#also friend's art so MMMMMMMM
crimeronan · 7 months
"and then ended up cosmically separated; luz lost her fucking mind for years trying to get back to him" - got stuck with a similiar idea I won't ever make a fic out, but it starts with him saying "That can still be arranged" after that overly dramatic entrance, only to then immediately use the staff to stop the human that is rushing at him (Luz tearing up and sprinting for a hug), becuase she is an enemy BUT ALSO because his armour is scalding hot and he subconsciously wants to protect her.
MMMMMMMM. this is a slightly different premise from the dream but i've been thinking about writing hunter memory loss fic for ages.... there's this art of belos removing & burning hunter's memories of flapjack and luz and the emerald entrails that. Sticks With Me.
the thing that really gets me abt that kind of fic is when the body and the subconscious remembers but the consciousness doesn't.... hunter like i don't know you and you're telling me we're family and i know you're lying bc i Don't Know You but i want So Bad to trust you and part of me is So Sure i can trust you... what gives
there's something So Deeply Compelling about the concept of luz """betraying eda""" and """joining the emperor's coven""" because hunter will only trust her if she's another soldier....
and belos being like 🤨 i KNOW what you're trying to do, luz. & luz being like no no i really am sooooo super loyal i've come around to the whole human supremacy thing for realsieeees granpa 😁😁😁🤞🤞🤞 PLEASE let me be friends with hunter 👉👈 the Right way this time 💕🕯️🙏
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courtesanmango · 1 year
mmmmmmmm so the thing about komahinanami dynamic is that it is never ever just as simple as a three way romantic relationship where everyone is equally peachy. it simply cannot happen in a canon-adjacent universe. when u have hajime and chiaki who are literally friends to lovers, hajime and nagito who are enemies to lovers - the three of them together cannot possibly ignore those pre existing dynamics once a relationship is established.
and i'm gonna totally address the elephant in the room which is that nagito is canonically gay and ppl like to get pressed as fuck about shipping him w a girl - i am literally gonna explain this until my face turns blue but he makes sense with chiaki anyway AS LONG AS hajime is also there. exploring that sort of idol worship towards chiaki for being class rep, symbol of hope yadda yadda, turning into genuine fondness through the post-nwp trauma healing process, turning into two people who grow separate and grow together - it is so so complex and hajime is so essential for meeting them both where they are and encouraging this splice. is nagito gay? yeah. does he have love towards chiaki in the context of a polycule in which all three members are severely fuckin traumatized and find comfort and growth and fulfillment in their romantic relationship with each other? YEAH.
and i can't talk abt sexuality without gender but that'll be a post on its own. i like all gender flavours of komahinanami. cis is great, trans is great, i personally love the transfem chiaki headcanon and also nonbinary man nagito. it is very funny to me in fic or art when hajime is a binary trans man and nagito is like wowie i'm a genderfuck and hajime struggles to comprehend this. tldr i think they can all have a little gender as a treat.
on the sexual aspect of things my head has not decided on anything solid for them. i'll probably write smut for them at some point cause that's just how i roll but i need to have a very very firm grasp on what exactly that would look like first.
anyway i love them a lot and yall should check out my fic where i talk about them more
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incarnateirony · 8 months
...oh my god she even took me/his/our Rumpocky thing my ex has zero original thoughts.
My ex wife makes shitty website for pagan services
Pretends she was the hermes follower instead of her previous Shaman Schtick or occasional claims at Athena following.
Steals my hermes quotes, makes it her whole brand, something she never even heard from her magical friends
I. Can. Not. I literally have "rumpocky" on a 2007 LJ post and this bitch branded herself. bitch do you UNDERSTAND *WHY* it was rumpocky? Are you??? STEALING??? A MEDIUMSHIP STORY????????????????????????? ARE YOU THAT BORING?
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you dUMb CUnt
d u m b c u n t doesn't understand why even rumpocky those years ago and truly oh my god [facepalm] she really is just sitting there roleplaying every echo of my life, get therapy.
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The Rumpocky Pagan. Jesus, just admit you have nothing. He's. Not. With. You. No. Matter. What. You. Play. Neither is She. They haven't been for a long time. And you know it. Charging people out the nose for you badly miming my shadow is truly lowbrow though.
Watch the bitch be arguing in her head "well he takes it and likes it" yeah and he also takes and eats fried crickets on sticks, what the fuck about it. But that'd require him being there, and not you pretending to hide the dreams you know you're having and what they mean to wave and perform for your friends. Or maybe even to self soothe. But it isn't working, is it?
Hey, sweets.
Driving in reverse.
In five years this bitch'll be rebranding to Thee Crustdaddy Pagan or maybe The Incarnate Irony Pagan, maybe with some more stolen logo/character design.
Take the cue on why your art muse walked out the door two years ago, you had nothing but mirror mandalas, art that diminished to fractions of its previous quality, generally had to give up on your stores for it, and could only draw when you were ripping off my shit. It's a muse. You chased yours out. Everything else since is theater.
Move onnnnnnnnn bitch. You wanted me out, so stop trying to bring parts of me in.
My ass out here having to innocently kick rocks when a [redacted] agent is asking how tf I got involved in Some Shit and this bitch can't even figure out her pagan brand name without stealing my shit jesus FUCK yea nbd just disposing of this [other redacted] grade object like a nuclear hazard at sea after [damages removed] [deathcount censored] and a few weeks fuck all chaos, but this bitch is like mmmmmmmm Aaron told me a story about hermes and rumpocky once, that qualifies me as a follower that can charge people money for services lololol
Go back to arguing with ghosts in Alabama.
Damn, wish I'd put something of the bitch's in the final yeeted form too, it worked pretty damn well to yeet jarpad and his fans out of cons.
like Hermes' gramma says, if you're going to throw a box into the sun, you're going to have to do it yourself.
You know she's saying follower of Hermes but I bet you, she couldn't tell you a single axiom of tehuti or a single classic greek tradition or hymn or any of the neoplatonic branches associated with him literally all she has is psychotically larping him off of what she knows from me for others while stealing my shit and hoping nobody notices. while. she. charges. them. she's never studied a goddamn thing about him, and I goddamn know this. I was her pipeline of information or books or references or resources or whatever the fuck and she never once fuckin. even read the kybalion. She doesn't even know the alchemical steps. None of it. God. Dis bitch about to google it all now to update her LARP. Has she brainwashed her pals so bad they had a collective stroke and forgot I was the alchemist, and she constantly ranted that she was a shaman and totally different from my shit?
"durhur crowzzzz" like congratulations you know how to spell his name on wiki search and probably watched a video about Tricksters. Ffs. Start at Liber XXX, bitch, it's Morality For The Average Man. Try it. Start there. You might actually learn something that means something.
You would think even if she pretends to outsiders she isn't dealing with what she is since then. That after she made public that she got tricked by the world's most basic bitch cryptoscammer scheme into losing all their savings, that maybe the god of commerce, communication/internet, trickery and thieves is like. The opposite of in your favor giving you secrets.
Weird how that worked out, isn't it, sweetie? But I mean if you can't even think up a brand name without ripping my shit about him, how can I expect you to hear some godly warning transmission that bitch, you're fucking dumb as a brick, don't give him your login, you absolute mudbrain.
Boy am I glad I caught the vibe from him these last few years and just stopped giving her anything about him even before the split. Like no, no I wasn't projecting, he went out the door and took the art, success, and protection in transactions and life with him and with me and she still can't cope with that, huh
You know, before we left Alabama, Hermes expressed he was concerned with her habit of wanting to hide behind other identities and not own her own. I didn't understand then what he meant. Now I get it. Jesus.
And yknow what bitch. He said it to you, even back then. Stop playing. Either move on or fess up. You will never replace that shit. Stop with the bad echoes.
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Finishing the new Thor movie to see this update in my inbox made my DAYYYY- even if I didn't get to it right away
Oh but wade you 100% wanna be jet packed don't tell lies
I will always be sappy for peter loving the feeling of wades scars
I feel I repeat myself every spideypool with certain aspects but hey it's true
Because you're perfect to hang onto 😭
Peter making charts to understand his power limits is also me in that paranoid person trying to understand in theory without doing the practise
Their devotion in such a short time kills me and I love it
Peter just being able to sense wades presence during the trials is so hot my goshhhh
Ok buggy babe new fave
Call me baby boy and growl at me YAAS PETER YAAAAS
I was horny for the Beast #DEAD
MMMMMMMM peter lifting cars
You know it's serious when wades serious
I do NOT plan to do any tricks but I just bought myself a longboard (with a spidey logo) and boi peter doing skateboarding this chapter makes me so very hype for it to come in
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM SELF MADE WEBS LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO arguably the one thing I needed Andrew to have to complete me
The whole wrist moment is just reminding me of the artist fuzzyaya and their epic spideypool wrist art and I 👀
CHOMPER😍 the cutest of babies. I now need my friends to have my contact photo as a dinosaur this is the only need
Peter in panties you sayyyyy
Wade DOES want to be jet packed, he 100% loves it lol. It's more about how if Peter is holding him, all of his damage etc is right there and visible vs if he's holding Peter, he can... hide? That's why its so consistently great that Peter doesn't LET him hide. I love that.
The idea of Peter making charts and Wade just like "or I could throw stuff at you to test your reflexes" I felt like was very in character for both of them lol. I always thought it was a little bit off in the spiderman movies that we never really see Peter approaching his abilities scientifically? Like we sort of do with AG and TH with their web fluid but other than that, not really. You're telling me a science nerd kid wouldn't do the Scientific Method trying to find answers? Even after the initial montage of just flying between buildings and shooting webs everywhere? Come on.
I LOVED the sensory deprivation/trials scene. I definitely upped Peter's spideryness in the fic as well as upping just sort of generic super powers like the crazy hearing and lightning fast reflexes and of course, actual webs vs needing web shooters. But I love that scene with Wade talking to him and Peter not knowing what was said but knowing realistically he should be scared about it but instead he's just turned on? HOLLA.
Is fuzzyyaya the one where Peter's wrist gets milked? Cos.... that may or may not be in the fic already lmaooo
I thought the Chomper reference would either hit EXCELLENT or be one of those things that wildly ages me as a writer. I texted Alyssa @xkissmeimirishx a picture of Chomper and was like "who is this" because I knew if she knew right away, the joke would land but if she was like ??? then I'd leave it out. Obviously she knew exactly who it was and so many people in the comments did too which makes me VERY happy!
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seith-magic · 4 years
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It be Harumi
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caseydoingart · 2 years
Casey’s rapid fire thoughts and feeling in starstuck ep3
“Skips” in the intro
The little pose was cute
So much info but the fast looks so good
Just best friends
They’re all so cute.
Oh the art. Give me more of that
Brennan these descriptions
“ I think I should move into the captains courters” “right on”
“I take the carpet samples into the escape pod”
“I can’t see colours.” “I can see about 18 different colours but not red”
“This is an investment” full crisis
Skipper was bad. And I don’t like him.
Skips is sweetie tho
Full overhaul thank god
Gun flute????? Emily. EMILY
Skips dancing for advantage.
Chaos. Chaos.
My lord. These motherfuckers are insane
Resind, baby
Everyone is rolling so so average.
Mona Is so hot
“Our life is still bad but it’s moving up” “our lives are bad”
Zac in glasses very good looking
Siobhan looks so good in the blue. And her hair.
Sid not seeing in colour is sad to me
I also forgot the sid is also a protocol droid
Margaret girlbossing this ship
Honestly here for the pushing out of Norman
I do enjoy learning about this. What happened with him and the brigade
Starstuck is just so like just like empowering in just the best way.
Norman was just so bad at his job
That back to back moment is so fuckinh cute. Don’t talk to me.
Norman sitting like cat.
Oh boy. Meal prep time
Sid and Gunnie as caters oh no
Oh lord. I love these guys
Cooking cheeks oh no.
Gun champagne
What is Sidney’s gun
Get there ball rolling up
They just want to help gunnie
Let’s get this ball rolling flat
The wrust crew of lord. Guys
Oh my lord the pleasure putty centre. Oh that’s so cute
Oh them all putting money in.
Oh gunnie. and everyone being like oh boy
Oh Barry. Haunted
Oh the art. My lord the art I love it.
The art the art.
Hotbox420. Ally. ALLY
When there’s no gravity the ball going up is unexceptional
the way Siobhan say “SHE’S GETTING MARRIED” I live. I love.
Ohh spicy
“Barry likey”
Zac does weird thing. He’s a quick learner
Bar crawl
“Things are looking bright for the Wrust”
Zvoon the orb. Me.
She’s marry a concept. Mood
Ally and em un hinged
All the putty made me gush
This putty is really just humour
“Nailed it. Filler her up”
Get them into the mlm Riva
Riva dance
Oh boy that’s sad. Poor Norman
Oh never mind. Norman was just kinda awful. Fun
Oh skips. Your gonna get so drunk my guy.
Skip. Oh no. Skips.
Zac what was that
What the fuck did the do too Norman
And what the fuck did the set him up to do
I can go the pawn shop
I’m very curious about Norman’s past.
“Don’t eat the napkins”
Brennan almost saying handy Andy
Oh a droid. Interesting
Little ally voice cracks.
A possible plus 18. Huh wow
Okay that makes more sense. Still great
I keep saying but the art. My god the art
I like all these like skills things. They’re pretty neat
Oh lord. Mmmmmmmm that doesn’t feel great. At all. I’m so worried for these goofs
Sunglasses gang
Oh boy. Weird droid
Ally that was an impressively bad roll
I want to draw side with socks over her skates
Gunnie dance
I’d there another droid. Oh. Did. Sweetie.
Oh no sid.
All my friends hate warfare Whitney
That’s so much to unpack
Where is this lady going with this.
Zac’s no instantly catching Brennan
Sid just getting quietly drunk
That dogs getting Nancy Kerrigan’d apparently
Drunk Em droid. I love her
Let’s tattoo a dog
Stealing a dog. Very cowboy bebop
“He eat exclusively money”
Oof the table is rolling collectively bad.
A box of doom. Oh lord. Oh no. Oh lord.
They’re fucked
Like fuck fucked. I’m so nervous for whatever that means.
Fuck yeah ally. That was so good. 
Truly intrigued by everything going on here.
Oh no. I can’t do another pirates brawl I just emotional can’t.
Anyways until next week.
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simminglytimeladies · 2 years
mmmmmmmm hazel dente n roberta rossum for character bingo
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Roberta Rossum
I love Roberta!!! She's such a sweet girl but honestly she needs more depth and justice. Also some of my headcanons are the reason why I love her. Also she has the same issues as I do. I'm sad that Roberta eventually got reset and she forgets the protag. She really deserves better because she's like the plot device of Sims 2 PSP.
Some headcanons like she has lasers but she doesn't know how to activate them and she got some personality traits from Dominic Newlow due to a prototype of liberator.exe (explains why she starts to develop AI and wanting to be free from Isaac). Also Roberta and Lincoln being friends because she deserves more friends.
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Hazel Dente
Hazel, Hazel!!! I love her so much but again, she needs more writing. Still love that she went emotional after telling protag about her black-outs which I can tell why. It's because when I play the Sims 2 PC I noticed that Sims don't care that other sims are stuck in a pool when you do the classic pool ladder trick until the sim drowns and dies. The sims thought that the sim who is going to be drowned is just okay. What a scary world.
I love to keep the mystery if she intentionally killed her husbands or the player did. Maybe she killed one and the rest are accidents? Who knows? Also made some headcanons because her secrets revolved around the fact that she killed her husbands.
For example, I could see her as this eco lifestyle type of girl. She knows how the earth is burning down and she wants to do sustainable stuff. It's not just gardening that she does but recycling, thrifting etc. Also she loves art and does painting! Also she likes art nouveau.
Overall, I love both of them but they gonna need some depth so I gave them some.
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autisticlalna · 3 years
mmmmmmm the lore goes so deep my mind is going brrrrrr!!! this is all so cool im all mmmmmmmm, !!!!!!! Its So Cool!!!
ive now read the wiki page on the first wyatt masoning! i cannot believe how unbelievably cool the events are in blaseball! the whole frequency thing and some players didnt get their names fully changed back and!!! NaN!!! i see why you love NaN bc i now also adore NaN. that is. fantastic. AND i saw ur art on MaX's page its still so pretty ahhhhhh!!!!! bro all ur contributions to blaseball and MaX r so cool!!!! aw uve got such good ideas i cant wait to see the wiki page once its al done
aw but ye getting good pics of mc skins can be hard. if u know someone w a minecraft account they can equip em and then u can see them on namemc, which can give good pics, but then u need to know someone who has a minecraft account
a waffle house existing in another dimension is the least weird part of all of this lore. that fully checks out. MaX should enjoy xer time there, that is good vibes. and yeee, definitely all the wyatts hang out and vibe together!! do status effects never go away then? or they dont happen on purpose? i assumed any of the wyatts would have to, like, intentionally activate their echoes, so no echoing out of existence by accident
gfhfhdsHDSADD dont make me emotional abt original wyatt mason now the microphone!!! have hope????? i dont even go here and id cry abt that wht the hey!!! bro the coin is so mean, can't believe the true enemy to baseball was capitalism all along. do boss battles happen often? it sounds like a boss battle against the coin is upcoming
thats So Much Cool Necromancy Lore tho!!!! dude!!! this is the coolest baseball simulator in the history of both baseball and simulators!!!! the modifiers are so cool, im in awe of all the work the devs must do. that is such a cool series of things. BUT OH NO ON MAX ECHOING DEBT. that would be so dangerous. MaX isnt even the only one with echo, right, isnt it all the wyatt masons? that is so much potential risk, oh no. thank goodness for sure for siestas, that is a lot to unpack. this is all So Cool
GOD YEAH BLASEBALL RULES the most fun part abt the first Wyatt Masoning to me is like. it was a glitch! the Grand Unslam was a glitch bc the site broke and the devs had to roll it back. the Wyatt Masoning was a glitch that happened when the devs tried to do Something to Wyatt / the Tacos in general and everything broke. and now there’s this whole entire ongoing plotline that’s still a thing SEASONS LATER, and !! the devs are so fuckin cool when it comes to rolling with whatever the fuck happens. its like a ttrpg but its baseball
i love NaN so so so much,,, NaN is like. one of the fan favs fhgxkldhdflkf their lore is so cool and !! ive been super attached to them for forever now. which i lovingly blame my taco friend for, thanks aquelon MAN the fact that the Wyatts exist now so theres like 13 copies of who NaN Used To Be around and , fuckin. smth that came up in the lore jam was MaX is like, trying to figure out who xe is besides just A Wyatt, yeah? MaX looks up to NaN!! NaN has gone through A LOT, like a lot has happened in blaseball since the Wyatt Masoning and with how many teams they’ve been a part of and they’ve learned and grown and MaX hasnt yet because MaX didn’t exist until last season. so NaN is like, even though MaX is potentially older NaN is still more Mature and someone that MaX could Be Like and aaaaaaaaaaa
i have a mc acc so i should probably just. do that fhglxhkgf cant wait to forget to change my skin next time i stream mc so it’s two palanauts and then a blaseball
a joke-y thing is that MaX works at the Elsewhere Waffle House and might be the manager? bc of being stuck there over siesta. like, xe has nothing else to do, xe might as well. i have a semi-shitposty twitter rp acc for xem and xe ate grass bc xe was bored and Coolname Galvanic, pitcher for the Tokyo Lift, told xem to
status effects are like!! so there’s several kinds of mods, some of which are permanent, some of which only last a season, and some of which are like. have a chance to fade. Elsewhere is one of the ones that has a chance to fade, like each time the player that’s Elsewhere would normally have a turn there’s a chance that they’ll show back up. MaX got sent Elsewhere late in the season and we didn’t make it to the playoffs, so xe didn’t return before siesta and won’t have a chance to return until next season the Echo modification is permanent, but it only activates in Feedback and Reverb weather (w/ the Echo copying the modifications of the opponent team in Feedback and the mods of their team in Reverb) and when it activates it just like. Goes. in xer first game, MaX echoed like 3 times back-to-back and all of us were going WHAT THE FUCK???? bc that was us finding out what Echo DOES lmao. like any time MaX is up to bat in Feedback or Reverb, xe has a chance to start echoing and then will copy other players until xe gets an out or a hit. the lore on how intentional echoing is is a bit wiggly rn but i hc it as involuntary bc it really does just fuckin Happen and MaX gets stuck with shit mods fghlkxfhlkxf
IM GONNA FUCKIN CRY OVER THE MICROPHONE!!!!!!! i went through his twitter today bc it got pointed out that he mentions Wyatts, plural, a few times and i got super emotional bc he’s just!! he’s doing his best!!!!!! he wants to help his friends but he’s Stuck and the entity he thought he could trust to keep everyone safe has probably just tried to fuckin, either assassinate him or at least cut his connection!!!!!!! and we dont know what happened to him or if he’ll be back or what and aaaAAAA capitalism is very much the enemy. fuck the Coin, at least the Peanut was upfront abt hating us fhglkhdxkghf the Coin is like. gatekeep gaslight girlboss. mostly girlboss. so far the only boss battle has been against the Peanut-- there was like, two rounds? there was Season 9, Day X when the Charleston Shoe Thieves won the championship and then got fuckin Obliterated by the Peanut coming down, pulling together a team, and curbstomping them, and then Season 10 Day X was the Peanut kicking the shit out of the Baltimore Crabs before the Monitor and Jaylen, with help from the Microphone, were able to counterattack. that’s been the only instance so far, but the fandom is Definitely gearing up for a fight against the Coin. there’s some theories that the Absurd Amount Of Wyatts is gonna lead to another situation of like, the Wyatts are gonna end up being a team on their own? vs a Coin-led team. im not really sure on that one myself bc it feels too much like a repeat of vs the Peanut but either way the Coin is going the fuck down
the amount of work the devs do is honestly Staggering, especially w how much of this is practically on the fly? like, dude. blaseball is a fucking marvel. AND YEAH LIKE,, ALL THE WYATTS MASON HAVE ECHO,,, only MaX and Ivy are still in play right now but uh. you know how i mentioned the Receivers? so, it turns out, whenever a Wyatt echoes a mod, that mod gets copy-pasted across all the Receivers (there was, like, four of them. we are now down to three because Something Tragic Happened). so if MaX echoes Debt, which could be very possible if we play in Reverb weather because of us having a necromancied player on our team, that could get spread to NaN, Moses Mason, and Sixpack Dogwalker. NaN and Sixpack are both in Mild High rn, but Moses is in... Wild Low, i think? Moses is in Wild with Ivy. so, uh, even Wild ain’t safe
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #226: AN EYE FOR AN EYE
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December, 1982
“Beware the -- EVIL EYE!”
Okay but which one though?
Because I’m pretty sure that Black Knight is carrying the Evil Eye but Balor probably has a pretty evil eye. Plus, that title.
I like the black/white tv static like background for this. I dunno why but it feels very fitting for whats going on.
That has been ART COMMENTARY with me.
Last time on Avengers, the Avengers were minding their own business when Dr. Druid burst into their meeting, hypnotized them, and kidnapped the team minus Iron Man by shooting smoke out of his chest eye.
The Avengers ended up in Crusade Times in Avalon where Black Knight and Amergin needed help fighting the Fomor of Irish mythology who were awfully mad that Amergin did a colonialism to them.
The team managed to kick some Fomor ass for the most part after they applied the barest amount of strategy (although the Fomor Dres escaped through Amergin’s eyes) but then biggest, buffest Fomor Balor was freed and he wiped out She-Hulk and Thor in a blink. Also, Dres escaped to the present day and he’s going to kill Dr. Druid! -crickets- Which will strand the Avengers in the past times forever!! -crowd gasp-
Are Thor and She-Hulk totally dead forever? Can anyone stop Dres from conquering the future aside from the one thousand other superheroes?
No and yes.
This time:
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... That’s an unbearably smug Hawkeye on that pillar of team roster. 
Dres gloats to a trancing Dr. Druid because villains love to hear themselves talk. And also love a captive audience. And aren’t too fussed about active listening.
Dres: “You were a fool, Doctor Druid! You sought to ensure the safety of this world -- but instead you have sealed your own destruction! Who can help you now? The Avengers? They battle my demonic brethren in legendary Avalon, eight centuries gone! The golden one -- in the grip of the hypnotic trance you placed him into? You yourself, who are in a trance that allows you to sustain a mystical path to the past -- through which I came to this time! Why waste breath? He is insensate, and unaware of the danger that overwhelms him! By his death, I will trap the Avengers forever in the past -- and unleash my power on this unsuspecting world!”
I like how he becomes self-aware of how pointless it is to do a villain rant to a guy who can’t hear you and then just keeps going anyway.
Anyway, here’s why you don’t do that, if you’re a villain.
(This is a free tip to any aspiring villains out there)
Thor and She-Hulk just pop into existence randomly just as Bres is finally going to actually do something.
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She-Hulk mentions that they were just fighting a one-eyed giant which lets Bres put together that they were fighting Balor and why they’re here now.
Bres: “A giant? My cousin Balor, no doubt, whose glance disrupts all spells -- including that which held you in Avalon!”
And then instead of just killing Dr. Druid when he has the chance (Thor and She-Hulk aren’t even looking at him when they appear), Dres runs over and clocks Thor right in his face.
(Another free tip for aspiring villains here: do not clock Thor in the face)
Sooooooo, I’m of two minds here.
I expected Iron Man being left behind in a hypnotized trance was for this. That he’d come to somehow and stop Dres.
On the other hand, Thor and She-Hulk appearing out of nowhere to fight this guy because Balor inadvertently screwed over his cousin’s plans is pretty hilarious.
Also, pretty lucky that the time-travel spell was disrupted first, snapping Thor back to the future. If Thor had been fighting Balor on his own time, who knows what his malefic stare would have done to the enchantments on Mjolnir.
That’s a fun plot bunny.
Anyway, you wouldn’t think that Bres could stand for long against both Thor and She-Hulk. Thor was kicking Elathan’s ass and Elathan was the boss Fomor.
But Bres blasts She-Hulk away and then uses magic to tear Mjolnir from Thor’s grasp. Without Mjolnir, Bres and Thor are on more equal footing. Also that whole thing where Thor is going to turn into a powerless mortal in sixty seconds, which will put them on very much unequal footing.
She-Hulk decides she’s useless in a god fight, based on how much a glancing blast hurt. So she ducks behind Iron Man and uses her unconscious teammate as cover.
Pretty cold, She-Hulk!
But then she notices that Bres’ magic is splashing off Iron Man like magic water off an iron duck.
So she has a really good idea.
She picks up the unconscious Iron Man and throws him at Bres.
I’ve changed my mind. I’m glad that things shook out exactly this way.
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So Iron Man hits Bres in the ass like a missile at about the same time Thor punches him in the shoulder.
Under this synchronized and silly assault, Bres folds like a sack of potatoes, with Iron Man slumped on top of him.
With Bres out cold, his spell keeping Mjolnir away fades, letting Thor retrieve his favorite hammer.
Looking ahead, Iron Man doesn’t show up for the rest of the issue and neither does Bres so I assume they just leave Iron Man laying on top of Bres to keep him out of trouble for the rest of the story.
Iron Man is going to have a bunch of questions when he wakes up.
Despite taking care of Bres, Thor realizes that they can’t go back in time to help the other Avengers because Dr. Druid remains entranced. So they’ve got to sit on their thumbs and hope that the Avengers do okay without their two strongest members.
Well they’re doing.
Not quite okay but not dying either. That’s pretty good against Balor.
Hawkeye has the bright idea to shoot Balor in the one eye with a smoke arrow so he’ll stop shooting death beams at them.
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I don’t mean for that to sound sarcastic, it really is a bright idea.
Meanwhile, in the halls of Avalon (considerably less cool than the ones of Justice), Black Knight is ditching the plan to go help the Avengers and Amergin is unhappy.
But Black Knight is like nuts to your happiness, it was Black Knight’s idea to bring in the Avengers so he’s not going to watch them fight alone just because Amergin says so!
He has a flying horse! He can do what he waaaaaaaaaaaants!
And he takes off on the flying horse, which is something he has.
Amergin: “Your chivalry will be the death of us all!”
Hey, that’s no way to talk about a man with a sweet flying horse.
Black Knight and his sweet flying horse arrive in time to see Balor randomly blasting the ground and complaining because the Avengers are no fun.
Balor: “Puny flesh-things annoy Balor! Balor lives for fighting! If you will not fight -- go away!”
Balor is a guy of diminishing returns. He’ll never be cooler than that moment right when he wiped She-Hulk and Thor from existence while barely noticing he did it.
The fact that we’ve seen them pop up unharmed doesn’t help.
Black Knight attacks Balor, assuming he killed the Avengers and he wants to avenge the Avengers because if the Avengers need avenging someone needs to avenge the Avengers.
And Black Knight gets almost instantly slapped off his sweet flying horse because its Black Knight.
The Avengers were fine. They dove into the mud to hide from Balor but now they have to launch into Emergency Rescue Procedure which is something they’ve totally practiced! And its totally a procedure they specifically have for situations where they only have Wasp, Hawkeye, and Captain America.
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Hawkeye shoots two parachute arrows (Something that he just has, why question it? Its like Batman’s utility belt in his quiver) to slow Black Knight’s fall.
Wasp buzzes around Balor to distract him because being small and vaguely distracting is something she’s practiced around 200 issues for.
And Cap jumps up and catches Black Knight to further slow his fall.
They specifically have this specific emergency rescue procedure in case a man dressed as a medieval knight is falling off a flying horse due to a giant cyclops. For this specific situation.
Anyway, the sweet flying horse is doing fine too. Nobody needed to catch Valinor. He took care of himself.
On Black Knight’s suggestion the Avengers do a strategic retreat, all piling on Valinor and flying away as Balor shakes his fist and wonders who he’ll fight now.
Valinor doesn’t look thrilled at carrying three grown men, to be honest.
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He deserves to be a Pet Avenger for his hard work but alas. No respect for Valinor.
Elathan and the rest of the Fomor creep out of wherever they were hiding and Elathan presents Balor with an offer.
Elathan: “Join with us, monster, and you’ll have fights for the picking, as many as you want!”
He tells Balor that there’s a whole new world beyond Avalon that they can raze and that Balor can destroy to his heart’s content.
Mmmmmmmm. I don’t like this. If Elathan can just talk Balor into joining the Fomor then all the build-up about how Balor was too dangerous to friend as well as foe kind of falls flat.
I’d really have preferred something where Balor becomes a third side unto himself plus maybe Cethlann as the Fomor and the Avengers have to sort of work around him.
But we get what we get.
Balor’s much smaller wife Cethlann tries to tell Balor to not trust Elathan but Dulb and Indech threaten to stab her much if she doesn’t shut up.
Poor Cethlann. Sure she’s evil but also she has no friends on team evil and her own husband is barely aware of her.
And of course Elathan is planning to betray both Balor and Cethlann after they win because villains be like that.
This is a whole lot of Fomor interpersonal drama info we’re getting in these two issues.
Meanwhile, within Avalon, Hawkeye is throwing a mini-tantrum about how bad things went.
Hawkeye: “Face it, Avengers! We blew it! Those Fomor clowns have us outnumbered and outpowered!”
Captain America: “We’re not finished yet, Clint -- and I’ve seen more than one apparent loser win the war!”
Geez, Clint. Settle down.
Amergin agrees. Particularly because the Avengers have played their unknowing part in his secret master plan perfectly. I mean, except for the part where Thor and She-Hulk died*.
(*They’re just fine, true believers)
But the plan always was for the Avengers to force the Fomor to release Balor because Amergin’s Evil Eye looking weapon needed a power source to power it and Balor is just the one.
No clue how the Avengers would react to being manipulated like this because the Fomor start attacking again and Amergin plops to the floor and then teleports away to confront them.
Outside the gates of Avalon, Balor’s DEATH BEAMS are making short work of Avalon’s defenses.
Then Amergin shows up standing on top of the walls, waving the Evil Eye, and telling the Fomor to get off his lawn. Well, basically.
Amergin: “Do not seek to taunt me, Elathan! Once I drove you and all your allies before me, and one could resist my might! Do you wish to see that day again?”
Elathan is like ‘yeah well you’re old’ and has Balor strike him down with an EYE BEAM.
Elathan: “Farewell, old enemy! None will mourn your passing!”
Ice cold, Elathan.
But, nah, Amergin isn’t dead so easily. In fact, This Is All According To Plan.
He climbs out of some rubble holding an Evil Eye which now glows with an awesome power.
And when Balor tries to EYE BEAM him again, Amergin absorbs Balor’s power into the Evil Eye.
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Amergin: “You have always placed too much stock in your supposed power, Fomor! I too have loved power too much -- but I am wise enough to turn an enemy’s strength against him!”
Balor finally seems aware of Cethlann, asking her to make the pain stop. Cethlann, being Cethlann and not here to be helpful, points at whats happening and starts talking about how screwed they all are.
Elathan tries to jump the distracted Amergin but he is a noun and therefore when he opposes Captain America’s mighty shield, he must yield.
Even if he didn’t know that he was opposing Captain America’s mighty shield. Thems the rules.
Elathan decides ‘hey fuck this human a little bit’ and uses magic to make the Earth start growing up around Cap. As he’s swallowed up, he throws his shield at nothing.
The Avengers end up squaring up against the Fomor. And to Hawkeye’s irritation, he ends up facing Dulb again.
Wasp tries to block the tathlum balls but. Yeah. They’re still magic and dodge around her just to mess with Hawkeye.
Meanwhile, Black Knight realizes how stupid this entire plan was.
Black Knight: “This isn’t working out -- I was stupid to get the Avengers mixed up in this! What happened to Hercules, Iron Man, the Vision, the Scarlet Witch... all the people who were Avengers when I was a member? That’s who I wanted!”
Huh! That’s a good point. Black Knight would have no idea who the current Avengers would be and that line-up would have been a lot stronger for this situation.
(Of course, Iron Man is on the team. He just can’t join because magic reasons)
Black Knight goes to save Captain America but when Captain America throws his mighty shield, all who oppose his shield must yield. Including the Earth.
When he threw his shield at nothing he was really planning a ricochet to free himself.
Good work, Cap.
Meanwhile elsewhere on the battlefield, Amergin is still absorbing Balor. And he’s so totally focused on draining every drop of Balor’s power that he has no defenses against Elathan zaming him in the back from behind. Which is exactly what happens.
Meanwhile meanwhile, Wasp comes up with a plan to turn the tide of the fight. And as a side-benefit, make Hawkeye’s day a little less annoying.
She dzats Dulb in the face to get him pissed at her and throw his tathlum balls.
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Thank god this isn’t the ultimate universe.
Anyway, this makes the tathlum balls hit Tethra right in the face and knock him on his ass.
So, on the one hand. Very effective plan and good thinking, Jan.
On the other hand, that’s gross. That’s gross what you just did.
Black Knight notices Elathan attacking Amergin. Cap tells him to go help the wizard while Cap holds off the other Fomor.
And then Cap immediately runs away.
Because he needs to think of a plan. Unluckily, one presents itself.
Cethlann is lurking around the wall of Avalon and when Cap runs by she grabs his foot.
Cethlann: “Not so fast, human! Cethlann wants to play with you!”
Cap thinks off his foot and flipkicks her into gooey, gooey Indech, gumming both Fomor up. Neither of them are thrilled by this.
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Also, Cap, don’t be rude.
Over at Amergin, Elathan decides it will be both hilarious and ironic to leech Amergin’s life, as the wizard was draining Balor.
Black Knight jumps in to save Amergin, his cursed sword reflecting Elathan’s magic. Which is a handy feature. I had thought the Ebony Sword’s curse mostly thirsted for blood and made Black Knight brood. Anti-magic is a significantly nicer feature.
Elathan has a counter-plan though! Black Knight’s arms are going to get tired eventually and when they do, Elathan is gonna git him!
But Amergin realizes that he’s lost the Eye and that Balor has found the Eye. And Balor wants his power back and obviously thinks that the Evil Eye works like one of those Capri Sun drink pouches and just tries to squeeze the power out. Into his mouth.
Even though Amergin tells him not to do this thing!
Anyway, yeah. It explodes.
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That’s not how Evil Eyes work and it explodes.
Balor is disintegrated by this (and oof Cethlann in the background looking distraught at her husband’s death).
The Fomor take off for the portal to Crusade Era Earth, telling the Avengers that they stand no chance with Amergin dead, because he’s probably totally dead, forever.
Black Knight finds Amergin (who is dying and not quite dead) while Wasp tells the Avengers to Assemble. To the portal to stop the Fomor.
Hawkeye thinks its a little cold to just leave Amergin to die but Cap points out that they can’t really do anything for him that Black Knight couldn’t.
Although, I’d argue that with Black Knight’s anti-magic cursed sword, he should head to stop the Fomor and someone, probably Hawkeye, should stay behind to do last aid. But it’d be a dick move to suggest that so lets let it be.
Black Knight digs Amergin out of the rubble and the dying druid wizard tells him that he won’t last the hour but that there’s still hope.
As catastrophically dumb it was that Balor tried to squeeze the Balor power out of the Balor sucking device, it did the trick. Balor has been completely converted into energy and is stored in the Eye.
Except its too much power and now whoever uses the Evil Eye will be destroyed.
Black Knight: “I’m just borrowing this body, Amergin -- my real body is stone rubble eight centuries away! Tell me what to do -- I’ll do it!”
.... I’d argue that the fact that you’re not in your own body means you shouldn’t be so quick to sacrifice it! What happened to the original occupant??
Amergin: “Yes, my son. You... must. Though it means your death. Find the Eye! This broken body has one last spell left in it! You will have your sword and horse in the next life, brave knight. Where all things are restored!”
Well, that’s a nice consolation to a heroic sacrifice. Your extremely cursed sword and sweet flying horse are going to heaven with you. Or maybe hell. You did do a Crusade, for fun.
Meanwhile, the three remaining Avengers show up to thwart the Fomor from exiting Avalon.
Ethalan: “Again? You are tenacious fleas!”
Hey, didn’t we just have a whole recruitment story because of the Avengers being shorthanded? Now they��re at three. Stupid magic, excluding Iron Man from the fun.
Hawkeye starts the futile hold the line strong, making me slightly sorry about making fun of him a little earlier.
He fires a sonic arrow because sure the Fomor are beefy sacks of magic beef but high pitched noises still hurt and distract. Maybe more, what with their elf-like ears.
Hawkeye: “If you liked that one, you’ll get a bang out of my patented exploding arrow!” -Elathan explodes the ground at his feet- “Or maybe not.”
But maybe next time, shoot first and gloat later.
So Hawkeye is knocked out, leaving just Captain America and Wasp.
Wasp: “This isn’t working out so well, Cap! What do we do now?”
Captain America: “The only thing we can do -- keep going until we can’t go any further!”
Yeah, he can do this all day.
Not very effectively. But at least all day. He tries to wade through Thethra and Indech but he gets caught by gooey gooey Indech. And also Dulb helps.
Elathan is about to step through the portal to Earth when he spots someone on the other side who flings him away from the portal.
Amergin used his last bit of life to cast a spell to plop Black Knight over to the other side of the portal so he could stop the Fomor.
The Fomor say that Black Knight won’t strike with the Evil Eye if the Avengers are in the thick of it but Cap tells Black Knight to just go ahead and do it anyway, because that’s what Cap be like.
Black Knight: “I was ready to seal off the gateway at cost of my own life -- but not that of the Avengers! I can’t handle the power of the Eye... I’ll destroy us all! I - I’m sorry... my friends... I’m sorry -- but I don’t even have a choice!”
And then he explodes. Because he couldn’t hold it in anymore.
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When the explosion fades, there is but a tranquil field, some Balor residue. And a skeleton where the Black Knight had been.
Oh, and the Avengers are fine.
Captain America, Wasp, and Hawkeye pop back to Avengers Mansion. With the spell ended, they rubber-banded back to the future.
So they also get to see that She-Hulk and Thor are fine! They didn’t really have time to mourn them in the heat of the action so now they don’t have to. The superhero life. Always hoping your friends will turn out to be actually alive before you have to grapple with mortality.
Dr. Druid wakes up to Explain Everything now that everything is over with.
Hawkeye mentions hey maybe ask before you fling someone into the past to save the world maybe, huh?!
Dr. Druid: “In other circumstances, I would have asked -- yet your intervention allowed the Black Knight to triumph!”
That doesn’t sound like an apology to me.
Hawkeye asks what happened to Black Knight so Dr. Druid opens up a scry to reveal the skeletonized Black Knight.
But before the Avengers can really grapple with mortality, the scry shifts by itself to Garrett Castle and the pile of rubble that is all that was left of the Black Knight statue.
The rubble moves by itself and reassembles into a Black Knight shape AND THEN unstones.
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Black Knight: “What?! I - I’m home! That’s what Amergin meant by the next life! His... final... gift!”
Hey, not bad!
Sure, I’d have liked Black Knight do more grappling with him being stranded in the past without a future body to return to but that exceedingly long plot point of Black Knight being turned to stone finally has a happy ending!
Doubly so because Black Knight’s sweet flying horse is with him, as promised.
Hawkeye wants to contact Black Knight to celebrate but Dr. Druid suggests that they give him some space.
Dr. Druid: “The Black Knight has just come back from death. He thinks he has gone against principles and brutally murdered his friends to achieve his ends. Let him know you are alive, but give him time to adjust. When he is ready, he will come to you.”
That’s.... good advice actually.
You don’t just let him think you’re all dead because its easier than picking up the phone (X-MEN) but you let him cope at his own pace.
Maybe Dr. Druid isn’t such the Worst Avenger after all.
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And then he leaves because he’s not much for mingling, telling the Avengers “until we meet again, my friends” which I feel is jumping the gun a little bit.
You just met these people and spent maybe two minutes total with them.
So Hawkeye isn’t just being sour when he says “Don’t call us, Curly -- we’ll call you.”
Just slightly sour.
Two-parter fill-in between runs focused on the Black Knight!
It was okay.
Like I’ve said, I like Black Knight out of proportion of actually reading anything with him in it. I think I just like him in concept. High-tech knight cosplayer who falls assbackwards into a cursed magical family heritage when he just wants to be a scientist knight.
I feel like the two-parter doesn’t actually have enough of Black Knight in action? He sort of stays out of things for most of the first issue and doesn’t have a lot of action beats in the second? He gets a heroic sacrifice that also ties off his plot cul-de-sac of being in the past so there can be new Black Knight content in the future, if anyone cares to use him. So that’s good. I just wanted more Black Knight content.
Fomor are okay as antagonists. I feel like we get pretty deep into their interpersonal dynamics despite them not being in a lot of stuff outside of this two-parter. I appreciate that they had individual powers and looks so that they’re more memorable than the Zodiac at least who only have one of those sometimes.
Also its nice? To get Irish mythology in something? Its probably less accurate even than Marvel’s takes on Greek/Roman and Norse mythology but I learned a thing. Mostly about tathlum balls.
Speaking of not being in a lot of stuff, what about Bres? He gets knocked out with an Iron Man to the butt and then just disappears to the off-panel.
Well, the Avengers dumped him on Project PEGASUS which used a machine to keep him depowered. A power failure let him make an escape attempt and he tried to get Super-Skrull disguised as a child to kill Iron Fist but couldn’t even manage that and got locked back up. That was in 1985 so who knows what happened to him after that, what with all the nonsense that happened to Project PEGASUS over the years.
I don’t knows and neither does marvel wiki.
Next time on Essential Avengers, not Avengers. There’s a Spider-Man I need to do to make things make sense.
Follow @essential-avengers​? Maybe? Like or reblog? Possibly? Enjoy the posts either way?
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shuuos · 3 years
tag game!!!
i got tagged by @fandomfishbish !!!!!! :D :D :D
tag game rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better !!!
here are the questions and answers !!!
Name/Nickname: bo !!! i may snatch the name kiki too idk it’s cute tho
Gender: fuck uh good question. idk like it’s related to feminity in the way a dog is related to a wolf but that’s abt it
Star sign: pisces hell yeah!!! i looked up my star chart and immediately forgot so pls don’t ask!!!!!!
Height: 5’3″ and fuck all my friends who are taller than me /j
Time: uhhh mountain standard time if i remember right?
Birthday: march 17!!!
Favorite bands: suddenly i have forgotten every band except for fall out boy ngkcsnkl
Favorite solo artist: JUST ONE?? god uhhhh cavetown maybe?? dodie??? idk man there’s too many good artists out there!!!!!
Song stuck in my head: rät by penelope scott sdncfdkn the animatic vibes are too immaculate
Last movie: god wait i remember give me a second uhhhh GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 2 I THINK
Last show: the umbrella academy bc my sister and i are still trying to binge watch it (and failing to get past the third episode orz we’re too sleeby)
When did I create this blog: ok let’s see i was in 7th grade i think so like.... sometime in late 2014-early 2015 i think?? idk i just know i was in middle school
What do I post: sometimes art, sometimes music, sometimes shitposts or other extremely good posts!!!
Last thing I googled: ancient girl names bc i’ve made yet another oc rip
Do I get asks: no :(
Why I chose my url: uhhh back when i was on deviantart i wanted a ~cool~ username, and i could have sworn i saw this on a username list but i can’t find it anymore so i guess i just made it up!!!!
How many blogs do I follow: 3599 holy shit
How many followers I have: 375 which is actually a lot more than i expected tbh
Average hours of sleep: about 12 hours on a good day, 4 on a bad one, i’d say?? usually i get 6-8 tho
Lucky number: 3, i guess?? that’s always what i’ve defaulted to anyway!!!
Instruments: i can play the ukulele and technically the piano but only by ear,,
What am I wearing: uhhhh shorts and the big star wars shirt my 8th grade homeroom teacher gave me for field day (i don’t watch star wars but we wanted a team uniform and her husband was a geek so she had a lot of shirts to spare sngckjfd)
Dream job: i’ve always imagined that being a freelance artist would be nice!! i don’t think i’m rlly made for capitalism tho i’d rather just run off into the woods and look at clouds
Dream trip: uhhh europe maybe?? i wanna see my friends over there,, or maybe a cross-country road trip????? idk i’ve never really thought abt this?
Last book I read: ,,,,,,, the angel experiment bc i needed to do research for some ocs
Favorite food: mmmmmmmm i’m gonna have to go with pan de dulce bc fuck yeah. sweets and bread.
Nationality: uhhh mexican-american on my mom’s side and venezuelan on my dad’s!!!
Favorite song: wh. why would you ask me this. i’m just gonna pick a song out of my spotify playlist and go: absolutely smitten by dodie HELL YEAH THAT’S A GOOD ONE!!!
Top three fictional universes: hmmm these aren’t in order at all but i’m gonna go with: maximum ride bc winge and also the pseudoscience is just vague enough where u can go buckwild with worldbuilding and i love it, revue starlight bc GOD the uniforms the stage girls wear are so fucking cool and i would kill to own one, and animal crossing bc it’s chill heart emoji
What is something you like about yourself?: if we’re talking physically, my hair is very soft and fluffy and it’s very nice, but if u mean like personality-wise, i am the funniest bitch in this house /lh
ok tag time!!!! unfortunately i have eggs eye and tea so i’m mostly gonna tag my friends and people i’ve generally talked to before:
@homotankki @aviandalek @maxtothemax @no1fan15 @procrastinatorkimberlygrey @autisticfang oh god i don’t talk to that many people uhhh if u see this feel free to use me as an excuse to answer these questions??? if u want???? there’s probably more people i wanted to tag but i have bad memory and Cannot remember
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jondavissmalewife · 4 years
Just spreadin' some love to some lovley and amazing human beings🙄✌️💞💞💞💞
(also excuse any shit grammer)
damn where do I begin. You are seriously one of the most amazing humans ever to exist ever mom istg. We've been friends for so long and ik you think your not a good person (which UHM shut the fUCK UP YOUR WONDERFUL AND AMAZING) and I'm so glad I have you as not only one of my best friends but my mom too😌💕💕💕💕 ilysm mom no homo💞
oooo okay damn. You are such a creative person and your UNDERATED AS HELL LIKE OH MY GOD. Your art is so cute and creative and I love it! I love all your AU's, characters, and just your style in general! Your such a cool person, and even though I have hardly ever talked to you (only through asks), your an amazing person and your an inspiration of mine >:)!
OoOoooOoo OKAY- I have hardly spoken to you, like- at all, but your art is sexy as fuck oh my god. I love the aesthetic you give your art, and whenever you make art it's super cool and I always love seeing it >:)!!!!! (also I love that your into twenty one pilots,) (also your underated and deserve more attention and love)
Like most of the others, I've hardly ever spoken to you, unless through asks. But OoOooOoooOo DAMN, YOUR ART IS AMAZING. I love your characters and your art style and the backstory behind all of them it's just,,, AIGHHFHDJDNDNDNFN- Your a super sexy person and you are ALSO UNDERATED AS HELL.
@tearlikescoffee + @peaches-arts-stuff
oh my god *distant screaming* wHERE DO I FUCKING BEGIN????? uhm well first of all, your art is absolutely sexy as heck. Like- period. I know some people call you cringey, but you seem so frickin nice and cool and I love your art style and all your characters and oH MY GOD. I remember when I added you on discord, and I know we haven't talked like- at all since I've added you, and the most interaction I've had with you is through asks, your such a cool person and I just really love and appreciate you and your art style <:)!!!!!!!
MMMMMMMM OKAY- your characters. I fucking love them. Your art style? I love it. Your backstory behind your characters? I adore it. Your such a cool person, and I absolutely love that about you >:)!! I also really love all your art styles, even if they change a lot!! Your art is super amazing no matter what, and I'm super happy I look up to you as one of my inspirations!
oh my god where do I begin😳🙄
First of all, your art is amazing. Period. I love all of it. I originally found you through Mystic Quartelz, but damn am I happy I did >:)! The most we've spoken through is through asks, and even though I harass you through asks sometimes, your such an amazing person, and I really enjoy seeing your art!! You are also very sexy(no homo)😎✌️
you've been my inspiration since you were Pastel Asriel, and ever since then I've looked up to you so much. I really fucking love your art style, and your creativity and originality behind everything! You inspire me to want to become an animator, and an artist! I'm really happy I found your channel and follow you on tumblr, because your such a cool person and I look up to you A LOT😳😎!!!!!!
I have a few other people I wanna add, but I'm a bit lazy but if I follow you just know I think your super cool and that I love you(no homo)🤠💕
anyways hope enjoyed my ramble on these amazing human beings😌
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iliterallyhatethis · 6 years
Stuck between "I called yall my friends for a good little bit of time and my best friend still considers you guys like genuinely good friends and so I feel like I should/should want to hang out with you" and "the older I get the more I realize I've changed from the person I was at 17, we're 20 now and I don't really vibe with you guys anymore, also the older I get the more immersed I become in the queer community, and you are the only group of straight people I speak ("speak") to now and it only emphasizes this disconnect because you're SO straight and half the things you guys say piss me off now. Additionally even though I know you are good people, I don't know that I wouldnt be bored put of my gd mind trying to sit with you guys at ur house and draw."
0 notes
musesby-rach · 4 years
reese: a, c, d, e, f, g, k, m, n, p, q, r, t, u, x, y, z
A: Are you a virgin?
p l e a s e 
take a guess
C: Celebrity crush?
mmmmmmmm so it’s so basic but like ari@na grnde ever since my girlfriend was like “oh we fit the aesthetic of her and pete”
D: If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
idk if i’d change anything actually? maybe i wouldn’t have been so messy when i was out in maine but it came from a place of loneliness and i try not to dwell on how i acted now that i’ve apologized 
E: Do you smoke?
are you new here?
F: Do you drink?
i enjoy a nice drink 
G: If you had to rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, what would you be?
i dont like rating myself bc i get upset easily. 
however i’m the best brother to my siblings get it? bc i’m their only brother lololol and hopefully(?????) the best partner to my partner 
K: What's the biggest lie you have ever told?
“yeah dad i dropped out of art school to move back to new york and now i’m dating a prostitute”
(this is an inside story and at this point i’m just provoking him to say this he genuinely thinks i’m telling the truth) 
M: What is your sexual orientation?
i’m pretty straight but i can suck a good dick 
i’m not tryna tho, if you get what i’m saying 
N: Top 5 traits you look for in a person that you want to have a relationship with
i very much fell into my relationship with lucy and i’ve never actively sought out a relationship lol so i’ll state some things i like about her since everybody’s seeming to do that 
1. open to adventure 
2. loves art and supports my passion 
3. spontaneous 
4. loves family, loves being a family, and loves my family. i mean lucy and my sisters are pretty good friends and that means so much to me 
5. my god she’s so hot. like so. hot. 
P: Who is your bestfriend?
obviously lucy. but also my little sister shiloh 
stud and claws are very close as well bc i luv my cereal buddies 
Q: Your guilty pleasure?
my god so the other day i literally was making some chocolate milk, put a wholeeeeeeeeeee spoonful of chocolate syrup in my mouth and then i spent maybe 3 minutes eating straight up chocolate syrup. 
i love sweet things, if that’s not clear. 
R: Who was your first kiss?
....................dear god i dont remember her name 
T: What kind of underwear are you wearing?
black boxer briefs, they’re cute xo
U: How big is your penis or for a girl, how big are your boobs
i’m not tryna open that can of worms lololol 
X: Are you circumcised?
i’ll let you know this since i didn’t answer the last q, yeah i am. my dad stays being antiquated, it’s annoying 
Y: Do you name your private parts?
dear god no i wouldn’t be able to keep it up 
Z: Do you pee in the shower?
you don’t?
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callmehopeless · 5 years
5, 16 & 50 for the 100 questions :)
5. Do you have any experiences with a famous person?
I’ve had quite a lot! I’ve met several ex-Prime Ministers, I went to the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards and met a whole bunch of people (like the cast of Narnia) and I recently got to play Jackbox with my favourite Youtuber, CallMeKevin! Because of my work in the bookstore I’ve also met many authors I admire which has been amazing and made me gush like crazy. I met Jennifer Hale (Commander Shepard herself!) at AVCon, too!
My cousin is also someone really rather famous and well-known on this site, so I suppose I’ve had experiences with him pinching my toes at my Aunt’s wedding.
16. Have you ever kissed someone of your same gender?I’m heavily bisexual, so in short - yes, I have. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. I was pining after a good friend of mine and we made out and I pinned her against a bathroom sink once (it was very consensual, don’t worry gang) and that was pretty g o o d. Plus, my first kiss was with a girl I had a big crush on at a bonfire night, and I pretty much melted.
She was straight.
But yes - I’ve kissed more girls than I can remember. The same goes for guys though. And nonbinary people. Oh, to be a young, foolish bisexual…
50. How are you doing today?
Great, thanks for asking! :D I just had some tasty loaded avocado toast I made (see below)
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I’ve just pained my nails, and am writing up reports for my volunteer role. Then I’m thinking I’ll do some writing, and tonight after making some lentil curry for dinner I might wander into the city and see if I can get a crew together to go and do wine-fueled shenanigans? :D
100. Do you live or do you just exist?
I aggressively live. I always have. I pursue pleasure and art and romance and connection, and if I feel something I say it out loud. I wear clothes I love, I enjoy every facet of my life that is in my control.
I am not a person of moderation or modesty - I don’t like pretentiousness or civility or expectation. I live now, and here, and although I plan for the future and who I want to be, I know I’ll die one day and wonder who I was when I couldn’t help it.
I hope that person leaves behind a life filled with mistakes and successes and was never there to just…be.
Thanks friend!
Meet the writer? 
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introvert-with-ink · 5 years
This seems interesting! I don't have friends on Tumblr and the one I do has already tagged me whoops :') so I'm on my own!
One - Name: You can call me Jas, still deciding ;D
Two - Birthday: January 7
Three - Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Four - Height: 5'0
Five - Hobbies: Writing, animating, drawing, singing, making music 👀
Six - Favorite color: Green, yellow, orange, black, blue, purple.. All of em ;p
Seven - Favorite book: Guardians of Ga'hoole
Eight - Last song listened to: Youth by Daughter
Nine - Last film watched: As far as I can remember, The Little Prince, my aunt wanted me to watch it with her ❤.
Ten - Inspiration for muse: Music, books, other art and animations, friends and family, dreams :0
Eleven - Dream job: Animator! :D or Game Designer!
Twelve - Meaning behind your URL: It was originally me just messing around with titles to give my kins as a joke, but Introvert with Ink stuck with me! I feel like it really reflects who I am, a silent kid who has maybe more ink than they need seeing im an artist. And it was also unique in my eyes.
Thirteen - Top three ships: Oof, haven't been paying attention to these in a while, none currently, sorry to leave this blank :(
Fourteen - Lipstick or Lipbalm?: B a l m??
Fifteen - Currently reading: ... Does Fanfiction count? Despite me reading it months ago-
Sixteen - Work: Haha, what's that? Nothing,
Seventeen - Fiction: mmmmmmmm Fantasyyyyy?
Eighteen - Fanfiction: Drafts were thrown out years ago oopsie-
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do you maybe have some recommendations for good imagine blogs? i love your work but im constantly thirsty for more lol
hHEHEEH Anon you just gave me a chance to link to people I love and appreciate thank you, this might get long idk how many I follow but I know its quite a few!
@fiew-embwem-heewoes-imagines is fairly new and would really appreciate the follow! A friend of mine too show them some love!
@writeremblem is another friend, who’s also pretty new too!
@ifonlyimagines has a super cute name and super cute content to match, I’ve never really talked with them but I’m a fan!!!
@fehmagine is very popular, I love her discord server! She’s sweet and writes the good stuff, and is very thirsty for Zelgius she’s so valid give her some love
@astra-crits is a friend too! I think? I think we’re mutuals, but there are so many blogs unless people say who they are its hard to keep track!! 
@emotionaldepravity is a multifandom blog, but mmmmmmmm her writing is A+++, and shes also a good friend who I love and care for so much? Shes so valid??
@fire-em-heroes has two very sweet mods, ask them about their summoners!!
@trashy-writings also has two mods, and they wrote Python content for me how could I not love them???
@fewillnotleavemymind iS MY GIRL I LOVE HER!!! Opens her ask box and says “hey Sydney I see you haven’t asked for Gangrel yet, do that before I close it ;)” Terra ily please follow her she deserves it
@imagine-shenanigans helped promote my blog when I was but a wee babe!!! very cute, will cater to all your self insert needs
@thisway-imagines is so!!! sweet!!! I love her and talk with her often on discord!! very supportive, shes cute and her writing is amazing wow I have great friends
@pokemagines is a multi fandom blog too but who doesn’t like pokemon with their fe???
@imaginefe has thus fair inspired my thirst for Seliph, two of my nsfw pieces and is just.. a constant inspiration for me! I bother them a lot with my main blog, and they’re still on hiatus, but they’ll be back in the game soon! I super recommend them just for the daily hilarity on their blog!
@feimaginethat shares art and imagines! I’ve been following them for a long long time!
last but not least is @villainousfe ! The 3 mods of this blog write strictly for Fe and run a very close-knit discord server; I love them all very much and could not wish them more happiness! They’re very popular, so hopefully, you can catch them when the ask box is open! 
Hopefully, this is enough anon! I know that there’s still more than these people I’ve tagged (btw if you don’t want to be, dm and I’ll remove you!) so keep your eyes peeled!
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