#also any and every piece of tchaikovsky
bagofbon3s · 2 years
moonlight sonata by beethoven will always be the greatest classical piece ever written and no one can nor will change my mind
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reimeichan · 6 months
God it's so weird to look back through my life and be able to pinpoint exact moments that a specific alter was fronting. Back then we didn't even know we had DID (for the most part) yet this disorder has colored my life for almost as long as I've been alive.
When I was in high school, one of the elective classes I took was orchestra. I was super passionate about it; I would regularly stay after school to help the other orchestras in my school during rehearsal, which was basically unheard of at my school. I was known for loving not just playing the viola but also caring a lot about the group as a whole, taking time to help anyone struggling with specific parts of a piece or even to help set up the room for practice or the stage for performances. I took viola and orchestra very seriously.
But also.... I had a silly, playful side to me. Most anyone who knew me outside of orchestra knew this about me, but my director sure did not. So when it came time for the annual region-wide audition for the "top orchestra of the region" (region being a collection of several school districts), I was expected to audition like I had all the previous years. And, well, I suppose the me that was there on the day of the audition had other plans. Instead of playing the excerpts like she was asked to, she instead, in order: played a C major scale (the easiest scale to play on a viola), played a singular D major chord (but like, REALLY BADLY out of tune), and, the kicker: instead if playing the excerpt from Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 5 Movement 4, she played a part from *Movement 2* of the same symphony, AKA a piece our high school had played in front of every music educator in the state. So, yknow, it was obvious which school I'd come from.
When word got around to our director what had occurred, he was pissed beyond belief. He brought me into his office, and I could tell he was just absolutely dumbfounded and perplexed. He stated how I was "the last person [he] expected to pull something like that". I remember shrugging and kinda bluntly saying something rude back while feeling like he was making a big deal out of nothing, which would have been incredibly out of character for me as well as I adored that director- and I'm realizing now that the version of me who was in his office that day was neither the version of me who usually played in the orchestra, nor was that the version of me who pranked the audition process.
And like... it's wild to me that I can so clearly tell which parts of me were present for each of those moments. The one who's usually in orchestra? That's Gray (aka me), the goody two-shoes. The prankster was obviously Purple. And the one who had to deal with a disappointed director was Green. But at the time none of us were even consciously fronting or switching for any of that, it all happened so quickly and suddenly that it felt really disjointed. Hell, for years afterwards I'd still ask myself what possessed me to be an obvious prankster, or to snap back at my director like that. Well, I guess now I know I probably was possessed in some way (heh).
Just, yeah. Some rambling thoughts of the now I guess.
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mitchelljoni · 1 month
i am fucking loving your fic but i don’t know much about this kind of music, do you happen to have a playlist? i would love to listen
omg Yes lol this is the ideal ask to receive....firstly so glad ur enjoying the fic. secondly, i am by no means an expert (classical music is not my...forte) but this is just stuff i like/i think most people enjoy/know...it's not an exhaustive list. it is probably impossible to make an exhaustive list!! I am sure there are millions of people out there who could do a better answer to this qn (some of them will probably see this) so im mostly just gonna link the pieces that are mentioned (so far) in the fic and then maybe a few of my Favs...
mentioned in the fic
George Gershwin, Concerto in F (what Rhaenyra is set to play for the King's Landing concert) - this recording with Jon Nakamatsu on the piano and the Rochester Philharmonic is probably the best one (it's the first one I ever heard I think) but a personal fav of mine is Andre Previn with the LSO
George Gershwin, Rhapsody in Blue (what everyone bitches is better than the Concerto in F lol) - again, Previn does a lovely version of this, Jon Nakamatsu's is also great, and I would be remiss not to mention Leonard Bernstein's version
Tchaikovsky, Symphony No 6 ('Pathétique') (what they are rehearsing at the beginning) - just linking the NY Philharmonic conducted by Bernstein because it's soooooo cool that you can deadass just watch it on Youtube...
Edvard Grieg, Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op 16 (what Rhaenyra tells Viserys she wants to play for the tour/she told Alicent she was always going to play w her conducting) - I think Alice Sara Ott's interpretation is mega, I tend to listen to her playing w the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orch but couldnt find it in my v cursive search on YT so the link is to her with the Danish National Symphony Orch
Sergei Rachmaninoff, Piano Concerto No 2 in C Minor (what Rhaenyra was playing at the Eyrie that she then got up and stopped playing) - you almost definitely know this one!!!! The music from the second movement is aggressively interpolated into All by Myself by Eric Carmen lol. Ive linked a Khatia Buniatishvili version (of the second movement) bc it's like...perfect imo also she looks amazing. not the point but still
Sergei Rachmaninoff, Piano Concerto No 3 in D Minor (what Alicent suggests that Rhaenyra plays for the Sunspear concerts) - this is basically famous for being like the hardest piano concerto in history!!! it rocks. every movement is a banger. linked Yuja Wang bc noooo one is doing it like her. also, another slayful dress moment!
Tchaikovsky, Piano Concerto No 1 in B Flat Minor (what Alicent also suggests Rhaenyra plays but Viserys rejects) - another Alice Sara Ott win...
Mozart, Piano Concerto No 21 in C Major (what Alicent remembers watching Rhaenyra playing etc) - loveeee this recording:)
Chopin, Nocturnes (what Alicent finds a copy of in the practice room) - honestly I just went ahead and linked all of them. pick your fav! probably the 22nd is not in this compilation but that's bc no one likes it and everyone thinks it's not rlly his since they found it later :/ awkward
Beethoven, Piano Concerto No 5 in E Flat Major ('Emperor') (what Rhaenyra played however many years ago that Alicent pretended to have never heard) - I think Hélène Grimaud plays this especially well so it's the one i linked. oldie but a goodie! but really any are good
Bach, Prelude 1 in C Major (first of Rhaenyra's soul-soothing classics) - Lang Lang <3
Bill Evans, Peace Piece (second of Rhaenyra's soul-soothing classics) - this is jazz, which I am actually FAR more equipped to talk about, but i have for some reason shackled myself to writing about classical music so....anyway she doesnt mention it by name but shes talking about Peace Piece. everybody DOES dig bill evans
Claude Debussy, Rêverie (third of Rhaenyra's soul-soothing classics) - Lang Lang x2 <3
Jules Massenet, Meditation from Thaïs (fourth of Rhaenyra's soul soothing classics) - honestly this piece is such a classic lol. everytime i hear it im like Wow Religious Experience much??? anyway it's actually from an opera (Thaǐs) so some versions have some quiet vocalising in the bg. which is nice if it's ur bag tbf. ive linked a nicola benedetti version bc i love her and also bc this one is just piano and violin which is what i envisioned w alicent and rhaenyra
vaguely mentioned in the fic/will be shortly
Felix Mendelssohn, Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op 64 (Rhaenys's solo violin appearance)
Edward Elgar, Cello Concerto in E Minor (Addam's solo cello appearance, one of my favourites in the world!)
Franz Liszt, Les préludes
Franz Schubert, Symphony No 9 in C Major
Jean Sibelius, Symphony No 1 in E Minor
Florence Price, Symphony No 3 in C Minor
Leonard Bernstein, Candide
ones i just like (this is not a list of the world's most exceptional classical music. i just like these ones)
Maurice Ravel, Pavane pour une infante défunte
Antonín Dvořák, Silent Woods
Dmitri Shostakovich, Piano Concerto No 2 in F Major and also all his jazz suites. love him
Like anything by Philip Glass
Hector Berlioz, Symphonie fantastique, Op 14
Felix Mendelssohn, Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op 64
Mahler!! All of Mahler!!
ive left out like the biggies like swan lake and the planets and mozart's symphony no 40 etc bc i feel like you will come across those v quickly...also i am actually a choral singer so I havent gotten into all that bc my playlist of THAT music is genuinely 8 hrs long which would need a whole other post.
so TLDR: this is a weird, selective, and not at all representative list of music you might want to listen to. Enjoy !
lol but in all seriousness, if u end up wanting to get into classical music, just sticking on any classical radio station is usually a good way to go, BBC Radio 3 is EVERYTHING to me, shes v important<3 also, in terms of streaming services, most are honestly p rubbish when it comes to classical music but apple music have a 'classical' app which is like the only decent way to stream classical music without literally wanting to scream in confusion imo. so if u happen to have apple music it comes w ur subscription and is good! ok i hope this helps and once again glad ur enjoying da fic :)
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booksandchainmail · 3 months
Hugo Best Series Finalists 2024
I've read at least part of every series, here are my impressions and loose rankings:
October Daye, by Seanan McGuire. I've read: all 18 novels and novellas, most of the short stories The Toby Daye books have been nominated basically very year, eligibility allowing, and they deserve it. This is exactly the kind of series this award should be for: a sprawling story decades in the writing, where early books weren't quite strong enough for awards and later books have to high a barrier to entry to be nominated alone. Looking back, it's astonishing the degree to which this series has grown upon itself over 18 novels, and I respect the level of foreshadowing and delayed reveals. The worldbuilding and progress-over-time is where this series shines, but basically every book of it is a great urban fantasy mystery novel in it's own right.
Imperial Radch, by Ann Leckie. I've read: all 5 novels and assorted stories I really like these! Admittedly I felt that Translation State was good but not great, but the original trilogy remains one of my all time favorites.
The Last Binding, by Freya Marske. I've read: all 3 novels I do like these books a lot, a very nice series of fantasy romances. By virtue of their historical setting, they are about queerness in a way that a lot of queernorm specfic can't be. I especially appreciate their willingness to change the assumptions of their premise
The Final Architecture, by Adrian Tchaikovsky. I've read: all 3 novels These were good! Nice crunchy sci-fi. Unfortunately they didn't live up to the level set by the other works of Tchaikovsky's that I've read, which have all been amazing. These books were enjoyable, they had good plot and characters and particularly worldbuilding, but I didn't come away from them with any deep thoughts or feelings
The Universe of Xuya, by Aliette de Bodard I've read: both novels, none of the shorter pieces I don't know what it is, but I keep bouncing off de Bodard's work, which is unfortunate, because I really like the concepts of her books, so I keep trying them and not liking them. The central romance didn't click for me in The Red Scholar's Wake, and it took me too long to wrap my head around the worldbuilding (possibly this would have been better if I had read some shorter pieces in the same universe first). A Fire Born of Exile was a decent book in it's own right, but as a Count of Monte Cristo adaptation I disliked it.
The Laundry Files, by Charles Stross I've read: The Atrocity Archive Look. I DNF'ed Stross's Family Trade series last year, so I didn't have high hopes going in. It's also probably unfair to judge the entire series by just one book published decades ago (it's not like the first Toby Daye book is that remarkable either). But I did not like this book, and I have no wish to continue with the series. I have no familiarity with cubicle-farm bureaucracy machines, so I think a lot of the humor fell flat. It also felt glaringly, un-ignorably, uncomfortable that with the exception of the main character's love interest (she's so unexpectedly hot and smart, and also gets kidnapped twice) and ex (keeps sleeping around to make the main character jealous), all the other women were small-minded obstructionist petty tyrant middle managers, who the protagonist could finally get one over on and put in their places at the conclusion, with the backing of course of his male coworkers, who all seemed to have hidden depths
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simon-roy · 5 months
The final order cutoff for the Image Comics edition of GRIZ GROBUS is TODAY! So if you're a comic book store owner, a independent bookstore manager, or anyone who reads comics, consider ordering the book!
What is Griz Grobus? Here, from the solicitation text:
On a distant planet, a prying scribe, a sentimental constable, and a mayor resurrect a sleepy town’s long-defunct priest-bot. But "Father Stanley" is not what he seems. Meanwhile, in another universe, a hungry wizard accidentally conjures a war-god into the body of a goose. These two intertwined tales make up GRIZ GROBUS, the hit Kickstarter graphic novel sensation now at Image Comics!
Perfect for fans of Hayao Miyazaki, Asterix, and Arthur C. Clarke, and readers 12 and up!
Arriving: June 5, 2024 Lunar Code: 0424IM239 ISBN: 9781534397866
Nice things other comics professionals have been saying about the book:
 "Griz Grobus' dual dovetailing narratives let us discover an alien world and a human heart, full of Ghibli style and the finest Tor-novella poise. The team creates a universe, and is generous enough to let us live there." —Kieron Gillen, The Wicked + The Divine, Die, Phonogram
"Rich, beautiful and very funny—one of my favorite comics. Get every book Simon makes." —Tonči Zonjić, Lobster Johnson, Who is Jake Ellis?
"Simon's worldbuilding skills are yet to be matched, but on top of that his stories are both crazy and profound!" —Carlos P. Valderrama, Giants
“It’s amazing. You won’t get a better world builder than Simon Roy. He’s taking us places and I am here for it. Do not miss this.” —Daniel Warren Johnson, Transformers, Do A Powerbomb, Wonder Woman: Dead Earth
"When Simon Roy announces a new book it's an event - and a must buy for me and anyone who loves the medium of words and pictures!!!” —Geoff Darrow, Shaolin Cowboy, Hard Boiled
“Simon Roy’s science-fiction embraces heady ideas of futurism while never forgetting for an instant the foibles and frailties of the humans that exist in it. Griz Grobus is no different—an alien world made lived-in and real by the very human characters who exist within it, where at the end of the day, a full belly is what is worth aspiring to. Another extraordinary piece of work, an addition to a growing body of modern classic science-fiction, Griz Grobus continues the trajectory that began with Habitat.” —Jed McKay, Avengers, Moon Knight, Doctor Strange
“Simon Roy has a way of making strange & alien worlds utterly charming. His world building is unique & filled with quirky characters I strangely want to eat with. AND—I really want an Elaphure.” —Ben Templesmith, 30 Days of Night
"Griz Grobus combines beautiful art and mystical storytelling with an intriguing look at humanity on a world half-alien, half-familiar. A sly and often funny take on the creation of new myths and the rediscovery of the past." —Adrian Tchaikovsky, Hugo and Nebula award winning author of the Children of Time series
"Seriously, it's the perfect kind of Ursula Le Ghibli world and I adore it. The right measure of everything from the writing to the art." —Goran Gligovic, Dagger Dagger, Company of the Eagle
PS - If any of this piques your interest, I'm also running a kickstarter campaign for the hardcover edition of REFUGIUM, - the sequel to this very book! If you or your customers enjoy Wayne Barlowe's strange creatures, or the work of Dougal Dixon, it might scratch a particular itch for you...
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
Would you mind if I asked for any classical recs. I started listening to Bartok and something clicked (also because I like hearing you talk 🗣️ )
- Penalanon
Aaahhh omg penalanon hiiii!! 🥺 so glad you liked Bartók! That's on such the deep end of classical honestly so I'm rly so glad to hear you like his work! Alright sry in advance if any of these are basic bcs im not sure what you've listened to before. But here you go, in no particular order
1812 Overture - Tchaikovsky
Okay hear me out ik this is pretty basic but I love this recording so so much, I listen to it constantly. Tho it's especially fun to listen to when I'm drawing something Napoleonic, it's very fitting
Marche Slave - Tchaikovsky
Another Tchaikovsky piece! I just really like this one :)
Piano Concerto No.2 - Rachmaninoff
Most beautiful piano concerto of all time?? Perhaps. I just love this one, and the story behind it is very sweet to me(Rachmaninoff was very depressed but his therapist helped him get back to composing, and he dedicated this piece to him)
Rite of Spring - Stravinsky
If you liked Bartók, you'll definitely like Stravinsky!!
Firebird - Stravinsky
Also must link this hilarious vid that I always think of every time I listen to this piece
Gayaneh - Khachaturian
My fav ballet EVERRRR. Okay bear with me, I know it's two and a half hours long, but I listen to it constantly
The Planets Suite - Holst
You've prob heard these before but ahhhh one of my favorite pieces, it never gets old. They are all so unique, and I love how you can tell how much they inspired modern film scores like Star Wars
La Follia - Vivaldi
My fav Vivaldi piece other than Four Seasons(not linnking it here bcs I think most people have def heard it, but go listen to it again ofc dklaskjl.) But man Vivaldi always goes off so hard
String Quartet No.8 - Shostakovich
I linked this in my prev music reccs but I'm not sure if you listened to it so I will again!!
Symphony No.5 - Shostakovich
I love Shostakvich so much waahhhhh, his life makes me sad :( But he's one of the reasons I got more into classical music!
Symphony No.7 - Shostakovich
The story behind this one is so sad to me :( It was a song of resistance for the people of Leningrad while they were being seiged in WWII. Also I love how the conducter in this vid literally looks exactly like young Shostakovich
Battle on The Ice - Prokofiev
such a sick piece
Dance of the Knights - Prokofiev
Symphony No.2 - Weill
I randomly heard this at a classical concert, and I've been in love with it every since!
Masquerade Suite - Khachaturian
Gnossienne No.1-6 - Satie
I can't link all of them so just start with the one I linked!!
New World Symphony - Dvorjak
I love the fourth movement especially, there's parts that sound like Jaws and Star Wars
Danse Macabre - Saint-Saëns
The Swan - Saint-Saëns
This song is what I imagine falling in love feels like. It always makes me teary eyed. Also Vienna has stars like the hollywood stars in some subway station, and I took pics of both Saint-Saëns and Debussy when I saw them, and two people I was with had no idea who they were SOBBB
Raindrop Prelude - Chopin
Arabesque - Debussy
I'd recc Clair de Lune but I'm sure you've heard it, so here is another Debussy piece :)
Miserere mei, Deus - Allegri 
Lacrimosa - Mozart
You've def heard this before but GOD it makes me cry every time, soooooo iconic
Funeral March (Orchestral Version) - Mendelssohn
There's such a cool video of this as an actual march but it's for Thatcher's funeral ugh, so here's the orchestral version too
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ohmymamomo · 2 years
music brings people together (Lucifer x MC)
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I usually don't write, but because I love my mc so much I wrote this as a way to capture one of the significant moments where Lucifer and my mc become closer. Also I got a new keyboard and the sound of the keys is so satisfying~
I decided to change the name pronouns and a few other details so that more people can see themselves in the story. Granted, it probably won't apply to everyone because it's written with a specific personality in mind but nonetheless, I hope you enjoy it :)
notes: mc secretly loves classical music, soft lucifer, mc wears a dress but is gender neutral, written using they/them pronouns, safe for work, fluff, it's a drabble left unfinished
“Lucifer, you know the famous human composer Tchaikovsky right?” the exchange student asked. Coming back from the Demon Prince’s castle, they held a fat stack of papers. Lucifer asked the human to hold onto them as he drove them home.
“Yes of course. Why do you ask?” said Lucifer. They smiled a little, excited to talk. 
“I was wondering if you had any of his records. He’s one of my favorites. In the top three,” Lucifer’s typically serious face, morphed. He never expected them to like classical music. He noticed the anime/idol dances they would learn with Levi to post on Deviltube, and heard the music that played in their room when Mammon was there to hang out. Classical music was the last thing he imagined the exchange student to be fond of. “Growing up my mom would take me to see the Nutcracker almost every Christmas. Eventually, when I turned 18, we were able to afford tickets to see Swan Lake. A lot of his songs make me really emotional,” they admitted, “Not like they make me cry of sadness. More like they made me cry from such intense feelings and visions that I can picture from his work. It’s incredible, sometimes while listening to his music I get goosebumps, even if it was my 30th time hearing it,”
“Yeah I have all his records,” Lucifer smiled softly. The exchange student wasn't often much of a talker when it was just the two of them. They were a bit of a brat, in fact, another younger sibling to take care of in his eyes. He never imagined they would have something in common. “We can listen to them together if you’d like,” Lucifer offered.
“Really?!” Their eyes sparkled. Lucifer chuckled at this.
“You’re like a kid when you get excited,” 
“I can’t help it! His music makes me feel so happy, comfortable, it’s familiar. I don’t know how to describe it!” 
They went on, talking about the other kinds of classical music they both loved. To lucifer's surprise, they grew up learning a few instruments, but they wanted to hear symphonies, not be a part of one. They loved classical waltz music and yet had never done the waltz. Lucifer sat back and listened to them gush, it was cute, and admirable even, seeing how passionately they could talk about things. The way they spoke even changed. They were often brash, teasing, and foul-mouthed at times, but as he listened to them at that moment, he felt almost as if he were in a dream. They spoke with such eloquence it was out of character. They described Tchaikovsky's composition with such detail and vision it left him confused if he was driving with the wrong person. They used experiences and metaphors to explain how they felt, was he listening to a novelist? Maybe Satan was getting to them... Were Satan and Belphie a part of this act? “When I hear Pas de Deux I tear up, it’s so beautiful. And I wonder if I’ll ever feel love for someone the way I feel when I hear that piece. I never knew how overwhelmed with emotion I could feel until I listened to Swan Lake,”  They continued. It was too bad that their favorite composer had died a few hundred years ago, if possible he would have taken them to one of his concerts.
The two sat by the fireplace in Lucifer's study as he got to reviewing the paperwork he was assigned to. The exchange student had quite the selection of records to choose from, and not to anyone’s surprise, they had chosen Swan Lake. Scanning over the text on the back they decided which section they wanted to play and set the sleeve down on the sofa, running out the door. Confused, Lucifer looked up from his papers.
It was a few moments later that they came back dressed in a nightgown. It was silky, and blue and was trimmed with lace and ribbon. A classic look that suited them very well. Lucifer couldn’t help but smile, as they twirled and ran to the record player once again. 
They looked closely at the ridges of the large black disk. Noting the position of the silence gaps, they placed the needle down. The needle chattered against the vinyl like the cracking of the fireplace. It was a satisfying and familiar sound to them both. Violins danced in the air accompanied by the melody being led by the oboe. Lucifer hummed in contentment. The human closed their eyes, letting the music guide their body to the familiar tune.
Raising to their tiptoes, they became water flowing across the carpet. They only opened their eyes a tad to avoid the objects in the room, careful not to bump into anything. Their arms were on strings like a marionette, high in the air. Their gown billowed as they spun. Act 2. No.10, the song built into a crescendo signaling the end was near. Their motions became more distinctive. Lucifer recognized and noted every step they took. They didn’t know what they were doing or if the moves they made had names, yet they pulled it off. Lucifer wasn’t particularly interested in the details of ballet so he enjoyed the simple performance. Though he didn’t mind the idea of taking them to a ballet one day as he could enjoy the music, as well as their enthusiasm. It had been quite a while since he had listened to this piece, and he had found it fascinating that humans of the modern world even recognized something so old. 
As the song had reared into silence, Lucifer stood passing by them. They stopped dancing, seeing Lucifer lift the needle and move it to another song. Lips parted, they stared at him as he made his way to them with extended arms. His smile was gentle, his features soft. They liked this look on him, relaxed. The two embraced each other as the next song started. His heart swelled as they suddenly looked up with wide eyes. They immediately knew this song, one of their other favorites. It was Act. 2, the dance of the swans. The piece was lengthier than the prior, but they didn’t mind.
The two smiled as Lucifer guided them to waltz around the room. “You’re surprisingly a graceful dancer,” he said. His praises were always somewhat backhanded. 
“Surprisingly?” they glared lightly. 
“Yes well considering how you are most of the time I didn’t think you knew how to act so poise,”  He didn’t mean for it to be offensive, yet his pride wouldn’t allow him to tell them anything with full adoration… not yet anyway. That was something they would have to earn. 
“Awh, but you love that about me~” They teased quickly dismissing any negativity. He scoffed. 
“It’s quite a nuisance, but I know you do it on purpose,” He leaned in close, “Perhaps to get my attention?” His eyes glimmered with something the human wasn’t ready for. Leaning back, they held their breath before letting it out slowly as they furrowed their brows. 
“I just don’t like how bossy you can be,” They said looking to the side, almost as if to pout. “You could benefit from saying please and thank you more,” He raised a brow. All he needed to do was say such simple words? 
“You’d behave more if I just said please?” he asked. Demands were something he was so used to, especially his brothers. They glanced back at him, their head still turned away. 
“Maybe a little,” They muttered softly. They pushed out their lower lip and puffed their cheeks a bit. He chuckled.
“Awe the brat has a bit of a soft side,” They never looked at him so offended. 
“I may be a human but I demand respect too!” they exclaimed. “Might I remind you why there’s no other quite like me?” their eyes narrowed, threatening to prove their worth.
And with that, the night went on. Papers were forgotten and Lucifer's stiff coat was thrown to the side. The only light in the house was from the window of the study as the two danced the night away, symphonies filling the wind.
(I didn't really write an ending to this so sorry lol)
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hexhomos · 2 years
do u have any favorite piece of poetry / writing that reminds u of jayvik?
One Day All This Will Be Yours by Adrian Tchaikovsky is a 118 page short novel narrated by a deeply misanthropic time traveler living in a ranch At The End of Time and killing every single other time traveler that comes across his way, because he's outlived the Great Causality War and decided, from then on, any dipshit trying to use a time machine should not be fucking trusted. Himself excluded, as the resident Jayce Giopara POV-holder. (He also just enjoys destruction after growing completely desensitized, tbh) The kicker is that one day a pair of oddly perfect siblingvisitors arrive at his little ranch, tell him that he's like their great-great-grandpa or something, and ask him to come visit their perfectly engineered Utopia -- which he apparently built after dropping his no-interaction vow and marrying this woman they refer to as The Founder, some time in the dark murky future. And it really is a perfectly engineered utopia, and they all look a bit like each other, and also like him, and also like her, and they are all disgustingly *happy* and *nice* and air-headed in a way that irks him to death.
He decides that he loathes the chance of that future ever happening and will immediately kill his bride-to-be if he ever sees her again, in an effort to murder their entire civilization. But then the present-time version of The Founder herself tries to kill him first, because it turns out a metropolis of slime-brained happy utopian drones that will brainwash each other at the first sight of a dissenting thought is sort of a shit place to live in. Specially if they refuse to brainwash you, since your mind is too important in making the grand vision come true. They don't stop trying to murder each other after this point because they both think this is very funny.
The novella is a sci-fi murder-comedy-farce with a lot of high concepts but a mostly irreverent approach to timetravel tropes and timetravel utter bullshit, and tbh it can be perfectly name-replaced into vkjc fanfiction. It's stupidly insane and happy about it.
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intro chapter is a lot of table-setting but if you brave through until they finally introduce utopia its just a really fun ride, if you like the tone and characters. I was 100% imagining jayce and viktor the whole time, you could probably name replace the pdf if you've got time to go through the trouble and i think it'd work the same LOL
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omniblades-and-stars · 6 months
truth or dare asks: 🐇, 🥐, 🦴 :3c
🐇 - do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?
Well, I pretty much exclusively write either original characters of canon characters. I have done any like reader insert fiction. I've done a couple of 2nd person shorts but they're very much not really reader insert in the way you generally see.
🥐 - name one internet reference that will always make you laugh?
It's this YouTube video from a million years ago. "Hey Ben"
🦴 - is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
Hm, obviously just that I mostly write Mass Effect fanfiction so there's that. But as far as like influences or anything like that, I think one of the things that made me interested in writing again was actually reading "Children of Time" by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Every time I think about what I experienced reading it, I think to myself, "Man, I hope one day I'll be able to do that to people who read my writing."
And also I draw just TONS of inspiration from music. "Ending" by Koethe has to be a song that's on like just ... a ton of my playlists.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s7e16 out with the old (w. jenny klein, bob singer)
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goofy ass way to kill someone (i guess the red shoes reference?), but i'll take actual ballet dancers dancing in media any day :) and tchaikovsky's swan lake is one of my all time favorite pieces of classical music
did you know swan lake has a happy ending in some productions? this abt version has them yeeting themselves off a cliff to die together and reunite in heaven but some they kill off the baddie and everyone is together and happy. anyway i totally cried again watching that finale clip lol
moving on
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the pristine unworn pointe shoes to the side of the gore made me laugh. so dumb
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why won't they let them wear actual cold winter appropriate clothing?? they must have been freezing in their little light fall jackets.
SAM Yeah, well, every time I close my eyes, Lucifer is yelling into my head. It's like I let him in once, now I can't get rid of him. DEAN You know he's not actually... SAM Yeah. Yeah, no. I know. Uh, try telling that to the volume control inside my brain. DEAN Well, did you try the hand thing? SAM Yeah.
💔 but even i can't resist suggesting that maybe dean could help you with more pain
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black vintage firebird yes please and thank you. there was a trans am in 5.13 the song remains the same too, wrote about a boy who had one in my high school lol
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oh god the poor girl in the pointe shoes. laughing and cringing. i was thinking she's young but maybe she just looks really young, i started pointe at 11 (which was too early most likely). anyway thankfully they didn't have her visibly doing much of anything. whew
DEAN Getting the strong urge to Prince Siegfried myself into oblivion? Yes. SAM You really did see "Black Swan."
yes swan lake reference!! i finally watched black swan here not long ago, i'll watch anything with ballet but it was a little too scary for what i could tolerate in my headspace there for a good while.
SAM Geez! You okay there, Baryshnikov? DEAN Yeah. Yeah, I'm "pas de done."
(you know male ballet dancers generally don't wear pointe shoes, right) baryshnikov is my fave and i actually got to see him perform - sadly not classical ballet, but with the white oak dance project back in early 2000s.
this has other dances doing the same variation, but baryshnikov is first and this is one of my favorite things (i have this performance on vhs). it is perfect for his acting and obviously his technique and power is jaw dropping. the gasps and cheers from the audience with that first big jump, seriously💯
cursed kitchen object does not give me joy. me: why is sam so impatient, he keeps snapping at everyone. oh right, no sleep, satan-vision screaming
DEAN You know, I wonder how old porn kills you. SAM Pretty sure you don't want to know.
oh, sam. you can't power through sleep deprivation
JOYCE We have a chain of command here, George. You see a Winchester, you don't eat him. You tell me, and I eat him.
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again with the awful photoshop job on dick. and i dunno what program he's supposed to be using there with an excel like sum button
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sammy saving the day. wonder if he kept the sword
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apparently this is the third episode with bad moon rising in it,
via wiki: also played in 1.22 Devil's Trap and 2.01 In My Time of Dying. this sadly did not making the streaming rights so it's some knockoff on netflix (on the radio during the semi crashing into the impala). i already figured it meant bad news this time around, doubly so.
i know a vague plot point for s8 i think but i don't know what happens with sam's head (i don't think, at least) our how we get to what i know from s8. but misery scale is tipping heavier as we approach the end of the season soo. i am so looking forward to the end of the leviathan plotline. i could not care less
it was nice seeing them in an environment with snow. like dirty gray winter weather kind of snow, not just the pretty stuff
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lifblogs · 9 months
End of the year book-reading ask game.
Yes, I decided to answer every question.
Did you set a goal for yourself this year? How did you do? If not, why not? I did not set a goal this year. I just told myself to have fun. I really only set a goal in November, which was to read more books this year than I ever have because I was two books away from doing so. And wow, I really read a lot of books. Way more than ever before.
Did any book inspire you to seek out further media, such as the movie/show/fanfiction? How did you feel about that take? I don't really think so.
Did consuming any piece of media inspire you to pick up the book? How did it compare? No,
If you DNF any books, what was the pettiest reason you put a book down this year? I DNF'ed one book because there was a description saying a character's eyebrows rose into her hairline. Yep.
What's a scene you read this year that sticks with you? The last scene of The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin when everything just really comes together and the main character's past lover leans in and asks her if she's ever heard of anything called the moon. Totally broke my mind because they didn't have a freakin' moon!
Any new favorite authors? Marshall J. Moore, N. K. Jemisin, Martha Wells, Freya Marske, R. F. Kuang, and Rachel Smythe.
Any old favorites let you down? Jennifer L. Armentrout. She became one of my favorite authors last year. All I can say is: girl, get your shit together.
If someone were to ask you what your top ten books for this year were, which would you choose? So this is 16 instead of 10, but I couldn't narrow them down. They're all so good. Bloodmarked by Tracy Deonn, Torn by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Artificial Condition by Martha Wells, The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin, The Awoken City by Marshall J. Moore, The Broken Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin, She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan, Life by Pumpkin by Leslie Popp, Shards of Earth by Adrian Tchaikovsky, The Librarian by Air and Nothingness Press, Dracula by Bram Stoker, A Power Unbound by Freya Marske, Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree, The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England by Brandon Sanderson, Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson, and The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.
What book(s) had the biggest influence over your life this year? The Lord of the Rings because it genuinely kept me alive when my seizure disorder made itself known, and when I first developed the autoimmune disorder as well. It kept me alive when my leg was broken and I was bed-bound. It saved my life.
Any books you hate-read this year? Yeah, no. I never do that. Why hate-read when you can go read something you would genuinely enjoy?
Any books with large fandoms? The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien, Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe, any book by Brandon Sanderson, The Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, and I think Blood and Ash and Flesh and Fire by Jennifer L. Armentrout has a big fandom.
Did any book inspire you to create? Perhaps Babel by R. F. Kuang. There was an interview with the author at the back that made me feel better about choosing to write Chinese fantasy despite not being Chinese myself.
How would you summarize your reading choices for this year? Popular, yet somehow a bit niche at the same time.
Did you binge any series this year? The Lord of the Rings, The Fifth Season, Inheritance (also by N. K. Jemisin), The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang, The Rites of Resurrection by Marshall J. Moore, The Final Architecture by Adrian Tchaikovsky, The Summer King by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Wicked by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Murderbot by Martha Wells, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, and Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe.
A book you never thought you'd be into but were proven wrong Definitely The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin. A good portion of it is written in second person, and I was surprised I enjoyed it so much.
Most read trope this year? Was this intentional or unintentional? Honestly, I have no idea. I haven't really been keeping track of that stuff.
A book you reread this year. Did it hold up to how you remembered it? The Lord of the Rings. Always.
Some books you bought this year (insert picture of my bookcase and my stack of books to read here)
Did you utilize your library this year? What were some library events you went to if yes? Any new library cards? I used Libby a lot! I have a library card with my local library, and a virtual one with the Boston library. I also have a card from The Librarian.
Would you say that you had any kind of growth as a reader? Yes. I read a lot of books I thought I wouldn't like. I read more diverse authors. I also read so much more than I ever have despite all my difficulties this year.
How have you kept track of the books you read this year? I just write them down on the notes app when I finish them. I also started using Goodreads in April.
What are some books you discovered this year that you added to your tbr? Yeah, uh, there are a million for this.
What new releases did you read this year? The Ashen City by Marshall J. Moore, Heart of the Sun Warrior by Sue Lynn Tan, The Awoken City by Marshall J. Moore, Son of a Sailor by Marshall J. Moore, The Sun and the Star by Rick Riordan & Mark Oshiro, A Soul of Ash and Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Restless Truth by Freya Marske, He Who Drowned the World by Shelley Parker-Chan, Fall of Ruin and Wrath by Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan, Prisoners of a Pirate Queen by Marshall J. Moore, A Fire in the Flesh by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree, and Brandon Sanderson's Secret Projects.
What new releases are you looking forward to next year? Definitely the third Crescent City book by Sarah J. Maas, and I think the sixth book for A Court of Thorns and Roses is coming out too. And anything by Marshall J. Moore, obviously. I'll give more Jennifer L. Armentrout books a try, I suppose.
If you had to give a TEDTalk on a book you read this year, for better or worse, which would it be? Probably Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson. I could talk about the slow build-up with the romance and how when the climax hits you realize just how invested you actually were with the romance the whole time. I could talk about the different cultures it's based off of. I could also talk about it's anti-AI sentiments (one of my favorite parts), and I could talk about the message about all art created by humans being important, no matter what medium it may be in, and there was also the message about respecting art and cultures you may not understand.
What are your reading goals for next year? Honestly, if I had a goal it would be to read 100 books, which... doesn't seem doable. The number is just too intimidating.
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e-adlirez · 1 year
Your headcanons for the thea sisters is so fun and amusing! I was just wondering if you have more headcanons about them?
Oh DO I--
Once again I will clarify that my headcanons are very genfic-y, so uh, you're not gonna see any comments about the girls' sexual orientations or anything
So with that outa the way, headcanons :]
Canon context for most of these, Violet is canonically passive-aggressive as hell and is capable of dishing out some insane shade (for evidence, please consult every other time she's lightheartedly roasted the other girls, and the scene where the girls talk to Angus in Old Castle (the one where he attempts a pity party thing only for Violet to shut him down coldly); and also the non-English extras in the non-English books :D)
I will draw this at some point, but since Pam canonically believed that classical music is boring back in the day (like fall-asleep-to-the-sound-of-it boring), I like to think that passive-aggressive Violet and her cheeky ass slipped into her stereo key evidence that classical music is NOT boring, while Pam was slowly dozing off in her room or something. Feel free to make your selections of headcanon pieces from Liszt, Shostakovich, Ernst, Verdi, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky and more :D maybe even slip in a Haydn if you want :DDD
Nicky is the memelord of the group, and Paulina is the interpreter who has to explain to literally everyone what a mood and a tbh creature is.
Violet has a distinct Hangzhou accent when she speaks Chinese because she's been around her grandfather enough that she picked it up. She's rather self-conscious about it, but fortunately no one has made an open note about it so far. Also she is self-conscious about it but she doesn't really know how to change it so it's less "Hangzhou". She also doesn't really want to change it, so there's that.
Ever since I learned that English teachers in China can only be native English speakers from certain first world countries (and South Africa for some reason), I now have the funni idea of Violet having an unexpected accent when she speaks English. Just imagine one of the girls having a brain crash over Vi having either an American (neutral American), British, Irish Canadian, New Zealand, Australian, or South African accent. If it's Australian, then feel free to have Nicky's brain crash and think Vi's a Chinese immigrant who lives in Australia.
Not a Thea Sister, but Vic is canonically a gremlin (in the comics anyway). Headcanon, one of his favorite pastimes is platonically flirting with Pam to get her all flustered. Everybody thinks Pam has a crush on Vic, but the reality is she has a complicated relationship with him, and she's just not used to having someone flirt with her.
Pam is painfully oblivious to Shen having a crush on her, because the way Colette in particular teases her about it makes it sound like Pam has a crush on Shen, which Pam doesn't. That plus the fact that Shen never confessed makes it off to be a stupid rumor (in Pam's mind at least).
Nicky swears a lot, and the only reason they don't appear in the books is because Thea is very aware of the fact that kids like reading her books.
Violet came up with the nickname Coco for Colette out of lighthearted spite for "Vivi" and "Princess", the two nicknames Colette gave her early on in canon (there're these extras in the non-English books, and Dragon's Code's one in particular has the girls writing to each other. Colette gave her the nickname "Princess" because she saw Violet as a "little miss perfect" type person). It was supposed to be a one-off joke that Vi told in front of the girls once, but Coco has stuck ever since.
Enjoy :D
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madwickedawesome · 2 years
Stares at you… if I wanted to get into classical music where should I start
FIRST OF ALL classical music is just like any other genre really its just the instruments and (general) lack of lyrics that push ppl off . ignore pretentious ppl !!!! classical is just another form of musical expression!!!!!!!!!!
with that out of the way. first and foremost ur music taste still applies to classical!!!!! like i really only listen to super dramatic lovesick and super dramatic melancholy and super dramatic angry and just Super Dramatic Emotional Songs .. and that helps me find stuff!!!!!!!!! u will not guaranteed like Every classical song bc some of them r just . so so boring (sorry elise)
i also recommend listening to youtube playlists to find new songs and composters??? HALIDONMUSIC has great taste i trust them completely to give me pretty niche pieces i love them <3
from this point u can find composer and song and instrumental (and sometimes vocal) styles that u really enjoy!!!!! depending on my mood ill gravitate towards either string-heavy pieces (Lovesick And Pathetic) or brass-heavy pieces (incredibly emotional for no reason) and it really helps to be able to differentiate how the 2 of them give me different outlets
for general reference, i recommend mozart (textured pieces. if this makes sense) and tchaikovsky (his music has such an emphasis on beauty) and DEBUSSY💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 (super soft and lovely music) to everyone i meet!!!!! but again taste still applies to classical!!!!!!!!!!!!
RAAAGHGHHJGGJJJJJGJ I HOPE U ENJOY IT i adore talking abt classical music its one of my fav forms of artistic expression <333
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Raeda: An Owl House Playlist
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This playlist is a combination of songs that suite the ship and the characters as individuals. I love these two so much.
As always, I will probably continue to update this playlist over time, feel free to send me suggestions.
List of songs and quotes/explanations under the cut :)
Your Song from Moulin Rouge! The Musical “And you can tell everybody this is your song; It may be quite simple but now that it's done; I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind; That I put down in words; How wonderful life is while you're in the world” I specifically chose this version because it uses strings instead of piano.
 Eda’s Requiem and Raine’s Rhapsody - Epic Orchestral Cover by Kāru It is literally their song, I had to.
Thank You For The Music by ABBA “What would life be? Without a song or a dance, what are we? So I say thank you for the music; For giving it to me” This song is very close to me as a singer, so as a Raine kinnie, I had to.
Love Of My Life by Queen “You will remember when this is blown over; And everything's all by the way; When I grow older, I will be there at your side; To remind you how I still love you (I still love you)” Ouch, here’s the first bit of angst. The part that I quoted in particular I think applies heavily to these two. Also, pretty string in the beginning.
I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry “I used to hear a simple song; That was until you came along; Now in it's place is something new; I hear it when I look at you” This is an absolutely stunning piece (as is every single song by Cody Fry) and the lyrics fit so well with Raeda.
Bird Set Free by Sia “And I don't care if I sing off key; I find myself in my melodies; I sing for love, I sing for me; I shout it out like a bird set free”
Witch Hunt by VISTA “I'm running like the whole damn world's on a witch hunt; Throwing stones and blaming; Secrets in the closet, send demons on the run; With bloodlust, bloodlust; How am I to know who to trust, who to trust?” I think this song just fits the BATS/CATS really well in general.
Never Love an Anchor by The Crane Wives “There are times when I still wonder about you; You are someone I have loved, but never known; And you'll never see the reasons I had; For keeping my claws away when they were close enough to hurt you” This entire song fits well, with Eda hiding her curse from Raine causing them to break up in the first place. I also blame this animatic for this song being in this playlist.
My Love, My Life by ABBA “I've watched you look away; Tell me, is it really so hard to say? Oh, this has been my longest day; Sitting here close to you; Knowing that maybe tonight we're through” This part is clearly the moment Raine broke up with Eda. “You are still my love and my life; Still my one and only” Yet after all this time, they still love each other.
Songbird by Fleetwood Mac “ And the songbirds are singing, Like they know the score; And I love you, I love you, I love you; Like never before”
In Our Bedroom After The War by Stars “Listen, the birds sing, listen, the bells ring; All the living are dead, and the dead are all living; The war is over and we are beginning”  New beginnings.
Six Pieces, Op, 51, TH 143: VI. Valse sentimentale. Tempo di Valse by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Gorgeous piece by Tchaikovsky, one of my favorites, and it’s a violin version. Valse sentimentale translates to Sentimental Waltz. Take from that what you will.
I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston I think the song title speaks for itself honestly.
I Write the Songs by Barry Manilow “My home lies deep within you; And I've got my own place in your soul; Now when I look out through your eyes; I'm young again, even though I'm very old” As I was making this playlist, I was trying to thing of any music related songs and this came to mind. This particular verse works well.
City Of Stars from La La Land “City of stars; Are you shining just for me? City of stars; There's so much that I can't see”
trust by Christina Perri “Words that hurt the ones you're lovin’; Hatred for who you’re becomin’; I knew better than, yes; I knew better than; To trust myself; To trust someone else” Eda was so determined to hide the truth from Raine.
Take Flight by Lindsey Stirling Another beautiful violin piece. I mostly chose this one for the title, but it in an amazing piece.
Paper Rings by Taylor Swift “I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings; Uh huh, that's right; Darling, you're the one I want, and I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this; Uh huh, that's right; Darling, you're the one I want” Eda loves shiny things and Raine, what else can I say?
Francis Forever by Mitski “On sunny days I go out walking; I end up on a tree-lined street; I look up at the gaps of sunlight; I miss you more than anything” They really miss each other after the breakup.
Stormy Weather by Etta James “ Don't know why; There's no sun up in the sky; Stormy weather; Since my man and I ain't together; Keeps raining all of the time”
We’ll Meet Again by She & Him “ We'll meet again; Don't know where; Don't know when; But I know we'll meet again some sunny day”
My Heart Is Buried In Venice by Ricky Montgomery “ Now my heart is buried in Venice; Waiting for someone to take it home” “Say, say what you mean; Tell me the truth or tell me you're through”
Ready Now by dodie “Feet firm on the ground; We stood hand in hand; And I told the world; That I have a plan; Together, we sang; "I'm ready, now"”
Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper “After my picture fades and darkness has; Turned to gray; Watching through windows; You're wondering if I'm okay”
Bad Reputation by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts “I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation; Living in the past, it's a new generation; A girl can do what she wants to do and that's what I'm gonna do” This is fully an Eda song.
Right Back Where We Started From by Maxine Nightingale “Do you remember that day (that sunny day); When you first came my way? I said no one could take your place; And if you get hurt (if you get hurt); By the little things I say; I can put that smile back on your face” This is a much more upbeat one, they deserve to be happy after everything.
Demons by Imagine Dragons “ I wanna hide the truth; I wanna shelter you; But with the beast inside; There's nowhere we can hide” The owl beast.
Boys Wanna Be Her by Peaches “The way you rock, don't stop; Girl, you got the chops; Flip-flop, she bops, self-taught; You look so hot” Honestly, who wouldn’t want to be the owl lady?
Cherry Bomb by The Runaways “Can't stay at home, can't stay at school; Old folks say, "You poor little fool"; Down the streets I'm the girl next door; I'm the fox you've been waiting for” Young Eda? Young Eda.
This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) by Natalie Cole “I'm so glad, you found me in time; And I'm so glad that you've rectified my mind; This will be, an everlasting love for me” They get a second chance!
Mary On A Cross by Ghost “You go down just like Holy Mary; Mary on a, Mary on a cross; Your beauty never ever scared me; Mary on a, Mary on a cross”
W.I.T.C.H. by Devon Cole “ She don't wanna be anybody else; She's a woman in total control of herself; It's such a wonder to be under her spell; What a woman, in total control of herself” Honestly, I’m such an Eda simp, I’m not ashamed to say it.
I Put A Spell On You by Nina Simone “I put a spell on you; Because you're mine” I had to include it (I stand by the fact that the Nina version is the superior version.)
Venus Fly Trap by MARINA “ Don't underestimate me; 'Cause one day you're gonna see you're in a losing battle; Babe, you'll never stop me being me; I got the beauty, got the brains; Got the power, hold the reins; I should be motherfuckin' crazy; Nothing in this world could change me” Hell yes, Eda, keep being you.
Roundtable Rival by Lindsey Stirling Violin! It’s my favorite instrument to listen to, I’m so glad Raine plays violin. Also, this song is just really cool.
Thus Always To Tyrants by The Oh Hellos “Let me die, let me drown, lay my bones in the ground; I will still come around when the time for sleep is through; Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale; Do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you”  I love the title of this song.
ilomilo by Billie Eilish “ I tried not to upset you; Let you, rescue, me the day I met you; I just wanted to protect you; But now I'll never get to”
Seven Nation Army by 2CELLOS
Still into You by Paramore “ I should be over all the butterflies; But I'm into you (I'm into you); And baby even on our worst nights; I'm into you (I'm into you); Let 'em wonder how we got this far; 'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all; Yeah, after all this time, I'm still into you”
Dream Sweet in Sea Major by Miracle Musical “She knows you heard her; Staging music murder; In line before the show began; To be where I am; Children born of one emotion; Our devotion's deepest ocean; No division reasoned we'll be free”  This is less to do with the lyrics and more to do with it being an epic piece with lots of strings.
You Found Me by The Fray “In the end, everyone ends up alone; Losin' her, the only one who's ever known; Who I am, who I'm not, and who I wanna be; No way to know how long she will be next to me”
Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos The lyrics are irrelevant, I just think this is a fun song that they would play and dance to.
Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) by Journey “ Someday love will find you; True love won't desert you; You know I still love you; Though we touched and went our separate ways”
When We Were Young by Adele “Let me photograph you in this light; In case it is the last time; That we might be exactly like we were; Before we realized; We were scared of getting old; It made us restless; It was just like a movie; It was just like a song”
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abrahamvanhelsings · 4 months
For the Ask Game:
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
lighter or matches?
15. are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
31. what type of music keeps you grounded?
37. someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)? by now it's safe to say edward little is here to stay forever <3 but to pick someone else, dimitri from fire emblem three houses! my comfort characters tend to be intensely loyal/dutiful and/or have a strong sense of justice, often in such a way that it is one of their greatest strengths, but also something that could (and in the media they're from, often does) lead to their downfall. generally more serious and reserved characters as well - naturally, characters that are easy for me to project onto and are attractive to me bc of shared traits/values.
2. lighter or matches? MATCHES
15. are you a parent? (all answers qualify) not in any sense whatsoever
31. what type of music keeps you grounded? oof difficult question... some video game music calms me, helps me sleep, makes it easier to focus (i have a playlist of assassin's creed music specifically for this purpose) BUT music i can sing along with can make me feel better when im feeling guilty or anxious or lonely, and this can really be any type of music i know the lyrics to. and shout-out to tchaikovsky's nutcracker for being the thing i always turn to when i have a deadline and am stressed af and i need to turn on the focus brain to churn out a piece of writing within some impossible time span. lmao.
37. someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years? my parents' neighbour, he'd babysit my sister and i when we were small and my parents have dinner with him (and his gf now) every once in a while + go to events with them so i know him pretty well!
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iftheshoef1tz · 11 months
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Sorry for being gone for a few days, I hope you are alright, my dearest secret santa recipient.
I need to tell you something…and this is that I feel like you are reading my mind (which is slightly creepy, but in the case of present planning actually quite fortunate!) I had a story idea in mind that kind of fits perfectly what you answered - the non-fiction aspect, the angst-fluff ratio and mean Eris…just perfect (like you and your blog😏).
And now, since I am your secret santa I obviously don’t come without presents or in that case (at least for now) questions.
Would you mind telling me your favourite tropes, and maybe if you have a favourite line from Azris? Or a line one says about the other? Can of course also be from fanfiction?
And maybe we can also talk about music? Do you have any favourite songs/pieces of music? Ones you love? Ones you can listen to all the time? And maybe also songs you connect with Azris? You can of course also name classical pieces (could be relevant for the story👀).
You can go into as much detail as you want, I love reading your answers and I am still incredibly happy that I get to gift you.
Yours sincerely,
Oh god, I’m so excited, omg.
Okay, favorite tropes. “Only one bed” is probably one of my ABSOLUTE favorites. And the moment when one of them looks at the other’s mouth before they’ve acknowledge the Tension ™️ between them!! I am also a sucker for the moments where it’s “will they won’t they” and they both clearly want it in that moment, and then something pulls them away from each other. I don’t have a snappy name for that one lmao. As for favorite lines, i don’t think i have any in canon or in fanfiction, but the more romantic/makes-you-want-to-cry poetry lines always get me. Pablo Neruda (Love Sonnet XVII), Mary Oliver (Wild Geese), ee cummings (I Carry Your Heart) etc. (And ofc select Richard Siken poems.)
In terms of artists whose entire catalogue I could listen to on the regular, Vienna Teng (Dreaming Through the Noise especially) and Keane (Under the Iron Sea especially) are up there. I’m a new convert to Taylor Swift, and “Bigger Than the Whole Sky” kills me every time. (So does “Paper Rings,” but for different reasons.) When it comes to classical music, I love basically anything by Shostakovich and Tchaikovsky. The last movement of Strauss’s “Four Last Songs” (Im Abendrot) gives me goosebumps when it’s not making me cry, and I always cry when I listen to Hilary Hahn’s recording of the second movement of the Barber Violin Concerto. I love Oblivion by Astor Piazzolla; but unfortunately my favorite recording is by Joshua Bell. Caroline Shaw’s Partita for 8 Singers changed me the first time I heard it.
I associate Eris with “This Bitter Earth/On the Nature of Daylight” which is a, like, mash up of Dinah Washington and a string quartet playing a different piece (I think?) and it is so achingly perfect that it haunts me.
But Azris songs? Man, where to start lmao. First, DELIRIOUS BY SUSANE SUNDFOR. Gimme! Gimme Gimme! By ABBA. Never Be the Same by Camila Cabello. Desire by Meg Myers. Closer by NIN. Flesh by Simon Curtis. Hatefuck by The Bravery. Touched by Vast. Close by Nick Jonas and Tove Lo. Everytime We Touch by Cascada. Stray Italian Greyhound by Vienna Teng. So Heavy I Fell Through the Earth by Grimes. Tongue by MNEK. Middle of the Night by Elley Duhe. I Will Possess Your Heart by Death Cab for Cutie. (Strangely, I don’t have any classical pieces that jump out as Azris-coded, mostly just things that make me want to write (which is usually azris lmao))
I think that’s all I’ve got, I could literally go on for hours, tho. I’M SORRY IF IT’S TOO MUCH INFORMATION
Also thank you for calling them pieces?? Most people don’t know to call them that! (Songs have to have words, ofc.) I’m so excited to have you as my secret Santa, sounds like you’ve got some rad ideas kicking around in your noggin!
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