#also i will add a lot of other accessories n stuff!
applejongho · 4 months
the graduation dress 🥰🖤
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strangesem · 1 year
hobie brown x goth!reader
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a/n: I’m not goth but I am alt and borrow from a lot of traditional goth stuff so this request was really exciting for me :,))
requested by @buncom420 !! I’ll do the other one in a different post I just need some more time :)
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first of all if you do goth makeup (full or partial) he thinks it’s so sick
you’d definitely hit it off immediately; I find members of different alternative subcultures mix together well and you two would be no different!
hobie loves how different your style is and how it defies societal expectations/norms
he could watch you get ready for literal hours on end he loves watching you put together clothes, accessories, shoes, etc and pairing it all with matching makeup
side note he definitely sees your makeup as a form of art and treats it as such; he’d probably ask you to teach him how to do individual parts slowly over time so one day he can try to do it for you
he might steal some of your accessories tbh-
but it’s okay bc he’d let you take whatever you want of his until he returns them
although he definitely prefers casual hangout dates he’d be down to see a goth show every once in a while!! alternative subcultures tend to overlap a bit so if he ever hears about a goth event he’d remember to bring it up to you
loves visiting you as spider-punk but there’s definitely some sort of meme out there with a picture of you two that says “goth/punk solidarity” or something lol-
he’s not super into goth music or anything but he will admit he prefers it to mainstream stuff and will learn your favourite songs on the guitar
would also def combine goth/punk elements in a song for you!!
if anyone ever made a distasteful comment about your style he’d definitely tell them to fuck off and stop preaching the establishments bs
if you somehow have similar shoe sizes he would also steal your boots I’m being serious
*if* you’re a spider-person and your suit was also goth inspired?? he thinks you look super cool
would def want to talk about how you integrated certain aspects into your suit
maybe you could even bounce ideas off each other on how to add more stuff to each others suits??
if you know anything about it you should talk to him about different subcultures within the goth community he’d find it really interesting
in return he’d describe different sectors of the punk movement/community!!
I honestly picture hobie dating someone who’s also alt in some way so this is the perfect combination tbh!! and he’d love you sm
reminder that hobie headcanon requests are open!!
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whitexwolfxx310 · 1 year
New Year's Eve (1/2)
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Pairing: Bucky x female reader
Summary: Bucky asks for you to accompany him to a big event. Your response is yes, but only if he'll do the same for you.
Warnings: Y/N, picture fluff x 100...and then add more fluff. Talk of future; families, marriage, etc. Feeling like you're behind on life's milestones. And babies. Lot's of baby stuff in this post!
Word Count: 3700
Gif: Credit goes to @wintersldiers-archieve
A/Ns: This is a New Year's Eve post...Part 1/2. Thank you all so much for reading! If you want to be added to the Taglist, just let me know!
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Previous Part
The chime from the dryer sings it’s ‘all done’ tune. Taking a laundry basket, you open the dryer and pull out the hot, lavender scented towels. You bring the basket over to the kitchen Island counter, using the large flat surface to fold the towels. About two towels in, you notice Bucky. He’s pacing back and forth across the living room. This isn’t typical of him. Normally he’s very calm under pressure so something must be really bothering him. As far as the tightened jawline and lack of expression go, that’s pretty normal.
“Bucky?” You ask, trying to get his attention. He instantly stops in his tracks but still seems distracted.
“Hmm?” He responds. You roll your eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Your tone is soft, encouraging. Getting him to open up has always been one of his downfalls. It has taken almost a year of knowing each other just to etch the very surface that is Bucky.
Sighing, he takes a step forward. “I… have a favor to ask.” His voice sounds… uneasy.
“Yeah, anything. What’s up?” Your hands smooth over the newly folded towel once before giving him your completely undivided attention. It’s easy to tell that he’s not used to asking for something. He normally just handles it himself or has an entire chain of command he has to thoroughly explain himself to. The fact that you would do anything for him, no explanation needed, was something he definitely didn’t expect.
“I mean if we have to hide a body, I can’t know any specific details. If anyone came around here questioning anything my anxiety would take over and I’ll blab everything.” You laugh lightly at your own joke. This doesn’t seem to ease him, so you step around the counter, meeting him in the living room. You place your hand gently against his left elbow. The coolness is something I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of. “What’s going on?” This time, it comes out concerned.
Bucky takes a deep breath, finally being able to look at you. “Ok… here it goes.” Now he’s holding his breath? “I have a… thing to go to. I was wondering if you would be my date?” He asks, still uneasy.
“You don’t have to ask. I’ll be your date to anything.” The response is in complete flattery. Of course I’d be his date… anywhere, anytime.
“That’s the thing…” He starts, his right hand reaching to scratch the back of his head anxiously. “I didn’t know if I would even be back from the mission in time, so I didn’t think to ask you before-“ He's rambling, but you cut him off.
“Hey…” Your voice is softer now, you hand moving from his arm to gently place it on his cheek. “Whatever it is, I’m here for you.” The more this continues getting drawn out, the more nervous you become.
“I have… a military ball this Saturday. I know it’s New Years Eve but I was hoping that you would still say yes?”
“Um. Yes, yes, and did I say, yes?” The excitement in your voice is obvious. Your mind starts instantly racing with a mental checklist of things you’ll need to do in the next few days: Hair, nails, dress with accessories, etc.
“Well… before you say yes.” There’s a catch? “I want to be upfront with you.” Uh huh… open communication, we can talk through it. “It’s for my old division, the 107th.”
“Okay? And?” You’re becoming more confused with each spoken word.
“And…” he sighs. “All soldiers, passed and present are invited. We also honor The Fallen.”
There it is. Now you understand why this was so difficult for him to ask. Not only will Bucky be invited, but Steve, and your father, and your brother Luke will be honored.
“Oh.” Was all you could manage to respond. Bucky is looking around your face, seeing if there’s any indication of uneasiness from you.
“Um… yeah. We can do that.” This time, it didn’t seem as enthusiastic. But, he did look somewhat relieved. “But!” The panic is back on his face as if he were slapped. “Only if you accompany me to something as well?”
“Anything.” He’s trying in the worst way to not seem nervous, but it’s not working. Relationships are about compromise after all, aren’t they?
“I have an event as well.” He visibly relaxes a little. But you’re about to make him uncomfortable again. “I got invited to… a co-ed baby shower. Would you mind… coming with me?” Now you’re the one who is coming across at anxious. This is a stupid question. Of all people, of all events, why would Bucky ever agree to going to something like this?
“Of course.” He agrees, no rebuttal at all. Which is… surprising?
“I need your help shopping for a present too.” You’re smiling, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes, knowing he can’t refuse.
Smiling and then placing a soft kiss on your forehead, he whispers, “Let’s get ready and go.”
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Walking through a mall with Bucky is as entertaining as you thought it would be. It’s as if you sprung your grandpa from the retirement home. His facial expressions as he takes in his surroundings is priceless. The overly large posters from the floor to the ceiling of models in lingerie, young girls walking around in crop tops, the amount of skin and piercings being shown off. It only took about two minutes of being in the building before he focused just to have tunnel vision and ignore the overwhelming culture shock. Not that seeing him uncomfortable was entertaining, but you could just tell he was itching to give the ‘back in my day’ speech.
“Okay. Here we are!” Stopping short, you lock arms with Bucky and turn both of your bodies to the store on the right. The giant periwinkle colored ‘BABY’ sign above the entrance way was intimidating enough. As you go to walk in, he stays in place. You realize you'll have to coax him a little bit. This is a place most women love and every man dreads.
He reluctantly follows you into the store, staying on top of your heels as if he were a child afraid to get separated from their parent. If the giant sign out front wasn’t terrifying enough, the pregnant women, friend groups gushing over how cute it is that a bow matches this onesie, or what does it mean to have different sized bottle nipples, definitely did it.
It’s funny in the sense that this man has gone toe to toe in war, against/for The Avengers, and the Big Three: Aliens, androids, and wizards, and yet, the visual of baby blankets and stuffed animals stops him cold in his tracks.
“You okay?” You ask, nudging him lightly.
Shaking head to snap himself from the unnerving sight, he looks at you giving a small side smile.
“Yeah…” he starts, scratching the back of his head. “I never imagined myself in a place like this.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean…” he sighs. “A family was always something that I wanted, but it wasn’t in the cards for me I guess.” His tone is sad, sorrowful, even regretful.
“Never say never.” You hold onto one on his gloved hands, giving it a small, reassuring squeeze. Not letting the moment linger too long, you return the smile, intertwining your fingers with his. “To the boy department!” You declare.
The amount of all things that is baby is overwhelming to you and this is something you consider exciting. You keep looking at Bucky from the corner of your eye, waiting for the freak out moment. But it doesn’t happen. Even though you’re in what seems like a never ending sea of blue and green puppies, frogs, and dinosaurs, a part of you indulges in the guilty pleasure.
“How about these?” You turn your attention to Bucky, who is now holding a tiny clothes hanger with three separate onesies. Looking at each one, you notice that it stands out from the rest. They’re neutral tones, tan, brown, and off white with different designs of teddy bears.
“Maybe not…” Frowning, he moves to put them back.
“Wait!” You grab his hand holding the outfits. “It’s adorable. I’m just surprised that you picked something, that’s all.”
Bucky shakes his head, smiling. “Everyone always assumes I’m afraid of kids. I love kids, I’m just very cautious around them.” He says, matter of factly. Gazing over his left hand so swiftly that it’s barely noticeable, you realize that he still does not fully trust himself with the vibranium arm. “I will admit though, the amount of stuff you need to have a baby these days is just… wow.” His eyes are constantly shifting between the new and confusing items around the store, focusing on a stroller- car seat combo that is just shy of a thousand dollars.
“Well, I think only one thing could make this even better.” Softly taking the outfits from his hand, you hold them against his chest, making it look as if he were wearing them. “Perfect!” Bucky fakes an overly cheesy smile which sends both of you into a laughing frenzy. “Alright,” You try to be the mature one while trying to suppress the laughs. “just a few more things and we’re all done here.”
Together you pick out a small stuffed teddy bear, a matching blanket and a few miscellaneous items to go with the outfits. Having to explain to him what things were along the way, he was genuinely confused as to what a wipe warmer and sound machine was.
“Is that…” His eyebrows are raised, focusing on what looks like a keurig. “A coffee maker… for babies?”
Grinning, you bite down on your tongue to press back from laughter. “No. It’s a formula machine. It essentially makes the bottles for you.” He’s still staring, bewildered that a tiny human could need something so advanced. “Actually, if you look a little closer…” you take a step forward, pretending to look intensely at the box. “It was manufactured by Stark Industries.”
Bucky’s face falls into a sneer as he realizes you’re just messing with him. “Ha… ha.” He says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
After paying, Bucky picks up the large box of diapers, carrying it on his shoulder and a large paper bag in the other hand. Letting him walk a few steps ahead of you, taking in the sight of him doing something so normal, so mundane and simple. This cannot be the same person that they claim is the deadliest assassin in history. The one who comes home black & blue, covered in freshly sutured lacerations and blood (that’s not always his.) This is the man you know. The one who loves kids and will go shop for a baby shower present with you. The person that, regardless of the day he’s had, will still come home with a smile and be nothing but warm-hearted and kind. The man that has been surrounded by only violence for 80 years and wants nothing more than to come back for welcoming embraces. This can’t be that man.
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Today’s a big day. Not only is it planned with parties from morning until night, it also happens to be New Year’s Eve. Standing at the front door of your friends house, Bucky by your side, you can’t help but feel a tad anxious. It’s been a while since you have really seen any of your friends. The majority of them are engaged, married, starting families. Your relationship is still relatively new, not reaching any of those milestones yet. Do we even want those things? After hitting the doorbell, your hand retreats to underneath the gift box you’re carrying, fingers anxiously tapping the box. Next you’re feeling a gloved hand over yours and a small kiss on the forehead. “It’s going to be okay.” He reassures.
Taking a deep breath, the door suddenly opens and Elena is standing in the doorway. "Y/N!" She screeches, practically jumping out and scooping you to her body. "It's so great to see you!"
You laugh "Same here, Elena. How has everything been?"
"Oh you know, the same old. Except...." She holds out her left hand to show off a giant, teardrop diamond, gold engagement ring embellished with small diamonds around the entire band.
"Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you and Noah!" The tone comes out too high pitched. Of course you're happy for her, but there is an underlying tinge of jealousy. It hasn't even been an entire minute and we're already starting with the life competition that no one asked to be a part of. Elena is still beaming with her newly engaged glow.
"Annnd. Who is this?" She asks with a small smirk, eyeing Bucky up and down. He smiles, holding out his right gloved hand.
"James." Shaking her hand gently. "Nice to finally meet some of Y/N's friends."
"Pleasure." Elena responds with an undertone of flirtation. Bucky continues to smile, keeping the conversation going. Surprisingly.
"Where can we put this stuff down?" He asks politely.
"Oh!" Elena opens the door more, stepping inside. "There's a table in the dining room. You can put them on there for now." She points to the large room on the right.
With a small side smile and nod in response, he walks into the house. How is it that he is just able to go into a new place, with new people, all about to 'ooo' and 'ahh' over baby things so effortlessly? You catch Elena looking at you as Bucky walks past. Her eyes widen when they make contact with yours, smiling brightly, mouthing "Oh my god!!"
Your cheeks instantly blush red as you follow him inside. It doesn't take long for the people inside to start noticing the two of you together. Now you're the one clinging to him like a child afraid to lose their parent. Small whispers, glances, and smiles seem to wave across everyone at the party. Recognizing some from high school, some from college, and even some acquaintances from your older brother, Luke.
The whirlwind of hugs, cordial catching up questions, and introductions already have you exhausted. And it's only been 30 minutes. It doesn't take long until you both get separated from each other. It's only natural for the men to congregate to talk about sports and swapping stories about the good old days over an endless supply of beer. You occasionally glace over at Bucky, nervous to have thrown the White Wolf to the wolves. Ha. But, to your surprise, he doesn't look as uncomfortable as you imagined he would. While his jawline is still tight, he manages to laugh on que and nod in agreeance. It's sort of irritating how nonchalant the men group always tends to be.
For you on the other hand, it's all mimosas, wedding planning, tropical destinations, buying houses, pregnancy, babies, etc. And aside from downing you're third glass of champagne, you can't relate to any of those things. Starting to daydream, the surrounding chatter starts to become indistinct. That is, until you notice the other women looking at you.
"Hmm? Sorry about that." You shake your head trying to regain focus.
"I asked..." Brooke, the celebrated mom to be says "Where did you find that perfect specimen of a man?" The group collectively giggles.
"Oh, at work actually." The response is sort of anticlimactic.
"Well, are they hiring?!" Kelly, the perfect, tan, and bubbly blonde asks. You manage to fake a laugh, but the devil version of yourself on your shoulder is mocking her.
"So....are things serious with you guys?" Brooke continues to probe.
"Um. Yeah. I think so, at least?" It comes out unsure unintentionally. You've never really discussed your relationship in depth outside of Bucky and yourself. You're met with a group of women staring, waiting for you to give more information.
"Well we've been together going on almost a year." You admit, hoping that the small amount of details would suffice. It doesn't.
"You better get him on board and quick!" Kelly chimes in. "Our biological clocks are ticking and you need to catch up!" If there was ever a statement that made you feel like you were so far behind in life in comparison to everyone else, this was it.
"Stop, Kelly." Elena says under her breath, coming to your rescue.
"I didn't mean anything by it!" Kelly's looking around at the others with innocent eyes. "Also, like, what's up with the glo-"
"Time to open some baby stuff!" Brooke's sister, Haley, calls from the kitchen at the perfect moment.
Screeches of excitement surrounded you as all the other women jumped up to rush inside. You decided to hang back with Brooke, her being left behind to waddle in on her own.
The lady of the hour sits in a beautiful white wicker chair decorated with brown, green, and gold balloons and ribbon. Kneeling down, hands relaxed on your thighs, you've taken on the role of handing your friend gifts to open. Everyone makes the typical 'so cute' comments and 'better get your sleep in now' observations as part of the standard baby shower jokes.
Somewhere in the middle, you hand Brooke your gifts from yourself and Bucky. She opens the box, laying the onesies vertically on her stomach and cuddling the teddy bear stuffed animal. Excited that your gift was the one being opened, you search the room for Bucky. He isn't where you lost saw him and the cluster of men seem to have broken into two separate groups.
Finally, you spot him standing off in the corner with his back towards you, talking to Elena's fiancé, Noah. Only when does he turn his body just slightly, you see why his posture was a little awkward. In his arms, Bucky is holding Autumn, Haley's daughter. Autumn is the most well behaved, Gerber looking baby with brown/green hazel eyes and just enough light brown hair to be pulled up with a tiny bow. Bucky is supporting her on his right hip and arm gently around her. He's wearing the most genuine, heartfelt smile as he exchanges simple pleasantries with her.
"Hi, Autumn. I'm James-" He leans in a little closer to her "But you can call me Bucky. Shh. Don't tell anyone, it's our little secret." He laughs a little, his body movements naturally start to sway back and forth. Autumn giggles, showing off her insanely precious and innocent smile. So it's not just Bucky that likes kids, they like him too.
The moment was just too sweet to interrupt. Everything else in the room seemed to drown out except for those two. You can feel your heart swell in your chest, the butterflies fluttering away in your stomach and it suddenly dropping as if you were on a rollercoaster. What is it about men with babies that makes our ovaries literally ache.
Your daydreaming is interrupted as Haley walks over to Bucky with her arms out. "Thank you so much for taking her so I could set up the cake. Autumn?" Haley holds her arms out to take her daughter back, but she curls herself into his chest. "Oh wow. She must really like you!" Haley's outreached arms bend at the elbow, making a surrendering gesture. "Don't have to ask me twice!" She jokes, walking away to help her sister.
The next few hours seemed to fly by with playing embarrassing baby shower games, decorating the mom to be with ribbons and bows from presents, and of course, an adorable jungle themed cake and cupcakes. While it was nice to be around 'normal' people, this way of life seemed so simplistic now. Not to be mistaken for not enjoying the party, but talking about small town changes verses missions, unworldly beings, and constant danger... it feels as though you no longer fit in here.
Your eyes keep searching the room for Bucky. He's always off somewhere new playing with Autumn. First she fed (and when I say 'fed', I mean shoved) a cupcake into his face. They then moved onto blocks and puzzles on the floor. Last, but certainly not least, Autumn is probably the only girl in the world who could get Bucky to sit on the floor, crisscrossed style, with a crown on his head listening to Baby Shark on repeat. And he was entertained every second along the way.
Heading out the door, you feel a light tug on your hand. You turn to find Brooke smiling. She leans in close enough just for the two of you to hear. "I'm happy for you, Y/N. Truly. He seems like one of the good ones. Don't let him go." She winks, giving you a small, awkward hug goodbye from her belly creating some distance between the two of you.
Bucky was walking behind you but abruptly stopped to give Autumn one last big hug. "Bye bye, Key!" She called as she waved at the front door, watching you two leave.
The ride home was quiet, but the atmosphere was filled with pure happiness. For you, getting to spend time with your friends was long overdue. Bucky got to meet some of the people in your life that were more accepting of him, but you know in your heart that Autumn made his day. The two of them instantly clicked and it was as if they were the only people in the room.
"--Thanks, Sunshine." Bucky says, apparently talking but you didn't hear him from being wrapped up in the daydream of seeing how happy he was.
Bucky laughs. "I was just saying that I had a nice time. Thanks for letting me tag along."
"Oh. Anytime." His hand reaches over the console of the car, gripping your hand lightly in his.
"Now..." He starts, "Round two. Let's go get dolled up for this ball."
Taglist: @peaches1958 @aquabrie @elsie-bells @pono-pura-vida @redbloodedgurl @almosttoopizza @beware-my-thorns @prettylittlepluviophile @annoyinglythoughtfuldestiny @calwitch @ozwriterchick @roofwitty779 @lessersole @agoddoesnotplead @lil-darhk
Next part
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blocksandthings · 1 year
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finally got around to doodling my hc designs for these guys :)
(more ramblings under the cut bc i can’t shut up abt them 💀)
- gil has a lot more scars than the others (smaller scars don’t really last unless you wait for a while before healing em with medicine or magic) - most of the early ones on his arms n shit come from training (not allowed to heal himself bc of “discipline” and shit like that) but later ones come from tanking hits for the other two and using his magic on them over himself (he has one that he deliberately chose to keep - a scar on his cheek that mirror’s chip’s from loffinlot that he got from the duel)
- chip’s main scars are the top surgery ones (trans chip my beloved), the one on his left cheek (from the bald men encounter 💀) and two other ones that he got from the duel (he keeps em as a reminder and bc they look cool 😐 - both resemble some of gil’s triton marks)
- jay doesn’t have many noticeable ones but she has a TON on her hands n shit from tinkering - she has a couple burn scars on her arms (from fighting her dad) and a single one over her nose (also from her dad- resembles gil’s markings too bc i can do that. they all match ok)
- early campaign gil had a lot of jewelry (particularly earrings) bc in the undersea it was a status/religious symbol (see: sun/moon earrings) and they made him feel connected to his culture - later on he keeps most of them but gives the important ones to the others (jay ends up with the sun one to match gil’s moon and chip gets the Moist Bond ring lmao) (gil ends up getting more piercings too in order to match the others) bc while he still loves his culture and wants to remember it he also recognizes the unhealthy expectations and abuse he went through as a kid and wants to redefine himself
he doesn’t wear much jewelry but keeps the ring from the b.l.o.c.k. on a necklace. also he has a little friendship bracelet from ollie (they made them together)
- early campaign chip only really has the axe earring but adds more as the campaign goes on (read: he steals more from the others, taking gil’s earrings and jay’s bracelets. they either let him or don’t notice) - he gets piercings to match with the others (eyebrow for jay, nose ring for gil, double ear piercings to fit more earrings) bc it’s just a Pirate Thing and has tattoos representing them on his back :)
he wears some jewelry?? mostly the earrings, but there’s some rings n stuff (along with bracelets stolen from jay)
- jay originally had no piercings (navy standard was no jewelry with some exceptions) but it’s a Big Thing for pirates (crews often had matching accessories and sharing shiny stuff was a sign of trust and respect - see: chip getting them all to match and stealing from them) so she originally only got her ears pierced. after the block (first time at allport) she got her eyebrow piercing (along with the tattoos) to take her mind off everything and “officially” make herself part of the crew (since chip got his too at the time) and later gets snakebites (mimics gil’s big teef)
she really likes necklaces n has some smaller ones but also wear simple bangle bracelets (she doesn’t mind chip stealing em bc they kinda get in the way of working on projects)
- in the undersea + early campaign gil kept his hair fairly short? the elders would make him cut it (for battle purposes) but he really liked playing with long hair and doing stuff with his hands (edyn let him braid her hair and he got really good at it eventually) he kinda let it grow out after being exiled (never found the time and didn’t particularly trust anyone to cut it for him) and he ties it up in a tight bun/ponytail - later he starts cutting it back (around shoulder length) and lets jay do it usually, keeping the bun but letting some out (half-up/half-down) bc he’s letting himself be a bit more unrestricted (also means he can do fun braids and stuff) and finding a middle-ground between his old, restricted identity as champion and new identity as a pirate
- early campaign chip kept his hair super short (yes the buzzcut counts but i don’t like it) bc he was really dysphoric about it :( (it usually looked really shitty bc he cut it himself with a sword 💀 but eventually he lets gil do it (he’s too scared to give jay that much power over him)) - later he’s become more comfortable with himself and his identity and lets it grow out (mullet era) but it’s still kinda choppy and messy bc that’s how he is. he has a couple small braids in his bangs (courtesy of gil) bc he likes em
- early campaign jay kept her hair pretty long but often tied it up in a tight bun (navy standard) but stopped doing that after joining chip (she ended up tying it up in a ponytail, tho, bc she was more used to that) - after the fight with her dad (b.l.o.c.k.) she cuts it back a ton, keeping it around shoulder-length (just long enough to let gil play with it. he likes braiding and she likes the feeling, win-win. she doesn’t let chip within 5 feet of them when they do this tho bc she does not trust him to not ruin it) but has an undercut that shows whenever she ties it up - (like this)
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robbery-dollie · 2 months
No, I am NOT with the IPC. EW.
“Can you like, shut the fuck up? I didn’t come here to listen to bullshit. Either get to the point or zip it, you’re wasting my time.”
An impulsive, spontaneous young woman who refuses to be affiliated with any faction in particular. She chooses to pursue her own wants in the world rather than let anybody else control her. Garnet has her own agenda and isn’t shy about it. She has a lot of sass, and doesn’t tend to take disrespect from others. She doesn’t care about what status you have, she’ll treat everyone the exact same. She is also a well-known info-broker who knows too much about things she shouldn’t. 
AGE: Adult, unspecified. 
PATH: The Hunt. 
I am working on her document! It's almost done.
Garnet identifies as a lesbian. 
She is single. 
Garnet adores shopping, jewelry, accessories, and anything girly. She will agree to share information if you take her shopping first. Prepare to have your life savings depleted, though. She's a massive gossip and loves listening in on things.
She is great with people, with a rather charismatic and bubbly exterior. However, when faced with aggression, she’s quick to get into a fight. Garnet is great at being passive aggressive with people who blatantly disrespect her, if not being outright mean to them back. She has a generally fiery and lively personality. 
Garnet presents herself as a self-interested person who is in it only for herself. She loves shopping, especially if it’s with someone else’s budget. It’s been a running gag between her and Aventurine to see how much of his money she can waste. 
Garnet does care for others, she just doesn’t show it well. She has a rather dark past and struggles with being honest and vulnerable with other people. However, she loves heartfelt gifts and will probably adore you to bits if you get her something. 
She knows multiple ‘high-ups’ in the IPC like Topaz, Jade, and Aventurine, yet refuses to join them. She strongly hates the notion of being controlled, and will easily be pissed off if someone treats her as subhuman even though she is a doll. 
robbery & fraud . 👠 | for in character posts & reblogs
shopping agenda . 🛍️ | for random thoughts
my time is money . 💲 | for answering asks
credit card? credit card! . 💳 | for interactions with ipc members
shoplifting god . 🎀 | for interactions with canon characters
some snacks? 🪞 | for interactions with ocs
sewing & design . 🪡 | for interactions with jade
girl, yes! . 💎 | for interactions with topaz
mister moneybags . 💰 | for mentions/interactions with aventurine
flesh in the joints . 🌷 | for writers/starting bits.
the puppeteer . 🎭 | ooc!
I am a minor & they/them prns.
OC & OC interaction is encouraged!
I don’t bite, if you wanna rp a specific situation you’re free to! 
I sometimes get wordy with my replies. Author stuff 😔- no pressure to match my energy!
I respond quickly most of the time. Yes, I’m chronically online. Help.
I love interacting with anybody. Feel free to send stuff into the inbox!
Will add onto this later. 
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c4ndytr4p · 11 months
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(a/n: @dojathascammer did this first, credits to her 😋🤞🏾i may do a part two idk-)
characters: malleus, riddle, azul, vil
dedications to @weepingparadisepanda & @dojathascammer
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- he finds them pretty because of how they look. i can imagine him asking if they’re hard to do. he’s curious about protective hairstyles, it’s malleus.
- sometimes he does like it when you just get your original hair color, but he really likes color; helps him ✨spice up his black and white world✨ (speaking from his perspective)
- he’s careful during the takedown process because of his sharp ass nails. you don’t blame him. he’s just courteous.
- even lilia finds them pretty! :D
- he likes to add accessories sometimes, and you don’t mind (as long as he asks to touch first)
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- simple. as all things should be. he’s not exactly basic, just… ✨minimalistic✨ in a way. i mean, he’s not pushy about it, he’s just plain and simple. and you understand.
- he has so many questions like: “how do you grow your hair that long? Is it some kind of-“ you giggle at him and explain how the braiding process works. he’s rigorously taking notes to understand. besides… he hasn’t seen our side of the mirror. yet?
- if you get color, sometimes riddle will like it, but majority of the time, he finds it off putting because just like his mom (sorry don’t hate me) he likes things a certain way.
- during the takeout process, this boy is screaming and dying, because of the braiding hair (that he mistakes for your real hair sometimes, based off a true story) thinking that your hair is falling out somehow. but you have to reassure him.
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- he loves seeing your hair in its natural state, in his eyes, it reminds him of ocean waves before he was accepted into NRC. he tends to not touch it unless he has specific permission. we stan a gentleman (somewhat).
- he does like a pop of color from time to time, but he loves it in its simplicity. especially when you accessorize it.
- floyd and jade seem curious as well. but azul tends to get snappy because you’re his partner <3
- jade seems to be the most curious. he tends to ask a lot of questions and stuff. you do your best to answer.
- azul’s not mad about wash day, despite it being a hassle sometimes if you don’t have the right stuff
(Fun fact, the face claim to the right is actually Lilith Koval from me and my friends original series He Saved Me!)
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- he finds them beautiful because of the little baby hairs that poke out of each braid. he loves it when you have color as well, it helps him coordinate your outfits. (you have a shared closet with him 💀)
- he also likes accessories! like those cute puka shells or those golden hair clips that you can put on.
- if you get color in your braids, he’s raving about for weeks at a time. the other members of pomefiore have to cover their ears. (especially epel)
- he’s kinda sad during the takedown process, because it’s all that beauty just ✨vanishing✨, but you reassure him maybe next summer he can try to learn protective styles. :D
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friendshipsbracelet · 4 months
HAIII KAYDEN!! 🖤 bittersweet shimmer, cinnbar, deep red, & wine red for matthew for the ask game!! ^_^
Bittersweet Shimmer: How does your f/o feel about romance movies and all those subgenres under it? Do they have any favorites for Valentine's Day?
ok so...matthew is a HUGE musical geek..theater is his major after all...!!! but i think when him and kayden watched a romantic movie and or musical he tried acting normal and like pshh so cheesy..until being like oh my gahhh and being super into it and stuff!!!! all it took was like one song or montage and he was in it :3!! but he would like romance especially if its dramatic and tragic ( he likes happy films but the drama!!!!! makes him happy!!! ) he would enjoy like stuff like la la la land I heard its romantic, a musical and TRAGIC sometimes its perfect for him!!!!!!!!!!!! he would also like a bit of romantic horror or whatever but not as much!!! plussss if hes watching it with kayden he has an excuse to like put his arm around him and be all romantic heehee he would like it overall and its even better if it has songs : D hmmm for kayden she likes romance but cant help but get nervous and into it as well while watching them she will panic if there's movie conflict!!!!! she likes watching them too to get cool romantic ideas for her and matthew ( its her first relationship shes trying! ) she likes seeing him get into it a lot and have wide eyes when things happen in the movie and he acts so lovey during it :3! kayden likes drama but cant help but go crazy watching it so she more likes happy go lucky romance movies even better if its really awkward and silly!!!!!!!!
Cinnabar: If you had matching couple items, what would it be? Would it be matching accessories, matching stuffed animals, etc?
omg! they accidentally match already like kayden having a stripped shirt like him n stuff ( which i didn't mean to add when designing XP ) but they would have matching jewelry mostly!!! a lot of matching necklaces or bracelets!!! not like with each others names but just small things that remind them of each other like kayden having a red bracelet vs matthew having a bracelet with pretty stars on it!! if they were to have some other kind of matching jewelry it would be like those little half heart necklaces!!!!! :D!!!! i think kayden would give him matching stuffed animals since his room feels so serious to her O_O ( she just has a cozy room lul.. ) so she would get him like a little wolf stuffed animal and he would get her little lamb/sheep ones :D!! ( woah wolf in Sheeps clothing reference sorry...lol ) she loves getting him like little emo wolf stuffed animals :D!!! technically they have matching piercings!! kayden wears little star earrings sometimes which matthew may wear sometimes ^_^ heehee they don't super duper match but when it happens its super cute :p ( does sharing eyeliner count? )
Deep Red: How affectionate would you consider your f/o? How about you with your f/o?
WELL matthew hasnt had a girlfriend in like 10 years this is first real relationship or that's what kayden says so hes VERY VERY nervous and such!!! i think he would want to be soooo affectionate and romantic and slick even ( get it ? :3 ) i think afterawhile his confidence appears and he would be touchy and dramatic!!! i think its not like hes touchy 24/7 but i do think he would love holding her hand when standing next to each other and just always touching her in a way ( hand on shoulder, finger touching back you know!! ) i don't even think he realizes he does it till kayden squeezes his hand back when holding it :3!!! i think he would be the one to make all the lovey first movies like first one to kiss!!! kayden would be super lovey but not romantic if that makes sense! he would be super huggy and squeeze him like a stuffed animal haha :D!! she also likes holding his hand too all the time too but usually he does it so quick that she doesn't even need to do it lol!!! shes very huggy and clingy compared to him just being dramatically romantic and kissy ahhh stop dipping your boyfriend down to kiss her!!!! shes gonna fall out ur arms O.o ( just kidding XP ) also kayden gets super nervous to kiss him first but when they start hugging and being lovey she may do it and he loves it : )!!!! ahhh yay!!
Wine Red: What kind of nicknames/pet names do you use for each other? Are there any nicknames/pet names either of you get annoyed/dislike being called by.
hmm!! kayden calls him matthew usually...she thinks matt sounds weird and only uses it when talking to others sometimes like oh yeah me and matt blah blah! she also calls him patel as a silly thing when talking to others and calls him patel too when they are all romantic and lovey!! he likes it since it makes him sound cool!!! sometimes she would call him matty as a joke and teasing thing and he would be so annoyed by it since it sounds so silly! but deep down he thinks its cutey so after awhile it becomes an acceptable nickname!!!!!! shes nervous to call him any other petname but she will use sweetie sometimes if hes upset like bwahh ;_;! its ok sweetie :3! its a rare thing and has only happened like once.... matthew usually calls her of course by her name kayden..which doesn't have any nicknames and he wouldn't really call her by it O_O lol BUT he would call her sooooo many silly petnames and nicknames :D!! ( hes a dramatic lover ok! ) he would use every petname in the book happily the more weirdly dramatic the better! like hey darling ^_^!!! hes a bit nervous to use such sweet nicknames but after awhile of dating it just happens lol he would MAYBEEE use baby i guessss maybe....RARELY BUT KAYDEN will not use babe ONLY for a joke..! matthew would try to be soo slick and he would call her lots of strange nicknames like doll and be like okayy dollface -_- ( ITS HIS INNER THEATER MAJOR!! DONT JUDGE HIM!! ) he would call her a lamb and or sheep ( he associates that animal with her for soo many reasons and also puppies..but those r more important ) and stuff HE WOULD MOST IMPORTANTLY THE MOST IMPORTANT NICKNAME!! ANGEL!!! he would call her angel sooo much and say you ok angelface ^_^ :3 he loves calling her that since that's what she is duh!!!
ty for sending these this was super duper fun to do!!!!!!!!!!!!! yayyy :3
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ashyslashyy · 6 months
theres a local con i wanna go to again this year (its the one i went to as ash a while ago) and i wanna do a new costume bc i wanna do the contest again but i am so torn between these. help.
pros & cons for each:
amanda young:
easy outfit (im gonna do red shirt & cargo pants i think)
it would be fun to make the cloak
i can make it fun & add fishnet gloves and a studded belt and other things i wear a lot
easy makeup
very recognizable
i can go crazy with the fake blood
its gonna be partially based on one of her dbd outfits so i can have some of my dbd stuff with me and meet other dbd fans ^_^ like how i was ash last year and got a cool picture with a dwight cosplayer
least strange looking outfit if we have to go somewhere else to get food again
i could bring a little billy with me....
i have to try to make a reverse bear trap which, while fun, would be very difficult
i would get she/her'd even more than usual
gabriel may:
easy outfit that i already have basically all of
it would be a very fun stage performance cause i can walk backwards n shit
i already have a wig i could use for him
id like to make his weapon and i could get it 3d printed but also i wanna make everything myself BUT idk how i would make it
the mask for the back would once again be fun to make but idk how the fuck id do it
there might be like 2 people who know him
chop-top sawyer:
outfit that is both somewhat simple (base shirt & pants should be pretty easy to find) but allows for a lot of fun crafting and customization if i want
pretty much all his accessories i can make myself which would be super fun
another one that would be fun to do on stage for the contest. hes a freak
he has a bad in the movie that i can replicate so i have something to carry my shit
i already have a southern accent (albeit not a texan one)
somewhat recognizable??? horror fans tend to know him
id have to settle for him with the wig. sorry bill moseley but im not shaving my head bald for that
im kinda short and have way too much of a babyface to pull that off
can you imagine what my parents would say when im like "ok time to go" and i look like that
also yes i have considered herbert west too. hes fun and i already have a cosplay of him BUT that one is very hair dependent & i wanna do something that i can make props/costume pieces for
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Okay okay, its been a while since I requested a matchup so sorry if i forget something! I dont mind both helluva and hazbin, i like both <3
Online I go by Dead or just D, I am not comfortable with my irl name and am still trying to figure it out
My pronouns are they/she, I'm still trying to find the right label for what I'm into though. I like everybody to sum it up tho!
I'm an INFP-t
I really like cats (I've got six), the colors blue and black, skeletons, cards/dice (i have some cool jewelry with card symbols n stuff) drawing, reading/writing and watching cartoons.
I've got diagnosed with ADD/ADHD though I'm more tired than hyper, but if you get me talking about something im interested in I could talk your ear off
I try really hard to be consious of how other people feel so I tend to back up if I can tell someone isn't enjoying the conversation/what we're doing. I also really try hard to include others in what I'm currently blabbing about by asking them questions 'cause I know what it's like to not have a say in a convo.
In terms of my appearence, I'm afab, and I'm sadly well endowed, it causes me some back issues. But on the bright side they make good pillows for friends!!
I've got short blonde hair that i dye black and i tend to wear loose clothes that are a few sizes too big. I usually tend to wear all black non gendered clothes (I'm goth) and if i feel like getting dolled up I'll wear a dress and accessories!
I need glasses cause my long distance sight is shit 💀💀💀
In terms of humor? I like making dirty jokes or dark jokes. Like, my fave dark joke is "my grandfather told me i was too reliant on technology. So i called him a hypocrite and unplugged his life support"
But yeah!! Thanks for taking the time to read this <3
I pair you with…
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~ Hi Dead! Omg so I had these done two days ago, then I looked up what a charcuterie board was out of curiosity… bro it was completely finished, I didn’t save it as a draft, and lost my progress because I. Wanted to look. At pictures of charcuterie boards. Anyway I like charcuterie boards 🤭
~ Okay! So Blitzo was first that came to mind when I read about you. Firstly, y’all give off the extrovert adopts introvert trope. Except, it’s more like vague kidnapping than adopting. One meeting and you’re friends for life, no exceptions.
~ Blitzo’s favourite quality in a partner is someone who enjoys his sense of humour. This is a little bit because of his past in the circus. He not only loved that you understand and laugh at his jokes, but when you add on to them!
~He’s awful at communicating. The way you listen and genuinely show an effort in gaging his mood and engagement really means a lot to him, he notices. Blitzo works really well with someone who is patient and good at communication, because he’s lacking in that department, and you help him learn.
I pair you with…
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~ This is another extrovert adopts introvert, but much less extreme. Asmodeus is interested in you, and he finds excuses and ways to see you again. If he notices the same interest is reciprocated, he’ll slowly integrate himself into your life and become a constant.
~ Loves listening to people talk. Will let you talk his ear off about your interests, and will never lose focus. Is completely invested from start to finish. Will literally sit there smiling with his heads in his hands kicking his feet.
~ Additionally, he digs that you’re so attentive in conversations. Asmodeus has a tendency to let himself become a listener when he’s in romantic relationships, mostly because he just genuinely enjoys listening to his partners speak and is such an invested listener. It’s a welcome change of pace that you’re constantly ensuring it’s a back and forth conversation, and how conscious you are of his feelings and attention. He reciprocates these efforts tenfold.
~ Super domestic. Will watch cartoons with you in a blanket pile on the couch for hours. Favourite thing is to make unique charcuterie boards and start a show together. This prompted me to go and look at pictures of fucking cheese last time.
~ Can be content with just admiring you while you draw.
~ Loves your sense of humour. Especially loves when he says something dirty to flirt, and you clap back with something super dark. It always catches him off guard, and it takes a lot to leave him speechless. He adores it.
I pair you with…
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~ Loves your aesthetic.
~ “Omg I have a goth partner” type beat.
~ Unsure the trope of you guys meeting, but I had ideas for your relationship dynamic. Cherri uses you to recharge her social battery. After a long day, all she wants to do is come home to you and just rest. She’ll definitely text often throughout the day, but when she comes home she always beelines to the couch to make a next of pillows and blankets so you can watch cartoons together.
~ The ultimate cat sitter. Immediately once she hears you have cats she’s at your place. Is she with you for you or the cats? No one knows. It’s you. Don’t be surprised if you come home one day, and she’s just… there, with your cats.
~ If she finds cool jewelry that reminds her of you she’ll send you a selfie holding it next to her head, with a “?” text following to see if you want it. Sometimes it’ll be from cool little shops, but sometimes you can see the wreckage of a turf war in the background and you know she’s just looting people.
~ You both have the same sense of humour, it’s like you guys mesh so well. I imagine conversations between you go so well, you’re super excitable and somehow always find something to talk about. Every day is exciting.
Alternate pairing…
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hestiashand · 1 year
Drop those team taka head cannons
omg i adore team taka altho i feel i don’t even have the most particularly interesting headcanons for them LOL a lot of them will be design headcanons bc thats what i normally think of as an artist hehee uhm.. i’ll start with suigetsu bc i love suigetsuuuuu
for suigetsu as shown in my drawing of him from today i like the thought of him dying the tips of his hair blue….. the way the anime shades his hair is far too cool to accept it’s shading and not act like those are dyed tips….
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[ ID: two screenshots of suigetsu. END ID. ]
like cmonnnnn the blue tips are the coolest thing in the world. it is NOT shading TO ME ☝️☝️☝️☝️ also i didn’t draw this in my recent suigetsu bc i forgot when i was drawing it 😢😢 but i do imagine he has scabs on his lips and around his mouth often from accidentally biting his lip T.T sometimes i bite too hard and draw blood i can only imagine having sharp teeth and doing that T.T also he wears smudged eyeliner. uh this ones maybe kinda obvious but to me he doesn’t have much of a sense of boundaries and doesn’t have much shame in his body so T.T being his roommate would be a constant battle to make sure he walks around the apartment in *some* clothes. like by everything holy just *something*
this one is absolutely not based at all but it’s my brain and i can do to jūgo as i please with it ☝️☝️ and i like to imagine jūgo likes to wear accessories on his head a lot. like hair clips, hats, maybe he starts growing it out a bit more and ties parts of it up. it catches little birdies attentions more too which he enjoys and is a bonus other than it just being cute to me. to me he’s also the friend that carries around a big bag to hold everyones shit in when they get tired of carrying their own stuff. like yeah man just toss it in… it adds nothing i already have anything you could imagine in here anyways. y’know y’know. most of my jūgo headcanons are not based at all ajksjsjss i’m sorry but i also like to imagine he might pick up smth like woodworking/carving maybee knitting/crotchet (but i lean most towards wood carving) to keep himself distracted and occupied. less likely to have episodes and intrusive thoughts for him. obviously doesn’t stop everything but it helps the tiniest but plus it’s fun :) i think if he were to do carvings and stuff he’d give like a few to his friends if it was smth they specifically liked but i think he kinda likes and prefers to just leave them around, to either be lost to time or be found by someone else! i think he has lots of scars on his hands and knuckles— between the wood carving and his rampages i think his hands take quite the damage. and y’all know i like scars so i ignore any jutsu that may deter scar creation so to me he defo gets scars. except suigetsu’s jutsu actually.. i dont think suigetsu gets scars at all.
i like to imagine karin with a bunch of neat kind of earrings. anything fun/funky. also she has one industrial piercing too to me.. sasuke has two of them but karin had one before she knew sasuke did 😭😭 just a coincidence she swears she swearssss. this one would like.. technically be canon anyways in the first half but bc of all the bite marks she has n stuff her skin would be suuuper bumpy… i think she probably doesn’t like people touching her cause strangers/non team taka end up commenting on how gross it is T.T she prolly wears long sleeves as much as she can. which i rlly don’t know much about boruto but i think long sleeves in that one is canon too. i like to work with out of canon clothings so even then if i end up starting a karin fashion board it would have strictly long sleeve outfits in it. also i like to imagine her with some vocal tics. i dont imagine her with tourettes but just a small tic disorder. i think she mostly does like clicking sounds and hums… not any words or anything :) also i feel like her eyesight is just constantly getting worse and worse. i imagine she’s legally blind but still it gets worse. when she’s older like maybe her 50s or 60s she goes blind and just relies on only sensing ppls chakra to know who’s around w/o asking. i mean she heavily relies on that anyways even when she does have eyesight.. i like to just think she uses it a lot instead of straining her eyes when her prescription starts changing.
uhm and for sasuke some more team taka centred headcanons instead of just some hcs in general… i mean i’ll just state the obvious here because soooo many ppl tend to ignore this but. team taka are sasukes best friends…. not the rest of the konoha 12… so jot that one down. i feel like even when they branch off and do their own thing (again idk anything about boruto none of that is canon to me akshjshsjsjs so don’t be like “uhmm well actually 🤓🤓”) they like to keep in contact. even if not often they’ll send messages. i like to think if they’re aware they’re gonna end up being somewhere near-ish the others they’ll all go out of their way to pay a visit. uh also i DONT think this actually happened like it’s not a headcanon of mine but i do think the thought of suigetsu being sasukes first (very short term) bf is a funny thought…. it does not last tho cause anytime they’re tryna talk about sweet things and their thoughts sasuke just talks about naruto T.T again i dont actually headcanon that happening but it is a funny thought to me… uhm also i don’t particularly think there’s a moment in which this would end up happening but i do think that out of all of team taka sasuke trusts jūgo the most to just… have a personal conversation with. like he doesn’t go out of his way to ever talk about personal shit with him, but i think if a situation were to come up in which he had to/felt like he needed to i think jūgo would be the one he’d go to c:
most importantly no matter how much they do argue with each other team taka does all love eachother.. and they certainly stay friends for life. even if they don’t talk much i think they will all always consider them a group of friends that they can just send messages to without the thought of it being strange after it being so long. it doesn’t even have to be some kind of important message either. just a little random message whenever they think of it.
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hi! i really like dexx's design, its super cool. props to the mod for the art
Honestly the design was completely based on me but like. 6% cooler (/hj)
♤I do dress alt quite often- but I don't have a harness/accessory for my chest area- which I find makes it look kinda bland. So I tried to find some accessories and saw that! (I do layer a few necklaces+ a choker sometimes though) actually I was thinking of getting something like what Dexx wears
♤And the two "belts"(?) are inspired by scene/emo aesthetic where people will sometimes layer belts.
♤The garters(?) Are actually inspired by some that I own! Just thicker and more stylized.
♤The combat boots I had to hold back on their design- 'cause as much as I enjoy platforms and demonia boots n stuff- I can't be drawing such detailed boots everytime + that wouldn't be very efficient on the battlefield.
♤The hair, well- my hair is half shaved, and I plan to be getting my hair shaved like Dexx's soon- I've had the idea for a while now.
♤The peircings: I've got my ears pierced x3 on each lobe. I don't have my lip pierced nor fo I plan on it- but I think it suited the design, and I also found it didn't look busy enough in that area of the face.
♡I've always been a fan of asymmetry, hence the gloves.
♤For the silhouette, I personally often love giving myself a triangle or inverted triangle silhouette when I get dressed
Ex. Muscle shirt+ baggy joggers +big boots or giant hoodie+ shorts, I like for it to not look the same all throughout the character!
♤Also, now that I think of it- the outfit is definetly semi inspired by Galo Thymos' outfit from promare.
♤I personally wear lots of black (-big surprise, I know) but I knew I couldn't have the whole outfit be black cause obviously we need team colors- and I'm actually quite happy with color placement! Some things were already planned out (Goggles' lenses and pants) but others (boot laces) were not. I had to fiddle with it during the coloring stage.
To add onto that, I left the pants looked kinda boring- so I took inspiration from the way Pyro's pants(?) Are dirty and did that too!
Sorry for the rant- hope you were ready for that lol
I may have gotten a little excited ww
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kiriiqt · 2 years
Hello! I'm new here, but I must say that I'm having a good time on your blog, and I specially like the Ather theme!! I don't know how to properly request something, but, if you don't mind... I was wondering if you could write modern headcanons for Lumine, please? I hope you have a nice day 🤍
modern au lumine headcanons
- random modern au headcanons for lumine regarding her style, behaviour, hobbies and life overall!
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characters: lumine (modern au)
a/n: I'm glad you’re enjoying my blog, and thank you for your request! i’m not entirely sure if you mean modern lumine in general, or the format i used for xiao and aether, but i chose to just write general headcanons (the profile format is coming up though, so if that’s what you meant, no worries). feel free to send another request if i misunderstood anything! also, as something new, i tried to add pictures. links at the bottom of the post.
warnings: none!
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Sidenote; my modern au “vision”, if you could call it that, has the twins in highschool, but these can also apply to them in college or overall. I’ll just be referring to school related things. I sorted them into categories bc why not.
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I view modern au Lumine as someone pretty confident and bold, but also kind of quiet. She’s a bit of a hothead at times, especially when she’s passionate about something, but knows how to pick her battles. Actually, she’s pretty in tune with her own emotions, and knows how to calm herself down and think rationally.
She’s an ambivert, and can work with most people, but prefers to keep a small and close circle of friends. She’s also more outwardly protective of people than her brother is.
Also, the travelers can both be little shits, so Lumine is not above playing small pranks and sassing people. She’s mastered the deadpan expression, and only Aether can beat her in sarcasm.
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Closet reveal
Her style is comparable to tech wear, but the more alternative/street fashion inspired one, if that makes sense. So lots of cargo pants, buckles, boots, and those layered two-piece crop tops. It’s mostly black, with some grays and purples.
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However, on the other end of the scale, she likes to wear more casual clothes. This is especially for moments where pulling up like you just stepped out of a dystopian sci-fi movie adaption isn’t appropriate. Regular-fit jeans, big sweaters, loose button-ups and t-shirts are staples for her. She mostly wears light tones, like white, gray, blue, green, and occasionally purple. All jewelry suits her, but she prefers silver, only sticking to gold when she needs some contrast in her outfit. She has simple accessories, like pearl hair clips and small necklaces. Flowers are common themes there.
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Again, Lumine is an ambivert, she’s a solid 50/50 when it comes to her social life. She can appreciate her own company just as much as she can appreciate others’. She’s really popular in school, but I feel like it’s a case of “a lot of people are friends with Lumine, but Lumine isn’t friends with a lot of people”. What I mean is, she’s naturally nice and when you get past her slightly intimidating appearance, she’s super easy to get along with and eager to help - so a lot of people know her and like her. She prefers to have a few close friends. She’s also busy, so it’s hard for her to maintain contact with most people.
Xiangling is her best friend, and they hang out almost every day. They usually cook together, watch anime (slice of life or horror), go on walks and take photos. They have a scrapbook that they share, and when they haven’t seen each other for a while, they can easily spend a day updating it. The scrapbook is fairly new, but they’ve been doing similar stuff since they met (first week of middle school).
By extension, she’s quite close with Chongyun and Xinqiu as well; all 4 of them hang out once a week minimum, and she works out with Chongyun. Her and Xingqiu like to debate for fun (and they both suffer over homework together)
She’s known Hu Tao since they were kids (they were on the same gymnastics team), and they just stuck together, so they’re almost like siblings. Equally crazy about sports, and they play on the same basketball team.
She’s cool with some of Aethers’ friends as well, namely Xiao and Albedo. Also, she doesn’t actually hate Venti, they just love to bully each other (lovingly).
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Lumine is actually pretty athletic and has been on multiple competitive teams; She did competitive boxing for a short while, but stopped due to an injury. She picked it up again casually after recovering. As a child, she did gymnastics and track until the end of middle school, which is how she met Hu Tao and Xiangling. She plays on the school basketball team, and loves running as well.
She got into cooking and photography because of Xiangling.
She’s really into the sciences and learning about how the world works, and she watches a lot of lectures online. She’d like to pursue a career in STEM one day, but it would have to be a flexible one.
She loves to travel, and plans to take a gap year after school to go see the world. She also hopes that whatever she decides to study and work as will allow her to travel around.
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Various likes and dislikes
Ironically, her least favorite class is physics, mainly due to the workload (and also, the stuff they do in high school just isn’t all that interesting to her)
She prefers math class, because she works more efficiently, and unlike English, she doesn’t risk getting stuck in a back and forth analytical debate.
She's not a big fan of tea or coffee.
She prefers spicy food.
Her music taste is varied, but I’d say she likes bands like mother mother, paramore, palaye royale and måneskin, among others.
If she had to choose between writing an essay on a book or doing a math exam, she’d choose the math exam.
She strongly dislikes having long hair, which is why she cuts it quite often.
Her favorite season is spring, specifically when the first flowers start to break through.
Her favorite candy is sugar frosted slime.
She prefers rainy weather.
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Random facts
While Aether was obsessed with slimes as a child, Lumine was obsessed with geovishaps; she has an old wallet shaped like one from a zoo (I think that in a modern au, certain creatures like geovishaps are extinct, like dinosaurs in real life), and she knows an excessive amount of random facts about them
The main cast are active twitter users, and Lumine mostly uses hers to roast Venti or post photos of her cats. Her header is a photo of her and Xianling holding hands, and her icon is one of her cats who’s named Aria.
Her and Aether have 3 cats; Aria, Sonnet and Canon.
Lumine sometimes helps out in Xiangling’s family’s restaurant and refuses payment for it, but her parents find a way to pay her back anyway.
She has the most cursed camera roll that you’ll ever see - she never cleans it out, which results in an abomination of random photos, awful memes, photos of the classroom board, text screenshots, and too many accidental pics of the ground. Also, she has memes so cursed that none of her friends have managed to locate the side of pinterest she finds them on.
Replying to a text can take her anywhere between 2 hours to 7 business days, but if you call her, she’ll pick up immediately (unless you’re Venti)
She’s definitely the person who just says “get well soon” if you’re crushing on a guy and send her a photo of him.
If you ask her for the assignment answers the day they’re due, she’ll deliberately ignore your text until 5 minutes before the deadline. Otherwise, she’s happy to help. This totally isn’t because she’s doing it last minute, either.
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I hope this was okay! I tried to make it make sense without explaining too many details irrelevant to the post. I’m iffy about the cat names, but for anyone who’s wondering; they’re the names of the 3 moon sisters in genshin.
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justablah56 · 2 years
hi hello as my only (known) furry mutual could you give me some tips on like how to get started on the whole thing? idk ive been thinking about it for a little while and just never actually did anything about it skcolvbdnf
hiiii and yeah yeah ofc ! tho I gotta say, I also only recently actually did anything about it (like a few weeks ago lmao) I just very much hyperfixated on it and learned as much as possible in as short a time as possible shjsjskskss- but basically actually starting on shit involved looking at l o t s of other fursuits/fursonas n stuff like that to get a feel for what I personally like/disliked, and then I started trying to draw or really just combine different things that I liked to kinda put together my main fursona, things like what style i liked, what animals I thought looked cool, different fur patterns, tails, ears, etc. And, ngl, I used a lot of inspiration from the animal characters I used to play as when I was younger to narrow down colors, animals, all that stuff, and then just a ton of YouTube videos! I would specifically recommend Skyehigh Studios ! they've got a bunch of really detailed, in depth how-to videos for making fursuits that really show all the work that goes into it, so if you've got the time I'd recommend watching those. they also have a video on literally every single thing you need including tools as well as materials to make a mini partial fursuit(which is usually just a head, hand paws, and a tail+belt) and the minimum cost for all of it, and thats super helpful. they've also got a whole playlist on their channel for basic things to know to get into the fandom, like how to commission different things, how to interact with other furries, what work goes into owning a fursuit, all that fun stuff! also before starting on an actual fursuit I would definitely recommend Skyehigh's "Are you ready for a fursuit?" video, they talk about all the more difficult parts of owning a fursuit and all the things that are necessary to keep them in good condition and all that! If you're looking specifically the art aspect I would still recommend watching videos, esp how people make the fursuits, like what different parts look like, it really helps to get used to what the anatomy of different things look like and how to avoid the whole uncanny valley thing. it also is very good for learning what kind of fur patterns and accessories and stuff people like or dislike so you kinda have an idea of what and how to add things like that. But really I'd say that "getting started" is mostly just through observation before anything else! watching videos, looking at fanart, etc, and then once youve got a bit of a feel for it, then you can start getting more into the big projects!
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toji-girl · 3 months
my writing style
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♡ this was on a different post but I wanted it to have its own and I updated this from last time so please read through this!
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♡ please remember that my writing does NOT make it okay to do it irl!! CONSENT IS KEY!!!! this is all for fictitious purposes and writing is my outlet!! some topics are triggering to some!
♡ visit my tagging system to block my tags (how to block tags)
♡ my ask box is open for any questions you have!
♡ please read my byf and this post as well!
♡ this blog is mostly smut - minors/empty blogs dni - 18+ ONLY
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ I am the self-proclaimed queen of blurbs and sometimes longer posts that usually need a part two lmaooo
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ I prefer to write smut with fluff thrown in there sometimes or just pure fluff! I will sometimes dabble in angst because I like to hurt my own feelings and this blog contains dark content - the link goes to my DC tags!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ the start of my stories such as the tags and wc will all be in tiny font, but the actual story will be in regular size!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ a lot of my stories have been reposted from 2019 give or take to now so please remember that my writing style will differ and since I have had a lot of blogs you probably have seen it before lmao.
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ I do not and will never use y/n or any variation of that, 'you' will always be referred to by nick/pet names!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ I am someone who will edit stories for a different character but I make sure that they reflect said character and plot, sometimes things slip so please forgive that lmaooo, if you don't like that or vibe with it please block me.
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ there will be one-shots, drabbles, series, headcanons, etc featured!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ a lot of the time you and the character are either married or dating, that is my preference when writing, but sometimes I'll do one-night stands and such but I hardly ever add the preestablished relationship tag when introducing my stories!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ since I write mostly modern au's please note that the character's personality will most likely be different, but I do my best to keep it the same.
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ minus MHA & TR they will always be written in canon verse unless specified in the tags!!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ PLEASE REMEMBER: I only write fem reader with a vagina and tits and the sexual reproductions with she/her pronouns! maybe I'd write a male! reader x female character - also would write a fem! version of gojo and male! reader
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ honestly, when writing a lot of the time, I envision myself as the reader!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ my readers will have different personalities in each fic, it varies from fic to fic and dick to dick, plus the au and other stuff. I can't write a totally blank reader but you can color it in if that makes sense? I NEVER describe anything physical besides the character grabbing a fistful of your hair.
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ I ONLY write x reader or whatever you wanna call them and I never ever write character x character unless the reader is involved.
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ I write the reader with a personality, background, family, friends, and stuff in life that made them who they are. If you don’t think that is a ‘real’ x reader, then please do not read my works!! I cannot write a reader with no story or emotions or feelings! 
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ in a lot of my stories there will be original characters I come up with that play as your family or friends, ex-boyfriends, etc which usually will be in the same story but I will use people in the anime/manga as well.
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧the physical description is left out, minus the clothes and makeup, because I have ‘you’ wear certain styles of clothes/shoes/makeup/accessories/etc.
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ I write second and third-person pov, along with omniscient pov!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ I usually write about my favorite characters a lot!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ please remember that writing is just my hobby, I don’t get paid for this, so my work WILL have mistakes and not be perfect nor do I have a beta reader either, this is just something I do in my free time, but I have been writing stories and fanfiction for close to fifteen years!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ I am not the best at characterization.
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ most of the time you and the character are already married/dating when the story starts, sometimes I add that but I forget a lot, I prefer to write that over one-night stands but I will do those.
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ I tend to write the characters as love-sick and sweet, I'm married IRL and my husband treats me like a queen so it just bleeds into my writing!!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧I mainly stick to alternate universes such as modern/college, I hardly will write for canon minus MY HERO ACADEMIA and TOKYO REVENGERS! Mostly everything else will be set in modern au’s!!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ every single character in every fandom including you is depicted to be over the age of 21 no matter the canon along with the reader.
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ please remember that my writing does NOT make it okay to do it IRL!! CONSENT IS KEY!! this is all for fictitious purposes and writing is my outlet and my way to deal with my own trauma which I do NOT have to explain to anyone.
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧again I write for fun so please don’t use my works as advice/sex ed or anything really in general: again, it’s all written for fun and fictitious purposes; JUST READ/REBLOG/COMMENT AND ENJOY!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ I want to touch on more dark content so please ask me about that!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ please don't take sex advice from my fics, these are written for fictitious purposes and I know that cervix fucking would be painful and impossible but it's fiction and I love creampies so the sticky tip of a cock dumping hot and thick cum inside my cervix is what I will write!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ also, I do not have to prove my trauma or my knowledge of something to anyone, especially a stranger on the internet so yes I know that some of the things I write about are just out of this world, but that's the best part about writing fanfic!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ type of readers/characters: pregnant! reader + brat + bimbo + soft and sweet and very feminine + subs + bimbos + himbos + sugar baby/daddy/mommy + whiny and pouty + milf/dilf + dom! character + not my favorite but will write femdom
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ other genres: dark content + horror + gore + angst is about cheating and drama and heartbreak primarily such as unrequited love like hanahaki disease or breaking up and such and sometimes maybe character death or something. - I am forever a sucker for those! cheating will usually happen to the reader by an OC I created on the spot or someone else in the anime/manga.
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ types of au's: canonverse (only for tokyo revengers and my hero academia) + modern (my ultimate fave to write for) + college (another fave of mine) + mafia + mermaid + alpha/omega + pornstar/sex work in general + friends with benefits + vampire + roommates + if you are ever unsure just send me an ask!
‧₊˚♡˚₊‧ any of these rules are subject to change at any given time and date - 05/20/2024
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stellariah · 3 months
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Ellie's Closet: Solomon edition
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⊹ content: these are Ellie's redesigns of the dateables' closets after they burn all their current clothes. Last but certainly not least, Ellie's 2nd official bf, the secretive, silly, sly sorcerer extraordinaire, Solomon, is up! ⊹ warnings: none. ⊹ a/n: Ellie is my first Obey Me OC. You can visit their Devilgram HERE! The comments are written from Ellie's perspective. Though I love all the characters, Ell has a variety of feelings. I did these outfit re-dos a long time ago so some images may be familiar. Post set up inspired partially by the Princess Diaries makeover scene.
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Only Ellie can take THIS and THIS:
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And give you....⊹˚₊
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Solomon: Tops
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⊹ The only other item escaping the great clothing fire (in addition to Mammon's original jacket) is Solomon's cape, but purely for sentimental reasons. His original outfits feel wizard-costumey when Ellie wants to see him in more sorcerer/witch-esque looks. ⊹ Ellie is not opposed to a cape, but it needs to have more dimension and it is to be worn STRICTLY for going out. Sol is not wearing the cape all effing day. ⊹ His main tops offer variety in cut and fit - some are a more form-fitting with pockets of sheer or semi-sheer to show of his pact marks, while others are soft and ruffled with a more witchy aesthetic. Silver beading is incorporated often. ⊹ Material focus: velvet, cotton, mesh, lace
Solomon: Bottoms
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⊹ We're sticking to black but adding interest through materials and shape. ⊹ Pant cuts vary widely - some straight/boot cut, others bell bottom! Ellie is also incorporating overlays made of chiffon and lace that can be added with a belt. ⊹ Instead of that shimmery, magic sparkle added in the tops, Ellie made sure it was added to the bottoms to give that whimsical feel when Solomon walks. ⊹ Material focus: cotton, crepe, chiffon, velvet, lace
Solomon: Accessories
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⊹ Beaded, dangly belts that are black and silver are the main accessory. They are also very easy to add to, so Sol can carry charmed magical items around without it being too obvious. ⊹ Ellie loves a statement glove and Sol is one of the few people where is actually makes sense for gloves to be worn consistently (as an author aside, in my oc game lore, pact marks glow when you tap into the pact to perform magic which is why I am putting Sol specifically in a lot of mesh/sheer stuff) ⊹ We're sticking to mostly boots for footwear (with the occasional loafer). Ellie loves the intricate soles and they feel very apt for the elusive and secretive sorcerer. ⊹ Material focus: silver, leather, mesh, velvet
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©stellariah 2024 | do not copy, repost, translate, or feed my work to AI. All clothing images are from Pinterest. Obey me artwork is ©NTT Solmare Corp.
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beardedhandstoadshark · 8 months
How do you go about making OC’s? Especially the ones with the really cool and detailed outfits.
How do you even know what to draw? That’s where I’m stuck. I struggle to even come up with an outfit beyond a t-shirt and jeans.
Disclaimer that I am in no way a character designer or someone who knows what they’re doing so no clue if this is a good way, it’s just how my way of doing it XD
I usually browse the internet for outfits or look at other peoples‘ very cool ocs! There’s SO much creative and cool looking stuff out there to grab inspo from.
Looking as certain outfit aesthetic/styles, the own wardrobe, or making picrews of the ocs but instead of trying to perfectly mirror the outfit making one that just looks good on them.
(Also maybe it’s the genshin player in me but gradients and especially patterns can help a lot in making stuff look nicer imo)
A lot of my ocs have a specific "theme“ or "concept“ behind it that has a certain look, so if that’s the case with yours too then it could help analyzing how it usually looks and incorporate (or twist) some of the iconic parts! Maybe if they‘re like. A vampire or smth idk. They might lean into the goth aesthetic or have a total opposite style!
Also, thinking about their personality and info- eg. if they’re the cautious or worrying type, they might have an outfit with lots of pockets or carry a backpack or smth, so they can carry lots of stuff with them "in case it’s needed“. A shy person might wear baggy oversized hoodies n stuff. Maybe an oc wears merch of their fave band, or warm clothes and lots of layers because they live somewhere cold, don’t like winter or love feeling cozy. A vampire might wear turtlenecks and scarves to hide bite marks. Or shades to help see with all the bright sunlight! Thinking about what types of clothes the oc would wear and why.
Anyways, depending on your setting, a shirt and jeans are more than enough imo. It is what the majority of people on the street tend to wear! You could also add a specific piece of clothing or accessory or whatever that’s kinda *their* thing or the eye catcher of an outfit maybe?
Funnily enough I also always keep worrying my ocs look too basic so it might not even actually be an issue, you might just be too used to looking at them! So asking others for a second opinion might help!
If there’s no one you know available, I think some oc-help blogs (yknow line The "tag your oc“ or "put your oc into situations“ or whatever kind) accept sending in stuff so maybe asking those might be an option if they’re cool with it!
Or just go with "yea that looks cool“, that’s ALWAYS an option >v<
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