#also hi here's a little doodle. never feel like drawing anymore :(
infinitystation · 9 months
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feltit-wroteit · 5 months
Spoiled and Loved
Art Donaldson x Fem!Reader
In every way, you were the person that made the college experience that much better for Art. You, on the other end, were still struggling to find your place at Uni.
Watnings: inscure reader, lost reader, small angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, reader has rich parents, one s3x joke
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There he was. In your usual spot in the cafeteria eating a lunch that his athletic nutritionist must've assigned him to eat. God was your boyfriend beautiful... "Baby?" He called you out of your trance and you smiled at him. "Come?" He motioned for the chair in front of him with his head. You walked toward it and sat down with your lunch that was healthy but certainly not planned. "Hey!" You said. You started eating and asking how his morning practice was and he smiled throught it all. After finishing his lunch and while explaining his morning, he drew mindless doodles on your left hand with a pencil. One was a tennis racket the other a heart and another a paint brush. Once he was done, silence had fallen and Art looked up at you, stopping his drawing. "Y/N?" Art asked while looking for your gaze. "Hmm?" You answered still looking at your left hand. "Look at me." He asked and lifted your head up with the help of his palm on your jaw. You looked at him and smiled. "How was your day so far, baby?" He then asked with certainty. You sighed and went to look down again, only to feel your boyfriend rubbing your jaw and hearing him hum no. When you met his gaze again you felt it.
The need to tell him the truth.
"Art?" He nodded at your interpellation, waiting for you to continue. "I don't think I belong here." You had felt like this for a while, but your boyfriend's joy at being here made that feeling simmer down a little.
That was until yesterday.
"That's Donaldson's girlfriend, right?" A girl said behind you during your history of the arts lecture. You normally tuned these type of conversations out, but today your ears decided that it was a mighty fine time to do as they wanted. "She play any sports?" The girl, Jenny from what you heard her friend call her earlier, proceeded to ask her friend, Luna. "Not that anybody knows of. Not to his level at least." The other girl answered with a certain turn in her voice. It wasn't a nice one at that. ""But she must do something else around campus for her to be with him, right?" Jenny continued her interrogations. "The only place other than her lectures that people see her at are Donaldson's games. She just does those two things that includes school life. People have said and know that she doesn't even have a major yet. She just does classes until she finally finds something that makes her spark. It's pathetic really." Luna said and chuckled with her friend who fired back : "Why would he want to be with her? If I were Art Donaldson-" And you never heard the last of her life hacks, because your ears decided you had been tortured enough as it was. The notes you had started taking were the only ones you took for the rest of the 3 hour lecture. Well, what was one more exam failed?
You would stay in this godforsaken place until you found a stupid major to work in life with.... Why bother studying right now? Your parents paid for your acceptance at Stanford. Your life was as corrupted as that.
"What do you mean Y/n/n?" Art asked with a concerned look and rubbed his tumb over your jaw. "I don't know what I mean by that. But that's also a problem, I never know..." you tried to explain but it was still unclear to him. He only wanted to comfort you and make you feel at ease at all times, but right now he couldn't understand you. That made him mad at himself. "I don't know what I am going to major in, I don't know why I went to college in the first place and I don't know what you find in me. Before you start to argue that point, I have to tell you that I don't doubt your love, I doubt my ability of being loved right now. I am a mess Art... I can't do it anymore! The only thing I do know, is that I'm going to end up like I always feared..." You continued to elaborate on your feelings while he was listening. "Baby... I love you for who you are. I'm sure what you feared for your future isn't even that bad-" you cut him off on that and laughed while letting some tears flow. "Oh yeah, it is. I will end up as every other rich kid who doesn't amount to nothing and will live off my family's money for my whole life." You said and removed his hand from your face. You didn't feel deserving of his touch right now. "Stop." He said sternly. How could he have left this go this far? How couldn't he have seen you were feeling like this? How bad of a boyfriend was he? "Y/n, you are not messed up. You are beautiful and intelligent and you are worth more than your family's wealth. You are important. Not only to me but to a lot of people. Listen, college isn't for everyone, baby. I know it 's easier listening than believing, but please don't pull away from me." He had tears brimming his eyes now.
What did you do to deserve him?
"I love you, Art. I'm sorry for upsetting you..." You explained and held his hand that had been squeezing the edge of the table. "Don't, baby. You do not have to appologize. I should appologize for not seeing how you had been feeling. Please... talk to me about these things. I want to be there for you like you are for me." He took your hand back in his to play with it lightly. "Okay." You said and smiled softly at him. "Okay?" He asked smiling softly too while looking into your eyes. "Yeah. I'll talk to you more about my feelings, baby." You nodded and affirmed.
As you both walked to your last class of the day that you shared, the girls of your history of the arts lecture passed you. They were looking at you and art with sadness. It was then you realized what they had been doing. Only wallowing in their jealousy because:
Art had chose you. Not them.
His heart was set on you and that made them mad. Some part of you felt like you could see them. Maybe you were loved by someone like they wanted to be, but you were also envious of how these girls would be graduating in Teaching in less than two months likw you wanted to be graduating.
Everybody was jealous of somebody in this world.
"Art?" You asked while going closer to his side. "Hmm?" He had answered when wrapping his arm around your shoulder to pull you in even closer. "I think I'm jealous of you." You confirmed while giggling. "Oh yeah? How come, y/n?" He smiled at your randomness. "You have a massive dick. I want that." You said in the most serious tone you could master in that instance. Art burst out laughing and admitted that he was jealous of you too. "How come, Art?" You copied his sentence. "Imagine being as pretty as the one and only Y/n Y/l/n under sun rays. I'll pray for that to happen one day." You looked up into his eyes and stopped walking for a second. You smiled at him and went up to kiss him on his lips. The kiss was slow and full of love, just how you prefered then to be.
"I love you, baby. Even if you are a spoiled little brat sometimes." He said and tried to cover his head before you shoved his head to the side playfully.
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s74rf1sh · 9 months
Woah it’been a while since my first post…
ANYWAY, I’m in a very sleepy mood so here’s cuddle headcanons for the turtles
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-This guy is so goofy
-Constantly grabbing at your ass or tights to massage them while teasing you about it
-He loves to lay on you or having you lay on him
-Lots of churring and snuggling (if you have a prominent chest it’s not yours anymore, it’s his)
-Muffled rambling about literally any topic
-Praises your body constantly (not in a sexual way, this guy is just head over heels about you and wants to make sure you know it)
-“I have no idea why you worry so much, you’re so damn beautiful”
-PLEASE take his mask off and gently caress his face markings, this guy will MELT
-If you’re not laying down he’s definetly resting on your lap ᵃᵗ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵖᵒⁱⁿᵗ ⁱ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵏ ⁱᵗˢ ᵒᵇᵛⁱᵘᵒˢ ⁱ ʰᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿᵒⁿ ʰⁱᵐ ᵃˢ ᵃ ᵗⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵍᵘʸ
-He’ll play with your hair, even braid it if it’s long enough
-Even massage your face if he’s in the mood
-Will nibble on your neck playfully AND tease you about your reaction
-Will gently squeeze your hips and/or shoulders
-I guess the preferred location is his room, but the couch is comfy too
-If you’re having a movie night all together he won’t be shy and lay on your lap (ᵒʳ ˡᵉᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵃʸ ᵒⁿ ʰⁱˢ)
-Of course he will refrain from squeezing your ass or doing TOO intimate things…
-But yeah, he will cuddle with you in public if your comfortable with it
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-He’s baby
-Tried to be the small spoon but miserably failed
-(you got slight injuries by his shell and he never forgive himself about it)
-He likes to squeeze you to his plastron and feel your heat
-He often wraps you two in a big blanket, morphing in a big burrito
-He does chur, but it’s really really low and hardly hearable
-Snacks and hot drinks while you cuddle>>>
-If someone were ever to walk in on you two he’d be so fucking embarassed (probably hiding his face in your body)
-He doesn’t mind if you take his bandana off or not, but if you wear it yourself? Oh he’s jumping on you.
-Asks April for advice💀👍 (especially the first times you ever cuddled together)
-Overthinks a little too much about your well-being (I feel ya buddy) what if you’re uncomfortable in that position? What if you’re not hot enough? Is his smell fine? Are you bothered by his churrs?
-Please comfort this poor guy
-Is teased by his brothers (*COUGH* Leo *COUGH*) about him being so vulnerable when you’re around
-As you probably already guessed he’s kind of embarrassed around his family, but holding hands sround others is so special to him
-It makes him feel as if he’s telling the world (his family) that you’re his
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-Ok let’s be real: he’s VERY touchy
-He’s basically cuddling with you 24/7
-Takes every opportunity to kiss or hug or snuggle you throughout the day
-When you two are alone he just doesn’t let go of you LIKE
-“Mike l need to use the bathroom” “OK :D” “…Le-Let me go” “wwWHY..?” “I NEED TO PEE” “I CAN COME WITH YOU”
-You’ll eventually get him to let you go for a few minutes
-He LOVES when you even slightly match his energy and also crave affection (even if you won’t admit it ;))
-Doesn’t really care where you are or what position you’re in as long as you’re both comfortable
-But if he had to choose a position he would probably like facing and spooning
-Churrs happily and loudly, not giving two fucks about who hears him🫡
-Squeezes your cheeks (the puffier they are the more full this lil guy’s heart gets)
-If you’ll let him, he’ll draw small doodles on your hands or arms
-Cuddles in public couldn’t be less of a problem for him
-Just say if you’re ok with it or not and he will obey (except for a few stolen kisses in case you say no)
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-Will NEVER admit how much he actually enjoys your cuddles
-Will have you sit on his lap as he works, chest to chest
-…or you laying on his chest and viceversa
-The very first times he kept everything on- battleshell included
-But after a while he allowed you to take off his mask
-The shell thing is a bit more delicate (Yk?Cause he’s a softshell turtle? God I want to hang myse-) and might take more time
-But if you play your cards right he’s throwing it out the window in a few months
-When he’s not rambling he’ll just lay there and melt in your touch
-Whether you’re running your hands through his bare shell or caressing his face and muscles he’ll just let you love him
-He finded it hard to let you cuddle him, let alone him cuddling you…
-A lot of patience is needed but will be rewarded
-Him inviting you to lay on him, rest your face on his shoulder, sometimes he will even kiss you first
-Ew I’m getting diabetes MOVING ON
-Cuddling in public is usually a big No-no, but there’s situations where you’ll get a text from him where he just—
-“Cuddles in bed later?”
-You smile at him and he acts his blush off…
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4thwallbreakerdraws2 · 2 months
Submissions are closed for now!
It’s been fun y’all!! Stay tuned to for some projects of mine >:)
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This is imagine what I imagine he looked like when he landed. Bro was probably thinking something along the lines of “Wtf are these weird people.” Ofc he has to meet the weird TV head of all people, ah maaaan. I love Star’s character development throughout his story! Like yeaaaaah, BEAT HIM UP!! SHOW HIM HE DOESNT CONTROL U ANYMORE!!
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Been some time since I drew anthros so I hope this one looks good lol I love her ability, it’s very unique and the fact that she’s based on cat memes is also very cute haha. Love the small pop cat doodle too!
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Man I love the stoic guys , they are always so entertaining to watch and I can just imagine how fun it is to have this guy in the SMG universe with all those chaotic people around haha I also love their design a lot!! If the wings look weird it’s because I haven’t drawn those a lot in my life kskssl
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I said so often I would draw this guy AND THEN I NEVER DID. But now finally….I mentioned it before but I love his looks. He gives me Fresh and Party MK vibes and I ADORE IT. Let this man make the world into a musical, I don’t care if he’s a tad antagonistic. He’s just sill your honor!!
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I chose 7 because he just spoke to me lol He gives off menace vibes and embodies the Luigi feeling while still being original! I also love how you messed with the numbers on the head! Makes a lot of sense with the being viruses!
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Silly little goober we’re the first words that came into my head lmao
I love your artstyle by the way, it makes your drawings look really alive! As for this guy, they were a challenge but also a joy to draw.
If I pat them, will I get bitten?
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Another silly guy…I love creatures who have floating hands or other limbs and I love cats. So yeah, save to say I loved drawing this dude haha. They look really sweet!
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Another SMG who needs a serious and long nap, where is the chloroform /silly
Nah but seriously, I can see you put work into his design and story. (I still need to get caught up with the revelation arc) but I would love to hear more about his story!
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Menace material spotted!! Again a character that was super fun to draw, especially the hair. I love how long and fluffy it is!! The doodles you sent were also really funny to look through. 6 appears to be a force to be reckoned with lmao
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MR MONITOR MENTIONED!! This dude is probably fed up with all the traffic rules Puzzles must have broken every time they cross paths. I say they are allowed to send Puzzles car to demolition when he parks in the middle of the street the next time /silly
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I was missing my pirate content in this fandom but low and behold, someone made a character based on those after all! I love how you designed the guardian pod! It looks very cool to me!!
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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Morning Routine
"Can I borrow your eyeliner?" Kerry asked, causing V to pause a moment.
"Yeah, sure thing," he then said and handed him the pencil.
"What?" Kerry looked at him with eyes slighly narrowed, but smiling still.
"No, nothin'," V shrugged, looking at their reflection in the mirror, side-by-side, getting ready to head out, as if it was the most normal, natural thing already, "But... I think it's the first time I have someone over to ask me that."
Kerry chuckled.
"Well, better get used to it."
lkdadjfdlljdfasdflökdf it's finally done and I have so. many. feels.
First of all... I started this ages ago, as a funny little doodle idea for the morning after Boat Drinks. In my HC they go to V's apartment after the end of the yacht trip. Then halfway through the lineart I realized "I'll have to draw Vince's vanilla tattoos again..." which I really didn't want to, so I put it on hold and went to design his custom tattoos I had wanted to give him for so long anyways. Then when that was finally done, my graphics tablet acted up and I physically couldn't finish the drawing even though I had time. Then so much work stress and prep for the con happened inbetween and yeh... it's been a journey and a half to get here, but I'm very happy to have arrived and how it all turned out xD
Then also... my feels ;___; Vince has had a variety of relationships in the past, but either they never got serious enough for his partners to even end up staying the night, or they weren't as alternative in the way to dress and present themselves as he is. He was always the odd one out in one way or another, in his relationships, in past jobs, the one that either had to try to fit in or accept that he never would. So, it's something super minor really, but Kerry asking to borrow some of his makeup is a surprisingly huge deal for him in that moment, catching him off guard. Another instance of "you just get me" that they keep having with each other over and over again which makes them click so well and so fast. Like, Vince doesn't give a damn about what other people think about him anymore, dresses and presents himself however he wants and feels like. But Kerry makes him feel "normal" in the sense that he can just be himself authentically by not fitting in. He also has his quirks and an outwardly loud appearance and personality and all that, they just match so well, even though at first glance they don’t seem to... I know I'm rambling and only making half sense but I just love them lots, okay? xD Thanks for coming to my TED talk!
Since you've read this far, here's a short process gif as a treat:
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sprinklenoodles · 1 month
Read the first chapter, have some thoughts! Some simple ones before I go on a specific tangent and all!
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As for my tangent, while reading the first chapter of A Heir's Journey but the more I think of it, Kijo kinda reminds me of Lusamine in an odd way. Not specifically here but I shall elaborate of course!!! The game version of Lusamine is absolutely awful but in the anime, she's much more doting, a bit clingy, but she means well despite her flaws. I'd mention Ultra Sun and Moon Lusamine as well since she's also a variant of her character but also like, I didn't play those so I only know so much about how different she is to her other game counterpart. I know she's kinda an awkward middle ground though due to the changes in who the main antagonist is in those games. But, where Kijo comes along in this is, like Lusamine, there are differing variants of him in your fics which I already mentioned the slight variants of characters being cool and interesting and being a sorta mini analysis of the character by showing different facets of their personalities depending on what au they're in. And like, it doesn't help that I am reading The Pokemon AU fic now and got reminded of Lusamine oddly enough. Like, in this fic, I can already feel the lot nicer side of Kijo showing as apposed to other fics that show his calculative side, his more authority-driven side, even his love life and more controlling side of him. And damn it, I will never not find this cool!!! It shows the multifaceted nature of Kijo and how, in some instances, he could even be shown as a good father.
Like, damn it! I don't even know if this will last in this fic or not cus I dunno all the twists and turns QUITE yet, but damn it. Kijo's just lowkey wholesome here. Like, it was actually sweet reading Byakuya saying that he loved his father, even if it was just to get the damn man off his back so he can be cool and do Pokémon trainer shit! I am definitely interested in Kijo in the near future while slowly reading this fic, how the plot progresses, if I'm proven wrong on some things. Silly stuff like that! I really gotta psyche myself up into drawing him more so I can finally get a definitive design and draw him being both a menace to society, a charming gentleman, and of course goofier doodles cus I will never not shitpost! It's too fun heehehe!! Hope this little ramble made sense and I also will be continuing to read this fic of course!! Hell, even if I say I'm not as big into Pokémon anymore, I got too invested as a kid so I'll at least be somewhat of a sucker for it, even if I'm not playing the games or watching the anime anymore!
AAHHH!! I'm really honoured you're taking so much time to think about my silly fics!!
And I suppose that Kijo is kinda like Lusamine. This Kijo would really just be like animated Lusamine tho!
But glad you like this so much. Kijo and Byakuya do just really have a good relationship here... because I could. Byakuya deserves it!
Also happy I managed to convert you!!! The Byakuya &Chihiro friendship is the best, though there are not there yet here. They gotta develop some first! Same goes for Byakuya and the other person in his group!
And it's not like you need to be a huge fan of pokemon to enjoy it, as long as you know it. Like, it helps to know how moves, evelution and that stuff works because I... can't really explain it a lot without it being weird- the characters know this stuff already after all.
But really happy you enjoy reading it :D
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edhellfire · 5 months
Headcanon dump:
I have new followers so I figured I'd do a headcanon dump. Just some random facts about Eddie as I write him.
He's gonna be a tattoo artist when he grows up. He loves to draw and doodle (especially in class) so it feels like a natural progression.
I also will write him a rockstar verse where Corroded Coffin makes it.
In some verses, upon request, he is a single dad. His daughter's name is Halen. Halen Munson. His reasoning? When someone talks about them it's "Eddie and Valen" and he finds that amusing.
He will get more tattoos. I love the idea of him having a spider web tattoo on his neck.
In the rockstar verse, he def has his peepe pierced. In other verses, we'll see.
He's straight. Mostly. I've always wanted to experiment writing him liking boys but it's never happened. He's apparently very straight. Or, we haven't come across the right muse/chemistry to make him sway.
He is super respectful of women and tries his very hardest to not be scary when approaching women. A bit of mommy issues here but not in a bad way. Sidenote: don't ever speak ill of his mama.
He has a thing for cheerleaders. He can't explain it and neither can I.
He is not a virgin. Eddie, the freak, has had a surprisingly amount of action. He's got the bad boy thing going for him. However, he is every girl's "dirty little secret" because who wants the world to know they fooled around with the freak from the trailer park? He respects it and isn't one to kiss and tell anyway.
Guitar is his instrument of choice but Eddie has an ear for music and can pick up an instrument very quickly. He thinks the drums are very fun.
Eddie sings! But he's shy about it. Metal is fine because there's a lot of shouting involved but when he plays the acoustic and sings he wants to die of embarrassment. He has a good voice though. He's just a dumbass.
He's not dumb. I don't want to diagnose him (and I don't think that was common in the 1980s) but he definitely has something. Eddie just can't focus on things that don't interest him. He can be very good as physics, for example, because velocity and speed and he can see it in his head but give him algebra or calculus and he is extra fucked. His favorite subject in school is History. It's storytelling and he's a fan. His favorite time periods are Medieval and Renaiassance and shit like that.
Eddie was the kind of kid growing up that loved dinosaurs. Makes sense because dragons are like a natural progresion.
He can cook. Not saying he's a chef by any means but he has a handful of recipes down to an art. He taught himself as a kid when he got tired of eating canned soup and box mac and cheese when Uncle Wayne was working. He can't bake for shit though (and he would love to learn to bake cinnamon rolls and special brownies).
He doesn't usually do hard drugs anymore. He has to be in a dark dark place to go down that road. He had bad experiences. He also won't sell hard drugs to someone that is inexperienced.
He started smokig cigarettes at a scarily young age. I'm thinking around 12 when he started to steal them from his uncle Wayne. He used to smoke whatever but now he prefers menthols.
He feeds the strays that stroll into the trailer park. Cats, dogs, but his favorites are the raccoons that basically live in the dumpster.
He doesn't have any pets. Not because he doesn't want one but because he's scared he won't be a good pet-dad.
Speaking of dads, he has daddy issues. Daddy trauma really. The idea of being a dad terrifies him because he's scared he will turn out like his.
Eddie doesn't usually start fights. He will stand up for people but he will never start shit with someone else. That said, you say anything about his uncle and you're getting punched - even if you're bigger than him, even if he's outnumbered. He might not be the best son/nephew but he worships that man and is so damn grateful for him. He won't stand for Uncle Wayne slander.
Given the way he looks and his interests you would think his type is a rocker chick or a goth girl. You're wrong. Eddie loves femine girls or casual girls. A girl in a dress or a girl in a messy bun and a big tshirt. That sorta thing.
Eddie has always loved to read, ever since he was a kid. Because of this he's full of useless information.
He loved cryptids. He doesn't fuck with fairies though - they scare him.
He has a stuffed dragon that's missing an eye and lives under his bed. He got it from his mom when he was little and he's kept it since. It lives under his bed because Eddie logic says it's dark like a cave. It's named Draco after the constellation because when Eddie was a baby and couldn't sleep his mom would take him outside and they'd stargaze. One of the few memories he has of his mom.
Eddie logic is something that will come in threads. It's the way Eddie thinks. His brain just doesn't process things like a normal person but it makes sense to him and it's the hill he'll die on.
He's not a sports guy. Not because it doesn't fit the persona but because he's always sucked at them. Uncle Wayne would try to play catch with him as a kid and he would either miss or duck. He can run though and he likes to pretend he knows parkour. Doofus.
His favorite color is gray. Eddie logic says black is too basic. Again, doofus.
He doesn't have a favorite food but he's a sucker for anything homecooked. Uncle Wayne worked a lot growing up so anything that feels homecooked feels special to him.
Big cuddler. If you sleep with him, and it's more than just sex, expect aftercare.
He's not opposed to doing "girly" things. If you're a girl and his friend, besties level, he will totally be down for sleepovers that include face masks and manicures and all that. No fragile masculinity here. Just don't tell anyone.
Should be obvious but he loves horror movies. He's not big on gore though. He'll watch them but he's more into spooky shit like monsters, ghosts, demon possession and stuff like that. He does enjoy Children of the Corn, he finds creepy children amusing and terrifying.
He can fix pretty much anything. Both his dad and Uncle Wayne are handy with tools and Eddie learned from watching. He fixes his own van and basically built it from the ground up.
That's all I got right now. Feel free to ask questions.
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RQG Art Masterpost
Hey guys! So recently I've had a wave of notes on some of my old rqg art, and a few new followers. I got really nostalgic about rqg and decided I wanted an easier way to access my rqg-related art (other than the dumpster fire that is tumblr's tagging system), and I wanted other people who are just finding my art to have an easy way of looking at the rest, if they want to. So I dug through everything and made a masterpost! This post contains links to all the rqg art I've ever posted on tumblr, as well as a couple images that I couldn't find the original posts for, despite all the digging. It's loosely organized, emphasis on loosely, but I hope it should be fun to look through if anyone ever feels like it. Spoiler warning for the whole show, just in case anyone new isn’t done with their first listen. There's also stuff in here that's pretty old and that I don't necessarily love anymore, but seeing how my skills progressed over time is still pretty neat. This is a long post, so I've put all the links under the cut. Enjoy!
My top three pieces and why they're my favorites
Shoin's sketch of London
RQG Inktober: Scars
Resurrection Ritual in the Ursan Village
Zolf Smith, cleric of what comes next (comic)
Alex's horrible Barret Monster with knife arms
Ada and Tesla in their lab with the Babbage brain
"Why didn't you do more" (it's all your fault comic)
Blue-veined arm in Other London
Zolf and Azu hear the hivemind
Sasha and Cicero leave Rome behind them
Apophis in human form
Party camping outside the Garden of Yerlik
Kantu!! Because I thought they were cute
Also these two drawings, the ones I couldn't find the original posts for. Azu giving Hamid a piggy-back, and a really old drawing of Azu in Carter's mind museum.
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Sasha Racket:
Sasha hangs out with gargoyles (and sphinxes)
Sasha portrait
Goodbye, Brock
Goodbye, Grizzop
If Grizzop had lived and helped raised Sasha's kids
Sasha deserves bat wings, as a treat
"I so wish you could meet them"
My very first drawing of Sasha, post-Kafka fight
Wilde masterpost (yes he has his own)
"We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars"
His brain might've popped
Wilde looking pretty (plus bonus shitpost sketch)
"Oh Wilde, you must have been so scared"
Wilde with blue veins
Wilde gets his magic back (first time I ever drew him)
Wild and Zolf in the rain, epilogue
"We've got this" "Yeah, we've got this" aka Parallels
Breath of Life
Wilde's first death
Peace and comfort (for once)
Actually some more peace and comfort
And a little more
Aaand back to some angst
RQG Zine Art:
The End of the World As We Know It
How Little He Matters
Rome Is Where the Heart Is
Hamimatic - Immature
Zolf is the sand guardian, guardian of the sand
Wilde and Zolf in the rain but animated this time
Sasha protecting Wilde in Paris
Time lapse of some of the "Breath of Life" drawing
Ben Meredith quoting Jenna Marbles (starring Toothbrush Zolf)
Doodles, sketches, and requests:
Messy busts of the whole party (plus Wilde, obviously)
Azu and Grizzop outfit/deity swap
Never wake a sleeping Barnes (comic)
Toothbrush Zolf
Azu caring for undead Sasha
Ada mourning Babbage AU
Fun sketch page of various PCs
Domestic Zolf and Wilde
Canon-compliant under-dressed Zolf (look he's posing like the coppertone baby from that one brand of sunscreen, i thought it was funny)
Sasha and Wilde bonding time
If Sasha and Cel met each other
Sasha and Zolf, amputee buddies
Wilde in a flower crown (Everyone Liked That)
More domestic Zolf and Wilde
Sasha playing with Hamid's twin brothers
Sasha looking after Grizzop's kids
Zolf and Wilde hugging
Sasha and Skraak, dynamic duo
Barnes and Carter hugging
Kobold in the kitchen with Zolf
Ada holding down the fort
Happy Hamid
Cel and Grag
Wilde and Hamid high-five
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atinylittlepain · 2 years
I'm Your Venus - Chapter 3
Robin Buckley x f!reader/f!oc
series masterlist
Robin really likes candy, and the new girl in town.
warnings | 18+ angst, era-typical homophobia, fluff so sweet it'll give ya a toothache
Robin thinks that this is the best summer she’s had in the whole eighteen years of her life. She’s been seeing Duckie for two weeks now, spending nearly every night at her house half-watching movies she’s been renting with her employee discount and half-making out until she can’t feel her face anymore. It’s been so, totally, perfect. Except for maybe one little thing.
It had started during one of her shifts when a couple came in to rent some tapes. They were laying the PDA on thick, holding hands and giggling into each other’s ears as they browsed the aisles. Normally, that type of thing didn’t even register to Robin. But that day, seeing their lovey-dovey display, she started getting really pissed off. It came to a head as she was checking them out, slamming the drawer of the cash register and bluntly glaring at them, no “have a nice day” to be found as they awkwardly walked out. Steve had witnessed the whole bizarre interaction.
“Uh, Robs, pretty sure that wasn’t in the employee handbook of how to treat customers.” She groans, leaning against the counter and dragging a hand down her face.
“Did you see how annoying they were being, I mean, wooh! Get a room, perverts.” Her friend raises an eyebrow at her, sidling up next to her and nudging her with his elbow.
“People come in here like that all the time, and it’s never bothered you before. I could practically see the smoke coming out of your ears while you checked them out. What’s the big deal?” She sighs, both knowing exactly what the big deal is but also being too proud to admit it. She doesn’t give Steve any real answer, just shrugging and telling him that she’s going on her break, heading towards the backroom to take a breather.
She sits back in a folding chair with her legs propped up on one of the shelves of inventory, studying the new doodle Duckie had left on her converse. It was a heart with their initials in the middle, a cartoony arrow speared through its sides. She had looked so smug as she finished drawing it with her sharpie, grinning at Robin who was blushing furiously under her ministrations. It had been the one piece of their relationship that Robin got to carry around with her all day, in public. 
She sighs, her thoughts coming back to her total fit over that couple that came in. Her anger hadn’t really been at them, and it hadn’t really been anger either. It was more frustration, specifically that she knew she and Duckie couldn’t really ever do anything like that, at least not in Hawkins. Robin would give both her kidneys, maybe even her liver, if it meant she could walk down the street holding her girl’s hand, landing a kiss on her cheek without even having to think about it. But that isn’t the world they live in, and it drives Robin nuts.
Her frustration was compounded that night when she went out to dinner with Duckie, getting burgers and milkshakes at Benny’s. Duckie always tended towards the bold, even in public, and was playing serious footsie with Robin, sliding her sneakered foot up her calf before wrapping her ankles around Robin’s legs. Their little bubble was rudely burst, however, when some guy shamelessly slid up to their booth, flashing a broad smile at Duckie. Robin’s ears were ringing, but not enough to block out this guy’s thick flirting with Duckie, who admittedly looked deeply perturbed by his advances.
Robin hadn’t even been thinking, just acting on impulse and pointedly asked him if he minded. But of course, he didn’t interpret that the way Robin wanted him to, instead telling her that he could set her up with his friend over at the bar. Duckie nearly choked on her milkshake when he said it. Robin just felt sick to her stomach. She was dating the coolest girl she had ever met, and nobody, except for a few friends, could know. 
Since that night at Benny’s, Robin’s frustration had only continued to fester, leaving her sullen and quieter than usual. Annoyingly, Steve had noticed it, and confronted her during another of their particularly slow shifts.
“Are things still going good with you and that girl?” Robin just shrugs.
“As good as an eternally secret relationship can go.” That makes Steve frown.
“S’not a total secret. I know about it. Munson knows about it. Her sister knows about it. She told me she thinks you’re the cutest couple ever.” Robin scoffs.
“I forgot. You’ve fallen head over heels for a punk chick, so weird. Though she is pretty cool.” Steve just rolls his eyes at her.
“Let’s just keep the focus on your relationship, yeah? And besides, what’s the big deal? You know she likes you and she knows you like her. Isn’t that all that matters?” Robin crosses her arms over her chest.
“That’s easy for you to say, Steve. You can take your girlfriend out whenever you want, and let everyone know that you’re together. Meanwhile, if we showed up at a fancy restaurant with a reservation for two we’d probably get driven out of Hawkins.” A tense silence settles between the pair, until Steve finally speaks.
“So you wanna take her out to a fancy restaurant?” “Steve.” He holds his hands up in surrender.
“No, no, I’m just saying– I think I could help you out with that, you know?” She raises her eyebrows at him, shaking her head in confusion. She can see the gears turning in his head.
“Listen, Saturday at seven, be at my house with your girl, ok?” She looks at him in exasperation.
“Steve, what are you–” he cuts her off with a wave of his arms.
“Robs, I’m trying to do something nice for you here, alright? Just– my house, seven o’clock. And dress nice, the both of you.” Robin just huffs, giving into Steve’s persistence. 
That had been Wednesday, and it’s now Saturday night. When Robin had told Duckie about Steve’s invitation she had looked a bit perplexed at first, but easily melted into a smile at the idea of getting to get dressed up for her. And so now, Robin finds herself on Duckie’s doorstep, waiting for her to come down. She had settled on a pair of black slacks and a short sleeved button down, still adorning her beloved converse though. That was about as dressed up as she could get. However, she thinks her heart stops for a beat when Duckie finally opens the door. She’s wearing a dark purple dress that stops at her shins, a perfect slip along her body with thin straps that lay rather delicately along her shoulders. Robin can’t help but smile when she sees that she’s also wearing her requisite converse. Duckie offers Robin a broad smile.
“Hey, Robs, looking very good.” She brings her hand up to finger at the collar of her shirt. Robin stutters a bit, still so easily flustered by her girl.
“H-hi. You, um, wow– you look so pretty.” Robin’s mentally kicking herself for her lack of finesse, but Duckie just grins impossibly wider, tilting her head to the side. She twirls the station wagon’s keys around her finger.
“Well, shall we venture to chez Harrington?”
Robin’s stomach drops a bit when she sees Eddie’s van in the driveway of Steve’s mcmansion. What the hell is he doing here?
It’s hard to keep worrying about it, however, with the way Duckie’s kept their hands entangled over the console the whole drive over. She’s a good driver, had promised she’d teach Robin how to drive before the Summer’s over after all.
Once they park and ring the doorbell, Robin starts getting anxious again, having no idea what Steve had possibly conjured up for them. Just then, a shout can be heard through the door, as well as the clanging of what sounds like pots and pans.
“Munson, get the fucking door, goddamnit!”
“Don’t get your panties twisted, big boy. I got it!”
The door swings open abruptly, and Robin chokes on her breath due to what she sees. Eddie Munson, shoved into a black button down and black dress pants that look too short (they must be Steve’s) dipping into a dramatic bow as he opens the door.
“Miladies, welcome to ristorante de Harrington, please do come in.” He affects a horrid italian accent that Duckie snorts at as they come inside, being quickly ushered into the dining room. The lights are dim, a hodgepodge of candles shoved into the center of the table really the only source of light next to the glow streaming in from the kitchen. 
Eddie pulls out both their chairs for them, seating them across from each other at one end of the long table. Robin cranes in her chair, trying to peer into the kitchen, only catching a glance of Steve frantically stirring pots on the stove before Eddie waves her attention back to him.
“May I interest the ladies in something to drink, perhaps?” He’s still doing that damn accent, completely mortifying Robin. Duckie however seems to be loving it, playing along without missing a beat.
“Well, what do you have to offer?” Eddie grins, shuffling over to the corner of the room and squatting to grab something from behind a very large houseplant. It’s a bottle of very expensive looking wine. He brandishes it like fucking Vanna White.
“Only the finest for the lovely couple. Tis a musky brew from the old country. A very good year if I may say so myself.” He fiddles in his pocket, producing a bottle opener and quickly popping the cork. As he pours it into their respective glasses, he stage-whispers to them both.
“Don’t tell Steve I went looking in mommy Harrington’s cellar. The old broad won’t know a thing.” Duckie bubbles with laughter at Eddie’s antics, while Robin is still stunned by the whole production. Eddie sets the bottle between them before standing with his hands behind his back.
“Chef Steve is preparing his specialité, spaghetti and meatballs. I shall be right back with some garlic bread to titillate your palette before your main course.” He swoops away into the kitchen and they can hear Steve muttering to him.
“What was that sound? Did you get in my mom’s wine collection? Munson, I swear–” “Don’t worry about it, Stevie. I didn’t go near Diane’s stash.” 
Robin and Duckie share a look before dissolving into exasperated giggles. Duckie rests her elbow on the table, propping up her chin with her hand. She reaches across the table with her other hand to entangle Robin’s fingers with hers.
��This is certainly something else, Robs. Can’t say I’ve ever experienced such fine dining on a date.” Robin lightly laughs, giving her girl’s hand a squeeze.
“Eddie can kinda be, alot. He means well though, I swear. Steve too. They just knew I wanted to, uh, do something nice with you, so, yeah.” Robin feels like she’s going to melt under Duckie’s gaze.
“It is really nice, Robin. I know we have to do things a bit different. But I wouldn’t wanna do different with anyone else.” They share a very dopey smile that’s promptly interrupted by Eddie blustering back into the room with a basket of breadsticks. Robin recognizes them when he sets them down. They’re the frozen kind he likes to get to eat when he’s high. She can’t help the knowing look she shoots his way and he just grins right back.
Steve’s taking a while to prepare his “specialité” but they don’t mind, sharing breadsticks and sips of wine and very sweet conversation. Robin can’t help feeling like it’s a dream. Sure, the service is a little questionable, but she’s actually on a bona fide date with her girl, and it’s lovelier than she could have imagined.
Finally, Steve and Eddie come out of the kitchen, both carrying rather heaped plates of spaghetti. Robin makes a mental note to give Steve hell about the little apron he has around his waist. They set the plates down in front of them and Eddie does another dramatic bow.
“Madames, dinner is served.” Duckie grins.
“Compliments to the chef, of course.” Steve lets out a light laugh at that, shaking his head. Eddie’s performance, however, is not quite done.
“Shall I serenade you whilst you dine?” He takes a deep breath in, getting ready to belt something out, but Steve rather harshly swats him on the back, causing him to deflate on impact. He grabs Eddie’s shoulders, steering him back into the kitchen with a muttered “why don’t you help me clean up, you menace.”
The food is actually good. Robin had no clue Steve could cook, having to admit that she’s pleasantly surprised at this effort. By the time they finish their meal, they’re both in a cheesy, carby haze of goodness. Duckie lets out a long sigh, smiling lightly at Robin.
“This was the best, Robs. Thank you for taking me out.” Robin grins, toeing at Duckie’s foot with her own.
“Thank you for coming out with me.” She catches Steve and Eddie peeking around the edge of the doorway and she clears her throat.
“We should probably get going, I think the staff are getting ready to close.” Eddie and Steve sheepishly step back into the room. Eddie flashes them a bright grin.
“Thank you ladies for dining with us tonight. Will that be cash or credit?” Steve elbows Eddie in the ribs, offering them an apologetic smile.
“Come back anytime.” As they’re leaving, Robin mouths a “thank you” at Steve to which he just shakes his head, just the hint of a smile. 
They drive back to Duckie’s house, Robin’s bike still tipped over in the front yard. Robin walks her up to her front door and Duckie sighs.
“Well, I’d invite you up, but for once my parents are actually home tonight.” Robin just smiles, shaking her head.
“That’s ok. This night was already kinda perfect.” They lean into each other, pressing their foreheads together and smiling.
“It was, wasn’t it?” Duckie presses a sweet kiss to Robin’s lips before dipping back for another and another and another until finally Robin has to pull away. 
“Goodnight, Robs. Thank you for a perfect night.” Robin just smiles, stealing one more kiss from her before she slips inside.
Robin bikes home that night, thinking about how she owes Steve, and his crazy sidekick, big time for helping her have the best date ever.
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Gangle x artist!reader
Requested over on ao3. I didn’t think I would get any for her and I’m happy I did!
Your digital form is what looks to be a painter, with the beret and everything. This had caught Gangle’s attention when you first arrived to the digital circus, as she also does art, so imagine her surprise and excitement when she found out you are also an artist!
Despite how socially awkward you are, you two of you bonded over your love of art, cartoons and anime, and video games. You two spend time together playing games and watching anime, which you were surprised was even allowed in the digital circus, but you aren’t complaining, as well as drawing together. Over time, you had developed feelings for Gangle, but you didn’t want to tell her and her reject you. However, what you didn’t know was that she had the same feelings for you, but was also afraid to tell you.
One night, after a long gaming session in Gangle’s room, you were now lying on her bed, just talking about whatever came to mind. That is, until you brought up some deep and emotional topics as you were doodling in a sketchbook.
“What would you do if we were to get out of here, Gangle?” You look over at her as you asked this, her tapping her ribbons together in a slightly nervous manner.
“I.. I’m not too sure, really. Sure, it would be nice to.. get out of here, but I would miss everyone.”
“Even Jax?”
“Well… unfortunately yes. I know he’s a jerk a lot of the time, but he has his moments.” You laughed a bit at this, giving her a look of ‘are you sure about that?’
“Yeah, yeah. I don’t think he does, but hey what do I know?” You roll over onto your back, now staring up at the ceiling as you held your sketchbook to your chest. It was silent for a few moments, before you spoke up again,
“Would you… want to leave..?”
“I… I have thought about it, yeah.” Gangle turned to face you now.
“But do you want to leave? What would prevent you from leaving if you had the chance?”
“I’m… n-not too sure what’s brought this on, but… do you really want to know?”
“Yeah, I’m curious. We don’t have to talk about it, if you don’t want to.”
“N..No, no, I don’t r..really mind, I was just curious is all.” It was silent for a few moments, as if Gangle was trying to collect her thoughts. You had opened your sketchbook back up and were now sketching little doodles of her as you awaited her response.
“The reason that would keep me from leaving here… would be… you, Y/n.”
“Me..?” You looked up from your sketchbook, making sure you had heard her right.
“Y-Yes, you. Think about it.. we never knew each other until we ended up here, right?”
“E..even if we do somehow manage to even make it out of here… we would all be separated… most likely end up back in the same place we had been before we ended up here.” Gangle looked away from you, as if not wanting to talk about the subject anymore. “And I don’t want to be separated from you, Y/n.”
“I didn’t think about that, I’m sorry..” you mumbled as you set your sketchbook aside and hugged her as best you could.
“I know, it’s okay..”
“No, it’s not okay, I upset you..! That’s not okay..”
“I’ll be okay, Y/n.” You sighed a bit and nodded with a soft “okay” in response, still hugging her. Everything was silent for a few moments until you said, while letting her go from the hug,
“You didn’t really answer my original question. Why me?” Gangle nervously pressed her ribbons together as she mumbled something you could not hear.
“Could you repeat that, I didn’t hear you.”
“I..it’s because I love you, Y/n.” She said just loud enough for you to hear her. You had to take a moment to process her words, before you realized: “wait, say something you dingus, she just confessed her feelings!”
“I love you, too.”
“You… you really do? Y..you’re not just pulling s-some kind of prank on me, are you?”
“No, Gangle, I’m not pranking you. Who do you think I am? Jax?” Gangle giggled a bit at your response.
“I’m.. I’m so happy to hear that, Y/n.” You smiled softly and lie back down with her beside you.
“Me too, Gangle. Funny enough, I was actually uh… doodling you in my sketchbook.”
“W-Wait what? You were?”
“Yeah, do you… want to see them? It’s nothing bad, I promise. I don’t think Caine or the digital circus would appreciate that very much if I did, which I would never do.”
“Sure.” You handed her the sketchbook you had a few minutes ago, and she flipped through the pages, finding several doodles and sketches of you two together, and some of just her.
“These are… v-very cute, Y/n, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” You put the sketchbook back on the nightstand once she gave it back to you.
“You up for watching something before bed?”
“I-I don’t mind at all.” You nodded and turned on (fav anime) and the two of you ended up watching for a few hours, talking and just enjoying the show and each other’s company before eventually falling asleep, mumbling a soft “I love you” before you both fell asleep.
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 9 months
Mineko Old Art Dump, Cont.
Part 2 of 2 :
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Now, time for info!
So, for starters: her name. As mentioned multiple times by now, her name is Asano Mineko, as in 峯子. Whereas Karma gets his kanji from their mother (my OC Kuniko) and Gakushuu gets his partially from their father, Mineko gets the remaining two from both. I was trying to see if there was a similar “updated” thing with Gakuhou’s second kanji (like how 学 is derived from 學), but that doesn’t seem to be the case from what I could find. So even though I don’t need to explain why they did that for Gakushuu and Mineko, I came up with one anyway: it’s a trade-off. Gakushuu keeps the reading over the exact kanji, and Mineko keeps the exact kanji over the reading (Mineko was always the plan, though; not fond of “Houko”, especially for her).
I also mentioned this before, but since I’m dumping quite a bit of info about her here, I’ll mention it once more: Mineko’s the middle child, with her birthday being January 1st, just like her younger brother. In these AUs, Karma could be born on the same day, or he could still be born on Christmas—both ways are possible, though I have a slighter preference for the former for some reason.
Before I get into her personality a little, lemme explain some of the drawings. Only some things. The rest will definitely be mentioned in a character sheet—or before: if I happen to draw it again before it gets done, I’ll probably talk about it at least a bit. Let’s go in order now, shall we?
So, um, height? Mineko’s tall, but idk, I feel like I made her too tall in that Until Dawn AU sketch (she’s not in the AU officially, but I do think about her in it from time to time. And jeez, I need to post about that AU some more…). Either that, or I made Rio too short. Like, idk, year 3 Mineko is 5’6” (167 cm), and she’ll be 5’8” (172 cm) at her tallest.
Second: er, you know that sketch that looks like she’s holding a large ice cream cone in a weird way? Uh, yeah, that’s supposed to be a telescope ^^;;; I just never got around to adding the tripod… or, like, referencing an actual telescope instead of from memory, oops. I might actually turn that into a proper post, but no plans as of the moment. But yeah, anyway: Mineko loves astronomy, and one of her favorite hobbies is star-gazing.
Another one of her favorites that I feel like mentioning now, too, is she loves listening to and composing music—mainly instrumentals/orchestral music. She’s the kinda girl you’d invite to an opera, haha (though, not romantically; she’s aroace. The main reason why this is is because I did not want to end up making an OC to pair with her (this has happened multiple times before with others, so this is a way of me putting my foot down with her, haha). That, and it kinda references the fact that at some point in time I headcanoned Karma and Gakushuu as aroace. Though, I still do personally see them being somewhere on the spectrum. But yeah, she aroace).
Then that one sketch where the art style’s very different from the rest—I’m actually not too fond of it anymore, especially the face, but I thought to include because I like the rest of the sketch and especially because—you know that art style I dub my doodle style? The one where the nose connects to the upper lip, and if the mouth’s open, I add a bottom lip? The one I introduced Mineko in? Yeah, fun fact: this sketch was the start of that art style. It’s changed a lot since, but perhaps I wouldn’t have drawn in it were it not for Mineko, haha.
Last thing before I get to her personality and stuff: I’ll mention something about the traditional sketches. Idk if you can tell, but Mineko is a huge junk-foodie—a sucker for fast food. She still keeps track of healthy food, for the most part—but yeah, she’d never turn down fast food, haha. Also, regarding the water: she’s more likely to casually see food in a “romantic light” than she ever is people, haha.
Speaking of, I headcanon both Karma and Gakushuu as good cooks—they can whip up something decent, at least, haha. Mineko on the other hand has no such interest. She’s got her brothers, after all. She doesn’t see a reason to… until she grows up, and her brothers are living their lives, and she realizes she’s got no one to cook for her anymore… Welp, fast food and restaurants have never left her down before, haha.
Ok, now I’ll finally discuss her personality a bit… well, traits? I wanna talk about her intelligence first. She’s a very smart girl, being in 3-A, but she’s not as smart as her brothers and has to try harder to somewhat be on the same level grade-wise—definitely not touching the virtuosos, but 3-A all the same. She also participates in extracurriculars but not nearly as many as Gakushuu—she can only handle so much.
But while she knows she may not have as high an IQ as her brothers, she very much believes she has a higher EQ than them. And to her credit, she does, but probably not by nearly as much as she thinks. See, she’s emotionally repressed, too—don’t let that smile fool you, haha.
For one, she doesn’t like conflict and does her best to smooth things over when/if she can, play the middle man (she likes to think of herself as a bridge, connecting two conflicting sides (especially her brothers; she also likes to say that’s the reason why she’s shorter than them, as (certain types of) bridges tend to dip below the two points they’re connecting, haha. Just a silly thought she likes to muse)). She likes fixing conflicts but would never intentionally start any. Cautious of stepping on toes.
That’s always why she tries her best to plaster on a smile regardless of how she feels—everything’s fine, don’t you know? She’s completely happy with her circumstances; don’t ever worry otherwise! She should be more worried about you than you about her! But yeah, she’ll either only let it slip should a situation get too stressful that she can’t keep it up or if she believes she’s all by herself. All that said, she’s usually fine. Usually. It’s just… when she isn’t…
Also, this girlie’s got major trust issues and is a misanthrope (Gakuhou’s her dad; enough said). She does believe that, of course, not all of humanity is bad. It’s just… she doesn’t trust individuals, especially the more friendly seeming ones. She’s been raised in a family of masks, adorning one herself, so she has no clue whether someone is being genuinely kind or not. It’s just easier for her not to trust them rather than be let down. Everyone’s got hidden agendas, it seems.
And while she’s friendly and polite to everyone regardless of her suspicions—even when there’s blatant evidence she’s right. Because she wants to be kind and helpful regardless. And again, she kinda believes most are like that anyway. Proof is just more of a confirmation of something she believes already—and while most would find her company agreeable, she currently doesn’t have any friends outside her brothers. And nor does she care to. She doesn’t see what she’s missing. Why would you hang out with someone who’s potentially fake? While helpful, she tries to make herself scarce whenever she can.
But yeah, the only way she’ll ever make friends is through a whole lot of interaction; she needs to be able to build up that trust and feel safe. Being close to her brothers is a good start, but she’ll still be wary for a good while. Not something easy, essentially, and could take years. Hence, no friends as of the moment.
Er, yeah, I guess that’ll be all I’ll share for the moment. Ended up being a lot longer than I thought, but I don’t feel like cutting anything either. So yeah; here is she! I adore her, so I hope you like her, too, or find her interesting at least ^^
I feel like you know about her more than the other OCs I’ve already revealed when they’ve been out for a couple years now. Oops ^^;;
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sunny-clover · 1 year
Okay so these are just the concept info pages I made and these are not the final designs though, I’ve updated some designs A TON already
OKAY this iteration is called
TMNT 2032
and these pages are in order of when I made them so there’s no rhyme or reason.
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This is Cassius Casey (Kirby) Jones, he’s the first person I designed for the AU and his design does not look like this at all anymore. He’s got Japanese heritage from one side of the fam and Mexican on the other. No real reason except I wanna push my Spanglish onto him. Also he’s gay.
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This is April O’Neil, she’s the second person I designed but I never really thought her I through. She I guess has a possessed softball bat cause she’s a lesbian and the bat is a reference to Rise April. Her mother’s family is Indian and her dad’s is either Indian-American or African American. Like I said before, I haven’t thought her through much.
She handles the supplies for the Homatos and that’s really all I have, I should probly think her through more 😬
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This is Raph, originally he was going to be a snapping turtle but I decided he’s actually going to be biologically related to his brothers with the turtle DNA. I haven’t thought too much about him but he does have romantic feelings for Mona Lisa when he meets her but I still need his personality-
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Okay so here’s Mikey and he’s the one that I’ve HEAVILY changed—DRASTICALLY, if you will. I wasn’t even really in the right mindset to design him here so I am not at all proud of this design 😬
Yeah so he’s technically not the youngest I guess and also the drawing I did here was horrendous so uhhhhh let’s ignore this and we’ll have better content on him later.
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Here’s Kassandra Karai Jones, I had SO MUCH fun designing her. She’s a super badass lesbian Foot clan royalty soldier. Also she’s Casey’s twin hehehehe I love that so much. I can’t wait to write her arcs and stuff but I’ll have you know right now that the girl is a DISASTER around attractive women.
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This is Donnie!!!! He’s DEFINITELY up there with the Jones twins as one of the most fun characters to design, he’s so awesome I love drawing himmmm eeeeeeeeeeek!!!!
Okay so I made a mistake saying he has dual Bo-staffs, I just liked the way it looked with his design, but that’s incredibly impractical so that’s one of the first things I changed.
He’s the one character that I have his WHOLE personality fleshed out because I loved designing so much and he’s either a silly gay or a silly bisexual. I can’t tell you everything about him right now bc he’s still in the making and I wanna leave some room for content but he’s so much fun to draw and write!!!!
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This is Jennikka! Did I mention she’s in here? Hehehehehehhehehehehhe well now I did. i am not getting involved into the making of the turtles because I spent DAYS working on that but I love it so much but ANYWAYS she’s here and she’s sapphic.
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This is Venus!!! She’s so cuuteee eeeeeeek I love her she’s aroace and she’s also here. She has a deep connection with spritual energy and stuff much like Mikey from Rottmnt or I think the 2003 Venus as well? I haven’t gotten that far in the 2k3 show yet so I don’t know much abt her but I heard she has strong mystic connections or smth. I absolutely love her design and I hope you do too.
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LEEOOOOOO!!!! I really have to show you guys the concept doodles of him sometime cause I love it so much.
I don’t have too much on him atm cause I finally got his design down like 4 days ago or smth like that, but I’ve decided he can’t stand up straight for the life of him and Donnie always yells at him for it. He’s a bit like Rise Leo I guess but just more smooth and more serious on his training like every other Leo. I had him down as a tattle-tale at firs but then I decided nah. Oh also he’s the medic
Oh and I don’t think I mentioned but Donnie starts out as the leader cause he’s the oldest but eventually the title just moves liquidly through them until it lands on Leo. I had a little headcannon that I’ll never write down on paper but I keep up here that they be wingmen for each other when someone’s tryna impress a love interest they “hold” the leader title. See: Raph gets to be leader when they meet Mona Lisa.
I have a few other designs down but not on info sheets, just on doodle pages and I’m not ready to reveal how much time I waste on this lmfao.
I have Splinter, Mona, most other Mutants and almost Draxum’s concept designs on paper. I’ll post info on the creation some other time but maybe not. Maybe I’ll keep it to myself.
All I’ll say abt it for now is that the turtle’s creations were all at the fault of Splinter being an absolute disaster of a bisexual.
(I do accept asks on this iteration and I really do wanna answer questions abt it pls ask me questions)
Omg it’s 12:30 in the morning I needa sleep 💀
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mirtifero · 1 year
May I ask about ur rogues :D ? Like, what's the basic backstory behind each one, and maybe if you have any drawing or just an idea of appearance :P
I do have some doodles but I'm very insecure regarding them so I won't rlly show them.
Also putting this under read more because i fear it may get big lol
The rogues that I currently have are Joker, Harley, Ivy, Riddler and Scarecrow. I want to do a Scarface and Ventriloquist (I LOVE him very much) and also a Two Face (I also want to do a Gilda but she's not a rogue) but I don't have many ideas yet.
The only one with a backstory is John, Harley and Ivy have little drafts
Tw: abuse, bullying, death, animal death, manipulation, unethical medical stuff, eh you get the idea
Jonathan has a similar backstory to Year One, being raised by his great granny in Georgia (not many details here because my brazilian ass doesn't know anything about Georgia). Because of the abuse he suffered from her, he became a bit of an isolated child and overall kinda numb to things around him (since he was constantly anxious and overthinking, he was also kinda unaware of whatever was happening around him). He was also very, very physically weak, which meant the work he did used to make him constantly physically sick and he constantly had to go to school during these times. Overall he was a very easy victim of bullying so that also shaped a lot of his life. His teachers didn't do much because, since it was a very conservative and religious town, the fact that he was a bastard child and "weird", "offputting", "sick" and overall "too fidgety/scared" to things around him, they used to think of him as less or as some sinful thing. Besides that his family didn't have a great reputation either so no reason for them to care, right? He did try to fight back or outsmart his bullies but it never really worked because why would it! He was sick and skinny and no one would ever try to protect him. He spent most of his time reading and mostly trying to understand what was wrong with him, which gave him a lot of medical and psychological knowladge later on.
By reading was when he started to obsess with fear. He knew that he HAD to have some sort of power over people so he made a sort of character for himself. Not really Scarecrow, he used to be very into gothic horror so he made a sort of ghost figure that didn't rely on him appearing to scare people. He would kill rats and other small animals, put them in lockers or doors, write with blood and just enjoy himself watching people freak out. He never made the hauntings talk about treating him better because he knew it would make things worse for him, he just wanted to see people freak out and have that euphoric feeling inside him that it was because of HIM. The town had rumours about being haunted now and it was because of HIM and that made his attitude towards people to shift a lot over time. He went from being shy and insecure to just quiet and egocentrical. John didn't, like, stutter much anymore, he'd just stare quietly at things. Over time that evolved to him being very manipulative and good at playing with people's emotions/playing with his own facade.
I'm not so sure about this part but I do think he manages to make his great granny have a heart attack once and that, like, he had that sudden shift to being happier with himself. According to him, he unfortunately had to pretend to be scared and sad about his great granny's death but he was EUPHORIC about it.
When he grew up he managed to get a scholarship to Gotham University, where he majored in psychology. He stopped his shenanigans for a while there, since he felt somewhat safer. People didn't really care much about the tall lanky man so he didn't care much either. He worked in small magazines and custumer service for a while to pay the bills while he kept studying. He has a master in medicine and a doctorate in psychochemestry. During his post grads is where things get funky again.
He started to research on Arkham, where he did not care whatsoever about the patients well being and overall kinda used that freedom he had to expand his research. He wanted to see how people reacted to fear, seeing its uses and overall how to cause fear in "very small amounts that multiply to a disaster". He basically fucking incentived self destructing and mayhem, "in very small amounts", kinda to see what happened (ps: Batman already existed by then).
His papers started doing numbers(tm) because, since he was very good at twisting things, he made all the unethical and destructive nature of his research go unseen. He managed to become a professor, a job that he really enjoyed! He basically went his days lecturing and doing research at Arkham, having basically two jobs at that point. Like, nice by day evil by night (?,????? AKSJANWH).
Anyways, at some point he wanted to start using his chemestry knowladge and he started working on the fear toxin, which he tested on arkham patients (Riddler was one of them btw but more on that later) which caused enough problems to call authorities attention.
He started getting criticized (rightfully so btw it was terrible stuff happening) on the academia which started to freak him out. He was very angry that he was on the edge of losing his teaching job (which was a great source of pleasure for him, he was even very nice to students!!!) but also horrified of the same thing. He wanted to keep his research at all costs because he was too far gone at that point and thought he was being bullied like when he was a kid, which, uh, yeah.
Because of him associating being rightfully criticized with his past, he decided to go back to his usual bullshittery. Except this time with a Scarecrow, since his research used a lot the idea of a metaphorical scarecrow and shit. He had a curious relationship with birds that I'll mention in a sec and he basically started training them to attack officials, students, started leaving dead stuff around, write shit and also poison people with toxin.
It was, in many ways, not nearly as calculated as his kid shenanigans, because he was in a different context where he tought he was going to lose the only thing he loved.
Batman got his ass. Yaay!!
Okay so other stuff:
He has a very complicated relationship with religion, he is scared of abandoning it but he also hates it with his very being.
Because of the above, his relationship with sex is even more complicated. He doesn't mind sex, people talking about it or even reading it in a book, he is just scared of him in specific being punished for anything sexual. Plus, he has a lot of internalized homophobia and he's gay, so, uh, there's a lot to unpack here.
Although he was scared of crows, when he started to become very fascinated by them. He daydreamed about being this tall being surrounded by crows and shit like he thought it'd be so badass.
During his teaching years he was actually quite nice to his students but tbh only to his students. Other than that he was just a smirking manipulative cunt and very serious looking.
After all the chaos his manipulative nature started to make him look very unnerving since he was constantly looking happy but it was very obvious he was either freaking out or incredibly angry. He is constantly smiling and acting calm but he is, very obviously, not okay.
He gets along with Harley okay. She reminds him of his students so she's, like, somewhat a close friend. She is neutral about him but considers him a friend. She hates what he did to patients tho.
His relationship with Edward is HORRIBLY UNSTABLE. More on that later.
He has such a fucking crush on Batman you don't get it. Part of him WANTED to get caught by Batman SPECIFICALLY during that mess. He denies it to his last breath but he wants to spin Batman on a microwave and dissecate his brain and he has such a crush it's horrible. He watches the news religiously wanting to see the batman bits.
Appearence wise he looks like a mixture of fear state and future state. Also a bit of arkham knight.
Tw: murder and reference to abuse
Okay so he doesn't have a backstory yet and he's, like, very different from usual Joker because I made him while angry at Joker AKWHNQHQKA
He's basically a manchild, a whiny annoying bitch that is very loud and colorful and laughing at literally everything. His jokes consist of murder and death and always connected to puns, sometimes nonsensical because he's having a moment.
He gets angry easily and screams a lot and is one of the, surprisingly, most deadly rogues (not on the top 3 but def on the top, idk, 10 or maybe 5).
He loves wearing eccentric clothing and acting like the world is a stage and he is very unpredictable when it comes to who is his next pun victim. He can be very manipulative and creepy if he's calmed down, but that's rare, so he's mostly just loud and obnoxious. No one likes him and he's mostly just very dangerous because of his unpredictable brutality.
He was Harley's patient and when she met his "calmer side" she was fascinated and wanted to understand him, which made him manipulate her a lot. More on that later. She left him when he freaked out and screamed at her and shit like he fr never loved her or whatever.
He's obsessed with the batman, believing he is the only one that can bring him some sort of wanted joy that he longs for so much. He never feels properly happy and he just believes Batman is the one who will bring this happiness to him like an angel. When he isn't causing mayhem full of makeup and bright clothing he is overall kinda sad and miserable looking.
That's kinda of it! He is a bit difficult to explain :(
Appearence wise he's like. A clown. His hair is spiky tho. (When he's not with makeup his hair kinda falls and it's very depressing like Kajwkqjsk)
Tw: abuse, neglect, stuff like that
He is... oh where do I start.
Edward has a history of being treated like shit by people around him. As a child, he was actually very sweet and excited about everything! But his excitement was looked as something very annoying. People would beat the shit out of him or just treat him as less. That made him start to close with time and become a very quiet child, always playing with math and little puzzles. He was also very neglected so he wanted to constantly find ways of getting attention, by being the greatest, by convincing himself he was the greatest. He needed to survive, somehow.
Things didn't get better with time, his unstable behaviour making him become isolated and sometimes even physically harmed by people around him. That made him befome more aggressive and insecure and an overall mess. During most of his young years he cried a lot alone.
His backstory isn't complete yet, but this develops into him becoming incredibly selfish and egocentrical and to see himself as superior. He thinks people around him are trying to copy him or underestimate his abilities with tend to lead to him being really obnoxious.
I don't know how he snapped yet, but it was definitely him wanting attention and getting it in a very aggressive manner.
He is very obsessed with numbers and puzzles and needs to constantly do them otherwise he may end up self destructive. In the sense of "avoiding a single thought from occuring" yk?
He was one of John's patients and oh boy was that. Complicated.
John is fascinated by Edward, it's kind of a "I can make him so much worse". Jonathan even tested less his experiments on Edward because he wanted to just... dissect his brain in a way.
Edward however never really contributed. He hated John. He believed with all his heart that he was just trying to flatter him and "fix him". He also KNEW something was fucked up about John and did not want to take part in it, since he thought he was far superior to whatever lab rat John wanted Ed to be. The only time John used his toxin on Ed was out of curiosity on what Ed feared, and wanting him to get closer to him (it's kinda fucked up). This whole thing just makes him even more fascinated by Ed and yeah Ed hates his ass (rightfully so).
He's bi and has a complicated relationship with Batman. He is obsessed with wanting to outsmart him and/or also sees him as an equal and/or has a huge fucking crush.
He barely gets along with anyone tbh because he kinda hates everyone around him (even batman in a way).
He is still a draft like there's a lot I can add here!!! So sorry for the lack of stuff
Appearance wise he looks. He wears a silly hat and the suit it's kinda of a weird mix between yz and ak riddler.
Tw: abuse
Harley was a psychologist with the dream of helping people. She started as a teenage therapist and enjoyed it very much, specially with how she was able to incentive people to be genuine and start being chaotically happy, angry or anything like that.
She got a job at arkham and had to leave her other job for that. Shit with Joker happened blah blah blah and she kinda... okay let me explain
So, her whole thing was about self expressionx wasn't it? She thought by helping Joker to express himself she would also manage to become genuine and free from societal chains but she actually found herself even more trapled. She lost herself. She didn't know who she was anymore.
When she had a pretty bad fight with Joker she realized all of that and left. But she kinda got her ass dragged to arkham in the process. Where she had a lot of time to think.
She spent a lot of time very depressed, her whole goal was to make people genuine and authentic individuals and she found herself being a shadow. Harley wanted a fresh start, so after shaving her head she started trying new things, reading new books and yeah experimenting overall. She enjoyed the idea of being a villain in the eyes of people if it meant being authentic, in a way, but she needed to find herself for that.
Fun fact, while she was Joker's shadow, she was called "The Columbine" after the character from commedia dell'arte, she changed it for "Harley Quinn" after that. Because it was cooler and sounded more like her.
She started to enjoy a lot drawing and skating and breaking shit. Hashtag self expression.
She met Ivy on arkham while she tried gardening, and Ivy went like "you suck at this" and they slowly fell in love and they are girlfrieneddsss!!!! :33
Harley tries to get along with everyone (she's one of the only people who KINDA can KINDA get along with Eddie but it's a very KINDA)
This is also a draft so yeah! She's bi and also ethnically jewish, not veeery religious but still enjoys her culture a lot.
She also knows how to play baseball. And is very good at rollerskating. And both at the same time. She sometimes does insane shit around gotham just because and it's very easy to know she went somewhere since everything is kinda thrown around and painted with graffiti and shit. She looves it!
She looks like future state her because i love that design so much
Tw: cannibalism (oopsie!)
Scientist gone mad type of stuff. Straight up ecoterrorist, not a good person whatsoever.
Her backstory is very similar to unburied. Except there's a whole lot of murder and at some specific points cannibalism as a form of establishing dominance. Since all the ideas are kinda thrown around I'm unable to properly explain them in a "story time" way :(
She became a plant like monstrocity and managed to develop photosynthesis too (before that she straight up ate human meat because she refused to eat animals or plants).
She is a very obnoxious individual, but surprisingly quiet. She just looks at other people like she could murder them and they shut up. She is rude, overall mean but also kinda sensitive, specially when it comes to plants. She feels like she just wants to protect herself and others and doesn't see the evil in her actions, and she feels a lot of pain when plants are hurt. So her being mean is kind of a means of self defense, because chances are she cries a lot when she's alone.
She used to feel like she was weak, useless, so she found a way to become powerful and used that against people who hurt her, who hurt her plants.
Her appearence is silly because it's like, kinda similar to sale's version of her hair wise, and body wise it's complicated. She cannot wear clothes since they physically hurt, she is green and like. There's probably a whole ecosystem inside her lol. Her eyes are also kinda funky.
She loves Harley a lot, and her hair even blossoms when she's around her. Harley teaches her to be angry, sad, to be herself and she cares a lot about her. Harley's probably the only human Ivy genuenely cares about.
She's also a lesbian because I'm a lesbian and I said so????
She spends a lot of time quiet and unmoving inside arkham's gardens, maybe humming to herself. She looks like a plant and it's quite creepy. In a good way!
Okay so that's kinda all I have aksjaksj sorry for HOW HUGE scarecrow's bit is I'm. Mentally unwell. Very normal about him.
Also the amount of self projection here was insane sorry abt that.
Yay! :D
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verfound · 2 years
Some Ver(y) Important Notes...
....I was trying to be witty. That's not very witty. Hi, guys, I'm Ver, and as you can see I make bad jokes. 😂
This is my personal blog, so it tends to be a hodgepodge of multifandom whatever that catches my fancy? Yes, I do post fics here instead of maintaining a separate writing blog. I'm a bit of an anal retentive with OCD tendencies, so I'm usually pretty good about labelling and tagging. I'm mostly writing/posting Miraculous Ladybug these days (mostly Lukanette, mostly ignoring everything after S3, mostly living in my own fanon that finds Lukanette with a House Band on a Misfit Farm, mostly not a fan of Adrien/Chat Noir), but I am a chronically obsessed fangirl and you never know what's gonna pop up here.
I can be found on Ao3 under verfound. I do not post on the Pit/FF.net anymore, but I've been there under Veritas Found since 2001 (and am slowly moving those fics over to the Archive). On here, my fics can be found under #ver fic (the posts always link to the Archive). I also write explicit fic sometimes, which is found at #ver's lemonade stand (and because I think I'm funny, sometimes #lulu lemon). I'm awful about maintaining masterposts, but I do have this handy Chronological Guide for Winters that I'm trying to keep up with? I also doodle sometimes, which can be found under the tag #ver draws (seeing a pattern yet? 😂). I also have this handy guide for the House Band ages.
Aaaand I think that's everything? Oh. Yeah. Dingo King is my dumbass son, I'm only a little sorry, and I have no problem with people kidnapping him - I just ask to be credited and a link? (I maintain a collection on Ao3 I like to keep the fics in so people can find him in one place.) Same applies to Bri and the Band. C:
Ask box is always open. I try to respond in a timely fashion, but that doesn't always happen and I do apologize for that. 🖤 I think that's the important stuff? Idk. I always feel like I'm forgetting something. Someone will call me out on it later I'm sure. 😂
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sevicia · 6 days
blondie&glasses with ❤️🍀🧠✏️ / mary with ❤️🧊🌂🎹
OMG YAYYYYY!!! Mary is answered separate from Those Two cause they don't even know each other... she'd be like "why can't they just hold hands or something?"
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
I think I wrote a more descriptive version of it somewhere before cause it's #important but it's pretty much the night she kills her ex-fiancé and absorbs The Creature. Which is extremely vague I just realized... quick rundown: everyone but her wants her to get married -> camping trip with the guy -> go in the dark (forest.) -> "I can make you into an angel (flesh thing) fr" -> sure -> kills him badly. AND THE CROWD (me) GOES WILD
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
NOOOO but it IS very similar... her 1st design was for something entirely different that involved her being super plain (also the reason her name's Mary)(DVD normal name). Then I just kinda made her messier and creepier.... KYA...... Though I haven't drawn her super creepy just yet u.u
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Horror and romance but the second one has a huge NEVER TRY THIS AT HOME asterisk. She shares her story with Agnes and they have cute moments Because I'm Crazy but ultimately it's just not a good healthy relationship at all due to women's wrongs, which I support, slash joking
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Writinggg x) !! She gets into it after "meeting" Agnes (one-sided meeting. He did NOT fucking know her for a while) since he also writes "as a hobby" (me when I lie) and posts it online. She starts out by completing his unfinished stories or making alternate scenes, and eventually writes short stories of her own.
She also paints but that's also her major at uni so not really a hobby anymore... her paintings Have changed drastically post-creature absorption though x)
I put my other answers under da cut I never stfu #SORRY m(_ _)m
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Blondie: He is one of the most miserable little men to ever live but he does think fondly of his freshman year in highschool due to that being the year he was sure he had an actual friend for the first time ever. He has fond memories of hanging out at the park or the mall with her, talking about nothing in particular. Though he avoids thinking about her because it just hurts him in the end </3
Glasses: He has a very... hedonistic lifestyle to say the least, so it'd be hard for him to single out a moment in particular. His most euphoric moment though, is when he buried a body for the first time and went to school the next morning like nothing happened. Feeling invincible lasted for a bit, but he wouldn't do it again for quite some time.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Blondie: Weirdly enough I came up with him after Glasses. Basically I went "who the hell is holding the camera here???"
Glasses: Pipeline moment AUGH here we go. I listened to Ouija by Harley Poe on loop a bunch some time ago and really liked the concept of someone willingly inviting a spirit into their body in order to commit violent acts guilt-free (like first seat autopilot style ykwim). This gave way to an ENTIRELY different story and characters, in which I asked myself "who's even gonna possess this guy!?", and was trying to come up with some distant character that did very bad no good things. Around the same time I was doodling ideas like crazy and liked some stuff for a drawing of what was Basically a snuff scene. That's when I made someone up to hold the camera and when I thought to connect both stories, otherwise neither Glasses nor Blondie would be characters at all. Funnily enough the original Ouija-inspired story is not very developed at all, and I decided to cut it off ESH Diversity Loss (what Glasses and Blondie's folder is called in my drive) completely LOL<///3
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
This is kind of a difficult question to answer cause honestly I don't even like my OCs as people I think some of them just suck really badly. But I do like them as characters and things to write/think about x)
Blondie: I like that he could very easily be Fixed if he just like, had friends that actually liked him. He really didn't get socialized as a puppy now he's dependent on some fucking guy that views him as a limited edition snack and won't let go of him until he HAS to. Oh poor thang</3
Glasses: His hubris. ❤️
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Honestly my OC bouts come and go but I've got a lot more on them than I ever thought I would. Somehow they're the only story I have a rough outline for ??? ending planned out and everything. I don't draw them much though.... which means their designs will Very Likely change a lot by the time I get to do their thingy.
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mindrole · 7 months
lately im properly keeping off my wrist, ive never had an injury (at least not from strain, ive hurt it def though, i got launched off a treadmill once when i was a kid) but i fear it, so i'm being vigilant. i'm fine tho. but its really boring cuz i usually doodle to fall asleep...
but i was thinking like, cell series character designs are really great, i think there's a wonderful uniqueness to them in the design philosophy, but
isn't everyone so difficult to draw....?!?!!! usually i feel like... after the first few times i don't need to pull up a reference anymore, but with the characters in this series no matter how many times, i still look up refs, btw did you know shinano has two tone hair? it's not a shadow.
shinano in fact is up there in difficulty... i think balancing his facial proportions is difficult... he should be so cutes and so adorables but he's not like, karen or izu. the hair is also kind of a challenge, namely his hair after he got a haircut.
the character i think is easiest to draw is ryuu. definitely. i've seen people say hatsutori is deceptively difficult to draw. i agree... even though i feel like by some miracle i understood how to draw him much better than others, he's REALLY hard!!!
the funny thing is, recently the last ryuu i draw, i said "i looked at a ref for once"? well its cause i usually ref my own art. usually it's fine. for ryuu who is easy for me to parse it's usually fine, but i realized recently the bangs were wrong the entire time, so i wanted to try being on model at least once (whether or not i apply it correctly next time is a big "maybe"). also i always draw the bunny ears too short, but that's usually something i am very conscious of (because it is a moe point that i hate that i neglect. MOE IS KING)
of course you'd think... well you draw miwa almost every day... you must be proficient in that? the answer is NO. in fact, he's the only character i am pulling up a picture from the actual game to draw almost every time. CONSISTENTLY. dita's look is easy enough to understand i guess, but the usual look, what's with those bangs?!?!?!!! WHY? i draw his bangs too long, but honestly that's not something i'm interested in rectifying. if anything, i've literally never seen anyone draw him 1:1 to the one picture we have, i feel like everyone struggles. genuinely have not seen any two artists draw him the same. so i am not worried about trying to be "on model". it's his fault for having such a weird wig in the first place. i mean, look, im gonna put it under a readmore and i genuinely want to know if you guys think it's fucked or not. i think it is. usually i have like, the one canon picture we have right, and then 3 of my drawings to ref how i did it, it's a struggle every time. but he's too funny. a character who haunts the interlude and doesn't have a single line in it, only ever talked in the one com report. so i keep drawing him because there's so many jokes to make at his expense. it's very cursed. i think having this blog made me a little obsessed.
for the dita look like i said in another post there's a lot of inconsistencies so i just take what i like. though for the most part i follow the design in the interlude. there's not much to comment about, aside from how i'm wondering where his ahoge is actually placed on his head. i just decide on the fly because i can't tell. it's not consistent between appearances. i won't talk about the scarf i'll start foaming at the mouth im not kidding
not even going into the characters i find near impossible like theodore. i'll cry. i'll be here all day. haruki is hard to draw too...
anyway, here's your serving of miwa's fucked up wig that haunt my nightmares every day because i hate drawing this hair so much:
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i hope he DIES in com for this, is he stupid?
i hope everyone finds out he's 60+ years old and he has to hold a press conference apologizing for lying about being a recent ex-teenager
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