#english language courses sydney
cheriladycl01 · 1 month
My Job is Beach ... - Valtteri Bottas x ItalianOlympicBeachVolleyball! Reader
Plot: You spend time with your boyfriend after the Australian GP doing what you do best, Beach Barbie and Beach Ken
Credit to husbono for the GIF
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Valtteri had an incredible race, him and Lewis both in a fantastic car as fantastic drivers. And you’d luckily been there to celebrate with him.
You loved going to Australia with him, it was so warm at the time of year the race was and it meant you got to go to the beach.
Which of course was one of your favourite things. Growing up in a small coastal town in Italy, meant you were at the beach pretty much all the time. You went there before school, after school, on the weekends. Even during school, your school was right next to a beach which is where you picked up your sport.
At first it was just for fun, like most hobbies start of as.
But after playing in some matches against others schools across Italy, your teacher and parents realised there was something special there.
You didn’t see it or get it, you just loved the beach do anything you did there was fun to you.
So of course they ended up getting you a coach. Someone who was willing to privately train you and get you into better teams in Italy.
In 2016 you competed in Brazil. Rio De Janeiro was an incredible place and it’s actually where you met Valtteri.
He and a few of the drivers had ended up coming to watch some of the Olympics and you’d bumped into him on the beach with Lewis.
You’d recognised both of them straight away, and struck up a conversation with them.
“Oh! Your Valtteri Bottas! And Your Felipe Massa!” You’d exclaimed at the men and they’d awkwardly nodded thinking you were a fan wanting a picture or autograph.
“What are you guys here for?” You ask, knowing that the race this year wasn’t until November. They were in summer break right now.
“Oh, we are here for the Olympics. We got invited” Felipe admits and you grin.
“Oh, I’m here for them too!” You grin.
“Oh yeah, you here to watch any sport in particular?” Valtteri asked.
“Watch? No im one of the beach volleyballers! Team Italia” You smile.
And the rest was history after that. You and Valtteri got together and he got a promotion to Mercedes after Nico Rosberg left the sport.
It was early the next day, the Monday after the race and you and Valtteri were still shacked up in Australia. You wanted to spend some more time here travelling to your favourite Aussie beaches.
So you took the 1hour flight from Melbourne to Sydney so that you were on Bondi beach. You guys had rented out a place close to the coast for easy access.
You guys were with a few friends, some of Valtteri and some of yours. Somehow your friendship groups just mixed together well. You were both apprehensive at first but realised after a house party that it was fine, the language barrier at first was a little awkward but English being a common ground for most of the group worked.
“Amore mio, please come join us! Then I promise you we will go on a bike ride!” You say cuddling up to him… you’d just finished unpacking and he was laying on the bed cuddling up to you.
“Im no good. And I just embarrass myself Rakas” he sighs pulling you into him and kissing all over your face affectionately making you giggle.
At first Valtteri was very shy when it came to showing you any level of affection and your overly affectionate side thanks to your large Italian family upbringing was very overwhelming to him at first.
But soon he learnt it was your love language and the more confident he got, the clingier he got.
“It’s meant to be for fun! You don’t have to be good at it” you giggle running your finger through his hair as he looks up at you.
“But all your friends are so good!” He exclaims sitting up.
“Mmmm and now you know how I feel when you take me karting!” You laugh knowing you have the bruises to prove just how bad you were at the sport.
“Okay okay fine. But just because I love you!” He says in that gruff lower voice.
You guys play beach volleyball for the majority of the morning until the suns at full peak.
“Barbecue sulla spiaggia?” One of your friends suggest whose English wasn’t great, especially when she was tired after a long morning of playing volleyball, in the sand and under the hot Australian sun.
“She suggested a Rantagrilli?” You say trying your best to translate for Valtteri and his friends who wouldn’t have understood the Italian.
You weren’t allowed to do this on Bondi but closer to where your beach Villa was, you knew you’d be able to cook on the beach there as it was private to the Villa.
They all nod eagerly and before you know it, you guys are using two barbecue for the amount of people you are cooking for. One that’s on the back garden of the beach villa and then one that was already in the sand.
You guys spent lunch munching on burgers and salad, and chicken and hot dog. It was for sure a chest day for all of you, most of you guys being athletes and being on strict diets.
After you’d spent the afternoon cuddling with Valtteri on the beach letting lunch go down, you both went out for a bike ride. He of course had chosen the longest and steepest route to take, meaning you came back drenched in sweat and cursing at Valtteri for making you endure that.
"I want a Dolce Sorpresa!" you groan your head leaning against him and he looks at you.
"A what?" he asks. You'd learnt a little Finnish for him but he still struggled with some of you little idioms.
"Sweet Treat, I'm craving Boba, I saw a shop on the way back!" you grin, kissing him before taking his hand to drag him to the Boba Tea shop!
"Then, can we go to the beach again?" you ask.
"You just love the beach don't you!" he smiles.
"Mmmmmm, my job is literally beach..." you giggle.
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Liked by valtteribottas and others
y/user: Beach, Bike, BBQ and Boba all in Bondi
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valterribottas: nice alliteration hunny!
-> y/user: thank you baby! Thought it was very funny!
fan1: say hello to our resident beach Barbie and beach Ken.
-> fan2: no because the way her job is literally beach and his job is literally car 🥲😅
->fan3: yeah not an f1 driver and Olympic Silver Medalist lmfao 🤣
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Instagram Story Caption:
We attempted … we fell lots!
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul l @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount @styl1shl1v
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When i search Victor Vale on tik tok it always appear to me the same video saying that Victor wasn't a bad person only bc he treated well Sydney in the first book and it gets me so fucking angry i just want to throw my phone across the room. I mean, Victor was kind of protective with Sydney in the first book but fully knowing how manipulative Victor can be, don't you think Victor was only using Sydney (and Mitch of course) for his own benefit? Sydey was (and always will) his life insurance and in Vengeful, when Victor found out a way to live without his power killing him, he just runaway because he didn't need them. Sydney will always wait for Victor because he was the only person that showed her """"respect"""" and """""affection"""" but Sydney will never have a true family that loves her except from Mitch. Victor was and never will be a "caring father" for Sydney, he was a shit with her treating her poorly when he doesn´t need her for his plans.
I hope Sydney and all the people saying that Victor is good with her thinks about this and realise that its an unfair and manipulative relationship!!
PD. sorry for my spelling and grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language.
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Heart of Gold - Part 1
Miranda Hilmarson x Mounted!Police!Fem!Reader
As promised, here is part 1 of my Miranda Hilmarson x Reader Fic. I hope you guys like it <3
My requests are open as well so feel free to leave some prompts or ideas in my inbox.
Again, big tanks to my freinds for proofreading my stories <3
Disclaimer: English is not my first language!
Warnings: Talk of bullying, bullying, a little bit of angst, stupid men
Authors note: Because Miranda deserves to be protected and treated like the sweetheart she is. <3
Words: 3'000+
Ao3 Link
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“- and to create a stronger bond between all of our sections here at the Sydney Police Department, we’ve decided to add stables and renew our office space situation. From today on, we will have the mounted police at our station as well. Be nice to each other and make sure our colleagues feel welcome in their new work environment!” Adrian finished his speech and stepped off the podium.
You stood amongst your fellow colleagues and glanced around the newly built stable. It was gorgeous; Truly nothing you’ve ever seen before. The horses had enough space in their boxes; the ceiling was high and had windows for natural light. There was a huge pen outside where the horses could run around and play with each other on their day off. Every officer got new equipment for themselves and their animals, and the pellets were of highest quality. 
As you watch the event unfold, your eyes land on a tall, blonde officer who stood alone, off to the side, next to your horse (a quarter horse with a beautiful blue roan coat and the temper of an angel… if she wanted to, that is), petting her soft nose and cooing sweet praises at your mare. With a chuckle, you walked up to them, reaching into your coat pocket and taking out some treats. Smiling, you held your hand out to the blonde officer, offering a treat to give to your mare. 
The second she sensed you next to her, she turned around, and you felt like cupid shot an arrow through your heart. The officer was gorgeous. Icy blue eyes looking down at you with a slight curious sparkle, a shy smile on her very soft and plush-looking lips, a gentle rosy blush spread over her freckled cheeks, and her short blonde hair framed her face perfectly. She looked at you with a slight frown, moving to tuck her hair behind one of her ears nervously. This motion pulled you out of your thoughts, and you shot her a bright smile. 
“You can give her a treat!” You said after a moment of admiring the very fit constable in front of you. She looked down at your hand, and her eyes started sparkling with joy. Reaching out to grab a treat, her soft fingers brushed the palm of your hand.
“Oh- thank you,” She replied quietly with a relaxed smile. She held her hand out with the treat, and your horse was more than happy to accept the treat from the beautiful stranger. She even went as far as to lick the officer's hand clean (she couldn’t be missing any crumbs, of course). The tall blonde laughed quietly at the ticklish sensation, moving her hand to pet your horse again, and you felt like you’d died, gone to heaven, and returned again. Her voice was like honey to your ears. With blinking eyes, you tried to remove the thoughts that started littering your mind about this beautiful woman in front of you and instead focus on your mare. “What's her name?” The blonde's voice was full of curiosity and joy. Such a wonderful sound, truly. You could get drunk from just hearing her talk.
“Her name’s Artemis. And she’s the sweetest mare you’ll ever encounter.” You answered with a wink and a scratch behind your horse’s ear. Artemis emitted a pleased grunt and, as if she understood, nodded her head up and down. You giggle at the antics of the dark mare and turn to face the taller woman. Extending your hand, you beam up at her. “My name’s y/n y/l/n, by the way.” 
“Miranda Hilmarson.” The constable answered, shaking your hand with an equally bright smile.
“Beautiful name. It’s a pleasure to meet you” You replied, testing the waters and noting down a small victory for yourself as you saw Miranda blush. Artemis seemed to feel left out of the whole situation, so she rubbed her face against Miranda, which caused the taller woman to almost lose her balance. You couldn't help but to giggle at your horse's antics, reaching out to hold Miranda’s arms and making sure she regained her footing again. “You okay? Seems like Artemis likes you.” The constable looked down at you with a pink-flushed face and a nervous giggle. You let go of her, took a step back, and playfully squished your horse's nose.
“You think she likes me?” Miranda asked quietly and moved closer again, rubbing Artemis’ forehead as the mare nuzzled back into the blonde constable.
“I am pretty sure she does! She cares much for treats but never cuddles strangers like that. You seem to have a soft spot for animals.” The look Miranda gave you could melt the coldest hearts. The most heartfelt smile spread on her lips, her eyes glistening softly… It almost seemed like… tears? You frowned worriedly and felt around in your pockets for a pack of tissues, handing her one once you found them. She sniffled gently and wiped her eyes so her colleagues wouldn’t see. You truly wondered if the others disliked her, the way she turned away from them. Reassuringly, you placed a hand on her back and smiled warmly at her. “You can always come by and cuddle with her after work if you want. She loves apples! Just in case you want to give her a little treat.” You spoke softly, and smiled up at her. 
“Thank you!” Miranda sniffled. “I’m sorry… I don’t know-”
“It’s okay! You don’t have to say anything.” You interrupted quickly, the blonde giving you a thankful smile. She straightened her back again and took a deep breath. You sensed her discomfort around her colleagues, and before she could say anything, you spoke up.
“Would you like to go have a drink somewhere? I don’t really feel like mingling with the rest of the group. I actually quite enjoy talking to you.”
The constable looked dazzled at you, and you feared you might have read her wrong. Yet you waited. Nervousness took over, and you started fiddling with the zipper on your coat. Miranda seemed to consider you for a moment. Hints of caution, question, and wonder flashed over her features, barely noticeable, then she nodded softly, giving you a careful smile.
“That would be nice, actually! I know a place a bit further down… It’s usually not busy, and I've yet to see one of my.. Well, our.. colleagues there,” She offers, and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. For a second you feared, you might have gone too far.
With a smug smile, you stepped aside, allowing Miranda to take the lead, and the both of you snuck out of the venue, into the cool autumn night.
At the bar, Miranda started to ease up, after realising you weren’t planning on taunting or bullying her, and started talking about her hobbies and herself in such a lively and animated manner that had you completely captivated. You could listen to her for hours, and so could Miranda. She was deeply invested in everything you told her, and she could have sworn that your laugh was the most wonderful thing on this planet. 
After what felt like hours, you and Miranda decided to call it a night. No matter how refreshing and pleasant the evening was, the both of you had to work in the morning. You paid for the drinks, and before Miranda could protest, you simply smirked and said, “Next time you get to pay. Promise!” A blush crept over the constable’s face.
“Fine… At least let me drive you home? It’s too late to be walking anyway.” She smugly replied, and you accepted the offer gratefully. Once in the car, you gave Miranda your address, and she started driving towards the direction of your home. The drive was quiet. Not uncomfortable, but quiet. Neither of you knew what to say, so you both just opted for silence, basking in each other's existence. You looked over at her, your thoughts filling with scenarios that had you clenching your thighs slightly. This was so wrong… You shouldn’t be thinking these things about your new colleague… Not after just having met her… And besides, you didn’t know if she felt the same way, and what if- 
“We’re here.” Miranda answered quietly and put the car into park gear. She turned her face to look at you and smiled gently. “I had a great time tonight. Thank you!” She smiled at you sheepishly, and you had to bite your lip; otherwise, you might have just leaned in and kissed her senselessly. Instead, you unbuckled your belt and opened the car door. Getting ready to leave, you turn to look at her.
“I really enjoyed tonight as well! I’m looking forward to next time.” You winked at her and leaned closer, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek that made Miranda's face heat up instantly. You giggled at her flushed face and wide eyes and got out of the car. “Good night, constable Hilmarson.” 
“G-Good night, y/n”
The following two and a half months consisted of you going to work, doing your shift, picking Miranda up from her office, and going to the little Pub she had shown you the very first night the two of you met. The first few free weekends, you were unsure of asking her to hang out; you didn't want to push yourself onto her, but when she reached out first, your heart jumped with joy. You spent afternoons together, talking, playing games, and watching movies,  quickly becoming close friends. You felt bad for wanting more, but you couldn’t help yourself. Miranda had a heart of gold and you fell for it, hard.
The more time you spend with her, the more you fall for the wonderful woman in front of you. The more you got to know her, the more she opened up and talked about herself. Sadly, you also experienced firsthand what Miranda had to deal with at her workplace. The nagging and the bullying. It made you sick to see how she just took all of that in and then, more than she’d like to admit, broke down once she was alone. It became a daily occurrence for you to walk into the bathroom and find Miranda washing her face after a sobbing session.
Today was especially stressful for the two of you at work, and you drank more than usual. A bit tipsy, you started complimenting her and practically fed off the way she squirmed under the attention she was getting. 
“You’re beautiful… Do you know that Mir?” You giggle and watch her blush furiously.
“I-I’m really not…” She said, and you gasped in fake hurt. She looked up at you with a frown.
“How could you say that? You’re literally a goddess!” Miranda was about to protest again, but you stopped her. “ You're so tall and strong, you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Your face is a work of art, and your voice is like a melody written by the gods… Your skin is so soft and pale, and your freckles are like, soooo adorable… Not to mention that you are literally built like an Amazonian warrior queen, and THAT is to die for…” You babble and watch her with a loving smile and a sigh. “You’re so wonderful, and it pains me to see that you don’t think that's the case. What can I do to make you believe me?” You reach out and hold her hand gently, rubbing your thumb over the back of her hand. Miranda just looked at you, her face unreadable but clearly vulnerable.
“I- I don’t know, I just… I guess being told how unpleasant and non-feminine I am.. Having to hear how I'm undesirable every single day… I just… I guess I’ve just forgotten how to be kind to myself.” She admits quietly, looking down into her glass and whirling the liquid around, creating a little tornado-like swirl. You reach out, cupping her cheek, and make her look up at you, a soft but sad smile grazing your lips.
“For every bad word that is said to you, I will bombard you with three positive ones. You don’t deserve that treatment. You’re a wonderful and strong woman, and they ought to respect you.” In a swift motion, you press a quick kiss to her cheek and smile, holding up the pinky of your hand. “I promise” 
The next day at work was anything but easy for you. You patrolled the beach and nearby restaurants and shops with your partner, and you couldn’t stop thinking about Miranda. Unsure of what happened after leaving the bar, you could only hope that you didn’t embarrass yourself with how openly you admired her. You haven’t seen her yet today, and you were dying to be close to her again.
Your mind was clouded by images of Miranda holding you close, your lips pressed to hers in a heated kiss. Hands roaming over each other's bodies with a fiery intensity, the need to be close and the need to pull back for air, fighting each other until one of them succeeds. Her hand, warm on your cheek, moving down to your shoulder, waist, hips, ass and thighs. Your hands making quick work of unbuttoning her shirt, revealing her pale and freckled skin for you to worship under your fingertips, your lips, your tongue-
“Are you even listening?” 
You whip your head around to see your partner looking at you. Your face flushed, and you cleared your throat. “No-, sorry, I didn't hear.. Could you repeat that?” You ask, smiling at your partner apologetically, and he sighs.
“Geez y/n.. Sometimes I wonder what's going on in that head of yours… But fine… I was just asking where you went last night. I know those events are not your thing but I feel like you could really like our new colleagues.” 
Oh… and how you liked your new colleague…
“Really? Nah… I didn’t feel like mingling with the crowd, so I just stepped out..” You reply, hoping he wouldn’t catch on your flushed face.
“With constable Hilmarson.” Your partner added, and you shot him a look.
“I heard she’s kind of an oddball… doesn’t really fit into the group and is often alone.” He starts laughing. “The others said the only reason she’s still working there is because she shagged the boss, and now he-”
“Shut up!” You hissed at him, and he looked at you, taken aback by your harshness, but you didn’t care. You were furious. Miranda has told you how the others tend to “nag” her (her words, but you knew immediately that she was being bullied) about her appearance, her height, the fact that she isn’t in a relationship and did, indeed, sleep with her boss for a while, though he has used her for his own pleasure, and you were not about to let ANYONE badmouth her. ESPECIALLY your assigned partner.
“You do NOT get to say those things about her… and neither do the others. Am I being clear?”
“Yes… Jesus. I wasn’t trying to be mean; I just wanted to tell you what I’ve heard…”
“You mean gossip and lies?” You bark at him. He just looked at you, defeated, and decided to just stay quiet for the rest of the patrol. You wouldn’t let anyone hurt Miranda ever again. This bullying was going to stop, and you were going to make sure of that. You had no intention of apologising to your partner for lashing out at him, and even after he apologised several times, you stood your ground. 
As soon as you got back to the stables, you unsaddled Artemis, brushed her down, and gave her dinner and some fresh water. Once you put everything away, you dashed out of the stables, walking to the main building with fast steps and entering the office. As you entered, you heard laughter coming from the break room. Glancing inside, you saw Miranda sitting in a chair, laughing uncomfortably, whilst her male coworkers made nasty comments and jokes about her. Anger took over, and before you could stop yourself, you barged into the room.
“Cut it out for fuck’s sake. What are you? Little boys?” You hiss at them, walking directly to Miranda, who immediately stood up the second she saw you. She looked at you with wide eyes and an agape mouth. The men just looked at you with a smug smile.
“OOOOOH Miranda… who’s that? Someone special? Why are you angry, Horsegirl? We’re just joking.” They laugh and nudge each other in the sides.
“Oh boo-hoo. Horsegirl? Can’t think of a better insult? You’re just a pathetic excuse for men.” You growl, reaching for Miranda's hand and holding it tightly, looking up at her and squeezing her hand reassuringly. “You don’t have to endure this treatment. Let’s go!” Your voice was soft when speaking to Miranda, giving her a sweet and reassuring smile that seemed to calm her nerves, making her smile back at you. The boys whistled as the two of you were making your way out of the break room.
“Yo Hilmarson, have you got yourself an overprotective girlfriend?” One of the guys said, and the others laughed. Miranda immediately let go of your hand in embarrassment, and you’ve had enough. You turned around, marched up to the guy who let the comment slip, and gripped his hair, pulling him down to your height as he hissed and groaned in pain.
“So what if? Huh? None of you would know what to do with a goddess if she stood in front of you, clearly. Now let me tell you one little thing.” You tightened your grip, causing the manchild to drop to his knees in pain as the others watched, both confused and amused.
“You might feel like I'm all bark and no bite, but once I’ve tasted blood, I won't let go. So you’d do better to stay in your lane, or you’ll regret it.” Letting go of his hair, you let him drop down and straighten your back, shooting a poisonous glare at everyone before turning back and gripping Miranda's hand again, pulling her out and towards the stables.
Once in, the blonde pulls her hand away, making you stop in your tracks and turn to look at her with worry.
“Why… why did you just do that?” She asked, her voice trembling slightly, looking at you with caution in her stare. You look at her, your heart breaking at the image before you.
“I- I can’t stand seeing them treat you like this… you- you deserve so much better. You deserve respect. No one works as hard as you do, and they all know.. Yet they still decide to treat you in such an inhumane way… why are you letting them do this to you? Why don’t you fight back?” You moved to her, taking her hands in yours and holding them tightly. 
“Why do you care? Why do you care so much?” This question completely took you aback… Had you reacted too much? Did you overstep a line? You were so blinded by anger and… and… “Please…” Miranda begged, “Why do you care so much about me?”
Tags: @winterfireblond
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cutiedwaekki · 10 months
where when Felix go so oftenly in that restaurant more for the cute waiter than the food
This is my first smut ever 😭 although I'm still quite uncomfortable have I wanted to try my hand at writing so I hope you like it <3
Thing to get first :
• the restaurant is inspired by American dinners in the 50s but the fic is happening in today's world
Now enjoy this will be my last fic before i go on vacation 🫶
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It was late, around 9:30 p.m., and Felix was out walking the streets of Sydney. He wasn't looking for any particular place after all, at that hour, everything was almost closed except for a few restaurants and entertainment venues.
In the distance, he could see the Luna Park funfair, which you had to take the ferry to get to. He liked the aesthetics of this amusement park; in fact, Felix loved things that had an old-fashioned aesthetic, as if evoking a good memory.
So when on his walk he came across a rather atypical restaurant, his gaze went to it, as did his eyes. The pink neon lights clearly read "Dwaekki's Dinner" and the exterior had a 50s American restaurant vibe.
Without hesitation, Felix entered and was greeted by the muted sound of Elvis Presley's "Blue Suede Shoes" jukebox as he surveyed the interior, which seemed to be typical of the restaurant seen in the movies. Even the waiters were dressed in pink roller skates and uniforms.
No sooner had he entered than a waitress approached him.
-"Welcome to Dwaekki's Dinner, take a seat, one of my colleagues will serve you", she smiled broadly before rolling away.
Felix simply shrugged and moved to a table in the corner. He put down his jacket and turned off the music on his phone before glancing at the menu.
It was classic: burger, fries, chicken nugget, soda... but one offer caught his eye.
Indeed, the prices were low, but in the menu proposal he could see
Felix chuckled, so this restaurant was a kind of hooters? It's true that judging by the waitresses' rather sugestive outfits, he felt foolish for not having understood earlier.
-"May I take your order, sir?" asked a waiter whose accent made it clear he wasn't from around here.
Felix turned his attention to him, detailing him for a long second. Curly brown hair with a small red bow on his head. Round, plump cheeks. He was quite chubby and his uniform gave a good view of his generous thighs trapped in those leather shorts, while the white shirt emphasized his bulging belly.
It's ... totally his type.
-"S-Sir? Is everything all right?"
- "Oh yes ... yes very good ... um I'll take ... your special offer" he said, pointing to the box showing the menu and spending it with a waiter of his choice.
The waiter nod then take a note of this on his pad, a little unsettled by his counterpart's deep voice: "And ... who do you want to spend it with? We have Alice , Mary , Ruby ..."
- "You"
The boy then gasped "Me?"
- "Yes you ... well unless you don't want to of course I don't force you"
The brunette blushed slightly, although the pink neon lights made it easy to see his embarrassment "non it's fine , I'll bring you your order."
-"Thank you. By the way, what's your name?
Felix wasn't convinced, and when Lewis tried to leave, Felix caught up with him: "Tell me the truth, it'll be our secret".
-My name is quite hard to pronounce... I'm Korean".
Felix's eyes widened as he better understood the strange accent he possessed. To put the boy more at ease, he decided to change the language from English to Korean.
-"I'm Korean too, my name's Yongbok but just call me Felix".
"Lewis" seemed to sigh almost as relieve as he seems a little more in cinfident with Felix.
-"Really? You speak English so well though!"
Felix chuckled, "That's because my parents are Korean, but I've lived in Sydney since I was born."
-"Oh I see, I'll go and get your order and be right back".
- "Hey" interrupted Felix again "you never told me your name".
- "Oh... Changbin ... Seo Changbin" he said shyly.
Felix smiled before letting him leave with a wink.
Changbin returned a few minutes later with his menu in a tray as he moved along on his rollerblades.
-"And here's your order" he said with a smile, happy to be speaking his native language with a local.
Felix thanked him and was then surprised by the size of the burger, which was truly imposing, even though it only consisted of steak, cheese, tomato, salt and onions (in short, the basics).
- "Since we're insoiring from America's restaurant, the boss decided that the portions would be imposing too" Changbin remarked with a chuckle.
- "Oh, I understand better! Thanks for keeping me company, feel free to eat if you like".
- "Oh, I wouldn't dare, it's your meal after all"
- "I'm not that hungry, so eat with me" he said, moving his tray towards the waiter who hesitantly took a fry ... then a second ... and then he was unstoppable
The two began to chat, talking about each other, their lives and everything.
Changbin tell how he was a music student who, thanks to a scholarship, had gone to study in Sydney. The restaurant was run by his uncle, who decided to offer him a job to help pay the bills (which meant he was the only boy waiter among all the girls).
Felix then also told him about his life. As an art student, he loved movies from an early age, and wanted to make his own one day.
Changbin, amusingly, offered to be the main actor, which made Felix laugh. It had been a long time since he hadn't laughed like that.
But the interesting detail was that Felix had barely eaten a few fries and tasted a bite of his burger, leaving everything for Changbin, including his Large soda.
The poor waiter had an full stomach and was leaning against the back of his seat, rubbing his belly. A very exciting sight for Felix.
-"Sorry, I must look like a pig ... but I just don't want to resist this food, you know? I remember, when I came here I was pretty fit, but with college and work I spent most of my time here and ... i got a bit oit lf shaoe but i start to like it " he said, reaching out to shake one of his love handles.
Felix bit his lip at the sight, what a delicious treat for the eyes and he felt he was going to end up in an erection if he continue like that.
-"No, don't say that... you're very handsome ... and attractive" but Felix stopped and placed his hands in front of his mouth, ashamed of what he had just revealed.
Changbin was quite surprised and the blush on his face was quite noticeable, but he was pretty charmed by this reveal from the Australian. After all, Felix was a very attractive young man with a deep voice that almost made him glap. So if the youngest was attracted to him, it would be the most beautiful compliment in the world.
-"I... I'd better go," said Changbin as he try to get up on his feet.
"-Did I offend you? I'm sorry hyung , I didn't mean to."
But Changbin turned his face to Felix's, anchoring his gaze in his as a mischievous smile grew on his lips "I'm off in 30 minutes ... if you're interested".
Felix said nothing, but silently nodded. Tiut two venakt to accept without any word the continuation of their evening.
And as soon as Changbin had finished, Felix left and offered to take the oldest home with him. They walked silently through the streets of Sydney. It was winter, so there were few people out, apart from the bars that stayed open until late.
They didn't talk, just enjoyed the silence until they reached the brunette's apartement.
-"Well... this is my place".
Felix gave a slight grin without adding anything more.
The two of them looked at each other in silence, not knowing what would become of this night.
Until Changbin dared to ask "Do you... want to come in and drink something inside?"
It was an invitation I couldn't refuse. He entered calmly and, once the door was closed, asked "Shall I kiss you?"
The brunette was surprised by this sudden courage but nodded. The kiss was short and quite shy but the second one came to make the kiss better than he had already done it. and so the kisses began to follow one another
And so it was, until the blond man bent the wall and kissed the back of his neck, while the brunette let out a few moans.
But Felix's kisses spread a little further down to the oldest's collarbones. He paused for a moment to see if Changbin really wanted to continue. He even asked, "Do you give me your consent? As Changbin took of emotion make a strange noice who sounde like a moan although it meant yes.
Then, like a gentleman, Felix led him to his room, following the brunette's instructions between their kiss. Once the bed was in sight, he placed him on it and looked at him with amusement.
-If I'd known this offer included hook up with the waiter, I'd have come before now".
- "It's only for a handful of clients"
Felix smiled proudly before languorously kissing the brunette "I hope I'm the only one then" before marking the oldest with hickeys on the back of his neck. Soon his shirt was off, revealing his plump body, his breasts and, above all, his round belly.
- "And to think it's your body, now with me I'll make you bigger, is that what you want?"
Changbin moaned again then spread his thighs
-"Oh, does that turn you on? You want me to fuck you and tell you how much your body turns me on? That I'd come back day after day to watch you get fatter?"
Again a groan was heard, and the brunette's nascent erection made it clear that he was eager to the idea.
-"Tell me how much you weigh, so I can see if your body can support all that fat" Felix now had the brunette's ass in front of him, which he'd already seen in the past. The trousers and underwear were soon removed by Felix, who, unlike Changbin, still had his boxers on. Une slapped the brunette's ass and squeezed his hand to tighten the graisdeuse part "i love it but i can make it fatter" he said before finally removing his underwear.
Changbin made a moaning mess , which earned him the title of pig, given the fact that he barely spoke or only when Felix asked for his consent.
-"'I'm so impotient , i just need to ruin you" he said hoarsely as he took two of his fingers and soaked them in saliva before thrusting them into the brunette's hole. The poor moaned in a high-pitched way as Felix tried to widen his turn by making various movement while covering Changbin with teasings like "You're huge and yet you're so tight " but he didn't forget also to cover him with softer words even xompliment like "You're such a good boy" "you're pretty it hurts".
Changbin seemed to be living in another world, and no words came out of his mouth, preferring instead to yelp and beg.
-In the drawer ... quick" Changbin mentioned, leaving Felix curious as he opened the drawer and came across a box of condoms, which Changbin seemed to be prepared for! He took one of the condoms and slipped it on. The best was about to begin.
So when Felix finally decided to stick his penis in his hole, his voice was so high-pitched that even the blond was surprised. Fortunately, the acoustic foam glued all aroung the brunette's bedroom was here to mask their obscene noises , although he used it definitively to record songs, for being fucked it was perfect too!
So the back-and-forth began, slow at first to allow Changbin to get used to it, but as time went by, the more Felix picked up the pace. He himself began to talk less, preferring to devote his energy to his movement while panting.
Changbin would let out loud, high-pitched whimpers that by now he was sure to have a sore throat.
This went on for some time before Felix managed to get to his climax tiut like Changbin. And then, at different intervals, they ejaculated with a rippling groan that would definitely wake up a neighbor.
Felix withdrew, discarded the cappote and hovered over Changbin. They both caught their breath, embracing each other.
-"Do you often fuck your customers?" asked Feoix curiously.
- "Only the ones who find him attractive" teased Changbin with a wink
Felix chuckled, even though the bed was soiled he wanted to postpone cleaning until the next day so he could fall asleep in his arms.
So they two fell asleep from exhaustion, proving that the evening had been extremely useful.
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑⋆·˚ ༘ *
But Felix had kept his word, and so he returned every evening at the same time, and they shared a menu... Well, sharing was more Changbin's mealbthan other thing.
Over time, they got to know each other and became close friends. From that heated evening, they would sometimes sleep together again, or Felix would offer Changbin a blowjob during his shift in the toilet cabins .
Maks the two of them began to develop a real mutual attraction that became naturally tactile between them. Felix would his cheek and peck at it to kiss it. Changbin would sit by his side and let the Australian feed him.
A real little couple, although they never officially said so. Maybe they'd just have to wait for the day when Changbin would be the ideal boydy type of Felix had since the day one of their meeting.
A day when the brunette would be so tight in his outfit that Felix wouldn't be able to resist ...
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑⋆·˚ ༘ *
This evening was just like any other, Felix would come in, sit at his table and wait for Changbin. He could see him in the distance on his roller skates, the oldest had grown a lot over the months. His belly had become so massive that it began to hang out of his shirt, creating a wide space where his belly could be seen between the buttons. His shorts were crushing his poor honey-colored thighs, which had been carrying his weight for too long. And his now big breasts became so large that even some waitresses began to envy him.
-"Lixie ... you're here" declared Changbin as he approached him more slowly than before, after the poor man had weighed in at over 132 kilos, he was officially obese and still loved his plump, round body.
Felix also loved his body. He loved to grab his ass and say "it's now so fat now thanks to me".
The two had fallen so deeply for each other that they hadn't stopped seeing each other every day without missing a single evening. . We'll bet it was due to sex they loved each other's presence more than just kissing to the point of losing their voices.
-"hey beauty! Looks like someone's been eating well lately" he teased, caressing his chubby cheek playfully.
-"I have a secret admirer who likes to feed me" he retorted amused.
The two of them were so complicent that everyone could see that their relationship was so fused and unique that no one could boast of having the same one.
So Changbin took his usual order and added a few cheeseburgers and a large slice of cheesecake. What was it? It was for him after all.
Then he returned a few minutes later, surprising Felix with all the food.
-"Is it for me? He said with a twinkle in his eye, leaving Changbin to giggle.
The blond chuckled too before adding "My Changbinnie is finally becoming a big little pig , your shirt isn't going to hold on for long you know? "
Changbin (who had already started to eat a cheeseburger) shrugged his shoulders before leaning closer to Felix and whispering a few words that no one but him could hear.
"I've already holed my shorts down my ass. "
Felix blushed when he wanted to see, but Changbin's reddened cheeks stopped him.
-And otherwise what's up in life?" Asked the brunette as he continued to eat.
To be honest, that's all he ever did, and since he'd become so heavy, his uncle preferred to limit his work, which meant he did worked less but ate more.
In any case, he was sure to eat enough to keep his shirts buttonbeven more tighter.
Felix was overjoyed, the brunette was already eating without stopping and didn't need any help, but above all he'd seen the button on his shirt disapear to leave an place fold on his growing body, and Chanbgin didn't even seem to react to it.
This was too much for Felix, who decided to kiss the brunette full on the lips, not caring that there were other people around, or that carless whisper was playing in the background or that the brunette had the sweet taste of chesecake in his mouth.
His eyes were open to their situation. He wanted Changbin more than anything else, he needed him in the morning when he woke up, at noon to send him pick up line that would make him blush and at night to treat him to food and sleep next to him with his Chanbin sized pillow.
-"Be mine please", he declared, looking him straight in the eye.
Changbin was confuse by all this but couldn't help smiling broadly and replied "yes I do, I want to be yours as much as you will be mine".
So the new couple held hands for the first time in as they were finally together while they were in a lovey dovey bubble that no one could interompre.
Not even Chanhbin's shirt where the buttons popped off one by one exposing his belly to everyone's view
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑⋆·˚ ༘ *
-"Come and dance Binnie!
- "No, I'm too full, I can't make it"
- "Come on it's for you boyfriend" begged as Felix pouting
Changbin finally decided to accept. Today was a rest day but they were still here at Dwaekki's dinner, mostly for their chea food and this jukebox playing old classic music.
Felix was in a mood for dancing even if Changbin only know to shake his whole body when he waled, but in fact he didn't know how to dance very well
But for Felix, he'd make an exception: when his hands rested on his body, he couldn't stretch out fully in his arms ariund him , je did make a thing in his heart as he smilled even more
If it wasn't love that changbin felt then I don't know
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himynameis4 · 1 year
Adult Byler Teacher Headcanons
They both teach at the same school, maybe even same district.
Will teaches art, namely Drawing & Painting I & II, as well as AP Art & Honors Drawing for Production & Design. (He also was dragged into making props for the school musical, and started/runs the school’s GSA. Mans is SWAMPED)
Mike teaches AP Language & Comp, Creative Writing, Honors English 9, and English 11. He also runs the school’s Literary Magazine, Newspaper, and Yearbook clubs. (Mans is similarly swamped)
(They’re both considering starting up an AV club & a D&D club, but where they’ll find the money or the time, they got no clue)
Will was the reason Mike first explored teaching. Mike had taken his dad’s advice & become a business major, because it can be applied to lots of jobs & is a good way to get a job quick, but… yeah, he fucking hated it.
He ended up taking one of the education courses Will was taking, trying to fulfill some credits & figuring having a class with Will would make it bearable… and then he fell headfirst into teaching
They were hired at the same time. They student taught together, too. A wave of retirees meant most of their colleagues were new blood, like them, and… well, there was A Lot of relationship drama among the staff. It was like a freakin’ soap opera. (Did my high school have a lot of interpersonal staff relationship drama? Yes, why do you ask?)
Will & Mike came out when they got married, because Will wanted to change his last name. By this point, Will was already running the school’s GSA. They hadn’t been very public about their relationship, having been there for The Sanders Affair Of 2006 (and the subsequent divorces, marriages, and affairs that came from said affair) & making the mutual decision to keep their personal lives private… but as their district became less conservative, they hadn’t exactly hidden it, either.
Their friends on the staff all know, & some are close enough friends to get invites
Will had gone by “Mr. William” for the vast majority of his career, so it wasn’t a huge shift for his students or anything.
Mike’s nickname is just “Wheeler,” a similar sign of affection—at least, to his face.
(His students call him “Hot Wheels” behind his back)
(Will is well aware of this, & endlessly amused)
Will’s hair has gone entirely grey. (Lonnie’s genetics, rip). Post-covid, he uses blue light glasses… unlike mike, who needs glasses full-time. (Will teases him about this quite frequently)
Mike finishes growing his hair out, but ditched the bangs. He’s one of those teachers who always has his hair in a severe ponytail (he likes manbuns, too, but you wont often see him with one bc We’re At Work, Will, I Must Be Professional)
They Do Not Talk About The Mullet Era
Or The Bowl Cut For The Entirety Of The Childhoods
They have matching rings, customized replicas of the One Ring bc they’re both geeks. They’re engraved to say “crazy together” in elvish. Technically these were their engagement rings… and also the rings they used when they got a domestic partnership, and also the rings they used in their wedding ceremony. For a long time, they wore them like necklaces tucked under their shirts (bc the Mike in the Math department & Sydney from Social Studies are MASSIVE gossips, and also bc LoTR is iconic & these two are cheesey af),
They started wearing them openly when Will changed his last name, though.
Will & Mike are the teachers who let students eat lunch in their classrooms. The ones who invite them in during free periods. The ones who hear about the shitty chem teacher, the asshole ex, the awful divorce, the toxic friend group, the impending move. They’re the ones who collect & display dozens of senior photos, whose hands cramp from writing yearbook messages, and the ones whose students will remember years later. They’re the ones who keep in touch—they get wedding invites and scattered letters and life updates.
Because they’re the ones who remember what it’s like to be 14, 15, and feeling like the world was about to end. They remember the bullies. They remember the isolation. They remember how awful it feels to grow apart from the people you used to hold dear, and how much they hated high school.
It’s why they love being teachers, exhausting as it is. They’re the adults they didn’t get in high school, despite their parents’ best efforts—they get to be the support they desperately needed. They get to watch their kids grow, and its so, so satisfying to know they’re giving the kids better than what they had.
But most importantly? They’re happy.
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akiratheartist · 25 days
what if “Wow” by 3RACHA was a show? (inspo from pinterest) (description on image!)
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just a little heads up this is not a reader insert! also since i am American even though this takes place elsewhere this will be based on American high school. Sorry to any Australian readers! (this may be a series 👀…)
Chapter 1 - New School New… Love?
Your first day of high school is supposed to be exciting.. right? Well it was a little exciting for Jisung i guess but it was a little more stress inducing. Over the summer his family moved to the town of Greenacre in Sydney Australia which was a little ways away from his hometown of Incheon of Korea.
He got dressed in a graphic tee with his favorite band on it, a zip up hoodie, and some jeans. His shoes were a pair of beat up converses that were black. He said a quick goodbye to his parents before running out the door to the bus that almost left him.
His first day had the usual problems. He got lost a gazillion times, His locker got jammed and he was late to class, It was awkward not knowing anyone, And worst of all: The language barrier. Jisung knew english but there was still times where he didn’t understand and the teachers nor students seemed to care about this matter. While attempting to open his locker with no luck an upperclassman approached him. “Need help?” He turned to see an older boy offering to open it up. “Yes.. Please.” Jisung scooted over an let the older take control. “What’s the code?” Jisung quickly looked down at the schedule in his hands. “Uh.. It’s 16-24-31.” He watched intently as the lock was twisted and turned until.. “Voila! all open!” Jisung was a little surprised and thanked the boy before grabbing his stuff. “What’s your name?” He poked his head from out of the locker. “It’s Jisung.” “I’m Chris. Wasn’t expecting to meet a transfer student from Korea!” He smiled. Jisung closed his locker and wanted nothing more but than to walk away. “Y’know.. Im from Korea too.” Jisung stared at Chris for a moment. “진짜?!“ Jisung yelled a little and covered his mouth. “Yeah really!” Jisung was relieved to meet someone from Korea too. “정말 다행이다! 나는 하루종일 영어로 말해야 한다고 생각했다.” What a relief! I thought I had to speak English all day. “내가 여기 있어서 잘됐지?” Well good thing i’m here yeah? “Why don’t I show you where your class is?” Chris started walking alongside Jisung. “Would you? I kinda don’t know where i’m going..” “Of course! Gives me an excuse to not be in class.” Chris laughed. “What room number is it?” Jisung handed Chris his schedule and Chris looked at it for a few seconds. “Oh its just around the corner!” They waled together down to Jisung’s class and said goodbye. “Come find me 5-2 during lunch!” Chris shouted at he ran down the hall hearing the tardy bell ring.
Fifth period came and it was Jisung’s study hall period. He found his assigned seat and quietly sat down with all his stuff and began getting a head start on some homework. Homework on the first day?! How cruel! But anyway, Jisung still had to do it unfortunately. The rest of the class loaded into the room and Jisung noticed someone sit beside him. He glanced to see another boy sitting in the chair next to him. The boy immediately put his head down on the desk and ignored the school work in front of him. The bell rang and Jisung stared at him for a few moments before going back to his own work. A few minutes later and the boy’s head popped back up and he grabbed a notebook. He began quickly writing something down making Jisung curious. Unfortunately the boy caught him staring making the situation a little more awkward as Jisung looked away. The page was covered in rhymes in both Korean and English. Interesting he thought.
Eventually lunch came and Jisung made his way down the hall through a crowd of people. Suddenly the next thing he knew he was on the floor. He looked up to see the most beautiful girl he had ever seen reaching her hand out to him. Jisung took her hand and she pulled him up from the floor. “Uh.” She spoke and her voice was like music against his ears. “Thanks..” Jisung said. “Yeah whatever..” The girl said and she picked something off the floor and kept walking. Jisung was already in love.
“Chris! Chris!” Jisung came running into the lunch room towards where Chris sat. “Hey Jisung! Whats up?” Jisung excitedly sat next to Chris and a familiar looking boy. “You’ll never believe what happened!” He looked at Chris with wide eyes. “Wait a second I want you to meet another friend of mine first. Jisung this is Changbin.” Jisung glanced behind Chris to see the boy that sat next to him in class. “Hey you sit next to me!” He recalled the writing he was doing earlier. “Oh yeah.” Changbin stated. “Anyway, What i was saying was… I think i’m in love!” Jisung dramatically stated loudly and Chris raised an eyebrow. “Love? With who?!” Jisung stood and began scanning the room for the girl from earlier. “She had dark skin… And long hair… And and the most beautiful eyes… There! In the grey shirt!” He pointed in her direction and the other two boys turned to look. “Harper?!” Chris said. “No way dude..” The girl turned her head in their direction and Chris quickly grabbed Jisung by the jacket and yanked him into his seat. “Is that her name? Wow.. Harper…” Jisung practically had hearts in his eyes. “I wouldn’t if i were you…” Changbin spoke up. “Why not?! She’s perfect for me!” Chris giggled a little at Jisung’s confusion. “Freshman. She HATES Freshman. And also she’s like the meanest person ever.” Changbin warned but Jisung denied it all. “No way she’s mean! She helped me off the floor when someone pushed me in the hallway!” “Are you sure she didn’t push you?” Chris said. “Trust me. She’s in my grade dude i’ve been trying to get her attention for a hell of a long time.” Jisung completely ignored him. “Does she do anything after school?” What an idiot.. Is he even listening? “Other than being a complete spawn of Satan? Volleyball.” Changbin chuckled. “Besides theres no way she’d ever talk to you. Your a 9th grader.” Chris added and Jisung poked out his lip. “Why? my grade isn’t that bad.. What grade is she in?” “She’s a Junior like me. She’s got a sister who’s a Freshman too.” Jisung thought for a moment. “Wow she’s older than me by alot huh.. Maybe i’ll call her Noona then..” “You should be staying away from her. I’m telling you she’d smash your heart to pieces then stomp on it.” Jeez. She cant be that bad though… right?
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Aaaand thats a wrap for now! please please pleeease tell me if you want more because i have more planned for this! i cant wait to post more 🤔🤔
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aidansloth · 1 year
Firts time making an ask EVER on Tumblr , how about Gareth whit a S/O from either New Zeland or Australia (that has the accent) and if its not a problem a s/o that has long curly hair (PS sorry for my shitty English):P
Can I be ☆ anon???
(I'm the first person you requested to??🥺🥺🥰) (don't apologize for your English, it's fine! especially because English isn't my first language either so I get stuff wrong too!) I apologize in advance if there's anything inaccurate in the headcanons, I tried writing things I was sure of, but if there's any wrong information feel free to tell me!
I'm going to do the two requests in the same post (but separately), I hope that's okay! also, you are now ★ anon (it's the only star I have sorry)
Gareth Emerson X Australian!Reader
he is in fact a little gremlin so sometimes he tries to imitate your accent
affectionately though. he means no harm (you can shout at him it's fine)
he honestly loves it though, he just teases for fun. but cusses at anyone who does the same, only he can (you'll see him shouting at Eddie in the middle of the cafeteria while the rest of Hellfire is dying from laughter)
anyway, this also means you get kangaroo jokes
for your birthday he gets you a kangaroo plushie as prank gift, don't worry though he gives you your actual present after he had his fun
not to mention him being confused with the season and months and school
"So you have Christmas in spring?" "Why would it be spring Gareth, it's obviously summer!" "Shut up Mike, I wasn't talking to you. So, how's Christmas at the beach?"
"Do you go to school during summer then?" "That's a stupid question Grant! Of course they do!"
they'd start shouting over eachother at the Hellfire table, all while you're just there 😐 trying to get a word in
they're trying
he'd totally think Sydney is the capital. he's so misinformed I swear (but once you correct him, he'll actually remember so it's fine)
on that note, he loves hearing you rant about your country (even more if you're indigenous), you look so passionate about it. he thinks you look soooo cute
Gareth Emerson X Reader with Curly Hair
he loves your hair of course
you two share tips, shampoos, conditioners and about any product that helps with your hair
he insists that you two wash your hair on the same day so you can do you hair routine together (he loves pampering you if you hadn't noticed)
if your hair is curlier than his and you have to use different products he'll do his research on how to take better care of your hair to surprise you
cause he wants to be the best possible boyfriend
(sometimes he brushes your hair with a brush just to annoy you this little gremlin)
if your hair is more on the 4C side then you better believe he's going to learn how to braid it! it's his only goal in life now. is his braiding going to be a bit shitty? maybe, but it's the effort that counts
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mari-zuko · 1 year
{ KAIA GERBER, 22, CISGENDER FEMALE, SHE/HER } Is that MARI ZUKO? A JUNIOR originally from BOSTON, MA, they decided to come to Ogden College to study LITERATURE & CLASSICS. They’re THE CLOSET GAY on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
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Mari Zuko, the younger daughter of the dean of Ogden College, has the weight of the world on her shoulders. Or at least the weight of her parent's expectations. Desperate for validation and acceptance, Mari bends over backwards to try to live up to all the hopes and dreams they pinned on her, perfecting the facade of the picture-perfect sorority president with ease. In reality, she's constantly masking who she really is - including her sexuality - and how hard she always has to try.
morrigan (acotar) - leighton murray (sex lives of college girls) - blair waldorf (gossip girl) - jordan baker (the great gatsby) - sydney sage (bloodlines series) - gabby windey (the bachelorette) - eloise bridgerton (bridgerton) - margaery tyrell (game of thrones) - santana lopez (glee) - abby littman (ginny and georgia) - brittany (bottoms)
THE CLOSET GAY - transparent closet - lipstick lesbian -girly girl with a tomboy streak - hard-drinking party girl - hypocrite - weight woes - deadpan snarker & stepford snarker - always second best (to her sister bryn & in some ways to greer) & successful sibling syndrome - jerk with a heart of gold - aloof dark haired girl
Literature & Classics
Art History
KKG President, Undergraduate Student Council, Art Club, Writing Club, Ballet Company
FULL NAME: Mari Zuko
NICKNAME(S): Mar, but usually she just goes by Mari
DATE OF BIRTH: february 1st, 2001
AGE: twenty-two
ZODIAC CHART: aquarius sun, scorpio moon, libra rising. also pisces mercury, cancer mars, pisces venus, gemini jupiter, taurus saturn
OCCUPATION: student at ogden college
HOMETOWN: boston, mass
ETHNICITY: white (unspecified), ashkenazi jewish
LANGUAGE(S): english
GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis female, she/her
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: lesbian.....ally, bc she's straight, she's soooo straight (she's gay)
FACE CLAIM: Kaia Gerber
HEIGHT: 5′10″
EYE COLOR: Dark brown
HAIR COLOR + STYLE: dark to medium brown, occasionally highlighted blonde, but usually worn long with layers & curtain bangs
POSITIVE TRAITS: meticulous, captivating, intelligent
NEGATIVE TRAITS: reckless, standoffish, controlling, selfish, aloof
SKILLS: deceit, making the patriarchy work in her favor, being the life of the party
DRUGS? yes
Mari Zuko may not have been the typical sorority president. She was sardonic, dry, brash, and most importantly - never caught dead in a pastel. But it became clear from an early age that Mari was the one who her parents pinned their hopes on. Bryn, her older sister, made it obvious she wasn’t going to indulge their father - the dean of Ogden College - and did the exact opposite. In fact, she didn’t even apply to college. So the pressure all fell on Mari. And it’s not that she exactly cared…maybe ambition was too strong a word, considering Mari’s goals weren’t motivated on any personal level, but she certainly had goals. They just were motivated by her desire for others admiration, envy, and, of course, their approval. 
Mari is the second daughter of two parents with extraordinarily high expectations for their children. While Bryn, her elder sister, always was able to shake them off without much effort, Mari often felt like she was collapsing under the weight of what they wanted for her. It didn’t help that her father was the Dean of Ogden, his ever sharp eyes on what the going ons on campus were. Not to say Mari didn’t have moments of weakness - she absolutely did. And Greer was one of those moments.
But regardless of her relationship with Greer, Mari knew her coming out wouldn’t be all that accepted or welcomed. She was a sorority president. She was the Dean’s daughter. She had high standards she had to live up to, and as her sister had already discarded those, the expectations for both Zuko sisters fell on her. Regardless of her feelings for Greer, Mari knew they weren’t enough to be ready to come out. Especially when some days, it seemed like half the campus felt the same way
some wanted dynamics -
an angsty tense frenemies situation - do i want to be her or do i want to be with her vibes
more homoerotic friendships. always more homoerotic friendships. it's a closeted queer girls right !!!
any wlw dynamics. like, literally any lmao
someone mari is using to try to get over greer - could honestly be someone masc (rip) or femme, but it's very much just about mari trying to move on
speaking of mascs, ummm, more sad hook-ups bc mari is trying to be straight are always fun (read: angsty) to write !!!
the npc she hooked up with and called greer at the beginning of the year xoxo
still would love a bearding relationship tbh
this would be a past connection, but mari's first girl experience - probably someone from high school, another charged homoerotic friendship for the girlies
men she butts heads with tbh
um ... friends. female friends, specifically, but friends in general would be cool.
Mari knew that she wasn’t straight, but something about Greer - who she became close with their freshman year, having met several times when they were younger thanks to the Morrison parents being Ogden alumnae (and of course, Mari's father being the Dean) - sharpened all of that. The way she commanded attention in a crowd, the way she lit up a room. Mari fell hard, and fast. But Greer always had boyfriends. Greer was straight. At least publicly.
That was something that Mari felt they had in common, for a long time. That they were straight. Or at least, they weren’t out. But behind closed doors, regardless of what their relationship statuses may have been, the two girls were…together. They passed it off as being close friends, Mari a sorority girl with a penchant for partying that slid right into Greer’s inner circle, but the two of them knew that wasn’t the case. That it was something more.
family page tbd
SOCIAL CLASS: upper class
FATHER: Dean Zuko (Timothy Olyphant FC)
MOTHER: Ruth Zuko (Rachel Weisz FC)
SIBLING(S)? one older sister - Bryn Zuko (Emily Ratajkowski FC)
when mari starts feeling defensive, too vulnerable, or anything along those lines where she feels like she's somewhat backed into a corner, she tends to default to sarcasm so she can hide it
mari holds herself together pretty well, and seems like she's well behaved to the public eye - but girl can party, and when she goes out? she goes hard.
tw eating disorder thanks to her parents never-ending pressure growing up, and feeling like she has to live up to her older sister, one thing mari felt like she could always control was her diet, and she's teetered on the edge of a serious eating disorder for years
she's a huge lit nerd and loves poetry - specifically, vaguely sapphic poetry. emily dickinson is her favorite !!!
she can get pretty manipulative and petty and passive aggressive - it takes a lot to push her there, but she will get there, and usually once she's there with someone, she stays there. exhibit a - monty
she is not very athletic but she did pretend to play tennis freshman year to check out greer (see: slocg when leighton is trying to get with tatum)
she did used to dance ballet, and quit before coming to college. her parents didn't think it was a serious enough career
neither do they think studying poetry is serious enough - so if anyone asks, mari wants to be an editor or something
but in reality, she takes every poetry or feminist lit class she can
let's see - after homecoming with the texts, mari thought "g" might actually be greer - and nearly lost her damn mind
she ran into the very drunk, publicly allowed to be freaking out naive newcomer and it made her very angry and jealous and everything bc she felt like she couldn't act out like that, since no one knew the truth about her and greer
"no one" - link, ida, lennon, and sorta vaguely diego? knew i think that's it but if i'm forgetting we talked about your muse knowing PLEASE PLEASE message me again bc i feel like i am forgetting someone
she also then hooked up with someone to put greer out of her mind and accidentally called them by greer's name so that uh...didn't help
this year, besides the hook-up, ollie, jesse, kepler (....sort of, she's still denying it after those texts), & maybe milo (we'll see where the nye thread finishes up lol) have learned the truth (again if i'm missing your muse plz yell at me)
speaking of the texts, mari got blackmailed by g to send a text to all greer's hook-ups from last year during her bday party
she did not get any clues in the kkg haunted house - even though it's her chapter, mari flat out refuses to go through it every year so
but she knows about some of them - and she knows ollie suspected milo of being "g"
she then got a letter after thanksgiving, accused milo of planting it in her room, and shared it with jesse in a wholesome (read: drunken) bonding moment
realistically there's still more i one day would want to add to this, but !! for now !!! it's better than it was
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glassprism · 1 year
how would you rank all the international* productions? for me, my fave would've been the OG german production and the least is the hungarian. *international = foreign language ones!
Oh anon, that's a bit of a tall order considering just how many international productions there, and that I have very little information on some of them. Assuming that "foreign language" means "non-English", then that eliminates London, Broadway, and all the US and UK tours, of course, but also Toronto and the Canadian tours, both Australian tours including the most recent restaging, all the World Tours, and I don't know if you intended this, but you've also cut the Helsinki and Gothenburg non-replicas, the Greece non-replica, and the Sydney Harbour non-replica. But I'm going to pretend you did not mean to do that and include them. Also, I will be lumping several productions into one, including ones in the same country (so Hamburg, Stuttgart, Essen, Hamburg revival, and Oberhausen, you are all one item now) and revivals (Poland, you have probably had a dozen revivals but as far as I'm concerned you're one thing).
Also, why so low on Hungary? There are so many weirder ones out there... Anyway, I can't exactly go and pick a top favorite, so I'm going to imitate my favorite actors list and rank them in tiers, and then only list the rest chronologically. To keep it simple, my tiers will be:
Favorite (the best, would pay to see over and over again)
Love (more solid than transcendentally great but doesn't disappoint, would pay to see at least once and probably go back)
Meh / Not Enough Info (okay, no strong opinions, willing to watch it once OR don't know enough about it to judge)
Dislike (if you took me to see this version live you would have to pay and I would still sit in disgruntled silence for the entire show)
Objectively it looks bad but emotionally I need to see it (this looks absolutely wild, I must see it, take me to it, I will pay you)
Germany (Hamburg + revival, Stuttgart, Essen, Oberhausen) - While this should technically fall under the "consistently good" category, it is so good at it, that it kind of ended up rising to the favorite category. Love the casts (save for a few here and there), love the wigs and costumes, love how dang fast the chandelier drops... apparently it's translation is not great, but everything else is, and I just really love all the German productions.
Mexico City, Mexico - It had a great cast (again, save for a couple members), strong visuals, and all that, but what I really love was just how much freedom everyone was given in the role. You see it the most with Saulo Vasconcelos, but even other members of the cast seemed to have been given a ton of leeway in how to interpret the roles, and I just adore it.
Copenhagen, Denmark + revivals - The production that is just so strong in every measure: the costumes, the cast, the singing, the energy of everyone involved.
Moscow, Russia - A long time ago, I remember reading that the production deliberately changes Christine's wig between 'Point of No Return' and the 'Final Lair' to one that is messy, long, straggly, as a symbolic way of showing the turmoil she is undergoing, and I think that little detail shows just how much attention went into this production. And it's just so pretty.
Japanese sit-down tour - Big points for being the first international production, for being so long-running, for being possibly the only production closest to the original, and for forcing me to come up with the term "sit-down tour". Negative points for a pre-recorded orchestra in most stops and their casts being unmemorable because they have to stick so strongly to that. But the good strongly outweighs the bad.
Vienna, Austria - This one is everywhere for me. The orchestrations are incredible. The tiny changes to some of the lyrics is gorgeous. The translation is better than the one in Germany (or so I've heard). They have some awesome cast members - Alexander Goebel is just wonderful. But then there's Colleen Besett and her refusal to change her expression, and Alfred Pfeifer was apparently a dull Raoul and a worse Phantom, and I don't like a lot of their costumes. But you know what? Minor nitpicks! Still love it overall.
Stockholm, Sweden + revival - Kind of love the original more than the revival (Mikael Samuelson and Elisabeth Berg > Peter Joback and Emmi Christensson, though Christensson is pretty good), but both are good, strong productions.
Scheveningen, Netherlands - Not too much to say here, just another really good production that doesn't quite make it to the top of the list (though Joke de Kruijf is divine).
Antwerp, Belgium - Pretty much the same as the above. The trio of Hans Peter Janssens, Inneke van Klinken, and Michael Shawn Lewis is a power trio.
Seoul, Korea + revival + tour - Would almost fall under the "not enough info" page if not for bootlegs. Love the cast (the original slightly more than the revival), they used the World Tour sets, costumes, and wigs and I generally like those, the original translation was supposedly not good at all but they changed it a lot during the show and then after, so... yep, another good one.
Budapest, Hungary - Mixed to positive feelings. On the one hand, they stick pretty close to the original in many ways, which benefits the overall show. On the other hand, it's almost not original enough because of that. Great sets, like the variety of wig colors, costumes are hit and miss, and so is the cast for the most part (some favorites in there and some that I'm really not a fan of). Also had the oldest cast ever though, so points for that.
São Paulo, Brazil + revivals - Like the others, a really good production that does everything right. The existence of Thiago Arancam in the revival does drag them down though.
Prague, Czech Republic - Similar to the Budapest production, its similarity to the original is both helpful and hinders them. In general, another decent non-replica that plays it safe by emulating the original for the most part, until it decides to do something absolutely buck wild like their entire 'Point of No Return'.
Oslo, Norway - A non-replica that I actually like without having to say that it's because it's so close to the original! Basically took the template provided by the Bucharest production and improved on it in every way, resulting in a non-replica that keeps to the spirit of Phantom while also making a lot of interesting changes. Also, best chandelier crash ever.
Greece (Athens + Thessaloniki) - Mainly a clone of the above, so it goes here by default. Not happy that they toned down the chandelier crash though.
Sydney Harbour, Australia - Another great non-replica, may be tied with Norway as my favorite, one that is clearly modeled off the original but makes enough changes to be fresh and novel. Phantom flying down in a chariot? Awesome. Christine getting ripped out of her Aminta dress to reveal her wedding dress? Bold move. An actually tasteful 'Point of No Return'? Hell is freezing over. The entire cast performing in the rain? Kudos just for that.
Meh / Not Enough Info
Madrid, Spain - I used to like this one, but now it's just... fine? Nothing to write home about, I suppose. Visuals are fine, cast is fine. I like the amount of proshots that got leaked, at least.
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Lands somewhere between "meh" and "not enough info", because there really just isn't a lot out there of this production. The cast was very pretty, at least?
Estonia (Tallinn + Tartu) - Reviews of this production make it sound incredible: more contemporary aesthetic, a love triangle where Raoul and Christine are unequivocally the OTP, a version where Christine only kisses the Phantom on the cheek? Sign me up! But alas, there's only a couple of audios and no video footage of this production aside from promotional clips. Not enough info.
Kristianstad, Sweden - All I know of this production is "red-head Christine" and "full-face mask for the Phantom". Would love to know more about it.
Poland (Warsaw + Białystok + revivals) - The idea of basing a production off the 2004 movie was a choice, but they couldn't even do that right; the costumes look terrible! Tempo is too slow, the cast was constantly emulating the movie cast (though at least they grew out of it), and what is that second unmasking scene? But hey, epic chandelier crash. Also, bondage Raoul.
Helsinki, Finland + Gothenburg, Sweden - Well, it has good sets. Um, the heavy metal aesthetic is... bold? And you have to admire the bravery of using a papier-mache chandelier, a deformity that rivals the 2004 movie's, and directing the Phantom to sing 'Music of the Night' to the audience with no movement whatsoever.
Bucharest, Romania - Everything about this production was improved in the Norwegian and Greek productions, but thanks for being the prototype. Also, Phantom please stop casting people who won a singing competition on TV.
Objectively it looks bad but emotionally I need to see it
Belgrade, Serbia - Look at this minimalist, peak modern set. I must see it, for I crave going blind at the sheer scarlet overload of it all. Also, flower crown Christine.
Sófia, Bulgaria - What is this production.
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tryerofpods · 1 year
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Well it's been a minute since we've done a true crime review, so... Let's talk about Bondi Badlands from @sydneymorningherald and @theageaustralia . Bondi Badlands is an Australian True Crime limited series, and is part of my ongoing initiative to find English language podcasts from every country in the world. Australia being a pretty easy pull. Back in the 1980s and early 90s, gay men around Bondi Beach were dying, with police discounting their deaths as suicides, because...of course they did. These murders were only some of the gay hate crimes sweeping Sydney as the irrational hysteria of the AIDS epidemic fomented hate across the globe--and Australia was just one of the many places on the wrong side of history as far as LGBTQIA+ people were concerned. But when a popular TV news reader becomes a victim, they finally start investing, like they should have been all along. Being beaten and pushed off cliffs, there was someone, or someones, killing gay men in the Bondi area under cover of night. Over a decade later, the crime was finally solved. Who committed these heinous acts, and how was the case finally solved, you'll need to tune in to find out. That's 5, 30-40 minute episodes. So, if you like True Crime, esp. True Crime for a case that got solved, and investigative journalism, then Bondi Badlands is for you! #truecrime #crimepodcast #truecrimepodcast #solved #solvedtruecrime #truecrime #nonfictionpodcast #podcasts #podcast #podcastrecommendation #podcastrecommendations #recommendations #recommend #podcastsunday #trypod #australia #bondi #bondibeach #gay #gaypodcast #lgbtpodcast #lgbtqiaplus #lgbtq #sydneymorningherald #theage #bondibadlands #australiantruecrime https://www.instagram.com/p/CpJ8_ldOEw6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rosiahills22 · 1 year
somehow, i don’t think there was anything like cheating cheating, but i think the pics were just too much and like the other anon said, gigi got fed up maybe?
I agree with this! I’m not even his gf or whatsoever but I totally felt uncomfortable when I first saw the pictures. One thing is being kind and other thing is allowing people to be too touchy or too affectionate with you in that way when you’re in a relationship with someone. I’d have totally be fed up if that happened to me. Remember those pics where Sydney and Glen are hugging each other at the airport? Like? 😳 oh ok, that was kinda too much for me because it doesn’t look like a friendly hug. English is not my first language but I’ll try to explain the following phrase. In Spanish we say: “no hagas cosas buenas que parezcan malas” which could be translated as “don’t do good things that might seem sketchy”. I think Glen is currently in a situation like this lol. Anyway, maybe I’m thinking too much maybe not. But I do agree with you regarding what you said. Of course his career won’t be affected but it will be totally sad to see him starting a relationship by cheating. No one deserves to be cheated on, and if that happened to Gigi I would feel sad for her. And I would feel sad because I thought Glen was different with all that family first facade just to realise it was something different after all. Why men can’t just be faithful and keep it to themselves for once? Lol sorry for the long rant but I feel like I could safely share my opinion here and I wouldn’t be judged. Thank you!
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thesimonhawthorne · 1 year
Simon Heywood
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Name: Simon Tristan Heywood
Age: 30
Birthday: August 22nd, 1992
Birthplace: East Haven
Gender: Cis man (he/him)
Occupation: Investment Banking Associate at East Haven Bank
Back in East Haven for: around 6 years.
Neighbourhood: Primrose Hills
Education: Bachelor in Finance (UPenn), Master in Financial Management and Business Law (HEC Paris)
Languages: English, French
Marital status: Single
Children: None
Key family members: Julian Heywood (brother), Sydney Heywood (sister), Quinn Heywood (sister), Arthur Heywood (father), UTP Heywood (mother)
Wanted Connections - Living Space
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-Simon is the youngest of the Heywoods.
-Simon got a good last name at birth that came with privileges and he’s never seen any reason to deny himself the pleasure of using them. Does that mean he comes off as entitled? Maybe, but then again why would he care?
-When the time came to study, Simon could boast about his acceptance to UPenn (and he did) in a finance major. Very determined to make a good life for himself and keep up with the good name he’d been given, he worked hard. Math and all that stuff had always come easy to him. That didn’t mean he worked so hard it prevented him from enjoying the high life of college and fraternity life in an Ivy League school. Oh, that he did. Once again, why would he not?
-With good results, he graduated in the top of his class and was able to get into HEC in France for a Master's in Finance Management and Business Law. He spent two years there, enjoying the pleasure of the Parisian lifestyle. If you know him, you will have heard of the “small unknown café in the 4e” where he’s “basically best friends with the owner”, but you wouldn’t understand. Or the long nights on the Champs de Mars, even though he preferred of course the lesser known soirées in the Jardin Tino Rossi. Which you wouldn’t get either. 
-Although he will tell you that he almost stayed in Paris, he came back to East Haven after a successful internship around six years ago. He quickly got a job as an investment banking analyst at East Haven Bank and was eventually promoted to associate. Don’t let the snob party animal fool you, he’s pretty good at his job too.
-Maybe that’s just the thing actually. Yes, he’s good at all he does and believe me he’ll let you know about that. Several times. Does that mean he deserves everything he wants? I mean, yeah, of course. But that also means that to be worth anything, he can’t quit, he can’t stop. And if that means ignoring some stuff, pushing some stuff aside? Then so be it.
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adaliias · 1 year
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basics ;
name: adalia estrada
nickname: ada
age: 46
birthday: june 3rd
zodiac: gemini
gender & pronouns: cis woman ; she/her
sexual orientation: panromantic pansexual
occupation: anthropologist ; college professor
education: high school ; bs, ma, & ph.d in anthropology
spoken languages: english, spanish, latin
physical ;
faceclaim: alana de la garza
eye color: brown
hair color: black
height: 5'7
relationships ;
parents: adrian & orla estrada
siblings: none
children: helena ortiz
significant other: none (separated, not divorced)
personality ;
positive traits: warm-hearted, creative, hard-working
negative traits: stubborn, clumsy, indecisive
likes: rainstorms, the color blue
dislikes: lightning, the dark
favorites ;
activity: painting
animal: cats
color: navy blue
beverage: hot chocolate
flower: sunflowers
holiday: christmas
bio points ;
adalia was born in sedona, arizona to adrian and orla estrada. her parents often traveled for work and so they had adalia homeschooled, their nanny accompanying them on any trips they took. traveling the world from a young age, adalia -- as much as she loved new experiences -- grew tired and by the time she graduated high school, she knew exactly what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.
upon graduating high school, adalia moved across the country and pursued a bachelor's in anthropology. while in her second year, she met a man named eric ortiz. the two began dating and just before she started her master's program, they got married. a year into her master's adalia gave birth to a little girl who she named helena.
the three were a happy family until adalia became engrossed in her work upon starting her ph.d program. after only a few years of marriage, eric decided to break things off and move with their daughter to california.
working through her heartbreak, adalia finished out her ph.d program before moving back to arizona to be closer to her daughter. she began teaching college-level courses in a state university and started her own research lab within the college, receiving state and private funding to aid in her endeavors.
she was on her way to a museum fundraising event in sydney when the course of her life was changed.
wanted connections ;
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kwnoah · 2 years
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(slides in and crashes into wall) what’s up gamers :D introducing to you my second character, noah jung. he is a former pre-med major and current food & nutrition major, aka the premade 010. here’s his about page and his app and originally i was going to write up a plot page but didn’t manage to do so in time for acceptance ;; 
i will be putting some info about noah below and some basic wanted connections!
please like this to plot and i’ll message you <3
he was born and raised in sydney australia
he was born premature and had to get open heart surgery when he was barely six months old </3
but other than that he was a relatively healthy kid
during kindergarten he was diagnosed with asthma 
he was a child model in korea from age 6-10 (2007-2011) before going back to sydney 
he finished most of middle school and part of high school in sydney before coming back to seoul in 2017
graduated high school in seoul in 2019 and entered kyungwon as an international student on the english track but also takes half his courses in korean
since he doesn’t have to do military service he just watched his friends go instead
he was originally a pre-med major since his parents wanted him to go into that but it was literally killing him inside because he was doing terribly
he ends up switching majors after his second year (end of 2020) and switches to food & nutrition after a gap semester
during his gap semester he started streaming on twitch and his content is between him playing genshin, valorant, etc. to baking?? LMAO
he returned to school in sept 2021 and has done 2 full semesters as a food & nutrition major and is enjoying it so much more
but his parents don’t know so he’s stressed about that
possible plots?
other child models that he could’ve met and befriended though it would be kinda funny if they recognized each other after all these years
kids that he could’ve gone to school with in either seoul or sydney — elementary or middle school or high school tbh idc
other english speakers!!! pls!!! he needs english track friends he begs ... no matter how comfortable he is in korean there’s something different about communicating in his native language
people who ... maybe caught his streams? he self-translates what he says into korean and english so maybe people who think that’s cute
past flings/ons!!! noah was a bit of a wild child his first year of uni (so 2019) and mellowed out after but they could’ve had a thing. or just a ONS and they’ve finally run into each other again accidentally or smth (considering his speaking voice contrasted to his face i think he would be somewhat memorable)
people who are/were in pre-med too because they were probably??? friends???? and watched noah stretch himself too thin and either 1) tried to convince him to stay or 2) were the ones who convinced him it was okay to stop
uh maybe someone who sees him one day having an asthma attack and he doesn’t have his inhaler so they just have to help ground him or smth idkdksjhfhksdg
oh also he works at hansel and gretel bakery and is mostly just a barista/cashier so regular customers ??? maybe noah is concerned for you since you seem to have a really big sweet tooth LOL
oh and he’s also in the lo$er band as the keyboardist/vocal synthesizer so if ur a fan of the band/or him he would be very flattered
tbh anything!! i would love to plot with everyone <3
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abunayeem · 2 years
Study abroad consultants in Kochi as prospects dim at home
The 2 million rupees ($25,035) they figured out covered the expenses for English language educational cost given by Western Abroad, one of many visa consultancies in Ambala, around 250km from of New Delhi, that commitment better lives through Study abroad consultants in Kochi. “My fantasy is to settle abroad as I see no future in India,” said Sachin, who utilizes just a solitary name. He currently plans to travel to Canada where he desires to finish a two-year certificate in business the executives and in the end secure a more extended work visa.
While working class Indians have for a really long time looked for better possibilities in different nations, demolishing financial circumstances are presently driving families from less fortunate country regions like Sachin’s to make large ventures to set up new lives for their youngsters abroad. Sachin says his two companions now in Canada procure about C$1,200 ($918) a month through temporary work while reading up for recognitions. With numerous nations currently lifting Coronavirus limitations, the quantity of Indian understudies making a beeline for places like the US, Canada, Australia, UK, Ireland and New Zealand was very nearly 1,000,000 in mid 2022, generally multiplying from pre-pandemic levels, as per government and industry gauges.
Study abroad consultants in Kochi like Western Abroad give training to English language capability tests, administrations for course choice, visa application handling, travel and even situations for temporary work. In Sydney, Catriona Jackson, CEO of Colleges Australia, expressed in excess of 76,000 Indian understudies were currently chasing after schooling in Australia, as would be considered normal to advance after the two nations marked a reciprocal exchange settlement this year. Many are applying for short courses in Canada and Australia driven by progressively depressing position possibilities at home and as Western state run administrations relax movement necessities to fill college and occupation opportunities.
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ao3feed-larry · 2 years
Moonlight Minx
by jacaranda_bloom
It’s not until they’re one glass each into their second bottle of red wine that the topic turns to relationships.
Harry has to ask. Things are going so well, but he doesn’t want to get his hopes up. “So… are you seeing anyone now?”
Louis lifts his wine glass to his lips, looking at Harry over the rim as he takes a sip. “Nope. You?”
Louis grins at him. “So we’re just two single blokes-”
“Trapped on an island-”
“In a storm,” Louis adds, finishing the sentence for them.
“Yup,” Harry says, popping the ‘p’.
“How very rom-com of us.”
OR the one where an unexpected storm strands Harry on an island, Louis gets an unexpected house guest for the night, and love might just be the most unexpected thing of all.
Words: 15080, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Strangers to Lovers, Australia, Sydney Harbour, Cockatoo Island, Photographer Harry, caretaker louis, Storms, Stranded on an Island, Louis has that attractively capable thing going on, Harry is more than a little bit smitten, Instant domesticity because of course there is, This is basically just a smutty meet-cute, That got somewhat out of hand with feelings and stuff, and i make no apologies for that, Nipple Play, Lots and lots of nipple play, you're welcome!, Rimming, Anal Sex, Coming Untouched, Harry has mild performance anxiety, Which is perfectly reasonable considering who he's fucking, Dom/sub Undertones, But you've gotta squint, Louis just likes it to hurt a bit, jelly bones, Weird tag I know but you'll see, louis is a minx, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Harry likes to worship Louis' body and Louis likes to let him
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/D8oVN4W
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