#i did see the series last night i stayed up n watched all the episodes!
skyfallslayer · 4 months
Should We Stay or Should We Go? || Chapter Three
-A ST Rewrite Feat. Steve Harrington x Henderson!OFC-
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Main Masterlist || Series Masterlist
🎲Summary: An Increasingly concerned Nancy looks for Barb and finds out what Jonathan’s been up to. The boys pair up with El for an investigation. Joyce is convinced that Will and Steph are trying to talk to her. Meanwhile, Steve feels like someone’s watching his every move.
🎲Pairings: Will x Platonic!OFC; Dustin x Sister!OC; Slow burn! Steve x Henderson!OFC (Ex-bestfriends to Lovers); Slow burn! Byler
🎲Rating: Teen-Mature
🎲Word Count: 15,209 (Oh, lord)
🎲Date: 05/27/24
🎲Warnings: Angst; Heavy Language & Dialogue; References To Broken Friendship; Talks of Kidnapping; Mental Strain/Breaking Down; Talks of Mental Health Issues; Bullying of All Kinds; Physical Fighting; Lying; "Death"; Crying (Lots of it); Brief Mention of Corpses; Gun Use; Implied Unloving Parents; Will & Steph's Mental Strain - Joyce's Too; Hopper Being a Great Cop & A Total Mess; Dustin Being a Gangster & A Total Mess; Steve's 'Asshole Era'; Steve's Emotional Damage. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
-This also contains me not knowing how the fuck the Upside Down works despite so much research.-
(And let me know if I missed anything)
🎲A/N:  So… this is a very long, very intense one. Very emotional too. Hopefully y'all are ready for this. I notice a lot of you readers are spitting out theories and I can't help but love them. But unfortunately I have to stay silent and let you guess wait 🤭. While rewatching this episode, I totally forgot how fucking good of an actress Winona Ryder is. Seriously, rewatch the scenes with her and the lights again and you'll see. Any who, Happy Memorial Day everyone! Enjoy!
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Steve practically had to “bully” Tommy into taking his girlfriend home last night. It was hard for him to make eye contact with her after their argument – A real argument, not just some mindless bickering they’ve done in the past that doesn’t pack much heat, but a real, real argument – and when she came back to his room only a few minutes later telling him that Barb must have left already and needed a ride, he couldn’t bring himself to do so.
Was this making him feel and look like a coward? Probably. But it’s not like he didn’t want to risk having another eye opening conversation with her again.
Eye opening, my ass. There was no “eye opening”. I’m just being paranoid. But was he though?
Nancy, oh, sweet Nancy, always talked about how she was aiming for journalism as her major. For a while, to be honest, he couldn’t really see it. Sure, curiosity was practically tattooed on her heart, but the months they’ve been dating he hasn’t seen anything else that screams “I’m a Journalist”. 
That was until last night.
He’s not sure why he never put that box away after their friendship ended, he doesn’t know why he didn’t just stuff it into his closet or under his bed, but the fact that someone had found it in his spot he called “out of sight, out of mind” shocked him. The little box that could fit under his dresser, completely oblivious to anyone who stands next to it. Of course out of all the days for someone to finally have spotted it was the day he brought his girlfriend to his home (Still, it might have been better for her to find it rather than his parents. They sure were… nosy).
And of course she would be the one to break him down when he was trying to forget, forget because it was the best option here.
And his girlfriend was smart, one of the traits he most admired, and she could read through his lies most of the time, a trait he hates. Loathe. But… did he really think he could have avoided all this? That once he put a lid on their friendship she would suddenly vanish? Every single thing about Stephanie Henderson would be forgotten? That was the plan, the “dream” so to speak. I guess dreams don’t always stay dreams unless you put work into them.
“So who is she to you?” Nancy asked, standing up and flashing the memorabilia at him.
She was just… just some kid he knew since they were five. Nothing more than that, It shouldn’t be more than that. She was just some girl that had confidence radiating out of her as they lock pinkies and swore–
“I’m not jealous. I’m just curious.” Nancy replies, honestly. She takes another look at the photos in her hand before looking back at him. “I mean, if she isn’t your friend anymore, then why do you hang on to all this stuff? Or better question–”
“Nancy, stop, it’s just–”
“Why did you break it off?”
His brain short circuits again. “What?”
“I said, ‘Why did you break it off?’ I mean…” She flips through some of the photos he has, memorized. “From what I see, you two remind me of Barb and I. You two look like you were tied at the hip. So why break it off?”
Because he had to. He needed to. God knows if he didn’t, her and her family would be… Jeez. He could barely remember it, not wanting to remember it.
The memory was blurry. So blurry. Maybe it was the many hits in the head for his shitty memory, or maybe he was really, really trying not to remember it. 
What was his parents planning on doing again that made him so… scared?
“Look, I just want to understand you. I mean, every time I think I have you figured out you throw me through a loop.” She gives him a reassuring look as she picks up the box, shuffling whatever was remaining around. “I mean, from what I see, you seem like a completely different person then. I just wonder if it’s a good thing or a bad–” 
No… no. He still doesn’t understand what she meant. He hasn’t “changed”. He’s still the same person since the day he was born. What was she even getting that from? A couple glances at some photos gave her a new impression of him? There’s no way. It’s laughable. It’s totally laughable. Everything that’s happened between him and Henderson was totally laughab–
“‘CAUSE IT WAS MY FAULT!! OKAY?!” Steve snaps, startling them both (He can’t believe he just lost his cool like that). He swallows again, head spinning at the memories (Why did he fucking leave the box right there?). “I just… there was an incident and… it… shaped my decision, okay? But it didn’t involve me or her with a gun, it was… s-someone else. Someone I know. I don’t know why I’m holding onto it, I…” 
That certainly wasn’t laughable.
Sometimes that memory is hazy, which he preferred, but the other times it was crystal clear. Too clear. Just a heated exchange between him and someone else just before it went to shit. He still remembers the pain in his bicep, the wind feeling like it was getting knocked out of him with someone’s loud scream. Then came the sinking realization that Henderson wasn’t bouncing up to her feet like he did. 
It still… fucks with him sometimes. Taunting. Haunting. Torturing. 
Nancy breaks eye contact, and only reverses it when she gathers the right words. “Look, Steve, I’m sorry I intruded, I probably shouldn’t have but… I’m just trying to understand you.”
Steve shakes his head, still confused. “I-I…” He shrugs, and crosses his arms defensibly. “What’s there to understand?”
Exactly. There’s nothing. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Nothing. She doesn’t need to go digging around Pandora’s box.
But Nancy looked at him with eyes full of pity and took another step closer. “I don’t know what the reason was for you two to stop being friends, but all I know, from what I gathered, she wasn’t the one to end it.” She places Steph’s flier on his chest that he subconsciously grabbed, and said one last thing before leaving his room. And that was,
“Maybe there was a good reason for you to end it, but that’s not an excuse for you to stop being who you really are.”
But I haven’t changed. I’ve been the same person since I was born. Even his own gut coiled at his denial. The heaven’s beyond were probably busting a lung. Hell was shaking its head. He just keeps telling himself that lie and maybe it’ll come true one day.
Yeah, right.
This boy’s been telling himself that for almost two years now and hasn’t even sunk in yet.
Steve sighs, rolling in his bed to face his alarm clock; The red numbers glaring at him. It hadn’t even gone off yet, he still has about an hour but… 
Another sigh. School. Right.
He didn’t even feel like going, too mentally exhausted from staying up pretty much all night, completely alone with his thoughts – His very dangerous, troubling thoughts. He didn’t want to go, but his parents were going to be home any minute now from their trip and were not going to be happy if they saw him just lying around. They were surely going to berate him for missing a day of learning. Except...
Fuck. Going wasn’t an option, his brain hurts and his body was dragging and he really, really didn’t want to see Nancy’s pitiful eyes, or listen to Tommy’s mocking, or Carol’s sexified comments. Fuck, no. Fuck.
Where can he hide out for the next eight hours? He started putting what was left of brain together as he threw something on, not even trying to dress to impress today, and snagged his precious car keys. He is about a foot outside his bedroom when something tells him to stop. His chocolate eyes stare at the box on the end of his bed, something deep inside tells him not to leave it unoccupied.
He swallows, wanting to tell his subconscious to fuck off and leave him be, but… 
“Fuck it.” He races back over, making sure the lid was on before taking it with him. 
It’s been… how many days since then? They don’t know. They stopped counting every time they ran into trouble. Like… right now. Traumatized by the beast pulling an innocent woman into the Harringtons’ pool and violating her before coming after them. They were lucky to have some kind of head start or otherwise they might have been goners. But–
Jesus. It was getting hard to breathe in this place, the cold weather was getting to them too. 
Eventually, miraculously, they had escaped from their predator when their bodies finally gave out.
“Fuck.” Stephanie gasped as the two of them collapsed in someone’s backyard. They both sat on their hands and knees, a line of sweat dripping off their icy noses. She sniffles and pants, her breath being seen in the air. “This is getting ridiculous.”
It really, really was. They can’t even take a break without worrying if that thing would come after them. 
How am I supposed to figure out how to get out of here if I can’t even stop to think? She sits back on her news, frowning. “Why does it keep coming after us?”
Will sneezes, and sniffles before resting his body against the side of the random house. He starts fiddling with his frigiding fingers, worried if he was going to say something wrong. “I don’t think this time it was. It looks like it was attacking someone else.”
“That’s true.” She sighs, taking her cap off for a second to rest. “However, we either were at the wrong place at the wrong time, or that thing was following us and grabbed the first prey it saw.”
He nods. “Yeah. But that doesn’t explain where the person came from. Does… that mean we aren’t the only people here?”
“I don’t know.” Are there actually more people here? “I mean, I guess on the bright side, if more people are going missing someone’s gotta know what’s going on, right?”
That honestly didn’t cross her mind at all while being here. She was so worried about keeping herself and especially Will alive that she didn’t think about what was going on on the other side. How was her family reacting? His family too? And what about the town? Did the police actually give a fuck this time?
I really hope it’s Hopper. He seems like the only one who gave shit last time. Stephanie prays he’s on her case as she subconsciously tries to grab the chain around her neck, only to find nothing. Her heart sinks as she looks down and feels around the front of her shirt.
“Shit.” She says, dreadfully. Did she really lose her–
“What?” Will replies, concerned. 
“Uh, I just…” Fuck. “I just uh, lost my necklace.” She frowns again. “I didn’t even realize it.”
Now it was his turn to look sad (I guess you could say he was just copying her expression). “We can go look for it if you like.”
She’s already shaking his head. “No. It’s okay. I could have lost it on the first day here without realizing it.”
“Can you replace it?”
“It’s… I don’t know. It was a gift.” She looks over at him, his expression seems so broken over her confession. “It’s okay, Will. It’s not a big deal.”
“I know, but still.”
Stephanie couldn’t help but crack a small smile on her peach lips, and ruffle the boy’s hair. “Don’t ever change, kid. You’ve got a good little heart.” That seemed to do the trick because the boy blushed and seemed all proud of himself.
“Do you think it’s safe to rest here for a bit?” Will asked, as she looked around.
“Yeah.” She nods. “I think we’ll be fine. How about you pull out the blanket?”
They both shrug their backpacks off, and keep their guns by their sides pointed safely away; Will unrolls the blanket they took from her house and scoots closer. Steph tucks the fabric under their feet before the boy snuggles up to her side. Dying from the cold was off the menu for the both of them. For most of the time they stayed quiet, controlling their breathing and rubbing their cold hands in their laps.
“There’s something I don’t understand though.” Will blurted out. I guess this was the thought that came to mind in the moment of silence.
“And what’s that?” The older girl asked, sparing him a glance.
“If that thing is supposed to… you know, kill people, then why bring them here?” He stares up at her nervously. “Why not just kill us in our world? Why the extra hassle to bring us here?”
Her eyes widened slightly, those words hitting her like a truck. “That’s… a good question.” A really good question. It was something else she hasn’t thought about either. If the beast could go between worlds, why bring them here for the kill? 
Will must have noticed the wheels turning in the girls head and looks down hopelessly. “It’s going to be hard for people to find us then, right?”
Stephanie says nothing, and gnaws on her bottom lip because he’s right. If they’re stuck in another world then…
How are their loved ones going to know?
When Jonathan woke up the next day he wasn’t expecting his mother to be leaving before he did. “Mom? Where are you going?” He asked, as she stopped upon hearing him speak.
“Oh, I’m going to town. I’m going to pick up a few things.” She replies, putting her belongings into her purse. “I was… you know, thinking about maybe getting some stuff Will likes to eat so he can have it when he gets home. Or, you know–”
“And maybe a new phone? Our old one’s obviously not fine, so–”
“Mom?” Jonathan tries again, getting a hum. “You sure you’re okay going by yourself? I can miss school again if you don’t feel comfortable yet.”
“No, no, don’t do that. Go… I just need to get out of the house. I’ve been stuck in here for a few days.” Joyce replies, reassuring her oldest. “I’ll be okay.”
“Okay.” He nods. “But if something happens just… call the school and I’ll be there.”
“Okay.” She says, giving her a quick hug. “Thank you, sweetie. I’ll see you later.”
In the early morning at the Wheeler’s house, the boys were planning a mission to finally figure out what happened to their friends.
“We just tell our parents we have AV Club after school. That’ll give us at least a few hours for Operation Mirkwood.” Mike explains, the three of them gathered around the upside down D&D board.
“You seriously think that the weirdo knows where Will and Steph are?” Lucas said, making the other boy eye roll.
“Just trust me on this, okay? Did you get the supplies?”
“Yeah.” He nods, and shows off what he’s got. “Binoculars... from ‘Nam. Army knife... also from ‘Nam. Hammer, camouflage bandana…” He grins. “And the wrist rocket.”
Dustin looks at him strangely, almost laughing. “You’re gonna take out the Demogorgon with a slingshot?”
“First of all, it’s a wrist rocket. And second of all, the Demogorgon’s not real. It’s made up. But if there is something out there, I’m gonna shoot it in the eye–” Lucas snaps the rubber and startles his friend. “And blind it.”
“Dustin, what did you get?” Mike asked, trying to get straight to the point.
“Well, alrighty.” Dustin starts pouring stuff out of his bag, also proud of what he grabbed (Which is totally not what Mike told him to bring). “So, we’ve got... Nutty Bars, Bazooka, Pez, Smarties, Pringles, Nilla Wafers, apple, banana, and trail mix.”
“Seriously?” Lucas said, disappointed.
“We need energy for our travels. For stamina. And besides, why do we even need weapons anyway?” He points to the girl on the couch. “We have her.”
“She shut one door!”
“With her mind! Are you kidding me? That’s insane!” Dustin could almost laugh with all the stuff he could think of about her powers. “Imagine all the other cool stuff she could do. Like…” He quickly looks around and grabs a giant toy version of the Millennium Falcon. “I bet that she could make this fly!” He stands in front of El and holds it out. “Hey. Hey. Okay, concentrate. Okay?” He lets go of the toy that quickly drops to the floor. “Okay, one more time. Okay. Use your powers, okay?”
“Idiot.” Lucas mumbles once the toy drops to the floor again.
Mike sighs. “She’s not a dog!” He says, taking it away from him.
“Boys!” Karen calls out from above. “Time for school!”
He crouches down in front of Eleven as the rest of his friends make their way up stairs. “Just stay down here. Don’t make any noise, and don’t leave. If you get hungry, eat Dustin’s snacks, okay?” 
“Coming!” Why must he be rushed? “You know those power lines?”
“Power lines?” El asked, confused.
“Yeah. The ones behind my house?”
“Meet us there, after school.”
“After school?”
“Yeah, 3:15.” It took a second for Mike to realize that she didn’t understand. “Ah. Hang on.” He unstraps his watch and ties around her own wrist. “When the numbers read three-one-five, meet us there.”
“‘Three-one-five’.” She repeats.
He nods. “Yeah. Three-one-five.”
“Did you get any rest?”
Her tired blue eyes looked back at him, his face scrunched up in concern for the girl that almost tripped two seconds ago. And to answer his question, it was ‘no’. Their little rest had turned into sleep, but once again she couldn’t dare close her eyes with the beast lurking somewhere (She’s honestly surprised she’s still standing at this point).
“Yeah, I got a little.” She said, hoping that sounded convincing. 
Will narrows his eyes and steps in front of her, stopping them from walking any further. “No you didn’t.”
“Why aren’t you getting any sleep?”
She sucks in a breath. Guess there was no point in arguing with a twelve year old. “Because I’m keeping an eye out.” She tries taking a step around him but he follows.
“That’s bullshit.” He replies, shocking her (She’s honestly heard him cuss before. Which is ironic since he hangs out with three boys that act like cussing is their first language).
“Will, it’s true. I’m keeping an eye out.”
“Yeah, I understand. But you can’t keep missing sleep because of that.”
“Someone’s got to protect you. Just like I promise.”
“Well how are you supposed to do that when you can barely stand?” That seemed to strike a nerve. “Can you just… next time we sleep, I’ll watch and you actually sleep.”
“And, if I hear something, I’ll wake you up immediately. How’s that?”
Well… she can’t say no to that face. She sighs. “Okay. I’ll sleep.” She replies, getting him to smile. “But you wake me up if you hear anything, okay? Don’t you even think about doing the opposite and handling it yourself. I don’t want you to wound up hurt or dead. Got it?”
“Got it.” 
The two of them continued their unwanted detour that ended up being Hawkins’ little downtown. This place looked more like the apocalypse than their neighbourhoods. Dark, abandoned, quiet and completely trashed. It seemed a little scarier to walk around than the previous routes they took. 
“Maybe we can hide out somewhere here?” Will asked, as they stopped at an intersection to look around.
“Possibly. If anything’s open we can. I want to avoid making too much ruckus in case that’s what attracts the monster.” Steph said, thinking. 
They walked slowly and carefully by each store, peeking inside to see if anything got their attention. Stephanie blissfully sighs upon seeing a familiar sign and points.
“Dude, I kill for some chicken parmesan right now.” She says, smiling at the thought of eating Italian at ‘Enzo’s’. 
“Hmm, meatball’s sounds good. But I think I really want my mom’s Sloppy Joes.” Will admits, and can already picture it in front of him.
“Sloppy Joes are awesome too. I wouldn’t mind eating that when I get back either. Then Enzo’s.”
“Totally Enzo’s.” He chuckles. “Uh, so when we do get out of here, how do we explain this to someone?”
“What? This?” She gestures to the open air. “You mean that telling the authorities that we were abducted by an eight foot tall creature with just a mouth and brought to a creepier version of Hawkins doesn’t sound truthful?”
He makes a face. “I… I don’t know. They might think we’re crazy.”
“Crazy, but it’s true.” She shrugs. “I really do wonder how we’re going to explain this.”
“I hope my mom contacted Chief Hopper. I know they were good friends growing up, I’m sure he believes her.”
“I hope it’s him, I don’t really like some of the people he works with.”
Will tilts his head, confused. “You don’t like cops?”
“No, I don’t certain cops here. I don’t trust them as far as I can throw them.”
“How come?”
“Well–” She cuts herself off and stops, eyes trailing to something inside one of the shops. She takes a second to make sure she’s seeing that right before pointing and saying, “November 6th.”
Will perks up at that. “That’s the day when we had our D&D campaign. The night we disappeared.”
“Yeah.” Steph looks around her hand following up to another object, a clock. “Nine Twenty-Three. That’s probably around the time we disappeared too.”
“But why is everything stuck this way?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, didn’t this place exist beforehand?” Will asked, head spinning. “How come everything is stuck on the night we disappeared?”
She purses her lips. “It… exist because of us? Or does time run differently here?”
“This is making my head hurt.”
She chuckles. “You and me both, kid.”
They continued their walk, popping into a few shops when they saw something useful, like another set of matches or even a sleeping bag they could share. They eventually ended up at a hunting store and scavenged there. Steph started grabbing a couple boxes of shotgun shells and ones that could fit inside Mr. Harrington’s pistol. It felt strange to have something like this in her possession, especially given the history of it. A very… bittersweet history of it. 
Stupid, Harring– The small box tv on the counter startled her when it made a noise. When her gaze locks onto it, she realizes it’s not even on. She sighs, shaking her head. Now I’m imagining shit? This is getting fucking ridiculous.
She starts making room inside her bag for the ammunition when–
|| –Those Poor Children. ||
Stephanie nearly drops everything and grips the gun and starts frantically searching for the voice. What in the fucking–
|| Jesus, I know. I can only imagine what their families are going through. ||
|| It’s such a shame– ||
“What the…?”
“Did you hear that too?” Will asked, eyes full of hope as she looked between him and empty space behind the counter.
“Huh? Um… Y-Yeah. I-I did.” She swallows and then realizes something. “Wait… is that what you– Is that what you were talking about?”
“Yeah!” He shakes his head eagerly. “I told you, I swear I could hear my mom and Jonathan talking that night. I told you I wasn’t crazy.”
Stephanie takes a deep breath, still in a bit of disbelief I mean– This changes everything she’s thought about this place. “If we can hear somebody, then…” She couldn’t even finish the sentence. It was so shocking.
“Maybe we can talk to them. I know for a fact my mom heard me when I called the phone. She even responded when I talked back.”
“So it’s totally possible.” She goes silent to think, an idea coming to mind in a matter of seconds. She grins. “Follow me.”
Will of course does, a little intrigued by the fact that they found themselves climbing to the top of an old bell tower that overlooks most of Hawkins. “What is this place?”
“Somewhere I probably shouldn’t have been hanging out at when I was young.” Steph admits. “Don’t worry, the tower hasn’t been used in decades ‘cause the bell’s broken. Alright.” She smacks her hands together. “We have to figure out a way to get someone’s attention. Whether it’s your family, my family, friends, or hell, even some random stranger. We just need to get someone’s attention.”
“But how? I’m not even sure how any of this works.” Will asked, truthfully. He’s still not even really sure how he was able to contact his mom that night. 
She hums, scratching her head. “Where’s your house at?” He gets close to the edge, looks around and points to it in the distance. She nods and starts doing the same as she speaks, “Alright, well there’s mine, Lucas’, and Mike’s. So we got options. We just need to figure out how you were able to speak to your mom that night. If we can figure that out, maybe we can do it again.”
“All I really did was just dial my house’s number and she picked up.”
“Okay. Maybe it’s just that simple after all.”
“Well… I know whatever happened that night, it fired the house’s phone. We’re going to need a new phone.”
“We can get one. And if that doesn’t work, we’ll move on to another house. Hopefully, one of our friends will pick up.”
And they have to. This is our only plan right now. She waves for him to go first. “Careful going down, it’s more tricky than going up.”
“Okay.” He says, doing what he was told.
She starts to follow closely behind when another voice appears.
|| I am such an idiot. || 
She froze, her heart sinking again. She looks back at one of the corners of the tower, and an aching feeling in her gut.
Steve had a cigarette in one hand, and his other tangled up his own locks; One leg was dangling off the tower, while the rest of his body laid against the arch of the opening. Today was stupidly sunny, barely any clouds and no smell of precipitation in the air for a chance of rain – the aesthetic was the complete opposite of his mood right now.
He took a puff of nicotine and blew it out like a long, heavy sigh. The shit from last night keeps replaying in his head, provoking him to do or say something he’s probably not supposed to (or is supposed to, his subconscious yells at him) – He still doesn’t understand why he suddenly ended up here out of place. He could have gone to skull rock, or even the quarry, or maybe even just running around the mall hoping no one realizes he’s a teenager and asks why he’s not in school.
He groans, closing his eyes, listening to the traffic below and people bickering, praying nobody looks up and finds him here. Again, why did I pick this place?
“I am such an idiot.” He mutters, then the insecurities he had slowly started to fade away when he felt a presence nearby. Worried that maybe a cop finally found him, he changes his sadden look for something cooler before opening his eyes and looking. 
But strangely enough, no one was even there.
“Huh.” Steve blinks, swearing that he could feel someone was watching him. Maybe though? I mean, this was an old church that may or may not be haunted.
He shakes his head. “Fuck this.” He puts his bud out on the ground and stands up to leave.
“Hey, Where’s Steve? I didn’t see his car in the parking lot.” Nancy asks, butting into Carol and Tommy’s conversation. She honestly wanted to see him to give him another apology, she still felt bad for prying so much about something she probably shouldn’t have seen. And I want to see if he’s in a good mental state today.
She watches the couple spare a look and gets worried, “What?”
“You haven’t seen him yet?” Carol said, as she shakes her head. “That’s weird.”
“Steve never skips school.” Tommy adds.
“What did you guys argue about last night?”
“Us?” Nancy said, pointing to herself. “You think he’s not here because we fought?”
“It’s a possibility. He finally has a girlfriend who’s charm finally made the King skip class.” Carol said, arms cross. “I’d say that’s an achievement.”
She scoffs. “First of all, It was just a disagreement, nothing more. A second, there’s no way that’s the reason he’s not here.”
“Maybe you hit one of his insecurities you were yelling about last night.”
Nancy holds her tongue and ends up just leaving in a huff. Every time she thinks she’s finally on their level, she’s pushed back down. She sighs and enters her first class of the day. Her gaze follows over to where her friend would be at, but atlas, her desk was empty.
She reaches out and taps the girl in front of her shoulder. “Hey, Ally. Where’s Barb?”
The girl raised an eyebrow. “Um, shouldn’t you know?”
Nancy’s stomach dropped. “You haven’t seen her anywhere... at all?” 
Ally shakes her head just as the bell rings and everyone’s ordered to sit down, leaving the Wheeler to wonder if she stayed home too because of their bickering.
“There she is. Emerald City.” Powell announced as they pulled up to the one and only laboratory in Hawkins. They were going off really their only lead at this point, and hoping it plays out.
“I heard they make space weapons in there.” Callahan replies, getting a look. 
“Space weapons?”
“Yeah. You know, like, Reagan’s Star Wars. I guess we’re gonna blow the Ruskies to smithereens.”
“Hey, can I help you?” The guard asked once the police car rolled to a stop just in front of the gate.
“Uh, yeah. We’re here for a tour.” Hopper lied.
“Oh, we don’t give tours.”
“Okay... A quick look around.”
“You have to get clearance for that. You can contact, uh... Rick Schaeffer at the Department of Energy.”
“Maybe you seen it on TV.” Hopper pushes, not backing down from this. “We got two local kids missing. We have reason to believe they might have snuck in here.”
“Like I said, you have to speak to Mr. Schaeffer.”
Hopper exhaled through his nose, and turned the car and placed his hat on the dashboard; His partners beside him grew quiet, and let him have at it. “What’s your name?”
“Patrick, I got a panicked mayor, and I got reporters breathing down my neck and I got two very upset mothers.” He said, his face growing softer, more wounded like. “Now, I know the kid’s not in there, but I gotta check off this box. Patrick, would you do me a favor? Would you speak to your boss and see what you can swing for us? I’d really appreciate it. I’m talking ten minutes, tops.”
Just ten minutes to see if they were in there. That’s all that the police chief needs…
And wants.
Steve heads inside the shop nearby, his stomach growling for food. It completely slipped his mind this morning – or afternoon now – he’s completely lost track of time. 
Now what kind of junk sounds appetizing today? He starts wandering around, not at all familiar with this layout or the shop for that matter (Why didn’t he just go to the sandwich shop next door again?). As he slips through one of the aisles, he notices the person in front of him struggling to reach for something off the high shelf. 
Deciding to be a nice boy, he reaches up and grabs it down for her. “Here you go, Ma’am.”
“Oh, thank you.” She said, surprised and grateful. “How kind of you.”
“Early Christmas shopping?” 
“Oh, I wish. No, I just need a new phone in case my son calls the house.”
He nods. “Your son lives far then?”
“Um, no, h-he’s missing.”
Steve’s eyes widened at the realization. “Oh, oh my god, I’m so sorry. You’re that kid’s mother.”
“I am.” Joyce says, shifting her weight around. 
“Am… so sorry, I-I didn’t know, I–”
“Like you said, you didn’t know.” She puts the phone into the shopping cart. “It’s okay.”
“Okay, um…” This was awkward, right? Steve shifted on his feet too, not really sure how to wrap this up. “Uh, do you have… uh… heard any updates?”
Joyce shakes her head, sadly. “Not yet. I know the Police Chief has put many of his guys and volunteers to work. But I think at this point they covered all of Hawkins.”
“Oh. I’m sorry. I just, uh–” He trails off, struggling to make a sentence. “Sorry, I was just being nosy. I don’t really hear much news, I…” He swallows. “I went to school with the Henderson girl, so...”
Is he making any sense? Hopefully she’s understanding what he means– Fuck, his heart’s racing so fast.
“Oh, yeah?” Joyce said, looking bittersweet – Looking like she was a mother staring at her hurt child (How come his own mother never looked at him like that?). “Must be hard knowing someone you knew is missing.”
Damn, right on the money. “Yeah.” He says, his throat feeling tight.
She hums, and then gives him a stern expression. “Shouldn’t you be in school though?”
Annnnddddd… Fuck. 
Nice Going, Harrington. He scolded himself as he racked his brain for a believable lie. “Oh, uh, I-I graduated already. I was a grade ahead.”
“Oh.” She says, apologetically. “My mistake.”
“No worries, seriously. It happens all the time.” At least he didn’t say something stupid, and needs to get out of this conversation before he does but… damn his little heart sometimes. “Uh–” He gestures to her cart full of different items. “Do you want me to pay for some of that? For bothering you? Or uh, I… I know you’re probably–”
“Oh, no!” She shakes her head. “No. Thanks, but I can get it. Money’s a little tight, I’ll admit, but there’s nothing I can do about it. You know?”
“You sure?”
“Yes. I appreciate the offer.” Joyce smiles, and subconsciously pats the young man on his shoulder. “You’re very sweet. Take care.”
“You too.” He says, seeing this as he exits and walks past her.
Joyce watches as he turns to another aisle, growing a bit sad by the interaction. 
Alright, do I have everything? She has a new phone, some groceries– things she knows Will would like– 
The display of string lights flickered for a second.
Confused, thinking most likely it was probably a short circuit, she doesn’t understand why she ended up muttering her youngest name, “Will.”
Coincidentally, the light flickers shortly afterwards. “Will!” She says, again, hope blooming in her chest. Then, all the lights on the display shined for a few seconds. 
God, call her crazy, but maybe this was a sign that her son is still close by.
Before anyone could blink, the checkout counter was filled up with so many boxes of Christmas lights, some just the basic color, and some of the tri-colors. She can only imagine how much this is going to cost her, but who cares! If this is strangely how she can talk to her son, then this is what she shall do.
Her Boss, who was the clerk for the day, looks at her worriedly. “Joyce–”
“Just ring me up, Donald.” Is all she said, patiently waiting until he was all finished. Without sparing another word, she gathers all the bags into her hands and races to her car.
Donald sighs while watching her leave. “That poor woman.” He says, just as Steve comes up to the counter with his snacks and drinks. He raises an eyebrow. “Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” 
“Aren’t you supposed to be minding your own business?” Steve said, becoming bitter again.
“Mmm, hmm.” He scans everything and a price pops up on his screen. “That’ll be Five-Fifty.”
“Found a phone.” Will said, almost immediately as they entered. It shouldn’t be a shock since this is the place his mother works at.
“That should work.” Steph said, smiling. “Let’s get a move on.”
Will gets up on his tippy toes to grab it, slowly pulling it off the shelf when something presses his hand. Startled, he falls back and the older girl grabs the box before it falls. 
“What happened?” She asked, worriedly.
“S-Something touched me.” He says, taking a step back.
“What?” She hands him the box and peeks over the shelf herself (She’s not exactly tall either). There was nothing odd out of the ordinary, just the normal dust and native plants that grew in this world. She frowns. “I don’t really see anything.”
Suddenly the display of lights flickered. Out of instinct her hand reaches for the pistol at her side. Then her heart sinks at the next thing.
|| Uh, do you want me to pay for some of that? I know you’re probably– || 
“Steve?” Stephanie says, surprised. 
So she wasn’t crazy after all. She did hear him. 
Will looked up at her, stunned too. “Steve Harrington?” He asked, but before she could speak another voice could be heard.
|| –I can get it. Money’s a little tight, I’ll admit, but there’s nothing I can do about it. You know? ||
|| You sure? ||
|| Yes. I appreciate the offer. You’re very sweet. Take care. || 
“Mrs. Byers?/Mom?!” They both erupted, then went quiet to see if they could hear anything else.
“Shit.” The oldest said, and now gnawing on her lip again, nervously (And completely forgetting about Steve for the time being). “That might have been our chance.” She hears the boy drop the phone somewhere next to her. “Will?”
The boy seemed fascinated with an idea swirling around in his head. Stephanie finds herself just watching, waiting to see what he had in mind. Will reaches up and lets his fingers brush the display of some string lights, the lights getting a little bit hazy – It was almost like his touch was giving them electricity. 
|| Will. || 
Joyce’s voice broke through very faintly, but they both heard it and nearly cried.
“Touch the light again.” Steph said, urgently. Will does what he’s told and they both stay quiet again.
|| Will! ||
“She hears us.” He says, happily. 
“Holy shit…” She chuckles. “I have an idea. Touch all the lights.”
Frantically, they rush to touch all the lights they saw on display, not even questioning how this was even possible, they just hoped Joyce got the message. Once the hue died down they both held their breaths, and crossed their fingers. And then…
|| Just ring me up, Donald. ||
Stephanie threw her hands up. “Yes!” She says, with Will laughing beside her. “Thank you, Ms. Byers.”
“My mom’s the best.” He said, with a warm look.
“Hell, yeah she is. And forget the phone–” She locks eyes with him, determined. “I think we figured out a better way to communicate.”
“And you think these missing kids may have crawled through there?” 
Hopper spares the man a glance before looking back at the drain. Somehow, he convinced the security guard to let him and his guys in, but so far their theories are turning out pretty sour. “Well, that was the idea.”
Their “Tour Guide”, I guess you can call him that, made a fact that was all smug and prideful. “Yeah, I just don’t see how that’d be possible. We’ve got over 100 cameras. Every square inch covered, plus all my guys. No one breaks in here. Certainly not some kids.”
Hopper perked up at the news, eyes trailing to a few cameras in view. Now it was his turn to be the smug one as he asked, “Those cameras, you keep the tapes?”
Well… I don’t think the guide was expecting that reaction.
Now, the three of them were following the man inside, the hallways swarmed with men in lab coats, and a security team blocking a room that was marked “hazardous”. 
The police Chief found this a bit suspicious and asked, “If you don’t mind me asking, what do you guys do in here?”
The guide chuckles. “You’re asking the wrong guy.”
“Staying one step ahead of the Russians?”
“I expect. Something like that.”
“Who’s in charge here?”
“That’d be Dr. Brenner.”
“And he builds the space lasers?” Callahan asked, eagerly. 
“Space lasers?”
“Ignore him.” Hopper replies, sighing. They eventually entered the surveillance room, the three of them watching the screen closely. “This is the night of the 6th and 7th we’re seeing here?”
“That’s correct.”
Hopper narrows his eyes, waiting to see if he sees anything unusual. However, to his surprise, the tape only lasted less than a minute. “Is that it?” He asked, in disbelief. 
“Like I said, we would have seen them.”
And then the cops were practically shoved out of there, and the guide gives them their condolences for the tired search (Yeah, what an asshole, right?).
“The night of the 7th, we had a search party out for Will and Stephanie. You remember anything about that night?” Hopper asked, seeing if he wasn’t the only suspicious one. 
“Mmm, not much to remember. Called it off.” Callahan replies, thinking.
 “‘Cause of the storm.” Powell adds.
“Yeah, a lot of rain that night.” Hopper says, arriving at their car. “You see any rain on that tape?”
“What are you thinking?”
“I don’t know.” He spares a look at the building, a sinking feeling in his gut. “But they’re lying.”
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, the boys were outside shifting through the playground for some rocks. Mike picks one up and shows it off. “How about this one?”
Dustin looks and shakes his head. “Too big for the sling.” He says, getting on his knees to do some digging. “So, do you think Eleven was born with her powers, like the X-Men, or do you think she acquired them, like... like Green Lantern?
“She’s not a superhero. She’s a weirdo.” Lucas replies, rolling his eyes.
“Why does that matter?” Mike snaps, offended. “The X-Men are weirdos.” 
“If you love her so much, why don’t you marry her?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Mike, seriously?”
“You look at her all, like…” Lucas makes a giggly face, and softens his body language, followed by a higher pitched voice, “‘Hi, El! El! El! El! I love you so much! Would you marry me’?” 
“Shut up, Lucas.”
“Yeah, shut up, Lucas.” Their bully, Troy, announced as he stomped towards the group. “What are you losers doing back here?”
“Probably looking for their missing friends.” James said, smirking.
“That’s not funny. It’s serious. They’re in danger.” Dustin hisses, annoyed.
“I hate to break it to you, Toothless, but they’re not in danger.” Troy bites back. “They’re dead. That’s what my dad says. He said that Byers was probably killed by some other queer. And maybe your sister’s been killed by some crazy stalker who is into weirdos like her.”
The two bullies laugh as Dustin looks like he’s about to strangle someone. No one says anything about Will like that. And nobody especially says something like that about his big sister.
Mike sees this, and puts his arm in front of his friend to soothe him. “Come on. Just ignore them.” He says, and starts to leave, only to be tripped – and face planted into the ground.
“Watch where you’re going, Frogface.” Troy spats, but he instantly gets a taste of his own medicine. 
To everyone’s surprise, Dustin was the one to deliver the karma, which was forcibly shoving him to the ground. 
Everyone stared, and before someone could speak he shoved James too and scrambled to pick up Mike.
“Lucas! Let’s go!” Dustin yells, and silently tells Mike to go. As they were leaving, he flips the bullies the bird and snaps, “You shitheads need to keep Will and Phanie’s name out of your mouths! Got it?!”
And then they broke off into a Usain Bolt type sprint.
They finally ended up back on Mirkwood, guns loaded, backpacks full, and hope in their chest. If this works, if Joyce does this right, then maybe they can finally communicate to the other side. All they needed to do was tell her where they are, and maybe they could figure out a way to get back. 
It sounded easy, and they just hoped it was.
The two of them were silent for most of the walk, and when they got to this specific road, the boy grabbed her hand, shaking. She says nothing, ‘cause nothing needs to be said about it. If that’s what made him feel safe then so be it.
“Do you think it’s negative emotions?” Will eventually said, breaking the ice.
Stephanie tilts her head, confused. “Hmm?”
“Do you think that’s how we can hear some people? Through negative emotions?” He looks up at her. “Like my mom, she must be worried about me, maybe that’s why we can hear her?”
Her eyebrows shoot up, shocked. It’s definitely a plausible theory (But would that apply to Steve as well? And if so, why is he so worried?). “Maybe.”
“But would that go with us too?” He adds, the wheels in his head really were turning today. “I mean, is that how the beast picks their victims? Because they’re in a bad mental state?”
Well, now that makes sense if you put it that way. “It’s possible.” She said, nodding. Yeah, that’s completely possible. 
It explains a lot of things. More or so she wanted to admit. She knows these last two years were… interesting to say the least. Definitely could qualify as a ‘Bad Mental State’. And… she also has felt a bit stressed about school and talks about her future. But if she knew herself was in a bad state, then that means–
“Then… are you okay?” Steph asked, realizing something. The boy froze, like actually froze when she said that. It was a trippy sight to see. “Will?”
“Are you okay?” She tries again, a bit gentler this time. “Mentally?” Nothing. “Will–
“I… I’m fine.” 
And then he lets go of her hand and starts walking a bit quicker– not even realizing he was doing so. She stops, concern on her face. She wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction from a simple yes or no question. She makes a note for herself that when they do get out of here she’s going to have a talk with him (Or at least tell Joyce about her concerns).
She sighs. Always got to be the therapist, Henderson.
She takes a step to move but stops, her eyes trailing off the road to her right, right into the void of the trees. It was weird. She felt like someone was standing right there – The same kind of presence back at the clock tower. 
“Huh.” She turns her attention back in front of her, then proceeds to freak out a bit when she notices how far Will was. She cusses and breaks into a sprint to catch up quickly.
Completely unaware of who that presence really was. 
Steve steps over the barricades, his feet sinking into the leaves. Curiosity got the best of him you could say, or maybe the conversation last night really was getting under his skin (Like he’ll ever admit that), but he found himself here. Standing at a… crime scene, I guess. 
Her car went off road with herself and the Byers boy in it. Not long afterwards, they ditched it. 
His brown orbs trailed from the tree the vehicle hit and down the long road. He also knows, from what he’s heard, they both ran back to the boy’s house and then the trail went cold after that. But that’s the part that tickled his brain a bit. 
Why run all the way back home, a place you’re probably the safest at, and then leave it? It didn’t make sense in his book. Hell, it shouldn’t make sense in anybody’s book. What was the urge for them to run away from home and into the thick woods that surrounds Hawkins? 
He rubbed his chin and started thinking like he was going to solve this or whatever. Like…
He then scoffs at himself. 
What the fuck am I even doing? What is he doing? Why did he drive himself here? It’s not like he should care anymore. I mean, he shouldn’t care anymore. His parents would have his head if they knew–
Then there it is again.
That strange feeling that someone’s watching him. 
He turns around, half expecting a cop to be there to scold him, the other half expecting nothing and– Oh! What do you know? It was nothing. 
But even if it was nothing, he swears someone is standing there, watching his every move. Almost like this presence was here to judge him and see what other stupid things he can do today.
It was definitely giving him the heebie-jeebies.
He frowns, and looks away. “What the fuck…?”
It took her an hour, but Joyce got all the lights up. She strung them all through the house, up along the wall and hanging gently off the ceiling. She hopes that she’s not losing her mind – She knows how silly this looks; Putting up Christmas lights in November (I mean, the holiday’s not that far off but still). She was expecting some reaction to happen, some or maybe all of them would immediately start blinking; Instead, her doorbell rings and she’s met with Karen Wheeler.  
Not wanting to be rude, Joyce invited her and her youngest in. Karen pops in a casserole she made into the oven, sitting next to the worried mother and tries to see what state she was in.
Joyce chuckles nervously when her guest notices the festive decoration. “Will always loved Christmas, you know. So I thought if I... I put the lights up... I don’t know, he... I’d feel like he was home somehow.” She covers part of her face with her hand. “I-It’s silly, I-I know…”
Karen shakes her head. “No. No, it’s not silly.” She takes the other woman’s hand in hers, giving her a gentle squeeze. “How is Jonathan holding up?”
Joyce takes a deep breath. “You know, he’s good at taking care of himself. He always has been, you know? I…” She scoffs. “I mean, he thinks I’m losing my mind, but…”
“Joyce.” Karen says, softly. “I want you to know something. If you need anything, anything at all... Ted and I are here for you.”
This sentimental moment caused them both to become oblivious to the lights flickering on in the hallway, a walkway pointing towards Will’s room. The only one who didn’t miss it was Holly, who was now sliding off her chair to follow.
“Thank you.” Joyce said, sincerely. 
Karen smiles. “Okay.”
The two women continued to talk, Joyce even bringing up Mike’s feelings about the whole thing – and even wondered if Claudia and Dustin were okay too. Meanwhile, little Holly Wheeler watched the lights flickered on and off, guiding her to the bedroom. Her eyes watched in awe as the many, many lamps that were lingered around Will’s room turned off and on one-by-one in a symphony-like way.
She giggles and claps, excited to watch this “show”. Then…
They all stopped and the nightmare began. 
Her happiness starts to pool away as she hears a scary sound. She then turns white as a ghost when she notices one of the walls was moving and stretching out towards her.
Who knows what would have happened if Joyce hadn’t come in and grabbed Holly, handing her back to her mother. 
“She shouldn’t be here.” Joyce said, scared in both tone and facial expression. 
Karen didn’t notice the seriousness of her look as she apologizes, “Oh, I’m sorry. She’s quite the explorer these days.”
“Wait, did you see something?” The worried Byers brushes her off, and the little girl nods quickly. “What did... what did you see? Tell me. What did you see?”
“Joyce!” The blonde scolds, but she’s already being shooed away.
“Karen, thank you for the casserole, but I need you to leave.” 
Nancy tapped her foot repeatedly, impatiently waiting for the person to pick up the phone. “Come on, come on, come on…” She mumbled, gripping the payphone tight. “Come on–”
[ ‘Hello?’ ]
Oh, thank god. “Hi!” She says, eagerly. “Hi, uh, Ms. Holland, it’s Nancy.”
[ ‘Oh, Nancy, how are you?’ ]
“Good. I’m good. Um, I was just wondering, uh, is Barb there?”
[ ‘Mmm... No, she hasn’t come home yet.’ ]
“But she did come home, right? After the vigil?”
[ ‘No, she said she was staying with you last night.’ ] 
Shit. Nancy mentally scolds herself. “Right, yes. She did, sorry. I meant, did she come home this morning? I think she left some textbooks and she was gonna go pick them up.”
[ ‘Oh, um, no, I haven’t seen her.’ ]
“Do– do you know what? I just remembered... she’s at the library.”
[ ‘Nancy, will you please have her call me as soon as you find her?’ ]
“Yeah.” She shakes her head, frowning at how worried Barb’s mother was sounding. “Yeah, I will. Sorry to bother you.”
She hangs up the phone, frustrated. This wasn’t like Barb at all. In the past when they’ve had some disagreements, she’s never once disappeared like this. The only thing Barb’s ever done that was “extreme” was she did the silent treatment for most of the school day. 
This is so weird. This whole day’s been weird. She sighs and digs out some more change for the machine, and dials another number she knows by heart. The whole time as it rang she was nipping at the tip of her thumb. To her surprise, a voice she’s never heard before answered the phone.
[ ‘Hello?’ ]
The voice was a bit husky, but sweet with a pinch of sass. 
Nancy’s confused, and twirls the phone cord around her finger. “Oh, I’m sorry, who’s this?” She asked, wondering if she dialed the number wrong. “Is this the–”
[ ‘This is Jessica. How can I help you?’ ]
Jessica? Who’s…
Her eyes widened. 
Now she recognizes the name. 
It was Steve’s mother – The woman she hasn’t met yet – The woman she’s “meeting” for the first time over the phone.
She swallows, nervously. “Oh, I-I’m… sorry. I was trying to get a hold of Steve.” She replies, feeling a bit awkward (and nervous?).
[ ‘Steven? And who are you to him?’ ]
Well she sounds lovely. She can hear the snobbishness in her tone, almost offended that someone was calling for her son. That’s a little weird.
“Um, I’m his girlfriend.” Nancy replies, trying to sound confident. “I was just wondering if he’s home? I haven’t seen him at school day and I’m a little worried.”
Then came the very long, very uncomfortable pause. For a second there she thought the mom hung up, it was so quiet.
[ ‘Girlfriend? That’s new. ]
“Did Steve not tell you about us?” Nancy asked, a bit hurt and a bit confused. He seemed so proud to show the whole school that they were dating, how come he never told his mother?
[ ‘What’s your name?’ ]
Skipping my question. I love it. “Um, Nancy. Nancy Wheeler, Ma’am.”
[ ‘Wheeler, you said?’ ]
“Um, yes.” Now she was puzzled even more. Was this a bad thing–
[ ‘That’s wonderful!’ ] 
Nancy blinks. “It… is?”
[ ‘My son’s dating a Wheeler! I almost can’t believe it.’ ]
And the woman was laughing with joy(?), which Nancy puts to the side. She just needs to get an answer to her own simple question. “That’s… wonderful, um… is Steve there?”
[ ‘No, he’s not. *Sigh* I swear if that boy’s skipping school, we’re going to have a problem.’ ]
And I think I just made everything worse. She straightens herself up, ready to end this. “Okay, Well… thanks, Mrs. Harrington, I’ll see if he’s maybe hiding out somewhere in the school.”
[ ‘Okay. Well, you have a good rest of your day, sweetheart.’ ]
Sweetheart? Nancy shakes her head again. “Thanks. You too.” She hangs up the phone. Well that was even weirder than the last one.
She crosses her arms, turning to head inside only her eyes to beeline to Carol and Tommy following someone closely – Tommy looking pissed off, especially. 
“What the heck?” She says, and hurries towards them.
Hopper and his partner entered the library with an idea – an idea hanging on a very thin thread that is. So, he puts on his best smile and takes off his hat, strolling up to the woman at the desk. “Hey, Marissa. How you doin’?”
The librarian pursed her lips. “You have a lot of nerve showing up here.”
He blinks. “What?”
“You could have at least called, said, ‘Marissa! Hey, it’s not gonna work out. Sorry I wasted your time. I’m a dіck’.”
Oh, now he remembers. “Yep.” He said, agreeing immediately. “I’m sorry. Uh... Maybe we could go out again next week?” She, and even Powell, made a face at him that gave him his answer. He smacks his lips and looks around. “Newspapers? You guys got newspapers around here?”
Marissa nods and shows them where they all are. “We have the New York Times, the Post, all the big ones. Organized by year and topic. You can find the corresponding microfiche in the reading room.”
“Okay, we’re looking for anything on the Hawkins National Laboratory.”
“Well, shouldn’t you be looking for that missing kid?”
“Yeah. We are.” Hopper pushes, and adds, “So, why don’t you start with the Times, and we’ll check out the Post.”
She scoffs in disbelief and walks off, Powell stepping up with a look on his face. “The librarian?” He said, getting a shrug.
Nancy sped up when she saw who they were stalking in the parking lot. Why would two people like Tommy and Carol go after a kid like Jonathan Byers? Nothing that went through her mind would give her that answer. When she got closer is when it got more intense. 
Tommy was practically manhandling Jonathan, yelling and trying to take his bag away from him. The eldest Wheeler sped up even more, full on running now.
She manages to step between the two of them, arms out in defense. “Hey! What’s going on?”
“This creep was spying on us last night!” Tommy said, pointing furiously. “Nicole says he was taking pictures of us by the pool.”
“I was looking for my brother.” Jonathan replies, holding his bag close.
“Bullshit. Now let me see.”
“Back off!”
Nancy steps in between them again. “Tommy, stop!” She yells, making him scoff.
“You’re defending this creep, Wheeler?” Carol asked, in disgust.
“First of all, you really going to believe what Nicole said? The girl’s like the boy who cried wolf.”
“Lastly, so what if he has photos of us at the pool? It wasn’t like we’re naked.”
“Naked or not, he still took pictures of us!” Tommy snaps, taking a step closer as she takes a step back.
“Pictures or not, he was looking for his brother–”
“How do you know, huh? How?”
“Because he’s been hanging out missing poster signs of him and missing school because he’s the big brother.” Nancy looks over her shoulder, locking eyes with Jonathan. “Go.” He hesitates. “Go, man!”
Not wasting another opportunity, he hustles off towards his car. Tommy tries to lunge towards him, but Nancy isn’t letting up.
“What the fuck, Nancy?!” Tommy shouted, and she chose to ignore him by walking away once she knew Jonathan wasn’t around. “Nancy!”
“Nancy, get back here!” Carol yelled.
“Nancy, you such a fucking princess! Wait until your boyfriend hears about this!”
“Dude, I can’t believe you did that!” Lucas said, as they bike away from the school. “You know Troy and James are not going to let that slide.”
“I don’t care!” Dustin says, bitterly (and if he could cross his arms right now he would). “I don’t like when people bad mouth my friends, bad mouth my sister! I mean, for Christ’s sake, she was giving Will a ride home. What’s so bad about that?”
He doesn’t care if James’s waiting tomorrow to give him a wedgie, or Troy’s fist plummeting into his face, he doesn’t care. Both Will and Phanie had their fair share of bullying themselves, or whispers of derogatory names and speeches – All because Will was the “quiet kid” and wears “colorful” clothing; All because his sister wasn’t a “girly-girl” and a total nerd. He’s heard that all throughout his life, and sometimes he said something, sometimes he stays silent when told too – He probably should have done that today.
But those… fucking bullies just had to poke him when he was the most stress. Stressed out with each day that none of them had come home.
Jeez, he’s either going to get scolded or praised by his mother if she finds out about that interaction. 
“And don’t even try to convince me to beg them for forgiveness. They don’t deserve it and I’m standing my ground.” Dustin adds, shutting his friend up. As they rode closer and closer to their houses, he frowned, worriedly.
I just hope El knows what she’s talking about. He just wants to find them both soon (Safe and sound would be a plus).
The boys continued to ride until they arrived at the power lines behind the Wheelers’ house. Mike shouted and told the girl to hope on, warning all of them they only had a few hours to pull this off.
Joyce was standing in her kitchen with a cigarette when Chester started barking. She looks up to see the lights in the living room start flickering, and hurries in there. As soon as she entered they died down. Then, slowly the light directly above her activated, and then made a pathway to the other side of the room. Her fingers laced around them, and followed, ending up being directed at a bundle of them lying on the floor.
She rushes to take them in her hands, sitting down and taking a deep breath. It was now or never to find out if she was really losing her mind or not. She closes her eyes, and whispers,
“Will... are you here?”
There was a brief pause followed by the ball lighting up and fading. She chuckles in excitement, completely over the moon with fresh tears in her eyes. 
“Okay, good, good, good, good. Are you…” How should she do this? “Um, blink once for yes, twice for no. C-Can y-you do that for me, sweetie? Can you do–” The ball lights up again just once as she feels a tear run down her cheek and hugs the object.
She can feel it in her bones, in her heart now. She knows this is her baby boy. She knows that her son is still with her.
Joyce smiles and sniffles. “Oh, good boy. Good boy. Okay, Will, um–” Another deep breath. “Is… Is Stephanie with you too?” 
One blink. The girl who was kind enough to pick up her son is still with him despite all this time. She can finally put some of that guilt away now.
“That’s wonderful news.” She said, her expression growing bigger. However, this was going to be the hardest question yet to ask. “Baby, I need to know…” She swallows. “Are you guys alive?”
One blink and her heart skips a beat. She thanks any God who’s listening for this.
Her lip quivers as she follows up with, “Are you guys safe?”
Two blinks.
Her son and Stephanie were not okay.
Now, Joyce was shaking like a leaf as she clenched the lights tighter, her mind running a mile a minute on what she can do. What could she say that wouldn’t revert to playing twenty questions four times over?
“I need to know where to find you two, honey. Where... where are you? Can you... can you tell me where you are? Can you…” She chokes, her cheeks completely stained. “Please, baby. I need to find you. Tell me what to do. Please just... Will…”
She didn’t know how long she sat there and cried, wondering what she could do for her baby, for Steph; But at some point a light bulb idea appeared. She suddenly found herself stringing some lights on the wall over her couch, a row of three, before popping open a can of black paint and began brushing letters on.
“How do we get my mom’s attention when we can’t see what she’s done?” Will asked after hours of walking back to his home, he was disappointed to find that his house still looks the same. I guess their theory about earlier was right–
This world was stuck on the day he and Steph got kidnapped by the beast.
The oldest walked around a bit, thinking. Unfortunately, despite all the lights Joyce bought, they can’t see any of them. “Did she put it in your room, maybe?” Stephanie thought, and wandered inside.
Nothing. Of course. The only thing she saw that was possibly different was some scratch marks on the wall, ones that would be too high for a dog to do.
She swallows and leaves, meeting the boy in the hallway. “Did you have scratches on your wall before?” Will gives her a weird look and shakes his head. She hums. “We got to find those lights quickly. I think that monster’s been lurking around here.”
They found themselves back in the living room, and started moving their arms around, squinting too to see if something would appear. All hope was starting to seem lost until her hand hits an object above, a glowing hue appears for a split second.
“Whoa…” Will said, in awe, and suddenly, they both swore they heard a dog barking. “Chester?”
Steph took this as a sign to keep going, hitting the same spot again before gently moving her hand along the imaginary line. She trails to the little cabinet against the wall, feeling around until she hits something that makes light.
Come on, Ms. Byers. Please tell me you’re home. The two of them waited anxiously, waiting for the woman to speak, waiting for–
|| Will... are you here? ||
Joyce’s voice broke through, breaking them.
“Mom.” Will breaths, coming down to sit on his knees. “What do I–”
“Start feeling around. Just like I did.” Steph said, coming to sit next to him. He nods again, keeping calm and feels around – His fingers touching something that made the hue appear again. “Perfect. Just like that.”
|| Okay, good, good, good, good. ||
“See?” Steph says, happily. “It’s working.”
“Mom.” Will says again, smiling. Now, they just have to stay silent and listen.
|| Are you… Um, blink once for yes, twice for no. C-Can y-you do that for me, sweetie? Can you do– || 
Of course they can. So Will reaches out and touches it once.
|| Oh, good boy. Good boy. Okay, Will, um– Is… Is Stephanie with you too? ||
One touch. Will is eternally grateful that he’s not alone in this scary place. 
|| That’s wonderful news – Baby, I need to know… ||
There’s a pause, and they hold their breaths.
|| Are you guys alive? ||
Their hearts clenched at how painful she sounded. 
His poor mother. I can only imagine what she must feel like. Steph thought, and touched his shoulder, trying to give him some comfort.
He touches the air with a shaky hand, trying not to beat himself up over how much his mother was suffering.
|| Are you guys safe? ||
They frown, and he touches the air twice.
I’m sorry, Mom. Will says, trying not to picture the state she was in after that answer.
|| I need to know where to find you two, honey. Where... where are you? Can you... can you tell me where you are? Can you… Please, baby. I need to find you. Tell me what to do. Please just... Will… ||
“Mom?” He croaked, after she went silent. “Mom?”
“Ms. Byers?” She said, worriedly.
“Mom, please… where did you–”
Then they heard the couch scrap across the floor, hitting the wall, followed by the sounds of hammering. 
“What is she doing now?” He asks, both of them standing and hearing the string lights she must have in her hands clink together, and move along the wall. “Why is she hanging up more lights?”
Although he was puzzled, Stephanie was not. She walks over to the couch, getting onto the cushions and feeling around, the hues returning when she hits a certain spot. She laughs blissfully.
“Oh, your mom’s a genius.” Steph said, with a huge smile on her face.
Will gives her a look. “I don’t get it.”
“Watch closely. See–” She touches a line of lights near the ceiling. “Eight.” Then the middle. “Nine.” Then the bottom. “Nine. It makes twenty-six. Your mom’s a freaking genius.”
“Still not getting it.”
“Don’t you see? She didn’t just hang up more lights–” Her smile grows, and soon will his. “It’s an alphabet wall.”
Nancy wasn’t sure what she was going to do. First Steve doesn’t come into school, and now no one knows where Barb is. She decides to kill two birds with one stone after school, and takes a drive over to the Harrington house. A quick driveby shows that her boyfriend’s car wasn’t there, so she figures he must have just skipped school because of last night’s disagreement. As for her best friend though, she couldn’t have said the same thing.
She slows down and parks directly behind Barb’s car, jogging over and taking a peek inside. Everything was the same, Barb’s purse was on the floor board, and the sweater she changed out of was laid in the seat. 
No. No way. She couldn’t believe this. If Barb didn’t drive home last night then where was she? She tried to come up with excuses, tried to make up ideas that would lead to her coming home without her car but…
Nothing made sense. 
She about cried on the way home, on the verge of a breakdown as she thinks only but the worst of the worst. 
“Hey!” Her mother calls out as she enters the house. “You’re home early! How was the game?” When her mother notices how quiet she was, it is when she meets her daughter halfway. “Nancy? What’s the matter?”
“I-It’s Barb.” Nancy croaks, shaking. “I think... something happened. Something terrible.” She hopes she’s just over exaggerating, but she doesn’t know about that.
She can’t shake off this dreadful feeling in the pit of her stomach.
“I don’t know, Chief.” Powell begins, really on the fence about all that they read.
“What don’t you know?” Hopper asked, confused.
“This lady, Terry Ives, sounds like a real nut to me. Her kid was taken for LSD mind control experiments? She’s been discredited. Claim was thrown out–”
Hopper sighs. “Okay, forget about her. Take a look at this.” He slides over a newspaper clipping he printed out. The headline said: ‘MK ULTRA EXPOSED’. He points to a familiar face in the picture. “Dr. Martin Brenner.”
“Brenner. He runs Hawkins Lab.”
Hopper sits back in his chair with disbelief and scoffs. “You don’t find that interesting?”
“Not really.” Powell said, with a shrug. “He was involved in some hippie crap back in the day, so what?” 
“No, this isn’t hippie crap. This is CIA-sanctioned research.”
“Doesn’t mean he had anything to do with our kids.”
“Come on. Look at that.” Hopper points to the other people in the picture. “Hospital gowns. All of ‘em. Now, that piece of fabric that the teacher found by the pipe. That sure looked like a hospital gown to me, huh? Am I wrong?”
“I don’t know, Chief.”
“Come on, man. Work with me here. I’m not saying that there’s some grand conspiracy–” (You sure about that?) “I’m just…” He sighs, exhausted. “I’m saying maybe something happened. Maybe Will and Stephanie were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and they saw something that they shouldn’t have.”
Powell makes a face. “It’s a reach.”
“It’s a start.” 
Before more could be said, Powell’s radio goes off, and Callahan starts speaking.
[ ‘Hey, Powell, is the chief with you?’ ] 
Hopper wastes no time to reach over and take the radio off his partner’s shoulder, answering it, “Hopper here. What do you got?”
The boys follow Eleven through the woods, the sun finally setting, slowly engulfing them in darkness if it wasn’t for the lights on their bikes. To everyone’s shock and confusion, she had brought them to a familiar place.
She turns around and faces them, replying, “Here.”
Mike gives her a look. “Yeah, this is where Will lives.”
He shakes his head. “No, no, this is where he lives. He’s missing from here. Understand?”
“What are we doing here?” Lucas asked, dropping his bike in annoyance. 
“She said he’s hiding here.”
“Um…” He looks around. “No!”
Now it was Dustin’s turn to look annoyed. “I swear, if we walked all the way out here for nothing–”
“That’s exactly what we did. I told you she didn’t know what the hell she was talking about!”
Mike sighs and looks at her. “Why did you bring us here?”
“Mike, don’t waste your time with her.” Lucas replies, fed up and tired.
“What do you want to do then?”
“Call the cops, like we should have done yesterday.”
“We are not calling the cops!” 
“Hey, guys?” Dustin says, something catching his attention. 
“What other choice do we have?” Lucas yells again. 
“Guys!” He snaps, drawing their attention to the police cars rushing by, followed by an ambulance. Their sirens were blaring loudly, and were heading in a direction they all knew where it led to.
A dreadful feeling came to all of them instantly. 
“Oh no…” Mike whispers.
Stephanie wrote on the wall with a marker the best she could, drawing the alphabet in each row. They couldn’t see the lights or the letters Joyce probably scribbled on too, but they could make do with what they had.
“This should probably help, right?” 
“Definitely.” Will agrees with a nod.
“Good.” She smacks her hands together. “Alright, come on Mrs. Byers, talk to us. Ask us some questions.”
“Come on, Mom.”
They waited and waited, until they finally heard her speak.
|| Okay. Okay, baby, talk to me. Talk to me. Where are you guys? ||
“What should we say?” Will asked, as he climbed onto the couch.
“Uh…” What could they say? “Here! Right Here. Tell her that.”
Will Reached up and started touching right above each letter, listening – His mother repeating back whatever he touched.
|| ‘R’. Good, good, good, good. That’s good. Come on, come on. ‘I..  G... H... T... H... E... R... E…’.‘Right here’. ||
Stephanie frowns, worriedly. Yeah, I know it doesn’t make any sense but it’s true.
“Come on, Mom. Understand. Please.” Will begged, quietly.
|| ‘Right here’? I… I-I don’t know what that means. I need you to tell me what to do. What should I do? How do I get to you guys? How do I find you? What should I do? ||
“Um…” Will looks over at the teenager. “What should we tell her?”
Steph’s mouth opens and closes quickly. What do they tell her if they’re not even sure what this place is? “Fuck… um…” She scratches her head. “How about–”
The vicious voice seemed to spread itself around the house like a disease making the hair on their necks stand, and a chill ran up their spines. And then all the supposed “dead” electricity started going off, turning the whole house into a light show; Radios and TVs started going frantic; Fans turning on and spinning around too.
Will starts looking around all disoriented. “Steph, what’s going on?” 
“I–” She gasps as she hears the infamous growl in the distance, then the sound of the beast trying to bust through the wall behind her. “Will!!”
The boy frantically writes something out of his mother, just as the monster’s claw broke through the house. Steph takes a quick shot to stun it enough for them to run out the back door – From there, they were off running into the forest.
Joyce set the brush down, her alphabet wall was done and ready to use. She takes a few steps back so she can see the whole thing, and rubs her hands impatiently.
“Okay.” She breathes, mentally preparing herself. “Okay, baby, talk to me. Talk to me. Where are you guys?” It takes only a second for a letter to appear. “‘R’. Good, good, good, good. That’s good. Come on, come on. ‘I..  G... H... T... H... E... R... E…’.‘Right here’.”
That doesn’t make sense. What do they mean they’re right here?
“‘Right here’?” She says again, puzzled. “I… I-I don’t know what that means. I need you to tell me what to do. What should I do? How do I get to you guys? How do I find you? What should I do?”
She sees the light flicker again, and waits to see what they spell. Slight spoiler…
It was not what she expected them to say.
They were letters that were going to take her breath away.
And then all the lights in the house turned on and flickers rapidly, a sound of growling coming from behind. Scarcely, she turns to find something trying to crawl out of her wall. Terrified to even scream or speak, she starts to back away towards the door as a beast breaks through the wallpaper and hisses. 
The boys biked faster and faster, trying to catch up to the emergency vehicles, fearing the worst was yet to come. Just like they suspected, they ended up right at Sattler Quarry.
Meanwhile, Hopper was shaking, praying that what Callahan told him was not true. He arrives at the scene to find paramedics going deep into the water, two stretchers trailing behind. He doesn’t even know if he parked the car or not as he rushes out; A terrible, terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach. He runs and blends into the crowd of firemen, waiting (im)patiently for their findings. 
“Oh, Jesus.” He mutters, trying so hard to keep his composure. “Oh, God. Please tell me it’s not the kids.”
The boys and El hid behind a truck, hearts in their throats as they watched as a waterlogged body of a boy was being loaded on the stretcher – soon followed by a larger female.
As soon as he saw the clothes, as soon as he saw the color of their hair, Hopper knew he was too late. Not wanting to break down right there and scream, he turns away and heads to his car. How in the world was he going to be able to tell Joyce and Claudia about this? How was he going to tell them that he failed to save their children after they begged him to? What could he have done differently to change this atrocious outcome?
The boys were shaking their heads from afar, not wanting to believe what they’re seeing. It was a nightmare. Just a nightmare. It has to be! They can’t really be–
“It can’t be them.” Mike choked, shaking his head. “It can’t be.”
“It’s Will and Steph.” Lucas says, lips quivering. Both boys were a mess, almost coming undone, but Dustin…
Oh, Dustin.
He felt like he was about to faint.
“Phanie…?” He whispers, taking a step back while holding his head. No. No. No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No– No! This can’t be real! This can’t be! She can’t be–
“It’s really them.” Lucas said, after getting another look once the bodies were brought back to shore. Tears were in his eyes, and they were ones he wasn’t even going to try to hide like he normally would.
Same thing goes with Mike, who was hugging himself, and sobbed. His best friend was gone. A girl that was like a sister to him was gone. He just couldn’t… wait. “Dustin?” He begins, looking over his friend who seemed so far away from this world.
It was a scary look, enough for even El to get scared and worried. She reached out to him, to comfort him; She even muttered his name for the first time.
To everyone’s surprise, he slaps her hand away.
“‘Dustin’? ‘Dustin’, what?!” He snaps, hatefully. “You were supposed to help us find them alive. You said my sister was alive?! Why did you lie to us?” He points at her, scaring her again. “What’s wrong with you? What is wrong with you?!” 
Eleven stays quiet, not even sure what to say from his outburst.
“Say something! Give me an answer, damn it!” He yells, as Lucas and Mike take a step closer.
“Dustin–” Mike tries, but the boy shakes his head and backs away.
“Screw this! Fuck everything!” Dustin turns around and grabs his bike, his friends ushering him to calm down before taking off. But whatever they say wasn’t going to be enough. The Henderson was practically up the hill when they finished their speech, and wasn’t planning on slowing down no matter what happens.
Meanwhile, not too far down the road, Joyce was running for her life – running whatever that thing was that crawled out of her wall. She was so scared that she didn’t even realize a car was coming towards her. Luckily, it stopped mere inches away, causing her to scream.
“Mom?” Jonathan says as he gets out. “Mom, what happened?” His mother couldn’t speak, only reaching out to grab her son and hold on to dear life. “It’s okay. It’s okay. I got you.” 
But everything is not okay. Far from it. 
Because in the distance, police were coming to inform them of the unfortunate news of their son and brother.
Steve slips through the sliding door in the back of his house since it was much quieter. He really didn’t feel like facing his parents just yet, and he knows this is around the time at night where they sit around with a glass of wine/beer and watch their shows. He’ll just see and deal with them in the morning, and hopefully they don’t notice any signs that there was a party last night.
He walks lightly across the floors, his mind set to go for the stairs which was going to be a bit tricky since they do tend to creak in some spots. A quick look into the living room he finds his dad on the couch, and his mother standing up but facing the opposite way. 
Perfect. He thought and made his move just as his mother’s voice broke through.
The black, wavy haired and brown eyed woman was pacing around a bit, clearly upset about something – or someone to be exact. 
“The boy was skipping school today, Richard. Can’t you believe that? How is suppose to keep up his grades?” 
Steve had to hold back from groaning as he eye rolled. Here she goes again. He chooses to ignore it, and is about to when he hears the next thing.
“If it wasn’t for his girlfriend calling we would have never known.”
He froze as soon as his foot touched one of the steps. Nancy called? 
His girlfriend actually called the house? She was actually calling because she was wondering where he was at? Even after their fight? He could smile because it warms his heart that she cares, but he was also devastated that his mother was the one to pick up the phone. He hasn’t even told–
“On the bright side, he’s dating a Wheeler. A Wheeler! You know what her father does for a living, right?” She chuckles with excitement. “It’s perfect. I can almost cry.”
And here comes another eyeroll. See this is why he didn’t bother mentioning this girlfriend this time around to his mother. He knew once she found out who her family was it was going to be a game changer. 
Jesus, Christ. He can’t wait to see what’s in store for him in the morning.
“Well, it beats the other choices he’s had in the past.” His father said, pouring salt into old wounds and making him shake his head.
These freaking people, man. I swear. Steve starts to go up the stairs when he hears another voice; This time it was on the TV.
. < In Other words– breaking news. The bodies of some local children, William Byers and Stephanie Henderson have been found. > .
He froze again, this time more rigid and cold.
No, he didn’t just hear that right.
No, his mind’s just playing tricks on him because of last night…
. < The children have been missing since the 6th, and local authorities and it’s volunteers worked many hours to bring them home, only for it to end in a tragedy. >  .
“About fucking time.” Charles said, raising his beer with joy. “Damn weirdo. I guess our worries about her hanging out with our son again are put to rest.”
Jessica sighs with relief. “Thank God for that. I was tired of seeing her face everywhere.”
“Amen to that.”
He listened to his parents laugh, and clink their drinks together as the world started to spin around him.
This isn’t right. This isn’t right. This isn’t right. This isn’t right. This isn’t–
He’s not sure how much noise he made, or if he made any, but Steve was out the door again in a split second – running straight for his car where he’ll speed off to the unknown parts of Hawkins.
Dustin stumbles inside his house, slamming the door with more force than necessary. Maybe it was necessary ‘cause it got his mother’s attention. She came from the other room, asking what’s going on as he stares at her with a red face and puffy eyes, cheeks stained with tears that wouldn’t stop falling.
“Dustin? What’s wrong?” 
He felt like something was wrapped around his vocal cords, and there was a knife sticking into his chest, and there was something hot poking at his lungs. He has to speak. He has to tell her. It’s better if she knows from his lips rather than a man in blue. 
“Dustin?” She tries again, getting closer.”
“M-Mom…” He begins, his whole body starting to tremble. “St-Stephanie… sh-she’s… she’s…” Oh, god. Why can’t he freaking say it?
“She’s what?” Claudia asked, worriedness creeping up onto her features.
“Sh-She’s… she’s gone.” He whispers into a sob. “Th-They found them both in… I-In the quarry.” Another sob. “Th-They’re b-both gone. M-Mom. St-Stephanie’s gone…”
And then his mother started to shake her head and said ‘No’, followed by Dustin’s reassurance. This went back and forth for who knows how long, but it ended with Claudia being in the same state as her son – a hobbling mess.
“I-It’s true…” He gasps. “I-I saw it my-myself. They’re r-really b-both gone.” And then he broke down again, this time in her arms. She holds him tight, trying to be the strong one here. 
“Shh, baby, we’ll get through this.” She soothes, rubbing the curls on the back of his neck. Her son grips onto her clothes, burying his head into her chest and lets out never ending gasps for air.
“Mommy…” He choked, as his ears picked up on the sirens in front of his house.
Steve’s surprised the gas pedal hasn’t gone through the floorboard yet with how much force he’s applying. He doesn’t even know where he’s going, doesn’t even know if he’s hit something, or runs a red light, but he does know that he’s not anywhere near the speed limit. 
The news story was still playing around in his head and it was certainly not helping the situation. 
. < From the looks of it, the poor children had plummeted into the quarry and ended up drowning with possible hypothermia. But the mystery still remains on why these two disappeared in the first place. Hopefully, the police can find the answer to that, and bring some closure to the grieving families. > < Hopefully so, Liz. I can only imagine what they’re going through right now. > < Everyone here at WCPK would like to give our condolences. And we advise everyone watching to give a moment of silence for the children. > .
Steve slams on the breaks, the wheels spinning and making an awful sound as he stops along one of the abandoned roads in the town. He starts breathing heavily, which slowly turns into panting. His heartbeat was in his ears, his throat tight and dry, his brown eyes starting to gloss over.
“Fuck…” He whispers, in disbelief. No matter how many times he thinks this is a dream, thinks that maybe they were wrong and it was two other kids they found, his guts tells him ‘No’ and ‘This is real’. 
“Fuck…” He says again, the pain was slowly turning into anger which eventually led to him banging on every surface in his car. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!”
Stephanie Henderson was dead. The girl he knew since five was dead. The girl he made promises with was dead. The girl who was there for him at his every low was dead. The girl who was the only one to make him really laugh and smile was dead.
The girl he had to give up to protect was dead.
Stephanie Henderson… The girl that was his friend.
Screw that! 
He didn’t want to make that choice but he had to.
The girl that is, and will always be, his friend is dead.
She was just supposed to keep moving on in her life, she was just supposed to keep hating him until she completes her dreams. She was supposed to stay in Hawkins and pretend not to know him until her dream life opens up and whisks her away. 
She was supposed to be alive and safe. 
She wasn’t supposed to be dead at the bottom of a quarry with a boy she offered to protect.
Everything he did to make sure she lived was now pointless.
Now, tears rolled down his face, his hands trembling and his lower lip quivered. Every emotion he kept locked up from their old friendship had returned and it was eating him away, tearing him bit by bit, suffocating him till he turned blue.
He still couldn’t believe it. He wishes he could blink and reality would reveal it was just another dream. 
He knows it won’t be like that. It never will be. So instead…
Steve found himself screaming until his throat ran raw.
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A/N: Did I emotionally destroy all of you enough? I apologize a bit if so...
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smuttycentre · 8 months
M/n: Male reader
Word count:
Synopsis: After claiming a place to stay and Matt Donovan you take interest in the new bad boy in town. This is set in series one, episode one
Warnings: blood sucking, 3-way kissing, top!Damon, submissive!Damon, bottom!reader, unprotected sex, rimming
Author Note: This is part of a series where you are an upgraded original vampire in The Vampire Diaries. You can compel anyone and everyone including the originals, witches and hunters. The goal is to fuck everybody in this series while following the timeline of the original series and introducing new characters as they come into the show.
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You woke up to the soft sound of Matt, your partner breathing deep while sleeping. Last night was a great night and it only marked the start of your journey to conquer the town of Mystic Falls.
You turned to him and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
“Sleep tight, baby” you whispered as you got up and left.
Last night was amazing but you wanted more. You craved attention, affection and desire. Your lust for men is growing and there’s only one thing to do. Claim someone new.
You walk around the town all day watching the townsmen and finding your next person to fuck. No one yet.
The sun set and there was still no one. You could always come back home to Matt, but you want to suprise him, give him someone for when you are away. Someone for you both to play with.
“Ahhhhh” you hear someone scream in the woods. There is a party going on so you assume it’s just a girl having fun. But then you smell blood.
A snack. You think. You zoom over to the woods and find the girl. You notice her from photos in Matts… your house. It’s Matts sister?
You crouch over her body bleeding out. “There’s another vampire in town?” You question. “Awww, what a shame. We can’t let you die, yet”
You get out your phone and call for a paramedic. While waiting there you touch your hands to her bite marks and get some of her blood on you. You then suck your fingers and enjoy the taste of her blood.
SNAP. You hear a twig snap and you get up and turn towards the source. What was once empty space was now a figure in leather. You can’t quite make out who it is.
“I thought that me and my brother were the only bloodsuckers in town.” The figure said. “We can’t let people knowing I’m here, let’s change that.”
With that, the figure picked up a piece of wood and zoomed over to you. You’ve been around thousands of years and nothing catches you off guard. He struggles to impale you in your heart but this is nothing for you, he was strong but but strong enough for you.
With him this close to you, you can see him clearer. He had smooth pale skin and shaggy dark hair. You could smell alcohol on his breath, what’s that? Bourbon.
“You’re strong” he exclaimed. You smiled, enjoying his struggle to hurt you. He will only hurt you when you allow him.
Even though this mysterious man was a vampire, you are the first vampire. An elite type of vampire. The sun does not hurt you. You can compel even the strongest of minds even witches. With this knowledge you look at him in the eyes and start to speak.
“Stop what you are doing. Don’t move. Don’t make a sound. Answer each question truthfully.”
His grip on the piece of wood dropped and so did his grip on you. He stepped back a little to allow you space to move. You circled around him with him staying completely still.
“Who are you?”
“Damon Salvatore” he replied
“How many vampires are there in this town?”
“Just me and my younger brother”
“What are you doing in this town?”
“I am trying to get a vampire named Katherine out of a tomb she in trapped in. And my brother is infatuated with a student who looks just like her”
Interesting. This Damon guy is still frozen you think. And that small drop of the girls blood beside you was not enough.
You stand behind Damon and tilt his head over. You move to his ear and whisper seductively “You’re going to be mine” and then you sink your teeth into his smooth neck.
Damon moans in pain but that only makes you want to drink more. You release your fangs and wipe your mouth. You then move to the front of him and without compelling you say “drink me.”
You tilt your neck and await for his lips to press down on you. Nothing happens.
“You’re going to need your strength back. I’ve got all night. Drink from me” you order.
Reluctantly he moves his head to your neck and gets his teeth out. He then bites into your skin and starts sucking you, draining from you. You enjoy this feeling. You’re in euphoria.
After a while you break his head away from you and look at him. He is still frozen until you say. Your blood is all over his mouth and you go in close and start licking it off his face. He looks at you, not scared but slightly thrilled. This is hot.
“The paramedics will be here for your snack soon. Let’s get out of here.” You lean down to Vicky and compel her to forget everything.
“Where are we going?” Damon asked as he is compelled to follow you.
“Your new home” you reply with a smile.
“Matt” you shouted as you opened the front door. Boom-boom-boom you hear as Matt comes running down the stairs.
“Hello love” he excitedly said as he came over and kissed you.
“Hello. This is Damon Salvatore. Can he come in? I think he will be a lot of fun”
“Of course. Come in” he said. You all go into the living room and Matt offers you a drink. You accept and go for his neck.
Damon is just stood in the middle of the room. You give Matt another passionate kiss. You are so glad that he is yours.
You turn towards Damon. “I think for you. I’m not going to making you do anything that you don’t want to.” You move closer to him and say into his eyes: “You will give in to every instinct you have deep down. Lust, allure, touch.”
“You will not leave my sight” you say. Damon nods and understands.
“Do you want to fuck me?” You ask.
“No” Damon yelled.
“Well of course not, I haven’t made you want me yet.” You walk towards Matt. “Let’s show him what he’s missing baby”
Matt smiled knowing what was coming. You start making out. His warm lips pressing against you, turning you on. You take Matts top off revealing his sexy body and hard nipples.
You move down to them and start licking them. Both of you make approving noises.
“Fuck yes m/n” Matt exclaimed.
“Mmm-hmmm” you reply still sucking on his nipples.
Damon is still watching, not showing any expression. You go over to him and grabs his crotch.
“Hmm, not fully hard yet but getting there. I know you’ll want me.” You move close to his face and start kissing him. He is resisting but something tells you that he likes it.
While kissing him you gesture Matt to come over. The hot, shirtless jock came over and you started to have a 3-way kiss. There was a noise, so tiny but there. It was the moan from Damon. He was resisting less, giving in to his desires.
You moved your hands onto Damon’s chest. His muscle-fit black t-shirt was showing off his incredible muscles and pecs. Your fingers slid onto his nipples and you gave them a tug.
“Ughhh” Damon moaned and with that you took full control of the kiss. You slid your tongue into his mouth and he didn’t resist at all. You’ve won. Matt went out knowing to leave you two alone. Just you and Damon alone in the room.
You carry on kissing as Damon allowed you to unbutton his jeans. He then took them off leaving him just in his tight top and his underwear.
“Hmmm. I think we’ll leave your top on, it’s hotter.” You tell him. Your hands travel from his nipples to his now hard dick hidden underneath his black underwear.
His heart skipped a beat when you touched his goods.
“Do you want me to suck you off?” You ask.
“Yes” Damon said very quickly.
“Well, if you insist” you say as you lower down to your knees.
With his underwear still on you start kissing softly the outline of his dick. You know it is going to be a good one. After about 10 gentle kisses you finally give in and take his underwear off revealing his hard 8 inch penis. This was the biggest one you’ve ever seen. You even gasped at the size of it.
You grabbed onto his dick and slowly took the tip inside your mouth. You moved your tongue around inside your mouth making his entire tip wet.
You then decided to go deeper. You opened your mouth wider and started to go down on him. His cock tasted so good in your mouth. It was where it belonged.
Damon started thrusting his hips forward and back deeper into your throat. You started gagging as he kept going deeper and deeper inside you. He was really enjoying this and you didn’t even have to compel him to force him. You simply allowed him to be who he really was deep down.
His wet dick carried on thrusting into you until you wanted more. You stood up and asked “Do you want your dick inside my hole now?”
“Oh yes please” he said. He then leaned in for a kiss and this shocked you.
“What? Do you not want that?” He asked.
“I do. It’s just. I wasn’t expecting you to want me so much.” You say pleased.
He smiled an evil smile and and started to undress you. In a flash you were fully naked and facing each other. He turned you around and you dropped your hands onto the couch so that you were bending over and your arse was exposed.
You laughed as you just let him take over. Before you knew it Damon was leaning down and his face was in your arse crack. He started sniffing and licking all at the same time. This felt exhilarating.
Lick lick. Your arse was being devoured and you was enjoying every second.
Then for a few seconds the licking stopped. Just as you were about to turn round to see what was going on you felt his long dick enter you so smoothly and so suddenly.
You yelped out in pleasure as you tensed your hole around his dick making him moan. There was no going slowly for Damon. He was all the way in and out of you 3 times a second. He was so skilled and fast you knew he was a good choice.
After a while in that position he ejected from you and you turned around to lay on the couch. Damon followed you down and grabbed your legs as he pulled your hole towards him.
Your cheeks were spread waiting for him to re-enter you again and he happily obliged. Again you both moaned from the pleasure of each other. He lowered onto you and started to kiss again.
He carried on kissing you and exploring your mouth while he was pounding you so quickly. His raw dick inside you felt so good it brought you immense pleasure.
Faster and faster he went.
“I’m gonna cum” Damon yelled.
“Do it. Do it inside of me.” You begged.
And within a matter of seconds, Damon’s warm seed oozed inside of you. 5 full loads of white treasure explored deeper inside you. You felt each load as it shot out of Damon.
You both moaned at each load from the joy it brought you. It seemed to last an eternity. You grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him close.
“You’re mine.” You say.
“I’m yours�� he replies.
“And just to make sure…” you start to compel him, “you will do everything I say. You belong to me. You are mine. Your sole purpose is to please and serve me.”
“Yes Master” he replied as he collapsed on top of you panting.
Who next you thought. Maybe that brother?
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mildkleptomaniac · 2 years
oh baby part three— jj maybank x reader
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭:  “ reader finding out she’s pregnant (with jj) during season 1 events and he freaks out like in a bad way, kinda angsty with whatever ending you want! thanks in advance, love your work : ”
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: part one | part two | part three
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.7k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: throwing up, guns, profanities, mentions of beer.
𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆: ....i didn’t know this many people missed this series. seriously. i still can’t believe this event still takes place during the first episode. i’m still trying to think about the logistics of how this will play out...given the events of the show lol. 
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“Look, I’m callin’ it off. All right?” John B walked out of the Chateau. The sound of Kie’s bongo playing came to a halt. Pope had been watching her intently. Y/N laid out on a lawn chair, watching her boyfriend toss rocks into the yard. She felt tired from last night, the adrenaline causing her to have sleepy eyes for the rest of the night that carried onto the new day. Her body ached. 
 “Peterkin said, if I stay out of the marsh, she’ll help me with DCS.” John B sounded desperate. Everyone didn’t want John B to get taken away. The glue. John B was the glue to the friend group it seemed. Despite him not being the most level headed, or smartest, everyone looked to him on what to do next.
“And you believe her?” JJ retorted, perched on a surf board. 
“Yes, I believe her, JJ.” John B was quick to reply. 
“An actual cop, John B. You believed a cop.” JJ snapped. The Maybank’s held an unhealthy relationship against the cops. Always on their backs. Y/N winced at the two boys arguing about John B’s situation. 
“All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple days, then she’ll help me out. It doesn’t help that your ass was the one shooting a gun.” 
Kie and Y/N shared a look, Pope looking down at his hands. Both the teenagers had valid points: JJ having a gun wasn’t the best choice of action, but no one wanted to let Topper drown their best friend. 
“Kook versus Pogues, they always, always win!” JJ exclaimed before punching a buoy, pacing around the backyard. 
“JJ, relax–”
“It’s okay,” Kie added on to Y/N’s comfort. 
“No, it’s not okay! That means there’s something valuable down there, and you know it.” Perhaps JJ felt more in need to discover something to help his own life. Something to get away from his father, comfortable clothing, food in the fridge, money for Y/N and the future–whatever that may be, with or without a baby, Y/N’s a part of it. “I know you do. And I understand why you don’t wanna go.” JJ began reasoning with the Pogues. 
He faced his direction to Pope, “You’re the golden boy. You got way too much to risk.” 
He faced Kiara, “And you–I mean, you’re already rich as fuck anyway. Why would you bother?” 
And then he faced Y/N, “You know what it’s like, we need to see what’s down there,” The words wanted to slip off his tongue, for the baby. For the future. The decision still unclear, with no purpose, direction or guidance. 
“Y/N, you and me, we got nothin’ to lose!” JJ continued his spiel. JJ did have something to lose in fact, same with Y/N. 
Each other.
“I don’t want to talk about this. I don’t want to talk about it.” John B shook his head, completely unenthused about their conversation. Well, until JJ spelled out the plan for him. 
Rich kids don’t go into Foster Care.
Y/N thought John B would be smarter to not listen to JJ’s plans. Logically, stealing from your rich boss seemed most definitely wrong. All the steps JJ meticulously thought out were all stupid. John B would get caught, inevitably–whether it be in the marsh, by Ward, and risking his one chance from Foster Care. 
Y/N deemed the risk wasn’t worth the reward. At least to say, Y/N failed to make the wisest choices as well. 
She found herself sitting on the HMS Pogue, setting up the SCUBA gear for him. Kie and Y/N shook her head as they read the tanks, practically empty. 
“Does anyone know how to dive?” Kie looked at her friends, exasperated. All eyes flickered to Y/N, who shook her head. Being on the swim team differed from SCUBA. 
“It’s a Kook sport, ain’t it?” JJ looked at Kiara, leaning against a metal pole. 
“I’ve read about it before…” Pope trailed off. Kie rolled her eyes and tossed her hands in the air. 
After much calculations and arguments, John B volunteered himself. Y/N watched as Kie stressed herself out over John B’s decision. Stealing a quick glance at her boyfriend, he raised his eyebrows and shrugged. Neither of the two knew what was going on between Kie and John B. The kiss on the cheek caused everyone else to share a look. That’s never happened before. 
At least it gave Y/N something to think about, other than the baby growing inside of her. 
After a month, buds for arms and legs developed, along with the umbilical cord. The heart had been formed, along with webbed fingers and twos. The life inside of Y/N soon formed ears, eyes, liver, and other facial features. 
Y/N studied more about babies than she ever did in biology class, thanks to the books from the store she stole. 
Y/N’s face turned pale at the sight of the police boat coming in their direction. “Oh my god,” She whispered. Heart palpitations increased. She felt sick. 
“Just act normal everyone,” Kie stated, going back into a conversation with Y/N–as if they were already deep in conversation. She could hear her pulse in her ears, especially as the officer came abroad and began spewing questions left and right. 
“I’m going to be sick,” Y/N whispered to JJ. He looked at her, questionably. Most of the time, Y/N was able to conceal their motives from the legal authorities. One of the many things JJ loved about Y/N. She could act and she acted well. A façade that she didn’t just steal beers from a gas station while flirting with the attendant, or letting her friends sneak into the junkyard to find some parts to fix the van. 
“Everything okay over there?” The officer asked, before peering over the front of the boat into the water. 
“Just–just peachy,” Y/N smiled weakly. Her acting quickly failing, she felt her stomach grumble and tightening. She gracefully found herself over the edge of the HMS Pogue, throwing up into the water. Everyone grimaced at the sight, JJ trying his best to hold her hair up. 
Poor John B, Y/N thought. Hopefully he wasn’t on that side of the boat. At least it prevented the officer from investigating the water.
“I just have bad sea sickness,” She announced to the officer, after wiping her face. The two officers shared a look, followed by disgust. 
“All right then, just let us know if you see anything out there.” He stated, walking over onto his boat. The engine started. 
“Will do,” Echoed from Pope and JJ. The waited as the officers cruised away before glancing over the side of the boat. John B must’ve ran out of air by that time. 
“How did it go down there?” JJ asked. 
“Well,” The Pogues assisted John B back onto the boat, unloading the gear off of him as he tossed a case onto the boat. 
“Y/N scared the cops off with some gnarly acting, being seasick.” Pope grimaced, yet sounding proud of her ‘skills’. Relief washed over Y/N, at least it was in character for her. Kie didn’t believe the acting though. 
In the distance, Y/N noticed another boat in the ‘closed off’ marsh. “Guys? Bogey, two o’clock.” 
Turning heads, a boat sped their way. None of the Pogues were able to recognize that boat. It wasn’t any of the Kooks–they’d have something fancier–for sure. JJ began pulling on the bowline and kept an eye on the boat speeding ahead. 
“I think we should start going, guys!” Y/N exclaimed. 
“Don’t wait on me!” JJ continued to pull on the line and the engine kicks on. 
“Just act natural, again!” Kie spoke, before holding onto the metal bar. Y/N glanced backwards at the strangers. 
“They’re speeding up to us, guys.” 
“How else do you want me to word it, John B? They’re revving the engine to get closer to us?” Y/N spoke of sarcasm. JJ chewed on his cheek, holding back a smile. 
“I’m going!” He argued back. 
“They’re following us!” Kie panicked. 
“Gun the fucking boat, JB!” Her nerves crept on her, shouting at John B. She watched the strange men follow from several feet behind, creating quite the wake in the Marsh. As the curve the corner, Y/N eyes widened. 
“Holy shit, they have a gun!” The words sputtered out of her mouth, not fast enough before the first bullet shot into the air. Y/N slipped down off the seat, covering her head from the action to protect herself. 
What the fuck. 
All the Pogues got down, while John B continued to speed off. JJ made sure to cover Y/N with his body to protect her. To protect them. Just in case. 
This shouldn’t be happening. 
“We’re going to die!” Pope shared his feelings before Kie got an idea. She grabbed a fishing net before tossing it in the water, avoiding shots in the process. The net caught onto the follower’s engine, stuttering and whirring. 
“That was insane!” Kie laughed, in disbelief. 
“Booooyeah!” JJ shouted, enjoying the rush of adrenaline pumping through him. Pope looked relieved and looked at Y/N, who sat there–complexion of a ghost. He watched his friend for several moments, taking note how she didn’t celebrated and how she cradled her abdomen. No blood. No injuries. Yet, she reeked of consternation. 
Out of character–Y/N would be cheering as well, throwing her arms in the air before letting JJ plant a big kiss on her. Or maybe she’d suggest celebrating with a pack of beer and music around the fire. Poking at Kie to get free food at the Wreck. Instead, she remained silent for the rest of the ride back to the dock. Last to leave the boat as they emptied the secret treasure, only to reveal a canister with a compass in it. Disappoint filled the atmosphere, killing everyone’s anticipation. 
Except John B’s. 
“It’s my father’s,”
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harringtonstilinski · 9 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Ten: Trick or Treat, Freak
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) (eventually) Word Count: 3,484 Warnings:  angst, lil' bit of fluff, nancy drinking, Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! We get more Dusty in this episode!! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Halloween. My least favorite holiday of the year. I mean, I used to love it, but being busted by the cops the last two years kind of puts a damper on things. My mom, however, loves it when we dress up. I didn’t want to spoil my costume yet, so I decided to sit the pictures out.
Did I forget to mention that Dustin got teeth? Well, they’re dentures, basically. He’s so proud of them and loves to show them off, so while Mom was taking pictures of him, he cheesed so hard, I thought his cheeks were going to burst.
“I wanna see those pearls,” Mom said.
I was sitting with Mews as she took the pictures, the cat meowing as Mom said, “Who you gonna call?” before singing the Ghostbusters theme music.
The movie was amazing and had a big influence on the boys. That’s all we watched. I swear I could tell you every single line from every single scene, my favorite line being “It’s the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.”
Mom was gonna let me take the car to school so that I could drive Dustin, but he opted out and decided to ride his bike to school, which didn’t bother me any. I could bike myself. I went outside to get on my bike when I heard a car pull up then a door shut. Looking in the direction of my driveway, I saw Steve making his way up the drive.
“Steve?” I asked. “What are you doing here?” We met halfway between his car and where I was standing by my front door.
“Just wanted to see if you needed a ride,” he said.
With one eyebrow raised, I looked at him with a deadpan expression. “Really?”
“Kind of.” He looked off while sighing, putting his hands in his pockets, a move he typically made when he was nervous. Looking back at me, he asked, “I just wanted to see if you were okay.”
I furrowed my brows, turning my head just a little while still looking at him. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“No sex dreams last night?” He smiled a little as I rolled my eyes and replied, “I never should’ve told you that.”
“Just take the damn ride,” Dustin said, petalling past us.
“He’s right,” Steve said. “Come on, just let me take you to school.”
I smiled a little, looking off into the trees before giving my reply. “Okay.”
Study Hall. One of my favorite classes. I used to skip class during this time of the day, but ever since Steve and I became friends again, I found myself liking the “class” more and more. Gave me the opportunity to catch up on some reading, or homework, or finish my classwork from the previous classes.
I was sitting at the same table with him and Nancy, sitting across from them. From my periphery, I saw Nancy stand up and walk away from the table. Following her with my eyes, I watched as she went to the pencil sharpener.
Steve tapped my hand a few moments later, a spark traveling up my hand at his touch. He nodded his head towards Nancy, so I turned around and watched her for a moment before standing up and moving towards her, Steve following behind me.
Standing a little bit behind her, my eyes followed Steve as he put his hand on her shoulder, the front of his body facing me. “Nancy. What’s going on? Are you okay?”
She looked forward again after having looked at Steve. I looked as well, seeing what she was seeing; a young woman that looked like Barb. I sighed and grabbed her hand, taking her into a private room, Steve following.
“I can’t keep doing this,” Nancy said.
“Doing what?” Steve and I asked. We looked at each other then away as I walked to the window.
“Pretending like everything’s okay.”
Turning my head over my shoulder, I asked, “What are you talking about?”
“Barbra, Liv,” she said. “It’s like everyone forgot. It’s like nobody cares, except her parents.”
I sighed, closing my eyes.
“And now they’re selling their house–”
“Nance,” Steve said.
“--And they’re going to spend the rest of their lives looking for her,” Nancy ranted.
“I know.”
“It’s destroying them.”
“I know, okay?” Steve said. “I get it. But listen–” He stopped his words which caused me to look at him, his eyes asking me to help him out.
“Nance, there’s nothing we can do about it,” I said.
She turned towards me a little. “We could tell them the truth.”
“You know we can’t do that,” I quietly exclaimed. 
“We don’t have to tell them everything.”
“This isn’t a game, Nancy. This is our lives. We all could go to jail.”
Steve walked by me to go close the blinds. I only knew this because I could hear them.
“A place you’re all too familiar with,” Nancy retorted.
“Girls,” Steve said.
“They could destroy our families,” I said. 
I heard Steve sigh as Nancy and I had a staring contest. “They could do anything they want,” he whispered. “Okay? Just think about what you’re saying, Nancy.” A couple seconds went by before Steve added, “Hey… hey, hey…” 
He came into my line of sight when he sat on the table by Nancy. I was so upset with her that I backed up and walked out of the room. I wanted to slam the door shut, but knew I couldn’t, so I quietly closed it before going back to the table to pack up my stuff.
I made it about halfway to Steve’s car before I heard his voice shouting my name. When I turned to face him, he almost ran into me. “What’s wrong? Where are you going?” “I can’t believe she freaking said that,” I said. ‘The jail thing. That would destroy my mom, and I can’t do that to her again, I just can’t!”
“Hey, listen, I know,” he said, softly. 
“I mean, who the hell does she think she is?! Wanting to risk everyone’s lives and families all because she wants to spill the truth.” I looked him in his eyes, tears starting to blur everything around me. “I can’t do it, Steve. I just can’t.”
He put his hands on my shoulders, pulling me into him. I immediately wrapped my arms around his middle, burying my face in his chest, letting my tears flow. I had so much shit building inside of me since last year that I couldn’t take it anymore.
I felt his cheek on the top of my head, and I knew it was his cheek because it was soft and not hard like his chin would be. All I wanted to do in that moment was leave school and go start my shift at the station before I had to get ready for Tina’s party.
“Hey,” he said, resting his chin on the top of my head. “It’s hard, but let… let’s just go to Tina’s stupid party in our stupid costumes and just pretend like we’re stupid teenagers, okay?” I could feel him pull back to try and look at me, so I loosened my arms from his middle to look up at him. “And get busted for the third or fourth year in a row?”
He chuckled. “I won’t let that happen.”
As I looked at him, I could see something in his eyes that I only saw when he looked at Nancy. So, I pulled away, looking down and tilting my ear near my shoulder. “Uhm, I think I’m just gonna ditch the rest of the day. Get started on my community shift early at the station. Can you take me? I can walk if you need to be here with Nance.”
“No, no, I can take you,” he said. “Let’s leave now.”
We both got in his car and drove in silence. When I noticed we were almost there, I looked at him and said, “Thanks, Steve.”
“For what?” he asked.
“Being there for me. It’s nice to have my best friend back.” I smiled as I felt the car come to a stop. “And for ditching school for a little while to bring me here.”
“That’s what best friends are for,” he smiled. “I’ll see you tonight?”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “See you at Tina’s stupid party.”
It didn’t surprise Hopper when I walked into the station hours before I was supposed to be there.
“Getting a little jump start?” he asked.
“Yup,” I said, punching in my time card. “School was getting boring anyway.” I set my stuff down, feeling upset still about what happened in the library with Nancy. Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I knew it was Hop, so I just went into his office.
After he closed the door and went to his desk, he said, “She’s been asking about you.”
We looked at each other, a knowing look on his face. 
“Well, can I see her?” I asked, sighing when he shook his head no. “Come on, Hop. It’s been a year.”
“Not exactly.”
“Okay, fine. Almost a year. She saved my brother from being D&D food. I was like a big sis–”
“No, Liv. It’s not safe.”
“Not safe? How the hell is it not safe?”
He sighed. “She wants to go trick or treating tonight as a ghost.”
“Which is ironic considering the boys are going as the Ghostbusters crew.” I sat in the chair, sighing.
“Alright, what else is bothering you?” he asked, kicking his feet up on his desk.
“Just a stupid comment that stupid Nancy made,” I said. Looking at Hop after a few seconds, he gave me that expression that told me to give him the details. “She said–” I stopped my words before spilling them out, almost as if it was one big work. “She wants to tell Barb’s parents about what really happened, and not caring about the consequences.”
He shrugged his shoulders. “So?”
“You know what would happen,” I said, giving him the same stern look I give to Dustin. “I’ll end up back in here, or in the lab, and my mom would be destroyed… again. I can’t do that to her. It’s like all she cares about is Barb and no one else.”
“That was her best friend, right?” Hop asked.
“So, wouldn’t you want to do the same thing if it was your best friend?”
I thought it over for a moment, tears threatening to blur my vision at the thought of losing Steve like that. “I don’t want to think about that. I would let them rest in peace. I mean, her parents hired Murray, of all people, to help them. I just–” I sighed. “I didn’t know what to do, so I asked Steve to bring me here.”
“You taking your brother trick or treating?”
“Fuck no.”
“Language, Liv.”
“Sorry.” I cleared my throat. “No. I’m not. I’m going to a party.”
“Tina’s. Please don’t bust it this year.”
“Don’t plan on it. I got plans that involved candy, getting fat and watching scary movies.”
I nodded in understanding. “Cool. Give her my love.” I stood up and walked out of his office, going to do my own work that Flo already had prepared for me.
A few hours later, I was picked up by Steve, who took me home. I wasn’t fully in the door before Dustin told me that Billy Hargrove tried to run him, Lucas and Mike over on the road. To say I was pissed was an understatement. I was livid. I wanted to punch a hole into his gut.
So, trying to do my hair in a 1970’s style was not easy, so I had my mom help me. By the time my hair was cooled off in the rollers, I took them out and flipped my hair a couple times to get the texture I needed. When I was happy, I put on a regular t-shirt with a red jacket over it, some denim jeans and my Nike Cortez.
Dustin was still in his Ghostbusters costume, so when it came time to leave, he biked over to Mike’s house. Steve came and picked me up, both him and Nancy asking what or who I was.
Flabbergasted, I sat back in my seat. “Seriously? Farrah Fawcett!”
“She doesn’t have brown hair,” Nancy said.
“So?” Steve and I asked.
“Can you guys stop doing that? It’s weird.”
I chuckled as Steve drove off to Tina’s house. When we got there, I pulled Steve aside and told him that he needed to hold me back if Billy was here tonight ‘cause I was gonna hurt him really bad for what he did to Dustin. I didn’t want to tell Nancy because she wouldn’t believe me anyways.
When we walked into the house, I saw a bunch of people and heard one of my favorite songs, Motley Crue’s Shout At The Devil.
“We got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington,” Tommy said.
All I saw was red as I looked at Billy. I was behind Steve, so he kept his arm out just a little to keep me back. 
“Let me at him, Steve,” I muttered.
He didn’t answer me, so when Billy raised his hand to take a drag from his cigarette, I took it from him, taking a long drag myself.
“Farrah Fawcett doesn’t smoke,” Billy smiled.
“This one does,” I said, taking another drag. Putting the cigarette in a cup with liquid in it, I went around Steve to attack Billy, but Steve grabbed my arm and pulled me away to follow Nancy into the kitchen. “Let me kill him, Steve. Please let me kill him.”
“You’ll go to jail,” he said, looking me straight in my eyes.
When I heard someone say “Pure fuel! Pure fuel,” I looked over at Nancy, seeing her chug whatever red liquid was in the bowl.
“Nance, take it easy, that’s shit’s real strong,” I said.
She had her hand out, finishing the burning liquid before she said, “We’re just being stupid teenagers for the night. Wasn’t that the deal?” before scooping some more into her cup and drinking that before wiping some red drops off her face and walking away.
“She’s gonna get wasted,” I said, grabbing my own cup and taking a sip from it.
“How do you know?” he asked.
“Do you even remember who made this?” At his silence, I said, “You’re looking at her. Sophomore year. That was the night you became Keg King.”
“What about popularity king?”
“The night after your first basketball game when the King at the time was about to graduate.”
“How do you remember that?” he asked, turning to rest his hands on the counter.
I sighed before quietly saying, “I remember everything about you,” before taking a sip and walking onto the dance floor.
I was pacing myself with the red drink, unlike Nancy who was drinking it like water. I’m not sure how many she had, so when she drunkenly walked to the counter to lean over it, Steve followed her, telling her no.
I watched her try to shove him off, so I walked over to them, almost running into Steve as he walked away from Nancy as he said, “No, you’ve had enough.”
“Screw you!” Nancy replied. She grabbed the cup from him and went back to the counter.
“Nancy, stop,” I said. “You’re wasted, stop.”
“Nance, I’m serious,” Steve said. “Hey, hey, hey, stop. No, I’m serious.” He tried grabbing the cup from her again as she started to fight him. 
“Nancy, put it down,” I said.
“No, Liv,” she replied, although it almost sounded like a toddler saying it with how drunk she was.
“Nance, put it down,” Steve said, trying to gently take the cup from her.
“Steve! Stop,” Nancy said.
I went to step in as Steve said for her to stop, but was too late as the liquid dumped all over her white shirt.
She looked up at Steve, slurring, “What the hell?” before grabbing my hand and dragging me into the bathroom. I guess Steve followed us because he shut the door as I looked for a washcloth to help Nancy.
I ran the washcloth under cold water before patting the fabric of her shirt. She took it from me before I sighed and sat on the counter.
As she rubbed her shirt, Steve said, “Nance, I’m sorry. It’s not coming off, Nance.”
“It’s coming,” she slurred. We’re gonna be hearing her slur the rest of the night.
Moving to stand on the other side of her, essentially trapping me in between them, Steve said, “Come on, let me just take you home, okay? Come here.”
She kept rubbing her shirt as he added, “Let me take you home, come on.”
“You wanted–you wanted this,” Nancy said.
“No, I didn’t want this,” Steve said. “I told you to stop drinking, and so did Olivia.”
“It’s bullshit.”
“No, it’s not bullshit, okay?”
“No, it’s not bullshit, Nance,” Steve and I said.
Looking dead at Steve, she said, “No, you. You’re bullshit.”
Shocked look on my face; eyes wide, mouth open, no words.
“W-w-what?” Steve asked.
“You’re-you’re pretending like everything’s okay. Ya’know, like - like we didn’t k- like we didn’t kill Barb.”
All I could do from that moment on was look at Steve and his expression, the same as mine. Pure… fucking… shock.
“Like, it’s great. Like, we’re in love and we’re partying. Yeah, let’s party, huh? Party. We’re partying. This i- this is bullshit.”
I could hear the fucking heartbreak in Steve’s voice as he said, “Like we’re in love?” He put his hand on her cheek for a moment before she said, “It’s bullshit.”
“Nancy!” I hissed.
Shaking his head, Steve asked, “You don’t love me?”
“It’s bullshit,” she said.
Steve sighed and walked out of the bathroom, slamming the door shut. It was quiet for a moment before I heard a knock that only Steve gave.
Hopping down off the counter, I sighed. “Great job, Nance. I know you’re wasted and everything and won’t remember this, but you just ruined the best thing you ever had.” I opened the door and slammed it shut behind me as I closed it, walking out with Steve and passing Jonathan. 
“Take Nancy home, she’s in the bathroom,” I told him. I followed Steve out to his car, where he was waiting, keys in hand. Taking them from him, I said, “I’m driving.”
“You’ve been drinking, too,” he said. 
“I’m not drunk, and I was going slow with it, I don’t feel anything.”
After a moment, he nodded his head and got in the passenger seat. Once I got in, I drove to his house in silence. The only thing I heard coming from him was sniffles. Being the best friend that I am to him, I reached over and grabbed his hand, just holding it. I didn’t care if he held mine back, I just wanted to let him know that I was there for him.
When we got to his house, we walked to his bedroom, where he changed and I called my mom, letting her know that I was starting a new Halloween tradition and staying at Steve’s to watch a couple movies.
Mom was happy that I had Steve back in my life, but Dustin? He wouldn’t let it go. Telling me that there were feelings there that I was afraid to unmask.
After I got off the phone with my mom, I changed and took off my makeup with some stuff that Steve’s mom had. His parents were never home, so I didn’t really care about using their stuff.
Steve sat on the edge of the bed while I laid in it, looking at his back. “If you want, I’ll sleep on the couch,” I suggested.
He was quiet as I looked at the ceiling.
“Or I can just go home,” I muttered.
“No,” he said, turning his head over his shoulder. “No. Please. Stay.” He laid down and I turned over to face him.
Putting my hand on his shoulder, I whispered, “I swear, everything is going to be okay. She’ll come to her senses.”
He sighed. “I don’t know, Liv.”
“I do know one thing,” I said. I looked from his shoulder to his eyes, saying, “I might have a sex dream tonight.” I smiled as Steve tried not to.
“Come here,” he whispered.
Steve and I always slept like a couple; him on his back with his arm wrapped around me while I had my leg thrown over his that was close to me with my head on his shoulder and arm wrapped around his middle or my hand on his chest.
I could probably say that that night, I had the best sleep I’d gotten in months.
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! i have no excuse why this late. i really don’t. but, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Additional Note: there’s kind of a deleted scene in this episode where hop and liv talk. if y'all are interested, i can write that scene for you!! also, i know that some of y’all are waiting to see your requests, and i promise i’ll get to them. the writer’s block hit really bad with them. atb is the only thing i have motivation to post for at the moment.
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on January 8, 2024
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damn-stark · 2 years
Part 2 The Golden & The No Name Knight
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Part 2 of The Lion and The Dragon
A/N- I’ll continue the rest of this series!
Pairing- Aemond Targaryen x Lannister!fem-reader
Warning- Angst, language, forced marriage, violence and blood.
Episode- takes place before 1x08
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
The sounds of swords clashing mixed in the breeze, making Nyra’s words beside you difficult to hear.
“….repeat it!” She exclaims the last bit of her sentence.
You shake your head and narrow your gaze. “I—what? I didn’t quite catch that. Repeat it.”
Nyra groans and parts his lips to repeat herself for the second time. “I said...”
Yet her words once again get tuned out the moment you catch your dear and loving husband, Prince Aemond, in the training yard.
He’s quick and swift with each swing and every duck to evade the knight you know as Ser Criston Cole. For someone so slender compared to his dueling partner, Aemond is quite strong and manages to push off Ser Criston’s sword before he kicks him away with ease.
He hadn’t noticed you watching yet—or so you think. But you did take in every step he did and memorized it, wondered if that could ever be you, training like them in public.
It’s not to say that you wish to become a man to hold a sword, no, none of that. You wondered if you could ever become a fierce woman warrior just like Queen Visenya was, be as comfortable in ringmail just as you are in silk. Just like how it was told she was. That’s your wish.
To be remembered as something fierce and not be forgotten, or written down as a simple wife and mother.
Sometimes—no, most of the times when you daydream, you like to imagine yourself holding a sword and fighting like the brave warriors.
“Ah,” Nyra finally comments, having given up trying to teach you what was in the scripture for now. “Gawking are we? It was that good,” she snickers.
Your eyes widen and you quickly snap your head towards her to swat her arm. “Nyra,” you hiss and proceed to navigate your way through the damned castle. “Quiet. I told you to be quiet.”
Nyra lingers behind for a bit before she giggles and skips to catch up to you. “Tell me did he show you his eye?”
You roll your eyes and walk back inside the castle to try and return to your chambers after having wandered a bit too far. “Why—” you sigh and shake your head. “No he did not show me his eye.”
Nyra hums and stops, forcing you to do the same.
“So he slept with the patch on?” She questions.
You press your lips together and let out a deep breath before turning and shaking your head again. “No,” you tell her. “The prince did not end up staying the night, so I wouldn't know.”
Nyra scoffs and steps towards you to continue walking. “Well, regardless, he totally saw you just now. So if you ask nicely maybe he’ll teach you a thing or two.”
“Yeah,” you scoff. “Sure, but my dear Nyra, I am but a fragile maiden, I cannot touch a sword,” you add sarcastically. “Who knows what might happen, my arm might fall off, or worse yet, I may grow a pair of balls.”
“See,” Nyra retorts with a pointed glare. “It’s this attitude that made him not want to stay the night.”
You giggle and clasp your hands behind your back as you turn yet another hall that looks like all the others.
“This castle is too big. I swear we just went in a circle,” you complain.
“So is your belly swollen,” Nyra blurts and touches your belly. “Are you expecting?” She smirks.
You smack her hand away and snap back. “No! It’s been five days!”
Nyra shrugs. “So?” She quips. “You know Alyssa Hill?”
You squint and think, but can’t come up with a face. “No. There was like three of those.”
She sighs and snaps her fingers. “Alyssa Hill, the blonde, dark eyed one. Eyes black as coal?”
“Oh! Yes! Her! What about her?” You question.
Nyra smirks again as she gets all smug. “She began to show five days after she lay with her husband.”
You scoff. “That’s because she was also with the stable boy before getting married,” you retort, making Nyra stop and gasp.
“How do you know that?!”
You stop and peer back to smirk at her. “I know things,” you shrug. “I was the lady of Casterly Rock, it’s my job.”
Nyra skips towards you and hooks her arm around yours to continue walking and getting even more lost.
Nevertheless, it’s as you’re trying to navigate your way back to your chambers that you actually stumble across your husband and his brother.
Nyra spotted them first just as you were going to turn the corner and quickly yanks you back.
“What are you—”
She slaps her hand on your mouth and puts her finger against her lip to shush you and then point out to the hall.
At first you don’t understand, not until you recognize his voice.
“….she is no Valyrian or Targaryen,” you hear Aemond say. “True. I didn’t get as lucky as you, brother.”
He’s talking about you.
When you understand that you meet Nyra’s amber gaze and pull her hand off your mouth.
“No, you didn’t,” Aegon counters. “You got married to a plain looking Lannister. The handmaiden is far prettier, lay with her, or I can introduce you to some silver-haired woman if it pleases you.”
You clench your jaw and drop your gaze, and wait, actually fucking wait for Aemond to defend you, but that was foolish of you to hope for.
“My wife,” he says, “is tolerable, but it’s what her family offers that brought forth our match. Don’t forget that Aegon.”
The marriage was not one out of love, yes, but there was still some part of you, a small part within that hoped he at least found you agreeable. It isn't so, and that stung.
“It’s not for me to remember,” Aegon retorts. “Yet, that’s beside the point, marriage doesn’t mean dedication.”
Aemond scoffs and then footsteps continue to come forward, causing you and Nyra to panic and begin to stumble as you both try to turn to walk back where you had come from.
“Fuck, fuck,” you whisper and try to pull her back. “Fuck.”
However, it’s as you’re pushing yourself forward and stumbling over your own feet that Nyra accidentally pushes you to the wall. And rather than hitting it and coming to a sudden halt, the wall moves and you fall back into some hidden hall, pulling Nyra with you.
Aegon and Aemond get closer so instead of getting out Nyra and you close the wall, or the door, whatever it is and hide behind it to wait for them to pass; thanking the gods that they had dropped their conversation about you and instead Aemond seemed to be scolding his older brother. Their conversation was a bit muffled behind the wall to hear clearly.
“Did they pass?” Nyra whispers a few minutes later.
You shrug and snap back. “I don’t know, how am I meant to know?”
Nyra pushes the wall just a bit back to let you peek your head out.
You look from side to side and see no one. Thank the gods. “It’s clear, let’s go,” you urge her and grab her hand to help her out.
Nyra pushes the wall close and lets you drag her away.
“That was close,” she whispers. “I thought I was gonna piss myself.”
You touch your chest and sigh. “Me too.”
“That was,” she brings up slowly. “Something. I wonder where those halls lead to.”
“Probably, my guess around the castle,” you share. “If only it led to my room.” You grumble. “I think we’re lost.” You let her hand go and walk in silence, guessing for the most part where to go, basing it mostly off memory and trying not to think of how deeply the Prince just wounded your pride.
Is there a point in trying to impress him any further? Sure it’s only been a few days since your marriage began, but if he found you so plain and barely tolerable then what is the point?
“I don’t think he meant it,” Nyra blurts.
Great. It’s like she’s reading your mind.
Then again much like you, that’s all she was probably thinking about since she heard him.
“What?” You act clueless.
“Prince Aemond,” she clarifies. “I mean it’s not like he’s the type of person to be all affectionate. I mean he doesn’t look it.”
You scoff and carefully fiddle with your fingers. “My marriage is one made of convenience. I’m rich, his family wants my fathers money. They want to secure our money with our marriage. That’s all it is, I’m not wounded by his words, especially not the words of his brother,” you spat.
Nyra hums and steals a look at you, catching the sad frown and obvious hurt look on your face that cracked through the feigned nonchalant expression.
“And as true as that may be, love can still grow from such a sour match,” she tries to assure you. “Only if you try.”
You quickly shoot her a narrowed look and counter. “Was it not you that said that it didn’t matter if there was love or not?”
Nyra smirks and meets your gaze. “Yes, but I’ve changed my mind.” She grabs your arm and leans towards you. “I want you to make him fall madly in love with you, my lady Lannister. Show him your wits, show him that no other woman in this world compares to you…”
The corner of your lips begin to tug to a smile but you try to play off your fluster by shaking your head and hiding your face.
“Be the badass bitch I know you are,” she continues. “Show him what he is missing.” She grins. “Be the lioness that—”
“Shut up,” you giggle.
Nyra drops her head and laughs at the floor as you turn the corner of some hall. And since you had your eyes downcasted you only barely manage to catch the pair of knights walking towards you.
The moment they stop you do too and intend to walk past them, but as you glance up you notice your beloved brave knight.
“Ser Robert,” you greet with a smile.
The old knight bows his head. “My Lady,” he says and looks at your side. “Nyra.”
Said girl smiles at the man and then can’t help but drift her eyes to the side to the knight beside Ser Robert, at the same time you do.
Your look is brief at first of course, you’re focused on your friend mostly, but then when you notice how blue his eyes are contrasted to his dark hair you take a second glance.
He’s quite charming actually. Maybe as tall as Aemond by the looks of it. Striking and a strong facial structure, a perfectly cut beard decorates his face, and mustache to accompany it. There's a cockiness in the way he stands, in his serious gaze piercing into you.
Aemond has this brooding and intimidating look that attracts you even if it shouldn’t, but this man…this talk and dark haired man is eye-catching in more of a…well, who knows really. He’s just eye-catching.
“If I may ask my Lady why is it you’re all the way out here?” Ser Robert asks and pulls your attention back to him.
“Oh,” you mouth and glance around. “To admit the embarrassing truth…” you laugh softly. “We’re quite lost. If you may, could you help us back to my chambers?” You smile sweetly.
Ser Robert smiles and nods. “Of course, it actually works out quite well. I was actually on my way to you.” He points his head forward and begins guiding Nyra and you back to your chambers.
“And why is that?” You question as you fall by his side.
Ser Robert glances at you and sighs before he focuses back on his path ahead. “We’ll speak when we reach your room.”
You look over at him and hum as you grow concerned.
“So tell me,” Ser Robert chuckles breathlessly. “How did you both manage to get lost? You’re near the training yard.”
You clasp your hands in front of you and avert your gaze. “Well,” you sigh. “We walked to the gardens. After our time there we intended to return to my room, but I think we took the wrong turn.”
“It was more the Lady’s pride that got us lost,” Nyra interjects, making you peer back to glare at her.
Ser Robert shares a hearty chuckle and rather than speaking, the other knight does. “The castle is quite big,” he says with a thicker accent, in a bit of a huskier voice. “I got lost for about a month before I managed to finally find my way around.”
“How did you find your way?” You ask with a faint smile.
The knight sighs and laughs. “Uhm, I had help for a month. A guide.”
Your smile deepens. “Well without my dear husband at my side to help,” you say with a hint of smugness. “I think I might be needing one as well, I wouldn’t want to get lost and never find my way.”
The knight scoffs in amusement. “Well whenever it pleases my Lady, I would be honored to take you on a tour so you can map the castle.”
You look at him over your shoulder and offer him a sweet smile and a nod.
Silence falls over the group soon after, but anticipation for what Ser Robert needed to talk about rose higher with each you took, and the more you recognized the halls as you got closer you got to your chambers. There were many instances where you wanted to end such silence to probe, but you knew Ser Robert wouldn’t give in so easily, so pleading would be useless. You had to wait. You did for what felt like eternity.
The moment you made it in your room, you didn’t bother to ask why the second knight walked in behind Ser Robert, your eagerness to know made you forget your manners.
“So what is it?” You ask the old knight eagerly.
Ser Robert pulls a chair back and motions you to sit, you hesitantly do so and then watch him sit across from you as Nyra serves wine to the both of you.
“Ser?” You press in his dreading silence.
The knight grabs his cup of wine, but doesn’t drink, he just looks at it and then meets your gaze and sighs deeply.
“It’s,” he finally begins to speak. “It’s your father, he’s asked me to return to Casterly Rock with him when he leaves.” He swallows thickly and you go rigid and only take a long sip of wine.
But Ser Robert was meant to be appointed to you, to stay with you. Besides Nyra, he was the only piece of home you could bring with you. Now he’s leaving. Now you wouldn’t be able to see the only parental figure you really had after your mothers death.
He’s leaving….
“But,” you mutter and put your cup down to keep meeting his gaze with anger that begins to spark within you. “He said you’d stay here with me. You said you would.” You blink and swallow thickly.
Ser Robert nods slowly and his gaze softens. “I did, but your father the Lord has requested my return, I can’t fight him.”
Of course, of course. You’re nothing compared to your father, a man, a Lord.
You grip onto your cup and nod slowly as you begin to gnaw on the inside of your cheek briefly before clenching your jaw and growing stiff and serious. “What happens now? Am I meant to fend for myself? I know I’m no princess or queen to protect, but no one here is loyal to me….” Your voice breaks even if you try to show no emotion.
“You have your uncle,” Ser Robert reminds you in a lighthearted tone to try and make you smile. But you just form a scowl on your face. “His guards.” He pushes his cup aide and leans a bit forward to get closer to you. “Prince Aemond is a great swordsman, even I admit, he’ll protect you as well.”
You scoff and drop your gaze to avoid looking at his face.
“My Lady,” he calls for your attention, but you just pull your hands back and begin tapping your finger on your cup. “Y/N.”
You slowly glance up and show your gleaming eyes, the anger that disguised your sadness.
“I would’ve preferred to stay back with you, but when your father gives a command I listen, it is my job. I’m sorry,” he shares softly and sits back. “But, I leave you in great hands. Someone I trust to look out for you.” He looks past you. “Ser Erwin Reyne.”
Footsteps approach and you catch the gleam of his armor in front of you, but you’re too angry and bothered to look at him right away.
“He’ll be at your command,” Ser Robert continues to say. “I trust him, I can vouch that he is excellent with a sword.”
You let out a deep breath and slowly drag your eyes up the young knight.
“It’s my honor to be your protector, Lady Lannister. Just as my father serves yours as a loyal bannerman, I will serve you now as your faithful protector.”
Your face softens, and you offer him a partial smile and a stiff nod.
“Reyne,” you point out. “You’re from the Westerlands? From home?” You ask.
Ser Erwin nods with a partial but proud smile of his own. “Yes. I am a fifth son to Lord Reyne.”
Your smile softens, and you do feel a sense of security at the mention that he’s from near your home. “That’s comforting,” you admit.
“Maybe it will be more comforting if you come watch me compete in the tourney at the end of the week, that they’ll have in honor of your marriage to the Prince,” Ser Erwin suggests. “You’ll be able to see if I’m worthy or not to be your protector there. If not, I won't take offense if you change your mind about me.”
Right that. Huh.
You stiffen at the reminder of what’s to come and add a tightlipped smile, even if Nyra in the back was being a tease about this interaction.
“That’s right,” you say and avert your gaze. “I will see you there, hm.” You slide your hands down to your lap and spare a side glance at Ser Robert. “But if Ser Robert says he trusts you…then there is nothing for me to see, I take his word, I trust you too Ser.”
The young knight nods and his smile turns softer and grows wider. “Thank you my Lady, you honor me. Still it would bring me a sense of pleasure to see you at the tourney.”
You scoff and smirk. “It is in the honor of my marriage, so I’ll be there.” You share a quick and knowing glance with Nyra and then hide your cocky smirk by drinking wine.
When you set your cup down and return your gaze to Ser Robert, he stands up and bows his head. “We’ll talk later my Lady, I’ll leave now that I’ve shared the news.”
You nod stiffly as you keep your eyes averted, and watch Ser Erwin bow his head before he follows Ser Robert out of your room, leaving the room silent for a moment until Nyra reaches the table.
“It would be his pleasure,” Nyra mocks you with a growing smug smile. “I’m sure it would,” she giggles and grabs a cup of wine.
You roll your eyes but can’t help but smile.
“Now, now what would your dear husband say about the switch to a much dapper, and stronger knight?” Nyra keeps teasing.
“What would he say?” You retort. “Nothing. I'm no silver-haired woman, remember. I’m just tolerable.” You take a drink of your wine and grow serious again.
Nyra rolls her eyes at your snide but then sits back and crosses her leg over the other as a smirk tugs on her face. “We’ll see won’t we?”
“Okay, Nyra,” you say as you smooth out your flowy black dress and walk out to your room. “How about this one, hm? It’s easy to take off and has both…” you trail off as you look up and catch Aemond standing in front of the door.
“Oh,” you swallow thickly from shock. “Husband,” you greet and share a quick nervous glance with Nyra.
“I’m here to escort you to the tourney,” he breaks his silence and clasps his hands behind him.
Your eyes slightly widen as you nod. “Alright, I was just debating what to wear.”
“You’ve had the entire day,” he quips, making you grow serious, and slightly furrow your eyebrows.
“And you’re not a woman,” you snap back and turn around to debate between the black dress you're wearing that’s really open in the cleavage area but accompanied with a silk golden bralette, or a more covered golden and red dress.
“You put on a suit and call it a day, people don’t turn their heads, but I am a lady, highborn at that,” you continue with confidence, even if his stance alone was a bit frightening. “They expect a lot from me.”
“Who gives a shit what people think,” Aemond interjects, and you scoff lightheartedly before you turn on your heels and meet his gaze with a pointed glare.
“I do. I am giving them what they want, and exceeding at that everytime,” you add and watch Aemond lift his head before he just hums as his eye remains pierced on you.
“Alright Nyra,” you sigh and glance at her, catching her eyes widened in surprise and her lips twitching to a smirk—“The one I have on, or the red dress?”
Nyra lets out a deep breath and opens her mouth to voice her final opinion, but Aemon interjects in that moment with his.
“The one you have on,” he says, causing your stomach to churn and your heart to skip a beat, whilst Nyras jaw drops.
You draw in a deep breath and nod stiffly. “Okay,” you breathe out. “Thank you.” You hang the other dress up and face him again. “I’m finished, we may go now.”
As you walk out of your room, you walk at Aemond’s side, and before you can get out, you share a knowing glance with Nyra that makes her depart from your side to walk the opposite way. Leaving just Aemond and you alone.
It isn’t awkward, silent but not uncomfortable, it’s just tense…with what you know he said about you, and the fact that he kept looking over at you like if he wanted to say something—or well who knows really, he’s hard to read.
“So, husband,” you break the silence. “Will you be competing at the tourney today?”
Aemond scoffs right away. “No. Tourneys are shit, I’m only attending because it’s required of me.”
You hum. “I think tourneys are quite exciting,” you share even if he didn’t ask. “Watching men’s ego break once they get beaten down is the funniest thing.” You smirk.
Aemond slowly looks over at you and then scoffs.
As you hear him, you look over at him and meet his gaze, noticing the corner of his lips upturned to a very faint smirk.
Rather than ignoring him, you can’t help but smile at him for a brief second before you look away so as to avoid feeling…everything that your heart is currently feeling. The rush of emotions that rush in your heart and mind. That’s why you choose to walk the rest of the way to the tourney in silence. Thankfully as well, you met your uncle Ser Tyland, so he filled most of the silence with nonsense you didn’t bother to care about since your mind was occupied on something else entirely.
Once the tourney started, as knights began to jouste against each other you did have a brief moment of distraction after one knight fell off his horse and began to fight the other; the knight was so wounded by the fact that he had been knocked off on the first attempt that he went to pull the other knight off his horse to begin beating him up. However, the other knight got the upper hand and beat him in combat too.
It was funny seeing the knight get so weepy and upset.
“And they say women are emotional,” you murmur under your breath with an amused smile on your face.
Aemond catches your comment and looks over at you and catches your smile over the interaction. He doesn’t say anything of course, or do anything, he just recalls your conversation and finds your smile quite amusing, whereas others would find your smile cruel because the knights were beating each other, especially more so because you’re a lady.
Nevertheless, after that match ended you began to grow worried and even more nervous for what was to come. More than before. Thankfully Nyra arrives and helps ease your current anxiety, most of it anyway.
“Ready,” she whispers.
You don’t look at her and just give her hand a gentle squeeze as you watch the current match.
And since the match is quite short and boring, it ends quickly, leaving you with your chance to take a short leave.
“I’ll return,” you announce to Aemond as you get up.
He keeps his eye on the contenders and just hums as a response while Nyra follows after you out of the audience box.
“Where is it?” You ask while you bounce on one foot as you’re taking off one shoe and walking down rows of tents.
“Ugly tan tent at the fifth row,” she says quickly and rushes you towards it.
You proceed to hurry up and struggle to pull off your other shoe. Once you reach the intended tent, Nyra shoves you in, snatches your boots to throw them aside, and begins loosening the strings on your dress so you can slip it off.
“Oh, by the bloody gods,” you complain as you run to your bag on the table to begin pulling out shiny light gold armor pieces. “I’ve never had to do this so quickly.”
Nyra rushes to your side and dumps the bag out to begin helping you put on your chainmail.
“I told you, stop this foolish activity, but no,” she grumbles. “You insist on keeping up this ruse.”
You smile down at the armor you’re putting on now and quip. “And you’re doing what exactly?”
“Helping,” she retorts. “Or else without me you’d be caught. You’d get in trouble and be shamed for the rest of your life. But this time maybe your husband would feed you to his dragon.”
You scoff softly and smile over at her. “I think that would be a pretty fun way to die,” you tease.
Nyra snaps her eyes over to you to shoot you a glare and snap back. “You better win this damned match.”
You grow serious and sigh. “Let’s hope. If I die at least I’ll be relieved from my match.”
Nyra finishes attaching the pieces of armor in record time and leaves you to put on your boots.
“Okay,” you roll out and shove your foot in. “I’m ready. Pray for me.” You get up and put on your helmet before you rush out of the tent and run to your horse.
“Hello there,” you greet the white horse as you carefully pet his neck. “Don’t worry I won’t let them hurt you.”
“You’re late, Knight,” the man with the lance and shield says.
You pull your hand away from the horse, and simply hum before you climb on your white horse and snatch the lance and shield from his hand. You then ride the horse to the field where you wait at the other end of your competitor.
“Now, Ser Moore from High Garden will compete against…the No Name Knight!” The announcer shouts to the crowd.
You roll your shoulders back and take one glance at the audience box, spotting your ever so beloved husband sitting and watching with no emotion, right by his brother who seems far more entertained. What would Aemond say if he knew you were under the light gold armor? That you were the No name Knight?
He said not to care what people think, but would he think the same if people talked about you, his wife?
Your father and step mother would be pissed to say the least. You had to wonder what he’d say? What would he do?
“…set, go!” The announcer catches you off guard.
You secure your grip around the reins, and loosen your tight grip around your lance before you encourage the horse to sprint forward, towards your competitor.
The moment your horse moves, time moves rather quickly, but for a spare second as you breathe out, time moves slowly; you drop your gaze and catch the knight shifting his shield just an inch above his abdomen that he leaves open enough for the right target.
With that in mind you tilt your lance and look back at him, noticing him tilt his lance up towards more of your neck and face region. You don’t shift your shield up however, you keep it where it is, and as the point of his lance comes near, you throw your head back and see it swing over your face as you miss getting hit.
On the other hand, you. You jab your lance into your target you had spotted and manage to knock him off his horse with one blow.
The people cheer and clap for you whilst you bring your horse to a slow pace as you reach the other end of the field. It’s hard not to rejoice in the commotion towards your victory, you usually don’t like to be excited when you compete in them at home, but there’s way more people here, it’s louder, it’s hard not to at least smile with pride as you climb off your horse.
“See,” you whisper to the horse. “You didn't get—”
“Sword!” The other knight yells and makes you stiffen.
“Ser Moore has chosen to continue in a contest of arms!” The announcer shouts.
Some worker runs up to you and hands you a borrowed sword, you take it hesitantly and slowly turn to face an angered knight storming towards you.
Usually it’s far more entertaining watching this unfold than actually being a part of it.
“Shit,” you murmur and begin to slowly meet the knight halfway.
“You fucking cunt,” the Knight sneers and swings his sword at your neck. You parry however and spin behind him.
As he begins to turn you swing your sword at his legs, making him move his shield down and leaving you with the chance to kick him down. He proceeds to curse up a storm as he falls back, letting you run up to him to point your sword at his neck so he’d yield.
Nevertheless, just as you stride over to him he pulls out his sword and swings up before you can move your shield, managing to gash your hand, ripping the strap of your shield and cutting straight through your glove and your skin.
“Fuck,” you wince and stumble back as your shield falls.
The knight pushes himself and runs up to you, he swings his sword on your face and kicks you down to the ground, making sure to quickly climb over you to try and press the side of his sword against your neck.
You however, let your sword go and grab his wrists to try and push him off. Albeit the knight is stronger and pushes down harder. He’s going to cut through your neck, but you quickly swing the tip of his own sword up to him and smack his face over and over again until he lets go and lets you kick him off you.
Even if your hand hurts and blood begins to trickle down the gash on your palm, you turn and push yourself off the ground to swipe your sword off the ground, and then snatch his in the process to walk over to him with heavy pants and trap his neck with both swords.
“I,” he hesitates, “I yield!”
The crowd booms with excitement and you scoff softly under your helmet before throwing the swords aside and striding off with pride. You don’t even bother to look over at Aemond, you know he’d still be bored, you just walk back to the end you had ran through and collect your bag of money before returning to your tent with no words ever spoken to anyone.
“I saw,” Nyra says as you barge into the tent. “Congratulations.”
You pull your helmet off and smile at her before you hand the bag of money to her for her to keep. Like all the other times. “Here.”
Her eyes linger on you and she doesn’t fight against you anymore. She’s done so many other times, but she knew you wouldn't keep it, you already had so much money that you didn’t know what to do with, you had no need for pocket money as Nyra calls it.
“The bastard cut me,” you sneer as you pull off your armor in a hurry.
Nyra rushes over to you to help you undress and pulls your hand towards her. “We’ll stitch it once we return to the room, for now I’ll just wrap it.”
You nod in agreement. “That’s what I was thinking too,” you say between pants. “I’ll tell him, I cut myself—”
“He won’t notice,” Nyra blurts.
You meet her gaze and can’t help but agree. As harsh as her comment sounded. “Right.” You focus back on removing your armor.
Since it’s two of you working at the same time, and you’ve done this multiple times, you take off your armor quickly and remove your chainmail even quicker to then slip back in your dress.
Before you can return though, Nyra wraps your cut tightly so the wound would stop bleeding. “Just hide it and you’ll be okay. Don’t move it too much.”
You nod as you plop the sweat off your face. “I know,” you assure her.
Nyra ties the wrap and you finish at the same time, so you then rush back to the audience box. And Aemond as expected doesn’t bother to ask questions or even look over at you.
“What did I miss?” You ask him as you grab your cup of water.
Aemond scoffs. “Nothing worth mentioning,” he mutters and steals a glance at you without you noticing as you focus on the next contender in shiny golden armor riding towards the audience box.
“Lady y/n Lannister!” The golden knight exclaims, making you sit up straight and lean forward, whilst Aemond shifts up and watches closer.
The knight takes off his helmet and reveals himself to be Ser Erwin Reyne.
“I would humbly ask for your favor.”
The corner of your lips tug to a soft smile as you reach for a flower crown laying on your side. Yet, as you reach over you feel a sharp pain from your wounded hand, and have to quickly pull your hand away to hide it in between the ruffles of your dress before you walk to the edge to throw the flowers on his lance. “I wish you good fortune, Ser Erwin.”
The Golden Knight offers you a charming smile and bows his head. “Thank you, my Lady, I hope today's match eases your doubt.”
You beam at him and return to your spot to watch with more curiosity than you had for any other match. While Aemond clenches his jaw and narrows his eye on Ser Erwin after sharing a brief look with his brother.
“Who is that?” Aegon asks as he leans over his brother to question you.
You briefly glance at him so as to not miss the match.
“A knight from the Westerlands. My new appointed knight.”
Aegon shares a taunting smirk with his brother, and Aemond just ignores him but keeps his eye pierced on Ser Erwin as the match starts.
Unlike with your match, Ser Erwin urges his brown horse forward towards his competitor and they both miss, making them both turn for another round.
Your heart races with excitement, and you have to lift your head to watch more intently.
Now Ser Erwin fixes his grip on his lance and drops his shoulders before making his horse sprint forward again. This time he shifts his lance up a few inches and as he’s about to pass the other knight he lunges his lance forward.
The force of his jab is so strong that the point rams through the knight's throat, knocking him immediately off his horse and taking Ser Erwin’s lance with him as his limp body falls on the ground.
The crowd cheers and claps for Ser Erwin’s victory, and you grin and push yourself off your seat to clap once, but end up wincing and hiding your reaction by shifting your hand to clap lightly on the upper level of your hand.
You think no one notices your quick reaction to your pain, and no one does, no one except for Aemond. He catches the sound of your quiet complaint and immediately notices the bandage wrapped around your hand that wasn’t there before. Not when they first got here, nor when he was in your room.
It could’ve been done when you were away for that long period of time, but he then remembers The No Name knight that fought when you were gone and recalls how they got their palm cut on the same hand your bandage was.
You weren’t sweaty, or dirty, and now that’s thinking about it more thoroughly, your handmaiden wasn’t with you at the start, she came during the middle of the match and you left soon after she got here. You came back and she wasn’t with you again, and one thing he’s definitely noticed since you got here is that you were both inseparable.
Couldn’t be a coincidence.
He’s intrigued now more than you know.
Tagged: @winter-soldier-101 @whateverooooooo
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hahahahahangst · 2 years
If the world was ending (Be The Young 24)
GIANT TW which will be valid for each episode for suicidal thoughts, SELF H*RM, violence, cursing, relatives dying, mentions of s*x, s*xual assault
All chapter titles are song titles, some of them translated from Italian songs. We start from the first season and make out way through the series. I will break canon (mostly from the S2 finale) but will try to get back into it for the sake of ✨ lore ✨ .
Summary: Emily's life used to be normal. Until one day, her family died, leaving behind just one letter.
"After reading this whole letter, call John Winchester. [...] He’s your real father."
A/N: LMAO YOU THOUGHT THE SADNESS WAS OVER? Nah,  Also i have not watched s12 and I feel like I have to specify the cat was named before I saw it. lol 
If the world was ending
You’d come over, right?
Her life looked normal. She worked in a music shop, where the only customers were quiet, shy teenagers looking to buy a copy of some Nirvana album thinking they were quirky and different. 
After staying in that terrible motel for a while, she started seeing Daniel, the guy whom she had met at the fitness track, more and more often and after a handful of months, given that she didn’t really have a house anymore, he just asked her to move in with him.
Her life looked perfectly fine, she went grocery shopping and worked extra shifts at the store to pay for rent and food and she would make pizza for her, Daniel and all their friends. They would have outdoor trips and go clubbing on saturday nights, when Daniel wasn’t working. Nothing that any other 22 years old would not have done. 
She had swore to never talk about her brothers with Daniel. Emily knew he would not understand the relationship they had. He would hate them for being like they were and he would ask questions over questions about why they had to travel so much. So she just left them or any reference to her past life outside of her relationship. 
And that was secret number one. 
Secret number two was her actual job, the one that brought the biggest amount of money into her pockets. Money she was secretly saving, secret number three, to start going to college. Not that she wanted to, what she wanted was her family back, but it was her last ledge to hang into a normal life. Her second job took place at night, when Daniel was working long shifts at the hospital. 
She finally had found a use of all those years of ballet, and became a stripper. 
But that wasn’t why she was keeping it a secret. Daniel would never understand why she did that. It wasn't because she needed the money, she could have easily gotten them in any other way, like working more shifts, it was because stripping, which had very quickly evolved into just selling her body to the best bidder, was the closest thing to hurting herself that didn't leave any marks. 
Not unless she begged for them. 
Of course, she did not like it. Which led her to drink. And drink more. And more. 
Some nights she would just lay there, whispering dirty words to whoever was fucking her, falling asleep at three minutes interval. 
Not that it pissed anybody off. No. The people she worked for were so disgusting they probably enjoyed her being drunk and half asleep way more than they enjoyed her being awake. 
Her life looked normal, but it wasn't.
However, she kept going. Just this once. Then I'll stop.
She was addicted to trying to destroy herself. 
“Hey.” whispered Daniel, getting into bed at 7 AM, about one hour before Emily was supposed to wake up. “Good morning.” 
“Good morning.”, she hummed, slowly turning towards him. “How was work?” 
“It was all good, usual night shift.” She nodded against his chest. They cuddled until Emily had to get out of bed. 
That evening she came back from work and found Daniel holding something covered by a blanket. “Surprise!” He smiled and did a little dorky dance that Emily found adorable. He gave her the box, which meowed. 
“Wait-” She took the blanked away, revealing a kitten, staring at her with big, blue eyes, interrogatively. “Oh my god, how cute is he?” She took the kitten out of the box and held it in front of her face. “Hello there! What's your name?” She inspected the little collar the car was already wearing, which said Ramiel and then Daniel's phone number. 
“Ramiel? Isn't that the cutest name ever?” She petted the kitten, which kept just staring at her.
They spent the night playing with Ramiel, who looked very interested in their everyday routine. He would stare at them while they cooked, ate, and made the bed, but would also be very happy to be petted or to play. 
With all the cat supplies added to the grocery list, her week went on looking as normal as possible. While she wandered around the aisles, she kept thinking about Dean. She had no news of him since she had left. He didn't try to reach out to her and she didn't either. It seemed as if their last fight really got through to him, but in the wrong way. She tried to convince him to take care of his family first and instead, she convinced him to go back to hunting. She had to imagine that after all those months, he would already have done it. 
Maybe he was dead.
The thought stopped her in the middle of the supermarket. She shook it away and kept walking.
She would have never admitted it to a single living soul, but she missed him and she missed Sam. She didn't miss the fights or the pain and the hunting, she missed always having them around. She missed Sam pretending to bite her arm every time she answered “Bite me.” to Dean's jokes and she missed sitting in silence doing research.
She missed having someone she didn't have to lie to. Every single second of her life felt like a lie. She lived with a boyfriend that thought she used to live in Kansas and had moved into South Dakota after her parents divorced. Her friends liked to joke about how she had never had a real problem in her life before that, that she was so naive and soft. 
If only they had seen what lied under her sleeves. 
As bad as her old life was, at least it was with people who knew the real her, the one which had made Dean mad cold killing a shapeshifter that looked like him without double checking first, the one who opened the gates of hell trying to get her brother’s attention. The one who had thrown tables and sewn wounds, the one who slept for two days and had panic attack after panic attack. The one that Emily knew as the “real Emily.”, but dreaded so much. The one she was striving to hurt every single time she left, hiding, at night. 
And that’s what she did that night, after Daniel had left to go work a 24 hours shift at the hospital.
She hopped into her car and drove to her “secret workplace.”, the Sky Lounge. With the Sky Lounge came a lot of secret friends, which all shared the same thing: they would not say their actual name. Emily’s nickname was Sam. The rest of the girls chose it for her, they said it “fit her.”, which was ironic. Even if they didn’t know almost anything about each other, they all knew that a good 90 percent of them were there out of desperation, not because they had fun getting naked in front of horny men in their 60s. 
So, they tried to be there for each other. They walked each other to their cars, gave each other lifts… They tried to keep each other safe. 
They had to. 
That night, she got out on stage and something felt off. The atmosphere was more tense than usual, especially around a specific table, where two men appeared to be arguing. When she turned back, two other girls from the backstage also seemed nervous about the commotion. 
Apart from the unusually tense mood, everything else went as usual. After finishing her show, she chugged five shots with the bartender and then, quite drunk, headed out to her “extra client”. After a good 45 minutes of low quality, no lube sex, she got her money, got into her car and locked herself in. She drew a big breath and tried to resist the urge to cry, covering her face with her hands and opening a crack in the window to let some summer air in. What the fuck am I doing? She asked herself. How did I come this low?
She opened her eyes, vision still blurry from the tears and started the engine. A familiar figure was staring at her from a distance, in the shadows. For a second, she thought it was Sam but then, after drying her eyes, the figure was gone. 
I must be much more drunk than I realize.
She got home and entered the shower, still thinking about the figure she had seen. Was it really Sam? Or did her imagination just play a big joke on her? 
It would not have been the first time she saw someone come back from the dead, Dean had done it and she knew demons were certainly capable of bringing people back. What if Dean had actually struck a deal with a demon and got him back? 
She dried her hair and stared at her phone.
A call could not hurt, right? 
Maybe a text. 
Or maybe it wasn’t any of her business. She already had enough problems on her own to think about what Dean had been doing. 
The following days, she tried to pretend the thought of Sam being alive wasn’t crushing her. She went to work and hung out with Ramiel, who had just discovered how to purr and would do that every time someone touched him. Occasionally, she would stare at Sam’s contact on her phone and thought about calling him. The worst thing that could happen was that it would go to voicemail or that Dean would have answered. But again, she had enough problems. Weeks passed. Her life kept being extremely chaotic and painful while still looking extremely happy and normal. 
She was preparing a birthday cake for a party later that night, musical tunes in the background, when someone knocked on the door. She licked the frosting away from her fingers, humming to her soundtrack and walked to the door. Ramiel followed her. 
She opened the door and it took her a handful of seconds to realize she was looking at Dean. 
“Hey there.” He said with a tight smile. She looked behind her, hoping Daniel had not seen her brother, but there he was, coming down the stairs, asking “Are they here already?” While closing the last button of his shirt. Emily scowled back at Dean. 
“Uh- no, Dan, this- this is Robert,“ she lied. “He’s an old family friend.” Daniel arrived at the door. 
“Oh, cool! I’ve never met anybody from Emily’s family. Are you like an… uncle?” He smiled, enthusiastic, shaking Dean’s hand. 
“Something like that, yes.” Answered Dean with another tight smile. “Emily, can I- can we speak for a minute?”
“Actually,“ she said, already trying to close the door. ”...we are kind of busy, can we maybe see each other later?” 
“Oh, nonsense!” Interrupted Daniel, opening the door back up. “Come in, I’ll make coffee!” He welcomed Dean in and disappeared inside of the kitchen. Emily loved how he was always so happy and cheerful, but at that time, she could not help but hate him a little bit. 
“So…“ Said Dean, following Daniel with his gaze until he disappeared inside of the kitchen. “You got the life you wanted, uh?” 
Emily raised her eyebrows at the obvious taunt. “What do you want, Dean?” She cut him short. 
“What, I can’t come visit my little sister?” 
“We haven’t spoken in months.” 
“Nice house, by the way.” He said, sitting on the couch. “What is this, eleven, twelve hundred dollars each month?” 
“I’m just saying, you know? You came a long way.” 
“Why are you here?!” She repeated. 
“Alright, it’s about a case.” 
“A c- you're kidding, right?!” 
“Your workplace is run by demons.” 
“The music shop? I highly doubt that.” She scoffed. 
“No, not that workplace.” 
Emily didn't have the time to ask him what he was talking about, because Daniel got out of the kitchen holding two cups of coffee. 
He sat down on the armchair, leaving only one spot left for Emily, next to Dean. She reluctantly sat down and put on a fake smile, grabbing the cup of coffee Daniel was handing her. 
“So, Robert, right?” He asked, politely. “I’m Daniel.”
“Nice to meet you, Daniel. So…“ Dean put on a quaint smile and leaned back on the couch. “How did you two meet?” He suggestively raised his eyebrows, gazing at Emily. She answered by tightening her eyelids. 
“We met at the fitness track and, well, you know… Life did its thing.” Daniel smiled and reached for Emily’s hand. She smiled tightly. “So, what do you do?” 
“Me?” Asked Dean. “Oh, I’m a car mechanic.” “Oh, just like your dad, right?” Said Daniel, holding Emily’s hand.
“Yeah.” She smiled. “It’s… kind of the family business, you know?” She gazed at Dean, who was suggestively smiling. 
“It really is.” He said. “And, you know- we always wanted Emily to join in as well, but, well- “ Emily turned to him, begging him to stop with her eyes. “…medicine was more important I guess.” 
“Medicine?” Asked Daniel, confused. “What do you mean?” 
“You didn’t know?” Said Dean, pretending to be surprised. “Emily was in pre-med! She was gonna be a doctor.” 
“You were?” 
“Yes, I-” She stuttered. ”...I was, but it was so long ago, you know.” 
“What happened?” Daniel had suddenly become worried. 
Dean tried to speak, but Emily interrupted him to say “Money problems. College is expensive and my parents could not afford it.” 
Emily drew a sign of relief when the friends she was actually expecting arrived at the door. Her, Dean and Daniel all stood up and very quickly, she was alone with Dean again. 
“Come here.” She said, dragging him through the living room and out the back door. 
“So what, you stalk me now?! How do you know about the Sky Lounge?!” 
“What, follow you? No, of course not.” He answered, confused. “I went to check out the case and saw you there.” 
Emily scrunched her nose, thinking. “Was I-”
“Well, that’s awkward.” She concluded, nodding slowly while cringing at the thought or her brother seeing her in those circumstances. They awkwardly stood in the backyard for a while. 
“It’s the Russians.” Finally Dean said. “They’re possessed.” “Right. And?” She said, trying to keep all her anxiety to herself.
“They’re using the Sky Lounge to trick people into making deals.” 
“Right.” She repeated. “I hope you don’t expect me to help you.” 
“Actually, I need a favor.” 
“You- holy crap.” She turned away from him and walked towards the door. “You really are something else, aren’t you.” 
“Come on, Emily, I don’t need you to hunt or anything, I just need a hand luring them out!” 
“So, let me get this straight.” She looked back at him, trying to point at him . “You show up here, after months of no communication of any kind, after you accused me of not caring enough-” Dean sighed and traced his face with his hand. ”...After pushing me over the edge over and over again and you have the nerve to ask for help?” 
“Right.” Whispered Dean. “You’re right. Sorry.” Emily stared at him. “I know I don't deserve your help, but I need someone from the inside.” 
“No, absolutely not. I am not putting myself against the fucking Russians. Especially now that I know they are possessed.”
“Emily- Okay, listen, I really am sorry and I want to make it right. But right now I need your help.” 
The first sentences made Emily quiver on her decision, thinking that maybe helping him would be a good pathway to actually becoming siblings. Daniel appeared in the doorway. “Em, are you ready? We're about to go.” 
“Yes, just give me five minutes, okay?” She smiled. No. There was no way she would risk the little happiness Daniel could bring her to try and get a decent relationship with someone who had shown her time and time again he did not care about being a good brother. 
“Dean, no. I am sorry. All of this, you showing up here, trying to get me back into hunting- I can't put up with this anymore. I have a life here. And yes, it is kind of shady sometimes and it is based on lies, but at least I have people who actually love me and they are not afraid of showing that to me.”
“There is absolutely nothing you can say to me to make me change my mind.” She said, “I am trying my best here to move on from all the pain we had to suffer. I'm trying to elaborate on all the things that happened to me and I have to do it alone because you kept on behaving like an asshole until it was dangerous for us to be around each other. So please, please- don't call me, don't try to come here, just- go live your life.” 
Dean shook his head, sad, and slowly left. She went back inside, quickly got dressed and they all got out to party.
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avorbl · 4 months
Avor's Watchlist
May has begun and this year all weeks but one are short work weeks so expect to see me catching up on alot of series I missed while I was obsessed with other things.
Currently Airing
23.5 _10/12 I should have dropped this because it never really caught me and the framing of the Aylin incident made me skip through the last episode
25 Ji, Akasaka de _4/10 Love the colours, the pining, the Japanese Blness of it
Be Your Star _6/20 THere are apparently 20 episodes to rgis and I dont no what it wants to tell me
Beauty and Mr. Romantic _6/50 I like the general vibe chaebol intrigue a hidden child? child exploitation but the start of episode 7 is a hurdle
Boys Be Brave! _6/8 each set of episodes gets better and I really want these boys to work it out
Ghost Yankee _3/8 Fun ghost drama about the things worth living for
Kare no Iru Seikatsu _5/8 Love me a slice of life romance
Kimi to Yukite Saku: Shinsengumi Seishunroku _3/8 The theatrics got me. this shippable group of men is more likely to open a gay bar than start a rebellion
Only Boo! _6/12 Cute Fluff pretending to be more
We Are _6/16 THe dark/light brigade of friendship and couples
What I am catching up on
Celebrity Danshi wa Te ni Oemasen _3/10
Gym Affairs _8/24
Never Twice _6/72
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble _9/12
Star and Sky: Sky in Your Heart _7/8
Sweet Stranger and Me _7/16
The Love You Give Me _17/28
Unstoppable High Kick _15/167
Still on my watch List
Fermat no Ryori _3/10
Fight for My Way _0/16
Given _1/6
I Feel You Linger in the Air _1/12
Kore wa Keihi de Ochimasen! _2/10
My Lovely Liar _5/16
One Spring Night _2/32
Qing Qing Zi Jin _20/40
Sell Your Haunted House _3/16
She and Her Perfect Husband _18/40
The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim _2/12
The Uncanny Counter _3/16
The Undateables _1/32
Finished in the last two weeks
1000 Years Old 01.05.24 8,5/10 True to its free flowing style a lot was left in the air but it was fun to follow along
Seven Days: Monday - Thursday 03.05.24 8,5/10 Ice and Fire
Unknown 04.05.24 9,5/10 All the things happening in Episode 12 were necessary to wrap and resolve this plot. I just wish they would have given themselves more time for that. There were a lot of interesting points I wish they dwelled on longer. Maybe by cutting the health and the return of Le to the gang
Seven Days: Friday - Sunday 04.05.24 9/10 An improvement on the first one. It really needed them to completely misunderstand each other.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha 05.05.24 8,5/10 Why did they have to pack one episode with all this heavy stuff?! 15. 05.05.24 Overall this was very good and enjoyed it, but some story lines where oddly timed
Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!: The Movie 05.05.24 9/10
Tsuge & Minato 05.05.24 8/10
Love Is Like a Cat 06.05.24 5/10 Romance stayed away from this Dog Cafe just like any sensible cat would.
A Shop for Killers 09.05.24 8,5/10 I dont know how I feel about the ending
To the X Who Hated Me 09.05.24 7/10 Worringly close to life
Silent 10.05.24 9/10 The music and audio design is compelling. I do love the Minato character he thought through and consistent. 5. 01.05.24 It's so heartbreaking. There is this whole cast of people I want to be happy and the series has a lot of work to do to achieve that. Why belabour the point that Nana is only teaching people sign language out of romantic interest and as a persobal gift. In a show about hearing and deaf getting together this exclusionary attitude feels weird as the representative attitude of the life long deaf character. 8. 09.05.24
Memory in the Letter 11.05.24 5,5/10 Predictable progression so far. But in what world is Kyo 45-47 5. 04.05.24 Making handwaving gestures at solving the issues while trying to obfuscate them with the casting choice really leaves me with a bad taste
Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko 11.05.24 8,5/10
You Are Mine Special 11.05.24 8/10
Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko 2 11.05.24 9/10 Someone in the production for this series of drama specials has a thing for uneven teeth 1. 11.05.24 It works better as a second season
Blue Boys 12.05.24 7,5/10 two people navigating their homosexual awakening with the internalised homophobia 2. 25.04.24 This works as an ending even though i am hoping for an happy ending 4. 12.05.24
Lonely Girls 13.05.24 7,5/10
Bad Buddy 13.05.24 9/10 Slowly peeling away all the layers for this reveal 1+ 5. 07.05.24 There are some wobbly bits and some high points overall very good
Dropped in the last two weeks
My Stand-In 10.05.24 /10 Extended flashback, my beloathed 3. 10.05.24
0 notes
okay-j-hannah · 8 months
Hii hannah!! It's me, the mysterious anon and I'm officially done with not just my exams but highschool! I got my results back few days ago and im surprised i almost got all As because during the last three exams I was literally reading will turner and lotr fanfictions more than my textbooks lmao 😭
And can I just say you're so so sweet and ilysm !!! tysm for accepting my request, can't wait to see how you are gonna write them! although, do remember to write it with your own pace, you don't have to feel obligated to finish it and post it asap (and this goes to all the requests you've gotten) we know you're a human being too with your own things in your daily life and ofc we acknowledge and respect that, that's the least we can do when you actually take time out of your life and accept to write our requests <333
I know I said it in the last ask I sent you but thank you so so much for accidently introducing me to will turner, remember how I fell down the rabbit hole? it seems i am still falling, but now in another rabbit hole named lord of the rings; yes I joined the lotr fandom! i was lookin for more orlando bloom movies and found out he played legolas and I started the series just for him lol,, really though the lotr universe is so beautiful!! ive always loved fantasy universes but was too lazy to actually start something classic like lotr but now that i've done it im feeling the hyperfixation literally running through my veins!! I ordered silmarillion and im like this close to ordering all the books in Tolkien legendarium even though im nearly broke lmao. and my bi ass is in love with everyone, especially the elves, came just for legolas but staying for all the tolkien elves and faramir, eowyn, sam and aragorn 😭 really though, I have barely read silmarillion yet i am in love with elves like ecthelion and glorfindel too 😭
i can't wait read more of your lotr work, so far, I've only read haldir fic (it was so cute!) and hobbit/doctor who one and im in love with that one!! i spend so much of my time thinking what if I were to accidently end up in my current hyperfixation universe. will I survive actually? Will I even be able to make eye contact with my comfort characters, or speak to them? unless somehow I get some kind of superpowers or immortality, i would likely die in the first fifteen minutes for sure haha. can't wait to read the second part of that story and how doctor fits into the story! Also mgime trope is actually so fun to read! after this one, I went to ao3 for more and im so in love with this trope im thinking about writing one myself! 
Just realising, It's funny thing, joining new fandom tbh ; i remember scrolling through your page in March and i had no idea who any of the lotr characters or potc characters were but now im in love with the lotr&potc universe and its all i can think about. do you mind, if i ask you how do you balance fandoms thing? you're in so many fandoms and i always wonder how you love them/give them time equally even after having so many other fandoms. in recent years I've joined many fandoms but every time I join a new one, i start loving the new one so much i  completely stop even thinking bout the old one. and it's incredibly silly i know but I feel like I'm betraying/cheating my old fandom and my comfort characters in a way by hyperfixating on whatever my current fandom is. 
Speaking of hyperfixations, also so so excited for David tennant in the 60th specials!! And donna n wilf!! I too will have to finish 13's episodes before November though. btw did you see the bts pictures of 15 and the new companion Ruby? It seems like we're gonna get good history episodes with the new doctor !! 
Oh also!! It's been officially a year since I started reading your fics! And today 29 May actually marks the day(technically night ig) I read the last parts of dying girl series. I still remember that day, I had finished watching stranger things' then new episodes, I was already crying because of The max and vecna episode and I decided to torture myself more by reading the series and cried more lmao.
Ahh cant believe its been a year, i remember being anxious to send you my request and all those asks and now I am actually talking to you! I am so glad I decided to check out your blog last May, one of the best decision ive made! If it werent for you, i probably would've never further watched doctor who, or started potc and lotr/hobbit series and just Tolkien's work tbh. Ik I've said it a lot of times but really though, thank you so much for introducing me to all these movies, shows, books and ofc, your writing. I've loved every single second I've spent on your blog and while watching these tv and movie series, idk how to exactly word this because english isn't my first language, but the time spent on your blog and while watching the shows/movies really is best time I've spent in my boring life, I've felt more alive doing that than I actually had while living my "life". 
Oh and I'm glad you had fun writing my domestic fic request! I would also love to read about the reader and doctors' in between adventures, hope you write about it and honestly, I'd love to read whatever you write, even if it isn't full fics, just random stuff like headcanons or draft ideas you had! And I would request bout it but I've already requested two fics and honestly, my brain feels too disconnected from the fic to give you ideas kinda stuff for the fic. I guess, its time to reread the series ; I hope I can get through it this time without crying though 😭
I still haven't finished watching all the potc movies, only two or three because I got into lotr, but more will turner content from you? So excited!! And yeah It is surprising that I haven't watched the movies because they are classic! but they actually came out before I was born/when I was really young so I didn't get to watch them at that time, plus movies, especially from outside my country weren't as accessible so my brain focused on what I had, the barbie and disney movies and tv cartoons.
Sometimes I honestly can't believe that all the movies/TV series I'm hyperfixating over came out so long ago and that I am watching and obsessing over them after like 15-20 years, that really is a lot of time! but tbh, I feel like this is how it was meant to be, yknow? I was meant to love these movies and characters rn, because maybe I needed them now more than I did back then. And as I said, I was barely a kid and didn't even speak English language, even if I did get to watch all the movies I don't think I'd even understand them lol. 
Oh and I too love the pen pal things we have going, it's fun, isn't it? Really sorry for replying months late though, i wanted to write earlier but I have executive dysfunction so it's really hard to do even the simplest of things😭 next time i'll try not to be months late lol.
I just realised I wrote a lot lol, Thank you for reading the whole rambling, I hope the whole thing doesn't seem too diorganised to read . And yeah, Bye! hope you have good day/night or whatever time of the day you're reading this at<333
Hello mysterious anon!
I think our trend will now be just randomly replying to each other every few months because 100% we both have busy lives.
I feel weirdly proud to have instigated some of your new fandom hyperfixations, I am so obsessed with too many. It is really hard to spread all my love/attention to so many.
I think I look at it like phases. I will always return to my old loves, but depending on my mood or phase in life I'm drawn to a certain fandom. I started rewatching Criminal Minds a while ago and got so reinvested in the show that I started writing a series with Spencer Reid {it's like 21k words right now and I haven't decided if I'm posting it or not}
And I started watching The Crown, so I've fully entered another time period phase and I want to watch all things Jane Austen. I read Sense and Sensibility recently because of it. I think I'm going to watch Little House on the Prairie for the time period drama. I might watch Poldark or Outlander or Vikings for the same reason.
I agree it's hard to move on to another fandom when you feel you're neglecting the others. I try to refresh my brain of my old favorites, like I remember the day I mixed up Death Eaters and Dementors and I felt so ashamed that I reread the whole Harry Potter series just to remind myself.
I guess I just do my best to acknowledge all of them and then be patient when I'm fixating on only one in particular. I find a balance when I'm writing fics about them because I'll rewatch something so I can get a feel for the characters before I write about them. But sometimes it is hard to write a request for a character that I am not currently obsessed with.
I'm glad you passed your classes and are hopefully moving on to bigger and better things {I know you are fandom wise}. I haven't been writing much the last year, but I do still check my activity frequently. We'll see what and when I'll decide to post next.
But for now, I wish you luck in life and hopefully the comfort you'll get from your new potc and lotr friends will get you through some of the tough times.
💜 Hannah
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pcktknife · 2 years
the way I still call the clock from dhmis tony.... irreparable damage
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ithebookhoarder · 2 years
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back (Obi-Wan x Reader): Part 2
Summary: After Obi-wan’s accident, and Anakin’s brutal words, you left the Jedi Temple to try and let you both move on. However, you soon realise that forgetting your fellow Jedi is harder than you thought...
Part 1 - Part 2
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A/N: Well, it’s been a hot minute since I wrote the first part of this and I know people were keen for a follow-up but I always struggled to get the words out. However, I blame the new Kenobi series for utterly re-igniting the flame I have for this character and this came out - finally! That and the fact the third episode has RUINED me today... 
Warnings: Angst, mention of injury, implied smut / start of smut
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It had been two weeks since the night you’d left - or, run away, if you were being more accurate. 
In fact, despite remaining with Padmé at the embassy for the duration of her stay, you couldn’t help but feel like you were still running. Every time you ignored a message, or a call, or even the very mention of anything to do with Obi-wan Kenobi you felt your heart ache worsen. 
Just because leaving was the right thing didn’t make it the easy thing. 
You couldn’t just magically forget the past fifteen years or so, no matter how much you wanted to. Maybe then you could find some kind of peace. 
Maybe then you wouldn’t be up all night imaging the pain and confusion he must have been feeling, waking up and finding out that he had saved your life, only for you to have left and ended things without a word to his face.
Yeah. You pretty much hated yourself too at this point. 
You could only hope it got easier with time. 
Until then, however, you were content to bury yourself in your work and the reason you were actually here on this planet - to watch over the woman sat next to you, strapping herself into your ship as you prepared to escort her to the latest in a long line of meetings. 
How Padmé could do it day after day, never complaining or showing her exhaustion publicly, was beyond you. In private, though, it was a whole other story. In fact, her tales about some of the long and dreary meetings she’d been stuck in were the highlight of your evenings. Last night had been particularly amusing, with Padmé sharing how one senator had actually fallen asleep during the ten minute rant another had given at the proposal of increasing taxes in the area. 
You’d snorted into your tea, trying and failing not to picture it. It was the kind of thing you’d have normally passed on to Obi-wan. For, despite his sometimes sensible exterior, he had a sense of humour like yours and irritating senators, in particular, always made him chuckle. 
You’d reached for your comms device, force of habit taking over as you went to message him. However, the sight of the numerous unopened messages already waiting for you on the screen were enough of a reminder for you to put it down. 
The soft sigh that had escaped your lips didn’t go unnoticed by Padmé, but she hadn’t said a word. Not until now, anyway.    
“You know Anakin called earlier.”
You blinked, tensing for just a moment as you focused on programming your flight plan into the ship’s mainframe. “Oh?”
“Yes. He wanted to know how we were getting along.” Padmé smiled. “Don’t worry, I said we were making progress even if things have been running a bit behind schedule since that storm the other day. He also said Obi-wan is back on his feet again… just, you know, in case you were wondering.” 
You paused. You could sense the question in her tone, as if she could see straight through you and the nonchalant way you nodded. “Well… good. I’m glad to hear it.” 
“He asked after you.”
“Anakin did?”
“Yes, but on behalf of Master Obi-wan, who says he still hasn’t heard from you since we left.”
“Yes, oh. I don’t know why you’re surprised. He’s your friend, Y/N,” Padmé scoffed, rolling her eyes at you. 
She sounded surprised and a little confused as she looked away from her harness, and turned her chair to face you. To be fair, apathy at the news that Obi-wan was alive and well was not exactly your style. 
You might have well as just come out and said that something was wrong. Why else weren’t you dancing with joy? 
“I don’t know what happened between you but I know you both. You can work it out. You can only spend so long hiding from your problems, staying with me on this planet and ignoring his messages. He’ll still be there when you get back and he clearly misses you.” 
It took everything in you not to break. As it was, you gripped the controls a little tighter than necessary as you chose to prepare the ship for flight rather than meet the Senator’s gaze. “That’s the problem.” 
“Forget I said anything.” 
“But Y/N-“
“Padmé. Please.” You hated how your voice cracked. “Drop it.” 
Padmé sighed but honoured your request. She didn’t say another word about it, even if you did catch her shooting you pitying looks throughout the rest of the day. Maker knows what she thought was going on between the pair of you. 
You didn’t even know how to explain it to yourself. How were you supposed to explain it to Obi-wan? After all, he deserved an explanation and you knew he’d be asking for one the moment he was back on the same planet as you were.
At least he was well enough to do so. That was the thought that gave you comfort as you tried to suppress your pain and focus on the task at hand. You were supposed to be working, after all. 
So, you held your head high, doing your best to look the part of a Jedi. 
Standing guard as you chaperoned Padmé through her various meetings was a good distraction, as was making sure that there were no possible threats to the proceedings in general; It was hard to think about anything else when you were busy thinking about how many possible weak spots there were in the room for a brave assassin to target. 
The answer - as you determined - was 34. 35 if they happened to be under 4 feet tall…
Needless to say, you were glad to make it back to the embassy in one piece as the day drew to a close. A hot bath and a tall glass of whatever alcohol you could get your hands on sounded divine right about then to help ease the pain of listening into hours and hours of diplomatic jargon that made no sense to you. 
With a smile, you bid Padmé a goodnight, watching as she went into her rooms across the hall, before you turned to do the same. 
However, you’d barely stepped over the threshold before you heard it. 
“So, this is where you’ve been hiding.” 
The voice made you jump as did the sight of the man sat, waiting for you, on the sofa in your room. Without looking up you knew who it was; you knew that voice anywhere.
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“Obi-wan… what? What are you doing here? I thought you were back at the temple resting. Should you even be up?”
“Hello to you too,” he smirked, his usual sarcastic tone oddly comforting. “I’m alive and in one piece, if that’s what you’re asking.” 
Thank the Maker for that. 
Given the condition you’d last seen him in, battered, bruised, and bandaged within an inch of his life, you couldn’t believe how normal he appeared (most likely the result of Anakin’s diligent care and an impressive amount of time in a Bacta tank). He barely had a hair out of place. 
It took everything in you to fight the sudden urge to throw yourself into his arms and prove to yourself that he was indeed alright. 
Instead, you took a step closer, trying your best to compose yourself so that he wouldn’t feel the way your heart threatened to burst out of your chest. Then again, it was most likely too late. He’d probably sensed it the moment you’d entered the room. 
He’d caught you off guard and he knew it - it had most likely been his plan all along. 
“Anakin said as much to Padmé. We were both relieved to hear you were out of the med bay.” 
“Were you? I must have missed that message. Then again, something must be wrong with your comms,” Obi continued, his meaning clear as he gestured to your traitorous data padd lying on the caff table in front of him. “After all, I’ve left several messages the past few weeks which have gone unanswered. Needless to say, I was surprised to arrive to find your communicator is, in fact, working.” 
“Well, I...” you stammered, feeling the heat rising in your cheeks at his accusation. 
Nervousness seemed to have crept up on you, because all you could do was stand there like an idiot, your breath caught in your throat. It felt like you were a youngling again, standing before Master Yoda as he scolded you for whatever mischief you and Obi-wan had got yourselves into. 
“I left a note-“
“Ah, yes,” Obi hummed, rising to his feet. “I was wondering when you would mention that. Would you care to enlighten me as to why you left the temple without a word, other than that note?” 
You gulped. “Because Padmé needed an escort and there wasn’t time for me to wait, to tell you in person. I said all I needed to in that note.”
“We both know that isn’t the truth, Y/N. Please. I came here because clearly this is the only way to get you to talk to me-”
“Well, you should have saved yourself a trip because there’s nothing to talk about.” Your voice cracked as you turned around, feeling a wave of guilt wash over your body at the sight of him. He looked so tired, so distraught, and you knew it wasn’t just the accident that was to blame. Yet again, you left nothing but pain in your wake. “Please, Obi. You shouldn’t have come. Just… leave me alone.” 
“You know I can’t do that.”
His tone almost broke you. 
You never had been able to deny him. He had somehow rooted himself deep within you, tethering himself to you with an invisible string that somehow always drew you back to one another. Even now, it felt like he was tugging on your heart, causing a deep ache at the thought of banishing him from your side.  
You let out a sigh of reluctance. “Fine, but only because we both know Anakin learned his stubbornness from having you as a Master and I don’t need you following me around until I give in.”
“Thank you.” Obi-wan was quick to nod his head in gratitude (even if he didn’t refute your point).
Somethings hadn’t changed. 
You remembered the first time he had tried that tactic on you, constantly shadowing you around the halls of the temple until you agreed to help him steal Qui-Gon’s ship on a dare. You were only ten at the time, but it felt like you had known each other for a whole lifetime - it had been that way since the moment you’d first laid eyes on one another as younglings. 
Despite fearing the consequences of what would happen if you two were caught, you had eventually agreed to help, unable to resist him for long. 
How simple things had been back then�� 
You sighed. 
“You know, you didn’t exactly answer my question before. What are you doing here? And why do I feel as if Padmé is somehow involved in this?”
“Because you always were rather perceptive,” Obi-wan chuckled, reclaiming his spot on the couch behind him. 
He gestured to the seat opposite in clear invitation - one you decided to accept, despite the fact that this was technically your room. After all, it had been a long day and if you were to open this particular wound then you would at least be seated whilst doing it. 
You were also relieved, but not surprised, to see he had already helped himself to your tea collection too. At least he’d had the decency to pour you a cup. 
“That, and we both know our friend, Senator Amidala, all too well. She simply cannot stand not being able to fix something, including us it seems.” 
That sounded like Padmé. Hell, you’d been in that meeting room long enough today to know the true extent of his words. Padmé saw every problem as a puzzle to solve, and nearly every time, she did - even if it meant sticking her nose where it didn’t belong, or getting herself in the middle of trouble along the way. 
No wonder she and Anakin were close. They were practically the same person, in that regard, and were more than likely responsible for the few grey hairs both you and Obi-Wan had discovered over the years. 
“Us? What - but I - I haven’t told anyone anything -”
“You may not have, but I cannot say the same for Anakin,” Obi smirked, sipping his tea as if to hide the expression. “Nor, his eager apprentice, either. Apparently they may have mentioned to Padmé about our… lack of communication, amongst other things.”  
Why were you not surprised? 
“Of course they did.”    
Maker, you hated this. 
You hated that you had acted as judge, jury, and executioner without letting him plead his case.
You hated the echoing chasm that now existed between the both of you.
But most of all? You hated that you left and stayed away for so long. 
It shouldn't have been this way; you should have been at his bedside when he awoke, ready to thank him, and celebrate his recovery in person. You should have been helping him heal his wounds, rather than hiding away and licking your own. 
“I was a coward.” 
Saying the words aloud somehow made you feel lighter, even if you knew it would take more than words to fix this. The guilt was enough to cause your eyes to water, while you tried your best not to look at him. 
However, admitting the truth was the first step on a long road to enlightenment, as Master Yoda had once said. 
“I was a coward and I ran. I ran from you and the feelings I had for you - the feelings that I know you feel for me too. That crash was too close, Obi. I almost lost you and what’s worse is that it was because of me. I hurt you. Even Anakin knew it. You would never have done something so dangerous and stupid otherwise. You took out that fighter, at cost to yourself, because of me.”  
The confession came pouring out of you. 
“So, I ran and I left that note because I wasn’t strong enough. I couldn’t say those things to your face without you knowing that I didn’t mean them, because I don’t - and I’m trying so hard, Obi. I want to honour you and the promise you made to the order, to Master Qui-Gon and Anakin… I don’t want to put you in that position.” 
“So you left?”
“You made that decision for me, on my behalf?” 
You blinked, sensing the hurt behind his words. “Yes. I did, and I’m sorry... I love you too much to do this to us anymore. I thought by making the choice for you I was sparing you pain in the long run.” 
“Well, you thought wrong. I need you to hear me when I say this, Y/N. I choose you. I choose you, no matter what it means for us or whatever our future may look like. I choose you because I love you and I have for as long as I can remember.”
You knew how much he meant what he said when he used that tone. It's the one he used often when addressing the council or when there was some sort of important threat that needed to be dealt with. It was resolute, and left no room for misunderstanding. 
“These feelings came to be all on their own, and I could never resent you for them. You didn’t force me to feel this way, nor do you force me to act in any way I would not choose to do myself. Do you understand?” 
“Obi-wan… I-" you choked, unable to convince yourself that he was not still angry with you. However, he seemed to know exactly what intrusive thoughts were plaguing you - the same ones that had caused you to flee in the first place. The ones that told you deep down you weren’t enough, that this was a mistake, that he couldn’t possibly be here saying these things to you. 
"Tell me that you understand that. Please." 
You gnawed at your bottom lip. "I... understand."
Relief flooded in his eyes at your words.
Finally, both of you seemed to be on the same page, but it still didn't erase the shame you felt. Tears rolled down your cheeks as your lips trembled.
“Obi, I'm so sorry... you were hurt and I abandoned you. Seeing you like that, and knowing my part in it all, I let my emotions take over and you didn’t deserve that. I left and I should've stayed. I messed things up-" 
The words died on your lips as he took your face in his scarred hands, passionately pressing his lips against yours.
Your mind was reeling but all you could do was hum in the kiss, fighting the urge to pull away. 
No more running from this. 
On that point, he was right; whatever steps you took next you would take together, and denying this connection was clearly not possible. Not when it consumed you so entirely, your soul crying out for his and causing your knees to go weak. 
His lips clashed with yours, his fingers threaded through your hair, tilting your face up. That devious smile grew, and your toes curled in your boots as you saw the smile you’d spent the last few weeks dreaming about. “There’s my darling, Y/N.”
“Obi,” you sighed. 
It was odd how much you’d missed this… missed him… even the way his beard lightly scratched your chin as you kissed him made your heart skip a beat. You felt as if you were somehow complete, like a piece of you had been missing but now returned as he took you in his arms, pulling you roughly against him. 
You were his and he was yours. 
"I'm never letting you out of my sight ever again, you understand me?"
“I’m never leaving you again,” you whined earnestly, a smile of your own escaping your lips as he began to trail his kisses against your jawline and neck. He knew you all too well and was clearly not above playing dirty when it came to reminding you. 
Hence his choice of tactic, tilting you both backwards until you lay against the sofa cushion - penned in, with no escape, you were forced to listen as he pulled back long enough to meet your watery gaze once more. 
“I need you to remember, it's ok to get scared. It's human. You're afraid of losing me the same way I'm afraid of losing you, Y/N,” Obi stated firmly. "I love you and I'm not going anywhere. Not unless you’re beside me, wherever that may be.”  
You stared up at him with a hesitant, watery smile. 
His throat bobbed. “I missed you. Every second, every breath. Not just this,” he said, shifting his hips for emphasis and dragging a groan from deep in your throat, “but … talking to you. Being with you. Having you beside me. I missed having you as my friend even more.”
Your eyes burned. “I know.” 
As soon as the words left your lips, his arms tightened around you in reply, his forehead lowering to press to your shoulder. 
You stroked a hand through his silken hair.
“I know. Never again,” you promised him, and whispered it over and over.
Taglist (people who asked about part 2):
@obiwanownsmyass​ @tommysparker​ @graniairish​ @itscheybaby @blondekel77 
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katelynnwrites · 2 years
pairing: Ona Batlle x f!Reader
warnings: none
word count: 850
summary: you’re scared of getting hurt but ona is more than willing to wait for you. part one of this series
a/n: happy birthday @batlleonafc, this is for you, have best day lovely :)
Always Have, Always Will
From the very first time Ona laid eyes on you, she knew you were the one for her.
It took a while but you figured out that she too was the one for you.
Except that while Ona had embraced her feelings for you, you were terrified of how deep your feelings ran for her. The last time you had given your heart to someone, it had ended with you badly hurt.
The Spanish girl was nothing but understanding and she had reassured you that she was more than willing to wait.
It wasn’t easy for her because all she wanted to do was love you and on more than one occasion she felt way out of depth.
She keeps things light, inviting you over for movie nights and hanging out with you after trainings.
You’d just had a movie night and Ona’s over the moon when she realises you’ve fallen asleep on her. She holds you a little closer, reveling in the fact that you felt safe enough to fall asleep with her.
‘I love you.’ She murmurs, covering you with a blanket.
She’d always loved you, that she had been sure of and had told you as soon as you had nervously told her that you were ready to take it slow with her.
You snuggle closer to her and Ona’s heart aches with how much she loves you. This was the first time she was seeing you sleep up close and she tries her best to memorise your relaxed features.
‘I love you.’ She repeats. The Spanish girl stays awake, watching several episodes of a show on Netflix before you stir two hours later.
‘Hi.’ She softly whispers and your eyes widen.
‘I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to-’
You panic, hyperventilating slightly even as Ona shakes her head, ‘Don’t worry about it.’
‘I’m sorry! I’m sorry Ona.’
The Manchester United full-back’s anxiety spikes, worrying over you as her words don’t seem to help you calm down.
‘Hey breathe for me okay? You have nothing to be sorry about.’ She tries but you scramble off the couch, grabbing your phone and jacket.
‘I should go. I’m really sorry.’
That’s all you say before you rush out, leaving Ona alone in her apartment.
The TV is still playing in the background but she isn’t paying any attention to it.
Taking in a shaky breath, she sits down slowly before she puts her head in her hands, sobbing quietly.
Would you ever really trust her?
It takes some time but you do and ever so cautiously, you open your heart up to the Spanish girl who carefully treasures it.
It starts off small and you apologise for leaving so abruptly by pulling her into a tight hug before training starts, holding her close for as long as she’d like.
If Ona had her way, she’d stay in your arms forever but she makes do with the precious time she has and is quick to bury her face in your shoulder, arms going around your waist.
‘It’s fine.’ She whispers, and you nod wordlessly, smoothing her hair back anxiously.
Ona soaks in your embrace, tucking your head into her neck as she hums contentedly. One of her hands finds their way to the back of your neck, playing with the baby hairs there.
It’s almost a year later that you find yourself at her apartment for another movie night.
This time after you’d fallen asleep on her couch, you had curled yourself into her side, a small smile on your face. Ona stays awake for as long as she can, keeping herself up till she physically couldn’t, giving in to sleep beside you.
She’d been afraid of sleeping, scared that you would leave while she slept but you never did.
Instead you stay and she wakes up to you tenderly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
Glancing at you, her heart skips a beat as she looks into your eyes and recognises the emotion in them. You weren’t hiding it.
‘You love me.’ She softly says. It’s not a question but a statement. One which you had accepted a long time ago.
‘I love you. More than you know.’ You confirm and Ona laughs. It's relief she feels and love. So much love for you.
‘I love you.’ You say again, knowing that after all the time and patience she had given you, she deserved to hear it.
Ona pushes herself up, holding your face carefully and kissing you sweetly.
‘I know you do. And you know I love you.’
You giggle and the Spanish player nudges her nose off yours.
‘Always have, always will.’
It’s a promise, one that she had made when you’d trusted her with your heart.
‘I know.’
That’s all you say before pulling her down into another loving kiss, because that’s all that’s left to do. You didn’t need words to convey your feelings for each other, anyone with eyes could see it. It shone through as clear as day.
You love her and she loves you. She always has and you always will.
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cjsinkythoughts · 4 years
Not Your Captain
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 1695
Warnings: Falcon and the Winter Soldier Spoilers!!!!! Lots of Angst in this one, guys, lotta feels, some Fluff to counterbalance it, but mostly Angst, Cursing
A/N: This is Part Two to my previous FATWS writing, His Only Contact. FATWS SERIES STERLIST HERE! This one is from Reader’s perspective and gives you a bit more about Reader’s backstory. There will be multiple parts coming out in the next day or two based just on this new episode because damn. It was loaded!  Due to this and my workload this past week, I haven’t been able to post the first chapter of my College!AU, Erased From the Stars, but I promise it’s coming! This’ll be my main focus for the weekend though! Expect more parts in the next 24 hours! I’ll be making a masterlist for this particular project in that time, too! Taglists are open! Please contact me if you want to be tagged! Thank you and please enjoy, loves! (Not beta’d, so sorry for mistakes!)
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The moment you saw it on TV, you knew you had to get to Bucky. You weren’t planning on leaving until the next day, but there was no way you weren’t going. So you caught the first plane you could from the base you were staying at.
You’re feelings were all over the place. Steve had been your best friend for more than the past decade. You were the one there when he first woke up. You were the one to help him get situated. You were the one to help him whenever he needed, to go over to his little place in DC when he was having problems, like the time he thought he was having an asthma attack when it was an anxiety attack or when you had to help him find a new phone after he accidentally broke his.
You were that close to falling in love with him. But life went the other way and, in a weird twist of fate, almost as if the universe wanted to spare you of the heartbreak it knew would come if you gave your heart to the dashing captain, you ended up tripping over your own feet for someone else.
Someone you would never tell.
He was the last thing you had left of Steve and you couldn’t ruin that because of your stupid feelings. And you couldn’t ruin the relationship you had now because it was working. He trusted you, more than anyone else. He trusted you because Steve trusted you and you wouldn’t dare break that trust.
You just hoped, with everything going down in relation to the shield - to his legacy - that you’d be able to keep that promise you made to yourself.
You were in front of his door early in the morning - around four - hesitating to knock. It didn’t take long for him to respond the moment your fist did meet the door.
He looked…tired. You wished, oh how you wished, that you could do more. Anything more. He insisted you helped him plenty already; he claimed he never had nightmares when you were by his side. But it wasn’t enough. Not for what he’d been through. You felt as though you were merely putting a bandaid over a bullet wound.
His chocolate locks were short, above his ears. You could remember how hesitant yet eager he was about doing it. It was difficult to not cut his ear off because he kept moving in anticipation. You would know: you cut it. Those blue eyes that made you trip in the first place were outlined by thick lashes, dark ebony bags beneath them, making the azure pop. He was shirtless, as he usually was when sleeping (or at least trying to sleep), his dog tags resting against his sternum. 
You could tell he hadn’t been sleeping. His eyes were bloodshot as if he was watching TV for too long and his hair was less messy than it would be if he actually slept.
The moment his eyes found yours, his plump, chapped lips turned up into the grin he reserved for you and he was pulling you in. Your reaction was instantaneous, your arms slipping around his waist, your chin resting on his shoulder as he found home in the crook of your neck.
He was touch deprived. You knew this, but you never brought it up. Especially considering you were one of the only people he touched willingly. You didn’t want him thinking he was broken, more so than he thought he was already. And you definitely didn’t want to push him into fixing himself. So you didn’t tell him, even though you were pretty sure he knew, and you just let him take the lead. 
Sometimes it meant he grabbed your hand in large crowds, or tucked you under his arm when he was threatened. Other times it meant laying his head in your lap when he was tired late at night, or a soft hug in greeting.
Hands slowly tracing his spine, fingers dancing up and down his back, you gave a small smile when you felt him practically purring in your embrace. You could never decide if he was more puppy or kitten. You used to make jokes about the three of them, Steve, Bucky, and Sam, being like a puppy, kitten, and bird that you had to reluctantly pet sit for a friend. You would give almost anything to be joking around like that with them when you went to visit Bucky in Wakanda with Steve.
He hummed. You didn’t want to pull back, you wanted to stay connected with him for as long as possible, but you had to talk. You didn’t want to talk about it, because that would make it more real, but you had to. You had to.
“Have you seen the news recently?”
His eyebrows furrowed, his lips pulling down. “What happened? Is it Wanda?”
You looked down the hall, your lips pressed together tightly, before nodding inside. “We have to talk.”
He nodded, stepping back and pulling you inside. Seeing the makeshift bed on the floor against the far edge of the sofa made you inwardly sigh, but you didn’t say anything about it. Steve was the same way at first.
“Is she okay? Did you find her? Where-”
“It’s not Wanda.” Turning, you faced him, trying to control your own anger at the situation, knowing it wouldn’t help him any. “It’s…it’s about Steve.”
Those spectacularly blue eyes narrowed, bottom lip being sucked in between his teeth. “What about Steve?”
You gestured for him to come closer, holding out your hand in offering. He took it and followed you as you led him to the couch. A cleared throat and a deep breath later found you gently explaining what happened to him. That the government had taken back the shield and had given it to someone else. A ‘hero just for America’. A ‘new Captain America’.
You could see his features harden with every word, his jaw ticking dangerously, his chest heaving and his nostrils flaring. You squeezed his hand as you finished. “He’s got meetings and stuff with senators and governors. They’re taking him on a tour this week. They-they want me to meet him, considering I’m the last of the original seven. Active on Earth, at least.”
The tears that started forming in his eyes made you swallow your own emotions down thickly. He didn’t need your hatred of this wannabe to fuel his own. He needed your support and comfort. He needed to know you’d be by his side through this.
“Are you?”
You blinked, not expecting his first words to be that question. “Am I what?”
“Going to meet with him?”
“I-I…” You stopped talking, knowing that if you continued you’d end up ranting about how he wasn’t your captain. How he could never be your captain. Debating answers, you decided on a simple, blunt reply. “No.”
Running your thumb over his knuckles, you leaned over slowly to press a chaste kiss to his bare skin and blood shoulder. “Take your time. Collect your thoughts.”
He responded to your words by taking a deep breath, clenching his eyes shut, his jaw so tight you feared he might chip his teeth. It was a tense minute before he said anything, the room being filled with his harsh breathing. “You said he gave them the shield.”
“Yesterday. You told me he gave up the shield. They put it in the Smithsonian. But you just said they took it from him.”
“He did give it to them, but-”
“Why?” His eyes snapped open, his features twisting into ones of frustration and resentment. “Why’d he give it to them?”
You shook your head, knowing Sam didn’t mean for any of that to happen. He had called you a few weeks ago to ask about your opinion on the matter. You told him that Steve trusted him, and you trusted Steve, so if Sam thought that was the right thing to do…you trusted him. “It’s not Sam’s fault. Don’t be mad-”
“Don’t be mad?! Don’t be mad?!” Bucky shot up, ripping his hand away from yours, making you bite your lip and hang your head as he paced in front of you. “Steve gave it to him! And he just gives it away like he’s regifting a shitty frisbee as a Christmas present! And you don’t want me to be mad?! Are you fucking kidding me, Y/N?!”
Cringing at the use of your name, which you rarely hear fall from his lips, especially in vexation like just then, you looked up at him, eyes pleading. “Bucky, I get it. I do. I’m mad, too. I’m-I’m furious. But you can’t blame Sam. Please. He just - he’s trying, Buck. Just like me. Just like you. We’re all trying.”
Bucky’s shoulders fell as he stared at you, eyes darting from feature to feature as he studied your face. Before you could say anything else, he was on the floor in front of you, in between your legs, arms wrapped around your waist and face pressed into your stomach.
You could tell he was holding something back - something big - but you wouldn’t push him. You never did. Displaying feelings was always hard for him, even in the early 1900’s; Steve used to tell you stories when you were looking for him after the fiasco in DC. Bucky grew up being the oldest of four and the only boy. On top of that, his best friend was a scrawny, stubborn, punching bag of a boy. According to Stevie, neither of them really learned how to cope or how to deal with feelings. And it showed. Boy, did it show.
Instead of getting on him and asking what was wrong and begging for him to talk to you, your fingers tangled in his hair, nails scratching his scalp, as you sat back to make the position more comfortable for him.
“Stay with me. I need you.”
You leaned down to press a soft kiss to his head, nodding into his hair. “I’ll stay. For as long as you need me, Buckaroo.”
Taglist (OPEN):
@happygoreading​, @thatsdarwinism​, @satellitespidey​
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tsvkishma · 4 years
you wanna kiss me so bad, huh?
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series: my hero academia / boku no hero academia
pairings: katsuki bakugo x reader
length: 5k words
warnings: swearing, mentions of making out (w/ a minor), breach of privacy??
tags: secret relationship, enemies to lovers, high school AU, reader-insert
summary: the mutual agreement between you and your bf to keep your relationship on the DL is about to be ruined when he makes the stupid mistake to leave his phone on the table for the whole class to see
author’s note: i’m so sorry! i really tried to make it gender neutral, but it was female leaning... i apologize! i’m still pretty new to writing dis homie so please be lenient when it comes to character accuracy lol. i also apologize for the messy, unstructured writing. also thank u to bae @izvkos for proofreading!
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Just as you were getting ready to doze off, the school bell rang, startling you and making you jerk up from your comfortable position on the desk with your head in your arms. Some of your classmates got up to stretch, since it was the break time between classes. Unfortunately, it had only been the end of third period and you had a long school day to go through. You let out a low groan of disappointment. I guess I’ll have to keep myself awake just a little bit longer.
To be honest, you didn’t mean to stay up all night... it was just that you couldn’t help binge-watching your favorite show last night. You convinced yourself that you were only going to watch one episode before you went to sleep... then one lead to two... then three... and then before you knew it, the birds started chirping. But, hey! It wasn’t your fault that it was so addicting!
You look up to see Bakugo peering over you with his hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face, “Tch, you don’t look so good today. Didn’t get enough sleep? How are you gonna be a pro hero with those bad habits of yours?”
You scoffed, “Oh, fuck off. Sorry I don’t go to sleep at 8 every night… grandpa.”
“Yeah, yeah. Make fun of me all you want, but who’s gonna be laughing when you fail your exams next week. I see you dozing off in class, you act like Aizawa-sensei doesn’t even notice,” Bakugo grunts.
You coo, “Awe, is blasty-boy watching me during class? I didn’t know you were this deeply in love with me! So cute.”
His face went red for a moment before his usual angry expression returned, “I DON’T HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU DAMMIT! I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR STUPID CRAP LIKE THAT!”
“Y/n! Stop teasing Bakugo like that! You know he can’t handle it...” Mina chimed in, joining the fun.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN’T HANDLE IT?! ” screamed Bakugo.
“Quiet down back there.,” threatened Cementoss as he entered the class to prepare his next lesson.
You and Mina were just laughing at your classmate screaming his head off, it was always an amusing sight if anything. Even though Bakugo denies having a crush on you, it wasn’t true. And you knew that. He had a fat crush on you, but it was more than that! He was your boyfriend.
You guys had kept your relationship on the down-low for about a month now, your relationship only became official about a week ago, but you guys had been going on dates prior. Bakugo wanted to keep your relationship a secret, you know, to protect his ego or whatever since there has always been a rivalry between the two of you and everyone in Class 1-A was painfully aware of it. He was too proud to let anyone know that he fell for someone he once vouched as his enemy.
There was always constant bickering between the two of you. Whether it be something minute or something that you would argue over for a couple of days. It’s not like the arguments were unintentional because they were started just to spite the other. Bickering would start about each other’s fighting technique in battle or even accusing the other of stealing their food from the shared fridge in the dorms.
The rest of your class was so sick and tired of the ongoing feud so one day, they set out a plan (led by Kaminari and Kirishima) to lock you two in a room just to sort out your differences. They set a date where they would trick you two into thinking that there was a class activity that everyone had to attend, but it would just be you two to show up and you would smash the beef between you two, and BOOM! Problem solved.
Just as the day came for the plan, something was weirdly off about you two. The morning of, you two both came into class at the same time and it was dead silent between you two. No bickering, no petty comments, and no evil stares. As more and more people were arriving, they would immediately notice the weird tension in the air. It was strangely quiet, not just because you and Bakugo were silent, but because everyone else was too. The thought of you guys not constantly at each other’s necks that morning sort of put off the rest of the class. It felt weird to talk over the dead silence when they were so used to your guys’ voices as ambiance while they were in conversation.
As the day went on, nothing changed and you guys were still silent and ignoring each other. Obviously, everyone was suspicious about what exactly happened between you two to make you ignore one another. There was no way that you guys were angry at each other because when you were, both of you made it clear by arguing and yelling loudly.
However, before anyone had the chance to ask why you guys were so quiet,  Bakugo decided to approach you for the first time between class periods. At this point, the class was back to normal and having regular conversations with one another during break time, but all of their eyes were on you two, and their voices hushed to pay attention to the tense interaction shared between you two.
“Oi. Let’s talk,” said Bakugo bluntly.
You looked up at his crimson red eyes for a second before looking away as if his presence wasn’t even there. At this point, you didn’t know what to say to him, yet. This fired up Bakugo because within a second he started yelling again.
You turned to meet his glare annoyed, “Oh, shut the fuck up. I don’t owe you shit. Leave me alone.”
He tested, “The fuck did you say to me, idiot?!”
“Fuck off, dipshit, all you ever wanna do is yell! And might I add- you do it loudly. Are you such a fucking grandpa that you can’t even hear yourself speak? Can you ever jjust shut. the. fuck. UP!” you yelled back.
The arguing continued and the rest of Class 1-A continued with their previous conversations after seeing you guys back to normal. The tension between you guys soon left their minds as they continued with the rest of their day. Unbeknownst to them, the night before you two were arguing like usual in the kitchen area of the dorms before Bakugo made his first move on you.
The argument started with you getting angry at Bakugo for making a mess on the counter after spilling some of his water. It was late at night and no one else was around and you two happened to wake up around the same time to get a drink of water.
“You idiot, clean up your fucking mess. You spilled it all over the counter,” you said as you gestured to the spilled water.
“Tch. I didn’t spill shit. If it bothers you so much, why don’t you go clean it up yourself?” he groaned as he leaned against the counter.
Appalled, you grabbed the roll of paper towels and threw it at his head. He was caught off guard as the roll of paper hit his forehead. It fell and rolled out onto the floor. Now, he was truly annoyed.
“Fuck was that for, huh?!” he said staring at you, smoke practically coming out of his ears.
You laughed, “Just giving you a hand since it seemed like you were too fucking lazy to grab the paper towels yourself. Seems like the grandpa’s getting too old to do stuff for himself, boohoo.”
He growled, rage evident in his face. You laughed to yourself looking away from his face. The next thing you knew, he grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you against the fridge behind you. You were pinned by his big, rough hands and he was closer to your face than usual, yet still enraged.
You tried to wiggle out of his grip, but it was useless, “Let go of me, idiot! You need to learn how to take a fucking joke.”
He didn’t respond, but he kept his eyes on your face. You tried moving away, but now his grip on your shoulders tightened, making your breath hitch.
“What the fuck is your problem? You want me to say sorry or something? Did the paper towel knock the fucking sense out of you? Let me go!” you argued.
“What happened to all your fucking hero training? Can’t get out of my grip, huh? How pathetic,” he growled in a low tone.
You felt his eyes piercing into your own and it was making you a little bit uncomfortable. He’s never been physical with you, even with the constant bickering between you guys. This was a side of him you’ve never seen.
You started, “Look, did I hurt your feelings or something? Did I hit you really hard on the head? There’s no point in holding me against the fridge. Plus, the handle is kind of hurting my back-”
“Shut up,” he stated plainly.
He looked away, avoiding eye contact with you. Okay.... suspicious much...
You tried moving once again, then he pulled you up from the fridge only to slam you back against it, but this time harder.
“Why can’t you just fucking stay still?!” he started yelling.
“Ow! Because you’re being a fucking weirdo! There’s something fucking wrong with you, it’s starting to creep me out! What the fuck are your intentions anyway, huh?!” you argued back.
His face was inching closer and closer to your face with each word pouring from his mouth. You smirked at this.
You laughed, teasing, “Oh, you wanna kiss me so bad, huh?”
He immediately froze after hearing that sentence spill from your mouth and avoided eye contact yet again. Oddly enough, he returned to his calmer self... If you didn’t know any better, it was obvious that that sentence held some truth with him.
“Look just-”
Before you could finish your sentence, his lips crashed onto yours. Your eyes shot wide open at the shock of the situation. Bakugo Katsuki fucking kissed you... Bakugo Katsuki. The Bakugo Katsuki who always argued with you. The Bakugo Katsuki who always got on your nerves. THAT Bakugo Katsuki.
Taking you away from your thoughts, he pulled away from the kiss. He examined your face for your reaction, but you were frozen in place with your eyes shot wide open. You didn’t know what to do, as if you were a computer and you were going through some code that you weren’t programmed to handle. He looked away and scoffed at himself, mumbling.
“Of course, she didn’t fucking like that, idiot...” he mumbled.
His grip on you loosened and his hands were brought to his side and he couldn’t bear to look at you in the face again. Breaking from your frozen state, you focused your eyes on him. He pulled his face away from your point of view and was scratching his neck in embarrassment and you could notice the light blush spread on his cheeks. You felt a little tug on your heart that you’ve never felt before when looking at him. At that moment, he was just so freaking cute.
Mentally telling yourself that you’re gonna regret this later, you grabbed his face in your hands and pulled him closer to you again. Your lips locked with his and you closed your eyes to bask in the moment. Only this time, Bakugo’s eyes were shot wide open, but only for a second. Relief soon spread across his face and his eyes rested on your waist, pulling you closer.
Both of you guys wanted nothing more than to stay in that moment forever, the rivalry between you two completely non-existent. As all good things must come to an end, you pulled away from him and your eyes made contact for a second before you both looked away, blushing. Realization soon hit you and you didn’t know what to do next.
You guys stuttered at the same time, making eye contact for a second before looking away. The atmosphere between the two of you was confusing. Before you could think of another thing to say, he spoke up first.
“Good night,” he said.
He walked away swiftly and turned the corner to the hallway towards his dorm. You stood for a few seconds not knowing what to think. You released the breath that you didn’t realize you were holding in and proceeded to walk towards your dorm room. Leaving the kitchen a bit of a mess for the night.
The next day it was Kaminari who was blamed for leaving the paper towel on the floor and some spilled water on the counter. Poor boy.
Now, the relationship that you had with ‘blasty-boy’ would probably seem complicated and confusing in the eyes of others, but you two were pretty content with where you guys were at. There was an unspoken agreement that you would keep your relationship under wraps. You knew how Bakugo always tried to upkeep his ego of being the best. You’ve always assumed that he didn’t want anyone to know he had a soft spot for you. And you didn’t necessarily mind not sharing your relationship out in the open, anyway. I mean, you guys only just made your relationship official, but it was a little hard to keep your mouth shut when you desperately wanted to gush about him with the other girls of Class 1-A.
Although, you guys have managed to maintain the rivalry between you guys in front of the others. It’s not like you guys were faking it, though. Only now, you guys saw it as fun, meaningless banter and meant nothing by it. The few times that you’ve got to spend with Bakugo alone were completely different from when you would be with him as a group. 
On one of your more recent dates, he invited you to watch a movie in his dorm room and he was so adamant about keeping you close to him throughout the movie. At one point in the night, you tried to get up to use the restroom real quick and his arm around your waist pulled you back down, making you fall onto his lap and you stared up at him. He ignored you and stared at the laptop screen.
“Uh... I need to go pee. Let me go, please?” you smiled up at him.
He gave you a glance and reverted his stare to the screen again, “No.”
“What do you mean no? I drank so much water because the popcorn was too salty... come on. You want me to pee on you or something?” you joked.
He laughed, “So, what if I do?”
You sat up and his gaze finally met yours and his signature smirk was plastered on his face.
You grabbed one of his pillows and hit him with it, “Ew, you’re so fucking gross! I’m going.”
He laughed and finally allowed you to leave, but rest assured, he snuggled up with you when you came back.
Right now, you were hanging with the rest of your class in the common room. On Fridays, you guys all agreed to a movie night after a long week of classes. You were sitting with the rest of the girls, settled between Momo and Mina. The movie hasn’t started yet since everyone was starting to get comfortable and settled in. A few of your classmates were grabbing popcorn and other snacks in the kitchen while the rest of you guys were just chatting. Somehow, the conversation between the girls evolved into talking about relationships.
“Oh my god! There was this really cute guy that I accidentally bumped into at lunch and apparently he’s a third-year! I hope I bump into him again, he was seriously cute,” gushed Mina.
“That’s so cute, Mina! I wish I had, like, ANY romantic interactions. My life’s so boring...” groaned Ochaco.
“Same,” said Hagakure.
The rest of the girls sort of nodded in agreement, but you just sat there sipping your juice pouch loudly.
“Y/n? You’re awfully quiet,” teased Tsu as she nudged you with her elbow.
“Well, I mean-”
“What are you ladies talking about over here, huh?” said Denki as he and the other boys inched closer to the girls to join their conversation.
Momo spoke up, “Seems like Y/n over here has a crush!” 
You covered your face in embarrassment, “No I do not! It’s... uh... look we’re just... talking?”
Kirishima teased, “Awe so who’s the lucky individual?”
“Yeah, I wanna know who captured our Y/n’s heart,” laughed Sero.
“It’s no one...” you said after trying to recover after digging yourself in a deeper hole.
“Hey, Bakugo. How do you feel about Y/n’s new crush, huh? Maybe your love for her isn’t reciprocated after all...” started Kaminari before Bakugo stood from his seat on the couch and grabbed his shirt to intimidate him.
He growled, “I don’t have a crush on Y/n. How many times do I have to tell you idiots that?!”
“You’re just jealous that Y/n’s significant other is probably hotter than you!” laughed Mina.
Visibly annoyed at the situation, Bakugo walks away rolling his eyes and mumbling, “Tch. Can’t believe I go to school with a bunch of idiots...”
“Awe, can’t take it anymore? Your love for me is so strong that it pains you to listen to this conversation, huh, Bakugo?” you teased.
“Shut up. I’m going to the bathroom,” he said plainly.
The rest of your classmates on the couch got a laugh in before the topic of your potential significant other died down into smaller topics within different people. Those who were in the kitchen preparing the snacks for everyone finally came back and everyone was finding their seats around the TV and your boyfriend had yet to come back.
You pulled out your phone to text him and right as you did, Iida turned off the lights.
“Yo, Y/n. Turn off your phone it’s too bright and the movie’s about to start,” nudged Mina.
You apologized, “Sorry. I’ll turn it off in a minute I just need to text someone.”
You pulled up your boyfriend’s text log and typed in a message for him:
yo blasty boy why arent u back from the bathroom the movies starting
...also i saved u a seat next to me so we can cuddle (lowkey of course hehe)
After sending those two messages, you put away your phone in your pocket. Everyone was concentrated on the movie and you set your attention on the TV screen until...
A phone on the coffee table lit up brightly while making two loud notification pings. Everyone lost focus on the movie and looked over at the phone on the table. No doubt that it was your grandpa of a boyfriend’s phone pinging. Before you could do something, Kirishima grabbed it.
“Who the hell didn’t turn off their ringer? And why is it so damn loud..” laughed Sero.
Kirishima’s eyes scanned his phone for a quick second before his eyes widened and he covered his mouth in surprise.
“Holy shit! Bakugo has a girlfriend!” yelled Kirishima.
You couldn’t help but cover your face in your blanket... Bakugo was about to be so mad at you. Your secret would be out and honestly, you were glad, but you know that your boyfriend didn’t want anyone to find out anytime soon. At least, not like this.
Everyone turned to Kirishima, suddenly losing interest in the movie playing in front of them.
“Oh my god, you’re joking!” squealed Yaoyorozu.
Ojiro claimed, “There’s no way that Bakugo has a girlfriend. Not that hothead.”
“Bro, I’m not joking! And guess what... it’s someone in this room!” exclaimed Kirishima.
Everyone starts looking around the class, silently accusing their classmates of being the culprit.
“Look what they said: ‘also i saved u a seat next to me so we can cuddle‘! Someone better start speaking upppppp!” said Kaminari teasingly as he got the phone from the red-haired boy.
“So, who is it?” grinned Ochako.
Sero peeked at the phone in Kirishima’s hands, “There’s no name, it just says ‘dumbass’. That’s so like Bakugo.”
You sighed in relief. You didn’t know that Bakugo didn’t have your contact as your actual name. 
“G-guys! I don’t think Kacchan would want us to go through his phone...” protested Midoriya.
“Midoriya is right! This is not respectful behavior, we should respect our classmate’s privacy,” Iida said matter-of-factly.
Kaminari replied, “Aw, come on you guys are no fun! It’s harmless, anyway! If it really is someone in our class, we were bound to find out! It’s inevitable!”
You grab the phone from him and said, “Wow, Kaminari, I didn’t know you had the vocabulary capacity for the word inevitable! Now, let me see this...”
Lo and behold, your messages were shown on the screen under the name ‘dumbass’. You tried to analyze the situation and how you could use this small sliver of anonymity to your advantage. You concluded that just trying to play off the situation would be the best thing to do-
“Woah, woah, woah. What’s that as Bakugo’s wallpaper?” said Mina as she slowly grabbed the phone from your hands.
Right then, a horror scene played out right in front of your eyes. As everyone was standing crowded around the phone (whether they agreed with peering through your boyfriend’s phone or not), they were looking at the brightly-lit device in the pink girl’s hands and she deleted the notifications to show his very-telling wallpaper… you could say there was a slight miscalculation in your plan as you failed to notice earlier that his wallpaper was the two of you... making out.
You couldn’t bear to look at what was on his phone as everyone let out their gasps. It was too embarrassing, everyone seeing such an intimate moment on your boyfriend’s phone. Bakugo had taken that picture on a whim one night when you two were having one of your movie nights. When he did that, you were shocked because there was no way that Bakugo took pictures of himself ever. Honestly, you were shocked to see that he knew how to take a selfie. Nonetheless, you peeked through your fingers at the phone in Mina’s hand just for a bit.
To your surprise, he set the wallpaper to LIVE MODE. Live mode...... Everyone was watching you guys make out in action like it was a fucking movie.
That motherfucker...
The silence of realization was then disrupted as the girls let out their squeals and the whole class was causing a commotion while the boys high-fived each other as if they won a competition or something. Everyone was up and moving, a strong contrast from them mere minutes ago when they were lounging around on the couch and floor. Sero was shaking your shoulders as you covered your face in your hands. Your face was heating up from all the embarrassment and you couldn’t bear to look at any of your classmates after what they just witnessed.
You didn’t know what to think. Half of you were completely embarrassed that your friends just saw you in an embarrassing scenario and half of you were angry at Bakugo because this was all his fault! Who the fuck puts such an intimate moment as their wallpaper?! Why not something cute? And of course, it had to be a live photo…
You finally peered through your hands again to see the scene in front of you. Mina was laughing so hard on the couch that she was on the verge of tears.
Most of the boys were still jumping up and down like some monkeys due to the sheer excitement and energy in the room. Uraraka walked up to you and smiled widely while placing her hands firmly on your shoulders.
“Wow! Who would’ve thought that you and Bakugo were a thing! I honestly didn’t see that coming… sorry that we all had to find out that way. I was a little too absorbed in the excitement to consider how you felt,” said the round-faced girl.
With your face still red, you said, “Don’t worry about it… it was bound to happen soon enough, right? Although, now I’m a little embarrassed, but I guess I’m kind of relieved that I don’t have to put much effort into hiding our relationship anymore.”
Yaoyorozu chimed in, “Honestly, this is more entertaining than the movie we were just watching!”
You laughed along with the other girls who were nearby. On the other side of the room, the boys were making a train throughout the room and singing.
“Uh, y/n,” interrupted Asui, “Look.”
The man-of-the-hour walked in the room with his hands in his pockets with his usual grumpy expression. He stopped to examine the room and stared quietly at the energetic group of boys.
He scoffed, “What are you nerds doing? Why aren’t you guys watching the fucking movie, huh?”
He looked around the room until his eyes met yours and you quickly looked away, which caught his attention. Your mind was racing a mile a minute trying to think of an excuse. Your gaze averted to the ground, but you could hear his footsteps heading your way.
“Since when did your socks suddenly get so interesting that you can’t look me in the eyes?” teased Bakugo.
He brought his hand up to your chin and lifted your face to meet his gaze. His playful smirk instantly dropped once he saw your expression. Your eyes were borderline teary and seemed lost, like a sad puppy.
He whispered so that only you could hear, “Baby… what’s up?”
You wanted to give in to his touch at that very moment and run into his arms, but you resisted because you knew that it would be too selfish given how you just broke your guys’ agreement. You didn’t deserve to be in his embrace right now, he was seconds away from finding out that your guys’ secret came out accidentally all because you sent a random text. You pulled your face away from his grip and moved away from him.
“W-wait, what-” he started.
“HEYYYYYYYYYYY, BAKUBRO!” said Kaminari and he wrapped an arm around him (much to Bakugo’s dismay), “How come you didn’t tell your buddies that you had a soft side to you, huh?”
Bakugo grunted, “What the fuck are you going on about?”
Kirishima chimed, “You know, you shouldn’t leave your phone out in the open like that… it makes you vulnerable!”
Still confused he said, ”Did worms get in your brains? We’ve been only one day off from school and you start lacking common sense?”
To his surprise, you walk up with his phone in your hand while keeping eye contact, unlike earlier.
“Sherlock, I thought you would’ve connected the dots by now,” you sighed, with a tinge of sadness behind it, “Your wallpaper… really?”
You hold up the phone up to his face and his reaction was almost humorous to you. His eyes widened and his face was painted with a light tint of pink.
For the first time in your life, you witnessed your boyfriend at a loss for words. The rest of your class watched the whole interaction and some restrained laughs were let out and they were all back to square one, laughing like maniacs. You were about to join in and laugh with them when you realized again what the situation at hand was. You were scared of how Bakugo would react since this would be the first rift in your relationship and you didn’t want to have a genuine argument with him, especially with how angry he could get. Suddenly, you felt a pair of hands grasp yours and you look up to see your boyfriend smiling at you.
Before you could say a single word, he hauls you on his shoulder, and you yelp in surprise. You don’t know how you ended up in this position, but now you’re dangling off of him and now you’re staring at the ground. (Also, his face was dangerously close to your ass, but you didn’t mention it.) He starts walking away and away from the commotion towards his dorm room. Before you can protest, he leans his head on your body causing you to freeze up. You could feel his warmth from his body heat against your shirt.
“You know… I’m not mad at you. I could never be mad at you,” he says quietly.
Your brain took time to process that sentence… was Bakugo actually not mad? Most importantly, who knew such sweet words could come out of his mouth? You couldn’t help but breathe out a sigh of relief and you relaxed a bit.
Wanting to tease him, you said, “Sorry, you were too quiet. Could you repeat that again?”
He groaned, “I said… I’m not mad at you, I could never be.”
You giggled, “I know. I heard you the first time, but I thought my ears were deceiving me… Katsuki Bakugo is saying something nice for once? Whatttt…”
He shook you a little, “Forget it. You didn’t hear anything.”
Raising yourself a little, you patted your boyfriend on the head, “Nope. Remembering that phrase forever and ever.”
You smiled, “Whatever!”
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Date with Destiny- Teen Titans x Aquagirl!Reader
Summary: you guessed it bitches its the prom episode with everyone's fav guy Robin (S2 Ep6)
Pairings: Robin!Dick grayson x reader
Word count: 4218
A/N: hey yall I love writing for this series bfgkfhg so if you want my inbox is always open to request!!! love yallll~
Nights in Jump City are the worst time of the day; the sun is long gone and the wind constantly bites at your skin. But it depends on what you're doing to decide whether you like it or not. Sometimes it’s not as bad; that’s when you’re hanging out with your friends, maybe going to a carnival or out partying all night. Sometimes it’s worse, like you being forced to chase after some villain who decided to only operate AT NIGHT. Unfortunately, the latter is true for you tonight.
You slump over in the backseat of the T-Car while Cyborg and Raven sit attentively at the front.
“Why can’t I sit in the front?” you whine, staring at the two Titan’s heads.
“Because I’m the only one that knows how to drive this car and Raven needs to use her telekinesis so we dont die!” Cyborg yells, focusing on the target, who happens to be a guy with a spider for his head that stole a bunch of jewelry.
You groaned and poked your head out the window. Starfire and Beast Boy were up in the air, Robin close by on his motorbike, and you were all chasing the half-arachnid. You stretched out of the vehicle and made punching movements at the criminal, ocean water from the bay twisting over towards him, mimicking your movements. The jets of water just barely nicked him before crashing into the sides of buildings, the teenage spider continuing to scuttle across the city.
You turn your attention back towards the road as the spider guy created a webbed barrier in front of Cyborg’s car and Robin’s motorcycle. You and Cyborg gasp, but Raven calmly holds her hand up towards the road. It cracks, creating a ramp for the four of you to jump over the webs with.
After making the jump, the half spider looks at the car. He shoots webs at you, and its splats on the car windshield.
“I can’t see!” Cyborg yells, swerving the car over to the side. You lurch forward as you finally come to a stop, thankful that Cyborg had installed heavy duty seat belts.
“I don’t see why you can’t let me drive,” you mumbled, stumbling out of the car. You aimed your hands towards the car and a jet of water sprung out from a fire hydrant, cleaning the silk from the windshield.
“I already said it, I’m the only one who knows the inner workings of the T-car! Besides, you don’t even have your license.” Cyborg said, stepping out of the car calmer than before.
“I do too!- You know what, we’ll talk about this later. Right now we need to find the others.” You say, taking in your surroundings. Then out of nowhere, Beast Boy popped out from behind the car.
“Uh hey guys! Kinda got lost back there!” he grins, dusting off silk strands from his arms.
“I’m going after them!” you tell the other Titans, sprinting off into the direction Robin and Starfire went. You flick your wrist as you run and water from the fire hydrant trickles out and forms a wave that you could ride on, like an aquatic skateboard.
You catch up to the two as Starfire gets shot down by the spider teen’s webbing. You make eye contact as you pass her, unsure whether to help her free.
“Just go!” she yells, already beginning to rip the webs thanks to her brute strength. You nod and race forwards to catch up with Robin. You find his abandoned motorbike and look up to see him chasing after the villain using his grappling hook. I’m trying to help him, but I can barely catch up to him, you grumble as you will the water to shoot you into the air, almost like a hydro-cannon. You bounce from roof to roof, inching closer to the Boy Wonder and his pursuit with the villain.
You were right under Robin when the spider-guy shoots some type of laser at him. Suddenly, he freezes up, and begins to fall, knocking you down with him.
“C-can’t… move,” he grunts, on top of you in mid air.
“YEAH NO SHIT” you yell, still stuck under him. Ok ok, options… you think, time seems to slow down around you. I can’t make a geyser because that’d take too long. I like Robin but not enough to break his fall, hmm…
You notice the grappling hook in his belt. You yank it out and shoot it at the wall you just fell from, wrapping your other arm around Robin. Your arm feels like it was about to fall out of its socket as you abruptly stop, hanging in mid air with Robin safely in your grasp. Starfire catches up with you, having broken free from the webbed trap. She helps you down and brings you to where Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven stood.
“He is okay?” Starfire asks, holding Robin in place while you catch your breath.
“He will be. The venom’s effect is only temporary.” Cyborg says, examining the Boy Wonder, who was still frozen in a climbing position.
“Getting away...we have to...go after him!” Robin musters, but almost falls over doing so.
“You mean, we have to go after him,” Raven corrects him.
“Yeah, you gotta wait until that stuff wears off,” you say, knocking on his frozen arm to prove your point.
“But-” Robin begins, but Beast Boy cuts him off.
“Dude, we can handle it. The guy's got a spider for a head. Not like he's gonna be hard to find.” he said. Robin didn’t say anything, which was code for a reluctant agreement. Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy agreed that they would go after the spider thief, while you, Robin and Starfire return to the Tower to get Robin sorted out.
Later at the Tower, you watched in utter horror and amusement as Starfire shook Robin while holding his feet. He hung upside down, making random yelps of pain as she did… whatever she was doing.
“Um Starfire?” you say. “You know I have healing powers… I could just heal him if we need to.”
“Nonsense Aquagirl!” she chirped as Robin groaned. “There are few problems that Tamaranean acupressure will not solve. Don’t you feel better Robin?”
“Uhhh yeah, thanks.” he said, getting back up to standing position. “Now we can focus on our other issue.” He pulls out his T-communicator.
“Titans! Any luck on finding our jewel thief?”
“We found something worse,” you hear Raven’s voice from the communicator. A live cam of the scene pops up on the living room TV screen. They were at the bridge near Jump City’s Bay; hundreds of cars pass there per minute. You noticed something was near the bridge cables, and upon closer inspection, you realized that it was thousands of moths gnawing at the bridge support. As more cables broke, the bridge grew more and more unstable, cars beginning to slide around.
“Titans go!” you hear Cyborg say, and the three of them run towards the giant cloud of bugs. Unfortunately, they were no match and could barely put a dent in the population.
“Uh, we��re gonna need backup.” Cyborg says to the communicator. You were already out of your chair and adjusting your wrist gauntlets.
“We’re on our way,” Robin says, the three of you making your way to the door. But a familiar voice stopped you in your tracks.
“Don't bother. Even if you defeat a few of my children, you won't be able to stop me from releasing the entire swarm.” the villain you recognized as Killer Moth said, his face appearing on the screen. “Unless you want your city reduced to a moth-eaten wasteland, you'll do exactly as I say.”
“What do you want?’ Robin asked, brows furrowed.
“My demands are simple. The city will declare me ruler, the Teen Titans will surrender, and Robin…” he starts. You flinched at the mention of the Boy Wonder’s name. What could he want to do with Robin? To step down as a hero? Admit defeat? Reveal his identity???
“... will take this lovely young lady to her junior prom.”
“Hi Robbie-Poo!” said a girl who appeared on the screen next to Killer Moth. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, was wearing pink pajamas, and although you had just met her, you could already tell that she was a bitch.
“Um… What was that last part again?” he asked, clearly not expecting that demand.
“Um Robin?” you ask. “Who’s this girl and why’d she call you… er, you know.”
“Her name is Kitten,” Killer Moth gloats. “And you will take her to prom.”
“This prom is the matter of a duel, yes?” Starfire asked, not very assimilated in American culture. “Robin eagerly accepts!”
“It’s not a duel, Star. It’s a date.” Robin patiently corrects her.
“Robin! You can’t do this!” you say, looking at him through his masked eyes. “Isn’t that right Starfire?”
“Oh yes!” she agrees. “You mustn't accept!”
“We’re gonna need a minute,” Robin sighs, pulling the two of you away from the center of the room. You stare at him, arms crossed.
“This is so stupid.” you begin. “What kind of villain makes a superhero go on a date with some girl? And what kind of parent names their child Kitten? There’s no way you’re actually going to go to a dance with some random chick!”
Robin doesn’t say anything about your comments, but opens his T-communicator again,
“Cyborg, report. How bad is it?” he asks.
“Bad! We can’t hold 'em much longer!” Cyborg yells through the communicator. “If you’re gonna do something, do it quickly!” You stared at the floor, knowing what he’s gonna have to say to Killer Moth’s demands.
“I have to do it.” he grimaces. You stayed silent as Starfire reacted.
“WHAT?!” she yells.
“It's the only way to save the bridge. The only way to give us enough time to stop Killer Moth.” Robin explains. Starfire looks at you and back at Robin.
“But you do not even have the feelings for her!” she protests, looking straight at you.
“I’m sorry, but I have to, as much as I don’t want to. And I really don’t want to.” Robin says, walking back towards the screen.
“So do we have a deal?” Killer Moth grins, as much as a person with mandibles can.
“I’ll take the girl to prom.” Robin says grimly.
“Don’t tell me. Ask her.” Killer Moth says, referring to the blonde girl still pasted on screen. Even though you couldn’t see Robin’s eyes, you could tell that he was rolling them.
“You’ve got to be-”
“Do it!” the villain yells. Robin sighs.
“Kitten, was it?” he asks.
“Meow,” she replied. You almost threw up when she said that. You could see Robin reacting in the same way.
“Right. Will you...go with me to the prom?” he said, his voice showing his utter disgust.
“Oh, Robbie-poo! I thought you'd never ask!”
I can’t do this you thought, as the screen finally blipped off. Robin calmly pulled out his T-communicator and projected it onto the screen. Raven picked up, Beast Boy and Cyborg crowded around her. You could see in the background that the moths were no longer gnawing at the bridge. He told them that he bought them some time, telling them to find out what he has planned. Then he shows them a picture of Kitten.
“Who is she?” Raven asked.
“She is a manipulative gremlock not worthy of Robin's time.” Starfire pouts.
“Yeah, she's a bitch too.” you add.
“She's got some kind of connection to Killer Moth. Find the connection, and I bet you'll find him.” He said, turning to you and Starfire. “Aquagirl and Starfire will join you to help with the search.” you rolled your eyes; Is he seriously going to do this alone?
“Hey, what about you? Aren’t you going to help us?” Beast Boy asked.
“I can’t. I have a date.”
You and Starfire were going to prepare for your mission when she shoved you into her room. You’ve forgotten how pink all her furniture is, from the curtains to her pillows. She whips out her T-communicator.
“Starfire what are you-” you begin, but she shushes you.
“Starfire to Raven,” she says into the communicator. “Please note that I will be the only person joining you, as Aquagirl will provide Robin backup on his date!”
“Um… okay.” Raven says, then hangs up.
“What??? I’m supposed to help you guys, remember?” you protest. “And I thought you had a crush on Robin??” The alien girl took you by your shoulders.
“Aquagirl, my feelings for Robin have long dissipated, but I am sure you still have the feelings for him!” she chirped. “Do not worry, four Titans are more than enough to defeat Killer Moth! You should go to the prom of non-duels!”
“B-but what do I even wear? Prom dresses were not on my shopping list.” you argue.
“Oh do not worry Aquagirl, you may borrow mine!” Starfire opened her closet to reveal a rack of sparkly dresses, all in different colors. You eyes glittered in awe.
“Ok, I’m in.”
You spent the next half an hour getting ready for the prom. You picked out a blue dress with black lace and black gloves that went out to your elbows. Your suit was camouflaged underneath, just in case you needed to ditch the dress.
“Oh you look wonderful!” Starfire cheered. You blushed, looking at yourself in the mirror.
She flew you over to the prom location, which was on a boat. Water, you thought. Perfect. You looked at Starfire.
“Thanks again for, uh, everything.” you said sheepishly. She smiled.
“It is the no problem!” she says. “I will see you afterwards!” And with that, she flew off into the night. You sighed, holding a corsage for Robin in your hand. You hear the sound of a motorbike. Robin appeared in view; he was still wearing his mask, but his usual outfit had been replaced by a tuxedo. He was still stoically frowning, probably due to not wanting to be here, but something about him just makes your heart skip a beat.
You walked over and tapped his shoulder. He flinched at your touch, but calmed down as he realized that it was you.
“Aquagirl?” he asked, eyeing you up and down.
“Um, just call me (y/n) for today, don’t want to raise eyebrows.” you winked. You pinned the flowers onto his lapel. “It’s my first prom, so I got you a corsage.” It’s true; this is your first prom. You were supposed to go to your junior prom this year, but of course, being a superhero kinda distracted you from that.
“Aqu- (y/n)...” he began. “You’re supposed to be helping the others track down Killer Moth.”
“Well, you said that our job was to investigate that b- uh, girl. And there’s no better way to do it than up close.” you grin. “Besides, Starfire insisted that I backed you up, you never know if you need saving, right?”
Just then, you heard a loud honk from a car. You turn to see a pink limousine pull out. Out stepped an even pinker girl, Kitten. Her headband, dress, corsage, and heels were all an obnoxious pink. She scoured the scene until she found Robin, fiercely waving at him.
“Yoo-hoo! Robbie-poo! Your Kitten has arrived! Me-ow!” she yells. You both physically cringe at her words. Robin leans over to you before he leaves.
“On second thought, maybe I will need the savings.”
You purse your lips as Robin leaves, reluctantly linking arms with the girl. You open your T-communicator.
“Cyborg,” you say. “Robin just entered the boat with Kitten. “How’s it looking on your side?”
“Poor guy,” he says sympathetically. “We just reached Kitten’s house. Going in now. Nice dress by the way.” You grin.
“Thanks man. I’ll be watching him just to see if he needs any help.”
“Got it. Cyborg out.” the screen blips to black and you close your communicator with a sigh. Time for prom.
You awkwardly shuffle onto the boat, making sure to stay a few meters behind the two. Luckily, no one noticed that you didn’t go to their school because they were so distracted by Kitten’s yelling.
“OH ROBIN!, YOU’RE SUCH A GENTLEMAN! NOT AT ALL LIKE MY WORTHLESS EX-BOYFRIEND FANG!!!” your fists clenched as she moved closer to the Boy Wonder, all over his arm. Why did we let her take Robin to the prom again? I’d rather see that bridge collapse than whatever this is.
You stationed yourself at the punch table, pouring yourself a drink. The two were talking at the table. You knew Robin didn’t want to be here in the beginning, but what if he changed his mind? What if, somehow, he falls in love with Kitten, and then you are never gonna have a chance with him?
“OF COURSE ROBIN I’D LOVE TO DANCE WITH YOU!!!” Kitten yelled, the two of them moving towards the dance floor. Your cheeks burned with anger, and maybe a little bit of jealousy. You clenched your fist again, and the sickly pink punch from the punch bowl shot into the air. The couple next to you who was about to get some punch slowly walked backwards away from you. But you didn’t care. You stomped away from the punch table.
You were leaning at one of the clothed tables as you glared at Robin and Kitten dancing away. You don’t even know why you felt so angry; maybe it was the fact that they’ve been dancing for 10 long minutes, or the fact that Kitten’s resting her head on his shoulder, or maybe the fact that you’ve never held Robin’s hand before and she is!
You notice him looking at his T-communicator while he was dancing, relieving you of the idea that he was actually enjoying the dance.
“Kiss me,” you hear Kitten say, and you froze.
“Sorry, I don’t like you that way,” he smirks. “As a matter of fact, I just don’t like you.” YES, you thought, smiling from the table.
“WHAT?!” the blonde girl shrieks.
“Killer Moth’s being taken down as we speak. We’re done here.” He pulls away, tucking his T-communicator into his pocket.
“No we are not!” she yells, ripping the corsage off of her dress. The petals fall away to reveal a cylinder, push-button controller. “Daddy’s not calling the shots tonight, I AM!!!”
“Daddy?” you and Robin said at the same time, in shock. So that's why Killer Moth made Robin go to the prom with her.
“And unless you want me to let those bugs out for a late-night snack, you better pucker up!” she makes kissy noises at Robin, her lips inching closer and closer. Robin put his finger out at them as if to shush her.
“Not even if you paid me,” he said, pushing her away and grabbing the controller out of her hand. They fight over it, and you wonder whether to jump in and help. Suddenly Kitten turns her focus away from Robin.
“Fang?” she smiled. You turned to see the jewel thief from before climbing onto the boat, spider head and all.
“That’s your ex boyfriend?” he asked, staring in shock.
“Get your hands off my girl!” he yells, knocking Robin down with his spider leg, Kitten snatching back the controller. Ok, time to act you thought, holding up your hand. A jet of water sprung up from under the boat and hit Fang, sending him flying backwards.
“And keep your legs off my guy!” you yelled, not even sure if you and Robin were on that level yet. “You alright Rob?” you ask as the Boy Wonder stands up.
“Best I’ve felt all day,” he smirked, ripping off his suit to reveal his costume underneath. You smiled; you two seemed to be on the same track in terms of disguise. You ripped your dress off and your costume uncamouflaged, revealing the familiar blue and black swim gear you always wear. You yank off your gloves to show your gauntlets underneath, the spikes swing up into place. You both look back at Kitten and Fang to find them making out; mandibles and all.
“I think I’m gonna throw up,” you mumble, getting into a fighting position.
“You know…” Robin says, bring the couple’s attention back to you two. “You two make a really bad couple.” Fang charges at the two of you, shooting his webs and venom. One of the webs hit you, sending you to the floor. You used the spikes on your gauntlets to cut yourself free while the spider villain goes after Robin. You finally free yourself as Kitten watches the action.
“Isn’t it romantic? They’re fighting over me!” she swoons. Your cheeks burn hot with anger. Now that you're out of disguise, it's the perfect time to beat her up.
“You’re not worth anyone’s time to fight over!” you quipped loudly, causing Kitten to start screaming at you. She tackles you, and the two of you fall onto the table.
“What the-” you grunt, the air knocked out of you as you crash into the food. You roll over and pin her to the table. You try to reach for the controller, but Kitten smacks a cream pie in your face. She pins you down this time, but you extend your leg to her side and swing, sending her flying across the table. She lands flat on her back, stretched lengthwise across the table. You lunge at her, but she grabs you and dunks your head into the punch bowl. You almost burst out laughing; she was trying to drown you, and you could breathe underwater.
Your eyes glow blue from underneath the punch bowl as the beverage explodes in the girl’s hunched over face. She screams, and you push her into the chocolate cake. She lands on the floor, her pink dress now stained with chocolate frosting.
“YOU.. RUINED… MY… DRESS!!!” she screams, clicking the controller. You gasp in horror, she’s crazy. She runs at you again, screaming and you dodge her, using your water powers to shoot the controller out of her hand. The controller rolls away, right towards the bottom of Robin’s foot.
“Consider yourself dumped.” he said, breaking the controller.
“NOOOOOOO!!!” she shrilled. You rolled your eyes and punched her square in the nose, her falling to the ground.
“I’ve been wanting to do that all night,” you grin at the Boy Wonder, who looked at you in awe.
The other Titans rejoined you as you watched Kitten, Killer Moth, and Fang get pulled into a police van.
“Nobody dumps Kitten! Nobody! You're going to pay for this, Robbie-poo! YOU'RE GOING TO PASAY!!” the blonde girl screamed while being pushed into one of the vans.
“So, no second date?” Cyborg jokes. Beast Boy was sitting over the edge of the boat holding one of Killer Moth’s moth larvae. According to them, the controller Kitten had allowed them to turn into moths, but when Robin broke it, they all turned back into harmless giant bugs.
“So what becomes of Killer Moth’s larvae population?” Starfire asks.
“You know...now that nobody's making 'em all mutate-y,.these things might actually make good pets.” Beast Boy said, poking at the larvae's belly.
“Don’t even think about it.” Raven says, staring in disgust.
You and Robin walk towards some of the students to apologize for ruining their nights when spotlights turn on, the bright lights moving across the floor. The two of you braced for impact. The announcer began to, well, announce.
“And now, the moment you've all been waiting for...the king and queen of this year's prom are...Robin and (y/n)!” Your eyes widened at the announcement.
“I’m back on duty so it’s Aquagirl now! Sorry!” you yelled awkwardly.
“Well um then Aquagirl-” Robin begins, but you stop him.
“I mean, you can call me (y/n), if that’s what you want,” you offered, slightly blushing. He blushed back.
“Oh! Ok, then (y/n) it is.”
“So how about that dance, Boy Wonder?”
“I guess one more dance wouldn’t kill me.”
Robin led you towards the middle of the dance floor. You put your arms around his neck and he put his arms around your waist. His hands were gentle, and was only lightly touching your back, as if he was ready to pull them back at any time.
But he was smiling; something he barely did all night. You both laughed as you awkwardly shuffled across the floor; it's like you had two right feet and he had two left feet so it canceled out. You pulled in a little closer, he hugged you a little tighter. You stared at his masked eyes, imagining them looking back at you.
Suddenly you heard a whistle and whipped your head to see the rest of the Titans nonchalantly watching you two dance. They grinned, waving hello. You rolled your eyes and whipped your hand at them. A small geyser jumped up and landed on the Titans, drenching them. You and Robin laughed, then resumed your dance.
Nights in Jump City are the worst time of day, but with Robin, it’s a whole lot better.
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harringtonstilinski · 9 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Nine: MADMAX
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) (eventually) Word Count: 3,611 Warnings: lil’ bit more angst, fluff if you squint Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! We get more Dusty in this episode!! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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October 28, 1984. Just a few days before Halloween. Was I excited? Hell no. Halloween really isn’t my favorite time of the year. Mainly because the last two years, I’ve spent a good portion of my Halloween nights from around 11pm to 1am in a jail cell, not booked.
Anyway, I was sitting on my bed reading a book and listening to my favorite record when I heard Dustin walk down the hall saying, “Son of a bitch,” over and over again. Sighing, I got up and followed him through the house, trying to see, as well as asking, what he was looking for.
When we made it into the living room, he started looking in the couch cushions. “Another stupid penny.” He threw it, causing our cat to meow.
“Dusty, watch it!” Mom said. “You almost hit Mews.”
“Can I please check under your cushions?”
“Mom, please! It’s an emergency!” he whined.
They sarcastically moaned at each other as Mom got up.
“Why do you do that?” I asked.
“Do what, Livvie?” she asked.
“Give in to him.”
“Livvie,” she warned.
I put my hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry.”
“Love you, Mom,” Dustin said. “Liv, come here.”
I went back into my room to continue reading. I didn’t make it a whole chapter before Dustin came bursting into my room. “Liv, you’re coming with me.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front door, grabbing Mom’s car keys as he did. “We’ll be back later!”
“Dustin, what the–”
“Drive me to the arcade,” he said. 
I gave him a look that read excuse me?
“Well, since you dragged me out here, I guess I have no choice.” When we got in the car, I started it up and made my way to the local arcade, Dustin trying to make small talk on the way.
“Thanks,” he said. “You don’t have to stay, though. You can go see Steve.”
Steve and I started hanging out again after the events that went down last year. It was nice. He made time for me again which was something I definitely wasn’t used to when he became King of Hawkins High.
Was he still King? Yes. Was I still Queen? Unfortunately, yes. I didn’t want to be Queen and told people to direct that title to Nancy, since she was Steve’s queen. They all ignored me. But, it’s whatever. I’m getting used to it.
Steve and I had those sleepovers last year for a few months. Nancy walked in on us sleeping one morning, and confronted us both about it. We explained that it meant nothing and that we were just friends. We did it more as a comfort thing and all we did was sleep and nothing else. She was upset for a few days, but she didn’t really have room to talk since she was still hanging out with Jonathan when she wasn’t with Steve.
It was nice for things to be back to normal, but feelings that I was sure weren't there… ended up being there. When I stayed at Steve’s one night over the summer after a party, I thought long and hard about it. I even went as far as making a list that just confirmed everything. But I wasn’t about to let those feelings show.
“Dusty, I don’t wanna go see Steve,” I said. “I wanna spend time with you.”
“At the arcade?” he asked, incredulously.
“Yes. At the arcade.”
When I pulled into a parking spot, I noticed Joyce’s car sitting in a spot, so I walked over to her just as Will was getting out. I told Will that I would be inside in a moment and then I said hey to Joyce, telling her that I’d give Will a ride home if she or Jonathan didn’t come sooner.
When I walked inside, I immediately found all four boys at the game Dragon’s Lair.
Dustin played for a while before the cartoon princess… person said to use some magic sword. “Oh, I’m in uncharted territory here, guys.” “Down, down, down,” the boys yelled.
“I’m going, I’m going!”
They were all directing Dustin on which way to go as I just stood and watched the screen, the animated characters not doing what Dustin was wanting them to do, which resulted in his character dying.
“No, no, no!” Dustin exclaimed. “I hate this overpriced bullshit! Son of a bitch! Piece of shit!”
I giggled at Dustin’s antics, not really upset that he was using such language. Like I had room to talk.
“You’re just not nimble enough,” Lucas said. “But you’ll get there one day. But until then, Princess Daphne is still mine.”
“Whatever,” I said. “At least he’s still good in Centipede, while I’m the reigning champ on Dig Dug.”
“You sure about that?” Keith asked. 
I quickly turned around, looking at him, watching as he munched on Cheetos Puffs. “What?” When it hit me like a bus, I said, “You’re fucking kidding me,” and ran to the gaming console that became my stress relief over the summer.
Seeing the score above mine made me furious. “No, no, no!”
“They beat you by 300 points!” Mike said.
“751,300 points!” Will said.
“No one’s been able to top my score of 751,000 for months!” I exclaimed. I went searching for Keith, which I didn’t need to because he followed us. “You tell me who the hell MADMAX is right now, Keith!”
“Yeah, spill it, Keith!” Dustin said.
“You want information, then I need something in return,” Keith said.
We all turned to look at Mike, who was looking at me. “Don’t you dare look at me,” I whispered.
“No, no, no. No way,” Mike said. “You’re not getting a date with her.”
“Mike, come on,” Lucas said. “Just get him the date.”
“I’m not prostituting my sister!”
“But it’s for a good cause!” Lucas and I exclaimed.
“No, don’t get him the date,” Dustin said. “Ya’know what, he’s gonna spread his nasty-ass rash to your whole family.”
“Acne isn’t a rash,” I whispered.
“And it’s not contagious, you prepubescent wastoid!” Keith said.
Stepping in front of Dustin, who had an arm in front of me, I said, “Hey, no one insults my brother or these snot nosed pre-teens but me, you understand?”
“Liv, calm down,” Dustin said.
“You can’t go back to the station,” Mike said.
“I’ll have his head mounted on a stick!” I exclaimed.
Mike and Lucas had their hands and arms in front of me and on me, trying to keep me from killing Keith, who just stood there like this happens every week… because it does happen every week between him and I.
“Okay,” I said, still feeling everyone’s hands on me. “Okay. Okay! I’m good.” I turned around to walk outside when I noticed that Will wasn’t around. Worry instantly hit me like a bus as I looked for him. When I saw that he was outside, I walked out, saying his name. 
When he turned to face me, I asked him if he was okay.
“Yeah, I just…” he said. “I just needed some air.”
I nodded. “Me, too. I was about to rip Keith’s head off.”
“Again?” he chuckled.
I chuckled with him, “Yeah. Come on. Let’s see if you can beat my score on Dig Dug.”
He smiled. “You’re on!”
I had to go to the station the next morning to log in some community service hours since I got “busted” for “shoplifting”. The charge was bullshit. Carol had put something in my bag without me knowing and got me busted for something I didn’t do.
I watched as Murray Bauman followed Hop through the station, as well as Flo following Hop. She took his cigarette out of his mouth and put it down, which I picked it up and took a drag from it. She then took the donut from him and gave him an apple.
Blowing out the smoke from another puff I took, I said, “Ya’know that doesn’t do you any good, Flo.”
Putting the cigarette out, she replied, “And I’ll do the same with you.”
Hop walked closer as he was telling Murray that he had five minutes to talk to him and not a second more before he looked at me and said, “Liv, go to school.”
I sighed and picked up my bag, telling Flo, “Duty calls.”
What I didn’t expect to see was Steve and Nancy parked outside. I walked up to them, confused, as Nancy rolled her window down. “Uhh, y’all here to file a complaint against someone?”
Nancy chuckled. “No. We’re here to pick you up.”
I furrowed my brows a little. “That’s very generous of you, thank you.” I got in the backseat and brought out my homework that I missed last night to finish doing, making small conversation with Steve and Nancy on the way while stealing glances at Steve.
I was done with my homework by the time we got to the school, so when Steve brought out some papers to discuss with Nancy, I was fixing my makeup and playing with my hair in the rearview mirror.
“It’s crap, I know,” he said.
“No, it’s not crap,” Nancy lied. She looked at the papers again, skimming over them.
“It’s… not good.”
“Let me see,” I said, reaching over to grab the papers from Nancy as she said, “It’s going to be.”
“This needs major reorganizing,” I muttered. “Nance, let me see your pen.”
She handed it to me and I started to write some suggestions.
“Hope it’s okay I mark on this,” I said, focusing on what I was reading.
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve said.
“Okay,” I said, leaning forward. “So, in the first–”
“Liv,” Nancy said, softly.
I looked at her, seeing with her eyes that she wanted to be the one to help him. I nodded and handed her the papers back, as well as her pen. Going back to messing with my hair, I sighed.
“In the first paragraph, you used the basketball game versus Northern as a metaphor for your life, which is great, but then around here where Liv marked, you started talking about your granddad’s experiences in the war. And I– I– I just don’t see how they’re connected.”
“It connects because…” Steve said. “Because, ya’know, we both won.”
“Steve,” I whispered, hanging my head for a moment.
“Should I start from scratch?” he asked.
I wasn’t sure who he was talking about, so I looked up, seeing his eyes connect to mine in the mirror. “No. Just rewrite it and talk about the basketball metaphor. When’s the deadline?”
“It’s tomorrow for early application. Can you come and help me tonight?”
“She can’t,” Nancy said, without missing a beat.
We both looked at her, at least mine asking why. “We have our dinner tonight, remember,” she said, looking dead at Steve.
Nancy and I were on touch and go terms. When we both were around Steve, it was like she was fighting for his attention, but when it was just her and I, Steve wasn’t mentioned and we were like the best of friends.
Steve sighed, saying, “Oh, my god!”
“We already canceled last week,” Nancy said.
Tension. That’s all I felt was tension whenever I was with them.
“You don’t have to go,” she said. “Just work on this.”
“What’s the point?” Steve asked, grabbing the papers from Nancy. He crumbled them up as Nancy and I told him to calm down.
“I’m calm,” he said. “I’m calm. I’m just being honest. Ya’know, I mean… I’ll just end up working for my dad anyway.”
“That’s not true,” Nancy and I said, albeit she was a little louder. 
“I don’t know, Nance, is that such a bad thing?” he asked, as I sat back. “There’s insurance and benefits and all that adult stuff. And if I took it, ya’know, I could be around for your senior year.”
“Steeeeeve,” Nancy said.
“Just to look after you for a bit. Make sure you don’t forget about this pretty face and stuff.”
Nancy chuckled as I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, trying to hide a tear that wanted to fall from my waterline.
“Nance, I’m serious.”
I was unsuccessful as I watched from the corner of my eye Steve lean over and kiss Nancy.
“I love you,” Steve said.
“I love you, too,” Nance replied.
An engine revving had my attention. I quickly wiped the tear away as I opened the door and stood up, leaning my arms against the top.
Everyone in the parking lot watched as a beautiful blue Camaro pulled up and parked into a spot, a little red-headed girl getting out and skateboarding to the middle school.
A dirty blonde boy with a mullet got out, taking a drag from his cigarette before flicking it off and heading into the school.
I hadn’t noticed that my tongue was running across the corner of my top lip before Nancy got my attention. “Hmm? What?”
“Wipe the drool,” she said.
“But check out that ass, Nance,” I said. “Look at it go.”
After third period, I hunted Tina down, wanting one of those orange flyers I was seeing around school. Once I had one, I went hunting for Steve, knowing he already knew about it, but couldn’t find him.
I did find Jonathan and Nancy, however, so I walked up to them right as Nancy handed him a flier.
“You’re coming to this,” she said.
“Come and get sheet faced,” Jonathan read. “No, I’m not.”
As Nancy was telling Jonathan that she just couldn’t let him sit at home alone on Halloween, people were saying hey to left and right. Was it because of the Queen status I apparently held? Yes. Was I used to it? No. Was I getting used to it? Eh, kinda.
Jonathan telling Nancy that he was taking Will trick or treating brought me back.
“No, you’re not,” I chuckled. “Let me predict this for a second. You’re gonna be home by 8, listening to the Talking Heads and reading Vonnegut, or whatever the hell you read.”
“Sounds like a nice night,” he said, a small smile on his face. The smile I held died at seeing Steve sneak around the corner from Nancy’s locker where we stopped.
“Jonathan, just come,” Nancy said. “I mean, who knows, you might even meet someone.” Her words were cut off by Steve wrapping his arms around her and pulling her away from her locker. She turned around, shoving his shoulder while telling him to take his sunglasses off as I felt a hand on my back.
I sighed and looked at Jonathan as Steve was telling Nancy he missed her. He leaned his head closer to mine as he said, “He’ll come around one day. Don’t worry.”
As I was sitting on my bed doing my homework, my personal landline rang. Confused, I picked it up and answered, “Hello?”
“Can you come with us tonight?”
I sighed. “Why? So that I can drive while you two fu–”
“Okay, that was one time and it was… unexpected.” 
“Yeah, because no guy in their right mind would just get a random raging boner,” I said.
“Happens more often than you think.”
“Gross, Steve.” After a few seconds of silence, I sighed. “Fine. What time?”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, I love you, I’ll pick you up soon,” he rushed.
I couldn’t even get my next words out before he hung up. “Oh, okay..” I sighed again, getting off my bed and putting on a jacket and my shoes. When I made it to the living room, Mom asked where I was going. I lied and told her that Steve wanted me to help him with some homework, which she believed.
A few minutes later, Steve showed up with Nancy in tow. Being around the both of them was awkward enough, and I had been doing it a lot lately. I said my hellos and got comfortable in the backseat. I hadn’t realized I’d fallen asleep until I felt a hand on my knee, softly shaking me.
“Liv, wake up,” Steve’s voice said. “We’re here.”
I opened my eyes, breathing in deep before I leaned my head up to get out of the car. 
Steve, Nancy and I walked down the walkway to Barb’s front door. We all stood there for a moment before Steve asked, “Okay. Ready?”
“Yeah,” Nancy answered. “Liv?”
I looked up from staring at my shoes to Nancy, my brain taking a moment to process what she asked. “Oh. Yeah. Sure. Let’s do this.” I sighed, putting my hands in my jacket pockets.
Steve sighed, “Okay,” and rang the doorbell.
Mrs. Holland answered the door, surprised to see me standing with Steve and Nance. Once we went inside and took our jackets off, we hung them on the coat rack before following Mrs. Holland into the dining room, KFC buckets sitting on the table.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t get to cook,” Mrs. Holland said. “I was gonna make that baked ziti you guys like so much, but I just forgot about the time, and before you know it, ‘oh, my god, it’s five o’clock.’”
I chuckled as Nancy said, “It’s fine. It’s great,” while Steve said, “Right. I love KFC.” I felt their eyes on me as I put a biscuit and a piece of chicken on my plate. Looking at them, Nancy’s eyes were wide as she waited for me to answer. “O-oh,” I stuttered. “Yeah, this is great.”
Making conversation, Nancy said, “So, I noticed a For Sale sign out in your yard. Is-is that the neighbors, or…”
Mr. and Mrs. Holland looked at each other for a moment before Mrs. Holland said, “You wanna tell them.”
“Go ahead,” Mr. Holland replied.
Mrs. Holland looked back at Nancy. “We hired a man named Murray Bauman. Have either of you heard of him?” She looked between the three of us.
I stopped mid-chew, seeing Nancy and Steve’s eyes on me. I swallowed my bite before taking a sip of my drink. “Yes. I kinda know him. He’s been coming into the station on a daily or weekly basis.”
“We haven’t,” Nancy said.
“He was an investigative journalist for the Chicago-Sun Times,” Mrs. Holland explained.
“He’s pretty well-known,” Mr. Holland said, handing Steve Murray’s business card.
“Anyway, he’s free-lance now, and he agreed to take the case.”
“That’s… that’s great,” Steve said, mouth full of food. “No, that’s really… that’s great, right?” He looked at Nancy as he paused for a moment.
“Uhm, what exactly does that mean?” Nancy asked.
“Means he’s gonna do what that lazy son of a bitch Jim Hop–” Mr. Holland said.
I cleared my throat, to give Mr. Holland a chance to redeem himself… since almost everyone in town knows about me doing community service at the station. Mrs. Holland put her hand on her husband’s arm.
He looked in my direction, saying, “Sorry.” He exhaled. “What the Hawkins police haven’t been capable of doing. Means we have a real detective on the case.”
I put my napkin to my mouth, clearing my throat. Feeling something lightly hit the tip of my shoe, I looked from my plate up to Steve, seeing in his eyes that he doesn’t want me to start anything. “Would you excuse me for a moment? I need to get some air.”
Steve and Nancy both whispered my name, but I ignored it as I put my napkin down on the table and went to the front door, getting my jacket and putting it on. Once the cool, fall weather hit my face, I took in a deep breath before walking back down the walkway towards Steve’s car. I laid myself on the hood and looked up at the stars. 
I guess I had fallen asleep again because I woke up to Steve softly saying my name again.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked.
“What?” I asked, groggily. 
“You keep falling asleep,” he chuckled.
“Yeah,” I said, sitting up. “I’m fine. I guess I just haven’t been sleeping well.”
He sighed and leaned on the car next to me, asking, “Nightmares again?”
“No,” I shook my head. “It’s the weirdest thing. I’m not dreaming about that anymore. It’s… it’s something else.”
“Like what?”
I was quiet for a moment before he nudged my shoulder, saying, “Come on, tell me.”
I chuckled before saying, “Okay, I’m not gonna go into detail or anything, but let’s just say that I wake up from these dreams… breaking a small sweat.”
Looking at him, I saw the confusion on his face. I laughed, like, actually laughed for the first time in a really long time. “Do I need to break it down for you?”
He looked at me like he needed me to explain, causing me to laugh again. “What are you dreaming about?” “Sex, Steve,” I laughed. “I’ve been dreaming about sex.”
It almost felt like jealousy was coming off of him because he slightly stiffened before asking, “With who?”
“I’m not telling you!” I quietly exclaimed, the smile never leaving my face.
It was nice to sit here with Steve like this. Just talking and laughing… being best friends again. But, it was nice while it lasted because a throat clearing had both of us looking at the responsible party; Nancy.
Steve quickly got off the hood and stood up, as did I. I could tell she was upset, and not wanting to poke the bear, I made my way to the backseat, where I fell asleep on the way home… again.
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! i have no excuse why this late. i really don’t. but, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Additional Note: there’s kind of a deleted scene in this episode where hop and liv talk. if y'all are interested, i can write that scene for you!! also, i know that some of y’all are waiting to see your requests, and i promise i’ll get to them. the writer’s block hit really bad with them. atb is the only thing i have motivation to post for at the moment.
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on January 7, 2024
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imthebadguyyy · 3 years
Another 10 Minutes
So this in continuation of my 6th member of One Direction fanfiction, and I've decided it will be a series of different scenarios. Hope you like em ! The previous one, 'That's Our Baby' is on my page
Zayn is known for his love for sleep. You adore it just as much. When you have a team meeting at 5 AM in the morning, will the boys be able to wake you up ?
The alarm clock ringing was loud enough to make Louis groan and reach over to shut it off. Sighing, he sat up straight, stretching to shake away his sleepiness. Running his fingers through his hair, he caught sight of Liam, slowly beginning to wake up from his sleep too. 
Liam, Louis and Niall were sharing one room, while Harry, Zayn and Y/N were sharing the one next door. They all had separate hotel rooms but preferred sleeping in groups. They had had a late night the night before, as they had a show that went on for quite a while. Exhausted, they had made their way up up their hotel rooms, only to be informed by Paul that they had a meeting with Simon and their managers at what was 5:45 AM for the band. 
His statement had been met with groans and moans and a dramatic fall into Paul's arms by Y/N who had whined and said "Paulie, I need my 8 hours. My beautiful beautiful face needs time to achieve its true beauty. In other words, I need my beauty sleep" and Paul had rolled his eyes and hoisted the girl over his shoulders and led them all to their rooms. Initially they all went into the other room and stayed up for a while, snacking on mini pretzels and fruits and candy and crisps. They had watched 2 or 3 episodes of FRIENDS, and had then gone to sleep when Y/N fell asleep on Niall's shoulder. 
And here they were again, regretting their late night snacking and binge watching at 4:50 in the morning, the thought of another dull meeting looming over their heads. Niall had awoken too, blonde brown hair peeking out from under the blanket he had pulled over his face to block the weak sun rays. Liam was up and about, already hopping into the shower. With a final sigh and grumble, Louis got up too and within the next 10 minutes, they were all ready. 
"Alright then. Who's gonna wake up Zayn and Y/N?" Liam asked, spraying a light amount of deodorant onto his shirt. "Not me" Niall said, reaching out to grab a cup of coffee from the mini bar/ tea cabinet. "Well I did it last time, and if I remember correctly, it's Harry's turn to wake em up. Let's go see if he's actually awake himself" Louis said, picking up his cup of tea and walking to the door. His statement was met with murmurs of assent, and he walked over to the other room and knocked on the door. 
Within seconds, the door opened, and a familiar head of curly hair waved to the other three boys. "Mornin Lads ! Up nice and early I see!" Harry said, moving aside to let them in. "No other option really, with this stupid meeting" Niall grumbled, moving past the tall man to go check where Y/N was. Moving into the room, he caught sight of Zayn, sprawled onto the bed, one leg dangling off the edge. And then he saw Y/N. Her body was curled up like a little kitten, completely hidden under the thick, white, cozy blanket. Only a little part of her face and hair was visible, and her long locks were partially spilling onto her cheeks. She looked like a little angel asleep, making Niall smirk as he remembered the devil she was awake. 
"You haven't woken them up yet?!" Liam exclaimed, walking in behind the Irishman, and seeing two of his bandmates still asleep. "I tried Liam I really did ! But Zayn just kept sleeping, and Y/N pushed me away and covered her head with the blanket. It's not my fault!' Harry replied, lips pouting slightly. " Alright, alright, no need for drama" Niall responded, sitting down on Y/N's bed. The unexpected weight on her bed made the woman stir, and she cuddled up to the source of the weight. Feeling his heart melt, Niall cuddled up to the girl too, who simply snuggled her head into his chest. "Now that's adorable" Louis stated, catching sight of Y/N's bed. Liam awed and jumped onto Zayn's bed in an effort to wake him up. All he received was a groan and a punch in the arm. Harry, now seeing Niall and Y/N cuddled up together, decided he wanted to join in too, and walked up to the other side of the bed. Taking off his slippers, he pulled her blanket up, making Y/N whine and cuddle closer to Niall. 
That in turn made Harry whine, wanting attention from the sleeping woman. Finally fully aware of the weight on her bed, Y/N stirred even more, stretching out her limbs on the bed and slowly opening her eyes. She caught sight of Niall's blue eyes looking down at her, and Harry's curly hair tickling her neck as he burrowed up to her chest. "Mornin Y/N!" Harry said, earning a groan from her and a soft smack on the head. 'What time is it?" She asked, voice raspy and cracked. "5:05 darlin" Louis responded, moving over to her bed as well. "Why in the name of all that is good and holy are you waking me up at 5:05 in the morning?!" She exclaimed, burrowing deeper into her blankets. "We have a meeting at 5:45 with Simon and management babe" Liam chirped in, stopping his efforts to wake up Zayn. 
"Ohhh right. I don't wanna go to that meeting" Y/N declared resting her head on Harry's now. "You don't have a choice sweetheart" Harry replied, now tracing a flower onto Y/N's thigh, causing goosebumps to erupt over her skin. "But I don't WANT to" she mumbled childishly, her pretty lips curling into a pout, giving puppy dog eyes to the other boys. " No puppy dog eyes will get you out of the meeting babe" Louis said smirking. Groaning, Y/N turned her well known puppy dog eyes to Liam, who brought his hand up to his eyes, pretending to shield himself from her gaze.  "Ahhh no ! Not the puppy dog eyes ! Quick Lou, get me some sunglasses !" He exclaimed dramatically, making Louis roll his eyes and chuckle. 
Zayn began to stir as well, all the noise in the room being enough to wake up a man with his dedication towards sleep as well. "Finally, look whose awake!" Liam said, leaning to forward to flick one of Zayn's loose strands of hair into his face, making the man smack his hand away. "Good morning Zaynnnnn" Harry chimed in, a little too loudly for Y/N's liking. Letting out a small whine, she smacked Harry's arm and exclaimed "not in my ears! You're going to deafen me!" 
"Alright people, it's time to get up ! 5:20, you have 20 minutes to get ready!" Louis exclaimed, making a cup of coffee for Y/N and a cup of tea for Zayn. Sighing, Niall sat up on the bed, dragging the woman up with him, who retaliated by simply pulling him back down. "Come on now Y/N" Niall said, "Simon's going to be pissed if we don't show up on time" Harry sighed, nodding his head in agreement, and regretfully sitting up as well. "Simon's always upset with us anyway" Y/N mumbled, now sitting up as well, a slight frown on her face. Seeing the change of expression on her face, Liam got up from Zayn's bed, after giving him a final poke on the back, and climbed into her bed as well. 
"Come on now babe, don't be upset. I know these timings are bloody ridiculous, and that Simon does find fault with us very often, but we just toughen up and take it, right? We do that so that we get to keep making the music we love, and the music that the fans deserve to hear from us. So let's suck it up, and go to this meeting, alright?" He said, playing with her hair as he did. "Well alright I guess" Y/N said shrugging. Just then, Liam and Louis's phones pinged, followed by the others phones pinging as well. 
Looking down at his screen, Louis saw Paul's contact, with a message notification. 
'Simon called. Meeting delayed. It's at 6:45 instead' - Paul 
"Oh you've GOT to be fookin' kidding me!" He exclaimed, and threw himself onto Zayn's bed, finally successfully waking up the other man. "Vas Happenin?" Zayn said, making Y/N giggle. "Simon's delayed the meeting that's what's happening" Liam replied, making Harry shoot up straight and go "I could have slept longer?!" Niall simply groaned dramatically, and leaned back against Y/N 
"Well, now that the meeting's delayed by an hour, should we just go back to sleep?" Harry asked. "No, we probably shouldn't. Let's go and get some breakfast instead. I think there's a bakery nearby with the most amazing churros, croissants and hot chocolate and coffee nearby. Let's have a good breakfast and then have the meeting" Niall said decidedly. "Okay!" Said Y/N snuggling up to him again. "But first, another 10 minutes" she said, eyes drooping shut again. Grinning, Harry simply cuddled up against her as well, while Louis and Liam sat down on Zayn's bed. 
Yawning and stretching, Louis woke up from the little nap he had allowed himself to take. Looking at the clock on the wall, he gathered they had about 45 minutes to go and eat breakfast. Just as he was about to wake up the others again, he heard his phone ping again. Looking down at it once again, he saw yet another message from Paul. 
'Simon called again. Something came up and he wants to postpone the meeting to tomorrow instead. You should probably go back to sleep' - Paul. 
"OH for FOOK'S SAKE!" He exclaimed. 
I hope you liked it !
@cordensangel57 @im-constantly-sad
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