#also THANK YOU for being a part of this fandom too 🖤🖤🖤 and for your amazing art you keep sharing with us
Thank you for making my fandom experience more fun 💙 Here's your tiny flower crown Niko!
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Oh Maddy 😶😶🥺🥺🤲🤲🤲🖤🖤🖤😭😭😭. I dont know what to say, thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🫂🫂🫂🫂
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galedekarios · 10 months
I really appreciate you defending our boy so valiantly and with such well thought out, concise arguments! As someone who has ADHD, and has struggled with depression my whole life, I immediately latched onto Gale bc I see so much of myself in him!! There is SO much to love about him and he's one of those characters that helps me be more compassionate to myself (self recognition through the other for the win!) so seeing fans constantly shit on him is disheartening and really annoying, but to see the actual DEVELOPERS talk about "yeah that guy sucks he's SO annoying everyone would be better off if he had just killed himself" is.....ooof.
BUT thankfully when I start feeling really upset we've got blogs like you to ride to our favorite wizard's defense and help celebrate all the things we love about this beautiful, complex character! I hope one day we won't have to work so hard to push back against this negativity towards Gale (and any character that isn't that one who fans and devs have deemed perfect and flawless and the only one that matters...) but as long as we do I appreciate all the work and passion you put in to raising up Gale of Waterdeep!
(and sorry this went on forever I just get really discouraged in this fandom sometimes but seeing your posts always build me right back up and I wanted to let you know what a bright spot you are in my bg3 experience! ^^)
thank you for sending me this message! 🖤
i normally try to ignore these things because at the end of the day, they are meaningless.
but... not only does this come from the devs, but this hit a bit too close to home for me as well.
i've been struggling a lot with depression myself for the better part of a decade now.
i'll try to put my feelings into words bc how they have chosen to respond here and the message they are sending actually upsets me. i know i'm repeating myself at this point so sorry for sounding like a broken record myself, but:
gale is clearly coming out of a depression & self-isolation & struggles with suicidal ideation.
there is absolutely no sugarcoating that.
despite that, once he has no choice but to travel again after he's been abducted by the nautiloid, or perhaps because of it, he can't help himself. he can't isolate himself again. he's happy to talk and connect with not only the protag, but also the companions. he talks a lot, he cooks for them, and yes, sometimes he can be overbearing. he tends to overexplain. he corrects himself for talking too much, being too much. he's very aware of that perception of him and it's still an insecurity of his by the time the epilogue rolls around. it's in the devnotes. it's in the way he thanks the protag for encouraging him to attend the get-together at all.
i thought (foolishly, apparently) that at least the people who created the game and who are colleagues with gale's writer, had the emotional maturity and intelligence to recognise that and also see how that could be something a part of their player base emphasises and connects with.
gale being described as the one who annoys everyone and him dying as the "right" ending, as making up for being perceived as "annoying" by those around him, "inconveniencing" them by being ill and asking for a treatment, and his death being contextualised as "giving" back "to the world" is just...
it's so fucking disgusting to me.
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thefallennightmare · 4 days
Hey there!
I just wanted to say I'm amazed at how you handle the anon hate with class and grace. It blows my mind at how hateful people can be, especially when they can hide behind being on anon (I see the irony in me being on anon now too lol)
Sometimes as an elder millennial, I feel too old for this fandom and too old for tumblr lol. But out of all the fandoms I've been a part of during the years across various social media apps, this little community right here has been the nicest and most welcoming. I've been here less than a year and haven't talked much to anyone, but the few interactions I've had have been very polite and respectful and sometimes very funny.
I've seen the hate you and other blogs/writers have posted about and it disgusts me. I haven't gotten involved in any of the discourse because I try to keep my vibes positive and friendly. But now I just wanna say something to you and your fellow writers - please don't stop writing or give in to the hate and negativity. Yes, their words hurt and are discouraging but for every "hater" you have, you have many more people who love and support you and your work, please choose to focus on that. I can't speak for everyone but I choose to read your stories as a way to escape from the real world, so I thank you for sharing your talent and creativity with all of us.
And if any haters are lurking, I politely ask that you please find something better to do with your time. Fic writers and fic readers are literally hurting no one, so direct your vitriol elsewhere. Don't shame others for reading and writing fics, when other people in this fandom and other fandoms have done worse things to celebrities. I hope that whatever is bothering you and causing you to be so hateful is resolved and you can find peace and positivity in your life. Treat people with kindness.
Sorry this got so long but I felt like I needed to speak up and offer my elder millennial wisdom lol 😅
Thank you so fucking much for this long and lovely message. It was something I needed after these last couple of days! I also stay on the good side of the fandom because there are SO many wonderful and lovely people here. I've met so many amazing people, and I am so thankful to call them my friends. I do my best to ignore all the anon hate messages I get but sometimes, I feel the need to defend myself and my blog(which seems to be a lot more recently).
I will never turn off my anon option because a lot of my followers love the option to remain on anon because it's what they're comfortable with. I refuse to let some miserable person who chooses to throw hate on anon ruin it for others.
I am choosing to always focus on every single one of you who always loves and supports me rather than the few who have nothing better to do than to spew unnecessary hate.
And one thing I ALWAYS say is "kill em with kindness."
Also, my inbox is always open! Feel free to pop in anytime and we can chat about whatever! My blog is a safe space for everyone. 🪽🖤
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lovecaitlined · 6 months
My Honest Thoughts on KaySun after Episode 62 🖤
I Can Excuse Bad Characters, But Not Bad Writing
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Another ride. I’ve gathered myself and my thoughts up to once again marvel at the bad writing this show has. It’s only saved by KaySun’s chemistry thanks to Taro and Beril’s talents.
Before I begin, I want to say that all these are my own opinions, and I don’t think I’m a 100% right so I welcome other people’s opinions as well. Next, I don’t watch this show religiously—I only look at Kaya and Suna’s scenes, and even then I don’t watch it on the official channel live.
I also want to say I can excuse bad characters, but I cannot excuse bad writing.
I also wish the characters acted logically instead of for the sake of the plot and whatever politics goes behind the scenes (who is your backer, Buce? Onur?) but yeah.
Anyway, let’s start.
Bad Writing
Suna has been OOC for the most part; unfortunately, now, Kaya is as well. The cheating thing was too abrupt. The reason why I take issue with this is because characters are supposed to be driven by the motivations set up by them by the writer. The sudden, illogical changes in Kaya’s and Suna’s characters show that the writer is making them act out of character only 1) for the sake of the plot, 2) to be used as collateral for SeyFer parallels, and 3) to bring in the shock value and retain reytings—a cheap OGM move, because now the story is bad and has lost its value.
I will not excuse Kaya’s and Suna’s behavior. However, I wish they showed us that they were capable of doing such things early on instead of making them OOC. It’s giving me whiplash.
Kaya’s Cheating
I want to say, I hope this is an AsLaz (Yabani) and EsZan (Aşk Mantık İntikam) situation wherein the guy was flat out drunk / drugged and nothing actually happened. But even before that, he was being friendly and basking in Pelin’s attention. Granted, she’s a childhood friend, and he needed someone to talk to—but not someone to flirt with.
I hate how OOC Kaya is. You do not write someone to be a loser in love, who is a stickler for loyalty and protecting his wife, only to throw it all out the window for the sake of a cheap parallel plot. I wish they hinted at Kaya having a roving eye during his marriage with Suna. I would be able to swallow the plot more. However, they doubled down, making him very ideal and loyal, only for him to suddenly “cheat” on her after she acts a bit strange after…4 days? After he was waiting for her to call him?
The fact that he did it with Pelin (and not Pırıl—wtf happened to that plot, anyway?) irks me as well because he knows how Suna feels about Pelin. Maybe Kaya was really drunk (we know he gave up drinking after his ONS with Pırıl), but again, it doesn’t excuse his behavior. And it’s a slap to our faces to see him cuddling in bed with Pelin when we didn’t even get that post-halver scene with Suna.
I want to retain the hope that nothing is as it seems and it’s all an elaborate ploy by Pelin—she will blackmail him for sure, I just know it. I feel he will bring her to the mansion under the guise of protecting her from Serter, and maybe Seyran will beat her up. But I’m not taking my chances.
What do I think will happen next? I do hope Kaya shows remorse and guilt, I do hope he grovels for Suna. I think KaySun will be happy together for a bit before she finds out. However, there are alternative theories in the fandom that 1) He will fall for Pelin for real with his savior complex and make her an official mistress, and/or 2) Pelin gets pregnant. Personally, I don’t see any of those things happening, but who knows with such illogical, poorly planned writing? (Also, no one has sex like 4 days after a miscarriage and a C-section. The same way a loyal man won’t do a 180 after fighting for his wife for 4 days).
Suna’s Destiny
I think I’ve made my thoughts on Suna’s fortune telling arc quite clear in this other post, so I’ll try to keep this short.
We can see her waking up in this episode (we also see that İfakat was behind this sht). But unfortunately, her change of heart came too late—because Kaya has now potentially done something irredeemable?
I am also mad at how OOC Suna is because she’s clearly sane but SO illogically affected by a fortune teller. Make it make sense! She is so dumb (she used to be smart, anxiety-riddled but smart) and she is blaming the fortune teller for ruining her life, when it’s all her fault for misinterpreting everything. No one forced her to interpret things a certain way lmfao. She acted (OOC) of her own volition.
It’s such a huge step back from her character development. I hate seeing regression without reason or payoff. Once again, bad writing—she is acting weird because the plot demands her to, when the original character profile for Suna would never.
I know people are saying she cheated on Kaya emotionally for a teensy tiny moment when she rubbed foreheads with that fck@$$ driver. And yes, she was wrong! I’m not justifying her! But Kaya fcking someone else while still married to her was even worse imo.
I think she’s definitely going to try to make it up to Kaya in the next episodes, even though they haven’t closed the fortune teller arc yet. She’ll probably even want a kid. Will Kaya avoid her this time, out of guilt? Or will he hide what he did and carry on like nothing happen? (I really refuse to believe Kaya will make Pelin a full-time mistress, and I hope I am not wrong). Again, we might get happy KaySun and even halvet 2.0 (we cheered) and then when Suna gets pregnant with a son, she’ll find out about Kaya’s infidelity. Idk, we still have 11 episodes left until the finale on June 7, 2024.
KaySun Endgame
I hate to say this, but they will dig us out of the grave with minimal payoff and then make us endgame. As long as they want us to parallel SeyFer. And as long as Taro and Beril don’t leave the cast (and honestly, why would they, when KaySun trends always and has launched them a lot career-wise?), I am sure they will be 100% endgame. (But at what cost?) It’s unfortunate it had to happen this way, but yeah.
Another thing is Taro and Beril are finally doing promotion together. Maybe because Beril got rid of Ersh!t (rumor has it he’s dating the actress who plays the maid the show), and now they’re free to post like the besties they are. I truly do love and admire Taro and Beril’s professionalism, talent, and friendship. And someone pointed out how he posted about the important girls in his life—he included his mom, his pet dog Lila, and Beril, his co-star. They’re honestly so sweet and I love how wholesome their friendship is. Their chemistry and talent shouldn’t go to waste; I sincerely hope that they reunite it a hot digital project in the future, just like Boran and Miray did for HiLeon and HelSav. I want KaySun 2.0 to be better, too!
Also, Taro and Beril posting more photos just feels very genuine—and not just because my girl Beril is finally free. I also feel they’re trying to get us to continue to have hope for KaySun. Though I think they should demand a better plot too, but they’re too professional for that maybe.
I’ll definitely continue watching on the timeline, and I’ll root for Taro and Beril and KaySun happy ending always. But still! This is such clownery, and such new lows even from the most misogynistic production in diziland. I just pray they give us KaySun’s happy endgame.
Final Thoughts
Once again, I hate how OOC KaySun became, and I hope they fix this plot and make it so that what seemed to happen was not what really occurred. Wish they could be redeemable.
I pity Asuman…that guy is gonna blackmail her for money. (Also, Asuman would never sleep with a guy she just met. Wtf?)
I hate how the whole Yalı fcked eo during Ramadan except for KaySun. I don’t know why YÇ hates one of their most popular ships so much, but then again, it’s OGM. They hate women, logic, and happiness.
Binnur Kaya is a talented veteran actress, and I’m not surprised she is leaving, given how underutilized she was on the show. I hope we get a good final arc with Nunu and Kaya, but they barely fleshed out imo. (Why would she give her share to Orhan when he will steal it? 💀) I can’t blame the actress for departing, though Birsen did hint she is open to come back for S3.
I can’t believe I had to witness this during Lent. I have always been a good Catholic, but this show has made me turn to God and prayer more than ever. 🙏🏻
KaySun endgame, but at what cost?
Thanks for reading my thoughts. They may be muddled, but at least they were logical and slightly organized. 🧿🙏🏻
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puppy pack || thiam centric || completed || 5 chapters || 11k words || fluff and humor and a smidge of angst with a happy ending
Brett hosts a house party for the Puppy Pack. Liam and Theo get their clothes all wet.
“Whatever happened to all your brain cells, anyway?” Theo continues.
“My dad beat them out of me,” Liam answers without hesitation, several seconds before his brain-to-mouth filter in its current intoxicated state can keep up.
holy shit i finally finished this gargantuan (by my standards anyway) monstrosity. the first chapter is up!! and the rest is coming over the next few weeks.
this fic is pre-relationship because, although there’s a lot of cute thiam scenes (i hope), they are drunk, so i didn’t want to make them do anything too crazy. also this fic is kind of written so you can imagine slotting it in somewhere in a larger, slowest-of-slow-burns, overarching thiam story, so it’s not the right timing in my mind for them to get together just yet. this fic would be like a b-plot to an episode somewhere towards the end of the theoretical 7a that i like to imagine, intercut with scott and the older pack members Doing Plot Things like a bunch of losers.
if you want to know what sort of ride you’re getting into, this fic is mostly fluff and humour, just a happy little snapshot of the puppy pack being stupid kids and having fun. we take a brief dip into angst for chapters 3 & 4 but it has a happy ending and the angstiness doesn’t outweigh the shenaniganness too much imo. i wrote it to feel like some of the drinking experiences i have had as a youth, so hopefully it’s an authentic mix of dumbassery in a good way and dumbassery in an oh-my-god-you-could-have-died way. 
this fic is dedicated to
@thiamsxbitch for leaving a lovely comment on “i lost my heart under the bridge” a few weeks ago that got me thinking about writing again, and for encouraging me all throughout, inspiring me with her own writing, validating my choice to post it in chapters even though the poll said no, being a lovely ray of sunshine, and making this fandom a more welcoming place🖤
@pearlspouch for  gifting me a work that i decided to link this one to very slightly… it doesn't line up perfectly but at one point i mention liam and mason making a bet about skirts. if you want to know how that goes, you should read “You Look My Way And I Lose My Breath” by issawhatevah on ao3!!! i absolutely adore it, and it’s a brilliant read especially if you’re unsatisfied with thiam not (officially, anyway) getting together at the end of this. thanks again to sina for being an absolute legend🖤
@nuxmediocre for saying she would read this fic if i left it with its draft title (“weredickheads part four: why are you buying clothes at the soup store”). i did end up with a proper title, but i was just glad that someone appreciated my sense of humour, so thanks for that🖤
and to my real life friend and housemate who drank too much on the day i had literally just started planning to write this idea, for giving me first hand experience about dealing with someone who’s so sick from alcohol that you consider calling an ambulance. glad you survived bud, and your sacrifice contributed so much to gay fanfiction🙏
if you subject yourself to reading this, please leave me a comment with your thoughts and i will be eternally grateful🔥🖤🔥 tell me a song or songs that you think the puppy pack would absolutely thrive to (no, we do not care that it’s supposed to be 2014 in the timeline so don’t worry about that)
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brxkxnhxxrtsclxb · 5 months
What are your favourite Naruto/Boruto ships?
hi anon :3
ooh fave ships
my favorite is sasusaku♡
- they’re my favorite characters and reading the story, seeing what they went through as friends to enemies is so heartbreaking that when everything is resolved and they’re happily married years later is heartwarming🖤
oh i love gaanaru !! gaara and naruto would just be such a cute couple imo !!
other naruto ships… ooh i like kibahina !! they’re a guilty pleasure sksk
as for boruto ships, i ship borusumi♡ they’re cute and sumire is so in love with him and boruto is always so respectful towards her :3
but i also like borumitsu !! the possibility of boruto being the first queer main character in shonen is cool and mitsuki realizing his feelings is good for exploring his character further :3
i think kawasara could have some interesting potential. part one sort of set that up (sarada was his first friend, kawaki was introduced to his favorite food that same chapter, she empathized with him when he was having trouble understanding why naruto chose him to take care of and they had great teamwork in the boro fight) but seems like the ship was just dropped (??) so it’s like that one is in limbo. it’s kinda hard to tell if they’re gonna go with it or not, but just because they’re disagreeing in canon (TBV) doesn’t mean it’s off the table. i wouldn’t disregard it so it’s not surprising if it does happen
my favorite boruto ship is a crack ship though. i’d love to say it but i don’t wanna get jumped by the fandom in case they come across this post. saw someone post it and i was so happy to see someone else mentioning it (i’m literally like the only shipper sksk) but the replies and quotes were mean ._. i don’t wanna get harassed for something i like, even less when it’s a harmless ship. i will say i could and will yap about them for HOURS SKSKSK
i tend to like crack ships a lot cuz they’re wacky and have more room to explore cuz it’s crack. the possibilities are endless !! i mean with canon ships they are too but there’s a more established dynamic so they can’t be as random as crack ships xD
i hope my answers don’t disappoint >.< i know ships can be dealbreakers for some people (they are for me more so based on the fandom’s behavior towards others than the ship itself) so i understand so long as no one is harassed of course
thank you for the ask and happy shipping to you !! enjoy what you like🖤
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kurolini909 · 9 months
Little announcement!
Hey guys! I just have something to announce that might be relevant regarding what to expect from my content from now on...
Well, as part of my new year's resolution, I won't be focusing solely on Undertale as an artist anymore. :"3
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Don't get me wrong! I'm absolutely NOT leaving the fandom!
I don't think I ever could.
(summarized version is that I'll be indulging my own fluctuating interests from now on in other fandoms and original works. More under the cut!)
It's just that I'm trying to be more free spirited, so as to no longer feel as if I have an obligation (not like I ever did but brain brains wrong lol), my art and posts from now on should be less frequent and regarding whatever new hyper fixations I am harboring at the time!
I want to expand my artistic horizons and portfolio a bit. So things should become more random around here as to whatever has grabbed my interest.
Overall this is me indulging myself more for 2024.
Allowing my other interests to shine through a little bit, as opposed to popular demand, albeit imaginary.
Does this mean no more Undertale on the blog?
Of course not!
Again, I'm not leaving this fandom. It is an important part of who I am at this point, and helped me a lot with many of my skills! I will continue to occasionally post Undertale/Deltarune content!
Except just when I really feel like it. :"3
Again. This game has a permanent spot on my heart.
I simply dislike leaving things unexplained that's all. A sudden change of content out of nowhere seems unfair to do without some kind of warning to me.
Oh. Okay then! But, if you're not leaving, then why'd you make this post?
Don't be shy to still tag me about Undertale stuff, or ask about my Undertale characters still if you'd like! But I do ask that art requests are avoided.
(commission, which I plan to open this year, will still very much include Undertale as one of my specialities though. Again, more than three years of experience here!)
This warning is, therefore, valid from here on. Whatever I decide to go with, this isn't a [thing]-specific blog. It may change according to my interests!
If you've read up until here, thank you for being interested in my reasons as a person, not just an artist! 🖤🤍🖤🤍
I hope you can support this new chapter I'm turning over. And if you want to leave, that's alright, too, it was a pleasure to have you! <3
If you stay, I hope you'll enjoy all I have to offer still!
Oh! And PLEASE to all my mutuals I made in the UT fandom, do keep in contact!!! I still love to hear about it and see what you guys create!
More than that, for a good part of y'all, changing main fandoms doesn't mean I don't adore the friends I made over here still.
There's so many friendships I owe to this incredible community, and I'd hate to lose even one of them. I understand if they want to, but know this is in no way a turn down if your contents are also UT.
Again: I love to see what you can do, and always will!
I'll hunt you down if I need to, you all loveable ppl know who you are. '^'
On to new adventures beyond the Underground!
Always remembering...
Despite everything, it's still me. ❤️
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gaybroons · 11 months
Talk Hockey To Me
( @ghostgeno's tag game)
The thing that got you hooked on hockey
Started reading “hey now, you're an all star (get your game on, go play)” by @buckyismybicycle while it was ongoing because even though I was 1) completely uninterested in hockey and 2) also uninterested in Stucky as a ship, this specific author’s works have always been phenomenal and with each new chapter email I started getting more and more intrigued until I eventually gave in and started reading it (literally so worth it everyone should read it). In the end notes of each chapter, HR (the author) would add some fun facts and extra context for the hockey related stuff (considering it’s a whole hockey AU) that made me go “huh that sounds fun” more than once but I was still not super into the hockey thing.
I reached the chapter with a beautifully written match and I was like???? Is hockey like this irl?????????? This sounds so good?????????? Cue YouTube hacking into my brain and suggesting me hockey compilations which included the infamous Lick. I saw this random man just being a menace to everyone and decided he is now the love of my life.  (i usually omit the stucky fic part bc ppl have opinions about marvel that i do not want to hear lol. so if i told you abt this before without the full context i'm sorry!!)
Your first ever fandom friend
@hard4softthings !!!! Love is stored in the ao3 comment section uwu 
The jersey you would most like to own
I can’t pick one so I’m just gonna list in descending order: Marchand home jersey (with a C !!!!!!!!😤) ,  Pasternak (also home. Sorry it’s just nicer than the away version) , Quinn Hughes (the pride one because I’m obsessed with the design it’s so pretty) 
YOUR player (you only get ONE so choose wisely)
The rat king himself 🖤💛🖤💛🖤 can u tell I have a favorite 
A pairing that deserves more fic
Sid/Ovi ‼️ tuukks/pasta and Brady/Quinn too, there’s just so much potential for them. 
Your favourite on-ice moment
Picking is difficult so you’re just gonna get a bunch <3.
Bertuzzi stealing cousin’s stick and trying to break it
Marchy kidnapping The Child
dancing with the stars
tuukks Exhibiting homicidal tendencies (rightfully so)
flower wanting to feel included
whole team under arrest
Brady Tkachuk: why is there a fucking animal loose on the ice he’s going to give me rabies
marchy waving to a booing crowd
marchy blowing kisses to a booing crowd
flower asserting his dominance tripping TWO first round picks
Quinn Hughes seeing a fight break out and says ✨no✨
Marner spinning like a ballerina
+ link someone else's art/fic/etc that you love & think everyone should check out
this ADORABLE mcdrai art by @saviorified
MattMcDrai art by @adelphenium , obsessed with the blushing and the HAIR plz it’s so cute.  
Awfully pretty sid and geno art by @ceanspam
Captaincy transfer by @adelphenium I’m so weak for rat marchy, and ALSO bergy’s eyes <33333 i’m so <33333
the kiss of life by @stillfertile
The “All Caps” series by @makeit-takeit rewired my brain I’ve reread it countless times i think i can recite it by heart. 
“hard to be soft, tough to be tender” The Hanahaki fic by @hardforsoftthings I love love love the emotional progression AND denial in both of these fics (also, horny. Thank u) 
speaking of which, in less emotionally charged and more horny fics, the “spit cup” and “scratch that itch” non-traditional omegaverse doulogy by @ whitchbhitch (i do not know their tumblr)
+ link something you made & are proud of & want people to see
I’m honestly really proud of my flowertalbo fic, “Inevitably you will burn (as all living things do)” it’s really short (646 words) but I think I did a good job on it :>
Also, I find myself coming back to this one McDrai crack fic, “Oh Puck No!” idk what possessed me to write it but I had fun with it and i still find it silly and enjoyable lol
no pressure tags: @lindholmline @darkangel0410 @gilliebee @owchar1ie and anyone else who wanna do this!!!
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yeyinde · 5 months
Your yautja x reader fic slayed me!!! It was so good, I've read it 3 times now. The dynamic between Dark and Reader was very interesting to me, and I'm honestly dying to know more.
Do you plan on expanding on the relationship in future fics, or is this a one-shot only? Do you have any parts that were cut from the final draft you'd like to share? And lastly, do you have any fave fics you'd recommend for someone who needs more?
Can you tell I need more yautja "men" in my life??
Girl, send halp!!
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ahhhh, thank you!!! 🖤
for now, i'm content with it being a one shot - at least until i work through other wips, but i do i have more ideas around them (mostly just expanding on their evolving dynamic) that i couldn't include in Pale Moon.
a lot was cut from this! i had this idea of showing Dark's playful side when Reader (given the nickname Little Spear by him because they constantly bite Dark's thighs) ends up giving him head. from cloaca to finish lmao. it was gross. absolutely foul. he has no bedroom etiquette at all. but it felt too "light" in tone for the image in my head of them being forced to kneel at his side with his claws teasing along the length of their vulnerable neck while they glare up at him, so i scrapped the skeleton of that.
and also. getting railed in his captain's chair as the ship passes through a nebula. it was supposed to be tender. raw. Dark does that crocodilian mating bellow/purr and they fall asleep curled up in his lap. then wake up to the aftermath of a supernova. this really soft moment that was the catalyst to them trying to escape from Dark.
i kinda wish i kept it in now, but the first portion is meant to be like a flip book of memories as they lounge on the bed and come to terms with their decision to give in so it didn't really fit the narrative structure.
and for recs: charnie's entire Yautja masterlist is an absolute must. and My Yautja Boyfriend (a series) by sailaway is also really good!! lots of fandom-lore, too!
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veryberryjelly · 1 year
hello-first and foremost, congratulations on graduating :DD
secondly, i have never done these sort of things due to my shyness as well as english not being my mother tongue so apologies for my lack of understanding if i ever word something wrong.
i saw your cafe event and just decided out of the blue to give it a shot so, here we are-(apologies if i give too much info or too little-)
for fandom, preferably the marauders fandom if that's alright- i have recently been sucked into the marauders fandom due to a friend(i did not expect this much angst-), now onto some info about myself. i am an intp and a libra, currently taking psychology, who also does art from time to time- but for the most part i am a cosplayer. i read, occasionally, and it's always either a really dark novel or a light-hearted romance. my hogwarts house is slytherin, which people say are a half surprised and half expected, because i try not to get too confrontational but when i am- i get too brutally honest and make sure my opinion and thoughts are clear. i can also be a teeny bit petty at times, and i've been known to somehow always get what i want- i am a big big big hopeless romantic, and i pretty much spoil my friends by buying them flowers or writing letters to them almost everyday because that's my love language. when people first meet me, i am very cold and distant which intimidates most people but once i feel comfortable around someone i get pretty loud and clingy. my aesthetic, in the best words that i could put it in, is the grungy rockstar gf aesthetic.
i also do makeup on anyone, to the point that my classmates will ask me to randomly do their makeup during lunch break. i practically live in eyeliner and black coats. i am also polyamorous, asexual, omniromantic and identify as a demigirl(though i am starting to question my gender identity AGAIN). i spend most days at the library or just my room in general, but on the occasional days where i go out, i will normally go visit museums, go shopping, or stop by cafes(i love cafes alot). and i think that's everything? again, apologies if i did something wrong and congratulations again on finishing school :DD
𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
thank you so much for this ask 🖤
i ship you with...
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poly!wolfstar !!!
okay, so, i was going back and forth between sirius and remus, but then i saw you're polyamorous so i thought it just more appropriate to give you both <3
you and remus are trading books every few days, recommending and giving eachother annotated books
i feel like sirius would be apprehensive about dating you because of your house and his whole family history with slytherins, but after he gets to know you he cannot get you out of his head
remus is 100% ready to jump in head first with you, but he did have a slight moment of hesitation a few weeks in when the full moon comes around.
if you write any love letters to sirius or remus they'll keep them in their bedside drawers and even ask lily how to press flowers so they can keep the ones you give them
every time you give them something they return the favour.
you give them flowers, you're getting a field of them in your dorm
sirius would 100% ask you to do his makeup for him, even if he's not going anywhere, but especially for parties.
he's laying on his bed with you on his lap applying eyeliner while laying his head in remus' lap so the three of you are involved.
they'll never let you feel left out for even a second.
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morgana-lefay · 9 months
I'm probably in the minority but I prefer Till's solo work to Rammstein. He's not limited by the other band members and he's showing his full potential. The lyrics, the music, his voice, I find everything more worked on than Rammstein, and his live performance is top notch. I know I'm not the only one thinking that as I know other people thinking the same but it's rare for people to admit it!
I don't see why people wouldn't admit it. You like what you like and fandoms shouldn't be gatekeepers of what should and shouldn't be. From what I've seen here and on other social media, there are many people who are first and foremost Till's fans, so, even if it's probably not the majority, an not my personal opinion at all, as I like Rammstein's music more and I enjoy him with the rest of the guys more, I'm not highly shocked some would prefer his solo stuff. I get some of the points you make here. For an artist, I can imagine it must be more freeing to work with no restrictions (there's always producers, but I assume you depend more on just yourself than with a band), specially since it's such a stressing process for him to submit his lyrics through the "Rammstein Democracy", like he's said before. Also, from the little I've seen from his solo tour (I talked about it a bit here), he seemed more at ease and happy than during some moments of the last Rammstein Tour, but that might just be because of everything that went on... As for the rest, I will have to disagree with you. His voice sounds great in both projects and listening to all the Rammstein albums, it's really interesting to hear how their sound, in general, but also his voice changed through time, becoming more melodic, without losing it's strength. I'm not sure if I understood what you meant by it, but I don't think it's more worked on in his solo project... It might sound strange, but, to me (and this a completely subjective opinion, as I have no musical training), being limited by the others in his lyrics, makes his work better. I'm glad we don't have a "NSL" trio, a "Mathematik" or a "Till the End" with Rammstein, but we still get "Pussy" (oops, this sounded strange 😂), "OK", "Dicke Titten" or "Te quiero Puta!", so he's not completely censored on his creativity or the themes he enjoys writing about. I just think the scrutiny of the other 5 guys make it better/more refined, which I appreciate, because I'm not a fan of some of the content he makes solo, as I feel he goes a bit too far on the weird scale at times. Plus, there's the dark side he explores with Rammstein that I really like and that we don't see on the solo project. On the other hand, though, we probably wouldn't have things like "Du Hast Kein Herz", "Ich Hasse Kinder", "Platz Eins", "Ladyboy" or "Praise Abort", among other fun and interesting ones. And then there's the videos. Some of the solo and Lindemann ones are just, well, strange...Not to mention, repetitive, especially with the recurring naked ladies theme. To me, Rammstein videos are on a whole different league and I assume they work so well, because they all pitch in. I fell in love with Rammstein as a whole (the 6 men marriage)! Even if Till's voice is a big part of what got my interest at first, back in the beginning of 00's, it's the magic they make together, in the music and their live shows, that sealed the deal for me! Nonetheless, Till's solo project seems to make him happy, so I'm glad he's doing his thing there too! 🖤 (Sorry this was so long, Anon, but I really enjoy talking about these kind of things and got a bit carried away. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me!)
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inevitably-johnlocked · 11 months
What's up, Steph! I hope you are well, And, well, I wanted to share about a topic that has been on my mind for a long time. ❤️
It's been that, I've been a Sherlock fan for at least 7 months or so, and there are many things that I don't understand and that frustrate me, mainly Sherlock and John's relationship. From the beginning I loved (and still love) the ship, I liked seeing its content and everything, but when I looked at the big difference in some things that ended up being a big disappointment. The fact that there are always several things in the series that they never complete or make clear, it is difficult to analyze and understand why they say something and then it is a lie (at least the creators) And many times Johnlock has been the protagonist, in what feels like a kind of disappointment to see such a perfectly created connection, a unique complement being queerbaiting. Obviously, we can't expect everything to be canonical, it's not the fans' decision either... but, when you see all those details and cute interactions and phrases, you know they had done something on purpose and finally they leave it behind, when, deep down, that is also development in the characters.
I find it a rather blatant detail and missing from a large part of a community, it's fine if they wanted to make something clear, but the creators of Sherlock usually lie as if it were Something that simple and it confuses everyone even more. And nothing, sometimes I just want to remember those moments where the Johnlock was the highest hope I had, and now I only have the faith to ship them with my heart even if it hurts me too.
Finally, thank you very much for your time, have a beautiful day and week ❤️❤️
Hey Nonny!
Ah, thank you so much for your insight. I think that is one of the frustrating things about how Sherlock ended was that it doesn't make sense to the rest of the series, so it really leaves you wondering if they purposely destroyed the show and all of THAT was leading to that nonsensical S4, or if they just got bored. I dunno.
But yeah, I love this fandom and this community, so we've got that at least. 💜🖤
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osiris-iii-bc · 3 months
Hey, thank you for clearing that point up! I happened to see in some notes prior to that post someone mention they saw people mad about He Is, and then saw that long post mention it again just a few minutes later and I couldn’t conceive of why anyone would be angry. But then again, this fandom can be… the way it is. I read your note and also the original post you made, and they were all very valid points! I’m sorry people have made your reaction out to be something it wasn’t. I was also disappointed by the lack of other Papas, though my guess is it had something to do with the masks? Along with the “being present” theme, but it still sucks.
There’s been a lot of weirdness since the movie came out, but people are entitled to their opinions so long as they are respectful, which you absolutely were. I hope your space stays safe and supportive and that people will be less weird from now on.
Hi, thank you so much for writing this. 🖤
I understand it may have been a bit off-putting to see feedback like mine while everyone else was hyper-excited. However, although I enjoyed the movie almost to tears, I really felt that excluding the most important characters who did great things for Ghost in the first seven years was a low blow (There may have been a technical reason, or it may be that TF just doesn't want to look back at all).
I think it was all a matter of expectations (and that was my mistake, but still…). Once I came to terms with that, I just went with it, making theories about the new Papa, starting to understand and appreciate the new song, back with my self-mockery and so on…
Specifically, lore-wise, "He Is" is kinda his anthem and a very emotional song. It was easy to feel that way if Terzo is your favorite Papa. I'll repeat it: I would have loved to see Terzo get the same glory on screen instead of ending his career so ingloriously. This doesn't diminish how good Copia is with it too.
I think that's part of how good TF is at portraying his original characters: you can distinctively hear different people and feel terribly nostalgic for them when you listen to songs from different eras.
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fantomette22 · 10 months
2, 6, and 24 for Maria, girlie 🖤
Thank you Crow!❤️ asks list
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
LOT of things lol
Idk I love her clothes and sword I would like something similar hehe but also how she's presented to us, her story/lore (or the part we have at least), the tragedy, the music...
But really what I love the most is probably the boss fight. She's my fav blooodborne boss after all hehe.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Being a tomboy lmao. And having a ponytail?
Ok more seriously 😅 I project a lot too. I guess we share genuine caring about our friends and other people in general. I guess being out of the typical norms and from our peers too? Not that Maria reject everything from her roots, it's clearly not the case but she's not doing things like everyone (no blood blades etc), high principles... But can be ruthless if push at her limits. Also feeling into despair perhaps, she does remind me of myself and the difficulty I encountered in life a bit. And even without going as far as hurting myself, a dark period of my life.
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
This is hm a really good freaking question idk 😂
She's quite unique in the things I got very interested in. I haven't read the rose of Versailles yet but I guess there's lot or ressemblance to the main protagonist lol. Besides that well in either physically or in character I could say characters from the legend of zelda (but it's too different too) or even final fantasy or perhaps 2B and Kaine from Nier series. Even perhaps more my girl Emma from The promised Neverland (one of my fav manga) But right now idk really 🤔 . if I recall smt I will tell you!
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cloudburst-ink · 1 year
Tagged by @hedgewyse . It took me awhile to get around to it but I did finally! I originally stalled because I've only ever been actively involved in two ship communities. But then I remembered... the third one. Which I've never been involved in, but it's still important. 💀😂
three ships
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Kim Khimhant Theerapanyakun / Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat
It's the passion. It's the obsession. It's the angst. It's the fluff. It's the flirting. It's the hidden smiles. It's the stalker4stalker. It's the complete and utter lack of communication skills. It's the sweet pathetic boys. It's the bittersweet ending. It's the fanfiction in fanfiction. It's...
... alright well a lot of it's just me simping over Jeff Satur.
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Magnus Bane / Alexander Lightwood
This was my first ship. I wrote my first full novel length fic in this fandom, and I even have a tattoo about it! They will always hold a special place in my heart as the ship that sailed me back into my passion for art and writing.
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So um, here's the thing. I'm not in the Reylo fandom. I enjoyed the movies well enough, but didn't have any particular interest in them beyond "oh, that was fun to see in theaters, I enjoyed it."
Many years ago, however, before I was involved in fandom at all, a friend of mine sent me a link to a Reylo fic on AO3 that she was obsessed with. It's the only Reylo fic I've ever read.
Long story short (I'll elaborate in another post sometime if I'm ever asked), it ended my impending marriage and changed the course of my life.
I have no idea what the fic was called or whom it was written by.
One day I should track that author down and thank them. I mean obviously other factors played into it, I'm not completely unhinged (well, debatable), but it was the spark that lit the flame.
So anyway, these two will always be important to me even though I'm not part of their fandom. 🖤
Honorable Mentions
I'm currently obsessing over KimVegas, KimArm, and ArmKimChay. If you notice a common denominator, shhh no you don't. ✨ I just didn't feel right using them in the three because they're all just extensions of my KinnPorsche the Series / KimChay addiction. 😅
first ever ship
I generally consider Malec to be my first ship, as they were the first ship I was active in any fandom community for.
However, they're probably not really my first ship.
I was baited into fandom as an adult by a friend who lured me into watching The Vampire Diaries. I kind of shipped Delena, but assumed they wouldn't end up together because he was the second / bad boy love interest and that's just not how the formula goes.
Little did I know 😌 that universe is far too much of a clusterfuck to care about formulas and industry norms.
Anyway I did write an Elijah/Hailey fic and post it on FFnet when I first started writing again after years of no artistic endeavors whatsoever. It's still there, but I choose to pretend it isn't. Straight smut is not my forte. 😅 And it's... well, you can tell I was a bit rusty. 😂
last song
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last movie
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I tend to gravitate more toward TV shows than movies, so I think the last one I watched might've been over the holidays. It's a pretty great musical--Mrs. Santa Claus gets fed up with being taken for granted, takes the sleigh on a joyride, and gets temporarily stranded in early 1900s New York. While there she protests for women's suffrage, fights for the rights of child workers, helps to reunite a family divided by an ocean, and repeatedly demonstrates the spirit of acab.
Yeah, you heard me. It's socialist acab Mrs. C here to sing dank tunes and fight for your rights.
Highly recommend 10/10.
It's also on Youtube for free last I checked.
currently reading
The Prince's Poisoned Vow by Hailey Turner.
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currently watching
The latest season of Miraculous Ladybug 🥺
currently consuming
I've been making a lot of duck soup lately. I'm a bit of a duck addict, and there's something so satisfying about making use of the whole carcass and watching it slowly turn into rich, wiggly stock and then the most wonderful soup with duck meat and bok choy and bamboo shoots and noodles. ✨
currently craving
a quiet, vibey cafe to write at, and some peaceful time to spend there. the gay donut shop i used to write at shut down. 😭
I'll tag... @staykimchay and @justanothervariant if they haven't done it yet.
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geetimesthree · 2 years
Hi. As someone who was directly hurt by Justin and knows a lot more horrible things he did, I want to say I really don‘t want you to lose your love for the show because of him. I refuse to let him take it away as well. Your art is my favorite and I do hope you will continue blessing us with Birdrick. Justin is a monster but all his characters would hate him and he didn‘t contribute anything to what we love about the show. Thank you for being such a good part of this fandom for such a long time. This show and its characters will always be my biggest source of comfort no matter what. JR used that to hurt me but I am reclaiming it, I refuse to let him take it. So I just wanted to say as one of his victims, please don‘t feel bad if you can somehow still love the show and make art for it. I love Rick and Morty and all I want is for it to thrive without him and for him to be shunned from it completely. Your art brings me so much comfort so please don‘t delete it. 🖤🖤🖤
Hiya! First of all, I'm really sorry that happened to you. I hope you're doing okay and feeling safe and loved right now.
I have no intentions of deleting my art. It will stay up on this blog.
I'm still taking a break from fandom but will come back to it at some point. I'm happy to hear my art has given you comfort! Please do also remember to do things like spend time with friends and go outside too though, if you can. (I don't mean 'go outside' as an insult, in case that's not clear lol. I mean it's good for our mental health to get fresh air/be in nature etc. I'm always surprised at how much better I feel. Sometimes just even opening a window improves my mood).
At the moment I have a lot of freelance work so I'm focusing on that right now. But when I return, there shall be birdrick again.
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