#also her brother's identity is still supposed to be a secret so
linagram · 5 months
[ 𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚗 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚜: 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷 ]
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(i hope the image isn't too eystrain-y AAAAAAAAA)
wooooooo i'm finally done with these
okay basically these voice dramas are about what happened to the prisoners three days before their crimes and they're supposed to reveal more about their life, what kind of people they are and all of that stuff. they will be separated into two parts bc the voice dramas are pretty short, so this part includes akio, aimi, shun, naomi and kei and the next one will include eiko, asahi, yurika, riku and reina.
warnings: a mention of bullying and an implication of a child being seriously injured in aimi's vd, shun is being a stalker, a description of physical and emotional abuse in naomi's vd, mentions of torture and homophobia in kei's vd (there's also some implications of the latter in akio's vd, but like, if you squint really hard)
[ Akio's Confession ]
(the sound of a school bell ringing)
(the voices of other students can be heard in the background)
Akio: *sighs*
Akio: *thinking* "This class was way too easy.. All classes were too easy so far, honestly."
Akio: *thinking* "Though that's just something I have to deal with as a genius that I am, haha.."
Akio: *thinking* "It's just.. I thought that an elite school like this would be more interesting."
Akio:*thinking* "But when I look at my classmates.. Yeah, I can see why the teachers would go easy on them. How did they even get- Oh, right, probably because they're rich and all."
Akio: *thinking* ".. My parents have worked so hard so that I could attend this school and now I'm complaining.."
Akio: Hm...
(sounds of someone's footsteps getting faster and faster)
Arata: Akioooooo!~
Akio: *screams*
Akio: W-what are you-
Arata: Come on, you promised that we'll have lunch together! 
Arata: Come on, get up, get up!
Akio: C-can you-
Akio: *whispering* Can you.. you know.. be quieter? This is embarrassing, everyone is staring at us.
Arata: *whispering* I know, I'm acting like this on purpose.
Akio: Wha-
Arata: Okayyyy, let's go, let's go!~
Akio: I-I haven't even brought anything with me-
Arata: It's okay, as your boyf-
Arata: Uh.. 
Arata: *clears throat* Ahem, as your best friend, I have prepared something very special for you myself!
Arata: Now let's go!
(sounds of footsteps)
Female classmate: These two are.. really close, aren't they?
Akio: I still can't believe that out of all the hobbies you could have, your hobby is.. cooking.
Arata: What, I don't look like a perfect housewife? You're breaking my heart..
Akio: Ugh..
Akio: C-can't you just act.. you know.. normal?
Arata: Nope. Now say "Ahhh~"
Akio: I am not a child-
Akio: !
Arata: See? Tastes good, doesn't it?
Akio: B-but again, everyone is staring at us..
Arata: And? They're just jealous.
Arata: You know, you look so plain, but you've got someone like me as your boyfriend! You're so lucky!
Akio: Plain?..
Arata: U-uh, I find that cute about you.
Arata: Also, you stole the "most popular guy" title from me! You're so cool!
Akio: We both know you weren't popular because of your looks or intelligence or anything.
Arata: Haha, yeah, being the son of the headmaster kinda makes you popular by default..
Arata: But like, not for a good reason.
Akio: You're still creepy though, obviously they would find you intimidating.
Akio: And you also have a lot of power in this place, so..
Arata: Y-you think I'm creepy?!
Akio: Yes.
Arata: So cold!.. But that's what I like about you!
Akio: Also, about me stealing your title and all..
Akio: .. That title also was stolen from me recently.
Arata: Huh? By who?
Arata: .. Oh.
Arata: You're talking about that guy, right?
Akio: *nods*
Arata: Well, he joined us only a few months ago and he also used to be homeschooled. I think it's his first time actually going to school?
Akio: Yeah, because of his health problems.
Arata: Of course a guy like him would get everyone's attention.
Arata: They just feel sorry for him. Don't worry about it too much~
Arata: I mean, have you seen his grades? A guy like him won't survive in this place.
Akio: Should I remind you about your own grades?
Arata: Ahaha.. At least I have you~
Akio: You're not dating me just because I can do your homework for you, right?
Arata: Well, that's one of the reasons why I like you, but..
Akio: I'm breaking up with you.
Arata: No, no, wait!
Arata: Also, Akio, aren't you dating me because I can make you look good in the eyes of the headmaster?
Akio: ...
Arata: He likes you a lot! He said that our school really needed a student like you. 
Akio: ...
Arata: You really are a genius, Akio. I'm sure you'll become famous in the future.
Akio: .. B-but I want to be famous now.
Arata: And you will! I can just make everyone here bow down to you if you want. 
Arata: Both figuratively and literally.
Akio: .. I hate him, Arata. I hate him so much.
Arata: I know. 
Akio: Sometimes I wish I just could-
Akio: ...
Akio: Never mind.
Arata: Hm? What is it?
Akio: I said, never mind!
Arata: Come on, say it, say it!
Akio: Shut up already-
Arata: Say it, Akio.
Akio: ...
Akio: .. Wouldn't it be nice if he just..
Akio: You know..
Akio: .. Died?
Arata: ...
Arata: Haha..
Arata: Ahahahahahahaha!
(sounds of Arata laughing and falling on the ground)
Akio: .. Yeah, I can't just ask you to act normal again, can I?
Arata: S-sorry, sorry.. 
Arata: It's just.. I've been waiting for you to say it.
Akio: Huh?
Arata: I don't know, something about you hating him so much to the point of wanting him dead..
Arata: It's just so exciting, you know?
Akio: .. There must be something wrong with you.
Arata: With you too. That's why we're perfect for each other!
Arata: So, how do you want him to die?
Akio: Arata, for God's sake, can you just not talk about murder while we're having lunch and there are other people around?
Arata: Nope, talking about murder is fun.
Arata: Also, you still have some food left. Open your mouth.
Akio: Why would you find talking-
Arata: Anyway, we should head back to class, the break is going to end soon.
Akio: R-right..
(sounds of footsteps)
???: Ah! Akio-kun, Arata-kun!
Akio: ...
Arata: There he is.
???: I've been looking for you two everywhere! I just thought it'd be nice to have a lunch together, haha..
???: B-but it looks like you two are already going back to class.. I'm so slow, haha..
Akio: .. I thought I told you not to call us that.
???: What?
Akio: We're not your friends. Why did you even think we'll agree to spend even the moment of our precious time with you?
???: U-uh..
Akio: Seriously, this is why you always have no choice but to eat alone. You're so stupid-
Arata: Now, now, calm down, Akio. 
Arata: Please forgive him, he's not in a good mood today.
???: Really? Why? Did something happen, Akio-kun? C-can I help-
???: ...
Arata: ...
Akio: *breathing heavily* We're not.. friends, Kitami.
Akio: I don't even want to hear you say my name. 
Akio: Don't stand in my way. Arata, we're leaving.
Chise: ...
Chise: .. Hey.. 
Chise: That's not very nice of you, Akio-kun..
Chise: You know I've worked really hard on this, right?
Akio: D-do you think I care?
Chise: Judging from the way you stutter, I think you do.
Akio: ...
Akio: (to Arata) W-why are you still standing here?! I told you we're leaving!
(sounds of Akio and Arata leaving)
Arata: The guy looked like he was about to cry. Are you proud of yourself?
Arata: Not judging you, by the way.
Akio: ...
Arata: Hey, are you listening-
Akio: Why?
Akio: Why does he want to be friends with me?
Akio: He just wants to annoy me, doesn't he? He's just jealous of me and he's trying to make me angry on purpose so that I'll end up yelling at him and ruin my reputation because he's everyone's favorite right now?
Akio: Why do people even like him?! He's so pathetic, so weak, so dumb, so..
Arata: Hey, calm down. 
Akio: ...
Arata: You're better than him. Remember that.
Arata: Well, I know for a fact that you're better than him. You're better than everyone here~
Arata: .. Hm? What's wrong?
Akio: .. Ahaha..
Akio: He really doesn't know his place, does he?
Akio: So annoying..
Arata: ...
Akio: Hey, can you help me out with something?
Arata: ...
Akio: Come on, I know you like me.
Arata: .. Haha, so now you're accepting the fact that we're a couple.
Akio: Oh, I was just acting shy. 
Arata: So.. Do you want to.. 
Arata: You know.. 
Akio: I just want to teach him a lesson. Nothing more than that. I'm strict, but I'm not evil. 
Arata: ... Oh. 
Arata: Well, our school's lucky to have a king like you. 
[ Aimi's Confession ]
(The door opens)
Aimi: I'm back! 
Aimi: ... 
Aimi: Hey? Is anybody here? 
Aimi: ... 
Aimi: "Haha.. It's like I have no choice but to be alone.."
Aimi: "Just what did I do to deserve this-" 
???: Oh, there you are! 
Aimi:"Great. Out of all people, it had to be him."
Aimi: Nii-san!
(sounds of Aimi and her brother hugging)
Aimi's brother: Sorry, I was wearing earphones and didn't hear you.
Aimi's brother: If you're wondering where mom and dad are, they went to check on the park, they've heard it's been doing.. not so good.
Aimi: Really? What happened? 
Aimi's brother: One of the rides suddenly stopped working and two kids fell off. One of them is fine, thankfully, but the other one ended up in the hospital. 
Aimi: Oh.. 
Aimi's brother: Also, Yori is walking Maru and Mochi right now, just so you know. 
Aimi: Oh, right, I got scared for a second, haha.. 
Aimi: By the way, why are you wearing an apron? 
Aimi's brother: Oh, Fumiri wasn't feeling well, so I offered to cook today. 
Aimi: You can cook? 
Aimi's brother: Okay, rude. 
Aimi's brother: You're not gonna eat then?
Aimi: No, I will! I'm okay with whatever Nii-san decides to make~
Aimi's brother: I'm almost done, so you don't have to wait long. Go wash your hands.
Aimi: Oh, right! I forgot, haha.. 
Aimi: I didn't know you were this good at cooking. It's shocking, really. 
Aimi's brother: *laughs* Why are you so mean to me today? Did you have a bad day at school?
Aimi: ...
Aimi's brother: Oh.. 
Aimi's brother: Sorry. Sorry, I didn't mean to-
Aimi: N-no, it's okay, it's okay! It's just..
Aimi: It's.. Um.. 
Aimi: M-my classmates.. 
Aimi's brother: ... 
Aimi's brother: *sighs* What did they do this time?
Aimi: Well, um.. 
Aimi: Haha.. 
Aimi: Emi-chan said that I'm too violent and because of that others tend to avoid me.. 
Aimi: And.. She said she thinks I'm.. 
Aimi: Scary, haha.. 
Aimi's brother: ... 
Aimi: Am I scary, Nii-san? 
Aimi: Am I violent? 
Aimi: I always try to be kind to everyone I meet! I would never want to scare anyone or hurt them! 
Aimi: I'm not violent! I'm really not! 
Aimi's brother: I know. I know. 
Aimi's brother: Why do you think she called you that? 
Aimi: I don't know!
Aimi: I don't want to say that she.. 
Aimi: Uh.. 
Aimi's brother: You don't want to suspect her, right? 
Aimi's brother: You don't want to believe that she had bad intentions, right? 
Aimi: ... 
Aimi: W-why would she? 
Aimi: I mean, she's not evil or anything.. 
Aimi's brother: Well, maybe she's jealous. 
Aimi's brother: Maybe she's jealous of your wealth or your looks. 
Aimi's brother: Maybe she wanted to provoke you and make you act "violent" in public. 
Aimi's brother: You know, like that time with Sao.
Aimi: I-I didn't hit her on purpose, I swear! 
Aimi's brother: Of course, I know that. 
Aimi's brother: But that's just how the world works. If somebody doesn't like you, it doesn't mean that they will be straightforward about it. Maybe they will just try to make it look like it's your fault for making them hate you.
Aimi's brother: It's not their fault for being mean to you. It's your fault for getting angry. That's how their thought process goes.
Aimi: Would they like me more if I wasn't so rich? Would they like me more if I wasn't so pretty? 
Aimi: I always was so nice to them! I bought them so many gifts, I always offered my help when needed..
Aimi: ... 
Aimi's brother: Aimi, dear, I understand you. I understand your feelings so well. 
Aimi's brother: This world is full of evil people. You're one of the few people who stay kind no matter what. 
Aimi's brother: And most people prefer to just ignore all the evil others do.. 
Aimi's brother: But I don't agree with that. Honestly, I think people like that don't deserve to live. 
Aimi: .. "Don't deserve to live"?
Aimi: So what you're saying is.. 
Aimi: ... 
Aimi's brother: Just trust me, okay? You can always rely on me. 
Aimi: B-but then.. 
Aimi's brother: I'll go wash the dishes. How about you play with Maru and Mochi when they come back? 
Aimi: Nii-san, you're not going to.. 
Aimi:Do anything to my classmates, right? 
(sounds of Aimi's brother washing the dishes) 
Aimi: Ugh, he can't hear me.. 
(sounds of dogs barking in the background)
Aimi: Oh, is that-
Aimi: They're back! I'll go greet them, hehe~
[ Shun's Confession ]
Shun: I see. Thank you, this helps a lot.
Old woman's voice: You're welcome. To be honest, I did have my suspicions about that boy..
Old woman's voice: But you seem really nice. I'm sure she still misses you.
Shun: Ahaha.. Thank you so much. I hope so too.
Shun: Have a nice day.
(sounds of footsteps)
Shun: ...
Shun: *sighs loudly*
Shun: God, that was so scary..
Shun: Ugh, socializing shouldn't be this hard..
Shun: But at least I've learned more about her..
Shun: .. Shouldn't I have known that already if she was my girlfriend?..
Shun: N-never mind.
Shun: Okay, let me just go through my notes-
Shun: !
Shun: I-I almost dropped my phone..
Shun: Okay, so.. 
Shun: Inaba Hina, 21 year old. A university student, psychology major, also has a part-time job as a babysitter.
Shun: So she's good with kids, huh.. Haha, they're going to love her.
Shun: Was born on August 28th, lives alone, but regularly picks her little brother up from school since her parents can't do that because of their job and his school is very close to her apartment.
Shun: Come to think of it..
Shun: R-right! She's supposed to pick him up soon!
Shun: I have the address written down, hold on..
Shun: That's it, I'm finally going to meet her!..
Shun: "Okay, I'm finally here.."
Shun: "Huh.. It looks like her brother isn't here yet.."
Shun: "I guess I'll have to wait."
Shun: "Oh, maybe I should try to become friends with her little brother too? If I show her how good I am at taking care of kids, I'm sure she will fall in love with me again!"
Shun: Ehehe.. This plan is definitely going to work..
Shun: I should just wait until her brother-
Shun: Oh, isn't that..
Shun: "Okay, just act normal."
Shun: Hello there. Sorry for asking, but you're Inaba Renji, aren't you?
Renji: .. Um..
Shun: I know this may sound weird, but I'm your sister's.. friend and-
Renji: W-why do you know my name?
Shun: Your sister told me! She loves you a lot and she told me that you're a very good kid so I thought-
Renji: .. And what's your name?
Shun: O-oh, uh..
Shun: I-it's Ishizu Shun. You've probably heard it before.
Renji: Nope. Never heard a name like that.
Shun: ...
Shun: "S-she.. Never told her brother about me.."
Renji: Hey. I don't know what your deal is and I don't know anything about your relationship with my sister, but like..
Renji: C-can you.. leave me alone?
Shun: Oh, uh, s-she asked me to pick you up from school since she's too busy today!
Renji: ...
Shun: ...
Renji: Dude. That's like.. What all child kidnappers say. 
Shun: What?! No, no, you got it all wrong! I swear, I really am her friend-
Renji: I am going to scream if you don't leave me alone.
Shun: But-
Renji: *takes a breath*
Shun: Okay, fine, fine!
(sounds of Shun running away)
Shun: *breathing heavily*
Shun: That.. did not go well..
Shun: .. So she.. never told her brother about me..
Shun: .. Did she even love me?
Shun: And if not.. Why did she even date me?
Shun: I'm not that attractive and I'm not that smart..
(sound of a phone notification)
Shun: Hm? What's that?
Shun: O-oh, right, I forgot about Merurin's stream!
Shun: At least I have her to comfort me..
Shun: Did I bring my earphones with me-
???: Here you are!
Shun: *screams*
???: I've been looking for you everywhere!
???: Did you even read my messages?
???: Or did you forget as always?
Shun: .. I-I forgot.
???: *sighs* You have work today, you remember that?
Shun: .. I forgot.
???: Why are you like this..
???: Let's go. We're gonna be late, but honestly, I don't really care.
Shun: ...
???: Don't look at me like that. I'm not doing this because we're friends or anything.
Shun: O-oh, right. Sorry..
???: Hey, what were you watching anyway-
A voice from Shun's phone: Hewwo, my adorable little kittens! How are you all doing today? 
Shun: ...
???: ...
A voice from Shun's phone: Aw, I wish I could just give you all loooooots of headpats!~
???: .. You know what, I think you'll be fine without my help.
???: See you at work. 
Shun: W-wait!
Shun: ...
Shun: ".. Fine. I'm going to see Hina soon anyway."
Shun: "Or actually.."
Shun: .. Ehehe..
Shun: "Maybe I should invite her new boyfriend instead?"
[ Naomi's Confession ]
(sounds of children laughing and running around can be heard in the background)
Naomi: Okay, okay, everybody, sit down~ We can't have a tea party while you all are running and jumping like this, right?
Naomi's students: Okay, Chiba-sensei!
(sounds of children sitting down)
Naomi: Great! Now, I didn't forget about anyone, right? Everyone has tea to drink and snacks to eat-
Female student A: Chiba-sensei! Natsu ate my cookies while I wasn't looking!
Naomi: (to Natsu) Really? Did you do that?
Natsu: .. *nods*
Naomi: Come on, that's not a good thing to do. If you wanted some, you could have just asked me. 
Natsu: .. S-sorry..
Naomi: Here, you can take these. But please apologize to Rimi-chan, okay? 
Natsu: (to Rimi) U-um.. I-I'm sorry.. They just looked really good..
Rimi: Hm.. Fine, I forgive you! But never do that again!
Natsu: I-I promise!
Naomi: *laughs* Here, Rimi-chan, I still have some for you left.
Rimi: Yay! You're the best, Chiba-sensei!
Female student B: Chiba-sensei, why other teachers are so boring and strict compared to you?
Female student B: You're so nice!
Male student A: Yeah! You're like a friend to us, but like, a friend that's much older than us!
Naomi: Haha, are you saying that I'm old?
Female student C: Ugh, boys are so rude..
Naomi: Well, um.. I don't know, I just.. I don't want you to see my classes as something.. bad, I guess?
Naomi: I don't want you to be afraid of me or hate me.
Naomi: And also, I try to treat you all with respect, because that's what you all deserve, even if you all are much younger than me.
Naomi's students: Whoa..
Female student D: Chiba-sensei is so cool!
Female student B: How can anyone hate her-
???: .. Ahem.
???: So what you're saying is that you don't want people to see you in a bad way? 
???: You're afraid of people hating you, right? Even if those people are just kids?
Naomi: ...
Female student C: Way to kill the mood.. 
Naomi: Haha.. Come on, Tao-kun, you know that's not true-
Naomi: A-and even if it is true, what's so bad about it? Nobody wants to be hated-
Tao: Yeah, but you're an adult.
Tao: And you're still trying to please everyone and never say no to anyone.
Tao: I don't think it's because you're so kind, but because you're just too scared of being hated.
Tao: Do you really like us? Or do you like us because it's easy to manipulate us and make us think you're the nicest person in the world?
Naomi: ...
Male student B: What's your problem, Tao?! 
Female student C: That's why nobody likes you.
Female student B: Chiba-sensei is nice to us because she loves us. Simple as that. 
Tao: You are not her kids! We're just her students. There's no reason for her to love us.
Female student C: Well, she loves us more than your parents love you, that's for sure.
Tao: !
Tao: Shut up-
(the door opens)
???: Chiba-san? Someone wants to see you.
Naomi: .. O-oh. S-sure, I'll be right there.
Naomi: *stands up* Please wait for me, okay? Don't eat everything without me~
Naomi's students: Okay!~
(sounds of Naomi's footsteps)
Naomi: *thinking* "But who could have possibly wanted to see me-"
Naomi: ...
Naomi: .. Mom?
Naomi's mother: Well hello there.
Naomi's mother: What's with the kids laughing and screaming? I thought you were supposed to have classes today.
Naomi: U-um, we planned to have a tea party today, since everyone's been doing so well lately and we also finished working early, s-so..
Naomi: I just thought it would be nice to reward them with something, you know?
Naomi's mother:Is that a cookie crumb on your cheek?
Naomi: .. Oh. S-sorry.
Naomi's mother: You're so unprofessional..
Naomi: M-mom, I am a 30 year old teacher. Stop visiting me like this. It's embarrassing.
Naomi's mother: You're a bigger embarassment. I have no choice but to check how you're doing.
Naomi's mother: Seriously, you act more like a child than your students.
Naomi: ...
Naomi: B-but they seem to love me-
Naomi's mother: They don't see you as a teacher, Naomi. They see you as another child. You're a friend to them, not a teacher. You won't be able to become a good role model for them.
Naomi: I-I just want them to feel safe, since most of them come from.. families with all sorts of problems.
Naomi's mother: Nobody can be safe with you around. I literally keep visiting you exactly because of that.
Naomi: ...
Naomi's mother: Don't look at me like that. 
Naomi: Please, just.. leave. My students can hear us.
Naomi's mother: And what exactly are you so afraid of? It's your fault for being like this.
Naomi's mother: If you wanted to become a teacher to make me proud, then at least act like one.
Naomi: I-I'm trying..
Naomi: But someone keeps distracting me from doing my job-
(a sound of Naomi being slapped)
Naomi: ...
Naomi's mother: Don't you ever blame me for doing this.
Naomi's mother: I'm doing this for your sake. You have left me no other choice.
Naomi: .. Someone could see you doing this to me, you know.
Naomi's mother: Oh, so now you're blackmailing me. Seriously, you should be more grateful.
Naomi's mother: You don't have to "worry" about me. With my reputation, people would never think I'm in the wrong for doing this.
Naomi's mother: .. They never did.
Naomi's mother: Now, go back to work.
Naomi: .. You really just came to traumatize me again? The hell is wrong with you?
Naomi's mother: .. We'll discuss the way you talk to your own mother later.
Naomi: I am not a child-
Naomi's mother: Again, I have no choice but to treat you like one. 
Naomi's mother: Now, go and play with the kids your age.
(sounds of Naomi's mother's footsteps becoming quieter)
Naomi: ...
Rimi: Chiba-sensei..
Naomi: Ah!
Naomi: Rimi-chan.. what are you doing here?
Naomi: D-did you see-
Rimi: *nods*
Naomi: ...
Naomi: I'm so sorry. That was.. not a teacher-like thing to do-
Naomi: !
Rimi: .. W-when I told you about my parents, you hugged me. You hugged me, even though I was so loud and annoying and couldn't stop crying..
Rimi: S-so, um.. I-I thought that maybe this can help you feel better too.
Naomi: ...
Naomi: C-come on, an adult should be comforting a child, not the other way around..
Naomi: Let's go back, okay? I'm sure everyone is waiting for us.
Naomi: ".. I just hope Tao didn't see this."
[ Kei's Confession ]
(a woman's screaming can be heard in the background)
Kei: Shh, it's okay, it's okay~
Kei: Can you smile for me, please?
Kei: Or, actually, never mind, your expression is already perfect. 
Kei: Anddddd we're done!~
Kei's boss: Seriously, you're enjoying this way too much.
Kei: I just love my job a lot, is that bad?
Kei's boss: Well, your job is to take photos of people in the worst conditions imaginable. Most people wouldn't really like this job, unless they've got some screws loose.
Kei: Haha, come on, you know that with a father like mine, I'm used to this.
Kei's boss: True..
Kei: Also, I'm sure this cutie over here has already fallen in love with me-
(the woman's screaming gets louder)
Kei: .. Maybe not.
Kei's boss: Anyway, just take the money and leave. 
Kei: Oh, you know I'm not doing this for the money-
Kei's boss: Ahem.
Kei: Got it, got it. 
Kei: (to the woman) See you later, sweetie! Uh.. If you survive, that is.
(the door opens)
Kei: Ruka, I'm home!~
Kei: Ruka?..
Kei: "Where could he be?"
Kei: "Nothing happened to him while I was gone, right?.."
Kei: !
Kei: RUKA!
Kei: "What if they've done something to him while I was-"
Kei: Huh?..
Ruka: Oh, you're home.
Kei: .. What are you doing?
Ruka: I'm taking a bath. I thought it was obvious.
Kei: .. While fully clothed?
Ruka: Of course. I remember doing so even when I was alive.
Kei: .. O-okay.
Kei: *breathes out* I was so scared..
Ruka: Why?
Ruka: I won't drown or anything. And I won't try to kill myself. I'm already dead anyway-
Kei: I know, I know! It's just..
Kei: Well, uh.. You remember what happened.
Ruka: .. Oh.
Ruka: You can come here, if you want.
Kei: Again, while fully clothed?
Ruka: What's your issue with clothes? Do it, coward.
Kei:*laughs* Fine, fine.
(sounds of Kei getting into the bathtub)
Kei: This feels so weird.
Ruka: Hearing that from a guy like you sounds weirder.
Kei: .. Am I really that weird, Ruka?
Ruka: Yeah.
Kei: But why?
Ruka: Every single thing about you is weird.
Kei: Well, name one then!
Ruka: You're sitting in a bathtub with me right now and we both have our clothes on.
Kei: .. That was all part of your plan?!
Ruka: Yep.
Kei: .. *laughs* Then you're just as weird as me.
Ruka: Probably. I'm dead anyway, might as well do whatever I want.
Kei: .. Maybe it would be nice to die, actually-
Kei: No, no, what am I saying, haha..
Ruka: Nope, you have to live.
Kei: Huh? Why?
Ruka: Uh..
Ruka: 'Cause you have a job and I don't?.. And well, we still need money, so..
Kei: *laughs* How do you just.. Let things like this come out of your mouth?
Ruka: Maybe that's because of your influence.
Kei: .. Ruka, you love me, right?
Ruka: Dunno.
Kei: Meanie.
Kei: .. I don't want to leave this house anymore. 
Kei: Everyone is too mean.
Kei: They're too mean to us.
Ruka: Listen, your friends' reaction was understandable-
Kei: It was not! They were so rude!
Kei: I probably should have expected it, they were always saying weird things about guys who like guys..
Ruka: *sighs* It's not because of me being a guy.
Ruka: Actually, I'm not even sure if I'm one-
Kei: You are one. At least, uh.. physically. Your gender is up to you to figure out though.
Ruka: Sure, whatever. Anyway, that's not because they acted like that.
Kei: Ugh, the water is so cold..
Ruka: You just noticed?
Kei: They were so mean...
Ruka: .. Are you going to cry?
Kei: Shut up.
Kei: I wish I could prove to them that my way of showing love is normal..
Ruka: I doubt you can do that.
Kei: .. I think I have an idea.
Ruka: He has an idea. Great.
Kei: They always said things like "Kei, come on, you're going to steal our girlfriends at this point!" or "Seriously, our girlfriends are going to fall in love with you, if you keep at it!"
Kei: I think that's because they knew that their girls would gladly choose me over them.
Kei: So.. Why not invite them here? I can give them as much love as they want from me~
Ruka: Oh no, I'm feeling so jealous..
Kei: You sound more emotionless than ever.
Ruka: Anyway, I'm against this.
Kei: Why?!
Ruka: You should just forget about your friends. Seriously. 
Ruka: Do you even see them as friends?
Kei: Um.. Not really..
Kei: But..
Kei: If I want to appear "less weird", I need to have friends..
Ruka: .. Hey. 
Ruka: .. Have you ever had friends? You know.. before them?
Kei: .. I think I had one.
Kei: But I don't really remember him that well..
Kei: H-he probably left me or something, haha..
Kei: .. Hey, the water is way too cold. I'm getting out.
Ruka: You're not actually going to invite them to our house, right?
(sounds of Kei getting out of the bathtub)
Kei: Why not? I can treat those girls better than their boyfriends.
Ruka: Kei, I don't have a good feeling about this.
Kei: Aw, so you really are jealous!
Ruka: .. You already have me. You don't have to try and get those guys' trust back or whatever.
Kei: ...
Kei: I don't like the way wet clothes feel. I'll go change.
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faithshouseofchaos · 5 months
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Secret identity
Miss Americana and the heartbreak Prince— Prince Carlos sainz x reader part one
Tagged— @moss-on-tmblr @toasttt11 @ladymarvel27 @darleneslane @csainzoperator @carlossainzwho @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @a-casual-romantic @alwayzbeenale @bblouifford @badassturtle13 @bbtoni @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @faithm120701 @hollie911 @ironcowboycopnickel @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @natailiatulls07 @norrisleclercf1 @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics @purplephantomwolf @lightdragonrayne @hrts4scarr @nikolaros22
as much as Carlos loved being a prince he also hated it. Soon he’d take over and become king, something that Carlos couldn’t wait for and dreaded. Carlos always saw being the king as soul-sucking and stressful. It wouldn’t be so bad but his mother, his beloved mother, had been going through suitable candidates for a future queen. Carlos didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.
That’s how Carlos found himself here in his room packing bags and making arrangements to leave Spain to live a somewhat normal life while he still could.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Carlos’s sister said, sitting on her brother's bed.
“What could possibly go wrong, it's just a couple of weeks” Carlos says.
“Everything could go wrong brother”
“Your paranoid”
“I’m not paranoid where are you even going to go hmm?”
“I found a roommate far away from Spain”
“What are you talking about?”
"Far away? " the sister questioned Carlos with curiosity and suspicion
"America" Carlos responded
"America ? You ? You're crazy you'll never actually be able to fit in there you're royalty "
Carlos let out a small smirk he could already tell why this will be a fun trip
"That's precisely the reason I'm going sister"
"What are you gonna tell our parents ?" his sister asked concerned
"That's the beautiful part" Carlos responded with a smirk
"I'm not telling them"
"You can't just leave and not tell them where you're going" his sister exclaimed
"Oh I think I can..." Carlos replied confidently "and for the record I'm not planning to be gone forever this is just a little break I need "
"You realize you're missing the coronation party and the chance to meet your future Queen" his sister pointed out
"I'm aware sister" was all Carlos could say in reply
"You're not serious right?!?" his sisters eyes widened and mouth dropped
"I'm very serious" Carlos responded
"You do know what's gonna happen when they find out"
"Of course I'm aware " Carlos replied in a calm manner
His mind was made up regardless of the repercussions
"You know that the chance of me actually liking a queen or even just tolerating her is close to none and besides that I just want to live a normal life like everyone else for awhile"
"There's a huge difference between living and existing you know " he added
"You're so stubborn it's ridiculous" the sister stated as she shook her head
"I suppose that's a trait I'll carry forward to the throne" Carlos said in a joking manner
"Yeah right if you ever sit on that throne in the first place. They'll probably throw you to the wolves if not worse" his sister said mockingly
Carlos smiled amused at his sister sarcasm
"Just promise me you won't tell mom and dad where I'm going " Carlos said to his sister
His sister looked at him and let out a sigh
"I promise not to tell them but I'm not lying for you in case they find out about this " she stated
"I'll take that chance" Carlos said and they both knew he would
And so it was settled Carlos was going through with this whether or not his family supported it.
The sister left the room and Carlos continued packing. He had his bags almost filled now as he paused and took one last look around his room
"Just what am i getting myself into" he said to himself
But a little voice in him knew he would be okay. A little adventure was just what he needed to brighten his spirits and clear his head from all that's been bogging it down.
After an entire life spent in the upper echelon of society, being waited on hand and foot by maids and butlers, being given anything and everything he wants, finally Carlos was getting the chance to live a somewhat normal life for a while.
It was a bit scary but also exciting.
He’d finally be able to learn how to do basic tasks, be responsible for himself, and appreciate the simple things in life.
And he had a feeling he may even meet someone special along the way.
He made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare so he spent the next two hours just sitting and watching people walk by.
Some of the people walking by looked completely overwhelmed by the airport's constant noise and hectic atmosphere, and Carlos couldn't blame them, but at the same time he couldn't help feeling a bit nervous himself. All of this was going to be very different from his previous lifestyle.
Finally his boarding time came along which snapped him out of his trance.
He still had a slight sense of uneasiness but it was quickly outweighed by the excitement of starting a new chapter in his life.
Carlos waited in line for his plane and got on board.
At that point he officially had left his old life behind and he was already picturing things playing out in his new one.
This was going to be his new normal for as long as he wanted it to last and he felt strangely content.
Time really flew by during the flight and Carlos spent most of the duration of the flight napping.
When he awoke it was almost time for them to land.
The plane was coming in for its descent and Carlos couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous.
He was only hours away from beginning a new chapter in his life but at that very moment it felt more like a leap of faith.
Soon the plane was safely on the ground and after an uneventful exit Carlos was officially on American soil.
It was a surreal feeling for him, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and optimism for this new chapter of his life to begin.
Carlos just felt that his whole life had been leading up to this moment, and now that he was finally here he was ready to start his new adventure.
And he had no idea what adventures lay ahead of him….
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chuusposts · 1 year
thorn princess
summary: diluc, zhongli, ayato with a shy/assassin/female! reader
warnings: violence, bombs idk, mentioned of hysteria(?)
notes: heavily inspired by mommy yor and her hot husband (/^ ་། ^)/
+ broken english (maybe)
more: a little information about you; you are either (fake) dating or married to them because apparently being a single woman at your age kinda sus. that and you are implied to have a brother (and a deceased parents ahuahahha) in all part :)
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diluc - secure a wife
darknight hero's operation. an operation given to him, as the darknight hero, to stop whatever the fatui was planning. he was starting to get worried, especially since the people of monstadt are getting more curious day by day about the identity of the darknight hero. how to keep the people of monstadt from any harm without revealing his identity? how to stay low and not get caught as the darknight hero? should he get a partner to avoid the people's suspicion?
"oh well..." the male sighed as he straightened his body to sit properly. "i guess i'll just secure a wife."
and that's how he obtained the 'secure a wife' mission. that's how he secured you.
when you met him at a tailor shop a few days ago, you asked him a favour to be your date for your friend's party. it's not like you must bring one, but you didn't want to worry your brother since you lied to him and told him that you have a boyfriend. of course, he accepted it but he asked you something in return; to be his wife in the meantime. whilst he didn't state the reason, you still agreed to it.
this whole mission is to keep his identity a secret, so how did both of you end up like this?
a fatui's car crashing onto yours and diluc having a hard time explaining to you why the fatui were following him. there're also a few fights here and there between him and the fatui hence why he didn't realize that someone was trying to ambush the both of you until you had to kick him and accidentally sent him flying.
you gasp upon realising what you just did and kept apologising to him saying that you're still amateur and shouldn't have involved with his matters when he suddenly chuckled.
you halt your sentence as he brought himself to stand up, "thank you, y/n. how amazing! you sent him flying!" he said, smiling. you silently thank the dark alley as blush slowly starts to form on your cheeks as well as your ears.
nonetheless, he swiftly grabbed your wrist and sprinted when he heard another voice searching for the both of you. "i'm sorry to bring this up at a time like this..." you ponder for a moment before asking him, "...but would you like to get married?"
"huh?" it seems like your question caught him off guard when he suddenly stumbled on his steps making him fall on his face, "what?" "just something like an extension of our terms..." he can clearly see how nervous you are when you start to fidget with your hands and fingers, "apparently single woman such as myself are found to be suspicious, so to blend in... in order to continue my job as an assassin as well."
"w-what i'm trying to say is... rather than just pretending to be your wife, what about making it official? for our mutual benefits!" you might be in a state like a tomato right now, but that's the only way. he's probably the only person who'll accept you for who you are.
but what you didn't expect was for him to immediately agree to your proposal when he suggests to stop by the city hall on the way home and get the process started, "oh, that's right." he stop mid sentence and searches for something in his pocket. his facade dropped when he realised that the ring he was supposed to give you was no longer there.
"bastards!!" he grabs your shoulders and quickly bring you behind a big steel box, "shoot 'em dead!" and a lot of gunshot sounds can be heard after that.
when he makes it there, he takes off a grenade's safety pin "y/n, in times of sickness..." and throws it to the fatui, "and in times of sorrow," it felt as if time stopped as he slid the safety pin in your ring finger and held your hands dearly, "whatever difficulties may come,"
"let us help each other."
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zhongli - fake boyfriend
'is there anyone special?'
'i guess it's odd that she's alone in that age.'
'of course, you're welcome to bring a date.'
you were thinking about your co-workers and brother's words that kept ringing in your head; your friend, had invited you to her party that will be hosted during the weekend and even though she knew you didn't have a date, she still asked you to bring one. you looked in the mirror, and then to your dress that was slightly covered with your victims' blood, "it's impossible... the only housework i'm good at is cleaning up."
at least that's what you thought, until...
"i was just thinking how beautiful you are."
lately, people has been really cautious of zhongli. not because they know he's a former god whatsoever, it's because he knows too much; whether it's about the history of liyue, the god of wealth, or what happened during the previous archon's war. normal people would think he's just a person that loves history, but apparently that's not the case. he has been really careless these days and his actions almost coused him to reveal his true identity.
so when you told him about the problem you were facing, a thought crossed his mind, 'maybe having a fake girlfriend would not be so bad...'
but never in a million years you thought he would ditch you on the day of the party. currently it's half past seven and you haven't even seen a single strand of his hair. you sigh, eventually give up and decide to go to the party by yourself.
you knocked on the door a few times before your friends invited you in and asked you where your boyfriend is. it looks like they don't believe you even after you explained that your date had some urgent business to attend to. of course they don't, it's not like you were saying the truth. they're slowly getting on your nerves especially when they had the audacity to talk bad in front of you about how you're just a girl who can't get a man.
'such a nuisance. if all adults here die, maybe my brother won't find out that i came here alone...'
you shake your head in denial. you can't just go killing people like that, that's not how your job works.
as you make your way to the chair in the corner of the room, you notice how everyone is either with their partner or children. they look so... happy, eyes shining brighter than those ores at the chasm. a family, something you thought that you will never have. 'it must be what it's like, to be normal...' maybe your brother wanted you to be like them.
guessing that you don't belong here (and probably never will), you pack your things and decide to leave, gathering your friends' attention, "i'm sorry... i'm going to excuse myself-"
'slam' you jolted and let out a small yelp when the door slammed open and there he was, standing at the door frame beside you with blood dripping from his forehead, "i apologize for being so late! i'm zhongli, y/n's boyfriend."
is he okay? he looks dizzy... why is there blood anyway? shocked by what just happened, you still hand your handkerchief to him. but it's not just you, every single guest in the room is alarmed. zhongli had to calm everyone down by lying that it was just some hilichurls that had ambushed him while he was on the way hence why he's late.
"you must be joking. you have a boyfriend, y/n? why didn't you say anything?" your friend asked.
you look away in embarrassment and murmur a "i- uh... but i did tell you..."
"mr. zhongli, did you know?" but it seems to you that your friend has no plan to back out as she brings her tipsy self closer to him, "i heard she had a shady job before she came to our workplace! what was it? men would call you and you'd go to hotels to give them massages! how scandalous! bla bla bla "
you close your eyes, too ashamed to look at your boyfriend. at this point, you might as well stop working at your workplace and give up being an assassin.
"it is admirable." ...huh? you look at him as if you're asking him for an explanation.
zhongli smiles, taking your hand in his and giving it a little squeeze, "i heard you lost your parents when you were young and had to work hard to look after your brother. it must be hard to continue working at a young age and taking care of your brother both at once. that's something you should be proud of."
it requires more than just determination to endure and continue hard work for the sake of someone or something, at the expense of oneself. he knows it very well, he knows it more than anyone else.
usually, it was always you alone. but when there's your boyfriend standing beside you right now, even if it's fake, surely you will feel a lot warmer tonight.
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ayato - royal chef
you're probably not aware of this but, ayato doesn't fail to notice how you have been coming home late recently. as this is only a marriage of convenience, he tries not to stick his nose into your business. but he's not the type of husband to ignore his wife at all. he also notices how you have a gloomy and sollen face, and numerous cuts on your hands every time you come home.
he wants to tell you how worried he is and how badly he wants to talk about it, but you're always exhausted and always in your own room, not even bothering to touch the food thoma prepared for the both of you. as the head of the yashiro commissioner, he has every right to be suspicious of you.
well, that's his point of view.
you, on the other hand, just finished buying groceries with a murderous look on your face and was on your way to your friend's house.
a few days ago, you had asked your friend to teach you cooking because your ability in cooking sucks and what kind of wife doesn't know how to cook? last time when you tried to take thoma's place and cook for ayato, he was in the bathroom all day. if this continue, your marriage (and your job as an assassin) will be in danger as he will get tired of you and rid you out of his life. it's a recipe for disaster if neither the wife nor the husband can cook.
so here you are, looking forward to learn cooking from her again. her husband even invited your brother to taste your dishes. but then again, maybe you should just give up...
"how in the world does this happen with a peeler?! it's a pool of blood!"
"like i said, you're cutting it too small! just cut it normally!"
"hey! why did you cut the cutting board? that was my favorite!"
you're lucky that she's nice, only a little cynical.
anyway, your first dish is complete, time to taste the food! it looks uh... yes, very edible.
as soon as your brother put it in his mouth, he swore that he could see his ancestors waving at him asking him to go to the afterlife with them. you could say the same to your friend and her husband as you see their almost lifeless body lie down in front of you. maybe yakisoba was too advanced for you, so let's make something easier like omelette rice.
"it's delicious! it's so good that i'm breaking out in a cold sweat!"
but wait, something's weird. is he... eating and throwing up at the same time? his face is turning blue too.
"as i'm tasting this flavour, my childhood memories are rushing back to me. wait, i'm seeing someone... is that our deceased mother?"
"stop! stop for a second, my guy!"
your friend sighed, and suddenly an idea popped up in her head, "hey, don't you remember something delicious that your parents made for you? just as reference."
and that's how the real cooking lesson started.
the next night arrives and you're so excited to finally cook for your beloved husband. oh right, you even invited ayaka and thoma to eat together as a token of appreciation for everything they did to you. they had a little doubt when you said you're gonna cook for them, but they still let you. ayato's suspicions also died when you tell him that you were secretly learning how to cook.
"it's done! the fried egg kind of lost its shape, but... please enjoy!"
ayato smells it as he takes a spoonful of the stew soup you just made just to make sure they're safe to eat. with hesitation and his heart beating faster than the speed of light, he finally puts it in his mouth.
"it's delicious!"
they say simultaneously. their facial expressions says it all as they continue eating, "ayaka likes this!" and "it tastes very comforting." could be heard in the dining room.
seeing their faces look so happy while eating... it brings back so many memories, especially when your mother used to cook for you when you were still small. it touches your heart how such a little gesture can bring so much happiness to them.
you cover your face as tears start to dwell up in your eyes. you thought that you had to protect this life in order to continue as an assassin. but having all of them approve of you, and seeing their laughter, just simply makes you so happy, and it makes you want to continue seeing them like this.
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unclewaynemunson · 9 months
Made a post about Eddie's mother and now this is happening apparently | now also on ao3 as a multi chapter fic
Two years after Eddie discovered the identity of his mother, Nancy Wheeler arrives at Hawkins High. She's still tiny – comparable to Eddie when he was fourteen and had yet to hit his growth spurt – and she's practically glued to this tall ginger girl with thick glasses at all times.
Eddie can't help but look at her whenever they cross paths, and it doesn't take long before he has to draw the disillusioned conclusion that the two of them couldn't possibly be more different from each other. She's nothing like Eddie, with his perpetually loud and boisterous presence, but rather the kind of girl who's always quietly giggling with her friend in a corner of the cafeteria or in the library doing homework. She's very pretty and Eddie strongly suspects she could easily be hanging out with the popular crowd, if she wanted to – he sees how certain guys look at her. But she doesn't seem too interested in any of that, rather sticking with her nerdy friend and dedicating her time to the kind of extracurriculars that ambitious girls are supposed to do.
'Eddie! Hey, Eddie! Munson!'
Jeff has to snap his fingers in front of Eddie's face before he finally gets his attention.
'What?' Eddie startles.
'I've been talking to you for like, the past ten minutes. What the hell can be more important to you than the plot of The death of Captain Marvel?'
Eddie has to muster all his self-restraint to not look over Jeff's shoulder across the cafeteria to where Nancy Wheeler and her friend are sitting two tables over. But alas, he is not exactly known for his vast amounts of self-restraint.
Jeff follows his gaze and gasps.
'Nancy Wheeler?' he hisses emphatically under his breath, leaning closer towards Eddie. 'Dude, are you kidding me?'
'Jeff,' Eddie says, flatly, to stop him.
But Jeff marches on. 'The jocks won't stop talking about her, man! Don't you dare become like that, you –'
'Ew,' is all Eddie has to say to that. 'Dude, you are so wrong, it's not even funny.'
Jeff risks another glance over his shoulder.
'Her friend is cute,' he says.
'Wasn't looking at her friend either,' Eddie answers, accompanying his words with an eye-roll.
A smile crosses over Jeff's face. 'Good,' he establishes.
Luckily, if there's anything Eddie is good at, it's to take an opportunity when he sees one: he latches onto this fascinating piece of information and spends the rest of their lunch break teasing Jeff relentlessly about his little crush on a certain freckled freshman.
He's pretty sure that Jeff is way too shy to ever ask any girl out – and even though Eddie might be pretty damn stupid, he's not exactly stupid enough to meddle in this one. That'd be a recipe for a disaster of boundless extent.
He can't help but wonder what it'd be like, though. He knows it's an utterly useless daydream in multiple aspects, the most important one being the way he sees Barbara Holland looking at Nancy. It easily betrays to him that the chances are very slim that Jeff would be her type in any way. But he still can't stop imagining what his life could be like if Jeff and Barbara were dating. He imagines the four of them hanging out together. He imagines getting to know Nancy, really getting to know her. He imagines the two of them seeking out each other's company whenever their two best friends would be doing stupid date stuff. They'd become fast friends, even though they'd seem like an unlikely pair; they'd simply have this instant familiarity around each other, connect like they were always meant to be bound to each other in some kind of way, despite all their differences. He'd come to her house all the time, get to know her - his - family, learn all about her secrets, her hopes and dreams... She'd joke about Eddie having become like an older brother to her and he'd get just as close to Mike and baby Holly... Maybe he'd even grow closer to Karen. She'd take him under her wing, make him homemade cookies like she's done for all her other kids, and give him a look, every now and then, that told him that she knew who he was, and that she was sorry...
He knows it's not good for him to lose himself in those kind of daydreams. He's always been a big daydreamer, but this one is becoming an obsession that borders on being unhealthy. More often than not, he'll zone out in class losing himself in scenarios where he's somehow a part of the family in the big house in Maple Street. Not only does it feel ungrateful towards Uncle Wayne and is it ruining his already questionable grades, it's also a special kind of torture for himself, to be dedicating so much of his time inserting himself into a family that will never actually be his.
'You're Eddie Munson, aren't you?'
He almost drops his lunchbox one day when he's at his locker and Nancy suddenly appears out of nowhere behind him.
'Jesus, you scared me, can you not sneak up on me like that?!' he blurts out to conceal how his heart is suddenly beating in his throat. Fuck, he never really wanted to talk to her, that was never part of the plan. He didn't even know she knew who he was in the first place!
Looking into her eyes is the most difficult thing of all. No matter how different the two of them are, those eyes are proof of what they have in common: almost too big for their faces and so expressive that every emotion they have is easily betrayed in their gazes. Looking at her, really looking at her, shows him the phantom life that could've never been his anyway more clearly than anything else.
He sees himself, two years old, holding a newborn in his arms. He sees the two of them giggling and playing with a baby through the bars of a playpen four years later. He sees them on a playground, swinging side by side and getting mud on their hands in a sandbox. He sees the two of them grow older: him making her laugh by making up silly stories about her barbies, her practicing with make-up on his face, him sharing his newfound love for good music with her; the two of them dramatically complaining about their parents together, him teaching her to play guitar, her on his bed talking about boys; all taking place in that big house that Eddie will never even set foot in, because he belongs there just as much as the raccoons that sometimes plague their trashcans.
'Are you stalking me?'
Eddie blinks. The way she looks at him knocks the breath right out of his lungs: her chin is tilted upwards and there's something almost defiant in the way her eyebrows are curved. Suddenly, she seems to have much more in common with Eddie than he thought, this freshman girl with neatly braided hair challenging the local trailer trash drug dealer without an ounce of timidity.
'Uhhhh,' he dumbly says.
'Do you want something from me?'
'N-no,' he stutters.
'Then stop staring at me all the time, creep,' she says sharply.
Before he can say anything else, she turns her back to him and walks away.
He knows pretty damn well he shouldn't stare, but he finds himself glued to the floor, unable to look anywhere else while Nancy's tiny frame disappears among the crowds of students filling the school halls.
This one hurts more than anything else; even more than that time just after he found out, when he was soaking wet and staring into the Wheelers' warmly lit kitchen from behind the bushes in their garden.
She has no clue who he is; no clue how closely their lives are intertwined. She didn't see in his eyes what he saw in hers. Of course she didn't. How could she? He's just Eddie Munson, the school freak, after all. Completely and utterly incomparable to little miss perfect Nancy Wheeler. He's the weirdo whose creepy gaze she had intercepted one too many times in the cafeteria, making her so uncomfortable that she felt the need to stand up for herself and say something about it.
God, he needs to let this go.
Update: pt3 is now here
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tearwolfe · 4 months
after doing some mixing and matching, i've figured out a full cast for the monster detective AU! minus virtual singers, because i still need to figure out what to do with them. i might make them evil...
this is a world where magic and monsters exist, however, people are very hush-hush about it. monsters that go bump in the night is more of a scary story parents use to get their kids to go to bed early..
major roles in this story are detectives, monsters (mostly the shape-shifting kind like tsukasa), magicians, monster protectors, demons, and our primary antagonists! well, the state of their antagonist roles might change later on. i don't really have a chronological story for these guys, it's moreso just a world i can play with whenever i want!
since it's long, i've written everything under the read more!
note: rui is a private investigator and tsukasa is his monster sidekick. if you need an explanation on them, you can find everything in this post.
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akito & an — another detective duo. these two used to work alongside rui, however rui split away from them due to differences in work ethic. also, akito and rui are exes. take what you will with that.
on occassion, they will have to work with rui (and tsukasa).
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emu & nene — emu comes from a long line of magicians. she is talented in magic and uses it to put on performances at theaters around town, a large one of which her family owns. nene, a friend of rui's, befriends her and begins learning magic from her.
magic isn't a known thing in this world, however, nene learns of its existence through rui's strange encounters. thus, she suspected the use of magic in emu's shows (herself knowing how certain tricks are supposed to work).
now, nene works alongside emu as her magician's assistant in shows. with both of their knowledge of magic, though, they've been known to assist rui with cases.
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mizuki & ena — mizuki is a phantom thief, operating during the night to steal riches from wealthy individuals and institutions. ena is an artist and helps mizuki, keeping their identity a secret, even from her detective brother. the two live together.
mizuki and rui were formerly friends, but rui was never aware of their thievery. though, at the time, it was on a much smaller scale.
although they are not very skilled at magic, the two have managed to accomplish some amount of dark magic.
these two are the primary antagonists.
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kohane & toya — both are monsters with similar transformative abilities to tsukasa. kohane's transformation resembles a hamster, meanwhile toya's is more akin to a cat.
toya and akito were once friends during their youth (though akito was not aware of toya's status as a monster, he just thought he had a weird sense of style). a crackdown on monster inhabitants in the town caused toya to leave for a long while, never giving akito any answers. during this time he befriends kohane. the two eventually meet akito and an in the current timeline, after tsukasa and rui become a team.
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honami & shiho — both girls are shapeshifting monsters. alongside saki, the two of them live with ichika.
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ichika & saki — saki is a monster like her brother. however, her transformation is much more powerful than the other shapeshifters. this leaves her often fatigued. unlike the others, she does not need a hat to kick off the transformation. ichika is a monster protector under the guise of an investigator. she keeps an eye on her girlfriends and other monsters in the area.
haruka and ichika often find themselves working together, so they are good friends.
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mafuyu & kanade — these two are demons summoned to assist mizuki and ena's malevolent deeds. despite her status as a demon, kanade is actually very nice and refuses to harm people or other monsters.
ena and mizuki have become considerably close with them.
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haruka & minori — much like ichika, haruka is a monster protector who disguises herself as an investigator. minori is a monster that she saved from a hunter, and now has vowed to stick by haruka's side and help other monsters.
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shizuku & airi — airi is a talented magician who became friends with another magician, shizuku, during her studies. she later learns that shizuku is actually a monster who was able to use a mirage to disguise herself.
finding empathy in shizuku's position, airi agrees to team up with her to help make the world a better place for monsters. the two later join haruka and minori.
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book-place · 1 year
Holiday Secret
Warnings: none (I think), let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Batfamily x reader platonic
Request: I have another request! Here's my idea: batfam x reader who isnt supposed to know about their identities but secretly does. Before damian left school for winter break (you also go to school with damian in this one. And youre both friends as well) you gave him a gift for all of his brothers, including him and Bruce. You had specifically instructed him to open it once you were out of sight. So, when he arrived at the manor, he gathered everyone up and gave them their gifts from you. They were so excited! They've met you before and they absolutely love you. When they opened their gifts, they were met with a figuring of their hero identities (example; Jason got a red hood figuring and Bruce got a batman figuring). They all looked at it in confusion, maybe it was just a coincidence? But as damian took off the rest of the wrapping paper an envelope fell out. Tim picked it up before he could as damian shot him a cold glare, only for Tim to stuck his tongue out at him. Everyone gathered around him in curiosity as he slowly opened the envelope to reveal many photos printed out of the masked vigilantes with each one naming their real identities. Another piece of paper fell out as it read; "i know who you are. But dont worry, your secret is safe with me" This isn't really a Christmas request so you can always remove it from the event and make it on your own time, it's up to you
Request by: @ladyagagaslefttoe
*not my gif*
Summary: You give Damian a very unexpected surprise for the holidays
A/N: Welcome to day 4 of Book Places 12 Days of Christmas Celebration
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“Damian!” You called with a smile as you skipped happily down the hall towards the boy.
He turned to you with a raised eyebrow, “L/n.” He greeted.
“For you and your family,” You said cheerfully, handing him a couple of small bags, “Tell them I said Merry Christmas.”
The boy was taken aback, “You got us gifts?” He asked in surprise.
You rolled your eyes playfully, “Of course, silly!”
Though you had only been introduced to his family only a couple of times, you adored them just as much as you adored Damian, who had quickly become your best friend in the beginning of the year after being placed next to each other for multiple classes.
“Oh…” He was still in slight shock, “Thank you.”
Your grin widened, “It’s no problem, Dami.” You threw your arms around his neck and brought him into a quick hug, “Have a great break! I’ll see you when we get back!”
With that, you turned on your heel and skipped away, leaving Damian standing in the middle of the hall, blinking after you for a moment before shaking his head softly and looking down at the bags you had given him.
Early on in your friendship, you had both learned how to deal with one another’s polar opposite personalities, this was not different. Where he didn’t find it necessary to give gifts, you did.
With a slight shrug to himself, he began his journey back to the manor.
“L/n has gotten us all presents,” Damian announced, marching into the dining room, where his whole family sat.
Everyone looked up at him in surprise, “Really?” Dick asked excitedly, bouncing up and down in his seat at the thought.
“Well, that was nice of her,” Bruce commented with a small smile as he took a sip of his coffee in front of him.
Damian walked around the table, passing out all the bags based on everyone’s names being written in bold words on the front.
Once everyone had recived a bag, including Damian himself, they were all quick to tear out the wrapping paper and allow their eyes to rest upon the bestowed gifts.
Silence echoed louder in the room than any word ever could as they all stared at first with confusion, then wide eyes of horror.
“Is this…” Tim trailed off, too at a loss for words to even be able to finish what he was thinking.
“It- it’s a coincidence… right?” Dick stuttered out, too overwhelmed to really understand what he was seeing.
One by one, each of the family members reached into their bags before pulling out figurines. But not just any figurine, ones of their hero identities, each person with their own.
“What the-“ Jason wasn’t even able to finish his sentence as he started down at the Red Hood toy, before Damian inturpted him.
“There’s a card.” He spoke with no emotion in his voice as he shook it out from the bottom of the bag.
Everyone immediately got up and rushed to his side, cramming around to try and get a glimpse of what it said.
I know who you are, but don’t worry, your secrets safe with me
Thirteen words. Sixty two characters. One life altering message.
The silence once again hung thickly in the air between all of them, ringing in their ears as if an explosion just occurred.
“H-how…” Tim swallowed thickly, being the first one to speak, “How did she know?”
“She’s smart,” Damian murmured, eyebrows furrowed slightly as the gears could practically be seen turning in his head, “Prehaps she’s known for a while.”
“But, will she really not tell anybody?” Dick asked the one question everyone was truly thinking.
“No,” Damian said thoughtfully, “She won’t.”
Jason scoffed, “How do you know?”
The boy looked his elder brother dead in the eyes as he responded, “Because I trust her.”
The confession meant a lot more than it sounded like, for the youngest boy to actually trust, let alone admit that he did, was something that almost never happened.
Bruce cleared his throat, putting a hand on his sons shoulder, “Well, if Damian does, then so do I.”
You hummed happily to yourself as you floated over to the door once the bell had been rung, opening it with a smile to see a delivery man.
“How can I help you?” You asked, not having remembered ordering anything.
“Y/n L/n?” He asked, reciving a nod of conformation before continuing, “You have fifty packages of gifts waiting for your signature.”
Your eyes widened as you stuttered out, “W-what? I didn’t order anything!”
“They’re from…” he trailed off, looking down at his clipboard, “Mr. Bruce Wayne.” He shook his head lightly, “I suppose he’s the only one to be able to get you all these gifts though our system at this time of year…Oh, here’s a note!” He handed a folded up paper to you.
You looked down at the two words. Nine characters. And life changing message.
Thank you
The Superior Robin ❤️- @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @i-writes-things
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waytooinvested · 16 days
i must say your take on Non Nocere was genius thank you so much for it!
It truly makes so much more sense for the characters! I would love to hear some more of your ideas!
What would be another part of the story that you would change if given the opportunity?
HI! This is my first Supergirl ask, I am honoured and excited :D (apparently a little TOO excited because this got kind of long and rambly, but I'm going to post it all anyway because you've started me off now. I am however resisting the urge to add yet more 'and another things', which I absolutely could).
Thank you so much! I feel like there were so many ways they could have taken Lena’s post-reveal arc that would have made more sense than Non Nocere. I think it would also have been interesting to have something with more genuine moral ambiguity than ‘brainwash the entire world’ which, while framed in a way that had clearly good intentions is still… brainwashing the entire world. Lena just seems too much in favour of personal autonomy/individual rights to make that decision for the entire planet (and frankly too smart not to see the glaring flaws with that plan?). I *could* see her inventing a device that does what Non Nocere does, but on an individual scale. Ie you can put this thing on and be freed from your worst impulses.
Her fear of her own darkness and her struggle not to be like the rest of her family would tie in well, and could even help justify the decision to work with Lex again if he claimed to want to wear one when it was done. It would be a way for her to (think she could) have her family back but to get it RIGHT this time, and Lena craves affection so desperately, whatever she claims, Lex would be able to feed her the spin she needed to believe it (but unbeknownst to Lena would find a way to make a fake that gave off an apparently genuine reading but doesn’t do anything, so he could use it to manipulate her into believing his intentions were genuinely good and get her to help him with something that turned out to be Extremely Nefarious). The wearing of the device would be like a badge of trustworthiness to let her mark out people she could get close to without fear of betrayal.
She’d make them a requirement for her staff. Her friends. Anyone who wanted to be in her life. It’s something that could be horribly abused and no doubt would be in all sorts of ways that would make Supergirl & friends oppose it, but that would bring in the conflict, and the resulting fight would make more sense to me.
You could even have a scene where Lena goes to Kara all tentatively excited and hopeful and says that she has found a way to forgive her and they can be friends again! She just has to wear this, because then Lena will know she can trust her. And Kara refuses. Of course she has good reason to refuse – Supergirl can hardly wear something that won’t allow her to lie or hurt anyone when she has a secret identity and her whole thing is beating up villains… but Lena takes it as an admission that their whole friendship really was a lie and spirals further into heartbreak/anger/despair/Lex’s clutches (because HE wore one for her. Her murderous, Superman obsessed, apparently irredeemable brother did this for her and yet her paragon of hope shining example of integrity and goodness supposed best friend refused. And now Lena is questioning everything she thought she knew about who is really on her side).
ANYWAY you asked what other part of the story I would change and I just gave you a really long splurge of a DIFFERENT change for the SAME part of the story. Sorry!!
Honestly there are so many bits I would change...
The very first one that comes to mind is Kara’s big identity reveal at the end, because what WAS that? After they repeatedly hammered home how dangerous it would be and how it would inevitably lead to everyone she loved being targeted, suddenly all of that is just… fine? No need to address it at all? Even though there is now a small child involved who just got kidnapped and used against them REALLY recently?
I would have loved to see her embracing her Kryptonian heritage and living much more authentically with the people who are important to her instead of making a big public announcement. Like actually talking about where she came from and teaching her friends/family her language and culture so she can participate in things that are important to her with people she cares about, which feels far more genuinely meaningful than having strangers recognise her as Supergirl in the street (for example, trying to replicate food she misses from home - food is Kara's love language, this is something that could be such a wonderful way for her to reconnect with her past and have fun introducing her new family to it. Teaching them Kryptonian songs and getting them all to try them out at karaoke night! Hilarity and mispronunciations and a blending of all the things that have come to make her who she is ensue. Telling Esme bedtime stories and teaching her games she remembers from her own childhood, so she feels less like those family traditions are lost, because they don’t HAVE to be. And also Lena being super interested in learning about Kryptonian courtship rituals for... no particular reason...)
I could even see her coming out more generally as an alien, but she could do that without coming out *as Supergirl*. If nothing else, I feel like she would really struggle with having that much fame in her day to day life, because rather than letting her just live freely as her authentic self, announcing herself as Supergirl would put her under a microscope. Every single aspect of her life would be open for public scrutiny and judgement, and she’d find herself with far less freedom than she has as just Kara Danvers. It would be devastating to her life. It would put her and her loved ones in danger. It would be a really, really bad idea.
(also the fact that Cat made her editor in chief when before that she was probably one of the least experienced reporters who was hardly ever even at work because she was constantly nipping off to save the city, citing herself as a source etc… but that’s a whole other issue and is at least something she could have got to in time, after actually doing the work).
This is getting long now, so… probably enough for now? Thank you so much for the ask!!
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saraanzu · 6 months
I’ve been rewatching drdt chapter 1 episodes and somehow it’s only just hit me that the motives have so far been a repeat of dr1’s motives… like, I knew the motives had been done before, but it didn’t occur to me that the order was also the same. somehow.
we know that the tragedy happened a while ago in drdt and society has somewhat recovered from it at this point, so it’s likely that the events of dr1 also happened in its universe. a lot of the series’s meta jokes rely on the idea that the show is unpopular and the formula has all been done before, so I suspect this repeating of the original motives is apart of that.
that being said. is the chapter 3 motive seriously going to be a stack of cash again? that’s probably one of the most unpopular motives in the series, and the only character I think it would appeal to is teruko, who already has everything she needs in the school. (maybe arturo is money hungry too, he talks about wanting to charge teruko for his services when they escape, but that’s about it…) of course, the way drdt handles its motives has been very different from dr1, the video motive was never distributed and everyone’s secrets get mixed up. so I’m wondering how the money motive could be subverted… following the logic that drdt’s motives will be taken from dr1, the chapter 4 motive would involve revealing who the traitor is. iirc there’s been no implication so far that there’s a traitor among the cast besides the mastermind, but I think that was the same in dr1, too.
on a similar note, my rewatch also reminded me of how heavy the parallels between dr1 ch1’s and drdt ch1’s cases are. xander/sayaka both crash into the protagonist, befriend them and seem to genuinely care for them but still end up betraying them, attempting a murder, and getting killed instead, the protagonist being suspected for their murder. min killed xander by accident trying to defend teruko and leon claims to have killed sayaka in self defense (as celeste points out, he didn’t need to follow her into the bathroom after she retreated but alright). min and leon both have complicated relationships with their talents and are in denial about their execution, with heavy emphasis placed on their fear of death.
finding parallels between the second chapters is a bit harder though, as we don’t know how drdt ch2 will end. arei and chihiro were both strung up, so maybe the person who hung arei’s body was different from who killed her. if the culprit is levi as people suspect, than he and mondo are both more muscular characters with tragic relationships to their brother(s) who are prone to angry outbursts.
there’s also the Gender Stuff. dr1 ch2 has themes of toxic masculinity and chihiro “hides their gender” (not saying I approve of how that was handled, but unfortunately that’s how the narrative frames it), and in drdt ch2 we learn that J, a tomboy, has been hiding her identity and her more feminine birthname. we also learn in her FTE with arei that her mom forced femininity onto her and this resentment lead to her developing internalized misogyny and hatred towards femininity in general, not just in regards to herself. there’s also nico being outed as nonbinary and this leading to violence, which I suppose parallels how chihiro’s secret threatening to out their agab lead to their death.
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panther-os · 3 months
Bastard Children Update: A Surprise Non-Bastard!
Friendly reminder that this au is entirely me doing whatever I want that I think is plausible, because this one reads a little cracky but I promise it works.
Also for clarification, a bastard or illegitimate child in this au is defined as "a child with anyone you are not in a committed relationship with" rather than "a child born out of wedlock". And also Ghost's dad is one of those bastards (as in personality) who's like "it's not cheating if there's only one committed relationship and all the rest is casual" so he did only have one girlfriend or wife at a time.
Anyways, I had this thought in the shower and the process was something like
Remember that one fic where "Price" isn't Price's original surname, he changed it to the kindly neighbor's after escaping his abusive family?
That was some good shit
Okay but what was his original surname?
John Reilly sounds nice
Wait, Riley belongs to another character already
Price = bastard big brother????
And then this is what I cobbled together:
Laswell set up an alert for whenever Simon's DNA comes up in the results of a test, that way she can see if it's something innocent or someone getting Too Close to the identity of The Ghost (TM)
They have to run Price's DNA for insert reason here (maybe something something testing for something else and the lab has some deal with law enforcement in the fine print that's supposed to help catch criminals or something) and it comes back with Ghost (and the others) as a 25% match, which is typically grandparents, grandchildren, auncles, niblings, and half-siblings
Price is only three years older than Ghost and he's operating on the assumption it's a mistake, but he's doing his due-diligence and calls his sister to see if there's any family secrets
Turns out his mum is originally from Manchester, she was married and had his older sister there, then she got divorced, got "an evil ex-boyfriend", fled Manchester in the middle of the night with his sister to her family in Liverpool, met and had a one night stand with his dad before being ready to date again a year or two later (he wasn't ready for serious at the time either and became her close friend before anything else)
Price himself was born a questionable amount of time after the fleeing to Liverpool and one night stand and came out looking almost exactly like his mum, so they just crossed their fingers and prayed his dad was also his bio dad, his mum told his dad, and his older sister is capable of doing math
On a very educated hunch, Price sends his sister a picture of Ghost's dad, and sure enough he's the evil ex-boyfriend
Price never tells Simon this because at the time family was still an armed landmine of trauma for him, so instead he just committed to doing what he was already doing and big brothering the hell out of him
Then Simon's doing better and Cam and the groupchat come along and Price is trying to figure out whether or not to fess up to hiding it from him or if it's too late
Enter Cam being like "we should all do 23 & Me! it's not a perfect science but maybe we can find out if Simon and I have even more half siblings and it would be a fun group bonding thing to find out more about our families"
And, well, Price can't exactly be the only one refusing, that would be suspicious, now the only question is if he tells Simon before the tests or acts surprised or what - and also if it's bad that he kind of wants Gaz or Soap's test results to come with major family drama that eclipses his own
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shxugx · 8 months
my theory academia
also known as “what i wrote in my notes app to explain my mha theories to my wife, who knows the bare minimum of mha lore”
* manga spoilers ahead *
SO i begin with Red Shoe TheoryTM
Red Shoe Theory is basically the idea that Izuku’s trademark red shoes are a specific brand made for quirkless people.
The doctor in episode one explains that quirkless people are biologically different than quirked people. one of the differences is they have a second toe joint in their toes. a very specific and odd thing to include, but go off i guess
then we see izuku’s ugly ass (affectionate) red shoes. he wears the same damn shoes since he was a kid to literally current day. no one else in the series has this type of shoe and he wears them with everything.
theory is basically bc of the toe joint, they have to wear specific shoes to accommodate.
now: this is kinda a dumb theory by itself. however, i lied when i said only one character in the series wears them.
there is two.
introducing the Shigaraki was Quirkless theory.
HandJob McGee is the only other character that wears these red ass shoes. but they’re not just red. they’re fucking identical to izuku’s. again, not super compelling at first.
until you take in account the UA traitor, Aoyama Yuuga.
he was quirkless. his parents, rich and stupid, asked AFO to give him a quirk. he gives him Naval Laser and now basically has his family enslaved and forces him to be the traitor.
something odd about aoyama’s quirk (besides that is fucking stupid) is that it hurts him. not in a “worked out too much” way but in a “can barely use it” way. he gets better with training but he can barely handle using it for a few seconds without being in pain and he is RELIANT on support gear, something people with quirks are taught not to rely on as it is a handicap in case their gear is destroyed. he has no choice and has to wear it because otherwise the fuckin bitch leaks n shit
there are two other characters who’s quirks hurt them like this. izuku and his liquified bones, who we also know was quirkless
and shiggy.
all the characters we have seen that have toxic quirks have a natural immunity or defense against it to protect them (IE: kacchan and fire, mina and acid etc)
however, shigaraki is literally flaking away. we also know that he was originally Tenko shimura and had black hair and black eyes. now tho, he has white hair and red eyes and his skin is so dry he scratches constantly.
his quirk is decay.
his body is slowly decaying itself as a reaction to the quirk because it’s not supposed to be there. he’s basically turning albino.
now. this i feel like is too obvious to not be canon but *shrugs*
AFO manipulated and groomed baby Tenko bc he’s a petty ass bitch
AFO forced decay onto bb tenko, causing him to accidentally kill his family, and be the one to find him after to “save him”, and it was planned every step of the way.
So this is easier just to go in order of tragic events.
Yoichi Shigaraki, first user of One for All, brother of All For One, so obviously All For One is a shigaraki.
Nana Shimura. Seventh user of one for all and All Might’s beloved mentor.
All Might, who is still alive and who AFO hates.
Nana Shimura. Also known as Tenko Shimura’s grandmother.
nana is dead. bc afo fucking killed her.
all might is not dead and is proving to be afo’s biggest asshole to date.
all might continues to be heartbroken about nana’s death to current day. it’s no secret how important she was to him.
afo, an immortal petty bitch, thinks hmm how can i make all might suffer the most.
oh i know.
finds her quirkless grandson and says “hey lil boy i can give you a quirk! :D”
tenko, 4 and stupid, “omg really!! :D”
afo, *gives tenko a super fucking destructive quirk*
*sends him home*
(note: he could have also have it to him without tenko knowing it happened idk. the details are flexible but the main point it the important thing here)
tenko, fucking accidentally kills his entire family bc how was he supposed to know better.
afo, is immortal and rich so has people watching to make sure no one gets close to the boy and he swoops in to “save him”
proceeds to groom him and traumatize him by making him wear his fucking dead family’s hands on his body to constantly remind him he is a killer and evil and afo will be the only one to be kind and care about him
afo brainwashes tenko into forgetting what happened and who he used to be (through grooming, gaslighting, etc) and now he only knows himself as tomura shigaraki.
plans to make him basically the successor to afo and be what kills one for all/ all might is sick poetic fuckery of all might being killed by his mentors grandson.
(also adds a reason as to why nana is the only female user. to show that she is important to the story beyond just being a past user/mentor)
now this next theory has less of a hold bc of lack of evidence but i personally head canon it to be true.
Dad for One
basically. midoriya izuku’s dad, midoriya hisashi is actually AFO.
he left when izuku was diagnosed as quirkless which could be considered hypocritical considering he sought out tenko but i think afo is a dramatic bitch and wanted to fuck with all might but ALSO
tenko is older than izuku by at least a few years, so he would have already had that plan in motion and may have stuck around just to see if izuku developed a quirk worth stealing or not and decided he wasn’t worth it. or could have also just not been able to get away with using him bc of inko and the bakugous. or a little of all that idk. (i GUESS it’s possible that he also actually did care about izuku and didn’t want to hurt him but i meeeannnnn idk man i wasn’t there)
* horikoshi has confirmed that izuku’s dad would be revealed before the end of the series and we kinda don’t have many options left here (at least i saw something that said that at one point, could be bs but STILL his dad is one of the last mysteries of the show)
* afo’s fuckin face is destroyed so we can’t see any resemblance BUT Yoichi looks INCREDIBLY similar to izuku
* it honestly makes the story super fucking interesting?? like izuku is the son of afo, born quirkless, given the quirk one for all by all might, all might basically becomes dad might, and izuku is the one to take his father down with the help of the previous users (including his uncle yoichi) in an incredible poetic justice loose end tying satisfying ass ending
i also wanna add that the Dabi is Touya Todoroki theory being canon gives credibility that this story has a thing for the family drama plot line and why wouldn’t they use it in the main characters storyline?
in conclusion, i held my wife hostage for a solid hour and a half to explain these to her, not dissimilar to this meme;
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and i wanted to share it bc i worked too hard on it to just delete the note lmfao
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blood-injections · 6 months
Mm thought of a funkobra au thats like. Kobra Kid secret identity. Kobra the killjoy goes by Demon Shark Deluxe or something still and is stoic and badass and a little bit scary and he doesnt talk at all and no one knows if its a choice or not. Meanwhile the Kobra Kid is the champion of the crash talk, a bit of a mystery since hes never taken off his helmet, but where Shark is all judgy silence and a penetrating stare, Kobra Kid is all clarm and boisterous laughter. Hes loud and goofy and confident and honestly? Annoying as all fuck. But that doesnt stop him from raking up a good fanbase.
And Ghouls his mechanic, or well, a mechanic in general at the crash track, but he and Kobra have a Thing, kind of flirting, mostly insulting, but they're friends, which means Ghoul has eternal dibs on fixing up Kobra's bike(Kobra's protective of her too, and Ghouls one of the few scarce joys he trusts with her repairs) Meanwhile Ghoul has no idea that this guy is secretly his silent crewmate leading a double life. So what if they literally carpool to the track together, Ghouls so busy in the pit amd watching Kobra he hardly keeps an eye out for Shark in the crowd, and hes too dull to realize that once they head in different direction, Kobra's going straight to his little trailer and bike in the back and getting ready for the race ahead.
Kobra has absolutely realized that Ghoul has no clue, and hes just fucking with him at this point. But not without maintaining secrecy, because he kind of likes the anonymity versus the image hes built. Also, Poison would freak out about how dangerous racing is. Also, after being mute for so long, the concept of revealing this part of him, the loud, confident part hes rediscovered- its terrifying. Because his brother doesn't know the Kobra Kid at all and his personality on the track is a complete 180 from his personality at home, from the silent bad-boy image hes built. Whats he supposed to say to Poison? Sike! I started talking again a few months back after years of being selectively mute, and now I've been leading a double life and I'm involved in a fairly deadly sport, sorry I didn't tell you?
Just the thought makes him want to shit himself.
Anyway at some point either he tells Ghoul or Ghoul finds out bc of something and just yeah the silly goobers.
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The top two characters will be eligible to proceed into the bracket!
Propaganda under the cut.
Dahlia Hawthorne:
did a lot of murders and poisonings but they deserved it imo so she’s ok
She has committed so many crimes. And in an outfit that wouldn’t look out of place on Barbie at that. She’s the DEFINITION of girlboss, and she can poison me any time.
Aura Blackquill:
her brother got framed for the murder of her wife and she became bitter and evil because of it. this led to her holding an entire space center full of people hostage to get him a retrial
So she may have a robot army to take a couple people hostage, and blamed an 11 year old child for killing their own mom (who was her work partner and maybe sort of girlfriend), but in her defense her brother was about to be executed for a murder he did not commit and there was definitely some evidence that pointed towards the 11 year old being the culprit. So what else was she supposed to do? Just sit by while another important person to her is taken away and the real killer gets to go free? She tried to do things right and go through the police but that didn't work, and sometimes when you run out of options and run out of time you have to use unconventional methods. And in the end it worked and the execution was cancelled and the real killer was found (it wasn't actually the 11 year old child, now 18, but that's beside the point), so in the end things were ultimately better as a result of her actions so you can't exactly say she shouldn't have done it. So she did some things wrong but they are also understandable. I don't think she's a bad person deep down, she just got screwed over by the broken justice system.
Kidnapped a bunch of people but it was like. So the courts would do a retrial for her brother because she believed he was innocent (he was) a day before his execution, and so who she believed the true killer was (she wasn't) would take his place (she didn't) Also a lesbian <3
Franziska von Karma was submitted without propaganda, but I know AA well enough to attempt to write my own. She is obsessed with the idea of crafting the "perfect case" and goes so far as to hide evidence, manipulate witnesses, and also physically assault everyone with a whip in order to achieve it. However she was only doing it to avenge her adopted brother and at the end of the game she comes around and ends up delivering the crucial piece of evidence to save the protagonist's assistant from being killed by an assassin.
Dee Vasquez was submitted without propaganda. My attempt: She has ties to the yakuza and blackmailed one of the actors at her studio into basically being a slave to her. When he gets fed up and ends up trying to kill her she kills him in self-defense, making her one of the few "true culprits" in the series who would actually be found not guilty in an IRL court of law.
Ini/Mimi Miney was submitted without propaganda. My attempt: She was overworked to the point that she accidentally killed about a dozen people by switching their meds while sleep-deprived, then felt so bad about it that she got into a car crash, stole her sister's identity, and pretended she was dead for years. Then she killed a guy because she was worried about him revealing her secret.
Jezaille Brett / Assa Shinn:
prime example of god forbid women do anything. like cmon she just killed a bunch of people and left no trail behind so masterfully she up and haunted the entire goddamn narrative. her name is mentioned in secret messages in streets in papers in fear in mystery and we don't know her motivations still; why does she do what she does we do not know, and will never find out. fucking girlboss she's there for one case then the next we see her she's dead. what is up with this woman and why is she so important despite not seeming so ever.
Olive Green:
She qualifies as after her fiancé died from gas inhalation, she had questions about his death and suspected one of his fellow tenants to have murdered him rather than it being an accident. She consequently attempted to murder him. She rocks because we have to stan a vengeful woman!!!!!
Iris Hawthorne / Sister Iris Hazakurain / Sister Iris of Hazakura Temple:
well she’s more morally ambiguous than her sister!!!! she covered up a lot of crimes and lied about her identity to her (long series of hand gestures to indicate how complicated the boyfriend status is) Sorta Boyfriend for. like nine months i think. and she would have gotten away with it too if not for her co-conspirators fucking everything up
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mothdapple · 9 months
Ashfur’s mind returned to the question of why Hollyleaf had been avoiding the crowded areas of StarClan and found his quiet glades and hollows in the first place. Could it be that, like him, she felt like she was a misfit in StarClan? That the other spirits here were corrupt, selfish, and complacent? She had faced a trial as he had, but, unlike Ashfur’s, Hollyleaf’s trial had been for good reason— she’d murdered him! Still though, Ashfur supposed that in her head, she might view it as unfair. 
Ashfur found himself weirdly sympathetic to her feelings. The more time that passed in StarClan and the further he drew away from the time when he was actually alive, he felt more of his grievances with Hollyleaf fading away, echoing the way that he’d also come to forgive Squirrelflight.
It was still wrong of Hollyleaf to kill me. Like, how it was right for me to punish Squirrelflight, Ashfur thought. But, I don’t think that I really care that much anymore that I died.
One day, Ashfur and Hollyleaf found themselves back in the birch tree grove, the same one where he’d first encountered her.
Ashfur’s eyes were partially closed as he half-dozed in a warm pool of sunlight, drifting slowly in and out of consciousness.
“I’m not sorry for it, you know.”
After days upon days of silent company, at first, Ashfur thought he’d dreamt the sound of Hollyleaf’s sudden voice. But, when he blinked open his eyes and glanced over at her, finding her already glaring at him, her expression surprisingly fierce, he knew that she had actually spoken.
Ashfur’s brow furrowed.
“What?” he asked, his voice coming out raspy from disuse.
“I’m not sorry,” Hollyleaf repeated, her tone firm. “And, I want you to know that. When I got here, they asked me if I was sorry, and I said yes. And, it wasn’t a lie because I am sorry for a lot of things.”
Hollyleaf lashed her tail, looking more animated than Ashfur had seen her since she’d arrived in StarClan. “I’m sorry for hurting Squirrelflight, and Leafpool, and Bramblestar, and my brothers, and any other cat who cared about me. I’m sorry for leaving ThunderClan. I’m sorry for breaking the Warrior Code… But you? You threatened me and my family. I’m not sorry for killing you.”
Ashfur met her defiant, blazing green eyes, and their color and expression were so identical to Squirrelflight’s, it made Ashfur’s breath catch in his throat. 
“…I’m not sorry either,” Ashfur whispered, and his heart clenched in relief to finally say something entirely truthful for the first time in moons.
Hollyleaf gave a curt nod, looking away from him.
“Yeah. I didn’t think you were.”
-Ashfur's Purgatory
I'm still really proud of this scene! Thinking about how Ashfur and Hollyleaf would have interacted in StarClan just totally fascinates me, and the idea of them having this conversation is what inspired me to write the entire "Ashfur's Purgatory" fanfic in the first place.
In my eyes, Ashfur and Hollyleaf in StarClan make really interesting parallels for each other. Ashfur blames everyone else for what happened, and thinks he was justified for every choice he made. He feels like he is entirely worthy of StarClan and is disgusted by the cats in StarClan who would question him being there. Meanwhile, Hollyleaf feels a lot of guilt for the pain she caused others (spilling the secret at the gathering, threatening Leafpool, running away, etc. etc.) but the one thing that she does feel justified about was killing Ashfur. Still though, she's carrying a lot of guilt about whether she is truly worthy of her place in StarClan and feels like a bit of imposter there.
This means they both end up being very lonely in StarClan and finding some weird solace in each other's company, while the whole time, their deeper emotions on the situation are worlds apart from each other-- Ashfur thinks about how they both feel wronged by StarClan, when Hollyleaf is actually thinking "I’m not supposed to be here. But neither are you."
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alonelystargazer · 25 days
some thoughts I had after watching season 3 part 1 of Bridgerton:
I missed Kate and Anthony (but mostly Kate, my goodness she's gorgeous) and they're still my favorite of the main couples
Penelope is also beautiful and I want her to have a suitable match, but I'm still not convinced it should be Colin.
I'm conflicted about Penelope being Lady Whistledown and the leading lady. I'm supposed to root for her in her pursuit of romance, which I do, but she's using her secret identity to her advantage, and that seems sneaky to me.
maybe it's bc I like a good slow burn, but I don't really like that Colin and Penelope made up so quickly. The mutual yearning/pining friends to lovers didn't last long enough for me.
My favorite new couple this season is Francesca and John! They're literally autism to autism communication, and him giving her that thoughtful gift was so damn sweet. I hope nothing bad happens to them.
I'm interested to see if anything comes from the budding romance between Lady Bridgerton and Lord ?. Who says an older (widowed) woman can't find love again? Lady Danbury doesn't seem to like that match though, probably bc of her brother's past.
It feels like there might be something fruity brewing between Eloise and Cressida and while it would be nice to have a w/w couple, Eloise needs to work on some shit first. For ex., making up with Penelope. Another thing: is she really into women that way? Because she's kinda mean to the woman in her social sphere, annoyed that they're too vapid and focused on finding a husband. Cressida could very well be secretly a lesbian performing comphet, but if they're trying to set something up between them, then Eloise needs to stop being so disrespectful to other women first.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
re an ask that you got earlier, how much do you think ivan acrually even knows about the darkling's secret history?
Prior to the events of 1x08, I think it's most likely that Ivan knows a good deal more about Kirigan's plans than the rest of the Grisha, but by no means all of it, and it's not clear whether that extends to Kirigan/Aleksander's true identity. What we do know in canon/semi-canon about Ivan's character and beliefs includes the following:
In 1x02, during the carriage scene, it's clear that Ivan deeply feels/resents the historical persecution of Grisha, since he tells Alina that the Little Palace has walls to protect them because it used to be a death sentence to be one, and Kirigan has now made them powerful, respected, and feared.
In 1x03, in the "why are you eATiNg fIgS????" scene that makes me laugh every time, Ivan clearly thinks that Alina's main mission/purpose in being at the Little Palace and harnessing her power is to tear down the Fold. This indicates that as far as he knows/Kirigan has told him, that's what she's supposed to do. Kirigan himself isn't there, so there's no reason for Ivan to pretend otherwise/say anything other than what he thinks.
In 1x06, when Ivan interrogates the Conductor about the plot to steal Alina out of the Little Palace, that's probably both when Aleksander's overall plans began to change and Ivan became aware of it. Maybe it was first the plan to let Alina explore her power, fall in love with Aleksander, and willingly lend him her light so they could control the Fold/rule Ravka together etc, but after she ran off, Aleksander had to improvise on the fly and accelerate his plans to find the stag/bind himself to Alina. This is most likely when he tells Ivan that they need to get the amplifier and put it on her no matter what, and Ivan agrees. Still, however, thinking that this is so Kirigan can use her power to tear down the Fold.
In 1x07, while David is the one who actually puts the collar/amplifier on Alina and Aleksander, Ivan is the one who holds Alina in place while David does so. This point in the books is also where he tells her that all the male members of his family (father, uncle, two brothers) have died in Ravka's wars against Fjerda, and that's the reason he trusts the Darkling as the only person who can protect Ravka strongly enough and/or stop the fighting once and for all. Simon also mentioned a deleted scene referencing Ivan's backstory, which is probably this scene/happens in this episode, but they cut it.
Also in 1x07: Ivan is present when Alina angrily asks Kirigan if "Aleksander is a fake name too." It's possible that this tips him off to the fact that there's more to Kirigan than it appears/confirms any suspicions he might have had that "Kirigan" isn't who he really is. But this isn't clear.
By 1x08, when Ivan goes into the Fold with Aleksander and Alina and acts as Kirigan's bodyguard/killer of everyone else while the shenaniganry goes on, it's clear that he's decided no matter what, it's still his job to serve Kirigan as his loyal second-in-command and trust that he knows what he's doing. Ivan's last line in s1 before getting yeeted off the skiff by Jesper is to Alina, as he's Heartrending/trying to incapacitate her: "How dare you [turn on Aleksander]? He gave you everything!"
So overall, even if Ivan didn't explicitly realize until 1x08 what Kirigan was really doing, he stayed loyal while it was happening, or at least until the point he was chucked off into the Fold and we don't know yet what happened to him after that. HOWEVER, if it's Word of God that both Ivan and Fedyor survived both s1 and s2, we don't know why Ivan didn't choose to come back to Aleksander and continue to fight with him. Maybe his mind was changed by Fedyor, he was upset about Aleksander leaving him behind to die even after he had helped him carry out the Fold plan, he was otherwise occupied, etc etc. But leaving it at "he was just detained and couldn't get back in time" doesn't seem likely, since even if Simon himself was too busy to come back for s2 and they decided to move Fivan to s3, they need to come up with a compelling in-universe reason for it.
Simon's headcanons for Ivan are a) that he's possibly part Fjerdan and/or has Fjerdan ancestry (since the Fjerdans are Scandinavian and Simon is Danish), which might have led him to often get his loyalty to Ravka questioned and made him very touchy about it, b) Ivan is actually quite fragile and that's why he acts so tough and standoffish, and c) his one weak spot/soft point is Fedyor and their relationship. I don't know how much the writers have or will explicitly incorporate any of this, but hey, that's what Simon thinks.
They could go with Ivan being ancestrally Fjerdan if Fivan ends up at the Ice Court in time for the s3 Crows heist (especially since Fedyor was the one who forced Nina to turn Matthias in and the druskelle might want revenge on them). Or maybe he or Fedyor got mixed up with jurda in Ketterdam, or maybe Ivan will be the leader of the Cult of the Starless Saint and the political opposition to Alina as the new queen of Ravka/leader of the Grisha. Because they're considerably off book by now and have leeway to basically invent further Fivan storyline as they please (since Fedyor and Ivan obviously aren't supposed to survive past Siege and Storm, but I SHALL TAKE IT), we don't know.
Just give me more Ivan/Fedyor otp and Ivan/Jesper foetp. Please and thank you.
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ghoulorghost · 8 months
This post is just me drawing parallels between events Kell Maresh and Kosika experienced.
First of all, both of them had value placed on their magic, primarily.
Kell Maresh's biological parents have offered him, or rather his magical prowess, in exchange to the Arnesian Crown for the removal of his mother's limiters, absolution for the crimes she committed and a sum of money.
Kosika's mother attempted to trade in her daughter, or more precisely her daughter's potential magical ability, for a sum of money, to three unspecified men.
After her daughter's status as an Antari was uncovered, she attempted to gain money from the Vir for it, but she was refused this.
Next there's the matter of both of them choosing to forgo their life before the one they were given.
A charm meant to erase the memories that preceded Kell's life as a prince and as an Antari was placed on him, the moment he was bought. Later on, he chose to discard those memories, to discard his old life, even when given opportunities to remember.
Kell figured out what the mark meant when he was 12 years old, and yet he never sought to see it undone.
The queen provided Kell with the name he bore before his adoption, and he refused to acknowledge it.
Kosika chose to forget who she was before she was designated as queen and as an Antari.
They both place more value on the label of Antari, and the labels and privileges that succeeded it, rather than the self they had once.
Kell and Kosika also both murdered the people that threatened the life of the one they took on as a sibling.
The members of the rebel group that kidnapped prince Rhy, the one person Kell prized most, the one who he thought of and still thinks of as a brother, were murdered by him.
He killed Astrid Dane for the possession and subsequent killing of his brother.
Kosika murdered the group of men she was sold to, when they injured Lark, a person whom she views as a sibling.
Consequently they both healed the fatal injuries their siblings sustained.
They both despise socialising with other people and make an effort to avoid social gatherings, being seemingly unapproachable.
They were both guided by someone else, at the start. Kell by the Aven Essen of Red London, Tieren Serense, and Kosika initially by the Vir, specifically Vir Serak, and later by the supposed spirit of Holland Vosijik.
They both had no one they regarded as a parental figure in their lives.
They're both regarded with awe and respect for supposedly keeping their respective worlds prosperous, but also with fear.
They both attempted to use a blood command, the same blood command, for something it wasn't meant to do.
Kell attempted to unsuccessfully heal an old dog, the first time he'd encountered the blood command for healing. He tried to reverse aging.
Kosika attempted to heal a multitude of plants, tried to reverse their withering, their aging, falling ill as a consequence.
They both came across a token from Black London, specifically a black stone, by doing things in secret, and they both brought an entity to their respective Londons as a result of it.
They both escape their life in the palace as often as they can, using hidden blood sigils.
Kell looked up to Holland, respected him and identified with him, and now so does Kosika.
And lastly, Kell wore and still wears the magic coat, the one with the unknown number of sides. He exchanges one side for another, every time his view about himself and his purposes change.
Kosika wears a cape during the blood tithes, and during the times she views herself as the queen whose purpose is that of bringing magic to White London. She switches it out for Holland's coat at the end of the book, when her methods alter.
The coats seem to represent separate facets of their identities.
Ultimately, even with this multitude of similarities between them, I think they will end up having different journeys, realisations, will end up making different choices, and will develop their own distinct selves by the end of the trilogy.
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