#also has Christian Slater in it
I started watching the Inside Job show on Netflix and while I think it’s pretty good, the whole time I’m watching it I’m thinking to myself: “Have we commoditized conspiracy to the point of normalcy, making it no longer the outrageous call-to-arms it was originally intended to be, inadvertently allowing the various secret organizations of the world to continue their hidden agenda effectively in plain sight now?”
But then I think: “Ha ha, moving picture box funny. God bless America and Joe Biden.”
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thisisonlychaos · 1 year
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~Throws more appreciation at Christian Slater, this time for Mark Hunter in Pump Up the Volume because this man has captured my heart ~
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I've been slowly watching a bunch of his movies, but so far, Pump Up the Volume is my favorite (followed closely by Murder in the First). People always talk about how great he was in Heathers, which, admittedly, he was, but I enjoyed his performance as Mark far more than his performance as J.D.
It's just awesome to see how easily he goes from this -
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-to this-
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-over and over again, all while still making it believeable that this is the same character! This versatility is what I adored about him in Mr. Robot, and I absolutely adore seeing it here.
Now here's some more gifs I found-
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~Also side tangent for a moment but his eye color is absolutely GORGEOUS! Okay, that's all 😂~
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wotw round 1
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propaganda under the cut!
will graham:
OMG where do I even start??? A lot of the fandom (not the whole fandom, but a lot of them) are obsessed with Will Graham being traumatized helpless baby boy sub and it's just like… Hello? Did you watch the same show as me?
"Oh no he got his brain caught on fire with encephalitis he needs his big strong psychiatrist Hannibal to take care of him and spoon feed him and protect him from the world"
"Oh he's in love with his friend Alana but she just sees him as a friend and a psychiatric project I just need to wrap him in a blanket and cuddle him and protect him from all these people who hurt him"
Like the list goes on and on but guys, come on. Will Graham lives by himself with his 7 dogs and takes care of all of them. He's an FBI agent. HE'S LITERALLY KILLED PEOPLE BOTH WITH HIS BARE HANDS AND WITH WEAPONS. THIS MAN IS A SCRUFFY OUTDOORSMAN WHO'S LIKE 6'0" AND MAYBE NOT BUILT BUT DEFINITELY NOT SCRAWNY AND IN NEED OF PROTECTING. I think a lot of people get caught up in the fact that Will Graham is played by Hugh Dancy and he was very much a "pretty boy" character in a lot of stuff before he played Will Graham and this is also exacerbated by Hannibal being played by Mads Mikkelsen who is "slightly taller rugged silver fox European man who is going to fix my daddy issues" and since Will and Hannibal are the main couple a lot of people are like "well they can't both be big tough top guys so obviously it's the guy who's slightly bigger and buffer and older"
Will Graham is a 38 year old FBI criminal profiler who has killed dangerous people with his bare hands, went to prison for some time, masterfully manipulated others, also hunts and fishes, and he's like very good at reading people and their motivations. Incredibly smart everyday man.
Sweet JESUS sometimes the fandom makes him out to be more of a helpless puppy than he really is. Granted, even if he has his moments of mental vulnerability, it's never treated as weak by the show. He's managed to persist through some of the hardest situations. AND LIKE I GET IT, HE'S REALLY PRETTY WHEN HE'S IN PAIN AND SUFFERING BUT HE'S NOT!!! A BABY!!! Anyway I've seen a lot of fandom takes where he's been twinkified to high hell or portrayed as helpless/submissive and often it entirely diminishes that he's a grown fucking person (who has KILLED AND WILL DO IT AGAIN).
had encephalitis in s1 so everyone calls him sweaty & got framed for murder so when he actually murders people people say it’s not his fault and that he was manipulated into doing so (how do you manipulate someone into putting down a shotgun and beating someone to death with their bare hands when you’re not even there? fuck if i know. also, the manipulator in question (hannibal, his sort of therapist) actively stopped him from killing someone). “someone help will graham” is an actual tag on ao3. people treat him like a child. he is a serial killer and people act like he can’t even feed himself. it’s terrible. will graham is a liar, a murderer, a cannibal, a manipulator, and i love him for it
jason "jd" dean:
shoutout to my lovely friend who knows who they are who talk abt how jd does no wrong and hes so slay when like. he does slay. he did slay. he slayed three whole people. and tried to slay a school. like, jd does a lot of wrong. all he does is wrong. and sometimes the fandom acts like everything he does is super chill and fine and sane, and ignores what he did altogether. like yea christian slater was fit in the movie. yk whats not fit? homocide
hes also treated like an innocent lil baby who can do nothing for himself but im watching the movie rn and he just bashed veronicas head off of an emergency fire hose, and shes apparently the love of his life
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apoptoses · 1 year
Have you ever been reading Devil’s Minion and thinking to yourself, “damn, I just can’t nail down a face for Daniel”? Have you watched Interview with the Vampire and felt like neither Christian Slater nor River Phoenix hit the mark for you?
Allow me to introduce you to James fucking Spader.
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Look at him! Is that not the face of Daniel, completely fed up with Armand feeding his cigarettes down the garbage disposal?
He’s got the naive and beautiful face but ALSO the defiant yet beseeching thing down! Also he was like 22 here, which is right around the age Daniel met Armand so he’s at peak Healthy, Pretty Molloy here. No wonder Louis decided to take him home!!
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“Do you know what a zip code is, or a tax bracket? I’m the one who buys all the goddamned airline tickets. Millions. How are we going to get millions! Steal another Maserati and be done with it, for God’s sakes!”
Spader is the original 80′s pretty boy you’d assume starred as the leading man in some schmoopy romances or schlocky teen dramas and he did that for a minute. Like check him out in Pretty in Pink-
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 Is this not peak Night Island Daniel, in his Miami Vice looking bespoke suit ready to head out with Armand for the night?
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Look at him snuggled into his blanket in Tuff Turf, like Daniel hungover and forcibly woken up to honky tonk piano tunes!
But the deliciousness doesn’t end at his looks. Because in true Molloy fashion that man said ‘you know what? I wanna make movies for freaks and weirdos only’
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In Sex, Lies and Videotape he plays the sweetest pervert who loves interviewing women about their sex lives, video taping it, and then watching them back naked but not actually getting off! He’s impotent, he’s a gentle and lovely weirdo, there’s vampire!Daniel fodder for days in this one.
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Crash is a horny flick that defies all explanation and really you need to go in blind if you’re gonna watch this one, but let me just say this: If Spader and his Wife in this film aren’t the most Daniel and Armand coded couple in cinema history I will eat my shoes. Also there’s tons of beautiful footage of him driving around at night with his blond hair ruffling in the breeze.
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Your prefer your Daniel with glasses? Oh, perfect, because in Bad Influence he plays a sweet guy who gets into a fucked up situation with a toxic friend and a sex tape!
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In Storyville he lets himself be thrown on the floor and lays there submissively before getting involved in yet another sex tape scandal!
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Don’t even get me started on Dream Lover, another smut filled romp (with some filthy deleted scenes if you google the uncut version) which has the most Devil’s Minion promo photos of all time-
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Like! Get the fuck out!
I could just go all day about his body of work but some of it you’ve just gotta see for yourself. In pretty much every film you’re guaranteed smut with him being deliciously submissive, extremely gentle with his hands, and down for all kinds of kink. And in most of his movies he gets bloody at least once, like-
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this is a shitty picture i took of my laptop but look at the blood at the corner of his mouth! Vampire activities!
In summary, let me hit you with a photo dump:
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Daniel laying in a cheap motel room during the chase years!
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Daniel with delightful 70s hair!
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More glasses!Daniel!
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Daniel with a half-buttoned 80′s shirt looking so beautiful it’s no wonder Armand couldn’t NOT turn him!
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It’s dark, he’s wet, he looks exhausted!
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He’s the ideal beautiful Molloy Weirdo and I will not be accepting any other arguments, goodbye!!
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i do think heathers the musical romanticised jd a lot more, which is. a really bad message i think. like. we are not supposed to like him. and people watched the movie and said 'christian slater is hot as hell but i feel bad for thirsting after him' because. you know. terrorist.
but then after freeze your brain and the whole trauma with his dad, everyone went 'nahh jd is just misunderstoood, soft boyyy :('
like this man has killed three people and planned to blow up a school. we should not be glorifying jd. he is a horrible person. and i think the musical framing him as some kind of tragic martyr, veronica being really sad that he dies, shit like "im going steady, mostly he's awesome. if a bit too rock and roll! hehee", oh he's just a little guy!! is a dangerous mentality. i really do think heathers the musical was a really shitty adaptation and isnt faithful to the movie at all (but it still is one of my favourites because the music is just so fucking good.)
also veronica saying "ich luge bullets! you lied to me >:(" as if lying is the issue and he didnt just s h o o t t w o p eo p l e.
anyway. uh.
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gotylocks · 11 months
Willow Month 2023- Day 3: TV Show (Full Series/Specific Episode) or Movie
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If you read my entry for Day one, you'll know I went into the show without seeing the movie. In fact, I actually made a point to wait to watch it until the finale, because it was a rare opportunity where I could watch one of these years later follow ups without nostalgia for the original (unlike, say, Star Wars), so I wanted to see if it worked on its own.
The fact I'm writing this should tell you, I truly believe it does. Now, I don't want this to come off like I don't like the movie, because that is not the case. I love the movie! I'm wearing a Sorsha and Mads shirt as I write this! But I would still love the show just as much without the movie.
Some hard numbers may make my point. I have watched the movie once, and while I often think about watching it again, I haven't yet. By contrast, I have watched the full series 13 times through at this point, and at least 8 of those times were marathon sessions where I went from episodes 1-8 in a single sitting.
Why is that? Well, I think the movie is missing some key ingredients that keep it from hitting that obsession level. Namely, Kit, Jade, (grown up) Elora... ok it's the entire crew. Their interplay, the way their relationships build over the course of the season, and the way that by the end of the finale every single one of them has been improved by the others being present in their lives.
The party of six, all with their beautiful, layered arcs and emotional storylines, they're the ones that make the show something special. I've said in the past that typically in shows with ensemble casts, there's usually at least one character that I find annoying, or one actor that I don't like for one reason or another. That's another thing that makes the show so incredible. I love every single person involved. From the main six, rippling out to the supporting cast and cameos like Hannah Waddingham and Christian Slater. Not only does everyone understand the assignment, they bring their own unique flavor and quirks so nobody feels like they're phoning it in. You can tell everyone is having fun and that translates to the audience.
And while fun is first up on the menu for the show, there's also so many moments of heart-rending drama. As someone who lost their dad at 26, I connect to Kit's feelings of grief and abandonment over the disappearance of her father. I connect with Jade feeling lost and purposeless. I connect with Elora desperately wanting to help despite struggling to believe in herself. I connect with Graydon carrying a lot of guilt over things he had no control over and wanting to prove himself as more than what his father believes he is. I connect with Boorman regretting his selfish choices and wanting to make up for his past mistakes. I even relate to Willow, thrust into a position where he has to be a believer despite feeling like a fraud.
Whether it's due to the run time or the time in which it was made, the movie just can't compete with the variety of character arcs, the layers that get peeled back the more the crew spend time together, the realization how each person has something to learn from the others and how they've grown to rely on each other.
By the time they reach the Immemorial City to fight the Crone, they have grown into one of the best found families I've ever seen. They have each other's backs, they trust each other implicitly, and they're willing to put everything on the line to save the world, sure, but more importantly, save each other and facilitate their rises to greatness.
The dialogue, while not to everyone's taste, I felt was a great choice. It immediately plants a flag on its own territory and says confidently "We are not Game of Thrones. We are not Lord of the Rings. We are our own thing." I love that shit! It is never a show that feels like it's chasing a trend, because it is so uniquely itself. That extends to the music, be it the fantastic score by James Newton Howard and Xander Rodzinski or the fascinating modern song choices deployed in each episode, which while I have opinions about songs I would prefer in different places, I cannot deny that they set the show apart from everything else that has come before. And "Crimson+Clover" by Pom Pom Squad will live in my brain forever thanks to its absolutely pitch perfect use in episode 5.
The fight scenes are fantastic, because they're never there for the sake of having action. Instead, major character beats are woven throughout, making each fight hugely meaningful to everyone involved. Whether it's Willow going from his weakened, nigh magicless state at the start of the show, to being the great sorcerer he was always meant to be thanks to working with Elora, or its Kit and Jade connecting and expressing emotions that words may not be enough for through their shared love language of sword fighting, or Graydon finding the magic within at the moment he needed to and killing one of the Gales pursuing them. Action has a purpose in this story and I love that after so many hollow and emotionless cgi fight scenes we've been inundated with over recent years.
This is why I can't simply choose one favorite episode from the series, because they are so intertwined that I cannot separate them. However, unlike many straight to streaming shows, Willow doesn't just feel like an 8 hour movie chopped into parts (despite my tendency to watch it like one long movie lol). Every episode has a unique identity that I can immediately point to when prompted. Every episode is important to moving both the narrative and character development forward, and there isn't a single one you could cut without everything feeling askew.
So. When I saw this prompt I was like "Maybe I'll make this one short", but we all know now that was going to be impossible. The intense emotional connection I have to this show from front to back just brings this out of me. To the only Fellowship I need in my life. I wouldn't be here without you.
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To quote Erin from the making of doc, "These people are my family."
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here-but-forgotten · 2 years
JD rambles :DDD
Suggestive/explicit rambles. One reference to abuse/physical fight.
Godddddd JD
Noted: a mix of musical-movie JD but just envision Christian Slater for me. you’ll get it you’re a smart cookie.
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( ʘ‿ʘ ) j.d. | heathers | rambles pt. 3
JD getting overly possessive and only lasting a few seconds inside before roughly grabbing you, manhandling you to get pinned against the wall or floor, his hips forcing your legs open to be pinned down, his boner pressing against your clothed pussy, helplessly grinding against you as he makes out with you. His full weight helplessly pinning you down, hands cupping your face tightly. Pulling off your clothes as fast as he can while holding you down with his hips. Eyes a bit manic and snapping.
JD with a little morbid streak, taking you to the cemetery in the middle of the night, not too far away from the very young graves not yet settled. Laying you out on top of his trench coat, kissing your neck and running his hands down your body with a fervor. Holding you lightly by your throat to lead you to kiss him and his neck, smiling to himself at your affection.
Bookstore date!!!! Please!!! He follows you around like a puppy the entire time, carrying anything you need, making little snide comments about certain books but also recommending some. Hides you in the shelves and makes out with you. Makes you just enough flustered to make you flushed and needy.
100% breaks into your room because it’s JD but he has a little pervy streak; stealing panties and going through some of your clothes. Le pervé likes to check and see what you’re wearing while your sleeping- dies right there if you’re only wearing one of his tee shirts. Only. Panties off. If you weren’t his angel he’d jack off on you and leave, but you are, so he’ll just join and hold you.
Sometimes shows up beaten up to have you patch him up. It feels better to have someone you love gently clean your wounds and kiss the bandages than to fall asleep and attempt to ignore them. He gets quiet on nights like this and will bury his face in your chest, holding your middle tightly.
May or may not purposefully get you caught in a thunderstorm so when you arrive at your house with him, his only option is to strip you out of your soaked clothes, dry your hair for you, and bundle you up in blankets against him.
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kanobeanz · 8 months
Hello Kan! Anything you want to infodump about? XD
alskdjfhg thank you so much for asking omg (no pressure to read btw I got kinda carried away lmao)
yes so i watched the heathers movie for the first time in a while with a friend yesterday, and it was frickin amazing i just love how christian slater (the actor who plays the psycho boyfriend jason dean) is just so jittery in his movements and creates a perfect balance of making you feel uneasy around him but also feel drawn in and want to know more about him. he really gives off a unstable, psychopathic vibe, especially at the end where he’s trying to blow up the school, but it’s also interesting to compare his performance with an actor from the musical version of heathers, particularly jamie muscato from the west end version of heathers. i am in love with jamie’s performance, he has the same shaky movements and hunched back as christian slater and also ryan mccartan from the off-broadway production of heathers, but what makes jamie’s performance so special is that even though he’s a psychopath, you can tell that he’s actually a teenager and still unsure in his movements, and this is really seen in meant to be yours because it’s like he’s switching back and forth of two different personalities in the show, sometimes being just an anxious young boy who’s lost in his world, as he paces around and pulls at his shirt, hunching over while making jerky movements and furrowing his eyebrows. i guess in a way this isn’t very comparable to christian slater who doesn’t have to sing a song in the heathers movie, but i just wanted to talk about how amazing i think jamie is at performing, especially as he often gets overlooked for his weird accent (he puts on a strange mish-mash of american accents to show how much he’s been moved around in his life that he hasn’t even developed one singular accent), and the fact that a lot of the heathers musical fandom don’t really like the west end version of heathers anyway, just because it’s not the same as the original off-broadway one.
um yeah thank you if you got this far, thanks so much for the ask eli!!!
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greatrunner · 13 days
Things I'm thinking about watching IWTV s2
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That adult vampires collectively agree that child-vampires are a big #nope has me giggling tbh.
Why is Lestat's hair/wig so awful right now? It's just sitting on his head. Why they do him like that lmao.
I lost my shit at Claudia's "Yes!" when she yanked guy down off the balcony
Present Armond and Louis are trying their darndest to be obnoxious, and it's working.
Past Armond and Louis are fairly satisfying to watch because there's no pretense of an interview and hiding intentions (entirely) in the mix.
Is Kiefer Sutherland to blame for all these damn Bleach Blonde "bad boy" vampires in media? Inquiring minds want to know, but I'm gonna say, "yes."
Louis' purple prose narration sounds and feels like the writers are searching for whatever chord they struck in the first season. That, or they're intentionally writing Louis as more-and-more overwrought in his dialogue.
Daniel Malloy being completely petty about Louis' recounts, while very much smacking of "audience correlates knowing 'tropes' with being above the material", is still pretty satisfying to hear when interjected. Mostly because, yeah, "Paris Sucks." I also really like what they're doing with an older take on the character versus the only interpretation I know from the 90s film (ah-la Christian Slater).
That most vampires, if they live long enough, realize that being immortal and feeding off the living is a fairly shit deal in the long run, is something I appreciate constantly reinforced in these kinds of stories if they're not going full-blown predatory monster (ah-la 30 Days of Night).
"We own nothing," is a line I'm still thinking about since watching the first episode.
With Claudia's eventual blow up at Louis on the horizon, their clash in the first episode makes me believe his whole, "our life is shit, and it's gonna keep being shit" speech wasn't really directed at her, but the phantom Lestat.
It's gonna suck when they kill Claudia, and I'm honestly wondering how they're gonna handle the Armond angle (again, from what I know from the 90s film).
I really want vampire hunters to dust the theater troupe after what they did to that woman on stage, but I know it's not that kind of show.
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The Quentin Tarantino Connection
When he was a teenager in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Quentin Tarantino was by his own admission way into ‘50s rockabilly music. “I was like the second coming of Elvis Presley. I dyed my hair black. I wore it in a big ole pompadour”, he said in an interview. In his recent book Cinema Speculation, he writes about discussing cinema with his mom’s black friend Floyd, who was into blaxploitation. He loved hearing Floyd’s first-hand accounts of being a black Elvis fan back in the 1950s, also rebuking claims that the King of Rock ‘n Roll was racist. He even included “Elvis impersonator” in his early résumé and it must have paid out because he was cast as one in an episode of the sit-com The Golden Girls in 1988. Incidentally, Tarantino was born in Elvis’ home state of Tennessee, where his mother is from, and as a kid was even left there for a year, describing his family as “hillbilly alcoholics”.
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Elvis often comes up in his movies. For example in a deleted scene of his now classic film Pulp Fiction (1994), Mia Wallace uses a hand-held video camera to interview Vincent Vega with either/or questions. She explains the game as follows: “There are only two kinds of people in the world, Beatles people and Elvis people”. Mia has no doubts about Vincent’s allegiance. With his swagger, callback to “Grease” and dance moves, John Travolta is an Elvis man through and through.
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Of course, Mia and Vincent later go a to ‘50s themed diner called Jack Rabbit Slim’s, where they have the famous twist contest dancing to Chuck Berry’s “You Never Can Tell”. The waiters are all dressed like dead stars from the 1950s, such as Marilyn Monroe, James Dean and Buddy Holly. Even though, as Vincent would put it, the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll must have had the night off, in Mia’s words “an Elvis man should love it”. Tarantino said that the design for the diner, where the guests sit in booths made like ‘50s vintage cars and the dance floor looks like a tachometer, was partially inspired by the nightclub with race car motifs in one of Elvis’ movies, Speedway (1968).
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Tarantino references Elvis here and there in his work. In the novelization of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood that he wrote, for example, Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie) is described by his agent Marvin (Al Pacino) as having spent all his career “running pocket combs through his pompadour”, which by 1969 not even Elvis has anymore.
His biggest Elvis homage came very early on in his career, though. As a matter of fact, to finance what would become his first movie, Reservoir Dogs (1992), Tarantino auctioned a script that he had written, True Romance. It was made into a movie by Tony Scott and it ultimately came out in 1993. True Romance begins with a casual conversation about pop culture in the style of Mr. Brown with his infamous “Like a Virgin” theory in Reservoir Dogs. Clarence (Christian Slater) is at a bar, chatting up a girl. Like Tarantino, Clarence prefers ‘50s Elvis and praises Jailhouse Rock (the movie not the song) where Elvis was everything that rockabilly was about: “Mean, surly, nasty, rude”. And then, obviously interested in picking up the girl, he continues: “Elvis looked good. I mean, I ain’t no fag, but Elvis was prettier than most women, you know. Most women. You know, I always said if I had to fuck a guy – you know, I mean, had to – if my life depended on it, I’d fuck Elvis”. Tarantino establishes the rules for his story right away: just like you have fantasies where you wish you were Elvis or as cool as Elvis, or you wish you could fuck him, this movie is a whole fantasy where you wish you were a hero who had a crazy adventure and passionate love story involving pimps, drugs and guns.
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Clarence, an alter ego for the author, falls madly in love with Alabama (Patricia Arquette), a call girl. Clarence loves martial arts movies, comic books, hamburgers and Elvis, just like the film director. He also wears Elvis glasses and drives a purple Cadillac. Throughout the movie, Elvis pops up several times, in magazines, on T-shirts and on furniture or posters. The most striking appearance is obviously when Clarence sees Elvis (Val Kilmer) in the bathroom mirror, dressed in his gold lamé suit but anachronistically sporting his ‘70s big glasses. Elvis tells Clarence that he has to kill Alabama’s pimp, and there the adventure begins.
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In Cinema Speculation, which sits halfway between film criticism and memoir, Tarantino goes back to Elvis several times. He writes that Elvis could have been the biggest movie star of the 1960s, if it weren’t for Colonel Parker’s greediness and for the weight of his own enormous success in the music business. He even mentions excitedly that Elvis was considered for the role of Sundance in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) opposite Warren Beatty, before the roles went to Paul Newman and Robert Redford.
Tarantino has always took a liking for B movies, so it doesn’t come as a surprise to learn that he’s not dismissive of Elvis movies as a whole and writes about a few of them in detail. He considers Flaming Star (1960), for instance, to be “a truly great fifties Western, and maybe the most brutally violent American western of its era.” According to him, the film director, Don Siegel, who would go on to direct Dirty Harry (1971), was a master when it came to film fistfights and chase sequences. This was because of his background in editing and his penchant for violence. Tarantino also praises Don Siegel’s unexpected use of shocking bouts of violence, of which there are several in Flaming Star. His protagonists, including Elvis’ Pacer, were often at odds with the society they lived in, which reflected the way Siegel felt around film executives and producers. “Pod people” is how he called them, in reference to his movie The Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) and in this category he included Elvis’ nefarious manager, Colonel Tom Parker.
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Tarantino recognizes that Elvis movies weren’t real movies but “ElvIs movies”, but he’s a fan of Roustabout (1964) nevertheless. He describes it as: “a pretty entertaining little picture chock-full of cool elements, Elvis entering the movie on a motorcycle—dressed head to toe in black leather […], a strong Big Valley era Barbara Stanwyck as his colead, a one-line bit at the beginning by Raquel Welch, the best soundtrack of any of Elvis’ color films, including a rarity for the King on film—Elvis singing a cover of somebody else’s hit, the Coasters’ Little Egypt, and the only film where Elvis gets to demonstrate his Ed Parker-taught karate moves.” Because of course Tarantino loves martial arts movies, just like Elvis did. And blaxploitation, hamburgers, comic books and being over the top. They would have been great friends.
Read here my previous posts on Elvis connections. So far I’ve written about Jimi Hendrix, Andy Warhol/Bob Dylan, the Clash and Jim Morrison.
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Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay is underrated as fuck. I prefer the Assault on Arkham tie-in movie but this movie also understands the dynamic the Suicide Squad is SUPPOSED to have as a team of criminals constantly fighting and fucking each other, with only the threat of death keeping them from immediately turning on each other. I like found family tropes but the SuiSquad is...not that lol
It's got the least grating of Tara Strong's Harley performances, and the rest of the cast has a lot of gems. C. Thomas Howell as Zoom, , Gideon Emery as Copperhead, CHRISTIAN FUCKING SLATER as Deadshot are you kidding me
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mlobsters · 4 months
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supernatural s14e1 stranger in a strange land (w. andrew dabb)
pre-ep recap being ac/dc shot down in flames much better fit than metallica's nothing else matters from 13x01 vibe-wise and matching the pace of the clips. good job, guys. and smooth segue to it being on in the car
s14e1 / the matrix
wtf jackles, what is this speaking voice/cadence. reminds me of keanu reeves?? usually when i make really out there sound associations, i'm a little high. but that is not the case today. he's acting more like an agent than neo, but getting the keanu vibes :p i can't think of what movie specifically i'm thinking of. the devil's advocate and constantine are the other two keanu movies i've seen a bunch, but i dunno
never good when i'm pulling a clip in the first few minutes 🥴 gonna be a 2-3 day watch i'm guessing.
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also don't really understand the styling choices. i get that it helps make a big visual difference between michael and dean, but like. dude wasn't dressing like this old timey fancy man with a flat cap in the au world. is this 20s-ish? never seen peaky blinders but this seems kinda similar? reading about collar pins and bars now. lol
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is this the grief beard i've heard about. well maintained, if so
MARY Sam, we’re gonna find him. Ketch is working that thing in London. Castiel is in Detroit. I know it’s been three weeks since Dean… Something will break. It has to. SAM Yeah. Yeah, you keep saying that.
so like why does sam need to be in charge and involved in this vampire thing with this bunker full of people? they were fully self organized and fighting before they came here. even if sam is de facto leader for whatever reason; delegate, my guy. no help to anyone if you're not sleeping. call jody in, i bet she could talk some sense into him. also vaguely funny that we're all Team Family Go! but the family i connect with the most for them is jody and her girls
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CASTIEL Does any demon know where Dean Winchester is? KIPLING I’m sorry, did you just say you lost a Winchester? Because, one -- that’s… interesting. And, two, how is that you lost Dean? I thought the two of you were joined at the… [Kipling glances down in a suggestive way.] …you know, everything.
in a way i wish i could have watched this without any knowledge of fandom because my knee jerk response is, ew. because i just don't see anything between dean and cas, i have a hard time grasping they're even close, i've just tried to accept it because the show tells us all the time. but maybe i could have come around to it more if i didn't know about the screaming zeitgeist that is destiel. or maybe i'd have the same reaction, i don't know. but anyway perpetually disgruntled knowing that my reaction is always colored somewhat due to fandom. i try to watch objectively but i know my feelings on things outside the show color my feelings of stuff inside the show
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oh, cas. what have you gotten yourself into this time.
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SISTER JO Why would he say “yes” to you? MICHAEL Love.
short and sweet
man i know jackles is trying to do something different but i do not enjoy the way he's speaking as michael. ok now i'm getting umm. brad pitt in interview with the vampire?? like when he's talking to what's his face. for the interview. lol. christian slater! kind of slow, flat fairly emotionless narration.
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um. how in the world is nick's soul in his vessel? didn't crowley remake it or whatever? or did he not die at any point in the ... 7 years intervening between lucifer dumping him in s5 and getting popped back in during s12
from 12x13 CROWLEY I managed to pervert that spell. So your essence wasn't sent back to the cage, but instead, we found your discarded vessel a few years ago… repaired it, improved it, making it a fitting final home for the real you.
whatever, man. nothing makes sense to me anymore. also thinking about jimmy novak called being possessed by castiel like "being chained to a comet" - for all those years
NICK Ow. I don't get it. I don't understand how Lucifer could die and I could live. SAM Yeah, um… I think that maybe it's because the archangel blades were made to kill the archangel inside a-and not the person they, uh -- NICK Possesses and uses to almost end the world twice?
sure. SURE. that makes sense. not at all how anything else ever works on this show, but sure! i mean, i love mark pellegrino too but come on, guys.
SAM Stop saying that, please. MARY What? SAM “It's gonna be fine,” that everything's gonna be fine, we're gonna find Dean, and -- MARY We are. SAM You don't know that. Dean's gone, and we have no idea where he is or -- or if he's even still alive. You know, Michael could have… burned him out or… worse, and… MARY I know. I know he's out there, scared and alone. I know. I know he might never come back. Never think I don't know that. But -- I can't -- I have to think about the good, Sam, because, if I don't, I will drown in the bad. For Dean's sake, I can't do that. We can't do that.
that's fine and reasonable but it's also reasonable that sam doesn't want to hear a baseless placation.
jack getting a grandpa bobby now too apparently
completely zoning out on this demon monologuing. why did they bring the girl along who isn't a hunter. what happened to the devil's trap bullets? and couldn't they make the bullets made out of the angel blades they had on the au world? because with all the dead angels they surely must have a stockpile. wouldn't get this several minute action sequence with fake tension though so
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SAM Enough! There will be no new King of Hell. Not today. Not ever. And if anybody wants the job, you can come through me. Understood? (breathing heavily) So, what's it gonna be?
lol okay
SAM It's the -- It's the magic egg that kicked Lucifer out of the President. I thought we could use it on Michael, but -- Ketch can't find it. So, that's another dead end, which is just awesome.
i'm glad the show remembered because i completely forgot about that thing. thanks for preemptively ruling it out
CASTIEL Sam, are you all right? SAM Yeah, I've been better. I've been worse. You? CASTIEL I'm -- I'm just sorry. I should never have gone to those demons. SAM Cass, I -- No, I-I-I don't blame you. I… Honestly, I-I wish I'd have thought of it first. If it meant finding Dean, I-I'd work with -- I'd do anything.
❤️ take what i can get. (still need to sleep, sammy)
MICHAEL Now, you -- you know exactly what you want. You don't pretend to want to help people or save the world. Your want is pure and simple and clean. And that's why you are worth saving. That's why we are going to work so well together. Because you -- you just want to eat.
LOL what. michael loves vampires!
!! omg lol i just reread my 13x23 with my whole "can't kill michael now that he's wearing dean" is that the whole reason we get pellegrino back as nick, so we can find out that archangel blades don't kill the vessel?? 😂
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The Little Mermaid (1989, Ron Clements and John Musker)
The Little Mermaid is a 1989 animated film directed by Ron Clements and John Musker, produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and based on the fairy tale of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen. The original version uses the voices of: Jodi Benson, Pat Carroll, Samuel Wright, Christopher Daniel Barnes, Kenneth Mars, Buddy Hackett, Jason Marin and René Auberjonois.
Distributed by Buena Vista Pictures, it is the 28th Disney Classic according to the official canon. The Little Mermaid was released in theaters on November 17, 1989, to critical acclaim, earning praise for its animation, characters and music. It was also a commercial success, earning $84 million at the North American box office during its initial release and a total gross of $233 million worldwide. The film won two Academy Awards for best soundtrack and best song (Under the Sea).
Following the success of the 1989 Disney/Amblin film Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Little Mermaid has been credited with breathing new life into the art of Disney animated films, following a series of critical or commercial failures produced by Disney since the early seventies. It also began the era known as the Disney Renaissance.
A stage adaptation of the film with a book by Doug Wright and additional songs by Alan Menken and new lyricist Glenn Slater opened in Denver in July 2007 and began performances on Broadway on January 10, 2008.
In 2022 the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
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celluloidstyle · 1 year
pump up the volume (1990)
director: allan moyle
costume designer: michael abbot
production design: robb wilson king
set dec: tina treglia (peterson)
cinematographer: walt lloyd
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BEING WEIRD ISN'T ENOUGH not sure why i like this pin, but i like it.
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this film takes place on the cusp between the 80s and the 90s, but i loved that these kids drove these 60s/70s(?) cars, i think to signify that they were low income and couldn't afford modern cars? but i love the atmosphere in this shot.
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not the greatest screencap, but i adored everything janie (lala sloatman) wore. the cat-eye glasses, the oversized pink pearl earrings, the ponytail scarf. even though i related to nora's artsy side, i wanted to be janie.
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mark (christian slater) is like two different people. at home, he wears cool retro bowling shirts embroidered with the name "dick" and sasses his parents, but at school he wears bland clothing (like he wants to blend into the background) and acts all shy.
i also just really loved mimi kennedy as mark's mom, marla, using a teacup to ash her cigarette into, i just thought it was so posh!
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again, loving janie's dangly statement earrings, and the colour combo with her floral bolero (?) and sweet pink dress. i didn't love nora's (samantha mathis) outfit as much, but i was intrigued by the piece she wears over her dress. it ties at the back of her neck, and i think again on her lower back, so it's like a... halter vest? the turtle necklace is pretty dope, and though you can't see it in this shot, she is also wearing purple and white striped tights.
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paige's (cheryl pollak) bedroom is a dream! the floral wallpaper and the white bed are so lovely, but the seafoam green radio really makes the colour scheme pop.
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man i wish i had a teacher this cool! ellen greene as jan emerson (do they call her miss emerson in the movie? i can't remember), wears the coolest outfits, and she is introduced in this amazing mustard suit accessorized with a turquoise bolo tie! the look is amazing, but it also alerts us that this film takes place in arizona.
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paige, doing her WASP thing in an oversized sweater over a blouse, with a string of pearls. it's the necklace that does it for me.
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i mostly just wanted to see how many celebrities i could identify in this shot: keanu reeves, johnny depp, george michael, kirk cameron, corey haim, richard grieco... (stole this image from imdb as it was much clearer than my screenshot)
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i forgot that plaid wallpaper was a thing and i think it's due for a comeback. particularly loving the plaid (shirt) on plaid (wallpaper) in this scene, so cozy, like a cabin!
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so many things to love in this scene: number one, the heart curtains; number two, the kitten sweatshirt (the kittens look like they might be puffy and i can feel it in my mind); number three the "homework causes brain damage" sign on the wall--classic! number four, the clear lamp filled with gumballs? and the cow hanging from it! number five and six, the blue radio and the clear phone! i want one!
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did you notice that the tissue box in the highschool staff room is the same as the tissue box in the depressed student's room? do you think it was the same box?
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nora's room reminded me of my own room in highschool-- walls plastered with images, and plenty of candles. i think nora might have been one of the prototypes for the manic pixie dreamgirl.
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Believe It Or Not I Care
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mazz's (billy morrisette) denim and leather look is good.
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an example of one of mark's drab shirts, but also nora's completely adorable velvet blouse with a peter pan collar! also, i'm learning that the next time i wear a collared shirt, i need to add a long statement necklace.
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so this scene is near the end of the film, and i loved mark's shirt here. i also realized that it's more of a cooler, bolder look than he has previously worn to school, so i think it's supposed to symbolize mark coming out of his shell and revealing more of his true self at school/in public. look at me, i get things.
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finally, loving this floral blouse and braided leather suspender on miss emerson. i would probably wear this.
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BONUS here's a picture of drew barrymore at "an event" for pump up the volume (according to imdb), i'm assuming it's the premiere, just looking cool and badass. i need that jacket.
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another bonus: this adorable promo photo of christian & samantha <3
anyways, most of these pics are my own screenshots, but you should check out higher resolution images on imdb. i couldn't find any articles about the wardrobe in this film, but i did find this 30th anniversary article that was interesting.
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danvillecheese · 1 year
it’s been more than a year since phineas waved goodbye we hoped it was an ending that would satisfy plus there’s always reruns so the show will never die but now people write us letters and they ask us why don’t wanna seem ungrateful or sound like a jerk it was a whole lotta fun but a whole lotta work we were exhausted for a decade counting years that’s ten so what are we gonna do now that it’s come to an end relax take a break try not to over extend no we’re gonna do it again with milo murphy’s law you might know the name from all the promos you saw we’re not resting on our laurels just eating fondue we’re working hard right yeah it’s true we’re gonna do it again that’s we’re not quitting new stories new characters new rhymes we’re spittin it’s a brand new show with a new point of view but if you like phineas you’ll like this too so what can go wrong will go wrong that’s murphy’s law and if you’re living it you gotta be strong meet milo the youngest in the murphy family he lives his whole life inside a cyclone of calamity for someone who handles adversity with such poise where in the world would we find the right voice the disney casting department has never steered foul so we called them up we said we want weird al and they just made it happen here he is in a recording and here’s a bunch of random shots of people storyboarding it’s a long long process and it’s really complicated we already did a video on how we animated we did yeah a few years back oh that’s right well we’re gonna do it again for milo murphy’s law a new behind the scenes video with a rap song score we did one for phineas this a sequel to it with a brand new crew it’s only fair we’re gonna do it again that’s right we’re not stopping just be glad you don’t see me and swampy poppin and lockin we’re working hard yeah bringing this new show to you but if you liked phineas you’ll like this too along with weird al we’ve got a great cast of voices from the channel and beyond all our top choices we’ve got sabrina carpenter we’ve got mekai curtis chrissy fit jemaine clement whaaat I think they heard us ming-na kate micucci diedrich bader christian slater there’s also me and swampy but we don’t show up til later so set your dvr cus you are gonna wanna see milo murphy’s law on disney xd if you want more information like a real insider just check the local listings on your provider check the local listings on your provider word
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omgellendean · 7 days
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The text of the letter and names of the celebrities that signed it under the cut.
"October 23, 2023 
Dear President Biden,
We are heartened by Friday’s release of the two American hostages, Judith Ranaan and her daughter Natalie Ranaan and by today’s release of two Israelis, Nurit Cooper and Yocheved Lifshitz, whose husbands remain in captivity.
But our relief is tempered by our overwhelming concern that 220 innocent people, including 30 children, remain captive by terrorists, threatened with torture and death. They were taken by Hamas in the savage massacre of October 7, where over 1,400 Israelis were slaughtered - women raped, families burned alive, and infants beheaded. 
Thank you for your unshakable moral conviction, leadership, and support for the Jewish people, who have been terrorized by Hamas since the group’s founding over 35 years ago, and for the Palestinians, who have also been terrorized, oppressed, and victimized by Hamas for the last 17 years that the group has been governing Gaza.
We all want the same thing: Freedom for Israelis and Palestinians to live side by side in peace. Freedom from the brutal violence spread by Hamas. And most urgently, in this moment, freedom for the hostages. 
We urge everyone to not rest until all hostages are released. No hostage can be left behind. Whether American, Argentinian, Australian, Azerbaijani, Brazilian, British, Canadian, Chilean, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Eritrean, Filipino, French, German, Indian, Israeli, Italian, Kazakh, Mexican, Panamanian, Paraguayan, Peruvian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, South African, Spanish, Sri Lankan, Thai, Ukrainian, Uzbekistani or otherwise, we need to bring them home. 
Aaron Bay-Schuck Aaron Sorkin Adam Berkowitz  Adam Goodman Adam Levine Adam & Jackie Sandler Adee Drexler  Alan Grubman Alex Aja Alex Edelman Alexandra Shiva Ali Wentworth Alison Statter Allan Loeb Alona Tal Amy Chozick Amy Pascal Amy Schumer Amy Sherman Palladino Andrew Singer Andy Cohen Angela Robinson Ant Hines Anthony Russo  Antonio Campos Ari Dayan Ari Greenburg Ariel Martin  Arik Kneller Aron Coleite Ashley Levinson Asif Satchu Aubrey Plaza Barbara Hershey Barry Diller Barry Josephson Barry Levinson Barry Rosenstein Beau Flynn Behati Prinsloo Bella Thorne Ben Stiller Ben Turner Ben Winston Ben Younger Billy Crystal Blair Kohan Bob Odenkirk Bobbi Brown Bobby Kotick Brad Falchuk Brad Slater Bradley Cooper Bradley Fischer Brett Gelman Brian Grazer Bridget Everett Brooke Shields Bruna Papandrea Cameron Curtis
Carin Sage Casey Neistat Cazzie David Charles Randolph  Charles Roven Chelsea Handler Chloe Fineman Chris Fischer Chris Jericho Chris Pine Chris Rock Christian Carino Cindi Berger Claire Coffee Colleen Camp Constance Wu Cory Litwin Courteney Cox Craig Silverstein Dame Maureen Lipman Dan Aloni Dan Mazer  Dan Rosenweig Dan Swimer Dana Goldberg Dana Klein Daniel Glass
Daniel Palladino
Danielle Bernstein
Danny A. Abeckaser
Danny Cohen
Danny Strong
Daphne Kastner
David Alan Grier
David Baddiel
David Bernad
David Chang
David Ellison
David Geffen
David Gilmour &
Polly Sampson
David Goodman
David Joseph
David Kohan
David Lowery
David Oyelowo
David Schwimmer
Dawn Porter
Dean Cain Deborah Lee Furness Deborah Snyder Debra Messing Diane Von Furstenberg Donny Deutsch Doug Liman Douglas Chabbott Eddy Kitsis Edgar Ramirez Eli Roth Elisabeth Shue Elizabeth Himelstein Embeth Davidtz Emmanuelle Chriqui  Eric Andre Erik Feig Erin Foster Eugene Levy Evan Jonigkeit Evan Winiker Ewan McGregor Francis Benhamou Francis Lawrence Fred Raskin Gabe Turner Gail Berman Gal Gadot Gary Barber Gene Stupinski Genevieve Angelson Gideon Raff Gina Gershon Ginnifer Goodwin  Grant Singer Greg Berlanti Guy Nattiv Guy Oseary Gwyneth Paltrow Hannah Fidell Hannah Graf Harlan Coben Harold Brown Harvey Keitel Helen Mirren Henrietta Conrad Henry Winkler
Heidi Jo Markel Holland Taylor Howard Gordon Iain Morris Imran Ahmed Inbar Lavi Isla Fisher JD Lifshitz Jack Black Jackie Sandler Jake Graf Jake Kasdan  James Brolin James Corden Jamie Ray Newman Jaron Varsano Jason Blum Jason Fuchs Jason Reitman Jason Segel Jason Sudeikis
Jason Biggs &
Jenny Mollen Biggs
Jeanne Newman
Jeff Goldblum
Jeff Levin
Jeff Rake
Jeffrey Best
Jen Joel
Jennifer Morrison
Jeremy Piven
Jerry Seinfeld 
Jesse Itzler
Jesse Plemons
Jesse Sisgold
Jessica Biel
Jessica Elbaum
Jessica Seinfeld
Jill Littman
Jimmy Carr
Jody Gerson
Joe Hipps
Joe Quinn
Joe Russo
Joe Tippett
Joel Fields 
Joey King
John Landgraf 
John Slattery
Jon Bernthal
Jon Glickman Jon Hamm Jon Harmon Feldman  Jon Liebman Jon Watts Jon Weinbach  Jonathan Baruch Jonathan Groff  Jonathan Marc Sherman Jonathan Ross Jonathan Steinberg Jonathan Tisch Jonathan Tropper Jordan Peele Josh Brolin Josh Charles Josh Dallas Josh Goldstine Josh Greenstein Josh Grode Josh Singer Judd Apatow Judge Judy Sheindlin Julia Fox  Julia Garner Julia Lester  Julianna Margulies Julie Greenwald Julie Rudd Julie Singer  Juliette Lewis Jullian Morris Justin Theroux Justin Timberlake KJ Steinberg Karen Pollock Karlie Kloss Katy Perry Kelley Lynch Kevin Kane Kevin Zegers Kirsten Dunst Kitao Sakurai Kristen Schaal Kristin Chenoweth Lana Del Rey Laura Benanti  Laura Dern Laura Pradelska Lauren Schuker Blum Laurence Mark  Laurie David Lea Michele Lee Eisenberg Leo Pearlman  Leslie Siebert Liev Schreiber Limor Gott  Lina Esco Liz Garbus Lizanne Rosenstein Lizzie Tisch Lorraine Schwartz Lynn Harris Lyor Cohen Madonna Mandana Dayani Mara Buxbaum
Marc Webb
Marco Perego
Maria Dizzia
Mark Feuerstein
Mark Foster
Mark Scheinberg
Mark Shedletsky
Martin Short
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Mary McCormack
Mathew Rosengart
Matt Geller 
Matt Lucas
Matt Miller
Matthew Bronfman
Matthew Hiltzik
Matthew Weiner
Matti Leshem
Max Mutchnik
Maya Lasry
Meaghan Oppenheimer
Melissa Zukerman
Melissa rudderman 
Michael Aloni Michael Ellenberg Michael Green Michael Rapino Neil Blair Neil Druckmann Neil Paris Nicola Peltz Nicole Avant Nina Jacobson Noa Kirel  Noa Tishby Noah Oppenheim Noah Schnapp Noreena Hertz Octavia Spencer Odeya Rush Olivia Wilde Oran Zegman Orlando Bloom Pasha Kovalev Pattie LuPone Patty Jenkins Paul Haas Paul Pflug Paul & Julie Rudd Peter Baynham  Peter Traugott Rachel Douglas Rachel Riley Rafi Marmor Ram Bergman Raphael Margulies  Rebecca Angelo Rebecca Mall Regina Spektor Reinaldo Marcus Green Rich Statter Richard Jenkins Richard Kind Rick Hoffman Rick Rosen Rita Ora Rob Rinder Robert Newman Roger Birnbaum Roger Green Rosie O’Donnell Ross Duffer Ryan Feldman Sacha Baron Cohen Sam Levinson Sam Trammell Sara Berman Sara Foster Sarah Baker Sarah Bremner Sarah Cooper Sarah Paulson Sarah Treem Scott Braun Scott Braun Scott Neustadter Scott Tenley Sean Combs Sean Levy  Seth Meyers Seth Oster Shannon Watts Shari Redstone Sharon Jackson Sharon Stone Shauna Perlman Shawn Levy Sheila Nevins Shira Haas Simon Sebag Montefiore Simon Tikhman Skylar Astin  Stacey Snider Stephen Fry Steve Agee Steve Rifkind Sting & Trudie Styler  Susanna Felleman Susie Arons  Taika Waititi Thomas Kail Tiffany Haddish Todd Lieberman Todd Moscowitz Todd Waldman Tom Freston Tom Werner Tomer Capone  Tracy Ann Oberman Trudie Styler Tyler Henry Tyler James Williams Tyler Perry Vanessa Bayer  Veronica Grazer Veronica Smiley Whitney Wolfe Herd Will Ferrell Will Graham Yamanieka Saunders Yariv Milchan Ynon Kreiz Zack Snyder Zoe Saldana Zoey Deutch Zosia Mamet
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