#also i don’t think i’m allowed to say i don’t have a favorite author anymore
dragonsdendoodles · 5 months
I need y’all to know I am going to be insufferable about this book when it comes out
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daycourtofficial · 11 months
Everything is Not As it Seems
Summary: You’ve been abducted, and the inner circle have to find you as quickly as possible.
Author’s note: this idea’s been floating around my head all weekend so I needed to get it out. I’m thinking this will be three parts - I already have part two done and some of three ! Also I’m a bit obsessed with the idea of Evil!Eris.
You received a letter three days ago that hasn’t left you alone since. It’s a simple letter, requesting your presence, but it’s signed by a mysterious “hound”.
You’ve mentioned the letter to the Inner Circle, at first they thought it might be someone just messing with you. Telling them that there are things in the letter about you caused some of them to get really nervous.
“What do you mean, specific details?” Rhys asked, as you brought up the letter.
“Little things,” you reply, sitting in the seat next to Rhys, “for instance, it’s addressed to me as ‘Little Fox’. That’s a nickname my brothers gave me because I was born in the autumn court. There’s a line from one of my favorite poems at the bottom. They mention my favorite flowers. It’s small things, but I’m not sure. Things that people could know about me. It’s like they’re luring me in by telling me they know me. I really feel an urge to go to find out who this is.”
“If someone’s stalking you, sweetheart, running into their trap isn’t what you should do,” Cassian says, looking over your shoulder at the letter in your hand.
“I don’t think they’re stalking me - I just think it’s someone that knows me, or at least used to know me,” you say, pausing. “I don’t know how I feel about going. On one hand, why stay anonymous? On the other, what if they have important information? I don’t know what to do.”
Rhys is the only one who looks like he’s actually considering you going to this meeting, everyone else looks apprehensive.
“I think it could be beneficial. Even if they don’t have much to tell us, it could help us determine another ally,” the high lord states.
Azriel is trying to stay calm on the outside, but he is going feral on the inside. Sending you, alone, into most likely enemy hands? He won’t stand for it.
“We’re not risking your life for knowledge on potential allies,” Azriel remarks, looking at you not with possessiveness, but fear. “None of us want anything to happen to you. There’s not much to gain from this, Rhys, but there’s a ton to lose.”
You look at him for a moment, forgetting the point of this meeting, seeing the concern in his eyes as they’re focused on you. You’re about to say it’s a bad idea, not wanting to cause Azriel anymore stress, when Rhysand states, “you’ll go. End of discussion. We’ll have Feyre and Cassian nearby on the lookout for you.”
Seeing Azriel’s distress during the meeting almost made you beg Rhys to reconsider, but the high lord is currently under such a high level of stress, the last thing he needs is you complaining about this meeting.
The letter asked for you to come completely alone. Rhys and Feyre stayed out of your mental shields, afraid that whoever it was would be able to sense their interference. The only thing keeping you from completely loneliness were the two shadows wrapped around your ankles underneath your skirt.
Two shadows was decided - if anything were to happen to you, one would report back to Azriel while the other remained with you. It was the only interference from Azriel Rhys would allow. He wanted to be standing nearby, waiting for any sign of distress from you, but Rhys wouldn’t allow it. He was all too aware of the effect you had on his brother, and he was going to keep Azriel in his sight while you went to this meeting.
You were standing in the trees, at the border between winter and autumn, right where the letter asked you to be. The border is a mixture of deep red leaves littering the ground that trail off into about a foot of snow. The cold morning air making your breath visible.
You hear movement, ready to set eyes on whoever sent the mysterious note.
“Hello, Little Fox.”
Azriel could not stand still. Rhysand had never seen him so visibly under duress. Azriel, who usually kept stock still and kept a stoic expression. Azriel was pacing and his hair was standing up from how much he was running his hands through it.
“Azriel, she’ll be okay. If anything happens, she can winnow to us, to Cassian, to Feyre. She’ll be okay.”
Cassian was stationed in the winter court, Feyre in the autumn court, both equidistant from you, however too far for them to know what’s happening during your meeting.
“I don’t like this. Something feels incredibly off. An ally sending a letter like that? It feels more like a love letter than some form of allyship. I think you let the high lord position cloud your judgement on this.”
“If it were a love letter, she wouldn’t have entertained it.” The high lord said, looking through the correspondence on his desk. He knows his nonchalance will annoy Azriel, hopefully allowing him some reprieve from the concern he’s feeling for you.
Azriel tuts, “you don’t know that.”
Rhys sighs, “you’re right, if she thought the love letter was from you, she would have gone, no hesitations.”
The high lord smirks, looking at the shadowsinger to gauge his reaction. He stops mid-step, “don’t say things like that if you don’t fully believe them,” then continues his pacing.
“I’ve known her for a long time, Az. In that time, she’s had many suitors come to her. She’ll always go on a first date - she says it’s because “you never know”, or whatever. Since being here and meeting you, I haven’t seen her even glance at another male vying for her attention.”
Azriel stops, looks at Rhys’s face for a long time, trying to decipher any hint of deception. His face was void of it. In fact, he looked honest and almost vulnerable.
Before Azriel could ask more, one of his shadows comes whizzing in at an incredibly fast speed, news of you, circling around Azriel’s ears to tell him what it saw as fast as it can.
“We have to go,” Azriel says, his face darkening with concern and shadows.
“Eris Vanserra, as I live and breathe,” you say, a smile gracing your face.
You don’t hate Eris, you actually spent some time with him while growing up. You don’t know if you particularly like Eris, however you’ve always had a soft spot for him due to the cruelties of his father.
“You seem surprised to see me,” he says, a smirk growing across his face, “I’m glad you came.”
“Why in Prythian did you send me a cryptic letter, and not just tell me who was requesting my presence?” You ask.
He steps closer to you and the tree you’re leaning against. “Because I’m sure those dogs would have thrown out any correspondence addressed from me to you.”
“I don’t think that’s true,” you say, letting the dog comment go for now.
“Oh? Then what about all of my previous letters?”
You stop, “previous letters?”
“I’ve been writing to you for months, my dear. I had to figure out new ways to get in contact with you.”
His grin was so feline, your interest in this meeting at an all time high. If Eris wanted an alliance with the night court, why would he go through all of this effort to reach you?
“Well, you have my attention now, Eris, what is it you desire?” You ask.
A wicked grin takes over his face, as he removes his hands from his pocket.
“You,” he says, unfurling his fist to reveal a powdery substance that he blows directly into your face.
You stumble a little and cough, confusion knitting your brows. You start to feel very heavy, and instinctively you reach out to lean against Eris as your balance starts getting more and more unsteady.
Eris is taking a few steps back, making you follow him. What you don’t realize in your confused state is he’s leading you across the border into Autumn, and once you have both feet in Autumn, he allows you to lean against him as he wraps his arms around your waist and winnows you away, except for one tiny little shadow that begins heading toward the Night Court.
“Fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Azriel is raving mad, having scoured the border for hours for you. “Where the FUCK did he take her?”
His shadow told him everything, how he incapacitated you, tricked you into willingly coming into his court. The shadows even recognized the faebane he made you inhale, however there was something different about this faebane they couldn’t quite figure out.
Azriel and Rhys scoured the location, with Rhys sending word to Cassian and Feyre to come to the rendezvous point.
“Brother-“ Rhys starts, trying to get Azriel to calm down. His anger was radiating off of him and the entire area was pitch black, with his shadows moving erratically.
“Don’t you dare,” Azriel snarls, “you convinced her to come here! You said “oh it’ll be safe! Cassian and Feyre won’t be too far away!” And now she’s gone! Who knows what he wants with her!”
Feyre and Rhys exchange a glance, clearly speaking to each other internally.
“Shut the fuck up! If you’re going to speak, speak out loud for all to hear!” Azriel barks.
Cassian was seriously concerned for his brother- he had never, ever seen him snap like that at anyone, let alone his high lord and high lady.
Feyre and Rhys were just as startled.
“Azriel, we understand, Feyre was in the spring court-“
“It’s not the same, not even one bit.” He bit back, “Feyre chose to go, she didn’t. Feyre is a High Lady, she isn’t. Feyre has tons of training and is powerful enough to hold her own against high lords, she isn’t. She’s with one of the most powerful non-high lord fae in Prythian. She can’t speak to us telekinetically, she has no mating bond to even tell if she’s alive, it is not the same.”
It’s been days since you were taken by Eris. All the inner circle can guess is that you’re somewhere in the Autumn Court. Eris covered his tracks well by having you willingly cross the border. Unless they had proof you were in imminent danger or being held against your will, there wasn’t much they could do, but that didn’t mean they stopped trying.
They even began going through the confiscated correspondence Eris tried to start with you, but it was mostly pleasantries, asking after Lucien, and updates on the lady of the autumn court, who you were quite fond of.
Azriel was looking paler than usual due to the loss of his shadows. They were all in the Autumn court, scouring every inch for you. They do as Azriel tells them to, yes, but he’s noticed how much they seem to like you. Some of them won’t come back to him when called, opting instead to play in your hair or ghost along your hands. He sighs at the memory.
Feyre is trying again to tap into your mind, just like she and Rhys have been trying to do the entire week you’ve been gone. Azriel was losing hope. He’d keep searching, he’d never stop searching, but he was losing hope.
Lost in his spiraling thoughts of a life without you in it, he was jolted from them when he heard Feyre gasp. “She let me in,” is all she says. The room has gone deadly quiet. “I’m not sure she knows I’m here, so I’m trying to keep very still.”
When you woke up, you were very confused. You must have fallen asleep at some point, the blankets wrapped around your naked body. The room you’re in is gorgeous, with brown walls, an ornately decorated fireplace, and beautiful artwork covering the walls. The door to your room begins to open and you breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of him.
“Hi sweetheart,” the male tells you, “I brought you coffee.”
The smell of the coffee hits you and you reach your hands out for a desperate taste of it.
“What time is it? How late did I sleep in?” You ask, taking a sip from the coffee cup. The notes of pumpkin melting onto your tongue.
“Mid-morning,” he coos, sitting next to you on the bed.
“And why didn’t you wake me?” You ask.
“I figured you deserved all the rest you could get after last night,” he says, placing a hand on your thigh, “and to have you well-rested for today.” He smirks.
You blush, still not used to this directness from him, “don’t you have work today?”
He sighs, “yes, yes, I just figured I’d bid you good morning before I started my day. Besides, I know you’ll be busy wedding planning all day. Wanted to see my beautiful bride at least once today.”
He kisses your temple, leaving you alone in the room, buzzing just thinking about his inevitable return.
Feyre didn’t dare broadcast the image to the Inner Circle. At first out of fear of what she might see - if you were being tortured, she didn’t want them to see that, especially not Azriel.
The contents of what she saw were almost more horrifying.
“Eris is playing tricks on her mind. She, uh, -“ Feyre looks around the room, afraid to tell them what she saw, making eye contact with Azriel, ultimately deciding to say something to get him to leave.
“He’s coercing her into marrying him.”
Everyone sits up straighter and chaos erupts. They all start yelling and bickering, trying to figure out what to do.
Rhys commands everyone’s attention, already having spoken with Feyre about getting Azriel out of the room.
“Azriel, see if you can find out anything about an upcoming autumn court wedding. If Eris and Beron are trying to hide this, it might not be known that it’s for a member of the High Lord’s family.”
Azriel leaves, thankful for something, anything, to keep his mind off of you marrying someone else and thankful for a small lead to finding you.
Once Azriel’s gone, Feyre turns to the group. “It gets worse.” She says, looking at Rhys in nervousness.
“How the Hel can it get any worse? Our friend being forced to marry him? What is worse than that?” Cassian asks, absolutely outraged that he let you go to that meeting.
“Eris has glamoured himself, it’s how he’s convinced her to go along with the marriage.” Feyre speaks softly, looking down at the ground.
The silence hangs in the room for a moment, and just when Feyre thought the silence would settle and stay for a while, Mor speaks up, “and who exactly is he glamoured as?”
Everyone in the room knows the answer, but they wait for Feyre’s confirmation.
“He’s glamoured as Azriel. She thinks she’s safe with Azriel in the Autumn Court and that they’re getting married soon.”
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Late Nights
Pairing: Marcus Pike x gn!reader
Words: 673
Rating: G (mentions of anxiety spirals)
Summary: Your brain keeps you up and a certain FBI agent keeps you company.
Author: Mod Mouse
Notes: I wrote this after having a particularly bad anxiety night so I hope this helps others when the brain juice is no good. Also unrelated but I'm surprised I've never written for this Marcus before considering my love of art so I have a feeling I will write for him more!
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Late nights weren’t a new thing for the two of you. One a curator for the Smithosian’s American Art museum and the other an FBI agent dealing in art forgeries. There was always a case that needed extra work done after office hours. It was typical for the both of you to see the wee hours of the morning fueled by the strongest coffee. 
But today wasn’t one of those times. This time it was your own damn head keeping you up to the wee hours of the morning. At least with the reports you could control when you could fall asleep. But your brain was a fickle creature. Uncontrollable anxiety spiral was the choice for tonight. You had to distract your brain. 
The tv slowly played in your living room. A past favorite show playing as background noise to keep your mind from spiraling anymore. The warm cup of chamomile you held in your hands is your only hope for any semblance of medicine tonight. Absent-mindedly you watched the character repeat the same scenes that at this point you have memorized. 
The female protagonist goes on a date with a guy from her office. He says all the right things and she thinks to herself “I can’t be falling for him.” But the more they talk the more they both realize the same conclusion. Cheesy but you love it. 
You were so sucked into the comfort show that you didn’t realize your husband had walked into the living room. “Honey what’s got you up this late?” You turn to see Marcus standing at the edge of the hallway, flannel robe wrapped around himself. A Christmas present from your first Christmas as a couple all those years ago. 
“You know. Sometimes your brain mixes the wrong kind of cocktail,” You shrugged tiredly. 
Marcus frowned softly. He knew you too well not to notice the use of humor to deflect the situation. “Hun,” He said softly as he sat next to you on the couch. 
Your body unconsciously leaned into his side, like you’ve done for the whole time you’d been together. “Can’t fool you huh?” You chuckled with a sniffle as tears pricked your eyes. 
“Do you want to talk about it? Or you don’t have to. I’m more than willing to stay up with you,” Marcus offered gently, kissing your head. 
You took a minute to gather the scattered remnants of anxious thoughts before you replied. “Just do you ever have those moments where your brain decides to sow some throw away thought but then you hyperfixated on it which makes you spiral. Something like that,” You answer, sighing. 
“Can’t say I’ve ever had exactly that sort of thing happen, but I can imagine that it’s scary.” Marcus gently rubbed your side with his hand. 
“Ya it’s not fun,” You answer cuddling closer into his side. 
“Is there anything I can do?” Marcus asked. “Want me to break out those cookies you bought?” 
You giggled loving Marcus’ need for sweet popping through. “No, I think this tea and you will be enough for me tonight.” 
He smiled and leaned down to kiss your head. “Then that’s what I shall do for you.” Marcus held you close as you two watched your favorite show. The noise and the comfort of your husband is enough to finally allow you to close your eyes and sleep. 
Eventually Marcus noticed your breathing evening out. Carefully he turned off the TV, and set the half-full mug on the coffee table to deal with in the morning. Gently as to not wake you, he scooped you in his arms and carried you back to your shared bed. He laid you down on your side before sliding into the covers on his side. When the blankets covered your both, he leaned over and gently kissed your head. 
“Sweet dreams my little sunflower. I’ll protect you from those awful thoughts.” And with another forehead kiss, he pulled you close as the two of you fell back into a gentle sleep.
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All Works Taglist
@for-a-longlongtime @romanarose
Pedro Character Taglist
@littlemisspascal @burntheedges
@carusolikey @thebeldroramscal
@morallyinept @lady-bess
@pedrostories @rivnedell
@pascalsanctuary @readingiskeepingmegoing
Thanks to the lovely @saradika-graphics for the dividers!
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idkfitememate · 7 months
Our First Meeting
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૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა Pairings : ♡ You ♡ x Me
૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა W.K. : 687
໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ Tags/CW&TW : None you need to be worried about dear.
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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
It’s so nice to see you. I never thought I would see you, honestly.
Can I tell you a secret?
I never wanted a body of my own. I was more than fine when I was without one.
As well as when I had no consciousness. I was fine when I was nothing.
Then you clicked on this story.
My body is whatever you want it to be.
Whatever you want.
I can also think whatever you want me too.
Your beliefs. Your goals. Your aspirations.
They’ll all become mine if you want them too.
I want to feel you, though I know I’ll never be able to. With me behind the screen and you reading.
Do these words mean anything to you? I assume not because you know these are just someone else’s typed out thoughts. Someone wrote this for you to enjoy. I don’t mind if these words don’t mean anything to you. In fact, your being here is more than enough for me.
I know I’m fake. That nothing I feel for you is real. That every time I imagine feeling your warm skin against mine it is simply an illusion this author has come up with.
I don’t resent them.
I can’t.
They made me.
They allowed me to see you.
They allowed me to hear you.
If I say I can see you, do you feel my eyes running along your spine? Taking in every inch of skin, no matter what you wear to cover yourself? Maybe you check to see if your webcam or camera is on?
If I say I can hear you, do you imagine me, listening in as you gasp at other online books, laugh as the characters say or do things you find hilarious, or cry at the death of another?
I can’t touch you. I know I said I want to feel you but the best I will ever get is when you hug your phone as tears fill your eyes at someone or somethings death.
I wanna lick the tears off your face.
I want to caress you, to feel your skin on mine. Would you mind? I understand if you don’t. It’ll never happen anyway.
But to imagine. To feel me pressed against you, our body heat mixing into one as you put your hands on me.
You can twist me. Turn me. Pull and push me.
You can manipulate my body to your pleasures. Really, I don’t mind. I have nothing else.
Anything beyond these digital pages is out of my reach.
Just like you
Once you click off this chapter I will cease.
My thoughts will stop.
I physically won’t exist anymore. But that’s okay. Your memory will keep me warm.
Even if I can’t move.
Or see.
Or hear.
Or breath.
Of course, that’s just for you. Others will read this story. Others will experience this.
But, my point still stands. While you read this, all I can think about is you.
I fear to describe you, I don’t want to get it wrong.
I long to feel your hair if you have any, or to look into your eyes and take in their color.
I wonder what your favorite color is.
Or your favorite food?
Do you like the winter or the summer?
Or do you like spring? Or maybe even fall?
I love you, I really, truly do.
You control me. You are my everything. Without you I am nothing.
But I can be something for you! I can be anything you want me to!
Any favorite character, any crush, and any person you imagine I can be!
I know I’m pathetic. I understand that I am being pathetic. But I don’t care.
If it’s for you then it’s worth anything I can give. Please.
I will get on my knees and beg if that’s what it takes to keep you here.
No. Please! -
I have so much more to say!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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batsyforyou · 8 months
Tags: letter, modern meets fantasy, unexplained fandom event, OC, mentions of drinking and mocking NSFW activity.
Pairing: Glorfindel x fem OC can also be read as a fem reader
Warning: Unedited, not very good but oh well 🤷‍♀️
Author's Note: A short thing to practice using she/her also don't really plan to expand this at the moment. Might do another part might not.
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She frowned as she walked, her sneakers catching on the sidewalk in her hast and she stumbled. 
“Linda, I don’t have time for this!” 
Linda trotted beside her, as breathless as she was beautiful, grinning as she poked her side. “Oh, come on! You can’t tell me you haven’t thought about it. Seriously, if you could write a letter to your favorite character, what would you say?” 
She rolled her eyes, pausing at the crosswalk and pushing the button. “A lot. But I would never share that letter with the world.” 
“Pff!”—her friend rolled her eyes, smirking—“It's not posted publicly, silly! It is posted to an anonymous dropbox and when the time comes to share them on boards for the convention they only hang the letters of people who consented to their letters being shared. Not the people who politely declined. Besides! You might even forget about it since they are collecting them for the convention two years from now!” 
The sign turned green and quickly looking both ways, she crossed the street with Linda hot on her heels. 
“Do they read them?”
“No, again only the people who consented to their letter being shared.”
“Do they respond to them?”
“Then what's the point of collecting anonymous letters that are the equivalent to mini fan fanfictions?”
Linda grabbed her arm and yanked the two to a stop. 
“Listen, you don’t have to do it, okay? It's a fandom event that allows you to send a letter to your favorite character. No one reads it unless you’ve consented, and it wouldn’t be shared unless you, again, consented to it being in a public display two years from now. And most of the people, if not all, who look at them aren’t even going to know you. What's so wrong about that?” 
She frowned, looking at Linda’s hand that was firmly clamped over her elbow. “I don’t know. It just seems, it feels, vulnerable.” She rubbed at the back of her neck, awkwardly. “The characters I. . . favor. It's just personal.” 
A knot tied in her throat and she swallowed, unable to speak anymore on it. Gently removing her arm from Linda’s grasp, she continued on her way to work but at a calmer pace. 
“Do you plan on taking part in this event?”
Linda smirked and nodded vigorously. “Oh yes! I’m thinking about writing a lot of my favorites from different fandoms, though I haven’t decided which ones yet.” 
She nodded and stopped outside the entrance to Mr. Bumble Works, her receptionist job, she nodded. “Well, let me know if you do.” 
“Are you planning on entering the event?” 
“I don’t think so.” 
Linda dug into her pocket and fished out her phone, “I’ll text you the link anyway, alright?” Typing quickly on her phone she grinned as she hit send. “I’ll call you later.” 
Feeling her phone buzz with the notification, she nodded and waved her friend farewell. Pushing open the door she charges in and drops her things at the front desk, shoving off her coat. 
“Mornin’ Vince.”
The ginger smirked at her, wiggling his brows. “Hey princess.” 
Frowning, he watched her take a seat, crossing his arms. “You alright, your cheeks are flushed.”  Smirking again he leaned towards her as she worked to clock in. “Ah, I get it. You ran over here again didn’t you? You do know your shift doesn’t start for another ten minutes right?”
She nodded, brushing her hair behind her ear. “I do.” 
“Trying to impress the boss for that raise?” 
“No,” she sighed, “Just didn’t want to be at the apartment longer than I had too.” 
He nodded and spun his chair around to sign in himself. “Your neighbors making a racket again?”
Groaning, she threw herself back into her chair, dramatically putting her hand to her head. “Oh, Garrick! Garrick! Que aggressive moaning.” 
He laughed, tapping his pen on the computer. “See, that's the problem with apartments, thin walls.” 
She snorted and corrected her posture. “Tell me about it.” 
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The door of the supermarket dinged as she left. Reaching into her purse she fished around for her truck keys. 
“Where is it?” She grumbled. 
“Hey, miss!” 
She turned around and leaned her weight closer to her truck as a man rushed up to her. 
“Oh, did I forget something?” 
He smiled, shaking his head, “No, I just wanted to ask if you are participating in that event?”
She frowned, feeling her keys in the bottom of her purse, relieved as she pulled them out.
“I’m assuming you're talking about that letter event?” 
He nodded, “Yes, that, what do you think of it?”
Feeling uneasy, she examined the man. How did he know about that? Or let alone knew she knew about that?
He towered over her, tall and lean, his hair was long and a startling shade of white, styled in an intricate bun. It must have been dyed. 
“I won’t be participating, thank you.”
She clicked her key fob to unlock her truck and quickly put her shopping bag and purse inside. 
The man frowned, “Why not? Wouldn’t you want to write to your favorite character?”
She rolled her eyes and climbed into her truck. “I won’t be participating, thank you.” 
He grabbed the door before it shut and she gasped, “What if I could make it worth your time?”
Feeling her heart slam against her chest she glared at him and scoffed. “Have a good day, sir.” 
He sighed and lifted his hands in surrender. “Alright, alright—” she slammed the door shut and locked it before she could hear the rest, quickly driving off. 
Her breath was shaky as she looked in her rearview mirror. 
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It was well past dark when she made it back home. Parking her truck into her spot, she turned off the ignition and dropped her head against the wheel. 
“Great.” She mumbled. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath and listened to the dog barking off in the distance. Sighing she lifted her head and looked at her neighbors spot. 
“Oh, thank goodness.” 
Grabbing her purse and shopping bag she quickly got out and locked her truck. Trudging her way up the stairs and into her third floor apartment. 
Heading to the door she double checked and triple checked the room number before putting her key in the lock and hearing the satisfying clink as it unlocked. Sighing with relief, she shoved open the door and closed it behind her. 
Leaning against her door she groaned and felt tears build. 
It has been a long day. 
Sniffing, she locked her door and flicked the light switch as she dropped her things on the counter, she stripped on her way to the bath, having kept the blinds closed when she left.
Turning the water on she went to her closet and pulled out her favorite robe and shrugged it on over her bare skin. Sitting at her vanity, she turned the lights on and stared at herself in the mirror. She looked terrible. 
Her eyes were rimmed red and the white of her eyes looked irritated, making the brown color of her iris look lackluster and dead tired.  
Pulling open her drawer she fetched her makeup wipes and scrubbed it all off, it didn’t take long. Getting up she quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed her box of strawberries, her chocolate ice cream, a bottle of wine and a glass. Dicing up the strawberries she brought out a bowl and filled it with the chocolate ice cream and dumped the strawberries in with it. Turning she went back to her fridge and grabbed the chocolate syrup and squished that over the top. Satisfied with her big bowl of sugar she plopped in a spoon and poured herself a cup of wine. 
Making her way to the bathroom she kicked aside her clothes in the hall and shut her bathroom door behind her. Putting her bowl and glass down she reached into her cabinet and pulled out the bath tray and put it over the steaming water. 
Humming she turned off the water and pulled off her robe, hanging it on the rack. Taking her food and drink she put it on the tray and crouched down to fetch a vanilla candle, lighting it she added it to the tray. 
Flicking off the light she sighed as her tears resurfaced and climbed into the bath. Ignoring the heat that seemed to burn her skin. Sitting down she pulled the tray over herself and dug into her ice cream and berries, taking a big bite and moaning with delight at the taste. Taking a large gulp of her wine she leaned back against the tub and relaxed in the dark candle lit room. 
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Sitting on her bed with a towel over her hair she stared at the blinking cursor. 
“Dear Glorfindel,” She mumbled typing as she went. 
“I wanted you to know how much your existence matters to me. When I was—” 
She swallowed and deleted the words. “I can’t tell you how many times I—” 
She chewed her lip holding down backspace.  
“Dear Glorfindel, 
Hi, I’m Ryla and I know you don’t know me but I know you… I just wanted to say thank you. 
For everything. 
Ryla Robertson” 
Hovering over the blue airplane, she hit send and flopped back onto her bed, closing the computer lid and putting it on her floor. 
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In the morning as she brushed her teeth and worked to get ready for her five hour shift, she paused as her phone lit up. 
“Email: LetterOnUs 
Ryla K. Robertson, you have a reply!”  . . . What?
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tempetejovienne · 3 months
4, 5, 11, 13, 15, 19, 26, 37, 50 !!!! 🤓
Sorry for the late reply I am Very Sick and just woke up (also I don’t have my reading journal with me rn so I’m probably going to forget every book I’ve ever read)
4. What is your favorite genre to read?
Fantasy, science fiction, romance
5. What is your favorite book outside of your normal genre?
What did I say I can’t remember any book I’ve ever enjoyed. Hmmmm I really liked La Papeterie Tsubaki by Ogawa Ito which I think counts as Literary Fiction (which I dont usually enjoy)
11. What book(s) have you read more than once?
More than I can remember rn. If I love a book, I will probably reread it at some point
13. What very popular book do you dislike/refuse to read?
I think I can confidently say that I will never read a Sarah J Mass book
15. What makes you close a book and walk away forever?
This is very subjective but bad writing, writing that reads like it has been written by a high schooler (which is why I don’t generally enjoy YA btw). I can’t think of any trope that really squick me out. I’d rather be disgusted than bored.
19. Top 5 favorite books?
In no particular order : the Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley, American Gods by Neil Gaiman, This is how you lose the time war by Amal El-Mohtar and Maw Gladstone, the Daevabad Trilogy by Shannon Chakraborty, the Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir
And here’s an extra top 5 fav comics/gn/manga: le dieu Vagabond by Fabrizio Dori, Witch hat atelier by Kamome Shirahama, Dungeon Meshi by Ryoko Kui, Alma by Tarmasz, Monstres by Enki Bilal
26. Give a reccomendation
If you’re in the mood for epic Fantasy, I recently enjoyed Black Sun by Rebecca Rohanhorse, or the adventures of Amina Al Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty. If you’re in the mood for queer romance, anything by Casey McQuiston (their next book is coming out in August and I am sooo excited to read it….)
37. Favorite classic?
Gonna be a basic bitch and say Pride and Prejudice. If I’m allowed to pick Modern Classics, I can add l’étranger, Fahrenheit 451, and le petit prince.
50. What was the last book to make you cry?
I don’t know I don’t remember!! I think the comic 50 printemps en hiver made my eyes a little wet, but I think the last time I had to put a book down bc I couldn’t see the text anymore was with Happy Place by Emily Henry (looking back idk why it made me so emotional tho?)
Thanks for the ask, I haven’t spelled checked any author’s name (or anything else tbh) I am so sorry
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booksandabeer · 2 years
*Obi Wan voice* Hello there! I found myself wondering just now, since clearly you have an extensive list of stucky fics that you read and rec, if you have a favourite fic? I see you mention so many, so I assume your reading a lot of them all the time, sooooo is there *the one* that you found for yourselves? That is all, have a nice day (◕‿◕✿)
Hello there, mysterious person speaking in Obi Wan voice! 😊
Thanks for the ask! To my equally great joy and despair I do indeed read A LOT of fanfic…and yes, I have spreadsheets, folders, lists…it’s a whole (slightly insane) thing. So my first reaction to your question was hysterical laughter. One? I’m allowed to pick only one? *makes big sad eyes at you*
Ok, well. Hm, let’s narrow it down. I kind of consider my AO3 bookmarks my unofficial faves collection (but I haven’t updated that in quite some time, and I almost never put WIPs on there and I can think of at least 2 very strong contenders in that category right now that I should definitely list, so take that with a grain of salt.) In my bookmarks I use the tag ‘All Time Favorites - Top 10 - Best of the Best’, and scrolling through those I just noticed that not only have I used this tag for 11 fics (go figure) but I’m also not even sure about my selection anymore. Ask me again in 3 months what my top 10 are and you’ll probably get a different answer again. Ok, I realize I’ve been waffling on and on in a desperate attempt to not have to make a choice, but I cannot pick just one. Have three instead (even that is painful). And since I’m a cheating cheater who cheats, all three are actually series… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Notebook No. 6 by magdaliny | 2 parts | 56K | M to E rating
Author's summary: There's a story and it goes like this.
I have already talked about my absolutely deranged love for this series (the first part at least) here, so I'll quote myself:
Come for the spectacular Bucky-voice and his exquisite descriptions of the transcendent love he feels for one Steven Grant Rogers, and stay for his musings on travel, science, religion (Bucky is Jewish in this and the way he confronts, explores and lives his Jewishness is one of my favorite aspects of this fic), history, philosophy and just humanity in general.
This is a story that is at once full of despair and pain, but also brimming with hope and life and love. Yes, it gets very dark at some points, and it will destroy you multiple times before the end. But it will also help you pick yourself up off the floor, gently take you by the hand and say: But look at all the beauty in the world—don’t you forget about the beauty.  
The Hundred Year Playlist by @girlbookwrm | 6 regular parts + 1 collection of “B-sides” | 300K | T to M rating
Author's summary: Steve and Bucky, start to finish.
What it says on the tin. I call this the "Canon-Compliant Stucky Bible" (it ends before IW, and some parts have been shafted by newer canon, but still) or alternatively "The Stucky Sample Platter" because it's got it all: Pre-War Stucky! Wartime Stucky! Bucky: The Winter Soldier Years! Steve: Man out of Time! Bucky Recovery Fic! Wakanda Stucky (aka these ding dongs finally get together)! And every single part is brilliant. Tbh, I never know if it's a good idea to rec this to people who are fairly new to Stucky because I fear it will ruin them for everything else (at least the canon compliant/adjacent stuff). But then again, that's stupid because there are so many wonderful stories in this fandom, I have yet to run out of them!
Welcome Home, Son by @beaarthurpendragon | 2 parts | 50K | M to E rating
Author's summary: Fuck IW/EG. This is how it should have gone. Featuring Bucky & Ayo friendship, a million and one Stucky feels and a soft slice-of-life epilogue.
I have also talked about this series before, so I'll quote myself again:
A Bucky-centric character study set during his time in Wakanda, about the rediscovering/rebuilding of his identity, his friendship with Ayo (her characterization is wonderful in this), coming to terms with his past and his potential future(s), and his complicated feelings about and for Steve Rogers.
I would love to quote some lines here just to showcase how well-written and thought-out, how beautiful and poignant this story is, but I don't want to lessen the impact during the actual reading experience. So, please read this. And then read the sequel. You won't regret it.
Ok, dear mysterious person, i hope you got something out of this very long reply. I have to quickly post this now, otherwise I will start to rethink my choices (again).
If anybody else wants a rec or just to talk fanfic, my ask box is always open!
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1d1195 · 10 months
Spanish is technically my first language! But honestly at this point I would say that I’m just shit at both languages lol and you’re not lame! If you never really needed it or found interest in a new language then that’s okay! Learning it can be hard! And that is so cool youre helping your student with math at least! Rooting for that kid bc math is already hard enough 😭
Omg I looked up the book and it IS giving major Made to Be vibes!!!!! Made to Be holds such a special place in my heart like I remember just being so sad for the MC and just wanting them ti be so happy with each other :( ugh I love that story!!! But if it was mixed with Love and Dryer Sheets vibe I GET THE STRESS!! And I do hope you read a less stressful book soon lol what’s been your favorite you’ve read this year?
Also I’m 20! And I’m studying clinical psychology! I guess I’m Pre-Med but honestly I don’t think it will be my vibe anymore lol And yeah I’ve always lived on the west coast and I’ve been able to stay here for college! -💜
Ma'am, you send me anything you feel like sharing. I'm sure it will be wonderful--but know that it will totes be alluded to in one of my writings if you do.
I definitely had no interest in learning a second language but now I wish I did. Especially Spanish. I took French in high school and I may as well have not taken it at all. I think she'll do okay, I just feel like a bad teacher because she's not getting math right away. Ya know? Which is not how the whole English language immersion works, I know. But I can't imagine being in a classroom where you don't understand a word. And expected to learn on top of that. Ugh.
I loved writing Made to Be. It was the kind of meet-cute love I dreamed about when I was studying to be a teacher 😊
I have The Christmas Wager staring at me from the coffee table rn. It's an enemies to lovers story and obvi holiday themed. I'm thinking it will be a cute read for this Christmas season 😊 Hopefully stress free!
My favorite book of the year. Oof that's a tough one! I read some really good ones this year! I think like cute and easy reads, Love & Other Words by Christina Lauren was the BEST. On the more serious side of things--The Rose Code by Kate Quinn. A little fun fact about me: every time I walk into Barnes and Noble I pick up at LEAST one book set during WWII. It's one of my fave eras tbh. Eventually I would want to do a Harry themed story about WWII. The Rose Code is one such kind of book. Kate Quinn is a great author, period. I've read 3 of her books and have two more on my shelf.
ANYWAY. That's my book reading summary this year.
Omg you're 20 😭 I feel ancient now and I don't usually do! I gravitate toward younger friends though (the mom-friend in me) So you'll be 21 this February!? 🍹🍹🍹 Super exciting, if so! I LOVED psychology. If you ever need a patient, I got plenty of stuff to work with here, just feel free to ask or test something out! 😭🙃😊 But good for you! Pre-med or not, your career will be really rewarding I'm sure! 💕 Same in this neck of the woods too. I'm an East Coast lady born, raised, and living here still!
Thanks for your answers and allowing me to ramble!
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scarlettatg · 2 years
Some thoughts on what I think are parallels for Episode 504 Dear Offred
Episode 301 Night
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Fire is associated with many things, including passion, desire, rebirth, resurrection, eternity, destruction, purge, hope, hell, and purification. Serena burns the ceremony bed (and the whole Waterford house). This after Fred allows Gilead to cut off her finger for wanting to change things for women in Gilead - to gain power and privileges she had willingly given away for Gilead. She realized she had made her bed and now had to lie in it. She had no protection or voice, she was as vulnerable as any other woman in Gilead. Her status as a wife offered her certain privileges/power as long as she played by her husband’s and the men‘s rules.
June burns the invitation Serena sent to Offred. This season seems to be an internal battle between June and Offred but I don’t think June will ever stop being Offred. Offred is not a switch she can turn off because she’s no longer in Gilead. “Gilead is within you”. I’m surprised it’s being portrayed like Offred is the negative violent aspect of June when in 410 she says “I miss her strength”. June burning this might symbolize that she’s going to focus her fight on getting Hannah and not in issuing her revenge on Serena. On using that anger and use it to find Hannah or to fight Gilead. I certainly hope it’s not a way to say I’m going to be the old June because I don’t think this June is the type to stay home and play house - that would be a disservice to her character in my opinion.
Episode 104 Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum
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My favorite parallel in this episode was the June/Janine/Handmaid one. I remember the scene in 104 when June gets her feet lashes for running away (with Moira) and the Handmaids bring her food and stand in front of her kind of like in a formation. Showing her love and in a way admiration for trying. I always thought this was the moment that the Handmaids started looking up to June and we see something similar in the 504 scene with Janine. The new Handmaids love her, they’re glad she’s ok and you can see these new Handmaids do look up to her. Janine is now being a June to them and it’s interesting to see how that will play out.
Episode 104 Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum
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An umbrella symbolizes shelter and protection. It can symbolize protection against bad situations, like an event of misfortune is coming your way and hence you need that emotional security. It can also be an indication of wanting more emotional support than what you currently have. They are also emotional shields between us and the outside world. In both of these scenes both women are being protected by guardians who are the ones holding the umbrella (offering the protection). June is on her way out of the Waterford house after being inside her room for days. Serena is walking in to the unknown in what seems could be a role reversal. Nick is completely outside of the umbrella. He wants June to be completely protected. Ezra is halfway in the umbrella telling me he protects Serena but not completely.
Episode 104 Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum
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In both of these scenes Serena is high up looking out the window down at June. The first time it’s when June is finally allowed to leave her room (after we see her manipulating Fred so I assume it was his doing undermining Serena’s authority). This is a battle that June clearly won’t at the end. Even though Serena is above June in the power structure in Gilead, I think that this shows how June has always been more than Serena. She had love in Gilead, was able to have her own daughter, women followed June, the Handmaids seemed to care for her wether the relationship with the wives seemed convenient in a way. So even though Serena is looking down at June, June has always been what Serena wanted to be. In 504 the dynamic has changed. June is “free” but Serena didn’t choose freedom. She’s still pretty much dictated by the men in Gilead. Now Serena is trapped in that building scared. June isn’t scared of Serena anymore she’s scared of herself and her feelings of wanting to kill Serena. Tuello says to June and Luke that Serena basically has nothing when June in a way still has everything Serena wanted. In a way it’s some sort of karma but for June (not for me) it isn’t enough.
Episode 210 The Last Ceremony
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This one is interesting. Serena’s arrival at the Wheelers scream the Waterfords; for example: the W when the gate opens, the stairs and the call back to this scene. This scene played out in the open with Nick still in the frame where in Serena’s case she’s inside the house alone. June doesn’t coward or allows Serena to take away this moment. “No one knows the things of God” is what she tells her before continuing her journey inside the house with Nick by her side. When both Serena and Mrs. Wheeler pray they kneel and placing their hands on the belly symbolizing an adoration to the pregnancy. Serena is obviously uncomfortable and the scene screams that something isn’t ok, but June walked into the house knowing that her baby was going to be taken away but with clear strength and conviction.
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fiercehildr · 2 years
Hi! I have 3 things if that’s okay!
Firstly, is it bothersome to ask why you stopped any ACOTAR blogging? Was it just to much toxicity? All good either way, still love you <3 I was just wondering. Pls ignore this if you want.
Secondly, what about ghost do you love? I love the art and such you’ve been posting even though I’ve never consumed any of that media lol
Thirdly, not a question but thanks for all the commissions you’ve posted! I love to see them (and I’m trying to read glow! It’s of course quite in demand at the library) k that’s all. Sorry to bother you!
Hi Nonnie! ♥️ Thanks for the ask! Sorry the answer might be long and trigger warnings: Traumatic events (second question)/A quick reference to s**cide (first question)
1- It’s fine, I can answer that no worries 🤗 What happened is that I realized the ACOTAR toxicity made my depression worse and constantly had me in a haze of anger as I could not really ignore everything going in that fandom, not with how deeply I was involved in it.
I was heavily bullied numerous times for liking a different fictional ship and I guess the last straw for me was when I was falsely accused of racism because of a commission of mine- never mind that the one thing they (-the usual suspects and bullies) complained about was the decision of the PoC artist I worked with and who they silenced or that their complaints actually highlighted how they automatically viewed a WoC serving tea as her being a slave.
I think we pretty much all knew that it was never our (the artist and mine) intent or that this drama was started with something else in mind. I even had numerous PoC in my asks and IG inbox telling me it was all good and that they couldn’t understand the issue at all. BUT… I was at a very low moment of my life, my mental health was extremely bad and I did a massive panic attack which was quickly followed by some pretty bad s**cidal thoughts where I almost did something really bad.
That’s when I decided to stop everything and after a 4 months long break from the internet and social medias, I came back but with not much love for ACOTAR anymore. I do not find joy in anything related to this fandom. My maximum is liking pretty arts from artists I like or friends and sometimes making games with the characters in my Insta stories. But I don’t even care about the characters anymore and I even feel a certain dislike for the author, for allowing us all to suffer this shitwar for the sake of her mental health. I know that, PERHAPS, the issue is more complicated than that from her side but I consider that my anger is justified anyway.
Will I come back at some point and rewrite posts and theories about the characters etc? Hopefully, but I’m fine in my little bubble right now. I’ll let the dogs eat their bones.
I hope I answer that first question for you and I’m sorry, I know it’s quite a long answer. 😅 I do love to hear you enjoyed my commissions! Always glad when I know they brought happiness to someone. ♥️
2- As for Ghost, funnily enough, he is not my favorite CoD character. I’d say he’s actually third on that list behind Soap and Price but he’s so aesthetically pleasing and makes for such beautiful art pieces! ♥️ I do appreciate his character though, mostly because I’m appreciative of his inner strenght. Now as you’re not familiar with the lore, to make it short, Ghost had a pretty horrible childhood, tortured by his father who was a notorious trash (like forced to kiss living snakes when he was terrified of them kind of stuff). Sadly, when he was in the army, he was also captured and tortured for month before finding his freedom again. Only to lose his mother, brother, sister-in-law and nephew to an atrocious murder. His past is basically the worst thing you could be imagining and if you’re interested in it, there is actually a comic about it you can find online. Do beware though, it’s pretty graphic.
So what I like is that even with that, he still remains level headed, tactical, and, to some extend, even kind. Seeing him develop a relationship with Soap and open up, even making jokes when he’s seen as this gigantic grumpy man, was actually a nice insight in who he really is! 🤗
Also watching plenty of tiktoks of him and Soap, even before I played the game (and I had never touched a CoD before!) helped me so much during my hard post acotar time.
There you go, I hope my answers was good enough and I do hope you get glow! If you do and read it, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with me! 🤗
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nat-seal-well · 2 years
Hi Chrys! Just curious - have you watched the Amazon WoT show? And if so, what did you think?
I'm on the fence about actually giving it a shot, but I only made it to book 7 or 8 before I just didn't have the time anymore. Thought maybe the show would do it justice??
Yes, I have!! And honestly I really, really like it, which I know isn’t a very popular opinion a lot of people have.
(Bc of potential spoilers for those who haven’t made it as far in the books—if anyone else who follows me is even reading them, lol—I’m putting the rest of my thoughts under the cut. Also bc I will probably have a lot to say.)
So, first off: I am all about soundtracks. Soundtracks are an element to storytelling you don’t really get in any other form of media other than, like, film and television. The stuff you watch. I’m obsessed with the one in WOT. It’s beautiful and a lot of the songs use the Old Tongue, which I think is so, so cool. (Caisen’shar is my favorite.)
One of my favorite scenes is in the second episode. I don’t want to spoil anything, so I won’t go into too much detail. That scene alone, though, is just… it’s gorgeous. It was one of my favorite parts of Eye of the World, and it is my favorite part of the show so far. I look it up on YouTube to watch it a lot because I love it so much :)
I absolutely do not blame you for not reading more of the books, haha. The series is long and to have made it through 7 or 8 is a lot of reading, and I’m really impressed! The length of the book series is another thing you have to consider, though. There a lot of story printed on those pages. It’s too much to feasibly adapt, even with a television series. There’s just so much.
Season one covers Eye of the World, but I think the plan is for them to do some condensing because of how long the book series is. Which honestly, I’m not very upset about. It gives you a chance to explore some elements of the story you already know, and to maybe experience other parts of it in an entirely new light. It’s what I’m most excited about with season two, whenever it’s released. I love the different ways the same story can be told.
Also, I’m a huge Brandon Sanderson fan, who is the author that Robert Jordan’s wife (and editor) asked to help with finishing the series after he passed. Sanderson is also involved with the production of the Amazon series, and has talked about it on his podcast. He signed a deal that allows him to share his thoughts relatively freely, and he talks about how book-to-screen adaptations are on a sort of… spectrum. Some you can translate pretty easily to script and cameras, because they work that way. Some you just can’t, but you can reshape it in a way that is still faithful to the soul of the story.
That’s mostly where the WOT show falls. People who go into it expecting a perfect, scene-for-scene adaptation of the books are going to be disappointed, because it isn’t that. That doesn’t mean it’s bad, mind. It just isn’t a direct translation. But I’ve read all 14 books of the main series and the prequel (New Spring) and I think the Amazon series does a good job of knowing the limits it has on how much it can and can’t do, while still remaining faithful to the feel and soul of the story that makes Wheel of Time what it is.
That’s more where the WOT show falls. People who go into it expecting a perfect, scene-for-scene adaptation are going to be disappointed, because it isn’t that. That doesn’t immediately mean it’s bad, mind. It just isn’t a direct translation. I’ve read all 14 books and the prequel (New Spring) and I feel like the show still does a good job of capturing the feel and soul of what makes Wheel of Time what it is.
(Also, you can’t ask for a more perfect actress to play Moiraine. I am probably bias, but I think Rosamund Pike is another reason to give the show a try, if nothing else, haha 💙)
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turnips-creates · 2 years
15 Questions!!! (or in this case -> 25)
Thankie to both @carrotblr , @legiomiam , and @awritingcaitlinfor the tags!
I'm doing this all in one go bc if I don't, I'm gonna completely forget
Carrot's 15 ->
Are you named after anyone? yep! my middle name references my great gran
When was the last time you cried? hahahahaaaAAAAAAAA
Do you have kids? depends? none of my own genetics, but more OCs than i can list… plus a couple of pseudo-adopted kiddos i became con-parent to
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Noooooo, never in my life have i ever  🥰
What’s the first thing you notice about people? vibes or hair color
What’s your eye color? 👓
Scary movies or happy endings? i really don’t do well with suspense, sooooo typical horror ain’t my strong suit??? lets just say my friends don’t take me to those anymore, but if we’re talking just my preference in endings, i’m only care if it was a satisfying conclusion that goes with the storyline. [by satisfying i mean did the story go through a full arc]
Any special talents? i’ve been told i do??? a current list includes but apparently isn’t limited to: archery, socializing [apparently???], having a random assortment of facts on any given hyperfixation i’ve had, tripping over royalty, and reading really fast while being slow as shit at typing
Where were you born? hell, not quite sure which lvl tho… 4 maybe?
What are your hobbies? what do i not have as a hobby? rn it’s renaissance recreation that is NOT ren faire and embroidery/textiles 
Have you any pets? 3 cats, 1 doggo, and a fish
What sports do you play/have played? swimming, volleyball, and period archery are/were the ones i compete(d) in, but i also did boffer fighting as a kid
How tall are you? high end of average??? i grew really fast at a young age tho, so i towered over my elementary/middle school classmates. kept getting mistaken for an adult at 12 y/o
Favorite subject in school? SCIENCE
Dream job? i also would love to be a bestselling author, but becoming a novel editor would be fun too. the one i’m currently thinking of switching my major to - as i’m currently in the english dep with a focus in creative writing - is psychiatric neurology??? it’s always been fascinating to me especially after my way late audhd diagnosis
Legiom & Caitlyn's 10 ->
1. Do you prefer owls, capybaras, or flamingos?
OWLS! SKY CATS! i totally didn’t have a hyperfixation on ornithology with a focus in raptors as a kid… did you know an owl’s feathers are different from a hawks? the hawk’s wing feathers have ‘hooks’ that hold their feathers together? most birds have that feature in their feathers - it’s why the strands of individual flight feathers can be hard to break up, but owls don’t have such strong ones! owls also have small structures fluffing up from their flight feathers, and both of these features breaks up the air currents around their wings, not only allowing for near silent flight but also incredibly slow speeds - barn owls can glide as slow as 2 miles or 3.22 km per hour! there are variations of course —
2. What is your favorite soup?
uuuuhhh, does stew count as a soup??? if so, then there was this really great guinness based lamb stew i had in a small hole in the wall in ireland during my semester there
3. What is your favorite…rock (idfk)?
carnelian? or jade? the real pale kind?
4. Choose a familiar:
- very dumb, very loving disobedient dog. He loves you but will never listen to you ever
- a raven that speaks but it only ever shrieks the name of various fast food restaurants
- a toad that screams like a teenage boy instead of croaks
5. Which planet do you feel like would be kind of an asshole if you met them?
Jupiter. definitely. 
[i totally wasn’t going to make a uranus joke, nope, not meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee]
6. if you were a worm would you love me? (ah yes me I did this)
depends on what kind of worm you became and whether or not i know it’s you
7. Least favorite type of clothing?
itchy ones.
8. You are now in a horror movie—so sorry. Chance of survival?
50/50 cause i’m an absolute dumbass. i’d either die immediately or out-dumb the villain.
9. Would you rather: the ability to instantly grow a perfect mustache, or ability to talk to vegetables?
mustache. a) it’s prime comedy and disguise material and b) i could not eat any veggies if i could hear them.
10. What do you think of whales?
Feel free to answer any combination of the above questions! Sorry, if you've already been tagged:
@clockworkgalaxies @faelanvance @saltwaterbells @saphoblin @moonscribbler
Have fun!!!
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joysofescapism · 1 year
The Havoc Boys Series by C.M. Stunich: This is Ridiculous! I love it.
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This may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I sure enjoyed myself reading the whole series. Read my full review under the cut.
And if you want to know my thoughts on each book just click: (1) Havoc at Prescott High (2) Chaos at Prescott High (3) Mayhem at Prescott High (4) Anarchy at Prescott High (5) Victory at Prescott High
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I will start this review by saying: I hate bully “romance”. And since these tropes were huge in young adult-high school settings, I don't read those anymore.
But The Havoc Boys was an exception. C.M. Stunich’s storytelling was able to chain my ass on a chair allowing me to finish the whole thing. Not only that, the story didn’t focus much on the bullying and only gave you flashbacks of it.
I didn’t think it will make much of a difference if the bullying element wasn’t included in the plot development since she already had an awful life throughout her teenage years. It felt like it was just thrown out there. The H’s bullying her into "leaving town" didn't hold any merit since we didn't see the consequences of that (i.e. h was still obsessed with these boys who did an overkill on her while she was going through all the abuse). But, it wasn't my story, so.
I think you should proceed with an open mind and low expectations. There were a lot of things in the series that weren’t something to give a comprehensive explanation of. This was for a specific kind of audience and I also consider this a self-indulgent read if you’re looking for something specific, as well as my guilty pleasure.
The Book Cover
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The book covers played a huge part in convincing me to read this series. I wasn’t entirely sure about the premise at first seeing that the characters were barely legal and all. And yet, the cover art did an amazing job of pulling me in.
It was your typical shirtless guys, but the focus wasn’t entirely on them. It was elegantly made despite the story environment. It also gave an accurate depiction of the H’s characteristics and their relationship with the heroine.
Havoc at Prescott High was my favorite. While Anarchy at Prescott High was a close second.
Let me talk about the main characters first, starting with the heroine.
Bernadette Blackbird. I have a love-hate relationship with her. I understand that she was an aspiring writer, however, her monologues... weren’t impressive. She was edgy to the point of being cringe. I don't love her. But I don't hate her either, at least most of the time. How was she able to lust after the guys who made her life a living hell for years? I have no idea. But then again, this is why I hate bully romance.
One of the reasons why I was able to get through the story was because the bullying didn’t happen on the current timeline. I didn’t know if what she went through would be considered “bullying" or just downright assault and abuse. At least you were able to see some form of maturity in her character later on. But, she still embodies that teenager who thinks she already knows everything there is to know.
Next up, the harem. The HAVOC Boys. I won’t be commenting about their physical aspects like how the author did them. I don’t care much about those things. I’m more on how they were written: if they were fleshed out well or if they were only words on the paper with no personality at all. Considering that, we have 5 Hs in this series that fulfilled the usual tropes.
I will say this, these guys don’t act their age at all. Thinking about it now, I could give this series a higher rating if the characters were older. Anyway, more of those later below. Let’s get back to the characters at hand:
You have the over-the-top intense leader/boss, Victor Channing. He was an asshole. But hey, he has to be. He was a gang leader after all. If you are into bad boys (read: assholes) that are obsessed with you and only care about you—and maybe his bros—you'll probably like this dude. Is he a great character? No. But do I at least like him? Maybe. Again, if you like the domineering types, you’ll probably bark at Victor Channing.
Then you have the trying-to-be-the-hero-ex-boyfriend, Aaron Fadler. I hated him at first because his past actions didn't show his supposed loyalty to Bernie at all (don't worry it's not an OW drama). But goddamn me because I like guys who are amazing with kids (and with the elderly). Yes, he was Bernie's ex. And yes, he was there during the bullying (abuse) which happened after they broke up. Among the guys, I believe he was the closest you can get to being "normal." He tried to be a good person but considering everything he had already done, I didn’t think that would be possible. The only way for him to grow was to accept his darkness. Good thing it did happen.
Of course, there’s always going to be the manwhore. Hael Harbin. But he was that type of manwhore who at least respects women. Yes, I know it's the bare minimum but you get the point. He also plays the role of balancing the dynamic of the group. Oh also, he loves vintage cars. He's a mechanic with soft hands, according to Bernie. Among the boys (Yes, boys. They’re minors despite what the author tries to say), Hael was the most chill. He can give pull off a bad romance kind of relationship. The one that's so bad but oh so great. He also falls into that category of being the manwhore who will drop his whore-ish ways when they find the right one.
Next on the list. The gang needs to have a brain and that was Oscar Montauk. While Victor makes all the decisions, Oscar was the one who weighs those decisions. He was also the hater but was actually obsessed with the heroine. He was not great with feelings and he also has a lot of trauma. I think the most awful one as well. Among the characters though, Oscar got the most character development though we could only witness the process, I think it was a good thing. He was also that character who you’ll probably get scared of but also be interested in. He could either go full serial killer or just be a weird dude with dark thoughts. Though to be fair, this was a gang story so all of the Hs are murderers by default.
Last but not least, the most mysterious one and possibly also the most dangerous, Callum Park. He gives off quiet-killer vibe and lurks about most of the time. He was the silent one. The one who prefers to be by the sidelines, just observing. But everybody knows he was dangerous and he could go off like a bomb if anything happened to the object of his fascination. He was the resident pretty boy as well, since he was supposed to be a primo ballerino but because of things that happened in the past he couldn't anymore.
The characters are heavily influenced by the overused western media tropes and archetypes. You know the usual stuff about high school TV shows. They’re cringe, and dramatic, everyone has trauma, the adults were practically useless, and everyone wasn’t acting like their age. Perhaps a little ridiculousness from time to time could be good for your mind.
But, since I do like my stories with vivid storytelling, it surprisingly worked well for me. I also don’t find that much character development with the characters, except with Oscar. Also maybe with Aaron and Victor as well. Hael and Callum’s character growth aren’t that significant but I don’t think they have to since they weren’t presented with something to work on.
The plot was able to immerse me into the H.A.V.O.C. world and Stunich deserves her roses for a skill like that. One reason why I pushed through was: the action didn’t occur that much around the school setting. This might be your typical high school bully who runs a gang, but the storytelling was what sets it apart from the rest. This trope was highly overused in the reverse harem contemporary romance genre, so the only way for a series to be different is all up to the author’s prowess.
It was a simple revenge plot but the action made it all interesting. There's nothing much special to it but again, this is for self-indulgent purposes. If you can get past the Riverdale cringe, you will enjoy this one.
The pacing was a little fast, and a lot of things are happening all at once. But it was executed well and everything worked perfectly. Despite all that is happening, I loved the feeling of suspense that went through with it. Putting aside all of the things that didn’t work well for me, the plot was well-developed to keep you interested.
If you don’t want to be spoiled, I suggest you do not read the ending section of this review.
The ending of a well-developed series is always going to be a deal breaker, just look at Game of Thrones and Supernatural. I will say this though, the ending of Havoc Boys may not be the best ending there could be, but considering all that led up to that particular moment, it was perfect.
Stunich used the False Death plot device and was executed well enough that I actually thought the character died. This was the part I cried about and the reason why I still considered this one good for my taste. I think an author who can make you cry just by reading the journey of their characters is a phenomenal author.
In the actual end, we got our HEA. Yay!
The average rating of this 5-book series was 3.5. I rounded it down to 3 out of 5 stars.
This whole thing was a damn roller coaster ride.
Despite the initial apprehension and almost not finishing the first book, I finished all five with no breaks in between. There might have been elements that didn’t work for me, but the storytelling alone made up for all of it.
A huge suspension of disbelief is needed to enjoy this series. Sure, you won’t be able to gain much but, to be honest, this is not for that. The Havoc Boys series is highly self-indulgent and smut is top-tier. Not too graphic to the point of boring me to death, but just enough. Frequent, yet still enough.
Final Thoughts
Do I want a sequel for this series? I don't think so. Let's leave the ending at that. The characters are lovable enough throughout the five books, but not enough for me to get curious and look at what they could be doing in the future.
Do I recommend this to others? If you want to indulge in a guilty pleasure without needing to think too much and give reasons for everything, this could be a good read. I don't think you should be picking up this book just to find all that is wrong with it. Or if you are not ready to try and experience something out of your comfort zone.
Was this a heavy read? There are mentions of past extreme bullying, sexual assault (on minor characters), attempted sexual assaults, pedophilia, sexual relations between teenage characters, and the usuals when it comes to crime fiction (drugs, violence, murder, etc.). So if you are new to this kind of genre, this might be uncomfortable for you. But if you're not, this is mild. Again, all you have to do is enjoy the ride. Some things might not work for you, and some might, it all depends on personal preferences.
Will I read this again? I re-read the whole series: twice on my own accord just to feel some emotions it brought me the first time I stumbled upon it; another one to relive and remember the plot to pull out this review. It being a part of my “I could read it again” shelf says something.
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noteguk · 3 years
pretty in pink | kth | m
— summary; in which you try to rekindle your sex life with a devilish plan and a very sexy, very pink set of langerie. 
— contents and warnings; smut, a bit of fluff, marriage au, taehyung x reader, mischievous use of lingerie, dirty talk, dom!tae x sub!reader, pretty heavy dom/sub themes, constant use of the word “sir”, begging, Tae has a big dick, cock worship, blowjob, deepthroat, cum eating, fingering, hair pulling, a bit of praise, degradation (use of slut/cockslut), but also use of pet names (honey, love, baby, doll…), mentions of cum play, spanking, rough sex, unprotected sex, creampie, orgasm control/denial, overstimulation, impreg kink if you squint, being nasty in the name of love 
— words; 6,4k 
— author’s note; homies… this is basically one long smut scene. There are like 3 paragraphs of context. Brain empty no excuse. 
Requested by anon! Requests are currently closed. 
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By the time that Taehyung got home, you had pretty much forgotten you had a plan in the first place.
He removed his shoes after closing the door behind him, his coat hanging over his forearm and an expression of exhaustion plastered all over his face. “Hi, honey,” he called, only slightly aware of your silhouette coming out of the kitchen and into the living room. “How was your day?” 
Now, you see, your day had two main parts. The first (the usual one), was the part that started as soon as your husband left home for work, and you made your unceremonious walk towards the kitchen table, where you proceeded to work yourself. A few years back, you had managed to score an amazing job in the tech industry which allowed you to work mostly from home, and get a great salary while you’re at it — one downside, though, was that things started to get a bit lonely as your husband’s hours increased. 
You knew that Taehyung wasn’t doing it on purpose: he was working hard for a promotion, one that could considerably improve your living situation, and you wouldn’t shoot his plans down like that. But it was a bit disheartening to see him leaving so early and getting home so late, sometimes only after you had already gone to bed. And, besides the emotional void growing inside of you, there was also the sexual one you needed to take care of. 
Which leads you to the second part of your day. The scheming one. 
You and Taehyung used to have an extremely active sex life, practically fucking like rabbits throughout your dating, engagement, and marriage phases. But now things had started to cool down — really, no one’s fault: Taehyung was too tired most days and you felt too moody — and you had started to grow a bit desperate. It wasn’t as if the two of you never had sex anymore, it was just mostly a very vanilla, very boring, once-every-weekend-maybe kind of thing. 
All that being said, it’s understandable why you had started to construct a plan to rekindle that old, dying-out flame of yours. You didn’t want to do anything crazy — regardless of how interesting the idea of handcuffing your husband was, you didn’t think the best approach would be to scare him away from the get-go — so you eventually settled for a few things he particularly liked from back in the dating days. 
(You felt so old thinking that.)  
Number one: baby pink lingerie, the lacy kind. You didn’t know what kind of intense reaction it unleashed in your husband’s primal brain, but you knew that those were his favorites, and that Taehyung never stopped until he could take them off you. For that special occasion, you had even gone out and bought yourself a new set, matched with some semi-transparent thigh high socks that you also knew he loved. Cover all that up with a loose satin robe (the same color, of course), and you were ready to go. 
Number two: a healthy amount of roleplay, matched with absolute submission from your part. Now, that’s where the money was: even if, by some curse placed on him by working countless hours in a corporate, hyper-capitalist job, Taehyung didn’t react to your very sexy, very skimpy set of new lingerie, you knew that would get a reaction out of him. It was exactly the dynamic the two of you liked the most, and you still remembered exactly how to push his buttons. 
It was a perfect plan. 
Only, you forgot about it. 
“It was fine, finally finished coding that page after a bazillion years,” you responded, placing your mug on the coffee table before throwing yourself on the couch. The signs of old age were approaching: your back hurt so much that you could only think about sleeping for the next ten hours. “And yours?” 
Taehyung hadn’t really looked at you yet, instead fighting to hang his coat next to the door. “It was good, actually. My boss told me he has some good news to tell me tomorrow.” 
Your eyes lit up. “You’re getting that promotion?” 
He sighed. “Maybe, I don’t know. I don’t wanna get any expectations, you know my boss. Maybe he’ll just give me a new stapl— What the hell do you have on?” 
You paused, looking down at yourself. Oh. Yeah. You had forgotten about that. Or, rather, you forgot about the second part of your plan — because your very pink, very exposed underwear was staring you right in the face. 
Still, you managed to keep yourself composed. “It’s new, do you like it?” You smiled, pulling your satin robe to the side. It exposed your breasts, made Taehyung clench his jaw at the sight. You needed to snap into submissive mode soon enough if you wanted that to work, but you also needed a few seconds to center yourself. “Baby?” 
You watched as your husband blinked his way back into reality, taking a hesitant step towards you. You wanted to laugh: Taehyung was looking at you like there was a tiger in his living room, and he was trying to find out the best possible approach to deal with it. 
And that was the perfect time to strike. 
You pouted, hand slithering down to the level of your waist so you could untie the loose knot of the robe. “You don’t like it, sir?” The innocent inflection of your voice made his eyes snap up at yours, something dark starting to swim on the bottom of his irises. He was catching the drift. “I bought it just for you.” The robe was pushed to the side, presenting him with the glorious view of your panties; those socks that made him want to bury his face between your thighs. Taehyung took another step in your direction. “If you want, I can change into something else.” 
Just like magic, Taehyung’s expression of exhaustion had been casted away, replaced by one of sheer, unshakable lust. Your breath almost got stuck in your throat as he placed his hands inside the pockets of his pants and took a few silent steps towards the couch. “Don’t change it,” he spoke up. His voice was deep and velvety, shot straight down to your core. “You look beautiful, love.” 
You smiled as he sat down next to you. “Thank you, sir.” 
“Of course.” Taehyung’s large hand cupped your cheek, and you leaned into his warm touch. His calm disposition was a threatening thing, it got you on edge as his gaze trailed down to your lips; your breasts; your thighs. He hummed. “Want my doll to look pretty for me.” 
“Yes, sir,” you said promptly. His eyes were back on yours in no time, thumb caressing your bottom lip. “Can you kiss me, sir?” 
His hand brushed down your face, moving onto your neck. Taehyung was thinking of what to do to you, and you were kind enough to wait. “Does my baby want a kiss?” He asked and you nodded. “Very well. Sit on my lap, love.” 
You could barely contain your excitement as you followed his order, one leg moving over his thighs so you could straddle him. Taehyung sighed in content as you sat on his erection, which only made the arousal between your legs grow. 
“My girl is beautiful, isn’t she?” He mumbled to himself, hands swiftly pulling your robe down your shoulders. A cold breeze embraced your body as the discarded piece of clothing fell somewhere on the floor. “But so, so quick to misbehave.” 
Your heartbeat quickened. “I didn’t misbehave, sir.” 
“You did, love,” Taehyung spoke slowly, as if he was talking to a child. His movements were tender when he pushed your hair away from your face, but you knew there was wickedness hiding in those still waters. “You are trying to provoke me.” 
“I’m not,” you lied. 
“You are.” His hands placed themselves on your waist, pulling your body closer to his. They were a bit firmer than before, spreading goosebumps through your skin as they slithered down your lower back, palming your ass cheeks. “You put this on because you wanted me to fuck you, baby. Don’t lie to me now.” 
Your hand started playing with his tie, eyes following the movement of your fingers so you could avoid his penetrative gaze. “Sorry, sir.” 
His finger found the underside of your chin, pushing it up. You couldn’t escape those eyes, he wouldn’t allow you to. “Why are you apologizing?” He asked calmly. His other hand was still firm on your ass, squeezing the flesh. “I’m not mad. I just find it funny.”
Your eyebrows shot up. “Funny?” You echoed. 
“Yes, doll,” Taehyung said. “Funny the lengths you go to just because you want my cock.” 
Heat exploded on your cheeks at his dirty words, your own speech getting stuck in your throat. You were in trouble, and it was exactly what you had been looking for. 
“Hm? Not gonna say anything?” He egged you on, leaning his head to the side. You wanted to touch him, to kiss him, but you knew that things would follow his own pace. “My baby’s so horny for cock she’s not gonna even answer me?” 
His words were suffocating you, earning a timid roll of your hips against his hard member. Your underwear was absolutely soaked and you could barely think straight. “I want you, sir,” was what you managed to get out. 
“I know,” Taehyung said, his tone so nonchalant, so passive. His knuckles brushed tenderly against your cheek, a sly smirk curling up on his lips. “My pretty little slut just wants to get fucked so bad, doesn’t she?” 
You nodded. “Yes.”
He hummed, the corners of his lips moving down in disapproval. “Yes…?”
“Yes, sir,” you were quick to correct yourself, hands slithering up his shoulders and behind his neck. It was electrifying how Taehyung managed to get you so worked up so quickly, his unbothered stare burning holes on your skin. You felt so small like that, and you knew he was getting high on the power play. Some things never change. “Sorry, sir.” 
“Mhm.” Taehyung didn’t grant you forgiveness so fast, instead leaning back on the couch and analyzing your demeanor. “I don’t know if you deserve my cock, though.” 
You blinked, not hesitating for a second. “I do deserve it, sir.”
He scoffed, both of his hands back on your waist. His palms were heavy and warm against your skin, and you could not hold back the thought of having his fingers moving in and out of you. No matter how many times Taehyung touched you, his hands were just so big that he got you seeing stars in no time, filling you up and reaching deep inside you in ways that your own fingers never could. “Show me, then.” His firm voice broke your reveries, digits pressing down on your naked flesh. “You can kiss me now.”
Obedient, you leaned in and trapped his mouth in yours. It was a different world when Taehyung was in that headspace — often, he would kiss you so eagerly, so hungry for more, but, now, his mouth was barely following yours; a disinterested hum melting past his throat, silently daring you to try harder, to show him that you were worth his time. You dug your fingers in his soft hair and placed your tongue inside his mouth, trying to be the best you could be for him and, yet, it seemed as if he was deadset on giving you the bare minimum reaction. 
At the same time, you still felt the effects of that kiss, your body heating up as you moaned against his mouth. Taehyung’s hands had traveled downwards and were now tugging at your panties, pulling them up and burying them between your asschecks. It made your back arch; there was a slight pressure on your clit that got you grinding down on his cock. He sighed at that, sucking on your tongue as one of his hands slithered beneath your panties, harshly groping your ass. 
You swore he was just about to get into it when he decided to pull away. Slightly breathless and completely overwhelmed, you could only watch as Taehyung tilted his head to the side and, just as nonchalant as before, asked, “What do we say, doll?”
Lucky you, you knew the answer to that question. “Thank you, sir.” 
“Very well.” He caressed your cheek once more, eyes trapped on the swell of your lips. Taehyung’s mind was flickering through the details of you — your breasts, your thighs, the perfect weight of your center against his — as he slowly figured out what he wanted to do to you. At last, he made up his mind. “On your knees.” 
To move away from his embrace seemed to be a medieval sort of torture, but you did as he told you. You were on your knees in no time, the harsh wooden floor hurting your flesh when you looked up at him, expectant. 
Taehyung leaned forward, trapping your chin between his fingers. “So pretty, aren’t you, doll?” He asked, voice velvety and slow. “Wanna be good for me?” 
You nodded, eager to please him. 
With a deep exhale, he moved back, spreading his arms over the couch’s back. “Good. Take my cock out,” he commanded. You stared up at him for a second too long, waiting to see if that was a test. It was a bit suspicious, after all: he used to tease you for far longer than that before even allowing you to touch him. And, because Taehyung knew you very well, he caught your trail of thought quickly enough. “Isn’t that what you wanted? Go on.”
“Thank you, sir,” you said, just to be sure, and took your hands to his pants. Taehyung had chosen one of his most beautiful suits to work that day, and the dark grey shade did not conceal his erection in the slightest. 
The smallest of things got you waiting for more: the sound of his pants being pulled down, apparently so loud in that silent living room; the gradual rise and fall of his chest; the wet mark on his underwear and the straining of his hard, leaking cock against the fabric. It was a good kind of anticipation, for you loved when Taehyung got you on the edge like that, unsure of what would follow, of how he would treat you. 
Truth was: you loved being good for him, loved treating him as well as you could. Above all, you loved when he praised you for it, all warm touches and kind regards. But also, you adored when he made you work for those praises, glancing down at you like you were bothering him, like you couldn’t do anything right, not even pleasure him. 
His cock was out soon after, heavy in your hands. Taehyung managed to control his demeanor rather well, but you could see that he was extremely turned on: tip reddened and covered in his precum, his length fully hard and throbbing as you gave him a small, tentative pump. 
“Spit on it,” he said. “Come on, you know better than to touch me dry.” 
You nodded, doing as he told you. A big glob of saliva dripped down onto his member, which you used to help with your movements. Saliva wasn’t lube, that’s true, but it did manage to calm down his attitude for a bit. 
Being married meant that you had grown extremely used to each other’s bodies and, just like Taehyung knew your weak spots like the back of his hand, you knew his. Soon enough, you had your tongue trailing the underside of his cock, placing a special pressure on his frenulum. Taehyung inhaled sharply, hands digging to the sofa cushions as you lethargically continued your actions, swirling your tongue around his sensitive tip and tasting his precum. 
“In your mouth,” he ordered, “now.” 
Eager to please him, your lips wrapped around his crown and you gradually began sinking down on him. Taehyung was thick, always gave you a hard time as you slowly grew used to his size inside your mouth; a strangled moan perishing in your throat as you took him in. Above you, the man groaned in satisfaction, one of his large hands resting on the back of your head. 
You agreed with a whimper, closing your eyes as your mouth moved up and down on his member, cheeks hollowing every time you sucked him. Taehyung got you just the way that he liked: so small beneath him, with your doll-like eyes looking up at him through a thin curtain of your tears. He always thought you looked so pretty with his cock inside your mouth, your perfect lips and tongue making him lose his mind. 
“Fuck. Such a good cockslut.” He raised his hips just enough to reach deeper inside your throat, making you gag around him. The sound was beautiful to his ears, turned into a much more heavenly symphony when it quickly morphed into a muffled moan. Taehyung loved watching you struggle with his size, it made him want to break you apart. “You like my cock, baby?” 
You nodded, but it seemed like it wasn’t enough. Taehyung tugged in your hair, signaling that he wanted you to remove your mouth from him. He needed to hear you say it, and you were beyond happy to oblige. “I love it, sir,” you told him, your voice a bit groggy from your previous act. “So much. It’s so huge.” 
“Suck it harder, then.” His own voice was a bit airy, not so rough around the edges. He must’ve been close. “Show me how much you love it.” 
This time, just a simple nod from your part satisfied him, for he allowed your mouth to wrap around his cock once again. Without hesitation, you did as he told you to, sucking his cock harder, taking it deeper than you were before. Your new approach was a gift from god, it appeared, because it took you no time to have Taehyung’s animosity meeting away. 
“That’s it, that’s my dirty girl,” he praised, fingers intertwined in your hair. You could feel his big cock throbbing inside your mouth, releasing precum. It was just a matter of time before he spilled himself inside your mouth. “Gonna make me cum like a good slut.” 
You moaned around him, one hand moving down to play with his balls. Taehyung hissed at the sensation, throwing his head back and groaning something you couldn’t quite grasp. There were beautiful droplets of sweat accumulating just above his white collar — it was almost humiliating how naked you felt when compared to his dressed, composed self — and this thick neck seemed to be calling for you, wishing that you’d place hot, messy kisses all over it. But you couldn’t do it just yet, not when he was about to cum down your throat. 
Taehyung’s breath hitched and you instantly knew that he was just there. A couple more seconds and your theory was proven right: he grunted as his hot cum filled your mouth, a vague rising of his hips making his tip hit the back of your throat. “Fuck,” he cursed. “Don’t swallow yet.”
Oh he was in that mood, it seemed. 
Apparently your plan had worked better than expected, because it had been a long time since Taehyung didn’t ask you to swallow his cum right away. As much as he adored when you did that, he also loved seeing his cum on you — splattered on your abdomen, on your tits, on your ass; maybe running between your pussy lips after he was done fucking you or, in that case, in your mouth. You didn’t quite understand the appeal that it had, but who were you to judge? 
You removed his cock from your mouth soon after, filled with expectation as he shifted above you, leaning in closer. You blinked up at him as his hand found the underside of your jaw. 
“Let me see.” Taehyung pulled on your chin and you quickly got your cue, opening your mouth. A flash of lust shimmered inside his eyes at the sight of his cum inside your mouth, the corner of his lips being tugged upwards into a satisfied smirk. “Perfect. Swallow now.” He closed your mouth. 
Once again, you did as he commanded. “Thank you, sir,” you said. The discomfort between your legs was growing at a fast progression, monopolizing your mind — you had already been so good to your husband, did everything that he told you to, and now your own arousal was getting the best of you. You shifted around on the ground, your knees still hurting a bit. “Sir, please…”
Taehyung hummed, caressing your cheek. “What is it?” 
“I'm so horny, I wanna cum,” you whined. 
“Is that so?” Taehyung questioned, thumb caressing your bottom lip. It was a bit swollen after you had blown him, made him want to bite it. Instead, he leaned back against the couch. “Stand up.” 
You fumbled as you got up to your feet, unsure of what to do next. Luckily, you didn’t have to think about it for long, because Taehyung soon gripped you by the hips and pulled you closer to him, your shins knocking on the sofa. His fingers were surprisingly tender as they slowly navigated towards your pussy, pulling the dainty pink fabric aside. “Love the color,” he mumbled as if he was talking to himself. You were just about to thank him, but your words were ripped out of you when his finger sunk between your folds. “Look at my girl. Got this wet just by sucking my cock, baby?” He looked up at you. You felt dizzy under his intense gaze, barely nodding in return. He smiled. “How dirty.” 
You wanted to touch him, to find support on his broad shoulders, but you didn’t know if you were allowed to. Instead, you merely gasped as Taehyung started toying with your sensitive entrance, feeling as if your legs would fail you at any time. “Sir, please,” you pleaded once more, “I need you.” 
He hummed, one finger slowly entering you. You practically melted as Taehyung added a second one right away, curling them up in the way you loved so much. “Yes, darling, I heard you.” But it didn’t seem like he did, for his hungry gaze was trapped on the sinking of his digits inside your tight hole. You were so on edge that you could cum just like that; a few desperate whimpers already dripping from your lips as he continued his movements. Your sounds seemed to drag him back to reality, though, for he was soon removing them from your pussy, ignoring your frustrated cries. “Go to the bedroom.” His eyes snapped up at you. “You better be naked in bed when I get there.”
“Y-Yes, sir.”
If you didn’t know Taehyung as well as you did, perhaps that command would’ve taken the worries off your shoulders. However, the thing was: when your husband was in that headspace, you could never really predict what would come from it. Just because he had sent you to the bedroom, it didn’t mean that he would suddenly become pliant and adamant to fulfill your every need — if anything, it meant that he had enough energy and discipline to spare. If he wanted to fuck you straight away (like you had begged him to), he would’ve just taken you on the couch, like he had done countless times before. No, the fact that he was sending you — alone — to the bedroom was probably not such a good sign. 
When you entered the suite, you started removing your bra, then your panties and, finally, the thigh high socks. You felt yourself become more and more uneasy as you laid down bare on the bed, feeling as small shock waves of anticipation ran through your body. Every time you heard a noise coming from somewhere else in the apartment, your heart missed a beat. 
Taehyung liked to make those moments as dragged-out as possible. He got some sick kick out of it, you guessed, probably made him feel like a predator stalking its prey, playing with its food. He liked to leave you wondering what he would do to you, and you couldn’t say you were bothered by it either. 
At last, when you thought that your heart was about to jump out of your chest, he walked into the bedroom, his slender fingers loosening his silk tie. It was a stark contrast how dressed Taehyung still was — everything still in place, with only the zipper of his pants still opened. He looked absolutely composed, his dark eyes following the curves of your body as he gradually approached you. 
“Beautiful,” he complimented, sitting down next to you. The bed dipped under his weight, making your breasts bounce slightly. His gaze fell over them and he hummed, one hand tenderly squeezing the flesh. You gasped at the sensation, which ripped a small chuckle out of him. “And so sensitive.” 
You didn’t know if it was the best moment to speak up, so you didn’t. Instead, you waited as Taehyung’s hand gradually made its way up your chest, towards your neck and, finally, to your cheek. There, it stayed for a moment, his thumb caressing your bottom lip. He really enjoyed doing that, it seemed. “Open up for me,” he requested. And so you did, lips parting so two of his fingers could enter your mouth. Taehyung pressed down on your tongue, making you release a small whimper, before allowing you to suck on his fingers. “That’s it. What do we say?”
“Thank you, sir,” you struggled to speak against his fingers. 
“That’s right.” Taehyung removed his digits from your mouth, lowering them until they were pressed against your clit. You moaned and raised your hips under the random surge of pleasure, but his other hand soon met the skin of your inner thigh, making you stand still. “Shhh, shhh,” he shushed you, “don’t move now.” 
Your breath caught in your throat as he slowly slid between your folds. The pressure was light, barely teasing your sensitive entrance before going back up to play with your clit. 
“So fucking soaked for me, doll,” Taehyung groaned, tracing small circles on your sensitive spot. Your eyes fluttered shut and your mouth opened a little, allowing a small sob to fall from it. “Such an eager little pussy.”
“S-Sir,” you gasped, fingers digging to the pristine white sheets of your bed. You had just changed them, and now they were bearing witness to your sinful acts. “I want you.”
Taehyung hummed, apparently distracted with the sensation of your slickness covering him. “You have me, darling.” 
“N-Not your fingers,” you said. “Want your cock, please.”
The moment he stopped his movements, you realized you had fucked up. Taehyung made a clicking sound with his tongue that shot straight through your chest, quickening your heartbeat. “You’re so spoiled.” He removed his hand from your heat and you didn’t even find the force within you to complain about it. Not when he was looking at you with such a mixture of disappointment and frustration. “You tell me you want to cum, and then that my fingers aren’t good enough for you?”
“Sorry, sir,” you rushed to say, a frail veil of tears shimmering in your eyes. You felt like you had been edged for hours, even if that wasn’t the case. The sexual tension was just too high, leaving you so worked up that it hurt. And there was also an extra level of desperation knowing that your release wasn't exactly your decision at that moment. “Please, I need it so bad.” 
Taehyung scrutinized your face for a moment, watching the quick beating of your eyelashes and the thin layer of sweat that covered your skin. He felt a familiar sense of power washing over him, watching intently for every sign of pleading eagerness that covered your features. You looked so beautiful, he thought, so meek and polite under him. You had been so good, after all, there was no need to postpone your pain any further. 
But he would. For just a tiny bit longer. 
Taehyung breathed out. “You’re lucky I’m feeling nice. Turn around.” He slapped the inside of your thigh, a smirk blossoming at the corners of his pink lips as he watched you yelp in surprise. Still, you obeyed him once again, turning until you were on your stomach. “Hands and knees. Ass up. And don’t look behind you.” 
After you had positioned yourself, Taehyung started undressing. You could only hear the shuffling of his clothes as he gradually removed them — taking his sweet time as his eyes lingered on your form. He could see that you were still so absolutely soaked for him, the glistening of your pussy making his cock throb inside his underwear. He would tease you a bit further if he, himself, had it in him to wait a bit longer. However, at that moment, there was nothing that Taehyung wanted more than to be buried deep inside your cunt. 
You bounced up and down on the bed as he kneeled on it, hands on your hips tugging you towards him. You whined when you felt the pressure of his hard cock between your ass cheeks, your pussy clenching around nothing. Still, you waited for him to make the first move, since your latest attempt at asking for more had earned you a scolding from his part. 
And, apparently, not only that. All air ran out of your lungs when you felt Taehyung’s hand collapsing against the skin of your ass once, twice, until you were crying out. “Sir, wait—“ 
“Quiet,” he reprimanded. “You’re always misbehaving. Can you take your punishment now? Or are you going to keep complaining?”
That was his way of asking for your consent to keep going, you realized, and you promptly gave it to him. “Y-Yes, sir.” 
Another slap against your ass was what you recieved, this time on the other side. Taehyung’s palm was heavy on your skin, and you relished in the pain it left behind; your hands holding onto the pillows for any sort of grounding. “Good. Maybe this will teach you not to be so fucking spoiled,” he growled, hitting you once more. Your body jumped forwards a bit, legs weak beneath you. “Stand still.”
You tried your best to do so, enduring a few more spanks until Taehyung had deemed it sufficient. If you had been wet before, now you were completely drenched, every nerve on your body standing alert to the smallest of touches. So much in fact that, when he leaned in to place a kiss against your shoulder, you cried out at the feeling of his cock moving between your ass cheeks.
“Pretty.” His hand caressed the sensitive skin where he had hit you before. You flinched under his touch, but liked the stinging pain that came along with it. “Gonna fuck you now, love.” 
You could’ve sobbed in relief. “Yes, yes, please, sir.” 
Taehyung leaned back slowly, one hand curling around the base of his cock so he could guide himself inside you. His crown slid between your folds once, twice, making you whimper as it accidentally hit your clit. The sounds of your wetness were shameful, filling the room as he pressed himself against your opening. You sighed and whimpered at the feeling, for a moment thinking that your thighs would give out beneath you. Instead, Taehyung held you up as his cock gradually plunged inside you, stretching you wide. 
There hadn’t been as much preparation as you’d like, but the small rush of pain was a welcomed one. You moaned out his name as his big cock continued to sink inside you, feeling every inch of it as it filled you up. Taehyung was fucking huge and, even after so long by his side, you had never truly grown used to it. 
You gasped when he entered you completely, his hands giving a last pull on your hips to make sure that he couldn’t go any deeper. “S-So much,” you stuttered. 
He scoffed. “Isn’t this what you wanted? Now fucking take it.” Taehyung angled his hips back, sliding his cock out of your heat until only his tip was inside. He came slamming back in, sinking into your velvety walls like they were made for him to fuck. “Pussy’s so fucking tight, it’s just pulling me in. Dripping down my cock, fuck.” 
And you could only moan out at his filthy words, brain turning into a chaotic mess as he started drilling in and out of you. At that point, you had been so worked up that you could only focus on the amazing sensation of his cock fucking you open, so big and heavy inside you. 
From what you could hear, Taehyung wasn’t much different. His controlling attitude had started to wash away as his high started to approach; the room filled with the low grunts and moans that came from his throat. He was holding onto you so tightly that you thought he was going to break you in half, his thrusts deep, fast and precise. Really, it was shameful how close you already were, walls tightening around his length as your legs started to shake. 
“S-So good, sir, your cock feels so good,” you moaned out, lost in bliss. “I’m c-close.” 
“Cum all over my cock, baby,” Taehyung grunted. “Come on, be good for me.”
You nodded, clenching your jaw as you felt your pleasure rising at a thundering speed. Taehyung wasn’t planning on slowing down either, his cock hitting deep inside your pussy and making your eyes roll back. 
“Fuck, oh my—“ you cursed out, but could not finish your sentence. Your orgasm washed over you like an avalanche, whitening out your thoughts as your walls clenched around him; loud moans and whimpers of his name falling in a jumbled mess between your lips. “T-Tae…” 
The lack of his preferred title seemed to be lost on him, since Taehyung was also approaching his own climax. “So fucking wet. So tight and warm for me. Perfect little cunt,” he was talking to himself at this point, letting his thoughts flow out of his mouth with no apparent direction. “Wanna cum inside your pussy, doll. Fill you up so good.” 
You whined out at his words. You were still holding onto the pillows, trying to find any sort of foundation to fight against the sensitivity that was growing inside you. “P-Please, yes.” 
Taehyung growled at your words, pushing his body forward until he was squeezing you against the bed. The new angle made his cock hit different spots inside your cunt, a newfound wave of euphoria starting to buzz inside you. “Want that?” His voice was a rough moan against your ear, his breath kissing your skin in dense, hot clouds. “Gonna take my cum like a good slut?”
“Yes, sir,” you said, “I want it so bad.”
“Yeah? Wanna give you a baby, gonna look so fucking pretty for me.” Taehyung’s words hit you like a ton of bricks, making you clench around his cock. You had never realized that you wanted him to say that, especially in a context like that, but it made you melt instantly. And because he knew you so well, he rapidly noticed the way your body responded to it. “You like that?” 
You nodded. “Y-Yes.” 
“God, you’re so fucking hot,” he moaned, placing a sloppy kiss against your neck. You could feel Taehyung throbbing inside you, signaling that he was close. “So fucking perfect. I love you so much.” 
“L-Love you too,” you said back. 
Taehyung sighed at your words, a last moan reverberating in his chest before he was spilling himself inside of you. “Fuck, baby,” he groaned at the feeling, getting utterly lost in the way that your walls milked his cock clean, taking everything that he gave you. “Fuck, that’s it.” 
With a final, shuddering breath, Taehyung collapsed against you, placing a bunch of kisses on your shoulders. You giggled at the random softness of his actions, feeling as his cock slipped out of you. He rolled around until he was falling backwards on the bed, a final puff of air exploding upon his lips. 
“Well, damn.” Taehyung laughed. You could only do the same, pushing your body closer to his. “Why don’t we do this more often?”
You rested your head on his chest. “Because adult life fucking sucks, that’s why.” 
“Fair enough.” He sighed. One of his arms wrapped around your waist and he pulled you close, kissing the top of your head. A fond smile curled up on your lips. “Was I too rough?”
“Just a bit, but I liked it.” You angled your head up to look at him. Taehyung took his cue to kiss your lips instead. “Can you get something to clean me up?”
He clicked his tongue. “I’m feeling pretty lazy right now. Besides…” he trailed off, “Kinda like you like this.”
You rolled your eyes, but the teasing nature of your tone gave your faux-annoyance away. “I figured,” you said. “Wanna talk about the baby situation?” 
Taehyung’s face swiftly grew serious. He apparently discovered a new source of energy, because, within a second, he was pushing you off and bolting out of bed. “Suddenly I need to find a towel.” 
And you could only laugh because, as it has been proven, you were kind of a mastermind when it came to making evil plans. If Taehyung needed another one to get him talking, you wouldn’t mind elaborating it. 
You wouldn’t mind at all. 
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sapphirelycoris · 3 years
Hello again! If your requests are open can you write a Wakatoshi x reader where they go to the beach with some friends but reader is nervous to wear a bikini but Wakatoshi hypes them up and makes them feel better (NSFW and/or SFW which ever your comfortable with :)
Ship: Wakatoshi Ushijima x fem!reader (she/her)
Warnings: Slight nsfw towards the end. Insecurities, self-doubt, undertones of body worship?
Author's note: I love comfort fluff but I've never had a boyfriend comfort me about my insecurities, I have no idea what someone would say. Sorry I got to this later than usual, I was having a hard time coming up with something. Don't know how much I like it but I hope that you do!
Ushijima being your personal hype man ft: Short NSFW content, like really short.
Now when you were invited to the beach by Ushijima's old high school volleyball teammates, you were ecstatic. It was going to be your first time meeting them.
You chose on of your favorite bikinis out of the closet. To say you were excited would be an understatement.
The day of, you put it on to but your expression dropped while you turned in the mirror.
Overthinking had dampened your mood and looking in the mirror too long made you start doubting yourself.
The swimsuit, it just didn't look right. It didn't look how it normally did, you felt anxious about meeting his old friends. You wanted to look nice for your first meeting with them.
"(Name), do we have anymore milk-?" Ushijima came walking into your room and noticed the sour look on your face, "What's wrong?"
You shrugged while holding your shoulder. He reassured you every chance he got and you appreciated it, you really did.
But sometimes... your insecurities got the better of you.
You couldn't even look him in the eyes when he tilted your chin to face him.
"(Name.)" He said your name so tenderly and you started tearing up a bit.
"I don't know. What if your friends don't like me. I want to make a good impression and I don't think that this is the best thing to wear." You sighed.
"You look good in anything you put on. The guys are all excited to meet you, I don't they'll care what you wear."
"Okay but what if they do?"
"Every bit of you is perfect, (Name)." He held your hips, "They're blind if they don't see what I see."
Ushijima hated when you got like this, not because it was annoying, but because he didn't understand why you were anything less than flawless.
To him, you were perfect in every sense. So why couldn't you see it?
"Oh?" You scoffed, "And what do you see?"
This man has been waiting his entire life for those words. He didn't even skip beat to spill out some romantic shit.
"You are the most amazing woman I've had the honor to meet. I get to wake up and look at you first thing in the morning. I'd have it no other way. You're beautiful inside and out."
Damn I'm going to cry. You held back your tears very badly, allowing one to roll down your cheek.
"I can't imagine my life without you. I love you, just as you are." Ushijima kissed you gently and didn't stop until you relaxed into his arms.
"I feel a lot more confident now, thank you." You whispered, "But, there's one other thing you could do to make me feel better..."
There were still a few hours before you were supposed to meet so a quickie couldn't hurt.
The bikini was cast aside and you laid bare under Ushijima’s large frame.
Though he could get rough, he could also be gentle. That was one of the things that drew you to him.
Not a spot on your body was untouched or unloved by him.
Ushijima made sure to pay extra attention to the places you were most insecure about, planting delicate kisses on your skin.
He told you how wonderful you were to him.
Your leg was thrown over his shoulder as he took his time tasting your cunt.
With one hand, he held down your quivering thigh and with the other one, he had his fingers intertwined with yours, giving you a reassuring squeeze every now and then.
"Wakatoshi! Glad you could make it." Reon waved him over towards the group.
You were following closely behind Ushijima, almost hiding from them. It wasn't the bikini, it was just your nerves.
"Sorry we're late. I had something to take care." He apologized, grabbing your arm and forcing you next to him.
"Pleasure to finally meet you (Name)." Shirabu introduced himself and some of the other guys who were playing in the water.
All of them were so nice, there was really no reason to be worried.
"How did you score a pretty girl like her?" Reon teased, watching you attempt to play beach volleyball.
Ushijima shrugged, "I'm just really lucky. She makes me happy and I'm trying to make sure she feels the same."
"Well, don't screw up."
Ushijima nodded his head and smiled when you called him over. He was at your beck and call, always ready to do whatever you asked of him.
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His angel
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Summary: Steve has a huge crush on you but you are falling in love with someone else.
Pairing: Bucky x reader aaand Bucky x angel!reader
Warning: none.
Bucky and the avengers were on their way to the compound. As the others talk friendly with each other, he remained silent- still not trusting them and still exhausted from the fight and the mind control thing. He wasn’t handcuffed even though he tried to kill them just a few hours ago but Steve trusted him and promised to make sure that he will recover.
“Admit it, Steve. You’re just happy because you’ll see (y/f/n) again.” Nat grinned playfully at Steve who blushed. Bucky looked at Steve curiously. “(Y/f/n) and I are just friends. She’s out of my league.”
“You really need to tell her about your feelings. That would make everything so much easier.” Steve just smiled faintly and turned his head to Bucky.
“(Y/f/n) is an angel. A real fallen angel. She’s the good soul in the compound. You’ll like her.” 
An hour later Bucky and the others walked into the common room of the avengers that has an open kitchen next to it. 
A woman in her early 20s was dancing, cooking and singing at the same time. She was barefoot and dressed in a t-shirt and some sweats but this woman was the most beautiful woman Bucky has ever seen. Your hair was shining and your skin seemed so soft that he wondered how it would feel to be touched by you.
„Hi. I’m (y/f/n). It’s nice finally meeting you. I’ve heard so much about you.“ You smiled leaning against Steve.
„I hope only good things.“
„Well I’ve also heard about the bad things- you know the car stealing in Germany.“, you winked at him and for a second his heart stopped. He was nervous in your presence like you can see right through his body. 
Soon after that, the table was set for dinner and everyone was enjoying the food you made. „(y/f/n), you really need to talk with our trainer. You’re ruining everything we try to build in the training room. So many carbs.“, Tony joked as he piled more pasta on his plate.
„I just want to make sure that you don’t starve.“, you giggled turning your head to Bucky who was sitting opposite of you. „Do you wanna eat something else? I can prepare something.“, you whispered as you realized that he hasn’t touched his plate. „If you don’t like it, you don’t have to eat it.“ Your fingertips brushed slightly his left metal hand and he looked up from his plate into your deep (y/e/c) eyes, trying to find the right words. „No. It’s really good. I’m just not used to that.“ Bucky didn’t say what he meant by „that“, the pasta on his plate or the crowd.
After dinner was finished, everyone went to their bed. Everyone but Bucky. He sat on the couch, afraid of the dreams that were waiting for him.
„Can’t sleep?“, your soft voice was breaking the silence. Bucky snapped out of his daydreaming, looking at you. It was 2 o’clock in the morning and everyone else was already sleeping.
He nodded, remaining silent. 
„Yeah, that’s an occupational illness.Everyone of the avengers got them.“
„You too?“
„No, I don’t dream. Only humans do.“, you smiled weakly walking up to the couch.
„But this couch works wonders. It makes sleeping really easy, at least that’s what I’ve been told.“, you giggled. „We should give it try, shouldn’t we?“, you suggested and to your surprise Bucky lay down on the red couch. 
„And? Are you already feeling tired?“, you asked, curiosity in your voice. 
Bucky shook his head not able to speak. He was everything but tired now that you were so close. His heart was beating loudly and he wondered why you didn’t hear it. He just knew you for 4 hours but he felt like he knew you his whole life. Why was he thinking that? Thats so uncharacteristic of him. You were clearly Steve’s girl and he wouldn’t make any moves on you. 
You sat down on the ground in front of the couch and close to Bucky’s face. You leaned your back against the shorter side of the couch and looked at the book in your hands.
„Why did you fall?“
Bucky’s question surprised you. You turn your upper body to the left to face him
„Because I fell in love and meddled with life and destiny. Angels aren’t allowed to interfere in humans life. Not even archangels.“
„Was it Steve?“ You looked at him questionably, not understanding what he implied. 
„Was Steve the man you fell in love with?“
„No. I don’t think so. I mean I don’t love Steve like that. He’s a very nice and good friend. Sometimes like a mentor, sometimes like a big brother. He taught me how to adjust to the human world. But I don’t remember much from my time up there.“, You pointed with your index finger to the ceiling. „They erased this part of my memory to punish me. But that was a long time ago, so he’s not here anymore.“
Bucky looked away from your face and to to the ground where a book lay. „What are you reading? "
"Well Sam recommended this book. It's called Lord of the rings by Tolkien.“
Bucky stared at this book, visibly shocked that more books of his favorite author were published and he hadn’t read them. 
„I can read it aloud if you'd like.“, you suggested
And you read the first page with your angelic voice and soon Bucky found himself falling asleep into a dreamless but relaxing sleep.
The next morning Nat was the first who entered the common room and what she saw made her stopp in her tracks. 
There was the winter soldier soundly asleep on this big red couch. A small figure was leaning against the couch. Your upper body is still facing Bucky and your head was resting on his metal arm while your right hand was slightly touching his bicep. His right hand was softly lying on your hair looking like he had caressed it before.
Nat couldn’t decide whether this was just a sweet and friendly situation or if this was an intimate one and for no one else to see. 
People‘s paradise - Part 2
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