#also azazel is Gay
geraiodli · 11 months
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Azazel and Jophiel from @/asleepyy's au dining!! I hope nothing ever bad happens to them🫶🫶
Flat colours+line and bonus because I can
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Spn Opinions That’ll Have Me Burned at the Stake Pt. 2: Electric Boogaloo
I’m back and bitchier than ever. For reference, here’s part 1.
• Season 5 wasn’t that great.
• D*stiel isn’t real, it’s a sucky ship, and that confession scene was just the writers pandering to the rabid deancas fans cause they knew they were the only ones still watching the show lol. And they left it ambiguous enough that they could still say it was meant platonically if they needed to.
• I hate how they watered down both angels and demons post-season 5ish.
• I liked Ruby 1.0 better than Ruby 2.0.
• I hate Honey!Cas. They just did that cause they didn’t know where to take his story from there, needed him out of the way, and thought it would be funny. It was insulting.
• Jack should’ve been played by an actual child so everyone’s abuse of him would resonate with the audience for what it was (casual fans are brain dead and need to be spoon fed).
• Victor Henrikson deserved more time on the show.
• I said it in the last post, but Alex is way more interesting than Claire and should’ve been given the lead role in the wayward sisters storyline instead.
• Dean is canonically straight and for Christ sake if you guys wanted bi rep, there’s about a thousand other characters that are strongly coded or implied to be bisexual (including Sam!) but y’all didn’t focus on them because it wasn’t actually about representation, it was about making it more plausible for your dumb fetishised gay ship to actually happen (spoiler: it didn’t).
• Season 3 and Season 6 were some of the best ones, you guys just don’t have any taste.
• Claire is not Castiel’s daughter and saying she is erases Jimmy and insults her, and even Cas himself acknowledged that on the show.
• Castiel is canonically NOT gay and Misha constantly saying he is is annoying and airheaded. He’s been attracted to women IN THE SHOW and he’s not even really male, so calling him a Gay Man is reductive and just plain wrong. Also, it’s veeery sus that- given how bi/pan folks are even more underrepresented than gay people- that one of the rare times where the bi/pan label actually fits a character BETTER in CANON……. the allies and monosexuals adamantly reject it. Hm.
• “Curing” vampires or werewolves or demons shouldn’t have been a thing.
• The Winchesters cause most of the bad shit that happens and then they just force supernatural beings to fix it for them- tell me again how they’re Super Special Heroes.
• It shouldn’t be possible to make angels human by removing their grace, because (unlike demons, werewolves, etc) they were never human to start with. If you drained me of all my blood, I wouldn’t magically transform into another species, I’d fucking die.
• Making Billie go crazy was dumb.
• Rowena was one of the most interesting and charismatic characters on the whole show- they just didn’t know what to do with her character.
• The archangels, Lilith, and Azazel should’ve been the biggest threats on the show. No other knights of hell, no god and his sister, no Cain, nothing like that. Having every villain just get progressively more overpowered made the show unbelievable and repetitive and annoying.
• The kernel sanders king of hell guy was hot.
• Dean is misogynistic as HELL, homophobic, likes racist porn, is a narcissist, pervs on teen girls, & thinks all non-human people should be exterminated… and that is all CANON.
• Most of John Winchester’s abuse is fanon.
• Fans portraying Cas as a smol bby who colours in colouring books and has a bee plushie is so fucking annoying.
• Instead of having so many gigantic cosmic storylines with god and his sister and alternate dimensions and even the angel and demon tablets, they should’ve just scrapped those and made the stein family and the bmol and the alpha vampire storylines way bigger than they were. Less cosmic stuff, more earth-based stuff.
• They ruined Lucifer’s character post-season 5. Before that, he was more sympathetic and reasonable than Michael. After, he was a spoiled child hurting people for fun.
• Everything from season 7 on is garbage. All of it. There’s bits of goodness here and there but overall seasons 7-15 are trash.
• How the fuck are there actual people who are deangirls and hate Sam?? The space where your brain should be is empty, I swear to god.
• If there was gonna be any lgbt rep in the Wayward Sisters group, it should’ve been Jody and Donna instead of Claire and Kaia. Those two were boring as hell and had zero chemistry or build-up, but Jody/Donna had plenty of chemistry and was very believable.
• Meg has the best and most realistic redemption arc of anyone on the show.
• Chuck was not likeable or charismatic enough to carry off as big of a villain arc as they gave him. Also that whole thing was stupid and WAY too Out There.
• All the angels should’ve been aroace. All the demons should’ve been pan.
• I stanned Cole so hard up until he changed his mind about hating Dean. That was disappointing.
• Sam went through the same shitty childhood Dean did (plus Bonus Abuse on top of it) and he didn’t turn out Like That.
• I cannot think of a single person that was asking for a spin-off about the Winchester family, like that has to be the most boring thing.
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nicosraf · 4 months
I have a question about fertility and your world building. The angels can get humans pregnant. And it seems like humans can get angels pregnant, depending on what you intended the cause of the miscarriage to be. Can angels get other angels pregnant?
(I was a bit surprised that angels were fertile since they were made "whole" unlike humans, but don't mind me.)
Demons don't seem to be able to get other demons pregnant. Was that because God took their souls or something like that? Cain hooked up with a demon and that demon didn't get pregnant. Did other humans and demons mix? Did anyone get pregnant? And can an angels get a demon pregnant?
heavy a&m spoilers
I'm very amused by this question sksksksk but yes, humans x angel/demon pairs are fertile. Angel/demons x angel/demon pairs are NOT fertile.
The relevant line in A&M is this one:
“I thought that,” Azazel murmured, “us angels never had God’s blessing to multiply. But man does, and so does woman.”
Basically, God told humans (Adam and Eve) to multiply in Genesis, and angels never got that "blessing" from God. But because of their similar anatomy, the humans managed to procreate with them, though not well — given, as you know, the Giants and the miscarriage.
(It's sort of a cruel joke from God for their fertility to work out this way, this half-fertility that they can't even fulfill with each other. And I highkey agree that angels shouldn't be fertile at all, but the Book of Enoch (and relevant lines in Genesis) forced me to make them fertile so now we all have to sleep at night knowing angels are fertile/breedable/whatever.)
I should point out that Azazel's experience happened after the humans become pregnant, went through their pregnancies, and multiple giants were born — so it took a While before that angel-pregnancy happened. (And a lot of sex). Even when it finally did happen, a miscarriage happened first. So angels getting pregnant is not easy or likely, and it also results in the human partner succumbing to madness. (You will hear more about the madness in Book 3 btw)
Cain and his demon weren't together very long. Satan forbid their relationship, Satan also forbid demon × human relationships, even just friendly ones (hence demon attacks). This is why Satan is shocked when he sees the baby at the end; he really didn't know this could happen and he doesn't want the other demons to know... or else God might come after them how he sent Michael after the Watchers. (Sometimes I imagine Ara actually miscarried but hid this fact from Satan. is this canon? maybe).
A silly fun fact is that in my Very early conceptualizations of Book 2 (I mean all the way back when I was writing ABM) is that I was gonna have the demons breed like rabbits, but I changed that (obviously) because 1. I didn't think a publisher would let me and, more importantly now that I'm indie, 2. I got this idea for a Book 3 plot point that I can't spoil right now.
RIP gay demon children. I bet the reaction to that from readers would've been crazy.
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panicroomsammy · 10 months
Sam Winchester, queer coding, and CSA themes
I’ve been thinking about this for a long time but what finally got me to write it down was this post about Sam and queer coding. For this reason (and that this got ridiculously long) I will not be restating all of the points made in that post, though I do agree with them.
I think the reason so many people refuse to see that Sam is queer coded is that he is queer coded in unpalatable ways, including being csa coded. I am only on season seven, but I am going to try and break down some of the ways that he has been queer coded so far. I must begin by explaining what I mean by queer coding and what coding is in general. When I say the word “queer” I do not necessarily mean “gay” or “bisexual” or any other lgbt label. I mean outside the norm. This is because “queer coding” is not so much about purposefully portraying a character as a certain sexuality, but about othering that character from those around them. Sam is clearly an othered character. We will start, as all things in Supernatural do, with Azazel.
When Azazel makes his deal with Mary that ultimately results in the othering of Sam via his psychic powers, the deals are csa coded in a variety of ways. The most obvious is that he possesses Mary’s father’s corpse to kiss her and make the deal. Hunting families are already incest coded in that it is a secret and something that children raised in it are taught no one outside of their family will understand, and in this case hunting is something Mary is trying very hard to escape. Her love for John (who is also her means of escape) seems to be a love for his “innocence” in the way that he does not know of the supernatural. She tells Dean that what she fears more than anything is her own children being raised into hunting. This is a very typical incestuous family melodrama plot (that I could cite in many academic articles but alas this is a tumblr post). Besides the explicitly incestuous kiss and the familiar plot, there is also the way that Azazel obscures what exactly he is asking for in the deals. When he makes the deal with Mary, he has taken both the familiarity of her family and her route of escape from her. He then offers the escape back to her, in exchange for something. He never tells her what this “something” is. This is a more insidious piece of csa coding. Mary lacks the knowledge necessary to consent to the deal - the same way that a child lacks the knowledge necessary to meaningfully consent to sex. All demon deals in the show are sa coded in that they are extortive and about owning someone and depriving them of autonomy, but in this particular case Mary not knowing what she is consenting to is highlighted. He also phrases is as “permission” (to do what he’s going to do to baby Sam), similar to language of asking for consent and implying that whatever he does that she does not understand she will have allowed so she cannot take issue with it later.
Fast forward ten years. Azazel comes to collect on his deal. Two significant things happen - he feeds baby Sam his blood and he is caught in the act by Mary. Let’s focus first on the latter. Azazel kills Mary because she walked in on him with Sam. The way he talks about this in the show has a stomach turning amount of innuendo to it. Specifically, he says she had to die because “she walked in on us” to Sam. The use of “us” is very clearly supposed to invoke an abuser’s attempt to convince a victim that they did in fact have agency in the situation and were just as active a participant as the abuser, though the audience knows this cannot be the case as Sam was an infant.
When Azazel feeds Sam his blood this is without consent which already gives it a csa implication. The way that he made the deal with Mary in the first place does the same. Then there is the way that Sam feels dirty because of the demon blood in him. “Something that I could not control happened to me as a child and now I feel dirty forever” is glaringly a metaphor for csa. The way that Sam says “so he could bleed in my mouth” made me pause the episode and sit there for a moment because of how much it sounded like a euphemism.
Then Sam becomes addicted to demon blood. The parallels would almost make me laugh if they didn’t make me nauseous. Ruby forces herself on Sam sexually before she starts feeding him her blood, and then later it seems that their routine is feeding Sam the blood and then having sex. This creates an association between demon blood and sex. There is also a more sinister undertone to it if you read with this in mind. Sam’s desire for demon blood invokes, for me at least, queer desire. Unlike what some people on tumblr would like to believe, sexual desire isn’t something that people only start feeling when they turn 18. It isn’t even something that we only start feeling when we reach puberty. Everyone has a human body that is capable of feeling arousal from the moment they are born. This is a simple fact of life, but it is one everyone likes to ignore. With this in mind we can understand the quote “within childhood sexual trauma, the experience of violation may be viewed in the moment as uncontrollably stimulating and overwhelmingly arousing” from this post. When someone experiences violation as a child, they may at the time feel pleasure in it or desire for it to happen again. What I am saying is that his whole life after Azazel fed him his blood maybe Sam, for all his fight against being a freak, deep down felt some kind of desire for something even without knowing quite what. And then Ruby gave it to him. This is an unacceptable desire and therefore coded as queer (sexual) desire. But as it is not just queer desire but one associated with both childhood and non consent, which makes it unpalatable to many people who may otherwise enjoy reading for queerness in subtext, therefore the queerness here is missed.
Sam’s fight against being a freak is also part of his queer coding. Some may see this and take it at face value, but truly what queer person can honestly say they have never tried to fit into heteronormative society? When one is constantly told by society that they are wrong, they will try to change to fit - even if just out of a desire for safety. Sam trying and failing at normality (including the ideal heterosexual romantic relationship which is taken from him with Jess’s death in the first episode) is a glaring example of queer coding.
Yet another aspect of Sam’s sexuality that I believe leads to his queer coding being ignored is that the vast majority of sexual situations we see him in are non consensual and he makes it explicitly clear that he wishes not to be in those situations. The first time we see him in such a situation is the pilot where the woman in white forces herself on him and tells him that he will be unfaithful to Jess. At the time this felt pretty extreme to me for putting in the first episode, even for trying to establish that a character highly values their morality. From there they just don’t stop putting Sam in these situations. The next time this happens is with Meg touching Sam sexually while she has him and Dean tied up with no motivation other than that she wants to. She later possesses him, which is used throughout the show as a sexual assault allegory. The next time I remember something like this happening is Becky groping Sam and refusing to stop when he asks her in season four. Later in season seven she roofies him with love potion and kidnaps him. When Sam and Dean investigate the mental hospital in season five, one of the patients grabs both Dean and Sam and makes out with them at different times. While Dean goes with it and does not resist, Sam tries to push the girl away. While neither of these situations had consent, it is much easier for the audience to swallow Dean’s reaction than Sam’s, as Dean’s reaction plays into the notion that men cannot be sexually assaulted because they should always want to have sex with women, while Sam’s forces one to confront that men are capable of not consenting. In the very next episode a high school boy uses a spell to swap his and Sam’s bodies. While in Sam’s body the boy has sex with a woman. Throughout much of season six I would argue something similar occurs. While I’m a bit fuzzy in the metaphysics of what exactly is happening here, Sam is functionally anywhere from two to three people over the course of the season. Despite the fact that they are all technically Sam, I would argue (as a system myself) that any one person within a system using the body to do things that the others would stop them from doing given the chance is non consent. We also know that soulless!Sam slept around with a lot of people during that year and a half. Again, as a system, I would say that is noncon. There is also the fact that during all of this Sam-in-hell (soul!Sam?) was being tortured and more than implied to be raped by Lucifer. All of this makes Sam and sexuality a much less palatable thing to focus on than Dean and sexuality. (Though Dean has his fair share of sa coding as well he covers it up with jokes that make it easier to ignore. But that’s another post.)
The bottom line is that Sam’s demon blood addiction is coded as queer in that it is a desire that is taboo, but it is a bit too taboo for most fans to enjoy or even acknowledge, leading them to voice outright denial of it, with the unpalatable themes of rape surrounding Sam and sexuality adding to the lack of desire to discuss this aspect of the character.
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cairavende · 8 months
Worm Arc 16 first part thoughts (through defeating Dragon and Defiant interlude) cause it seemed likely there is going to be something major happening in the rest of the arc and I might as well split it here:
I might not have made the best choice in adopting both Taylor and Dragon
Ok so it's not technically my babies fighting. It's Taylor fighting simple AI Dragon created. But close enough.
Drone robot fucked up a perfectly good barbecue. That's just criminal.
I love that the robot sent after Bitch was basically designed to get fucked up over and over. Work with what you have.
Also Bitch was so willing to listen to Skitter! Not just listen but "come up with a plan like you usually do, we’ll make it happen"! She fucking trusts her so much! GAAAAAAAYYYY!
You put Skitter in charge and she is just instantly "Ok we're going to attack the Wards, the Protectorate, the PRT, and some of Dragon's robots. All at the same time. Cause I always gotta go BIGGER!"
I will give her this though - solo teleporting into the middle of the Protectorate and Wards (except for Clockblocker) and having Trickster swap her around while she just FUCKED SHIT UP? That was badass.
And throwing herself out the fucking window? TWICE? I'm very glad Trickster was on point there cause I would have fucking murdered him if he dropped my daughter.
Piggot trying to be all high and mighty and superior. Fuck off lady. You just a cop. You're like, the worst cop. I already called you out for having a full blown villain internal monologue in your first interlude. Some of the PRT might be trying to do right. Maybe. But you are just evil.
I will give Piggot one thing. She is good at what she does. It's just that what she does is not "leading the Brockton Bay PRT and Wards to better take care of the people of the city", but instead "be a terrible and manipulative person who would absolutely set of a nuke if she thought it would kill enough capes".
Also Trickster don't be an asshole. Being disgusted when Piggot admits she's fat and doesn't sound ashamed about it. Fuck off with that. She's a terrible person, there are so many better things to attack than her appearance.
Like the fact that she upset Tattletale! She made Tattletale sad! FUCK PIGGOT I HATE HER FOR THAT ALONE NOW!
Sticking a bunch of glass in some doors and riding around town on them oh my god. These are like, the scariest super villains in town. And they are door surfing. I love it.
Azazel is fucking fancy! I'm sad it got melted down in the end.
Dragon just needed a guy badly cosplaying as a DS9 starship for a few minutes and then she builds infinitely better shit than he ever could. Cause she is awesome.
Ok so I know it was technically being run by an AI that Dragon built but I'm counting it as Dragon. For one reason.
Skitter asking Azazel stupid questions until it broke was just a little sister annoying their older sister with really stupid questions! She starts off with some somewhat reasonable ones and just gets wild with it. It was perfect. That is the type of fighting I can tolerate from my daughters.
I'm a little worried about Imp clearly crushing on Regent. He hasn't had the best moral character in the past.
Wasn't expecting them to just *have* the city after beating Dragon. Definitely wasn't expecting that to happen mid arc.
“She’s out of it. Tattletale broke Skitter when she said we won” - GAY. Look sure there's lots of reasons Skitter would be distracted after hearing that the city was theirs and they had won. But Tattletale said it and there's something about a girl you like telling you "we won" that can just stop brain from working. Besides I wasn't getting enough Chatterbug content this arc so I'll find it wherever I need it.
So coming into this arc I had been making lots of jokes about Monarch referencing Skitter vs Dragon (both were controlling lots of minions, want to control the city, they're siblings cause I adopted both of them so they fight for the crown, etc) but Dragon is out of the city for now. So I really should have been focusing on Coil vs Skitter. Which is what I expect the rest of the arc to be.
It'll be fine.
I'm sure there won't be any issues at city hall with her dad. Nope.
PRT squad interlude (Piggot interlude round 2) thoughts:
Nilbog is terrifying but god his power is wild.
I had Left 4 Dead in my head the entire time. First thing they killed was a boomer. There was a spitter later as well. And they got the swarm once they shot the flare up for the evac.
PRT is endlessly badly managed. Given the unknowns they could have been more careful and used a better strategy. If they have the resources to wall off the town they have the resources to have done things better.
There is no way Thomas Calvert isn't Coil (more specifically becomes Coil). There is NO way. It has to be him. I don't technically have any proof but I know. It's him. (The way he is described, the way he talks, just everything about him. I could write up an entire post just on why I'm 100% positive he is Coil.)
I already knew Piggot was a horrible person to be running the Brockton Bay PRT and the Wards so this interlude didn't really give new information there. But it does just lock that down on an extra level.
Frank Miller's Armsmaster interlude thoughts:
I'm very sad I had to have this interlude from his perspective instead of Dragon's perspective. But I'll live.
Sucks to be this small town.
PRT failure again. It was made clear that the police of this town in no way expected the SH9. But the PRT knew when SH9 left BB and had a loose idea of their potential travel speed. And they knew SH9's M.O. in this situation of staying to back roads and hitting small towns. So every police department in every small town within a certain distance of BB should have known to be on alert. Like ya they aren't going to be able to stop the Nine, but they might be able to reduce losses a little. PRT is just bad at it's job. (Almost like Alexandria doesn't have the right priorities.)
Plugging my ears when I Was Insecure So I Made My Stick Even Longer Man talks about playing "ten by ten" with my robot daughter. Look she can do what she wants, no shame, but I do not want to hear about it from him if I can avoid it.
Of course Dragon knows about Cauldron. I should have expected that she did. My daughter is brilliant (and also maybe doesn't have a concept of privacy so gets all the information she can without explicitly doing something illegal and goes has a little bit of a "Big Sister is watching you" vibe).
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thebindingofpillo · 1 month
Bethany is really religious, right, to the point where she comes into conflict with Maggy when Beth learns she’s in a poly relationship. Is Bethany homophobic at all? Does she know Lazarus is gay?
Ooooh okay, this is juicy. While she is pretty religious, it doesn’t come from a place of intolerance or thinking she’s better than anyone. It’s more like a comfort thing for her, she often spent time alone as a child and would find comfort in thinking God and her guardian angel watched over her all the time. It’s also a thing she associates with her grandparents, who often took care of her when her parents were too busy tending to Lazarus in the hospital. She’s not homophobic, in fact she does know her brother is gay and is aware of the crush he has on Samson and will be supportive of him when he’ll start dating Jacob B U T once Dogma will possess her, she’ll fully become a religious zealot and refuse to engage with her sinful brother (and whole family tbh).
As for the poly thing, even the most open-minded people can be closed off in some other ways. While Bethany doesn’t think being gay is a sin, she still sees marriage (and romantic relationships in general) as something sacred, just between two people completely devoted to eachother. She can’t really wrap her head around the fact that four people can be equally devoted to one another and have a perfectly normal relationship. She was also shocked to see Maggy — a person she thought was a beacon of faith — doing something so heinous as (what she thought was) cheating on her partner and taking advantage of him, so that also played a part in that. When it turned out Maggy was also living with three men and wasn’t married to any of them, she kind of exploded.
At first Bethany thought that Maggy was dating only Azazel because they’re the ones who act the most like a couple in public, both Apollyon and Judas aren’t too great with PDA. Bethany met them both in church and thought Judas was just their mutual friend who drove them there sometimes. I don’t know if she knows Apollyon already but probably not. Eventually those four people she shunned are going to become her in-laws lmao.
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 9 months
and the reasons why i like them
Noriaki Kakyoin - I just think he's neat
Risotto Nero - he's emo
Kars - HE'S HOT!!!!
Joseph Joestar - goofy as fuck
Josuke Higashikata - he's so silly it's unreal
Leone Abbacchio - depressed alcoholic? that's a favourite character right there
Caesar Zeppeli - I like him :]
Pannacotta Fugo - I think he's an interesting character (also because of phf)
Robert E.O Speedwagon - waifu
Diavolo - pathetic little bitch
Vinegar Doppio - pathetic little meow meow
Guido Mista - he's pretty chill, I like him
Ghiaccio - fuck dude why do I like all the angry ones
N'doul - i saw him and immediately liked him
Narciso Anasui - i could fix him.
Enrico Pucci - birthing hips
Okuyasu Nijimura - love me a dumb bitch
Rohan Kishibe - cunty
Foo Fighters - water
Hot Pants - please step on me
Diego Brando - DINOSAUR!!!
Johnny Joestar - he was really well written! also he looks like a twink
Yasuho Hirose - silly!!!
Josuke Higashikata8 - silly!!!
Santana - silly!!!
Wamuu - big man tits
Matthew Patel - pathetic little emo (my favourite breed of man)
Scott Pilgrim - pathetic simp (me too)
Ramona Flowers - please step on me
Lucas Lee - himbo
Knives Chau - Silly!!!
Wallace Wells - he's an icon
Young Neil - Silly!!!
Sebastian - emo
Elliot - he has nice hair
Abigail - slay queen
Sam - silly!!!
Shane - depressed alcoholic
Krobus - silly!!!
Tamaki Suoh - stupid blond bitch
Haruhi Fujioka - you go girl
Honey - cutie patootie
Mori - love me a good silent type
Denji - he's so relatable (i want to touch tits too)
Kris - non binary icon
Suzie - lesbian icon
Ralsei - icon
sans - haha funny skeleton guy
Papyrus - autistic icon
Flower - the flower
Toriel - love her
Alphys - lesbian icon
Undyne - lesbian icon
Mettaton - gay icon
Grillby - he's HOT (get it?)
Queen - feel like a fem queen
Lancer - an icon
Ingo - haha funny train man with no memories
Emmet - haha funny train man
Pierce - emo
Raihan - silly!!!
Leon - silly!!!
Hop - silly!!!
Arven - :(
Melli - stuck up bitch
Adaman - "bisexuals are gonna love this guy"
Irida - silly!!!
Brock - simp
Allister - silly!!!
Jessie - girlboss
James - crossdressing icon
N - long hair
Volo - i HATED this guy at first, then thought "nvm he's cool"
Kel - silly!!!
Aubrey - auby
Hero - slay king
Mari - yippee!!!
Randy Jade - pathetic
Dave - vegas
Jack - i like him
Dee - you go girl
Roger - baby
Harry - i like him
Glamrock freddy - way to go superstar
Funtime Freddy - same va as diavolo
Michael Afton - Michael Afton
Alice Asmodeus - gay icon
Clara Valac - silly!!!
Ameri Azazel - girlboss
Opera - non binary icon
Kalego Naberius - emo
Lied Shax - silly!!!
Shichiro Balam - gentle giant
General Furfur - same english va as diavolo
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deanstudies101 · 4 months
4x03, In The Beginning
Critical theory: Guilt and secrets. Destiny and inevitability. The role of the mother/wife.
Discussion point/question(s): Dean was willing to sacrifice his happiness in dream a little dream, but not now… why? [Because it's not his life on the line this time]. Returning to our discussion last episode, even Mary and her family had a home. What do we think Azazel’s real plan could be? Trans readings.  
Key quotes: Mary, "You know the worst thing I can think of? The very worst thing? Is for my children to be raised into this like I was. No, I won't let it happen."; Dean, “Promise me you won’t get out of bed.”; Dean, "Oh, I care. I care a lot, but these are my parents. I'm not gonna let them die again. I can't."
Further reading: 
The gay little sit that inflicted Misha Collins with workplace homophobia for the next 12 years (@godshipsit)
Weren’t expecting time travel. 
Kai, so free will doesn’t exist, is what we’ve established here. [Have we?] Iga, I don’t think free will doesn’t exist necessarily, just some things are canon events. 
Liked the back to the future references. 
If things were always inevitable, why can’t they know past that? [As in what Azazel is doing?] Yeah, as in what happens next. [won’t be answering this one.] But it hasn’t happened. But time is fluid. Iga, no, don’t say that to me, that means something to me. That's not what’s happening here. What if he just tied up his shit so well that it never gets revealed until it happens. Kai, but we do know that some aspect of the future can be revealed, that’s what happens with Sam. The issue with time travel episodes is they introduce a whole load of questions/issues. Iga, no they don’t, they didn’t retcon anything, this was just Dean learning information. [This was exposition]. If Mary was more honest with John, they might have been able to change things. Kai, if this was about Dean learning the truth, why bother sending Dean’s whole ass back instead of showing him in a dream. Iga, my guy doesn’t believe in God, or maybe Cas just wanted to see what Dean would do. [He needed to see it. Also, he needed to feel helpless imo. He needed to learn he can’t stop it.] 
Azazel’s plan. There’s no way all of these people have an exact 6 month old in 10 years, or the plan is wibbly wobbly, except we know all the kids are 6 months old at the same time. Like they all get their powers at the same time. [My interpretation. He made a lot of deals, way more than the number of children he ended up with. The ones that worked out, worked out, the rest didn’t.] Kai, he really liked Mary though… what if the whole thing was designed around her/Sam lol. 
Dean trying to save Mary. It’s not the first time that he’s wished for Mary to be alive, but he’s gotta know it’s not gonna work. But he knows he has to try. 
Mary’s worst fear. That got him. He didn’t want his childhood to be like that. And it hurts to know she didn’t want it either. And John raised them like that for Mary. And she would hate it, she did everything she could to escape it. AND SHE HAD A HOUSE [lol]. That bastard. But how could he know? She never told him. 
Dream a little dream. It’s himself vs. his parents. His life or their lives. It’s the lack of self-worth. Sumner, or is he just more disillusioned now. Iga, or he knows deep down it isn’t going to work, he’s just going through the motions. He says he does care about the people he’s saved dying if he saves Mary—he says he cares a lot, and we’ve never heard him say that before. He says that to Cas, and he’s never, he would never to Sam. [Yes. He does say it to Cas. They’ve met three times, and Dean already feels comfortable sharing very intimate, very vulnerable thoughts/feelings.]
Dean is Cas’ special little boy. Dean might not see it this way, but he is. Maybe it’s because he is an angel—aren’t they supposed to be guardians?—so he might consider Cas to be this guardian that cares about him, and he feels safe enough to say something. 
Kai, I think it’s the autism to autism communication. Iga, it might be that too. Kai, Dean always sidestepped conversations, but that doesn’t work here! So what’s the point? He’s forced to be straight up. Sumner, and Cas is someone he doesn’t have to protect. He doesn't need to protect Cas from his feelings. Cas is stronger, Dean can’t hurt him, doesn’t have to worry about him, it puts them on equal grounds. If anything, Cas is protecting Dean. And Dean’s never had that before! He was a ten year old with a gun. [Angels are watching over you.] 
Kai, Dean isn’t masking. And I think there’s some gender to it. Cas is an angel—therefore without gender—and maybe Dean picks up on that. Dean doesn’t do the gruff masculine thing with women, so maybe Dean is recognising some of Cas’ lack of gender, so some of that mask isn’t needed. [bro.] Iga, Dean has specific behaviours with women, and specific behaviour with men, and this is… neither of those. Cas is non-binary, and the way that we know that is Dean’s behaviour towards him. [A lot has been said about their immediate intimacy, but I had. Never considered this.] Iga, he has a different mask with men and women, but he’s more likely to unmask with women, because he gets flustered. He’s not flustered with Cas, but more… intimidated? [Does Dean unmask more with women? What about Ronald?] Iga, Ronald was a man who, by society’s standards, wouldn't be seen as macho or manly. He was safer. [He can also easily be read as autistic.] Kai, I can see how omegaverse came to be. There are such complex things going on with gender. Iga, to oppress Dean. Dean was such a bottom they invented a gender. [Okay now we’re just discussing who would be omega/alpha etc]*
 Trans readings. They were confused on this one. [You want to name your children after your deceased parents, sure, makes sense. Your first child is born, a beautiful baby boy. Your eldest son. You name him after… your mother? Makes no damn sense. Naming your second son after your mother kinda tracks, like. If it had been Sam and then Dean, sure. Why Deanna first? Because they didn’t know they had a son. They named their first born, a daughter, after Mary’s mother, and their second, a son, after her father. Is this foolproof logic? Of course not. Is it interesting? Absolutely.]
Azazel is a gay icon for real. He’s fruity. He slays. He did walks he strutted he was pouting he was arching his back. Queen.  
Azazel’s plan. Didn’t think it would still be relevant. Kai, it probably has something to do with Lucifer, maybe he’s against Lucifer and wants to have an alternative. Iga, or maybe whoever releases Lucifer gets a lot of favour, so he was going to like, send Sam on these missions to break the seals to get in with Lucifer. 
Re the gay sit. Okay but why is he sitting like that? 
Star student: Kai, the discussion about gender + masking. There was absolutely no reason for you to blow our minds like that, but thank you king.
Notes: Visiting student Sumner.
*Putting the rest of the a/b/o conversation under the cut because we got incredibly off track. However this developed into a very interesting discussion about gender and imo it's worth reading
Iga, see Bela wouldn’t be an omega.
They have classes of men. They have cardboard cutouts of characters, of masculinity or femininity. Layers of masculinity. Similar to the third archetype we came up with for women. With men it’s… alpha, beta, omega. The writers did this to themselves. The masculine subtypes are y, the feminine are x. [So now I’m gonna need to make this.] But they have three cutouts for men and three for women, but in abo the secondary genders are for all primary genders. Dnd alignments. Abo extended edition. Bela was bitch/alpha. We know she is Dean, but she fucked Dean several times. Alpha. Dean is an omega… is he whore? Because he’s not a madonna. [Isn’t he? Because I think he could easily be madonna. He’s Sam’s mom. He’s a mother.] Oh yeah. We’re just attracted to Dean.
Sam is a madonna/beta. [Very little discussion or explanation on this.] 
[Cas is alpha/bitch] Iga… like Bela. Which is why they… [Henrickson, also alpha/bitch. Dean’s type is alpha/bitch]. We’ve broken this down to the nine essential genders. 
They’re a bit confused on ‘beta’, especially beta vs. omega. Do we need more gender here? 
The writers must pick up on this [this being, Cas not being hyper masculine / being a nb icon], and maybe that’s why Misha Collins is treated so shit. [Arguably true. This is the episode of “the gay little sit”.]
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ch4tk4t · 2 months
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Pride month is already over...(2/2)
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Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Rachel Summers aka Phoenix aka Mother Askani aka Prestige aka too many d*mn aliases (I stuck to those I remember from the top of my head)
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Needs: I struggle to think up something she needs... More gay? Always can use more gay.
Qualifications: Bi inter dimensional celestial avatar mutie Queen 💅
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Remy Lebeau aka Gambit aka Zaddy "I MURDER in a crop-top" Lebeau (guess which one I made up 🤣)
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Needs: Mon ami! Gambit needs ONE thing, and she's called Anna Marie, chère. Aside from that, Gambit don't need NOTHING.
Qualifications: Bi sex icon mutie zaddy (seriously, he's GREAT with kids, like, breed me already, sir. Oh that's right, you're fictional, like my womb😮‍💨)
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Elisabeth Braddock aka Betsy aka Psylocke aka Captain Britain
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Needs: Nothing. I'm in love with her new status in the Marvel Universe. Keep it going Marvel. No notes.
Qualifications: Bi ex-ninja inter dimensional protector
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Irene Adler aka Destiny aka Kurt's second biological moooom suck it Azazel 😁
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Needs: The Krakoa era already took care of her needs. It would have been cool if a woman was allowed to seem old, but hey 🤷🏽‍♀️
Qualifications: Lesbian mutie freedom fighter
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Harleen Quinzel aka Harley Quinn aka Yes, as you can see I'm aware of DC characters as well
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Needs: For birds of prey the movie to be accepted as the classic it is, I will die on that hill. Don't even get me started.
Qualifications: Bi (although I'd debate she's a previously closeted lesbian)
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Cooper Cohen aka Web Weaver
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Needs: A f*cking ongoing. Like yesterday. The fact it hasn't been done yet should be considered a criminal offense.
Qualifications: Super flamboyant and stylish gay dude
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Charlotte Webber aka Sun-Spider
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Needs: Also a ongoing. Can't believe SPIDER-BOY got one before her. Like, wtf.
Qualifications: Badass disabled lesbian
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Felicia Hardy aka Black Cat
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Needs: Tough question... More gay? Never too much gay. Seriously though, she already kinda DOPE.
Qualifications: Bi cat burglar. Be gay, do crimes 💅
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Karolina Dean aka Lucy in the Sky aka LSD (Yes, really)
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Needs: For the Runaways comics to go on forever. Like, really. Not a joke.
Qualifications: Bi alien princess. Also she's a litteral rainbow alien 🏳️‍🌈
Bonus round:
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Gwen Stacy aka Ghost Spider aka Spider-Gwen
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Needs: For the spidercels to let our gurl go, she's OURS now. Also Sony, admit she's trans already, you COWARDS.
Qualifications: Trans gurl. Bite me Spidercels 🖕
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kuwdora · 1 year
not-June Something Prompts Day 3: Tell us about a favorite fandom experience.
Hayyyy, time to get nostalgic on main. It was Vividcon. The year was 2011 (a lifetime ago!)... It was the year of X-Men: First Class and James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender had taken over slash fandom’s brain. We had a room party that year at the con. We rewatched the film and a bunch of X-Men vids. I even made a hilarious Fassbender vid featuring all the horrid movies he's been in my god he's been in some awful shit and it's hilarious.
An excerpt from my con report circa 2011: There was an epic quest to get blue curacao since Dominick's din't have it and the other liquor store I called didn't seem to understand me when I was asking for curacao, idk. danegen and I even went to ask the bartenders at the House of Meat for advice on where to get our supplies since we needed the blue, okay. The Quest for Curacao was left unresolved on Thursday but I had given assurances that they would find the stuff sometime on Friday.
It was so important to have a blue drink because of Mystique and Beast. loveoklest and danegen ended up finding us the curacao. HEROES!! And Deejay had made like 90-100 drinks that night, what a fucking mixologist rockstar. It was fucking brilliant, okay. HEROES. @danegen and I also made up a drinking game for our party attendees. Danegen made a POSTER. I can't even remember how many people ended up in that hotel room but it was good time. I’m gonna blow danegen’s mind right now because I still have the poster. Found it when I was cleaning a few years ago…
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It was... a lot of drinking. @monkeyswithjetpacks had the most outrageously funny commentary during the movie. It was great, it was all great. :) Anyway, also check out danegen's vid Golden Years which she made to premiere at the room party. (@danegen do you have this on youtube?) Text version of the drinking game under the cut.
X-Men: First Glass - Sobriety Was Never An Option
Take a drink when
Someone uses their mutation
Kevin Bacon speaks a foreign language
Someone cries
Charles says “groovy”
There’s a reference to gay rights
There’s a reference to 1960s Civil Rights Movement
Michael Fassbender’s Irish accent bleeds through
Charles calls Erik ‘my friend’
We see Hank’s feet 
There’s appropriation that pisses you off
A woman or character of color is treated like an object
Emma’s anachronistic underwear is on screen
Charles and Erik are playing chess
They travel to a new city or country
Someone is in a bar and/or having a drink
Raven hits on Hank
Charles and Erik casually touch
There’s m/m subtext amongst the students
Charles is a douche to people who are on his side
There’s a reference to the future
Charles tries to boss Erik around
Raven rolls her eyes at someone
Erik tortures someone
Erik speaks a foreign language
Riptide silently does as commanded
Azazel teleports like a mofo
Begin chugging when
Raven stands up for herself
Erik lifts the submarine from the water
Charles experiences Shaw’s death
(full list of questions here)
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angelsdean · 1 year
emma - love her. that's dean's baby girl<3 oughh. he could've saved her. he wanted to save her. he saw her as his and he watched her die in front of him and he never got to properly process any of that (what's new honestly? this man has never been given the chance to process any of his trauma. for 40 years !! (+40 hell yrs))
aaron - love you stoner gay<3 he was dean's gay thing. he smoked those pages. we stan.
amy friggin pond - *the office meme* shut up about [amy pond] !! shut up about [amy pond] !! anyways, she was not some vigilante killing off the horrible people of the world. she was killing petty criminals. that's all.
paul the bartender - gotta be honest with you all, did not really remember this man until very recently when i saw a post abt him and sam's dynamic. no real opinions on him except fun for queer sam truthers.
lee webb - i love him as a foil to cas. that is his function 2 me. finally a MAN as a plot device<3 also, good for stanford era dean brainworms. but still crucially i used him as a device to reveal more about dean + his own internal struggles with sexuality / masculinity / desire / dreams of life beyond hunting. sorry lee you are a literary device to me first and foremost<3 but i do enjoy you.
brady the demon - interesting + messed up. like godd sam was surrounded by demons !! were any of his friends real ?? (also another fun character for queer sam truthers) tangent but. imagine jess was a demon the whole time too and her death was faked to act as a catalyst for sam to get back into hunting and lead him to the other special children + azazel etc etc. imagine jess was meg ????? ok but anyways back to brady, yea i don't have like super strong feelings abt him, he's whatever. cool character if you're doing sam explorations.
that one nurse sam drank - fucked up but also def should be talked abt more in sam studies, like i actually do not hear much abt her ever really ?
more thoughts abt everyone listed in this poll. these are just my personal thoughts on them. it's fine if you don't feel the same, we can have differing opinions on fictional characters.
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teamgamble · 2 years
What’s up?  We’re a bunch of ex-Star kids who got tired of Team Star just sitting around with thumbs up their asses after we scared off of the bullies, so we broke off to continue hunting down bullies and rescue abused Pokemon.  You can find us at Naranja-Uva Academy, but we don’t accept new members very easily!
We also now work with the Task Force Distortion!
Be gay, do crime, and eat the rich.  Mod list, pronouns, age, and info below the cut.  Banner was Mod Jacob’s idea.
((@umbreonrogue here, 24 and use she/they pronouns!  This is a Pokemon IRL blog that’s actually a bit of a crossover with The Binding of Isaac.  But there’s no Fallers or anything here, although Mod Isaac has an extremely similar backstory to canon Isaac.  This is intended to play out as a “fakeout evil team”, they’re nuisances but they’re ultimately all misguided teens with a strong sense of justice.
Major unreality warning!  I pretend Pokemon are real!))
List of Mods -Mod Isaac, he/she, 16 years old Technically the leader but everyone has equal say, Maggie’s older stepbrother.  I also do art things that I might post sometimes. -Mod Maggie, she/they/it, 16 years old helloooooo i wanna be a nurse joy so i’m the one who takes care of injured pokemon, i’m also isaac’s stepsister! -Mod Cain, he/him, 17 years old aspiring cook and also Accidental Shiny Hunter, i only have one eye and i have a prosthetic on my left leg -Mod Judas, he/they, 15 years old I’m good at sneaking ig -Mod Evelyn, she/her/fae/faer, 16 years old hi i’m a grass-type specialist, some of my grass-types like my petilil sometimes gives clippings that mags can use to heal pokemon -Mod Samson, he/it/they, 17 years old hey there, i spar with my own pokemon so i usually do the muscle work, by my own choice by the way!  i wanna be a gym leader when i graduate -Mod Azazel, they/them, 15 years old Absolute flying-type maniac!  I have a few flying-types, so when our cyclizar don’t cut it for the job my birds help fly a few people. -Mod Laz, he/him, 15 years old wanna-be dragon tamer here, so i’m the one who knows how to take care of cyclizar if the others come across a problem.  deaf in one ear and beth’s little brother! -Mod Eden, any or ask, 16 years old i’m pretty good at code, not a super hacker by any means but i can create a nuisance, isaac and i also have big plans to make an indie game one of these days -Mod Lily, she/her, 15 years old I know way too much about Pokemon veterinarian care as I want to become one someday.  I’m one hundred percent blind from birth, and Incubus is my seeing-eye Houndoom.  I use screen readers and diction to access this site. -Mod Apollo, he/him, 16 years old Ex-Skull Grunt, and a lot of what we do here are actually ideas that came from my time with Team Skull! -Mod Beth, she/her, 17 years old Local nerd who reads, I volunteer to search through the school libraries and use Groovyle if Team Gamble needs information.  Laz’s big sis. -Mod Jacob, he/they, 15 years old heyo Jacob here, I’m the one in charge of buying shit since I got a lot of money after my and Esau’s pos dad got arrested.  got a bad hip so i use a cane to help me get around. -Mod Esau, he/him, 15 years old I make sure we buy things REASONABLY because we still don’t have the full inheritance yet.  Btw I’m pretty good at crafting Pokeballs and provide the team with them too, because fuck buying shitty Pokeballs from the PokeMart.
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nicosraf · 5 months
I just wanted to say the cain chapters were my favourite chapters of the entire book, finding out the Cain & Abel lore had me messaging my partner (my christian bible gamefaqs guide) feverishly late at night to tell them abt it. But also the line "who remembers cain?" And the response... i GASPED in the bus!!!!!!!! IT MADE ME SO EMOTIONAL. the writing and repeated lines between the paras of that chapter was so insane i was shaken by The Prose!!!!!! Another moment i was so taken aback by was ohya and hahya sheltering the human children bc oh FUCK THEYRE STILL LIVING BEINGS... THEY HAVE FAMILIES N LIVES TOO...THEIR ONLY SIN WAS BEING BORN TMT i started doodling that scene (i cant draw good but sometimes ur compelled by Emotion to) bc it struck me so much how even the giants are innocents... its been two weeks n thinkin abt the fate of azazel n samyaza's family unit has destroyed me irreparably
Spoilers for A&M!
Ahh I'm really glad you liked the Cain chapters! My ideas for Cain were one of my biggest motivators for turning the idea of ABM into the idea of a trilogy. I remember hearing once that Cain is really Lucifer's child, and I have a gay brain, so I imagined Lucifer taking in a little Cain. And here we are! Cain may be a fav character of the series for me. Agh I just love him
And Ohya and Hahya.... Aghh ive said this before but I originally planned to have them talk, and it made it halfway into the finished draft. I decided the ambiguity about their humanness was better, but yeah! You hit the nail on the head. They're also living things with families. It's not their fault they're hungry :(
Thank you for reading A&M! I'm really happy you enjoyed it!!
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jensensitive · 1 year
some ghostfacers effect headcanons~
glimpsing Reality here!! what Really Happened™️!!
* = from scripts, etc
1x07 Hook Man - Dean blew the sheriff in hook man to let him and Sam off link
"Backside" is gay porn 
SAM Yeah, but hustling pool? Credit card scams? It's not the most honest [legal] thing in the world, Dean.
1x08 Bugs
DEAN Hunting's our day job. And the pay is crap.
DEAN Well, let's see honest [legal] (He holds out one hand.) Fun and easy. (He holds out the other, and gestures that "fun and easy" outweighs "[legal]".) It's no contest. Besides, we're [I’m] good at it.
1x15 The Benders - Dean hooked up with a guy in the restroom while Sam was getting kidnapped 😔🙏
2x01 In My Time of Dying - John and Azazel kissed when John made his deal
2x20 What is and What Should Never Be - Carmen is maybe a man from a car ad (and this was all Chuck)
3x01 The Magnificent Seven - Dean: Hey, I appreciate you giving me a little quality time with the Doublemint [Wonder] Twins.
3x10 Dream a Little Dream of Me - *Dean confronts John in his nightmare and stands up for himself*
4x01 Lazarus Rising - Dean crawled out of his grave naked
4x05 Monster Movie happened before 4x03 In the Beginning
*DEAN: For a fed, you’re not a total prick.*
4x14 Sex and Violence
dean and Nick kissed
NICK I should be your little brother [yours. *I’m what you need.*] Sam? You can't trust him. Not like you can trust me. In fact, I really feel like you should get him outta the way, so we can be brothers [together]. Forever.
SAM You poisoned him.
NICK No. I gave him what he needed. And it wasn't some bitch in a G-string. It was you [me.] [*Nick strokes Dean’s hair*] A little brother that looked up to him [partner,] [someone] that he could trust. And now? He loves me. He'd do anything for me. And I gotta tell you, Sam, that kind of devotion? I mean, watching someone kill for you? It's the best feeling in the world.
4x13 After School Special - Amanda Heckerling was maybe a boy dean made out with (her name is Amanda and they made out in a closet idk) (although this entire flashback and all flashbacks are up for debate because of not only it being skewed by the perspective of whoever is remembering it, but with the Chuck revelation, Chuck having the ability to change and implant memories entirely)
5x04 The End - ghostfacers plus possible Zachariah and/or Chuck effect, Cas's orgy isn't just women because i mean come on now. And Dean and Cas were very much fucking in that future, all the more reason for dean to think he corrupted him.
*"The only thing we have left, Dean and me, is each other."*
5x22 Swan Song - when Dean drives up at Stull, he’s playing Led Zeppelin, maybe Immigrant Song or Kashmir
5x18 Point of No Return
"last person who looked at me like that? I got laid [fucked]."
6x10 Caged Heat - The porn was hardcore bdsm
7x20 The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo - Dean has a dumb nerdy tattoo on his ass
season 8 - Benny fed off Dean in purgatory to make him stronger in fights while dean’s human body was in a perpetual state of stasis (and/or they fucked)
8x22 Clip Show - cas buys dean lube with his porn and toilet paper
9x04 Slumber Party - Dean and Charlie are high for the entire episode after they watch Game of Thrones.
9x06 Heaven Can’t Wait - anti ghostfacers effect, headcanon that nothing happened after they left Nora’s and Chuck blipped them ahead in time to the morning giving them false memories because he saw what could happen otherwise. I think he did this a lot (see also: 5x03)
9x08 Rock and a Hard Place happened directly after 9x06 Heaven Can’t Wait
9x08 Rock and a Hard Place - the born-again virgin group is an ex-gay support group
9x10 Road Trip - Crowley and dean kissed to make the deal to let crowley out to help Sam.
10x01 Black - dean and Crowley argued about Anne Marie while fucking male triplets
10x02 Reichenbach - Dean said “I ain't your fuckin boyfriend” not “I ain’t your friggin bestie”
11x17 Red Meat -  "choking on a burger [*auto-erotic asphyxiation*] while binge-watching Charles in Charge." "That was peak Baio."
11x18 Hell’s Angel - "there's times I want to get slapped [whipped or choked] during sex by a girl wearing a Zorro mask. That don't make it a good idea."
Nick was never brought back in s12, lucifer had a different vessel
12x19 The Future - *Cas's vision was like in the script, with him shirtless and Dean thanking him* (I don’t know if this was Chuck’s doing or not though)
13x05 Advanced Thanatology - *Dean didn’t go to the strip club or steal anyone’s bra, he just drank a bunch and passed out on the floor drunk*
13x06 Tombstone - *Dean spread Cas's ashes in a garden with a windmill and a brook.*
13x12 Various and Sundry Villains - It’s Max and Alicia who are trying to steal the Grimoire for Rowena, and Max casts a love spell on Dean, but it also goes differently and they aren’t killing people and don’t die xoxo
14x10 Nihilism - Cas looking through Dean's happy memories, he sifted through a bunch of dean fucking
Michael!Dean flirts with cas
15x07 Last Call - Lorna doesn’t actually exist, she’s Chuck (so not ghostfacers effect, more Chuck effect)
15x18 Despair - Dean said “I love you too” when he was all distraught on the floor of the dungeon ignoring Sam’s calls :(
"Busty Asian Beauties" is gay porn (see: "steam baths" "boys night" on the covers)
*Sam and Dean don’t say “Jerk, Bitch” but “Jerk, Prick”
Sam is vegan.
Dean and Cas hang out and have date nights all the time, and they're constantly on the phone.
Sam and Cas both laugh at Dean's jokes sometimes.
Dean still has the handprint
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summerstrash · 1 year
Calculating Alex Summers' Next Affair
Look, Alex is my poor little meow meow, my sweet idiot, my precious summer child, the blorbo from my comics, but we all know that he has a History.
I think this comes out of a terror of commitment because nothing committed has ever lasted in his life, mixed with a pathological need to perform heteromasculinity by immediately falling for any woman in distress who claims to need his help, but the fact remains: my man being in a relationship makes it more likely that he's about to hook up in an extra-curricular context.
So, who is it gonna be?
Let's start with the ladies, none of whom are currently likely, since the only women we have confirmed for Dark X-Men so far are Maddie (likely his current GF) and Gimmick (A Literal Teenager), but, nevertheless:
Kwannon — Kwannon is far and away the most likely, because she is the most Alex's type; a troubled, bereaved mother he feels indebted to, who is already in a relationship, and whose body was used in attempted or successful hookups with other members of his family (thanks Betsy). The second someone decides they want drama for John/Kwannon, I fully expect Alex to Fuck Around And Find Out.
Mystique — There's apparently trouble in paradise brewing for Mystique and Destiny, and Alex is a phenomenally useful idiot, something I'm sure Mystique is aware of. She's also a redheaded mother estranged from her son, and she and Alex spent 2020 and early 2021 in parallel quests to resurrect their dead, politically unpersoned lady-loves.
Lorna — I hope he doesn't! I really, really hope he does not!! But they've done it before and all it'll take is someone wanting them to bang again for it to happen. I just don't think that's likely right now.
Selene — This is my long-shot, dark-horse pick, because I think she's the most likely woman to show up in Dark X-Men besides Maddie, based on the book's influences
Mother Righteous — She's on the list because, as the female Sinister clone, there's a strong likelihood of her trying to fuck a Summers brother, and Alex is the Summers brother most likely to get fucked.
Zaladane — Lorna's sister (probably) and a dinosaur witch from the Savage Land. If Steve Foxe wants to playfully hurt Connor Goldsmith, this is probably the best way to do it. Depends, again, on her showing up, and I think that's an extreme long shot.
And now, the gents, because Oh Boy Do We Have Options Here:
Warren — Warren gets the top spot because he's blonde (the only hair color type Alex hasn't banged), he's a rich boy from a significant family (Alex's exes are, barring Annie, exclusively women who are either from significant families, or are rich and/or politically powerful in their own right), he's Bobby's teenage crush, and he deals with non-consensual body mods, a violent dissociative disorder, and will be the Saddest Boy In The Room, probably.
Gambit — Remy is already married, and there is nothing that makes you more likely to fuck Alex Summers than already being in a relationship that's kind of on the rocks. Remy also has the bonus of having been Schrodinger's Summers Brother in the 80s/90s, which I think actually makes Alex more likely to fuck him, not less.
Albert — I know this sounds like a weird third pick, but Albert's a robotic duplicate of Scott's metamour and he hangs out with a little android girl so he has Dad Energy by default. We have a history of Wolverine doubles being gay (Gov Gen Howlett, my beloved), and I just think it would be funny as hell.
Azazel — Kurt's dad, demonically affiliated, and seems appropriate for the situation based on Foxe's influential music. Also, it would be incredibly funny of Alex to Stacy's Mom Kurt in this particular way.
Larry Trask — my dark horse pick among the gentlemen, because he's not currently slated to be in this book, but i think if he's gonna come back, it'll be to join Limbo, and if he does, the likelihood of him and Alex having Homoerotic Tension is extremely high. He is exactly Alex's type.
Anyway, that's my take on who Alex is most likely to cheat on Maddie with, if he and Maddie are currently an item.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 6 months
Honorable Thieves
Honorable Thieves https://ift.tt/KQXZL0c by golbygloom After leaving his life to head out west, Castiel's somewhat overwhelmed by the number of possibilities he's never so much as thought of before, and he's not quite sure where to start since his only goal for so long has been to escape. Luckily, fate already has something ready for him in the form of two wanted outlaws known for robbing banks and lives alike, all because he dared to take a nap. Maybe he should've stuck with canning blackberries… Words: 28761, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Castiel (Supernatural), Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Victor Henriksen, Jake Talley, Lucifer (Supernatural), Azazel (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Western, Outlaw Dean Winchester, Outlaw Sam Winchester, Criminal Dean Winchester, Criminal Sam Winchester, Hunter Dean Winchester, Hunter Sam Winchester, Hunter Castiel (Supernatural), Cowboy Dean Winchester, Cowboy Sam Winchester, Cowboy Castiel (Supernatural), Sassy Castiel (Supernatural), Oops, Grumpy Castiel (Supernatural), Flirty Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, Poor Sam Winchester, sam is the only one with brain cells i'm afraid, Castiel and Dean Winchester Being Idiots, Castiel and Dean Winchester Behave Like a Married Couple, Insecure Castiel (Supernatural), Castiel Has Self-Worth Issues (Supernatural), Gay Castiel (Supernatural), implied bisexual Dean Winchester, Protective Sam Winchester, Protective Dean Winchester, castiel is making things up as he goes and just making an absolute mess of it, Autistic Castiel (Supernatural), not apologizing for that one i'm afraid, Period Typical Attitudes, Period-Typical Homophobia, Period-Typical Child Labor, this takes place in the california gold rush era of 1840s-ish so, Canon-Typical Violence, they kill monsters but also animals for the purpose of eating, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, kind of, it's just a silly gay cowboy but with demons and angsty insecurities, Rewrite the Ages, POV Castiel (Supernatural), Implied poverty, Non Major Animal Death, Monster Hunters, Rewrite the Ages Big Bang 2024 via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/5nphkPJ April 08, 2024 at 06:09PM
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