#also i hope you don't if i put hyuk in there for a moment....and for putting lexine on patrick's bonds page!!
dyaz-stories · 9 months
could we also get a, b, i, m and z with both Hyunsu and his monster version?
Thank you so much for doing Eunhyuk's it was amazing!!
NSFW Headcanon game
So, as a note, I don't treat monster!Hyun-Su as being completely detached from Hyun-Su. I see him as being completely free of Hyun-Su's inhibitions, but with a lot of the same drive/desires, so I'll make the difference where I think there's one!
A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Monster!Hyun-Su doesn't stick around that long after sex. He's not the best equipped to deal with aftercare, to be honest, and he'll leave that to Hyun-Su. If you don't need anything special, though, I could see him mostly just. bragging about how good he made you feel while you're cleaning up or getting dressed.
Hyun-Su gets a boost of confidence from sex. He'll be all lovey-dovey, initiate physical touch, kisses, etc. more than usual. After an intense session, though, he'd just want to cuddle and feel you against him. If you're the one more in need of aftercare, he'd get you cleaned up, get you water, and just lay in bed with you, maybe offer you a massage. Just super sweet really.
B - Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Like with Eun Hyuk, I don't think Hyun-Su likes himself much I'm afraid, but I could see him liking his hands. They're big and strong, and he can get all sorts of reactions out of you if he puts them to good use.
Hyun-Su (and as a consequence, the monster as well), is really into legs. If you're wearing any kind of dress, skirt, or shorts, he's here for it. If you're wearing high heels and/or interesting stockings... He's a goner, basically.
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Monster!Hyun-Su means business. He's here to rock your world and basically do all the things that Hyun-Su would never dare to do. Really into dirty talk, and there's not an ounce of romance to be found here I'm afraid. I think his eyes might turn to full black like in S1 in the heat of the moment, too.
Hyun-Su, on the other hand, is a lot softer. Very vocal, gets completely lost in the moment, needs a lot of reassurance in the form of physical contact or soft praises. Def very prone to spontaneously saying 'I love you' during sex.
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
So I actually headcanon that Hyun-Su gets turned on at the drop of a hat lol. You smile at him? Horny. You say something nice to him? Horny. You tiptoe to reach something and your dress/shirt rides up? Horny. He's unlikely to act on his impulses most of the time though, but what would 100% get him riled up would be you making it clear how much you want him. Seeing you being turned on by him? That's the one thing he absolutely wouldn't be able to resist. (and if he did, the monster would come out to play)
Z - ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
I also headcanon that Hyun-Su doesn't need as much sleep as your regular human, so I think he'd stay awake. Would love watching you sleep honestly, just staring at you and marvelling at the fact that you're here with him and that you love him. Monster!Hyun-Su goes out instantly though — not out of need, but just because he acts on impulses and that would 'feel right' to him.
Hope you liked it! I have one more for Hyun-Su (I think? it wasn't specified!) and this is still open btw!
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synthetickitsune · 1 year
heyy so im the anon who requested the fluff prompt 20 and is it okay if you can write it for lee soo hyuk, i apologize for not putting the name it totally slipped my mind (i don't even know how-) thank you<3
it's alright, that happens!! i hope this is fine ♡
Lee Soohyuk | Touch starved fluff | 0.9k | gn!reader
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He passes by you as you take out the groceries. You’re used to his hands lingering on your waist for a second as he does, but not to him leaning his body over yours just to kiss your cheek. And his hands still linger for that extra second even after he pulls away.
You’re used to Soohyuk keeping you company as you prepare dinner, but not to him hugging you from behind as he tells you about his latest work trip. He stands to the side as you, in turn, tell him about how you’ve been since you last saw each other, just so he could watch you and your wild gestures as you explain a messy incident that you’ve witnessed at the shop.
And you’re also used to him helping you set the table - but not to him getting in the way. He’s reaching for the same utensils as you, he’s standing right behind you and handing you the plates although they’re easily accessible to you. His hand bumps into yours when you want to move the fruit bowl out of the way. 
Only when you glare at him, half-irritated at this point, does he move out of the way. You thought he was hungry or tired too, now you’re getting suspicious about the sudden change in his behavior. Still, you’re hungry and so you’re happy he leaves you alone to work efficiently. At least for a minute or two, until you’re getting the glasses and there he is - his body warm against yours, as his hand grabs yours and your fingers intertwine on instinct. He presses a kiss to your neck, leaning against you. You’d accuse him of being mischievous if only he wasn’t shyly hiding his face in the crook of your neck. 
“I missed you,” he breathes against your skin, his other arm now around your waist, squeezing you to him. You sigh and relax into his embrace. Now it’s all beginning to make sense. Even if you’d be more open to his affection after the dinner. But you understand the situation has to be dire if he’s clingy like this.
“I missed you too,” you smile, “It’s good to have you back.”
“I’m never leaving for so long again,” he murmurs, almost too quiet to hear. You chuckle, squeezing his hand so he knows you’re not laughing at him. It’s an impossible wish, but you won’t spoil the moment. “I missed you.”
"I'm here now" you reassure, "And you're not going anywhere any time soon." He nods behind you, his lips kissing your shoulder. Still he doesn't let go of you. “Did something happen?"
He shakes his head with a sigh. “Just missed you"
There's no reason to tell you how most of his interactions for work seemed different at best and embarrassingly fake at worst compared to your warmth. His friends and colleagues might be happy to see him, they'll exchange pleasantries and half-hearted hugs as a greeting but after a month of missing you, all he could think about were your arms around him. The comfort your hugs filled him with.
It was different - naturally. Of course it was different, you are his partner, after all. But he'd never believe just how much of a difference it would be. He missed his friends occasionally, all similarly busy as him. Yet never has it been as sharp a pain as when he's separated from you. It was a constant pressure on his chest and longing at his fingertips. No amount of calls, facetimes or photos exchanged was enough to soothe the ache.
You turn your head to kiss the side of his head. He hugs you tighter, swaying with you a little. It hits you again how nice it is to have him back, warm and solid against you. He hums when you lean closer to him and squeeze his hand. This is what love should feel like, you’re sure of it. It’s so peaceful and it makes you forget everything else.
Except for your stomach that rumbles loudly.
He chuckles, stealing a quick kiss before he steps away rather reluctantly. His smile is shy when he apologizes. 
“It’s fine,” you reassure him, quickly getting the almost-forgotten glasses and setting them on the table, “I missed you too.” 
“You’re starving because of me,” he mumbles and when you look at him, there's a small pout on his lips. You keep looking at him, watching him squirm until you give into his unspoken request and kiss him again. He pulls you close for just a second before he pulls away. “Let’s eat now, hm?”
Honestly it seems he’s more embarrassed than hungry, but you’re really looking forward to finally filling your stomach. And besides, nothing beats sleepy cuddles right after a meal. You serve dinner and finally sit down, but it only takes a minute before he’s gently pulling on your chair. He avoids your eyes, and it’s honestly touching how much he wants you close, so you move your plate and scoot your chair closer to him, bumping your knee against his.
The rest of the evening goes by in a similar way, with Soohyuk always lingering closeby, pulling you close to him any chance he gets. And after all the missing him you’ve done, you can only be grateful.
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crystalsnow95z · 6 months
Yoongi throwing up when he's working with Jimin on a song together because of a 24 hour bug, having to give him a shower because he got barf in his hair and Jimin having to put him to bed because he was too weak to walk
This is a prompt my roommate gave me when I first started writing because I lacked confidence to use Yoongi as more than a background character and her bias Jimin. I was going through old drafts and found this. I wanted a story with Yoongi for his birthday and this is the best out of my 4 options.
"We did it! We got through the new choreography without any mistakes!" Jungkook cheers, hugging onto the closest member in excitement, Yoongi pushing him away.
"Jungkook, please don't hug me.. It's too hot for that..." Yoongi complains, relaxing when Jungkook moves to hug j-hope instead.
"Let's take a five minute... break to cool off. Great work, everyone." J-hope praises his members, hugging Jungkook briefly before also sending him away, still trying to catch his own breath.
Yoongi goes to the mirror where he left his water, taking a drink before passing it to Hobi.
"Thanks hyung.." j-hope takes a drink, eyes widening when he realized he finished it. "Sorry, I didn't realize how thirsty I was."
"I'll get us some more water." Jungkook offers when he finishes his own bottle. "It looks like everyone's empty.." he notes watching Jimin share his water with Jin and Taehyung with Namjoon.
"That'd be great." Yoongi says with gratitude. This new choreography has me feeling woozy.. i didn't think I drank that much last night..my tolerance must've went down from when I wasn't drinking. .
"You okay hyung?" Jimin asks, offering Yoongi the last bit of his water,but Yoongi pushes it back towards him.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just tired..i think i drank too much with Dong-hyuk.." Yoongi didn't want to worry Jimin over a little stomach ache. I'll just take something for it if it gets worse.
"Too tired to work on music with me after practice today?" Jimin's asks, wanting to give him the option to back out. He's been working on his own music on top of the team, I shouldn't have asked him yesterday..
"I can still work on music with you Jimin-ah. If you wanted to practice the choreography with me, that's where I'd tell you no." Yoongi tells him, smiling despite the small ripples of pain that moved throughout his lower abdomen.
"Are you sure? It's okay if you're too tired, though. I could ask someone else."Jimin asks again, trying to get a good look at Yoongi, but the ballcap he was wearing cast shadows over his face, making it unreadable.
Jungkook goes over by them, giving both of them a water bottle. "Here hyung. Try to stay hydrated.. you look a little pale Jiminie hyung."
"Thanks Jaykay, I gave all my water to Namjoonie-hyung." Jimin takes a drink. "I'm fine though. I'm more worried about Yoongi hyung."
Yoongi takes small sips, not wanting to risk worsening the ache in his abdomen. "I'm fine. You guys worry too much. I should be worrying about you two with all your extra lessons."
"It's only English, singing and boxing." Jungkook says as if that wasn't a lot on top of their practices, interviews and meetings.
"Let's work on your album at your place Jimin-ah. My studio is a mess right now." Yoongi blushes lightly, recalling his moment of frustration causing a mess of papers he'll have to go through later.
"Tired of looking at your studio?" Jimin muses, smiling when he sees color returning to Yoongi's cheeks after drinking water."I'll make us dinner when we get to my place. I went shopping yesterday."
"Sounds good. It's been quite a while since I had a homemade meal." Yoongi couldn't bring himself to say he wasn't feeling all that hungry when Jimin was so excited about it.
"Alright break time is over. We have one more song I want to get all the way through then we can go home. We have an early morning tommorrow so I don't want us staying too late."
"Hyung dinner is ready. Do you want a bottle of soju with me?" Jimin asks while setting the table. "I made a little bit of everything.."
"No, I'd rather have some tea. We have to get up early and I struggled getting up this morning. You can drink if you want to though." Yoongi waves away the bottle, his medicine he took while Jimin was showering after practice only just now kicking in.
"I'll make us both tea. I didn't think ahead about getting up in the morning.. hobi-hyung will scold me for sure if I'm late a third time this week." Jimin fills a tea kettle with water then takes a seat at the table, taking a bit of rice and stir fry for himself. "Did you really like the third song? I think the lyrics need some work.."
"The lyrics aren't the problem, it's the chorus..it's too rushed.." Yoongi picks up where they left off, getting himself some rice to start with.
"The chorus did feel fast.. should I add a line or..maybe just slow down the music..?" Jimin takes a bite of steak, pulling his notebook closer.
"What if you try this.." Yoongi sings the chorus, changing the notes.
"Oh that sounds good.." Jimin mimicks Yoongi, rushing to get a keyboard.
"Jimin-ah, Jimin-ah take a break to eat.." Yoongi sighs with a smile when he realizes Jimin doesn't hear him, trying to mimic the notes on the keys."The first note is D not C."
"Aish I need to practice more.. could you play it for me?" Jimin asks, Yoongi happy to oblige. The bowl of kimchi fried rice was already sitting uncomfortably in his stomach.
Yoongi hits the notes for Jimin, writing them down."You should ask Supreme Boi to help you, this song is right up his alley."
"Do you think hyung has time to work with me?" Jimin asks. "I'm not as good at writing as you or Hobi hyung or-"
"Don't compare yourself, you're good at writing songs too, you just lack confidence. All of you kids do." Yoongi scolds Jimin, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"I'll ask him then.." jimin blushes at Yoongi's praise, jumping up when he hears the kettle screaming."Ah, the tea is ready."
"Ahhh...mm...hmm.." Jimin sings, trying to match his voice to the notes on the page. "Why can't i get this right?" Jimin asks Yoongi, biting his lip. I sounded so bad..
"You're singing two octaves too high. Are you still nervous? You don't have to be. I've heard you sing a milion times of times." Yoongi tries to calm Jimin's shaken nerves.
"Do you think we should touch up the first verse? Is it too immature? Maybe we should-" Jimin stops when he feels Yoongi's finger touch his lips.
"Jimin-ah, shh. The lyrics are fine. Stop it. Your song is good.. you're just stressing yourself out."Yoongi places his hand on Jimin's shoulder. "I know you're nervous about asking someone to do a collaboration with you, but just because they say no, it doesn't mean your song isn't good. They could just be too busy or don't...mm.." Yoongi moans softly as a ripple of pain bubbles up in his stomach, making him dizzy with nausea.
"Hyung what's wrong? Are you okay?" Jimin wraps his arm around Yoongi's shoulder to keep him from double over.
"My stomach..it..just..don't feel well all of the sudden.." Yoongi speaks softly, lying to the younger member. Why did the medicine wear off already, it's only been two hours..
"Do you feel like you're going to be sick?" Jimin asks, trying to gently lead Yoongi to his feet when he sees the color drain from his lips. "Aiigo Yoongi.."
Yoongi let out a wet burp, his body trembling with cold sweat as he tried to hold down his dinner that was quickly rising up his throat, clinging to Jimins arm for balance. "Jimin-ah.." He whines with urgency when his vision faded, another burp pushing up the meal Jimin made, the sick spraying across the floor halfway to the bathroom. "I'm..I'm sorry..I...I can't.."
"Don't be sorry.. it's okay.. I have a little bin in my room. Just wait here it's closer.." Jimin runs into his room, grabbing the small bin, eyes widening when he hears Yoongi retching again, heart tightening. I should've noticed something was wrong sooner. He's been silently suffering while I feel sorry for myself..
"Here hyung, I'm back.. just move back just a little bit okay?" Jimin pulls him back a bit to be able to place the bin without having Yoongi kneeling in his own sick.
Yoongi takes Jimin's hand, squeezing it when another waterfall of sick pushes up, hitting the plastic liner. "F*ck..." he whimpers wrapping his other hand around his cramping muscles as another mouthful comes.
"I know, I know it hurts.. but you'll feel better once you let it all out.." Jimin tries to sound reassuring, but his voice trembled. I've never seen him so sick.. I can see the sweat rolling off his chin.. is he running a fever?
Jimin reaches to touch the back of Yoongi's neck, shocked at the amount of heat coming off of it. "You're burning up.."
"Hyung..." Yoongi calls weakly before another wave of nausea hits him, thick bile rising up his throat, gagging up more sick.
"Hyung is at home, but I'm here.. it's okay.. I got you.." Jimin gently scratches Yoongi's back, giving his hand a squeeze. I need to calm him down, he's hardly getting a breath in..
Yoongi continued to heave despite having nothing left in his stomach. Make it stop..it hurts so much..I wish I never ate anything today..
"Yoongi, Yoongi-yah you have to take deep breaths..i know its not easy..but you have to try for me..please?' Jimin felt his eyes misting with tears, his heart breaking to hear Yoongi's sharp gasps of pain between the dry heaves.
Yoongi closes his eyes, trying to take deep breaths, moaning softly when a sharp pain spikes up his side, pressing his palm into it. "Aish..i..i..it hurts.. Jimin-ah.."
"You probably got a stich from your muscles overworking..are you finished now? Do you want to move to lay in bed?"
"I..I just.." Yoongi backs into Jimin, leaning against him. "I just need to..rest..i don't want to move..I'm so dizzy.."
"We can stay here as long as you need. I just want you to be comfortable.." Jimin kisses the top of Yoongi's head, gently running his hand up and down Yoongi's side. "You should've told me you weren't feeling well sooner Hyung.."
Yoongi tries to focus on slowing his breathing, wincing with every inhale. "I know..I'm stupid..but..please.." I don't need a scolding from you..I'm aware I fu*ked up..
"I'm sorry..I know.. I'm just.. I don't want you to feel like you have to be strong for us..you like to handle things on your own and you don't have to.."
Yoongi turns to his side,focusing on matching his breathing with Jimin's listening to his racing heart. I must've really scared him..
"Are you okay yoongi-yah?" Jimin asks, brushing Yoongis hair from his face.
"I..I don't know.. I don't think I have anything left..but I still feel dizzy.." Yoongi speaks in a raspy whisper.
"You should stay the night with me.. you shouldn't drive if you feel this poorly.. do you want me to carry you?"
"If you can.. I think I can stand with your help though.." Yoongi gasps in surprise when he feels Jimin start picking him up lifting him off the floor. "Jimin slow, slowly.." he wraps his arms around Jimin's neck, feeling his stomach churn. "Mm..."
"Sorry, sorry..I'll move slow. It's okay.. I got you.." Jimin moves slowly, tensing when he realized he didn't have the arm strength he thought he had, feeling Yoongi slipping. "Almost there..just..hold on tightly okay..?"
"Okay.." Yoongi's voice comes out small, tightening his grip around Jimins neck, heart skipping a beat when he feels himself dangle while Jimin adjusts him. "Jimin-ah.."
"Almost there.. we're in the room, we just need to get to the bed.. I'm sorry.. here we go.. safe on the bed..I'll get you a pair of my pajamas. You're covered in sweat." Jimin slowly places yoongi on the bed. "Do you think you can drink a bit?"
"I think I'll throw up again..i still feel bad.." Yoongi curls up, pulling his knees to his chest. "I want heat.."
"Oh right, I'm sorry hyung.." Jimin gets a heating pad, putting it aside trying to gently uncurl Yoongi. I have to cool him down, but if hes in too much pain he won't be cooperative.. "Let's get you changed first.. at least your shirt okay?"
Yoongi doesn't fight against Jimin, but he doesn't help either, not making any movement. Jimin just barely gets him to sit up long enough to get his shirt off, getting the top on him, helping him back down to button the top two before Yoongi curls up again. "Cold.."
"Alright hyung.. here you are.." jimin gently places the heating pad against Yoongis side, cuddling up to his ailing hyung. "Is that any better?"
Yoongi nods, pressing against Jimin. "You're warm.." He murmurs.
"If you say so hyungie..rest well.. I'll be right here if you need anything.." jimin gently kisses Yoongi's temple, hearing his breathing slow as he starts to fall asleep.
Jimin waits until Yoongi grows heavy against him before removing the heat from Yoongi's side. "Now to take care of your fever.." he whispers, yawning. "Then I'll sleep too.."
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imagine--if · 2 years
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♡• hi!! i'm meesha, aspiring filmmaker and novel writer... but i also love watching movies and falling in love with their characters, so here we are 😂
♡• i have a crazy imagination that i dont mind sharing with an awesome community, and so i really hope this blog can be a place you can all come to for escapism and 'imagining if' with your favourite characters
♡• this post will always be up to date so navigation's easy for you, and asks are always open, whether you just want to chat or have any questions or concerns 😊
♡• currently i don't have much of a posting schedule/routine for fanfic, but i'm going to try writing up an imagine a week for you all soon and prioritise requests in my inbox ✏️
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♡• do not repost my work!!! i’ve had a couple of cases of people doing this and thought it’d be too obvious to even state here, so in case it isn’t, do not put my fics up anywhere without messaging me and getting direct permissions to do so!
♡• my request status is always up to date on my blog description, and ill usually leave a little post to let you know when they're open and if there are any specifics
♡• at the moment, these are the fandoms and characters i'm willing to write for whenever my requests are open - unless ive said that they're open for a specific fandom or character for a time. if you want to recommend any series or movie you'd be interested in me writing for, let me know through my inbox or dms 💜
♡• please respect that im not comfortable with writing smut, or anything offensive or just wrong, yknow? im totally up for writing fluff, drabbles, blurbs, headcanons, songfics, all of that 🙃 sometimes i do matchups with characters from a specific fandom or an actor's characters too
♡• if i haven't mentioned a character below that's in the same film or fandom that you'd like to see me write for, don't be afraid to ask too! i could have just forgotten 😅
♡• i also write for basically any paul dano character... danonation knows what i mean 😏
Skyrim │pretty much any main character│
Marvel │Bucky Barnes│Steven Grant│Harry Osborn│
FNAF │Golden Freddies│Bonnies│Chicas│Foxies│Springtrap│Monty│Roxy│Vanny│Sun/Moon Drop│
Grishaverse │Kaz Brekker│Jesper Fahey│Inej Ghafa│General Kirigan│Matthias Helvar
DC │Gotham main characters│The Batman main characters│Suicide Squad main characters│Titans Series main characters│
Star Wars │2017-2019 main characters│original trilogy and prequel characters│The Mandalorian│Cassian Andor│Ahsoka
Once Upon A Time │Peter Pan│Hook│Henry Mills│Jefferson│
Strangers From Hell/Hell Is Other People │Seo Moon Jo│
Sweet Home │Cha Hyun Su│Lee Eun Hyuk│Pyeon Sang Wook│
Alice In Borderland │Chishiya Shuntaro│Suguru Niragi│Ryohei Arisu│Banda Sunato│
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The Batman Masterlist
Alice In Borderland Masterlist
Miscellaneous (coming soon)
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~ Chapter 8. 04 ~
I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes and how poorly written this fanfic is. English is not my first language and together with my dyslexia ass things can go wrong I'm sorry.
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It was weird to see myself so clean after a long time of having to run around in sweat, blood, and dirt. It felt great though.
I was happy when Hyun-su told me that Eun-hyuk said we could take a shower.
A shower was on my to-do list for a long time, but every time something happened before I could do so. I was also happy and surprised when Eun-hyuk gave me a bag with some of my clothes in it.
When I asked how he got them he explained that Hyun-su had brought it down with him in one of his runs upstairs. Eun-hyuk just said that he didn't have the time to give it to me.
Just like I said before so much had happened.
I was really thankful that Hyun-su had brought it with him. I didn't ask him for it and I'm pretty sure he had to make a detour to get them.
It was just that I didn't want to use him like the others did, so I didn't bother to even ask him for anything. I was happy that I could put on some new clothes, let alone some warm clothes.
Some black jeans, with a white long-sleeved shirt, and a flannel plaid dark brown and green shirt. While putting the other clothes back in the bag I saw Hyun-su's black sweater and stopped for a moment.
Before I went into the bathroom I wanted to give it back to him, but he said I could keep it. It had given me warmth the whole time I had worn it.
I didn't want to put it away so I just wore it. It would definitely give me extra warmth something I may need seeing how the weather is getting colder.
After I had put everything away I made my way out the bathroom. I almost bumped into someone when I closed the door behind me. It took me a second to recognize him, but I bumped into Hyun-su. 
"Hyun-su," I whisper.
For the first time in a while, he looked clean and fresh, but to my surprise, he also cut his hair. This must be the normal haircut he had before everything happened to him.
After my breakdown in the closet, Hyun-su told me what had happened to him. Every painful detail he spilled out to me.
It was hard to hear how they treated him, even his own family were awful to him. I always thought that family would be there for you, but that is not true.
"You cut your hair?" I reach up touching the ends.
His hair was always so fluffy and soft. Sometimes I wish I could play with it for hours.
"Do...do you like it?" He stammered touching it like he was insecure about what I thought of it.
"Although, I'm going to miss the messy fluff on your head. I love it. You look handsome." I laugh running a hand through his hair.
A blush appeared on his face making me laugh harder.
Our moment quickly ended when someone came rushing towards us.
When we turned around Eun-hyuk came around the corner.
"Mi-na, Hyun-su. You need to come, now!"
Both of us looked at each other before following Eun-hyuk. With rushed steps, we walked to the empty store and went straight to the backroom.
I came to a stop when I saw a person who looked like a soldier tied up with Yi-kyung and Sang-wook standing next to him.
"What is this?"
This was all so confusing to me.
Where did he even come from?
"We don't have time to explain things now. The only thing that matters now is that the sign on the building needs to come down. Now." Yi-kyung explains in a rush.
I nodded my head sensing that something bad could happen if we didn't do it.
"Sang-wook and Hyun-su go to the rooftop and cut it down. Mi-na stays here with the others. We don't know if there are more like him around the building." Eun-hyuk explained the plan before giving us our weapons.
"This needs to happen as fast as possible. After that, we can only hope that they can't locate us." I don't have a good feeling about this.
We all made our way to the main hallway. The guys were going to use the elevators to get there quicker.
I grabbed Hyun-su's wrist quickly whispering 'Be safe'.
He nodded his head before saying 'You too'.
After that, he rushed with Sang-wook into the elevator. Our eyes stayed glued together until the elevator was completely closed.
Please be safe.
"Mi-na, Ji-su had woken up. She asked for you." Eun-hyuk said from behind me after a few seconds of me just staring at the closed metal doors.
Licking my dry lips I nodded my head turning towards him.
"Is she alright?"
A small smile appeared on his face before nodding.
"She's doing better by the minute."
"That's good," I mutter before making my way towards where she is lying.
It wasn't a surprise that Jae-heon was with her when I came in.
"Is there still room for me?" I joked making them look at me.
Ji-su wanted to sit up, but Jae-heon and I quickly made her stop.
"Are you crazy stay down." I scolded her.
She let out a little laugh nodding her head.
"I'm fine."
I shook my head.
"The last time you said that your appendix almost erupted."
"I'm the older one here. You should listen to me." I laugh nodding my head.
"I will if you don't say stupid things."
I look at Jae-heon.
"Thank you for taking care of her when couldn't."
He smiled at me.
"That's okay. I had no problem in doing so."
I just know that these two like each other. Ji-su is just too stubborn to admit it. But I can't blame her after what had happened with her ex-boyfriend I would be scared too.
We all jumped when the alarm went off.
Oh no.
A monster.
I was about to run out when Jae-heon grabbed my arm.
"I need to go!" I explained.
"Mi-na I took care of Ji-su when you couldn't. Can you take care of her now? I'll deal with whatever is out there, but you need to stay here with Ji-su. If something gets in here she won't be able to run. You are strong enough to protect her."
I look from Jae-heon to the door before looking back at him.
"No, Mi-na they need you more there than I do." Ji-su protested.
I promise I will protect everyone when something happens down here, but Jae-heon is right.
If something comes in here Ji-su is dead. Jae-heon is strong enough to handle himself together with the others like Yi-kyung, Eun-hyuk, and maybe Hyun-su and Sang-wook will be back on time.
"Okay, go." I consented stepping aside.
Ji-su was about to argue before Jae-heon spoke up with his back to us.
"I'm scared and nervous." Ji-su wanted to sit up higher so I quickly helped her.
Her hand grabbed mine in a tight grip just like she did when she was operated on.
"I know it's crazy to say something like this in this situation," He turned towards us and I could feel Ji-su's hand tremble.
"But I think I should say it." For a few seconds, he just looked at her.
"I like you Ji-su."
I looked down with a small smile on my face. He finally decided to tell her that he liked her.
"Is that God's will too?"
"No. It's my will."
I look up at the two seeing how beautiful this moment was between them.
Before anyone could say anything Jae-heon ran away. For a few seconds, it was silent. I wanted to say something, but I don't know if Ji-su was alright after that.
"Mi-na?" She whispered.
She finally looked away from the door.
"I'm scared." I gave her a small smile nodding my head.
"I know, but he will be fine."
She shook her head.
"I don't think so. Everyone I love dies on me. I don't want him to die." I squeeze her hand trying to calm her down.
"We just have to trust that everything will be okay." Again she shook her head.
"Can you go?"
Now it was my turn to shake my head.
"No, I promised I would stay here to protect you. Jae-heon wanted me to stay here with you."
She let go of my hand trying to push me away.
"Please go help him! There's a little chance that something will get in here, but him dying is bigger, please go! You have to listen to me I'm older! Please listen to me and go help him!" She pleaded with tears in her eyes.
I wanted to protest, but she was pleading with me with her eyes to go.
"Okay, I'll be right back!"
Without wasting any more time I began to run towards where all the noise was coming from.
I was hoping that they could handle whatever monster was here and that nothing bad would happen, but how wrong I was.
A gruesome scene came into my view when I turned the corner. I had just seen Eun-hyuk throw the bottle and watch in horror how the fire ignited Jae-heon and the monster in the elevator.
My feet had a mind of their own. They began to run towards the fire scene, but Eun-yu had caught me.
I wanted to push her off of me, but she held onto me with a tight grip.
"Please, stop! You can't do anything!" She muttered.
A part of me knew that. I can't just run in there and pull him out. I know that he would already be dead before j could get to him. It would be a suicide mission to even try it.
All of us could only stand by and watch as the flames grow higher.
Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter
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ravenbloodshot · 2 years
Hi ravenbloodshot! Nice to meet you :) I just came across your page because I typed Lee Soo Hyuk into tumblr. I recently got into him because I've seen his drama, you can imagine I was incredibly drawn to him! It was nice coming across this reading you did: https://www.tumblr.com/ravenbloodshot/709342946115354624/lee-soo-hyuk-love-languagehow-he-acts-in-a but also pretty scary!!
I feel a bit sick to my stomach tbh 😞 I think I was attracted to him because I accidentally trauma bonded? He sounds like my ex completely. It's actually really scary 😟 My ex is a narc and this is verbatim what he's like. Lately I've been trying to work on myself and do a bunch of shadow work, so I've been seeing where I'm going wrong and all of the unhealthy patterns that I'm trying to undo but I get so upset because I tend to be drawn to similar men? My dad is also a full blown narcissist and for my own sanity and self-love, I've completely cut him off but my heart sank a little here not gonna lie, I can't believe it translated onto celebrities as well, that's how serious this shit is?
I was magnetically drawn to this guy and I didn't know why, I've also come across another reading on him where a reader says he's a cold partner and will leave you unhappy and unfulfilled. I feel as if I can't pick out anymore what men are normal and which aren't, it's almost like I lack discernment and I hate it because I never used to be like this until I met my cunt of an ex. It's completely put me off dating until I get healthy because I cannot go through what I went through and I want to learn how to un-condition myself from these types of toxic people and men and with my toxic empathy and conditioned self thinking I can change them and seeing hope in them, hell nah. I do not want to see me like this anymore.
It's so crazy because idek this actors real personality and I've been able to be so drawn to him while he was playing another character? Imagine the narcissism peeking through at moments like that too and I absolutely don't have any concept of him during his "real" interviews either, I feel cold and he confuzzles the shit outta me? INSANE! I couldn't understand why it felt so intense and thank god that I analyse everything with my Virgo ass (yes including my emotions) it didn't make sense why I felt so fucking strongly but well here I find myself trauma bonding and being drawn to yet another ass!
I'm trying my best and I know I'll get there! I'm actually afraid to look at him now and I feel repulsed because I was so infatuated with him, I wanna run and hide, he scares the shit outta me 🥺 May I ask you a question? I don't know how you feel about this but just this one? Are my gut instincts right on me feeling he's a narc? I'm trying to calculate which patterns I'm drawn to in men and pick up on and "find appealing", so I don't have to go through this all the time and stop in my tracks before it becomes too late!
It may be different than other request, I'm not sure but I was pulled to this reading for this very reason! At this point I'm just trying to brainwash myself into liking healthy "patterns" the way I do "negative" and "unavailable" ones. If you have any tough advice or life lessons to share from personal experience perhaps that would be awesome too, I'm trying to connect to see how I can overcome these things! Thanks 🙃
I'm sorry to hear about your struggle with discernment in men/ppl, I hope you can learn to see through the mask of others (it takes time and patience but it's possible).
But.....I think you are wrong about Lee soo hyuk being a narcissist (it's a personality disorder that I'm not too keen on ppl throwing around so freely), he can be cocky, materialistic and controlling but hes no narcissist. I actually sense an underlying insecurity and lack of a personality in him, surprisingly. The man is so damn mutable that if he doenst know who he is now, he will soon not know. Also, his energy is very nervous/unsure especially in relationships, hes definitely out of his element when it comes to love. And that's what creates a bad individual to date, that unsurity of his, that I dont know what the hell I'm even doing here energy, leads to all of his insecure and weirdo behaviors in a relationship. And its something he needs to work out (or he could choose to remain a bachelor forever 🤷‍♀️). And those personal issues of yours will need to be worked out as well before attempting to return to the dating scene or you may continue the cycle of bad relationships etc....
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fujunfuren · 2 years
[re: cheer up]
It was hard for me to interpret something, I was busy with stressing. I get nervous with the thought of her still being in dilemma. I'm so bored because of this dragging in romance side of this drama.
I also had a hard time figuring the meaning of her expression while Sunho was confessing his feelings in the festival. [If you want, I'd like hear your thoughts about that scene in general, too!!] I guess it pulled at her heartstrings and that's why she became unsure about whom to choose when she received one kiss and one confession in Busan.
My guess about the main reason of that sad expression while hugging was that she felt uneasy rejecting him since she listened to his past and saw him crying. HOPE THERE IS NOTHING MORE. Let's end this triangle in one way or another.
As I told you before, I was fine with no romance at all since her relationship with Jung Woo was already very interesting as it is. Then, this love triangle came and never left till ep11. Due to that, there was a significant decrease in their moments and conversations. (For a while, In Hyuk was just a cameo...)
It exhausted me. I want it to end real quick.😅😅 And I can't wait to see them talk again without being interrupted by Sunho.
frienddd, you know I feel you and I get you. Generally, I don't really lean towards love triangles, I just want to peacefully ship my otp y'know xD
That part where haeyi was torn, i just thought that she wavered because she was dejected by the rejections she keeps getting from jungwoo and she probably thought it's time for her to move on since she thought jungwoo really had no feelings for her. And at that moment, after a great performance and her adrenaline high, sunho confessed again, more seriously this time, and I guess she was contemplating if she should accept the person who is in love her and putting herself in sunho's shoes as someone with unrequited love. Tbh, i dont blame her for wavering at that point, because she's probably exhausted trying too hard with the emotional rollercoaster of liking someone.
I have to agree tho, inhyuk's part was significantly decreased, and you're wondering why we get less scenes of the main lead lol but I'm sure with ep 12 onwards we'll see it more focused. I enjoy them being cuties and chaotic, but i've been fastforwarding the past few eps to see more important plot cuts haha.
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ofgentleresolve-a · 3 years
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@theimpalpable sent in: "would you like something for the pain?" (Patrick & Lexine? 👀) || why yes he might actually ( ft. 400 random dialogue prompts meme )
He leans heavily on his cane as his side aches. He doesn't want to look there because there's a good chance blood might have seeped through his shirt- which is a shame because he really liked this shirt too. If there is one thing that no one ever mentioned about being a VIGILANTE, it's the number of shirts ( and trousers for that matter ) that get ruined. The prices start stacking up after a while.
But he gives Miss Logan a smile; well, it probably looks more like a grimace at this point, but she gets it doesn't she? It's become as Hiro has phrased it, a running joke between them: reading between the lines. Give a truth hidden behind a smile and a casual lie. Maybe she'll let him get away with this one as well? They both know at this point, he's bullshitting it, almost every single time. And yet she still trusts him. A woman who has to know by now he's definitely not making soup or even helping his son with his science project, never chiding him for such and continues to allow him to get away with such excuses.
It's admirable, really, being able to TRUST someone that openly.
"Thank you, Miss Logan, but I don't think that will be necessar-" He winces, another sharp pain coursing through. And then he glances behind him, warily. ANACHRON maybe not be outside the building, but Myungdae considers this person to be just as bad:
Not that HYUK is bad, necessarily, but that the fact he's around and there's no sign of him leaving the perimeter of the building any time soon is already a code red. And even if he threw a smoke bomb, there's no way he'll be able to disappear without a trace. Why'd ANACHRON have to run their dealings in this area of all places? Myungdae sighs.
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"...If that would not be too much a hassle, actually. Perhaps we could go somewhere more secluded?" Myungdae says finally, shoulders dropping in defeat for once. "You...you wouldn't have to give me anything either. I just need somewhere to rest." To hide.
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horanghaes-gaze · 4 years
Ranking NCT ot23 from who I would win against in a fight to who would beat me
Disclaimer: I would never ever fight any of them in real life, this is all hypothetical. I hope that none of them ever get in a serious fight like this either, I love them all very much and with all of my heart. I do not condone fighting or violence, so please don’t take this seriously. Again, this is just hypothetical and I do not wish them any harm in any way. 
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Who I would probably beat
Would beat me
Taeil: He is baby despite being the oldest and it's just, I just can't see him winning tbh. Like I love him very much, but I would win in a fight against him.
Jungwoo: Here we have baby #2 and just, yes he is tall, but I just don't feel like he can fight. He can probably slap me, but then he'd feel bad about it, so he'd just forfeit.
Shotaro: He is just so cute and cuddly, and I just can't see him being able to fight but I have seen him pre-debut so I think he's more capable to fight than Taeil and Jungwoo
Ten: The man is scared of fruit, so if I held a strawberry in front of him, I'd win. I also just think that although yes, he is very agile, he just doesn't seem like a fighting type of dude.
Jisung: I love him so much but he wouldn't win. I feel like he would probably go to the wall and shy away from me instead of wanting to fight me, but I think that he would be able to punch me once.
Taeyong: Okay, so this is where we start to get to the members that can actually fight and wouldn't loose simply because they can't fight in general. I feel like Taeyong would fight somebody and last a good while, but he'd only fight if he absolutely had to.
Xioajun: Xioajun is buff and he also has his moments where I can just tell he wants to tackle his members sometimes. So I feel like he'd be able to last a good while before we both end up in a tie or one of us gets tired and just forfeits.
Mark: Now, Mark Minhyung Lee, is my ultimate bias, my world, my everything, my chicken nugget. And I'm so sorry for this, but I do feel like I have a chance of winning if I put my love for him aside. I've also seen him punch a watermelon open so there's also that.
Hendery: Hendery is chaotic so that's gonna be one hell of a fight. Like, I can imagine him just being very chaotic which would confuse me and then I'd lose. So his chaotic-ness is his weapon in a fight.
Yangyang: I lowkey feel like a part of Yangyang is just ready. I feel like there's another side to him that is just ready to fight at any given time if he is allowed to fight.
Jaemin: One word: COFFEE. With the amount of caffeine this man consumes, it 1) concerns me 2) scares me. And also how he likes to drink his coffee is also scary. So I feel like just from those things alone, he would win.
Lucas: I saw that one Instagram story he posted of him at boxing and like, he could knock me out. I would say thank you and lose. So that's why he would beat me.
Sicheng: Although he is very soft baby, I feel like he could probably put up a really good fight tbh so yeah. I also feel like he has some pent up anger and frustrations that he needs to let out, and he would let it out in this fight.
Sungchan: First of all, the boy is tall, and I am short. So he already wins with that. And I just feel like he would be good at fighting for some reason, like, I can feel it in my gut. And the only thing I trust my life with, besides Mark Lee, is my gut.
Chenle: Okay, listen up, this is the PRESIDENT we are talking about. So in a fight, if he hasn't already beat me from actually fighting, he'd beat me by throwing money at me.
Jeno: We've all seen Jeno's arms so I know for a fact that he can put up a fight and he would. I also know for a fact that he would win in that fight against me and I'd also faint immediately because holy cow, Lee Jeno is standing in front me so sjljkdjsksjw 
Renjun: I just know he would win. I mean, he has to physically hold himself back from fighting Hyuk half of the time so I think that speaks for itself. And in this case, it is okay for him to let go, and although he is smol, he is filled with unbridled rage.
Haechan: I mean, it's Haechan. He would win just for being Haechan. But I do think that he'd tease me to my loss. And I would probably leave with a hurt pride and a bruised soul after a fight with him.
Yuta: The man is scary when he chooses to be. Like, I've seen him when he has a poker face on, and the look in his eyes is a warning in itself. So just from that, I just know that in a fight, he would absolutely beat me.
Jaehyun: The 4-5 years in America did something to him because I just know that this man can fight. Like, I just know he would win and that he would look good winning (he looks good all the time what am I talking about)
Doyoung: He is somebody that I just don't want to mess with and that is what will give him an advantage. I also just feel like he has a lot of feelings pent up from his members teasing him all the time so that would also help him a lot.
Kun: Listen, he can fly a plane, fry a perfect fried egg, tune a violin, and is the leader of WayV. That last fact already says it all tbh. Like, I applaud him for it because I know he is the only one who can handle that.
Johnny: No, just, no. I do not want to fight Johnny, if I was ever put in a position where I'd have to, I would get on my knees and beg for mercy because that man is strong. Like, he can carry 2-3 of his members at the same time and also beat everyone he went up against in arm wrestling so just no.
Notes: If you want to read the one I wrote for Seventeen, here it is:  this link. I wrote the explanations after getting requested to, so I hope you enjoy~
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artsyxloner · 4 years
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Not Just a Monster
Warning: blood, violence
10: Rescue Mission Pt2
I was quiet for a few minutes knowing this man wasn't like Suk-Hyun.  I knew he was going to shoot me If I didn't say anything.
" I got cut by a piece of glass," I said truthfully, he seemed to believe me lowering his weapon. " know you said you were going to room 1408 right" I nodded. " you know that's the fourteenth floor, I'm sure you're wanna use someone who's not afraid of death."
The man laughed, the girl that her name was Yoo-Ri was about to protest. " well you're fired, you've done well nursing this old man but it's time to come out of Retirement." He Insisted.
" I want to be a superhero before I die." He proclaimed, he did know this wasn't about playing superhero right even though he wanted to join my mission.
" let me join you?"
I didn't need anyone else they would just slow me down, the only reason why that man went was that he was doing something of his own.
" you're just acting Tough."
His smile dropped, " what?" I know I shouldn't be rude but it's the only way not to get him to come I didn't need to have someone else die on my Conscience. " you're just fooling yourself, no one wants to die."
I mentioned, the man didn't look too happy. " let me explain something to you, young lady not being afraid of death and wanting to die are two very different things. I'm planning to live longer than all the rest of you kids you'll see."
The old man smirked, knowing I wasn't going to change his mind we made our way to the fourteenth floor not knowing what type of monsters awaited there.
When we arrived in the apartment, I opened the door seeing an old man, getting a closer look I saw he was in a wheelchair, I frowned feeling bad then seeing a pair of children a boy and a girl they couldn't have been past the age of ten.
Why didn't they tell me this?
The old man closed the door with a black string that was attached to it, then he held up his Crutches that were made into a weapon. He was good at making those things.
" you know Hyun-Su right?" I asked, his eyes widened, but he gave me a firm yes. " is he alright?" the man asked with concern. I nodded, " he's alright, are leader Eun-Hyuk asked me to come and get you and know I'm guessing the kids."
The man kept quiet, " Why didn't Hyun-Su come?" I small voice asked, it was the little boy that was holding a toy Dinosaur. I smiled and got down to his level.
" he stayed behind to keep people safe from the monsters." I lied, making a funny monster sound. This seemed to make the little boy laugh.
" But you'll see him once we get down there." I patted his head. I guess I'm taking four more people with me. " alright I'll just pack wait here." The old man said going off to get his things.
Not knowing what to do one of the children grabbed my arm. " are you Hyun-Su girlfriend?" The girl asked. My eyes went wide. Girlfriend?
" oh, um on we are just—" I thought about it for a moment. What were we, friends or Acquaintances? Knowing I won't ever be his girlfriend that was impossible during the Situation we were in right now.
" We are just people that know each other," I explained we were nothing more nothing less even though my feelings for him were strong but I didn't know what they were yet?
The girl made an 'Oh' face and changed the subject. " well I'm Su-Yeong and that is my little brother Yeong-Su." They gave me their names. I like how they were the same but in a different order.
After the man returned, he had a big bag of stuff, along with his crutch-like weapon. " I'm ready to get out of here." The man told me I nodded, knowing I Accomplished my first mission hopefully we didn't have to do this anymore.
Heading down I had one of the kids on my back while the other was on Yu-Ri back. I figured that it would be faster just in case the kids didn't run fast enough.
I wonder where that one man is that came up with me? I hoped he was okay after what just happened. Going down the stairs Yeong-Su kept talking to me say how much longer.
" don't worry we are almost there," I assured him whispering, putting my finger up to my lips. I could then feel his little head lay on my shoulder.
We didn't need to be talking just in case because some monsters can hear well from what I've seen. There could be more hiding.
Once we made it down to the first floor, I was surprised at what was going on. There was blood all over the floor with two dead bodies lying there.
One was a man dressed in a Korean military suit and the other was a teenage girl that Mrs. Cha was holding that must have been her daughter. Letting the kid off my back I shield his eyes he didn't need to see this Yu-Ri did the same to Su-Yeong.
Taking both of their hands I lead them
Away. The atmosphere was tense also the rain made it worse. I then noticed the man that had gone up with me. His head was bleeding but his breathing was evident he wasn't dead.
Not knowing what was going on I continued and took the kids to the day-care-Center. Bringing them in they sat down in front of a dollhouse there faces looking glum.
" Su-Yeong why isn't dad here with us?" Yeong-su, cried, I didn't know what to do I thought that man in the wheelchair was their father or something like that?
" They can't, bring dad back. They said it would be too sad for us if they did." she Padded her brothers leg. " that doesn't make any sense though!"
I was about to say something until Mrs. Cha came through the door, " do you mind if I take them off your hands?" She spoke, sadly. I nodded knowing this may be good for her.
Turning to the kids I ruffled there hair, " you listen to her alright." I began, " I actually have to go somewhere." I needed to talk to Eun-hyuk Leaving the room I said my byes and went to find him.
I was angry to say the least, how come he didn't tell me about the children, Like was he just wanting that man?what ever it was I was going to let him have it.
I had stopped to ask a few people and they said he was in the restroom. Not caring I went in there slamming the door open. " so you didn't bother to tell me about the children?"
Eun-Hyuk was washing hands but after hearing me he stopped and looked over. " they would have been a Distraction, I just needed the man." He Plainly admitted. Like he didn't care for them at all. " so what? you just wanted me to leave them there!"
He stayed silent which confirmed it. " the man was are number one Priority." He grabbed a paper towel drying his hands. " if things went south leave them." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
" are you hearing your self? You expect me to leave two Defenseless children against blood thirst monsters." I shook my head this guy was insane.
" I hear myself completely, I would if it came down to it, risking lives wow—" I laughed "instead of making others risk there lives, how about you go and deal with the problem instead of using other people to do it."
I was pretty sure you could see steam coming out of my ears my face felt hot. " your going to have to get use to using people Soo-Nico, I have to use the people I think that are, are best weapon."
People weren't weapons, swinging up my Machete I showed him. " This! This! is a weapon, not humans." He nodded, " I agree completely, but we have to use what we have."
He was about to leave but I blocked the door. " you're twisted aren't you." I moved out of the way as those were my last words to the Psycho.
I was fuming, I couldn't Focus until I heard someone calling my name. I felt guilty for locking him up in there like everyone else but it was for his own good. I just stood there staying still, should I go talk to him and explain?
He was clearly going to ask why I did it. But I couldn't so I just left pretending like I didn't hear anything. I know I was the only one that had been nice to him and Treated him as an equal so this made me feel just as bad.
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
Hi hi,
Thank you soo much for the Gumiho!Lee Soo Hyuk fic it is really good, unique and very on theme with Halloween so it's good that it was so intense it was terrifying and sweet all at once XD I love the suspense of not knowing if he will eat oc or not but also the contrast of him being so gentle and whipped but also wanting to devour her. You captured such a unique atmosphere it's all at once exactly what I hoped for and still better and surprising that you were able to combine the sweetness and real danger without it leaning too much in either direction. I really enjoyed it. I hope you've been well. It feels like it's been so long T.T I've been so busy with uni and life that I didn't find a peaceful moment to read it so I kept reading it paragraph by paragraph. I only had free time to sleep basically. But it made me cherish and savor it so that is good. I still re-read it properly from beginning to end when I had enough down time and had some peace. It's such a treat Author-nim Thank you so much you created something really special. It was really so immersive I was shuddering and getting tingles along with the oc. You are so good at capturing the scene without it being overbearing but it adding to the emotions of the characters. It feels like this should be a movie you created such interesting characters here. 10/10 Job well done.
Niragi is truly horrifying and traumatizing in Alice in Borderland, Chishiya is so cool really and smart he really catches your attention despite being so quiet. My favorite characters are Kuina and Usagi I just think they are such cool, strong and brave people who have had to overcome a lot and deal with such pain due to family but still came out stronger. So, I really admired them and was rooting for them also Kuina is so adorable in a badass way, and I love her dynamic with Chishiya same as I love the teamwork between Usagi and Arisu. I didn't want to continue reading the manga because I want to watch the series' first.
For AHS my favorite seasons in order are Coven, Murder House and Asylum. I adored coven such much that I don't have a favorite character I love everything about it and all the characters are my favorite in one way or another really, I can't pick my most favorite one I enjoyed them all good and bad. The actresses and actors really killed it in this season. I can't stand musical episodes in series, but I loved even the Stevie Nicks episode(s) and singing. My favorite Characters are Violet and Tate (yes even though he is unstable and partially evil) I just think he is an interesting character. Lana Winters and Kit Walker and Sister Jude (even though she was horrible she was also so interesting and fascinating to watch). I think you can tell I love the obvious tragic or tortured heroes/protagonists and the insane/evil but human villain characters.
My favorite Horror is kind of hard to pick because I love horror in general, but I'd say things like Paranormal Activity (one of the first real Horror movies I watched it traumatized me and i got obsessed with it lol), Scream (#BESTFinalGirl), Cabin in the Woods, The Haunting of Bly Manor, Haunting of Hill House, Resident Evil, Escape Room, Freaky, Happy Death Day, Truth or Dare, #Alive (its korean), Train to Busan, Ready or Not, Us, Fright Night. That's a lot sorry. I basically like the final girl type of horror of fighting and outsmarting the big bad or horror troupes put on their heads or zombies and horror comedy or suspense/mystery and horror.
Please tell me when you get your extra blog up and running, I'd love to read your non-kpop/kIdol stuff too.
What's your go to kpop song(s) when you are feeling down or when you want to enjoy a chill day?
Thanks so much again <3
-LeeLee Anon
Hello!! I hope you're doing well ♡
Sorry for responding a little late but I've been visiting family so I had little time for anything else haha. But I'm really glad you enjoyed the fic! It was so much fun to write it as well, I was just worried it'd be too horror-ish so I'm glad that you find it well-balanced! Honestly I keep thinking about the fic and Gumiho!LSH so I might write some more stories about this AU in the future. I really want to explore those characters a little more, if that makes sense? Anyway, hopefully I'll have the opportunity to write some more.
And no worries! I was busy myself and uni can be hard~ I'll soon have to focus on some school work as well, and since I should be all done with uni in a few months, it's a little scary. I feel like I should've cherished it more? Maybe I'm just in a sentimental mood lol.
Yeah! Chishiya matches my type really well, I love characters who are so intelligent that they seem almost alien to humans? Something like that. Oh and Kuina was so sweet!! I loved her, she's very cute indeed! Yeah, the interactions and dynamics between the characters were so cool and fun to watch! I can't wait for the second season and what's gonna happen next!
Coven was such an interesting season! You're right, all the characters were great and I was surprised too that I didn't mind the Steve Nicks episode(s). Asylum was also really good, but I was kind of thrown off by the alien stuff, it seemed like it could've been incorporated better but it was quite exciting otherwise! Honestly, those kinds of characters you mention are one of the best ones! I love them too, even if I then keep whining about wanting a nice life for them lmao.
I was so traumatized by Paranormal Activity! Still am I guess, I'm really bad with dealing with that kind of horror even if I enjoy watching it, I don't know why. Final girls are such a concept!! There's something so satisfying about it when it's done well. And ofc, outsmarting the antagonist… my beloved ♡ Also thank you for the movie reccs! I haven't seen some of the movies so I'll check them out if I get into the spooky season mood haha.
Oh! Some of my recommendations for that kind of mood would be: Eraser by Onewe, Kidult by Seventeen, Turbulence by Ateez, One Day by Monsta X, Everything I Love Will Make Me Cry by Movning, Unthinkable by F.T. Island, Let's! by Hoppipolla, Happen by Heize, Let's Not Fall In Love by Big Bang, Lightsaber by EXO (sorry this got so long, I just kept coming up with songs I could not not mention haha)
Thank you for stopping by again! It's always nice to talk to you ♡
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 4 years
The Baby Project || M.YG || 22
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Wordcount: 1.2k
The Baby Project Masterlist | Next
Taglist :
@joyful-jimin @kisskissshutmydoor @nanie5 @jayhope88 @peachymochimochi
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"Do we have everything?" You yelled to Yoongi from across the apartment.
The school had decided that you all would get to relax a bit, and managed to get an excursion gling to the beach. To say that you were excited was understandable. Everyone was. 
" Yeah almost, we're only missing a little rascal!" Yoongi yelled back, before a wild Jaehyuk emerged from the room Yoongi was in in his underwear.
" Mummy, dadda's going to grab me!" The little underwear boy yelled, hiding behind your legs.
You hummed in response.
" C'mon buddy. All big boys wear their pants."Says Yoongi tiredly as he appeared from the bedroom with Hyuk's pants in hand.
You giggle at his face and he sighs and scrunches his nose in response.
"Mum, your child won't listen." Yoongi deadpans as he throws Hyuk's swimming trunks at you.
" Oh, so now he's my child?" You ask him amused as he plopped down on the couch in 'exhaustion.
" He got the stubbornness from you,  so yes at the moment he is." Yoongi smiled lazily.
" Hyuk, did you know that Spiderman always wears his swimming trunks whenever he goes to the beach with aunt May?" You ask Hyuk with a smile.
Yoongi watches in amusement as Hyuk's eyes widen.
" No. I didn't. I wanna be Spiderman when I become big too!" Jaehyuk exclaimed as he grabbed his swimming trunks from your hands and put them on backwards front.
Yoongi looked at you with a pout, hoping that you would manage to get Jaehyuk to wear his swimming trunks properly.
You smiled and shook your head.
" Nope. I already fixed the big problem." You mused, zipping up the beach bag in front of you.
Yoongi groaned but got up nonetheless, making sure that his son's swimming trunks were put on correctly.
" GUYSS! I'M SO EXCITED! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN." Areum greeted you, Jaehyuk and Yoongi, who were already seated in the bus.
Jaehyuk was getting comfortable in Yoongi's lap, and he was sitting beside the window. You were sitting beside him, and Taehyung, Areum and Hyeon were now seated in the seats across the path from you. Jin, Mina and Soojun also entered the bus and joined your little group.
" I know right?! I braught water balloons." You winked at Areum and Mina.
Jin gasped dramatically while Yoongi furrowed his brows.
" Hold up, you braught what now?" Yoongi asked alarmed.
You winked at him in response.
" Alright students. We're all here right? If not too bad, we're leaving anyway.-" Your teacher spoke as the engine started.
" Okay kids. I'll tell you the plan for when we arrive. It's gonna be pretty simple. Once we arrive, we all walk together to the beach, and from there you can do your thing. At six we have dinner all together by a food tent which we'll show you later, and afterwardw we will be going back to the apartments. Also, for safety, do not let the toddlers go swimming without you and not without swimming bands either. Keep a close eye on them. That's all, we'll be arriving in around twenty minutes for those who are wondering." Your teacher finished speaking and sat down with the other two teachers.
" Do you have swimming band thingies for Hyuk packed or do we have to buy them there?" Yoongi asked, making you turn to him.
" No, I went to the convenience store earlier this week to get some for him, we're good." You smiled back at him.
Jaehyuk was fast asleep on Yoongi's lap.
" Guys, we are totally staying together right?" Areum asked everyone as you all nodded with a big smile.
" No, not there. There's too sunny." Yoongi aomplained as you were all lookimg for a reasonable spot.
" Everywhere's sunny, Yoongi." Mina deadpanned.
Yoongi shrugges as response.
" Cool, let's settle down here." you smiled as you plopped your bag in the sand.
You guys had managed to find a  nice spot between the sea and the restaurant you were all meeting at later.
Yoongi looked betrayed as you unpacked.
" I can't believe it. My own girlfriend is turning against me." Yoongi said dramatically, putting a hand over his heart as if he was actually hurt.
You rolled your eyes in response.
" I want to go swimming. Soojunnie, want to come with?" Jin asked his boy, who nodded with a smile.
" Oh, me too!"
" Yes, and me!" Hyeon and Hyuk joined.
" I'm coming too." Taehyung claimed.
" I'll go too." You smiled.
" I'm staying here guys, I want to get tan." Mina smiled at you all.
" I'll come with!" Areum jumped up from her spot, taking her shirt off in process, revealing her bikini.
" I'm staying here." Yoongi muttered with his eyes closed already, ready to nap.
" Here, hold this." You rolled your eyes as you threw your shirt at him, revealing your own bikini.
He huffed as he sat up on the towel, whining before opening his eyes and running them appreciatively over your figure.
And even tough you couldn't see it, Jin did too. Yoongi didn't miss that.
You winked at your boyfriend, turning around to leave. ( Your shorts are swimming shorts)
" Yah Y/N." Yoongi caught up with you as you all walked down in the waters.
He chucked his own shirt at you, which he had discarded a moment after you, at you.
You looked ar him with a questionable expression.
" You, don't see it, but I don't like the way Jin's eyes follow your ass." Yoongi stated bluntly.
You blinked at him before smiling.
" Well, he knows he can only look at me. I'm yours after all." You told him gently.
He sighed and took his shirt from your hands softly, helping you put your head trough the collar of it.
" I know that he knows that we're dating, but that doesn't mean I like it when he stares at my woman." Yoongi wishpered in your ear as you had put the shirt on.
You blinked in suprise.
You never tough that Yoongi would feel a little possesive. And honestly, you found it a little hot.
He bit his lip as he stepped away from you with a smirk.
" Better." He muttered as he walked away.
This time, he had left you speechless.
[A/N: Yello folks. I uploaded another story 🙃. ( bad decision I know.) This one's for my Dutch readers, and it's for now only readable in Wattpad. It's called 'Wanted' and it's a Jungkook X reader. ( another shameless self promotion lmao) Anyway, hope you enjoyed the update lol. Only two more chapters folks. R u curious what'll happen with Jaehyuk? I'm curious as to what u think, do you think he'll stay or will he be braught back to the adoption centre?👀👀]
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kopikokun · 4 years
Hello bub ❤❤❤ From today you'll experience the feeling of having an older sister! I have an older brother but I've always wanted a younger sister, so I think it's perfect! you said you're the oldest, how many siblings do you have? No darling! why don't you appreciate your talent? believe me that your writing is fantastic! If not, do you think I and the other followers/anons will say you what we tell you? no, of course! ➡️
You should believe more in your qualities, of course there's always room to improve, but you're already pretty good! I  know, I hate having so many ideas but little time to realize them! Cutie, everything you write is like a soft caress for my sometimes overburdened soul, so don't worry! I write a little bit of everything??? One shot (various from fantasy to noir to comic etc) but I also enjoy FF, they're among my favorite things to write! ➡️
I was watching One spring Night, I need to admit I'm a HOPELESS ROMANTIC GIRL so these kind of dramas kill me every single time! Yeah, I saw your previous ask! Actually I watched the movie when it came out and I was "meh" but a lot of people told me the anime was TOTALLY different and I've put into my list of "stuff I ABSOLUTELY need to watch" lol but as you know it I don't have time 😣😣 I love anime and manga too! ➡️
My favourite too far are: Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Hagane no Renkinjutsushi, Cardcaptore Sakura, Devil May Cry... I'm a old school, do you have something to suggest??? 😍 How are you feeling today?? I hope dizziness is gone for real and you feel a lot better cc try not to overwork yourself, okay? Big sister's order!!!! Talking about school I got it, but I'm slightly worried about it since you said it's a small school with a lot of student. If someone plays dumb just hit him with a bat 😡😡😡 ➡️
In Italy things are going "meh", since a lot of people underestimate the problem and the other part is crazy about it. In some regions the numbers of positive is above the 2 digits so yeah, I hope people will learn something and STAY FRICKING SAFE. Your fruits' display actually did its job and here I am, again, to annoy you lol. Joking, hope you'll stay happy with my asks and if I'm being annoying just say it u.u love you, lil sister ❤❤❤❤❤
my dream is finally becoming a reality 🥺 i have two younger siblings! they’re both such a handful and are the only two people who can make me so annoyed that i see red lol
and thank you for being so incredibly sweet! i obviously do have my moments where i’m proud with my work,, but i feel like i’m bragging if i just outright say it? you gotta stay humble ykyk 😌and i feel like keeping humble, like you said, opens the gateway for improvement? regardless, your kind words are really appreciated since i don’t share my writings with any of my irls (except for one of them who follows this acc on and off) so hearing all this praise makes me really want to experiment more with my writing and get better at it too (also the compliments lowkey stroke my ego,, but we won’t talk about that)
and that’s also impressive how you write so many kinds of different stuff? i usually just stick to teen fic centred content because i’m too scared to venture into fantasy/historical/action/crime which is ironic considering my favourite book series is a fantasy one. which also reminds me, what’s your favourite genre to read and do you have a favourite book?
and i actually really debated watching one spring night because jung hae in is in it and i LOVE him but nam joo hyuk and kwak dong yeon will forever be my top favs 🤩 is it any good??? 
i’ve never seen the live action avatar but i know it’s infamous for being an absolute disgrace dhsgdhf i might watch it just to see how they butchered my babes though lol and i really recommend atla! it’s lighthearted and although it’s meant for a young audience, i still really enjoy it (or maybe i’m immature lol) i hope you get time to not just watch it, but to do whatever else you desire, sis 🥺
i’ve actually been meaning to watch full metal alchemist too, since i’ve heard a lot of good things about it. as for recs... if you like comedy or slice of life, Saiki K is really good. i cried over it even though nothing remotely sad happened. if you like action, Attack On Titan and Kimetsu No Yaiba/Demon Slayer are amazing! Boku No Hero Academia and Haikyu! are good too, even though some may say they’re overrated. Devilman Crybaby and A Silent Voice will definitely make you cry. i don’t watch much romance/shojo now? but i remember loving Nisekoi and Hyouka. i’ve watched a bit of the remastered Fruits Basket but ehh, romance isn’t really my thing right now? i've never watched the Yona Of The Dawn anime, but I’m 100 chapters into the manga and i love it so far! i haven’t watched any old school anime actually lol but i have quite a few of them i want to watch soon. sorry, i really went off huh?
i feel much better now thanks to you!! i actually went for my first day of school today after being in quarantine for so long and thankfully it went really really well! i hope things get better in italy soon. i hate it when people take stuff like this lightly like, hello? just because it hasn’t affected you or anyone around you, does not mean that you’re safe from it? people are just... :| sometimes.
and i’m glad you’re back! i’m the one who should be sorry for saying so much hdfhdgs since you ate healthily last time, here are some sweets for you: 🍧🍡🎂🍮🍨🧁
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horanghaes-gaze · 4 years
Requested by: @bluekidohoonikonsmutopera
Group/member: Vixx's Hyuk (Han Sanghyuk), Got7's Jackson
Genre: Smut; warnings: daddy kink, fingering, cheating, no condom, fingering, mentions of marking, oral
Title: Man of the Hour
Word count: 3.2 k
Notes: This was a whole mess, I typed it out and it didn't save so I had to retype it and it was all just a rollercoaster. But, I finally finished it, I hope you enjoy, and I'm sorry this took so long to write~~💕💕 Also, tell me if y'all want a part 2 because that ending got me feeling 🥵🥵
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As the chandeliers lit up the dim and warm room, you put the champagne glass to your lips, taking a sip. The announcer still calling the last few names of the guests arriving, the last guest being the most important. This gala was the biggest one held every year, topping the rest and putting them to shame. It pulled off all the stops, fancy invitations, suits and tuxedos, long dresses and ball gowns, masquerade masks, the full 100. The venue resembled that of a royal ballroom. The dining table stretching to what seems like a mile long, the large, cushioned chairs and shiny fine china plates added as a perfect touch. The whole event was stunning and looked forward to every year, each time topping the last. Everyone's attention was at the entrance, awaiting for what name the announcer would say, this name being the last.
"And the last and most coveted guest of the night this year," his voice was loud and clear.
"The man of the hour, Hyuk, Han Sanghyuk"
You placed your glass of champagne down and clapped along with the crowd. You watched as the man walked through the doors, expecting another old man to walk down the stairs with his wife, sugar baby, and/or gold digger. But the man that did walk down the stairs was quite the opposite. He was clearly well built, tall, and despite the mask, anyone could tell that he was handsome. His sleek black hair parted and swept back with a jaw that could cut diamond, the suit he wore only accentuating his broad shoulders, small waist, and long legs. You swore that God carved this man himself as his looks rivaled perfection. He smiled and waved towards the crowd, a group of women fighting over who caught his attention. You continued to watch as he walked, surprised when he waved and smiled one last time. Looking right at you. In your eyes. It didn't last long however, as your husband wrapped his arm around your waist.
The night started off with dancing, the orchestra setting the mood for every song. You and Jackson, your aforementioned husband, were dancing the second to last dance, both swaying in each other's arms. You were content in his hold, calm, until your husband suddenly stopped. You looked up to see why and saw where he was looking.
"Excuse me," the man standing in front of you spoke.
"I'm sorry" was all he said towards your husband before leaving. You looked up to face Jackson, who gave you a confused look back, he shrugged, leading you to your table as the song ended.
"Hm, wonder what that was about" you said.
"Maybe he thought I was someone else, we are wearing masks, and this is masquerade gala." Jackson replied. The last song started to play, Jackson leaving to talk to some associates and business partners. You sat there, looking around until you locked eyes with the man who interrupted your dance, the same eyes that had caught you by surprise earlier, at the staircase. You had to think for a second, Hyuk, that was his name. You got up, your legs bringing you to him before you even realized where you were heading. And right now, not knowing what you were going to say or do, you're standing right in front of him. He gave you a smile and took your hand, leading you to the dance floor. You followed him, it was like he cast a spell on you, you were completely mesmerized. He took you in his arms, leading the dance.
"Why'd you tell my husband that you were sorry?" you asked.
"Because I am sorry, for what I'm going to do to his wife tonight"
The last song ended, and he lead you back to the table. He sat himself down right next to you and Jackson. Jackson took your hand, smiling at you, looking into your eyes with nothing but love and adoration for you. Hyuk saw this and a small part of him almost felt bad... almost. The servers soon filled the room, pushing in carts with food that enveloped the air with the most delicious of aromas. Food was being served on the fine china plates and all the guests were now preoccupied, including Jackson. This gave Hyuk a chance to start his night with you. His hand slowly went towards your thigh, his thumb stroking over it back and forth. You let out a small gasp, only Hyuk noticing as he continued to tease you. Throughout dinner you were trying your best to seem as calm as possible, keeping your attention mostly on the food. And also throughout dinner, Hyuk's hand only kept going further up your thigh, towards the inner direction. Hyuk only got more cocky as this went on, even having the audacity to strike a conversation with your husband, knowing fully well what he was doing to you. Once dinner ended, guests continued to socialize and chatter about. The men talking business, and the women complaining about their husbands and eyeing the young and attractive men in the room. You were now sipping on a glass of red wine, making your way to the balcony. You leaned on the thick cement rail, setting down the wine glass. Taking a breath in, you let the cool night air fan over your skin, gazing up at the midnight sky.
"It's a beautiful night isn't it? Romantic, even." you heard from behind you. Turning around, there Hyuk was, looking at you with that smile again. He walked to stand next to you, holding a wine glass of his own.
"It really is." you answered him.
"If you don't want this, tell me now. Because if so, I'll leave you be and we never have to meet again." he said with utmost seriousness. You shook your head.
"No, I want this. And I know it'll ruin what I have with Jackson but, I want it. I want it so bad."
"Here's the key to my hotel room, my driver will take you. I'll tell your husband that you got sick and called a cab home." He handed you the room key. Room 339. You left the venue and got in the car, the smell of roses filling your senses as you stepped in. You soon arrived at the hotel, thanking the driver as you got out of the car. Making your way inside the building, you looked around, the hotel's luxurious interior making you feel out of place. You went up to the receptionist and asked which floor room 339 was on.
"Room 339, let's see... It's on the very top floor, ma'am." she replied. Nodding, you bid her thank you, walking to the elevator. Pressing the button, you waited as the elevator made its way up, dinging when it arrived on the top floor. Taking out the key, you unlock the door and enter the dark room. Walking further in, you went to stand in front of the window, looking at the midnight sky once again.
"It's a beautiful night isn't it?" you knew it was him.
"Romantic, even." you answer back.
He smirked and took your hand, leading you to what seemed like the bedroom. You both stood at the foot of the king sized bed. He took off your mask, then his. You finally got to see his full face and there was only one way to describe him: breathtaking.
"Not to be basic or anything but, like what you see?" he teased.
You look away, flustered and a little embarrassed for staring. He took your face in his hands and kissed you. Kissing him back, you couldn't resist giving into the temptation. Both of you fought for dominance, Hyuk eventually winning. Finally letting go for air, you both looked into each other's eyes. You leaned up and kissed him again, you arms wrapping behind his neck. As your lips crashed together, he laid you down on the bed. His lips left yours, moving down to your neck and collarbones, leaving a few marks. He looked up at you, sincerity filling his eyes.
"I'll ask you one last time, do you truly want this?" he asked. You nodded and kissed him again, urging him to continue. He sat up, taking off his jacket. He helped unzip your dress as your fingers worked on the buttons of his dress shirt. Once you both were discarded of all of your clothing, you couldn't help but admire him. Your hands hovered over his abdomen, not knowing if it was okay to touch or not. He noticed this and placed your hand on his body, silently telling you that he wanted you to touch him. Then, he finally took a moment to fully look at you, taking in your naked form.
"You look even more beautiful than I imagined"
"Imagined? But you don't even know my na-"
"Y/n. Your name is y/n, and mine is daddy for you tonight." he cut you off.
"Then please show me what you imagined, daddy" you said as your fingers traced his chest up to his shoulders. He kissed down your body from your chest to in between your legs. Spreading your thighs, pecking them and leaving a hickey or two, he slid two fingers between your folds. He then brought them up to you, showing how your arousal was practically dripping down his fingers.
"Suck" he commanded, placing his coated fingers on your bottom lip. You opened your mouth, letting his fingers enter and harshly sucking on them. He took them out, making a pop sound from how hard you sucked.
"Good girl" was the compliment you got before Hyuk made his way to in between your legs again. Starting with the two fingers you were previously sucking on, he started to slowly push them in.
Gasping as his fingers went deeper, your hands slowly bunch up the sheets under you in tight fists, the pleasure coursing through your body from head to toe. You then felt his lips wrap around your clit, harshly sucking, making your back arch off the bed. He added a third finger, going a little faster each time a moan left your lips. Your hands then went from gripping the sheets to lightly tugging his hair, legs keeping him in his position. Feeling the knot in your stomach tighten, your moans get louder, body getting more reckless.
"D-daddy, 'm gonna c-cum" you managed to get out between your moans. This urged him to go even harder on you, dead set on making you cum. He felt you clench tighter and tighter, adding a fourth finger, his tongue making obscene sounds against your wet core. He let out a small chuckle, sending vibrations through your pussy to the rest of you. With a few more pumps of his fingers and flicks of his tongue against your clit, you let go, your orgasm hitting so hard that your vision went blank for a few seconds. Hyuk licked up every single drop, absolutely basking in your taste and the way you clenched around his fingers even tighter than you already were when you cummed. Your chest was still heaving up and down when he took his fingers from your wet and sensitive pussy to his lips. He sucked his fingers off, lacing it with the same pop sound you had made earlier at the end.
"You taste so sweet, just like candy" he told you.
Giving him a small smile, you got up and took his hand, leading him to sit at the edge of the bed.
"I wanna taste you too. Can I daddy, please?" you asked, kneeling down between his legs. Taking a look at his length, you swore that it was the most beautiful cock you had ever seen. It was thick, long, and had just the right amount of veins. He lifted your chin to meet his eyes, nodding. Keeping eye contact, you start kitten licking his tip and watched as he let out a sigh of relief, head rocking back slightly as he bit his bottom lip. You then licked down the side, your tongue gliding over a vein, reaching the base and coming back up to the tip. Finally taking him in your mouth, he started to weave his fingers into your hair, holding your head down.
Going lower and taking him deeper, you started to lightly suck, keeping eye contact with him the whole time. You were now bobbing your head up and down on his cock, the tip hitting the back of your throat everytime you came down. His grip on your hair tightened, small grunts and moans leaving his lips as you kept going. Getting caught up in how good he felt, his hand kept your head still, hips starting to buck up and slowly thrust.
Now, his thrusts were harder, his cock hitting the back of your throat even deeper, making you gag slightly. Despite that, you let him thrust more, tears pricking at your eyes and threatening to spill, but you couldn't deny how much you enjoyed it all, enjoyed pleasing him. Feeling how his cock twitched when he thrust in, you knew he was close. He looked down at you, seeing how eager you are to make him feel good, your glossed over eyes, your lips wrapped around his length, how you were on your knees for him, hands on his thighs as your nails dug into them. Seeing you like this gave him the final push to climax, cumming with one last buck of his hips, grip on your hair tightening, and his quiet moans growing in volume, voice breaking towards the end. You got up, reaching eye level with him, letting him watch as you swallowed his cum, sticking your tongue out to prove that you consumed every last drop. He smirked and pulled your chin closer to catch your lips in a kiss, lips dancing with yours in a perfect harmony.
"Hands and knees on the bed, babygirl" he told you with a smirk.
You obeyed, scrambling as quick as you could to get on the bed in the position he had asked for. You heard shuffles as Hyuk made his way onto the bed, kneeling behind you, hands going to hold your hips. Leaning down, he spoke softly into your ear,
"Bad timing, but you're on the pill right?"
You nodded your head immediately, desperate for him to continue. He returned to his previous posture, now aligning his length to your entrance. He pushed in slowly, stopping when he bottomed out, giving you time to adjust. After giving him the okay, he started to thrust at a steady pace, rocking your hips along his cock while doing so. His movements made him hit deep and hard within you, making you feel fuller than you've ever been before.
Your body moved back and forth as he rammed into you, the sound of skin hitting skin echoing throughout the room. Moans were leaving your mouth like a mantra, sounding even louder than before. Arms giving out, you let your face meet the sheets, hands gripping at the pillows. His hips continued to harshly meet yours as he continued to push his length in and out of your now quivering pussy. Grabbing your wrists with one arm, he held them behind you as he continued to abuse your sensitive hole, going even faster and harder than before, eliciting even louder and more broken moans from you. His other arm reaching around to find your clit, rubbing it fast and harsh, making your body stutter along his thrusts.
"Tell me who's making you feel good" he grunted between thrusts.
"Y-you, mmf, you daddy, you're m-making me f-feel good"
"Yeah? How good?" he said, hand moving from your wrists to hold you hair, pulling you up so that your back met his chest.
"So, so, good-ah" you replied, moaning at how this new angle allowed his cock to hit a different part within you.
He continued to slam his hips into yours, soon switching your position so that you were now straddling him. Your arms held his shoulders, nails digging into them as he went harder with each thrust. Not long after, your nails raked down his shoulders to his back when he hit a specific spot that had you seeing stars. Incoherent curses were whispered in between your moans as he kept hitting that same spot, knowing fully well that he was ramming into your g-spot.
"R-right there, daddy, right t-there. Just l-like that please-" you were cut off by an especially hard thrust that sent you over the edge.
Your walls tightened around his length, your second orgasm hitting you even harder than the first. Your pussy was dripping, quivering, and convulsing as he kept going, riding out your climax. He loved seeing you like this, all fucked out because of him, from his cock, his doing, makeup smudged, saliva down your chin and even a few tears streaming down your cheeks. It all gave him a push to continue pushing into you, working up to his own climax. As he let his length slide in and out of your abused core, he ravished in the way you were still so tight, like velvet around his cock.
"Just a bit more babygirl, help daddy cum, can you do that?" he asked, seeing your worn out form.
Nodding your head you let out "yes, use me, use me to feel good daddy, use me to cum"
Hearing those words leave your mouth had his head become empty of all other thoughts, the only one staying being the thought of filling you up with his cum. Pushing into you even harder, and deeper if possible, he did as you had said and used you to reach his high. With a few last sloppy thrusts, he let go, cumming into you and filling you up as he intended to, staying still in you when he did. You let out an especially long moan when you felt his warm seed spill into you, happy and satisfied that you had made him feel good.
Pulling out, he watched as the thick, white liquid dripped out of you, mixing with your own arousal. Hyuk then got up, going into the connected bathroom, disappearing past the doorway. You closed your eyes, trying to calm down your breathing as you slowly came down from your high. You heard the water running from the faucet and how it splashed, then hearing a second faucet and water fill what you assumed was the tub. Then footsteps came from the bathroom, stopping near you. Feeling the bed dip, you kept your eyes closed as strong arms carried and placed you into the tub. The warm water immediately relaxing your muscles as you leaned back on the smooth surface of the tub. You were about to fall asleep, but before you did, you felt a kiss press against your temple.
"Don't worry, I'll get you cleaned up honey, just relax, you've had a long night"
Your eyes shot open as this wasn't the same voice you'd heard earlier.
It was Jackson's.
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 4 years
The Baby Project || M.YG || Bonus Chapter #1
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : This is an extra chapter for my finished series 'The Baby Project
Wordcount: 0.7k
The Baby Project Masterlist
Also, I didn't add the tag list cos I didn't know if any of y'all wanted to be tagged for a bonus chapter. Oh and I uploaded before midnight today :D.
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" Yah, Hurry up! I wanna go!~" Jaehyuk whined as you were still putting on your shoes.
Today you, Jaehyuk and Yoongi were going to a fun fair because Jaehyuk had really wanted to go there. The drive to the specific fun fair he'd seen was about an hour, but according to him, it'd be worth it.
Jaehyuk has been back in your lives for around seven months now, and to all of you it felt natural to just be together.
After a week, none of you tip toed around each other. For example, Yoongi used to always walk around in his underwear im the morning, and after a week of Jaehyuk living under your roof, he continued like he always did.
Jaehyuk had been a little wary of it first but before you knew it, he too had started walking around in his underwear.
" Yah, don't use that tone on your mother Hyuk'. It's rude." Yoongi pointed out gently.
Jaehyuk's behavior had changed over the years, and that sometimes made it difficult to correct, but Yoongi managed to put it in words after a while on how to tell him.
" But you sometimes use that tone on her too." Jaehyuk complained.
" Yes, but I am married to her. Unless you want to marry your mother, I suggest you talk to her with respect at all times." Yoongi deadpanned.
Jaehyuk made a face akeen to disgust, but changed his expression once he saw your amused face.
" No thank you. I'll find my own wife at some point of my life I'm sure." He said as you chuckled.
" Alright boys, let's go!" You cheered as you grabbed your bag.
" Yah, I'm your husband don't adress me as if I'm a boy." Your husbabd cringed.
" Oh, I'm sorry Honeyponny, is that better?" 
" Ew. Please flirt after my bedtime."
" Mum, can I talk to you?" Jaehyuk asked after spending a few hours there.
" Of course sweetie, what's wrong?" You asked him as you waved Yoongi off, who took your heed and went to get candyfloss.
" I know that I said that it'd be fun here. But it's a little too crowded. Can we go home early?" Jaehyuk asked, not meetimg your eyes as he felt a little guilty.
His friends had been ecstatic about the fun fair, and he honestly tough it would have been fun, but he didn't think it would be this crowded and that every line would be that long.
You ran your hand trough his hair with a soft smile, a habit you had with both of your boys, or well, your boy and your man.
Jaehyuk's shoulders instantly relaxed a little, his posture less tense as the familiar feeling of being safe and protected came over him.
" Sure sweetie. And it's alright, you can't know how to feel about certain things without experiencing it first." You smiled.
Jaehyuk let out a breath of relief.
Yoongi returned after a moment.
You knew for a fact that Yoongi was uncomfortable with so many people around too. Even tough he always worked backstage at busy concerts, he still felt a little misplaced when he was in fun fairs or overall just crowded places.
" Let's go home. I think we're all a little tired." You told Yoongi, who looked confused.
" I mean sure? Hyukie, are you set on leaving yet or do you want to stay a little longer?" Yoongi asked him.
Jaehyuk shook his head.
" No. I want to go home too." He said.
Yoongi shrugged but nodded.
" Thank god, some people here really smell."
[A/N: This is really just a random chapter, but y'all seemed to be sad that the story ended even tough it had like 23 or sum chapters lol. Hope you enjoyed it. Also, I'm think about writing a Q & A chapter from the characters point of biew, it'll have 4 smoll parts ( one for Y/N, one for Jaehyuk, one for Yoongi, and one for your author dipshit. So ask away your questions :D]
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