#also i’m so thankful even when they have to put stupid contacts on him at least usually they are a mildly normal colour and not like
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jacob ig update 221231
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livlaughloveluke · 4 months
ᡣ𐭩 𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗽.𝟭
child of dionysus x luke castellan 🍷
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IN WHICH… the man you hate just can’t seem to leave you alone
warning! this fic contains- swearing // alcohol mentions // shitty parents // use of y/n // angst // daddy issues! // spoilers to tlt // probably not book accurate // implied sex!! // no actual smut, but definitely heavy illusions to sex (both characters are 18) // loss of virginity // drugs (medicinal) // blood // reader wears a swimsuit?? // reader gender isn’t mentioned i think // mentions of death/drowning // ends on an cliffhanger!!!
[a/n]-we’re just going to say tlt takes place in 2005, so luke and will have been born in 1986. also, incase you didn’t know, Hera doesn’t have any demigods, so her cabin is empty :)
part two is in progress, just wanted to put something out until then. also kinda ends on an odd note because it wasn’t intended to be multiple parts
🎧- night shift by lucy dacus
6.6k words (oopsies)
You hated Luke Castellan above all else.
Coming from you, that was a pretty bold statement, considering that you had a fiery hatred for plenty of things. Whether it be people who smacked their gum too loudly or ignorant gods who brushed off their children with no remorse, everything seemed to unwillingly ignite a spark in you. However, someone in particular really seemed to piss you off.
The mere sight of his stupid curls and even stupider scar hadn’t always awakened such a burning rage in you; in fact, he used to do the opposite. He was fourteen when you first met him.
April 13th, 2000
Luke had been placed into the chaos of Cabin 11, the other campers unfazed by a new demigod living with them as they carelessly bumped into his shoulder while playing tag. Old magazines scattered the wood floors, and dust covered the edges of his scrappy bed. With a sigh, he threw his bag onto the floor and escaped the overwhelming sensations provided by his siblings.
The light tour Chiron provided was seemingly useless as he mindlessly waltzed down to the lake, unsure of another quiet space to go to. He performed a quick glance around to ensure he was really alone, and then plopped down onto the rocky shore with a groan. Without his father and now Thalia, he wasn’t sure if he’d survive a night at this bullshit camp.
“You okay?” You emerged from the woods, staring at him with a concerned expression. He jumped slightly, startled by your presence since he literally just checked to see if he was alone. “Oh, uhm, yeah.”
“Wanna talk about it?” You asked, noticing the way his tone was so unconvincing while sitting down next to him and staring out at the view. It wasn’t typical of you to be so welcoming, but you had recently received dessert privileges back after getting them taken away for punching some Aphrodite girl, so a cheery mood was accompanied. He glared at you, slightly annoyed by the way you interrupted his moment of peace. But then again, you weren’t really bothering him, so he figured you could stay. You were also breathtaking, so how could he shoo you away?
“No.” Luke replied honestly after a moment of silence, a slight grimace decorating his features while thinking about his long past.
“Fair. I’m sorry about your friend.” You said, your voice filled with empathy rather than pity as you kept eye contact with the horizon despite the cooling wind that turned your eyes glossy and ruffled your neon orange shirt. “Thanks.” He muttered as the memories flooded his mind, to the point where he had to clench his teeth together so he wouldn’t cry.
“I’m Y/N. Child of Dionysus.” Turning around, you offered a friendly smile until you realized he had his head buried into the crook of his elbow and emitted gentle sniffles. “Oh shit, I’m sorry. Did I say something? I’m trying to work on it, I swear-“
“Does it ever get easier?” He interrupted, although his request came out muffled as he whispered into his skin.
“Well… sorta.”
“You get used to the whole Greek God thing, I guess.” You reply, avoiding the question he was clearly implying about his father being present. It wasn’t one you typically liked to talk about, along with most of the other campers with daddy issues. The truth was, you hated the gods for abandoning their children, but speaking out about that would have some brutal consequences. Let’s just say you would lose more than just dessert privileges for a week.
“I’m heading down to the bonfire; you should join.” You said after another long pause of silence, standing up and dusting the particles of sand that had collected on the bottom of your denim shorts.
“Okay.” He stood up, wiping his eyes, and followed you as you hiked through the trees.
“So, why were you stalking me again?” Luke spoke up with a sarcastic tone, stepping over the large tree trunks that had fallen down onto the forest floor.
“Woah, I was not stalking you, newbie.”
“Sure looked like it when you magically appeared out of the woods.”
“Well, I wasn’t, okay? Mind your business.” You snapped, the caring facade slipping away as you stared at him harshly enough to pierce his heart.
“Jeez, sorry.” Luke looked down at his feet, feeling a little guilty for being too pushy with practically a stranger. After seeing his suddenly reserved body language, you stopped the hike and faced him.
“Don’t apologize.”
“What?” His gaze averted back up to meet your cold expression.
“Don’t apologize. I was being a bitch. Stand up for yourself.”
“Uhh..” Luke was now extremely confused, looking around as if this was some sort of prank show with the way you switched up so fast.
“Let’s try again. I’m gonna say the sane thing, and you’re going to stand up for yourself. Kay?”
“I don’t-“ He started, but was quickly interrupted by you.
“Well, I wasn’t, okay? Mind your business.” You repeated from earlier, making your voice sound even ruder as you dramatically exclaimed.
“N-no? Is that what I’m supposed to say?” He questioned, still nervously glancing around and searching for some sort of explanation or another person hiding in the undergrowth to reveal it was a silly joke. You raised your eyebrows in disbelief at his terrible performance, blinking slowly as you scoffed.
“Oh gods. It’s not what you say; it’s how you say it. Be more confident.” Stepping back, you repeated the sentence again. “Well, I wasn’t, okay? Mind your business.”
“No.” Luke said, this time with more pride, although he kept staring at you for a sign of approval. “Good!” You supportively with a grin, turning to continue your walk. And after a sassy eye roll, Luke followed behind.
“Just trying to protect you from the Ares kids. They can be assholes.” You happily explained, a little too cheery for someone who just snapped at him.
“Yeah, okay.”
Luke knew he should be bothered by your interesting behavior. I mean, most would, but deep down, he liked how you were empathetic in such a strange way. It made him feel human, instead of like a tourist attraction that people whispered sweet nothings to and stared at curiously.
“Don’t take anyone’s shit, and soon enough you’ll be swimming in kleos.” You stated, swaying with every step and providing plenty of hand gestures.
“Glory. Everyone here is basically fighting to be respected.”
“Oh. Shouldn’t everyone just be respectful?” He obliviously asked, ducking under a low, hanging branch.
“They should, but they aren’t. But with glory, it makes you important. People sit up when you walk in the room; stay out of your way; things like that.”
“Wait, so I just have to stand up for myself, and suddenly I’m all important?”
“Sometimes. Usually, though, you have to major in some skill. Archery, sword fighting, healing, etc. You been claimed yet?”
“Yeah, Hermes.”
“Oh.” You replied, dissatisfaction noticeable.
“Oh??” Luke questioned, offended and sounding a little more rude than he intended.
“It’s not really a bad thing. Just different demigods are usually good at certain stuff. With Hermes, they typically tend to be good liars.”
“What’s your talent?” Luke asked, causing you to go quiet for a minute while thinking.
“Well, I’m really good at poker. That’s about it.”
“You’re a good talker, too.” He said, causing you to shoot him a threatening glare.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean, you give decent advice, and you’re pretty welcoming. That’s a plus.” He instantly backtracked.
“Half of the camp would disagree with you on that. Turns out hostility doesn’t get you the best reputation.”
“You’re hostile?” Sure, you may have had a little anger management problem, but hostile? You seemed sweet enough to Luke, at least.
“I don’t talk to all the newbies like this.”
“Then why me?” Luke, from his understanding, wasn’t special. He didn’t stick out. He wasn’t super hot, smart, or funny. He was just average, in his opinion.
“Dunno. Why not?” You said, which wasn’t entirely true. He just seemed different, like he was hiding more beneath the surface. Similar to a puzzle that you needed to solve, except if you didn’t, you’d be burdened with a painful itch of curiosity for the rest of eternity.
“Hm, Fair. But what should I try to achieve kleos?”
“Don’t go for archery or healing; the Apollo kids will smoke you. Maybe sword fighting? I could show you the basics sometime.”
“Sword fighting it is.”
May 21st, 2001
"Where were you during arts and crafts?" You asked while sitting down next to Luke at lunch, clearly irritated by his absence during this morning's activities.
"I was-" He tried to explain, but you had already taken his hands and begun to inspect them, your touch shutting him up. You huffed in annoyance while gently tracing over his callouses and cuts.
"You were training again."
"I just needed more practice. I didn't mean to-" He started, feeling remorse for not showing up, but you were there to quickly interrupt him.
"Save it. I have bandages back at my cabin; let's go. It's the least you can do for leaving me with your siblings all morning." You slammed your hands on the table, standing up and practically dragging Luke to follow you (he would have followed even if you didn't force him).
Once a long distance away from the pavilion, you brought up a topic he wasn't the most comfortable with. "Training to prove yourself?" He swallowed back his anger, not wanting to lash out at you, despite the fact that you could obviously take it.
"Maybe I am. Who cares?"
"I do. Stop caring about the gods so much."
"Easy for you to say. Your father's here." Luke mumbled mockingly under his breath, barely above a whisper, but you heard.
"I'm not sure he even knows my name. He's a drunk dumbass, not exactly great dad material." This shut him up, his gaze traveling to the dirt floor until you reached Cabin 12. Silence and tension filled the air as you opened your backpack, scouring for the gauze and anticipatant. Gripping his wrist with a rage-filled force, you carefully rubbed the Neosporin over the red cuts and wrapped his palms with the stretchy material gifted by an Apollo friend.
"Don't say I don't care about you. You know I do." You whispered, breaking the quiet atmosphere and filling it with fiery love.
"But he doesn't."
"He's my father. He should."
"You should stop focusing on what you don't have. Working yourself to the bone won't improve your relationship."
He didn't respond, not having an argument or a sassy comment whipped up, because you were right. He manufactured this mindset that if he was good enough, if he had glory, Hermes would finally notice him and would finally love him. However, there was always a little voice in the back of his head that made him doubt all of his hopes for a family. You just amplified that voice like a microphone.
"And you left me alone with your brothers. Bleh." You smiled, trying to lighten the mood a little while tying off the first bandage.
"C'mon, they aren't that bad."
"You should have heard how they were talking about Julia from Aphrodite Cabin."
"Ew." He laughed, looking at you while you concentrated on wrapping his last hand. You looked so stunning like this, with your pearly teeth peeking between the skin of your lips and your eyes squinting while focusing on making sure it was perfect. He was truly a dumbass, focusing on the gods while you were right in front of him. "Done." You said while tucking in the end of the gauze. He hinged his hand open and shut a few times to make sure it was sturdy, and of course it was.
"Thank you." Luke praised you, not just for patching him up, but for caring.
"Anytime. Hey, I made you something during arts and crafts." You dug through your plastic junk drawer, clinking around all the junk in search of something specific.
You snatched up a small beaded necklace from the drawer before extending your hand and showing it to him. It was crumpled up, the flimsy string intertwined with itself and the beads out of order, so he picked the jewelry up and awed at the handmade piece. It was wooden beads painted in deep burgundy paint with your first name spelled out in Greek letters, strung on black elastic.
"It's gorgeous." Was all he could manage to utter out, still starstruck by the thoughtfulness of your gift.
"Thanks. We should probably get back to lunch before it's over." You replied, and for the first time in Luke's year of knowing you, you look flustered. You nervously glanced down at the laces to your shoes and fiddled with your fingers, even swaying from the tips of your toes to the back of your heels.
"Yeah, yeah." He agreed, slipping the necklace on and walking out with you behind him. For the rest of the day, he was all smiles and giggles, with others unsure of why he was in such a good mood. Until the inky night sky swallowed the bright blue light, and nightmares came with it. 
Most demigods were prone to the occasional bad dream, but Luke was a frequent victim of Hypnos’ curse. Every other night was filled with images of losing what he loved, but he was too embarrassed to talk to someone about it, so he suffered silently.
That night, the dreams were particularly horrific, to the point where he awoke covered in sweat and probably some tears, too. His mind debated whether or not sneaking out and waking you up was a bad idea, but the thought of staying awake alone in his bed another minute scared him more than any profanity you could throw at him for interrupting your “beauty sleep.”
Tiptoeing silently outside the hot cabin, his heart pounded as he traveled to your room next door. He was still in flannel pajama pants and an old tee shirt with some vintage band plastered on it, the chilling wind erupting goosebumps. 
Luckily, your bed was right next to a window, which he promptly (and quietly) tapped on to wake you up. A few groans and twists later, you slid open the glass and gawked at him.
“Luke, what the fuck are you doing?” You whisper-yelled, praying to the gods none of your siblings woke up and started bitching.
“I had a nightmare.”
“You woke me up at two in the morning because you had a nightmare?” 
“Please, I just need someone to talk to.” Hearing the desperation and seriousness in his voice, you couldn’t possibly reject him, no matter how tired you were.
“I’ll be out in a second.” 
Sliding the window shut, you slipped on some sandals and exited to see Luke, who was standing on the porch. 
Walking down the steps with him tracking behind, you waited until you were isolated by the lake to talk. “Everything okay?”
“I don’t know. I’ve been having really bad nightmares lately, and I know that sounds stupid, but I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Have you tried talking to the Apollo kids? It’s not rare for them to deal with insomnia.”
“Well, no. It’s humiliating. It’s taken me a year to talk to you about it, and you’re my best friend.” Luke skimmed past the term ‘best friend’, unsure if you felt the same. It was stupid; you were definitely his best friend, but what if he wasn’t yours? 
“First of all, it’s not. But I don’t mind talking to them. I can say I’m having nightmares, and they’ll probably give me melatonin, and then I can give it to you.”
“You’d do that? Smuggle drugs for me?” He spoke softly, the moonlight enchanting his features. 
“Course. You’re my best friend.”
December 27th, 2002
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You yelled at Luke in the empty Hera Cabin, angrier than ever. Word had spread to you like wildfire of a quest Luke had accepted, despite the fact it was a suicide mission.
“No! You told me you didn’t care about the god’s approval anymore. And now you’re going on some bullshit quest?! You’re a fucking dumbass.”
“I just need one chance to prove myself to him.” He pleaded, begging for you to understand and forgive him, even though he knew you weren’t the “forgive and forget” type. Honestly, he was about 80% sure you were still holding a grudge against him for stealing the dessert off your plate three months ago.
“Why aren’t you happy where you are? You’re the best swordsman at camp in three hundred years; half the girls here are in love with you, and everyone practically worships the ground you walk on!”
“I don’t care about them.”
“Do you not care about me, either?” You spoke softly, which was a dramatic shift from the heated yelling a few seconds ago.
“What? Of course-“ Luke cared about you more than anything— more than himself or any silly god. It wasn’t very far-fetched to assume that he even loved you, although his anxious self would never admit anything of the sort. But this quest was a dream of his, and it wasn’t possible for him to just give it up.
“Whatever. I’m done with your bullshit.” You cut him off and stormed out, leaving him to watch you walk away with an aching pain in his heart. That wound was left open as he set out for his journey that night, along with two other campers who were slightly underqualified.
The quest went to shit the minute they left camp’s solace, with monsters attacking from every direction. However, he and his companions were able to make it to the guarded tree with only a few minor injuries.
Until Luke reached for the golden apple and was sliced by the dragon who protected the fruit. Blood gushed out of the cut that decorated his eye as he stumbled away. The loss of blood and shock caught up to him, and eventually he lay in the arms of his friends, fading in and out of consciousness.
The idea that your life flashes before your eyes when you're near death is indeed true. Memories of previous years flooded his brain, from his childhood to his teen years (which mainly consisted of you). As the light faded away, all he could think of was how he never admitted his love to you and how your last interaction with him was an argument.
The next time he awoke, he was in the camp infirmary, dazed as he slowly blinked the sleep away from his eyes. The teenage nurses yelled at him as he slowly stood up and deliriously walked outside, but he couldn’t care less. He just wanted to see you and apologize. His near-death experience was a wake-up call, a sign that what he was feeling towards you wasn’t just friendly admiration.
Luckily for him, you were waiting for him outside, sitting on a wood bench as you anxiously bounced your leg. As he stumbled out the door, you immediately stood up and rushed towards his weak body. What caught him off guard was the way you hugged him instantly, wrapping your arms around his torso while burying your head in his chest. For the first time in days, you were able to breathe, inhaling his musky scent rapidly. The fight had taken a toll on you. You lied awake at every night scared out of your mind that he would die hating you.
“I’m so, so sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things, I was just angry at you for leaving me, but-” You rammbled into the cloth of his shirt, the vibrations on his skin making his heart flutter.
“Don’t apologize.” He said with a loopy smile, making you laugh with relief while remembering the first time you met. His original plan of confessing his love to you the moment he woke up with a dramatic spiel was immediately thrown in the trash as he looked at you from above. The worries of ruining this magical friendship you had spent two years building overtook the joys of the possibility that a new relationship would blossom. So for now, he was comfortable being friends with you. Best friends.
The stares from others went unnoticed, Luke too enchanted by your warming touch to see the way others gawked at him from afar, like he was a monster. Not until the next day, when he wasn’t drugged, at least.
When he looked in the crowded bathroom mirror the next morning after plenty of rest, it almost scared him. His gash was a beaming red with dried maroon blood on the edges and a violet hue discoloring the nearby skin. Swallowing nervously, he did his best to clean it up with warm water before rushing to the picnic tables for breakfast, where you sat munching on cereal.
“You’re the most brutally honest person I know. How bad is it? Like, can I even show my face anymore?” He blurted out, causing you to glance up with a slight panic. After a few seconds of consideration, you replied.
“It makes you look badass.”
“Are you sure?”
“Definitely. Go get something to eat and come back to talk to me.” Luke responded with a nod, heading off to grab a quick breakfast. With a tray of pancakes in his hand, he returned and sat down across from you.
“So?” You waited eagerly for some explanation of his trip.
“It went like shit. You’re right, I’m not good enough.”
“Woah, I never said that.”
“You implied it.”
“That’s not what I meant. I meant you shouldn’t rely on your successes or failures to determine your worth.”
“Same thing.” He retorted with a scowl, stuffing his mouth with food.
“Not even close. So, what’d you learn?”
“That I need to train harder.”
“Holy shit, you are a dumbass.” You said with a long blink and a theatrical sigh.
“Can we talk about something else?”
“Sure. How’s Annabeth?” Annabeth and you were always so different, but somehow that made you closer. She spent her hours strategizing and acting like an adult, and you spent yours playing games and wishing you were younger. Regardless, she was like a little sister to you.
“She’s… like usual.” Luke replied with a crinkle of his lips.
“Mm, so she’s still forcing herself to be an adult at nine?”
“Yeah, just about.”
“We should get her to play poker with us one night. Help loosen her up a little.”
“Not a chance.”
March 19th, 2003
You and Luke stood side by side, anxiously waiting for Capture the Flag to start, while Chiron yapped about the rules. You’d already heard the whole spiel of instructions multiple times, so naturally you grew bored, and your mind wandered off to the boy beside you.
He looked like a true warrior, with his pointy metal helmet that somehow sharpened his features. Over the past few summers, he had grown significantly, and the puff on his cheeks had thinned out. Needless to say, he wasn’t short of admirers.
You painfully watched as hundreds of girls fawned over him and even began to dread getting ready in the bathroom because of how many praises were thrown at him.
Luke sensed your annoyance from afar, although it wasn’t hard to notice by the way you scowled every time someone approached him with a new compliment. However, he thought you were just envious of the praise he received. In reality, you felt threatened, like someone would steal your spot in your best-friend-who-sometimes-flirt-with-each-other relationship with him. He would never let it happen though, even if you weren’t aware.
“Let the games begin!” Chiron yelled, snapping you out of your daydreaming session.
“You take the east side of the forest, I take the west, we meet up in the middle, right?” You wanted to confirm the Athena cabin’s strategy with him, to which he replied with a quick nod.
“Mhm. See you on the flip side.”
“See you on the flip side, Castellan.” You both turned to the different small groups that you were leading, setting out on foot to start your plan.
Annabeth and a few other geniuses had spent the past two weeks carefully crafting a flawless plan for today’s Capture the Flag game. You and Luke would attack, traveling into their side of the woods, while the rest would defend.
While you might not have been the best swordsman, you were a master of trickery and deception and decent at fist fighting. Plus, you had a solid team backing you up.
“So basically, we just need to fight some of the red team and then meet up with Luke and his group in the middle. Kay?” You instructed to your acquaintances, who diligently followed behind you as you hiked through the evergreen trees, until you saw a few of the other team lurking around. With a surprise attack, you were able to defeat them, with little of your squad lost in the process.
You kept on trekking through the dark depths of the forest before spotting some of the best members of the red team, specifically Sam from Ares cabin.
They were the biggest asshole around, and extremely cocky for someone who was the second-best sword fighter in camp. Plus, they were always trying to get in your pants, along with every other counselor who was old enough. To be frank, they were super hot, but you weren’t interested in anyone currently. Well, anyone who wasn’t Luke Castellan.
Knowing you wouldn’t win this battle, you shuffled to the bushes and silently watched while thinking of a good plan.
“Nice try. Up. Slowly.” Sam said unexpectedly, causing you to sigh with frustration and calmly stand up, along with your teammates.
“So, you can either give up now and save yourself the trouble, or we can do the whole fighting thing and eliminate you that way. Your choice.” They stated with a smile, only egging you on.
“What a little bundle of joy you are.”
“Hm, okay, fighting it is.” They sliced for your stomach, the metal of their blade clinking with the iron of your breastplate. You were stunned at first, but immediately charged back while his goons attacked your friends.
The sound of swords slicing and heavy grunts filled the woods, alerting Luke, who was a decent distance away. Most of his teammates had been eliminated, so now it was just him and one other member. He lightly jogged to the scene, not caring too much.
Meanwhile, your group was putting up a solid fight, but so were they. You clashed swords relentlessly with Sam, while your teammates suffered a bloody battle. In a mere minute, all of your team had surrendered, but so had all of Sam’s team.
With every second that passed, your efforts got messier and energy your got lower, and it was apparent this wasn’t going to be your victory. With one clean slice, Sam nicked your arm violently, and you let out a scream in response. Unbeknownst to you, Luke heard your pain and panicked, changing his pace from a careless jog to a speedy sprint. His partner yelled at him, confused, but Luke just kept going, despite his muscles that ached like fire.
You grew exhausted, now just weakly defending yourself from every attack. Seeing how unfocused you became, Sam took this opportunity to swipe your feet with his leg and send you tumbling to the ground, disarming you in the process.
Both panting heavily, they shakily brought the blade to your neck and stepped on your torso to prevent less squirming.
“You’d be a lot hotter if you weren’t such a bitch.” They said, and before you could come up with a witty reply, Luke had charged from behind. Slicing at Sam with adrenaline-fueled anger, he instantly knocked them down to the floor.
“Don’t ever talk to them like that again, or I’ll seriously fuck you up. Okay?”
“Okay, Jesus! What are you, their boyfriend or something?”
Luke wasn’t sure how to reply, so he didn’t. Was this too protective of him? No, he was just helping a friend. Right?
“Just say you surrender already.” He mustered up.
“Fine, I surrender.” Sam mumbled, and Luke took his sword away while they fled. Then, he turned to you, who was watching the whole thing from the floor.
“Holy shit, thank you.”
“Anytime, sweetheart. They hurt you?” He replied with a grin, helping you up with his right hand.
“Nothing bad.” You responded, twisting your arm to get a glance at the cut. He winced with empathy while grabbing your wrist so he could get a better glance.
“Ouch. Go to the infirmary. It’s bleeding a lot.”
“Whatever. Go get the flag, trooper.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. With a sly salute, you both headed your separate ways. Luke had a pep in his step as he jogged to the bright flag, forgetting all about his partner, who was somewhere in the trees far behind him.
You headed to the nurse, getting it cleaned and patched up easily before setting off to the lake. Sitting on a pointy rock, you waited mindlessly for this stretched-out game to end. Technically you were still in, but your match with Sam was enough fighting for the day.
Luckily, you didn’t have to wait long, because Luke emerged from the forest a few minutes later carrying a gleaming red flag with pride.
Standing up, you cheered with excitement as you ran up to him, squealing like a little girl. He stopped in front of you and dug the pole into the rocky shore with a grin. Still in awe, all you could manage out was a toothy smile in reply.
“Congrats, Castellan.”
“Eh, it was no big deal.” He joked, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“Whatever. Bonfire tonight!!” You laughed and made sure to yell out the last sentence for all of your teammates, who whooped with glee.
When the sun drifted down the horizon that night, you and dozens of campers headed down to the shore, where a sparking fire raged. The flames danced as you sat around, scattered on different logs. You currently sat on the floor next to Luke while he sat on the wood, leaning your back against the dead tree and ever-so-slightly brushing up against his legs.
Everyone had noticed your change in attitude over the last few years. You seemed bubblier and more happy because, well, you were. Falling in love with someone who had a chance of reciprocating feelings was heaven. Every long stare from across the room and gentle touch made your skin crawl with adoration. Maybe you should tell him. But why ruin everything?
As the night stretched on and the violet sky dissipated into a jet black that was freckled with stars, you grew sleepier. And after the third yawn in only ten minutes, you decided it was time to hit the hay.
“Okay, I’m calling it quits. Night guys!” You stood up before turning to Luke.
“Goodnight, Luke.” You whispered in such a caring tone that he felt shivers down his spine. Speechless, he watched with hearts in his eyes as you walked away.
“At least try and be discreet.” One of his friends laughed as soon as your figure went unseen.
August 2nd, 2004
“Absolutely not. No way!” Annabeth yelled at you.
You, Luke, and her all sat on the floor of Cabin 12 playing Uno because apparently gambling “isn’t appropriate for an eleven-year-old.” The problem was that you liked to make up your own rules, while Annabeth strictly stuck to what was written in the instructions.
“Beth, everyone plays this way! Just take your six!”
“If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?” She gave you her signature death stare.
“What are you, my mom? Luke, what’s your opinion?”
“Do not drag me into this.”
“I quit. I’m heading down to the lake, you guys wanna come?” You stated, slamming your mountain of red cards onto the floor and jumping up to search for a bathing suit in your dresser.
“I have archery training.” Annabeth said, grabbing her stuff and walking out.
“I’ll go.” Luke replied a little too eagerly.
“Okay. Meet me at the docks in ten?”
“Sure.” Using his bandaged palms to push off the wood floor, he left to go change.
Slipping into your black swimsuit, you threw a baggy shirt over it and skipped down to the shore, where Luke was waiting with his feet in the icy water.
“Hey.” You alerted him of your presence while sliding off your cover and tossing it down beside you. His breath hitched, and he couldn’t help but gawk at the slivers of your exposed skin. Nervously swallowing, he weakly replied. “H-hey.”
Ignoring the way he stuttered and stared, you jumped into the cool lake. The blue water engulfed you in a refreshing embrace, rolling off your skin as you emerged from the surface.
“I’ll race you to that buoy over there.” You pointed to the white float that bobbled up and down.
“Deal. Winner gets loser’s dessert for a week.”
“Deal.” You took off before he was even in the water, pushing off of the wood dock to accelerate forward.
“Cheater!” Luke yelled playfully before jumping in and following your path.
Eventually, he caught up and even reached the buoy first, grinning triumphantly as you paddled towards him.
“I hate you.” You mumbled, but the beaming smile plastered on your face told another story.
“Fine, you can keep your dessert privileges, but I still want bragging rights.” He offered, not caring a smidge about anything but making you happy.
“Gods, you’re such a good person.” You said, knowing you would have taken his food and flaunted on him for the next seven days.
“Race you back?”
“Fuck no. I’m tired.”
“I’ll carry you. The waters not too deep; you can sit on my shoulders while I walk.”
“You’ll drown.”
“I’m pretty ripped; I think I can manage carrying you one hundred yards.” He jokingly replied with a flex of his bicep, which was definitely appreciated by your wandering eyes.
“Sure. I’m not saving you if you do end up drowning, though.” You climbed onto his shoulders, and he gripped your calfs to help stabilize you and because he really just wanted an excuse to touch you.
“That’s a pretty badass way to die.” He said while trailing through the fresh liquid.
“To die while swimming through five-foot-deep waters?”
“Well, not when you phrase it like that.”
“How would you phrase it?”
“Glorious hero meets his fate at the lake with another counselor’s thighs wrapped around his head.”
You both froze with shock when he uttered his suggestive remark, even Luke not realizing his mistake until after. He felt his cheeks go hot and nervously tried to apologize for making you feel uncomfortable.
“Oh my gods, I swear I did not mean-“
You cut him off with a deep and angelic laugh, clearly not hurt by his poor choice of words.
“You’re a dumbass.” You choked out through heavy giggles, and he instantly relaxed upon realizing you didn’t think he was a complete pervert. Every laugh you released was like a weight off of his shoulders, and that was when he knew he could not shove his feelings down anymore.
Hours had passed, and you two ended up watching the sun fall by the lake while sharing a cherry red and white striped blanket. Not a word was whispered as you rested your head against his shoulder, his curls dripping onto your skin. He couldn’t help but smile as he felt your slow inhalation of the crisp air.
Once night arrived and the cicadas started chirping, it was finally time to break the comforting silence.
“I’m gonna go shower.” You said while slowly standing up and letting the towel drape off of your body.
“Me too.” Luke replied, getting up and placing the towel back on your shoulders so you wouldn’t have to brace the chilling breeze in a swimsuit. As you walked away, he couldn’t help but stare.
“Wait, I need to talk to you once you’re done. Meet me in the Hera Cabin after we’ve showered?” He called out after you, to which you nodded in response.
He needed to confess how he felt about you immediately, or his chest might actually explode. He needed to tell you about how his heart raced every time your touch lingered a second too long, how he ranted to Annabeth every night about the things you did that made him swoon, and how he was madly, head over heels, in love with you.
Once the musk of lake water had fully washed off, you headed to the infamous empty cabin, where Luke was waiting. His hair was still wet from the shower, causing his curls to separate, and he fidgeted with his fingertips while anxiously waiting for your arrival.
“You okay, Castellan?”
“No, I’m not, actually. I need to tell you something, like right now.” He stuttered out, his lip crunched up like he was in pain.
“You’re scaring me a little, but I’m all ears.”
“I love you.” Luke blurted out, the tension in the air increasing significantly with just three words.
“What?” It seemed as if the world had stopped, even the birds quieting down for a listen.
“I’m in love with you.” He repeated, like it was no big deal, like it was second nature.
“You love me?” You whispered out, almost like it was unheard for you to be loved.
“More than anything.”
You swallowed, thinking for a second while he awaited a response.
“I love you too.”
With the conformation of your words, he leaned in until the tips of his nose rubbed against yours. His lust-coated eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips, making it apparent what he wanted. Luke breathed in your fresh scent heavily while watching and waiting for a reaction—for you to pull away or do something.
Trailing a hand up into his hair, you delicately pushed his head until your lips met. His skin was honey-sweet as you gingerly kissed; it looked like something out of a romance movie. He forced himself to be a gentleman and pull apart after a few seconds, no matter how much he wanted to kiss you until his oxygen ran out.
Looking up into his eyes, you craved more. This built-up tension between you two was finally erupting, and it needed more than just a little kiss to be satisfied. So, you took charge and feverishly leaned in for more.
His hands cusped your cheek, carefully avoiding any boundaries you might have set up. That was until you snagged his bottom lip with your teeth, and he lost all self-control. The sweet kisses turned into a full-blown make-out session as he steadily snaked his hand down your torso and to the fat of your ass.
Only breaking for air when absolutely necessary, passion filled the atmosphere, along with hushed moans from the both of you. Luke warily trailed his hand upwards to your chest, and you could tell where this was heading. Panting, you removed your lips from his and spoke up.
“I’ve never.. I’m still…”
“Me too. Do you.. still want to?” He revealed, his heart racing while still daintily grazing your skin.
“Yes. Please.” You desperately nodded, like death was approaching if you didn’t continue. With that, he laid you down on the squeaky mattress of an unused bunk bed and hovered over.
“Gods, you look stunning.”
part two in progress…
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zeppelinlvr · 30 days
Two Reverse
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Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Summary: You, Dean, and Sam go after a demon on short notice, you end up getting hurt in the process.
Felt sad, wrote angst sorry guys. Also, I know Andromalius is a higher up demon having 36 legions of demons at his service (I think?) and I know it's unlikely you’d be dealing with him as the process of even trying to summon him would be so complicated, but demonology is so complex just pretend him going after you is reasonable. Also i’ve been on an Adrianne Lenker kick lately so bear with me. Thank you all for the support on all my fics! 💗💗
Warnings: Angst (with a happy ending cus I can't write sad endings), cursing, fluff.
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You and Sam were desperately researching, trying to find out what demon was targeting these people, four had died already and the two of you had made little progress. Dean was out interviewing people and trying to get anything he could about what you were dealing with.
“Sam, I think I know what we’re dealing with” you told him “I looked into the victims and two of them were thieves, not just shoplifting, they broke into people's houses and stole valuable items, and two of the other victims were just assholes, they were both bullies in high school and were super entitled”
“I’m not following, how are they connected” Sam asked
“The demon Andromalius goes after people who are wicked and theives, he’s not in a lot of the common demonology books is probably why we hadn't made the connection sooner but he’s mentioned in The Goetia, the Lesser key of Solomon” You explained
“Best explanation we have, I’ll start looking into how to exorcize him” Sam replied
“I’ll call Dean and we can figure out a plan to draw him in” you told Sam.
Dean was headed back to the motel, having little luck with his interviews. He felt his phone buzzing in his pocket and saw your name as the caller id and the stupid picture you had taken of yourself and made your contact photo. He smiled at your dumb expression before answering the call.
“hey, I didn’t find-“ he started but was cut off by your quick rambling, you were excited to finally have figured out what you were dealing with.
You explained to Dean what you had told Sam, then asked “we need to figure out a way to lure him into us, Sam’s researching right now but I wanted to see if you had any ideas”
“Well, I’m a thief and I’m probably wicked so we could use me as bait, figure out how to get him near us, then I’ll distract him while you and Sam try to kill him” Dean suggested
Your stomach knotted at his plan, you didn’t want him to put himself in danger “Dean, I don’t want to use you as bait, we can think of something else” you said trying to hide the worry in your voice.
“I can handle myself sweetheart” he told you “I’m almost back to the motel, I’ll talk to you more then” he hung up the phone after you exchanged goodbyes.
As he said, Dean arrived in the motel room a couple of minutes later. you gave him a brief hug upon his arrival, not out of the ordinary, he got used to the fact you were touchier than him and he was okay with it, never admitting it but he enjoyed being hugged by you.
You explained Deans plan to Sam, making sure to comment on how bad of an idea you thought it was, hoping Sam would also immediately shoot it down.
“We might not have any other choice, I’m getting signs of him a few miles from here, we need to go now” Sam grimaced
You sighed, worry filling your body but you chose to push it away, frantically getting ready to leave with Dean and Sam.
Dean hurled to a stop in front of a mildly secluded house, when you stepped out of the car the three of you heard things breaking and screams coming from inside. You all quickly ran to the door, Dean not bothering to pick the lock but rather just choosing to kick it down.
The scene in front of you was horrific, there was a woman, who had already died, lying on the floor of the living room. You heard a struggle down the hall and Dean made his way there, signaling you and Sam to stay out of sight in order to try to get some element of surprise.
When Andromalius caught sight of Dean he dropped the man who he had nearly killed. Dean yelled out “I’m here you asshole, come get me”
“No, it’s not you I’m after” Andromalius hissed
Dean's expression faltered slightly but he tried his best to keep the demon distracted “I steal all the time, and I’m definitely not a good person” he shrugged
Sam had an opening to the demon, he figured it was now or never, so he ran out from the spot he was hiding in. He was stopped before he had a chance to stab the demon. Sam found himself pushed against the wall with a harsh force.
“Where’s the girl?” Andromalius said, a dark expression growing on his face.
Dean clenched his jaw, trying to hide his worry “She’s an angel compared to me, you don’t want her” he defended
You snuck your way out of your spot, and managed to grab the knife Sam had dropped. You had your arm in the air, ready to stab him when he quickly whipped around, smirking when his face met yours.
You felt a force choking you, and slowly lifting you off the ground, tears welled in your eyes and you desperately tried to kick and fight back.
Then the searing pain came, ripping through your abdomen. You choked out a scream and tears poured down your face, you tried to kick and claw at him as the panic truly set in about how this could end. You cried out as the strength left your body, your vision blurring.
Dean and Sam were both struggling with everything they had. Dean had managed to get ahold of the knife, and with Andromalius’s focus stuck on you, Dean stabbed him in his back.
The demon had been killed and you fell to the floor, his force no longer holding you up. You choked and gasped for air. You were a mess, crying and panic still coursing through you.
Dean ran over to you, kneeling beside you and cradling you in his lap.
“Hey, it’s okay sweetheart, you did so good” he tried to comfort, his voice shaking.
He quickly flung off his jacket, pressing it to your abdomen, you hadn’t noticed the severity of the cut from how panic stricken you were, but you were losing a lot of blood.
“Sammy call 911” Dean yelled at him
“you’re gonna be okay, just keep looking at me, okay” he told you, trying to keep you calm.
The pain of the gash was becoming more prominent as your adrenaline wore off, you felt yourself growing weaker.
“Dean, thank you for always looking out for me” you choked out, it hurt to speak but you needed to tell him “You and Sam are the best things to happen to me” you tried to hold back the stinging tears, a lump in your throat. “I love you so much Dean”
“Hey no, don’t give me a goodbye speech, you’re going to be okay” he said shakily, a few tears running down his face.
“An ambulance is on the way, keep applying pressure” Sam told Dean, as he made his way over to you, helping Dean support your body.
You fought so hard to keep your eyes open and to keep listening to Dean voice, his reassurance that you were going to be okay, it was just a scratch, and that you were so tough.
You fought so hard, but his voice was fading, you felt your eyes droop before your body went limp in Deans arms.
“nono fuck” he whispered “I still need you” “Someone fucking help” he was now yelling “Castiel, some fucking angel save her”
"Why the hell did it go after her, I'm the one it should've gone after" Dean sobbed
"Dean, demons don't exactly see a grey area, there's probably something that happened on a hunt and he found that as an excuse to go after her, don't start blaming yourself" Sam told him, a few tears slipping down his cheeks.
Sobs racked Deans body as he heard the familiar flutter of wings. He was instantly yelling at the angel “fucking help her, I’m not letting her die on me”
“Dean, she’s going to be okay” Cas said and made his way over to you, placing a gentle hand on your forehead and began to heal your wounds.
You opened your eyes groggily, after your vision cleared, you were confused at the sight of the angel above you and Dean and Sam’s tear-stained faces.
You quickly pulled your shirt up to inspect where the gash had been, only to find nothing there, although your clothing was still stained with blood.
You frantically scrambled up and engulfed Dean in a hug.
“Hi sweet girl, I told you you’d be okay” he choked out
You allowed yourself to cry, tears streaming down your face as you sobbed harshly.
Deans heart sunk upon hearing your pained cries, he was already blaming himself for not intervening sooner.
After it sunk in that Cas had saved you, you whipped around to face him, his face ridden with what seemed like concern. You moved over to him to hug him, still sobbing like there was no tomorrow. blabbering out your thanks to him. He didn’t exactly understand what was happening, but he attempted to hug you back, gently wrapping his arms around you.
“You’re okay now Y/n, that’s what matters” he told you
You nodded in response, trying to stop your crying but your attempts didn’t do much, you were so overwhelmed, you were scared, thankful, and a little embarrassed by your sappy speech.
You turned back to Dean “I’m sorry for getting cheesy, I thought I was gonna kick the bucket and I needed to tell you a few things” you laughed awkwardly, still lightly crying.
He shook his head and brought you back in for a hug “I uh, feel like, me too” he struggled, wanting to tell you he loved you but he couldn’t get the words out.
“I know Dean” you nodded
You heard a siren in the distance, none of you wanted to explain the situation. Cas was gone in an instant, you, Sam and Dean were quickly making your way to the door. Dean carrying you in his arms despite your insistence that you were able to walk.
Sam drove and you sat squished next to Dean in the passenger seat.
“Sammy, I promise I’ll give you a hug when we get back to the motel” you told him, your nose stuffed up from how much you’d be crying. Sam laughed lightly in response.
Dean pulled you into him, holding onto you tightly as if you were going to slip away from him, swearing to himself to watch out for you.
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cheolhub · 2 years
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summary. you’re scared that seokmin might want to go separate ways after graduation, but he proves, in more ways than one, that he wants you. forever.
wc. 2.3k
warnings. college au. nerdy soft dom!seokmin, breeding kink xx, obscene amounts of dirty talk, pinch of angst, literal love making, unprotected sex, marriage kink, HEAVY praise, baby talk, v minimal plot im sorry — MINORS DNI 18+
note. DAMN ok i have a lot to say so i’ll keep it short. ONE this was a request but like i kinda didn’t do anything the request asked for and im so sorry, i hope u can forgive me anon. TWO i literally lost sight of the plot so dont ask me abt any missing details ehehb just enjoy seok being hot <3 THREE happy belated birthday to my minnie <3 FOUR thank u to my luvr @rkiv4d for beta-ing. yas ok enjoy
p.s. reblogs and feedback are extremely appreciated— i also love to hear ur thoughts <3
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how seokmin pulled you, the most beautiful girl to ever walk the earth, he has no clue. he’s what people call a ‘nerd’ with his thick-rimmed glasses and his abnormally high IQ and you’re the pretty girl that didn’t understand the simplicity of covalent and ionic bonds who fell head over heels for him. 
you couldn’t help it, he was so smart and so fucking pretty. he was awkward and he giggled when he got nervous and he was so unbelievably goofy that it had you laughing till you cried. nevertheless, he was the most beautiful man ever. 
then you asked him out. he remembers it like it was yesterday. the last day of your chem class– the end of the first semester of your sophomore year– right after your final. you thanked him incessantly, giving him a hug for helping you get a B in the class. you told him you’d rather thank him another way— another way being a date. with you. at your place with a homemade dinner. 
he would’ve been stupid to decline. so he didn’t. and the rest was history. seokmin became your boyfriend, grew more confident in himself, and fell in love with you.
now you’re in your final year, the last few weeks approaching quickly, and you’ve been anxious. anxious about seokmin leaving you, anxious about going separate ways after graduation, anxious that this was all just fun and games till it was time to get serious about life.
seokmin has picked up on your behavioral patterns over the past 2 years. he knows you so well, probably better than anyone else in your life– probably better than he knows himself. 
so when seokmin sees you evading his eyes with his cock stretching you open, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“hey,” he whispers, stilling inside of you. when you don’t turn your head and your eyes are still closed, he calls for you. “baby?”
you feel your heart clench at the pet name. “hmm?” you hum.
“baby, do you not wanna do this anymore?” he questions worriedly, ready to pull away from you. “i can pull out.”
you mumble, “i-i do.” 
he cocks his head even more confused, “talk to me, pretty, what’s going on?”
he pushes into you some more, making you gasp and you can feel his expectant eyes burning holes into your face. you then realize he’s not gonna let this go, but it’s partially your fault for letting your mind wander while he was putting away the dinner you guys ate. you decide to just come out with it.
“‘m just… so scared of graduating…” you whimper between your words, eyes screwing tighter. 
he hums, “look at me, baby.” the demand comes out so soft, yet the sheer dominance of his voice makes you clench around him. you turn your head on the pillow, opening your eyes, and finally looking at him. “why?”
you shudder at the eye contact. he looks so pretty, so concerned over you, yet you’re still tense and oh-so nervous. the topic of post-grad has never come up, and now you’re mid-fuck about to tell him how you want to be with him forever. 
“i-i’m scared that… that you’re gonna go off without me,” you pant, hands wrapping around his biceps and holding him to keep you stable. 
“where am i gonna go, beautiful?” he whispers, bottoming out and fully sheathing himself inside of you. 
you whimper again, his massive cock filling you so well. “s-scared you’re gonna go do big things ‘n leave me…” 
he freezes at that, eyes widening, “leave you?” he asks incredulously as if he couldn’t believe that you’d ask that question. “baby, you think i’d leave you?” 
you nod slowly. “i dunno, ‘s just that i’ve been thinking ‘n you’re so smart– gonna go get a real job that’s across the country or something…” 
he’s honestly bewildered. why would you ever think something like that when he’s tried so hard to show you how much he loves you every single day?
“oh, baby, i would never fucking leave you.” he presses his forehead yours, nose rubbing against yours. “pretty fucking thing, i adore you— love you. more than anything.”
your eyes glisten with tears at the reassurance. you feel yourself relax under him, entirely fluttering at his words. “really?”
“yes, really. how can i prove it to you? want me to put a ring on your finger?” he whispers, breath fanning against your face. 
you gasp, clenching around him again, fingers digging into his muscles. he smiles, chuckling airly at your reaction. 
“my pretty baby wants that? you like that idea?” he asks, his sultry voice filling your ears. “you wanna be my wife?”
you nod your head, eyes fluttering shut as you moan, “yeah, w-wanna be your wife.” 
your response has seokmin reeling. he pulls his hips back and slams back into you making both of you moan again. 
“yeah? bet you want my kids, too.” he states boldly, mind cringing at his words and internally freaking out that you’ll get turned off at them. 
you choke, clamping tightly around his length. “f-fuck.” you cry. “d-don’t say things like that, seok.”
“why? ‘cuz i’m right?” he grunts, thrusts growing faster.
you nod your head and seokmin nearly cries, cock twitching at the idea of pumping you full of cum and getting you pregnant with his kids. you’d be such a great mom and he’d love having a mini-seok running around a nice, big house fit to take a family. 
admittedly, he’s been wanting to talk about his future with you. he’s been fantasizing about it since the first time he said he loved you. fantasizing about you being his wife and living together in a big house and having three kids and living happily ever after as if it were some fairytale. he’s imagined your kids and how they would be a constant reminder of his everlasting love for you. he hopes that they’ll look like both of you– kids with your eyes and his nose. he’d kill for that.
“wanna put a baby in you,” he mumbles, lips ghosting over yours. “swear to god, ‘m gonna give you everything you want– ‘ll get you a ring ‘n a house– everything. just say the word.”
you lift your head to press your lips to his, moaning into his mouth like a mad woman. your stomach drops in anticipation, suddenly craving the feeling of his warm cum filling you to the brim, sure to get you pregnant. your legs wrap around him, heels digging into his back and you can’t resist the cry that he ends up swallowing at the new angle. 
seokmin pulls back, panting, “gonna let me give it to you, baby?” 
“uh-huh!” you nod, eyes screwing shut and jaw going slack as his speed increases. “yes, yes, please give it to me.” your response is wavered as you nearly choke on a sob of pleasure. 
and you know the decision is haste– a baby even though you still have a month left of undergrad seems… absurd to say the very least, but you don’t need to think about anything. you know seokmin. you know he’s the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. he's an amazing boyfriend and person in general. you already know he’d make an even more amazing husband and father. 
who would’ve thought the nerdy man with glasses who was insanely good at chemistry would be the one you ended up with?
he lets out a guttural moan, “such a good girl, always saying please.” he praises, slamming into your sweet spot repeatedly.
and jesus fucking christ, your moans and cries are like music to his fucking ears. 
his head falls into your neck, licking and sucking at your skin. “never gonna leave, i promise. gonna make you mine, gonna take care of you.” he mumbles into the skin as he continues to mark and ravage you. 
the stimulation and his words are sending you into orbit as your stomach churns and tightens at the feeling of his cock rearranging your insides. his strokes are impressive, never missing a beat and unrelentingly hitting the spot that makes you crumble. 
he feels you tighten around him, gummy walls squeezing him in and he curses, “shit, is my pretty girl gonna cum already?” his voice borders on condescending, but it only makes the tightrope in your stomach all the more closer to completely unraveling. 
“y-yeah, so close,” you moan breathily as your pants increase, chest rising and falling rapidly. “so fuckin’ close, min, ‘m gonna cum.”
his lips find your ear and he whispers hotly against the shell, “come on, baby, cum for me so i can fill you up.” he gently tugs at your earlobe with his teeth and you can’t resist, back arching with a shiver running down your spine.
your orgasm brings you immense pleasure, white spots filling your vision as you cum with a loud sob. you feel it in your entire body, from your curled toes to your thrown back head. your eyes roll back, calling out his name and raking your nails down the skin of his arms. 
he coos, holding back a groan at the way you get even tighter as you soak him in arousal. “thaaat’s it, baby, just like that. so, so good for me.” he coaxes you through your euphoric high, fucking you through it as he always does. 
“s-so good,” you slur, parroting his words as your mind numbs a bit. 
he moans, letting the sound of your whimpers and the lewd sounds of your bodies meeting fill the room. he buries his head in your neck again, desperately rutting into you so he can let go, too. your eyes flutter closed again and you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to you. 
your overstimulated pussy pulses around him as you listen and whine along to your lover's muffled moans. you can tell he’s close. so close to giving you the life you’ve imagined for almost 2 years. so close to being yours forever. 
“seok, cum inside me,” you whisper and his hips stutter, yet they keep moving as if they have a mind of their own. he lifts his head and looks at you– his eyes are clouded over and teary, yet they’re filled with all the love in the world.
he looks so beautiful above you. his face is scrunched up in pleasure, brows knitted, eyes droopy, mouth hung open as pretty sounds exit his loose lips.
“i… fucking love you…so much.” he says in between pants, thrusts growing sloppy. the telltale signs of his fast approaching orgasm becoming heavily apparent. “god, so much, baby, love you so much.”
you nod your head, mirroring his pleasured face. “me too, seok, i love you.” your words are a bit scrambled, but seokmin makes sense of them– understands you so well. 
his eyes roll back a bit at your response, brain momentarily malfunctioning, but he comes back seconds later. “gonna take this load like a good girl, right, pretty? gonna get pregnant and let me marry you?” he moans out breathily, cock now twitching uncontrollably. 
“yes, yes, yes, please, wan’ it so bad!” you beg.
it’s all he needs to press his hips to yours, stilling there, and releasing inside of you while he moans out your name so prettily. it’s a newfound feeling for both of you– his cum coating your cunt, filling you up till it’s spilling on his freshly washed sheets. he’s grown accustomed to finishing on your skin or into a condom, but this? this is all very new. this is something he now can’t live without.
you think the same thing when you feel him spraying your walls with his thick ropes of cum. it feels so good– so euphoric– while it’s leaking out of you. you don’t know how you’ve gone your entire adult life without experiencing this at least once.  
“c-came so much, baby…” you whimper, feeling him pull his cock out of you. 
as soon as he sees his release dripping out of you, he groans softly, already feeling hard again, but he decides to ignore it for now, bringing his attention back to you.
“hey… love,” he says softly, noticing the way you perk up a bit from your tired state just at the sound of your name. “you should’ve told me you felt like that… i hate that you thought i’d just leave you ‘cause we won’t be in school anymore.”
you frown, “i’m sorry, i didn’t know how to bring it up without being awkward… it’s the real world and i dunno… things are different.”
he sighs, hands running up and down your naked sides. “i get it, but like i said, i wanna be with you forever.”
you blush, biting your lip to hide the wide grin that ends up on your face despite the fact. “yeah, i remember… was that a proposal by the way?” you ask meekly. 
he squeezes at your waist, “did you want it to be?” he beams.
“i mean, it was a bit untraditional, definitely not how i expected my wedding proposal to be.” 
“what? you mean you didn’t think you’d get proposed to while i had my dick inside you?” he asks with faux incredulity. “i, for one, thought this was the best proposal ever. i even put a lil baby in you.”
you giggle, wrapping your legs around his body again, “you don’t know that, i’m not pregnant… yet.”
his heart swells at the idea and he smiles brightly at your blushy face, “well, maybe another round can change that, hmm?”
you pull him closer to you by the strength of your legs and say, “make me yours then, seokmin.”
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© cheolhub — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
tony gets kidnapped on his way to a business meeting or something and he goes with it because they’re in a pretty crowded area and he doesn’t want some innocent bystanders getting hurt in the scuffle. the team will notice eventually and his overprotective boyfriend captain american is going to 1. notice very quickly and 2. freak the fuck out, so he’s not really risking much here
also these kidnappers are sort of stupid and he’s not really worried about escaping later. except even though they’re stupid they mention things about the avengers and shield that they really shouldn’t know so tony decides to stick around to see if he can figure out if they lucked into hacking past his security (not likely) or if there’s some sort of mole
except the leader and the underlings get in an argument right in front of him because apparently they were supposed to capture captain america, not iron man, and the guy who grabbed him is like no, no, this is better! we have his boyfriend so we can lure him here instead!
meanwhile tony is just stating in disbelief that these idiots manage to string two thoughts together. there has to be mole. or someone else really in charge. or something.
and the leader is like fine whatever. he takes tony’s phone and opens the contacts and snorts, “this is what you have him saved us? pathetic”
tony looks at the contact labeled <3 <3 love of my life light in the dark wind beneath my wings <3 <3 and is sort of glad he’s gagged so he can’t say anything
he still doesn’t really know what’s going on and jarvis is still trying to hack their system an there’s no harm in sticking around a little longer since these people are. you know. idiots
except approximately fifteen minues later rhodey is busting down the wall and taking out all these guys in thirty seconds flat and tony slips out of the ropes that he’d undone about five minutes after being put into them (thanks nat) and pulls down the gag and says, “i thought you were on radio silence on a mission in ghana”
“i thought you could be trusted on your own, so it looks like we’re both wrong,” rhodey says. “what were you playing at?”
“i would have told you not to come if i’d known you’d get the message,” he protests. “i was working an angle here, okay, jarvis are you into their systems yet?”
“yes,” his trusty ai says from his phone from one of the kidnapper’s pockets. “tracing the origin of their financial backer now.”
“you really didn’t have to stay kidnapped for jarvis to do that,” rhodey points out, brushing him off and checking him for injuries.
tony shrugs. “i didn’t want to risk one of them getting away and tipping them off. take care of them i could. do it before they got a signal out without the suit? maybe not.”
this very reasonable discussion is interrupted by the rest of the avengers coming in swinging and then left blinking except for steve who feels the need to fuss over him while tony whines and complains and pretends he doesn’t love it
he says they were after steve anyway, he was just bait and steve frowns and is like well, why didn’t they try and contact me then? we knew something was wrong because of the stark industries security footage
and natasha, the sneak, has picked tony’s phone from the kidnapper’s pocket. he lunges for it but she skips back from him and says, “well it looks like they tried. they just messaged the wrong person”
steve takes the phone and sees the contact name and that the kidnappers sent the message we have your boyfriend and if you don’t do exactly what we say you’ll never see him again and is like. this is what rhodey is saved as in your phone?? what am i??
“look, the things is, it’s not like i actually use anyone’s contact, or look at it, i just tell jarvis who to call, so you really shouldn’t take this personally,” tony says.
steve types in his own number and stares in disbelief. “captain? i’m saved in your phone as CAPTAIN?”
“okay well when you gave me your number we weren’t dating and also you were being very mean to me at the time, so,” he says, resisting the urge to hide behind rhodey because he doesn’t think that will help
steve turns his gaze to rhodey. “what is tony saved as in your phone?”
“i really don’t think that’s relevant,” he answers, looking back at the hole in the wall like he’s considering flying out of it.
“jarvis, what’s tony saved as in rhodey’s contacts?” steve asks.
tony says, “j, don’t-“
“sir is saved in colonel rhodes’s contacts as baby,” jarvis answers.
clint is laughing so hard he’s going to break a rib. natasha raises an eyebrow, which is about the same thing
steve’s face is pure betrayal
“it’s because he’s an infant,” rhodey says, “and very needy and he throws up on me a lot.”
“hey!” tony scowls. “i haven’t done that in years!”
“and when you were texted about your boyfriend being kidnapped, you just knew it was tony?” steve asks.
rhodey shrugs. “well, who else would it be?”
even steve doesn’t have an answer to that
“it’s purely platonic,” tony says reassuringly, “carol would scratch my eyes out.”
steve scowls and sulks until tony changes his contact name
except now he’s in tony’s phone as captain handsome. he tells himself it’s an upgrade
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John hated to go on a mission right after a big fight with his girlfriend. She was so young and temperamental, and to make things worse, she was also stubborn as hell. Sure, he wasn’t without fault either, but he was older and wiser, always doing his best to mentor her, teach her how to be more patient. So when he was facing radio silence on her part, he began to lose his calm little by little.
At first he only noticed the rapidly declining amount of his beloved cigars. Then he became irritated, snapping at people for no serious reason. Simon knew what was eating him. He always knew when they were fighting at home, as if he had a sixth sense for this thing. The lieutenant was sneakier than him as he always suggested bypassing his girlfriend and talking straight to her parents.
They loved John. Maybe because they were closer in age compared to her previous boyfriends, or maybe because he was in the military and they knew he would do anything to protect their daughter from harm. Either way, this trick usually worked, and as if he was a lucky charm because it was his idea, Simon had to sit there and listen to the conversation.
“I’ve been trying to reach her, but there’s nothing, she doesn’t even read my messages,” he complained to the couple. His friend gave him a thumbs up then he rolled up his balaclava to his nose before lighting a cigarette. “Have you talked to her? Is she okay?” John pressed on, trying to sound extremely worried.
In reality, he wasn’t worried. He knew she was okay because she was always okay. She was just acting like a brat, a behavioral trait that he would have to correct once he got home. He listened to her parents explain how she had just visited them the day before, and how her mother would immediately call and scold her for making him so worried about her.
“You don’t need to, I’m sure she’ll reach out eventually,” he told them, sounding as relieved as he could.
They said their goodbyes and he tossed the phone on the desk. He looked over at Simon who flashed a Cheshire Cat smile at him before saying, “Told you they would know. They always know,” he added with a laugh.
“I can’t believe this woman. Just because we get into some stupid fight over something as trivial as who will pay for our trip to Italy, she goes no contact with me,” John said before letting out an exasperated sigh and sitting down on his chair.
“What was that fight about exactly? She doesn’t wanna pay?”
A scoff left the captain’s lips. “The opposite. She received a hefty bonus at work and now she wants to pay for the trip,” he told him with a shake of his head.
But Simon only tilted his head to the side as he blew out some smoke. “What’s wrong with that?” the lieutenant asked, genuinely curious about the answer.
John shook his head. “Nothing, I know that, but she should save that money. I always tell her to be reasonable when spending it,” he replied. “I want to take care of her. Am I a bad person for this?”
“No, you’re not.” The captain opened his mouth to say thank you, but Simon was quick to raise a hand and stop him. “But you should let her treat you every now and then. She wants to do something nice for you, John. Don’t take this away from her.”
With a sigh, John picked up his phone and began to type a message in the app you used. When he put it back down, Simon raised an eyebrow in question. “I sent her a text where I admit she was right and I won’t interfere in her plan,” he informed his friend.
“I’m sure she will be very happy to read this.”
She might be happy to win this battle, but he sure as hell wasn’t about to lose the war. He just needed to put a little more effort into the process of making her his pretty little housewife. Once he was done, she would have to do nothing but stay at home and wait for him to go home to her.
Soon after Simon left the office, John’s phone beeped twice. He took a look at the screen and noticed it was a message from her. With a smile on his lips he opened it, only to find a photo of her in nothing but a set of brand new lingerie with a short sentence under it.
I bought this for you. I have something special in mind for the day you come home 🎀❤️
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causenessus · 3 months
cold kisses
part 0.17. EPILOGUE
PLAYING FROM KODZUKEN'S STREAM . . . sweet / i thought you wanted to dance by tyler the creator
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he tries to take in a deep breath as the performance comes to an end. he feels the familiar way anxiety is constricting his chest as he gets up. the room has gone silent after they cheered; y/n and oikawa have just won first place, and the camera cuts to a closeup of them hugging each other tightly, both of them crying. a commentator is saying something about this being the second gold medal they have both won in a row when kenma stands up. everyone in the room looks to him as he moves to shut off the screen and grab the camera that’s been live streaming their reactions. he can see suna out of the corner of his eye giving him the slyest grin ever and he can’t help the smile that stretches across his own face.
“so, some of you guys caught on… but we’re not at my apartment. we’re gonna go find y/n and i have a surprise for her,” he’s talking to the camera, and the words are barely coming out of his mouth, the simultaneous panic and excitement choking him.
kuroo and iwaizumi are slapping him on the back as he walks out, kuroo following after him. he takes the camera from kenma with a stupid grin as slappable as suna’s on his face. kenma tries not to pay any attention to it. he grabs his phone from his pocket; it's open to the chat of his own livestream and he skims the chat. it’s moving faster than he can read, but a few words are catching his eyes. they’re all trying to guess what his surprise is, and some of them have gotten it.
then a notification appears at the top of his screen, and it slightly eases his panic.
“OIKAWA TOORU ☆ has gone live!”
soon the notification is replaced with a phone call from oikawa and he tries to take another deep breath before answering while kuroo talks to the camera.
“hey, is this working? how’s it going? you on your way?” oikawa sounds slightly breathless, which is to be expected. they’ve probably just gotten off the ice. 
“yeah. it’s good, i just left the room,” kenma responds, watching his chat freak out. they know oikawa’s gone live, and kuroo has informed them that kenma's on the phone with him.
the entire plan had taken a lot of preparation; finding a room within the arena that he could stay in to stream watching the entire performance that he’d also be able to easily leave and get to y/n from. iwaizumi was still new as an athletic trainer, but he and oikawa had been able to get in contact with a manager to help them.
“alright, i think my button camera is working–chat, if you can hear me, this is a once in a life time sight: y/n’s making me take off her skates for her like i’m her servant. don’t let your significant others treat you like this,” oikawa’s tone is light hearted before the call goes quiet. kenma thinks he can barely hear y/n before oikawa grumbles about something. “kenma, i’m gonna end the call. we’ll see you soon.”
“your chat is pretty smart, i think they’ve already figured out what’s going on,” kuroo teases, keeping the camera on him.
kenma can only sigh, trying to prepare himself for the moment. “this is a lot more nervewracking than it looks. you guys might want to watch this from oikawa’s point of view instead,” he responds, using his phone to follow his own suggestion.
“no no no, we’re going this way,” oikawa's microphone isn’t the best, but he really couldn’t expect more from the little camera pinned to oikawa's shirt.
“oikawa, i’m pretty sure i know where we’re going. you’re the one who got us lost earlier today. the dressing rooms are to the right.” it’s only through oikawa’s stream, but hearing y/n's voice is enough to make his heart race–with more excitement than panic this time–he thinks.
kuroo puts a hand on his shoulder, “this is gonna go great, kenma.”
“thanks,” he replies, continue to watch oikawa’s stream.
“no! i–how dare you,” she doesn’t even know that she's just humiliated oikawa in front of his entire fanbase, and the thought makes him laugh. “i knew that too. but i have a surprise for you,” oikawa huffs.
“what? how did you even have the time to set anything up?” y/n’s looking up at him with a nervous smile.
“you’ll see soon enough.”
that’s the last thing he hears from oikawa’s stream before he shuts off his phone. he’s almost there. 
⋆꙳•❅*‧ ‧*❆ ₊⋆
all she wants to do is change out of her dress. the bottoms of her tights are wet from the ice and the few stray strands of hair that have escaped the tight, sprayed-down bun it’s been pulled into are sticking to her face. 
“god, oikawa, where are you taking me? why am i always getting into these situations i didn’t ask for right after the olympics?” she complains, walking barefoot next to him.
“hey, i’m not waiting outside your dressing room cornering you into a wall and telling you to break up with your boyfriend to date me. just trust me, you’ll be happy. we’re almost there,” he fires back and she can’t stop the mix of a gasp and laugh that comes out of her.
“you did not have to do atsumu that dirty. you know, he actually texted me–oh my god,” she stops in her tracks when they turn the corner and sees him standing on the other end of the hallway.
her feet move faster than her head and she’s running towards him, jumping into his arms as he spins her around, any fatigue she had previously felt disappearing.
“kenma, what are you doing here?” she slaps his shoulder lightly, mind still trying to process that he’s really in front of her.
“i don’t think i could go a week without seeing you, and i’m not missing your performance just because of a stupid class,” he answers, giving her a small smile.
her face warms a little as his words and she returns his smile before she notices kuroo, whose holding a camera a few feet away from them.
“are you recording surprising me at the olympics?” she laughs, pushing a hair that’s fallen in front of his face behind his ear.
“well, actually–” he pauses, taking in a deep breath before he’s kneeling in front of her.
“oh my– kenma. you’re not–” she takes a step back, mind going blank.
“i was wondering if you would marry me?”
her makeup was probably already ruined from the first time she cried while she was still on the ice rink, but if it hadn’t been then, her mascara was surely running down her face now.
she ends up getting on her knees in front of him to hold his face and kiss him while he’s still waiting for her answer, “yes. of course yes. of course i’ll marry you.”
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prev. | m.list
extras <3
kenma was nervous the entire stream while him and everyone else was watching y/n and oikawa's performance but he was trying to hide it
kuroo was behind the camera but him and oikawa were just giving each other kissy faces while kenma and y/n were trying to have a private moment (oikawa forgot he was still streaming and so anyone in his chat was like ??? why is kuroo making kissy faces at us LMAO)
kenma's chat moderators are not having a good time
his chat absolutely exploded when he got down on one knee
don't come at me about time and how it's been four years and no one should be in school anymore or about how cameras and streaming works okay
mostly everyone's graduated
but kenma failed a few classes and had poor attendance and was there for another year or something idk
i cannot do more research please
proposals are so weird I had to google "how to say yes to a proposal" but I thought this was cute <3
this was NOT very proofread
thank you for reading cold kisses <3 this was a blast to write
taglist: @rinheartshyunlix @kettlepop @eggyrocks @cr4yolaas @httpakkeiji @keioover @does-directions @calx-bdo @staygoldsquatchling02 @cherrypieyourface @iluv-ace @kitty-m30w @h3xi2g0n3 @mylahrins @thechaosoflonging @momoriii-i @localgaytrainwreck @a-pastel-edgelord @bugglesboop @polish-cereal @osakis-gf @phoenix-eclipses @faesix @ryeyeyer @skylarkalchemist @kunimix @sereniteav @kodzubaby @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @r0seandth0rns @gsyche @kitnootkat @seillarium @tamimemo @myromanempiree @coldcigarette @eclipticnikki @squiishymeow @vivian-555 @cryptictheseus @eclecticeggknightpsychic @kodzukein @kawaii-angelanne @luvly-writer @kodzuken-hoe @kodzuken88 @bookworm-center @theweirdfloatything @glitch-karma @spicana
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soldiersslut · 2 months
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Female!Reader
Warnings: Language, herogasm, canon violence, Soldier Boy being himself and a smartass
Word Count: 3,649
Author's Note: I am so happy to see this story receiving so much love already. It really helps and pushes me further to continue with the story. There is so much I have planned, but all in due time. Thank you so much again!
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It was obvious you were exhausted, it was so bad to the point you did not hear everyone else wake up and talk about the plan for the day. Eventually, Butcher left to find food. Hughie was left in charge to control Soldier Boy and his radiation level. The less angry, the better. Soldier Boy remained on his side of the bed and watched TV. From time to time he would look down at you.
“Is she always a heavy sleeper?” he asked. Hughie looked up from his phone and observed.
“Yesterday was a hard day so I don’t blame her for sleeping in.”
Soldier Boy nodded and still stared. “I remember when I first met her, man, she was a firecracker. Nothing could get past her. It’s surprising to see her sleeping so peacefully like this.”
Hughie furrowed his eyebrows together. “I’m sorry, you two know each other?” That made no sense to Hughie. Last time Soldier Boy had awaken was back in the 70s. You weren’t even born yet.
“Are you stupid or fucking stupid? Of course I have. We served—” and on cue, Butcher entered with food. Hughie looked down at the radiation reader and realized it had gone up once again. Maybe it was best if Hughie doesn’t bring it up again. Though he will mention it to Butcher when they are alone.
Butcher dropped the food on the table and shook you to wake up. “Morning sunshine, get up and eat. I am going to head back out again in a bit to find the twins’ location.”
You opened your eyes and rubbed them. The sun was hitting your face and it was bothering you.
“I need a shower first,” you said. Quickly, you strode to the bathroom and locked the door. You stared at yourself in the mirror expecting to see bruises but there was nothing. The water pressure was not as strong as you would like it to be, so it took a bit longer than the normal shower time to finish. You were able to overhear everything and constantly rolled your eyes at Soldier Boy’s arrogant voice.
Soldier Boy was already becoming a headache, and you have yet to hold an actual conversation with him. The few moments you have heard him speak has been cruel and perverted.
He’s also suffered betrayal.
You sighed and wondered what else did Soldier Boy have inside his pandora box. He is unpredictable, and that made him dangerous. When the water began to run cold you knew it was time to get out. You dried off and put on the same clothes from yesterday.
Butcher had announced he had a contact who will be able to get him the TNT twins location.
“I am going with you.”
The more you avoided Soldier Boy the better. Last night’s words were still at the forefront of your mind and as much as you would like to ask him right now he is short-tempered and your attitude from last night hasn’t helped.
“Why the fuck can she go, but I cannot?” Soldier Boy demanded to know. You beat Butcher to the punch and rebutted back.
“Because you are Soldier Boy and at any moment anyone can recognize you. The last thing we need is you blowing up again and taking us down with us. So shut up, eat your food, and let us get to work.”
Soldier Boy’s jaw clenched. “You got a lot of fucking nerve talking to me that way. Last time I remember the men used to put women in their place. When the hell did society go wrong.”
Your jaw dropped slightly. Soldier Boy was a lot of things and maybe it should not be shocking he is being a misogynistic prick, but the fact he still thinks society has not moved on from that. “And you still wonder why you aren’t coming with us?”
That was the last thing you said before marching out of the room. Butcher wanted to ease the tension in the room, “might be that time of the month.” He left and followed you to the car. You were already inside with your arms cross.
“Don’t even think about making me apologize to him,” you warned.
Butcher let out a groan, “I won’t make you apologize but you need to butter it up with him. At the rate you are going he is going to bloody blast you. Do not let him get to you.”
You went on a rant after that.
“How do you expect me to not say anything to him? I am not going to worship the ground he walks on. If he wants respect then he needs to give it back.” Butcher agrees, but they need to be prioritizing the bigger picture and that is Homelander’s death in the hands of Soldier Boy.
Bucher decided to switch topics and discuss who was his contact. It is a C-list Supe who was friends with the twins before they were apart of Payback. The drive was over within an hour. “Let me do the talking, last thing we need is for you to make another enemy.”
If that was Butcher’s way to humor, he sucked. The Supe had no problem in giving away the location of the twins. On the drive back you decided to voice your concerns.
“Did I tell you what Crimson Countess said before her death?”
Butcher shook her head. You explained what happened inside the trailer and shared your concern with the way Soldier Boy acts around you. Granted, he is a dick but he allows you to talk to him the way you do. If it was anyone else he was quick to get offensive.
“Countess probably confused you with someone else. When you know you are at death’s door you are desperate to say anything, and with what you are telling me she was just trying to get under his skin,” he shrugged.
It still wasn’t convincing enough, “then why stare so fucking much?”
Butcher let out a chuckle. “Be serious, he’s been asleep since the 80s. He probably wants to pull his wanker and let one out at the thought of you.” You looked at him terrified.
He began to laugh just looking at your reaction. In the end you were convinced that it was all in your head and the answers were right in front of you. Upon returning Butcher informed Soldier Boy and Hughie that we will be heading out to Vermont.
Most of the conversation happened between Butcher and Hughie. You were sitting in the back with Soldier Boy and just like before, your knee touched his. Only difference this time is his hand was resting on his knee and his pinky reached out to touch your knee.
The car was parked a good distance away to avoid detection. The rest was walked on foot. “So, what is happening here?” you asked. Hughie looked through the binoculars and to both of your surprise this was herogasm.
Soldier Boy took pride in admitting that he founded it, and Liberty helped him with it. Your scrunched up face was obvious and he took notice. He smirked for a second and focused back the task at hand.
“Just give me three minutes,” Hughie suggested.
“I can go with him to cover more ground,” you offered yourself.
Soldier Boy shook his head. “Absolutely not. You are going to sit this one out.”
For a moment it felt like a vein popped on your temple. “The hell you mean I am staying here? I am not some damsel in distress. I can take care of myself and the sooner we finish this the better.”
Soldier Boy’s jaw clenched again and he got closer. He towered over you. “Trust me, sweetheart, with the way you are speaking to me I wouldn’t want to save you. Honestly, where the fuck did this attitude come from?” he snapped.
“Has it ever crossed your mind that you are the problem?”
Hughie interrupted, “I’m just gonna go.” In seconds, he was gone and without his clothes.
You were too angry to argue with Soldier Boy, let alone look at him. Those three minutes felt too long. After time has passed, Butcher and Soldier Boy left to infiltrate.
“Stay,” Soldier Boy ordered and pointed his finger. The binoculars were handed it to you. You faked a smile and watched them leave. Like hell you were going to stay. As soon as they walked through the doors to the house you were on the move. Instead of entering through the front door you went through the pool door. You have seen a lot of things, but never in your mind would you have ever imagined a Supe orgy.
You did your best to avoid everything and everyone. The last thing you needed is to give someone the wrong impression, and anger Soldier Boy.
It was surprising to see one area of the house empty.
“MM,” you said, shocked to see him here. He was also shocked, but he knew that meant one thing. He called out to you demanding to know where Soldier Boy was. You explained the plan and noticed his eyes diverted behind you.
“One simple fucking order, you cannot even handle that?!”
You could recognize that voice anywhere at this point. Slowly, you turned and noticed just how angry Soldier Boy appeared. Though, between him and MM you weren’t sure who was angrier. Without wasting a second MM threw the halothane glass and Soldier Boy inhaled it in as if it were a Marlboro cigarette.
“MM, no!” you yelled, and tried to push him back but he was determined to fight Soldier Boy.
Butcher had to come in and stop Soldier Boy from proceeding further. He gave Soldier Boy the information he wanted.
“You are coming with me,” he ordered and yanked your arm; dragging you with him.
“Let go of me!” you yelled and started hitting him, but he was not budging. Both of you came to a stop in one of the living rooms and noticed the horribly aged TNT twins. Why is he so keen in taking you everywhere.
Crimson Countess was able to remain cool and calm partially, but these twins screamed guilty based on their reaction and stuttering. It was obvious how they tensed up almost to the point they froze on the spot.
“Holy shit, mimicry! You’re alive!” Tessa spoke up, sounding a little too excited. She opened her arms expecting some hug from you and she even dared to move closer. Soldier Boy stood in front of you.
“Don’t you dare come near her or I will rip those fucking arms off of you” he threatened.
Tessa backed up right away.
“What is she talking about? Who is Mimicry?” you asked. You placed your hand on Soldier Boy’s shoulder; trying to get him to move out of the way. Soldier Boy looked at your hand placement and then looked at you. This was his moment to test out his theory and ask once again who exactly are you.
“You’re Mimicry,” Tommy answered and let out a light but nervous laugh as if it was the most obvious thing.
“Mimi, please help us. Tell Ben that all of this was a mistake and we didn’t mean any of it.”
At this point the twins might as well get on their knees and beg. You could feel Soldier Boy tense up under your touch. You looked at him and noticed his behavior was completely off. He was no longer portraying a confident soldier. This time, you can see a man attempting to fight off his demons.
“The hell is wrong with you?” you asked. You stood in front of him and tried to make him snap out of it. The twins saw an opportunity and aimed for your back. Soldier Boy noticed and pushed you out of the way. You hit the wall and went unconscious.
When you woke up you had the biggest headache, and your back was sore. You remembered what happened before and quickly got up from the floor. People were crying, screaming, and there was lots of bodies everywhere. You let out a sentence full of profanities and walked around. Soldier Boy was nowhere seen, neither was anyone else.
You called out to Butcher, Hughie, and MM. Shit, you even called out to Soldier Boy. From a distance you could hear fists connecting to bones, bodies hitting the walls, buzzing sounds, and just a lot of fighting. You didn’t even have to say anything to see who was fighting. Your eyes went wide at the sight of the familiar United States cape fighting against Butcher and Soldier Boy.
Soldier Boy was thrown to the ground while Homelander choked Butcher. He raised him up from the ground.
“Hey!” you yelled, without giving it a second thought. You pulled out your gun from its holster and started shooting at Homelander. It was expected the bullets were not going to hurt Homelander but it is a big enough distraction he didn’t choke Butcher to death. Just as you predicted, Homelander dropped Butcher to the ground and turned to look at you.
Homelander burst out laughing, “and what exactly can a human do against me?” Without a second thought his eyes glowed red and aimed at you. It was instinctual to try and use your arms to block off the lasers, but they were not going to do shit against him. You had closed your eyes expecting the worse but nothing came your way. You opened your eyes and they went wide to see Soldier Boy in front of you, and holding off the laser with his shield.
“Not a damsel in distress, huh?!” he asked. Of course he had to be a smartass. “Listen to me for once and hide!”
You knew better now than to get in the way. This time you did listen to him and ran out. You were out of breath by the time you got outside. Annie called out to you. “We need you, there’s a lot of people hurt!”
This was the best thing to do. This is what you were good at. Without a second thought you began to help people as much as you can all until ambulances showed up and took over. Loud, shattered glass can be heard above and you looked up to see Homelander leaving in a rush. A wave of relief washed over you. Soldier Boy, Butcher, and Hughie walked out. Soldier Boy was looking through the crowd until he saw you.
You knew there was no fighting him in staying. You looked at Annie and MM. They were both frustrated at the thought of you leaving.
“I’m sorry,” you said and walked towards the other group. Soldier Boy was satisfied and all four of you left. They explained what happened with Homelander.
“I’m still waiting on the thank you.”
This was unavoidable, and it was tempting to roll your eyes but now was not the appropriate time.
“You will get your thank you when I feel like it,” you mumbled knowing he heard you.
Soldier Boy scoffed and shook his head. “Fuck! Nothing I do satisfies you!”
“Will you two give it a rest?! It has been a very long day” Butcher protested, obviously irritated.
“You want a thank you, fine! Thank you, Soldier Boy. Thank you for actually being a hero and saving someone. What would we ever do without you?” you sarcastically spoke.
Soldier Boy’s jaw clenched, “you know what, fuck you and I hope your pussy dries up every time some guy wants to screw you.”
“And I hope you get STDs.”
The car ride fell into a tensed silence. You nor Soldier Boy could say anything without provoking each other. Hughie asked Butcher where they will be going for the night, and there is only one place Butcher could think of.
The Legend.
It was approximately a five to six hour car ride. You were trying hard to not fall asleep but it was inevitable. Now that you were not on a fight or flight mode your body began to ache, and it demanded rest. By the time they arrived to Legend’s home you were in deep sleep. Hughie tried to wake you up.
“Let her sleep. She sounds better like this” Soldier Boy said.
He didn’t wait for Butcher or Hughie to say anything. He put the shield on his back and walked around the car to open your door. He opened it and caught you in his arms. You were so deep asleep you didn’t realize Soldier Boy had lifted you in his arms and carried you inside as if your the weight of paper.
Butcher knocked hard on the door. It was the middle of the night and they needed a place to rest. Legend was more asleep than awake when he heard the knock. He was ready to yell at whomever was waking him up at this hour but seeing Soldier Boy carry you in his arms, it was like deja vu.
“It has been a very long, and shitty day. Where can I put her down?” Soldier Boy asked. Legend was too shocked to say anything. It’s impossible for you to be alive. Butcher snapped Legend out of it and pointed to where the bedrooms are located. When Butcher, Hughie, and MM came to visit you weren’t with them.
“I need a drink,” Legend said.
“At this hour?” Hughie asked, sounding concerned.
Legend nodded and poured himself a drink all the way to the top. Soldier Boy walked out of the room where he placed you down, and marched towards Legend with purpose.
“Wait—” Soldier Boy did not give Legend a chance to speak. He grabbed him and lifted him up from the ground, slamming him against a wall. Butcher and Hughie rushed to get Soldier Boy off of Legend.
“I swear to you, Mimicry is dead! That isn’t Mimicry! It’s impossible!” Legend explained, fear can be heard in his tone.
“You’re lying! How is she here then?!”
Soldier Boy was angry, he was practically seeing red. Flashes of Mimicry’s body appeared in his mind. She died in his arms and yet, she is here.
“Because that isn’t her! I don’t know how it is possible but Vought retrieved Mimicry’s body from Russia. There was an open casket ceremony! I went and she got buried with her suit! I saw when they put her on the ground!”
Finally, Soldier Boy put Legend down.
“Can someone explain what the bloody hell is going on?!” Butcher was angry. Something was going on and everyone appears to be afraid to say something.
“You will not understand because Vought deleted everything about Mimicry, but she was a member of Payback for the longest time. She was Soldier Boy’s right hand and possibly the most loyal one to him. She died trying to break this one out of Russia. The Russians told Vought what happened and Vought believed the safest thing to do was to make everyone forget about her. Nowadays, no one knows she ever existed.”
The Legend moved to one of the drawers. He opened it and looked through it until he found what he was looking for. He handed it to Butcher.
“Holy shit,” said Hughie. Butcher and Hughie were speechless. It was you and Soldier Boy. His hand was around your waist, holding you close, and your arm was on his waist. The cameraman caught the perfect moment of the both of you staring into each other’s eyes. There was a smile on your face. It was the definition of a woman in love.
Legend continued to speak, “the person in the room is not Mimicry, unless she has demonstrated any superpower. That is not her.”
For Soldier Boy it felt like someone ripped through his chest and held a tight grip on his heart. The more Legend spoke, the more it got twisted.
“What were Mimicry’s powers?” Butcher asked.
“She was able to get any Supe’s power with a touch. Including my own,” Soldier Boy answered. This time he poured himself a drink.
“It still doesn’t make any sense. She is human, and obviously Mimicry isn’t. We have seen pictures of her growing up and having a normal life. She has never shown any powers” Hughie explained.
“The woman in the room isn’t Mimicry.” Soldier Boy had been in denial of it but he remembered your hand on his shoulder back at herogasm, and yet there was no display of power.
“If this isn’t Mimicry, how is it she looks exactly like her? Did Vought clone her?” Hughie and Butcher had so many questions.
Legend shook his head, “if they were going to start cloning Supes I would have heard something by now. Truthfully, there is no explanation. Almost as if God and heaven, or even the devil, wanted to give Mimicry another chance at life. She always dreamed of a family, sadly it was taken away from her. She had a baby and that baby lived, and so on. What I can guarantee is that she is from Mimicry’s lineage.”
Soldier Boy stared out the window with the cup on his hand. Once again he felt himself lied to. He was being given something back, and now it feels like it got taken from him.
Your entire existence is a sick and twisted lie, and he despises you for carrying her face. He is reminded every time he has to look at you.
“This has never happened before with any Supes ever. Word is barely spreading that Supes can have babies when Mimicry was the first to ever have one a long time ago. If Vought finds out about her existence,” Legend warned and pointed to the room where you continued to sleep, “they will come for her.”
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Next Chapter: Chapter Three
Author's Note: Phew! A lot got unpacked and I hope it is making sense! We will be speeding through the end of season three (with a few changes) in one or two chapters, and afterwards it will be my take of season four and further on. Thank you so much again for all the love and support!
Tagged List: @seven709 @sadpods @mayafatimakhan @deans-spinster-witch @justiceforquentin @ultracarpediemfan @bitchykittenconnoisseur @spacecowgirl126
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cheriladycl01 · 4 months
My choice - Liam Lawson x BrazilianOlympicSkateBoarding! Reader
Plot: While Liam’s fixing his cars you are always found at the skatepark with your best friend Keegan, people online start to assume there’s a little more to that friendship than friends …
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It was a normal Friday, and you were in Australia with Keegan. Liam was at the track for the Australian Grand Prix watching FP1 and you and Keegan had been invited by Quadrant.
You’d met through both winning Gold in 2021 at the Tokyo Olympics and had been friends ever since. When Keegan got the offer of Quadrant he said he’d only accept if they made you part of it too.
Lando and Max had in fact met you before Keegan asked for you to be part of the Quadrant Athletes having been to many F1 races with your boyfriend Liam since 2022.
You weren’t at the GP yet because you and Keegan were shooting stuff for Quadrant with Max and Ria. You and Keegan were always goofing around trying to be better than the other one or just making fun of one another.
Your relationship with Keegan was so pure. He was one of those people that you only met once in that lifeline and you hoped to meet again in another.
You knew Keegan before Liam, so naturally you guys had more inside jokes, more banter. Whereas your relationship with Liam was everything you looked for in a partner.
He took care of you, always made sure to know your worth, and eventually (when you agreed to come to races with him) showed you the world.
But some people saw you and Keegs and thought there was more to it than just friends. And it annoyed Liam more than anything.
Of course Liam didn’t care that you were friends with Keegan and he’d never ever try to come between that friendship because he wasn’t the first one there, Keegan was. But it irked him just how hard the media shipped you too.
It got to the point where he was hard-launching your relationship once a week, again and again even though it was out there that you were a couple and had been since 2022.
“Are we finally done! I need a shower now!” You complain having built up a sweat from all the fun things you’d filmed.
“Yea, all wrapped up!” Max smiles and you pull Keegan into an exhausted hug thankful that this part of the day was over. You really just wanted to go to the track now and be with Liam.
Little did you all know but Ria filmed the hug, posting it on her story and Quadrants story to let people know that you were completely done filming with the day.
“Thank god!” You groan, trotting off to the rental car Max had and jumping in the back. Keegan in tow behind you taking the seat next to you.
“So who wants to put money in a Max Verstappen win?” You ask on the drive back.
“Nah im putting money on my boy Lando!” Keegan smiles.
“I’m being realistic and I’ll join in an say Max. But Lan to get a podium!” Max chuckles from the drivers seat.
“Mmm yeah I’m gonna also put money on Max, but Ferrari are looking good” Ria expresses and you nod, knowing people were in fact slowly but surely catching up with Red Bull.
“Oh Max! Is P gonna be there! I haven’t seen her for ages!” You complain wanting to see his girlfriend.
“Yeah she’s at the hotel now, she had a bit of a headache this morning so she didn’t come!” He says looking at you through the rear view mirror to see you pout!
You guys venture back to the hotel, getting ready before all walking to the race track having a close hotel.
“Baby!” You cry running away from the group seeing Liam say outside the RB hospitality with Daniel and Yuki.
“Hey Y/N” he says his tone a little off.
“What’s the matter?” You ask frowning and pouting at him. He never acted like this.
“Nothing” he smiles and you look at Yuki and Daniel who are doing everything to avoid eye contact with you.
“Liam…” you say and he squirms a little bit because you never used his name at all. Even if it was a silly stupid nickname like Li, or Iams (like the cat food brand) to the usual pet names.
Daniel and Yuki slowly left not wanting to be around for the growing tension they could sense.
“What is going on? I’m sorry I wasn’t here this morning if that’s why your pissy but you knew I was filming with Keegan and Max!” you exclaim thinking it must be that you hadn’t been there when he first woke up.
“Mmmm you and Keegan have fun?” He asks forcing your best friends name out with an almost grit.
“I mean - yeah? No more than we usually do…” you offer looking at him.
“Why do you care so much about Keegan today. You never normally have an issue!” You ask with all seriousness, normally you’d laugh.
Liam gets out his phone with a groan showing you the video circling of your and Keegan from Quadrants post on Twitter, so many of the comments were shipping you guys.
“Baby … you know Keegan is my best friend … and there always coming up with new weird shit! You know there’s even fanfics of us now?” You laugh but he doesn’t seem amused.
“Are you being for fucking real right now Liam! It’s the media … they spin anything they fucking can. Do you not feel secure in this relationship? Do you not trust me?” You ask a disappointed look on your face. You genuinely couldn’t believe him right now.
“Honey, what? Of course I trust you! But it just hurts seeing that people think you’d be better off with some other guy than me” he huffs out.
“Liam, look at me!” You say holding his face in both your hands forcing him to look at you.
“I chose you, all those years ago and I’m choosing you today and I’ll choose you tomorrow! You Liam Lawson are the love of my life! And I won’t have you being a mopey little baby over the media and Keegan!” You say before pulling him into a kiss, you can feel him smiling into it making you pull back and look at the new and dare you ay improved expression on his face.
“I love you” he admits holding you tightly in a hug.
“I love you too, my jealous driver” you grin teasingly making him shake his head.
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Liked by keeganpalmer and liamlawson30
y/user: Skateboarding with Bestie and Fast Cars with the LOML is my lifestyle ����🇷
Tagged 3 People
View all 567 comments
fan1: her and keegan are cuties … look at that date on their boards 😻
-> fan2: shes dating Liam not Keegan 😦
liamlawson30: baby why’d you put Kitty Purry on the board?
-> y/user: coz she’s a CaliforniaGurl 😝🌸
-> liamlawson30: of course she is … you’re weird!
-> y/user: but you love me! ❤️
fan3: Y/N living her best life fr. Imagine having all her friends.
keeganpalmer: it’s always fun hanging with you, my bestie 🏎️🛹
-> y/user: love you bestie 🧡🦖
quadrant:🔥 post Y/N!
landonorris: you best be in Australia little miss!
-> y/user: Keegs an i will be there! In merch DW!
-> liamlawson30: erm I didn’t agree to this … RB merch only …
-> y/user: I’ll sneak in with it Lando!
maxfewtrell: Quadrant Athletes have brought us the best duos!
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Instagram Story Caption
Keegs and I living it up at the Aussie Grand Prix 🏎️🦘🇦🇺 Thank you for the invite @ quadrant / @ landonorris
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall l @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
Give us a chance
W Rafe Cameron
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Series- outer banks!
Summary- He’s been ignoring you lately? But now you and Rafe get stranded in the middle of the sea. Just you two. Alone. You can’t both hide your feelings foreverrr.
Warnings- swearing, kissing, Rafe saving your character from boys taking advantage.
(No season three spoilers in this)
Request are open for all and anything🫶
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“Are you serious right now” Rafe stormed over to me pulling me away from some guys lap. I don’t even know who he was but- alcohol makes you do stupid things. “Rafe- get off me” I giggled pushing him away from me. “Are you serious y/n” “what are you moaning about now” my eyes rolled as my arms folded. I tried to look at him but my eyes began falling shut.
“Your fucking hammered- you can barely stand up” he stepped over catching me with one arm around my waist. “That’s because you dragged me up from my seat too fast” I raised my eyebrows at him. “I’m taking you home” “Rafe no! I’m havi- having fun” I shook my head trying to pull back.
“Y/n!” “Why! Why are you taking me home why are you looking out for me- you do it all the time I see you watching me at parties, you’ve been watching me all night here” I frowned raising my voice slightly. “Because we’re friends” he frowned stepping close to me again.
“We were friends!” I scoffed, turning away from him as my eyes filled up with tears. “Before you so randomly started blowing me off and ignoring me- I’m not leaving with you unless you tell me why”. Rafe stared at me blankly before bringing his hand up to rub the side of his head. “Fine we will talk but on the way home” he bargained with me throwing me a stern look.
I gazed around at the rest of the party on the little near by island we had found. “Fine- how did you get here” “my boat” Rafe nodded his head towards it. “Come on- on then” I stirred spinning around a bit too fast, as I took my first step my legs began to wobble. Rafe lifted me in one Swift move, holding me in his arms walking to the boat.
“Unnecessary” I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck, kind of liking being up here. He stoped at the steps of his grand yacht to look down at me with his baby blue eyes. Holding the eye contact. Hot. How easy it would be to lift my head up right now.
“C-can you climb up?” Rafe shook his head tearing away from me. “Yes- yeah” I nodded gripping the ladder as rafe put me down on land. We both climbed up and went to sit in the wheelhouse. “I’m going to make you a coffee first- sober you up” “are you just delaying your answer?” I curled up in a ball on the sofa removing my shoes. Rafe looked at me with a knowing look and smiled before disappearing.
The music was fading when Rafe closed the door, the sounds of the party drowned out while I waited for him to return. He took about ten minutes before coming back with a blanket, slippers and a coffee in his arms for me. I smiled when I saw him, that was cute. “Five sugars?” Rafe smirked putting the cup down on the side table. “You remembered?”.
“How could I forget that, I’ve never met anyone else that takes five sugars” he chuckled, laying the slippers on the floor and opening the blanket for me. “Thank you Rafe” I nodded my head once. The boy kinda brushed past it, he wasn’t much of a sappy person and he couldn’t take a compliment or a thank you from anyone. Ever.
He started up the engine on the boat and slowly we started sailing away while I sipped my coffee and watched the island fade away. “So tell me” I looked over at him after a few minutes of silence. “What did I do wrong” “nothing” he replied bluntly staring into the pitch black ocean. “So what happened then? Why did you start pretending like I didn’t exist”
“We’re not doing this, I just said that so i could get you home” “I know” I answered softly. “it was worth a try” my shoulders shrugged sadly. “I also know I haven’t done anything wrong, because I’d never do anything to upset you rafe” I told him truthfully. “What ever it is you can talk to me we can sort it out- I don’t want you to stay away from me”
“That’s easier said than done, even if I wanted to I clearly couldn’t stay away from you” he told me in the exact same tone and facial expression. “Did- you want to?” I asked lowly hoping for a no. “No” Rafe turned to look at me now for the first time in this conversation. “I had to- I have to”.
“Why?” I questioned feeling full of confusion. “Why” Rafe laughed looking back into the night. “Why did you get so drunk tonight, there’s many why’s” he replied.
“I- had another argument with my parents” I told him after a few seconds looking at the floor. “That still happening?” “They want me to follow in the family business- I don’t want to, it’s never going to be solved” “well, I want to be in the family business- I feel like my dad doesn’t want me there sometimes” Rafe laughed to himself.
I looked over at him smiling at our similarities, just as I did the boat engine began to stop. Rafe frowned and hit the petrol sign on the panel like that was going to solve something. “What the fuck” he whispered to himself turning the key again and again. “Out of petrol?” “No I’ve still got half a tank- something must be caught it’s too dark to go out and see” he sighed putting his head in his hands.
“Fuck!” The boy slammed his hand into the steering wheel making me jump and spill the coffee down the blanket. “Shit- im sorry” Rafe jumped up when he noticed to grab a pack of tissues. “It’s- its okay, we just have to wait right? until the morning” “yeah” he nodded wiping the coffee off me whilst knelt down. He looked up at me and chuckled raising a hand with his thumb out.
He dragged it across my cheek wiping the splashes of coffee off me. I caught his hand when he tried taking it back. In this moment it was just me and Rafe in the world. The sounds of the sea were the only thing that could be heard. He was staring into my eyes and I did it back. I didn’t want this moment to end.
But something had to ruin it. A boat noise appeared and it sounded like someone was parking next to us. “Who’s- that?” I whispered feeling a sense of fear take over me. “Stay here” Rafe rubbed my hand with his thumb before standing up to go and see who it was. He opened the door peering down the side of the boat.
“Rafe? That you?” A voice yelled up “yeah” he called back down. “It’s just Tommy” Rafe told me when I stood up. I walked over to the side of him to see a very drunk Tommy, Daniel and Carl in the little speed boat beside us. “Y/n? What you doing here” Tommy asked loudly. “going- home” I answered.
“So Why are you guys parked in the middle of nowhere- you Two been up to something?” Carl giggled swigging the bottle again. “Nah engine is fucked we’re just waiting it out” Rafe told them taking precautions it looked like. Seeing Rafe looking at them like that made me feel kind of scared. What was he thinking, what were they up to?
The three boys started giggling and whispering to each other about something. “Tell you what, we will take y/n home, take real good care of her for you so she’s not stuck out here huh” Tommy offered up with a grin. I didn’t want to go with them something was off, but I didn’t know how to say no. I moved forward to go down the stairs but Rafe cut off my exist with his arm. Thank heaven. No thank Rafe Cameron.
“Yeah i Don’t think so” he shook his head with a smiled on the corner of his mouth. “What’s the problem Rafe? Don’t you want her safe at home” Carl laughed wiggling his eyebrows “she’s safe here, you can go now” “all kinda threats out here” “I said you can go, or are we going to have a problem? Because I promise you will lose” Rafe leant over the rail of the boat.
“It really should be the ladies decision- we could have some real fun together” Tommy smirked undressing me with his eyes. “Of course that part probably wouldn’t have been the ladies decision” carl shrugged and the three boys laughed. Rafe slammed his hand down on the pole before racing down the stairs. Tommys face dropped and he tried starting the boat up again.
Rafe reached over the side grabbing Carl by the neck. “You talk about her like that again I’ll fucking drown you” Rafe spat, as he drew his arm back to punch Tommy started the speed boat and Daniel held onto Carl. Rafe dropped him watching closely as they sped off panicking. My heart pounded against my chest and when Rafe turned around he saw it in my face.
“Your okay there gone” he told me walking back up to me. I ran down the stairs meeting him half way. I’d hugged rafe a thousand times but this time, he instigated it. His arms were open. And I hugged him tight as a tear fell onto his top. “I won’t let anyone lay a fucking finger on you y/n, ever” he whispered into my hair running his hand though it.
“How can you say that to me when your never with me anymore” “I’m always watching out for you, I’d never let anything happen” Rafe told me pushing my head up by my chin. “But yet you still can’t tell me why you can’t even be seen with me” I pulled away drying my eyes. “Y/n it’s in your best interest if you don’t know” he told me sadly and tried to walk up the stairs.
“No it’s not Rafe! I need to know what’s going on it plays on my mind constantly!” “You don’t, you think you do but you don’t want to know” he shook his head gently moving my arm so he could ascend to the top. “How can you possibly know that!” “Because if I tell you y/n! Everything is ruined everything changes!” Rafe shook his head, I noticed his eyes were a little watery too.
“I’m a big girl rafe, i might take you by surprise” I called out desperately still waiting on the steps. “You really… you really want to know?” Rafe chuckled shaking his head. But I just folded my arms and raised one eyebrow up. Rafe looked at me for a second before bolting it down the stairs. He stopped inches away from me, inches away from my lips. “Do you get it yet?” He whispered looking at my lips and then back up to my eyes.
My heart pounded against my chest as I leant in hitting his lips. Rafe pulled back instantly and looked at me with wide eyes. I held my breath waiting for him to say something but instead he came back to me pulling me towards him by my hip. I held onto his neck as we kissed for the first time ever. Rafe was right, this had ruined something. But this could be way better than what we had, change can be good.
He moved a hand to my faces as we pulled away breathless. I didn’t know what to say, neither did he apparently. So we kissed again until one of us knew how to react. “I’m still going to need an explanation here” I told him smiling not letting go of him. “Only if I get one too” Rafe shrugged holding onto me tight. “Can we sit down?”. He nodded taking my hand and we made it to the sofa. Rafe pulled me down by my waist on top of him as I squealed.
“We just kissed” he giggled like a boy with his first crush. “I think I’ve liked you for a long time rafe, I just didn’t realise until you stopped talking to me” I ran my thumb up and down his arm. “That’s why I stopped talking to you” “that doesn’t make sense? Why didn’t you just tell me?” His eyes dropped as if he didn’t want to talk about it. “Didn’t think I stood even a one percent chance really”
“What?” I frowned pushing his face to look at me. “I’m fucked up y/n, you can do better” “your not fucked up rafe! I won’t have you talking about yourself like that- I don’t want anything else I- I only want you rafe” I whispered playing with the bottom of his hair. “Your sweet you just don’t let people see it, but I see it and I always have” “so I haven’t ruined anything?” He questioned holding my face too.
“You made it better- presuming you make me your girlfriend of course” I giggled excitedly. “That was a given the moment I kissed you- I don’t kiss anyone like that” Rafe told me seriously. “I want you, your all I want all I’ve ever wanted” “I want you too rafe” I leant our foreheads together.
“You’ve got me”.
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luimagines · 8 months
You Realize You Like Him Part 3
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Part 1 Part 2
Part 3 will include Legend, Sky and Four.
Content under the cut!
“And then I told him that he could fly from the top of Hyrule Castle for all I cared, I wasn’t going to buy something that only have a 40% success rate.” Legend finished his story.
You nodded along. You understood a solid...5% of what he was saying. But that’s ok. You like to hear him talk. He was nice enough and you liked his company. 
There was this energy that drew you to him. You’re not sure what it was. Sure he was cute but that couldn’t have been it.
Then again, he always had something to help save the day. He was fast on his feet and incredibly clever. He had enough experience under his belt to put most of the group to shame. There seemed that there wasn’t anything that he couldn’t do.
You respected him greatly.
Legend snorted and patted your shoulder. “I’m telling you, I know the ins and outs of most, if not, all sleezy merchants. If you want the best deal, you come with me and I’ll find it for you.”
You smiled. “Thanks Link. I might have to take you up on that.”
Legend faltered for a moment and blushed. “Hey... It’s not much. It doesn’t cost my anything.”
You chuckled at his reaction, feeling those little butterflies in your tummy. You smiled wider and felt yourself fluster a little. This was it. This is what caught you off guard time and time again. When he got soft or shy, you simply... followed suit.
It was infuriating to say the least. You wanted him to think you were cool, collected, suave. Hell, you would accept gravitas if you could reach it. 
For you to also lose your cool just because Legend was adorable was not the move for you. And Yet!
Someone called Legend for his opinion from the front of the group and Legend smiled at you again, soft and sweet and winked. He ran to catch up and ask what they needed.
It was the final nail in the coffin.
You bite your lip, feeling your blush grow over your face. Well this was hardly fair at all. You felt almost giddy with some unnamed excitement. Was this weird? Were you being weird?
You could almost feel the exact moment where your eyes turned into hearts- all the more thankful that he was no where near you at this point to see your descent. You liked him. You already knew that.
But to think you would feel like losing it over his stupid little wink and grin!! UGH!! This cannot be!! And yet!!! Here you are!!!
You covered your face with your hands, quickly putting your hood over yourself before anyone can get the impression that you were actually losing your mind. Which you were. 
You took a deep breath, then another, then another. That’s it. Breathe in. Breathe out.
So what if he was handsome and charming and smart and clever and cool? It doesn’t mean anything!
It meant everything.
Arguably, it didn’t take you long to realize that you were starting to fall for him.
You were only traveling with the group for a few months when you found yourself getting butterflies in your tummy whenever he would walk next to you or when you were staring. Period. You were staring. That should have been a dead giveaway.
But no, you were still trying to hold onto denial.
You were trying to keep pleasant but polite conversation with the young man. For some reason, you found unable to hold eye contact and you couldn’t seem to stop from blushing despite the fact that literally nothing was happening.
Still, you were giggly and happy and overall overjoyed so spend the time with him, even though you would have thought that he would have gotten annoyed with you at this point for being so out of it as you were.
That being said, when he put his hand on your shoulder, you had to bite the inside of your cheek to keep it together.
You couldn’t deny it any longer. That’s not a normal reaction. You were at least crushing on him. You had to admit at least that much.
He said some more things that you could no longer focus on before he patted your shoulder as a sign of good will before he walked on, no doubt going to talk to someone else of the group.
Once he was out of sight and hopefully out of earshot, you slowly sunk down and squealed to yourself. It was going to be a one time thing, you would have allowed yourself his much. Then you would get a grip and pretend it never happened and never do it again.
Somehow, the universe had other plans for you.
You had entered a new town and had to do some quick shopping to restock the supplies of the group. Which was all fine and dandy to be honest.
Until you ran into Sky.
Now you were blushing and flustered and giggling like a fool- even if he wasn’t even saying anything funny. The butterflies were back tenfold and they refused to leave.
Sky decided to stay by your side for the remainder of the day and help you out with the of the shopping. He even carried the bags for you. 
Your mind wanted to romanticize the entire thing and make it seem like it was a date when the more rational part of your brain wanted it to remain strictly business.
You had left for a moment to buy some things from the tailor shop for Legend and returned to Sky, who was holding onto some roasted food on a stick. He smiled, dare you say, bashfully. “I thought you’d be hungry.”
Your jaw dropped but you took the food anyway. “How did you know?”
“Because given the amount of things you’ve already bought and the fact that you started the second we split up, I was beginning to doubt that you had even bothered to feed yourself.” He answered quietly, scratching the back of his neck. “Is it good?”
You take a bite. “Delicious!”
“Good.” Sky smiles and takes the new bag from your hand. “Let’s continue then.”
The words suddenly sits on the edge of your tongue and you swallow it down with the next bite before it can escape. Could you love him? Could you plan to fall?
He certainly doesn’t make it difficult to do so.
Honestly, you can say without a shadow of a doubt that Four was one of your favorite people ever.
He was so smart. And kind. And the best kind of sarcastic.
You loved to go toe to toe with his wit and he never failed to make you laugh no matter how stupid the joke was or how low hanging the fruit was.
...He would hit you if he heard you say that that one.
There’s was just something effortless about hanging out with him. Conversation flowed easy and there never seemed to be anything you couldn’t talk about. Even when you weren’t talking, the silence wasn’t awkward and there no need to try and one up one another. It was just casual and pleasant coexistence.
But then you started noticing... the little you did. At first, as usual, it wasn’t something that you paid attention to much because you had already established that you cared about each other and cared about each other’s opinions and the relationship between you had.
But you wanted... more of his attention. You wanted more of his time and his energy. You found yourself looking over at him more often and wanting to get his opinion on everything even if it was next to nothing.
It wasn’t until Zelda invited you and the group to a royal ball of sorts where you realized that you were subconsciously dressing up for Four instead of just trying to look your best for the princess’s sake.
You were thinking if he’d like the color, the cut, the jewelry they gave you to wear with your outfit. You had a passing thought that Four could make something better than this if they ever gave him the chance.
It wasn’t until you nearly blurted the question out loud to yourself that you caught on to your thoughts.
It realization hit you like a charging horse.
Just why did you care so much about what Four thought about this outfit? About you? About if he would think you looked good or not? It’s not like he’s the type of person to judge you for your fashion choices. If you wanted that, you’d ask Legend of Wild for their opinion.
But you still wanted him to pay attention to you like this.
You bit your lip harshly.
It... can’t be that? Right? 
No, no, no- that would be silly.
You run your hands down your clothes and look back at the mirror. You think for a moment about your thought and break down in an instant. You’re a flustered blushing mess.
You think that Four would look very dapper tonight in his clothes for the party. And the thought gets your heart racing.
Would he want to dance with you?
Would you talk the night away?
...Would he even want to hang out with you tonight? He’s entitled to be around his other friends, of course. You don’t feel as if you have any right to demand anything of him.
...But you want it. You want it really badly. But why?
Are you crushing?
For a moment you  think you hear someone knocking at the door and you got to open it. It’s Four- looking just as dapper as you thought he would. You grin.
“As I’ll ever be!”
He’s so handsome!
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aphroditeinthesea · 2 months
I love your work so much omg 😭 🙏🏻 you’re such a good writer 🫶🏻
I saw you were looking for requests 👀 and I was wondering if you’d be willingly to do Leo Valdez x f!reader where they are kinda rivals (yk they just bicker all the time) both working on the argo together or making weapons with a team in the forge. But then some guy joins their team and starts mansplaining the basic equipment. There’s just situation after situation where the reader will explain something to the guy and he won’t listen but then the second Leo says it he gets it. And at first Leo kinda notices but just thinks it’s because he’s in charge and stuff. At some point though he overhears the guy showing her how to do something (the wrong way) and he’s like “yo back off man, she knows what she’s doing”. Maybe he even protects her from open flames when the guy almost burns her handling the equipment wrong (something she’d told him a million times before)?? Maybe both happen idk?? The two just become close after that and he ends up confessing or something
Sorry about how much I wrote 😭 your request rules said you liked the requests to be specific and I wasn’t sure how in-depth to write… so if that’s too much you can totally take a bunch of it out lol (I work with power tools because I’m an arts major and I’ve had so many guys trying to explain basic power tools to me… so this has been on my mind for MONTHSSS)
“ i’m a feminist, obviously (but i wouldn’t really mind him saving me) ”
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leo valdez x fem!reader 🔨
⚠️ o/c being creepy, mansplaining, almost getting set on fire
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
“That’s not,” Y/N stormed over to the boy. She grabbed the wrench out of his hands and began turning it, “righty tighty, lefty loosey.”
“What did you just say to me?” He scoffed.
“You were turning your wrench the wrong way, Valdez,” she replied, handing the tool back to him.
He grabbed it from her, crossing his arms, “for your information, that’s exactly how I wanted it.”
She rolled her eyes, “did you sleep, like at all?”
“A little.”
She huffed, “get some sleep, I’ll clean up.”
“No,” he defended, “I just need to finish this up-”
“If you try to use power tools why you're half asleep, you'll end up getting yourself killed,” she grabbed the wrench from him again, “and you know who’ll have to clean up your dead body? Me, and that’s gross.”
“You're too good to me.”
“Fuck off.”
He chuckled, wiping his forehead, “okay, fine. I’m heading out.”
“Bye,” she waved him off.
“See you later, sweet cheeks.”
“Shut up!”
He closed the door of bunker nine behind him, leaving her alone. She sighed with relief, tightening a few loose screws.
She hummed to herself as she began cleaning the mess around her. She picked up some tools, placing them back on their shelves.
“Nice song.”
She jumped at the voice. She turned around to see a boy standing by the stairs. “What are you doing?”
“I’m Marcus,” he replied, walking closer to her, causing her to slowly back up, “son of Hermes.”
“Well, what are you doing here?”
He put a hand on the ship, “heard you're working on this Argo thing, figured I could give a few pointers.”
She grabbed a toolbox, quickly walking away, “we don't need any help, thanks though.”
“Come on,” he smiled, following her, “you can always use some help, the more the merrier, right?”
“Take it up with Leo,” she answered, avoiding eye contact with her. She rushed to collect her things and made an escape to the door.
“I’ll walk you back.”
“I’m fine,” she sighed, opening the door and walking out.
She almost forgot about the incident the next day when she walked into the bunker. She found Leo with an annoyed look on his face, digging through a toolbox.
“What’s up with you, Bernard?” She commented as she walked towards the son of Hephaestus. She knew it was a stupid name, but she did love how much he hated it. She also loved the fact that he didn't understand it (she started using it more after finding out he had never seen the Santa Clause movies).
He sighed, “Mr. Macho over there,” he nodded his head toward the boy from the night before playing with a blowtorch. “He convinced Chiron that he should be working on this, too.”
She scrunched her face, “he gives me the creeps.”
“You know him?”
“He came in here last night after you left,” she explained, “I think he has a thing for me or something.”
Leo’s face tensed, his fist clenching around the hammer he held, “you think?”
“Hope not.” She took a deep breath before walking past the tall boy to grab some extra wood.
“Hey,” he grinned at her, “miss me?”
She forced a smile, walking away from him, “you know it.” She cursed herself for trying so hard to be nice to the little fucker, but she really didnt feel like starting something right then.
The day went on with her desperately trying to ignore his comments towards her. She found herself staying by Leo’s side in hopes that Marcus would think they were dating. As much as the idea grossed her out, it was better than some weirdo thinking he had a chance with her.
“I’m gonna head out,” Marcus mentioned, wiping off his hands with a rag.
“Bye,” Leo spoke flatly. Y/N stayed silent but let out a breath of relief when the boy walked out.
Leo looked up at her, noticing her change in demeanor, “are you okay?”
“What?” She met his eyes, “yeah, yeah,” she nodded, “I’m fine.”
He raised an eyebrow, “are you sure? Because I can figure out a way to get him out of here, if you want?”
She shook her head, “thanks, Leo. But, I’m fine, really.”
“Okay,” he breathed out before looking back to continue what he was doing.
She grabbed the blowtorch Marcus had formerly been using. She began using it (i don't know how they work i’m sorry), when Marcus walked back into the bunker, he immediately rushed over to her.
She rolled her eyes as he wrapped his hands around hers, “you're using it wrong.”
“I don't think I am.”
“No, you hold it like this-”
“She knows what she’s doing,” Leo called over.
Marcus just shook his head, “see when you do this,” soon the flames blew back towards them. Marcus threw the blowtorch down in the direction of Y/N in a panic. The flames spewed out and before Y/N could react, she felt herself pulled into a corner, tanned arms wrapped around her.
“What’s the matter with you?!” Leo yelled, his arms tightening.
“Look, it was her fault,” the son of Hermes motioned his hand towards the girl.
“Are you kidding? Since she’s been here, nobody’s almost died (italic). Then the second you walk in you almost turn her into toast!”
She nervously sighed. She slowly reached her hands up to hold onto his forearms, brushing her thumb against his skin.
“You shouldn't have a girl working on this in the first place, there's no way she knows anything about this!”
Leo took a deep breath before yelling once again, “get out!”
“What?” The boy scoffed.
“Get out!”
Her heart rate quickened. Despite all her fighting with him, she had never seen him this angry. She watched as Marcus shook his head before stomping out of the bunker.
Leo’s grip on her loosened, letting turn around to look at him, “are you okay?” He asked, briefly looking her up and down for any wounds.
She nodded, “I’m okay,” she looked up at his face, yet avoiding eye contact, “thank you.”
He softly smiled down at her, “yeah, well, that guy was an ass.”
She giggled, nodding in agreement.
“Don't worry, I’ll set him on fire next time I see him.”
She wrapped her arms around his torso, “thanks, really.”
“Of course,” he nestled his nose into her hair, “if anything happened to you, I think I would have actually killed him.”
“Good to know.”
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crybaby-magic · 1 month
Trouble Maker
Lloyd x reader
contains:jealousy,angst-ish,fluff,choking,oral,um smut,semi not really edited
this request is long overdue lmao
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As tech support you did thinks like help Nya or jay with machinery,help Zane or Pixal with there software,give the ninja intel that could help them with a mission.This also included watching there every move thanks to borg putting in cameras everywhere in ninjago you can easily keep up with them and give them directions.
Your other job was seeing who they save or defeat.You make sure to put it in a file to see who’s more prone to danger or how the ninja can defeat a certain criminal easier.It made your life much easier.Though lately your starting to hate this file.Mainly the one with civilians.You set it up so you can see how much the ninja saved someone; tiring yes, beneficial to them also yes,annoying you definitely yes.
over that past couple of months there’s been this girl who kept getting in dangerous predicaments.At this point you think it intentionally because she only insisted on the green ninja saving her even going as far as pushing the other ninja or having a complete breakdown of its not the green ninja.
Today just happened to be another day with her putting herself in a silly situation and demanding the green ninja save her.Watching him jump to her rescue the bashful praise from her after it was slowly driving you to insanity.What kills you the most is when you point it out he just brushes you off.
“Tch,honestly i’m tired of this Tiblit take care of coms i’m going to my room.”you had stated as you slowly got up leaving the computer to your fox familiar.
Wandering down the hall you continue to think about the situation.Lloyd tends to be dense to the point it gets him in stupid or dangerous situations.For example trusting a serpentine….that didn’t end well.You would think he’d learn but at this point you think he just likes the attention.
You pause at your door for a moment ‘Attention’ you thought then suddenly you came up with a wonderful idea.You hurried into your room to plan out this wonderful idea.
You could see it in lloyds eyes, the annoyance directed towards you.Though you weren’t paying him any mind as y’all were in the check out.You two were supposed to grab some groceries for zane but the trip soon turned into you getting hit on by the cashier at the register.After the transaction(and the guy giving you his number) you and lloyd headed out with him huffing.
Honestly you would feel bad seeing as you been doing this for the past two weeks but at the same time him being annoyed is so funny especially when he pouts like a toddler.Sighing to yourself as you to wander back to the monastery you wonder if you should just stop seeing as he's still hasn’t confronted you.After a long travel of him staring daggers in you head and you acting oblivious you wander into your room to nap knowing you'll have to pull an allnighter to catch up on a couple documents.Stripping yourself of clothing to lay in your cool bed.As soon as your body made contact you felt your eyes heavily close.
Through you semi consciousness you felt weight on your bed along with the shuffling of the blanket that lifted a bit from you body letting the cool air prick at your exposed skin.choosing to ignore it knowing who it is you turn your body to face away from him to go back to sleep.
That dream was short lived when you were force onto your back eye forcing themself awake to see green to red eyes before you.Lloyd breathing is very harsh like you'd even say you see faint fog coming out with each breath.You slowly grow nervous about his behavior feeling sweat bead start to form you stutter out “W-what’s wrong lloyd?” All that followed was his eyes glinting towards you.you opened your mouth to say something only for him to shove his fingers down your throat gagging you.
Clenching your legs by impulse to soothe the aching that awakened in your nether regions.Your hand grab at his hand that currently assaulting your mouth.Lloyds mouth proceed to attack you body in bites and hickies.At some point he wanders farther down your chest his unattended arm gripped at your bra in a moment of shock he ripped it off your body.The impact mad you whine out in protest.His fingers moved out of your mouth letting you gasp for breath only for his hand to hold you throats.Shaking gulping you looked at his face that had a smirk and eyes that fully went red.You tried to make noise only for his hand to tighten up.”What? You wanted to say something to me?I don’t know why when you've been ignoring me for the past two weeks” he said with a cheeky tone that soon lead to gruff laugher “You don’t get to complain you did this to yourself”
You breathing slowly started to pick up either from excitement or fear.Your breath hitched when you felt him tearing your underwear off.While distracted his mouth slotted against yours fighting for dominance that you quickly lost.Your legs soon started to shift again to tame the heated feeling in between your legs.Lloyd quickly gripped your thighs separating them with force.You whined out at the cool air touching you fully exposed body.He released your mouth and moved lower to your slit.
His hot breath made you squirm with anticipation.Your eyes widened immensely at his hot long tongue that started to make out with your pussy.Your hands reaction was grabbing at his hair thought it did make him grunt it didn’t deter him from stopping.Your mind blanked out once his thumb started to mess with your clit.You soon started to moan out louder when his tongue intruded your insides.Your walls started tightening up around it while you impulsive grinded on his face to the best of your abilities in attempt to reach your climax that so close.
You nearly cried as soon as lloyd removed his mouth off of your edging you from your climax.He moved his face towards your mouth shoving his tongue against yourself letting you taste yourself.All while not noticing that he had pulled out his dick and tapped it on your clit.He rubbed against you collecting your juice to lubricate his dick.He grasps at your thighs spreading them wider while slowly entering you.You didn’t know whether to move with him or pull away from him.
The pain was there but it only made you much wetter as it was also pleasurable.He moved his thumb back to start messing with your clit again to add more stimulation.At some point his thick length made it to the base.He pause to let you adjust.While he was semi quietly groaning you were whimpering from the constant throbbing of his dick against your walls.His hands grasp at your waist slowly lifting you up.At instinct you wrap your arms around his neck slightly grasping at his hair in the process.
Lloyd subtly starts moving his hips, gaining speed as he goes.As he moves he leans his head next to yours nuzzling into your neck as he vigorously thrust into you.he lets go of one of your legs and pushes the one he still had his hands on closer toward your chest.He starts to fondle you breast while sucking on you neck and chest area once again.
The squelchy from the constant pounding is dizzying to hear plus y'all's moans combined made you tighten up.Your nails started to scratch at his back as you writhe from the pleasure.You soon felt that coil start to tighten making you moan out louder.He groaned at the sudden tightening of your walls.At this point you were just babbling random things while he took pleasure in utterly destroying you mentally and physically.
He speedup seeing as yall both were wreaking that peak.The coil tightening until if finally burst.You came to the point your mind blanked into white.He soon follow pouring his seed deep into your walls.Once yall paused for a moment he slowly pulled himself out letting his seed fall out of you.You sighed out heavily.Lloyd fell onto his back panting he used the last of his energy to pull you onto him.
It was quite after yall had caught your breaths.Lloyd gently rubbed you back while looking at the ceiling.Glazing your eyes up at him you made a giggling noise “Pfft you could have just told me you were pent up!”
Lloyd just glared at you unimpressed.He pinched one of your face cheeks and started pulling it back and forth putting you in discomfort. “You’re a brat,you know that right?!” he said in a monotone voice.You tried to say something along the lines of “im sorry” but struggled against your face being pulled.
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isackwhy · 4 months
(Isaac x reader) yall walk into a hotel room and there’s one bed. sfw or nsfw I don’t care I just love this stupid trope
yes i hope it’s okay i do this as they’re like bffs w oblivious crushes bc i love when this trope works like that
one bed trope! isaacwhy x reader hc’s
finally u get to japan. FINALLLYYYY
ur dragging ur shit up to ur room. keys in hand with isaac.
you’ve shared hotel rooms w him before it’s fine whatever mannn
plus u get to see him shirtless it’s okay
“okay so we unpack and then what? meet nick and yumi at the station?” you ask as you reach ur room
isaac presses the key into the lock, “yeah,” he says as you guys walk in
everything is fine. it’s a nice hotel room
until u turn the corner and ur heart drops.
one bed. ONE. BED.
w ur best friend who u have a crush on
u wanna drop dead there
u both freeze. bags in hand
“so. uh. there’s supposed to be another bed. right?” you say shakily staring at the ONE queen sized mattress
“no. yeah. definitely was. um—you stay here. i’m gonna talk to reception or someone,” isaac says and shuffled back down to the lobby
u sit on the edge of the bed, hoping and praying you can get another room
it’s not that u don’t wanna share a bed with isaac. maybe in ur dreams. there’s too many factors to this. to many anxieties.
a few minutes later he comes back with a nervous grin
“they’re all—bookedddd,” he looks around the room
ur head falls to ur hands, “okay. okay. well. i can—sleep on the floor—“
“no. no. i’ll sleep on the floor,” isaac scoffs at your offer
u grit ur teeth. you’d feel terrible if u make him sleep on the floor for 2 weeks.
get over it. it’s fine. you’ve slept on the same couch next to him. it’s fine.
“we can share it. put a pillow wall,” you suggest
isaac raises an eyebrow, “y—you sure?”
“is it okay with you?”
“i mean it’s fine w me,” he quickly says, catching how quick he said it and clearing his throat
you do the same, ignoring the heat in ur face, “let’s go meet up with the others yeah?”
u hang out in tokyo for the night and come back and quickly remember there’s only one bed
once again u both freeze until isaac moves first
“i’m gonna change in the bathroom. u set up the pillow wall?”
“yeah. yeah. got u,” u mutter and grab pillows to put down the middle of the bed
ur brain is wracking w worries
ppl dream of sleeping in a bed w their crush
ur dreading it so deeply.
u change while he changes and he comes back w no shirt and sleep pants on
u gulp like you’ve never seen the man shirtless b4 (u have and enjoy it every time but there’s factors here)
“good job settin’ up the border,” he comments
u snicker, “yeahh thank u thank u i’m actually the master so.”
u both get into bed on either side of the little wall, scrolling on ur phones
tension is so thick in the air it feels hard to swallow even as u guys scroll in ur phones
“are you sure u don’t want me to sleep on the floor?” isaac squeaks out, realizing the conundrum he’s in
unbeknownst to u he also feels like a complete dumbass with his bff/crush in his bed and having no idea what to do or say
“i don’t want you sleeping on the floor for 2 weeks isy,” you say, eyes slightly peering over at him
he pushes one of the pillows down slightly and you guys make eye contact
ur heart is thudding. so is his.
“what’s up?” you whisper
“u think nick planned this?” he asks
u raise your eyebrows, “u think he did?”
he lays back down, “maybe. who knows.”
u peer over the pillow now, “we should kick his ass.”
“we should. but….after we watch a movie?” he offers up
u guys find a movie and eventually u fall asleep during it
isaac smiles, turning the movie off and falling asleep as well now
morning comes and ur eyes flutter open
warmth wraps around your body and u go to stretch…only to realize u can barely move
u take in ur surroundings and then ur brain catches up
ur over the pillow fort
isaacs hands are around ur waist. he’s still asleep and u cannot move
how did this happen
do u move
what the fuck do u do
u squirm around, gently trying not to wake isaac but once his hand drops from ur waist
his eyes flutter open
he looks right ur panicked eyes as u move ur head from his chest
he groans, “wall didn’t work?”
u swallow, “guess…not.”
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cloudbersoo · 1 year
would you mind?|zhang hao
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synopsis: how to get over a guy you didn’t even date in ten easy steps with the help of zhang hao.
tags: zhang hao x gn!reader, acquaintances to lovers, university au, fluff, slight angst, y/n likes someone else at the beginning, y/n is very drunk, making out when drunk, shy!hao, bestie!matthew has no filter, roommate!taerae, hanbin keeps laughing, what did jiwoong do though? y/n overthinks a little sometimes, mentions of sex and implied sex but no explicit smut! (im a minor and can’t write smut for the life of me)
word count: 6k (how did this get so long?)
a/n: this is my first fic in like six years and the first in english altogether! idk how to feel about this one but i thought to post it anyway. writing this honestly made me respect fanfic writers so much more, it really isn’t easy! this took me like five days to make. not sure how often i’ll be doing this but i enjoyed writing a lot. sorry for any grammar errors or such, i proofread this a couple of times, but my english isn’t perfect, so some mistakes might go past me. anyway, thanks and sorry! enjoy reading!
my playlist while writing: in bloom & new kidz on the block by zb1, cream soda & private party by exo, roller coaster & party o’clock by nmixx !!
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i. drink your feelings away
“finally you’re here” matthew mumbled in his slightly drunken stage, leaning onto a wall as you closed the door behind you. you could hear the music and people’s chatter coming from the living room. the smell of alcohol was also very strong, especially on your friend. you wished you could just turn back and go home. you were way too miserable to party right now but the sweet smile matthew was giving you was making you stay. you couldn’t possibly disappoint your best friend on his special day.
“yeah, sorry for being late” you finally answered to the birthday boy as you handed out your gift with a forced smile. “happy birthday matt.” 
he took the bottle of wine and chuckled. “thank you y/n” he said, looking at the bottle of his favourite. “for this and for coming tonight” he continued as he raised his gaze to you apologetically. 
“of course” you uttered, trying your best to convince your friend you wanted to be here, as if you didn’t just think about leaving two seconds ago. your convincing didn’t seem to be working as matthew sighed. matthew put down the bottle and walked in front of you. he examined your face for a while before he embraced you in a hug. “he didn’t deserve you anyway” he whispered close to your ear.
the guy who broke your heart just a few days ago. he didn’t mean to, you suppose. he just didn’t realise you were totally in love with him when he introduced you to his partner of three years. how stupid could you be?
you held your tiers in at the mention of him. not today. you can cry about it later. 
you embraced your friend for a while as you collected yourself. “you know what matt?” You finally spoke as you made eye contact with him. matthew hummed, looking at you with anticipation. 
“i’m going to have fun tonight.”
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ii. embarrass yourself
about five bottles of soju and a couple beers later you were completely out of it. you were somewhere in matthew’s apartment, kitchen or living room, you were not entirely sure. laying on the cold floor with zero thoughts of your shattered heart. you felt at peace. your peace, however, didn’t last long as it was eventually broken by a familiar voice calling your name. 
“y/n? you okay down there?” the voice asked with amusement. you opened your eyes and were met with hanbin’s gaze from above you. he must have found your state hilarious as he bursted out laughing. 
you got up from the floor with difficulty and flopped next to him on the couch. “never been better” you mumbled to your friend with a relaxed smile. you started making yourself comfortable and leaned your head on hanbin’s shoulder. what you failed to notice in your drunken state was the other person sitting on the couch. the one you were currently cuddling up to.
“hao” your friend started. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen y/n so wasted” hanbin laughed with tears in his eyes. 
suddenly, you were too aware of your surroundings, like there was no alcohol in your system anymore. you quickly got up and saw that hanbin was not in fact the person you had leaned into. the person sitting next to you was hanbin’s good friend, zhang hao. the boy’s face flushed as he looked at your shocked face.
oh my god.
you were not that familiar with zhang hao. you knew he was good friends with hanbin and matthew. he was from the music department just like your roommate taerae, and you were pretty sure he played the violin. he was reserved and quiet, and definitely not the most fond of you (even though your friends have tried to convince you otherwise). a friend of a friend. that’s what he was. not someone who you could comfortably cuddle with. this is so embarrassing.
“i’m so sorry!” you quickly blurted out as you hid your face behind your palms. you could still hear hanbin’s laugh as you were thinking about your way out of the situation. 
“it’s o-okay” zhang hao managed to stutter. you were in too deep thought to hear what the boy in front of you was saying. you searched for your other friend in the crowd. it’s time for me to leave. as you found matthew by the balcony with a girl, you turned back to the men on the couch. “i’m just gonna go!” you quickly said to prevent any more embarrassment and made your way to your best friend.
he saw you coming from afar and smirked at you. “you’ve definitely enjoyed yourself” matthew said delightfully. oh. he definitely saw everything.
“you saw nothing” you bit back and leaned onto your friend as the alcohol started to kick back in again. “i’m going home” you continued. could you even walk straight? no. but you could just call your roommate to meet you halfway.
“in this state? no you’re not” the boy slurred just as drunk as you were. he wrapped his arm around your shoulder in an attempt to keep you from leaving. you were glad your friend cared about your safety even when he was drunk. his company, however, was not enjoying the sight in front of her and you could tell you had interrupted something. 
“i’ll call taerae to pick me up, don’t worry.” you assured your friend. “i’ll leave you two alone now.” you gave a smile to the girl and mouthed “sorry” as you left the two before matthew could protest any further.
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iii. make a foolish choice
walking down four sets of stairs with your hands occupied by your phone was a challenge. you somehow made it though and were trying to contact your roommate. he was not answering. where is he? your apartment wasn’t that far from matthew’s but the darkness was creeping you out a little. you sent a quick text to taerae, saying you were coming home before you started your journey. 
you had made it past a couple turns when you started feeling like someone was following you. you’re just being paranoid, that's all. but the feeling only grew stronger as you clearly heard footsteps behind you. you were already walking as fast as you could in your state. is this the end?  “i’m gonna die-”
“y/n,” you quickly turned around to the familiar voice. 
zhang hao.
“oh it’s just you” you said as you relaxed until it hit you. zhang hao. the reason why you had run away from the party in the first place. your surprise finally showed on your face, which zhang hao found amusing. 
"sorry if I scared you” he let out an airy laugh while awkwardly standing in front of you. for some reason you had never really looked at the boy. he was tall and his hair was still styled nicely even after a long day. he was wearing a light blue button up shirt with black jeans that seemed way out of your price range. there was something about the way he was looking at you under the glow of the streetlights. he was looking at you with stars in his eyes, like there was no one else but the two of you in the world. the sight of him almost made your heart skip a beat. he had a few moles on his face, one right under his eye and another on his cheek that you wish you could kiss right now. has he always been this pretty? 
no. why is he here? 
he tried to give you a reassuring smile as he took a step closer. “you shouldn’t walk alone at this hour, it’s not safe for you.” he continued like he had just read your mind.
“so you think I'm safe with you?” you asked, slightly teasing. it was definitely the alcohol speaking.
the boy’s eyes widened in shock and he opened his mouth to say something but failed. “well- I mean” zhang hao finally responded with panic, not quite sure what he was supposed to say. you couldn’t hold your giggles which seemed to ease his nerves. his figure seemed to relax as he walked past you. “my apartment isn’t that far from yours, so we can just walk together. it’s safer for both of us.” zhang hao finished. 
lies. you’ve once picked hanbin up from his apartment and it's nowhere near yours. however, zhang hao didn’t need to know that you knew. you wouldn’t mind walking home with him even if the two of you weren’t that close, because he was right – this was safer (not because he suddenly made you think of things you haven't before).
so, the two of you continued walking towards your place. zhang hao didn’t say much as you walked, only telling you to be more careful as you almost stumbled to the ground. he also decided to hold you up from your waist from that point on – which you definitely didn’t mind. he didn’t seem to mind either as there was no signs of annoyance that you would’ve except from zhang hao in this situation.  
“we’re here” he said as the two of you stood in front of your apartment building. you really didn’t want him to go. you really didn’t want to be alone at all. because you knew the moment you were alone again you’d break down again and cry about the guy who broke your heart. just for this one night, you wished not to cry yourself to sleep. maybe it was foolish of you to ask zhang hao of all people to comfort you, but right now you couldn’t think of anything else. 
“would you like to come in?”
“do you need help to get to your door?”
you both had talked at the same time. you broke eye contact as the two of you chuckled. so he didn’t want to leave yet either? as it got quiet again you decided to look at the boy again. zhang hao seemed hesitant as he studied your face. then he smiled at you as he said “if that’s what you need.”
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iv. get cockbocked by a roommate
some might find the silence between you and zhang hao awkward, but you found it soothing. he was drinking the water you had given him as you sat on the kitchen counter. he looked even more handsome up close. the way he was leaning onto the counter and the way he was looking at you. oh, how much you wished to make him yours tonight. would he mind? 
your mind stopped wandering as the boy put down his glass on the sink. “i should probably go and let you sleep” he said quietly as he stood in front of you. he was incredibly close to you, his hand on your knee, his nose almost touching yours – like he didn’t want to leave. you couldn’t help but lower your gaze to his lips. they were pink and puffy, slightly wet like they were waiting to be kissed. you looked back to zhang hao’s eyes but they didn’t meet yours. he was doing the same thing – staring at your lips. 
maybe you were going to regret it. maybe this wasn’t right, kissing your friends’ friend. but you couldn’t possibly think about any of that as you leaned in. 
his lips felt as soft as they looked. it took a moment for zhang hao to realise what was happening but eventually he kissed you back. his left hand landed on your cheek as his right hand went up your thigh. the kiss deepened as you put your hands around the boy's neck, pulling him closer to you. you don’t remember the last time you have been kissed like this. he was driving you insane and you wished he’d never stop. 
“y/n?” you hear a voice say at the door. 
you and zhang hao froze before you rapidly let go of each other. sleepy taerae rubbed his eyes walking into the kitchen as you tried to calm your beating heart. so he didn’t answer because he was asleep. you took a look at zhang hao who’s blush was prominent even in the dark. “when did you get home?” your roommate asked as he yawned.
“zhang hao walked me, i was just giving him some water before he left.” you blurted out an excuse, which wasn’t inherently a lie – taerae didn’t need to know what happened after that. your sleepy roommate didn’t look suspicious and seemed to buy it. “he was actually just about to leave.” you took another look at zhang hao, trying to get him to say something. 
“yeah, i’ll just get going then.” he said, bid taerae goodbye, and was out of the apartment in mere minutes. 
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v. overthink your life choices
lunch used to be your favourite time of the day, mostly because you used to share it with jaemin all the time. matthew barely ever had time to eat lunch with you, which is how you got to know jaemin in the first place. the two of you clicked instantly and you thought there was something between you. how wrong you were. the past week you have been distancing yourself from jaemin and he hasn't been asking after you. you really meant nothing to him in the end. even now he’s just a few tables away loudly debating about something with his group of friends, completely unaware of the effect he has had on you.
taerae’s giggles seem to wake you from your slumber. you moved your gaze from jaemin to your roommate. he was laughing over a video hanbin had just shown him. “what is jiwoong doing?” he managed to say between giggles. 
“speaking of the devil” hanbin said as he waved past your shoulder. jiwoong walked to your table with zhang hao next to him, which was odd as the two of you’ve had a similar relationship with the chinese boy up until a few days ago (unless jiwoong had also been making out with him recently). “what did i do?” jiwoong questioned his friends as he placed his lunch on the table.
“nothing, nothing. where’s matthew?” hanbin said as he hid his phone with a grin.
“he’s on a date” you said nonchalantly. everyone at the table suddenly turned their heads towards you. they had totally forgotten you were even there as you had spent most of your break staring at a certain someone. you should get your shit together.
“oh right, zhang hao! thanks for walking y/n home the other night.” taerae said as zhang hao sat next to hanbin. well shit. you hadn’t told anyone of what had happened with zhang hao after matthew’s party. you hadn’t even talked to zhang hao since then. you felt awful that you had tried to use him to forget about someone else, and then kicked him out as your roommate found the two of you. you weren’t sure how you were supposed to even bring it up to him when you were never alone with him anyway. 
“you walked her home?” hanbin questioned as he turned his head to his left where zhang hao was sitting. the boy only gave his friend a small nod as he dug into his food. his aura seemed so different in the daylight. his hair wasn’t styled like at the party, it was a bit all over the place. the way he stuffed his mouth full of food made him look cute. his cheeks were slightly pink with blush. while observing the boy, you had completely missed the teasing smile on hanbin’s face.
how were you supposed to talk to him? thanks for walking me home and making out with me in my kitchen. does he even want to talk about it? the two of you had seen each other around campus a couple times since then and he hasn't tried to talk to you once. maybe all of it was just a spur of the moment thing for him that he now wished to forget about.
you sighed as you decided it was your time to leave for class. there was no way you were going to talk to zhang hao now anyway, not in front of all your friends. “my lecture is starting soon, i’ll go now.” you said as you stood up. taking your things with you and hearing people say their goodbyes, you were on your way.
“wait, are we just going to ignore the fact that matthew is on a date?” you could hear jiwoong ask behind you.
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vi. get help
“so…” matthew said in a teasing tone as he sat across from you at the library. 
“so, what?” you questioned, like you had no idea what your best friend was referring to. well, in your defence, you never knew with matthew, but you had a feeling this conversation topic started with a z and ended with hang hao. “you and hao?” he continued, just like you had anticipated, raising his eyebrows. 
“what about me and zhang hao?” you continued, acting clueless in the hopes of him dropping the conversation. 
“after what i saw at my birthday party and then hearing he walked you home, i hoped the two of you worked out the weird tension between you two and finally fucked” your friend blurted out in a very matthew way, like it was the most obvious conclusion to come to in the world. 
“we did not!” you raised your voice a little too much as you tried to defend yourself. you got a few judging stares from the people around you who were trying to study. something you were supposed to do as well, instead of having this conversation about zhang hao. “we didn’t fuck…” you continued more quietly. there was no reason for you to lie to your best friend. not when you could use his help.
“but you were going to?” he gave you a knowing look.
“well yeah, but then taerae woke up and i panicked and i kinda kicked zhang hao out-” you started rambling. wait. “how did you know we almost fucked? did he talk to you? what did he say? does he totally hate me now?” you continued like you were going to lose your mind. and now matthew was laughing at you, trying his best to stay quiet. 
“i haven’t talked to anyone, except hanbin, he’s just as convinced there’s something going on between you and hao as i am” your friend finally spoke. if only you knew what was going on between the two of you. you sighed and hit your head on the table. “what’s the problem y/n? you know, you could just text him and ask him" matthew said.
“i don’t have his number” you mumble in despair. 
“what? how can you not have his number?” matthew asked, confused.
“why would i? was i supposed to ask for it when we were making out or something?” you said as you lifted your head from the table, looking at your friend who definitely didn’t need to hear any more details of that night.
matthew took his phone out of his pocket, and gave it to you after a moment. “here, take his number and text him”
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vii. become friends
you were currently sitting down at a park you had agreed to meet with zhang hao. matthew was able to convince you it was better to sort things out with zhang hao sooner than later. but now that you were here, waiting for the guy, you couldn’t help but feel nervous. it was warm as summer was finally coming and you felt like you were sweating buckets. was it the weather or your nerves – you were not quite sure.
“hi, did you have to wait long?” you hear a familiar voice from your left and see zhang hao’s figure coming towards you. he waved at you while giving you a sweet smile. damn. he’s so pretty. 
“oh no, not at all” you answered, trying to give the boy a smile to hide your nervousness. 
“what did you want to talk about?” zhang hao said calmly as he sat down next to you. unlike the other night, now he had left much space between the two of you. he didn’t seem nervous at all, which made you feel uneasy. maybe this wasn’t as big of a deal for him as it was for you. 
“at matt’s party, i’m sorry for being such a mess and dragging you into it” you decided to tell him. “i had a few too many drinks that night.” you took a look at zhang hao. he seemed surprised, maybe a little hurt as he tried to get comfortable on the bench. was that not the right thing to say?  “i mean, i probably made you uncomfortable and then i rushed you out of my place when taerae woke up, it was super rude of me to-” you were starting to ramble. 
“i wasn’t uncomfortable” he cut you off. he finally turned to look at you again “i wouldn’t have come in if i was.” there was the look again, making your heart beat louder on your chest. he was looking at you like he did under the streetlights, like you were the only person in the world that mattered. you wouldn’t mind getting lost in his eyes. “so don’t be too sorry, i enjoyed it as long as it lasted.” he gave you a shy smile.
this was the first time the boy had made you blush, usually it was the other way around. you broke eye contact to hide your shyness from him. “cool, cool” you started quite awkwardly. “we should probably be casual about all this, since we're friends and all…”
“we’re friends now? i’m cool with that” zhang hao replied with amusement.
“i mean, we’ve known each other long enough to call us that, i guess” you tried to reason, not realising your friend was only teasing you. as you turned your gaze back to him you saw him still smiling at you. this man will be the death of me. “well that’s that. sorry i can’t stay longer, i have places to be. bye zhang hao.” you said as you got up from the bench. you had nowhere to be, but you couldn’t possibly handle being in zhang hao’s presence any longer. 
“bye friend!” he yelled after you still with a teasing tone.
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viii. feel nothing
you and your new friend zhang hao have gotten along well since your talk at the park. nothing has changed that much, except now you greet each other at campus, engage in conversation together, and sometimes share memes with each other. you have tried to convince matthew that you and zhang hao are really just friends and nothing more. matthew just can’t help himself when he teases you with kissy noises every time you interact with zhang hao. he’s the only other person that knows about your little secret. even hanbin doesn’t know, because if he did — everyone would. 
you were finally finished with your last class of the day, walking out of your department building. you felt at ease as everything in your life was finally going well. you were able to sort things out with zhang hao, you weren’t particularly struggling with any classes, and you were barely thinking about him, who shall not be named. 
as if on cue, there he was standing a few meters away from you. jaemin. he wasn’t alone though, as he was having a conversation with someone. you couldn’t quite tell what the two were talking about, not that really even mattered to you. contrary to popular belief, your heart no longer ached at the sight of him. you continued your journey with no intent to interact with jaemin, at least not until you realised who exactly he was talking with. when you were close enough you could recognize the other man’s voice.
what was zhang hao doing with jaemin? the sight in front of you felt really odd, but you couldn’t possibly look away. zhang hao almost towered over jaemin, paying attention to what the latter was talking about. he was wearing glasses that complimented his face well. one of his sleeves was rolled up revealing his toned arm. he looked so mesmerising, you couldn't help but stare.
it didn’t take long for you to be caught staring as jaemin called out your name. “wow it’s been so long. how have you been?” he asked happily as you took a few steps closer to the two. zhang hao was surprised to see you, his gaze moving between you and jaemin. his face filled with worry made you think he must have heard about jaemin and you from someone (definitely not from hanbin). you gave zhang hao a reassuring smile as you greeted jaemin, who was ready to embrace you in a hug. 
“i’ve been well” you sounded a little awkward as the two of you let go. an act that used to make your heart do backflips no longer felt like anything. “what were you two talking about? i didn’t know you even knew each other.” you asked out of curiosity as you stood next to zhang hao, who suddenly put his arm around your shoulder. you turned your head towards your friend, trying to understand what he was up to. 
“we’ve shared a few classes here and there” zhang hao said as he turned his head to face you. he was so close to you again, making your heart beat louder on your chest. “you’re ready to go?” he continued. you could only show your confusion on your face as you didn’t trust your voice to say anything at the close proximity. “dinner? remember?” he gave you a wink.
what? you were completely lost. what was this man talking about? 
“oooh, date night?” jaemin cooed in front of you. he took his headphones out of his back and put them over his ears. “i won't waste your time anymore then. y/n we should totally catch up sometime!” he didn’t wait for your response before he left. 
you and zhang hao stayed close to each other in silence for a while. you wondered if he could hear the way your heart was beating for him. you tried to look for answers from his face but to no avail. finally, zhang hao moved and removed his hand off of you, what had felt like way too soon. “sorry” he said as he stood in front of you. “you must have felt awkward seeing him” he continued, scratching the back of his neck. 
“did you do all that to get rid of him? i’m fine, i don’t like him like that anymore” you felt the need to clarify to him.
“oh” he said, blush breaking to his face and neck. “well, i was getting tired of him anyway” he excused and removed his gaze from you to hide his embarrassment. you thought he looked the cutest whenever he got shy or embarrassed. 
your laugh seemed to peak his interest again, as he turned his gaze back on you. your blushing face, matching his own. a comfortable silence fell between you again. ”just friends huh?” you could hear matthew’s teasing voice in your head.
“y/n?” zhang hao eventually spoke. you hummed as a response, waiting him to carry on. “have you eaten yet?” the boy continued hesitantly. 
“no, not yet” you answered truthfully, not quite sure where the conversation was going. zhang hao stayed quiet for a while. he was nervously shifting on his place, turning his face away from you once again. he was trying to find the right way to ask you.
“would you like to go out for dinner then?” he asked carefully. 
“sure!” you answered enthusiastically. you were starving at this point and wouldn’t mind spending some time with friends as well. “who else is coming?” 
“well, i thought it could be just us…” the boy responded, still not daring to look at you. 
“oh! that works too. sure. yeah.” you replied, definitely not embarrassed that you didn’t get the hint right away. “does indian sound good to you? i’m craving butter chicken” you continued, trying to move the conversation onwards, while your heart kept beating hard against your chest. 
“if that’s what you want, it’s good with me” zhang hao said and the two of you started your way out of campus, both a blushing mess.
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ix. feel everything
you were not entirely sure what to think. had you just been on a date? zhang hao didn’t explicitly call it that, but it surely had felt like one. the dinner went smoothly, it didn’t feel awkward and the two of you were able to talk to each other comfortably. he constantly smiled at you and asked you questions about your life, putting the effort into getting to know you. he even insisted on paying for your meal in the end. 
you got to know things about him as well, as zhang hao no longer felt shy talking to you. he’s an only child and very close with his mom. he chose to play the violin, because it’s much easier to carry around compared to a cello. him and jiwoong have gotten closer lately because jiwoong had asked him to help him with a song he has been working on. he also revealed that he was glad that the two of you have gotten closer, which made you question things even more.
you were walking to your apartment in silence, completely sober this time. zhang hao had insisted on walking you home again, “as a man should” he had said. the way his hand was accidentally brushing against yours every once in a while was giving you butterflies in your stomach. you were not entirely sure if the man next to you even realises how much of an effect he had on you. you weren’t walking that fast because you really didn’t want the night to end. 
must to your dismay, you ended up in front of your apartment building. it felt like deja vu, standing in front of him again. you didn’t want zhang hao to leave, but you weren’t sure if it was appropriate to invite him in. you couldn't hide behind the confidence alcohol had given you last time. you didn't know what to say, so you settled on just staring at his face, completely mesmerised. he was doing the same, his gaze wandering on your face, like he was trying to remember each little detail of you. 
“i should…” zhang hao started, now looking straight into your eyes. “i should probably go now” he continued, not at all convincing. he made no effort to move, which finally gave you the confidence to talk. it won’t hurt to ask, right?
“i could offer you a glass of water before you go” you said, tearing your gaze away, still slightly scared of what he might answer. “you know, taerae’s not home tonight…” you added. as you heard no answer from the boy, you hesitantly took a look at him. he was smiling at you again, the way he had been all dinner. 
zhang hao took a step closer, raising his hand to hold your chin, making you hold eye contact with him. he lowered his gaze slowly to your lips, looking at you like you were someone to be desired. “you sure?” he finally spoke in a lower voice, still staring at your lips. you could only hum in response. and then he leaned in to kiss you. 
his lips were soft, but he pushed them hard against yours. he tasted like cherries as you kissed him back. the kiss deepened quickly as his tongue pushed past your lips. his arms lowered to your hips, pulling you closer, as you put yours behind his neck, playing with his hair. you didn’t stop until you both were almost running out of air.
zhang hao let out an airy laugh. “i’ve wanted to do that for a while” he confessed, your arms still tangled around each other. he was looking at you with so much adoration.
“yeah? me too” you smiled, your cheeks slightly pink. you let go of the boy to open the door to your apartment building. he held onto your arm as the two of you walked towards the elevator. you turned to look at zhang hao, who’s cheeks were a shade of pink as well. he noticed you staring and gave you another sweet smile. the door finally opened, and he couldn’t even wait till you got to your apartment, as he stole another kiss from you as you entered the elevator.
“i honestly thought you didn’t like me at all” you admitted to him as you parted from the kiss.
“that’s what hanbin always told me” zhang hao answered, now with a pout on his lips. “i was just too shy to talk to you, you’re like the most gorgeous person i’ve ever laid my eyes on” he continued, no longer daring to look you in the eye. even he seemed a little surprised by his sudden confession. 
you’ve received compliments before, but hearing one from zhang hao felt different. your cheeks heated up again, and you could feel your excitement all the way down on your stomach. you wanted him so badly, you could only wish he felt the same way. when the elevator stopped, you decided to quickly peck the boy's cheek before you dragged him to your apartment.
once the door to your apartment closed behind you, you were all over each other. his lips connected with yours as your arms roamed all over your bodies. you couldn’t get enough of him, wanting him even closer to you. you stumbled over to your bedroom, where you gave him one more kiss before backing away.
zhang hao looked at you with concern. “are you okay?” he asked while still holding you closely.
“yeah, i just- i want to make sure you want this as much i do” you answered, studying his face for any signs of regret or hesitation. 
“i really like you y/n, and i want this more than you think” he admitted. he detached one of his hands from you to remove his glasses out of the way, putting them down to your nightstand. he lowered his hand on your cheek, cherishing it gently. “let me show you just how much you mean to me.”
so you let him, as you kissed him again.
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x. fall in love
you were still out of breath as you cuddled up to zhang hao’s bare body. he wrapped his hand around you and squeezed you closer to him, twirling your hair with his fingers. you laid your head against his chest, drawing circles on his toned body, sighing with content. you felt zhang hao’s lips against your forehead, giving you a peck after peck. the act made you giggle, turning your gaze to him.
“what?” you asked.
“nothing, i’m just really happy” he answered, giving you one more kiss on your lips. he looked at you with so much love and warmth, which made you feel like you were dreaming. you couldn’t help but wonder what made you deserve to meet someone like zhang hao. no one has made you feel this good in such a long time, if ever. suddenly, very overwhelmed with your feelings, you hid your face on the crook of his neck.
you felt zhang hao’s chest vibrate from the laughter he let out. “cute” he whispered quietly, mostly to just himself, cherishing your head again. you got comfortable again, almost falling asleep in his embrace. his breath also evening out as he was slowly drifting away to sleep too.
“i really like you too, zhang hao” you sleepily mumbled against his skin, before the two of you fell into dreamland together.
- end
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“why do you always call me zhang hao?”
“maybe because it’s your name??”
“yes, but everyone calls me hao. you’re the only one who calls me zhang hao”
“well, hao, i’ll call you that from now on”
the boy’s face flushed red as he finally heard you say his name. 
“oh my god, you’re so cute!” 
he turns his face to hide his blush from you.
“shut up”
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funnyjb · 2 months
Hope your Ok
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I knew a boy, once when I was small. My best friend, Joe. We fell out of touch a couple months before he got drafted. Sometimes life and different dreams can split people up. That’s what happened with us.
Joe was headed to the NFL, I on the other hand was headed to Boston to pursue my dream in journalism. We kept texting each other when I left but I started to get busy with work and he started to build a brand new life in Cincinnati. We just stopped talking. Maybe a couple “Hey, how you doing?” Here and there.
He’s my best friend or was? I don’t even know anymore. I love him. So when I saw he hurt himself and tore his ACL his first year in the NFL it broke me. I couldn’t imagine what he was going through.
A couple weeks went by after that game and I heard he had surgery. I contemplated reaching out, but was too nervous. What if he forgot about me? But then I thought if I were to reach out it would have to be the right way. Writing a hand written letter. I know what you’re thinking. “Y/n, we have phones you can text or call him! Why write a letter?” Well, growing up I always knew I wanted to pursue journalism. Joe would always read my work and think it was like reading The New York Times. He would always say “when you go out and live your dream, you should write me handwritten notes and we can write back and forth from each other.” I always thought that was stupid. But now maybe would be the right time to do it. So, I did it.
Dear Joey,
You know how you always used to say “When you become a big time journalist, you should write me handwritten notes and we can write back and forth from each other.”? Well I’m doing that now. I know we haven’t talked in months. I’ve been swamped with work. I think about you every day. Which might sound creepy and weird, but I miss how we were. You’re also probably crazy busy with being in the NFL and all. By the way which is still so crazy to me that you’re In the NFL. Well I knew you always would be but it’s still insane!! I’m so beyond proud of you. I heard what happened. How do you feel? Probably in a lot of pain knowing the injury. I hope you’re ok. I believe in you, Joe. You can get through anything. It’s ok to not be ok. But know you have a huge support system including me. I just want to say I’m always going to be proud of you and hope you’re doing good! Tell the family I say hello! Sending you lots of hugs!
I folded it in half put it in an envelope and sent it.
Joes POV
I was still in bed rest and couldn’t really get up or walk, so my family has been staying with me. I was on the couch watching some UFC when the doorbell rang.
“I’ll go get it!”- Robin
I watched her get up.
“Thanks, mom.”- joe
She walked to the door and came back with some mail soon after.
“Here ya go, sweets.”- Robin
She handed me some mail.
Some of it was fan letters, medical bills, and some random people trying to get me to buy stuff. As I was going through the mail a certain name stood out to me.
Y/n L/n
“Y/n?”- Joe
“You got a letter from y/n?”- Robin
“Yeah, yeah, I did.”- Joe
I couldn’t believe it.
“Awe Joey, your blushing.”- Robin
I looked at her
“Stop, mom.”- Joe
“Fine, whatever think what you want to think but I know you always loved her deep down. By the way, why did she write a letter to you. Does she know there are phones?”- Robin
I chuckled a bit.
“She does, but I think I know why she did.”- joe
I opened it up and started to read.
“I think about you every day”
“I believe in you, Joe”
“I just want to say I’m always going to be proud of you and hope you’re doing good!”
Those stuck out to me.
She thinks about me every day? Why hasn’t she texted then?
I decided to pull out my phone and pull up her contact.
You know there is a thing called texting, right?- me
I waited a few moments till I saw her type
I know, but if you really read the letter you know why I did it.
I did. Thank you, seriously. Means a lot.- me
Of course.
So, how are you?- me
Im good! Supposed to fly back to Ohio next week. I just got offered a new job in my department! A little nervous but excited. Hbu?
Wow! I’m so proud of you, y/n. I know you worked hard. I’ve been reading your work. It really is brilliant. - me
Thanks, Joey! Anyway I got to get going about to head into work. Talk later?
Yeah, talk later!- me
(A week later)
Your POV
“MOM!”- you
The door was wide open and I had just ran into the house to greet my parents.
“Y/N!!”- your mom
I wrapped my arms around her and she swayed us back and forth.
“Let me get a good look at you.”- Your mom
She pulled away and looked at me. A smile plastered on her face and a glow in her eyes.
“My beautiful girl.”- Your mom
A second later my dad walked in.
“Jeez, how much did you pack. Feels like you packed an elephant in here.”- your dad
“Haha, so funny. I’m moving what do you expect?!”- you laugh
After a couple more minutes of talking with my parents they brought up dinner.
“So, I know you must be exhausted, but the Burrows are coming over tonight for our weekly dinner as always. You’re welcome to join us.”- your mom
“You still do dinners?!!!”- you
“Yeah! Every week!”- your mom
The Burrows have been having dinner with us at least once a week ever since I was a little girl.
“Wow! Yeah, I would love to join!”- you
“Ok! Go wash up and maybe put some new clothes on and we will see you down here in an hour for when they come.”- your mom
I nodded and headed up the stairs. Am I going to see Joe? Gosh this is crazy.
After an hour hit I heard the door open down stairs. Then I heard “you’re here!” And “you get taller every time I see you.”
I finished my final touches on some makeup and made sure my outfit was good.
I then headed downstairs.
As I walked down the stairs I could see everyone in the family room.
“There she is!”- your dad
“Y/n!”- Robin
She came up to me with a big smile on her face and open arms. I embraced her hug and was so happy to see her again.
“Oh my gosh!! You get even more beautiful every time I see you!”- Robin
“Thank you! Looks like you haven’t changed one bit!”- You
“Oh stop, your to kind.”- Robin
We both started laughing. I always looked up to Robin as a second mother. When both of my parents had to work late when I was younger I would go to the Burrows house. Robin would cook for us and ask me about my day. We would then later gossip and make fun of Joe as always, and if I slept over she would do my hair the next day for school and send a special treat in my lunch. As I got older she was still always there for me. Could always tell when something wasn’t right and would comfort me, and always checking in on me even when I moved to Boston.
“Hey, sweetie!”- Jimmy
“Hi, Jimmy!”- you
Jimmy pulled me in for a hug.
I also always felt like Jimmy was a second dad. Making sure my homework was turned in before Joe and I started playing in the backyard. Teaching me about football, and always being there for me.
As I pulled away I noticed someone else. It was Joe. He was in cast.
I gave him a smile.
“Come here.”- joe smiled
He pulled me in with one of his arms and my head rested on his chest. I wrapped both of my arms around his waist taking it in that he is here. We probably stayed hugging for about 5 minutes before we pulled away.
“Dinner time!”- your mom
All of us then found our way to the table. Joe sat across from me. My dad and Jimmy were at the ends and the mom’s next to their children.
Robin filled me in on the start of Joes foundation.
“Sounds awesome! I’m glad it finally came through.”- you
“Yes, we are very excited!”- Robin
“Y/n, what’s going on with you? How’s work?”- Jimmy
“Well, I’m moving back home! Going to live in Cincinnati and going to be working from my company’s offices over there.”- You smile
“Y/n, that’s great! It’s good to have you back! You can start coming to games once Joe gets back! I’ve always wanted to bring you to a game!”- Robin
“That will be great, thank you.”- you
“Yeah, I would love to have you come. The atmosphere over there is electric.”- Joe
“Well I’m in!”- You
Joe gave me a nod.
“So, when are you going to start up again?”- you asked Joe
“Well, probably in a couple months. Should be good by may. Still have to get through this year.”- joe
“That’s good.”- you smile
We probably held eye contact for way too long till my mom started to get the dishes.
“Let me help you, Mary.”- Joe
“Oh it’s ok, Joey. How about you go sit down and I will bring you pumpkin pie.”- your mom
“Okay, thank you.”- joe smiles
“Of course, sweetheart.”- your mom
He goes and sits down next to my dad and his dad on the couch. The tv was on and was playing some college basketball.
After washing the dishes for a bit and putting them in the dishwasher I decided to get some fresh air outside on the back porch.
I walked out towards the back. The sun was setting which sent an orange ray across the porch. Some pink clouds filled the sky and a light cold breeze.
I sat down on the outside couch where fairy lights hung above. Crossed my legs under me as I sipped my wine taking it all in. I couldn’t believe Joe is here right now.
A few seconds later I heard the glass door sliding. I looked to my right and there he was. Joey.
“Hey.”- joe flashed a smile
“Hi!”- you
He came around and sat down on the comfy chair next to me.
He let out a sigh.
“How are you?”- you
He looked at me
“You already asked that question, y/n.”- Joe chuckled
“I know, But really how are you? I know you have more going on in that great mind of yours. I know you Joe.”- you
“I’m…I’m doing better. My leg is healing and I’m doing physical therapy. Ja’Marr comes over a lot and so does Sam to check in. But I’ve honestly just been missing you…like a lot.”- joe
“Good to hear they still love you.”- you chuckle
Joe laughs
“But…I’ve been missing you too. I just never really knew when to reach out after that game. I was to scared that you would say you were paralyzed or something like that. I couldn’t stand seeing you hurt. I knew you would also be busy getting better and healing. But it was shitty of me not to reach out. I’m sorry, Joe. I really am.”- you
“It’s ok, y/n. And it wasn’t shitty. I just didn’t understand but now I do. And you’re here now.”- Joe
“Yeah, good to be back.”- you
“So, when do you head back to cincy.”- Joe
“Umm, on Saturday. I have most of my stuff there already just need to unpack clothes.”- you
“Maybe, I can stop by. I would love to see the place. If it’s ok with you?”- joe
“Of course!! I would love it.”- you
“Great! Probably around Saturday evening if that works for you. I have some stuff in the morning at the facility but I would like to show you around Cincy more.”- joe
“Sounds awesome! I should be free.”- you
“Great, it’s a uhh..date.”- joe
“It’s..a date!”- you smile
We both smiled at each other.
The sliding door opened which stopped us staring.
“Hey, guys! Joe we are leaving. You can stay if you want for a bit and maybe y/n can walk you over.”- Robin
He looked at me. I knew he wanted to stay for a bit.
“I can walk him over in a few! Don’t want Mr quarterback to get hurt even more.” - you
“Thanks, y/n. Love you both.”- Robin
“Bye!”- joe and I said
After Robin left Joe and I talked for a bit
“It’s getting late I better go before my parents freak.”- joe
“Yeah..yeah, I’ll walk you.”- you smile
You two get up and walk around the back to the front yard.
Joe on his crutches were making noises on the path.
You started laughing.
“What? What’s so funny?”- Joe
“You.”- you
Joe scoffed.
“You cant insult a disabled person, y/n.”- joe
“Well I can insult you all I want. Been doing it since we were six.”- you smile
Joe laughed
we were walking down the sidewalk and to the Burrows.
“It was really great seeing you tonight. I’ve missed you.”- Joe
You looked at him.
“It was great seeing you too, I’ve missed you, burrow.”- you
As we reached his house we stopped at the front.
As I turned around to say goodbye Joe was already facing me and placing his lips on mine. His hand on my cheek pulling me in. I rested my hand on his arm. I couldn’t believe it, but it felt so right. This. Right now.
He Pulled away.
“Sorry…I couldn’t keep fighting the urge anymore. You have know idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”- Joe
“It’s..it’s ok, I’ve been wanting to kiss you all my life, Joey.”- you
Joe smirked.
“Oh, yeah?”- joe
You nodded
“It’s getting late I better go.”- you
“Yeah.”- joe
We stayed looking into each other eyes.
I Leaned in for one last kiss.
“Goodnight, burrow.”- you smile
“Goodnight, y/n.”- joe smiles back
He walked up to the door step and walked in.
You started walking back with a smile on your face.
You just kissed the love of your life.
Y/n Burrow.
You thought to yourself as you walked into your house.
The end!!
Pt2 coming soon!!
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