#also almost merry Christmas Eve
korkietism · 6 months
It’s a bit silly but I get a bit peeved when people fail to understand the complexities of things yet still pass harsh judgements. Or when people claim to support someone but then actively go against that.
A lot of autistic support I see isn’t actually very supportive methinks. They’re supportive of the idea of us. They like the idea of special interests and stimming. It loses appeal when we act weird and get irritable and miss out on events constantly. It’s no longer a tism moment when you’re seen as a bother.
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lyricalchrysanthemum · 6 months
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I think I'll be ok, Hilbert.
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sweatervest-obsessed · 6 months
Unexpected Visitor
Pairing: Spencer Reid x G!n Reader
WC: 788
A/N: A lil Spencer Xmas Blurb while I figure my shit out. Also! I'm imagining older seasons Spencer for this one.
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"Hi! I'm, uh, so sorry to bug you but, um, do you know where Spe--Doctor Reid's desk is? Or, really, where D-Doctor Reid is?" .
Derek Morgan had to get his shit together because his jaw almost dropped when you walked in. What was some hot piece of ass doing, dressed like that, looking for Boy Genius.
He jumped up from his chair and strolled over to where you had stopped Garcia, who was just as flabbergasted as he was. "Reid is currently in a meeting sweetheart--may I ask what you, uh, want with him?"
You raised your eyebrows at the 'sweetheart', but smiled anyways. "He was supposed to be home about an hour ago and he wasn't answering his phone, so instead of panicking, because I know what you do for work, I wanted to come in and check before I lost my shit."
"Home?" Garcia squeaked out, still baffafled by how gorgeous you looked. It was like you were sent straight from heaven, a literal vision.
You nodded and tilted your head, slightly confused. "Y-Yeah...I'm sorry why is that---"
"We just didn't know Reid was living with anyone, let alone seeing someone."
"Ah." You nodded. "He's private like that, isn't he." Your smile warmed the two of them, and you shifted the coat from one arm to the other.
You turned your head towards the back of the bullpen, and Spencer was walking out of Hatch's office. "What are you doing here?"
"Being introduced to your friends and coworkers since you haven't."
Spencer bit the inside of his cheeks and walked over to you both, placing his hand on the small of your back. You felt how tense he was.
"I'm here because our reservation is in twenty minutes and you said you'd be home over an hour ago." You looked at Spencer, whose eyes went a little wide.
"Shit. I-I didn't realize what time it was---"
"I have your suit in the car, and this is why I made the reservation for eight pm, instead of Seven."
"And this is why I love you." Spencer kissed your head and rushed over to his desk, scrambling to grab all of his papers and his bag and his coat and his scarf and his--
"Hi Y/n." Spencer looked up at the mention of your name, pausing in his frantic nature.
"Hi Aaron." You gave him a quick hug, but a bright smile. "How are you?"
"Well." He laughed a little. "I'd be better if we didn't have to work the day before Christmas Eve since I still need to wrap all of Jack's presents still."
"Oh how is Jack!"
"He's doing well. finally starting to enjoy reading, no thanks to you."
You laughed at his joke, all the while Derek and Garcia just shared an incredulous look. How the hell did you know Hotch? Jack?!? Why does Jack's reading habits connect to you--
"Ready sweetheart?" Spencer appeared at your side and you nodded. "It was lovely to see you Aaron. I'll stop by some time tomorrow to drop off Jack's gifts as well as yours. I got it when Spence I and went to Paris last month. I think you'll enjoy it!"
"That's why you weren't here for two weeks?" Penelope's jaw was on the floor. "I didn't take you to be a Parisian man Doctor Reid."
"W-Well, um--"
"It was for my birthday. My choice. I love art and museums so it made sense. Well, it was lovely to meet you all but we have a reservation to get to." You gave them all a quick smile before taking Spencer's hand and walking towards the elevator, your shoes clicking on the floor with every step you took.
"How long have the two of them been together?" Morgan turned to Hotch after you both had gotten in the elevator.
"I think today is their two year anniversary."
"TWO YEARS." Garcia clutched her hypothetical pearls. "How have I not known? How have WE not known?"
"He's private, and...well. You know Y/n."
"No we clearly do not know Hotch."
Hotch gave them a little smirk and a shrug. "Merry Christmas guys. I'll see you on the twenty-seventh."
As Hotch walked away, Garcia and Morgan just stared at one another. "So we're..."
"Going to spend then next ten minutes in my office finding everything out about this mystery person Spencer has been apparently dating for two years?"
"You read my mind mama. A little Christmas snooping never hurt anyone..."
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whorekneecentral · 8 months
Only The Best For You
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Kimi Raikkonen x Fem!Reader
Warnings: dad's best friend!kimi, reader is 20/21 - reader is old enough to make her own decisions, your dad isn't pleased with the gift, one mention of alcohol and one mention of death, sexual tension, kinda power imbalance, kimi gives into the intrusive thoughts, nipple play, fingering for like 0.2 seconds, one use of the word 'daddy' in a sexual way, penetrative sex (p in v), gagging, finger sucking, 'whore' used in a sexual/degrading term.
Word Count: 2,400
Author's Note: for all my dad best friend freaks and the kimi whores, this one's for you <3 -- also ignore that it's gucci in the pic but it's something different in the fic loool I couldn't find a different pic I liked.
merry smutmas series
Kimi spends the holidays with his old friends. He doesn’t forget you; bringing you exactly what you had been wishing for and you make sure to thank him.. properly.
An old L/N family tradition.
Since you were a child, your parents and grandparents allowed you to open one gift from them on Christmas eve, letting you enjoy the magic of Christmas a few hours early.
You were grown up now, in college and your grandparents had sadly passed on but your parents kept the tradition going. You had come home for Christmas break and it was Christmas Eve. Your parents have just finished dinner and you have moved to the living room.
It was yourself, your parents and your dad's best friend, Kimi. You had known Kimi your whole life practically but he was always away racing so you never saw much of him until lately, now that he's officially retired - for good this time.
"Shall we open gifts?" Your father asks, walking into the living room. He passed a glass of what looks like whiskey to Kimi, who was next to you, before sitting beside your mother.
She looks over at her husband. "Honey, isn't she too grown for that?"
Your father rolls his eyes, shaking his head. "It's a family tradition, now hush. Go pick a present."
Your mum picks first, picking one from your father that just so happened to be the new perfume she wanted. Your father was next and he picked out one from you. It's a story book he used to read to you as a kid, you had written all of your favourite memories of the two of you inside of it. You made him cry, both you and Kimi laughing about that.
"Go ahead, sweetheart." Your father nods towards the tree, you move from the couch to the floor, kneeling in front of the tree to pick out a gift.
A gift sticks out to you; red wrapping paper with little elves of it and your name written in cursive across the front of it. You pick it up, shaking it a bit to see what was in it.
It felt hard, as if it was a box. You looked towards your parents, "is it from you guys?"
Your dad looks towards your mom; she took care of all of the holiday shopping. The woman shakes her head, "it's not from us, sweetie."
The gift on your lap when you glance over your shoulder at Kimi. He gives you a small smile, so small you almost miss it.
He nods towards the gift, waiting for you to open it. You rip the wrapping paper very carefully, revealing the red box underneath; the gold lettering was cursive - Cartier.
Your jaw was already dropping, looking back at the man. "You didn't," you say and he nods again, waiting for you to open the box to see what was inside.
"Kimi, what did you do?" Your mother asks, looking over at your father. He was never one for brands or jewellery, he didn't realize that buying something there automatically was an expensive purchase.
Lifting the cover carefully, the velvet black fabric inside the box held a white gold chain, blue sapphires set along the entire thing.
If your jaw wasn't already on the floor, it would be now. "Kimi!" You turned to face the man, setting the box on the couch carefully. "You did not!"
"I did," he nods. He's always been a man of very few words; more of an action rather than words type of guy.
"What is it?" Your father asks and you hand the red box over to him for him to see.
He shows your mother as he holds the box, he doesn't realize that he's holding a little over €40,000 in his hands at the moment. "Oh Kimi, it's beautiful." Your mother gushes, handing it back over to you.
You were still on the floor, admiring the necklace in the box. "Well, turn around." Kimi says and you do, sitting just between his legs.
He reaches over to take the box from you and carefully takes the chain out of its box before you lift your hair. Kimi leans forwards and you can feel his fingers brush against your skin and his breath on your shoulders when he loops it around your neck and hooks the clasp.
"It looks gorgeous on you, darling." Your mom says, smiling at you.
Your phone's in one hand and your other hand gently touches the chain, straightening it as you admired how it looked on you. "Kimi, this is too much. It's so expensive." You whisper to him and he shrugs.
"How expensive are we talking?" Your father finally speaks, looking over at his friend.
Kimi answers nonchalantly; "Like.. €40,000."
Your father instantly sits up, his jaw hanging open. "What?! Kimi, are you out of your mind?"
"Please," he looks over at his friend in disapproval. His hand rests on your shoulder, his thumb passing over your soft skin. "She's a good girl, she deserves it."
You can't help but shift a bit when he calls you a good girl, the words hitting you right where you shouldn't. It was wrong, he was your father's friend and you were.. well, you were attracted to him. You couldn't deny it; Kimi was an attractive man and despite his lack of words, he was very charming.
"Y/n, say thank you. You can't not say it when he's spent so much." Your father tells you, and you turn around to face Kimi.
"Thank you, Kimi," you smiled at him, sitting on your knees when you reached up to give the man a hug. His arms wrapped around you, his warm hand pressed to your back. "You're welcome, angel."
Another nickname that hits you in all the wrong places.
As the night goes on, your parents head up for bed as do you. Kimi was the last one to bed from your understanding and as the house grew quiet, you tossed and turned, unable to sleep.
You find yourself sat on your bed, pjs on - a tank top and a pair of shorts with a €40,000 chain around your neck.
It was nearing 3am, the witching hours as your mum says. You find yourself getting up and heading downstairs. The initial thought was to go to the kitchen and get a glass of water but you got side tracked when you see a light coming from Kimi's room.
You knock, peeking around the space left between the door frame and the actual door. "Come in," he waves to you and you step in, shutting the doors behind you. The TV was on, a rerun of some show you couldn't quite place was on.
"What are you doing up?" He asks, glancing at his phone to check the time. "Do you know how late it is?"
"I couldn't sleep," you tell him, looking over at the TV. "Can I join you?"
He shrugs, nodding towards the empty space next to him. You quietly make your way over, sitting next to him on the bed. Kimi don't miss the way your shorts hike up when you crawl over to the empty spot; it's so wrong for him to be looking at you like that but can you blame the man? You were gorgeous and you were in his bed after all.
The two of you sit quietly, watching as the show rolls on into another episode. You unconsciously play with the chain, shifting it back and forth slowly.
Kimi looks over at you, smiling to himself; you were the picture of beauty.
"You're staring," you mumble, glancing at him. He smiles, like actually smiles. "You're beautiful."
Your cheeks are red, you hope that the light coming from the tv isn't bright enough for him to realize that just yet.
"It looks good on you," he says, "like it was made for you."
"Blue has always been my favourite colour." You smiled, glancing down at the chain. "Did you pick it yourself?"
He nods, "I saw it and thought of you, I figured you'd like it."
"I do, very much." You look over at him, Kimi smiles at you and your hand shifts from your thigh to his, rubbing along it softly. Kimi's brows furrow ever so slightly. He doesn't say anything, hoping that you'd stop if he ignores it.
You were persistent.
Your hand travels higher, about to rub over the ever so evident bulge in his shorts but Kimi catches your hand, holding your wrist. "We can't, y/n."
"Why not?"
"It's wrong," he whispers, glancing at the door - you weren't sure if he wanted you to leave or if he was catching to see if it was locked. You wiggle your hand from his grasp, Kimi lets out a small breath of relief; see, the man was stupid enough to think you were stopping.
You didn't stop. Instead, you got on his lap, straddling him with your hands on his shoulders. Kimi's hand rests on your lower back as he looks at you.
"Let me thank you properly," you whisper, lips ghosting over his.
Kimi reaches up, his lips pressed to yours but he's yet to kiss you. "You don't have too."
"I want to.. I want you," you mumbled, finally kissing the man. Your hand cupping his jaw, Kimi's hand slips under the tank top you had on and slides up your back to undo your bra but finds you don't have one on.
Kimi pushes the straps of your tank top down off your shoulders. You sat comfortably on his lap, letting him have his way with you and the man wanted one thing. He leans forward, arms wrapped around you as his lips wrap around your nipple.
“Kimi, fuck- please.” You mumble, your hand tangled in his blonde hair, tugging on it. As such as you loved the attention, you needed him.
He glances up at you, watching as your eyes fluttered shut. He groans when you pull on his hair a little harder but what's a little pain when he's making you feel good?
It was heavy, heated.
His hands on your body, pulling you over and onto him. You were perched on his lap, Kimi's hands on your ass when he kissed you again.
Not a word is spoken between the two of you and what little clothes you had on was gathered in a pile on the floor when he rolls you two over. You were flat on your back with Kimi settled between your legs.
“Please,” your hand rested on his jaw, “daddy, please.”
The pet name makes his cock twitch; it's sinful, so sinful in so many ways but he couldn't care less. You drove him mad.
His hand slips between the two of you, his fingers rubbing slow circles on your clit. Your hips lift, wanting more from him.
Kimi’s hand wandered a little lower, a finger pushed in slowly. He can feel how wet you are, wrapped around his finger and he smiles.
He moves his finger slowly, curling it. He takes pleasure in watching you, seeing how your face twists and how your body reacts to his touch.
"Please," you whimpered, "don't make me wait."
Kimi can't bring himself to say no to you.
He sits, pushing his shorts down and you get the hint, getting on top of him. Your hands grip on his shoulders, balancing yourself. Your knees on either side of his lap, Kimi's hand reaches under you to help you, the tip of his cock brushing against your clit, making your hip shift forward a bit. His free hand on your hip as you sink down onto him, his name tumbling from your lips.
You take a moment to get used to the feeling, your eyes fluttering shut as he rubs along your lower back, leaning into you to kiss down your neck.
You rock your hips forward and Kimi's head drops back, his eyes now closed. “Fuck, you’re perfect.” His hand pats your hip, “made just for me.” He tells you, your lips now on his neck - a trail of marks and sloppy kisses being left along his neck.
He pulls one of your legs up forward, pulling you down further. “Fuck,” you breathe, his thrusts faster and harder. How you wished you could scream his name right now. Kimi's hand drops between the two of you, rubbing your clit.
Your head falls back, manicured nails digging into his pale skin when he hits the spot he was looking for. He watches as you bounce on his lap, the sapphires around your neck bouncing in rhythm with you. His fingers that were previous on your clit now shoved into your mouth to muffle the sounds tumbling from your lips.
Your brows furrowed, an excited look on your face despite it all. You can feel his cock twitch in you, his lips next to your ear when he leans in.
"You've got to be quiet, angel. Wouldn't want them to catch you being a whore for me, hm?
You mumble something along an okay, your hips bucking, telling him you want more. Your tongue laps around his fingers, Kimi watches as you suck on them. There's a wicked smile on his face, his hips lifting to meet you halfway.
He lets you take over, setting the pace and using him for your own pleasure. Kimi leans forward as his lips wrap around your nipple. His tongue lapped over your nipple, biting on it softy; just enough to get you to arch your back, pushing into him.
“Come on darling,” he mumbles against your skin, now kissing up to your collarbone. Kimi's hand behind your neck to pull you down for a kiss. “Want you to cum for me.”
His arms wrap around you when you drop against him, your face buried against his shoulder, biting down to muffle the sounds. “Good girl,” he hums, rubbing your back.
Your heart beats out of your chest as you catch your breath. Kimi smiles, kissing along your shoulder. "Feel good?" He asks and you mumble something, your head resting on his shoulder.
"I take it I should spoil you more often, hm?" He chuckles, making you smile when you sit up. Kimi straightens your necklace, kissing your chin.
You shake your head and smile. "Don't have to spoil me for me to do that."
Kimi smiles at you, giving you a kiss. "Merry Christmas, y/n."
"Merry Christmas, Kimi."
taglist:  @nosugarallspice @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16 @books-and-netflix-pls @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @forza55 @norrisleclercf1 @allalngthewtchtower @therealcap @burningcupcakefire @stargirl36 @brettlorenzi3 @guiseppetsunoda @magnummagnussen @flippingmyshit @savrose129 @lovelytsunoda @irda12-blog @dhhdhsiavdhaj @slytheringirlthatkillpeople @f1lovers22 @toomuchdelusion @eviethetheatrefreak @faye2029 @lillians-world-is-f1 @chalando1604 @lenaxwbr  @im-obsessed @potashiuhm @lcxlerc16 @enjoythebutterflies3 @lillyfootballsworld @micksmidnights @mashtonbunny @chrlsleclerc @logischeroktopus
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rakurairagnarok · 6 months
I dedicate this story to my good friend and writing buddy @idesofrevolution. Merry Christmas buddy and please PLEASE Enjoy. Happy holidays to everyone and Happy TF's.
A Green Christmas
Ryan screamed at the news.
You sighed.
´I have no choice, my family has to move, and I have to go as well, I don´t have any accommodation here.´
Ryan grumbled. `Bro... you can´t leave me man... you´re my best bud.´
You grimaced. Your friend had been acting weird lately. You used to be super close, and you honestly still are, but your interests had began to shift. You used to play games, watch cartoons and study together, but lately Ryan had become absent from you life. He had been ´busy´ with other things but his grades had been plummeting and he had picked up smoking. Ryan had no idea you knew this, but you had seen the pictures from your classmates. His wardrobe had changed too. Before he would wear shirts and khakis, now its oversized shirts and hoodies. He started wearing contacts as well, which, to be honest, was a great look for him, he looked very handsome without glasses. His lingo had switched as well. No more academic jargon. Just simple sentences, which almost always had at least one bro in them.
`Look Ryan, I really am sorry, but I just can´t make this work´
Your family was moving, and while you were a college student, who by all accounts should have received some form of scholarship due to your amazing grades, you never did. The truth however, was that you wanted to move. The alienating feeling you got from your former best friend broke something in you, and you had to put some distance between eachother. You could easily apply for the on-campus dormitories but you just couldn`t bear staying near the now almost stranger.
`Look you´d better go, I want to be home before Christmas and I still have a lot of packing to do.'
Ryan sighed and left. After closing the door behind him, You let out a grunt.
"Why does it have to be this way! What happend to him?"
Reluctantly you began packing. Your father would come and get you and your things on Christmas eve, so you had your work cut out for you. You were currently staying Ryan, but this had always been a temporary solution. Ryan's landlord didn't want two friends staying together only couples or families. Ryan had become quite open to you about his sexuality. He had told you he was bisexual and that he could always tell the landlord the two of you were dating, but you had declined. You had a hard enough time not getting picked on. If word would get out that you two were dating, you would not be able to survive. What Ryan didn't know is that you were in fact also bisexual. You really liked girls but men really were where you got your satisfaction. From porn that is, because you were still a virgin. You grew up in a strict Christian household, with a Father from the south. Your parents would never approve and they were the reason you didn't have to work, so coming out was never an option.
A loud knock shook you from your deep train of thought. You opened the door and Ryan was standing right there, smiling.
"Steven, can we talk bro?"
"Ryan, I told you. I need to pack for..."
"Please, just for a little while."
Ryan walked in and sat down on your bed.
"Look man... I've been thinking... I need to be honest with you about something."
You looked at your former best friend with confusion. He had been so dominant and confident these last few weeks, and all of a sudden he looked shy and insecure.
"I... I picked up smoking... and... not just cigarettes. Weed too"
You sighed.
"I know Ryan, I have seen you. Don't worry, it's whatever... Your body, your choice."
Ryan smiled.
"Yeah for reallll broo but, I wanted to ask you a favor."
"What is it?" You asked, slightly impatient.
"Come sit down first" Ryan had this shit eating grin on his face, his perfect white teeth on display. Wait that doesn't sound right. he had braces right?
Because you took so long, Ryan grabbed your arm and pulled you onto the bed, right next to him.
"What the hell man!" You exclaimed.
He quickly wraps an arm around your shoulders, his musky scent drilling into your nose, and holds something up to your face.
"I really, really want to smoke this with you man. Like dying wish and shit."
You look down and see a blunt in between his fingers.
"I don't smoke Ryan, you know this" You point out.
" Just one hit bro, that's all, I won't tell anyone, you don't have to smoke any more, just humor me with this man."
You took a deep breath and wanted to decline, but then something clicked.
"You know what. Sure."
Ryan's grin widened. 'Let's fucking go bro!!!" He quickly grabbed a lighter, and lit the blunt.
He took the first hit, blowing the smoke right into your face, the fumes invading your nose and throat, leaving you gasping for air.
"Sorry there bro, just wanted to give you a little taste."
"I'm only taking one hit bro... fuck" Your eyes widen not only did you just curse, something which you rarely do, you also just used bro in your sentence. Hoping he didn't notice you hold out your hand to take the blunt.
Ryan, who's grinning from ear to ear, hands you the blunt, and you quickly take a hit. You deeply inhale, feeling the smoke fill your lungs and the weed invade your brain. A single hit, and you can almost feel your brain stopping.
"W...whaaat the fuuuuuck" You mumble. Your jaw slacks a bit as the smoke escapes from your lips.
"You gonna take that hit or not bro?" Ryan asked with a sly grin on his face.
"Huh didn't I just?'' You asked confused.
"Bro are you already tripping? I just blew some smoke in your face man, thats all. Now come on bro, you promised."
You took a hit, taking a deep breath, feeling the smoke fill your lungs, and your whole body. Slowly blowing out you feel constricted. You look down to see your buttoned up shirt bulging. You tug on it a bit, and it flies open, revealing a chiseled abdomen and two meaty pecs.
"Brooo wat the fahk' You mumble. "My chest is so big... what the hell"
"Yeah bro I know right. I love that strain. Made me who I am today" Ryan smirks as he takes off his hoodie showing his massive arms and chest.
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You look in awe as he stretches a bit, his smooth torso , and bulging muscles on display. He drops his sweats, showing off a massive bulge in his white briefs as he looks at you and smirks.
"Wanna take another hit bro?"
Before he even finished his sentence the blunt was back in your mouth, filling you up with even more smoke. You look down and begin to giggle as you bounce your growing pecs.
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"Huhuhu broo they are so bigg... what the shit..." You say as a familiar musk begins radiating from your growing body.
Ryan smiles back.
"Yeah bro you're getting so fuckin huge. You're so hot"
You look at him with a flushed face.
"What... did you say?"
"You're hot. You look amazing."
"Thanks..." You can't help but blush, seeing as he himself is a fucking model.
"You're really hot yourself" You say with a beetred face
Ryan stops smiling and looks at you. He sits down and looks you in the eyes.
"I don't want you to go Stevey. I love you..."
Your eyes widen at the words, and before you know it, his lips get pressed against yours. Before you can react he pushes his tongue into your mouth, and a torrent of smoke follows suit. It's almost as if hes blowing you up, and it feels that way too, Your muscles getting bigger, your mind hazier, and your dick... well...
You manage to push away and look at him.
"Ry... I ... "
"I think... no ... I know... I love you too man"
Ryan signature shit eating grin flies back onto his face.
"Fuck yeah bro!!"
A sheepish smile creeps onto your face as you grab the blunt from his fingers, taking a massive hit before grabbing his neck and blowing the smoke into his mouth.
"You're so sexy." You say as he blows the smoke back into your face.
"What about you then, such a fucking cute stud you are"
The two of you continue laughing, finishing the blunt before crawling into each others arms.
You text your dad that he doesn't have to come get you anymore, as you will be staying with your boyfriend, and promptly block him afterwards.
You nuzzled up to your boyfriends pit and took a deep breath. It smelled amazing and it bricked you up knowing you smell the same.
This will be a pretty special Christmas.
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!! Feel free to send in some asks or order something at Rakurai Inc.!!!
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makeyoumine69 · 6 months
My Dear Little Girl
PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: The Christmas gift you never imagined.
CONTAINS: Smut, fluff, unprotected sex (p in v), creampie, oral sex (f), tongue fucking, nipple play/sucking, body worship, praise kink, manhandling, dirty talk, pet names, marking, biting, established relationships, Service!Dom!Patrick Bateman himself.
WORDS: 3.3k
SONG REC: The Neighbourhood - Softcore
A/N: Merry Christmas guys, I'm so happy to have you all! 💞
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There has always been something magical about Christmas, the holiday atmosphere, the sweet smell of tangerines and the clinking of champagne glasses. Yes, all of this became a standard set of things that people thought of when it came to Christmas. And you were probably one of those who believed in miracles that could happen during this magical time. At least you tried to believe it, but when Bateman told you that he had to go to his company Christmas party tonight, that actually brought you back down to Earth, because sometimes our expectations simply didn't match up with reality. And that was absolutely fine — those were the exact words you told Patrick when he called you a few hours ago, before he actually went to that party. 
Everything was fine.
You repeated this over and over again as you walked around your apartment in Manhattan, which was not as spacious as Bateman's, but you really loved it, especially now, with the beautiful Christmas tree that shone brightly with different illuminations when you turned off the lights. Since you knew Patrick wasn't coming, there was no point in waiting to open the bottle of the finest red wine he'd given you especially for this Christmas Eve. Sighing, you poured yourself a big glass of the red liquid, took some sweets and went back to your living room, where you stood at the wide window and looked at the breathtaking scenery of New York City in winter — this year it was quite snowy, which could not make you happy, even though you were going to spend this evening alone.
As the fireworks began to paint the midnight sky in ornaments of different shapes and colors, you couldn't take your eyes off this sight, as you were absolutely mesmerized. At first, you didn't even hear the doorbell ring, and only when it rang for the tenth time in a row did you realize that someone was at your front door, which actually scared you a bit because it was already quite late.
Your steady footsteps echoed off the walls of your hallway as you finally reached the door and looked through the peephole - the person you saw almost made you drop your glass to the floor. Damn, you should have left it in the living room.
Before you slowly opened the door, you coughed several times to clear your throat, and you also quickly fixed your hair — although your whole appearance could hardly be called fancy or party-like, as you wore your casual top and shorts set — the moment you and Bateman saw each other, you both remained silent, as if you were seeing each other for the first time.
"Well, hello (y/n)," he was the first to speak, with his absolutely haughty smile that always left you no choice but to be embarrassed. "I thought you were out walking somewhere."
"At this time?"
Patrick grinned even wider before glancing to the right, where a small commotion could be heard. "Some people here are already celebrating, you know."
Rolling your eyes, you stepped aside to let him enter. "What happened to the Christmas party?"
Your question made the man chuckle as he brushed some snow from his shoulders before taking off his beautiful dark blue coat. "Actually — nothing."
"That's exactly what I said." Patrick crooned and came closer to you, pressing his cold palm against your cheek, making you squirm and almost spilling wine on your shirt. "Uhh, you have such warm cheeks, honey."
"Okay, I'll ask it another way," you managed to regain your composure, even though Bateman seemed to be doing his best to make you lose your cool. "Why are you here?"
Pulling his hand away from your face, Bateman narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms after checking the time on his Rolex. "Were you expecting someone else?" 
And now his voice sounded as grumpy as if he was seriously asking that question, but instead of defending yourself, you just chuckled and took a sip of your drink.
"Oh yes, I was expecting a handsome man so we could drink this wonderful wine and... talk about music, the meaning of life and whether or not true love exists." You chirped quickly before taking his hand and dragging him into your living room before this conversation could lose its jokey undertone.
"That was," Bateman stammered when he finally realized what drink you were holding. "That was very smart. Have you ever thought of applying to a Broadway theater? I think they would love to offer you a job." His statement made you stop and turn to give him a deadly stare. "What? If you don't like theater, you can always try your luck in the circus."
"Patrick!" You scolded, fighting the urge to throw your drink right in his cheeky face. "You were the one who told me I would be alone today! And you didn't even suggest that I go with you!"
Having said that, you continued on your way to the living room, but without holding Patrick's hand as you left the man behind, though his expression was still as bright as the New York sky inscribed with fireworks. "Wait a minute, honey," Bateman muttered, following you. "You made it pretty clear that you don't want to go to parties like that, didn't you?"
"No, I didn't," you lied, bursting into a soft laugh, swirling the glass in your hand. "Oh, this wine tastes amazing, by the way. Would you like to try some?"
The sudden change of subject just made him smile cheekily, and before he could answer, Bateman tucked his hands into the pockets of his Amrani pants and leaned against the door to your living room. "I know this wine is good, that's why I gave it to you, sweetheart," his brilliant, full-toothed smile made your heartbeat faster and for a moment you even forgot what you were doing. "But yes, I would definitely have a drink."
"Whatever you say, Mr. Grinch." You mumbled playfully and went to the kitchen.
Fireworks began to explode just as you opened the shelf to grab a glass for him, thanking God you managed to hold it in your hand. The loud sound coming from the outside drowned out the approaching footsteps behind you, so when a pair of strong, big arms wrapped around your waist, you didn't even have time to get scared, you just gasped and fell right into Patrick's tight embrace.
"I got you," he whispered in your ear, sucking on your lobe tenderly, but with an undisguised desire for something more intimate. "You little liar." Bateman pulled you closer with a possessive grip as his hand carefully found its way to yours to take the glass and place it on the smooth surface of the kitchen counter. "We don't want any trouble, do we?"
Panting, you turned halfway to look up into his brown, mesmerizing eyes. "Patrick," you let him nuzzle your cheek, his perfect nose brushing against yours, and then Bateman kissed you softly on your plump lips. "Mmhm, I'm so glad you came, I've missed you and —"
"Shhh," he silenced you with his thumb, his glowing gaze never leaving your beautiful face. "I know, darling," another sensual kiss was planted on your neck this time, eliciting a muffled moan from your half-open mouth. "You don't have to say anything else, just relax..." Patrick nipped at your throat more eagerly, leaving marks here and there, while his hands drew invisible ornaments all along your inviting little form. "...and let me take care of you."
Dear Lord, it was impossible to think clearly, not when he was talking to you like that and his hot lips were caressing that exact spot behind your ear, driving you absolutely crazy and you didn't even notice the way your hips were grinding against his hard groin, spurring him on to go even further. Groaning softly into your ear, Bateman couldn't wait any longer, his pants getting too tight with every brush of your ass against his throbbing length. 
"Fuck, babe, you're so gorgeous," he purred in a low voice, leaving a trail of wet kisses along your shoulder, then moving lower to your shoulder blade, pulling up your top to taste your skin. "Do you know what I was thinking about during the party?" Bateman asked suddenly, tugging at the lace of your shorts, tantalizing you with his intentions. 
"N-no, tell me," you closed your eyes from the intoxicating pleasure of his thin fingers darting across your belly, but when they finally reached your heated core, you couldn't keep a loud whimper from breaking out of your dry lips. "Please, a-ahhh, tell me everything."
"Uh, look at you," he quickly licked the back of your neck before grabbing a handful of your soaked pussy. "Such a curious little kitty," Patrick huffed, suddenly pulling down your shorts with your wet panties, leaving you no chance to even react, not to mention struggling. "I was thinking about you," Bateman carefully lifted one of your legs to rest it on the kitchen counter, then crouched down behind you, leaving a sloppy kiss on your lower back. "About fucking you senseless, to be exact."
"Oh my God," you mewled, clinging to the surface of the counter as you felt his hot breath between your legs. "I was... I was thinking about that too."
Smirking to himself, Bateman gave your ass a few firm squeezes before finally touching you where you wanted him most, his warm tongue feeling so fucking amazing on your swollen clit. "Oh, that's interesting," he cooed to you, enjoying the way your body reacted to his every move, it was always amusing and turned him on, the knowledge of having such power over you was enough to make him rock hard. "Looks like you're just pretending to be shy. Now spread these beautiful legs wider for me," as you did so he used both hands to massage your buttocks before sliding his digits along your tight lower lips to get better access to your wet entrance. "Good girl, so fucking good for me."
With that, he plunged his tongue into your tight hole, trapping you in place as you jerked in his grasp from the intense sensation in your lower abdomen, but that was only the beginning as the next moment, Bateman returned his assault on your little bud, rubbing it in intense circular motions.
"A-awwww, Patrick," your sweet voice was music to his ears, especially when he made you do those high-pitched wails, each time his tongue sank deeper into your soft, inner channel. "Please...that feels so..."
"Good?" he chuckled before peppering your dripping slit with little kisses. "Jesus, you're so yummy, mmmh," Patrick lapped at your pussy like a starved man, gripping your ass tightly to remind you who was in charge here. "I'd like to stay between these legs forever if I could." 
By the time he was done eating you out, you could barely breathe as you balanced on the edge of falling into the oblivion of pure ecstasy, his chiseled face covered in your sweet flavor, which he immediately cleaned up with his tongue.
"Patrick, it felt so damn amazing..." you whimpered and turned around to see him undoing his expensive suit, his red tie already loosened, making him look even sexier, if it was possible to be hotter than he was. "Please."
With a sassy grin, Bateman unbuttoned his blue shirt, revealing an absolutely mouth-watering view of his sculpted chest and perfect abs. "Please what, honey?" He cupped your face before pulling you into a ravenous kiss, his tongue swirling shamelessly around yours, making you moan at how heavenly he kissed you. "Use your words, make me proud of how bold you are."
A brisk unzipping sound hit you like a whip, giving you a strange feeling of liberation and excitement. "I want you, all of you. Whatever you will give me, I'll take gladly."
You could see his nostrils flaring with each word, as if you were a moth to a flame. Biting his lower lip, the man came closer just to pick you up as if you weighed nothing, and he walked into your bedroom, where the beautiful garlands on the window shone with all the colors of the rainbow, making the whole atmosphere truly magical, especially with the lights off.
Bateman didn't like it at first, but when he saw your childishly happy face, he gently placed you on the bed, towering over you like a mountain. "Lovely here."
"You like it?" Your question forced him to frown in irritation, but he just pecked your temple and shamelessly removed your top, leaving you completely bare before his hungry eyes. "I spent a lot of time decorating it."
Smiling ironically, Patrick placed a reassuring kiss on your temple before he removed the last of his clothes and you finally felt his soft skin against yours, you couldn't help but hook your hands and legs around him like a vine. "I like it." Of course, he didn't, you knew that, but it didn't matter because now you two belonged to each other, both physically and mentally. "C'mere, babygirl," Bateman suddenly sat down on the bed and invited you to get on top of him. "Today we're going to try something new. Do you trust me?"
Breathing heavily, you nodded, and the next thing you knew his thick cock was sliding along your wet folds as he held you tightly by your waist, manhandling you with such ease as if you were a feather. With a longing growl, the man pressed you closer to his strong body so he could graze your collarbone and play with your engorged nipples as he literally buried his face between your breasts, squeezing them with both hands.
"Mhhm, Patty!" You moaned as he sucked on two of your little peaks at once, his leaky tip already prodding at your dripping opening as Patrick decided to test the patience of both of you. "Please, oh-please, fuck me, please, fuck...fuck me!" 
Bateman snickered against your neck, sending little tickles that made you smile, and he couldn't stop himself from squeezing your cheeks as you looked so fucking cute and sinful right now. "Uh, I'll give you more than that."
After that, he carefully grabbed you by the back of your neck and slowly lowered you down onto his beefy dick, the second your bodies finally connected, you both let out loud moans and held each other tighter as if your lives depended on it.
"Mmhm-fuck," the man had to close his eyes from the way your pussy was clinging to his huge cock, encompassing it so tightly that you both saw stars as Patrick supported your bobbing movements, holding your hips in his big palms and rocking his own towards yours. "You feel...f-fucking amazing!"
"I love you, I love you, Patty!" you cried out desperately, looping your hands around his neck to pull him closer as your bodies intertwined like snakes, each move bringing so much pleasure as he could fuck you so deeply and lustfully in this position. "Please, c-cum inside me!"
Your words made his eyes open wide and then you heard a low, guttural growl as Bateman suddenly pushed you down, forcing you to lie on your back and lift your legs to press them against his broad chest as he began to pound harder, rolling his hips to stimulate your G-spot.
"Is that what my dear girl wants, huh?" The man asked, mesmerized by the sight of your bouncing breasts, the lewd sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling your bedroom, making you scream shamelessly in pure bliss as his swollen tip brushed relentlessly against your cervix, stimulating you in a way that could bring you to climax without even touching your clit. "'C'mon honey, milk my dick and I'll give you my cum." In addition to his dirty talk, Patrick pecked your ankle as gently as he could — on the verge of a frenzy, he could just ravish you until you couldn't move, but right now he was trying his best to focus on your release. "Do it for me, sweetheart, cum around my dick like a good girl!"
Creasing the sheets, you threw your head back onto the pillows from the pulsating sensation in your lower body. "Pat-Patty! A-aaahhh—" You choked on your own moan, writhing erratically around the bed, and only his strong arms managed to hold you in place as Bateman was aware that you were about to fall off the fucking bed.
"That's it, mhm," Patrick watched you attentively, relishing the way your eyebrows knit together from how hard you cum on his fat dick, your eyes closed and your lips frozen in a silent moan. "So fucking gorgeous, so fucking...mm-so fucking tight, fuck!"
Bateman shifted his position again, covering you from above, transferring his weight to his sturdy arms as he rammed into you like a jackhammer, you could feel his heavy balls slapping against your cunt in the obscenest way possible. And then the man finally collapsed inside you, painting your velvety walls white, pinning you down with his huge frame and biting your shoulder like an animal claiming its prey. You couldn't move and you were barely breathing, but you took him completely, until his hot liquid began to flow from your ruined pussy, flooding the sheets beneath you. Spent and exhausted, Patrick kissed and licked the mark he had just left before pressing his forehead against yours, holding you tightly in his arms and you knew he would never let you go as you were born to be his.
Moments later, you were standing next to the Christmas tree in your living room, Bateman sitting on the small couch, finally having his drink, but not wine as he managed to find some whiskey in your minibar. 
"Next time, let's put a Christmas tree in your apartment!" You suddenly blurted out, clapping your hands.
"No, don't even think about it, kitten," Patrick almost choked on his drink and coughed several times. "Oh, honey, don't make that face."
Damn, although you knew that Bateman didn't like all that stuff, it made you sad anyway, so the man had no choice but to comfort you here and now, before the situation got worse.
After putting the glass on the nearby coffee table, he stood up and approached you from behind, hugging you, but you were still pouting. "Listen," he whispered into your ear. "I have something for you, something special that will make you forget everything."
"What is it?" 
Thrilled, Patrick slipped into the pocket of his robe, which he had brought especially to your place because he couldn't stand any other robes but his own, and took out a small, velvety box. "And what do you think it is?"
As soon as you turned around and saw this little box, something in your mind flashed like fireworks. "Oh my God, Patrick..." you covered your face in your hands from shock. "Is that..."
Bateman opened the box in one swift motion, revealing a magnificent ring that shone brightly, reflecting the illumination of the Christmas tree. "I want us to meet next Christmas in a different status," he murmured, taking the ring in his hand. "You know what I mean?" Tears welled in your eyes as you couldn't believe this was happening. "Will you be my wife, (y/n)?"
At first, you couldn't say anything because you were shocked, but then you managed to whisper. "Yes, yes, of course I will," and then you snuggled into his warm embrace, allowing him to put the ring on your finger and kiss your forehead, and this kiss was different because now you were his fiancée. "I love you, I love you so much!"
With a bright grin on his flawless face, Patrick rested his chin on the top of your head and stroked your hair. "Merry Christmas, my dear little girl. I love you too."
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P.S. Thank you for reading until the end! I don’t have a taglist. You can follow my side blog @makeyoumineagain and turn on notifications to know when I update!
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icallhimjoey · 6 months
Can we have a sweet and soft Christmas eve with Joey? Just the two of us? pretty please
this was requested at the perfect time, so thank you, and merry christmas my sluts! Wordcount: 1.7K
Still Love Me?
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"I'm sorry, I'm not crying because I'm upset, d-don't worry, I just..."
You don't get like this very often. Usually, trying to be extra affectionate makes you scrunch your nose up, makes you squirm and laugh and cringe. Makes you push him away, not taking the extra hugs and kisses seriously at all.
Joe doesn't mind.
"What's wrong?"
It's actually nice to not always feel the need to give you more. To not be afraid that maybe you'd be upset after not immediately coming over to hug and kiss you when he'd walk in at the end of the day.
But something's different tonight.
It's likely the holiday stress that's getting to you. Nothing a pair of extra affectionate warm embracing arms won't fix.
"I thought we had more cheese, but all we've got left is this..."
You suppress a sob.
Joe knows the tears are only there because all of everything has come together for the perfect storm, and you're just about ready to fall apart.
It's sort of cute that it's a lack of cheese that does it, and Joe's secretly glad it's not something that he'd done or said that got you. That it's not his fault, and that he doesn't have to apologise over something unimportant.
It's fine, though, the crying.
Joe had been ready for it.
He's got steady hands and is prepared to catch whatever needs catching. Knows how to put you back together just fine.
"Why did I do this? I've got to stop sneaking things, I– look, there's no... this is all we've got..."
You've got family coming over tomorrow, and it's the first year that your place is the spot for the big get together. It's nerve-racking in new ways you didn't know existed before because you're bringing both sets of parents in, and all you want to do is make the family proud.
Be the perfect daughter.
Have the stepmothers and stepdads get along as well as all of the divorced people. All of the siblings. Step-siblings.
Fuck, there's too many people coming over.
Could you still cancel, do you think?
You just... you just want Christmas be wholesome, and festive, and cosy, full of laughter and love and just... have it be perfect.
It's almost become a bit of a passion project, and it's quite literally driven you mad.
Well. Driven you to tears, at least.
Joe looks over and sees you hold a little block of brie cheese. It's not much, and it's got a bite taken out of it.
"Wait, did you–" Joe's already smiling, because what the fuck is he looking at right now? His girlfriend's got tears in her eyes and is stood in front of the opened fridge door, holding a bit of French cheese that has teeth marks in.
Surely, you are able to imagine what this looks like from his point of view.
It's at least a little funny.
But another sob wracks from your chest and all Joe can do is step closer and wrap arms around your shaking frame.
He's allowed to laugh as he does so.
"I didn't know- I thought we had more, b-but this was all we have, and I snuck a bite last night, because I– I was peckish and just wanted a little something, and–"
"Hey," Joe leans back and gets your face in both his hands. He's still smiling. Can't not smile, because this is ridiculous, but you also look very cute. Red nose. Fat tears stuck in your eyelashes. The colour of your eyes about ten times brighter because of the unshed ones.
"We'll serve 'em dry crackers, and they'll fucking take what they're given, all right?"
You pout and hold up the evidence of your late-night-snack-run in your own kitchen from the night before. It's right in between your faces and gives Joe a chance to really see the cause of the outburst.
"Still love me?"
Joe looks at the brie a second and then lurches forward with a growl, sinking teeth into the soft cheese for a bite of his own.
"Still love you." he replies, mouth full of cheese.
You can't help the choking laugh, head cocking to the side as a defeated soft chuckle leaves you. It only makes Joe want to grab hold of you tighter.
"Hmm," Joe hums, now chewing, and he frowns. "This is good. We should–" he can't finish the sentence without laughing, knowing it's likely the wrong thing to say, but he's already started the sentence. You get a good eyeful of the cheese in his mouth, in between his teeth. "We should get more of this."
Well, you can't.
Hence the crying.
You pout once more and then groan. It's so stupid, you're well aware. You just need a bit of sleep. Your family won't hate you because there's no cheese.
And if anything, you could throw it into the group chat and are sure that at least three people have some brie to bring along tomorrow.
You really are just very tired.
"Tell you what," Joe says, now taking the little piece of cheese from your fingers, one arm still around you. "We'll finish this, have some hot chocolate and just... relax. Watch a Christmas film. Tomorrow is tomorrow and tonight is tonight, you've done enough prepping and it'll all be fine–"
"Perfect." you correct.
It's important that everything will be perfect.
"It'll all be perfect." Joe coos, voice smooth like butter.
You sniff and look at him a moment. He's still chewing. Smiling. Joe's being all playful and it's reminding you of why you love him so much. Glancing into the living room, you know Joe's right. Everything's ready. Everything's done.
It's Christmas Eve.
"Calm before the storm." you sigh, patting Joe where you're holding onto him. Then lower down, quick touch to the bum. Joe easily lets you.
"Calm before the storm." he confirms before you let go of each other. You move to collect yourself, wiping fingers below your eyes, and Joe opens a cupboard to get to mugs out and says, "And I'll go get extra cheese tomorrow, it'll be fine."
You're about to protest. Tell him that the shop you usually go to won't be open. It'll be Christmas. And everyone's stocked up already. Shelves are empty all over. But Joe sees it across your face before you can say anything and adds, "I'll find some, don't worry about it."
And so you don't.
You accept a kiss to your temple, a deep inhale of your hair and you tilt your head for a kiss on the lips. A quiet thank you.
After a squeeze of your arm, Joe gets started on the hot chocolate and you decide to see if there's anything good on TV or if it'll be Netflix for the night.
Before you've been able to make a choice, you hear mugs being filled and you scurry back into the kitchen. You get to the fridge before Joe does, which was the plan. You find the can of squirty cream amongst all of the food and drink - your fridge has never been this full. It's almost triggeringly full; so much food, yet so little cheese.
It takes you too long, and Joe joins to look over your shoulder, to see if he can spot it before you do.
He doesn't.
You find it and giggle excitedly, a little delirious (you've gone mad, remember?) as you shake it with a wild arm. Your demeanor is the opposite of what it was minute earlier.
No tears. Just manic laughter.
Makes Joe laugh just the same. His girlfriend's gone insane and, if he's honest, he's kind of into it.
You spray some cream into both mugs that Joe's filled with hot chocolate, and before you place it back into the fridge, you shake the can again.
"You just said you should stop sneaking things," Joe isn't exactly trying to stop you, but he knows what you're about to do. Feels like it's worth saying something, to maybe prevent a further break down.
It's of no use, though.
His comment makes you glance him pointed a look. It's ridiculous of him to assume you'd been serious. Of course you're not going to stop sneaking things. He doesn't see the deadpan stare you give him because he's busy placing mini marshmallows onto your drinks, but despite the advice, you go for it anyway.
You tip your head back and spray some of the cream directly into your mouth.
"My God," Joe says when you let it go for a little too long, and when he looks, he barks a laugh.
You've overdone it.
It's too much.
Well, is it ever too much? Not really. But it doesn't fit into your mouth and thus there's a problem. This is going to be messy.
With your head still tilted back, you release a small sound of panic at the inability to close your mouth and raise a cupped hand, ready to catch whatever is going to spill.
But Joe knows just the perfect fix, and he's quick.
Before you know what's happening, your boyfriend's got his hand on the back of your neck, digging in strong fingers and guiding your head forward.
Just before whatever your lips can't curl around is about to slide down your chin, Joe's mouthing at it and manages to get it all, tongue licking and lips closing around your opened ones.
What follows is a weird, full-cheeked sticky, creamy, sugary kiss that has you giggling into each others mouths.
It's still messy, but you'd easily do this again. Would it be too obvious if you just went for an insane mouthful once more?
Joe pulls back, sees he's missed a bit and doesn't hesitate to lick at the corner of your mouth, making you shriek with your mouth closed, pushing him away.
"You're gross," you say fondly after swallowing.
He's also adorably sweet, but he doesn't need telling.
Joe lets his head bobble back a little as he silently laughs, wiping at his own mouth with the back of his hand, glad to have been of service.
"Yea? Still love me?"
Tomorrow's going to be fine.
There's no cheese but for the little chunk you're about to share. It'll likely be all gone if you both have a single cracker with some on.
And there probably also won't be any squirty cream left, what with your plan to bring the can over to the sofa for top-ups after you've eaten all of it off. Or, you know, after you've sprayed more of it into your mouth just so Joe can eat it out of there again.
You families can have hot chocolate without any, and Joe's right. They'll fucking take what they'll be given and be grateful.
Or, Joe can find some tomorrow.
You're no longer fussed.
It's Christmas. Christmas Eve.
"Still love you." you beam, because you do.
You really, really do.
The Taglisted
@adoreyouusugar, @alana4610, @ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @barfightzanddiscolightz, @bettyfrommars, @cancankiki, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson, @chrissymjstan, @choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @dylanmunson, @eddies-puppet, @electricmunson, @emma77645, @emmamooney, @everythinghasafacee, @figmentofquinn, @frootvelvet, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @harringtonfan4, @haylaansmi, @jasminearondottir, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @kellyxo1, @kennedy-brooke, @lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @miserybeans, @nadixq, @notverywise, @pepperstories, @phyllosilicate-s, @roosterisdaddy36, @sherrylyn628, @sidthedollface2, @thebellenouvelle, @thewondernanazombie, @tlclick73, @werepartnersnow, @winterwakesthewolf, @witchwolflea, @yelyahcardella, @yunirgo
taglist currently full, sorry
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aphroditelovesu · 6 months
The Lost Queen - Christmas Special
— summary: With Christmas time approaching, you have to make sure that peace reigns in your apartment. The only problem is that his companions from two thousand years ago are in it.
— lady l: I know, it's late, but you already know me lol. Hope you like it! There may be small spoilers for future chapters, but nothing very explicit. Merry belated Christmas and a great New Year! Forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️🎁
— warnings: light spoilers for future chapters of TLQ and fluff.
— pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader.
— wordcount: 1,963.
— the lost queen series masterlist.
— taglist: @devils-blackrose, @faerykingdom, @hadesnewpersephone, @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 , @kadu-5607, @zoleea-exultant, @borntoexplore11-blog , @wisdomcrys , @silmawensgarden .
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It was Christmas Eve in the city, and twinkling lights decorated the streets, transforming the place into a spectacle of vibrant colors. The tall buildings sparkled with festive garlands and decorations, reflecting the Christmas spirit that enveloped everyone.
In the central squares, a special fair enchanted passers-by. Stalls sold everything from traditional gastronomic delights to unique crafts, while local musicians played Christmas carols, filling the air with comforting melodies.
Families strolled the streets, wrapped in warm coats and warm smiles. Children ran excitedly, eager for Santa Claus to arrive. The artificial snow fell gently, creating a magical setting for that special moment.
In a cozy apartment, a strange group were gathered to share stories and gifts or try to understand Christmas traditions. Laughter echoed in the corners, mixing with the aroma of hot chocolate and freshly baked cookies.
It was chaos. Your apartment was in chaos. A baby crying, men fighting about everything and asking you questions that irritated you deeply. But it was almost Christmas and you weren't going to let your bad mood or the fights those men were having ruin that day. You were almost certain that one of your neighbors would call the police if they continued like this.
''(Y/N), how does this even work?'' You turned to the person who asked you and smiled slightly when you noticed Hephaestion holding some rolled up blinkers in his hand. He looked at them as if they were the most perplexing and enigmatic thing in the world. Maybe, for him, it really was.
''You have to curl up against the tree and I'll do the rest.'' You explained, as you rocked Cyrus in your arms, trying to make him take a nap.
Hephaestion frowned and stared at the wires with suspicion shining in his eyes but headed towards the Christmas tree that stood in the middle of your living room.
''(Y/N)!'' You looked at Nearchus who appeared from your kitchen with an empty white ceramic cup, previously filled with hot chocolate, ''Do you have any more of that? It's delicious.''
A corner of your mouth curled up, ''On the stove.'' He stared at you confused, still not understanding the modern words properly, ''On top of the huge iron box.'' You explained gently. Nearchus winked at you and headed towards your kitchen, looking for more hot chocolate.
You ignored the others as you led Cyrus to his room, careful not to wake him. You smiled when you saw Alexander sitting in the armchair next to a crib, with Aella in his arms.
''Shh…'' He whispered to you, cradling the little princess in his arms carefully, ''She fell asleep just now.''
''This one,'' You nodded to the baby on her lap, ''also just fell asleep.''
Alexander smiled and carefully got up from the chair and placed Aella in the crib, stroking the baby's serene face in the process. You followed his lead, placing Cyrus next to his sister.
''How are the others?'' He asked you after pulling you into a hug, wrapping his arms around your waist. You smiled and placed your head on his shoulder.
''Well I think. Cleitus and Cassander were fighting over some ornaments and poor Hephaestion looked like his mind was going to break trying to untangle the blinkers.''
He laughed at your response and pulled away a little, kissing your forehead affectionately.
''It will take time for them to… Get used to all this. The gods know how long it took me.'' You suppressed a laugh as you remembered the first time he arrived in the modern world. Curiosity like that of a child or the time he wanted to attack a car because he thought it was a monster.
Gods, you had so much fun during that time. You would always fondly remember those memories.
''I can't believe it's been a year since all that.'' You mumbled. Alexander caressed your face with the palm of his hand, squeezing your cheek gently.
''Neither do I.'' He replied and kissed your lips quickly.
You smiled, your gaze sweet. Alexander blinked at you, all in love. Oh, you really loved that man. That time when you were scared and terrified was gone, now you were in love.
Hell, you were a woman in love, married with two children. There it is, something you never thought would happen so soon.
"Do you know about Perdiccas?" Alexander's body stiffened at the mention of his General and he slowly nodded yes, "Where is he then?"
Alexander shrugged, but you noticed the tension there, the anger, the barely contained jealousy, "On the balcony."
You nodded and kissed his lips passionately, "Try to be kinder to him. Perdiccas made mistakes in the past, but he doesn't deserve to be ignored or despised by you or anyone else. It was just a mistake and to make mistakes is human."
Alexander frowned, irritated, "I would hardly call that a mistake."
You bit your lower lip, remembering the fury, the hatred that Alexander had become when he found out about his General, his friend, plans. He had been so hurt and so furious, it had been a miracle that Perdiccas was not executed.
A miracle thanks to you, who convinced him otherwise. You shook your head quickly, as if you were trying to get rid of the bad thoughts that were plaguing you. From those dark and pain-filled days.
Everything was in the past now.
"It's Christmas time, time to forgive." You batted your eyelashes at him and Alexander smiled.
"I don't celebrate Christmas. But I can't deny that it's an interesting holiday." Alexander murmured and you stroked his stubble, "But I'll try my best for you."
"Thank you. That will be enough." You kissed him quickly and left the twins' bedroom, going to the apartment's balcony. You rolled your eyes in amusement as you passed by the room, hearing Cassander and Cleitus fighting over who should put the star on top of the tree. Hephaestion called them idiots and Ptolemy and Nearchus just laughed.
You opened the balcony door and immediately a wave of cold passed through your bones and you shivered a little, even more so when you saw Perdiccas sitting on a bench there and watching the decorated street, the cars and the people walking hurriedly.
"Everyone seems rushed." Perdiccas commented, without taking his eyes off the street. His face was pale and his lips were slightly chapped from the cold.
Your heart sank when you saw him like that. Despite everything you've been through, the mistakes you made, the pain… You would always care about him.
Sighing heavily, you sat down next to him, hissing when you felt your legs go cold.
Perdiccas finally turned to you and there was a deep sadness in those once warm and gentle eyes.
"It's Christmas…" You mumbled, not knowing what to say. It used to be so easy to talk to him, but now it was like there was a ball in your throat that prevented you from talking.
Perdiccas just stared at you, longing shining in his eyes.
"I-It's cold out here… You should go inside, you might catch a cold or something worse." You mumbled, curling your toes.
"I don't think the others would like that." Perdiccas shook his head, looking at his feet.
"Don't say that. Ptolemy asked about you just now." You murmured, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Perdiccas laughed softly, but it was a sad laugh, "There's no need to lie, (Y/N). I know how you all of you feel about me, after everything that's happened."
You shook your head, "No, you don't. The others have nothing to do with what happened, they don't know everything. Only you and I know the truth."
Perdiccas pursed his chapped lips, "It makes no difference to them. Alexander hates me and because of that, they hate me."
Your heart ached at how sad, how broken Perdiccas's voice had sounded.
"I don't hate you and neither will anyone ever hate you." You smiled at him and stood up, facing him, "Come with us. It's Christmas, a time of peace and reconciliation."
Perdiccas just stared at your hand as you held it out to him, "I… I'm not familiar with Christmas…"
You smiled widely, "Then I would be happy to give you a history lesson on Christmas and what it means."
For the first time, Perdiccas' eyes shone with something other than sadness. Hope. A spark of hope shone in those beautiful blue eyes.
When he held your hand and stood up, discreetly stroking your gloved fingers, it didn't seem so cold anymore.
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The hours passed quickly and although Perdiccas was reluctant, he sat down with his former friends and to his surprise, everyone was kind. Even Cassander held his tongue.
They were sharing childhood stories while you and Alexander fixed the tree. It was a little late to put up your tree, considering it was December 24th, but you hadn't had time these last few days.
Aella and Cyrus had already woken up from their nap and were being held by Hephaestion and Cleitus, who were playing with the babies.
As the night continued, you drank, some wine and some hot chocolate. Since you were still breastfeeding, you only drank hot chocolate.
"So what's the story of Christmas?" Cleitus asked. Everyone turned to you. Even Perdiccas, who had already heard the story.
"It depends on the culture, but the general consensus is that it is the birth of Jesus Christ." You said, adjusting a little ball.
"Jesus Christ?" Ptolemy asked, confused.
"The Savior, son of God for the Christian Religion. They say he was born on December 25th and since then we celebrate Christmas." You explained, after finishing arranging the tree. You sat on the couch, next to Hephaestion and Alexander followed suit.
"Oh…" Cassander said, drinking some wine.
"But the historical origin says that Christmas has its roots in pagan Winter Solstice celebrations, later adapted by the Christian Church in the fourth century to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. December 25th was chosen as the official date for this celebration ." You explained, remembering what you had read in a history book once.
They just nodded, not understanding everything you said. You laughed softly.
It was different, a different Christmas. You always spent it with your family or friends, but never with men from the past, literally. It was fun and iconic.
"Ah, it's almost midnight!" You exclaimed as you looked at the clock, it was just a few minutes until Christmas. You looked at your children and smiled.
While they waited for midnight, Ptolemy and Perdiccas talked about something. Cassander, Cleitus and Nearchus argued about an old childhood story and Hephaestion, Alexander and you just watched the twins with affection.
When it finally struck midnight, you got up from the couch and started hugging them and wishing them Merry Christmas. They looked confused but hugged you back and congratulated you the same.
They began to do the same to each other. You watched happily, until it was Perdiccas and Alexander's turn. You felt your hands start to sweat.
Alexander quickly looked at you and said, "Merry Christmas, my friend."
Gasps were heard, but you didn't listen, you just watched them. The way Perdiccas' face lit up and he hugged Alexander.
"Merry Christmas, my friend." Perdiccas said, hugging Alexander.
You smiled, feeling tears on his face. It seemed that peace would finally reign again. Christmas truly was a time of peace and reconciliation.
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pauking5 · 6 months
Under the Mistletoe 🍒🌿
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x reader
Genre: tooth-rotting fluff, mutual pining,
Word Count: 5.3k+
A/N: I did promise you more Zoro so here it is! This one has been sitting in my drafts for a while and I didn't really feel like posting it but something told me to do it now. Merry belated Christmas everyone and happy holidays! Hope you like it :)
ps: Thank you to @jiyaxedits for these really pretty dividers! They put me out of my misery a little 🫶
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Zoro wasn't big on celebrations. Birthdays or holidays didn't really exist in his vocabulary for the sole reason that he was happy to drink on any occasion. He didn't need a date in the calendar to tell him when to open a bottle of alcohol.
That was until you joined the straw hats.
You were the total opposite of his detached nature to almost everything that required an extra emotional effort. Even with that, it wasn't long until you piqued his curiosity.
Observing you, he came to the conclusion that you were emotion in pure form. You showed your caring nature for people in any way you could. Whether it was by helping out one of your fellow crew mates with something or just trying to ease their own load, you were always there. He didn't think much of it until he felt self-conscious enough to get involved and help out like you did. He wouldn't admit it but you had an influence on him.
The more time you spent together the more he was drawn to you, seeing things in a different light. Before he knew it, all those random dates in the calendar held some kind of meaning to him because they held a special meaning to you.
Although, he still didn't fully understand why you got so excited whenever one of those dates would approach. You would spend days planning the activities for the day, often going out for your way.
You would go over a special menu with Sanji, making sure all meals of the day and the dessert were covered. Then you would take Nami shopping for decorations wherever you happened to be docked, picking things that encapsulated the occasion. Usopp would also pitch in with helping you put the decorations up and add a tad bit more cheer to the atmosphere.
He noticed you and Luffy made a great team when it came to picking out small attentions for the crew. You both knew the crew better than anyone and it showed not just on those days, but the ordinary ones too.
In short, everyone became an extension of your excitement for the day. Well, everyone except Zoro.
You knew he wasn't used to the whole we are a family thing and you planned on changing that.
When you joined the crew he was really reserved. But after spending some time together, you managed to crack him open. You learned more about him, what he liked and what he disliked.
You tried pulling him out of his stoic bubble and it seemed to work because little by little, he started helping out too. It was small things like helping you fix the table before the food was served or picking the drinks out by preference of each straw hat. That's where you noticed that his love language was acts of service.
As small as they were, those acts were sincere and full of kindness. Whenever someone thanked him for his help, you would catch a glimpse of his face lighting up, the rarest smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
He cared and protected people in that way. It spoke volumes of his love he had for his crew and you admired that. Even if he didn't realise the impact he had, especially on you.
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The winter holidays were approaching fast, but it seemed like the cheer was absent on the Going Merry. The latest adventure left the crew exhausted and without a trace of enthusiasm. So much, that it was Christmas Eve and you didn't have a tree up, festive decorations hung around the ship or any food ready to munch on.
Out of all yearly celebrations, Christmas held a special place in your heart. It was a time to get together with your loved ones and celebrate the bond you have.
This would be your first Christmas with the crew and you have been looking forward to it for a while. They made you feel so appreciated and welcomed into their own little family and you wanted to return the appreciation.
So, bracing for your proposal to be rejected and a small hope that it would be accepted, you marched around the ship like an elf and pulled everyone out of their rooms and onto the deck.
Most of them didn't look too happy to be disturbed. Nami was in the middle of working on a map and she almost put her foot through your face for pulling her away from it. Sanji was putting some clean dishes away when you dragged him out, wet towel hastily tossed on his shoulder in the process. Luffy and Usopp were already on deck messing around. They seemed to be the only ones a little ecstatic for what you wanted to tell them.
But before you could start your speech, you noticed a certain straw hat was still missing.
Zoro was the hardest one to find, especially when he didn't want to be found. You searched his room, both the upper and lower decks, including the storage room filled with alcohol barrels and bottles. There was no sign of his presence anywhere on the ship.
You were ready to give up until you remembered there was one place you didn't search in, the crow's nest. And that's exactly where you found him, napping the day away.
Too engrossed in rushing to get everyone on deck, you were about to shake his shoulder. But as your eyes registered the sight in front of you, you halted all movement.
You saw him napping before, but none of those times did he look so deep in restful sleep like he did now.
He laid on his back, one of his hands propping up his head like a pillow, His legs were placed against the wooden mast. His body was angled in a way that the mast cast a shadow big enough to shelter his eyes from the early afternoon sun. His chest rose up slowly in sync with his soft snores, mouth slightly open. The light made his green hair look so soft that it took everything in you not to rake your hands through it.
There was something about him that put you at peace. Maybe it was the way his earrings jingled against each other and you knew he was nearby. Or the way his deep brown eyes changed to a warmer shade of chocolate while watching the sunset with you. You fell for those eyes of his a while ago and you didn't want to stop the bottomless drop at all.
Everything about him was peace to you. Even during battle, when he sliced through enemies and his blades were drenched in dirt. Or when he teased his crew members about something, with anything but good intentions in his head. Despite his hellish reputation, to you it felt like the heavens sent him down to earth. To fight and protect what he believed in with his all, laying down his own heart on the blade of his swords.
Your thoughts were cut short as the man before you stirred awake.
He sensed your presence for a while and contemplated whether he should make you aware that he knew you were staring at him. He wondered what you were sighing so softly at and couldn't hold in his curiosity anymore.
He opened his eyes to find you sitting down next to him. Your eyes locked with his and you just gazed at each other for a while. Adjusting the hand behind his head, he tilted it to get a better look at you.
You had that smile on your face, the one that grew on him the past months you've spent together. One look at it and it made every single one of his worries disappear into thin air.
That's the impact your whole presence had on him. Besides pure emotion you were also tranquility and harmony, while he was chaos and destruction. You neutralised his worst fears when he needed it the most with just that one smile and he couldn't get enough of it.
Your eyes suddenly went wide with realisation. You were supposed to get back to the other straw hats with him in tow a while ago. Wrapping your hand around his free one you tugged him up with you.
"Whoa, slow down. What's the rush?"
"You. Me. Downstairs. Now. Will explain in a bit."
He let you pull him downstairs on the deck where everyone else waited expectantly.
"Sleeping beauty decided to finally join us," joked Sanji.
"Is that a compliment, sandwich maker?"
"We thought you ditched us for a second," added Usopp, wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive way.
You and Zoro were both confused. But then it hit you that something warm surrounded your palm. You looked down to see his hand securely intertwined with yours. Your hand was definitely on his forearm when you left the crow's nest. He probably caught your hand in the rush of pulling him down the stairs to avoid breaking his neck.
His eyes followed your widened ones to see your hands together.
He held your hand before, when he would hand you a plate with food or to help you down from the ship onto land. But not once did he hold it fully like this. His palm was entirely enclosed around yours. Your hand looked so small in his. Like it fit just right with his larger one.
You let go first and he hesitated a little. He wanted to hold it a bit longer. To study all the ridges on your knuckles as his fingers would thread between yours. To just hold them.
But he was conscious of the four pairs of eyes darting between the two of you and he let go of your hand, going back to his serious self beside you.
Shaking the awkwardness away, you turned back to the crew, remembering the task at hand.
"So, I gathered you all here today because it's Christmas Eve!" you said, waving your hands around enthusiastically, though your joy wasn't that well received on the other end.
"Okay and?" asked Nami, rather devoid of the holiday spirit.
"What do you mean okay and?! It's Christmas Eve! We don't have a tree up, decorations or any food to properly celebrate."
"I don't get why we need to celebrate a white bearded old man breaking into people's houses every year," deadpanned Nami.
"Yeah, I kinda have to agree with her on that," said Zoro, scratching the back of his neck.
"It's not just about Santa. We also celebrate the appreciation and love we share together as a crew," you stated. You took to walking around the deck, as their eyes followed you trying to make sense of your behaviour.
"Christmas is about making new memories by spending time together. It's putting up decorations and dressing up silly. We could set up our Christmas tree here," you pointed to the tall mast in the middle. "String a few sets of lights up from the jolly roger all the way down the veils to the decks, like a multi-coloured umbrella," you said excitedly, turning back around to them.
"Christmas is also a time to reflect back on the past year and talk about our best moments over a hearty dinner. It's a moment where we all get to be honest with each other. To share the hope, the joy and the love we hold for each other," you concluded.
You looked at them with hopeful eyes, earnestly wishing they will understand why you were so hellbent on doing something for the day.
But all you got in response to your speech was unsure neck rubs and a sense that you were the only one who wanted to celebrate today.
You felt like your excitement was maybe a little too much this time. Maybe they really just wanted a peaceful night in, doing whatever they had planned by themselves.
None of them were saying anything and it only made your uncertainty grow inside.
Maybe forgetting any of this even happened was better than making them feel like they should be doing something they weren't comfortable with.
Defeated, you took a step back and decided to retaliate.
"Actually, we don't need to do anything extra today. We can just chill out and all," you laughed nervously. "Sorry for bringing you guys out here for nothing."
You mumbled the last part and turned on your heels to make your way back to your room. Maybe not saying anything would have been better than whatever that was.
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The crew remained on deck after you left. If anyone felt defeated it certainly wasn't you, but them. Especially the green-haired swordsman.
His mind was stuck on you. On the way your eyes twinkled with joy the more you gestured around you how you pictured everything. On the smile that never left your lips as you spoke of what the holiday means to you. And the fact that you wanted to spend this with them, your current family.
For him, the concept of family was a hard one to grasp. He didn't think he would ever feel as welcomed as he felt with the family he had back at the dojo. With Kuina.
He thought he would never be able to find a place he belonged. Until he came across the straw hats. They annoyed him, pestered him, drove him crazy most of the time. But they cared. They fully supported his dream to become the greatest swordsman in the world, without doubting his ambition or his skills in the slightest. And that meant a lot to him.
They grew on him and they felt like family. That included you too. It was you who showed him how to give back to the people that support you relentlessly. It was you who taught him that opening up to people wasn't selfish. That he should be open to not just giving but receiving too. The straw hats had a lot of love for him and they would stop at nothing to show it.
That's what you did a few moments ago. You put yourself out there, doing everything to convince them that celebrating shouldn't be a chore. That you wanted to celebrate your new found family.
He felt his heart break when he watched you back away like that. He knew you were beating yourself up for it, for thinking you were too much. But that wasn't true. He wanted to tell you that he wanted to celebrate with you. But it took him a while to register everything you said and that was one of the things he was working on.
By the looks on their faces, everyone was questioning themselves now. Searching for some kind of meaning that Christmas could have for them. Somewhere, deep down inside their hearts, they wanted to celebrate this too, just as much as you did.
Something seemed to click in their heads after a while, their eyes connecting in a knowing look. You could consider them convinced because they took the initiative themselves. It just took a while for your words to process.
"You know what, she's right," started Sanji. "I haven't cooked a hearty Christmas meal for ages. I could do with a roast, some eggnog and a cake."
"I can clean up around here a little. Get the table out here and some chairs," chimed Usopp.
"We could go into town and see what decorations we can find," added Luffy, linking his arm with Nami's in excitement.
"All we need is someone to go and get a Christmas tree," said Nami.
All eyes moved to the green-haired man leaning on the stair railing. He was the only one who hasn't pitched in with anything yet and they all looked at him expectantly.
He, on the other hand, did not seem to get the idea, looking back at everyone slightly confused.
"You really are an idiot," face palmed Nami.
"Hey! Why are you calling me an idiot?"
"She was suggesting you would go and get a tree that we could put up over here," said Usopp, motioning to the mast. He realised that it was the spot you said you wanted it to be in.
"Why me?"
"You're forgetting you're the more muscular one out of all of us," uttered Nami, pinching his bicep. She thought that if she spoke to his ego he would realise what he needed to do sooner. "You don't expect me to carry it back to the ship now do you?"
"Fair point."
Finally, with tasks assigned and a plan for battle in place the straw hats took to their duties. They decided Christmas would happen this year, though it would take some work. And possibly a miracle.
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It's been a while since you retreated back to your room. You stared at the Christmas plan you had written down on several sheets of paper on your nightstand, tracing the colour coded activities as you sighed. Maybe next year.
A knock on your door pulled you from zoning out. The light from outside dimmed down and the sun was just about to set, telling you it's been hours since your Christmas show on deck.
You walked to the door, wondering who it could be. It was probably Luffy, coming to check on you. But you were surprised to open it and find a rather distressed Nami. She had a weird smile on her face that was unlike her. What was even weirder was the silver tinsel hanging around her neck and the red and white santa hat on her head.
"We need some help out on the deck," she smiled wider, holding out a bag filled with different colored tinsel to you.
Your frown was instantly replaced by a smile matching hers as you took the bag from her hand.
"What made you change your mind?"
"You did," she said, pulling you into a hug that you returned. "We were too deep inside of our heads to see the bigger picture. We gave it some thought and realised you were right, so we got down to business."
You separated and walked down the halls. The walls inside the ship were decorated with lights all the way to the doors leading on deck. Nami's smile only got brighter the closer you got to the kitchen because you opened the doors and got hit with the most Christmas-like smell: Sanji's special roast. He just pulled it out of the oven, steam rising in the air spreading a divine aroma. But that wasn't the only thing cooking.
The oven was still working, baking a few batches of cookies in all kinds of shapes. A warm scent of cinnamon embraced you, followed by zesty citrus touches.
"It smelles like heaven in here, Sanji!"
"I'm glad angel," he smiled at you warmly.
Nami beckoned you outside. Luffy and Usopp were up in the crow's nest, struggling to untangle what looked like five rows of lights to hang from the jolly roger down to the veils. Just like you told them you wanted them.
You quickly climbed up to them with Nami in tow to help them before they could get hurt.
"Guys, you didn't have to do all this."
"Of course we did!" jumped Luffy. "You do so much for us and it was about time we paid you back."
"Well, at least let me help with the rest."
"Please do!" cried Usopp. He was tangled in one of the light sets from top to bottom.
"We could use you as a Christmas tree instead," joked Nami. "We just have to plug you in."
Everyone laughed at that. This was the atmosphere you desperately wanted, with the people you loved the most. It was where you belonged.
The only one you haven't seen around was Zoro. No one mentioned his whereabouts. All you heard was Nami complain that he's been gone for hours and that he ahd one of the easiest tasks to do. Maybe Christmas was a little too celebratory for him.
You just finished hanging up the last set of lights from the crow's nest when you heard grunts and enraged thudding of boots on the main deck. You made your way down only to be met with a sight for the history books.
There he was, hidden by a sturdy tree that was a shade of green darker than his hair. He carried it on his shoulders like it weighed nothing. But then again, he was Zoro. It must be something normal for him.
Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at him. The look on his face told you he was a bit annoyed. Well, by the way his jaw ticked, probably very annoyed at the fact that no one rushed to help him with the huge wood angled on his back.
Luffy and Usopp got the idea and rushed to take it off his shoulders. They lifted it up on its trunk and that's when you all noticed the tree was actually massive.
Zoro rolled his shoulders to get rid of the ache in them and proceeded to dust his clothes off the tree's fallen pine needles that were scattered across his body.
"We thought you got lost," said Nami.
"Well, I did get lost," he deadpanned.
A lot of pine needles got stuck in his hair. He shook his head around to get rid of them but there were still some sticking out between his green strands. He raked his hand through them but he still couldn't get them out. He huffed frustrated in defeat and you decided to put him out of his misery.
Walking in front of him, you got on your tip toes, reaching out with your hand to whip the rest of the needles out. He froze in place, hands mid-way to his scalp to do it himself. He let them back down to his sides and watched as you took them out of his hair one by one and threw them away on the ground.
You had your bottom lip between your teeth, focused on getting the little fuckers out. He bent his knees so it would be easier for you to work on finding them without having to stay on your tip toes for too long. Once you were done and your heels were flat on the ground, you clapped your hands to get rid of any leftover pine needles. When your eyes lifted back up you realised just how close you were standing as you were eye to eye with him. You sucked in a breath as his eyes studied your face.
He was happy to see that you had a smile on your face this time, which was a hundred times better than that frown you had when you went to your room a few hours ago. In return for that bright smile of yours you always gave him, he gave you one of his own.
This smile was new, more rare than the smile he usually wore around you. You could literally see his pearly teeth. The muscles in his cheeks pulled the edge of his lips to curve up and his eyes crinkled into crescents. It was like a half smile, half smirk kind of smile. And it drove you absolutely crazy.
Who was he and what did he do with Roronoa Zoro?
"Uh, Zoro? Why does the tree have pine cones on it?" asked a confused Usopp.
His smile fell, eyes narrowing on the straw hat behind you.
"Is that not how it's supposed to be?"
"Where did you get it from?" asked Nami. "It's been hours since you went out."
"The woods," he said proudly, hands on his hips.
Everyone burst out laughing at his words, including you. This was too good to be true.
By the looks of it, he used his swords to chop it down. The few tears in his shirt told you the tree fought him a little for cutting it down.
"What are you all laughing for now?"
"There were trees for sale, already cut up in town," wheezed Nami through her giggles.
"I knew that," he said, hands coming to sit around his chest. You narrowed your eyes at him this time and he scoffed, averting his eyes from you.
"Fine! I didn't. I just wanted to get you the real thing."
"That is the real thing too," said Luffy.
"You know what, next time you can all take goldi-locks over there tree shopping. I doubt he'll do a better job at it."
"I heard you, peahead. And I will take you up on the challenge," shouted Sanji from the kitchen.
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Zoro helped you to fix the table and lay down the new silver cloth Luffy and Nami bought. It was so long, but so nicely decorated with white snowflakes falling off the edges and different winter patterns drawn along it. You both lifted it up and spread it across the table, smoothing out the ridges from the middle to the edges. One of the longer corners got caught under the leg of the wooden table and you struggled to pull it out.
Zoro rushed over to you. He dove under the table and saw the material was caught in a piece of wood that was sticking out. He unwrapped it and moved to hand it to you just as your hands reached out for it. Your fingers touched again for the second time today and it caught you both in a daze. He gazed at you and you stared at him, feeling like you were transported to a different world.
He leaned in closer to you and you did too. The way his eyes focused on your lips told you that he wanted to seal yours with his. Your lips almost touched, if it wasn't for the unwanted interruption.
"Is the table done, lovebirds?"
You were snapped out of zoning out into each other's eyes. You both looked to your right to see the rest of the straw hats looking at you. You let go of each others hands and went back to getting the table ready.
Zoro brought over cutlery and plates from the kitchen and you arranged them around the table. He also got some glasses and drinks, placing them by preference to everyone's assigned seats.
Finally, Sanji brought the food over and everyone dove in before the steam evaporated completely from the roast. A tray with six eggnog glasses was then served and you all clinked your glasses together, toasting to the crew. You looked around at everyone sat around the table and it finally felt like the holidays.
Zoro was sat next to you nursing a glass of red wine. He couldn't tell if it was the alcohol, the festive cheer or you that had a strange sense of peace wash over him. Like he did not have a worry in the world.
He looked at you from time to time absolutely enthralled by the way your laugh bounced in his ears. You were laughing at one of Usopp's stories that was most likely glazed with little reality and over the top sarcasm. The origins of the story didn't matter, because you seemed to love it by the way the corners of your mouth curled in a knowing smirk. Your eyes crinkled in delight every time he would reach a point in the tale that was too funny not to laugh at and you would let that laugh out and he would laugh with you. It was slowly becoming his favorite sound.
In the midst of it all he found himself smiling at you and the crew that was now his home. Maybe celebrating things wasn't that bad. Especially if they were things that mattered to him.
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After dinner, the crew dispersed to each their own. You wandered to the tree and sat in front of it, staring at it in awe. Multi-coloured baubles decorated it so joyfully, together with random kitschy ones. The tinsel waved around every corner, acting like an twinkling extension of the tree itself. More lights were wrapped around it, carefully placed around the pine cones. You chuckled remembering how badly Nami wanted to take them all off and you argued with her to just leave it be. Despite looking as wild as you could get it, it was the perfect Christmas tree.
Zoro was looking for you and found you in front of the tree. You looked so at peace as the lights twinkled, just like your eyes did as you looked at it. He thought that maybe having pine needles even in his boxers was worth it to see you smile that bright at the fully decorated tree.
"I hope it's to your liking," he said, walking beside you.
"It is," you smiled at him. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
"I've got one more thing for you."
You eyebrows raised in curiosity as you wondered what it could be. You already opened gifts at the dinner table so it couldn't be that.
"Close your eyes," he instructed.
You did as he told you and waited. He told you to open them and you saw him looking up, smirking at something. You followed his eyes to see a small twig with green leaves and red berries toed to a tree branch above you with a piece of ribbon. You instantly recognised it to be mistletoe.
"Did you just tie that up there?" you chuckled.
"Well, that diminishes the surprise effect."
You wondered if he knew what the plant's meaning was, especially on Christmas. Or if he just got it because it looked pretty in the woods. That was a possibility that kept your heartbeat from rising dangerously.
The confusion on your face told him you weren't sure of his intentions and he decided to make them somewhat clearer for you.
You were busy gauging the meaning of this by staring at the mistletoe. He took a step towards you closer to you, stopping as the tip of your boots touched. You lowered your eyes from the mistletoe only to find him almost nose to nose with you. He grabbed a hold of your hand with his free one, lacing your fingers together and pulled you even closer.
"So, does the man who doesn't celebrate holidays know anything about the mistletoe tradition?" you asked, getting a little closer to him.
"I might be an idiot sometimes, but I do know this much," he scoffed, signature smirk on his face.
"Hmm. You don't look so sure of that," you teased, playing with the hem of his shirt absentmindedly.
"How about I show you then?"
Your breath hitched in your throat as he dipped his head closer to yours. His eyes hungrily darted between yours and your lips waiting for your approval to finally kiss you.
"Want to do the honours?" you asked biting your lower lip in expectation.
"Gladly," he breathed out, closing the distance between you.
It turned out your palms weren't the only ones that fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Your lips did too, moving in sync with desire. Your free hand fisted his shirt to pull him closer as his free one came to sit at the back of your head pulling you impossibly closer. You felt him smile against your lips and you couldn't help but do it too, smilling against his.
You broke apart for air, foreheads pressed flush against each other. Your hands were still laced together, his thumb tracing the outline of your palm.
"This is the best Christmas ever," you breathed out.
He chuckled at that. His hand moved from the back of your head to cup your cheek and your hand came to rest on his wrist. You leaned into his touch, laying a kiss of appreciation on his palm. He smiled at you and that's where you knew that you wanted to spend all your holidays with him. Just like this.
It seemed like you spoke your mind out loud because he grinned widely at you. You buried your head in his chest in embarrasment as he laughed at your adorableness.
"I wouldn't want anyone else to spend them with either," said Zoro, laying your heart at ease.
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Thank you for reading! As always, comments, likes and reblogs are welcome!
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beenbaanbuun · 6 months
first christmas with san
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this man just screams over the top christmas to me
if you’re the same as him, it’s perfect! the two of you can giggle together as you decorate your tree and have little flour fights as you bake a gingerbread house
if you’re not, good luck! he can and will force you to make new traditions with him that he is sure to make a note of so you can carry them on for the rest of your christmases together
incredibly sentimental about tree ornaments
“oh my god, baby,” he almost yells as he pulls out a simple glass bauble, “i got this one last year at that christmas market i was telling you about, remember?”
you did remember… how could you forget when throughout the entire year he’d been buzzing about wanting to take you to the christmas market
and when he finally does, a bauble isn’t the only thing you two get
in fact, san made sure to study every single stall
he studied you too and the moment your eyes rested on an ornament for more than a few seconds, it was soon in his hands being paid for
and the food there? he makes sure that the two of you try a little bit of something from each and every stall…
you’re so full by the end of the day that the two of you have to take a nap when you get home
a nap in your new christmas bedding, mind you
san insisted on buying you some, as well as some brand new matching pyjamas
although the pyjamas stay unworn and unseen by you until at least christmas eve
he wraps them in pretty paper and presents them to you on christmas eve
and obviously there’s the christmas photoshoot in front of the tree in your pyjamas because san insists that it wouldn’t be christmas without it
proudly shares the photo with every single person he knows because they have to know just how much he loves celebrating the holiday season with you
also makes sure you take a photo under the mistletoe that he hung in the doorway
he takes a lot of those photos actually…
“no, that one wasn’t perfect,” he frowns, “guess you’ll just have to kiss me again!”
most of those don’t get sent to people
he got a little carried away
carries you to bed promptly at 9pm because ‘santa won’t come if we’re not in bed!’
he doesn’t say anything when you point out that all your gifts are already under the tree
cuddles you close all night because he’s so excited and he just needs to squeeze something!
you try and wriggle away at numerous points in the night but san doesn’t have those muscles for nothing
there is no escape
safe to you when you wake up in the morning you have a suspiciously san shaped lump on top of you
grumbles when you try to wake him up but then you wish him a merry christmas and he wakes up quicker than you’ve ever seen him wake up before
“oh my god,” he shouts as he practically falls out of bed, dragging you with him, “come on! no time to waste, baby.”
you let him drag your tired body to the living room where he passes you gift after gift and waiting for you to open them
they get more elaborate and expensive and they go on, and you get a pant in your chest when you realise that the gifts you got for him are nothing in comparison
he assures you it’s fine with his words, and then reassures you with his excited reaction to each and every gift he unwraps
“baby, it’s perfect!” “it’s just a jumper…” “yeah but it’s a really nice jumper!”
you two try and cook dinner together
half way through you end up checking if any of your local take outs are open
they’re not… you end up eating whatever you can salvage from the nightmare of a dinner the two of you had managed to make
a bit of dry turkey and a few underdone yet somehow simultaneously burnt carrots never hurt anyone…
you decide to leave the clearing up until later
you spend most of the afternoon curled up on the sofa watching whatever shitty movies you can find
and you spend the entirety of each movie picking through the plot holes and guessing how it’s going to end
you tell him you love him before you kiss him under the mistletoe on your way to bed
he tells you he loves you too
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anadiasmount · 6 months
jude and you being childhood bestfriends but your parents are also super close. Your parents always suspecting yous both like each other and constantly teasing yous about it. But you’ve both been dating for a like a year in secret cos yous both don’t know how to tell your parents and one day they just find out cuz they come home u expectedly when you and Jude are cuddling and everyone’s just all so happy for yous 💗
- your writing is amazing btw x
thank you lovely, means so much! 😣🤍
“we should tell them soon… my mom has become very suspicious of me lately. she followed me to the grocery store! the grocery store jude!” you laughed, feeling as he chuckled on top of you. “do you think we did wrong in not telling them? well besides jobe because he got us here in the first place…” you wandered off asking, jude’s head coming up to stare at you.
“i personally don’t think so baby. look at us, a year strong, and so many memories spent together. i wouldn’t change it for the world, because it means i have you all to myself,” jude says softly, while your finger fixes his brow that had been messed up. “they would understand. both of our families. they know how stressful and hard our jobs are, so who can blame us?”
“exactly my love. how did you want to tell them?” jude asked, snuggling closer to you and placing kisses all over your chest. you laughed and tried to sway away but with his bigger frame he pinned you down. “i was thinking of just telling them today, maybe at dinner or when we play games?”
“whatever you decide i’m right there,” jude replied, falling asleep in less then 10 minutes.
while you hated being separated from jude, he unfortunately had to go back to his house to get ready. you slipped into a dark red dress and left down, your hair parted to your preference, making sure to apply a red lip and gold jewelry. the heels made you look taller which is what you wanted.
after grabbing the cupcakes and chocolate covered strawberries, you and your family were headed out to his house were you’d host christmas. you greeted everyone, asking how they were a wishing them a merry christmas eve.
jude almost choked on his drink as he saw you walk in. he was in a trance, his eyes roaming up and down your body, his lips and throat becoming dry at your figure. for a second he got slightly jealous as he observed you talk to one of his moms friend son, which clearly he took a liking.
he scrunched his brows and cleared throat, his mom coming next to him, “you okay jude? y/n looks so pretty doesn’t she,” his mom taunted his head more to which jude snickered. “she always looks beautiful mom,” he did his attempted wink, and walked over to the living room leaving her with a brow raised.
a warm and larger palm touched your shoulder, making you jump, and look down shyly as you stood next to jude. “hi max, you good?” jude pursed, clearly bothered by the interaction which left you confused.
before max respond could respond, jude cut him off “thats good, gonna borrow this one really quick,” he pulled you aside to the kitchen where it was alone. your heels clicked on the grown still holding the cupcakes. “jude slow down,” you warned him.
as you set the tray down, jude double checked the doorway, and strides to where you were. you giggled at his pout and frown. “it was driving me insane. you talking to him? while you look so sexy in this dress? jesus it’s gonna drive me crazy all night. you look beautiful darling,” jude rambled, his hands roaming your sides and placed firmly on your ass.
“thank you baby, you look handsome yourself,” although you were still wearing heels, you had to lean up, and jude lean down to catch your lips in a quick kiss, that then turned into three pecks, “i left lipstick all over your lips jude,” you tried to wipe it away but two gasps had you standing still.
“WE KNEW IT! OH MY GOSH! ITS A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!” said your mom, her hands covering her mouth as she smiled huge. jude’s mom just smirked and walked over to the two of you, “care to explain jude?”
jude still had lipstick on his lips, which made you laugh as your wrapped your hand on his right bicep and muscles. his cheeks slightly went red, embarrassed at being caught, “well we’ve been dating for a year… and she’s the woman i’m gonna marry,” he said confidently.
“A YEAR? YOUVE BEEN DATING FOR A YEAR? john grab my glass this is worth to celebrate,” your mom fanned her face dramatically before joining jude’s mom next to her. they have the two of you warm and tight hugs, scolding you for keeping it hidden for so long.
“we’re so happy for the two of you, i’m glad the two of you found each other and are able to start a relationship! we love you guys,” his mom said. after a quick conversation, jude pulled you into the bathroom, he took a quick selfie of his marked red lips and posted it onto his story, captioning it with “merry christmas to all 🤍🎄”
you cleaned his lips and tried to remove every red mark. walking back out to being faced with everyone looking at you, the two of you chuckled nervously, jude’s hand finding home with yours as everyone continued to stare.
“congratulations on finally making it officially,” jobe teased everyone cheering, which made you hide your face onto his chest.
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eulalielatibule · 6 months
Pine-ing For You
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Pairing: Soft!Roommate!Ransom x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Fluff, Christmas, some swearing, fake dating, there was only one bed.
Summary: You bring your roommate, Ransom, to your family's Christmas celebration.
A/N: This is a repost from my old account, @/hevans-angel. It's probably my favorite Ransom fic I've written so I wanted to get it out for this holiday season! Merry Christmas everyone!
You had known Ransom Drysdale for many years, since you both were in diapers. It was safe to say you two were good friends, despite Ransom being… Well, Ransom. You practically knew everything about him.
Since letting him move in with you after he was cut from Harlan’s inheritance, however, you discovered the biggest plot twist of all plot twists:
Hugh Ransom Drysdale loved Christmas.
Like, love loved.
As in, the man who gagged at those commercials of families getting together and being wholesome was also the person that put up the Christmas decorations at 12 am on November 1st.
You didn’t mind though, it was nice seeing him enjoy himself for a change; you had never seen him smile so much before, it was sweet. You almost told him he should smile more often but you didn’t want to run the risk of getting him all embarrassed so he’d stop.
Instead, you listened as he sang Christmas songs- his favorite was Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer, and he changed the lyrics so that Walt got run over- and helped him bake those little sugar cookies that had Christmas trees and snowmen on them.
You even put up with him whenever you just so happened to be standing underneath the mistletoe. He'd kissed your cheek and you’d kiss his, and when you'd pull back he'd be smirking.
One time when you both were drunkenly singing All I Want for Christmas is You, he pulled you over to the plant hanging from the ceiling and kissed you straight on the mouth. It was a chaste, puckered lips type of kiss and yet it still made your heart flutter from excitement. You both carried on as if nothing happened, never brought it up when you were sober.
You eventually decided the incident was merely drunken shenanigans and nothing more, although a part of you wanted to feel his plush lips against yours again.
When you asked him to join you at your family’s annual Christmas party, you weren’t surprised that he said yes. In fact, he seemed excited to go. He had told you that Harlan always threw these big holiday parties at his mansion, but they always ended in fights and Ransom running off to the nearest bar so he could drown his issues in the first woman he saw.
Not this year, though. This year you promised him it was going to be good. You had a small family, so really it was only going to be you, your mom, your dad, and your siblings. Maybe grandparents too if they could stop by.
“The only thing is,” you started, “I kinda need to lie and say we’re dating.” Ransom’s eyebrow quirked up, a shit eating grin on his face.
“Sweetheart, if you wanted to go out with me all you had to do was ask,” he quipped, causing you to scoff playfully and lightly shove his shoulder.
“No, it’s just that if my grandparents show up they’re going to bug me about how I’m ‘getting too old’ and I need to settle down. I'd rather not deal with it this year." Ransom dropped a heavy arm across your shoulder and squeezed in reassurance; you felt like a ragdoll compared to his strength.
"Don't worry, I'll help you out."
Christmas Eve came along, and you and Ransom drove to your parent’s house. He insisted on taking his Beamer, but of course he had to drive even though he didn’t know the directions. It was in the next town over in a nice gated community. You were the youngest of the family, so when you moved out to pursue your career they moved from one really big and fancy house to a different really big and fancy house.
The man at the gate let you in and Ransom drove by each neatly decorated house; some had only lights, some lawn decorations, a few had next to nothing. It was to be expected though, seeing that mostly elderly people lived in the neighborhood. You figured it was probably hard for them to decorate given their old ages.
When he got to the destination, you both got out of the warmth of the car and into the cold Boston air. Your parents- or perhaps someone they hired- made their house look like a fairytale; Hundreds of white lights covered every inch of the house, giant candy canes acted as a faux fence around the front lawn and two nutcrackers stood guard at the base of the porch. It looked even more magical with the light dusting of snow covering the ground.
“Wow, do they do this every year?” Ransom asked as he carefully climbed the stairs. He extended his hand to you, and when you didn’t take it he glanced over his shoulder. “C’mon, we're dating. Couples hold hands, sweetheart.” He smirked and you huffed a laugh, taking his gloved hand as he helped you up the stairs.
“Thank you. Yeah, they love decorating for the holidays. The inside is probably going to be even better.” After a knock to the door, you heard some busting from inside before your dad opened it with a big smile.
"Hey you two! Merry Christmas!" He hugged you and kissed your head before turning to Ransom. "How are you feeling being away from your family for Christmas?" Ransom shrugged, taking his sunglasses off.
"Honestly? Relieved. I don't have to deal with their bullshit. Thank you for letting me join you guys." Your family, parents in particular, loved Ransom. They found him charming and his comments on his family always made them laugh, because who could disagree? The Drysdales and the Thrombeys were horrible. Everyone that knew them would say that. Ransom had his moments, but since moving in with you he had improved a lot.
“Don’t mention it. Come on it,” your dad stepped aside and you and Ransom went into the house. Just as you expected, it was decorated beautifully. A giant Christmas tree stood in the corner next to the fireplace, said fireplace lit up and had stockings already hung up. There were dozens of presents underneath the tree, and sparkling multi-colored lights adorned the entire room.
“The turkey should be ready in an hour. You two get comfy.” Ransom went over to the fireplace and blinked in surprise.
“One of these has my name on it.”
“Well yeah. Seeing that we’re spending the night here, why wouldn’t they get you a stocking?” You stood beside him. Ransom’s was knitted with red yarn and on the white, fluffy cuff was embroidered “Hugh” in gold colored thread. They never liked calling him Ransom, your mom said the name “sounded too mean.” Yours was next to his, all white. The yarn had silver threads laced in it, and your name was embroidered in silver.
“Do they get stockings for anyone who comes over?” He didn’t mean to sound ungrateful, in fact he was the opposite of that. He just couldn’t believe someone would go through the trouble of doing that. As if you could sense that, you wrapped your arms around his torso from behind and hugged him.
“Face it, Ransom. We love you.” You grinned and he offered a small smile back.
“Finally admitting it, huh?” He turned around in your grasp. You felt your face heat up just a little as you shrugged nonchalantly.
“You know how I feel about you. You’re my best friend.” Ransom looked like he wanted to say something, but instead he kissed your forehead and sighed.
“You’re mine too.”
The party ended up going very well. Turns out pretending to be Ransom’s girlfriend wasn’t all that hard. You two pretty much acted normally, but there was extra hand holding, snuggling, and kissing. Lots more kissing. Whether it was on the cheek, forehead, even the back of your hand. He never kissed your lips, which in all honesty disappointed you. But you figured it was probably for the best, seeing that you were already so in your feelings about him.
Everyone in the family loved him, as usual. Your grandparents said they were happy you finally settled down with a nice boy. They even asked if you two would get married. You told them to quit it, but Ransom butted in.
“I can say with 100% certainty that I don’t see myself ever leaving her side.” Everyone at the table aww’d. You looked at Ransom, both confused but you also felt like your heart would burst from the sweetness of it. He winked and took another bite of turkey.
After dinner you all played games and watched a movie. It was tradition in your household to watch A Christmas Story every year on Christmas Eve. By bedtime, your parents told you that you and Ransom would be sharing the guest room.
Of course, there was only one bed.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you whined, laying down on the plush comforter beneath you. You had already changed into your pajamas, and Ransom was about to change into his.
“I’m not looking at you like anything.” He said, even though he was clearly smirking. You glared at him and he laughed.
“I’m sorry, I’m kidding. C’mon, this isn’t a big deal. We’ve fallen asleep on the couch together before.” He tried to reason with you.
“I know, but this is… Different.” You avoided his gaze and traced the stitching on a suddenly interesting throw blanket. Ransom sat on the bed in front of you and took your hand, making you look up at him.
“Do you want me to sleep on the ground?” He offered, but you shook your head.
“No, I don’t want you sleeping uncomfortably. You can sleep up here, but… No funny business.” You pointed a finger at him, and he nodded.
“You got it. No funny business.”
He went to the bathroom and changed into his pajamas, which was apparently sweatpants and no shirt. Lovely. You groaned and rolled over so you were facing away from him. You felt the bed shift as he laid down next to you.
“Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Ransom.”
Christmas morning, everyone gathered around the tree to open presents. You sat next to Ransom on the sofa, his arm resting on the cushions behind you. The position was all too familiar, and your face heated; see, when you had woken up, you found yourself snuggled up to Ransom. You were nuzzled in his side, his arm draped protectively around you. You had managed to wiggle out of his grip without him noticing.
Gifts were passed out, "thank yous" and hugs as well. You had gotten a lot this time around, and your family even got Ransom gifts as well. That made him tear up, and you teased him for being such a sap.
Your gifts to him were simple but you hoped it showed you cared. It was a few new sweaters- you knew he lived in them practically all year long- a cookbook so he finally had no excuse to help you in the kitchen, and a writing set.
You had found this beautiful leather-bound notebook and fountain pen set online and ordered it immediately. Ransom had been talking about wanting to get into writing, whether it was novels like his Grandad or something else. You also mentioned to him that journalling was a good way to get one's feelings out in a healthy and constructive way. He seemed keen about the idea.
"Y/N, thank you so much," he pulled you into a hug and kissed your head. "I love this. I'll write you little messages every day." He said it in a joking way, but the way his eyes lit up made you think differently.
He went over to the tree and brought back a candy cane striped gift bag, placing it in your lap.
"Open mine now."
You untied the string handles and took the multi-colored tissue paper out. Inside was a set of three glass self watering globes- the top was a sphere and it had a long stem extending from it that had a hole at the tip, which allowed water in and out; perfect for watering plants.
The best part? The globe part was decorated to look like a cat’s face. It even had little ears. You gasped and looked at Ransom, who was looking pretty proud of himself.
“These are so cute! I… Can’t believe you got me a genuinely nice gift?” He scoffed and looked offended, but you knew he was just teasing.
“Oh wow, thanks a lot. As if you don’t go around our house talking to your plants as if they were real-”
“They are real.”
“As if they could understand you,” he offered, to which you nodded and he continued. “Besides, ever since you made me take care of them-”
“I didn’t make you, you insisted on it. And it wasn’t all of them, it was one. And it was fake.”
“Would you stop interrupting me? Could you do that?” He poked your side, to which you squealed and wiggled away from him.
“Okay! Okay. Continue, please.” You raised your hands in surrender, making Ransom laugh.
“Thank you. As I was saying, I know this is a hobby you love and…" he shrugged as he trailed off. You grinned and hugged him.
"Thank you, it's amazing. Now, what else did you get me?" He chuckled and squeezed your shoulder affectionately.
"The rest is at our place. It's a surprise."
Once all the gifts were opened and breakfast (and about half the candy in your stocking) was eaten you all said your goodbyes and headed your separate ways. On the way home, you and Ransom stopped by a coffee shop. You got tea and he got hot chocolate.
As you got out of his Beamer you saw something sitting at the front door. As you got closer you noticed it was a little cactus that had reddish-pink flowers growing on it. The way the flowers were growing made it look like it had a flower crown on. Your mouth hung open and Ransom hummed.
“Looks like the delivery made it on time.”
“Oh my god! I love it,” you enthusiastically picked up the potted plant and held it in outstretched arms so you could admire it. Meanwhile, Ransom unlocked and opened the door, an eyebrow raised.
“Are you actually crying right now?”
“Shut up, it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” you stuck your tongue out at him, running to the living room to add your newest baby to the collection. He rolled his eyes lightheartedly as he sat down in his recliner.
“I’m glad you like it, sweetheart. I would have gotten you something more but seeing that I’m running out of money that wasn’t an option.” You scoffed and shook your head, ridding yourself of your jacket and mittens.
“Are you kidding? This was perfect. /You were perfect. Thank you for being so great at the party. It really means a lot.”
“You know I’d do anything for you, babe,” he spoke so softly you almost missed it. You turned to him and reminisced on the past month, all the fun you two had. It was the most fun you had ever had with Ransom, the most fun you had ever even seen him have. Growing up he pretty much avoided anyone and everyone during the holidays, which is why you assumed he hated it. Now you realized he just didn’t have anyone that he could actually celebrate with in a meaningful way.
Now you realized that you didn’t want him to feel that way ever again.
“What are you thinking about?” You heard him ask, voice low and face soft. You broke out of your trance before gesturing for him to stand up. With a groan he did.
“Follow me.” You led him to the fireplace and stopped directly in front of it. Ransom’s forehead was wrinkled in confusion before he followed your eye line to the mistletoe hanging above you. He chuckled gently.
“I thought I was supposed to be the one to drag you over to the mistletoe,” he put his hands on your shoulders, gently letting them run down your arms and settle at your hips.
“Do you remember a few weeks ago, when we were drunk and you kissed me?” You felt him squeeze your hips lightly before nodding.
“That rings a bell.”
Your hands ventured up his chest, feeling all the defined muscles underneath the maroon sweater he was wearing. One hand rested on his shoulder, the other the back of his neck.
“I kind of want to do it again.”
“To get drunk or to kiss?” Ransom spoke softly. He licked his lips as his eyes roamed over your face.
You answered him by pulling his face towards your own and finally letting your two lips meet once more.
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headkiss · 2 years
Hi hun hope you’re staying warm! I’m sorry this is a last minute holiday one! I was wondering you could write a Christmas Eddie x reader where the party all do secret Santa and Eddie ends up getting reader? They aren’t dating just crushing and Eddie is freaking out because he wants to get her something really special *cue Dustin’s help* and it ends on a sweet note. Thank you! ❤️
hi love!! i hope this is good <3 it’s my gift to u, merry christmas | 0.7k, fluff, fem!reader
Secret Santa was a great tradition amongst your friends, and when Eddie joined the group, you were all happy to have another name in the hat.
It’s the second Christmas with Eddie around and you can’t deny that the holidays feel better with him. Brighter. You also can’t deny how much you like him.
You’ve grown close, and he’s so much more than what you were expecting. The crush started out as just that, a crush, and grew and grew until it became something huge. A certain four letter word kind of huge.
Though you’re clueless to it, the same goes for Eddie. He’s convinced that he was in love the moment he met you. His world shifted, something clicked into place.
That’s why his stomach drops when he picks your name for secret Santa this year.
He likes you so much—loves you, even—and he knows he has to get something special. He cares more about whether or not you’ll like your gift than he ever has for anyone else and it’s stressful.
Naturally, he goes to Dustin for help.
“Listen, it has to be really good,” he says. “Like really, really good.”
“You’ve said that like ten times,” Dustin replies, his usual sass present as always.
“Because it’s true! Help me.”
“Doesn’t she like to read?”
“Yeah. Loves it.”
“Get her a book. Problem solved.”
“Wow, thank you so much, Henderson. A book. How special,” Eddie deadpans.
“Make it special, Eddie. You know, with your pizzazz.”
Make it special with your pizzazz. What the fuck is he supposed to do with that?
Days later, Eddie finally figures out a special present to do with books. He worries over and over that it’s stupid, that you’ll hate it, but it’s the best thing he’s come up with (thanks to Dustin, after all).
Secret Santa occurs on Christmas Eve, and that’s where you are now.
Eddie greeted you with a hug when he saw you, holding you tight longer than usual, trying not to obviously breathe you in. Your smell, your comfort. When you pulled back, he was almost stunned by how pretty he finds you.
It’s not a new thought. He notices constantly, but sometimes it just hits him. He blames the holidays for it this time. You’re wearing a Christmas sweater vest, a plain long sleeve beneath it, and jeans. It’s perfect on you.
“I like your outfit,” he says, when he really means that you’re the prettiest person in the entire world, he thinks.
“Thanks, I like yours too,” it’s the same as he always wears, but he knows you mean it.
He’s a mess when the gift exchanging starts, his leg bouncing. He wants you to like it so much. He hardly notices when it’s his turn to pass his present, lost in his head.
“Eddie?” You move to catch his gaze.
“It’s your turn.”
“Oh, sorry.” He grabs the present he spent way too long wrapping, hands it to you slowly, “Merry Christmas.”
When you take it from him, your fingers brush. Even after the contact, they’re left burning with the memory.
You unwrap it gently, like you’re trying to savor it. Eddie watches your face the entire time, eyes searching for any reaction. What he gets is a look, your mouth in the shape of an ‘O’ from surprise.
“You didn’t,” you say.
A chorus of ‘what is it’s sound from your friends. You’d almost forgotten they were there, too.
“It’s a first edition,” Eddie says.
A special book. Your favorite one, first edition, with a card tucked away in its pages for you to find later.
“Eddie, this is perfect.”
“You like it, then?”
“Are you kidding?!”
At his shy smile you can’t hold yourself back from springing up to hug him. He’s still sitting, unprepared, so you lean down and wrap your arms around his shoulders. His come around your back quickly.
You bury your face in his neck, press a kiss that’s so light Eddie’s not sure if he dreamt it, and mumble, “thank you.”
“You’re welcome, babe.”
With his arms around you, Eddie decides that he’s going to ask you out as soon as you’re alone. He can’t keep hiding his feelings when you’re the only person he’s ever felt them for. They practically seep out of him now.
Robin leans over to Steve, “how much you wanna bet they’re dating next time we see them?”
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reflectuions · 2 years
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CAUGHT ; sub!ajax petropolus & bestfriend!reader
summary: catching your bestfriend in the act on your bed, oh he looked so pretty begging for you. you finally got what you wanted.
warnings: this is pretty tame, ajax being sub, mentions of bodily fluids, afab reader, reader is so inlove w pleasing him and making him feel good!!!
a/n: not proofread!! if there’s any mistakes lmk plzzz also im so sorry i didn’t get to release this sooner! ive been busy since it’s the holidays (MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE & MERRY CHRISTMAS IF U CELEBRATE ^o^) also i have press ons so its hard for me to write at my usual pace but i promise i’ll be writing more!
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“didn’t expect you to be here. something up?” your gangly bestfriend stood in the frame of your dorm door. “no, no nothing’s wrong. xavier’s gone and i just came to hang out with you.. if that’s fine?”
“oh that’s fine ‘jaxy! m’ just about to shower though. you gonna stay?” your towel was wrapped against your body as you tried your best to make sure it wouldn’t accidentally fall. your tits were practically spilling out and it was even worse that the towel was a few inches too short.
the snake-haired boy nods quickly, swallowing- “yeah- i’ll just wait for you” god he thinks you don’t know. you watch his eyes scan down your body as he thinks you’re not looking. you’re fighting the smirk that pulls at your lips. you can sense how you make him feel, how your presence makes him nervous. it makes you feel excited, almost insatiable.
why couldn’t you take a fucking hint and see that he was suffering?
he was fed up with it, so fucking fed up. ever since he’s met you, couple months ago, he’d make up excuses to hang out with you, whether it be studying or wanting to get stoned, he’d find any reason to see you, be with you. anytime he was with you, you’d either be wearing the most tiniest skirts and shorts, thighs squeezing out the bottom and ass out, or your tits would be spilling out your top. he knew what these other guys thought and he didn’t like it. can’t you see he’s trying to be a good friend here?
of course you can. you’re just a fucking vixen who thinks it’s fun to tease him. he notices how you slightly grind against his thigh when you sit on his lap. he notices when you purposely wear the shortest skirts and shorts paired with the most sinful top when you both have “study sessions” together. he can’t help but jerk off to photos of you when you leave. it makes him dizzy just thinking about how pretty you are.
he’s only brought out of his own thoughts when he hears the sound of the shower starting. ajax’s mind began to race with thoughts of your body. his pretty cock had gotten erect and warmth took over his face. too much was taking over his head, poor baby.
ajax took out his aching cock and began to stroke it. he teased the slit of his tip, pretending as if you were the one who were doing it. his whines and whimpers were soft and quiet. he knew it wasn’t right to jerk off to his bestfriend knowing she’s in the shower and could come out any second but it felt so good, how could he not?
he breathes a quiet “fuck” into the empty room, strained and heartfelt and just for you. the snake-haired boy’s face was hot and flushed, eyebrows furrowed. his strokes had progressively gotten faster as he was getting close to cumming. little did he know, the shower had already stopped and you were standing there, waiting for your bestfriend to notice.
arousal pools between your legs as you watched for longer, hearing his soft voice speak of your name so shamelessly. you think it’s cute how stupid he must think you are. or maybe he doesn’t and he gets off on being known for being so pathetic. whatever it is, it makes you feel hot all over, like you’re doing something bad. ajax was too focused on his himself to even notice that the noise of the shower had stopped so you had decided to take matters into your own hands.
“look at you. pathetically calling out my name as you stroke your pretty cock,” his eyes shot open, humiliated that he was caught jerking off on his bestfriend’s bed. ajax stammered on his words, trying the best to explain himself as you walked towards him. how cute. “no need to explain ‘jaxy. i can help you if you need me that badly,” you giggled as you sat on his clothed lap, facing him. your arms were wrapped around his neck, towel barely holding together as if its life depended on it. “you looked so pretty with your eyes shut like that.”
ajax’s face had gotten even more hot and flushed if that were even possible. a small smile crept onto his face. “do you need help or not ‘jaxy?” he shamelessly nodded his head, eager to feel you on his cock.
you threw the towel, it landing someplace elsewhere in the dorm room. your tits were on display for your bestfriend. you smiled at how cute he looked. his pretty eyes had made contact with yours, you could’ve sworn you saw little hearts. his lips were then on yours, loving the feeling of your tongue dancing with his. your hands were wandering all over his chest, slowly moving closer to his cock. he would occasionally moan into the kiss the closer you got, sensitive as fuck. you needed some type of friction and began to grind against his thigh, beyond happy he still had his jeans on. as your hands were slowly stroking his cock, he needed more, craved for more. ajax began to buck his hips as his hands were sweetly caressing your cheek.
you pulled away, gasping for air. “you're so cute," you coo, running a hand through his hair. he's squirming underneath you, trying to bring his lips to yours once again, but instead your thumb presses against his parted lips. "poor baby, does ‘jaxy want a kiss?”
he nods desperately, groaning loudly as he pulls you closer. his hands are on your waist, hips wantonly bucking up into yours. he's pulling you closer, your tits pressed up against his chest, thoughts swimming as he begs pathetically for you. “think you deserve something a little more. what do you want me to do ‘jaxy?”
“just.. fuck me, ruin me, use me all you want. wanna be in you so bad, baby.. please?” you giggle, finding his neediness cute. you rise from his lap, taking his throbbing cock and adjusting it to align between your folds. you hiss in pain as you sink down on his cock. “y’know, you’re so pretty when you look like this,” you sighed softly, taking in the view that lay right in front of you.
ajax’s small groans and whines had gotten louder once you had started bouncing all over him. each upsurge of your ass down on his thighs feels more potent than the last. he senses his mind on the verge of collapse every time your cunt swallows his cock. “‘m gonna-“ you cut the snake-haired boy off by pressing your lips against his, picking up your pace to make him cum. “keep going, sucha good boy huh,” you coo. his hands were on your hips, helping you slam yourself onto his cock. he was digging his fingers in your flesh, bound to leave bruises.
“mhm.. ‘m yours. yours-” he attempts to speak but you make it so difficult to even breathe, let alone refuse the ectasy you’re giving him. being straightforward, he wouldn’t trade this for anything else in the world. you feel absolutely seraphic on his pretty cock, so tight, and squeezing him for all he’s worth but it’s almost too much for poor ajax.
he slams you down on his cock one last time before painting your walls white, groaning and panting. “you did so good baby,” you cupped his face, kissing him everywhere.
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kissablening · 6 months
LNGC ★ 05
previous ⋆ next
a/n: dont take ts serious, its just for laughs nd giggles💕 MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE BTW😍😍
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a/n: lmfao yn dismissing her OWN FANS for yunjin is crazy ngl (i would too)
also im almost at 100?!? IM SO HAPPY AHH
TAGLIST ⋆ @eun-luv @kyujism @manooffline @petruchiosstuff @aeriniee @badasgirlfriend @multiliker @thefckghost
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be-my-ally · 6 months
Snowballs and Kisses
Hello darlings!! Merry Christmas! I hope everyone celebrating has a wonderful day, and everyone for whom it is a usual monday has a better than usual start to the week!! 
I have been MIA the last few weeks on here, but never fear I have been busy behind the scenes and hopefully more things and fics will be finished very soon!! I cannot wait for my little new year break, and *finally* catching up on all the stuff I've missed!! In the meantime as a ittle teeny tiny Christmas gift please enjoy this timeskip for my Splashing Around ‘verse to Christmas Eve 1960 and my shameless OC self insert of what I’d like to gift Elvis. 
a/n not totally accurate weather references: it didn’t actually snow in memphis in the latter half of 1959 but, this is fanfiction after all and it *was* very cold november 18th 1959. (I also cut a whole 4k of angst that will come out at some point as a separate chapter, Anita getting a poodle, and the colonel dressed as santa because honestly i just wanted to write and read fluff, but here's a warning that there may end up being more festive fics posted…a little late). 
warnings: 18+, smut lite; gentle fingering and references to cumming in pants. UNEDITED
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Graceland - December 1960 
The excitement of having Elvis back at home for the festive season was only slightly tempered by the knowledge that it was his first Christmas at home without his mother. He’d not really tried to celebrate properly in Germany; sure they’d done the best they could, and he raved about the gift of a fully dressed tree for weeks,  but it hadn’t been the same as it would have been at home. 
This year though, Elvis seemed determined to restore the festive spirit. Perhaps even further than just restoration - an attempt to make it as bright and jolly as possible in response to both his mother’s passing, and missing the last two. He’d bragged to anyone who would listen about how excited he was to give out presents, his plans for even more lights than ever before; signs and lawn decorations.
While Louise was excited, it had left her in an almost constant state of anxiety, Christmas wasn’t just about the gift-giving… but it was a large enough part of it that it’s where her mind immediately went. From the moment he suggested they hang at Graceland that first year, from the first time they’d all pored over the letter to Frances, and his promises to “have a ball next Christmas”, giggling and whispering about what fun they were going to have the following year. From all of those times Louise had been preoccupied with what to get him and whether her secret plan was good enough for Elvis of all people. 
That first year he had reiterated to them all and was absolutely adamant no-one needed to gift him anything and wouldn’t hear of anything being sent over to him. But his frequent calls and mentions of the upcoming holiday belied his actual feelings and besides, Louise wanted him to feel special. Wanted him to know they’d been thinking of him as much as he must have missed being home. It wasn’t until the 27th of November and the slightest of snowfalls had occurred, tiny little snowflakes, delicately falling down when the temperature had dropped just enough for the rain to crystallise when a flash of inspiration hit her. She couldn’t send it, so instead she’d waited patiently, adding to her bundle throughout the months. Now that it was almost time to give it though she was second-guessing that two year decision. Was it too juvenile? It’s just so tricky to buy for the man who literally has anything he could ever wish for. As the festive period hurtles on she resigns herself to having to hunt for a back-up gift…maybe a nice sweater. Maybe that will do.  Or maybe it’s best to have options. 
Elvis’ melancholia about the holiday doesn’t seem to stretch into Christmas Eve, and he encourages them with all the enthusiasm he’s ever had. The party starts from mid-afternoon and stretches long into the evening and night with all the makings of an excellent time from the music to the food until eventually they all find themselves around the extravagant tree to exchange presents. It’s a little chaotic, so many people about and frequently someone’s having to dive from room to room to fetch people or hidden gifts. Louise finds it almost dizzying when she finally manages to take a seat on the long sofa, catching her breath from being sent to find someone. She was already finding herself struggling to think whenever she glanced over at Elvis - he looked outrageously good in a white shirt, black trousers - well, he looked outrageously good all the time at the moment - but there was something about the feeling in the air of the day that made it all the harder to act natural around him. Elvis had been quiet for a moment, but now he was sat on his armchair across the room, looking for all the world like a king on a throne ready to bestow his generosity on the peasants. Except, that’s not the feeling in the room at all; it’s jolly and wonderful, picture perfect - all of them slightly tipsy on champagne and vodka cocktails and finding the evening all the more entertaining for it. He announces he wants to give the presents that he’s bought everyone before he opens his own, and Louise dips her eyes when he hands her a little bow-tied box. No-one else’s comes with a ribbon and she strokes it, feeling a glow emanating from her stomach and chest as she imagines his nimble fingers tying it on, totally ignoring the fact that she knows someone else probably wrapped it for him. Still, she tugs it off to hide from the others - not wanting to be teased about how such a little gesture has made her blush so strongly - and tucks it into her palm, fully intending on slipping it into her shoe or around her wrist in a moment, knowing she’ll keep it forever - wear it in her hair like a declaration.
When she looks back up everyone has a similar box and she opens it quickly in case they’re all the same - she doesn’t want to ruin her surprise. There, nestled in a little velvet box is a ring, a huge, gaudy red stone in the centre, almost too big for her finger.  Louise is transfixed, staring at it, barely a thought in her head as she tries to wrap her head around the way it sparkles in the light. Despite the size of the gem, the band was more than a little small when she tries to slip it on, and she quietly puts it back into the box, not wanting to draw attention to her apparently larger than expected fingers. She glances around, suddenly coming out of her shocked obliviousness. Her face falling when she realises that everyone around her is unboxing similarly precious jewellery. She’s resigning herself to having to sneak it off to get it resized and hating herself a little for it, wondering if there are exercises she could do or maybe a special diet to shrink her fingers to size, when she suddenly realises all the other girls are turning each-other around, kissing Elvis on the cheek in thanks, or asking him to clasp their new necklaces. Louise looks back down at her box and the others. What does a ring mean? It’s been gifted with such casualness that it can’t possibly mean anything can it? When she looks back up Elvis is staring right at her, and she makes eye contact with him - her wide eyes meeting his laughing ones. He winks, and turns back to Red. She tries her best to distract herself from it, ooh and aahing over everyone else’s and keeping quiet about the little box clutched tight in her hand. 
Half hour later Elvis is admiring his own little haul, when he catches her eye again, 
“You forget about me Lou?” Louise cringes at being called out so publicly, 
“Of course not!” She looks around the room, at the large group gathered there, “No, uh, why don’t you, well I’ve gotten you something else….It’s a sweater. It’s not great really, but I… your real gift I’ve made you, but,” She swallows building her courage, unsure why she’s so nervous suddenly when she’d been so excited for so long; the whole idea just seemed juvenile and silly now. “… you’ve gotta follow me for it.” He stares into her eyes for a second, before nodding and standing up, gesturing at her as if to say ‘lead the way’. 
He grins at the boys when they walk out, making a salacious movement as if to suggest her gift may not be all too family-friendly to accompanying guffaws of laughter. She ignores it, even as her tummy churns; should she be offering that? Is that what he wants these days?
“Don’t laugh.” She asks nervously as they walk into the little pantry. Elvis looks bemused to find himself there, leaning against the wall of the tiny space 
“I won’t” Louise nods, shutting the door, only to hear Elvis giggle, “You tryin’ to get me alone, doll?” 
“You said you wouldn’t laugh!”
“One hell of a christmas present! to be locked in a cupboard with a pretty little gal.” 
She rolls her eyes, wiggling past him to get to the freezer, 
“Close your eyes.” He obediently does so, and she reaches into an old box of ice-cream to pull out a Tupperware, “Hold your hands out.” And she puts it in his cupped fingers, “Ok…open.” He blinks down at the Tupperware.
“Um. Well, thanks, I’m uh, sure this will be useful.” Louise rolls her eyes, impatiently tugging off the lid herself, “Oh.” Elvis goes silent, staring at the three perfect, teeny snowballs balanced in the tub. Each resting upon a little piece of paper with Louise’s very best cursive handwriting spelling out the date; December 12th 1958, 18th November 1959, and 20th December 1960.  
The silence stretches as Elvis stares at the box, and Louise starts to ramble nervously,  “I was starting to panic this year, but at least I’d thought to pick some up back in January — it snowed so heavy on the 5th.  I think it was, or maybe the 15th? I’ll have to check my diary… so I mean it isn’t entirely accurate that it’s all from the 20th - but I mean, I had to have something and well I know how much you loved it when, when your mother… and I wanted you to know I’ve been thinkin’ of you non-stop while you were away. So, here, the first snow from the garden from every year you missed.” Elvis is still staring at the box, one finger poking each little round ball. 
“This really snow from two years ago?” 
“Uh-huh… I mean I don’t know what you’re gonna do with it now, but it really is… been in that box in the freezer this whole time…I hid it from everyone. Every time someone said they wanted some ice cream I panicked.”  
“‘M sorry this is really stupid, god - what are you gonna do with some snowballs, I should’ve gone in with the other girls, got you something really good… I just - well, I thought you’d like it and I know you misse-”
“Baby, I don’t, I don’t know what to say. I… I didn’t think anyone would think of me like this, like mama did, ever again. I - well, thank you, Lou darling, this is, well, its the best damn gift I’ve ever gotten.” He grabs her arm, tugging her to him - pressing a hard kiss to her forehead, the force of it surprising her.  “I’m gonna show everyone - c’mon - quick before they melt.” He runs out of the kitchen, leaving Louise to follow meekly behind. 
He shows them off like he’s a new father, proudly holding them up in the box, delicately picking one of them up and sighing at it, holding it up at the light for everyone to marvel at. It’s a little ridiculous in some ways - everyone in the room had been gifted something hugely lavish, and yet the thing  everyone was talking and gossiping at was a snowball. 
Hours later the party finally winds down enough that Louise realises she’s one of the last few stragglers of a night so late it’s turned into Christmas morning. How she’d ended up in this position she’ll never know, and she questions it herself as she stands quietly in the doorway, watching Elvis fumble on the piano. Just his fiddling is beautiful, little snippets of remembered carols, before he hammers onto the keys, singing along to Santa Claus is Back in Town. Louise can’t help the breathy gasp that escapes her and he looks up at her, smiling almost teasingly, perfect glint in his eye as he pauses for a second to run a hand through his hair before he continues for another verse and a half. He stops almost abruptly, standing up to stretch before turning to her. She’s trying to find the words to explain how beautiful it was, how perfect he sounds - how she can feel it throughout her whole being, but before she can express those sentiments he’s in front of her and grasping her hand. 
“C’mon,” He tugs her over to the armchair he’d been sat in earlier in the evening, “Over here hon, that’s it - you’re the last.” Elvis throws himself onto the chair, holding onto her, pulling her stumbling body against his. “You’re the last of my girls left…” He sighs melodramatically and Louise giggles uncontrollably back at him. She’d had an illicit two glasses and a half of champagne earlier in the evening; Elvis had playfully wagged his finger at her as she’d accepted it from Red although she’d seen him have more than a few drinks himself. She can feel the bubbles still settling into her tummy and head, fuzzing her thoughts a little and making her giggly and affectionate. Still, she wasn’t so tipsy she couldn’t call out his overdramatic behaviour. 
“They’ve just gone home for the night. They’ll be back tomorrow I’m sure.”  She shakes her head. He ignores her, crying out, 
“I’m all alone!” He tugs her by her elbow, catching her as she stumbles into his lap, pulling her onto him, flattening her wide skirt. It wasn’t really the fashion anymore but while she’d been momentarily hesitant about her holiday dress she wasn’t self-conscious, and she liked how it made her shape look. Some might suggest the bow and petticoats were juvenile, but it made her feel more adult than the tighter styles that were starting to become popular with her peers, more herself than playing dress-up. 
She snuggles under his arm, head pillowed on his chest, cheeks pressed against the little buttons of his shirt. He pretends to choke at her hair brushing his nose, using his free hand to flatten it under his chin and she grins, shivering against him as his breath tickles her skin. They stay cuddled for a few moments, sinking into the kind of happy exhaustion that seems to only occur on holidays. It feels different than before, although Elvis is more similarly carefree than she’d seen him in a long time. He’d grown up a lot over the years she hadn’t seen him, or so it felt, and his adultness didn’t match the image of him playing and fooling around that she had in her head. It’s an awful feeling, she thinks, that even with him right there, surrounding her, she still longs for a little more of the playfulness of the past.
Suddenly though Elvis shifts, interrupting her thoughts and murmuring against the top of her head, 
“Y’hear that?” Louise stops breathing, and all she can hear is the solid thump-thump of his heart against her ear, he waits a second but she can’t work out what he’s referring to and doesn’t respond, he gasps “There it is again! Do you hear it?” 
Louise shakes her head against him, frowning a little, “No?” She tries really hard to listen out, but other than the faintest hint of the music from the boys in the other room she can’t hear a thing. “The music?”  
“No! No, listen.” He puts his finger to his lips, shushing her,
“I really don’t hear anything Elvis.” He wraps his arm around her waist a little tighter, tugging her up so she was sat more upright on his knee, her face close to his. He whispers into her ear, 
“I think I hear hooves…” Louise frowns, 
“Hooves!?” God, it would be just her luck that he’d gone and bought her a horse or something, and she’d have to act grateful even though she was terrified of them.  
“Mmhmm, that’s right.” His hand rises up to brush across her back gently, fingertips dancing around her side, “Hooves. Hooves and bells.” He pauses for dramatic effect, jabbing his finger into her side in a tickling poke. His voice dips lower, as his arm squeezes around her, “Someone must have been a good girl this year.” 
Louise grins when she realises what he’s implying and couldn’t bring herself not to play along. 
“…You think it’s Santa Claus?!” 
“Hmm, definitely…who else would it be, on the roof with hooves and bells on Christmas eve?” She giggles, both in response to his kind-natured teasing and his fingers poking her side with an exaggerated motion.
“Oh, I wonder what he’ll leave in my stocking…” Elvis hums against her hair, 
“Mmm. Coal.” 
“Nooo!” She giggles back to him, “You just said I’ve been a good girl!”
“You’ve been a very good little girl.” His voice has hit that low pitch that immediately sends a jolt down her spine, right into the pit of her stomach and she swallows, trying to keep up with the joke. 
“Well, I’m, uh, I’m sure I’ll like whatever it is.” 
“Mmhmm….” His hand brushes up her leg, “Bet ya I’ll like what’s in your stockings more…” 
“Elvis!” She shrieks, playfully batting his hand away, he pulls it off of her, smoothing down her skirt, and resting it onto her lap for a moment. Louise feels her breath catching as he presses a kiss to the side of her head, brushing her hair out of the way and shifting her on his thigh so that she’s facing him. It’s almost a struggle for her to meet his eyes, she felt so desperate for his attention - but there was nowhere else to look that made her feel any less heated. His hair, god even his eyebrows were Elvis-enough to make her squirm. It’s only a second of him kissing her jaw, before she’s gasping for him, and before she knows what she’s doing she’s grabbing his hand and shoving it back on her thigh. 
She’d kept herself for him, even as it felt that she’d been playing before, doing it for someone who would never notice or care - ostensibly in general, but really if she was truthful - for him. She’d touched herself, hadn’t been able to resist the temptation, especially after his deep voice came through the phone - but the other boys, the boys in school, the ones with blue collar jobs and careers, had all lost their appeal whenever she imagined kissing them, and her imagination interposed the image and feeling of him, his slippery body in the pool, the feel of him in front of her on the bike. He was thinner now, even still, than he was before, puppy fat replaced with lean muscles. His face shape changed just the tiniest bit, perhaps unnoticeable to some, but so very obvious to her, cheekbones and chin more angular than before. But his lips feel the same as they did before he left, and since his return home - she’d expected they’d have lost their eager nature, but still she can feel the hint of desperation as he presses them against her jaw.
She gasps, rocking against him as he roves down her neck - a place no one else has ever touched, tiny points of pressure feeling like a heat was expanding across her neck and chest, matching the clench of her thighs. His hand gently strokes up her stockings before he hitches her up, capturing his mouth with hers and shoving her underlayers up to her waist in the abrupt movement. Louise moves with him, desperate to stay in contact with his lips and she moans in upset when he starts to pull away. 
“C’mon baby,” He whispers, “C’mon, Lou-Lou let me - let me say thank you,” He’s barely audible as he speaks against her lips between pressing bruising kisses onto them, “I just - wanna, wanna make you feel good, Lou doll.” She gasps out her agreement, eyes falling closed and her head falling into his shoulder as his fingers find their way to rub against the silk of her underwear. He shifts her again, balancing her so she can rock against his thigh and his hand, whilst also rubbing her leg against his covered crotch. Louise is almost surprised at the heat of him against her thigh, but her curiosity has no chance to be satisfied when he hooks a finger under the leg band of her panties, totally distracting her from anything but the feel of him under her and attempting to stay somewhat upright. His finger feels softer than she’d imagined, and yet, in comparison to her own the pads feel foreign, rougher and surer than hers ever were sliding into the wetness they find there.
“God, you’re so soft baby, so fucking soft in here, perfect for me, you been waiting on me, honey?” 
“Uh-huh, waited, waited so long for you Elvis - didn’t, I didn’t want anyone but you.” He groans in response, his fingers moving faster. Until he’s forced to stop, tangled in the fabric and he growls in frustration. Louise feels it go straight down her body, and her thighs clench, trapping his hand even more. He pauses for barely a second to manhandle her up, just enough to roughly tug her panties down enough that it’s now entirely her bare skin rubbing against his hand and clothed thigh, the fibres of his trousers almost giving her a friction burn with her rapid movements. He continues as he was a second earlier, but now with far easier access he’s able to swipe his fingers across her clit, taking her to the edge almost immediately. She has no idea if this was something he’s always done well, or if this is a trick he’d picked up while he was away, but whatever the reason she was grateful. She doesn’t even consider how they were still, essentially, in public, too distracted by his slender fingers to be concerned about her now partial nudity. The only noise to break up their combined breathy moans is the layers of of taffeta rustling between them, as she continues to rock against his thigh, but this all changes when he delves his thumb into her wetness, bringing it back up to stroke circles on her clit, gently but repeatedly running it over her. 
“Oh, Elvis?” She cries out,  
“What baby? You’re so - I can feel you’re close,” His own breathing is getting heavier, and he holds her steady with his other hand grasping her thigh while his thumb continues to stroke her, 
“I don’t - I don’t…” She doesn’t even know what she’s trying to say, and before she manages to turn it into a complete sentence she’s shaking on him as she rides out her orgasm. He sees her through it, continuing to stroke her with the same pressure before rapidly shoving his hand down his own pants, roughly rubbing himself off to quick completion. She watches him closely, unable to do anything but stare as his own eyes slide closed, head falling back against the couch and mouth opening as he gasps out a high-pitched moan. It was about enough to make her shudder again against his thigh, the look on his face, his mussed hair, open collar and the noises of sheer pleasure. Louise finds herself bouncing on his chest as he breathes rapidly from the effort, and he holds her tight for a few moments while they both regain use of their limbs. Louise feels almost a little shell-shocked and she only really comes to her senses when Elvis shifts, wiping his hand on his trousers with a grimace and patting her thigh, 
“Gosh that was, I, um, thank you El,” He grins at her, clearly pleased with his success, and he pats her leg again, 
“Thank you, honey, for just about the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me earlier baby, it was just - I’m gonna treasure them snowballs forever, you’ll see.” She grins back at him before an unstoppable yawn takes over her face, “C’mon lil girl, time for bed.” She gulps, thinking about all the people on the house - worrying what will happen next, 
“D’you…where am I gonna sleep?” Elvis frowns, little furrowed line marring his previously relaxed face, 
“With me?” 
“Oh,” Louise swallows, “Um, I think my parents will be expecting me - you know, Christmas morning’s all about -“ 
“Don’t worry honey, I’ll drop you home at the crack of dawn,” He winks, “-gotta make sure the house is all in order in any case anyway.” Elvis pauses, “Or, or you could invite your mama and pops over. They’d be more than welcome…nothing my mama liked more than a full house - especially at Christmas.” He’s looking at her with that earnest little boy expression again and it takes everything in her not to just suggest she should stay forever, it was so absurd that he’d want her to stay, instead of the other way around. 
“Well…maybe I could stay. And, well, I mean, I could come over in the evening? If you swear you’ll make sure I get home in time -“ He’s quick to interject, 
“Cross my heart darling,” She hums at him, and he motions the crossing of his heart across his chest, solemnly holding eye contact, “I swear.”
“Ok then, I’d love to stay.” 
Somehow, and (despite his promises) to Louise’s surprise, she’s dutifully shaken awake and dropped off home, albeit not by Elvis himself, only a few very short hours later. Coming up the driveway of her childhood home it feels almost inconceivable that she should have spent the day and night how she has, and she wonders for a brief moment if she hadn’t knocked her head or something and just hallucinated the whole affair. She’s so in her thoughts that she doesn’t yet notice, as she traipses past the lounge and kitchen where she can hear her mother singing to quickly change, a new set of boxes under the Christmas tree. Elvis’ script on the gift tags declaring “To Louise, a very good girl, from Santa.” 
taglist: (it's been so long that I've lost the list for this verse - lmk if you want to be added, or taken off!)
@lialocklear @ellie-24 @vintageshanny @thatbanditquee @lookingforrainbows @whositmcwhatsit @from-memphis-with-love @missmaywemeetagain @peskybedtime @powerofelvis @dkayfixates @shakerattlescroll
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