#stray kids x male oc
penissirius · 2 years
Seo Changbin VS Feelings
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Seo Changbin x male reader
SUMMARY: Changbin isn't the best at feelings and emotions. Misunderstandings happen because he's stupid lol.
ALTERNATIVE TITLE: 3 aussies and a devil bunny fight dwaeki over golden retriever child
SPECIAL THANKS TO: @ldrei Thank you for encouraging me to finish this! This is dedicated to you!💕
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: AJ is my OC and he's used as the M/n of this story! Miyeon is my partners OC, she is AJ's sister, and is dating Felix. I actually have 2 full stories one a AO3 chapter story and the other a non-idol social media AU that ill post here. If you'd be interested, please let me know so i know at least someone is looking forward to those stories T-T
AUTHORS NOTE: So, I wrote the beginning of this for my English essay and it was the only essay I've gotten an 100% and a good comment on so I went to Tumblr and my partner asking if I should finish it and publish it because I liked it and my teacher loved it (her Not knowing it was a Stray kids fanfic I wrote just for the essay lol) after some convincing I finished it and now here it is. I would like to apologize because this was finished in December, and I promised I would post it after it was done and never did. I hit a really big depression block in my life, and I didn't want to do anything but now I'm back! Just a heads up I wrote this for my Victorian Drama Essay so don't hope too hard for a so happy ending lol. Have fun reading!
WARNINGS: Arguing, Angstish Ig, Insecure thoughts, breakdowns, panic attacks, yelling, violence, bAd WoRdS
AJ was on his way to the JYP Entertainment building to meet up with his boyfriend? Close friend? Friend with romantic benefits? AJ didn’t know but Changbin had said he had something seriously important to talk to him about, AJ had hoped this was when Changbin would finally ask him out for real. Oh, boy was it the opposite of that. AJ texted his best friend and sister, Miyeon, that he was on his way to JYPE and that if she needed a ride home then he could give her one. When he was done texting her he speeded off eager to see the man he loves, he also had serious but good information to share with him. 
    Meanwhile, at JYPE, Changbin is pacing back and forth in his studio panicking and talking to the one person he could for love help, Hyunjin, which honestly wasn’t that good of an idea but he was better than the rest of their friends. “God Hyunjin do something! Give me advice or something idiot!” Changbin says finally standing in one spot facing his group member while tugging on his own hair. Hyunjin stood pushing Changbin into the seat behind him, “First of all sit-down and get your hands out of your hair. You’re stressing yourself out and the stylist will be pissed if you pull any of your hair out.” Changbin took a deep breath and put his hands on his lap. “Now I can’t really help you seeing as this is your own very stupid plan. Everyone in the group is dating someone in some way or another. Why are you purposely putting yourself through this? Even Chan has someone. Chan has more game than you!”
    Changbin sat in silence for a few seconds before looking at his tall dramatic member. “I don’t want to take any chances, what if it’s not what he expects and leaves me? What if we date and get found out? He’s not an idol. He’d get way more hate and things like that! I couldn’t do that to him.” Hyunjin just shakes his head. “So instead of letting him make that decision, you decided to break his heart and make the decision for him? Well-”, Hyunjin started walking to the door, “You do that but don’t expect me to help protect you when the three Aussies and Lee know find out what you did. Even tho I think your stupid for giving up a guy who does so much, some that you don't even know, for you. I kinda understand why you're doing it. You better not hurt him, he’s the sweetest when it comes to his friends. So don’t make it worse than it has to be.” That's all Hyunjin said before walking out. 
    The shorter man is left sitting in an empty studio by himself, left with thoughts, “Dammit! I didn’t even think about the AJ protection Squad™️ that would be after me! If AJ doesn’t kill me himself they sure will.” Just then his inner voice said ‘Remember you used to be one of them, but now you’re about to shatter his heart just because fans and other companies believe it's wrong for you to date.’ Changbin shakes his head arguing back, “It’s more than that. Us being together could damage the careers we both worked so hard for! If people were to find out he’d get non-stop hate! I’m just protecting him!” He would definitely sound crazy if anyone else was around to hear him argue with his self-consciousness. He shut up quickly when he heard his phone ding with a message from AJ saying he was on his way up to the studio. 
    When AJ got inside the studio he hugged the shorter man happily before sitting in the armchair that Hyunjin was previously sitting in, looking towards Changbin with a bright smile. “Hi, Hi Baby Binnie!” Changbin swore that AJ’s beautiful smile would be the death of him one day. Changbin gave a nervous smile back, “Hey AJ” “So what serious thing did you want to talk to me about?”AJ tilted his head confused, still smiling. The idol was starting to panic not knowing how to talk about it without hurting AJ’s feelings. “Didn't you say you had good news? You should go first!” AJ laughed, smiling less than before, “Well whatever you wanted to talk about seems to be making you stressed and upset so maybe you should go first and I'll tell you the good news when you're feeling better!” Changbin sighed, AJ was right it's better to rip the bandaid off now rather than give himself more time to think it over and panic. 
    “Alright, please promise that you won't take this personally and you won't get mad at me.” That brought a small nervous giggle from AJ, “I've never gotten mad at you before, I'm sure it's not that bad!” Changbin took a deep breath and finally said, “I don't think we can be a thing anymore- we should just stay friends…” It was silent for a minute before Changbin looked up at AJ and saw that he no longer had a smile on his face. AJ paused, it was like his whole world stopped when he heard Changbin say those words. Changbin had never seen AJ speechless or that upset in the year that he's known him. AJ sat paused and baffled, Changbin didn't want to be with him anymore let alone be officially together. “AJ?-” Changbin was cut off when the taller one turned to him blank-faced and asked, “Why?” The idol was confused and because of all the panic earlier his brain was no longer working. 
    “Why what?” Changbin asked stupidly. AJ scoffed, still looking at him with the same blank face that Changbin had never seen before, likely none of his friends other than his sister had seen him with a blank emotionless face, that just wasn't him. “Why all of a sudden do you not want to be with me? How long have you been waiting to tell me? You let me believe this whole time that you actually liked me and there was a possibility that we could be together. So WHY is my question?” Changbin took a moment to gather his thoughts before replying. “Us being together would be a risk. It’s not that I don't like you, because I do! It's just that our careers could be ruined if anyone were to find out. I know that being an artist and dancer is very important to you. I don't wanna be the reason that all falls plus if I get any scandals I might damage everyone in Stray Kids' careers as well.” 
AJ stood angry but still pretty much blank. “Alright, guess it’s my fault for thinking that you were different and didn't care about what everyone else thought. I'm sorry for thinking that maybe we would be able to be together and happy like my sister and Felix. And more importantly, I'm sorry that I went through all this trouble for you. I stepped out of my comfort zone and went through so many panic attacks for you. Turns out it’s not enough. Guess I'll see you around Changbin.” AJ slammed a piece of paper down on the desk in front of Changbin before storming out to go find his sister and then go home. Changbin, saddened and confused, tried to call after AJ but he was already gone down the hall and into a different part of the building. Changbin got up and looked at the paper that AJ left, it was crumbed and there was a corner torn off at the bottom. It was a printed-out picture from JYPs staff to AJ saying that he passed all the auditions and was officially a JYP trainee. Changbin stared at the paper in shock, feeling more like an asshole than he originally did.
AJ walked from Changbin’s studio downstairs to the practice room that he knew his sister and Felix would be in and slammed the door open, way harder than he meant to, and looked at his sister. “Oh, hey AJ- What's wrong? Who did it? WHO hurt you? Whose ass do I have to beat?” Miyeon immediately noticed the difference in her brother's face despite his trying to act like his normal self. “Nothings wrong, I'm just ready to go home.” AJ said, walking over to them. “Nope, something is clearly wrong, sit. Sit your ass down. Family Circle.” Miyeon said, looking up at him from where she and Felix were sitting on the ground. “Since when did we still do Family Circle? And how is it Family Circle if it’s just me, you, and Felix?” AJ said, sitting in the half circle they formed. “Shut up now tell me who hurt you, imma beat their ass!” Miyeon said. “We beating ass? Should I call Chan?” Felix said, pulling out his phone. 
“There is no reason to call Chan. Don’t call him, I said I was okay!” AJ said trying to reason with the two Aussies but trying to do that is like talking to a wall. “Call him!” “I’m calling him!” Miyeon and Felix said after staring at AJ for a sec. AJ groaned defeated, leaning back on the floor still sitting with his legs crossed. After a couple of rings, Chan picked up the call. He put the call on speakerphone.  “Felix? What’s up dude, I thought you and Miyeon were practicing, what’s up?” “You need to come to the Micheal Jackson dance room!” Miyeon said over the owner of the phone's shoulder. “Why did something go wrong?” Chan said and you can hear shuffling on his side of the phone he gets up grabbing some stuff. “Nothings wrong Hyung, they're just being dramatic!” AJ yelled from his spot laying on the floor. “Someone hurt AJ. We’re trying to find out who so we can beat their ass.” Felix said into his phone. 
“Really? Why didn’t you start with that! I’m on my fucking way. Should I get Lee Know? I’m gonna get Lee Know.” You hear Chan set his phone on his desk and open his door screaming down the hallway in the dorms. “MINHO! LET'S GO WE GOT A CODE GAY DOWN!” AJ turns to them shocked “You guys have codes for this shit?” Felix looked back at him, “Yes. We are the AJ Protection Squad and we take our job very seriously.” They heard stomping before they could hear Minho’s voice clearly. “A code gay down? Whose ass am I beating? Where’s my child?” “At the Company let’s go.” You hear them both shuffle around before Chan turns to his phone. “We’ll be there in 5.” Chan says before hanging up. “The dorms are 15 minutes away!” AJ said, still confused about everything going on. “As Felix said we in the AJPS take our job very seriously.” Miyeon said looking at her brother, still bothered by the fact that someone made him upset. 
AJ decided to no longer ask questions and stared at the ceiling sadly still thinking back to what Changbin had said. Miyeon and Felix just looked at each other and at him knowing that something was wrong and they were determined to get to the bottom of it. In 5 minutes exactly there comes a worried and already angry Chan and Lee Know burst through the door. ‘If they are already pissed before knowing what happened, how will they be after?’ AJ thought, still staring at the ceiling, not moving. Lee Know and Chan move to join the makeshift ‘Family Circle’ before they all turn to AJ. “Alright now what’s wrong and who did it? And no bullshit answers AJ or I swear to god.” Lee Know says. They all looked more calm and worried rather than angry so AJ just decided to tell them, also because they probably would never leave him alone until he told them and it would feel better to talk to them about it. 
AJ took a deep breath before sitting up and looking at all of them suddenly feeling shy when he realized that they were all staring at him. “Well, this morning Changbin texted me saying that he wanted to talk and that it was something serious so we agreed to meet at the studio. And I don’t know why but a small part of me was hoping that this was when he’d finally ask me out or something, after all the mixed signals he was giving about whether we were in a relationship or not. But I should’ve known that wouldn’t have happened.” AJ looked down at his lap holding back tears, now that he was saying it all out loud the sadness and rejection is hitting him in waves. “I was gonna tell him the good news after he said what he needed to say but when he said what he did I was no longer in a happy mood. It felt like my whole world shattered-” By the time he got that out he had already started crying letting the tears fall into his lap. 
“He had said that he doesn’t think we should be a thing anymore and that we should just stay friends. And that hurt! It hurt so much but I still hadn’t processed how much it hurt until now, all I felt was anger. All I could think of was to ask why. Why did he let me believe that there could ever be something between us? Why did he let me get my hopes up just to crush them? Why had I been stupid enough to believe that he would like me back and wanna be with me? And he spouted some bullshit answer about how he actually did like me but us dating was a risk and that because I wasn’t an idol if our relationship was found I’d get so much more hate and shit. That it could ruin the careers we both worked so hard for. That he didn’t wanna be the reason I couldn’t be an artist or dancer anymore. And that if he got any dating scandals he could possibly ruin Stray Kids' career as well.” 
At this point, AJ was ugly sobbing and barely getting his sentences out correctly. Lee Know moved until he was directly behind AJ pulling the younger into his lap and wrapping his arms around him, setting his chin on the crying boy's shoulder. Felix and Chan moved to each side of him, Felix grabbing one of AJ’s hands and Chan setting his arm on his thigh. Miyeon moved to sit in front of her brother holding his other hand. The only thing on all four of their minds was comforting their youngest yet tallest friend and beating the shit out of Changbin later. AJ, although a pain in their ass some days, was their baby, the maknae of the friend group, and the only one who could get Minho to be this soft and cuddly by will. Not even Jisung had that pleasure. Hell even I.N. loved the younger and gave him affection. He was always happy and had something stupid or sassy to say, always there to make them smile on their worst days, and to see him crying aggressively over something one their friends did really pissed them off. 
AJ took some shuddery breaths trying to calm down to no avail before speaking again. “All I could think of in the back of my head was that I wasn’t good enough. That I’m still not good enough. That he was just trying to protect my feelings by not telling me that he didn’t like me that way. I'm not an idol so I’m not good enough. That I was stupid to think that just because all my friends got their happy ever after that I could get mine! I’ve tried so hard! I did so many things and it still wasn’t good enough! The amount of panic I’ve gone through during this whole audition process, the way I’ve unhealthily thrown myself into school and practice so I could get a better shot of getting accepted. The stupid strict diet I let that staff member put me on cause they thought it would make me look better. Because I wanted to be better! For him! I wanted to look better, dance better, rap better, be better. All for him. Just to find out my efforts were for nothing. That I’ll never be good enough!” 
At this point, AJ was working himself into a panic attack and Felix and Miyeon were thankful they grabbed his hands earlier because they know how bad his attacks can be on himself. They were all shocked none of them knew about the things he said. Miyeon knew about the school and practice thing and would try to pull him away whenever she could but that’s because she was used to him being a workaholic and thought that it was because of the constant auditions, not Changbin. Felix knew about the panic attacks because he’s helped him calm down from a few but none of them knew about the diet. He already has a bad relationship with food so the diet might have made it worse. AJ started falling deeper into panic and Lee Know pulled him closer whispering calming words in the boy he saw as his little brother's ear. They all huddled closer hugging the younger, letting him cry, and doing little things they knew calmed him down. 
Eventually, AJ calmed down and his cries turned into small hiccups and tears. He was so thankful they made him talk about this rather than him bottling it up and telling no one until he exploded and had a much worse breakdown. When AJ finally felt calm enough he lifted his head and everyone pulled away. Although he was squeezing Felix and Miyeon’s hands, leaning onto Chan’s shoulder, and refusing to get out of Lee Know’s lap, he was a lot calmer than before. He was very tired from so many emotions and crying. He was half asleep in Lee Know’s lap and leaning on Chan still. There was a long moment of silence before Miyeon spoke up. “You know I’m gonna beat his ass right?” The other 3 hummed in agreement. “Please don’t do that. I know I can’t stop you from talking to him but don’t do anything irrational. That’ll just make it worse.” AJ said in his broken sore and half-sleepy voice. “Can’t make any promises little Bro” Miyeon said, already standing up. 
“Just don’t do anything to have to go to jail, I don’t have bail money” AJ said before falling asleep fully. Miyeon leaned down and kissed her brother's forehead whispering, “later we will talk about that diet stuff.” She stood and turned to the other boys “Alright I have a Pig to slaughter and it won’t be the first time. Who’s coming with?” Lee know whipped his head to her, “you’ve done what?” “You heard me” was all she replied. “We all want to come but I don’t think it’s right to leave AJ alone so 2 of us should stay and the other 2 go.” Chan said, looking at AJ sleeping on his shoulder. “Alright, we’ll who’s coming with me?” Miyeon said. “I’ll stay with AJ, I will take him back to the dorms so he can rest and make sure he doesn’t try to do any work when he wakes. I also don’t think I’d be able to stop myself from fighting Changbin.” Chan said. Minho looked at the sleeping curly-haired boy and up at Miyeon. “I’ll go.” Lee Know reluctantly handed over the sleeping boy, putting him in Chan’s lap. “I’ll go to the dorm with Chris and make AJ’s favorite food and dessert.” Felix said from his spot on the ground. Chan handed Lee Know the car keys since they rode together and he and Miyeon would need to get back to the dorms. 
“We’ll drive AJ’s car to the dorm since I’m the only one other than Miyeon he lets drive it. And He was Felix and Miyeon’s ride home anyways.” They all nodded before Miyeon and Lee Know left the room storming up to the studios. Felix gathered his and AJs stuff while Chan picked AJ himself up. When they had everything they walked down to the parking lot and looked for AJs car. It wasn’t that hard to find with the obnoxious bright light blue color of it. Felix sat both of their bags on the floor in the backseat and got in on the right side. Chan set AJ on the left so he was leaning on Felix while sleeping. Chan got in the driver's side and started the car checking on the two younger ones in the back before driving off towards the Stray Kids dorm. 
Back at the company, Changbin is panicking. He feels so many emotions at once, he feels like an asshole, he’s upset about having to break AJs heart like that and overall he’s scared. He’s terrified because he knows that it’s only a matter of time before Miyeon or someone else shows up to beat his ass. He paces back and forth like earlier when Hyunjin was with him. “Fuck man what am I gonna do? I mean if I leave now there’s a possibility I can start running before they catch me- but where would I go? If I run, they're gonna be expecting me at the dorms and attack me then! I’m better off just staying here-“ As he finished saying that there were loud stomps and banging on the studio door, Changbin was glad he locked the door earlier. “COME OUT CHANGBIN YOU CAN'T STAY IN THERE FOREVER!” While Miyeon was shouting at him through the door, Lee Know looked through the keys Chan gave him and was happy to find a key to the studio amongst them. 
He pushed Miyeon slightly over and proceeded to unlock the door. Changbin visually panicked now, it was all happening so fast! He quickly ran to the other side of the couch and sat between it and the wall, knowing damn well his muscled ass was not gonna be able to hide fully back there. The two angry friends stormed in and Lee Know walked over to Changbin not knowing whether to laugh that he thought would work or just stare at him before he grabbed him by his arm and pulled him up to face Miyeon. The rapper looked at the angry sister in fear, the two scariest members of their friend group were currently mad and it was directed at him. Changbin should’ve said bye to his family when he had the chance. He opened his mouth to say something that would spare his life but before he could Miyeon delivered a hefty right hook to his face. ‘Damn that hurt like shit’ Changbin thought, grabbing his cheek. For a 5 foot girl, she sure does pack a punch but that’s to be expected from her seeing as she and AJ got into fights in high school. 
Lee Know gawked at how hard she hit him, not that he didn’t deserve it but goddamn he could feel that punch and he was behind Changbin still holding his arm. “You have exactly 5 minutes to explain why you did and said what you did to my brother and if it’s not a good reason I’m gonna punch you again!” Changbin quickly replied with pretty much the same thing he told AJ and Hyunjin, he was honestly terrified and looked everywhere but at her. When he was done Miyeon took a deep breath before punching him again in the face. Poor Changbin is gonna end up with bruises on his cheek and eye. “It’s a good thing we’re on a break right now. If we weren’t idols I’d leave more bruises than she did.” Lee know said smacking Changbin hard on the back of his head. 
“Listen I don’t care if you thought you did what was best or anything. You broke my brother. I’ve never seen him cry so hard he sent himself into a panic attack over someone. He loved you. He did everything for you. Originally I was supposed to be the only one auditioning and when I tried to talk him into it I stopped because I knew it would be too much pressure for him. But he did, why? Because he wanted to be closer to you.” Miyeon was raising her voice as she talked, her accent getting stronger, and the fact that the studio is soundproof definitely helped. “Do you know what I found out in the last hour? No? Then let me enlighten you. My brother worked himself into the ground with school, dance, and practice for you. He thinks that he’s not good enough. He let one of the staff members put him on some stupidly strict diet because she said it would help him look better! Why? Because he wanted to look better for you!”
Miyeon looked at him disgusted, “I trusted you with my brother's feelings and you broke him more than anyone had in the past. If you like him so goddamn much why didn’t you just date him! Instead, you lead him on. You’ve been all lovey with him, cuddling with him, taking him on dates just to outright turn him down and make him feel like he’s not good enough for you! Felix and I are dating and there’s no problem! Hell half of JYPE is in a relationship! Why are you the only one who is thinking so hard about your career and not the man right in front of you who would and has done literally anything for you! AJ is perfect and if you can’t see that then I don’t know what the hell to tell you. If this is how you're gonna treat anyone who has any interest in you your whole life. Then have fun being single and friendless because clearly, your career is more important.” 
Lee Know moved to stand next to Miyeon, rubbing her shoulder before saying, “We’re giving you one shot to make this better. If you fuck up even more so help me god Seo Changbin, Miyeon and I will not be the thing you need to be afraid of. You’ll have his parents and Chan after you at that point. You better make this up, but at this point, I’d be surprised if he even talks to you again let alone still loves you. If I were him I sure as hell wouldn’t.” Changbin looked at the ground in shock, sadness, and pain because damn those punches hurt. “I will make it better, I really do love him and I hadn’t realized how much pain I’ve put him through. Or how I was only really thinking about myself and my feelings and not his.” Changbin said, nodding. “Good, you have a week, and if he decides he never wants to speak to you again or doesn’t want to be with you. You can’t get mad because you fucked that up for yourself.” Lee Know said, looking at him. 
“I know and I take full responsibility. I definitely deserved the punches because I was stupid. And I wouldn’t blame him if he no longer wanted to be with me” Changbin looked up at them. “Not just stupid. You were a dumbass and full-on idiot. Now I’m gonna go back to the dorms and check on my brother. You are not allowed to even look at him until you’ve decided how you’re gonna fix your huge fuck up. Do you understand me?” Miyeon glared at the short rapper. “Yes ma’am” Changbin nodded firmly. “Good now sit and think about your mistakes” was all Miyeon said before storming out of the room to the car. “You really did fuck up and it’s hard to understand whatever stupid logic you thought you had but hopefully you make this right because he seems happiest when he’s with you and that’s all we want for him” Lee Know said looking towards the chair Changbin sat in. “MINHO!” Miyeon yelled down the hall. “That’s my cue to go. Don’t fuck up Seo Changbin” He said before he left the room. And so there Changbin sat left with his thoughts of how much of an idiot he is and how he’s going to fix it. 
I really hope you like it! If you did leave likes and comments! reblogs help as well! If you wanna read more of my shitty works you can follow me on AO3 @/penissirius ! If you’d like to see more of AJ and Miyeon and their Interesting Adventures in life in Korea and Becoming JYP trainees well you’re just in luck because the whole story of them is being written and made. Tho I will not post it until I have the whole thing finished which will be a while but I have a few chapters now! So be on the lookout for that! I will be posting a Social Media AU that is completely unrelated to that story so let me know if you wanna be on the tag list for it! Byeeeeee~
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gn4bnahc · 4 months
Bangchan fucking you while you’re asleep 💤
Masterlist (Please Check it out 😭🙏)
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houpss · 6 months
𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
soft and fluff, will be about all members (!), there may be hints of smut
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Chan, who sees the meaning of life in you and wants to see you always in front of him all his life.
What do they say? People who truly love will die one day.
Chan, who promised to love you until the day death finds him, and even after that. He doesn't want to leave you.
The most tender dates, the most tender times. He will give you all his love and attention.
Chan, who tells the members so much about you, you are their “9th member”
Chan, who you're talking to video call with his family! and btw with yours too.
Chan, who, regardless of how busy the day is, will spend the evenings with you. Whether it's cooking or watching a movie/serials/k drama
Chan, who remembers every little thing about you and does what you don’t even ask for, but are clearly thinking about.
Meeting Chan was fate, maybe you were given each other by fate?
Oh..he looks at you like an angel, his eyes shine so brightly when he sees you!
Chan, who gives you a large bouquet of your favorite flowers every Friday.
He writes you songs, from the sad to the most vulgar... oh, the boy is simply overwhelmed with emotions for you.
Chan, who takes you on all his world tours because he finds it difficult without you.
He is the most gentle and sweetest with you! your heart literally breaks with love for him, you want to love and kiss this man.
Chan, who sits you on his lap while he works and holds your waist with one hand...babe, he has hot and big hands
Chan, who pays for ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING for you. seriously, even if you argue with him.
I wrote this situation, but...
"Channie, make me some coffee please"
"Ugh...I'm late, little mouse"
"So you won't do it? :("
"That means I’ll be late” and goes to make coffee for his beloved woman/man
His favorite terms of endearment for you are subtle but classic: “sweetheart” and “baby,” but on special occasions he will call you “sweetheart” with a matching saccharine expression. Or “little mouse”, which is also very cute
Chan, sometimes he can get angry and yell at you, but that's because he puts too much pressure on himself at work.
Oh..during your quarrels even plates and insults fly. After one quarrel, there were broken plates and you cut yourself, he noticed this and took you to the bathroom, where he treated the wound and apologized to you almost a hundred times. And the plates...buy new ones.
Chan, who practices flirting with you like you're in high school, but he learned it from STAY
Chan, who gives you all his hoodies and absolutely everything... for some reason you love to steal his shorts and walk around the house in them. Ooh, he thinks they fit really sexy on your hips.
He'll give you a bear hug when you sleep, he's a big spoon
He also always kisses your forehead when he leaves for work, because you are still sleeping, and he is already leaving.
but keep in mind, Chan makes sweet sex to you, but his stroking game is so crazy, even when he takes his time with you, he's so deep inside you that it drives you crazy, you're literally pray
Chan is an experienced and mature man, he is completely confident in himself and in you. He takes the leading position in the relationship, he is the one who leads.
Do I need to tell you that all his things smell like your perfume? What if all your things are in his perfume?
You sometimes help him with lyrics or with song arrangements when he gets stuck and doesn’t understand what’s best to add.
You, who pulls the vat out of the studio.
You, who always checks how he ate or how much he slept. You absolutely monitor his regime and make sure he doesn’t overwork.
You are flying to Australia together to visit his family! they will bless your couple.
Hannah will definitely say funny things about Chris, and Lucas is so shy around you.
Oh...Berry, baby Berry 🥹🥹🥹
How about date nights?
You really raised Chan's self-esteem, with you...he fell in love with himself, just as you love him.
He's just grateful that you exist.
First love is always last love.
“Home” is not a place, it is sometimes only a man, the man whom you consider your home.
When you come, all Chan’s problems and wounds heal, he wants to live next to you.
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dean-a-mean-tae · 11 months
Sleeping Where I Shouldn't | Stray Kids Extra Member AU
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Nicholas has a habit of falling asleep. Getting his makeup done, laying on one of the boys, during a Vlive, and many more examples. I made a compilation of times we saw Nick sleeping in the background. - random fan | Or 3 times the camera caught Nicholas sleeping, and the 1 time they didn't.
(@cafekitsune made the dividers)
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1. Sleepy Lives
Chris was filming a Chan's Room episode. He was in the middle of answering someone's question about Nicholas, ironically, when he caught someone's comment.
"Nick is asleep?" Chris repeated, tilting his head in confusion. He watched the comments pour in. All talking about Nicholas falling asleep during his live.
"Wait, he's live now?" Chris asked, laughing softly as he grabbed his phone. Quickly, he checked Nick's live and laughed at the sight: Nicholas leaning on his folded arms with his hood halfway off his head. Someone placed a box of hair clips next to him.
"He was talking about me?" Chris asked, looking at someone saying 'He fell asleep talking about you'
Just then, his door opened, and in peeked a laughing Jisung.
"Are you live?" The younger asked, looking between Chan and whoever was outside.
"Yeah, what happened?" Chris laughed.
"Nick fell asleep and now Hyunjin and Felix are putting clips in his hair," Jisung laughed, screaming when Jeongin yanked him back outside.
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2. Driving Sleep
After a long day of work, everyone was headed home. Hyunjin, Felix, Minho, and Nicholas were in the same car. Minho is recording from his seat in the front, with Hyunjin and Felix sitting in the middle. Nicholas was eating a cookie in the far back.
"Look at them." Minho angled the camera at the trio behind him. Hyunjin waved while Felix giggled out 'Hello!'
"Is he sleeping?"
They both turned around. Nick was lying with his head back, a cookie in his mouth, and his left arm across his lap. The container of cookies pressed against his thigh by his hand.
"Nick?" Hyunjin called, flinching when Minho hit him. He glared at a laughing Felix before looking at Minho.
"Be quiet!" The older whispered. He turned the camera and zoomed in on Nick's face, laughing softly when the cookie crumbled out of his mouth.
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3. Backstage Naps
They'd just gotten off stage, sweaty and tired, immediately sitting on the closest furniture. Jisung and Jeongin collapsed onto a couch with Nicholas lying across them. His legs propped onto Jisung's lap and his torso across Jeongin's body, head tucked into his neck. The trio were asleep with a fan pointed towards them.
In front of them, on the floor, was Chan. His head leaned back against Jisung's leg with his hand raised limply held in Nicholas' hand.
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1. Practice Depletion
"I can't tell who looks smaller, Changbin or Nicholas."
Minho, Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin stood over Changbin and Nicholas in the practice room. They could hear Chan, Hyunjin, and Felix laughing at them from their spots on the floor.
Changbin lay on the floor with Nicholas curled beside him, both asleep. Nick lay on his side, back pressed into Changbin's side, in a fetal position. One of Chanbin's arms lay under Nicholas' head as a pillow against the hard floor.
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Nicholas Ross Master List
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photoseditedfrw · 1 year
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dreamydelulu · 9 months
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The seat
Genre: Humor, fluffy
Sorry about any grammatical/ortographic mistakes. English isn’t my first language.
The whole group was excited for their weekly movie night. They all gathered in the living room, each member eyeing the couch and the few comfortable armchairs available. It was a tight fit with nine members, but everyone usually managed to find a spot somehow and be comfortable in their own way.
Jiwon and Jeongin, being the maknaes of the group, were no exception to this rule. They always ended up fighting over the last seat left, and today was no different.
"The seat is mine!" Jeongin declared, diving for the last spot, only to be met by the younger's quick response.
"Knock it off, that's my spot! I've been eyeing it since morning!" The younger's eyes fixed on the prized seat.
Jeongin, equally determined, retorted, "No way! I had my eyes on it before you even woke up! It's mine!"
Jiwon pouted adorably. "But I was here first!" he whined, his big doe eyes pleading innocently.
Jeongin raised an eyebrow. "And how exactly does 'being here first' translate into claiming ownership of the sofa?"
Jiwon shrugged "Because... well, it just does," and then he continued complaining, pouting, “hyung, It’s not fair. You always get everything your way."
Hyunjin, in his usual sarcastic tone, chimed in, "Oh boy, here we go again."
Minho, always quick with a mischievous remark, added, "Someone grab the popcorn. This is better than any movie!"
Their banter quickly escalated into a playful argument, each claiming their right to the coveted seat. “Let’s do It fair, then, 'll race you for it!" Jeongin challenged, his competitive side showing.
Jiwon smirked, agreeing with it. “You're on! Let’s do it."
As they dashed towards the couch, the other members couldn't help but laugh at their antics. "You guys are ridiculous," Felix chuckled, shaking his head in amusement.
Changbin couldn't help but chuckle at their never-ending rivalry. "Come on, guys, there's always the floor."
Both of them shot him deadly looks before turning back to their argument.
"The floor? Are you kidding me?" Jeongin protested. "No way!"
Jiwon huffed, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, I can't even stretch out properly like this!"
Bangchan attempted to mediate, "Why not share the seat, then?"
But their competitive spirits were too ignited. "No way!" Jiwon exclaimed, "This is a battle of honor, hyung!"
"You two should really grow up," Seungmin muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes, shaking his head in exasperation as he sat down on the couch.
At the end Jeongin managed to win the seat being faster than the maknae and with a victorious grin, he celebrated. "Hah, take that. The seat is mine!"
“Not fair, hyung! You cheated,” Jiwon accused and pouted, crossing his arms, sulky.
“You lost because you’re just too slow, won-ah. Accept it,” Jeongin teased.
The other members burst into laughter, unable to contain their amusement.
Felix chimed in again, chuckling entertained. "Come on, you two, stop fighting. It's just a seat."
Bangchan, trying to play peacemaker. "Yeah, there's plenty of room on the floor with blankets and cushions."
“But the couch is more comfortable,” Jiwon whined dramatically in a grumpy way.
“Wony, grab your dramatic ass and come sit here with us already, stop whining” Changbin patted the spot next to him on the floor, teasing, enjoying this too much.
“Yeah, Jiwon,” said Jeongin with a mischievous grin, with spreading on the couch. “Listen to your hyung.”
The maknae couldn’t help but let out an exaggerated sigh in defeat, but his stubbornness wouldn’t let him give up so easily. “Well, I guess this leaves me with no other choice, then.”
And without saying a word, he just sat on Jeongin’s lap, while crossing his legs as if it was a seat.
"Whoa, where did that come from?" Hyunjin chuckled, amazed by Jiwon's audacity.
Jeongin, bewildered but entertained, couldn't help but laugh at Jiwon's antics "Hey, that's cheating!"
"Technically, I didn't take the seat," Jiwon retorted with a grin, reveling in his small victory.
The room erupted in laughter as their maknae settled onto Jeongin's lap comfortably, and the others, still flustered, could do nothing but roll their eyes and shake their heads.
"Well, problem solved, looks like wony found a better seat," Changbin declared, entertained.
Jeongin was taken aback, momentarily stunned by Jiwon's unexpected move.
"That's not fair!" he protested, trying to hide his amusement.
Jiwon playfully patted Jeongin's head and teased, “Life is not fair, hyung.”
Felix, unable to contain his laughter, added, "Oh, come on, Jeonginnie! You got outsmarted by the maknae!"
Jeongin huffed pretending to be annoyed and rolled his eyes. “Alright, alright, I’ll accept it. But just this time.”
Later, while watching the movie:
Everyone was finally settled in their spots while watching the movie, finally in peace. But, of course, their maknaes wouldn’t let it last for too long.
“Yah, hyung, stop moving so much,” Jiwon complained, the room no longer being in silence anymore. “You're going to make me fall.”
Then Jeongin quickly answered, crossing his arms, “Well, it’s because you’re in my lap. You're not like a feather, you know.”
“And here we go again,” Seungmin announced, rolling his eyes.
“Guys, come on. Can’t we just watch the movie without you two being at each other’s throat?” Bangchan said, trying to mediate their non-stop bickering (but failing miserably).
Jiwon and Jeongin, their faces turning slightly red, exchanged embarrassed glances but continued to argue under their breath. Jiwon mumbled, "I should've taken another seat."
Jeongin retorted, "You're the one who wanted to sit here, anyways!”
As the teasing continued, Minho couldn't resist joining in on the fun. With a mischievous grin, he leaned over to Jiwon and said, "Next time, I'll let you sit on my lap, Wony."
Jiwon's eyes widened in surprise, and he blushed even deeper. “U-um, thanks, hyung.” he stammered, not knowing what to say exactly, being caught off guard.
Jeongin, with his competitive spirit kicking in, spoke up, his tone laced with jealousy. He retorted, "Wait a minute! You can’t just offer that, hyung!"
The room burst into laughter as Jeongin, trying to save face, added, "I mean, it's my lap he should be sitting on!"
Felix burst into giggles and poked fun at Jeongin, "Jealous, are we?"
Jeongin's cheeks turned an even darker shade of red as he tried to defend himself, "N-no, It’s not that! I'm not jealous! It's just... well, it's different!”
Jisung couldn't help but chime in, "Oh, is that how it is? Fight for your man, Jeonginnie!"
Jeongin's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red as he grumbled, "I'm not fighting for anyone!"
Jiwon, still blushing, decided to have some fun with the situation. He turned to Jeongin with a mischievous smile and said, "Well, maybe I'll take Minho-hyung up on his offer next time."
Jeongin's eyes widened, and he quickly retorted, "You wouldn't dare!"
Felix, still grinning, decided to tease Jeongin further, "Aw, I think someone's being possessive of Wony!"
Jiwon, caught in the middle of this amusing situation, couldn't stop himself from giggling. He playfully wrapped an arm around Jeongin's shoulders and said poking the other’s cheek, "Don't worry, innie, you're still my favorite," making the others burst into laughter and making Jeongin blush even more.
Jeongin’s jealousy melted away as he blushed at Jiwon’s words, and the other members couldn’t contain their laughter at the whole exchange. It was another moment of playful teasing that made their movie nights so enjoyable.
“W-wathever,” he stammered.
Jisung, grinning ear to ear, leaned over and whispered to Minho, “Well, that escalated quickly.”
Minho nodded, trying to hold back his laughter. “I guess we’ve found Iyen’s weak spot.”
The playful atmosphere continued as the movie played on, with Jiwon and Jeongin sharing a knowing look and secretly enjoying the friendly banter among their fellow members.
Author note: you guys must be tired of It, but as I said. I love Jeongin and Jiwon’s love-hate dynamics, and makes me having a bunch of ideas to write about It. I’ll try to explore later with others the members too, feel free to make any request if you have ideas to share with me ;)
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cheolcor3 · 5 days
[◉°] ... ⃕ STAY, cheolcore_ has uploaded two stories !
📸🎥FROM YUNCHEOL : September 14, 2024 - 11.59 PM KST
📸🎥FROM YUNCHEOL : September 15, 2024 - 00.00 AM KST
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dwaekkistar · 9 months
Do You Even Care?
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Sujin spent most of the car ride silent, trying to convince himself that Seungmin wasn't there. From the moment the omega got in the car it was as if the beta was intent on annoying the omega for a reaction. When the beta realized that Hyunjin switched places with Sujin once they were all in the car he scoffed loudly which earned him a look from Felix and Hyunjin. Chan had told Sujin while he started up the car that they were heading to a mall, which made Sujin smile, maybe he would be able to find a job there. But now he regretted the trip, as Seungmin was getting on the last nerve the omega didn't even know he had.
Hyunjin and Felix had been focused on their phone as Chan was concentrating on the road. He just knew he could feel the beta's eyes boring into the side of his face and it kinda annoyed Sujin. When he turned to look back the beta was already grimacing at him.
"Take a picture so it lasts longer." Sujin spewed out.
"Yeah like I'd want to take a picture of a repulsive-looking omega like you," Seungmin replied, his voice filled with disgust.
"SEUNGMIN!" All three alphas yelled in unison, as Hyunjin whacked his arm and Felix shot him a look.
That statement was enough to make Sujin internally see red as his eyes glistened, tears threatening to prick the corner of his eyes. He quickly and efficiently pushed his tears back though, not wanting to give Seungmin the satisfaction. He quickly hid his feelings as he started to stare out the window. If this was the game that Seungmin wanted to play then he would simply just pretend the beta didn't exist.
Eventually, they reached the mall, and it took everything in Sujin not to walk away from the alphas so that he could release the emotions brewing inside him.
" I think we should work on getting Sujin a new phone first" Chan spoke up sheepishly, " since that's the quickest task on our list at the moment."
"Okay.." Sujin mumbled not really in the mood to speak much. Chan grabbed his hands and led everyone to the phone store.
Within 30 minutes Sujin had a brand-new phone and number seeing as he didn't want any contact with his family back in New Zealand. He turned the phone on and set everything up quietly while the three alphas guided him to the next store they were thinking of. He eventually finished setting up his phone, looking up to see they had stopped in front of a store that quite honestly piqued his interest. Hyunjin took notice of this, leaving Seungmin's side and guiding the Omega into the store. Sujin was surprised as he didn't expect the alpha to suddenly bring him into the store.
He started searching random racks, picking out pieces that caught his attention the most, before bringing the few items over to Hyunjin. The alpha carefully studied the items before giving the omega his opinion on them seeing as that had to be the only reason a grown omega unmarked omega would be showing him such things.
" I think these would look great on you, you should pick out more," he said happily, " and no, we won't leave the store until you do."
Not being able to even put up a sufficient fight against it I went and picked out more clothing pieces I liked before I deemed my arms way too full. They were different color items, but most were a monochromatic black and or white. I would like to deem those my safe colors. I returned to where Hyunjin was sitting while he was texting away on the phone. When he looked up he seemed to be ecstatic at the amount of clothes I accumulated in the store.
"Would you like to try them on?" he said pointing in the direction of the fitting rooms. I shook my head in response. Due to an experience, I wasn't ready to talk about just yet, I just couldn't trust fitting rooms. I always found any way possible to avoid them even if that meant learning other methods to determine if the item fit.
"I trust that these will fit," I said with a soft smile. The alpha nodded as he began to guide me to the nearest cashier, I rested all the clothes on the counter when I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind. I looked back to be hit with an intense wave of Chris' seawater scent which happened to be mixed with a tinge of worry.
"Here you are I thought I lost you in the mall..." he said softly before looking at Hyunjin, "Why didn't you tell me you guys were heading in here?"
" I thought you saw us walk in here..." Hyunjin replied laced with slight confusion as he tilted his head to one side. The cashier told him the total and he pulled out his card immediately paying for it but Sujin couldn't help but go wide-eyed as it seemed the omega spent approximately 200 bucks in one store.
" I think that's enough shopping for one day.." the omega said as he quickly grabbed the bag of clothing, only to have Felix grab it from him. He quietly fidgeted with his hands, and even more so when he realized Seungmin was also with them and the beta was practically glaring at him worse than before.
"Aww but the fun just started," Felix blurted out, it seemed he had more for the day planned than he had let on back in the omega's room.
"But you guys have already spent enough on me collectively..." the omega softly mumbled, just loud enough for the 3 alphas to catch.
That's when Chris followed the omega's gaze through his peripheral view and caught Seungmin glaring at the younger. He pulled Sujin away from the others deeper into the store before turning to speak to the omega.
"Okay, so I can see that Seungmin is making you feel uncomfortable," he said with a tinge of worry in his eyes, "But Felix seems to want to spend more time with you here at the mall... so I'm giving you two choices, we can go to the food court and then go home, or you can stay here with Felix and Hyunjin and I take Seungmin home."
"I mean wouldn't the second choice make Seungmin hate me more?" sujin replied slightly panicked.
"He doesn't hate you.." Chan replied almost a bit too quickly. "He's just having a hard time at the moment."
"Yeah... because it's normal for someone who doesn't hate you to tell you that you are the most repulsive omega he's laid eyes on," Sujin replied sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.
"We'll talk more about that later." Chan said with a tinge of sadness in his voice, "As for right now I think the second choice is better for you. So I'll take Seungmin home."
The omega sighed softly to himself as Chris grabbed his hand and walked him back over to where Felix and Hyunjin were. He knew he wasn't going to be able to get out of this. The head alpha whispered in the other 2's ears before walking over to Seungmin and leading him out of the store by an arm.
Felix and Hyunjin then proceeded to take Sujin to various stores as they got to learn more about the omega. They learned that he loved the concept of crop tops and bought as many as humanely possible in the mall. They also got the omega plethora of retro 1's and boots seeing as he seemed to like his Doc Martens. They helped the omega even get clothing items he thought he'd never have the money to buy thus broadening his wardrobe and fashion style while sticking to a color scheme they knew he was comfortable with. By the time they were done, they ended up in front of a jewelry accessories store.
"Seeing as we now know a lot more about sujin maybe we should check this store out?" Hyunjin excitedly spilled out as he tilted his head towards the store.
When Sujin turned to look at the store he laid eyes on a choker that he knew he really wanted. He just couldn't tear his eyes away from the velvet black material that was adorned with a silver moon and sun pendant. He lifted his fingers and immediately pointed at it, both alphas following his fingers immediately caught a glimpse of the choker.
"Why does that actually fit him?" Felix blurted out, making the omega smile.
"Let's go get it cutie!" Hyun-jin said softly, as he grabbed Sujin's hand with his available one as both Felix and Hyunjin were carrying most of them. For some odd reason, the alpha calling Sujin cute sent this warm feeling throughout his body and made the omega very giddy. They all quickly shuffled into the store buying the choker for the omega. Sujin eventually became hungry so Felix offered to take them to the food court before going home.
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Meanwhile, back at the house, Chan and Changbin had pulled Seungmin into the second alpha's room to talk.
"Seungmin what's your issue?" Changbin sternly asked wanting to get to the bottom of things. Ever since Sujin came into the picture the older beta has changed into a completely different person. Changbin had to admit that it was becoming pretty bothersome. It made bonding with both him and the omega in the same room uncomfortable and almost impossible with the way he kept flinging insults the omega's way.
"Nothing." the beta retorted," Nothing is my issue... I don't even know why you guys are making this omega such a big deal..."
" Because he is a big deal," Chan replied. "it's been years since we had someone close to an omega in our pack and you know that... and the moment we start courting an actual one you become an asshole?"
"I'm not gonna just move on from him," Seungmin retorted once more, " It's like you're trying to make me forget him for the sake of Sujin? So that he can just up and take over the entire relationship. WE WERE DOING PERFECTLY FINE WITHOUT AN OMEGA!"
"Are we really Seungmin?" Chan replied calmly.
"Seungmin you have to move on for crying out loud—" Changbin spewed out, " Woojin literally told us he wants nothing to do with the pack and doesn't want to be mentioned with anything involving us. You're doing more damage to yourself by staying stuck on someone who doesn't want anything to do with you or the rest of us."
The beta sighed as he rested his face in his hands trying to come to terms with what he was just told. Was he really making things worse? Or were they just saying that to manipulate him into forgetting their former lover they all seemed to have long forgotten?
"Do you even care about how much you've probably hurt Sujin with your comment today?" Chan added.
"We don't even know if he's actually an omega—" Seungmin replies before he is cut off by Changbin.
" BETA'S CAN DO THE SAME THING—," the beta said yelling back, "You can't tell me someone who looks that chiseled and fit is an omega Binnie!"
"Unless they're a Luna..." Chan added. " an omega wouldn't look that fit unless they're a Luna."
"It would be highly unlikely that we lucked out through a stupid program and got a Luna Chan," Seungmin replied rhetorically. "Wouldn't that be something he'd have mentioned by now?"
"Unless he doesn't know.." changbin added as he went deep into thought. "When Chan and I looked at Sujin's application on the site there was a secret note from him added to it a week later... saying that his family pack filled out the application on his behalf and they were doing it to get rid of him because he was an unwanted pup..."
"What if he doesn't know because his family pack never bothered to delve deeper into his sub-gender..." the Raven-haired alpha added. " which if we're being real, could honestly lead to years of body image issues."
"That would explain why he almost cried in the car..." Chan mumbled hoping nobody would catch his words.
"What are you talking about ?" Changbin asked softly, his voice sounding as if he was on the verge of getting angry again.
"Seungmin here was glaring at Sujin the entire car ride to the mall, and when the cutie finally retaliated, he called him a repulsive-looking omega..." Chan said slowly and softly, "If our theory about body image is correct, Seungmin may have just made it worse. The minute he gets back home and is left alone with his brain long enough he will surely start to nitpick every last part of his body."
The minute that Chan finished his sentence, Seungmin finally realized the damage he caused and he wanted to fix it.
"So why don't we take him to the doctor and figure out if he's actually a Luna or not," he said solemnly, " and even if he isn't I'll find a way to make up for what I did."
Chan and Changbin nodded softly in response.
"I should probably go upstairs before he gets home then, I don't want him to feel worse the minute he walks through the door." The beta added with a sigh. 
Seungmin quietly made his way to his room and decided he'd probably read for the rest of the evening.
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The Pack Omega Masterlist | Other Work |
If you want to be added to a tag list going into the future for updates please just DM me it makes it easier to keep track of. Taglist; | @missrandomheart
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I really want to make One Piece x Male readers. I'm getting tired of seeing less or some male readers
Along with other male readers besides StrayKids, maybe like Original Characters x reader whatever (or GOT7)
After doing these requests for stray kids
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jenskpopadditons · 1 year
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birth name — jack chung
mandarin — 傑克·鐘 / 杰克·钟
korean name — jung jaemin
hangul — 정재민
sex/gender — male
birthday — december 25, 2000
zodiac sign — capricorn
birth place — melbourne, australia
ethnicity — chinese
nationality — australian
languages — english, first language. korean, fluent. chinese, learning.
blood type — b
mbti type — esfj / consul
## SNS
instagram — @jackinstayville
face claim — the8, seventeen
voice claim — jisung, nct
height — 5'11
weight — 143 lbs
biological father — evan chung
biological mother — bella chung
biological brother — jordan chung, 1998
biological sister — jenna jung, 2005
pets — dog, loki
stage name — jack
company — jyp entertainment
training period — 6 years
group — stray kids
positions — main dancer, lead rapper, sub vocalist
years active — 2018 +
debut date — march 25, 2018
debut age — 17
dormmate — --
representative emoji: 🐯
representative animal: tiger
sexual orientation — bisexual
ideal type — son chaeyoung, twice
relationship status — single
he's here and im so excited for him! i hope other people will enjoy him too lol, i don't really have much planned but im still excited for him to finally be in existence <3
also another small thing, i plan to make jack and felix date in the past, but now jack is dating chaeryeong, but im undecided on whether his love interest should just be felix or chaeryeong.
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xmalereader · 1 year
Simon Riley x Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Authors note: Here is the beginning of a new mini series! These are not in order so you can read them however you like, here is the first part of the mini series! I’d also like to thank @crazymr for giving me a few ideas and inspiration of this new mini series!
Summary: Simon is still new to marriage and to being a parent to a pair of twins and there chaos.
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, mentions of bullying, broken noses, Simon is a good parent, twins being chaotic, OC kid names, Simon is still in the military, sarcasm, fighting back.
Word count: 2.3K
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Very little people knew about Simon Riley being a married man. He kept his life private and never told anyone even if they asked he simply ignored the question and moved onto the next. You would think he would carry pictures in his wallet or perhaps keep them stored in his vest, but the man never carried that stuff with him. Too afraid and anxious of losing something important to him and perhaps putting them in danger if fallen into the wrong hands.
Simon was still fresh and new with marriage, suddenly getting married with his neighbor who was a single father raising twins on his own. Simon had interacted with the twins various times, always finding them on his front porch as they played with the stray cat that Simon had befriended and fed.
His neighbor was cautious of him at first, afraid of his tough structure but with time he grew to like Simon. Always knowing where to find the twins and trusting Simon to keep an eye on them if they ever ran off. After two years of the two dating it was Simon who wanted to marry the man and raises his kids alongside him. He’s grown to love the twins wether they were chaotic and a handful he didn’t mind.
With Simon being new to marriage he slowly grew used to certain things that both he and husband and kids did together. For example, they’d go out and eat or take turns dropping the kids off at school along with cleaning the house. It all felt domestic to Simon, something he thought he’d never have.
It wasn’t until Simon returned from deployment that he received a call from the twins school, urging him to come by the office due to Briar being in trouble. Simon only ever got contacted by the school in case of emergencies and was placed as a second option. Turns out that Y/n wasn’t able to get to the school and had contact Simon about the situation.
Simon knew that the twins were trouble.
Scratch that.
Briar, was trouble.
When Simon first interacted with the twins he knew that Briar was the tough one. Always speaking her mind and never cared for those who judged her while Ren was the quiet one. He was usually closed off and shy around new people but when he’s with family he’s just as chaotic as Briar.
If the two were separated in a room, things could be decent. But, if the two were in the same room, chaos arrives.
Simon learned to handle the twins attitudes, noticing the difference between the twin even though they had similarities and same age. Ren was the one who grew attached to Simon when he and Y/n first started dating, the small boy was always following Simon around like a lost puppy, he didn’t know why Ren did it.
Most children would run away from Simon in fear of him wearing a skull mask over his face or the big build that he had. Instead, Ren had told Simon that he felt safe around the man, protected. When Ren confessed his true feelings about Simon keeping him safe was when Simon grew to love Ren.
Protecting the kid and reassuring him during hard times.
Briar on the other hand was a handful. Simon expected Briar to grow attached to him at the same pace as Ren but she handled things differently. Briar was blunt towards Simon, maturing at a young age as she asked strange and interesting questions. Briar hadn’t really seen Simon as a parent until Y/n and him started growing serious.
Even though Briar had tough skin she did have one fear and that was Simon Riley. Simon could read her like a book and easily made her talk, there were times where she confessed that she found him intimating—a challenge.
Briar was young and tough and always stepped up for the hard tasks in life. The hears that Y/n spent raising the twins on his own, it was Briar who stepped up at a young age to take care of her little brother whenever Y/n was busy working. She’d clean, cook, and make sure that both she and Ren made it to school even when Y/n couldn’t be there for them.
Briar saw Simon as a challenge. Someone who was trying to steal her important role of the family.
When Simon arrived to the school he ignored the stares he received from both students and teachers as he makes his way to the office, stepping inside to find Briar sitting outside the principles office her arms crossed with an angrily look on her face.
Simons presence gets the twins attention, lifting her head up as the anger in her eyes melts away into a slight hint of fear. Quickly looking away as Simon sighed deeply under his face mask and sits next to Briar.
“Does dad know your here?” She suddenly asks in a soft whisper, getting Simons attention as he shakes his head. “Not yet, he will though.” Simon stares, leaning forward as his elbows are pressed against his knees, head on his hands.
“Okay…” She mumbled.
The two sit on silence until they are called into the principles office, Simon follows behind Briar into the room and the two sit down in front of the principles desk. The man on the other side of the desk can’t help but sigh at the sight of Briar.
“Briar Riley, you’re in trouble again?”
“Drink some cranberry juice.” She shot back with a grin.
Simon bites back a smile as the principle stares at her baffled. “What? No, not urine —you are in trouble!” He clarified as Briar kicks her legs, smiling innocently at the principle. It wasn’t until the principle is rubbing his temples with irritation showing on his face, knowing damn well that seeing Briar in his office was a regular thing already.
“Mr. Riley, is it?” The principle says, getting Simons attention as he nods in return. “I’m guessing you weren’t told why you were called here?”
“Unfortunately, no.” He answers honestly.
The principle nods in understanding as he laced his fingers together and set them in front of him, meaning business as he began to explain why Briar was called into the office today.
“Mr. Riley. The reasoning as to why Briar was called in today was because she got into a fight with a kid.”
Simon looks at briar in surprise.
“She punched a kid in the face.” The principle says.
“He deserved it.” Briar blurts out, glaring.
“You broke his nose!” The principle shot back with a deep sigh while pinching the bridge of his nose, disappointed and stressed.
“Do you know why she did it?” Simon finally asks, arms crossed over his chest as he allows the principle to explain. “Her and a young boy were arguing in the play ground and next thing I knew she was punching the kid.” He explains.
The room goes quiet after the explanation, giving Simon the chance to turn to Briar and ask for her side of the story. The nine year old huffs out a sigh as she explains.
“He was being mean to Ren, he pushed him off the swings and Ren scrapped his knees.” She mumbled out. “I told him to apologize but he refused and—he called Ren a mean name and I punched him.” She says, glancing at Simon who sat next to her and watched her closely. He’s able to read her eyes, knowing that she wasn’t lying.
He’s seen Briar fight kids in the past but it wasn’t for fun and games she mainly did when she was either defending herself or her brother. Simon knew that what she did was wrong, but can’t help but side with her on the situation.
“I see no problem with it.” Simon blurts out, getting a surprised look from both Briar and Principle. “Mr. Riley—“
“Briar was protecting her brother. It shouldn’t Briar sitting in this room it should be the other kid who didn’t hesitate to hurt Ren. Briar only did what she thought was right, by punching the kid.”
“She broke his nose!”
“Broken or not, doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be here.” Simon shot back, giving the principle a glare. “I say the kids are even. He got to pick on Ren and in return he got a broken nose.” Simons voice is deep and full of order.
“I’ll make sure she doesn’t do it again, but can’t promise she won’t hold back.” Simon stares, earning a shocked look from the principle as Simon stands from his seat and turns to Briar, nodding towards the door and signaling there leave. Briar looks from the principle to Simon before filling him out quickly, leaving a baffled principle behind.
When they reach the front of the office, Ren is sitting outside on the bench, kicking his legs nervously as he waits for Briar. When they make their appearance be jolts up from his seat and rushed over to hug Briar.
“Did you get expelled?” He asks, pulling away to look at Briar who shakes her head. “No.” She answers, looking down at the backpack that Ren held for her and smiles softly, taking it from his hands and slipping it over her shoulders.
“Doesn’t mean she’s not in trouble.” Simon speaks up, getting Rens attention. “You’ll father would want to know what happened.”
At the mention of Y/n, both kids are struck in fear.
Everyone knows that Simon is the scary one to be around when it comes towards missions. He was rough with his team and very demanding when it came towards getting things done. Thats only when he’s working, in his marriage it’s different.
Y/n is considered the scary one. He may look innocent and bubbly on the outside but once a nerve is struck he won’t hesitate to strike back. Which is why the twins feared him, afraid of disappointing their father who spent years raising them on his own and making sure they didn’t cause trouble.
Here he stood, hands on his hips as he tapped his foot angrily, glaring down at Briar who sat on the couch with a small innocent smile. Both Ren and Simon sat near the dining room, getting a clear view of the living room and easy access to ease drop on the conversation.
“Want to tell me why I got a call from the principles today?” Y/n asks, tilting his head to the side in questioning while Briar fidgets in place.
“I…uh—I punched a kid today..”
Y/n’s eyes widen. “You did what?!”
“I punched a kid!” Briar finally says, louder and full of pride which causes Simon to roll his eyes.
“Why?” Y/n demands. “He pushed Ren off the swings and called him a mean word.”
“And you think punching him resolved the issue?”
“She also broke his nose.” Simon pitched in, getting Y/n’s eyes to widen. “What?!”
“It wasn’t that bad…” Briar mutters. “You broke a kids nose!”
Briar frowns with a glare on her face. “What was I suppose to do? Teachers don’t do shit when kids get picked on and Ren was just swinging!” She says. “Then Ben and his friends came over and shoved Ren off while he was swinging and scrapped his knees and nearly hurt his head too!” Briar jumps off the couch, trying to size up Y/n and challenging him. “He called Ren a baby and I got mad and punched him! He deserved that broken nose!”
Her sudden outburst caused the room to grow silent. The only thing heard is Briars heavily breathing as she glared at her father who only stood there in silence, asking a small question.
“Punching someone isn’t the right answer.” Y/n knew how overprotective Briar was of her brother and would do anything for him.
“Yeah? Well—“ briar looks around frantically until her eyes land on Simon. “Simon, what would you do if dad got called something mean or tries to hurt him?” She asks.
Simon didn’t want to get dragged into the situation but at the mention of Y/n getting hurt Simon doesn’t hesitate to answer.
“Murder.” He says with narrow eyes. “See?!” Briar points out, earning a groan from Y/n who sits down and buried his face in his hands, groaning into them, knowing that Simon wasn’t making things better.
Briar takes in her fathers state and sighs softly. The nine year old approached him and hugs him, mumbling quietly. “I’m sorry for getting into trouble…I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.” Y/n looks up from his hands, sighing softly at his daughter as he pulls her into a tight hug. “God—your just a kid. I’m worried that your growing too fast.” He whines out.
Before Simon came into the picture, Y/n was raising the twins alone and seeing his kids grow was starting to take a toll on him. He enjoyed having them as babies but one doesn’t stay a baby anymore and his kids were growing a lot faster than he thought.
“They won’t stay kids forever.” Simon suddenly says, standing next to Y/n and Brair and smiles down at the two while his husband chuckled at him. “You’re right about that.” Y/n turns to Briar, pulling away from the hug and giving her head a kiss. “Just—no more fighting?”
“No promises.” Briar responds, earning an eye roll from Y/n who gently shoves his daughter away. “Go annoy your brother.” He gets a laugh from Briar as she rushed past Simon and towards her twin brother, leaving Simon and Y/n on there own.
“I always thought Ren would be the one to get in trouble.” Simons suddenly says, sitting down next to Y/n who raises a brow. “What makes you think that?”
Simon grins. “The quiet ones are always the deadliest.”
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penissirius · 2 years
Guys I turned in a fucking Stray Kids fanfic I wrote for my English essay…. AND IT WAS THE FIRST TIME IVE EVER GOT A 100% ON A ESSAY IN MY HIGHSCHOOL CARRER!! For reference English is my worse subject. Im a senior in highschool now and the last time I got an A on an essay was 8th grade. I’m literally only good at narratives and I always failed compared to where I succeed in Math and Science- but I wrote a Changbin x My OC for one of the topics they gave me and she literally graded it and added a note that said “Your story was really good. I loved the cliffhanger… but know I want to know more!” I screamed SCREAMED I say.
…. Now I wonder if I should finish it and post it here? Or make it a two parter maybe? Or I could just leave it as a essay story I wrote that I’m proud of 😂 Let me know what y’all think!
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gn4bnahc · 3 months
Giving Channie a handjob while watching a movie🍿
Yall I can’t, this sound like Chan too much 😔
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houpss · 6 months
I urgently need you to write about what if SKZ are upset/crying
you write so well that I cry every time from your works, they break my heart :( You're born for angst ❤️‍🔥🫶🏻
SKZ feeling upset/crying
angst, fluff, consolation, tears
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𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐂��𝐚𝐧
Chan cries often, but he does it alone.
Because...he shouldn't cry. That's what he thought.
Chan helps everyone, he gives advice to everyone... but he is not able to help himself.
He looks like a drowning man, but he is drowning in his problems, he is drowning in self-hatred.
Oh...he thinks that he is absolutely ugly, that he is always behind and that he is always bad.
Tears of desperate pain choke him as he covers his mouth with his hand and hugs his knees to his chest as he sits on his bed in his room.
He knew he wasn't worthy of the fans' love or your love. What did he do to deserve you?
He slowly and surely destroyed himself from the inside.
It will be late Friday evening, Chan has had a terrible day today. He made a few mistakes, he's very absent-minded
He came home and immediately burst into tears. He collapsed exhaustedly on the bed, his body trembling with shame and tears.
He lay down in a ball and covered himself with a blanket, he wants to hide from the whole world.
You arrived a little later than Chan. you tensed up because the apartment was quiet and dark.
You went through all the rooms, but didn’t find Chan there, although his shoes and bag were in the hallway.
Your heart sank when you saw him in the bedroom, you felt his pain on you.
You entered the room and sat down on Chan’s bed, Chan was lying on his side, covered with a blanket up to his head, he was breathing heavily and sobbing. You saw several drunk bottles of whiskey on the table, it seems things are bad. You stroked Chan’s head and back as he lay under the blanket. You rubbed his back again and again. Your heart ached with every tear he shed, it hurt too much. Chan feels your gentle touch and sobs loudly. Tears dampen the pillow, his body tenses for a moment, but then he slowly turns to you and looks at you with wet brown eyes, full of pain and regret. “Y/n...you shouldn't have seen this... I'm sorry...” his voice trembles, he tries his best to stop himself from screaming, “I don't want anything to happen in our relationship because of me- that’s bad... please forgive me" ..."Channie..please tell me everything that bothers you...I will help you" Tears flowed from his eyes, he sobbed loudly and squinted. Y/n ran thumb over his cheek, wiping away large tears, they looked like pearls. Chan felt disgusted with himself, he was disgusted by his appearance and existence. The sobs slowly subside under your touch, and Bang Chan looks at you with sad eyes, they beg for help, shining under the light. * “I can’t stand it anymore... I want to stop... please help me...” Chan's voice cracks. as he speaks quietly, not daring to look away. Y/n smiles at him tenderly, but doesn’t promise anything yet.
"I know how hard it is for you and how hard you try...you are such a wonderful person, Channie...my beloved wonderful man. Why don't you take a rest?" You spoke quietly, stroking Chan’s hair. Chan wanted to protest because there was too much work, but he felt like he was breaking down inside. Chan sighed and laid his head on Y/n’s chest, he didn’t want to say anything, they understood each other without words. They are connected at the soulmate level. He didn't want to think about work right now. They lay there for a while, and Y/n gently stroked her lover's hair. Chan felt warmth spread throughout his body as you whispered soft words of comfort, “Go to sleep, my love... We’ll figure it out tomorrow.” Eventually, Chan's sobs subsided and he fell asleep in your arms. Your love will heal him, it will give him redemption. You are his sin, but at the same time his protector, you are his eternal love. Thank you.
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰
He is always strict with himself, he strives for an ideal that does not exist.
He literally wants to be the best everywhere and in everything.
He may be on strict diets, exhaust himself with dancing, or spend a lot of time in the gym. This all indicates that he feels bad in his soul.
He won't ask for help, he's not a weakling.
It will be evening, late evening in the dance studio, he is sitting on the floor and breathing heavily.
He worked out so much again for so long. His bones ached, his heart beat wildly, just a little more and he would collapse, but he wouldn’t stop.
Why do so many people underestimate him? Minho wants to be the best.
You will go into the studio and sit quietly next to him, resting your head on his shoulder. He won't notice you at first.
His mood will improve slightly when he sees you and rests his head on yours.
Y/n took his hand, squeezing it a little. You felt how tired Minho was, you felt that he was being destroyed from the inside, he needed help. Minho intertwined his fingers with yours and his breathing calmed down a little “Y/n, it’s late, go home” He said, straightening his wet hair from sweat. "I was expecting you, you've been training all day." "You know the comeback is coming soon and I can't—"
You stop him and stroke his face, he looks like an upset cat. You straighten the strands of hair that fell on his forehead, “I know, but if you go on stage like this, STAY won’t be happy...take care of yourself first.”
He wants to argue with you, he doesn’t want to seem weak. He would never be weak, “Y/n, it’s really okay,” but when he tried to stand up, his legs gave way and the pain in his hip intensified. You jumped up after him so he could lean on you. "Don’t be a hero, Min, we’ll BOTH go home now,” he wants to object again, but the pain in his thigh intensifies and he makes a face, allowing him to be led to the sofa. You ran for the first aid kit, giving him painkillers.
"I will remind you of this, Y/n" he grins through the pain, but allows himself to lean on you and lead him to the manager's car. He is grateful to you, maybe he will start to feel better about himself. In the car, he takes you to his side and kisses you on the the top of the head.
𝐒𝐞𝐨 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐧
Changbin is rarely sad, he is always positive
Perhaps...he will be sad because some STAY don't like his appearance.
He will be quiet and taciturn, always looking at the phone screen.
One evening he comes up to you while you are preparing dinner and asks “Y/n...am I really that scary?”
You frown and don’t understand why he says that.
"Binnie, is something bothering you? You're handsome, baby."
He frowns and hands you the phone. He read the bad comments again.
You go up to him and pat him on the head, his head was at the level of your chest when he sat.
"Honey, antistay no one and you should ignore their words."
Before continuing, you handed Changbin his phone number, but with a post where there was a post where Changbin was considered the best. He is the best.
He will smile and lean towards you for a kiss.
He will shine all evening, he will be like the sun.
𝐇𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧
"Leave me the fuck alone for once"
Hyunjin will be furious, he was extremely annoyed by everything and everyone
As soon as he says this phrase, then you really should leave him alone.
He will pour out his sadness and melancholy in his paintings, he will completely throw all his emotions onto the canvas.
He will come to you later, but he will still be upset.
He will constantly talk about how terrible he is, how unworthy he is of your love, and may even question your relationship itself.
But he wasn't really asking you questions, he was just insecure and needed you to repeatedly tell him it was all bullshit.
You will run through his hair, stroking his cheeks and wiping away the tears from them.
Oh...it seems prince is a whiny boy.
Although fans believed that Hyunjin was perfect in everything, Hyunjin himself did not think so. He was absolutely afraid, he is afraid of everything.
He will wrap his long arms around your body while his head is on your chest, he quietly sobs and mutters something like: “please... don’t leave... don’t be disappointed in me.”
Give him love and care. Gentle kisses and long hugs will suit him.
He will cry for a long time, but because of his love for you.
Hyunjin is the sweetest person you've ever met. On the outside he is cold and inaccessible, but in reality he is vulnerable and soft.
Will fall asleep on you while you play with his hair.
"Sleep sweetly, my angel"
𝐇𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠
Jisung wasn't as extroverted as everyone says
He is actually sad a lot, there are too many doubts in his head.
He may get upset over little things.
At one point it all resulted in tears.
You found him in tears in the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror and crying. He cried so hard and a lot.
His soul seems to be rotting from the inside.
“There is no loneliness worse than loneliness in society. Everyone laughs, but you want to cry.” This describes his life
You will hug him tightly while his limp arms cling to you.
He cries quietly in your arms, but does not explain the reasons. But you don’t ask him to tell you.
Even the funniest person can be broken at heart.
Jisung has lost his way out of his darkness.
He had not seen a way out for a long time. He was lost in the dark forest of his own thoughts.
need to live, not exist.
Will you be his light in this pain?
Then, Jisung will say for the first time that he appreciates you. Cherish these words until the last moment.
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱
He tries not to be upset, because the sun is never sad.
Felix hides his upset under a smile.
But... he won't deceive you.
He is too open and soft with you
He will cuddle up to you and tell you everything, he will be open with you and tell you about all his experiences.
"You came and everything became better"
He feels good and calm with you. You are his sedative.
He is like a kitten that needs all the love and affection.
He will sob and talk about all the problems.
You gently stroke his back, sometimes stroke his head. Throughout his story, you give him tactility and kisses.
The sadness will soon go away and you will go bake brownies or some other sweet together.
After crying, his face is little reddish, his eyelashes are pinched and his lips are swollen...he is a crying angel.
You will fulfill his every wish in order to prevent his tears! You have to tell him a lot of exciting stories to make him smile.
He must love flowers. Give him a bouquet)
If one kiss was not enough, then ten, if ten were not enough, then a hundred and even more.
The sun is shining again, and your sun happily moves around the kitchen and cooks with you.
𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐢𝐧
You didn’t know the last time you saw Seungmin sad, he didn’t care about anything at all.
He is sad alone, but he often remembers you. Thinking about you gives him peace.
He listens to any music and looks at your photos. He thinks a lot
You never touch him when he's sad. You just give him your soft toy and a glass of water.
It will take him a few hours, but he will be completely back to normal.
Seungmin never shares his experiences, but you know everything that happens on a subconscious level.
Perhaps he likes to go for a walk when bad thoughts come over him.
Only then will he call you and ask you to come.
You will walk in silence, only his cold hand gave him away.
Surrounded by your scent and beautiful views, he felt better.
When you get home, help him change and lay your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
He will feel better.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧
He hides his emotions.
No one needs to know how he feel.
Jeongin didn’t like unnecessary attention and didn’t talk much about his feelings.
But you know Jeongin from bones to toe.
He seems angry, but he is only upset in his heart.
Jeongin will be clingier than usual and won't talk much.
You ask what happened, and he will exhale heavily and try to tell you.
Jeongin's story will be a little incoherent, but he put his soul into his experiences.
You will help him solve his problems, because nuna/hyung always loves him!
He will feel better with your presence, as if you transferred your positive energy to him!
You will go for a walk, and then go shopping, because Jongin feels better when he buys new beautiful clothes.
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dean-a-mean-tae · 9 months
Why Won’t Bang Chan Let Nicholas Drink? | Stray Kids Extra Member AU
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Chan tells STAY why Nicholas isn't allowed to drink.
WARNINGS: Nicholas is an emotional whiny drunk.
@cafekitsune made the dividers | Nicholas Ross Master List
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Another Chan's Room episode and another chaotic conversation with STAY. Chan had been talking about his room when a comment caught his eye.
"Who in Stray Kids doesn't drink?" Chan read as he laughed. "I don't."
"Nicholas isn't allowed to drink," Chan continued as he watched the comments.
He thought of the first and last time Nicholas got drunk. It was a completely new experience with the younger boy, and Chan wasn't trying to have a repeat.
"Nicholas has only gotten drunk once, and I plan on keeping it that way," He laughed as he crossed his arms.
"Why isn't he allowed to drink?" Chan hummed in thought as he looked up.
"He gets super emotional," He answered as he tilted his head. "Like, everything makes him laugh or cry. There is no in-between."
He remembers the experience like it was yesterday.
"I still don't know how he got drunk. He was there one second, and he was gone the next."
"Does anyone know where Nick went?" Jeongin asked as he looked around the living room.
Everyone was at the 3racha + Hyunjin's dorm for a sleepover. They had pillows and blankets covering the floor with snacks and a hot meal Minho had cooked.
On the couch lay Felix, Seungmin, and Hyunjin. In front of them were Jisung and Minho, with Chan and Changbin to their right. That left Jeongin and Nicholas to lie on the left of Minho.
"He came out of nowhere, and Felix showed him something, and he just started crying."
Nicholas walked into the living room. Well, he waddled more than he walked. Moments showed where Minho came up with the nickname Penguin.
Without a word, Nicholas waddled over to Jeongin and kneeled over him before flopping down. Letting out an 'oof' when Nick collided with him, Jeongin wrapped his arms around the older.
"Look, Bug," Felix cooed, waving his hand at the tallest male. He smiled when Nicholas looked up at him with bleary eyes. "It's a kitty."
It was a kitten. A gorgeous tuxedo kitten wrapped up in a blanket like a baby. It's arms and legs were tucked away, so only its head stuck out of the burrito blanket.
While Jeongin smiled at the cat, Nicholas' eyes teared up. Felix frowned as he sat up, almost falling off the couch, trying to comfort the older male.
"It doesn't have any arms," Nicholas sniffled, snatching the phone from Felix and showing Minho the video. The shorter boy snorted before pausing.
He leaned forward and smelt Nicholas' breath before recoiling. Minho shouted as he pointed at the crying boy, "He's been drinking!"
"Why doesn't it have any arms?" Nicholas huffed, showing the phone to Hyunjin, who was cooing at him.
"I still don't know where he would have found it."
"How did he get liquor?! We don't have any here!" Chan shouted, running to get water for the now-crying Nicholas. He was wrapped in a pile of blankets, sandwiched between Hyunjin and Jisung. A giggling Jeongin was still under him.
Minho was fixing Nicholas a small plate of food so he wouldn't upset his stomach. While Changbin, Felix, and Seungmin watched the chaos that was Chan in the kitchen.
"Why doesn't it have any arms?" Nick cried.
“He also complains about the taste of it.”
"Hyunnie," Nick whined, and Hyunjin threw his head back to hide his smile before looking at the younger.
"What, darling?" He whispered, softly stroking Nick's cheek.
"I drank something disgusting," Nick sniffled. Everyone laughed as he whined at them.
"Yeah, he hates drinking, but he will if you just hand him something," Chan said, blinking fast to escape the memory. He smiled at STAY before moving on to the next question.
"Do we use Nick's height to our advantage? Of course!"
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Nicholas Ross Master List
Tags list: @bada-lee-ily, @jinnie-ret, @hwxnghyynjin, You can be added by asking in the replies, sending me a message, or doing an ask thingy.
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photoseditedfrw · 1 year
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◈Stray Kids “PARTY’S NOT OVER” | [Stray Kids : SKZ-PLAYER] Lee Know◈
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