#also I'm an idiot and hit publish before I finished
ryehouses · 6 months
i was tagged in this by @bobafett, who wants to bring back ask box games! this was really fun and really helped drive home the fact that i am maybe a little too wordy!
y'all know the drill. copy, paste, fill in your own answers! feel free to share!
How many works do you have on AO3? impossible for me to say because i have shed ao3 handles like a particularly robust hermit crab, but if i'm just counting everything under iridan, thirteen!
What’s your total AO3 word count? ......1.3 million, as iridan. if we throw in some of my other psueds and the truly awful eragon fanfiction i wrote when i was fourteen, we're probably loking at 2 - 2.5 mil.
What fandoms do you write for? presently, star wars, jujutsu kaisen, star wars again. i have some witcher fic in my gdocs and older projects in rdr2, dishonored, anything that can catch and hold my attention for long enough for my brain to produce a bit of dopamine,
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? all five of them are in the ast 'verse except for lost country
Do you respond to comments? i try to, but it's really hit or miss! i am painfully shy and usually can only go '!!!!!' in thanks
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? of my completed fics, none! i am not really in to the angst ending. if i ever do get around to finishing it, i started a dishonored/his dark materials au that would have ended with corvo going slowly, gently nuts and taking over the outsider's place in the void
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i like happy endings, so all of them!
Do you get hate on fics? occasionally. i still think about that one commentor on ast who accused me of blaming the jedi for order 66 like, all the time. mostly no, though, everyone is really nice!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i've been told that 'wrestling as nasty foreplay' is something of a signature move of mine, so! 1) yes and 2) whatever kind of smut 'wrestling as nasty foreplay' applies as
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? yes, but almost exclusively his dark materials crossovers. i do have a witcher/temeraire fusion au sitting in my gdocs
Have you ever had a fic stolen? no, not that i'm aware of. i do semi-frequent google searches to see if my shit pops up anywhere.
Have you ever had a fic translated? i don't think so! ast was podfic'd, if that counts.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? i don't think so, because i am a whole idiot and am hard to collaborate with.
What’s your all time favorite ship? of ALL TIME? impossible to say. i am inconsistent and flighty. bobadin hit me pretty good, though
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? haha too many. i started a jedi!din fic and didn't get far. i've had several WIPs on ao3 sit without an update for years. i have drafted, redrafted, and drafted again a novel that will most likely never see the light of day. finishing even one of those would likely water my crops for several years
What are your writing strengths? i take particular pride in my settings! somebody on ao3 told me last week that i have nice turns of phrase, too, and i am proud of those too
What are your writing weaknesses? i have never once said anything in six words when i could say them in six hundred million billion instead
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? obviously i've experimented in various projects, but i am fundamentally kind of lazy and prefer to sprinkle in a few words here and there instead of spending the time to learn about another language's grammar structure
First fandom you wrote for? the first fandom i published anything in was eragon, way back in the day! the first fandom i wrote for was his dark materials, in a composition notebook in like the fifth or sixth grade!
Favorite fic you’ve written? could not possibly pic! they are all like my children and also my therapist.
i'm tagging @meyerlansky and anybody else who wants to participate! consider yourself invited!
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penissirius · 2 years
Seo Changbin VS Feelings
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Seo Changbin x male reader
SUMMARY: Changbin isn't the best at feelings and emotions. Misunderstandings happen because he's stupid lol.
ALTERNATIVE TITLE: 3 aussies and a devil bunny fight dwaeki over golden retriever child
SPECIAL THANKS TO: @ldrei Thank you for encouraging me to finish this! This is dedicated to you!💕
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: AJ is my OC and he's used as the M/n of this story! Miyeon is my partners OC, she is AJ's sister, and is dating Felix. I actually have 2 full stories one a AO3 chapter story and the other a non-idol social media AU that ill post here. If you'd be interested, please let me know so i know at least someone is looking forward to those stories T-T
AUTHORS NOTE: So, I wrote the beginning of this for my English essay and it was the only essay I've gotten an 100% and a good comment on so I went to Tumblr and my partner asking if I should finish it and publish it because I liked it and my teacher loved it (her Not knowing it was a Stray kids fanfic I wrote just for the essay lol) after some convincing I finished it and now here it is. I would like to apologize because this was finished in December, and I promised I would post it after it was done and never did. I hit a really big depression block in my life, and I didn't want to do anything but now I'm back! Just a heads up I wrote this for my Victorian Drama Essay so don't hope too hard for a so happy ending lol. Have fun reading!
WARNINGS: Arguing, Angstish Ig, Insecure thoughts, breakdowns, panic attacks, yelling, violence, bAd WoRdS
AJ was on his way to the JYP Entertainment building to meet up with his boyfriend? Close friend? Friend with romantic benefits? AJ didn’t know but Changbin had said he had something seriously important to talk to him about, AJ had hoped this was when Changbin would finally ask him out for real. Oh, boy was it the opposite of that. AJ texted his best friend and sister, Miyeon, that he was on his way to JYPE and that if she needed a ride home then he could give her one. When he was done texting her he speeded off eager to see the man he loves, he also had serious but good information to share with him. 
    Meanwhile, at JYPE, Changbin is pacing back and forth in his studio panicking and talking to the one person he could for love help, Hyunjin, which honestly wasn’t that good of an idea but he was better than the rest of their friends. “God Hyunjin do something! Give me advice or something idiot!” Changbin says finally standing in one spot facing his group member while tugging on his own hair. Hyunjin stood pushing Changbin into the seat behind him, “First of all sit-down and get your hands out of your hair. You’re stressing yourself out and the stylist will be pissed if you pull any of your hair out.” Changbin took a deep breath and put his hands on his lap. “Now I can’t really help you seeing as this is your own very stupid plan. Everyone in the group is dating someone in some way or another. Why are you purposely putting yourself through this? Even Chan has someone. Chan has more game than you!”
    Changbin sat in silence for a few seconds before looking at his tall dramatic member. “I don’t want to take any chances, what if it’s not what he expects and leaves me? What if we date and get found out? He’s not an idol. He’d get way more hate and things like that! I couldn’t do that to him.” Hyunjin just shakes his head. “So instead of letting him make that decision, you decided to break his heart and make the decision for him? Well-”, Hyunjin started walking to the door, “You do that but don’t expect me to help protect you when the three Aussies and Lee know find out what you did. Even tho I think your stupid for giving up a guy who does so much, some that you don't even know, for you. I kinda understand why you're doing it. You better not hurt him, he’s the sweetest when it comes to his friends. So don’t make it worse than it has to be.” That's all Hyunjin said before walking out. 
    The shorter man is left sitting in an empty studio by himself, left with thoughts, “Dammit! I didn’t even think about the AJ protection Squad™️ that would be after me! If AJ doesn’t kill me himself they sure will.” Just then his inner voice said ‘Remember you used to be one of them, but now you’re about to shatter his heart just because fans and other companies believe it's wrong for you to date.’ Changbin shakes his head arguing back, “It’s more than that. Us being together could damage the careers we both worked so hard for! If people were to find out he’d get non-stop hate! I’m just protecting him!” He would definitely sound crazy if anyone else was around to hear him argue with his self-consciousness. He shut up quickly when he heard his phone ding with a message from AJ saying he was on his way up to the studio. 
    When AJ got inside the studio he hugged the shorter man happily before sitting in the armchair that Hyunjin was previously sitting in, looking towards Changbin with a bright smile. “Hi, Hi Baby Binnie!” Changbin swore that AJ’s beautiful smile would be the death of him one day. Changbin gave a nervous smile back, “Hey AJ” “So what serious thing did you want to talk to me about?”AJ tilted his head confused, still smiling. The idol was starting to panic not knowing how to talk about it without hurting AJ’s feelings. “Didn't you say you had good news? You should go first!” AJ laughed, smiling less than before, “Well whatever you wanted to talk about seems to be making you stressed and upset so maybe you should go first and I'll tell you the good news when you're feeling better!” Changbin sighed, AJ was right it's better to rip the bandaid off now rather than give himself more time to think it over and panic. 
    “Alright, please promise that you won't take this personally and you won't get mad at me.” That brought a small nervous giggle from AJ, “I've never gotten mad at you before, I'm sure it's not that bad!” Changbin took a deep breath and finally said, “I don't think we can be a thing anymore- we should just stay friends…” It was silent for a minute before Changbin looked up at AJ and saw that he no longer had a smile on his face. AJ paused, it was like his whole world stopped when he heard Changbin say those words. Changbin had never seen AJ speechless or that upset in the year that he's known him. AJ sat paused and baffled, Changbin didn't want to be with him anymore let alone be officially together. “AJ?-” Changbin was cut off when the taller one turned to him blank-faced and asked, “Why?” The idol was confused and because of all the panic earlier his brain was no longer working. 
    “Why what?” Changbin asked stupidly. AJ scoffed, still looking at him with the same blank face that Changbin had never seen before, likely none of his friends other than his sister had seen him with a blank emotionless face, that just wasn't him. “Why all of a sudden do you not want to be with me? How long have you been waiting to tell me? You let me believe this whole time that you actually liked me and there was a possibility that we could be together. So WHY is my question?” Changbin took a moment to gather his thoughts before replying. “Us being together would be a risk. It’s not that I don't like you, because I do! It's just that our careers could be ruined if anyone were to find out. I know that being an artist and dancer is very important to you. I don't wanna be the reason that all falls plus if I get any scandals I might damage everyone in Stray Kids' careers as well.” 
AJ stood angry but still pretty much blank. “Alright, guess it’s my fault for thinking that you were different and didn't care about what everyone else thought. I'm sorry for thinking that maybe we would be able to be together and happy like my sister and Felix. And more importantly, I'm sorry that I went through all this trouble for you. I stepped out of my comfort zone and went through so many panic attacks for you. Turns out it’s not enough. Guess I'll see you around Changbin.” AJ slammed a piece of paper down on the desk in front of Changbin before storming out to go find his sister and then go home. Changbin, saddened and confused, tried to call after AJ but he was already gone down the hall and into a different part of the building. Changbin got up and looked at the paper that AJ left, it was crumbed and there was a corner torn off at the bottom. It was a printed-out picture from JYPs staff to AJ saying that he passed all the auditions and was officially a JYP trainee. Changbin stared at the paper in shock, feeling more like an asshole than he originally did.
AJ walked from Changbin’s studio downstairs to the practice room that he knew his sister and Felix would be in and slammed the door open, way harder than he meant to, and looked at his sister. “Oh, hey AJ- What's wrong? Who did it? WHO hurt you? Whose ass do I have to beat?” Miyeon immediately noticed the difference in her brother's face despite his trying to act like his normal self. “Nothings wrong, I'm just ready to go home.” AJ said, walking over to them. “Nope, something is clearly wrong, sit. Sit your ass down. Family Circle.” Miyeon said, looking up at him from where she and Felix were sitting on the ground. “Since when did we still do Family Circle? And how is it Family Circle if it’s just me, you, and Felix?” AJ said, sitting in the half circle they formed. “Shut up now tell me who hurt you, imma beat their ass!” Miyeon said. “We beating ass? Should I call Chan?” Felix said, pulling out his phone. 
“There is no reason to call Chan. Don’t call him, I said I was okay!” AJ said trying to reason with the two Aussies but trying to do that is like talking to a wall. “Call him!” “I’m calling him!” Miyeon and Felix said after staring at AJ for a sec. AJ groaned defeated, leaning back on the floor still sitting with his legs crossed. After a couple of rings, Chan picked up the call. He put the call on speakerphone.  “Felix? What’s up dude, I thought you and Miyeon were practicing, what’s up?” “You need to come to the Micheal Jackson dance room!” Miyeon said over the owner of the phone's shoulder. “Why did something go wrong?” Chan said and you can hear shuffling on his side of the phone he gets up grabbing some stuff. “Nothings wrong Hyung, they're just being dramatic!” AJ yelled from his spot laying on the floor. “Someone hurt AJ. We’re trying to find out who so we can beat their ass.” Felix said into his phone. 
“Really? Why didn’t you start with that! I’m on my fucking way. Should I get Lee Know? I’m gonna get Lee Know.” You hear Chan set his phone on his desk and open his door screaming down the hallway in the dorms. “MINHO! LET'S GO WE GOT A CODE GAY DOWN!” AJ turns to them shocked “You guys have codes for this shit?” Felix looked back at him, “Yes. We are the AJ Protection Squad and we take our job very seriously.” They heard stomping before they could hear Minho’s voice clearly. “A code gay down? Whose ass am I beating? Where’s my child?” “At the Company let’s go.” You hear them both shuffle around before Chan turns to his phone. “We’ll be there in 5.” Chan says before hanging up. “The dorms are 15 minutes away!” AJ said, still confused about everything going on. “As Felix said we in the AJPS take our job very seriously.” Miyeon said looking at her brother, still bothered by the fact that someone made him upset. 
AJ decided to no longer ask questions and stared at the ceiling sadly still thinking back to what Changbin had said. Miyeon and Felix just looked at each other and at him knowing that something was wrong and they were determined to get to the bottom of it. In 5 minutes exactly there comes a worried and already angry Chan and Lee Know burst through the door. ‘If they are already pissed before knowing what happened, how will they be after?’ AJ thought, still staring at the ceiling, not moving. Lee Know and Chan move to join the makeshift ‘Family Circle’ before they all turn to AJ. “Alright now what’s wrong and who did it? And no bullshit answers AJ or I swear to god.” Lee Know says. They all looked more calm and worried rather than angry so AJ just decided to tell them, also because they probably would never leave him alone until he told them and it would feel better to talk to them about it. 
AJ took a deep breath before sitting up and looking at all of them suddenly feeling shy when he realized that they were all staring at him. “Well, this morning Changbin texted me saying that he wanted to talk and that it was something serious so we agreed to meet at the studio. And I don’t know why but a small part of me was hoping that this was when he’d finally ask me out or something, after all the mixed signals he was giving about whether we were in a relationship or not. But I should’ve known that wouldn’t have happened.” AJ looked down at his lap holding back tears, now that he was saying it all out loud the sadness and rejection is hitting him in waves. “I was gonna tell him the good news after he said what he needed to say but when he said what he did I was no longer in a happy mood. It felt like my whole world shattered-” By the time he got that out he had already started crying letting the tears fall into his lap. 
“He had said that he doesn’t think we should be a thing anymore and that we should just stay friends. And that hurt! It hurt so much but I still hadn’t processed how much it hurt until now, all I felt was anger. All I could think of was to ask why. Why did he let me believe that there could ever be something between us? Why did he let me get my hopes up just to crush them? Why had I been stupid enough to believe that he would like me back and wanna be with me? And he spouted some bullshit answer about how he actually did like me but us dating was a risk and that because I wasn’t an idol if our relationship was found I’d get so much more hate and shit. That it could ruin the careers we both worked so hard for. That he didn’t wanna be the reason I couldn’t be an artist or dancer anymore. And that if he got any dating scandals he could possibly ruin Stray Kids' career as well.” 
At this point, AJ was ugly sobbing and barely getting his sentences out correctly. Lee Know moved until he was directly behind AJ pulling the younger into his lap and wrapping his arms around him, setting his chin on the crying boy's shoulder. Felix and Chan moved to each side of him, Felix grabbing one of AJ’s hands and Chan setting his arm on his thigh. Miyeon moved to sit in front of her brother holding his other hand. The only thing on all four of their minds was comforting their youngest yet tallest friend and beating the shit out of Changbin later. AJ, although a pain in their ass some days, was their baby, the maknae of the friend group, and the only one who could get Minho to be this soft and cuddly by will. Not even Jisung had that pleasure. Hell even I.N. loved the younger and gave him affection. He was always happy and had something stupid or sassy to say, always there to make them smile on their worst days, and to see him crying aggressively over something one their friends did really pissed them off. 
AJ took some shuddery breaths trying to calm down to no avail before speaking again. “All I could think of in the back of my head was that I wasn’t good enough. That I’m still not good enough. That he was just trying to protect my feelings by not telling me that he didn’t like me that way. I'm not an idol so I’m not good enough. That I was stupid to think that just because all my friends got their happy ever after that I could get mine! I’ve tried so hard! I did so many things and it still wasn’t good enough! The amount of panic I’ve gone through during this whole audition process, the way I’ve unhealthily thrown myself into school and practice so I could get a better shot of getting accepted. The stupid strict diet I let that staff member put me on cause they thought it would make me look better. Because I wanted to be better! For him! I wanted to look better, dance better, rap better, be better. All for him. Just to find out my efforts were for nothing. That I’ll never be good enough!” 
At this point, AJ was working himself into a panic attack and Felix and Miyeon were thankful they grabbed his hands earlier because they know how bad his attacks can be on himself. They were all shocked none of them knew about the things he said. Miyeon knew about the school and practice thing and would try to pull him away whenever she could but that’s because she was used to him being a workaholic and thought that it was because of the constant auditions, not Changbin. Felix knew about the panic attacks because he’s helped him calm down from a few but none of them knew about the diet. He already has a bad relationship with food so the diet might have made it worse. AJ started falling deeper into panic and Lee Know pulled him closer whispering calming words in the boy he saw as his little brother's ear. They all huddled closer hugging the younger, letting him cry, and doing little things they knew calmed him down. 
Eventually, AJ calmed down and his cries turned into small hiccups and tears. He was so thankful they made him talk about this rather than him bottling it up and telling no one until he exploded and had a much worse breakdown. When AJ finally felt calm enough he lifted his head and everyone pulled away. Although he was squeezing Felix and Miyeon’s hands, leaning onto Chan’s shoulder, and refusing to get out of Lee Know’s lap, he was a lot calmer than before. He was very tired from so many emotions and crying. He was half asleep in Lee Know’s lap and leaning on Chan still. There was a long moment of silence before Miyeon spoke up. “You know I’m gonna beat his ass right?” The other 3 hummed in agreement. “Please don’t do that. I know I can’t stop you from talking to him but don’t do anything irrational. That’ll just make it worse.” AJ said in his broken sore and half-sleepy voice. “Can’t make any promises little Bro” Miyeon said, already standing up. 
“Just don’t do anything to have to go to jail, I don’t have bail money” AJ said before falling asleep fully. Miyeon leaned down and kissed her brother's forehead whispering, “later we will talk about that diet stuff.” She stood and turned to the other boys “Alright I have a Pig to slaughter and it won’t be the first time. Who’s coming with?” Lee know whipped his head to her, “you’ve done what?” “You heard me” was all she replied. “We all want to come but I don’t think it’s right to leave AJ alone so 2 of us should stay and the other 2 go.” Chan said, looking at AJ sleeping on his shoulder. “Alright, we’ll who’s coming with me?” Miyeon said. “I’ll stay with AJ, I will take him back to the dorms so he can rest and make sure he doesn’t try to do any work when he wakes. I also don’t think I’d be able to stop myself from fighting Changbin.” Chan said. Minho looked at the sleeping curly-haired boy and up at Miyeon. “I’ll go.” Lee Know reluctantly handed over the sleeping boy, putting him in Chan’s lap. “I’ll go to the dorm with Chris and make AJ’s favorite food and dessert.” Felix said from his spot on the ground. Chan handed Lee Know the car keys since they rode together and he and Miyeon would need to get back to the dorms. 
“We’ll drive AJ’s car to the dorm since I’m the only one other than Miyeon he lets drive it. And He was Felix and Miyeon’s ride home anyways.” They all nodded before Miyeon and Lee Know left the room storming up to the studios. Felix gathered his and AJs stuff while Chan picked AJ himself up. When they had everything they walked down to the parking lot and looked for AJs car. It wasn’t that hard to find with the obnoxious bright light blue color of it. Felix sat both of their bags on the floor in the backseat and got in on the right side. Chan set AJ on the left so he was leaning on Felix while sleeping. Chan got in the driver's side and started the car checking on the two younger ones in the back before driving off towards the Stray Kids dorm. 
Back at the company, Changbin is panicking. He feels so many emotions at once, he feels like an asshole, he’s upset about having to break AJs heart like that and overall he’s scared. He’s terrified because he knows that it’s only a matter of time before Miyeon or someone else shows up to beat his ass. He paces back and forth like earlier when Hyunjin was with him. “Fuck man what am I gonna do? I mean if I leave now there’s a possibility I can start running before they catch me- but where would I go? If I run, they're gonna be expecting me at the dorms and attack me then! I’m better off just staying here-“ As he finished saying that there were loud stomps and banging on the studio door, Changbin was glad he locked the door earlier. “COME OUT CHANGBIN YOU CAN'T STAY IN THERE FOREVER!” While Miyeon was shouting at him through the door, Lee Know looked through the keys Chan gave him and was happy to find a key to the studio amongst them. 
He pushed Miyeon slightly over and proceeded to unlock the door. Changbin visually panicked now, it was all happening so fast! He quickly ran to the other side of the couch and sat between it and the wall, knowing damn well his muscled ass was not gonna be able to hide fully back there. The two angry friends stormed in and Lee Know walked over to Changbin not knowing whether to laugh that he thought would work or just stare at him before he grabbed him by his arm and pulled him up to face Miyeon. The rapper looked at the angry sister in fear, the two scariest members of their friend group were currently mad and it was directed at him. Changbin should’ve said bye to his family when he had the chance. He opened his mouth to say something that would spare his life but before he could Miyeon delivered a hefty right hook to his face. ‘Damn that hurt like shit’ Changbin thought, grabbing his cheek. For a 5 foot girl, she sure does pack a punch but that’s to be expected from her seeing as she and AJ got into fights in high school. 
Lee Know gawked at how hard she hit him, not that he didn’t deserve it but goddamn he could feel that punch and he was behind Changbin still holding his arm. “You have exactly 5 minutes to explain why you did and said what you did to my brother and if it’s not a good reason I’m gonna punch you again!” Changbin quickly replied with pretty much the same thing he told AJ and Hyunjin, he was honestly terrified and looked everywhere but at her. When he was done Miyeon took a deep breath before punching him again in the face. Poor Changbin is gonna end up with bruises on his cheek and eye. “It’s a good thing we’re on a break right now. If we weren’t idols I’d leave more bruises than she did.” Lee know said smacking Changbin hard on the back of his head. 
“Listen I don’t care if you thought you did what was best or anything. You broke my brother. I’ve never seen him cry so hard he sent himself into a panic attack over someone. He loved you. He did everything for you. Originally I was supposed to be the only one auditioning and when I tried to talk him into it I stopped because I knew it would be too much pressure for him. But he did, why? Because he wanted to be closer to you.” Miyeon was raising her voice as she talked, her accent getting stronger, and the fact that the studio is soundproof definitely helped. “Do you know what I found out in the last hour? No? Then let me enlighten you. My brother worked himself into the ground with school, dance, and practice for you. He thinks that he’s not good enough. He let one of the staff members put him on some stupidly strict diet because she said it would help him look better! Why? Because he wanted to look better for you!”
Miyeon looked at him disgusted, “I trusted you with my brother's feelings and you broke him more than anyone had in the past. If you like him so goddamn much why didn’t you just date him! Instead, you lead him on. You’ve been all lovey with him, cuddling with him, taking him on dates just to outright turn him down and make him feel like he’s not good enough for you! Felix and I are dating and there’s no problem! Hell half of JYPE is in a relationship! Why are you the only one who is thinking so hard about your career and not the man right in front of you who would and has done literally anything for you! AJ is perfect and if you can’t see that then I don’t know what the hell to tell you. If this is how you're gonna treat anyone who has any interest in you your whole life. Then have fun being single and friendless because clearly, your career is more important.” 
Lee Know moved to stand next to Miyeon, rubbing her shoulder before saying, “We’re giving you one shot to make this better. If you fuck up even more so help me god Seo Changbin, Miyeon and I will not be the thing you need to be afraid of. You’ll have his parents and Chan after you at that point. You better make this up, but at this point, I’d be surprised if he even talks to you again let alone still loves you. If I were him I sure as hell wouldn’t.” Changbin looked at the ground in shock, sadness, and pain because damn those punches hurt. “I will make it better, I really do love him and I hadn’t realized how much pain I’ve put him through. Or how I was only really thinking about myself and my feelings and not his.” Changbin said, nodding. “Good, you have a week, and if he decides he never wants to speak to you again or doesn’t want to be with you. You can’t get mad because you fucked that up for yourself.” Lee Know said, looking at him. 
“I know and I take full responsibility. I definitely deserved the punches because I was stupid. And I wouldn’t blame him if he no longer wanted to be with me” Changbin looked up at them. “Not just stupid. You were a dumbass and full-on idiot. Now I’m gonna go back to the dorms and check on my brother. You are not allowed to even look at him until you’ve decided how you’re gonna fix your huge fuck up. Do you understand me?” Miyeon glared at the short rapper. “Yes ma’am” Changbin nodded firmly. “Good now sit and think about your mistakes” was all Miyeon said before storming out of the room to the car. “You really did fuck up and it’s hard to understand whatever stupid logic you thought you had but hopefully you make this right because he seems happiest when he’s with you and that’s all we want for him” Lee Know said looking towards the chair Changbin sat in. “MINHO!” Miyeon yelled down the hall. “That’s my cue to go. Don’t fuck up Seo Changbin” He said before he left the room. And so there Changbin sat left with his thoughts of how much of an idiot he is and how he’s going to fix it. 
I really hope you like it! If you did leave likes and comments! reblogs help as well! If you wanna read more of my shitty works you can follow me on AO3 @/penissirius ! If you’d like to see more of AJ and Miyeon and their Interesting Adventures in life in Korea and Becoming JYP trainees well you’re just in luck because the whole story of them is being written and made. Tho I will not post it until I have the whole thing finished which will be a while but I have a few chapters now! So be on the lookout for that! I will be posting a Social Media AU that is completely unrelated to that story so let me know if you wanna be on the tag list for it! Byeeeeee~
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wilddragonflying · 5 months
Alright, tagged by @tiltingheartand and I'm writing this on mobile bc otherwise I'll forget so forgive any typos/weirdness!
How many works do you have on AO3?
247, however a bunch of those are from the Collaborations series! It's a series collecting all of the fics that @queerpeasantchic and I have written 😁
Total AO3 word count?
3,093,324 (2,065,618 of which is from the aforementioned Collaborations)
What fandoms do you write for?
Ahahahahahaha ummmm
9-1-1, Roswell: New Mexico, Baldur's Gate 3, Fallout (as a whole), Detroit: Become Human, Sandman, Avengers, Stranger Things, Borderlands, MCU, Teen Wolf, Dragon Age, Far Cry (specifically New Dawn), The Witcher, Overwatch, House of Ashes, Harry Potter, Skyrim, Mass Effect, Justice League, Kingsman, The Quarry, Wonder Woman, How to Train Your Dragon, Buzzfeed Unsolved(don't think I actually published anything for that one tho)
Honestly like. If I'm in a fandom, odds are I WILL write a fic for it at some point
Top five fics by kudos?
A Question of Pack (Teen Wolf, sterek, canon-compliant thru I think s2? Been a while since I've reread it, but people are still reading it! Collab w/ @queerpeasantchic)
Between the Drinks and the Morning (Witcher, Geraskier, PWP)
Rumor Has It (9-1-1, Buddie, 5 times people thought buddie were divorced + 1 time they realized they want to be married)
What (Not) to Tell Your Friends (Teen Wolf, Sterek, established relationship w/ sex-repulsed ace!Derek where the rest of the pack finds out sterek have never had sex and meddle; another collab w/ @queerpeasantchic)
Two Steps Forward (9-1-1, buddie, Ramon and Helena come to visit after Ramon's retirement party and they misunderstand buddie's relationship, featuring Ramon trying Very Hard and not quite hitting the mark, but acting sincerely)
Do you respond to comments?
I will if there's a question or if the commenter is being a dick - odds are I'm more likely to respond if they're an asshole because I like tearing them apart them freezing the comment thread and deleting any other comment attempts 😂
Fic with angstiest ending?
Oh jeez I don't know I don't...... think I've ever done a non-happy/hopeful ending?????
Fic w/ happiest ending?
.... see above 😂 most of my endings are happy!
Do you get hate on fics?
Yepper-ooni 😂 I actually have a couple of fics that were motivated entirely by some idiots who didn't understand the concept of 'don't like don't read' when it comes to messed up characters having messed up relationship dynamics 😂
Do you write smut?
I sure do! Surprise myself with it sometimes, but sometimes you just gotta sit down and bang out 6k words about your favs banging
Craziest crossover?
Hmm I don't typically do crossovers, but I did write a couple leverage/supernatural fics way back when I started writing & posting fics; that's the only one coming to mind right offhand
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Ye! Or at least, had some where a request to translate was commented lol
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
See the very first answer 😂 I co-write loads of fic w/ @queerpeasantchic but I also like to talk about my WIPs w/ people like @tiltingheartand who is wonderful to bounce ideas off of and who has provided much food for thought & inspo 💖
All time favorite ship?
Oh God that's a toughie 🙈 I gotta say either Parker/Hadison/Eliot, or buddie, or maybe sterek???? It's so hard to choose
WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Oh Jesus *guiltily glances at google drive* there are.... way too many 🙈
Writing strengths?
Hmm I like to think I'm good at digging into a character's head and showing the internal thoughts
Anything requiring a physical description 😂
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
If the POV character knows the language, I'll usually put it in italics w/ a note about which language it is, but if not, then I'll describe the other speakers' mannerisms/attitude as they speak
First fandom you wrote in?
Erm I think that might've been Warrior Cats, *way* back when I first discovered fic!
Favorite fic you've written?
Without a doubt, Supplementations and Upgrades! This is a fic inspired by a Tumblr post wondering what if BioWare *had* gone with the apparent original idea of the geth bringing Shephard back to life for ME2. I wrote the first chapter as a one-off with my Shephard, Rochelle (biotic ping pong ball of death), and then the idea just wouldn't leave me alone! Ended up being over 230k words and honestly it's my biggest project to date and the one I'm most proud of 😁 I constantly re-read it, and have commissioned art for various chapters from @defenestratin! (With plans for more bc I CANNOT get enough of how they draw Rochelle 😍)
I'm gonna tag........... @queerpeasantchic @systlin @inexplicifics and anyone else who wants to give it a shot 😁
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That spy post gave me WAY too many ideas: I can picture either a scenario in which Connor is a government agent who's chasing superspy/master thief Ona around the world a lá Carmen Sandiego, where she's constantly evading his grasp, or that Connor and Ona are rival spies for different governments who keep meeting and flirting with each other on-mission before being separated yet again - Simon-Data Anon
SIMON-DATA NON I MISSED YOU MY DARLING ❤❤❤ So glad to have you back in my inbox!!! Fgjdldfgkd I love your ideas so much omg. 
The first scenario is just so *chef kiss*
Just imagine Connor chasing after her, this woman who is one of the most famous thieves alive, who always escapes his grasp and even toys with him, but in a way he sees what she is doing, stealing from Cyberlife (and Connor was not stupid himself, he knew Cyberlife had powerful items and did shady things) but not for own gain or profit, but to return items to their rightful owners. She’s some kind of modern Robin Hood.
They found themselves trapped in one of Cyberlife facilities one time, having to work together in order to make it out alive and unscratched. Connor had various cases going on at the same time, and the Cyberlife one had a new lead he got to follow. Needless to say it got dangerous, but working with her came surprisingly easy, even enjoyed it and had fun despite of almost dying. He felt alive.
“It was fun playing with you today, agent Stern. We should stop meeting each other like this, don’t you agree?”
Connor sometimes finds himself daydreaming about fluffy white hair and a playful smile disappearing into the night as beautiful olive-green eyes wink at him.
All the rivalry between them, who’s the better spy, the better agent... (please something along The Man From Uncle with Napoleon and Illya, just roasting the other but not being able to leave the other to their fortune when they get in a situation).
Please we need a scene of Connor and Ona having to work together towards a same goal, infiltrating a high end party or something and Ona has to seduce a target in order to get intel, all while Connor slips into private aisles of the mansion where the party is held to gather evidence and intel of his own... but he didn’t count on Ona looking absolutely amazing in that beautiful and jaw-dropping dress. He needs a moment. Several, in fact, as well as a double bourbon shot because his throat is suddenly too dry and parched at the sight of her entering the room, her honey skin and freckles showing in what the slit of the dress allows Connor to see and–
“You may want to close your mouth before you ruin your beautiful suit with drool, cariño.”
Connor instantly closed his mouth, clearing his throat as if he hadn’t been absolutely bewitched by the sight. He ventured a quick look down as Ona sat next to him on the barstool, her movements oozing elegance and finesse as if she had been born with a silver spoon. That peek of her leg made Connor seriously consider to loosen his tie and pop open the first button of his shirt.
Ona ordered a Gin and Tonic, delighted to see they put her favourite pink tonic. Connor didn’t want to admit he shoot daggers to the barman winking at her as he delivered her drink. Connor decided he should keep his eyes up and not let himself venture down at all costs. He looked down again. Damn it. Her giggle made him look directly into her eyes, finding them full of mirth and mischief.
“It never gets old.” Ona took a sip of her drink, humming delighted at it. “So, any visual on the target?” She looked around discreetly while leaning in a little bit as she took another sip of her drink, Connor mimicking her.
“Behind us, the table on the left. It seems you may have some competition, honey.” Their target was occupied by already two beautiful women fanning over her. Ona arched her brow, licking her lips in anticipation. She enjoyed a challenge. Connor followed the movements of her tongue.
“That won’t be a problem. In fact, you’re gonna be part of the plan, so play along, darling.”
“Play along–?”
Ona grabbed Connor’s hand, putting it on her thigh. Connor’s hand instinctively twitched, the realisation of what her plan was dawning on him.
Connor had to admit she was an impressive actress. Their target looked over the commotion, over Ona’s loud gasp and slap across his face. The sting made him think it was payback for that time in Rome when–
Oh, she was good. She stormed off with a “you men are disgusting”, grabbing her drink and purse and walking away from him to another seat, making sure the target was aware of the show and followed Ona with her eyes. Connor rubbed his cheek, the sting clearing his head. The barman from before came over him, handing another bourbon.
“She looks feisty huh. Better luck next time, man.”
Connor frowned, not liking the thought of this man being one of those who overstepped boundaries, but thanked him for the drink, agreeing as he had to maintain his role of “male with wounded pride”. He turned around just in time to see the target walking over where Ona was another cocktail in hand, crossing her long legs clad in an expensive looking suit and perfectly polished shoes.
Ona’s comm came alive in Connor’s ear.
“Are you alright? I couldn’t help but notice what happened before. Here, on the house.” 
“Oh! How thoughtful of you. But yes, I am thank you. Men, right?” Ona played perfectly her role. She made sure their target had her attention solely on Ona, letting the mob boss get cosy with her.
“Oh darling, I know. Men are the worst.” The mob boss put an arm behind the couch they were in, getting closer to Ona. She played coy, letting herself be seduced, not knowing in the slightest she was the one being seduced.
Connor stood up when a certain piece of information was brought up, smirking as Ona pulled it out of the woman’s lips without effort. He knew where he had to go, and new Ona would entertain the target long enough for him to slip through security, find their prize and get out without anyone noticing anything.
He froze mid step when he heard the mob boss suggest her and Ona going somewhere more privately, specifically her rooms Where Connor was. He was going to murder her after they got out of that place.
(Needless to say the image of Ona’s lipstick smeared would be in his dreams for quite a little bit of time)
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Aye yes! Okay uh, i might be a basic B for requesting Draco but like, i kinda have this love-hate relationship with him so uh yea 😳👉👈 I'm a slytherin so can you maybe do a Slytherin!reader x Draco where the reader is like, she supports him in a way but in the same time she's always the one stopping Draco from bullying others or the one pulling the other students away when they got cornered by Draco and his goons. And I'm talking like, the reader would and will snap at him the way Hermione snaps at the two golden bois whenever they mess up. Idk it's just everytime i see Draco being a dumbass to show off and it backfired i always have second hand embarrassment cuz we slytherin already has a bad rep and we don't need him making it worse :' but in the same time i would love to be cheering for him when he plays quidditch and such haha!
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The Golden Slytherin: Part one
Warnings: swearing, physical abuse, mentions of death
Author’s note: I don’t own Harry Potter or any of the characters also this thing is long and depending if I actually finish this thing tonight, I might publish all parts or most of it at least by tonight and tomorrow. Enjoy.
Draco. That son of a bitch. You were so tired of this idiot's behavior. You cracked down on the offhanded comments he'd make that made students around him feel upset by carrying a newspaper everywhere where you went. You'd smack him upside the head with it, making him turn his anger towards whoever it was, go to you.
Pansy sat across from you in the common room as you watched Draco play chess with Blaise. Things were relatively calm so you pulled a book out from your bag, Pansy noticing a copy of the Daily Prophet in your bag. "What is it with you and the newspaper tactic on Draco?" She asked. "Well my goal is that he'll come to expect me to hit him when he insults someone so he'll stop." You said, searching for your place in your book. "You're training him... like a dog?" She asked. "Well if he's going to act rudely towards everyone, I don't have much sympathy for him." You huffed. "Ah yes, I can see it now, training him with the entertainment section. That'll teach him." She snorted. You rolled your eyes. "Any other suggestions?" You asked. "Talk to him?" She suggested. "I did. He didn't listen. Multiple times." You stated. "That one was a long shot. Why not train him like a cat? Use water?" She suggested. "Meh. This way gives me reading material." You said earning another laugh. She sat next to you, staring at your book. You had underlined sentences as if they were an assignment but when she read the small words between the lines it was more like you were foreshadowing future events, writing theories and thoughts in the lines you made.
"You annotate your books?" She asked. "Yep." You nodded, reading silently. Pansy stretched, picking a book off the coffee table and taking off her shoes before putting her legs across hers. Pansy was your bestfriend, her being a bit more lax towards the rules. You loved having her around, especially because she seemed to vocalize what you were thinking half of the time.
Draco noticed the two of you and sighed. "Draco, your move." Blaise yawned. "Right." He murmured before moving his piece. Blaise noticed where is attention was. "She can hit you from here." He joked. Draco gave him a flat stare, rolling his eyes. "I don't know what that girl's problem is. It's like she looks forward to hitting me. And what the hell is with Pansy encouraging her!?" He asked. "You know Pansy, she is like the Fred Weasley of our house, she lives for the chaos like that." Blaise yawned. "Still. I don't understand why she gets so upset. She knows what this house stands for, why in the hell does she get so territorial when I mention purebloods?" He asked. Blaise looked at you and squinted. "...You don't think she's a Muggleborn do you?" Blaise asked. Draco scoffed but then paused. "...Wait do you not actually... wait does anyone actually know who her parents are?" Draco realized. "No. Well... Maybe Pansy would know." Blaise shrugged.
You checked your watch. "Gotta dip, George needed me for something he and Fred are concocting." You shrugged. "You're their Guinea pig?" She asked. "Well they are paying me." You chuckled before walking out. You walked up the stairs, going to Gryffindor's common room. "Well if it isn't our favorite slytherin!" George chuckled. Hermoine looked up with a frown. "No. No, you are not going to pull a student into this." Hermoine argued.
"Granger, relax, I promise I've been the one who's mainly experimenting with this stuff." You halted. She squinted. "I don't know if it's wise for you to even be in here, Umbridge has been cracking down on this stuff lately." Hermoine said with a sigh. "I'm fine, I'm slytherin. It's clear she favors the whole lot." You yawned. "How did you even end up in slytherin? You're so much more... normal." Harry asked. "Your guess is as good as mine." You shrugged.
Pansy had been reading when she noticed Draco in a chair close to her. She jumped. "God!say something before sneaking in like that!" She hissed. "I'm literally just sitting here!" Draco defended. "Doing nothing and staring like a weirdo! What do you want!?" She asked. "Do you know Y/n's parents?" Draco asked. Pansy's face went blank, her seeming to try not to display any emotions. "....Pansy?" Blaise asked, leaning on the arm of Draco's chair. "Why do you want to know?" She asked. "It occurred to me I don't even know who they are? Are they nobles? Puerbloods?" He asked. She sighed. "Draco. You especially do not need to ask her that question." She said sharply before getting up. She left, leaving the boys confused. "what the hell did that mean?"
You wiped your mouth, gagging from the left over puking pastille. Fred handed you mouth wash and you spat into the bucket, Lee Jordan using a disappearing charm to make it go away. Pansy entered and you looked up confused. "Hey." She waved. "What are you doing here?" Ron asked, eyeing her. "Stuff it Weasley." She sighed. George threw up in the bucket, jamming the other side of the pastille into his mouth and quickly recovering. "...Lovely." she grimaced. "Y/n, can I talk to you?" She asked. "Yeah, I need to study anyways." You nodded, grabbing your bag and walking. She walked with you. "Are you going to talk or-" "Draco asked about your parents." She said. You froze, standing there terrified. "What?" You asked. "He asked about your parents. I didn't answer him, mention them or anything, I swear." She said. You shook your head with a frown. "I don't understand what his fascination is. He just keeps pushing my buttons and now this!?"you whined. "I'm sure it'll be fine. We just won't answer him!" She said. "Yeah... yeah that'll... that'll work." You muttered.
The next day arrived oh too quickly, you standing in line waiting for entry into Snape's class. Pansy yawned, leaning against you. "I told you, you should've gone to bed earlier." You said. "Mmm but I wanted to do good on McGonagall's exam." She yawned. "Yes but you will do worse without sleep." You reminded. "Save it for the motivational testing posters." Pansy said making you laugh before hearing Draco. He had noticed Gryffindor's entry into the dungeons, of course saying things to provoke them. You sighed, realizing you left your newspaper in the common room. "What do you want to do?" Pansy asked. "I'll yell at him." You sighed. "Oh yeah, Umbridge immediately let the quidditch team back. Not sure about Gryffindor though, seems they have their lot cut out for them." He said loudly.
Harry rolled his eyes, you sighing. "Draco it is too early today. Shut up." You said. "I will say what I want- And let's not forget the absolute lunatics on the team. Hell, half of them deserve a one way ticket to St. Mungos hospital-" Neville lunged, prepared to strike him, but Harry held him back.
However it seemed holding back was pointless as a loud slap rang throughout the hall. Draco held his cheek, his eyes wide. "Are you insane-" your eyes were brimmed with tears you staring at him with a angry look. "Would you just SHUT THE FUCK UP!?" You yelled. He froze staring at you, Blaise being equally as shocked that you actually hit him. "You and your family have caused enough pain and suffering, would you just shut up with your god damn insults already!?" You asked, you shaking as you did. "Y/n-" Pansy put a hand on your shoulder pulling you back before both of you left. Neville swallowed slowly slipping away from Gryffindor and going back to the Slytherin Common room. You sat on the couch, sobbing against Pansy. "What'd you want Longbottom?" She asked. You slowly looked over to see Neville. "I... I never got the chance to talk to you." He said. You slowly stood up. "I'm... I'm sorry about what happened to your mum." He said softly. "I'm sorry about her failing your parents." You whispered. He shook his head, giving you a sad smile. "She kept them alive. She didn't fail them" Neville said softly. Your bottom lip trembled before sobbing and hugging him. Neville held you in a hug for a few moments, eyeing Pansy who looked almost sad at the fact you were sad.
Draco couldn't think straight. He kept expecting you to show up in class but you never came. "Today we will be making-" "Hem hem." Snape turned to the horrible woman in pink. "I believe, Professor, you are missing a few students." That annoyingly perky smile present her face as she spoke. Snape turned to the students seeing the empty chairs and noticing two slytherin students in particular missing. "Where is L/n and Parkinson?" He asked the class. "Y/n wasn't feeling well, Pansy was helping her." A student claimed. "And Longbottom?" He asked. It was at that moment that everyone did indeed realize he was missing. "I reckon Snape finally scared him off." Ron whispered to Harry. "Speaking while I am, five points from Gryffindor." Snape said staring at Ron.
"Perhaps this year's prefect knows where his fellow student went." Umbridge said. Ron gulped. "...I-I don't." He admitted. "Mm. I see." She said. "And what of you Mister Potter? Any idea where Mister Longbottom might've-" "Here! Sorry professor, Trevor ran off again!" Neville said abruptly, making everyone jump. Umbridge seemed unhappy with his presence almost like she wanted him to not show. Harry looked at Neville confused as he sat down, noticing his shirt seeming damp. Neville buttoned up his cardigan as Umbridge returned to her stool.
You didn't show up to the rest of your classes, Draco feeling confused and strangely guilty." What the hell did I say?" He asked. "Beats me." Blaise shrugged. "She hasn't shown up to any of her classes." Draco sighed. "Why do you care? It's not like you two have EVER gotten along." Blaise sighed. "Still, her reaction Blaise, it was.. it was extreme." He said. "It was called for." A voice said behind them as they sat in Flitwick's class. Pansy was reading her book, both boys turning to her. "Where's Y/n?" Draco asked. "Not saying. Maybe that good ol' slap will do you some good. Make you control your damn mouth." She said bluntly. "Was me bitching at Gryffindor seriously that bad?" Draco asked. "Idiot. It's what you did. It's what you said." She explained. "What? Why would she take that-" "you need to learn to keep your thoughts to yourself pretty boy. Y/n will seem tame with her newspaper after I'm through with you if you step out of line." She said, glaring at him. "Oh what's your problem now-" "you hurt my best friend. Haven't you ever heard the phrase 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorn'?" She asked. "The hell does Congreve have to do with this?" He asked. "You pissed me off. Not smart." She paraphrased before raising her book back up.
The next week was pure unadulterated hell. Draco everytime he even so much as looked at a kid wrong would result in Pansy hitting him, and no. She did not hold back. Your absence continued, Draco now officially feeling guilty. It didn't help that Peeves himself seemed to take part in the torture of the boy. He came into the common room soaked. "Call off your lackeys. Please." He said after spitting water out of his mouth. "What in the hell happened to you?" You asked. "Fucking Peeves busted the pipe in the bathroom while I was washing my hands!" He said. "Why do you assume I sent him after you?" You asked. "Because pansy is getting her VENGEANCE!" He yelled frantically. "Draco, I have no control over Peeves. As for Pansy, I didn't send her after you either!" You said. "Then why is she so mad!?" He asked. "Probably because you offended me. She doesn't take well to people hurting me." You murmured. "What did I say?" He asked. Your breath hitched. "I...I should go-" "You've avoided me all week, Y/n please just talk to me!" He said.
You looked at him slightly shocked. "Why do you care?" You asked. "What?"he asked. "Why do you care?" You repeated. Draco sighed. "Look I... I understand what you're trying to do. And I... I appreciate it." He said hesitantly. "...I'm not quite following." You said confused. He huffed, frustrated he had to say any of this out loud. "I understand that you are trying to make me a better person. And I appreciate you for doing so." He finally said. You stood there for a few minutes, finally sighing and going to your dorm. "I- Y/n-" "stay here. I'm getting something." You huffed before returning to your dorm. You pulled a photograph from your nightstand, walking back downstairs and handing it to him.
Draco took it confused. The photograph was a confusing one, one of a large group. He recognized one person though, it looking a whole like Harry Potter but not quite. His eyes were darker, hair slightly more untamed. Next to him was a woman with red hair, with Harry's eyes. He looked up confused. "...who are all of these people?" He asked. "...Nevermind them." You said before pointing at two people. There was a woman who stood tall, her blonde curls on her shoulders, her elbow propped on the man next to her. Draco paused, recognizing the man before he gaped.
He realized now why your eyes were so damn familiar. He'd seen them before. "Your father is Professor Lupin!?" He gaped slightly. You took the photograph back, looking down. "When the first wizarding war happened, something happened... A-a prophecy was told, I don't know what was said but it led to my mum going to the Longbottoms." You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. "She thought that the chosen one was Neville." You admitted. Draco was aware that Harry and Neville's birthdays had lined up but he wasn't aware that anyone would've pegged that moron for the chosen one. "She was so determined to deter the prophecy but..." you sighed. "Your aunt killed her." You said, the weight of Pansy's words now hitting Draco. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. "Neville's parents were tortured to insanity, my mother was held down and forced to watch it... and then... Bellatrix killed her." You whispered.
Draco felt beyond horrible. Pansy's words to him had this unbearable weight. "...why did he never say anything when he was a professor?" Draco asked. "Thought it'd make me safer. Less likely to be bullied or have any future problems." You muttered. "...Your last name... Mckinnon.." "my mother was Marlene Mckinnon. I took her last name because I wanted her legacy to live on." You admitted, eyes glossy with tears. "What... what did you mean by 'future problems'?" Draco asked. "Look at what happened to my dad when people found out what he was. Who's to say they won't assume I have that same affliction? Who's to say that my future would be okay when people like your father are in power?" You asked, looking at him.
Draco felt even more guilty now. "I can still have a future if I don't use his name. But as long as there are people like Umbridge, Fudge and Lucius, there won't be a way to pave the way for the next generation." You said grimly. Draco felt nearly offended by the fact that Lucius was a strong factor in your argument. At the same time, you also made it clear why you had a disdain for his family.
They robbed you of your mother. They robbed Neville of his family. Right now, he swore he could feel his blood run through his veins and it felt unbearable. His body felt heavy, tainted with responsibility and a legacy covered in other's blood. He knew his parents supported you-know-who during his time. He just assumed that it was for power, money even. Now however, he couldn't unsee this. He couldn't remove the thought that Bellatrix Lestrange was his aunt. Narcissa knew what the woman did. Lucius knew what she did. Neither of them talked about her like the heinous woman she was.
Draco apologized to you, going to bed as you walked off to the Gryffindor common room. The next few days were strange, Draco being silent, even at times scolding Blaise for insulting someone. However the strangest thing, was the newfound protective nature over both you and Neville. It confused the hell out of you and him, noticing Draco's constant interference with other's comments or bullying. He even seemed to be more okay with Harry, Ron and Hermoine's presence.
"Did you break Malfoy!?" Ron asked as you entered the common room. You rose a brow. "Uh... what?" You asked. "Draco! He's suddenly nice, is he actually acting that way or is it a kiss on the cheek before betrayal?" Hermoine asked. "A kiss on the what?" Ron asked. You sighed. "I don't know what the boy is doing." You said before Fred and George came from their dorm. "Hey sweetness, we got a new one." He said before tossing you a themometer. You caught it, walking away with them when Draco entered. "What the hell are you doing here?" Ron asked. "...Uhm." he sighed and put a hand on the back of his neck. "I..." he sighed. "I wanted to say- " "shit shit shit shit shit" George's voice got louder with every word. "MAKE WAY, WE FUCKED UP!" You yelled. Fred slung over your shoulder as George opened the door. "What did these idiots do!?"Hermoine asked. "Too hot of a fever for Fred to handle, nothing big." "He's passed out George!" You said with a groan. Lee Jordan threw the boy over his shoulder. "We got it, Y/n, study the solution, figure out where we went wrong." George said. "Okay!" You nodded before heading back to their dorm when you stopped. "Draco?" You said confused. "Shit. Y'know, I'm just going to leave-" "dude have you seen Fred He's like... passed the fuck out." Pansy snorted, walking in with a green apple in her hand. She stopped. "The fuck is Draco doing here?" She asked. "Oh my god I came to say I'm sorry!" He yelled.
You all stared. "...What?" Ron asked. "I'm sorry for being... rude. All the time. And... I'm sorry for everything I've done." He finally said. You blinked, staring at him, slightly impressed. "...Wow. never would've thought you had that in you." You said. "Right? The fuck you do to him Y/n, give him a concussion when you smacked him?" Pansy joked. Hermoine sighed. "Look that's nice but-" "Hem hem."
It felt like you were in a horror movie, all of you slowly turning to the woman in the hideously pink outfit. "What, pray tell are you doing in a Gryffindor common room?" You opened your mouth but Harry's flew open oh too soon. "Shouldn't we ask you the same thing?" He asked. You looked at Harry with a sigh. "I was simply getting my notes back from Lee Jordan. Pansy and Draco were with me." You said. Umbridge twisted that mouth of hers into a slightly disgusted look when you spoke. "You cannot be in a group larger than three students." She said simply. "It was me George and Fred. Lee borrowed the notes afterwards." You said quickly, almost as if you rehearsed this. "That's still-" "following the rules. I checked." You said with a glare. Her mouth twitched, as did her eye. "And I escorted her to ensure this exact thing wouldn't happen." Draco added. Her vision flew to him. "And what is miss Parkinson doing here?" Umbridge asked. "Simply making sure that my friend is alright. She's been unwell all week professor." Pansy said, batting her eyelashes. You knew this was Pansy's hilarious way of being sarcastic when she did that. However this seemed to hold over Umbridge. "Very well. Carry on." She said with a huff. She walked out and all of you waited a while before speaking again. "She's gone!" Nearly headless Nick said, emerging from the wall. All of you let out breaths before Hermoine spoke. "I cannot believe that worked." Hermoine said. "I can't believe Harry didn't get detention. Again." You sighed.
Harry rolled his eyes. "Why did she seemed to hate you?"she asked. "...Uh." you swallowed. "Y/n hangs out Fred and George. She immediately thinks she's a troublemaker." Draco said quickly. "I mean... she is a troublemaker." Hermoine said. "I'll say, I mean she was the one that turned Penelope Clearwater's hair-" you slammed your hand over Pansy's mouth. "She's joking- DON'T LICK ME!" you said earning a laugh. Pansy laughed and you swiped your hand across her cardigan. Draco let a small smile slip.
"...By the way Draco. We accept the apology." Harry said. You all looked over. "Not sure I trust it. But I accept it." He said. Draco nodded. "Fair Potter. Fair." He nodded. "We should go. Don't want Umbitch asking questions." Pansy said. You nodded, leaving with Draco and Pansy.
You laid awake that night, staring at the picture of your mother and father. This was happening. Again. A war was rising to the surface and it was only going to get worse. Your time at Grimwald place was fine, yes. But with how many agents constantly ran back and forth, looking at Harry with worried glances... this was happening.
You sighed, getting up, careful not to wake up Pansy. You slipped out into the common room, noticing Draco sitting in front of the fireplace. The giant squid's shadow passed over the room, it always was more awake at night. "Couldn't sleep either?" You asked. Draco gave a small smile, letting it disappear quickly as he stared into the flames. "Draco?" You asked. "He's really back isn't he?" Draco asked. You froze. It seemed you weren't the only one with that on your mind. You weren't much comfort seeing as your next words were rather blunt.
"Did you really think he wasn't when Cedric came back dead?" Draco sat in silence, nodding slightly with a frown. "...My parents helped." He whispered. "What?" "My parents... They helped. They did what was asked of them. They..." he clenched his fist. "My parents allowed this to happen- they- Fuck!" He clenched his head. You frowned, kneeling to him. "I supported them- I-" "Draco you're not your parents." You halted. You said. He stared at you. "I supported them Y/n, I practically fucking preached their message around these stupid school halls!" He said frustrated. "Your parents wouldn't be feeling upset right now if this were them in your position. They are your family that you love, I can see why you'd blindly follow them!" You defended. "That doesn't excuse my behavior -" "you want to fix your behavior?" You asked. "Yes!" He said. "Then tomorrow come with me after class!" You said sharply. He paused. "...What?" He asked. "You will see. Now stop moping. It's pathetic of you, and you my friend are not pathetic." You said before rising and leaving.
So there he was, following you. Pansy finally met up with you as well once classes were over. "Ready?" She asked. "Yeah, lets move it." You nodded. "Where are we-" "hush blondie." Pansy said, closing her hand as if to mimick a mouth closing. You walked through an area before finally taking Draco's hand. "Swear to me that you do not mention what is behind that door." You said. "What door-" he looked over, seeing the well polished door and blinked. "What the fuck-" "promise!" Pansy said, aiming her wand at him. "I promise! Jesus!" He said alarmed. Pansy nodded before both of you shoved Draco into the DA' s meeting place. Students were still gathering, though the few that were already present seemed shocked to see Draco.
"You brought him!?" "Relax Weatherby, I ran this past Harry he said it was fine." You sighed. "If he did, maybe the prophet was right. Maybe Potter is going mad." A student said. "What is all this?" Draco asked. Cho stepped forward, slightly friendlier. "The DA." She said. "What?" He asked. You took your picture of the original order, posting it to the board. "Dumbledore's Army." You said.
Neville smiled, seeing his mother and father. He put a hand on your shoulder and you smiled. Draco felt a odd sensation... dare he say... akin to jealousy. "I'm totally kicking your ass Longbottom." You breathed. "Oh you wish Mckinnon!" He laughed. Pansy smiled slightly at her friend. "She seems happier" a voice said making Pansy jump. "God- Lovegood, announce yourself!" Pansy jolted. "I'm here!" Luna said enthusiastically. Draco rose a brow, looking at her. "Loony- Luna lovegood knew about this?" He asked. "Yeah." Pansy muttered, her eyes watching her carefully.
You looked over at Luna with a warm smile, Luna hugging you. "Oh! oh I brought what you wanted!" She said smiling. She reached into her pocket handing you a pair of radish earrings. "Thank you!" You said smiling, putting in the earings. "Neville... how my swag look?" You asked. Neville snorted as you threw up a sideways peace sign, posing for his review. "Majestic." Neville answered with a laugh. Harry came in with Ron and Hermoine, Ron seeing the earrings and sighing.
You felt a hand on your head, Fred standing next to you. "Oh I figured out what was wrong." You said. Fred looked over. "What was it?" George asked. "Gotta dilute it." You said. "that's what we were missing!" Fred gasped. "See, told you I knew what I was doing, but noooo! You thought you knew better, instead that ended up with a passed out you nearly falling onto Lee and George with a ticket to see Pomfrey!" You said with a sigh. "Oh sweet luscious-" "luscious? Really-" "SHH!" "Sweet luscious holy majestic Y/n, we will never doubt your godly powers again! Praise her!" George said loudly, dramatically dropping to your feet and acting as if he was praising you like a god. You rolled your eyes as Fred and Lee both dropped down. "Pansy join!" Lee urged. "On this gross ass floor? Hell no." She said.
Draco seemed to notice a drastic change in you. You acted so much more outgoing. You were sarcastic, you were funny... you were so much more at home here than in your common room. "Oh by the way!" Fred hopped up, propping his arm on you. "Your father sends a message!" He said. "Really? Suppose he can't..." you eyed Draco before finally deciding to speak. "You suppose he can't send a owl because he'd be intercepted?" You asked. "Intercepted?" Draco asked. "Are you kidding? Umbridge is reading what we're writing. If it were anything private you didn't want her to know, save it for the next time you'd see your family." Lee said. "... She's watching Slytherins too?" Draco asked, slightly taken aback by that idea since so far she had taken a affinity to them. "Nope. Seems to us she left you all alone. Well except our little Y/n. But she's always hated her. Knew her mum apparently and found out who her dad was." George explained. "She thinks I'm secretly a werewolf. She's kept an eye on me these past three full moons, so far she has nothing to go on but apparently that doesn't satisfies her constant need to be a massive bitch." You uttered, showing visible disgust of the woman. "You hate her that much?" Draco asked. "Kind of hard not to when she passes laws on shit she doesn't understand and then makes your dad's life a living hell." You muttered. Fred showed a sympathetic look as Harry walked in. "Alright! Sorry it took so long, took a bit to not look suspicious from von bitchy out there." Harry stated. Everyone snickered. "We've got a new one. Say hi to Draco." Harry motioned. A few scattered, half-hearted hellos echoed through the room. "Alright... today we're learning how to conjure a patronus."
You muttered "crap" under your breath, Draco noticing but not saying a word. You all scattererd throughout the room, Harry guiding you all through the instructions. A few people produced bouts of light. Again, you all tried. As practiced continued, patronuses were all in the room, a few still struggling to do just that. Harry began walking over, fixing the common problem. You however seemed pretty reserved and now seemed to have stopped trying completely. He walked over. "Y/n? You good?" He asked. "Can't produce it. Oh well." You shrugged. "Is there a particular problem?" He asked. You seemed to not want to give your answer. "I can't... find a happy memory." You admitted. He nodded.
"Alright... close your eyes." He instructed. You closed your eyes, sighing. "Can you think of any moment, anything related to your mother?" He asked. Your mind scattered trying to find something, anything. Your heart dropped as you thought you had nothing of your mother before suddenly one memory came to mind. Blurry, hazy, but enough fuel to hold on to your wand. "Expecto Patronum" you said loudly before a blast of light shot from your wand, a image of a wolf emerging from your wand. Your eyes shot open and Harry smiled. "Knew you had it in you." He said. You smiled, looking at your patronus with the most beautiful smile Draco had ever seen. "Draco? You having trouble?" Harry asked. "Er- nope. Think I uh... think I might have it?" He said.
Draco closed his eyes, searching for a memory. Then it got interrupted. By you. He tried again, interrupted by you. He huffed. "Or not." Draco said. "Something wrong?" Harry asked. "I keep.... thinking of a different subject than what I'm intending to." Draco admitted. Harry noticed where his glance was going. He knew exactly what was happening. "Why don't you try thinking of the different subject?" Harry suggested. Draco swallowed, closing his eyes, flashes of you smiling, laughing, swirling in his mind. "Expecto Patronum."
A horse emitted from Draco's wand, you smiling at him. "You did it!" You said. He gulped. "Yep." He nodded. Well shit. This was a new problem. He liked you. Harry, judging by the smile on his face, knew that he liked you too. "Alright. Now, unfortunately our next lesson will most likely be a while considering-" "quidditch" everyone said in unison. You rolled your eyes. "Still don't see why we can't set aside the afternoon." You sighed. "It interferes with practice!" Angelina said. "Oh. Yeah, I'm sure that's a great excuse for the dark lord. 'Sorry man. I know you have this whole dark uprising but I got quidditch soooo. Sorry!'." You said earning laughs from Fred, Lee, Pansy and George. Harry snickered but Angelina rolled her eyes and you sighed.
You all went back to your dorms, you sitting on the floor and propping yourself against your end board while you and Pansy ate chocolate. "So I didn't think you could produce a patronus?" Pansy said. "I thought so but then like... I had this memory... I swear... I could hear mum." You admitted. Pansy looked at you. "Really?" She asked. "Yes." You said. "That's amazing." She said with a smile. "What do you think Draco thought of?" You asked. "Mmm. Being an ass?" Pansy joked. You threw a dark chocolate piece at her. "No. I mean, when we got back, he refused to look at me, even when we were walking back." You said.
"Who knows. I'm so over boys. Thinking of just ditching them and joining a convent or something." She said making you snort. "You were utterly boy crazy third year, what happened?" You asked. "I never.... I never felt anything towards them. I did that because I thought that's what I was supposed to do." She said honestly. "Mm." You pondered, thinking back to Pansy's past boyfriends. "...Pansy... has it maybe occurred to you that you might not... like boys?" You suggested. She blinked. "What... what do you mean?" She asked. You sat up straight. "Pansy you said it yourself. You never felt that way towards them." "So you think I like girls?" Pansy asked. "Maybe? Or maybe you don't like anyone? Or maybe I'm talking out of my ass." You shrugged. Pansy pondered. "I never considered... girls." She said. "Just something to think about." You shrugged. "... do you like girls?" She asked curiously. "Mmm... Well I've never ventured into dating." You said. Pansy snorted. "Right, miss chastity over here, sorry" she teased. You threw another piece of chocolate at her and she laughed harder. "It's not like I haven't tried!" You huffed. She leaned up from almost falling over. "Yeah, I know you did try. With Kai Waterton. Once" Pansy said. "It was my first year. And he rejected me, no one's been interested in me." You sighed. She snorted. "No one? No one. Okay. Tomorrow remind me of this moment at breakfast." She said. You sighed.
The next morning you and Pansy sat at the Gryffindor table. "Hem hem." Sounded off. You gritted your teeth. "Ma'am?" "No interhouse mingling!" She said. "That's not a rule Delores." McGonagall halted. Umbridge seemed to dislike this fact, her smile twitching before you ignored her outright. Then you heard that whispered word, something you didn't expect muttered but it was. "Bloodtraitor."
You looked up, glaring at her. You wanted to open your mouth but you knew that's what she wanted. You gritted your teeth and pulled your head down. The last thing anyone needed was someone snapping at her outside of Harry. Draco, however was standing next to her and heard this as he was making his way for Blaise and decided to irk her further, staring her down as he sat next to you and Pansy. Fred smirked, noticing what he was doing and you smiled slightly as Umbridge's eye twitched.
As she returned to the staff table the chatter in the great hall increased. "Oh, what was that thing you told me to remind you about last night?" You asked Pansy. Pansy nearly choked on her drink in her goblet before laughing. "Right. Okay." She nodded, patting her chin with a napkin. "Guys. GUYS!" Pansy waved all the boys attention, they turned. "What's up?" Ron asked. "Alright. Back when you first got to know Y/n, how many of you had a crush on her?" She asked. Hermoine choked on her food and Ginny laughed. Fred and George raised their hands with no hesitation, Neville slowly raising his and quite a few others raised theirs as well. What shocked you was when Ginny and Luna (who was sitting next to her might I add), raised their hands, laughing as they did. "...What the fuck?" You gaped. "None of you ever said anything!?" You asked. "You never seemed interested!" George said. "And Ginny, are you joking?" You asked. "Oh no. Oh no no no. You confused the hell out of me." She laughed. "I also liked you at one point but I love you as a friend now." Luna said. You blinked. "You even pulled girls dude. You got game." Pansy said, smirking.
"Wha-No no, saying I have game implies I know how to play the damn game- I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE GAME PANSY!" you said earning hard laughs from Fred, Draco, George, Pansy and Harry. You groaned into your hands. "There there." Fred patted your arm. You shoved him away. "Don't touch me right now I am so done with the world right now." You grumbled. "Come now Mckinnon, you're fineeee. You just are oblivious to relationships, there's nothing wrong with that. It's not like Harry has a track record, or Draco-" "I get it Fred." You grumbled. "Oh sweetness. You don't need a boyfriend to survive. I mean shit, if you're really adamant about going on a date, I'll take you on one or we'll straight up find someone to date." Ginny said with a shrug. "I..." you looked down and then settled on your answer.
"Do it." You said. Everyone looked over. "What?" George asked. "Do it." You repeated. Ginny looked at Fred. "You go left I'll go right?" She asked. "No need, I'll do it." Draco halted. Everyone's sights went to him. "What? Just helping a friend out." Draco said. Harry squinted at him. ".... Right." Harry said slowly. "Are you sure?" You asked. "Yeah. Hogsmeade, this weekend?" He asked. "...Sure." you agreed. "And I have a suggestion." He added. "Yeah?" "Wear blue, it brings out your eyes." He said, very close to your face. Pansy's jaw dropped and you swallowed. "...Okay." you said before Draco got up and walked out of the great hall.
You blinked, everyone's jaws practically on the floor. "WHO THE HELL KNEW HE LIKED HER!?" Ginny asked. "I did, I just didn't think he'd act on it." Harry said, sounding slightly impressed. "Are we sure he actually likes me and he's not just-" "oh no. No no no no. Y/n, look at the facts." "Okay." You leaned forward listening to Fred. "He was the first to volunteer. He heard what Umbridge said, purposefully pissed her off by sitting here. He knows what colors you look good in. Y/n, he notices you. He notices your habits, your little flaws that he likes, he likes you." Fred explained.
Suddenly sitting at the table in hogsmeade was a lot more intimidating. Draco was currently getting butterbeer and you were just sitting there, fiddling with the hem of your dress that Pansy picked out. Draco sat back down and you gulped. "I don't bite you know." He teased. "I know Draco it's just... odd." You muttered. "What's odd? Me?"he asked. "No. The whole idea of a date. It's ridiculous, why do people do this!?" You asked. "To get to know one another." Draco said. "You can do that without the dressing up and-and the awkward chit chat." You huffed. Draco chuckled. "Then don't think of it as a date." he said. "But you asked me-" "I want you to be comfortable Y/n, the last thing I'd want is for you to feel uncomfortable." He said sincerely.
You felt a smile tug at your lips. "...When did you meet Blaise?" You asked. Draco leaned back in his chair, thinking. "Oh geez... we knew each other way before hogwarts. Fathers worked together. But I think I befriended him because he always called me 'Draco' and not my last name." He said. You nodded. "When did you meet Pansy?" He asked. You nearly choked on your Butterbeer with a laugh. "Well uh." You coughed out. "I was her alibi." You admitted. "What?" Draco asked. "I was her ablibi for a prank. It was a panic response really, she freaked out, grabbed my arm and said she was with me and I, like the true trooper I am, nodded my head." You explained. Draco chuckled. "Been hooked at the hip ever since, she's my best friend." You admitted. He smiled. "What's your favorite book?" He asked. You pondered. "Well.... I'm currently reading a book called 'the hobbit' that's interesting." You said. "The... what?" "Hobbit. Small creature. Hairy feet. Eats like a fiend." You clarified. "Is this creature... real?" "Oh goodness no. Tolkien just has a odd imagination." You chuckled. "What about you? Assuming you are interested in reading." You said. He chuckled. "Macbeth is actually my favorite." He answered. "Actually Tolkien was a big fan of Shakespeare." You pointed out. "Really?" Draco asked curiously. "Yes, he actually had this weird thing about the prophecy in Macbeth. He hated the fact a woman didn't take charge, he-he felt like it was this big missed opportunity so he wrote this character named Éowyn and she absolutely OBLITERATES this enemy in the books. Pretty cool." You explained. Suddenly you realized your rambling. "Sorry, I'll just shut it now." You said drinking your Butterbeer.
But Draco had a wide smile on his face, looking at you as if you were the best thing he'd ever laid eyes on. "I am interested in what you're telling me. And I don't want you to think that your interests are boring to me, because they aren't." He said simply. "...So I can tell you what utter bullshit it is that he spends too many pages talking about trees." You asked. He smirked. "Trees? How does one talk about trees for multiple pages?" He asked.
He watched with a smile as you ranted to him on Tolkien's odd attachment to trees, that according to you "I'll never understand who the fuck finds trees that fascinating outside of Luna or Neville." "Oh god and then theres the songs!the man writes songs throughout the book like a tonedeaf poet!" You ranted. Draco smiled, his head on his hand. "The man just keeps going with the damn songs- it's like he wants to live up to Shakespeare but like- NO!" You said frustrated. Draco laughed at your comedic outrage. You huffed and leaned back. "Are you enjoying my pain?" You asked with a huff. "Oh yes, absolutely. It's rather comedic to see you this upset about a man who died before we were even born." Draco said drinking his butterbeer. You stared at him confused.
"Can I ask you something?" You asked. "Mmhmm." He nodded before taking another sip. "Why me?" You asked. He stared at you. "What?" He asked. "Why do you like me? Why choose me? Why. Me?" You asked. He set down the mug looking at you "You saw good in me. You chose to continue to chip away at me until I started acting better, you have shown me the consequences of my own actions, you've taught me so much Y/n. I like you because despite the reputation Slytherin has, you always see the best in people." "Minus Umbridge-" "Umbridge has no soul, that is besides the point." Draco said making you smile. He took your hand into his. "I want to be yours Y/n. I want to learn more." He said softly. You swallowed. "O-okay." You said blushing. "You do realize I'm asking to be your boyfriend?" "Uh-huh." You nodded, clearly taken aback. "So then it's settled." "yep." "We're dating?" "Uh huh." You nodded still at a loss for words. "Having trouble forming words?"he asked. "My brain has trouble registering the fact that I went from no dating experience to dating you apparently-"
"Y/n. Help. Now." Pansy's voice cut you off. Draco rose a brow. You noticed the panicked look in her eyes. "Uhhh. Draco do you mind-" "not at all, I'll be here." He said softly. You got up walking with Pansy. "Pansy, what's going on-" "I did it. I asked a girl out." She said. You blinked. "...Who?" You asked. "Luna." She admitted. You squinted at her. "Luna? Really?" You asked. "It-It just happened, I was just talking to her and then-then Ginny noticed Luna staring at me and-and she pulled me aside and asked me if I was into girls and I said I didn't know yet but I wanted to find out and next thing I know, I'm asking Lovegood out- What the fuck did I do Y/n!?" She asked. "....I didn't think you even tolerated her much less would go on a date with her." You admitted. "Well I never said I hated her. She's sweet. And strangely charming. And smells like strawberries for whatever reason." Pansy said. You blinked. "Wow I'm so dense. You really did like her this whole time." You said. "What-no." She lied. "She smells like strawberries?" You repeated. "...Okay maybe a little but... Y/n... what if I mess up?" She asked. "Lucky for you, Luna finds people to be fascinating no matter what they do. You chose the foolproof date. It doesn't matter if you mess up, so long as you don't insult her dad or the Quibbler, you'll be fine." "Why does that matter?" She asked. "Her dad writes for the Quibbler." You pointed out. "Why does that explain so much?" She muttered. "Pansy. You've got this. I know you do." You assured. Pansy let out a long breath. "I should get back to Ginny and Luna..." she said. "Tell me how it goes." "You know I will." She said with a smile.
You walked back to the three broomsticks, Draco looking up. "Everything okay?" He asked. "Oh yeah. Just... weird weird things are happening today?" You said slightly confused. "Blaise came in and mentioned something about Luna and Pansy?" He said. "Jesus news travels fast." You breathed. "I didn't realize Pansy liked girls." He said confused. "Mm. I think it's a new realization for her. Me not so much." You said. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I mean, I always noticed Pansy never seemed truly interested in guys. She never seemed to romantically connect with them, she never really showed any big reactions to anything to do with them. I'm not even sure she's interested in girls, it could be that she's not interested in anyone. But considering her panicked state beforehand..." You explained. Draco nodded. "I hope everything works out." He said. "Me too." You breathed. You looked over at Draco. "...So what are your hobbies?" You asked. "Mm. I draw occasionally." He said. You seemed to perk up at this response. "Really?" You asked. He opened his bag, handing you a book.
There were different drawings, roses, plants he had found across campus, a hilarious drawing of Harry that made you giggle and then you saw it. Draco avoided eye contact for a moment at you looked at the drawing of you. ".. Draco this is-" "you don't have to be generous-" "beautiful." You said sincerely. He looked at you, another smile playing to his lips. "Really?" He asked. "Yes- Draco this is wonderful." You admitted. He opened his mouth before freezing up, swallowing hard. You followed his eyes before seeing him.
Lucius. You looked at Draco. "What do you want to do?" You asked. "I suppose my father came in here to find me." Draco muttered. "Would you like to leave?" You asked. "No no. I'll... I'll talk to him, if you want to leave I understand." He said. "No, I'll stay here if that's what you're doing." You said. Lucius looked at the table before walking over. Draco stood up, shaking his father's hand. "Good to see you father." He said, though there was a subtle hint of distain in Draco's tone. "Haven't been hearing from you lately." Lucius said, almost ignoring you outright. "That dreadful woman is reading our letters." You said quickly as Draco seemed to hesitate on his reason for not writing home. Lucius looked at you. "And you are...?" Lucius asked. "Y/n Mckinnon." You answered. His eyes widened at the name, him locking into place. "...was your mother-" "father, this is my girlfriend." Draco said. Lucius paused at this statement. "Girlfriend?" Lucius asked. "Yes." You nodded.
There was this part of you clawing to get out. You wanted to unhinge yourself, yell at him. But you remained composed, staring at him with a fake smile but loathing eyes. "We should have dinner with your family one day, it is customary for us to meet the family." He said, eyeing you still. "I'm not sure that's a good idea." You muttered. Draco looked over at you, sliding his hand into yours. "Her father's ill at the moment, he's not much company." Draco lied. "Ah I see. And your mother?" He asked. You opened your mouth but nothing came out. "Passed away when she was a little girl." Draco said. "My apologies. I nearly thought you were..." Lucius seemed to not catch on. "I thought your mother was someone else for a moment." Lucius said, relief seeming to feel relief. "Do you mean Marlene Mckinnon?" You asked. Draco looked at you slightly panicked. "It's a common mistake, I think they were cousins or something, I dunno." You lied, seeing the slight panic in Lucius's eyes. Lucius let out a slight chuckle, you smiling politely. "Pleasure meeting you, and I'll see what I can do about this Umbridge woman." Lucius said. Then you had an idea.
"Wait, sir you work for the ministry right?" You asked. "Yes I do." "You can do something about Umbridge?" You asked. "...I may be able to, from what I've heard she is a very good-" "you should know she physically abuses students she doesn't like." You said. Draco blinked a couple of times. "What?" Draco asked. He had never been on the receiving end of Umbridge's punishments, he had no idea this was going on. "At first I thought it was fake when Harry Potter mentioned it to me, but then she decided to take a particular dislike to me." You said before removing your jacket and rolling up your sleeve. There it was, the scar bearing the words "I must not tell lies."
Lucius blinked. He sat down as did you and Draco. "When did this start?”
Taglist: @amhyeah @newtaholic-staygold @bbeauttyybbx @barnesnatasha @mariah-can-dream
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randomshyperson · 3 years
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy - Chapter 25 - The Battle of Hogwarts (Part One)
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Thanks to my gif maker and friend of course, @abimess.
Summary: As the youngest daughter of Howard Stark, you have ordinary expectations for your years at Hogwarts. Little do you know what adventures await you when your destiny is intertwined with the legendary Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: +16. Adaptation of the Harry Potter Saga, Magical Thematic, Prophecies, Mentions of Violence, Torture and dark magic, Language (swearing and minor/major offenses), manipulation of will, Underage kissing, insinuation of smut with minors, Smut (overage), descriptions of death, aggression, obscurity, angst, fluffy, soulmates analogies. || Words: 5.550 K
A/N> The third to last chapter is here, a little late because I just forgot to publish it yesterday. Well, good luck and good reading everyone.
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Chapter 25 - Part XXV - The Battle of Hogwarts (Part One)
The first thing you notice when you arrive at Hogwarts is the sky.
Maybe it's because you fell backwards onto the ground, and the high was what was within reach of your gaze, but you can see clearly that the exact moment Wanda apparated you and Charles into the castle, was also the exact moment when the protection spells broke.
The great force field placed in the castle, breaking into luminous pieces in front of your eyes, would be beautiful to watch in any other situation.
Now, it just means that you arrived just in time for the fight to begin.
A gentle touch pulls you up, helping you stand.
Wanda's concerned face checking to see if everything is okay, and you have to push the ringing in your ear from the adrenaline to absorb her words:
"[...]Charles is not breathing, Y/N! Help me!" And suddenly your heart is beating so fast that you have barely stood and are kneeling again, now next to the man who has fallen to the ground.
"What happened?" you asked worriedly, watching him squirm, the wide wound in his throat.
"He splinched! I don't know why I-"
"It's okay, Wanda, give me your hand." You interrupted her trying to calm her down, pulling her close. "Do as you did with me, I'll help you."
"I-I don't know how, I-I-"
"Trust me, then, babe." You guided quickly, as Wanda lowered herself down beside you, and you intertwined your hands at the height of Charles' wound who was almost passing out. "Breathe, let your magic flow with mine. The same way you healed me, help him."
Wanda tried to control her nervous tears, taking a deep breath. Her hands trembled on top of yours.
But as soon as you felt her magic, you focused.
It was a strange feeling, healing someone with Wanda's magic.
A soft sigh escaped her lips, and then it turned into a laugh of relief as the wound began to close.
Within seconds, Charles was blinking in confusion, trying to sit up, breathing normally.
"Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" You asked, touching his shoulders, and he shook his head.
"O-okay." He replied breathlessly, impressed. "Thank you, ladies."
"What happened, Charles?" Wanda asked worriedly, helping him stand. The sky exploding around you.
"We appeared a second before the protection spell broke, girls." He explained as he looked up at the sky, "I figured it would be worth absorbing the damage, rather than putting you two in danger."
"That was stupidly brave, buddy." You mutter making him laugh.
"Let's hurry up, I think the fight is on the other side."
You were near the entrance to the stone circle, just before the Wooden Bridge. There was no one there, but the force field was disengaging almost completely at that point.
Grabbing the Sorting Hat that had fallen from your head, and the sword that Gryffindor Charles had made a small belt for you to hang on your back, you ran beside them toward the castle.
As the distance diminished, your body began to shiver.
Wanda was in danger here.
You pushed the feeling away, trying to ignore it.
She intertwined your hands together, trying to give you a minimum of reassurance as you crossed the wooden bridge.
"Don't come any closer!" Someone shouted from the edge of the entrance, his wand raised.
The person saw Charles, who was in front, first. Hence the hostility, you guessed.
And then he recognized you and Wanda.
"By merlin, it's them!" Shouted the boy. "Tony, it's your sister!"
You choked, stepping forward.
Tony stumbled out of the area he was covering, and had half a second before he recognized you for you to catch up to him, jumping on his neck, hugging him tightly.
"Idiot, your friend almost stupified us!" You fought between tears as he laughed in relief and hugged you back.
He let go of you to hug Wanda too, but the loud noises of explosions in the distance made you exchange knowing glances about continuing.
"We need to go, the walkers are coming through the front entrance." He directs, but before you guys can move, there is a loud whistle.
You turn toward the bridge entrance again.
There is a large group of wizards there, who have probably appeared in the forest.
"That's why we're here, Y/N. I put a bomb on the bridge. Come right in." Tony says quickly, pulling you guys off the bridge.
The group of wizards is led by a grim-faced man with a huge scar on his face.
"Stop hiding, children!" He shouts as he walks.
Tony exchanges a look with the boy who was watching, and shouts.
"Come on, don't you think it's pathetic to attack a school, Digger?" Tony teased, clearly wishing the man would advance on the bridge. "You sound desperate, buddy!"
And this Digger guy seemed to get annoyed, but his gaze fell on you and Wanda, and his expression flashed with anger.
"My, my, is the Scarlet Witch am I seeing? You guys are fools."
You would have moved forward, wiped that sick smile off his face, if Tony hadn't cast an incantation on the end of the bridge, which caused a huge explosion.
He rushed to get you guys out, pushing you back into the castle as the wooden bridge was destroyed and that whole little horde of walkers was defeated at once.
"That was incredible!" The boy from earlier commented as soon as the explosion was over, "I'm Scott Summers, nice to meet you all."
You frowned at the outstretched hand. The name was not unfamiliar to you. But it wasn't until Wanda discreetly whispered in your mind that he was a friend of Jean Grey's did you recognize him.
He greeted everyone quickly before Tony turned to you.
"What the hell are you doing here anyway?" He asked, now almost annoyed. "Mephisto is here, somewhere outside the field. Neither you nor Wanda should be anywhere near him."
You started walking back to the castle, as you spoke. "You shouldn't have attacked now, Tony, you don't understand. He can't die, it is an ancient magic, it's called horcruxes and-
"Well, break it then!" He interrupts impatiently, because you guys are running and he is trying to get to the others soon. " Actually, tell me how to break it, and go back to Strange's room, that psycho can't lay eyes on you."
"No chance, I'll fight with you." You contradict, and Tony turns around with a grimace, but doesn't have time to protest, because by the time you reach the inside of the castle, it's insane.
There are many wizards in there, from the order, from the ministry. Also, a lot of classmates and children. Your first thought is to mentally curse Stephen for not sending the students home.
But someone jumps on your neck. It's Gamora, hugging you so tightly that she almost knocks you to the ground.
"By Merlin, what you're doing here, you can't be here-"
"Good to see you too, little sister." You interrupt in a tearful laugh, some members of the order recognizing you as well, but they keep moving on out, probably to deal with the rest of Mephisto's army.
"She said something about death magic, Gamora, just get her out of the castle before he knows they're here." Tony warns and he looks at you for a second before following the crowd of wizards outside, wand in hand.
"Let's go down the top hallway and-" Gamora says, already pulling you along, but you don't move from your spot.
"No you don't understand, I need to destroy two things, and I need to know where Pietro is." You say quickly, and Gamora blinks in confusion before answering.
"I think Piete was covering the Suspension Bridge entrance but-"
Wanda is already running before Gamora is finished, and honestly, no chance in hell you won't follow her.
Gamora shouts your name about four times, but the crowd of people keeps her behind.
"We should get back to Agatha, girls." Charles tries to ration, but you and Wanda keep running.
Hogwarts has never been so crowded.
The students are getting desperate, and you think that's why they seem to be running everywhere.
The stairs are changing very quickly too, and you and Wanda grumble impatiently as you struggle to get to Pietro by them.
It's when you reach the third floor frame that you lose your breath all at once, and almost fall into the gap between the stairs, but Charles holds on by the cover.
"Stark, what is wrong?" he asks worriedly, and hearing this Wanda stops running, turning to check on you immediately.
But you're not listening.
I know you're here, child. And I'm going to kill every one of them if you don't give me back what’s mine.
You choke, shaking, blocking your mind. Mephisto had managed to get in for a second, long enough for you to fall to the floor.
"It's him." You gasp accepting Charles' help to stand properly. "He got inside my head, and he knows we're here, Wanda. We need to hurry."
"I have to find Pietro and-"
"I know, let's find him first and destroy the Horcruxes."
In the Suspension Bridge area, a duel was going on.
A small group of walkers were trying to invade the castle through that zone, and Professor T'Challa, along with Pietro were covering the place.
You didn't recognize any of the wizards, but it didn't matter much, because Wanda attacked them the next second, her magic going by the free space between Pietro and T'Challa to hit the three wizards with a wave of energy all at once, which threw them off the bridge.
The two boys turned around confused and impressed, but Wanda jumped on Pietro the next moment, hugging him tightly.
"Sestra!"He said, shocked, matching the squeeze with a tearful laugh. You smiled at the scene, but looked forward, and your stomach gave a complete flip.
"How touching, a family reunion." Hela mocked as she slowly approached, behind her, Loki and three other wizards you didn't know, "It'll be worth killing you all together then."
T'Challa attacked first, but Hela used a magic you had never seen before.
It was a black claw, coming out like an extension of her own hand. It didn't break apart with your teacher's stupore spell, but rather darted through his chest.
You let out a loud exclamation, widening your eyes.
T'Challa fell down to the floor, dead.
"Did you like my new trick? I learned a few months ago, when Maximoff brought us out of the forest. I needed to learn how to never let my bunnies run away again." Hela narrated as she pulled the claw back. "Nothing fairer than to use that on him don't you think?"
But you attacked, furiously.
A shower of spells began. Agatha's lessons had been worth it.
You were dueling three wizards at once.
Charles joined you at your side, while Pietro pulled the professor's body out of the way, sniffling softly.
And then Hela was aiming her claw at you again, and you had no idea which spell to use.
You know the spell. Kill her.
Hela missed as you pushed that sinister thought away.
Wanda hit her in the ribs with a wave of magic and she let out an angry and painful scream, the claw hit the wall behind you, narrowly missing your face.
You muttered a “Thanks, babe”, realizing that the claws had a regarch time.
Your problem for the next ten seconds was to keep your mind blocked from Mephisto, ignore the trembling in your body from having Wanda in danger, and dueling three witches at once.
Everything was under control.
Until Hela took aim at Wanda.
"No, she belongs to the dark lord!" The witch next to the woman shouted, but too late, because Hela shot.
And Pietro reached Wanda before you did.
He pushed her to the ground, and the claw went through his chest.
"N-no!" Wanda screamed, and everything exploded around you in a bright red light that threw you and everyone around.
You shook your head as you tried to understand what had happened.
But you raised your eyes to find Pietro on the ground, and Wanda standing there, a red circle around her before she attacked Hela with a energy so strong that completely disintegrated her.
And then the other three witches were targeted.
You reached Pietro, choking on his own blood.
Just like in Wanda's vision.
"Piete, no." You gasped tearfully, as you pressed your hands to his wound. "Please, buddy, keep your eyes open."
He just stared at you, losing his strength.
You could feel Wanda's liquid fury in your veins as she kept fighting.
And if you couldn't help her now, you would help Pietro.
The sorting hat fell from your head as she cast the spell, and you looked at Charles picking it up off the floor, a confused but impressed look on his face.
On the brim, the Hufflepuff's cup.
You remembered Agatha's memories in the same second. About the cup healing the wounded, like it healed Thanos' colleague.
And Charles threw it to you before you even asked.
As soon as it touched your bloody hands, the cup filled with a transparent liquid.
You recognized the appearance because Charles was an excellent potions mentor.
Pouring the fluid into the wound, Pietro cried out. His skin burned as it closed, but the wound gradually cleared.
"Wanda, he'll be okay, look!" You shouted, and it was the same second she was going to aim at Loki, who was already on the ground, his hands raised in pity.
She gasped out her own magic, turning to you.
Pietro was pale, but he was healed. And Wanda quickly knelt down to you, and you stepped back so she could hold him.
"Destroy it now, Miss Stark!" Charles directed as soon as the cup rolled from your hands to the floor.
You waved frantically, but when Wanda threw you with the magic, the sword fell forward as well.
And it was Loki who reached for it first.
"Give it back!" You ordered, wand raised to the boy with the mixed look of fear and anger in front of you.
He just shook his head, and seeing the validity of the item, and understanding that he had no chance of facing you all, he ran to the edge of the bridge, sword in the air.
"Stand back or I'll throw it." Loki warned, and you obeyed, your hands raised in the air.
"Loki, please give it back."
"What is it?"
"It doesn't matter, just give it to me."
"She killed my sister, Y/N." Loki accused then, his eyes filled with tears.
"And Hela tried to kill Pietro. I'm sorry, Loki, but we're not the ones fighting on the wrong side."
"Wrong side?" Loki let out a humorless laugh. "You have no idea what he's done do you?"
"Who, Loki?"
"Odin." He retorted in disgust, his sword swinging over the edge. You swallowed dryly, trying to think of the possibilities of reaching Loki before he threw the sword.
"No buddy, I don't know what you're talking about."
"You think you're fighting for the right side?" He angrily accuses. "Odin killed my parents!"
You frown in confusion.
"Is that why you are fighting for Mephisto? Is it for revenge?"
"I am a child of late autumn, Y/N." He clarified, and you widen your eyes. "Odin killed my family."
You shake your head. "No, Loki. Mephisto searched for the children, he wanted to find Wanda. He-"
"Do you really think only the dark lord was looking for the children of the prophecy?" He interrupts angrily. "Everyone was. And when Odin came into my house, my parents thought he was a walker, and they attacked. And Odin killed them. And because he loved to play the good man part, he took me to live with him. All these years, I never knew. Until Hela told me the truth."
"Do you think fighting for Mephisto changes that? Odin made a mistake in lying to you, that doesn't give you the right to follow a dictator."
"None of them had the right to lie to me." He continues angrily. "Your side pretends to be good, covering the lies for each other. But it was Odin who broke into my house and murdered my parents. He stole me. He stole my life."
"And I'm sorry, Loki." You said sincerely. "But teaming up with someone worse doesn't fix things. Give me back my sword."
"What is it for?"
"To destroy horcruxes."
Loki hesitates. He looks at you doubtfully, and then at the object at his feet.
"You are lying."
"No, I'm not." You return. "Please, Loki. We are friends. Don't make me take the sword from you by force."
Something in his eyes changes for a second. “Friends? Even after what I did?”
You swallow hard, nodding. “You knew it was me. That day. But you didn’t say anything. I think it’s because you’re not like them. You’re scared, like the rest of us.”
Loki just looks at you for a moment, then throws the sword on his other hand and advances against you.
But it’s not on yourself that he aims, it’s in the object at your foot.
The second the blade pierce the cup, a dark magic energy flows out of it. It throws you and Loki away, right to the floor.
You see the image of a furious face emerge before it completely fades away.
The second horcrux was destroyed.
Coughing a bit, you feel this sharp feeling behind your neck, and close your eyes.
Fool child. I will not have mercy on any.
It’s Wanda’s touch on your face that brings you back to reality. She’s pulling you to stand, worriedly looking at you as Charles carries Pietro inside.
“I’m okay, love.” You whisper weakly as she checks you, but you’re looking at Loki, who has the sword in hand, sitting on the floor. “You did it.”
You tell him, somewhere between proud and impressed, but the boy just seems tired. He swallows hard, as if trying to control the urge to cry as he stands up.
“There's little I know about my real parents, Y/N." Loki says approaching. "And one of those things is about their contempt for magics like Necromancy. There are things I need to figure out on my own. Loose ends in my story, that will now be harder to unravel without my sister, or my mother. But I will not follow anyone who is willing to kill others to avoid his own death. I think I'm pretty evil already."
Loki hands you the sword. You swallow dryly, holding his hand over the item.
"You're not evil, Loki." You say. "You just made the wrong choices."
He gives you a sad smile, the explosions getting more powerful. The fight is getting worse, and he sighs, moving away.
"Hela said he was looking for a chamber in the castle, something underground." He tells you, and before you can thank him, he has disappeared before your eyes.
You turn to Wanda, and she already has an understanding look on her face, knowing where you should go.
"Go. We'll join the main entrance." Charles said, but Pietro moved to protest, and Wanda touched his shoulders.
"No, I'm not leaving you two alone!" He shouted, but his sister shook her head, ignoring the tears.
"Up here, you'll be safer than with us." She said with her voice full of emotion. "Please, Piete. Just...go."
Pietro swallows dryly, and hugs his sister one last time before heading back inside the castle with Charles, running towards the loudest noises.
"Let's end this, darling." You say as you intertwine your hands together.
It is in between stumbling around the crowd of wizards running through the third floor to the stairwell that you remember that you don't know how to get into the chamber of secrets.
"Wanda, wait." You say giving a gentle tug on the hand that remains entwined with you the whole way.
And she turns around curious and concerned, but you just shake your head.
"We don't know-"
"Let's find my father then." She interrupts and you give a short laugh.
"Stop reading my mind." You tease as she pulls you to walk, a mischievous smile on her lips.
You make your way down the stairs back to the second floor, and an explosion in the nearby hallways catches your attention immediately as a group of first-year students scream and run away from that direction.
You and Wanda exchange a glance before moving forward, only to reach the almost completely destroyed hallway. A huge crater had been opened in the wall by a giant outside, who was looking in.
"Witches!" Said the monster in a loud, slow voice, as it noticed you inside.
You choked, stumbled and pulled Wanda away, before the giant could stick his hand into the hole and grab you two.
“Okay, not this way.” You comment as you run the opposite direction, screaming to the students outside to go the other way around.
Back in the Grand Staircase, there are wizards on brooms.
You frown, not understanding what the point of that is, but you figure that in their desperation, the students have tried everything.
And then there are walkers coming in from the upper floors, and you understand that whoever is in the air was trying to prevent them from coming down.
"Darling, where do you think your father is?" You ask worriedly, looking up to see two seventh-year witches knocking out a walker on the uppermost stairs, flying between the staircases with their Quidditch brooms.
Wanda didn't respond as one of the walkers hit a staircase, blasting the steps with a bright spell, and she quickly stopped three students from falling, pushing them back to safety with her magic.
Slightly out of breath, she turned to you.
"Upstairs." She says.
You let out a sigh. The upper floors, and the main entrance are where the fighting is at its worst. That's where your bond will leave you breathless due to the danger Wanda will be in.
But you just nod, and guide Wanda between the stairs, occasionally exchanging spells with the walkers who make it down.
Professor Erik is nowhere to be found.
You and Wanda are running for about twenty minutes, and it’s getting hard to ignore the way the bond is begging you to take her away from danger, as you feel an insistent headache and chills around your body.
As you stop to catch your breath, around the fifth floor, you keep your head down, as you lean against a wall with your hands on your knees.
“What is it, babe?” Wanda asked worriedly, her hands coming to your neck. “Merlin, you’re pale.”
“I’m o-okay.” You say back, feeling a bit nauseous. “I think we’re close to ending this, love. That’s why i-”
But a strong explosion cuts your line, the magic doing it’s job to protect Wanda for the wreckage that came flying all the way around. Someone just destroyed the sixth floor, the remains of the explosion flying to the halls, all the way down the stairs.
Coughing a bit, you get up, helping Wanda stand properly as well.
Before any of you can understand what happened, there’s a wizard jumping on you.
“I got the protector!” He screamed as you two fell through the air, in the gap between the stairs. The walker could turn into some kind of flying mist, and even though you were struggling against his grip, you couldn't get loose, and the ground was closing in at a considerable speed.
Your ears had an irritating ringing, and from the way your whole body shook, someone had reached Wanda too.
But then the feeling diminished.
And as you fell, you saw the characteristic light of Wanda's magic, before the walker's mist overwhelmed your vision, and you crashed against the steps, cascading to the last floor, as your back hit the stairs many times before you hit the ground.
Groaning in pain, you felt your whole body aching as you tried to blink and locate yourself, all half blurred around you.
You thought someone was calling you, and trying to ignore the whole accident to focus on the feeling that you needed to protect Wanda, but just as you started to get up, something came around your ankles, and started dragging you.
"Keep them busy, you useless bastards! The dark lord just needs the protector for the ritual." It was the last thing you heard before the bruises from the fall knocked you out.
There was an insistent ringing in your ears when you opened your eyes again.
And the floor was cold and damp.
It took you a few seconds to realize that besides the water, your clothes were wet in places with blood from your wounds.
Your whole body ached, but you didn't mind.
Because every cell was screaming Wanda's name.
Find her. Protect her.
You choked as you forced yourself to move, noticing your surroundings.
“Wanda?” you gasped breathlessly, trying to locate yourself. It seemed like a long hallway, and it was dark.
You could hear the explosions from the castle, even if they were muffled.
Someone chained you to the walls, and you realized that there were voices in the distance, and as you sat up, you tried to understand what they were saying:
"Harkness is going to help with the ritual." Someone commented. "Our master and his apprentice are finally united again."
"I thought he wanted to kill the girls." Retorted the male voice.
"The dark lord wants the scarlet magic, but he can only get it with Agatha's help, because of the fusion she did. I think she managed to convince him not to kill the children. For now at least."
The voices grew closer, until two tall, frowning wizards with their faces hidden by skull masks turned down the corridor, catching up with you.
"Hey, the sleepyhead is finally awake." Teased the taller one, raising his wand toward you to make the chains force you to your feet. "Come on, they're waiting for you."
Fighting the chains was useless, but you did it anyway.
And your head began to pound. Wherever Wanda was, she was in danger. Or maybe it was because she should be in great stress right now.
As you were dragged down the corridor, you were startled by the magnitude of the snakes embedded in the stones.
And then it occurred to you where you were.
Salazar Slytherin's chamber of secrets.
The walkers led you to the center, and as you reached the place, you noticed that colorful runes were drawn on the pillars, and candles were flying around. And in the middle, a pentagram that you didn't recognize.
What frightened you the most, was the gigantic basilisk skeleton in the corner of the room, perched like a work of art. You deduced that many years ago, the mortal remains of the creature were moved back into the chamber to avoid the curious.
It was no less frightening.
The wizard from before, hit your knees with a colorful spell, and you fell to the ground, facing the pentagram.
"Wait here, protector." He said, and then gave a little laugh. "Not that you have a choice."
"Fuck you." You grumbled but then gasped in pain, the torture curse hitting you in the ribs then making you curl down on the floor.
"Stop it, Zsasz!" Asked the wizard next to you, pushing the other's wand away, and consequently making the spell stop. You gasped with relief. "She's not ours to play with."
"Tell her to behave herself then, Vormund ." Retorted the angry Zsasz fellow. "I hate those half-bloods."
"Calm down, you idiot." Warned the other. "This will be over soon. Don't do anything to annoy the dark lord again. He's already pissed off enough with the destruction of the darkhold."
You widen your eyes, and let out a humorless laugh.
"Ouch, your master lost his little book? What a pity." You teased helplessly, and almost regretted the kick to the stomach you received, but the infuriated faces of the walkers made it worth it.
"You won't keep that little smile on your face when I rip out your spine!" Threatened Zsasz, causing you to lock your jaw by the wand on your neck.
"What's going on here?" interrupted a female voice, coming from the hallway.
It was a woman you didn't know, without a mask like the other two. And her confident posture, or perhaps her presence, made the walkers jump away from you.
"N-nothing, ma'am." Answered Vormund quickly. "The half-blood was being rebellious an-"
"And you two assume you have any right to correct her?" Cut the witch snidely, moving closer. "This must be a joke."
The wizards exchanged glances, but bowed their heads.
"Forgive us, Lady Mystique, it won't happen again." Said Zsasz, but the woman just held up her hand telling him to keep his apology.
"Go back to the entrance. No one must interrupt the ritual. And the dark lord is on his way." She said simply, and the wizards looked at you one last time before they started walking off in the direction they had carried you.
The Mystique woman waited until they had disappeared down the hall to look at you.
"I'm sorry for the hostility, dear, in the best of words, they are brutes." She said, waving so that the knot in your chains loosened a bit, which lessened the pain, but did not free you. You also felt a slight push on your back and legs, forcing you to stand gently.
"Do you expect thanks for the mild torture, ma'am? Not going to happen." You retort between teeth, trying to look around for some way out. But the chamber was dark and you didn't know the place.
The Mystique woman seemed to find your harshness amusing, and gave a short laugh, following your curious gaze.
"Even if you try to run, they will catch up with you." She says, making you lock your jaw.
"And even if you escape the spells, you won't be able to ignore the bond."
You have no argument really, so you just sigh. "What are they going to do to me?"
"The dark lord wants the scarlet magic." She answers. "And he needs to break Agatha's spell to get it now."
“But if he kills us, the magic will be gone.”
“That’s why he’s breaking the spell before killing you two.” She states simply, as you feel your stomach turn. But her eyes are gentle, and makes you confused, so you try to bargain.
“Please, you can’t let him do that, he’s insane and-”
“Enough with the begging, i hate it.” She cuts impatiently, but not cruelly. “Just do what you’re supposed to do and don’t freak out.” She whispers and you can hear steps coming closer. “We’re ending this for once.”
You frown, but Mystique is putting her hands on your arms to spin you around, making you look forward.
Widening your eyes, you take a step forward.
"A-Agatha, help me!" You ask quickly, watching the woman come out of one of the hallways to meet you in the center, wand in hand. "They're trying to do a ritual and-argh!"
Your speech turns to a groan of pain as Mystique's magic throws you to the floor on your knees, bending you over.
"Kneel in the presence of the dark lord, child." The woman warns beside you, and you choke as you feel your whole body shudder.
In the tunnel beside Agatha comes a man, whom you recognize well.
"Agatha, what's going on?" You ask confused as you see her walk beside Mephisto, to the center to meet you. And her expression is impassive, and you want to vomit. "Professor, what...?"
"Just look at that child, old friend." Mephisto interrupts, assessing you as you walk. "How did someone so weak get chosen to protect my sorceress?"
You lock your jaw, staring angrily at the wizard. He nods to the witch beside you, who also bowed.
"Raven, dear, thank you for taking care of everything." He says. "You may go, we will need privacy for the ritual. Go up to the castle, my sorceress needs to stay busy as much as possible until we're done here. And then you can leave it to me, I'll go after her myself."
“As you desire, my lord.” Raven says before getting up and leaving.
"After everything, you're going to betray us?" You accuse Agatha angrily, but she says nothing, just deflects her face to Mephisto, who gives a short laugh.
"Only a fool would believe that wizards like us do not belong together, Miss Stark." He says, and with a flick of his hands, all the candles in the place display a green flame. "Let's get on with it, Agatha. I need your help now that that fool destroyed my book."
"Yes, Faustus." Agatha replied before nodding toward you, and the chains glowed purple, steadying you tightly against the pentagram, which also lit up. "Let's begin."
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
Slow & Steady [P3] [Sabo x f!reader] (+18)
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A/N : Hi !! sorry for publishing this later than I expected, but I got a beta reader and we worked on this chapter for longer. Please do tell me if you like this more <3 We put a lot of effort into it. Now, enjoy !~ Genre : Romance - Smut - Bestfriends to lovers General warnings : Alcohol consumption - Dark themes - Swearing - S m u t - possessiveness - Mention of ex-relationships - jealousy
Synopsis : Isn’t love a matter of timing after all ?That’s what Sabo has always thought. It was about finding the right tempo, making the right moves and hitting the right spot. Patience is a virtue after all, and he had a lot of it. It all started when your ex cheated on you. You were heartbroken, you needed someone and he was there. Was he always that hot ? You didn’t know. But after that night you have never seen him in the same way. Also, please guys comment because this is the first work I put so much efforts in. If I feel like people don't like it, it just feels not worth it to me and discourages me :( I have 2 other multichapters planned but I am thinking of abandoning them because people don't seem to like it...Anyways, please do interact if you like it :)
Part I - Part II -
In the last chapter :
You looked at Sabo go away and you followed him shortly after. Meanwhile Ace was sitting on the couch and watching some movies. You went back home and was quite tormented. It wasn’t the right time to worry as you had your assignments and studies to deal with. On one hand, you didn’t even have the time to think of your ex boyfriend and his cheating but on the other, you felt like you were let down by Sabo.
But why ? He didn’t do anything.
He just found himself a new friend and a potential new girlfriend.He didn’t even talk about her, but why where you so upset by him meeting her ? After all, he had the right to date just like you always did.A few days have passed and you didn’t get the chance to talk to Sabo. Your exams were getting closer and closer and you didn’t feel ready.Usually, Sabo would help you with your assignments but you were too scared to ask. You realized how much you relied on him and how he has been always there for you.
Who were you exactly to him ?
Maybe you took him for granted.
As you were on your bed looking at the ceiling and trying to collect every drop of motivation in your system to study, you heard your phone ring. It was Sabo’s ringtone !
“Hi (Y/N),how are you doing?”
“Oh, Sabo! I'm fine. Kinda busy studying. And you? Haven't heard from you since last time.”
“Sorry about that. My schedule has been extremely tight lately. But I am free now!”
“I was just thinking of you. I have to turn in my history assignment tonight and I might need your help...Pleaaaaaase~ I know you're so good at history, please come save me!”
You could hear him laugh on the other side of the line. His laugh sounded so bright, making your heart flutter. You really did miss him. In the end, you were best friends, right?
“Alright! I'll come rescue you. After all, I have to make up for disappearing.”
“Sabo, you're the best! Would you mind coming to my place?”
“I'll be there in twenty minutes. See you then.”
“See you!”
Hanging up, you thought to yourself: you’ve never been this happy to see Sabo. You rolled on your bed in excitement. Twenty minutes seemed enough to make your room and yourself look somewhat presentable, he has never seen your messy room before. Fifteen minutes later, Sabo was in your room, both of you sat on the bed and started studying. Sabo had always been a top student, he was passionate about history in particular. Helping with your assignments was never a big deal to him.
Now that you gave it some thought, maybe most of your good grades were thanks to his help. He had tutored you many times when you were both in high school and that stayed a constant in your life even now.. Once you finished and sent the file to your professor, it was already late afternoon and Sabo was putting on his coat to go back home.
You had almost forgotten about what happened last week because of all the studying. Things weren't awkward anymore. But you wanted to bring it up because you couldn't help but think about the words he said.
“Sabo ?”
He turned back and looked at you with a smile.
“Yes? Do you need something else?”
“Don't go, I want to...  I want to ask you a question.” You patted the place next to you on the bed.
“Are you alright? You look very pale.” He sat next to you and the proximity made you extremely nervous. Although he had been close to you so many times before, you wondered why this time his proximity was affecting you so. The built up tension was getting unbearable. You could feel the knot in your stomach tighten, but you had to do it, you had to relieve yourself from this situation, otherwise it will still preoccupy you. With a nervous toss of your hair, you asked him, your eyes fixated somewhere on his chest :
“Well...Did I say something weird to you last time?”
“Last time?” he repeats in apparent confusion..
“Well, you know, when I got drunk, did I say something weird?...when you took me back home…”
You didn't even dare look at his face.
“Oh...nothing worth mentioning. Don't worry.” A sweet smile.
Oh, really now? I asked you to fuck me and you're saying “nothing fucking worth mentioning”? Bullshit.
...Or did I make all of that up?
“Didn't I…” you stop, clearing your throat, “didn't I ask you..to...well, you know…” You looked away in exasperation, annoyed that you had to say this and that you could feel your face quickly heating up. You felt your helplessness more fully now as you were discreetly looking at him to guess his reaction. Your eyes were shy and avoiding, looking his way then looking away continuously, almost instinctively.
“Hm? What?” He was amused, the bastard.
“Well...Didn't I ask you to fuck me or something?”
He burst out laughing, looking at your flushed face and the way you said that so fast that he was tempted to tap his ear and tell you that he didn't hear you quite well, but he simply refrained. That would be too much teasing.
For now.
And it wasn't the right time
“Ha, that.” He marked a pause, “it's only worth mentioning if you want to.”
You bit your lower lip, so he did remember…”Well, about that…”
“Just ask me to and I'll forget.”
But what if I don't want you to forget? You fucking idiot. When did you turn out to be this hot? Did seeing his morning wood put me in such a mood? Do I have this little self-respect? Risking our friendship like this?
He leaned closer to you so that his face was only centimeters away.
His minty breath was ghosting over your cheek;
“But just so you know, there's no going back.”
Was this the same Sabo from a few minutes ago? Was he really tempted to have sex with you? You felt flattered. You thought about Nami's words. Was he really into you? You felt insecure.
You've never felt insecure before.
You contemplated the idea for a second. You had just broken up with your boyfriend and you were now yearning to get fucked by your best friend - a guy that you've never even seen in that way before.
But how many things did you truly know about Sabo? How many things were you not seeing and being unaware of when it came to this man? You were slowly coming to the realization that he had been keeping a lot of things private - his personal life and thoughts mostly held close to himself at all times.
It was always about you in this friendship. And he was patient, oh so patient. You wanted to see all these sides to him that you've never seen before. It was like discovering the hidden door of a secret Eden.
You closed your eyes. You knew that he wouldn't hurt your feelings. You trusted him. You wanted this. You wanted to break the spell that got you dreaming of what you were denied.
You nodded and his smile widened ; Here you were falling, finally.
“I didn't expect anything less from you. What a brave girl you are. I was waiting for you to bring this up. Took you quite a long time.”
He twirled a strand of your hair between his fingers, pressing his hot lips on your forehead. Your breath stopped for a second, eyes closed tightly. You weren't used to this tension, your heart was beating uncomfortably fast.
Where did the prude Sabo that you always imagined go? He was acting normal a few moments ago, and now this? This was definitely more, or at least different than whatever you would have expected.
Your cheeks warmed up at his praise, you were just like a little girl that was given a piece of candy. But you wanted way more.
“Now that I think of it… you haven’t been really good, have you? You said things that you shouldn't have. You’ve tested my patience quite a bit the other day, baby.”
It sounded so natural, the way he called you baby, as if he had always done it. It surprisingly took you not even two seconds to adjust to this new Sabo that you saw. In hindsight, you think you might’ve longed for this Sabo, one who is so open and expressive with you.
“Huh ? What are you on 'bout ? I still stand by my position…”
Saying this was a bad idea.
He raised an eyebrow.
"I mean, it's true, I've never seen you with a girl before. Wouldn't be surprised if you were a virgin. But it's okay, I don't mind… well… teaching you…”
You looked away. It felt a bit off, as if you were playing a role but you were very much into it. There had always been that bratty side to you that he loved so much. He smirked, rolling his eyes. Always with the tough talk huh? He thought.
Smiling knowingly, he reached out for your face. He gently gripped your chin between two fingers, brushing his thumb over your lower lip as he said,
“Looks like you need a good lesson.” He shoved two gloved fingers into your mouth, taking you by surprise and making you instantly back off a bit.
“Hmm. Let's put this dirty mouth of yours to better use.”
He took his fingers out of your mouth, leaving a leathery aftertaste on your tongue. His arm encircled your waist and he held you up effortlessly, securing you against his lap. As you were just wearing a dress, you could feel him getting hard through your panties and you couldn't help but tighten your thighs at this feeling, getting instantly turned on. When did you start wanting him this much?
The corner of his lips curled up as he saw you already getting eager from a simple touch. His arm held your hips in place so you didn’t move around.
He replaced his fingers with his lips, kissing you hungrily. It was nothing like that drunken kiss that you both shared the other night. His tongue got you feeling butterflies in your stomach, heart pounding so hard as you pressed your chest against his, seeking his warmth.
You were going have sex with your best friend and he had a huge dick and he was nothing close to the vanilla prude guy that you expected him to be. You were thrilled. Everything happened so fast. You never realized that you were so desperate for his touch.
You tangled your fingers into his blond locks, moaning into the kiss. You pulled away, cheeks ablaze, impressed by his skills.
“You're a good kisser…”
“Look at you getting all worked up by a kiss...Tell me, who's the virgin here, huh?”
You blushed at his remark and looked away. Cute, he thought to himself.
But it wasn't enough. Not yet. With a sense of urgency, you kissed him again as if it was your last chance to taste his lips. His pace was slower, he wanted to take his time to enjoy this moment while you wanted to rush it up and go to the next step. Breathless, you pull away, hesitant and curious.
“Sabo, do you… Do you like me?”
“I do.” He put his forehead against yours, making you  look deeply into his eyes. The look he was giving you seemed unfamiliar, making you feel intimidated. How did he hide his feelings so well and why did he say them now?If he said he liked me before, would it have been differentWhat changed within him, to make him act like this and most importantly, what changed within you to make you need him so badly? You dipped in for a kiss, trying to get a grasp on your feelings. It didn't feel weird, it felt good, as if you had wanted it for so long.
“Sabo,” you stuttered. He loved the way your voice cracked, how hesitant you were, how your cheekiness disappeared, leaving behind only your conflicted emotions. “I thought about what you said last time and...I...I think I want to. Now.” You emphasised on the last word, goading him into agreeing.
A victorious smile danced on his lips.
“You think?”
He smirked and lifted your chin up so you could look right into his eyes. You couldn't help but close the gap between the two of you, shamelessly rocking on his thighs to get some friction. You kept thinking about the words he had said when you were drunk, you really wanted him. Yes, maybe it was just lust. Maybe it was just a strong desire to sabotage the most precious thing that you had. But for now, you needed his warmth. He pulled back, making you groan in displeasure like a cat in heat. He smiled, his lips barely grazing yours and added,
“You're not ready yet, kitten.”
The look of disappointment on your face said it all. You couldn't believe he turned you down. Once again. You were so adorable, for a moment he thought that he would just snap and take you right there.
“What do you mean ‘I'm not ready yet’ ?! I just said I was. I want you too. That's what I said. I'm sober now, I'll recall how good you are.”
“Patience is a virtue.”
He smiles, and you would’ve given years off your life just to punch him. You could swear you still felt him hard against you and he was acting so composed. You didn't want to let him go.
You were scared that if you did, he would disappear into dust. You felt so desperate, so humiliated.Dying for his attention and heartbroken from past experiences.
“I have to go now.” He lifts you up with ease, placing you on the bed again. He then put his coat on. You looked at him leave with puppy eyes and for a second he hesitated. He was tempted to change his mind. But he had waited for so long and he couldn't afford to ruin everything now. Not when you were so close, so ready and eager to take him.
“Don't go.” You pleaded.
“And who will feed Ace?” He says with a smile.
“I don't care. Don't go…” You got up and hugged him from behind, tightly, letting your mask fall. His departure and abrupt ending of the tense situation he had placed you in, his act so nonchalant, had awakened some insecurity within you.It was driving you insane.
You were confused.
His heart melted at your sweetness. He remembered the reason behind his love for you. You were so fragile, so honest.
“I really have to go, princess.” How could he say such things so easily? “But I promise that I will make up for it next time.”
Tag list : @vemuabhi @chloe-abbacchio @mwls-garden @soanywaysistartedsimping @portgaslari @lofi-coffee If you wanna get tagged just ask for it :)
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sherl-grey · 3 years
Okay, you've said before that there are fic moments that stick in your head - could you name some of your favorites? 🥰
hello candy my darling!!!! 💖 oh boy, i sure can, but like all times anyone asks for a list i'm sure i'll forget a ton of good ones 😂 what i'm gonna do is list the fics up here and then do the moments below a cut, in case you (or whoever's reading) haven't read one of them and don't want spoilers! you can just ctrl-F to the ones you wanna see i think? (alternatively if you're like "I need motivation to start this” you can read all of the spoilers of my favorite parts, haha)
also just by nature of this request (things that i think about even months after i've read them) it's harder to include recently-published fics so a lot of these are probably old? i haven’t looked at the dates tbh but anyways, something to keep in mind is that this lacks newer fics!
(also just saying like--i love talking about fics so if you or anyone is like "I'VE READ THAT LET'S CHAT" or “hey have you read this? let’s talk best moments” yes absolutely hit me up)
Fics Mentioned Below The Cut -
Terra Glacies by Vampiyaa
Five Days by Vampiyaa
Long Way 'Round by Aelwyn
After Life by Aelwyn
Time is Still A-Flying by Chocolatequeen
For Whom His Hearts Beat by GroovyKat
Speaking His Language/Reclaiming Gallifrey by GroovyKat
Queen of Hearts by CupofSonic
The Aftermath of Forever by NoPondInTheForest
Run with You by mltrefry
Until the End by mltrefry
When the Wolf Runs by Emmitha
Battle in the Sky by bubblygal92
literally cutting myself off for now, lest I go on forever--more and more fics keep coming to mind! but to finish this off, two more by YOU, dear candyholly, so that you know what you do to me:
never changed by crooked hearts
Terra Glacies by Vampiyaa
I don’t know a lot about Four but this fic!! Responsible for a lot of my multidoctor obsession tbh. It’s just... iconic? The scene that lives in my head is Rose cooking with alien ingredients and Four just appearing in the doorway and asking if she’s his wife 😂 Because she’s beautiful and he’s wearing a robe that smells like her and she’s cooking for two. Beloved idiot energy all the way. Also, him looking at the photo of her and Ten and going “either I am a flippin’ sap in the future or we’re In Love”?? Amazing. 
Five Days by Vampiyaa
Yeah so who isn’t a sucker for fake out or almost or reversed death? The scene where Five is trying desperately to save her and can’t figure out why nothing’s working and then sees that her heart has been burned away--”At once the world ended.” That will live with me forever. Thank god it’s a happy ending fic. 
Long Way 'Round by Aelwyn
When Rose tackles Five against a wall and snogs the life out of him because she's figured out he's the Doctor; meanwhile Five is a puddle of confusion but also lowkey down and then they have a date.
After Life by Aelwyn
10000% the rent-free-in-my-mind scene of this fic is the climax. So the premise of this fic is that when each of the Doctor’s incarnations die, they’re tied to Rose’s life. Rose can see and interact with them, etc. I just... I cannot stop thinking about the end where all of the Doctors are on the Valiant with the Doctor and the Master and suddenly are all visible because it’s time--they all say their goodbyes to Rose one-by-one and essentially get absorbed into Ten? It’s glorious and I love it. 
Time is Still A-Flying by Chocolatequeen
I need to reread this series, holy shit! It took me a moment to figure out which series rewrite this was, haha, but the scene during the Year That Never Was where the Master puts a telepathic dampener on Rose to make the Doctor think she died because it’d feel like their bond snapped 😭😭😭 So, so good and so creative, and oooof that angst. I absolute love this idea. 
For Whom His Hearts Beat by GroovyKat
Honestly I vibe with a lot of Groovy’s works (there’s a cassowary fic somewhere that’s genius) but this one!! For one, River salt. The absolute bravery of being so salty in fic--I love it. The two scenes that live in my head are the appearance and disappearance of Rose in the Library! When she’s first materializing in and River is pointing a gun at her and the Doctor is practically spooning her the second he realizes who she is 😂💗 And then him holding on to the air she had just occupied when she’s recalled back to Pete’s World until he absolutely has to face reality? Such a good reunion and such a good (temporary, thank god) goodbye.
Speaking His Language/Reclaiming Gallifrey by GroovyKat This is going to sound so pathetic but I genuinely don't remember where the split of the plot in the series is so it's all as one here instead of two separate stories but like... the entire premise of this is SO good. How can I pick one moment? I think about this story all the time. When Rose has to lose Eight because Bad Wolf takes her and the kids away. The fricking FRIENDSHIP between Rose and Brax, holy shit. No one has EVER done this so well; I can’t even name another side friendship I’ve seen in a fic that has me in its clutches like this. Brax feeling at home enough with Rose to come to her to regenerate? Brax vowing to take care of their family since Theta's mind has been wiped? Brax provoking her during the End of Time, Rose desperate to save him when they took off alone... The fricking part where Rose and Romana have to go save their future selves because the Doctor and Brax in that part of the timeline think they're dead or missing? Holy fucking hell, excuse the language but?!?!?! Also when Rose is with Eight, Nine and Ten on the run from the burn notice or whatever it's called and they're all sorta fighting over her lol (and also she and Ten have WOLVES and Nine is like????) and the freaking. Moment. When. Eight wants her to travel with him just for a bit and Ten SAYS HE'D UNDERSTAND (this is not going to make sense without context but it's a bit moment okay) and Rose chooses him and their future over missing their past. Please. My fricking heart. There’s been a new chapter since I’ve last read it but I need to reread it before I can allow myself to go on, haha.
Queen of Hearts by CupofSonic
This is part of Sonic’s series Valere which is a Rose Stays/The Doctor Falls series and is just.... *chef’s kiss.* So the very last chapter in Queen of Hearts is the Master going to look for Rose after the idiot Doctor does his ridiculous Journey’s End bullshit (ah, yes, still salty apparently). Sonic has a habit of just very casually creating entire universes of possibilies with like, one line, and just--imagine for a second the Master hopping through universes for Rose like she did for the Doctor??? I’m not even one of the proponents of the Master & Rose friendships but?? It sounds so good? Sonic’s a frickin’ genius, I’ll stand by that.
The Aftermath of Forever by NoPondInTheForest
This series, The Consequences of Dreaming, always makes me frickin cry. It’s Tentoo/Rose that turns into ElevenRose after he dies. I was gonna go search for the quote that haunts me but it turns out the author put it in the summary so I feel even less bad about spoilers on this one 😂
"All this time," the Doctor told Rose, "I've had this idea in my head. That if my duplicate was gone, you could belong with me. Partially because I'm him, too, and partially because this," he indicated the air between them, "was between you and me, first. But-"
The Doctor marched out across the room, then faced her, one hand buried in his hair. "But none of that matters, does it? You were his because he stayed. Whereas I'm the one who's never done anything but abandon you." His voice was quiet resignation. "So you don't trust me."
Like... okay? I guess I did not need a heart? It’s fine, just shatter me, why not? 😭 One of my absolute favorite versions of Eleven tbh, I love this series to pieces. 
Run with You by mltrefry Okay we've talked about this one but THE CUPLA SHIP EPISODE. The angst!! The hurt/comfort!! Ten heartbroken and confused as Rose continually pushes him away for Nine because her linear-in-time idiot cannot see what a jerk he's been. And then when Nine and her snog and the memory literally floors Ten 😭😂💓 Absolutely frickin iconic. Also, honorable mentions: Eleven showing up to snog Rose in Blink and causing a fight between her, Ten and Martha. And Rose dying to save Tim Latimer a bunch of times in the Year that Never Was. I just.... AHHHH. This frickin series.
Until the End by mltrefry This series... The Eight & Eleven episode is just. Holy shit. When Eight and Rose attract the creature by snogging, and Eleven is a jealous and possessive idiot the whole time, and Amy is like "that's not you" and Rory beats Eleven to saying "yes it is" 😂 Also the chapters right before this is Vincent and the Doctor, and Rose and Rory bonding while Rory is trying to emotionally work through his issues re: Amy... yes. YES. And tracking backwards (it seems I started in the wrong place, haha), Eleven keeping Rose in her healing coma just like. In a floor-length gold gown with her make-up on? This is so unbelievably extra and then he gets to go "that's my wife" to Rory and gesture to a frickin goddess except she's in a coma 😭😂😭😂 absolutely iconic
When the Wolf Runs by Emmitha
I love this whole fic to pieces, but if I had to pick one scene, it’s when Rory frickin decks Eleven, who has no bloody idea that the Ponds know Rose and are so fiercely protective over her. This whole story is so interesting--Rose goes by a bunch of different names over the course of the fic and befriends everyone individually. The timelines are a train wreck in the best ways--she and River are absolute family to each other, and Rory is her best friend. So the chapter I’m talking about is sort of like a confrontation/reveal; Rose took River’s place as the Silence’s puppet, so Eleven saw her at Lake Silencio and knew he had to find her (he’d known she was back in the universe already). He goes to see the Ponds not knowing Rose had just visited with them; she’d been scared they wouldn’t forgive her for killing the Doctor, but they’d actually taken her side and informed her that the Doctor was alive and was an asshole for not telling her he’d survive. 
Battle in the Sky by bubblygal92
10000% the chapter where Rose and Eight are reunited after he thinks she’s been dead since she went missing for six years. It’s NSFW and then a hell of a lot of angst/hurt/comfort when he realizes she was planning to sacrifice herself for the war before Narvin took her place. Lovelovelove this part. 
Groceries by candyholly
It’s the major character death scene. Just like... him holding on to her body and refusing to go anywhere. Him talking to her and telling her (and himself) that they’re in a time loop and this won’t be the thing to break it 😭💔😭💔 candy what business did you have doing that to my heart?!?! Will absolutely never forget that scene, ever. 
never changed by crooked hearts by candyholly
This absolute IDIOT not having realized that he regenerated until he sees his reflection 😂 I adore this stupid alien to pieces. This is SO Eleven it hurts. I love it, I love him. I would never pressure you to write anything but if you ever write... anything, tbh, but also Eleven, I am THERE. (Honestly, you have more fics that live rent-free in my head, but these are two with specific scenes and not just me thinking about Nine and Rose sitting in a cell screaming about board games while a stickler guard acts as their judge, for example 😂)
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Tumblr Writers Q&A Tag
I've had some thoughts and questions about tumblr writers for a while, curiosity and all that. So I thought I would make up a little Question Tag of my own, made up of questions I've seen asked before, or things I thought of myself.
I will answer my questions myself as well, and tag some mutuals and other writers to answer them too.
Feel free to play along, and answer or tag your writer friends!
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1. How many complete fics/oneshots do you have (that you have not published (yet))? Currently, I have 2 finished fics, and three parts of a nine part series finished.
2. How many WIPS do you have right now? I have 1 WIP, and about 3 or 4 outlined fics.
3. Do you take writing requests or write original ideas, or both? I take requests mainly, but I also write original ideas.
4. If you do take requests, how many do you currently have? Currently, I have about 49 requests. (The oldest of which are a year old, yikes lol)
5. How many fandoms do you write for? I have about 35 fandoms I write for, but I only "actively" write for about 10.
6. Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past, that you no longer write for? I don't really write for HP anymore. I also don't write or Bones, NCIS, CIS, Percy Jackson, or Narnia anymore. I also used to do gif imagines for any show whether I knew it or not.
7. Do you write for ships, reader inserts, or other? I write for reader inserts only (I try to always do gender neutral).
8. Niche fandoms/characters you write for? Jane Austen movie/show adaptations, Stargate, Lark Rise to Candleford, Btvs, Magnificent Seven.
9. Do you read fics as well as write them? I do not read fics nearly as often as I used too, but I try to read them when they come across my dash from my mutuals and fave writers.
10. What is your favorite genre (angst/fluff/whump/etc) to write for? I love to write fluff and romance.
11. What is your favorite trope (to read and/or write)? To read: idiots to lovers, whump, or mutual pining. To write: Soulmate aus, friends to lovers, and whump/comfort.
12. What do you do to get motivated to write? I re-watch the shows/movies related to my fandoms, or I occasionally read other fics from tumblr.
13. Is there a trope/genre you like to read, but not write? Fics that involve crossovers of fantasy or are completely changed from the fandom canon. Though I wouldn't say I read these often.
14. Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested? Plenty, like the fandoms Stargate, Prodigal Son, Magnificent Seven, and Star Wars. Some more niche characters in the MCU.
15. How long have you been writing fanfiction? Since 2017.
16. Did you read fanfiction before you started writing? Yes, it is what made me want to write in the first place.
17. Do you only post on tumblr, or other sites as well? (feel free to promote). I mainly post on tumblr, but I post a majority of my fics on Ao3 (make_me_imagine).
18. What do you personally consider the word counts of "drabbles", "oneshots" and "fics" (+other?)? In my own personal "definition", I usually consider drabbles anything from 50-650 words (anything less is a "blurb"). Oneshots are 651-1100, while "fics" are 1100+. (these are all give or take some). It also depends a bit on the amount of dialogue vs description.
19. Which do you prefer to write more? Headcanons, Drabbles, Oneshots/Fics, Multi-Chapter Stories, or other? I prefer to write fics in the range of 2k+ words, but I often struggle to hit that mark. I would also love to write more multi-chapter fics in the future.
20. Are there any stories you have discontinued? If so, why? I have a Sam Wilson x Fm!Reader story called "Worthy" that I have not added on to in 4 years. I might re-write it. I also have a Star Trek, Jim x FM!Reader story that I do plan to continue, I'm just not sure when. Neither of these stories got a lot of traction or reblogs, and I just kind of gave up on them.
21. What is one of your main "pet-peeves" as a writer on tumblr? People that request fics and then do not react to them at all. They might like it, but that is it. No reblog, comment or other acknowledgment. (Its worse when you know they saw it). Also people who refuse to reblog, or just lack of reblogs in general.
22. Do you write at a particular time of day? I find I write the best in the late-morning, or evening, never mid-day. Specific times would be 10-12am; and 9-10 pm. I usually reserve these times to write, and often get entire fics done within those timelines.
23. Do you listen to music, ambiance/noise, etc. to write, or do you need silence? Sometimes I listen to ambiance sounds, or instrumental music, but only if there is stuff going on in the room around me that is distracting. Otherwise I prefer silence. And I cannot listen to regular music, because I get distracted by it.
24. Do you outline your fics at all before writing? Most of the time yes. I never used too, but I find that it helps keep me on track, especially if there is a specific scene or prompt I want to include. Though sometimes I completely de-rail and write something totally different, which is fine.
25. Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time/day? About 95% of the time nowadays, I write fics ahead of time, and post them all throughout the next week, or the following days. Sometimes I write fics the night before, or even the morning of, but it depends on when the last time I posted was. Time-wise, when I schedule fics, I schedule them to come out at 7am my time.
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Tags: No pressure at all btw! @spuffyfan394, @whimsical-daydreams, @magravenwrites, @gaitwae, @bwemph, @cosplayingwitch, @thefallenbibliophilequote, @witchygagirl, @imaginefandoms, @thranduilsperkybutt, @whatif-animagineblog, @trashywritestrash, @peter-parkers-cullen-nerd - and Open Tag for any writer who wants to answer these!
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Beta Tester
Kozume Kenma X Reader
-YN LN is a popular mangaka
Chapter 29: Tested
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As you sat in the middle of Kenma's sprawled leg, you two cuddled with controllers at hand.
A year at most had passed since the release of Puri Puri Magika: Lost Magic™ and things happened.
Of course PPM recieved a lot of rewards and the hype of the game still hasn't died which surprised you. A multi-player version was also released after 5 months.
You had publish and completed 2 Manga and have a new one on going. Your Manga recieved an anime adaptation which made you proud.
Kenma had won awards as well. Not that we'd go into that🙄. He also 'forced' you to move in so he could make sure you're living healthy and not staying up for a week finishing your script. He also dedicated a day where he streams with you, so you could rest.
You both usually used your time playing games that were on top charts. And among all the games only 1 game almost topped PPM.
The game Kenma had asked Sakujo to make. They publicly released it as a dating simulator, which you could either end up with Kenma or you.
"You idiot! Just fucking die already!!" You screeched as you button mashed.
Right now you were playing Street fighter to match with Kenma's retro theme of the month.
"You suck at this."
"Shut the fuck up! How do I do Kamehameha?!!!??"
Kenma sighed, "It's not called Kamehameha idiot. It's called-" He didn't need to finish his sentence when his character finished you off with a yell of "Hadouken!"
You looked at how your character lost and clenched you jaw.
"You suck!!!! You're a cheater!!!! I hate this let's play something else!!!!!" You screamed.
Kenma frowned at how loud your were but obliged. He checked the comments to see which games they were recommending.
"Let's play th---" He was cut off when the door slammed open outside.
The two of you looked at each other.
"Y/N!!! BABEEEEE!!!!" You heard your Soulmate yell at the living room.
"AHHH! Kuroo!!!!" You hopped off Kenma and ran to the door.
Kenma wouldn't agree but according to the comments, Kenma gave a horrified and broken look the moment you jumped off.
"This idiot." He grumbled and followed you as fast as he could not bothering with his stream.
He saw how you and Kuroo approached each other in slow mo, skipping to each other. So Kenma had no trouble grabbing you by the hood of your hoodie and frowned at Kuroo only to see Alisa holding Kuroo in a choke hold.
"Hey Kenma!" Alisa smiled.
The blond nodded and dragged you behind him.
"Alisaaaaa! Kenmaaaa!!!! You can't split away soulmates!! Let us goo!!!" You and Kuroo struggled from their hold.
Managing to free a hand you both tried to reach out to each other, only for Alisa to choke Kuroo harder killing the poor man.
"I came to borrow YN~" Alisa sang looking at Kenma.
"If she's going be like this, you can have her."
"Swap her with Kuroo?"
"Why the fuck would I want Kuroo?"
"Well I can't have both of them! Do you seriously want them arrested? Again?"
Kenma groaned at sighed. He let Alisa drag you to your closet and he was stuck with Kuroo.
After you got prepared to go out you gave Kenma a kiss and tried to do it Kuroo as well but the demonic aura of the two scared you both so you decided against it and went out.
Unbeknownst to you the two male had a talk about something. Unfortunately unbeknownst to them, the stream was still active...
Alisa dragged you from shop to shop. Buying this and that.
After what seemed to be 3 hours you and Alisa went to a food court.
To your surprise you saw Keiji, Tenma and Yamaguchi together.
"Y/N! Alisa!" Satori greeted.
"What are you guys doing here?" You asked shocked.
"Well we wanted to hang out and Alisa said you were with her so we went here." Tenma grinned.
"Satori dragged me with him." Akaashi said.
They all joined you and then conversation just flowed perfectly. You talked about this and that while eating.
You'd check on your phone hoping to see a message from Kenma but you got none.
"You keep checking your phone, want us gone that bad?" Satori frowned.
"N-No! I was just checking if Kenma left a message."
"Did he?"
"Nope. I kinda wanna go home now."
"Oh my god what if he's cheating on you?" Satori gasped. Which earned him a hit from Alisa and Akaashi.
"As if that hermit could get anyone else. Especially with Kuroo following him. My Soulmate would make girls pass out before they could even glance at Kenma."
"I don't understand why YN loves Kuroo more than Kenma." Yamaguchi laughed nervously.
"Alisa prefers Kenma. Kuroo prefers YN. Kenma hates everyone." Akaashi pointed out.
"If Alisa would let me I wouldn't mind being a third."
"One thing we agreed on is never put you and Kuroo together and unsupervised. So no I don't think so."
"When did you learn that?" Tenma asked.
"After the two got arrested." Akaashi answered.
"It was at a train. Something... Explicit happened." Alisa sighed remembering what happened.
"YN went on her knees on a train. They didn't actually do anything, just suggested the thought but I guess it was enough to get them arrested." Akaashi explained.
"That's where the KenYN break up came in."
"I'm surprised Kenma and Alisa are still dating you and Kuroo at this point."
"I know right?" Alisa cringed. "Anyway we should continue our shopping spree."
You all stood up and roamed around for another hour or two until Alisa got a message.
"We should go home. Kuroo just texted me. You guys wanna come with?"
They all shrugged and said they'll meet you at your place.
When you got home you got home you laughed seeing how messy your place was. It was like there's a con going on at your house.
Everyone in it was Cosplaying as some game character. There were people you didn't quite know who.
"Y/N!!!!" Kuroo came barelling towards you in his Luigi costume with Mario right behind him.
"Ahh! Where's Akaashi?!" Mario, who turned out to be Bokuto, asked.
Alisa stepped in front of you before Kuroo got to you and turned to Bokuto. "He's on his way. He probably changed clothes."
"What's happening? Why is everyone dressed up?"
Kenma came out of the room with his Overwatch cosplay. You told your friends you were going to Kenma and went over.
"Well hello there. What's up with everything?"
"Do you not know what today is?" Kenma asked.
"Oh fuck, is it our anniversary?"
You and Kenma just looked at each. You fucked up.
"You don't know when that is?"
"P-psh. Of course I-I know!
Kenma flicked your forehead and walked away after saying, "Get dressed. Choose whatever you want."
And now he's upset at you. You felt guilty about forgetting what today was.
Luckily you and Kenma often Cosplay during stream so you had spares. You decided to go as Graves from League of Legends with face beard and all.
Everyone was looking at you when you got out of the room which made you feel anxious.
Was this party for you and you forgot about it? It wasn't Kenma's birthday that's for sure. What could it have been?
Alisa came to you in a KDA Akali Cosplay that you assume Kenma lent her.
"Oh my god the photos are gonna be so great."
"I think Kenma's mad at me..." You mumbled.
"When is he not?"
"I don't know what today is..."
"Just- it'll come to you sooner or later."
You frowned as you scanned the room for your man. You saw Akaashi in a Kingdom Hearts Cosplay, Satori and Wakatoshi in a Tomb Raider costume. Hinata and Kageyama in Danganronpa. Link, who is Atsumu, clinging to Skull Kid. Sakujo and his husband wearimg you and Kenma's character in PPM.
But you found no one in an Overwatch costume.
"Excuse me..." You heard from the front. It was Kuroo, Bokuto and Kenma on an improvised stage.
"I'm sure everyone here knows what's going on right?" Kenma said exaggerating on the word everyone.
"Today, to continue our celebration we will be having a treasure hunt! The treasures you're looking for are in a form of a game loot box of various game style."
"There are a total of 21 loot boxes around town. One of them empty. You are to bring the loot box unopened here and you'll claim the prize of whatever it is in it. You could either come home empty handed or 100k courtesy to our dear host."
"The clues to the boxes are cut evenly to all the players. All the players will have 1 clue. Each players could only get one loot box and it has to correspond to your clue. Come up and get your clue!"
With that, Bokuto brought out a box with a hole on top. Everyone went on stage and got their clue. You were the last to get the clue so you were excited.
The thought of at least 45 adults in Cosplay running around town looking for boxes humored you. So you excitedly looked at your clue.
What made today special.
You froze. It was as if they were doing this in purpose. You had no idea what today was, and of course you had to get the clue asking for what today was.
You looked at Kenma and he gave you a look. Did he know which clue you got, and is disappointed you didn't know what it was?
You took a deep breath and went over to Kenma. "I-I'll win! I know it."
Kenma nodded. "That'll be one less 100k. Do win."
"Ready???" Kuroo called everyone.
"Go!" Bokuto yelled and everyone went out.
Eyes were on us with a bunch of adults wearing Cosplay coming out of a room. Some recognized people it made you realize everyone running right now was a pretty big deal in entertainment industry or related to someone. No one recognized you though. Bless your fake beard.
You ran to wherever you could think of. Enix, Jump, your place. But you saw nothing. Then you thought of the party.
The party wasn't a year ago from today but it was the only one you could think of.
You ran you were just so tired. After all you've been running for hours. And when you got there.
It was empty.
It broke your heart. You couldn't remember what today was. You failed Kenma.
You just gave up. You needed Kenma's comfort, but you were afraid you won't get it since you failed.
You sadly made your way back to you place. Tears threatening to fall. You were disappointed in yourself.
"Y/N." You heard someone call. You lifted your head to see Kenma.
The tears fell. "Kenma... I could find the box..."
Everyone was already back, and was looking out.
"I-I looked everywhere and I-I just couldn't find it..." A soft sob escaped your lips. And you looked down.
"I-I don't remember what today is..."
"Y/N look at me." Kenma called.
You lifted your head and saw that Kenma was on his knees. Your eyes widened.
He brought out a Overwatch loot box from his pocket and cleared his throat.
"Today... Was the day when it all started. The day you showed up in my steps with a stupid flash drive..." He laughed weakly.
You blinked confused of what's happening.
"The day I saw, was the most important day for me. It was the day... The day I noticed you. I really hate you back then. You were so annoying, you still are. You're so persistent. So loud. You ruined my stream. And you kept bothering me. "
"Now you're just insulting me..." You laughed sadly.
"I-I... Look... I love you. I love you YN LN." And looked at the box, "Do you want to know what box you got?"
When you opened the box there was a ring.
"Marry me."
You took the box from him and laughed. "You are such a nerd!" Wrapping your arms around him and gave him a kiss.
The crowd hollered and awed at you two. Chanting "Answer him!" and "Say yes!"
When you two parted you rested your forehead against his.
"I love you so much Kenma. I'd love to spend an eternity stuck with your stupid nerdy ass."
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Previous | Masterlist
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This was the last chapter!!! Thank you very much for sticking with it!!!!
It was kinda dull and all that but I had an issue with my messaging app so I couldn't use it so I went for written only
I hope you liked this and I want to thank you all for supporting this I had so much fun writing this
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @synx-ed @normalisthenewnorm @0majuh0 @leachann @nikanikabitch @almondeupeach @immxnty @mer-majesty @yamayoomi @simpingoveranime-men @lostmarimoismyhubby @mariishat @just-snog-already @sadcosmicdoggie @so-lo-stuff @emperor-eros @nachotrash @themisadventurescrew
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trekkiehood · 4 years
1, 2, 11, 12, 17, 20, 21, 29, and 30?? (Sorry that’s a lot!!)
1. favourite fandom you joined this year
Supernatural 😁
2. favourite fic of the year
"Working With What We Got" by @somedayonbroadway
Like I have no words. This fic. This fic got me through early quarantine. Like I would like in bed at night mentally working on this fic because it was everything I ever thought I wanted. Legit everything by her is good but WWWWG (W4G?) Is probably my favorite fic of all time.
11. favourite OC you met this year
I really like one of the OCs I created for my fic Desiderium, Ash.
As for not my oc... I really don't deal much with OCs. I have to admit tho, @tunameltsner has some great ocs. I love everything I've heard about Kate and I even like Simon though I know less about him.
12. longest fic you read this year
I'm actually more of a short/one shot kind of girl but I will read long ones if it looks good. The longest I actively remember reading was "Skyline Pigeon" by @xlightmycandelx.
It was written in first person which is usually a no for me but it was so good I couldn't not finish it. It was 156671 words and 66 chapters.
It's also not complete so...
17. WIP you hope gets updated next year
Listen I would love for Skyline Pigeon to be updated. Don't see it happening (last updated August 2019) but I'd love to see it!
Also W4G. That'd be nice too.
I'm not gonna rush anybody but I wouldn't mind to see it updated lol.
20. favourite character of the year
Dean Winchester. Just... Dean Winchester.
21. favourite ship of the year
I fell absolutely in love with New Dream. Like I've shipped things before but.... New Dream hits different.
29. fandom “first” you accomplished this year
Well I completed the great fandom combo of Superwholock lol.
I also got to experience the chaos of Nov 5th. I'm telling you I smiled so wide because this was the tumblr I had wanted to join. Chaos yes. But it was the tumblr of pinterest lore lol.
Also I joined for the ending of two shows which is kind of cool. I joined Tangled right after the finale and Supernatural right before the finale.
Also Supernatural was the first time I ever actually... Cared about the cast. Like watching cons and being invested in who they were and what they did. So that was a cool thing this year.
30. fandom resolution for next year
Finish my fanfics. Like.... I just need to finish them all.
Really need to finish DKoT and OMY. Those are the two that desperately need finishing. I also want to finish Desiderium. But I'm also an idiot who's bout to start a new fic. So... We'll see.
The thing with DKoT is that I haven't been super active in the Marvel fandom since Endgame came out. I really just need to buckle down and right it. Might watch the movies to make me feel the need to whump Steve again. Idk.
As for OMY, I only have like two or three chapters left so I might even be able to finish it this year. It's just slow writing atm.
Desiderium is largely written just not.... Published lol. Need to work on that.
Hopefully I'll actually be able to finish these fics soon lol.
Thank you so much for asking!!! I really enjoyed answering these!
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elyhaikyuu · 4 years
Tsukishima Kei x OC
(Masterlist) [prev] [next]
3rd Person's POV:
The boys or more like the idiots are still talking about the girl while practicing. Tsukishima was getting pissed at them since they're not really concentrating.
Daichi is also getting mad since they just lost the preliminaries last inter-high and they seemed like they already forgotten about it.
"EHHHHH?!?!?! DAICHI-SAN!!! AREN'T YOU CURIOUS WHO'S THAT GIRL!?" Tanaka whined at his captain.
"Well, you're just imagining it yourselves so you actually don't know what she looks like you dumbass. Stop assuming things." Sugawara explained to the two.
"WAIT!!! WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT HER LIPS HINATA???" Asahi said to Hinata weirdly.
"Ehh~ so the shrimp was a perv, eh?" Tsukishima butts in, teasing Hinata.
"Now now, let's all calm down. So Hinata, did you invite her here?" Suga said calming everyone down.
"EHHHH!?!?!?! YOU DID THAT?!?!?! HINATA YOU'RE AN ANGEL!!!" Tanaka said with stars in his eyes like he just hit a jackpot.
"BUT YOU DIDN'T SAID ANYTHING WHEN I ASKED HER YOU BAKAGEYAMA!!!" Hinata said, ready to pounce at Kageyama but was stopped when Sugawara held his shirt.
"Kageyama was right Hinata. She might have friends to have lunch with." Sugawara said to Hinata.
"EHHHHH!?!?!?!?! NO WAYYYY!?!?!?!?!" The idiots exclaimed dramatically.
Tsukishima snickered at them.
'So it's about a girl this time, huh?' Tsukishima thought.
"Tsukki, aren't you curious about that girl?" Yamaguchi asked his friend.
"Nah, it's just some random girl anyway. I'm sure there's nothing special about her considering that those idiots would literally praised every girl they see." Tsukishima replied boredly.
"Well if you say so." Yamaguchi shrugged.
Akemi's POV:
I knocked on the door and a young lady opened it.
"Uhm excuse me, I'm the transferee, may I just ask what class am I in? I'm a first year student." I said, telling her who I am.
"Oh so it's you. Wait right here, I'll just get you're schedule and I'll assist you to your room." She said looking at me.
"Thank you very much." I said to her, appreciating the offer.
She got my schedule and gave it me. 'Year 1- Class 5' . So that's my class, huh. I hope that they're nice.
I followed her and stopped when I saw a music room. She must notice me stopped because she turned around to looked at me.
"Oh, do you want to join the music club? Since you just transferred, you don't have any club yet. I can sign you up if you want." She said to me.
"Oh, it's not like that. It's just I remembered something. I don't think I would join any club, miss. But thanks for your suggestion." I said to her appreciately.
"Oh, okay. But if you don't join you'll not get extra curricular activities. Well it's your choice anyway, but if you ever changed your mind, feel free to join. Now let's get going." She said trying to understand why I don't want to join any club.
We reached my class and she asked me to wait here while she knocked and talk to the teacher.
"Kakashi-sensei, here's your new student." She said to him.
"Oh okay. I'm your homeroom teacher, I'm Kakashi-sensei, you can wait here and I'll just call you." He said, introducing himself to me.
He went back and said some things and called me. I went inside and they instantly looked at me. I got uncomfortable with their stares so I lowered my head. I stopped next to Kakashi-sensei and introduced myself.
"Hi! I'm Kudō Akemi. I'm from America. I hope we get along."
"You can sit next to Yachi-san, Yachi-san can you raised your arm so she can know who you are." Kakashi sensei said looking at the girl.
"Ah! Hai!" She said raising her arm. She looked kinda scared.
I walked towards the chair beside her. She looked at me so I smiled at her. She returned it awkwardly.
'She looked cute' I thought.
"I'm Kudō Akemi, nice to meet you."
"I-I'm Yachi H-hitoka, n-nice to m-meet you too." She looked nervous.
"It's okay, I won't bite you." I said to her smiling.
"You looked cute Hitoka-chan, can I call you that?" I asked her.
"AH YES! I'm sorry I'm just awkward around people. And you looked so beautiful!" She said to me.
"Thank you." Smiling at her. I then looked at the front since Kakashi-sensei was discussing now.
"H-hey, d-do you want t-to eat l-lunch with me l-later?" She asked me nervously.
I turned at her and smiled.
"Of course. Thank you for inviting me!"
She then smiled at me and we both giggled. We then focused back to the discussion.
'I hope I can be friends with her!' I thought excitedly.
Tsukishima's POV:
As I walked through the corridor, I've seen a girl that fits right in Hinata's description. They're right about her looking like a goddess. She seem to notice me staring at her so I quickly looked away. Yamaguchi also notices her.
"Hey Tsukki, isn't she the one they're talking about? She really looked like a goddess." He said and it irritated me.
I didn't even know why I'm irritated, it's true though so why am I feeling this way. The hell.
Yamaguchi notice me and asked what's wrong.
"Tsukki, what's wrong? Why are you looking like that?"
"It's nothing Yamaguchi, don't mind me." I said to him pretending to not be bothered.
What is she doing to me? That damn girl, I don't even know her! Well I'll just probably forget her right?
'Yeah, I'm just acting like this because she's new.' I conviced myself.
Yamaguchi really looked concerned so I quickly walked away not before looking at her for the last time.
Akemi's POV:
I noticed a tall blonde person looking at me, but he quickly looked away.
"Ne Hitoka-chan, who is that guy? That tall blonde person?" I asked her, curiosity visible in my face.
"That's Tsukishima Kei. I don't know much about him but he's in the volleyball team." She said.
Hmm. So he's teammate with Hinata-kun.
"Why are you asking who is him? Do you have a crush on him? NOOO YOU CAN'T!!! HE'S KNOWN TO HAVE A SHARP MOUTH AKEMI-CHAN AND HE DOESN'T EVEN CARE ABOUT WOMEN!" Hitoka-chan said to me worriedly.
"Don't worry, it's not like that. I just notice him looking at us." I explained to her.
"Ohhh! He's probably looking at you! You are beautiful so I'm sure it's the reason." She said.
"It's probably not that. Your the one who said he doesn't care about women, right?"
"But I'm sure if I'm a man and I've seen a person like you, I'll also be attracted to you! You're like an angel fallen from above!" She said.
"You're just exaggerating that Hitoka-chan. Let's just finish our lunch."
We went back to eating and I looked at the guy for the last time before focusing to my food.
'Tsukishima Kei, eh?' I thought.
What an interesting guy.
Thank you guys for reading! That's it for chapter 2. I hope you enjoy, lovelots❣
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I also published it in wattpad, you guys can check it out if you want!
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luccislegs · 5 years
Lol I'm glad to be of help! I'm looking forward to the requests you get published. You probably don't write for Law, so I should ask for Zoro in that case. Could I please have a scenario for Zoro with a reader who's a brilliant actor/imitator but they're v shy? They want to be helpful aboard the ship and have a big crush on him, but they end up getting flustered whenever he come near. If I can add, a significant height difference would be cute lol.
sorry it took me so long to answer this lol i was hella partying this weekend and i’m pretty sure there’s still alcohol in me even a week later
anyway, my first ask! also thank you again for letting me know my asks were turned off, you rock!
A sigh escaped your lips for what seemed like the hundredth time that day as you watched Zoro train down on the main deck. You, on the other hand, were hidden away in Nami’s tangerine grove, scribbling away at a new musical composition piece. Or you were supposed to be, anyway. It seemed like every few seconds your concentration was stolen by the aforementioned swordsman.
“Hey, _____! Whatcha doin’?” Luffy shouted from behind you. You had been in the middle of writing and he scared you so badly that now there was a large score down the page. Some of it was ripped now as well, ruining the work.
You sighed, staring forlornly at the destroyed paper. It had taken you ages to finally work up the motivation to write, and just like that it had gone wrong. You turned to look at your captain, saying, “Nothing, Luffy. Just writing some new music.”
“Huh,” he said, staring down at the sheet music. “It looked like you were staring at Zoro more, _____.” A large, mischievous grin spread across his face as he locked eyes with the other man, who turned an even brighter shade of red than he already was.
You missed the exchange entirely as your eyes were locked on your paper in horror. Could he have said it any louder? Embarrassment and fear flooded through you and you barely glanced up at Zoro, just enough to gauge his reaction to Luffy’s words, but he wasn’t looking at you. In fact, he was no where to be seen anymore.
It was a few hours later when you finally felt the courage to show your face on deck again. You had initially decided that you were just going to hide out in your room for a few days, but you had managed a complete rough draft of your composition and wanted Brook to play it out, so you could hear what needed to be fixed.
Plus, you were starving.
The sounds of the others filtered out of the kitchen, typical in that you could hear Luffy and Usopp above all the others, but it was comforting because it was familiar.
The door creaked open and a chorus of greetings to you filled the room, and you flushed slightly. Waving back, you sat down in an open seat, and your eyes made a sweep of the room, looking for familiar green.
“Zoro isn’t here,” Luffy said around a huge mouthful of meat. He struggled to swallow it for a moment; you could see the way his throat expanded to accommodate what was surely too much food. “He’s sleeping in the crow’s nest.”
Your cheeks really turned red at that, and you couldn’t meet anyone’s eyes, but you heard the tell-tale sounds of Nami knocking him upside the head.
He whined and rubbed the back of his head, frowning at her. “What was that for? She was looking for him, right? She likes him, so I figured I’d tell her!”
“Luffy, you idiot,” Nami said with a huff. She looked like she was going to hit him  again, her fist raised in a threatening manner. “You aren’t supposed to point it out. They need to figure it out for themselves.”
“Well, they’re taking too long!” he whined, holding his hands up to defend himself. He looked around at you then. “_____, why don’t you just tell him?”
You couldn’t help but give him an incredulous look as you sputtered out half-formed excuses. Finally, you took a deep breath and calmed yourself, managing to say through grit teeth, “It isn’t that easy, Luffy. I’m not sure he feels the same.”
“You should just ask him then!” He was so naive it would be cute, if it wasn’t so embarrassing.You rolled your eyes as Nami continued to yell, with Sanji joining in after a moment. Things settled down after that, returning to normal levels of noise which, with your crew, were still extremely loud.
“Does anyone know where Brook is?” you asked when everyone was finished eating. “I want him to play this new piece for me.”
“I think he was talking about practicing on deck,” Robin piped up. She had been so quiet all night you had forgotten she was there, but as soon as she spoke, Sanji was swooning.
That signaled you that it was time to book it– whenever he got like that, you knew it was only a matter of time before he took turns around the room.
The cool air and quiet were a welcome relief from the stifling noisiness of the kitchen. Off towards the front of the boat came the faint sounds of guitar. Brook was just starting out on the instrument, and so the music wasn’t as smooth as it was when he played the violin or the piano. But he seemed to be picking it up quickly and, if he kept it up, it would give you yet another instrument to write music for in no time.
“Hello, _____. What can I do for you?” Brook’s voice broke through your stupor.
You hadn’t even realized you had made it to him, and you gave him an embarrassed smile. “I have a new piece I was hoping you would play for me. I’m sure there are kinks. But it’s for the violin this time.”
You put the paper into his expectant hand and waited as he scanned over it, bouncing back and forth on your feet.
“This will sound marvelous when it’s done, _____!” he said at last. “I’m going to get my violin right now so you can finish it up as soon as possible!”
You flushed at his praise. Although he said that about all of your work, it was still nice to hear. Sometimes you wondered what the point of you being on the boat was, and having that little bit of reassurance was nice. Besides, most of the music Brook was playing here lately were pieces you had created.
Footsteps sounded behind you, but they lacked the usual creaking that accompanied Brook when he walked. You nearly had a heart attack when you turned to look and found Zoro standing behind you. You could feel the heat flood your cheeks, and prayed it was dark enough that he couldn’t see. On the other hand, he was fully displayed in the moonlight and you could see that he was as red as you likely were.
“Uh, hey,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Could we talk?”
Your heart, which had already been beating harder than was normal just by being in his presence, almost exploded in your chest. You could feel it thundering away behind your ribs so hard you felt a little lightheaded for a moment.
“U-Um…sure?” you said, and cursed yourself for being so shy. It was hard enough having a crush on someone, let alone someone like him, but the whole thing was compounded by the fact that you could barely talk to him like a normal person.
“Sorry about earlier. Luffy can be a bit a of an idiot,” he said. He smirked a little when he heard you giggle.
You had to steel yourself for your next words, because you weren’t sure if you were bringing up something that you didn’t really need to, but you couldn’t keep a lid on it without feeling uncomfortable. “I’m sorry about…about earlier. I hope I-I didn’t make you uncomfortable.”
His posture changed, you could see tension come into his shoulders and for a moment you thought it had backfired. But his next words made you feel like you would burst into flames.
“That’s okay. I wasn’t getting much training done anyway. Someone was up in the tangerines distracting me.” He wasn’t looking at you, and his hand was fidgeting with the swords attached to his hips.
You were a fool if you thought you couldn’t turn any more red. You would swear that you were going to be permanently stained, Sanji could use you as a tomato in his next meal. “W-Well…um…”
Words were escaping you, and it was just a relief that he didn’t find you weird because of Luffy.
“Brook is coming back,” Zoro said suddenly, shifting to look over his shoulder. You couldn’t hear anything, but trusted his word. “The next island is coming up in a few days. Do you want to go into town with me?”
You giggled again, giddy at the fact that Zoro had just asked you on a date, and nodded. “Yes, I’d like that.”
He smiled and lifted his hand, setting it on your head gently. Then it was sliding off and he was walking away, just as Brook came back into view.
“Alright, let’s see what we’ve got, _____. _____?”
this was unbelievably harder than i had initially thought it would be. i had to change the actor/imitator detail bc i absolutely could not figure out a way to incorporate that into any of the ideas i had, at least not without it getting severely out of hand, so I hope that wasn’t an extremely important detail. if it is, just let me know and i can whip something else up, but it’ll probably be way more involved and stupid long.
on the other hand, i do hope you like this!
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juicemitio · 5 years
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Alright I went to Louisville Galaxycon and saw Travis and Clint twice, for their worldbuilding workshop and their Q&A. Here's some interesting stuff I learned (I didn't include stuff they talked about that's pretty common knowledge or they talked about on the last ttazz)
Fitzroy was originally going to be a jock that was weak bc he no longer had a team, Travis told Griffin that that didn't really work for the world so they reframed it as him training to be a hero, was great academically and behaviorally, but had a problem no one had seen before and no one felt like dealing with. It specifically wasn't "barbarian fails bc he can't keep his rage in check," it was that no one was willing to deal with his magic so they shipped him off
Someone asked Travis to explain fitzroy's magic, so from the DM's mouth- he's a barbarian subtype with elemental magic which has a random effect while raging, which we haven't seen yet (path of the wild soul if you want to look it up and see what he can do) and he took a feat which gives him the ability to cast 3 cantrips of his choosing. What I thought was interesting was that Travis described Fitz's magic using the word "elemental" twice, even though that isn't specifically stated in the path of the wild soul entry
Travis knows Argo's secret and is very excited about it 
Clint has a pirate fiction book he reads every night before they record to get into the headspace to play Argo, he told us the name but I forgot it 
There is one small little concept that made the whole of graduation make sense to Travis and is what the arc will be about, and he only figured it out a few days before recording. Obviously he didn't tell us what it was
Originally it was going to start with everyone starting at age 11 and slowly killing the other kids off, but Justin didn't feel comfortable playing a game surrounded by kids dying 
The accounting scene is already one of Travis' all time favorite taz scenes
The pegasus scene informed Travis on exactly how he was going to treat the firbolg
Also Travis referred to Justin's character exclusively as "the firbolg," which means "master firbolg" is solely a thing going on with the npcs in the game which I find hilarious. They just all decided to give him a dope title bc he deserves it, meanwhile no one will call Fitzroy "sir"
To Fitzroy, social threats are an extremely real and serious thing, like the Biggest thing to him (we were talking about what characters found threatening in the workshop, for context)  
There's some big concept/idea that comes up in the next episode that travis almost let spill and had to quickly stop himself from saying it
Someone mentioned eating breakfast in their question in the workshop and Travis goofed on it for a second, then said "cereal world" suddenly, and Clint had to pick up the question bc Travis had to take a second to make a note of it in his phone 
Travis started brainstorming graduation in March and they recorded the first episode in October, and his main job in that time was working on graduation 
Before Buckminster was adapted for graduation he could not fight at all, if he got into a fight he would die, he poured everything into charisma and could talk his way out of any fight (even the big bad of the game he crit 20d his check and the big bad walked away from the fight) 
Travis is really into psychology and how if you assign a label to someone they're going to act more like it (ie you tell a kid they're amazing and smart and talented and they become more like that, you tell a kid they're annoying and dumb and a problem they become more like that), and how that was a major contributor to play into hero/villain/sidekick/henchperson dynamics, you get assigned this arbitrary title of good/evil/subservient and you become like that to fit the role, and then the inevitable pushing against that mold
Travis is fully aware of his story being compared to harry potter and he doesn't care bc it's apt (people in a school arbitrarily divided into four groups and one of them is the Bad One), also he knows people describe it as "sky high meets Harry Potter meets my hero academia" and he actually finds that really flattering bc he thinks that sounds cool and like something he'd want to watch 
On that note, Travis is a self-identified Slytherin and he's always upheld that the reason Slytherin is depicted in a bad light is bc Rowling decided she didn't like them, and he's always sympathized with the idea of a first year Slytherin working their ass off following the rules and doing their work and getting points, and Dumbledore rewards three idiots for breaking like every rule and pulls the trophy away from you. This was a big inspiration for graduation, of one group getting a bad rep and being portrayed as evil for literally no reason 
Clint & Travis's favorite scene they've ever done together was Ned & Aubrey's final scene together 
Aubrey and Dani do move in with each other at the end of amnesty
Travis' main emotion around taz is pride and he's most proud of the scene in stolen century with the spirits in the robots, bc they had to record it a second time bc it got way too dark and ended in a really grim way and about 20 min after they finished they all decided that they weren't happy with it, that it didn't fit the tone, he's really proud they didn't just leave it be and they took the second pass at it to make it right
I'm pretty sure he's talked about wanting to kill Magnus off at the beginning before but he mentioned that it was only at the end of petals to the metal he actually realized he wanted Magnus to live, bc Hurley had to sacrifice herself to save Magnus bc Magnus had been so reckless, that hit Travis really hard. Travis realized that Magnus' recklessness was getting people hurt and so Magnus did too, so Magnus become a bit more cautious and took up rogue training to try not to get anyone killed again 
Dust wasn't designed to be anything more than a one off and the workload was completely unsustainable, the document of notes for dust was about 100 pages and only about 10% of it got used
The reason Travis loved it so much was bc it was a mystery and he found it really fun
Clint would love to revisit commitment, but probably not in podcast form bc he didn't find himself really being in the moment as much bc of all the different things he had to keep track of, he'd like to see a comic adaptation/continuation if possible
It was based of a comic he wrote that never got published bc the company producing it failed (he still cashed his paycheck) so he reused it bc he still liked it a lot, it was about how America was founded as a monarchy instead of a democracy and what that changed in the usa's (united sovereignty of america's) history, and how people now were fighting to establish a democracy. Also there were cowboys and spaceships and other cool stuff he put in there bc he liked it
General adventure zone
The reason why they're are able to do romantic relationships w/o being weirded out by it (they joke about it but they don't actually care) is bc it's never done in an explicit or sexual way and since it's the decision the characters would make to pursue the relationship then that's the decision they make. He reframed it as it wouldn't be weird if a family were writing a script together and there was a romance and one person wrote lines for one character and the other wrote lines for the other. He did mention that two siblings playing characters in a relationship as actors on screen wouldn't be cool though
They sometimes get comments that some of the stuff they do is "fanservice," but they feel that they owe their success to their fans and they owe some to them 
They are both aware of and proud that Justin is the best at character creation, Clint specifically really was talking about how Justin's strong suit is definitely character creation and characterization
General mcelroy stuff
They walked pretty close to me when they entered the stage room for the q&a and like… they're short, like shorter than you think
Travis referred to his unborn child as "baby dod" (I'm not 100% certain but I'm pretty sure) which I looked up and is a nickname for George, and given with their older kid being named Barbera and nicknamed BeBe and Travis talking before about how he and his wife like classic names with cool nicknames it makes sense
Travis had an earing in his right ear, I didn't get to see his left ear and I couldn't tell if it was an actual piercing or a fake, it looked really good though. Also his tinted glasses look a lot cooler irl than they do in pictures
Clint told the teenage mutant Ninja turtle story with the signatures that griffin told on mbmbam, but Clint remembered it as happening at King's Island, not Disney. This story was prompted by the question of the biggest lie he ever told his kids, and he only came clean about this a few months ago
Travis told a story about how he finished a videogame when he was younger and was so excited that he picked up a plastic knife, yelled "throwing knife!" threw it directly at Griffin who dodged it and it hit and shattered a window
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harryfreakinstyles2 · 5 years
Torn (Part 4) H.S
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Harry's body relaxes in the seat across from me and it makes my heart feel like it could burst in my chest.
"So, since we are friends now," I say beyond excited that I get to ask him all the questions I have been dying to know the answers to.
"Let's get to know each other." I say with a smile and his eyes widen. "How long have you been in America?" I ask him genuinely wanting to know the answer.
I rest my elbows on the table and lean forward waiting for his answer. His smile widens across his face making his deep dimples appear, and I feel like I can't breathe. This just friends thing is going to be harder than I thought if he continues to look at me like that.
"I've been here for a little over four years now. I got a scholarship to go to school here and I kind of fell in love with the area and decided to stay after I graduated this past December."
I'm slightly surprised that he came here on scholarship, but why wouldn't he. Of course, he's smart. But what surprises me more is that he already graduated. I assumed he was still in school as well.
"Oh, you already graduated? I didn't know that!" I respond genuinely surprised.
"There are a lot of things you don't know about me." Harry says with a smirk and winks at me.
I roll my eyes at him and I try not to smile as I avoid the playful smirk he is giving me that seems to be stuck on his face today. I ignore the spark it ignites in my stomach and continue with my questions.
"So what's your degree in then?" I ask continuing the conversation.
"Business management. I would like to own or run a hotel or restaurant or something like that someday." He tells me still making too much eye contact and making me shift in my seat.
"Wow! That's cool!" I say annoyed that he is not only smart and drop dead gorgeous but he also has plans for his life. "How old are you?" I blurt our on accident.
"Twenty three, but enough about me. Tell me something about you." He says copying my position and leaning towards me with his elbows on the table and he mocks me by placing his hands under his chin with a cheeky smile. He is good I will give him that.
We are closer than two friends should be while casually talking but I can't get myself to pull away even though I know I should.
"Ummm." I stutter for a minute not being able to process my thoughts when he is so close to me. "Well, I am twenty one. I will graduate in May with my degree in English. I'd like to work for a publishing company or something along those lines for a bit or maybe become an English teacher I haven't really decided yet." I say faster than normal. I keep having to look down every few seconds because his stare keeps making me flustered.
"Hmmm a teacher huh?" Is all he says in response.
His tone sounds sarcastic and his face is hard to read and I can't tell if he means it as a joke or what. Does he think I can't be a teacher? But I am already on edge "You don't even know me," I snap defensively while leaning back in my chair.
"What? Why did you say that?" He questions me in a serious tone, catching me off guard. He's staring me down and I realize he's waiting for me to answer.
"I don't know. You sounded like you were mocking me," I say my tone sharp.
"I don't know you well, yet. But I'm trying to. I want to." He states. "I was not making fun of you. I was just joking around." He looks at me with pleading eyes. "I wish you would lighten up a little. You are so serious." He says softly and I can tell by his voice that he is being sincere even though his words piss me off I try to push my irritation aside.
"Sorry. Really." I say leaning down to meet his eyes slightly thrown by his quick change in mood. "I didn't mean to snap at you. Just a habit I guess."
Lightning flashes outside the window followed by a rolling thunder distracting both of us from our conversation. I know I need to head home before the storm hits and it is getting close to my dinner plans with Julie.
"I need to head home." I sigh grabbing my backpack and car keys not wanting to leave just yet despite the change in mood.
"Okay." Is all he says in response his eyes focused on the table.
I can feel a shift and there is an uncomfortable tension between us. I get up from the table and start making my way towards the door when I realize he has nothing else to say. A weird wave of sadness hits me at his simple response wishing he would ask me to stay longer.
"Wait," I feel his now familiar warm hand wrap around my arm stopping me before I reach the door. I turn to face him not sure what to expect but happy the conversation will not end the way I thought it was going to.
"I'll see you again soon, yeah?" He asks with a soft smile. He says it like it's a question that he needs me to confirm as he searches my eyes. And just like that, everything feels okay again.
"See you soon." I confirm with a smile and walk out the door.
I arrive back home just as the rain starts, making me run for the front door. Rushing inside I drop my stuff on the kitchen counter and find Julie watching tv on the couch.
"Did you get the stuff for dinner?" I ask her. We have a tradition since we moved into our apartment together last year where every other Saturday she buys the groceries and I make dinner. Then we spend the evening watching Greys Anatomy on the couch together. It gives us a chance to catch up no matter how crazy our schedules get.
"Yeah, it's all in the fridge. Did you get a lot of studying done?" She says making casual conversation without looking away from the tv.
"Uhhh yeah," I say shrugging my shoulders even though she is not looking at me. The guilt comes back but this time I know I deserve it as I choose to not tell her about Harry showing up at the coffee shop and continue the conversation. "Was this all you had planned for today?" I say gesturing to her current spot on the couch hoping to get a reaction out of her.
"Basically, I was supposed to hang out with Harry but he got called into work." She responds still not looking away from the tv and I feel panicked.
I am so thrown off by her answer that I can't think of a response. Did he tell her that he had to work so he could come see me? Is she making it up? Why would she make that up? He said he told her they were done. But why would she lie about having plans with him? Why did he lie. I have no idea what the hell is going on anymore and it is starting to give me a headache.
"Hey, I was thinking we could have a movie night here tomorrow. Is that okay with you?" Julie asks me bringing my attention back to the present as she gets off the couch and joins me in the kitchen.
"Uhh yeah sure sounds good to me," I say not really paying attention.
"Awesome! I'll text everyone. Does 8 o'clock sound good to you?" Julie asks while already typing away on her phone.
"Perfect." I agree.
The evening drags on without much conversation. Julie stays on the couch while I make dinner in the kitchen replaying my conversation with Harry over and over again. One of them is lying and I can't figure out who or more importantly why. After dinner we watch one episode of Grey's and I head to my room for the rest of the night not wanting to have forced conversation with Julie any longer. I don't like how weird things feel between us now. I know it's only me. I'm so used to being able to talk to Julie about anything.
I pass out around 11 o'clock which is early for me but the last two days have been so draining I need the sleep and as soon as my head hits the pillow I am gone.
I wake the next morning still conflicted and debating whether having Harry around is worth all this confusion and the headache that follows. I know it won't end well but I am not sure that I can stay away from him. The morning and afternoon hours blur together as I stay in bed watching tv all day, my usual Sunday routine lately.
I finally look at the clock on my nightstand telling me it's now six thirty in the evening and I have been in bed all day. My stomach grumbles reminding me I haven't had anything to eat since eleven this morning so I force myself out of bed and slip on some jeans and grab my favorite hoodie. The weather outside my window is as gloomy as yesterday the clouds are covering the whole sky, and it has been raining on and off all day adding to my own gloomy mood.
I walk out of the bedroom and find Jules in the living room bringing pillows and blankets from her bedroom to the couch.
"What are you doing?" I ask her confused.
"Bringing out extra pillows and blankets for tonight." She says looking at me like I am an idiot.
"Oh crap! I forgot about that. Did you pick a movie?" I have been so in my head I forgot about her stupid movie night here tonight. I feel like I don't have the energy or mental capacity to deal with anyone. Perfect.
"No I can't decide so I'm just going to pick two and let everyone vote." She says while still arranging pillows on the couch and floor.
"Alright, well I am going to grab some food I will be back soon. Do you need anything while I am out?" I ask her secretly hoping she will say no.
"No I'm good, I bought popcorn and some candy when I was at the store yesterday and Maya and Tabs are bringing some snacks too." She tells me.
"Okay well, I'll be back." I say while grabbing my keys and heading for the front door.
"Okay see you later." She says with a smile.
As I walk to my car I sigh with relief at being alone again even if it is only for a short while.
I run through a drive-thru and back with about fifteen minutes to spare before everyone is supposed to come over. I rush into the apartment past the kitchen and Julie's room hoping she doesn't see me. And then head straight through the living room and into my room. I change out of my jeans and into some comfy yoga pants deciding to keep my hoodie on because I don't care to make to much effort in my appearance today. I finish the rest of my food in a hurry and decide to freshen up my make up a little so I don't look like complete crap when everyone comes over. Just as I finish up I hear an array of voices enter the house. Walking out of my room and into the kitchen I find Julie with Maya, Tabs, Dylan, and Sam all talking over each other loudly. Maya is pouring chips into bowls, Julie is putting popcorn into the microwave and of course, Dylan is loading the wine and beer into the fridge. I smile at my crazy group of friends even in my exhausted state.
"Is Emily coming?" I ask the whole group while taking a seat on the empty bar stool next to Sam.
"No she had to work tonight." Tabitha informs me while stealing a chip from Maya's bowl.
"Awe alright," I say disappointed because we haven't had a chance to catch up in a few weeks. "I'm gonna grab a blanket from my room really quick, will someone get me a bowl of popcorn please!" I say as sweetly as I can as I am leaving the kitchen.
I make my way back to my room and grab a blanket and pillow, and my phone from my nightstand before hearing the group make their way into the living room. I take a deep breathe already exhausted and walk back out.
Julie, Maya, Dylan, and Sam are all squished together on the couch and Tabitha took the chair which means I am stuck on the floor alone which I am actually okay with because it means I can watch the movie and relax without distractions. Just as I am getting comfortable on the floor I hear a loud knock at the door. Everyone sits not moving and then looks at me. Everyone is here already so I have no idea who it could be.
"Don't worry everyone, I'll get." I say sarcastically groaning as I get back up off the floor and they all smile trying not to laugh at my dramatic response.
I make my way to the door and open it not sure who to expect but definitely not him.
My mouth drops open stunned, "Harry?!" I whisper yell so everyone in the living room can't hear me.
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charmingstrangeness · 7 years
I'm so sorry, I missed the writing ask meme! If you still feel like answering questions, I'm sending 3, 5, 9, 15, 23!
oh pfft don’t apologize haha it’s all good! thank you for sending an ask, i’m always happy to answer!!
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
g o d this is so hard to choose you have no idea????? i’m just gonna drop a whole bunch of my favourite bullshit here (each bullet is also a link to the fic it’s taken from)
all of the dialogue from the oso zine fic tbh but especially during osomatsu’s narration
“It’s not Zura, it’s Katsura,” he corrects. “And yes, I would have woken you up. I’m here because I need your help.” / “I’m not a trained psychiatrist, Zura. I can’t give you the help you need,” Gintoki deadpans.
i’m very fond of the fight scene in the first chapter of the nightmares fic i genuinely feel like i did a good job with that
stealing dialogue from the iconic “that’s no moon” scene in a new hope for sakamoto and mutsu
“You’re an angry sack of potatoes, is what you are”
“Where did that idiot headband learn to play volleyball from, Free! Iwatobi Swim Club?”
the entire opening scene of the crossover fic i had no idea breaking the fourth wall to roast yourself was so much fun no wonder it’s a staple joke in gintama
5. most popular fic this year
this is actually tough bc i feel like it was distraction or pacifists are the best mediators as those got the best response overall when they were posted but i guess technically speaking by the numbers it was eating cheese before you sleep will give you nightmares. that being said tho it is a multichap and it didnt pass either of the other two in terms of hits or kudos until like, super late into the fall, and both are oneshots
(ao3 stats is putting distraction at the top of hits and kudos for 2017 but that’s because i just published a chapter of nightmares so it got bumped to the 2018 stats lol)
9. longest wip of the year
oh definitely the crossover fic - i know i’ve been publishing chapters but i have nothing written past what i’ve already published so it counts as a WIP hahaha. currently it’s sitting just shy of 14.5k words, all of which were written in the fall of 2017.
if we’re only including 100% unpublished stuff though, my longest WIP is that one gintama multichap i’ve been dying to write (aka The Long Fic). it’s sitting at about 7k words right now? damn and i’m only on like chapter 2 that thing’s gonna be a beast when i finally finish it and start posting
15. something you learned this year
mmmm probably the importance of having a personal reason to write a fic? for one thing, now that i can’t just sit in my room and write fic all day like i could in may i really need prioritize – if i’m gonna put the effort into writing something, it needs to be a story that i desperately want to exist, or a a piece that benefits me as a writing study or vent fic, or i need to be writing it for someone else (like for someone’s birthday or a zine).
also – and debatably more importantly – having a personal reason to write and publish helps when audience response is lacking. everyone knows i think it’s very important for creators to absolutely not measure their quality/worth by audience response, but as human beings who thrive on validation that is definitely something easier said than done. i learned that firsthand this summer, ironically with the nightmares fic – i had exactly zero comments on that fic for months, until i posted the fifth chapter in the fall. it was super discouraging & i came very, very close to falling into the “well obviously no one cares about this fic i should just stop writing it” hole over the summer. what ultimately saved the fic was the fact that i’d been using it as a style study for descriptive imagery and serious content. so i focused on that, and kept on writing, and then in the fall a whole bunch of people appeared out of the woodwork telling me how much they enjoyed it and looked forward to new chapters.
so yeah, that was an important lesson – even if you know you cant rely on audience response for validation, it’s still discouraging to not get any response, so a good way to get around that and finish your project is to have a personal reason for the project to exist. also, having a personal reason can help prioritize what projects you start when you have to balance your time with care.
(the other lesson, of course, is that thinking for even a second that people dont appreciate your writing is bullshit – comments i got in the fall concretely proved all my doubts about my writing from the summer wrong, so moving forward it’ll be easier to believe that people enjoy my fics even if they dont ever get around to saying so)
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
i had a really cute idea for a birthday fic for shinpachi but i was too busy in august to actually write it ;; i want it to exist too much to abandon it entirely so i’ll probably just write it and publish it sometime in the coming months lmao (birthdays are meaningless in gintama anyways since the characters don’t age so w h a t e v e r)
i was realllllly hoping to write another part to the drinking bet series in the fall but i didnt manage to get anything even to a WIP stage
i have like 5 ongoing WIPs that i was hoping to sort out over the fall as well. i had such high hopes for myself this fall idk why? like we all know the only reason i wrote so much in may and june was because i was literally unemployed and isolating myself after a breakup so i had a fuckton of spare time on hand. i knew i was moving in the fall and would have a job and a roommate to socialize with i dont know why i expected myself to get so much writing done lmao
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