#also I´m trying out a chibi style
brillantiny · 2 years
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little goro is pissed off >.<
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Sanderson Unboxing
03 - Cytoverse March 2023
Well, this was a vast improvement on the first box. But that isn't exactly saying much - it's still a huge waste of money.
This was the theme I was most looking forward to, because Skyward is my favourite series. I had some really high hopes before I received my first monthly box, but obviously I have since lowered my expectations.
The last box was just a handful of assorted logo-ed office supplies. This box actually contains the sort of things I would expect to find in a book subscription. But... only three.
Considering that this costs more than your average subscription box, and DOESN'T come with a book, I really would expect a minimum of six or seven items of this quality.
The first item is a silicone mould. This, apparently, can be used for ice, chocolate, wax, resin, etc etc etc. It's in the shape of Doomslug, and I'll have a go at making something. My speciality is wax melts, but from experience I really doubt the fine details would come out in anything soft. For resin it would probably work, though.
The next item is a deck of playing cards. It's billed as a "Go Fish" deck, but it's literally a standard deck of cards. Each suit features a different type of slug, and the different denominations feature different foods. These are actually really cute, and the first item I've liked from this subscription so far.
The last item is a diecast replica of M-Bot, the ship Spensa flies in the Skyward series. In my post about my hopes for this subscription, the one thing I said I didn't want was figurines - I'm including figures of non-human beings and objects in this classification. They're so not my style, I just don't want them lying around my house. That said, I can't deny that this is good quality, and there's a lot of Sanderson fans who will lose it over this.
The character pin in this box is of Steris, from Era 2 of Mistborn. I'm really peeved that they're trying to pass these off as box "items"... they were included because a set of 12 character pins was one of the Kickstarter "thank you" gifts. These were not originally planned for the boxes, they were meant to be an extra. To include them in the "value" of the box is not justified - it's not a gift if you're paying for it. Also, I really hate these chibi-esque cheap pins - they're such bad quality and they're just really... dorky?
Honestly, I feel so ripped off by this whole scheme.
The boxes are not even close to being worth the price that was charged for them, and they charged international shipping at three times the rate it should actually have cost for such a small package. I can only assume they're pocketing the rest.
And January's item - the first book - still hasn't even shipped.
This actually just feels like a huge con, one that Brandon Sanderson and his team have made millions on. He's been one of my favourite authors for over a decade, and now I've just completely lost faith. To make such an offer to your fans, to ask them to buy into a project like this, to pay hundreds of pounds up front - and then not to deliver? To just fob them off with, frankly, an embarrassment of a product? It's a betrayal of trust.
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nomoneytoplay · 1 year
Mighty Doom
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Bought for: Free
Played on: Pixel
Release date: April 12, 2021
Developer: Alpha Dog Games, Bethesda Softworks
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Game Type: Shooter
Platforms: Android, iOS
ESRB Rating: M for Mature - Violence and Blood
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Pros & Cons
An exclusive Doom game on mobile.
Classic enemies from the franchise to fight.
Different power ups every time you finish a level. 
Armor to upgrade Chibi Slayer.
Very colorful for a Doom game.
Every enemy has a different attack pattern. 
Defeat a boss, get rewarded with a glory kill cutscene.
Repetitive gameplay. 
Ads to watch.
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My Experience
Boy this is sure a doozy to write about it. I guess this is my first Doom Game that I am reviewing. Yeah I can hear you already arguing that this is not a Doom game, it's just a mobile game. But I will argue that this kind of takes me back from the old classic games. You play as a mercenary getting sworn by enemies trying to survive and that's it. The original Doom games didn't really feature a story, I mean there were manuscripts hidden in the games, but did people even care? 
Simple Answer: No! And I can still argue that people don’t care about the story. 
So Mighty Doom has the classic formula: You aren’t locked in a room filled with monsters, monsters are locked in a room with YOU! 
Now, is the gameplay different? Yes, is this game innovative? No! You can find other mobile games with similar style and gameplay. If there’s a mobile game that features a certain gameplay aspect, you can have a safe bet there are hundreds more like it. Mighty Doom falls flat in that department. I did enjoy the game for what it is, but sadly it is plagued with everything that people hate about mobile games. Like run out of energy, wait for it to be recharged or watch ads for this upgrade or whatever. 
I truly love the design of Chibi Slayer, I like how there’s also other costumes to unlock. But I wish they could have kept it as a first person game like its predecessors. Maybe if they could have done it that way, we could be talking about a whole different game.  
Mighty Doom does feature an arcade challenge that can help kill your boredom on your phone. It is a fun game to download and just play it without thinking too much of it. It is a wacky little experience that gives a new take on Doom. I do hope they don’t forget the design of Chibi Slayer, it would be funny if they can transfer it to Doom Eternal as a costume. Nothing is more adorable than this demon slashing/bloodspilling/gut remover/bulletstorm/senseless killing/Chibi Slayer.
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A mighty score: 2 out of 4 Quarters!
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I love AF and have a blast every year with it. Last year I burnt myself out (couldnt draw for few months after) bc as much as I love drawing I struggle making art consistenyly to the point where I can go 2 months w/o managing to finish or even properly start anything and i feel horrible about it every time.
This year I was doing pretty good! got few attacks, attacked a few people back! I still have a few people waiting to get a revenge but I'm... Already struggling. As a big perfectionist when it comes to my own art, and someone who puts 200% effort into details and making the piece look good, its already messing me up. I /know/ I can match the effort other people put in and not go full out (and do less) but i gen struggle with that a LOT.
I really want to do more art for AF but i'm already worked up and constantly anxious over it. Also worried that if i put less effort into it i'll end up hating it or do the thing where i try to draw chibis/simple style but-- ah i pushed myself and they're super detailed again. which dgmw! i love making very detailed art! (details are my fav part right after colouring) but it's also very exhausting in the long run if i do art often both for myself and other people :((
idk m' brain's a sad mush. Brain goes brr if i don't deliver what people (and i) expect of me/my art then i'm as good as a fraud
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jessadilla · 4 years
I wanted to let you all know that your donations and commissions got me through the month of January and I'm so grateful for it.
I do have a temp job right now. I hesitated telling you all about it mostly because I"m not sure it's going to last much longer. It is for a job I am ill-suited for, and there is a chance I could lose it any given day because of that. (the only upside currently is that it gives me lots of time to work on art in the down time)
So my commissions and donations are still open for the time being! I'm also thinking of expanding my commission options now that my computer can handle more in depth works. Would there be interest in my releasing an option for half-body couple commissions? I realize price is going to be a factor in this, but the works would be similar to my most recent pieces:
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The price of these would be offered for around $60+ depending on details, which I know is a lot right now for most. However if there's interest, I would definitely have fun doing these kinds of commissions again. (Single character would also be fine for a lower cost of course)
I'm also for the first time thinking of offering commissions in a chibi style. I have some examples that I can hopefully finish by the weekend to gauge interest in those as well. :)
I'm currently putting patreon on the backburner for now due to their constantly changing policies that hurt artists, I'm not sure if it's a platform that would suit me. I am going to try to offer more via Ko-fi for those who have donated. I just need to do a little more research on it first.
Again thank you all for helping me out thus far! You have made my life more bearable these past few months and I am deeply grateful always.
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embubuu · 4 years
onelastrush replied to your photoset “me and my sister’s WoL (feat. our starting jobs~ 🔥🎵)” :
Do you have tips for how to draw in your style? The shadows and thick lines are so aesthetically pleasing! I want to be good like you!
I’m glad you like this style :D And I’ve sure got some tips for it!
DISCLAIMER: this style started out as an experiment and is still experimental for me. I'm always learning and refining the style, but I’ll share how I do it currently!
Here are the basic steps to how I draw in this style:
do draft and line art all in one layer (expect complex stuff like weapons, face, hair, etc.)
block in shadows and blacks
erase stuff to clean stuff up and add details
keep drawing/erasing details until done!
1) Draw your basic outline/draft. Here I’m drawing chibi M Byleth. My pen settings are essentially the default settings for the pen tool in Paint Tool Sai. Anything works really! GOOD TIP: use a big brush size and don’t zoom in much/at all to get the basic composition down.
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2) Start blocking in the shadows and blacks. Byleth’s coat is mainly black so I blocked all of it along with other black/dark colored parts (belt, pants, boots, etc.). Shadowy areas are also blocked in black. For the legs, I usually keep them simple and end up blocking all of it black, even if they aren’t actually black in the OG design.
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3) Start erasing to refine details and clean up the drawing! This part is pretty fun imo. Erase to clean up the areas that you blocked in and to refine the shape. Start adding in details at this part too. Details can be drawn in or erased out (like the little design on the boots). Use a smaller brush size for this!
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4) Keep blocking in and erasing to refine and clean the drawing until you are happy with the design! At this part you may be getting into complex parts like the face or hair, which I would then put in a new layer. Draw these parts in the same way as above ^^
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Hair is a bit more complex but I use the same basic steps as above. Light source is important as I like to add a dramatic contrast between the shadowy area vs lit up areas of the hair.
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That’s all I have for now! Again, I’m happy you like this style and hope this helps you and anyone else who wants to try something like this! Please don’t hesitate to drop an ask if y’all have questions (or tips for me!)~
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misstef · 5 years
Thoughts 7.03 of RWBY
Just wanna get some (ended up being 30 sooo...) points out, cause this episode was just that freaking good. 7/5
(Spoilers obviously)
1. Pietro says that he already has more enhancement for the weapons in mind. So will we get even more upgrades for them? Maybe not this volume but in the next?
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2. The scene with Jaune touching his reminder of Pyrrha was so sad, yet the way they did it so smart. There are no words or anything and we still new immediately what was implied. I also feel like it means that Jaune is moving further on as it is a process.
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3. I feel like Oscar’s voice is changing somehow. I noticed it in the last episode but his “Hey...Ruby?” especially sounds different to me. Idk maybe it’s puberty, maybe it’s him and Ozpin merging (which I don’t hope).
4. Really liked the landing strategy scene, but really...who wouldn’t? It also shows how much they have improved (Weiss casually summoning while falling and Jaune even having one to begin with).
5. Jaune’s sighing before he jumps and him trying not to appear completely helpless at the end is also a nice touch.
6. Now to the part everybody is excited about: I reeeaally like the loving way Yang stares at Blake before she notices. 
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It just really is that “lovingly gazing at your crush in hope they won’t notice” trope and I’m here for it and I know all the shippers are too.
7. Of course Blake would jump to the conclusion that it’s bad and be self conscious about it. Yang reassures her immediately, not wanting her staring to be misinterpreted. (Love that they really put a blush on Blakes face. Could not have been more obvious that way.)
8. Love the bickering between Harriet and Marrow. I love these two in general.
9. Finally they discuss that Ruby just pulled an Ozpin on Ironwood. But they for now agree with Ruby’s decision. Except for maybe Yang, but she accepts that she’s outvoted by the others. (*cough* You still haven’t told them about Raven being the spring maiden though.)
10. We really being fed this episode with all the ships, huh? I don’t get why Ren pushes the comment away right after. Is he too dense or does he just not care?
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11. Jaune at least is trying to cheer her up, but I don’t think he gets why exactly she’s sad. Good try though, good boi. I really like the voice acting of Miles for this. Kinda reminds me of chibi actually.
12. Is the explosion Blake is referring to the same one Ilia talked about, where her parents died? If yes, that makes it all even more sad.
13. Blake looking at the SDC sign when Marrow is talking about people activly abusing faunus, was a nice, subtle call out to Adam.
14. That jump scare really got me the first time. Like, I flinched quite hard. Good job RT!
15. Every time Yang says the “That’s disgusting.” line my head urges me to say “Disgustaaaang” and I don’t know why.
16. Weapon upgrades! Yang can put little bombs on her enemies while punching and then detonate them when she needs to. Ruby’s scythe now can change direction, which I can see coming in handy in a future scene. Jaune’s shield is now a shield-shield. Ren’s daggers can shoot out, similar to Emerald’s weapon. I’m not sure if Nora’s got an update. If so, it was not very noticible. Then of course there is Blake’s but it’s more a fix than an actual upgrade like the others. Maybe another time.
17. Not sure what Marrows semblance is exactly. Maybe he freezes them in time for a short while or he manipulates their mind to do as he wishes (if grimm have minds idk).
18. Does Nora slap Ren on his butt right before he jumps sliting down behind Jaune? Because it looks like it to me.
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19. Again, I love Miles’ voice acting with the line “That’s just kind of our style.”. Reminds me of chibi too.
20. I love how Herriet’s weapon is basicly an exoscellet with which she can punch. Really hard. Now the question is, who punches harder, she or Yang?
21. Qrow says he can’t always keep his semblance under control. I thought, it was something permanent that he can’t control at all, it’s just always there.
22. Colver’s semblance is good fortune. Who would’ve guessed that? Also...is he flirting with Qrow? Seems like it to me. 
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Man, three episodes in and Qrow already has two boyfriends. Good for him.
(I just noticed that Clover raises his eyebrows for a second when they kinda stare at each other a little too long after he says that. Now all the subtlety is gone.)
23. Can’t stress it enough. I love Marrow.
24. When the Ace-Ops are fighting they just need to call out each others name for that person to know what they have to do and I think that shows their great team dynamic and practise perfectly.
25. Not two minutes later and Clover is already flirting with Qrow again. His look as he jumps of to help his team really says “Watch what I can do.” as he is trying to impress Qrow. That is only emphasized when he stresses that it was talent and not his good luck when the fight ends.
26. Harriet is pretty much the flash right? They have the same effects. Also, I can’t stress it enough. I love her.
27. So Ruby’s semblance is not speed. But we knew that already, right? Someone of the CRWBY once said something like that, if I remember correctly. So it didn’t surprise me. Though I still wanna know what they will reveal what other stuff Ruby can do with it, as that is implied here.
28. Bees flirting again, loudly. It does not get unnoticed by Weiss. 
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Seriously though, isn’t it natural to think that the jokes, which the person you’re in love with makes, are funny? It’s mentioned all the time in movies and shows when a character is cleary in love with someone and others notice. RT really out there trying to make it as obvious as they can for everyone not on board with the ship (yet), that they are in love.
29. RIP Forest. I really liked him and the voice acting. So shoutout to Eric Baudour.
30. Love how they explained what Tyrian was doing at the end of last episode without having to say it out loud. It was established that Forest openly supports Robyn Hill, that Watts and Tyrian will play a roll manipulating the election and that Tyrian killed someone last EP. Conclusion: He kills supporters of Robyn Hill to turn the election to Jacques’ favour. But I wonder what they gain out of it? Maybe the borders not being closed anymore? Well, I just wanted to say that this is an excellent example of visual storytelling, in which this episode really does a great job at in general.
So my conclusion: Bees: great. Possible M|M representation with Qrow and Clover (yes I ship it): great. Ace-Ops: great. Animation: fantastic. Sound effects (at the first bee flirting scene and with Nora later especially with the comedic effect): great. Episode: even better than last one and I liked that already veeery much.
I fear I begin to like the Ace-Ops way too much. And that after 3 episodes. What if one of them dies? Or betrays everyone? I will not be able to handle it.
My serious rating for this (considering the storytelling, character interactions, animation and buildup) would be around 9 to 9.5 of 10 points. First was like a 7 and second a 8 to 8.5.
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Live reaction/post to the new Drama CD
 I decided to listen to it and live-write in a post with whatever I’m thinking XD 
For the ones who want the general summary of this new CD, here’s marumafan post. You can get a good idea of everything that happens in it from the summary alone and skip this post if you’re not interested, there’s nothing new and I don’t have the japanese level to explain anything, I’m just doing this for entertainment purposes ^^
Aw, I missed the voice actors, they’re great as always <3 I understand like 20% or less of what I hear but it doesn’t matter haha.
That first reference they do is killing me, I strongly believe the “hot limit/revolution” thing Yuuri says about Wolfram’s costume is related to TM Revolution’s song Hot Limit, a video that was very sexy for his time and the costume the singer is wearing resembles the designs for this Halloween CD. Video here in youtube, I feel so old watching it again xD The dictionary Wolf’s using is making things worse but I love it, I hope they keep it as a running gag.
Anissina’s costume is super sexy, and now I see her voice in the CD is pretty sexy too. The whip and all, dominatrix style like Cherie. And I’m dying with Wolf crying and talking about Günter’s fate hahaha, so dramatic. He rolls back pretty quickly to “Sorry Günter, I’ll save myself” haha, same as previous CDs where he wouldn’t even sacrifice for Gwen. Hahaha they drop the CD name so casually, like “ah, here I have to say the title...” xD I love these funny details when they break the wall.
Oh man I couldn’t recognize Conrart’s voice at first, until he calls Gwen aniue I was wondering who was this. I had to go back here and listen to their scene again. Aw so cute when Conrart says daisukidayo to him, loved that. Specially because I always remember from the special The Maidmer Princess and I and the way Conrart thinks about Gwen there, so cold and distant, like they’re not even friends. I would like it so much if they maintain this development where they’re all close.
Ahhh, my Jozak xD I love to hear his voice, and he’s arriving with Mura. The “gaooo” Mura does is so cute, Gwen I feel you hahaha. The changes in Jozak voice are always amazing, the voice actor is so versatile, but Anissina in the first part also impressed me with her voice acting. Mura always breaking the 4th wall, that’s his thing . I’m sad I don’t understand some parts I was interested in detail from the summary haha, my second OTP being Jozak and Mura wants me to understand more moreeee.
Poor Gwen being whipped, but he seems to be enjoying it? XD so M, your Excellency. Jozak calling her Anissina-chan, he’s the only one that dares, hearing him is great.
Hahahhaa, the censored word Anissina is saying makes everyone loose their mind. And she keeps repeating and repeating, this part is hilarious. Excuse me, what did you say girl? XD
So, in this part in the summary she’s basically saying “pussy juice” and I just can’t when Yuuri ends up drinking the morning dew (aka the juice) and faints. Boy so gay he can’t stand anything related XDDDDDDD And he’ll end dreaming sad things, but also being married to a guy with an adopted daughter and enjoying his happy gay family hahaha. There’s so much to analyze about Yuuri here but it’s also very self explanatory.
Anissina goes from sexy queen to a lolicon voice in a split of a second, calling Yuuri-kun and all in a childish singing voice. Hhahaha, when Yuuri drinks the juice, Wolf screams “Yuuuuuuri” (Nooo, don’t go to the dark side of heterosexuality! xDDDDD Can’t help it).
So, now Anissina is just a chibi or something, her voice is 1000% loli. I applaud this woman with that range of voices and that control. We have the best seiyuus and I’m so glad. Everyone has been amazing so far, not just her, but I’m just impressed hearing Ani for so long this time.
Now the dream is happening. Gwen really sounds calm and happy, I’m so glad. I can’t say much about this part because I don’t understand much of what they’re saying, now Jozak is at his bar and all. Same as Apollo but hearing it makes me feel way less depressed than the written version. The Apollo ending made me so sad, so I don’t re-read it as other specials and parts of the novels. I think now Jozak is complaining no one comes to visit him and yeah, that’s sad. Yuuri is not having a good time, every time he steps in and out of some sort of room while seeing these dreams he’s like living a nightmare. Chibi Anissina is there to guide him trough the changes.
It’s Conrart part now. Well, it starts cheerful, then romantic and then they end things very badly. A roller coaster that I’m not a fan of, specially because I don’t like this ending for Conrart, I think he deserves better than “repenting” alone and nothing else. Like, let the man be happy for once. Yuuri’s even punching his clothes or something, and Conrart drops a sayonara there, so cold man so cold.
Now is Wolf time! Yuuri summarizes everyone’s situation to Wolf very quickly and they sound super casual with a romantic jazz music as OST xDDD Then the music turns serious and kind of epic when they speak about Conrart and also Shin Makoku, the decision to come to Earth, it’s quite nice. Wolfram’s always wonderful when he’s prince like. The wife/husband discussion again hahhaa, but so SO casual~ then they just talk about Greta with more slow music. So the topic about hey we’re newlyweds is very cute and super mega casual with no tsundere attitude at all.
They’re so married~ I can die happy now, this is enough for me specially because the dream is a about the actual future Yuuri shouldn’t have seen. It’s something that is actually true, and that’s sad because some characters endings could be better, but at the same time I’m so glad they’re fucking married, finally xDDDDD
And this ending just happens in two years, we can calculate thanks to Greta’s age, and I think Yuuri just said it to Anissina, that she’s 10 now and she was 12 in the dream/future. Now Mura calls by phone to wake him up, and Yuuri is sad about everything except Wolf and Greta. Now Yuuri must forget the spoilers xD Mura special powers/knowledge no one understand but are very convenient.
Yuuri wakes up, Murata says the prohibited word and the biiiip keeps being a great gag for me, with a 5 years old sense of humor. Jozak making Wolf calm down is great, let’s be zeeeeen. I think I understood Jozak said he likes Anissina because x and x reason. And now we go to another pairing, with Yuuri trying to remember the good part of the dream, but Wolf’s too excited and mad for his back and forth, some sort of hilarious discussion and misunderstanding I’m not getting XD
Something about Yuuri and Greta haha, and Wolf saying he’s not forgiving him. Nooo, the OST is the marriage song. Wolf’s voice when Yuuri actually explain they’re both dad and daddy, awn. The dictionary again haha, Wolfram keeps using it and making everything worse. Marriage fanfare again hah, but I don’t understand what’s happening here, there’s Jozak and Conrart commenting too. Then, something about Anissina torturing Gwen a lot aaaand... the end.
The rest of the CD is the freetalk with the seiyuus, and this is a challenge because even if I listened to it fully, I don’t get what they’re talking about. I’ll just leave this at a one time listening and go back to my favorite parts to listen again and again and practice my hearing skills xD
 So, I really enjoyed this CD. My way of listening to it has been messy, a little bit here and there over an enteire week when I had the time and wasn’t dead tired. Slowly trying to understand but replaying and going back and forth. I have to listen to it again just in one go without stops, but I’ll not do the live writing again, it’s just pointless, once is more than enough!
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ayakashiramblings · 5 years
Twilight: Breaking Dawn and Relationships
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Once again... I am sorry Gaku.
For the love of the gods, you had just wanted to bond. Sure, you could have stuck to food but one of your comrades was finally at the legal drinking age. You just HAD to celebrate that.
So you had turned to a rather sketchy magazine and everyone said they were down to do whatever the activity was on the first page. 
Eventually, the page was burned. And you shall find out why. 
To give them credit, they were good sports about it and even drew up a chart. 
It was the Dawn Faction against the Twilight Faction, with each member of one of the factions having to compete with their counterparts in the other group.
The pairs arranged are listed before, couple with cute, loving annotations like ‘ogre-face’, ‘furry’ and ‘choker’.
Koga and Toichiro
Kuya and Shizuki 
Ginnojo and Kuro
Aoi and Oji
Yura and Gaku
MC as the regulator
Chaos and Pain
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Koga Kitamikado
Ah, the budding entrepreneur, making great strides in the scary new world thanks to his smart decisions.
A truly educated and learned person.
So of course, he wisely chose… to do a dare. 
Mad man.  
Even madder, he knew it was Toichiro’s turn.
He couldn’t help it, he liked things to be unpredictable. All kitsunes were masters of that.
Also, it was he who started this whole game.
“Ok, I dare you… to watch.”
“... To watch?”
“Yes. For five minutes specifically.”
“Watch MC make out with Kuya.”
Toichiro lost half of his tail with a swift swing of a sword and his fur was all ruffled from that blast of wind before MC could stop them. 
So of course, MC had to do the smart thing. 
“Fine, I will. Aoi, prepare.”
Kuya was becoming unusually pale and at least now we know Koga is a red oni.
At least Koga’s exclamation was muffled as MC shoved a piece of paper to his face. 
It was only when Koga became cross-eyed did he realize that it was one of Aoi’s pieces... specifically a chibi sketch of Kuya sleeping on a tree branch.
And MC was... aggressively kissing the paper. 
The pressure of her lips still felt even through the paper on Koga’s face.
Damn, it could have been on fire.
The paper and his face. 
Toichiro lets it go because everyone is getting uncomfortable with all the action happening and, OMG MC are you trying to slip in your tongue? 
Aoi is sad that one of his hand-drawn chibis is now in bits and pieces. 
At least it was only Kuya.
To be fair, he thought he was safe because the one asking was Shizuki. 
What he didn’t know was that not only was Shizuki ordered to, the snow spirit had imbibed in some alcohol.
“Kuya, I want you to write…”
“Why did you ask for the impossible?” 
As Shizuki waved away the Satori Seer, Kuya was unusually the first to offer comfort. What was usual was the ‘wisdom’ it possessed,
“It's OK Aoi, I have a story. It's about an American treasurer who got lost in history until his wife who he cheated on…”
“Here is the catch. I want you to write… a lemon on your LEAST favourite ayakashi that you’ve recently met with your most favourite person here.”
“Hmm… so Kagemaru and MC.”
“What the hell, Kuya?”
‘L’ is for Loser Kagemaru.
‘E’ is for Every time MC beats him, I smile.
‘M’ is for Masochist because Kagemaru is weak for strong girls.
‘O’ is for when Other Onmyoji Boy drags away his contract.
‘N’ is for Not gonna lie, it was beautiful.
Unlike Toichiro though, Shizuki doesn’t want to give up without a fight. 
So poor Kuya gets trapped in a snow blanket until the kitsune and the rest of the Twilight gang restrains the mad snow spirit. 
Oh well, at least he can sleep.
After Koga finishes digging him out of there.
By now, the wise grandpa had witnessed the dangers of taking on dares, unlike SOME people.
“I’ll take the truth.”
“Gin-Gin, this isn’t you pursuing truth and justice.”
“I know and frankly, with the way things are going, maybe not now. Corruption runs too deep.”
I mean... he’s not wrong. Kuro slightly pouts at having been seen through.
“Ok, now tell me what part of MC do you think you can touch without blushing?”
Nevermind, he would rather live a lie. 
It’s just that Kuro, ever-the-summer-child is great at giving the purest thing in the world. 
Puppy-dog eyes. 
There is no way he can lie now so, ironically with his face practically beet-red, confesses, 
“Her kimono. Specifically the sleeve.”
“Hehe, so that’s what you...”
“Specifically the third thread.”
“Weird flex but ok...”
“Specifically the third thread’s middle and it has to be the blue one.”
Again, the Twilight sect has to show mercy to their elderly citizens.
MC offers him her sleeve, even slightly pulling out the thread and now Ginnojo can smile, albeit bashfully.
He stares at Oji like an office camera. 
What was the lesser of two evils? Truth, and who knows what Oji might ask. Dare, and…well…he could only imagine what his employer’s mind could think, but at least he knew Oji wouldn't propose anything life-threatening. 
Just utterly mortifying like that one time Oji had dropped him off at school...
“Hehe, don’t worry, I won’t ask you to do anything extreme.”
“I’d rather you ask anything extreme. Truth.”
For some reason, Oji smirked, as if that was the right choice for his plan and the wrong one for Aoi’s last shred of dignity.
“Ok, gimme a second...”
Everybody freaked out when Oji decided to let the eye in the middle of his forehead appear and bulge out.
“It’s my lie-detecting eye.”
Yes, everyone. He has one. Not that he thinks his own son would lie. 
Aoi is tempted to punch it away but he couldn’t let the rest of his comrades down after all they’ve done.
“Is there something you've seen in a steamy movie that you'd like to try?”
Great, and now it would look bad if he couldn’t name any or chose the wrong one to highlight. 
So like the pure baby virgin that he is, announces, 
“The ribbons.”
MC tries giving him her hair ribbon but he smacks it away with the brightest blush she has ever seen on his face. 
Smacks the eye as well that just turns green to show that he is telling the truth.
“My wise brother will never do such foolish acts like choosing...”
“I pick truth!”
... Gaku is tired. He already knows how kinky his brother is.
Don’t ask me how he knows. 
Anyways, Gaku has to think for a moment. He doesn’t want to put his brother in a bad light but he still has to keep the risque nature of the game.
So, he finally settles for asking, “Ever put something weird in your body?”
There, the most ambiguous question that ANYONE could take an innocent perspective on...
“Why, I once indulge in cream whipped to fluffy peaks with Sir Kuya. We poured it over our chests...”
Kuya tries to protest in his frozen chamber but it’s too late. 
“And made-believed that we were Oji’s pecs he thinks he can expose but truthfully fails.”
Now, to Yura’s horror, Kuya is further pressed against the floor and Koga is still struggling to dig him out. 
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“We’re killing them.” announced the Dawn faction. 
MC has officially died and wonders about calling Akiyasu up just so that her Ayakashi would fight together against him instead of each other. 
Even Kagemaru somehow offers her his commiserations as Yuzuru the beautiful geisha who had only arrived to deliver some beer. 
Stumbles into this mess and stumbles out.
And now, it’s time for the Twilight gang.
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Toichiro Yuri
Sweet revenge for Koga. 
“I want you to kiss Shizuki DIRECTLY, LIPS TO LIPS.”
At first, he was fine. It was just making out. Sure, he might vomit into his valet’s mouth but at least that could be cleaned up. 
Plus, at least Shizuki should be a good kisser with all the ladies he has charmed into his life.
... Until Toichiro had realized.
“Why... is the rest of the kitsune clan here?”
Many small foxes were loping in their direction, some already in their more humanoid form. All had one goal. 
“Sir Koga said that there was a huge bash with inari sushi!”
As Koga tosses a few fried tofu pieces at the rabid crowd, Toichiro’s eyes turned briefly feral.
“... I hate you. When this is over, I’ll- mmph!”
Shizuki decides to land a big wet one on him. 
Today was the day Toichiro learnt that no, Shizuki was a bad kisser. drunk at least.
There was an unexpected twist when one of the clan members cried with joy.
Can we just marvel at the fact he is actually playing though for just a second? 
We all know the other stoic man Ginnojo is actually curious about new games.
But to get Shizuki to play instead of just serving some drinks and cordials?
That is no ordinary accomplishment.
And all we have to thank for this marvellous sight is... alcohol. 
Oji-san, why?
“Tell us how you orgasm.”
Kuya, why?
Except... Shizuki doesn’t bat an eyelid. In fact, he even throws a wolfish grin in.
“Only before my girl because she is too good.”
“But I make sure hers comes harder.”
“And she will scream.”
Kuya lost and just burrows himself into the snow hole Koga had spent hours digging.
At this point, Aoi is becoming like the past self you had only seen once. 
An absolute discipline master. 
Oji thinks he can get away because Aoi is way too shy to ask him to do anything THAT scandalous. 
For some with 100 eyes, the old man sure is blind.
With a smirk and almost evil, ominous tendrils of his bad aura flooding the room, he asks Oji,
“Well, I think you must have been a verrry bad boy in school.”
For the next round, Aoi makes Oji have a time out on someone’s lap.
Specifically Shizuki. 
“You are so grounded after this.”
“Don’t you mean, time out, Mister?”
Aoi has no regrets.... especially since he managed to sketch it, caricature style.
“I’m going to go with truth because I have a feeling the dare is the opposite of touching ironically.”
Wise choice, Kuro.
The problem is... he’s forgetting that Ginnojo was a soldier.
For a major force in the Edo period.
And he has seen Aoi grilling everyone while at the Milk Hall. 
If he doesn’t know what questions will break a person, I don’t know what to say.
“So... Kuro, does your Ayakashi species know how to lap dance? If not, what are their attractive features?”
“Oh, Gin-Gin. Why did you go to the dark side?”
“Because you hate the dark. Also, I took out something from the military.”
He darted out of the room, returning with a fairly large device. 
Ginnojo set it up directly in front of Kuro, tapping a microphone positioned in front of him. Several lights on the device blinked, and a paper readout steadily fed out a long sheet of steady wavy lines. 
“This is a lie detector, the less freaky version. I’ve got Gaku making one based on your heart rate.”
Ok, I don’t think the lie detector was invented by then but let’s go along with it, ok? 
“Erm... not really. I guess... we hug a lot?”
The lie detector machine broke. Now nobody knows. 
Until 1921.  
Dare because there is obviously something he can FINALLY do for his brother.
Picking truth would have been anti-climatic because the twins know each other too well.
“I want a customized sex toy that vibrates.”
Specifically to the theme song of the game.
Gaku decides at that very moment to never let Yura near his notes ever again. 
Because now he has to refer to his original blueprints... except he doesn’t actually have a notebook on this. 
Actually has to sketch it out.
He refuses to look at the anatomical books he has even though there is literally a shelf dedicated for them.
So... yes, he’s drawing based on what he’s seen.
“So, are you basing it off yours because it’s awfully average...”
Aoi has decided he is going to stay away from alcohol.
MC didn’t even moderate the game. She just watched the chaos unfold. And the article burn.
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onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2e12 Live Blog
“The Wiping of the Disciple’s Butt”
The season finale. I’m nauseous. Lets begin. 
As always, I’m watching from the perspective of someone who has read the manga and webcomic. 
Right where we left off. Again I love the music. I’m just like, really calm right now actually. hhhhhhhhhhhokay. OOF oh god all the crunching sound effects oh no, this is already so weird watching Garou get his ass handed to him since he’s pretty much curb stomped every other hero in battle thus far, or at the VERY LEAST avoided taking so many hits. This. is so uncomfortable to watch. WOAH ????? THESE SHOTS WERE ONLY THERE FOR A SPLIT SECOND BUT??? HOLY SHIT???
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Oh god oh god Bang is relentless this hurts please stop guys GUYS PLZ  HAS NO ONE REALISED THAT NOT ONE HERO HAS DIED CMON PLZ IT HURTS calm down stop trying to kill him plsplspls OH
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oh god damnit him legit running on all fours right there just looks goofy tho F “preposterous style” Bang you aint lying asdfghjkl really though OH MY GOD EVERYONE IS DRAWN SO BEAUTIFULLY THIS IS SO BLESSED 
NO OPENING THEME???????????????????? WHAT?????????????????????? WHY????????????????????????? ONE, I WANTED TO SEE THE CHIBI OF THE WEEK AND 2 
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I WASNT PREPARED FOR MY FAVORITE DOPEY BIRD MAN THE FUCK PHOENIXMAN PLS NO ILY I know people hate him a lot but I just really dig how he feels like a fleshed out character compared to most other monsters, like he’s legit lookit him being all smart and stuff plz I just,,,,,,,,,,,, want to hug dumb fluffy birb ;-;
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Woah again I’m being blown away by the animation??? Garou getting smacked around is really fluid and this just looks really cool in general?????
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LIKE???????? I got kinda a comedic vibe watching him comment on it in the manga but the slow music and shit is just FUKKIN ME UP RIGHT NOW I HATE IT THANKS IT HURTS
oh god his face he has the seething thousand mile stare of quiet rage and its burning a hole STRAIGHT THROUGH MY ENTIRE BEING “But me I was the loner kid. Always gloomy and without friends” STOP. YOU STOP THAT RIGHT THIS INSTANT. IM CRYING AT U RIGHT NOW STOP
NO DONT HOLD HIM LET HIM GO S T O P OR SO HELP ME i can’t watch this what the fuck “I was always the loser” SHIT this legitimately hurts me “I dont want to be the monster anymore” GArou hey did you hear that part?? hEY GAROU DID YOU HEAR YOURSELF THERE??? 
oh my god it keeps getting worse. I mean. I already knew garou was being disproportionately reprimanded for what he supposedly did, but watching this scene just fucking kicked me in the teeth. As if my stomach wasn’t already in knots. The fuck . why does this hurt so much more watching than reading the frustration in seeping into me ffffff.
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This looks really cool but, i can barely focus on that because im pretty much being exsanguinated on the floor over here by this whole sequence look at him crying. do it for me cause I sure as hell can’t 
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“I want to strike a blow for the little guy”
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Garou flailing in the air in Phoenixman’s grip is … really adorable oh my god. “It’s your fault for not finishing them” ooooooo that shut him up didn’t it oof. Also nice cameo by Tatsumaki there 
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Genos’s eye static, The brother’s fists swirling, THE FUKKIN CARAPACE SHATTERING 
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oh god ok the face coming out of the face was pure nightmare fuel alright then
oh no 
oh no
im crying oh no
this animation is beautiful first of all and the music like im just here this is where I’m at and I’m crying oh no 
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He’s an angel. A literal angel. Look at that and tell me he doesn’t look like a fucking angel in the sky with the rays of light casting shadows around him. 
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Genos you are too good and pure for this world but that DOESNT MEAN TRY TO GET YOURSELF KILLED 
Shit they really made it look like he was gonna self destruct there for a second which MADE HIS LAST STAND EVEN MORE INTENSE OH MY GOD SWEETHEART Y’all ever get into a show because you keep seeing one character that catches your interest, and you keep seeing them pop up on your dash or wherever until you finally decide ‘well fuckit, this is the asshole that’s gonna get me to finally watch the show’, cause you’re already invested in them anyway? Genos did that for me with OPM. If this fool didn’t exist Who knows how long it would’ve taken me to get to watching OPM, if ever. And shit like this is why I STILL love him. I usually move on to new faves 90% of the time but nope. Genos earned his spot and is keeping it. Look at this insane shit. My heart. Uhg
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Enough gushing asdfghjkl ok but Genos, you just went INTO THE DAMNED THING’s STOMACH,,,,, and you’re SURPRISED that there’s STOMACH ACID?? But real talk. What the EVERLONG FUCK is that thing’s insides made out of? How did it NOT DIE. the FuCK
asdfghjkl Phoenixman’s chuckle???? I love 
Oh Bang no, this is wrenching my heart like I know that he doesn’t actually use his power but its built up so intensely like,,, would he be ok if he did??? and actually more concerningly since it even WAS brought up that he has some hidden true strength, will we EVER get to see that??? Oh Shit well when they word it as “All the power left to me in this life” then yeah, that seems pretty life or death ish???? THE FUCK 
Oh thank god comedic relief is here I feel like i’m about to have a heart attack my chest is so tight hhhhhh ok breathe WAIT THIS ISNT COMEDIC THIS IS BADASS AS HELL JEEZUS witht he flashbacks to the Saitama encounter and THIS LOOK
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The Anime is really fucking with the audience huh??? Making it look like KIngs about to throw hands like???????????? OH SHIT AND THIS MUSIC IS DOPE AS HELL TOO IM JUST laughing I have so much excessive energy right now???
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The REPRISE oh no oh NO OH NO OH NO NO ITS NOT OVER im not ready its not I cant no no no i dont want to press play cause if I press play it will end soon no no no Oh my god and at the end there isnt gonna be a title card for the next episode because THERE IS NO NEXT EPISODE no non o nonononon on on on ono no no no 
HEY IVE BEEN RIPPED OFF. WHERES THE FACE WITH HIS HAIR BLOWN BACK??? ASDFJKL fine I cant even be mad everything else was tooo  ofdbghjfshkggfhsjgbfhjka
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fkin cliffhanger no please no 
I.. I’m kind of at a loss for words. I’m. That’s it, huh? It’s really over. It doesn’t FEEL over. There’s so much unfinished business. Well, the only way to really neatly wrap everything up as neatly as S1 did would have been to get ALL THE WAY through the Garou arc, which obviously wasn’t going to happen, but this is not a great spot to leave off if we’re going to endure another few years hiatus. My hope is that, with biweekley manga updates, we should wrap up the Monster Association/Garou stuff (assuming it doesn’t diverge from the web comic too much) some time next year, and I’m HOPING that s3 is already being planned accordingly along side manga publications. So MAYBE it will at least be announced around that time 2020. That’s my wishful thinking at least. I don’t think I can survive 3 years. anyway
You could really tell JC Staff poured their hearts and souls into these last 2 episodes. Absolutely gorgeous, paced well, so completely satisfying and making every second of s2 worth while. For me, at least. I’ve already seen people still complaining and I’m just sorry they didn’t have as much fun as I did. 
Seriously, thank each and every one of you guys. This has been a wild ride, I’ve barely had this blog a few weeks before season 2 started airing (and honestly just got into opm maybe a month before that?), so I owe a lot of the success on the blog to the anime I bet. This was the first series I’ve never tried live bogging, and I honestly can’t believe that they were as popular as they were? Especially since I never have any idea what I’m doing but yall listen to me ramble anyway?? Yall are crazy thank you so so so much. Now my tuesdays are gonna feel really empty… next week is gonna be weird as hell. Though I’m gonna get mad nostalgic good vibes rewatching this season in the future in no small part from sharing my experience with everyone who's stuck around. I can’t say see yall next week this time, but, see you next season whenever it may be for sure.
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psyga315 · 4 years
Fixing RWBY Volume 4
Volume 4 is… interesting, to say the least. It is obviously a breather volume, but at the same time, it tries to hammer home that every character is suffering to some degree. It also tries to do a sort of Game of Thrones-style “location-based arcs”, where multiple plots unfold across different areas. The only problem is that not everyone gets that spotlight. I can point you guys to the scene where Ruby sees Jaune training and nothing comes of it.
This is where I was beginning to see the problems of RWBY (dropped out midway through Volume 1 and only picked it back up before Volume 3), but I couldn’t quite put my finger on where exactly. Some critics have pointed to Volume 4 as a place where things begin to fall apart, especially in regards to Blake’s character. Then again, she was drawing pictures of the man who abuses her so…
As such, I’m going to tackle this Volume and try to tweak it so that it’s better. As before, I’m not going to reinvent the wheel or slap unneeded characters around. At this point, the only biggest change was Hazel’s appearance earlier in the show. With that in mind, we should begin with a meta-story first.
Keep Moving Forward
Volume 3 was a success and hype for Volume 4 was at its peak. Because RT managed to sell the idea that RWBY was gonna get dark way earlier than they did, I don’t see them using RWBY Chibi for anything other than training people to use Maya. Although there were plenty of animators from Volume 2.5 that used Maya, the ones RT picked out had experience with Poser and thus, they need to bridge the gap before the big Volume.
Around the same time, Miles and Kerry begin to realize that they’ve undertaken a rather ambitious task. Realizing the limit of their age earlier than they did (no joke, part of the reason the Faunus subplot got ditched was because they considered themselves too young and inexperienced to properly tackle it), they had an emergency meeting to figure out how to handle this Volume.
One solution was to simply keep the girls separated for one or two episodes before they’re reunited, nipping the problem in the bud and allowing the plot to continue. Miles insists that there should be a longer degree of separation. After all, all these girls have been traumatized and this isn’t going to be a simple pat on the back for them. The idea is then extended to one volume, to which Kerry suggests that the girls spend two Volumes separated. One where they’re getting over their trauma and the other where they’re doing something about their situation.
Instantly, the idea sticks and plans for both Volumes 4 & 5 began to take shape. Now comes the question of how to handle the high concept of four, maybe five plots going on at once. I’d assume that, with the Volume 2.5 thing, RT would have a lot of animators they could call upon. And so, a means to tackle the idea was formed: Much like how RWBY split up, so too should their animators. Miles and Kerry would continue to write scripts for the episode (barring suggestions from each animation team) and the four animation teams would handle their respective arc.
We have Team Mistral, the main team that deals with all the RNJR scenes and scenes that don’t involve the other members of RWBY, such as Salem’s Lot and Oscar. Then we have Team Atlas, who handles Weiss’s scenes. Team Menagerie handles Blake’s and Team Patch deals with Yang’s.
M&K also decide, this time, that, if they’re going to get serious, they should at least set up some sort of timeline. This leads to a month of brainstorming between them and other members of the crew to figure out what sort of hijinx would happen in a 6-8-month timespan and more importantly, how the saga would unfold. Should it all be at the same time or split across different points? Miles argues that it’d get too confusing, so at the same time would do.
They also decided to plot out how Volume 4 would unfold. Each episode will have RNJR as a major focus, with the members of RWBY sharing focus each episode. The way it works would be as follows:
· Episodes 1, 11, and 12 would focus on RNJR and WBY.
· Episodes 2, 5, & 8 would focus on Weiss.
· Episodes 3, 6, & 9 would be on Blake.
· Episodes 4, 7, & 10 would be on Yang.
· Some episodes would sprinkle in scenes of Salem’s Lot and Oscar.
This obviously messes up the flow of Volume 4, but at the same time, it would give everyone proper focus instead of randomly across the entire volume.
With the hype of Volume 4 reaching critical mass, it premieres on October of 2017 (remember, they delayed Volume 3 by a year to get the additional animators) and this is how Volume 4 would be tweaked…
Salem’s Arc
The first thing we see is Salem’s group celebrating their victory over Beacon while berating Cinder over getting injured. Salem destroys any vague wording she had given in the original and outright says that the method of which Cinder took her powers was considered unnatural and that she did not expect Ozpin to have a Silver-Eyed Warrior in his academy. Hopefully the audience can put two and two together that she’s talking about the Grimm-
[cue that clip of the audience reacting to the Volume 4 trailer and someone shouting “IT’S SUMMER!”]
… Salem explicitly points out that Cinder used the Grimm and that’s why she got fucked up by the Silver Eyes.
Most of these scenes stay as they are with the exception of Hazel being the new member of the group and thus be introduced to Watts and Tyrian, the latter of which being the one who saved Cinder last Volume. Hazel shows some remorse to the Fall of Beacon (to the point where he takes over Emerald saying “it’s almost sad” from last Volume) but when Salem says Ozpin was killed, he is relieved. At least something good came from the bloodshed.
Another change would be that Salem assigns Watts to Atlas instead of Haven. Her reasoning is that, with the CCT being down, she’d need to find a means to see what’s happening in Atlas. Watts understands and prepares a transport to Mantle, knowing he can hack into it with relative ease. When Hazel gets his assignment to talk with Sienna Khan, he asks if Tyrian would be a better choice, since… Y’know, Faunus. When Salem considers switching Tyrian’s job with Hazel’s (hunt the Silver-Eyed Warrior) Hazel and Tyrian instantly reject the offer. Hazel because he doesn’t want to hurt Ruby and Tyrian because he wants to hurt Ruby. Note that Salem doesn’t mention anything about the Spring Maiden. It’ll become apparent why in Tweaking Volume 5.
Also, I’d keep Salem’s motherly nature in this scene because that was always the nice contrast to Ozpin and considering how I dialed up the untrustworthiness of Oz, having Salem treat her minions like children instead of tools or assets would set up a huge contrast.
Cinder’s scenes are kept the same. At some point, I want to establish that the reason characters seemingly teleport all over the place is that it’s something Salem’s Seers can do. This would be done by placing multiple Seers across Remnant, which his why Watts is also going to Atlas, and then using one Seer to teleport to the other.
Oscar’s Arc
I like to thank Vexed Viewer’s video on how the creators screwed up introducing Oscar, since it gives me an easy means to avoid all the shit they did.
Oscar’s arc begins same as it does, but this time, his aunt (who we actually see) enters his room and asks if he’s okay. This has been the fifth night in a row where Oscar has had night terrors, almost centered around the exact same thing: the Fall of Beacon. Despite living so far away from Vale, he remembers the massacre vividly. More importantly, he remembers fire. Lots of it.
One of the episodes would end with focusing on him, only for a voice to pop up: “Hi! I’m Professor Ozpin!” That’s clearly more of an ending bit than a beginning bit.
Episode 6 and 7 would be where we see a good chunk of Oscar’s story unfold. Obviously, we have Ozpin trying to get Oscar to go to Haven, Oscar wants nothing of it. He has dinner with his aunt where, slowly, Ozpin takes over Oscar and forces him to go to Haven, convincing Oscar and his aunt that he always wanted adventure. Even without a body, Oz manages to find someway to ruin someone’s life to have his way.
Also, we don’t have him take the train. That’d be like if in Lord of the Rings, everyone was walking into Mordor and suddenly some 12-year-old kid flies in on the hawks. He’d be in actual walking distance from Haven. About an hour away. The encounter with Hazel stays the same, but Oscar has a slightly longer conversation with Hazel where he asks him if he’s ever been pressured to do something he doesn’t want to do. Hazel, having no idea about Ozpin’s reincarnation, tells him he has, but the reward would be to have peace of mind. This motivates Oscar to fully commit to going to Haven.
Also, skip the stinger because we’re going to use that for Volume 5.
Yang’s Arc
It’s mostly the same, but Port and Oobleck aren’t in the house since they’re dead. Also, Ironwood states in a letter that he apologizes for DQ’ing RWBY and that there’s no need to thank him for the arm so we can get rid of that meme.
There’s another plot detail, one that I’ll establish in Weiss’s arc, but the long story short of it is that the news plays footage of the ball where the Trophy Wife laughs about Vale lacking proper defenses, setting the already upset kingdom into fury, since those defenses were Atlas’s and as far as everyone knows, they were part of the problem. Taiyang is forced to go out and help quell the demands to go to war on Atlas.
Here’s how I’d structure it:
Episode 1 would have Yang adjusting to life without the arm. The simple montage of her doing chores which gets interrupted with Adam flashbacks.
Episode 4 has Taiyang giving her the prosthetic. She tries to wear it, only to have flashbacks of not only Adam, but injuring Mercury and Blake leaving her. She gets her signature hand trembles as she remembers the train from Volume 2, Gretchen’s death, and Raven telling her about Summer. It ends with her asking if she should really become a Huntress.
Episode 7 shows her watching the news when the Trophy Wife footage comes on and sees Weiss attacking her with a Boarbatusk. For the first time since arriving in Patch, she feels concern for her teammates. She knows that Ruby would be safe since she has Jaune and the others and Blake can die in a fire for all she cared. Taiyang comes home, tired and even battered a bit, having to stop some people from committing Atlasphobic attacks, which led to a Grimm attack. They have a chat about the state of Vale and Yang asks Taiyang why she even became a Huntress in the first place, to which Taiyang replies that she wanted to be like her mom, Summer. After she left and was presumed dead, Ruby had been menaced by a small bird Grimm (I’m going there) and Yang tried to fend it off. This was the spark that led to her being a Huntress. Yang, however, doesn’t buy the idea and goes to bed.
Episode 10 would bring the Atlasphobic attacks right to Yang’s home as the house is bombarded with people citing Taiyang as “Ironwood’s bootlicker” and “a droid sympathizer”. They want Taiyang’s head because if he’s not with them, he’s against them. The sad thing is that most of them are traumatized people who lost loved ones to the attacks. Yang wants nothing of it, but the moment the group grabs Taiyang and tries to string him up, her anger flares up, grabs the arm, and slaps it on her. She goes in and saves Taiyang from getting lynched but when it comes time to attack the crowd, she flinches and remembers attacking Mercury and recalling the words of doubt Blake casted in her head. She ejects the arm and, realizing she’s fighting people without awakened Auras, fights to knock them a few out before calling everyone out for letting fear control them. This obviously doesn’t instantly resolve the tensions with Atlas, but it does inspire Yang to return to being a Huntress.
Episode 11 has Taiyang, after healing up from the beating he got, talking to Yang about Raven. Because she knows about STRQ in this tweak, we don’t need to do the whole “oh, so now you talk about her” thing, but Yang does ask what Raven meant with Ozpin valuing Summer as a Pawn. Taiyang asks when she met Raven and notes that she would add that little detail. He then explains to her that Summer was special, just like Ruby, and that she was sent on special missions that none of the others were invited to. With Ozpin kicking Raven out, having favoritism placed on Summer and making Qrow his personal Huntsman, he slowly dismantled STRQ and Taiyang has quite a bit of upset over that. Realizing that this is what’s happening to RWBY, Yang decides to head to Haven…
Episode 12 has her using her motorbike, only to be stopped by a Huntress, Heather Shields, who asks for her help in tracking down a bunch of bandits. She isn’t interested until Heather says that their leader is possibly in league with the White Fang as they have a Grimm Mask. This piques Yang’s interest since this could either mean Raven or Adam.
The reason I added this subplot about Atlasphobic attacks is that I really didn’t want that ballroom scene to be in a bubble and I also wanted to emphasise the whole “angry at Atlas” thing.
Weiss’s Arc
Quite literally the same arc, but with a battle between Weiss and Jacques because he didn’t really have any earned comeuppance in Volume 7 and it’d be a better place for “This Life is Mine”’s rock version than battling giant bumblebees.
Episode 1 has Weiss more subdued than her earlier Volumes, showing her father’s leash is well on her neck. She is asked to visit her father, leading into episode 2, which has no actual changes outside of the reasoning for Ironwood’s embargo being more vaguely worded, since we want to illustrate that he’s going 1984 right now.
Episode 5 is Episodes 6 & 7 of the original mashed up into one episode. However, we get a shot of Watts recording the ball, then using the Seer to teleport to Vale and hand his recording to a local news outlet before moving to Mistral with the Seer.
Episode 8 is Weiss mastering her summon and sneaking out… Only to be caught by Jacques. Jacques is well aware that Weiss’s songs were nothing but hate speeches to him and he demands respect. Weiss refuses, telling him that he’s a poison on the family. Jacques remarks that she’d technically be poison too, since the Schnee children share his DNA. It soon leads to a battle in the Schnee manor where Jacques over relies on Dust as he isn’t a skilled fighter while Weiss over relies on her summon. As such, the two are evenly matched until Jacques runs out of Dust. Realizing that her fighting has become sloppy, she goes back to using her Glyphs and uses one to pin Jacques in place in a manner similar to how Watts pinned Ironwood in their V7 fight.
Episode 11 has her try to get on an airship before Ironwood stops her and tells her about the closures in place… Then assures her she has clearance to go, inquiring that she goes to investigate Winter’s findings on Haven. She jumps at the chance because she thinks Winter is there. Episode 12 is her on a private military aircraft with Pilot Boi.
Blake’s Arc
… Oh boy. You can tell why I saved this one for second last. Blake’s arc is by far the most infuriating of the arcs and really sets a bad standard for her. I remembered flipping her off when she said “we’re not going to fight the White Fang” when I was first watching Episode 11 because I had it up to here with her tomfoolery.
So, instead of making the battered abuse victim abuse Sun and chilling at her parents’ place as the rest of her team suffers while being stalked by someone who has a big lesbian crush on her, we’re gonna rehaul her entire arc.
Episode 1 has her secure passage on a boat. It’s not as grand as a liner in the original, but it’s not the rinkydink rowboat she was on in the comics. Rather, a simple cargo ship she had to bribe in order to get on. She has no clear goal in mind and when asked where she’s going, she says “nowhere. I just want to keep running.”
Episode 3 plays similarly to Runaways and Stowaways, but Sun stalking Blake is removed. If he wanted to be a good Samaritan, he shouldn’t dress up like some fucking cultist for no discernable reason other than “le bait and switch!” Instead, he’s there because SSSN need a lot of supplies and money to back to Haven and Sun is just doing his job as a security guard. He plays catch up with Blake whose moody nature causes a Grimm to attack them. The Grimm is defeated, but the ship has taken damage and must make a pitstop. When asked where it’s landing, the captain says “Menagerie” and this fills Blake with fear.
Episode 6 has Sun and Blake arrive on Menagerie, where it’s actually crowded this time. Failing that, the big problem is that they’re intolerant towards humans, since this is their turf. Obviously, the captain is met with tons of scrutiny and forces Blake to do the one thing she’s avoided her whole life: Talk to her mother.
I should explain something before we continue. In this tweaking, Ghira was killed by that group of people in Adam’s short. This explains the sudden shift between White Fang leaders and Adam’s words in Volume 3. In honor of Ghira leading a noble cause, Kali was given the title of Chieftain of the village I forgot the name of (Kua Kuana?) With her status, Kali could grant humans a temporary pass. And so, Blake reluctantly visits her and we get a touching reunion.
We also see Blake get introduced to the Albains, who in this tweaking aren’t telegraphing that they’re bad guys and are genuinely trying to get in Kali’s good graces. When Blake gives the Albains the business of the White Fang killing people, they state that they’re well aware, as they have Adam in custody and will sentence him to exile in the wilds of Menagerie where he’d most likely meet his end at the hands of monsters. Keen eared viewers would notice that Salem said that Adam was meeting Sienna Khan so… what gives? Well, that’s going to be explained in…
Episode 9 has Blake and Kali talk a bit about Ghira, we have that much needed talk, but instead of Sun busting it, it’s Fennec. He reports that Sun had been kidnapped by renegade White Fang members, but not saying that it was their members that kidnapped Sun. This causes Blake to give chase and goes to the outback where we get to see one of the vicious monsters Blake talked about instead of leaving it to the imagination or DC.
There, we see Sun and Blake were able to defeat it with moderate difficulty before they see Adam. The three fight, but as Blake’s trauma kicks in, Sun protects her and ends up knocking Adam senseless, revealing that it isn’t even Adam, but Ilia using a Semblance that makes her camouflage as other people (think Neo’s Semblance, but on a smaller scale). Blake and Sun are confused before Ilia knocks Sun out and retreats. I should also mention that in the battle, they also knock the scroll out of her.
Episode 11 has Blake explain to Sun why she ran (without her being a bitch about it) and Sun says why that reason’s bullshit. Kali and Corsac come in and they converse about how Adam is still out there. Kali shows plans for a raid on Haven and Corsac feigns condemnation of Adam’s actions. Blake then states that the White Fang has gone too far with its corruption and must be destroyed.
Episode 12 isn’t focused on Blake, but rather on Ilia, as she reports to the Albains and informs them on why she had to disguise herself as Adam. It’s here we find out that, yes, the Albains were in on Adam’s plans the whole time, but had to keep up appearances. They then explain that their goal is to try and prevent Menagerie from going to Mistral’s aid.
Ruby’s Arc
Finally, we get to RNJR. This is gonna be a long one since they’ll have all 12 episodes, even if they appear in only one scene. Let’s knock these out of the park by saying that Episodes 1 & 2 relatively stay the same, but episode 2 has them arrive in Shion just as Raven’s team attacks. This leads to a battle where Ruby battles her sister’s mom and doesn’t even know it. However, Ren sees the mask and freaks. Making matters worse is that the Nuckelavee appears and forces Raven to retreat. The group manages to hold off the Nuckelavee, but are unable to defeat it, leading them to run with a Huntsman following them, the same one that died in the original.
Episode 3 has Ruby talking to Ren about what the hell was up with his freak out but Ren refuses to talk and Nora isn’t helping matters. The huntsman introduces himself as Shiro Wan and says how he’s been assigned by Lionheart, the Headmaster, to investigate a recent string of bandit attacks. He then says that, if they can help him with the bandit, he can get a good word in to bring the group to Mistral. Ruby later confronts Jaune on his training with Pyrrha’s video as Jaune berates himself for letting Pyrrha die at Beacon, saying that if he was stronger, he would have helped her. We end the episode with him confiding in Ruby something: “Ozpin tortured Pyrrha…” That or he wants to kill Cinder.
Episode 4 reveals that Qrow is not only following them, but is talking to Raven about the Spring Maiden. Raven feigns ignorance, but her wording leads Qrow to confirm that she knows where the Spring Maiden is. Also, I want him to say this:
Qrow: If you don’t tell us, we’re all going to die.
Raven: And who’s this ‘we’ you’re referring to?
… I just want to do that.
Episodes 5, 6, and 7 are relatively the same, but Tyrian kills Shiro. Episode 8 has Jaune lay into Qrow about Pyrrha and Qrow tries to defend Oz by saying that Pyrrha chose, but Jaune brings up how he saw the contrary, even asking Qrow if they informed Pyrrha about Salem and the Relics, to which he sadly says no. Episode 9, 10, 11, and 12 are relatively the same as well, with only two exceptions. The first is that, in the flashback for Kuroyuri, we see that Ren makes friends with a ten-year-old girl before Raven and her bandits attack. Nora is also there and with her depression and the bandits, the Nuckelavee is let loose onto Kuroyuri, the ten-year-old last being seen with Raven and looking at the destruction with remorse. During the Nuckelavee fight, Ruby’s silver eyes act up, freezing the Nuckelavee in place for Ren to hand some final blows, rather than “hold arms down to win”.
The stinger isn’t really plot important, but reveals what will immediately happen in Volume 5 as Jaune, Nora, and Ren, with Pyrrha’s shield (if you’re gonna say she has extras, at least show she has extras), carry it over to a house and knock on the door… It’s clear what’s going on, but as the door opens, we cut to black. To be continued in Volume 5.
DVD Extra
I’d say four extra stories starring each member of Team RWBY. Maybe even adapting a story from the comics?
And that’s Volume 4… The next tweaking is going to be my final one and I’m gonna go out on a bang.
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precuredaily · 5 years
Precure Daily Halloween Special 2019
Episodes: SPC 37, HaCha 37, GPP Movie, MPC 38-39, KKPC 37, HUG 38, STPC 37 Dates watched: 30-31 October 2019 Original air dates: Sunday in October 1-2 weeks before Halloween, 2011 & 2016-2018, and the Saturday of Halloween, 2015
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Is that little girl in the witch hat dressed as Akko from Little Witch Academia in a nod to her seiyuu, Han Megumi, playing Hime or is this just a coincidence? These are the questions that keep me up at night.
You may remember the PCD Christmas Special I did last year, where I watched every Precure Christmas episode and compared them to each other, charting the common elements and evolution in how they handle the subject. Well, I really love Halloween, but for a while, Japan didn’t celebrate it. It only started to catch on in the late 2000s and into the 2010s, and so despite several episodes of Precure airing on or near Halloween night over the years, the first time it was brought up in the franchise wasn’t until 2011′s Suite Precure. You can read more about how it became acceptable to celebrate and the ways in which the Japanese people enjoy themselves in this article, but the important takeaways are that Halloween events are more about food and festivities, and trick-or-treating is a highly organized activity, no going door-to-door.
At this point in the shows, all extra heroines have been introduced and the team is usually on the cusp of acquiring a new powerup. The villains have suffered significant losses and are preparing to pull out some form of trump card (this will facilitate the team getting their new attack). Typically, the monster of the week will be made from a Jack O’Lantern or some other Halloween decoration. In more recent years there’s been a tendency to explain what Halloween is about, but they don’t always do this. The biggest draw of a Halloween episode, though, in my opinion, is getting to see the characters in costumes. I’m going to briefly run down each Halloween episode (or movie) and then compare common elements at the end.
Note: At the time of writing, I am about 6 episodes behind in Star Twinkle Precure, did not wish to skip ahead for the purposes of this article, and didn’t have the time to catch up. I will add my thoughts on STPC 38 at a later date, and I will announce when I have done this via a reblog to @pcd-status​. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Star Twinkle section added 12 Nov. 2019
Suite Precure 37 - “Wakuwaku! Everyone Transforms for Halloween!” Original air date: 30 October 2011
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With Mephisto freed of his brainwashing, Falsetto takes charge of Trio the Minor and leads an attack on the girls. Ako has decided to stay in the human world, and the older girls take her to a Halloween celebration to brighten her spirits. Ako isn’t really enjoying herself, but some younger kids rope her into playing with them and that brightens her up. When Trio the Minor turn a pumpkin into a Negatone, they try to perform a new attack with Crescendo Tone: Precure Suite Session Ensemble Crescendo, but it falls apart, so Ako uses her invidual attacks while the older trio uses their group finisher. At the end, Falsetto sings an incomplete Melody of Sorrow to speed up Noise’s revival.
Costumes and references: Hibiki is dressed as a pirate, but specifically she resembles a genderbent Captain Marvelous, the red ranger from the contemporary Sentai series Gokaiger. Kanade is dressed as a pumpkin witch. Ellen is dressed as a black cat, an allusion to her true form, and Ako is a dressed as a princess, which she is. (not digging very deep for this)
HappinessCharge Precure 37 - “Big Bang, Defeated! An Unbelievably Strong Enemy Appears!” Original air date: 19 October 2014
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Oresky, Namakelder, and Hosshiwa are all feeling weakened after taking the Happiness Big Bang attack, so Queen Mirage concludes they may not be useful to her anymore and prepares her next agent. Meanwhile in Pikarigaoka, Megumi encourages Blue to join them at the town’s Halloween festival, and he agrees. They all begin to share pumpkin cakes with each other, a local tradition. Seiji shares his with Megumi, Megumi eagerly shares hers with Blue, and the other girls look on from a distance as they recognize the love triangle unfolding in front of them. Oresky appears, trying to ruin the Halloween festival that makes people happy and attempting to prove his worth. He really wants to be the number one general in the Phantom Empire, as he feels that if he’s not first, he’s worthless and he doesn’t want to be replaced. The girls transform, and begin to persuade him that there’s enjoyment to be had in fun things, and it’s okay if you’re not first. They hit him with Happiness Big Bang and it begins to purify him, when suddenly an attack interrupts it. As the smoke clears, their new opponent is revealed to be a corrupted Cure Tender, Iona’s missing older sister.
Costumes and references: Megumi is wearing a Halloween-themed dress, orange with jack-o-lanterns on it. Hime is dressed as a princess, which much like with Ako, seems kind of low-effort since she’s an actual princess. Yuuko is dressed as a witch, and Iona is a fortune teller. Also, Blue is dressed as a vampire.
Go! Princess Precure: Go! Go!! Gorgeous Triple Feature Original release date: 31 October 2015
The Princess movie was experimental, being made of three shorter films: a chibi short with no dialog, a 50-minute traditional feature, and a 20-minute all CG adventure. The film leaned hard on its Halloween theming, with Pumpkins and Halloween being prominent motifs in all three parts. I’ll break them down individually.
Cure Flora and the Mysterious Mirror
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This is a cute sketch where Cure Flora finds a fancy crown, puts it on, and accidentally startles some mischievous sprites on the other side of what she thinks is a mirror. They have the ability to transform, so they take on her appearance and mirror her, but they forget to duplicate the crown and eventually they begin to compete with the real Flora, doing tricks. She accidentally breaks the crown, so the sprites decide to transform into a special pumpkin outfit for her, just as the other girls come in. The 5-minute short uses a super deformed art style with all CG animation and has no dialog.
Costumes and references: Cure Flora’s pumpkin dress and hat.
The Pumpkin Kingdom’s Treasure
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Haruka, Minami, Kirara, and Towa are transported to the wondrous Pumpkin Kingdom, where the royal chancellor Warp is hosting a Princess Contest to find a princess for the kingdom. Towa, being well-versed in evil schemes, smells a rat and is on edge. Haruka finds the true princess of the kingdom, Pumpururu, who is locked away, and learns that the Pumpkin King and Queen are under Warp’s control. Minami, Kirara, and Towa each win their rounds in the contest, but the former two are captured while Towa is able to avoid capture. Haruka participates, even managing to snap the monarchs out of the control. She transforms, frees the others from their capture, and Warp transforms to a giant monster. Pumpururu, the sprites, and the Precures’ strong feelings summon Halloween Dress Up Keys that the girls use to defeat Warp and save the Pumpkin Kingdom.
Costumes and references: The girls get special outfits to wear for the Princess Contest (not halloween themed), as well as Mode Elegant Halloween dresses that feature pumpkin flowers on them.
Precure and Leffy’s Wonder Night!
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This is an episode-length feature using the CG animation style from the dance endings. Haruka discovers a doll on her desk, when she’s suddenly transported to the Pumpkingdom, already transformed, and the doll is now a girl named Leffy. Leffy tells the cures they need to defeat Night Pumpkin, who has taken over Pumpkingdom and stolen the daylight from them, making it always night. What follows is essentially an ongoing chase through the city to the top, where they fight and defeat Night Pumpkin and restore daylight to Pumpkingdom. Haruka is then transported back to her room, and the Leffy doll is gone. It’s worth noting that Leffy appeared as Pumpururu’s doll in the previous portion. The connection to this section of the film is unclear. Also, Minami, Kirara, and Towa do not appear in their civilian forms at all.
Costumes and references: Leffy isn’t overtly pumpkin themed, and nobody else gets any special forms in this one. However, there is a glorious moment where Flora accidentally bonks Night Pumpkin on the head.
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a proud Precure tradition
Maho Girls Precure 38 - “Is it Sweet or Not? The Magic Pumpkin Festival!” Original air date: 23 October 2016
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This isn’t explicitly a Halloween episode, because the Magic World doesn’t celebrate Halloween, but they have fall traditions that involve pumpkins and sweets so it counts. Their tradition is to chase a Pumpkin Bird that appears every year. It shoots candy from its mouth, and if it hits someone, they turn into a giant piece of candy. If you capture it, you get a special prize. One of the villains brings up the actually valid point that the creature may not like being chased and that’s why it runs, but Mofurun talks to it and finds out it just has a cavity. The girls transform into Topaz Style to fight Shakince in a creatively silly battle. When they beat him, Mofurun gets the credit for “capturing” the Pumpkin Bird and so she gets presented with its prize, which turns out to be a seed that grows into a tree which sprouts toothbrushes. I am not making that up.
Costumes and references: Mofurun gets a special orange and yellow dress to wear when she receives the prize but it’s never shown in closeup from the front. Also, there is a cameo appearance by Watanabe Mayu, who sings the insert song for the Maho Girls Movie that was in theaters around this time, and also served as the ending theme for episodes 38 and 39 (only on the TV version, on home release they use “Magic a la Domo”). She makes a special appearance as herself. Even better, in a flashback, she’s seen beside giant statues of Mipple and Mepple.
Maho Girls Precure 39 - “This is Halloween! Everyone, Smile!” Original air date: 30 October 2016
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The girls from magic school come to visit the non-magic world and learn about Halloween! But Jun, Kay, and Emily have to be reminded, even when things seem bad, to not use magic to help out. The students of the non-magic world are running a crepe stand and the magic world students decide to chip in, and after being scolded for using their powers, they learn how to do things the old-fashioned way and appreciate the value of hard work. In the middle of all of this, Ha-chan changes costumes almost every scene. Benigyo is extremely confused by all the Halloween festivities and doesn’t understand what the girls want when they tell her to stop ruining it. They never do give her a proper explanation, but she summons a Donyokubaaru that blows air and the girls have to transform to Sapphire form to fight it off. There’s a small plot point about Mirai’s grandmother recognizing the magic school Headmaster from her own youth. At the end of the episode, it’s implied that Liko’s father has made a big breakthrough about relations between the magic and non-magic worlds, and more ancient powers. Kind of a disjointed episode.
Costumes and references: Mirai is dressed as Mofurun, Liko is dressed as a cat in an orange and purple dress, Mofurun is dressed as Cure Miracle, Chikurun is dressed as a bunny, and Ha-chan is dressed as:
an alicorn
a sarcophagus
a mummy
a sphinx
and a thunder god (Raijin)
And just a cool thing I noticed, the final stage for the ending dance was updated with a Halloween theme. I’m really curious why, since they replaced the ending with “The Right Way to Use Magic” in the initial television broadcast of this episode, and I don’t think the Halloween version was seen in any previous or subsequent episodes.
Kirakira Precure a la Mode 37 - “Salut! Ciel is Going Back to France!?” Original air date: 22 October 2017
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Ciel’s old boss, Madame Solaine, finds her and tries to get her to come back to Paris and work for her there, feeling that Ciel’s talent is wasted in this small town. Not wanting to admit that she initially came searching for her brother, and that she’s got responsibilities as a Precure, she tries to demonstrate what she likes about Ichigozaoka. Everybody is worried that Ciel is going to leave, and even lowkey encouraging her to do what’s best for her career, but she wants to stay. Ultimately she wins Madame Solaine over with a dish inspired by Ichika’s cooking style. Elisio is the antagonist of this episode but I honestly found the battle to be completely irrelevant. The most notable point for the villains is that Grave makes some kind of discovery at the end of the episode.
Costumes and references: Their costumes here are modifications to their patisserie uniforms. Ichika is a jack o’lantern, Himari is an angel, Aoi is a devil, Yukari is a cat (of course), Akira is a vampire, and Ciel is a witch.
HUGtto! Precure 38 - “Charged with Happiness! Happy Halloween!” Original air date: 28 October 2018
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Hagukumi town is going to be hosting a Halloween Party, with Papple’s business providing food and entertainment. Daigan is tasked with food prep, but he gets frustrated with a very delicate task, and a visit from Bishin has him questioning his loyalties. The girls are ready to hit the town, and have even prepared costumes for Harry and Hugtan. They made a lot of costumes for Hugtan, in fact, but Ruru detects that she doesn’t really like any of them, so they ask her what she wants to be, and she responds “Pwecyua!” They set to work making her a Precure costume in short order, but an Oshimaida attack secretly requested by Daigan threatens the party. The girls transform and make a show of it to keep people’s spirits high, finishing the monster off with Cheerful Attack. Papple knows that Daigan was responsible and chides him for defecting, even momentarily, and informs him that everybody loved his food. Up at Beauty Harry, the girls finish Hugtan’s costume and show her to Harry, who briefly has a flash of Cure Tomorrow.
Costumes and references: Hana is a witch, Saaya is a lolita devil, Homare is a cowgirl, Emiru and Ruru are pirates, Harry is a werewolf (because he’s.... hairy, IDK if that was the joke), and Hugtan is dressed as Cure Yell. Foreshadowing ahoy!
Star☆Twinkle Precure 37 - “Cryptids Will Win! The Halloween Costume Contest” Original air date: 21 October 2019
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Mihoshi Town is having a Halloween costume contest with prizes for best group, so everybody brings their A-game. Except Yuni, she takes the chance to walk around in her true Rainbownian form. Everybody is having fun and the girls get to explain Halloween to Yuni and Lala. Unfortunately, Kappard is hanging around, reminiscing about what happened to his planet, and he doesn’t like the festivities. Everyone thinks he’s just dressed as a sexy kappa and they want pictures with him, which annoys him even more, so he steals one arguing couple’s imagination and goes on the attack. In an effort to guide him away from all the people and hide their identities, when the girls transform, they claim to be the Mihoshi Stars and do a full Sentai roll call, finally settling the debate over Milky and Cosmo’s color designations. (I was probably one of the last people to maintain that Milky was blue by this point, tbh) They lead him away from the festivities and then try to talk him down, but all he can say is he doesn’t believe different species can live in harmony, that Lala and Yuni are living a lie by celebrating Earth customs, and he doesn’t understand this holiday at all, so they defeat him and return to the festival. Elena wins prizes as part of two different groups, but Kappard is declared the overall winner. Too bad he’s MIA. This episode doesn’t do much for the plot, but it does give a little backstory to Kappard, as we see that his planet got destroyed by a non-native species monopolizing all of their natural resources. Considering what we see of Eyewan and Tenjou in the next few episodes, it’s possible we’re aiming to redeem the villains. Hard to tell with an ongoing show.
Costumes and references: Hikaru is a yeti, Lala is a tsuchinoko, Madoka is a cat, Elena is a flower (with her family) and a cat (with Madoka and Yuni), Yuni is herself, Fuwa is a sheep I guess, and Prunce is the Michelin Man (TELL ME I’M WRONG).
Halloween episodes, unlike Christmas episodes, don’t have as much of a running theme. Halloween is more of a dressing than an opportunity to explore feelings. The placement of these episodes in the series means that things are usually starting to ramp up, but none of them features a major conflict. In a few episodes, the fight with the villains felt downright inconsequential, while it was more meaningful in others. There was a trend in more recent years to explain the origins of Halloween, as a gathering of spirits, but otherwise there aren’t as many identifiable patterns or shifts in patterns as there were in the Christmas episodes, it’s mostly been “this is Halloween, have fun.” The Go Princess movie had the opportunity to make the most of their halloween theme, but instead they just focused on pumpkins, pumpkins, and more pumpkins without really diving into what makes Halloween as a holiday special or significant. It’s an alright movie but it’s a sour note on an excellent series that knew what it was doing. HappinessCharge probably utilized Halloween the best as a setting, using some Halloween traditions to create romantic tension, and I appreciated Maho Girls’s attempt to create a Halloween-ish fall holiday for a fictional culture, and then also bringing those people in to explore our Halloween. Since it’s a newer holiday for Precure to work with, only getting regular exposure since 2014, we might see them figure out more ways to spin Halloween in the future. Honestly I hope so, and I’ll be here to write about it for you.
Happy Halloween, everybody, and look forward to more Yes 5 coming soon. Hopefully I’ll finish that by the end of the year. Hopefully. (yeah not likely)
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franki-lew-yo · 5 years
Spooky/Monster/Horror Themed Music Videos
Another day another chance for me to showcase/talk about some animations I really like.
Today I wanna feature some animated music videos. There’s quite a few based on spoopy stuff and even more which are indirect short horror movies. So strap in.
G - Kid Friendly. Can watch with just about anybody.
PG - Teen stuff: cursing, naughtiness, high octane nightmare fuel for kids, the usual!
M - Graphic violence and gore. Disturbing themes may or may not be included.
NSFW - Nudity or Sexual content. No links, just to be safe.
NOTE: If you’re wondering where Mystery Skulls/The Night is, it’s here.
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“The Nightmare” by Love Automatic  animated by Lee Hardcastle (M)
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Lee Hardcastle of Chainsaw Maid-fame gives a great techno song an energetic and creepy music video straight out of 80s schlock horror. Think ‘Evil Dead’ but gone horribly wrong...just to give you an idea.
“Funeral March for a Marionette” by Charles Gounod  animated by COFA Productions (G)
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A classic little diddy about the death of a toy is put to visuals with a touch of Burtonesque/Svanmajeresque visuals courtusy of animator Eric Fonseca.
“American Witch” by Rob Zombie animated by David Hartman (NSFW)
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The most metal-testosterone-headbang-happy video straight out rock and roll hell, complete with sexy witches and out-of-season Halloween feels!
“Saturn Barz” by Gorillaz directed by Jaime Hewlett (PG)
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The classic Gorillaz crew (before Murdoc was replaced by Ace from the Powerpuff Girls) explore a haunted house in all it’s iced-out rhythm...also space...I think.
“The Ghost of Stephen Foster” by Squirrel Nut Zippers directed by Raymond Persi and Mathew Natsuk (PG)
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The jaunty haunted “Hotel Paradise” wreaks havoc on a vacationing young couple in this send-up to classic Fleischer cartoons.
“MEOW” by Cyriak ft. illustrations by Sarah Brown (M)
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A zombie apocalypse at it’s most brutal is done with cute Sanriyo-style chibi cats, courtesy of artist Kookizu. There is nothing wrong with this premise, absolutely not.
“Fantasy” by DyE animated by Tyger Sushi/Excuse my French (NSFW)
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An infamous (and pretty risque video for something still being allowed on youtube might I say) music vid that starts as a coming-of-age-teen drama before evolving into a Lovecraftian horror show.
“The Devil Went Down to Georgia” by Primus animated by Mike Johnson (G)
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After Charlie Daniels decided he’s okay with being a jerk, best listen to his number one hit elsewhere - and what better place to start than Primus in a sweet little stop-motion send off?
“Night on Bald Mountain” by Modest Mussorgsky from Fantasia (G)
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Gotta include the classic Bald Mountain sequence from the mother of all music videos - Disney’s Fantasia. I don’t think anyone can escape the visuals this version of Night on Bald Mountain has cemented in so many people’s minds.
“Golem” by The Maladies animated by Joy + Noelle (PG)
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A remembrance of simpler, Hot Topic fueled times, an animated version of The Maladies must escape a crazy facility performing some kind of experiment on them.
“Turn the Lights Off” by Tally Hall directed by Drew Mokris  (G)
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An upbeat and happy tune about being haunted by inner fear and evil is given the perfect visuals to illustrate it as such. Who doesn’t love a peppy nightmare of color interrupting your daily activities?
“Hold Me” by Delta Heavy directed by Kristoff Strom (PG)
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A morbid piece of dark humor about a girl trying to bring her beloved dead cat back from the dead using what I think are dark wubs.
“Molten Light” by Chad VanGaalen (NSFW)
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By far the most unsettling music video (in my opinion anyway), this folk-nightmare is sung and directed by Chad VanGaalan and features art that somehow looks vintage and contemporary at the same time.
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nonamem9 · 2 years
Vivid Dream that i just woke up at: Weird Mall, Downstairs to Church, Suddenly Frisk, and Mater Music
me and m parents are in this mall, black and red color scheme, i go with dad to exit, he decided to skip the escalators and walk on the theater chairs at the exit door an i followed him before he's out.
i decided to follow my mom instead to the other mal exit and ninja run my ass through. there's this one section of escalators at the center an tunnels at the side that i find familiar, as if i dreamt about this section before. i chose the right tunnel because "i've already been there", i zoomed through and there is this one tarp i stopped at made out of straw kinda like those hats. i moved the tarp upwards to reveal something, there's is big objects in this warehouse shelf., i then continue running.
smash cut to the stairs at a church, this set of stairs is similar to the one at a real church but there is floors with walls and shit in this dream.
me and mom are going downstairs, one floor i ask the dude going upstairs "do you have a silver cross?", a familiar phrase i remember from watching tutorials by priests on youtube, except my brain made that up. next 2-4 floors gets more and more medieval fantasy ish for some reason(we're in third person camera noww!), i tried hiding from the other guys at the left side behind a barrel (and back in first person view), little did i know there is a hallway/mini room where a nun is, i tried to kill her by doing a finder gun with my left hand and say "Bangg!!", that didn't work and now she comes closer to me and i continue heading downs stairs to exit.
then the next stairs are partially blocked by metal wire grids (then back in third person view again), the nun trying to be intimidating and/or creepy said "now how are you gonna go through that‽‽ hu huhu!" okay why do i remember her now as lisa from genshin impact. i then just easily go through it by using the stair rails as support then go above the wires. next stairs are same shit but more difficult.
this is the part where i become deterministic and become a tiny 3d animated chibi frisk. and the camera is in like uhh 2d game view.
i jump through the tiny gap and the nun/witch lady is shocked. i/frisk then climb down the ladder and wooden frame tunnel down to the lava/magma. the outside world can be seen in the background.
okay these aren't my actions now.
everything is now in frisk's art style.
frisk spins backwards, bending the ladder and rolling it back to the hold i jumped through. nun/witch tries to go after frisk but then gets infected with frisk's laser from their eyes, now shes an metallic lil gremlin, my mom , who is still here somehow, also got infected by accident.
camera zoomed in to the background to get some grey goat in the suit walking on his two legs to the bench of the what i assumed is a sari sari store, and is now seeing this shit. zoomed back out and other anthro animals sat on the bench too. they got frisk lazer'd
hard cut to a screenshot of a tweet by @wings-of-magritte saying "mater music absolutely fucks." on their fauxdeism account, pfp is the green dude sighing.
im a human in pixar cars now.
now its back to me in first person, im dancing to mater music at a fire truck parking lot (that my mind made up on the spot, which sounds fucking hilarious and i dont know how to recreate it or even remember it) im on the fire truck tub thing with a car inside of it with the license plate "MATER" im rocking back and fourth.
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made in ms paint. i then woke upa t 9 am.
it is 10 am now and i feel like shitting.
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hisazuki · 7 years
Yona ch.147 spoilers
Akatsuki no Yona chapter 147 “Awe” summary
Please don’t repost/reuse my scans and translations without permission. Tumblr reblog is fine.
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Right after the ethereal dragon appeared to protect Yona, we see bewildered looks from both sides. The dragon warriors apparently used the last of their strength and lost consciousness. Gobi is trembling... so these are the four dragons from the legend... The other priest-assassins (?) all heard the rumors but didn’t think they were true. One of them asks if they belong to King Soo-Won.
Gobi gets suddenly jealous and thinks it’s very unfair for Soo-Won to have the powers of the gods at his disposal. But it looked like they were protecting Princess Yona, who is currently helping the anti-war faction. He wonders what kind of relationship Soo-Won and Yona have. Still lost in his wild thoughts, almost crazed with bloodshot eyes, he adds he wanted to marry Tao to the King, but now that the dragons have appeared he wants to know more about them (and use them for himself). Ah, but he also needs to kill Kouren... There’s so many things to do! (it’s interesting to note that here he doesn’t use any honorifics for Kouren! He must really hate her, or he has a deeper bond than we thought)
Yoon calls the four dragons and begins to panic because they won’t wake up. He asks Hak what they should do. The soldiers on Gobi’s side poke Shin-Ah and say he won’t move. Gobi fears they’re dead, but the soldiers tell him they’re only unconscious. They began to touch Zeno and inspect him, marveling at the gods’ powers made flesh. Yona demands they let them go, as they’re very weak right now. The soldiers won’t accept: how come this power is Kouka’s alone? Would said it should be Kouka’s in the first place? The founding legend is already suspicious and they don’t know how much of it really happened. This is not a power a brutal country like Kouka should hold.
Gobi is happy, the stupid citizens are taking his side without him having to do anything. He wanted to surrender Princess Tao to Soo-Won as a hostage, but now that he has the dragons he no longer needs to suck up to the King. He pretty much believes the dragon warriors appeared here for him to use as he pleases. The high priest asks his soldiers to carry the dragons away so they can try to invoke the dragon god again (I believe he’s talking about the shield).
Yoon catches hold of Jae-Ha and says they can’t. Don’t they understand? The four dragons aren’t a tool for this war! As the soldiers try to pry him away, Yoon starts crying. Jae-Ha and Kija were badly injured. He doesn’t know what happened with the surge of power back then, but what if it meant the dragons will never wake up again?
One of the soldier is about to punch him, but Hak pretty much flings Yoon out of reach and cuts the ropes holding the dragons back with his spear. He hoists Jae-Ha on his right shoulder and carries Kija with his left arm despite his own injury, then starts walking to take them to safety. While some soldiers are trying to stop him, others take Shin-Ah and Zeno away to hide them.
Flashback to one of Tao’s informants telling Yona about the dragon warriors facing off Yotaka and Mizari in town, unwilling to fight back, then of Yona answering she won’t help them win the war since she doesn’t want people from Kouka or from Shin to suffer again. This is probably what Hak is reminiscing, because after that he silently asks Yona and Jae-Ha how they’re able to get rid of their hatred like that.
Hak: I want to kill everyone here. Soo-Won too. I want to kill each and everyone who hurts the people I care about. *angry look*
Just as he is about to swing his deadly spear (sorry about this sentence - this isn’t an M-rated fic ^^;), Argila appears to kick some ass. Voldo cuts the remaining ropes from Shin-Ah’s and Zeno’s necks and tells the citizens to wake up (and they began to wonder what the two of them are doing here). Argila thanks Hak. He knows the bodyguard has been holding back on fighting to free his companions because it would bring about the war, so he promises him he’ll give them a good beating in his place.
Gobi: Argila! Voldo! Aren’t you two members of the anti-war faction too?!
Argila: Shut up, old man! I will protect Princess Tao and little kitties’ happiness!
He adds the four dragons actually saved Tao’s life. Voldo says he will never forgive Gobi for what he did to Neguro. Gobi pretends he doesn’t know what this is about. Voldo notices Yotaka’s absence and asks the priest if he did something to him too.
Tao intervenes and tells Gobi he’s not worthy of the anti-war faction. He’s just a fiend poisoning people’s minds. Gobi replies her words have never reached them in the first place. Nobody is even looking at her right now.
Author notes: Thank you to everyone who went to the signing session on August, 26th! I’m quite shy so I couldn’t properly chat with you, but I’ve still enjoyed it a lot~!
Yona says she’s heard Tao’s plea, and she will definitely become the bridge between the two countries. She tells her about Soo-Won’s agreement to open negotiations with Princess Kouren. Gobi disagrees: he should be the one to take part in the negotiations if they wish for a peaceful resolution, not Kouren. That’s why Kouren should die right this instant, for the sake of this country!
The archers are pointing their arrows on her. Voldo shouts Kouren’s name, but Kouren simply calmly says to Gobi: “Above your head, watch out.” Mizari appears in the air and strikes down at the assassins, provoking quite a bloodbath. He stops when he sees Kouren and asks her how she knew he was there. She tells him she recognized his peculiar stealthy footsteps and bloodlust (how poetic!). Gobi is visibly annoyed to see Mizari is still alive. Kouren asks him to step back, he’s done enough. Mizari answers with an angelic smile that he promised Neguro he’d kill all her enemies for her so he came back to protect her.
Back in the Wind tribe camp, Yotaka wakes up to the sound of Tae-Woo cleaning (?) his spear. He asks where he is and tries to get up once he got his answer... but collapses from pain (he’s shown crying chibi-style). He asks the General if he’s their war prisoner, and Tae-Woo simply tells him they’ll return him once he’s nursed back to health. Once again, Yotaka stands up and tries to run away, then collapses right outside the tent he was in. Ayame who saw everything comments he’s a troublesome fellow. Other Wind tribe girls appear and start touching Yotaka’s hair, marveling and saying they’d love to make a fluffy scarf out of it. Yotaka somehow starts to panic, then becomes strangely interested as soon as they say they’ll give him oil to make it all pretty again :P.
Then we see Nobu running to Tae-Woo to warn him that Soo-Won and the Sky tribe have arrived.
Hisa’s thoughts on the chapter: 
Turns out we won’t learn anything about the dragon shield yet since our dragon warriors are out of commission. I can’t say I’m fond of Gobi’s new crazed side. I thought he would be an interesting character and contender, but his reaction to the dragons’ powers makes it look like he just took a shot of Nadai or something. Which I would be fine with if I didn’t believe it’s probably not the case. Come on Gobi, I still have hopes for you, show me that you’re not just another disposable villain like the Sei rulers!
We already had an inkling Hak wouldn’t be so forgiving from his thoughts in the previous chapters, and now we know he might actually endanger the peace negotiations. It makes it very likely he’ll tell Yona he won’t be there during the talks with Soo-Won.
Next chapter: Tae-Woo gets his ass kicked by Soo-Won, Gobi becomes the new worship-Hiryuu-through-Nadai lord and the Princess-trio must face him alone, possibly to be saved by Prince Charming Soo-Won on his white horse.
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Playful, cool, fun, witty, cute with an edge streetwear. Cool, but not icy. Cute, but mean. Playful, but not OTT. Most of the MØPSI brand‘s visual elements and art direction have been influenced by founder Kai-Li Ma‘s 90s upbringing, as well as by her personal taste and style. MØPSI is basically Ma reincarnated as a little unipig. Temper Magazine calls on this German-Chinese creative centipede for a little chit chat and shares the hate. Verdammt ich lieb dich.
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Beats by Dre, shoots with Chen Man and a lil’ Diesel style set against the backdrop of that stunningly tall Shanghai Skyline — since 2014. Straight outta Hamburg she hails: Model, TV personality, certified yoga teacher and now designer Kai-Li Ma. Ma never did have a whole lotta of love for humans. She considered them a strange species and one hard to understand, at that. Humans frustrated her and made things difficult. Even as a little Leila bun booting Schwein she’d yell “I hate humans!” as she smashed her 90s GameBoy on the floor, upset at whoever created Tetris level 12.
Fast forward 25 years and together, we strap on that “when pigs fly!” fanny pack and get on that soapbox so without any further ado…
Time to dish out the MArching orders!
Socks, Slogans And Headbands
Temper: Socks, slogans and headbands. We see MØPSI, we see quirky edge. We see Kai-LI, we see 100 percent non-Kardashian ultracool. What do you see?
Ma: Quite literally I see how my once upon a time childhood nickname has now become the name of my brand with the unipig which I drew as a tattoo outline a few years ago, now the logo of my brand. This MØPSI brand is highly personal to me; I have poured my all into it and it is an integral part of me. My favorite animal and my favorite clothing pieces are now sitting in front of me, it’s just crazy — and really is a dream come true. I have always dreamed of kick starting my own clothing brand, always wondering what it would look like and…. Tadaaa! Here we are!
Take the Pig Pocket T-shirt. It might look like a standard white Tee to most, but I did in fact create it from scratch. I chose the fabric and exact weight of the preshrunk cotton, the type of collar, the stitching on the sleeves, the pocket sizing, etc. Zee design n*zi, ja?! HA
Founder Kai-Li Ma models for her baby brand MØPSI. Image courtesy of MØPSI
You’re In The Army Now
Temper: Given we too signed up for the newsletter… Who else is in the MØPSI Army now?
Ma: Our MØPSI Army ranges from heavy metal musicians to anime lovers to the millennial streetwear enthusiast to that hard-editing creative director and the occasional Kai-Li supporter. [insert wink] It can be anyone who identifies with the message of “human hating”, loves MØPSI the unipig because it looks cute or those people who just love the products because of their design. I love the fact that MØPSI currently boasts a larger male than female following and the sheer fact that the boys are confident enough to rock a unipig-emblazoned piece. All in all, the MØPSI Army forges a collective of confident, strong, cool, fun individuals.
Temper: What is the MØPSI design and brand philosophy — in three sentences. Go!
Ma: Alright, in three bullet points, we shall do this:
When it comes to the products: I like to keep it clean with much attention paid to detail;
When it comes to the brand image: I try to stay authentic and bring my personality into MØPSI
When it comes to the philosophy: I only create items that I personally love and would wear myself.
I am admittedly quite German when it comes to design — zee design n*zi ja?! HA! I want everything to look and feel (in every sense of the word) a very specific way. Take the Pig Pocket T-shirt, for example. This piece might look like a standard white Tee to most, but I actually did create it from scratch. I chose the fabric and exact weight of the cotton, the type of collar, the stitching pattern on the sleeves, the pocket sizing, i.e. the exact fit to make it that exactly right perfect T-shirt in my opinion. Needless to say, there is a lot of back and forth (samples-wise) until I get what I want. [insert muahahahaaaa evil grin]
I have purposely opted for a unisex collection. I have always worn both mens- and womenswear and I believe that, especially in streetwear, there is no line between what defines men’s versus women’s clothing.
A MØPSI Story. Image courtesy of MØPSI
Skaters And Haters
Temper: What is the ultimate unipig outfit?
Ma: The ultimate outfit would include wearing MØPSI from head to toe HA. Put on the dungarees, the cap, the shirt, the socks and voilà! You have become a true unipig — yes, I do do this sometimes [insert wink].
Temper: Do you have a preference for any artistic era in time, artists, urban environments?
Ma: The 90s. By far. I m just a little N.W.A. and still listen to Biggie like he just came out yesterday. I love overalls and have been wearing overalls my whole life. The artistic era for 90s kids and teenagers involved doodling in you notebook, doing small sketches and cut-out collages, all of which I have integrated into MØPSI. Sub-street cultures such as skating, graffiti, anything hip hop related (music, dance, fashion), now those were my steeeeez!
There’s a huge sense of individuality showing across the streets of first-tier China now compared to three years ago. I actually love the Chinese millennial street style which is a mix of streetwear and punk meshed with an ugly pretty style. 
A MØPSI Story. Image courtesy of MØPSI
Temper: How have you seen people’s individuality and style in China evolve since your Shanghai-touchdown in 2014?
Ma: I can definitely see that over the last few years, people across China’s first- and second-tier (third, even) cities have become more confident and open when it comes fashion. I actually love the Chinese millennial street style which is a mix of streetwear and punk meshed with an ugly pretty style. These guys have now developed their own mix and match, pulling it from whatever outside-influence they can get.
There’s definitely a huge sense of individuality now compared to three years ago when I first got here. Being different used to be a lot harder in China given this wasn’t as accepted, but nowadays the Chinese are becoming increasingly adventurous in their style-ways and manners of self-expression.
I believe there are no fashion NONOs. Just personal NONOs. The fanny pack is always a good accessory because not only is it practical, it just looks supah kool. 
Founder Kai-Li Ma models for her baby brand MØPSI. Image courtesy of MØPSI
Packing UniPig Style
Temper: What’s your deal with accessories? What do accessories mean for an outfit? What’s your biggest accessorizing NONO? 
Ma: I personally like to have only one or two pieces of key accessories. I’m not into the Christmas tree look; over-accessorizing is just not for me. [Here at Temper we admittedly do at times rock that Christmas boat/ Thanksgiving float]
I believe there is no such thing as a fashion NONO anymore. Just personal NONOs.
The MØPSI cap is always one of my go-to accessories because it can give any outfit a bit more flair and you can basically wear it with anything.
The fanny pack too is always a good accessory  not only because of its mere practicality, but also because it just looks supah kool. I like to have my hands free — to judo chop people in the neck ha — and the fanny pack features numerous little pockets so that small items are easy to find and quick to take out. Like my chapstick. And I sometimes just like to pet the bag because it’s so soft. That young, virgin, organically fed sheep skin is definitely the smoothest. It’s MØPSI.
  “Kai-Li’s eyes transformed into hearts, pumping with love and admiration. A human hating unipig for human haters, MØPSI was perfect! Her tiny horn capable of stabbing humans, and wings to fly away! The two connected eyes just for a moment before Mopsi jumped, flipped, and flew off into the distance ready to spread her human hating message to the rest of the world.”
And they lived hatefully ever after.
                                                                  All images come courtesy of Kai-Li Ma and MØPSI
Contact MØPSI via 
Instagram: @mopsitheunipig
Copyright@Temper Magazine, 2018. All rights reserved
    MØPSI: Human hating quotes, the chibi comic style brand story, the fun collages, the animated gifs,... All these details are little pieces of founder Kai-Li Ma's personality that have come together to create a millennial brand. Playful, cool, fun, witty, cute with an edge streetwear. Cool, but not icy. Cute, but mean. Playful, but not OTT. 
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