#also i think the bird and red had a weird gay thing goin on but thats just an irrelevant speculation
pcktknife · 2 years
the way I still call the clock from dhmis tony.... irreparable damage
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whatsupspaceman · 4 years
What your avatar-sona says about you!!:
The Buried
- you bought a weighted blanket out of curiosity and now you can’t sleep without it
- made potions out random shit in the backyard as a kid
- gotta wear layers!!!
- have eaten an assortment of things you found outside on dares
- as nice as chilling in a soft pile of dirt sounds you still hate elevators and being trapped
The Corruption
- don’t you just want to be fully consumed by what loves you?
- obviously gay for jane prentiss
- thank god you don’t have trypophobia amirite
- touch starved
- traps spiders under a cup and takes them outside
The Dark
- hate the summer, heat, humidity, and wearing shorts
- you’re probably trans
- “hey what if we did actually destroy the sun thou-“
- running through the dark halls after you turn off the light in the basement is kinda exhilarating tbh
- stays up to ungodly hours bc the night is just so much more peaceful
The Desolation
- you’re a lesbian
- you stuck sticks in campfires just to wave them around and see the sparks
- probably got yelled at by an authority figure for literally playing with fire
- you’ve burned yourself cooking so many times because you get cocky and for some reason never wear oven mitts?? you always use random jackets or towels to take shit out of the oven Why.
The End
- grim reaper aesthetic and/or classic goth
- just wants some peace and quiet
- halloween is your favorite holiday
- takes naps whenever anything goes remotely wrong
- introverted, quiet, want to live in a witches cabin in a nice secluded wooden
The Eye
- we get it you’re gay
- you got bullied in middle school and would escape to the library to read books at a voracious pace you haven’t been able to replicate since
- you know so many obscure facts but you have the insecurity that it’s all surface level knowledge and you don’t actually know shit
- gifted child syndrome
The Flesh
- are you ok....
- tired of having a physical form but also put so much effort into your appearance
- idk the flesh kinda grosses me out you’re on your own for this one
The Hunt
- you like archery but you’ve probably only done it like twice
- every once in a while you get the panicked urge to run away and try to make it on your own in the woods bc wouldn’t that be simpler?
- weird kid. definitely pretended you were an animal 6/7 days of the week.
- also probably growled at people you didn’t like. you Probably grew out of this
- camp counselor aesthetic
The Lonely
- :/
- you’re also gay
- please take care of yourself
- you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that you might never be loved and known truly, but you will, once you find the right people. don’t give up!
- *mitski’s nobody on repeat*
- *also write me letters by the hot freaks on repeat*
- you are a tender soul and hopeless romantic but also like. haha is love even real
- once again don’t give up!!!
The Slaughter
- you’re one of those artists that draws either really aesthetic or really cutesy type gore
- you like knives. you own and carry around a switchblade not because you think you might actually Need the protection, but because it makes you feel cooler. also it makes you feel like a threat.
- you like vampires, and fangs, and anime
The Spiral
- flamboyant and trans
- you probably have adhd
- your main motivation is: you know what what if Other people felt like they were on the verge of going crazy for once? huh??
- “i saw this shirt at a store and the colors literally gave me a headache so of course i bought it”
-another really weird kid. you definitely make art and sometimes it’s the only way you can express what’s goin on inside your head
The Stranger
- you don’t know how to describe yourself that’s why you take so many personality quizzes
- *stares in the mirror* who is that other dog. i don’t like them.
- “haha i don’t have a personality i’m just an amalgamation of everything i’ve ever liked and stolen it”
- hush you Do have a personality. clown
The Vast
- you were obsessed with space and astronauts as a kid, obviously.
- you had your first existential crisis about space and the meaning of life and how small we are at a very young age and it changed how you think about the world
- just a little tastey hint of nihilism
- skydiving!! sky!! diving!! and rollercoasters
- you get flying dreams n wish you were a bird
The Web
- pretty likely to believe in fate
- less likely to believe in free will
- every time you get into a piece of media you have a wall of red strings and theories about plot and predictions
- over analyze everything
- also you have anxiety
- you can’t write Anything until you plan out every single plot point and character arc and scene and shot. i admire your resilience and commitment.
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thelastspeecher · 5 years
6 - Birb Guck AU (or if that's too on the nose, feel free to pick a different AU I just am fond of wings)
6. Wings
Okay, so, the wings prompt ended up being more hinted at than explicitly being a major part of this ficlet.  But I mean, the birb Gucks have wings, and this is all about the Gucks being birbs, so…
(also this ended up being a lot longer than I planned, so I put half of it under a read more)
Prompt List
              Stan stomped onto the porch andshook the snow off his boots.  He dug thepostcard out of his back pocket to make sure he was at the right place.
              Yep.  Looks like.  He knocked on the front door.
              “One moment!” a voice called.  Stan looked around, taking in thesnow-covered ground, the beat-up truck in the driveway, and movement at theedge of the nearby forest.  He squinted.
              What the hell is scampering aroundover there?  Squirrels?  No, too big. Raccoons, maybe?  The dooropened.  Stan stopped trying to identifythe local wildlife.  He looked at the manwho had answered the door.
              “Hello, Stanley,” Ford saidawkwardly.  Stan stuffed the postcardback in his pocket.
              “Hello to you, too.  So, what’s going on?  You just sent me a card saying I need to come,but didn’t say why.”
              “Yes, well…”  Ford trailed off.  He swallowed. “It was something that needed an in-person explanation.”
              “All right.  Can we have this conversation indoors?  I’m freezing my balls off here, Ford.”  Ford rolled his eyes at Stan’s choice ofwords, but stepped to the side, allowing Stan to come in.  Stan walked inside.  “You really went for that whole mad scientistaesthetic, didn’t you?”
              “Not for long,” Fordmumbled.  He closed the door.  “I’ll need to start childproofing my homesoon, so much of this will go into rooms that aren’t common area.”  Stan stared at him.
              “…Childproofing?” he asked.  Ford nodded. He clasped his hands behind his back.
              “How are you at babysitting?”Ford asked.  Stan opened and closed his moutha few times.  “I recall you sneaking awaya few times during high school to visit Carla while she was babysitting.”
              “Yeah, but I wasn’t actuallybabysitting, I was just there to help,” Stan said.  He shook his head.  “Back up. You’re- you’re a dad?”  Fordturned red.  “There’s no way you got somegirl pregnant.”
              “It’s- it’s complicated.”
              “Holy Moses, I-”  Stan looked away.  “That’s why you wanted me to see you?  Just so I could babysit your rugrat?  And here I was, thinking you might wanna burythe hatchet.”
              “Y’know, you coulda just hiredsome teenage girl.  I dunno if they allhave to, but Carla said a lot of girls do special classes before they start babysitting.  I don’t really know shit about kids.  I’m just good at keeping them entertained.”
              “Fiddleford is more than willingto show you the ropes.”
              “Who the hell is-” Stan started.
              “But we need a long-term babysitter,”Ford interrupted.  “Someone we cantrust.  And…I know we’ve had ourdifferences, but you’re the only person I trust enough to watch my child,” Fordsaid quietly.  Stan rolled his eyes.
              “Bullshit.  You just want a free or cheap babysitter.”
              “Stanley, just-”  Ford ran a hand through his hair.  “Follow me, and you’ll understand what Imean.”
              “If you say so,” Stan muttered,stuffing his hands into his pockets.  Hefollowed Ford back towards the front door and then up a nearby staircase.  They arrived at an attic landing.  Stan looked around the room.  “So, what, is this the nursery or-”  He fell silent at the sight of what couldonly be described as a large nest made of pillows and blankets, tucked into acorner.  Nestled in the center of thenest, surrounded by what seemed to be a pile of brown and red feathers, was alarge egg.  Stan closed his eyes.  “Ford…”
              “I know how this looks,” Fordsaid quickly.  Stan raised an eyebrow athim.
              “Like you’ve lost yourmarbles?  Yeah.  That’s an egg.  Not a baby.”
              “When it hatches-”
              “I’m not a zookeeper, Ford!” Stansnapped.  Ford scowled.
              “Let me explain.”
              “I don’t know what bullshit weirdscience stuff you get up to here, but I’m not gonna watch whatever hatchesoutta that egg, okay?  Knowing you, youfound a way to bring dinosaurs back and that’s a fucking T. rex.”
              “I can’t believe you had me comeall the way here for this!  I was inArizona!  I came from T-shirt and shortskinda weather to a goddamn blizzard.  Fora fucking egg?” Stan demanded.  Fordrubbed his face.  Out of the corner ofhis eye, Stan saw movement.  He lookedback at the nest.  The pile of feathers nextto the nest was moving.  Stan steppedback, nearly treading on Ford’s toes.  “Whatthe hell is that?  Is that whatever laidthe egg?”  The feather-covered thing stoodup, revealing itself to be not the vicious dinosaur-like monster Stan had beenimagining.  Rather, it looked human.  If humans were covered in feathers, hadtalons for nails, and had eyes that were completely black.
              “Please do not refer to my partnerin that manner,” Ford said.  Stan stared athim.  “Stanley, this is Fiddleford.  He’s my…” Ford swallowed nervously.  “Myboyfriend.”
              “You-”  Stan looked back and forth between Ford andthe bird-person Ford had said was named Fiddleford.  “What the fuck is happening?!”
              “Fiddleford belongs to a speciesnot native to this planet.  A fact I wasunaware of until he laid the egg you see in the nest,” Ford said in amaddeningly calm voice.  Stan kneaded hisforehead.  “He can adopt a form that ishuman in appearance, though has preferred his natural form while spending timein the nest.”
              “I…”  Stan squeezed his eyes shut.  “There’s too much going on here.”
              “I suppose it would be overwhelming.”  Ford put a hand on Stan’s shoulder.  “Let’s go talk in the kitchen.  This might go down better with a beer or two.”
              “Fuck beers, I need some hardliquor to deal with this,” Stan croaked.
              “I have some of that as well.  Come along.”
              Stan stared at Ford, sittingacross from him at the kitchen table.
              “You came here to studysupernatural weird shit?” he asked. After ushering Stan back downstairs and giving him a glass of whiskey,Ford had launched into an explanation of why he was in Gravity Falls.  Ford nodded. “And you came here because it’s got the most supernatural weird shit?”
              “The most anomalies, yes,” Fordsaid, clasping his hands in front of him. “Should you agree to stay here, you will come across many of theseanomalies yourself.”  Stan rubbed hisforehead.
              “And the bird guy upstairs, Fiddlesticks-”
              “Whatever.  You met him here?”
              “No.  We were college roommates.”
              “How the fuck would a college letsomeone covered in feathers go there?”
              “I told you, he has a secondaryform that resembles a human.  He utilizesthat form when going out in public. Until recently, I didn’t even realize he wasn’t from this planet.”
              “He’s a weird thing but he’s notfrom here?” Stan asked.  Ford shook hishead.
              “Anomalies tend to gravitatetoward this region, but they can be found elsewhere.”
              “Okay.”  Stan took a long drink from his whiskey.  He set it back down on the table with a smallsigh.  “Tell me about this thing with theegg.”
              “Like I said upstairs, Fiddlefordisn’t just my research partner.  He’s alsomy-”  Ford’s voice cracked.  He cleared his throat.  “Fiddleford is my- my boyfriend.  Approximately a month ago, he began behaving oddly.  He built the nest you saw upstairs and sleptwithin it instead of our bed.  About aweek after he built the nest, he brought me upstairs and showed me theegg.  He then explained to me that he hadlaid it, it was our child, and that he was not from Earth.”
              “Goddamn,” Stan muttered.  Ford cracked a small smile.
              “Precisely.”  Ford watched Stan closely.  Stan frowned at him.
              “I’m just- you don’t appear tohave any reaction to Fiddleford being my- my-”
              “Ford, I’ve known you were gaysince sixth grade.  Chill.”  Stan shrugged.  “It’s kinda weird that he laid the egg, Imean, I might not have been that good at biology, but I always thought gals hadthe eggs.  But he’s an alien, so-”
              “Yes,” Ford said quietly.  “Our reproductive systems aren’t that different,however.  Otherwise reproduction wouldnot have occurred.”
              “Ah.  I get it.” Stan leaned back in his chair.  “I’vemet a couple people like him.  Guys whoused to be gals.  Gals that used to beguys.”  Ford stared at him.  “People like that end up on the streets alot.  And I’ve been on the streets prettymuch since Pops kicked me out.”
              “…Right.”  At the sound of footsteps, both Stan and Fordlooked over.  In the entryway to thekitchen was a gangly man with sandy blonde hair, carrying the egg fromupstairs.  “Fiddleford, I was wonderingif you would join us.”
              “I thought it’d be right to dothat,” the man said, taking a seat at the table, resting the egg in his lap.  “I feel awful bad ‘bout startlin’ ya likethat, Stanley.”  Stan stared at him.  “Stanford told ya ‘bout my human form, right?”
              “Uh, yeah.”
              “Well, this is it.”
              “Cool,” Stan mumbled.  Fiddleford looked at Ford.
              “How’s the conversation goin’?”
              “I was just about to explain whywe were asking him to babysit for us,” Ford replied.  Fiddleford nodded and made a “carry on”gesture.  Ford cleared his throat.  “A few days ago, Fiddleford and I realizedhow much care and attention the egg and eventual child needs.  We can take some time off here and there, butfrom what Fiddleford has told me, his species raises children communally.  As such, hatchlings require around the clockcare.  Something that we will not be ableto provide.  At least, we won’t be ableto provide it if we wish to continue our research.”  Stan leaned forward.
              “You don’t just want ababysitter.  You want a nanny,” he said.
              “That would be a better way todescribe it, yes,” Fiddleford said.  Stanchewed on his lip.  “We understand if youhave a job or relationship or somethin’ else that would prevent ya from stayin��here to help, but Stanford felt that you were our best shot.”
              “…I don’t have either of thosethings,” Stan said.  He straightened inhis chair.  “I also don’t have a lottacash.  I can’t exactly move into anapartment here.”
              “No, you’d stay with us,”Fiddleford said quickly.  “We’d provideroom and board in exchange fer yer help.”
              “That sounds like a pretty sweetdeal, not gonna lie,” Stan said quietly. He grimaced.  “But, like I said,Ford, I don’t know shit about taking care of kids.”
              “Don’t worry, I’ll be helpin’ yawith that,” Fiddleford said.  “I need toteach Stanford, too.”  He shrugged.  “And even if ya did know how to take care of kids,I’d still need to give ya some lessons. Hatchlings have dif’rent requirements than human children.  Groomin’ is dif’rent, diet is dif’rent, and,of course, there’s flight lessons.  But I’dbe handlin’ that.”
              “Flight lessons?”
              “We have feathers fer a reason,”Fiddleford said in a very matter-of-fact tone. “Again, I’d handle that.”  Stanwas silent.  “Well?  Are ya willin’ to babysit?”
              “Nanny, you mean,” Stansaid.  He chewed on the inside of hischeek, thinking.
              This is weird.  But this weirdness is better than beingchased down by loan sharks and trying to sell shitty infomercial crap.  Stan sighed.
              “All right.  I’ll do it.”
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Scars (Medic/Engineer)
Healing isn't easy but maybe, sometimes, possibly, it's worth it.
...Yeah. Definitely worth it.
thanks to @l-i-n-u-s-k-a for betaing for me! 💕 enjoy some gay science lads 'v'
Engie cringed at the sudden blaring of his alarm clock, squinting as he blindly reached for the snooze button. When he finally found it, he let out a small sigh as the beeping switched off, taking a moment to sit himself up and let out a yawn.
After reaching over again for his glasses, he let out a soft, "G'morning, sweetheart," a bit confused when he didn't hear any sleepy, annoyed grumbles in response.
He turned to his left, surprised to see that Medic's side of the bed was empty. Odd. He was pretty sure they went to bed together last night....
He shrugged. No matter. He probably just woke up before him this one time. After all, both their sleep schedules were absolute garbage, it really wasn't a surprise that Medic just happened to be up earlier.
He took a few more moments to just sit there and wake himself up before kicking the blanket off, stretching a bit once he'd gotten out of bed and cringing at the chorus of popping joints that followed.
After picking out some clean clothes, his work overalls, belt, and boots, he treaded out of his room and towards the bathrooms, his soft whistling echoing slightly in the empty halls. The silence was pretty uncharacteristic for RED but considering it was only about 5 am, nobody else would be waking up for at least the next hour.
Which meant he and Medic would have to be the ones making breakfast for everyone. Again. And while yeah, it was kind of annoying being the one making food for everyone all the time, it did mean spending some more quality time with his personal mad scientist...
Hey, you win some, you lose some.
Engie stopped whistling when he got to his destination, spying Medic at the sink as he made his way in.
Medic himself was already full dressed and looking in the mirror, leaning on the sink with one hand while the other rested on his back. His expression was a little hard to read in the reflection but he seemed to be thinking about something.
"Mornin' sunshine," Engie hummed, shifting his belongings into one hand so he could pat Medic on the shoulder a couple times.
When he did so, Medic's face immediately lit up, turning towards his boyfriend with a smile on his face.
"Good morning, my love!" He beamed, leaning over slightly to give Engie a kiss. He couldn't help but chuckle fondly at Medic's enthusiasm.
"You're up early. Somethin' goin' on?" Engie asked. Medic seemed to hesitate.
"Nope. Just woke up about an hour ago and couldn't go back to sleep," Medic shrugged.
"You sure? You didn't even notice me walk in," Engie teased. Medic smiled sheepishly.
"Ahaha, sorry, just got a little... lost in my thoughts, I suppose. You know me."
"That I do. You let me know if you need anything though, yeah?"
"Mhm, sure. Are we making breakfast again?"
"Seems like it."
"I'll let you get ready, then. Meet in the kitchen?"
"Read my mind, starry eyes."
Medic smiled again at the nickname, giving Engie another kiss as a goodbye before heading out of the bathrooms.
Engie let out a satisfied sigh as his Sentry went to work on BLU's unwitting team members, chuckling at the sound of a nearby Scout cursing his mouth off as he tried to run in the opposite direction of where he originally intended to go to avoid the hail of bullets aimed directly at him. Pyro giggled in amusement from beside him, holding their fist out for him to gladly bump.
Not much for them to do now, really. His sentry combined with the offense the rest of his team was currently providing meant BLU would most likely run out of time before they could get their cart to the next checkpoint and Pyro had been vigilant in looking out for any wandering baguettes on legs. Not than any had come around lately; they'd made sure of that.
The both of them were currently leaning against Engie's dispenser and watching his sentry carefully, letting out greetings to the occasional person who passed by for heals and ammo refills.
At one point, Pyro let out a mumble as they heard the teleporter whirring up, the both of them turning their heads to see a... rather frazzled Medic appear before them.
"Hey, Doc! You ok?" Engie called out, Medic panicking and immediately raising his crossbow at them.
"WOAH woah woah, it's ok, it's just us, I promise," Engie yelped, Pyro letting out a muffled yell as both they and Engie held both their hands in the air. Medic hesitated before lowering out his weapon and strapping it back to his belt.
"Sorry my love, sorry Pyro, just being... cautious," He sighed, running a hand through his already tousled hair.
"It's ok, starry eyes, I get you. Be careful out there though, yeah? BLU Spy hasn't been around here lately but the little bugger is probably still out there, somewhere.
Medic relaxed a bit at Engie's nickname for him but tensed up again at the mention of BLU Spy, the anxious look coming back to his face.
"Yes, uhm, I'll keep it in mind," He said distractedly, hand traveling to his back to the same spot he'd been touching that morning. He then shook his head before taking his medigun and flipping it on, turning to see if he could find anyone from their team to follow after.
"Hrm, Mmdm!"
"Ah- yes, Pyro?"
"Hhm mm hh m mrr hmm hrr mm??" They asked, Medic looking to Engie for his opinion.
"Fine by me! I reckon I can fend for myself for a while. Y'all have fun now, hey?" Engie grinned, Pyro clapping their hands happily before picking up their flamethrower.
"Danke, mein Schatz. I'll try and have them back before 12," Medic joked, aiming his heal beam at his new patient.
Engie chuckled, waving them off as Pyro gleefully went headfirst into the fray, Medic following closely after. That being said, he still seemed pretty wary as he quickly looked around, occasionally shifting one of his hands to his crossbow.
It wasn't necessarily weird for him to being doing so? Seeing as danger and also explosives could be lurking around literally any corner, but it wasn't very often Medic acted this spooked.
He'd ask him about it later. For now, both of them had a job to do, and that meant neither of them letting their guard down for any reason.
...Even if he was a little worried about this reason.
After battle, the two of them went their separate ways for a few hours. After all, Medic still had a hoard of birds to look after and Engie was really intent on finishing a new rocket launcher prototype for Soldier since his current one was starting to fall apart.
The next time they saw each other was around 11:30 pm, the both of them having retreated to Engie's bedroom to get some rest.
Well, not without Medic prodding at him to put down his tools and go brush his teeth, but still.
Currently, they were both ridding themselves of their uniforms, Medic humming softly as tossed his vest into his basket of dirty laundry.
'Well, better late then never,' Engie noted to himself, turning to Medic as he placed his hardhat on top of their dresser.
"Hey, honey?"
"Yes, my love?"
"Are you doin' alright?"
Medic took an involuntary pause and let out a sort of... nervous chuckle.
"Of- of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"
"I dunno, you've just seemed real skittish today, which isn't really like you. And you keep touchin' that lil spot in between your shoulder blades."
Medic's face fell a bit. He shook his head.
"It's. It's fine. Don't worry about it."
"Honey, just from the look on your face when you say that, I'm worryin' about it," Engie frowned as he slid off his goggles.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?"
"It's nothing, I'll get over it."
"But you don't have to get over it by yourself, Doc. I care about you. A lot. And I wanna help you feel better, even if it's just by a little bit," Engie insisted. Medic's expression softened.
"...It's just. BLU's Spy has been going after me a lot more often and... it's gotten to the point that even with respawn, there's a pretty deep scar where the knife always gets plunged into my back," He admitted quietly, hand involuntary moving to the affected area. Once he realized what he was doing, it look a lot of willpower to stop.
"Funny thing is, every time I touch it I'm always reminded of the numerous times I've felt cold steel sink into my spinal cord. Which you know, I should be used to by now considering I've dealt with it for however many years, but it. Still hurts sometimes. And I just... can't stop touching it. It's almost like I want to make myself miserable," He said, letting out a wry chuckle.
"...Can I see it?" Engie asked. Medic raised an eyebrow.
"Why? I mean you probably have a similar scar, considering you're also a favored target."
"Yeah but Pyro's been takin' care of him for me lately so I haven't really seen his smug lil face around in a couple days. Besides, I'm just... curious," Engie explained with a shrug.
Medic looked like he was going to protest again but decided against it. He sighed.
"...Ok," He said softly, turning his back to Engie and sitting on their bed as he started to undo his tie and the buttons on his shirt. Engie came a little closer as he did so, putting his goggles on his nightstand and trading them for his glasses.
"Ohhh sweetheart..." He mumbled involuntarily as Medic pulled his shirt down, revealing lightly tanned skin that was littered in various scars in varying shades and sizes. Most notable was the deep, discolored sort of 'x' shaped one near the base of Medic's neck, a painful reminder of all the times he'd been both figuratively and literally stabbed in the back.
Engie knew he was scarred. They all were. Kind of a given in their line of work, really, he especially had his fair share. But he'd never really looked at the one's on Medic's back that closely before, and boy were there a lot of them...
Medic shuddered slightly as Engie softly grazed his thumb over The Scar, though didn't really make an effort to stop him. Around it were several other scars that looked just knife wounds, some old and faded but others taunting and red. Numerous grievances too plentiful to count.
It was almost painful to look at.
"Honey, why didn't you tell me he was botherin' you?" He asked softly, sitting on the bed behind him with his legs crossed. Medic hesitated again.
"I didn't want to distract you. You're always so busy trying to keep all your machines alive, you shouldn't need to keep me alive too. That's my job."
"But that's what they are, baby, machines. I love them like my own children, you of all people know that, but at the end of the day I can just piece 'em back together again. It's not as easy for you, even with respawn available," Engie sighed.
"...I know," Medic mumbled, hands gripping his own arms tightly as he sort of caved in on himself. Engie felt a pain in his chest. Medic wasn't really the... Emotional type. So seeing him so vulnerable, so... hurt? It was never a sight he felt easy about.
"It's ok sweetheart, I know emotions and stuff ain't your strong suit," Engie assured, leaning over to press a soft kiss on Medic's back where his main scar was.
Medic flinched when he did so, freezing in place.
"You alright, darlin'?" Engie frowned, moving over so he could look at Medic's face.
"I'm- it's- uh. Fine. It's fine," Medic stammered, turning his head away from him. He didn't, however, resist when Engie gently cupped his jaw and turned it back, giving him a kiss on the forehead.
Medic couldn't help but relax a little, leaning over to softly head bump Engie's shoulder.
After that, the two of them wordlessly got up to finish changing, Engie opting for an old t-shirt from one of his colleges and pajama pants while Medic just slapped a pair of pajama shorts with little birds on them.
Once the two of them had gotten into bed, Engie put his arms around Medic's torso, Medic himself putting one of his hands on top of his. However, as he reached over to turn off the lamp on his side of the bed, Engie pressed a kiss on another one of his knife wound scars.
And another. And another. And now he was just trying to give a smooch to every one he saw, Medic's heart feeling as though it was going to swell out of his chest.
"I'm just going to get even more of them, you know," He breathed softly.
"And I unfortunately can't stop that. But I will do whatever it takes to help you heal, even if it means I'm kissin' every scar on your body," Engie murmured gently into his skin, pressing a final kiss on his neck.
"...God, what the fuck did I do to be so lucky?"
"Nothin' but be yourself, sweetheart. That's all I could ever ask of you."
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cassbeewrites · 7 years
1-100 also im personally Offended that u will not let me be gay binch and tag u 85 times........ im requesting a divorce
oh boy okay fuck u 
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
pandora does that make me basic
is your room messy or clean?i’m a minimalist with hoarder tendencies. 
what color are your eyes?kind of like a hazel-green
do you like your name? why?i used to hate it but now that i’m older it kind of ? distinguishes me? plus i love the nickname cass so there
what is your relationship status? married 2 u elm, always
describe your personality in 3 words or lessobsessive, destructive, gay
what color hair do you have?light brown but it actually used to be red when i was born! god i miss those days… being an infant, having cute hair….
what kind of car do you drive? color?i have a 2013 subaru impreza hatchback. it’s a rly pretty dark grey with purple undertones and a skeletor decal on the back. literally i love my car 
where do you shop?target. jo-anns. teavana. 
how would you describe your style?i like earth-tones or dark muted colors 
favorite social media accountfacebook?? it’s where i run my cosplay page idk
what size bed do you have? twin 
any siblings?i have one sister but i also have 2 half-sisters and possibly 2 half-brothers who i’ve never actually…. met…..
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?wales. research them arthurian legends. love some pet sheep.
favorite snapchat filter? i rarely take pics of my face so idk maybe the flower crown one?? is that still a thing
favorite makeup brand(s)neutrogena or almay bc they’re hypoallergenic lmao
how many times a week do you shower?realistically, 5-6. ideally……. i would never leave the shower……
favorite tv show?fuck this question i don’t want to think about it
shoe size?9-9.5-10 depending
how tall are you?5′6
sandals or sneakers? mmmmm i do love my hiking shoes but i also love sandals so? both
do you go to the gym? nah my dad is a fitness nut so we literally have like 6 or 7 types of exercise equipment at my house
describe your dream datedying
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?$6 in ones. i handle too much cash during the day to want to keep it in my wallet. 
what color socks are you wearing? …. i’m not
how many pillows do you sleep with?just one
do you have a job? what do you do? i’m a teller at a credit union. i count cash until my fingers are literally black from how gross bills are
how many friends do you have? 0i have like? elma. also a few of my coworkers and some cosplay friends
whats the worst thing you have ever done? be born lol. start writing. learn how to sew. 
whats your favorite candle scent? fresh linen
3 favorite boy names1. Loren2. Liam3. Mothman
3 favorite girl names1. Eowyn2. Ruby (don’t judge me my dog is CUTE)3. Mothman 
favorite actor? leslie odom jr
favorite actress? phillipa soo my gf
who is your celebrity crush?………. leslie odom jr and phillipa soo my gf
favorite movie? right now it’s moana but i love tangled and lotr, unwaveringly 
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? i can’t pick a favorite fuck off
money or brains? ?!?!?!?!
do you have a nickname? what is it? cass, sass, sarcassidy, sketch, 
how many times have you been to the hospital?like twice maybe
top 10 favorite songsjesus christ ok. okay1. Hot Gates by Mumford and Sons2. Whispers by Passenger3. Above / Below by Birds of Tokyo4. Minor War by Birds of Tokyo5. If This Ship Sinks (I give in) also by….. Birds of Tokyo6. I’ll Be Good by Jaymes Young7. Tag! by Scarves8. Despite What You’ve Been Told by Two Gallants9. Young God by Halsey10. Wildflowers by Tom Petty
do you take any medications daily? i’m on that nightly melatonin fix
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)clear. blessedly clear. 
what is your biggest fear? never being someone worth remembering :)))
how many kids do you want? 1. MAYBE 2. or maybe 0? 
whats your go to hair style?Half up, half down. I’m lame
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) my house is actually… pretty big? it’s like. very upper middle class
who is your role model? my old debate coach from high school :’)
what was the last compliment you received?idk elma what was the last gay thing u sent me
what was the last text you sent?“thank u for providing”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?i had my suspicions as early as 5 but honestly. my mom tells me i have to believe in him for the sake of our dogs because she wants to maintain the illusion that he’s real… for them…. she’s so weird
what is your dream car? actually i’m pretty happy with the car i have. the 2017 imprezas are WAY cute and nice and sporty tho and i would love to upgrade someday 
opinion on smoking?smells yucky. makes our drive through tubes & cash smell yucky.
do you go to college? yes but i am TIRED
what is your dream job?DYING! DEATH AND DYING! being a literary agent actually tho
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? well i actually grew up in a pretty rural area but it was also only like… 15 minutes from a big city and is surrounded by smaller cities. it’s not a bad place to live. very safe and quiet, lots of horses
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? no i have a hair Routine and cannot break it
do you have freckles? no :( I have a few and i have some cute moles tho
do you smile for pictures?no go away
how many pictures do you have on your phone?jesus christ 9,564
have you ever peed in the woods? reluctantly 
do you still watch cartoons? i watch disney movies but like? i think cartoon fandoms are VERY annoying so i avoid them at all costs COUGH stev///en univ//erse
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?chick fil a or die. but i wouldn’t turn down wendy’s or mcdonalds nugs u feel
Favorite dipping sauce?honey mustard fuck me up. chick fil a sauce got me goin too
what do you wear to bed? big shirts!!!
have you ever won a spelling bee?um no i tried bc i’ve always been a spelling hoe and the written portion went well but the speaking portion was an anxiety ridden mess
what are your hobbies?dying. sewing. suffering. cosplay. petting dogs. hiking. being dead. writing
can you draw? i used to draw a lot but fucking jill heiner in 11th grade told me i sucked and i will never forget that
do you play an instrument?i played piano for 12 years and i was never like naturally gifted but i certainly tried my hardest. i haven’t played since i graduated high school 2 years ago tho
what was the last concert you saw? i’ve never been to a concert and may never go
tea or coffee?both but like. there’s a time and a place for both
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?starbucks
do you want to get married?i fear physical relationships 
what is your crush’s first and last initial?V(iktor)N(ikiforov)
are you going to change your last name when you get married? no i’m attached to my initials 
what color looks best on you? greens and dark purples
do you miss anyone right now? my dog :( he’s sleeping in the hall and not in my room
do you sleep with your door open or closed?closed unless my parents are out of town so my dogs can sleep with me
do you believe in ghosts?i believe in mothman
what is your biggest pet peeve? when people acknowledge my physical existence as if i am more than just a semi-transparent blob. also when people call their checking account a “checkings” account. fuck right off it’s not plural and checkings isn’t a word FUCK YOU
last person you called`my mom 
favorite ice cream flavor? pistachio
regular oreos or golden oreos? um if i’m going to spend calories on a cookie it sure won’t be some kind of… prepackaged nonsense
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbow 
what shirt are you wearing? wearin a loose knit dress. it’s olive and strappy
what is your phone background?pic of my sweet dog :’)))
are you outgoing or shy?easily irritated and anxious
do you like it when people play with your hair?no
do you like your neighbors? they are what they are
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?i wash it in the shower but if i wash it too much it will dry out
have you ever been high? no
have you ever been drunk? no
last thing you ate? i had a steak burrito for lunch?? that was like 10 hours ago i should probably eat something else
favorite lyrics right now“all i need’s a whisper in a world that only shouts”or“in a place that’s safe from harm, but i have been blessed with a wilder mind”
summer or winter?why aren’t autumn or spring options
day or night? dusk
dark, milk, or white chocolate? dark
favorite month? october or may
what is your zodiac signtaurus lol
who was the last person you cried in front of? i actually cannot remember 
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shweemie · 8 years
all of them for the number questions!! 1-100
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? SPOTIFY, FUCK PANDORA AND ITS ADS
is your room messy or clean? definitely messy i can’t keep a clean room for SHIT
what color are your eyes? shit brown
do you like your name? why? no because literally everyone and their mother is named samantha
what is your relationship status? i’m dating the love of my life, his name’s adam and he’s a fucko
describe your personality in 3 words or less? obnoxious, capricious, funny (i hope)
what color hair do you have? it’s originally dark brown but rn there’s some weird red/gold highlights goin on
what kind of car do you drive? color? I’M ACTUALLY ABOUT TO GET A 2004 BEAMER ON SUNDAY IDK THE COLOR THOUGH
where do you shop? usually forever 21, wet seal, VS, hot topic, cotton on, and target
how would you describe your style? teenage hobo, definitinely
favorite social media account? instagram i think? just bc it’s not TOO much and i can stalk people
what size bed do you have? TWIN SIZED MATTRESS
any siblings? yeah, fucking 4 of them
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? colorado with my boyfriend bc i like snow and i’ve never been
favorite makeup brand(s)? tarte, kat vonn d, benefit
how many times a week do you shower? every day so 7 times a week
favorite tv show? probably Rick and Morty
shoe size? 6.5
how tall are you? …..5′ 3″…..
sandals or sneakers? SANDALS
do you go to the gym? fuCK NO
describe your dream date? chilling in bed watching netflix while it’s raining outside (maybe high asf, kinda depends on the day)
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? like, 43 cents
what color socks are you wearing? gray with white snowflake fuzzy socks
how many pillows do you sleep with? uno
do you have a job? what do you do? not anymore, but i used to work at party city and i blew up balloons all fucking day
how many friends do you have? i got like,,,4 friend
whats the worst thing you have ever done? once i stole candy when i was 9 or 10 and i for real thought god was gonna come down and smite me or some shit
whats your favorite candle scent? probably one of those gay ass candles that smell like fruit or tropical islands
3 favorite boy names? jude, benny 
3 favorite girl names? eve, penelope
favorite actor? nicholas hoult
favorite actress? carrie fisher
who is your celebrity crush? logan lerman probably idek
favorite movie? WHEN HARRY MET SALLY
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? yeah when i was younger and it’s perks of being a wallflower (bc i’m a basic hOE) or catcher in the rye
money or brains? brains
do you have a nickname? what is it? people used to call me sammy a lot, now only like, 3 people do
how many times have you been to the hospital? depends what you mean by hospital but about 7 or 8 times
top 10 favorite songs? girls like you by naked and famous, rock show by blink-182, necessary evil by unknown mortal orchestra, girls by the 1975, heart it races by dr. dog, oceans by seafret, want you to want me by cheap trick, you by the 1975, my hearts always yours by the arkells, just one yesterday by fall out boy
do you take any medications daily? not anymore
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)? OILY
what is your biggest fear? being alone
how many kids do you want? 3 OR 4 !!!
whats your go to hair style? whatever the fuck happens, happens
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) i live in a small ass apartment
who is your role model? i’ve never had one and i never will have one
what was the last compliment you received? some guy in his car nodded at me when we were at the same stop light
what was the last text you sent? “tbh go harder on me” to my boyfriend
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? i don’t even remember
what is your dream car? VW bus thing 
opinion on smoking? i smoke cigarettes almost every day and i love me some weed soooo i’d say i’m not against it
do you go to college? headed there next fallllllll
what is your dream job? elementary school teacher
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs bc rural areas have always freaked me out
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? absolutely
do you have freckles? nope
do you smile for pictures? no i cover my mouth with my hand bc i’m lame as fuck
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 651 and half of them are memes
have you ever peed in the woods? YEP 
do you still watch cartoons? absolutely yeah
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? McDonald’s
Favorite dipping sauce? sweet n sour sauce
what do you wear to bed? panties and sometimes socks bc i dont love myself
have you ever won a spelling bee? NOPE
what are your hobbies? taking long showers and napping and avoiding all my responsibilities
can you draw? fuck no
do you play an instrument? yeah i play guitar, piano, uke, and trumpet
what was the last concert you saw? the 1975, a year ago in december
tea or coffee? coffee for SURE
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Dunkin Donuts
do you want to get married? yeah (adam)
what is your crush’s first and last initial? A.S.
are you going to change your last name when you get married? probably yeah
what color looks best on you? royal blue i think
do you miss anyone right now? yeah i miss my fucko boyfriend who’s fuckin 45 mins away
do you sleep with your door open or closed? CLOSED
do you believe in ghosts? sometimes, it depends
what is your biggest pet peeve? when people complain about not having money but also being super picky about the jobs they’ll work at
last person you called? adam, and i’m still on call w/ him
favorite ice cream flavor? the toffee crunch thing from ben and jerry’s
regular oreos or golden oreos? regular oreos!!!
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbow for sure
what shirt are you wearing? v big flannel that i found in the party city breakroom 
what is your phone background? it’s a gay ass picture of me and my boyfriend
are you outgoing or shy? outgoing 
do you like it when people play with your hair? absolutely
do you like your neighbors? i dont even know, but they sure do vacuum a lot
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? in the morning when i’m showering and occasionally at night if i’m not dead
have you ever been high? possibly
have you ever been drunk? maybe
last thing you ate? a banana
favorite lyrics right now? 
summer or winter? summer
day or night? night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? milk chocolate
favorite month? june, i guess
what is your zodiac sign? sagittarius
who was the last person you cried in front of? adam bc of the angry birds movie
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