#also have i mentioned how much i love it that spock calls him doctor
t0ast-ghost · 6 months
I will not shut up about Star Trek TOS yet and you’ve decided to listen in on that. So welcome to my thoughts on the 11th episode (The Corbomite Maneuver):
- starting off strong with these camera angles and movements
- *sees a spinning colourful cube in space* just go a bit to the left (he is not up for shenanigans today)
- can’t wait for Checkov to be introduced, I hear he gets a gun or smt
- WHAT IS THAT PHYSICAL CHECK??? Why does he have to lie on his back?? And why does he have to have his shirt off?
- if I were Spock trying to call the captain and he picks up and all I’d see was his tits… all I’m saying is he keeps a really good straight face
- OMG we got a “what am I a moon shuttle conductor or a doctor?”
- Sulu laughing at Spock’s sense of humour
- the close up on Kirk’s ass as he leaves the room is so intentional
- Bones sitting on the railing…
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- how many surfaces can I sit on competition but my opponent is Leonard Bones McCoy
- just to prove my point the next scene starts with him sitting on a table
- god I feel bad for Scotty having to sit between McCoy and Spock in some of those meetings
- Sulu was cool as a cucumber
- “do you ever tire of questioning me on things you’ve already made your mind up about?” “it gives me emotional security” they are each others emotional support guy (Spock & Kirk)
- Kirk saying“navigation, you’re timing was lousy. Same with engineering, Helmsman” then Bones immediately after “you’re timing was lousy”
- how can you sit in a chair like that even (bones)
- Alexa play tik tok by Kesha
- (okay now I’m just imagining Spock dancing like one of those spider-man memes but completely straight faced (also Spock now listens to Kesha canonically but like in my head))
- Bones is so caring, he has so much fucking compassion I won’t shut up about him
- “you now have seven minutes left” but there’s 23 minutes left in the episode. Guess a lot of it’s just gonna be dead air… er space I mean (yeah I can come up with a better line than this later (edit: no I can’t I’m tired))
- SPOCK IS SO SAD. He truly thinks this is a hopeless situation.
- Bones is about to die in four minutes and he’s threatening Kirk because of the fact that he put Bailey’s health at risk… I love this man
- “Anytime you can bluff me, doctor” I can’t legally say what I thought was said but maybe the ancient archaeologists will know from context clues
- I don’t think Uhura has spoken to most of the bridge crew up to this point, she barely has had plot or even dialogue, I can’t wait till they give her an episode or just even make her more central
- Spock going to Kirk’s side after the bluff for emotional support
- Spock is so proud when talking about his mom :)))
- Your science and medical officers usually shouldn’t stand so close to your chair and clutch at it while leaning over you. It’s not normal behaviour.
- Okay I’d like to mention how calm Sulu has been and how much I love him, can we please get more of him in future episodes?
- wait so Bones is just gonna let Bailey go back to work? Like I get they apologized to each other but that doesn’t change that it’s still a bad idea to have him there
- Spock, Kirk, and McCoy immediately after the death threat is gone: guess it’s time to start flirting again
[Video description: Spock stands on the bridge, he says, “A very interesting game, this poker.” Kirk sitting in his captains chair replies, “It does have advantages over chess.” McCoy smiling at Spock adds, “Love to teach it to you.” Spock smiles back at him. End description]
- he’s got a twinkle in his eye
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- The shake on the bridge as the tractor beam tows them is so funny if you watch Spock and McCoy (it continues to be funny for the next couple minutes)
- "Captain request to-" "Denied. If it's a trap.. If I'm wrong, I want you here" awwe he wants him safe (idc that this is not what the writers are trying to say, HE WANTS SPOCK SAFE)
- they all have to bend over on the transporter pad but when they get transported Bones isn't even bent he's just standing at his normal height slightly hunched
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- HOLY CRAP I HATE THAT THING... I'm so glad it's a puppet
- nope okay I don't know what's happening, I can't. I'm. What.
- that is apple cider, they are sitting around this guy trying to drink apple cider
- McCoy doesn't know what the fuck to do right now and neither do I
Now imagine, if you will, Spock dancing
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Thank you, and have a good day.
Master post of past/future episodes
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thegeminisage · 3 months
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. saturday we did voy's "basics part ii" and "flashback," and last night we did voy's "the chute" and "the swarm." not really last night changed bc i am writing this at fuck o clock its going up tmrw w/o me but w/e
basics part ii:
this one was fine. or rather the a-plot of this was boring, the b-plot fucking ruled
like, what do i care about the surface of this planet? ik there's a whole season that happens after this, nobody important is gonna die. even the critter was no that interesting
also, FUCK the baby not really being chakotay's. i was so fucking devastated. i wanted him to have a little guy sooo bad. they gave it to me and then snatched it away. imagine how he must feel...the whole ship in danger to save the kid that wasn't really his, and two people DIED in the process. the a-plot was terrible.
but ohhh the doctor and lon suder taking on the kazons alone. mwah.
first of all, what a match-up. the doctor can't be killed or harmed, not really, not the way suder used to enjoy hurting people. so that puts them on totally even terms
secondly, the fact that suder FINALLY almost overcame his violent impulses and now he has no choice BUT to give into them for a cause greater than his own needs (to have peace with himself)...that's juicy stuff. his struggle when he came back after killing that one guy was absolutely incredible.
finally, i love that out of any two people who could be stuck on voyager, you get the idea that these two people had the best chance of doing what they did. like the doctor is quite literally PART of the computer that runs the ship, and suder has all the violent impulses of his former life now combined with tuvok's methodical nature and his own hard-earned patience. truly a force to be reckoned with. it doesn't really push your suspension of disbelief when he takes out all those guys at once because part of him has been waiting to do that for a looong time
genuinely i'm only disappointed they killed him...a character like this could have EASILY been a regular. i'll miss him so much
the undiscovered country was not my favorite tos movie by far (it ranks near the bottom actually) but i wish i had skimmed it at least before watching this. the movie footage being there was so so fun, and JANICE RAND! i'm always so happy to see her turn up, she deserved so much better, even if most of her tos scenes did annoy me to death
anyway, imagine being in a show and 30 years later they are calling you on the phone asking if you would like to do another episode of the show. star trek really is so unique in that regard, very few franchises have that same kind of staying power. m*rvel who? get the fuck out of here.
i looooooved getting more of tuvok's backstory. i think it's really hilarious that spock's parents almost disowned him when he joined starfleet but after that vulcan parents are like pressuring their kids to join to be more like him. poor spock and poor tuvok i wish they could have met onscreen just once
janeway in the old uniform!!!!!!!! she looked amazing
mixed feelings about janeway's speech about how things were different in the tos era and that's why sometimes they didn't do the prime directive. actually, it's funny because i got a little huffy at her "they were quicker to reach for their phasers" comment like GIRL NO THEY WEREN'T and then like the very next day i watched "taste of armageddon" where kirk did immediately start blasting because the disintegration chambers triggered his tarsus iv trauma and had to reluctantly forgive her
that said. spock mention.
the chute:
something lgbt happened on star trek voyager...i don't ship this couple because i'm still kirby with a gun re: tom paris, but i'm incredibly happy for people who do. i think about how i would have been if this had been chakotay and janeway instead (besdie myself) and i just KNOW the harry/tom shippers were eating
i wish harry kim got more to do...he had a little more this time but his solo scenes didn't have much meat to them, it was his scenes w tom paris that really stood out
and like i didn't hate those scenes, but the "shitty hellhole prison" plot itself also kind of bored me, because we just saw a far superior version of this happen to o'brien on ds9 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and to me one half of tom/harry is kinda boring and never gets his chance to shine, and the other is eternally on probation for being too annoying in season 1. so i had a hard time staying invested
that said it was very fun when janeway came down through the hole guns blasting. now who's playing cowboy, captain?
the swarm:
this was another one where the a-plot sucked and the b-plot ruled
i know janeway doesn't wanna add another 15 months, but man, come ON...it was very dumb not to go around. it was even dumber to not go around WHILE YOUR DOCTOR WAS BROKEN. take a few days to fix him and THEN go. also WHAT HAPPENED TO HER IDEALS? the showrunner really needed to keep this shit straight this was wildly out of character for her. that plus constantly brushing off kes...not her finest episode tbqh
the doc losing his memory was great though. kes is SO kind to advocate for him as she does and she and b'elanna were just great in general. kes even gave him a little kissy!! treat him really niceys: the episode
the other doctor hologram was really funny too although his usage of the "it" pronoun made me flash back to my rage when people did that to data during tng
it was actually so true to life how people with dementia act...kes did a great job of keeping him calm until the end :(
and the humming!!! i can't believe they left it there, but i suppose the implication is he gets it all back. and what a breath-taking spot to end it, honestly
TONIGHT: ds9's "apocalypse rising" and voy's "false profits" (i read the summary and good god someone HELP me)
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bhawk-goose · 3 months
just started watching star trek TOS(or maybe remastered, honestly can't tell) on Paramount+ and I figured I'd start posting about it as I write
EP 1: The Cage
not even at the episode yet, why does it have a guest star? This is the first episode, shouldn't this be establishing the main characters? Or does guest star in this case just mean a secondary main character? I don't watch much TV so I'm genuinely unsure
I vaguely remember @etherealspacejelly(who is also the reason I'm watching this) mentioning that in the strange, exotic land of the UK they call jello jelly, so considering how wobbly space just got I think they might be in this episode.
two things. First, they have a very strange alarm sound. Second, how the fuck do they know it's coming if it's at the speed of light? That is the fastest speed information can travel? Is the spaceship fucking psychic?
I assumed after a moment they'd start to do something, considering a USFO(Unidentified Space Faring Object) is on course to collide with their ship at light speed, but no, they're just sitting there calmly
I'm guessing the captain(I wanna say Captain Kirk but they haven't mentioned his name and IDK for sure if he was captain from the start or if there was a different captian at first) said "steady as we go" because he has some badass plan but he really seems like he just doesn't care about this USFO
Nobody seems to trust him, so I'm guessing he's a new captain
They didn't realise it was a radio wave? That's what it was? Why is their security system advanced enough to see the future but not advanced enough to tell the difference between an attack and an old-timey distress signal? Or do they not use them anymore specifically because they couldn't make security systems to identify them from a distance?
Oh, nevermind, it was intentional.
Wait... they just sent one ship to the Talos group and then gave up when it dissappeared? No rescue group or second attempt or anything?
Why are there people in normal fucking clothes on the ship? Has clothing and fashion not changed at all in like 200 fucking years? Even after we were introduced to cultures from other planets? Did they all just already have the same fashion as us?
I'm starting to understand why he's treated the way he is by the fandom. Not even 5 minutes in and he's in a french girl pose. And the doctor looks so fucking done with him too, I can tell he poses like this every time(also I know all of this is probably normal TV stuff, but I'm trying to be entertaining, and I'm not very good at recognizing emotions)
So it is Spock, and there are survivors, meaning we're probably going to Talos. Also why do new viewers learn Spocks name before the captains?
Why is their paper so yellow?
the fucking double take the Lieutenant did when he said "no offense, lieutenant. You're different, of course"
I fucking love the way Spock smiled with the humming leaves. I love him already
the zoomout on the captains reaction to Vina feels like it could be a meme template
Do the pre-emptive megaming knockoffs have telepathy or did they just need a second to process what happenned?
considering how quickly the captain trusted Vina and how cautious he was about the Talos system before the crews survival was confirmed he is either bi or had some kind of grudge against the crew, but couldn't find an excuse not to save them once he found confirmation they were alive
bye Vina. And everyone else
hmm... the other guys shot at the door and it did nothing... I know! I'll shoot at the door! Surely that'll work!
hm... I just shot at the door with someone else... and then a third person also shot at the door after us... and none of that did anything... I know! I'll fiddle with my gun and then shoot at the door! Surely that'll work!
I can't believe the captain is so ungrateful for the sparkly blanket the pre-emptive megamind ripoffs gave him. I don't remember his bed having a blanket at all, but he doesn't care at all about this one! So ungrateful
and he looks so pissed about the cool musical glass! This guy is so unlikable
Jesus christ I love these pre-emptive megamind knockoffs. They aren't good people, but they're hilarious and would probably be grateful if someone gave them a cool sparkly blanket
considering how many sound effects they built into their glass and elevators I'm honestly not sure if the sound after they mention the experement is non-diegetic or not
how the fuck do they know the exact brain size of the pre-emptive megamind ripoffs?
oh, the captains name is Pike, so it isn't Kirk, meaning he might just be straight
I know realistically he probably just swung at the sheild to prolong the fight, but I want to believe he did it to give the pre-emptive megamind ripoffs false information about how he fights
I'm going to choose to believe he threw his mace at the guy from like 3 feet away instead of just taking a single step forward and not risking missing and losing his weapon for the same reason
Why do the pre-emptive megamind ripoffs illusion specify woman? Don't they know how gay this universe is?
is this a metaphor for us? Did this show seriously start with a metaphor for us?
I'm fucking wheezing at the tone change that just happenned. Right from screaming in pain and fear to the twinkle of their elevator doors
okay. DEVELOPMENTS. First, the thing the captain pointed out, they have limitations. But also, their technology, the guy stepped back when Pike ran at the cool music glass.
OH MY GOD. They have some way to tell what's going on in the ship, but only on the outside. They need knowledge from outside the mind to create illusions inside it. Maybe. I'm probably wrong but this is my current hypothesis. That would also explain why she needed to ask him about his dreams. And now I wonder if he's thinking the same thing and planning to test it by saying something false, especially considering how the way he's acting makes it seem like he plans to accept the illusion
The screen just got way darker for some reason. Is that a sign of his hatred growing again? Is this the show signaling that the pre-emptive megamind ripoffs can't read his mind? Am I reading into this too much?
Why didn't the doors twinkle? What the fuck!?
okay at least they twinkled this time. It was a bit quiet though
what does he mean they're keeping them from seeing the hole in the window? The window is fucking invisible, they don't need an illusion to hide a hole
I can't believe they turned off the twinkle again.
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auniverseforgotten · 2 months
top five episodes of anything of your choosing
So I'm not sure if this is "top five episodes of a media of your choosing" or "top five episodes of anything ever" SO IM DOING TWO also I like so many episodes so I'm just rolling with what comes to mind right now dfhvg
ALSO HEADS UP FOR POSSIBLE SPOILERS FROM: Star Trek The Original Series, Star Trek The Next Generation, Duck Tales [2017], Doctor Who [Tennant], Sherlock Holmes [Granada], Monk [season 1], Boueibu [Season 1+2]
SO FOR THE FIRST MEDIA. STAR TREK YAHOOOOOOOOOO this is unfortunately just The Original Series [TOS] and The Next Generation [TNG] because I still haven't had time for Voyager or Deep Space 9 yet orz
-Court Martial [TOS]: Gives us a look into how the Federation handles trials, and while I don't love some of the parts, the fact that Spock catches the computer tampering via chess match is so good.
-Eye of the Beholder [TNG]: Troi being an empath is the huge focus here, and the constant twists and turns really keep you guessing. And TROI AND WORF AUGH WHY DID THEY PAIR HER WITH RIKER IN THE END WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY
-Spock's Brain [TOS]: REALLY don't like the HEAVY sexism going on BUT it's really fun to have Spock be in peril and Kirk and Bones so desperate to save him uwu
-Tin Man [TNG]: The focus for this episode is Tam Elbrun, a Betazoid who is a gifted telepath even by their standards and an alien entity 'Tin Man'. Tam winds up catching 'Tin Man''s thoughts, and discovers that it calls itself Gomtuu, and that it is of an ancient species. He decides to join Gomtuu's journey to commit suicide in a star going supernova. Very bittersweet end for a character who didn't fit in, but he created a lasting impression.
In no particular order:
Trouble with Tribbles [TOS S2 Ep15 Dec 29th 1967]
Okay I mean this one is CLASSIC. This is THE Star Trek episode for so many people. You read that title and you are picturing Kirk buried in fluffballs, with new ones falling upon his head the entire time. I love the Tribbles, they are SO CUTE AND GOOD and give me SO MUCH SEROTONIN.
I do also enjoy the overall premise though; a planet being fought over by the Federation and the Klingons, and the victor will be who can make it agriculturally viable. Fun twists and turns, and the Tribbles wind up VERY IMPORTANT bcus they don't like Klingons and. Not ever Klingon looks like a Klingon. c:
2. Immunity Syndrome [TOS S2 Ep18 Jan 19th 1968]
THIS ONE HITS SO HARD. It starts with a Federation ship entirely populated with Vulcans dying and Spock getting SLAMMED with that, and all he says about the Vulcans is that all they could feel was shock. And then we find it. A giant, all-consuming single celled organism, like a giant amoeba. But as it eats more and more, the time for it to split is coming which would doom Everything.
NOW DURING THAT someone has to go to that thing and science at it, and both Spock and Bones step up to the plate; Spock is chosen for his Vulcan biology, and he does later rub it in that Bones probably wouldn't have survived it. But It's SO AWFUL for Kirk who is choosing basically WHO WILL HAVE TO DIE of his two friends. They do haul Spock out of there but,,,yeah.
3. Genesis [TNG S7 Ep19 Mar 21st 1994]
SO THIS ONE IS FUN BECAUSE EVERYONE STARTS DE-EVOLVING. The local hypochondriac is in the medbay again and he gets a booster. And THAT is where everything goes wrong. People start displaying older, more primal behaviors, crew members begin to devolve, and by the time Picard and Data, who had left the ship, return, everything is SO SCREWED.
The cure is found by Data's cat, Spot; she has been turned into an iguana, but her babies are still kittens. Something something amniotic fluid. AND WHILE THEY'RE DOING THIS. Worf is a fucking BEAST now and he almost gets Picard!! :D
4. The Devil in the Dark [TOS S1 Ep26 Mar 8th 1967]
So first of all this episode is THE start of Bones going "I'm a doctor, not an [x]" so jot that down. BUT ANYWAY mining planet, tons of rare minerals, but the crew are being killed one by one by a mysterious monster. Eventually it gets at the generator which means EVERYONE CAN DIE if they don't fix it.
Now, during the mining they kept finding silicone nodules. Except they're eggs. The miners have been accidentally destroying thousands and thousands of eggs of the creature that is the last of its kind alive, which they discover is called a Horta after Spock mind melds with it. This one just hits hard and fast AND it ends relatively happily; the miners reach a truce with the Horta, and she hatches the eggs of her species and they tunnel up all kinds of minerals. And the miners are like symbiotic parasites <3
5. Masks [TNG S7 Ep17 Feb 21st 1994]
The Enterprise finds an alien archive that was frozen within a comet; but the moment they begin to burn through the comet, the Enterprise begins to Change. Most of all, Data does. He winds up essentially downloading the personality and soooorta 'spirit' of every single person in that alien race- including its deities, not all of which are kind.
It's Datacentric AND a really cool concept; I really enjoy the thought of a species locking its collective consciousness into a library as a last ditch effort of preservation. Hits different.
-All of the opera Looney Tunes, Rhapsody in Rivets, Feed the Kitty, One Froggy Evening, and so many others: THEY'RE GOOD VIBES BRONT
-Most episodes of the Pink Panther cartoon: GOOD MUSIC FUNNY HAHA
-All of the original Pokemon series: look Ash annoyed me at times but the sheer VIBES of this series,,,,never matched again, not for me at least.
-Doctor Who, Classic Who: Dragonfire serial: My fave companion Ace is introduced and one of my fave Doctors [Seven].
DuckTales [2017]: The Duck Knight Returns [S2 Ep16] AND Let's Get Dangerous Parts 1&2 [S3 Ep12-13].
So these are the two HEAVILY Darkwing Duck focused episodes of the show. Now I didn't grow up with DW, idk if it just wasn't playing or if we didn't have the channel, but even I can feel the pure nostalgia in this episode. I love that it looks at the grimdark remakes of superheroes who have always been goofy or at least Hopeful and the way it works it into the story, PLUS the jealousy of an old actor vs the new actor stepping into the role. My ONLY complaint with this one is that it PERFECTLY sets up Darkwing's nemesis Negaduck to show up, literally the older actor is in the sewers and the dye leaks out of his costume showing it to be Negaduck colors AND IT'S PERFECT HE EVEN SAYS HE'S HAPPY TO PLAY THE PART and then they DON'T EVER ADDRESS IT.
Let's Get Dangerous focuses in on Saint Canard and Gosalyn [and her missing, presumed dead grandfather]. I saw this one after I started watching DW, and honestly it's a really great interpretation of her story. The science and danger are really high up there and I enjoy it, and it's the last really good taste we get of the DW trio because they are never gonna make a DW Duck remake OTL
2. Doctor Who [New Who]: The Impossible Planet and the Satan Pit [Series 2 Ep 8-9]
Look any Doctor Who is gonna be hard bcus Donna is prob my favorite new who companion and Tennant is my favorite of the modern Doctors, but something about this episode just really HITS for me. I love getting to this dying planet in the orbit of a black hole and you think alright well that's the problem BUT NO ACTUALLY IT'S THE FUCKIN UHHHHH DEVIL. OKAY. THANKS.
There's possession and there's ancient evils being awoken, there's a high stakes escape from the planet and Rose gets to be a BADASS and also she gets to talk about the important of UNIONIZING. I can't explain well why I really enjoy this one, I think it just. Scratches an itch.
3. Sherlock Holmes [1984 Granada Series]: The Blue Carbuncle
I LOVE JUST ABOUT EVERY SINGLE EPISODE OF THIS SERIES BUT,,,but,,,the vibes on this one are just it, okay? It's a Christmas episode sure but it's the 1800s and it's not super slammed in your face, but also just. It's warm. A husband on the outs with his wife loses his hat and goose but they're returned by Holmes, and he is down on his luck and oh he makes me so sad...the really heart-wrenching plot with the man framed for the theft whose wife wants to believe him but is terrified AND THEIR KIDS,,,
AND AT THE END Sherlock wants to sit down for their meal but Watson just Can't, not while an innocent man is in jail, and he and Sherlock go and free him and his wife and kids hug tackle him aaaaa,,,
4. Monk: Mr. Monk and the Red-Headed Stranger [S1 Ep12]
Look I'll be real this one is mostly on here because I love Willie Nelson and he's in it I can't okay??? But I just really love who Monk is and how he is, and he gets the chance to play with Willie on the radio BUT SOMEONE ELSE RUINS IT,,,,BUT THEN THEY PLAY TRUDY'S FAVORITE SONG AT HER GRAVE AT THE END AAAAAAAAAAAAAA and also a very sympathetic murderer always throws a wrench in things.
5. Binan Kōkō Chikyū Bōei-bu LOVE!: Ep8: Love Wanders AND Binan Kōkō Chikyū Bōei-bu LOVE! LOVE!: Ep12: Love Will Save The Earth!
Love Wanders I love so much because friends having a fight...FRIENDS HAVING A FIGHT....and Atsushi's past friendship with Kinshiro that broke apart [at the time] in a similar way, a sudden distance that he doesn't know how to cope with. This time it's a monster, not curry, and EN. SWOOPING IN TO SAVE ATSUSHI FROM THE BLAST EVEN THOUGH HE'S STILL ANGRY. They're married your honor they did the love attack together they cut the wedding cake they are MARRIED
And for LOVE! LOVE!, I love many episodes but Love Will Save The Earth! Really hits different. YUMOTO really hits different in it. A ton of people can do a way better job of explaining it than I can but the Beppus obsession with Goura and Yumoto's love for his big brother [also Goura for non boueibuers] slam into each other head on here and Yumoto ALMOST GOES BERSERKER MODE!!!
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serenitydiviness · 1 year
Line Without Hook- Spock x OC
Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
Summary: Six years ago, Yeoman Serena Zuriñe embarrassed herself by giving a drunken confession to her mentor, none other than one Commander Spock. Now she finds herself face to face with the Vulcan man she had planned on avoiding the rest of her life. What could possibly go wrong? slow burn. Fake marriage. Spock/OC
Chapter 2:
The quiet moment between Serena and Spock ended. The captain and doctor were heading towards them.
“Mr. Spock, we need a bit of assistance.” Captain Kirk said. 
Serena raised a brow and looked at Spock. 
“How can I be of assistance,  Captain?” He asked. 
“We’ll be adding a new member to our crew besides our lovely Miss Zuriñe here.” Dr. McCoy said with a grin. 
Serena rolled her eyes. “Would that new member be Dr. Scott?” 
“Why yes. Are you perhaps a fortune teller, Miss Zuriñe?” Dr. McCoy asked.
“No. You’re just a little too excited for my tastes.” Serena replied, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Your friend is very–”
“Troublesome. I know.” 
“Doctor, you and the Captain can woo poor Mrs. Hamilton into approving the paperwork without me.”
“But Spock, she loves you because you’re such a tall gentleman.” 
“Oh, but Bones, you have that Southern charm you like to boast so much about. How could I deny you your moment with Mrs. Hamilton.” Spock responded dryly. 
Serena had to turn away to hide her laughter. Spock had a terrible habit of making her laugh at the most inopportune moments.
“Everything okay, Miss Zuriñe?” Captain Kirk asked.
“Coughing fit.” She replied, straightening up. “Unfortunately, I have more of a human immune system.”
“I see.” Captain Kirk nodded.
‘“You make the worst jokes at the worst times.”
“I’m being logical.”
“Logical, my ass.”
“Pardon the interruption, but we don’t speak Vulcan.” Dr. McCoy said.
“No worries. Spock was just letting me know he’d go assist you.” Serena replied.
Spock raised a brow.
“You can’t disappoint Mrs. Hamilton.” Serena nodded. 
“I learned from the best.” 
Spock shot Serena a raised brow before looking at Jim and bones. "Let us get this impulsive act over with." He said. 
"Have fun!" Serena waved, a little too proud of herself. And frankly, he was also a little proud. 
"We will," Jim said with a wink. 
Serena gave a flat expression before turning back to watch the ship. 
"You know," Jim said as soon they moved further from Serena. "I've never seen you so ruffled and tense, Mr. Spock."
"Illogical," Spock said. 
"If you insist, Mr. Spock." Jim nodded. 
“Oh, Sere!” Annaleigh called.
“What have you done that has required wooing an old woman in administration?” Serena asked flatly. 
“They mentioned they needed another doctor, and I simply told them if they wanted another doctor, I am available,” Annaleigh said.
Serena pinched the bridge of her nose. “You are quite pleased with yourself.”
“The girls would have jumped if they were me.” 
Serena looked at her for a moment. “Humans.” She muttered. It was a relief to have someone on the ship that she knew. Spock was there—yes–but that whole situation with him still brought her dread, even if he was still willing to be friends. 
“You know you’re happy  to have me come along.”
“You are quite pleased that your flirting got you this far.”
“Oh, hush.” 
Serena said nothing and went back to her thoughts.
“I had been trying to get on the Enterprise as soon as I heard that you were transferring.’ Annaleigh said.
“We’re sisters, Sere. I can’t leave you to deal with your demons alone.”
“So because we are extremely co-dependent?” 
Annaleigh laughed. “That too.”
“Logically… Thank you, Anna.” 
“Always. That’s what family is for.” 
Serena nodded.
“Mrs. Hamilton!” Jim greeted all too excitedly as Bones, Spock, and himself entered the office of the woman they all affectionately knew as Mrs. Hamilton.
“Is that little Jimmy?” the 70-year-old woman explained.
“Of course.” Jim nodded. “I brought my friends, of course.”
“Oh yes! My little Lenny and my handsome Mr. Spock!” Mrs. Hamilton cooed as she stood to give both Jim and Bones hugs before attempting the Vulcan greeting. “How are my handsome boys?”
“We’re good. Had to see our favorite lady before we left.” Bones said with a laugh.
“You’re all too sweet! I should be your second favorite lady at this point!” She wagged her fingers at the three of them. “My niece Peggy has some pretty friends! She’s friends with a nice Vulcan girl! I can introduce you, Spock.” 
“Thank you for the consideration, Mrs. Hamilton; however, I am not ‘dating’ at the moment,” Spock said. 
“A shame! How can I help you, my boys?” Mrs. Hamilton asked with a sweet smile.
“Well, we’ve recently gotten a toxicologist onboard, which is always welcome. However, I’ve been worried about Lenny here. We just met Dr. Annaleigh Scott, and, well, we were hoping she would be available to join us. As extra hands. After Lenny is only one man.” Jim said with his signature smile.
“Oh, little Anna!” Mrs. Hamilton clapped her hands. “She’s one of my Peggy’s friends. I can get that set up right away. She had submitted paperwork to get stationed. I was about to search for any openings, but if my Enterprise darlings need her, even better!”
“If possible,” Spock said, giving Jim and Bones an annoyed look. “Can we have it done before 1400 hours?”
“Oh, ill see what I can do for you, my darlings.” Mrs. Hamilton giggled. 
“See, this is while you’ll always be our favorite lady Doris.” Bones said as he hugged her. 
“I still need you to make me some grandbabies.” Mrs. Hamilton said with a laugh.
“We’ll get right on it.” Jim nodded. 
“Go, relax a bit. I’ll call you when the paperwork is ready,” Mrs. Hamilton shooed them off.
“Before I forget.” Jim handed her a small bag. “I brought you back some tea.”
“Oh, my darling boy!” Mrs. Hamilton cooed before kissing Jim on the cheek. “Thank you!”
“Of course, Doris.” Jim nodded before turning to his friends. “Shall we?”
Spock nodded before giving Mrs. Hamilton the Vulcan salute. 
“See you in a bit!” Bones waved as they walked out. 
Spock looked at Jim. “I told you my presence was unnecessary.”
“Were you not going to say hi to Doris?” Jim asked.
Spock hummed. He probably would have stopped by the old woman’s office. She reminded him of his human grandmother. Of course, he’d never disclose that tidbit to anyone. “I would have greeted her regardless.”
“Logically.” Bones teased. “So, what should we do now?”
“We could go find Dr. Scott and Miss. Zuriñe.” Jim offered. 
“I believe you two owe Mr. Scott a toast,” Spock said quickly.
Jim crossed his arms and looked at Spock, curious. Spock stared back expressionlessly. Jim opened his mouth but soon closed it. 
“Let’s go meet with Scotty,” Jim said after a moment, breaking the staring contest. He was overprotective, but Spock had just reunited with a dear friend. The idea of the captain or doctor flirting with her gave him a familiar discomfort that he was not interested in feeling. If he could direct them elsewhere, it would be for the best.
“Of course.” Bones nodded as they started walking off.
Spock felt himself still on edge. He glanced to the hanger and saw Serena and Annaleigh from the corner of his eye. It was good to see her again, but it seemed she still had him confused. They were friends until she wanted something more and then abruptly disappeared. 
Would she try her disappearing act on the Enterprise?
Serena glanced up, having caught the eye of Spock as he walked off. Her shoulders slumped as she tilted her head. She wondered for a moment what would have happened if she had stayed long enough that fateful morning she left. She shook her head. There was no point in living on what-if scenarios. 
“Penny, for your thoughts?” Annaleigh asked.
“Nothing worth voicing concerns about,” Serena replied. 
“Oh, there you are!” Serena and Annaleigh turned to see the woman from earlier, Janice heading towards them with two other women in tow. 
“Janice, right?” Annaleigh said.
“Yes! I wanted to introduce you, ladies, to some friends!” Janice nodded.  “This is Lieutenant Nyota Uhura and Nurse Christine Chapel!”
“It’s lovely to meet you, ladies.”  Nyota stuck out her hand. 
Annaleigh, ever the social butterfly, took the hand happily. “It's a pleasure! I’m Doctor Annaleigh Scott, and this is Science Officer Serena Zuriñe. Serena is Vulcan, so she doesn’t touch people.”
“You’re Vulcan?” Christine looked at Serena curiously. Serena could see a very sudden shift in the blonde woman. Something about her felt incredibly hostile. 
“Yes.” Serena nodded.
“You don’t look very Vulcan. Are you sure you’re not just human?” Christine asked innocently. 
Serena looked at Christine, exhaustion slowly building. She adjusted her hair slightly, revealing her Vulcan ears. “I am Vulcan.” She replied flatly. She appreciated that the two other women in question looked horrified by their friend’s action. 
Annaleigh, on the other hand, had a smile that Serena was all too familiar with. “Serena!” She said in a sing-song voice. “I’m so glad we’re here. Are we gonna meet your mentor again?”
“Her mentor?” Janice looked at Serena curiously.
“Yes, back in our early days in the academy, she had a Mr. Spock, I think. I can’t say his last name. They were such good friends.” Annaleigh nodded.
“You knew Mr. Spock,” Nyota said excitedly.
Serena nodded. “He was my advisor during my first two years at the academy—”
“And one of her best friends. I think he was closer to you than I was.”
“He had a similar shared experience. It is only logical we bonded.” Serena nodded.
Annaleigh smiled in victory. Serena did not know why Annaleigh engaged in pettiness, but Serena figured it was an act of ‘kindness.’ Serena shook her head.
“What is it like on the deck,” Serena asked., quickly changing the conversation. 
“Oh, it's fabulous! We have so many things! The bars and stores are always fun. Since the enterprise is larger, it sometimes acts like a luxury cruise line.” Janice explained. 
“Fascinating,” Serena said with a nod. 
“Yes, luckily, for the next few years, it will be used for purely scientific purposes. We’re hoping to stop on Theosis V on this next trip!” Nyota nodded.
“Theosis V has an abundance of medical herbs. We currently only know about the Tholia Artea, which provides instant relief the same way a pain killer would; however, if the dosage is too low, it will cause nausea. If the dosage is too high, then it can be fatal. Most medical staff cannot administer it unless they have shown a consistent 100% accuracy rate.” Serena said.
“Plant Nerd,” Annnaleigh said with a laugh. 
“Thank you for the compliment, Doctor.” 
After what seemed like an eternity, it was almost boarding time. Serena exuded an air of calmness; however, deep down, she dreaded every moment. She looked at Annaleigh and marveled as she almost instantly managed to chat her way into friendships. 
Part of her wished for that skill, but logically, she did not see too much of a need. Annaleigh would likely coerce her into the interaction at some point.
“Sere!” Annaleigh called.
“Yes, Annaleigh?” Serena asked. 
“Come meet Hikaru; he’s Nyota’s hunk,” Annaleigh said.
Serena rolled her eyes and walked over to where Annaleigh, Nyota, and Hikaru were.
“A pleasure,” Serena said with the traditional Vulcan greeting.
“Serena, right?” Hikaru asked.
“Yes.” She confirmed. 
“It’ll be nice to have you aboard! Annaleigh says that you are a botanist.”
“As a hobby, yes.”
“Oh, you’ll love the lab I work in! We have a few samples of carnivorous plants that are notoriously toxic.” Hikaru nodded.
“What kind?” Serena asked, eyes lighting up with excitement.
“We have one from Argon VI—”
“Arachne Carnivorous flowers?” 
“You’re familiar with those?” Nyota asked with a laugh. “They scare almost everyone on the ship because they’re toxic.”
“They only release toxins under deep root stress. Hikaru, when we board, would you mind showing me them?” Serena asked 
“Of course! It’s always a pleasure to share my plants with a fellow enthusiast!” Hikaru nodded.
Spock stared, impressed, as Mrs. Hamilton walked over with a PADD. “As requested, with 20 minutes to spare.” She said.
“Doris, I could kiss you!” Bones said with an excited grin. 
“Oh, don’t flirt with me. My husband will be picking me up soon.” Mrs. Hamilton said with a wink.
“Mrs. Hamilton, as always, exemplary work,” Spock said.
“I have to keep you on your Vulcan toes!” Mrs. Hamilton giggled. 
Spock nodded, offering her a rare half-smirk in appreciation. 
“Well, don’t let me keep you! You'll have to be off in an hour!” Mrs. Hamilton said. “Go on. Get. Lord knows what new adventures you’ll have.” 
“Thank you, Doris,” Jim said, hugging her. “Next time, we’ll do dinner and take you on a trip.’
“Promises, Promises.” Mrs. Hamilton said, hugging him back.
Spock nodded once before looking at Bones and Jim. “I believe everyone is boarding. It would do us best to get situated.”
“Of course, Mr. Spock.” Jim nodded as he began walking.
“Be safe, and bring me back some grandbabies!” Mrs. Hamilton called. 
Spock shook his head. ‘I will never understand the desire that the elderly has with the young bringing progeny.” 
“It's human mortality. I’m surprised Lady Amanda has not gotten on your case about giving her a grandchild.”
“She has. I fail to understand why.”
“Wow, Spock. You haven’t given your poor mother a grandchild to coo over?” Bones shook his head in a manner that indicated he was teasing more than anything 
“I have not.”
“After the incident on  Capela IV, I’ve found myself wanting a little Leonard to run around.”
“I am sure.” Spock raised his brow at them and shook his head. “You two are still absolutely pleased with yourselves for that incident.”
“A great chief named after us is an honor, Spock,” Jim said with a grin. “Although having a little Jim to run around with a little Bones would be nice. If you had one, we could raise three dashing sons together.”
“A mini Spock. Wouldn’t that be cute?” Bones nodded with an all too amused expression. 
“I feel pity for your future children. They will be raised by such illogical fathers.” 
“I’d be a fabulous father!” 
Spock rolled his eyes. “I believe, gentlemen, it is boarding time. We will have to retrieve our new Doctor.” 
“Oh, let me do it.” Bones said. 
“By all means,” Spock said.
“Oh, Dr. Scott!” Bones called, looking for the brown-haired woman.
“You called, Handsome?” Annaleigh asked as she walked up to him. 
“Wanted to welcome you aboard personally.” Bones said with a laugh.
“Well, thank you, Dr. McCoy.”
“Leonard or Bones will do, Doctor.”
“You must call me Anna. How about after we board we have a celebrator drink. I have a nice whisky hidden in Sere’s bag.”
“Of course. I hope you packed enough.”
“Sere and I are the same size, so I didn’t need to,” Anna said. “See you, Bones.”
“What happened?” Serena asked as Annaleigh walked over.
“I’ll be boarding as part of the medical team,” Annaleigh replied with a grin.
“Humans.” Serena rolled her eyes. 
“You love me.”
“I stand by my statement.” 
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mystery-star · 3 years
Waiting for you - Spock
Pairing: Spock x reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: mentions of injury and death
Words: 1838
Star Trek universe: AOS
A/N: Just a lil thing I wrote because I haven’t written (at least for Spocko) in ages. And didn’t feel like writing on a series.
“She’s here. She’s here” you heard someone shouting beside you and looked around and finally you could see the Enterprise approaching in one of many tunnels above you. You smiled and stepped forward a little and waited for the crew to dismount. When you saw the first of them, your smile got broader and you got onto your tiptoes to look out for your husband. Not many people of the Enterprise had someone waiting for them and those who did seemed overjoyed. It made you look down for moment because you had a feeling that Spock wouldn’t greet you like others greeted their loved ones. Finally, you could see him and slightly raised your hand, hoping he’d see you. When he did, he came straight towards you, stopping half a meter in front of you
“(Y/N)” he said “What brings you to Yorktown?”
“I’ll give you three guesses” you replied and just threw yourself around his neck “I’ve missed you, Spock” you breathed against his skin and he hugged you back slightly.
“Am I therefore right to conclude that you came here in order to see me during my shore leave?”
“Right” you let go of him but only that you could kiss him. He cupped your face and kissed you back. At some point his hand found yours, slowly stroking his first two fingers against yours. But then he pulled away from you all of a sudden, just holding your hand. You turned around and saw two older Vulcans behind you.
“Commander, might we have a word? Alone?” you wanted to ask why you couldn’t come when Spock threw a glance at you and squeezed your hand
“Do you mind?”
“Just be quick” you pecked his cheek “I’ll be waiting for you, okay?” you handed him a keycard of the hotel where you had booked a room for you both. He gave a nod, then let go of your hand and followed the two men. With a sigh you looked after him and returned to the hotel, knowing he would be clever enough to find it when he was done.
But he only came when it was dark and you were already in bed, reading a magazine on your PADD.
“Have you been waiting with sleeping until I return?”
“Well, you got some days of shore leave, then I won’t see you for another two years. I want to use every minute with you that I can” he gave a nod and sat down on the bed, placing a device on the nightstand. “What did they want?”
“I will tell you in the morning”
“Alright” you put the PADD aside and stretched yourself a little before sitting up, crawling closer to him and wrapping your arms around him again, kissing him. “We now have better things to do, don’t you think?” he kissed you back and placed one of his hands in the small of your back, pulling you closer while he ran his other hand over the side of your face. After the kiss he leaned his forehead to yours and you bumped his nose with yours. “Did you have fun out there on the mission?”
“I have written and called you three times per week, as we have agreed on, and informed you about what you call ‘adventures’ and have also answered each question concerning them I was allowed to answer”
“Well yes but your last message was two days ago. I need a recap of the past two days. Or retell me your favorite mission. Doing it face-to-face is much better” you pecked his lips. He gave a nod, pulled you into his lap and started telling you how the Captain had attempted to make peace between two species that didn’t work out as planned. Then he went on to their arrival to Yorktown and suddenly his communicator beeped “Tell me that’s your private comm”
“It is not” he leaned forward to get it and you just wanted to stop him but let it happen with a sigh. Placing you back on the bed, he gave your hand a squeeze, took the comm, opened it and left the room. With a sigh you fell back on the bed, glancing to the PADD and considering if you should continue reading but then looked at the ceiling, repeating everything you had planned to do with Spock in the following days in your mind. Soon Spock returned and you sat up with a smile but his words ruined it “I must go”
“Go? Go where? Aren’t you on shore leave?”
“I am. However, there is a matter that requires my assistance”
“What is it?”
“I cannot tell you much but I must leave Yorktown”
“You’re shitting me”
“I do not joke”
“But… but… will you at least get that time off later on? How long will you be gone?”
“I suppose it should not take longer than 36 hours”
“Oh well…. Then you owe me yet another debriefing upon your return” he gave a nod, came closer to put his comm on his nightstand and pecking your forehead.
“Please make yourself a pleasant day tomorrow”
“Okay. And then I’ll be waiting here for you… again”
But Spock didn’t come home the evening or morning after he had left, so you decided to make yourself another nice day exploring another area of Yorktown. In the late afternoon, you suddenly heard how the station went on alert and after looking around you saw that a swarm of tiny ships tried attacking Yorktown. Around you everyone was in panic, screaming, rallying kids and running away while you stood there frozen, staring at the many little ships on the other side of Yorktown.
“We have to leave. Come. Now” someone next to you shouted, pulling on your arm
“Can we go somewhere safe? Like a… bunker?”
“A bunker on a Starbase?” the man started laughing slightly and shook his head.
“Or can we do something? Something to help? Is there a defense station or militia? Or help evacuate people?”
“That’s Starfleet’s business” as if on cue, there was an announcement, informing the public that there was an attack and that you should not panic. You let out a snort and watched how the people around you seemed to panic even more. You looked around and finally saw a security, officer, going over to him.
“Excuse me, Sir?”
“Don’t worry, we’ll all be safe, just stay calm and…”
“No, I wanted to ask if I can help something.”
“Yeah. Weapons, evacuate people or something” he looked at you, considered it a while then said he’d have to check it out. But before he could return, they managed to somehow blow up all the small ships. Somehow you couldn’t believe that this was everything and sure enough, there was another announcement informing the public that a great part of the ship had been destroyed but that three of them had gotten into Yorktown but that they still had the situation under control and would do everything to stop them. For some reason, you found that three ships hand entered Yorktown almost worse than the initial attack. Because you knew there probably wasn’t much you could do unless the ships came to that part of Yorktown, you sat down in a café, ordered a drink and watched the news on the big screen that gave a permanent update on the situation at the other end of Yorktown. Not even 15 minutes later, you heard that everyone was out of danger and the intruders had been rendered harmless. After a sigh, you finished your drink and then returned to the scene of the action, maybe there now was something you could help, like tidying up damage or helping the wounded. You stayed there and helped until it was dark and the volunteers were sent home, so you returned to the hotel. But you didn’t get far and the receptionist called you over.
“You are (Y/N) (Y/L/N), right?”
“That’s me, yeah”
“I have message for you, from a doctor Leonard McCoy”
“I know him. He’s the doctor on the Enterprise. What is this message about?”
“He lets you know, that your husband… Commander Spock will spend the night in Yorktown hospital”
“Ho-hospital? They’re back? What does he have? Is it bad? Can I visit him? When did they get back?”
“He only told me that so you know where your husband is and in case you wish to see him. I don’t know anything else” you nodded and with a thank-you you ran out of the hotel, to the hospital, where you had brought a few people earlier today. You went to a visitor station to register your visit and once you knew where your husband was and that he currently could be visited, you rushed to the elevator and then to his room. When you saw Spock lying in bed awake, you let out a deep breath and moved closer.
“Spock” you breathed, not sure what to say and having a hundred questions at the tip of your tongue. "How are you?” was the first you asked
“I am well, (Y/N). The doctors insisted I stayed the night to ensure that my condition does not become worse” you nodded and came closer, taking his hand, pressing a kiss to it as you sat down on the edge of the bed. To your delight, he squeezed your hand.
“What happened? To you, I mean?” he explained how on the mission his side was impaled by a piece of metal and that McCoy didn’t have the correct equipment to properly treat him. “At least you’re safe” you ran your free hand through his hair. “When did you even get back?”
“4.2 hours ago”
“That was… that was when the attack happened” he agreed and said it was them who played a great role in stopping them. “Oh so that big ship that destroyed the central plaza was you, the Franklin?”
“And what about the Enterprise?”
“She has been destroyed”
“Oh no. What about the crew? Are they safe?”
“We have not yet been able to ascertain who has survived the attack on the Enterprise and who lost their life, however, I am certain that at least 350 people have survived”
“Out of 428 that’s still a lot that could have died”
“Besides, I also know of at least 16 casualties from the crew” you gave a nod
“And what now? I mean is your mission over? The Enterprise is gone”
“We do not know yet but it is certain that we will remain her for longer than the originally scheduled 12 days of shore leave”
“Well, then we got more time to do something as long as we’re here. And I get to see you longer. Ha that visit was worth it” you leant down to kiss his forehead. “Now we just gotta make sure you’ll be on your feet as soon as possible because I have lot planned for the next days”
Taglist: @softsapphicideals
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damnredthing · 2 years
Let’s get ready to ramble – SNW S1E02
This post – naturally – contains spoilers. If you haven’t seen the episode yet and do not want to read spoilers, please do not read any further.
This is not an episode review but rather just a bunch of ramblings which I’ve tried to at least sort a little bit into categories.
Season 1 – Episode 2 – Children of the Comet
Pike’s inner demons - continued
So, Pike knows the names of all cadets he will rescue? I suppose this means that we only got a glimpse of his whole vision in Discovery. Pike also said in episode one that he experienced every agonizing moment of it. As someone in SNP chat pointed out, Spock said the crystals cause a temporal displacement, meaning Pike didn’t just have a vision, he was actually there and experienced every moment of it.
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I gasped when I saw the pictures of the kids who will one day become the cadets (not to mention the clearance level Starfleet Captains obviously get to access files of normal citizens so easily!). I wasn’t expecting to see such younglings in the files, but it makes sense of course. In about 10 years they will be around 18’ish and in the middle of their education at the academy. Pike’s dedication to give himself and to fulfill his prophecy gets so much more substance now. His mind constantly circles around these kids who all have a future ahead of them. How can he not sacrifice himself for them?
But then comes Una who raises some very interesting questions.
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What if the vision just meant to tell him the cadets are in danger and he only has to find a way to rescue them all, including himself? What if his fate is what he makes it? I think that got Pike thinking.
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Actually, if he knows exactly when and where this is going to happen, and he even knows the names of all cadets, wouldn’t it be easy as cake to prevent it all from happening? Just call off the mission. Or use another ship. But of course Pike also remembers what Tenavik told him, that his fate is inescapable. He’s probably thinking that if he tries to trick his fate, it’ll come around as a boomerang and hit him otherwise (and the cadets probably, too).
However, I begin to wonder whether the writers might even consider a retcon. Pike is such a lovable character. He is literally Captain Teddy Bear, everyone just wants to hug him and nobody wishes him any serious harm. The show is also meant to be positive and optimistic. How can you hold that up, especially when the show one day (after 10 or so seasons 😋) is going to reach its grand finale? If they really gonna retcon his fate, then this would only work by creating a new timeline.
IMO they should stick with canon though and let Pike go through it all, as much as it pains to know what will happen to him. We do know he will have a life after the accident, and maybe that is what the writers were trying to hint with Una saying what she said. Pike has only seen what will happen to him to the point where he ends up in the wheelchair, he hasn’t seen what will happen after that. I still hope the show will go even further than just the handover to Kirk and we’ll be shown some of Pike’s life on Talos IV and from there on, a new continuation is possible without even retconning his fate. The Menagerie is the last canonical information we got about Pike. We do not know what happens after he spent some time on Talos IV.
I have seen other takes on this topic, but to me the Menagerie is not a happy end for Pike and Vina, it’s just a compromise. He will be able to live in an illusion together with Vina, but he will be aware of that all the time. He will know that the Talosians will take care of them, but also watch them all the time. Will they be really free? Being confined on Talos IV also means both will remain exiled from their homeworld, their families, everyone they love and care for.
I also do not understand why the doctors in the 23rd century prolonged Pike’s suffering by giving him an artificial heart, UNLESS this was just the first step of many for his recovery. I have said it before in an earlier post. Pike would have died if not for the artificial heart, surely there must have been more surgeries planned (we know what they were capable of considering how Airiam was aided), but then Spock got in their way. Who says they cannot aide Pike later on in whichever way that might be? This is sci-fi after all! So do your sci-fi thing and be creative!
Wishlist - yay or nay
Reference is made to this post:
Different tones in different episodes – Kinda yay. The tone of the episode didn’t differ much from episode 1. But I like the fact that even though it is a Pike centered show, the writers do not shy away from focusing on other characters. The A-Plot was clearly about Uhura and I loved that. This is a return to an ensemble cast approach which provides so much more story potential. But I also liked how Pike’s inner fight wasn’t that much of a focus this time (even though it gave me much to think about once the episode was over!). It was still a topic, but much more subtle (except of course when they talked about it). If we’d see Pike having his hallucinations in every episode, it would get old fast. I do not have experience with PTSD, but with depressions. I think how Pike’s mental issues are displayed in the show are very realistic and not over the top.
How awesome was that crew dinner scene? That very much lightened up the episode from the get go. Pike is such a chill Captain, I think he’s the kind of guy who plays the hierarchy card only as a last resort. For the most part he sees his crew as equals. And OMG, I swear to god I tried to stay off the thirst hours, but how frickin broad are his shoulders, please?
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I wish I had only 1/10th of Anson’s discipline regarding his workout, I wouldn’t look like a wet sack of potatoes. 🥺
BTW I also have a theory about Pike’s hair. I simply think the crew prefers a lower level of gravity simulation on the Enterprise. 😇
How can the crew watch the comet on the screen from afar when they are literally positioned right in front of it?
So, what was the purpose of the space egg, other than opening up?
I love that the alien shepherd was not the evil guy. He was protective of the comet and only tried to prevent the Enterprise from causing it any harm. He never went over the top with his attacks. He only went as far as needed. Even after the Enterprise landed a hit on his weapon systems, he did not retaliate after regrouping. Both ships were facing each other for a while without firing before Pike ordered Ortegas to position the Enterprise in front of the comet. All the while he was always open to negotiations and as it turned out in the end, he was very satisfied that he could teach a new species what wonders the M’hanit is capable of. His mission is first and foremost to protect the M’hanit, but his second mission is to spread the word and share the wonder. I absolutely love this!
In continuation to my previous point, I also love how Pike in the end showed just how humble he is. I am sure with other captains this situation might have escalated quickly. But Pike kept his cool and used his greatest superpower, his crew, to find a solution. When all was said and done and the shepherd lectured him, he genuinely accepted that the shepherd was right all along. The result was that both sides could part in peace and with respect for each other. This is the Star Trek way. I have to admit I had a tiny tear escaping my eye when I saw it the first time.
Celia has such an amazing voice. Too bad we only got to hear them humming a melody. I sure hope we gonna hear them singing one day. I am sure it’ll blow us all away.
Also how funny that La’an is such a no-nonsense character that she flat out refused to hum the melody.
I had a little bit of a struggle with how Uhura was treated as the newbie at first. Sure I get the point that the crew wanted to test her. But some of that was borderline. At some moments it felt a bit like bullying. Like when Hemmer and Spock slam her down for calling Hemmer impaired (which was a mistake on her side, but for which she apologized). Luckily, she looked right through them and called them out for it. Only when she left both Hemmer and Spock admitted they like her, but why not letting her know? I also thought the entire away team was harsh with Uhura in the cave. They were all like oh it’s your first mission? So what? We all had our first missions. Grow up, do your job and do it right. Why so harsh? IMO Star Trek is all about seeing younglings blossom and find their way and greatness. Is it so hard to help a newbie on their first steps?
Anson’s ability to communicate just with his facial expressions never ceases to impress me. It’s an ability that might help him in um… other possible projects to come in which he… lets say… might not have many lines. 😇 *coughs* But yeah, when he talked with the shepherd, his expressions changed so often that you could have understood what was going on without a single word being spoken. He went from
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to astounded
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to WTF?
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to ready to explode
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to desperate
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to pleading.
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I felt truly entertained. That man is just golden, I never wanna miss him again!
I get the feeling that Sam Kirk’s purpose in the show is to be the punching bag. It would be a funny running gag if whenever he’s in an episode, he ends up unconscious laying on the floor just as how William Shatner played Sam as corpse in Operation Anihilate.
Did Pike flirt with Sam in the ready room? Are the writers doing this on purpose? I mean, as writers they surely know about fanfiction, right? That’s how ships are born! Fanfic writers, please do your thing!
And another ship that was probably born is Pikuna, or am I the only one seeing it?
Remarkable Quotes
Pike: So, I have my phaser out, and sure enough, down the street, there's the Nausicaan we're after, running away, no pants on.
Pike: I move after him, only I trip flat on my face. I shout, "Freeze!" But the Nausicaan keeps running.
Pike: I try to stand up, but my feet are caught on something, and then I realize... I've tripped on his pants.
Pike: So, anyway, after my lieutenant pulls me aside and says, "Maybe Security isn't the best fit for you, Ensign."
Pike: Sometimes, Mr. Spock, things go so badly you just have to laugh.
Pike: We've got a planet to save before breakfast.
Pike: I love this job.
Pike: I'm starting to like the mustache.
Sam Kirk: Maybe you should try one for yourself.
Uhura: 😳 .
Pike: You wanted to learn to speak alien languages... go where the aliens are.
Spock: I am more than capable of managing any pain you can induce.
Chapel: *chuckling* Mr. Spock. Now you're just toying with me.
Spock: That was not my intention.
Chapel: I've noticed.
Uhura: 🙄
Uhura: I'm... standing on the surface of a comet. .
Uhura: Uh, Lieutenant, I don't think that's a good idea.
Sam Kirk: Yahtzee.
Spock: 🤨
Sam Kirk: It's an old Earth game.
Spock: I am familiar with Yahtzee, Lieutenant, but I am reading a dangerous buildup of energy. Please step away from the egg.
Sam Kirk: *gets zapped by standing murderous space egg and lands on his ass unconscious*
Uhura: Uh, maybe we don't touch anything else. Just a suggestion. .
Shepherd: M'hanit is one of the ancient arbiters of life.
Pike: Okay? 🤨
Shepherd: If you tamper with it again, we will not hesitate to destroy you.
Pike: 😠
Uhura: Someone match my pitch.
La’an: Oh... no help here. I'll break the thing. .
La’an: We're definitely getting closer to resolving the whole genius or "about to get us killed" conundrum.
Uhura: So the right time for genius. .
Spock: We have less than one hour before the comet will impact Persephone III.
Uhura: You do a lot of reminding people of deadlines, sir.
Pike: She does have a point, Spock. .
Pike: Ortegas, you know how you used to brag you were going to be the best pilot ever to graduate the Academy?
Ortegas: 😳
Pike: Word gets around.
Ortegas: What's your point, sir?
Pike: Time to prove it, Lieutenant. .
Ortegas: Initiating evasive pattern Ortegas-gamma-one.
Pike: Evasive pattern Ortegas...? 🤨 .
Una: It's moving. The sublimation is nudging the comet off course.
Pike: And for the record, we're not actually touching it.
Uhura: But where's Lieutenant Spock?
Spock: *laughing*
Pike: Spock? Is everything okay?
Spock: Fine, Captain. Sometimes things go so badly, you just have to laugh. .
Una: What if you got that message so you could save those kids and that's it?
Una: What if you don't have to ruin your life, too?
Una: How do you know you can't make a different choice? One that saves all of you?
Una: What if your fate is what you make it?
Pike: 🤔
15 notes · View notes
ofstarsandvibranium · 4 years
Flowers for Spencer
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer Reid x F!Reader
Summary: Spencer starts receiving flowers from a secret admirer. A different one each day, a different meaning.
A/N: It’s 2am and I decided to write a spencer reid oneshot because i’m completely soft for this man. enjoy.
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A white carnation sat on Spencer’s desk when he arrived to work. Just a single flower with no note or indication of who it was from. 
He picked it up with an intrigued expression on his face, gaining the attention of Emily and Derek.
“Whatcha got there, Reid?” Emily asked as she set her things on her desk. 
“Dianthus caryophyllus, also known as a carnation. Different colored carnations represent different meanings. For example, a white carnation represents something being sweet or love.”
Derek snorted, “Someone in love with you, Reid?”
The young doctor shrugs, “I don’t know. I might be looking too much into it. Someone probably just picked a random flower and placed it on my desk.”
Emily cocked her head to the side and looked at Spencer curiously, “No, I think that flower was given to you for a reason, Reid.” Her eyes widened and she stood up from her desk, pointing at the flower, “I bet someone has a crush on you and they’re trying to tell you through the flowers!”
“That’s creepy,” Derek retorted as he took a sip from his coffee. 
Emily rolled her eyes, “Well I think it’s sweet.”
“What’s sweet?” you ask when you approach Spencer and Emily, handing them their respective to-go cups of coffee. 
“Our good doctor here has a secret admirer,” Derek points out with a grin.
You look back at Spencer with a soft smile, “That so?”
He shyly smiles back and shrugs, “It could be nothing. But it’s nice. Never received flowers before.”
“Well whoever it is, that’s very sweet of them. Anyway, JJ said to meet in the briefing room in five. I just gotta grab some files to I’ll see you guys there.”
The next day, Spencer found another flower on his desk. This time it was a
“Bellis perennis, known as the common daisy.” Spencer states when JJ, Derek, Penelope, and Emily gather around him as he holds the flower in between his fingers. 
“And what does this one stand for?” Emily asks.
“Innocence and purity.”
Derek nods in agreement, “I mean, I think that sums you up perfectly, Reid.”
Spencer looks at him confusedly, “Thanks?”
“Okay, okay. Do we know anyone who has a particular fondness of flowers?”
The small group stand in silence for three seconds and proceeded to shake their heads, “Nope. Not a clue.”
You approached everyone with files in your arms and a curious look on your face, “What’s everyone standing around for?”
“Our adorable Doctor Reid received another flower from his secret admirer. They think he’s innocent and pure.” Derek chimes in, answering your question.
“Which I don’t understand, at all.” Spencer retorts. 
“I think it’s cute,” Penelope states, “Guys often don’t receive flowers and I’m glad it’s you, Spencer.”
“Thanks, Garcia.” he replies shyly and then looks back at you, “Do you have any idea who it might be? Have you seen anyone hanging close to my desk lately?”
You give him a shake of your head, “No, sorry, Spence. But I think it’s nice of whoever it is for them to do this.”
He hums in agreement and sits back down at his desk once everyone disperses, “Oh!” his face lights up, “I just remembered, the new edition of Agents of Atlas series released today! If we have time, you wanna come with me to get it?”
“Sure! Maybe afterwards, we can go to the pizza place down the street from there?”
“Sounds like a plan!”
“Great!” you say enthusiastically before following JJ to her office. 
Derek, who witnessed the interaction, rolled over to Spencer’s desk with a smirk on his face, “You and Y/N?”
Spencer already gives him a disapproving look, “We’re just friends.”
“What if she’s your secret admirer? It makes sense right? Ever since JJ hired her as her assistant, you two have been connected at the hip! You’re into the same nerdy stuff, she always listens to you go off on your tangents. She’s sweet and pretty and-”
“And we’re just friends,” Spencer said again with a pointed look, “I don’t-” he paused and let out a sigh, “I don’t think she sees me like that, Morgan. She’s-She’s too good for me.”
It was Derek’s turn to give him a pointed look, “Reid, she’s perfect for you. But fine, whatever. Instead of yearning for some mystery person you have your dream girl right in front of you.” he then rolls back to his desk, getting back into the zone of looking over case files. 
It’s been almost two years since you were hired to be JJ’s assistant. She was an amazing and efficient woman, but she finally caved after she realized that work was consuming her and she needed help. That’s when you stepped in and it was the best thing to ever happen to you. Sort of. Sure, you had to read through some really violent and cruel files, but you also aided in helping save lives. Not to mention, you grew close to the one Doctor Spencer Reid. 
On your first day, you two immediately hit it off. He noticed your Star Trek pin on your bag, quoting a Spock line to you that made you grin from ear to ear. 
You two shared a lot of the same interests and your personalities were fairly similar. Derek had complained that now there were two Reids he had to work with, but you knew he meant it jokingly. 
Getting to know Spencer and growing close with him was something you enjoyed. You loved spending time with him, listening to him ramble and go on random tangents. Everything he said was so remarkably fascinating, you wished he would never stop talking. You grew to like him more than a friend.
Eventually, you realized that your small crush you harbored had grown into something more and you didn’t know what to do. Spencer was the best friend you’ve ever had. He understood you so well and not to mention you two got along fantastically. You just didn’t want to put your friendship at risk. 
So what did you resort to? Leaving him flowers to express how you felt. 
“Is that lavender?” Penelope asked, sniffing the air when she entered the bullpen. 
Derek nodded, “Yup. Another gift from Spencer’s secret admirer. Apparently this one means admiration.”
She looked at Spencer in awe, “Wow. A flower every single day this week, Spencer. This person must really like you! You got an idea who it is yet?”
He shook his head, “Nope.”
That made her confused, “But you’re a profiler. Can’t you figure it out? Oh! Wait! I can hack into the cameras and figure it out for you!” she began to rush towards her office, but Spencer called out to her.
“Please, don’t. I-I don’t wanna embarrass whoever this is.”
“But don’t you wanna know who’s gone sweet on ya?” she asks with a friendly smile.
He shrugs, “Yeah, but-I don’t know. I want them to build up the courage to reveal themselves to me. Plus...I like the attention. No one’s ever given me flowers before, let alone shown this much interest in me.”
Penelope wanted to say something, something that she knew but also didn’t know. She had a hunch, but she didn’t want to rile Spencer up with the risk of her being wrong. So instead, she gave him a smile and a nod, and said, “Understood.”
It was late and everyone had left for the night. A case still in progress, but Hotch ordered everyone to get a good night’s sleep to rest their brains. 
You were the only one left, wanting to finish up some tasks that you haven’t been able to complete since the case had emerged. 
When you were finished, you exited JJ’s office and peered into the bullpen. Empty. So you quickly and carefully pulled out the flower that you planned on giving Spencer. 
You rushed over to his desk, placing it at his workstation, a soft smile on your lips.
“You should tell him,” the voice made you jump with a gasp. Heart on your hand you turned around to see Hotch standing in the doorway of his office. 
“I thought everyone left.” you murmured.
“Just had some things to finish up.” he closed his office door and walked towards you. He stood before you, stuffing his hands in his pockets and nodded towards Spencer’s desk, “You should tell him.”
“I will just not right now. I just-I don’t know how to tell him. And if I do, what if he rejects me? Then our entire friendship is washed down the toilet because I couldn’t control my feelings.”
“He likes you too, Y/N.”
“How do you know?”
“I’m a profiler. It’s my job,” he says with a smirk. He gives you a soft nudge, “Lemme walk you to your car.”
You sighed and agreed, following him out of the bullpen with a plan brewing in your mind.
“Ranunculus,” Spencer’s head shoots up when he hears your voice and sees you staring down at him, “Means you have charm and you’re attractive. But I’m sure you knew that already.”
He clears his throat and sits up more, “Yeah,” he looks down at the flower in his hand and back up at you, “So what do you think of all this? It’s been a week and a half and my secret admirer still hasn’t revealed themselves to me. Should I just treat it as a case and start profiling them?”
A part of you wanted to reject that idea completely, but you had to remain cool. So you shrugged, “Don’t know. Maybe they’re just trying to buy a little bit more time.”
“I think by the end of the week, if they don’t reveal themselves, I’ll just go looking for them instead. Do you think that sounds like a good idea?”
“It’s your life, Spence. You do what you want. My opinion shouldn’t matter.”
“But it does. Your opinion matters a lot to me,” he says softly, a shy grin on his face, one that you came to love.
You hear someone clear their throat and you turn around to see JJ, “Sorry, Y/N, but I need some help.”
“Right, sorry!” you give Spencer a wave and head back to JJ’s office to assist her.
It was the last day of the week and Spencer was disappointed to find his desk lacking a flower. 
His coworkers all peering at the surface, frowns matching his own. 
“No flower?” Emily asked.
“Guess not.”
“Maybe someone took it and threw it away?” Derek asked.
Spencer shook his head, “No. No. I think-I think that means they’re gonna come clean. My secret admirer is going to reveal themselves to me today.”
Cue the group discussing who it could possibly, chattering among themselves sharing their own respective theories. All the while, Spencer plops into his chair and begins to take out a file and notebook from his bag. 
When he hears someone clear their throat, he looks up, eyes catching yours briefly before landing on a single red rose in your hand. 
“Hi,” you greeted him mousily. Nervous butterflies fluttering in your stomach. 
“Hi,” Spencer murmured softly, standing to his feet, “Whatcha got there?”
You look down at the rose, finger delicately grazing along its petals, “For you,” you extend it to him and he takes it, “It’s me. I’m your secret admirer. And if you don’t feel the same, it’s okay. i just-I dunno. You’re kind and smart and funny and wonderful and an amazing friend. I’ve never met anyone like you, Spencer.”
“How long?” 
“Hm?” you look at him now and you see the softness in his eyes.
“How long have you had feelings for me?”
“Three months after I started working here.”
He chuckles in disbelief, “Almost two years and we could’ve been dating during this entire time.”
You look at him confusedly until realization struck you, “You-”
“Yeah,” he says with a smile, “For just as long.”
“Oh,” you say with a shy grin.
“Score!” Penelope and Derek high five, breaking the sweet moment you and Spencer were having. JJ and Emily were digging through their wallets handing over the other two money. 
Realizing what was happening, both you and Spencer looked at them in shock, “You bet on us?!”
“Not necessarily,” Emily murmured in dismay.
“We all made bets on who we thought the secret admirer was. Morgan and Garcia bet it was you.”
“And I did as well,” Hotch added with a smirk on his face as he reached out to collect his winnings.
You scoffed, “That’s not fair, Hotch! You already knew!”
The group looked at their boss in surprise and disappointment. He shrugged, “I caught her placing a flower on his desk last week when everyone left.”
“I’ll be taking that!” Spencer plucked the money out of Hotch’s hands. 
“And what’re you gonna use that money on?” Derek asked.
Spencer looked at you and smiled, “A date.”
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alexshakestheworld · 4 years
Fics Rec
Below are some of my favorite fanfics of all times. Most of them would probably be from AO3 (Archive of Our Own ) but sometimes I scout for fics outside of AO3 as well, if I find something worth reading I would put it here too.
I do read fanfics from multiple fandoms but I would make sure to include a tag so that you can know if there is any fic about your OTP in my list.
❤️Spirk (Star Trek: Spock x Jim Kirk): my favorite pairing of all times, though I prefer the AOS version to the TOS. I have read these fanfics so long ago that I can’t remember the content (so I apologize for the lack of my own comment/review) but if I bookmarked them they must have been good enough lol
Once Upon a Time (A Fairy-Tale Love Story) (by littlebirdtold): 47,461 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: In a universe with no Federation, where First COntact never happened, Jim Kirk is your average popular guy. On Christmas Eve, thanks to a series of strange events, Jim finds himself in a parallel universe where the Milky Way is under the control of an alien race and ends up as a servant in the residence of the Royal House of Vulcan. As he starts adapting to his new life, Jim’s curiosity fucks everything up - but hey, Vulcans shouldn’t have told him that he isn’t allowed to enter this wing of the palace; Jim has never been good at following rules. Or, this is the story of how Jim Kirk became a Princess (“Prince Consort, Bones!”) of the United Planets of Vulcan Kingdom.
Honestly, go read every single one of littlebirdtold’s fanfics. He/she/they are incredible and I’m still waiting for his/her/their comeback.
In the Shadows (by scifishipper): 25,202 words/4 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Accused of treason and stranded on Vulcan, Cadet Jim Kirk is offered a solution to his problems: bond with Ambassador Sarek’s son, someone he has never met. When he finally meets his betrothed at the ceremony, the Vulcan’s face is disfigured by cruel scars. Now, penniless and trapped, Jim finds himself committed to a reclusive stranger with a dark past. Has he sealed his fate forever or is there hope for the two of them to find love?
A sequence that you never learned (by annataylor): 64,624 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When Jim gets it in his head to adopt an eight year old Vulcan, Spock presents a logical solution to the issue of Jim’s humanity: marriage to a Vulcan citizen
Logical Erotics (by EntreNous): 63,458 words/12 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Just returned from a difficult space mission and about to begin teaching at Starfleet Academy, Spock chooses a logical way to relieve stress: a sexual encounter with someone he’ll never meet again. But when Spock discovers his partner of one night is Jim Kirk, a promising new cadet at Starfleet he’s torn between his rational decision to avoid intimate relationships and his increasing fascination with Jim. As Spcok’s normally orderly life starts to spin out of control, will his obsession with Jim prove his salvation or his undoing?
The Vulcan Heart (by obsidienne): 110,110 words/15 chapter  
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Where two halves make a whole...eventually. (Post-STID
I remembered that my friend recommended this fic to me and I was a bit hesitant at that time because I have never read anything this long. But it turned out to be such a great fic that I appreciated his recommendation every day.
Unexpected (by foreverandeveralone): 10,339 words/8 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Cadet Jim Kirk doesn’t understand why everyone who is not nice to him always has bad consequences. Basically, Jim doesn’t know he is dating the Vulcan version of Sylar, who never forgives anyone who does bad things to his human.
Interesting fic if you love both Star Trek and Heroes.
The Door (by Pouxin): 77,118 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Spock and Jim both have their doors. Jim wants his to be open. Spock wants his to be closed. An alternative STID things. With more literature. And esoteric faffing. And sex.
Kicked From Inside (by Stella_Notecor): 32,246 words/18 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Drugged by aliens with an aphrodisiac that impregnates males is NOT how Jim Kirk imagined falling into bed with his first mate. That’s exactly how it happens though, and dealing with the consequences - including an angry girlfriend, a pointy-eared baby, and a chief-medical-officer who’s against the whole thing - will force Jim and Spock together, whether they like it or not.
My Golden Sun/Kin-Kur Las’hark T’nash-Veh (by giddytf2): 123,262 words/30 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Mpreg
Summary: When Jim feels thet first gush of slick soaking down the inner seam of his pants, he shuts his eyes and turns his face away from Spock towards the mottled-stone wall of their solitary cell. Spock is staring at him. Spock has no idea what’s just happened, what’s just begun. Spock has no idea that their situation is about to get so much worse. Fuck, Jim thinks, curling up into a ball of bruises and ragged gold, his arms quivering and clutching his bent legs. Fuck my life for being a goddamn Omega.
(Or, a Star Trek: AOS story post-Into Darkness in a universe where both Alpha/Beta/Omega gender dynamics and pon farr exist, with Jim being an Omega going into heat and Spock experiencing his first pon farr while trapped in a cell with Jim. Oh my.
Time of Need (by sunshine (sunshinepiveh)): 33, 669 words/25 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Spock’s pon farr comes early due to the destruction of Vulcan. Nyota is unable to cope with the stark brutality she finds as reality hits home. The captain will have to take necessary actions.  
Weekend Lover (by ValiantBarnes (Cimila)): 30,017 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The one night stand Jim Kirk has with the Vulcan passing through Riverside is a welcome break from the monotony. It’s good, very good, but so fucking weird Jim’s sure he’s never gonna forget it. He’s not quite expecting to run into Spock again in san Francisco. A second one night stand turns into a weekend, turns into a lot of weekends, turns into Bones joking that he’s living half his week at Spock’s apartment. But! But, and this is very important: they’re not dating. What also turns out to be important is Spock’s job, which Jim never bothered getting the details of. Starfleet Academy Instructor and cadet?... Less fine.
❤️HotchReid (Criminal Minds: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid): unpopular pairing but they are definitely in my top 5 pairings for sure
Don’t Ever Look Back (by kadeeleigh): 15,848 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: While on a case in California, Hotch and Reid’s secret angers Morgan
This fic features a nice amount of case investigation content, an extremely protective and slightly irrational Morgan, and a remarkably sexy and confident Dr. Spencer Reid.
Arranged Marriage (by VincentMeoblinn): 18,196 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: When Reid decides to leave the BAU due to his painful crush on Hotchner, the man proposes an extreme way to avoid him leaving or them breaking the fraternization rules - by proposing
A marriage-before-romance fic. Slightly unconventional plot and relationship development (but it is fiction after all so no big deal) but generally cute.
Convergence (by Chestnut_NOLA): 33,232 words/10 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Dr. Spencer Reid, newest addition to the BAU has been dreaming of art and murder. In denial that his telepathy has returned, Spencer must work with his team and his boss Sentinel Aaron Hotchner to find the Unsub. Will love help Spencer control his gift or will the darkness in his mind destroy not only himself, but Aaron as well?
It is the second and my favorite fic in the Transference series. If you are into the fantasy genre, Sentinel/Guide bond to be specific, I highly recommend this one.  
Healing Touch (by Rivermoon 1970): 21,981 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Mpreg
Summary: Spencer has been watching his Alpha for a while and knows something is wrong. When Aaron collapses during a case the whole team worries. What they find out about his marriage to Haley will shock all of them and when Spencer is asked to help Aaron with his recovery how will their friendship change?
The abuse part is rather brief mentioned than thoroughly described, so do not worry too much (I can’t stand extreme angst). Nice relationship development. If you like Omegaverse, give this fic a try.
Take Me Home, Country Road (by wednesdays___child): 8,698 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Aaron gets a call that his mother is not well. She wants her eldest son to bring home the pretty young doctor he’s been dating. The problem is that Aaron has failed to tell his family that the pretty young doctor is a colleague...and male
A fluff fic at its core. Cute happy ending. My to-go fic when I want to read something short and light before bed.
Lightning Only Strikes Once...Maybe Twice (by Dazeventura6): 16,433 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: While on a custodial interview Aaron and Spencer are stuck in a time loop. Can they break it? Or will they be stuck forever?
Set after the Hardwick incident. The content is something that I wish it happened in the series. A much needed fix-it fic.
Mine (by non_andare): 6,115 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Hotch has never noticed Reid before; he’s an inconspicuous Omega who naturally submits and Hotch likes his Omegas to have fire. Then Spencer starts dating another Alpha and all Hotch can think is one word. Mine.
Reid/OC is briefly mentioned but the fic is mainly about Hotch/Reid. Fluff with a bit of angst but eventually happy ending. Jealous Hotch and shy Reid is a nice combo tbh.
Criminal Bonds (by VincentMeoblinn): 26,107 words/13 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Child Death
Summary: Reid was framed for embezzlement a year ago. Hotchner pleaded guilty to several murders. They meet in prison where reid is regularly abused by the stronger inmates until Hotch takes him under his wing
Alternate Universe where Reid is not a part of the BAU. Prison romance. Slight twist at the end but ultimately a happy ending (in my opinion)
Wolf Moon (by Ahmose_Inarus): 117,736 words/34 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Alpha Werewolf Aaron Hotchner is far from pleased when Spencer Reid joins the team...The presence of the young werewolf is not welcome...but when Hotch learns that Spencer Reid was raised by a human mother after being abandoned by his werewolf father, he takes him under his wing. And perhaps he has found more than a friend in the younger wolf...But there’s an Alpha Female in the territory who is far from please...she’s had her eyes on Aaron Hotchner for a long time, and won’t let anyone stand in her way
An Omegaverse story. A bit long but worth every minute. The relationship between Hotch and Reid is so cute that it can take my frustration (and anger) against the antagonist away.
The Librarian and the Dad (by DarkJediQueen): 9,039 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating; Explicit
Summary: It started out as a little crush. Then it became so much more.
Cute. Cute. Super cute. Part 12 of the A Universe of Meetings series, which include multiple Alternate Universe stories. Check out the whole series if you are into Alternate Universe.
Solace (by Lady Angel (dameange)): 4,701 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: A Hotchner/Reid rewrite of The Angel Maker episode
Again, a fix-it fic I would like to actually happen.
Dr. Reid and Agent Hotchner (by E_Ng714): 21,013 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: The BAU has hit a rocky patch, and appears to be falling apart. There is something going on with Hotch, but no one can figure it out. Cruz orders all of them to undergo psychiatric evaluation. Dr. Reid’s presence isn’t welcome by Aaron, at least not at first.
Alternate Universe story. They are both slightly out-of-character but not too annoying. Hate to love. A bit of angst but eventually happy ending.
Forgive Me For All I Could Not Become (by DegrassiFanatic): 105,975 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences (there’s sex scenes though lol)
Summary: In which Reid has always been good at hiding things. He hid his father’s departure and his mother’s illness from social services. He hid his addiction from his team. He hid his sexuality from the world. He hid his inappropriate feelings from his boss. That is until he’s bleeding out in Hotch’s arms, in an abandoned church, in Oklahoma. From there on out, Hotch and Reid learn to make a complete mess out of each other.
Definitely in my top 10 HotchReid fanfics. I didn’t expect much when I started because I usually don’t read over-100k-word-Teen and Up Audiences-fics but this one turned out to be perfect and it literally saved me from a rough week.
A Different Kind of Solitude (by kyrdwyn): 15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: NC-17/FRAO (For Adults Only)
Summary: When Aaron and Spencer are trapped together by an unsub, things change between them while the team searches for their lost friends.
It is said “trapped by an unsub” but honestly the situation is not that bad. I tend to think in a positive way that this is a chance for HotchReid to get together. Pretty cute and domestic fic actually.
Home you know (by jetplane): 14,030 words/11 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: When Reid is diagnosed with cancer, he finds himself relying on Hotch for care and support. But spending so much time together forces each man to confront the feelings he has for the other, and it’s only a matter of time before their friendship evolves into something more.  
Go Home, Omega (by goobzoop)
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, mean Hotch
Summary: Pretty much Hotch is bigoted about Omegas and Reid is let on the team cause he’s a genius, which Hotch hates, but then Reid learns to stand up for himself cause he’s super kickass and sweet and deserves the world
Oneiroi and Hephaestus (by Lady Angel (dameange)): 31,231 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: What if Reid was one of the Yellow-eyed demon’s special children?
If you like both Supernatural and Criminal Minds, this crossover fic is one to go for.
Come Undone (by EloquentDossier): 77,180 words/22 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When Spencer Reid forgot to take his suppressants two mornings in a row, it really shouldn’t have been a big deal. He had them in his bag at the hotel, and as long as he took one that evening, he’d be fine. What he couldn;t have prepared for, however, was the lab the latest victim worked at going into an at least twenty-four-hour-lockdown while he was in it. When Aaron Hotchner was asked to aid his subordinate through what would otherwise be an agonizing heat, he’d had several reservations, one of which had been the consent issue: Omegas couldn’t legally consent to sex during heat unless it was twenty-four hours in advance. With every concern rebutted logically (because of course the Bureau had an Agent Consent form in case of emergencies), he finally agreed. Of all the possible repercussions, however, neither man expected the one they received.
Or that time no one expected the Alpha to accidentally bond to the Omega while the Omega remained unaffected.
Cursed (by Black_Lotus): 60,254 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Centuries ago Vasile Stolojan, the bastard son of Vlad the impaler, was cursed to be a Vampire. Many years later he has a new name, Aaron Hotchner, and a curator job at a prestigious museum in America but the pain he feels for his lost love remains, until he meets the new Docent, Spencer Reid, who looks exactly like his lover. Is it possible that after six hundred years the man he loves has been reincarnated?
I LOVE this fic.
Yours (by NimueOfTheNorth): 17,232 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Spencer knew what he wanted in a relationship, and after years it looked like he found everything he dreamed of in Aaron. Now; if only Aaron’s past experiences and guilt complex wouldn’t get in the way.
❤️Niam (One Direction: Liam Payne x Niall Horan): while everybody is going crazy for Stylinson and Ziam, here I am rooting for Niam lol
Break my fall (by niamcuddles): 147,428 words/15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Being a police officer was never an easy job, Liam wouldn’t have imagined that it’d bring someone like Niall into his life and that they could ever grow so close under these circumstances. If they only would’ve known who the guy was that giving them so many sleepless nights.
With Your Love (by brainstorm): 57,448 words/8 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Liam’s life was nothing like a normal twenty-two year old guy. Raising a kid on his own was probably the hardest thing he’s ever had to face but he wouldn't change his little boy for the world. He never thought he’d find someone that was good for both him and his son, but that changed fast the day he met his son’s new teacher.
Closer (by niamcuddles): 209,765 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Niall’s pretty sure he doesn’t actually have a real crush on the rick and arrogant guy he’s been attempting to teach how to golf, but there’s something about him that just won’t allow Niall to say no. Not even when he gets made a very unexpected offer.
From the day that I met you (by niamcuddles): 272,394 words/25 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Partying and having a good time are probably two of Niall’s favorite things, he just wouldn’t have thought that a night out would end with him getting to know Liam, or that their paths would cross a lot more often than just this once. But somehow they happen to be more helpful to one another than expected.
Like the angel you are (by niamcuddles): 164,367 words/13 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: To be honest, Niall has already given up on his life ever getting any better, he’s used to being on his own and not being looked after, so maybe not even a way too caring stranger can help change that.
Too Much Too Soon (by brainstorm): 47,353 words/3 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Niall stands up for himself for the first time ever but things don’t turn out the way he wanted them to and he finds himself struggling between the way he’s always been or the way he wants to be. It’s a matter of time to know who’ll win, his mind or his heart. (sequel to “For You, My Love”)
Like the air I’m breathing (by niamcuddles): 81,307 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Niall is four years younger than Liam and he is sick of being the little brother, that is until Liam suddenly finds a girlfriend and cuts Niall out of his life completely.
Now we are (by niamcuddles): 143,082 words/15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Liam’s kind of keeping a busy schedule right now, his whole life seems to basically only consist of work and studying, so what he really can’t need at this time are friends who constantly want to hang out, but above that, 19 year ole uni students who can’t take no as an answer.
For what it’s worth (by niamcuddles): 120,800 words/10 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Liam has trouble figuring out his life and what he really can’t stand are loud, talkative and clingy people, but he would’ve never thought that getting rid of Niall could be this hard.
Something I need (by niamcuddles): 87,735 words/5 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: 16 years is a very long time, but Niall still remembers all the things he and Liam have gone through together
❤️Gramander (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Original Percival Graves x Newt Scamander): I honestly don’t remember how I stumbled into this couple fandom but they do have several great fics. For some reason I only bookmark this one though.
Here We Are (by Miss_Lv): 22,177 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg
Summary: Percival had long given up on the idea that he would find an omega mate, he ver seemed to fit what they were seeking in a husband, always too rough, not gentle enough. But then he meets Newt Scamander and the omega is utterly perfect to him, with his shy smiles and tendency to run headlong into danger. Catching vipers in his hands and keeping nifflers for company, Newt is nothing like the typical demure omega and Percival is lost before he can even think to resist.
❤️Jack O’Neill x Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG-1): Like I don’t even know their ship name for real…
I Walk Alone...No More (by Joy): 17,955 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel finds love in another universe. Quantum Mirror Story.
Even though it was not original Daniel and original Jack ending up together, but in the end it was still Jack and Daniel, and I was happy with the ending.
Pulling Threads (by Joy): 13,241 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel’s place in the world seems to be going nowhere. After what happened with The Others, sending him back, he’s got some thinking to do about what happens next. Does he go to Atlantis, forget about Earth? Or stay at the SGC in a role he’s not entirely sure is his. Then Jack invites him to dinner and his future is changed forever.
Civilians (by LadyRa): 46,557 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: AU ending to Point of View. What if the AU Samantha hadn’t been willing to let go of Jack?
Instinct (by AuroraNova): 27,783 words/10 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel Jackson is an unconventional, career-focused omega. It’s going to take one special alpha to win him over. Jack O’Neill is determined to be that alpha.
Strange Interlude (by ELG): 228,960 words/4 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Daniel discovers that in other universes not only the uniforms are different… Jack and Daniel’s friendship has been under strain for some time but when Daniel is kidnapped by an AU Teal’c very different from our own, it’s up to Jack to save him. An AU Jack, however, complicates the situation considerably. 
❤️Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan (I ship Stucky so as a matter of fact, I ship the actors as well)
Sugar Daddy (by orphan_account): 91,139 words/17 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Sebastian is a broke and abandoned college kid trying to scrape up enough money to pay for rent and tuition. When he meets Chris, an accomplished architect who takes him under his wing, he doesn’t understand what his friends keep calling him until he looks it up for himself.
❤️Harringrove (Stranger Things: Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington)
Bite Your Tongue And Choke Yourself To Sleep (by trashcangimmick): 21,173 words/5 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Steve is going to grad school in Chicago. Life is comfortable. Life is stable. Steve is doing great and he really wishes everyone would stop asking.
Set the Record Straight (by MischiefManaged97): 35,054 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Steve was a little nervous about making things right with Billy after their fight. Steve just wants to apologize and relax, but Billy may have other ideas.
You’re the best I’ve ever had; you’re the worst I’ve ever had (and thet keeps fuckin’ with my head) (by determinedlove): 52,697 words/14 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Mpreg, Intersex
Summary: Steve Harrington loved his status in the world and his life. He had great friends and babysat two amazing kids (but don’t tell them he said that). So what if he couldn’t sleep in his room sometimes because the house was just too damn big and the quiet didn’t help keep the nightmares at bay. So what if the new guy at school was everything he had been warned away from? He could play the game just as well as he could. But then Will goes missing. And the new guy proves to be everything people warned him about and so much more when no one else is around.
❤️Namjin (BTS: Kim Namjoon (RM) x Kim Seokjin (Jin)): These two are just so adorable together.
Pack Mentality (by resonae): 9,452 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Namjoon is possessive.
The Professor’s Wife (by EquinoxSolstice): 12,163 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Everybody knew Professor Kim was already married. It was actually the first thing they asked the man during the first day of classes, with one brave student asking the question out loud for everyone to hear. The older man responded with deep dimples and a raised left hand, letting everyone see the plain, silver band glittering on his ring finger. But, as one Jeon Kungkook found out, they were all completely, terribly wrong. What? The Professor didn’t say he had a wife.
Why Three is Better Than Two (by lulublue1234): 35,298 words/23 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Seokjin is a bit of a stalker. Smitten with a Father-son duo. Where Yoongi is the most adorable child ever created.  
The Shaman and the Exorcist (by metastacia): 145,258 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Seokjin doesn’t believe in ghosts. Which would cause a huge uproar if everyone knew since he’s kind of a big deal at his university; he’s a shaman who protects people from evil spirits. He doesn’t remember where he got the idea to do this from, all he knows is that superstitious people pay good money. Namjoon does believe in ghosts. Better yet, he can see them and he can expel them. But there’s a certain honey shaman at his university who’s stealing all his clients in his exorcism business, and he’s not happy about it because haunted people pay good money. So, what do they do? Figure out whose closet is holding all the skeletons, of course.
Fate Led Me To You (Now Let me Love You) (by MinMinnieMin): 58,382 words/15 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Mature
Summary: Seokjin did not believe he’d ever have a happy ending. How many happy endings did you ever hear an unmated Omega with a child have? But fate is a funny thing. What’s meant to be will always find its way. And Kim Namjoon tries his best to get Seokjin to see that. Because of fate, they found each other.
❤️Broyo (Prodigal Son: Gil Arroyo x Malcolm Bright): I seem to have a soft spot for couples with noticeable age difference
To be Normal (by holyfudgemonkeys (erraticallyinspired)): 70,399 words/26 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Mpreg
Summary: Malcolm has a terrible encounter while out trying to be ‘normal’ and get roofied. He doesn’t report it and tries to move on but winds up pregnant. He turns to Gil for support who is there with open arms. As they work through the choices Malcolm has to make and Gil is just there more and more their relationship evolves into something more intimate and romantic than either of them could ever have planned for.
❤️Hannor (Detroit: Become Human: Hank Anderson x Connor): Again, another couple with considerable age difference
Arrival (by coffee666): 83,075 words/7 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Hank just wanted help around the house for Cole. He never expected such a goofy thing that laughed and hummed and protected Cole with all of his being. Connor is not like other androids - but neither of them truly know how deep those differences go.
The Opposite Life (by Speckeh): 38,612 words so far
Status: Incompleted (9/10 chapters)
Rating: Explicit
Summary: 17 years and 9 months ago, Connor decided to start his own family, alone. He falls in love with the voice sample of Donor 55719, as the mysterious man talks about a mundane life. It’s everything he wished for. After 17 years of loving the two minute voice sample that fathered his children, what will Connor do when that voice suddenly appears in his life?
By Default//By Design (by Make_It_Worse): 9,211 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Connor, an overworked clothing designer, who is also a huge brat. Hank, an HK800 android model, who isn’t having any of it.
❤️Hannigram (Hannibal: Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham)
With a Crown of Stars (by thehoyden): 33,536 words/7 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When the call connects, Will says, “I know what kind of crazy I am, but I’m not this kind of crazy.”
“Will?” Dr. Lecter says.
“Yes, hi, sorry,” Will says. “It’s me. There’s a baby on my porch.”
Taken for Rubies (by emungere): 76,842 words/20 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Crossdressing, Feminization
Summary: Will invites Hannibal over for dinner. Hannibal brings him wine and flowers. A dissection of their pasts and the slow convergence of their domestic lives.
❤️Rinch (Person of Interest: John Reese x Harold Finch)
Pallas’s Rosefinch (by elbowsinsidethedoor): 55,536 words/25 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Summary: Harold needs John. John needs Harold. And that’s the way I like it!
Difficult To Name aka Titles Are Difficult (by elbowsinsidethedoor): 51,710 words/17 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: John is a retired pro who comes back for a special client. For those who fear a BDSM themed story, please note that this is a tender love story.
Milk and Cream (by hallulawy): 33,388 words/6 chapters
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Out-of-character
Summary: Story between John (Alpha, 35, general practitioner) and Harold (Omega, 27-ish, entrepreneur, five-month-pregnant). They are not married (yet).
❤️Noah Reid x Dan Levy (They play Patrick and David in Schitt’s Creek if you don’t know)
Fries Before Guys (by wildxwired): 29,065 words/1 chapter
Status: Completed
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Six weeks ago, Home (on a) Plate showed up in front of the MTV building in West Hollywood and started providing the locals with quite possibly the most amazing and inventive variations of grilled cheese sandwiches and cheese fries every Monday and Thursday, between the hours of 12 and 2. It wasn’t just the melt -in-the-mouth gooey goodness that had people clambering around the truck, or the insanely fair prices that were usually nowhere to be found on the rest of the street food in LA, but the fact that this was all served up by some hazel eyed specimen with the forearms of a god probably didn’t hurt either.
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lenievi · 2 years
Star Trek Strange New Worlds episode 2. 
just random thoughts while watching
I like her. --Indeed. 
aaah, Uhura is humming. Nice.
They keep mentioning ten years, a decade with Pike, but... it should just be 6 or 7 years before the accident happens... like that’s not ten...
(again, not giving up my “when Pike saw the future and/or when Gabrielle Burnham meddled with time, they set all of them on different paths” but I’m not sure that’s it LOL .... on the OTHER hand, they often also mentioned that The Cage is the pilot for this show, so perhaps they just... decided to do something new (and with time, modern, i.e. reboot TOS). I mean, since they’re focusing on Pike and his fate, it would actually be unsatisfying if they didn’t show the whole thing
oh, wait. Maybe... Pike was shown it happening 10 years in the future, but it will actually happen sooner, with different people.............. because the future isn’t actually written (no matter what Tenavik said) .... well, anyway
I still like how Pike is like wtf is happening. someone tell me lol I just like how different he is from Kirk (even though I have a feeling that he is basically what the fandom would like Kirk to be, but Kirk won’t ever be)
I’ve never watched What Are Little Girls Made Of? but one thing that stuck with me from the transcript was “George Samuel Kirk, your brother. Only you call him Sam.” and I know that in Operation Annihilate, his wife called him Sam, and McCoy too (but McCoy possibly only heard about him from Kirk, so he wouldn’t know any better), so it’s a bit hard to accept that everyone would call him Sam LOL (not a big issue but it’s still something I keep in mind for my TOS based fics... only I call him Sam, only I call him Bones... lol)
Spock’s playing a doctor lol
I just... love Spock and Uhura’s scenes so much (just give them a scene together with a lute!!!)
Spock is laughing~
ah, okay, they’re going with things are predestined and foretold... hmmmm.
hmmm and they’re also not :D
anyway, I just realized that Pike saw only the beginning of his end and didn’t see what Spock did for him... which means that too would need to be addressed for a satisfying conclusion imho
Well, anyway, anything is fine tbh
it was a good episode
(8 more episodes for Una and Spock to interact..... I can literally see them ignoring what they established in Q&A...... but it’s sad because they have amazing chemistry)
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wickedsingularity · 4 years
Can’t Sleep Without You [One-shot]
Fandom: Star Trek Pairings/characters: Jim Kirk x reader (but not really), Leonard McCoy, mention of Spock Words: 2359 Warnings: Use of medication, use of possible addictive medication, insomnia, nightmares, almost graphic description of a disturbing dream
Note: A somewhat self-indulgent story that I posted a little while ago, but had panic about after a few hours and then deleted. It felt too personal, too self-indulgent, amongst other things. I planned on giving it some time, and then rewrite it so it was less personal. I did give it time, but I haven't rewritten it, just edited. And now I'm giving it another go, hoping that I don't panic this time around and telling myself so fucking what if it's self-indulgent. And hopefully people enjoy it because I do like this story.
Summary: Having suffered from insomnia for a long time, Jim is the only thing that manages to calm me enough to function when it gets bad. But Jim is off on a mission...
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"You look like something the cat dragged in, Commander."
"Thanks a lot, Doctor." I glared up at Leonard McCoy as he towered over me. Even if I couldn't stand the stuff, I was now on my third cup of coffee of the day. But I was also on my fourth day of barely any sleep, and I was desperate for something to keep me alert.
"Have you had trouble sleeping again?"
I downed the last of the coffee, cringing as the bitter liquid made its way down and sat the cup down on my empty lunch tray. I closed my eyes for a moment and grit my teeth, trying not to snap at the obvious question. "Looks that way."
The doctor sat down at the other side of the table and looked at me with worry, not even phased by my annoyance. "I've seen you getting worse the last few days, Commander. Why haven't you come to see me?"
"What you gave me three days ago made me wake up after four hours with a nightmare from hell. I'm still seeing ghosts in broad daylight."
He pursed his lips. "Please stop by the medbay at 2200 hours. We'll try something else."
I sighed, knowing that there was only one thing that would help, and it was not something our Chief Medical Officer could provide no matter how good he was. But I nodded. "Yes, doc." Then I pulled myself to my feet, grabbed the tray and went to put it back in the replicator for recycling.
For as long as I could remember, I'd had some form of insomnia. It hadn't been a problem when I was younger, I had been more energetic, more durable, not to mention more careless. But as I got older it got worse. Most of the time I managed to keep it under control, but sometimes it took on a life of its own. And when it did that, there was no medication, meditation or treatment that worked better than the captain of the ship, my boyfriend.
There was just something about Jim that calmed my mind like nothing else.
Funnily enough, insomnia was what brought us together. I had been wandering around the ship one night, after several nights of little sleep. Finding myself in the briefing room, I had sat down in the chair reserved for the captain, put my feet up on the table and gazed out at the streaking stars. After a few minutes of silence, the door had slid open and Captain Kirk had walked in. We were already on friendly terms, so I hadn't bothered taking my feet off the table or giving him the chair, even when he made a joke about it being his.
He'd been having trouble sleeping too, claiming his mind was running at warp 5 after an exhausting meeting in that very briefing room earlier in the day. He'd chosen to go back there in the hopes that it would clear his head.
We sat next to each other, him in the First Officer's chair and I kept occupying his, and chatted for a while. All the while we both seemed to gravitate more and more towards each other and I got sleepier at the same time, until I fell asleep with my head on his shoulder. He had gathered me up in his arms and ordered a site to site transport, dropped me off on my bed and pulled a blanket over me, before going back to his quarters, falling asleep as well. After that, our friendship had shifted and things escalated quickly from there.
Now though, he and Spock and several admirals were trying to work out a peace treaty between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. We had dropped them off on a colony near the Neutral Zone and had then gone off to survey a newborn nebula a couple of systems over. We weren't scheduled to go back for them for another two or three days, the trip itself took a whole day. And my body was kind enough to refuse to sleep properly without Jim now, no matter how much in control of the insomnia I was.
I made it through the day somehow, with at least two more disgusting cups of coffee. Thankfully, there was more than enough to do in Engineering that I decided to not leave once my shift was over, it was better to keep working than sitting in my quarters and feeling like I had been in the middle of a warp core breach. As soon as Jim and Spock came back, Starfleet wanted us to check out an uninhabited planet that a passing cargo ship had detected held large deposits of deuterium and our long-range sensors had detected too much atmospheric disturbance for transporting, so we had to adjust the shielding on several shuttlepods. I was barely conscious when I stumbled into the medbay at 2200 hours.
"Not looking any better, I see." Bones appeared out of nowhere and would have scared the daylights out of me if I hadn't been so sluggish.
"Your bedside manners are always so lovely."
He ushered me over to a biobed and pulled a tricorder from one of his pockets.
"There's no need to scan me. We both know what's wrong. Just give me what you think I need and I'll be off." I looked at the tricorder with annoyance.
He didn't answer but started scanning me anyway, so I sat there patiently, closing my tired eyes and listening to the whirring of the device. "It's a wonder they haven't found a cure for this yet, after 200 years of research," he muttered to himself.
I looked up at him and saw him analysing the results. "You've found a cure for some pretty serious viruses on your career, why don't you find the cure for this?" I argued.
"This isn't a virus, sweetheart."
"Still, I'm sure you're brilliant enough to find a solution." Bones always said that flattery would get you nowhere with him, but I found that more often than not, he enjoyed having his ego stroked. He was that good too.
He just huffed and went over to a cabinet. I saw him pull out a vial and fill up a hypospray. "I know you have tried this before and it didn't work so well. But that was a few years ago, it might work better for you now." I nodded and obediently bared my neck to him. One touch of the cold metal to my skin and it was done. "I want you to go straight to bed now. It should work quickly and you have to be in bed when it does."
"Yes, sir."
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It did not work. Or, I did sleep through the night, but the dreams had me waking up more exhausted than if I hadn't slept at all. It had been worse than last time, the irrational, weird and disgusting dreams had just come at me, one after the other. I would honestly prefer good old-fashioned nightmares over this. I called Bones as soon as I had showered away the night and he was at my door by the time I had dressed.
"Sit down," he barked, the tricorder out and a deep furrow between his brows. "What happened?"
I told him all about the night, even gave him some snippets of the nasty dreams for emphasis, each one of them still crystal clear and disturbing in my mind. The way he cringed at some of it, told me just how disturbing they had been. It wasn't normal to dream that you're pooping out severed arms, after all. *
"This is very strange," he said after he was done scanning. "Barely any light or deep sleep at all. Dream sleep almost all night. I've heard about a few phenomena that cause a person to not have any dream sleep at all, but not nothing but dream sleep. You're not getting any more of this medication, and I'm making a note in your medical file."
I sighed, trying to think about what I could do to help myself that night. But Bones had suddenly gone very quiet. I looked up at him and there was a deep furrow between his brows, his eyes gazing down at the tricorder, but it looked like he was mentally lightyears away. "What's wrong, doc?"
He didn't react right away, but then he blinked and looked down at me. "There is something we can try, but it can be highly addictive if the dosage is off by even a fraction. Call Scotty and tell him you'll be a bit late. I need to take some blood for analysing."
All through that day, I felt a bit apprehensive about what Bones was planning on giving me later. And I missed Jim so much it ached. This was the worst it had been without him and it was also the longest we had gone without each other since we got together. I missed him because of his absence, of course. But in my sleep-deprived state, it felt a million times worse. It felt like there was a gaping, bleeding hole inside me where he should be. I needed him to calm my mind, to kiss me and tell me it's okay if I can't sleep, that I'll sleep when I'm ready and he would be there with me all the while. I needed him to breathe with me. I needed to feel him. He was able to relax me enough that I could function.
After working well past my shift again and forcing down too many cups of coffee, I forced back tears of exhaustion and desperation and went to the medbay, got the mysterious hypospray and went straight to bed.
Apart from the fact that I woke up every ten to fifteen minutes, this one worked a lot better. In the morning, I felt less like I had been hit with a meteor shower and more like I had just tumbled through a thick atmosphere without a spacesuit. Bones came to check up on me in engineering after lunch and I asked if I could get a higher dosage, hoping that maybe that would finally be what helped me sleep through the night. But he refused, he had given me as much as my body could handle without becoming addicted or suffering other nasty side effects. In defeat, I told him if I couldn't have a higher dosage, I didn't want it at all. Then I started counting the hours until Jim came home, and drank all the coffee I could stomach so I wouldn't feel like a zombie.
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I was just starting to doze off. It was probably just an hour or so until my alarm, but I let sleep take me. I would take anything I could get. What felt like just a minute later though, the computer spoke to me.
"The time is 0630 hours. The time is 0630 hours."
"No no no," I moaned in annoyance, screwing my eyes shut to the illumination in the room becoming stronger. But then a pair of lips landed on my cheek.
"Forgot to turn that off," someone said.
I didn't process this right away, but in the back of my head I knew that voice and knew it was important, so I forced myself to open my eyes to the way too bright room. Jim was there next to me and judging by his one barely open eye, he had just woken up too. "Hi..."
My heart was beating wildly in my chest, the room seemed to be spinning a little, my vision getting blurry, but then he smiled with his eyes closed and started to clumsily kiss my cheek and jaw and everything cleared up.
"When did you come home?" I whispered.
Jim didn't answer but kept trying to kiss me, but he was struggling, he too seemed exhausted, not able to aim. "A while. Laid down minutes ago. Tired. Want lips."
I made a happy sound and rolled around to face him. He opened his eyes a fraction, revealing the brilliant blue I loved so much. His lips landed on my nose, then my cheek before finally finding my lips. The gaping aching hole inside me seemed to vanish. I moved closer, pressing my lips and my body to his and everything inside me seemed to settle down, mind was quiet, all tension washed away. When I needed air, I pulled back just enough so I could stare into his eyes and see every little shade of blue in them. "You're home."
"The time is 0635 hours. The time is 0635 hours."
"Home and tired." His breath washed over me when he spoke and I wanted to breathe nothing but him for the rest of my life.
"Ditto. Haven't slept since you left."
"I know, Bones told me. I'm so sorry, Supernova."
"'s okay. Just missed you." My voice broke, and all the frustrations from the past week made a few tears fall. Jim snuck one of his arms around my waist and I moved even closer, burying my face into his neck, breathing in the smell of stars and nebulas and galaxies. "How were the peace talks?" I asked between lazy kisses to the soft skin on the side of his neck.
Jim didn't reply right away. Instead, he kissed my hair, breathing it in for a moment. "Exhausting. I'll tell you all about it later."
"The time is 0640 hours. The time is 0640 hours."
"Have to get up," I mumbled against his skin, but my entire body felt like lead in Jim's arms.
"Computer, turn off the alarm." A gentle beep confirmed it was now turned off. Then Jim pulled back just enough to look into my eyes. "Bones told me to tell you that he has declared you not fit for duty today and that he has ordered bed rest, and if you disobey his orders, he will not hesitate to have you strapped to a biobed with a force field."
I blinked. "But..."
"And your Captain concurs. He recommends you spend the day with him in bed and sleep." He was grinning at me. "He's been flying fancy admirals in a shuttle all night and is in need of some tender loving care from the love of his life."
I knew there were things I had to do in Engineering. It would take time and almost all the Engineering staff to get the shuttlepods ready in time for exploring the deuterium planet. But as I looked into Jim's eyes, I felt exhaustion all the way to my bone marrow, and there was no point arguing with that, or the Captain and the Chief Medical Officer. I teared up with relief and buried my face in Jim's neck again.
Jim settled down on his back and pulled me halfway on top of him. I swallowed down my emotions and rested my head on his shoulder, tangled my legs with his, and laid my arm across his stomach. Peace filled me and I barely had time to mumble love you before I was fast asleep.
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Note: * Yes, I have actually dreamed that as a side effect of taking melatonin.
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imagine an ot3 in which each of the characters are completely convinced that the other two characters are dating (polyshipprompts)
I do in fact have a Barriscowest idea:
It's series one. We open the night Barry was taken to S.T.A.R. Labs. He's unconscious and no one knows what's going on and he keeps dying in Iris' arms and Cisco Ramon is an engineer, a genius but he doesn't know anything about medicine, he doesn't know how to help Barry but Iris seems like she needs a shoulder to cry on and he does know how to be that.
Cisco's a friendly person. But he doesn't have many friends. Iris is in S.T.A.R. Labs every day visiting Barry, she always asks Cisco how he is and what he's been doing and he never mentions friends. He looks up to Doctor Wells but that's his boss, he cares about Caitlin but she's mourning her financé and seems to be some distance between her and Cisco at the minute, Cisco is lonely. But he's been so nice, so Iris invites him out for coffee. It becomes a regular thing.
And then Barry wakes up. Things are weird. It's been nine months but that doesn't make sense in his head because it feels like no time at all and also he has superpowers. That's pretty cool. Also his best friend who he's been in love with his entire life is dating his new friend.
It's pretty obvious to Barry. Neither of them have actually said anything but they get coffee every week and have other plans and Iris always lights up when she sees Cisco and Caitlin tells him they started getting close while he was unconscious. She figured they were trying to keep it on the down-low, maybe Cisco was thinking about Ronnie and her, maybe now there's a part of it that's the two of them trying to spare Barry's feelings, he never told her but maybe they know, Caitlin worked it out very quickly. He's happy for them. He won't deny he's upset and a little jealous- he has been in love with Iris for years- but Cisco's nice. He likes Cisco. And he never told her and even if he had he was unconscious and no one knew if he would wake up, if Iris found someone who makes her happy then good, he's glad, he's determined to be glad.
Barry Allen is head over heels for Iris West. Cisco's known him a day and he can tell. And Iris never mentioned dating but the way she talked about Barry, there was more to it than him being her best friend, and the way she looks at him when he walks into a room, the two of them are clearly made for each other. Which is great! It's great. It's fantastic. He's just going to squash these feelings for Barry before they can get past a crush, Iris is his friend, he's not going to do anything to hurt his friend. Doctor Wells is right, it's more important he keeps his friend, and Barry needs him focused if they're going to help with this superhero thing.
Barry's dating Cisco. He's always at S.T.A.R. Labs, he's keeping secrets which he never does, and he's already really close to Cisco which never happens with Barry, him dating Cisco makes sense, she talked to Eddie about it and he agrees. But Barry seems happier than he has in years, Iris is just happy to see that. Whatever they're doing hasn't affected her friendship with Cisco, Barry's acting weird but that's because he's trying to keep it secret, he'll tell her when he's ready. Or maybe it was Cisco's idea, either way, neither of them could have realised she's been slowly developing feelings for Cisco, and if they're happy, she's happy.
Barry has dated people before but it never lasted. And Iris never liked them. She does like Cisco. Barry's relationship with Cisco seems to be lasting. She's having the same feelings about that as she did when Barry dated Becky Cooper. Which means it might not have been completely about Becky.
Barry woke up and turned out to be Cisco's dream guy. He's literally a superhero. But hanging out with Iris is so much fun, and she's so nice and she needed a friend and he wasn't going to put anything more than the offer of friendship on her shoulders but actually now Barry's awake and she's happier maybe a crush on Barry isn't the only thing he should be squashing.
Cisco's fun and made him a suit and loves hugs and they've already had multiple Star Trek marathons and Cisco quoted Spock to him and he's great and Barry absolutely should not fall in love with Iris' boyfriend but Barry might have fallen in love with Iris' boyfriend
And then:
Iris hears about what happened at Mercury Labs. She knows a few people want to pin it on the Flash, but Iris hears about a man in a yellow suit and she grew up with Barry, she knows exactly what he said he saw that night, it's why she started writing about the Flash. Only when Iris writes her article about another speedster in Central Mason Bridge pulls her aside and pulls out the big secret project he's been working on for months. So much evidence that the Man in Yellow is real. Evidence Harrison Wells is the Man in Yellow. And then Mason disappears.
Cisco hasn't been sleeping. Doctor Wells and Caitlin have both brought up what happened with Snart and Dante but that's not why Cisco can't sleep. Every time he closes his eyes he sees Doctor Wells standing in front of him, his hand vibrating, confessing to murder, claiming he sees Cisco as a son and then he kills him. And it makes no sense, but it feels so real. He needs to look at the trap again but he can't go down alone, but how can he explain this to Barry? What if he's wrong? What if he's not?
Barry's just generally having a bad time. The man who murdered his mother is back and wants Barry dead. The whole reason he was there was to kill Barry, it's all his fault, and then a few days later Joe maybe died, Caitlin said Cisco definitely did, and then he time travelled. Cisco being back is fantastic but they're not getting anywhere with the Man in Yellow.
Barry is a forensic scientist. He might not be a genius engineer or physicist or biochemist but he is very good at his job. He's been approaching this as the Flash, who is going to stop this man, and mostly as Barry, the boy who lost his mother and who wants his father back more than anything. What he needs is to take a step back and do what he's good at: find the evidence and put the pieces together to solve the puzzle. And he knows a detective who who knows metahumans exist and who might believe him.
Iris knows Wells is involved. Mason’s computer was wiped, this isn’t just him getting distracted chasing a lead, all his evidence about the Man in Yellow and Wells is gone, that is not a coincidence, especially since Iris knows he was ready to publish, he even told Eric he was almost done with something he was expecting would make the front page, Iris knows there is something going on. She also knows her dad knows more than he’s been telling her, and that probably means Barry and Cisco do too. But all the evidence is gone. Or maybe not, because Linda Park might be the sports reporter, but she had the desk next to Mason, he likes her (even if he refuses to admit it), and she knew him well enough she has a feeling she knows where Iris can find that evidence.
Cisco has to check the trap. He has to. His dreams are getting worse and worse, they’re happening when he’s awake now. The other day he fell asleep in the Cortex and when he left he could have sworn he saw Doctor Wells walk through a wall. He doesn’t know if he should talk to Barry about this, maybe he could talk to Joe, or Caitlin is worried about him. She wants him to talk to her. He has a very strong feeling she won’t be able to distract Doctor Wells long enough for Cisco to take a look and he can’t explain why, but he does know he can trust her.
Eddie Thawne became friends with Iris while Barry was in his coma. He’d considered asking her out, but she seemed to be getting closer to Cisco, and she’s Joe’s daughter so he figured it would get complicated, he’d wait for her if she wanted to. Which she didn’t, and won’t, because he’s talked to her and knows she has complicated feelings about Barry and Cisco, who are both dating each other. He’s just trying not to get involved. What he didn’t expect was Barry coming to ask him for help with everything that’s going on.
Caitlin Snow has been friends with Cisco for a long time, she could see how he felt about Iris, she’s now realising he feels the same way about Barry, and she’s really glad he told her what’s been bothering him, she just really wishes it was complicated realationship things and not how he’s been having nightmares about how their boss is the guy who murdered their friend’s mother. She might have an idea about his dreams though.
Linda Park did not date Barry. They tried one date, it didn’t work out, but they are friends, and she’s friends with Iris too. She might not have known her very long, but she seems nice, and Linda does like Mason, if Iris has an idea that might help find him, wherever he is, of course Linda’s going to help.
In Cisco’s dream, Doctor Wells calls himself Eobard Thawne and kills Cisco after confessing he killed Barry’s mother, that he was there to kill Barry. He’s from the future he says. Time travel. That also explains how future Barry’s blood ended up at the crime scene, Cisco found that. He needs to talk to Joe, Joe will know what to do.
The Reverse Flash was there that night to kill Barry. He vanished for fourteen years until Barry gained his superpowers and they fought, and he left Barry alive. Barry knows he very easily could have killed him, so they have a theory. Barry saw red and yellow lightning that night. He’s replayed the events in his head a thousand times, more, he knows he saw two colours of lightning, and he knows when he faced the Man in Yellow he only has red lightning. Someone else was there that night who saved Barry, the Reverse Flash needs him alive more than he wants him dead, and it has something to do with his powers. Eddie also knows Joe asked him to have a poke around Doctor Wells’ when Hartley Rathaway showed up. Joe might know something.
Mason has so much more evidence than Iris expected. Doctor Wells is a speedster, the one who calls himself the Reverse Flash who broke into Mercury Labs. The one whose description exactly matches the one Barry gave to Iris. And it doesn’t make sense because Doctor Wells didn’t even know Barry until he showed up at the hospital but also he showed up at the hospital claiming to be the only person who could help Barry and they were desperate so they accepted but no one else even came to S.T.A.R. Labs and maybe they should have questioned how he knew about Barry more. Iris needs to ask her dad more about him, and there’s someone else who might know something useful.
Joe West is a good detective. He tries to be a good dad. He knows he screws up sometimes, but Iris is his whole world, and everything he does is because he whole-heartedly believes it’s to keep her safe. Possibly this time he made a mistake telling Barry not to tell her anything, because Iris just showed up at his door with her friend Linda and pages of evidence that Harrison Wells is the Reverse Flash and made her mentor disappear.
They’re barely two pages in when Cisco and Caitlin knock, Cisco spouting something about dreams and Doctor Wells killing Nora and time travel being real.
Cisco hasn’t had time to even start explaining when Barry and Eddie burst in in a swirl of lightning with Barry saying they have some theories about the Man in Yellow.
It’s a long night. There are plans to make and apologies and explainations to be had, and at the end of it all when Caitlin’s offering Eddie a ride home since Barry ran him and Linda’s making sure there are several copies of this article and it is going to make it to Picture News, Iris pulls Barry and Cisco aside and brings up one more thing she learnt today:
“Henry seems to be under the impression Cisco and I are dating,” Iris says.
“You went to see my dad?” Barry asks.
“He thinks what?” Cisco asks.
Henry only knew what Barry had told him about Wells when Iris went to ask him. But if Wells is actually from the future and was there for Barry not Nora then that makes sense. Sort of. Eddie already brought up what Doctor McGee said about Tess Morgan’s death and they’re going to look into that some more. Henry also mentioned Barry thinks she’s dating Cisco which she definintely isn’t because Barry’s dating Cisco. Which Cisco denies because Barry and Iris are dating.
Either this is a really bad time for Barry to tell them he’s in love with the both of them or a really good time. This might explain why Linda has brought up polyamory a few times. To Barry and to Iris apparently.
(When Linda walks into Picture News the next day, Mason’s article on the front page with her and Iris’ names on the byline, there’s a bunch of flowers on her desk. There’s still a lot to do with this Reverse Flash but at least the miscommunication she’s been listening to has been sorted out)
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Order 23 Job
leverage 2.03
Nate: Nobody wants to see this guy just get a slap on the wrist, Ronald, I mean, but killing him? He's a thief, not a murder.
literally !!! this !!!
I’m not even going to go into current events but no matter what someone has done, ESPECIALLY if they haven’t had a trial yet they do NOT deserve to be killed or murdered or anyone (side eyes the US police system). I said what I said.
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Ronald: He was smart, responsible, and Armenian, like us.
Nate: Yeah, well, they call these affinity crimes, people who prey on fellow members of ethnic groups
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Hardison: Eddie's new address in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, is the original "Club Fed".
Eliot: He's got his own nine-hole golf course. Vegan menu.
Hardison: This dude can play Frisbee with the guys from Enron in the quadrangle.
Eliot: I hate those guys. 18 months in a country club, this guy.
Parker: Yeah, and then when he gets done, he gets to come home and collect his hidden cash
we love to see the ot3 angry about the same things while sitting close together
+ eliot is wearing a flannel in this one
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parker doing a happy dance in the vents when she knocks the guy out
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(Hardison unpacks computer monitors and sets up a workstation while a video feed of Parker making the bed plays on a laptop. Hardison plays audio sounds on the laptop)
Nate: Hey.
Hardison: Hey. I put speakers in Eddie's room and every 3 feet down the hallway. So if you want to hear footsteps coming toward you, you slide the cursor this way. (demonstrates) And walking away, this way. I made you a master audio file with all the stuff we recorded, plus the sound effects. You mix them any way you want. You're the dj
that’s actually really smart
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Parker: All right, well, here's the stuff from the van plus almost everything from the list. (opens a bag) And by the way, nurses haven't worn skirts with white stockings since the '70s. Sorry.
(hardison and eliot share a look)
dumb idiot boys that think it’d be funny to see their future gf in an old nurse uniform
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Hardison: If you don't give me that shirt--
Eliot: Listen to me, son, you need those fingers to type on your little keyboard, don't you?
Hardison: So you know, a bully is just a cowboy with low self-esteem.
Eliot: What was that, now?
Hardison: I said what?
Eliot: My insecure ass is gonna be wearing this shirt
- - - - -
Parker: You're not claustrophobic, are you, Mr. Maranjian? (pushes him down the hall, leaning down to whisper in his ear) Because you've got nothing to be afraid of.
- - - - -
(Eliot stops to look at the boy, who looks up at him with tears in his eyes)
Hardison: So, say I mention "The Search for Spock", what do you do?
Eliot: I don't have a TV.
Hardison: Everybody has TVs. Dead people have TVs. Damn it.
(Hardison walks away, but Eliot remains, looking at the boy and his father)
- - - - -
Nate: See, y-you tell someone they have a bunch of symptoms and the information gets processed in the executive center of the brain, right? It's job is to question assumptions, start an argument. But if you suggest symptoms, you can bypass all that.
Parker: Like subliminal advertising?
Nate: It's actually neurolinguistic programming, you know, the gateway to the amygdala, which is the fear center of the brain. You asked what we're selling. That's-- that's what we're selling.
Parker: So we're selling...
Nate: Fear.
Parker: Oh. Fear.
Nate: Yeah.
Parker: Cool.
Nate: Yeah
- - - - -
Parker (looking at monitor): Wait, his nose. Is that...
Nate: real blood?
Eddie: I'm-- I'm bleeding! I'm bleeding!
Nate: Yes. Yes, it is.
Eddie: Hello?! Can anyone hear me?! Please!
Parker: Did you just give a guy a nosebleed with the power of your mind?
Nate: Amygdala mania. Hmm. Almond tonsils.
Parker: Is it just me, or has Nate gotten a little sadistic since he quit drinking?
Sophie: Is it just me, or does that make him even more attractive
- - - - -
Hardison: Eliot, can you talk? What's Charlie doing?
Eliot: I haven't gotten there yet. (looks into room with Trent and his son)
Hardison: No wonder I couldn't hear you on my coms. Eliot, stop checking out the nurses and get your ass down to Charlie!
Eliot: I'm on my way, all right? Shut up.
(Eliot takes out his earbud and walks into the exam room to Trent)
Eliot: Excuse me, sir. Can I talk to you for a second, please
eliot cares SO MUCH
- - - - -
(Eliot grabs Trent’s arm and bends him over the railing)
Eliot: That bruise on his cheek's a week old. The one on his neck is three days. He get that falling, too?
Trent: You don't believe me? Ask him.
Eliot: Why, huh? So I can hear how well his daddy taught him to lie?
Trent: If you're gonna arrest me, go ahead. I'll be out in five minutes.
Eliot: I ain't gonna arrest you.
(Eliot nearly throws Trent over the railing letting him dangle for a moment before throwing him back against the wall. He opens Trent’s wallet and looks at his license)
Eliot: Randall Trent, 73 Austin Street. (puts wallet in his pocket) I got my eye on you now.
Trent: How many guys don't even see their kids? I bet this place is full of deadbeat dads. But a man who provides for his family, who shows his son a firm hand, he's the bad guy? Go back to your speed traps.
(Trent leaves the stairwell. Eliot looks pissed)
eliot is SO ANGRY I love my kind-hearted man
also high key I really thinks this gives an insight as to what his childhood was like
like,,, he saw the signs RIGHT AWAY. he was primed to notice them. he saw right through any act that man would have pulled because he saw what was truly going on, and things like that hit harder and closer when they’ve happened to you or someone in your life
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Sophie: You know, I once had to play six parts in "Nicholas Nickleby" and Mrs. Squeers and Phib had a bloody song together.
- - - - -
on today’s edition of non-weapons-that-eliot-uses-as-weapons, we have eliot using the morgue body cabinet doors and a gross morgue body part (?) bowl
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(Eliot puts Charlie on top of one of the bodies in the drawers and closes him inside before putting his earbud back in)
Hardison: You think you can just ignore me, like I don't have any feelings, like I never sat there, never listened to you talk all night about tryin--
Eliot: Hardison, have you been talking the whole time?
Hardison: I wouldn't have had to if you didn't turn off your daggum com
hardison worries about eliot and gets angry when he takes his coms out because he cares
- - - - -
Hardison: Oh, man. Come on.
(Hardison moves to tug Eliot before he heads off. Eliot looks from the boy to the police coming into the hospital before entering the boy’s room and pulling the curtain)
Eliot: Hey. How's the arm, my man?
Randy: It's okay.
Eliot: Yeah? My name's Eliot. What's your name?
(police officers continue to move through the hallways)
Randy: Randy.
Eliot: Randy. Oh, I like that name. (sits on bed) I got an uncle named Randy. There sure are a lot of cops around here, huh? You know, if you wanted, you could go up to one and tell them what happened to your arm. Hey, Randy. You don't have to be afraid anymore.
Randy: Dad knows these cops, you know? They come to my house. They'll drink beer. I mean… I can't
this is so, so sad but also hardison’s casual touching and intimacy with eliot gives me life
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this is the one episode parker is tased and not the one doing the tasing
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(Eddie uses the stunner to knock Parker out. As soon as he moves away, she gets up, lifting her shirt to show a vest)
hmmm I wonder what type of vest she used to block the electric shock ???
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(team walks out of the courthouse and heads down the stairs)
Nate: So, here's everything you need to know about criminal law. Every crime has two elements, Actus reus, the act itself, and mens rea, Literally "The Guilty Mind."
Hardison: Wait. Now you're a doctor and a lawyer?
Nate: Yes. Now, for escape, the prisoner has to both break out of custody and show the intent to escape.
Sophie: Wait, so if, let's say, a prisoner was taken hostage during a jailbreak then he wouldn't be guilty of escape.
Nate: That's a perfect example.
Hardison: Kiss ass.
Nate: Which brings us back to our friend Eddie and how the brain reacts to fear. In the heat of the moment Eddie didn't ask himself a simple question, who would doubt his guilty mind?
- - - - -
Bob: Damn right it is. You and your partner, you're all right. I don't know how to thank you, though.
(Eliot looks at Bob for a long moment, then pulls Trent’s license from his pocket and hands it to Bob)
Eliot: Do one thing for me.
Bob: You got it.
[Exterior Apartment]
(Bob knocks on the door and Randy opens it)
Bob: Randy? I'm Deputy United States Marshal Robert Corville. I'm from Boston. I think you and I need to talk.
Trent: Who are you talking to out there? (pulls door open wider and sees Bob)
Bob: Come on.
(Randy looks at Trent then follows Bob out of the apartment)
Bob: It's all right, son. Come on. You're gonna be okay, Randy.
(Bob gives Trent one last look before moving away. From down the street, Eliot watches as Bob and Randy get into a car and drive away)
eliot watching over to make sure the kid was okay in the end? my HEART
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calliecat93 · 4 years
When I was fifteen years old, I found out about Star Trek: The Original Series. Back then, Star Trek as I knew was only The Next Generation, and I was apathetic about that. I found out through simple curioaity, but I had nothing to better to do so I looked into it. It sounded kind of interesting, so I found the show on Hulu and decided to give it a shot. I quit midway through the third episode. I saw it as old, cheesy looking, and dumb. Why waste my time on something old? Over the years, the more I got involved in online fandom culture, the more I would see it pop up. The more I would ehar about how having PoC inr egular roles was revolutionary just because it showed that they existed. How the show enrained so many science fiction tropes and ideals into modern Americn media in the vein as Dotor Who has in Britian. Heck a review show I used to watch went over the comic adptations of the films, and came off as so passionate about the franchise that I remembered my previous stance. Remembered how I threw it aside as a relic of the past, despite me even thn seeing the value as I valued classical animaiton and children’s media very highly.
IDK what provoked it, but in January of this year, I decided to watch the entirety of Star Trek. Maybe it was quarentine rentine making me snap. Maybe it was me giving in at last to those urges that had been prodding at me for years. Regardless, I made the choice, and it only made sense to begin with the one that started it all. I am now 28 years old. I have grown far more patient and respectful with the things that came before my time. Media holds a great deal of value and whether I understood it or not, Star Trek was vital to popular media. I was ready to give it a second chance. I expected to go in with a greater appreciation, but otherwise not have many strong feelings abou it. I got through those three episodes again with my feelings better than before, but not too different. But I was determined to keep going. So for two months, I watched episode after episode and this weekend I ended it with the original films. Now here we all at the end of the journey. How do I feel?
I felt very regretful for throwing it aside the way that I did.
I greatly enjoyed TOS. Far more than I had ever expected. It is very much a product of the 60’s. There was a limited budget and it showed, though they made the most of it. There were many ridiculous plots, rampant sexism, and hammy acting that is utterly laughable. Some days I could go along with it, other days I just wanted them to get it over with. And yet, none of it kept me away. There were ideals revolutionary for the time like PoC standing equal to others, themes of all kinds such as anti-war and humanity, great science fiction concepts that may be standard today but don’t rob them of their enjoyability, and so much fun but also many moments that made you think. But most of ll, it had such lovely characters. For me to care about a show, I have to care about it’s chracters. I knew a few things via pop culture, butt hat’s not the same as understanding them as a viewer and media can frequently exaggerate the reality. And as I found out, there was far more to them than what mdia lead me to believe.
Kirk I only ever knew as a brave captain who made out with a lot of women. While that’s true, I can’t call him a reckless womanizing asshole. He was brave, optimistic, diplomatic, and charming. He could be light-herted, but also very much a devoted Starfleet Captain whose duty is his entire being. I was shocked at how much I grew to care about him. Seeing his triumphs, his failings, his strengths and flaws, even on an off day I cared about him. Even when William Shatner hammed it up too much, I enjoyed seeing him. Spock was who I knew the most about consideirng how popular he was and I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I also grew to love him. His logic, his struggle with his dual being as half Vulcan and half Human, his loyalty to Kirk and his dedicaiton to his duty. I could see why he meant so much to people, esecially witht he level of depth and work that Leonard Nimoy put into the character. There’s s amny little things that you begint o notce and it makes Spock feel all the more real. But by far the biggest appeciaiton I grew was for McCoy. He was the character I knew the least about aside form him being a doctor and remembering the first episode. But GOD I love his character so much. His crankiness, snarkiness, and his arguments with Spock were entertaining but seieng how compassionate, devoted, and caring that he is especially when I watched The Empath ahead of time and saw his sacrifice... damn. Not to mention DeForest Kelley’s perormance with him imo being the best peformer aside from Nimoy. He gave it hus all even during the dumbest episodes and that always earns my respect. I didn’t think I’d care about Bones that much, knowing him as that guy who’s more important than the rest but not even close to as much as Kirk and Spock, and he walked away as my absolute favorite character who I will continue to give the love and appreciate that he deserves.
The others were great too. Scotty was funny, great at his job, and the amount fo times he saved thm all via some miracle is to be admired. Sulu was significant for being an Asian man as a regular and in a high position, and I just loved having his prescence. Uhura being a Black woman treated as an equal by her white male peers and being a dedicated, sassy communicaitons officer as well as her lovely musical talents made her a delight. Chekov when he came along added a nice, youthful prescence without him getitg annoying and having a Russian as a hero at that time was also a big deal. While the show struggled BIG TIME with gender and feminism, it was major at the time for presenting PoC and those of other nationalities as equal to others, and the cast clearly did their best to make them feel like actual people. I respect that a great deal. We all should sot hat we can keep improving from there.
I didn’t expect to care. I expected to get the show over with and have something to occupy my time. And yet, I do care. I care about these characters. I care about the shenanigains that they get involed in. I worry when they get into distress even though I know that they’ll be fine. There were plenty of things I knew in advance like Spcok’s deaht in the movies... and I cried anyways. I knew that nothing long-term bad would happen in the series, yet I feared for the cast and their situaton anyways. I grew invested in them. In their relaitonships. The Kirk-Spock-McCoy dynamic was by far my favorite thing and it kept me wanting to keepw atching. Not to occupy my time, but because I genuienly wanted to see what they got into and how they got out of it. To see Kirk and Spock’s mutual respect and trust in each other. To see Spock and McCoy argue over logic and emotion and be wiling to defend the other, to see Kirk and Bones joke and be at ease with each other as the close longitme firends that the are, and just having the three together... it was such a perfect dynamic. Hell I didn’t expect to ship anything aside form maybe Spirk due to knowing it’s significance to fandom, slash,a nd the LGBT+ community. And I came away shipping all three dynamics...a nd veering on all three together, but IDK if I’m quite there yet. But whether shippy or platonic, their relaitonship together is perfect and I loved it.
Now, the journey is over. Oh I plan to go back and do it all over again. I plan to pay even more atteniton. I plan on giving each episode as good of an analysis as I can give. I plan to try and seek out things like the novels and the comics so that I can have more itme with them. I plan to watch the reboot films to see what happes in a different universe. I plan to watch TNG and hope that I enjoy those charactrs that I ignored my entire life just as much as I did these. But for now, it’s over. It is a ride that I am thankful to have taken. I came in indifferen, and am leaving a fan looking forward to whatever else awaits. Thank you Star Trek TOS for this amazing two month journey. Thank you tot he cast and crew who put so much into it despite everything working against them. Thank you to the fans who watched it and kept it alive for all of these decades. And to those who read tot his point and all of my watchthrogh posts, thank you for sitcking with me. It was, without doubt, an experience that I’m never going to forget.
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pendragonfics · 5 years
Set It Up
Paring: Leonard McCoy/Reader
Tags: gender-neutral reader, no pronouns, Starfleet Academy era, Starfleet, post-Star Trek (2009), co-workers, mutual pining, requited unrequited love, medical professionals, emotionally hurt Leonard "Bones" McCoy, whump, hurt/comfort, eventual fluff
Summary: You've known (of) Doctor McCoy since the Academy, but keeping to professionalism, you keep those feelings to yourself. Captain Kirk, tired of seeing two idiots dancing around their feelings, intervenes.
Word Count: 3,318
Current Date: 2019-12-22
Requested By: @karasong​
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It was years ago, the first time you ever saw him. You were sitting in the group study area of the Starfleet San Francisco student library. It was your fourth year, and the semester was almost over. But exams were yet to come. You, having organised the study group for your fellow fourth-year medicine students, sat idly as they brainstormed on what you had already learned, and memorised.
While they discussed non-human anatomical diagrams, you were people watching, idly. Your eyes grazed throughout the bottom floor of the study area until you caught sight of him. Dark hair, eyes, and the look on his face drew your attention. Frown lines, and unused but etched out smile-lines beside his eyes.
Just as you began to ponder further, your friend Christine walked and gently smacked you with the underside of her thick textbook.
“Ouch, what was that for?” You whispered, cursing a string of words. Hushed of course for the library’s volume limit. You weren't an animal.
“Oh, it won’t leave a mark, don’t be such a baby.” She admonished you, perching in the empty seat to your left. "That’s what you get for gawking at boys when you’re supposed to be studying.”
“__________’s actually running the group,” a member of the study circle piped up to your defence. “Did you know they already like, memorised the xenobiology textbook back to front?”
Christine chuckled. “Yeah, so have I, but I’m not staring at James Kirk like a brain-dead bug.” She nudged you gently, and added, “no offence but I’m just saying, you could do better...and you know, not on study time.”
"I was not-," you protest, rubbing the back of your head. "Is this because of second year?"
"He's like that with everyone," another member of your study group spoke up, softly. "Don't take it personally."
You didn’t have the guts to correct them, nor stir the pot at the mention of Christine's one-sided romance-slash-one-night-stand with Cadet Kirk. Unlike many of the people in Starfleet academy, you were not interested in James T. Kirk in that way. Sure, he had the manners of a country boy, but he also slept with anything that had legs, and the ability to consent.
So not your type.
No; you were not looking at James Kirk, the golden boy with hair that matched the sun. You were looking at his closest friend, the gruff man with inky midnight hair. His friend, a mystery to you.
Captain James Tiberius Kirk was not a laid-back man for simple reasons. Sure, he had the stress of organising safe passage for over two thousand people at a time and orchestrated the wills of Starfleet for their mission. On top of that, he had the problems of a regular man, be that in family, money, love and friends. He rarely saw his half-family back on Earth, and money wasn't a problem when he was paid the generous salary of a captain. Sex came as it did, mostly not so often while he was commandeering the Enterprise.
That was what shore leave was for.
But as a good friend, Jim Kirk was not one to fool around on the clock (too much). Scotty had Keenser, Spock had Uhura, and while he didn't have any long-term interests in settling down, he knew that his friend Bones surely did.
The poor bastard had been divorced and stripped of all he had before they met, and then with everything else that came with the job of being CMO on the ship, he had the gall to stay being a year-long Grinch. Jim's mind had been set since Bones' reaction to the second one night stand that he'd had back as a cadet. But now it was a thing: by the time that mandated shore leave came to an end, he would have Bones with someone.
His reputation, while not as prolific as some of the faces that he kept as company, still preceded him. At first, you only knew him as the ‘gruff man that flanked Captain Kirk's side’, but as time went on, you learned his name.
Doctor Leonard McCoy.
If it wasn't for the fact that you were transferred by Admiral Pike, you perhaps wouldn't have had the opportunity to be on the same starship as each other. Let alone working beneath him as Nurse.  But still, it was an honour, and whenever your paths crossed, you kept your professional face forward. No matter what, you would keep to your oath as a healer, and those feelings would come second.
While in the Medbay, he was curt, quick to the jump, and a furiously good worker. Not that you believed that Captain Kirk was one to get into trouble - he was - or that he often endangered the crew with those actions - anyplace was dangerous, and it was a fact - but it seemed that the work in the Medbay was never finished. There was always an engineer with a pinched nerve, a scientist with an adverse reaction to alien flora, and because of this, the immersion into your work was both a blessing and a curse.
Maybe because the closer you came to your superior, that crush from years ago would flare up, and you’d have to work extra hard to keep your work ethic up. It didn’t help that half the time that you and Doctor McCoy were on shift together, he was doubly grumpy, and you’d have to circumnavigate that as well as your own feelings.
But that was fine. You were a professional. Keeping your feelings to yourself in order to keep to Starfleet code was easily done. It wasn’t like you were denying yourself anything - if anything, your needs were still there. Waiting. On the back burner.
That was fine. Everything was fine.
In time, you were alerted, like the rest of the crew, that the USS Enterprise was to approach a Federation planet for among other things, structural maintenance, restocking, and such. It also meant that everyone working on the Enterprise would get time to themselves while docked. It was your first ever shore leave, and excited, you idly planned things to do with such freedom. But while your co-workers chatted eagerly about the chance for some time away from the Enterprise, you kept quiet, and to your duties while on the clock.
Not that Doctor McCoy also being on shift as the news broke had anything to do with that.
"Oh, you -" he acknowledges upon entering the Medbay. "Nurse -,"
"__________," you supply, perhaps too quickly, "What can I do to be of assistance?"
He pauses in the doorway, swaying where he stands. Your keen eyes swept over his form; though he had just arrived on shift, you could see hints of fatigue; the bags beneath his eyes, the slowed movement, the deep frown upon his face.
He doesn't reply and approaching your superior officer, you ask again, "Are you feeling well, sir? Should I -,"
"It's fine, Nurse __________." He snaps, brushing past you.
It's a very rare day with no patients in the room, and you watch him as he goes toward his small office in the rear of the Medbay. He closes the door behind him and flicks the old-style Earth blinds over the glass on the door. You bite at your lip, chewing in earnest. What could be the matter?
By the time that Jim found out that Bones wasn't going to be on-planet for shore leave, it was too late to reschedule things so there would be an excuse for his friend to go and have fun. Not that Jim needed any reasonable excuse for that to happen.
He'd once orchestrated a fake wedding between Spock and Uhura to try and get Bones to stop working so damn late (but that had fallen through, mostly because it turned out that Spock was actually thinking about proposing to Nyota, and Jim's intervention had apparently been a "disaster" to Spock's carefully planned proposal). Jim had even once pretended to be sick in his quarters to have Bones inspect him personally (Jim had planned to trap him inside, watch holo-films and drink whiskey) but then Doctor M'Benga came instead of his friend, and he was forced to get the vaccinations that he'd been avoiding.
But now Jim had the perfect plan. He'd seen how Bones acted around that Nurse he always worked with - Nurse __________. Jim could have sworn that his friend chose to work alongside her because the man had driven every other person of her rank away. But, nonetheless. Jim had a plan. While not exactly a connoisseur of true love, Jim knew how to make it all pan out.
He could go about it like his other tricks, make something that was memorable, perhaps borderline disastrous, but his friend deserved the best. It wasn't a prank if someone was at least consenting in some way, right? And as far as Jim knew, both parties certainly were.
He saw how the pair of them looked at each other on the security footage. Like lovesick children! Like kids who had no idea how to communicate the finer details of their feelings to one another! Like two medical professionals too immersed in their careers to see beyond their noses!
That was where Jim came in, and smirking to himself at his brilliance, Jim went to reply to the message that had come into his communicator and make some magic.
The fact that Christine called you up out of the blue, and then set you up on a date should have seemed fishier than it was. But to you, your fellow Nurse was just a close friend, looking out for your pitiful love life, and even being assigned to a separate Medbay to you wouldn’t stop her from reaching out. But you trusted Christine, perhaps with your own life, if it ever came to it. Her judgement was (nearly) law, and so, you buzzed throughout the day, a mix of trepidation and excitement keeping you going.
You were supposed to meet the person at five at the entrance of the main mess hall, but there wasn’t anyone there. Confused, and a little betrayed, you messaged Christine for answers, but all she said was that he worked with you and that she’d kick his ass if he stood you up. You wouldn’t wish her wrath on anyone, and instead of feeling upset, you decided to find the mystery date yourself.
It was a quick walk to the Medbay, and though it was the off shift, the current nurses greeted you kindly. But when you asked about anyone who wasn’t supposed to be working being in the Medbay, all that one nurse who wasn’t wearing his nametag said was, “I don’t know about anyone, but the CMO is still in his office.”
Was Christine setting me up with…? You wondered.
There wasn’t a reply as you knocked at the door, and walking in, you saw why. Laying face-down on the desk, arms cradling his head, was Doctor Leonard McCoy. His hair was crisp in a way in which needed washing, from either from being carded through or lack of a care routine to it. He slept soundly as you closed the door behind you and made your way to his side of the desk, creeping around the papers that littered all the surfaces of the room.
A pit settled in your stomach as you regarded him.
Sleeping, he looked like a different man from the one you worked with. His frown-lines were unwrinkled, demeanour relaxed, and for a moment, you felt your heart jump at the sight of your long-time crush, and senior officer before you.
Ever since you were a little kid, your favourite type of person was someone that had two faces; one to the world, and one hidden beneath that one. That was perhaps because your favourite fairy- was Snow White & Rose Red. When you were seven, you spent a weekend seeking out the bears in the forest in search of a fairy-tale prince that was cursed to be one. Your parents quickly put an end to that, and ever since, you were left with one type of love on your mind. The kind where you would sift through, searching for the hidden prince beneath.
Maybe that’s why, after all this time you still liked him.
He stirred as you placed a hand on his, sitting up when you started to make sense of all the papers that were everywhere. You didn’t realise that he’d been awake until you looked over your shoulder, his papers in your hands.
“Hi,” you greeted, “uh, Doctor McCoy. Sorry to wake you.”
He blinked.
Jim was having a not very good day on the bridge, what, with Spock and Uhura’s latest spat over something that he didn’t care about. He excused himself, leaving his duties to his first mate, and made his way to the Medbay for something for the headache. Hopefully, he’d be administered something that wasn’t in a shot.
But when he got down there, he couldn’t see Bones anywhere. Records on his PADD said that he hadn’t clocked off, and yet, he wasn’t in the main area. Curious, Jim let himself into the back room, only to find -
“Nurse __________,” he greeted, looking between them, and his friend, “Bones!”
“Jim,” Leonard gritted out. “What are you doing here?”
“I want something for the migraine. Or at least, it feels like one. Don’t diagnose me, just give me the good stuff.” He prattled, looking through a first aid box that sat on one of the tables beside the desk. “I see you two are hitting it off. I thought tonight was your date, Nurse __________?”
“Uh -,”
“Jim, you have no right to pry into the private lives of my staff,” Leonard spoke up.
“Speaking of, why aren’t you at your date?” Jim added, finding what he needed in the box, and popping the paracetamol into his mouth, the captain of the Enterprise swallowed the pill dry in one go. “Sorry. I shouldn’t pry, bye!”
At that, he left the pair of them to their confusion, and waltzed back to his post, confident he’d ride out the headache.
“You have a date?” You heard Doctor McCoy ask you, a flush of heat growing on his pale face. Suddenly, you felt barer than you did five seconds ago when your captain and personal nuisance had waltzed in and exposed your private life. “Why aren’t you - what are you doing here?”
“They didn’t show up,” you reply, softly. “My friend - Nurse Chapel - she said they worked here, and I came to give them a piece of my mind, but then someone out there said you were still here, and I -,” you felt a wave of embarrassment flash across your face, and somewhat mortified, you stopped speaking.
“I’ll give that guy a piece of my mind.” He grunted. But as he went to stand, he sat almost immediately back down, in an unceremoniously simple way in which made you hear sirens. “…but not right yet.”
You blinked, placing all the things together that you’d observed over the last few days. “…sir, I think you’re experiencing fatigue.” You tell him, placing your wrist against his forehead. He recoiled, but just as you thought, he was burning up. Rescinding your hand, you began working on finding something to get him enough energy to rest in his room. “At least tell me you had plans that you’re missing, so I can feel better about missing out on mine.”
He snorted. “…Jim set me up. The bastard doesn’t realise what today is to me.”
You paused, looking to your superior. “If you don’t mind me asking, sir…what is today, to you?”
Doctor McCoy paused, and, softly, as if he’d never said it aloud in the first place, he told you, “It’s my daughter’s birthday. She’s eleven today, and I promised I’d be - I’d be back home for her.”
You looked to your hands. You'd never think of him having a daughter, and yet...you could already picture her. “I can see how that would tear you up.” You empathise, the words slipping out as fast as they come to your mind, no time to filter them at all. “…although I’m glad I missed out on my date, too. I don’t have a good experience with it at all.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, Nurse - __________…?”
“Oh, well…the last time I went on a date, it was back at the academy, about fourth year? He was a quite nice guy, studying computer engineering. A looker.” You tell him, not sure why you feel so comfortable saying all this to him. “He turned out to be very much in love with his ex-girlfriend and he told me all about her all that night.”
“Did you call him back?” Doctor McCoy asked you humourlessly.
“Stars, no. And I haven’t gone out with anyone else since. Well, until…” you trail off, turning back to your supervisor. “I can’t find anything in here to give you, so I’m prescribing you the old-fashioned treatment of rest.” You tell Doctor McCoy. “I’ll even walk you back to your room so that I know you make it there.”
“My hero,” he said in his dry, Georgian accent.
Once you helped him to his feet, you got Doctor McCoy to walk out surreptitiously without your help. But once you exited the Medbay, you reclaimed your hold on him as so to keep his status in the workplace and got to talking. You spoke of how you knew of his friend the Captain, and how you were to meet the date at five o’clock. It was then he paused.
“I was supposed to meet my date at five.” He said.
You frown. “The one you said Captain Kirk set you up on?” you asked him.
Doctor McCoy nodded. “Yep, that’s the one. I was supposed to meet them at the mess hall, the big one, but -,”
“Oh my -,” you realise, looking at your feet like you just realised that they were attached to you, feeling something new in your chest, a rush of surprise, and exhilaration, “I think you’re my blind date.”
There was a strange noise, and looking to the man beside you in curiosity, you realised quite quickly that he was laughing. Quietly, of course, and in a way that sounded like a snuffle, or a chuckle, really. But he was laughing.
“Of course,” he smirked. “No wonder Jim was in our business like that. And your friend, Chapel, I’m sure she hates Jim but would do anything for you -,”
“Very true,” you retort. “It’s just…quite funny that it’s come to this.” You gesture toward Doctor McCoy, leaning on your tiredly as if he’s from the old Earth film Weekend at Bernie’s but is very much alive. “…I’ve always had a thing for you, you know.”
“Sorry, I…sorry I messed up your date for you,” He replied sheepishly, and added softly, looking your way, “…and I like you too. Have done for a while.”
“Would you go out with me?” you ask, hopefully. “Doctor McCoy?”
He grinned and pecked your cheek with a kiss. The five o’clock shadow tickled you and left you tingling after he rescinded from your proximity. “’course I’ll go out with you. Just not while I’m like,” he gestured to himself, just like you did before.
“Let’s get you to your room, doctor.” You chuckle, walking him on his way once more. Working together, you both made short work of it and made it to Doctor McCoy’s private room in good time. “…rest up, sir.”
“Thank you, __________.” He nodded, turning toward his room.
The door was about to close, but placing your hand in the way, it waited, and you met his eyes. “Good night, Doctor. And a happy birthday to your daughter.”
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starbuck09256 · 5 years
A chance of chess
Early MSR AU
Tagging the always wonderful @today-in-fic 
rated PG (at least this first part) 
The soft spring breeze fills his nostrils as he runs through the park. His breath steady as his heart rate increases. Since moving back to DC he has been to a few parks trying to find the one with the best route. This one is filled with cherry tree blossoms and beautifully lined trees. It also has some basketball courts and an area where people can play chess. The neighborhood isn’t really close to his own home but it’s worth the extra 10 minutes of running to get here. The biggest ticket will be the coffee shop, with a decent cappuccino and a good drip at a decent price. He wonders if this is where he will fight the monsters that Patterson has been bringing to his tiny lair in the basement. After being so successful with Monty Props he earned the right to leave the normal BAU section into a forgotten dungeon in the basement. But he loves it down there. The noise dimmed the lights bright and his focus uncompromised by the chatter of useless gossip around him. He can leave the area a mess and no one cares. He can stay until 2am without someone lecturing him to go home and get some so called “rest”. This park is beautiful and the neighborhood is not as up and coming as to guarantee an overpriced lack luster cup of joy. He continues around the path sees a set of one man sitting alone at a chess table small pieces placed on their respected places as he looks down at his watch. Another gentlemen finally gets up walking over to the balding man and touches his shoulder. He gives a sad expression that even in the few short years he has been with the FBI is idneitifalable even at this distance, the death of a person seems to manifest in similar ways across the races. The sadness that racks through the bald man's eyes is paulable. His broad shoulders sigh in defeat as he starts to look at the small pieces in front of him. He hasn’t played a game of chess in awhile. In one of his advanced psychology classes they use it as a way to understand the mind of others. Chess is a game played first in the mind and then on the board, intent, sabotage, traps, or just luck playing in a way that riddles the ways of society. His heart rate comes down and he walks to the man. He hasn’t packed up yet and while he doesn’t want to intrude he sees an opportunity to further his love of the game. But the man stands he is younger than Mulder thought his broad shoulder and the way he carries himself scream military. Mulder can’t help himself.
“Wanna play a game?” the bald man gives him a sad smile. 
“Not today, but tomorrow I would be happy to kick your ass.” 
Mulder can’t help but smile. “Pretty sure of yourself there?” he can’t help but grip. 
“See you at 7.” the bald man walks down towards the street turning to walk down the block. 
He’s ran around the park twice. He got there early already invigorated by a new challenge. He even reviewed a few classic chess moves last night. The bald man is there setting up quietly. Mulder approaches. 
“Ready old man?” he says as he jogs up to the table. 
“I doubt I’m a whole lot older than you Mister?” 
“Fox Mulder, just Mulder is good.” 
“Walter Skinner, Skinner is fine.” Mulder nodded and sat down. 
“You ready?” he asked. 
Skinner adjusted his glasses and peered over the younger man. 
“Absolutely. White or black Mulder?” He takes the white and helps set up the board. 
The two of them were evenly matched in skill. Mulder tries different psychological games on the older man with no success. After several stalemates and a win for each of them. Mulder thanks Skinner. 
“Same time next week kid?” Skinner asks and Mulder nods. 
And so it goes for several months when Mulder was in town. Skinner and him would pay two times a week. They would talk about the nonessential things, Skinner was a hard man to read. Mulder ends up doing most of the talking. Then on one buserly morning Skinner wasn’t there. Mulder looks around and waits for almost an hour. Another gentleman whom he knows by the name of Frohike comes over. 
“Skinman is in the hospital.”
 “Shit, what for?”
 “He was shot had to have an operation and the best doctor flew in for it. Heard the doc is quite a looker.”
Mulder sighs and takes his pieces back to his basement. He taps his fingers along the case file. Finally after concern eats at his resolve he heads back to the park to ask which hospital Skinner is at. Two hours and a phone call to Patterson later he is outside Skinners room watching a beautiful redhead in a white coat annihilate him at chess faster than Mulder thought possible. He could feel her laughter through the door, her bright hair was just like her smile. She was so tiny in that over-sized doctor coat even though she had 2 inch heels on. Mulder is slightly fixated on her. He knocks on the door waiting for an introduction. Skinner grunts as he welcomes him. 
“Had to come down here for your weekly ass-kicking?” Skinner mutters moving in the hospital bed to shuffle his big frame with the wires from the IV. Mulder chuckles. 
“Hi Fox Mulder, glutton for punishment.” he smiles at the pretty doctor. Skinner interrupts him “Agent Fox Mulder with the FBI”  she steps back slightly, and Mulder can’t help feeling a little smug at the clear pass Skinner is throwing at him.
“Doctor Dana Scully.” her grip is delicate and strong at the same time. 
She smiles at him. Mulder can not help stare into her deep sea blue eyes. He clears his throat, her hand had felt warm and welcoming in his hand. She has soft delicate features and he realizes how right Frohike was, she was more than just a looker.
 “So how is the old man doing?” his voice doesn’t hold back the concern he feels. 
“Not that old Mulder.” Skinner coughs. Scully chuckles. 
“He.. uh... took a bullet about 2 centimeters away from the lung cavity. He is very very lucky to be alive. Even if he is terrible at Chess.” her eyes darting to Skinners. 
Skinner coughs again. “Yea, yea. I lose to this fool a lot too.” 
Mulder can’t help but chuckle at that. Skinner has certainly gotten better and he has become much less rusty. 
“Ah, So your a doctor and amazing at chess?” Mulder asks and Scully blushes slightly at that. 
“Uh I would say your friend is not that good, could be the meds though.” She is polite and not egocentric. 
“So Agent Mulder, maybe you can shed some light on the creep men that keep coming by and peering in on Mr. Skinner. Since Mr.Skinner refuses to provide any details as to where and when he was shot. Maybe you as his friend can convince him to bring the perpetrator to justice.” Mulder eyes dart to the man. 
“Doctor Scully can I have a minute alone with Agent Mulder” 
“Sure Walter maybe he can talk sense into you.” 
She hands Mulder Walters file and walks out the door. Mulder watches her as she leaves. He turns to Walter,
 “wow doctors like that I can see why you’ve extended your stay.” 
Skinner grunts. “She’s pretty but also a hard ass, like someone I know.” Mulder can’t help but chuckle. 
“You should play her sometime Mulder, she’ll give you a run for your money.” 
He starts to cough then. Mulder gets up from the seat next to him checking his lines. 
“Hey, hey” Walter spurters. Mulder grabs him a glass of water on the table. 
“What the hell happened to you Walter? Afraid the pretty doctor will find out you are NSA?” 
Walter rolls his eyes. He mutters thanks and settles in. 
“Mulder if I was ever going to suggest a woman to keep you in line and be your ally, it would be her, I’ve known Doctor Scully for a long time. Was a good friend of her fathers before he died last year. She took it rough. Changed careers, she was at the Farm.” 
“She’s ex CIA?” 
Mulders was impressed before now he was down right shocked. 
“Yes, she is smart and capable of taking both of us done in seconds. But she is also very guarded and lonely.” 
“Right because you would know that.” 
Mulder is now seeing where this whole thing is going. 
“Well I’m dating her mom so yea..” Mulders eyes flash up to his bald friend.
 “Walter you keep unfolding like a flower.” 
“Yea well just challenge her to chess, see if it can lead to a dinner.” He coughs again. 
Mulder helps Walter settle back in shaking his head. 
“I don’t know Walter,” Walter looks at him. 
“I haven’t known you very long Mulder, but Dana’s been through a lot and she could use a friend, and someone decent at chess.” Mulder nods 
“I’m going to get a cup of coffee.” 
Walter sighs as the door swings close and Mulders footfalls fade. 
The coffee is terrible and he almost spits it out while looking around the small cafeteria. Doctor Scully is sitting in a corner reviewing a file. She catches his eye and smiles. It’s soft but it doesn’t reach her eyes. He sees it now the underlying fear within her. He goes over and pulls out his bag of chess pieces. 
“Skinman has said you are a formidable force, have time for a game?” he asks. 
He is a little shy, he hasn’t dated much since being in DC. She bites her lip and looks at her watch he watches as she reaches up and rubs her face. 
“Ok one game.” she concedes and Mulder can’t help the grin that spreads across his face. 
He sets up the pieces and she can’t help but laugh at his spock figurine for a Bishop. 
“What?” he asks and laughs when he sees her point. 
“Oh yea lost a piece not too long ago anyway. Black or white doctor Scully?”
“Just Scully is fine, white Mulder.” 
“He's talked about me hasn’t he?” at her sheepish look up. 
Mulder realizes that the beautiful Doctor Scully is kind, thoughtful and must be crazy. 
“He told you I was crazy?” Mulder huffs 
She can’t help licking her lips “He might have mentioned the alien thing..yea” but she doesn’t laugh at him. 
“And you still want to do this?” he nods towards the game. 
“From what Walter said, I think we could both use someone to just talk too.” Mulder nods smiling at her. 
One game turns into five Mulder 3 Scully 2. When she gets paged she writes down her number on a napkin and the words rematch. He grins all the way out to his car. 
He waits one day and calls her. She answers on the second ring, and while it starts with talking about chess it ends 5 hours later at 1am when her soft snores come across the line. She calls him the next day to apologize for falling asleep on him. He tells her she can make it up to him by having dinner together. After a fair amount of time which scares the hell out him that he pushed too far too soon she sighs yes. He doesn’t know the history there but from the sound of it she’s been very hurt in a prior relationship, making dating unappealing. So he does one better and says how about just coffee. He can almost feel her smile through the phone, perfect she says. They meet on a rare Saturday morning they would both normally work and he walks with her around the same park he met Walter over a year ago. Coffee turns to lunch then to a new thriller at the local theater then to hours spent rummaging through a vintage bookshop. When 7pm rolls around she looks up from the copy of Jose Chungs catching his eye over his copy of a popular sci-fi. She comes up and brushes his arm, 
“Maybe dinner too..” her smile is soft and shy and he can’t imagine a world without it. 
The dinner goes great and he calls her as soon as he gets home. She hesitates a bit and feels like they are rushing into something. 
“Something good I hope?” he can’t help the pleading in his voice. 
There is no one on the planet he has been able to handle for an entire day, let alone want to spend the entire evening talking to as well. He has so many questions, so many theories and  all of the sudden he wants her opinion on them all. Doctor Scully is captivating, she is brilliant, kind, funny and drop dead gorgeous in a way that should make her much more pretentious and not nearly so available. She talks to him anyway even though they talked most of the day, even though she doesn’t like butter on her popcorn she might be perfect. Then when he pushes for another date she says “I don’t think so.” and he hears the soft click that matches the sound of his heart breaking.
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