#also i'm not sure if poke is the correct word for when you touch something repeatedly with a finger
palskippah · 1 year
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Mario’s distaste for mushrooms is so funny and it gives material to draw stuff like this hehe
(Based over a fic I read years ago where the guy craved a fruit that literally every single person in that world hated and so he ate it shamefully ajksdjsad here Mario just eats angrily bc he hates it)
Also I say that at any inconvenience regarding the pregnancy Mario goes >:c to his belly, like he’s mad at the babies asdlaskd and Peach plays along.
(Also- sorry to people that actually speak italian, I did translate what Mario’s saying in google akjdjksdak he’s saying btw “how dare you two? To betray your own mother...”)
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fleetingcalypso · 4 months
Hello love! i'm absolutely enraptured by your writing. If i could, i'd love to request a Henry Winter x Reader enemies to lovers? Like an absolutely cut-throat academic rivalry that culminates in a dramatic fight and reconciliation at Francis' house? Thank you!
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≋ Sometimes attraction blossoms even in the most hostile of places. I'm sure having Henry's life could only benefit from having a rival, turning his world upside down, keeping him on his toes. This is one of my longest works yet, also one I'm not too keen on, nonetheless I pray it captures your interest.
≋ Henry Winter x GN!Reader ≋
≋ Word Count: 4582 words.
≋ TW: mentions of dr*gs, consumption of alcohol, violence (Henry receives a slap in a moment of ire), Edmund "Bunny" Corcoran.
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I remember when I initially stepped foot in Julian’s office: most of the words he spoke are lost in time but one thing is forever stitched in the fabric of my memory, he patted me on the shoulder as an affectionate mentor would and with an award winning smile he said, “You’ll fit right in.” It made me feel validated at the time, like I had a place in the world, a bird fallen out of its nest reunited with its family at last. He wasted no seconds in telling me how he would usually limit his students to the odd number of only five, but he could tell there was something about the way I carried myself that would not disturb the peaceful routine he had meticulously crafted.
Classes with Julian were anything but peaceful, to my displeasure, not because of him, not at all. He was a splendid instructor, I often found myself on the edge of my seat with each one of his words. With no surprise, I was not the only one placing him on a crystal pedestal. 
One single man made each class feel as though I was being tortured by demons, poked by sharp pointy tails. Each of my comments was brushed off, deemed useless and void of meaning, each paragraph, line, even a single word I read was followed by a deep voice interrupting me and correcting my pronunciation with great emphasis. Thankfully, I had found friends as well, other than a snake spiraling around my ankle, threatening to consume me whole.
The root of all of my headaches, as much as I’d love to strip him of his name, is called Henry Winter.
It’s not to say that I’d let him walk all over me. On more than one occasion, I was victorious after our heated discussions about the accuracy of a translated text or if we were to choose one of the five Greek cases over another. Following each argument his jaw would clench and he’d let out a curt “Very well, then,” before turning his head away and acting as if nothing had happened, although I could without fail notice the tension in his body. It was rather easy, for some unknown reason we’d always find ourselves sitting next to each other, so close our knees touched.
“Henry,  is there anything you’re unable to do?” One day I asked him, in Julian’s momentary absence, the question felt only natural to pose: with his expertise in various languages and his familiarity with the world in Ancient Greece being so fascinating. The taunting tone in my voice caught the attention of not only my interlocutor, but the rest of our classmates as well. Six pairs of eyes were fixed on me, some looking more amused than others.  His response came only after Bunny elbowed him, egging him on, “Ensuring you will not plague my days, apparently,” he said, pushing his glasses further up his nose. The venom he spat failed to enter my system, nonetheless it makes my gaze narrow. 
“You always know what to say.” It’s not a question this time, but an observation which he rewarded with a “Of course I do. Lack of words is for the uncultured.” Our interaction was cut short due to Julian returning, but that would not be the end of it.
That very same day, after our lesson was over we all stood to leave, his hand found the spot on the small of my back as he walked past me, as if it belonged there by birthright. Sometimes I still feel it, the memory creeps up on me in the middle of the night, it keeps me awake whilst making me want more and more of him, like a cruel, vicious, thrilling drug I am unable to have a sober day from.
Class wasn’t the only occasion of the day where we would have contrasting thoughts: once, it happened during a morning when all seven of us sat in the library, open books and notebooks scattered all over our table, “This is going nowhere,” groaned Charles pushing the wrinkled paper he was writing onto towards my direction, “Take a look at this. What do you think?” 
It stroked my ego that he chose my opinion over Henry’s and by a flying glance I noticed a slight surprised glint in his blue eyes, though he was quick to conceal it by focusing onto the fountain pan in his hand. I wasn’t the only one surprised by our friend’s choice in who should aid him in his translation. 
After a short look, the mistake was clear, “Ah, here it is. Your writing is not inherently wrong, ‘Who dares think one thing, and another tell, my heart detests him as the gates of hell,’ while it is correct, it could be worded in a different way, try: ‘For hateful to me as the gates of Hādēs is that man who hides one thought in his mind, but speaks another.’ That should flow better.” Just to be certain - and perhaps to bother him just a small amount - I turned to Henry, “Shouldn’t it?” He didn’t move for a second before humming and nodding, although I might have overheard him whisper “You’re doing too much,” under his breath. When I handed the paper back to its owner I could spot Francis with his hand over his lips, trying to mask a grin, obviously amused by my exchange with our friend.
The amount of times we’ve debated over the littlest of things, it would take all the stars in the universe to count, and it still would not be enough. 
“You’re slow today.” He whispered to me one day, when I hadn’t jumped at the opportunity to answer one of Julian’s queries about the Iliad, his breath tickled my ear and sent goosebumps down the back of my neck. It's true, I was slow. Henry's cologne for some insane reason was all I could think about: his closeness to me, as much as it was far by greatly affecting my attention, it certainly was reluctantly occupying a part of my mind. “Have you considered that not every thought should be spoken out loud?” I argued, the left corner of his lips lifted into a crooked half smile, “Interesting. You could benefit from your own advice.” He said, and it ended there. It left me with something I can’t quite recognize.
Ultimately, every day turned into a competition: petty, small things that held my heart hostage, like who was the first to enter Julian’s office at the beginning of the day, who turned in an essay the fastest, whose penmanship was more aesthetically pleasing and whose comments in class were rewarded with more praise. 
Another episode in which I thought our rivalry was set in stone, from the very moment he laid eyes on me, happened during a quiet Wednesday, and we were enjoying a delicious lunch at the twins’ place. Camilla had cooked lamb chops, the rest of us had brought refreshments and some side dishes.  Henry got a hold of my chair before I could grab it, he pulled it out for me then took a seat in the chair furthest away from mine. 
In the middle of our meal, as I was diving in for seconds, Bunny interrupted the calm atmosphere that had formed by being his usual exasperating self and kicking my leg from under the table, “You know,” He began waving his fork in my direction, with his lips still dirty with food, “I’ve always wondered, whenever you look at Julian with stars in your eyes, is it because you truly care about what he has to say, or is it because you’re trying to suck up to him and get easy marks by being a teacher’s pet? He’s too old for you, you know?” From the seat next to me I swear I could hear Charles choke on his food, Richard’s jaw fell open, Francis looked positively disgusted, Camilla -poor soul- pushed her plate away, as the mental image of me being in love with our professor was plastered into her unwilling mind. The only one with no visible reaction was Henry. 
“That’s what I thought as well, at first,” He noted, dabbing his lips with his napkin, “Class with Julian is not a slice of bread even the dirty pigeons on the sidewalk can stumble upon. It is only a matter of time before you realize what blessing you’ve found.” He was a master of masking a mocking undertone in his voice, along with an air of superiority which implied that the one thing he was waiting for was for me to blow up, to storm away, pack my stuff and leave Vermont for good.
“Don’t you think assuming my inability to follow lessons with the rest of you is an insult to Julian’s ability to tell whether someone is worth his time or not? If I were him I’d be quite offended, if I can say so.”
The glare he shot at me, with his blue eyes piercing through his glasses, was enough for me to know I had won; the way he was gripping his fork, his knuckles white as ever, let me know that this was not only a win, this was one of his battleships sinking. This was war, as far as I was concerned, it could only end either with an impossible truce or until one of us was dead in a ditch. 
Not wanting to entirely ruin lunch, Francis was the one to change the subject. What he said I do not remember, as I was too busy basking in my own subtle victory to pay attention, but it did work and Henry made no further jabs at me that day. The same cannot be said for Bunny, who seemed to find it exhilarating that I would stand up to Henry the way I did and spent the rest of the day testing my patience.
Since that day, life has been notably bloodless between me and the human thorn in my side, with the occasional exception. I’ve come to notice that, when he is not wasting his time trying his best to get on my nerves, he passes as a truly handsome man. It might be something about the sheer size of him, or it could very well be the way he looks at me,his gaze permanently deeper than the ocean itself, as well as his hands, veiny and large, yet rarely rough in movements. I’m ashamed to admit I’ve spent far too many instants passing glimpses at his fingers, as they slide along the pages of books.
If I have to stand in front of a jury of Gods, though, and speak my naked truth - with no censors - I’d probably reveal that what is so fascinating about Henry is the way he is a bottomless well of knowledge about Ancient Greece. He is devoted to it, as he is devoted to Julian and in some sick twisted way I can’t help but find that veneration attractive. 
Against my better judgment, I find myself missing our banter more than anything. The way he stared me down used to give me goosebumps, it still does when my eyelids close and I imagine it.
Summer comes faster than I imagine, faster than lightning striking the Earth, and in the blink of an eye I find myself at Francis’s aunt’s house. All of us fell into a comfortable rhythm while residing here, it was a breath of fresh air compared to our daily life. Playing the piano, reading in the vast library, excursions out to the lake, we kept ourselves busy, enjoying the countryside, keeping what -at the time- felt like the biggest secret of our lives from Richard.
At my awakening I was delighted in discovering everyone else was still deep in sleep. I took it as permission to make some breakfast. I had placed two cups of coffee on the table when he made his way into the kitchen, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and not a single sight of his usual exhaustion on his face. Morning sunlight shines onto his skin, giving it a warm glow, he looks positively saintlike. An archangel descending from the heavens, waiting to be welcomed to my mass, just to notify me that the end is coming sooner than I expect. “I made coffee.” I said, setting a cup in front of him. He looked at it for a moment, just for a moment, before his doubt shrouded eyes met mine,  “I have a feeling you’ve poisoned this.” As he was debating whether to accept my offer, Charles joined us. He accepted a cup without a moment’s hesitation, downed it while throwing his head back, then walked off to God knows where, not like I care much.
Henry took a sip only after witnessing that it was indeed safe to do so, I did as well. As the hot liquid met his taste buds I could see him regret he ever came into the kitchen. It was coffee, yes, although unlike my cup which had sugar at the bottom of it, the one he was drinking from had salt in it. A smile tugged at my lips, “Good morning,” I said watching his face scrunch up and force himself to not spit out what was in his mouth. A puzzled look possesses my face as he doesn’t look away from my eyes, not for one second, his eyebrows scrunch while he doesn’t spill a drop of salted coffee, it all slides down his throat. “Good morning.” He replies, coldly, tongue sliding over his bottom lip. 
By the time everyone had come to have breakfast, whether it was a glass of wine, whiskey or any drink of their choice, Henry hadn’t moved. With him following my every move, it felt only natural to imagine he’d be scheming something, and my hypothesis would soon reveal itself to ring true, leaving me like a sailor at sea, in the middle of an impenetrable storm.
The sun burns high in the sky, then it slowly melts into the sea, showering the world in tones of red, gold and purple; we spent dawn-to-dark  in nature, feeling the blades of grass under our feet, taking turns sitting on a boat floating down the lake and resting by the shadows of the trees with books in our lap, the seraphic nature of the day could have been immortalized in a painting by Michelangelo himself, but no amount of expertise with the brush would be able to capture the unmitigated calm that reigned. 
Such a glorious day deserves to have an equally splendid ending, suggested Francis once we retired back to the house. Bottles were hastily opened, alcohol floating in glasses and finding a home between thirsty lips. Inebriation wasted no time in letting  inhibitions be on the loose. One small insignificant disagreement accounted as an act of hypothetical insubordination broke into an altercation between me and my nemesis. It went on forever, such an interminable occasion that our friends abandoned us in the kitchen and went on to enjoy their drinks in the library.
“I don’t think you should be here,” His vicious words didn’t faze me at that point, the knowledge that in his idea of a perfect world I was nowhere to be found wasn’t lost on me, “You should get in your car and drive far, far away from where my eye can’t reach.” The first two buttons of his shirt were nonchalantly unbuttoned distracting me for just a moment, the way his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat with each sound caught my attention. 
“Careful my friend,” I answered, fingers growing cold from the cool glass in my hand, being gripped with an unusual stability given the wine floating in my system, his face twitched at my name for him, “It almost sounds like my very existence bothers you more than one could imagine.”
“It does. Bother me, it is. It bothers me greatly. I don’t think you should be here” He repeats. As magnanimous as I am, I am no martyr. My glass hits the table with a thud, bright red splashes onto the tablecloth as I raise my voice louder than I would like, “What the fuck is your problem?!” Never in my life had I met a human as frustrating as him, “I can’t imagine I’ve done much to you the first day I sat in that office, yet, you’ve been nothing but unkind towards me.”
“What is my problem?!” He pushes himself to his feet, his voice loud to match mine, “You are my problem!  You’re always having something to prove, buzzing about like a working insect devoted to the queen bee, it’s exhausting to even have you sit next to me.”  I’m tempted to spill my drink in his face, what a sight it would be: savory red drops slipping down his glasses and hair, wetting his cheeks and jaw until it reached his lip. Instead of that I just shove him, resulting in him stumbling a step backwards, clearly not expecting the mouse to fight back against the owl trying to catch it.
“Have you ever even glimpsed in a mirror?! You act as if you’re so all-mighty, like the rest of the world is merely ants under your shoe! It’s nerve wracking when you find someone you can’t step all over isn't it? How does it feel to have found the one person in the world that does not bow down to you?” He enrages me, in all truth. I can’t bring myself to understand why it is, that now of all times, he makes my blood boil, in more ways than one, “Does it turn your stomach upside down? Is it the only thing you can think about?” 
His chest moved for just a single, shaky breath and by now I knew I was playing with fire. If I got burned by touching the sun, at the very least it means I flew high enough to touch it. My hands moved again, ready to push him once again however just a breath before my lips could part to berate him even more his hands caught my wrists.
“You’re a parasite.” He hisses, lowering his face close to mine, by my reflection in the lenses of his glasses it is plain to see his choice of words leaves a mark, not on my face as a slap would, but on my emotions, “You’re a tiny, disgusting, parasite. You’ve single handedly infiltrated yourself in my modus operandi and I am just waiting for the moment I can finally take a moment to breathe again. Since the day you’ve set foot in that office I have, not once, had a chance to relax.” My body reacts before I can allow it to do so, the red handprint forming on his right cheek and his glasses being askew -almost on the brink of falling-  confirm that I did, indeed, strike him in a fit of rage. How I was able to free one of my limbs from his death grip I do not know, adrenaline does some wonderful miracles.
“If I’m a parasite,” My voice comes out in a low growl, “Then you best pay attention I don’t end up killing you.” The more I stand in his presence, in this kitchen, having our chests rising in synch with the slowest breaths we have ever taken, I recognize just how much we latch onto each other, how we’ve stitched our existence together with an obsidian thread the very first time we sat with our knees grazing.
“You’ll be the death of me.” He admits in a whisper I can barely hear. Had our faces not been as close as they are, I’d probably would have thought he’d been mouthing nonsense. One second he’s all I can see, with his monumental figure blocking everything else, the next he’s walking away from me, his glass of wine sits on the tablecloth, still full, untouched.
Now I know how Pandora felt as she unintentionally let the vase she was gifted almost grow empty, now I could describe in meticulous detail what a bee feels after its first and final sting.
I do not join my friends in their gathering. My chest aches with something unfamiliar, comfort certainly won’t be known for as long as I find myself anywhere near Henry Winter.
The moon has reached its place in the sky by barely an hour now, a pearl glistening onto a fabric of pure pitch-black, tiny crystals surrounding it, making sure it will never be alone forever and ever. I’ve never seen a tapestry as breathtaking as the one mirroring on the calm surface of the lake I’m strolling by to gather my thoughts. Henry is somewhat right, deep inside of me I can feel it, I’ll be the death of him one way or another. He’s the king, guiding his troops and his courtesans from the comfortable seat of an opulent throne and I’m an approaching invasion, inevitable and threatening destruction for the kingdom he has built from nothing, rooted in the deepest of sins: pride. Hubris seems to get the better of us both with each breath we take. 
My anger had settled in the brief sixty minutes I’ve spent admiring the darkness, by myself. Some fireflies with their microscopic body attempt to irradiate the entire lakeside with light, oblivious to their size or the impossibility of their mission.
Tirelessly I recount my life at Hampden, every single moment I can recall gets forced under scrutiny: “You’ll fit right in,” Julian had told me, in his eyes there lived a conviction I’ve noticed only during his enthralling lessons. I’ve only ever known him to speak the holy truth, doubting feels like going against everything I’ve ever known. In my solitude I find contentment, time flows steadily, mimicking a river in which nymphs could find respite.
“So this is where you were hiding.” A deep voice rises among the chirping of crickets, “We couldn’t find you at the house.” And just like that the incantation I’d fashioned myself in dissolves in the cool night air, joining the fireflies in their dance to please the stars and the moon. I hear him before I see him. A colorless shadow approaches me, in an impossibly inky abyss of nature, it can only be him; out of all our friends he’s the only one that can tell what bizarre chemical reactions my brain produces, he’s the only one that can read my thoughts like they were the very first lines of the Iliad, because more often than not he’s thinking the exact same thing. 
‘The wrath of Peleus' son, the direful spring Of all the Grecian woes, O Goddess, sing.’ I recite in my mind as the barely human shadow only gets closer and closer, ‘That wrath which hurled to Pluto's gloomy reign the souls of mighty chiefs untimely slain, whose limbs, unburied on the naked shore,’ his footsteps stop behind me, he wants to speak as do I, but neither dare utter a sound, ‘Devouring dogs and hungry vultures tore: Since great Achilles and Atrides strove, such was the sovereign doom, and such the will of Jove!’ 
Unconsciously I found more satisfaction in rehearsing the words out loud, “Declare, O Muse. In what ill-fated hour, sprung the fierce strife, from what offended power?” And of course, he continued them effortlessly: “Latona's son a dire contagion spread, and heaped the camp with mountains of the dead; The king of men his reverend priest defied, and, for the king's offence, the people died.”  We will never stop trying to compete with each other, it is a losing battle: it’s asking the moon to stop being the unmatchable muse for romance poems, it’s asking the cosmos and all of its constellations to disappear.
“You’re not always honest,” I mumbled, disregarding if he’d consider me weak or frail, ignoring the way I could feel him burn a hole in the back of my head, “Tonight you were what I think is the most honest you’ve been in a long time.”  He’s my tormentor just as much as I am his. 
His knee grazes against mine in the instant he finds a seat on the grass, next to me. His lingering accidental touch takes a hold of me, it’s addictive. “You are a parasite.” He insists and for a moment I think we’re about to raise our voices at each other again, but then he continues with a softer voice, “You’ve latched into my mind, consuming every corner of my life and I am defenseless to it.”
“What do you mean?”
I can’t perfectly see his face in the moonlight, but if he is by any means like me as I know he is, I can consider correct the hypothesis of his pupils being dilated enough to swallow me whole. He drinks me in, like the salty cup of coffee I offered him, he doesn't leave anything behind, doesn’t waste a drop.
“You’re in possession of a great intellect. For a second in your life, put aside the countless feuds we were active participants in and figure it out. You’re hurling me into unwanted and unknown territory.” I know what he means. He could speak every language in the world and I’d still know what each word signifies, in its deepest meaning. It baffles me that he is able to discern my brilliance. He’d never lauded me so. There’s a first for everything, it seems.
“I am not a threat to your leadership, I’m not trying to be.”
He laughs at my words, to my surprise: dry and void of humor, “It’s not my leadership that’s compromised. It’s my heart and mind. While at first I found our game bothersome and quite frankly childish, I’ve unearthed a yearning for it, so influential on my being that I find myself hopelessly wishing you’d dismiss yourself from my life, with the result that I might go back to when you were not the only thing inhabiting my thoughts.”
“I won’t deny I’ve allowed myself to feel the same.” In the dim lighting we sit, I’m appreciative my confession will be the only truly limpid particle of me, I’m not ready for him to see me as I am, not yet, “I yearn for our arguments, for the furrow in your brow and your disapproving stare with each of our disagreements, most of all I yearn for your stimulating presence. Henry, you’re quite the character.”
“So are you. Impossibly infuriating, and delightfully of the essence for me.”
Our friends are waiting for us, I’m acutely aware of it, nonetheless I find myself giving into selfishness for tonight. It is a long way to go, for us two to build a bridge, but with one brick at a time perhaps it is not only a bridge we can erect, but a whole kingdom, with two thrones instead of a solitary one and no invasion to knock at its doors. If his hand slips on top of mine I pretend I do not notice, just like he doesn’t mention my head resting itself on his shoulder. The lake has never looked better, with a bright spotlight shining onto the calm surface, ripped out the pages of a fairytale. Maybe with enough time and effort the fireflies will be able to shine as bright as the moon. 
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t3a-tan · 1 year
What would James do if he found a borrower child by themselves? Especially if Oliver wasn’t there to help?
Oh I don't know... Probably something like... This!! >:)
James was a bit surprised to hear something fall in his kitchen— mainly because Oliver usually greeted him when he arrived…not to mention that he told James just a couple days ago that he would be busy for the week and wouldn't be visiting during that time.
James turned off the TV and stood up, doing some much needed stretching after having sat down lazing about for most of the day. He paused as he heard more rattling in the kitchen, growing concerned. Oliver hadn't responded…was he stuck somewhere?
"You okay, mate? Did something happen and you had to come by early or did you just miss my handsome face that much." He added a bit of humour to his words as he walked into the kitchen, immediately recognizing that the noise had been coming from the sink. His eyes widened. "Shit— hold on…"
Without wasting any time he carefully picked up the various dishes and cups that were piled in the sink in an effort to find where Oliver had managed to get himself trapped. He wouldn't have been too worried if not for the fact that the dishes were all currently soaking in warm water, and if Oliver was stuck then he might also not be able to breathe.
Eventually his hand brushed against something that didn't feel like dishes or bits of food that were floating about it the water, and without even checking to make sure he was correct James hastily pulled his friend out of the water, making sure to pick up the plate that had trapped his leg first to avoid injury. He pulled the plug out too to keep the incident from repeating.
"Fuck— are you okay? Please don't drown in my sink, that would be a...a… um." James trailed off, freezing up as he watched a young child shuddering and hacking up water whilst in his hands.
"You aren't Oliver…" He murmured, slightly in awe of that fact. He hadn't held another borrower besides Oliver before— he had interacted very distantly with some borrowers that Oliver was in the process of rescuing once, but they hadn't spoken a word to him…let alone allowed him to carry them.
It was surreal. Even though Oliver let James poke and prod and carry him as much as James wanted (with permission of course), it never felt that crazy because…well… Oliver acted very normal. Sometimes James even forgot he was the size of his thumb if he hadn't looked at him for a while.
This was different, because this was new. Oliver had never put much significance to James carrying him or touching him, but he had always reminded James not to grab or touch or pick up any other borrowers he found—
"Uhh hey kid. You alright?" James spoke, thankful that the boy was at least awake. Coughing up the water was a good sign, right? Better than not coughing it back up at least… James leaned in closer to try to see how the child was doing physically.
He was rewarded with a terrified squeal, one that startled him so bad he very nearly dropped the poor kid. Not that it would have mattered, because the kid scrambled back away from his face so quickly that they toppled over the edge of his palm anyway.
James's hands quickly shot down to catch them, and he was relieved when his fingers managed to catch on the kid's little bag. For a moment James was intrigued by the tiny pack, only to quickly focus on the panicking kid that was kicking and shoving at the air in hopes of escaping.
"Careful there, kid. Here, I'll put you down…nice and gentle, see? Nothing to be— hey!" James was in the process of lowering the tiny child onto the kitchen counter, but the moment he released them they made a run for it. James didn't hesitate to slam his hand down in front of them, stopping the kid in their tracks.
"I'm not done with you yet, kid. Will you just— OW! Fu—rick..!" James cursed (or almost did) as he suddenly found the sharp end of a sewing needle getting jabbed into the base of his thumb. He thought borrowers carried those to fight off predators! Why was this kid stabbing him??
Once the initial shock of the needle wore off it no longer hurt, and so James pulled it out with ease. He shoved it in his pocket before levelling the kid with furrowed brows and a deep frown on his face.
"Right then you—"
"P-please don't kill me..!" A tiny cry of terror caused all of James's frustrations to disappear in the blink of an eye. He watched with halted breath as the child curled into a shaking ball and covered their head…cowering. From him.
James's heart sunk. Oliver said other borrowers would be scared, but he never explained how scared. James had always assumed they'd be more nervous than terrified— Oliver after all had zero fear of James when they first met. He was the one approaching James after all.
But here James was, looming over a tiny kid who apparently thought he was a murderer. James's hand fell away from the counter quickly, now hovering close by with worry.
"Hey now… I'm not gonna…kill you." Despite his attempt at reassurance the kid remained curled up in terror. James sighed. "Sorry. I wasn't thinking— didn't notice you were so scared. I won't do anything to you, okay? I'm just surprised. Oliver said I didn't have any borrowers in my house."
Thinking that maybe mentioning he knew what borrowers were might help. It seemed he was off his game today…
The tiny child's wide eyes turned onto him, face as pale as a ghost. James bristled, not expecting such a visceral response.
"I'm… I'm not a bad human." The words left James's mouth, though it sounded more like he was reassuring himself than reassuring the kid at that moment. He had taken Oliver's nonchalance for granted it seemed, because right now he felt like nothing more than a monster.
The kid had gone back to burying their head in their knees, visibly shaking, silently heaving in a way that made it clear they were crying. James felt worse and worse for the kid by the second.
"How old are you..? Where are your parents?" James wished Oliver was here. He would know what to do— not to mention that this kid wouldn't be shit scared of him.
After receiving no response, James reached forward slowly, very lightly tapping the child's back to check if they had heard him.
"T-ten…! I don't know where they are— p-please let me go…" They sobbed, now openly crying without their face buried in the fabric of their shoddily made clothing. James winced.
He would let the kid go… but if they didn't know where their parents were then that wasn't a good idea. But was keeping them a much better one? Would Oliver be mad at him for keeping them? Would he be mad if he let a kid go alone?
He decided not to respond to the plea, focusing on the answers he had received instead.
"Are you lost? I can get you back home if you need it, kid. No fare to pay either." He joked, but neither he nor the child laughed. He doubted the tiny child even understood what a fare was.
"L-let me go…." They begged again. James pursed his lips awkwardly, not responding. If he said no the kid would panic more, and if he said yes then he'd be lying.
"I have chocolate..? Even borrower kids must love chocolate, huh? Let me fetch it…" James moved back away from the tiny kid, although he hesitated while looking down at them from this perspective. They were so tiny… being around someone as confident and assertive as Oliver had made him forget just how minuscule and fragile borrowers were compared to him.
"I'll… hang on." He turned, rummaging through a cabinet and trying not to focus too hard on how colossally he must be screwing things up. "Where did I..? Did I finish it or something…? Oh! Here—"
When James finally found the fruit and nut chocolate bar he turned back to the kid only to find an empty countertop, with a little puddle of dishwater left in their place. He saw wet prints and followed them to one of his outlet covers which was slightly askew… the kid had escaped.
Rather than calling out and scaring them more, James sighed. He looked down at his hand, trying to remember what it felt like to hold them in it moments ago. He then shook his head, putting the chocolate bar down on the counter before pulling the sewing needle back out of his pocket and putting it down next to it. He glanced towards the wall the kid was probably currently hiding in. Hiding from him.
"Your needle is on the side… and chocolate. I'm going out, okay? Just don't get hurt please." He spoke with a slightly raised tone to make sure they heard him. Then, with some hesitation, James stepped away from the counter. He put on his shoes, grabbed his keys and left.
Please don't die.
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
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Doctor vs. Lawyer
〘Prompt 9- White Coat Syndrome〙
〘Notes- This doesn't exactly fit the prompt, but I think it's close enough. ALSO. I'm going to throw in a TW for anxiety, I projected a bit in this one. Aaannndd I made Reader a lawyer because it was the most stressful job I could think of.〙
〘Summary- Your wife being a doctor doesn't make you fear them any less.〙
〘Word Count- 700〙
〘Pairing- Carina DeLuca x Sick Reader〙
〚Main Masterlist〛⌶〚Sicktember Masterlist〛
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You sat on the edge of the cot in the ER, your knee bouncing rhythmically against the cold tile floor. You didn’t want to be here, in fact, the hospital was the last place you wanted to be. You didn’t even enjoy coming here to bring your wife lunch, let alone when you were actually ill.  
It wasn’t that you disliked Carina’s coworkers, in fact, you got along with them all very well. But that was outside of the hospital. Here, you were something to be poked and prodded at and studied. You were helpless, out of your element. You weren’t in control.
A painful cough ripped through your chest, and you ducked your face into your shirt, doing your absolute best to suppress and quiet the fit. That cough was the reason you were here. You’d been talking to Carina on the phone (she hadn’t been home in days), and the young doctor had ordered you to come in.
“Car, I want to go home. I’ll be fine at home, please.” You whispered, turning pleading eyes on the OB/GYN who was staring at the floor.
“No, bambina, you need to be here. I can only do so much at home. I cannot help if you need antibiotics.” She explained firmly, rubbing her knee with a free hand while texting with the other. A quick glance over her shoulder showed you that she was texting Amelia, presumably in relation to your nonexistent treatment.
“I want to go home.” You said again, coughing into your shoulder. The cold you had woken up with a week ago hadn’t gone away, instead it had gotten 10x worse. Carina had been doing her best to monitor your symptoms but, in the end, she couldn’t legally treat you.
“I know. If you had done a better job at taking care of yourself maybe, we wouldn’t be here.” The brunette snapped, glaring at you. She loved you, she did, but she had also been working nonstop for weeks, barely leaving the hospital. She hadn’t been home to sleep or have a proper meal for eight days. The last place either one of you wanted to be was Grey Sloan.
“I-I’m sorry.” You whispered, tears filling your eyes. More than you hated being here, you hated making the woman you loved angry. You knew that you should’ve taken better care of yourself, but you’d gotten distracted. It was hard being a lawyer, you often worked just as many hours as Carina.
The physician sighed and ran her fingers through her silky hair, tossing the long locks over one shoulder. She turned to face you and smiled a little, shaking her head.
“No, I’m sorry. It is not your fault that you got sick, I apologize for biting.” Now it was your turn to smile. Her little slip ups in English were always adorable.
“Snapping babe, not biting.” You corrected, putting your head on her shoulder. The mix of exhaustion from your illness and the nonstop bouncing of your leg was getting to you. Another wet cough tore through your body, followed by a sound you didn’t know that you could make. Now you felt anxious, sick, and pathetic.
“Oh, amore. I know you’re nervous, but I promise it will all be okay. We will make sure it’s someone you feel comfortable with, yeah? No one gets to touch you unless you’re okay with it. And as soon as it’s done, we will get you back home and into a warm bath, then bed.” She said, placing a featherlight kiss to your sweaty hairline.
You couldn’t fathom why on Earth she’d want to be kissing you right now, but there was no way that you’d be complaining. You leaned into her side, resting your head in the crook of her neck.
If your nose hadn’t been so stuffy you probably could’ve smelled her calming vanilla scent, the perfume always a comfort. You sprayed it all over the sweatshirt that was saved specifically for when she was gone.
“There she is, see, just Amelia. We like Amelia, no?” Carina said with a smile, running her thumb across your cheekbone. You nodded, still apprehensive. The neurosurgeon was great, you loved her as a friend, but still. Doctors.
“It will be fast my love. I promise.” Your girlfriend soothed, kissing your earlobe. It was a strange place for a kiss, but you weren’t about to object to a little extra comfort. With a final deep breath -and subsequent coughing fit- you steeled yourself, ready for whatever Amelia would throw at you. As long as Carina was there, you could do anything.
〖Join My Taglist!〗@lovelyy-moonlight, @bloomingflowersthings, @lots-of-pockets, @asiangmrchk13, @scrambled-brain-eggs, @juststuckhereforever, @chairhere, @goldenempyrean
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rose-lizzzy · 1 year
Fwhip had been collecting some wood in the forest, and bucketing some salmon from the river, when he heard something crash.
He was near Mythland, so it could be anything knowing Sausage.
Just in case, he wandered over to see what it was, only to find a gnome laying there.
He draws his sword, eyes narrowing, and then notices the increasing amount of red spilling out. Blood covered her clothes, and had started pooling around her.
She also didn't look okay. Her eyes were...mostly closed, but vacant. She was pale, shaking slightly.
He went up to her "...Shrub?" He asks cautiously, not trusting it.
She didn't respond, didn't even react.
He bent close and poked her slightly, just gently.
She didn't react much, but a whimper escaped, and he realized just how fragile she looked.
He didn't know how to heal. He only knew how to get hurt. The one who knew how to handle this stuff was....
His communicator was ringing in an instant, trying to call Gem. She would know what to do.
He hears her pick up with an annoyed sigh. "What do you need now, Fwhip?"
"So....I found Shrub...." He starts, before hearing her confusion to the news.
"Why...do you need me? Are you hurt? Did she hurt you? You know I'm not the fighter. Get Pearl." The wizard suggests, not realizing what he was saying.
"No. Well...she's hurt. Like. Bad. And I don't know how to heal. Like I would rather plunge my sword into her right now." He debates that option, while hearing Gem immediately rustle around.
"No! Don't do that. Whatever you do. Don't. Touch her. I got it. I'll take care of her. Give me the coordinates and I'll take her in. I'm grabbing some potions."
He hears the urgency in her voice and sighs. "Alright. Fine. I won't hurt her further." He moves her slightly though, knowing that it would probably hurt her a bit. She ruined his kingdom and hurt Gem. She deserved that.
There's a sigh of relief and Gem finishes. "Alright. I'm on the way. Send me your coords and I'll be there in a minute."
He texts her the numbers and then turns away from the gnome. "Alright. I'm going back to the Grimlands before she can do any more harm. Maybe I can actually finish rebuilding before she destroys it again."
She groans on the other side. "Fwhip...."
"Alright. Bye. Take care of her I guess." He hangs up, and then takes one more look at the helpless gnome and sighs before leaving.
Gem arrives, having texted Katherine the coords with the words "Hurry!!!!"
She arrives at the scene and understands why her brother called her. The gnome was laying in a growing pool of blood, and she looked ghost white.
She almost looked like a corpse, if not for the blood, and the very, very faint rising and falling of her chest, but even that was almost non-existent.
"Shrub? Can you hear me?" She asks softly, kneeling beside her.
The gnome didn't even react at all, just as she'd done with Fwhip. There was no acknowledgement that she could even hear the wizard
"Alright Shrub. Just...hang in there." Gem checked her boxes, trying to find the potions she'd need, when Katherine approached with a yelp at the sight.
"Oh my! Shrub! What on Earth happened?!" She lands next to Gem, who looked up from her potions for a moment to see her.
"I'm not sure. Fwhip found her like this. I can't imagine what could've happened to cause this."
Katherine kneels beside her, watching the gnome breathe, watching to make sure she continues to breathe.
Gem also watches her, but more in an investigative way, without touching her just yet.
"She has definitely been heavily influenced by magic. Not just the corruption part. Someone must've done something to her, as well as hurt her physically." Gem notes, but Katherine frowns
"But who would do this? Well .. rather..." She corrects herself, because who wouldn't do this to Shrub at this point. "Who would be able to do this? She was so strong before...none of us could get close to even giving her the tiniest scratch."
Gem shrugs "Well ....we can find out later. We need to move her, but it'll probably only hurt her worse to even touch her at this point. I should have a potion of sleeping.. " she pulls one out "There!" She pulls Katherine away, getting far from Shrubs trembling body, and tosses the potion at her.
Instantly, her shaking stops, and she relaxes some, although she didn't look any better.
"I have some healing potions too, but I'll just give her one and then fix her up more at my apocathary." Gem mumbles more to herself and pops the lid of a healing potion, opening Shrubs mouth and letting the liquid slide down into her system.
At the very least, the potion helped start to slow the bleeding, which they'll take.
"Alright. Katherine do you want to carry her? I'll fly ahead and get some potions and spells brewing."
The fairy snaps out from her daze of just watching Shrub breathe, and looks up "Huh? Yeah I can do that. Your hospital?"
Gem nods "Yeah, meet me at my apocathary." She says as she flies off.
Katherine reaches down and slowly, carefully lifts the gnome into her arms, watching her sleep peacefully.
Who would've thought this girl could be so dangerous? So deadly. But she's not. Not deep down.
She saw the flash of sadness in her eyes, that little bit of guilt she had after destroying her whole kingdom.
Right. She needed to get her back to Gem's. She took off and landed at the door, which Gem opened.
"You alright? Took you a little while." The wizard asks with concern, leading her to a bed.
"Oh, yeah it's a bit...hard to carry her." The fairy lies, making up an excuse for the extra time.
Gems eyes widen "That's right! You have little fairy wings. I'm so sorry I didn't realize it'd be a problem." She apologizes while pulling out some potions from the brewing stand
Katherines eyes also go wide. "No! No it's fine it's fine! It was just getting into the air. Harder to pull a rocket when you're carrying someone. What are you giving her?" She asks, changing the subject.
"Well, normally I'd do health, regen, and strength...but I'm not sure giving her strength is the best idea...given what she's done. So I think I'm just going to go for the first two, and maybe it'll be enough." She slides the two drinks into Shrubs system, before turning to work on something else.
"How long until she comes to?" Katherine asks with concern, watching Gem work.
"A few hours still. But we need a place to hold her. We don't know what'll be waiting for us when she wakes." She explains, tone very wary. She did believe Shrub had good in her, but she didn't believe it would be easy to let that side out.
The two get to work making a basement for the apocathary, made with obsidian walls and floor, layered in carpet, with a bed and other assorted decorations. A mushroom in a flower pot by the bedside, Katherine's idea. To try to remind her of home.
She didn't know much of the home, but she knew there was a reason she was fond of mushrooms, so she figured that was why.
Gem had also placed a spell over the room, preventing her from escaping. She almost did one to calm her, as she'd done before, but she wasn't sure she would even have the strength to be upset.
After that all happened, the few hours was up, and the two sat anxiously, watching the gnome. Waiting for her eyes to open.
Until they finally did.
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lovebykai · 3 years
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Pairing: Kokonoi Hajime x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): NSFW. Virgin!Reader. Mentions of Drug Use. Prostitution?
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Authors Note: Nobody look at me Kokonoi is rotting my brain he's too pretty. Also he represents financial security and that's so sexy of him so--
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It was a joke.
You swear it was a joke.
"How much to fuck you then, Koko, since everything has a price?"
He'd been bickering with Ran of all people, and it was uncomfortably heated. It was obnoxious and you'd been trying to cut the tension while also taking the opportunity to be an asshole. If you hadn't been so fucking high you probably would have minded your damn business as usual but then he'd actually had an answer.
Now it was all you could think about. His smooth voice telling you exactly how much you'd have to pay him to get him into bed had become the soundtrack to your life. Suddenly the stupid, tiny crush you had on the man didn't seem quite as stupid. You'd always known you could never have Koko in any way that mattered, but you could totally have this.
"I knew you'd take me up on it," Kokonoi crooned smugly, smirking down at you. "God, you're pathetic." His fingers had curled around your throat the second you'd made it to his room and they hadn't left yet.
"Shut up." Your body was too warm; an uncomfortable mixture of shame and desire as his tongue trace his lower lip. He tsked, glaring and shoving you back onto his bed. Instinct made you scramble backwards.
"So, how do you want me, Y/N?" It was teasing as he crawled over you, coming out a little softer. Seductive. Fuck. Shit. Maybe you should have left this fantasy a fantasy because you were already feeling overwhelmed.
"I--I don't--" He snickered as you fumbled for the right words, leaning down with a small hum so that your noses were nearly touching. Fuck he was gorgeous.
"I've never--" The snickering ceased, his brow furrowing in annoyance as you swallowed thickly then managed, somehow, to choke out what you were trying to say.
"I'm a virgin!"
Everything froze.
Kokonoi jerked back like you'd slapped him, eyes widening. There was a beat where you were sure he was going to kick you out before he visibly relaxed; the way his cat-like eyes softened on yours soothed your rattled nerves.
"You're kidding." He deadpanned after a long moment of staring, letting out a quiet sigh before bracing himself properly against you.
His forearm was caging one side of your face while his long hair formed a curtain on the other, and you couldn't help but squirm. The motion pressed your chests even closer together; the intimacy had your mind going hazy.
"And this is really what you want? No romantic dreams of finding the one or any of that?" There was a bitter note to his voice that tugged at your heartstrings, but this was Koko, so you didn't poke at it.
"Yes, this is what I want." You wanted to reassure him, and maybe thats what possessed you to keep talking when he didn't immediately jump into action.
"It's not like I'm settling for you, Kokonoi. I trust you. If I'd thought I could rope you into this without a paycheck attached I'd have already tried." The confession was a whisper, hints of laughter curling your lips when a notably pink tint touched his nose.
"Shut up." He grumbled, finally leaning down to press his lips softly to yours. It was hesitant; completely different from the way he'd been acting before. Too sweet. Too gentle.
It was something you wouldn't have taken issue with if you thought that was how he would normally kiss you, but it wasn't. Kokonoi wasn't in love with you; there was no reason for him to treat you like he was. Biting down on his lower lip and tugging, you reveled in his growl of irritation. When he didn't immediately jump to correct the action you were baffled.
But then his tongue was pushing past your lips and you actually whimpered at the taste of him. His tongue was pier-- his tongue was pierced! Christ, how had you missed that? The metal clicked against your teeth as he found his rhythm, running a hand down your body to sloppily push your shirt up and you shuddered as his nails drug along your stomach.
Bowing your body, you helped him get it off, pouting a bit when his mouth broke from yours to toss it somewhere in the room. His lips latched onto your neck -- sucking and biting at the tender flesh -- as he fumbled with his button up. It took a moment before your brain caught up with what he was trying to do and you swatted his hands away to have a go at it yourself.
When neither of you succeeded he pulled back, breathing heavy.
"Fuck it." The mutter had barely registered before he just tore the damn thing and shrugged it off. Buttons clattered to the floor noisily and every tink! seemed to add kindling to the fire building in your belly.
The soft whine you let out made him smirk.
"I don't know how easy I can go on you." The admittance was punctuated by him reaching down to tug your bra down, groping roughly at your breasts.
"I'm not asking you to play a part. If I wanted a white knight I'd have found one."
"Thank fuck." His mouth attached to one of your nipples, the other being tormented by hard plucks with his free hand. Goddamn that ball in his mouth was like the Swiss army knife of piercings.
You breathed his name out on a hiss when he bit down gently, sparks shooting straight to your clit. His fingers chased them, caressing the path down your stomach teasingly before dipping into your pants. The feeling of his fingers tracing your pussy through your panties wasn't enough, though, and you found yourself writhing below him.
"Koko, please." Your pride stung as he chuckled, his own hips grinding against the plush mattress.
"Shh," Kokonoi pressed a soft kiss to your mouth, moving to tug your pants down your legs. "I've got you." You hadn't even registered him sliding down your body until he'd settled between your legs, tonguing at your clit through your panties. The sensation sent your hands flailing, one digging into the sheets while the other was swatted down by your lover.
"Oh, you're a virgin-virgin. Cute." He mocked, nipping at your thighs. His voice was hypnotic, adding to the slow building fog in your head.
"Don't be mean." That was not your voice. It wasn't. The neediness in it had flames of embarassment licking at your skin.
"Have you ever even had an orgasm?" Kokonoi was so casual about it he may as well have been asking about the weather. Tugging your panties down your legs, he eyed you from beneath long lashes.
"I--I don't know." You admitted and the grin you got was almost feral.
"You'd know, sweetheart." His breath across the slick between your thighs makes you inhale sharply. The condescending tone he used didn't even get your hackles up, because the next moment he was kitten licking at your clit and all rational thought had flown from your head.
Kokonoi chuckled when your hips bucked up from the bed, swirling his tongue around in a way that had you seeing stars. You're completely unprepared for how good it feels when his tongue begins its exploration of your pussy; if he hadn't locked your thighs open with his hands you might have left the bed altogether.
As it was, it was just a combination of your pride and your soul leaving you a puddle in his bed.
He does something that makes your eyes cross, too drunk on the shockwaves of pleasure bolting through you to really pay attention to the details. All you know is suddenly his fingers are there and curling and--
"Fu--ckfuckfu-- oh my God!" He chuckles as you bite down on lower lip, your own hands clawing at the bed in a feeble attempt to escape the almost punishing pace of his fingers thrusting into you. He's hitting something inside thats making you misty eyed and dizzy; there's the distinct feeling of something building that has you panting.
When his teeth graze your clit, lights explode behind your eyelids and your toes curl; your legs are trembling as they try to snap closed around his head. Kokonoi coos softly, gentling the pace of his fingers while you ride out the high.
"Thank you." Your hand slaps over your mouth when the dreamy rasp leaves your lips -- mortification replacing the warm and fuzzy feelings abruptly -- and he actually laughs.
Rather than rub salt in your wound, he pulls the hand from your face and presses another kiss to your mouth. Your momentarily thrown by your own taste, you don't have time to respond before he's shuffling his pants off.
The groan he let's out when his length is pressed against your swollen folds makes you shudder. It's warm and hard and-- you squeak when the head bumps against your still sensitive clit, unable to fight the urge to rub against him in return.
"You're sure?" When you nod furiously, he leans across you to rifle through his nightstand, coming back with a vaguely recognizable foil packet and tearing it with his teeth.
"S'gonna hurt." The warning was almost hissed as he rolled the condom on and promptly aligned himself with your weeping hole. Before you could respond he was already pushing inside; effectively knocking the wind out of you from the sudden stretch.
"Shh, s'okay, gonna make you feel so good, sweetheart, promise--" His soft reassurances were murmured in your ear, barely audible over your own whimpering.
It's not until he's fully seated inside you that you stop pushing at his shoulders, instead shifting to dig your nails into them. Kokonoi doesn't complain, feathering kisses against whatever skin he can reach while you acclimate. The moment you relax he let's out a sharp exhale of relief before pulling back just enough to let him rock back inside.
It's a slow build, and you're grateful for it, because the initial sting takes a bit to fade. But then he's grunting and growling into the junction if your shoulder and you're trying to tug him closer.
"More!" The order is met with another huff -- of amusement or relief, you're too far gone to care -- before he leans back and grips your hips.
You cum again before he even really starts fucking you and you may as well be on another planet. Slender fingers pinch and tease your clit as he snaps his hips relentlessly, making you squeal and try to swat his hand away with sluggish limbs.
"No." Kokonoi growls, slapping your hands away despite your impending tears. When they actually manage to break free he throws your legs over his shoulders and you swear you die for a second.
"You'll take what I fucking give you-- shit, take it, take it, take it--" He has you folded in half when his hand finds your throat and squeezes; the soft words turning into a chant as he finishes. It's the delirious look in his eye when his gaze meets yours that sends you over the edge again.
* * *
"I can't believe you passed out." Kokonoi was giving you a shit-eating grin when you came to.
"Shut up." You can't help but press your hands to your face, trying to block out his amusement.
It wasn't lost on you that you'd been cleaned up, but somehow it felt like mentioning that would be more offensive than just ignoring it. The silk sheets had been drawn up around you, and one of his arms casually tossed across your waist.
Were you supposed to... leave? Fuck, this was weird now, wasn't it? Frankly, you were content right where you were, and you hadn't exactly studied the etiquette on one night stands. Plus there was the detail that you actually owed him money for the whole thing. Did you pay him now or--?
"You're overthinking it." Kokonoi chuckled, tugging you so that you were forced to roll over and press your back flush to his chest. It felt amazing, and you couldn't help but lean into the embrace.
"I like cuddling and even I'm not a big enough asshole to kick a woman out of my bed in the middle of the night, so just go to sleep." The explanation didn't sound quite right, but... well, it was Koko, so you just shut up and got comfortable as he pressed something on his phone and the lights went out.
There was a long moment of stillness where you were sure he'd fallen asleep before a soft kiss landed on the back of your head.
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jaedreaminn · 3 years
Office Wars
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Pairings: fem!reader x Jaemin
Theme: Fluff, Mild Jealousy, playful arguments, light crack, humour, protective.
Word count:2.2k
Gist: You were always at each others throats at work and everyone knew that and was used to that but maybe there was more than just the arguments on the surface.
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"Ms. Y/l/n you're typing too loudly" Na Jaemin said with his infamous smirk plastered on his face.
A collective sigh was heard across the office. Your colleagues were all used to the usual banter that took place between you and Jaemin, easily being able to tune the noise that followed.
You however found it particularly difficult to avoid the banter when Jaemin picked at you for the most ridiculous of things.
"Oh I'm sorry Supervisor Na I didn't realise your hearing aid was on" You replied, the snark to your tone didn't go unnoticed as Jaemin scoffed but you couldn't be bothered to look away from your work.
"I don't need hearing aid to hear your keyboard being murdered, the poor thing has to recieve the brunt of your anger caused by Writer Kim"
You slammed your hands onto your table and angrily spun your swirling chair in the direction in which Na Jaemin sat.
Your anger doubled as you saw him proudly smirking from his position, knowing you just gave into his taunts but you couldn't care enough since he was the one that made the low blow.
"Don't you ever get tired idoling around and causing your co-workers headaches?" You said to the smug looking boy before getting on your feet and waking to the pantry.
Jaemin smiled as he watched you dissapeare behind the wall that separates the office and the pantry.
You made two cups of coffee, calming yourself before you walked out placing one on Jaemins table and carried the other to yours and got back to your work. At this point the office was slightly accustomed to your dynamics but it still baffled them. No one understood how the two of you worked, one minute you were at eachother throats the next second you were on the same team. And they didn't even try to understand, they just went along with it.
Like right now,
"You're going to be late for the briefing if you don't hurry your pretty little fingers up" you mocked, the cheeky grin plastered on your face clearly showed how amused you were by the fact that Na Jaemin had FORGOTTEN to prepare for today's briefing as your teams supervisors in this small publishing company.
The furiously typying man let go of his lip that was trapped between his teeth to grind them together, eyes wavering for a second to glare at you before focusing on his task at hand.
You cheerily walked away, a skip in your step as you reached the meeting room waiting for your supervisor and CEO to enter, happily chattering with your colleague Joy about the small queer owned business the two of you came across on instagram because of this month.
Soon the CEO stepped in and the room fell quite, Jaemin was still not on his seat but a minute later he walked in apologising for the delay.
A rather short and surprisingly sucessful briefing later you walked back to your desk to finish of what little work you had left before you streched, slightly pushing your chair away from your desk.
"Ready to go y/n?" Joy asked coming upto you and you grinned at her, nodding.
"Don't waste time then c'mon" you heard the annoying voice of Na Jaemin say from behind you and then saw the man in question walk past you. You glared holes into his back and Joy chuckled.
You and Joy continued to chater as you made your way to the restaurant your team always eats at, to find that your entire team was already sitting there.
"I ordered what you asked me to" Your colleague Suho said to Joy who thanked him.
You took your seat inbetween Crystal and Yangyang, which also happened to be directly opposite Jaemin.
"I ordered (insert dosh of your choice) for you" Jaemin told you and the two of your stared at eachother for a few seconds and then you smiled at him thanking him.
Everyone let out a breath they didn't know they were holding at that, expecting you to get mad at him for ordering for you without you asking him to.
The wait for the food to arrive was peaceful, except for the few snark remarks you and Jaemin exchanged but it wasn't something that people weren't used to.
Upon the arrival of your food your eyes lit up. Ever since you were a kid you loved to eat, in fact you were the biggest foodie in your family.
You excitedly picked up your chop sticks ready to dig in before a voice interrupted you.
"Your food isn't going anywhere slow down or you'll burn your tongue." Jaemin said nonchalantly and you ignored him poking out your tongue at him and immediately digging in for a big bite.
As soon as the food touched your tongue you're eyes widened at the sharp sensation caused by the heat immediately dropping the serving back onto your plate as you started to pant like a dog because of the heat.
Yangyang who was next to you noticed, placing a hand on your shoulder and picking up your glass of water with his other hand.
"Careful Y/n" he warend rather uselessly after the deed was done, bringing the cup of water to your lips so that you could wash down the heat with the cooling water.
You drank the water, hands reaching out the hold the cup on your own. Once the burning sensation cooled down, you turned to Yangyang offering him a smile while thanking him.
You're attention then turned to Jaemin who sat infront of you glaring at no one in particular, expecting him to be looking smug.
You shrugged at the change in attitude as you continued your mean, this time blowing on your food before you took a bite.
Not even fifteen minutes later you felt a kick on you shin and then looked up to see Jaemin leaving, you sighed rolled your eyes and finished the food on your plate as fast as you could before dashing out back to the office. No you didn't forget to pay, the meals were handeled by the company.
You reached the office only to find Jaemin sitting on his seat pouting angrily as he typed away. You chuckled, deciding to not indulge him as you walked back to your seat and got on with your work and ignored the way Jaemin looked at you even poutier than before.
Ignoring him was a bad choice since after that he got even more annoying, dropping more files on your desk for you to deal with, making random comments about your corrections, complaining about anything and everything and you just ignored the fussy manchild with an eye roll.
"Y/n we have to go for the mandatory company diner now." Joy said to you and you looked out the window at the end of the office to see the sky becoming a dark orange hue, it was late evening.
"I still have so much to do" you whined, letting your head fall onto your desk with a thud and Joy winced, not knowing what to say.
"Stop whining y/n and just come back and get it done. I have work to do to so I can walk with you back to the office after dinner." Jaemin said walking upto your desk.
You lifted your head sligtly to look at the tall male who was looking at you, waiting for a reply to his question and you sighed head falling between your arms again.
"We have to leave now we don't have forever y/n make a choice" Jaemin said impatiently tapping his foot on the floor.
"Okay let's go!" You said suddenly jumping up and marching towards the exit. Jaemin chuckled and Joy looked at you as if you had grown two heads but then the two of them immediately followed behind you.
The company diner was uneventful. Mr. Choi on of your clients was making what he though to be flirtatious eyes at you again but you only saw it as creepy. But you were still able to enjoy you meal, sitting between Jaemin and Joy, happily chattering away.
After everyone was done eating you knew you couldn't stay to chat and you lifted you phone off the table checking the time and signalling Jaemin who nodded and the two of you bid your goodbyes.
"I can walk you if you want y/n-shi" a rosy cheek and very drunk Mr.Choi said and you gagged.
"It's Ms.y/l/n to you Mr.Choi and there's no need I'm walking her there, making sure our employee feels safe by making sure you're not around them." Jaemin said, eyes glaring daggers and the now offended drunk man.
"You" Mr.Choi yelled pointing his finger and an unimpressed Jaemin "How dare you talk to me like that! Don't you know how important I am to this company" the angry drunk man yelled.
"Mr Choil please stay professional because it isn't that hard to find good writers, especially on to replace you." Your CEO spoke up and you had to hold back a chuckle at Mr.Chois flustered face as his mouth opened and closed not able to form any words.
"If that all we'll be taking out leave." Jaemin said grabbing onto you hand and bowing at your CEO who nodded and quickly dragged you away. You quickly bowed in respects to you CEO too before you were dragged away by Jaemin.
"I felt like punching him" Jaemin said on your walk to the office, hand still holding yours.
"Me too" you chuckled at the fuming male as you walked the rest of the way in silence, hand in hand.
You immediately rushed to you desk upon reaching your office and started typing away and Jaemin lazily strolled to his seat, doing whatever he had to do.
Half an hour later and all you had to do was send out two mails and save the document you were working on, so you let yourself relax alittle slumping back onto your chair. You peaked at what jaemin was doing and smiled. "That's a good score, must have been alot of WORK" you teased and Jaemin looked embarrassed at getting caught.
"I-i was bored okay" he said avoiding your gaze and you smiled.
You crossed one leg over the other, leaning over your desk to send the last two e-mails and save the document you were busy correcting.
Just as you finished with your work and sat up straight Jaemin spoke "You know when a person sits with crossed legs and their legs are pointing towards you that means they like you" he said pointing at your position and you looked down to see your leg was indeed pointing at him.
"That means you like me y/n." Jaemin said cheekily wiggling his eyebrows.
And you looked at him eyes screwed as if you were judging his entire existence, which you were "Jaemin" he hummed in reply still grining, "We're engaged it would be really weird if I didn't like you" You said and Jaemins grin grew even wider and you sighed chuckling at your happy fiance.
"Yea it would be weird" he said sliding his chair towards you, crashing into you slightly and you steadied him.
"Ahh your so cute my y/n" he said pulling you into his arms and plukering his his lips trying to kiss you but you leaned away from him just to annoy him.
"Don't avoid my kisses" he huffed pouting as he tried again but you teased him again avoiding him.
"Yah! You brat give me a kiss!" he yelled and you chuckled turning you head to give him a small peck on his nose but he had other plans immediately moving his face and his lips met yours in a sweet kiss in which you felt yourself melting into. Kissing Jaemin was always calming and he always tasted sweet even thought he drank that disgustingly bitter coffee.
You slowly felt his hands snake behind your head pulling you closer lips moving in sync as he deepend the kiss, your breaths mingled as both of you felt lightweight. You got lost in eachother for a second before you slowly pulled away resting your forehead against his. He smiled at you eyes sparkling in the dim lit room.
"If someone walked in on us right now they'd have a heart attack" Jaemin joked and you chuckled. It was an unspoken rule between the two of you to keep your relationship a secret in the office and you did that by bickering. "We should tell them now though shouldn't we?" You asked and Jaemin pecked you cheek sitting up staright, "Yea and hand them the wedding invites" and you grinned, heat rushing to your cheeks, you never got used to the fact that you were to get married to Na Jaemin, your soulmate.
Needless to say when the two of you told everyone at the office the next day you were pretty sure some of them were this close to having a heart attack. But most of them Congratulated you as you stood hand in hand with Jaemin, grinning like an idiot.
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leviiattacks · 4 years
heyyy there, saw your requests are open. and i'm wondering maybe you could do a timeskip where everything is done and levi finally opened his tea shop. then there he met reader, and he treats them differently from other customers. thank you, hope you're having a good day.
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author note :: this was kinda rushed as is most of what i post. the reader is a writer just bc i thought it would be cute and also ISTG. i wrote this entire thing thinking leviolas was such a cool name for a tea shop then googled it and saw it’s also the name of a spider so... ++ btw i have not yet double checked or proofread this because i wrote it at 2am but yeah it’s definitely not great :-) word count :: 2.4k??? somehow???
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you’re sweet like honey when you first order from leviolas. you’re the same when you ask the owner for extra napkins and you remain exactly the same when you return with the intention to stick around for a writing session with a black tea by your side
something about you is attractive. that’s what levi thinks of you when you first walk into leviolas
you’re just incredibly wholesome poking your head around looking at all of the handmade pastries and confectioneries in admiration
you think the homely decor is cute and reminiscent of cottages in the countryside, the view outside the windows is beautiful and the scent of coffee alongside tea is heavenly
the pastries are beautiful and you find yourself eyeing the macrons pretty frequently. just EVERYTHING about leviolas is cute :-(
but one particular thing is especially adorable to you
and that would be the owner
when you hear his name for the first time you’re a little shocked
levi ackerman to be specific captain levi ackerman, the high ranking official who aided in paradis’ independence and freed the nation from the grip of titans
you read about him a year back in a paper or two and vividly recall the valiant title he held as humanity’s strongest soldier
he still holds the title that’s for sure but now he happens to own a tea shop
it’s slightly unusual it’s not every day you see a soldier retire and live such a plain life but you suppose the simplicity makes levi happy
honestly, if you had been through hell and back like him you too would wish to spend the rest of your days in the company of tea leaves and sweet cakes
today is a day like any other you’re sat by one of the windows and contemplating sitting in the outside seating area
the sun is shining and lands uncomfortably on your face at this angle and you may as well make your way outside
but before you can a shadow looms over you and a broad chest leans over to cover the window with dainty curtains
“you looked bothered by the light.”
oh god.
it’s him.
he’s standing there looking at you with an unreadable expression and all you can do is open and close your mouth not knowing what to say
humanity’s strongest soldier
levi ackerman
also known as the really really really attractive cafe owner you’ve been crushing on for the last few months now
seeing him up close is much more different to looking at him from the comfort of your seat or whilst you order
he’s normally got his back turned whilst collecting orders or another worker collects them as he prepares the beverages
that’s why the unexpected interaction has you nervous
you can always tell when he’s made your drink because he honestly has a way with tea leaves and you kinda want to gush about how much you enjoy it
but, no, no, no.
you’re panicking just looking at him
soft black strands of hair stick to his forehead, his undercut is oddly satisfying to stare at and he smells of pine trees which again is refreshing
“ah hahaha thank you for blocking the sun out!!”
why the fuck did you ha ha????
this is so awkward.
putting on your best front you beam up at him hoping your toothy smile doesn’t look stupid
then again it probably does because who the hell has a good toothy smile
levi’s gaze lingers on you but if he has anything else he wants to say he doesn’t make it known
instead he firmly nods and turns away
you’ve messed up,,
only!!! you manage to mess up even more....?
without thinking your hand latches onto the back of his blue button up and your face burns up realizing what it is you’ve done when he stiffens to a stop
as quick as your hand has grabbed onto his shirt it lets go and you awkwardly laugh again
“i’m sorry i didn’t mean to hold onto you so hard i was just...wondering if you could let me in on your secret.”
the random sentence is one you’ve made off the top of your head because you don’t have any real reason for holding onto him
but thankfully for you the saccharine of your voice is enough to sway levi
when he turns to see you with the same smile eagerly awaiting his answer something sparks in him
his chest feels a little funny but he ignores it
“secret?” he questions
“yeah!! your tea!! you’re really good at making it and aaaahhhh” you sigh contently thinking back on it.
“i remember when i ordered rose tea one time. you made it beautifully and the taste was infused so delicately it was incredibly soothing.”
hearing you ramble passionately about what he loves to do makes his chest feel funny again
he doesn’t know what the hell is going on exactly
but the only way he can explain it is his heart somersaulting and flipping despite him not wanting it to
despite that, it’s quite enjoyable
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it’s probably got something to do with your kindhearted demeanor or the way you always manage to give him a smile when you waltz in
but levi finds himself fighting to touch you more and more as the days pass
your collar is always haphazardly done and he wants to lean in and fix it
sometimes you’ll have an eyelash on your face and he wants to lean in to swipe it away with his thumb
occasionally he stares at your hair and wants to sort it out. half the time it’s all over the place from the wind
he wants to lean in and smooth it out.
all he wants to do is LEAN IN but he sees no valid reason to
he’s lucky he’s always able to catch himself before his thumb reaches your cheek (you’re very oblivious and never notice how close he really gets)
ever since your first encounter at leviolas a few months back he’s been dragged into your world of books and lively stories
it doesn’t take you long to break out of your shell and you’re always telling levi something new
he doesn’t speak as much as you but when you coax out a story or two out of him he’s always earnest
you’ve learnt a lot through the conversations
you’ve learnt about his lost comrades, the horrible things he had to see on the battlefield, how he hopes he’ll live happy with what he has left
there are certain conversation topics he skips entirely and you respect his boundaries
you and levi are sat by a window and a comfortable silence floats between you two
it’s been four months
four months since you asked what his secret was
come to think of it he never told you what it was
he’s intently staring at you as you drink the lemon tea he’s just made you and his stare is a little too intense
feeling nervous you pick up your cup hoping for something to occupy yourself
recently the butterflies in your stomach have been increasing in number but you know it’s wrong to fancy levi
you don’t know why you think that but it’s the fact that you’re sure you’re not his type
he probably likes organised people, dependable people, funny people
not you.
you’re just an irksome author who spends your days writing in his shop
honestly he finds you annoying he has to. you’re always hanging around here
however, you do remember the one day you did choose to write in the park he thought you had died or something. that made you feel a little sad because he can’t really help but automatically worry if his routine is broken and you happen to have accidentally become part of his schedule
no, like levi’s literally said he has your name in his planner and whenever he thinks of a new thing to make you he’ll write it down with your name next to it
but still,, you’re convinced he has to find you annoying
there’s no reason for thinking it but you DEFINITELY think it’s correct
absentmindedly you haven’t even noticed levi still staring at you
looking up at levi he’s clearly worried about something
humming in response telling him to continue he does
“i like someone.”
“...i’m not sure they’d return my feelings, that’s why i mentioned it.”
you smile at him warmly and you feel your heart sink, obviously he has to like someone. it’s probably someone in the corps, someone strong, someone capable. you’re not any of those things.
“well, you need not worry. if a man as good as you fancied me i’d be over the moon. i’m sure they would too!”
keep optimistic, don’t let him see you upset.
levi’s cheeks grow bright red and he bashfully tries to hide his embarrassment by covering his face with his hands
you laugh when he doesn’t budge and stays in the same position 
“c’mon levi, confess they’ll accept you have nothing to fear.” you coo persuasively
finally letting up after a few seconds he lets his arms drop to his sides.
“would you date me?”
the question takes you aback and you stare at him startled
soon realizing the idiocy laced in the inquiry he quickly retracts his statement
“nevermind, that was stupid.”
ignoring him you still want to answer
“uh well, i would. i have thought about it on occasion.”
he’s blinking rapidly trying to process what you’ve just admitted.
“you’ve thought about...?”
“dating you. yes i have.”
“and why the hell would you do that?” you can’t tell if he’s mad at you
“you’re capable, respectful. you’re considerate and quiet. i mean it you’re an amazing man really. also your tea!! imagine getting to drink it every day.”
you really have to add in the part about his tea because you know he loves it when you compliment it :-)
“ok, you drink my tea every day already.”
his short uninterested response stings and the dam of regret bursts open 
you shouldn’t have said all of that.
you and levi sit in an awkward silence for what feels like an eternity. you don’t dare look at him and your course of action is too drink your tea as quick as possible before dismissing yourself.
but before you can set your plan in motion levi breaks the ice.
“let’s date.”
you freeze and your eyes grow to the size of saucers
what did he just say???
he has to be losing his mind
“but levi what about the person you like?”
his eyebrow cocks upwards and an amused expression stretches across his face.
“i was talking about you.” he confesses boldly
this is a fever dream, nope, nope nope. you can not comprehend that this is your reality.
pinching your arm you hiss a little when you feel the pain
okay so, you’re definitely not dreaming...
“i, you, me. you...you like me?” the sentence is a jumble of words but you manage to sputter out something that makes sense
“yes. i like you.”
he’s being so blunt you can’t tell if he’s being serious but when you remind yourself that this is levi you relax, a blunt straightforward confession is meaningful coming from him 
you get all blushy and flustered and you let out another one of your awkward hahahahaha’s but it’s a good hahahahaha
cautiously testing the waters he grabs your hand from across the table intertwining his fingers with yours
the gesture is adorable. the buzzing sensation that travels through your laced fingers makes you giggle to yourself giddily
“leviolas suddenly a matchmaking agency now? ;-)” your joke is dry and unfunny and levi rolls his eyes at it 
“you’re not funny.”
“but you still like me.” you tease
“yes. i still like you.” he admits
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a few days have passed since then
you and levi have been the talk of the town 
humanity’s strongest soldier finally found his flame???
the chatter and rumors spread like wildfire, both you and levi aren’t fans of being in the spotlight but nothing negative has been said so there’s no complaints so far
levi places a cup of tea in front of you, it’s a herbal kind because you’ve been complaining about a headache
today you’re explaining why you dislike the plot of beauty and the beast and how there’s so much wrong with it. from the weirdly toxic relationship to the power imbalance. levi stands listening attentively whilst waiting for you to take a sip of the tea
just as you’ve paused to take a large breathe and prepare yourself to continue explaining how unbearable that book is levi uses it as his chance to say what he’s been wanting to 
“drink up before it’s ice cold.”
following his instructions you interrupt yourself and take a gulp of the herbal tea
your eyes glimmer in approval. it tastes of strawberries and you’re delighted already feeling your mood slightly raise in response
“it’s GREAT?? what did you put in it?? it doesn’t even taste medicinal.” once again, you’re fawning over his tea
“so levi ackerman, what really is the secret to all these perfect cups of tea?”
and without a seconds hesitation he responds.
“i was making the tea for you. that’s the secret.”
it takes a while for the gravity of his words to sink it but when the meaning does you cup his face in your palms and peck him everywhere. he whines a little but you can tell he enjoys the attention
you find that you’re more than happy you’ve found a home in levi and his shop
and levi’s more than happy he’s found a home in you and your books
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moxfirefly · 4 years
Can I ask you to do a fic about some numbers of the 200 prompts? If it's not a problem for you... ✨🥺👉🏻👈🏻✨
Maybe 51, 110 and 144 with Donnie and a fem reader? 🥺💜✨
I imagine that he's alone with the reader and she's listening some music. They're talking and then some songs with 'hot' lyrics or with 'sex vibe start to play, u know? Like Call Out My Name (The Weeknd), Chateau (blackbear)... They like each other so they get horny and end up fucking like animals. :)))
(The + kinky the better. I'm a horny™ girl xd)
Ps: If it's too much work or something don't worry. I don't want you to do something that you don't want/can :)❤️✨
Ps 2: I love your blog ❤️
As a member of the Donnie thirst brigade I’m more than happy to just give out some shameless smut with that tall sassy nerd. Also you had me at The Weeknd so yes. Took a small liberty with the music hope you dig it.
Goes without saying,
Rated Explicit (18+ Years Only)
“You give me energy, make me feel lightweight”
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It starts with a simple question, a small fixation you’ve had when it comes to Donatello and your rapidly growing crush on him.
It’s a silly question, possibly even a comical one, but nevertheless an interesting one.
You’re both in his room, the ever changing LED lights accompanying the two of you while music drones out of his speakers. Inside the nook he barely sleeps in but still smells of him. Opposite each other, with your foot buried beneath his strong legs because you’re easily cold. That small detail of having Donnie’s hand resting close to your ankle making you smile.
Being best friends naturally meant that all manner of conversations have been had. Fun topics, curiosities of life and even some personal things you wouldn’t actually discuss with just anybody.
So you ask it,
“What’s a must have song in a sex playlist” You grin, wondering if this might be the time you both reach a TMI moment, but Donnie doesn’t disappoint. “I believe the mood is a big factor there, there is no sole correct answer” He throws back with a knowing smile. You slip your feet from under his thigh and opt out to prop them up on his lap, and on auto pilot he grabs them giving the soles of your feet a squeeze.
“Define mood? mood for sex is pretty straightforward and there’s gotta be a must have on said sex playlist” You retort back, enjoying how he just starts massaging your feet. “True but what I’m referring more is the mood of the moment, is it a loving mood? A kinky mood?” You wiggle your toes when he catches a ticklish spot. His answer absolutely delights you so you prod just a little more.
“Ok follow up, you’ve got a girl on your bed and she’s got the hots for you, what are you playing to set the mood just right?” You lean back, proud of yourself with the sheepish smile Donnie sports, making him flush was one of your favorite past times.
“Depends, is this girl kinky? Is she vanilla?” He pushes up his glasses when you make an ‘oh’ sound. “I think you like vanilla girls” You enunciate your statement by poking him with your foot.
“Y/n I’m seriously hurt, all this time as friends and you think vanilla girls are my favorite?” He shook his head with a snort.
“Donatello well I’ll be, we gotta circle back to that in a bit. So final answer, what are you playing when this hypothetical girl is giving you bedroom eyes?” You found his gaze, a shy smile gracing his features. Donnie leaned over plucking a tablet from his many little Knick knacks in the nook. He scrolled for a bit, swiping his finger upwards before a pleased look appeared on his face.
The familiar bass beat made your eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Streets by Doja Cat? Really?” He nodded placing the tablet back in its stand. “Don’t approve?” He asked, you shook your head. “Au Contraire, I’d jump anybodies bones who’d play that to set the mood” The two of you looked at one another, Donnie eyes carefully scanning over your features, assessing a mile a minute in that brilliant mind of his.
“Are you trying to seduce me?” He followed the tip of your tongue sneaking out before you bit down on your bottom lip.
“Depends. Are you seducible?” You felt his hands run down your feet, gripping your ankles.
Donnie moved your legs, scooting closer to you with an unreadable expression. You didn’t register holding your breath until you reached for his glasses. Setting them aside you inched closer towards his lips. Donnie closed the remaining space, catching your lower lip between his lips, he kissed softly chastely leaving you somewhat hanging for what you hoped would be a deep kiss.
“You’re such a needy baby” His smile spread and you felt your heart skip a beat.
Oh. So that’s how he wanted to play.
You were ready to crash your lips onto his but felt his hand wrap around your throat, the way your pupils dilated only made him chuckle softly. “Call me vanilla again” His thumb caressed your throat, the sensation soothing but only making your stomach flip flop on itself. You were about to let another sass laced comment fall from your lips when his hand slid up, cupping your chin, rubbing the pad of his thumb across your lips.
God if he didn’t jump you by now you were going to scream.
“Donnie-“ He slid said thumb into your mouth and on command your eyes closed, where the fuck and how the fuck was he being this cocky and sure of himself?
Feeling the bed dip and said digit in your mouth disappear your eyes shot open. Donnie was pleased as punch with how stricken you looked. You bit the inside of your cheeks, pressing your thighs together. Time to level the playing field. You smoothed out your skirt, sitting up better to entice him with your legs.
“Chicken” You smirked.
“You can do better than that, Y/n” Donnie made sure the space was safe and no interruptions would take place, he toned down the colors of the lights. For a fraction the air of cockiness left him. “Are sure about this? Do you want to keep going?” Ever the gentleman, you gave your answer by hooking your fingers in his belt loops and tugging him closer. You backed up into the nook, Donnie knelt on the bed, astride your hips, eyes focused on taking in the details he’d often fantasized about.
“You already know how this one will end” You ran a hand up that hard plastron, the sensation making you curious, gently you placed open mouthed kisses. You felt him inhale deeply as you slowly undid the button of his pants. His hand came to rest behind your hair, digging into the scalp as you continue your trail of kisses.
“This your plan all along?” You snapped off his suspenders. “Too obvious I’ve been wanting to fuck my best friend silly?” Donnie swallowed, hands untying his signature mask, he tugged you down onto his bed, he’d never seen an image so beautiful and right. Without hesitation his hands cupped your breast through the thin fabric of your shirt. He buried his face between them, all tension rolling off those broad shoulders in shuddering breaths. “You smell perfect” Came his muffled reply between your breast. You raised your hips, trying to find some friction which Donnie was happy to provide with a roll of his hips.
That felt big, that felt way too good. “I feel better I can assure you” That definitely caused a deep churr to vibrate from within him. Explorations can be resumed for another time, right now you wanted him to feel the mess he had caused with such simple touches and words. Somewhere around breathing each others hard gasps, you felt your skirt being pushed up, as you nudged his pants further down with your foot. Donnie was super glued to your lips, even as hands explored, cupping, grabbing, running along the product of his torture.
With a plead that you pressed against his throat you felt Donnie throw your leg over his hip, your hand disappearing between the two of your to guide his hard slick cock to your aching core. There on your sides you met eyes as he pushed into you so deliberately slow, not just to not hurt you but to watch that very second where your gaze comprehended the sensation of him. Your knuckles ran the edges of his shell before landing at his neck. Each thrust sending waves of dizzying pleasure.
Donnie pressed his forehead against yours, that cockiness replaced by pure bliss, mouth agape and eyes shut tight as he moved with each of your wanton sounds. “Donnie look at me, want you to look at me when you cum” Your voice trembled when his eyes fluttered open and you saw such a debauched display. This time you grinned breathless as you wrapped a hand around his neck. “Yes, just like that baby, for me come on” You moaned when his hips began to stutter ruthlessly.
Kissing Donnie as he started to cum was possibly going to be your favorite thing from now on. He went to limp against you but still kept a bruising hold on you as he filled you up and made you so warm. Running the tips of your finger across his cheek you saw that sated smile appear. Slowly disentangling you he slid down moving your legs apart, and already you knew that there was no stoping this.
You were both simply hooked.
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imrowanartist · 2 years
Oh I'm curious about Poke Meets Yara and Gets Yelled at by the Fishman. I always love to learn more about them!
Oooh that's one I have actually already written, but not shared yet! Heck, I'll share it right now!
Context: The Corries have recently been rescued from being stuck in the Coruscant underworld for three years and made it safely to the Gilamar Clan compound on Concordia. Poke is their usual curious self, Yara is his usual awkward self and Purrgil (aka Fishface in our discord XD) is his usual asshole self.
Tiny mini warning for some swearing.
Poke belongs to @anstarwar
The Gilamar compound, Poke had found out pretty quickly, was big. They’d arrived a few days ago, and while some of their brothers had already chosen to move on to different accommodations, provided by either the Gilamar clan or others, Poke and Carrion had stayed in the main building so far.
There were lots of people there and there was always something going on. It made it easier to forget the forced quietness of the warehouse they had squatted in for so long. And, Poke had to admit to themself, it was a relief to know that they weren’t the person responsible anymore for the well being of their fellow brothers. It was a weight off their shoulders, and gave them the time and space of mind needed to focus on Car. Because he sure as hell needed it.
It did not make it any easier to find out where the refresher was however. There were several in the main building, and Poke knew where the one closest to their own room was. But they’d slipped out from the common room this time, where they’d gathered with some of the corries, and the hallway they found themself in now looked remarkably different from what they remembered. 
Their bare feet made barely any noise on the stone tiles and they wandered around for a while in the hopes of maybe stumbling upon what they were looking for by accident. But instead when they rounded another corner, they bumped full force into another body and both tumbled to the ground in surprise.
When Poke gathered themselves and looked up they saw that the other person was a clone they hadn’t seen before. He had a mop of longer curls that almost hung in his eyes and a smattering of freckles across his nose and cheeks just like themselves. He looked younger, like he had barely been of Kamino and he was…small. It was hard to gauge his length, sprawled on the ground as he was, but he also wasn’t anywhere near as broad shouldered as most of their brothers were. 
“Oh uh, my bad.” Poke spluttered, already climbing back to their feet and offering the other clone a hand, “I didn’t see you there.”
The kid stared at them with big eyes, hesitating for the barest of moments but took their hand and let himself be pulled to his feet. Poke was pleased to find that their first observation had been correct, the kid was indeed a shortie too. They were even about the same height if Poke had to take a guess. The kid also hadn’t said a word yet.
“I’m Poke!” they offered cheerfully, “I came in with the corries the other day. Have you been here long?”
The kid blinked at them again, then finally seemed to gather himself and gestured to his ears, before signing something that was too fast for Poke to catch. At Poke’s apparent look of confusion he touched a finger to his lips and started signing again, slower this time.
[Lipread], he started, [Can’t hear]
“Oooh, I’m sorry!” Poke blurted, making sure to enunciate their words and racking their brain to remember more than just the standard battle sign they had been taught.
[My name is P. O. K. E.] they signed, making sure to fingerspell their name, [I’m new] 
The kid’s face lit up with a smile.
[Y.A.R.A] he spelled, before signing [I saw you arrive. Glad you are safe. (...) was very happy that they found you]
There was a sign in Yara’s sentence that Poke didn’t recognize, and they tried to replicate it with a questioning look on their face. Yara giggled and actually reached out to them and corrected their hands so they could form the sign correctly.
“Buir.” he said, his voice a bit too loud, then signed [M.I.J is buir to me. To most of us.]
Poke laughed at that. It made sense of course, that Mij had gone and found himself a bunch of lost souls to adopt. He had already been a bleeding heart when Poke had medic training sessions with him all the way back on Kamino, caring about his trainees much more than he probably should have. 
Yara smiled at them and Poke decided on the spot that they liked the kid. He was a bit quiet for sure, but not in an uncomfortable way. They suspected he was actually a warm and lovely person to be around, once they got to know him more. They were about to ask him if he wanted to come back to the common room, the search for the refresher completely forgotten, when another clone rounded the corner.
The newcomer looked to be a regular clone, except for a scar that circled his eye and bisected his eyebrow, and he was wearing a scowl that made Poke instinctively step in front of Yara. 
“The kriff is going on here?” the new guy snarled, and with a shock Poke recognized him from his medic training. They couldn’t remember his name, but he was a fellow medic, who’s attitude had clearly not improved with time. They moved a bit closer to Yara, hiding the kid behind their back. Yara made a confused noise in response and stepped away instead.
“Are they bothering you?” the clone snapped, underlining his words with sharp signs and Poke realized he was actually talking to Yara and not them. They decided to change tactics then. Maybe being their regular self could still defuse the situation.
“Hey, hi.” they said, their voice chipper, “How are you doing? I’m Poke.”
They got a glare in return and Poke swore they could see his eyebrow twitch. Clearly he recognized their name, to their amusement. Looking next to them they saw Yara furiously signing something at the other clone, but it was too fast to catch. They really needed to brush up on their sign language. After a silence that seemed to stretch on for several minutes the newcomer let out a deep sigh.
“Purrgil.” he said, his tone flat, like it actually pained him to introduce himself to Poke, "The kriff you doin' all the way out here?"
"I, uh. Got lost looking for the refresher" Poke answered a bit sheepishly, carding a hand through their short curls.
"Right." Purrgil said, his tone dripping with acid, as he stepped into their personal space, “That's what they all say. Sure you're not looking for some valuables to take? So you can book it when you get the chance? I heard all about what you Corries did for a living."
Poke breath hitched for a second as they processed Purrgil’s words. Then anger welled up in them and they brought their face close to his, "Don't you fucking talk about my brothers that way. We did what we had to do to survive."
It felt good to defend their brothers. Poke sure as hell wasn't going to let a random stranger insult them, even if it was a brother. They stayed like that for what seemed like ages, neither of them backing off until Yara cut in, his voice loud and sharp, "Purrgil!"
It seemed to do the trick. Purrgil backed off, holding up his hands in surrender, but his face still mocking. Yara had crossed his arms and looked angrily at the medic. Poke was just...confused at the whole situation. Who was this guy and what did he have to do with the kid?
"Just stay away from my partner, alright?" Purrgil hissed finally, trying to pull Yara along with him, who, to Poke's surprise resisted and signed an angry [I'll decide that for myself]
Purrgil looked between them and the kid and an expression that Poke couldn't quite place crossed his face. They were surprised to learn that they were partners. Purrgil and Yara didn't seem like any of the medic-trooper pairs they had ever met before.
"Whatever." Purrgil finally groused, turning and striding away, back into the hallway he had come from.
"See you around, Purg!" Poke yelled after him, causing Yara to let out an awkward laugh. 
"Nice partner you got there, kid." Poke told Yara, making sure to sign along with their words. 
[He's an idiot] Yara signed with a huff, [But he's my idiot. Just doesn't like strangers]
"Yeah, you don't say." Poke snorted, then perked up, "Hey, you wanna come back to the common room with me? I'm sure my friends would love to meet you."
Yara hesitated, and looked towards the direction Purrgil had taken off to and back, wringing his hands before signing [Are there...many?]
"Nah, it's just me, Car, Hound and Thorn right now. They're nice." Poke answered with a smile. 
Yara mulled it over for a second, clearly deciding whether he was up for meeting new people or not, then signed a quick [Okay] 
"Awesome!" Poke cheered, then gave Yara an awkward grin, "Oh. Uhh...can you show me where the refresher is though? And I may have forgotten how to get back to the common room too…"
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wandsandwheezes · 4 years
As a Kite | R.W
TW / mentions of ouid n getting h*gh , Smut, (Oral - female receiving, dirty talk, a lil dominance) other than that fluffy stuffs.
Fair warning this is basically pwp and I'm not ashamed because I am the biggest simp for my boy Ron 😍 I'll probably end up writing the 2nd part as I am a thirsty girl xoxox
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Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist ❤️
@witch-and-a-half @weasleysflowr @hufflepuffgirly @theweasleysredhair
Dragging my feet up the stairs to the Gryffindor commons was like hell after a long morning in the dungeons for potions.
I had a free afternoon, one that was usually spent pestering Ron to indulge in a food adventure or a trip to the astronomy tower to get away from it all. There's nothing that I wouldn't do for my best friend. In the summer before my first year, Ron and I made a promise to always look out for each other, mainly because I was way too scared to roam Hogwarts on my own but also because He had already had the craziest first year he could've imagined. We have been inseparable since, There were never any secrets between us and to him I was an open book.
I knock on the door to the boy's dorm, hearing the giggles of the weasley boys coming from within, after a few moments a glazed eyed Ron opens the door, smile beaming at me from ear to ear. "How're we feeling this afternoon, Ronald?" I ask, the faint smell of we*d hitting my senses as I step into the room, "brilliant thanks, I'm glad you're here," he says, I take a seat on his bed, greeting the twins with a smile, "you boys wouldn't happen to be high at all, would you now?" I laugh, "As a kite, dear Y/N" George speaks, "and Georgie made some if his signature brownies, just for you" Fred adds, handing me a foil packet, which I gladly take.
Getting high with the boys was not too unusual, It's been a smell I'd familiarised myself with during my childhood spent at the Weasley home, at first it was Bill's doing, then the Twins, with Ron, Ginny and I following along soon after. I've been lucky to have a wizarding family like the Weasleys, with Molly taking pity on my mother and sister who were both muggles, offering to step in and handle the wizarding side of things with my father out of the picture - a gesture I could never repay.
Fred and George left Ron's dorm to head back to their own after hours of giggles, deciding to take a not so simple detour through the kitchens to satisfy their newfound hunger. This left Ron and I in the room alone, my fingers running through his soft hair as his head lay in my lap, "If you keep doing that, ill fall asleep..." He hums, causing me to laugh gently, pulling a little at the hairs at the back of his head. He watched my every move, dopey grin still all over his face.
"Bloody hell, I think I'm in love." Ron admits, I roll my eyes, "I know Krum's in the castle, Ronald but you're going to need to win him over with more than that." He sits up, looking at me with all seriousness, before shaking his head, "Not Krum... You. I'm in love with you, Y/N." I freeze for a second, shock is not the word I was looking for, perhaps confusion? Sure Ron was an attractive young lad and he was funny, funnier than the twins (not that I'd tell them that), he was charming, kind, strong, caring and by godric he was perfect, but in love with me? He was everything I needed, he was patient with me, he listened to every worry, he was there on my good days and bad days, yet here i am staring at his lips, wanting nothing more than for him to just kiss me. That was it.
I think I love him too, how blind have I been to not have seen this sooner. "Ron, I-" I smile grabbing his hand that had found its way to my cheek, leaning into his touch. "I love you." I breathe out, looking deep into his eyes.
I found out a lot of things about Ron that night; Number one - Ron is absolutely adorable when he's high.
Number two - Ron is literal putty in my hands as soon as I'm playing with his hair
Number three - Ron was in love with me, and I with him.
And finally, Number four - Ron is not the gentle lover I thought he would be, and I am weak the second he's whispering about all the dirty things he wants to do to me. He is a Rough lover, rougher than I expected.
He liked to take control, pinning me against the sheets, placing kisses to every piece of skin he laid his eyes on. "I can't wait to hear you moan for me, darling" he places a kiss to my forehead before resting his own against it letting go of my wrists to pull me up, hand pressed against the small of my back, "tell me if it's too much, we go as far as you want." I run my hands through his soft hair, pulling him in for a kiss, I could smell the cinnamon, a scent I'd associated with him, his kisses were powerful and spoke a thousand words to me, I pull away from his lips for a moment, trailing kisses to his ear, whispering gently to him. "I want you Ron, I need this, make me feel good..."
That was all it took to send him to overdrive, I fell in love there and then with the way his eyes darkened as we fumbled to undress each other, frantic and needy kisses being pressed against each other's skin. He pushed me back against the bed, kneeling between my thighs, as he hooks his fingers into my underewear, pulling them down my legs, a hunger in his eyes, "fuck, you're already so wet," he hums, "what is it you want first baby, my fingers or my tongue? hm? I don't hear my girl begging for anything, I may have to leave her here, untouched and needy. That sounds like fun..." I roll my eyes, big mistake, his hand grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him, "I don't expect attitude from you so early on." he warns "Beg." he almost growls, fingers ghosting over my thighs, "Use your words and tell me what you want." This side of Ron I'd never seen before and it was unlike anything I'd expect from him, but I need him. "I need your tongue baby, please Ron, I need you." that was all he needed, kisses trailed down my body to between my legs, "Good girl," he smirks, blowing gently on my clit, causing a shiver to run through my body, his tongue already on me before i could register what was going on. His tongue was skilled, licking and sucking at my already wet pussy, It was pure heaven. He pulled my clit between his teeth, sucking on it, which in turn caused me to attach my hands to his soft, gorgeous hair, keeping his lips pressed firmly against me "Don't stop, Ron, It feels so good!" I moan out, my fingers in his hair only egging him on further.
"You have no idea what you do to me," he whispers, kissing his way up my body. The sounds of laughing boys echo through the hall, growing closer and closer to the door. "for fuck's sake," he groans, reaching over to grab his wand quickly locking the door with a spell, before anyone walks in on us "colloportus!" he looks down at me with a smile, pressing a kiss to my forehead as he helps me back into my clothes. "I hope I wasn't being too much, I don't want to scare you off." I laugh, reaching up to smooth down his hair, making it less obvious that my hands had previously been tangled in his gorgeous locks. "Bloody hell, as if you couldn't get any sexier... I don't think you were doing nearly enough" I tease, He smirks, picking me up off the bed and carrying me to the door, "good, because I've hardly even started with you, Princess"
"Ron, mate if you don't open this door ill kill you myself, I'm bloody exhausted." Dean groans from the other side of the door, banging on it a little harder than he had been before "Room of requirement after dinner?" I suggest, he nods, placing me down to my feet, pressing a kiss to my lips to say goodbye, "I don't want to open the door because I'm not finished kissing you yet." I roll my eyes, grabbing my wand to unlock the door again, before swinging it open.
Seamus, Harry and Dean burst into the room, swinging their bags onto their beds, "If it was just Y/N in here I don't see why you had to lock the door," Dean whines, Harry scanning over Ron's face, to his hand which is still gently holding onto mine, "I think we may have been interrupting something here, guys" he speaks, crossing his arms looking between the two of us, cueing me to slip out of the room before there are any more questions "Shove off, Harry" Ron jokes, his eyes following my movements to the door, I poke my head back into the room, "Oi, make sure you save me one of George's brownies for after dinner, don't scoff them all!" I smile at the boys innocently, "I will do, Ba-Y/N" Ron quickly corrects himself, nobody catching onto his slip up, "Don't have too much fun without me!" I laugh, Ron responding quickly "I wouldn't dream of it."
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nakachuchu · 4 years
The Berehynia | Crowley Eusford
chapter seven of the Fairy Tales and Myths series
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SYNOPSIS: He ventures into the woods.
READER: gender neutral
WORDS: 1023
WRITTEN: 03/02/2021
NOTES: pictures of Berehynia are female, but as I wrote it, it is gender neutral.
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He was traveling the world, seeking out new foods and delights. He found himself in Southern Europe this time where the people flocked around him because of his attractive features.
Crowley was used to positive attention. He knew he was handsome and he was prideful of that.
He began to get curious when all the locals of the town he was staying at warned him of the berehynias.
He wasn't familiar with European folklore, so he asked one of the locals what it meant.
The old woman waved him off, barely able to keep herself steady on her wooden cane. He placed a hand on her back to help her.
"Berehynias are vengeful spirits that live in the forest," she said as she looked to the outer edges of the dark forest. "You best not to in there. No one who goes there comes out alive."
Crowley hummed. "Is that so? Well, you should be on your way. It's getting late."
She grunted and hobbled away in the direction of her small hut. Crowley smiled and waved after her. Once she was out of sight, he turned to the forest and stared at it.
"Well, what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger," he said as he walked in the direction of the forest.
He was a thrill-seeker, but he was also lazy. There was rarely a time he'd go out of his way for something unless it was intriguing or benefited him in some way.
He walked into the forest and immediately noticed the change in energy. The forest and fog were dense. He could barely see in front of him, and he had superior eyesight compared to others.
He looked around the forest, walking forward slowly so he wouldn't trip and fall. He strained his eyes for anything that may have wanted to pop out and frighten him.
He came across a swamp and stopped by the edge. He looked down at the swamp and could see the hint of his reflection in the murky water.
A ripple was created in the water. He tilted his head and leaned forward, wanting to know what type of creatures lived in the swamp.
You poked your head out of the water, touching your nose against his.
"Hello," you whispered.
He blinked. "Hello. Are you a berehynia?"
You leaned back and looked up at him. "Yes. Are you a tourist?"
"Yes. You don't look vengeful."
"You can't judge a book by its cover," you retorted. "If you know what a berehynia is, why have you come here? No locals will come in this forest."
He smiled. "I was curious."
You looked at him, slowly sinking into the water until only your eyes were showing. You roamed your eyes over his body as he stood, proud and tall, in front of you.
Then, you sat up a bit more, showing more of your body to him as you stretched and splayed your upper body on the land he was standing on.
"Has your curiosity been vanquished?" you asked.
He knelt, placing his elbow on his knee and his chin on his hand. "Not yet."
You hummed. "You're an interesting man."
"I get that a lot."
"If you'll let me touch you, then it will be vanquished," he said.
You looked at him for a moment, trying to decipher his motives. Once you determined he had no weapons or warding herbs on him, you leaned up to arm your arms around his neck and shoulders.
His hands trailed down your back, fingertips tickling your spine.
You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck and sunk your teeth into his neck, ripping off a chunk of his flesh. A few bites in, and you immediately spat out his flesh.
Your eyes were wide in confusion and disgust as you leaned away and looked at him to see him smiling.
"Well, if I had known you were going to eat me, I would have warned you first," he teased.
You were back in the water now, a few feet away from him. Your eyes were cold and calculating.
"What are you?" you asked.
"A vampire," he lazily said.
"Your flesh tastes like shit," you retorted.
"Well, I am un-dead. Why'd you bite me? I think it's supposed to be the other way around."
"Berehynias eat flesh because we want our bodies back. We do not know if it works, but we feel satisfied and full when we eat," you said. "Hmph. Now that you've had your fun, you can leave. You've no meat I can eat."
"What if I get some for you?" he asked.
You narrowed your eyes. "Why would you do that?"
"I'm intrigued," he said.
"Curiosity killed the cat," you retorted.
"Good thing I'm not a cat."
You rolled your eyes.
“You have a body, don't you?” he asked.
“Put your head underwater. We bite, by the way, but it's not like it'll harm you,” you said.
He got on his hands and knees before ducking his head into the water. With open eyes, he looked around the murky water. He could see heaps of skeletons, including yours.
When he raised his head, you had a flesh body above the water. To make sure his assumption was correct, he dunked his head underwater and saw no flesh body from you.
“Say I want to take you out of the water…”
“You may for a short while, but I cannot leave this forest. My soul is connected to it.”
He hummed, brushing back his hair with his hand. “Interesting. I'll be back with a body.”
“You're an odd man,” you called out.
“And you're beautiful.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, not believing anything that came out of his mouth because of how charming and handsome he was.
“You're tricky. Handsomely tricky,” you added. “What’s the catch?”
“I want to see you devour a human body,” he answered. “You'll be ten times more attractive.”
“I'm essentially a skeleton,” you retorted.
“You spat out my flesh a few minutes ago,” he retorted. “Stay here.”
In the blink of an eye, he disappeared.
“Hpmh. Men,” you muttered.
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akaluan · 3 years
aka i'm still losing my shit at the convo with Yakumo in the pits area. i have a Need to see louis cornering yakumo afterwards and going MC IS A FUCKING AMNESIA MAN FFS WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT the game has CHEATED us of this prime content -ser
((ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE! Technically this probably does need a followup apology/discussion between the three of them when they finish the Howling Pit zone and go back to base, but I'll write that later. Also, in general, consider this canon for.. basically all my versions of code vein Erich, no matter which ending he gets.))
Louis leans against a piece of scrap, contemplating the misty, waterlogged area in front of them; he’s not looking forward to trudging through the morass, and even less to fighting in that morass, but needs must. He’s pretty sure he remembers a Bloodspring out in this direction, and if Erich can revive it — and the mistle in the whole area — it will mean more safety, more hope, for every revenant in the Gaol of the Mists.
He’ll do anything for a brighter future, even if it means wading through hip-high water and fighting the Lost while doing so.
“—we were all human once,” Yakumo is saying behind him, clearly chatting with Erich as they rest.
Louis shifts his stance enough to cast a glance over his shoulder, a touch of amusement curling in him at the sight of Yakumo holding one of his ubiquitous onigiri; Yakumo always has some of the damn things on him, though at least he’s stopped attempting to offer them to Louis.
(Though, Erich hasn’t had the joy of trying them yet, has he?)
(That will be an interesting—)
“If I completely lost the memory of my human past, I wouldn’t be me anymore,” Yakumo continues with, and Louis freezes, dread pooling in his stomach; he knew he should have pulled at least Yakumo aside before they left! He knew how Yakumo felt about memories, about losing them, about holding onto things, but somehow he’d not expected the man to just— just—!
“I would just be… something in the shape of me,” Yakumo says gloomily, oblivious to Louis’ rising panic. “I’d look like a revenant, but on the inside I’d be no different than the Lost. What’s the point of living like that?”
Breath hisses between Louis’ teeth and he turns, desperately hoping that Erich hasn’t taken offense, that Yakumo hasn’t lost them their best — only? — hope—
Erich is watching Yakumo with an unreadable look in his gaze and his expression otherwise calm; Louis would almost think the man completely unaffected, but there’s… something about him, about the way he’s standing, and the way his right hand is slightly curled, that makes Louis wary. It doesn’t seem like Erich’s about to lash out — his stance isn’t correct for that, at least — but if the man internalizes those words, comes to believe that he isn’t any better than a Lost, that his only worth is in fighting and pushing back the miasma—
No. He can’t let that happen. Can’t let the man think that he doesn’t matter when he absolutely does, when Louis would have welcomed him into their group even without the man’s unusual gifts!
Yakumo rises to his feet and shrugs his jacket into a slightly more comfortable position; he’s not looking in Louis’ direction, though, so he entirely misses the sharp ‘cut it out!’ gesture that Louis makes. Erich does, though, his amber gaze flickering away from Yakumo to settle on Louis for a brief, puzzled moment, before Yakumo opens his damn mouth again and pulls Erich’s attention back to him.
“I served in the army, back before I became a revenant. We used to eat these things when we were out on missions,” Yakumo says as he gestures slightly with the hand holding the onigiri. “I guess… it helps me remember.” He pauses, hand curling slightly towards his chest and chin tipping down, and adds, “It was a miserable time, but I made some good friends that I shouldn’t let myself forget. This stuff doesn’t really taste that great, but eating it always reminds me of those friends.”
Louis wrinkles his nose. Doesn’t taste that great is an understatement in his opinion; Yakumo’s onigiri tend to taste like absolutely nothing, not even salt, which is absurd when Louis knows the damn things are salted to high hell.
This time, the look Erich casts him over Yakumo’s shoulder has an edge of amusement to it. Which is… probably good? But at the same time, it makes Louis really want to see the man try to choke down the tasteless, sticky mess that Yakumo calls ‘onigiri’ and see how amused he is then.
“So I guess you could say it helps me stay me,” Yakumo announces a bit more cheerfully, as he walks past Erich towards the ramp down into the waterlogged morass below. “It’s been an important companion in my life!” he adds with a wry grin while turning back towards Erich, who huffs a small laugh and nods a bit, before freezing as he finally catches sight of Louis.
“Yakumo,” Louis says with as much quiet fury as he can. “Can we talk for a moment?”
“Er… sure?” Yakumo flashes a cheerful smile at Erich and says, “Sorry, we’ll be just a moment, alright?” before striding over to Louis, expression wary and fingers tightening on his onigiri enough to start deforming it a bit. “What’s up?” he asks quietly as Louis gestures him into the vague privacy of a nook made by rubble.
Louis quickly checks where Erich is just to be sure the man isn’t close enough to overhear, then quietly says, “Please never, never talk about memories like that around Erich again. This is also on me because I didn’t think to warn you, but… please try to avoid it, if possible.”
Yakumo blinks at him in confusion. “Louis…?”
“He…” Louis grimaces, wrestling with how much he should say, before sighing and running a hand through his hair. “Look, I’m sorry. I should have mentioned it, and I didn’t, but… neither Erich nor Io remember anything.”
He can see the moment Yakumo understands: it’s in the way he stiffens, the way his eyes round and his face blanches, the way the breath stutters in his throat and his chin tucks down towards his chest.
“Nothing?” Yakumo repeats in a horrified whisper.
“Nothing,” Louis confirms wearily. “Best I can tell, Erich has about a day or two of memories from before I found the two of them and Io has a few days more, but neither of them know anything about themselves beyond their names.”
“Shit. And I just… I said… shit…!”
Louis hums in agreement and steps closer, bumping his shoulder against Yakumo’s arm in an attempt at comfort. “Eat your damn tasteless onigiri,” he murmurs instead of saying anything else, content that Yakumo understands now and will do his best to help Louis head off any potential issues.
Yakumo scoffs and drives his elbow into Louis’ side in retaliation, though he does take another bite of his food and chews thoughtfully. “You thought about talking with Davis?” he asks the instant he swallows his bite. “Guy’s lost a bunch of his past, if I remember right.”
“I’ve considered it,” Louis agrees as he leans into Yakumo a bit and tips his head up to stare at the vast hole in the distance. “But I just don’t know…”
“If you should go waving that bit of info in front of everyone? Yeah, that makes sense.” Yakumo shoves the last bit of his onigiri in his mouth and dusts his hands off, chewing and swallowing so hastily that Louis is almost certain he’s going to choke. He doesn’t though, and promptly wipes at his mouth as he wryly says, “Still, might want to figure out how to let everyone else know, just so no one else sticks their foot in it like me.”
Louis grimaces but nods in agreement. He should probably just ask Erich and Io if it’s fine for others to knows about their situation — that will be the least invasive way to handle this, he knows — but he’s definitely not looking forward to that conversation. Not because they’ll fight him or be rude or anything, but because… because Erich will probably just quietly agree, and Io will follow his lead, and Louis will be left once again not knowing if they agreed because they want to or because they think they should.
He’s already having that problem with what they’re doing right now, dragging Erich out into the Gaol of the Mists in search of mistle and Bloodsprings: did Erich agree to help them because he wanted to or because Louis was the first friendly face he met that didn’t end up turning into a Lost? Does he actually agree with Louis’ plans, or is he just following along because he has no other purpose, no other direction, and he might as well go along with it?
(Fuck, if Louis was like some of the larger gang leaders, bright and charismatic and cruel, would Erich and Io still have fallen in with them so easily?)
(Power like Erich’s… almost anyone would do their best to flatter and praise and twist their way into controlling it.)
(Is… is Louis doing the same thing?)
(Is he just using them?)
A sharp elbow drives the breath from his lungs and slams him back into the rubble behind him, snapping him free of his twisting thoughts.
“You back with me?” Yakumo asks with a frown, then reaches out to poke Louis between his eyebrows. “You got all silent and guilty looking. Talk to me here, man.”
Louis groans and bats Yakumo’s hand away from his face. “It’s nothing,” he tries to deflect, then scowls when Yakumo just plants himself in front of him.
Yakumo clicks his tongue, gaze sweeping across Louis and then over at the rubble blocking their view of Erich. “Let me guess. You’re worried about coercing him.”
“It would be so easy,” Louis practically whines, letting his head thump against the rubble behind him. “If I say the wrong thing, give him the wrong idea—”
“Yeah, let me know how that works out for you,” Yakumo interrupts with a snort. “He’s quiet, but he’s got some pretty solid instincts. Er… well… people instincts at least. Not so much the instincts of ‘high places bad, watch your footing’, he absolutely does not have those.”
Louis chokes on his laughter, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes, and futilely drives a foot into Yakumo’s leg in retaliation; it’s not funny, it’s absolutely not funny, but the way Yakumo phrased it—
“Yeouch, hey! Just saying it like it is!” Yakumo yelps as he hops backwards, comically flailing his arms in the process. He casts a quick, surreptitious glance around the edge of the rubble as he does, then signs a quick ‘all clear’ and steps closer again, back thumping against the rubble right next to Louis. “Seriously, though,” he murmurs, all joking gone from his tone, “if he’s just muddling along on instincts and copying us, then you’re not wrong about worrying. Hell, I probably just made things worse without even realizing it.” He huffs and shakes his head, then casts a sidelong look at Louis and adds, “But we also can’t shy away from it, or pretend to be anything we’re not. We just gotta… do our best, you know? Be us. Be honest. Be kind. Try to remember that he doesn’t remember.”
“I know,” Louis agrees with a sigh, rubbing away the moisture from the corners of his eyes. “I know, but I still worry,” he admits softly, painfully, thinking about all the ways he could just… spin a lie around Erich that the man would never think to question. He won’t, not knowingly at least, but the idea that he could sits sour-heavy-horrible in his stomach, like the rotgut Yakumo brought home one day and insisted they share.
Yakumo shifts a bit closer, pressing their sides together, and bluntly says, “You should. Just don’t second-guess yourself too much, huh? Can’t have our fearless leader hesitating on us.”
Louis snorts and gives Yakumo a dark look in response. “When did this become you giving me a talk?” he asks in exasperation, even as he leans into Yakumo, soaking up the offered reassurance and trying to settle his mind; they can’t afford Louis hesitating or having his focus drift at a critical moment, Yakumo’s right about that, but knowing that and avoiding that are two very different things.
(It’s going to take him a while to sort all this out in his head.)
(Hopefully this trip through the pit will be uneventful...)
“Probably when you started having a crisis,” Yakumo answers flippantly, then nudges Louis lightly and asks, “You good now?”
“Good as I can be,” Louis says as he pushes away from the rubble and brushes dust from his pants. Not that it matters, since they’re going to be walking through a mire soon enough—
(Can he skip this area?)
(He’d love to skip this area.)
—but it’s something for his hands to do while he finishes collecting himself and getting himself back into the right mindset.
Yakumo steps away and gestures grandly for Louis to go first. “Shall we head out, then?”
Louis rolls his eyes, takes one last moment to gather himself, then steps around the piece of rubble and says, “Okay, all set!”
Erich glances up from the mistle, his gaze curious, but he says nothing as he rises to his feet and steps back expectantly, clearly waiting for something—
Louis flashes the man a smile as he walks forward, hoping that none of his doubts are obvious, hoping that Erich didn’t overhear any of their conversation, hoping-hoping-hoping—
“Let’s be careful as we go,” he says instead of any of the twisting jumble of words — of apologies — that he wants to. “If we get split up in this mist, we might never find each other again.”
Erich nods sharply, casts a calculating gaze out over the watery pit, then slants a wry glance at Louis and says, “Yakumo can take point with me.”
Louis snorts, ignores Yakumo’s snickering by dint of long practice, and says, “Appreciated, even if I still have to slog along behind you.”
“You’ll live,” Yakumo declares as he steps forward, clapping a hand on Louis’ shoulder as he swaggers past with that frankly ridiculous blade of his slung over his shoulder once again. “Come on, let’s go see what lurks in the shallows, huh?”
“I would prefer a bit less lurking,” Erich grumbles as he follows Yakumo down the ramp, his bayonet in his hands and his gaze sweeping across the area around them.
Louis makes an amused noise as he follows them down into the water, then immediately wrinkles his nose at the feeling of water pouring into his boots and making his pants stick uncomfortably to his legs.
(He already hates this place.)
(If it wasn’t for what he could learn here—)
(But no, personal comfort means nothing in the face of a way to help other revenants stuck here in the Gaol of the Mists.)
(He just… wishes everything was a bit less wet.)
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
Kisses // Matthew Gray Gubler x Reader
This is a request for both @boiled-onionrings and @aberrant-annie ! I ADORED writing this!!!
Summary - Reader is an artist with serious art block. So she decides to kiss her best friend all over and turn it into art.
Word Count - 2.2k
This is based off of THIS gif from @nationgubler
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I loved being an artist, but with any career in the arts, there is a time where you have some kind of block.
And I was having artist block, right now.
I sat in my studio, my back laying against the floor of the cold tile. As if the ceiling was going to spark some kind of Vincent Van Gogh idea in my head. I lightly brought my hand to my face, slapping my forehead.
"Come on y/n! There's something in there, anything, anything!" My head lolled to the side in frustration, eyes closed. I let out a loud groan of frustration, very grateful in this moment for choosing the most soundproof room of my apartment to do art. This was out of courtesy of my very kind neighbors. I opened my eyes slowly, hoping that something would come soon so I wasn't so damn angry. That's when I saw it.
The book Matthew had gotten me for my birthday a few months ago, sitting right next to my painting of lips, one of my best selling prints.
"Hmmm." I sat up slowly, contemplating if I should even ask this favor of him, but Matthew really cared about my career. Maybe I was in luck, so I dialed his phone number. He answered within 2 rings.
"Hey y/n, what's up?" He sounded out of breath, making his voice slightly raspy. This caused my heart to beat a bit faster.
"Uh, I have a favor to ask you, are you okay? You sound out of breath." I could hear him huff another deep breath.
"Yeah! I'm on a run in the park right now."
"Oh! Well don't worry about it then, I can save this-"
"No no! What do you need, I'm on my way home." This was honestly the most nerve-wracking thing ever, asking my best friend And someone I'm slowly falling for to do a kind of scandalous pose for a painting for me.
"It's kind of, weird. It involves art. I can't come up with any ideas and this one came into my head, you can totally say no, I won't-"
"Honey, good lord, I'm not gonna judge you, just tell me." He laughed in the end, easing my stress only slightly at the sound of it.
"Alright, it would be a portrait of you from waist up, but, also, I would, ugh. I feel weird about it!" I paused momentarily, sighing into the phone and making a pouty face that he *thankfully* couldn't see. "Then I would put kisses all over you, to like, I don't know."
"Spice it up?"
"I'll be over soon, I'm gonna take a shower. See you soon sunshine!" And that was it. Nearly no hesitation and he agreed to it.
*Why did I worry so much?*
Probably because you like him so much, *dumbass*.
I tidied up my studio as a distraction, waiting for a knock at my door. My wooden easel clicked on the floor as I set it near the big window in the room. I set a stool in front of it for Matthew, facing him towards it for good natural lighting. I plopped a 24x16 canvas onto the easel. My heart nearly jumped from my chest as I heard the knock at my door. I almost slipped running to it.
I opened the door to see a smiling Matthew. He was leaning against my door frame dressed in a white button-down and some regular jeans.
"I don't see you wearing any lipstick, how are you gonna manage putting kisses all over me without it?" He teased with a smirk.
This man really knew how to make my heart stop, it was almost insane how much of an effect he had on me. But I was surprisingly good at hiding it.
"I haven't put it on yet you nerd." I hit his chest lightly, moving out of the doorway so he could come in. "You can still back out if you feel weird about this. And also, this is gonna take a while." I looked up at him nervously. He grabbed my shoulders, looking right into my eyes.
"I love helping you with art, stop thinking you're such a burden." He shook me a little, bringing another smile to my face.
"Fine, go sit on the stool back there and unbutton your shirt a few buttons," I ordered him as if I had any confidence when it came to him. I walked to the bathroom adjacent to my studio, grabbing my red lipstick and applying it in the mirror.
"I love the color!" Matthew shouted from the doorway of the bathroom, almost causing me to drag the makeup across my face. I pulled it away from my lips slowly, looking over at the idiot who was constantly scaring me. I gave him the death stare. He quickly brought his hands into a surrender position and backed from the room and into the studio. But not without giving me a wicked smile. I rolled my eyes and followed him.
"Sit!" I shooed him onto the stool I set up for him.
"Yes ma'am!" He saluted, sitting gracefully onto the wobbly seat.
"You promise this won't be too weird?" I asked a final time, a very *very* small part of me hoping that he would think it was too weird so I didn't have to torture myself even more with this horrible crush of mine. He just stared at me with one eyebrow raised, as to silently say.
*Do I really have to assure you again that I don't care?*
"Alright! Let go then." Another wave of anxiety shot through me as I leaned down to his level. My hands parted his hair to where I wanted it. I then kissed my thumb to make sure the lipstick was still wet enough to transfer, and sure enough, the red pigment was smudged onto the finger. Here we go.
I grabbed his face with both hands and brought my lips to his left cheek, leaving a kiss slightly above his cheekbone. I then left another kiss lower on the same cheek. On his right cheek, I put one right in the middle and one more near his chin.
I backed away from his face, pulling the lipstick from my pocket to reapply it. I watched his eyes as I put it on, seeing something I'd never seen in his eyes before.
"You okay Gubler?" I giggled a little, recapping the tube, I smacked my lips, ensuring that I got it everywhere. He blinked several times before shaking his head a little bit.
"Yeah! Uh, yes. Just zoned out." He nodded curtly, now venturing his eyes out the window.
"Okay weirdo." I chuckled. "I'm gonna kiss your chest now." I chuckled again, much more nervous than the previous one. He simply nodded and looked down at me with a small grin.
I got on my knees and opened his shirt a bit. Hopefully, he couldn't feel how much my hands were shaking, because let me tell you, I was *trembling*. I placed my hands on his shoulders and placed a kiss on the side of his neck first. I watched as Matthew sucked his lips into his mouth slowly tilting his head back. His hand was brought to his face and he left it there for a moment. I raised an eyebrow at him but quickly shrugged it off, I wasn't going to let this lipstick dry again.
I leaned down further, kissing his collar bone and then a final one near the center of his chest. At this point, Matthew was looking down at me again. He let off a loud breath and ran his tongue over his lips.
I stood up dusting my legs off, Matthew's eyes following me.
"Are you seriously okay? You're acting kind of funny." I came close to him, putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked like a puppy dog looking up at me from the stool.
"I've got a small headache I think." It was a quick answer that seemed like a lie.
"We can stop-"
"No!" I jumped back from him, startled. "No, it's seriously fine. I'm just gonna get ibuprofen from your cabinets." He stood so quickly and turned toward the door.
"I can get that for you!"
"No it's fine I got it." His voice was farther now, almost completely in the bathroom. Even from this far his voice sounded strangled.
*Was this weirding him out? It really seems like it was.*
I gathered my colors from my oil paint box and brought them to the small table next to my easel.
Just a few minutes later Matthew emerged from the bathroom, looking like he felt better.
"Looks like the ibuprofen is working fast." I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He snickered, sitting on his stool with a suspiciously large smile. I just shook my head a walked up to pose him. I turned his shoulders slightly toward the window, opening the shirt to see the kisses. I frazzled his hair a little to give it a bedhead look and once I was happy with everything, I went back to my seat.
"Just look wherever is comfortable. I'm giving you free will on that." Of course, he chooses to look directly at me.
"You sure you wanna look at me during this whole process?" I joked, starting with some skin-colored paint on the canvas.
"Well yeah, you're the most interesting thing in the room." I could feel the tips of my ears burn at the comment, not bothering to hide the smile that formed on the face.
"Well, thank you." I kept my eyes on the canvas, partly because I was painting, and partly because I thought that if I looked in his eyes I might melt into a puddle.
I was finally done with the base of everything. I pretty much had an outline with the correct colors.
"Okay, I'm taking a break. Do you want to snack with me?" I stretched my legs as I stood from my chair, my arms flailing high in the air.
"Yeah, what are you getting?" His hands rubbed together like a mischievous fly.
"I made chocolate chip cookies last night. I'm gonna heat them up so they are melty." I excitedly padded my bare feet to the kitchen. I slipped 3 cookies onto a plate and placed them in the microwave for 20 seconds. My back leaned on the counter as Matthew peered over me at my cookies.
"Someones excited about cookies." I laughed, grabbing them for the microwave and setting them on the counter, eating half of it in one bite.
"And you say *I'm* excited." He replied with a mouthful, clearly poking at the way I ate the cookie.
"You just ate yours in one bite!" I shot back.
"Whatever." He grabbed another, eating that one whole as well, as melted chocolate, slipped down his chin. He raised his hand to wipe it off and I was not quick enough to stop him.
"I'll just touch it up when we go back." He looked at his hand that was a mixture of brown and red and made a pouty face at me. "It's fine, here." I handed him a rag to wipe his hands and we went back into the studio.
On the walk back I was already reapplying my lipstick so I could fix the smudge on his face. I slipped into the bathroom quickly, grabbing my makeup wipes to fix the smudge as well. He sat in the stool once again.
Much less nervous this time, I grabbed his face the same way I did before and kissed over the same spot, making it darker and more defined again. As I was about to pull away from his face, Matthew's hands grabbed my wrists, stopping me from leaning away.
"What are you doing?" My heart hammered against my ribs, and at this moment I was hoping he couldn't hear it.
"Do you think there's anything else that needs to be fixed up?" His voice came out in a whisper, I could feel it against my face. "Do you think my *lips* should be red too?"
*Was he saying what I think he was saying?*
Apparently he was, because we both leaned in with closed eyes, connecting our lips. He pulled me into his lap on the stool, grabbing the back of my neck to deepen the kiss. I was sure that I was getting lipstick on much more than his lips at this point.
After quite the makeout sesh, we pulled away, both panting.
"What was that for?" My brain was in a complete haze. I realized I was still on his lap and began standing up, only to be pulled back down by his hands.
"I decided to finally make a move." He chuckled, leaning his forehead on mine.
"You mean, you like me?"
"No, I make out with everyone, all the time." He deadpanned. I giggled, running my thumb across his lips and showing his all the red that had transferred.
"Totally worth it." He smirked, kissing the tip of my nose sweetly.
*I'm not gonna get anything done with this man around.*
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mickmarstookmyheart · 4 years
Bad Memories
Pairing: Mick Mars X Reader
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Synopsis: While you are trying to enjoy your peaceful morning with Mick, your sister calls you with az unexpected demand. Your past comes up again which you don't like.
(I will correct the mistakes tomorrow)
Being the girlfriend of a musician meant constant tours and music all the time at everywhere. Seeing the guys almost every night on stage playing their chosen instruments made you jelaous. Then you remembered that you wouldn't stand on stage and play. Never.
It was a rainy and overcast October day. You and Mick chose to stay in bed a bit more since you had nothing to do that day. Your head was laying on his chest which was rising slowly. You loved listening to his steady heartbeat. His fingertips were caressing you bareback while his other hand were behind his head.
"Miiiiick. Please!" You asked nicely.
"Yeah?" He sighed.
"Would you be so kind and make some coffee?" You looked up with puppy eyes. He rolled his.
"I made it yesterday, too." He stated. He knew that these kind of peaceful mornings are rare and tried to enjoy every second of it.
"Good point. Then give me 5 minutes." You murmured into his chest. After a while you heard Mick's quiet snoring making you drift back to sleep, too. A loud ringing noise woke you up from your peaceful dreams.
"I will kill whoever this is." Mick groaned reaching for the telephone. "It's your killer, what do you want?"
"Hey, Mick. It's me, Isabelle. Sorry if I woke you up." Your sister apologized on the other end of the phone.
"Oh, hey. What's up? Haven't heard from you like in ages!" Mick's face brightened up while you frowned thinking who this lucky person could be.
"Nothing special, just the usual. Is (Y/N) there? I really need to talk to her." She asked.
"Yeah, sure. Is there a problem?"
"Well, nothing serious." Mick handed you the phone.
"It's (Y/N)." You said with a quite sleepy tone. You sat up while pulling some blanket from Mick who answered with a pillow behind your head. "Hey!" You snapped making him smirk.
"It's me. Your sister." Isabelle started to get annoyed. "(Y/N)! Are you here?"
"Yeah. What is it?"
"You know there is gonna be a party. Here at university. A Halloween party."
"That's good, I guess?" Making a phone call this tired didn't help.
"Sure. Also, me and some guys formed a band you know."
"Really? You haven't told me." It was good to finally speak to her. It was quite a long ago since you have a nice sister to sister conversation. You glanced around in the room and spotted an oversized tee on the ground. You got out of bed which was hard cause Mick didn't let you at first. You couldn't help it cause you felt the urge to walk when you were speaking on the telephone. "And... what's the name of the band?"
"That's what I call creative." You giggled.
"Wasn't me who came up with the idea, you know." Isabelle huffed.
"Maybe you should've asked Mick. He has some ideas." You glanced at the guitarist who tilted his head not having any clue why he was mentioned. "So what's the deal, sis?"
"There is this party and the head of the uni asked us to perform."
"Congrats. That's a big thing!" You cheered.
"Let me finish. So yesterday our guitarist, Mike, had an accident and broke his arm. He sure won't be able to perform."
"Oh, that suck. I'm so sorry. Also, sorry for not performing." You played with the wire of the phone.
"Well, don't be. Cause I have a wonderful idea!" She had a devilish smile on her face, unfortunately you couldn't see. If you could, you would've known what she was up to. "There is a girl I know who could play instead of Mike."
"Good to hear. Is she at the uni, too?" You asked still not suspecting a thing.
"Not exactly although one of my best friends." She said sighing. "I'm talking about you, (Y/N)."
"What?" The blood froze in your veins. "You aren't serious, right?"
"Don't tell me you are still not over what happened years ago!"
"I am...just.. it's pretty hard." You were rubbing your arm with the other.
"Please, (Y/N)!" She begged. "It will be fucking cool, I promise."
"I don't know. I haven't played since then. I will mess up."
"Give the phone to Mick."
"Heard me. Give me the guitar lord." Isabelle ordered. You handed the device back to Mick who took it happily. He was really fond of your sister.
"Did you manage to solve the problem?" Mick asked while he was eyeing your worried facial expression.
"Almost. Would you refresh my sister's guitar skills in two weeks?" Mick's eyes widened while you shook your head.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Mick asked watching the red light from the car.
"Tell you what?" You were looking out the window to avoid eye contact. You knew what he was talking about and it wasn't your favourite topic.
"That you can play the guitar."
"I thought I can have secrets. And it's not a big thing."
"If you say so." He was watching you from the corner of his eye. He noticed that you were worried, well, rather freaked out. "Would you mind telling me why are you like this? Or is it a secret, too?"
"I fucking knew." You pulled your hoodie's strings stronger so nothing could be seen from your face. You crossed your arms and didn't say a word.
"You look like a kid who didn't get her Barbie." He chuckled.
"Haha. Very funny." You murmured.
"Aren't you happy that you can meet with Isabelle? Cause I sure am!" He smiled. Sometimes you were wondering why he liked your sister this much. Mick only tolerated people. "Hey. Mars to Earth. Are you here?" He asked while poking your belly making you giggle.
"Stop." You tried to catch your breath. Mick smiled, he loved hearing your laugh. "And I'm sorry for my behaviour. It's just a quite sensitive topic for me. Only Isabelle knows about this and she doesn't think it's important." You were playing with the strings of your hoodie. "I guess, you want to hear the story."
"Only, if you want to. But yeah, I would love to hear it." He smirked. You took a deep breath and started you monologue.
"Not a long story, don't worry. So years ago some friends of mine formed a band. It were the boys and me. We were a cover band but tried to create some original ones though I was the only one who wanted that."
"Sadly, I can relate." He sighed.
"I'm sorry." You took a look at Mick who placed your hand into his. "Unfortunately, this was the minor problem. After one of our concerts, I had an accident. I fell of my motorbike. I broke my arm and one of my legs. The doctor said I was lucky." You had a sad smile on your face. Later, deep down you wished you had died instead.
"We were on a so called mini tour, we were performing at universities and high schools. Since I was at the hospital I felt horrible because we couldn't perform. At least, that's what I thought."
"You were replaced, right?" Mick squeezed your hand feeling sorry for you.
"Yes. But that wasn't my problem. I thought they were my friends. They didn't even visit me. After, I recovered more or less, I went to our place where we usually practiced. There was a new guitarist, a guy, who told me to fuck off." You laughed. "I was on my way to punch the guy, but our singer stopped me. He asked why I was there and that he fired me. His reason was that they didn't want a girl in their band and that I wasn't playing well anyway." You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. A tear ran down your face and your eyes were gloomy. You chest was heavy but you tried your best not to cry.
"Fuck them. Fuck them for embarrassing you. And where is that famous band now? Nowhere! Darling, I'm so sorry. But they don't deserve your tears." He wiped your tears with his thumb. "And I'm sure they still regret their decision. If you play as good as good pictures you take they are a dead band." He pecked your lips making you smile.
"Are you ready (Y/N)?" Your sister asked. You and Isabelle's band along with Mick were at drummer's garage and were about to practice. It was the 5th day and you were improving. That's what Mick said though you didn't believe him. You nodded and started to play "Live Wire." On the set list there were Mötley, AC/DC, Van Halen, Scorpions, Bon Jovi and many more. An old good feeling took over when you touched the strings. Your fingers remembered and it made you happy. During the solo, Mick was admiring you, he adored your concentrating face and he noticed that you were enjoying it. When the band finished the song you were still in shock how good it had turned out. Mick was clapping as well as the others.
"Wow, (Y/N)! It was hell of a solo." Robert, the singer congratulated. Isabelle was the bass player, Tim the drummer who owned the garage. You ran your fingers through your hair in embarrassment. You still didn't get used to compliments regarding your play.
"Thanks. And are you sure Mike isn't angry?"
"Nah. He said it's pretty cool that the girlfriend of Mick Mars will substitute him." Tim snickered. "Also, he is apologizing for not being here. His mother didn't let him."
"Poor little 22-year-old boy." Isabelle chuckled putting down her bass. She walked over to you and took Mick's precious guitar from your hand.
"Don't worry. I won't smash it on the floor." She yelled seeing the guitarist's facial expression.
Halloween. Costumes, candies, and spooky decoration everywhere. You wished you could dress up as a witch or something cause that fluff you called your hair was hidious. Vince lent his bandana as a mascot and Mick one of his guitars.
"I look horrible." You looked in the mirror dealing with your hair.
"Babe, this is how we normally look on stage. You look badass. Also, very sexy." He murmured to your neck hugging you from behind.
"He is right, sis." Isabelle came back to the dressing room with a bigger fluff. You held your hand over your mouth not to laugh loudly. You noticed that Mick's was in the same state.
"I think I will go. Find those idiots and keep an eye on them." Mick said while pressing one last kiss on your cheek and left the room.
"(Y/N)! Listen, you will be great. Just remeber to relax. Take a deep breath and the key is to enjoy. Concentrate on the music, feel the music. Watch Mick, pretend you two are the only ones in the room." She placed her hands on your shoulders looking in your eyes.
You were the last one who stepped on stage and the crowd were already insane.
"Alright, alright ladies and gentlemen. Before we start this hella concert, I would like to introduce our temporary guitar player, (Y/N). You will see a powerful sister duo on stage tonight. Prepare yourself. The show is beginning. Are you READY?" Robert screamed in the microphone as the crowd shouted as one person.
During the concert you felt an energy which you couldn't compare to anything. You felt powerful and you thought you could accomplish anything at that moment.
"I would be scared if I were you, Old Man." Vince stated as he was watching you from the side of the stage with Mick. "We might get you replaced with (Y/N). She is sexier." Mick kicked the singer in the ankle making him groan.
Taglist: @leatherandheels @safari-karrot @littlemisscare-all @crazyrockrlady
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buckysdove · 4 years
The Hero & Lover
Request: yes or no
Word count: 4,801
A/N: This is a request from @artiza-n​. You should definitely check them out. they’re a fantastic person. They are really sweet and offer excellent writing advice! Also, i took some inspiration from the twilight movies since Robert Patterson played both roles. I also took some inspiration from the books. NGL Edward in the books is a simp 😳 and I live for it!!! 🤭 (also typing on computer sorry if it looks weird.)
Warnings: Just a lot of fluff hehe (might be some cursing idk) Also name calling.
Pairing: Cedric x Hufflepuff!reader/fem!reader
Just for reference: Bold italics are flashbacks! And you have a dress in this story so i mean here’s the reference pic: 
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Really it was a day like any day. Only today was the day the first challenge took place. You were quite worried because a dear friend of yours, Cedric Diggory, was participating in the tournament. A few days ago in the courtyard, you had overheard Cedric and Harry talking. At the first mention of dragons your heart dropped. After their conversation, You didn’t even let Cedric return to his group of friends. “What in the bloody hell did I just hear?” Your concern seeping through every poor of your body. “What do you mean?” He nervously laughed and you couldn’t tell if it was from the news he had just gotten for his first task or if it was from your almost yelling. “The fucking dragons!” Now about everyone was staring at you. He drags you further into the castle stepping away from the onlookers. “Y/N listen, I don’t know what you heard but-” He looked around before continuing. “You have to trust me ok? I know what I’m doing.”
“Do you? Have you ever even seen a dragon? I mean a real dragon. One that flies and breaths fire?” he just laughs, licks his lips, and looks back at you. “Y/N I already have a plan. Don’t worry.” He placed a hand on your shoulder that trailed up to cup your face. “I just don’t want you to get hurt Ced.” He just smiles and leans in. Your heart started to pick up its pace. You stayed still making sure not to move. He placed a soft kiss on your forehead and whispered a sweet “Thank You” to you before pulling away. “Y/N, it makes me happy to know that you're worried about me but I’ll be fine.” he smiles sweetly at you before telling you that you have to go or you’ll miss your next class.
Your heart absolutely melted at the sight of Cedric. Whenever he touched you or kissed your head lightly, you always had butterflies in your stomach, and your heart rate would quicken. So when the possibility of Cedric getting hurt sprung up, you couldn’t help but worry. He’d tell you he was fine and well prepared but, you still felt uneasy. What if the plan didn’t work? Or it backfired in some way. To be honest you were the only one to object to Cedric putting his name in the goblet of fire. And when he was chosen your heart dropped, the only thing that was echoing in your mind was the one moment.
“Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the champion selection.” Dumbledore's voice roared over all of the students. it immediately getting quiet after he spoke. Waving his hand around the room the lighting dimming with the movements. He walked up and placed his hands on the goblet then stepping back. The fire turned a pinkish-red color before spitting out the first name to be chosen. You sat beside Cedric hoping he wouldn’t get picked. You crossed your fingers and toes hoping and wishing it truly wouldn’t be him. You guessed he saw you tensed up because he grabbed your hand tightly squeezing to get your attention. You looked up from your feet to be met with his soft smile. You relaxed some until you realized that the moment had come. The first to be chosen was Victor Krum, the next was Fleur Delacour, but the last one was definitely your worst nightmare. Your heart sank and your face turned white at the name that was spoken. “The Hogwarts champion Cedric Diggory.” Everyone cheered as he stood up and left but the only thing you felt was fear. The fear of losing your best friend and your crush made you immobile, frozen. You stared as he walked off into a dark corridor. After he was gone a tear fell down your check. Wiping it away quickly before anyone noticed.
He hadn’t returned to the common room until late. Talking to one of the other Hufflepuffs before finding you sitting on the couch with your head in your hands in front of the fire. “Oh Y/N? What's wrong?” he had come over to sit next to you and now had his hand on your back. “I truly wish it wasn’t you.” your words caught him off guard and it was truly a surprise he could understand you from the quivering in your voice. You turn to face him your eyes red from the tears that are still streaming down your face. He stares at you for a moment before he took you in his embrace. You sobbed against his chest while he whispered sweet nothings in your ear. After you had quieted down he took your face in his hands and spoke. “Try to be happy for me ok? You know i really wanted this.” you stared at him in disbelief. “Ced people die in this tournament. I don’t want you to end up like those people.” you grasped onto him hugging him tightly. “Oh come on Y/N, you really think this tournament will kill me?” You nodded into his chest before you spoke. “Ced, you can still get hurt.” He just smiled down at you giving you that “I’ll be fine” look. you weakly smiled back at him before putting your head back on his chest and listen to his steady breathing.
You had snuck to the tent that held all of the champions hoping to catch Cedric before his turn to do his task. You peak into the tent catching his eye quickly. You run up and hug him tightly. Since he was taller than you, when he hugged you backed he sorta picked you up. your feet hovering over the ground slightly. He kissed the top of your head lightly like always before he put you down and let go. “Ced, how do you feel?”
“I’m fine, nervous, but fine.” you laugh slightly and hug him again. “You’ll do great. You’re going to be fine. But I swear if you get your ass roasted by one of those dragons I will personally kill you myself” You joke earning a hearty chuckle from the boy in front of you. “But seriously Cedric... Please be careful.” he just looked down at you. Then he flashed you his signature smile. Your face also lit up and you hugged him once more before kissing his cheek and quickly leaving. Once you had realized what you had done you quickly left out of embarrassment catching a glimpse of Cedric’s surprised face.
Right after the tournament you had taken Cedric to the infirmary so Madam Pomfrey could look at his wounds. “Y/N they’re just scratches and bruises.” You were more worried than infuriated but you were still mad. “Oh really?” you poked one of the bruises that were on his side. he grimaced in pain instantly going to hold his side. He hissed while doing so. “Ouch...Ok fine. maybe some aren’t just bruises but there isn’t anything you can do about it. It’s not like you can fight the damned thing.” He said jokingly but somehow you took it seriously. “Hey no. You aren’t fighting a dragon. Especially not alone.” You cross your arms and pout. “I wasn’t going to.”
“No, but you were thinking about it.”
“Well, it hurt you.”
“What are you? My Guardian Angel?” At his words, you blush slightly and smile. “I don’t know...Maybe? I mean you are still alive, right? Maybe my being there helped you live.” He pulls you down on the bed he’s sitting on and starts to tickle you. Your laughs echoed through the halls. “Ced...please...stop...you’re gonna...hurt yourself.” Between almost every word you had to catch your breath or laugh. “What is going on here?” When Madam Pomfrey came in he immediately stopped. “N-Nothing Madam Pomfrey.” You stand up and correct your uniform. “I was just hoping you would check out Ced’s wounds.” you smiled sheepishly to Cedric who was also blushing. “He looks perfectly fine to me if he can move around like he just was.” Your smile dropped. “Please, don’t you see these bruises and cuts. What if he broke something.” she looks at you and smiles. “With the way, he’s moving I'm sure he hasn’t broken anything dear. But I’ll clean his open wounds and he can go back and rest.”
Eventually, she was finished and I was stuck staring at his half-naked man in an infirmary. “What? Is my spine poking out my back?” He joked which brought you out of your daze and you chuckled lightly. “N-no it's just um...I’ve never seen you...like this...” He blushed slightly as he pulled the cover up some. Covering the bandages on his torso. “I-I’m sorry!” Blushed a great deal before turning around. “It’s alright. Um...so you know about the yule ball right?” Your heart sped up. Was he really going to ask you to the Yule ball? “Um, yeah? why?” You waited as he paused. “Well, I was thinking...if I should ask Cho.” Your heart sank. It was your dream for Cedric to ask you to the Yule ball. Instead, he wants to go with Cho Chang. “Oh...” He looked up at you. “Are you ok?”
“oh well do you have anyone in mind?” you paused to think. It took everything in you to not blurt out ‘You’ but you didn’t. Instead, you said something that surprised you both. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe George?” the sat up quickly. “George Weasley?!”
“No. Definitely not.” Now you were...Mad? Protective? “Why not?” he didn’t have an answer ready. “W-Well because...He’s a git.” You scoffed at the name given. “Well it's none of your business who I date now is it Cedric?” after your thought was exclaimed to had left him dumbfounded in the infirmary. Him staring at your back as you marched away.
It had been a few weeks since then. Everyone knew something was up because you hadn’t talked to Cedric or been near him. It was unusual because you were basically joined at the hip. you had also heard from some of your friends that some of his were hinting at him asking you. “Sorry I can’t. I already have a date.” Was now a frequent phrase of yours. A lot of the guys from Durmstrang had asked you and you replied with the same thing. You were surprised so many guys would ask you. Of course, you had a date but...it wasn’t really a date. You were going as friends with George and you two were going to go with Angelina & Fred. You remembered the way you asked him. It was sorta embarrassing. It was also the night you and Cedric got into a fight.
“Hey gorge? Can we talk for a minute?” You caught the group of people's attention. it wasn’t like a Hufflepuff to be in the Gryffindor common room. “Of course.” He’d bid his farewells and “I’ll be right backs” as you dragged him out into the hall. “Well, I was wondering...If you’d like to go to the Yule ball with me? As friends?” He raised an eyebrow. Of course, he had been asked out by girls before but never did a Hufflepuff summon up the courage to ask him. “Well, why would I do that darling?” He exclaimed with a mischievous smile on his face. “I thought Diggory would have asked you?” Your face fell and so did his at the sight of yours. “Well, he’s asking someone else and...I wanted to go with you because...” You paused but before you could finish he cut in. “To make him jealous?” The smile was back on his face. he bent down closer to you to hear your answer since your voice had become hushed. “Y-Yes.” he smiled and chuckled. “I’ll tell you what...I’ll do it but...You have to do something in return.” You looked up at him a small smile on your face.
“What is it?” you asked your voice a little higher at the acceptance of your proposal. “I want you to...” he paused moving slightly to pin you to the wall. He looked around. His eye caught something then he turned back to you. “Kiss my cheek.” His smile was now a smirk and your smile was now flustered. “W-What?” You stammered out just loud enough for the two of you to hear. “Right here Right now, I want you to kiss my cheek.” You looked at him. Scanning his eyes to see if it was a joke but he seemed serious. “If I do this you’ll go with me?” He just nods and you swallow a lump in your throat. “Fine.” That was all you said before you leaned in and lightly pressed a kiss into George's cheek. He smiled and stepped away from you. You ran off and he went back to his common room.
After a few hours, you got a string of aggressive knocks on your door. “It’s open!” you yelled out maintaining a safe distance from the door. Cedric came in before closing the door behind him and locking it. “What is this I’m hearing about you kissing George Weasley by the Gryffindor common room?” You were surprised not only that he knew this but also by the anger in his voice. “How do you know about that?” you stood from your bed. “So it's true?” He came closer to you. “One it was just his cheek and two why in the bloody hell do you care? It's not like we are dating.” you snapped back. He just stood there staring at you. He inhaled a sharp breath before speaking. “I don’t...do whatever with him.” Then he left. You just stared at the door. Sooner or later you go back to your bed to go to sleep.
Now you were shopping for a dress. You were looking at the yellow dresses but they found the most beautiful laced, open back dress with a floral engraving in the lace. The only thing was it was in red. You didn’t have anything against it, but your mother did say it didn’t fit your style, whatever that meant. You picked it out anyway. Also getting some other dresses in other colors. When you got back to the castle you put it on to see how it fit. I was perfect. It showed off all the right curves in all the right places. You couldn’t look away but that was when you saw him standing in your door frame. “You look...wow.” He started to come up behind to finish the tie off that held the traps together since it was hard to do by yourself. “Thank you, Cedric.” You look back in the mirror. His hands had now fallen around your waist.” Y/N? I’m sorry for my behavior lately.” He put his head on your shoulder. After everything, you would be lying if you said you didn’t like Cedric anymore. You unwrapped his hands from around you and turned around. You took him in a short hug before pulling away and going back to your bathroom. “So have you asked out Cho yet?” You have said through the door while he explored around your room. “Um yeah...She said yes.” You had a small smile on your face. Of course, it hurt you to know that he was with another girl but...at least he was happy right? You had opened the door and come out by now so you go up to him and take one of his hands in yours. “That’s good...but it’s getting late and I should head to sleep.”
It had been a few weeks since that night and tomorrow was the night of the Yule ball. It was rare that you sat at other tables but today you sat at the Gryffindor table. You sat between George and Fred, George’s arm around your waist. You weren’t really listening to the things they were saying around the table. Your focus was completely on Cedric. “Y/N?” Your head snaps back to the table. “What?” You asked confused.
“Have you gotten a dress for the ball yet?”
“Oh yes. Yes, I have.”
“Really? What’s it look like?”
“It's a beautiful open back with floral design weaved into the lace. It goes just above my knee...and it's this beautiful shade of red.” They all looked surprised. “I’ve never seen you wear red.” you blush just a little. “I wanted to try something different.” George gets closer to your ear. “Did you get it for me?” he said quietly so you could hear but it was harder for the others unless they really focused on what he’s saying. “No...I got it for myself.” You look at him. His eyebrow was now raised and he had a smirk on his face. You stand up and grab your books. “I’m going to head to class but ill see you later.” you were talking directly to George. He nods and you bend down to kiss his cheek. Everyone else’s eyes go wide. Georges as well as it was unexpected. You just left after hearing one comment. “I didn’t know you two were going together like that.” A girl said but you were too far away to even remember whose voice it was.
It was later that evening and you had just finished the homework for Charms. You went down to the common room to head to see George but you were stopped by a strong arm wrapping around your waist. “Are you and George Weasley dating?” The familiar voice is clear in your mind. “No Cedric. We’re just friends.”
“How could you say that? I saw you kiss him in the Great Hall.” 
“I kiss you don’t I? And we aren’t dating.” He just looked at you. You could see the sadness in his eyes at his words. “No. No you aren’t.” He lets go of you. You look up at him and take his face in your hands. “Are you alright Ced?” He just smiled weakly before nodding and heading to his dorm. You then leave and head to the Gryffindor common room. 
It didn’t take to long but as you got closer you heard a few girls talking while they were coming down the hall. You weren’t one for gossip but when you heard your name it intrigued you. “Wasn’t she throwing herself onto that Cedric guy?” 
“Yeah but I heard that she’s going after George Weasley now”
“Wow. She moves on quickly.”
“I heard that she kissed both of them.”
“Geez what a slut.” You felt tears in your eyes as you stepped out into view. Their faces went white as you trudged back in the direction of your common room. In the quickness of your rage and the blurriness of your vision you bumped into someone else. “Y/N? Oh god whats wrong?” It was Georges twin Fred. His grip tight on you making sure you wouldn’t fall. “There were these girls. They called me a slut.” you said, the tears now flowing down your cheeks. He just takes you into an inviting hug. “You don’t think I’m a slut do you?” He pulls you away from him to look you in the eyes. He takes his thumbs and wipes away your tears. “Y/N, never in a million years would I ever think of you like that. George told me everything. And to be honest Cedric Diggory is blind if he can’t see how much you are madly in love with him.” You sniffle and smile lightly at his words. “Come on, I’m sure George is waiting.” He leads the way with his arm around your shoulder in a comforting manor.
Tonight was the night. You had your beautiful dress on and your beautiful (Y/H/C) hair was pinned up into nice curls. You had your makeup done by another hufflepuff and you had your matching heels as well. The only thing you needed now was you “date”. When you walked down your stair case you were met with a very handsome George and Fred Weasley and Angelina. They were dressed in very nice robes. Fred's hair was as wild as usual but George tried to at least maintain it. And to be honest he looked like a tall red haired Malfoy. When you reached the bottom of the stairs they just starred at you. Their jaws hung as their eyes fluttered over you. “Wow you look...” his voice trailed off as he kept staring and his brother finished his sentence. “Heavenly? God-like? Ravishing?” You giggled at Fred’s words and just saw George nod. “All of the above.” was all he said before he came and took your hand in his.
You smiled as he led you to the great hall. Almost everyone’s heads turned in your direction. Having so many eyes kind of embarrassed you because truly you only wanted one pair. His eyes on you and that's all. Only Cedric’s eyes. You entered trough the doors and immediately headed for the food table to grab a drink and sit in a corner. You didn’t really expect George to hang out with you all night. “Hey, where are you off too?” Georges voice of course startled you. It wasn’t like the place was so quiet you could hear a pen drop but not many people were talking. I’m sure it was mainly because the champions would be coming any minute and starting off the ball with their waltz. “I’m going to go get a drink and probably sit down.”
“Oh no, you’re not bailing on me.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you back towards him. “Godrick George! Don’t be so rough!” with your last few words you laughed and caused him to laugh as well. He wrapped his arm around you and just gave you a hug. “G-George?” 
“Shh. Just for a moment.” By this time they were already dancing. You hadn’t even noticed. “George is everything ok?” you asked worried. His face was tucked between the nook in your neck between your shoulder. He inhaled a deep breathe before looking back at you. “Yeah I just had to get my head in the game. And im sure Cedric is boiling with rage at how dangerously close i am to you right now.” You looked over at the dance floor. George was right. A small scowl was now on Cedric's face as he Watched you and George. He was barely paying attention. He was just staring at you and...Glaring at George. “Do you want to make him more mad?” The question caught you off guard of course. It wasn’t often you saw Cedric mad. But when you did...It was terrifying. The last time he was mad...He basically broke anything he could his hands on. You didn’t know what he was mad about but he was furious. It took a whole hour for you to calm him down. “I don’t know...” He just smiles playfully and takes a hand in his. He leads you to the dance floor where you as well start to waltz. “George, how doe this make him mad.”
“Oldest trick in the book. Deception.” You look at him confused. “Just smile and laugh. But not maniacally. Laugh like I told you a really funny joke or maybe that I gave you a really nice complement.” You giggle slightly in response and continue dancing. “There ya go! You’re a natural.” You smile not really understanding how this would make Cedric mad but you were still having fun. “Thank you George! This is amazing!” he smiles back at you and gives you a “You’re welcome.” Before you both head off to get something to drink. 
The ball lasted quite the while. You mostly laughed at jokes with the twins and their friends and danced to the band that played but it finally came time when you were to tired to even walk back to your dorm. You went to go sit down before a tall figure blocked your way. “Where do you think you’re going?” The voice echoed. You knew it anywhere. The voice sickeningly sweet but in a good way. A voice that could put an angels song to shame. A voice as soft and smooth as velvet. His voice. “I was going to sit down. I’m tired.” 
“Why not go to your dorm room and rest?”
“I’m to tired to walk.” The next thing you knew your feet were floating above the ground. The Hufflepuff had taken you in his arms bridal style and started carrying you to the Hufflepuff common room. You weren’t mad or embarrassed to be carried by him. You just wished that your heart wasn’t beating so quickly in your ears so you could enjoy it. It didn’t take long to reach the common room. The password was spoken and the panting swung open and closed. He carried you up the stairs and through your dorm room door. Surprisingly none of your dorm mates were there yet so it was just you and Cedric. He placed you gently on the bed before taking off your shoes. “Ced?” he looked up at you from where he knelt. Out of no where your lips touched his softly. Shock and worried filled your face as you jerked back and covered your mouth. You gasped before you felt him grab you wrist and move it away. In an instant his lips were back on your’s but it wasn’t rough or needy. It was slow and passionate. He stepped up and dragged you to lay on top of him on your bed. You could hear his heart beat to a steady rhythm. “Why so sudden? The kiss” 
“I-I’m sorry I just-”
“Don’t apologize. I liked it even though it caught me off guard but...I guess my main question is, if you liked me why did you go to the ball with George?”
“Why go to the ball with Cho?”
“Because I didn’t think you felt the same way.” You sat up and looked at him. “Of course I did. You almost broke my heart when you said you wanted to go with Cho. I went with George to make you jealous.” He just chuckled and took you back into his arms. “I think your plan worked out. It was very hard to try and not beat up George for having his hands all over you.” you just laugh. “You wouldn’t hurt him. I know you wouldn’t” there was silence for a minute. “We’ll see.” Was all he said before he leaned back down and kissed you more passionately than before. 
The week had gone by in a blur. You were having the time of your life being with Cedric even though you weren’t to public yet. Really the only ones who knew were Fred, George, and Cedric’s friends. It had been later than you thought. The charms homework was a little tougher than usual and you had to take more time to do it. That’s when everything went black. The next thing you knew the only thing you felt was cold. You also felt like you were floating. Like you were submerged in something. Water? Dear Godrick what did you get yourself into?
The next time I opened my eyes i was surrounded by my friends and I was in Cedric's arms. When he saw me open my eyes he immediately hugged me. It was tight, desperate. I hugged him back before coughing a little. “Merlin I got so scared.” His voice was low, almost a whisper when he spoke. When everyone had come up safely the scores were announced before everyone headed back to the castle. “Cedric are you alright?” You asked worried about him. “Y/N, I keep thinking about what would have happened if I didn’t make it in time. If I got you but it was too late and you drowned. Or if I didn’t get you at all. I was scared when i hadn’t seen you that day and my fear only deepened when I saw you in the water. You didn’t even look alive. You looked like you had frozen to death.” He was now sitting on your bed. His head in his hands as he spoke. “Cedric I’m fine now see.” You took his face in your hands and pressed a kiss to his forehead like he used to do to you. He placed his hands on your waist before standing up and leaning down to press his soft lips of yours. “Just don’t do that again ok?” he smiled after he spoke and you giggle before wrapping your arms around his neck and placing your hands in his hair. His kissed you once more, and this time deeper, before you both had to go and get changed from your wet uniforms.
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