#also go watch nimona
I'm still out here spotting y'all, yet not bad, could be better though, it's not just Queens and Brennan, it Monet X Change, Alaska Thunderfuck, Bob the Drag Queen and JuJubee, aight. Oh and Brennan as the gm.
Anyway, I had to watch and show Nimona to my mom (go watch it btw), so I missed out on the live watch in the discord yet ahhhh, I am living and screaming for tonights episode!
Princess's uncle, Twyla's memories with her playing cards, Bob's/Gertrude's spells and heists, and Troyann's mamma sus drama, has me here and living for the night.
Shout out the the show's editors and production for support this production cause I can't wait for the next episode.
ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ (remember, I'm still watching y'all.)
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tippenfunkaport · 5 months
You know, it would be amazing if Hollywood learned the right lesson from the success of Nimona. Something like "Hey, maybe don't throw out a nearly done movie as a tax write off" or "people want queer stories" or even "don't be afraid to take some storytelling risks and be original" but you just know they're going to come away with some absolutely batshit takeaway like, "next time delete all the evidence and burn it to the ground so the gays can't make us look bad!"
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crows-home · 11 months
hang on one more Nimona thing i realized. I'm so used to movies where the protagonist is inherently talented with no reason and is able to overpower the antagonists. Like, they're always unexplainably powerful and "oh wow, this person is stronger than these other people that have been training for years."
So, on my first watch, I thought that's what it was for Ballister. He fought a bunch of his fellow knights, overpowered them, disarmed the prodigy, Goldenloin.
THEN i rewatched, paid more attention, and holy shit. He's been like this since the beginning.
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And then i started to notice the little things that subtly supported this.
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He makes his own arm, that must take intellectual skill. He grabs a can that was about the fall off the shelf and make noise, without even looking at it.
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And during the fight scene at the institute!! At first, I was like ok, typical protagonist fight scene where they overpower tons of other people. Because Plot.
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But no!! the more i think about it, it's reasonable. It's established early on that Ballister is competent, he's skilled. He's very aware of things going on around him. He's able to knock out knights that around coming up behind him without looking, swiftly disable opponents.
Rewatching it always makes me go back and see these characters in a new light. So my view on Ballister went from "ah, mess of a man that's put in a tough situation. Able to do these crazy things because they're necessary to the plot." to "Oh he's competent!! That's the point!! He's still a mess but :0"
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weaponizedducks · 4 months
absolute funniest thing to me is Disney scrapping Nimona only for netflix to take it and get it oscar nominated while Wish, Disney's 100th anniversary movie, got nothing. karma really is a bitch
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karmicpunishment · 11 months
i was re-watching nimona and looking at the moments of nimona’s tapetum lucidum and thinking “atsushi’s eye’s definitely do this”
kyouka, getting a glass of water in the middle of the night and seeing this shit:
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looking back at her from the closet where atsushi sleeps
atsushi had absolutely no clue this was happening, he just thought even had night vision this good
nearly gives half the office a heart attack the first time they see it
it makes night stake outs easier at least!
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I am not immune to the trans shapeshifter, gay knight propaganda
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kikithefox231 · 1 year
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Girl help
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plan-3-tmars · 1 year
this is exactly what it feels like to be trans.
Nimona: "Honestly, I feel worse when I don't do it, like my insides are itchy. You know like that second right before you sneeze? That's close to it. Then I shape-shift and I'm free"
Ballister: "What if you held it in? If you didn't shape-shift?"
Nimona: "I'd die."
Ballister: "Good Gloreth that's horrible!"
Nimona: "Don't be so gullible! I wouldn't die die, I just sure wouldn't be living!"]
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shriekingbrainrot · 1 year
Please please please go watch Nimona I just finished it and it made me Feel things
Seriously, cannot recommend enough
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gnomeniche · 11 months
nate d. stevenson fucking loves childhood friend drama and you know what. so do i
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doomdoomofdoom · 4 months
Since it keeps getting brought up together with Nimona (which is currently free on YouTube and you should watch it a thousand times), I decided to watch Disneys Wish and,,,
I mean it's not an awful movie. I'm on the fence whether I'd call it bad, but it definitely is inadequate.
The movie refuses to commit to anything. The animation style is caught between storybook and refusal to let go of their 3D formula. The story has several beats it could play off really strongly, but refuses to engage with: The kingdom can't decide if it's a fascist state or a free land under a kinda wack dude. It can't even decide if the people there are happy or not. The dissonance in language is ridiculous, especially within the songs. Your villain song by the medieval king sorcerer should not start with "Peep the name" or randomly talk about genetics?? (I'm pretty sure they only included this so they could make a vague joke about his ass, since the line is "I got these genes from outer space", with "genes" sounding the same as "jeans" - which also have no place in the setting.) I don't think anything could have prepared me for the sucker punch that is a bunch of woodland creatures singing about being shareholders.
I also feel like the audio mixing during the songs is off, I think it's because it doesn't account for atmosphere and the acoustics of its locations, but I do not have a good audio brain. Someone else is more qualified for that.
There's a bunch of cinema sins level criticisms I could make about the story, like "why doesnt anyone outisde the kingdom learn magic" or "mathematically it makes no sense to assume every wish would be granted", but I think that goes against good faith criticism.
The movie also has a huge problem with showing vs telling. We have two characters dedicated to hyping up how much Asha cares for everyone, and within the movie she acts pretty much opposite to that claim. Similarly, we're told that the king clearly rose to this power and status by being so cool and charismatic, but every time he opens his mouth he sounds like a pseudo-intellectual twitter thread.
And don't get me started on the whole self-references thing. I'm normally fond of easter eggs like that, but these just shatter immersion into little pieces. There's a scene where the villain just describes the plots of three different Disney movies. Instead of giving the protagonist a distinct outfit, she spends half the movie wearing the Fairy Godmother's cloak. The entire movie's premise is just "When You Wish Upon A Star".
I do like the attempt at diversity, Asha's best friend using a crutch to get around is never pointed out as unusual and her friend group is presumably diverse in character and race. Unfortunately, I can only name two of them. I can't even tell you how many people the group consists of, that's how undefined they are.
I don't like shitting on a piece of media/art because even if it was created by a shitty greedy garbage studio to hit their ridiculous release schedule, there are always genuinely passionate artists involved in the production. It's a shame they didn't get to shine in this mediocre disappointment.
Anyway, go watch Nimona.
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tragically i won’t be able to watch nimona until july 3rd at the earliest so i’m going to be mostly offline until i’ve seen it to avoid spoilers. i will see you all on the other side 🫡
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cute-as-buttons · 1 year
something something "innocent ppl will die!" "so will the monster" something something trans ppl being used as scapegoats
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illegiblehandwriting1 · 11 months
i just watched nimona (minor spoilers ahead! go watch it!)
first half was just "awww cute lighthearted movie, neato, this is cool!" loving the characters and the vibe, everything's going well. Seems like the conflict wrapped up a little too quickly, so i check how much time is left. there is another half of the movie, so ok awesome! wonder what they're gonna do!
movie ends. i am in shambles.
also are we gonna talk about how the main character is a gay amputee poc with an adorably caring boyfriend who is shown to be the explicit love interest the moment he comes on screen and his sidekick is a genderfluid metalhead minor with pink hair who he pretty much adopts, like
i love them so much
and then also just...all of the end credits (the progress flag transition? the anarchy heart? it made me jump for joy. nimona knows what's up)
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sortanonymous · 4 months
I've watched and adored Encanto, Wolfwalkers, Across the Spider-Verse, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, and Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio. All absolutely incredible animated films that I'm sure will be held up as classics even 20 years from now.
With that said, Nimona is frankly a good step above all of them and my choice for animated film of the decade so far (at least for what I've heard of). An absolutely stellar film on every level. Do yourself a favor and watch it all on YouTube these next few days!
Does it stand a chance at the Oscars? Absolutely not, especially since even the Annies were dominated by Spider-Man. But it would absolutely deserve to. (And again, I adore Spider-Verse and still think it's 100% worthy of the Oscar on its own. It's basically the reverse of the Puss in Boots vs. Pinocchio situation last year. They're both masterpieces, only this time the slightly better masterpiece is almost certainly gonna get left in the cold.)
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chlothequeen · 1 year
Watched Nimona and I think that was the most trans allegory to ever allegory
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