#also amy is so funny to make in any game its so funny
akarisandraws · 8 months
What's your big opinion on every Sonic character don't skip any detail
Dude, do you know how many sonic characters are there?
Like a lot. So im gonna keep it on the main ones LOLL
Maybe i'll add to this tho. We'll see.
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Sonic: He's my favourite character of all times! Such a funky fella. I love his way of thinking, (as in everyone deserves second chances and freedom is important) and of acting, with the whole attitude. He gives me a sense of freedom that i haven't felt from any other media at all! Its quite impressive honestly. I could write pages upon pages on how Sonic as a character is like the peak of literature in my eyes, but this post would get way too long. In summary tho, i like almost every aspect of Sonic the Character.
Tails: The baby! I also really love tails! I think his role as a sideckick is very endearing, and is a great balance to sonic in all possible ways. One problem with modern Tails, though. He's portrayed as a coward. And like??? That's not who he is?? Like C'mon sega.
Knuckles: He don't chuckle!! Final part of team Sonic, and Sonic's first rival! I really like the knucklehead. But as is the norm, Sega screwed him up badly on Boom. I despise that they're supposed to be the same Knuckles. Because they're not. I like Boom Knuckles, as his own character, but granted, Boom is an acquired taste.
Amy: Honorary part of team sonic! I love her! Mostly on the IDW Comics. I think they handle her excellently in there. I know that Amy is a hated character by the fanbase because most say that her only purpose is to be the "girl character love interest" and i can agree up to some point in some games, but in IDW she's sooo much better. We stan IDW Sonic.
Shadow: Yet another case of Sega making character assassination. Shadow's like, one of the most complex sonic characters there are, If not THE most complex one. And i love that! Though im very sad that Sega hasn't been able to replicate that SA2 Magic quite as well. Will SonicXShadow (heh) give him justice? Stay tuned.
Rouge: MY GIRL!! Ok so controversial opinion, Rouge's my second favourite sonic character, just because i think its hilarious that she (once) was the leader of team Dark. So She commanded a killing machine and An alien experiment. What a girlboss! 10/10 Character.
Omega: Gotta be honest, not much of an omega fan. But i really like his dynamic w/Rouge and Shadow. It's pretty sweet that they become friens :)
Cream: The other baby! I think she's the sweetest character. Like fr. I really want to see her more often on the games! Though i get why in recent games she hasn't appeared. Suddenly the adventures got way too serious. Still want her back in the games though!
Blaze: Fire princess! I fr am so salty that she isn't as much in the games. Like, what gives? She's such a successful character (With good reason btw) and you arent like, putting her in the stage?? outrageous. But yeah, i really Like Blaze. Her contrast and similarities with sonic are great! They make a great duo too.
Silver: The sweetest most unhinged boi in the sonic canon. I find it very funny that in his first appearance he was all angsty and stuff, but now he's full on optimism and sunshine. I love the juxtaposition on that behalf. Boi is cute but he can mess you up.
The Chaotix: Oh i love the found family trope. Espio's my fave for sure. He's the funny ninja, what else do you want? Though Vector and Charmy are great too. Vector has such a cool ass dad vibe. And Charmy... is Charmy. if yk yk.
AAAAND I think i'll leave it there. Should i include someone else? lmk.
Thanks for the ask!
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kozumesphone · 4 months
also, second one (cause i couldnt resist)
if u seek amy! i think thatll be fun
my hobby is reading and playing the guitar!
i think i read like fifty books last year..
my fav books are pjo tlt (its nostalgic ok!!) and the hunger games series
i like to play mostly taylor swift and gracie abrams songs on the guitar!
i basically steal my sisters guitar whenever i want to play cause i dont have my own lol (im better than her)
my favorite taylor swift song is youre on your own kid
my favorite gracie abrams song is feels like
my favorite color is yellow (pretty obvious i think) it reminds me of sunshine and just overall happy things yk?
my favorite season is spring! the flowers start blooming and theyre so pretty (downside are the bugs)
i have a lot of favorite shows: stranger things, brooklyn 99, the good place, modern family
my favorite subject is chemistry! i love learning about the world around me and its properties etcetc
some random stuff about my personality: i get distracted so easily its a nightmare to study, i am an emotional wreck i cry easily, definitely a night owl, hufflepuff, daughter of poseidon
i dont mind if u pick someone from a book i dont recognise, that will just give me incentive to read it!!!
oh forgot to mention im a straight girl
love uuuu and congrats again!!!
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
⟢ “I love you, okay, darling!”
a/n: okay but the way the ship name is corason? which sounds so close to corazon? which means like ‘my dear’ in italian, I think?? MADE FOR EACH OTHER MUCH 🤭💓
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I think you’d best match with jason grace!
I mean, daughter of poseidon x son of jupiter? hello?? PERFECTION!!
jason would learn to play the piano while you play the guitar, so you guys could play music together
he LOVES laying on your stomach while you read on your bed and run your fingers through his hair
^ sometimes, he even falls asleep like that, and you both slowly shift into cuddling
he definitely hypes you up to finish your goodreads reading goal, if not exceed it (what can I say? he’s jason grace)
he definitely went to the ballad of songbirds and snakes movie with you (supportive bfs even when they have no idea what you read/watch >>)
he once asked you why you love yoyok by taylor, and straight up bawled while you explained to him what the song meant
he’s a very sunshine-y person, just like you, so when you guys are together, leo pretends to faint and says “too much sun! i’m getting sunstroke! help!!” and he thinks he’s really funny (i’d laugh, ngl <3)
come springtime, he lets you put all the flowers you collect over the summer into his hair
^ he also does the rapunzel braid on your hair and puts in matching flowers in it
(he drives away the bugs for you, dw!)
in an au, he’d never have heard of any tv shows, but after hearing you yap to him about them, he watches them ALL and makes notes about them too (about what? only he knows.)
okay, here we’re going off the rails so badly, but it’s a very ooc and personal hc of mine: jason sucks ASS at geography and chemistry. he will literally breakdown at the very thought of them.
he gets you to help him out with the chemistry part, and he teaches you math (if you’re not good at it already)!
he makes sure you don’t let yourself get burnt out while studying, and also makes sure you don’t get distracted and procrastinate
he comforts you at any time of the day: you say it, he’ll be over asap to give you free cuddles with your favourite chocolates & drinks
sometimes, he doesn’t even need you to tell him. he’ll just. know. when you’re feeling off. and his jacie senses tingle, and he calls you up and goes, “is it cuddletime?” and then drives over
while you’re a night owl, he’s an early bird (he must teach me his way, tho, because h o w)
^ you stay up till 2-3 am reading/studying and wake up by 9 or 10 am, while he sleeps by 10 pm and wakes up by 5 am to the dot
so you guys leave each other sticky notes before going to bed for the other one to see when they wake up
you guys 100% go on bookstore dates (he buys you everything you can carry on your own), library/study dates (especially while grinding during finals szn), museum dates (to mock the statues), beach dates (so he can get mesmerised while watching you do silly little tricks with the water and talk to the fishies), etc.
his love language is 101% physical touch & acts of service <3
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temp. taglist — @nuncscioquidsitamor-14 @mqstermindswift @puffoz @skeelly @urmomabby
@sunnitheapollokid @jgracie @canonfeminine @cinemaconrad @roses4plvto
@urbanflorals @aezuria @thetunnelunderoceanboulevard @cherigall @percabethluvr
@pjoverseluvr @maybxlle @mershellscape @riordanness @starlitszn
@metyouattherighttime @a-beautiful-fool @sequinsnstars @ssparksflyy @fayvpor
@iheartgirlzn @nomournersnofunerals @over-the-ocean-call @seaglass-and-string @cer3lia
@lara20aral @bloophasarrived @xoxochb @auroraofthesun1 @sophiesonlinediary
@solangelotus @brodieland @s1utlvr @imasimpdealwithit @waitingonher
@nqds @skyrigel @daydream-of-a-wallflower @hermidastouch @catastrxblues
@moon-drop18 @d4rkdi0rrr @hopelesslyromantic-shark @saltwatergirl6 @hope92100
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event masterlist
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skaruresonic · 1 month
Being a Cream fan is suffering. The writers aren't hiding that they don't like her. Hello Advanced 2 anyone???
I can imagine.
She's milked for both humor and angst. In most cases, the fact that it's Cream specifically who is suffering/the butt of the joke is the intended takeaway behind the humor or angst.
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People try to rationalize such moments as "she's just a child," forgetting that Cream is also her own person and has a personality beyond the expected behavior of children her age. Shunting her into the box of Child(tm) and leaving it at that is like reducing Amy to Girl(tm). Or Shadow to his Black Arms blood. You're not wrong to say those elements factor in, per se, but you are being overreductive by focusing only on those isolated elements of their characters when they're not overall terribly important.
Apologies for the self-indulgence here, but before we proceed to talk about IDW 66 and 67's B-side story, I'd like to bring up Cream's chapter in my visual novel as a counterexample:
In a nutshell: OaS is a slice-of-life where Sonic goes about a normal Sunday, visiting his friends and helping them through their problems, alongside some funny shenanigans. He spends about half the game spending time with Knuckles, Amy, and Cream, respectively.
Chapter three sees his relationship with Cream evolve from friends to Big Bro-Lil Sis(tm) as he endeavors to look out for her the best he can and listen to her little kid problems. Math is hard. :<
You'll notice in the conversation Sonic and Cream have after they sit down to eat their carnival food - about halfway through the video - that "lol Cream's just a dumb kid" is the exact attitude I was trying to avoid.
On the contrary: I wanted to respect her agency while also emphasizing that her status as a child is something worth respect on its own. Just because her problems may seem trivial from an adult perspective don't mean they aren't real to her, and I hope I've portrayed it so that Sonic gives her the respect she deserves.
The gist behind the chapter's more humorous moments isn't to point and laugh at Cream, but rather make light of the awkwardness of Sonic navigating being a big brother figure.
That's why stuff like Cream spouting waterfalls really rubs me the wrong way. Folks will argue "she's a child" while neglecting the important nuance that it's not typical of Cream to wail like a toddler in the games... As well as the other important nuance that if it had been Games!Cream in IDW!Cream's place, Rough and Tumble would be ground into paste before the roast finished.
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The only punchline here is "Isn't it funny how Cream tried so hard to do right by her mother and some bully destroyed her work in an instant? LOL and then Vanilla went mama bear on them." When you drill down to the core of the underlying idea, you'll find it's just... meanspirited. The book is making fun of the fact that Cream is suffering what is, in her eyes, a humiliating failure.
It's not humor generated by Cream's personality, or the mood whiplash incurred by beating up bad guys one moment and tending to the roast the next, or inviting the bad guys to dinner after giving them a thorough ass-whooping, or anything like that.
How much better would it have been if, instead, following the food fight, we cut to Vanilla returning home to find an immaculate dinner table and two very twitchy skunk boys playing maid in fear of the goddess of destruction's wrath? Cream cheerily greets her mother while Rough and Tumble trip over themselves putting Vanilla's groceries away. Meanwhile Cheese and Chocola give them the evil eye. Vanilla is confused as G-merl pulls out her chair for her, but in no position to protest.
Imagine how amusing that could have been! Nope. The book has to point and laugh at Cream in a "ha ha bitch you thought" kind of way. Can't join in on the laugh track if we have any love for Cream ourselves.
To borrow the stans' logic, it's actually pretty fucked-up that you're meant to laugh at a child for crying in such a situation. At best, you're made to feel sorry for her, but given how the scene is framed to be absurd, it's probably a safer bet to say you're intended to laugh.
That's before we remember Cream doesn't sob buckets in the games. It took being kidnapped, taken to Eggman's creepy robot depot and watching Emerl gleefully tear Phi robots apart for her to sniffle quietly.
Sniffle. Not wail like a toddler. Because the games have this thing called "a sense of decorum," you see. xP
People contend that Cream's a pacifist based on her refusal to engage in Battle until Emerl gets hurt (and then they conveniently ignore how she stepped up and kicked some ass; rip), which overlooks the context that she was probably sick of fighting after having been forced to spar against Emerl and Amy to the point of exhaustion.
P.S. IDW!Vanilla wishes she was half as scary as OaS!Vanilla. Yeah, I said it xP
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niko-jpeg · 4 months
NIKO!!! HAI!!!!
Got any fun facts about Camp Green Hill (or any other AU's you might have) you'd like to share with the class?
Also stay safe! It's getting hot!! Drink water and wear sunscreen!
HI SCRAP!!! I do. I always do. I'll run through a bunch of misc Camp Green Hill stuff <3
Blaze has a family! She's the eldest daughter and in line to inherit the throne when her parents step down, and has a pair of twins for siblings, who are a few years younger than her. Silver is quite well liked among her family (and in the Sol dimension, lol), and they have a little nickname for him: Slipper! Both in regards to how clumsy he was growing up, and also just because its really cute. This is based on the intentional incorrect spelling of his name when referring to him affectionately in the fandom. It tickles my brain, lol. Not only is he practically a member of the royal family, but one time, one of the twins asked who would get the throne if Blaze were to not be able to. Without missing a beat, their mother informed them that it would be Silver, actually.
...He doesn't realize they're dead serious, by the way. If things really were to go wrong, they want Silver to take over until the twins are old enough to take care of the empire. lol. Also, Marine! She comes way late, but she does eventually show up!
Shadow is not only a trained agent, but also a trained therapy hedgehog! I'm serious. He was taught how to manage other people's emotions and act as temporary therapist. He's also warm, fluffy, and okay with being cried on, so he's perfect for the job.
Omega is in the au! He shows up later down the line, and after the events of the au, goes to live with Rouge and Shadow in the city working for GUN too.
Sonic has a horrible history with water activities and accidentally getting stuck in the mangroves and brambles lining the shore. Its really funny how horrible his luck is.
Shadow was based loosely on a hedgehog to appeal to Maria, since he was planned to be part time therapy-hog from the start. Mephiles was loosely based on Shadow. This makes Mephiles EXTREMELY far removed from a real hedgie to some degree. Its kind of hilarious.
Amy has a never ending stash of jelly bracelets, Shadow has a never ending stash of coffee beans, and Tails never seems to be in short supply of goggles. Where does he get them?
Tails and Sonic have their own rooms on the camp, but stay in the dorms with the rest of the campers during the summer!
Tikal is a really sweet ghost who haunts the ruins nearby. She's plot relevant, trust me ;)
The Storybook games are planned to be fever dreams from our dear Sonic while fending off a cold. But they could have a little more validity behind them than it may appear...
Rouge plays saxophone! In fact, there are several musically talented members of the camp, both campers and staff!
Uncle Chuck eventually gives up on paperwork and makes his campers swear that whatever happens in camp stays in camp. He decides this after the SA2 plot equivelent. Especially now with 2 whole government agents there, one working as a counselor and the other a camper.
The Chaotix are a fun bunch! Vector works whatever misc job he can get around the camp so Charmy and Espio can go for free. They're an inner city family, and don't have much money. He also has a crush on the camps' nurse, Vanilla. Espio wants to be a detective, and has a special interest in detective work. Charmy came into the equation more recently, as Vector took custody of the kid after a family friend begged him to.
I've always got more, if anyone would like to ask about a specific character, game, plot point, or ask about details on the camp! Asks for the characters will open very soon too, and you can send them in if you'd like. Thanks for asking <3
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spruzu · 7 months
Doing a silly post of all my (main) fav characters bcz why not.
They will mainly be in order of who i like the most but some are even and if i was asked to pick one between them i physically wouldnt be able to.
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HES SO COOOOL I CANT. Theres a knuckles shaped part in my heart. (kinda wanna be him in a way it's kinda embarrassing) I LOVE all of his versions in sonic prime, renegade knucks has a special place in my heart though he's top tier. Sonic boom knuckles is so funny and stupid like him going ''Oh wait i cant read.'' is so funny to me as a dyslexic person myself. Movie knuckles needs to be protected at all costs istg he's so sweet. GIVE KNUCKLES ALL THE GRAPES HE WANTS! 🍇🍇🍇🍇
-Sonic the hedgehog
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Sonic's on the same level as knuckles he genuinely so cool and i do base some of my personality off him... i love his character development in sonic prime but his attitude in sonic x is so funny its amazing. He's defo got a bit of attitude to him in the older stuff which makes me love him more. His jokes and ''Wtf is danger.'' attitude is so real. Also movie sonic voiced by Ben Schwartz HELL YEAH, i love Ben hes so funny i cant wait for sonic 3.
-Shadow the hedgehog
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''Another sonic character? is all your favourite characters sonic characters?'' no, just wait i get to other characters <3 but MY MY MY MY MYYY OH MY I LOVE SHADOW. I remember my first sonic game, if you can even call it that, being Mario and Sonic 2012 Olympic games and always playing as either shadow, sonic, silver or amy. I loved paying as him. Also his game is SO FUN and his backstory is so fun to learn and 100% take some of his personality and put it onto mine like i do with sonic. He's just such a good character and im glad this is the year of shadow bcz we NEED more shadow content. i would ramble about him more but i cant think of anything else to say.
-Leonardo (ROTMNT)
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Another character voiced by Ben schwartz! I just recently watched this movie and i LOVED it. I used to like TMNT when i was little but never fully got into it but my favourites were always Leo and Mikey. Im literally him /hj. He's such a cool character (i say that with all of them i just love them all so much). Also if any TMNT fans have any movie/TV show recommendations for TMNT i am willing to take them!
-Miles Morales
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I remember watching Into the Spider Verse and i loved it so much, i felt bad for miles in a way because he had to go through seeing spider man die in front of his eyes then realising hes the new spider man and blah blah blah. Im watching Penny's (from snapcube) VODs from when she played Spiderman 2 and miles' suits are so cool i love how they added the spider-verse movie suits into the game theyre defo some of my favs. Across the spider verse was such a good movie but into the spider verse was defo better (hot take? idk). Im so excited to see what happens in the next movie.
-Silver the hedgehog
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Another sonic character yes, but i love sonic so much its my main special interest/hyperfixation. Silver is so silly i need to see more content of him tho. It's also kinda funny how his first appearance was sonic 06 ,which as we all know, is an awful game. In need to see more of him we need another game with him in as a playable character. Smt like SA2 idk.
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All forms of batman, lego batman is top tier and the rest under him. I watched the lego batman movie in the cinema when it came out and little me loved it and i recently, abt 3 years ago, got fully into batman stuff. The movies are so good and batman is such a cool character to, i need to meet more people who like him.
Thats it for now, i would add garfield but i dont really have anything to say abt him other than hes the most realest character ever. Hate mondays, love lasagne.
Anyways, i love these characters so much most of them being my comfort characters **cough cough** the sonic ones **cough cough**.
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
Ignoring how current writers have been nudging in this direction, do you think Sonic and Amy have any genuine chemistry with each other?
I'm going to upset a follower or two and say... no, not really.
Their dynamic started out as a trope: Amy, the kid, falls for an older free spirit. It's the same thing as a 9 year old reading an issue of, like, Tiger Beat magazine or something and developing a crush on Justin Bieber or whatever celebrity "cute boy" is currently the "in" thing.
The joke being that instead of fawning all over him from the pages of a magazine, Amy Rose confronts him in person, and he has to be like "Uhhhh, thanks, but no thanks." But she hangs around anyway because she's crushing super hard. It's meant to be cute and one sided and harmless.
It became a problem when Amy started getting aggressive about it. When she began talking about forcefully taking Sonic. It very quickly stopped being cute. There are multiple horror movies about that exact topic.
They thankfully backed down from that, and I didn't mind how simple and cute it was in, say, Sonic Unleashed, where it went back to being just this nice little crush she had. She was there to support Sonic.
Where I start to draw the line is something that started with Sonic Boom, where Sonic is portrayed as someone in a position to reciprocate Amy's feelings. It's supposed to be funny, but there's this undercurrent of "will they/won't they" where they both kind of get nervous when the topic gets brought up and neither wants to admit feelings for the other.
That's just as weird to me as the days where Amy was expressing her love for Sonic violently, because Amy is definitely supposed to be younger than Sonic.
This is its own whole can of worms, because some would (rightfully) say that ages in Sonic games don't matter. It's rare that anyone acts their age anymore, and that's true of the modern interpretations of the characters.
And then there's the whole thing about age differences in relationships at all. Some people are only comfortable with a difference of 2-3 years, while others are comfortable with much wider gaps.
I'm of the opinion that the older you are, the less it matters. If you're 50 and you're dating someone that's 40, I would argue there's not much difference there. The more mileage you have, the smaller the differences become.
But if you're, like, 15? And you're dating someone that's supposed to be 10 or 11 years old? Then it gets real weird, real fast, for a multitude of reasons. We grow up a lot in a very short amount of time. And I say this as someone who, when he was 17, had a girlfriend that turned 16 while they were together. I was sat down and given "the talk" about how, when I was 18, it would be a long time until she was also 18.
You know. For reasons.
So while you could say that the modern interpretations of these characters all act roughly the same age (with Tails and Cream as an exception), I still remember the days where Amy Rose was meant to be this young little groupie with a one-sided crush on this older guy that rejected her advances.
Flipping that script and saying that Sonic is actually a little reciprocal now...?
Doesn't matter how appealing they make Amy to Sonic. Ew ew ew.
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Okay so I know that sometimes you get leaks right? Sometimes you have people give you leaks and stuff? Like how you were given the leak for frontiers dlc a few months before the game came out. And how you have movies leaks?
Have you ever received a leak that you knew was fake?
Hahaha! Oh, boy! I have!😅
There’s one that has always stuck with me. I use this one as an example every once in a while when teaching others to trust sources.
Back in 2022, my friends and I were met with this “tipper” that claimed that he had Sonic 3 leaks. The funny thing about this one was that any time he talked to my friends and myself, the information changed. The “tipper” didn’t know that my friends and I were sharing screenshots of the leak to confirm authenticity. That’s how we knew that this guy was a fraud. Any time the conservation came to an end, we’ve made it a point for the “tipper” to talk to each of us by ourselves.
By the time he came to talk to me, the supposed leak change four times. I was told the most chaotic and unbelievable things. Stuff like Knuckles’ age, Sonic’s sexuality, how many movies Paramount wanted, and creating a character to replace Tails entirely. All really weird things. The “tipper” even tried to make it a point in saying that he was Pat Casey’s best friend. That was his selling point—I had to believe this guy because he claimed to be Pat Casey’s best friend. Let me just say the first lie that he told my friends was that he was an inside reporter for a known Hollywood magazine.
If you know me, you know that I have an unhealthy obsession with SCU. Any time I asked a question, he would say to check the interviews that the writers made to prove his point. Which, mind you, were all wrong from this “tipper.” His information contradicted info from the SCU Crew. And then he made the final claim that a fandom ship would be canon to the films, but with drastic changes. These changes were supposed to be Amy would be in the fourth film, she was supposed to be relatively older with a slow burning romance that extended into five films and her dating a really young Sonic.
When I showed the “tipper” that his story changed four times via screenshots, questioned the VA for Shadow (he claimed it was Tom Cruise once, Matt Daemon the second time), showed information regarding ships from SEGA, and public interviews that the SCU Crew did for the films, the conversation quickly turned into how I wasn’t a true fan because I didn’t ship sonamy. Apparently, I had to accept that sonamy was canon and that it was the equivalent of a sin to not ship it. (He claimed it was practically canon because of their color schemes, as well as the plot point in SatBK). I also got a comment of how it was wrong to headcanon someone’s sexuality and that Sonic would be a hard straight male. It was both hysterical and awful.
Hysterical being that someone went out of the way to fabricate an entire lie. Awful being that someone was so uncomfortable with the idea of LGBTQAI+ headcanons—and not shipping specific characters together—that they had to make someone feel horrible.
And you know what’s worse than that? It creates a stereotype for those that like a particular ship. It really ruins it for those that love a ship and want to share their love for it, but are afraid to. I’m not a sonamy fan. I do, however, feel bad for those that ship it. Because there’s jackasses like what my friends and I have encountered that ruin it for those that enjoy it. That’s not fair. And I’m so sorry that this is still a problem. People like that ruin it for the good ones. Not everyone that you encounter in the fandom—or in any fandom—will act like this. Please know that I don’t care about what you do and don’t ship. What I care about is if you’re happy. As long as you’re happy, then I’m happy.
But yeah, when it comes to leaks, always question its authenticity. And know if you’re not sure about something you’re more than welcome to ask me. I don’t mind looking into leaks and asking the tough questions.
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true-blue-sonic · 9 months
any random espilver thoughts you could offer to someone struck with empty brain? could be angst or fluff, i'm not picky /lh 🫣
I can think some up! Let's see here ^-^
I wonder if Silver would be surprised by how noisy it is in the Chaotix's household. After all, if he's been mostly on his own before, I figure he'll be quite surprised by the liveliness of the Agency! But what especially intrigues him is the fact that Espio very much prefers his own peace and quiet amidst the chaos, and has trained himself very well to embrace it despite Vector and Charmy being around. I figure Silver might just go sit with him and meditate/relax for some time if things become too annoying around him.
Espio strikes me as the kind of person who knows a lot about foraging: he apparently likes camping and he also seems to like educational things, so I figure he might have read up on what plants are edible and such in the wild. I can imagine him and Silver leaving one early morning to go to the forest and find berries and such <3 And if Silver learns some cooking from Amy, they can make them into tasty jams and jellies.
I don't believe this is really possible with Silver's powers in the games, because we've never seen anything like it and the closest we've gotten is his Psychic Knife that isn't so much a knife at all, but it'd be very impressive if he could form shuriken and kunai with his powers. It'd be a concentrated little energy attack that doesn't cover as much ground as his Psychic Knife, but I figure it'll be able to pierce deeper! And Espio is very flattered Silver is trying to incorporate his ninja fighting style into his psychokinesis. Similarly, I think it'd be funny if Silver just.... hurled Espio at an enemy on occasion, haha. They're in perfect sync!
I also wrote a bit of a fic today at uni when I was actually supposed to be transcribing interviews, but you know, fuck that and all, so you can find that under the cut. I hope you like it! ^-^
“You can see the stars so well here,” Silver muses, contently sprawled out over the blanket. “Did you know they look a bit different in the future?”
“Not by a lot. But whenever I study them, they aren’t exactly in the same place anymore. Just barely!”
“Which sky do you prefer?” Espio smiles back.
“This one, of course. Because you’re here to watch it with me, Espio.”
Laughing softly the chameleon shakes his head; an answer as expected from his dear beloved. “Then we had best make the most of this night,” he agrees. Tomorrow their trip will be over and they’ll go back home, to their city where the light pollution unfortunately makes it difficult to see the sky in all its glory. But here, in this field of rustling greenery and no civilisation for miles and miles, they are perfectly miniscule and at one with the beauty above them.
“I’m going to find all the constellations,” Silver notes back, one finger tracing the air as if he can draw lines on the dark blue scenery amidst the pinpricks of light. Perhaps in his mind he is, his lips forming words Espio knows even though he says nothing out loud, and the sight is…
Utterly, completely captivating.
Which isn’t so strange, because to Espio everything Silver is and does is captivating, yet he finds it impossible to tear his eyes away from the other this night. Silver’s fur glows like the two moons above them, the cyan circles on his gloves the only source of light around except for the stars. And every single movement gets drunken up by Espio’s eyes, how he gestures his one hand ever so tenderly as if his finger is the paintbrush and the heavens his canvas, how he lays so unguarded and open on their shared blanket, other arm tucked behind his head and honey-golden eyes merely blinking up to the stars before his lips twitch and form into a smile.
“You’re staring, Es.”
“…Ah.” Jolting awake from his musings the chameleon flicks his tail. “Mayhaps, love.”
“Don’t ‘mayhaps’ me, I can feel it.”
With an amused laugh of his own Espio reaches over, his fingers brushing over the hedgehog’s twitching little nose. “Your powers and their perceptive nature.”
“Hmhm,” his beloved huffs back, a pink tongue peevedly battering at Espio’s finger tormenting his poor snoot. “Why are you? Isn’t the sky much too lovely to not look at it?”
“I just so happen to be around a being that makes it far too easy to get distracted with marvelling at him,” Espio notes, scooting himself a bit closer and smiling as Silver curls into him as by instinct.
“Flatterer.” But Silver’s face tucks itself underneath Espio’s chin so perfectly, a content little sigh breathed out against his chest.
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crusherthedoctor · 10 months
1, 2, 7 and 12 for Sonic!
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Used to not like him very much, in spite of his good qualities, because of how much he annoyed me with his usually not-that-funny snark, and how said snark would often cause fans to think that somehow translates to Eggman being a harmless joke. And how fans tend to let him get away with things that they'd crucify any other character for because main character bias. And because as long as his portrayal is considered top tier, then it's suddenly no big deal if the rest of the cast is treated like an afterthought at best that only exists to make him look good. I still stand by the opinion that Black Knight fell into that trap despite its otherwise solid portrayal of Sonic, and Frontiers has sadly followed suit... with a not quite as solid Sonic.
Nowadays... he's still not exactly one of my absolute favourites, because all of that still rings true to this day, and beside that, there are simply a ton of other characters in the series that I prefer. (Eggman, Tails, Rouge, Tikal, Blaze, Trip, Vector... Gamma... Omega... the Heavies... Luppy Luppy Man... Moneybags...). But after IDW turned him into Mr. Principles, and Prime turned him into Mr. Funny Penis Man, on top of how other adaptations like SatAM and Archie dropped the ball with him, AND combined with how often fans go one extreme or the other with him and choose to misinterpret him as either a stereotypical superhero or the Punisher... it's easier to appreciate the unique depth and perspective that Game Sonic has.
Note that I always knew the nuance was there. I was never blind to it, and I always gave credit where I felt it was due, like the ending to Secret Rings. It's just easier to do so when the amount of portrayals that catastrophically miss the point have gone into overdrive.
Getting used to writing for him in my fanfic material has also helped me gel with him a bit more (not in a Flynn/Stanley way: I've been very adament on keeping him in-character to the best of my ability, even with the addition of you-know-what involving you-know-which-horsie). I also softened up on him because of how much I now associate him with you. :>
One more thing: I realise that most of my aforementioned issues came down to the fandom rather than Sonic himself. These days, I try my best to separate annoying fan hijinks with the character unless I already hate them on their own merits (Surge and Kit), or said hijinks are unavoidably linked to the reason for my beef with them and thus it can't be put aside so easily. Like the Freedom Fighters being overrated as all hell when they weren't all that and spent a lot of time being dicks, or Sage receiving so much praise for """fleshing Eggman out""" and depth she arguably doesn't have, or my currently soured feelings on Amy due to bias and double standards surrounding her less flattering moments VS that of other characters.
2. Favourite canon thing about this character?
His compassion.
No, not that gaslighting and lecturing with 30 paragraphs bullshit. Game Sonic's compassion. Real compassion.
He might not always know what to say, or how to say it, but he always tries his best with someone as long as they're not an irredeemable villain (unless they've already been defeated and can be potentially reasoned with afterwards, like with Merlina). For all the praise given to him for this, I'd argue it's still one of his most underrated traits, since so many fans think that his somewhat selfish love for adventure and enjoying the thrills mean that he doesn't take saving lives or the wellbeing of others seriously, like it's all just a game to him and nothing more... Meanwhile, Eggman is the one portrayed as understanding and compassionate in fanworks. How the hell does that work.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
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In Sonic's case, I can't think of much specific other than... keeping him in-character, due to how it doesn't happen often, although you could say that about any of the cast under the average fandom pen. I appreciate it when fans truly understand him, and know what they're talking about with him. Now if only there was someone I knew who fit that description... some kind of Sonic Encyclopedia, if you will... ;P
I guess if it counts, I do like it when him and Tails are portrayed as the unbreakable bond that they are in canon, but ONLY if Tails is treated with equal respect and agency. Lot of fans like to overly infantilize him so that Sonic can take care of him, which implies they only see Tails as a useful tool and not a character in his own right.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Here's a few. I'll number them (in no particular order) since bullet points always group everything together with no spacing when I use them, which annoys me every time lol.
1. Since he's somewhat of a nomad, Tails' home is the closest thing he has to one.
2. Unless he absolutely has to sleep it off, Sonic tries not to let his hayfever disrupt his morning run. In Green Hill, this usually results in him sneezing every ten seconds.
3. After both Storybook incidents, Sonic would eagerly tell Tails about what he experienced in the Arabian Nights and the Grand Kingdom. Tails, of course, didn't question any of it.
4. Despite their differences, he's proud of Shadow for being able to move on from his past, and become a hero in his own right. He doesn't say it out loud because he knows Shadow would brush it off in his typical Shadow way, and because he knows he doesn't really need to hear it anyway.
5. One time, Sonic mocked Zavok by calling him Bowser. Zavok did not get the joke.
6. Nowadays, Sonic and Rouge get on surprisingly well, as they have more in common than one would expect. Like getting on Knuckles' nerves on occasion, for example.
7. Much like how Amy is her big sister in spirit, Cream considers Sonic a big brother figure.
8. Sonic finds it rather insulting when someone assumes running fast is all he cares about. After all, he has various established hobbies like anyone else, such as reading.
9. He vividly remembers every single place he's been to, no matter how long or how brief he was there. Ironically for someone who doesn't look back, he reminisces on where he's explored with fondness.
10. This is a concept I'm exploring with Stellar, so I'll try not to spoil too much, but as much as Sonic enjoys fighting Eggman despite not treating him lightly (and usually making no effort to save him from situations that should have killed him), he wonders with the escalation of the doctor's plans and ambitions just how long things will last before he has to take him down permanently. Let's just say that certain events in Stellar give Sonic a harsh reminder that at the end of the day, Eggman is not any better than Black Doom, Mephiles, Erazor, etc.
11. The Emerald Coast comic where he reacts poorly to IDW Sonic is canon.
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atwas-meme-ing · 1 year
Two questions that I felt were never fully answered in Murder of Sonic:
Who sent out the lore cards, and... what was this about???
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Funny that the conductor is asking such a question of Espio, given that Espio is the one who used the air vent to escape through the robot trackway. He would have had to climb the walls to even get to that vent, just as Knuckles did later.
Also, check this out:
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Espio- that is, the murderer doesn't need to give his ticket to the conductor? Is that really just a glitch?
(And btw, I checked it myself, and it's true- you DON'T have to get Espio's ticket to proceed. Very interesting....)
Amy states over and over that, even though it's her birthday party, she has no idea what anybody's backstory is, their lore, or who the murderer is. Also, the conductor says that the train company itself hosts these murder mysteries and other events. I believe Rouge also stated later that the train also hosts escape rooms.
So, it's simple: the conductor must have sent out the lore cards. Or someone with the train company did, anyway. At any rate, the conductor knew the plot all along. That's why he doesn't have to collect Espio's ticket- the poet is supposed to be the murderer, and what's a murder mystery without a murderer? Even if Espio didn't have a ticket, they couldn't kick him out and risk ruining the party and making all the guests mad.
BUT, it obviously couldn't have been the conductor who wrote the instruction card, right?
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Barry says during the Faberge Chao Egg sequence that the conductor wouldn't have allowed any weapons on the train; BUT, if the train already knew Sonic was coming- and it probably did, since it's such good friends with the conductor, and the conductor certainly knew who his guests were- then the train could have communicated with other badniks to get a blow gun smuggled on board. That instruction card, the one the robot arm gave to Espio, is printed, not handwritten, and we know there's a printer in the lounge. Since the train is confirmed to be sentient, it's entirely conceivable that the train acted on its own to give Espio a blow gun and the instructions to use it.
As for how it knew that Espio would be naive enough to think a blow gun was part of the game- tbh, I think the train just got lucky. Out of all the characters in this particular game, I think the only other one that would be that gullible is Knuckles.
Actually, I would have thought that Knuckles would be the only character that gullible, but given the events of the story, Knuckles just wouldn't have worked as the murderer- he wasn't likely to figure out the secret passage, or even know to look for one. Besides, Knuckles is powerful and hot-headed, but there's no way he could pull off a murder! He doesn't have that kind of heart or mind, he doesn't have the faintest idea how to think like a murderer (soldier, yes; murderer, no). Rouge probably could have figured it out, but she's not dumb enough to use a real blow gun, especially on Sonic, of all people.
Espio, on the other hand- he's a criminal investigator, of course he knows how to pull off a murder. Now, TBH, I sadly don't know Espio's character very well- Forces and Heroes and now TMOSTH, and that's about it. But considering that he's a ninja and an intellectual, I figure he's not really the gullible type- BUT, I would imagine that also means he's not terribly social. Besides, he makes the comment that Vector got bored because Espio wasn't good enough company, because Vector is very social. And while he does seem to like pranking his friends, his taste in jokes seems to have a highly intellectual quality to them (such as speedreading a book JUST so he could spoil the ending for Knux). So I guess it's plausible that Espio might think that putting someone to sleep with a blow gun would be within the normal rules of gameplay.
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beevean · 10 months
Man its just that the average nfcv fan vision of the belmonts is a human centipede. You grab the og belmonts, you kno the good hearted almost superhuman warriors who fought and killed Dracula time and time again, let nfcv turn them into regular vampire hunters that are framed as morally gray bc "muh poor vampires :(", and who are cynical jerks that don't do much of anything. And then you let the fandom bully them into the ground bc haha loser men and muh girlbosses.
And its kinda weird bc its also often making fun of them due to their traumas? Like yea maybe alcoholism due to losing your entire family at a young age isnt a joke you know. Or seeing your mother get killed in front of you as a child. Yes ofc you can make fun of dark stuff i'd be lynched as a hypocrite if i said you cant, but the way its done and how continuous it is... irrespectful? Like they dont respect the serious aspects of the character and legit think they suck for having horrible things happen to them? Im bad at gauging jokes like that but... yea (they just dont know how to bully fictional characters unlike us who throw Isaac off a 10 stories building everyday <3)
In any case, N! Trevor and N! Richter do not deserve that sort of treatment already, and much less their mainline counterparts :/
And regarding girlbosses, they way ppl need to put down their men to show how cool the girls are just, reeks of insecurity to me? Why does having a "loser dumb wife guy" makes her a girlboss? Why would a confident gal need a loser to take care of instead of a good partner were both compliment eachother's strong and weak points? Maybe im being a bit dramatic here, but it carries off a similar mentality to sexist guys that need to put down their gal's accomplishments to feel well Plus, the way how fandoms still revolve around said loser guys and how a lot of the times the writing itself makes the girlboss character a compliment or a motivation for the man without depth for herself makes it all feel performative. Just write a normal character with character traits who happens to be a woman ffs :/
It's incredible. NFCV alone feels like a shitty fanfiction, full of those fanfic tropes that would make me close immediately: flanderization, wimpification of "pretty" male characters, thirsting, juvenile wit, spotlight-stealing OCs, gratuituous sex and SA treated with the finesse of a charging hippo. Then you let the fandom fandomify this shitty fanfic even more, and the result is just a disaster, a kiddie pool of the most baffling misconceptions you could see.
Just to make one example, Trevor in the games is a noble but ruthless hunter, both friendly and fierce, fighting for mankind yet wanting respect yet gladly giving credit to his friends; in the show, he's a washed out Bojack Horseman-esque asshole, who despite his cynicism admittedly attempts to do the right thing when push comes to shove; and according to fandom he's pretty much a funny penis man with two braincells, Sypha and Alucard. the scene where he punches Dracula and he goes "you must be the Belmont" became a meme for a reason :^)
And yeah you're right that the fandom doesn't seem to. like the Belmonts much. But then again, they're acting like the show wants them to :) The writing doesn't take Trevor's alcoholism seriously, so they don't, alcoholism is a funny joke that makes people silly and just a tad pathetic (and it's not a serious addiction and symptom of larger problems no sir). Richter is a goofball who cries in a corny way, so it's easy to laugh at him - and that's when fans don't say that Julia deserved to die for being a "colonizer". Lenore is sexualized to hell and back, so the fans thirst for her and they think that Hector must thirst for her too, and look, wasn't her death so prettly tragic, maybe she was a good person after all!
The way fandoms treat girl characters nowadays is... barely an improvement over the 2000s when Amy would be called a slut for having a backless dress. Now it's all about how stronk and kewl and queens and girlbosses they are. And you can't criticize the writing of a female character because "just say you hate women 🙄", even when the said character is a female victim of abuse who was written by a molester as a smug radfem whose personality never goes beyond "i want to steal from men because men bad" *coughcoughcough*
The show itself is regressive when it comes to its female characters. They're all the damn same. They're either spunky sassy gals who put their men in their place, or evil but hot dommy mommies (Striga and Morana don't fit the mold because they're not characters). Most of them are magic users, even those who in the games were normal women. I will forever stand by my point that Annette did not need to be a metal bender, and if the writers truly cared, they could have fleshed out the skeleton provided by RoB. But they didn't. Because girl power!!! but only if you're conventionally "badass" and have a "strong" attitude.
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Please share your top 5 favourite female fictional characters.
Interesting question!
Despite the impression I may have given with this blog, I'm more of a story person than a character one. To me what matters is the story in its entirety but I'll give it a try.
(they aren't in any particular order)
Alex Russo
I always say Selena Gomez raised me with this character. Alex was such a fascinating female character. At the time, but still to this day honestly, it was such a rare thing to have a female character that was genuinely funny. It's like women aren't allowed to be the fun character for some reason. And she was so flawed but always learned from her mistakes. She was lazy, beautiful, flirty, good, and a bit vindictive. She was what usually only male characters are allowed to be: human.
Katniss Everdeen
I have to confess, for some reason, I've never read The Hunger Games books (but I plan to remedy that). But in middle school, I was completely obsessed with the movies. The angsty teen that I was loved Katniss to death, her stoicism, her strength. An absolute icon. Made me develop an obsession with braids. What I've always loved the most about her character is that she is truly a hero of the people. (something JKR was never quite able to do with Harry)
Ginny Weasley
Her majesty. Queen of my heart and soul. It's funny when I think about before I read the books, I couldn't stand Ginny in the movies, I was so confused by her. And look at me now. She is an icon. She is so unbelievably strong but in such a human way. Ridiculously stubborn and reckless. Profoundly compassionate but determined to put boundaries with people. The sweetest and yet the harshest. She is hilarious and wise. An immensely progressive feminist character when you think about when she was written and that she is the love interest of the main character (and frankly I'm not sure how that happened). A character that has still a lot to say to this day. And also breaks that idiotic pattern of the hero ending up with the helper. Ginny is truly a character who deserves her own saga. But probably what I like most about her, as weird as it may sound, is that she is written with such coherence (that considering who wrote her it's not that obvious). Everything falls into place. Every action, everything she says makes sense, every change is justified, and she has proper arcs of narration. Small details from early books get unveiled as main aspects of her. She is like a well-built mystery novel.
Amy March
I do love strong women who are a bit messy. Amy goes from being a stubborn egocentric (but in such an endearing way if you ask me) young girl to a strong compassionate mindful woman. She is ready to put her family before herself, she is wise, and she is conscious of who she is and the society she lives in. There's this silent strength to her but also an ability to truly enjoy life to its fullest I believe that it's really remarkable. And she grows up to be quite self-aware which is something I always love in a character.
Miranda Priestly
And now a villain. The Devil Wears Prada is one if not my favourite movie. I really really love a villain who enjoys being a villain. Who owns up to being a villain. And when they do it while being a fashion icon it's even better. She is truly competent at what she does, she is harsh and witty and while she has a high opinion of herself it's not only justified but it doesn't obscure her judgment in recognising and appreciating greatness in others. I do love it when villains and heroes come to respect one another.
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amethystfox4 · 1 year
Heres my tier list!
Explanations below the cut and thanks to @starrjoy for the blank list!
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Note: every ship (excluding Knuxuge bc that is the only ship I have zero thoughts about other than "its canon") will have caveats to it.
Most of them being I do not have enough knowledge of the actual source(s) to have an opinion
My other one being I really don't care about the supposed canonisity of a ship so if you're wondering why theres only one ship in OTP its bc most of the others have some sort of hc attached to it (ex : All of Sonic's parings)
I love them!:
Hey look its the individual ships that make up SonAmyShad! In all honesty, I really like these three ships individually too, but I will gravitate towards the Sonic pairings more than Shadamy on an individual basis.
And I'm going to say it here Sonic as a character has two modes for me in a shipping sense- Hes either a disaster biromantic demiace or straight up aroace (no inbeween)
I like Sonamy in sense that yeah I can see yeah it can be cute but only if Amy isn't portrayed as an obsessed stalker. I know shes infatuated with Sonic and the idea of being with him, as shown in multiple games (I don't think its been a thing in recent years but I still feel the need to mention it), but I like to believe as Amy matures she realizes that putting Sonic on such a pedestal wasn't a good thing to do for either of them. I also like to think that as Amy mellows out her friendship with Sonic becomes a lot more solid.
Also if I was on a computer I would definitely put Sonadow between I love them! and I ship them for comedic value, bc you know those two idiots would not handle having romantic feelings in any normal way
Shadamy is interesting to me- I really like it I think its cute (Gives me Grease vibes now that I think of it) but I cannot see it being a thing in actual Sonic canon (honestly this is with most ship excluding a few). I see it in a "canon but to the left" kind of way.
So the next ship is Bunny x Antoine (I think). So my only and I mean only exposure to this ship (and these two characters) is from the fan comic TMOM (The Murder of Me) by Gigi and if their characterizations in there are anything like they are in Archie than yes!
Please do not comment asking for me to read the Archie Comics, I do not want to touch that monstrosity with a 10ft pole. (It scares me./j)
I purely ship them for comedic value!:
Infitgadet, I think is how that ship is spelt, is a funny crack ship that I just laugh at. Its stupid, its dumb, but I see the appeal.
Sonjet, a petty minor rivalry that becomes a bromance.
Sonic x Elise umm in canon: No. But outside of that...Ha ha, One!
Kinda cute sometimes:
Alot of these fall under "canon but to the left"
Shadilver and Sonilver, could work either way but in a similar but slightly different way to ShadSonAmy, I prefer it to be Sonadoilver over the individual ones
Blazemy, not much to say other than I like it.
Silvaze, I can see it better than the other three but not much else.
Tangle x Whisper, now I have not read IDW and I want to, so I don't much about these two other then sure, I'm cool with it.
Not for me but I can see the appeal:
Shadouge, I see Rouge as more as the older sister/wine aunt to Shadow more than anything else
Sonally, never watched Satam or read Archie but I do know of Sally through pop culture osmosis. If we're talking about how 90s American (cartoon) Sonic was than sure I see it. But for current Sonic (even Adventure Sonic) not really but I do see them as friends if she could exist again.
Espilver, dont know why I just like them a little
Sonknux, just a really good bromance, with Sonic being a little shit and sometimes flirting with Knuckles.
Not on the list but Sonouge is similar where I dont see them in a relationship they just like to throw flirty banter at eachother and it just confuses anyone who knows how Sonic normally reacts to being flirted with (even funnier if Sonic is aroace)
Sonaze, um its there, to me they'd just be friends with just a heavy meaning behind holding hands
I have never watched Sonic X but I can see the appeal of Tails being in a relationship but I really strongly see him as being aroace flat out, with strong platonic love for his brother and friends.
Not for me and I CANT see the appeal:
Shadknux, I see we are shipping the lancers together (Shadow and Knuckles are both lancers to Sonic in the five man band trope while Knuckles is the big guy/lancer Shadow is just Sonic's lancer imo). This confuses me I don't hate it I just don't get it.
Vanilla x Vector, huh? I'm not saying its bad just...
Silvamy, um what? I don't see them having romantic feelings for eachother like at all.
Wait this exist?!:
Metadow, Waveouge, and Blaze x Omega (?)...[Confused Laughter] What? Are these crack ships bc I can't wrap my head around them.
Surgeamy, now I have heard of this but why?
Sally x ???? (explains itself)
Shadaze, I see that picture is from Archie right? Uh...
Ian Jr. x Infinite, now thats a crack ship if I ever saw one!
Rouge x Topaz, uh I can't say I didn't know this existed just that I had no where else to put it since I have no idea what Topaz's character is like.
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bigklingy · 7 months
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Apologies for this temporarily turning into a Sonic blog, but since getting back into the series recently, I realized I'd posted a lot of tier lists here in the past and never did a Sonic one, so... here's one I whipped up in 10 minutes. Important note: my first Sonic game was Adventure 2, never played any of the classic games. Favourite game is Generations, gameplay-wise. Explanations: Amy: Death incarnate in SA2 multiplayer, enough said. (Also surprisingly deep when she's not flanderized) Sonic himself: Surprisingly deep when he's not flanderized. Wait. Eggman: It says something that even most who don't like the Colors-era writing STILL think his PA announcements there are perfection and in-character. Big: If you don't put him in S-Tier, he'll hunt you down, challenge you to a fishing duel, and reel in 50 Sea Guardians in a freshwater lake. (i.e, I'm in part of his "ironic fandom that gradually turned non-ironic") Gamma: Somehow, a generic mook had the deepest story in the franchise. Vector: His position is almost entirely because of the Team Chaotix theme song. Tails: I watched "Alone Again, Unnaturally" from Boom recently and it kinda summed up my thoughts on him. I was not expecting that ep to turn so wholesome at the end. Blaze: Rush is good. Being one of the only remotely playable characters in 06 (arguably even more than Sonic) is also a huge achievement. Silver: My liking for him is almost entirely ironic, sorry Silver fans. But he's the source of a LOT of 06's unintentional hilarity, and that's memorable. He's decent in the comic so far, though. Tikal: Decent plot in Adventure. Her voice is slightly annoying though. Not sure why Chaos isn't here, but he'd be low-mid B. Sticks: I've watched a bit of Boom, and she's actually pretty funny. Interested to see what comes of Frontiers confirming she's canon to the main universe. Shadow: I'M SORRY, I'm just not a huge fan. (Still looking forward to Movie 3. And hoping for Keanu Reeves playing him, but not sure that'll happen now.) Knuckles: I honestly... don't really "get" him as a character. Looking forward to playing Frontiers and seeing its take (and seeing Movie 2), might make me like him more. Metal Sonic: His position is ENTIRELY due to Heroes. Everywhere else, he's just a flat obstacle. Babylon Rogues: They're basically just jerks, but Wave is higher because her jerkishness is so extreme it's funny (mocking Tails in direct earshot of Sonic, Knuckles and Amy is a "crosses the line twice" moment to me), and her tech specialty makes her stand out. Storm is the lowest, because I sum him up as "Boom Knuckles except not funny." Eggman Nega: Why does he exist? Apparently even Ian Flynn hates him.
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philhoffman · 2 years
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The final Monday Philm of 2022! Charlie Wilson’s War (2007), dir. Mike Nichols, also starring Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, and not enough Amy Adams!
In an interview I found a few months ago, Phil said he actually read this book while working on Long Day’s Journey Into Night in 2003 after someone said he’d be perfect for the role of Gust Avrakotos if they ever made it into a film. Lo and behold, a few years later Nichols reached out—“I thought that was a bit serendipitous.”
For some reason I’ve never loved Hanks or Roberts in these roles, they both seem too... forced? Aaron Sorkin scripts rarely require a lot to pull off naturally, which is why PSH is the standout here. That quick Sorkin dialogue is so funny and rolls so easily off his tongue. An endless list of favorite lines: “And I don’t mean to cast aspersions on the guy, but he’s gonna get us all killed.” “I wasn’t standing at the door, don’t be an idiot. I bugged the scotch bottle.” “I just told you I paid a witch in Pennsylvania to put a curse on Henry Cravely for me. Do I sound like a typical case officer?” I think Phil’s respect for writers is part of what makes him such a versatile actor—he takes every line of the script seriously, regardless of the genre, the material. He’s just as convincing reading very stylized dialogue like Sorkin or David Mamet as he is with PTA’s more natural speech.
The window breaking scene is one of the best exchanges ever, like in any film in cinematic history. No doubt Phil earned his Oscar nomination for this role with those three or four minutes alone. I wouldn’t be surprised if he earned it just for his line reading of “I spent the past three years learning Finnish, which should come in handy here in Virginia!” Poor Gust really was screwed out of that Helsinki post.
I think this is my third viewing of Charlie Wilson’s War and, despite its many flaws, oversimplified approach, and general lack of subtlety, it can be pretty moving. It’s a great if simplistic example of how screwed up the situation—Afghanistan, the U.S. government, international diplomacy, take your pick—is and has always been, and gives the briefest look at how tragic it is for the people who have the least power over the decisions. Fucking up the end game, indeed. On this watch, I also noticed Gust tries to tell Charlie the zen master story the first time they meet.
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angelcakesupreme · 2 years
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so bored so i’m going to do this
1. odd question regarding the true part but, yes my name is zaria.
2. december 1st
3. 5’4”
4. taken by a pumpkin 🙂
5. i really like to apply three cute words together to get a good url.
6. i personally can adore both but if i had to chose, dogs. bigger dogs though because i don’t feel fond of smaller dog breeds lol. older cats are really cool.
7. as far as live action, i really like indie movies or films that generally focus on the slice of life genre. also films exploring a character navigating growth or love. i’m open to a lot of animation too but i adore surrealism and similar genres as my live action preferences for that too.
8. i really do wish i read more. its pretty difficult with adhd/autism but i do find myself fascinated with early 1900s children’s book illustrations.
9. both of my ears are pierced and i don’t want anymore.
10. i’ve always wanted to go to a safe meadow with flowers and sit under a large tree while letting a cute radio play 60s indie garage rock. my boyfriend and i will have a large quilted blanket out with a beautiful and classy packed picnic lunch with glassware and cute napkins. we have sandwiches, soup, iced tea, chocolates and a charcuterie board. different types of cheeses with honey and jams and meat for him. we laugh at weird jokes we make, play card games, maybe do arts and crafts together and watch the sunset. maybe watch the stars too. bonus to be near a river running quietly the whole time.
11. black iced coffee!
12. hard question to answer. i generally really dislike the idea that my passions have to intertwine with unhealthy capitalistic methods just to make ends meet. …i know there’s more optimistic ways to view that but i’m completely indifferent about pursuing a conventional idea of a career. i don’t have time or connections to do it but if possible something involving freelance art commissions or comics would be cool.
13. i don’t have this.
14. tofu pho easily! i can never get tired of it.
15. year of the tiger. tigers are cute but i wish it was rabbit!
16. i like knitting, baking and journaling.
17. i been to some pretty ordinary places really. i’ve been to quite a bit of the southern east coast of america and then to michigan and los angeles. thats about it.
18. i think i’d love to go to finland or japan.
19. japanese, french, finnish, russian and spanish.
20. just english, i can understand a considerable but small amount of spanish or japanese.
21. it’s hard to say… i really like all for different reasons but maybe spring at the moment.
22. i love stuffed animals. i own many like my melody, bunnies, an octopus cat, a teddy i had since 2005, and rilakkuma just to name a few.
23. i never had the former so tofu spaghetti for me.
24. being able to very easily recognize what year a piece of media came from.
25. i’ll go with a cute golden dagger with flowers and a bunny on it.
26. a rustic prep type of aesthetic i suppose. i definitely have it!
27. any kind of bunnies, giant african snail, puffins, panda bears, ducks, flamingos, frogs, and dogs.
28. right now i would probably say soap and sweat.
29. funny question, i don’t think i do. i very much value peace.
30. 4!
31. no!!!
32. i love both… so much… black coffee or cappuccino and green tea or chamomile… so lovely…
33. floral, strawberry, vanilla, warm apple, or coco butter.
34. don’t remind me… probably south park during 2010 to 2015.
35. 3rd, 7th, 10th, 16th, and my 23rd and 24th i suppose.
36. frankie foster!
37. ami from hi hi puffy amiyumi, frida suraez from el tigre, raggedy ann from raggedy ann and andy a musical adventure, and maybe lum from urusei yatsura and shantae.
38. i can’t answer this… ohhh ok i’ll try.
1. aguas de marco by elis regina
2. boranda by sergio mendes
3. l’elephant by tom tom club
4. sudden death by quelle chris
5. good days by sza
39. coffee, matcha and birthday batter!
40. my current wishlist is a customized cute stationery set, handheld vacuum, king sized bed set, more skirts, leggings, sweaters and crop tops, lotions, oils, dress shoes and sneakers, more cute socks and panties and some rugs and movie posters.
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