#i definitely didn’t watch it twice within 3 days of it being out
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I am not immune to the trans shapeshifter, gay knight propaganda
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sadly-in-active · 4 months
What type of yandere do you think the Ancients would be if they were one
Thank you for the idea anon <3
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Yandere Ancients x Reader
Summary: Oh, lookie, lookie here! It seems that you've managed to charm each and every ancient into loving you dearly...a bit too dearly perhaps. But that's just how they show their affections, right? Maybe that one cookie you were talking to the other day is alright and well and not dead in a closet?
TW: Stalking, manipulation, murder, threatening, not beta read and has never done yandere hcs before. Have fun pookies :D
(It goes from least scariest yandere to most)
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Hollyberry Cookie
She's definitely attached to you, thats for sure.
You know love bombing? Make it like she's sending a tactical nuke right towards your heart.
She's very clingy, but would allow you to go and do things on your own, you just have to tell her what you did and where you went. Oh, and who exactly you were with.
Hollyberry would never lay a finger on you in a harmful way. Why would she if she knows you'll never want to hurt her affectionate and adorable heart?
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Golden Cheese Cookie
She treasures you much, much more then any piece of gold or glittering item she could ever create in her kingdom. The kingdom would be worthless without you in it.
Golden Cheese would stalk you and your every move, sometimes even commanding the marzipan cookies to follow you and photograph your day.
Talking to someone that wasn't the Golden Sovereign? Consider them gone, turned to dust in mere seconds.
She's a goddess! Why would you not want to worship her as much as she does to you..?
It would almost make her sad. Luckily, her best option is to make you do it.
And how could refuse such godly words and beautiful voice?
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White Lily Cookie
She’s certainly worse then most of the Ancients. White Lily may just keep you inside the Faerie Kingdom at all times, perhaps even convincing Elder Faerie to keep you under house arrest. Although, she wouldn’t tell you specifically…
White Lily always had her eyes on you, the way you smiled at her words, how you hold her close and say how much you love her.
And she’ll convince you almost every time that you need her.
How could you refuse such a sad and pouty face she makes every time you want to doubt her? It’s almost pitying.
Knowing her goals and past, she would want you to reassure her that you love her, no matter what.
No matter what.
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Dark Cacao Cookie
He CANNOT lose you. Anything that you do must be monitored.
Hell, he may even want to use Affogato Cookie’s old spells to keep you under his watch, all agreeable and soft..
He has threatened you once or twice whenever you try to question his judgement, saying stuff like:
“My love, don’t fret. I’m only protecting you.”
But your fears and suspicions were confirmed after one of the Watchers you were talking to suddenly went missing the next day. All you did was say hello and made small talk…
You knew he lost a lot, of course he had the right to be protective over you.
Except being so overprotective and going so far as to…eliminate someone out of sheer jealousy?
You had caused this situation. This was worse then what Affogato Cookie did to the King, because you were doing it completely on accident.
So, to stop hurting anyone else, you just…accepted his love, remaining safe and unharmed within the citadel, avoiding everyone in case of another accident.
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Pure Vanilla Cookie
He was supposed to be a pure soul. Someone who’d never do anything horrible or wrong…
Yet when he met you, he instantly got attached. Why? Not even he could explain. You just had some sort of connection with him that made Pure Vanilla love you so dearly.
He definitely hurt you while you were sleeping once or twice, and the feeling of watching you thank him after healing you was…exhilarating.
His habits started from little cuts on your legs to full blown “love” bites and deep cuts on your arms and hands.
At first, you didn’t realize it was him, but after becoming concerned by how much it was happening, you decided to pretend sleeping and wait until something happened.
And it was an understatement that you were shocked.
It was more…terrifying, honestly.
And when you confronted him? He practically almost broke down crying, pulling on your clothes and begging for forgiveness and that he wouldn’t do it again.
Oh, how a King fell so far from purity, nobody will know.
Because after this incident, you forgave him. Surely he was going to stop? You loved him after all, of course he wouldn’t do it again..
And he didn’t. The reason? It’s because you’ve started to lose sleep now. At a concerning point…
Was that coffee in the air? No, just vanilla, as usual…
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glitxhwayventeen · 2 years
The Taken One
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Characters: Kun x female reader
Warnings: mentions of childhood abuse, hints at past sexual assault by a family member, mentions of cheating, mentions of hunger and food, mentions of women not being allowed to do much because the governments shit, mentions of war, mentions of running away, mentions of an animal attack on a human (though not super graphic), mentions of passive suicidal ideations, mentions of parental death, dark humor about it tbh, sort of cheating but also not?, I think that’s all but let me know if i missed anything!
Author’s Note: This pairs with Joshua’s The Taken One as well, with Joshua’s first part going first then Kun’s. Then the same goes for part two. Prepare to be sad. She’s a long one folks.
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Watch It All Burn Masterlist
The Taken One: Part 2
Joshua’s The Taken One: Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3
Mostly 🥀
Bold= Korean Dialogue Italics= Thoughts Pink= Cantonese Red=Mandarin Green=English
Tag List-
You had known Kun a long time. Everyone said you were the power couple. The ‘it’ couple. The couple that couldn’t be broken no matter what obstacles tried to throw themselves in your way. Who could’ve known that they could all have been so wrong?
You first met him when you were in school. Well, when you were sort of in school. You had known of him for most of your life since he was all anyone at your school had ever wanted to talk about. But he wasn’t in your grade. You were one grade below him and, even though you took advanced classes for your age, your paths never really crossed until one faithful day when he caught you walking through the woods with your backpack on.
Normally, Kun wouldn’t have thought twice about seeing a girl walking around with her backpack on her back out of the corner of his eye while he was playing a ball game in his schoolyard with some of his friends.
But because of the growing war tensions, many laws had recently changed. One of such laws made it to where women weren’t allowed to learn in a public setting anymore. Nothing specifically said they couldn’t learn, but the new conservative policies definitely put severe and direct restrictions over what women could and couldn’t do.
When Kun saw a small girl struggling to carry her school bag after the law was put in place, his first instinct wasn’t to run and tell a teacher that there was a girl breaking policy, it was to run and hide the girl out of sight so she wouldn’t get caught.
He and his family thought the law was stupid and should’ve never been implemented. He grew up with a sympathetic father who was saddened by the struggles of others and a strong willed ‘do it yourself’ mother who didn’t like when bad things happened to others. In turn, they taught their son to always protect and care for others even if his own life could’ve been put at risk, just as they themselves would.
So he knew immediately that he had to help her. He quickly dismissed himself from his game on the premise of having a leg cramp and bolted to the edge of the woods as soon as no one was looking.
He ran for what seemed like forever until he stumbled upon a very sad, very distressed smaller girl: you.
You were quietly sobbing into your hands while you sat on a tree stump with a bag stuffed so full of stuff, he was worried it would burst with any sudden movement from you.
“H-Hello, are-are you okay?” Kun practically whispered, trying to keep his tone down not just to not worry you but also so he wouldn’t raise any nearby alarms about a girl so close to school grounds.
You immediately darted up from your sitting position with wide eyes, allowing him to see the cuts and bruises on your face, and ducked behind the back of the stump, knowing full well that being caught would mean certain death for you.
Though you weren’t sure if at 12 years old you even cared at that point about whether you lived or died, you did know you didn’t want to die as vicious a means to an end as death by firing squad. You had already been through and gone through so much unnecessary and painful abuse and trauma. You weren’t sure if you could handle such a violent death too.
“It’s- It’s okay. I won’t hurt you or turn you in.” The boy promised, causing you to peak up from your hiding place just enough to see if you could tell if he was being honest or not.
You were met with a handsome boy in a slightly crouched, less menacing position. But based on his height and demeanor you figured he was probably a year or two older than you. You thought you vaguely recognized him but you couldn’t place a name to his face.
You did note, however, that his deep dimples and starry eyes held nothing but earnesty and compassion in them, “I don’t know if you know me or not, but my name’s Kun. Qian Kun.”
Oh. You definitely knew his name alright. Everybody knew him. He was a goody goody teacher's pet that did whatever he could to get ahead to some. To others, he was just a kind and thoughtful misunderstood boy who’d do anything for anyone and not ask for anything in return. But how could you know which version you’d heard about him was the truth?
Kun understood your hesitation and reluctance. Not only did he not recognize you, meaning you had most likely never met, but you probably didn’t know what to think of him.
He knew the stories surrounding him and you were probably trying to decipher which were true and which weren’t. Because being wrong could’ve meant being executed for you.
He could practically see you shaking with fear. It made his heart twist in his chest uncomfortably. He’d never felt such… sorrow for someone else before. You were trembling in fear and looked like you lost to someone in a fighting match even though you were so young. It didn’t seem fair to him that you were put in the position you were in, whatever that position was.
But because it was only a matter of time before someone noticed he was missing himself, he decided to play his odds and be direct with you, “Look, i know you must be scared. But why would I have told you my name if I was gonna turn you in? Even if you believe everything people say about me, you must know that even the informers can get in trouble sometimes too.”
You couldn’t deny that he had a point. Some people would go out of their way to find citizens who were breaking the law to turn them in for the reward money.
But you always thought it was stupid of them. Everyone had heard the countless stories of all parties involved going missing or being murdered simply because they stood next to someone who broke a law or because the government wanted to keep the whole thing quiet so they could pretend everything was just peachy throughout your country. But how could you be sure the boy was actually there to help you?
There were just as many cases of the informer being awarded money or much needed ration cards for turning people in after tricking them into thinking they would help harbor them. He could’ve easily just been trying to gain your trust so he could do the same, you didn’t know. So you opted to stay silent.
“I’m just trying to help you. I swear! You shouldn’t be around here. They’re patrolling more and more. You need to get out of here!” He pleaded quietly with you, but you couldn’t help but still worried.
You were always taught men were bad. You were shown that men were bad. That’s why you were out in the first place. And even if you did believe the boy, you didn’t have anywhere else to go.
You didn’t want to go back home. You wouldn’t go back home. You couldn’t go back home. After this last time, you promised yourself you’d break free and that’s exactly what you did. You threw your most important and necessary items in your old school bag and ran for it. You figured you could run away to a new country. Somewhere where people wouldn’t hurt you for sport. Somewhere where women and children had a say and were protected. Somewhere better.
Kun had just caught you in the middle of some much needed rest from your night of running and crying. Now, you faced each other as he tried to convince you trust him.
But before either of you could make any move at all, you both heard tire tracks hitting the dirt road not too far from where you were. And they were getting closer. Much closer.
Out of desperation, Kun ran and jumped over the tree stump. He crouched over you so his chest hit your back (which was of course covered by your backpack), wrapped his arms around you and threw you both into a rather large bush with him landing on the ground first before you could try anything that would’ve no doubt gotten you both killed.
Once you were both settled in the bush, you were practically in his lap with how you landed, he trapped his hand over your mouth and whispered for you to be quiet.
Almost as if on cue, you heard a car stop not too far from the bush you found yourself in and listened as soldiers got out. Though you could hear a group of them talking in mandarin. But, as you weren’t as fluent in mandarin as you were in your mother tongue of cantonese, you didn’t really understand what they were saying.
The voices were using a very formal way of speaking and a much more developed vocabulary than you had learned. Mandarin itself was already very hard for you as the language was very differently set up than your own. But you had only just begun taking lessons in it a year ago, when it had been mandated by the state that every Chinese citizen be required to speak it in public at all times in yet another new law.
Since you stopped going to school so early on in your teachings, your progress in the language all but stopped. So you hadn’t become proficient enough in it to be confident you understood what even fellow young students said, let alone what a bunch of adult soldiers said.
But as his arm tightened around you and his legs moved to cover your balled up body, part of you knew he could and realized he was doing his best to shield you from whatever could’ve been coming by using his body as some sort of a chrysalis around you. The move probably would’ve made your heart beat a little faster had it not already been pumping like crazy from terror.
Neither of moved. You were both hardly even breathing. As you heard the footsteps and their shoe crunching getting closer and closer, you were worried you’d freak out just from the sheer horrifying thought of the soldiers catching you and you didn’t want to risk potentially exposing the both of you when you could’ve still had a chance to get away.
So you decided to find something, anything, to focus on that wasn’t them. You landed on Kun’s rapid heart beating behind you, something you could still somehow hear despite your bag creating what almost certainly was at minimum six inches between your back and his chest.
Even though the both of you were the most scared you had ever been in your young lives, for some reason being in the situation with him made you feel less worried. Hearing his heartbeat so close to your own gave you a sense of comfort and security you had never had before that moment.
Sure you were downright terrified that the soldiers were gonna come and shoot you both. But for some weird reason, some part of you thought you wouldn’t have minded if the both of you met your end there so long as you had each other.
It was quite a while before the shoe crunching and footsteps went away. It seemed like hours till you heard their car turn back on and drive off. At least, that’s what it felt like. But once the elder of you deemed it save, he slowly uncoiled himself from around you and checked to see if the coast was clear. Once he realized it was, he fully got out of it and then turned his attention to helping you get back out as well.
Which itself proved a challenge as the near brush with danger left young you feeling as though your legs were jello and made your body feel faint. After a try or two he managed to sit you back down on the stump you had previously used to hide from him with so you could try and calm down.
While you were trying to steady your breathing again, he finally was able to get a real look at you. Sure he caught a small glimpse in the .03 seconds he had before you went straight to panicking at the site of him, but it didn’t give him enough time to realize you were actually kinda… cute.
Your long jet black hair now had little twigs and even a small leaf in it, your what he could tell were naturally large amber colored eyes were now widened even further from the shock of the military men trying to catch you, and the scarlet lips he had previously held behind his palm to keep you from giving away your location were now protruded into a child like pout.
He realized you probably weren’t much younger than him, or at least would probably be considered taller than most girls your age based on the fact that you weren’t really super short.
But something he definitely couldn’t help but notice was that you smelt amazing, like fresh linens with a hint of daisies, even though the both of you had literally spent the past hour hiding to save your lives. He figured his 13 year old self must’ve smelt nowhere near as good as you from the sweat that had formed due to the stress of him trying to keep you both alive.
“H-hello…?” You gently spoke to gain his attention in the sweetest little voice he had ever heard in his life.
Once he realized that you must’ve been trying to get his attention and that he had more than likely zoned out while staring at you, he jumped out of his trance, “uh- um sorry. W-What did you say?”
“I said: you should probably go. They’ll… probably come back and uh… I’m sure you don’t want to be here when they do.” You suggested, refusing to look him in the eye and instead determined to keep your eyes on your now cut up legs.
They were pretty banged up from the long walking and the suddenness of being thrown into hiding. And that’s not all. You had small cuts and bruises everywhere, you tights were snagged, the arm of your dress shirt was ripped, and you could’ve sworn you had some sort of new rather large cut on your forehead based on the dripping stinging feeling you were feeling.
Though, you weren’t trying to seem ungrateful for him saving you. Far from it, you were trying to thank him for saving your life by saving his life.
They’d probably come back again since they were cracking down on people even harder now. You didn’t want him around again for that since he still had a chance.
And the more you though about it, the more you realized you definitely couldn’t go home and really only had two options: let the soldiers find you and hopefully give you a quick death with a bunch of guns or starve to death slowly on the streets. You opted for the first of the two so you’d have less of a chance of suffering.
Kun moved around uncomfortably in his spot, “Oh… right. Yeah they’ll- they’ll probably be back soon. We should go.” He agreed, putting his hand out to help you off the stump like the gentlemen he was raised to be.
But instead of grabbing it to get up, you kindly pushed it down and shook your head, “No,” You simply stated, “You… You should go. I’m staying here.”
“What do you mean you’re staying here? You know what just happened. It’s not safe! We need to go!” He insisted in a haste, trying to pull you up from the stump using the closest arm of yours he could grab.
But you refused to leave your spot and grabbed onto the top of the tree stump with your free arm, so his efforts were much to no avail.
“Stop it,” you hissed through thickly accented mandarin, “I-I can’t go anywhere.”
“And why on earth not?” Kun questioned, still using as much strength as his tired body would let him in his current state to get you up out of your seat.
“Because- I… I have no where else to go okay?” You tried to pull your arm from his grasp but you soon realized he was too strong, so you instead settled for giving him the evil eye.
With your new statement though, he dropped your arm in shock anyways, “W-What do you mean you have nowhere else to go…?” He asked softly, now with saddened eyes.
He didn’t know you, but something about him already had him having a small crush on you. Which was stupid considering neither of you were really in a position to be making google eyes at each other, but he figured it was his teenage hormones. Either way, that same part of him didn’t like the way you said what you said and gave him a bad feeling in his gut.
“I… I won’t go home,” You spoke slowly as you tried to think of the correct words to say in mandarin, “It’s… not safe there.” You answered, once again refusing to look the strange boy in the eyes, “And since I’d just… go hungry living on the street, I’d… rather go down by the- oh what’s the word? The firing squad.”
Kun didn’t understand. Why were those what you saw as your only two options? Why did you choose those as your two options? Why would you choose to die? Didn’t you realize your parents were probably scared out of their minds looking for you?
“Why the firing squad?” He asked.
He was honestly just trying to scare you into backing down and going back home. He didn’t think you had thought out what you were saying properly and that bringing the idea back up may shock you into rethinking your whole statement. He didn’t think you thought any of of what you said through.
“At least it’s quick.”
Kun was in absolute disbelief. And if he hadn’t been in disbelief from your actual words, the look of pure acceptance on your face was enough to leave him completely dumbfounded.
Because he realized you had actually really thought it through. But what could’ve been so awful at your home that made you want to commit second hand suicide than to return? What in the world could’ve made you think that that was a better alternative than living at home with your parents.
“You’d prefer to be shot than to just go back home to your loving parents?” He asked a question, again just more trying to scare you than anything.
You nodded and answered in a tiny, “Yes.”
Kun was borderline in tears at that point. How could you in all your childishness think dying was better than going home to your family? He could never leave his parents. He loved them. And he knew they loved him. So how could you just get up and leave people who loved you so much?
“But… Why?” He quizzed quietly.
“Because my father he… he loves me too much…” you quivered barely above a whisper.
Part of you wasn’t even sure if the older boy heard what you said. Part of you hoped that he hadn’t so you didn’t have to live through the shame of telling your story out loud. But it just… slipped out.
He wasn’t sure what you meant by your statement at the time. He wasn’t even sure why you were crying as you said it or why you brought your legs up to your chest and began rocking back and forth. But it gave him an ominous feeling he had never quite felt before.
He didn’t know who you were, and he still wasn’t really sure of why you didn’t want to go home. But if you didn’t want to go to your home, surely he couldn’t just leave you out in the open to be found by soldiers by yourself.
So the older boy thought for a moment as he watched you, trying to decide what to do.
But in the end, he could only think of one option, “Well if you won’t go back to your home, why don’t you come back to mine?”
You quickly stopped your mini breakdown at the boys suggestion, wiped your tears, and sniffled to clear your throat, “W-what?”
“If you won’t go back to your home, why don’t you come back to mine? At least for the night. That way you’ll at least get some food and a warm bed to think on it for a little while.”
And that was how you found yourself at Kun’s house sitting in his room while him and his parents spoke in the living room without him having even known your name or where you came from.
You honestly only agreed to go with him because you figured best case scenario: you’d get a warm meal and bed for the night, Worst case scenario: they’d tell you to leave immediately at their son’s crazy idea. At that point you really had nothing to lose. It wasn’t like Kun was gonna take no for an answer and chances were that his parents would just throw you out and you’d be on your own anyways. What was the harm?
But to your ultimate shock though, even though they were fairly hesitant at first, after their little family talk they let you stay with them. Kun’s mom made dinner and you were able to have some like he said you’d be able to.
Had you’ve actually eaten that week, you’d have been slower eating and been more careful with your manners like you’d been taught. But the smell of an actual home cooked meal coupled with the grumbling knife feeling in your belly practically made you a wild animal at their dinner table.
You were sure after that little stunt they’d have kicked you out because of your unintended disrespect. But they didn’t.
They let you stay the night in Kun’s room and he instead took the couch in the living room. It was strange, having an actual bed to sleep in. It was soft and cloud like. The blankets were warm and inviting. And the pillow they gave you was calling your name. It made it easy to fall asleep.
But then you woke up screaming from another one of your nightmares. You’d had nightmares nearly every night of your short life back then, that night was no exception. And that’s when you were positive your luck had ran out and you’d be back on the streets in an hour.
Though instead of being angry at you for disturbing their sleep, the Qians were nothing but concerned for you. Kun’s mom even cradled you and sang old Hokkien songs from her childhood to get you to go back to sleep.
When morning came, you fully prepared yourself for them to throw you out as soon as daylight hit. You got all of your things repacked in your bag and got dressed for the long journey ahead of you before the Qian’s had even woken up themselves. You ended up falling back asleep waiting for them to come and tell you to leave.
But they never did. In fact, you didn’t wake up from the exhausting night before until Kun had already been in school for three hours and Mr. Qian had already gone to work.
Ms. Qian said that they figured it was best to just let you stay asleep after the day you’d had and she made you some eggs. She asked you a lot of questions about you and your life. She didn’t push you to answer them, but she was too welcoming a person to ever deny her answers. So you told her the truth. The whole truth, which was something you hadn’t ever done before with anyone.
When you were done you were a bawling whining mess and told her you’d understand if they wanted you gone as soon as possible. You told her you wouldn’t blame them in the slightest if she decided to throw you and your things to the curb the very next second.
But instead, she pulled you in for the most loving hug you’d ever had, possibly the only real hug you even remembered at the time, and told you you were welcome to stay for as long as you’d liked.
It wasn’t something that was uncommon. During the war, no one really cared about kids so they could do basically whatever they wanted as long as they didn’t break any laws. Millions went missing. Thousands got jobs or left schools. Hundreds moved to new families. Somehow, you happened to be all three.
Your father reported you missing of course because he was a twisted controlling man, but since the cops didn’t care about even their own kids, they didn’t care about his. You had to leave school because the government said the only role women had during the war was to bare children, to become housewives, or to prepare for their future duty to do both. And you became part of the Qian family.
And it was a good family. Mr. And Mrs. Qian loved each other just as much as they doted and loved their son. Their happy family environment took you a long time to get used to since you’d never had one like it before. But once you did, you were glad you got to witness it. Eventually when you were comfortable enough just seeing them be the sweet family they were, they also had you really become a apart of it.
They began treating you like the daughter they never had but always secretly wanted.
Mr. Qian was quiet and reserved but always had some stupid dad joke ready that seemed to make all the worried of the day all better and helped to tutor you for the subjects you’d missed in school so that you’d be able to continue whenever the war was over and the stupid law was reversed.
Mrs. Qian showed you how to cook, play musical instruments, and taught you all about herbal Chinese medicine and supposed potions to pass the time. They acted like you had been born into the family, something you’d never expected because they already had their own son. But they always told you that their son saw you as his family, and being his family meant you were their family.
Whenever you asked Kun what they’d meant by that or why he considered you his family when you were going through his homework for the day, he just shrugged and told you it was just a feeling he had. And for some reason that answer made you feel incredibly loved and cared for, you weren’t sure why either.
About a year into your staying with them, you and the Qian’s went to the park to get some fresh air, something that was only permitted on weekends by the new government as during the week it could’ve been considered a distraction. It was rare that Mr. Qian could get time off work for family time, so everyone was pretty excited.
You and Kun decided to go down by the Min River just off the park to skip rocks, something he was shocked to hear you’d never done before. He had only just finished helping you glide a small stone through the water successfully when you started hearing noises from behind a tree.
At first, you thought nothing of it. But then you notice that Kun was standing straighter and more rigid than usual. Even then, you didn’t think much of it. You figured maybe he was starting to get tired or maybe he had something on his mind.
It wasn’t until the hairs on his arms began to stand up and a growl like sound emitted past his chest that you really noticed something serious was going on with him.
Just as you were going to ask him what was wrong with him, you heard a voice you had prayed to a higher power you didn’t even believe in that you’d never have to hear again.
“So this is what you’ve been doing all this time my little ________?”
Immediately you turned on your heels, hoping the voice you heard hadn’t actually materialized into existence behind you.
But it did. He did. And once your fears were confirmed with your very eyes, you thought you’d pass out from the sheer anxiety and terror that suddenly started to radiate through your body.
“F-father I-” You couldn’t help but stutter in your native language out of habit, you didn’t seem to have control over your words, or your legs based on the buckling state of your knees for that matter.
“You ran away from home-” your father seethed as he started coming closer to you.
Which was something that had you attempting to walk backwards to gain some distance. But the previously peaceful scenery around you betrayed you once your feet soon stumbled upon the river’s dirt edge. You had no where to go.
“You worried your mother and I sick-” the closer he got to you, the more you’d wished you’d never had gone with Kun that day.
You wished you could’ve taken back the whole year of happiness and love because now you had to deal with a year of your father’s repressed rage and abuse. You suddenly wished you’d never ran away and that you just stayed back in your old home. You wanted to die everyday your father came near you, but at least you knew what you could expect of his treatment of you.
“Made us file a police report-” His everyday fury was enough to cripple the strongest man.
You didn’t want to even think of what he’d do to do now that he’d found you. Would he force you home? Would he hit you in public? Would he just kill you already and get it over with? Part of you already knew he’d never let you go, but part of you also hoped he’d just put you out of your misery before it started.
“All to be goofing off with some boy? Are you kidding me ________?! What’s our rule about men huh?! Huh!?” You debated whether or not jumping into the seemingly never ending river to end it all would be an option.
You knew he could swim and you couldn’t. And you also knew your father was definitely the type of man that would save you only so he could continue to torture you for the rest of your life. So it seemed like a pointless move. You’d never be free of him. He’d never let you go.
As he got within a five foot radius of you, you looked around for Kun so you could at least get one last glance of the boy that had given you the best year of your life, so you could say goodbye to the boy who had kindly taken you in when you had no where to go. You wanted to catch a glimpse of him for the last time to let your eyes express to him the words you had never gotten to say to him: i love you.
But you soon realized he was nowhere to be found. As much as you wanted to whine out loud at the thought of not getting a chance to see him before your fate was sealed, you knew it was for the best. You didn’t want him to see what would happen to you, whatever it was.
You gulped once you could perfectly see your father’s nostrils flaring, “I- I-” you tried to answer in the hopes of lessening the anger he felt towards you, but your words and voice still failed you.
You hoped Kun got to his parents. That he ran to them as soon as he realized it was your father who had interrupted your private moment together.
“Well ________?!?” Your father exploded, getting so close to your face you could feel his breath hit your face, the scent of vodka filling your nostrils as he tried to intimidate an answer out of you like he had done so many times before.
You hoped the Qian’s left already. You hoped they were gone and that they stayed gone. You hoped they’d forgotten about you the second Kun got to them to save themselves and that they realized trying to help you anymore than they already had was futile.
Your father would no doubt try to find the family that sheltered and cared for you. He’d make them regret ever crossing paths with you like he’d done to anyone else in the past that tried to show you even an announce of kindness. If they left, they’d at least get a head start. They’d at least have a chance to save themselves.
Tilting your head down to look at your feet, you tried one last time to give him acknowledgement, “T-They-” Your voice started to fail you once more, causing more anger to erupt from your father’s throat.
You wished you could have thanked the Qian’s. You wished you could have told them how grateful you were for their kindness and generosity towards you. You wished you could have thanked them for treating you like you were their own flesh and blood when you were just some strange girl Kun had picked up from school. You wished you could have told them that their help in your time of need meant everything to you and that you wished you could have repaid them somehow.
You wished you could’ve had one last day with them to memorize the warm feeling that hit you the second you’d walked through their front door to keep the cold abyss that would soon be your prison once more from getting to you.
You wished you could’ve sat down with the respectful Mr. Qian once more before you’d be stuck with your pig of a father for the rest of your life. You wished you could’ve cooked with the joyful Mrs. Qian as you chatted about your day one last time before you got stuck with your silent and resentful mother. You wished you could’ve sat at the dining room table while a happy Kun tried to explain his homework to you for the hundredth with his beautiful dimples flashing at you as he smiled before you lost the ability to see his smile forever.
“Look at me when you’re speaking! Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten your manners ________!!” Your father shouted in your face, quickly bringing his hand to grab you by the jaw to force you to look at him. It wasn’t until his rough hand squeezed your face that you realized the tears you had been holding back were now sliding down your cheeks.
But mostly, you wished you would’ve had the courage to tell Kun you loved him. Even if someone as kind and caring as him could’ve and should’ve never loved someone like you back, you wished you could’ve told him how much he meant to you before you never saw the light of day again.
Waking up to him and his lovely family everyday made you have hope that the world wasn’t such a bad place afterall. In that moment, all the hope you had left was praying he’d be able to quickly forget you and realize what he’d meant to you.
“I’m-” Just as you attempted to apologize in the hopes of softening the blow you knew was no doubt going to be making contact with your face soon, you heard a loud deep growl of what you could only assume was a wolf animal come from the trees.
Your father moved his attention to the sound as well, signaling that he too had heard it and was wondering what was going on. But instead of seeing a bear or some other creature, you saw Kun standing by the trees while tightening his fists so hard you could’ve sworn he would’ve broken his fingers.
“Let go of her. Now.” He sneered with a stone cold face, pushing himself out of the tree line and out into the daylight to be better seen.
You weren’t sure what but something seemed… different about him. Sure he had changed quite a bit since you had first met him, but you chalked that up to puberty. This however, was new. Something you hadn’t experienced before yet. Something strange.
Your father let out a dry chuckle, “Oh if i were you boy i would be running as far away as possible because you’re next on my list.”
But despite your father’s warning and your eyes widening to tell him to run, Kun just kept his same emotionless face, “How about we just put me at the top of your list now so we can get it out of the way then old man?” He suggested, not even seeming worried over the fact that your father was a grown adult and he was just a young teenage boy a little over half his size.
Your father let his grip on your face go and you fell to the ground, apparently your legs had finally given up what little strength they had and could no longer keep themselves upright.
“Fine kid. It’s your funeral.” Your father shrugged, turning around in his place so he could start to walk over to your beloved savior and probably off him.
You couldn’t let that happen. Even though your voice failed you, you refused to let it give up on the first person who showed you even a hint of kindness, “K- Kun, don’t!” You cried out.
This only caused your father to swing back around and kick you straight in your rib cage, making you go from your kneeling position to fall straight on your side.
“That’s enough out of you!” He spit at you as you desperately gasped for the air your lungs lost.
But this time when your father tried to turn around, he wasn’t met with Kun. He was met with the biggest wolf you’d ever seen lunging straight at him.
In second your father was on the ground being ripped apart by the beast’s long sharp teeth and claws as he cried out in agony.
As much as you should’ve been scared of the wolf because it would’ve most likely have come for you next, you weren’t. You were much more concerned for your friend and started scanning your surroundings to make sure he knew to run. But he was no where to be seen.
You went from being concerned to confused as you were sure that just before you hit the ground you saw a very worried Kun watching you fall to the ground out of the corner of your eye. You wondered where he could’ve possibly gone in the small amount of time.
Your thoughts were soon interrupted when you realized your father’s pained yelps and screams had ceased and you saw that the wolf was headed straight for you. You couldn’t move your legs still, your arms couldn’t even lift you from the ground if you tried, and you were still struggling to catch your breath. You had no hope of getting out of the situation you found yourself in. So instead of even trying to get away, you just laid there and let it zero in on you.
Except when you closed your eyes so you didn’t have to actually see the wolf charge at you and began mentally preparing yourself for the attack, you soon realized it never came.
When you opened your eyes you could see the wolf clear as day with its muzzle in front of your face. But instead of the ferociousness you caught a glimpse of on its face just as it jumped on your father, you were met with a sweet almost puppy like face that began licking your face.
It quickly stopped licking you once it realized your eyes opened and that’s when you noticed it’s own big yellow ones staring at you.
You should’ve been afraid. You should’ve ran away screaming. You should’ve at very least been trying to push it away from you. But you weren’t. You actually felt… relieved that the giant animal was in front of you.
Which was again something that confused you, but it wasn’t until it laid down in front of you and emitted a small whine from its body that it clicked in your brain. It made sense why you weren’t afraid. There was no reason for you to run away screaming. You didn’t need to push the thing away from you.
You weren’t in any real danger. It didn’t want to see you get hurt. It was protecting you. It wanted to keep you safe. And now that it saw you were preparing for it to hurt you, it calmed down because it didn’t want you to be scared of it.
When you pushed yourself up on your forearms and watched the animals strange behavior, you felt a tugging flutter in your heart you’d only gotten from one other person before.
You didn’t understand what was happening. You didn’t understand why a wolf animal would suddenly come to a girl’s aid in the middle of the day where visitors wondered about frequently. Shouldn’t it be in the woods looking for food or something? More importantly, shouldn’t it want to hurt you for being foreign to it’s natural habitat?
Before you could personally seek any answers out yourself, someone came in and have them to you in a haste. And that someone was Mr. Qian.
“Kids!” He darted to you in a rush, eyes noticeably a similar color to the animal in front of you, “Kids are you ok-” Mr. Qian stopped dead in his tracks and sentence to take in the scene in front of him.
As he slowly got closer to you, both you and the wolf lifted your heads to turn in his direction completely.
Mr. Qian cleared his throat to regain some semblance of composure, “___, w-what happened here?”
That’s when you finally spoke up and explained what went on, at least, what events you knew for sure took place. You described to him the moments of you and Kun skipping stones, the fact that a man came out of no where to try to hurt you, and that Kun had disappeared.
“Okay that’s- that’s extremely worrying. First things first: The man,” Mr. Qian quizzed, seemingly trying to wrap his head around the situation at hand himself, “The man who tried to hurt you, where is he now?”
You pointed to the newly formed mangled corpse on the ground and told him it was your father and that the wolf came out of no where to protect you. You just weren’t sure why.
You also weren’t sure if he was truly just as shocked by the whole ordeal as you were or not. His facial expression showed nothing but concern, confusion, and worry. But his eyes gave off nothing but acceptance and compliance.
It wasn’t until he sighed heavily and bend down to the wolf’s level that you realized he probably wasn’t in awe of the whole scene for the same reason you were.
“Son, you’ve gotten us into quite the mess here you know that?” Mr. Qian shook his head with a slight airy laugh, something that caused the wolf to lay it’s head on the ground in a huff, “___, mama is back at the picnic blanket. I want you to go find her and tell her to bring me the supplies she always brings in cases of an emergency. Then i want you to stay at the blanket until we return, okay?” He tilted his head to look at you as he spoke as gently and as simply as he could to not scare you any further.
You vigorously shone your head after taking a moment to process his request, “N-No i can’t. What- what about Kun? We have to find him!” You insisted, unwilling to leave your dear friend behind.
Mr. Qian gave you a kind smile and nodded, “Don’t worry about my son. I’ll make sure he comes back with us i promise. But it’s not safe for you here and i know that he wouldn’t want you in any sort of danger because of him, alright?”
You were going to refuse again and push that you needed to help find him. But before you could protest again, the animal in front of you let out a small whine directed towards you that made your heart ache. And, though you still weren’t exactly sure why you felt the need to care about such a weird feeling, so you finally nodded in agreement and went to find Mrs. Qian to do as you were told.
It took a little while for them to get back to your meet up spot. You had already packed up the lunch you and Mrs. Qian prepared, folded the blanket that was brought to sit on into it’s large designated bag per your foster mother’s request, and began pacing in place before the small family came back.
Seeing Mr and Mrs Qian made you feel better, but seeing a very tired looking Kun nervously walking behind them put you at ease. You didn’t care that your father had came back and hurt you. You didn’t even care that your father was killed by the giant wolf thing. At that point, all you cared about was Kun’s safety.
So you ran to him the second he got close enough and wrapped your arms around his broad figure, “You’re okay!” You whimpered into his chest happily, tears threatening to spill from your eyes as Kun returned your embrace.
“Of course I’m okay ___. Are you?” He pulled you out of your hug and held either side of your face to no doubt check for bruises and injuries, his eyes being a very familiar but different color than you could’ve sworn they used to be.
But truthfully, even if you had any visible wounds, it didn’t matter to you. Those would heal. You were just mentally thanking every god that there ever was that he didn’t get caught in the cross fire of everything that happened.
You quickly nodded your head to confirm that you were, in fact, okay as you brought your own hand up to hold one of his that he had cupped around your face and squeezed it.
“Yes, yes. Everyone’s alright. But we really do need to be going. We can’t take any risks being out and about right now,” Mr. Qian smiled reassuringly.
“Wait!” You halted everyone from beginning the journey back to the house, “Don’t we need to talk about what happe-” You tried but you were quickly put at ease with Mrs. Qian putting her arm around your waist to usher you to follow them.
“Yes dear. We will. Just… not here. In fact, wait until we get back home to even think about it, okay? Let’s just be glad everyone’s okay, okay?” Her warm tone rhetorically questioned you, letting Kun and his father lead you to the car with a fair bit of distance between your two pairs.
Once you got back to the house, Mrs. Qian told you go up to Kun’s room to get cleaned up so she could refix the lunch you had all missed. You offered to help her as you usually did, but she insisted she had it covered and that you had been through enough for one day.
You did note that she didn’t have Kun go get changed the same way you had to. He stayed downstairs to speak with his parents.
As ashamed as you were to say, you did try to listen in to what they were saying as you had a feeling they were trying to get rid of you so they could speak to one another freely. But you recognized that they were speaking Hokkien, a language that, while you understood some due to living with the Qian’s for so long, you weren’t even conversational in. So it all sounded like a load of gibberish to you. At least you knew your hunch about them not wanting you to be around so they could speak was correct.
After you changed and made yourself presentable, you finally made your way back downstairs and found all three of them already sitting and mumbling to one another at the dining room table, no lunch in sight.
“___!” Mrs. Qian chirped to get the boys attention, causing them to cease their muffled talk and turn their attention to you.
Mr. Qian simply chuckled at you and made a silly comment about you taking a long time to get ready that you knew was just him teasing you, before he went to help his wife grab all the lunch supplies out of the fridge.
Kun on the other hand, immediately had his eyes locked on you and didn’t move an inch.
Not that it was an issue. It never bothered you when the elder boy gave you his undivided attention. You actually rather liked it when he did which, while not necessarily rare, definitely didnt happen every single day as he was generally too busy with school stuff and chores.
This time however, it was almost as if he refused to take his gaze away from you. Even when you pulled your chair out to sit down and cleared your throughly out of nervous habit, he didn’t budge. You weren’t even sure if he was blinking, not that you knew if he was or wasn’t.
You didnt dare to look at him back for more than half a second. Your teeny tiny crush on him plus your naturally introverted personality making such a task far too nerve wrecking for you.
Though even throughout eating lunch and you making small talk with his parents, you still felt his eyes on you. It wasn’t a creepy feeling you got when you noticed him staring. It was more of a… longing feeling maybe? You weren’t too sure if that was the right word you would place it as or not but it was the closest you could get to the right one.
Whatever it was, you just knew it made your stomach do cartwheels and made your cheeks feel as though they were on fire. Almost like your body was embarrassed that he was so openly observed you. In fact, him watching you so intensely had begun to make you a bit self conscious of how messy you could’ve looked eating.
Which was ridiculous. You had lived with the Qian’s for a year at that point. He had shown no sign of attraction to you that you recognized. As far as you knew, he just saw you as a little sister he never got growing up or as a close friend that just happened to live with him and his family. You, being the young girl you were, were just probably reading far too into what he was doing because you secretly wanted him to like you back.
He was probably just worried about you after everything that had happened throughout the day. He was probably just trying to look for any hint of discomfort or sadness by watching you closely. He was just being the good boy his parents raised him to be by looking out for his friend.
So you just had to slap away the butterflies in your belly, cool down the fire against your cheeks, and pretend everything was fine with you as you kept eating your food.
“Are we gonna talk about it now auntie?” You asked Mrs. Qian as you helped her clean the dishes from lunch.
Her eyes ever so slightly widened at your question and you saw a small panic wash over them, almost as if she had been hoping you’ve forgotten what happened earlier in the day.
She cleared her throat at turned to look at Kun, who was on her other side putting the dishes away in the cabinets after you washed and she dried them.
Kun was still acting weird. He wasn’t staring you down as he had been earlier, but he definitely wasn’t his usual self.
Normal Kun was always joking and laughing with his parents. The Kun you were dealing with was withdrawn and quiet. Normal Kun wouldn’t think twice about eating as much dessert as his parents would allow him to. The Kun before you barely even touched his lunch.
You would have understood if he had seen all you had at the park and was just in shock. But he didn’t see any of what you saw. He completely disappeared for that matter so you were really confused by his strange behavior.
He deeply sighed while running a shakey hand through his hair before nodding to his mother, who in turn turned to you with a smile, turning off the faucet in front of you and gesturing for you to sit at the table while she went and got Mr. Qian so you could all talk.
Truthfully, you weren’t even sure what there was to talk about because you had assumed they knew just as much about what happened as you did. But it just felt… odd to have witnessed your own father be killed by a wild animal and not discuss their ideas about what happened. Or at least acknowledge what you saw and potentially go to the authorities. You figured they left his body where it was, not that you cared too much about his final resting place after everything. You just didn’t want the Qian’s or yourself to get into trouble for not reporting it.
“Okay ___,” Mr. Qian puffed as he sat in the chair next to you and across from his wife, “What do you want to talk about?”
You tilted your head at the older man in confusion, “O-Oh. I- um- i dont know. It just… feels weird not to at least say something about it. It’s weird to like- i dont know- pretend it didn’t just happen,” you shrugged, biting the inside of your cheeks to stop yourself from rambling anymore while waiting for one of the other three at the table to say something.
Mr. Qian nodded solemnly in understanding before letting out a long breath, “I see. Today’s been a very eventful day for everyone.”
Mrs. Qian smiles and shook her head in amusement at her husband’s obviousness but said nothing. Kun just stared straight at the center of the table, no emotion visible on his face.
“Well, Yeah. I- I mean giant dogs don’t just come out of nowhere and maul my dad to death after he also attempted to kill me everyday. So I’d say it’s been a pretty eventful day,” you tried to semi joke with a side smile, but instead of receiving a similar reaction from the others, you watched as Kun, who sat across from you at the square table, brought his head down almost shamefully to stare at his lap.
The confusion and hurt must’ve been written on your face at the idea of potentially having upset the older boy as Mrs. Qian grabbed and squeezed your hand under the table to comfort you.
At your word choices, Mr. Qian thought it was best for everybody involved that he just lay it all out on the table to prevent you from accidentally saying anything more to upset his son, “___, about the giant dog-” He uncomfortably shifted in his chair, “It… well you see, it wasn’t exactly a dog.”
“It wasn’t?” You innocently asked, completely dumbfounded that the large animal you’d met earlier wasn’t actually a canine.
“No sweetheart,” Mrs. Qian answered for her husband, who was looking increasingly distressed by the second, “It was- well still is that is- a human.”
After Mrs. Qian’s statement, the entire table went completely silent as they all watched you nervously and waited for your reaction. But really, you didn’t know how exactly to react.
The thing that stopped your father earlier surely looked like a dog to you. A very very large, very very bizarre dog, but a dog nonetheless. Granted you had never been allowed to own one before, but you still knew what they looked like. You weren’t an idiot. It was furry and it had four legs and a muzzle. How could it have been human?
“But Mr. Qian, you saw it. It was walking on all four legs and it had fluffy fur. Humans don’t do that and they don’t have fur they have hair!” You reasoned out loud, trying to get the room full of older people to see sanity.
And why wouldn’t you have? You didn’t know what they knew. You hadn’t seen what they had seen. You had no way of knowing that, while they knew you were telling the truth, they were telling you the truth too.
Mr. Qian broke out of his anxiety ridden state once he realized you would probably only listen to him on the matter. You trusted Mrs. Qian and Kun, but as far as you knew, he was the only other one at the table that had even seen the big dog, “Yes ________, you’re right. Humans don’t have fur. But what you saw, who you saw, wasn’t exactly human either,” he clarified, “It was, well, he is a werewolf.”
You were crazy, that’s what you decided. You were all crazy. You’d lost it at seeing the traumatic events you’d seen.
“…what…?” You spine just above a whisper, not even sure they had heard you.
But you weren’t aware that two out of the three people at the table would’ve definitely heard you yet.
“The animal that saved you,” Mrs. Qian reaffirmed her husband’s statement, “Wasn’t an animal. Not really. It was a werewolf. A human who can turn into a wolf.”
You were sure they could see the disbelief on your face, or at least they could see if in your eyes, “But werewolves, guys- werewolves don’t exist. That’s make believe stuff.”
Everyone had their own set of beliefs and morals, you knew that. But they were speaking of fairytales and nonexistent creatures parents told to their children at night to scare them.
You heard Mr. Qian let out an exhausted sigh before you watched him stand up from his chair and gestured for you all to follow him into the living room.
He then said something to Mrs. Qian in Hokkien and she rushed around the room quickly to close all the blinds and curtains.
“Dad,” Kun finally spoke fearfully around you for the first time since you’d gotten back from the park, “Are you sure this is a good idea? Isn’t there any other way?”
The elder man let out a dry laugh to his son, “Xiaodan, she’s been here for a year now. I think we all know her well enough to know that the only way she’ll believe us is if she sees it.”
And just like that, you watched as Mr. Qian began to grow his nails into what you could only call claws. You could only stare in shock as his usual perfectly squared smiled transformed into elongated fangs and black fur began to emit itself from his skin. You listened as you heard what you could only assume was bones breaking and moving inside his body. You witnessed the usually rather average size, meek Mr. Qian turn into a creature similar looking to the one that protected you earlier in the day.
For a moment, you thought you were going to pass out and fall over from the flush of color suddenly draining from your face. But before your buckling knees could drop you to the ground, Kun caught you with ease and held you against his strong body to compensate for yohr weakened one.
“So you do like him then?” Mrs. Qian asked you as you helped her make dinner.
With a darkening blush on your face you squealed, “Aiya auntie! Don’t put words in my mouth!” You giggled continuing to finely dice the onion as you were told.
After they told you, more like showed you, that werewolves existed, it took you a while to swallow the new truth you had been given. Once the Qian’s deemed you had accepted the idea as reality, they began to tell you more about them.
Between the knowledge that Mr and Mrs Qian and Kun had collectively given you, you thought it was safe to say you were an expert. At least, as much of an expert as one who didn’t actually turn into a werewolf could be on werewolves.
You’d learned all about how werewolves are genetically produced and not created by bites like some movies suggested. You learned that the fact that they traveled and found their own packs was true, but that they didn’t actually have to have a full moon to shift. You learned about alphas, something that apparently Mr. Qian, and eventually Kun when he matured enough, were and that they were the leaders of said packs.
They told you about werewolf hunters and how they tried to kill as many werewolves as possible with silver, but that if they’re wounded by something not made of silver they can usually regenerate and heal themselves pretty quickly. They told you that, while they had potions or contacts to conceal their real eye color, getting highly emotional could easily burn through either and show their true colors.
And thanks to Mr. Qian’s meticulously ‘no filter’ way of teaching, during one of his lessons you learned about rut, which happens once a season for males, and heat, which happens one week every month for females. It was during the very same lesson that you learned about mates and imprinting.
Which were, in Mrs. Qian’s words, essentially soul mates werewolves got instantly by looking at someone fate decided they needed to stay with forever. Apparently every werewolf had one, some unlucky werewolves even imprinted on the same person. But each wolf only had one themselves unless something happened to their mate. Then fate would do another lottery guessing game and let them have another one.
Mr. Qian made mates seem so scientifically simple. Mrs. Qian always made it sound much more serious and heartfelt. She insisted that, while her husband was right for the most part, he neglected to emphasize just how strong the feelings could be and that nothing else in the world could ever compare. According to her, everyone and everything practically falls off the face of the earth to a werewolf once he or she meets this mate and no one else will ever matter romantically to them again.
While you enjoyed the sentiment, you also wished Mr. Qian’s calmer version was more true than Mrs. Qian’s Romeo and Juliet version. You were glad that werewolves got to have the same happily ever after that everyone deserved. You were just sad that you would never get yours.
Werewolves apparently instantly fall in love with their mate and imprint at first sight. If it doesn’t happen then, it won’t happen later. Meaning Kun would get a happily ever after without you in it.
That sad reality hit your fragile little teenage heart more than you had ever meant for it to, and it must’ve been pretty obvious too. Because Mrs. Qian couldn’t seem to stop teasing you for your little crush on him ever since.
Mrs. Qian scoffed, “I’m not putting words in your mouth. I’m just asking a question i already know the answer to.”
“And how do you KNOW the answer already huh auntie?” You raised your eyebrow at her.
Because she had caught you crying over your pathetic teenage feeling for him a few days prior. You hadn’t told her that was why you were crying of course, she just… knew.
“Because a mother always knows ___.” She proudly smiled, taking your finished onions pieces and adding them to her pan.
Mrs. Qian treated you like the daughter she never had. And anytime she implied or referred to you as her daughter, it made you unbelievably happy. But when she brought the topic up when she had also been trying to get you to admit your unrequited love for her son, you couldn’t help but let the cosmic knife that hit your heart force you to miss a breath.
You didn’t know why she had insisted on bringing the topic up over and over again or why she wouldn’t just lay it to rest already. You both knew your feelings for him would amount to nothing even if you had told the truth.
Because Kun had already shifted. In fact, the first time he had was when he protected you from your father, which was a detail he was too ashamed to admit to you for the first couple months after it happened. You weren’t even sure why he felt that way. Your father was a monster in your book and, in your eyes, Kun had saved your life.
But it was because he had already shifted to protect you that you knew your feelings for him were nothing more than a school girl crush that never meant to be spoken about in the light of day. He would’ve imprinted on you that day if you were his mate and since he hadn’t told you he had when he told you he was a werewolf too, you knew he didn’t.
“Knowing stuff is overrated sometimes though auntie,” you sadly shrugged because you had started to think about how you and Kun weren’t meant to be, “Sometimes knowing stuff is a lot more painful than not knowing stuff.”
It was soon after this sentence that you began to feel burning tears brimming your waterlines and you had to excuse yourself so that you didn’t end up crying over everyone’s dinner, much to your foster mother’s dismay. But you knew in the end your decision to stop making dinner was what was best for everyone.
What you didn’t know however, was that when Kun got home from school Mrs. Qian was waiting for him. She told him how she thought you ran out on making that nights dinner with her because she had made you upset in her efforts to get you to admit your feelings for him.
Kun had been careful. He had been really really careful on how he interacted with you since he shifted. He never got too close to you, made sure to keep contact minimal, kept conversation light and simple, and refused to be left alone with you. He didn’t want to scare you away.
You had been so initially hesitant about werewolves and everything having to do with them, which was something that wasn’t helped by him attacking your father to keep him from laying his hands on you. He didn’t want to overburden you with more stuff that could cause you to have an emotional breakdown.
He didn’t want to tell you that even though you were already struggling with the idea of werewolves existing, he had imprinted on you which meant you were his mate.
But when his mother sat him down and told him he needed to be 100% honest with you because you were breaking down thinking he didn’t love you the way you loved him, he raced up the stairs to tell you the truth.
And that’s where he found you crying in his bedroom under his old comforter. He couldn’t help the small whine that escaped his lungs at seeing you so sad and hurt because of something he unintentionally caused. He pulled you onto his lap and let you cry for as long as you needed to before he told you you were his mate.
He actually practically got on his hands and knees so he could beg you to get you to forgive him for making you question his love for you. But you weren’t mad at him, you were just happy he told you because it meant that no one could take him away from you. Then Kun got happy because you accepting him mesnt no one could take you away from him. And everything seemed like it was gonna be okay.
Even after the both of you and your newly formed pack had to flee your home country so you wouldn’t get killed like some of your friends and their families had, you still didn’t really care all that much about the dangers and the hardships. When other packs came and tried to hurt yours you were never worried. When you had no money and no possessions but the clothes on your backs, you never once batted an eye. Because at the end of the day, you always had Kun by your side.
That’s how you and Qian Kun became the power couple. That’s why everyone knew you as the ‘it’ couple. That’s why some of the other couples even in your own pack envied what you both had.
No matter how stressful your respective college majors got, you never took it out on each other. No matter how limited your time got with each other due to crazy schedules, you never have up on making time with one another. No matter what life threw at either of you, you never once fought. No matter how hard the universe tried to break you down, you never once let the other break apart. No matter how tall the waves of misery and sorrow got, you never let the other drown. You were unbreakable together.
He was the love of your life. He was your other half. He was your soul mate. He was your world. But as you stood in the kitchen of your student Genji’s boyfriend’s home, you soon realized that those titles now also applied to a boy named Joshua Hong.
(Last Updated: 3/17/2023)
14 notes · View notes
m4tthewmurd0ck · 2 years
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 ~ 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐱 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞) 𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
- I just left my apartment to run errands and when I’m gone I’ll go over part 2 to make sure it’s alright. will try to have that up tonight!
beyond excited to participate in @cryonme​ birthday writing event! i’m so sorry this took so long to post but when you see the word count, you’ll be able to tell why asdfdhgej. there was also a point where i had added about 3k words, saved the draft, then when i came back just a few minutes later to check something, tumblr had deleted every new thing i added / the update didn’t save. at that point i stopped writing for this for like a few days because i was so pissed lol.
i chose bucky barnes + 3 prompts: do you ever think about what i would do if something happened to you? // you have stars in your eyes. i like looking at them. // am i the reason you cry every night? (one of these is used twice hehe)
word count: 10.8 - 10.9k (it’s a lot better now that i’m splitting this up into 3 parts. originally i wasn’t planning for it to be this long but i just got to typing and typing on my silly little keyboard and then when i did the word count i knew i had to split it up lol)
sorry for the long ass intro, but little bit of context: obviously an au since i’m adding a character (aka you!) that doesn’t technically exist in the films. pietro survived in aou + he and wanda survived the blip, thor didn’t leave immediately after killing thanos, and clint wasn’t ever placed on house arrest. i know that bucky being rescued by steve is november 1943 and then him falling off the train is january 1945 but this does deal with both of those events so in this, it’s all in january of 1945. i’ve loved and been in the mcu fandom for years and years, having seen everything after the first iron man in theaters. i’ve also watched all films multiple times, so if you see something different or off to how it is in the movies, please assume it is intentional and for my story. as always, feedback is greatly appreciated but if you only have negative things to say with nothing actually helpful, or you just straight up hate this, please keep it to yourself because i’m actually really sensitive ahsdfasdga. full piece will be below the cut. enjoy!! and remember:
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Life was definitely not what you thought it’d be. Not long after Thanos wiped out half of the population, you were kidnapped. They called themselves New Hydra (sooo clever, right?), the group consisted of about only 25 men, but their goal was clear: they wanted to make newer and better Winter Soldier’s. About a week into you being held captive, it became obvious that they knew who you were long before they got their hands on you. You were told that the 12 of you that were chosen were unique. They’d been keeping their eyes on those with ‘special abilities’ in New York for quite a while. You fascinated them with your ability to travel through time.
It also helped that you were alone, no family and no close friends. Since you could do… what you could do, you mostly kept to yourself.
After spending over a decade perfecting a new serum, the people in charge decided that it was ready for human test subjects. Of everyone taken, you were the only one to survive the injections. You were New Hydra’s first Winter Soldier.
At first, your new powers weren’t immediately obvious. All kinds of tests were run, you were physically and mentally tortured, they did everything they could think of to see what the serums turned you into. One day, it was as if your body had enough. Just as you were strapped to the chair and the contraptions were placed around your head, a red light began to glow from your hands. A moment later when men began to rush in to see what was going on, you opened your fists, aiming your open hands at them. They were all dead within seconds as the energy was sent surging at them.
You wouldn’t find out until way later, that the color of the energy depended on your emotions. It only ever appeared red with New Hydra, because they loved to see you angry.
Now it was very clear. Not only would those remaining be able to send you through time to get their hands on weapons or information, but you were even more powerful than they thought you’d become. You were going to be their greatest weapon.
It didn’t take long for you to be compliant. One night when you were asleep, what looked like an oxygen mask was placed over your nose and mouth. You immediately woke up and tried to fight, but the gas was too powerful and you were unconscious just seconds later. That same night, a device was implanted in your leg. If you disobeyed, made a snarky comment, or did anything they didn’t like, the touch of one button sent pain that started in your leg but quickly spread throughout your whole body.
Almost ten months into captivity, you were rescued. The remaining Avengers had gotten word about an enhanced individual being held captive by a group of men, and Steve and Nat were sent to rescue you.
You didn’t know, of course, and coincidentally you were plotting your escape for that same day. After you were thrown back into your room, you removed the knife that you’d managed to hide in your boot. You grabbed the thin blanket that they allowed you to have, bit down on it, and cut into your leg. It took everything in you not to cry out in pain, but you managed to remove what you’d come to think of as the pain device. The cut wasn’t big, but you were bleeding a lot more than you had anticipated. You quickly ripped part of the blanket and tied it around your leg as best you could.
Using your powers to force the door open, you poked your head out, only to see the man that usually handled your torture, being thrown to the ground.
As you ran out into the hall, you looked around. You didn’t know what you were looking for, but something wasn’t right. Mikael, that was the mans name. He was your main point of contact with New Hydra, and as you slowly made your way over to him, a thought occurred.
You could kill him, but then everyone that worked under him would all work to kill you. You were powerful, and you’d already killed 5 men, and even with Mikael now on the ground that still left 19 men. Would you be strong enough to take them all down?
He called your name, blood slowly dripping out of his mouth as he beckoned you over with a weak flick of his wrist. “Kill them,” he whispered.
You tilted your head to the side, confused. They’d mostly been using you for your time traveling abilities, and at that point they only used your trigger words a handful of times, and each time after giving your mission report, they wiped your memory and either allowed you to go back to your room, or put you in cryo. So really, you had no idea how many people you’d actually killed.
“You stupid girl, I said kill them,” he pointed behind him.
You shot up, immediately making eye contact with Steve Rogers. Of course you recognized him, you knew who he was before you were taken, and now you were taught that the Avengers were your enemies.
“You don’t have to do this,” he takes a few steps forward, stopping when you raised your arms and purple energy began to glow around your hands. Purple, you’d come to find, meant scared. “It’s over, we’ve taken care of all of them. You can come with us and we can help you.”
Mikael pulled himself to a sitting position, reaching up to shove you forward. “Kill them now!”
You looked back at him for a few seconds, before turning back to Steve. Natasha Romanoff stepped out from behind him.
“Are they really all gone?” You whispered, looking to her as if for confirmation. When they both nodded, you lowered your hands. But the past ten months all seemed to run through your mind. You turned around to Mikael, suddenly aware that for the first time in a long time, you had the upper hand.
As you raised your hands, prepared to kill the man that had done nothing but cause you pain and suffering, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You weren’t used to touch that wasn’t meant to cause you harm, so you flinched as you turned around. Steve immediately removed his hand and took a step back. He didn’t say anything, but you were aware of what he was asking you to do. Reluctantly, you lowered your hands.
S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were soon brought in, and you were handcuffed. You were a killer, and they intended to punish you as such. After you were forced to put on handcuffs that somehow stopped your powers, there was a little back and forth about where you’d go. While Steve was arguing with the agents in charge, Nat quickly led you out of the building and onto the quinjet.
When Steve joined you a few minutes later, he admitted that the only reason you were allowed to go with them was because he pointed out that should you somehow escape your cuffs, he and Nat were the only ones that might be able to handle you. He tried to assure you that he only said that so that you wouldn’t go straight to wherever they had planned for you, but you didn’t respond, instead keeping your head downward, eyes on the same spot on the ground.
“How do I know you won’t kill me the second we land… wherever you’re taking me?” You asked after a few minutes, not able to look either of them in the eye.
“Wh—what they did to you,” Nat moved and took the seat next to you. “It wasn’t your fault. Neither of us thinks you should be killed or thrown in prison for the things they made you do.”
You weren’t sure whether you could believe them or not. The entire time you were held, it was drilled into your head that the Avengers wanted you dead.
Steve sat on the other side of you, and spoke as if he could hear your thoughts. “I’m sure they’ve told you a lot about us. But I can promise you, we’re not the bad guys.”
“Y-you don’t want to do what they did, with me? I don’t remember much of it, but they said that I was a good weapon, and—”
“No,” Steve shook his head. “You won’t ever have to do anything you don’t want to.”
Hours later, the quinjet touched the ground. Steve walked out first, followed by you and Nat. You were greeted by Nick Fury, who immediately took you by the arm and began to lead you into the building. Nat tried to speak up and say that wasn’t necessary, but Fury ignored her.
“You recognize this building?” He asked you just before you walked inside.
“The— this is the Avengers compound?”
He nodded, going silent again when you stepped into the elevator. Getting off on the second floor, you were taken into a room that had what was clearly a sort of prison cell.  ((((((think of the ‘cell’ loki was held in, in the first avengers film))))))
You began to panic, trying to escape from Fury’s hold.
“Alright let her go,” Steve finally caught up to you guys. He put a hand on your shoulder, and you tensed, but were relived when Fury finally let go. “This isn’t necessary, she isn’t some risk—”
“No offense Rogers, but you can’t guarantee that. She stays in here until we can determine what to do with her.”
He started to speak up again, but you shook your head. “It’s okay, it’s a better cell than I’m used to,” you gave him a sad smile before stepping inside.
Once the doors closed, you took a seat on the hard bench, doing your best not to cry. For so long you’d been nothing but a weapon. Now you were free from that… but what would happen next?
A lot happened after that. After Steve and Fury argued for a good ten minutes, Nat finally got them to calm down. Later that night Steve brought you pillows and a bunch of blankets, apologizing that he couldn’t get you moved to a normal room just yet. You thanked him, saying that he’d shown you more kindness than anyone had in a long time, and he further proved this when he sat outside of your cell that evening, talking to you for hours.
A few days later, you were visited by Fury. He said a deal was worked out. You were going to be sent somewhere where they could help de-program you, and make it so that your trigger words had no effect. Once that was complete, you were to come back and lay low in the Avengers compound, and after six months of basically being on house arrest, you’d be given a pardon. After learning of what happened to Bucky Barnes, while there were a lot of people who still blamed him, people also understood that he was forced to do those things, that he wasn’t in control.
So it was just 24 hours later that you found yourself back on the quinjet. You were exhausted, but stayed awake the entire flight. Secretly terrified that if you fell asleep, you’d wake up and find that you being rescued was all just a dream.
Wakanda was beautiful. And everyone was nice. You were greeted by the king, who insisted that you simply call him T’Challa. The young woman next to him piped up and said you could also call him annoying, which is what she usually prefers when referring to him. She then stuck her hand out and introduced herself as Shuri, letting you know that she’d be working closely with you.
She explained that it had been a while since Bucky was there, and since then she tried to work on perfecting the de-programming program, as she started calling it. Of course with no other Winter Soldier’s around, she couldn’t test it. So only time would tell if the deprogramming time would actually speed up.
Luckily, it worked. You only went into cryo once. Just 3 weeks later when Shuri determined you all were at the end, you were escorted by a member of the Dora Milaje to somewhere a few miles from everyone else. She assured you that it was just for your own safety, but you assumed it was for everyone else’s too. When all 10 trigger words were spoken out loud, and you didn’t react, you cried tears of joy. When you returned to everyone else, you embraced Shuri in a hug, telling her that she saved your life and you owed her everything. She was mostly happy that it actually worked, and said that all she wanted in exchange was a short interview with you, to ask in-depth questions about how things went from your point of view.
Exactly one month after leaving, you returned to New York. At Fury’s insistence, just incase, you were put back in the same cell. It was only overnight. Someone who spoke Russian was then brought in early the next morning. You tensed up as they said your trigger words, but by the end, nothing happened.
It wasn’t much longer until Steve was able to convince Fury that you weren’t a danger and shouldn’t have to sleep in that cell like you were their prisoner. An hour later, Nat came and escorted you up to the 4th floor. She said the floor used to be inhabited by someone else, but he was gone now and you could stay here for now until the next step was decided.
She reluctantly told you that the floor would remain locked unless one of the few people who had access needed to see you. But she reassured you that this was only temporary, and that if you needed anything, all you had to do was ask. Later, Steve came back and asked if you’d like to meet everyone else. They were all made aware of your situation, and seeing the skepticism on your face, he promised that none of them thought you were the monster that New Hydra tried to turn you into.
You went with him into the elevator and up to the top floor, timidly following behind him. Sat on a large couch and at the tall chairs near the kitchen, were Tony Stark, Pietro Maximoff, Thor, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, James Rhodes, Pepper Potts, and Clint Barton. Steve had mentioned that almost everyone that survived the blip was staying at the compound.
Pepper was the first to notice you and Steve entering the room, immediately getting up and approaching the two of you. She introduced herself and held her hand out. You hesitated at first, again, not used to people reaching out to you and not intending to cause you pain. But you shook her hand, and smiled when she said it would be good to have another woman around.
Clint, Tony, Bruce, Wanda, and Rhodey figured that you’d be a little intimidated walking into the room, so they all gathered and just made small talk amongst themselves. But Pietro and Thor were less obvious, their eyes following you as you walked into the room and approached all of them.
Pietro was next to greet you, getting up and speeding over to you. You not showing any reaction at the fact that he crossed the room in less than a second made him smile. He liked you already.
After that, your nerves quickly left you as everyone was nothing but nice. You were most nervous to meet Tony. New Hydra had filled your head with his hatred for Winter Soldier’s, and you weren’t sure how he’d react to you. But after Bucky, he was a lot more understanding. And he simply told you that he hoped they’d be able to help you get your life back on track.
After 2 weeks not leaving your floor, you started to grow restless. It had everything you could ever want, a small theater, massive kitchen, another room with a computer and a few books on the shelves, but you weren’t used to this. You were used to your time being controlled. You weren’t used to having the freedom to do whatever you wanted.
The first time you asked Nat if you could maybe borrow a few books from someone, she was pleasantly surprised that you liked to read. She asked you to make a list of any books that you wanted, and you assured her you weren’t picky, you’d read whatever was given to you. You walked into the computer room 2 days later to find over 100 books on the shelves. She’d spoken to Tony, who found a list titled “100 Best Books of All Time” and ordered every one of them.
Week 3, Bruce asked if you’d come up to the lab and allow him to run a few tests on you. You were a little terrified, but his smile and the kindness in his voice let you know that he wasn’t like them. He didn’t want to run tests to torture you or figure out a way to use your powers to his benefit. He was just genuinely curious, and wanted to see if they’d be able to help you with your powers in any way.
And he quickly became fascinated, especially when you talked about your time traveling abilities. As far as you knew, you’d never had any contact with the time stone, so it was still a mystery how you were able to do it. You traveled a few times, each time going further and further back in time. The two of you worked out that the further back you went, the longer you needed to recover afterwards. Going back 10 years required you to rest for a full day before you were feeling back to your normal self.
He was baffled when you thanked him one day as you were leaving. When he asked what for, you said “for allowing me to recover before sending me back again. When I was still… with them, sometimes I’d have to make two or three trips in one day. Then they’d throw me back in my room or freeze me again, and I never knew how long I had to rest.”
After 2 weeks of being with Bruce and Tony in the labs for at least a couple of hours every day, Nat announced that she was stealing you away. You went with her to the gym, she said she noticed you seemed a little restless if you sat still for too long, and she offered to train with you to release some of your energy.
You surprised her again with your fighting skills, but then she remembered the group that was training you. She taught you a few moves, and you ended up spending at least an hour nearly every day in the gym training together.
One thing that you re-learned about yourself, was that you loved to cook. One by one the team slowly trickled to your floor one night. The smell of the food you’d been cooking quickly made its way through the vents, and Tony was the first to work out that it was coming from your floor. You’d found an old cook book that dated back to the 1930’s, and Tony kept your kitchen stocked well enough that there were all the ingredients needed to make something.
Steve stayed quiet about the particular foods that you’d chosen to cook, but he recognized them almost immediately when he saw what book you got the recipes from. The floor you were on used to be Bucky’s, and although most of his things had been packed away so that you could move in without someone else’s things being all over the place, little things like his books had been left out.
From then on, everyone else not-so-slyly hoped that you’d be making dinner for everyone from then on. You immediately agreed, not only loving to cook, but loving that you felt needed. Your security clearance was changed, and you were also granted access to the kitchen attached to the main living room. You asked Tony if you might be able to get your hands on a few more cookbooks, and being the extremely generous and over-the-top man that he was, less than 24 hours later you found stacks of 40 books on the kitchen counter.
Between meals with the team, the gym with Nat, Steve, and occasionally Pietro who flirted with you every chance he got, the labs with Bruce, Tony and Rhodey, and a few outside sessions with Clint who heard you tell Nat one night that you thought his arrows were really cool, your 6 months on house arrest went by a lot faster than anticipated. You’d even spent a little bit of time with Thor, usually you lounged around together in one of the many living rooms. You loved and were in awe about his stories about life on Asgard, what it looked like, what the people were like, and he appreciated a chance to talk about the place and people that he loved. You were smart and witty, and he couldn’t help but think that if his brother were alive, you 2 would’ve gotten along well.
After your time on house arrest was up, you were still nervous to leave the compound. But everyone assured you that you didn’t have to step foot outside until you were absolutely ready.
Secretly, you weren’t just nervous. You were terrified. Once you started going outside and interacting with other people, would you still have a place to stay? What if it was determined that since you were able to function out in public, you wouldn’t need to stay at the compound anymore? Or what if it was worse, and you were then placed into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody?
It turned out that you didn’t need to worry about that either. Tony had quickly come to think of you as family, and he came to your floor one night and asked if you’d like to stay with them, mentioning that you could leave whenever you wanted, but everyone loved having you around.
Time really flew by after that. Some of the team still occasionally went on missions, but Tony was one of the few who stayed behind. He was still weak after what happened with Thanos, and it was taking a while to get his full strength back.
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When Pepper found out that she was pregnant, Tony immediately wanted to move them to a place of their own, wanting a chance at a normal life. He asked you to come with them, and you happily accepted.
For the next few years, there was peace. In the cabin, you, Tony, Pepper, and eventually Morgan, lived a quiet life. You still practiced with your powers, but didn’t go on missions with the rest of the remaining Avengers. Tony, in fact, made a game of it when you said you wanted to practice. He’d look up old dates in his calendar to ensure that past-him wouldn’t be home, then he’d send you back to grab some fancy bottle of wine or a nice shirt that he lost. You appreciated that he didn’t see your powers as a weapon, and you liked using them this way.
Things were good, and then one day Steve, Nat, and Scott Lang showed up. They said that there was a chance to fix thigns, if they could go back in time to get the stones, Nat pointed out that one of them could snap their fingers and bring everyone back.
You spoke up, offering to just do it yourself. As long as you didn’t have to go back in time by that many years, you should be fine making a few trips in one day. The only reason you were so exhausted with New Hydra was because they made you do multiple trips in a day, but often going back 50+ years. Before any one of them could respond to you, though, Tony shook his head. You’d been with him for years now and really were like ‘his first daughter’, as he sometimes referred to you. He said absolutely not, they would not be putting your life at risk like that especially when the outcome wasn’t guaranteed. And he knew that none of them were selfish to expect that of you. And besides, there was a chance that things could get screwed up even worse than they already had.
Nothing was resolved after that. Steve, Nat and Scott ended up leaving soon after that conversation. At one point, you pulled Steve aside. He was the first one to be kind to you, and you let him know that you still wanted to help. You trusted him, and if he thought getting the stones could bring everyone back, then you’d do it for him. He pulled you in for a hug, and said he really appreciated you. But, Tony was right. It was a gamble, and not worth risking your life, especially sending you back alone.
Later that night, you sent Nat a text. You said you knew that no one wanted to send you back alone, but you still wanted to be kept in the loop. So you asked her to let you know if they were going to still work on anything time travel related. A couple of days later, you got a call. They brought Bruce in on it again, and were confident that there was a possible solution.
You nervously approached Tony, and told him what was going on. When he found out that you wanted to go there and possibly help them, he started to protest. Nearly 10 minutes later, and after you promised that you wouldn’t do any time traveling by yourself, he offered to drive you to the compound. When you got there, he made you promise again, this time to let him know if anything went wrong or if anyone got hurt. You asked if he was going to come inside, and he said no, he was going to go back to the cabin and work on a few things.
Later, he received a text that consisted of only 4 emojis and 2 symbols: 🕛🚐 = 👶🏼&👴🏻
After what was pretty much concluded to be a fail, Steve went outside for some air. Everyone else went to their rooms to cool off. You stayed put, opting to join Steve outside after a few minutes. He asked how you were doing with all of this, and you said you were torn. On one hand, you wanted everyone to be happy and be able to bring back those they lost, but you understood why Tony was hesitant.
He could tell something else was bothering you, so he asked if you were really okay. You confessed that you were scared.
“Before New Hydra, I was basically alone. Then, they took me, and for a while all I knew was the life they forced me to live. One where every moment of my life was under their control, one where I was their weapon, the monster they created, and—”
Steve put a hand on your shoulder, giving you a sad smile. “You remind me a lot of someone. I promise you, you are not the monster that they created. The blood isn’t on your hands.”
“But it was still my hands that killed those people,” you looked down, unable to make eye contact.
He got chills, Bucky said those exact words to him when he was first brought to live in the compound. “It wasn’t. You were forced to do those things. You had trigger words, right?” When you nodded, he continued, “you didn’t have a choice. No one blames you.”
Putting a temporary halt to your conversation, was the sound of a car approaching. A big smile finally makes its way to your face as you recognize the car. You had a feeling Tony would come around.
Before he did or said anything to anyone else, though, he pulled you aside. “You have to promise me that you’ll be careful, okay?”
“I will, I promise. It’s just—”
“No,” Tony shook his head. “This isn’t just some light mission that we’re all gonna bounce back from and everything will be fine. This could, hell, it probably will get ugly. I know you’ve volunteered yourself in the past, but you can’t do that now if you’re risking your life, and your life alone.”
He pulls you in for a hug before you start crying, knowing how sentimental you can be.
“I promise I won’t volunteer myself for anything unless I’m absolutely sure.” You offer up, hoping that’s good enough.
“You know what, I guess I’ll take it. But I mean it, kiddo. Do you ever think about what I would do if something happened to you? I know sometimes you still see yourself as an outsider, but you’re family. You’re my daughter whether you like it or not.”
You stood outside for a few more minutes, and reassured Tony once more that you wouldn’t do anything without at least checking with him first.
From there, things quickly progressed. Rhodey and Nebula arrived, and the team quickly split up. Bruce and Rocket went to go get Thor, who’d fallen into a depression not long after your house arrest ended. Losing Loki and feeling like he failed to kill Thanos when he should have, took its toll, and he left the compound to go join the remaining Asgardians. Nat went to go get Clint, who also fell into a depression when it finally hit him that his family was no longer around.
Once everyone was back, Clint did a test run with the time travel suits, and then a long discussion / debate followed about where the infinity stones were, and who would go where to get them. Once Nat pointed out that if you chose the right year, there’d be 3 stones in New York, you all decided to split up into 3 teams. Tony was reluctant to let you go since you’d be going back and forth without a suit and only your powers, but you were determined to help.
At first, it was decided that you would go to Vormir with Clint, and Nat would be one of the few that went to New York. But after everyone else was decided, she pulled you aside and asked you to switch places. She and Clint had been through a lot, and she felt like she should be with him on this mission. You agreed, and so it was decided that you would be going to New York.
The way your powers worked, you had to be extremely specific. If you wanted to travel back, you couldn’t just pick a year. You had to pick the year, month, day, and exact time as well as the location. So once Steve let you know, you went first.
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“You know, Cap, that head piece on your uniform is a nice touch,” you pointed way off into the distance, where the past Avengers were stood in a circle. You hadn’t seen him wear his entire uniform at that point.
He pretended to be offended, but the smile on his face gave him away. For a while, once again things seemed to be going smoothly… and then you and Steve ran into… past Steve.
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” you both muttered at the same time.
After a lengthy battle between Steve and Steve with you helping out here and there, the 2 of you made your way back to re-group with Tony and Scott. Upon realizing that it was pretty much a fail, Tony suggested that he and Steve go further back, mentioning that they could get still get everything they needed. Once Scott was sent back to the compound, you told the 2 remaining men that you were going with them. Both protested, saying you’d already done more than enough. When you pointed out that you hardly did anything, mostly helped Steve fight himself, they were still reluctant. You pointed out that they’d given you a life you never thought you’d have, and you just wanted to help make sure everyone got what they wanted in the end, and you going with them was a way for you to do that.
You ignored the warning voice in your head. The one that reminded you what happened when you went back just a single decade. You barely left your bed, so what would happen when you went all the way back to 1970?
For the most part, nothing happened right away. But that was usually how it worked, if you travelled back and forth too quickly, you didn’t feel the effects until after. A rough plan was made, and you and Steve separated from Tony, with plans to meet back up as soon as possible.
As with every other thing you guys had done, there had to be at least a couple of hiccups. You and Steve managed to grab more Pym particles, but once you exited the room you quickly realized that at least a few people were on to you. Overhearing the woman from the elevator saying that she’d never seen you, Steve, and Tony before, you asked Steve what to do. He quickly put an arm around you and walked in the other direction, pretending to make small talk.
Once you were far enough away that you didn’t think they’d see, you walked through 2 random doors. You’d been the one to point out you should separate, that way if one of you got caught, the other was free to rescue them. You and Steve really should’ve paid more attention to where exactly you were going. The name on the door Steve had randomly chosen? Margaret Carter.
As he looked around the room, feeling his heart break when he saw that she still kept a photo of him from before the serum on his desk, you were frantically looking around, wondering where you could possibly hide. When the door handle twisted open, you thought well, I hope they make my death quick.
When you and Peggy locked eyes, she was a little surprised, to say the least. She hadn’t been told that anyone would be in the room, and she didn’t know of any other women currently working in that particular building. Steve watched, frozen, wondering if he should go help you. Peggy would recognize him, of course, but he couldn’t just leave you.
As you stammered through what you hoped was a believable excuse for why you were in there, Peggy surprised you by just straight up asking if you were from the future.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” she gave you a small smile, noticing how nervous you seemed. “It’s alright, I’m not going to go running out screaming about you.”
“How— how did you—” You were still trying to process the fact that not only did she figure you out instantly, but she was so calm about it.
“There are things I’ve witnessed that if I heard about them from someone else, I might not even believe. But these days nothing surprises me. I also don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone dressed like you, your clothes are definitely from another time. By any chance are you working with Howard Stark? Time travel is something he dreams of doing one day too.”
You didn’t have the heart to tell her. And even if you did, you still wouldn’t have. Her knowing what eventually happens to him wouldn’t have done anything. “Umm, I’m working with someone that knows him,” you tried to tell her what you could, without straight up lying.
“Oh,” she shuffled through a few papers on a desk. You were still puzzled by her reaction, but were mentally trying to figure out a way to make your exit. Once she put the papers down, she turned to you, a smile on her face. “Do you use some sort of device? Or is it the suit you’re wearing?”
For a few seconds, you considered what / exactly how much you should tell her. But you couldn’t draw more attention to yourself by turning and running, and you figured since she was there for the super soldier serum with Steve, she must know at least a little about enhanced individuals. So you settled for the truth.
“I… it’s kind of weird, I guess? I just— I don’t know, really. I just do it. I have to think of a specific location and be specific with the exact year, month, day, and time too. But then I just concentrate and… I’m there. It sounds odd, I know, but I’ve been able to do this for as long as I can remember. This is the furthest I’ve travelled back though, and it’s mainly just for practice. I must’ve read about this place in a book or something.”
“Fascinating,” she whispered. “If I may ask, what year did you come from?”
“2023,” you said softly, again surprised at how she remained so calm.
“I’ll be an old woman by then, maybe I’m even gone already. But do we know each other at all? You just, you said you worked with someone who knew Howard, and I’ve worked with him quite a bit.”
“I’d heard a great deal about you, and you’re someone that I look up to and admire very much, but no I unfortunately never got to meet you.”
Before she could ask you another question, a series of loud knocks on the door caused you both to jump.
“Carter, you in there?” A voice called out loudly. “Word going around that there are three trespassers in the building, I’m supposed to check every room.”
Your eyes widened, and you looked around, seeing if there was any place you could hide. The door opened just then and Peggy stepped around you and pulled you in for a hug, the guy who entered now looking at your back.
“Just saying goodbye to an old friend,” she smiled at him, then turned her head slightly and whispered to you, “go straight into my office and exit from there. And keep up the good work, the world needs more women in charge,” she smiled and then quickly opened her office door, ushering you inside. “Now, what was that about trespassers?” She turned back to face the man in the room.
You prepared to run out of the room, and ran directly into Steve. He put his arms out to steady you, eyes still on the office next door.
“She… she knew I was here from the future. She’s distracting that man but we have to go now. I’ll tell you more later, promise.” With that, you both exited Peggy’s office. You quickly held a folder up in front of your face, and Steve put his glasses back. on. The building was a lot more crowded now, and you both hurried as you knew it was only a matter of time before someone noticed you were both out of place.
You and Steve made it outside just in time to see Tony saying goodbye to a man you assumed was his father, given that they hugged before parting ways. When you all arrived back at the compound, there was a brief moment of celebration as Rhodey exclaimed that he couldn’t believe it actually worked. Then when Clint dropped to his knees, reality and the full weight of the situation set in.
“Clint… where’s Nat?”
You and Clint seemed to take her death the hardest. Everyone missed her, of course, but you blamed yourselves. Clint felt like it was supposed to be him, he should’ve been the one to die. And you said it was meant to be you. You were supposed to go with him first, after all.
Traveling back 5 decades took it’s toll on you not long after you all went back into the compound again after that talk about Nat. Steve helped you back to your floor, insisting that you at least try and get a little bit of rest. He pointed out that they still had to figure out how to put the stones together, and they still had to decide who was going to actually be the one to snap. After promising that he’d tell you before anything happened and that they’d bring you in on any discussions, you agreed to rest.
You thought that you wouldn’t be able to fall asleep, but your body was so drained that in less than a minute, you were out cold. An unknown amount of time later, you were woken up by a phone call telling you to suit up and make your way to the labs. You quickly changed into the suit that Tony had given you a couple of years prior. You hadn’t used it yet since you weren’t going on missions, and this was the first time you put it on.
Once you joined the others, the arguing began. Thor felt it was his responsibility to put the glove on and be the one to snap, but Tony pointed out he was in no condition to do so.
You volunteered, but Tony cut you off with a swift “don’t even think about touching that glove kid. You travelled back over fifty years, and by the way I had to find out from Banner that traveling back that far could damage your health?” Knowing your body couldn’t handle it anyway, you stepped back.
In the end it was agreed upon that Bruce would do it. He was definitely still the biggest since he was partly trapped in the Hulk’s body. And the fact that it was mostly gamma radiation, he said he was the closest of everyone to being made for this.
No one was sure if it worked at first, until Clint got a call from Laura. He hadn’t even gotten a chance to answer though before something smashed through the glass windows, sending all of you flying backwards. Explosion after explosion… after explosion, none of you even had a second to process what was happening.
When you finally opened your eyes, you were trapped under a lot of rubble. You used what little strength you had left to move what you could, and just barely managed to crawl out. You panicked, looking around for anybody. Tripping over a big chunk of wall, you were caught with just inches between your face and the ground.
“Come on, no laying down on the job,” Pietro helped you up, holding his arm out so that he could help you walk. “We have to find a place for you to rest. I don’t know—”
You cut him off. “I’m staying with you guys.”
Once you, Steve, Pietro, Tony, Wanda, and Thor spotted Thanos, no one was really sure what to do. Steve said you all had to keep the stones away from Thanos. You pointed out that nobody knew where they were, and Tony said that could be used to your advantage. At this point it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, and you all just had to distract Thanos. Pietro argued that it was a trap, why else would he be just sitting there? None of you knew how to respond at first, but when Thor said “let’s kill him properly this time”, something seemed to click.
The lightning drew Thanos’ attention, and he did nothing but watch as the 4 of you approached. From there, the battle really began. The red energy began to glow from your hands, and you were waiting for someone to signal to attack. Thor and Tony were first to strike, with the rest of you quickly joining in.
Thanos grabbed you by your neck and flung you to the side as if you weighed nothing, and you weren’t even able to process what was happening. Wanda, luckily, happened to see what happened and she used your powers to slow you down and gently set you on the ground. Pietro immediately ran towards you, but you assured him that you were fine. You didn’t really know if you were, but you did know that none of them could be distracted trying to save you.
It seemed like it happened in the blink of an eye, Thanos sent Tony, Wanda, and Pietro crashing at the same time, and neither seemed to be moving. Then he went after Thor, and you began to panic. You looked to your left, bending down and picking up the weapon next to you. “Steve!” You yelled, throwing it at him with no warning.
He caught Mjolnir, and when Thor realized what you both could do, he cheered. For at least a solid minute, you all had the upper hand. You and Steve basically threw Mjolnir back and forth, with Thanos in the middle as a sort of punching bag. Nothing could stand in the way of the hammer, so he was knocked down a few times. You raised and quickly slammed it down, causing lightning to erupt all around Thanos. Steve then managed to land a hit directly on him, but Thanos was quick to recover. Mjolnir was sent flying, and as you ran to get it, Steve faced Thanos by himself. You heard the sound of the shield coming apart, breaking as if it were simply made of glass.
You felt yourself getting weaker, but knew you couldn’t give up now. You grabbed hold of Mjolnir, but soon after, fell to the ground. You kept one hand on it though, and tried to pull yourself to a standing position as Thanos gave a big speech about what he was about to do to earth. Finally, you managed, standing next to Steve as you could do nothing but watch as Thanos’ massive army approached. You looked around, and realized that no one was getting up. It seemed to just be the 2 of you.
You held Mjolnir, and Steve held what was left of his shield, both of you limping forward, prepared to fight with only each other as backup. Then… static in both of your ear pieces.
“What the hell was that?” You tapped the piece, wondering if it was malfunctioning. Steve shook his head, not knowing what you all just heard either.
“Cap it’s Sam, can you hear me?” Came out as soft as a whisper. You almost didn’t catch it. “On your left.”
You both turned around, stunned into silence as people began to make their way through portals. But not just anyone. T’Challa, Shuri, and Okoye were first through a portal from Wakanda. Quickly followed by Sam, and then more and more portals began to open. Everyone walked or flew through, and prepared to fight.
You recognized everyone, having known who they were beforehand, or from seeing them on the news as some of the many people who disappeared five years ago. You stumbled, and Steve was quick to reach out and steady you again. You both had smiles on your faces, ignoring the pain and instead focusing on the fact that now, you stood a chance.
Just before Steve yelled out, you handed him Mjolnir, raising your hands and summoning the energy. This time, it was yellow. You had hope.
It was a long fight. You were unsure of how many people you actually managed to take down, once the enemy in front of you fell, you were right on to the next one.
At one point, you ended up with Stormbreaker. You saw it laying on the ground as Thor chose to take someone out the old fashioned way, with just his fists. He shook his head, holding Mjolnir out to you. “No, no you’re little. You take the little one,” you traded and he gave you a smile before taking off running.
What could’ve been minutes, or hours later, you didn’t know because the battle seemed to be lasting a lifetime, a boy you quickly recognized as Peter Parker landed beside you to help you up after you’d fallen.
“Holy cow, you’re really pretty. Are you hurt? You’re bleeding. Oh my God Mr. Stark,” he turned to face Tony, not even taking another breath before he continued on with the same sentence, “you will not believe what’s been going on. Do you remember when we were in space—”
Everything was pretty much a blur from there. As everyone worked together, eventually you, Thor and Steve made your way to Tony as he fought Thanos for the stones.
You were all so distracted by him throwing Carol to the side, that none of you noticed Tony slipping the stones out of Thanos’ glove and putting them on his own suit.
“I… am… Iron Man.”
It wasn’t long until Thanos and his army turned to dust, and you could’ve sworn you saw a sense of… acceptance? On his face just before he disappeared.
“Tony!” You caught him just before he hit a wall, and helped ease him onto the ground. “No, no no you can’t die, you… I’m gonna go back. I should’ve gone back and switched with Nat but I can do it now and… you have to— you can’t leave, Tony.” Your hands shook as you tried to remove the stones from his suit, but he used up what little energy he had left to place his hand on top of yours. When you looked up, all he could do was shake his head and whisper “don’t you dare”.
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At Tony’s funeral, you stood behind Happy and Rhodey, between Steve and Peter, as you all said your final goodbyes. Nobody said a whole lot, and there were understandably a lot of tears.
When it was time to return the stones, you’d had nearly 2 weeks to recover, and were pretty much back to normal. Steve volunteered to do it alone, and up until the last second you begged him to let you go with him. It was dangerous, he’d have to go to more than one location, and if there were 2 of you, hopefully that would ensure that all the stones made it back to exactly where they needed to be. He told you that you’d done more than enough, he didn’t want to make you come along on one more journey to return them. But you insisted, pointing out once again that he was the first one to show you genuine kindness, and you’d never forgive yourself if something happened to him while going back in time.
He knew you still blamed yourself for Nat, and although he wasn’t necessarily worried about something happening to him, he was worried about your reaction if something did. So he reluctantly agreed. You quickly suited up, in another new suit that Tony had meant to give to you as a surprise, but Pepper instead gave to you a week after his funeral. He’d modified your suit to act similar to their time travel ones, in the hopes that they’d shorten your recovery time.
It took some discussing, but in the end you and Steve decided to stick together, not wanting to have a greater chance of something happening to one of you if you separated to speed things up. Those that were there all wished you luck, except for one person. Bucky didn’t understand why he couldn’t be the one to go back and help Steve. You missed his glare after he and Steve said their goodbyes and you both pressed the buttons on your suits and went back.
When you got back to 1970, it was only moments after you all left the first time after taking everything. You hoped your disguises were a lot better this time, and you were able to return things to their original places in record time. As you were walking back down the hall to make your way outside again, a hand grabbed your arm and quickly pulled you into a room.
You whipped around, surprised to be face-to-face with Peggy Carter again.
“What are you still doing here??”
After a moment, you realized that for her, only minutes had passed since she helped you sneak out. She probably thought you’d just been here the whole time instead of making your escape.
“No, I—”
“If they catch you, they’ll—”
You held your hands up. “I know. I know it looks bad. But I’ve only just go there, I swear it. We came back to return what we took.”
You glanced outside, and saw Steve leaning against a wall, trying to be subtle as he glanced around wondering where the hell you ran off to. Sighing, and hoping this wouldn’t come back to bite you in the ass, you quickly opened the door and pulled him into the room.
“Wh- Steve?” Shock was written all over her face. “But… how?”
“I’ll give you two a minute,” you opened the door and stepped into the room that for Peggy, she’d all but pushed you out of just minutes before.
You waited nearly 10 minutes before Steve finally joined you in the other room. One look at him, and you knew before he even said anything. Neither of you spoke as he pulled you in for a hug, thanking you for everything that you’d done. You reminded him that he literally saved your life, and you were the one that should be thanking him.
After a minute, you finally stepped apart. Peggy joined you both, and asked if even you wanted to stay too, adding that she could bring you on as one of her partners, and mentioning that the world now especially, really could use more women in charge. You gave her a hug, saying you appreciated the offer, but this wasn’t your time. Steve gave you one last hug, and then you went back.
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When you returned alone, no one understood why. Sam started freaking out about getting Steve back, while Bruce frantically worked to fix what he thought was a mistake he made. Bucky finally approached, not making eye contact with you. He was visibly upset, and instead turned to Sam to ask where Steve was.
You walked away, not having the energy to try and analyze Bucky’s attitude towards you. “Guys,” you called out to them after a moment, pointing at a lone figure sitting on a bench. Sam was first to walk up next to you, and he was confused. He looked at the old man, then back at you. Once you said “Peggy”, his eyes widened as he finally understood. “Go talk to him,” you motioned.
On your way back to talk to Bruce, you shook your head as a sudden headache came on. He asked if you were okay, and you nodded, saying it was just the usual symptoms that came with you having to travel back so far. It wasn’t nearly as bad last time, and you silently thanked Tony for your new suit.
For a while, you continued living with Pepper and Morgan. You offered to leave, but Pepper insisted that they both wanted you to stay, and that if he were still there, Tony wouldn’t have let you leave either. But when she announced that she wanted to move to an apartment because living in the cabin was too much, you decided to move back into the compound.
(Almost) everyone was ecstatic to hear about your return. They missed your cooking, and Sam called you twice to ask if you’d be making dinner for everyone the night you returned.
You didn’t know what would become of you and James, but you weren’t expecting it to be… this. That first night as soon as you walked into the kitchen, while everyone else greeted you with a hug, you noticed him sneaking off to his room, not saying a word to anyone. You brushed it off as him being tired, or maybe he’d already eaten. You asked Sam if he knew what was up, but he just shrugged and told you to give the guy some time.
When you moved back in, you weren’t sure where you were going to go. Since James was obviously back and you didn’t expect to move back to the 4th floor because it was his place first. A few days after that dinner, Wanda and Pietro came over to help you pack up your things. Sam, Bruce, and Rhodey offered to come too, but you pointed out that you didn’t own much and it should all fit in 2 vehicles. A couple of hours later, the last box had been taped shut. You hugged Pepper and Morgan goodbye, the latter making you promise to come over to their place for a sleepover once they settled in.
Once you pulled up to the newly built compound, Sam immediately started helping the 3 of you carry your boxes. When you all got into the elevator and you noticed what button Sam pushed, you nearly dropped the box you were carrying.
“… did you mean to press another floor?”
Sam glanced at the buttons, shaking his head. “Nope. Fourth floor.”
“You do realize that James hates me right?”
“Wow, James huh.”
You failed to resist the urge to roll your eyes. “Well we’re not friends so I don’t think he’d like me calling him Bucky. Why am I going back to that floor Sam? He lived there first. And I think—”
“Relax, it’s fine. All floors are either still being renovated, or they already have two occupants. I’m on the same floor as Bruce, the wonder twins here are sharing a floor, Thor technically has his own floor because Peter’s hardly ever here but it’s still crowded with way too much stuff, and I don’t think you want the floor that the Guardians have been using. They’re not here either, off doing space shit or whatever, but if you go down there it looks like they left behind everything they owned. Barnes is the only one not sharing a floor. He doesn’t have a lot of stuff, and it pretty much looks the same as when you left it.”
“So he said it was okay if I moved in with him temporarily?”
Sam bit his lip, remaining silent as you all got off on the 4th floor and made your way to one end. “I mean, he.. didn’t… say… that it wasn’t… okay?”
You looked at Pietro and Wanda who both suddenly became really interested in trying to remove the tape from the boxes. “Let me guess. Because you haven’t asked him??”
Pietro put an arm around you, leading you back out toward the elevators. “Come on we have lots more boxes to bring up! I thought you said you didn’t have a lot of stuff princess?”
You were grateful that the next 2 hours brought lots of distraction. It didn’t take long to bring the rest of your stuff up, because Pietro loved to show off to you and was able to bring up nearly everything by the time you made one more trip. You then opened the boxes and unpacked them one at a time, deciding this was better than opening everything because you knew your anxiety would creep in and it would all look like too much to do if every single box was opened together.
You took your time unpacking your clothes and what little decor you brought, but a lot of things were kept in boxes, all shoved into the spare bedroom next door. The floor held 4 rooms in total, and you were grateful that Sam at least gave you the one on the opposite end from James. And even though the floor now looked pretty empty, you didn’t want to overstep and make him hate you even more by putting out any of your little decorations.
The first time, you were eager to decorate and make it your own, once you started to come out of your shell. But now, James being there terrified you. He hadn’t once smiled at you, and you didn’t think he’d even said a single word to you now that you thought about it. You didn’t know why he seemed to hate you so much, when you know he had opened up to Sam and started to open up to everyone else, too.
And how could you know? He didn’t tell you that he was angry that you went back in time with Steve. He didn’t tell you that he was upset because he felt like if he had been the one to go back, then he could’ve convinced Steve to come back too. He knew it was selfish, Steve deserved a happy life with someone he loved more than anyone James knew, but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t know anything about you, including your past, and how you came to live with the Avengers. And he convinced himself that he didn’t want to know anything about you. All he knew (or thought he knew) was that you were the reason his best friend stayed in the past and left him.
One evening when Steve came to visit everyone at the compound, he noticed that as soon as James entered the living room, you were quick to say you weren’t that hungry and you’d come finish your food later. When he looked over and saw the dirty look James was giving you, it didn’t take long to figure out why. As much as he wanted to tell your story, because he knew it would make him ease up, he didn’t. It wasn’t his place to, at least not without asking you first. So after he quickly finished his food, Steve excused himself from the room and went to go check on you.
You’d locked your bedroom door, but when it opened a few seconds later you stood up in shock. “How the fu—”
“Language,” he shook his head, and was relieved when that got you to smile. “Come on, who do you think was the one that hid all the spare keys?”
“Wait there were spare keys this whole time??” You held your hand out, and he chuckled as he dropped the key into your hand. You put it on your dresser, and turned back around, waiting for Steve to speak first.
“You wanna tell me what’s going on between you and Bucky?”
You raised your eyebrows at him, waiting for a few seconds to see if he’d elaborate. He didn’t. “Umm… nothing? We’ve literally never spoken to each other.”
Steve sighed, feeling torn. “Neither of you have tried to speak to each other?”
You shook your head, standing up and rearranging something on your desk that didn’t need rearranging.
“Buck… he’s been through a lot. And—”
“You don’t have to explain, Steve. I get it. Was I expecting to become best friends? No. But the fact that he can’t even make eye contact with me without looking like he wants to kill me in my sleep is quickly becoming a bit much. Why do you think I left the room so quickly?”
He hadn’t realized it was getting that bad. Last he spoke to his best friend, he downplayed it saying you guys just haven’t really spoken to each other. He made it seem like it was because of your schedules, which seemed odd, given that Bucky wasn’t going on missions yet, and you rarely did.
“I think if you just give him a little time, maybe if he learns about what you’ve been through because I know he’d understand—”
“No,” you shook your head again. “I’m sorry to keep cutting you off, but no. I’m not going to dump my trauma on someone to try and guilt them into becoming my friend. He doesn’t want anything to do with me, fine. Rhodey said it’s just 3 more months of renovations and then I can move to my own floor. So we’re all good, really.”
The sadness in your tone of voice said otherwise.
“You want me to try and talk to him?” Steve hated seeing you like this. Before… everything, happened, despite all that you’d been through, you were one of the nicest people he knew. Fighting alongside you was the first time he saw that side of you. Even way back when he and Nat first rescued you, he could tell you didn’t want that life.
“Thank you, but no. It won’t make a difference,” you shrugged sadly.
As much as he wanted to protest, because he knew there’d be a change of heart, he agreed and promised that he’d stay quiet.
Truthfully, you wondered if part of the reason that James hated you was because of your involvement with New Hydra. You knew he put all the Winter Soldier stuff behind him, or tried to as much as he could anyway, and you wondered if he was so distant because he wanted nothing to do with any of that. You had no idea that he didn’t know any of it.
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such a shitty place to cut it off hdfaldkfa BUT like i mentioned this was all originally just 1 big part with 34k+ words so i had to pick somewhere to split the chapters!
141 notes · View notes
angelamajiki · 4 years
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PARINGS: Shouta Aizawa x Reader
CW: yandere, stalking, rape/noncon, pain kink, pain play, mild scent kink, home invasion, gags, restraints, virginity kink, scumbag aizawa, pet play, humiliation, cum stuffing, fingerings, snowballing, voice kink
SYNOPSIS: You have been calling the same phone sex operator for months, creating stalker and CNC fantasies. What happens when he rings true to his words?
AN: this is very dark, be warned! just had to make a fic out of the little idea I had <3
It’s always you who requests him. He can tell you're a virgin, the way your voice wavers when you feel like responding to him. Sometimes you don’t, letting your breathy moans do the talking for you.
“Good little girl.”
“Getting off to a phone call from your stalker? What a whore.”
“Cum for me, pretty girl.”
”Do you like that, pretty little kitty?”
He never had a knack for giving nicknames, but he had to make it known that he remembers you. Remembers that voice. Hopefully, he’ll be able to remember your body one day.
Tracking you down was easy enough; you didn't bother to block your number and public records was just calling his name. God did he love untouched girls like yourself. So wet and pliant, so easily manipulated, so naive to believe everyone had good intentions.
Cameras were placed around your house so he could watch you when he couldn't hear you. If it was a stalker you wanted, he was going to give it to you.
You called often and asked for him always—such an obedient girl. The live feed from your bedroom streamed in front of him whenever you rang, but he was tired of playing games this week.
“Just look at the way you’re kneading yourself; you like to tease yourself. Don't you, kitty?”
Your breath hitched, but he knew it wasn't from pleasure. Looking around, he chuckled at your confused expression.
“You got a real cute face, you know that kitty? I can't wait to fuck it one day.”
Be rational, you told yourself. Its all part of the fantasy, right? He can’t actually see you.
“That’s a cute bed spread you got there, I didn’t take you for the type who liked lilies. You always keep roses in your kitchen vase.”
Okay, he was definitely listening to you now.
“Say, you live on 14th Street, don't you? Why don't I come down and give you an in person session?”
“What do you say, kitty? Or should I just break in like I always tell you I would?”
The phone hung up after that comment. Sure, you were up to the fantasy of being stalked and raped; that’s why you called him. It was too embarrassing to tell a partner your fantasies, not like you had one. Or roommates for that matter.
His voice is what soothed you after a hard day, but now it kept ringing in your ears. Listening to his breathy chuckles sent shivers down your spine, but you never expected to feel them there.
Three raps came from your bedroom door before it opened. You were buried in your sheets, hopelessly, desperately attempting to be asleep. Like that would stop him.
“I know you're awake.”
An “ah” of realization came from him.
“Unless you sleeping peacefully is part of the fantasy. This is new, but I can indulge you in that kitty.”
The bed dipped and creaked with his weight, fear sinking into your heart further as a hand smoothed itself over your shoulders.
“So tense.” He tutted. “I’ve got something that can help you relax.”
His tongue lapped at the outer shell of your ear; arm slung over your blanketed body.
“Such a naughty girl. Tell me, how many times did you get off to the sound of my voice telling you I was going to take your virginity by force.”
A hand snaked its way up to your throat, squeezing gently enough not to cause pain but enough to cut off part of your air.
“Tell me you want me to rape you, here and now. Or I’ll take you out to the alley and make a display of it.”
His voice barely reached above of a whisper the entire time, the same soft sound he used over the phone. Hot breaths tickled your ear and neck as you squirmed, gasping at straws for air.
“I promise to be gentle; I know you like a tender man who takes what he wants.”
Your throat restricted even more under the hand to the point where you felt light-headed.
“Please!” You gasped, using your nails to scratch at his wrapped fingers. The pressure withdrew.
“Please what, kitty? C’mon, you can do it.”
“P-Please rape me.”
A sharp laugh came from behind you.
“Is that any way to address me? I thought we were using special nicknames here.”
He let you have your moment, apparently amused to see you choke for air as he stroked your back.
“Please rape me...sir.”
“Atta girl.”
The hand made its way back to your throat, only resting there as the thumb stroked over your tender flesh. The other one snuck under the blanket and groped at your chest.
“You're a virgin, aren't you, kitty? Don't worry; your owner is going to talk you through it. Nice and slow so you feel everything I'm giving you.”
Fingers wiggled their way under your bra and began pinching at your nipples, tugging and pulling at the hardening nubs.
“Stop squirming, or I’ll have to tie you up. You'll get your treat soon enough, kitty.”
You yelped after a particularly rough tug, tears springing in your eyes. His one hand managed to rip your bra apart, giving better access to his perverted fingers.
“I know you like it, the way I knead your pretty little breasts. Come, take your clothes off. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
Everything came off before he instructed you to stand at the edge of the bed for him. He circled you like a predator, making inspections.
“I have to make sure my kitty is well-groomed and taking care of herself.”
The weight of his hot breath on your skin weighed down on you, pulling you further under his spell. He lifted your arms and smelled your scent.
“Lavender deodorant? What a shame; I wished I could have smelled your natural musk.”
Humiliation flushed your face hot. Disgusting pervert, it seemed he was into everything as long as it wasn't consensual.
“Sit down on the bed, legs spread.”
The baritone of his voice shook you to your core, but not in the pleasurable way you're used to.
“Don't make me ask twice, pet.”
His command was hard to ignore after following them for such a long time; it was practically instinctual to do as you were told. Shaking legs spread as you turned your head to the side. Another tut rolled off his tongue as he gripped your cheeks with one hand.
“Don't turn away from me. I want to see the look in yours when I take you and make you mine.”
You hadn't even realized before that he had brought a bag with him. From it, he took a bar spreader, rope, and a spider gag, all of which he put on you. The gag made your mouth uncomfortably wide, leaving nothing to his imagination.
Rough fingers pull you tongue from your mouth, his own coming down to lick at before spitting down the back of your throat.
You did.
“Good kitty.”
The name didn't comfort you anymore. Nothing about him comforted you anymore. Not his voice, not his nickname, and certainly not his breath, which you felt like was burning all over your body.
“I’m going to be nice and leave your throat alone today. However, if I give you a treat, you will swallow it. Do I make myself clear?”
You nodded, terrified at the notion that he intended to come back after tonight. Crouching down in front of you, he inspected your wet pussy before spitting on it as well. Gingerly moving your lips, he circled your tight hole and stood up.
“That should do.”
Watching him undress himself seemed to make time move slower, knowing that he was about to take your virginity within minutes. His hard cock sprung out from his boxers and hit his happy trail, bobbing slightly against his abs. Not only was this man toned, but he was also huge.
“In we go, kitty.”
Not even taking the courtesy to gather some slick from you, he pushed in, taking his sweet time as he locked eyes with you. He went agonizing slow, grinning as you wailed in pain.
“Hurts, doesn't it? Let's see how painful we can make this.”
You were hardly prepped, only having wetness left behind from your previous phone call. It stung, and it stung bad. Your eyes wept as you looked up at him with a pleading gaze, hoping he would take mercy on you. He did no such thing, pinching your clit between his fingers and rolling it with intense pressure. Moaning, he watched as you convulsed and twitched in pain beneath him.
“Being such a good girl for me, kitty.”
Another glob of spit landed in the back of your throat, making you gasp and choke on your sobs. He loved that you were an ugly, messy crier. It only served to make his dick harder.
Once he bottomed out, he stayed there for a while, letting you feel the fullness of his thick cock.
“The name’s Shouta, by the way. I'm sure you must have been curious.”
He spoke so casually, so calmly. It made you furious how collected he was while you were a whimpering, sniffling mess.
“Don't worry; we’ll have all the time in the world once we’re done to get to know me.”
Goddamn, that voice. That hypnotizing, nauseating voice. It's the reason you're stuck here underneath a fucking phone sex operator that turned out to be your stalker. What a mess.
A tap to the temple pulled you back to the present.
“Keep your focus here, kitty.”
Hips drew back and snapped into you, not letting you take a moment to adjust as he set a brutal speed.
Oh, how you wished you could leave your body, but if anything, your senses were all the more enhanced, taking in every last drop of your surroundings. The sounds of the bed creaking under his pounding, his grunts and breaths, the skin slapping against skin, your own cries of misery. The feeling of his breath, how your once silk sheets now felt like sandpaper across your skin, the metal of your binds, and the burn of your rope. Everything and nothing all at once.
The minutes seemed to draw themselves out into hours as he continued his assault. He, or Shouta, you supposed, wasn't lasting very long. It didn't suit him; he seemed like a man of stamina. Maybe it was because he played out a sick fantasy of his that made him cum in minutes.
Unprotected, he came deep inside you before sliding out, giving your pussy a slap as he made his exit.
“Such a tight little kitty you've got there.”
Fingers at the ready, he stuffed his cum back inside you, toying with your clit all the while. He was quick to make you cum, making you see stars at the intensity of your orgasm.
“Don’t worry; I'll make you cum on my cock next time. I have plenty of games planned for us when I take you home.”
Pulling his fingers out, he pushed them down your throat to clean them before getting up and dressed again. He left you there, tied up and gone without a word.
In reality, he was just getting his car ready for you, but who was he to deny himself the pleasure of seeing your panicked face when he came back?
You were going to make a fine pet for him.
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e-jaegerenthusiast · 3 years
U&I; bully!megumi
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warnings/tw; smut, orgasm denial, oral (both f and m receiving), unprotected sex, cockwarming, slight degrading, overstimulation, squirting, slapping, creampie, stomach bulge, slight blood, fluff towards the end (sheesh that’s a lot💀)
(all characters are of age)
bully characters event w/ @angedelouvre <3
summary; you always tried to understand him, what you didn’t know was that he was obsessed with you, not knowing how to show his love.
w.c; 5.0k
(based on the song U&I by the neighbourhood)
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there were many occasions where people would call you naive. your small group of friends, your parents, even strangers of all sorts. they called you naive because they knew you had a choice.
they knew you could just report him to your teachers, school council or, principal even. they knew you were holding back. many times you felt shame, embarrassment, sheer humiliation. the venom in his voice would tug at your heartstrings and threaten to poison you. but you knew you were already poisened.
you asked yourself the reason to being quite. especially the times when he would hurt your feelings to the point you would think of reporting him. it would be a thought shimmering around your head, circling until you felt dizzy to the brim, tears threatening to spill. but you wouldn’t cry. you knew you were stronger than that, you knew you could handle it. you had enough practice thanks to your family anyway.
your problem was that, you were too understanding.
too empathic. your heart felt bad for the boy. you had done your research on him. knew that his mother was dead. knew that she probably died due to the not-so obvious criminal acts of his dad.
his dad was threatening. you only saw him once or twice at school, on rare occasions it was that he would drop his son off with his black heavy-duty ram. as if he couldn’t get any more intimidating, he had a scar across his lips, frown on his face, bored look in his eyes, thick muscles and veins gripping the steering wheel.
your eyes would dart to megumi, as he would get out the car, closing the door with force you knew wasn’t needed. the noise echoing through your ears as his dad would reciprocate with the sound of the heavy engine speeding off. your lips would form a thin line, thinking if that’s the tension between them without any words, what hell was it at home?
would they scream and shout at eachother? break things? would his introvert and brooding sister get caught up between the two hot-headed men? would they not even talk? as deadly silence fills the whole house?
you would be brought out of your thoughts and snapped back to reality as fushiguro would walk past you, light scoff leaving his velvet lips. looking at you with a frown as if you were below him. as if you were ought to be ashamed for staring at him. as if you didn’t have permission to. the threatening look in his dark blue eyes would raise the beats of your heart, yet you wouldn’t look away. you knew you would pay for it later anyway.
you would watch as he walked away, your eyes darting to his hair. noticing how it wasn’t styled and spiky today as it is normally. his hair was almost messy, as if he wasn’t bothered to do anything with it. a few strands covered his forhead, making him look almost.. soft. you internally laughed at yourself for ever associating that word with the boy.
you would zone out all day in your classes, thinking of all the possibilities. thinking of what life fushiguro had to live at home. trying to understand why he would act the way he did. why he felt the need to bully you, no. you hated that word. you hated what it implied. you would like to believe he would only pick on you. maybe you were in denial. that’s what everybody would tell you. even your brain, telling you that you like to be his punching bag.
so what if he had issues at home? so what if he had self-issues and most definitely daddy issues? that would be no reason to hurt you. a girl. no, that would be no reason to hurt anyone. that’s what the rational parts of your brain would tell you. the other parts, the more naive and dumb parts, would tell you you want to help him somehow. even if he got some sort of relief by hurting you. you would want to help him.
you didn’t know why you would sacrifice your mental and emotional well being for a boy like him. but something pulled you in. he was like a damn magnet. a negative one. and you were the positive. that’s all you would think about sitting in physics class. but the negative and positive should attract eachother. then why were you the only would attracted? were you?
your thoughts were interrupted by the ringing sound of the bell, everyone picking up their backpacks and leaving. you would always be last to leave the classroom, sometimes staring too hard out the window, getting lost in your thoughts. there was something peaceful about an empty classroom, a place that was always constantly filled with noise and people, now quite.
you sighed as you picked up your bag and slowly started making your way out the classroom, you had a free period now, which you would usually go and have lunch with your friends in. however today you were feeling nauseous, not really in the mood to chew or even swallow anything.
as you opened the class door, making your way to the empty halls, you felt a strong pair of hands grab on to your shoulders, making you flinch. they pushed you back into the classroom in a flash, you were now pushed up against the classroom wall, door closing shut by itself. as you tried to calm your breathing and opened your eyes, you saw the familiar dark blue ones staring down at you with a glint of madness swimming in them. you wish you could swim in them.
your heart started beating faster. how did he know you took this class? you looked down at his hands on your upper arms, hissing as you looked up at him with your eyebrows furrowed, as if you wanted to tell him it hurt with your eyes. not wanting to talk. he slightly loosened his grip on your arms. but still keeping his big hands on you. as if to remind you, to make you aware of his intimidating presence.
he spoke through his teeth, with the same venom in his voice as always, “what the fuck were you doing watching me this morning?” he searched your eyes for an answer, yet the only thing he saw was his own so called hate in them.
you batted your eyelashes slowly, “I- huh?”
his grip tightened again in a mere second, pushing you into the wall as you winced, your back hitting against the hard wall. “don’t fucking bullshit me, l/n. you come to school from the other side, what the fuck were you doing on the east side where I get off?” 
you closed your eyes and tried to control your breathing. not wanting to break beneath his firm touch and voice. you spoke in a low voice as you looked down, “..I was— waiting for a friend that gets off there.”
you felt both his hands let go of you, dropping by his sides. you felt his fingers on your chin, making you flinch visibly, his brows furrowing at you as he made you look up to his eyes.
your eyes darted all around his face, his cheeks looked so soft, his lips pressed together as his face was dangerously close to yours. you finally looked up to his eyes, they were as if searching for something within yours, you bit on your lower lip, his hand left your chin. muttering “liar.” before he swiftly got out, leaving you a mental mess in the empty classroom.
the day passed quite slowly, it seemed like every hour was adding a new weight on your head. you picked up your bag and left your last class, gaze on the floor as you thought about a certain raven-headed asshole.
you weren’t feeling like going home, you’d usually go home after the sun sets, listening to music and biking around. your parents could care less anyway, busy with their own bickering. you walked to the school parking lot, trying to get to your bike.
a tall figure caught your attention as he was leaning against a tree, the shadow of the big willow covering his face. your eyes darted to the willow tree, the cool breeze making the leaves swish from side to side. willows, hope. belonging. safety.
you walked towards the tree, the bike stands being right next to it. you glanced at the boy again, almost gasping as your eyes locked with the same blue ones from earlier today. he walked towards you, hint of a smirk on his face. you swiftly tried to untie your bike and leave. not wanting any more conflict, you thought you couldn’t take it.
he grabbed on to your arm with a tight grip, your eyes shooting daggers at him, “let me go.” for once, venom filled your voice. he gave you the most shit-eating grin, “I wanna talk to you, bunny.” you tolled your eyes at the unfamiliar nickname.
you felt rather bold today, the blood in your veins rushing to your ears as you raised your voice, “let me fucking go. go and release your daddy issues somewhere else, fushiguro.”
he raise his brows, “the sweet innocent girl is swearing at me? insulting me? you seem to forget who you’re talking to, sweetie.” his grip on your arm tightened as he pulled you away from your bike before you could undo the restrains. he started pulling you towards the parking lot.
your legs walking for you at this point, you dumbfoundedly followed him as he kept tugging on your arm. almost throwing you when he let go, his voice filled with anger, “get in.” he said as he got into a black hellcat charger parked in the parking lot.
you stood there, the rational part of your brain practically yelling at you to not get in a car with your bully. but your legs were already walking for you before you could listen to your own warnings.
the smell of cedarwood and musk hit your nose as you sat down in the leather seats next to him. looking out the window, you huffed. crossing your arms as the car started with a roar, “where are we going?”
he glanced at you from the side of his eyes, “shut your smart little mouth.” this time, his voice wasn’t filled with the usual venom, it had a hint of..playfulness?
you dropped your hands in your lap and fidgeted with them, tapping one of your legs against the floor of the car slowly as he pulled out of the parking lot snd onto the street. that didn’t go unnoticed by fushiguro, his eyes darting to your fingers and your bumping leg, piecing together that you were indeed nervous.
he spoke in a low, menacing voice, “I’m not gonna kill you, don’t worry.” you looked at him with this, letting out a dry chuckle, “oh! like that makes it sound less-creepy!”
he didn’t say anything as he smirked and sped up. the car hit a speed bump, his arm shot to you, holding it infront of your form as to shield you like a seatbelt, his bicep pressing into your chest. he removed his arm after a few seconds as fast as he had brought it. your cheeks grew red, putting on your seatbelt, not wanting that to happen again. or did you?
he turned on the car’s radio, and put on a song with a few swipes of his slender fingers on his phone. the screen lighting up and reading “Softcore—The neighbourhood”. your scoff at the universe being hidden as he raised the volume and sped up again.
the ride to wherever he was going was pretty long, at some point your eyes drooping from the tiredness of the school day, but immediately opening back up as you didn’t trust the boy enough to be unconscious around him.
after a few minutes, you arrived at lookout. he got out the car, and sat down on the hood. you sighed, and got out after him. the view of the city was breathtaking, the sun hiding under the clouds, a few minutes away from setting down completely. the sky a mix of purple, pink, and orange.
you stood by the car door, watching the view as he glanced at you, a ghost of a smile at his lips.
you took slow steps towards him, standing next to the hood of the car yet not sitting down beside him. you moved your eyes from the view and to his face, the sunset had painted his face a faint orange, the dark blue of his eyes almost looking brown. you sighed for what seemed to be the umpteenth time of the evening, “why did you bring me here, fushiguro?”
he turned his head to you, motioning for you to sit down next to him. you did. but he stood, moving to stand infront of you, his face being much higher than yours than it usually is. his glanced moved between your lips and you eyes, “I fucking hate you, angel.”
before you could react, he leaned down swiftly, catching your lips in his, putting one palm on the hood of the car next to your thigh and placing the other on your cheek, holding you as his soft lips pressed against yours. his cool cedarwood cologne filling your nose as it pressed against his.
you suddenly came to your senses, hitting his chest with both your hands, looking up at his now lust-filled blue orbs. he took your wrists and placed both your hands around his neck as he leaned into you again, this time you felt his tongue against your lips, begging to enter. you refused, that was until his hands went to palm your ass on the car, making you gasp as he slid his tongue into your mouth.
your tongue slowly moved against his, yet he still dominated your mouth. your hands starting to move on him, one going to grip his bicep and the other intertwining in his soft hair, you were so thankful his hair was soft today for whatever reason. no hint of any of the excessive gel he uses to hold up his spikes. as your hand easily glided through his raven locks, he grunted into your mouth, moving closer to you, opening you thighs with his hands so he could stand in between them.
you pulled away, your lungs not the only thing threatening to combust. a string of saliva connected you both until his ragged sighs and breaths broke it. your looked up at him, your eyes swiftly switching between each of his eyes. he looked down at you and blinked slowly, suddenly pulling you flush against his chest, his arms tightly wrapped around your figure, face burried in your neck.
you slowly wrapped your arms around his waist, snuffling against his chest as it smelt heavenly. he groaned. you pulled back, looking up at him with a confused look, until he motioned his head downwards between the both of you. only then you realized something hard poking at your thigh. your face grew red as you burried you head in his chest again, feeling a deep chuckle come from it. he spoke in a deep, throaty voice against the shell of your ear, making you shiver, “are you a virgin?”
you moved away from his chest, looking up at his dark eyes, the sun was almost completely behind the horizon now. you slowly shaked your head, blushing. he smirked, “you naughty little thing.”
before you could say anything else, he picked you up by your ass, your hands going to tighten around his neck and your legs around his waist. you could hear one of the car doors open as your buried your face into his neck, smelling his cologne, something you clearly couldn’t get enough of.
he sat you down on the edge of the backseat, the car door still open as he knelt down in between it, looking up at you with soft eyes. you felt a lump in your throat as you started to get anxious. he realized it too, his burrows furrowing as he put his hands on your kness, his thumbs rubbing circles on your thighs. “what’s wrong, baby?”
your heart threatened to convulse at the nickname, sucking in a breath before you slowly spoke, “are..are you going to..use me? and- and then—“
he cut you off as he squeezed your thigh with one hand, and put his other palm on your cheek. “don’t say that..please.”
you didn’t know if he was genuine or not, his gaze holding an unreadable expression. but you fell for him anyway. you knew you were going to be at his mercy and do whatever he asks of you.
his eyes searching for something in yours, you nodded your head against his palm. at that, he gripped your legs and pulled you forward even more, your ass just barely on the seat of the car. his slender hands trailed up your thighs, long fingers resting on the waistline of your pants. your breaths were messy and uncollected as he slowly slid your pants down to your ankles, his gaze landing on your slightly damp underwear.
he licked his lips. the action being too intriguing for you, you leaned down, grabbing a hold of the back of his soft black hair as you smashed your lips against his. at first, he was surprised and didn’t move, then he started meeting your hungry open-mouthed kisses to his lips, tongues fighting like a tug of war.
he eventually pulled away, a slight smirk on his face “such a needy little slut, hm?”
you bite your lip as he leaves wet kisses on your lower thighs, inching closer to where you needed him most slowy. he looks up at you, and oh lord you could probably cum on the spot from only his gaze. you bite your lip harder. with the action, he let out a deep growl, biting harshly on your thigh, sure to leave a mark. he soothed it with his tongue and he spoke, mouth coming of your skin with a ‘pop’, “don’t you dare hold back your moans,” he pressed more wet kisses to your thighs, occasionally sucking and nibbling on the soft skin. “been wanting to hear em’ for so long, don’t hold back baby.”
little pants and sighs started leaving your mouth, your hips slightly bucking, trying to find some friction with the edge of the leather seat beneath you. fushiguro noticed, of course. his hands came to grip your hips, holding you down firmly as he tutted. “don’t be bad now. patience, angel.” you whined at his words, a low chuckle leaving him as his hands now gripped the waistband of your underwear, slowly pulling it down.
you pressed your thighs together, nervousness creeping up your veins. he looks up at you with his dark blue eyes which looked black as the night before you. “c’mon now, lemme see that pretty pussy, yeah?”
you hesitated. he didn’t, gripping your thighs tightly as he pried your legs open. glistening cunt bare to his eyes now. he licked his lips, something you could get used to.
he pressed soft kisses on your inner thighs as he moved closer, hot breath fanning over you cunt. you clenched around nothings as he pressed a soft kiss on your clit, you bit your lip again.
a sudden sharp sting on your clit from his teeth made you scream, looking down at him as he hummed around your lips, gaze never leaving yours. you knew what he meant. he wanted you to be more vocal.
his tongue flicked around your sensitive clit, making you squirm beneath him as you started letting out quite moans, spurring him on to him against your clit as he attacked you with his tongue. his hums would spur you on to moan more, making him hum more. it was a whole cycle of the two of you getting lost in eachother’s sounds and pleasures.
as soon as your moans turned into whines and your thighs began to slightly shake against his hold, he pulled away, your wetness covering his chin and his lips. making him practically glow in the darkness surrounding you both. you whined, the knot in your stomach slipping from you and getting lost in his gaze.
he licks all around his lips, “you’re not cumming unless it’s ‘round my cock, angel.” his gruff voice making you shiver. with that, he stood up, making you lay back in the car seats. he hovered over you, one of his legs still out of the car, as his other leg was in between yours. he brought his lips down to yours, tongues instantly linking together as he hummed in your mouth. you could taste yourself on his tongue, your hands went to his neck and hair, slightly tugging on the black locks.
with a firm grip on his hair, you brought your other hand to his shoulder, pushing him down to sit, his back against the closed door of the car, one of his long legs stretched out on the seat and the other rested in a normal seating position on the floor of the car.
he furrowed his brows at your boldness, lips giving you a soft, lust-dazed smile. you put your hands in his thighs, slightly tugging at his pants. he lifted his hips to take off both his pants and underwear with a chuckle. you wanted to hear that sound forever.
the whole time you looked at his face, kind of intimidated to look down, as he finished and looked at you, he raised a brow, “It won’t bite y’know.”
you slowly looked down, your eyes widening at his length. his cock was pretty. he looked long, very long— maybe more than 7’. the head of his cock was flushed a pretty dark pink, slightly darker than the rest of his length. precum leaking down his dick from the tip.
the sound of another heavenly chuckle of his brought you out of your daze, he waited patiently for you. not trying to push you. was this the fushiguro you really knew? how was he being so soft? so kind almost?
you moved your hand towards him, gripping his length as he hissed. you pumped him slowly, his eyebrows furrowing and mouth hanging open as he let out ragged breaths and threw his head back.
you could easily say he looked the prettiest right now. so you did, “it’s so pretty.”
his dark eyes moved from the ceiling to you, raising a brow as he tried to smirk, you hand tightening around him made him wince instead.
“p-pretty?” he said in a shaky voice, almost making you chuckle. you smiled and nodded your head. if you weren’t in pure ecstatic bliss right now, you would believe fushiguro blushed at your words.
you slowly leaned down to his cock, he held his breath as your soft lips pressed a kiss to his tip. you circled your tongue around his head, his thighs slightly shaking at the action. soft pants leaving his plum lips.
you slowly took him in your mouth, less than half of it barely fitting before it hit the back of your throat. you looked up at him, he was biting his lips, looking down at you. you disconnect from his cock with a ‘pop’, a few strings of saliva around your lips as you licked them, “wanna hear you too.” you said softly, he nodded swiftly, wanting you to continue your previous actions.
you licked a strip all the way on the prominent vein showing at the side of his length. he winced in pleasure, moaning as you took him in your mouth again, bobbing your head up and down in a slow pace.
he gave out a slow whine, his hand moving to your shoulder, pulling you back from his now saliva-covered cock. his face scrunched as he took deep breaths, “i’m c-close, don’t wanna cum in your mouth.” you looked at him dumbfounded, he gave out a low chuckle, “c’mere.” he shifted on the car seat, sitting down completely and pulling you into his lap.
he held your chin, bringing your lips down to his, you melted into him, letting him dominate your mouth with his tongue. you gasped and moaned as you felt him shift, his cock sitting right at your entrance. he looked up at you, holding your hips, “gonna put it in slowly, kay?” his velvet voice making you shiver, you nodded. feeling his tip between your folds, you moaned, hands tightening on his broad shoulders.
he slowly pushed you down onto him, filling you to the brim. you screamed from the stretch, your eyes squeezing shut as he shushed you and drew small circles on your hips with his thumb. you opened your eyes, lids heavy on lust, your teeth pressed down so hard on your lower lip it drew blood. he leaned forward, licking the blood of your lips, then pressing his lips softly to yours.
you made out as his cock still sat in you, unmoving. you could feel him twitch against your walls as you bit on his lip while pulling it. he looked down between you, “fuuuuck,” you looked to where his gaze was, slightly confused. you saw what he was gawking it, his long cock made a bulge in your stomach, you clenched around him involuntarily, making him hiss as he spoke through his teeth, “if you clench around me one more time i’m going to cum without having fucked you.” there was venom in his voice, but it was delicious, you wanted it. you were insatiable.
you clenched around him, this time on command. he groaned as he pressed down on the bulge his cock made on your stomach with his slender fingers. you felt warm liquid fill you up, you moaned, as he started fucking into you, the sound of skin slapping filling the car.
you could feel his cum from a few seconds prior leak onto his thighs as he kept fucking into you, with a bruising pace. you screamed as his hand landed a harsh slap on your ass, kneading it with his palm to soothe the pain, “fuck—fuck, fuck i told you i’d cum, now you’re gonna have to take it.” you clenched around him with his words, cumming around him with a loud whine as he slapped your ass again.
his movements didn’t falter for a second. fucking you through your orgasm and after it, your hands pushing away at his chest pathetically, pulling a menacing chuckle from him as he held your arms as you shook.
you had barely came down from your high when you felt him slap you other ass cheek, thrusting into you harder than before if that was even possible, his balls slapping your ass with each movement, your thighs shaking. “f-fushiguro—“, he grunted, “megumi. say my name.” you shivered, “m-megumi!!” a chant of blabbers leaving your mouth as he fucked you dumb. “that’s right angel.”
he buried his head into your neck, you could feel his hot breaths on the shell of your ear, his movements slowing down, or so you thought. he started a different pace, instead of fast thrusts, he gave you hard ones, pulling out of your ruined cunt slowly and thrusting back in harshly after a few seconds.
both his palms went to your ass, holding your cheeks to move you with them, he spoke into your ear with a thrust of his hips, “i want you to know,” another hard thrust, making you scream, he spoke with a deep voice, “i need you to be,” another thrust, he groaned as you clenched around him, trying to suppress your moans so you could hear him. “i need you to be—fuck-argh-someone for me in my life,” you wrapped your hands around his head, his mouth leaving sloppy kisses on your neck as he thrusted again, “i can’t— i can’t let you g-go.”
your hand tugged on his hair, and that was his breaking point, cumming into you again as he thrusted, his thumb going to rub on your clit, making you cum with a scream as you tightened around him. your whole body shaked as he held you close, your pussy gushed from the overstimulation, your fluids covering his abs in a glistening sight.
you stood like that for a while, embracing eachother as your bodies cooled down. after a few seconds, he helped you get off of him, cleaning the both of you with a few tissues as he handed you your clothes.
you didn’t know what you were now, you just knew you were happy. you were happy when you screamed out the window of his car, his hand resting on your upper thigh as you urged him to shout at the empty road too.
you were happy when he got you both food, eating together as you laughed and talked. you were happy because you felt safe.
safe to just talk for hours with him about your fears and the things you’re ashamed of.. hours of pure vulnerability with him, and when you would look up, expecting the worst. you would feel his lips against yours.
only one thing bugged and ate away at your head when he dropped you off at your house, making you still your hands on the doorbell,
he never apologized.
© all content belongs to e-jaegerenthusiast, do not repost or copy any of my work
aaaaaa i hope you guys enjoyed this one <3
it took me a long time to write phew~ my first actual fic posted~
part 2
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mae-gi-writes · 3 years
Once Again (PT.I) | Iwaizumi Hajime (Haikyu!)
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Summary:  Iwaizumi’s broken marriage results in his five-year-old son trying to match him up with his primary school teacher, whom he thinks will make a wonderful replacement for a mother. 
Genre: fluff, slight angst, f!reader x dad! Iwaizumi 
A/N: There will be 2 or 3 parts of this oneshot! Depending on how long I feel like writing. Thanks for checking it out and stopping by! Let’s dive into some Iwa moments :,)
“What’s your return policy on rings?” 
The saleswoman smiles sympathetically behind the counter. That stupid sympathetic smile he’s been getting for weeks on end now. And it never stops; with his co-workers, with his family, his friends...
Iwaizumi’s sick of it. He’s sick of having to prove that he’s doing just fine, thank you very much. When in truth, his heart is constantly being torn apart and stomped upon as is people have nothing better to do than torture him in their free time. 
“I’m sorry, but these rings have been brought more than three years ago, and our warrant only lasts for three years,” the saleswoman keeps on talking but it doesn’t matter, for Iwaizumi can already feel the anger slowly creep up through the back of his neck, can already feel the vibrating emotions clogging up his sense of judgement. 
His fists clench at his sides upon impulse, the physical pain of his nails driving into his palms enough to remind him to stay cordial. It’s not the woman’s fault, the better part of him chants, it’s not her fault at all. 
“Fine,” he manages to grovel out, barely, “thanks anyway.” 
He all but storms out of the shop while shoving the rectangular box back in his pant pocket, and though it’s been more than four months since his ugly divorce with the woman he’d hoped to share the rest of his life with, the weight of their promise hangs heavy and hot upon his thigh. 
The thing is, Iwaizumi is mad. He is seething. If one were to give him a bat, he’d probably destroy the entire town by himself. Not because she was the one that cheated, not because she was the one going behind his back numerous times a week to seek out her lover when he’d been basically driven mad between Hoisuke’s cries and the stress of call meetings scheduled back to back. 
No, he’s angry. Because how the fuck could she do this to Hoisuke? How can she break the child’s heart like that, so ruthlessly, without even thinking twice about the consequences? 
Because if there is a victim in all this, then it’s definitely Hoisuke. And not only that, Hoisuke understands that his mother has been acting strange, that she doesn’t return at regular times and that her hugs now smell of cigarette smoke with a bittertaste of alcohol. 
Iwaizumi is so caught up in anger that he almost blunders past his battered Hyundai, red and chipping away at the corners. Still, this car holds so many memories, the good and the bad ones. 
“Can’t you get a newer car? I thought your company could sponsor you,” the ghost of his wife’s voice echoes through his head, a blatant reminder of all the things she’d found wrong in his life.
“Why?” he’d tilted his head around to fix his gaze on her figure bending over the sink. The TV was playing in the background and he thanked the gods that the morning comics were taking up Hoisuke’s attention, enough to distract him from his parents’ quibbles. 
“It’s just--so old and tacky.” 
“It still works well, doesn’t it? Why change it now?” 
She’d paused, hesitated slightly before blundering on, “It’s embarrassing. My colleagues keep asking if we're poor or something."
"Who cares what your colleagues think?"
Fuck her, Iwaizumi mentally swears as he turns on the ignition. Fuck her and all her needs for a better life. As if the life they had wasn't more than enough. Pulling out into the street to join the incoming traffic, he blinks away the sudden tears accumulating at the corner of his eyes and swears once more, this time aloud, glad that Hoisuke isn't in his presence when he gets in such a foul mood.
Iwaixumi may be angry. He may be filled with pent-up rage from the memory still attached to the day he'd discovered a used condom in their bathroom trash. But that doesn't mean it hurts any less.
That doesn't mean he does not still cry into his pillow over it every night.
"Please don't forget to do your homework for tomorrow! We'll correct them before moving on to the next chapter," you call out to your students as excited chatter fills the air. Students rise from their seats, some calling you bye and waving as they all file out of the classroom and you can't help the small smile lingering over your lips even though your feet are killing you.
Outside, parents have already lined up to collect their kids, the chatter and bustle of people ebbing away down the corridor as you let out a soft sigh.
You jolt, not realizing that one of your students stands by the table wringing his hands, "what's wrong Hoisuke? Dad's not here yet?"
He shakes his head, watery eyes blinking up at you as he raises his thumb to his lips. You stand quickly and motion him to come close until he's within reach before your hand smoothes over the back of his head, "it's okay. He's probably stuck in traffic. I'll wait with you."
It's not surprising that parents get tardy once in a while and you're all too accustomed to those slight change in plans. Thankfully, you manage to distract the young boy with some coloured crayons and a piece of paper while you dial for his father's number.
It keeps ringing. No one picks up.
You try once more, one more time after that. But still, nothing. It shifts to voicemail. You decide it's better than nothing, "hi Iwaizumi-san. This is Y/N, Hoisuke's teacher. I was just wondering what time you would be picking up Hoisuke? Please call me as soon as possible. Thank you."
You end the call only to spot Hoisuke's eyes on you, intent and impatient for you to explain, "it's okay," you tell him with a smile, "he'll be here soon. Don't worry. Do you want to keep colouring some more?"
Hoisuke nods, to which your smile widens. It's those special moments, where your shyest students express themselves, that your chest warms with sympathy and affection. You've been there, you know how it feels like not to be heard, and you appreciate every interaction they offer you.
Being a primary school teacher is tough, especially since it wasn't in your original plans. But the satisfaction of bringing up some of the world's future leaders cancelled out all the late nights correcting tests and scrambled weekends trying to finish off as many worksheets as you possibly could for the coming week. You can’t complain, not when you have a decent salary that keeps bread on the table and a roof over your head.
A tug on your sleeve brings you back to Hoisuke looking up at you, a scribbled drawing of what seems to be of him and his dad. You feel yourself chuckling at how he's drawn both their hair in brown spikes, erratically extravagant and yet so close to reality.
"That's really good, Hoisuke!" You beam down at him, "what do you and your dad do on weekends?"
He shrugs shyly, head averted to the side so that there's no need for eye contact. And in the shyest voice he can muster up, he says:
"Daddy brings me...to see Mama," Hoisuke's words are barely above a mumble, "they live in different houses. They can't live together anymore."
Uneasiness squeeses in your stomach, followed by sympathy for this soft-hearted boy. You had overheard some of your colleagues giggling about Hoisuke's dad being attractive and single -- a combo that teachers adore -- but that doesn't mean that the weight of his words don't lay heavy on your own conscience.
"Do you miss your Mama a lot?" You ask him softly. Unconsciously, your hand finds a way to smooth over his head.
The boy doesn't pull away. Instead, he nods, "sometimes. But it is better this way. Daddy smiles more now. And there's no one to shout and make noise."
"Are you happy, Hoisuke? With your dad?"
He nods and to your amazement grins, "daddy is funny. He tells me not to swear but when he burns the food he always swears. And then he says to shush and tells me to close my ears. He also makes me pancakes every Saturday morning before I go see Mama."
Right on cue, a figure bursts through the open classroom door and both your heads snap to see a drenched, older version of Hoisuke who looks like he just finished running a marathon.
"I'm--" he wheezes, causing you to stand in alarm and concern, "I'm sorry I'm--so late--"
"Daddy, you forgot me again!" Comes Hoisuke's statement as you ask Iwaizumi if he's okay. He shakes off your worry with a flick of his hand and a shake of his head, "I'm fine. Sorry-- there's a nasty rain outside--"
"It's okay," you reassure him as Hoisuke practically barrels into his father and almosy knocks him off his feet.
"Sorry Hoisuke," you watch Iwaizumi's hardened features soften ever so slightly as he ruffles his son's hair. Then, looking back up at you as you bring over Hoisuke's backpack, he says, "thank you. For looking after him."
"It's no problem, honestly. We had fun didn't we?" You grin down at your student and are delighted to find Hoisuke grinning back up at you, albeit shyly, "I put his homework in his diary. He'll need to complete it for tomorrow so that he doesn't fall behind in class."
His father nods, "alright. Thanks."
"Daddy, your hair looks atrocious," Hoisuke says, tugging onto his shirt.
"Atrocious huh?" Iwazumi's eyebrow rise, "someone was listening in their English class today."
"Atrocious means that it looks bad. Daddy, your hair looks bad."
"Thanks buddy, I knew that. Now say bye to Miss Y/N."
"Bye bye, miss Y/N," Hoisuke says, wriggling his short arm through the air as you wave back with a giggle. His father nods at you in silent thanks, makes a move to walk out of the class, only to swivel back to you just as you're collecting your bag.
"Uhm," he clears his throat, causing you to jump slightly, "yes?" You blink back at him and try hard not to stare at the way his white shirt clings to his toned chest, translucent from the rain.
"Do you need a ride?"
You've known Iwaizumi since high school. Having graduated just two years later than he did, his reputation had preceded him throughout the school halls even though you'd never actually had any face to face interaction with the said man. Iwaizumi doesn't know this of course and you are adamant about keeping it a secret. But that plan seems to be unraveling before your very eyes the moment your small talk turns towards your academic history.
"You're from Aoba Johsai?" His surprised glance doesn't escape your notice, especially since that's the most reaction you've gotten out of him.
"Yeah," your eyes stay glued to the row of cars crawling through the motorway, "I remember you went there too, right?"
"How'd you know?"
"You were Aoba's ace volleyball player. Everyone knew who you were."
His silence answers you and for a moment, you fear that you might have offended him. Not that it's something to be offended about.
Before you try to scratch your brain for some kind of response -- any response -- Hoisuke pipes up from the back seat, "Daddy was famous back when he was in high school. He hit the ball like kapow! And jumped so high he can touch the sky."
"Oh? Have you seen him on camera?" You turn slightly, a small smile dangling off your lips at how adorably amazed and excited Hoisuke seems to be.
"Yeah! His spikes are so awesome! It goes pow! And it zooms! Like a cannon ball!"
You burst out laughing, "yes, your father was amazing whenever he was on the court. Every girl in our class had a crush on him."
"What's a crush?"
"Hmm, you know when you really like someone. You like like them, you want to be together with them. Like, girlfriend and boyfriend."
"Oh," Hoisuke draws out, "did you really like daddy too?"
"Yeah I did."
"What?" Iwaizumi almost chokes on his own spit at the same time traffic eases and you're glad for the distraction, for you're certain there's a scattering of colour upon your cheeks.
"Do you really like him now?" Hoisuke persists, undoubtly untouched by the embarrassment taking over his father's features and you swear that more than ever, you want to laugh at how flustered Iwaizumi looks.
You decide to play nice though and instead turn to wink at your student, "that's a secret for me to keep."
You don't have to look twice to know that the man beside you is bursting into hot flames.
"Did you really like Mama before you started living separately?"
Iwaizumi swears that he's never felt so uncomfortable in his life. Not when he's had to state that he was divorced, not when he had to sign divorce papers half drunk off his ass. Not even when he'd raged after his said ex-wife after finding a tie that wasn't his own in his laundry pile.
Now is probably a good definition of what uncomfortable means.
"You're not gonna let me off the hook are you?" He steals a glance at Hoisuke from over his shoulder while stirring the vegetable curry, "yes, I really liked your mother."
"Did she?"
The word 'yes' almost slips past his mouth. Except, he isn't sure whether that's the truth and decides to shoot back with, "have you finished your homework, Hoisuke? You know it's due tomorrow. Miss Y/N said so."
"Do you really like miss Y/N?"
"What?" Iwaizumi frowns, "well--no. Not like that."
"Why?" His son whines, "I really really like Miss Y/N. She's nice to me and she never shouts. And she bakes good cookies!"
"How'd you know that?" Iwaizumi leans over to taste a bit of the sauce. Not bad, he thinks and mentally pats himself on the back. A few weeks ago, he would've probably burnt the entire house down.
"Because she bakes them every month. Every time we finish a test."
"That's nice of her."
"Yes," there's a pause as the man fishes out a bowl in which to serve the curry, "daddy, what do you do when you really like someone? Do you marry them like you and Mama did?"
"Uh--yeah. Sure."
"Then does that mean I need to marry Miss Y/N if I really like her?"
Iwaizumi bursts out laughing. Turning off the stovetop and bringing the bowl over to the dining table, he reaches out to ruffle his son's hair with a grin, "you're the one who has a crush on miss Y/N."
"She's too old for me Daddy," grumbles Hoisuke while scooping out two rice bowls as the pair sit down for dinner, "but she'll be good for you."
"Not that simple, buddy," Iwaizumi says as he dumps two spoonfuls of curry into his son's bowl, before doing the same with his own, "there's a difference between like and love."
A frown falls over his son's face, so like his own that Iwaizumi can't help but chuckle, "what is the difference?"
"Well, when you really like someone, you might want to get to know them better. Or play with them andd shit--stuff like that. When you love someone, it's..." he hesitates, "it's different."
There goes that innocent question that punctures his chesy a little too deeply. The brown-haired man steadies his gaze upon the calendar fixed on the wall opposite him as he answers with:
"When you love someone, you want to live with them. You want to start a family with them. Their happiness," his brown orbs switch back to his son's focused attention, "their happiness is all that matters."
Maybe it's the fact that he's not used to speaking so truthfully about such things. Maybe it's just Hoisuke who suddenly realizes the layers hidden beneath his father's poker-faced exterior. But for a moment, neither of them speak, as if bewitched by a silencing spell if broken by the scraping of cutlery against porcelain.
"Did you love mama?"
Hoisuke's voice is small, fragile. So fragile that Iwaizumi pauses just as his spoon reaches his mouth, glancing over at his boy. His beautiful boy.
Another short pause. "Did she love me?"
"Of course she did," Iwaizumi's face softens. To be honest, Hoisuke hadn't showed any kind of restraint during the entire divorce procedure, had merely accepted things as they had unfolded before his very eyes. But sometimes, Iwaizumi fears his son might be keeping more from him than he lets on.
He ressembles his mother a lot in that sense.
"Then," wet coffee-coloured eyes blink up at him, lips trembling with a hoarse whisper, "why'd she leave?"
Before his father can say anything, the young boy bursts into tears.
Iwaizumi rushes over, clasping Hoisuke in his embrace as the child buries his face into his neck and cries and cries and cries. His little heart beats like wild horses and with every sob echoing through hid body, Iwaizumi feels his own heart break over and over again. One of his hands rub comforting circles of Hoisuke's back, while the other smoothes over the back of his head as he murmurs soft nothings in hopes that it will calm down the young child.
"I want--" Hoisuke's voice is thick with tears, "I want Mama--"
"Shh, hey it's okay," Iwaizumi murmurs out, "s'alright kiddo. I got you."
Hoisuke falls asleep eventually, the soft sniffles dying out into even breaths as he slumps against his father’s shoulder, probably tired out from his earlier emotions. Iwaizumi takes this as his chance to tuck the boy into bed, glad that he’d listened to the small subconscious in his head telling him that Hoisuke would be falling asleep sooner rather than latter. 
As he smoothes over his son’s hair, a part of him wonders how much Hoisuke is still silently hurting from his mother’s departure. He can’t imagine it; suddenly changing lives like you’ve merely changed your bed sheets and Iwaizumi had been so caught up in his own heartbreak, in his own bout of silent rage, that he’d forgotten that along the way, Hoisuke was also a victim to their endless fighting, the cold war that had broken his family apart. 
He wishes he can take the pain away, ease it somehow. But it’s not that simple. The truth is, no one can actually predict how a heart gets broken, nor when it does. The only evidence are the repurcussions. And it’s only now that Iwaizumi gets to see it truly take its form. 
Leaning over to press a soft kiss to Hoisuke’s forehead, Iwaizumi murmurs his silent goodnight before walking out and gently closing the bedroom door behind him. 
He leans onto the hard wooden surface and rubs his eyes. It is only upon pulling them away that he takes notice of the family photograph hanging on the opposite wall, frozen smiles wrapped up in lies.
He really needs to take that down.
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widow-maximov · 3 years
Pairing: Natasha x Reader
Warning: Language, lots of fluff, maybe angst..
Summary: Being an Avenger is exhausting, your girlfriend Natasha decides to surprise you... Will you be thrilled?
Word count: 6.8k
My requests are always open so feel more than welcome to pop in a suggestion for the next story :3
Having a simple life as an Avenger was definitely out of the window, this job required very high skills and concentration, especially if you have powers you need to know what you are doing so you don't end up hurting someone.
But the thing is, no one warns you how extreme this job can get, from watching people dying to not being able to find a solution to huge problems.
All of this pulls down on the reputation of Avengers which isn't good at all, watching as the news pull your name down is horrible to watch, which motives a lot of people but some only blame themselves for not doing something in that moment.
That happened to you, once. When you joined the Avengers you expected things to be hard of course but when you were sent out to your mission, it seemed like everything was going good and smooth.
So you started to like missions and started to take more for experience of course you was companied with your teammates for the time being until you gained enough skills and knowledge to do anything by yourself.
There is this one mission you'll never forget...
You woke up in the morning feeling confident about this missions, you were brief the day before by Steve, he went over with you what you need and how to take it.
You were suppose to get this important piece of paper and with your camouflage powers, they thought it would be best to let you go alone, Steve and Tony were convinced you have enough knowledge to do this by yourself.
Some teammates still insisted on coming along with you but they were told no by Steve and you felt a little proud that within couple of these months here, you were able to score your own mission.
Natasha was one of those teammates who insisted on coming, she wanted to ensure you didn't get hurt, during the shoot out but Steve was quick to shutting her out from any information.
He knew that Natasha would end up following you and jeopardising the mission leaving the Avengers empty handed again. He was exhausted with his teammates coming back from missions beating to the point where they would spend weeks in the medical wing.
Every time Steve sent out a group of people, they were always ambushed and over powered by their enemy so getting that paper was very important and if that meant having Natasha angry at him for some time, he took those chances.
She was left out in the dark which she hated so much, Natasha wanted to help but she could only hope nothing would happen to you, she made sure to train you just before you left for the mission.
She definitely didn't want to say goodbye with words, so training had to do for now. You were exhausted by the end of the session with her but still had enough energy to pull her into a hug before actually leaving.
Everyone knew apart from Natasha that you liked her, everyone knew apart from you that Natasha liked you too which only frustrated the team mates that shipped you in secret.
It was nice watching Natasha crumble under your touch, she would melt into your hugs and you would melt under her gaze, it was very visible about how oblivious the two of you were.
Which was really difficult for Natasha to see you go off on your own, she just wanted to make sure you would be fine in the end but only time could tell.
You were pretty successful on your own, you managed to access the room that stored the paper, you only needed to knock out the two guards that were in the way, you used your powers and they were unconscious within seconds.
You had a smug smile across your lips as you walked over to the cabinet that the paper was in, failing to notice that camera with a sensor which sense your movement.
You uncamouflaged and bend down to open the little cabinet door, snatching the paper, suddenly the wall turned displaying a location and a timer.
The red lights flashed and an alarm went off, your heart sunk as you stared at the timer, you had to turn this off, you tried to look for something to turn this off but it was impossible.
You reached for your com as you spoke "Uh, a timer went off and its counting down, there is a location here but nothing to turn this off"
"You have to get to the location! You can dismantle the bomb there" Tony spoke through your ear.
You swallowed hard as you rushed out of the building, heading to the place that had the bomb, you barely could breath when you arrived but that didn't stop you, you rushed inside.
You failed to notice that the bomb was located amongst people, two tall buildings with thousands of people, when you gotten to the bomb, it was placed in the middle and it was very visible.
You looked around and no one was there, you collapsed onto your knees and reached for the com "What do I do now?"
"Cut the red wire!" Tony spoke again.
You turned the bomb around and found no wired "What?" you whispered.
"What red wire? There are no red wires here Tony!" You was filled with anxiety, the way it was ticking was making you even more nervous.
"There might be a compartment, pry it open with something and cut the red wire!"
You nodded as if he was here to see that, you found something to pry it open and found wires that are not red but all brown, "They are all brown Tony"
"Okay, look at the first wire and see where it leads, if it leads to the battery, cut it"
You had sweat sliding down your face as you stared at the wires, none of them led anywhere, you looked at the screen that displayed the time, you barely had time to even take this back to Tony.
"I-" You spoke but anxiety was stopping you.
You had 20 seconds and there was no way you could defuse this, you swallowed as you spoke "I can't do it"
"Kid! Yes you can, just look at the wires and just cut it off with the knife"
You was staring at the wires since you opened it and you knew if you cut the wrong one, you will blow up right here with it "I- I can't"
Now there were tears sliding down your face, you had less than 15 seconds left, you took a deep breath and cut the last brown wire, and nothing happened, nothing the timer was still ticking and nothing stopped.
You started to cut off all of the wires and nothing, you took deep breath as a voice screamed into your ear "Run Y/n!"
You didn't have to be told twice, you placed the bomb and ran for your life, as soon as you made to the door, the bomb went off and you flew several feet away from the building, crashing into another building and hitting the wall which knocked you out.
The bomb did big damage causing the whole two building to shake and catch on fire, killing hundred people in process and leaving thousands to somehow escape.
The rest of the Avengers managed to help those people out with Tony's technology as Natasha gotten you back to the medical wing. She was anxious and afraid she will lose you, she never saw your body be so still and lifeless.
As soon as you woke up from the coma you were in, you noticed no one around, panicked you wanted to get up but the pain in your body slowed you down.
You took a deep breath as you pulled out the needle in your arm, and started to walk out of the room, as soon as you heard someone coming, you used your powers to camouflage and proceeded to your room.
As soon as you gotten there, you turned on the TV and saw your name displayed as the news people spoke about you "Is Y/n L/n a hero or a threat?"
"What we witnessed couple hours ago, could only prove that Avengers might have a liar amongst themselves. From the footage you could see Y/n run inside and run out and a boom went off, this is terrifying!" One of the women spoke on the TV.
You had tears in your eyes, not only from physical pain but also by hearing how your name is getting dragged in mud, you changed the channel.
"This is getting serious, why would an individual that is suppose to be a hero, kill hundreds of people? That's easy! Y/n L/n joined the Avengers and gained their trust to only betray them and watch as fear and loss is spread"
You shook your head as you whispered out "No, that's not true"
Each channel had your name pulled through mud as you listened to each of them and nodded to agree with them whenever they mentioned the failure you were.
Natasha barged inside the room with fear in her eyes but as soon as she looked at you, she let out a sigh "Here you are, why did you leave the medical wing?"
She looked at the TV when she received no answer, she walked over and took the remote to turn off the news, you was still staring at the black TV "Hey Y/n.."
You looked at her with tears threatening to spill, she placed her hand on your face "It's not your fault.."
You shook your head to disagree "It's all of my fault, I should've done something, anything to save all of those people. I failed and now I have to live with it"
"It's not your fault, you weren't trained to defuse bombs, and whatever the news say, it shouldn't matter because we know you and you tried your best, there was nothing you could've done"
You sighed as you leaned into her and she embraced as you silently cried into her, she was there through that bad time and you were more than grateful for her sticking by your side.
The public gradually warmed up after a heartfelt apology that came from you after properly leaving the medical wing, but you knew if any more slip ups happened this would really effect you, at least Natasha stuck with you that was really important to you.
Now that you and Natasha were together, she changed so much and the team kind of hates it but likes it at the same time. She throws a fit whenever she is unable to sit next to you during movie night, this caused so many groans to escape and in the end she was satisfied when she sat in your lap.
The only reason this relationship happened was because of Clint and Bucky, they were very invested in your relationship and wanted to speed things up, they couldn't watch you stare at Natasha like you wanted her right there and then.
They needed this to sail and they did what they needed to do, they set the two of you up, they faked a little get together and just invited the two of you, of course the whole team were threatened that if they ruin this, they will not live to see the next day.
You were sitting in your room when suddenly Bucky runs in, making you jump "What the fuck Bucky!"
He giggled like a little girl and smiled at you whilst staring at you "That was funny"
You rolled your eyes "What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy"
"I just wanted to tell you that, Tony and I are throwing a little get together so you have to be there" He spoke as he slowly made his way towards your closet.
You jumped up and followed him "Why is he throwing one? He throws parties every weekend anyway"
There was a slight panic in Bucky's eyes but he wasn't facing you so you didn't see it "Because it's for us"
You sighed, knowing you won't get out of this "Fine-"
You tried to agree but the flying top hit your face, you pulled it off and threw it at him "You dickhead I'm behind you"
He giggled again "I know"
You pushed him gently and slightly giggled as well "What are you even doing?"
"Looking for some good clothes you can wear" He spoke as he kept trying to find something.
"I know how to dress good" You stated.
That caused him to turned his head and look at you up and down "Yeah sure"
"Get out of here before I make you" You crossed your arms as you stared at him.
"Okay fine but be ready by 7" He started to walk towards your door, you nodded at him and when he stopped again and looked at you "Make sure it's something elegant or..."
He smirked "Revealing.."
You started to walk towards him and he ran away from you as he was giggling, you shook your head with a smile and closed the door. You looked at the clock, you still had time so you continued with what you were doing.
You ended up showering and dressing elegant, you wasn't exactly informed what this get together was for, so you just dressed up that was revealing but very respectfully.
Bucky walked you to the elevator and told you where to go, being here for more than a year and still not familiar that this place has more rooms, but this building is owned by Tony Stark of course it has so many rooms.
You were glad he didn't plan this get together somewhere away because getting back here whilst your drunk is a problem, you walked into this room and it had everything, a dance floor, a bar with tables near by and only one table decorated.
It should've already lit up a little bulb in your head but you were too shocked by the size of this room and how it fit here, there was a big balcony as well with some comfortable chairs.
You made your way towards the bar before doing anything else, you made yourself a drink and turned around to still no one, until your eye caught movement out in the balcony.
You frowned as you didn't notice or heard anyone entering, so you made your way towards the movement as you saw Natasha sitting down enjoying her drink.
"Natasha?" You asked, causing the woman to quickly look over at you and continue to stare out in the city after.
"Y/n" She simply said your name just like you said hers.
"How long have you been here?" You asked as you still stood in the same place.
"I don't know, I think I'm on my second drink now" She spoke up again, but this time she stood up as she faced you.
"Are you okay?" You asked a little worried.
"Of course" She tried her best to mask her feeling but you knew better.
You looked around and still there was no show from the team "Is the rest of the team coming?"
She scoffed as she walked on towards the bar to top her drink up, causing you to follow "What?"
"They set us up" She spoke with ease, like there were no emotions behind those words.
"What do you mean? Bucky told me about the get together-"
She faced you abruptly "There is no get together Y/n"
You frowned "Then why are you mad?"
"I'm not mad"
"Well obviously something is upsetting you-" You tried to raise your point but she stopped you.
"Because I know how this will end Y/n, the reason to why this happened is because Bucky and the rest of the team can't keep their nose out of my business"
You frowned with confusion "What are you talking about?"
Natasha took a sip of her drink as she slightly leaned back on the bar "They obviously want to humiliate me, they set up everything to be romantic so we get together"
You swallowed at her words, as you take another look at the room, now that she mentioned it you saw it, the table with roses and some candles, expensive wine on the side and the romantic music with slightly dimmed lights.
You looked back at her and before you could even say anything, she beat you to it "Please spare me the whole 'I like you but just a friend' thing, I really just want to enjoy my drink and not think about the rejection from you"
"This is why they called it the 'get together' huh.." You mumbled underneath your nose as realisation hit you.
"You didn't really think Tony would organise a random get together?"
You shrugged "I mean that man is unpredictable and likes to drink a lot so I wouldn't really think about it"
She chuckled into the glass before she took a sip of her drink, which you used an opportunity to talk "Look Nat, I'm not sure why you instantly assume there wouldn't be a little percent of me being interested"
Natasha raised her eyebrows at you "You see yourself with me? In a romantic way?"
She stared at you as you innocently shrugged "Would that be so bad?"
"N-no of course not!" She stuttered as she was quick to disagree with you.
You slightly smirked and taking a sip of your own drink that you were still holding, you walked over to her and grabbed two wine glasses, slowly making your way over to the table.
"What are you doing?" She asked as she watched you curiously.
"Starting to enjoy this date" You spoke as you turned your face to see her, she looked down briefly with a smile and finally joined you...
It was definitely a successfully date which led to multiple dates to happen after, and here you are couple years in, still as Natasha's girlfriend.
So far it seemed like everything was going great, waking up in Natasha's arms each morning, slightly lay in as you enjoyed the morning together, it never gotten boring because those were the moments you could relax before the chaos started.
The only breaks you ever had was little dates that could only last an hour or so before heading to sleep as work wasn't going to wait in the morning, it was exhausting and Natasha noticed that.
She was worried about you, usually you and her would spend couple hours after missions, just talking and catching up but lately you were a little withdraw from her.
She didn't blame you, these missions only gotten harder and sometimes spending days without each other only added to the stress, so Natasha being a genius she is, came up with a solution.
She wanted to surprise you with a vacation, away from this constant stress but of course this required her being away more as she took on more missions.
So when she started to be less around, you started to panic, you were scared that this was the end of your relationship. At first you thought maybe it's before there is more to do but Steve accidently slipped and said that there is the same amount of missions.
This caused you to spiral, after your own tiring missions all you wanted to come back to was Natasha's arms, the way her fingers would be deeply buried into your head and you would peacefully fall asleep with her head buried into her neck.
Natasha briefed the team of what she was doing, warning that if anyone slips up about her surprise, she will literally throw them off a building and not care if they have something to save themselves.
By the time Natasha would be back, you would be either sleeping or already on your own mission, you barely saw each other and never had any time to have a conversation.
What you thought Natasha was doing, was actually far from it. She was saving up to surprise you whilst you sat in your shared bedroom coming up with scenarios where she tells you she doesn't want to be with you.
You blamed yourself for being so withdraw but it was hard to talk about the things you had to witnesses and ensure you don't fail like you did couple years back.
You informed Steve that you will be taking the day off before hand as you sat in the dark for Natasha to come back. You didn't know if she would be back now or in the morning but you couldn't sleep, you needed to know if she was avoiding you.
The door opened as Natasha tried to sneak inside of the room without waking you up but that was useless when she noticed you sitting on the bed.
She turned on the light "детка (baby) are you okay?"
You look at her with tears in your eyes, she rushes over to you as she checks for any signs of injuries "What's wrong?"
You take a deep breath "Are you going to leave me?"
She stopped in her tracks as she stared at you with shock "W-what?"
You wiped the fallen tears as your eyes were glued to her "You started to take on more missions and I know it's not because there is more, Steve told me"
Natasha signed as she closed her eyes and mentally cursed Steve for opening his mouth, but you continued "I'm just afraid this means you are avoiding me and will end up breaking up with me"
Natasha finally placed herself in front of you, kneeling down as she took your hands into hers "I'm not leaving or breaking up with you детка (baby)"
You felt relief wash over you at her words "Then why are you taking on more missions?"
She took a deep breath as she stared into your eyes "I wanted to surprise you, I didn't think you would find out so early but-"
She stood up as she walked over to her laptop, she sat herself next to you as she opened it, letting the display show what she was looking up.
"I noticed you were stressed and wanted to surprise you with a vacation" She flicked through some of the tabs that showed multiple locations for perfect vacation spots.
You gasps as you watched her flick through, you could feel the weight on your chest just vanish and all of your previous worries wash away.
You still had tears flowing down your face but they were happy tears "I'm sorry Natty, I jumped into conclusions but lately my nightmares have gotten worse since you haven't been here"
She sadly smiled at you as she placed the laptop down and pulled you into her, with her thumb wiping away the tears "It's okay Y/n/n, you don't need to be sorry, it should be me who should be sorry for making you feel like that and not being here for you"
You looked up at her "What did I do to deserve you Tasha"
She smiled "You deserve the world Y/n/n"
"It's in front of me-" You said as you frowned.
Natasha smiled widely as she nodded "I know" the Russian knew exactly what to do, she knew your world was her and tricking you was just as easy.
"You tricked me" Natasha smiled as you dramatically gasps at her 'betrayal'.
She nodded with a smile as she pulled you into a kiss, any stress that was left hanging disappeared within seconds of her lips against yours.
Natasha ended up taking some days off to be with you and help you with your missions but still worked very hard to finally get out of this place and see something new.
Which she succeeded, it didn't take long for that to happen as she had saved up a lot during the time she wasn't around. Natasha was nervous, you thought it was because she had to leave behind a part of her life that she swore to never leave.
But there was something else, she was actually nervous because when she was away from one of the missions that just happen to be in Budapest, she came across her family that she haven't seen in a long time which she failed to mention to you.
She was more than happy to catch up with them and practically spent half of her time with them, to which they found out about her relationship and her surprise.
Alexei being Alexei decided to invite himself along with Melina and Yelena to this surprise without really notifying Natasha, the day she booked the vacation, happen to be the day Alexei decided to have the same vacation.
The day before leaving, he called Natasha and that's when he informed her "Now you won't have to be alone on this vacation Natasha, you'll have us to join you!"
"I wouldn't have been alone, I have Y/n!" Natasha was pacing around the room.
"Oh don't be dramatic, we want to meet this Y/n, it's a perfect timing" She could practically hear his smile as he spoke.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She asked as she make sure you were out of hearing range.
"I knew you would react like this so we surprised you"
"All three of you were on this?" Natasha asked, she wasn't expecting Yelena to be in on this as well.
"No, he bribed me" Yelena's voice came through the phone as the Russian signed.
She wanted to argue more but she heard you calling out for her "I'll see you tomorrow then"
"That's the spirit-" He spoke very enthusiastically but Natasha was quick to hang up before you overheard the conversation.
"Oh there you are" You finally laid your eyes on her with a huge smile.
You noticed that something was off when she gave you half a smile at your sight, she was clearly nervous "Something's wrong.. What's wrong?"
Natasha shook her head "Nothing is wrong"
"Then why are you nervous?" You had a worried expression plastered across your face.
Natasha cursed to herself at how well you knew her "I was just double checking everything is perfect for tomorrow"
You placed your hand on her cheek, giving her a encouraging smile "Being with you is already perfect, no doubt tomorrow wouldn't be just as perfect"
She smiled as she placed her head on your chest as your arms embraced her "We should probably spend some time with the team before we leave"
Natasha's grip on you tightened "But I want to spend my time with you onlyyy"
You giggled "We will have time during the 3 and half weeks away from them"
"Fine but you're sitting on my lap, I don't want Wanda anywhere near you" Natasha unglued herself from you as she stared you in the eyes.
"Wanda is not a threat but if it will make you feel better that's fine with me" You rolled your eyes but spoke with a smile.
You called in the last movie night before leaving and the team was more than happy to pull away from missions for the day just to spend some quality time with the two of you.
Of course the two of you left the movie night earlier due to getting up early but Natasha might've lied to just have you to herself before actually having to sleep.
The morning was chaos, making sure you had everything and nothing was missing, even when leaving there was always that feeling that something was left behind when in reality you had everything.
Natasha was getting more anxious which was very noticeable, you wanted to say something but you didn't want to do it in the plane. The flight was more than relaxing, you always loved travelling and this was like a dream come true, especially since you thought you would always be stuck in that building working on missions day and night.
When the two of you arrived at the not familiar airport, you stretched out and that's when you noticed a group of 3 people waving and smiling at you and Natasha, you looked back to make sure it was aimed at you.
You turned to Natasha who was checking on her phone how far the hotel was "Nat... Why are there people waving at us?"
She stopped what she was doing as she looked up at you and then at the people, she sighed as she put her phone away and looked back at you "Meet my family"
"Your what?!" You asked as she quickly walked away from you, you followed right after as they greeted you.
"Oh my, you must be Y/n... You are a lot more skinner than we imagined.." Melina commented as she eyed you up and down.
Yelena pushed past Melina as she walked towards you with a smile " You look okay, I like you"
You looked over at Natasha to which she gave you a smile and you laughed nervously at Yelena, on the other hand they seemed nice apart from Alexei.
Melina had to nudge him "Say something Alexei"
"But she haven't said anything, why should I speak first-"
Natasha interrupted him "Great! Y/n/n let me just introduce you since they haven't said their names"
"Alexei" She pointed towards him, "Melina and Yelena" She finished as she faced you again with a smile.
You forced a smile and turned towards Alexei "Are you not the Red Guardian?"
There it was, a huge smile across his lips "She gets it"
"Don't get him started-" Natasha tried to warn you but you didn't want to listen to her at the moment.
"Do you have any cool stories?" You asked as you looked at Natasha briefly and then back at Alexei.
"I have so many! There was this one time-" He started his story with this grin across his face at the recollection of his memories.
"Okay! Not right now, we need to get to the hotel first" Natasha interrupted him as she stepped in front of him so your eyes were on her.
"Natasha is right, we need to go to the hotel and then find somewhere we can eat!" Melina agreed as she took her luggage and started to walk ahead.
Everyone followed her and Natasha as she was the only one who knew where the hotel was, she already rented a car out during the booking and drove to the hotel.
Everyone parted their ways to put the bags away and see how the day can do, you didn't speak to Natasha on your way to the room, you were slightly upset that she didn't tell you. You were meeting her family for the first time and you wanted to know to at least look presentable.
You weren't afraid of what they thought of you but if they would accept you, you love Natasha and you can't see yourself with someone else apart from her so the subject of marriage is still yet to happen, but you want it, you want to be apart of her family and that is if they accept you.
Most of your relationships ended because their family didn't accept you and that's something you didn't want to repeat, you really cared about Natasha so it really mattered to you.
As soon as the two of you walked inside the room, she tried her luck "Y/n/n?"
You ignored her as you started to pull out some fresh clothes to change into, she continued "детка (baby)?"
She made her way towards you which you still ignored, you could never be mad at her, you were just upset so you looked up at her, she always knew that you loved it when she spoke Russian to you.
"You should've told me Natasha" You spoke up as you kept your eyes on her.
She sighed, you never used her name unless it was serious "I'm sorry, I didn't know they were coming until Alexei called me yesterday"
You raised your brows at her "You knew since yesterday and you didn't say anything?"
"You didn't even tell me you had a family in the first place" You tore your gaze from her as you took your clothes and walked to the bathroom.
"I didn't know it would be a big deal Y/n/n" She followed you to he bathroom.
You laid your clothes down as you faced her "Of course it's a big deal, I want to know when I'm going to meet my in laws Natasha"
She couldn't help but smile "In laws?"
"You heard me" You looked away because if you kept looking you would end up smiling, she had a very contagious smile.
"I didn't talk about them because I didn't even think I would see them, ever again but I did and Alexei decided to invite himself to our vacation, I didn't want this meeting to go like this and I'm sorry I didn't say anything, I was afraid you would want to back out"
You stood still as you looked in the mirror and at her, continuing to listen to her before saying anything "I have planned things that doesn't involve them if that's what you're worried about"
She took a couple small steps towards you, making you sigh and face her "That's not what I'm worried about.."
She took your hands into hers as she looked at you with a small smile "Then what are you worried about?"
"That they wont accept me Nat, I don't exactly have a good record of my relationships with family, most of them left because their parents didn't like me, I just- It's stupid" You tore your hands away from her as you looked away.
She shook her head "No it's not" She reached for your chin, forcing you look at her "What you feel is important so stop trying to push it down"
She moved her hand to your cheek " And don't worry about them, they have a hard time warming up to practically everyone, but on the bright side Yelena likes you so that's one person, plus she is very convincing"
You lean into her hand "It still doesn't change the fact that I am upset with you"
She smiled as her other hand made it's way to your hip to pull you closer "Let me make it up to you"
You nodded as you moved closer to her lips with a slight smile, but as soon as it started, it ended. Just when your lips collided with each other like they did a million times before, you were interrupted by a very loud knock.
"Natasha!" Melina's muffled voice came from the other side.
She pulled away and sighed "This is why I wouldn't have agreed to them coming"
You giggled as Natasha answered "What!"
"He is about to break the door, you better open" Yelena shouted as she slightly chuckled.
"You shower and I will busy them" She untangled herself from you as she proceeded to go to them.
"I will shower later, I will just change" You spoke up before she disappeared out of the bathroom.
"You don't need to rush you know?" She asked and you nodded with a smile "I know but I rather shower with you later"
She smirked as she walked out this time, closing the door and walking over to open the door to let them in "How did you even find this room"
Yelena was eating something but she pointed towards Alexei "He was listening in"
Alexei faced her "Snitch, that's not how I raised you"
"Actually you didn't really raise me-" The blonde tried to correct him, but Melina cut in.
"Where is Y/n?" She looked past Natasha into the room and there was no sign of you.
"What did you do to котенок (kitten)?" Yelena asked when her attention was pulled towards the question.
"Did you give a pet name for my girlfriend?" Natasha asked as she narrowed her eyes at her sister.
"She is like a kitten, she's new and cute so yeah she's a котенок" Yelena explained as you walked out of the bathroom in new clothes.
Natasha looked at you with shock "Are you hearing this? She gave you a pet name"
You stood next to redhead as her arm snaked around you "There is no need to be jealous Nat"
You looked at Yelena who had a grin as she knew how to mess with Natasha and you wanted to join in "I'm not jealous, that would mean I don't have you when I do, she's jealous"
Alexei chuckled "Melina I don't think we ever saw Natasha jealous"
You tried your best to not laugh as Melina spoke up "You're right, it's definitely a new look on her"
"Okay that's enough, all of you!" Natasha eyed everyone except you as they continue to tease her.
"We should probably head to eat something or they will close everything" You raised a point to which they all agreed and Natasha silently thanked you from taking their attention of her.
"котенок is right" Yelena used your pet name, earning a death stare from Natasha to which she just giggled.
As you walked on, Natasha had her hand interlocked with yours until Alexei pulled her into him to tell her something causing her to let go of you, making you walk along with Yelena.
"I like your vest" You looked at Yelena and what she was wearing.
She practically beamed "It has a lot of pockets"
"Pockets?" You questioned, it didn't look like it did but as soon as she reached inside, she was able to pull out more than 3 items.
"See, I can stash so much food here" She had a smile plastered across her face as she showed you.
"She never takes off that vest" Melina chipped in as she was observing the two of you.
You were impressed so you really didn't care "I mean I wouldn't either, it's really practical"
"See! She gets it" Yelena raised her voice slightly as you giggled.
Melina rolled her eyes playfully at Yelena, once again Alexei pulled Yelena into him as he spoke to both of them, leaving you with Melina.
"Don't worry Y/n, Alexei will warm up to you but from what I can see, he already took a liking in you so all you have to do is take in interest in his boring stories and he will end up not wanting to leave you alone"
You looked at Melina when she slightly whispered, just enough so the three in the front wouldn't overhear "As for me, Natasha seems to really love you and I want her to be happy, so if it's you who makes her smile like that, then so be it. I'm just happy my little girl is finally happy"
You held back some tears at her speech "I'm very grateful that you took a chance on me Melina, it's very important to me as my mother doesn't see like that"
"Aw Дорогой (sweetheart)" She pulled you into her side as yous continued to walk.
"I swear to god, If another person gives Y/n a pet name, they won't know what day is tomorrow" Natasha pulled herself away from Alexei's grip as she stopped everyone and narrowed her eyes at Melina.
"Okay, calm down Natasha" Melina tried to keep Natasha calm, she was never a threat to them but she didn't want Natasha to be angry after.
"Listen to your mother" Alexei agreed with Melina which only fuelled Natasha on.
She scoffed as she looked at the Red Guardian which caused Yelena to laugh at her sister "I'm so glad we decided to come here and meet котенок (kitten)"
Natasha was ready to fight her sister but you were quicker as you pulled her back to where she was before, holding her by the hand to which she just gave Yelena a death stare and you giggled.
"But don't forget Y/n if you hurt Natasha, we will haunt you down" Melina's tone turned serious.
You gulped and the redhead rolled her eyes "Okay James Bond, leave Y/n/n alone"
Melina's serious face turned into a smile within seconds and she joined the two in the front, now leaving you with Natasha.
"They like you" There was a huge smile across both of yours faces.
"It feels good to know that" You felt at peace, they weren't any regular family, they were chaotic and different and that's what you liked about them.
"I love you" Natasha chocked out as she stopped and pulled you back into her.
"I love you too Talia" A smile was spread across your face that always gave Natasha butterflies, she pulled your face into hers and kissed you with all of emotions behind it.
"You have gotten soft Natasha" Yelena yelled but the redhead didn't care, she probably did go soft but she only showed it when you were around, you made her soft and she actually liked it...
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denkamis · 4 years
Can you please write a fluff one shot about a sk8 the infinity like his girlfriend/boyfriend/s/o falls asleep on him
to anon: omg first request omgomg thank you so much for sending one in! i wasn’t sure which sk8 character you were referring to, so i decided to write one for both reki and langa! hope you don’t mind hehe <3 this is the one for reki, the one for langa will take a little bit longer bc of valentine’s & other requests but i hope you like this one regardless!
warnings: none, just some fluffy times with the best boy. reader is gn!
word count: 1.3k
sleepyhead. (reki x reader)
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Late nights were certainly not a rare occurrence with your boyfriend, Reki. He was filled to the brim with energy and passion that practically flowed out of him like a geyser. Not that you were opposed to that at all, you found that it was one of the qualities that made you fall for him in the first place. Though, you worried that he wasn’t taking into consideration his own personal health during these late night excursions. Take for instance tonight, as it was slowly approaching two thirty am, it seemed that the redhead had no clear intention of stopping his work.
The two of you were cooped up in his workshop behind his house, Reki singing along to some “cool jams” as he called them. In reality, it was his Spotify playlist of the “best 2000’s alternative” music like Sk8er Boi by Avril Lavigne and Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low. You were barely hanging onto your string of consciousness, the mere idea of sleep sounding like absolute heaven at this very moment. You were propped up on a stool in the corner, the stack of skating magazines Reki had given you to flick through in case you got bored now sat in a neat pile off to the side. You had read each one of them front to back twice already tonight.
It wasn’t that you didn’t love spending time with Reki. You enjoyed listening to his midnight ramblings of whatever came to mind. His ideas for new boards, designs for stickers, and other creative ways to beat his future S opponents were usually his topics of interest. No one really noticed how much of an imaginative person your boyfriend was. He could be impulsive and over excited at times, but his fantastic mind and his willingness to create made your heart soar. Not only that, but he was fairly handy when it came to fixing up and assembling his own boards like he was some mad scientist waiting for one of his many experiments to go right. You indulged him as much as you could, you really did enjoy his company. Even if you would much rather be curled up beside him snuggling in bed rather than hear Reki precariously make his way through the lyrics of Check Yes Juliet for what seemed like the seventh time.
“Reki,” you spoke up finally as the analog clock on the wall indicated the current time of two forty-three am. Reki looked up from Langa’s custom longboard, hair bouncing about despite already being contained by the headband he wore everyday. “Yeah?” he asked, throwing a glance over his shoulder only to see your weary eyelids and tired expression. His entire demeanour melted, lips jutted out in a tiny pout upon seeing his poor baby so tired.
He backed away from his worktable, dancing and tiptoeing across the floor to avoid stepping on any spare parts or tools he had left lying about his mishmash of a workshop.
“Is baby tired?” he cooed, sawdusted fingers beginning to tug and pinch at the corners of your cheeks. You groaned in annoyance, your sleep deprived state causing you to be a tad more irritable at this hour. “Reki,” you repeated in a more serious tone, ember coloured irises meeting your e/c ones. His calloused hands moved to cup your face, warmth enveloping you in a way that felt like home. The scent of pine and the remnants of orange crush soda invaded your senses. He smiled at you with that goofy face of his, the one that Langa constantly teased for being weird. Maybe it was your sleepy nature, but he looked even more gorgeous in the harsh LED lighting of his garage. Tiny strands of his auburn hair fell in front of his face as he tilted his head to the side, his smile growing as he watched your eyes begin to droop.
“Please. Let’s go to bed,” you asked of him as kindly yet firmly as you could. Reki clicked his tongue a bit, thinking for a moment before delivering a cute peck to your nose. “A few more minutes! Then we can head inside, grab a cookie or two and crawl into bed together! It’ll be just a jiffy okay? Here, you can even set an alarm,” Reki was already reaching for his phone in his hoodie pocket so that you could do just as he suggested. He stopped in his tracks as he felt your hands clasp around his hoodie, pulling him close so that you could hug his torso. He laughed at how clingy you could be while being so sleepy, his hand patting atop your head as a form of affection.
“Wow, you really are.. sleeping,” Reki’s voice trailed off as he looked down to be greeted by you completely passed out against him. Your arms held your boyfriend close, your face buried within the fabric of his yellow skater boy hoodie. Soft snores escaped you, your breathing slowed and calm as you finally let your consciousness slip out of your ever fleeting grasp. Reki’s face began to bloom with colour the longer he stared at you, panic setting in as he realized what was truly happening.
You had fallen asleep against him. Oh shit. Oh god. You were asleep against him. That meant you were so comfortable that you just so happened to pass out in his arms. Reki bit back a giddy smile, warmth cascading through him in a form of nothing but love radiating solely for you at nearly three in the morning. His heart thumped rapidly against his rib cage. No matter how long he had been with you, he kept discovering new things about you that made him absolutely lose his mind. You falling asleep against him definitely being one of those many things. You looked so peaceful, so unbothered and safe within his embrace. This warmth you had given him overtook his will to keep working, his hands moving your hair out of the way of your face to kiss your forehead.
“Sorry for making you stay up, sweet baby,” he apologized in a quiet tone. His hands moved your arms to around his neck, using his strength to lift you up and wrap your legs securely around his waist. “I can’t say I’m not grateful for you being here for me, though. You could have left too, yet you stayed here for me,” Reki spoke to your sleeping form. The fact that you had stayed up with him this late made him even more grateful to have you. Reki grunted a bit as he adjusted to the newfound weight of you around him, your hair getting in his mouth and his eyes squinting to find the light switch so that he could flick it off before leaving. Reki was always careful with you, handling you as if you were a sort of glass figurine he barely even had the permission to touch.
“You look so damn cute like this, y’know,” he continued to speak as he maneuvered his way about his house, trying his best to subdue his footsteps and make as little noise as possible. He didn’t want to wake up his mom or little sisters. “Man, I’m so lucky. Seriously really lucky to have someone like you in my life.”
In your sleep, you subconsciously nuzzled your head against his chest. He melted a bit, holding back a tiny noise of happiness as he began to beam like an idiot holding his partner. You were the most amazing person, the person who made him happy every single day without fail, the person who picked him up no matter how much he bailed or got hurt. He loved you more than anything, and he wanted to treat you as well as you treated him. Even if it meant carrying you to bed after a late night of him talking your ear off about skateboarding for three consecutive hours.
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all works © denkamis 2021.
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Phantasmagoria (Adrenaline Junkie Part 16)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 8     Part 9     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of injuries, death, depersonalization, grief
REMINDER: you are real. the topics discussed in this is fiction and not reality. you are loved and valid, hydrate and eat 3 meals a day <3
Word count: 2,645
You were in and out of it for the next few days. Whenever your eyes would crack open and you would even slightly move your arm, you would be in immense pain before you would pass out again. You could sometimes hear the voices of your family talking to you, but never Arthur. Good, he definitely shouldn’t see you like this. 
Whenever you heard Philza, he would be talking to you about all the journeys he’s been on in his hundreds of years of living. Oh yeah, you found out that he was an immortal being that can’t die. Your brain was too tired and clouded to contemplate it. 
Whenever you heard Technoblade, his monotone and deep voice always eased your worries. It gave you something to focus on; if anything, his voice was the one that cut through the fog the most. He would always recite Greek myths to you, often telling you that you reminded him of a few characters. 
Whenever you heard Wilbur, all you heard was him asking you questions such as ‘how was your day’ or ‘what do you think of someone-so’. He would talk to you as if you were conscious, often having one sided conversations with you. Sometimes he would bring his guitar and compose new songs, asking you if he should keep a lyric or if he should throw it away. 
Whenever you heard Tommy, it broke your weak heart. It was like your little brother was a completely different person; his usually loud and upbeat tone was reduced to a quiet and broken one. He was the one that wouldn’t talk much, instead he would sit with you and eventually after a day or two (you think) of silence he would play his jukebox. But whenever he did talk (which was rare) he would tell you how scared he was seeing you like that on the table. 
As time passed, you could feel yourself slipping deeper and deeper into your subconscious. It was like you were fading away, but you couldn’t fight against it. You wouldn’t fight against it; you could feel your pain fading and it was a great relief. You only wished you could hear your family’s voices before you completely left them, they were fading as well. Eventually, everything slipped into nothingness and you felt… euphoric. 
When you opened your eyes, everything was black. You were sure that you had your eyes open, so why was everything so dark? Was this the afterlife? You expected it to be more… heavenly. However, you weren’t complaining; your entire body felt light and you felt waves of peace waft over you. This was nice. You didn’t have much time to relax while you were living. 
After a while of staring into nothingness and just peacefully floating in one place, you became restless. Sure this was nice, but your hands itched to tinker with something. You’ve never done well with sitting in one place for too long, that’s always been your weakness. You tried to push your body off from anything so you could at least float around, but that proved useless when there was nothing to push off from. When you tried flapping your wings- well, wing- you only succeeded in spinning in circles. At least you thought you were spinning in circles, the inky abyss was unchanging and it was starting to mess with your perception. Your senses felt like they were deprived, but the worst thing about it was the overwhelming silence. 
So, you talked to yourself to fill the ringing silence. You were merely voicing your thoughts, repeating your lessons you’ve taught Arthur over the last few weeks. After a while, you were running out of things to talk to yourself about. So, you sighed and crossed your arms. They were very pale, you were actually dead this time, huh? You could only wait to see your brothers and Arthur when it was their time, hoping that they wouldn’t come to you too soon. It pained you to remember that you would probably never see Philza again, but who knows; the universe has a strange way of working. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you, (y/n).” You screamed at the soft voice that cut through the overwhelming silence and whipped your head around. There stood a woman that looked to be in her early thirties with long black hair and tanned skin. You could not see the upper half of her face as it was covered by a crow mask, however her eyes glowed a bright white. She was smiling at you with melancholy and bittersweet happiness. The two giant white feathered wings sprouted from her back were glowing slightly. The powerful and intense aura that loomed around her was the complete antithesis of the gentle smile she was giving you. 
“Calm down,” she flew over to you and wove her hand in the air. You immediately felt a wave of calm ease over you. “That’s better. You’ve been through so much, my little fledgling.” Her little fledgling? That was something you’ve recently started to call Arthur. 
“Who are you?”
“Oh where are my manners? I’m Kristin, the Goddess of Death. I wish I didn’t have to do this, but I’m here for your life.” You hummed, “that makes sense.” She tilted her head slightly and somehow the eyeholes of the mask morphed into an eyebrow raise. Was that her actual face? “You’re not scared of death?” 
“No, I’ve already died twice- no, three times already. But this is- it’s different. Is that because I’ve lost my last life?”
“You’ll find out in due time. Ender, you’re everything Phil described you as and then some.”
You perked up slightly, “you know my Dad?” Her airy chuckle brought you even more at ease, “of course I do, he’s my husband.”
You gaped at her, “so does that- does that make you my mom?”
“Only if you’re comfortable with it, I wouldn’t want to push you into something you didn’t want.”
“I’ve always wanted a mom. D-don’t get me wrong, Dad’s done more than enough for me he’s an amazing parent-”
“I understand and I’d love to be the mother of someone so smart. You’re destined to do great things one day, my little fledgling.” You tilted your head slightly, “greater than being an inventor?”
She nodded, her black locks swaying with the movement, “greater than being an inventor. Our time together is coming to a close.” She flew over gracefully and pulled you into a hug. You reciprocated it. Her hug felt warm and welcoming. It was hard to believe that she was the Goddess of Death, you always thought Kristin would be ruthless and cruel. 
“You will face many trials and tribulations and you must persevere through them. This is indeed your reality, but you share it. Do not be afraid to ask for help. The world can be a lonely place, but remember that you are never truly alone.” 
She pulled away from you and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, the beak of her mask poking you. Suddenly, the weightlessness feeling disappeared and you felt a tugging sensation from deep within your chest. Your body was sent flying through the abyss, the gripping sensation you felt in your inner chest felt very intimate somehow. After a bit of screaming, you were still flying through the void. You had no idea how long you were flying for, but eventually you just crossed your arms and went limp in the mysterious embrace. Aaaanny time now. 
Eventually you saw a pinprick of light far off into the distance and it was rapidly approaching you. You sighed out a drawn out “finally.” And watched as it came at you at mach speed. After you crashed into it, everything went white. 
You jolted up with wide eyes and looked around panting. You saw the walls of your childhood room? So you didn’t die? Then what the hell were you doing in the void? You were so sure that you died permanently. That you lost your last life. When you glanced out the window, everything was dark. When you sat up, you felt the familiar tugging sensation of the scar tissue around the base of your wing, except it was less intense and you had less mobility in your right shoulder. You glanced at the hearts on your wrist expecting to see three empty outlines. Instead, two ruby red hearts stared at you.
Impossible. Impossible. You were in your last life so even if you didn’t die, you should still only be in your last life. Your second life was taken from you in an explosion. It should not show up on your wrist. Furrowing your eyebrows, you ignored the sound of the door opening and footsteps rushing towards you. You ignored hands appearing in your vision and hovering unsure above your hand. 
You only looked up when the hand grabbed your wrist and blocked the two perplexing ruby red hearts. You saw Philza with a look of immense relief on his face. “How’re you feeling?”
“I don’t know.” You looked back at your covered wrist and took it out of Philza’s grasp, staring at the two red hearts again in confusion. “I-I should only have one life. Where’s Arthur? Ender, he’s probably so scared. Did you leave my prosthetic in the cave?” Your rapid fire questioning was stopped by a hand on your shoulder. 
“Slow down, you only just respawned.” You threw your hands up in frustration (well, you tried with your right arm, it only moved to about two thirds of your full range of movement before you felt a slight pain and a stretching sensation), “how the hell do I respawn when I was on my last life?” 
“You aren’t-”
“Yes I am! Fuck man, how do you forget that?! First time: Warden. Second time: explosion! I know I just died for the last time, so how am I still here?!” You glared up at him. It astonished you that he just forgot about the first two times you died. Who forgets their own kids’ deaths? It takes a real monster to forget things like that. 
“(Y/n), you’ve only died once and that was because the infection you got was too severe,” he put a gentle hand on your shoulder and pulled you into a hug. You pushed him away and seethed, “How do you not remember! Ender, did the last two and a half years just escape you? You’re fucking immortal, almost three years is nothing to you!” 
“Two and a half- (y/n). Two and a half years ago you were fourteen and you were barely just learning how to do tricks midair.”
“No, I’m twenty years old! How the fuck do you forget your own kid’s age?” 
“You turned seventeen six months ago, (y/n).” 
You ran a frustrated hand through your hair and laughed sardonically, “I’m not dealing with your bullshit right now. Where’s Arthur?” You stood up with shaky legs and swatted his hands away. “I don’t know an Arthur. Please lay back down, you’re-”
“First you forget my deaths, next my age, and now Arthur?! What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Where is he?” You gritted the last sentence out through clenched teeth.
“Curly red hair, freckles, always smiling, about yay high,” you flailed your hand from side to side rapidly at your mid torso, “your grandson. That ring a bell?”
“No because I don’t have a grandson. Sit down, I think I know what’s happening.”
“No. Not until I see Arthur.” You brushed his shoulder as you walked by him and out of the room. You could hear him following behind you, but you ignored him. After you ripped Arthur’s door open, you paused in the doorway. 
The entire room was decorated with Wilbur’s belongings. Instead of random bags of redstone dust and small contraptions that Arthur was too proud of to throw away, piles of sheet music and the occasional book was strewn about. Instead of the poster of you Arthur had hung up on the wall (you had laughed at it at first, he still geeked out over you even though you were his parent), a picture of the family was there. Despite it being a sweet picture (it was one of the very few ones of the family where everybody was smiling at the artist and not moving around), it shook you to your core. “A-Arthur?” You whispered in a broken voice. What was going on, where was he? 
You faintly felt someone put a hand on your shoulder. You however stood frozen clutching the door handle in your hand until you walked over to the nightstand. It was completely barren except for the glasses case sitting near the lamp. This isn’t right, this isn’t right at all. Arthur’s things should be there, not Wilbur’s. 
“No, no, no, no this isn’t right.” You broke off into mumbling while staring at Arthur’s (or Wilbur’s?) nightstand desperately trying to find the feather hidden somewhere. Once again, you felt a hand on your upper arm. “Everything’s right, (y/n).” You said nothing as you stared at the glasses case on the nightstand. “C’mon, let’s go sit down.” You barely registered him leading you gently back to your room and handing you a glass of water. “(Y/n)?” 
“Why is his stuff just- just gone? Everything was there before I left.”
Philza was silent for a moment, his feathers ruffling and brushing against your arm. “...Sometimes when a person’s been through something traumatic and they’re about to die, they sort of… make up their own reality without knowing that they’re doing it. It’s the brain’s way of coping. 
“This reality could last anywhere from a few days to years for them with the events seeming real, but in actuality only a few minutes have passed and nothing that the person thinks happened actually happened. It’s just the person’s subconscious mind playing out scenarios that they think would happen or wished had happened.”
You felt like you were previously walking on a stable sheet of ice before you were plunged into the icy abyss of unknowing. You felt several emotions coursing through your veins ranging from anxiety and frustration to grief and disbelief. The cup of water in your hands became incredibly blurry before you were pulled into his chest. He wrapped his arms and wings around you tightly and held your face securely against his shoulder. He started rocking you back and forth as you felt the tears silently leave your eyes and your breathing shudder. You felt yourself start to sob when a barrage of thoughts came and the reality of the situation hit you.
None of your inventions actually existed.
L’manberg doesn’t exist. 
Your name was unknown.
The last two and a half years were pointless.
Arthur doesn’t exist. 
Your precious Artie, the little boy that idolized you, begged for you to teach him everything you knew, followed you around like a little duckling, held your feather against his chest as he slept, enthusiastically asked you if you could take him flying, your little fledgling, your pride and joy, your son, didn’t fucking exist. You were never going to see his smile again. You were never going to laugh with him as you took him into the clouds. You were never going to cook breakfast with him again. He was never going to give you magnets again. He was never going to ask you to teach him something or ask you to help him with his own inventions. He was gone and there was nothing you could do to get him back. 
“I- I prom-mised him that I’d never leave him.” You sobbed into his shoulder, clutching onto his shirt. “I fucking promised him and I’m never gonna see him again.”
(A/N): ok so a little explanation, chapters 4-mid 15 didn’t actually happen. It was in the reader’s mind as after they passed out in chapter 3. There was foreshadowing (esp in chapter 4, I consider chapter 4 to be the chapter where the brain is getting used to the illusion it set up (hence the title “what is real”)). It explains why the reader couldn’t remember their own death. The line “You were probably still in the cave bleeding out as your delirious mind turned stone into the comforting walls of your home. You were probably imagining hearing your dad’s voice in a last chance to comfort yourself as you neared your impending doom” was pretty self explanatory. In the last chapter, the souls saying “wake up, we need to get you out of here” and “don’t leave me” were Philza’s voice cutting through (”The voices ranged from... familiar to unfamiliar”)
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kireimarkeu · 4 years
Yellow; l.mk
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+another repost, one of my favourite works ever. its unfortunate not many liked it... ;-; but im still gonna post it anyways. i did not make any changes to this fic.
summary: a journey where boxer!mark and you start to fall for each other.
5.8k words... it wasn’t supposed to be this long.. sorry guys ):
i changed the title because sunflower reminded me of johnny lmfao! also i know you guys don’t like long fics but istg i didn’t want it to be so long either ;;
warnings: mentions of blood & violence, f words 
+Day 1
The loud cheers were really starting to annoy you. Why did you let your friend drag you here in the first place?
You let out a grumbled sigh when your friend had pulled your hand, leading you closer to the ring. Truthfully, you hated anything that has got to do with blood or violence. You didn’t dare tell your friend that since she told you that she has always wanted to go to an underground match.
People were pushing you around as you struggled to keep your balance. You hold onto your friend’s wrist, to avoid from falling.
Your friend must have noticed your discomfort and leaned towards you, “you okay?”
Shaking your head, you reply, “yeah... this- this is just not my type,”
She pouts, “do you want to leave?”
“No, no, you’ve been waiting for this, let’s just watch the match,” you reply, looking back to the ring. Your friend nodded, looking back front.
The match started within a few minutes, both participants standing on each side started getting closer, waiting for one of them to throw a punch.
“That’s Jung Jaehyun,” your friend says, pointing to the one who had chocolate abs. He had some parts of his black hair dyed a dark green, which really suits him.  
He was handsome. Pretty face— really pretty face. However, his neck was filled with tattoos, which gets rid of his cute demeanour. You already knew he was the type to get lots of girls just by doing nothing.
“And that’s Mark Lee,”
Your eyes gazed on the boy with black hair.
He’s cute. He’s really cute. Super cute features. Plump lips, cute cheeks— you just want to pinch. You were surprised why he would be in a ring with such adorable features. You wanted to coo at his ears, why are his ears so cute?
If you were to pick one, you would pick the latter. He’s just your type.
Great, you’re doing it again. Thinking which boys you would choose.
Shaking your thoughts away, you focus on the match.
Jaehyun suddenly throws a punch, to which Mark managed to dodge. Mark suddenly throws a punch, straight to the other boy’s cheekbones.
You let out a gasp, flinching at the sight. Though, the crowd continues to cheer.
In a blink of an eye, Jaehyun has Mark under him, his arm tightening around Mark’s neck.
“Isn’t that dangerous?!” you screech, turning to your friend who was happily watching the match.
“That’s what makes it fun,” your friend winks.
Your mouth was left wide open as you look back at Mark who was struggling to breathe. You notice Mark tapping on Jaehyun’s arm as the latter lets go of his crazy tight grip on the boy.
“This is crazy,” you whisper out.
Despite being absolutely terrified of the scene that had just happened, you wanted to see more.
After a few matches, it was declared Jaehyun had won this time’s match. You actually expected it- seeing how he was slightly more builded than Mark. At the same time, you were disappointed that Mark had lost the match.
The people around you started getting closer, excited by the first match. It was making it hard for you to breathe.
You tap your friend’s shoulder, “I am going to step out for a while,”
“Do you want me to follow?” she asks.
You shake your head, “no, enjoy the rest of the match,”
“Okay, text me if you need anything,” she tells you as you let out a hum and step away from the crowd. You climb the flight of stairs, pushing the tinted glass door open. You take a deep breathe, finally able to breathe fresh air.
You rest your back against the brick walls, fishing out your phone to reply to some texts and scroll through Instagram.
“Oh, jeez!” you jumped, your hand pressed against your chest, turning to see Mark.
Mark laughs, staring at you in amusement, “weren’t you from inside? I saw you,”
You gulp and nodded, “yeah, yeah I was, I saw you too,”
You scan his features. He had multiple bruises and cuts on his cheekbones and lips. You notice a deep cut on his eyebrow, and a bruise on his neck. You look back up to his eyes.
“Are you okay?” you ask him, pointing to the bruises painting his face.
He chuckles at your question, wiping the blood staining his lips. “Your first time here?”
You nod, your head moving to scan the cuts on his face, “are you going to clean that up?”
“I’m okay,” he reassures you, a small smile playing on his lips, “this is nothing,”
You wince. That was nothing? You would be crying in pain if you had that many cuts and bruises on you.
“Okay,” you whisper.
“I’m Mark,” he says again, “what’s your name, pretty?”
Your face turned a crimson red, “y/n,”
“y/n,” he repeats, the name rolling out of his tongue smoothly, “beautiful name for a beautiful girl,”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his words, “how many times have you used that phrase, Mark?”
Mark was flustered for a moment, but quickly regain his coolness, “well, as of 3 seconds ago… once?”
He laughs when you grimace at his response, shaking your head in astonishment.
“So, what were you doing in an underground boxing, y/n?” he asks you, “you don’t seem like the type to be around this area,”
“My friend has been dying to come to an underground match and she dragged me with her,” you explain.
He hums, “ah, your friend? She really caught Jaehyun’s eye earlier,”
You smirk, knowing your friend definitely has been crushing on Jaehyun too.
“We should set them up!” you say excitedly.
+Day 15
2 weeks later, you were back at the same place. This time, you weren’t forced, you had begged your friend to bring you again. You would go alone but being alone in a place filled with rowdy men scares you. You knew your friend would agree since she wanted to see Jaehyun too.
“You usually don’t like this type of things, why are you suddenly so excited?” your friend asked, grabbing her bag, while you were tugging on her arm. 
You bit your lip nervously, knowing the exact reason why, but you refuse to tell her. 
“You’re back again,” says Mark, looking down at you with a smile plastered on his face.
“Yeah, I just need some break from the chaos at school,” you explain. You were actually doing well in school. Unlike other students, you let out your stress from doing work and projects.
Mark hums as he looks around, “wanna go somewhere quieter?”
“But—” you turn away to find your friend, but she was nowhere to be found.
“She’s talking to Jaehyun,” Mark tells you.
You turn back around, holding your breathe when you see Mark leaning awfully close to your face. When he saw your flustered state, he started smirking, letting out a low chuckle.
“Come,” he says, tugging on your elbow, pulling you out of the crowd. Climbing the familiar stairs, the both of you walked towards an empty playground. The both of you take a seat on the swings.
“It’s kinda scary to be in a playground at night,” you state, looking around the extremely quiet area.
You hear Mark laugh at your statement; you look at him confusingly. “You know what you remind me of?”
You raise your eyebrows.
“A sunflower,” he tells you, making you blush. “Anything with the colour yellow,”
“And why is that Mark?”
He rests his head on the rope of the swings as he stares at you, “You seem like someone who is absolutely cheerful, everyone needs someone like you in their life,”
You smile at his sweet words.
Your eyes gaze on his hands that was wrapped in bandages, blood seeping through them.
“Are your hands okay?” you ask, nodding your chin towards his hands resting on his lap.
He looks down at his hands then back at you, smirking, “why? Did I make you worry?”
You look at him like he was crazy, “of course you did! The guy went pretty hard on you,”
Mark felt embarrassed at that. You came to watch his match twice and he still couldn’t win in front of you.
He looks away from your gaze, “it was nothing,” he murmurs.
You were quiet for a while. You felt guilty for bringing it up, knowing he was already beating himself up for it.
“You did great,” you blurted out, “I came to support you actually,”
“Really?” he chuckles, his gaze still on his shoes.
“Yup, you did so well, I think I should take you out for lunch,” you blurt out without realising. Your eyes widen at what you had just said.
Oh god, why did you say that? Did you have no shame? What if Mark didn’t even feel the same way?
Mark swiftly turns to look at your confused face. Fuck, he just wanted to hug you so bad.
“Are you asking me out on a date?” he asks, an amused grin plastered on his lips.
Oh god. 
You quickly face away from the boy who was staring at you with amusement. “N-no,”
He lets out a defeated sigh, “damn, really? I was hoping it would be a date,”
Oh fuck, he was smooth. 
“Shouldn’t you be asking me out on a date?” you huff.
“Do you want me to ask you out on a date?”
“No! I mean—”
“Y/N, will you go on a date with me?”
+Day 17
The date was originally scheduled in 5 days but Mark was too excited and had asked you to meet slightly earlier, to which you agreed.
This time, Mark wasn’t in a tank top and shorts, he didn’t have cuts on his face or bloody hands wrapped in bandages. He was dressed in a button up and black skinny jeans.
He’s so adorable. 
“What?” you look at him weirdly.
“You keep staring at me,” he points out, “do I have something on my face? Or am I too handsome?”
You grimace at his words and threw a fry at him, giggles leaving your lips.
Mark wanted to take you out on a proper expensive date, but he was also a broke college student— just like you. He felt bad about not being able to take you out on a proper date, but you had reassured him that you’d rather eat McDonalds kids meal than eat a $50 meal that is the size of a pea.
“You know,” you start, leaning back on the chair, “If I saw you for the first time, I wouldn’t believe it if you told me you were a boxer,”
You shrug, “you look like a baby to me,” you tell him, “just wanna pinch your cheeks,”
He scoffs, puffing out his chest, “I may look like a baby, but I fight like a man,”
+Day 23
Mark: hey are you coming later
You: where?
Mark: my match you loser
You: I don’t think so :(
You: i have a bunch of work to do :((
Mark: :(
Mark: oky then :/ make sure you rest enough
You:  I will :) don’t worry haha
+Day 25
“I didn’t know Mark had many girl friends,” your friend says.
You raise your eyebrows at that. The both of you weren’t official yet, only at the talking stage. He has never mentioned his friends or his family, but the information had your suspicions growing.
You pretend to not be affected by the words, “how’d you know?”
“You know the day you couldn’t come for his match?” you hum, “I think he invited some girls because they were all hugging and talking,”
You would be lying if you weren’t heartbroken by your friend’s words. However, you have no rights stopping him from seeing his friends. The both of you weren’t a couple.
“Aren’t you guys a couple?”
“No,” you answer with a sharp tone, “it’s his life he can do whatever he wants.”
“You’re not fazed by it?”
“Why would I be?” you murmur, “he’s not mine to begin with.”
+Day 35
Mark: hey :)
Mark: it’s been a while
Mark: I miss you
You: I knw haha
Mark: are you coming for my match tomorrow night?
Mark: no no you have to come tomorrow!!
Mark: ok?
You: hahahah
You: I will oky
You: im finished with my work & all so why not haha
You: but I need you to come get me hehe
You: my friend wont be following so its just me :3
Mark: that’s great!!!
Mark: I’ll send u home too ok
You: oky Markie :3
+Day 36
You had your hands resting on Mark’s face, cleaning up his bloody face. Mark had lost this time round; his opponent was three times your size and had beat Mark down like a pipe.
“I don’t even know why I support you doing this,” you mumble, wiping the blood running down his face, “you make me worry too much,”
“I’m okay.”
You glare up at him. “If you think this is okay then I don’t what’s your definition of the opposite.”
He frowns at you but didn’t say a word.
It took you a good 30 minutes to clean up all of his wounds. You lean away from him, “make sure you rest for a week,”
He hums, staring at you, “thank you,”
You felt bad for being so harsh on him. You reach for his hands, holding it in yours, your thumb stroking the back of his hand.
“Can you take me home now? I’m tired,” you sigh.
Throughout the ride home, you had one of Mark’s hand resting on your lap. You didn’t let go for a second, loving the warm feeling of his hand clasped in yours. Before you knew it, his car stopped infront of your apartment building.
You pout, turning to face him., “I don’t wanna leave yet,”
“Me neither,” he chuckles, “don’t go,”
You lips break into a grin, “you loser,”
He hums.
You unlock the door, ready to open the car door but Marks tug on your hands. You face him. He lifts his free hands, his pointer finger tapping on his cheek.
You snicker at his actions, your pointer and middle finger pushing his cheek away. You stick your tongue out when he pouts at you. You open the car door and left the car, shutting it, turning to face the boy who was still pouting.
“Thanks for today,” you say, “make sure you rest for a week before you start working again,” you reminded him.
Upset that you didn’t kiss him, Mark clicked his tongue and gestured for you to go in.
+Day 40
Your eyebrows furrow when you saw the pictures Mark was tagged in Jaehyun’s photo. You knew this photo was recent from the evident bruises on Mark’s face.
You had already warned him to completely heal for a week before going back to work but why was he so stubborn?
The girls who was surrounding the guy you like didn’t go unnoticed by you. You noticed how he had his arms snake around both girl’s waist.
Shutting your eyes close, you let out a frustrated sigh.
“Is this from today?” you ask your friend, showing her your phone.
Your friend takes a look and nods without hesitation.
A loud and angry groan left your lips. Getting up from the couch, you stomped to your bedroom, shutting the door as you climbed in bed.
God, why was liking a boy so hard?
Tears started rolling down your cheeks. You were so frustrated with Mark. You liked him so much that you hated seeing him being hurt— even if it was something he loves doing.
It wasn’t the first time he was seen surrounded by girls. Although the both of you weren’t in an official relationship, you didn’t enjoy seeing him touching girls. Maybe you were being dramatic with the girls, but did you really want to date someone like him? Someone who could potentially be taken away in a flash?
You sit up, rubbing your eyes with a deep sigh. Everyone deserves a chance, even if he had hurt you.
You turn on your phone to send Mark a text.
You: you went to work today?
It took him less than a minute to respond.
Mark: how’d you know?
You: jaehyun’s Instagram
You: I thought I told you to rest?
Mark: sorry :( it was just a last minute match
You: hm
Mark: but on the bright side, I won this time!
Right. Of course he would win the match when you’re not there to support him.
You: was it fun?
Mark: yeah! Our friends came to support us
You: ohh who?
Mark: just some ex-school friends, you don’t know them haha
You: okay hha
Mark: you’re not angr right? Haha
Mark: angry*
You: no why would I be
You: you’re not my boyfriend so I have no right to be
You: mad
+Day 58
“Hey,” Mark sends you a bitter smile, “you okay? Been a whole year since we last saw each other,”
“It’s been 2 weeks, Mark,” you reply dryly.
Mark pouts and takes a seat next to you, “two weeks too long~”
He leans his head on your shoulder as his gaze on your phone. You turn to him slightly, offering your bubble tea to the male who happily accepts. He rests his hand on the plastic cup and your hand holding the cup, pulling it towards his lips.
You giggle, “you’re so cute, Mark.”
He squints his eyes cutely at you as he continues sipping on your drink. You didn’t complain, you love seeing him all happy.
You clear your throat, earning his attention, “I want to ask you something,”
He tilts his chin upwards, “what’s up?”
You try to think of a way to phrase your words together without sounding possessive.
Mark notices your furrowed eyebrows, he cracks a grin and nudges you with his shoulder, “don’t be so serious, what’s up?”
“Are you going to introduce me to your friends?” you blurted out.
Mark fell silent at your question. He wasn’t annoyed or anything— not at all, he couldn’t ever be mad at you. But it was just so sudden, where was this all coming from?
“I mean- you don’t have to, if you don’t want to,” you explain, “it’s not like I want to,” you laugh awkwardly, looking away from the male.
“N-no,” he stutters out, “it was just so sudden, where is this coming from?”
“I’m sorry,”
“Do you want to meet my friends?” he asks.
“I’m not forcing you,” you state, “it’s just a question- it’s not important,” you mumble the last part.
He let out a chuckle, “I want you to meet my friends,” he says, “but, they just…”
You purse your lips, already expecting the answer. Of course he won’t introduce you to his female friends. It would be a lie if you said you weren’t disappointed, but you couldn’t do anything. you can’t force him into doing something he doesn’t want to.
“I’m sorry,” he sounded sincere, too sincere. It’s weird.
You feign a smile, “It’s okay, but I have to go now,”
He frowns, watching you stand up to grab your bag, “already?”
You nod, “I’ll see you when I see you, I guess,”
Before he could even hug you goodbye, you had already left the bubble tea shop.
+Day 62
You had this habit of overworking yourself whenever you were down. You had drowned yourself in projects and work. The incident that happened a few days ago has left your mind, especially when he hasn’t sent you a single text.
“Hey,” your friend called, you hum in response, although your gaze was still glued on your laptop. “Have you been talking to Mark lately?”
Your fingers freeze at his name. Suddenly you were furious just by hearing his name.
“Why?” you reply crudely.
“He’s been asking me about you. Did something happen?” your friend asks, worried about you.
He’s been asking about you? So he has been thinking about you this whole time? Your heart fluttered a little at the thought. You genuinely liked Mark and it sucked that the both of you were already having arguments even before being a couple.
You bit your lip, turning around to look at your friend, “what did he say?”
Your friend passes you her phone, showing the text message between the two.
Mark: hey, im sorry if im disturbing you but
Mark: is y/n okay?
Mark: we haven’t been texting lately and I thought she needed space so i gave her that
Mark: I just want to know if she’s okay? If shes eating healthily?
Your lips tugged upwards at the text. God, he was so cute. You scroll down a little more to read more texts.
Mark: could you update me everyday on how she’s doing?
Mark: I miss her :/
“He really likes you, you know,” your friend says abruptly.
You pass her phone back, looking up at her.
“I know I’m not officially his and I have no right on stopping him who he should hang out with,” you explain, “but it upsets me seeing how he’s being surrounded by girls every single night,”
Your friend places her hand on your shoulder, her thumb caressing your shoulder comfortingly, “you should talk to him about it.”
She was right. Communication is key. You can’t keep it a secret forever. If it upsets you, then you should voice out.
You were going to talk to him about it.
+Day 67
You were at the underground boxing area again. Mark had texted you to come and support him. You were going to talk to him about it today. After his match. This was the only way that was going to make you feel better.
This time, you were standing near the wall, furthest from the boxing ring. Mark had warned you to stay here because of all the rowdy men crowding the area.
“With your petite size, you are just going to be stepped on,” he had said. 
You locked eyes with Mark who was standing in the ring. You automatically grin at him. Mark struggled to keep a straight face after seeing your adorable smile.
‘Good luck!’ you mouth, lifting your hands to show a thumbs up, then sending a heart to the male.
Mark’s heart flutter just by looking at you. He looks away to keep a straight face. Soon, the match started.
You swiftly turned to see a handsome male standing next to you. You send him a polite smile before turning back to look at Mark.
“What are you doing here?” he asks.
“I’m just here to support a friend,” you say plainly, your eyes gazing on Mark intently.
“I see,” the man says, “I’m Yuta,”
Does he ever stop talking? You hum, hoping it would stop him from talking to you.
“What’s your name?”
You wanted to roll your eyes at his question. You face the man, “I’m y/n,”
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” he flirts, winking at you. You grimace at his words. “You’re really pretty,”
You didn’t respond, irked by his presence.
“Do you hate talking or something?” he asks you. He rolls his eyes when you didn’t reply. “Do you have a boyfriend?”
“No, I don’t, Yuta,” you sigh.
“Then? Do you hate me or something? Do you hate someone you’ve never met?” he asks you, leaning closer to you.
Unbeknownst to you, Mark saw you talking to the male and was distracted by it, which resulted in him getting punched in the jaw by his opponent.
Loud gasps and whistles filled the room.
You quickly turn to see Mark laying on the ground, getting stepped on by his opponent. Your hands went up to your mouth, watching in horror. Once his opponent was pulled away, you ran to find Mark, but was stopped by Yuta grasping your arm.
“Let go of me!” you shrieked, pushing his arm away, running to find Mark.
You see Mark in the room, holding his jaw painfully while Jaehyun helped him bandage his hand.
“Mark!” you call, running up to him. You instantly hold onto his elbow, scanning his face that was littered with bruises. He had a black eye too.
Mark meets your worried gaze. His eyes held something different— anger and annoyance.
“Are you okay? Are you badly hurt anywhere?” you ask.
The male suddenly pushes your grip off him, looking away from you. Your eyes widen at his actions.
Did you do something wrong?
You look at Jaehyun, hoping he would signal you something— anything. But he only looked away from you guiltily. You frown at the both of them.
“Mark?” he ignores your voice.
You felt your heart clench painfully. You didn’t know what you did wrong for him to treat you this way. A disappointed sigh left your lips as you turn around, leaving the underground boxing match.
You rest your back against the brick walls, you felt tears trail down your cheeks. You came here with Mark and was expecting him to drive you home, so you didn’t bring any money with you.
“Fuck,” you whisper, your fingers wiping the stray tears.
You fish out your phone, unlocking it but only to see a black screen. You harshly pressed on the button multiple times but it wouldn’t turn on. Great, your phone must’ve died. You look around, trying to find someone who could help you out.
“Are you going to get in?” a deep voice says.
You look up to see Mark standing next to his car.
A shaky sigh left your lips, brushing away the tears that wouldn’t stop leaving your eyes. You look out the window, hoping it would distract you. Another tear rolled down your cheeks.
“Stop crying,” Mark murmurs.
You wanted to scoff at that. How ironic, especially when he was the one who made you cry.
“I’m fucking trying,” you say through gritted teeth.
The car comes to a halt as you see your apartment building outside. However, you didn’t leave his car.
“Did I do something?” you ask. You have been dying to ask the question ever since.
He rolls his eyes, “I don’t know y/n, did you?” he responds sarcastically.
“Can you stop that?!” you shout, turning your body to face him, “Just tell me what I did so I can fucking apologize!”
He scoffs at your words, “who was that man? Openly flirting while I was in a match?”
Your brows knit in confusion. Is he being serious?
“Firstly, I don’t know who the hell that man was, and I was definitely not flirting with him,” you explain, “and secondly, you’re not my boyfriend. So, even if I wanted to flirt, I am allowed to.”
This relationship was starting to get confusing.
“We are in the talking stage!” he shouts, “technically you are mine.”
You laugh at that, “really? I can’t flirt with anyone but you’re out here hugging and touching random girls!”
He becomes quiet, looking away from your intense gaze.
You push your hair back, frustrated. “what now, Mark?”
He looks down at his lap, playing with his fingers. He felt like crying— he never cries. “I don’t think this is working out,” he whispers, voice cracking. “I think we should stop seeing each other,”
You feel your lips tremble, tears threatening to fall again. You close your eyes, the tears falling down your cheeks. Your hands clenched into fists, hoping it would stop you from letting out sobs.
“Okay,” you mutter, “I’m going to go,”
When you reached your apartment, your hand immediately rests on the wall, steadying your balance. You couldn’t even breathe properly as you let out loud sobs. Your heart was beating rapidly from your unsteady breathing.
You felt like you were going to die. You didn’t expect this to hurt so much.
You are going to get through this. You will get through this. 
+Day 83
It has been a few weeks since you had last seen Mark. You had spent most of your time in your room crying your eyes out. If it wasn’t that, you would be sobbing on the couch while your friend would try her best to comfort you.
You didn’t have the energy or appetite to eat. Your friend always made you drink lots of water and would sometimes make a sandwich for you.
Your friend had secretly sent text updates to Mark, but he would just ignore them. He was hurting as much as you were. Just by hearing your name, his heart would clench painfully. Mark had spent most of his time at the ring, taking out his frustration by throwing punches and kicks.
You were washing the dishes since your friend had left to support Jaehyun in the underground match. She had invited you to come with her, but you’d rather stay home, knowing Mark would probably be there.
Your phone started ringing. You let out an annoyed sigh, quickly putting the plate on the rack, then walking over to grab your phone. You answer the call.
“What?” you sigh, “I’m busy cleaning, you know?”
“y/n,” your friend breathes heavily. This was weird. “Can you come here?”
Your eyebrows knit in confusion, “what? Why? What happened?”
“Mark passed out,” she tells you.
Your eyes widen, “w-what?”
“He’s going to be sent to the hospital, you need to come, now,”
“What room is he in? Is he okay?” you ask, looking at your friend and Jaehyun with wary eyes.
“He’s okay,” Jaehyun says, “he’s in the room,” he nods towards the door.
You had tears threatening to leave your eyes. You couldn’t help but let the tears fall. You felt your body grow weak, you squat down, covering your face with your arms as you let out loud sobs.
It was all your fault. If you hadn’t taken care of him more often, none of this would’ve happened.
Your friend frowns at your state. She bends down and pat your back comfortingly. “Go in,” she persuades, “he has been dying to see you,”
You lift your head to look at her, a small pout on your lips. Your friend wipes your tears with her thumb, smiling at you.
Letting out a soft sigh, you stand up, smoothing your hair and your pants. Walking towards the door, you knock softly before sliding the door open. Mark tilts his head, seeing you walk in quietly with your lips pursed.
He didn’t know what to do. Should he send you a smile? Should he act cold?
When you got closer to him, you scan the state he was in. He had his forehead bandage and his arm in a cast. His lips were busted, a plaster on the bridge of his nose.
“Hey,” you say, voice still raspy from the crying earlier, “what happened?”
He clears his throat and looks away from you. He feels bad making you worried. But at the same time, he didn’t expect you to be here.
“Just a few bruises here and there,” he says.
“It’s nothing, really!” he exclaims.
You glare at him, “fuck you,” you spit. “I came down here because everyone was so worried about you. I was so worried about you. And now that I’m here, you’re going to tell me it’s nothing?”
Mark was unbelievable. God, why do you like him so much?
His eyes soften at your words. He bit his lip nervously, intimidated by you, he slowly looks up at you, “I just don’t want to worry you,”
You scoff, “your job already worries me, Mark.”
He pouts without even realising. He looks down at his lap guiltily, playing with his fingers.
You felt bad for shouting at him. Letting out a huff, you amble closer.
“You’re okay now, right?” you ask him.
“Yeah,” he mumbles, his gaze glued on his lap.
A pregnant silence fills you two, unsure of what to say to each other. You didn’t want to leave, and Mark doesn’t want you to leave. You bit your lips awkwardly as you look everywhere but Mark.
“I think I’ll leave now,” you say, “I have work to do and I don’t want to… disturb you,”
You stare at him, waiting for him to say something. Anything. disappointment fills you when Mark looks away from your gaze. You turn around, ready to leave the room when Mark calls your name.
“Did you mean it?” he asks, “that day,”
You stop in your tracks, your back facing him. Your grip tightens on your sweatpants.
“Mean what?” you repeat, “you suggested it, Mark,”
“I know,” he breathes, “I regret it,”
You missed Mark. You missed his dumb jokes and his annoying laughter which you loved so much. You turn around to look at him.
“I don’t like seeing you this way, Mark,” you confess, “your job scares me, it worries me,”
“What can I do to make you not worry, y/n?” he asks, eyes widening, “should I stop doing it?”
“That’s not what I meant,” you reply harshly, “if you would actually let me stay by your side, it might ease my worries,”
You step closer to the boy, your hand resting on his cheek. He subconsciously lean against your soft hand.
“I’m sorry for what I said the other day,” he professes, “I..I didn’t mean what I said,”
You take a seat on the chair that was next to his bed, holding onto his hands tightly. “Then, why would you say that Mark?”
“I just—“ he sighs, “I just didn’t want to lose you to someone else, y/n,” he explains, looking up at you, “we weren’t even dating yet! I just knew that I genuinely like you.”
Your heart clench at his words. “I didn’t like seeing you with other girls either,”
“I know,” he huffs, his free hand going up to ruffle his mop of black hair, “I was just stupid,”
Your thumb strokes his hand comfortingly, “It’s okay. It’s all over now,”
“I don’t want to deal with this anymore,” he tells you, “all this, jealousy and possessiveness.”
Is he going to…?
“I have been dying to ask you this question for the longest time,” he continues, “would you like to be my girlfriend?”
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hanatiny · 3 years
Back For Seconds
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a/n: been working on this one for longer than I’d like to admit but here it is, finally - happy birthday to my favorite Gemini boy, Yeosang <3 (and to @yunhoiseyecandy​, since she happens to share a bday with him c:)
pairing: Yunho x genderneutral!reader x Yeosang
genre: fluff, smut
word count: 2816
warnings: established poly relationship, mentions of food, threesome, sub Yeosang, switch reader, soft dom Yunho, first time, praise, making out, pet names, slight corruption kink, oral (m receiving) swearing, voyeurism, master kink (only mentioned twice), masturbation, orgasm denial, consensual sex taping, implications of unprotected sex, implications of overstimulation
To put it simply, the surprise you and Yunho had been planning for Yeosang’s birthday hasn’t been going quite according to how it should have.
Most if not all of your friends hung up on you when you asked them for help, making up some nonsensical excuse for you to believe while you made a mental note to go and get yourself some new, more reliable friends.
You huffed in annoyance, dropping your phone on the pillow as your bottom lip jutted out in a small pout.
Although understanding of your frustration, your tall puppy-like boyfriend couldn’t resist the urge to peck your cheek lovingly before sitting down next to you on the bed.
“Wanna talk about it?” Yunho asked gently, worried about how agitated you had become within the past approximately 20 minutes.
“I just want to make everything nice and pretty for Sangie’s surprise, and apparently no one I know is available to help. Woo can only keep him occupied for so long...”
“I understand, bun~” You smiled affectionately at the pet name Yunho used as he spoke, “But you know that our Sangie will love having even just us around, right? He’s never been much of a party person.”
“I do know, I just wanna make it extra special since it’s the first birthday he’s celebrating where we’re all together... I want it to be memorable for him, Yunnie.”
“Y/n, look at me.” When you refused the request, Yunho pouted and gently pulled you to sit on his lap, “Sangie will be happy either way because we love him and he loves us. Okay?”
“Okay.” You nodded in response, wrapping your arms around his shoulders in a warm embrace to assure him.
It was then that you perked up, a light knock against the wooden door frame catching your attention followed by a quiet voice, “You guys... can I ask why there’s these little bottles of flavored milk,” Yeosang held up one of the bottles in question for clarification as you and Yunho blinked at him sheepishly, “all over the living room? I enjoy them and I know you do too, but...”
He trailed off, and you understood that he wanted an explanation.
“We- mostly I, admittedly- wanted to make your special day actually, well, special, so I was planning a mini party but no one other than Yun was available to help so it wasn’t done in time.” You confessed with a pout, looking over at the slightly younger of your two boyfriends while his own eyes flickered between you and Yunho.
Yeosang pondered his answer for a moment before walking over to you and crouching in front of you, his hand reaching to tuck some of your hair behind your ear after you had turned to face him.
“Honey,” it was ironic of him to use that pet name, you mused, considering that it was exactly what his soft voice sounded like, “you know as well as our sweet Yunho does that I’m not exactly a party person. So it’s okay, I truthfully didn’t expect you to even have anything planned. I’m just happy to have you both here with me...~”
Yeosang beamed sincerely at you, and you couldn’t help but crack a smile at the sight as well before pouting when Yunho poked your cheek.
“I’m not saying ‘I told you so’ or anything but... I kinda did, baby.”
Yeosang raised a questioning eyebrow at the two of you, merely chuckling when you huffed playfully at the older.
“Well,” he started as he stood, “these aren’t gonna drrink themselves, are they? First one on the couch gets to pick the movie, last one needs to take care of snacks~”
He giggled, the sound a melodious one that you could never quite get enough of, as he turned on his heel and swiftly made his way to the living room of your shared apartment.
It took you a moment to process the situation before you jumped to your feet and rushed to follow Yeosang, all while calling out to him with a pout, “No fair~ You had a headstart!”
"Not my fault, is it~?" Came the soft chuckle in response as Yunho merely shook his head in amusement, taking his time in getting up and making his way to the kitchen to take care of your guys' snacks.
That was how it usually ended up going on your movie nights together, with either you or Yeosang choosing the movies you would all watch while Yunho tended to be in charge of what you’d eat.
With the cake he had bought for the younger's birthday in his hands, he couldn't but smile when he found the two of you curled up next to each other with you threading your hand through Yeosang’s hair.
“Hey now,” Yunho cooed lowly so he wouldn’t scare either of you, “don’t hog all of the blankets, you two. I want some too, y’know~”
“You have no room to talk Yunnie, you’re a literal human teddybear and a walking heater~!” You whined in protest, letting out flustered giggles when he hummed in response and leaned in to peck both yours and Yeosang’s noses, the latter flushing a deep red out of shyness from the contact.
Satisfied, Yunho smiled and seated himself next to you before handing out slices of cake to you and the younger male, watching how his eyes lit up at the realization of what it was he was given.
“I admit that I had a little bit of help but,” Yunho confessed, and you couldn’t keep yourself from hoping that the one who helped him was not Wooyoung, based on a few past experiences, “I figured you’d enjoy this, considering that we all know how much you love sweet things...~”
“That’s why I love you and our precious Y/n so much~” It was Yunho’s turn to blush now, a cheeky grin playing on Yeosang’s lips, “In all seriousness - I love all of this, the balloons, the fairy lights, the sweets that I’m sure are delicious... You did so much to make sure I would have a good birthday~ Your efforts and Y/n’s are both incredibly appreciated....~”
You smiled brightly at his words, snuggling into his side while Yunho wrapped his arm around both of you to keep you close to himself.
You ended up watching some kind of romcom that recently came out and Yeosang shyly admitted to being interested in, and you admittedly found more joy in feeding your boyfriends the cake the older had prepared than in the movie.
Halfway through, you weren’t even sure how it happened, you were sprawled out across both of their laps with the blanket draped rather awkwardly over all three of you. You weren’t paying much attention to the movie playing on the tv anymore, more interested in playing with the strands of Yeosang’s hair you could reach without obstructing his field of vision with your hands.
You heard his breath hitch, however, so you paused mid stroke to turn your head to face the tv with your now undivided attention, and you understood immediately why Yunho scrambled to reach for the remote to pause it.
There was a sex scene presently playing on the screen, and neither of you were prepared to see it.
“It’s not even rated R, I don’t understand...” Yeosang mumbled lowly, his face flushed a bright shade of red.
“We can watch something else if you want Sangie, we don’t have to-” Yunho attempted to reassure him before being cut off and shushed with a finger placed on his lips.
Yeosang shook his head slightly, “No, I just- I didn’t expect that. But...”
“But?” You echoed questioningly, sitting up straight again between him and Yunho and looking at the former inquisitively, “I’ve been wondering if you guys c-could maybe teach me how to do things like that...”
You shared a look with Yunho, the tall male quirking a curious eyebrow at your boyfriend’s request. You were both aware that Yeosang had no sexual experience whatsoever beyond jerking himself off a handful of times in the shower, while you and the older of the two males had fooled around on multiple occasions.
“I mean, only if you want t-” Yeosang fell silent mid-sentence when you suddenly kicked the blanket away and off of the couch before climbing onto his lap and facing him.
“We want to, Sangie. We wanna make you feel good~”
An unintelligible whine left him at your words, followed by a shy look on his still reddened face. “Are you sure-”
Understanding of Yeosang’s hesitance, you shut him up with a gentle peck to his soft lips before giving him a cheeky smile, “Yes, we’re sure. I wanna suck you off, Sangie... please~?”
It was your pleading tone that made him give in, spreading his legs a little as you let your body slide off of his lap and down onto the carpet.
“Last chance to chicken out, Sangie. Are you one hundred percent sure you want this? I’ll stop and forget all about this if you ask me to but if you don’t, I’m about to give you the best goddamn blowjob of your life.”
Yeosang had to admit to himself that the dominance bleeding through the mischief of your tone had him twitching in his jeans, nodding eagerly as Yunho hummed next to him and took his own half-hard length out of his sweatpants.
“Mh don’t mind me, just gonna enjoy the show~”
A grin painting the older’s features while he leisurely stroked himself, he watched you fumble with Yeosang’s belt, your brows furrowed.
“Need some help there, sweetheart~?” You heard Yunho coo cheekily from across the couch, huffing softly in response, “No I don’t. If I can manage during all our practice room quickies, I can definitely manage now, thank you.”
You regretted your cocky choice of tone when you saw the look that flashed in Yunho’s eyes, an apologetic pout forming on your face in reaction, “S-sorry master, wasn’t thinking before speaking...”
“It’s alright as long as you admit your mistake, my dear. Now go ahead and do what you do best~” The older male purred, fishing his phone out of his pocket before pointing the camera at you and Yeosang, “Surely you won’t mind if I record this for when we’re on tour and missing our sweet darling...~?”
His tone was suggestive - it sounded like you had a choice, but you knew from experience there was no room whatsoever for debate, “It’s up to Sangie, I’m more than okay with that~”
Yeosang swallowed heavily when both your and Yunho’s attention shifted to him, his face flushed and eyebrows slightly raised from the surprise of hearing you call the older male by the title of ‘master’ instead of his name.
He simply nodded dumbly when he remembered that an answer was expected of him, too focused on the anticipation he felt towards the idea of having the warmth of your mouth enveloping his cock.
Yeosang breathed out a sigh of relief he wasn’t aware he was holding when you finally freed his dick from where it strained against the fabric of his jeans, shuddering lightly when it instead came into contact with the cool air in the room.
He had a pretty decent size, you mused; his cock was a little thicker than Yunho’s, although shorter in return and curved slightly to the left.
“Y/n p-please, I- oh!” Yeosang’s plea got cut short when your lips finally wrapped around his sensitive tip, a small whimper of surprise sounding in his throat in reaction.
“Our darling’s a natural, eh Sangie~?” Yunho purred cockily, still stroking himself with the camera pointed to you and Yeosang.
It wasn’t that the latter didn’t want to retort, but he found himself choking on air when you suddenly took the entirety of his length into your mouth and down your throat. He would’ve been impressed by what appeared to be what Yunho had taught you, if he wasn’t currently sobbing out moans instead and throwing his head back to restrain himself from bucking his hips into you.
You hummed in satisfaction around him, pleased that you could reduce him to a moaning mess so easily and wanting to see what other kinds of sounds you’d be able to draw out of him while you boldly swirled your tongue around the head of his cock.
You heard Yunho groan from where he sat, his previous question forgotten with his thumb brushing over his own bulbous leaking tip.
A broken whine sounding in Yeosang’s throat was what made your attention snap back to the younger, your eyes hooded as you met his gaze, his pupils blown wide from lust.
Meanwhile, Yeosang was struggling to keep his composure and squeezed his eyes shut to keep from bucking his hips into your mouth and choking you with his length in the process.
You noticed him twitch in your mouth, the feeling encouraging you to give his cock suction as best as you could given his size.
“Ahh~ F-fuck...~” His heavenly voice reached yours and Yunho’s ears in the form of a breathless lewd moan, the latter humming in sadistic interest, “Mmh~ Are you gonna cum, Yeoangie~?”
It took Yeosang an almost embarrassingly long moment to process his boyfriend’s question in his head, giving a nod and a throaty groan in response, “Yeah, ‘m so f-fucking close I feel like I’m gonna burst...”
It seemed like a miracle to himself that he was able to formulate such a coherent answer, Yunho offering a soft thoughtful hum in reply before his voice boomed through the living room while he slowed his own strokes.
“Y/n, off.” You nodded and obeyed the simple order immediately, removing your mouth from Yeosang’s dick as quickly as possible before watching the string of saliva between his tip and your lips cut in front of your very eyes while awaiting the next command.
Yeosang promptly whimpered at having been denied his orgasm, glancing back and forth between your bright eyed smiling form and Yunho’s next to him. Even through his haze of pleasure, he was able to deduce what kind of man the latter was in the bedroom - he didn’t seem to be a particularly stern or demanding dom, but he was still firm and clear about what he wanted.
As someone naturally leaning to be rather reserved and laid back, Yeosang had to admit that he found this kind of control oddly attractive.
“W-why...” He whispered eventually after catching his breath, his eyes meeting Yunho’s darkened ones as the older smiled a little too sweetly to not be suspicious.
“You said you wanted to learn ‘how to do those things,’ no? It’s exactly what we’re doing... Y/n giving you head was just warming you up for what’s to come, and I’ll warn you now that we always come back for seconds~”
Yeosang found himself shuddering in anticipation of the sultry tone’s implications while you tilted your head in curious interest, still kneeling on the floor beside him.
“Lie back darling, and let us do what we do best.”
Yeosang understood that the request was for him and, too desperate to cum to allow himself to complain about being given orders, did as told. Removing his pants and boxers entirely, he gave Yunho time to stand and place the phone on the coffee table to continue filming all three of you before making himself comfortable on the couch - as comfortable as he could be with a hard and throbbing cock, anyway.
He turned his head to the side to face the older, his cheeks flushed a bright crimson when he felt Yunho gently nudge his tip against his lips. At the same time, he found himself jolting the tiniest bit, his self-restraint almost cracking when he realized that you had undressed as well and positioned yourself in such a way that had you hovering right above him with your entrance close enough for him to easily slip inside if he really wished to.
Yeosang knew much better than to do anything rash though, and shook off the idea. He was the one who had asked for ‘lessons’ in terms of how sex felt, he mentally chastised himself, so he opted to let the two of you do as you pleased and lead him instead. Because this was the best birthday present he could’ve ever dreamt of.
“I can already tell it’ll be fun to teach our sweet Sangie all about how good it is to not have to rely on some toy or his hand just to cum~” You chirped from where you were above him, leaving the younger conflicted about where to look before his lustfilled eyes settled on Yunho’s own darkened gaze.
“I agree, baby~ I look forward to seeing how many ‘seconds’ he’ll be able to handle...~”
----- Taglist:
@atinykitty @cometoceantrenches @ddeonghwva @galaxteez @gummygowon​ @latte-fairytaekwoon @little-precious-baby @multidreams-and-desires @nightqueennyx @serialee @twancingyunhoe @vocalyunho
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crystal-snowing · 4 years
oblivious | bang chan
synopsis: the four times that you almost confess to chan and the one time that he does it for you. or in which, you have the biggest crush on chan and the one time where he finally notices. 
genre: fluff, slight angst, best-friends-to-lovers! au, non-idol! au
pairing: bang chan x reader
word count: 2.9k
a/n: this is for the @districtninewriters’ winter fic exchange, and my person was minnie ( @lveletters​ ) ! surprise !!  minnie is such a fantastic writer, and i had an enjoyable time writing this and definitely writing for chan, i hope you enjoy !! <3 
a/n part two: this gif was made by @/prodskz and i just edited it ! 
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At the age of eight, there were only two things that you relatively seemed to know about Bang Chan: one; he was your next-door neighbor, two, (because of fact number one, he, therefore) was your best friend. Your relationship with him seemed simple enough, and there was nothing more that you could expect from the boy other than occasionally sharing his food with you during snack time and holding your hand as you both crossed the street on the way home. Life was simple, and you were content, as much as an eight-year-old could be—happily sipping on a juice box and munching on some graham crackers. 
It was any other day at recess, both you and Chan taking up your resident spot on the swing set next to each other, pumping your legs as fast as you possibly could to swing higher than the other. Everything between the two of you was a competition; it was only natural. There was something about Bang Chan that seemed to awaken this drive within you even at such a young age. Your competitive side heightened by his presence—the need to invoke a response from him was too great to ignore. 
“You know, I went to my uncle’s wedding this weekend,” you started, slowing the swing down just a bit so he could hear you over the playful sounds emanating from the playground. “And my uncle told me that one day I’m going to get married too!” 
“Yeah, right! As if someone would ever marry you,” Chan scoffed, rolling his eyes lightly at your declaration. 
You gasped and pouted slightly at his words. Reaching down with your right leg, you allowed it to drag across the wood chips below, slowing yourself down to a stop on the swing so that you could honestly look at him as you spoke.  
“It’s true,” you huffed, puffing out your chest as you spoke, “plus, you’re my best friend, so we have to get married.” 
His nose scrunched up and his eyebrows became furrowed at your words, clearly dissatisfied by the response that you gave. Chan began to slow down his swing before coming to a stop next to your own, as he shot you a frown. 
“No way! I’m never getting married, especially not to you!”“What, why?” 
He stood up from his position on the swing, dusting off his pants slightly before shooting you a pointed look. 
“Because you have cooties,” he stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
You paused, glancing up at the brunette boy from your seated position on the swing with your mouth agape. There was an expression that seemed to flash across your face, and upon realizing, Chan broke off into a sprint before you followed after him. 
“Bang Chan, come back here! I swear we’re going to get married one day; you just wait and see!” 
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The winter formal was perhaps one of the most important social gatherings at your middle school. It could possibly make or break your social reputation. Pairings between the student body had already begun three weeks ago, and the dance was about forty-eight hours away. However, your dilemma was that you were unsure if you even had a date. 
There was a simple enough fix to this whole situation, and all you had to do was ask. Still, it was times like this where you couldn’t help but overthink everything in your relationship with Bang Chan. You assumed the two of you were going together; it only made sense. But considering the proximity of the dance and since he hasn’t said anything about it to you—well, the seeds of doubt have begun to sprout slowly.  
An opportunity had continually presented itself every afternoon when both of you walked, side-by-side, home. You just needed to gather the courage and ask. Still, the walk seemed to end far too quickly for your liking. Before you knew it, you were bidding him goodbye with the repetitive excuse of having “too much homework.” 
There was no way for you to explain the difficulty of putting these feelings into words. You couldn’t even begin to describe the unnecessary panic that you felt at the mere thought of him going to the dance with someone else. The idea of this was too much for you to bear. You were practically intoxicated on the very thought of him, which caused you to lose almost all sense of control when you were around him. The panic you felt closing in on Wednesday afternoon continued to grow as you both arrived closer and closer towards your respective houses. The mounting pressure caused you to suddenly stop short and yell out the one thing plaguing your mind. 
“Chan, I like you! Please go to the dance with me!” 
You couldn’t bear to look at him, quickly averting your gaze and attention into memorizing the intricate pattern of the sidewalk below—mentally preparing for the backlash and consequences to follow. 
He blinked once, then twice, before finally taking a step closer to you and speaking. 
“I like you too, [N/N], you’re my best friend,” he chuckled, causing you to look back up at him with wide eyes, “of course I’ll go to the dance with you.” 
There was something about how he looked in the afternoon sunlight that seemed to make him glow, his eyes radiating warmth as he offered you a breathtaking smile. Your heart skipped a beat at his actions, and with your palms becoming sweaty and your knees weak, you were unsure what was coming over you. 
And just like that, it was over.
With a slight ruffle of your hair, Chan turned away from you and slung his backpack over his shoulder. 
He gave you a small wave and the promise of walking to school together tomorrow as he walked into his house. This left you standing dumbfounded on the sidewalk with slightly messy hair and an overwhelming feeling of bittersweetness sitting on your tongue. 
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The brisk night air served as a bitter reminder of the impending doom that you felt. Your high school was bustling for this time of night, the remnants of the party fizzling out and became merely a low buzzing in the background. Both of you were situated away from the rest. Sitting with barely an inch between you two on a picnic blanket behind the school, sipping cans of Coke as you watched people from a distance. 
As the moonlight reflected off of his tan skin, your breath couldn’t help but get caught in your throat. He was ethereal, his skin glowing. His suit jacket was discarded somewhere on the grass elsewhere, his red tie loosened around his neck with his white dress shirt unbuttoned slightly as he leaned back on his arms. His legs outstretched in front of him. You drank him in as if he was fine wine, savoring every last drop, your body feeling slightly warm in his presence. 
“You know, I’m always just one call away,” he spoke softly, his voice contrasting against the quiet murmur of the background. He looked at you, noticing the way your eyes seemed glossier than usual tonight, and he couldn’t help but grab your hand and rub small circles into it. 
“But that’s not the same as being with you.” 
The tears were pooling at the bottom of your eyes, gathering around your lower lashes and threatening to spill onto your clothes below. Your lips trembled at the thought, both you and Chan separating after so long together, going to different colleges and traveling on different paths in life. Some tears had spilled over, splashing silently down on the blanket below as they began to dribble down your cheeks and chin. It was only until you couldn’t contain yourself any longer then silent sobs began wracking your body. 
“No matter what, I promise we’ll always make our way back to each other,” he continued to speak, but you couldn’t comprehend the rest. Your head continues to swirl with that particular sentence, playing it back like a mantra. You looked up at him, his brown eyes staring into yours—and you could swear, at that moment, you were home. 
You practically lunged at him, tackling him in a hug and burying your tear-stained face into his chest. His body was stiff as he froze for a second before his arms came to wrap around your frame. Patting your back with a steady rhythm, he attempted to calm your cries as you soaked his dress shirt. Your grip around his frame was tight, and you held onto him as if your life depended on it as your sobs turned into soft sniffles and your eyes began to dry. 
“I love you,” you muttered, nuzzling yourself further into his chest. You were unsure what had come over you, but at that moment, everything just felt right, and the confession that you have been harboring suddenly slipped out. The hand patting your back paused for a split second before resuming so swiftly that you chalked it up as a figment of your imagination. He didn’t say anything in response to your confession; instead, he opted to bring you closer in his embrace, and you dismissed it on the grounds that he probably didn’t hear you. 
For now, you were content with the way things were, slightly thanking whatever god was out there for keeping your feelings hidden for another day.
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By the time Chan arrived at the party, he was surprised that you were still standing on your own two feet. It wasn’t often that you would drink past your limit, but he knew you, and there were often times where you became a bit overzealous, biting off a lot more than you could chew. He knew that it was the competitive drive within you, and you couldn’t help yourself, but he would be damned if he ever let anything happen to you in this state. 
That’s how he found himself at this end of the semester party, which was in a neighborhood that he was not familiar with at a quarter past one in the morning. 
“Hey, did you know that I have a super hot best friend named Bang Chan?” your words were definitely slurred as they escaped your lips as you clung onto his back like a koala. You shifted yourself slightly on his back as you attempted to make yourself comfortable with your arms around his neck, and his jacket draped over your shoulders. 
“Oh, really?” Chan mused, holding your legs tightly against his hips as he made his way down the sidewalk and towards your childhood neighborhood. 
“Yeah, and I really really like him,” you paused before puffing out your cheeks and pouting, “but he doesn’t like me that way.” 
“But, you guys are best friends; I’m sure he likes you at least a little bit,” he tries to reason with you, readjusting his grip on your legs. Even though he has had nothing to drink tonight, he was hanging onto every word that you spoke—enthralled and curious by this hidden information.
 It was silent on your end for a bit before you leaned closer towards his ear to whisper your response. 
“I’m going to tell you a big secret,” you paused slightly for dramatic effect, “I like like him, actually, no wait, I love love him and not in the friend kind of way.” 
At your confession, he almost drops you but quickly catches himself and continues towards your house, his head clouded with thoughts. His eyebrows were furrowed deeply—scrunched together—creating deep indentations in his forehead as he attempted to make sense of everything that you just unloaded onto him. 
After dropping that bomb on him, you were mostly silent on the ride home. Chan assumed that you had fallen asleep, and by the time he arrived at your doorstep and successfully managed to fish the keys from your pocket, did he come to two realizations. The first being that you were, in fact, awake the whole time. 
“I also have another confession,” you mutter, your voice significantly quieter than it was a few minutes ago. He hummed a response, gingerly opening the door to your house and shutting it behind him. Removing both his shoes and your shoes before making his way to the couch positioned in the living room. “I don’t feel so good; I think I’m going to—” 
Chan didn’t let you finish your sentence before shoving you into the nearest bathroom, holding back your hair as you emptied your stomach into the toilet below. Sitting on the cold tiled floor of your bathroom with the sounds of you dry heaving, did he come into his second realization. 
My god, there was a possibility that you felt the same way. 
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Bang Chan was having a crisis. The uncomfortable night’s rest that he had on your living room couch did not do him any favors either. Instead of sleeping, he spent most of his night, letting countless scenarios run rampant through his head. After getting fed up with staring at your white ceiling all night, he found himself taking up residency in your kitchen. Watching the coffee pot heat up while drumming his fingers pensively on the countertop. 
“Good morning,” you mumbled, yawning slightly as you padded into the kitchen. Chan jumped slightly at the sound of your voice, shoulders tensing up but then relaxing at your presence. For lack of a better term, you looked like a complete and utter mess. Your hair was sticking up wildly in all directions, your skin significantly paler than usual, and the bags underneath your eyes were more prominent than usual. 
Nevertheless, he still thought you looked breathtaking. 
“Thank you for taking care of me last night. I honestly can’t remember much from last night besides rambling about anything and everything," you laughed, rubbing your eyes as you grabbed a mug from the cabinet above. 
You reached in front of him to grab the coffee pot and poured yourself a cup, brushing your arm against his own as you turned away. His heart immediately skipped a beat, heat flooding to his cheeks as he recalled your confession last night. 
Sipping the hot and bitter liquid, you glanced at his flushed state, taking note of his slightly disheveled appearance as well as his bed head. It was evident that he slept here and took care of you; that was noted by the aspirin and glass of water left on your bedside table. You were more than grateful for everything that he has done for you. However, even in your slightly hungover state, you could notice the way he was avoiding eye contact with you, choosing to fiddle with the sleeves of his sweatshirt instead. 
"Oh god, don't tell me,” you groaned, “what did I say to you last night?” You placed your cup down on the counter, rubbing your temples slightly as you braced yourself for his response. 
Taking another sip of coffee, he paused before flitting his eyes up to meet your own—a small smile dancing across his lips. You were taken aback by his sudden burst of confidence, as you could feel your cheeks heat up in response. 
“Well, you told me that you have this super and extra-hot best friend named Bang Chan. Isn’t it weird that this guy and I have the same name?” Chan had this shit-eating grin on his face before continuing, “oh, and you also mentioned that you might have a big crush on me.” 
The coffee that you were currently drinking almost sprayed across the kitchen, your eyes wide as you quickly swallowed the liquid. If the world could swallow you up at this very moment, you would probably let it—anything to escape the utter embarrassment that you felt. It was now your turn to look everywhere except his eyes, hands fiddling gingerly with the handle of the coffee cup, desperately attempting to think of a way out without confessing the truth. 
Chan took a step closer to you, placing his cup on the counter before running his hand through his disheveled brown locks. He cleared his throat softly, causing you to glance into his eyes. They burned with a type of determination and passion that you have never witnessed first-hand, your lips slightly agape as he began to speak. 
“Because if that’s true, I feel the same way. I like you more than a friend, and I have for a while,” he stopped for a second, wiping the clamminess of his hands off on his jeans, shooting you a sheepish smile. Every single confession that you had given him throughout the years suddenly became apparent, from the warm glow of your cheeks to the bashful smile that adorned your lips—everything became clear. And just like that, his mind was made up. 
“I want to ruin our friendship; let’s date instead.”
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widow-maximov · 3 years
Can you do a Natasha x reader of them finding out the reader is expecting, and basically they hadn’t told everyone else about their relationship yet and now they decide to because of r’s pregnancy~ 🦋✨
Of course! This definitely will be a lot of fun to do, Thank you for sending this request.
If anyone wants to tagged in my future work, DM me or use the requests to leave a tag so you'll be notified when I post, I don't have a limit on tags so whoever wants to be tag, feel free to message me.
────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────
Pairing: Natasha x Fem Reader
Warning: Language, a lot of fluff :3
Summary: Having a secret relationship with the famous Black Widow is hard enough, but what if Y/n finds out that she's finally pregnant..
Word count: 2.3k
Here you are, alone in the bathroom sitting on the edge of the bathtub as you bounce your leg up and down, staring at the test that you just peed on, the anxiety in that moment cannot be explained but one just have to experience themselves.
You always wanted to start a family and throughout all the attempts you seem to fail each time, you and your girlfriend of 4 years have decided to finally start a family, the subject with your girlfriend was tough as she always was afraid of doing something wrong and ruin the child's view on her just like it did on her when she was small.
People might wonder who is this girlfriend that you decided to take a huge step with, well it's nonetheless Natasha Romanoff, the woman who swept you off your feet the second you laid your eyes on her.
Let's back track a little, shall we?
5 years ago
It was a difficult and stressful time for you, you have been working your ass off so you could get recognised by Tony Stark, he was going to pick someone to work along him for his new project and you were up for that task, you knew if you were good enough he would definitely take an interest in your work.
Where you currently worked paid you the minimum and it just wasn't enough so when you heard about the offer, you took it without thinking twice, you knew that this would be a good opportunity for you and being recognised world wide for the work you did with him would bring more and better job offers.
Even if you had slight doubt about the work you did for this, you were picked out of everyone who took part. The happiness you felt in that moment was unimaginable, you felt so proud of yourself and Tony was too.
You was quick to work with Tony, he needed someone asap and what you provided him was more than enough, you were finished within couple days, it wasn't until day 3 that you actually managed to leave the place with him, he was going to walk to you around and show you some stuff that he created, but of course that didn't go unnoticed by the team.
Tony knew that if he introduced you to them, there would be a possibility of you being spooked by their loud strong personalities but he took the risk as they were his family in a way.
They were more than happy to meet you and you were fascinated by their weapons and how they complimented them. You found yourself in deep conversations with everyone, creating new friends expect that one redhead.
You knew she was the Black Widow, she along with the team were all over the news, she was a little concerned at how fast everyone liked you, she was happy for a new addition but there was something her that told her to be aware.
With each passing week you spent with Stark, the more he grew fond of your presence, that he even made sure you have your own room in the tower so you wouldn't have to travel so far back where you lived, the team were excited when you accepted his offer to stay here and soon even though you wasn't a hero, you felt like a teammate.
Natasha grew fond of you as well, the way your smile would make her day a little bit better, the way your laughter would fill the room, making her smile as well, she was good at hiding her emotions so she wasn't worried that the team might find out about her little crush on you.
'Little' of course, that's what she wanted to believe but each time at the sight of you, that just backfired on her, the way you wouldn't even notice her until she literally had to clear her throat, there would be a second in your eyes where you would be lost but a smile would be plastered across your lips at the sight of the Russian.
"Hello Natty" You replied as you made your way where she was, by the coffee which you needed desperately.
She stiffen at the nickname which didn't go unnoticed, causing you to panic "Oh I'm sorry! I didn't want to overstep anything"
"No, no you didn't overstep anything.." Her voice quiet down as she looked anywhere else but you.
You felt a little awkward so when the coffee was done, you grabbed the cup and slowly made your way out of the kitchen, that's when she spoke up "It's just.. No one called me that before"
You turned to face her as she held herself, arms wrapped around herself, from her body language she was afraid to open up which caused a lightbulb to light up in your head.
You took a deep breath, gathering the courage "Do you have a free evening today?"
Her eyes darted to you as she nodded "Yeah"
You nodded with a smile at her reply "Okay" and walked out, a part of Natasha wanted to go after you and ask why but another part wanted to see what you will do.
The evening come by really quickly and the curiosity ate at Natasha, she waited and waited and nothing, she thought that maybe you just were curious yourself but when she walked inside her room, she saw a little white paper placed on her bed.
She walked over and opened it, expecting some sort of prank but it only instructed her to go to the roof and wear something comfortable, so she just did that.
You knew the redhead wasn't exactly fond of you.. or so you thought, so sitting on the roof waiting for her to show up was definitely nerve wracking. You had set up a nice comfy place on the roof, with a projector so you can watch movies, it was with the help of Tony of course, he had to give you the permission before you went and done anything.
Your head whipped towards the door and there she stood, she looked a little shy but when you waved her over, she quickly hid that emotion behind her smile.
She took a look around and raised her brows at you as she sat down next to you "What is all of this?"
You smiled "Whatever you want it to be"
She looked a little confused before a smile settled on her lips as she looked down so you continued "It can be a movie night, just me and you or we can talk or we just sit here in silence as we stare at the sky"
In the redheads life no one really cared that much about her feelings like you did in that moment "Thank you"
She nodded proudly at her with a very wide smile and she continued "We can talk and then watch a movie"
And that's what the two of you did, she opened up, you opened up and it was like a perfect match in heaven, so many similar interests and voiced options about opposite views, it was really everything the both of you wanted.
Your heart dropped at the result in front of you, it was positive. It was fucking positive!
The excitement washed over as the anxiety disappeared, this is what you wanted, this is what the both of you wanted. Natasha couldn't have kids of her own which wasn't an issue so when you suggested it to her, she was head over hills with the idea.
Now here you are, jumping around in the bathroom with the stick in your hand, you felt so happy, the nights of crying that you would spend with Natasha holding you tight, overthinking that there was something wrong with you; No you were convinced there was something wrong with you even if Natasha reassured you that were wasn't, that doubt lingered.
Now it was time to tell Natasha, you was anxious because for the past year of trying, you saw that Natasha lost hope, she tried her best to hide it but you knew better. It did hurt you slightly but you hoped for the both of you.
You looked at your phone and there was no message from Natasha, she would usually message you saying she would come back home early but you knew her job, you both agreed that whilst trying for a baby, you wont work and if a miracle happens she will quit her jobs for the time being.
You sighed a little with disappointment at no message but at the moment you didn't care, you was pregnant which was something you always dreamed off, you have a perfect family and now that Natasha is in your life, you are more than sure that she is the only person you would want to do this with.
You practically spent all night waiting for her, she sometimes managed to even come the next day home or even after three days but you didn't care, you would go to them if that meant telling Natasha first, it would be hard to keep the excitement in front of the team.
The front door opened as you jumped up and waited with a sad smile across your face, which was the first thing Natasha noticed when she walked through the door, she rushed to your side as she dropped her things.
"What's wrong?" Her eyes scanned your body for any injuries but when she noticed nothing wrong, she asked again "Is everything okay, Моя любовь (my love)"
You looked at her, even though you wanted to prank her, you couldn't keep it in anymore. You smiled widely which only confused the Russian "Y/n?"
You placed your hands on the back of her neck and she placed her hands on your hips, pulling you slightly closer. You pulled her into a kiss and instantly slipping your tongue inside her mouth causing a sigh to escape the redhead.
Her hands landed on your ass as she squeezed them but felt something in your back pocket, she frowned as she pulled the plastic out and pulled away from the kiss, staring into your eyes and finally looking down at the thing in her hands.
Her eyes looked up at you so fast as her heart started to beat so fast in her chest "Baby what is this?"
You smiled again but this time you actually spoke "I'm pregnant.."
The smile that you fell in love with, spread so eagerly across Natasha's face "Are you serious?" You nodded as you watch Natasha's eyes fill with tears.
She pulled you into a tight hug as she buried her face in the crook of your neck, you giggled slightly at her reaction, but hugged her back with the same affection.
"Finally, we are a complete family" She spoke against your neck.
"In secret?" You questioned her which she unglued herself from your neck.
She shook her head with a huge smile "No, not anymore, first thing tomorrow we will tell the team but for now I'm going to show you how much this means to me"
Before you could protest against that, she already had you pinned against the couch in the living room, you'll never get over the way she makes you feel.
She was the woman of her word, she woke you up with breakfast and after that, the both of you made your way towards the tower, the team was already waiting as Natasha asked them to meet her there.
They all were pretty anxious to why the Russian wants from them at this hour, when the two of you walked inside, the first person who squeaked without you even saying anything was Wanda.
She run up to you and hugged you tightly but with caution, Natasha raised her brow perfectly at Wanda but shook her head when she understood what just happened. Wanda was your best friend and even if you didn't tell her about your secret relationship with Natasha, she always suspected something but never wanted to invade your privacy.
The team on the other hand were confused and that was very visible, Wanda let you go as Natasha took a deep breath and looked over at you with a small smile, then back at the team "Y/n and I have been in a relationship for the past 4 years"
Wanda squeaked again as the team stared at the both of you with the most dumbfound look anyone could witness, Natasha continued "And we are expecting-"
"What!" Steve stood up and raised his eyebrows as he looked from you to Natasha.
You felt a little shy as you looked at Natasha, she knew Steve had a thing for you, he would always try to ask you out but Natasha always discouraged him so he ended up leaving you alone.
He stood up "The amount of times you told me she wasn’t interested! You never asked her because you been screwing her"
You looked at Wanda who narrowed her eyes at him so you spoke up "What are you talking about?"
He looked at you with a soft gaze "Y/n I have been trying to take you out on a date for couple years"
You narrowed your eyes at Natasha when she looked over which made her look away quickly, you looked back at him "Why did you ask Natasha to do it for you?"
Natasha looked at you confused a little, making him speak up "I tried but when I did, she simply said you never was interested in relationships"
You looked over at her again with a small smile "Well she was right, it was her who I always been interested in.."
Natasha had a smug smile across her lips, he huffed in irritation and walked out, leaving the rest of the team to react opposite to him, they all gathered around, congratulating the two of you, Tony even promised to buy everything for the child which you were very grateful for.
You looked over at Natasha, and hugged into her side as she spoke to her team, you closed your eyes at the sound of her laughter, she landed you a kiss on the forehead, making you look up at her with a smile as her hand rubbed your back.
She was the family you always have wanted...
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eliemo · 3 years
Something Long and Stupid (Part 2)
Summary: Remus knew he wasn't a good person. He was Deadpool, a killer for hire, "the merc with a mouth." He'd come to terms with what he was a long time ago. He didn't need Spiderman to remind him of what he was.
He didn't need Virgil to come into his life and make him question it for the first time
Notes: Violence, blood, gore, sexual inneundos
I didn't make a taglist for this story but I know @teamplutoforlife wanted to be tagged <3 And thank you @cheshirevalentine for editing
Part 1
Remus was falling, twisting onto his back as he plummeted towards the ground, the buildings around him nothing but a blur as he flew past. He could faintly hear the construction on the ground over the pounding of his own heart and the howling of the wind rushing past him, barely hearing the alarmed shouts of the workers watching him fall.
Virgil was nothing but a speck in the distance now, perched on the edge of the roof. Lifeless white eyes watched him fall, unfeeling and still.
Pain exploded in Remus’s back as he slammed into something sharp, legs hitting the ground when he finally stopped falling. He could just barely make out the rusty, blood stained spike in front of him, poking through his chest from his back where he'd fallen, blood pooling around the wound and into his suit.
Remus jumped so hard he nearly fell off the roof, scrambling to his feet and reaching for his gun as he whirled around to face whoever the fuck was stupid enough to sneak up on him.
Spiderman was perched beside him, apparently fine after his near death experience last night, and holding… a pizza box?
“Hey,” Remus said carefully. “What the fuck?”
Spiderman shrugged and held out the box in his hand. “I have pizza. You asked for pizza.”
Remus stared for a moment, frozen where he stood with his hand hovering over his gun, trying to figure out if this was a joke. “You… actually brought it?”
“Yeah?” Spiderman said, like he didn’t understand how this was in any way strange. “Oh did you… were you joking? Did you not actually want it, or—”
“No, I did.” Remus stayed right where he was. What the hell was this? Was this a prank? Was he being pranked?
“Then… here,” Spiderman said. He held out the pizza box, close enough for Remus to cautiously take. “I didn’t know what you liked so I just got cheese. But cheese is good. Everyone likes cheese.”
Holy shit. Spiderman was a dweeb.
Remus carefully opened the pizza box, and when there wasn’t a bomb or some kind of spider-themed booby trap inside, just a freshly baked cheese pizza from some local place he’d vaguely heard of, Remus let his shoulders relax and barked out a laugh.
“Well shit,” he said, pleasantly surprised. “Thanks, Webs.”
Spidey was shuffling a bit, looking ridiculously awkward, and Remus was suddenly reminded that they were both just… people under their masks. “Uh, yeah. No problem.”
Remus hesitated, because he hadn’t been kidding about Spiderman owing him a pizza he just… hadn’t actually expected him to follow through. There was no way Remus was eating all of it on his own, he barely ate much as it was.
“Do you, like…” he paused, wondering if this was going to get him punched or laughed at. “Do you want a slice?”
Spiderman actually startled, like him being asked to lunch was just as rare as Remus asking someone to lunch. Jeez, he’d have figured people begged Spiderman to eat with them all the time.
“I, uh… I bought it for you, so—”
“Yeah, and I’m offering. Christ, do you want some pizza or not?”
Spidey still hesitated, and while it was annoying as hell Remus supposed he’d be a hypocrite to judge when he’d been half convinced there was a bomb in the pizza box two minutes ago.
Well, it wasn’t like it would have been the first time.
“Uh, sure,” Spiderman said, still visibly wary. “Thank you.”
Remus ignored him in favor of opening the pizza box and setting it down, motioning for the vigilante to take as much as he wanted.
It wasn’t until Spidey turned away slightly to hook his fingers under the bottom of his mask that Remus remembered- duh- they both had to pull up their masks to eat.
It wasn’t a problem, it wouldn’t be nearly enough to risk exposing their faces to each other, but Remus really wasn’t in the mood to be gawked at. A glance at his jaw might ruin Spiderman’s lunch.
“I’m not looking,” Spidey said, and Remus realized he’d been hesitating for a few too many seconds. “I can go, if you don’t wanna pull up your mask around anyone.”
Remus waved him off, even as he continued to fiddle with the leather. “I’ve got some scars, is all. Like… a lot. People think they’re gross.”
“Oh,” Spiderman said, and then simply shrugged. “That’s fine, I don’t care. Scars happen, dude. I’ve got a bunch.”
Remus still hesitated, a little caught off guard from Spiderman calling him ‘dude' while so nonchalantly eating his pizza just a few feet away, but he quickly pulled himself together and tugged his leather mask up just below his nose.
It was just a few inches of skin, and still enough to reveal a handful of scars littered across his jaw, and the one that stretched down from his cheek.
Spidey barely glanced at him, which Remus guessed he should have seen coming. It’d be a little out of character for New York’s hero to be an asshole about someone’s scars, but you never knew with heroes. Some of them were pretentious assholes.
They ate their pizza like common civilians, perched on their rooftop and watching the people of New York mingle below.
Remus barely ate two slices. He didn’t really eat much to begin with, and it was far more entertaining to watch in silent awe as Spiderman easily finished the rest of the box. The hero was a good two heads shorter than Remus, and looked like he barely weighed a hundred pounds. If Remus didn’t know better, he’d think the guy never ate at all.
“My metabolism is different,” he explained sheepishly when he caught Reus staring. “I eat more than… you know. You. Regular people.”
Remus scoffed, because this was definitely the first time anyone had described him as a ‘regular person’ but he let it slide with an eye roll and a thanks for lunch.
They parted ways, and Remus let himself relax at the thought of having one less enemy roaming New York.
Remus hadn’t meant to start hanging out with Spiderman.
Really, he hadn’t. The impromptu pizza date was supposed to be the end of it, just a slightly awkward peace offering that made it clear neither of them would actively try to kill each other in the near future.
Remus had saved Spiderman because he was bored, and Spiderman had bought him a pizza. That was all.
But then less than a week later Spiderman had swung (literally) by with takeout- coincidentally from Remus’s favorite place a few blocks away- and Remus hadn’t been able to say no to sharing.
They’d shared a meal together three times in the last two weeks, and Remus was starting to think it wasn’t an accident.
It probably wasn’t helping that Remus had started carrying snacks on him.
Remus wasn’t going to eat them himself, and Spiderman was always complaining about how hungry he was, so he’d just started keeping packets of gummies or granola for when he saw the hero swinging past. Chucking them at his head was good target practice, anyway.
That didn’t mean they were friends. Remus didn’t have friends, because being friends with Deadpool was possibly the dumbest idea anyone could ever have.
Remus had seen what happens when people get close to him. He wasn’t going to go through that again.
Apparently, Spiderman had other ideas.
It had been just another fight that Remus had happened to run into, watching for a moment as Spiderman took down what was probably his third armed robbery of the day.
He knew he probably could have just continued on his way and gotten lunch, but there were five of them, all armed, and Remus didn’t feel great about those odds despite Spidey’s reputation.
So Remus had decided to return the favor, Spiderman had introduced himself by butting into Deadpool's fight after all, and stepped in to finish the job twice as fast.
And it had gone fine. Spiderman had greeted him with stupidly cheeky finger guns and unfortunately insisted they keep all of them alive, which wasn’t Remus’s specialty but he’d manage.
It had been easy, some druggie civilians no match for New York’s hero and the merc with a mouth, three of them encased in webbing within two minutes, another on the ground with a bullet in his knee.
It had been fine, until Remus was shot in the chest.
Which, to be fair, wasn’t a big deal. He was shot in the chest all the time. It’d be a hassle if he didn’t get the bullet out before his skin healed around it, but it wasn’t like he could die.
It occurred to him a bit too late that he had forgotten to tell Spiderman that.
The raw panic and emotion In Spidey’s voice caught Remus off guard as he stumbled backwards, pain he was unfortunately used to by now exploding in his chest as the bullet met its mark. There had been a fifth goon, hiding out and biding his time, which would have been a great plan if it didn’t end with a face of webs and a swift punch to the temple.
Remus lowered himself to the ground, the wind knocked out of him, dark crimson blood pooling around his hand and flooding through his fingers as he clutched the wound.
Spiderman was rushing over, and Remus could practically feel the worry behind that lifeless mask. He skidded to a stop and dropped to a crouch, hands hovering, frantic and unsure.
And maybe Remus was just an asshole, but this was fucking hilarious.
“Deadpool?” Spidey called, the vigilante leaning over him as Remus dropped to lay on his back. “Jesus- hang in there okay? You’ll be fine.”
Remus forced himself to cough, wet and ragged, biting back a smile. “This is it for me, Webs. I can see the light.”
“Deadpool shut the fuck up!”
“Everything’s getting dark—”
“I said shut up,” Spiderman snapped, and Remus gasped involuntarily, arching his back when gloved hands pressed down on the wound. “You’re gonna be fine, you’re… just- just stay awake, okay? Don’t close your eyes.”
Remus coughed again to hide a smile, blood splattering his chin, closing his eyes anyway and letting his head fall back on the concrete. He stopped listening to Spidey’s rambling, committing to the bit of playing dead- very obviously playing dead, for the record. He stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth and everything, waiting for Spiderman to catch on and tell him off.
“No!” Except Spidey still sounded genuinely distressed, only pressing harder on the wound. “No, no, no! Deadpool! Wake up!”
Well. This wasn’t any fun if Spiderman was too panicked to even pay attention. He sighed, opening his eyes again to sit up slightly and whack the vigilante’s shoulder.
“I can’t die, stupid,” he said, grinning when Spiderman scrambled back. “Cut it out. I’ve just gotta get the bullet out so it doesn’t heal around it. Those things hurt like a bitch, so—”
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
Remus opened his mouth to respond, because there were lots of things wrong with him and he had a list at the ready. But he didn’t get the chance because suddenly Spidey was throwing himself forward, wrapping his arms around Remus and pulling him close, probably getting blood all over his suit.
Haha, what the fuck?
“You’re such a bitch,” Spiderman said, muffled since his face was practically buried in Remus’s shoulder. “You’re the fucking worst.”
“Aww, were you worried about me?” Remus asked, burying his shock. “That’s so sweet, Spidey.”
“Shut the hell up,” Spiderman growled. “I thought you were going to die.”
“You were so worried! It was so cute, oh my god!”
Spiderman finally pulled back, only to rear back and punch Remus square in the shoulder. Hard.
Remus barked out a laugh, now nursing two injuries. “Fucking- ow. I still feel pain.”
Remus crossed his arms, wincing when it pulled at the bullet wound still in his chest. “Rude.”
“I’m rude?” Spiderman asked, incredulous. “You thought it would be funny to play dead!”
“To be fair,” Remus argued. “It was funny.”
“No it wasn’t!”
Remus shrugged, already turning his attention to the bullet in his chest. “If you had known it would be funny.”
“Well I didn’t,” he said, the mask’s white eyes glued to Remus’s hands. “I thought you were dying.”
“I can’t die,” Remus said. “That’s not a joke, Webs. I don’t just regenerate fast, I can’t be killed.”
“How the fuck was I supposed to know that?”
Remus shrugged, a little put off because this was not how he’d expected this to go. Damn Spiderman and his stupid savior complex.
He turned his attention back to the bullet wound, the pain already faded to a familiar numbness, but two gloved hands grabbed his wrists before he could start digging around for the bullet.
“Here,” he said, obnoxiously soft. “I’ve got it, let me help.”
“Nah, it’s cool,” Remus said, tensing against his will at the thought of someone else caring for a wound. “It’s not too deep, I can get it.”
“Are your gloves clean?”
He took a minute to consider that, calculating the swords he’d been holding, the gun he’d reloaded that morning, coming up blank when he tried to think of the last time he’d properly cleaned any of his weapons. Not to mention he had to climb buildings with his hands, lacking Spidey’s abilities to walk up walls and propel himself across the city in seconds.
“Probably,” he lied. “What am I gonna do, get sick?”
Spiderman hesitated. “Do you do that?”
“I can still get it,” Spidey said. “Let me help.”
Remus scoffed, trying to cover up his own uneasiness. “You wanna stick your hand in there? You know it’s gross, right?”
“I know how to remove a bullet, Deadpool,” Spiderman said. “I’ve gotten shot before, I can get it.”
There was no reason not to drop his arms and let Spiderman do what he wanted. The asshole was stubborn, but he obviously meant well. With how shaky Remus’s hands were, Spidey getting the bullet out would probably be quicker anyway.
And he was the city’s hero. He’d made it clear he didn’t mean Deadpool any harm, especially not when the Merc had so graciously dropped in to save his ass today.
Remus didn’t know why it was so hard to just relax.
“This is dumb,” he said, wondering if he could annoy Spidey into giving up. “I can handle it fine.”
“I know,” the vigilante said. “But I want to help. It’s like...returning the favor or whatever.”
Remus sighed, a little shaky now, but reluctantly nodded. The longer they argued, the faster the skin would heal over the bullet still lodged in his chest, and Remus would really like to avoid that happening. Again.
“Fine,” he growled. “Jesus, you’re stubborn.”
Under the mask, Remus was sure Spiderman was smirking at him. “Look who’s talking.”
Remus hadn’t expected Spiderman to be so gentle. He was digging a bullet wound out of Deadpool’s chest, there wasn’t really a way to make this a pleasant experience, but Spidey was taking his time, moving carefully as he dug into the wound.
“Could you hurry up?” Remus growled, teeth clenched. This would have been over in seconds if he was doing it himself. It was so much easier to just stick his hand in the wound, dig around for a second, and rip the bullet out. “I’m not exactly a fan of having someone else’s fingers in my chest.”
Spiderman didn’t even spare him a glance. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I got shot,” Remus snapped. “We’re well past that.”
Spidey didn’t respond after that and Remus for once stayed quiet to let him concentrate, breathing heavily to try to ignore the panic that came with being vulnerable like this. The vigilante couldn’t kill him, but he sure as hell could cause him a shit ton of pain.
But he wouldn’t. Remus had to keep reminding himself that he wouldn’t. Spiderman was insufferably good- he wouldn’t kick someone while they were down.
Eventually Spiderman’s fingers found the bullet and Remus gasped, forcing himself to shove the pain away and make a lewd sounding moan when Spidey’s fingers left the wound.
“Jesus,” Spiderman muttered, and Remus laughed when he tossed the bullet dripping in dark blood to the side. “You okay?”
“Oh, I’m fine,” Remus said, and he was. Physically at least. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a civil conversation with someone, let alone had someone willing to help patch him up. “See? All good. It’s already healing itself.”
True to his word, Remus’s chest was fusing itself back together, skin closing up over the still bleeding wound, the rest of the pain fading to a background throb. It’d be like nothing ever happened in ten minutes.
“Holy shit,” Spiderman muttered, leaning in close to watch. Remus tensed uncomfortably. “That’s...fucking wild.”
“Yeah, it’s great.” Remus brushed it off, scrambling to his feet and ignoring the way Spidey moved to try and help. “Anyways. Are there any more fights you need me to hold your hand through, or can I go take a nap?”
“Oh please,” Spidey scoffed. “I was fine. All you did was get in the way and get shot.”
“I saved your ass,” Remus retorted, smiling behind the leather mask. “You’d be dead if it weren’t for me, Webs.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Spiderman mumbled, but Remus was willing to bet money he was smiling too. “Go take your nap, Deadpool.”
Remus gave a mock salute, sheathing his sword and turning away from the remnants of the battle and starting for his apartment.
Maybe Spidey wasn’t so bad after all.
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You just had to bring the symbol of Victory into this didn't you?!???? Is this some sort of euphemism I should look forward to or!??!?!?????
Yes!! Let me “paint you a picture” (groan)... Also, I sat down to draft my response and it's somehow *gestures at this whole mess* 2300+ words!?? And confession time! I’ve never even SEEN "The Mentalist"! Everything I know about Marcus Pike has come from cute GIFs and the Internet and fanfics… so… I don’t even know what’s going on with me today. But thank you! :D
(This is leaking over from this post if anyone needs to play catch-up)
Word count: 2300+
Rating: mature, 18+ only
Outline: Marcus Pike x “You” in Paris, reader is an Art History Professor (cis/het female reader; “blank canvas”/no physical description/no name/no use of “Y/N”)
Warnings: slow burn; cute Marcus Pike; coffee and pastries; kissing and stuff; public-ish sex in the Louvre after hours; spontaneous P/V sex (probably unprotected, idek) we're all adults here, wrap it before YOU tap it!
It’s like, you and sweet Marcus have definitely hit it off and you’re really into each other after that field trip meet-cute and your date, but you haven’t slept together yet. He gets called away for a case, so you wish him good luck and hope that you can see each other again soon.
A few days later it’s spring break and you have a trip to Paris planned to complete some research for your next publication. You email Marcus while you're waiting to board. You let him know that you’re going to be out of town for a few days, but that you hope his case is going well, and maybe when he's back you two can pick up where you left off?
You land in Paris and check your messages, and you see that Marcus has replied to your email. He says he can't share the details of his case, but that he hopes he'll be wrapped up by the end of the week, and that he definitely wants to see you again. He asks about your research trip, so you shoot a quick email back to fill him in on the details.
You get to your hotel and sink into a hot bath with your phone. You open your emails, and your brain tells you that you're just checking to confirm the details of your appointment with your research contact in the morning... but the little uptick in your heart rate tells you that you're actually looking for another reply from Marcus. And it's there. He says that he loves Paris and that your research sounds exciting. He asks where you’re staying? You give him the name of your hotel, and tell him that you haven't stayed there before, but it's cute.
Before the water even gets cold you have another reply, sending the butterflies behind your navel into a tizzy. He says that he's stayed there once or twice and that the café in the lobby has excellent pastries. You smile and let yourself imagine a vacation with Marcus, here in Paris, sharing pain au chocolat over a little table in the café. You refill the tub with hot water and sit daydreaming for so long that your fingers prune up.
You get out of the bath and wrap yourself in a plush robe, and sit on the edge of the bed. You email Marcus back, wishing him a good night and telling him that it's late where you are, but that you promise to try one of the pastries in the morning with your breakfast coffee. By the time you're in your nightgown and ready to sleep he's responded, wishing you sweet dreams and hoping that your research goes well. You smile and reply, "Thanks," and then drift down into pleasant dreams.
The next morning you take yourself to the little lobby café and treat yourself to a café crème and an almond croissant. Marcus was right, and you nearly moan aloud as you wrap your mouth around the flaky pastry. You open your email and send him a picture of your croissant with one bite missing, and you joke that you blame him for ruining you for any other boulangeries you might visit during your trip. By the time you're done with breakfast he's responded with a wink emoji and a quick "Sorry I ruined you," and you desperately want to email him back and boldly ask him to ruin you in other ways. You stop yourself, and your brain can't think of anything appropriate, so you just don't respond and you leave to go to your research appointment.
The day is long, and the dusty archives and a few misfiled papers cause small irritations. But you find a few of the things that you needed, so you call it productive enough. You break at 3 p.m. and decide to start again fresh in the morning. Maybe an early dinner and another scalding hot bubble bath will set you right. You decide that the weather is nice, and that your hotel is close enough that you can stroll back and people watch, disconnect your brain from your work and transition into relaxation mode along the way.
You arrive back at your hotel and go to your room to change. There is a card slipped under your door, the front desk letting you know that you have a delivery of some kind to pick up. You try to remember if any of your colleagues or your boss mentioned that they would send you anything? Is it paperwork? Some kind of file for your research? You decide to shower and change into a nice dress to lift your mood, and then head back out for dinner.
You take the card to the lobby desk and hand it to the desk clerk and he disappears into the back office. When he returns you're surprised to see that he's holding a floral arrangement, not huge or ostentatious, but lovely and cheerful and somehow your favorite color exactly. The clerk sets the vase on the desk. You reach for the card and open it.
"Good luck on your research. -Marcus"
You break into a wide grin and you practically float back to your room. You set the flowers on the room table and open your email to thank him. You send him a photo and an effusive "Thank you!" and a winky kiss emoji. Is that too much? No - if one little emoji scares him off then he's not the guy you thought he was.
He responds within minutes, a quick "You're welcome. Glad they arrived in one piece." and his own winky kiss emoji. Your heart flutters and you reply immediately, "They're really lovely. Thank you for thinking of me."
A moment later his next email pops up: "Can I take you to dinner and pick up where we left off?"
You reply: "Absolutely! I'll let you know as soon as I'm back in town!"
He responds: "No, I meant tonight."
You hesitate, does he want to call you and chat on the phone while you eat dinner? Some kind of video call, like a virtual date? Before you can type your reply, a new message pops up: "I'm actually in Paris. My case is here and I arrived a few days before you did. I didn't want to scare you off or come to your hotel unannounced, but I'm free tonight and I'd love to see you."
You throw your head back and laugh. This is definitely way more fun than eating alone and people-watching. You message back an enthusiastic, "Yes! I'm ready when you are!" and he emails you and says he'll see you in 30 minutes in the lobby. When you get downstairs he's waiting by the front desk, all soft scruff and loosened tie and warm brown eyes, just as you remembered. You smile and hug him, and in that moment you feel like a fairy-tale princess meeting her prince, being swept off your feet in the most romantic city in the world.
You have dinner at a cozy bistro around the corner, Marcus making you bubble with laughter as you talk. He listens to you moan about the missing pieces of your research, your pressing need to track down a letter from one artist to another that was mentioned in an old diary but which hasn't yet surfaced. You're sure it's around the archives somewhere, just waiting for you to piece it together with the rest of your project. Marcus tells you that his case is almost wrapping up, and if you want he can arrange to catch the same flight home as you. You smile and tell him that would be nice.
You finish dinner and he asks if you want to go to the Louvre, and you check the time and say that they're almost closing. Marcus smiles at you and says, "Don't worry about it," and he looks a little mischievous. You tell him you're up for an adventure, and he takes your hand and ushers you into a taxi.
When you arrive he asks the desk staff for someone he knows, and you make a quick run to the restroom. When you return, Marcus has two laminated badges, special access for professionals and visiting staff that allows you to stay for a few hours past closing. You can't believe your luck, being allowed to spend extra time in one of the most special places in the world, not to mention that your escort is the most handsome and charismatic man you've ever met.
You start in the Denon wing and wander through the museum, talking and laughing quietly, enjoying the opportunity to see things that you would normally have to fight hordes of tourists to see. And maybe "enjoy" isn't the right word, because if someone asked you how you were feeling right now, you would say you were "on cloud nine" or "elated" or "floating." It feels like a dream, and you're not sure if you're going to remember all of it later, but you desperately want to, and you're trying so hard to file every sight away into your brain.
When you reach the Mona Lisa, an odd hush falls over you, and you realize it's the first time you've ever seen it without a crowd twenty deep in front of it. Marcus seems to know what you're feeling, because he takes your hand, almost shyly. And he keeps holding it, warming your fingers as the two of you walk on. You stop in front of Delacroix, "Liberty Leading the People," and you tell Marcus that it's the first painting you ever fell in love with, a million years ago in high school during your very first art history class. You look at the painting and he looks at you, and when you finally turn toward him he captures your mouth in a warm, urgent, soft kiss. You can feel your eyes sparkling at him when he pulls away, and you don't say a word, you just smile and hold his hand as you walk through doorways and up and down stairs.
You come around a corner and there it is, probably the most famous statue in the world: the Venus de Milo. She takes your breath away, and then Marcus does, too, stealing a kiss when you least expect it. And you're torn completely in half, unsure if you would rather keep kissing him or just stare at the curves and planes of her body. So you try to do both; you kiss him and keep one eye on the Venus and you start to feel dizzy, like you've overloaded on sugar, but it's just the impossible circumstances that you've found yourself in.
And you break apart from him, and take his hand again, leading him into a corner that's a little more private. You back yourself against a wall and pull him to you by his tie, and you kiss him the way he deserves, with your full attention and precision. Minutes pass slowly, and you only come up for air because you're afraid you're going to faint. Your thigh is blazing hot where Marcus's hand has raked up under your skirt, and the only reason you don't fuck him right there is because of a security camera keeping watch on the alcove.
You tell him that you both should finish your tour and go back to your hotel, and he agrees. You try to keep your mind on the art, and you tell Marcus about how awestruck you were as a student when you learned about the way that sculptors could depict every curve and dimple of a woman's body through the wet drapery technique; the sensuality of the human form made only slightly more modest when viewed through a veil of fabric; the sheer awesome impossibility of marble carved to look like gauze.
You both get lost in the conversation, and you wander up a staircase and around a corner, and there it is: your absolute favorite piece of art, the piece that you have studied and memorized and dreamed about. And you've seen it before: you've been to the Louvre a handful of times, but this time there are no noisy footsteps echoing off the marble, no tourists trying to capture the glory of it with their tiny and unworthy cameras and phones when there are perfectly good books and postcards available in the gift shop... the Nike to end all Nikes, the Winged Victory of Samothrace. You are, quite simply, blown away.
And if it had been a normal weekend walking tour of the sacred Louvre, if you had been there with anyone else... you wouldn't have ended up wedged against the wall of the archway to her left, skirt hiked up as Marcus pounded into you, one of your bare legs hooked over his hip and your arms wrapped around his neck. If it had been any other day or any other time, you would have stopped him before he unzipped his fly and pulled his erection out; you would have had some remaining shred of propriety, of decency. But it wasn't a normal day and he wasn't a normal man, and you really weren't yourself.
You had gotten carried away by the late hour and the thrill of being allowed to wander the empty museum, and if you were being honest, you really wouldn't have wanted to stop it. You wanted to give in to the romance of the city and the priceless treasures on display and the heady conversations with Marcus. You wanted to be exactly where you were, with exactly who he was, doing exactly what you were doing and feeling exactly how you felt as he thrust into you and grunted your name like a chant while you traced the lines of the Nike with your lust-blown eyes.
You didn't make it to the Richlieu wing until a year later, on a sunny Saturday morning with your new husband Marcus.
--- Just-here-for-the-moment’s masterlist
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