but still soft. She couldn't help and kept her hand there while looking at his face. His closed eyelids, then freckles on his nose. Still remembering the first time she noticed his freckles, it was one of the days where her legs hurted for being on her feet for so long. She was taking his blood for monthly test. And she saw them. He had freckles on his nose! They were never shown in his movies or pictures, always hidden behind makeup or his green-gold mask. But they were here. She found them adorable. Never showed it of course. keeping hidden behind her cold emotionless expression.
But she often find herself thinking about him when she tried to sleep at night in "room" they gave her. what else he was hiding under all that persona? What made him happy or sad before all this happened? was it true that he never cried? She tossed and turned at night. Sometimes thinking about him and sometimes thinking about her life. The similitaries between them. Humans hurted him just like they hurted her. They stole their life. She usually fell asleep with this thoughts. And in her dreams it was always end of the World. Everything burning in flames and she watching it from distance with smile on her face.
with a deep exhale she withdrawed her hand from his cheek. "see you tomorrow Ben." she whispered. And she was gone. Not knowing that he heard every word.
that night, she dreamed of something else for the first time since she was captured. Pair of green eyes. They were looking at her. Their shade reminded her a small lake she saw everday when she was a little girl. It was on the right side of the road that she used while walking to school. She always loved the way water moved in small waves. After 2 years, for the first time, she woke up with a warm feeling that morning. it felt like gentle morning sunrise.
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rie-092 · 2 years
Hi~ I really love your writing, you're one of the few people I know that write for manhwa character's. Anyway can I request for yandere Claude with an empress reader? you know a wife before he met her(I don't even want to say her name)
❲ yandere! claude de alger obelia x empress! reader ❳
summary : claude was tired of losing the people that were important to him. he wants to be selfish for once, that's why he was willing to take away your freedom if it means you will stay with him.
tw : yandere behavior, unhealthy obsession, mentions of killing, infidelity (?), confinement, force feeding, cursing.
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a political marriage. everyone in the empire knows that their new emperor and empress got married to each other because of a political reason. you and claude don't love each other. and you will never dream of loving him because love is an unnecessary thing for the royalties like the two of you.
and at the beginning, claude also doesn't care about you. you are just the person he chose to be the empress. nothing more, nothing less. but, of course, just like a normal romance story, his opinion of you will surely change.
and when did it change? it was the time when he was having his night walk inside the imperial palace. and he accidentally saw you, you who's swinging a sword. even though you were not smiling, he could easily tell that you were really happy.
it was the first time that he saw you like that. because the day of your wedding. your face was similar to his, cold and emotionless. after watching you for several minutes. claude finally decided to approach you.
and to be honest, you were surprised to see the emperor there. you tried to hide the sword away but before you could even do that, claude decided to stop you and told you to continue and ignore him.
and while watching you, claude's tiredness and fatigue disappeared. the sight of you swinging your sword was quite refreshing. because you look so free and happy. that's why he decided to ask you the question that has been bugging him since earlier.
“ did you escaped from your guards? ”
and because of his question, you accidentally let go of your sword. and after seeing your expression, claude realized that you indeed escaped from them. and you immediately asked him not to tell to your servants.
and claude agreed. saying that he will keep it a secret from others. as long as you allow him to watch you while practicing every day. and you happily agreed with his condition and gave him the sweetest smile that you had.
and claude was taken aback. at first, he thought that you were similar to him. but he was wrong, the two of you were the total opposite. and to be honest, claude likes it. he likes your carefree and cheerful attitude. and he likes the fact that you look so free despite of being forced on marrying someone like him.
claude was feeling an unfamiliar feeling inside of him. he was aware that it wasn't love. so what is it?
every time claude was tired of his work, he always find himself going to your palace to see you. and just by seeing your face, claude's tiredness will disappear. but at those times, the unfamiliar feeling inside him worsens.
and as a yandere, claude was surprisingly possessive when it comes to his wife. this guy won't hesitate to kill the people who will try to do something bad to his wife. or the people who try to talk bad about his empress.
and let's have a time skip, let's say that claude had finally met diana. and this guy thought that you'll gonna be jealous, but you didn't. instead, you congratulated him for finding a woman who will teach him about love. and remember that time still left a bitter taste on claude's mouth.
he wants you to be jealous. but he can't do anything if you didn't. since you were taught that love is an unnecessary thing. and to be honest he wanted to massacre the people who taught you that.
and fast forward to the day diana died, athy was born and the ruby palace massacre happened. after killing every person in the ruby palace. claude came to your palace, covered in blood.
and fuck, you were terrified after seeing how claude killed one of your servant in front of you. you were too terrified to the point that you can't speak and your hand was shaking because of fear.
but claude didn't care about that. instead, he held your face not caring about the blood on his hand and forcing you to look at him.
he needs you to know. he needs you to know that he's willing to kill everyone in the obelian empire once you leave him. he needs you to know that he had the power to massacre your family in front of you if you leave him. and he has no intentions of letting you go.
claude already lost diana and he doesn't want to lose you too. he knows how dangerous it is outside the imperial palace. that's why he needs to lock you up here. and this guy won't take a ‘no’ as an answer.
and if you ever tried to starve yourself to death. claude won't hesitate to shove that damn food onto your mouth. you are the only person in this damn world who keeps him sane. and he will not take the risk to lose you.
claude doesn't mind taking away your freedom. he doesn't mind being a monster, as long as he is your monster.
“ listen, i'm going to give you two choices either you start eating willingly or i'll force you. there's no way i'm letting you starve yourself to death. ”
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Cyberverse shockwave Vs soundwave X Cybertronian reader?
Oh this could be fun! I watched some of Cyberverse on YT so I hope I get the characters accurate ^^; I'm not done with it so expect some inaccuracies.
Yandere! TFCV! Shockwave vs TFCV! Soundwave with Cybertronian! Darling
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Cybertronian/Cybertronian pairing, Stalking, Manipulation, Recordings, Kidnapping, Attempted reprogramming/brainwashing, Dubious/Forced relationship, Jealousy, Violence, Stockholm Syndrome mention, Sadism, Implications of torture, Attempted murder/Implications of murder.
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The two already have a rivalry with each other.
Soundwave is loyal to Megatron while Shockwave is willing to replace him if he keeps messing up the job.
The two already try to sabotage each other.
Hell, Soundwave is even petty about it, taunting Shockwave whenever he can.
So even before adding any sort of darling into the mix they dislike each other.
Which makes them a pair incompatible of sharing.
I'd imagine the easiest way to do this with a Cybertronian darling is if you were a Decepticon.
Then you're on the same side and tracking you is much easier.
Then there's the harder way, you being an Autobot.
That or you are a dissenting Decepticon no longer believing in Megatron's cause.
Either way, those are some ways you could be a Cybertronian! Darling.
Let's discuss a Decepticon/Dissenter! darling first.
Both of them are able to keep track of you due to scanners.
Soundwave can track you via cameras and always seems to know where you are.
Meanwhile Shockwave can use his mini spider turrets to track you if he needs to.
I imagine the two would treat you relatively well as a Decepticon.
They appear emotionless at times, maybe even like they don't care about you... they do.
They just show it in their own way.
When Soundwave calls you up to him or meets you alone he eagerly listens to you.
His speech is limited, preferring not to talk for the most part, but he'll greet your presence.
It's hard to tell how much he cares until someone tries to take your attention from him.
He sometimes records your conversations to listen to later.
He may even look for songs you possibly like to play for you in private.
He isn't the most affectionate but does care for you as a fellow Decepticon.
Even it doesn't show much.
Shockwave is often looking for someone to vent to while he works in his lab.
Or just some sort of chatter.
Shockwave would call you to his lab to talk to him.
If you're not busy he likes the company, yet he's another one who isn't very emotive or open about his attraction to you.
He just appears selfish at times but does like to confide in you.
Decepticons often can't trust each other but you're one he appreciates.
The two like you in their own way as a Decepticon, things only really go down hill when they catch on to each other.
The two hate each other.
Even more so when they realize the other has feelings for you.
So this isn't corrupting a good relationship, no...
This is making an already bad relationship worse.
The two are competitive, similar to how they were when Megatron offered the position to replace Starscream.
They'd sabotage the other no matter how destructive.
They'd probably even use their power over you to make you listen to them.
Shockwave keeps a closer eye on you with little turrets on the walls.
Meanwhile Soundwave goes out of his way to occupy your time and destroy any turret he finds.
I also wouldn't put it past Shockwave to put extra trackers on you.
The Cyberverse iterations of these Decepticons are rather petty towards each other.
They'd taunt one another, everything is a competition.
A challenge to see who can make the next move....
Meanwhile you just want to get your work done fo appease Megatron.
You don't really want to be involved with either of them.
Romantic relationships for Cybertronians happens, but they're unnecessary.
Shockwave tries to make things convincing by saying you're one of the only Decepticons he can tolerate, you'd two would be compatible.
Soundwave tries to either order you away from Shockwave's lab or convince you that Shockwave isn't loyal.
Soundwave's loyal. You can trust him to have your back.
I imagine the two could be rather violent towards each other.
Fights between them are either left alone or broken up by Megatron.
When it comes to Decepticons it's a pecking order.
You've got to fight for power.
Fights are normal for Decepticons, except this isn't for power.
This is over you... a partner they don't even technically need.
Before they can scrap one another they're stopped.
However if left unattended I can see the two nearly putting each other out of commission.
Now just some food for thought, imagine a dissenting darling?
You used to agree with Megatron and now you don't.
Obviously you try to hide it until you can strike a deal with the Autobots.
But Soundwave and Shockwave will know.
Soundwave's response would be to immediately keep you near him, in a way he's detaining you.
You needing constant surveillance gives him the excuse to watch over you.
He may even convince you to stay a Decepticon if he forces you into something with him.
Shockwave would be "tamer" than Soundwave.
He understands, he himself has wished Megatron would do better.
If anything now he thinks you share some beliefs.
Which is only another excuse to make you and him a partnership.
Here's another way a rivalry could world.
Cybertronian doesn't just mean Decepticons.
You could be an Autobot too.
The two would constantly try to track your whereabouts in an attempt to capture you.
I imagine when they take you prisoner that's when obsession starts.
Soundwave would be one to try to immediately break and brainwash you.
He'll rewrite what makes you an Autobot and make you a Decepticon...
Even better, he'll make you his.
Shockwave is also one who likes the idea of breaking you.
He wants to experiment on you yet also give you Stockholm Syndrome.
The two would still fight if they realized they were falling for you, an Autobot prisoner.
They both wish to make you fall for them as their little puppet, yet fight to see who gets to keep you.
The two spilling Energon is common.
No matter what type of Cybertronian you are you find it unnerving.
The two least emotive Decepticons? The most cruel soldiers of Megatron? Fighting over your attention?
Impossible... right?
If one of them manages to scrap the other it's impressive yet also an issue.
They will either lose their doctor or a second in command.
The victor won't really care.
After all, they finally won't have to fight with an inferior rival anymore.
Plus... they have you, their most precious Conjunx Endura
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lakesbian · 4 months
Hey there you’ve broadened my understanding of alec greatly through your posts. I kind of skimmed over his stuff previously cause he didn’t seem like a deep character but he is!
Anyways, I’m going to ask a question to wash down the praise. I’d like to see if I can get any more alec stuff out of you by telling you what I used to think (I say I, maybe this take has come up before, but I haven’t seen).
Basically I used to think that alec really was emotionless, unless he was controlling other people. But he only knew what negative emotion was like because the people he controlled weren’t exactly willing participants until Aisha. Through controlling hwr consensually he experienced positive feelings and this is want inspired his “passing taylor on the opposite track of the morality rail” and his eventual sacrifice for Aisha. Thoughts?
he's a shallow puddle but he's My favorite shallow puddle and there are actually 5 inches of water in the puddle when most people only think there is 1 inch.
anyway yeah that's basically not correct, alec's power is about (among other things) intense dissociation/literally only being able to feel emotions from a distance. presuming him to be 'emotionless' (<- this is kind of a vague term that seems like it comes with loaded connotations) is simply not correct because his entire thing is that he's had to cope/psychologically protect himself from his trauma by completely shutting down his ability to notice/'feel' or interpret his own emotions. all that hurt he felt as a smaller kid got packed into a box and chained up and tossed into the basement of his mind, because he just literally could not process it without completely crashing and becoming unable to keep himself alive. and he's still not in a safe place to start unpacking any of it, so he still remains almost completely oblivious to when he's, e.g., upset or nervous.
the other thing about his power is that it's got the irony of meaning that he can force people to protect him or act like they care about him, but he can never make them actually care about him. it speaks 2 the deep deep loneliness he felt as a kid and the way he was coerced into a cycle of abuse centered in large part around the notion that he would never receive love or physical affection or emotional intimacy or respect or anything unless he violently took it. so he can Pretend people want to be with him using his power, but he knows it's an act, and he can feel their palpable hatred the entire time. (<- the way his power enables incredibly deep and intimate understanding of other ppls emotions is also deeply indicative of what he's desperate for.)
with aisha, using his power consensually, it's letting him understand the first friend he's ever had in the closest way possible. he's actively Feeling that she cares about him & trusts him & wants to be close to him, and gaining a mental map for powerful emotions that have been rare in his life until then. it's not the first time he's ever Had Any Positive Feelings but it Is the first time he's ever had a connection like this. and it Is something he's been desperate for since he was very small and little. a lot of his worst behavior is driven by anger and hurt over being lonely & traumatized that he has no understanding of how to parse or vent appropriately, so i do think having a second person to bounce off of helps him sort himself out in a way that lowers the chances of him having another joker moment. so you could say his friendship w aisha contributes a bit to his improved moral compass. but we also do see that he's overall making slow upwards progress either way, and his joker moment is more of a backslide due to varying factors than his Usual.
the part where it's literally the only positive close connection he's ever had in his entire ass fucking life is why he kills himself for her though yeah. he has very little to live for other than Little Treats and the vague idea of being better than/getting revenge on his father prior 2 meeting aisha, and he ultimately realizes that her friendship is so meaningful to him that his life would just feel worthless without her in it, and he would rather die for the chance that the best person he's ever met will get to keep going. it's sad as hell. guy who gets one (1) friendship in his entire life and just genuinely does not have much of anything to live for outside of it. my alec essays tag isnt perfectly up to date but it gets into the explanations for a lot of this if you havent read it all already
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fullscoreshenanigans · 9 months
You know, i don't think that Asyhe forgave Norman. But I think that she decided to make her revenge in a more "psychological" way. Like being a "silent" threat.
For exemple she comes in his office to feed her wolfs while glarring at him (like in a comic on tubmlr that I have seen one day).
Sometimes, she sings a little "innocent" demon song (that she read in a book at her father home, even if her father had hie all those kid of documents) about hunting human when they just all two, before making remarks about hunting HIM and saying immediatly "just kidding...maybe? =)" with a too much innocent simile and he can just sweat nervously.
She sends her wolfs following him silently. Or howling under his windows at night.
"Why your wolfs were howling last night.
They were ready for the hunt.
Just kidding, the mooon was full and she were singing."
She lets him hold baby wolfs but immedialty ask him to be the prey, for their training with a innocent look. And he 100% doesn't know if she's serious or joke. (Everyone else thinks she jokes).
But hey at least she doesn't try to kill him....for now.
Really that's maayybe the only reason for "why the Demon God let her keep her wolfs-dogs": to torment Norman XD
I agree there's no way Ayshe forgave Norman during the time we have with the characters (with me and a few other people hoping if any new material was to come out for the series, it would be related to their conflict with how lackluster and embarrassing the resolution was). She is able to honor whatever it is he said to her in chapter 160, (plug for my guess on that, although "I'm sorry, but please wait until we've obtained our freedom" is another one I've seen presented that I see as incredibly plausible and valid). She can acknowledge he can do more good alive than dead. She sees how happy Don, Gilda, and the rest of the Grace Field kids are to have him back (which is tangentially one of the things I love about the chapter 153 conversation between the full score trio, that arguable selfishness on Emma and Ray's part; wanting Norman back with them and their family even in the face of all the families he ruined during his time as Minerva razing the mass production farms, including Ayshe's).
None of that means she forgives him or that she's obligated to do so at any point in the future.
But I think that she decided to make her revenge in a more "psychological" way. Like being a "silent" threat. Sometimes, she sings a little "innocent" demon song (that she read in a book at her father home, even if her father had hie all those kid of documents) about hunting human when they just all two, before making remarks about hunting HIM and saying immediately "just kidding...maybe? =)" with a too much innocent smile and he can just sweat nervously. She sends her wolfs following him silently. Or howling under his windows at night.
I feel like this is too childish given the magnitude of what he did? At least at first.
I think she would just straight up ignore his existence unless for whatever reason they're in the same room, at which point if she's aware he's looking at her, he'd receive the most emotionless stare in return until he does what he's supposed to and approaches her about their unresolved conflict. It's terrifying because in being genuinely remorseful, he accepts that he's not the one in control of the situation dictating how it'll play out, and being that vulnerable was one of the major driving forces for the conflict between him and Emma. But you know, growth, and ideally that's what played out between them to get them to this point after roughly two years:
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(Chapter 181)
She's willing to not only be within physical proximity of him (along with Vincent, and it's probably safe to assume the same for the rest of the Lambda squad, too), but she and her dogs also allow him to hold one of the pups.
She lets him hold baby wolfs but immediately ask him to be the prey, for their training with a innocent look. And he 100% doesn't know if she's serious or joke. (Everyone else thinks she jokes).
And maybe by that time this is the kind of joke she would make. I would have characterized it with a deadpan look as opposed to an innocent one because the latter seems too cutesy given he murdered the being who saved her from death and raised her for thirteen years, but with this being the only panel we have to go off of for the status of their relationship after two years, it's not entirely implausible.
Norman appears rueful and willing to accept Ayshe could decide to kill him at any point and be justified in doing so. The panel preceding the one with Ayshe is very important in this regard. It would be hypocritical for him to expect forgiveness as a forgone conclusion for himself when he hasn't forgiven the Ratri clan and probably never will for their generations of complicity in the farm system and the upholding of the social stratification of demon society.
Yet the memory he's thinking of is depicted in a comedic light as opposed to foreboding and has an optimistic undercurrent, so it seems like some degree of progress has been made between them when this is where we see them leave off:
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(Chapter 160)
For example she comes in his office to feed her wolfs while glarring at him (like in a comic on tubmlr that I have seen one day).
The comic in question by @dyslexicsponge is delightful and something everyone should see, although in this instance based on the preceding drawing of her with Emma I'm 99% convinced she's goes in there because Norman is the most hopelessly obvious dork about his crush on Emma for the “I didn't know where else to go” trope with the most black comedy mundane twist klfklsjl (“Listen asshole…this is partially your fault I'm in this mess‚ what with the killing my dad and all. You're going to provide some form of comfort to me even if it's just commiserating in silence.” But you know, silently. He's just supposed to pick up on the vibes.) The #noromo Norayshe content we deserve klfjlksd
But hey at least she doesn't try to kill him....for now. Really that's maayybe the only reason for "why the Demon God let her keep her wolfs-dogs": to torment Norman XD
Going with what you said in our previous exchange on this with her seeing her dogs as siblings being the primary reason for the demon god transporting them over, although that is a nice bonus for her lol
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melonteee · 9 months
I know its been a while since the LA dropped but I'm watching it right now and oh my god its so baaad and all I see are good reviews, like even leaving the adaptation aspect it's just bad writing I need to get it out of my system orz It's supposed to be show dont tell not the other way round, and here everything is being spelled out, like when Buchi's trying to eat that blue goo Sham's like dont eat the POIsOnOUs McPoiSoN and a lot of other characters just say stuff purely for exposition which sounds super clunky to me in a live action setting where they want it to be serious asjjddj Also Iñaki while he is super cute, he's just so one note for me, feels forced and like you and other people were saying that they're making him into the goodest little pirate, look he's so good and moral, he's not actually a pirate he's a Good PirateTM. Dont even get me started on how literal the paralells between him and Shanks were in the flashbacks, I felt like I was being slammed on the head, I get it he looks up to him WE KNOW you've said it three times already, the adaptation aspect is another can of worms ofc like I cant comprehend people being happy about Zoro being so emotionless, but at least the costumes and sets are nice... most of the time
dfkghdjkf I'm glad you got it all out anon it seems this blog has become a somewhat confessional for the live action since it's being met with a lot of forgiveness everywhere else. Not that that's a bad thing since I'd rather it be enjoyed than not, but we're all allowed to be critical in our own right and yeah you sure summed up a lot of what the first episode alone made me feel lmao
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soulsxng · 3 months
If my oc's were misinterpreted by fanon, pt 3:
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These next two are ladies (or present as ladies, in Alsi's case, since sexes are different for the vasyrus), so of course they would end up getting shoved aside for the boys. Or viewed just for sex.
I feel like she would get minimized to both the big booby goth and the wine aunt stereotypes.
People would just treat her as an accessory to Sivel. Because she did plan to overthrow him when she first came back, people would also probably speculate that she's using him/biding her time before she stabs him in the back.
I think people would take her habit of going as far as she has to in order to accomplish her goals, and her being unashamed to speak or act against things that she feels are wrong would get her pegged as being overly emotional. Or a bitch that takes things too seriously.
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Again, she's a lady so she'd automatically be pushed aside for the boys, for the most part. Or just viewed for sex. I could see that being especially bad with Nir.
Portrayed mostly as a ditzy airhead that lets her attendants take care of everything for her. Probably also a good bit of spoiled and selfish princess in there too, because of course.
I can see a lot of people either forgetting that she was a goddess for most of her life, or making her out to be some horrible woman that abandoned her followers without warning. All because she wanted to shirk her responsibilities and go have fun, instead!
She's a healer-type, so obviously that means she can't defend herself and is very weak. Needs protection, either in the "oh noes uwu, she needs a big, strong man to keep her safe" way, or the "ugh, she's so annoying, she can't do anything" way. I hate both, and so would she.
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People would absolutely only see him for the act he puts on with everyone. Arrogant, flirtatious and indulgent, vain and hotheaded. No depth here, no sirree! Might kind of sum up to a hot, but almost comic relief-y character in some ways.
He was never married, noooo, he's a playboy, he probably just knocked her up, he was never actually in love with her! And he probably neglected his sons, too! Actually no, I'm sorry. I mean he probably neglected Satan's sons--
People would also probably try to paint him as a drunken lecher, too. But in a "sexy way", for the most part.
Lazy, leaves all of his work to his siblings. But he still argues with all of them constantly, because there's gotta be one sibling in the bunch that causes a bunch of fights and drama!
I say all of this, but despite it all, I still feel like people would still somehow love him, and make all kinds of excuses for him.
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Always dozing off somewhere random, lazy, pretty emotionless and mysterious. People would treat his eels as snakes. This makes them sad :c
Cares a lot about nature and the state of the realms, so I can see a lot of people making him out to be really primitive and dumb. Or making him out to be the type that will jump down a person's throat for even considering the use of a plastic straw. Either way, I can also see it being treated as some haha funny joke.
Able to do mind/body control = he's instantly irredeemably evil.
Again with the "he's misunderstood, nothing he did as the Tyrant of Ennirem was wrong!" vs "he's evil and did that because he's evil and bad, and he didn't change or learn anything at all from what happened back then" battles.
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I can see a lot of blatant casual racism toward Sivel, unfortunately. Toward all of the Vasyrus, if I'm being honest. Because in a lot of places, they're painted as "the bad guys" in the Brinnelan war, with no acknowledgement to what led up to and caused any of that in the first place. And since Sivel is the king, he'd probably face the brunt of it.
He'd be viewed as cold and ruthless, power-hungry, unreasonable...all kinds of things, I'm sure. No wonder his wife left him!
Speaking of his wife, he probably forced her to marry him. Among other things.
On the more lighthearted side, I could see people dialing his nerdiness up to 11. Also his shut-in tendencies that pop up when he's really into something he's working on, or studying.
Serious all the time. Cannot take a joke. Doesn't tease, and is never playful. Sarcasm goes way over his head. I can see this being construed in both a sillier, kind of oblivious sort of light, and in a more negative sort of light, depending on what part of the fandom you ask.
Another "If you like this character, you condone everything bad that he's ever done, and you're just as problematic as him" victim.
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ariforshort · 5 months
what I mean to say:
mizu's character is so tragically written in such a beautiful poetic way. she's written as somebody blinded by rage and grief and nobody around her understands it. she was doomed from the beginning purely because of her parents' desires and the misfortune of her father being a white man. she is a product of lust and she knows it, which is why she's so infuriated at the world, and the whole reason she's on this journey for revenge. her relationship with femininity is so painful and so well written and we can see it through her with mikio. when she's with mikio she is noticeably happier, she smiles a lot more and she's free in a sense. despite being in a forced marriage and not necessarily loving her husband, she doesn't have the pressure of having to live with the mask of being a man. while you could say it was just mikio, I also think that the fact she didn't have to worry about being something she isn't plays into it too, and we see it through the way she presents herself. she wears makeup, she experiments with her hair, she wears feminine clothing, and she's happy. when she's under the mask of masculinity, she's cold and distant and angry. on top of this, other characters' views of her also tell us a lot about her as a character.
akemi talks about her expectations of mizu, claiming she thought mizu would be something great, but all she sees is anger, stating that mizu herself isn't scary, she's just clouded with rage.
taigen views her as a dog, and despite that definitely only being because of her race, I like to imagine it's because of her pursuit for revenge. much like a dog, she follows the idea of revenge loyally and she is dedicated to it. taigen can see this through the way she carries herself and the concept of her being like a dog is SO important to the storyline. and ringo sees her as what he wants to be. he sees a warrior with skills and admires mizu for it, following her blindly with no knowledge of her morals or ideology. when he realises what she really thinks, he is disappointed and we see that he has a clear sense of disillusionment realising his mistake. nonetheless he follows her, believing that regardless of her rage, she has strength in all fields because he sees her how he knows she can be. swordfather sees mizu exactly as she is. he is blind, so her appearance does not bother him. he sees a child as she was, and an adult as she is. he has always viewed her exactly as she was around him. he isn't phased by anything she offers. he is well aware of her status as an "onryō", but he knows what she actually is. and regardless of that, he teaches her to be an artist because he knows she has it in her.
another thing I think is really important is mizu's attitude towards killing. we know she kills and we know she does it mercilessly, but that doesn't mean she's devoid of emotions and you can't do her completely catatonic. we see in the episode with the bird and kinuyo that it's the first time she shows visible guilt for killing. she lays the bird to rest and tries to make it look natural, out of guilt that she did not kill the bird on purpose and it was an act of reflex. she feels the same guilt with kinuyo, but this time the killing was intentional and she does not forgive herself for it. she displays physical uncomfortableness when she kills kinuyo, and she holds her for a while after, almost as if unable to comprehend what she's done. unlike the bird, she lays kinuyo haphazardly, as she's shaken from the knowledge of what she did, and she just wants to get away. we see the thought of killing the little boy shortly after cross her mind, yet she refrains, knowing she cannot take another innocent life, despite the fact she is aware he could very well tell people about seeing her. regardless, she lets him leave with his life because she can't bring herself to kill him. mizu is not emotionless, and that entire sequence tells us that. she also shows clear emotions multiple other times in the series(after her childhood), such as guilt when letting the guards take akemi. we cannot claim she's emotionless because she just isn't.
her appearance also plays a large part in her story, since she's generally designed androgynously from the beginning. all her life she's been between male and female, so it would make sense she looks natural as both. her jawline is sharp(ish) like the men, whereas the women (especially akemi) have rounded, softer faces. her body is also designed this way. she is rough around the edges, has a distinct lack in the things that make a woman noticeable. her chest is flat, her waist isn't noticeably small or anything, she just sorta.. lacks figure. and it makes sense. the women in the show are soft, curved, silken. mizu is none of that. even when she's with mikio, she retains her androgynousness because it's who she is at the core of her being. mizu is tragically, poetically, and beautifully written and I admire her character so much it physically hurts.
what I actually say: haha hot samurai I would kill for one chance with her.
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snarkylinda · 6 months
Heyyyyy, I love reading about your thoughts on Spencer! Never stop, pls. Just got into the fandom and its amazing to see other people delving into a character that you love. He's such an interesting person, although one with a huge amount of trauma. I'd love to hear more about your insights~
oh my 🥺🥺🥺
Spencer is such an important blorbo to me and it's quite an unique experience too- because even tho I had been in fandoms since I was 24 it's the first time I actually get to understand what the character is saying without hundreds of translators and interpretations to get a firm grasp of HOW he speaks, and what tone and what is talking about and how it compares to his peers (English is not my first language, but I understand it way better than Japanese, obviously lmao) so like I can watch an episode, overthink it, and spit whatever interpretation I got from it directly without fear of it being an mistranslation :D also the first time that it's played by an actual human being instead of a drawing so sometimes I feel weird and intrusive as well :D
Okno, now seriously tho- Spencer is legit so fun to analyze and how he plays with his archetype. I read in TV Tropes once that there is this character trope called The Spock, it refers to the one character in a squad that tackles every situation with calm and logic, to an almost emotionless degree, often balanced out by another character that leaps onto action without a second thought and it's moved solely by emotion. However, wanting t apply logic and having nerves of steel in the face of impossible situations (and this is debatable tbh lmao) is as far as that trope goes because Spence is a softie, an emotional clusterfuck, an unstoppable force and a pushover all in one single 185cm of parental issues, puppy eyes and too much sugar.
He is smart and often says the....not quite sensible thing by accident, and uses big words, and reads a lot, and has a photo of Nikolas Tesla with him for some reason- but he is also sarcastic, wildly energetic, petty, a sweetheart, a sassy bitch, a complete loser, the only person that knows what best and isn't afraid to say it- etc, etc, etc. He doesn't believe that the needs of the many outweigh the few but actually latches up to a reduced certain amount of people that he considers giving what is most important to him -his career- up. Even if it hasn't been that long since he knows them.
I just....adores this little petulant ray of sunshine and won't shut up about him anytime soon so I am glad you like my rants ❤️
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kittygamer2888 · 3 months
I apologize if this is overstepping but I believe you should continue your Evil Sonic AU.
If you lack story ideas you could consider things like:
~ The Metal Tails Sonic intends to build ; What abilities does Metal Tails? How does Metal Tails vary in personality and behaviors from Organic Tails? What's Sonic's relationship with Metal Tails?
~ Would Sonic feel the need to create a Metal Sonic as well? What about versions of other characters like Amy and Knuckles?
~ What would happen if Sonic succeeded in his revenge plan? How would that effect the other characters? How would that effect even Sonic himself?
~ How would Eggman creations, like Omega and Sage, be brought into the story if at all?
~ How did Shadow get integrated into the plot since the events of Sonic Adventure 2 likely didn't transpire identically?
~ What is the Resistance like? What's Tails' experience as the newest recruit? Also, a sepreate question:
~ Aside from revenge, what does Sonic want? I mean that in what would make him happy?
If you are burnt out on your story you shouldn't force yourself to work on it and you should wait until you recover and if you still don't want to continue it after that, perhaps you should consider leaving it behind as making yourself work on something you aren't enjoying often isn't good for you or your project, but if you regain the passion for it I believe you should do it.
I'd love to see what you would come up with for this AU :>
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That's da thing.. I really want to continue, but from an artistic perspective, I have been procrastinating in doodling them. My motivation's been chipping away for this AU, but that still won't stop me from thinking about it, nor will it stop me from answering these questions. So, after panicking internally on the math test, re-reading these ideas,the math teacher forcing me to eat lunch,
and heavy thinking during the day--
I guess I could answer some of these ideas (thx btw).
1. For Metal Tails' abilities, they're the same abilities as the Metal Tails from Sonic Superstars, which is fly, and fire, and electricity. As for his personality, it's not too out of the ordinary I guess.? If anything, he's emotionless and follows orders. But when he's in battle, he's reckless when attacking and is likely to react quicker to anything approaching around him due to the antenna on his head that detects incoming attacks. Kinda like a motion detector--
2. Sonic wouldn't need to make a Metal version of himself since he already knows he's the best (little sh-) but he does eventually make a Metal version of the crew, mostly Amy, Tails and Shadow besides just relying on Metal Knuckles all the time.
3. If Sonic was ever to actually succeed, it wouldn't affect him much as he would enjoy every second of it. Though.. since Tails isn't there to witness it all with him, it does make him feel a bit more alone despite the robots keeping him company. But who says he hasn't been alone before? He's fiiine, isn't he? And as for how this could affect the others, they would be devastated, of course, but they wouldn't just give up right then and there, they would all still use any power they have left to win against that ol' needlemouse.
4. Well uh... Sage isn't cannon in this universe, and even if she was, she would most likely be a little wooden figure that Robotnik made for the little kids in this AU. As for Omega? Yea, he's in this. Miles was the one who created him at the time while Sonic was the one to come up with the blueprints... sorta, more like ideas, but yea.
5. This is something that I was thinking about and, after reading SA2's plot on the wiki, you could say that the events were most likely the same, the only difference is the use in characters in the story, but over all, it's most likely the same, just with different characters.
6. The resistance is most likely the same as in cannon, the only difference being is that Silver wasn't there for a long period of time. Tails' first impression in being the recruit of the team was.... a little complex at first due to him used to be working for Sonic, so it only took at least 3 months or more for Knuckles to start trusting him, so he was the only one to need time to trust Tails while the rest of the team was already starting to warm up on him.
7. Actually, deep down, Sonic doesn't know what he wants, he just knows that gaining power and taking over the world would be the only thing to make him feel somewhat content. You see, after having planned to conquer the world ever since he first met Knuckles, he stayed dead-set on that plan for years, and over the years this mindset of his would slowly start to make him blind in his own plans to the point where he would look as if he's committing all of this destruction for no reason at all, but yet, he's still focused on conquering the world. Despite all of this though, who knows if this would actually make him happy, he did all of this due to what life threw at him, so now he's going against it to fulfill the respect that he deserves. But it's been years since he started feeling that way, so.. could this be what he really wants? No one will ever know.
Welp, that's all I could really think of. Also, for those who replied on my recent post with reblogs relating to this, yea, sorry if I made you guys worry or anything, I was just feeling a bit down that night. I still kinda am, but I think I'm starting to feel a bit better. Thanks for the kind words though, I'm honestly surprised you guys are actually interested in the AU, but I'm glad you guys at least enjoy it <:]
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cookie-waffle · 1 year
As much as I love Legend of Zelda, I’ve always felt like the way the franchise doesn’t prioritize story takes away from so much of it’s potential.
Refusing to let Link ever be a fully multifaceted fleshed-out character is actually starting to work against the whole “blank slate” thing, because the addition of voice acting forced Nintendo to give an explanation for Link not speaking in cutscenes. But, by doing so, they wrote themselves into a corner. He (understandably) has an anxiety disorder, (which is super interesting but isn’t touched don much). And in Creating a Champion, it was mentioned that Link seems happier after forgetting his previous life as a knight, subtly implying he had a very difficult childhood.
But, when totk came out, they no longer had an excuse to keep Link silent and emotionless 100% of the time because they had already made it canon that he not only feels happier post-calamity, but even SPEAKS to Zelda. So, how did Nintendo address this? They didn’t. Because they prioritized player experience over writing that made sense. Which, ironically, made us feel LESS connected to Link’s character. And to make it even more frustrating, it’s so obvious that they WANT to make Link his own character, but just refuse to for some reason.
Another example are NPCs we helped in botw, that every player had to have interacted with at least once, not remembering Link at all in totk. I know it’s done for new players, but, why? What’s wrong with NPCs already knowing Link and being fond of him? It makes no sense why they would do that, ESPECIALLY given all the hints that Link has been living with Zelda in Hateno for a few years. I think character interactions would be so much more emotionally impactful if Link kept all the friends he made in botw.
And, probably my biggest gripe of all, is how often very interesting themes get introduced and then treated very superficially.
Ganon/Ganondorf has the potential to be a very multifaceted and tragic villain. A man who wants to do right by his people, but cannot fight the darkness he was born with no matter how hard he tries. But…. that’s not who Ganondorf is. Ganondorf is canonically about as deep as an 80s cartoon villain. Nintendo does not seem to care about the more nuanced details and bleak implications of Demise’s curse. Ganondorf would have never been tolerated by the gerudo if he was just always evil. Real evil rulers must grow a loyal following and gain the trust of their people before doing the actual evil stuff. And seeing how “no nonsense” gerudo soldiers seem to be, I have my doubts that they’d just let some manlet walk all over them without first proving himself worthy of their respect.
In fact, a lot of the whole light vs dark theme itself self seems to be delivered in a very superficial way. Like, for example, Demise had no real motive. The only reason he wanted to destroy the world because he's scary and bad. There's no complexity to it at all.
Another example is the themes of mental illness in botw. Zelda’s whole relationship with her father was very clearly intended to seem abusive, and Zelda has emotional issues as a result. Aditionally, Link has selective mutism, and Mipha even writes about how much less happy he seems as a teenager compared to how he was when he was little. Nintendo actually seems to have addressed what sort of effects this kinda trauma has on young minds. Not only that, but, it’s not exactly a secret that Japanese culture puts way too much pressure on their children to preform perfection, and the way Zelda’s relationship with her father is portrayed could very well be a reflection of that.
But then they redeemed King Rhoam in Age of Calamity, making some of the messages that botw was trying to convey completely irrelevant.
Also, not to mention, most players that discovered Zelda’s diary in botw probably want Link to feel safe enough to speak again, after knowing that it is possible. Or at the very least, we wanted to see him comfortable enough to express his personality more in cutscenes. Do we get that? No. Going back to my previous point, this is just another example of the whole “blank slate” thing with Link working against itself.
I think most of, if not all of these issues, can be solved. With Nintendo's budget, there is no excuse to not put just as much attention and detail into the story and lore as they do into the gameplay.
The issue with Link's character could be easily solved by taking a page out of Fallout 4's book. His personality could change based on how the player responds to npcs. The player could also be given the option to customize race, gender, hair color, etc (There's nothing that says Link has to be a hylian male every time). Another great idea would be romance options that have no real effect on the end of the story. That way, the devlopers can ship zelink like they cleraly want to, without players who don't ship them having to deal with it.
And please... PLEASE give Ganondorf a goddamn personality aside from "Sneaky and bad". Give him a backstory, a character arc, an ideology. ANYTHING. The main villain of such a massive franchise should be nuanced.
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zachsreaderinserts · 3 years
sapnap, dream, tommy, and c! techno x s/o who cried while arguing headcannons
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also im about to hit 100 followers! thank y’all sm!!!
edit: so uh, i didnt know tommy didn’t like to be written in romantic x readers, that was on me 100% so i changed it to platonic!!
wc: 1,285
as we all know, sapnap is a little bitch when he’s arguing with someone, compiled with lots of yelling, screaming, and probably physical gestures.
so, it was no surprise that when you had brought up the fact that he had been neglecting his chores around your house, that he retaliated almost instantly
“i’ve been sitting in the office the last few days working! i don’t know what you want from me!”
somehow, with you being you and sapnap being sapnap, the argument escalates really fucking fast
to the point where his voice is starting to get hoarse and you’re pretty much shaking in retaliation, regretting ever bringing up the entire argument
sapnap’s too blinded by his anger to realize that you were not fine and were backing yourself into the dining room table in attempt to seperate yourself from the situation
and when he turned to glare at you and continue his point, he paused when he saw the tears building up in your eyes and the fearful look you had
he dropped the argument almost instantly and darted over to you, holding you by the shoulders. you couldn’t even form any words, just blubbering as he squeezed you close
you apologized for crying, but he didn’t want to hear shit. he felt guilty for letting the argument escalate like that and the both of you said sorry for the entire situation as a whole.
at the end of the day, you still love each other, y’know?
dream’s biggest problem when arguing is that he can’t truly decipher what is an insult and what is a light jab to his ego.
it was during a stream that you had made a joke, something about dream resembling his smp! rendition of his character and that irked dream automatically
after the stream, he came into your room and addressed it, but anyone could see how quietly pissed off he was. and already, you were angry because he was angry
so, you bit back. told him that you were sorry about how he felt and how you pressed his buttons, but not sorry for making the joke. it wasn’t meant to be taken the way he did and that was his fault for stewing over it
mans is angry
so, a shouting match starts up, naturally and it gets heated real fucking quick
“you don’t get to decide whether or not i should blow over a joke!”
(wanted to say that in this argument, you’re both valid, but the way you went about it is not)
it gets to the point where dream’s all up in your face, shouting about how annoying it is for you to be making jokes like that and how he found it unfunny and shit.
which isn’t a bad criticism but also, with how he’s yelling it to your face, it hits a little different but not in a good way. you’re practically swallowing back the tears as he keeps ranting about it.
and when he pauses to let you argue back and speak and you respond with a voice crack that gave away how you truly felt. dream looked back over at you to see you wiping at your eyes, trying to push the emotions back
the vibes shift into something calmer, still heated, but not as bad as it was. he walked back to you and hugged you, letting you let all the emotion out.
from then on, you two talked about it quietly and respectfully, making sure to keep the intense emotions on standby.
and hey! you’re still holding his hand by the end of it.
this fucking rat of a man has a hard time trying to keep his emotions on standby and not go ape shit. knowing tommy, it’s probably a longstanding problem that’s been around his entire life
so, you’re pissed at him first for him blowing up your house on the smp. i mean, i can’t blame you, i’d be just as pissed. that house had been around since the beginning and it held everything you worked for on the server
tommy found it dumb that you had such an angry reaction and began to argue back that it truly didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things and that you were being out of pocket
“c’mon, you know that i didn’t mean for it to hurt you like this and this isn’t a reaction you should be having.”
he keeps mostly level headed the entire argument, but you can tell by how he’s gritting his teeth and how his eyebrows are furrowed that he’s getting annoyed
and then he raises his voice, the coil keeping his frustration snapping along with it. you’re shocked to say the least and start to feel invalidated for him reacting the way he is. while his frustration is all anger, yours is more sad.
tommy stops his harsh tone when he notices the sorrowful look on your face and reels back, taking control of himself. he says that you two need a moment to recollect so you can discuss this again at a later time
despite the argument still lingering hours later, tommy is just as kind as he was before it, making sure to let you know that he still appreciates you no matter what the situation was
and whenever you did discuss it again, tommy and you made a little system to let him know whenever he took it too far. he felt better knowing that you were no longer upset with him and you feel better knowing that he was willing to try and understand you.
techno is fucking notorious for being an especially condescending little arsehole, it’s canon both in his character and irl
so, he takes on a more emotionless and rough approach at the sign of any sort of criticism. he’d rather you think of him as a bitch than let you see that he was any sort of empathetic.
it was when you got onto him for never sleeping that he showed this side of himself. you couldn’t even see it in his body language that he was upset and that made you angrier.
techno was pissed, 100%, but he wanted the upper hand. he refused to let you see him vulnerable.
“i don’t think it’s as big of a deal as you’re making it out to be. why can’t you just ignore it?”
he keeps drawing out the arguing, somehow countering your very valid points to about how disorganized or lazy you were. rather than accepting the criticism, he forced it onto you.
and with every point he spoke, you felt your heart hurt just a little more. he was nitpicking at that point and that hurt more than anything else. he knew you felt insecure about certain things and you just couldn’t see why he wasn’t showing the proper emotions in this argument
eventually your mind became so muddled that you were even aware that you were crying. techno immediately stopped talking and stared at you in slight shock. he made you cry.
the voices were quiet, not giving him instructions or advice. he was on his own.
techno marched forward and held your face, wiping away the tears as quickly as they fell. you just looked up at him, showing so much pain, that his expression broke instantly. he looked like he was about to cry at the sight of your crying
you guys never got back to the argument but it was clear that he was sorry for what he had done. every time he came to bed early proved that enough and on those nights, he held you just a little bit tighter.
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
Can I get a Platonic Yandere! Hank Anderson (D:BH) with Rookie! Gender-Neutral! Reader? They’re a interesting little shit with shitty puns, but he doesn’t rlly like the fact that they’re constantly getting reckless out there in the field. Besides, they’re probably one of very few who can keep Gavin in line.
Sure! I'd love to write for Hank :) I apologize if something is off, I tried to make him as in character as I could!
Yandere! Platonic! Hank Anderson with Rookie! Darling
(Reckless! Jokester! Darling)
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Hank is kinda like a father to you, Overprotective behavior, Mentioned violence/threats, Manipulation, Suicidal thoughts mention (Canon to Hank in the game), Swearing, Murder/Killing.
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I have a feeling Hank is going to start off annoyed with you due to how you act.
Not only are you a rookie and new to how this whole police force thing works in the wild...
You also have a personality that's a bit hard to get used to upon your first meeting.
Hank is relatively serious and gruff, he doesn't tolerate people not doing their job too much (just means more work).
There's a good chance it'll take time for him to get used to you.
First there's the jokes you throw around at the station.
Hank feels they are a bit poor taste and annoying at first.
You try to make them around him and he tries his best to tolerate them.
He gets it, you're young and new, but get with the program.
Although, Hank prefers your humor compared to you being an emotionless drone.
In fact your humor may just grow on him the longer he knows you.
Hank will take time to fully accept you, just like how he was with Connor.
You'd also soon become one of the reasons he hasn't wanted to end it all over time.
Hank would take a fatherly role towards a rookie platonic obsession.
He's lost his son a long time ago and part of him wants to take care of you like the child he lost.
His attachment starts to grow when he sees you keep Gavin in line at times in the station.
When Gavin gets out of hand you jump at the chance to shut him down.
Hank respects that, he's an annoying prick at times.
Another way you can grow close is if you work under him.
After all, you need experience one way or another, right?
I can see Hank being very fatherly towards you over time regardless on how he meets his platonic obsession.
He doesn't notice it half the time, it just happens on his own.
He may find the fact you're a rookie annoying, but your humor sometimes even makes him laugh.
His biggest issue with you is your reckless behavior, however.
Not only is being a rookie reckless enough, somehow you're even more reckless than that?
It often requires Hank to keep an eye on you in case a suspect you're searching for is armed.
I can see Hank killing to keep his darling safe.
Since he is like a father to you he doesn't kill out of jealousy.
He fears he'll lose you like his son and kills if it means you're safe.
Hank sticks by you on chases and investigations.
If an android or human makes a move to harm you, Hank shoots them fast.
Blood could spill over his clothes and he doesn't care.
Hell, the suspect/threat could've been needed for an investigation, but he just cares that you weren't hurt.
Hank would scold you and your reckless behavior a lot at times.
It sounds mean-spirited yet it actually means he cares for you a lot.
It would take time although Hank could be affectionate.
As just a rookie he may be more casual, an arm around the shoulders or a pat on the back for example.
If he sees you more like the child he never had, you may even get a hug.
Hugs with Hank usually happen when his mental state... isn't in the best place.
You have to remember that Hank has a self destructive past.
He's used to drowning himself in alcohol and being rather pessimistic.
His fatherly role towards you (and Connor) keeps him going.
Hank isn't usually very affectionate unless he's vulnerable.
So when he's like that you can see him show some of his obsession.
Honestly your jokes go from relieving to comforting.
They're so uniquely you.
As with most platonic yanderes his most destructive trait is his overprotective behavior.
His trigger finger towards suspects around you costs you cases at times.
Hank isn't brutal with those he kills, it's not in his character.
He will make it quick and over with, maybe with a few more shots to be sure.
You may say it's overkill... but he's doing it to relieve his stress.
It actually feels a little good to do, too... all for you.
He isn't actually that bad though he can manipulate you due to his experience and rank.
Hank could easily control what you do due to the job.
I feel platonic yandere Hank would sort of "adopt" rookie darling in this situation.
You may not know it but he begins to see you more like his kid than just a rookie.
He can't imagine his life without you.
If anyone tried to take you away from him, two things could happen.
He snaps, hunts you down, and takes you back gun in hand.
... or he goes into a deep depression and things just get worse.
You become the person holding Hank together.
Even if you want to quit your job, Hank is around to look after you.
Even if you want to separate from Hank, you feel guilty due to his self destructive behavior
Hank has as much control over you as you do him (emotionally).
Hank's no longer just your superior...
He'll show you he can be much more for you, even if he has to bend some rules and paint some walls in blood to keep you both happy.
"Come on, Rookie. They were going to hurt you! I had to shoot them, it's what you do on the job. You have to make a move before they do...."
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babu-haitani · 3 years
Hello I love your work and it brings a big smile on my face everytime I read your amazing work. Also this my first request I’m asking. ❤️
Can I get a Megumi Fushiguro reader x Baji, Chifuyu, Mikey, Mitsuya, and one more character of your choice please!
The reader is a jujutsu sorcerer and can do the ten shadows technique . Maybe making a scene when the reader is doing it’s summoning.
♥︎Thank you. And again I love your work♥︎
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I didn't really know who to add so I just made your request <3 Hope you will like this one!
Y/N FUSHIGURO (Tokyo Revengers)
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons
Pairings: Baji, Chifuyu, Mikey, Mitsuya x G/N S/O
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...Opposites Attract...that's what people say...
You were the quiet, serious, strong, independent type. While he is the LOUD and chaotic.
His friends would wonder why you two even started dating.
"Him? are you sure he didn't use any spell on you?? We can find a shaman for you"
His friends would joke and they would receive a knock on the head by baji, sometimes you do play along with his friend's joke and that would make him a pouty mess.
You and Baji met before you even became a jujutsu sorcerer, you went to his middle school and he heard all about the rumors of you beating up over 50 guys who tried to threaten you.
He thought you were really awesome, especially when he found out you were also top on the school's exam.
"Y/N-sama! Tutor me please!!"
He would constantly beg you to tutor him, until you give in.
When you became a sorcerer, that's when you two satrted dating. That was also the first time he found out about what you can do, he would sometimes make you summon your Divine Dogs or even make you summon Nue or just any shikigami that you can summon so he can play with them.
At first he declined about you being a sorcerer but he knows that's what you wanted so he just gave up on forcing you not to do it, If you visit him with injuried he would always ask you to go out and cause chaos so you can feel better.
He is really supportive of what you do and he would always pray for your safety and his, evrytime he goes out to fight or if you go out and do missions. He loves you very much.
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Chifuyu sees you like how he see Baji, he respects you so much because of your strong aura that he can feel whenever he is around.
He first met you when you saved him from a large frog spirit that was trying to eat him alive, that's when he first saw you and reminded him of Baji.
After that incident he would always search for you and would follow you silently until you caught him. Everytime you caught him, he would always run away and pretend that he wasn't following.
Not gonna lie, you find this adorable and interesting. It wasn't your character but it was fun.
You were the first one to confront him to stop following you and that's when you two started hanging out. From your stalker, to your friend and he was now your lover.
When you two started dating, that's when he finally understood what your job was; He wouldn't say it but he is scared everytime you went on missions, because he knows it's a life and death type of job.
Everytime you come home from missions, he would ask you to summon your divine dogs and then the 5 of you along with peke J. would cuddle you until you feel better.
The only thing Chifuyu hates about you is that you always tend to keep secrets about how you feel but he understands because of your backstory...You were raised to be strong and be on the top.
Despite all of this, Chifuyu loves you and always supported you.
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The only difference between You and Mikey is that he is childish, he kinda reminds you of Yuuji but the emotionless version of Yuuji.
Mikey first met you when you and your friends accidentally crashed in the middle of their meeting because the three of you were dragged around by a huge spirit.
He saw you fight and used your shadow technique, He finds you really strong and really good looking. At that moment he just had to be with you.
After fighting of the spirit, Mikey approached you and asked you to join but you declined. Since you declined him to joining Toman, he just asked for your number and since then he would always call you for the little small things.
He knows your job is dangerous but he knows that you're doing all of this to protect those who are worthy to protect...It reminds him of his big brother, how his big brother would always summon a hundred men just to protect someone who was in danger.
He was the first one to ever confess to you.
When you two started dating he would always follow you through your missions and help you if he can, he always ended up being scolded by both you and Draken for his recklessness...But...It kinda makes you feel happy because he is willing do everything just so he can be with you and help you...
You were the first person that Mikey would be open about his feelings and you would do the same...
It was a perfect yet chaotic relationship with Mikey.
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Mommy Mitsuya, always scolding you because you always bottle up your feelings and you always don't want people to help you.
You and him were childhood friends, you met him at a nearby park that gojo took you (and forgot to pick you up).
When you started crying because Gojo forgot about you, he walked up to you with Mana on his back and Luna in his hand. He helped you go back to the jujutsu academy.
Since then he would always play with you along with his sisters. Because of your great friendship Gojo let him know a few things about you and he trusts mitsuya since he is such a responsible kid.
Gojo also let you enroll at the same school as his in middle school, After his activity in the sewing club he would always visit you after class and you two would go and visit his house while Mana and Luna play with you Shikigamis
As he was looking at you play with his siblings he blurted out at you how he fell in love with you. That was the start of your relationship.
Everytime you have wounds from missions he would ask Gojo to not give you missions until you feel better.
He is always so caring about you and would always bring you home cooked meals at your dorm room if you feel bad or sad.
Relationship with mistuya was calming and it always feels safe... <3
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itsatoyboat · 3 years
i finished true colors and i’m having a lot of thoughts that i NEED to talk about.
(if this is gonna be long idk, i apologize for your eyeballs)
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1. i honestly didn’t like alex at all when i saw the trailer, i was thinking “hmm idk about this one” but as soon as i started to play the game i fell so in love with her, she is so freaking smart and funny, she genuinely cares about the people around her and her story it’s very different from the other characters from LIS anthology. i truly enjoyed seeing alex’s development throughout the game especially her realizing that her powers can actually help the people around her and not harm anyone, the way she controls it after her conversation with gabe was such an awesome upgrade from the alex who was so ashamed of her power to alex superwoman. i liked how the game explored her emotions and her mind about the past, the mine part where alex was struggling to feel everything she felt in those days and then embracing everything was one of my favorite parts. it shows a lot of growth.
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2. this game has AMAZING CHARACTERS, every single one of the characters was well written, they had life, they had problems, they had their own emotions with private stuff that was going on in their lives and you could actually talk to them and meet their “layers”. mac for an example was an asshole but i couldn’t pretend i didn’t felt his concern and fear around typhon, the way he was terrified about everyone hating him, he was scared for his life and being very paranoid, i was concerned about him and the game giving you the choice to speak to him or leaving him was a tricking decision cause you could leave him alone suffering or try to help him out, maybe saving his life and this is a lot but he’s alive. the game makes him real and that’s what makes me INSANE about the characters. i know, i’m talking about a game where you’re supposed to feel the characters’ feelings but that could possibly go wrong as well if the characters were shallow and poorly explored and that’s not the case with true colors. they had purpose.
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3. alex’s power it’s probably my favorite power. the choices in this game was way harder than the first two games, the craziest thing is you can choose if you want to take someone else’s feeling so they can stop feeling that way, saving them from themselves making alex suffer instead and that's selfish. don’t get me wrong, i’m not calling alex a selfish person but taking someone else’s feeling doesn’t make anything better, you’re taking their right to heal, to be alive and that is so fucking awesome. you have this power to help someone, to “take their pain away” and you will learn that people need to feel what they are supposed to feel so they can move forward cause if we don’t, we are never going to learn. we see that charlotte is pretty angry about gabe’s death, she blames everyone but mostly ethan, she is miserable. alex can choose between taking charlotte’s anger or leave her. if alex takes charlotte’s anger, charlotte is left completely empty, she doesn’t feel anything and when i say anything it’s anything. she is left emotionless and bitter, she doesn’t pass through her way of mourning for gabe and she doesn’t have alex’s back when alex confronts jed. if alex leave charlotte to her anger we have a nice moment between them on the festival, talking about what happened and charlotte gets alex’s back on the black lantern and that’s what i mean from being selfish, if we take someone else’s feelings we are being unfair to them, we are choosing for them and people are supposed to feel, heal in their own time or overcome. by taking charlotte’s anger we deprived her from healing, we are not helping her, we are just making an natural process even more difficult and slower. alex being able to hear what someone is thinking and enter that person’s world from what they are feeling at that moment it’s the best detail for me, everything changes, we get to see the world through that person’s eyes, we can understand them but we decide what to do with that, we can be selfish or actually help. of course, we can take pike’s situation for an example also, if we take his fear we can help him overcome typhon and we get to expose jed but pike’s fear was necessary to take and charlotte was not necessary, pike at least had the pendrive with the recorded calls on it so we had a chance for things to get better.
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4. chapter 5 was an amazing ending. finding out the truth about typhon, jed was never a hero, alex confronting her past, the confrontation and seeing who was going to be on your side, alex’s final conversation with gabe and the end, it was better than i thought it could be. i truly loved seeing alex’s past, even with everything that went down she turned to be a good person who wanted to be loved (her passion for music being the thing that helped her connected to me in a lot of levels, that creep cover though i screamed so hard when she started to sing). the mine part was absolutely insane not just alex surviving that fall discovering that gabe was looking for his dad for so long, jed knowing it and all of this time his dad actually died because of jed, alex finding the truth by taking her mom’s necklace back from what was left of that accident it’s so heartbreaking, the confrontation was crazy, i thought no one was going to believe alex because jed was so loved by everyone there it would be so easy to doubt alex and just be on jed’s side which was what ryan did but it’s understandable, jed was his dad, his hero. alex’s speech on jed exposing him after everything was one of the best monologues on that game and man this game had AMAZING dialogues and monologues, everything felt so real and beautiful, the best part of it it’s to forgive jed that’s where alex break him, he regrets everything even more cause when we find out the truth. we find out why jed never enjoyed talking about being the hero of haven springs. at the end jed wasn’t entirely a bad person cause when we forgive him he gives back alex her dad’s jacket talking about how he wanted to give it to gabe but couldn’t, that’s something that made me love even more the characters even jed that was the “villain”, which i don’t think he is. what he did was terrible and he knew that, he tried to pretend nothing happened when alex started to talk but at the end he broke, that always haunted him and that’s the difference between him and jefferson who was actually the villain in life is strange he wasn’t forced to do those things, he killed rachel, he killed chloe, he manipulated nathan, he was going to kill max and if max didn't stopped him on the arcadia bay ending he would kill even more students at blackwell.
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5. alex and steph relationship was the purest thing on this game, it was smooth, it was organic, it wasn’t something out of the blue, steph liked alex since the beginning. the plan to pick someone to flirt with diane and get her pendrive i chose ryan and afterwards steph started to feel something, she was so upset that alex used to think ryan was “hotter than her” (i only chose ryan cause i didn’t want to see steph flirting with diane but i saw the scene where we pick steph and omg i should’ve chosen steph cause that scene it’s hilarious), steph was happier around alex, every time she had an opportunity to flirt with alex she took it. seeing their love grow through the chapters was beautiful, i know we can choose ryan over steph but i don’t believe ryan liked alex the way steph did, you can literally see that no matter what alex did steph was going to support her and look at her with so much love and respect and that’s why i think alex and steph’s relationship it’s so pure and right. also they looked so good playing together it’s so cute that they have the same passion for music and THAT LARP SCENE FOR GOD’S SAKE MY HEART MELTED!
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6. this part is exclusively to talk about LARP and the fight scenes, it reminded me so much of final fantasy it was so COOL, well thought and so fun. it was awesome to see everyone taking care of ethan and doing their best to make him happy.
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7. talking about ethan, this game opened a conversation in my head about charlotte and ethan, i started to think a lot about what charlotte said about ethan how she felt happier when gabe was around and now she was stuck with only ethan again, it made me think that maybe charlotte didn’t want to have a child or if she didn’t had ethan she could have gabe again. that could open a conversation about women who didn’t want to become a mom but it doesn’t mean that charlotte would hurt ethan which makes total sense to decide to leave her alone and not take her anger, she would never hurt ethan. it was again another tricking decision cause we get concerned about ethan when charlotte starts to talk but we know deep down she cares so much about her son, she does everything for him.
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life is strange true colors became my favorite life is strange, the story it’s different and great, it’s literally finding the truth about everything, when we understand people’s feelings we discover the truth about them and situations, we understand everything. this game actually made me cry harder and think so much even more than the first one and boy i love the first one so badly. it talks a lot about empathy and how we react to people’s emotions, your choices in this game are way harder than messing with time or moving things with your mind, it’s choices about things that could happen in real life eventually and that is what makes this game so important to me, it’s real.
and also it's the first life is strange to have happy endings like.. ok big steps for my non depression finally
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