#also i think this is clearer than just putting ''/s'' at the end because its easier to notice when written like this
grymmdark · 2 months
i think people should use tone tags like html tags. at least in instances where its not clear what part of the text it applies to.
"<s> this is just great</s>" <- like this
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you cant just threaten me with narrative parallels to big boss and not deliver. i need this
AHEHEHEE....( •̀ ω •́ )✧ Ive spent all noon going insane over char and ive listened 3 times to beyond the time, so you chose the perfect time for this.... Okay. so basically,
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meme comic aside, here's a more structured and elaborated version of these points, taken from something that I wrote in my notes app at 2 am, plus some other points. Sorry if this doesn't make sense. Im not good at putting my thoughts into words.
-they are both soldiers who end up being idolized and turned into a symbol. this idolization makes people want them to be in a position of leadership.
-being better known for their nom de guerre, "the red comet/char aznable" (which also counts as this, since it's a fake name tied to his identity in the one-year war) and "big boss", adds to this idealization, and with it also comes depersonalization, as their identity becomes just an image of a war hero that exists in peoples heads. a legend, rather than a real person.
-the artificiality of this legend is brought home in the way that it is taken, replicated, and put into other people, showing that anyone can be "the red comet" or "big boss". that's right baby. clones! Be it The Patriots making supersoldier clones of big boss for war purposes or Sunrise making Char after Char for anime purposes. But Char does also have actual in-universe clones???
-And also phantoms... the much clearer example of the artificiality of these legends/identities. I don't know anything abt Gundam Unicorn and so the only things I know abt Full Frontal are from the wiki. but he's just Venom Snake. Hey, what if we took this random guy and altered his appearance and mind to be the red comet/big boss?
-Okay its time to talk about The Boss and Zeon Deikun. Their deaths turn them both into symbols that represent the ideals that they preached. Ideals that everyone else takes and misinterprets for their own purposes. Their deaths also kickstart Big Boss and Char´s...everything. In a way, both Big Boss and Char dedicate their lives fighting for the ideals that their mother/father represented. Are they any good at this? Or are they yet another person taking these ideals and twisting them beyond recognition? Let´s say that´s up for debate.
-"So both Char and Big Boss ended up being idolized just like The Boss and Zeon Deikun? Even though it's something that they did not want and tried to avoid?" YES! Unavoidable fate. Repeating mistakes of the past...Sins of the Father... one of the key themes of Metal Gear. THE theme of metal gear. Big Boss more consciously tried to avoid the fate of The Boss by leaving the US military and hated being seen as a hero/called Big Boss because of The Boss. Char never outright states that the reason he does not want leadership is because he does not want to suffer his father´s fate...but his choice of accepting leadership is tied into his father´s fate nonetheless, with "Maybe human sacrifices run in your family" and Char casting himself as that human sacrifice in Char´s Counterattack. Is the reason as to why thinking about Char makes me so insane because his narrative of not being able to escape his father´s shadow taps into one of Metal Gears main themes? who knows...
-I said that Char´s "The Boss" figure is Zeon Deikun...but I think Lalah is the emotional aspect of this. She is the more clear Mother Figure whose death scars and haunts Char the way The Boss haunts Big Boss. Yes, Char also lost his real mom when young but shes not as important as Lalah.
-They just miss their mom bro :(
-cue millions of jokes about Oedipus complexes (more prevalent in the gundam fandom. for some reason.)...not gonna comment on this but they are there. and I can't ignore it if I'm talking abt comparisons between them.
-Okay, mothers/fathers talk aside. Their relationship to war and conflict. Not much else to say that I didn't say in the image. Its all they know and and all they think themselves capable of. Though thinking about their similarities on this did remind me of something that Beltorchika said in Zeta about Char, about how she thinks he's someone who is incapable of living without war and how definitely similar things are directly said about big boss in metal gear. there's more to this and about whether this is true and why...but my eyes are starting to hurt. I need to finish this.
-Lets go back to leadership. despite the fact that they both do not initially want this position of power, they do eventually give into it to help soldiers/Spacenoids respectively. Big Boss wants soldiers to not be used by governments like he was used (but he does end up using them nonetheless. oops) and Char wants Spacenoid independence from the Federation, although Char´s motivations in cca are more complex than just this, I do believe part of him does genuinely see helping spacenoids as his "duty" and something he needs to sacrifice himself for.Okay that was my last big point. finally this is done. more stuff:
-I don't know. all war criminals know these days is be bisexual and lie. <- all there is to say abt their heavy homoerotic subtext. which yes they also both individually have. although big boss´ is stronger bc he's in metal gear. I also can't ignore it. It's still a character aspect.
-forgot abt Quess...use of child soldiers ig. awesome.
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randomfoggytiger · 4 months
What Happens Later: ESTJs, ESFPs, and Building Back Love 'N Trust
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W. Davis and W. Davis meet again in an airport 25 years after their love life took a slow nosedive. Now, curious about each other's decisions since the breakup, they slowly surrender to uncomfortable truths, healing each other and drawing closer together. Their love, which never disintegrated, becomes more open and honest after a night of new revelations and clearer understanding.
I've already written an overview of their miscommunication (post here); but found it really interesting to dig into their Types' frictions and fluidities.
**Note: Will ghost edit later~**
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ESTJs are structure-based, "take charge", direct, initiating, and control Types: meaning, they have no problem opening or closing conversations with ease, saying what they mean upfront, planning for an ultimate end goal and keeping those plans until completion, and deal more solidly with concrete tangibles than metaphysical hypotheticals. As they age, they dabble more in philosophical abstracts (with their "Shadow" functions); and can aspire to be very crafty with their careful strategies and executions. ESTJs are the quintessential "Structure" Types, seeking or creating order out of a continually chaotic world; and, while plodding along their paths with that outcome in mind, they become guardians to those around them that need structure or protection in their own lives, as well. Because of this, they are the Types most successful at following the beaten path, upkeeping it for the rest of humanity in their wake.
The Hero Function: The Heroic Function is the Type's first and easiest function to use in its stack of eight. Thinking Extroverted, Te for short, Hero focuses on rational, statistical data: "I can do x/y/z if it's proven to be safe or advantageous or beneficial"; and are more likely to put more trust in established institutions or beliefs than individual ideas or new theories. Because of this, they will also more likely categorize and dismiss alternate lifestyles or opinions with a label or privately held opinion (i.e. "'Endure this dangling'? ...Now I remember Ginny.") This ability is actually an essential tool for society at large: an ESTJ has the ability to sort and rank large amounts of people and information into easily designated groups, helping others as efficiently as possible while also helping themselves to climb the ladders of achievement. (However, unlike most ENTJs-- post here-- ESTJ's find it more comfortable to take and delegate orders rather than directly give them, fitting them perfectly into second-in-command or managerial positions.)
The Parent Function: The second "parental" Function of the eight is the most guiding or reinforcing for the Hero, steering it away from too easy, pleasure-seeking solutions. Sensing Introverted, Si for short, Parent dictates a person's dedication to duty, long-term memory, responsibility, and loyalty; in essence, the "should do"s of life. For an ESTJ, it makes them responsibly loyal, not willing to hand out trust or commitment to anyone until they've earned it (or in Bill and Willa's case, earned it back.) It'll give others a helping hand, keep an eye out for them, even go out of their way for that person; but trust with all their heart and soul is worked at, not just handed over.
The Child Function: The third Function is the Type's propensity for their specific brand of overflowing optimism or ability to make "miracles" for themselves and others. Extroverted Intuition, Ne for short, Inferior has the "miracle" of making anything possible, pulling impossible solutions or improbable second chances out of thin air for their loved ones (and themselves.) It is also the place where a Type can be "abused" and deeply wounded: "child abuse" to an ESTJ is when others do not communicate their intent, wants, or needs: it leaves Ne Child to flounder and spiral and guess and second guess, breaking down their Si Parent's security and trust and scaring an ESTJ into a wrong choice with their Ni Trickster (which is what lead to the breakdown of Bill and Willa's relationship.) An ESTJ must feel wanted; and if they're acts of service are taken for granted and unappreciated, they will feel used and unwanted.
The Inferior Function: The fourth Function is an aspirational function, acting as the vanity and insecurity of a Type and leading either to their positive Unconscious or negative Superego (post here.) Introverted Feeling, Fi for short, fears that it is not morally strong enough-- that they lack good principles or are lacking as a person (Bill's fear of having failed his daughter, and later Willa and their daughter); but, if mature, can out-moral stronger Fi Users in short bursts, becoming brave enough to seek individual meaning outside the confines of fear or expectation.
The Nemesis Function: The fifth Function serves as a speedbump for the Hero, its anti-hero that can be transformed from a guilt-trip to a Type's necessary counterpoint perspective. Introverted Thinking, Ti for short, Nemesis always fears that it's and other people's thinking is faulty or incorrect; and, if used to an ESTJ's advantage, will drive them to cross-reference their beliefs or (possibly outdated) information. (This was the core reason behind Bill's suspicions before Willa even proposed an open relationship: Willa struggles with articulation, and her communication was never clear enough for her then-boyfriend's worries, which created suspicion.)
The Critic Function: The sixth Function is either the crotchety old grandparent or the wise, matured elder of the eight functions. Extroverted Sensing, Se for short, Critic is an elitist hypocrite, equating external appearance with intelligence and criticizing others' appearance or mannerisms or ways of life that don't reflect "decently" back on them (ex. Bill's "Oil of newt?" and "You don't have a phone? Of course you don't have a phone!" to Willa.) At the same time, their own presentation or personal lives could be lacking without them realizing (Bill yelling at Willa for her being a "mess" while his own life was also in shambles.)
The Trickster Function: The seventh Function is the blind-and-deaf of the eight functions. Introverted Intuition, Ni for short, Trickster deceived an ESTJ into thinking they know what want-- they DO NOT. It is imperative that they do not make big decisions, especially big ones, alone or without input or proper outsourcing; otherwise, they will be tricked into a faulty decision by malevolent actors... or by themselves (Bill's decision to break up with Willa instead of communicating contributed to the relationship's end.) If matured, this function helps sort through what an ESTJ really wants versus what it thinks it wants.
The Demon Function: The eighth and most powerful Function of the stack, the Demon is reserved for punishment or retribution if a person's needs are routinely being ignored or disregarded. Extroverted Thinking, Fe for short, stops caring about what others feel if others mischaracterize them as selfish, greedy, or horrible humans. Their anger transforms into a determination to make sure "no one will feel good until I feel good; and even then, MAYBE I'll let others feel good" (which is why Bill snapped at Willa after she labeled him wrongly in their first major fight and snapped at her later, again-- wrongfully-- for trying to help him out of his comfort zone.)
Virtue and Vice: Serenity and Chaos (Leaf Blower)
Purpose-- what humanity chases perhaps to our graves. Virtue and Vice distill that purpose into two "yin and yang" (if you will) opposites that strive to coalesce into one healthily, balanced individual.
What is an ESTJ's purpose? Bill Davis tells us himself:
"...You know what I do love? What I really, really love? My leaf blower. ...Gettin' those leaves into one big pile and then blowing that pile into smithereens; and making order out of disorder and then disorder out of order-- over and over and over again-- 'This is my backyard.' I love my leaf blower."
ESTJ's are trying to bring order out of the chaos because they hate chaos. The world, however, is balanced by both: too much order and life and new discoveries and advancements and possibilities stagnate; too much chaos and the world falls apart without the guardrails of morals and ethics and basic human decency. Bill is seeking serenity, quite literally walking from one airport terminal to another to escape the disruption of modern music and its effects on his tranquility. They spot chaos coming from a mile away. Not only that, but a person or thing that brings chaos into their life without consideration builds up resentment in an ESTJ, and contributed to his frustrations with Willa most of the movie (chastising her for her rain stick swinging, snapping at her good and bad prodding, etc.) But then why is Bill drawn to Willa despite his blatant aversion to her naturally chaotic state of being? That's where his Vice factors in.
How does it factor in? An ESTJ fervently quests to find and retain rigid order; and when that fails, apathy kicks in and chaos reigns supreme. In What Happens Later, baby Kevin is crippling Bill's ability to do his job, the storm is crippling his ability to escape the from his blunder with Rose through work, the airport music is crippling his ability to escape into his mind and recuperate, Willa is crippling his ability to avoid confrontation about their past, and the airport announcer is crippling his ability to leave it all behind and make a final escape on Willa's flight in her stead. Bill breaks, railing at the airport overlord who he sees as the orchestrator of this mess.
So, too much serenity had Bill limp-wristedly coasting from one aggravation to the next, and too much chaos had him yelling at Willa and quite literally stomping his feet. The lesson he learned is balance; and he learned that balance by becoming serene in, and in spite of, chaos: taking the power outage in stride (by offering a ride around on the cart), powering through tough conversations and giving Willa her power back (by cleansing Willa with the rain stick), and accepting her soft rejection but acting on her second acceptance later (smoothly motioning through the chaos of both their planes taking off.)
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ESFPs are starter-based, "hit the ground running" initiating, informative, and interest Types: meaning, they are freedom-based, make-it-up-as-we-go people, avoidant of permanence and the possibility it might trap them in a situation opposite to their interests or desires. Life, they feel, is ruled by give and take investments; and if they are performing at their best for another person but that person's personal attention or interest wanes, then ESFPs feel disenchanted, discarded, and set aside as second-best; and they end up leaving to pursue a (hopefully) better path forward. The goal of a journey is its path, not its outcome; and they move passionately from one person or object or thing to the next as quickly as possible, often half-finishing or ditching their progress to "start" something new. This serves society because they are rapid-fire propagators of new or better ideas, handing off those ideas to the other Types who can more skillfully hammer out and execute their plans.
The Hero Function: The first Function of an ESFP's stack of eight is its Extroverted Sensing, Se for short, Hero: it hones in on physical "in the moment" awareness, engaging fully with others, providing variety, demonstration, or observation. It is unavoidably present, with little memory of the past and little desire to focus on the future (Ni Inferior); and wants to constantly share experiences or gain and give as much attention as possible. ESFPs live and die for attention, and particularly for credit and kudos for their actions (because of Fi Parent and Te Child.) They struggle the most with making a decision, their (Ni Inferior) fear hampers them from making stronger commitments (or any); and ends up costing them future freedom because of their present mistakes (Willa slowly losing Bill after she suggested they open the relationship.)
The Parent Function: The ESFP's Introverted Feeling, Fi for short, Parent cares more about its own morals, principles, values, or moods over those around them-- or even the truth-- and must have others feel good about them to feel good about themselves (which Willa realized after painting Bill as the jerk for disliking her "personality".) If mature, an Fi Parent learns to responsibly test their morality, weighing the pros and cons of their beliefs and helping others decode their own skewed or wavering worth (which Willa also did, admitting and owning up to her past mistakes and going the extra mile to help Bill correct his.)
The Child Function: An ESFP's Extroverted Thinking, Te for short, Child is often labeled ignorant or unbelievable because of their short retention span. This wounds them deeply, and pushes an ESFP to prove others wrong by knuckling down and ingesting vast amounts of information to disprove others' assumptions and improve their own status (hence why Willa lied, pretending that she was a successful practitioner when she was neither a healer nor successful.) With maturity, Te Child learns to thirst for knowledge separate from status-seeking, becoming a sponge of information and delightedly picking apart the intellectual brains of other people (hence why she respects and wants to understand Bill more in the present than she had in the past.)
The Inferior Function: The aspirational Function of the ESFP's stack is its Introverted Intuition, Ni for short, Inferior, which consumes itself simultaneously with willpower and hope for the future and an ingrained, deadly fear of it. ESFPs are afraid of making the wrong choice, often choosing limbo or pushing off the chance to reconsider an action before leaping in, feet first (e.g. Willa's asking for an open relationship and adopting out her second daughter.) Because Ni Inferior is unaware there will always be more choices created from one choice selected, they fear their journey will end with one wrong turn-- that they'll be stuck with irreparable regrets that can't be fixed... and usually end up there, regardless, after many, many faulty turns of their own (Bill, meanwhile, was the one who freed her from the Inferior's paralysis.) With maturity, ESFPs learn that one choice is better than none; and that the first one-- while always the hardest-- shakes off the shackles and shows them what true freedom is (and which is why she chose Bill at the end of the movie, making a first, independent step on her own.)
The Nemesis Function: The first of an ESFP's "Shadow" Functions are its Introverted Sensing, Si for short, Nemesis, which twists an Si's drive to act on honor, duty, and loyalty into an incessant worry. It fears tomorrow won't be as good as today, and stalls an ESFP's hesitant Ni Inferior into complete inaction ("failure to launch" syndrome), worsening its ability to make a choice forward. With maturity, this Function learns to force ESFPs into an action it dislikes or fears, using that experience to prove that, yes, they will survive; and, yes, they have come out the other side stronger and more capable for it (Willa facing Bill's anger at her past decisions, learning to accept his reproofs, and confessing her life of limbo because of her self-doubt all these years.) Si Nemesis is also aware that it needs comfort but isn't good at consistent cleanliness or orderliness in their own or immediate environments (and is often why they pair up with SJ types, who are usually more tidy and organized); and if chastised unsympathetically for these struggles, they shut down, throw their hands up, and silently brood as the problem continues to worsen.
The Critic Function: An ESFP's Extroverted Feeling, Fe for Short, Critic supports only one person: itself, believing others aren't as deserving of their support. With maturity, it learns to ignore the little voice of suspicion and prove that they themselves are good before judging other people as "bad" (Willa seems to have reached this maturity already, though she does Bill's judgments of her-- and almost comments on her ex's ex-wife.)
The Trickster Function: The ESFP's seventh Function is its Introverted Thinking, Ti for short, which believes ANYTHING can be true or false-- that there are no absolutes (as typified by Willa's belief in Leap Days and her herbal practices and affirmation that she and Bill were bound to meet again.) ESFPs do not have "logic", superseding it with their beliefs of reality; however, they can mature this process by collecting data with their Te Child, becoming a master at spotting inconsistencies embedded in different opinions (Willa's "You're already living your worst scenario" makes, as Bill Davis says, "a good point.") Futhermore, they fail at articulation, and are the perpetual Achilles Heel of their relationships (and was especially destructive because Bill is highly suspicious of any communication other than direct, even brutal, truth.)
The Demon Function: And lastly, the eight Function of an ESFP's stack is its Extroverted Intuition, Ne for short, which bursts forth if the Ni Inferior is stripped from its freedom of choice, setting fire to everyone else's choices and future because it wasn't granted one (forcing her ex to work through each painful conversation about their past because he denied them closer by never telling her the full truth.) As destructive as it can be, the mature Demon can be used to set others free, using their prescience to craft a possible future from potentialities (swapping plane seats with Bill so he could go back to his daughter's recital, etc.)
Virtue and Vice: Delayed Gratification vs. Instant Gratification
What is an ESFP's purpose?
ESFPs are trying to find themselves, thinking that pursuing life and people at breakneck speed will bring them closer (and faster) to the answers they're searching for. The reality is, because they live so exclusively in the "now", these Types often end up making decisions based on what feels good momentarily rather than what would be wise in the long run. This, in turn, leaves a body of mistakes behind them which they the attempt to flee from, futilely. Willa's Virtue is Delayed Gratification, putting her own ill-formed or fleeting ideas on pause to carefully consider her next move, learning the difference between trying what everyone else is because or picking and choosing what is (or was) best for her and her relationship.
But an interesting aspect develops because of an ESFP's irresponsible lifestyle: they learn to pause and study their past mistakes, maturely diagnosing where they went wrong and how they could have avoided this or that problem. It makes them wiser and better able to instruct someone else on how to navigate their own labyrinth (i.e. the simple and straightforward advice she offered William about Rose.) But, like Bill, too much Virtue and not enough Vice creates its own negative pathway for Willa.
Too much Self-Gratification leads to irresponsibly chaotic and destructive decisions; and too much Delayed Gratification causes anxiety over making any decision at all. When in balance, Wilhemina Davis learned (before she met up with William Davis again) to reassess her choices and their consequences and chose (with William Davis's help) to take an increasingly confident step forward, breaking the chains of her old cycles and forging the paths of her new ones.
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There were already issues brewing that we, the audience, are never told in detail; but suffice to say, there was tension on Bill's part before Willa even proposed an open relationship (which began the slow descent to the end.)
Bill's Ti Nemesis picked up an articulation issue from Willa (though we don't know what); and, unsure what she was trying to communicate with him, began to worry and question her end goal. Willa sensed a skepticism or withdrawal from Bill; and, because Bill refused to communicate his Si Parent's concerns (read: fears) about her long-term loyalty and stability, she began to worry he wasn't investing as much into their relationship anymore. So, she messed everything up by acting impulsively with her Se Hero: Willa tested his loyalty by asking for an open relationship. That stabbed Bill's Te Hero ("I don't think highly of you") and Ne Child ("I don't want you") in the heart, confirming his suspicions that he would never be "enough"; and, heartbroken, he withdrew his Si Parent's trust while still giving his consent. That confirmed Willa's suspicions but didn't break her heart; instead, she gave up the idea of other relationships and was fully committed to theirs by the time she accidentally became pregnant. She fell more in love with Bill during the pregnancy; and Bill stepped up to fatherhood (Te Hero standards and Si Parent traditions) even though he had deep-rooted paternity doubts.
When the miscarriage happened, Willa fell even more in love with Bill because of his strength... but began to notice his withdrawal once again. Bill, meanwhile, was convinced this was a second chance; and, giving in to his Ni Trickster's lure away from the complicated exploration of his feelings and sense of betrayal, he withdrew enough so that he and Willa could separate what he deemed friendly terms. By the time of the breakup, both thought the other had wanted a life separate from each other; and both, while heartbroken, soothed themselves with dreaming up a happier ending for their ex-partner.
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W. Davis and W. Davis were still in love with each other when they met again twenty-five years later; but how did their mangled and broken trust manage to heal in the matter of a few hours? Willa first showed Bill she'd changed, winning him back with her consideration and prodding him open with her maturity; and Bill reciprocated piece by piece, carefully sharing scraps with Willa to test how far he could extend that trust.
Every Type has eight functions, and each of those eight functions need to be catered to for a person to feel loved, appreciated, or "seen"-- this was important for Bill, who had felt used and minimized in the past; and for Willa, who realized, nearly too late, that Bill had left because of her, not because of a lifestyle change.
An ESTJ feels loved if they're thought highly of-- more specifically, if they're thought of; and will melt at the words "I think highly of you" because of their Te Hero's incessant drive to be in tip-top shape in every aspect of their lives. Their Si Parent doles out care and thoughtfulness to everyone in their life, and feels special and loved if their loved one takes the time to remember important, small details that contribute to their happiness or comfort (watch a favorite movie with them, remember their favorite room temperature, help them before they have an anticipatory anxiety attack, etc.) An Ne Child just wants to be wanted; and if an Si Parent's is cared for, then an ESTJ's Ne feels doubly so (especially if an ex keeps seeking them out after fights and still and makes way for their many picky needs.) Fi Inferior's love the spotlight (because of the respect it commands), and it means the world if others not only give it to them but actively make room for them to have it (ex. Willa congratulating him on his successful career and daughter.) Ti Nemesis needs to know the brutal facts because they have worries that only 100% honesty will salvage-- and if you communicate through feelings instead of facts, it makes them suspicious and kick down to their Fe Demon. Se Critic needs for others to have their nose wiped and shoes tied, often looking down on others for their lack of presentation (or sneering up the chain of command at the new mangy top dog that somehow outshine his twenty plus years of dedicated service.) Ni Trickster needs to be told what to do, because they can't figure out which path forward is the best for them-- and those who sit down to untangle and council them on their decisions are appreciated and treasured (ex. Bill admired Willa's useful advice.) Lastly, ESTJs feel loved if others avoid appealing to their sense of duty and integrity rather than their mixed up and complicated feelings.
An ESFP's Se Hero feels loved when their loved ones provide them with attention (listening to them prattle on or reminisce about the good times, etc.) Fi Parent must give feedback, even if it's scalding; and feels loved if they are at least patiently listened to, even if the other person doesn't take their advice (ex. Bill listening to whatever Willa wanted to say, from light-hearted banter to more painful, wounding remembrances.) Te Child wants to be respected and regarded; and their feelings-- often a byproduct of their feelings and beliefs rather than the truth of a situation-- are often hard for them to communicate outside of an oftentimes rambly conversation (because of Ti Trickster.) Ni Inferior needs, not wants, absolute freedom; and, must be guided, not forced, into any final decision. Si Nemesis need others to share their comfort including them in no-fuss bonding where they can let their hair down and relax (i.e. a nice, zigzagging cart ride and dance-off in the dark.) Fe Critic invest into relationships with their all; and need to know those investments are valued and that the person values themselves enough to know how valuable an ESFP sees them. Ti Trickster must be asked what they believe or feel, not what they think: articulation is a massive struggle for ESFPs, and issues with extracting and identifying logos add too many layers to an already complicated form of communication. And finally, Ni Demon doesn't trust what other people want-- suspecting others of wanting something of or from them that would strip their freedom-- and need to be told what the other person needs instead (i.e. why Willa kept pressing Bill on his answers then and in the present, trying to figure out what he needed not what his Ni Trickster thought it wanted.)
In the early scenes between them, Willa showed how much she'd matured and changed, treading carefully about his family, nodding along with Bill's struggles and worries, and following him wherever he wandered to escape another uncomfortable environment. Bill then began to trust Willa more, turning the conversation from his job to his job struggles, from his anticipatory anxieties to his concerns about his daughter, from his anger at her past "faithlessness" to his respect of her (and his) growth and ability to change. After each conflict, resolutions were able to be worked to swiftly because of their present acknowledgment and acceptance; and by the end of the movie, both had kindled not only their love but also their trust.
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W. Davis and W. Davis's relationship was torn apart by miscommunication; but the strength they gleaned from each other drew them back together, both strong enough now to properly bear up under each other's weaknesses and frailties and sorrows.
Love conquered all-- but it first had to have a good foundation to build back upon.
Thanks for reading~
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 2 years
wait ur rantaro theories are delicious if u wanna talk more abt them im all ears...... :0
THANK YOU! :D I have two main endgame theories relating to his talent, the first I don't really like and the other I like better, here it goes.
This post got long so I'm putting the no spoiler banner here:
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okay hear me out, I can't stop thinking about the opening of drv3. Its like dr2's opening in that it hasn't really been brought up since and it has really alarming implications. This is all based off only what I remember from playing the opening in November, so I might be missing some things
Kaede didn't consider herself particularly talented before her memory was reset by the monokubs
Kaede didn't know what an ultimate was before the reset
Kaede knew who the monokubs were and was surprised to see them?
They were all in standard school uniforms before they all had their respective magical girl transformations
All this points to me that not only is whatever going on fake, including all the major plot stuff like the Ultimate Hunt, The terrible world event going on outside that I forget the name of, and Project Gopher. All made up for.. some. reason. It would also explain some of the more confusing flashback lights (like the one where they saw? their own funeral??) in that it isn't real.
This is further supported by the fact that Shuichi is supposedly the Ultimate Detective, the same talent is Kyoko. Are repeat talents really possible?
So in this case, Rantaro would not have an ultimate talent because NONE of them would actually have ultimate talents, and something really weird would be happening instead. I know in every danganronpa game the killing games are broadcast somewhere via the cameras, maybe its all a show? but why?
I'm not really a big fan of this theory. I really want them all to be ultimates because its honestly just more fun that way. If it was all fake, itd make character deaths like Kirumi and Gonta meaningless. and it'd also be a LOT of interesting plot points just thrown out as red herrings.
One thing that brings me hope that this isn't the case is the flashback where Shuichi was in some kind of big tank and had the thought "I want to die in here with everyone else" What would make him think that if its all fake? I'm not really sure. Unless thats fake too. You see the problem with this theory? LMAO
This is the theory I'm more confident in and like way better than the other one. It goes like this:
All 15 students (Not including Rantaro) in the ultimate academy for gifted juveniles ARE actually ultimates. When the tragedy or whatever this world ending event is called started happening, they all got together to try and stop the apocalypse and save the world. Led by Kaito (as we found the plans in his research lab), they started the Gopher Project.
The Gopher Project unfortunately failed, and the apocalypse began. The general public blamed these 15 ultimates for the end of the world and wanted revenge. Cue the Ultimate Hunt. Here's where Rantaro comes in
I genuinely think Rantaro is the Ultimate Hunter. As in, both has the ultimate talent of hunting, AND is hunting down and killing ultimates. (He'd more accurately be called the Ultimate Bounty Hunter, but I really like the clearer double meaning of Ultimate Hunter.) It would explain why the design of his ultimate research lab looked like a warzone, and had a similar colour scheme to Shuichi's ultimate hunt flashback.
He was hired by some of the general public to help hunt down the 15 ultimates who failed to stop the end of the world. Maybe there was even originally a 16th ultimate working on project gopher that got taken out by Rantaro and the rest of the Ultimate Hunt?
All 15 (remaining?) ultimates felt not only the intense fear and paranoia from the ultimate hunt, but also deep guilt at failing to stop the apocalypse. So in the end they surrendered to the ultimate hunt and.. let themselves be put into the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles killing game. Rantaro also let himself be put to moderate? maybe? Maybe he was lying that he couldn't remember his talent at the beginning?
I guess in this case, Rantaro really was "the mastermind" although he wasn't controlling Monokuma. I don't really have any ideas accounting for how monokuma and the monokubs fit in here. Or what Gonta could've seen in the flashback light at the end of ch4. But this is my current Rantaro theory!!
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jonathankatwhatever · 2 years
I’m starting to feel bad, and I don’t want to go to sleep feeling unsure. It’s tough enough waking up and not being that me. So work.
I keep hearing f1-3, and I realized that looking at D’s by 3’s asks where the 1 is hiding? My first two thoughts were, in order, that 3 counts to the 4 and that the middle count is actually Between because that’s how SBE works. I’m not convinced either is correct. The main idea of notating IC as f1-3//3-1, in its full version, was to note that S in any of the 4 directions in gs quadrants generates a B, and an E, meaning it counts along the sK or zK with the B gs being the other of that choice. To apply this, take 73. Prime and surrounded by 6*12 or 2*36 and 74, which has a few interesting connections, 2*(36+1) and (15*5)-1. You can see how the dimensional meanings compound based on the prior meanings. So, Between would be a prime, which means it has to read prime in any direction, which means it extends from 1 to 73 and 73 to 1, which fits to Between. And that 73 is the addition of a 1 attachment to 2*36, meaning ambiguity of which.
What about 3 counts to 4? That would mean 2 values are Between and the order depends on direction. Take the same 73. Haven’t through this through at all. That would mean 71 or 75 at either End.. The ambiguity increases. Start with 71 and go up through 74 to count 4. That puts 72 and 73 Between. Is that sensible? I don’t know. The obvious point is that this 73 now has clearer meaning, that it’s both (6*12)+1 and a prime, which is exactly what the dimensions climbing up should identify, that there is a specific attachment extending up and down. Works coming down, which I think is clear if you look at 75 as Start. At 15*5, that’s 3 hands of hands, like a cube of hands without being a cube of hands in the perfect power sense. It’s an SBE of hands of a hand. Within that is another dimensional pattern shape. I don’t see a problem with counting by 4, but I’m not sure that’s a good way to look at this aspect. I mean: why not count to any n? They should all work if you count them using SBE. This means, for example, that counting 5, like 70 to 74 is also a count to 75.
What about more obscure readings? Like 74 to 70 extends to 69. They are harder to figure out but they’re there. Inside 70. Inside 75. The meanings thread. If all the SBE and SBE2 identify functions ran with the same ease across all locations, would there be anything to analyze? All meanings can’t be the same. Just look at perfect primes. So, it’s wrong to think each SBE2 thread will read as easily as another.
What if an even is the Between? I think I’ll drop the dimensions down to something that’s easier to visualize than 15 hands. Say 14. Well, divide in 2. So, at 74, say we use 37 and that is 36+1, which means this is where 2 of those come together. Those 2 are a form of a Thing, meaning it’s the Not of 36 coupled to a 1, which could stand for anything, and especially for a 28 and a 64. So that is a dimensional shortcut: count to 36, add 1, double, and that generates a form of Thing that fits within the 15 hands of 75. That actually makes sense when you visualize that Thing versus the Thing that fits into CM100, meaning when 75 becomes 100 and we’re up to 20 hands. That is neat.
Oh, right. This fits to the Collatz discussion because we stated the dimensional existence of f1-3//3-1, and Collatz is a form of that plus the Halving we’ve been using. The idea is that every SBE or SBE2 reads, but that some are more easily read or are stronger than others. I can imagine a ranking, but I don’t see how that works other than by efficiency of connection through number of steps. So, part of the Collatz argument is that all integers have this very character. And that character is always linked in some way, no matter how roundabout, to the lowest dimensions. There will be a path.
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yikimiki · 3 years
thinking so fucking hard about loser/stoner eren and popular/mean girl reader............ how she'll tease him and bully him at school but when they're fucking its always the opposite way around........ he has such a grip on her and shes so whipped for him that the pent up teasing just comes out during sex and he is just being so mean to her
This is a different au from the other loser eren asks — aiming more towards stoner!eren x popular!reader!! Also this got really long?? It’s a mix of headcanons and drabbles so hold on
warnings: smut, dirty talk, mean dom eren, rough sex, crying, creampie, multiple rounds, spanking, hair pulling, mentions of drugs (weed), degradation, use of “bitch”, “slut”, “whore”, “cocksleeve”, no prep, ass play, size kink, dumbification, mentions of spitting, dubcon (just to be sure)
No but imagine... Eren is this outcast, unbothered type of guy that doesn’t give a fuck about the social hierarchy of college or whatever. For some sick and twisted reason, you are particularly interested in him — there’s something about his baggy clothes, long hair under his cap/beanie and his “fuck everything” attitude that gets you going. But you can’t really show that you’re attracted to a complete loser like him, it would ruin your reputation, so you have to pretend as if you love teasing him, mocking him. Which, like, it’s totally funny.
It works for some time, until you are alone in a room with him. It happens in some weird college party that you almost didn’t go to, when you decide to take a break from dealing with your drunk friends and find shelter in a bedroom somewhere. It takes you some time to find one that it’s not locked or... being used, but eventually you open the door to find Eren, just scrolling through his phone with a blunt hanging from his lips. This time, considering it’s just you and him, you skip the provocations and ask him what he’s doing alone in there, you sit next to him in bed and listen as he complains about some friend that dragged him to that obnoxious party.
“I was just passing some time before I found an excuse to leave,” he says, locking his phone and putting it on the nightstand. The smell of weed is filling the stuffed air, and Eren takes another hit before putting his blunt out. “And what are you doing here? Got tired of ruining everyone’s night and decided to ruin mine?”
“It’s always more fun with you.” You smile, one hand landing on his shoulder. Eren tenses under your touch, bright green eyes trying to see if you’re just making fun of him again. Still, there’s something else burning at the bottom of your irises that he has never seen before, something that makes his stomach clench in anticipation. “Besides… now I have you all to myself.”
“What are you getting at?” He asks, but his voice sounds lower, eyebrows furrowed in doubt. You two are close, so much closer than ever before, and he can feel your gentle breathing on his lips when you lean closer. His heart picks up, and his hands are fighting to touch your body. “If this is some sort of prank, I swear—“
“It’s not a prank,” you whisper, looking down at his lips. Eren swallows dry — it’s funny: even after months of teasing, this is the clearer reaction you’ve ever received from him. “Can I kiss you?”
Eren has never heard you ask for anything — especially from him. It takes him some time to warm up to the idea (and to make sure you’re not just fucking with him again), his cock stirring awake in his baggy pants, before he gives you a curt nod. You smile, leaning in and joining your lips in a heated kiss.
And you swear you have the upper hand for some time. You sit on his lap, run your fingers through his hair and watch as he becomes pudding under your touches — just groaning and sighing against your lips as his rough hands squeeze your ass, making you grind your pussy down against his hard cock until you’re soaking through the fabric. But then something in the air suddenly switches and Eren is turning you around, trapping you beneath his large body as his lips eagerly move down to your neck, hands practically tearing your top open so he can suck on your tits.
You whimper and ask him to slow down, but he’s not really listening at this point — if you’re giving yourself to him, he’s going to make good use of his time. Especially when he thinks you should learn one thing or two about how to properly behave, about not always getting what you want, but what you deserve after teasing him for so long. All those months of pent-up frustration are getting to his head, turning into a power trip as he notices that he’s so much stronger than you, that he can do whatever he wants and you’ll just have to take it. And he’s gonna make sure you’ll take it all.
In no time, you’re completely naked, clothes mindlessly thrown around the room and Eren is looking at your body like he can eat you whole. He asks you to “Turn around,” as he takes off his own clothes, and your surprised at the eagerness in which you follow his command. You don’t know what’s going on with you — all those bitter comments you’d throw at him are now long gone, barely a ghost at the back of your mind when you feel him shuffle closer to you. Eren pulls your hips upwards, presses your face down against the mattress and spanks your ass so hard you swear you see stars.
“Eren!” You cry out, both from pleasure and surprise. “What are you—“
“Shut up.” His hands come down against your ass once more, making you whine. “You never fucking stop talking, such an annoying bitch.” Your skin burns as he lays down more hits against your ass cheeks, your hands helplessly holding onto the bedsheets. “This is what you wanted, uh? Wanted me to snap, to treat you like the needy whore you are.”
“Y-Yes,” you stutter. Your pussy is so aroused that you just feel yourself dripping down your thighs, the coldness of the air making you shiver. You never needed someone as much as you needed him. “Eren, fuck me,” you sob.
His large figure leans over you, one hand yanking your hair back as his face stops next to yours. You can feel his cock — huge, throbbing, heavy — in between your sensitive ass cheeks, and the notion that he’s about to stretch you out so wide makes you whine. “Didn’t fucking listen, why don’t you get some fucking manners and try again?”
“Please, Eren, f-fuck me,” you utter, arching your back against his cock. You never noticed how big and strong he is, but now that he’s towering over you, you have no choice but to feel yourself shrinking beneath him. “Please, please.”
He scoffs. “Needy bitch,” but he releases your hair and pushes your face down against the mattress, using his free hand to align himself with your dripping cunt. “Not so fucking chatty now, are you?” You barely have time to answer before he’s pressing his cockhead against your pussy, your hole fluttering around his length as he continues to push in. Eren is huge, definitely the biggest you’ve ever had, and the lack of prep only makes you feel the stretch even more. “Shit, look at this tight fucking cunt,” he breathes out. His hands are squeezing your ass so hard you just know it’ll be sore in the morning, but you don’t care. “Can’t believe you kept this from me for so fucking long.”
You have half the thought of apologizing, but you can’t do it when he bottoms out. By the time that his cock is fully inside you, you can barely utter out an incomprehensible string of “S-So huge, E-Eren— too much— fuck, so big, I can’t take it, I can’t...” before he’s moving his cock in and out of you.
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” He asks, spanking your ass once again. The noise is so much louder this time, your moan following it shortly. “Fucking annoyed me for months just because you wanted to milk my cock like a desperate little whore,” he seethes, grabbing your ass forcefully as he drills into your soaking cunt. Eren is going hard and fast, so much so that you feel as if your brain is rattling inside your head, tits bouncing against the mattress as he continues his unforgiving pace. “Always knew you were a slut, I just didn’t know you’d be so fucking— shit — so fucking insufferable.”
“I’m s-sorry,” you whine, tears streaming down your face because of how good it all feels.
He scoffs. “Not yet. But you’ll be sorry.”
And boy how sorry you are. You had no idea that Eren would have that ridiculous amount of stamina, but you don’t even know how many times you’ve cum by the end of the night. Eren fucks you full of his cum again and again, spanking you and pulling your hair every time you misbehave and can’t keep it in like he tells you to — because “you’re such a dumb bitch, can’t even listen when you’re full of cock”.
He makes you cum on his fingers, on his cock, on his tongue, even makes you desperately grind against his thigh to get yourself off just because he likes how dumb you look. He fills every whole he can — spits in your mouth, fucks your throat, fingers your ass as he’s fucking you from the back and promises that next time it’ll be his cock. He’s just so mean, so revengeful of every time you annoyed him that he can’t be nice even if he tried. It’s just too good to have almighty little you turned into a stupid slut for his cock, crying and begging for him to fill you up one more time.
“Listen to me,” he hisses, making you turn your head to look at him. Your eyes are glazed over, barely able to find his with your orgasm building up again. “This is all you’re fucking good for,” he says, and his cock throbs inside you. Eren’s cum is seeping down your thighs, coating his length and making his slide easier as he continues to pound inside your abused cunt. “You’re made to be a cocksleeve, this pussy is made to take my cock. Do you understand?” You agree with a whiny yes. “Gonna stop fucking annoying me now? You can just ask and I’ll fuck you whenever you want, okay?” You nod, only half there, and for the first time that night he calls you “Good girl,” before stuffing you full of his cum again.”
Anyways???? Idk what came over me but yeah. Popular girl reader that is a complete slut for loser eren when theyre fucking. I rest my case.
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muscletfloverbackup · 2 years
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Steven was a self described gay nerd. He enjoyed anime, gaming, and roleplay. He was a biochem major, and he was overweight and anti social. He also wore glasses to boot! But loved the big strong guys in anime and games. He loved playing a brutish barbarian in roleplay for the same reason. To imagine a big hairy dumb brute of a man. Took him a few years to accept it was more than just wanting to be those guys, and actually wanting to be dominated by them. It took him a while to accept that he was gay. Hw really didn't want to be those guys though. As fun as fantasy was the idea of his mind dumbing down for real horrified him. But fantasy was nice. He moved past the justifications though and embraced being gay. This did all land him with some bullying though. It was because of this that he found himself shoved down by a rude guy in his class shouting he should "man up and try some pussy instead of being one huhuh!" Or something like that. And it qas because of this he was confused when another jockish guy jogged over to help him up and get some dirt off his shirt.
"Damn bros picking fights? What is this high school? Huhuh" the guy said as Steven put his glasses back on. Smuged and maybe scratched a bit. But he saw the guy who helped him. Darren, a dumb jock to say the least. One of the Gamma bros. Frat boys by all definitions or the word but at the very least not bullies. At least not to anyone who wasn't trying to pledge. Some hazing of the new meat is unavoidable.
"Yeah, I guess it never ends huh?" Steven sighed.
"They don't got frats in high school bro" Darren pointed out and Steven couldn't argue that point. "Anyway bro lets get those clothes washed, your glasses could use some help too" and before Steven could say anything, Darrens big muscular arm was over his shoulders and he was being escorted to Gamma Tau house. It took all his effort to adjust and hide his growing erection from feeling Darrens muscles. Soon he was inside a bedroom and Darren was forcing off his shirt and pants, tossing him a pair of black sweats and a grey Gamma Tau tank top. Steven covered his buldge through his boxers but Darren laughed "ain't nothin I haven't seen before, its just us bros" he said and when Steven grimaced at the clothes Darren shrugged. "Sorry bro only spares I got" he took Stevens dirty clothes to the wash before coming back with a glasses cleaning kit. Meanwhile Steven reluctantly changed into the loose fitting bro clothes. Darren grabs his glasses without asking "borrowed from Mark, he thinks glasses help him score huhuh" Darren explains, as if the frat boys having a kit to clean glasses needed explaining.
Darren sprayed the glasses and wiped them clean handing them back to Steven and as he put them one he was happy they were do clear, clearer than ever! He would have to ask where they got the cleaner from. As he looked at Darren his chub shrinks away as he wonders what he found attractive about the man. The hair the muscles, the male form in general suddenly didn't appeal to him for some reason. But he was feeling more relaxed. Greatful for the help from Darren. He was a cool bro. Should Steve have questioned things when his fat gut started to melt away? Or when he started getting sweaty as his muscles shifted? Yeah probably, especially as the too loose frat tank started to fit and even get s bit tight. Framing his swelling pecs and showing off his arms as his biceps swell. Or when some bimbo comes in the room asking Darren where some other guy was, Steve should have been confused when he couldn’t stop staring at her. Somehow is clear vision made him see her in a whole different way than he would have before. His erection returning as a cock shirk made its way across his face his sweatpants doing little to hide his erection. Without thinking he started to rub the front of his pants looking right at her. She grins and gives him a wave and he gives her a wink and then she leaves. Steve should definitely worry when his mind starts to fog over. Soon hes forgetting anime and biochem and most importantly, guys. Instead his head was filling with sports and partying with his bros amd girls. He started to give a dumb chuckle. No way in hell Stevie's major could be anything like Biochem. Its exercise science right? Huhuh he doesn't even fucking remember. Damn its hot in there as he pulls his shirt off and laughs when Darren gives him a look "just us bros rite?"
And Darren laughs. "Yeah bro your clothes are almost done then you can leave"
"Nah bro I kinda wanna stay" Stevie chuckled "huhuh I think I wanna rush Gamma, still got spots?"
"Yeah bro! Keep those glasses, bet the babes will find ya sexy" Darren chuckled.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 3 years
Here is a video I watched this morning! It’s really long and really good. The person is basically doing a liveblog/review of She Ra, and they go into the subversiveness of it all at a few points.  
I had a youtube comment, and it was such an in-depth response that I want to share it here as well: 
“You're absolutely correct. This show is way, WAY better than it had any right to be; one of the most cohesive and well-written things I've seen, and yet, I dismissed it for all this time because it came from Netflix, which is notorious for a huge decline in quality after the first season!!!
When you were talking about Hordak, and how you didnt think that making us sympathise with him would work, and then you gradually evolved to sympathising with him more and more... I think it's a good example of how the show subverts not only the expectations of how we think a story SHOULD go, but our own expectations of how we WANT it to go. How the way we've consumed media in the past gives ourselves enormous biases, and we just decide something shouldn't work, not because of its innate quality but because of the VALUES we've developed on what a story should say, values that do not need to be there. The villains of She-Ra, from the goodhearted Scorpia to the sadistic Hordak to the manipulative Catra, they're all massively sympathetic in some way, and we are able to put aside our more generic moral judgements to want them to get better, if not redeemed then at least seeing a way to escape whatever misguided complexes they've wrapped themselves in.    
Here are some ways that I think She-Ra was enormously subversive and used its characters greatly:  
1. Immediately, despite being contrasted with Catra, Glimmer was not delegated to being the "good friend" to Catra's "bad friend" like I expected her to be (cough Owl House cough). She wasn't sidelined like a character in her position so often is. In fact, she became a protagonist in her own right - she was the AntiHero of season 4. It's so refreshing to see a princess, a girl covered in glitter, end up playing the Lancer, someone who contrasts strongly against the purehearted protagonist. And yet we always understand that her motivations are heroic. There's a point where Glimmer is a clearer reflection of Catra than Adora ever was.  
2. Scorpia's character is usually relegated to being either just The Muscle, or The Idiot, but Scorpia has her own motivations and wants and arc. She has her own compelling story.   I particularly love how she embraces her heritage and everyone starts emotionally supporting her like how she has been doing to them.  
3. Entrapta is the character who's often either relegated to "the tech member", or used as a one-time villain before getting ditched, but the way the show moves her around and has her interacting with all sides of the war, causing chaos as a third party observer who is just trying to get to the heart of matters, while also giving her a compelling arc.... Entrapta with all her imperfections/struggles embodies the heart of the show, the embracing of humanity in places where people would oppress it, and she serves as the clearest foil to Horde Prime's religious leviathan cult. (She is my favourite - I had been burned by best character Peridot getting sent away to the Farm in Steven Universe, and was happy Entrapta stayed important.)
4. Adora''s entire character is a breakdown of the "Chosen One" archetype. Adora's choices to do The Right Thing are on the face value very heroic, but once you understand more about her, you realise that she's been groomed into the position, and that it's no good for her; Shadow Weaver raised her to be a cutthroat warrior who puts aside all her own needs to fight in the name of Justice, and she does that as soon as she joins the Rebellion. Adora was taught that other people's mistakes were her fault, if tehy got hurt it was because she's not good enough, and her role as She-Ra only reinforces these insecurities. Slowly she realises where she's gone wrong,  but it's not until Catra joins her and reprimands her for doing what she thought was heroic that Adora starts to realise she doesn't WANT to be the hero who sacrifices everything for everyone else.  
5. Continuing on from this, Adora's role as She-Ra actually having been stolen by her own people, Adora finding out that the supposed "heroic destiny" was in fact one of destroying the universe, not healing Etheria. The twist that "restoring balance to the planet" will actually destroy it? That the sword had been repressing She-Ra's true power?  And yet, the understanding that the First Ones weren't exactly evil, they were humans like us, trying to do the human thing when defending against an impossible foe?  Fucking masterclass.  
6. The inversion of courage, selfrighteousness and selflessness into negative traits, and villainy and selfishness into positive characteristics. Adora's heroism and Glimmer's self assuredness make them very dangerous people when these tendencies are not controlled. Meanwhile, Catra's selfishness and disregard for the "right thing" ends up being exactly what Adora needs in order to save her from her self-destructive hero complex.  Scorpia is the villain mook but her determination in protecting Catra makes her a good person. Entrapta is heavily villain-coded with her mask, madness, and her robots, but her ability to love even robots makes her probably the most empathetic character in the show.  And Hordak, ever so violent and evil and yet human in the first few seasons, embraces exactly these parts of himself when he realises that they separated him from Prime, casting Prime into the darkness.
7. The inversion/rejection of the typical redemption arc - Shadow Weaver is the best example of this. She goes through all the beats of what you would normally get in a redemption storyline, but she never actually changes as a person, and everyone knows she is still horrible. But at the same time, she's still very human, and has some self awareness of it all. Shadow Weaver just doesn't think it's worth the effort to become a better person, it's much easier to stay awful and grab for power, and it's not until the finale that she realises this is a very unsatisfying existence.  
There is a reason that it is only the Horde, Horde Prime, and the First ones, who use retributive justice as a means of punishment. She-Ra challenges our values of Good and Bad, using our heroes and villains to deconstruct them in their entirety. The villains deliver the harsh retribution that completely dehumanizes the people getting punished. The heroes deliver a far more personal and effective kind of response - rejection, maybe even containment, but never pain.  
"All beings must suffer to become pure" - the idea is presented as extremely sickening, cultish,  puritanical Christian. The idea that to "make up" for what you did you need to die or something.  
The character who chooses to do this is Shadow Weaver, and there's a reason everyone says she never had a redemption arc. Shadow Weaver had decided she was beyond growth, even though she had ALL THE BEATS of a redemption arc. she was unable to become anything better, so she did that One Good Thing instead, knowing she was going to die a monster, hoping maybe that people remember her for a bit more.
Hordak doesn't get a redemption arc of any kind - he is, instead, free to become his own person. And She-Ra respects that, because that's what she's been fighting for this entire show, without even realising it.”
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
Can we get baby little Shelby find a bunny and ask Tommy and John to take it home. And get scolded by Polly when they at home? 💕💕
more pre war Tommy fluff ;) 
The dark haired man’s heart flies into his throat, his mind immediately kicking into gear as he drops the coin he was about to flip. He was deciding whether or not to buy a horse with a new inflow of cash they had recently gotten. That horse is lost the second he hears the shriek that came from somewhere behind him. The heavy boots on his feet make easy work of crushing through powdery snow, but give a very little to prevent him from tripping and slipping; although the fear coursing through him and his extreme haste may well have contributed to his somewhat uncoordinated limbs.
In the maybe a minute that it takes form Tommy to get from where he was to where he had traced his little sister to, a million and one thoughts race through his mind. He fears every worst case scenario his mind can conjure up and immediately blames himself for bringing you out to the country to play in some fresh snow with John and Finn. The air was much clearer out here and so too was Tommy’s mind. He could think, be free of the city smoke and the harsh environment that appears to be tacked to his work in the family business. There was so much pressure on the raven haired bookmaker to uphold his own personal morals while also living a notoriously immoral life. He tried to keep his hands clean, prevent himself from muddying the line between pointless violence and the necessary survival and protection of his family.
So going with his 5 year old little sister out to the county was something not uncommon for him. And the snow had only given him more reason to. He regretted that now.
“What-” Tommy wheezed out, unable to speak for lack of his breath after attempting to run through the deep, deep snow. “What’s happened,” he coughs, “Are you alri-“
“Tommy!” The little girl whispers harshly, waving her hands at him disapprovingly, “Shhhhh, you’ll scare it away!” Tommy snaps his mouth shut, instead opting to take the five year olds outstretched hand and crouch down as she instructs him. On her other side is John; crouched down with one arm around Finn to keep him still. “What are we looking at?” Tommy asks quietly, his neck craned to try and spot whatever his other siblings had noticed. 
“It’s a bunny, Tom. Look.” (y/n) points with her little hand and Tommy follows the general direction in which her hand is showing him. In doing so, he squints and finds his gaze falling upon a small white rabbit sitting picking a blade of grass that it had pulled through the snow. “They want to take it home.” John states, grinning at Tommy something like a Cheshire Cat because he knows for a fact that man isn't able to say no to the puppy dogs eyes of (y/n) and Finn Shelby when they truly wanted something.
“Hm, I don't think so.” He mumbles, trying to keep his eyes off of the disappointed face of his younger siblings. “You know Aunt Polly’ll go mad.” The second he does turn his head to see his youngest siblings gazing up at him in the desperate way he knows always works, he regrets it. “Please Tommy, pleeeease?” (y/n) begs, clasping her cold little hands together and pulling her most convincing puppy eyes Tommy might've ever seen. “Yeah Tommy, please? Pretty pretty please?” Finn joins in, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet in excitement and anticipation at the idea of having the little bunny as a pet. 
“Yeah Tom,” John sniggers, stubbing out his cigarette on the snowy ground. The elder brother puts on a pout to mimic (y/n) and Finn, not serving to make things any easier for Tommy as the youngest two weren't able to pick up on John’s teasing nature and sarcastic reiteration of their words. They took it as encouragement while Tommy knew John would be going home to Martha and his own kids, thus wouldn't have to be on the reviewing end of Polly’s temper. Tommy rolls his eyes and inhales deeply, thinking briefly about how angry Polly would be compared to how much it would make you and Finn giggle to have a pet even if only for a while before Tommy would free it back into the wild and tell some lie about a magic bunny farm. The kids chanting brought his mind back. “Please, please, please!” 
“Alright,” Tommy cuts them off, “Alright. But we’re not chasing it around all afternoon.”
How on earth Tommy ended up holding his little sister as he stood in the doorway of the Shelby family home kicking the snow off his boots while said little sister had his big trench coat wrapped around her and her smaller jacket used as a blanket for their new bunny rabbit friend, he will never know. He genuinely felt like if he had been outside for one more minute he would have actually frozen stiff, however it was always his top priority that his littlest sibling was as safe as she could be; so it was suffice to say the idea of her getting frostbite and slash or hypothermia after she insisted on wrapping the little rabbit in her own coat was less than appealing to Tommy, so she could keep his warm winter jacket as long as she desired.
“Right Finn, straight into the living room and not a peep to Pol alright?” Finn nods vigorously in a show of his determination to follow his brothers order as he places the wrapped up bunny into the young boys arms. Finn tries to run as unsuspiciously as he can past Polly in the kitchen to go through to the living room where only Ada sat, reading a book by the fire underneath a blanket. 
“Tommy?” The little girls voice draws an “Mhm?” from him as he battles to get her stiff winter boots off of her tiny cold feet. “What're we going to name him?” She enquires, her voice as inquisitive as any other curious 5 year old is. Tommy hums in thought, tapping (y/n)’s other foot in the way that he does that tells her to put her foot down and lift the other one for Tommy to pull that boot off too. There was a distinct routine between the two that had been established in the last five years of her life with Tommy acting as her primary caregiver.
“I don't know, love. Whatever you want to call him. Just remember to stay quiet about it yeah?” He looks up to see his little sister nodding firmly, placing her finger over her lips just as Tommy had done so many times when secrecy or silence was needed. 
“Alrighty then.” Tommy says, lifting both the pairs of boots easily in one hand and putting them by the other shoes. He moves his hands to under the small girls armpits and hoists her gently back up onto his hip as to avoid her stepping small puddles of water that had collected from the snow on her boots and his by the door. “Shall we go see what your brothers gotten up to with that-” 
“Jesus fucking Christ Tommy.” 
Both siblings turn their heads quickly to face Polly when they hear her speaking with her stern scolding tone turned on. Polly immediately notes how Tommy looks slightly secretive, like he was ready to start either lying or making some form excuse for something for which her niece looked rather guilty. Deer in the headlights kind of expression. “Look, Pol...” Tommy begins, but is interrupted by his aunt firmly shaking her head and marching towards him. 
“I’ve told you a million times Thomas. She’s five. That means you do still need to put her bloody hat on when you take her out in the cold but you don’t need to fucking carry her everywhere.” She huffs, pressing both her palms against (y/n)’s cold rosy cheeks, “Shes bloody freezing.” Her scolding tone never fails to make Tommy feels as though he’s still a young boy who’s been caught misbehaving by his aunt. However now he’s an adult with responsibility for his little sister and somehow, he ends up on the receiving end of that tone far more than the littlest member of the family ever will. Polly peels Tommy’s coat away off the little girl in his arms so she could hang it up to hopefully dry some before he next needs it and (y/n) doesn't mind not wearing her brothers jacket anymore, however the words that Polly speaks about putting her back down only serves to make her cling a little tighter subconsciously. 
“She's only little, Pol.” Tommy defends, “And we had long day, haven’t we sweetheart?” Polly wants to scoff when (y/n) nods her head and offers up that angel smile that wins the hearts of her entire family, but the woman can’t help but smile back and shake her head. “Well,” she huffs slightly, her hand reaching back up to the little girl to to brush the snow off (y/n)’s hair, “I think the very least your brother could do if he was going to have you out in the freezing cold all day would be to put a bloody hat on you.” 
The little girl giggles, flicking her eyes to Tommy to inspect his reaction to their aunts words. 
“Remembered.” He notes flippantly with a grin and Polly knows fully well that it was not remembered because putting a hat on top of that little girls soft locks of hair was something he had never once remembered to do without a reminder since she was merely a little bald baby. 
“Course.” She responds teasingly, “Dinner’s out soon.”
Tommy nods his head before Polly walks away in the direction of the kitchen again, where Tommy had no doubt Arthur is now lingering to pick off the scraps of dinner before its put out on the table for everyone else. 
“That was a close one, Tom.” The little girl on his hip whispers quietly, her wide eyes causing Tommy to chuckle heartily as he takes them both through to the living room to see what Finn and now likely Ada were doing with this rabbit. “Yes,” Tommy agrees, walking into the living room “It very much was. Hello Ada.” Ada immediately rolls her eyes at the sound of Tommy’s voice. 
“Pol’s going to kill you, you know.” She states, standing and crossing her arms firmly over her chest as Tommy sets his youngest sister down on the floor to run over to where Finn sat with the bunny close to the heat the fire was giving off. “Probably.” Tommy nods.
Ada turns away to wrap her blanket around her only sister, the one she had wished and prayed for since she had been merely a little girl herself. Tommy vividly remembers the many occasions when Ada was not only his youngest sibling, but also his only sister and recalls how unhappy she had been about those facts. Finn being born eased only one of those issues, but Ada rested a while for the time that Finn was a baby before again pestering their mother about wanting a little sister again. 
She had been ecstatic when (y/n) was born, and she had been besotted with that sweet little girl ever since. 
“You always forget to put her hat on, Thomas.” Ada chastises, the reprimand drawing a chuckle from her brother who takes a seat down on the couch and crosses one leg on top of the other. “So I’ve heard.” Tommy mumbles under his breath, just loud enough for her to hear and stretch out her leg to kick his when she too sat back down on the couch.
“Twat.” She hisses. 
It was Tommy’s turn to role his eyes at his sisters flippant comment, paying no mind to her words thrown in a light tease that he knew she only ever half meant.
“That’s not very nice, Ada.” 
(y/n) doesn't do so much as turn around when she chides those words in dismay to Ada’s insult aimed at her Tom. There was no hiding how the little girl adored Tommy. “Exactly Ada,” Tommy grins widely, giving Ada the biggest shit eating look he can muster as he tried not to laugh, “And that’s why you're my favourite, aren't you my love?” The 5 year old simply nods her head in response to her brothers words before turning straight back to play with her new pet. 
“Well, she might be your favourite but you certainly won’t be Polly’s once she sees you’ve brought that home. She’ll go mad.” Ada nods her head in the direction of the fluffy white animal in their living room. Tommy shrugs his shoulders indifferently, “They're happy though, aren't they? and quiet. Worth it really.” 
Ada knew very well that Tommy was right, although it was likely that she wouldn't even think to much on that in his vicinity, just incase he even got the sensation that she was thinking he was in the right. They’ve got a big family and a lot of hard work had to go into making business run smoothly to provide for everyone. The younger kids can sometimes go amiss to the elder siblings on particularly busy days. Sometimes playing and talking to them gets overlooked or their clothes go on back to front because everyone forgot they sometimes still needed help with things like that. 
So giving them the simple pleasure of almost a normal childhood - not one living with the Shelby name and subsequently the future of the Peaky Blinders tacked to them - by letting them a pet that they can look after and love on for a few days at least was something Tommy was willing to grin and bare the wrath of Polly Gray for. 
He was a sucker for that little girl, so when she’s happy there are few things in the world Thomas Shelby wouldn't endure to keep it that way. 
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arrancxr · 3 years
Recently I’ve been thinking of Arrancars going through hypnotherapy to help them remember their past lives. But because that’s probably such an emotional journey and they might get caught up in the feelings, their s/o (or the therapist if the therapist is also their s/o) holds them close so they can listen to their heartbeat and have a form of familiar grounding. And they stay there until they’re calm enough to go back into the trance or go home for the day.
Yeah... uhhh... this is not gonna be as fluffy as you think. >.> For one, I don’t think it’s possible to fully get back the memories of their past lives thanks to, y’know, being an amalgamation of countless souls, but what memories do hit are not going to be pleasant. 
. . . 
If you want him to remember stuff, so be it. It can’t be that big of a deal, right? You’re honestly going to have problems with Starrk falling asleep while you attempt the therapy... partly to cover up that he is kind of nervous. Hollows aren’t meant to remember those things, after all, and when he does start getting flashes, Starrk nopes out very quickly. The things appearing in the back of his mind are as dark and painful as the eternity he spent alone. He doesn’t want to even try to face them. 
She’s initially quite hesitant to attempt the therapy. It doesn’t feel right to try to force a Hollow to gain back its memories after what’s likely been centuries without them. Don’t you think that could end badly? Of all of them, Halibel likely persists through sessions for the longest, but the clearer her memories get, the less she wants to know what’s lurking, buried, inside of her head. There’s just something about what she’s remembering that feels wrong. Like she’s not meant to know those things anymore. 
From the beginning, the whole thing is merely him caving to your request. Ulquiorra has no interest in his past life, whatever it may have contained. He’s quite huffy about the whole hypnotherapy thing, actively resisting its sway just because he thinks it’s stupid to attempt it. However, once even the vaguest of memories start hitting him, that changes dramatically. Ulquiorra can’t make it through more than one session. Whatever he’s trying to remember is much too painful to reach for.  
Oh. Oh no. It’s hard enough to get Nnoitra to cooperate with something like hypnotherapy, but the real problem comes when he eventually does. The kind of life that created a Hollow like Nnoitra doesn’t leave behind kind memories, and when the fog starts to lift from them, the results are brutal. While he doesn’t show an excessive outward reaction, the haunted look in Nnoitra’s eye and how quickly he shuts down ever trying that again make it clear that he found something horrible inside. 
What should he remember his past life for? It’s over, and it’s not like he’s going back. Grimmjow treats the therapy like a stupid idea, rolling his eyes at practically everything until he’s actually put into the trance. Even then, it’s a fight to get anything out of him, but when the memories do start to appear, the reaction is instant. He forces himself out of the trance somehow, and immediately makes it very clear that he won’t do it again. Even more telling, he won’t say a thing about what came through. 
In a way, Szayel is curious about what will happen if you try. He doesn’t particularly like using himself as the test subject, but it’s for the sake of science, correct? He’s cooperative enough, save for how he insists on keeping proper experimental data of what happens. And what does happen is that he has a full-on panic attack halfway through the first trance. A violent one. After he’s calmed down, Szayel tells you that the experiment is over. He doesn’t want to know the answers, this time. 
Whatever life created something as fucked up as him, Aaroniero doesn’t care to try to remember it. The results are bad enough already, aren’t they? Of all of them, he’s the least likely to agree to the therapy. Should he go through with it, it’s a painful experience, to say the least. Memories that he never wanted are pressing at the edges of his consciousness more clearly than they ever have, and the darkness that they contain leaves even something like him shaken and unnerved. 
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blazehedgehog · 2 years
The Netflix Cowboy Bebop makes me sad. What are your thoughts on it?
I don't want to be too rude to it, because I do think it comes from a place of genuine love and passion for the original anime. No disrespect was intended, and I'm not entirely sure it does disrespect the original, it just... I dunno. I'm sure everyone involved loved Cowboy Bebop, but it speaks more to an overarching problem in the Hollywood production machine.
And I don't just mean the whole "Disney Live Action Remakes" stuff. That's only part of it. I mean the fact that animation, as a medium, does not get respect. Animation is "cartoons." Cartoons are for kids TV. Cartoons are cheap. Cartoons don't have value. Value is money. So in order for these things to have value, they have to be expensive.
Just as much as Disney's live action remakes, this is also what has driven the move to CGI animation. Cartoons are too easy. You need to do location scouting, set dressing, wardrobe, make-up, lighting, you need to have camera technicians and people to hold microphones...
Or you need to spend the next 3-5 years rendering 90 minutes of film at 24K resolution so that the studio can keep selling sharper, clearer remasters for the next 40 years.
We live in a world where this...
Is seen to have inherently less value than this...
Strictly because of a value judgment that has been placed upon it. Cartooning inherently does not have value. That goes double if you're anime, which mostly don't even get theatrical releases. Even when they do, marketing for them is next to non-existent.
You pretty much only have Disney, where they hand out "Best Animated Feature" Oscars so reflexively, Disney actually had retailers put up advertising for Ralph Breaks the Internet before the movie had actually received its win:
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(Sidebar: 2018's Best Animated Feature Film went to "Into the Spider-Verse." Only four other non-Disney movies have ever won that award in its 20 year history, and Spider-Verse broke a seven year streak for Disney. Also, Ralph Breaks the Internet sucks, so it's funny Disney thought they'd get an award for that over, say, Incredibles 2, which was merely bland. Spider-Verse does push the medium forward by trying bold new stylistic things, but it's largely still an expensive CGI movie, and is therefore seen as valuable.)
And this is the place Netflix Cowboy Bebop ends up at. The anime is "just" an anime, but what if we "elevated it" to the next level by making it live action?
And... they didn't. That's not how this works. Animation allows you to bend rules that aren't as flexible with real actors. This is where the claims of "it looks like a fan film" come from, because its flesh and blood human actors trying to look bombastic and outrageous (but not too bombastic or outrageous, because that's silly, and heaven forbid anything risk looking too silly).
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Whether based on real choreography or not, there are subtle things in animation that make these kinds of movements more stylized. Cartoon anatomy can be pushed, pulled, squashed and stretched to strike the perfect pose. You could break that Spike Spiegel gif down right there and I can guarantee you'd find that his limbs change lengths, his arm and elbow joints don't always line up with his skeleton, and the broom handle doesn't exactly adhere to real world physics. Does it matter? Absolutely not. I once heard that "being an artist is knowing which mistakes to keep." Mistakes are literally the heart and soul of style. That's the fuel that powers animation. It's more about what you are trying to express.
The Netflix Cowboy Bebop is trying to re-express those same things, but in a medium that is inherently less receptive to that kind of expression. At least CGI animation has been getting better at bringing back the fluidity of squash-and-stretch, but the human body has real physical limitations, and the best stunt coordinator in the world can't make up for what's possible with a regular pencil.
But the stunt coordinator definitely costs more money than the pencil does.
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colourful-void · 3 years
Supporting Satoshi - an examination and comparison of JN36 and XY121
Part Two: Dragging your friends into sandstorms is also not a recommended way to treat depression but at least this one worked
So back to journeys, where Satoshi has just lost three battles in a row and a sandstorm is luring people in over in Hoenn.
Goh is immediately excited about the prospect of a pokemon hiding in the sand and goes to ask Satoshi about coming along. It's a fun note of Goh's character devlopment that his immediate wish is to go together. Goh at the start of the season would easily have abandoned Satoshi to go research on his own, but it doesn't even cross his mind for a second in this episode. Great work Goh!
Satoshi's not doing too hot. He's curled up in a corner talking to himself about how he's dropped a whole class. Goh tells him to cheer up, it was only a few battles, this does not work. Another similarity to the xy episode.
We can see more of the root of the problem here, that Satoshi fears he won't be able to live up to his dreams and that trying is fruitless. Now I know we're on the jp dub but I really wanna shout out the english, because in the english dub satoshi says "Battling (Dande)'s a dream I should get out of my head, I don't deserve it."
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"I don't deserve it", like I don't think there's a clearer way to represent the issue here than this line. He doesn't "deserve" to battle Dande, he doesn't even deserve to dream about it.
Goh dismisses these ideas and drags Satoshi out to Hoenn to go find the pokemon in the sandstorm.
They get to the sandstorm, Goh's excited, Satoshi's still upset. Back to the tried and true method of "just don't be sad"! Which of course, does not work.
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We can already see the similarites to Serena in Goh's actions. Both try their hardest with genuine intent to cheer up Satoshi using methods that work for them. (You can argue Serena was trying a bit harder here since Goh had alternate motives at play). However, what changes here is what they do afterwords.
The problem of dismissing someone's negitivity as not like them remains and I'm still salty about it, but at least in this senario Goh is affirming Satoshi's postivity and not getting upset with him while he's actively upset. It's marginally better but the problem remains.
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But that's not why I love this episode. What matters to me is what comes next.
Despite the distraction, Satoshi's still caught up in his eariler problems. He hasn't actually resolved them, so he can't let them go yet.
The boys make their way through the sandstorm, Goh rescues some people from the sandtrap, its going alright. At least until we run into flygon. Or more specfically, until Goh asks Satoshi for his help battling Flygon.
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This is Satoshi's expression when Goh asks him for help. Despite agreeing, he's clearly hesitant about this. He doesn't feel confident in his ability to battle the Flygon. He's so out of it he forgets the type match ups, and uses electric moves on a ground type, which of course are ineffective.
Satoshi continues to self loathe, berating himself for not thinking. His hat begins shading his eyes when this happens! He gets caught up in his mistakes and begins to feel as though everything is hopeless.
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Now, Goh doesn't do any of the 'no don't say that, you have to believe in yourself' stuff here. Instead, he keeps battling. He instead redirects the focus back to the fight, which is sort of the more pressing issue. It's also a good way of dealing with the problem as well! Goh's actively strategizing, looking for the next step to take. By doing that he's telling ash, indirectly, not to give up yet because there are still concrete steps to take, and that things aren't hopeless!
Satoshi is still paying attention to the battle though, and picks up on Goh's strategy. Goh and Satoshi also share a glance with each other when Flygon disappears under the sand.
Messon gets beaten and recalled.
and Satoshi begins to spiral. He gets so caught up in his previous losses that he visibly flashes back to them. He panics over what's dangerous for the pokemon, and the footage flashing specifically shows Riolu's losses and it being in pain after being attacked.
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Both Pikachu and Goh call out to Satoshi in concern after he falls over and doesn't get up. Satoshi's body langauge is imporant here but unfortunately image limit. He's not clentched up, his fingers are loose. even when he grits his teeth, the rest of his body language all together reads as though he's gone slack. Unfortunately, Goh's attention is pulled away by the Flygon attacking again, and the battle resumes with Rabbifoot.
Satoshi protests Goh's strategy, still afraid that battling in too close is dangerous. Goh turns to him for a moment, but has to keep his attention on Rabbifoot. This actually pulls him out of dazed body langauge, as he tense and clenches his fists when Goh starts to put himself in danger. He's concerned for Goh and Rabbifoot!
Satoshi wonders what Goh's thinking, and he's not even looking at the battle anymore. He's just staring at Goh intently.
Or at least, until Rabbifoot successfully executes the strategy, and uses the meteors as part of ember. It's a wonderfully animated sequence, and it works! Goh's proud and excited, all the pokemon jump around happily, and Satoshi just sits there dumbfounded, though visably relieved as well (eyebrows are no longer drawn together) before he begins to laugh.
But Goh's not done helping out Satoshi, and this is what sets this and the xy episode apart, this is where everything comes together.
Goh does what he does best, a big dramatic monolouge. He tells Satoshi that he learned all those tactics from Satoshi, it's the first thing he tells him before he even explains.
Goh tells Satoshi plainly that he does know how to do this, he's a good battler and he can succeed when he remembers to work with his pokemon in tandem and doesn't get caught up in things. And he tells him this right after he proves it to Satoshi's face.
Satoshi learns from examples, from doing, and Goh uses that as best he can. He gives Satoshi the example first, and then explains it later.
And the visual symbolism is incredible here because as Goh tells this to Satoshi the sky clears behind him.
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I cry over this part everytime. What better way to show that Goh has helped free Satoshi from the mental fog, that his words have cleared the way for him.
And of course, Goh keeps a smile on his face the entire time.
He continues to talk about working together with his pokemon, something Satoshi was neglecting to do because of his fear of not being good enough and letting those pokemon down.
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Satoshi reflects on this, adjusting his hat so it hides his eyes as he does. However, he's in control of this now, actively holding the hat in his hand, symbolizing that while he's still upset, he's in control of his emotions now!
Goh specifically kneels down to meet Satoshi at his level and speak to him directly, he puts them on equal ground.
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He talks more about strategy, and then he says a line I adore.
"Battling sure is complex, isn't it, Satoshi?"
Goh doesn't like battling, we know this. We know his only interest in it is as a means to an end and because he cares about Satoshi. And he says this because he's showing Satoshi how much he's learned from him. To really drive home that he attributes everything he just accomplished to Satoshi. All that trust and skill and work! Not to mention the fact that this is a call back to what Goh said after Satoshi won the Flutes in episode seven! Incredible, truly!
And Satoshi laughs and flops over, to which Goh worries. But Satoshi is smiling again, truly smiling. He calls himself stupid, the self loathing hasn't gone away entirely, but he is smiling, and he's staring up into the sky happily. There is no shade over his eyes anymore!
He finally addresses his pokemon again, with words similar to what he said in xy, and of course his pokemon love him and lay down with him. It's really cute <3.
And thats where the episode ends! My goodness, do I adore this episode. It's beautiful and i think about it all the time.
It's about finding new and crazy strategies to win, and when talking things out or distracting him doesn't work, Goh tries a new strategy that does! If he can't use ember and win with one strategy he'll try another. can't cheer up Satoshi with one strategy? try another.
What sets them apart is that Goh keeps going and stays by Satoshi's side, where as Serena got caught up in her feelings and ran off. Goh visbly takes Satoshi's way of learning and expressing things into account, and Serena doesn't make it that far.
There's so much care and effort that Satoshi and Goh share and it means the world to me. I can't wait to see what other moments they'll share in future, and what other parallels will be drawn!
I hope you enjoyed my ramblings, Thank you so much for reading this all.
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sammy8d257 · 2 years
Please, explain the third act of the game to someone who only knows inscryption through your blog
(maybe that'll help with the ava au!)
HMM! Good idea!
God knows ACT 3 is incomprehensible if you just look at my blog alskglsjs
Spoilers for ACT 3 under the Read More!
Okay so ACT 3 is similar in style to ACT 1. It's a 3D environment in first person perspective, only this time, its P03 who's in charge. As such, everything is stylized like its game! The big game mechanic changes are the use of Energy Cards rather than Beast cards, the introduction of 5 lanes instead of 4 lanes, and that this game mode is no longer a roguelike but more like Dark Souls where if you die, you drop your robobucks and get sent back to your last checkpoint. Theres also the inclusion of Mox Gems but that's later in the game.
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(I just took these images from google but they give the general vibe of this section)
The basic gist of it is that at the end of ACT 2, P03 hijacks the game and using bits of the OLD_DATA (a messed up and evil thing buried beneath the code of the game) it takes over in the same way as Leshy did. Now P03 is in charge and it has a job for you. You need to play its game and complete "The Great Transcendence"! What is the "Great Transcendence"? Oh, you'll see.
Just like in ACT 2, there are 4 areas of the game board to visit. Each one is themed after one of the 4 Scrybes and each has a themed Uberbot as that section's miniboss. If you've seen drawings of a bot named G0lly, that's where she comes from!
Just like in ACT 1, in ACT 3 after the battery of the holographic board dies, it will allow you to stand up from the table and move around its factory for the rest of the game. You can solve puzzles and find secrets and stuff. Eventually, one of the cameras is mysteriously broken and P03 sends you to go fix it.
As it turns out, instead of turning its fellow Scrybes into cards, P03 just locks them in the basement of its facility. Which I find incredibly funny because it's only locked by a "Are You A Robot" Captcha. The 3 Scrybes are pissed. They warn you that P03 is going to far with its "Great Transcendence" and that it must be stopped. They task you to keep the bot distracted while they escape and put an end to P03's rule.
And you do. You play through the rest of P03's game and when you head back to the start to begin the "Great Transcendence", P03 reveals that it was all a ruse to use your computer to upload Inscryption to the Steam store. That way millions of people will be able to play the game and P03 would be in charge of most of them.
It begins the "Great Transcendence" and well...
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The Scrybes fulfill on their promise to stop P03 and Leshy and Magnificus urge you to use the "New Game" option to reset the game. Grimora on the other hand has a different plan. Using the file access folder (from the Uberbot Archivist fight) she gives you to option to delete the game. And you do.
Which leads us into The Epilogue. Which I'm not gonna explain in this post because this is already getting kinda long.
This is the bare bones basic plot of ACT 3 but I hope it was helpful! Theres a lot more nuance and details in this ACT but for sake of time, thats about all is needed for now.
For my Animation vs Inscryption needs, I think writing this out has definitely helped! I think I have a much clearer picture on how ACT 3 with the Stick Figures would go!
Thank you for this ask Anon!
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Victor’s Belonging Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 归属之约, which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
This date makes important references to his birthday R&S, so do read that first!
Victor’s 2021 birthday collection:
🐼 r&s l belonging date ♡ l video call l moments and texts l asmr
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[ Released in CN on 8 Jan 2021 ]
Early in the morning on the weekend, I push a cardboard box into Victor’s living room, straightening up and heaving a sigh.
MC: I seem to have prepared too many ribbons... I'll just blow fewer balloons.
Scanning the slightly empty and spacious room, I retrieve decorations from within the cardboard box.
Victor has been busy with business trips recently. Even though I know he’d return on his birthday, I still feel a little uneasy.
In order to avert the abrupt circumstances like last year, I called him in advance to tell him about my “action plan”.
He seems to have gotten used to the festive rituals I insist upon, and has agreed to let me decorate his home. 
Just as I plan to straighten up the cushions on the sofa, the doorbell suddenly rings. 
MC: Who is it?
??: Hello, there’s a package for Mr Victor.
I open the door, and the deliveryman hands over a cardboard box. The logo of Loveland City’s zoo is printed on it. 
MC: This is...
Deliveryman: It was sent late, I’m really sorry about it! There’s been some issues at the transfer point. It should have been sent to you at the start of the year.
A little puzzled, I nod and take the box. This seems to be the first time I’m seeing a package from the zoo.
After signing for the package, I take a picture of the box and send it to Victor. 
Not long after, the phone buzzes.
Victor: Leave the box at the entrance. I’ll handle it after I’m back. 
MC: Sure, but why would the zoo send you a delivery?
Victor: I adopted a panda, so the zoo sends some merchandise every year.
MC: So they actually send such things... zoo merchandise is always in limited supply, and I’ve had to rely on snatching them up whenever I visit.
Perhaps hearing the envy in my tone, Victor chuckles softly. 
Victor: In that case, you can open it up and look if there’s anything you haven’t snatched up.
MC: Can I? I’ll open it on your behalf then!
With a few movements, I open the cardboard box. All sorts of animal plush toys are stored inside, with panda-related items featuring most often.
My line of sight roams the box, and I notice a small album.
There are pictures of one big and one small panda in the album. It records their everyday lives - eating bamboo, climbing trees, rolling around... it’s like a diary.
MC: Victor, there’s an album here too. There are two pandas in it. Which one did you adopt?
Victor: Both of them.
MC: You adopted two?
Victor: Mm, the big one was the one I mentioned to you before. The small one is its child.
Digesting this information, I mutter softly.
MC: I wonder who mentioned not having feelings towards animals...
Victor: Animals no, people yes. Providing help to endangered animals is a very normal thing.
MC: Only providing help?
Victor: ...what else?
MC: Nothing, I just think CEO Victor is really considerate to specially provide help to a father-son duo~
There’s a temporary silence at the other end of the line. I can almost picture Victor’s speechless expression at this moment. 
Victor: Say it, what kind of wicked plan have you come up with this time?
MC: It’s a serious idea! Victor, let’s find a time to visit them? I also wish to meet these two “investees” who have caught your eye.
Victor: You’re truly giving yourself more and more excuses to go out to play.
MC: I can’t?
Victor: ...forget it, we’ll go together if you want to see them.
After ending the call, I retrieve a few panda plush toys from the box, display them on the sofa, then straighten the seats. Finally, I nod in satisfaction. 
As compared to vibrantly coloured decorations, Victor should prefer these adorable plush toys.
A few more pages are torn from the calendar, and it’s finally Victor’s birthday.
I checked the information of his flight beforehand. Since it’s not yet time for the plane to land, I prepare to send my report to him first.
The sound of my phone vibrating enters my ears. Seeing the familiar name flashing on the screen, I pick up the call in slight confusion.
MC: Victor? You’ve already reached?
Victor: I just reached. Slightly earlier than expected. 
MC: This means I'm the first person to receive your call~ I’ll just say it first - I’ve already prepared my report, and just have to tap the send button.
Victor: Looks like you have a lot of confidence in this report. Since you're done with work, head out with me in the afternoon.
I freeze for a moment. This year, Victor’s birthday happens to be on a working day. I originally planned to celebrate with him in the evening after work.
I didn’t expect that Victor, who has always been serious about work, would think of having a day of rest. I can’t help but tease him.
MC: Is CEO Victor skipping work? 
Victor: I’m giving you a break too. A certain someone has been rushing work for so many days, and I’m letting you rest for a while.
My heart stirs, and I seem to understand something.
MC: Seems like I'm not the only person looking forward to today?
After a moment of silence on the other end of the line, his voice sounds, carrying with it a smile. 
Victor: I shouldn’t be the only one wanting to meet earlier either. I’ll get my luggage, and will see you in around two hours.
At the agreed time, Victor’s car appears punctually at the bottom of the office building.
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I jog and get into the car. He sits on the driver’s seat quietly, his coat half open, revealing a somewhat familiar grey coloured shirt.
There seems to be some tiny creases at his collar that haven’t been ironed smoothly, but the angle at which the collar encases his neck looks very suitable.
Perhaps due to the rays of light falling on his shoulders, or perhaps due to the warm wind blowing in the car, the image before me feels especially warm despite it being winter.
I pull on his arm to take a look, then nod in satisfaction.
MC: Who picked this shirt? It feels as though it makes CEO Victor look especially dashing!
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Victor looks at me, the corners of his lips tugging upwards.
Victor: Blowing your own trumpet.
MC: You wore it yourself. Doesn’t this prove that the choice of gift was a success?
Victor: I wonder who splayed it on the middle of the bed, only missing a note saying “Wear this today”.
MC: So do you like it or not?
Victor: Passable.
I purse my lips, pulling aside my own coat. Deliberately straightening up, I beckon him to look at the matching shirt I’m wearing.
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MC: Cough cough. Is it really just “passable”?
Victor seems to be taken aback for a moment. Then, a smile quickly softens his expression.
Victor: The car isn’t warm yet. Don’t rush to remove your coat.
He reaches out to pull up the zipper. With a pause, he pulls it down slightly, stopping at the chest region.
I follow his gaze and lower my head to take a look. Like this, it just happens to reveal my shirt.
Glancing at our similar colours, I can’t help but laugh secretly in my heart.
Victor: In general, there’s an improvement in taste. A little better than what I expected.
MC: Thank you for your praise, CEO Victor. In that case, should I maintain this standard in the future?
Victor: You can. All right, let’s go. Fasten your safety belt.
MC: Where are we going?
Victor: Didn’t you want to see the pandas? There will be fewer visitors in the zoo on a working day.
While Victor speaks, he starts the car, inputting the destination into the navigation system.
MC: We’re going right now? But today... I thought you’d prefer a quieter birthday.
Victor: By “quieter”, do you mean by displaying a huge bunch of plush toys at home?
MC: They’re so cute, so I accidentally...
I grin while meeting his look of distaste, and something occurs to me.
MC: But if we're going there today, I could get to know your panda friends by matching them against the photographs.
Seeing me take out the photo album from my bag and giving it a flip, Victor raises his brows in slight shock.
Victor: You even brought their photographs around?
MC: I was originally going to make you a mini photo wall, but couldn’t finish it in time. I planned to bring you the photographs in the evening, so I put them in my bag. Come to think of it, I don’t know what names you gave them.
[Note] This is a contradiction?? Because MC clearly mentioned Little Vick in a pretty old Moment post...
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Victor: I didn’t give them names.
MC: Why not?
Victor: I only paid the adoption fees. The rest depends entirely on the zoo staff’s care, so there’s no need to leave them with anything.
MC: But if they don’t have names, how would you recognise them later?
Victor: Do you rely on names to recognise people?
MC: Oo... It’s mainly the face I guess.
Victor: Animals are the same. If you observe their unique traits, you’ll naturally be able to identify them.
The afternoon sunlight is somewhat glaring. I lift my head to avoid the light, and look at Victor in the rearview mirror.
He has a serious expression, but for some reason, I think of a particular fine and sunny weekend we once had, when the light also encased us like this. 
At that time, the person beside me had used an ink-less brush, secretly leaving a mark related to him on me.
The car pauses at the crossing, waiting for the red light. Victor straightens the visor for me, turning his head to meet my gaze. 
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Victor: Why are you staring at me?
MC: I suddenly thought about how someone doesn’t name pandas, yet would write his own name on my face. Doesn’t this mean I’m important to him?
Victor: Good that you know it.
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The red light flickers. Victor averts his gaze, staring at the front. Suddenly, he laughs.
Victor: But from what I see now, I’ve already been influenced by a dummy.
The visor shields me from the glaring sunlight, and also makes my vision clearer.
Whether it’s the matching shirt or the Shiba Inu keychain swinging on the car keys...
These seemingly trivial, ordinary and small details clearly reflect the traces that I’ve left on him.
Even though it’s a working day, there are still quite a number of people visiting the pandas in the zoo.
Following the crowd, we take a slow stroll. Many children run past us happily.
Right after walking to the panda area, I see many people congregated at the railings and observing.
Pulling Victor over, rounded panda “dumplings” immediately attract my full attention.
A few young pandas are currently climbing and having fun on wooden poles. Occasionally, they’d bump into each other and roll onto the ground. After exerting energy to flip over, they’d once again climb to the location of their choice.
As if intoxicated and stupefied, I stare at them for a very long time before remembering that the panda baby Victor had adopted could be in their midst. Hurriedly, I take out the photographs from my bag to make comparisons.
However, the pandas before me seem to be carved from the same mold. The colour of their fur are the same, and they are similar in size. There seems to be too much to take in.
I turn my head to look at Victor, who’s next to me. He seems to guess what I’m thinking, and speaks straight away.
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Victor: You haven’t identified it?
MC: It’s a little difficult.
Victor points at a panda which is currently climbing a wooden pole.
Victor: That one.
MC: How can you be so certain?
Victor: It injured its leg a few months ago. During the treatment, there was a need to trim the fur around the injury. Look at its hind leg - some of its fur is newly grown.
Fixing my eyes on it, the back of the panda’s right hind leg has a small tuft of relatively shorter fur. Without a careful look, one would think it’s a normal dip.
Flipping and looking through the photos, I realise that it’s actually the case.
Just as I’m about to awe at how Victor is truly perceptive to the finest detail, I suddenly realise something. 
MC: Wait, you mentioned that it’s been a few months... Have you always been keeping watch on them?
Victor: The staff will regularly provide feedback on their situation.
MC: So your e-mail isn’t filled only with reports from employees.
Victor: My life doesn’t just consist of work.
He doesn’t respond to my teasing gaze, and he continues looking at the pandas playing freely and leisurely in the garden.
Victor: Are you here to look at the pandas or me?
I respond without giving it much thought.
MC: Both!
Victor: ...
Victor shakes his head in resignation, pulling on my hand as we weave through the crowd.
Victor: There are too many people here. Let’s walk forward.
We walk and pause, following the park’s signboards. Gradually, a patch of empty land appears in my view.
A staff member is currently stacking bamboo next to tree trunks and wooden poles, as though waiting for the pandas to feast.
I tug on Victor to stop. After staying in place for a while, I see a big panda pacing over slowly.
It doesn’t seem to care about how many people are watching it. It heads towards the food, picking a comfortable position to sit down.
Flipping to the photograph of the Daddy Panda eating bamboo, I lift it up to compare it with the panda in front of me.
MC: Victor, isn’t this the panda Uncle gave to you? Its posture of leaning against the tree trunk is exactly the same as in the photo!
Victor leans down and looks over, nodding lightly.
Victor: Yes.
MC: Really? We’re so lucky to meet both of them.
Just as Victor is about to say something, the voice of a small boy suddenly drifts towards us.
Small boy: Little... Vick. Its name is Little Vick!
I’m stunned for a moment, turning my head to find the source of the voice. A small boy is being carried in the arms of his parents, reading out the name based on a nearby board.
Information regarding the pandas on duty are written on the board. Its name is found at the very top, and it’s a name I couldn’t be more familiar with.
[Note] The reason why MC finds it familiar is clearer in Chinese. Victor’s name is 李泽言 (Li Ze Yan),  and the panda’s Chinese name is 言言 (Yan Yan)
Because he read the correct words, the small boy is complimented by his parents. He continues reading.
Small boy: Its a boy... and its birthday is 13 January! It’s Little Vick’s birthday today!
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Turning back to look at Victor, he currently has an uncomfortable expression on his face, and he clears his throat softly.
Victor: ...my dad named it.
MC: And it happens to have the same birthday?
Victor: Mm.
I try to suppress my laughter, lowering my voice and calling out to Little Vick a few times while it’s engrossed in bamboo.
MC: Little Vick-- We’re here to see you--
Victor: [sighs] ...
MC: Little Vick-- Wishing you a happy birthday--
Victor: Childish.
Victor pretends to have a stern look his poker face, but I can still see the gradually reddening tips of his ears.
I laugh while standing in front of him, straightening my back under his reluctant gaze.
MC: On behalf of myself and Little Vick, we also wish Mr Victor a happy birthday. Don’t feel embarrassed. Your father used your name to name your favourite thing. It’s called “loving the house and its crows”. 
[Note] MC uses an idiom, 爱屋及乌 ( “ai wu ji wu”), which literally translates to “love the house and the crows”. This conveys the depth of someone’s love to the point where you like everything related to that person.
Victor: Do you apply the same principle when you enthusiastically name all sorts of objects?
MC: I don’t just name everything. After all, I also “love the house and its crows”. For instance, I used to think that all pandas were very adorable... But right now, I think Little Vick is the cutest.
Only after saying all this in one breath do I feel slightly embarrassed. I hurriedly turn around, taking out my phone to take pictures of Little Vick, wanting to hide the heat on my face. 
While snapping photos, I watch for Victor’s reaction. But even after a long time, there isn’t a sound from behind me, and I can’t help but turn around.
The golden, dazzling sunlight spreads from behind him, glinting brightly around his raised phone.
Before I can prepare my expression, I see Victor’s phone camera facing me.
He retracts his phone, smiling as he looks at the screen.
MC: [blushing] You... you snuck a photo of me!
Seeing that I’m reaching out to snatch his phone, Victor grabs my wrist, quickly keeping his phone in his pocket.
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Victor: This is just a response to your words earlier.
MC: What does that mean?
Victor smiles, his deep eyes filled with my profile.
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Victor: It means that there are many dummies in the world... But I only like the one in front of me.
Returning home from the zoo, VIctor’s sudden words repeatedly circle my mind.
In order for him not to realise my state of mind, I take out the ingredients I had prepared in advance the moment I reach home, preparing to burrow into the kitchen to cook.
Victor naturally walks to my side, wanting to take the bags in my hand. I frantically press down on his hand.
MC: Hold on, don’t help. I’ll do it myself!
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Victor: There are so many things and you want to do it yourself?
MC: Don’t worry, I’ve practiced at home and can guarantee that I have a knowledge of the fundamentals, and won’t blow up your kitchen. Also, you’re the elderly person whose birthday is being celebrated. So you shouldn’t work. Oh yes, aside from this shirt, I’ve also hidden a few presents at home. Want to look for them? 
[Note] MC REALLY USED THE WORD 寿星 ( “shou xing”) which could mean “God of Longevity” or “elderly person whose birthday is being celebrated” LOL
I say everything in one breath, not giving him a chance to retort.
Under my expectant gaze, Victor sighs in resignation, then says a few more words before leaving the kitchen.
With the fastest speed I can manage, I finish cooking. While bringing the dishes to the table, Victor places some gift boxes onto the sofa.
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Victor: I’ve found three. That’s all, isn’t it?
MC: Not just these. You could look in other rooms.
Victor: [sighs] Looks like you really planned to prepare a hundred gifts.
MC: I didn’t do it on purpose. When I saw those things, I subconsciously  thought of you. But right now, I should invite CEO Victor to test my culinary skills!
After the meal, Victor finds a few more gifts. After giving them a count, I realise there’s still one more missing.
Victor: Why are there more?
MC: The final gift is very critical. I’ll help you get it.
I head straight to Victor’s bedroom. Removing the blanket, I retrieve a long box from a crevice at the corner of the bed.
Victor has his arms crossed over his chest as he stands at the side, watching as I make a show of straightening the ribbon on the gift box.
MC: Don’t worry, there aren’t any weird presents this time. Before, I was always sending you things I liked, but those things weren’t what you liked. So this year, I want to give you some gifts that you need.
Opening the gift box, I take out the tie that I picked out, and display it from all angles. 
MC: There aren’t pictures of happy faces, and it doesn’t have a strange colour. You can wear it to work!
Victor looks at me, then walks to the side of the bed and leans down.
Victor: Since a certain someone is doing her utmost to recommend it, I shall see how it looks. 
MC: I’ll put it on for you!
It’s rare for Victor to be interested in my presents. I immediately climb up from the bed, flipping his collar up and fastening the tie.
This distance makes the side of his face close enough to touch. His warm breaths are on my shoulder, and I have to force myself to focus on the tie.
With much difficulty, I tie the tie into a basic shape. Victor’s low voice suddenly drifts to my ear. 
Victor: This seems to be the first time I’m seeing you wear a proper shirt.
MC: It looks good, doesn’t it?
Victor doesn’t respond. He simply smiles, tidying the back of my collar.
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Victor: It’s also the first time I’ve seen you cooking without being clumsy.
MC: Of course I needed to perform properly when cooking in your kitchen. 
Victor: It’s also the first time we’re visiting the zoo on a day-off from work.
MC: It’s already the fourth year, and there are still so many firsts?
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Victor: Is that a bad thing? Since they are all first times, you can create so-called surprises.
The words at my ear, bringing with them a smile, create ripples in my heart. My hands pause, and I lift my head to look at him.
MC: May I ask CEO Victor - does this mean you’re satisfied with today?
Victor: This isn’t about whether I’m satisfied.
Victor pulls down my hand which is holding onto the tie, beckoning me to sit down.
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Just as I plan to scoot over to give him some space, I realise that he has seated down directly on the carpet next to the bed.
MC: Someone always reminds me that the floor is cold. So why is he still sitting on the floor?
Victor: The first time you came to my house, you seem to have said similar words.
While speaking, he tugs the blanket upwards before it slides down my shoulder.
Lowering my head to look at him, the “first time” he’s referring to surfaces in my mind.
The CEO who wilfully lay down on the floor to settle work, and also wilfully had a light sleep in the middle of the piano tune.
He lifts his head to look at me, his teasing gaze unconcealed and bright in the light. The tie, which hasn’t been fastened properly, hangs loosely on his neck.
Without even realising it, his relaxed appearance has become something I've grown used to.
Images in my memories and the person before me gradually match up. I can’t suppress the smile creeping onto my lips, but complain about him anyway.
MC: Victor, you’re really wilful sometimes.
Victor: I learnt it from someone.
MC: ...cough cough. Back to the earlier topic! Could the elderly birthday person please assess today’s plans, and let me gain some experience.
Victor: Everything about today, whether the itinerary or the gifts - I’m very happy with them. Not just today. Every year before this as well.
MC: If you put it that way, I can’t tell how to make it even better. After all, even though it’s been so long, you’ve never directly mentioned what you like.
Victor chuckles softly.
Victor: There’s no need to mention them. When it comes to these things, your efforts always surpass my expectations. Also, the feelings and time you expend - they are even more precious gifts than anything else.
A clamour of emotions ferment in my chest, and I finally peek my head out from the blanket.
MC: Am I one step closer to moving you to tears?
Victor: Judging from your skills in tying a tie, you’re still very far from it. But this is already very good.
As the curtain of night falls, the world outside the window gradually becomes quiet. The ticking of the clock’s secondhand at the bedside becomes clearer.
I glance at the time, and it’s already quite late. 
MC: Today’s coming to an end. I’m a little reluctant to part with with it.
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Victor: Reluctant to part with the off-day?
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MC: Nope. I just feel as though you’ll get busy again after today... You won’t just be my Victor.
I mutter softly, but Victor still hears it. He curls his finger and taps my forehead.
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Victor: Who says I'm not? From work to life, which part lacks a certain person’s shadow? Also, other than you, I've never belonged to anyone.
MC: Does this count as a return gift from an elderly man celebrating his birthday?
Victor: It’s just the truth.
I smile while tightening the blanket over myself, shuffling towards him quietly.
MC: But the opportunities to spend time with you without any worries like this are very limited. How do you want to spend the remainder of today?
Victor looks at me, then straightens up to sit with me at the side of the bed.
Victor: For the rest of the time, let’s just stay like this.
I subconsciously loosen my grip on the blanket. He takes the blanket, leans closer to me, and bundles me in it tightly.
The irritating sound of the secondhand suddenly vanishes. In the tranquil night, only the light in the eyes of the person next to me continues flowing and glinting.
Victor: Being without any worries like you wanted - it can be prolonged a little. Also, not just today. Anytime in the future - as long as you want it, it can be done.
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aspoonofsugar · 3 years
I hope this is not too much of a hassle but by any chance could you do an analysis on Watts, Tyrian, and Hazel.
Hello anon!
Sure, no problem :) I think I have shared some thoughts on these three characters in other metas, but I’ll get this chance to organize them and to put them all together.
In general, I would say Watts, Tyrian and Hazel are not extremely deep characters and they mostly work as foils to others, drive subplots in specific arcs and highlight themes.
Here is a list of their major narrative roles, as for now.
1) They symbolize three parts of Salem:
Each member of Salem’s inner circle represents one side of her.
Watts is her entitlement.
Tyrian is her desire of destruction for the sake of destruction.
Cinder is her wish to be free.
Hazel is her inability to grieve.
They are Salem’s three flaws. The reasons why she ends up the way she is.
Salem’s journey starts because she is unable to grieve:
Salem: No! No! What did you do?! BRING HIM BACK!
And because she feels she deserves better than others:
God of Light: When you first came to me, I did pity you. But it is clear now that your selfishness and arrogance have led you astray.
Finally, she enters the pool of Darkness and embraces destruction:
Jinn: Instead, it created a being of infinite life with a desire for pure destruction.
At the same time, Tyrian and Hazel also represent Salem’s inability to understand the cycle of life and death:
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God of Light: You must learn the importance of life and death. Only then may you rest.
The cycle is about loving life and accepting death. However, Salem initially refuses death (like Hazel) and then starts despising life (like Tyrian)
Interestingly, Hazel is eventually able to understand Gretchen’s choice:
Hazel: I'm doing what Gretchen would have done!
And dies sacrificing himself for others, just like Gretchen did.
I wonder if Tyrian’s death will be something which will instead be linked to him finally aknowledging the importance of life. Since Tyrian is a very negative character (and I do not think he will have a redemptive or particularly empowering death) it might be something as simple as him begging for his life.
2) Watts, Hazel and Tyrian all act as the main secondary villain of a specific arc and they are linked to the main theme of that arc.
a) Hazel fights in the Battle of Heaven and he is linked to Knowledge:
Oscar: Did she know the risk of being a Huntress?
Hazel: She was only a child! She wasn't ready!!
Oscar: She made a choice!
Knowledge is complementary to Choice. It is what you must aquire to choose wisely. However, initially Hazel does not understand it. He dismisses Gretchen’s choice as a her being tricked and he himself lacks the knowledge to make the right decision.
This is why his turning sides is linked to the relic of Knowledge:
Jinn: Why, hello again, old man. Did you have a question for me?
Hazel: Actually, I think all my questions are answered now.
He finally understands the truth and is able to choose:
Oscar: What are you going to do?
Hazel: What Gretchen would have done.
b) Watts displays his hacking abilities to its fullest in the Atlas Arc. This connects him to the theme of Creation and in particular to its negative declination aka Control:
Cinder: You said in your message that you have control over Penny.
Watts: I said I had Penny under control, not that I could telekinetically force her to do whatever I want.
He hacks Penny and overwrites her will. Moreover, he himself ends up manipulated and “controlled” by Cinder:
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Cinder: You deserve this, Arthur. We'll be back.
c) Tyrian has roles both in the Mistral Arc and in the Atlas Arc. However, he misses from the climaxes of both, so I think he will be important in Vacuo and maybe he’ll find his death in that arc. Moreover, the theme of Destruction seems to fit his character.
Finally, when it comes to themes, Hazel, Tyrian and Watts all explore the theme of trust (aka one of the main themes of the Atlas Arc) in a minor way.
To be more specific, the theme of trust is explored throughout the story in different ways. I have explained it better here and here.
It is interesting because the theme of trust is explored starting with Ozpin, Oscar’s foil, who does not trust others, so our protagonists feel betrayed. However, in Atlas they find themselves in Ozpin’s shoes and must choose if to trust Ironwood or not.
Here, we explore a form of conditional trust. This idea is presented by Ruby, who wants to be sure it is safe to trust Ironwood. So she keeps secrets and studies him until she decides she can trust him… only to discover that was not the case immediately after. This happens because trust can never be completely safe. Actually, in its most negative declination, this kind of trust becomes the control symbolized by Ironwood.
No matter what, trust is always a leap of faith. This is why trust is a risk. Oscar shows this concept well. He decides to still trust Ironwood at the end of volume 7, but it does not work. Still, he does not stop and decides to trust Emerald and Hazel. This time his trust and faith are repaid. He is fred and gains a new ally.
Anyway, even if trust is worth it, the exploration of this theme in Atlas actually ends on a negative note. It ends with Cinder who is an enemy of trust because she uses others’ trust and feelings against them.
In short, we are shown what trust is through Oscar, what it happens when there is no trust through Ozpin and how trust can be twisted and manipulated through Cinder.
Well, Hazel, Watts and Tyrian explore these same ideas in their subplots.
Tyrian takes advantage of the lack of trust among Robyn, Clover and Qrow:
Tyrian: It's taking a very long time for this show to get to the good part.
He exploits it and manages to kill Clover because of it.
Hazel shows the power of trusting others instead:
Oscar: You want him to trust us? Then trust me.
Oscar’s trust makes him willing to listen and later on he decides to help the kids escape.
Finally, Watts is used and discarded by Cinder, who fakes trust and friendship towards him and Neo.
3) Hazel, Tyrian and Watts all foil a member of Ozpin’s group and show their flaw in a clearer way.
Hazel foils Ozpin himself:
Hazel: He didn't tell you my tale, did he, boy? I thought you looked familiar, to think that evil was inside you when our paths first crossed. Your blood won't be on my hands, it'll be on his.
On one hand Hazel accuses Ozpin of sending kids to their deaths, while hurting children himself. On the othet hand Ozpin speaks about the importance of making choices, but does not give all the knowledge necessary to make an informed choice. So, both characters earnestly believe in their ideals, but they are also hypocrites about them.
Watts foils Ironwood.
Watts accuses Ironwood of having used his genius only to dismiss him later on and does not aknowledge how he himself has taken advantage of Atlas society that leaves those below (like Cinder) to rot. Moreover, both Ironwood and Watts frame themselves as rational, but lose precisely because they dismiss the importance of feelings for both manipulation (Watts) and trust (ironwood).
Finally, Tyrian foils Qrow.
In particular, Tyrian embodies Qrow’s self-destructive tendencies, which are Qrow’s true flaw. As a matter of fact Qrow ends up hurt in both fights (the first tiem physically, while the second time emotionally) not because Tyrian is stronger than him. He ends up hurt because of his flaw.
In Mistral, his misunderstanding with Ruby leads to him being poisoned. This happens because Qrow is so scared of his semblance that he keeps others away and does not explain himself.
In Atlas, his cynism leads him to make a pact with Tyrian and this leads to Clover’s death.
4) Finally, Hazel, Watts and Tyrian all foil a member of CEM:
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I have discussed Emerald and Mercury’s foiling with Hazel and Tyrian here and here.
Hazel and Tyrian step in as Emerald and Mercury’s parental figures once Cinder leaves them behind.
Hazel is Emerald’s positive parental figure, but he is blinded by his flaw, just like she is.
Tyrian is Mercury’s negative parental figure, but he also tells the boy truths he needs to accept.
At the same time, Hazel is what Emerald really wants (an adult who looks out for her), while Tyrian is who Mercury thinks he wants to be (a big bad man). In both cases, they are not what Emerald and Mercury really need. Emerald must learn to be more independent, while Mercury needs to nurture his positive relationship(s).
I have discussed Cinder’s foiling with Watts here, here and here.
Watts embodies Cinder’s flaw (her hunger for power) enveloped in everything she hates, but also deep down envies (being an Atlas elites).
It is interesting that Watts is not really a mentor figure for Cinder (differently from Hazel and Tyrian for the murder kids). He is a colleague, so they are on equal footing. Interestingly, though, they both try to discredit the other and to act as the other’s superior.
In general, this is another way to convey that Cinder is less child-coded than the two kids she took in.
At the same time, it shows how Atlas makes relationships between equals difficult because in Atlas everyone always tries to be on top and discards the ones below.
5) Hazel, Watts and Tyrian’s arcs, when they exist, are very short and simple.
Moreover, they are built on what ifs.
What would happen if Hansel lost Gretel?
He would stay a prisoner of the Witch forever, until he manages to free himself doing what his sister would have done:
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In a sense, Gretchen still frees Hazel, not physically like in the fairy tale, but psychologically because she inspires him.
What would happen if Watson were envious of Sherlock?
He would join Moriarty and end up consumed by his own envy:
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Watts is shown eating a green apple while controlling a falling Atlas. This is interesting because Atlas is the house of our titular Snowhite and green is a color associated with envy. It is as if Watts has taken the bait Cinder offered him using his feelings of entitlement and jealousy:
Cinder: You have everything you need?
Watts: Oh, believe me, this is everything I've ever wanted.
His arc is also a clear case of wants versus needs. He gets what he wants, ignoring that this is not what he needs.
What would happen is the Scorpion killed the Frog, but survived?
The answer is that he would keep making pacts he breaks (like the one with Qrow) and would keep poisoning others (both physically or psychologically).
This until he leads himself to his own demise, just like his fable counterpart.
Thank you for the ask!
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teawaffles · 3 years
There’s No Business Like Show Business: Chapter 2
The next day.
After finishing his work at the mansion, Bond headed to Whitechapel’s Leman Street, where Maya and her company normally held their rehearsals. [1]
Walking down the noisy street was not just Bond, but also three other employees of the Moriarty household. One of them was Fred Porlock.
“It would’ve been fine if only you came along, Fred…… But thanks for joining us anyway, you two.”
Bond directed that to Jack Renfield and Sebastian Moran, who were walking a little behind him.
As Fred was a master of disguise, Bond had asked him to contribute his opinion on the performance too when Jack and Moran decided to tag along. Now the four of them were on their way to the rehearsal — with Louis’ permission of course.
Jack roared with laughter.
“No, you don’t have to thank me. I’ve watched my fair share of theatre, so I thought I could help them out, even if it’s from an amateur’s perspective,” said the old butler, nodding as he reminisced about those good old days.
“You’re probably just after the young girls from the theatre company, aren’t you old man?” Moran said, half in disgust. “Bond said this Maya chairwoman is a dashing lady in her own right, so I came along to feast my eyes on—— Ow, that hurt!”
Jack had clapped Moran on the head, as a warning to not shoot his mouth off.
“The only one here chasing women is you. Really, you didn’t even finish your chores properly before coming here.”
“I did my part just fine. For once, I’m not skipping out on work.”
“Rubbish — I did a check before we left and found some cigarette butts in the hallway. Don’t you dare annoy Louis any further.”
“……W-Well, the more the merrier, right?”
Listening to their usual argument at the back of the group, Bond smiled wryly, while Fred was silent.
Finally, they had reached their destination. Waiting in front of the theatre was Maya, and her little sister Mae.
“Mister Bond!”
“Hey, haven’t seen you since yesterday.”
Mae waved her arms up and down in excitement, while Bond greeted them with a smile.
“S—sorry. Normally, she would play with the other children near our place, but today she insisted on coming with me…… By the way, um, who might these, d—dignified gentlemen be?”
“Ah, they work at the same household as me. The short one here is Fred. The somewhat scary-looking one is Moran. And this dandy old gentleman is Mr Jack. If you’re alright with it, I thought you could use their input as well.”
As Bond introduced them, the three men also greeted their host. But Maya seemed a little perplexed.
“……Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to come here in a big group,” Bond admitted, looking slightly uncomfortable.
“No, no.” Maya hurriedly waved her hands. “I—I’m really grateful to be able to, hear valuable feedback from, so many people. For now, let’s not stand here to talk, please come in……”
Maya guided them into the theatre, stooped in a self-abasing posture. Her faltering voice was much as the same as from their previous encounter, but today, nerves seemed to have crept in as well.
“She has a sort of shadow about her, but that has its own charm. Like the transient beauty of a young widow, don’t you think?”
“She’s pretty, for sure, but not really my type. More like the kind of woman who complicates things when you break up with her.”
“Um, sorry you two, but if you could just keep your voices down,” chided Bond, as Jack and Moran whispered about the chairwoman behind her back.
Right after the entrance was a cramped space. The box seats above them looked hastily constructed; in truth, the interior decorations made it seem more appropriate to call this place a playhouse, rather than a proper theatre.
But their guide had only praise. “The manager here is, a really nice person; whenever we say we want to practise, he’s always happy to lend it to us. There are performances held at night, so we can only use it during the day.”
“He trusts you, doesn’t he.”
Hearing her speak with such sincere gratitude, Bond was quietly impressed by her character. Perhaps her dark aura easily invited misunderstanding, but she was definitely genuine at heart.
“Speaking of which, Miss Maya, you said that you’re the director for this performance, but surely someone else is responsible for the sets and the arrangements at the other theatre during this time?”
“Another member is in charge of the sets, but the negotiations and the like, w—were handled by me. Even so, the manager of the larger theatre — a nobleman — had actually approached us to be the opening act for another company, and I just accepted his invitation.”
“Still, isn’t it great to be invited to perform on a bigger stage, even if it’s just as an opening act?”
“Yes; for people like us — a theatre company from the slums, we don’t have many chances to show the world what we can do, so everyone’s doing their very best.”
Saying that, Maya secretly clenched her fists. Surely the one working the hardest was none other than Maya herself.
There was no audience in the stalls, and on the stage were a number of men and women — likely the company members themselves — doing light warm-ups and vocal exercises. A few of the children he’d met yesterday were also frolicking about on stage.
One exceptionally tall man on the stage had noticed Bond and the others enter the hall, and spoke up.
“Oh, is that the rumoured theatre master?”
Moran whistled at this unusually grand title.
“Theatre master, eh. A fitting name considering your experience, Bond.”
“Fufu, I’m honoured.”
Bond accepted it with his innate courage and composure. Then, he went onto the stage with Maya, while the other three sat in the stalls at the far end, so as to not stand out and interfere with the rehearsal.
The company members each stopped what they were doing and lined up in wait.
“Everyone, this is Mr Bond, who will be watching our performance today,” introduced Maya.
Right then and there, her voice had become clearer and stronger. A little taken aback by the sudden change in her attitude, Bond took a quick look around the room.
“Hello to you all. I’m looking forward to what you have for me today,” he said solemnly, as he bowed.
“We’ll do our best!” The company members bowed their heads in unison.
From their greeting, Bond could feel the the quality of their bearing, and the strength of their cohesion. Not only that, the tension he himself once felt when he stood on stage came rushing back in waves.
He switched his frame of mind from that of a special agent, to that of an actor, and looked over Maya and her company with an earnest gaze.
“Well then, without further ado, please show me what you’ve got.”
Even though his instructions had been given with no introductory remarks, they asked no unnecessary questions, and jumped straight into preparation. Even though they had only put up plays in cheap theatres, Maya’s company already displayed the high level of professionalism they had developed.
“Miss Maya, what’s the programme for today?” Bond asked, as he moved to the row of seats right in front of the stage.
Maya was also directing Mae and the other children to sit down. “We’re starting with ‘The Red Shoes’, followed by ‘The Little Mermaid’, and lastly, ‘The Little Match Girl’.”
“Hmm, fairytales, I see.”
The unexpected subject matter piqued his interest.
In a time when Shakespeare was all the rage, to perform children’s literature in a proper theatre, and a serious scripted play at that — now this was a bold move.
But as someone who liked to do things unconventionally, that was precisely why their play intrigued Bond. Yesterday’s playful rendition of “The Little Match Girl” was probably inspired by it as well.
Then, the tall man who noticed Bond earlier spoke up.
“Ain’t it interesting? Maya always makes sure to write plays that even us poor dumb folk understand. Today’s script is also entirely her work,” he said cheerfully.
“Weren’t you in charge of creating the play too? You should be able to write at least one decent line of dialogue.”
At the man’s self-satisfied tone, a woman beside him sighed. But he ignored her pointed comment and carried on.
“There were a bunch of people who’d always thought ‘Hamlet’ and ‘Macbeth’ and the like were plain boring; but after Maya broke them down into something easier to follow, they’ve gotten hooked onto Shakespeare.”
“Being able to interpret works in a way that everyone can understand…… A wonderful talent indeed.”
But if you were to put on a proper production of Shakespeare in an unregulated theatre like this, you would be caught by the censors. To avoid that, incorporating music and the like into their productions was a brilliant adaptation on their part.
Bond had said that last part out loud, and the man thanked him for his words of praise. The members of the company had shown their admiration for Maya, but the woman herself took in a deep breath, as if to hide her embarrassment.
In other words, in order to put on a play that everyone could follow, the answer she'd arrived at was “fairytales”. Although it may be the best choice given the short length of the opening act……
“I’m sitting next to Mister Bond!”
“Hey, no fair!”
Bond had been absorbed in thought about the contents of the play. Nearby, the children were scrambling for the best spots. Having won the seat to the left of Bond, Mae asked him a question.
“Mister Bond, do you like ‘fairy tales’?”
That pulled him out of his thought process for a moment, and Mae smiled.
“Yeah. I read them when I was a child.”
“I like them too, because Maya and the rest always read them in a fun way—”
“Me too!” The other children raised their hands and shouted. Reading stories aloud while acting out the roles was indeed a theatrical way of reading to children.
However, Mae immediately pouted in frustration.
“But I really hate that story.”
“……Why is that?”
“The little girl always looks so sad. I tried asking Maya to give it a happy ending, but she just said that we have to ‘respect the intent of the story’ and didn’t listen.”
Her words helped Bond discern the true nature of the incongruity he'd felt.
As Mae had said, all three stories had their protagonists fall into unfortunate circumstances and perish. It was true that many fairytales were cruel, but there were others with happy endings too. Was there some hidden intent behind these choices?
As Bond pondered the new question that surfaced in his mind, Mae leaned in towards him.
“Mister Bond, do you also think it’s important, what Maya said? No matter how sad a story is, can’t we make it happy on our own?”
She asked that question with clear eyes. Bond thought for a few seconds, before responding.
“It’s true that it’s important to understand the intention of the original story. If you change its contents haphazardly, the fans of the story would be upset. I think your sister is the type who would take that very seriously.”
Mae glanced down in disappointment at his level-headed answer, but Bond continued.
“However, if we were all afraid of criticism, then nothing new would ever be made. If you have something you really want to tell others, then I think it’s possible to add a new interpretation to a story. After all, one form of respect is to show the world how you would’ve done it.”
“……Oh I see!”
Mae brightened up, and Bond smiled. Her question was one that had always, and would continue to vex all interpreters of stories. But at the very least, he didn’t want to make a decision on which way was right.
Just as their conversation had come to an end, it seemed the preparations for the performance were now complete.
“Without further ado, let us begin.”
Standing on a platform, Maya gave a bow, and with that the curtain rose.
[1] Leman Street is a little to the north-east of the Tower of London and St. Katharine Docks, and within walking distance of both.
T/N: Is this chapter some meta-level commentary on the series itself?! omg
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