#also for the nonnies that mentioned I should change the name I use for red emp don't worry! I did!
dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
See, like, normally I know it’s not worth the effort and energy to interact with The Stans, but like I mentioned about that anon who basically said it’s okay if soldiers die because they’re not innocents, there’s a line to be drawn in a discussion of fictional media and people being so thickheaded and hurtful/harmful that they actually cause legitimate grief to others.
Even if people think it’s stupid that they have views that basically erase her of any wrongdoing, there’s a point where I have to stop and evaluate, is this actually them defending a favorite character or is this how they actually think and like her because of that.
Like I said in that ask, the anon I once got that effectively told me it’s okay for soldiers to die doesn’t know me or my life. They didn’t know I have a sister who used to a sergeant in the military. They didn’t know this woman has kids, and at the time had three very young children (they’re teens now, but when she was deployed they were a lot younger and still just kids). That’s not counting the rest of the family of course, but it says a lot when their ask implied to me that a soldier is no longer a person with a family but just an expendable device to be eliminated for warfare.
And that’s the problem with a lot of these people. They defend their extreme, terrible views by saying extremely moronic shit without applying it to real life and realizing how disgusting they actually sound. When my nonnies and I were discussing why we didn’t enjoy GW, that was just discussion and disappointment of a great character being altered in another game. It was harmless discussion and we weren’t sending people comments that might actually upset someone.
I know some of these people do it on purpose, and then there are the people who genuinely just don't seem to realize how stupid they sound. It’s one thing to explain why you love a favorite, but imagine if I actively defended Jarod from RD simply because I enjoy his character. If he were real, I’d probably hate him. In a video game he has funny one-liners and says some badass things, but he’s completely willing to murder innocents, children and elders simply because lolz they’re from Daein and that makes them worth being killed. Imagine if I defended that viewpoint, simply because Ashnard, the previous king of Daein, started a war! Because some of its citizens were in fact trash! But suddenly, all of them are horrible! Mind you, this is what The Stans do regarding Faerghus. If you’re living in Faerghus, off with your head, in their eyes.
That’s why I need to draw a line between “this is just another annoying person on the internet” and “okay, this is actually rude and if you believe this applies to real life too then you are literally a fucked up person”. I didn’t reply to that ask I got from that anon bc it would not have been nice, it would not have been polite, and it would have definitely been a response without the boundaries of just fiction. I did laugh at how stupid they are on my blog, but the reason I didn’t directly reply to it is because it was not just stupid, but extremely insensitive.
Imagine if Dimitri had stans like that who said it was okay for all of EdeIgard’s siblings to be used in experiments and tortured until they died simply because they were her siblings/royalty from a particular nation.
That’s the shit they do to fans who just don't like their favorite character. You don’t even have to have Dimitri as a favorite, but just not like her. It’s just that Dimitri fans don’t like her because his and her views and goals are so extremely different and on the opposite end of everything that they can’t see eye to eye, and the reason his fans usually don't like her character is precisely because of that: they like Dimitri’s story and character, but it’s too opposite of hers. That’s okay. That’s fine.
It’s not okay or fine anymore when people start acting like they can say whatever they want to justify their pixels, no matter how horrible it is.
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trashlie · 1 year
You're right it's very possible that Nol had a fight with his mother... I was also moved to a different country as a child, and I remember having a phase where I resented my parents for it because I was promised all these good things, but all I got was homesickness and feeling lost in the new environment. It was probably similar for him, and it would make complete sense if he argued with Nessa about it. And related to what you sad about Nol being angry and bitter and hot-headed... I keep thinking about the dialogue that was like "He sent someone's son to the hospital" or something like that. We know it was not Kousuke, because he seemed physically fine after whatever happened. So it must be someone different then. And... Nol must have gone to school, right? Yes they were illegal immigrants, but surely Rand could have pulled some strings to get his son into a school. If he was homeschooled like Alyssa, we would probably know that, right? So, what if before the incident with Kousuke, Nol got into a fight, maybe even multiple times? Maybe those kids in school teased Nol for something. For looking different, the red hair, the freckles, his foreign name, maybe not speaking the language well. Maybe they were rumors going around about his mother, how she is a mistress, how his father is a skirt chaser, how Nol is an illegitimate child, how they're all bad people. Kids can be cruel and probably used less polite words, if you know what I mean. And Nol was already dealing with everything you mentioned. Maybe those kids pushed it too far and he snapped and lashed out. Similarly to what happened with Shin-Ae, basically. Except Shin-Ae was this small girl, she couldn't do *too* much damage (though the boy she fought looked pretty rough), but Nol was always big and tall for his age, so maybe he underestimated his strength and severely injured someone.
Think of it this way, too: One instance of being violent and unstable isn't really enough to justify locking a child into a mental facility for two years, especially with the media involved and the whole story being very public. There are procedures and protocols in place. Sure, Yui could've arranged it regardless. But what I think happened is that she got wind of the fight at school, and used it to her advantage. Made Nol appear like a repeat offender. There were already rumors and even "proof" of him being unstable and aggressive, which makes him getting violent again so much more believable, right. Much easier to convince everyone that putting him in the facility is necessary, that it's the right thing to do. It would also make it easier for Kousuke to believe Yui's narrative, because the kid attacked someone at school and you're his victim too but don't worry he is under control now you're safe. And most importantly, it would make it easier to make Nol believe that about himself. I didn't do anything to Kousuke but everyone keeps telling me that I did, so maybe I'm wrong? I know I lost control and hurt someone before, so maybe they're right and it happened again? Can I even trust what I remember, what I believe? Maybe there really is something very wrong with me? Maybe I am an unstable dangerous person that should be kept away from everyone? That deserves punishment? It would be so much easier to insert these beliefs into his head, mess with his memories and his self-perception, when there is undeniable proof of violent behavior and he probably already feels guilty about that and is starting to question himself...
First off, Nonny 💕 Thank you for sharing your experience 🥺 I can't imagine that must've been easy for you as a child to deal with such a radical change to your life.
But yes, I very much agree with you! I can't remember if I've ever said it on here or if it's only come up in my conversations, but I've been wondering for a while now if Nol DID, in fact, hurt someone. It used to be that I wondered if he really DID hurt Kousuke - quimchee has said before that they've had one fight. But a couple things never made sense. Wasn't it curious that he said "people got hurt"?
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In retrospect, it seems like an odd way to put it - that he had issues plural and that was what kept them apart. People got hurt. Even the article that mentions the heir being attacked doesn't make it sound like Kousuke had to be hospitalized. But right, I agree he very well still could have sent someone's kid to the hospital with everything he had on his plate - his unhappiness, the hot-headed anger, kids being cruel and bullying him, spreading rumors, being xenophobic, etc.
There's also this
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"Especially after hearing how you were treated in middle school."
This has stuck out to me ever since this episode dropped because of what we DO concretely know... nothing really fits that logic, does it? Had Nol ever fought Kousuke, that's not something that he'd think relates to Shinae being bullied and fighting a kid in act of desperation.
But if Nol was fighting kids, had really hurt someone and his very important father pulled weight so Nol got into less trouble... That feels like it could be something he fears will change her perception of him, what he thinks of her. Because right, even if he was lashing out after being pushed too far, the right button was pushed and he attacked, it's SO easy to see how he could turn that on himself. Further to this point, it sounds like he was put through anger management therapy and we know he uses his punching bag to let out his anger, we can absolutely see how very easily he blames himself, how HE could have been convinced of all of this. That he's unstable, he's dangerous, he needs to be subdued.
And further to that, it makes me wonder if punching Sangchul was parallel to what happened in his past. Again, Sangchul was the one taunting him, baiting him because he was certain Nol was too much of a coward to attack, so he pressed his buttons and Nol snapped. And what's more, Kousuke knows a LOT of intimate details about Nol and his family. Plenty of people know rumors about Nol and his institutionalization. Maybe Sangchul figired not only was Nol too much of a coward to act out but because he has a pre-existing record he couldn't lash out without getting into trouble.
And because everything is a parallel and Nol and Shinae are mirrors, it feels very likely that his own incidents with fighting and hurting someone were similar to Shinae's experience, where he reached his limit where it all spilled out where he lashed out at the people who were making his life hell and more miserable than before. Again, it's SO EASY to twist it around on him if he made that first move. "You should have just ignored them. You shouldn't have let their words get to you. You struck first. You hurt someone."
Likewise, it makes it so much easier to kind of brainwash him with this thinking in the hospital. To convince him that he's a bad person who deserves no kindness, who needs to be punished. As readers we get it, we understand. We see how he's been treated by people, reduced to nothing, made to feel like a bother, a mistake, that he only makes things worse. His mother's death looks like suicide, like she took her own life and abandoned him in this foreign country so far away from anyone he knows and left with this cruel family who treats him like he doesn't exist, shouldn't exist, and all of the kids who have bullied him and made him feel like shit. 😭😭😭
How easy it would be to convince this poor kid, this illegitimate bastard of the Hirahara family living as an undocumented immigrant in their shadow, that he is a terrible person who has hurt so many people who doesn't belong here who only hurts people, who can only bring harm to the people he cares about. It also would explain why he worked so hard at absolution - he believes he has so much to atone for.
And that's the worst part, isn't it? To know that he probably did fight, probably did hurt someone after putting up for so long with people taunting him, mocking, bullying him, that no one defended or protected him and when he reached breaking point, he was faulted for how he reacted. It sounds like no one gave him the help he REALLY needed, the understanding and compassion as well as the anger management. All too often when it comes to bullying we see this kind of thing, too. Those children were responsible for pushing his buttons but instead he gets blamed because he couldn't "just ignore them". Instead he was made to feel like a monster, to take all of the blame for not being able to handle what others did to him. Expecting people, especially children, to be able to carry that kind of stress, to live with those kinds of harassment and never to step in or defend them, to try to put a stop to it before it reached that stage. 😭
Once again and as always, these children were all failed by the adults meant to protect them and I will never get over it.
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flowerpowelltales · 3 years
Until You Hate Me (Liam x MC)
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A/N: Yes, I do feel ashamed I forgot about this series for TWO years. I also am aware most of you, who have been tagged, dont even remember ever reading this series. If you’d like to be taken off the taglist just let me know because I don’t want to bother anyone. If you want a refresher - it’s the series where Regina pays Riley to be the worst suitor ever so that in two weeks, Liam would have to marry someone Regina picked for him. Previous parts are on my masterlist. Shoutout to the Nonny who motivated me to write this part. Hope y’all enjoy! Characters belong to PB. 
Rating: G
Word count: 1692
Tagging: @gardeningourmet @delightfullypinkglitter @blackcatkita @badchoicesposts @jared2612 @princess-geek @desiree-pow-35-1986​ @emichelle​ @ao719​ @cordoniantrash @kinggliam @needalittlerain @flyawayboo @nazariortega @jlpplays1 @kimmiedoo5 @annekebbphotography​ @ladyangel70​ @eadanga​ @kingliam2019​ @nz1091​ @emceesynonymroll @texaskitten30 @mskaneko​ @custaroonie @drakesensworld​ @janezillow @ritachacha​ @lodberg​ @msjr0119​ @gkittylove99​ @sweatyrysconnoisseur​ @dcbbw​ @potter1-7harry​
“Welcome to Cordonia,” Liam said when the Royal Jet finally landed. He looked at Riley warily as she took in the sights. The flight was a total disaster and made him rethink his whole life. If he hadn’t known better he’d think she wanted to sabotage his mission.
“Looks sick,” she said and Liam sighed.
“Liam, Riley, the car is here. Come before anyone spots us.” Regina nodded towards their driver.
“Whoa, we have our own driver? That’s mad!”
Regina raised an eyebrow in a ‘do-not-overdo-it’ manner but Riley ignored it. For her it was either go hard or go home. Literally, because if she failed she’d go home with no money.
The ride from the private airport to the palace was silent; Riley was admiring the views, Liam was thinking if he made the right choice and Regina was already planning Liam’s wedding to Madeleine.
When they arrived, Regina excused herself and went straight into her office.
“What do you think?” Liam asked politely when they were the only two left.
“It looks so… majestic. Like something I’d expect a palace look like but at the same time like something I wouldn’t expect. It’s gorgeous.”
Liam turned to her stunned by her words. What happened to “sick” and “mad”? Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad, after all.
“Come inside,” he said and extended his hands towards her. She took it and then gasped at the interior.
“It’s so regal and so big and oof—” Riley was almost knocked out by a small, fluffy ball that jumped at her.
“Ah, this is Chance, Maxwell’s dog. He must feel you’re a good person because he is never that happy about strangers.” Liam smiled as he leaned to take her coat. She handed it to him and when Liam walked away to hang it, she bent over to Chance. 
“Hey, buddy! I’m super flattered you like me but can you please bite me or start barking at me so Liam doesn’t think I’m good?” She asked and Chance titled his head in confusion. “You see,” she lowered her voice, “I have a mission to complete.”
When Chace still couldn’t understand, Riley tried to speak his language.
“Woof woof woof woof,” she barked at Chance in low voice.
“Um… is everything okay, lady Riley?” Liam asked, suddenly appearing behind her. Shoot.
“Mhm. Just talking to that cute little muffin. And please, call me Riley. I’m no lady.”
“If you insist. Would you like to see your room?”
“Sure! Does it have a mini fridge? I bet it’s totally dope!”
Liam shook his head in disbelief. Riley changed her mood every few minutes. He couldn’t figure her out. Sometimes she was serious and really fun to talk to but then she changed again and acted like a spoiled teenager.
“Here we are.” Liam motioned the room when they finally reached the guest chamber. “It doesn’t have a mini fridge but you can call any of the staff members to ask for whatever you’d like, anytime.”
“Ah, Liam! Riley! I am so glad to see you both here!” Regina exclaimed with a smiled on her face. “We have a dinner today with a few of our friends. Liam, please help lady Riley to prepare for it.”
“Of course, Regina. Who are we expecting?” Liam asked.
“Duchess Olivia Nevrakis, Lord Neville, Duchess Adelaide, her daughter and Duke Godfrey, lady Hana Lee and her parents, and a few of the court members.”
Liam nodded politely but started to panic internally. Lord Neville, Godfrey and Adelaide weren’t exactly the first people he wanted Riley to be introduced to. He knew too well how they treated commoners and how awful they could be. He had only about two hours before the dinner to go through the royal protocol, table manners, dress code and how to address who. When he looked up at Riley he noticed she was already studying him.
“Everything’s alright?”
“Yes, it is. I just thought we would have more time before your debut.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that! I was born ready!” she said reassuringly, which, ironically, made Liam even less reassured.
“So when I see Hana Lee’s dad I should say ‘ni hao’, right?”
“Correct! And can you please repeat how you would address Duchess Olivia?”
“Your Grace,” Riley replied.
“Exactly. And Lord Neville?”
“…Also your Grace?”
“Yes. How would you address me, then?”
“Your Majesty?”
“No, Majesty is used for Kings and Queens. I’m not a King yet so I ought to be addressed ‘your Highness’.”
“So Regina is her Majesty?” Riley asked.
“Precisely. Now, what is my title?”
“Full title.”
“Prince Louis of Cordonia.”
“Ye—What? What Louis?”
“Your name isn’t Louis?”
“No,” he shook his head. “It’s Liam.”
“Oh, right! Sorry, I’ve always had a problem with remembering names.”
Liam smiled but wanted to scream. Remembering names was probably one of the most important things Riley had to learn. And she forgot even his.
“Let me get this straight, when I talk to you I always have to use ‘your highness’?”
“When we’re with nobility, yes. It shows respect. When there’s only me and you, or friends and family, you can call me by my name,” he explained.
“Which is Louis!”
“Liam,” he corrected. Again.
“Sorry! Sorry!” Riley apologized. “I’ll just need something to associate you with… Oh! I know! I used to listen to One Direction a lot and Liam was the name of one of the singers! I liked him a lot!”
“Whatever works for you.” Liam smiled, feeling less and less enthusiastic about his mission.
Two hours and three braincell losses later, Riley was walking arm in arm with Liam, into the ballroom. She was wearing a very expensive dress, more expensive than everything she owned altogether. She was very stressed and started to regret coming here. Pretending to be the worst suitor in front of Liam was one thing, but pretending to be the worst suitor in front of all Cordonian nobility was a completely different thing.
“Look, there’s Xinghai, he’s coming here,��� Liam whispered and Riley nodded as the man approached them. Liam nudged Riley.
Okay. Show time.
“Hey hoe!” She yelled, making everyone freeze.
I hate myself.
“Riley!” Liam hissed, pinching her arm.
“Excuse me?” Xinghai asked as if not believing his ears.
“I think Riley tried to say ‘ni hao’, is that right?” Liam raised his eyebrows and Riley felt sick.
“Yes! Ni hao! I’m so sorry, I’m very bad at languages!”
Xinghai shook his head. “If you say so.”
“Hi, I’m Hana! And this is my mother, Lorelai.” A girl with a very friendly face extended her hand as if she hadn’t noticed that huge faux-pas. Her mom barely smiled at her.
“Nice to meet you.”
“Your Highness.” A man approached them and raised a glass. “I feel deeply honored to be invited here today. Her Majesty mentioned you would bring an American suitor, is this that lovely lady?”
Riley didn’t know who it was but she sure hated him already. She looked at Liam and realized she wasn’t the only one thinking so.
“Lord Neville. I am very happy you could join us. Yes, this is lady Riley, my suitor. Lady Riley, this is Lord Neville.”
“Lord? Like Lord of the Rings? Is that even a real title?” she asked.
“Excuse me?” Neville was confused and Liam embarrassed. From the corner of her eye, Riley could see Regina smiling at the sight.
At least someone is happy with what I’m doing.
“I believe we haven’t met.” A blond woman interrupted them, holding a glass of champagne in one hand and a very unhappy man in the other.
“This is Duchess Adelaide, Duke Godfrey and their daughter, Countess Madeleine. And this lovely woman by my side is lady Riley.”
“Hi y’all! Louis told me so much about you!” She heard Liam sighing.
“Hmph” was all Godfrey said. The rest of the family looked confused.
“Who’s Louis?” Adelaide asked.
“What happened to One Direction association?” Liam whispered to her when the family wasn’t looking.
“I forgot Louis was in the band, too,” she replied.
“If you excuse us,” Liam turned to Adelaide, “but we need to say hello to Duchess Olivia. Thank you for coming.”
He quickly led Riley far from Adelaide and Godfrey, avoiding other court members on the way. He couldn’t do this. At least not today. Riley clearly wasn’t ready.
“Why hello there,” a lady with red hair and a matching dress greeted them.
“Olivia. Hello. How are you?” Liam started a small talk and Riley noticed he was more relaxed talking to her than he was talking to other people. She must be a friend, she thought.
“I’m great. Haven’t been to a party that is as much fun as this one. And it’s all thanks to you. I’m Olivia.”
“Riley. You’re the Ice Queen?” Riley asked remembering Lythikos was a winter wonderland. She hoped Olivia would be offended just like the others but to her surprise the Duchess burst out laughing.
“Ice Queen! I like her already,” she said as she wiped a tear from her eye. “Absolutely loved when she questioned Neville’s title. The man’s pain in the ass.”
“I’m glad you find it funny,” Liam said firmly. Olivia shrugged and turned to take another glass of wine.
“I’m really sorry I embarrassed you, Louis.”
“Liam,” he corrected.
“Liam,” Riley repeated. “I’ve just came to Cordonia and had only two hours to take it all in. I’ll be better in time.” Not sure how better at making you hate me I can get though.
“It’s fine. Listen, it’s me who should be apologizing. As you said, you just came here and within a few hours you had to learn things I learned throughout the years.”
Riley’s eyes widened. She embarrassed him, she humiliated him and he still apologized? She felt awful.
“I still feel bad. I promise I won’t let you down,” she lied and Liam smiled.
“I’m happy to hear that because we’re visiting our apple orchard tomorrow and the press will be there to meet you, too.”
Riley gulped as she smiled at Liam.
That only meant she had to try even harder.
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . "Aw, you're blushing like a rose." for Kuroo, please? (ृ°͈꒳​°͈ ृ)ु
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <33 ❞
✎ . . . I like the way your hand fits in mine + kuroo???
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <33 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ kuroo tetsurou. <3
⇣ please read the RULES before requesting.
[ ♡ ] to the anons that sent these request, everyone say THANK YOU to them for pulling me out of my writer's block. requests are open for some cash cash money brain juice requests✨🙈
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➜ kuroo is a fucking tease.
➜ in the bedroom? yeah.
➜ outside the bedroom? yeah.
➜ of course his teasing aren't way too much that could actually hurt anyone.
➜ but mf is an absoloute tease.
➜ did i mention he's a tease?
➜ he didn't know what it was that made him want to tease you but perhaps it was the way you scrunch your nose at him with furrowed eyebrows and narrowed eyes that wow, damn you were kinda cute.
➜ tehee🙈💫😋
➜ and wow, did it drove him mad
➜ the way your cheeks would turn into a bashful mess whenever he flirts with you using his awful but kinda smart chemistry pick up lines he took from google.
➜ some are innocent.
“ Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you're CuTe. ”
➜ some are . . 🤪🙈
“ If I was an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes. ”
➜ again, everyone say THANK YOU GOOGLE
➜ and even now when you're already dating him and he STILL manages to fluster you, mf took PRIDE ON THAT
➜ he'd say it was because of his looks and charisma all together but honestly?
➜ it's just because he looked so FUCKING CUTE WHILE SAYING THE PICKUP LINES. like WHAT? an aobsoloute DORK
➜ the way he excitedly and eagerly awaited your reaction like a wholesome puppy wagging it's tail for it's owner.
➜ now THAT, that could make anyone feel flustered ngl
➜ with his piercing amber eyes looking at you intently???
➜ phewww chileee😳🙈👉👈
➜ but i guess you were both right, his charisma does play apart in it too while being a huge ass dork that you wanna k*ss
➜ ngl remind me of peter parker
➜ and that man? was pheww😋😝
➜ he's a gentleman too, he'd always be the one in between the busy streets and the sidewalk.
➜ his reasoning??
“ i don't want you to be hit by a car or anything, pretty face. ”
➜ but HONESTLY? he just really cares a lot about you and doesn't want you to get hurt.
➜ lmao i want that
➜ he'd always have an arm hooked around you, and his reasoning would usually be :
“ i don't want anyone to think they have a chance with you. ”
➜ or
“ i want everyone to know that you're mine. ”
➜ he just wants to be close to you and he doesn't want you to get lost at busy places
➜ i am in love with this man😭
➜ brb changing my theme to kuroo🙈
➜ cafe dates were a must with you two
➜ usually for just hanging around or study dates
➜ he always liked studying
➜ but maybe he liked it because he was doing it with you?
➜ that's a secret i'll never tell xoxo, gossip girl💋
➜ and in places like these, he'd just like to get you all flustered
➜ by giving you a kiss on the back of your hand whenever you get all the questions right in this one section
➜ maybe just simply writing heart doodles in the corner of the bool's page of your names together, knowing that your teacher might see it
➜ but he doesn't really care, he liked seeing you burrying your face to your hands because ONLY KUROO TETSUROU CAN DO THAT
➜ or should i say periodic table? ok ok i'll leave now bye
➜ but his favourite? the google pick up lines😍😍
“ Are you made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon? 'Cause you are F-I-Ne. ” he grins at you, looking up from his phone as he read the words outloud just right after he asked google chemistry pick up lines
➜ bb you aren't original, and thats okay
“ oh my god, kuroo shut up ─ we're at a cafe for fuck's sake! ” you whisper shouted as you got closer to his face, leaning in, your nose scrunched up with your eyes narrowed at him. it looked like you were mad at him but when you see the pink tint at your cheeks? you were definitely probably, hopefully, not angry at him.
“ kitten, you should have told me you wanted my face this close to yours and i wouldn't object nor compl ─ ” you put his face away from yours, averting your eyes away from him while you try and hide your blushing face.
➜ but BEING THE SLY MF HE IS, he took this chance to grab onto your hand gently and intertwine it with his as a cheeky grin spread across his face in delight and satisfaction with your reaction and with the warmth of your hands molded with his.
➜ oh god he loves it ─ no, he loves you.
➜ but before you could slap it away, he made another comment.
“ aw, you're blushing like a rose. ” he teased, cooing at you as he fiddled with your hands.
“ h ─ how could i not? i like the way your hands fits mine. ”
➜ now it's kuroos turn to overheat
➜ because oh how the TURN TABLES.
➜ he didn't know of it was your bluntness, the red in your cheeks, or the comment you made.
➜ but he was flustered, flustered with himself and you with how you managed to caught HIM off-guard and wow, marry him already
➜ because you know what? under that teasing, sly, and confident layer of his, was a dorky ass mf that's just madly in love with you.
➜ his cheeks all flushed as he tried covering it with the back of his hand while the other was still holding onto yours as his gaze quickly averted away from you while he clears his throat.
➜ acting as if you didn't just almost made his heart LEAP OUT OF HIS CHEST.
➜ but you knew it, you knew that you made him feel all giddy inside, you knew that everytime you do these he secretly loves it ─ and you knew that only YOU can do that to him.
➜ and honestly?
➜ you too, were also a tease.
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softspiderling · 5 years
five signs you’re too close to your boss | t.h.
anonymous said:
Hi may I please request a one shot of Tom with ceo au with this prompt “I’m your assistant and you just informed me that your entire family thinks we’re dating and you don’t want to let them down” please
Summary: you liked being the personal assistant of the CEO of Holland Enterprises. But sometimes you wondered if you were too close to your boss.
Pairing: CEO!Tom Holland x Assistant!Reader
Song I listened to while writing: If I can’t have you by Shawn Mendes
Author’s Note: I started out way different, and I was googling for some funny assistant/boss puns when I came across an article called ‘five signs you’re too close to your boss’ and I rewrote the whole thing. Hope I did your request justice, nonnie!
Warnings: the occasional fuck and shit
Word Count: 4k (this was not planned, I gotta be honest)
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ONE: You call him by his first name
Balancing a tray with coffee cups, you knocked on the wooden door, waiting for a muffled ‘Come in’ before you opened the door with your elbows. You entered the room and were greeted by two men who sat across from each other at a desk.
“Good morning,” you greeted them and placed their coffees on the table. “I’ve got your latte Tom and your americano, Harrison. Mark is waiting for you in your office by the way, and the meeting with the board members has been pushed up to three pm.”
“Thank you, Y/N,” Harrison Osterfield said as he reached for his beverage, grateful for your services even though you weren’t his personal assistant.
Tom Holland, your actual boss, accepted the cup you placed in front of him and grinned. “She’s a godsend, isn’t she?”
You made an offhand gesture and ducked your head at the compliment. “I just brought you your coffee.”
“And at the same time you told me about the changes for today’s schedule. Accept the compliment, Y/N,” Tom said and you rolled your eyes fondly. You were literally just doing your job. Sometimes you really wondered what Tom would do without you.
“Alright, I better go before my assistant sends out a searching party,” Harrison sighed and got up, his coffee in his hand.
“I’ll see you later T, thanks again for the coffee Miss Y/N,” he said in a teasing tone and left the office, his dress shoes clacking against the marbled floor, leaving you and Tom alone in his office.
“Is there anything else you need me to do?” you asked your boss and he pursed his lips in thought.
“Yeah actually, I’m planning to take my mum out to lunch. Can you make a reservation at The Clink?”
“Of course. Around twelve alright for you?”
He leaned forward and clasped his hands. “That’ll work. A table by the window would be amazing.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” you nodded and Tom gave you a smile.
“Thanks, Y/N, that’s everything for now,” he told you and turned to his laptop, dismissing you wordlessly.  
You left Tom’s office and shut the door behind you, returning to your desk. Reaching for the phone, you dialed the number of the restaurant and waited for the line to connect.
“Hi, this is The Clink. You’re speaking to Lionel. What can I do for you?” a man said when he picked up the phone.
“Hi, this is Y/N, I’m calling to book a table for Tom-“ your eyes widened, before you cleared your throat. “Uh, for Mr. Holland. A table for two at noon, and preferably by the window?”
The other end of the line is silent for a few seconds before the man returned. “Table for two, at noon by the window. Got it.”
“Perfect, thank you so much,” you sighed, bidding goodbye before you hung up, leaning your face in your hands.
You’ve never realized how you always addressed your boss by calling him by his first name. It wasn’t something you did on your own, but rather a thing Tom insisted you doing when you first started this job.
You were pretty sure it wasn’t common for an assistant to call her boss by his first name. But as long as it wasn’t hurting anyone, it wasn’t a big deal.
TWO: His mother invites you along to private lunch dates.
You’ve been working on a few drafts of the invitation of the charity gala that was taking place in a couple of months, when someone approached your desk.
Looking away from your computer, you came face to face with Nikki Holland, Tom’s mother. “Oh! Mrs. Holland, hi,” you greeted her with a smile, giving her your full attention.
“You can just go right ahead, I think Tom’s still immersed in his work,” you said, gesturing to the closed office door.
“That boy is always stuck in work,” Nikki sighed with a headshake. “I’m glad you’re here to keep him from living at the office.”
You chuckled and ducked your head. “Just doing my job.”
When the door of Tom’s office opened, you and his mother lifted your heads to see him coming out, loosening the tie around his neck.
“Hi mum, have you been waiting long?” he asked and kissed her on the cheek.
“No longer than usual, honey,” Nikki sighed and he grinned, before turning to you.
“You take a break soon, okay?”
“Why don’t you come with us?” Nikki suggested and Tom looked at his mother in surprise, before nodding.
“Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.”
You shook your head, your cheeks flushed. “No, I don’t want to impose. I know you two haven’t spent that much time together. Plus I only booked a table for two.”
“I’m sure they won’t hesitate to add a chair to the table if I ask them to,” Tom pointed out with a grin and his mother smiled encouragingly at you.
“I insist. You have to eat anyways and you won’t impose, I promise.”
With narrowed eyebrows you looked between the two Hollands, who were looking at you with expectant eyes. A lunch at the Clink sounded really good right now, and Nikki was right, you did have to eat anyway.
“Fine,” you then sighed, the corners of your mouth tugging up. “I guess if my boss’ mother tells me to do something, I should do it, right?”
Tom snorted and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants.
“Don’t believe a word she says, mum. She never listens to me.”
“That’s because you make really dumb decisions from time to time,” you reminded him, grabbing your coat and purse. Nikki only laughed at the bickering, shaking her head fondly.
“You two can bicker over the most mundane things, it’s unbelievable.”
THREE: He asked you to be his date for charity events.
“You look lovely tonight, Y/N,” Tom whispered as the two of you entered the building, arms linked.
“You did buy this dress, you’re aware of that, right?” you asked with a raised eyebrow and he chuckled, shrugging with his shoulders.
“I know, doesn’t mean I can’t give you a compliment when it’s due, does it?”
You rolled your eyes fondly.
“I guess. Thanks for bringing me, by the way. I’ve heard really good things about this organization.”
The organization whose charity event you were attending was taking care of providing clean water for villages in South Africa and though you were glad to support this organization you weren’t a fan of the guests that used to attend these kind of events.
They were wearing expensive looking suits and dress. You didn’t really know how much the dress cost you were wearing, because Tom refused to tell you, but you were willing to bet a horse that it cost more than a 100 bucks (then again, 100 pounds probably wasn’t a lot when it came to these people).
Long story short, this wasn’t really your scene. Expensive champagne, rubbing elbows with wealthy people and tiny food portions wasn’t your style. But Tom had asked you to accompany him and it was for the good cause, right?
“I’m going to get us some champagne, I’ll be right back love,” he told you and unwrapped his arm from yours before disappearing into the crowd, leaving you all by yourself.
Slightly intimidated, you sought refuge at a vacant table and placed your clutch on it, looking around for Harrison, of whom you knew was also supposed to attend the event.
“Did I see you come in with Tom Holland?” an unfamiliar voice asked and you turned to see a blonde in a red dress looking at you.
The corners of her lips were curled upward, though the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Yes you did,” you replied, giving her a curt smile. “Why?”
She tapped her perfectly manicured fingers on the table.
“We had an nice… How should I put this delicately?” she trailed off, pursing her lips. “Encounter. And he hasn’t given me a call yet.”
You raised an eyebrow at her. What was this lady’s problem?
“If you’re trying to pick a fight, it’s not with me. I’m his assistant, not his date,” you clarified and her eyes widened slightly, before she let out a breathy laughter.
“Oh of course you are. I was wondering why he would be dating under his standard,” she chuckled and you narrowed your eyes at her, your cheeks flushing in anger.
“Excuse me?”
She smirked at you. “You can’t be surprised by this. You’re not exactly his type.”
You bristled at her insinuations and as you were about to open your mouth to rip her a new one, Tom joined you by the table with two flutes of champagne.
“Sorry that took so long, Y/N, the queue was insane,” he apologized, handing you a flute when he caught sight of the blonde, who turned her full attention to him.
“Hello Tom. Nice to see you again,” she said sweetly and you gripped your glass.
Tom gave her a polite smile, though you could tell he wasn’t too happy to see her. You were guessing that she was someone he picked up at a previous event and judging by his lack of interest, he had wanted it to leave it like that.
“Hello… Victoria, was it?”
“Veronica, actually,” Veronica pressed out through gritted teeth and you hid your smile, turning your head away.
“Right, Veronica. Sorry, must’ve slipped my mind. Did you need anything?” Tom asked and she fumed, though she raised her chin defiantly.
“Not necessarily, no. Just wanted to give the courtesy of letting you know that my father won’t be doing any business with Holland Enterprises. Have a good evening,” Veronica sneered and turned on her heel, obviously pissed off by how he was treating her.
“Wait, is she someone important?” you asked at the mention of her father and Tom shrugged, nipping on his champagne.
“She’s the daughter of Philip McAvoy.”
Your eyes widened and slapped his arm.
“McAvoy who you’ve been dying to get in contract?! Are you kidding me? That’s a big deal, why are you acting so nonchalantly about losing a huge client like that?” you hissed and Tom glanced at you, before he smirked.
“’Cause McAvoy signed the contract last night.”
You sighed in relief, shaking your head with a smile. “You’re unbelievable, Tom.”
“I am not going to let all the hard work go down the drain just because I didn’t give his darling daughter a call after an unfortunate night we spent together,” Tom smirked and you rolled your eyes at him, pulling a face.
“You’re gross.”
FOUR: He asks you to pretend to be his girlfriend in front of his family.
“You want me to do what?”
Tom sighed and rubbed a hand over his face.
“I know it sounds like a weird request-“
“No, getting you sushi at nine in the morning is a weird requests, having me pose as your girlfriend in front of your family is crazy! How did you even come up with such an idea?” you asked. You hadn’t had expected Tom to ask you that when he called you into his office.
“I didn’t! My parents just assumed we were dating because of pictures they’ve seen of us at events. Especially at the office’s Christmas party,” he explained and your cheeks grew hot.
“You know I had too much to drink!”
“I know, Y/N. And I wouldn’t be asking you this if it weren’t so important to me. Please?” He looked at you with pleading eyes, clasping his hands together as if he was begging.
You gritted your teeth and rolled your eyes, before relenting.
“… Fine. But I expect a bonus,” you warned him and he beamed at you, nodding quickly.
“Of course, whatever you want, Y/N. Thank you so much for doing this.”
Two weeks later, you and Tom were standing in front of his childhood home and you were feeling like you were going to throw up.
“You okay?” Tom asked as you walked up to the front door.
“If by okay you mean currently freaking out about lying to my boss’ family about dating him, then yeah, I’m okay,” you muttered, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“You’ll be fine. They’ve always liked you, even before they thought you were my girlfriend,” he assured you and you frowned.
“I just don’t feel comfortable lying to them.”
“Then don’t,” he replied and you scoffed. “Just, stay as close to the truth as you can. We don’t want to get entangled in a web of lies.”
Tom pressed the door bell and you could hear footsteps from the other side of the door before you felt Tom put his arm around your waist, pulling you close. You barely had the time to react before the door was pulled open and you put up a smile.
“Tom! And Y/N! I am so glad you could make it,” his mother greeted you and Tom let go of you to hug his mother.
“Hi mum, happy birthday,” he mumbled and gave her a kiss on the cheek, handing her the bouquet of flowers. You smiled shyly at her and reached out to shake her hand. “Happy birthday Mrs. Holland. Thanks for inviting me.”
“Nonsense!” Nikki replied and swatted your hand away, pulling you into a hug instead. You yelped in surprise before you hugged her back with a laugh. “And please, call me Nikki. You’re part of the family now.”
“Oh, okay,” you chuckled nervously and Tom gave you a look.
“Alright, come on in you guys, you’re the last to arrive.” Nikki ushered you inside and shut the door after you’ve stepped inside
“You go right ahead to the backyard, I’m going to put these flowers in some water,” she told you and disappeared into another room, the kitchen you presumed.
With a hand on your lower back, Tom guided you towards the backyard. You were so nervous to face his family, you couldn’t even react to the countless pictures of Tom throughout his childhood. You made a mental note to make fun of Tom later, but right now, you didn’t have the nerves to do so.
As you stepped out to the backyard, you were greeted with a sight of familiar people. You were relieved to see that it wasn’t an understatement when he told you it was ‘a family-only event’.
“Hey guys!” Tom greeted his family, waving in the round.
“Look what the cat dragged in,” one of the boys said and everyone came around to greet you.
“Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N, you know my dad, Dom, my brothers Harry, Sam and Paddy. And Haz, of course.”
Your eyes widened slightly at the blond sitting at the table nursing a beer with a knowing smirk. That little fucker. He had to know all about the stunt, you were sure that Tom had a discussion with his best friend long before asking you to come to the party. You were not looking forward to the endless teasing you had to endure at work that following week.
“Hi everyone,” you waved shyly. “Thanks for having me.”
“Are you kidding me? I can’t believe we’re finally meeting you as Tom’s girlfriend. How do you actually stand being around this div during work and in your free time?” Harry asked and you shrugged with a grin.
“Eh, it helps that he barely acts like a boss. Usually I’m the one making the important decisions,” you countered and Tom’s jaw dropped while the rest hollered out in laughter.
“Wow,” Tom said, shaking his head with a grin.
“I knew there was a reason I liked her,” Dom said and smiled brightly at you. “Someone needs to put you in your place when neither of us are around, Tom. Can I get you guys anything to drink?”
Pleased at having received his father’s approval, you ducked your head.  “A water is fine, thanks.”
“I’ll just have a beer, dad.”
Taking a seat at the table while Tom’s father poured you a glass of water, you nipped on it but not without sending a glare in Harrison’s direction, who was sitting across from you.
“Hey, where’s Tessa?” Tom wanted to know when his brother handed him a bottle of beer and Harry pointed towards the green bits of the backyard.
“She’s been digging for half an hour. Didn’t even hear you ring the bell.”
Tom took a big swing of his beer before letting out a whistle. “Tessa!” he called out and jogged towards the lawn, leaving you to fend for yourself with his family.
“So, how long have you guys been dating?” Sam asked as soon as Tom was out of earshot. You blushed a bit, and shrugged with your shoulders.
You internally cursed when Tom’s mother joined you, hoping you wouldn’t say anything that would make them suspicious.
“A couple months, give or take? I’m not too sure about it,” you replied, keeping it as vague as you could.
“I’m really glad you guys got together,” Nikki said and you looked at her in surprise. “He always looked at you like you hung the stars, it was really obvious that he fancied you.”
“Yeah, it was nauseating,” Harrison piped up and hid his grin behind his beer bottle while you narrowed your eyes at him. You weren’t sure if he was messing with you or not.
“You guys should have seen them at the office Christmas party. He was smitten,” he told Tom’s family, wincing when you kicked him in the shins.
“Oh we’ve seen pictures. That was why we pestered Tom about her and he admitted that you’ve been dating on the downlow,” Paddy said. “Though I don’t understand why he would keep that from us. He knows we’ve always liked you.”
“I think he was probably worried about what people would think if they found out he was dating his assistant,” you explained, defending Tom. You didn’t want his family to resent him for keeping a relationship from them if it wasn’t even a real one.
“What are we talking about?” Tom asked when he returned with Tessa by his side.
“About you being head over heels for Y/N, and not telling us you were dating until we asked you,” Harry teased and his older brother flushed.
“Well, I should be head over heels for her, she’s my girlfriend,” he pointed out and you opted out of the conversation by turning your attention to Tessa who sniffed curiously at your hands. She was the only member of his family you hadn’t met yet. You know, considering she was a dog she wasn’t really allowed into the office.
“Hi pretty girl,” you cooed to her, scratching her behind her ears. Tessa yapped and wagged enthusiastically with her tail, bumping your hand with her snout.
“She likes you,” Tom told you quietly, suddenly standing by your side. You glanced up at him before you returned your eyes to the Staffordshire.
“Everyone in your family likes me,” you pointed out and he gave you a look, crouching down next to you to pet Tessa.
“Maybe a little too much. I can’t believe you made fun of me with them,” Tom muttered and you snorted, rolling your eyes at him.
“Don’t be a baby,” you teased him and he looked at you with a soft smile. You’ve never noticed how much his eyes crinkled when he does that. And did he get more freckles on his nose?
“Jesus, you two are way worse in real life,” Sam commented and the two of you broke apart flushing. You hadn’t even realized how close you’ve been standing.
“See what I have to deal with at work every day?” Harrison joked and you and Tom glared at him.
“Shut up Haz.”
The rest of the evening passed in a blur, between having dinner, getting to know Tom’s family better and them teasing you and Tom mercilessly.
Their jokes got you thinking about the relationship you had with him. The work relationship, that is. You knew that you two were very close, maybe even closer than an assistant and their superior usually are. Sometimes you wondered if it bordered the line of being inappropriate, considering all they’ve been saying was somewhat true.
You found him very attractive and you liked him a lot. Even though he was in a higher position than you were (obviously, since you were his assistant) he still treated you with respect.
And since you were only human, you sometimes wondered what it would feel like to be by his side as something else than his assistant. Admittedly, you had a small crush on him. But who wouldn’t, right? A successful businessman, CEO of his own company, he achieved all of that in his twenties and he looked like that.
But you’ve always respected the boundary that was between you and him, allowing yourself the daydream now and then, but nothing more. But you never knew or even asked yourself, what he was thinking.
You knew about his occasional hook-ups, including Victoria McAvoy. But you’ve never heard of a serious girlfriend. At first, you’ve thought it was due to his busy schedule and the fact that he always threw himself in his work.
Now however, you weren’t too sure about it anymore.
It was later that night, when Tom was taking you home in his car. A comfortable silence was settled over you and you were leaning your head on the window.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” you suddenly said and he glanced over at you before turning his attention back to the street.
“Yeah of course, what is it?”
“Do you like me?” you blurted out and he swerved the car, cursing.
“Shit, Y/N, you can’t just ask me something like that!” he yelled and you stared at him, frowning.
“Why the tell not?”
Tom groaned and shook his head, pulling over. Turning the car off, he ran his hand through his hair before turning to look at you.
“Well?” you asked impatiently, narrowing your eyes.
He sighed. “I do like you,” he admitted and your eyes widened. You did not expect that.
“I didn’t want it to be weird for you, because I’m your boss and I don’t want you to feel like you’re obligated to date me, if you don’t like me back? I don’t know. It feels weird to have this kind of power over you which I don’t want to abuse that?” Tom groaned, hiding his face in his hands. “I guess I did pressure you into pretending to be my girlfriend in front of my family, but I promise I didn’t do it to make-“
Before Tom could continue to ramble on, you had dragged him by his shirt and put your lips on his, effectively shutting him up.
“Oh,” he sighed softly against your lips, his own curling into a grin.
FIVE: You almost fall off the bed at night.
You were still tired when you woke up, and judging by the darkness in the bedroom, it wasn’t time to get up just yet. Stifling a yawn, you reached for your phone that was charging on the nightstand to check the time, nearly blinding yourself by the brightness of the screen.
2:17 am
With a groan, you put the phone back down and wondered why the hell you woke up, when a nudge in your waist almost sent you falling off the bed.
Even though you’ve fallen asleep at your respective sides of the bed, Tom had somehow managed to sneak all the way over to your side and wriggled himself into your body, pushing you to the edge of the bed.
“Tom,” you hissed, jabbing him ribs.
“Wha-?” he murmured out, cracking an eye open just to frown at you.
“Don’t give me that face! What did I tell you about scooting all the way up in my space!”
His eyes fluttered close and he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“You’re comfy,” Tom mumbled and you sighed, shoving him a few inches away from you.
“You could pull me in your arms instead of pushing me off the edge,” you pointed out and snuggled up against him, smiling when he settled his head atop of yours.
“Shhh, sleep time now,” he said sleepily and you rolled your eyes, before shutting them to get some more sleep.
You really were way too close to your boss.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Once again, ccers have labeled some of their favorite fairytale tropes as indisputable facts.
Anonymous asked:  Okay I’m trying to figure out why people believe C/C is a thing. Not saying you are wrong, I just have 0 context to go on and you seem to have an interesting outlook. Would you mind telling me the background to this? Or why people believe D is in the closet? (Also I’m curious why nobody uses their names and instead letters).
Cassie: Nonnie, that’s a tall order. There’s SO much that absolutely indicates M is a beard and CC is most definitely real (not true. There is NOTHING to prove Mia is a beard or that cc is real).  Not the least of which is the absolute adoration on D’s face whenever he looks at or talk about C. (Wait, so your biggest and best evidence is that Darren looks at Chris with love and adoration? That isn’t proof of anything except for your own bias, your Harlequin Romance ideas about love and that you don’t understand what constitutes “proof”).  I’ve never once seen him look at M that way and usually when he is forced to speak about her, he does it in an almost offhand way and I don’t think it’s EVER in a complimentary way (”Ever” was her typo. This statement is not only NOT proof of a relationship but it isn’t even untrue. The cc fandom picks and chooses the evidence that confirms their bias and proves their point. Darren has looked at Mia with love and adoration and has said sweet things to her.  He also married her which trumps all of the goo-goo eyes they imagine he’s given Chris over the years). He’s said she’s a big girl when told people were bullying her, referred to her as a ball and chain (NO he referred o himself as a “ball and chain”), and frankly, he treats her badly (NOT TRUE. If it was true I don’t understand what you guys even like about him.  A man who treats his wife badly is a dick). He’s repeatedly slammed car doors in her face, walks as far ahead of her as he can, (Both of those scenarios were to avoid paparazzi photos of them together. It’s impossible for us to understand what it is like to have people taking our picture and making up stories about us so we can't compare this behavior to our lives.) got in the car for the sham mockery and left her to fend for herself in that monstrosity she called a wedding gown to try and get into the car (Yes, that is what all grooms do.  That is why the bride has attendants), and shook her hand at one of the first big events they attended after they had supposedly been dating for over a year (This is another flat out lie. As I debunked- Mia and Darren were photographed standing together before the red carpet and he introduced her as his girlfriend to another person standing near them. See what I mean they pick and choose to prove their point even if it means lying)   Contrast that with how reverently he speaks about C and how conscious he always seemed to be when they were in public together and there’s no contest (He tells the exact same story every time. Wonder why?)  The love sick puppy with his whole face lit up like a Christmas tree appears whenever C is mentioned (What are you 12? Nobody who is over the age of 12 and mentally sound believes that puppy dog eyes are proof of a relationship).  Paying attention to background moments is important (In other words slow it down, gif it, add music, repeat lies and notice the small stuff while ignoring the big stuff and maybe you can find cc in all the proof that Darren and Mia are happily married. Hear with your eyes because you will never find cc if you don’t). you will never If you need more, I suggest going through some of the bigger CC blogs and reading them.
As to why we use their initials and not their names means it doesn’t appear when their names are searched.
Anonymous asked: Okay more questions! Didn’t M and D start dating before G/lee? During their college years too right? And I assumed it was to avoid it being searched but it it for reasons? Maybe to avoid rude fans that disagree?
Cassie: Nonnie, if you believe the current version they are spinning, they met pre G/lee, as for when they started “dating,” well, it’s changed so many times I’ve lost track. I think the latest is 2011, but I’m not sure. (There are photos o them lying on next to each other one what is clearly a date with Darren’s pre-Blaine haircut so they have been dating since early- to mid-2010)  They tried to say before G/lee, but D blew that outta the water when he said he had never been committed to anything as long as he had G/lee during one of the interviews he did near when it ended (It is not rational to throw away all of the evidence that they dated before Glee- photos, comments from Darren and MIa and from friends in exchange for one offhand comment he gave to a reporter. This is a perfect example of how the fandom uses confirmation bias t  guide their beliefs)   Honestly, if anyone can keep the ever changing timeline in order, they deserve a reward. D sure as hell can’t. (Just because Darren isn’t. sharing dates with the fandom doesn’t mean he doesn’t know. This is a silly analogy Cassie if one of your students used this type of argument, I know you would shut it down)   They went to college in different parts of the country and M is older than D. 
I could give two shits less about fans that disagree. I don’t use their names in case THEY (or D’s collection of dumbasses that make up his team) search things here (Wait, so you hide the names so that if Darren’s team can’t find it but Abby has said many times that Darren reads your blogs daily and his team does as well? They even change their plans based on what you say.  This is confusing Cassie). The “fans” that don’t agree see everything we post, as they incessantly stalk our blogs and respond directly to what we say. I stopped bothering to see what they were saying a LONG time ago. It’s always the same old crap. But hey, hope they enjoy spending all their time writing epic posts about my fandom that get three notes, maybe four (You should DEFINITELY read my blog, it would keep you from making a fool of yourself believing something that is so obviously untrue because you would see could read about how your “proof” is all untrue. I have debunked the majority of the cc lexicon and  provided evidence to back me up) 
Hi is it okay if you could tell me when WS came into C’s life as a person who’s seen more than a friend? Like when and how long before the hand holding crap. I have no motive or am trying to start any fight, I am just really curious.
Cassie: To the best of my knowledge W first appeared with C in December 2011. (Wrong December 2012) The super awkward hand holding was June 2013, on the 12th, if memory serves. (Sure, I will beleive you) The day D was confirming M as the ball and chain. Never forget that France has super strict paparazzi laws to protect celebs. Everything released has to be with approval, unless something has changed. (We have photographic proof that Chris sat on Will’s lab at Naya’s party 12/7/12. We have a pic of Will kissing Chris at Coachella 4/13. The fact that you believe it happened on “confirmation day” is only because that is what Abby repeats but it isn’t true)
Anonymous asked: Thank you for responding to my WS question, so that means the tame bearding started when C said that stuttering thing implying there’s someone on An/dy’s show. Not surprising tbh. Kinda sad CC literally had to hide from like day 1, hope they won’t have to one day.
cassie1022 answered: Nonnie, you’re exactly correct about when it started with C. He definitely didn’t mean W when he made that comment on AC’s show. It is sad that they’ve had to hide for so long, but I’m hopeful that won’t always be the case. (The Andy Cohen interview was on April 2014. How in the hell Cassie can agree that the “bearding” was tame after that interview when we have Chris on Will’s lap 12/7/12 and a kiss in April 2013 at Coachella. Darren and Mia had been dating for at least 4 years by the time Chris did this interview It’s ridiculous that you can claim that it “definitely wasn't Will” The truth is you have no insight into who Chris was speaking of and all evidence points to Will.  Stop living in your imagination).  
Whenever i see anything m related…Anon
ajw720 Hi nonnie, I am not posting your ask because i can already see the hate coming my way, but i need to make a comment. M’s job is to beard for D, her job, for which she is compensated well. Part of that job is to hide his sexuality. And as part of it, she is supposed to enhance his public image, it is literally her job to look good on his arm and to not embarrass him. (Abby, you know that you have no proof of this and to surmise that “It is literally Mia’s job to look good on his arm and to not embarrass him” is you once again embellishing your own fabricated stories about a man and woman you know nothing about.  It’s really not healthy for you to be living this deep inside your fantasy.  You are getting too specific Your theory that Mia is simply Darren’s arm candy and nothing more proves that YOU have no idea what a feminism is). 
And frankly, aside from her deluded stans, she does the complete opposite, constantly and all the time. It is not badass to vomit on stage and boast about it.  It is not woke or feminist to have offensive, derogatory, and misogynistic themes and decor at a bar she owns and that D is publicly attached to, I would imagine it is against the CA health code to have naked women gyrating on the bar where they serve drinks. (You would imagine? Come on Abby, you're a lawyer, you know you're full of shit. They weren’t naked and people step on the bar all the time. I have never seen you rage about that. You have no understanding of what “woke’ is or what feminists believe.)    It isn’t cool to wear a boob shirt to a professional event your public partner created that is marketed as family-friendly (Are you scared of boobs Abby? You have been to Elsie and it isn’t full of 2 yo’s. Darren has a potty mouth at Elise and I’ve never seen you be upset that his mouth isn’t family-friendly)   It is completely insensitive to be mad that a young man tragically died because it interfered with her interview (This is so overblown.  That wasn’t what she was doing and it’s time you stop using this to rally your troops, it’s a low blow and it isn’ true).  It is frankly criminal in my opinion to raise money from fans and then not use it for the stated cause (another untrue “fact” you keep repeating.  The money was for the project they completed).  And I could go on all day (yes becuase you’ve made most of them up yourself).  She is harmful to his image and becomes increasingly more so every day (This is untrue- she is his wife and Darren is about to have his best professional period in the next 6 months.  I have never seen one bad work about MIa that wasn’t directly tied to the cc fandom, in other words, nobody outside the fandom dislikes Mia and she isn’t negatively impacting his image.  Their wedding was extensively written about and on several best wedding lists without one bad word about Mia which also proves she isn’t hurting his image. You have also been saying this since 2015= of it got worse every day it would be 1,825x worse than when you first mentioned it)  And any team that cared about their client would have removed him from the situation years ago.  And if they needed him to be straight, get him a beard with ambition beyond being a beard.   
Anonymous asked: What happened with Mia, why everyone hates her? I'm new at this :(
chrisdarebashfulsmiles answered: A/non this is a long story. A lot of us tried to ignore her as much as possible for years (Bwahahahah the lack of self-image is overwhelming)  You of course already know that she’s a beard ( honestly not an opinion but a fact proven by a lot of things, public and not (NOT TRUE) - let’s talk about her living with her real bf “and D” for example) (Again I have disproved this trope, They don’t even comprehend that Ben has a live-in girlfriend and has been with her for a while now) and this wouldn’t have been a problem if she wasn’t the daughter of a powerful couple (jealous much? This wouldn’t be a problem if her parents weren't rich? WTF?)) and she was kind enough to truly love other people than herself (This trope is so untrue. Mia’s friends adore her and comment on how great she is.)   Because in that case she would have been a perfect beard and a wonderful friend for D. (It’s hilarious that she believes this is a valid argument) But unfortunately for D mostly the reality is way different (and yet Darren has never made one comment that suggests Mia is a beard, he is with Chris - in fact they have both denied they were in a relationship- or that he’s unhappy. This trope is 100% cc fabricated).
I can say to you, while suggesting to keep an eye for some posts about her here, that we have public video and post reporting how much awful she could be with D and his fans (I’m curious about this-anybody know what she is talking about?)  Or we wanna talk also about her fans? With the excuse of going full bearding following D everywhere every time ( obviously she talked about grueling work and heavy travel schedule in 2015) she and his group stole the money asked with a fundraising for a new video. And don’t forget: She’s rich AF. (Again, so jealous that her parents are rich-her parent’s money is not her money. She’s an adult. She didn’t steal the money for the video-they made the video Gorilla.  I’m going to write another post about this lie) 
Our despising is mostly related to the shit she does to D, tho.(Which the cc fandom has completely fabricated.  How would they have any info on what she. does to Darren? He’s never said one negative word about MIa) 
leka-1998 It’s been 2 years since they forced the encagement. Almost 1 year since the sham mockery and not even 1 month since everyone and their mother included it in their 2019 recap (Leka morphing into Abby.  As for posting -that is what friends and loved ones do. However, most of the “Recaps” were Top 9′s on Instagram and people don’t choose those pics, they are literally the TOP 9 liked posts of the year). And would you look at what’s happening, there are still people coming here wondering if something’s wrong.(Not a logical conclusion, they are reading your lies and then coming for answers) 
Archives here are a good place to start. Let me just say one thing. She’s mocked Cor/y’s death because an interview had to be rescheduled and she was not happy about it. She’s an all around bad person and the complete opposite of what D stands for. (And what exactly does Darren stand for? IT seems to me that he loves his wife and their life. His potty mouth and love of sex puns fit nicely with her).
Anonymous asked: Not the same anon, but for someone rich, M dresses really really badly. You would think rich people could dress themselves especially since they can actually afford a stylist lmao
chrisdarebashfulsmiles answered: I’m for the people right of choice of wear whatever they want tbh, anon (I stand for freedom of choice except if you are Mia....then I can trash everything about you).   Sometimes she is dressed by AW, sometimes by Lu/lu. The point is that most of the time she chooses the wrong dress alone because of her desire to be a ‘90 badass woman 20 years late. Something that I can understand because of my age but I also have to say that if you have to walk on a red carpet… You need to do it in the right way. She seems unable to understand this fact.(Everyone is free to be you and me except Mia who has to follow the patriarchal rules set forth by society 100 years ago: women are to be seen and not heard, should look pretty but be modest because it’s her responsibility to make sure men do not get boners when looking at her.She is supposed to wear new dresses according to Abby and they should be designer so as to look at Darren’s level. She has to look beautiful as defined by the ccers’ beauty standards or she is a labeled a bad person whom they are then free to bully).   
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jordanlahey · 5 years
King With No Crown (1)
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Pairing: Mobster!Bucky x Reader
Summary: Y/n is just another girl in Brooklyn nothing special, she went to school, got good grade and has a well paying job in an office. She is aware that the streets of Brooklyn aren’t as safe as they use to be especially when the “King” has eyes everywhere. On a works night out she stumbles into a situation and now she can’t get out of it, she’d be signing her own death certificate if she tried.
Chapter Warnings: Language, mentions of violence.
Word count: 2833
A/N:Here is part one, enjoy. Tag List is still open.
KWNC - @tuyetnhivo , @sgtjaamesbaarnes @theonelittleone , @sparkling-gayyyy , @dragoste-lunes , @chims-kookies , @hey-nonny-nonny @jsmith509, @dudeodin
Permanent - @doowneey , @m-a-t-91 , @fuckthatfeeling , @jitterbuck , @ria132love @pvnk-bivch , @etherealmandi, @pri00r @5aftermidnight , @thisismysecrethappyplace @dtftheavengers , @typicaltrashbagg, @lanijoyxo
Bucky Barnes - @release-the-cathyrchkn 
Series Masterlist
The rain pelleted heavy off your window, waking you up from your deep sleep. Looking over at your night stand you realised you had woken up 5 minutes before your alarm was supposed to go off, you thought there was really no point in going back to sleep so you got up and headed to the kitchen to make yourself a steaming cup of coffee to prepare yourself for the day ahead. 
After getting changed into your works clothes which only ever consisted of a black pencil skirt that hugged your curves just right and a white blouse that flowed nicely over your chest but not revealing much cleavage and a fitted blazer in case it got chillier in the office, you did your hair, applied minimal makeup to your face, slipped on your favourite pair of black heels and grabbed your bag as you headed for the door.
The rain didn’t look like it was going to clear up anytime soon so you decided to head on over to the apartment car park to take your car. Your car wasn’t anything fancy it was only a light blue Fiat 500, your job did pay you enough that you could buy some luxuries but you preferred to save up your wages only ever taking it out for a food shop or for rent. You only worked for one of the biggest companies owned by the “King of Brooklyn” whoever the hell that is, you don’t exactly know who you’re working for but you didn’t mind the boring days in an office at all and your boss spared that detail mostly because the “King” never visits the office only gets people to come in and check up on things.
Parking your car, you grab your bag and ran for the door avoiding getting soaked by the rain which was now pouring it down. You greeted the receptionist and walked up the stairs to your office occasionally bidding other workers and clients ‘good morning.’
You sighed as you took your seat at your desk and started up your computer, as you waited You organised your desk with files and folders that you were due to complete. You were interrupted by your boss slamming his palms on your desk which drew a lot of people's attention still.
“Good morning Y/n.” He chippered, he was a bright and happy man and had a lot of energy throughout the day and sometimes gets too over excited about work. “Just giving you a reminder it’s the works night out tonight, are you still up for coming?” He smiled but it was forced he always tries to persuade anyone to come to works night out and if you didn’t he will nip at your head for ages.
“Good morning and of course, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” You smiled back, he seemed satisfied and left you to carry on with your work. Sighing again you started your work like every other day, like a zombie and everything went like clockwork. You avoided looking at the clock as you found that if you kept looking at it time went slower and therefore staying at work longer which no one likes.
However, something did catch your eye and that was the men exiting the elevator. Usually you wouldn’t care for who leaves or enters the building but these men didn’t work here nor were they clients. They wore expensive 2 piece black suits paired with a black tie, you didn’t live under a rock you knew expensive clothes when you see them. One of them was really tall and had great muscles you could see it through his blazer that you guessed was a size or two smaller than his, the other guy had dark skin and was a little shorter not by much who had
also wore the same as the blonde but he wore dark sunglasses which kind of lacked their purpose sinces it’s raining outside.
They both seemed to have spotted you and made their way over to your desk, you quickly looked back at your computer screen hoping they would go to someone else but you were wrong.
“Good morning ma’am.” The Blonde spoke, his voice was stern and deep. You had no choice but to look up from your screen and smiled at the two gentlemen at your desk.
“Good morning, is there something I can help you with?” You spoke softly, you weren’t the receptionist why the hell are they over here.
“Actually yes we’re looking for Mr-”
“Gentlemen, I’m right here. Please come to my office and we can talk privately.” Your boss popped up behind them and you couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right but you tried your best to ignore it and get all your work over and done with. 
You were done for the day and packed your belongings as headed for the elevator. Shortly after the doors began to close an arm made its way in the gap of the elevator doors so it would open again and revealed the two men that were at your desk earlier that day. You wondered what took them so long to be talking to your boss.
“Nice to see you again…?” The blonde flashed a smile at you, the long pause only meant he was waiting for your name.
“Ah Y/n, I’m Steve this is Sam.” You greeted quickly and the you stood their awkwardly till you reached the car park floor. What made you even more uncomfortable was that they followed you to your car and your car plus one other was the only ones on that floor and to make matters worse they parked right next to yours. Seriously you have the whole car park to choose from!
You quickly got into your car and and started the engine and drove off in a hurry worried that they were going to follow you to your home. You can’t be too careful these days. 
You got home round about 6:45pm and you had enough to time to have a hour nap and shower before you start getting ready for your night out. Undressing yourself you put your work clothes in the washing basket and headed for the shower, before you could go in you wrapped the towel around you as you waited for the water to heat up which takes a while. You hummed a tune as you washed your hair and body occasionally singing a verse or two before humming the rest again, then you shut off the water and wrapped the towel around you again before throwing on some sweatpants, a t-shirt and flopping down on your bed but before you could pass out you set an alarm on your phone for an hour later for your night out.
The sound of your alarm filled the room followed by a groan, you really wished your boss wasn’t bothered about everyone showing up for a works night out but when there’s alcohol involved everyone is happy. Except you, you get bored quickly at the night outs and alcohol wouldn’t lift your spirits at all.
You made your way offer to your closet and looked through all your nice clothes, trying to decide if you should go with a skirt or dress? ‘Dress it is, all my skirts are for work.’ You though and started pulling out two dresses, one was red bodycon dress that laced up at the back and the other the same but in black without the lace up back. It took you nearly 10 minutes to decide to go with the red one, you thought it was time for a change and you wear too much black anyways, you paired the dress with a simple pair of black heels and a matching red choker.
You started on your makeup it was a night out which meant you applied more than what you usually do but then have to suffer the consequences with your skin after. You chose to give your hair some loose curls and you didn’t much care if they fell flat throughout the night, you weren’t trying to impress anyone and your hook up days were so behind you. The next decision was whether you were driving tonight or if you should get a cab or just walk which would probably be the best option. You save money on gas and you don’t have to pay someone to drive you home when you don’t live that far away from the club speaking of which you check your phone and you had 20 mins to be at the club or your boss will nip at your neck for being late. You were organised enough that you didn’t need to rush out the door and your coat was hanging on the pegs on the way out anyway.
Now you regret wearing a dress. The cold air was nipping at your legs and other parts of exposed skin, you had forgotten that it had been raining the whole day and the ground was still wet but you were glad that the rain finally stopped. On your way you couldn’t help but feel like you were being watched and it made you feel uneasy, you started to be on your guard for anything you even occasionally looked back to see if you were being followed but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. You wondered if you felt uneasy because the so called ‘King’ had eyes everywhere, you’d think he made the streets safer But it’s the opposite. Your uneasiness came to an end when you found your colleagues standing outside the club waiting for you.
“Y/n, glad you could make it.” Your boss shouted, he was already tipsy you could smell the alcohol off him.
“It’s not like I really had a choice.” You joked, he wasn’t going to remember that on Monday so you can say what you want and he won’t give a damn.
“Let’s get you a drink.”
By the time everyone had arrived you were already bored out of your mind and desperate to get home but you were a nice person and still not tipsy enough so you might as well look out for your fellow colleagues. So there you sat at the bar, on your own,  holding an empty glass in your hand and simply watching everyone have a better time than you.
“Do you want a refill?” A dark husky voice spoke beside you, you turned to look who that voice belonged to. Now you weren’t going to lie the man was attractive as hell but you weren’t planning on taking anyone home with you nor going home with anyone but if you were that he was the one. He had dark brown hair that wasn’t long but wasn’t short either, it looked fluffy if you were being honest and he had really blue eyes that you could get lost in and some stubble which just adds to his attractiveness. He definitely had money in the banks cause his three piece suit wasn’t second hand or cheap despite it just being a plain black three piece with a white shirt underneath.
“Uh-no thanks, I think I’ll just stick to the water for the rest of the night.” You put your glass back on the bar table but you couldn’t stop trailing your eyes all over the mystery man. The man chuckled at your comment and shook his head.
“Now aren’t you supposed to be having fun? You look bored out of your mind.” He spoke, he was right though.
“True but i’m not having fun, I’m looking forward to sneaking my way out so my boss doesn’t see me and I can go home.” You said bluntly. His night outs used to be fun then you got bored of the same old thing every damn time.
“I like your honesty. C’mon one more drink, then you could go out the back he won’t see you leave.” He swirled a glass in front of your face and you gave in.
“Fine one more I suppose.” You turned to look at the bartender and opened your mouth but the man next to you interrupted.”
“One whisky for me and for the lady…” He turned to look at you.
“Whisky for me too.” You flashed a smile at both the gentlemen. Mystery man was shocked at your choice of drink but didn’t argue.
“You’re my kind of girl. Whisky and honesty, what else are you hiding?” He smirked at you then when the drinks came you pulled out your purse but he insisted on paying.
“I don’t mean to be rude but you didn’t give me your name.” You finally asked, if you were going to have a drink with this man you might as well know his name but the face he gave you confused you like you were supposed to know who he was.
“James but my friends call me Bucky. And you, dollface?”
“I’m Y/n and I don’t have a lot friends that call me any nicknames.” You laughed at your own irony. How sad. 
The rest of the night you and Bucky spoke but you didn’t continue drinking with him you were on the water now. Mostly he was intrigued about you and he wouldn’t answer any of your questions and if he did they just created more questions.
“I should probably be getting home now, it’s getting late.” You drink the last sip of your water and collected your coat and purse, Bucky also stood up with you giving you a lopsided grin. “I’m not coming home with you and your not coming home with me.” You looked at him with an uncomfortable smile.
“I understand at least let me walk you to your car or cab.” His hand was at the small of your back as ushered you to the club door then stood with you outside. You felt your cheeks heat up.
“Oh I was planning on walking home, it’s not that far really.”
“These streets aren’t safe for a girl like you.”  Those words lingered in the cold air, you knew that the street weren’t safe but what did he mean by ‘a girl like you’
“I’ll be fine it’s really not that far but thank you for keeping me company and making my night better.” You smiled kindly at him despite him making you feel uncomfortable at times. You turned around and started walking in the direction of your apartment.
Bucky stood in the street, watching you leave like a predator watching his prey. When you were out of sight Bucky took out his phone and dialled a number.
“She’s prettier than you said. I want her.” He hung up the phone and started walking back to his home. Of course being the King of Brooklyn he wasn’t fussed about going home cause he never was alone, he’d find a girl in need of attention and bring her home and fuck her then make her leave when it’s over, he wasn’t fussed. But you. Oh he wanted you not only squirming underneath him but alongside him. 
It was getting colder every step you took and there was hardly any people walking around. They would all be in clubs or at home but the quiet was scaring you slightly and the only noise was the wind blowing harshly passed your ears and the sound of...yelling? You passed a dark alleyway but stopped in your tracks when you heard the same aggressive yelling and the sound of punches hitting skin and bone. You took off your heels to avoid being heard and you hurried down the alley but no was between the two buildings they were behind one of them so you hid behind the brick wall watching as two men beat up another. You recognised the two men it was Steve and Sam but the other guy who was getting the shit beaten out of him you had no idea.
“You messes with the wrong man and now you pay with your life.” You has you back against the wall as you heard Steve’s voice and you listen in horror of a gun being fired. Everything seemed to stop and you waited till you heard the footsteps fade away before running to the body on the floor.
You checked for a pulse and he had one but it was faint, the man was going to die whether you took him to the hospital or not.
“Are...You an...Angel?” The man spoke between breaths as she struggled to stay conscious.
“I’m sorry no.” He smiled and he lost all consciousness and you left. 
In the distance you were being watched, your every move from leaving the dead body to going passed a kebab shop then to your apartment. They waited outside till your bedroom light went off and you drifted off into a deep slumber.
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darth-dre · 7 years
This is Twice Now
Warnings: Awkward Kylo ahead, some angst and the fluff. The fluff is real. Angsty fluff, idk if that’s a thing. Mentions of nudity. 
Word Count: 2446
A/N: This was a request by anon: I have a Kylo X Reader prompt! Okay but is kinda loosly based on how I took the end of the Last Jedi; as both Rey and his mother abandoned him in the force, but what if in that exact moment someone else connect with him. Someone who is trapped, who has no idea what is happening or that they are force sensitive, or even what the force is and Kylo starts going on a mad hunt to find her. If that's okay? You don't have to write this... It is a rather foolish idea truly. Though I love your writing <3
And like I said nonnie, no it was an awesome idea! I named this fic based off of the song by Lydia. Go listen to it!
Also, picture the character, you, dressed like Jyn Erso. :)
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Kylo didn’t move at all. How could he? He stayed squatted down in the small room, vaguely aware of the voices outside of the chamber.
He felt… numb. It was in that moment that he realized what a horrible decision he made. He could see Rey through the force bond, and the look of disappointment was sprawled across her face as she closed the door in front of her, also closing herself off from him.
He looked down at Han Solo’s dice in his hand, and felt a pang of sorrow and anger as they disappeared from his grasp, feeling the crushing weight of his loneliness upon his shoulders. He couldn’t feel Rey anymore, he couldn’t feel his mother. They were both gone. They gave up on him.
His anger rose as he stared at his empty hands.
Kylo felt something then, something within the force; he automatically looked up, hoping it would be Rey. But it wasn’t.
His eyebrows knitted in confusion for a moment as he gazed upon the woman in front of him. She was… beautiful, not like Rey, different. She wore a dark grey jacket over a black fitted shirt, holsters with two blasters on each side with dark grey pants. Her Y/H/C was let loose over her shoulders.
She quickly took out her blaster and held it steady in front of her; her Y/E/C eyes burning with confusion. Kylo stood, a look of confusion on his face as well, “Why are you here?”
“I should be asking you that, intruder,” she spoke. Her eyes widened at the echo around her, “How did you get in here?”
Kylo was amused now, and he stood on his feet, his cloak trailing behind him, “You have no idea what this is, do you?”
She shook her head, frustrated, “This is very fricking weird, I don’t like it, and why is everything so fucking echoey?!”
Kylo furrowed his brows. This was a force bond, with another person.
It can’t be. I only had that with Rey, there’s no way I could be—
And yet, he was experiencing it with someone else. Another woman.
He stepped forward, and she lifted her blaster, her finger ready to squeeze the trigger, “Stay back, I’ll shoot you!”
“You can try,” he replied, smugly.
She pulled the trigger on the blaster. Kylo observed her eyes widen with shock as she brought the blaster closer to her to examine it.
“You can’t shoot me here,” Kylo informed.
She dropped her arm to her side, her voice quivering as she whispered, “What is this? Are you even real?”
Kylo tilted his head, does this woman even know anything about the Force?
The woman dropped her blaster on the ground, he couldn’t see her surroundings, obviously, but he could see small specks of sand in her beautiful Y/H/C hair. Her hands went to her head as she scrounged her hair, “I’ve gone mad, I’ve lost my mind.”
Kylo suppressed a smile, “You haven’t lost your mind; I am real.”
She skeptically removed her hands from her hair and took a tiny step forward, “Then how did you appear out of nowhere?”
Kylo tried not to roll his eyes, his impatience seeping through, “This is a Force Bond.”
She stood there, her eyes blank, and Kylo continued, “The Force connected us, although I don’t see why, as you obviously know nothing about the Force.”
“Although that may be true, that doesn’t mean you need to be a complete ass about it,” she spat. She shook her head and her eyes met his intense stare, “Look, all I know is that I felt something; and then seconds later, you showed up.”
“What did you feel?”
Her eyes narrowed at his question, “Anger, sadness, and loneliness. A sense of loss.”
Kylo’s breath hitched, and he felt a strong urge in his chest to reach out to her. She felt him. He admired her, trying not to make it obvious, and he sensed that although she didn’t have the Force; she was Force sensitive. But how? How could she have sensed him?
“Where are you?”
She laughed, “Oh no, I’m not telling you that. I don’t even know who you are and I’m still trying to grasp this whole force crap. I don’t even know if I believe it.”
Who am I? Ben? Kylo Ren?
He had no idea how he would even introduce himself to this woman, “You can’t even tell me your name; you don’t even know who you are.”
His annoyance turned into fascination, “What makes you say that?”
Her head tilted, “A feeling.”
“You can call me Kylo,” he said, and sensing her skepticism, he added, “It’s one of my names.”
“Fair enough, you can call me Y/N,” she paused, “And that’s my real name, Kylo.”
She said his name as if she didn’t believe that’s who he was. Which was understandable, he didn’t even know who he was.
“Are you going to tell me where you are now?”
Y/N chuckled, and she leaned forward, “No.”
“Kylo Ren,” General Hux’s voice sounded from outside the chamber. And just like that, she was gone.
He stared in the direction she was in, mesmerized and fascinated. He looked down at his gloved hand, observing the small specks of sand that lingered on his palm.
Kylo stood near the window of his chambers; staring at the ships below. His mind was plagued with thoughts of her, Y/N.
It was almost as if his infatuation with Rey had never even existed, and she was a part of a previous life. His curiosity was winning him over and he closed his eyes, hoping to get into contact with her, with Y/N.
He reached out for her; hoping that he could make it work. He hadn’t tried it before, but there was always a first time for everything. And he hoped that he was strong enough to do it. He closed his eyes, concentrating on her, zoning in on how she felt, how she looked, her name.
His eyes flew open when he felt the Force, and he felt her there.
“Oh god, is this really happening again?”
Kylo smirked to himself, before turning to face her, “Bad time?”
He suddenly felt terrible as he saw her hair drenched, and she struggled to cover up her bare chest. He couldn’t see her bottom half, so he assumed she was in a lake somewhere, “Would you mind turning around?”
“Of course,” he said, feeling his face warm up. He rubbed his face, trying to wipe the embarrassment from his face. He would be lying if he said he hadn’t seen a female naked before, but this, this was different.
“This Force crap has terrible timing,” she said, “You can turn now.”
Kylo slowly turned to face her as she pulled down her top. He admired her skin, still glistening with drops of water rolling down, beneath her top. He shook his head and agreed with her, “It does.”
“Why does it feel like you’re lying?”
He simply glared at her, and she smirked, “Ok, we’ll agree that this Force thingy is responsible.”
It was silent for a moment, when her facial expression changed from amusement to concern, “I feel it again; that loneliness.”
Kylo gulped, trying to make the gesture non-noticeable. Y/N took a few steps forward until she was at arm’s length from him. He stood still, not knowing what to do and breathing heavily as her arm slowly reached out to him.
It felt like it was taking forever, like time was slowing as he anxiously awaited her touch. A primal need overcame him; and he yearned for it, for her touch. And then, it felt like sparks igniting and lighting a fire deep within him.
Her fingers lightly traced the scar on his face, his eyes closed at her caress, and their breathing became heavy with emotion. She gasped and his eyes opened as tears fell down her face.
He knew what she was seeing; she wasn’t just seeing a future, she was seeing the past. She was watching as a young Ben Solo was being influenced by Snoke. She felt what he felt when his mother sent him away, the fear that overcame him when he heard Snoke’s voice and again, when Luke towered over him with the lightsaber.
Her tears came out rapidly now, her breathing became heavier as she saw his lightsaber plunge through Han Solo, and the sense of guilt that came after. Rey.
Y/N closed her eyes and slowly walked closer to him. Kylo froze, trying to process what happened and why it happened. She pulled him into her arms and held him; her grip tightening around him. Kylo wrapped his arms around her, his mind not believing that this was happening… but it is.
Kylo rested his chin on top of her head, “Please, tell me where you are.”
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes puffy and red from crying, as she was about to speak, however, the bond faded and just as easily as he felt her there in his arms, she was gone, and he was left alone. He looked down at his hand. Sand.
He tried to reach out for her, and he felt a vague pull. He searched Jakku, the irony, but, he didn’t feel her there. Kylo hoped he was wrong, but he punched in the coordinates into his ship’s navigation system. It would be awhile before he got there, and if he was right, he tried to figure out what he would say to her.
Would she even come with me?
He was starting to doubt himself; the only time he had wanted something this bad was… it didn’t matter anymore. He wanted Y/N, and he wanted to make sure that he wouldn’t let her slip through his fingers. He would try harder this time.
But, he did fear that his past scared her away. He kept those parts of himself hidden, locked away so he wouldn’t have to think about them; but they lingered there, tearing him apart.
Y/N felt it, he knew she did because he felt the longing in her as well; the longing for company, for something greater than what she was. He saw a life of crime, a life that she had no choice but to live because she had to find a way to survive. She wanted to live, not survive.
Could I give her that?
Kylo longed for not just touch and affection, but for her affection. He wanted to feel her.
Kylo groaned upon entering the planet’s atmosphere; Tatooine. His thoughts immediately went to Luke, and the irony of the fact that he could feel her on this planet.
I think I would’ve been able to deal with Jakku.
He flew his ship over the planet’s surface, feeling the pull of the force leading him to her. It felt stronger, and stronger as he reached Mos Eisley. He scrunched his eyebrows together and decided to land his ship just outside the city.
Kylo could sense her; she was close. He quickly exited his ship, pulling his hood down over his face, not that it would help, everyone here probably knew who he was. Still, he kept his lightsaber handy, in case things went wrong.
He could feel the eyes of the people on him as he walked along the dirty streets; he paid them no mind. They didn’t matter to him.
His heart started beating faster as he felt the pull get stronger and stronger with every step he took. He rounded a corner into a lonely alleyway. He paused when he saw Y/N standing there, she slowly reached for her blaster and he quickly pulled his hood down, allowing her to look upon him.
Y/N’s eyes went wide, “How—why—”
She stammered, trying to make sense of the idea. Kylo was lost for words too, seeing her in person, he was breathless. She was even more stunning in person than he could fathom.
Y/N placed her blaster back in it’s holster, “Are you real?”
“Do you hear an echo?”
She chuckled, rubbing her face, “So, this isn’t one of those force thingies?”
Kylo smirked, “No, this is real.”
“I—I knew it. I felt a longing, and I felt… something; like something was coming and calling out to me,” she spoke, softly, “It was you.”
He slowly walked towards her, “It was.”
Kylo was a few feet away from Y/N, he felt his legs start to tremble; Y/N’s hand reached out to him, “Did you come for me?”
He hesitated for a moment, feeling that maybe he shouldn’t have come here; that he didn’t deserve this, but his heart was beating so fast that he couldn’t help himself. He wanted her.
“If you’ll have me.”
She moved closer to him, closing the small distance between them, “Did you really do all those things?”
Shamefully, Kylo looked down, his eyes beginning to water. He couldn’t lie to her, she would know if he did, and he didn’t want to lie to her. He nodded his head, feeling his guilt consume him.
He was mildly shocked when she touched his face, “You feel so horrible; you have this constant conflict within yourself. You’re worried too much about absolutes when you don’t realize that everyone makes mistakes.”
“I’ve made unforgivable ones.”
“By your standards?”
Kylo’s eyes finally met Y/N’s, they held no judgement and no criticism, just compassion, “When I touched you, I saw what you said to that woman, ‘let it all die’… are you ready to let the past die, Ben Solo?”
He lost his father. His mother. Rey. They all believed he could come back, and no matter their efforts, he didn’t. But, he felt it in himself, the pull to the light. A small part of him wanted to resist, but, his heart didn’t want to resist any longer, not when Y/N was here, right in front of him, offering herself to him.
“I’m ready,” he answered, feeling the weight slowly coming off.
Y/N licked her lips, the action was subtle and he felt his lips begin to quiver. She pulled him in and she gently kissed him, trying to feel her way around him, making sure he was comfortable. He leaned down and kissed her back, softly.
She giggled, and Ben smiled at the sound of her laugh, “Are we going to stay here all day or are you taking me with you?”
He kissed her one more time, and took her hand, leading her out of this town, out of this planet; letting their pasts die behind them.
I hope you liked it! I really did enjoy writing this one. <3<3
Also, requests are still open; so if you have anything you want written, shoot them over. :)
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88thparallel · 7 years
Do you really believe that mofftiss know what they're doing? I mean, I hope so... but sometimes I can't believe it.
It really is a hard idea to stick to, Nonny, I totally get it.
Here are the things that help me keep the hope alive (settle in, folks, I’m about to go on a tangent):
First, S1 & S2 (and I’d argue at least some of S3) were so well done, crafted with such care by everyone involved. Gatiss and Moffat are such fanboys it is ridiculous, and I don’t think we should forget that we fell in love with this show and these characters in the first place thanks to them.
Second, I personally think it’s par for the course for show runners to keep fans in the dark. I know Mofftiss are sometimes arseholes in how they go about it, but they obviously need to keep the element of surprise (especially if they’re doing something that is truly groundbreaking and never-before-seen-on-tv like they claimed they were ::cough:: Johnlock ::cough::). They can’t tell us what they have planned, and this is not unique to these writers, this show, or the BBC. 
Third, I think that the show is following a five-act structure. We’ve witnessed the good times, and now this is the crisis/conflict stage, after this comes resolution/happy ending. Read more about how this is a 5 act show here in @toxicsemicolon‘s most recent meta.
Fourth, there are too many coincidental loose ends that can’t possibly be accidents, like in HLV -- Molly tells Sherlock after he is shot: “It’s not like it is in the movies. There’s not a great big spurt of blood and you go flying backwards.” Yet that is literally exactly what happens to Mary when she is shot in T6T (the very next episode). Why would they do that unless they want to raise red flags for the viewers. It was almost comical how overblown Mary’s bullet wound was, and that was on purpose. So... why?
Same thing with the skull painting. The same painting has been a prominent mainstay of the flat at 221b for 3 seasons/series and suddenly in S4, it glows and changes colors and sometimes is completely black. Why? Mofftiss claims that it’s budget constraints with the original painting’s artist, but in the same exact series they were able to afford to film two helicopter scenes and rent an Aston Martin? I don’t buy it. There’s a reason.
We’re lucky to have a fandom full of brilliant people who like to pull at those threads and unravel the nonsense. Check out the blogs of @inevitably-johnlocked, @monikakrasnorada @mrskolesouniverse @raggedyblue @sarahthecoat @fellshish @heimishtheidealhusband @may-shepard @toxicsemicolon @marcespot @marcelock @jenna221b @tjlcisthenewsexy @consultingidiots @shylockgnomes @patiencegrenade @possiblyimbiassed @ghislainem70 @ebaeschnbliah and @sagestreet (and I’m forgetting tons, my apologies!) for some great insights and discussions. 
Ever since I discovered meta I’ve been sure that there is something more meaningful coming. 
If nothing else, there are too many coincidences to be accidental. Just a few  examples (I could go on for days... don’t tempt me)
In TLD, Culverton Smith says (of getting away with murder) “You don’t build a beach if you want to hide a pebble; you just find a beach!” and then in the very next episode, Mycroft tells Sherlock about Eurus while flashing back to a beach covered in pebbles (which they shipped in for that scene) and then holding a pebble, which he drops onto the beach. Read more in @finalproblem‘s amazing meta here.
In TFP, the patience grenade explosion in 221b was powerful enough to blow John and Sherlock out a window (and according to Mark Gatiss, “boop they’re fine” cuz they bounced off the thin awning of Speedy’s cafe, which must also heal burns and scrapes and bruises but whatever), but it didn’t burn paper or half the things in the flat. It DID, however, destroy John’s chair. The chair that they replaced it with? John’s chair from TAB. From Sherlock’s 1800s mind palace. Arwel Wynn Jones has confirmed this.
This tale from Sherlocked Con of a discussion with Wanda Ventham from @fleurdebee legitimately haunts me.
Comments from the cast and crew that don’t make sense yet... including Louise Brealey’s tweet about Chekov’s gun
Speaking of which, you should read all of @toxicsemicolon‘s other astoundingly brilliant meta including Poetry or Truth? 
Set designer Arwel Wynn Jones has trolled us (or given us clues?) many times, namely referring to elephants (”the elephant in the room”), but also the skull painting (more skull fuckery here).
Here’s a solid list of questions that @snycock came up with for Sherlocked UK that either prove that the whole cast and crew went through some sort of collective insanity for TFP, or there’s something more coming and things don’t make sense for a reason (which is what I think)
“The Lost Special”
“Mirrors” (where one character stands in for another in a scene, like Molly for John, or Culverton for John, etc.)
Imagery of both burning/fire and drowning/water
Check out my tags for more meta, it’s incredible what this fandom discovers. Most of my meta is tagged under #hope for s5 #what fresh fuckery is this #I believe in mofftiss 
Ok, I’m starting to get incoherent and my browser just crashed all my tabs so I’ll leave it at that. The meta rabbit hole is deep and wide and curvy and I could probably fill a book filled with just links to other people’s brilliant findings.
I guess the main takeaway I want to leave you with is this:
I don't think two men who cared so much about this show for so long would chuck it into the toilet for no reason. The same brilliant minds that gave us villains like Moriarty, Culverton Smith, and Magnussen suddenly giving us an improbable two-dimensional psychopath in Eurus makes no sense. TFP itself makes no sense in about 100 different ways. And I don’t think any of that was an accident.
More is coming. When the Garridebs story is finally free of copyright, we’ll get our resolution. I don’t know which theory I believe but there are so many... that Eurus shot John and TFP is his dying hallucination, that Sherlock is still in his mind palace (possibly since HLV, or even earlier), that the whole thing is us seeing events through John’s blog (which was commissioned by the BBC yet often conflicts with canon), alibi theory... who knows. I’m happy to point you toward more meta, but I think the blogs I mentioned above and some of the links should start you on your way. Once the evidence starts to stack up, it’s clear... we don’t have the whole picture yet. 
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nonnie 1: Can I request a George fic, where Y/N is helping test out their joke products at Hogwarts? Maybe she interacts with a Faulty one by accident?
nonnie 2: For the prompt list number 64 (what happened back there?) with George ? :-)?
genre: romance, humor
pairing: george x reader
wordcount: 1.1K
warnings: vomit
a/n: this took forever to get out! I’m so sorry! I hope you like it though!!! I’ve been thinking about this one all week, and I hope that it came out to your expectations.  
You leaned against a wall in one of the more abandoned corridors in the castle, a glance thrown over your side at the pathetic looking boy next to you. Well, you didn't actually think he was pathetic, but he was a rather sad sight at the moment. "Are you done throwing up yet?" Another gag answered your question and you shook your head. "Want me to get you a wet rag for your face?"
“Yes please.” he sounded rather pitiful and you finally turned the corner, looking down at the the ginger on the floor in front of you. 
“What happened back there?” You’d been minding your own business reading a book in one of the nooks of the corridors, and had all of the sudden been slammed into George Weasley, who promptly throw up all over you. 
Thankfully for you you possessed a rather strong stomach, and was too shocked to really respond other than use a spell to clean yourself off and politely wait as the boy finished being sick. You conjured up a wet rag and held it out to him, urging him to use it before it disappeared. 
“A prank went wrong.”
“How wrong is ‘wrong’?” 
“Well, I threw what was supposed to just be a stinkbomb we’d been testing at Malfoy, but it was a lot stronger than I thought it would be and ended up getting mostly on me. I had to run away and wound up throwing up.” he finished wiping off his face and looked towards you gratefully as you used a spell to clean up his mess. “Have I mentioned you’re an angel?”
“Do you frequently vomit on angels?”
He turned bright red, “I’m so sorry.” 
You shook your head, “Honestly, I think you’ve done your time, Weasley.” 
His brow furrowed, “How’d’you know my name?”
“Red hair. Twin. Pranks. You’re either Fred or George. And everyone knows you’re Weasleys.” 
George frowned just a bit and took you in-- a kind girl who’s name he didn’t know who was willing to help him out even though he was probably disgusting right now. 
He really wanted you to know he was George.
However-- that didn’t seem like all that fun. 
“You’re right. I’m either Fred or George. Who’re you?” 
“Y/N.” you looked at him expectantly, “Which twin are you?” 
“That’s up for you to find out, love.” 
There was a long moment as you looked him up and down-- he was rather attractive now that he wasn’t sick any more. “Should have known you’d be a flirt, Weasley.”
“There’s a lot about me that you’ve still got to learn. Maybe you could learn it while helping me and my brother test out products?”
“What are the chances of those products making me throw up like that?”
He paused, “Pretty fair-- but we won’t make you test anything you don’t want to test.”
With that, you shrugged, “You’ve got a deal.” 
So it went. You’d meet the twins at strange locations to help them test products, and while you could tell which twin was the one who’d thrown up on you-- he always seemed to look embarrassed around you while the other seemed gleeful, you had no idea who was Fred and who was George. 
“So when are you two going to tell me who’s who?”
“It’s really easy,” said the twin you hadn’t thrown up on, “I’m Gred.”
“And I’m Forge.” 
“You’re both prats.” you zeroed in on the twin who’d thrown up on you. “I know you’re the one who barfed on me.” 
He turned red, while ‘Gred’ laughed quite loudly, “You can tell us apart?” 
“You always looked freaked out when I’m around.” as he looked more red and panicked, you shook your head and took a bite of the pastry before you. “This is the one that’s supposed to cause daydreams right?” 
‘Forge’ nodded quickly, eager to change the subject. “It is, yeah. Is it working?” 
Unbidden, images of you and ‘Forge’ making out in a broom closet came to mind. You choked a bit on the pastry and nodded. “’ts working.”
“Are you okay? What are you daydreaming about?” 
You looked at him with red cheeks-- why the hell wouldn’t he tell you his name so you could ask him out? It was all starting to be quite nettling, if you were to quite honest. “The guy I like.” 
‘Gred’ stopped laughing and ‘Forge’s’ face faltered for a bit before smiling at you, “Well it’s good to know that it works.” 
Your eyes flickered between both of the brothers before letting out a sigh, “You two are strange, you know that right?” 
They looked at each other and shrugged, one looked resigned and another looked rather sympathetic, “We know.” 
You sat in your typical nook in the corridor, where you’d met your twin. Leg bouncing. Could you ask him out when you didn’t know his name? Would he say yes? 
That seemed like a strange thing to say yes to-- a date with someone who didn’t know your name. 
As if you’d summoned him, you felt your twin sit right down next to you, you frown at him, “So when will you tell me your name?”
“When you can tell me and my brother a part.”
“I know you’re the one who threw up on me.”
George blanched, that was not what he wanted to be remembered by you for, “Is that all you know about me?”
You blinked, “Well, you also check in on me more and hang out with me. You’re my friend and I don’t know your name-- so unless you’d like to be called ‘That one’ for the rest of our time together, I’d suggest telling me your name.” 
There was a long sigh before George relented, “I’m George.” 
“Nice to meet you George, I’m Y/N.” when he finally smiled at you, you popped up from your seat and beamed down at him. “Well then, George, wanna go on a date?” 
There was a long silence, as George seemed to be trying to understand what was just said to him, “Pardon?”
“Would you like to go on a date? I was waiting for you to tell me your name.” 
He began to laugh-- a rather melodic sound that rang out through the corridor. 
“If I’d had known that’s why you wanted to know which one I was, I’d have told you that sooner.”
“Is that a yes or a no?”
“Of course it’s a yes-- you don’t just turn down a woman who’s crazy enough to date you after you’ve been sick on her.”
@vanityasvoriaclover​ @whyarentyoulaughingj​ @fainting-fancy​ @hermione-who​ @rexster10​ @oh-the-snowinthemoonlight​
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twdmusicboxmystery · 7 years
TTD and Other Outside-the Show Stuff
Okay, so this is mostly for anyone who wasn't able to watch The Talking Dead on Sunday night. I know it's difficult for some people outside the states as it isn't always shown or accessible. The did a 2-hour show and then there was the red carpet stuff. We caught a lot of suspicious things throughout.
On the red carpet, Tom Payne made an interesting comment. When asked which deceased character he might bring back, he said, "someone might be back."  
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Then, when the TTD part actually started, Chris Hardwick said they would be bringing on deceased characters who "might not be on the show anymore." Okay, I get that they can always do flashbacks, but even when/if they do, the character really isn't "on the show" anymore. So shouldn't he just have said "characters who aren't on the show anymore" ?
Then there were the number (or lack thereof) of deceased characters who appeared. There was SO much hype about them bringing on practically every deceased character who was ever on the show. They made it sound like there would be 20 deceased characters. No, there were like four. The only deceased characters who were actually brought out on stage were Sonequa Martin-Green (Sasha), Michael Rooker (Merle), Scott Wilson (Hershel) and Emily Kinney (Beth).  
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Granted, both Sarah Wayne Callies and Steven Yeun did videos because they had other commitments and couldn't appear. And I could MAYBE accept that this is just the way it worked out, except for one thing: there were other deceased characters in attendance that weren't brought out on stage. Like Kyla Kennedy, who was briefly interviewed on the red carpet, and Brighton Sharbino. Why weren't they brought out?  
So we couldn't help but notice that the only deceased characters actually brought out on stage were directly linked to Daryl and Beth in some way. Sasha because of the Sasha/Tyreese Theory. Merle both because of the brother angle and because he was left behind, disappeared, then reappeared several seasons later. Beth/Hershel because...obviously.
It was also suspicious that before they came out, Chris asked Lauren how the memories of Glenn and Hershel affect Maggie going forward. Beth wasn’t mentioned. Because she’s not a memory like the other two are?
M-Nonny also pointed out that the Skybound Account (Official TWD) went out of their way to get a picture of Emily on the red carpet. She's the only one among the deceased characters that they took a picture of. And again, it's totally possible that it simply worked out that way, but she's the only one they went out of their way to take a pic of and then posted it on the account.  
We also noticed that her outfit REALLY stood out among the others. Most of the actors wore shades of black and white, while she wore fuscia. Again, no way to know if it was on purpose or not, but her outfit really drew the eye. At the end, everyone stood on stage together, and my eye just went to her because of the way her colors stood out. I couldn't help it. I felt like that might have been purposeful. (Apologies for the bad quality; my internet was on the fritz when I was trying to get this screenshot.)
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And then there was the music stuff.
1. When asked to name a favorite episode, she named 3x01 when she and Maggie sang by the campfire.
2. Chris Hardwick mentioned her music and that she's releasing a new single soon.  
3. When asked what we should expect for this season, Gimple said it would be a "joyful rebellion of life, of death, of MUSIC..." Have they ever said that about a season before?
3. The Weird Al, "Another One Rides the Bus" was mentioned at least twice. (School Bus Predictions) Lots of emphasis there.
So yeah, lots of emphasis on music. "I still sing."
Stuff that has to do with the show:
About the only thing ABOUT the show that caught my attention was when Austin Amelio was asked about what was going through Dwight's head. He said Dwight was working out his hate for Negan and the love for his wife. He said, "It's a powerful potion." It just caught my attention because, once again, it's obvious that Dwight/Sherry mirror Daryl/Beth.
For the Quiz, they emphasized the following:
1. That Daryl caused six explosions
2. That Carol staring at the flowers was a callback to Lizzie/Mica/the Grove (again, why wouldn't they bring the girls out if they were there?)
3. That the RV was blown up using a garage door opener from 7x16. (I don't know if that's important, since the only other garage I can think of is Jessie's in 5b, but I think the emphasis was on the RV exploding. They also included the RV in the "In Memoriam" part.)
4. The colored arm bands, with Orange being for the Kingdom, Green for the Hilltop, and White for Alexandria.
Okay, I think that's it for TTD. It made me happy.  
Next, I'm going to mention Emily's other show, Ten Days in the Valley. 
I know this has already been circulating, but for anyone who hasn't seen it, I’m about to give spoilers for the show. So if you're watching it, but not caught up, and don't want to be spoiled, stop reading now!
So on Sunday night's episode, Emily's character Casey was killed off. With a gunshot wound. To the head.  
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Seriously? Even if these things aren't being officially coordinated, Emily has to be choosing these roles purposely. I also noticed that Michael Traynor (Nicholas from TWD) played a very small role in Ten Days. So there really may be some crossover there.  
Here are some reactions from the FB group:
@katkhaos: And look: Ten Days can show her dead face while TWD, literally a show about flesh-eating monsters, didn’t.
@sparklepoodles: OMFG LIKE REALLY WHY NOT JUST BETWEEN THE EYES? Can’t believe I’m seeing this--but it’s a sing for Beth coming back?!
@Jabbobo (IG): This is all so weird...
@bluesandbeth: Killing this latest character of hers this way only reminds the audience the way Beth died three years ago, once TWD is back on screen. Come on, they’re refreshing the GA’s minds and bringin EK front and center with all this publicity...
@PC (Group only): So much promotion for only four episodes [of Ten Days]. Emily changed her bio, Casey is shot in the head. Scott Gimple is a producer on TDITV?
(Btw she changed her Twitter bio to no longer reflect Casey from Ten Days, but it still says Beth from TWD.)
I think you all get the idea.
Not to mention, @emily_whitneck_99 (IG) sent this to me this morning. It's from a yahoo interview with Nicotero:
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Now, on the one hand, I'm not sure I think Nicotero would actually spoil Beth's return that way. There's a good chance this will be Heath or Sherry. But the excellent point was also made that no one really thinks either of them is dead. I mean, sure, there are people who have theorized that, but the GA doesn't think they're dead in the way they think Beth is. Those two characters are missing, but we didn't see them "die." So why would Nicotero say someone was coming who everyone thinks is dead?
Very suspicious.  
So while overall I kinda think it'll be Heath or Sherry, we can cross our fingers and hope it's Beth.  
And it would be kind of poetic to have her killed off of Ten Days the week before she returns to TWD. If it pans out that way, no way it wasn't planned. If not, better luck next episode.  
As @thegloriouscollectorlady pointed out, there are several specific deceased characters now fresh in the audience’s mind after that TTD special. Which of them is most likely to be alive, hmmm?
So that's where we are on outside-the-show stuff. SUPER excited for episode 2! Thoughts?
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mianmimi · 5 years
Emilie Autumn anon here. Haha, yeah, I know her music’s not for everyone. If you only liked Castle Down and weren’t too keen on Liar, then it’s likely you won’t enjoy her Opheliac or Fight Like a Girl eras, FLaG characterized by harsher sounds compared to her Opheliac era, though ironically the lyrics are focused on recovery and not as rage-filled as in her Opheliac era (her Opheliac era can be triggering for survivors of sexual assault, btw, as she is explicit about her own experience and suffering and doesn’t mince words when she calls rapists out, Liar is from this era). However, you might like stuff from her Enchant era, when she was pop baroque-ish and indie and sang about fairies and knights and Shakespeare characters. Maybe you’d enjoy songs like:
  Chambermaid: That moment when she sings “Tell me what I have to do to make you understand it’s a lost cause, lover” / “Hold me close when you were thinking of her” / “I don’t want to hear you say you love me” / “You’ve been gone such a long time won’t you tell where” / “Before I have to see this face I once adored” KILLS me with strordo feels. And it fits what you did with Misery Loves Company. Less a character’s thoughts and more like a dialogue between Mordo and Stephen. I also love the potential drama found in Stephen and Mordo fucking during Stephen’s time in KT, with Mordo knowing that Christine means something to Stephen yet not knowing exactly what, and thinking that Stephen is not attracted to him and just using him as a port in a storm while thinking of Christine. But Stephen’s just thinking of Mordo, probably in an incoherent inner monologue that’s pretty much Why is the world’s most beautiful man taking my dick??? *gives self a mental high-five*
  How Strange: Or as I like to call it, Emilie Autumn’s first and last foray into the uncharted lands of R&B lol
  Juliet: A song about *drum roll* Romeo and Juliet. She manages to make it sweet yet at the same there’s an undercurrent of “oh shit something’s about to happen” because... you know. Spoilers for all five people that don’t know but Romeo and Juliet die at the end. I love it mostly for the violin solo at the end. Emilie is quite the accomplished violinist and when she throws those violin solos it’s fucking awesome.
  Let the Record Show: You won’t enjoy this one, probably lol But for anyone interested in both Emilie and those songs I was going to use for that Karl Mordo Can’t Stop Falling for Problematic Men mix, this is one of them. It’s prime post-DS Mordo. “If I’m going down then I’m going down good” / “If I’m going down then I’m going down clean” / “If I’m going down then I’m going” / “The prettiest wretched whore you’ll ever see”
  Opheliac: Same as above lol this song is the one that gives the name to an era. Same as above, this was part of the fanmix. “I’ve been so disillusioned” / “I know you’d take me back, but still I feign confusion” / “I couldn’t be your friend, my world was too unstable” / “I’m open to attack, but I don’t wanna hurt you” / “How could you possibly think you had the power to know how to keep me breathing?” / “You know the games play and the words I say when I want my own way” / “You know the lies I tell when you’ve gone through hell and they say I can’t stay” / “You know how hard it can be to keep believing in me when everything and everyone becomes my enemy” / “And when there’s nothing more you can do, I’m gonna blame it on you” / “It’s not the way I wanna be” / “I only hope that in the end you will see”
  Mad Girl: Back to songs you might enjoy! lol This one is from the Opheliac era, actually, back when Emilie was obsessed with tragic women from fiction (mostly Shakespeare and Brit Lit) like Ophelia. For an Opheliac era song, its instrumentation is different and softly melancholic. Quick confession, this song always makes me cry. This one is also one of the songs for the aforementioned fanmix, because I will die before I stop referring to Karl Mordo as the classic-tragic-maiden-but-as-a-gay-man character that he is. “In all your fairytales, how did the prince say he loved you?” / “How did your father die?” / “Was he a good man?” / “My melancholy state, folly, fear, and hate, I know” / “My friend in this world is a bottle of nothing” / “Still I try, still I fall”
  Rapunzel: And we have arrived to the Enchant era! This song gives me sweet young Mordo staring out his window dreaming of his prince while stuck in Bavaria vibes. “If you sing loud and clear, someone passing by will surely hear you” / “No, you can’t be afraid”
  Rose Red: Another from Enchant. As you can tell, it’s vaguely related to Rose Red the fairytale. “Tell me no stories and I’ll tell you no lies” / “No one wants to hurt me but everybody tries” / “For this freedom I have given all I had” / “For this darkness I gave my light” / “For this wisdom I have lost my innocence” / “Take my petals and cover me with night”
  What If: This is peak Enchant era, imo. “I am far too tried to stay here” / “And I don’t care what you think of me” / “’Cause I think you were wrong about me” / “And what if you were?” / “What if I’m the kindest demon, something you may not believe in?” / “What if I’m a siren, singing gentlemen to sleep?” / “What if I’m a weeping willow, laughing tears upon my pillow?” / “What if I’m a socialite, who wants to be alone?” / “What if I’m an angel, without wings to take me home?” / “What if I’m a crowded desert, too much pain with little pleasure?” / “What if I don’t know who I am, will that keep us both from trying?”
  Special mention goes to Shalott, which I believe I already mentioned in the original post I made (or how I like to call it, Anon’s Evangelizing for Emilie Autumn lol), but I never added the lyrics that make go Mordo-bby-ilu-get-urself-a-good-man-ok. “She looks up the mirrored glass” / “She sees a handsome horse and rider pass” / “She says, ‘That man’s gonna be my death ‘cause he’s all I ever wanted in my life’” / “I know he doesn’t my name and that all the girls are all the same to him” / “So I’ll meet my death” / “But with my last breath I’ll sing to him my love and he’ll see my face in another place”
Heya Nonny!
Oh wowowow! I’m listening to the song recommendations again right now. You hit the nail on the head with the songs I’d like more. I ended up listening to the Enchant album twice while the Opheliac album was very hard to get through, more so because of the subject matter though. It’s very raw and there’s a lot of pain and anger there. I don’t know much about the artist but I hope she’s recovering and is doing well now. Rape is a brutal experience and for her to share the emotions and thoughts she went through is extremely powerful and heartbreaking.
I actually really enjoyed “Shalott” and the acoustic version of “Mad Girl.” Her voice is super emotive and lively, raw with emotions. I can see why people can hear stordo, and more specifically Mordo in the songs.
“Juliet” has a gorgeous violin number at the start and throughout and it makes me think of Mordo playing the violin in his family castle, just thinking of the romances he used to read and how life is more tragic than romantic. T____T
“Chambermaid” really does give off the vibe that Christine’s still in the background of Mordo’s mind when he’s with Stephen. I also really enjoyed the fortune telling and card reading motifs of the song. It really needs to the magic aspect of strordo, as well as the ‘fated to meet’ aspect of their pairing.
“Rose Red” and “Rapunzel” give me youthful Mordo vibes. When he’s still hopefully and longing for the love found hia fairytales.
And okay.....I really, really fucking liked “How Strange.” Especially this part...
You know I think it's strange
Just a little bit deranged
That you think I'm gonna change to make you happy
If you can tell me why
I should wait around then I
May be coming down
But until then this means
You can see me in your dreams
Oh man that entire part makes me think of Mordo looking back at the night he walked away. He’s not gonna change just to make Stephen feel happy, and he’s asking why he should stay and wait. It’s so sad and I love it.
My favorite one amongst these songs though is....
“What If.” It’s honestly such a gorgeous song! Also a very vulnerable one.
And I'm far too tired to stay here anymore
And I don't care what you think anyway
'Cause I think you were wrong about me
Yeah what if you were, what if you were
And what if I'm a snowstorm burning
What if I'm a world unturning
What if I'm an ocean
Far too shallow, much too deep
What if I'm the kindest demon
Something you may not believe in
What if I'm a siren
Singing gentlemen to sleep
Ummmm....excuse me. That’s all Mordo to me. It’s heartbreaking, full of turmoil, full of brimming heartache and upheaval, like Mordo doesn’t even know who he is or where he belongs anymore. It makes me think of those months he spent away trying to figure it all out alone. Baby just....just please go home. Stephen’s waiting for you. Let him explain and make up for it baby ;____; Please
Thank you so much for sharing these recommendations Nonny! I’m not much of a rock or folk person. I’m actually realllly vanilla with my music taste, namely old power ballads and musical showstoppers hehehe. But that’s why I really appreciate it when people share different types of music with me! I enjoy discovering new things. And now I’m currently replying “What if” pretty much endlessly. I wouldn’t have discovered it if not for you. So thank you for sharing these Nonny!
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scriptflorist · 7 years
Hi there I'm working on a MS in an AU where the sun stopped rising hundreds of years ago forcing everyone inside. Is it possible that with enough resources. Artificial lights, large grow houses with controlled temps etc. That most things would be able to grow or would it be a case of only certain plants could survive this? Thanks in advance love the blog :).
Hi hi Nonny!
Your character will need to buy grow lights, a specific sort of bulbs that as their name suggests aid with the growth of plants. There are several different types of them, so to give you an idea what’s available I’ll go over them with you and I’ll try not to make it too lengthy. One thing you need to understand though is that as of now, for the most part, artificial lighting cannot compete with the sun. Which is largely due to the fact that in order for a plant to flourish under artificial lighting as it would outside your character will have to meet its needs to a T. That’s what makes it so difficult, after all, that is in a lot of cases an enormous amount of power.
Depending on how it is set up in your story, your characters might want to keep their activities hidden from authorities. They might not because all plants will have to be grown indoors, but perhaps some are trying to grow things unauthorized. In the US, the police use these energy spikes to root out people illegally growing marijuana, which of course would be all but beneficial in this case. So instead they should plan ahead and start using them for a small period of time each month, building up to the proper energy use. That way it’s slow and if they get raided they’ll just have a bunch of petunias or something that won’t cause suspicion in your universe.
Let’s start with the HID (High-Intensity Discharge) lights, they’re currently the most popular, although not the most common grow lights. Their most efficient bulbs are the 600W and 1000W, although the 600W wins by a slight margin as they produce 7% more light and the most electrically efficient bulbs. Now the good thing is: all HID lamps work the same. However: your character needs to match their ballast. Which sounds more complicated as it is, a ballast simply controls the electrical current in a circuit.
There are several types of HID lights:
MH (Metal Halide) lights: These ones bring blue and violet from the light spectrum, similar to the light outside during springtime. Its blue light spectrum might also be more beneficial for vegetative plants with lots of foliage as it encourages compact, leafy growth, strong roots and better resistance against diseases. The latter two mainly noted when used as a supplement light (as by the horticultural industry.) A nice side effect of this light is that it makes plants look very aesthetically pleasing, which is why MH lights are often used at home for plants on display.
CHM (Ceramic Metal Halide) lights: Also referred to as Ceramic Discharge Metal Halide or Ceramic Arc Metal Halide. A relatively new type of HID. Reduced colour shift and variation compared to MH lights, best used for medium-wattage applications.
MH/HPS “Dual Arc” lights: The combination of Metal Halide and High-Pressure-Sodium lights, a single lamp that can provide for the entire lifecycle of a lamp, with both red and blue lights.
HPS (High-Pressure-Sodium) lights: More efficient than MH lights. Can be used as supplement lighting in greenhouses or on their own indoors. The super-efficient 600W bulbs I mentioned at the beginning are HPS lights. However they sometimes have a lack of blue/violet light which causes plants to elongate, and when used as a light source of their own (Instead of a supplement light) their yellowish light often makes monitoring plant health indoors more difficult.
Conversion bulbs: Can work with either MH or HPS ballast. HPS ballast has an igniter which ignites the sodium in the HPS bulb, which MH bulbs lack. Hence why one can’t be simply substituted for the other.
Switchable ballast: Very simple. As long as the wattage is the same it doesn’t matter if your character’s 600 bulb is an MH or HPS. Neat, right?
Grow lights also come in form of LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes.) They usually pack a heat-sink and build in fans, and can be plugged right into your socket as they don’t require an external ballast. They can even be customised to emit only specific wavelengths of light and should be placed 12 inches (30 cm) away from the plant to prevent leaf burn. They’re not as cool as fluorescent lights, but still less hot that could be. Horticultural LEDs are specifically produced to emit the colour spectrum/wavelengths best utilised by plants, with every other your character will have to be carefully looking since they come in so many different types.
And almost at last the most common grow lights: Fluorescent lights. They usually have somewhat more blue wavelength light, which makes it recommendable to either pick a mix of cool and warm fluorescent lights or full spectrum. Also, they are rather cool, which allows them to placed closer to the plants than many others.
Tube-style fluorescent lights: Not as intense as HID lights, which makes them useful for plants with lower light needs.  Good for growing vegetables and herbs indoors, or to get a jump start on spring planting. In need of a ballast, also high-output fluorescent lights are ideal for vertically limited areas thanks to their slim fixture.
CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lights): As their name states, a much smaller, compact version of fluorescent lights. They weren’t initially intended to be grow lights, however, there are now CFLs being produced specifically to be used as grow lights. CFLs don’t need a ballast and fit into standard light sockets.
Incandescent lights get quite hot, so don’t let your character place them too close to their plants. Remember: Leaf burns. They give off more red light, which makes them a good supplement for fluorescent lights, a mix of one-third incandescent and two thirds fluorescent lights should do the trick.
Even halogen lights can provide a full spectrum for your characters plants, however, they pack a lot of heat and aren’t really energy efficient.
At last of course, there’s specifically the horticultural grow lights, specifically packaged and designed for a majority of plants needs. With those, your character gets the full spectrum of wavelengths specialised for blooming. Whether or not these or fluorescent lights are better is a matter of opinion for most gardeners. A tip on the side: bulbs labelled as “plant bulbs” usually are only to make the plants look better and don’t have further effect on them.
And that would be all of them! Phew. Usually, these grow lights are used to supply single arrangements or plants and necessarily big plantations so this would be insanely well researched and developed in your character’s world. When mounting the lamps, your character should be mindful of their distance to the plants. Most bulbs will heat up and burn the leaves if they don’t take care, so depending on which lights they choose they will have to hang them at different heights. They might even need lamps with several adjustable heads.
It’s not only about the bulb’s type though, but also about its colour. You probably noticed I sometimes mentioned blue and red light, which both is important for a plants growth. Green not so much, but we’ll get to that. Generally plants grown under only red light show leaf deformities, even though they seem to develop normally in every other way. Adding a small amount of blue light somehow negates the effect and allows the plants to grow normally. The blue wavelengths generally further foliage growth, whereas red wavelengths further fruits and flowers. Green light, if added, should be at a no higher rate than 24%, which can further the growth process in some plants. Its colour also makes it easier to see whether or a not a plant is healthy. Overall a combination of those three colours seems to be working best, however, if your character can’t obtain the light in these individual colours, white light should suffice as it covers the whole spectrum.
Light in all cases is the key element for a plant’s proper growth, regardless of anything else your character will be doing, if the lights go out, especially for extended periods of time, they’re fucked. But also the lights aren’t supposed to be on all day either. A long plant day “only” lasts 16+ hours, with eight hours downtime (seedling/planting phase.) How much light your characters plants exactly need so to speak depends on their phase or growth. The vegetative phase, for example, requires 18 hours of light and 6 hours off and during the flowering stage they need an equal amount of 12 hours of light and darkness.
Furthermore, there is something called short-day, long-day and day-neutral plants which also indicates their need in lighting. Short-day plants usually require no more than 12 hours or light, so long-day, of course, are on the 16+ spectrum. Day-neutral plants obviously don’t really care about all that. An indicator for short-day plants usually are bracts.
To wrap this all up, let’s talk a little more about light and how it’s measured when it comes to plants. You are probably familiar with lumens and lux, which are the most common forms of measurement. When it comes to plants however we’re talking PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation.) See lux and lumens are very neat and handy for us humans, but PAR measures the spectral levels of light used photosynthetically. (Which admittedly is similar, but just not quite the same.) It does designate a specific spectral range of solar radiation, which relates directly to the spectral range of the photosynthetic organisms, but given that your character’s world once had a sun, it might very well be still in use by their scientists.
Beyond light needs, you might also want to consider if the lack of sun has changed the average temperatures. Plants will need to be kept in proper temperature and humidity ranges. If your characters use heaters that work on some sort of combustion (such as gas) then inefficient heaters can put off ethylene gas which will cause senescence (basically premature ageing for plants, withering, early ripening and rotting of fruits, etc). You might take care of some of the humidity and growth requirements by considering this ask about aqua-, aero- and hydroponics.
Of course, your characters plants do have other needs too, water (and the draining of it), soil, the right pots, fertilising and a few other things have to be considered when planting. Make sure they have the individual plant’s needs coveredTechnically there is nothing your characters shouldn’t be able to grow, though it might very well be they will have greater success with certain plants than others.
You should also check in with @scriptastronomer about your burnt out sun (or whatever the hell happened to it, science is hard.) Also, possible @scriptshrink about season affective disorders and @scriptmedic because everyone will be lacking vitamin D.
I hope this was helpful!
- Mod Jana
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