#also can itunes not mess up just once ever
lumine-no-hikari · 6 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #106
Today was a day of resting.
Yesterday, a couple hours before bed, I ended up with a terrible migraine. I dunno if you've ever had one, but they feel like you're being stabbed through the skull with a red-hot icepick. And at the same time, all the lights are WAY brighter, and all the sounds are WAY louder, to the point that they're painful and terrible and awful, and just… ugh. And then there's the nausea on top of it all, and… it's just a big huge mess. I hope you don't know what these are. I really hope that nothing like this ever happens to you.
I didn't get any aura beforehand this time, which is somehow both fortunate and unfortunate. It's unfortunate because when I get an "aura" beforehand, it basically means that some 80% of my vision gets totally obscured by what looks like scintillating, rainbow-colored TV snow. Kinda like this, but with a lot more of the visual field obscured:
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When this happens, I'm effectively rendered blind until the pain starts. And then… well. The pain starts. But... it's also fortunate if an "aura" shows up beforehand, because it lets me know I need to take an ibuprofen RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. The ibuprofen usually does a pretty good job of taking the edge off.
But I didn't get an aura beforehand, so there was no warning, and I had to take the ibuprofen AFTER the pain had already started. But that's all right; once the ibuprofen kicked in, I was able to go to sleep. Suppose if there's any time to get a migraine, the best time is a little bit before bed, because then you can take ibuprofen to dull the pain, and sleep through the rest.
I did end up waking up at stupid o'clock in the morning because I went to bed early. But then I pretty much just went right back to sleep. I woke up at approximately my regularly-appointed time after that.
Still, I figured that if I got a migraine, the thing to do is rest. So that is what I did. I put together a playlist on my iTunes (which I then reproduced on YouTube for your convenience!), and did a lot of writing. I wrote basically all day today, but I'm not gonna tell you what about. And in any case, I have a funny feeling like maybe somehow you might already know, ridiculous and silly and impossible as that sounds.
Anyhoot. The list I made today can be found here. I hope you enjoy it. But if you don't, then that's okay too:
I feel like I don't have a whole lot to write to you about today, since I spent most of it lost within my own little world (everyone needs days like that sometimes). But I wanted to tell you that I care about you and that I'm thinking about you nonetheless.
What do fallow days look like for you, I wonder? What sorts of things do you get up to when you're happily lost in your own internal world? Are either of these things something that you've ever experienced? I know you can't answer me. Probably you can't even hear me. But I'll ask you these questions anyway, and hope that the void carries them to you somehow. …Somehow…
Hey, Sephiroth? In case no one has told you yet today, you're pretty awesome. And not because of the things you do or because of how you look, no. Just because, for so many years, you chose to use your awesome power to try to protect people. And because you were so kind and gentle with the people around you. And because I know there is a side of you that is soft, even if you've been viciously trained to let hardly anyone see it.
Please keep doing your best out there, okay? And please stay safe; my world won't be the same if you're not alive and well by the time this is over.
I love you, and I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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unionbanana · 2 years
Outlook for mac update 2015
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IPhone Calendar Sync Works with All Event TypesĪnother problem with some sync apps is the fact that they don’t correctly transfer recurring or all-day appointments, or they make a mess of your calendar. Imagine your phone with two calendars, contacts, notes and reminders (tasks on Outlook) - that adds up to eight apps and a lot of wasted space. If you already have events in your calendar and anther sync software installs its own calendar app, you’ll have to move those events into the new app. It can make it confusing to remember which app has your information. This takes up the already-limited screen estate - even on the larger iPhone 6 Plus screen - and space on your phone. You can’t delete the iPhone’s calendar, contacts notes and reminder apps - only move it.
Some install another calendar, leaving you stuck with two calendar apps. Not all sync software uses your iPhone’s or other device’s integrated calendar. If you also have an iPad, Samsung Galaxy 10 tablet or other compatible devices you use to sync with Outlook, the new appointment appears in the calendars of all those devices that you sync with Outlook. The appointment syncs with Outlook calendar on your Windows PC. Just enter your new appointment into your iPhone’s calendar app, the one you always use. This feature allows you to review all changes, including items you’ve deleted or edited.
If you delete something by accident or update an event with the wrong information, you can restore it with the sync history feature. Akruto is the most dependable sync software. All your appointments in your Outlook for PC show up in all your synchronized devices’ calendars. So, looking up a past appointment or checking your availability three, six or 12 months from now won’t be a problem. AkrutoSync syncs all of them - past, present and future. Most sync applications only sync two weeks’ worth of past and future appointments and events with Outlook calendar. Sync All Events Between Outlook Calendar and iPhone
If you have iPad, iPod Touch, Windows Phone and Android devices, you can sync with those, too - without paying extra. Once installed, you can sync Outlook with all your compatible devices. AkrutoSync is a two-way sync software for Windows PC that you install on your desktop or laptop. With AkrutoSync, you can seamlessly sync Outlook calendar as well as contacts, reminders (tasks in Outlook) and notes. To sync Outlook calendar with iPhone is more complicated than it has to be, regardless of whether you use iTunes or iCloud. According to several customers’ forum postings, Apple support techs reported that it is impossible to sync Outlook 2013 with iPhone or any other iOS device.Īccording to many forums and my team’s own testing, there’s no easy and consistent way to do iPhone calendar sync using Apple’s built-in sync functionality.
But with so many compelling email choices for OS X users - from OS X's Mail client to ever-present Web-based services from Google, Yahoo, and others - Outlook isn't a necessity.Many people are struggling with how to sync Outlook calendar with iPhone, especially those currently running Outlook 2013. If you depend on Office as part of your computing life, the new version of Outlook offers plenty to like. Not for everyone: With so many free or cheaper email offerings available, getting an Office 365 subscription ($6.99 per month or $69 for a year) just for Outlook may not be the best use of your money. Message preview: The new message preview feature gives you a glimpse into a message before opening it.Ĭross-platform: Outlook is of course available on Windows as well as through, and you can run Outlook apps on iOS and Android devices.Įmail push: The update adds support for push email, so messages will be transferred quicker than ever before to your inbox. View calendars side by side: To coordinate an event, you can view as many as three calendars side by side to schedule a meeting.ĭeclutter: Outlook can scan messages and, based on your past actions, move low-priority messages out of your inbox and into a folder called Clutter. Resolve meeting conflicts: In Outlook 2016 for Mac, if a meeting invitation conflicts with another one on your calendar, you can propose a new time from your calendar or email inbox. But if you don't already use Outlook, the new edition probably won't offer many reasons to switch.
Outlook 2016 for Mac, the latest iteration of the email and calendaring app, is a worthwhile upgrade for existing users.
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I see that I’m a fan 🎯
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honeyjaez · 4 years
I just finished Me&7Men, wrapping up the last month of victon marathoning I have been doing since becoming an Alice.
I have so many feelings now that it’s over and I just kinda need to get them off my chest if that’s alright.
Also I’m listening to Seungsik’a cover songs as we speak so rip my emotional instability.
But here we go.
To say I love Victon is an understatement. I’ve never fallen for a group as wholesome and beautiful as Victon.
The 10 episode series, leading up to their debut , as well as the many series’ I watched about them after only cemented that idea.
Also, I’ve never been more upset and pissed at myself for waiting so long to get into a group before. They deadass have been around, breathing and making music since 2016 and I fucking waited until 2020 to learn about them?????? The fucking clownery man. 🤡
I’m trying to find the words to say what they mean to me without just saying “I fucking love them” over and over again but for someone who isn’t good at writing her feelings out, I wanna try.
Like do you guys all have that one group where you kinda saw on the sidelines of your favs but never paid much attention to them? And then you finally get into them and you are like “holy fuck this is my group. Why did I not get into them sooner?”
That’s me with Victon.
I’ve causally listened to Victon for a few years. I think my first title track I remember checking out was Time of Sorrow, and that was a causal one time listen, but on iTunes and sometimes listen to it. (I really liked remember me, but again, same sort of deal)
I knew about Seungwoo from PX101, but that was it. Nothing passed that. I thought to myself during X1’s debut that I would learn more about him but I never did.
I LOVED Nostalgic Night. Like that was such a good song! But again, never looked into them as a group.
In January I remember watching a video of Subin performing 7rings and again I thought “Hmm I should learn more about them” BUT GUESS WHAT. I NEVER DID.
I kept putting it off for some idiotic reason.
Maybe it was because the whole mess that was PX101. I truly felt bad for every member. I went through the sadness of Nu’est being separated and didn’t want to deal with another group like that idk.
But then X1 disbanded, and I was so distraught. I truly felt bad for every single member especially Seungwoo who was their leader.
I remember hearing rumors back in Time of Sorrow era that Victon was rumored to disband if they didn’t gain more fans. And also remember how Hanse said the only reason the remaining 6 members were able to stand together on a stage still was because of Byungchan and Seungwoo going on PX101. That alone sent my heart melting.
Hell. I spent nearly 80 minutes randomly one night after getting into them ranting to my friends about just how much I loved them.
Which is funny, because I’ve never once done that before, for any of my groups including Seventeen and Stray Kids. Like....there are some groups you get whipped for because they are cute/ energetic/ can do awesome things and that’s amazing!
But there are also those groups you connect with on an emotional level. They may not be as exciting.... but god fucking damn. It’s only been a month and a half and I would drop half of the groups I already listen to for them if i had to pick one.
They have only worked so fucking hard for a life of their dreams. Those boys....they have struggled so fucking much. But they aren’t in it to be the best and most well known group.
They do it to make the world a better place with their music, and together even more so.
I just want to love them so much. I want to suppor them so much. I want nothing but their happiness and smiles until the end of time.
Holy fuck like....the whippedness is bad.
The video, back when it was just the 6 of them and Seungwoo was still prompting with X1, he left them a message at their concert.
IMMEDIATELY they broke down in tears as the left him messages. Mind you, this might have been my fifth video ever of victon?
Still, for it being so early on in my victon relationship I still balled like a baby. Because you could see in this single video just how much Seungwoo meant to them.
Dude...fucking Sejun’s broke me.
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AT this point I’ve already decided to sell my soul for them.
Suddenly, my heart can only think of them. The whole fucking video taught me that if nothing else, these men just want to stay together. As Seungsik calls them, they are his love and family.
Like I can’t fucking put it into words. But the love they all had for their leader was insane. A lot of kpop groups aren’t that close. A lot of other groups don’t love everyone as much as Victon loves eachother and holy shit.
They don’t care about charts.
They don’t care about being the best.
They just want to be together on stage.
Holy fucking shit. Like I’m now on this train till the end.
It’s not just their music that is beautiful, it’s their very exsistences, their very beings.
They make the world a better place. Not just because of their music, but because of themselves, because of their souls, because of their hearts. The world is indeed a better place because Han Seungwoo, Kang Seungsik, Heo Chan, Lim Sejun, Do Hanse, Choi Byungchan, and Jung Subin live on it.
Everything about them is like a ray of light in this shitty ass place. Not to mention they are funny as fuck.
This probably made no fucking sense because I ramble but just know that I would do anything for them.
They have my heart in every sense of the word.
K byeeeeeee
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fortysevenswrites · 4 years
all the odd numbers <3
Alllllllll the odd numbers? Okayyyyy then.
1. when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
It’s been a loooooong time since I’ve had cereal, but definitely more cereal, added milk as needed. The last thing I can handle is soggy cereal.
3. what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
I’m that asshole who dog-ears her book pages. Sorry not sorry.
5. are you self-conscious of your smile?
Not really.
7. do you name your plants?
Lol I’d have to keep plants to name plants. The closest I’ve gotten is when I was house-sitting for my sister and thought I murdered her strawberries last summer. Turns out, I didn’t.
9. do you like singing/humming to yourself?
Not really. I do most of my singing to myself in my head.
11. what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
Too many to count.
13. what’s something that made you smile today?
I bought these sour gummy snakes at the market today. Had them for brunch. Meal of champions.
15. go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
According to the great google and Arizona State University, there are more trees on earth (3 trillion) than there are stars in our galaxy (100-400 billion). That’s a lot.
17. what color do you really want to dye your hair?
Overtone, the hair dye company, has been advertising this color blend called Merlot, which is a mid between red and purple and it’s SO my vibe.
19. do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
I try to, but by the time I’m done with my day, I forget to journal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
21. talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
answered here
23. what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
answered here
25. what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
answered here
27. what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
I don’t chew gum.
29. what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
My best friend does this nose crinkle thing that is adorable.
31. what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
I wish they would just FUCKING FIT. So I don’t wear socks unless I have to.
33. what’s your fave pastry?
Chocolate croissants. Hands down. 
35. do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
I have the handwriting of a twelve year old boy, so stationary is wasted on me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
37. do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
I am blind to most messes. My closet is on the floor, pretty much.
39. what color do you wear the most?
Black. Hands down.
41. what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
Any book in the Sigma Series by James Rollins. I am trash for a good military thriller.
43. who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
Probably not since I was still working at the summer camp I grew up at, so, years ago, and probably with my campers.
45. do you trust your instincts a lot?
Yeah. My instincts are always right.
47. what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
I don’t do bananas. 
49. do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
Oh man, I used to LOVE buying CDs. The last record I bought was a vinyl of Haley’s Badlands when she did a club concert around the corner from where I live. It was SO much fun. Do I have a way to play said vinyl? No. 
51. think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
I recently got news about a person who I used to work with back in the ye olde. The song I’m thinking of is Fuck You Very Much by Lily Allen. So, uh, take from that what you will.
53. have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
Beetlejuice is one of the best movies of all time. I’ve actually never watched RHPS all the way through. And I’ve never seen Heathers or Pulp Fiction.
55. what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
Quit my job.
57. go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
Like I could conquer the damn world. And yes, I did sing along. Duh. And now I want to listen to Radio Gaga. So thanks for that.
59. what’s your favorite myth?
I’ve always been a huge fan of the story of Serenity and Endymion. Goes back to my Sailor Moon phase. As one does.
61. what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
I don’t think any of the gifts I’ve given, gag or not, are stupid. Even the socks I’ve given (and gotten).
63. are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
Not really. I like knowing where the books I go back to regularly are, but that’s really it. I used to be really organized about my music back when iTunes was a thing. Now I really just listen to music via YouTube.
65. is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
Yes, and that’s as far as I’m going to go on that nonsense. It’s been nine damn years. Ugh.
67. how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
SO FUCKING GOOD. Love days like that.
69. what are your favorite board games?
Uhhhhhh....I haven’t played board games in years. 
71. what’s your favorite kind of tea?
I used to drink green tea before I realized caffeine gave me serious anxiety.
73. what are some of your worst habits?
A great many things.
75. tell us about your pets!
My four-legged roommate Bishop. She’s the black cat I’ve always wanted and she’s the biggest, brattiest baby and she screams when she wants me to pay more attention to her. I am also the the aunt to four dog nieces, Belle (black lab mix), Raven (beagle mix), Ivy (miniature aussie), and Cora (husky/german shepherd mix), and two dog nephews, Sebastian (miniature schnhauzer) and Sven (husky/german shepherd mix). 
77. pink or yellow lemonade?
Pink when I’m feeling fancy. 
79. what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
Someone I know, two years ago, the day after he met me, snuck me a cookie from the leftovers after team meal. It’s been a problem ever since.
81. describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
They change colors, but most often, somewhere between fanfiction yellow, and the color of dead moss. And they’re the best.
83. what’s some of your favorite album art?
I don’t really have thoughts on album art? But I have my Halsey Badlands vinyl right in front of me and it’s pretty cool.
85. do you read comics? what are your faves?
Not often, but I have a giant pile of Power Rangers comics that I’ve been meaning to read through for like...ever.
87. what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
Blazing Saddles, Pacific Rim, Beetlejuice, Crazy Rich Asians
89. are you close to your parents?
Well that’s a complicated question. Let’s just leave it at that.
91. where do you plan on traveling this year?
Well I was supposed to go to Hawaii for a friend’s wedding this summer, but she pushed it back to 2022, which makes sense. Other than that, California at some point to see my grandparents because I haven’t seen them in over a year because of the pandemic.
93. what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
Either a ponytail or a messy bun. Sometimes I’ll wear it down, but it depends on which day I am between shampoos. My hair is, well, finicky at best.
95. what are your plans for this weekend?
I have a module for a course I’m taking that I need to watch and do the homework for. Maybe go up to my sister’s house once my niece gets back from her dance tournament
97. myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
MB is steeped in eugenics so, no thank you, and also I just don’t have time to take the quiz. I’m a Taurus, and damn straight am I a Taurus. And I’m a Slytherin, full stop (though apparently I’m also a Ravenclaw, which makes sense).
99. list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
marjorie by Taylor Swift, any song on Halsey’s Badlands album, The Pit by Silversun Pickups, Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy, and Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy, to name a few.
these are actually hella fucking cute y'all (except, you know, all the odds)
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mythvoiced · 4 years
rules: tag ten followers you want to know better !
name:  Lena star sign:  Virgo! height:  i wish i knew middle name?  Dumbass
put your itunes on shuffle. what are the first 6 songs that popped up?
-  In The Heights   -   In The Heights OBC. -  IDOL   -   BTS. -  Feelings   -   Hayley Kiyoko. -  Wait For Me (Reprise)   -   Hadestown OBC. -  Way Down We Go   -   Kaleo. -  Man In The Mirror   -   Michael Jackson.
grab one book nearest to you and turn to page 23. what’s line 17? “‘Patience. That’s the key. Now here is a hood from our [uncle HADES]’” from Stephen Fry’s Heroes, gifted to me by the wonderful, most loveable @enchcntd (i didn’t have to mention this i’m aware, but y’all need to know how lovely she is) (also btw this book is fantastic, absolutely recommend if fan of greek mythology + humour)
ever had a poem or a song written about you? no lmao thank god, i would have died
when was the last time you played air guitar? oh every now and then
who is your celebrity crush? HMM... it changes constantly? tbh i’m mostly crying over any beautiful, top-energy woman i see, so... 
what’s a sound you hate; sound you love? tbh depends on circumstances? but i think, mouth noises a lot... nails on walls... mostly mouth noises AND LOUD NOISES, bangs or booms and stuff, and loud arguing; I LOVE someone speaking passionately and humbly about something; a door clicking shut, just sounds of things falling perfectly into place
do you believe in ghosts? i’m open-minded & on the fence, so, yes and no?
how about aliens? obviously. to think we’re the only “intelligent” life form in this immeasurable universe would be as arrogant as inconceivable -fixes megane-
do you drive? nAH 
if so, have you ever crashed? //
what was the last book you read? am about to finish “Halb So Wild” by Hans Rath, and am reading “Heroes” by Stephen Fry... the last book i finished was, i think, the last book in The Mortal Instruments series? too lazy to get up and check its name
do you like the smell of gasoline? not quite sure tbh, i never... wondered about it ==
what was the last movie you saw? ONWARD oh god it’s... it’s such a beautiful movie, the cast, the message, the animation, there’s a lesbian character at one point that actually does something crucial to the plot even if she has otherwise no screen time, a full super well-written balanced main cast (lotsa ladies, fellas), no one is mean to justify their character or actions, everyone is kind or genuinely means well (safe for those pixies but they’re gangsters and- watch the movie; and actions born out of insecurities and frustration with oneself), the world-building and lore is smoothly and kindly intervow- IT’S LIKE, YKNOW? SOMEONE JUST CALMLY MADE A PERFECT MOVIE, FUNNY TOO, BUT AT NO ONE’S EXPENSE, OR MAYBE IT’S JUST ME, IT MADE ME CRY AND I LOVE IT
what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? i have no idea tbh. i had a sprained ankle once, and couldn’t move properly for a day because i’d messed up something in my shoulder blade and/or the nerves there, BUT-
do you have any obsessions right now? not really, which is quite odd for me. i’m just tired atm, in between obsessions ;3
do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? not really? i’ve got some grudges, but that’s because i’m holding onto them like my life depends on it LMAO and because somebody has to. until someone owns up to it. call it trauma stubborn hgghgg. but i don’t, generally, no. 
in a relationship? nopesters!
tagged by:  @foxcharmed TYSM ♥ tagging: @intergalacticxmisfits @fahuo @gentleanne @busanbunnie @wantedformanysins @enchcntd @rubiesintherough @tinymute @ovcrdramatiic @savingfxce @falling-for-a-fantasy @killypool @lonelygcd & YOU i was NOT counting you can tell
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
07/13/2020 DAB Transcript
1 Chronicles 15:1-16:36, Romans 1:18-32, Psalms 10:1-15, Proverbs 19:6-7
Today is the 13th day of July welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it's great to be here with you today as we dive in…dive into a new work week and swim our way through together. And if that's the metaphor we’re gonna use then I'm glad I'm not swimming alone. I'm glad we're in this together. So, this week we’re reading from the Lexham English Bible and continuing our journey through the book of first Chronicles and continuing our journey through the life of David. So, today first Chronicles chapters…chapter 15 verse 1 through 16 verse 36.
Okay. So, we’re just getting started in the book of Romans, which also means we’re just getting started in Paul's letters. And, so, like we’r righgt at the very beginning and we gotta kinda get his tone and get where he's coming from. And this letter of Romans is brilliant. Like, this is the basis for so much of the theological understandings that we have as Christians. And it’s…it's dense. Like, it's very packed. And, so, lot of words and a lot of long sentences. So, what…what are we saying today or what was Paul saying in the portion of the letter that we read today? Well, so, we got started yesterday and…and Paul was like right out of the gate making one point really clear, that God is willing to make us right or righteous in His sight. He's willing to do that, but the…the way that this can be accomplished is completely through faith. I guess we could just stop there and talk for a few days or weeks or months or years because we’re essentially being told that once we believe we have to live into this through faith. Like when will we ever actually feel like we are righteous before God because of our actions, not because of Jesus work? Like, when will we ever feel like we have a right to be in God's presence because we are that good? We, on our own, are holy and we have become exalted to the point that we can be in God's presence and He doesn't have to like…He doesn't have to make us righteous, we simply are on our own, like when will that ever happen? Never…never…but we are that holy and we are that righteous to be so bold as to enter the presence of the most-high God through faith. This is so central to Paul. We kinda need to understand where he's coming from here as we enter into what he’s writing. And, so, that’s what he's saying, and he begins to flash that out today by simply saying, “there's no excuse. It's not God's fault for our confusion. It's not God's fault that we’re not aware of His presence. It's not God's fault that we can't find where He is. Just look around you.” And he tells us, “God gave us reason, volition, essentially gave us the ability to make choices and that those choices have been allowed to matter, but we took those choices and essentially traded the truth for a lie. And, so we began to worship all kinds of things and get into all kinds of trouble and move into all kinds of directions that humans being…human beings were not intended to be involved in, including in…including giving our hearts in worship to that which is false, which is idolatry.” And, so, you stir all of that up together for a couple centuries or a couple millennia and you find like confusion is a rampant. Nobody knows anything anymore, which according to Paul just leads to unrighteousness, fundamentally. Unrighteousness, wickedness, greediness, malice, envy, murder, strife, deceit, malevolence, gossip, slander, hatred of God, insolence, arrogance, and on and on. And we probably could rightly say, “yeah, that's kind of the world I think I might be living in too. Like that's kinda what I see when I look around. There’s a lot of this.” So, we, on the one hand, we can go “well, nothing's changed in the last couple of thousand years” or we can understand like this is our deep struggle. Paul’s saying God has always been here. He's been calling out in every way imaginable, and we've been ignoring that and making choices without Him individually and collectively as the human race. And, so, here we are, and it's a bit bleak. And, so, he's…he's laying out all out not to say, “the world has gone mad and everything is upside down and we need to hunker down and hide out.” Like, he's not saying that. He's laying this all out to bring us to what we will experience in the coming days and that is this; it doesn't have be this way. We’re choosing for it to be this way. If we could understand that we have been made righteous before God. If we could accept that reality about ourselves through faith the things that we are struggling for, the people that we are struggling against, it loses its potency. We’re no longer struggling to eke out some sort of identity that can make us right in our own eyes. Rather, we come to the end of ourselves understanding that the choices that we've made have individually and collectively gotten us here. Somethings got to change. And for Paul it's that if we could open our eyes and see through faith what is really going on it would fundamentally and radically transform us from within, which would then compel us to change the way that we live and have our being in this world, which would effectively change things all around us. And if you get that going, you get that momentum going then…well then, we’re working towards, “on earth as it is in heaven.” And, so, we have a lot of ground to cover in the days ahead in the book of Romans and…and…and on through the letters of Paul. But this is where we are now. Paul is laying out the fact that things are pretty messed up, have been pretty messed up but they don't have to stay that way.
Father, we invite you into that. We welcome you into that. We open our hearts. We want it. We’re exhausted. Come Holy Spirit, bring us to the end of ourselves as painful as that might be, that we might see through the eyes of faith what is really going on here and is really possible. Come Jesus we pray. In your mighty name, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is…it's the website but its home base for…for the Global Campfire community that we are, and it’s where you we find what’s going on around here. So, stay tuned and stay connected.
I…I started mentioning Heart, a contemplative journey, a project that released back on the day of the long walk. And it…it…it's available now and if you haven't had a chance to get that is…it is a true journey of the heart. It is a true journey into the emotions that we feel…that we've been feeling throughout all the craziness going on, just kind of guides us. It's something that has formed over a lot of time, actually over several years for me. And the prayers are prayers that just kind of…they came from my own heart. They were the prayers I was praying about the things I was feeling and just realizing I'm not alone. I can't be alone. This is…this is what we feel. And to try to give language to help us enter into those places instead of just kind of stamping them down and compartmentalizing them and hiding them. Instead, to embrace what we’re actually feeling and welcome Jesus into those places. And, so, that is available. It was a shock. It was a shock to watch that album debut number one. I was not thinking that but now that we’re almost a couple weeks from there I see the feedback I'm getting that it has struck a nerve. It is something that was needed for…for a time like this. And, so…so, yeah, that is available. You can get it from the iTunes store or the Google Play store. If you’re looking for it like on Apple music, like it's not stream…you can't stream it, you have to purchase the album. There's a reason because there's 20 tracks in 10 of them are prayers, and there’s no way to exclude, like there's no way to exclude them. And that would mean that disembodied prayers that are completely out of context altogether…just completely out of context of the…of the of the whole process that…that Heart is could…it's just weird. And, so, if you go you have to go the iTunes store to get it as many, many, many, many, many, many of you found out over the last few weeks. But it is available and it's not just for the long walk, although it’s such a beautiful, beautiful thing for the long walk. It is for the long walk of life, and something that I go back into even though I…I…I've heard it a lot. It takes me into a place that…I don't know…it centers me. It reminds me that, although I can get tossed around on my emotions, like we all can, there's an anchor. And we can continue to be tossed around if we don’t hang on to the anchor. And…and it…it’s just so helpful to be reminded and to have the words. And, so, check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. Thank you, humbly, deeply. We wouldn't be here if we weren’t in this together and that has always been the story and that is a fact. So, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can in the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
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Outside the Rain - Harry Styles Series (Part 12)
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Part 11
It was the night of the VMA’s and you were currently getting your hair and makeup done. After getting in super late the night before, you all were up and at it early that morning for rehearsals. You all had done everything you could do to make sure the performance went smoothly. The only thing left was to go through with it. 
Harry had went shopping for an outfit for the show. When you invited him, you sort of didn’t think about the fact that he wouldn’t have anything to wear. Yes, he wasn’t going to walk the red carpet, but he couldn’t exactly just wear some trousers and a shirt. 
“And just like that we’re finished,” your makeup artist smiled. 
You got up from your chair looking into the mirror. You smiled moving some hair out of your face. 
“I love it,” you smiled. “Thanks.” 
“Well, you look beautiful,” she smiled. “And remember you’re going to do great tonight.” 
“I really hope so,” you said. “Tonight’s a big night for us.” 
You went over to open up the bag that held your red carpet outfit. It was velvet purple blazer dress that you wore with matching heels. Harry walked into the room, just as you putting your things into your clutch. 
“Wow, you look beautiful,” Harry smiled. “Not that I expected you not to look beautiful.” 
“Thank you,” you smiled straightening your dress. “You look very handsome.” 
He smiled placing his hands on your hips, “Thank you, baby.” 
“Thank you for being there for me tonight,” you said. 
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” he smiled. “I’m proud of you. You girls have been working your asses off these last 48 hours and I know you’re going to fucking smash it.” 
You smiled pressing your lips against his. He smiled pulling you closer to him. His hands ran down your back, stopping just below the edge of your dress. He smirked against your lips and you laughed pulled away. 
“Down boy,” you giggled. “Save that for after the show.” 
“But you’re just so tempting,” he groaned pulling you back towards him. 
“I also didn’t just spent almost two hours in hair and make up just for it to be messed up by my boyfriend within two minutes,” you laughed. 
“Hey! We both know it would at least be four,” he defended. 
“Oh my god,” you laughed. “That’s not where I was going with it.” 
“Well, I went there,” he joked. 
“Anyway, it’s time to go,” you said. “Our car is probably outside. Now, I’ll be let off at the carpet waiting area, but the driver will drop you off in the back. That’s okay right?” 
“Yeah, are you walking alone?” He asked. 
You nodded as you waited for the elevator, “We decided if we all walked the carpet together, it might ruin the surprise.” 
“That makes sense,” he said. “I wish... I do wish I could be there next to you.” 
“I do, too,” you sighed. “But we’ve only just got together and I think it’s best we don’t go public this soon.” 
“I agree,” he smiled. 
“Besides, just having you there is enough of me,” you smiled. 
“And there I’ll be,” he smiled kissing your head. 
Hearing the sounds of screams as you walked the red carpet brought a smile to your face. It had been a while since you attended an award show you would be performing at and the fact that no one knew about it made it even better. By the time you were done with the red carpet, your eyes were blinded and seeing little white dots from all the flashes from the cameras. 
Before the performance, you and the girls wouldn’t be sitting next to each other, but you would be sitting in the same section. You weren’t sure where Harry would be sitting either, but you wished it was near you. You two had gave it some thought and since there would cameras most likely landing on you throughout the show, it was best if you two weren’t caught sitting next to one another. 
You always hated this part of being in a relationship. It always made you feel as if you were ashamed of who you were with or that you couldn’t be yourselves in public for fear of being found out. But it was the cost of wanting to keep your relationship private. Plus, it wouldn’t always be that way, you hoped. 
You were waiting at the bar for your drink, when you felt someone behind you. 
“God, you’re so hot,” a voice whispered in your ear. 
Chills ran over you as you turned around to face your boyfriend who was already holding a drink of his own. 
“You’re really trying to get me to drag your ass to the bathroom and have my way with you aren’t you?” You joked. 
“It wouldn’t be the worst idea I ever had,” he smirked. 
“I can’t with you,” you giggled taking a sip of his drink. 
“How was the carpet?” He asked. 
“Blinding,” you laughed. “I forgot how much I hate it. Between the shouting and the flashes. Luckily, I didn’t have to do too many interviews, so that was a plus.” 
“Do you think anyone has an idea about why you’re really here?” He asked. 
“No one seemed to be on the trail,” you said. “What about you? Anyone notice you’re here, but didn’t walk the red carpet?” 
“Nope,” he said. “Luckily for me, I’m able to go unnoticed when I want to be.” 
“You are pretty good at going MIA,” you laughed. 
“But not from you,” he smiled. 
“Good thing too,” you smirked. “Or I’d have to hurt you.” 
“Well, what do you have in mind?” He asked. “Cause I might be interested.” 
“Oh my god,” you laughed pushing him away. “Stop it.” 
He laughed kissing your cheek, “Where are you sitting?” 
“Like second row in the middle section from the stage,” you said. “You?” 
“I’m fourth tow, middle section,” he smirked. 
“So, we are still pretty close then?” You said. 
“I couldn’t be too far away,” he smiled. 
Once you finally got your drink, you both walked into the venue and to your seats. You both saw some friends and acquaintances, so you made sure to stop and chat with them prior to the show. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the rest of the girls coming in one by one. Each of you gave the other a small smirk, knowing you had accomplished your first task of the night. 
Getting in without blowing the surprise performance. 
And now, you had to wait and hope you accomplished the second task. 
The performance itself. 
The show had been on for an hour. Many performances had already taken place and they were phenomenal. Tons of awards had been handed out and it was getting closer to the time of your performance. Throughout the night, all of you were sneaking glances at each other. You were also sneaking glances to Harry as well. 
He would give you a wink and a smirk every time he caught your eye. He even sent you texts off and on. You would shake your head each time you read his messages. He was definitely setting the scene for an afterparty only including the two of you. 
When it was time for you to head backstage to warm up and change, each of you got up within in a few minutes of the other, so you all weren’t getting up at the same time. As you made your way towards the back stage, you gently ran your hand over Harry’s as you passed him. He squeezed your hand with a smile before you pulled it out and kept going. 
Backstage you all were changed and warming up. 
“I can’t believe we’re about to do this,” Rachel said. 
“We’re gonna crush this, right?” Jess said. 
“Not if you bitches go out there questioning it,” Daisy groaned. “We didn’t work our asses off the last two fucking days to give a shitty performance. These are our songs, our ideas, and our dances. This is us. The only thing is that we haven’t performed on stage together in a few years. But we’re still us, we’re still y/band’s/name.” 
“I can’t believe I’m saying this out loud,” you sighed. “But Daisy’s right. Don't get me wrong, I’m nervous as hell, but we’re not doing anything on that stage that we’ve not done before.. except maying performing the new single, but other than that... we’ve done this more times than I can count. We’ve got this.” 
“Group hug!” Rachel said opening her arms. 
“Let’s fucking go!” Daisy smirked wrapping her arms around all of you. 
You each took your places behind the screen. The venue was in complete darkness, at least as much as it could be. You took a deep breath and waited for the cue. The first song was an a capella piece that would transition into the opening of the next song. 
And now it was time. 
Gasps and screams erupted inside the venue as soon as everyone realized it was your group. It didn’t take long before all of your nerves left your body and the only thing left was pure adrenaline. Each of you hit every note and dance move. The lights, the pyro, and the other dancers meshed so well with the songs. 
Just when everyone thought the performance was over, the opening notes of the new single started playing. 
“Now, I know you didn’t think we’d come here tonight and not give you a new song, right?” Daisy smirked. 
You didn’t even think it was possible, but the screams grew even louder. When you hit the final note/run of the song, you all stood there taking it all in. Your chest heaved up and down as you looked out into the crowd. Everyone from as far as you could see, was up on their feet cheering all of you on. Your gaze zeroed in on Harry and his was whistling as he cheered you on. 
It was time for each of you to go backstage and of course, you were all bombarded with questions from reporters. After downing some water and answering a few questions, your manager finally shooed off the vultures and took you all back to your dressing room to change. 
When you got there, Harry was already in the room and he quickly wrapped his arms around you. 
“We did!” You screamed jumping in his arms. “We fucking did it!” 
“I told you,” he smiled kissing you, “God, you girls were fucking amazing! The biggest performance of the night. I swear the crowd was the loudest of the whole night.” 
“Do you think they liked the song?” Rachel asked. 
“It’s already number one iTunes,” your manager said. “We released it just before the performance and it’s already number one. The fastest song to reach number one.” 
“No, fucking way,” Daisy said taking the phone out of her. “HOLY SHIT!” 
“I’m so proud of you,” Harry smiled. 
“Thank you,” you smiled. 
“Okay, love birds, now that this performance has been crushed, it’s time to fucking party and celebrate!” Jess smirked. 
“She’s right!” Daisy said. “It’s afterparty time, bitches!” 
“That okay with you?” you asked Harry. 
“Hey, tonight’s your night, love, I’m just the plus one,” he joked. 
You giggled pressing your lips against his. You were officially on cloud nine and you didn’t want to get off anytime soon. 
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tadiwachiweleposts · 4 years
16 Lessons You Learn Growing Up Poor!
Nobody picks when and where they are born, that’s just something beyond anyone’s control but despite that fact, some people manage to outgrow their initial position.
Let’s talk about the lessons most common to those born under poverty and how to leverage these experiences for personal gain. Certain circumstances that we go through in life are what prompts our minds to be as creative as we could ever have imagined had we not gone through them. 
#1 Nobody is coming to solve your problems, you have to do it yourself.
Growing up poor accelerates your maturity because responsibility is handed over to you earlier than what’s considered the normal time when living a good life. You understand that the only way of getting good things is by working hard for them to come. You understand that if you don’t take action there are more hungry nights coming. Christmas and Birthdays are basically a myth because you barely got any presents, let alone hold any parties to acknowledge the special days because it simply couldn’t be done. Funnily enough, when you’re still young everything feels normal, you think that’s how everybody lives like until you grow up and you start to see the differences between how you live and how other people live. That’s when things get a bit complicated.
#2 Money can definitely buy happiness when happiness depends on money.
If you grow up with nothing/poor you know damn well that money does buy happiness and everyone else is just uttering nonsense. It’s not purchased over the counter, NO! But you can buy gifts for your sibling’s birthday, you are able to pay your bills the water charges and the electricity bills. Growing up and working your way out of poverty is really hard because when you’re hungry all you can ever think of is getting something to eat with no know-how of getting the money to buy the food. That’s why those who grew up poor and later became rich have much more appreciation of money than those who grew up with it.
#3 You learn to get things done – even imperfectly.
When you grow up poor, it doesn’t really matter to you how you fixed a certain problem as long as you got it fixed. How many times have you had to use a phone with a screen guard taped on top of a broken phone screen? How many times did you have to repair things? How many free trial emails do you have? How many times have you had to buy gadgets or even clothes from an unclear source with no questions asked? As long as they got the job done. When others are busy discussing how a problem should be solved, you learn to become a person of action. “Done Now is better than Perfect Never!” Some of these things are really beyond your control and until you can afford well, you will still use platforms like y2mate to rip the latest songs from YouTube, once you are no longer poor, you don’t have any problem purchasing music from Spotify or iTunes.
#4 You don’t take things for granted.
“The more you have of each item the less you treasure each individual piece.” When you grow up without much, you tend to appreciate everything that you got, your phone, your watch, that good pair of jeans. Whenever you get something from someone as a gift, it has a drastic impact on you because it doesn’t happen often. It doesn’t only look at materials but even if you were to get an opportunity to get to the next level of society, if being poor really bothers you, you’re more likely to give it all.
#5 You have this Hunger inside of you other people don’t.
There’s always this deep need to prove yourself, to escape, to grow, to eat more! This hunger is probably the most valuable thing you have inside you. Hunger is much more powerful than intellect or connections, WHY? Because it keeps you moving when other people are going to quit. “You don’t work – You don’t eat” this saying comes in many different contexts, even Apostle Paul in the Bible mentions it too. Every successful person has this fire that continues to burn inside of them. That’s why you see them always going the extra mile at everything, ceasing every opportunity that comes their way. Every single day, one person who grew up poor is outperforming one who grew up rich. However, you must be willing to put the work in if you want the hunger to make you successful.
#6 The value of being creative.
Creativity in the definition is the art of creating value from less using only your ability to connect dots differently. Because of the circumstances, you’re forced to find alternatives, ways around certain roadblocks, and make do with what you have. Everyone growing up poor more or less goes through the same thing. People with more access to resources are less creative. To be able to think outside the box only comes from having restrictions. 
#7 You lean that the only place to go is UP.
In a very messed up way growing up poor has a bit of twist to it, WHY? Because you’re already pretty miserable and more or less rock-bottom. Everything you do is a new step on the ladder out of here. You didn’t have it easy so you take a vow to use the hunger you have in yourself to make a better life for your children. You always looked at those growing up with more with a bit of envy and resentment because they didn’t get to go through what you went through. But that’s the paradox of being self-made. If you grow up poor you resent kids who are born wealthy with more opportunities, but if you make it in life and provide enough for your kids. It’s your kids who become those kids you resented when you were a child because their poor peers probably think that you were born wealthy. “Nobody chooses where they are born, but we all choose what we do with the life that was given to us!”
#8 If you don’t ask the answer is already NO.
In business, there is a popular phrase, “Everything is negotiable”. This is such a powerful statement and also the state of mind to be in. The moment that you understand that reality is negotiable you start seeing doors where you only saw walls before. How many NOs turned out to be very lucrative opportunities when the follow up was, “What will it take to make this happen?” It’s because you’re now working together to finding a solution from the obvious price discounts, to job opportunities, to big deals we never thought possible. Even if you don’t get everything that you want but the impact of you getting out there in one direction can have side benefits you never realized in the beginning. Ask for what you want. Go after the race, that client, that #dream, that project, and then figure out how to deliver on the deal.
#9 You learn social Finesse.
They don’t teach you to read a room in business school. They have a term for it called ‘Situational Awareness’ but they have no idea how to quantify it. Growing up poor you learned how to read the saddle signs of society, like how to tell from a mile away if someone is going to get punched. By the virtue of being brought up in a more harsh environment you are not easy prey. You quickly learn that your personal space is more important than somebody else’s feelings. That goes with the saying, “Never argue with fools because, from a distance, people can’t tell who’s who!” You also learn how to push someone’s buttons for personal benefits if you have to. These skills give you a really good advantage when it comes to real-world negotiations.
#10 People will judge a book by the cover.  
It doesn’t matter how much you wish to believe it isn’t so but reality has proven the opposite. From the clothes, you wear to the amount of respect people assume they should give to you based on the preset profile they’ve assigned you. From a material perspective, “Growing up poor is like growing up 10 years in the past, compared to everyone else!” You don’t have the latest state of the art laptop or smartphone or the newest and coolest shirt and it’s just the facts that you have to deal with. This is especially impactful in a society where social media has driven all of us to be instant judgers of someone based on the way they present themselves. You decide in just a couple of seconds if you’re going to like this person or you’re just going to swipe right or left. If you’re not focused on long term goals it’s easy to fall into the whirlwind of playing social shreds. That’s why you see people who are not doing well wear expensive clothing, that’s why you upgrade to the latest iPhone when you’re still sleeping on the floor: - ). The true value lies in the ability to understand that people will judge you by the cover but your success is determined by what’s inside the book. Looking successful and being successful are completely different things and people get it twisted all the time. Make sure you have a great book and then spend as much time as you can designing the cover.
#11 Simple things can mean a lot.
It’s easy to lose ourselves in the idea that only big things can have an impact. Growing up poor you find value even in the smallest acts of kindness, it doesn’t matter how proud you are. If a helping hand reached out and you knew you needed it, this help really revived your trust in humanity and it’s the little things, someone being kind to you, someone treating you like an actual human, giving you an opportunity or telling you they believe in you. Having someone in your corner who believes in you and has your back is such a powerful thing that has a major effect on your life. Once you make it, only then can you trace it back to the little things that made it all possible.
#12 Learning to multi-task because you had to.
Growing up poor, you’re part kid, part parent, part supporting member of the family. You do things because someone has to and everyone else is doing their share. You might not excel in any of them but at least you’re learning how to balance between urgent matters. You grew up juggling a bunch of balls and now that you’re an adult you find out you still have to juggle things but at least you now have some experience. Imagine having not to worry about any of the things you had to do growing up and then all of it suddenly comes down crashing on you because of an external force.
#13 If you can’t afford it, you don’t need it.
And if you really need it, you got to work really hard for you to get it. Growing up poor forces you to make certain choices because you simply can’t afford to get everything you want. It teaches you to make do without the off the shelf solution. Although it’s a very humbling experience, in time you learn you can move past certain situations despite your obvious lack of resources. Take this mindset and apply it to other parts of life and you’ll see how useful this is. Most people don’t start a business because they don’t have everything they think they need for a smooth sailing so they never start at all. You don’t need a fancy laptop, you don’t need the best of the best to get started instead do what you can with what you have and work your way into it.
#14 If you don’t do anything about it you’ll be stuck there.
Growing up poor you understand that there is a real probability of you never escaping that place and the life that comes with it. It messes with your mind, you’re looking for the quickest way out and that’s why most people never make it. There is a distinction to be made between building your own staircase out and the hope that somehow you get lucky enough to be pulled out. If that’s you, don’t wait for the big break, don’t wait to win the lotto or to get your first class degree because that’s what the rest have been waiting for and well, look at them now. You have a real decision to make, are you okay with being stuck here for the rest of your life. If not, slap some sense into your senses and get busy. Time is ticking and you’re still in the same place you were in 5 years ago.
#15 It makes you appreciate how far you’ve come.
Deep down you know how far you’ve come, you know what you have had to go through to get yourself in this fortunate position that you might find yourself in. This may not be the dream destination you’ve wished for since you were young, but the journey is still not over. Looking back on your past you see how certain decisions have influenced your life, how your choices literally made you the person you are right now. If this looks so well looking back, maybe you should look ahead this time. What choices do you have to make to end up where you want to be, make those choices, and one day you’ll recall this moment at some specific point in time, you consuming this piece of content when something clicked inside of you and you were better off because of it.
#16 You’ve got nothing to lose.
Best case scenario – you get everything that you’ve ever wanted. Worst case scenario – you are back to living the miserable life that you’re already living. The moment your mind understands this, you will never be the same. You already got to where you are right now on your own, this is your new baseline. Things might fluctuate but you can always get back to here if you had to, so do it and DO IT big. Go after it and see what happens. Statistically, all you have to do is try and you’re still going to be better off than you’re right now. Match that try with some effort and discipline combined with the skills you’ve learned on your way to this point and you’ve got a great chance of making it. Look at what you’ve managed to achieve with the effort you’ve managed to achieve so far, things you’ve had to overcome with the mindset you’ve had to change, with the tools you’ve had to acquire. Don’t miss it, don’t take this opportunity that you have for granted, GO BIG!
#Goals #Life #Lessons #GrowingUpPoor 
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athena-athena · 5 years
Million Dollar Secret (Yondu x Reader)
A/N: I always struggle with naming fics, and I normally turn to song titles to try to find a name for them.  I put iTunes on shuffle to find a name for this one tonight, and Million Dollar Secret by Lucius popped up after a few tries.  It is perfect.  
The lyrics:
I've got a million dollar secret Can't tell you what it is, I'm keeping it to myself, I won't give it away
I've got a million dollar secret Hope I have the courage to keep it in Won't give in and just give it away
If you really wanna know, baby, come a little closer and I'll whisper in your ear Maybe I'll have forgotten what I was gonna say but Come a little closer, let me whisper in your ear anyway
You can ask over and over But I'm not ready to tell ‘Cause I have all your attention This feeling is suspended in air And I can keep it as long as I may need it Have all your attention as long as it's a mystery
I've got this million dollar secret I think it's best for now that I hold strong But maybe I'll share it at the end of this song
Tagged List:  @celticheart72 @misfitgirlwrites @animeaniseed (As always, just let me know if you’d like to be added/removed to/from my tagged list!  💙)
Warnings:  None.  Teensy bit of angst, but mostly fluff.  
Sitting in the mess hall after dinner, you listened to Yondu talking, while you absentmindedly swirled your glass of water around.  
“When me an’ tha boys were at tha bar last night, there was an asshole in there that jus’ would not shut ‘is stupid mouth.  Kept botherin’ tha waitress, an’ it was obvious she weren’t interested in ‘im. An’ I told ‘im ta leave her alone, an’ he got all smart an’ wanted ta start a fight. So I said to ‘im, if ya know what’s good fer ya, ya won’t take another step. An’ then he did, so I sent my arrow through ‘im.  He ain’t gonna be botherin’ nobody again… Are ya even listenin’ ta me?”
“I said, are ya listenin’ ta me?”
“Of course, I am.”
"No, ya ain’t.  Ya ain't payin' a bit of attention ta what I'm tellin' ya."
"That's not true."
"Then what was I sayin'?"
"Um... y’all went to a bar last night.”
"That's all ya got outta all that?"
You crinkled your nose.  "Sorry."
"I don't understand why yer actin' like this. It ain't like ya ta ignore me. 'S'almost like yer in love or somethin'."
His eyes widened in realization. "That's it, ain't it? Yer in love."
"Don't be ridiculous, Yondu!  Of course I'm not.  I'm just distracted, that's all."
"Now ya know ya can't lie ta me.  I can see right through ya, so ya might as well come clean."
"I'm not lying."
"Yer fiddlin' with yer hair. That's a sure sign ya ain't bein' completely honest. I know all yer tells."
"You do not!"
He grinned. "Yeah, I do. So who's tha lucky man?"
"I am not in love, so you can stop asking about it."
His grin widened, and he said, "Now yer playing with tha zipper on yer jacket.  ‘Nother giveaway that ya ain't bein' honest with me."
You dropped your zipper and placed your hands on the table in front of you to keep you from doing anything else to give you away.  
Yondu laughed.  “Lookit me.”
“No.”  You were determined to look anywhere other than him, and focused your attention on the control panel on the wall.
“Ya can’t, ‘cause ya know I’ll see right through yer lies if ya do.”
“That’s not true, I just don’t want to give you the satisfaction of doing what you say.”
He laughed again.  “C’mon, now.”  He cupped your chin in his hand and turned your head gently so you had no choice but to look at him.
“I ain’t gonna let this go, ya know.”
“Oh, believe me, I know.”
“Then ya might as well give up, an’ go on an’ admit it.”
You moved your chin out of his grasp.  “Why do you even care?”
“Well, first of all, I thought we’s friends, an’ second, I gotta right ta know what’s goin’ on with my crew members when they keep actin’ all distracted.  Tha last thing I need is fer ya ta be out on a mission an’ get distracted.”
“I’m not going to get distracted while I’m on a mission.  I know better than that.”
“But it’s okay ta ignore yer Cap’n, is it?”
“I thought we were just talking as friends, not as crew and Captain?”  You smirked.
“Think yer so clever.  What if I ordered ya ta tell me, as yer Cap’n?”
“You can’t order me to tell you something about my personal life.”
“Guess yer jus’ ashamed of whoever this fella is.”
You gave him a look.  “If I was in love, I wouldn’t be ashamed.  But I’m not in love.”
“Yer messin’ with yer hair again.”
“Oh, come on!”  You slammed your hands down on the table again.  
He chuckled.  
“I know ya almost as well as ya know yerself, an’ I know yer lyin’, an I ain’t givin’ up ‘til I know who yer in love with.  Could save us a lotta time if ya’d jus’ come clean now.  I ain’t gonna give ya a hard time.”
“You already are.”
“I mean I ain’t gonna give ya a hard time ‘bout whoever yer in love with.”
“If you knew me as well as you think you do, you’d already have your answer.”
“Oh, is that right?”
“So yer admittin’ yer in love?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Huh.  Well, it don’t matter if ya say it or not.  We both already know ya are.”
He leaned back in his chair, crossed his arms, and studied your face.
“Will you stop that?”
“I’m jus’ thinkin’.”
“Well, you don’t have to stare at me to think.”
“Ya been on this ship fer three years now, an’ this is tha first I’m noticin’ ya actin’ like this, so it can’t be nobody from Terra.”
“Will you please stop?”
“An’ ya don’t really spend much time by yerself off tha ship.”
“Stop trying to figure this out.”
“An’ ya ain’t never flirted with nobody at a bar or nothin’.”
“So it’s gotta be somebody on tha ship.  One a tha crew...”
“Just drop it, please.”
“Can’t believe ya’d be in love with one a tha crew.”
You rolled your eyes.  “I can’t believe you’re so interested in this.”
“Oh, I’m interested.  Wanna know who ‘xactly ya find attractive.”
“I honestly don’t know why you care, unless it’s just something to hold over my head.”
“Havin’ somethin’ on ya does sound nice.  Might get ya ta follow my orders fer once.”
“Shut up.”
He placed his elbows on the table, and leaned closer to you, still studying your face.
“That’s really getting annoying, you know.”
“Might as well get used ta it, ‘cause I ain’t stoppin’ ‘til I figure it out.”
Standing up, you said, “Well, I’m going to bed.  Good luck figuring it out.”
“Ya goin’ ta bed by yerself, or is yer mystery man gonna join ya?”
“Do not even think about spying outside my quarters, Yondu Udonta.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.  I’s jus’ askin’.”
“You are the worst.”
“’Night, darlin’.”
“Good night, Yondu.”
Later, as you were lying in bed, you thought back over the conversation you’d had with Yondu.  You could not believe he’d actually figured out what was going on with you.  He usually acted as though he was oblivious to things like that, but you knew he saw more than most people realized.  It was why you  should have known better than to let your guard down.  
You were paying attention to him, but you’d gotten distracted by his eyes and mouth as he talked, and you’d lost focus on what he was actually saying. And he was telling the truth – he would not let it go until he figured it out.  
You sighed, and rolled over.  You weren’t sure if he’d ever actually guess that he was the one you were in love with, but he’d eventually run out of Ravagers to consider.  The thought of Yondu trying to play matchmaker between you and one of the crew made you laugh to yourself.  Closing your eyes, you decided you’d worry about it later.
“So I’s thinkin’ ‘bout it after ya went ta bed last night, an’ I think I know who it is.”
“Good morning to you, too, Yondu.”  
“Yeah, yeah, mornin’.  Ain’t ya interested in who I think yer in love with?”
“Oh, yes, very interested.”  You picked up a plate, and started looking at your choices for breakfast.
“It’s Kraglin, ain’t it?”  
You looked at him, and realized he actually thought it was Kraglin.  He looked so proud of himself that you almost hated to tell him.  “No, it’s not Kraglin.”
“Ya sure?”
“Yeah, pretty sure.”  You picked up a muffin, placed it on your plate, and walked over to the tray covered in different pastries.  You were so thankful Cook had learned a few Terran recipes for you.  You’d spent the first few months of your time aboard the Eclector trying to find something you could manage to eat.  
“Not Kraglin, huh?”  He was standing with his hands on his hips, surveying the Ravagers already gathered in the mess hall for breakfast.
“Are you going to eat?”
“Wha’?  Oh, yeah.”  He picked up a plate and started piling things onto it without paying attention.  He was too focused on looking at his crew to even see what he was putting on his plate.
“Hungry this morning, are we?”
You raised a brow and looked at his plate.
He glanced at it, then looked back at you.  “Yeah, reckon I am.”
You laughed, selected your pastry, then set your plate down so you could pour yourself a cup of coffee.
“You do realize you’re ridiculous, right?”
“Whad’dya mean?”
“Trying to figure out who I’m in love with by examining your crew members in the mess hall?”
“I wouldn’t hafta worry ‘bout it if ya’d jus’ tell me.”
“Nope.”  You picked up your plate and headed to an empty table.
He joined you a couple of minutes later.  “Smart.”
“What’s smart?”
“You not sittin’ with nobody.  Might give me a clue.”
You shook your head and took a bite of your muffin.  Swallowing, you replied, “So ridiculous.”
“Gonna be headin’ out on a mission later this week.  Got any preference who I group ya with?”
“A’right.  How ‘bout I put ya with Oblo?”
“That’s fine.”
“An’… Narblik.”
“Also fine.”
“What about…”  He glanced around the room again.  “Gef?”
“Whatever you want to do, Captain.”
“Ya ain’t gonna gimme no clues, are ya?”
“Nope.”  You grinned, then took another bite of your muffin.
“Ain’t a problem.  Yer gonna slip up one a these days, an’ I’m gonna figure out yer secret.”
You smiled sweetly at him.  “I’m sure you will.”
He sighed, and finally turned his attention to his plate.  He looked surprised at the amount of food he’d piled onto it.  “I ain’t gonna be able ta eat all this.”
Laughing, you replied, “I didn’t think so.”  
You finished the last of your coffee, then stood, and said, “Well, I’ve gotta get to work.  See you later, Sherlock.”
“What’s that supposed ta mean?”
You laughed.  “Nothing.  Enjoy your feast.”
You were on your way to your quarters later than evening, looking forward to a hot shower and a nice, relaxing evening with a book, when your wrist communicator beeped.  It was Yondu.  
“Hey, Yondu, what’s up?”
“Where are ya?”
“Heading to my room.  Why?”
“Meet me in tha common room.”
“Jus’ do it.”
“I was planning on taking a shower and then catching up on some reading..”
“Ya can still do that.  Jus’ wanna talk ta ya fer a while.”
“Is this another ploy to try to get me to tell you who I’m in love with?”
“’Course not!  Jus’ wanna see ya.”
“I saw you not that long ago.  What could you possibly have to say that you can’t say right now?”
“Ya sure yer gonna be alone, or -?”
“Don’t go there again, Yondu.  I swear, you’re not going to find me sneaking one of the crew members into my quarters.”
“So does he know yer in love with him?”
“No, he obviously does not.”
“How’re ya so sure?”
Because he’s spending his entire day trying to figure out who I’m in love with, instead of realizing it’s him.
“Because I haven’t told him.”
“I think he’d notice that ya had feelin’s fer him.”
“No, I really don’t think he would.”
“Ain’t too bright, huh?”
You laughed, hard.  “Oh, I wouldn’t say that.”
“Why’re ya laughin’?”
“No reason.”
“C’mon, meet me in tha common room.”
“Fine, I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Good.  See ya in a few.”
He disconnected before you could respond, and you sighed.  So much for a nice, relaxing evening with your book.
You walked into the common room to see Yondu deep in thought.  “Hey, Yondu.”
He jerked his head in your direction at the sound of your voice. “Oh, hey, Y/N.”
Sitting next to him on the couch, you asked, “You still trying to figure out who I’m in love with?”
“Somethin’ like that.”
“So what did you want to tell me?”
“You made me walk all the way over here from my quarters because you wanted to talk to me, and you couldn’t say it over the communicator.”
“I jus’ wanted ta see ya.”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“Nah, I did.”
“You know I’m not going to accidentally slip up and tell you who I love, right?”
“Yeah, I know.  I ain’t gonna bug ya ‘bout it tonight.”
“Are you sick?”  You looked at him in concern, and placed the back of your hand against his forehead.
“Very funny.  Nah, I ain’t sick.”
“Then what’s wrong?”
“Something is wrong,  This is not normal Yondu Udonta behavior.”
He finally looked at you.  “I don’t like it.”
Your brows constricted in confusion.  “Don’t like what?”
“Tha thought of ya in love with somebody on tha ship.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Ain’t none of ‘em can treat ya right.”
“Are you serious?”
“Dead serious.”
“Yondu… what brought this on?  You were all into figuring it out earlier today, and now you don’t want me in love with anybody?”
“Jus’ been’ doin’ some thinkin’, that’s all.”
“About what?”
“Okay, you’re the one who wanted me to come down here and talk to you, so you’re going to talk.  What happened?”
“I said it’s nothin’.  I jus’ don’t wanna see ya with any a tha clowns on this ship.”
He crossed his arms and leaned back on the couch, a scowl on his face.
“I don’t see why you care who it is...”
He looked at you then, and said, “I care ‘cause I can’t stand tha thought a seein’ ya with another man!”  
“I don’t wanna hafta see ya hangin’ all over somebody, while I hafta jus’ sit back an’ act like I don’t care.”
“I don’t understand...”
“Jus’ ferget I said anythin’ ‘bout it.”  He stood up, and continued, “Sorry fer makin’ ya walk down here.  I’m goin’ ta bed.”
You grabbed his hand before he walked away.  “Oh, no, you’re not. You’re not leaving this room until we talk about this.”  You pulled him down beside you, and he sat with a huff.
“Look at me.”
He turned his ruby eyes on you, and you could see the pain in them. “What’s wrong, Yondu?”
He closed his eyes, and turned away from you again.  “It don’t matter.”
“Yeah, it does.  What happened today?”
He sighed, and sat in silence for a moment, before he said, “I been doin’ a lot a thinkin’ today...”
“Yeah, I know.  Trying to figure out who I’m in love with.”
“Yeah, that.  An’ the more I thought about it, the angrier I got.”
He stood up, suddenly, and strode to the other side of the room, keeping his back to you.  “Dammit, ‘cause I’m in love with ya myself!  An’ I’d jus’ as soon kill any man that laid a hand on ya as ta look at ‘im.  An’ I wouldn’t be able ta do that, ‘cause then I’d be causin’ ya pain, and’ that’s tha last thing I wanna do.”
“No, lemme finish.  I know I’m tha one that was botherin’ ya by tryin’ ta get ya ta tell me, an’ I’s sorry ‘bout that, but I don’t wanna know.  Jus’ don’t tell me, an’ if I ever see ya with someone, I’ll jus’ pretend I didn’t see nothin’, an’ we can jus’ go on bein’ friends.”
“Yondu, please...”
“Unless ya don’t wanna be friends no more.  Then I guess I can jus’ be yer Cap’n.”
“I don’t want that, Yondu.”  You stood and walked to stand behind him, placing a hand on his back.  “I need to tell you something.”
You felt his back stiffen at your words, and he said, “I don’t wanna know who yer in love with now, a’right?”
“I think you need to know.”
He turned around to face you, and the sadness on his face almost made you cry.  “No, I don’t need ta know.  It’s tha last thing I wanna know.”
“You idiot.”
“You are such an idiot.  How can you realize I’m in love, and not realize you’re the one I’m in love with?  You’ve spent the last twenty-four hours trying to figure it out, and you never realized it was you?”
“If it was me, why didn’t ya jus’ say so?”
“Because I didn’t think you felt the same way.”
“I didn’t realize jus’ how much I loved ya ‘til I thought about ya with another man.”  He placed his hand on your hip.  “Ya sure ya ain’t jus’ sayin’ this ta make me feel better?”
“You really are an idiot, Yondu Udonta.”  You leaned up onto your tiptoes and kissed him.
His other arm snaked around your waist and pulled you closer to him, as you wrapped your arms around his neck.  
When you broke the kiss several minutes later, he grinned at you, and said, “I might be an idiot, but I’m yer idiot.”  
“Yes, you are.”  You returned his grin, then kissed him again.  
134 notes · View notes
writingbarnes · 6 years
Best Regards, Steve Rogers
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Summary : You really didn’t hate Steve Rogers, the resident graphic designer with – as Scott had put it – a heart of gold and zero self-perseverance. You really didn’t think you bore any resentment for the tenant who lived next to your apartment. Or that was what you were trying to think for the past month until you saw three post-it notes stuck on your apartment door when you got home from a meeting. NEIGHBOR AU!
Character : Steve Rogers x Reader  |  Genre : Fluff,crack, failed attempt at angst |  
Words : almost 2.5K
Author’s Note : Sometimes you get months of writer’s block and then you finished a one shot in a few hours :))) What is writing. I have like 2 version of this so if you see the kpop one that’s me 🤷
Enjoy <3 Tell me what you think! Thank you @pleasecallmecaptain for reading this mess and for the inspiration behind the rain boots lmao
You didn’t hate your neighbor, really. You barely knew the guy! Your landlord only told you his name was Steve and that he was a graphic designer. “Maybe you know each other!” Scott, your overly optimistic borderline dopey landlord had said when you mentioned you were a music producer. That was not how it works, but you couldn’t really destroy your landlord’s excitement, so you replied with a smile. You didn’t think you’ve even met the guy when you first moved in aside from the note slipped under your door telling you to stop making loud noises at night. It would have been fine if it weren’t for the fact that he took the time to doodle dying stick figures on one corner with one stick figure clanging cymbals on the other corner (you might have ended up replying with a very bad doodle and an equally passive-aggressive note but that was not the point).
You really didn’t hate Steve Rogers, the resident graphic designer with – as Scott had put it – a heart of gold and zero self-perseverance. Bucky Barnes, the resident grumpy cat lady who happened to be your cousin, had also told you the same thing, although with a very much more interesting choice of words (“the dumbass who’d jumped off a plane without a parachute because he thinks he’s cool” Bucky said as he helped you unload some boxes). But then again, you’ve spent most of your life with Bucky and you knew the guy never said anything nice to anyone except for his cats. Hell, he even told you, his favorite cousin, that you looked like 'the hairball his cat hacked up’ when you fought off some bullies who made fun of his prosthetic arm.
“He’s not that bad.” Natasha, the scary redhead lady who lived two floors above yours commented the other day. She had accidentally listened to Bucky’s very creative opinions on Steve. “Kinda dumb when it comes to girls, but a very decent guy. You look like you can get along with him.”
“Excuse me, are you implying I’m kinda dumb too?” You asked.
Natasha only flashed you a grin as she sauntered off and it reminded you of Bucky’s cat that would always try to claw your face whenever you came too close to it.
“Come to think of it, you are similar in some ways,” Bucky commented offhandedly as he picked up another box. “You have that look on your face.”
“What? Beauty?”
“It’s more of a perpetually confused look. But whatever helps you sleep at night.”
(You chucked your sandal at his head at his comment.)
So yes, you really didn’t think you bore any resentment for the tenant who lived next to your apartment. Or that was what you were trying to think for the past month until you saw three post-it notes stuck on your apartment door when you got home from a meeting.
“Do you want me to buy you a headphone? :(“
“It’s amazing how you and Bucky are friends for so long! I wouldn’t have survived it.”
And more intricate doodles of what you thought was you screaming while the other stick figures cried in the corner.
Steve Rogers was a little shit and you didn’t know why everyone thought you’d get along with him. You, as the mature adult that you were, decided to play loud music that night only for Steve to slip more notes and stupid passive-aggressive doodle at midnight. The exchange went on for the next three months. Which was why you were now lying on Bucky’s couch, asking him for more revenge ideas. You had played most of the songs on your favorite playlist, to the ones you hated. And you had collected a pile of post-it notes with doodles and weird notes that you were sure were filled with more passive aggressive messages and insults.
“He’s a little shit, Bucky.” You groaned.
“You have one more thing in common then,” Bucky replied.
“I am not!”
“Didn’t you try to make better brownies for the new neighbor last week?” You opened your mouth to retort, only for Bucky to cut you off, “and both of you ended up sending tons of food to our poor neighbor by the end of the week.”
“He started it.” You grumbled.
You should have known better. You should have left the apartment when you realized Bucky was silent for a good minute before his lips curled into the most obnoxious smile you have ever seen.
“[Y/N]…” he started with a manic grin. “Do… do you have a crush on Steve Rogers?”
You definitely did not have a crush on your tall, cute neighbor of yours that always tried to get on your nerve. And the heat on your cheeks was definitely because of the hot weather. Nothing to do with how Bucky kept staring at you with that stupid grin or the thought of Steve that popped into your mind.
“Hey, [Y/N].” You jumped at the voice and quickly turned around to face Steve standing by his door with his eyebrows raised. His lips quirked into a smirk at how wide-eyed you were.
“Steve.” You nodded, trying to calm your racing heart.
“Hey, can you play those cute songs you blasted the other day? I kinda like it.” Wait, what?
“Do you not have iTunes, Steve? You know you can buy the tracks online, right?”
“It’s free.” He shrugged. “I’ll draw you some doodles if you want.”
You gawked at him. Steve, bless his heart, had the decency to look a little sheepish for a mere second before he went back to his annoying self.
“Don’t forget to play the songs!” He grinned before he entered his apartment, leaving you gaping at his door in confusion and shock.
“Were you trying to flirt with her?” Sam asked the moment Steve closed the door behind him.
“Cause that’s so pathetic.” Sam snorted, ignoring how red his best friend’s face had become. “Man, I told you to be all cute and romantic and you decided that sending weird notes and doodles are romantic?”
Steve groaned and buried his face in the couch while his best friend watched him from the kitchen, clearly used to his antics. “Wh-ami-sup-to—do!”
“Well, you could start by actually talking to her and not acting like a kid. She’s pretty nice once you get to know her.” Steve quickly turned to Sam, his eyes wide.
“You’ve talked to her?!”
“She gave me some brownies, which, in my opinion, taste better than yours.” Sam shrugged, sipping his coffee while he enjoyed the sight of Steve flailing on the couch, mumbling more incoherent words. “I can’t believe you have a crush on your neighbor and your first idea is to tell her she played her music too loud.”
Steve was about to reply when he heard it. The bubbly pop music she had played the other day. The songs he requested her to play for him. His face bloomed into what Sam described as ‘disgusting, love-sick, puppy face’.
“Do you think she likes me too?”
“Jesus, you’re really pathetic, Steve. This is why you’ve been single all your life.”
You really didn’t think you liked him. You were just entertaining him. Maybe he was too broke to buy one track on iTunes. Maybe his laptop broke. You were just doing him a favor. Definitely not because he flashed you that cute smile that morning when you picked up your mails. Not because of the way your heart beat a little faster at the sight of him helping your neighbor and playing with some random dogs by the street. Most definitely not because of the butterflies in your stomach every time he greeted you in the hallway. It was just a favor.
But when you jumped out of your couch to run to the front door, beaming from ear to ear at the little notes and cute doodles he drew you for the day, you knew it wasn’t just some simple favor for a neighbor. He drew you a little cat and you thought it was you, judging from the frown on the face and your favorite dress. It was too adorable and you ended up sticking it on the fridge along with the other doodles he had given you.
You were, as Bucky had said, completely and utterly fucked.
Friday was supposed to be a good day. But it rained the moment you exited the building and you had to deal with traffic. As if it wasn’t bad enough for you, you ripped a hole on your rain boots on your way to a meeting. You had to sit with wet socks for a good three hours, freezing your ass off because you had also forgotten to bring your favorite scarf. The client ended up not liking the song and ordered you to do more revision, much to your frustration. But the highlight of your awful day has got to be the time when you realized you’ve forgotten your keys and locked yourself out of your own apartment while Scott was away for a vacation with his daughter and Bucky was visiting his family for the weekend.
“Great.” You sniffled, rubbing your nose pink as you sat down in front of your apartment. Your hair and clothes were wet from the rainstorm and you wondered if your makeup was still intact or if you’ve already turned into a sad raccoon. You were too engrossed in your pity-party for one to notice the opened door next to you. You didn’t even notice it until said person crouched in front of you with worry plastered all over his face.
“[Y/N]?” Steve hesitantly called.
He smelled like pine and fresh soap and something else that made you feel at home. You looked up at him, startled at how worried he looked.
“Are you okay?”
At his words, you sniffled a little louder, your eyes burned with fresh tears. He gently put his hand on yours in comfort and it was like a dam broke, the tears you desperately tried to keep in check rushed down your cheeks.
“I can’t get inside!” You wailed, slapping the door pathetically.
“Shit. Please don’t cry. Oh, shit–” Steve panicked. “Do- do you want to come inside? I can make you some tea?”
You really didn’t know why it just made you cried harder.
“Y-yes.” You hiccupped between your tears as you let Steve guide you inside his apartment.
Steve’s apartment was like how you imagined an artist’ apartment would look like. Books scattered near the bookshelf, his laptop propped on the coffee table with sketches strewn all over the floor. There was a small pot of cactus by the window. It was oddly endearing and so was Steve.
“You can sit here.” He offered, grabbing all his sketches and dumping it on the lone couch beside you. “I’ll get you some towels and clothes? Will that be okay? I can make you tea too.” He rambled.
You can only manage a weak nod, trailing behind Steve while he dug out a  T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants from his bedroom.
“You have a nice apartment.” You said between hiccups. “I like the little cactus.”
He laughed and it almost sent your heart into overdrive. He had that adorable blush on his cheeks as he led you to the bathroom, explaining which one was soap and which was shampoo in case you want to use it. You didn’t really pay attention to it, too focused on the way he smiled and the affectionate pat on your head before he left you alone. And if you accidentally used the soap on your hair, it was understandable. You were sad and tired.
Steve was sitting on the kitchen counter when you finally stepped out of the bathroom with a T-shirt and sweatpants that were definitely too large for you. You tried to pull up the pants as you waddled to the kitchen, trying not to trip on your pants by accident (damn Steve and his long legs). He quickly looked up, face blooming into a warm smile at the sight of you standing in front of him (his brain short-circuited at how adorable you looked in his clothes but he would never tell you that).
“TEA!” He said a little too loud, blushing as he almost shoved the hot mug at you.
“Thank you.” You hesitantly took it, sipping and sighing in relief as it slowly warmed your body.
“I have to finish some work first but you’re free to do anything here. You can grab anything to eat if you’re hungry or you can just sleep. Just–,” he paused, “just make yourself at home.”
You dumbly nodded while Steve ran to the living room, wanting to get away from you as soon as possible so you wouldn’t see how red his cheeks were. Too tired to do anything, you decided to join Steve in the living room. You walked past the fridge, smiling at the little notes he had until your eyes caught the familiar notes and handwriting that definitely belonged to you. The little ugly doodles you did for him, the weird messages. You froze as it dawned on you. Steve had kept every single note you have sent him and stuck them all over his fridge.
“Hey are you ok–,” Steve’s question died when he saw you standing in front of his fridge, holding a piece of paper.
“You kept this?” You softly asked.
“Uhh–,” Steve’s mouth slightly opened, trying to find an excuse that doesn’t scream ‘I have the biggest crush on you’.
“That’s really sweet.” You giggled, feeling warmth creeping up your face. You didn’t know if it was the tea or the weather that made you look at him in the eyes and said, “I kept yours too.”
Steve was sure his brain stopped working the moment the words escaped your lips. You kept his doodles. The doodles Sam thought was dumb. He thought he heard you said it was cute and you really liked them, but he couldn’t really hear it over how loud his heartbeat was. So, being the smart person that he was, he took a step closer towards you and blurted out, “I really want to kiss you.”
(He did get to kiss you, only to panic a moment later when he felt how feverish you were.)
“I’m okay.” You insisted as Steve dragged you to his bed, forcing you to take some medicine and get some sleep. “Kiss me, please?”
“You’re really sick, [Y/N]. Let’s talk about this tomorrow okay? When you feel better.” He smiled, though he still planted a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Okay.” You cutely nodded and Steve swore he died and went to heaven as he watched you reached out your hand to hold his.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
Jungkook and Taehyung Apple Music updates
by Admin 1
I don’t know if any of you have been on twitter, or checked up on JKs and Tae's Apple Music profiles but on JKs profile (or at least what ARMY believe to be his profile) the profile picture has been changed while on Taehyung’s the biography changed.
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Now the questions are--what does that mean, and does it mean anything at all? Let’s have a little discussion and check out all the facts and theories we can gather.
What we know about their mixtapes
Over the last seven or eight months Taehyung has been working on his mixtape, lovingly dubbed by ARMY as Taetape, TH1 and mixtaepe, and even showed us a few tracks from it, including tiny one second snippets in his most recent vlive. From his Christmas post that accompanied Snow Flower, we know that the mixtape has been delayed, and we were told we’ll likely get it early or mid 2021.
Meanwhile Jungkook mentioned working on a mixtape a long time ago, the one furthest back being a mention of it all the way in late 2018. We also got a minute long snippet of a track called Decalcomania on twitter in 2019, and in the same year he spoke about how he almost had it all finished, but then realize he wasn’t happy with it and started again. We also know that Your Eyes Tell, as well as Stay, were both supposed to be on his mixtape, but were repurposed as Japanese OT7 track (Your Eyes Tell) and subunit track for BE (Stay). But he hasn’t said a thing about when the mixtape might come, if he’s steadily working on it or anything else.
These are all the hard facts we know for sure since they explicitly told us about them. Now for the theories below the cut:
In the last few weeks we’ve suddenly had something like a resurgence of Taekook content, in form of the two of them sitting next to each other, joking around, and even a vlive together as well as a selca at the end of 2020. This is noteworthy since otherwise a lot of the content we got in 2020 was more focused on Jikook, along with a few very lovely Vmin moments in-between. We know that big “showy” ship moments are a marketing tool, so perhaps some of that was purposeful to draw attention back to Tae and JK, instead of JK and Jimin, in preparation of them having their mixtapes released?
Why am I even bringing all of this up? Well if you check the picture on JKs AM profile, it actually shows both him and Tae in it, though it’s rather odd that a picture was chosen that was taken from the making book in BE. But, if nothing Bangtan ever do when it comes to their music is a coincidence and no one is just messing with ARMY, that’s why it made me think of Tae and JK and their mixtapes, how there might be some kind of connection, not necessarily that they’ll have songs together but just that their mixtapes perhaps might come out in a similar timeframe. 
As most recent “moment” we could mention the relay after the Golden Disc Awards where Taehyung specifically asked JK why he dyed his hair, which JK commented by saying that he’s been asked that like four times already that day yet didn’t actually answer the question itself. It may seem like nothing noteworthy, but I’m sure Tae could’ve asked that in private, yet chose to do so in that moment in front of the cameras as though to once again draw attention to his very drastic hair color change. JK also said that Tae has become a reliable guy, which could be him talking about Tae doing a good job when it comes to being the visual director for BE, but perhaps he also meant that Tae was reliable and did a good job with their schedules which in turn allowed both of them, not only Tae, to work on their mixtapes, much the same way that Hobi and Jimin could work on a song together in that time as well. It might be farfetched, I know, I’m just playing with ideas and putting it all out there. This is all meant as fun after all.
Furthermore we also had Namjoon say that following to JK as part of the same relay:
It’s finally today, Jungkook-si, in 10 years! You are Golden Maknae! The day that you will prove your nickname! You are proving it right now with your hair color, but in 2021, I hope the year will be filled with gold, like your nickname. Stay healthy. Let’s ‘Jje-kkit-up’ together this year too! (check it up.. the usual Namjoon saying lol)
I mentioned in my Gold Disc Award (x) post how this kind of made me suspicious and wonder if Namjoon wanted to subtly hint at something with his words, like he wishes JK so well because he knows something is coming and he hopes it’ll be successful perhaps? We know Namjoon is the king of spoilers after all, and this would certainly be very tame and low-key for his standards.
Months ago during a OT7 vlive JK, along with Seokjin, mentioned how he got to listen to Tae’s mixtape and how it was really good, that he liked the songs. Likewise we also know that Tae heard Stay while it was still a JK song and encouraged him to show it to the rest of the members, and eventually Stay turned into JKs subunit song with Namjoon and Seokjin for BE. So we know they have both heard what the other is working on, and both of them had their songs be repurposed into OT7/subunit songs. What if, perhaps, they exchanged songs, as in Tae wrote a song for JJK1 and JK wrote one for TH1 (lyrics or melody wise), or worked on them in some way the same way Namjoon helped Jimin with Promise and Christmas Love, or wrote a tiny bit of Abyss for/with Seokjin.
One thing though I find highly odd about the updated version of Tae’s biography on AM is the fact that it sounds very much like something a fan would write, and not a BigHit staff member, even more so because it mentions other groups (even though BTS are the most famous one and it feels unnecessary) but mostly because Sweet Night isn’t mentioned despite being Tae’s biggest hit and the song with the most iTunes #1 in history. Something feels very fishy and off about it, so I’d be inclined to believe that someone simply might’ve hacked his account when they noticed the buzz on social media about JKs profile change.
There is a very big chance that while all of this is very exciting and I’d very much love to hear both Tae’s and JKs mixtapes, that someone is simply playing a very big prank on ARMY right now. They saw that people fell for the changed profile picture on the JK profile so they decided to add fuel to the fire by changing Tae’s bio as well. Which would mean everyone got hyped for absolutely nothing, though this moment of excitement and theories certainly is very fun. 
However long it might take until we get TH1 and JJK1, I’m willing to patiently wait for it and I hope, should it turn out to just be a prank, that ARMY will be mature enough to handle this situation accordingly and not go on some kind of rampage against BH and the members.
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taestykooky · 5 years
My Evolution in Stanning Jaebeom / GOT7
Ever since yesterday? Was it yesterday? I’ve lost track of time...I’ve been hugging my body pillow and rolling around in bed squealing and moaning “Jaebeom-ah”. I’ve literally accomplished nothing, the dishes are still in the sink, the cat has been destroying everything and I don’t even care... I’m a fucking mess. Did I even eat anything? Thank god I didn’t have work, tomorrow however is going to be a challenge. How am I suppose to go back into society like this? His oh delicious body, that darn belly button and happy trail with his damn gorgeous face keep replaying in my head. *sigh*
When did I become so fucking thirsty for this man? When did the admiration and love for him turn into this? Like yeah, I’ve always been a huge fan, his smile always brighten my day. Don’t get me started with his eyes... his voice, oh god but like I can still partly function after hours of calming down. But this, I don’t even know what to do with myself. Every time I look at him now, even when he’s acting all cute, I’m lusting for him. Like shit sis, a picture of him just sitting there at a fan sign has me all hot and bothered. Wtf?
A part of me is screaming, “girl, pull yourself together! He ain’t even know you exist.” But like I know and but I just can’t stop. It’s just crazy to think back when I first saw him during the dream high/bounce era, I thought he was cute. It was so innocent. When he debuted again with GOT7, I was excited to see and get to know him & the others. Of course, he became my bias but it was pure admiration of who he is and how talented he was.
Was it during the Just Right era that I found him to be more attractive than usual? I think that sounds about right, that scene with him in the car...And then came MAD’s If You Do, boy did my heart fluttered. I remember replaying Tic Tic Tok over and over just to hear his sexy voice. That song did things to me especially his “내 맘이 너를 원해 나와 같기를 바래, 나에게 너를 맡겨 You know you like it, baby”. Seriously? I replayed that part so many time I felt sorry for the rewind button.
Looking back now, he was the joy of my life, something to look forward to after school. I struggled a lot during that time but GOT7 was my light through it all and still is.
When Fly came out, I was absolutely in love with it. His voice starting it was heaven to my ears and he looked so damn fine...(maybe this was when the thirst slowly started?) I remember singing along so much that even now when it comes on randomly on my iTunes that I just instinctively singalong.
Oh boy and then Hard Carry. The whole Turbulence album is one of my all-time favorites. 니꿈꿔 (Dreamin’) was on repeat for the longest time, like his voice is so clear and delicious. I still squeal when it comes on and singalong like the fangirl I am...
The beginning of DefSoul. This boy was already out to destroy me...I should have seen it coming. His voice is really divine though. I remember being nervous to click on Bad Habit because that little inner voice knew he was going to wreck me. And oh god, he sure delivered. Don’t get me wrong I love everyone in GOT7 but hearing just Jaebeom’s voice is just absolutely heavenly. Holic is still being played every night before I head to bed. I guess 2016 was when the thirst began.
Next was the Arrival album, it’s another of my favorites, just like Turbulence, I can listen to the whole album on repeat and I did lol... Paradise & Go Higher were played back to back A LOT. Never Ever was always playing on my desktop when I was doing things and I’m not gonna lie I always stared at Jaebeom’s parts because I have issues...
Then holy shit, JJ Project made a comeback! Verse 2, dear lord, I remember being so sad because I couldn’t afford the album when it first came out. My paycheck wasn’t gonna be there for another week. I cursed at myself for going out to eat a few days before with some girlfriends... When I finally got it, I was so ecstatic. That album was absolutely the best. Fade Away was played so many time, I really can’t get enough of him.
7 for 7 *sigh* I swear my heart melted for this album. It was so soft. I listened to it a lot at night. Jaebeom’s vocals in You Are is one of my favorites. I’m not even gonna talk about the two mv for You Are & Teenager. It was just all squealing, singing along, and staring. 2017 was my holy grail, being blessed with 4x the Jaebeom was heaven and boy did I needed it that year.
Ah, 2018, it started with DefSoul blessing us with 5 tracks. I still can’t decide which one is my favorite between Think of You, Channel & Don’t Touch Me.
His mullet also made a debut which honestly, at this point, I’m already so whipped for him nothing he does will disappoint me or turn me off. I actually liked it and I’m usually not a fan of mullets *shrugs*
Eyes On You was a nice album, I enjoyed it. I was low-key jealous of Hyolyn...Look’s mv was played too many times, I really missed them. I was so busy in 2018 that this was the first time I saw them since their Teenager mv. I usually watch their V-Live & Web Series but life is cruel lol...
I actually missed a lot in 2018, I still need to catch up on everything I missed. But thanks to me being so busy, I delayed buying Present: You which turned out to be a blessing for my wallet. I ended up buying the repackaged album instead.
Miracle was full of emotions, and all the sub unit’s and solos were awesome~ Not Jaebeom related but King was one of my favorites. Sunrise *sigh* his voice really makes my heart yearn for him, 1:31AM especially. That 2Jae should make a debut already... Think About It made my heart hurt for some reason, idk this whole album had me in a weird headspace.
I realize I didn’t mention the Japanese albums but I do have 2 of them (I Won’t Let You Go & Moriagatteyo) and bought 3 tracks (My Swagger, Turn Up & The New Era). Their Japanese promotions are hard for me to follow and keep track of, not because I don’t like it but I don’t even know they’re promoting it until like it’s over.
And now we’re in 2019! Starting off with more DefSoul because he’s so sweet and amazing. I thought it was hard to pick a favorite before with vol.2 but vol.3 is just too hard. I just love the whole damn thing too much. His voice is so addicting and his English has improved so much it’s driving me crazy.
When I thought it couldn’t get any better, Jus2 makes a debut. Ugh, he’s really doing too much. The whole Focus album is just sinful. Every time I listen to it, all I do is have unholy thoughts. That body roll/wave whatever in Focus on Me had me swooning and his mullet is gone and he’s back with that fuckboi haircut looking so god damn good. I was watching the special for Focus on vLive and I didn’t realize it then but it was one of the times I was truly happy and enjoying myself this year. Just watching him talk about when he wrote the songs and explaining them made me so happy.
SpinningTop: Between Security & Insecurity, it’s been out for 2 months now? And I still don’t own it which makes so sad lol... There’s nothing but dust & lint in my clutch. Eclipse *sigh* I’ve been playing it on repeat and I’m sure my neighbors are sick of it. I feel like I’m burning holes in him when I watch him. Oh god, and the astronaut video, I never loved him more. Is it wrong that I want to be his fingers...not to be nasty or anything...
Lol, anyway, I haven’t listened to the rest of the album yet because I want to hear it together on the cd cause I’m weird like that. It’s killing me, I really wanna hear what Page is like. Their spoiler video was a fucking tease. They literally didn’t give any lmao...I totally wasn’t staring at his legs the whole time. Why am I like this??
The World Tour, the thing that started this whole rant. They are gonna be here in California again and once again I can’t afford the tickets. Looking now, the ones in LA that I want are $805-227, the ones I want in Oakland are sold out but I would settle for the $407-342 ones...but I don’t have that kind of money plus my car is in repairs *cries*.
But I probably would die if I went because look at him... All these fan photos and videos of him are enough to bury me in the ground. The shirtless video and pictures are really what did me in. I didn’t realize I was so fucking thirsty for him. I knew I was thirsty but not this thirsty. I never knew I could feel this way for someone that I know is unobtainable.
It’s been 7 years since he’s debuted, 5 years with GOT7 and it’s been the best 7 years of my life. Watching him continue to improve and become the man he is today has been truly a blessing. Even though, I’m a hot mess over here being a thirsty ass...my feelings did start out pure and innocent. Those feelings are still there and just evolved into something more. He just does things to me but can you blame me? He knows what he’s doing...
But seriously, looking back from the very beginning to now, I am grateful for everything he has done. All the joy and happiness he brought me throughout these years are worth the suffering.
Thank you, Jaebeom-ah for everything, even if your popularity fades one day, you’ll always be my number one.
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dailyexo · 6 years
[NEWS] EXO - 181227 Billboard: “EXO's 'Love Shot' Album: The Producers & Songwriters Break Down Every Song”
"The long-awaited one-two punch of EXO’s Don’t Mess Up My Tempo and subsequent Love Shot repackage provided fans with two heaping doses of polished pop. From Daft Punk’s Tron to U.K. garage, EXO checks off all the stylistic boxes on their latest works, expanding upon and further fleshing out their diverse discography.
The sonic gambles have paid off: The Love Shot repackage has already swept iTunes charts around the world from Thailand to the United States, building upon the record-breaking success of its predecessor Tempo. The members of EXO are still going strong six years into their careers, with Love Shot representing a new apex for the boy band.
We spoke with the producers behind EXO’s greatest LP thus far for the stories behind the songs.
“Love Shot”
Mike Woods: Last year in January, we had a camp with Marz Music and SM. They had liked the song since January [2017] -- Korea's just very strategic when they release songs and how they brand everything around the song. It was purposely [for] the repackage album from day one -- not necessarily day one, but they were deciding between "Tempo" and "Love Shop" -- the original [title] is "Love Shop," by the way. So we kinda knew that the repackage album would have "Love Shot" being the title single.
We wanted something that was very, very performance-driven, very dance-driven -- something that would sound good loud and in an arena. We like the fact that it's kind of in a different time signature -- it's in 6/8, so that's not like a generic pop song. With Korea, we like to do things that push the boundaries, not super generic, because they're very musical. Things like that translate a lot better than they do in America. We really like the anthemic [sound] -- even [with] "Oasis," that's what we strive for. We like to do things that just sound big -- I feel like that's our niche with me, Kevin [White], and Bazzi. It's fun, big, and loud. We saved it for the last day 'cause we knew we wanted to end the camp with a bang, and in our heads, we knew what song we wanted to make. We had voice notes of it from the first or second day we got there, but we wanted to save it for the end 'cause we knew it would be a big song for them.
Leven Kali: Two years ago I went to Seoul for the first time for a writing camp with SM, and we started “Tempo” during that trip. It took a few sessions after that back in the states with the rest of the writers [Tay Jasper and Adrian McKinnon] to finish it up, and then Digi, the main producer, brought it home with the final touches. We didn't know where the song would end up, but I'm grateful that it ended up with EXO because they always execute the records at a unique and high-quality level. I'm really happy [with] how it turned out and blessed to be a part of their story.
The song is inspired by a lot of different genres and artists, like Teddy Riley, OutKast, and Take 6. Adrian is one of the most talented singers and musicians I’ve ever met, and he really brought that doo-wop flair to the track. In K-pop they really encourage experimental arrangements, so we got to be creative with this one.
“Tempo” was so fun to make because the energy during the entire trip was on fire. We were working so fast, coming up with tons of good songs, and definitely dabbling in the Seoul nightlife. Digi and Adrian had started the song on one of those crazy nights, and when we got back to the studio, it was a party making the record. Gotta give a big shout out to the blue soju. Also, fun fact: The original spelling of the song is “Ttempo,” with two Ts.
Digi Chammas: “Tempo” was a huge group effort with the writers and they absolutely killed it. I feel like you can tell it was a group of us having the most fun making that song. The constant switch ups and harmonizing is how we like to work. When we do that, there is a lot of back and forth for months with fine tuning, especially the a cappella section because it’s so special. Adrian [McKinnon] is a genius with his harmony. It’s one of my favorite songs I’ve produced, and EXO just crushed it. Crushed it! Having a single with them is what I’ve always wanted, and to be a part of such an exciting release is unreal.
"Tempo" is an amalgam of R&B, funk, disco, EDM, and '90s house. It all goes together without trying too hard. The pieces just fit. Doing edits on the demo wasn’t annoying or daunting because it just never got annoying to listen to.
I wanted to bring a bright energy to their music while still letting it still be serious without being too serious. Also, bed squeaks. They just work.
Keynon “KC” Moore: Since [co-producer] DaBenchwarma and I are both managed by 3Sixty Music Group we collaborate on many different songs. Danny [Smith, KC’s manager] is telling me he had a plug for 5 Seconds of Summer. And I know they wanted to kinda go [in] a crossover, kind of urban [direction], but still keep it pop. So DaBenchwarma sent me over a few tracks for that and I wrote to four or five of them. And “Trauma,” as it is now, was one of them. It was actually called "A Little Bit" originally. I wrote to that -- usually what I do is I'm a night owl. I'll write really late, like 3 a.m., and then I'll toy with the melodies in my head. If I can remember the melody the next day when I get ready to record, it usually works out. The next day I went in and recorded it, so when I sent it over to DaBenchwarma, that was one of the tracks he really liked. Danny sent the records over to the A&R for DNCE and Ryan [Jhun], but Ryan hit us back first and was like, “We really like this track -- I’m going to send [it] to SM Entertainment, but let’s make some changes before I pitch it.” We made all those changes, [and] Ryan hit us back [and] said, “They want this for EXO.” A special shout out Ryan’s team Marcan Entertainment because none of this would be possible without them.
Maroon 5's last album was very [influential] -- I have a friend that wrote on it and she's one of my biggest inspirations. I wanted to keep things simple -- I'm still working on really simplifying what we call "pop music," trying to strip things down enough to where it's still very much intelligent but easy for a two-year-old to catch onto. Maroon 5, definitely, I feel like I utilized some of their simplicity and took my own take on it from there.
To me, it's a progressively pop song in which it's simple, but it definitely has a lot to it if you really strip it down and listen -- there's so much going on.
Cedric “DaBenchwarma” Smith: When I started working on that particular track, I was working on some stuff for DNCE at the time, and KC was writing some stuff for them as well. One of the songs that we'd written to, Danny had just gotten a pitch from SM again. At the time I was doing a lot of urban music, and so… it took me a day or two, because I had to readjust myself, just kinda reset and get in a different zone for the type of track it is. 'Cause it's uptempo, guitar-driven pop, a lot of energy. And I had to readjust and reset to get it how I wanted it, and once I sent it over to Keynon, we just started vibing out to it. We were like, "Man, I think we got something here." And so we sent it over to Ryan Jhun; he and his team loved it but wanted to make a couple of adjustments to make it fit for EXO. After making the adjustments, Ryan sent it to SM Entertainment. They loved it but ask[ed] for some changes and edits in additional to the changes Ryan’s team requested, plus a rap verse was requested since it wasn’t in the original pitch. We made numerous adjustments so it could be more energetic so that EXO could showcase their dancing. They're just a very multi-talented group; we wanted the music and the track to reflect who they were.
I was listening to so much at [that] time. I don't like to listen to one thing too long -- I kinda get influences from a little bit of everywhere. A little bit of DNCE, Maroon 5 -- guitar-driven melodic tracks that just keep you moving rhythmically from top to bottom. For me, I was looking for records that have that strong guitar influence in 'em at the time. I think that's one of the things that caught [SM’s] attention, 'cause it gets your attention right from the front of the melody of the guitar, and it drives the song right on home.
Last time we did an urban R&B mid-tempo style [track]. But this time around, we just wanted to do something more upbeat. Like I said, they have so many talents, with their dance and the stage presence and the energy they give. We were doing a track, we heard the energy to it, we [were] like, "Hey, this'll be a little different than what we did, but I think it'll be perfect for them because of how versatile they are." One day they may do the R&B, mid-tempo [sound], then next they come out with [a] high-energy dance track, and they can kill it all.
Andreas Öberg: This is kind of an interesting story, because it's an older song. We did this back in 2014, so the name "Wait" is very appropriate. I've done many camps, over ten camps together with [SM] in Seoul, but this was in my own camp -- it was arranged by a publisher in Korea called Iconic Sounds. So we were doing a week of sessions, and we had one day off. We were gonna go somewhere, but for some reason we didn't. We were indecisive [about] what we were gonna do that day, so Jimmy [Burney] and I were talking and we had done a bunch of songs based on tracks, more full-on kind of productions. We said, "Oh, we have this afternoon off, why don't we just go to the studio, do something just you and I, acoustic guitar and vocals?"
Back then, EXO were already doing winter albums, so we were aiming at that. Shortly after the camp, [SM] said, "Oh, this is perfect for EXO's winter album." So we got it confirmed as a placement. It was supposed to, I think, be on one of those Christmas releases. But then for some reason, they said, "Oh, sorry, no, we decided to use it at a later stage." Through the years, at different times, they told me, "Yeah, it's about to come out." So we didn't pitch it elsewhere because we thought it was coming out, but it always got pushed. And now, finally, four and a half years later -- I think it was autumn of 2014 that we created this song. We were kind of joking about it, "Wait" being an appropriate title, but it ended up where we kinda intended it to end up. We're really happy with the results, how it sounds with EXO's vocals.
I had to re-record the guitar a month ago because they changed the key slightly. It's basically two channels of guitar, one [with] basic chords, a little bit of lower bass mid-range chords, and then there's one other channel where I lay out some of the chords in the higher register just to get a little bit more glitter. We wanted to create something emotional for the winter season. Not necessarily a plain Christmas song, but this is, I would say, a winter season song. I think in Korea, in my experience, the releases from the labels are very season-based. People and fans are expecting specific colors, chords, styles of music.
Jimmy Burney: Four years ago I was in Seoul, Korea at SM doing some sessions with my friends from Iconic Sounds, a very talented music production crew. I went to breakfast one morning with Tesung [Kim], who is the head guy at Iconic, and he asked me who else I had been writing with in the K-pop market at the time. I told him about my buddy Andreas Öberg who does really well in the K-pop scene, so they ended up flying him out as well. Andreas is a genius on the guitar. So after a few sessions of writing to fully produced tracks, I suggested maybe doing something a little more stripped down. He started playing this beautiful progression and the record just came together like magic. A year after that, we were told that EXO would be cutting it and releasing it. That ended up not happening that year; we had to wait a little longer... so long to the point I almost forgotten they even recorded it. It was a nice surprise to wake up and see that the repackaged album it’s on had went No. 1 in 60 countries [on iTunes]. So I guess it was well worth the wait.
I really wanted to do a record that captured raw emotion, and the best way I felt it would stand out was to write a song that was opposite of what we had been writing the whole trip. Don’t get me wrong -- I think uptempos, drums, 808s, synths, and other fun sounds are amazing, but there is nothing like the feeling of a real instrument, like guitar, piano. It was really fun to arrange this with Andreas who has a great ear for structure and harmony. When I recorded my vocals on the demo, I wanted to make sure that it captured the essence of raw emotion so that whoever ended up cutting it would feel it immediately.
Andreas and I started creating this song in the evening -- I was extremely jet lagged. We ended up taking a break and my friend Siwon Choi from Super Junior came and picked us up and took us to dinner and a night out on the town showing us Seoul. We got back to the studio after midnight and finished writing and recording “Wait.”
I had another song with EXO years ago called "Love Love Love.” I’m honored to be a part of another album, I think EXO are amazingly talented. Since “Love Love Love” had more rap elements, it was really nice to give them a record that was more vocal driven this time around.
Patrick "J. Que" Smith: We called it originally "Body Don't Lie," but I think it might've been a little too spicy, so they made some flips to it. But the process of writing it was super, super easy. I remember we got over there and HM -- Harvey [Mason, Jr.] -- brought the track to the table. This trip, in four or five days, we maybe wrote fifteen or sixteen songs. So we've written one or two songs, and Harvey comes in the room excited -- "I got one! I got it! I know I got it!" And he plays the track, and immediately everybody's hype. We sit down and we start writing and we start vibing off of each other. We blew through the song fast, cut it, dressed it up, played it for the crew, and they were like, "Yo, we love this one, we definitely think we wanna use this one." We got the call when we knew they were gonna cut it. The guys ended up recording it, and I remember being back in L.A. at this time, getting a call from Harvey saying, "Hey, it's going really well, they wanna know if you can write a rap for 'em." We sat down, banged out a rap really fast, and sent it back.
Before we started writing, that [concert aspect] comes up now. You have to picture it on stage. If you can't hear it being sung, if you can't see it being performed in a stadium, then it's not the record it needs to be. We've met them, and they're all amazingly sweet guys, but seeing them perform was just wild. It's like watching Clark Kent turn to Superman. They're so amazing and mild-mannered and good natured and super polite, and then when they step on stage, they just become these superheroes. When we sit down to write, you just understand that you can't write this song for Clark Kent. We knew that we had to write the song for Superman. If Superman can't sing this song, we're not doing our job.
“Ooh La La La”
Digi Chammas: “Ooh La La La” came together so smooth. Bazzi is an animal with the pen. One of the A&Rs said something a little Latin would be amazing for EXO. Bazzi and I sat in the studio listening to this bossa guitar loop I had made with Justin Lucas right before I had gone out to Seoul. Honestly, [Bazzi] probably had half of song done within 5-10 minutes while I did the drums, haha. Then I just touched up the arrangement later that week before I left for L.A.. [Bazzi] knows how to write the catchiest shit ever. All I had to do was make it slap.
“Ooh La” is a Latin bop. It has low end and it moves. The inspiration for that was just EXO. When you have them as [the] goal, it’s easy to get inspired because you can almost already see them bodying it. You just know what direction to go.
Justin Lucas: The guitars throughout is me. It's got a bossa nova-inspired kind of groove. Me and Digi [Chammas] were messing around with the sort of bossa nova-inspired feel on the guitar, and then he sort of flipped that to more of the K-pop feel. We got together and played around with ideas, and while we were there writing, they sent some ideas. They said, "Hey, we're finishing the track, here's the bridge chords, can you do the bossa nova-style guitar over this section?" Once we started writing to the initial idea, it [took] about two days and it was done.
Greg Bonnick, LDN NOISE: Whenever we start to work on records for EXO, we usually start by creating tracks freely and try to be as experimental as possible. Being fortunate enough to have worked on past records, we are quite connected to their journey, so therefore [we] have a feeling of what we would like to hear them do next as listeners and fans.
For “Gravity,” we started with a simple beat like Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean,” and then played a funky bassline. As we layered more sounds, it became more like a disco/funk hybrid and gave us a futuristic feel. We visualized the movie Tron and the soundtrack by Daft Punk for the mood of the song and added the lead sound from “Power.” The lyrics added to the theme, and then Chanyeol helped with translation.
“With You”
Mikey Akin, Sons of Sonix: We basically had the writing session for another artist by the name of Aston Merrygold who's based back home in London, and it was a writing session that we had with him. It was us, Varren Wade, and Aston. I felt like [Aston] loved the song, but he was still deciding his sound for his project, so the record was still open. And then Varren had a meeting with one of the representatives at SM, someone that was looking after EXO, and played the record to them in the meeting, and they loved the record. SM was like, "Yo, we would love to take this for our project." ["With You"] was [created in] May 2016, and it found a home eventually. [SM], they must have heard it top of this year or later.
Myself and Mo [Samuels], our whole production is based in fusion, a lot of fusion [from] our background, us being British and Nigerian. Being from southeast London, you grow up listening to so much garage, so much jungle, so much grime, so what we tend to do is we fuse elements of each genre that makes our foundations in our productions. So even though the record is an R&B pop record, you have the elements of U.K. garage in there. I guess that's kinda one of the reasons why the record must have stood out, because it's something new, but something they could relate to. We just added a different spin to it with the U.K. element. It's kinda like cooking, when you make [something] a certain particular way and you [add] extra ingredients, and you go, "Oh, this is new, I didn't know you could do that!" But you're not scared to enjoy the meal.
[Chanyeol's involvement] was more of a direction kind of basis, making it fit into EXO's vision for the song. Because you gotta understand, if someone presents to you a whole complete record, there's still things you might wanna change. When we were finishing off the record and doing post-production on the record, he did have his input in terms of if we could try this and move this section of the rhythm there and have a drop out here. It was a collaboration back and forth to get the best out of the record.
The Wavyz: The initial idea for “24/7” came together almost a year before it got released. Our team is constantly working on new stuff for K-pop artists, and this is one of the ideas that we felt super strongly about.
Funny enough, it actually was meant for NCT 127 originally. We didn't find out that EXO was interested in it until around March, which is when we started to rework some of the parts.
We were going back and forth with [SM Entertainment] about different options for the intro of the song. We felt like we hit a wall and were stuck until the engineers we work with -- Aaron Berton, Andrew Hey -- walked by whistling the melody from the chorus. That’s when we knew it had to be the intro!
Our goal for this song was always to make it sound effortless while still keeping a high, driving energy going throughout. We wanted it to stand out from the other records on the album.
“Bad Dream”
Bianca Atterberry: It was [titled] "Stranger" when we initially wrote it. Me and Deez and Mike Daley and Mitch, they played the track. Deez will have a track listening when we come in and then we'll sit down and listen to the tracks that they've created. We started with melody -- that's how I normally start in general. I'll hear it and then we'll come up with the melody, and [Deez]'s so good at hearing harmonies and backgrounds and little ambiances. His ears are crazy. Deez is a very hard worker, so he was like, "We gotta get it done." That's all harmonies, all backgrounds, all lyrics -- we [got] it done that day. I feel like songs that are made in the moment are best.
It almost sounds like a '90s R&B song [in] the intro, and then it just hits with this energetic drive to it. It has a whole 'nother drive, almost like a poppy drive to it. But I felt like the melodic pocket needed to be a little bit more open because the beat was moving a lot, so I didn't want the melody to be too fast. I wanted it to be something you could still sing to and vibe to, so I was just going through melodies. I just sang, girl, I don't know where it comes from! I freestyle [the] majority of the songs that I write -- I'll just come up with the melody and sometimes I'll have the concept within whatever I just came up with. I'm not saying anything, I'm just [mumble-sings], you know what I mean? Just hearing what naturally feels good in that pocket.
Of course [the inspiration] would be a '90s male group, of course. It's New Kids on the Block, *NSYNC, Backstreet Boys. Because I know that they have these supergroups and they're still in that '90s vibe but then they have these pop elements to them as well. They also dance like Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC, and it's like they all had a baby, basically. That's what the vision normally is for EXO and groups like that.
Deez: “Bad Dream” was written during a song camp hosted by SM Entertainment. Normally in SM camps, producers bring their tracks, and the songwriters choose one of them to work on based on the discussion between the writers, and also with the A&Rs. When I’m in those song camps, I usually get involved in the track and vocal producing and toplining. For this song “Bad Dream,” I worked as a vocal producer and topliner. This was my first collaboration with the co-topliner “Blush” [Bianca.] She has [a] classical voice, but at the same time, it’s very trendy -- you don’t see that very often. Right after I listened to her voice, I could easily come up with melody of the song. She’s absolutely one of the best U.S. songwriters I’ve met. Blush and I worked on the track in very extemporary way, as we both like that type of work.
In song camps, I normally create one song per a day, but the chemistry with Blush made us to do two songs on that day, and “Bad Dream” was the first song of the day. It took 6-7 hours for the toplining and the vocal production. [It] was a very satisfying session. I normally do not follow any leads, but for this one, I was exactly targeting EXO, as Blush’s voice gave me the inspiration.
When we were going through Mike Daley’s tracks, it was hard for me and Blush to choose, as most of Mike’s tracks were used during the previous sessions. While we were struggling, Mike played a track that I heard while I was in L.A. last year. Mike let me listen to the track at that time, and I kept that one since I really liked it. I was thinking of TVXQ. Mike didn’t remember the fact that he gave it to me already, and played to us. Blush and I agreed with working on the track, and result was more than great.
Mike Daley: Usually when I go out [to Korea], I try to have a couple tracks ready from my camp just to be able to start the first couple of days off, and then start making new stuff when I'm out there. But that was a track I worked on with a producer I work with a lot, Mitchell Owens. So we started working on a couple of songs and if you hear two different beats -- it started off as a guitar-R&B vibe [track], and then I just started messing with some of the chords and different sounds and got a whole different vibe in the verses. [I] tried to make it sound a lot different than the intro, 'cause I know that's the stuff Deez likes writing to.
I think their sound, it can't be anything regular, down the middle. It's gotta be a little left of center, just something that's engaging, because their performances are so crazy. That's what I'm thinking about with the track, trying to make something that performance-wise will be cool.
Some of the new EDM pop elements, I got some inspiration from that. But then still, the real feel-good R&B, boy band vibe, which is what I came up in with The Underdogs -- that's always a part of what I'm doing.
Greg Bonnick, LDN Noise: For “Damage,” we really wanted a bouncy hip-hop record but with [an] anthemic chant feel to the chorus, so even though the verses were laid back, the crowd could really engage with the hook. We started with a piano riff and clap and built the song around that, adding in different elements as it progressed. It was a lot of fun and something different for EXO, one of our favorites.
Deez: “Damage” was created during the same camp that “Gravity” was made. The work flow with LDN Noise was pretty similar, but I wanted to stress [the] bridge part of the song. As you can hear, the chord progression, the melody, [and the] harmonies of the background vocals in the bridge part are quite dramatic. Since the initial track was [a] very strong hip-hop track, I wanted to give some turn around through the bridge part, and it was very satisfying, as listeners could have more [of a] spectacle when they get to the final chorus, with the bridge.
Adrian and I [are] always obsessed with new topline[s] and fresh harmonies, and this song was particularly a challenge for us. I think we were just trying to make the topline of the chorus part with obvious counterpoint. We took a break to think out of the box, and boom, all the rhythm and notes of the chorus hit my head. Based on them, we worked on the catchy rhythm.
“Smile On My Face”
Iain James: “Smile On My Face” came together in Los Angeles at Brian Kennedy’s studio with myself and Sam Hook. Sam is very close friends with the artist Trey Songz, and the song originally started out as an idea for him. It didn’t take long to be produced, mainly because Brian already had a lot of the track in place, especially the chord structure. So it was really just a case of myself and Sam coming up with the concept, defining the lyric[s], and then creating the melody, which I remember being a lot of fun as we’re both singers.
In terms of inspiration for the song, I think it was clear from the start that we wanted it to be an intimate love song, something for a singer to really connect with, and have a catchy chorus -- which I think it really does.
The song I did for EXO-CBX was probably a bit more fun and upbeat, so I’m glad we could do something a bit more heartfelt this time for EXO. Something their fans could really connect with, and something that would really show off their vocal abilities.
Mike Woods: The original title is "Running," and the chorus [was] "I'm on the run/Baby I'm running."
Kevin White: I think the first or second thing [Bazzi] did [was] the "Running" [part]. I think at first it was kind of a mumble, and then he transformed it into words. We work real close with Bazzi -- we have a really good rapport and really good working relationship. I think this is one of the earlier songs we did in the camp. I remember Mike playing the stabbing chords, and then that kinda hit in the verses, and I remember we were saying, "It'd be crazy if the drums hit with that and then cut out." So it's doing a lot of things that come naturally to us.
Mike Woods: With us and Bazzi working together, I think we always try to do something that hasn't necessarily been done before or the way that we've done it. That's a really big thing for us anytime we work collectively, it's always about "How can we push the boundaries?"
Kevin White: The big choral stack... we just knew it had to go there because I think we were really searching for that big anthemic chorus that everybody's gonna sing in a stadium -- that's always the goal."
Credit: Billboard.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Where have you been all my life? At home.
Can you recite the Greek alphabet backwards? Nope. I couldn’t do it forward either.
What social networks are you a part of? All the main ones.
Which of your fields of interest are you a total expert on? I don’t feel I’m a total expert on anything.
What is one thing you will never understand? A lot of things about life.
Do you blog? This is it.
What was the last movie you watched? Would you recommend it? The Devil Wears Prada earlier. Yeah, I like it. 
With whom did you share your last awkward moment? Who knows. I have a lot of those.
When was the last time you got all dolled up? It’s been a very long time.
Gimme yer best shot and insult me. Go ahead. Nah.
What do you think makes a person attractive? >> There aren’t any specific things that are guaranteed to make a person attractive. It’s more a cumulative effect of all their traits and physical features. <<< Well said.
Out of everyone you know, who has the worst taste in music? How about the best? My family and I like a lot of the same music. 
Can guys REALLY pull off skinny jeans? Yeah?
What is one thing you missed out on that you wish you hadn’t? I feel like I really missed out on my 20s. I still can’t believe they’re over.
Are you honest, or more inclined to tell people what they want to hear? I try and be honest. Although, there are some people that I know don’t really want an honest answer or an opinion that differs from theirs. They just want people to agree with them. 
What was the last thing/place you decorated? My room last Christmas. The decorations are still up, ha. I’m actually annoyed with myself for leaving them up because putting up my decorations is one of top favorite things to do during Christmastime. Getting them out for the first time all year is special and gets me really excited. I don’t have that to look forward to this year. :(
Have you just recently started listening to any new bands? No.
How many windows/tabs are open on your computer right now? 1 window, 5 tabs.
Let me in on a little secret of yours. Nah.
What is one habit you had as a child? Do you still have that habit today? Checking my heart to see if it’s beating lmao. Really stupid cause obviously the fact that I’m even able to check means that it is, but it’s something I did a lot as a kid and I still do it now.
Is there someone you wish you were closer with? What’s stopping you from being closer with them? I miss being close with those I was once close with before everything went to shit with me over the past few years.
Besides air, what was the last thing you inhaled? That’s it.
Which point in life do you think is hardest? (i.e. childhood, adulthood…) I thought various stages in my life were hard and they all seemed the hardest at the time. Like currently and for the past few years I’ve been going through a really hard time and it feels like the hardest I’ve ever been through.
How was life going for you, say, six months ago? Is that the same as today, or have things changed? The year started out really bad and it’s been rough throughout. It’s been especially rough these past few years.
What is one opinion you have regarding love? “I believe in a thing called looooveeee.”
Who was the last person to make you frown? Was anyone able to turn that frown upside-down? Not a person, but I frowned a lot yesterday cause I felt extra shitty. I had a really bad stomachache and just overall didn’t feel well.
What was the last non-papery substance you drew on? Uhh I don’t know. 
What is one thing you wish you had the courage to do? I need to get some things taken care of, but I’m too scared.
Which is bigger: Your iTunes library or your CD collection? I don’t use iTunes and I don’t have any CDs anymore. I use Spotify on my phone for music.
What is your one true weakness? I’m just a weak person.
When is the last time you had hot chocolate? Last year during Christmastime.
Composition notebooks or spiral notebooks? Why? Spiral notebooks. What is the most bizarre compliment you’ve ever received? “You look pretty for having polio.” I don’t have polio, but still wtf??
Do you identify more with guys or girls? Really just depends on the person.
When someone you know is sad, how do you go about cheering them up? I’m kind of the worst at that. I never know what to say. I usually just try and listen to them if they want to talk, talk about something else to take their mind off of stuff, or put something on for us to watch.
Has someone ever accused you of not being creative enough? No. I’m not creative, though. I’m well aware of this.
Starbucks coffee or Dunkin Donuts coffee? Starbucks. Do you crack under peer pressure? Yes. Oddly; though, I also did my best work in school when I was under a lot of pressure and stressed.  What do you think deserves more attention than it already gets? Hmm.
What song never fails to get stuck in your head? >> I don’t want to think about it because it’ll lead to me having a song stuck in my head. <<< lol same.
Who is your favorite vocalist? Why? I have a few, but Chester Bennington came to mind first.
What is your most overused emoticon? :/
Do you ever name objects? (i.e. mp3 players, guitars, cars, etc.) I have.
When was the last time you had a bagel? I don’t recall... I’d say it’s been at least a couple years. Probably more. Can you lick your own elbow? Nope.
What time during the day/night is your mind most active? My mind is always a jumbled mess.
What color ink does your favorite pen have? I prefer black ink pens.
What was the last thing you licked? I don’t remember.
Who was the last person in your bed besides yourself? Just me.
Can you touch your tongue to your nose? Nope. What flavor mouthwash do you use? I don’t use one currently.
What tends to distract you most? I just can’t seem to concentrate for a long time anymore. 
Is the perfect man or woman a myth? No one is perfect.
How do you feel about Bob Marley? I’m familiar with some of his songs, but I wouldn’t really consider myself a fan.
Let’s end this survey with a smile; tell me something funny. When it comes to flies, I don’t mess around. I go around with my fly swatter in hand waiting for the moment to strike. My doggo has seen me do this enough times and she gets in on it, too. I’ll be like, “get the fly” and she’ll go running around looking for it. If she sees it, she tries to chase after it, pounce on it, or jump up. She’s caught some and ate them :X She even tries to take the fly swatter from me lol.
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filmsthirteen · 5 years
Finding Myself through Cameron Crowe Films
  *Minor Spoilers*
    There are a handful of directors, writers, artists, and singers who have influenced my life. Yet there is only a handful of them who consistently released art that contributed to the person I have moulded into, (despite only being 19 and thinking this is the final version of myself). But one filmmaker in particular, resonates as having created films that were pressed play constantly as a teenager. That filmmaker is the man, the myth, the legend, Cameron Crowe. If it were up to me, he’d be Sir Cameron Crowe. An artist who had managed to shape multiple generations and accurately reflect on generations that once existed. From the early eighties, Crowe has contributed to the films that teens flocked to the theatre to see when they were released, and many years later, those teens would show their kids those films. Thus, I was thankfully brought up by brilliant films such as Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Say Anything, Singles, and Almost Famous. All those films manage to capture adolescence and young adulthood, through numerous characters, eras, and most importantly, through the use of music. Now that I’m in my final year of being a teenager, and entering the next phase of my life, I thought it was time to thank Cameron Crowe for guiding me through these seemingly treacherous years. 
    I was raised on eighties films. I always had the blessing of having parents who were really into films, and so I was constantly shown film after film. Many of them were teen films of the eighties. So, of course, there were many late nights of watching Pretty in Pink, Heathers, and Risky Business. Though Crowe's films obviously ended up in the mix, the first time I remember sitting down to watch one of his films ended up being around thirteen. My Dad got me one of those three pack special DVDs from Walmart, with Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club. Both of them I was absolutely obsessed with and made me long to be a teenager. Despite John Hughes being the legend he is, the third film, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, was the one that stuck with me through all four years of high school. I watched the film on my own the night before my first day of high school. I was starting that year off fresh; all my friends were going to the public school, while my parents shipped me off to the Catholic school the next town over, where I’d have to wear khaki cardboard material like pants, and polyester shirts in either green, white or blue. I worried my entire summer about the first day of high school; walking down halls I didn’t know, sitting beside people I never had the pleasure of knowing since kindergarten. On Stacy's (Jennifer Jason Leigh) first day of high school, American Girl by Tom Petty plays. Immediately I grabbed my iPod touch, added it to my iTunes, and played it on repeat on my hour and a half long bus ride, and into the doors of the school. Minus doing it with an older dude, getting pregnant, and brushing up my blowjob skills with a carrot in front of the cafeteria, I wished I was like Stacy. Having a cool job in the mall, somehow being gorgeous all the time (even during exam season?) and having a really sweet guy like Mark take you on a date to a really fancy German restaurant, seemed like an experience I deserved. But Cameron wrote about things in this film so painfully realistic to the high school experience, even thirty years later. I knew girls who went out with weird guys way too old for them, having plans for the future destroyed, and of course, having a teacher who thinks that everyone is on dope (which they're totally right about). It doesn't exaggerate the experience of a teenager, making the film so close to the truth as a film can get. Perhaps its due to Crowe actually spending the year as an undercover student, and honestly, all teen films should've been fact-checked like this one. 
     Less than seven years later, Crowe came out with Say Anything. Though my Mom loves this movie, and used to watch it whenever it would come on TV, it was the 2010 film Easy A that actually got me to watch the movie. I made it a point to go back and watch all those films that Emma Stone’s character lists off when discussing if chivalry is dead. Thus I ended up watching Can’t Buy Me Love, Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and of course, Say Anything. I wanted my life to be like an 80s movie directed by John Hughes, but I got it so much better, I got a life unintentionally directed by Cameron Crowe. And because of that, I fell in love with wanting to be that smart girl like Diane Court. I look back now on how much studying I did in high school, and how it paid off to where I am now. It’s important for filmmakers to add these characters, ones were they say that girls can be pretty and smart, not settling for the cliched pick and choose scenario. So I worked hard, writing endless essays, studying late at night for a math test, and juggled clubs and activities. But still, I wished to also have that and be wanted by someone. Like Lloyd Dobler, who wants Diane so much, its all he thinks about. But listen, for once I can say the character of Lloyd isn't some creepy dude, who has an obsession and is purely motivated by this girls essence. Again, there are way too many films with the lead guy being solely provoked by a woman's body. But when he gets her, he holds on, noting that her feelings are reciprocated. She could go off to Oxford, and he’d be right there. Perhaps love at this age is rare, but when you know, well you know. And that's a huge difference that my generation can see. Though many of us have grown up with divorced parents, constant cheating, and unreciprocated feelings, at such a young age, we shouldn't keep that from the actual emotions that we are meant to feel for another human. Maybe we are supposed to give it all, and as I watch this film, I’m not wondering what if Lloyd didn't go about the relationship as he did, I wonder how Lloyd and Diane are. Because like I said, he wants her so bad that he stands outside of her house after a fight, holding that boombox up high, blasting the best love song of all time, In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel. I can’t even tell you the amount of times I’ve had that song on an endless repeat, but I can promise that I most likely broke the record the summer of ‘18. I longed to be sought after like Diane (cause who honestly doesn't want to be so enormously desired by someone you love?). By the end of the August heat, I laid awake at night, waiting for that song to be played outside of my window (actually would've freaked me out but still, the thoughts nice). But that song ended up being played during the fall, plenty of times in the cold winter days, and in the early spring, all the while so content with listening to it at this very moment. Sometimes boys and girls, it's good to just say anything (add wink emoji here). 
     Despite still being totally obsessed with all things of 80s culture, it's time to bring up that phase that wasn't ever a phase, but the depths of my soul. The tenth grade brought about my “grunge phase.” I got my nose pierced, splurged on Doc Martens, stocked my closet with various coloured flannel shirts and band tees. I wanted people to know that I listened to Nirvana, Guns n Roses, and Pearl Jam, despite it being on my shirt that I’d wear under my uniform sweater. My eyeliner was thick black, and my tweets were usually lyrics from some band part of the Seattle Sound. My Dad was in his teens when the Seattle sound came about, and thus as a kid, I spent many car rides hearing Alice in Chains ‘Dirt’ album, Pearl Jam’s the ‘Ten’ album, and Nirvana’s ‘Unplugged’ album on the radio. For me, I was the real shit when it came to this era of my life. And that became the perfect opportunity for my dad to introduce me to Crowe’s ‘92 film Singles. A group of young adults who all live in (a now extremely famous) the same apartment complex, during the height of the Seattle sound. Surprise surprise, they reside in Seattle. Honestly, there could've been no better film for my dad to turn on. With cameos from my bae Eddie Vedder and the late Chris Cornell, the film brings so much to the group of young adults who chose to immerse themselves in real boy bands, compared to whatever the other ones who sang with earpieces paired with synchronized dances did. No offence. Dealing with the idea of relationships, whether we are to settle or have fun in our 20s, Singles is supposed to be about Gen Xer’s, yet, I can see how many millennials still have this issue. There are plenty of girls I know who have used their ex’s t-shirts to clean their toilets, and though we aren't making dating VHS’s, they are perfecting their tinder profiles, hoping that actual human connection exists on the other end. The biggest point in the film that got me, (despite being sixteen trying to imagine myself in four years time), was the whole fear of what if you commit and what if you don’t? There are many ways you can mess up potential, and still, it lies within not calling after a date, or in our case, texting after hanging out. Sometimes we just need people to say and do the right things without having to tell them what is the right thing to do or say. And if it all works out, we’ll end up like Steve and Linda who move out the single bedroom apartment, and into never having to be labelled again as a single. 
     Eight years came about the semi autobiographical story of Crowe himself, Almost Famous. The film with the best soundtrack of all time, due to it having a budget of 3.5 million, compared to most films with budgets of about 1.5 million. Honestly, that's the best use of money in all of human history. And thanks to Zooey Deschanel’s duffel bag, we get to hear Simon and Garfunkel, Led Zeppelin, The Beach Boys, and everyone's favourite, Elton John. You cannot tell me you did not get goosebumps hearing Tiny Dancer being sung in unison by Kate Hudson, Billy Crudup, Patrick Fugit, Jason Leigh, and well I could go on forever about the well-casted film. Before watching the film, I remember that Fool in the Rain was my favourite Zeppelin song. But after watching it for the first time, I had probably had listened to Led Zeppelin’s song Tangerine a hundred times. If a film has such tangible (see what I did there) scenes, and a song contains such a powerful presence, then that is mastering filmmaking in my opinion. Thus, this film was watched during all sorts of moments in my adolescence. The time I wanted to work as a journalist for Rolling Stone, when I was in need of a change, and when I was absolutely alone and only a Cameron Crowe film understood me. And each time I was damn near tempted to be a roadie for a somewhat known band, who hopefully was opening for Black Sabbath. Actually, it was very much this film that got me more obsessed with concerts than I was before. I’d buy tickets as soon as they’d go on sale, mostly to smaller bands, that way I’d have a chance of being up close, and even meeting the band. Like William, I’d wait by the stage doors for the band. Dragging my friends to the concert at least twelve hours before the show would start, just so I could meet bands like Peach Pit, Pale Waves, Colouring, and well other indie bands that I’m sure slim to no adults know. Believe me, I’d wait a week for Black Sabbath if I could. But beyond that, I think that every young person deserves the life, encapsulated in this film; of just going out there and being absolutely free. You know, before life kicks in. And that's really what this film, amongst nearly all of Crowe's films, demonstrate. Get out there kid, put on those headphones, blast some Lynyrd Skynyrd, and just live before you die. Being obsessed with listening to classic rock, I devoured the only season of Paul Feig’s Freaks and Geeks, and had Almost Famous’s soundtrack on repeat. I owned a long green army jacket, and also a faux sheepskin sherpa coat. I was both Lindsey Weir and Penny Lane. I was walking down the two hallways of my high school, and the one street of my small towns downtown, earbuds in, Fleetwood Mac blasting. And through the many characters of these films, they reminded me that I’m here for the art. For the music from the Bookends album, the score of a Tim Burton film, and the tracks of a Tarantino picture. Like Kathy and Paul who went off to see America, Lindsey who goes off to a Grateful Dead concert with her best friend, and Penny Lane who is off to her dream destination of Morocco, I myself am off to see and hear the world. 
      It's odd to look back on these films that meant so much to who I was and who I’ve become. I’m in my last year of being a teenager, and I’m almost done university’ yet I still feel so attached to these characters I feel that I someway embodied. But that's not because I based my life off these characters Crowe created, it's really because Crowe based these characters off of people that exist in life. In those years of watching any teen film out there, Crowes (and of course Hughes) inspired me to look around constantly, taking notes on the friends I had spent lunches on Thursdays, discussing films with, just in case I’d make a film reminiscent about them. In my seemingly ordinary life, Crowe told me to go out and grab those who write seemingly precognition notes in your yearbook. Most importantly, Crowe told me to just let the music guide me through life. And for that, I got my life to be directed by Cameron Crowe. 
INT. Credits being to roll, as ELTON JOHN’S TINY DANCER plays. 
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