#also i have similar issues w my hair to hunter so this is one of the ways i help w that lmao
soadscrawl · 2 years
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it bothers me when ppl who hc hunter as transfem give him hair down to his ass when he canonly has issues w that so heres my take on how he could have long hair with less issue hopefully!!
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helloblobbyblobfish · 3 years
Safety in coils
(Anîla refers to the mains humans as “kids”, but they all are in college, between 19 and 25.)
The 32 of July
New place, new diary! Hello, four diary, I will call you Helbert. I think it’s a common name for Americano males. Any way, I shall present myself to you to: I am a member of the proud race of naga, but I have yet to receive a proper name, having only 34 year old in human year. I am currently trying to live away from my tribe as a sign of maturity, however. I have decided that I would also record to myself what I am doing for my descendants to know what I did. I decided also, than, given the fact that I will pretend to be a human, I need to write in their tango, so that I would be prepared to speak with them.
I shall also name myself Anîla âbhoga, as respect for my elders, and because I lack creativiti.  I should try to find myself a cave before looking for a house. In all accounts I read, we need to wear “clothes” when we takes our human forms, so I will steal them later on.
See you soon, Helbert!
2 of august
Hey, Helbert! You wouldn’t believe in the number of kids that went into the forest today. I could have eaten any of them without issue, they are so trusting! But that would end up alerting someone, and I don’t want hunters yet. Americannans; They don’t seem to realize the danger that exist, I was told of their ignorance; but it is really worrisome.
Trough, that mean that I have plenty of Americanans that can explain to me everything. I am even more persuasive that most of my clan, the reason as to why I was allowed to travel the sea unsupervised. As you serve as my “recording devices”, I think I am supposed to give you the description of the youth I have met. They all got to see my eyes and should not be worried about my half-snake appearance, but I will keep a human look next to them, as to not push their limits. I could not make them come back to me at a precise time, so I will put them back under. It would also make them less suspicious of my questions.
The first kid I found was running, and scared. I guess he was lost for a while, and got into trouble, because he had what he told me were call b-r-u-i-s-e-s. (I Made him spell it, I am learning English word I was not told existed. The excitation!) It’s brownish marks that indicate you were p-u-n-c-h-e-d. He also had a similar marks on one of his eyes, but it was black. Apparently, it is black or blue around the eyes, and as such, you call those bruises “black eyes”. He has yellow hairs, with dirt and twigs in them when I fond him, but I clean him. He had green eyes, if I saw correctly, before he saw mines. I though he was short, but all the humans I met were close to his height. He has 19 year, and is name is Noah.
A few minutes after I brought Noah at the edges of the forest, I fond another male, who is named Andrew Evans. He is really different in behavior and look. I did not tell you about the clothes! It is kind of important! Humans wear different “styles” of clothes depending of their ages, gender or role in the town hierarchical structure. Noah was wearing gray “S-w-e-a-t pants” and a red “H-o-o-d-y” with a green stripe. It was way too big on him, so I guess he and his family does not have a lot of money. He also screamed and tried to run when he saw me. Andrew Evans has black hairs that he “greased”, brown eyes, I am sure for those, I thought to ask. He is wearing blue “J-e-a-n-s” with holes he said he made himself. I guess there is a meaning, but I was asking basic questions, I will interrogate the kids more later on.
Andrew Evans also has a silver chains dangling on the side of his pants, a white “T-s-h-i-r-t” who he cover with a “Leather j-a-c-k-e-t”. He also had dangling “dog tags” around his neck, who reached lower than his “P-e-c-s”. They are by two, silvery, oval, and contain info. His “dog tags” were about his father, who got them in a war. Andrew Evans is proud of his dad and wear them. Ritualistic importance? He also tried to attack me with a knife when I met him. As punishment, I kept the “dog tags” I do not understand the meaning of some of the info, like the “AB” mark.
It appear Andrew Evans was looking for Noah, so I showed him the way to civilisation. And then, I heard cries of “Andrew”, because I presume someone went after Andrew Evans. Perhaps they do know the forests are places you get lost in, but none of the kids seemed prepared to meeting me. Are americanos forest really without nagas? How?
Any how, the third kid has a darker skin color that the other two, but it is not as dark as the skin color of the humans who live in India. He had brown hair who looked that fluffy spikes, and I had a hard time flattening, blue eyes, and was wearing another “T-shirt”. They cover only part of their arm, fascinating choice, in my opinion. He also had “Jeans”, but his were gray, and without holes. He wondered where I was coming from as he never saw me, and did not believe me when I said I was a newcomer. To worry about. I simply calmed him and told him where to find Andrew Evans. I was not sure what to ask of him. Except his name, it’s Leo
I ended falling on a fourth and final kid by complete accident, nearly an hour later, despite him apparently entering with Leo. This kid was looking at least a head taller than the rest. His name is Chris. He stated he “was” 24, witch I think is a bit old to call a human, a kid, but I have to look more into it. He is as pale as Noah and Andrews Evans. His hairs are the fabled red, and his eyes remind me of hazels. He also wears a “Leather jacket”, who he kept closed, because he wears nothing underneath, and blue “Jeans”, who should be burned given the numbers of oil stains who covered them, and also massive holes, with is knees basically being in the open. I had to tell him to change clothes, or he would be hurt if he fall. He wasn’t taking me seriously, so I put him under my gaze at this moment.
Over all, it was an excellent day to start seeing what kids human act and look like. I will go into town tomorrow to meet adults.
3 august
Well, wouldn’t you know, Elbert, I was using phrasing of a sentence and idoms who sound old, for someone in his thirties. One day interacting in the town, and I already got a reputation as an “old-timer”. Who could have guess? Most people are wonderful, in any case. I also bumped into Andrew Evans, Leo and Chris. They were with another kid in their age range, Steve. He is taller than Leo, but smaller than Andrew. Oh, yes. Evans is a family name rather than a composite surname. My bad.
Leo was still suspicious of me, and I wasn’t able to talk with them. He said something about “stranger danger”. I wonder if he is more afraid of other humans than what is living outside his town. What are humans doing between themselves? It would appear our knowledge of their society is dated. I need to get alone with him if I want to examine their behaviour properly. Instead I met a few adults and discreetly made their door open to me. I did take a trip to the house seller, but I will need papers and money for one. It’s more difficult than we expected when I left my home forest. There is also that man named John Miller. He seems to think I am weak because he can’t see muscle. Probably an hunter. I need to keep an eye on him too.
Wait, there are footstep sounding close. I come back once I saw who is it, and why they are here. What if they already know?
It was Noah! Unlike the others, he still wears the same clothes than yesterday. Truly poor. And because he already saw my eyes, he is so easy to put under. Actually, he is sitting right next to me, and when I took my hybrid form, he was all too happy to snuggle in. Good human. So, because he is really easy to interact with, and he told me he just often goes into the forest when he is “overwhelmed”, he will be my number one source of information! So, I will ask some questions, and note the answers into you, Ebert!
So, Noah Miller! Turn out he is the son of John Miller, who isn’t a hunter, but a construction worker. Noah seem to be hiding something about him, but I don’t want to push. Noah seems nice, I don’t want to destroy his intelligence or his being. So, I will wait till he wants to tell me for further explanations. He also doesn’t want to tell me where do those “bruises” and cuts come from. I am a bit worried for his safety. Does he try to get into fights to prove himself to his father?
Human kids his age like to play something call “video games”. I need to come to his house to play, however. Well, after I ended up asking question, we will play fetch. I heard pets like that, and I might keep Noah around, I really like him. His outfit is one he picked because he wants to cover “them”; Okay. Apparently, “cool” outfits for him show muscle, leather jackets always work, Jewellery show wealth, seem like the meanings are the same as we naga knew, just a bit differently.  Jewelry
Yes, I asked Noah to correct mistakes he saw. It’s useful for my human guise. Also, Andrew is the popular kid who has a bright future. That mean he can get away with selfishness and violence, in this society. I can’t believe it. Well, as a subject and potential pet, I should give Noah a good life, so the research is put on hold the time I get the other kids to respect him.
6 August
Hey, Albert. Been a few days, but I had to make Andrew, Chris, Steve and especially Leo way more pliant that they were. But today, they will all come to this forest with additional clothes they think would fit Noah and make him looks “cool”, so that he joins their “friend” group. It looks a bit more like a hierarchy in itself, but I will make sure they treat each other better. Win-Win for everyone! I hope I use those expression correctly. Anyway, Noah too got more contacts with me. He seems to really trust me “more than anyone” he says, but he still won’t tell me where his injuries come from. I am a bit disappointed. Seem like he made some strong barriers about it, if I force the answers from him, it would hurt his brain, a lot.
Leo has arrived. I had to get to his parents first, to be alone with him, but heh. I have a bed in their basement now. Leo was really distrustful. Now, he is a bit over-zealous to obeying me, but I don’t see any other psychological impact. I do keep an eye on him for his safety. He also is the one closer in size to Noah, so I expect his clothes to be most of the ones Noah come home with. Leo also make delicious chicken wings.
Now, Steve has arrived. Coming back to my few notes, I forgot to describe him. He has black hair, brown eyes, and the first time he saw me alone I was shirtless and that made him red, for some reason. But he doesn’t want to talk about it. He is 23. He is the drag-along man of his group, and easily scared. It amuses me to make loud noises behind his back. He jumps every single time! Today, he is wearing a sleeveless black cloth he calls “top”, and blue “shorts”. He really doesn’t know how to visit the forest.
Andrew and Noah arrived together. Andrew is surprisingly the one who brought the more clothes. When I asked, he stated he bought them. He is ironically the one who took the most the rings in my eyes, even more than Noah, who I found easy to put under. And I remind you I am strong in charm by naga standard. Andrew is also missing his dog tags. Apparently, you put “blood type” and height on it. I shall ask for their size and weight once I start the experience again.
Well, Chris is finally here. He at least wears something without “sexual innuendos” for once. I’ll admit I don’t understand them. Also, except Steve, they all have a weird combo with leather jackets and ties, to welcome Noah into the group. Really odd-looking, even fir me, and the fact that I wear “professionals” clothes all the time makes people talk. Noah, of course, is wearing a hoody and “baggy” pants. I’ll tell you how it went.
Really well!!! Now, Noah has a collection of “gym” clothes, rings, chains… the perfect “streetwear”, as Chris said. The boys are all very happy playing with the ball I gave them. And they all are super happy when I tap their head to signify that they are good boys. I’m so happy they stopped using gel, I can play with their hairs. But play time is over. I’m going back to studying them and their interactions, so they aren’t aware I was ever in their lives for now. I want to see them act normally.
Wait, why is Andrew berating them all. I understood he was mean to people outside his group, but he is controlling of the people in it? Chris is obeying him without question and making subtle threat for the others three to follow? Noah is afraid??! Leo is just done with this and complaint but does not act? Steve is not shivering like Noah, but I think he is afraid too. How could I miss that, and how can I let this happen in front of my eyes? I’ll be right back, Albert!
 So, they have been some changes in the group dynamics of the boys. Now, Leo is the leader one. He also asks for my opinion on things and agree that I am smarter and wiser than him, and as such, my decisions are absolute and override his. Andrew is really happy to be led. He takes more easily to my suggestions than the others, so he is “living the dream”, as the “omega” of his group. I don’t know what that mean, he declared himself one. In his opinion, Leo is an “alpha” and the rest are “beta”. Andrew also wanted to classify Chris as the second-in-command, but I preferred Noah, because I have to admit at being biased, but Noah doesn’t want to lead, and Leo will be a great leader under my guidance, and he wanted to be the “top dog”.
Chris is really the one who got the best changes, though. He was really afraid of what to do without someone who use him as a muscled henchman, so now, he can suck up all type of information. His “G.P.A” will improve, thanks to that. We might have a “smart one”, after a trip to the library. And the, there is Steve. I don’t know what to do with Steve. Steve never showed much personality. When I asked him how he would describe himself, he said “gaie”, which mean cheerful in French, is I remember correctly. Didn’t appear that happy for me… Well, now, he is being nicknamed “the cheerleader” by his friends. They will not question the changes, but I think I will have to drop by their parent’s house later.
Well, I’m glad to see they all are having fun. Leo started a “soccer game”. Look interesting. Steve is cheering for them because they are an odd number. He seems decided to compliment Chris on his muscle, for some reason. Well, he also commented a few times about mine. Maybe he just put a lot of attention in physical health. I’m going to watch.
  August 8
At the teaching place the boys are going (I though in English it was called school, but the refer to it as college), Noah is now one of the centres of attention, as a new friend of Andrew and thanks to his new look. Steve convinced him to wear “guyshadow”. Didn’t expect it to work well with the dark lines under Noah’s eyes (named “eye’s bag”, this language relies on such obvious terms, it’s worrying me. Are humans worried about being incomprehensible? It’s probably not the only human one to be this on the nose, but the only one I’m good at.), but now, he has a lot of weird attention from females and a few males, including Steve. I don’t understand why is external looks and money so much more important that what’s inside for humans.
Wait, I hear sobs. Why is Noah in pain?
HIS FATHER WAS VIOLENT TOWARDS HIM!!! THE FIEND! HE DESERVED BEING REDUCED TO A HUSK BY ME! SO GLAD HE IS NOW OUT OF NOAH AND MISS. MILLER’S LIFE!! Now, I heard a mother without a husband faces hardship in this “tolerant” society humans call America, so I will make sure the remaining Millers in town are wall-loved. I think I will move my human place from Leo’s house, he is okay, and go to live with Noah and his mom Susan.
August 10
Albert, while I was playing with Noah, he called me Dad. Apparently, it means he sees me as a major role model, and it’s a sign of a deep bond, said Susan. She seemed ready to laugh, and also a bit awkward, when she said that to me. Well, I’m glad he thinks so highly of me! I also think highly of my pet. Now, he is completely open to any change in personality or look I ask of him. I have a little doll I can dress and make talk as I want. He is a cowboy, a pre-re-education Andrew, a hunter, a servant. I asked of my sister she send me some jewelry, and now, he has wonderful gold hoops in his ear, and a silver chain with an emerald that he show to no one, but whose touch remind me of how good he is while looking at me... Truly, I am enjoying this study.
Author’s note (how do you make italics on Tumblr?): So, this is a story I wrote in Summer 2020 for a contest about supernatural on a hypno-site. I planned to make a one-shot, then I liked the characters too much and started making an universe for them. If you have questions on them, I probably have some answers. It feature no pron, so I though. You know what, I should publish my own stuff on Tumblr. Hope you people enjoy
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shawnssongs · 4 years
hey its @jjmaybankx hehe. it's for the obx ask (i'm glad you got inspiration to do one too!) my name's maliyah! my hair is balayage'd from dark brown to purple and on the medium length side, brown eyes, medium tanned skin (im filipino that helps). my hobbies are writing, reading, crocheting, drawing, kickboxing and i'm the type of friend who goes to all her guy friend's games. i'm stubborn but also really sweet. my friends say my type are "basket cases" or the boy next door vibes w trauma?? aha
I literally took this idea from you and didn’t respond to yours for like a month after omg shdhshd so sorry for the wait
you also sent a second ask about gilmore girls and teen wolf so I added those :)
Ok so...
I’m going with pogue. (though tbh I could also make you a kook and write this totally differently, but we’re just going to stick with this for now. lmk if you want to see what you’d be like as a kook!) I was originally going to go with you’d date Pope but then you explained what your friends say your type is... so... JJ. Ok you would date JJ because clearly he’s your type (as he should be) and omg he would love exercising with you. He’d love how active you are. On the other hand, he’d just think you’re super cool in general? Like, you’re different. You’re not the typical kook princess like Sarah Cameron, and you’rn not judt the average hippie pogue. Your interests are pretty diverse, and JJ would appreciate all of that. He’d get all soft and cuddle up against you while you’re reading 🥺 ok anyway moving on. Your best friend would be Pope! You have similar interests and I feel like you’d look after him as if he’s your brother! I don’t want to necessarily say he’s your unlikely friend, but I feel like you wouldn’t necessarily hate Rafe like the other pogues do. Obviously you don’t get along with him and you hate how he treats your friends, but you sort of feel bad for him. You can tell he has issues with his parents. He’s insecure and he lashes out because of it. I feel like you kind of have this savior complex and if it wouldn’t completely screw up your relationship with the pogues, you’d try to help Rafe out. That being said, you wouldn’t get along with ward or Barry. Ward wasn’t the best father, and that’s obviously a major issue in Rafe’s life who has become a major issue in the life of you and your friends. And then Barry just keeps it going by selling Rafe drugs, and not only Rafe, but Luke Maybank too, and you absolutely hate that JJ has to deal with shit from both his father and Rafe.
Crap that was long.
Teen Wolf:
This one is kind of hard ngl. I feel like your best friend would be Alison for sure. You both seem to be similar when it comes to like, personality in school? Studious but not to the point that Lydia is at. Idk you both seem smart and sort of laid back, but also there’s more to the both of you than it seems. I feel like you’d both be hunters. I’m just imagining that sort of training. Idk. Anyway, I think you’d date Isaac! He’s super cocky at first, but clearly he has a lot of issues. Isaac makes me so soft 🥺. Um your unlikely friend would be Kira. Ngl, I don’t remember Kira too much but idk you guys seem super different to me. Also, I can imagine you tend to surround yourself with guy friends more than girl friends, so just being friends with Kira in general is a little unlikely. I’d say despite your differences you’re still friends because she’s obviously got a lot more going on with her than it seems like from the outside as well. And tbh I can’t think of someone you wouldn’t get along with. The antagonists ofc, but I can’t really think of a main character you wouldn’t like? Idk. Sorry that one was bad.
Gilmore Girls:
JESS JESS JESS he is the epitome of “the boy next door vibes w trauma.” You would totally date Jess, even though obviously it would be kind of hard to get to that point. But yeah this one works so well. You both love reading. He’s got some issues that need to be resolved. You want to be there for him. It just fits. Ngl I can’t decide on a best friend. I think you’d get along well with Dean, Lorelai, and Luke! Dean because even though a lot of people disagree, I think he was a great character if you ignore his whole relationship. Plus he plays sports! You’d love to go see his games and stuff. I think you’d get along well with lorelai because of hers and your humor. And I think Luke would really like you and support your relationship with Jess. I think you’d get along with Rory, but only partially. I feel like she’s a little too uptight for you, and you have some similar interests but for the most part you’re pretty different.
Those were so weird for some reason wow. I hope you enjoyed! Sorry it took so long.
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alchemist-shizun · 5 years
About that Carry On Prinxiety AU
For now I laid out a bit of the plot, if you want to share some ideas just hit me up~
This is going to be a LOT to take on my shoulders but I will try and probably fail BUT TRYING IS KEYWORD (i really do believe in myself don't I? Everything under the cut!)
Since they all have their peculiarities, I'm gonna say that yes Virgil might be the Baz and Roman could be the Simon of this story, but I think either would fit for different reasons so they just have the same energy and will keep their own characterization. (If I'm able to not go ooc on this one wish me luck)
If I'm creative enough I'll try making an American school that is located in Florida, so that the characters know nothing much about what's happening in Watford and I can still make references without chronological contradictions.
Thomas could probably be the head mage too. I'm imagining him being very interested in the Normal culture and dressing like a Normal adult instead of the head of a great magical school, his "obsession" (kind of like Arthur Weasley's, if you will) is not really well-liked by most of the mages (especially the Old Fams), some believe that the students should have a better example instead of a man that always seems on the verge of leaving the magic world behind. The students, on the other hand, love him very much thank you. (yes even the ones whose parents insult him)
Oh my god I just had an epiphany: imagine Thomas obviously being in love with Disney and maybe Roman is very close to him so like he's talking about Virgil and Thomas just STRAIGHT UP STARTS SINGING SMTH LIKE THE MUSES' PARTS IN WON'T SAY IM IN LOVE OR LIKE THAT LION KING ONE AAAAAAAA and Roman is like ssss t o p but in the end joins in because he's w e a k (same)
Anyway for the main bois what I was thinking was that, with the prophecies about the Chosen One being there for a long time and them not knowing about Simon or anything, (this is becoming like Skam, there are many Snowbaz in the world) they just so happen to find in Roman an extraordinary amount of magic
Everybody is convinced Roman might be the Greatest Mage, the info flies out into the magical world of America but they decide to not share the info with other states. Roman gets very excited about this and works hard and trains himself in preparation for the big moment where he was going to have his big fight.
Virgil is his roommate (oh my god they were roommates), and of course, they can't stand each other at all. Virgil is definitely fed up with this story about the Chosen One, which Roman brings out in any possible conversation, so he uses it against him to tease him. Just imagine Roman bragging about something and Virgil being like "yeah but for a Greatest Mage you still haven't done anything so Great", or like Roman is having trouble with a spell or a subject? "Aren't you the chosen one?", Virgil only brings it up to make him mad and loves his flustered face. (keyword "loves" *wink*)
As much as I'm hopelessly in love with the idea of Vamp!Virgil (which would fit if he had Baz's role), I just had an angsty idea so I'm saving it for later c:
Hey how about a half-elf Virgil??? Anyone? Sorry I love elves
As for the time they spend together, they do the same thing as Simon and Baz, they avoid each other, spend time out of their room if the other's in there, make up different routines so they don't have to share anything and only really stay in the same room if they have to sleep. (idk why i said "if" like they don't need sleep)
Let me remind you that the beds are very close.
One time Roman woke up in the middle of the night and screamed in fear upon seeing a figure on the window.
It was just Virgil and he almost fell out, he would have probably smacked his head if it wasn't for the roommates' anathema or whatever it is called in english.
Virgil said he just couldn't sleep but he will never admit it was because of a pretty violent nightmare.
Roman does really think that he doesn't sleep at all and just uses his magic to stay awake judging by the dark circles under his eyes.
idk about you but I like the idea of Logan being something similar to Penelope, so Logan is Roman's best friend, they had met in the first year and Logan seemed one of the only ones who didn't approach Roman only because of his fame about being the Chosen One. Logan is simply amazing and brilliant at all subjects and surprises everyone since he's said to come from a family with weak powers.
Roman finds in him a very valid studying companion and he has to admit a lot of his best spells come from practicing/learning them from Logan. Also Logan loves explaining the stuff he's learnt, while Roman has this insatiable will to know everything to be able to defeat whatever bad guy will present in front of him. They basically become inseparable, despite having some friendly fights that are always solved with a snack break.
They !! deeply !! care !! for !! each other !!
Out of the other characters idk if Patton would fit anybody entirely, but I'm going to keep the 3v3 groups, so Pat will most likely be hanging out with Roman and Logan, he's actually very good friends with Virgil (none can escape Patton's friendliness) and tries to reason with Roman when he's mad about something Virge might have said. He's probably the reason why he hasn't killed Virgil yet. Patton doesn't come from a big family and lives with his grandmother when he's out of school. (I still have to develop this)
Forget about Dev and Niall and get ready for Deceit and Remus. I don't wanna give a headcanon name to Deceit bc I don't have one so he's gonna be a mysterious boy and everyone will call him Dee since it's the nickname I use for him. Both of them are two chaotic messes in their own ways. Dee, despite still being composed most of the times, is VERY fixated on his society discourses and arguments, he could come up to you one day out of the blue being like "so about the plan to overthrow the government" and you probably never even heard of it in the first place
Remus, on the other hand, messes a LOT with spells and you can see him traveling to the weirdest places. One day he was found trying to make the water creatures do a circus bit for him. People don't know how he's able to make his way through tests, but it's actually because he loves bugging Dee since he doesn't give the slightest shit about the weird things he suggests and they often end up studying together.
(I had the wildest thought thinking about Remus as Trixie)
Virgil, Deceit and Remus are what people call the "Untouchable trio", only because they come from the highest and oldest of the Old Families. They had been friends ever since kids since their Families met quite often, they never really fell apart despite being very different from one another. They're actually pretty chill people, it is only their surnames that make some people wary of them. They're not generally approached by anyone.
Idk if I wanna bring Emile and Remy in this, but I am tempted™, I'll think about it
So, Roman, am I right? Forgot to say he comes from a pretty big fam of hunters, they're the types of people that are lovable but won't hesitate to kill a bitch if needed.
But Purp, where's our creativitwins content? Thing is, yes they're actually brothers, but they were separated ever since kids for reasons none really knows? They never talk about it, even if asked to. They were given to two different families. They're aware of each other, but none has ever seen them interact. (I might find some angsty backstory on this just you wait)
Up until here Roman has always believed himself to be destined to the greater good, he's the chosen one, his destiny is the one to be the protagonist of the magic world and its hero.
At least that's what he thought until the fifth year.
One day during the fifth year, Virgil was doing homework on his room's table when Roman bursts in, louder than usual, and throws himself face-first on the bed, uncaring about ruining his hair or his clothes. That was an unusual sight since he never came into the room before evening or even before dinner. Virgil immediately knew something was wrong, but he didn't realize how serious the thing was.
So of course, he teases him a bit trying to get some info from him but only makes the situation worse. When Virgil calls him Greatest Mage as a joke, that's when Roman finally snaps at him in a way that Virge would have never expected. Roman really is enraged, yells at him and throws his pillow across the room since he can't hit him. He storms out of the room when he feels tears forming in his eyes, but can't really hide his sobbing as he goes away.
Virgil is just standing there, aware that he had just made Roman cry for the first time in his life and hated the sight with his whole being.
Roman had just learnt that he wasn't, in fact, the Chosen One, nor the Greatest Mage. Just an ordinary mage, like anybody else, who, in his opinion, had no other destiny than to finish school, find a job and just ... live?
So he's destroyed, all those dreams revealed themselves to be castles built in the air.
School is ending and Roman is just a bit numb, he's not really failing his classes but he's not as bright as ever. He barely leaves his room and doesn't talk to his friends as often, who are very concerned. Even Virgil tries to talk to him at some point. Thomas visits him when he has time and tries to work through the issue with him, but for the rest of the fifth year, there's nothing much to do to cheer him up.
Things seem to go back to normal as years pass and he's not in the spotlight anymore, none really talks about the Greatest Mage anymore and mages just carry on with their studies as they've always done. Everything's fine and normal.
And Roman hates it. But he's working in the shadow, so none notices his discomfort.
It only happens when he reaches the eighth year. It's impossible for Virgil to not recognize that Roman is slipping away at night and only comes back after some hours, either with dirty clothes or things tangled in his hair, he always came back different from when he left, meaning he definitely was wandering off outside.
One night he really can't stop thinking about how worried he is that Roman might get in trouble by himself, while he could probably prevent that, so he decides to follow him. Apparently, Roman is trying to find some kind of important and scary adventure to prove to himself that he's not as useless as he thinks himself to be, but Virgil still doesn't know this.
Virgil doesn't know what to do about the situation and decides to talk to Patton about it, in the end, the two of them decide to make a plan to talk to Roman with Logan, too.
On the other hand, Roman had been seen hanging out with Deceit or Remus, or both at the same time, trying to pry out information from them about how to get to certain forbidden spots of the school if he ever needed to. Surprisingly they don't ask many questions.
Chaos ensues when one night everything goes horribly wrong.
SO YEAH these are a bunch of things that I got right off the bat, I still have to think about the entire plot but don't want to spoil anything, basically the story would begin on the eighth year, just like Carry On, when Roman starts sneaking out. There might be things I need to fix but still I repeat that this is just a draft or a bunch of ideas that I got together somehow.
Tags: @soul-of-a-vixen & @flowersheep who wanted to know more about it~ (I'll write it as soon as I can!!)
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nekokoaa · 5 years
Wolves Among Us - Bakugo x Reader (VIII)
Series Warning: Fantasy AU, Fluff, NSFW
Hey guuuuuuuuys! Here’s the next chapter to WAU!! Yesss so excited!! I hope you guys enjoy!!
@freedom-for-bum @reallyfuckingangrylatina @risarisarisaa @ashherssss @mels-heart @xa-dia @shanty-lol @amkxh @chims-kookies @fantasticapple
Inspired by The Company of Wolves by Angela Carter
On the second night with Katsuki’s pack, the perfect moon was eastward to the mountains that stood like silhouettes against the dark navy skies. A swirl of stars peeked behind the leisurely clouds, riding along the skies like a brush upon a canvas. A wonder was happening among them, but it only lasted for a moment. A streak of light had torn through the stagnant stars before it faded into the dark, if eyes had discovered the phenomenon, many would have wished for their desires and hoped it would come true in the near future. Unfortunately, you weren’t there to witness the event like many others who were slumbering in their caves. You were between the arms of Katsuki, huddled up against his chest as you slept soundly. Your legs were tangled with his under the cozy covers you were sharing with him. You were taking up most of the sheep wool cloth under you once again and Katsuki’s body was clinging to the bare edges of the cloth. He wasn’t aware of it as he was deep in his sleep. It took a lot to wake Katsuki up, normally, one would have to shake him awake constantly until he recovered from his stages of sleep. The only time where he would wake up instantly would be because of his senses, but even that wasn’t common.
As for you, you were quite the opposite. Unless you were extremely exhausted, any simple sound would stir you awake momentarily before slipping back into your slumber. Even when Katsuki would shift slightly, you would wake up, moving along with him before settling back into your sleep. So, it wasn’t a surprise that you were stirred out of your sleep when an unidentified sound entered your ears. With a groan, you rubbed your tired eyes while you picked up your head. The covers around your body had slipped to your hips.
“What is that…?” You asked yourself and glanced at the hanging cloth that separated the hallway from the room. You heard a faint sound that felt like it came from the room across the hall. It sounded like someone was in pain, growls and sometimes squeals could be heard. The cloth muffled the sound, but it still worried you to no end. At first, you were going to check it out yourself, but you remembered how the pack treated you yesterday and it discouraged you. So, you decided on the next best thing.
“K-Katsuki?” You shook him lightly on his shoulder, your voice no higher than a whisper. Katsuki didn’t budge. “Katsuki.” You continued to shake him a bit rougher this time but still, there was no reaction from him. You released a heavy sigh, stood up on your knees, and placed both hands on his arm and without further ado, you shook him with all of your might. Even then, he still didn’t wake up right away but was gradually lifted from his sleeping spell.
“Hmm? W-Wha…?” He groaned. Instantly, that calm appearance you grew to know whenever he was asleep was replaced with furrowed brows and a scowl. You saw his pupils, surrounded by crimson, adjust to the dim lighting of the candles in the room, from slits to slight dilation.
“Katsuki, please. I think someone needs help.” You told him as he sat up, a little frustrated that he was woken up from his slumber. You felt bad for it, but you knew Katsuki would be the best person to do something about this issue.
“What? What are you talking about…?” He ran a hand through his spiky hair. It was a little bit uneven from laying on one side of his body for a long period of time. He was already moving himself onto the cloth under you, perhaps not wanting to sit on the cold flooring of the cave any longer.
“Don’t you hear that? Someone’s in pain… I think you should go check on them.” Katsuki sighed softly when he saw that frown on your lips as you stared at him. The last time he saw you this worried was when those hunters attacked him. Before his vision faded into darkness, he saw you hovering over him while you screamed his name. It was definitely a sight he never wanted to see again, just thinking about it made his blood boil. So Katsuki closed his eyes, unable to look at your face, and carefully focused on the sounds beyond the room. You watched as his ears twitched as every individual hum, thud, squeak, resonated along with the soft breathing of your nose and the casual shifting you would do as you anxiously waited for a response. Immediately, Katsuki was able to identify the sounds and you saw his eyebrows raised slightly as his eyes met with yours.
“If that’s what you wanted…” He brought a hand to the back of his neck. Just for a moment his eyes left you and returned with vigor, like a soft flame was lit within them. “You should’ve just asked me before we went to bed.”
You blinked. “Wait—What?”
You saw his tail casually moving. You couldn’t tell if it was for excitement or something else. “You wanna mate, right? Just like them?”
“M-Mate? You mean like…?” You gulped, and a wide smirk tore into Katsuki’s face, his large fangs looked orange in the glow of the candles.
“Yeah—what, did you actually think someone was in pain?”
“Ah—Well—I don’t know. It sounds kind of different…” He laughed loudly at your stutters. The growls and squeals from the other room ceased, and you shushed Katsuki, afraid that he interrupted the intimate moment. Oh, you so wanted to die from embarrassment. The heat was steadily making its way to your cheeks, neck, and ears and the snickers from Katsuki just made you want to dig yourself into a ditch.
“Wolves like to do it when there’s a full moon so it’s not a surprise that those two are getting it on.” Katsuki said once he regained his composure. He still had this smirk on his face as he looked at you.
He shrugged. “Uh, there’s this dumb tradition that it’s based on but—”
“Oh, what’s the tradition?” You instantly perked up and it made Katsuki sigh.
“You really want to hear it?”
“Yeah, of course!” Katsuki stared briefly at your large smile before he let out another sigh. He honestly wanted to go back to sleep but you looked so excited about this that he had no choice but to indulge you.
“Alright, here, come closer.” He moved to lay down on his side and motioned with his hand for you to join him. You didn’t hesitate and with a smile, you joined him under the covers. The heavy sheep wool was squashed under your bodies, the warmth of his arms that encircled your waist instantly felt as if summer had arrived. If it weren’t for your arms between your bodies, your chest would’ve been crushed against his, but your hands had all the glory of feeling the shape of his chiseled pecs through the thin fabric of his top. As he looked at you, his eyes were like two flames of fire that burned strongly in the orange glow of the room, yet it held the softness of the stained-red petals of fire lilies. You became lost in them as you so often did. How could you not as they bored into your soul with such passion.
“I told you about Fenrir, right? Our ancestor?” His voice was low, it sounded more like a rumble than a whisper. “Well, he’s basically the guy who started it all. We’re not exactly sure how he came to be, there are many origin tales that I don’t feel like explaining… but Fenrir was a pure wolf. One day, he met a human woman who saved his life and he ended up falling in love with her. They say the first night they mated was under a full moon and the night when the first werewolf was born was also under a full moon.”
“The correct word for what we are, but humans like to call us wolves. Sometimes we even catch ourselves using that word too.”
“Is calling you guys wolves offensive?”
“Not really. It’s what we are anyway.”
“So, werewolves have human in their genes…?”
“Yeah, it’s the reason why we look similar to humans or why we can mate with you guys, the only difference is that we have a lot of wolf qualities because of Fenrir.”
Your eyes were drawn to his ears and fangs. “That makes a lot of sense.”
“Yeah. So that’s why everyone wants to fuck under the full moon because they’re basically reenacting that legend.” Whatever heat you felt from his eyes before had shimmered down. They were relaxed, half lidded as it looked like he was waiting for you to say something. But all he got in return was silence and he shut his eyes to the soft warmth of your body instead. He was getting tired again and your presence was a sweet lullaby luring him to sleep.
“So… when we…” You started.
The glow of his eyes returned. “I don’t really care about those damn legends. Whenever it happens, it happens, but… I know when the full moon comes, I feel different. I can’t explain it but… it’s probably because I’m a direct descendant from him.”
“You still feel like Katsuki to me.” You laid your hand on his cheek and he held on to the wrist of that hand. “You may be a direct descendant but that doesn’t mean you’re him.”
“I don’t know.” You felt him shrug and his cheeks were being pushed up by the smirk of his lips, tired yet full of mischief. “I do have my own human woman.”
“That you have not claimed as yours.”
“Yet. One of these full moons should do it, right?”
Your cheeks grew hot, but you tried your best not to appear shaken. “Remind me to not share a room with you during a full moon then.”
“I will not.” Katsuki shut his eyes again, letting go of your wrist and snuggling closer to you until his face was against the top of your head and buried in your hair.
You huffed softly. “My father was right, men are wolves.”
“Only to those they love…” was the last you heard of Katsuki. Which you thought was quite unfair because his words left you startled. You have never heard the word love from him before and you weren’t even sure if he thought of you that deeply. You softly called his name to confirm his feelings, but he already returned to the world of sleep.
You sighed, knowing you would be unable to sleep with your thoughts rattling within your head.
When morning arrived, you woke up from your three hours of sleep to Katsuki putting on a new long sleeve top. The brief sight of a shirtless Katsuki was amazing to wake up to. Time slowed as you admired the muscles of his back and shoulders, watching them contract and expand when he pulled the thin fabric over his head and body. You could tell he just took a bath because the spikes of his hair were drooping towards the ground and droplets of water fell periodically on his shoulders. Sadly, the show didn’t last as Katsuki turned around and greeted you with his short “Hey” when he sensed you were awake. He always knew when you were awake, and you found it a little creepy at first, but you had grown used to it. Pretending to be asleep was something that would never work on him.
“How can you tell if I’m awake or not?” You asked, and he smirked. Every time you asked him about anything that involved his senses, he always looked smug.
“Cause your breathing pattern changes.” He spoke like it was obvious.
He looked like he was waiting for more questions, but you swiftly changed the subject to avoid stroking his ego. The subject changed into the agenda for this morning and Katsuki explained he wanted to get you settled down and formally introduce you to his pack. He understood the hostility between you and his pack but most of it was because his pack didn’t understand why a human woman was living among them. So, he believed letting the pack know what was going on would loosen the tension.
You were nervous. You didn’t want to go through what you experienced yesterday again but Katsuki assured you that everything would turn out okay. You simply just had to believe him.
But before introductions, you had to freshen up a bit and change your clothes that suited more of his pack’s culture. That’s when Katsuki had introduced you to one of his friends.
“Hey, Roundface.” Was his nickname for her when he called her as she was talking to a group of wolves in the courtyard. The courtyard was an area next to the large crater where the cave entrances were. Wolves loved to linger around this area as they waited for the day to past by. Katsuki explained before that it was also a place where they held their rituals. He didn’t specify what those rituals are, but it sure left you curious about them.
When “Roundface” turned around to face Katsuki, her expression was flat. She didn’t look too amused by her nickname, in fact, her face was only slightly rounded with pink filling in her cheeks, so she didn’t think her nickname was quite accurate.
“What is it?” Although, her voice didn’t show her lack of amusement. She was genuinely curious as to why Katsuki approached her.
“I want you to show ____ around. Get her settled in and some new clothes.” Katsuki placed a hand on your shoulder, bringing her attention to you. She blinked at you for a bit and then at Katsuki.
“Wouldn’t it be better if you do it?”
“I don’t think I can follow her in the bath.” He glanced at you. “Unless you want me to.”
“I don’t.” You quickly said.
“See? I’m going to gather everyone here in the afternoon so just bring her back here no later than that.”
She sighed softly at his words. “You better not be thinking of doing anything stupid. Did you let our leader know about this?”
“The old hag doesn’t need to know shit. She’ll find out when everyone else does.” Something about what “Roundface” said had irked Katsuki. Whenever his mother was mentioned, it always felt like his mood went sour. You knew their relationship wasn’t the best, but you didn’t think it was so serious to where a single mention could make Katsuki look like that.
“Alright… But if she gets angry at me, I’m putting the blame on you.”
“Hey…” Your cheeks grew warm when Katsuki’s face was suddenly just a mere inch from your own. He had pushed his forehead against yours, the tip of your noses barely touched as he softly gazed into your eyes. When he spoke, you felt his breath hit your lips with every syllable. “I’ll see you later.”
“Hm-mm.” You nodded, not even capable of forming words at that moment. He pulled away after that and swiftly turned around, leaving you alone with “Roundface”. You stared at his departing back that was covered by his usual fur cape. Your eyes were gentle as you brought a hand to touch your forehead. Such a simple gesture from him was enough to have you in a complete trance. Katsuki had done that to you a few times whenever he was leaving to do something. And you have seen a few wolves do it around the area, ones that look like they were in a romantic relationship, so you assumed it was the wolves’ way of showing affection when leaving.
Little did you know, Roundface’s cheeks were redder than usual, seeing such an intimate moment had startled her as she wasn’t used to seeing Katsuki being affectionate. He was always so angry and stubborn and sure, he had his few share of women who would blab about being with him to incite jealousy, but he never once showed that he was serious with them. Katsuki’s relationship with you felt different to her.
Once Katsuki was gone, Roundface formally introduced herself as Ochako. She was a friend of Katsuki’s, not really a close one, but from time to time they would help each other if needed. Other than Eijirou and Mitsuki, she’s the first wolf of the tribe to treat you like you weren’t an enemy. When she talked to you, she always had a smile on her face and she listened with excitement whenever you were talking about yourself. She was especially interested when you explained how you and Katsuki met. She commented on it being fate and you couldn’t help but blush because of it.
From the time you spent with Ochako, it felt as if you’ve known her for years. You bonded over the simplest things, even giving each other advice on some troubles. She taught you about the daily lives of the pack. Wolves usually get up a little bit after dawn to do their duties. The men would go on the morning hunt and wouldn’t return until noon. The women stayed behind to clean around the dens and prepare meals for the pack and if the children were old enough they would assist the women in their duties or accompany the men on their morning hunt.
It didn’t matter what gender the child was because the wolves thought it was necessary for children to understand the importance of both roles when growing up because if there was ever a time they would leave the pack, they would be able to survive on their own. During the afternoons, the wolves would usually rest or play games with each other until dinner time. It was such a simple, peaceful life, similar to how people in your town lived. There wasn’t much of a difference between lifestyles and yet the two species wanted to kill each other. You didn’t know if your presence would do anything to mend the chaos between them, but you knew you wanted to try. It was all you can do.
The afternoon came faster than you realized. Katsuki had already gathered up the entire pack in the courtyard and hundreds of wolves swarmed the area, curious as to why their leader’s son had called for them. Mitsuki, too, was standing to the side, watching with a scowl fixed on her face. A crimson glare directed towards her son who stood not too far away from her in front of their people. You could tell by her body language that she was taken by surprise at the sudden assembly. Katsuki didn’t warn her about it or tell her what it was about and for the leader not to know what it happening to her own people, it upset her. She made a promised to herself to drag Katsuki by the ear into the nearest cave after the gathering and strangle him.
You could feel the anger radiating from Mitsuki. She didn’t lift her gaze towards your direction. Unfortunately, you were standing right next to Katsuki who you knew was the source of all her anger. You had no choice but to feel the pressure of her gaze even though it wasn’t for you. Katsuki, on the other hand, was used to this. He ignored her like she wasn’t in the room and waited for the wolves to settle before speaking. He projected his voice as loud as he could, earning the attention of his people.
“I have an announcement.” He simply said. You watched as their faces grew uncomfortable the second you felt Katsuki’s hand on your shoulder. You began to twiddle your thumbs and your gaze was glued to the floor as you waited for Katsuki’s next words. An introduction should be easy, but you had no clue as to why you felt so nervous. It could be because you were in front of a group of wolves that weren’t fond of you, but this was your chance to finally change any wrong image they had of you. You believed that once Katsuki put in a good word for you, that the pack would be more willing to get to know you. You were different from the other humans, all you had to do was prove it.
You took a deep breath and returned your eyes to the sea of wolves in front of you. You felt the hand on your shoulder give a light squeeze and you glanced at Katsuki only to find him staring right into the crowd. You didn’t expect the words that left him, and neither did his people. The sound of your gasp couldn’t be muffled by your hands that flew to cover it.
“We’re getting married.” With a straight face, Katsuki loudly spoke, and all at once, the area grew sour.
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Survey #98
“white trash, get down on your knees.”
have you ever lied to a person of authority? what did you say? i mean, i've lied to my parents. and i don't know, multiple things that don't immediately come to my head. are your eyebrows darker than your hair? yeah. what do you prefer, lasagna or spaghetti and meatballs? spaghetti w/ meatballs. i don't like lasagna because of the cheese. are all your pets micro chipped? no, but they have tags. would you ever cope in a jail? NO. i would be depressed out of my SENSES. have you ever seen an alligator in person? in zoos as well as the wild. when hurricane floyd like ruined everything, the zoo flooded and was essentially destroyed. apparently, an alligator got out, because i saw one in the ditch once shortly after the hurricane. that zoo was never rebuilt. do you live across from a corn field? no, but i once lived across from a tobacco field. welcome to nc. how long have you been tattooed? if you’re not, do you want to get tattooed?  i got my first for my 18th birthday, so a few years. are you a liberal?  not mostly, but i have some liberal traits, ex. i support gay marriage. were you fearless or a coward in the face of the child hunter in "chitty chitty bang bang?" i'm pretty sure he scared me. i don't remember much about the movie. did you ever hit anything while learning to drive?  i literally almost immediately hit a curb lol. jeff foxworthy, bill engvall, ron white, or larry the cable guy? i enjoy them all, but jeff's gotta top the list. have you or a pet ever gotten a tapeworm? no. i would rather die than get one. i am deathly afraid of internal parasites. do you know any furries? yes. i once lived with two of 'em. do you ever worry about your future? (i.e.: college, marriage, kids, etc)  yes. more than anything, i worry about what my job situation is going to be like. do you snore? steal the covers? roll around in your sleep? I STEAL THE FUCK OUT OF COVERS is the lion the best character in "the wizard of oz?"  i actually like the scarecrow. would you immediately look for someone right after you broke up with your bf/gf? no. it just doesn't seem... right. if you became a doctor, would you help your patients kill themselves? no. just. no. do you tell your best friend EVERYTHING? no. do you have someone who you can be your complete self around? only sara and connie. have you ever tried to learn another language? how did it go? i took four years of german, and i got to the point where i was pretty fluent. it's atrophied all to hell though. have you ever shared a house with a significant other? an apartment, yes. do you have a crush on anyone? tell me about them. i'm dating whom i have a crush on. have you ever had something signed by someone famous? what and who? no. i think. does your father have any facial hair? he has a van dyke beard/mustache. have you ever felt like you were making a mistake when dating someone? oh boy, have i. did you continue the relationship or end it when you realized? ended it. do you think you look similar to your siblings? we have some similarities. ex., we all have the same shade of brown hair naturally. have you ever played cards against humanity? did you like it? oh my actual god, one time when i was at colleen's, we did as a family. we all had a couple drinks, so it was funnier than it should've been. closest i have EVER been to peeing myself. however, it's not as funny with subsequent plays, because you know what cards to expect. do you know anyone who’s lived through a natural disaster? yeah, me and many family members and friends. hurricanes are a common occurrence in nc. how many brothers/sisters do you have? two immediate sisters, one half-brother, three half-sisters. are you lactose intolerant? no. would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?  dude i am the weirdest mix of both lol. how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain. they are wonderful ways of expression. i just find some piercings aesthetically pleasing on certain people, while tattoos are how you can easily paint the picture of your life on yourself. list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel. i've only been to one, and that was alice cooper. it was very fun, despite thunderstorming the whole time. have you ever been on drugs for anxiety, depression, mental illness? i have been since the 6th grade and i still am. do you like green apples?  only if they're crisp. have you ever had a guinea pig for a pet? yes. squeak, harry potter, snickers, and one other whose name i've forgotten... do you shop at hot topic? yes. have you ever studied any new age or occult religions such as wicca?  no, but they intrigue me, especially wicca. would you rather be a boy or girl?  a girl. do you prefer to be around introverted or extroverted people?  introverted. not trying to generalize here, but i find they tend to be more insightful. what do you think makes you a good girlfriend or boyfriend? i'm devoted and loyal as fuck, very loving, and will emotionally support a partner through thick and thin. what do you think makes you a bad girlfriend or boyfriend? one, my anxiety and insecurity. i've also never encountered this situation before, but i honestly feel that i'd get pretty jealous if he ever hung out with another girl platonically, because i'm immensely paranoid. like do not get me wrong, i wouldn't prevent him from doing it, i'd just be very worried. an issue i'm sure a lot of people would have with me is the fact i'm a pretty big prude. has anyone written a song or a piece of poetry about you? yeah. but i can virtually guarantee he used it on other girls. how many drinks does it take for you to become drunk?  i wouldn't know, considering i've never been drunk. i was relatively tipsy after four bottles of very mild alcohol, though. do you admire brutal honesty?  sometimes. other times it is completely unnecessary. what is your party trick? hiding out in the background somewhere, playing with your pet. <-- THIS haha <<< SAME if you had a mental disorder, what would it be? i'm diagnosed with chronic depression, general anxiety & social anxiety, ptsd (which i think i'm recovered from), and i've heard both bipolar ii and borderline personality disorder. do you think the "paranormal activity" movies were scary? no. i actually liked them. do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? i'm honestly very passive, so aggressive. the last time you drank with someone else or more than one person who was in the worst shape? chelsea always is. she takes two bottles of light alcohol and she's vomiting lol. what would you say is the worst part of high school, period? you're going through it in arguably the biggest time of your life. you are constantly changing and developing and going through so much mentally. you're still figuring out who you want to be. not to mention, you're expected to make huge decisions, all the while still having to ask to go to the bathroom. you have so much responsibility just all of the sudden while your brain is morphing a lot. are you someone who actually likes to babysit children? no. too much responsibility. not to mention they try to get into everything; you can't turn away for two seconds. what is the worst name a friend has ever called you? do you remember? probably just "bitch" or something along the line. no friend has ever called me one to my face, but i can literally guarantee some have. ACTUALLY. to my face, i was called a martyr by my ex's friend after the break-up. and i'm certain he didn't mean it as in "you'd die for your beliefs," he meant it as in "hey you pretend it's the apocalypse to get sympathy."  which is entirely fucking untrue about me. that honestly hurt a lot and it still sticks with me. it honestly made me more uncomfortable to express my feelings. do you find any of your friends’ parents creepy or really mean? i can't stand colleen's mom because she's a grade-a bitch, and her dad makes me uncomfortable, but he's not creepy. what is your least favorite word? i literally abhor the word "cunt." hurts to even type. what turns you on? various, pretty normal stuff. what turns you off? the usual stuff - bad hygiene, bad manners, etc <–Yep. <<<< I agree. <<<<< same. have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? i've had one since the 6th grade. have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? not a legitimate crush, no. who is your celebrity crush? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) who is your most loyal friend? i honestly feel like connie. we've literally never fought, and she's always been there.
why are you happy, if you even are?
 because i've come so far in my recovery that i have no excuse to complain.
is there a secret you’ve never told your parents?
what do you think of when you hear the name mark?
lol you know exactly who i think of.
 no one.
only the best character from "ssx tricky"
 no one.
alex shepherd's dad from "silent hill: homecoming"
the best dancer that was ever at the dance studio i used to go to
do you like fluffy yogurts?
NO. i CANNOT do the texture.
don’t you hate that you have to watch the baby being born in health class?
 i actually never did. but i physically wouldn't have been able to. i would've 100% shielded my eyes.
what’s the earliest memory you have?
walking out into the living room with my stuffed baby bunny and seeing ashley play "medievil" (i'm pretty sure that's how they spelled it). we all used to love that game. we only had the demo disc, though.
do you ever say “fail” when people mess up?
no, but i usually say "gg" lol
how important is it for a significant other to be good with kids?
not all that important considering i don't want any, but simultaneously, i certainly wouldn't tolerate them being mean to kids.
what was the last thing that hurt your feelings? was it warranted or do you think you just took it too personally?
i'd rather just not talk about it, but yeah, it was warranted.
what is your dad’s name?
kenneth, but everyone calls him ken.
does your mother have a sister? if so, what's her name?
 ... wait,
she? i don't think so, actually... maybe...
is your favorite color the same as when you were a kid?
 not exactly; my first favorite color was just normal red, now it's maroon.
who last grabbed your ass?
 chelsea lol
have you ever been called a slut/whore?
no, because i am literally the direct opposite. well correction, chelsea, colleen, and alex have playfully, but none of them have ever meant it. we all call each other shit names lol. all in love<3
who is your favorite foreign singer/musician?
 rammstein. they have amazing music and their lyrics are usually pretty cool.
do you ever get mad at people for not having the same opinion as you (ie abortion being wrong/right, meat-eating being wrong/right)?
no. i enjoy people having different opinions.  grow the fuck up and let people think differently.
do you edit any of your pictures? in what ways?
yes. i tend to do general things, like color correction and basic enhancement. sometimes i do more, particularly if it's legitimate photography of mine, in which case i tend to either bump up or desaturate the colors.
who do you know personally that has a nice singing voice?
what months were you and your siblings born in?
as far as immediate siblings, april and june, and i was born in february.
do you prefer prince or michael jackson?
jackson. i was never into prince.
do you like spring rolls?
yeah. ruby tuesday's has the best.
when was the last time you painted something?
it's been about a year.
name one favorite thing to do with kids while babysitting.
if they're old enough, i love to teach them how to play games from my childhood. if not, idk. i just in general don't like watching kids.
what kind of things do you post on tumblr?
rhett&link + markiplier stuff, mostly. but i also reblog some funny stuff, plus meerkat pictures.
what band would you stand in line for 24 hours to see?
name the three biggest things that make up you.
passion, anxiety, dank memage. *finger guns*
what song is your ‘anthem’?
 the song "that's what you get" by paramore reminds me most of myself, particularly the line "i drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating."
which movie villain do you find the most terrifying?
hmmm. a number. i find christabella laroache from the "silent hill" moving frightening (no, i'm not being biased) because she's like the queen example that religion can drive people insane. the joker is also horrifying for the simple fact he's legitimately insane.
do you think frogs/toads look disgusting?
no, they're cute.
what happens when you strongly disagree with someone?
if i voice my opinion, i get very scared that they'll get angry with me. if i don't, nothing. i just accept their opinion.
have you ever been tested for drugs?
yes, while i was at the er for suicide attempts/being suicidal.
do you own any fish? if so, are the docile or aggressive?
if your lover cheated on you and profusely apologized, would you accept them back into your life?
are you allergic to any insect bites?
who is your favorite golden girl?
rose!!! (:
what is your favorite commercial of the moment?
it is legitimately always going to be the sexy mr. clean commercial lmao
do you have any famous relatives?
 not relatives, but ancestors. we're related to queen victoria and william clark.
favorite album?
"black rain" by ozzy osbourne. i literally love every song on the album and it was my first voyage into heavy metal.
if your son said he was gay, how would you react?
i would be really really proud of him for trusting me with such a thing!!
would you date someone who played video games all weekend long?
 so long he does his responsibilities, sure. let him do what he enjoys.
what are your top three video games of all time?
"silent hill 2," "amnesia: a machine for pigs," and then probably "silent hill 3."
what's your favorite care bear?
i remember i liked the one with a rainbow on its stomach.
state 8 facts about your body.
i'm 5'5''. just gonna say i'm bigger than i'm supposed to be. i have five piercings. my hair is naturally brown, but dyed red. my eyes are blue. the nail on both of my rings fingers is slightly deformed (my sisters' are, too). i have incredibly tiny toes. i wear glasses.
what was your kinkiest wet dream?
 not a kinky person over here.
what song, no matter where you are or what you are doing, immediately takes you back to high school?
 "all signs point to lauderdale" by a day to remember, DEFINITELY.
do you think you could join the army?
no way. i couldn't anyway because i'm mentally ill/have a suicidal history.
would you date someone who has cheated in their previous relationships?
do you have soft hands? do you like holding hands?
just about everyone who's ever touched my hands tells me they're soft. and yeah, so long they're not sweaty.
do you think having a sleepover with a guy is theoretically acceptable?
 to me, it really depends on where you're sleeping.
have you ever failed a class?
 only in college.
have you ever cried over a breakup?
 only for over a year.
are you planning on dying your hair any time soon?
do you feel as though you're good at understanding/communicating with animals?
people have called me dr. doolittle since i was a very young kid for a reason lol
where would you like to spend your honeymoon?  
i actually don't have big plans. i'd just love to spend a little while in the mountains of nc.
what's one thing you collected as a child:
stickers. my dresser at the time was legitimately covered.
what fictional animal do you wish was real?
oh my GOD, the fey dragons from wow. they are fucking adorable and so pure.
have you ever been told you’ve punched someone in your sleep?
lol yeah. sorry, jason.
have you ever written a song or poem for someone special?
 a few poems, yeah.
what is your favorite vampire book/movie/show?
 i remember i loved the book "bite me"
do you actually know anyone who is homophobic?
did you ever read "the giver"? see the movie?
i read the book and loved it.
what was your first impression of your best friend?
i don't have a *best* friend, but i'll answer for the two closest to me. one, i don't really remember because we were super super young. the other, oh my god it was obvious we hated each other.
what is your profile pic a picture of?
i'mma just answer for like... all of them lol. main tumblr & youtube: link neal (but i'mma change yt to mark when i'm not being lazy); facebook&this blog: me; deviantart: an oc; km rp: mark fischbach; aaand i'm sure i'm forgetting some
have you ever been dumped really harshly?
very. he dumped me over facebook messenger like a coward, considering we'd been dating for 3 1/2 years.
has a tree ever fallen down on your house?
yes, during a hurricane. i was totally knocked out asleep so i didn't even hear it land directly above my head lol. then at our second house, a tree fell on our fuel tank, literally landing directly beside the cap, sooo we're lucky as fuck it didn't blow up.
would you ever get your hips pierced?
no. dermals sound really painful.
what if someone asked you to be in a relationship with them?
 i'm in a relationship right now and am happy that way.
what will your next piercing be?
my nose.
what do you regret doing at FAR too young?
i'd rather just not talk about it.
marvel or dc?
dc, maybe.
what are you most proud of?
how far i've come
what is your favorite otp?
that actually exists, mark&amy. hypothetically, rhett&link
who is your favorite disney villain?
scar, maybe? OH. maleficent, actually.
did you ever watch "phil of the future"?
 not really. i was never a big fan.
are sex and sexual activities something you enjoy?
sexual activities, sure. sex itself, i wouldn't know.
how old were you when you first became sexually active?
 again, mind you, i'm a virgin, but if you're talking about doing anything sexual, probably 16. maaaybe 17, but i'm pretty sure 16.
would you rather have a pet crocodile or a pet octopus?
 i legitimately wanted a caiman for a while because apparently that's legal lol
where is the last place you’d want to be on halloween night?
 not sure
describe your favorite comedy movie?
my favorite's "white chicks" omg
what, in your opinion, is the most disgusting part of the human body?
i've stated before i have some asexual traits, and part of that is found in the fact i find both genitalia legitimately disgusting.
what feelings come over you when you know you’re falling in love?
i smile a lot and get very shy around the person. looots of butterflies.
do you believe in ghosts, spirits, demons?
yes to all.
would you consider yourself creative and how wide would you say your imagination can stretch?
 i honestly believe i'm creative as fuck. it goes pretty damn far.
if you could go into any video game world, what would it be and why?
"world of warcraft." because. like. just take me to azeroth, pls.  god i am such a nerd.
hamburger or hot dog?
 cheeseburgers, usually.
what's something nerdy about you?
 i am legitimately made of nerdy shit
would you cheat on your significant other if it meant sleeping with your celebrity crush?
no, actually. probably surprising considered how obsessed i am with him lol
how old do you want to live to?
maybe like 75? 80? i don't want to get to the point of being old where i'm like pissing myself and need help with literally everything. that would be legitimate torture to me.
are you comfortable with your height?
have you ever slept on a couch with someone else, with whom?
yeah, jason.
do you think the legal drinking age should be changed?
 not entirely. i do, however, believe 18-year-olds should be allowed to drink only if accompanied by an adult.
have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
i have hit rock bottom before.
have you ever been bitten by a snake?
do you like train’s music?
i was a big fan way before they become mainstream thanks to mom.
how’s your relationship between you and your grandparents?
dad's mom is dead, mom's dad is dead, i don't even remember the last time i talked to my dad's dad (but he's suuuuper nice and supportive), and i'm pretty damn sure mom's mom doesn't like me. she's bitched me out before and has said some very rude things to me. i'm not particularly fond of her either, but i try.
has the last person you had sex with ever had sex with someone besides you?
never had sex, but as for the only person i've ever been sex
with, yes.
are both of your blood parents still in your life?
my parents are divorced so i don't really see my dad, but he's still a part of my life.
do you like your best friend’s boy/girlfriend?
colleen's husband is awesome and is quite a bit like myself, but sara's not in a relationship.
have your parents met the person you’re currently interested in?
when you’re interested in someone, do you let them know?
have you ever had a kinky dream about a celebrity?
 ha ha omg yeah
what are your parents’ middle names?
 marie & john
in your opinion, which is more attractive: nice biceps or washboard abs?
biceps.  really obnoxious abs aren't that appealing to me.
have you ever been hypnotized?
 no. i don't believe in that jazz.
do you have any lockets with pictures inside?
what would you consider to be the worst television channel out there?
do you have any siblings you absolutely despise? why?
do you think age matters in friendship?
 no. i have a friend who's 30.
how old do you think you will be when you finally have kids?
i don't want kids. i'm fine with my nieces and nephews.
list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
heather (silent hill), tyler is legitimately me (markiplier crew), chase (rhett&link crew)
what’s a popular movie you’ve never seen?
the entirety of "harry potter." and "lord of the rings."
has anyone ever gotten in your face completely bitching you out?
my grandma, yes.
does it annoy you when people use too many emoticons when they’re typing?
it can.
would you ever consider yourself over dramatic?
i can be, honestly.
would you consider yourself more indie or mainstream?
 indie. essentially nothing about me is mainstream.
do you ever use cheats when you play video games?
has anyone, besides yourself, considered you as a failure?  
most likely.
did you go to pre-k?
have you ever stolen a friend's boyfriend?
not intentionally. then there's the fact we never actually dated.
do you regret it?
 i regret ever being flirty with him, yes.
are you sorry?
 it's only like my biggest regret, so.
who was your first celebrity crush?
probably jesse mccartney lol
would you smoke if it meant getting $30, or do you smoke anyways?
what school teams or clubs are/were you a part of?
 art honors society, honors society.
do you enjoy going through old pictures?
sometimes. other times, the nostalgia is too much.
is there a band you like with amazing music but a bad vocalist?
i honestly find dave mustaine of megadeth to be an awful singer, but somehow, i feel it adds to his charm??
do you tend to get clingy in relationships?
really, it depends on my mood and how comfortable i am with you. i legitimately demand space early in a relationship, and i romantically bond with people very slowly. once i actually feel attached to you, i can be sometimes. other times, i still need space.
have you ever dated outside of your race?
for less than a day, so you couldn't really call it "dating." he was hispanic.
when was the last time you received a massage?
never had one professionally, but jason and i would give each other a massage if we legitimately felt like we needed one.
would you rather have curvy legs or skinny legs?
not like really big, but curvy.
what do you usually put in your omelets?
cheese and ham. man... now i really want an omelet lol
do you like kiwis?
do you want any piercings?
my nose will be next, then more in my ears. i also would like a belly button ring one day, but i'd only get it once i'm much smaller. absolutely no offense intended, but i don't think they look good on bigger people like me.
have you ever flipped off your mother or father?
no, but i said "fuck you" to my mother only a few months ago. that went over well.
have you ever bowled a strike?
which is worse: stale chips or flat soda?
stale chips. flat soda doesn't bother me too much.
have you ever questioned your sexuality?
not seriously. when i had ocd, added onto my anxiety, i got into this totally random repetitive thought cycle that i secretly bisexual. i am in no way bisexual, but it was a random question and then my mind obsessed over the possibility i was lying to myself.
what did you usually pack for lunch at school?
favorite nonliving musician?
probably freddie mercury. wonderfully talented man.
biggest learning experience of your life?  
holly hill
what’s your opinion on religion in schools?
i believe all of the more common religions should be electives. i know that's a bit unfair, but if we're being realistic, there's too many religions to fit and get instructors for all of them.
how do you decide whether to accept or not accept a friend request?
i have to know the person and like them to accept them.
do you have an unspeakable past regret?
unspeakable, no.
do you litter?
absolutely not.
do you feed your pets gourmet pet food?
were you miserable in middle school?
 i wouldn't say "miserable," but it was definitely the worst school years. it's when my anxiety and depression started, so.
how many people do you know who identify as transgender?
one that i'm certain of. i have another friend that went through a transgender phase.
what is your preferred painkiller?
what color was your senior prom dress?
do you support transgenders being able to use the opposite restroom?
i promise, you don't want my opinion.
do you support the raising of the minimum wage?
yes. you can't live off of $7.25.
are you courageous?
not really, if i'm being honest.
could you ever forgive your best friend for sleeping with your boyfriend?
do you live with your biological parents?  
with my mom, yes.
do you have a snapchat?
who is your hero?
mark <3
are you allergic to bees?
i wouldn't know. never been stung.
have you ever had stitches?
yes, in my chin.
did you graduate high school a virgin?
would you ever date out of your own race?
can you describe your father in one word?
what’s your favorite movie trilogy?
"shiloh," maybe
do you play any games on facebook?
do you have a dog?
 we have three.
do you have a step-parent?
 yes, but i don't call her "mom" or anything.
do you like grasshoppers?
they actually kinda scare me, especially big ones lol
do you like laffy taffy?
at concerts, do you buy merch?
only been to one, but i did. i'd like to think i always would.
what color is your underwear?  
i don't wear underwear unless entirely necessary. increases your chances of a yeast infection and they're just uncomfortable.
what’s an interesting fact about the state in which you were born?
 it has an abandoned wizard of oz-themed park.
outside of school, have you ever used a thesaurus?
yes. i use it occasionally for writing.
do either of your parents have any tattoos or piercings?
my mom has her ears pierced.
would you ever stalk a celebrity?  
no. i have respect.
do your parents use social media? if so, which ones?
mom has facebook.
do you believe that there’s good in everybody?
person you used to have feelings for shows up at your house, you say:
"get the fuck away from my house" or something like that.
were your parents married when you were born?
have you ever thought about having sex?
are you available?
do you live in a big house?
have you ever flown in a plane?
twice, but the first i don't remember.
do you like mangoes?
 i've actually never had a real mango, but i think i'd like them. i love mango juice.
do you think you’re always right?
 absolutely not. it's a ridiculous thing to think.
what’s your favorite season?
best disney song?  
dude let's be real, "be prepared" from tlk was fire
what’s the worst veggie?
do you like the color yellow?
nooo. it's one of my least favorites.
do you have any old calendars in your room?
i have two meerkat calendars from years ago that are part of my collection.
is it important to you to make a good impression on a bf/gf’s parents?
of course.
are you one of the people who think obama will be assassinated?
well, he obviously wasn't. if anyone's going to get assassinated, it'll be trump.
are you more sympathetic towards animals or humans?
animals, because they have no voice and are never truly do things out of ill intent.
when did your parents stop enforcing curfew?
 i never really had a curfew.
how long does it take you in the shower?
not even 15 minutes. i've never understood how people can take such long showers. do your shit and get out.
ever kissed anyone with a nipple piercing? what about a lip piercing? nose piercing?
 lip piercings, yes.
ever made out in a pool?
maybe, but i don't think so.
are you a virgin?
depends on how you define "virgin." but by my definition, yes.
be honest. have you had any dirty thoughts today?
 well now that you mention it.
have you ever purchased a pregnancy test, for yourself or otherwise?
do you have trouble reading small fonts?
 not usually. depends on what the font is.
are there any old [as in, no longer on television, not necessarily old in terms of years] television shows that you could happily sit through and re-watch the entire series?
"that '70s show"
of all the decisions you have thus far made in your life, which was the best and which was the worst?
best: going to holly hill. worst: letting jason be my everything.
if you were presented with a bowl of fruit with apples, oranges, bananas, and grapes in it - which fruit would you pick to eat?
do you have any gay friends?
yes, and i love them.
are you gay yourself?
 no, but i don't discriminate against those who are.
how many brothers do you have?
 one half-brother.
do you like mexican food?
what’s your best friend’s pet’s name(s)?  
colleen: miracle, maxwell, maze. i couldn't even try to name all of sara's lol
do you need to shave?
do you see yourself married in the next five years?
are you responsible?
if i'm being honest, no.
ever had a pregnancy scare?
 no. well, because i have anxiety, i was once scared while i was with jason because i missed my period, despite the fact we never had actual sex. safe to say, i wasn't pregnant. it was my anxiety getting to me.
do you partake in gaming?
 if i can, i do. however, my consoles are broken and the psu or graphics card on my gaming laptop is fried, so i haven't in like... six, seven months. it's been torture lol
who has your heart?
 two internet celebrities that don't know i exist lmao
do you have an ex who still talks to you? do they want to be with you again?
 no. tyler tried to, but he finally got that i wanted nothing to do with him.
ever get mad at something that happened years ago?
don’t you hate when people assume you’re jealous of somebody just because you dislike them?
y e s
do your legs get really itchy after shaving them?
 YES. it's why i have a scar on my shin because i scratched the fuck out of it.
who was the last person you went out to eat with?
 dad, his wife, sisters, and my sister's in-laws.
honestly, if you wanted to get laid right now, could you?  
probably not. i wouldn't want to anyway, since i'm like 95% sure i want to save 'til marriage.
have you ever kissed someone with a tattoo?
ever had a guy best friend?
how is your last ex doing?
 i don't know and i don't care.
ever given your ALL to someone?
yes, and it was the wrong fucking choice.
how do you know the majority of the people you know?
 school, the internet
have you ever had pink eye?
no, but my sister has.
do you really care how many friends you or anyone else has on myspace/facebook?
how many band shirts do you own? which?
including those that don't fit anymore but i have saved, two for ozzy osbourne, two for metallica, otep, disturbed, asking alexandria, hollywood undead, iwrestledabearonce (which i no longer like), marilyn manson, two for alice cooper, and i am 100% positive i've had more. i've had a loooot.
is nutella amazing?
 yaaaas queen
have you ever had anything pierced that you don’t have now?
yes. right side of my nose, left anti-tragus, right tragus, left cartilage. they all closed while i was in the hospital.
would you consider yourself “tough”?
do you have any twins/multiples in your family? are they identical or fraternal?
 i don't think so?
who is the youngest person in your family that you know of?
my nephew, i think.
is your mom a good mom?
she tries her best and does so much for me.
who was your first friend?
brianna. we drifted apart in middle school.
would you consider yourself a shy person?
 waaaay too shy.
are you on good terms with your last ex?
would you rather be a toaster, or a calculator?
... lol wut
do you like beards, and if so, what is the ideal beard length?
no opinion.
did/do you play with barbies?
i did only when nicole wanted to.
what holidays do you decorate for?
halloween, christmas.
have you ever been high?
no. it just doesn't interest me. i don't like my mind being foggy. it's partially why i've never even been drunk.
do you believe in homosexuality?
yes?? it obviously exists, and there's nothing wrong with it??
do you believe in jesus?
yes. it's a historical fact that he existed, it's just a matter of if you believe in the stories of what he did or not.
who was the last person you kissed?
my boyfriend.
do you play minecraft?
i never have and i'm not interested in it.
do you like mozzarella sticks?
noooo. the only cheese i like is american.
do you listen to nickelback?
i have no shame in admitting that i like some of their songs.
do you watch pewdiepie?
i've been a fan since 2013, or maybe 2012. he's a funny guy. he's got a lot of drama around him, but i sincerely think he's entertaining. i've enjoyed watching him develop as a person and comedian.
do you like the water?
no. i literally never drink it unless i'm dehydrated.
do you like eating zebra cakes?
 sure. been a long, long time since i've had one, though.
are there any hobbies you have that you don’t perform in front of others?
 write, draw.
have you ever felt as though you were unrecognizable to yourself?
when was the last time you took a taxi somewhere?
what was the most embarrassing thing you’ve had to buy?
 nothing really embarrassing.
have you ever mistaken a person’s gender?
did you stay calm during the whole swine flu scare?
 yes.  i have the immune system of a god.
without the aid of mascara, do you have long eyelashes?
  yes.  my old english teacher literally stopped class once just to point out to the whole class that i had super long eyelashes lol.  i loved her.
is there a kind of music you listen to that helps you release your anger?
 yeah.  tends to be rammstein or metallica.
do any of your close friends have children?
were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room?
when was the last time you were at the hospital, and why?
 in february for a suicide attempt.
"the breakfast club," yay or nay?
 i couldn't get into it.
have you ever had a piercing get infected?
 yes.  second piercing in my right ear lobe.
do you get embarrassed easily?
 just about everything embarrasses me, so.
is anybody in your family a carpenter?
  no, but my dad was.
would you date someone 8 years older than you?
  yeah, but that's like my limit.  i'd have to
like someone who was nine years older, but i'm cool with eight.
would you rather date someone older than you or younger?  
older.  at my current age, i wouldn't date someone younger than me.
have you ever dated someone you met online?  
what’s something you have a very strong opinion about?
  abortion, more than anything.  i'm getting more heavily adamant about gay rights.
what gets you emotional?
 recalling past struggles and people, seeing others suffer, people doing good in the world, etc.
do you often try to find common ground when in a political debate?
  ugh.  i just don't like political debates.
do you come across as cold and aloof at times?
 i'm sure.
do you think the last person you kissed is a player?
if an ex said they hated you, you say?
  good for you.
could you ever be friends with the person who hurt you most in life?
are you happy with yourself?
  in certain aspects.
would you change yourself for the person you love?
  to some degree.  it depends.
has a guy ever seriously punched you more than once?
 no one's ever punched me, thankfully.
do you think you were ever in love?
 i can say without the slightest doubt in my mind that i was.
have you ever dated your friend’s ex?
have you done bad things with your parents nearby?  
define "bad things."
have you started a horrible rumor about somebody?
  no, i'm not that low.
why do you believe/not believe in god?
  because it just seems most logical to me.  it just seems... highly, highly unlikely that the fucking stars aligned so perfectly as to make this all possible.  but i perfectly respect people that think the opposite, so long they don't stomp on religion.
do you have any recurring dreams? what are they?
what is your favorite baked good?
  muffins, maybe.
do you have an addiction to anything?
  i have an addictive personality, so, a number of things.  nothing unhealthy, though.
during thunderstorms, how does your pet react?
 teddy and bentley don't care, cali gets so terrified that she quakes and hides behind the couch.
are you addicted to any energy drinks?
  no.  energy drinks taste like poison to me.
do you like croutons in your salad?  
when did you meet the last male you texted?
  when i was born.  he's my dad.
have you ever talked to a boyfriend about a previous ex-boyfriend?
 yes.  i was having a ptsd breakdown and needed to know if i could confide in him about some things.
can two living souls become one?  
has a stranger ever yelled at you for your language?
 no, but someone probably should lol.  i recently realized that i say "fuck" waaay too much.  jason's family defiled me.  they swear like sailors and like everyone i know noticed my profanity got worse after dating jason for a while because i was with his family a lot and it rubbed off.
why aren’t you in love with your ex anymore?  
because you don't love the person that almost caused you to kill yourself.
if your best friend “came out”, how would you feel?
 colleen: i would go into legitimate shock since she's for traditional marriage and whatnot.  sara: she's demisexual, so.
ever kissed someone you weren’t in a relationship with?
have you ever been given a lapdance by an actual stripper?
 ew, no.
what was the last song you listened to?
 "cake and sodomy" by marilyn manson
have you ever been on a ferris wheel that had swinging cages/gondolas? were you in the swinging cage/gondola or too chicken to go on it?
 yeah.  it was at a little festival so it was sketchy as fuck too lol.  i went with jason, who's afraid of heights, so that was interesting.
do you want a small or big wedding?
are your parents going to buy you a car?
  probably not.  i don't drive, anyway.
who’s your favorite rapper? and your favorite song by this rapper?
 the only rapper i genuinely like is eminem, and i really like "space bound"
how about your favorite band? and your favorite song by this band?
  oh brother...  ozzy osbourne: "trap door," metallica: "whiskey in the jar," otep: uhhh "special pets" or "apex predator," a day to remember: "i'm made of wax, larry, what are you made of?," marilyn manson: "heart-shaped glasses," rammstein: "nebel" or "donaukinder," cradle of filth: probably their cover of "mr. crowley," korn: "here to stay"
do you hate your last name? do you want to get married so you can change it?
 i don't like my last name, but i don't want to get married just so it'll change.
who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? why did you break up?
 if you're talking about the first guy who ever had the title of "boyfriend," aaron.  we were in the 7th grade and i just didn't like him like that.
do you drink coffee?
  no, it's bitter as fuck and just overall gross.
what outfit makes you feel the most attractive?
  you assume any outfit makes me attractive.
what do you think of people who always wear make-up?
has anyone of the same sex ever hit on you?
  i think so.
are you open to a same-sex relationship and why or why not?
  no, i'm straight.
have you ever wanted to vlog?
 no.  too awkward for that shit.
who was the last person you held hands with?
have you ever told someone to their face that they were ugly?
 what the fuck, no.
have you ever seen a live bat?
  yeah.  they're so cute.
would you ever let your child drop out of high school?
 depends on the reason.
do you pronounce “aunt” like “want” or “ant”?
would you ever let a girl/boy put you through hell and back?
  never again.
have you watched porn alone before?
 i don't watch porn to begin with.
what do you think about weed?
 i think it smells fucking awful more than anything.
recommend a book:
 i recommend "johnny got his gun" by dalton trumbo more than any book on the face of the planet.  the writing style is very unique and a bit hard to understand sometimes, but the meaning behind it.  it increased my pacifism by a mile.
do you like to cook? or do you always prefer take out?
  i can't cook.  i literally burned a hot dog to where it split in half in the microwave.
are pets allowed to be on the furniture in your house?
  yes.  they live here.
declawing cats: for or against?
what theory (serious or not) has always intrigued you?
  if the moon landing was fake or not.  i believe it was real, but there is some seriously compelling evidence that it was a studio trick.  i'd highly recommend reading about it.
do you consider yourself a perfectionist?
  about some things.
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theshatteredrose · 7 years
It Started With A Photo - EO2 Fanfiction
Summary: That photo at the bar…Lynus recognised the man in it immediately. Though, he wished his didn’t…
AN: Continuation, yay~ And I’m on a role now! Enjoy while you can as my muse can be prickly and might abandon me soon.
After his chat with Dr Stiles, the head doctor had issued Lynus with the order to take the rest of the day off. And he was grateful for that. Though Dr Stiles did not know the full extent of his past (Lynus honesty afraid to tell him at this point as he didn’t want the man he saw as his mentor to look at him differently), he knew that he was upset from the memories of a man he knew as Shiki.
As Lynus made his way out of the hospital, he glanced up to see a familiar redhead walking up the stairs toward him and he couldn’t help but smile when his gaze locked with Axel’s.
"Ah, I was wondering if I had to drag you away," Axel said with a half-smile and a slight teasing tone as he quickly made his way over to him. However, his smile abruptly disappeared and he placed his hands upon Lynus' shoulders. "Did something happen? You're pale."
"I'm always pale," Lynus returned with a half-hearted smile before he shook his head slightly and leaned forward, prompting Axel to immediately wrap his arms around him and pull him against his chest. "I just...I was going through some old files and a name popped up that was similar to someone I used to know, and it made me remember things I didn't particularly want to remember."
He felt Axel's wince and tighten his arms around him as he rested his chin atop of his head. "A hostage?" he asked quietly.
As he rested in Axel’s arms, the feel of his muscles and the inner strength he possessed, Lynus couldn’t help but let his mind wander to Simmons’ mother, Sandra. She was a landsknecht. Landsknecht’s had the greatest of physical strength than other classes. Who could have possibility have the strength to overpower a landsknecht? To not only kill them, but…slaughter them?
Lynus pressed himself closer to Axel and gripped the front of his shirt with his hands. It was a terrifying thought. And to think whoever was responsible was still out there somewhere.
“Do you want to return to the inn?” Axel asked as he kept one arm firmly around his waist as the other slid up his back to gently toy at his hair, pulling it free from its bindings.
Lynus shook his head to both answer and to loosen the strands of his hair. “No, I’m all right. Can we head to the bar? There’s something I want to see.”
“Sure,” Axel said as he kept arm around Lynus’ shoulders and led him in the direction of the bar. He kept looking at him with a concerned look from the corner of his eye, though.
As they approached the bar, Lynus felt his heart suddenly skip a beat with trepidation. What if the picture he saw of Simmons’ father was in fact the man he remembered from his past? What would he do? How would he react?
He was…actually kinda scared.
Walking in, it was unsurprising to find Jhon, Tobyn, and Hamza already there, the three talking to Cass and handing over a few requested items.
"Good day, you two," Jhon was the first to greet them, as polite as always. However, his smile faltered a little as his brow furrowed with concern when his gaze fell upon Lynus. "Are you feeling all right? You look a little pale."
Lynus gave the blond-haired protector a small smile. "I'm fine, don't worry," he reassured as Tobyn and Hamza also turned to him, their brows furrowed ever so slightly. “Honesty, just a slight headache.”
“Then you should retire back to the inn,” Hamza promptly suggested as his gaze studied him critically.
“I will, there’s just something I want to see first,” Lynus said as he glanced around the bar for a moment before he turned his attention back to Hamza. “I had to heal Simmons once again and he mentioned his parent’s guild. He also said that there’s a picture of them here at the bar. I’m a little curious, I suppose you could say.”
Hamza’s eyes widened and a slight wince appeared on his face. But it was very subtle and dissipated as quickly as it had appeared.  He opened his mouth to respond when a shout from the other side of the bar interrupted him. As he turned to idly glance in the direction there was another yell and the sound of chairs scraping quickly across the floor.
The sound was unfortunately familiar.
Lynus immediately glanced up at Axel, only to watch as his eye twitched at the loud voices and his face creased into a purely agitated look. "If they don't sort out their grief with each other in the next ten seconds, I'm going to have to throw them out of the pub."
Jhon winced while Tobyn snorted with disinterest. "If you use a window, make sure it's open first,” Jhon said. “Cass is starting to get a little fed up with always replacing them."
“Ah, well perhaps it would be best if you two defused the situation before it has the chance to escalate,” Hamza suddenly suggested with a half-smile. “I’ll show Lynus the Wall of Fame, as Cass likes to call it.”
Axel frowned a little (though, honestly, it looked like a disgruntled pout) and was very reluctant to remove his arm from around Lynus’ shoulders as he was still clearly worried about him. But at the sound of a glass shattering, he muttered something tersely under his breath and unfurled his arm from around Lynus.
“Give me five seconds,” he muttered as he spun on his heel and stalked in the direction the impending fight was occurring.
“I’ll, ah, m-make sure to open the window this time,” Jhon said as he hurried after Axel while Tobyn followed at a more leisurely pace.
Lynus couldn’t help but shake his head slightly in exasperation before he turned his attention back to Hamza.
As Hamza led him toward the wall covered in photos and plaques on the other side of the bar, Lynus glanced over at the bar to find Gerald there, face down with a cold beer in his hand as per usual. Normally, Lynus would have inwardly 'tisked', wishing that the older gunner wouldn't drink so much as too much alcohol was bad for his health. But this time he could only wince. He now knew and understood why he drank so much.
Drowning your sorrows in alcohol wasn’t the most ideal way to deal with grief. But for some people…they didn’t know what else to do.
“Here we are,” Hamza said, pulling Lynus from his musings. “Guild Nova, yes?”
As Lynus turned his attention to the war magus, he followed his arm to where he was pointing. The photo in the middle of the wall was slightly faded, but taken well cared off. The frame was sturdy and without a mark, and the glass covering it was spotless.
Lynus took a step forward to allow himself to get a better view of the photo. First, his gaze was drawn to the woman in the middle of the picture. Wild blue hair, a cheeky and confident smile. She must be Sandra. No, she had to be. She looked like Simmons in a way. All the way to the cocky stance.
His gaze was quickly drawn to the man closest to her, who had a hand on her shoulder and standing proudly behind her and…Lynus felt lightheaded as his breath hitched in his throat.
The dark red eyes. The wild grey hair. The stance of confidence and talent. The half smirk. The whip on his side…
Tears abruptly blurred Lynus’ vision once again.
It…it was him!
“Shiki…” Lynus murmured as his knees suddenly felt weak.
He would have dropped to the floor in shock if Hamza didn’t abruptly grab onto him, one arm around his shoulders as he held Lynus’ hand with the other. “I need a chair, quickly,” he said to someone, but he didn’t know who.
Shakily, Lynus sat down on a chair with help from Hamza before he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and covered his face with his hands, his fingers hastily threading through his hair. He could barely believe it. The man that had tried to shield him and Rahas, the one that instilled a sense of righteous defiance, the man that was taken away from them after a struggle was…Simmons’ father.
Did that…did that mean that Taksony’s influence stretched all the way to Lagaard? He knew that his ‘legend’ did, but could his wretched touch reach all the way here? He thought Taksony only went after those from Etria. Why Shiki? He was a father, a husband, a veteran explorer! He wasn’t…like the others.
Why? How?
“What?” The sound of Axel’s voice filled with concern caused Lynus to pull his hands from his face, only just realising that he had been crying. Again. “What happened?”
“I’m afraid I don’t know,” Hamza answered as he took a slight step back to allow for Axel to reach Lynus, to move in front of him before he dropped to a knee in front of him and place his hands upon Lynus’ arms. “He took one glance at a photo and started crying.”
“What is it?” Axel asked him gently as one of his hands shifted to gently wipe the tears from Lynus’ cheeks. “What’s wrong?”
Lynus swallowed thickly as he tried to find the words to speak. “S-Shiki…”
“Simmons’ father?” Hamza asked him as he knelt on his left. “What of him?”
Lynus drew in a shaky breath as his eyes flickered over to the photo once again. “He was…a hostage, too,” he whispered. “L-like me.”
Axel’s hand on Lynus’ arm unwittingly tightened while Hamza drew in a sharp intake of air. “What?”
“He was a dark hunter…” Lynus found himself mumbling as he turned his gaze back to Axel, to look at him with a sense of desperation and guilt. “Taksony w-wanted him to train Rahas into a mindless s-soldier, but he…”
“Shiki?” Hamza asked him with his own desperation as he pointed at the photo of Guild Nova. “This Shiki?”
“Yes,” Lynus answered, unwilling trembling as the memories returned and he lifted a shaky hand to rub the tears from his cheeks hastily. “He tried to protect us. If he…if he just did what he was told, he m-might still be alive…”
Defiance only brought pain and suffering. And eventually death. Why was he so reckless with his own life?
“Are you sure they are one in the same?” Hamza asked, seemingly not quite believing him.
Though Lynus understood his reluctance to accept what he had learnt, an unfamiliar sense of anger still appeared in Lynus’ chest and he turned his attention to Hamza.
“Yes,” he said firmly as he looked into the war magus’ eyes. “Yes. He’s name was Shiki. He was a dark hunter with dark red eyes. He had the habit of climbing things. Using his whip when it wasn’t necessary. I’ve healed him more times than I can remember. I know, Hamza.”
That anger soon dissipated and Lynus turned back to Axel and reached out to him. Axel immediately leaned forward to wrap his arms around him and ran his fingers through his hair in a comforting manner, whispering to him that he believed him, that it wasn’t his fault, and not to cry.
But he couldn’t help it. Poor Simmons didn’t have a clue what happened to his parents. He thought they were just missing. But they…to have both his parents murdered…
They couldn’t let Simmons know. They couldn’t.
“That…” Hamza was heard muttering lowly, more to himself than to anyone else. “That would actually explain so much. To think someone like Shiki could…Thank god Taksony is dead. He’s too dangerous…”
Lynus squeezed his eyes tightly shut to will away the memories of his time under that oppression.
“I…I need to talk to Rahas,” Lynus said as he nudged Axel lightly, to motion to him to help him to his feet. “He knows. He has to know. That’s why he’s been hanging around with Simmons. He blames himself for Shiki.”
But as Axel slipped an arm around his shoulders to ease him to stand, Hamza grabbed his arm and caused him to turn to him. “Don’t,” he unexpectedly said with a stern expression, one Lynus had only seen once or twice. “You’re too upset. Nothing can be done. Go home. You’re overwhelmed with memories of your own, which is understandable. I’ll talk to Rahas.”
Lynus wanted to protest, but the way Hamza was looking at him, the firm grip he had on his arm…
“Ok,” he relented. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m making a scene, aren’t I? I’m sorry.”
Hamza’s expression softened and he released his hold he had on Lynus’ arm. “Don’t apologise. Though it may be difficult, do try to get some rest. This is very upsetting for you, so take as much time as you need.”
“…Please tell him about Sandra,” Lynus requested.
Hamza hesitated for a moment. “I’ll tell him everything I know,” he thankfully promised before he turned on his heel and made for another exit of the bar, his strides full of purpose, his posture tense.
Lynus didn’t know how Rahas would take to the news, but he had to put his trust in Hamza.
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grrlwonder-archive · 7 years
RULES. repost, don’t reblog. tag ten. TAGGED. the bae @magicxecustos TAGGING. @perfectforayear, @thirdwcnder, @theredwonder, @yallneedahero, @favdream, @thegreatunxter, @notbctmcn, @twerpzilla, @illuminatedflight, @xmarksthescott, @futuresuper, @canary-noir, @cacciatriice
 FULL  NAME.   stephanie alice bellinger  NICKNAME.   steph, stephie, stephers, eggplant wonder  AGE.   22 (verse dependent)  BIRTHDAY.   august 17  ETHNIC GROUP.   caucasian  NATIONALITY.   american  LANGUAGE / S. english, swahili, basic spanish & french  SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   heterosexual, bicurious  ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.   panromantic  RELATIONSHIP STATUS. single (verse dependent)  CLASS.   lower  HOME TOWN / AREA.   gotham city, new jersey, usa  CURRENT HOME.   an apartment in the city with a rather lousy landlord  PROFESSION.   law school student
 HAIR.   honey blonde with golden reflects, about mid-back in general length  EYES.   generally described as blue, though they tend to look teal in certain lighting. too round to be almond shaped, too wide to be considered round. bright & almost child-like, but they’re often narrowed in suspicion  NOSE.    once it was cute & button-y, now it’s a little too long & wide. it has suffered too many fractures, most visible one the bridge now  FACE.   round with rather chubby cheeks, a pointy chin, wide forehead, & slight widow’s peak  LIPS.   full & a little round. if she’s not wearing only chapstick, she has on a deep, almost burgundy shade of lipstick, or a bright red lipstick. they tend to be chapped from picking & biting at them  COMPLEXION.   fair, but she tends to tan easily during the summer  BLEMISHES.    there are a few scars from missions gone wrong, one faded one from when she had chickenpox and picked at when she was five SCARS.   her entire body is littered with soft, faded scars. from knife to bullet wounds. there’s a particularly nasty knife slash that goes across her chest; it starts on the middle and ends just short of her left nipple.  TATTOOS.   when her daughter turned 1y/o she used a fake a id to get the outline of a star on purple on her right shoulder blade  HEIGHT.   5′5″  WEIGHT. 129 lbs / 58.5 kg  BUILD.   slender, small waist & wide hips, well toned  FEATURES.   tends looks fairly average from an outside perspective, especially because she tends to slouch a little as to not attract too much attention  ALLERGIES.     USUAL HAIR STYLE.   down, doing its thing, or up into ponytail or braids  USUAL FACE LOOK.    serene & approchable  USUAL CLOTHING.    she wears a lot of muted colors & denim. the occasional leather jacket is a must, along w/ her staple military-green jacket
 FEAR / S.   major abandonment issues. failure. the sound of drills. scalpels, needles, & other medical equipment  ASPIRATION / S.  to do & inspire good on others. prove to the world that your background doesn’t define you  POSITIVE TRAITS.   witty, chatty, friendly, approachable, upbeat, resilient, persistent  NEGATIVE TRAITS.   sarcastic, quick-tempered, vengeful, cynical, stubborn  MBTI.   enfp-a the campaigner  ZODIAC.   leo  TEMPEREMENT.   sanguine  SOUL TYPE / S.   hunter, caregiver, helper all at 17  ANIMALS.   eagle  VICE HABIT / S.   social drinker, former smoker  FAITH.   agnostic  GHOSTS?   was one once  AFTERLIFE?   been there, done that  REINCARNATION?   don’t wanna find out yet  ALIENS? one is her best firend  POLITICAL ALIGNMENT.   fairly liberal. anarchic, even  ECONOMIC PREFERENCE. indifferent  SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION. shrug emoji  EDUCATION LEVEL.   high school diploma, law student
 FATHER.   arthur brown  MOTHER.   crystal agnes bellinger  SIBLINGS.   none  EXTENDED  FAMILY.   not in too much contact with her aunts & uncles, grandparents are deceased. cassandra cain is considered an surrogate sister  NAME MEANING / S.   stephanie: french origin, crown. alice: english origin, of noble kin  HISTORICAL CONNECTION ?   none
 BOOK.   the adventures of alice in wonderland  MOVIE. none  5 SONGS.   one girl revolution - superchick, don’t hurt yourself - beyoncé, royal jelly - deap vally, cool girl - tove lo, uprising - muse  DEITY.   -  HOLIDAY.   new years  MONTH.   -  SEASON.   fall  PLACE.   the top of wayne tower  WEATHER. as long as it’s not too hot or cold, she’s okay with whatever  SOUND. the laughter of children by the closest playground  SCENT / S.   sweet / candy  TASTE / S.   warm mashed potatoes with gravy   FEEL / S.   silk, cotton, warmth  ANIMAL / S.   cats  NUMBER.   -  COLOUR.   eggplant
 TALENTS.   playing the piano. great marksman. quick learner  BAD  AT.   handling abandonment & rejection. thinking before talking  TURN  ONS.   suits!! confidence. intellect  TURN  OFFS.   disregards for others. cockiness.  HOBBIES.   doodling. training. reading  TROPES.   action girl. the chick. girly bruiser  AESTHETIC  TAGS.   cityscape, bruises, neon, bats, shadows, denim, leather  GPOY  QUOTES.   “believe you can and you’re already halfway there.” – theodore roosevelt
 MAIN  FC / S.   gigi hadid  ALT  FC / S.   nicola peltz  OLDER  FC / S.   margot robbie & charlize theron  YOUNGER  FC / S.   -  VOICE  CLAIM / S.   -
 Q1.   if you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?    A1.  action movie all the way. it would feature the batman: eternal story w/ some major changes regarding steph’s involvement; mainly i would mingle in some of preboot history. occasional flashbacks to stephanie’s god awful childhood to provide background on why she’s so angry at arthur. crystal wouldn’t disappear by the end of it.
 Q2.   what would their soundtrack / score sound like?  A2.   a healthy mix of soundtrack music especially composed for the movie & some post-punk, rock, hip hop to add to the atmosphere of gotham
 Q3.   why did you start writing this character?  A3.    i’ve said it many times before, i was always fascinated by the idea of there ever being a girl robin in the comics that i had never heard of. when i learnt she was batgirl, by heart-eyes levels went off the roof. the more i read about steph, further i liked & identified with her. whens entered roleplaying she seemed like a nice fit for me to grasp as i continued to get more involved in comics. i didn’t plan to fall so much in love with her character, but after writing her for 4 yrs, i’ve become practically a one woman stephanie brown defense squad
 Q4.   what first attracted you to this character?  A4.   two words: girl. wonder
 Q5.   describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.  A5.   she tends to speak & act without thinking, mostly in the heat of the moment. while sometimes it is blessing, some others she has ended up severely damaging other people & her relationships with them. this has made her be a little more guarded with her feelings, evading to even say the good things.
 Q6.   what do you have in common with your muse?  A6.   i also tend to put my foot in my mouth, though it takes me far more to realize i’ve done it. i try to keep an optimistic look at things too, but inside i’m cynical as they come. i can also be just as hardheaded tbh
 Q7.   how does your muse feel about you?  A7.  i think she likes me--most of the time. when i’m not putting her thru needless pain & suffering just cuz it’s entertaining for me.
 Q8.   what characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?  A8.   goddamn--well, there’s a lot of people i’ve interacted w/ over the years, so it’s hard to pick & choose. there’s definitely a lot of people i loved interacting w/ that now are sadly gone, & there’s nothing i can do about that. but anyways, let’s see if i can do this
there’s cass, who is as close as it gets to having a sibling for steph. they’re always Up to Something; either between them or against each other. when things get low for one, they’re always for each because they know what it’s like to be seen by others (& amongst the bats themselves) as potential trouble. they’re truly the epitome of the term hetero life partners.
then there’s tim. they have had their ups & downs, but they’re finally at a stable place where they can call each other close friends once more. joint patrols are only made awkward by the fact they are naturally awkward people. (also the earth 3 threads are 👌👌 certified gold)
on the other hand we have tim who is both a blessing & the bane of steph’s existence. everything is made 10x worse by the fact that they there’s a major lack of communication & repressed feelings between them. but hey, even if they took one step forward & two steps back, there has been some progress made.
we also have kon who is slowly but surely becoming one of steph’s favorite people. he’s alway down for some shenanigans. he’s for steph to be around, and he’s definitely made up for the time he had her flying unwillingly.
lately addison & steph have had some super interesting interactions. steph sees a lot of herself from back in her spoiler days in the young vigilante, beyond the obvious physical similarities. she wants to help her reach her potential in a more consistent manner than she had herself--now if only addy would let her know wtf is going on, that would help.
this is getting super long so i’m just gonna quickly mention sheri, tim, kuvira, kory & scott (im prolly missing a few people but this is too long already forgive me. basically, if ur tagged in this thing ilu ok 💖) 
 Q9.   what gives you inspiration to write your muse?  A9.  i guess seeing the people above & just people i want to interact w/ really brings out my muse. reading & re-reading comics definitely does help too; i constantly have this nagging feeling to fix where dc fucks steph up tbh
 Q10. how long did this take you to complete?  A10. i dunno--like 2-3 hrs?? i drafted this & came back to it a couple of times lmao
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fashiontrendin-blog · 7 years
Does Time’s Person of the Year Imply Real Progress?
Does Time’s Person of the Year Imply Real Progress?
No one could have predicted 2017’s Time Person of the Year last December. Or even a few months ago. “The year, at its outset, did not seem to be a particularly auspicious one for women,” writes Time editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal. “A man who had bragged on tape about sexual assault took the oath of the highest office in the land, having defeated the first woman of either party to be nominated for that office, as she sat beside a former President with his own troubling history of sexual misconduct.”
If 2017 began on a depressingly hopeless note, it’s ending on a depressingly hopeful note. Of course, you know all about the #MeToo movement by now. I’m willing to bet that you’re part of it, and it’s been a long time coming.
When the likes of Bill Cosby, Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly stood accused, I still don’t think anyone comprehended the scope of the issue, but the puzzle pieces of the movement were falling into place. Rose McGowan had been dropping hints about the man who assaulted her. Taylor Swift won a very public groping trial during the late summer. Ashley Judd was one of the first big names to go on record about Harvey Weinstein in the New York Times. Asia Argento also spoke out, daring to use the word “rape.” Alyssa Milano started that simple, powerful Twitter hashtag that’s spread like wildfire, based on social activist Tarana Burke’s underpublicized 2006 campaign to highlight similar issues.
#MeToo created a cataclysmic bam, bam, bam, bam, bam across industries. Those voices became a chorus, millions of women have joined in, and now everyone is listening — including Time, obviously, but also those with decision-making power within company ranks. So far, the chorus of voices both well-known and unknown have toppled Hollywood heavyweights like Weinstein, Kevin Spacey and Louis C.K., as well as other major names like Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Brett Ratner and Terry Richardson. The list of offenses and perpetrators goes on and on, now impossible to filter out of our social media and news feeds.
Before Weinstein broke, I used to do that thing too many of us do in the face of unsolicited advances: I’d let the rush of humiliation hit, and follow it up with a hearty dose of self-questioning. If someone’s touch or attention was unwanted, I’d rack my brain for things I could have done differently. It started when I was young. I remember my mom coaching me as a little girl on how to avoid situations that would make me vulnerable: avoid walking alone at night, don’t accept nebulous invitations from men at work, meet up with men in public spaces, watch your drink at parties, check in with friends to tell them your whereabouts, listen to your gut if something feels off. I know why she did it; safety has always felt like our burden to bear as women. It should have never been this way.
Before #MeToo, it never even occurred to me that it didn’t have to be.
Post-reckoning, I’ve realized my knee-jerk reactions are nonsense. What we have been conditioned to do in response to unacceptable behavior — laugh it off, let it go, get out ASAP, remember to avoid in future — suddenly feels wrong. Because of #MeToo, we can finally be empowered and emboldened to say, “Enough is enough.”
That is to say: Nothing has affected me the last 12 months quite like #MeToo. Seeing women’s all-too-common experiences come to the forefront, and watching those feelings be subsequently validated by action, has felt especially powerful in the wake of a disappointing 2016. It finally feels like the winds of change are shifting some cultural sails for all of us.
A look at Time’s 2017 shortlist paints a bizarre picture: Donald Trump, Kim Jong Un, Robert Mueller, Jeff Bezos, Colin Kaepernick, the Dreamers, Patty Jenkins. It’s an interesting, if illustrative, assortment. A cast of characters that almost resembles a good vs. evil showdown in a comic book. It’s striking to see the Time selection this year alongside last year’s title-holder Trump (this year’s runner-up). Yes, the magazine’s distinction honors influence, but in the aftermath of the election last year, that Person of the Year anointment felt a little like evil was winning. Some days, it still does. But perhaps this year the scales are shifting.
I wish I didn’t have to write about what a big deal it is that Time selected the “Silence Breakers” as Person of the Year instead of Trump. I wish misconduct had never been so normalized. I wish I couldn’t say #MeToo. But here I am, and here you are, and here we are all standing together.
In a way, this honor is for all of us. What started as a whisper, passed down through generations of women, has become a relentless scream — and the echoes are splashed all over that Time cover. For that, I am cheering. Maybe this year, “good” is nipping at the heels of evil.
Feature photo via TIME from the Person of the Year 2017 Silence Breakers, photographed by Billy & Hells for TIME. 
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alterautomata-blog · 7 years
Recovery - Chapter 1: Inverse Graves (Destiny Fanfic)
AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12621372/chapters/28756220
Trigger Warning: This fic tackles topics such as depression and suicide. If any of this offends you, please avoid it. If you are experiencing any of the above and ignore my warning, please talk to me. My DMs are always open.
“Up here,” Ashe whispered. The Awoken Hunter curled her fingers around the handle of her handcannon, finding herself in a slow stride up the hill. Pellanor-17, another Guardian of similar class followed closely behind her, hugging his cloak to keep it leveled to his person. It was fairly windy on Venus.
In the old Ketch, battered and aged by the taint of battle, they needed to keep their voices down. The possibility of scavengers was absurdly evident, especially for an untouched Fallen ship. There was bound to be something worth scooping up and bringing to Amanda Holiday.
But that wasn’t why the two were back on the Ishtar Sink after all this time.
“How much farther?” Pellanor stopped a moment to garner his breath, occasionally swinging his arm behind him to stop his cloak from flying over his face. He grunted, annoyed that he wasn’t back at the Tower relaxing.
“Oh I’m sorry—do you have plans? Didn’t mean to cut in on your date with that microwave.” She didn’t bother waiting. Ashe continued to climb the hill without him.
“Just don’t like being strung along on these long adventures is all.” Pellanor continued upward. To climb at a quicker pace to catch up with the other Hunter. He made a note to remember that microwave comment as well. “Be considerate of your favorite Exo, will you?”
Ashe scoffed. “My favorite Exo’s back at Tower, probably being yelled at by Zavala on the contrary.”
With a face of sheer disbelief and bewilderment under his helmet, Pellanor stopped in his tracks once again, having cursed himself for opening his mouth. “...Cayde?” He had never sounded so betrayed in his resurrected life. “What the hell does he have that I don’t?”
“A sense of humor.” The Awoken chuckled, having slipped up on some stray debris lying on the ground. As she hit the ground, a bag slipped from behind her cloak and made an audible tink, and began to roll down the hill of the tilted upright Ketch, before Pellanor scooped it up.
“Hey clumsy, you dropped your…” He scrutinized the shape of the bag, the long cylinder shape it made in his hand. He could also hear liquid swish around inside. “...Your bottle. Why do you have this?”
Initially, Ashe had told the other Hunter that there was something of worth in this old Ketch. She knew he’d come if she made any implication that he would be getting something out of coming with her. That’s how typical most Hunters were, especially Gunslingers. Obviously the promise of loot wasn’t true. The Exo could see, by Ashe’s hesitant movements now, that all this was one of her tricks. Did she just plan to drink herself into a stupor inside of a Fallen Ketch? That wasn’t his idea of a good time.
Ashe hadn’t turned to him, only remained still. No words. Nothing.
“Were you just playing around? What the hell was all this about?”
Wordlessly, her hands met with the hem of her cloak’s hood, slipping it off. Then, she began fiddling around with the safety latches of her helmet, undoing them, garnering a somehow satisfying hissing sound before removing it. Ashe let out an audible sigh. Probably because she was cramped in her helmet for too long, or there was relief for her now that everything was on the table. She, in the right mind, could tell Pellanor finally.
The woman of light blue, untouched skin, sleek and short dark blue hair, and piercing light blue eyes turned to her comrade. She was somewhat glad that he didn’t take off his helmet, because she didn’t necessarily look him in the eye. Rather, she was glad didn’t have to.
The Awoken woman’s lips quivered, and she sighed again before speaking. “You ever had the stupid idea to… go back to the place you died? I mean, where you first died—before you were revived as a Guardian?”
Pellanor said nothing. Instead he made a small waving gesture with his hand to keep her talking.
She fidgeted, and absently slid her hood over her head again and began fiddling with the hem.
“To be completely honest, it’s been eating me up inside,” she said. “Told myself, after the Red War... after Ghaul—if we live through it, I’ll come back to Venus and reminisce.”
“Not happily, I assume.”
“What other option do I have? This is… it's the only thing from my old life I have to remember. Everything else is either a recap in the form of a dream, or is just written on paper. And I can’t trust that. I won’t .”
An uncharacteristic silence settled upon the two. Ashe clenched onto her hood as tightly as possible as the Exo stood there patiently. She tried to distract herself with anything in the ship but Pellanor. To refrain from focusing on the visor of that helmet. Never. Never that visor.
There was a low hum from Pellanor, then a nod. “Then let’s get there already.”
Those were the words Ashe was not expecting to hear so simply.
She could feel heat rise in her chest, along with the inability to breathe in short intervals. She felt so tense, yet almost relieved. Perhaps the Exo sympathized with her in some way. He would keep the past where it belonged, usually. But if it helped his friend to gain closure; then so be it.
“Just don’t make this an annual thing, alright? You’re on your own next time,” he joked, giving Ashe a pat on the shoulder as he continued upwards.
Watching him go on ahead of her, she cracked a smile. “Thanks, Pell.”
He kept onwards, pretending he didn’t hear that. But Ashe knew he did. His hearing didn’t die out yet, she thought.
It didn’t take them long to reach the zenith of the Ketch. It was a wide open room, garnered with banners along each wall.
Blue. A white insignia that took the appearance of that a malformed tree, its crooked roots stretched outwards in each direction.
It didn’t take Pellanor long to realize, out of all the Fallen houses, who this Ketch belonged to.
The House of Winter. They were in Simiks-Fel.
Across the room rested the throne. Dressed with spears nestled behind it, along with its sheer size, dwarfing that of a typical humanoid, this was the throne of a Kell. Not just any Kell, though. The one who had mercilessly killed the Awoken in question so long ago. Enslaved her. Did unspeakable things to her.
“Here it is,” the Exo almost mumbled. He said nothing after that. Looking at Ashe, who appeared doleful and downtrodden, he knew something like this was probably hard for her.
Lazily, she slipped her hand under Pellanor’s, scooping the bottle from his grasp and trudged forward. There was a mix of unsureness and exhaustion in her pace the whole way towards the throne. After a silent climb, she plopped down onto the oversized cushions, the alcohol and her gun in hand.
“Its like looking at your own grave,” she mewled elegiacally, peering around. Her illuminated gaze stopped at Pellanor. “Wanna know how it happened?”
“You remember something like that?”
She shook her head. “Was a dream I had.”
“Right,” he said, issuing a bitter chuckle. “Well let’s hear it.”
Ashe settled into the throne and leisurely uncapped the bottle. She gestured to Pellanor, offering him a drink. He refused. It was all hers.
She began to guzzle down the bottle’s contents with a rough swig, wincing as her throat and stomach began to burn. Ashe didn’t drink that often, but for occasions like this, it was a given. When she tried to speak her speech began to slur.
“According to the records the Vestian Outpost so generously donated to me, I was one of Prince Uldren’s Crows—that dick—who happened to be captured. Instead of killing me right away, I had my legs broken so I wouldn’t run or call for help. Every other hour I’d be tortured—shot in non-vital areas, teased with a shock dagger—you name it. And in between those hours, I’d be patched up by one of our medics they also took prisoner.”
It seemed that for every second she would have to recall even a moment that led to her becoming a Guardian, she took a drink, reveling in the alcohol’s sting. Almost like she felt she deserved it. Mara Sov had a knack for casting out Awoken who had become Guardians, like they abandoned their post in death. Not that she would remember any of that to begin with.
“Draksis himself would… the bastard made it a knack to crush me beneath his heel if I showed any ounce of resisting him, breaking what bones remained in my body. I think this lasted for a month. And then, boom.”
Taking off his helmet, Pellanor found a seat somewhere along one of the platforms, watching the Awoken from afar. “ Boom ?”
Ashe took her handcannon and shoved the barrel into her mouth, then mocked the sound of gunfire. Pellanor appeared visibly concerned with that.
“Shoved a shrapnel launcher in my face,” she said. ”Was during the Reef Wars I think, so Draksis wanted to make an example out of me to Mara. Show her what would happen if she continued to defy the Fallen. I was literally seconds away from death anyway. The medics I mentioned were long dead.”
“So what happened? Where did your Ghost find you?”
“Strung up outside. He told me my body was mangled and rotten. Almost had second thoughts about picking me up.” She chuckled somberly.
The bottle of alcohol, now empty, had rolled off the throne and bounced down the stairs before it, shattering into pieces once it finally reached the ground. Ashe’s movements were loose and haphazard. It didn’t take that much for the intoxication to wash over her.
The Awoken’s eyes glimmered. She peered closely at her handcannon, scrutinizing it. “Something tells me… what if… what if it happens again?”
Pellanor raised a metallic brow. “What are you on about?”
“What if I died here again? Would everything go back to normal? Would I be at the Reef again? Would I be chatting up Mara Sov and giving Uldrin shit? Would all this be just a cruel nightmare I’ll finally wake up from?”
She hiccuped. Her gaze became more forward on the barrel. She didn’t realize it, but it was under her chin.
“No Guardians, no Traveler, no Oryx, no Taken, or SIVA, or Red War. Best of all, no me to fuck everything up…”
Her Ghost appeared before her, watching the Guardian’s quivering hands, her finger inching towards the trigger.
“Ashe?” the little bot called out. “Your heart rate is rising. Are... are you feeling okay?”
It was a moment of stillness. The Ghost was suddenly staring down the barrel now, petrified. “G-Guardian?!”
“All it takes is just two pulls… one for you… and one for me.”
The hammer knocked back and her finger was primed on the trigger. With a slow pull, the cylinder began to turn.
Gunfire echoed in the hull of the Ketch, continuing throughout the rest of the vacant ship.
To his relief, the Ghost was completely unharmed. He couldn’t say the same for his Guardian however. A rose of crimson spread under her chest and dripped carelessly onto the throne. She was aghast. Breathless. Transfixed to see her friend being the one with the smoking gun instead.
She dropped her handcannon, trembling. A look of genuine betrayal found her visage. “Pell…?”
“I’m sorry about this, Ashe. Really I am. But I’m not sorry that I had to do it,” he said grimly. “I’ll pay you back when you sober up. Promise.”
A tear trickled down Ashe’s cheek as she keeled over, staring across the room at Pellanor. She began to sob silently as her body grew cold.
That was the drawback to dying as a Guardian. You’d come back as quickly as you died, but the sheer pain within the process of death remained.
“Asshole…” she muttered before passing away, her body going completely limp.
For these long moments, Pellanor found himself trembling, even after the fact. It wasn’t the thought of him killing his friend that got him—they’ve done that several times in Crucible—it was the idea that a Guardian was suicidal at all. Sure, there were some that would jump off the side of the Tower for kicks, then return good as new. But this was different. Completely different.
“Hold off on resurrection,” he told the Ghost. He probably had never been so relieved to hear that.
Pellanor approached the corpse of his friend and sighed before hefting her over his shoulder.
“We’ll get you the help you need…”
Author’s note: Thank you for reading. As one who is in love with the lore in Destiny, I had always wondered why it doesn’t seem as outwardly grimdark in game while it does in grimoire? 
With the events of the Red War, and the horrors our Guardians have faced in the past, there should most definitely be some kind of mental detriment to all that fighting. I didn’t believe, after losing their light, their home, and many of their own to the Red Legion, that the Guardians wouldn’t feel a thing in the aftermath. Not for a second.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 7 years
7 Inspirational Quotes From Adwoa Aboah
7 Inspirational Quotes From Adwoa Aboah
Last night, Adwoah Aboah scooped the model of the year award at the British fashion awards beating off stiff competition from nominees including Kaia Gerber, Winnie Harlow and sisters Bella and Gigi Hadid. Presented with her award by American singer and activist Erykah Badu, it tops off an outstanding twelve months for the 25-year old, think countless runway shows including Chanel, Miu Miu and Erdem, a Pirelli calendar shoot, advertising  campaigns for Marc Jacobs beauty and Calvin Klein plus covering Edward Enninful’s first issue as editor-in-chief of British Vogue. Alongside this, the young Londoner also campaigns for mental health issues and the  promotion of diversity in the fashion industry. She has her own online website called Gurls Talk, a platform that aims to encourage young women to speak about about issues they face –  whether that be mental health, body image, addiction, sexuality or “just whatever we want”.
Adwoah has spoken openly about her own past personal struggles with mental health and addiction. Having a developed a ketamine addiction in her teenage years, she attempted suicide in 2015 with an overdose at a rehab centre in London. Since then, treatment for depression, bipolar disorder and addiction have helped her find equilibrium. Now she’s on a mission to help young women fulfil their potential and stop them spiralling down a similar pathway.
Here we round up Adwoah’s most inspirational quotes…
On her struggles growing up…
‘To everyone else in the outside world I was doing really well, but inside I was just slowly crumbling. I stopped hanging out with really good friends because they would be the ones to ask me how I was. I’d broken up with the boyfriend I’d had since I was 18. No one knew how bad it was. My go-to protective thing is isolation. It’s turn off the phone, don’t speak to anyone, lie in bed all day and then maybe go out at night and do the same thing over again. That’s how I got through the day, that’s how I got through the week.’
On her own mental health issues…
‘I thought I was a massive burden on everyone. I was becoming less of a person and just this walking zombie. I was losing everything and couldn’t stay awake. Mental health isn’t all of me but it’s a massive part of my journey and a massive part of my whole being. Having got through it – it’s 100 per cent my responsibility to use it for something bigger and to be one of many voices for people who might not have someone to talk to or understand what’s going on.’
On shaving her head…
‘It was a kind of a fuck-you to the industry, even if I wasn’t conscious of that at the time. I didn’t warn anyone, I just walked into my agency one day with all my hair shaved off. But they loved it. I love it, too – I’m definitely in no rush to grow it back’
On diversity in the fashion industry…
‘People can get so lazy with their casting.  Sometimes it is worse than laziness. Sometimes I think people just don’t care.’
On using her voice…
‘After interning and making cups of tea I felt like it was our turn to make a mark and break out. We know better than anyone what the young want.’
On starting her online platform Gurls Talk…
‘I didn’t have loads of followers when I started Gurls Talk. I had no idea I would ever be doing as much modelling as I am now. Would I still have been so honest if I’d known that I would be in this position? I hope so. I think that honesty is why Gurls Talk works. I see on the site how one girl being really brave and honest leads to someone else opening up. Girls need that connection and it has to be authentic.’
On the pressure social media can cause…
‘I completely understand because I was in that place of projecting this very fake image of who I was.  Sometimes I feel like I’m adding to that worm hole of imagery that’s so detrimental to how women look at themselves. The people at the top of the social media game don’t always take on that responsibility. They show a life that’s out of many people’s reach.’
On why the fashion industry still needs to change…
‘I am only one type of girl as well. It shouldn’t just be, ‘OK we put Adwoa in so we’ve hit that quota.’ It’s not good enough.’
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