#also he's like fifteen years old
intercomkris · 2 years
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my fav reardon kids by my popular demand. Ishmael (15) & Brianna (18) cause they're both fashion icons.
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kataraavatara · 1 month
everytime i have to read cassian complain about being a bastard i think to myself you will NEVER be jon snow
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chvoswxtch · 8 months
every time I rewatch season three of daredevil i’m reminded what a bitchy little gremlin matty is
and why I relate to him so hard
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anabetel35 · 1 year
If you like Kuwei, whatever you do, just don’t think about how he probably grew up isolated from his peers because of his father’s status. How he probably took to reading because no one around him could spare a single second for him. How, when he and his father had to flee the country and were captured by the Fjerdans, he probably realized that what happened to him was a perfect backstory for a main character of some epic story. How, when he had to watch his father try to create a drug that could enslave and kill nearly all Grisha in the world, people just like the two of them, his biggest comfort came from the silly belief that at the end of his story, he too would have everything that he wanted — a family, a lover, a friend, just anyone who would finally care about him. Recognition. Joy. Love.
How, when his father died and he was left alone, a small, delusional, cruel part of him was almost sure that it was necessary for him to then be loved. How, when the Crows came for him, deep down, he fully expected them to be his new family. How, even when everyone was cold to him on the ship, he still tired to convince himself that it was because one of theirs was on the brink of death. How he dumbly tried to tell himself that they won’t actually turn him over to the merchant that wants him because they’re reasonable people. How he spent his days and nights in a cold tomb, pushing down the memories of his now dead father and his grim future, all alone, curled up in a corner.
How he had developed a crush on Jesper, bright, kind, warm Jesper, as if he could do anything else, and then had to watch helplessly as that ray of sunshine ignored him, as he got closer to the boy that had his face. How his skills and efforts were ignored just because what he might know seemed far more important to the people around him. How, not more than two days before the auction where his death would be faked, he got kissed by the man he began to adore and then was disliked for it by the only member of the team that actually tried to befriend him for a while.
How he had to stand tall in front of all the people, all those merchants, the royalty, the warriors, the guards, the farmers, the children, everyone, all the people who came to the Church of barter just to see who he’d be sold to. How he had to trust the six teens who only had qualms about killing him because he was worth a whole lot of money, with his life as different governments called out numbers that could feed the whole world for an entire lifetime. How the last thing that he could’ve seen before he died if the bullet that hit his chest missed his button even by a single hair, was the chaos ‘Brekker and his Crows’ started.
How, when he woke up, he barely had any time to calm down because one of the teens, the Drüskelle, was dead. How he now had to mourn him now, too, along with all that he lost. How, when he was laying down on the ship to pretend he’s dead, he realized that the people he saw as his saviors less than two months ago, and as the thing that he wanted more than life, didn’t care for him at all anymore. That they might even be happier if he died. How, as he neared the sea, he couldn’t help but feel like he’d let his one chance at happiness higher along the canal and that he was now destined for a life of despair.
How, when he arrived to the Little Palace, he wasn’t met with kindness or friendly faces. How he had to hide the fact that the thing he worked on day and night was the cure to a drug that his father had created, a drug that could’ve destroyed Grisha all around the world. How he was their only hope in the war against Fjerda. How he spent his nights awake dreaming of being a part of the family that the Crows clearly were. How he couldn’t seem to fit in anywhere he went.
Most importantly of all, don’t think about the fact that he’d been alone all his life.
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bobbinalong · 1 year
vote on the second baby's middle name since twitter got to decide his sister's name (allison robin)
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journey-to-the-attic · 8 months
bold of you to assume we (or atleast i) dont want to read paragraphs about ik's and belphie's dynamic 😈😈
if you feel like writing that, i'd absolutely love to read about it!!! ^^
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RIGHT YES this took me a hot minute but let's go!!!!
so the main points that this is all built around:
belphie is someone who is absolutely shit at understanding himself
ik is someone who has a knack for understanding anyone she talks to for long enough
belphie's first resort is usually to leave things to someone else, but easily asserts the things he wants
ik will actively pursue you if she thinks she can help, despite usually feeling guilty about requesting anything
they both have very simple views of very complicated things
building from point 1: this is not entirely belphie's fault - i've talked about this before, so i'll just paste the pertinent bits here:
belphie, as the youngest brother, has been detrimentally coddled in regards to these things, and has NO fucking idea how to properly deal with loss the others haven't tried to talk to him about his grief for lilith, nor about their experiences during the celestial war; when they all had to support each other after the fall, they comforted him, but never ever discussed the pain of it all it's like the doctor refusing to talk about your actual symptoms because they're afraid of making you uncomfortable, and instead just soothingly going "it's okay, just take some ibuprofen and see me in the morning"
belphie underestimates himself and, at the start of the year, is convinced that there's no way forward - 1. he feels he's left it too late, 2. he feels he's the only one still hung up on lilith's death, which only makes him more bitter, and 3. he thinks that the hatred and grief is just who he is now
now take ik, who finds him in the attic and takes worryingly little convincing to help him - even more concerningly, she decides to go through with it even upon finding out he was lying about his identity. this is a direct contradiction to his conviction that humanity is selfish and cruel - more than that, the more ik visits and chats with him, the more he remembers why he'd been so fascinated by humans as an angel
except it also reminds him of how much lilith loved humanity. belphie doesn't think he's capable of letting go - he doesn't think he's allowed to, and to him befriending a human and moving on is the same as betraying his sister's memory. so he represses any feelings of good-will and continues to nurse his hatred
i think it's important to note that belphie's hang-ups have always been self-destructive before this, but the more he lets his own grief fester, the more it threatens to burst. his threat to lucifer about destroying humanity is an early indicator of this, and it culminates in a moment of extreme emotional distress where it finally all implodes
so ik - in the wrong place and the wrong time (in the literal sense) - finds him in the middle of a nightmare, wakes him up, and gets murdered for her troubles
belphie shuts down immediately after, because to him this is a point of no return. he's already convinced himself that nothing can be done for him, and this is the proof. except then everyone else forgets what's happened, and, panicking, he goes along with it - out of fear of losing his family if he comes clean.
so: point 2 - consider that a big thing with ik is that she just doesn't get why belphie acts the way he does after killing her. she's been able to get into the heads of his brothers before him, and even now can somewhat rationalise them forgetting, but she has no idea why belphie - who first killed her and then acted like he'd forgotten about it - would suddenly seem so wracked with guilt upon finding him in the dreamscape
belphie does not think he is strong enough to move on. ik, somehow, intrinsically, already knows this is not true. this is why she's so bewildered by belphie telling her lilith's story. he's convinced this is some kind of damning evidence, but ik doesn't get how this explains anything. and because she doesn't understand, she seeks answers.
now take point 3 and 4. belphie does not attempt to seek forgiveness - he just sits in the cell solomon locks him in. he doesn't try to get out, he doesn't attempt to repent, and he doesn't want to, because as far as he's concerned there's nothing to be done
ik, on the other hand, is going to put her home back together by force if necessary, so she goes to find him. multiple times, she climbs up the tower stairs to rescue him from a waking nightmare - the same thing that killed her - because her family is still his family, and she knows too well what it's like when you go without.
belphie has been sitting stagnant for millennia on end, and now ik has decided that she is going to KICK him along until he figures out that he can stand on his own two feet and keep going. and it works, because for some reason digging demons out of emotional pits of their own creation is ik's specialty
and now point 5: ik and belphie fall quite easily into a typical sibling dynamic of the "i'll make fun of you constantly, but if anyone messes with you they're dead" kind. they never really sit down to talk out all the residual Baggage of everything, because neither of them are the type to overthink these things
but EVEN THEN. they may be simple-minded but the complication of the everything that led up to this means there's little hidden meanings even in the normalcy of their behaviour, and neither of them ever register it
for belphie it's "i'll never understand you. thank you for understanding me. i don't know what to say, so i'll tease you for tripping on your laces instead. i'd throw someone down a gorge if they made you cry. let's go shopping. i think i'll spend the rest of my life wondering if i can ever close the wound i tore in your soul."
for ik it's "i'll never forget what you did to me. i see you in my nightmares sometimes. thanks for waiting for me after school. quit making a show out of helping me reach the top shelf. sometimes i'm glad you regret things so much. can you help me with this homework? i think we're alright."
and for both of them it's "i like hanging out with you. sleep well. i'm glad we're home."
in conclusion,
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i am crazy about things i made up entirely. perhaps i am cringe but i am free
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dingdawny · 6 months
Sunshine Institute story?? ‼️ OH OH I’M EXCITED-
Built so much for this silly story and in the end it's an oc x canon 🫶 cowardly old bald man filled with regret and a longing for something more, doomed by the narrative and forced to conform to the will of a god who is no longer himself... meets a tired soul who has spent his whole life in the shadow of those above him, sent below the bedrock, submitting to the will of the universe with no real idea of what he had just done... only to once again be placed second in the ranking, an even darker shadow cast over him.
It's ok tho they're just silly billies !!
#I'll introduce Vice soon I think. He's very silly I think you'd like him#basically Vice is the Warden's erm.. Vice Warden.. bc of a big dramatic crying session from the Warden after Romeo tried to replace him#he made Vice second in command instead bc he didn't want to deal with his whining#also bc the institute was falling apart at this point and Romeo didn't want to deal with it#but he knew he could drop the workload on the Warden and Vice without argument#plus Romeo likes to prove himself right#so if Vice could handle things better in five minutes than the Warden could in fifteen years#he'd feel that rush of power again#there is a LOT more to it than that#like derealisation. the Warden losing his eye. there's a genuinely important game of chess in the void. it's a crazy intro#and like Vice's bacstory in general deals with Ellegaard and I have a whole thing built with the warden and carmine OUGH there is a lot#but the main story generally follows the Warden and Vice falling for each other and understanding each other's struggles :]#the power imbalance quickly fades as the warden starts realising that woah.. this guy respects me beyond me just telling him what to do...#wahhh I don't want to give away all of it#but I got like. a big oxblood story in there too. he has a big storyline with Vice.#OUGH I'm TERRIBLE at explaining but I PROMISEEEE IT'S SO MUCH COOLER THAN I EXPLAINED#very silly but also genuinely tragic story#romeo just didn't predict the old man yaoi when he appointed Vice
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mike-milkyway · 7 months
The day people start treating Chopper his age the world will become a better place.
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roseandgold137 · 1 year
Step 1 - make Tim and Veda’s relationship a reflection of Bruce and Dick’s, specifically how Dick wanted to grow beyond Robin and Bruce wasn’t ready to let him go yet
Step 2 - Have Veda found a not-quite-Teen-Titans-but-it’s-the-sams-premise and create a name for herself outside of Gotham, with her shedding her Lovebird mantle to become Lyrebird
Step 3 - Tamaranean Wife
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(Her name is Sinam’n her hero name is Stormsong and she is seven feet tall)
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daughterofhecata · 24 days
absolutely cray cray how @milosturgis was taken but I JUST snagged the URL @alexdelaware like two seconds ago
...i may have saved the milosturgis url quite some time ago. I'm not *doing* much over there, partly because I haven't been rereading the books that much lately, but I am holding onto it for sure. And ngl, I never cared enough about Alex to bother looking up if *that* url was taken 🙈😄
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aropride · 1 year
i think the amount of dislike i have for my high school age self is not normal especially when compared to how with my middle school self its like. He did nothing wrong in his entire life and i love him. but with my high school self its like. keeling over gritting my teeth due to .The acute embarassment
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
man. i'm looking at old mushing videos and getting misty eyed. some people always ask me "how do you know what dogs will be lead dogs?" and like i'm watching Slash's first ever run with the older dogs on the rig and he's pulling harder than them, outrunning them. I don't have video of it because my goPro battery has always been ~that bitch~ but i put him in lead with zombie that day because I was afraid he'd over exert himself as he hates being behind other dogs. In videos of his second ever run with the team he's pulling off distractions even though he has a baby brain. he was 15 months old. sometimes you just know.
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etchedstars · 10 months
hi i just wanted to drop a ss of the comments i wrote on my notion page for captured ghosts because im about to reread and i think this fic deserves all the recognition in the world it slays so hard and you should know the absolute anxiety and simultaneous joy you caused me!!!
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HI OH MY GOD ?!?!??!?!? thank you asufaudsf this is so so nice the joy THIS brought me?????????? immeasurable ty <3333
(ps theres a lot of thoughts in the tags w captured ghosts spoilers for those who may or may have not read my will byers gets haunted multichaptered fic!!)
#if youre thinking hmm i should read captured ghosts!! dont take it from me take it from tumblr user romainlettusdinnerparty :)#okokok so !!! authors thoughts#one of the biggest problems i have with media and especially in fics is when characters just have. the worlds most perfect inner dialogue#which clearly. bc they are fifteen years old. they will not be perfect they wont think coherent thoughts#human emotions are messy and indecipherable and ESP w the st characters someone who has gone thru as much as will has. hes gonna be angry !#i do my best to walk the line between good writing and realistic writing LMAO so im glad that came across :)))#ok abt joyce. this was less of a 'i think this is how joyce would be' and rlly just me being annoyed w my own mother tbh#i also wasnt a huge fan of her when i first wrote cg bc i thought she was way too paranoid over will and not caring much abt jonathan#so that is why shes Like that. im gonna be real i dont think id change it if i rewrote but i also dont think i wrote her fairly#and finally !!! im very sorry i lied about the rewrite. its not gonna happen bc i am so so swamped and i have nothing and i wrote it last y#but for the record will was supposed to be in the same sort of coma max was in and they were supposed to find each other and will#was going to promise max hed find her way out and then boom he was going to wake up there was going to be some jealousy w lucas and mike an#he makes it out alive max makes it out alive vecna doesnt fully leave etc etc. the end#anyways if youve read this far thank u and thank you for leaving this ask and this comment :))))) i havent gotten anything abt my fics in a#while tbh so knowing that like . They Still Exist and people still like them means so so much to me :')))) ok bye this was super long#overdue gets some asks#captured ghosts#happy chemical
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fooltofancy · 1 year
the fuckin fluster of activity when u remember there's an internet tech guy coming at one that u spent all weekend forgetting about.
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july-19th-club · 11 months
the thing about breaking bad is that it opens with the suggestion that marie is the most annoying member of the family but it very quickly becomes clear that she's only so annoying because she's surrounded by complete assholes at literally all times
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sukimas · 2 years
speaking of which, do you all think azmur was heim's kid or grandkid? i'm leaning on the former which is why he's old as balls and acts like he's incapable of being harmed by anything except illness
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