#also i've been playing this for well over 10 hours now (my eyes burn) but i still have no idea about the gameplay LOL
pokemonruby · 6 months
also i love my mc for baldur's gate (godwyn) because their design is basic ass pretty androgynous forest elf (with dragon ancestry! so that's unique at least) but they're the absolute epitome of chaotic evil, like this isn't even because i'm shooting to romance astarion, if a game lets me be an asshole i'm gonna be an asshole because it's funny LMAO
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twisted-tales-told · 1 year
10. i want to tell you this story without having to confess anything.
!! :)
Here it is! It ended up being wolfstar, I've never written them before so this was very exciting!
Cw: Hospitals, drunken stupidity, tears of drunken stupidity (aka I present to you sad drunk Sirius Black.) Also I wrote this through my brain fog, and I really hope it's readable.
“I can’t believe we’re here,” Sirius groans, laying in a hospital bed. 
“You’re the one who thought it would be a good idea to try playing quidditch blindfolded,” James scoffs, sitting in the chair on the other side of Regulus with an ice pack pressed to his forehead. 
“And drunk,” Regulus adds with a glare directed towards them both. “You,” he points right at Sirius, “are still drunk, so shut up.” 
“Fine,” Sirius mimics back in Regulus’ voice. 
“Stop it or I’m calling Remus. Actually someone should call Remus.” 
“No,” James and Sirius say at the same time. 
“He’s going to give us that look, and tell us he’s disappointed in us.” Sirius grumbles. 
Regulus seems to nearly lose it at that. “You have a second grade concussion, Sirius. You’re going to be home from work for at least two weeks, how are you going to hide that? How are you–’ Before he can keep going the door to their room opens and in storms Marlene Mikinnon. 
“What the bloody hell happened?” She demands. “You left the pub less than an hour ago!”
“How’d you even know we’re here?” James complains, before wincing at the sudden movement and gripping his ribs. 
“That’s it, you’re getting checked out too. Come on,” Regulus drags James by the hand out of the room and towards the nurses station. 
Marlene turns back to Sirius, “You lot need parental supervision, where’s Remus.”
“I haven’t called him yet,” Sirius picks at the blanket. 
“Why not? He’s your emergency contact they’re going to tell him anyways.” 
“Let them do it then," he shugs, trying to keep his voice neutral. Marlene doesn’t buy it.
“Sirius, what? Why don’t you want to call Remus? She laughs a little, and something in Sirius’ chest burns. It could be the alcohol but it's been a long night and his head hurts, he really just wants to be left alone.
“Nothing, Marls, it's fine, just drop it.” 
“For the love of–I’d throw my shoe at you right now if you weren’t lying in a fucking hospital bed.” 
“Good to know that to avoid your wrath all I need to do is get severely injured."
“Stop avoiding the question,” she asks, sitting down on the edge of his bed. “Why don’t you want to call Remus?” 
“Because…” Sirius mutters, staring determinately at his hands, “he’s going to call me an idiot.” He hates that there are tears welling up behind his eyes, god this isn't the time. “He’s right, I was being an idiot. I did something stupid and reckless and he’s going to give me shit for it.” 
“Oh you poor babe,” Marlene comes to sit on the edge of his bed. “You’re drunk, call your boyfriend.” 
“I’ll call my boyfriend when I wanna call him, thanks.” He ignores the way his words are slurring together and crosses his arms over his chest—also ignoring the way the movement makes his body scream in complaint.
Unfortunately, said boyfriend shows up right as the words leave him, and the sight of an unkept, just-rolled-out-of-bed-and-very-stressed Remus Lupin is enough to make Sirius fold.
“Love, what the fuck.” Remus sighs, plopping onto the side of the bed Marlene’s not on. He takes in the gauze around Sirius’ head and the bruises on his face with a crinkle in his brow. 
The lump rises in Sirius’ throat and he tries so hard not to say it. But when Remus drags the tip of his fingers over one of the tougher bruises on his cheek, the tears slip out. “Please don’t call me an idiot,” his voice comes out very small and very pathetic, which only makes him cry harder. Marlene lets out a not-so-subtle laugh and Remus shoots her a glare with only a little heat in it, and she excuses herself from the room, still giggling.
“Pads–what? I don’t think you’re an idiot.” Remus moves closer until he’s lying down in the bed next to him. “What happened? You were literally going out for a quick drink.” 
Sirius turns so his face is buried in Remus' shoulder, “you can’t laugh at me.” 
“I won’t laugh,” Remus promises, shifting to get comfortable on the bed with Sirius comfortable in his arms. 
“So, I–I might have thought it was a good idea to play quidditch with James…while drunk.” 
Remus presses his lips together, and gives a slight nod, “seems reasonable, you and Prongs often do come up with...creative ideas together.” 
“Blindfolded,” Sirius finishes, cringing at the way Remus stills and looks him right in the eye. He's is able to maintain his deadpan face for exactly one moment of eye contact before his shoulders start to shake with laughter. 
“Stop it!” Sirius demands, though his face betrays him by breaking out into a smile and laughter of his own. “It was so dangerous, and–and James got stuck in a tree. Regulus is pissed.”
Remus is still laughing, he tries to contain it but the moment they meet eyes again they’re both absolutely losing it. It’s only when a nurse comes in with a noise complaint that they’re able to get themselves under control.
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lolamarlowe65 · 1 year
𝓘𝓷 𝓶𝔂 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 //James Hetfield
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“The house next door was just sold, i hope the new neighbour will be nice.”
part six of ? part five
disclaimers: smut, age gap (modern day james), slow burn shit, talk about death, cursing, smoking, probably drinking, you read whatever you want but i’m not responsible kay?
Wattpad link
࿓ 𓋪・𖧹 𖤐
Chapter 6 - Necklace
It's Sunday. I woke up with a smile today, thinking about last night. I had such a good time losing myself to the sound of the Doors. I get downstairs and my grandmother says goodbye to me.
Every Sunday she goes to her club to play games with her friends. She could not be able to walk so she'd still go do that. She says it's important for her to be able to hold onto everything. And I get it. I tell her to have a good time and she gives me a kiss goodbye.
I don't have a lot to do today. In fact, I don't have anything to do. So I decided to go back to my room to prepare my grandmother's birthday gift. It's a lot of emotions to dive back into all of my mother's pictures but it gives me some peace of mind. No matter what James said about my smile, hers was so much more beautiful. It's also nice to do my photography stuff again, I feel like I'm finding myself again.
Photography has always been a passion to me. I would organise photoshoots at the ripe age of 10. I love to take pictures of the world. Mostly when it's having fun, capture it at its rare moments of pure joy. I lost it a bit when my mom got sick. But something tells me it may be time for me to start again. Maybe it's because I'm getting my head out of the blue due to my interest in James. It's like I see some light. My brain and heart finally decided to try and move on. It's gonna be hard. I know it. But I have to keep on living.
Some hours later I'm finally done with my grandmother's gift. I put wrapping paper around it and hid it in my room. My grandma never comes to my room, she respects my privacy, but we never know.
I decided to take a walk around the hills, it might do me good to get some air. I walk outside and pass in front of James's house. I look over it while walking. Maybe I could see him. It makes me feel somehow happy to see him. I feel more comfortable towards him. I'm sorry I called him "douchebag" when I first saw his car. Because he's not.
As I pass in front of his house I notice his Camaro is outside and he is closing his front door. He cannot see me from here but I linger a little bit on the shape of his back while continuing my walk.
I arrive at the end of the street. If I take left I can get higher in the hills but I decide to stop to buy some cigarettes and a soda in the store on the corner of the street. I know the guy who owns it a little bit, so after I buy my stuff, he asks me how I've been doing.
"- Hey man, got my package?" somebody asks.
I instantly know it's James. I know his voice by heart now. It's engraved in me.
He truly has this thing for startling me. When he sees me on the side, sipping my soda he smiles. He looks like he's genuinely happy to see me. His eyes lingered on me. Mine too.
"- Oh. Hello Anna." he says, charmingly.
"- Hey Mr. Hetfield." i answer as i take a sip of my soda.
While the owner of the store gives James his package I decide to head out. It's a hot day. I don't need it to be hotter. We are just two neighbours meeting each other randomly in the local corner shop. Whatever lewd things I might have done thinking about him. Whatever thoughtful gifts he may have given me. I have to go back to my life.
"- Hey, where are you heading out?" i hear James ask behind me.
I was just out of the store, he must have gotten out right after. I turn around and put my sunglasses on my head to get a better sight of him. He has sunglasses on too. He looks so gorgeous. He has a necklace on and a simple black shirt. His belt buckle is detailed and goes so well with his style. I can't look away from his belt buckle, I must seem so weird right now. But I just want to unbuckle it. I shake my head slightly and look back into his eyes.
"- In the hills. For a walk. You?" i answer smiling.
"- I need to get something in the studio, that's all. Wanna come?" he asks.
Fuck. I want to come. I want to see where he works and with what. I shouldn't. But everybody knows I will.
"- And why so?" i chuckle.
"- And why not?" he replies quickly.
I give him a sudden laugh.
"- Okay, James, i'm coming."
I'm smiling so hard. So much. It can't stop when we talk.
He walks to his Camaro who is parked just on my side. He opens the passenger door for me to go in. How sweet he is. I get into the car and after he closes the door he bends over the open window.
"- You called me James, Anna." he chuckles.
"- No way i did Mr. Hetfield. I wouldn't." i say, messing with him.
He gave me a smile letting out a quick chuckle and got to the driver's seat. He starts to drive and some heavy metal is playing in the background.
"- What's playing?" i ask.
"- Oh. That's Black Sabbath. Ozzy era. The best." he says passionately. "These guys made it possible for us to even think about playing!" he goes on. "Children of the Grave. Awesome song."
"- I love how passionately you talk about it. I'm happy you love your work. It's rare enough to be noticed."
"- It truly is. I'm glad for all of it. Even if bad shits happens sometimes."
"- Yeah I know."
I thought of my mom. He also looks like he is thinking of somebody. He looks like a wave of sadness came over him. I know what to say to change his mind!
"- Hey James." i put my hand on his forearm, close to his wrist. "I loved your gift." i smile.
He lights up instantly. Like my words made him feel the happiest.
I suddenly understood where i put my hand. I did it without thinking. He sees that i look confused. He puts his hand above mine on his arm, still driving with the hand i'm almost touching. He squeezes my hand lightly and gives me a smile.
"- It's okay." he says to me. "I'm glad you loved it. I hope it gave you a smile." he adds.
"- More than a smile! I danced all evening in my room to the music. Having this piece of my favourite artist is a dream come true, so thank you." i say excited.
He laughs, I guess he's trying to imagine what I looked like dancing like a lunatic all evening.
He removes his hand from mine on a turn and I remove my hand too. Weirdly, I feel a bit empty. His hand. This hand. It gave me shivers. I successfully held back my thoughts for the conversation but now that we are silent again I can't help but wander. How his hands must feel when he touches your thighs. How it must be to feel it lightly choking you. How his fingers taste after he passionately fingered you. How him cupping your face with his hands to kiss you like he would die without you must feel like.
I feel the worst knowing that this attraction is most likely one sided. That i will most likely never be able to satisfy it. That i am sitting in his car, next to him, only wanting to hold him by the waist and never let go. If only he knew that the woman next to him felt lust and love towards him, would he actually be that nice to me? I mean he is a rockstar, so many of them are known to be douchebags when it comes to sex or love. I'm sure he had a lot of groupies and adventures. But would he think I just want that? I have all the respect in the world for groupies. They wanted a good time and they got it. And that's a boss move. But this is not what I want. But James seems so sincere about everything. And at the same time I don't know much about him. James and I are not possible anyway.
The car stops.
"- We're here Anna." i hear James say. "You're all red, you okay?" he proceeds.
I go back to reality. My thoughts about him made me blush so much I couldn't hide it.
"- It's a hot day. That's nothing." i answer.
"- The air is cooler in the studio. It might feel more comfortable." he replies.
How thoughtful. But James. I could be in the Arctic with you, I'd still blush. I could be in a volcano with you, I'd be red because of you.
We both got out of the car and I followed him into the studio.
"- So this is where the magic happens?" i exclaim.
"- Not only but we like this place. It's fitting us."
The studio was big. Something for renown artists. There are guitars and basses all around and a big drum set in the middle. The decoration looks bohemian. The technical equipment is pretty modern but it mixes so well with the old timey feeling of the rest.
"- And what did you need here Mr. Hetfield?" i ask him.
He gives me a glass of water. Probably because I said I was hot before. How sweet.
"- Well, miss, I needed to get a guitar. I want to record some stuff with it at my place and I left it there last night."
I walk in the studio and get to a guitar nicely put in its case. A Gibson precisely.
"- This one?" i ask.
"- Nah this one is Kirk's." he smiles.
He's lying against a table with crossed arms. God his arms. His smile. Cat and mouse. Cat and mouse.
"- Who does what in this band? If you are the singer and rhythm guitarist, then Kirk is the lead right?"
"- Right." he nods. "The Lars your grandmother was talking about is the drummer. Typical of them to be dumb." he laughs. "And Rob is the bassist. Here we are, Metallica."
"- It must be weird for you to explain that to someone, i feel like everybody knows who you and your band are." i mutter.
"- I told you it was refreshing. I feel like you can unravel who I am as much as I do. It feels more normal."
So he wants to unravel me. No. Who I am. Fuck Anna! I swear. But it doesn't make it better at all. He wants to unravel something in me. I smile and look down at a bass.
"- My grandma talked about a Cliff. Who's he?" i ask.
At this moment, I see James's smile drop. He looks melancholic. He puts his hand on his chin and I feel like I said something bad.
"- Well, if you don't want to talk about it it's okay James." i panic.
"- No, no it's okay." he says. "You should know."
I look at him with an interrogative look. I move around to lie against the table with him, ready to hear anything. I make sure he knows he can tell me anything by my posture and I smile at him in the most reassuring way possible.
"- Cliff was our bassist. Since the beginning. To me Cliff, Lars, Kirk and me were a band forever. But we had an accident on tour in 86' and Cliff is the only one who didn't make it. Rob is one of us. But I always thought it would have been the four of us."
I didn't know about that. Even if many surely already knew this story, I'm glad I learned about it from his words. Talking about death and grief is not as simple as two sentences on the internet. And I know now. What he meant by the bad sides of his career. However Cliff was like, he lost a person he was attached to. He lost a friend. And I know how it feels like.
"- It's hard, isn't it?"
Not minding, I put my head on his shoulder. He flinched due to my sudden move but accepted it. A wave of sadness takes over me. I proceed in my talk.
"- It's hard, isn't it? To lose someone you love so deeply. I used to think it would always be me and my mom. That we would always have each other. I was wrong." i pause, my voice starting to shake. "She was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago. She died two weeks ago. And now I only have my grandmother left. And I know she is not immortal. She has a fragile health. I know sooner or later I'm gonna lose her too." i tremble. "And at the end. There's you. You're left alone. You lose somebody you love and you have to keep on living. You have to do something they can't anymore and that you were doing by their side. Nothing's the same after that."
James wipes my tear with his finger. I didn't even notice I dropped one. He then puts his hand on my shoulder and grabs me tightly.
"- You are courageous Anna. You took care of your mom. And even if you know your grandmother is not eternal you stay by her side, not caring of getting hurt when she will go. Because you want the best for her. Now that takes a lot of balls."
He gets off from against the table. I forgot he's way taller than me. My head can't be on his shoulder anymore and it falls on his chest. As I find my spirits again I get my head off him. This is too much. I can't do that. When my head goes back up I notice he is staring at me. Focused on me. Studying me. We shared something so deep. We have such different lives, and he's seen more. But yet we find common paths in our differences. I'm stuck in his eyes. I know that he took in my words deeply, that they meant something to him, that he was touched just by the way he stared at me. I pass my hand over his necklace and take it lightly between my fingers. What a beautiful pendant. His eyes are almost turning black. Slowly I go up to put my hand on his cheek and all I feel is this tension. This electricity his contact gives me.
"- I'm sure Cliff is proud of everything you and the band have done. Personally and professionally." i tell him.
He puts his hand above mine. And his eyes deepen.
"- And I think you are brave for keeping on. For being here now. With this band and everything you created with it. Because you never gave up." i sweetly smile.
His breathing becomes slower and heavier as his eyes are locked with mine. My hand is still on his cheek, sending electricity everywhere in me. I want him. Now. I don't know if it's appropriate but I want him to lift me up on the table and attack my mouth savagely and passionately. I want my hands in his hair and my legs wrapped around his waist. What we just shared was so deep emotionally. I don't know if I can bare not having its physical equivalent for long. My breath is short and heavy.
His hand removes mine from his cheek and he slowly puts his two hands on mine. Grabbing me tightly, perfectly marrying my jawline with the shape of his hands, holding me like he is afraid I'm gonna disappear. His face approaches and I'm locked on his gaze.
"- Hey what's up man! Came to take the Gibson, I didn't know you were still here." a voice says.
James and I get away from each other in a hurry. I was embarrassed.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
James was about to kiss me. I know he was. And I was about to lose myself in it. So he wants me? He likes me? Does he feel the same as me? I'm so confused. I wish I had the guts to ask him so we could put an end to this game of cat and mouse. I wish he'd say I was delusional and he was not feeling the same as I do. That he has nothing to do with a younger woman like me. But in truth, I want him to say yes. I want him to say he wants me as much as I want him. Because deep down I know that's what I desire.
"- Sorry am i interrupting something?" he asks with a big smile.
He understood what was going on.
This guy has long curly white/grey hair. A naturally tanned skin and a big charming smile. Him and James handshake and I see him look at me in a questioning way.
"- Yeah man. My tranquillity." James jokes. "Anna, here's the one and only Kirk Hammett." he adds.
"- Hi Kirk." i shake his hand.
"- Oh Anna! The beautiful neighbour girl who has a thing for the Doors?" he says towards James. "Hey Anna. Nice to meet you."
"Beautiful neighbour girl" James described me like this to his friends. Or at least they think James thinks of me this way.
I see Kirk take a guitar case and get back to the entry door.
"- Well as much as i want to know more, i don't wanna see James's face anymore so bye!" kirk jokes. "I'm only kidding, we're waiting for me. I'll leave you two to your "tranquillity". It was nice to meet you Anna. Ann? See you next time!" he exclaims.
This guy surely is something. I don't have time to tell him he can call me Ann that he's already gone. I'm left alone with James again. I don't know what to do. I'm still startled about this situation.
"- Ca.. Can you take me home please James? My grandmother is gonna come home soon." i ask shyly.
"- Yea- Yeah of course." he replies.
He sounds as confused as I am.
He takes his guitar case and I follow him silently to his car. The drive is silent and I don't know how to feel. It's not uncomfortable. It just looks like both of us are afraid to say what we want. Soon after he pulls up in front of my house. My grandmother will be back in an hour. I have time to process what almost happened before she comes back.
"- Thanks Mr. Hetfield." i say, with my hand on the door handle.
"- We're back at Hetfield huh?" he laughs.
"- Told you I loved your name." i answer to mess with him.
So we're gonna play like none of this happened? It's probably the best option.
I get out of the car and close the door when I hear James ask me something.
"- Hey... Anna."
"- Yes?"
"- What do you think your grandmother would love for her birthday?" he asks. "I just wanna show her my gratitude."
My heart melts. How sweet it is from him. My grandma got his heart before I could even think about it.
"- She's a badass, I know." i joked.
"- Hell yes!"
I laugh.
"- Well, just get her a bouquet of those peonies you say she looks like. It will make her the happiest."
"- Got it miss." he winked.
"- Haha, goodbye Hetfield."
"- Goodbye Anna."
I arrive on my front porch and look for my key in my bag. Before I turn my head around looking for James. He is still there, he looks like he is lost in his thoughts. I wonder what's in his mind. I let out a sigh and put my key in my door.
Suddenly, I feel a presence behind me. Not a bad one at all. If so, it feels like James. When I see his hand passing something around my neck I understand it's actually him. It's his necklace. He then takes the strand of hair covering my ear and gets it out of his way. I feel his breath against my neck where he leaves a delicate kiss.
"- This is not a gift. This is a promise that you will have to see me again to give it back." he whispers in my ear.
I'm frozen. My breath is heavy. His kiss made me so weak. His lips were the softest things I've ever felt and I want them everywhere on me. If we weren't outside to the view of the world I would have attacked his lips and made him take me against the wall. It's not about paparazzis. I couldn't care less. But some neighbours know me. And I like to keep my life out of their minds.
"- James." i say, almost like a prayer.
"- Ssshh..." he hums. "See you next time, Anna."
࿓ 𓋪・𖧹 𖤐
A/N: I’m about to explode, slow burn is hard to hold on, shit is gonna be quicker. Anyway chapter 7 is coming soon. Love, <33
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watchyourdigits · 10 months
4 9 10 and 23 for the otp asks? Hier sind kekse.
These are all going to be Evelyn/MacCready-centric because I'm LOCKED IN on those two rn
Long post because brevity is not my strong suit & I got carried away again, as I do with most things.
OTP ask game
4. What do physical trait do they love the most about each other?
MacCready wouldn't openly choose a favorite, but it's definitely her hair. He loves playing with it, and getting to do so means they're in a situation where they can relax and just be. It does as much for him as it does for her. Touch-starved couple things. Also on a monkey-brain bonding type of beat.
As for Evelyn, she loves Mac's eyes and his hands. I think choosing between the two would kill her. He always looks at her so softly, and it makes her feel like she's drowning in him. Disgusting! With his hands, she likes watching them, specifically watching him work with them, but generally as well. It's something of a fascination/fixation for her. Whether he's cleaning his rifle, running his fingers through her hair, or writing something, he's always very gentle about it. To her, his hands are like a breath of fresh air. Like aloe to her burns. Like learning that cotton and thread counts exist after only knowing sand paper and its varying grits. This metaphor is getting weird now sorry, I've been looking at getting new sheets recently lol
9. Do their friends and family like their significant other(s)?
MacCready doesn't have too many friends in the Commonwealth. They're all mostly mutual friends that know/love Evelyn already. Duncan LOVES her, though - he's a very social kid. They have a lot of fun together. Eve will often use a stealth boy while giving him a piggy-back ride so they can scare MacCready. He hates this because he startles easy when his guard is down. He learns to keep an ear out for them when he notices it's gotten a little too quiet, but he hams it up when they do the reveal just to hear them fall into giggle fits. Nothing sounds more like pure bliss to him than that.
As for Shaun, he was very hesitant at first about Mac, but he came around when MacCready introduced him to the world of comic books. They'll sit in a room with a huge spread in front of them and just read together in silence, handing off comics to each other as they finish them. They could discuss them for HOURS on end, too. MacCready is very impressed with Shaun and his interpretations of things and often consults him for his viewpoints on different lore aspects. Shaun is also helping Mac with his grammar/spelling. This leads them to collaborate on various writing projects, with the ultimate goal being to write a comic of their own. Evelyn is in fucking shambles over them both being such huge nerds.
10. Have they had romantic partners before?
Yes and no. MacCready had Lucy, but Evelyn's past partners were all sexual. Except that one time she was married (we all know how that ended *ominous cryogenic crackling sounds, gunshots* smh), but it wasn't really a true relationship despite the legal paperwork. Points for both of them trying though ig.
Side note: Evelyn isn't jealous of Lucy. Sometimes MacCready talks about her and I feel like Evelyn has the potential to be the jealous type, but she's really not. Idk why I feel the need to clarify that because the distinction is important to me: she's more the type to mark her territory tbh
23. Is there top/dom and bottom/sub energy?
Evelyn has the dom energy without a doubt. Day to day, she definitely LOVES having MacCready on a leash and he is more than happy to be dragged around by the scruff of his neck. She gives him head pats as needed for reassurance of course. No one is shocked by this.
(*cracks knuckles* buckle up, we're about to get nsft with it)
The surprise is entirely behind closed doors because they lose a lot of that energy in the bedroom. That, for these two, is a safe space where they escape to the quiet intimacy of one another. THAT'S where their soft sides can freely come out and they can give/receive the comfort they both desperately crave. Not to say they don't get down and freaky with it from time to time (see: below), but their sex life is more like a Hozier song as in it's deeply passionate & there's lots of worship and affirmation/TLC given. Total opposite to their public life, but they deserve to be treated with gentleness.
When they do get freaky with it (drop everything and fuck after clearing out a building of enemies kind of deal), it's usually quick and dirty. The idea that they don't carry those dynamics into the bedroom continues during their more public, fuck nasty stints. They're both pulling each other's hair and biting and scratching, both equally as desperate and domineering. It's mostly fueled by adrenaline, partly by the need to affirm that they're each okay, to basically be like "that was close, don't you dare fucking do that to me again". Plus, they're both oddballs and something about the way they work so seamlessly together and hardly need to communicate really gets the blood pumping/makes them feel really close. Work is very intimate for these two, especially when a job is done right. Fucking after a job is the same as a cigarette after sex to them, with the added bonus of burning off the rest of their adrenaline.
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
Today kinda just blew right by. I had a panic attack in a dream last night, it woke me up and everything. It was pretty silly. I was in a van with Jerry Seinfeld and Joe Rogan, Joe was filming me playing guitar in the back of the van. I wasn't playing very well. He was posting it on Twitter or something, with some comment about like "pullin out the deep cuts" or something. It was stupid, really, I haven't watched any Joe Rogan anything in years, same with Seinfeld. But the concept just pumped my system full of adrenaline enough to wake me up.
I guess it's the concept of having an unfathomable amount of eyes on me. It's been a VERY long time since anyone really gave a fuck what I'm doing creatively, so that's probably what it's about. Rogan/Seinfeld representing legendary status of fame. And having some noodling on acoustic guitar, improvising, not even good shit, shared with an audience of millions... The largest crowd I've ever played music in front of was probably like... 30 people? The largest I've streamed for was like... 100-something? Those are pretty big numbers for just like everyday shit. I did do a play in college in front of a half-full theater too... But those were all different times, a lifetime ago, really. An child's play compared to millions.
I think this dream was my way of sorta demonstrating that any creative exposure or growth would have to be a steady build for me, with lots of social practice in between to work my way up to it. A massive explosion of exposure for me - someone who hasn't seen a human face in over 2 weeks, regularly goes days without human contact at all outside of throwing comments into the void of Twitch chatrooms - that would cause a shock to the system that's hard to communicate. Take the stage-fright of the average person, then put them in extreme isolation for almost 5 years, then throw them on a stage with an audience of thousands. That's what joining NoPixel whitelist was like when I got in last winter and I couldn't even make a phone call in the goddamn video game I was so anxious.
So the dream was helping confirm this issue, a feedback loop I'm kinda stuck in. Everyone in my life has been "too busy" to make time for me. It started years ago, but escalated into conflict the second I brought up the topic directly. My brother who lives 5 minutes away would refuse to come over and visit, making a pile of excuses every time. My friends up north visited me 1 time in 10 years, while I used to drive up 1.5 hours each way every weekend to babysit their daughter. My friend in Florida refused to come hang out in my streams, even though he was also a streamer; he refused to retweet my tweets or recommend my stream to his gaming friends too. So, while I still had people in my life back then, every single one of them was a one-way relationship. The second I started asking for the support and... friendship... I needed, it went immediately into conflict. All of those bridges are burned now except for one.
When your social network is "too busy" to have room for you, you simply do not get social interaction. I found that where I used to regularly play League of Legends, Starcraft and Minecraft (MP) with friends, I started playing Diablo III, Minecraft (SP) and Rimworld. I shifted into single player games automatically due to social drought. It's very hard to get used to being completely alone, but once you do get used to it, it's also really hard to go back.
That's kinda the point I'm trying to get to, but my thoughts are very scattered and fragmented tonight. I learned that pretty early, when you're away from people for long enough (like 3 days alone in the woods) social interaction suddenly gets very overwhelming. Back at the beginning, it was simply "holy fuck, another person, let me tell you my life story!" But after I started to get a LOT of very negative responses to that, and subsequently developed PTSD responses around it... well, I think you can see where I'm going. The nervousness and sensory overwhelm become something amorphous and powerful, almost Lovecraftian; hard to define and conceptualize but intuitively something that represents a big threat. The higher the stakes of the interaction - a date, a job interview, a potential client, a potential new best friend - the more devastating the loss will be when I inevitably upset them. Somehow... I hate how I don't even know all the details of my trauma responses, it's kinda ridiculous, right? They even sound stupid to me now, but when I experience them in the moment they are SO damn convincing.
So... in some ways I'm more afraid of success than I am of failure. I'm afraid of people. I see what they do to each other, how they treat each other. It makes me very sad, very scared. But reading journals on here helps me feel grounded, so thank you all for posting these. It reminds me there are good, honest people out there and that the bad ones I'm seeing are just the most dramatic examples.
The weird part is, once I get acclimated to social interactions and feel like I'm understood and supported... the confidence comes flooding back. HA! Fuck it, I'll share what that reminded me of. So I was being a complete dork and watching a YouTube video on things cats love with my cat this morning over coffee. I was having coffee, she wasn't, just wanted to clarify that. The guy who did the video had this thing at the beginning where he was talking about "cat mojo". He defined "mojo" being "ultimate confidence". "Confidence that's born of knowing that I own territory, that I'm safe in my territory and that I can secure food in that territory." He said it makes them feel whole. And I can relate. When I'm completely alone for days, living under someone else's roof, that someone else pays for, who doesn't want to pay for it, while I struggle to get a single commission or make a single sale... my mojo is just fucking gone. And I need that mojo in order to make the sales, to entertain a room, to be confident enough to believe in my work. My mojo ran completely dry yesterday. I committed to changing paths. I still don't want to, but I have accepted that I might have to in order to escape the cycle of having my legs continually swept out from under me every 2 months (at most).
I talked to my mom about this a little today, but she didn't seem to get much of it, but she got some. I think the problem is that she thinks everything in life revolves around money, and that the reason my art/music/poetry/streaming isn't a financial success is not because I don't have supportive friends, not because I am a crappy salesman, but because I'm "not creating enough value for the consumer." Corporate talk, right?
Actually, maybe the problem is that since a VERY young age, I taught myself not to use money as a motivational tool. I taught myself to use passion for motivation. I was taught of the corruptive and manipulative powers of money. How people can use their earning of money to excuse things, like being a bad person and not bettering themselves. I learned that people can use "I work very hard" as a substitute for parenting, and get away with it, too. So... this is obviously a conflict, and a point she can't really understand.
I don't really want to rehash this, to be honest, I've had that butting of heads with her thousands of times. I'm just touching on it because it came up today. But we also managed to connect on nostalgia and remind her that I am in fact a very sensitive person (many say "oversensitive" as though it doesn't mean "hypersensitive" and as though it's a... bad thing?... Another weird one to me...) who should be treated delicately, especially when I'm vulnerable or overwhelmed. I think those points got through a bit, which reassures me a bit.
I stopped smoking weed for the past few days, which is weird in this ritual of journaling in bed before going to sleep because it really was the only thing in a long time that helped me sleep all the way through the night. I stopped smoking because I'm already very paranoid and panicky and I really just didn't think amplifying it would yield good results. Again... the fear of fear feedback loop. I'm tempted to go smoke just to prove myself wrong and have a great night's sleep, I have been sleeping like shit the past few days. "Fear, her ugly face is pokin through the clouds again. Gotta stare her in the eyes and tell her this time she won't win." I wrote that ages, lifetimes ago. Maybe I need to actively engage with her a bit more, rather than just tremble and piss myself every time Doom pokes his head over the horizon.
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usedtobeyours · 2 years
a tale of a masseuse - the true, inconspicuous version
i know i told my friends various versions of this day - but here is the unsolicited truth of it.
i've been needing porn to get to my orgasms. and i've been reaching to the old (cof cof) mediums - pornhub, xvideos, etc.
and there... i don't know. there's a LOT. and what seemed to get me off were tantric massages videos. and i watched those for like 6 months thinking - oooh, i have to give this a shot at SOME point.
i have been having quite a few sleepless nights. for over a year now, but for more than once i was like: i gotta look into one of those. i did a couple times.
but, one sleepless dawn, i was fired up thinking i might as well do it tomorrow. i googled a place close by in copacabana. found it. they responded pretty soon - by this time it was like 7 am.
i texted the space. she said: if you can come between 10 and 12 am, we'll give you a discount.
i was like R$300? but i might as well? and in a sleepless haze i made the appointment. some friends of mine have heard the story as if it was a gift - im sorry for the lie, it wasnt.
the lady sent me the address and 5 minutes before the time i was booked for, i was knocking on the door. nervous as fuck, hadn't slept for a minute, was wearing a bathing suit and shorts.
i get in and the guy who answers the door looks like he's 22. he says, welcome, you can get naked. i look around the room. there is a bathroom to my right, and in the biggest room i could see 3 comfy mats and pillows, dark walls, candles, dimmed lights, some mantra playing on the radio, and some scent burning.
the boy said: - you can leave your stuff in this couch and i will leave so you can undress. we can change the music if you'd like.
me, nervous as fuck - is it okay if i keep my bikini on?
he says - yes, but the nuru massage is also at the table if you would like.
i was confused as fuck but here's a short explanation: when you go for a tantric massage, there are types. the first one, yoni (the one i allegedly paid for) includes touching of the body and of the vulva. let's put it like that. the nuru includes penetration.
i was like huh, okay. and i said - i'll keep my bikini on for a while and we'll see how it goes.
he orders me to lie down.
i do, and i will try to make this more of a reporting and not to make it so graphic. but he started dousing me in a scented oil and massaging my necks, my arms, my back. i got so relaxed my bikini top came out. then he started down from my feet's arch, to my calfs and the inner side of my tights. it was good.
this is when the massage gets good. i remove my bottoms and he gives me the full yoni massage. i remember getting reaaaally touchy and fine and then he started rubbing his body against me. and let me remind you - it had been about a year since i had fucked.
so, i ended up fucking the masseuse and i cant even tell you how many levels of fucked up it felt. but it also felt good and consensual. he made me come three times, one before, one during, one after.
when we were done and my hour was up, he said, hold up, imma roll a joint. would you like some? and im not really a weed person anymore, but if there was a place for it, i think it would be the mantra place, after coming trice.
we smoke a joint and start talking about life. he tells me he's 25 and studying to become a doctor. talking goes on and he tells me there are 5 other rooms just in the building where they provide massages on. he also tells me about his kind of clients and that he wanted to fuck me ever since he laid eyes on me at the door.
i know, i fell for it.
he hands me a water, and i say, are you free after this?, he says yes and i say, let's go get a beer. and mind you, its noon in a cloudy day and i havent slept but at this point who cares.
but he goes, and we both walk out of this copacabana building and walk across the street to the beach - where it is cloudy, and windy, and rainy - and sit in a kiosk, and order a beer, and start talking further. i say - there is no way in hell you're 25 - as he had said, and he shows me his id, 1996. we talk about how his aunt ran the place we were just in, and how she - ew! - taught him how to be a masseuse (ew again).
papo vai, papo vem... chuva comeca a cair e a gente vem pra minha casa. a gente bola mais um, bebe mais uma cerveja, e quando eu dou por mim a gente ta transando de novo na minha cama. e olha, a segunda foi muito melhor que a primeira.
e ai a gente termina, toma uma agua, e ele diz que tem que ir fazer almoco, que vao achar estranho ele ter ficado fora desde as 10, etc. ligou o alerta redflag.
trocamos whats e ele me chama pra sair direto. as 11 da manha no meio da semana kkkkk. obvio que nao rolou por motivos de trabalho mas olha...
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rrickgrrimes8 · 3 years
hi! i was thinking if you could write an imagine of reader being rick and lori's daughter and sister to carl, rj and judith. i don't have a specific idea in mind, but just her before and after the time jump, struggling with being there when lori and carl died, and looking for rick with daryl, her relationship with her siblings and michonne, maybe maggie and hershel too (i was thinking since carl was 10 when it all started, she was 7 so now she's 17) thank you so much, and btw i loved your imagines i've read so far 💞
Being a Grimes ~ Rick Grimes x Grimes!reader
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thank you so much for requesting i really enjoyed making this one. i also have a series kinda like this about Jacey Grimes which i’m currently making a book two for.
warnings: alluding to sexual assault or rape, suicide, death, gore (lemme know if i’ve missed anything off here)
sorry if there is any mistakes please tell if there is and give me feedback i’d love to here back from yall
request guidelines
request are open
It was strange for y/n. This world would be strange for anyone really. But she was different. At only a mere 7 years old when the world went to shit she struggled as did many others. With the recent loss of her father - one she didn't entirely understand - still protruding through her heart, it was hard - so hard. 
When it happened she was at daycare. The teaching assistant tried and successfully ate the teacher in front of her. She was next and was so close to being eaten until Shane rushed in. He kicked Ms Twune and grabbed y/n. Her mom sobbed at the sight of her, covered in blood and the tears smothering her daughters face. Carl was shocked too. He wanted nothing more than to protect his little sister. His dad always used to tell him that that was his duty - his job. And he hated how he had failed in this moment. 
They made it to the quarry soon after. Y/n thought the group was nice - well mostly. The Dixon brothers scared her was what she told her brother or any of the children she had befriended. But she was lying. Yes, she was scared but only of Merle. He was creepy and mean to anyone he saw. Daryl was somewhat the same but he always found himself being nicer to the young child. And often kept her company when Lori and Shane went for a ‘walk’ in the woods. Glenn was another she found herself drawn to. He unlike Daryl happily invited her company. Glenn was sweet and funny. He never failed at making her laugh till she felt like she was going to pee. They were good friends which came to a fault when he had to go on runs. She’d scream and cry and refuse to let go of him because she was afraid that what happened to her father would happen to him. 
That’s what happened earlier that morning. Glenn and a few others were going into Atlanta, despite her dismay. Glenn assured her he’d be fine, which she didn't believe and continued her tantrum. 
“Can yer’ shut that damn baby up?” Merle spat covering his ears. 
Shane shot him a threatening glare while Glenn stayed preoccupied with the distraught girl. “Hey, it's okay. I’m coming back,” He insisted holding her tightly at his hip, “I promise you, sweet girl.” 
“No, b-b-but dada promise too a-a-and h-he,” She stopped herself, sobs erupting from her small body. 
“I know sweet girl, I know. But I’ll be back I know I will.” Glenn placed her on the back of the RV, “I tell you what I’ll bring you back some of your favourite sweeties, huh? Would you like that?” 
Giddily she nodded at his proposition, “Yes! Yes!” 
“Alright, then I’ll bring back some for you, okay?” She nodded smiling cheerfully, “I love you, kid.” 
“I luv you too, dumbass,” y/n giggled. 
Glenn looked around cautiously hoping no one heard that “Hey sweet girl you can't say that.” 
“W-what? Why?” the child began to cry again, “Y-y-you say it.” 
“I know b-but its adult words okay? Not y/n words. When you're older, alright?” She nodded her head again kissing his cheeks softly and hugging him. “Thank you, sweet girl. I’ll see you soon,” He kissed the top of her head and started towards the car smiling as she shouted, “With sweeties!”
The group returned hours later bearing a new man instead of Merle. Y/n waited patiently for Glenn and the aforementioned sweets. "Gen!" She screamed happily still unable to say his name fully. The man sprinted over to her, pulling her into a much-needed cuddle after the day he had. 
"It's Glenn, sweetheart," He chuckled while correcting. 
"Oh sorry Gen," She wrapped her dainty arms around his neck. 
"That's okay, sweet girl. I missed you." 
"I missed you too," She whispered before letting out a longwinded 'ew', "You stinky, Gen." 
The man smelt his shirt and nodded as the potent smell of walkers reached his nose. "I know yucky right?" 
"Yucky!" Y/n buried her face in Glenn's shirt ignoring the stench and just enjoying his company. She always became clingy like this after coming home from a run. He loved it. On runs, if he ever encountered a life-threatening situation - like the one today - he always finds himself realising how much she means to him. Glenn saw her as a little sister - one almost replacing the ones that were cruely ripped from him when this began. 
"How was it?" She inquired. 
"Not fun, sweet girl. But I got your sweeties and a nice man helped us out. Saved us," She beamed. 
"I like the good man. I'll give him two kisses when I see him. Maybe even one of my sweeties," Glenn chuckled. 
"Why two kisses, y/n?" 
"One for saving you. Two for bringing you hom," Glenn grinned contently and kissed her forehead. 
"Its home bubs with an e on the end." 
"Oh," She mumbled burying herself again. 
"Oh my God," Someone muttered as they exited the van. 
"Dad! Dad!" Carl screamed causing Glenn to snap his head in their direction. Carl came running towards the man, Rick, who had saved them in Atlanta. Y/n hadn't moved yet as she feared it was only a dream. That her dada wasn't really here. 
"Sweet girl," He pulled her out of his neck, "Look it's your dad." The child gazed over to where her brother had run to. Sure enough, it was her dad. He held Carl as he cried, looking to Y/n wanting to hold her too. 
"Dada!" She screamed jumping out of Glenn's arms dangerously. The girl scraped her knee on the way down but continued throwing herself into the hug. 
"Oh, Carl! Y/n!" She kissed all over his face childishly, "I luv you, dada." 
"I love you too, baby girl."
The years hadn't been kind to Y/n. She lost so much. Too much in fact that it had driven her to the depts of insanity and made her do things to herself, to others that she more than resented. The first loss was her mothers. She wasn't there like Carl was but the grief burned through her still. Y/n was too young to understand it really. Just how she was when Rick supposedly died. Y/n couldn't understand where her mom had gone she just knew she had a little sister now. One she swore to protect. 
She thought she had failed that when the prison fell. The young child was on her own. Injured and lost. She wandered through the woods for days until she stumbled across a group. The group were mean and despite her resistance wouldn't let her go. They hurt her in ways she didn't and wouldn't speak of it even now. But that all changed when Daryl showed up. He protected her - stopped them from hurting her. And eventually led her back to her family. Where for the first time she began to fear her father. 
Terminus was next. The people there snatched her from her family. She was forced to watch from afar as they were guided into the crate. Rick fought against them, Carl too but it was to no use. They had sectioned her off in a playroom. Every once in a while an older woman came in to fed and played with her. She hated it. Being in this world for more than a year now she knew that people like them didn't just want to play even if she did. She learnt that from the Claimers. 
Carol found her. Although having never have been all that close to the older woman - the only relation being the closeness between y/n and Sophia - seeing her after so long made her cry out of joy. Carol was happy too as she rushed out of that place to take her to safety. The pair ended up in the woods. Carol had stopped a moment ago to clean the dirt from her face, "lemme help." 
The girl sat up from where she was put down and cupped some water splashing it on Carol's face. Carol flinched as the water hit her, "Uh thank you." 
"Welcome," She looked away getting distracted by the nearing sound of footsteps. 
"Get behind me, y/n," Carol ordered to which she shook her head. 
"No it dada," She ran away from the woman and towards the group. 
"Y/n come back here!" Y/n continued ignoring Carols pleas and crashed herself into the back of Rick's legs. 
The father shot around and began to cry as he saw the child he thought he lost at his feet. "Oh, baby!" He collected the girl in his arms. Carl rushed to them too happy to see her alive after Gareth claimed he killed her. "Oh y/n, never leave me again, okay?" He looked directly into her matching blue eyes, "Promise me." 
"I promise, dada." 
Later Carol led them to Judith. Y/n was over the moon and refused to let her out of her sight, which was exactly what Rick was doing too. They found the church a while after. There they had some semblance of peace. She was glad to have Glenn back - Maggie too. Along with the new people although Eugene was a bit weird. 
At the church was also when the questions started. Daryl had told Rick about the group they were with and regretfully had to inform the father how she was there before him. Rick asked y/n - begged her - to tell her what happened. But she refused. She couldn't say what happened. What they did, which just made Rick fear more. Eventually, she spoke a little about it. She was vague and could barely string two words together without crying. He hated it. He hated how this was a reality for his daughter. He saw the bruises they left. And he couldn't understand how someone could touch his child. Or how he could be so powerless to stop it. 
Bob died. She didn't really know the man but it still upset her. Beth too. Although she was a lot closer to her. Beth was one of her only friends and was someone who would look after her when her father couldn't. They bonded and now she was gone. 
After Beth's demise, they spent lots of time on the road. They suffered, almost died countless times but they prevailed. They got stronger - she got stronger. And they eventually found Alexandria. There everything was good again like how it was at the prison or even before this hell. She liked it there and didn't understand why the others were so sceptical. 
Though that didn't last for long. Y/n began to hate the place when Carl got shot. Alexandria almost stole her brother from her. So she despised it. She refused to leave her brother's side as he adjusted to his injury. Yes, he found it annoying how she wouldn't leave him be and he often snapped at her. But she was there when he needed her. Despite the age difference and the many years of memories they had lost to this fight, she understood his pain. When he saw himself as ugly, a monster even, she made him think otherwise. She kept him afloat, which he was eternally thankful for. 
Glenn was next. 
She didn't believe it even after she was forced to see it with her own two eyes. She was next to Glenn in the lineup. She had to watch up close. Y/n had to be mocked by that man. She had to stay the whole night with her best friends brains on her face. After that night she blamed herself. She told herself that if Negan was just one person off she would be dead and he would live. He would get to see his child born and grow old with Maggie like they had spoken about. She wholeheartedly believed he deserved to live over her. 
The war with Negan shook her to the core. At the time his face filled her nightmares. He just looked so normal. He looked nice even. Yet he hurt and he hurt and he hurt. 
He killed her Glenn. And then Carl. It wasn't Negans fault although she did blame him. Carl had gotten bit. Y/n held his hand as he died in that tunnel as the home they had built above them fell. She got a letter too - even though she would rather have preferred to have her brother back. In the letter, Carl told her how proud he was of her - how thankful he was to have her as a sister. He told her to protect Judith, their dad and Michonne, who she had recently begun to call momma. 
After Carl's death, y/n shut herself from the world well everyone except her father. For days she would cry until she couldn't anymore. She would scream and scream until her voice was gone. She just didn't understand why it had to be Carl? Why mom? Why Glenn? Why Beth? Why was it never her? The following weeks she found herself wishing it would be her next. She could never bring herself to say it out loud but with any battle, any fight, anything, she wished it would be her. 
So when she lost her father her whole world fell apart. He was her consistent so why did he leave her? She was at the bridge that day. Daryl held her crying frame as Rick set off that final shot blowing him and the walkers off the bridge. Y/n Grimes' father was dead. 
She stayed in Alexandria for a while afterwards. For the sole reason to protect her siblings. Yes, siblings - plural. Somehow through all the bad some good came from it. She just wished her father and Carl could've seen it. RJ Grimes came into this world 9 months later. And he was perfect. For months she would assist in taking care of him as Michonne wasn't doing the greatest without the love of her life. Truth be told neither was y/n she was just better at hiding it. 
Until one night it all became too much. Y/n didn't know how it happened but she found herself balancing on the edge of her window. She wanted to jump - to end it. But she just couldn't will herself to do it. And when Daryl showed up she knew she couldn't. "Hey step away from ta window, alrigh'," The man ordered as he saw her shaking frame rocking back and forth. 
"I-i can't," She sobbed. 
"Ye' ya can. Jus' step back I'll catch ya," Daryl moved closer but paused when she shouted to stop. 
"I can't, Daryl. They're all gone. They're all dead," The tears clouded her eyes. She shut them tightly picturing her families faces wanting so badly to join them. 
"Please jus' step back, y/n. Yer' not alone. I'm here," He croaked the tears floating down his cheeks, "Don't jump." 
"I love you, Daryl." 
"I love ya too, okay? So step away from the window," He watched as she turned her head slightly catching his eyes. 
"I love you but I can't. Tell mom, RJ and Judy I love them as well." 
Suddenly she went to fall forward but Daryl reacted quicker. He gripped her waist pulling her into the room unwilling to release his grasp. "Yer' not leaving me," He told her as she cried into his shoulder, "Yer' cant leave me." Overhearing the chaos, Michonne entered her daughter's room to see the window wide open and the two of them crying. Daryl looked at her. The look telling her all she needed to know. Michonne began to cry herself and joined them on the ground. 
"Y/n?" A small voice called from the door frame. 
"Judith go back to bed, okay?" Michonne told her but Judith continued towards her sister. The girl said nothing as she wiped her sister's tears and held her hand.
It was 5 years later now. After her attempt, she left Alexandria with Daryl in search of her father. She didn't believe he was alive despite everything inside her wanting to. But Daryl did and after what happened they became a lot closer. He was happy she joined him. Even though the act of being out there was gruelling at times he was glad he could look after her. And if something would've happened to her while he was gone he could never have forgiven himself. Understandably Michonne was angry that y/n decided to leave. Y/n was her daughter and Michone her mother. They needed each other but she was willing to let Y/n leave to figure that out. It brought her peace looking for her father. 
The silence was her favourite and as Daryl wasn't much of a talker she got lots of it. They got a dog too, which Daryl cleverly named Dog. Everything was a messed up version of okay but it was still good. Being out there made her find her purpose. She went home a lot more than Daryl did, which pleased her siblings and mother. It was always for a few days never longer as she feared she'd stay forever and she couldn't. As much as Alexandria is good it also drives y/n to a dark place. One she was in that night. She lost so much there. And staring at those four walls drove her insane. It didn't help how Negan was imprisoned there. Just thinking how close he was made her skin crawl. She knew how Rick visited him when he was alive that he believed Carl was right about the killing. That it had to stop. Y/n knew he was right too but she could never bring herself to one admit or two face Negan. 
It felt like a story she read as a child when the Whisperers showed up. Like Negan, they scared her. So when she was told about his escape she only assumed the worst. The Whisperers took so many from them. Like Enid for example. Her story was cut short because of them. The two never really spoke but she understood how she and Carl felt for each other at a time. So ultimately it felt like she lost her final piece of Carl when she died. Y/n wished she had spoken to her when she could've. She wished she could've heard the untold stories they shared. She needed to know about Carl's final years with her. But now she's gone too along with those memories. 
The war with the Whisperers took everything from them. The Kingdom. Hilltop. Alexandria. Along with the lives they lost in the process. With the group separated she found herself protecting Judy and RJ. Michonne had gone. Where she had gone to, y/n had no idea. For a messed up reason, she began to prepare herself for her mother's death before it was even announced. That was until she got the call. She was okay and... apparently so was Rick. 
Disbelief was what hit her first. She couldn't hear his voice nor see his face so how could she know it was true. Michonne didn't know either she couldn't if he was really there, still alive. That night of the call she left. Without hesitation, she kissed RJ and Judith's heads, told them she loved them and told them to tell everyone else that and left. She left in the direction Michonne had told her. 
She left to find her father. And she knew she wouldn't return until she did. "I'm coming, dad."
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krystalites · 3 years
wayv members reacting to you pecking their lips to shut them up
anon requested: kk! First ask on the way~ WayV reaction to their s/o pecking their lips while they talk to shut them up?
genre: crack (?), tiny bit angst, fluff, soft members
word count: 1,6k
a/n: I would like to apologize for probably making you wait for so long. I never actually got the notification and for some reason I never checked my inbox.. Also, my first reaction ever! Yay! I hope you guys like this since English is not my first-language, and I'm still learning. Enjoy!
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⌜ kun ⌟
"and them not listening to me just annoyed me more-"
Kun had been ranting about his members for what felt like forever now. No offense to him, you loved hearing his angelic voice and could listen to it for hours but you had been very boyfriend starved lately. All you wanted to do was to cuddle your adorable boyfriend. Though, you just let him rant because you knew he needed it sometimes. He kept talking for a bit more and it went actually well. But all of sudden, you just felt like you couldn't wait anymore.
"So I snapped and-"
Kun's eyes widened as you cupped his face and pecked his lips. He smiled when you pulled away and wrapped his arms around your face, nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck. He placed a gentle, barely-there kiss on your neck. He inhaled your scent heavily, taking as much as he can. Kun lived for moments like this and they were his favorites out of all the moments he shared with you.
"You could've told me you were bored!" he scolded you jokingly.
⌜ ten ⌟
You really thought it would be a great idea to cook with your boyfriend but all he did was sitting on the counter as you did all the job. He was making these weird vegetable puns he found on the internet. Even though they were funny, you had been listening to this for almost an hour now.
"Hey, babe?" Oh, you heard this kind of babe before. The kind of babe he uses to tease you.
"No puns Chi, no puns." To give a threatening aura, you slowly raised the wooden spoon that you were using to stir the haricot beans in the pot. Ten chuckled and put his hands up as if he was surrendering.
"I swear it's not a pun." You could sense the mischievous tone in his voice, yet you decided to ignore it.
"I just wanted to say that you’re a wonderful human bean-" His joke was cut off by your lips on his. When you quickly pulled away and continued stirring, he smiled at himself. He was feeling something that he felt for the first time in his life. He sure kept making puns just so you could keep shutting him up with your lips.
⌜ winwin ⌟
Sicheng was very excited about WayV's comeback. He had been talking about the M/V, the outfits, the choreography, the song for days. Right now, you were in the living room, as he kept talking about the comeback while you were trying to get his attention. You kept cutting his words off but he never actually heard you, despite sitting right in front of you.
"-oh and the choreography is so cool! It matches the whole aesthetic perfectly."
"Sicheng I broke your favorite mug."
"The outfits are kind of revealing but I wanna step out of my comfort zone so I really like them!"
"I burned the stuff in our memory box."
"Everyone else looks very good too!"
"Sicheng I'm breaking up with you."
That's it, you thought.
"They wanna dye my hair but I don't know if I want my hair to be dyed-" He was cut off by your lips, which were gone barely a second later. Sicheng opened and closed his mouth a few times, obviously wanting to say something but not being able to say it.
"I think I got a bit too excited," he finally managed to say and mumbled, "Can I get another one though?"
⌜ lucas ⌟
You rubbed your eyes and leaned over to your phone resting on your nightstand. With a little click on the power button and the overly bright screen, you read 02.38 am. Yukhei was obviously still in-game with the dreamies, as you could hear him yelling in the room right next to you. With a groan, you got up and slipped your shirt on. You were sleeping topless since it was summer and very hot, but his camera could be on when you entered the room. You walked to his room, not even bothering to knock since his door was wide open. If you're going to yell at two in the morning, at least shut the door you thought. Entering the room, you saw Yukhei furiously clicking on his mouse and keyboard. You walked up to him as he kept yelling at the dreamies over his microphone.
"Donghyuck he's right on your le-" He suddenly stopped clicking, trying to process what the hell just happened. You had bent his head backward and pecked his lips, then left casually as if you didn't just cause him to blush. He quickly gathered his thoughts and mumbled a quick excuse and apology to the dreamies. Turning his computer off and running to your shared room, all he could do was thinking of you two cuddling and kissing, giggling like a high school girl at the thought of that.
⌜ xiaojun ⌟
You and Xiaojun started dating a few weeks ago, so your relationship was still very fresh. Being an idol and living with 6 other males sure gave him a lot to talk about. His talkative nature didn't really help with that. You guys were on another date, at your house. You were making popcorn for your movie night since you guys couldn't go out risking Xiaojun's career just like that. Xiaojun was helping you by preparing some drinks he saw on YouTube a few days ago.
"Then Ten threw his slipper to Yukhei for calling him a garden dwarf!" You laughed and glanced at him. He looked so happy telling you about the guys. As if he was telling you about his family, which you were sure it was at this point. You were having a great time, but Xiaojun had a curfew that he was supposed to not pass. Even though you knew it wasn't intentional, he kept talking and stopping what he was doing to show you what happened with his gestures. You thought maybe if you waited 10 minutes, he would just stop. But of course, he didn't. After thinking of a nice way to cut him off, you finally thought of something.
"Ten chased Yukhei around the dorm like tha-" You pecked his lips, pulled away, and smiled.
"I love hearing you talk Junnie, but I really want to watch this movie before your curfew ends."
He snapped out of the little shock state he was in and quickly began to stir the drinks, which he was supposed to do 10 minutes ago. While stirring, he giggled and shook his head. The fact that the first kiss you two shared being an 'i will kiss you to shut you up' kind of kiss made his heart do backflips and it definitely was something he could never forget.
⌜ hendery ⌟
Hendery was teasing you for losing a game of Mario Kart. Pretty normal, right? Yeah, if only that didn't happen two days ago. This was his third day of endlessly teasing you. At first, you laughed it off. He rarely ever beat you, so you didn't want to pop his happy bubble. It's the third day, and you were visibly annoyed. You sometimes beat him at the stuff he's very great too, but you never actually took it this far.
You guys were sitting in the living room, just chilling while you watched some weird tv show, where the contestants were married couples and competed for a car. A couple you had been supporting was a few points ahead, whereas Hendery's team was losing. He sighed and faked a pout.
"They're losing like you playing Mario Kart." after his comment, he smirked and turned to you. "Get it? Cause you lo-"
Eyes wide, blinking rapidly he was looking at you. You went back to watching the show like you didn't just smash your lips against his harshly. He gulped and quickly turned to tv, pulling his hood up to hide the furious blush making its way up to his ears from his neck and face.
⌜ yangyang ⌟
"Yang, please don't cry... It breaks my heart to see you like this." You put your hand on his cheek but he harshly tugged it away.
"No! They're right. I'm useless. I can't believe I actually called myself an idol on that interview just before my voice cracked when they asked me to sing. I couldn't even dance properly to the song they gave me! My manager had every right to call me names!"
You shook your head and cupped his face, making him look at your face with his glossy eyes and red nose. He was so innocent, so pure and those 'managers' were doing nothing but ruining his confidence. Weren't they supposed to help them improve and keep them motivated? Then what was all of this?
"Yang, don't say stuff like that about yourself ever again. You are the most talented person I've ever known. Every artist, scratch that, every human has a bad day where their body doesn't feel like dancing or singing or doing something in general. You can't blame yourself because of that. What actually matters is you holding your head up high and showing them what you've got in there. You always have other performances to prove yourself.
But, that didn't seem to work on your beautiful boyfriend. He just shook his head side to side, mumbling little "no's"
"No, I should just go back to where I came from the way they told me t-" Not letting him finish that sentence, you put your lips on his. You two stood like that until you ran out of breath, eyes closed with his hands over yours that were cupping his face. When you pulled away, he let a few tears spill. Wiping them off with the back of his hands, he just pushed you on your back on the bed you were sitting on. He rested his head on your stomach and tried to fall asleep with his eyes closed. Even though you guys didn't talk about it, you knew he was feeling better about himself. And he did. He had you on his side, after all.
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reporterleroux · 3 years
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"What if we lived together?"
Characters: ig!tubbo, ig!ranboo, ig!tommy x gn!ghosthybrid!reader (/p, all together)
A/N: Ok so this has been on my mind a fair bit, thinking about you being best friends with the Bench Trio and how one day you randomly popped up with "what if we all lived together?" As a joke and they were like YES SURE OK and you went looking for a spot and stuff
You started the day with the sun glaring through the slit in the curtain burning through the sleepiness if your eyes as if it was trying to say "GET OUT OF BED NOW." So thats what you did. With a groan, you slid to sit over the side of your bed, taking a moment to adjust to the fact you just woke up, before heading down into the kitchen of your single occupant house to make some breakfast. You dug around the cabinets, wandered around the kitchen, attempting to find anything.
"Ah shit."
You whispered in annoyance as you remembered. You were meant to go out to the market the day before and got distracted by multiple other things, therefore leaving you with no food anywhere in the house. You sighed in frustration, you really need to talk to Phil, see if he can help you get distracted less, because otherwise, well, you get this. You sighed in defeat of your past self, and went upstairs to get ready for the day. You jumped into the shower, pondering what chaos you and your best friends would be getting up to today.
You floated through the walls of your silent home, the only sound heard was your light humming as you were doing so. You grabbed and threw on your usual attire, knee length multi-pocketed shorts, a small-ish pocketed belt, a white shirt and some fingerless leather gloves. You liked pockets, they were a useful tool for you considering you were never seen holding any form of bag, ever. You made sure you had all the stuff you needed in your pockets, medical stuff, money, and other things, before you slipped on your off-white trainers and went out the door, headed towards the market.
"The market is on the way to the bench, I can grab a quick breakfast there;"
You grabbed the small clock from One of your many pockets, and looked at it.
"I've got time, as long as I don't get distracted, I'll be fine."
You said to yourself. Though past experiences would prove otherwise. You were usually roughly the 2nd one to the bench, only stopping for a few seconds to look at things on the way.
When you finally made it to the market, it was bustling with life. It was Sunday, so there were more stalls up, therefore more customers. You looked around for a bit before deciding to settle on a simple bagel, it'll fill you for now anyways. You looked at the clock again.
You questioned, almost choking on your bagel. It was 10:30, you were about half an hour late. You thanked the stall owner before sprinting off towards the bench.
You could see the boys from a distance, but they couldn't see you, so you decided to play a small prank on them. You went into a full phantom state, making everything you wear plus yourself invisible, before flying up towards them. You stood behind them, them un-aware of your presence, and you slapped Tommy against the back of his head.
He started shouting, whipping his head around while rubbing the back of it with his hand. The other 2 boys did the same. That's when you ghosted through the small gap between Ranboo and Tommy, grabbing Ranboos crown and placing it on your head in the process. That's when you made yourself visible again, still floating with Ranboos crown wonky on your head, laughing like there was no tomorrow. When Tubbo and Ranboo noticed, the started laughing as well.
Tommy shouted. You continued to laugh.
"I got you SO GOOD!"
You managed to get out between laughs. Tommy looked pissed, but you could tell he found it funny as well. You weren't his best friend for nothing. You sat in the small gap you ghosted through earlier, and stared to chat with they boys, Ranboo taking his crown back doing so.
You all talked for a while, before the most random question slipped off your tounge.
"What if we lived together? Y'know, like in the same house that we built and chose the land to live on."
Silence was brought among the group. You were slightly worried, thinking you said something wrong, before Tubbo spoke up.
"Y/N... That's- That's a great idea!"
Ranboo and Tommy nodded in agreement.
"Come on! Let's go find somewhere now!"
Tommy said as he grabbed the nearest wrist to him, that so happened to be yours, and started dragging you away from the bench, the other boys close behind.
The 4 of you wandered for a good hour or so, with a few distractions for you in-between, before stumbling upon Niki.
"Oh, hey guys!"
Niki called in a cheery voice.
"What are you up to?"
As to which you responded;
"Hey Niki! Were just looking for somewhere we could live, like an empty plot of land or something."
Niki's eyes visibly lighted up.
"I know somewhere great! It's peaceful but also nearby to prime path, you get what I mean?"
She stated, as to which you all nodded. You walked for a little bit before reaching a slight hill, traversing up it before you were met with a empty plot of land. It was a beautiful area, and Niki was right, it was nearby prime path. The view was one of the many amazing things about the area, but that's not what caught your eye. Oh no. In fact, it was the brightly coloured flower field, just over a few yards away from you. You ran straight over while the others were talking about the land with Niki, unaware of your sudden, but close by disappearance. You laughed while you chucked yourself into the flowers, taking in every moment.
"What are you thinking Y/N, should we build our house here?"
Ranboo asked turning his head, realising you were gone the whole time. It didn't take him long before he saw you running though the flower field and around the nearby trees, clearly having the time of your life. He nudged the other boys and simply pointed towards your figure, showing them your visible enjoyment, before they all turned back to Niki, knowing what the other 2 were going to say.
"Yes Niki, we will build our house here."
A/N: FINALLY CAN GET THIS OFF MY MIND LIKE WOW but yes imagine them being your best friends
Or even better
Just them
Have a great day!
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straydawg-writing · 3 years
𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦.
- 𝓚. 𝙯𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙮𝙘𝙠
• hunter x hunter series
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Chapter 2–
You knew that if anyone outside of this car saw you right now, you might just pass away. To put it simply: You were sitting on Killua's lap.
All because Kite's truck only fit seven people.
The way this predicament came about would have been comical if it weren't for your burning embarrassment. Unfortunately, you could remember very clearly how it all unfolded:
"Hmm, it seems that there aren't enough seats for all eight of us, so one person will have to squish in," Kite said, opening the car door to check the seats.
"Who's the smallest one here?" Gon asked. All seven pairs of eyes turned to look at you.
Great. The benefits of never having had your growth spurt.
Killua was the one to open his mouth, snickering, "Obviously it's Y/N. She's like a midget!"
"Killua, you are literally an entire 2 ½ feet shorter than Kite over there," you defended yourself.
From a distance, you had guessed Kite was around 6'3. Once you got a closer look at him, you discovered that he towered over you like a skyscraper. Your curiosity got the best of you and naturally, you had asked him what his height was. The man was a whopping 7 foot 10.
"It's okay Y/N, you can squish with me," Gon offered.
Killua shook his head. "No way. Squishing will just make everyone uncomfortable. It's better if only one person suffers. Y/N, you can sit on my lap."
He had left no room for argument. Sighing, you knew that even if you tried, you had no say in this anymore. You would just have to suck it up for the next 4 hours.
Now you were here, sitting on him, worrying about whether you were cutting the circulation off to his legs or not. Or perhaps you were too bony and it was hurting him.
You could feel his warm breath on your neck, and it sent goosebumps across your entire body. This was beyond awkward.
"Stop it," Killua muttered, right in your ear.
Oh, you'd done it now, hadn't you? Killua was gonna push you off onto Gon instead.
"Stop what?"
"You're so stiff, just...relax," he paused, "I don't mind sitting this way."
Hearing his voice so close to you sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
Maybe this was okay.
You untensed, trying to adjust yourself to a more comfortable position, but the bumpy car ride wasn't making it very easy. Kite ran over a rock, and without a seatbelt it sent you jerking upwards. Thanks to his fast reflexes, Killua gripped your waist, holding you tightly to his body.
"The seatbelt won't reach over the both of us, but this'll keep you from flying."
"Heh, thanks Killua. I think we should reach the beach in a bit..." you said, hoping that the thought of it being over soon might offer him some relief.
It doesn't matter who it is, being this close to someone could send anyone into a frenzy. You were hyper-aware of every one of his fingers grasping onto your waist. He wasn't lying. He was keeping you right there.
You'd just have to stop thinking about it, you told yourself. Or else you'd go crazy.
Trying to relax back into Killua like he had asked, you let your mind wander to the reason you were driving in the first place. The day before, the three of you had decided to stick with Kite and help him investigate the Chimera ants. The beach you were headed to now is supposed to have a clue about where the ant queen is located, so you could bring an end to the destruction before it starts. During the car ride, you had learned they were a truly deadly species. One bite of an innocent passerby, and they had the means to bring the entire human race to extinction.
You felt like something was starting. And your intuition was rarely wrong.
Gazing at Gon who had been talking with Kite for a while now, you noticed how his eyes crinkle into little smiles whenever he talks. You knew that having Kite around, his father's best friend, surely excited him to the bone. Gon was just oozing with optimism, without even trying. You could tell that just by being himself, he was keeping the spirits up of all eight in the group, not allowing any room for doubt or fear to creep into anyone's minds.
At that moment, you swore that whatever happened, you would be there to protect Gon and Killua. Even if it costs you everything.
Hopefully, this wasn't one of your friends' last few moments of tranquility. But if it was, you were determined to spend it well.
Resting your head against Killua, you hoped that he wouldn't mind if you indulged in this for just a moment. You were tired, having not gotten much rest since completing Greed Island and meeting Kite.
It didn't take much time for you to fall asleep to the rise and fall of Killua's steady breathing and his sweet vanilla scent. If you'd been awake, you might have even heard his heartbeat racing beneath you.
You had finally reached the beach.
Killua had nudged you awake once you'd gotten there. You remembered how his blue eyes stared back at you as he poked your face, calling you an idiot for falling asleep, and you chuckled.
There was one thing you were clueless about; Killua had made sure not to move even once the whole rest of the car ride. He was nervous that he might disturb your peacefully sleeping form.
You were still pretty groggy as you looked out at the sea, the bright sun reflecting on the ocean's surface. You wanted to wiggle your toes in the sand, but you were there for a reason. To find anything that might lead to the Queen.
You searched in bushes, behind rocks, under seashells, and even used your nen to sift through as much sand as you could. So far, the group had ruled out the forest and deemed it difficult to know if the ant even ended up on the same island. That's when they decided to release the hellhound. Well- it wasn't a hellhound. It was the little dog you played with yesterday. Along with Gon.
Gon was following behind the dog on all floors, sniffing the ground as he went.
"He can do that?" You asked no one in particular.
"His nose is as sharp as a dog's," Killua responded, watching Gon with an amused look in his eye.
A couple minutes went by with no luck. The only thing the dog had found was a tree to pee on. It looked like the ant wasn't going to be on this island, though Kite had an idea.
"It may have washed ashore somewhere else. Which direction do the currents flow here?" Kite asked the two that had brought us down to the beach. One was short with brown skin and grey hair that sprouted up like hay, while the other had large glasses and two front teeth poking out from his mouth.
"The direction is reversed between day and night. And it also changes with the seasons. I've even heard it's different on certain days. So it'll be tough to pinpoint a location..." said Chipmunk Teeth. That's what you'd call him, since you hadn't gotten his name.
So basically, no one had any idea on how to find the Chimera Ant Queen.
"Continuing to search blindly is pointless. We should return to YorkNew and see if we can find any new leads there."
You heard the group around you agreeing with Kite. He and his friends began walking back to the truck already, but you stayed put. You would catch up to them later.
The ocean reminded you of your home. You thought you should say goodbye to it first.
Ripples of water lapped gently at your feet. You always had a connection with nature. Having lived in a small village located in the middle of a jungle most of your life, the earth had become your dearest friend. One of your earliest memories was from exploring the coves back at home. You stretched out your arm across the water, and watched the liquid softly rise to your hand as you called it.
That's why you chose this nen ability. It tied you to the elements. When you fought with it, together you were one body.
"Y/N, come on! Kite's threatening to leave without you," Gon waved you over. Taking one last look at the sea, you turned away.
The sun was already setting by the time you left for the city.
Going back to YorkNew was the right decision. Now you all knew where to look.
Kite had discovered that the possibilities of the Chimera Ant landing in NGL were the highest. Apparently, NGL was a country populated with people who wanted to get away from machine civilization and live in nature.
You loved nature too, but you thought that was a little extreme. There was a reason you had to leave your beloved jungle behind.
"There may very well be a giant swarm of Chimera Ants already hunting humans down. If that's the case, my top priority will be saving them. You must be able to protect yourselves," Kite warned us.
"And if I am the one in trouble, you should escape without me."
At that, Gon and Killua looked unsettled. But backing down now was not an option.
"Got it," you said, breaking the silence and offering a kind nod to Kite, "and until the very last moment, the three of us will have your back."
"Yeah!" The other two boys concurred.
Now, you sat with Gon and Killua on an airship to NGL. The three of you were sitting on a bench, looking out of a window that framed velvet-peach clouds displaying brilliant silver linings.
Gon was reflecting on their last conversation with Kite.
"You said that Ging had a reason for bringing me and Kite together," he rested his arms and head on the window-frame.
Killua broke his sight from the clouds and looked at Gon.
"Yeah, I did."
"You're probably right. I don't know the reason, but I can't give up halfway, no matter what's going on. Otherwise, I'll disappoint Ging... And I'd never be able to forgive myself either. So I won't run away," Gon continued, resolved with his decision.
There was a moment of silence as the three of you let his words sink in.
You admired Gon's determination, but you hated that Ging had a son risking his life just to avoid disappointing a dad he's never met.
"Man, you had this totally serious expression, so I was expecting something big. But it's just business as usual," Killua smiled.
"Huh?" Gon's mouth hung open. "I thought about this a lot, I even ran a bunch of mental simulations! And I liked what Y/N said earlier, about having Kite's back until the very end."
"Think all you want, but you'll still be Gon. If someone said to abandon them, you'd never do it," You lightly punched his shoulder.
He pouted, cradling where you hit him, and you rolled your eyes.
"Drama queen."
Gon chose to ignore that and turned back to Killua. "Then what would you do?'"
"I'm a spontaneous guy, so I'd think about it once the time comes."
"So, you'd run away?" Gon questioned.
"Depends. I can't say until it actually happens."
"Say for instance..."
Killua threw his hands up, beat, "I can't tell you what I'd do in a hypothetical situation!"
"Then, what about you Y/N?"
"Gon!" You whined.
Truth be told, you hadn't thought about what you would do. It depended like Killua said. But you did know one thing...
"I would never leave you two behind. Even if that meant I'd have to die."
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livelovelaug-h · 4 years
Hellish, Jealous
Steven Hyde x reader t70ss
Request for anon: Hiya! So hyped that you're starting to write for That 70's show Haha if it's possible can I please request a hyde x plus size!reader (or just Reader) where they're really affectionate and hyde gets jealous because R is really cuddly with Fez too? Thank you so much and I cant wait to read your other work!💗
a/n: hope you enjoy, let me know what you think!! sorry it took so long to make!! Thanks again 4 the request & send more if you want. Thank you for wanting to read my stories, best message ever. Much love! ❤️
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Thursday, 1979 1:00pm
Eric forman's basement
You were sitting watching TV with your legs over Hyde's that were on the table, while Fez and Eric played some card game. It was a cute little flirtatious thing you and Hyde did: pretending that the other one was taking the space on the table, shoving at each other's legs, which then always ended up with you laying your legs over his letting him "win".
After about 20 minutes Jackie walked in: "Hey y/n, ready to go dress shopping for the wedding?"
"Ugh. I think I'm just going to wear a really nice jumpsuit or something, I hate dresses." You said taking your legs off of Hydes.
"Why do you hate wearing dresses, y/n?" Fez asked.
You: "because I gained some weight and I'm not skinny like everyone else so it's not going to look good, they never do."
"What are you talking about?? You're gorgeous. You have curves, every man's weakness. I love your body."
"I know you meant that in a non creepy way, so thank you fez." You gave Fez a kiss on the cheek, making Hyde shift uncomfortably in his seat.
"See you guys later."
The rest of the gang caught up with you guys at the mall 2 hours later to buy some tuxedos and more flowers.
Hyde: "Hey where's y/n and Fez?"
Jackie: "well y/n was crying in the changing area again, so Fez was helping her calm down. I couldn't take it anymore, she was ruining the good mood for trying on clothes."
Hyde walked into the changing area and saw fez holding your hands, you spoke up: "Thanks fezzie, you really know how to make me feel better." you hugged him and it seemed more intimate than usual, so Hyde took off. Generally you would always flirt or cuddle with Fez when he did it first but something about it lately just doesn't sit well with Hyde.
In the circle
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"Jealous? Nah man. don't be ridiculous forman. I just think Fez might like her now, he's starting to make the real moves."
"Maybe because you took so long to make a move dude. She deserves someone who can finally make a move. Oo or bust a move, which Fez can also do. I vote for Fez." Donna says getting super excited.
"I wanna say Burn but I just don't wanna rub it in more man you seem pretty upset. Just kidding! DOUBLE BURN!"
"Whatever you guys, it's no big deal okay.….. so I found out there's this car that runs on water man-"
Eric, Donna, Kelso: "shut up with that story."
Eric's living room
You walked into the living room only to see Hyde watching TV alone. "Hey Hyde, whats up?"
"Nothing much man. What's up with you?"
"Just got back from meeting a friend at the hub."
"Surprised Fez wasn't with you." He whispered.
"What ??"
"Oh nothing I'm just tired I'm gonna head to bed."
"Really at this hour?"
"Yeah all that shopping wore me out."
"Oh… okay good night then."
You turned to the TV but you couldn't really focus since you knew Hyde was acting different. Was he mad at you? So you went over to Donna's. "Plus nothing good is on" You said to yourself.
"I just don't know why he's being like this, I mean who sleeps at 8:00pm??"
She just made a weird face and shrugged.
"Why did you make that face? Oh my god you know something! Tell meee."
"no I don't!"
"Donna! This is serious."
"fine okay look, Eric told me that Hyde is jealous because of how you and Fez have been lately and it makes sense to me."
"Hyde doesn't get jealous. Plus Fez and I haven't done anything, it was just a kiss on the cheek earlier pretty normal stuff."
"Yeah but it was also in the changing area. You two were holding hands and Hyde saw."
"but it was just because I was -"
"Crying yeah and you didn't go to Hyde like you normally do."
"Oh… wow you're right. I didn't think he would care though. Hyde doesn't know what to do when a girl is crying."
"Maybe but just go and talk to him about it, make him feel special again, so he can act like normal." You both giggled but you quickly stopped.
"I can't."
"Why not??" You raised your eyebrows, making a face in a 'do you even need to ask?' kind of way.
Gasping she says: "Because you like him. I knew it!!!"
"Of course I do Donna, have you seen him? I can't talk to him about why I was crying. That'll make me look stupid and weak."
"I don't think Hyde will see you in those ways. He's always made you feel better when you were down. It'll be fine."
"Thanks Donna, you're the best. I'll talk to him tomorrow! So how's Eric doing with the whole no more sex thing??"
"Well you know he still tries all the time to make me say yes."
"Like he said before everything gets him horny. He'll be fine." You both laughed.
12:00 pm, Eric's kitchen
Hyde was putting his plate in the sink, Kelso was at the fridge, and you and Fez were sitting at the table; Eric & Donna just left the room with Jackie, to talk about more wedding stuff.
You: "hey fez I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie tonight?"
"Really with you? Yes of course."
"Great!" You watched hyde the whole time.
"Hyde do you wanna come along tonight?"
"No i'm, um working."
"We can wait till tomorrow."
"I work late then too." You narrowed your eyes as he speaks kinda coldly. After that Hyde left the room, so you followed him out.
"What's wrong jealous?''
''Are you kidding me jealous? Ha no way."
"Well then why the cold shoulder?"
"I've just been busy."
"Mm busy, yeah busy giving me the cold shoulder!"
"Well I don't exactly see you spending time with me either. Lately all it's been is fez and you."
"Yeah I guess I didnt notice that till Donna said something, I'm sorry Steven, that'll change I promise."
"Its cool. Now I get to do this." He leaned in and kissed you. No tongue just a genuine kiss, that lasted about 10 seconds before you guys pulled apart.
"Wowwww that was -." You started.
"Amazing yeah."
"How about we go and see that movie tonight?" You bit your lip.
"Cant I do work late tonight, but tomorrow I'm free."
"So you were jealous huh??" You asked a little too happy.
He smiled playfully, "I dont do jealous."
"No of course not Steven." You smiled back, while he put his arm around your waist, walking you towards his room so you could talk while he got ready for work.
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pixie88 · 3 years
Oxford to the Cotswolds
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Chapter 23 - Always the Bridesmaid.  
A/N: So here it is the LAST chapter of Always the Bridesmaid. I kinda feel  sad but I know it’s not the end of H&L.Thanks so much @aussieez​ for proof reading. Thank you again to all those following this story and continue to follow it, you have no idea how much it means to me that you take the time to read.😘  
I’m finalizing my tag list for this over the next few days, so again if you like to be tagged just let me know!
Read previous chapters HERE!
Warnings: Fluff & NSFW
Word Count: 2914
Pairings: Laila x Harry
Enjoy! 😘 
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A week later.
After their little spat, Harry decided maybe now was the time to take up his parents offer of using their cottage. They had their trip planned out, they would leave London on the Sunday morning stop at Oxford for a day or two and get to his parents' cottage on the Tuesday afternoon. "We are staying in an old prison that has been converted into a hotel?" Laila asks as they drove along the M40 "Yeah, I thought it was unusual and right up your street?" he takes his eyes off the road for a second to wink at her "You know the whole cops and robbers thing"
She rolls her eyes and laughs, "I'm guessing you're the criminal?" he smirks. "Nah, I'm a law abiding citizen, my love. You seem like the troublemaker here!" she laughs, "I've been looking up all the sites we need to visit while we are there"
He knew she wouldn't be able to visit a place without doing her research.
"Where do you need to visit then?" she smiles at the fact he asked "So, there is the obvious Bridge of Sighs, which is kind of a copy of the Rialto Bridge in Venice, Carfax tower the views of Oxford, from there are supposed to be amazing, Martyr's Cross which is a cross they have in the road where two Anglican bishops and the Archbishop of Canterbury were burned, oh and there is a Harry Potter tour around the University as some scenes were filmed there and Oxford Castle which is right next door to our prison hotel!"
"Sounds like a couple of days of learning!" he laughs at her "NOT just learning! There is a bar with magical cocktails, ones in test tubes, with fire and even smoke!" she's excited.
Harry doesn't know it, but Laila is a bit of a history buff, if she goes somewhere new she will research the hell out of it. Not long after they moved to London Laila was still adjusting to life in the city, Ezra could see his granddaughter struggling, so he planned a day out with her.
They stood on platform 5 at Harrow and Wealdstone Station "Grandad, where are we going?" she asked him "You will see when we get there!" he smiles at her. The train ride wasn't long. Fifty minutes later they pulled into Bletchley Station "Grandad, why are we here?" he chuckled "And I thought you knew everything about World War 2!" he winks at her, but it doesn't click until 10 minutes later when they were standing outside Bletchley Park.
Laila's eyes are wide "Oh my god!! This....this is where Alan Turing cracked the enigma machine!!" she squealed with excitement before hugging him. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she's beaming, she takes his hand and drags him through the doors.
This was one thing he and his granddaughter had in common, was their interest in World War 2. They spent hours looking around the huts where it all happened. He never saw her face light up so much as she looked around at the artefacts. They had a look around Station X (National Radio Centre) and when they finally reached the Mansion Laila was overjoyed "Grandad, just think all those people that helped crack the code have been in this very room...no house!!"
They spend hours looking around, before grabbing something to eat at hut 4 "Grandad, just think this is where they would get lunch or even dinner!" she looks around the hut "Laila, just think while they were here no one knew! They had to lie about working here, they couldn't tell anyone even family members. They had to take a vow of silence" he said.
This rang true, as years later Max was building an annex for a couple at the end of their garden and when he got talking to the Nan, whom the annex was being built for she told him how her mum worked at Bletchley Park and had to take a vow of silence which she kept until the park reopened as a museum in 1994.
When it was time to go home Laila couldn't thank him enough for taking her there "Just don't tell your brothers!" she laughs, "I've taken the Bletchley Park vow of silence!"
They finally arrived, Harry pulls into a parking space outside the hotel and a valet comes over Harry hands him the keys and they head in with their cases. They check in; "you will be on the fifth floor in room 135, so take the lift to the right once you go through those doors. Here is your room key and enjoy your stay!" she smiles. "I'm sure we will!" Harry grins at her before they make their way to their room.
"Did you ever watch the TV show Bad Girls?" Laila asks him as the lift takes them to the fifth floor. "I did! Izzy made me watch it with her. That woman that played Yvonne plays Shirley from Eastenders now, doesn't she?" she laughs, "I thought you don't watch it?" she nudges him as the doors open "I don't but when you put it on what am I supposed to do?" he winks.
"129...130...4 more rooms to go," she calls behind her. "Actually 5 more my love," he laughs, she turns to look at him "No! You don't include our room!" she protests. "I think you do," he laughs at her. "NO! No, you don't," he doesn't argue with her.
They dump their bags and head out to look around the city "Oh, they have a Harry Potter tour" Laila's tone is ecstatic, Harry sighs "Don't you want to do it?" she asks "If you want to we will do it" her eyes scan his face "Did the kids in school use to take the piss out of you in school because you had the same name?" she asks, he laughs, "No, if anything they used to call me...oh what was his fat mate called?"
"Crabbe?" she looks at him. "Yeah, that's the one," he offers a weak smile, she runs her fingers through his hair before her arms cling around his neck "Well, who's laughing now? I bet a lot of the girls and boys that bullied you regret it now! You are handsome, fit, funny and you are mine" she winks, he can't help smiling at her "And I have a drop dead gorgeous girlfriend" he says making her blush.
"We'll do something else," she smiles at him and kisses his lips "No, we'll do the tour if you want to!" she looks how long the tour is "2 hours, argh, I'd rather be doing some kinda cardio" he looks at her confused and she laughs, "use your imagination, you are a personal trainer" she winks. He quickly gets the hint "Right, what do we need to look at before I drag you back to the hotel?" he grins at her.
After dinner, they had back up to their room, "I'm going for a shower" Laila winks at him "OK, I'll grab one after you," she smirks "I was thinking more along the lines of you joining me," she doesn't have to ask him twice, he picks her up and she wraps her legs around his waist as he walks them to the bathroom.
After their shower, Laila notices the chocolate on the bed as she's drying herself. "Oh wow! They're shaped like handcuffs!" she giggles "Hmmm.....that reminds me," he wanders over to his case in just his towel and pulls out a pair of metal handcuffs. "And what do you intend to do with those Mr. Taylor?" she bites her lip "Oh, maybe make an arrest," he winks at her, she notices his arousal through the towel "Oh, on what grounds?" she asks.
"Hmmm....for being stubborn and sarcastic, but also gorgeous, funny, adorable and extremely impossible not to fall in love with" he stands in front of her, pulling off her towel until it drops to the floor. He cups her face, his thumb runs over her lips before capturing them with his, he lifts her arms above her head and his hands run up her arms before he suddenly cuffs her hands.
She smirks against his lips "Oh, PC Taylor, what do I have to do to get you to uncuff me?" his kiss becomes more intense. She drops her hands, so they are wrapped around his neck, he moves them until the backs of her knees hit the bed. They fall onto it with Harry landing on top of her "Well, Miss. Carelli, I think you can convince me somehow" his fingers finds her core.
She hisses at the contact, his other hand comes up and pins her arms above her head as he found her slick petals. "I thought I was the one who had to.....oh shit...convince you to free me," she can barely get her words out, his lips find her pulse line "How exactly are you planning on doing that?" he smirks against her neck.
"Stand up and I'll show you," he does as she says, she sits up and pulls off his towel. Grasping him, she works her hand along him a few times before her mouth follows the same path, he groans as his hips thrust forward in need. Her pillowy lips work along his hardened member, he grunts as her jaw slacks, taking him in further "Fuck...." he mutters.
He rocks his hips back and forth as her tongue runs along the ridges of his cock, he grips a fistful of her hair. His head fell back as he groans, "That's...it gorgeous! Fuck...".  She hums against him and her pace moves faster. His knees bucks, her apex is throbbing as she feels him nearing the edge "Laila....I'm...gonna....fuck!" he jerks as he hits his climax and he groans.
She releases him from her mouth and looks up at him. "Are you going to uncuff me now?" she asks as she's sat on her feet, he looks down at her with a grin. He lifts her up and throws her onto the bed, making her giggle "Hey, you said would take these off!" he has a mischievous grin on his face. "Well, Miss. Carelli! I prefer to have you like this, sorry." he captures her lips.
"That's not fair......." she protests, but she soon cuts off as he moves down her body to her centre, his hands grasp the back of both her thighs. His tongue moves apart her folds "Oh Harry!" she moves her arms to run her fingers through his hair. He pulls away, lifts her arms above her head again and kisses her lips "Keep them there!" he tells her before moving back to her core.
Her breathing hitches, he sucks against her clit, making her cry out "Ohhh"
A little later.
His legs are entwined with hers beneath the sheets, she's cuddled up against him as her head rests on his chest "When we get back do you think we should look at properties?" she lifts up and places her hand against his chest stroking his chest hair, looking up to him. He smirks at her, "definitely!" he strokes her hair away from her face "What if we have a look online now?" she stares into his ocean blue eyes and bites her lip waiting for his response.
He reaches for his phone "Let's have a look," he loads up and scrolls through the properties. "What are we going for?" he asks "Somewhere with gates, private drive and pool," she laughs, he digs his fingers into her ribs and she tries to wiggle away "Ahhhh! Harry! Stop!!"  his phone is discarded, he cups her face and claims her lips.
His body covers hers and he takes her against.
The next day.
They are back in the car on the way to Harry's parents cottage in Wyck Rissington, Gloucestershire.
Along the way they find a supermarket and grab a few essentials before they continued their drive. They arrive at the cottage 10 minutes later "Aww wow! This is cute!" she smiles as they get out the car. "And it's ours for the next few days" he winks at her.
They head inside, "wow, look at those beams!" she points up at the ceiling. "Have you been here before?" she looks to Harry. "Nah, Mum and Dad haven't let any of us use it...well until now" he winks.
Once they bring in their bags inside, he takes her hand and they have a look around when Harry spots a hot tub outside "Oh, what do we have here?" he nods as he opens the door "I didn't bring a swimsuit!" he has a devilish grin. "Who said anything about swimsuits?" she bit her lip and shook her head at him.
Harry runs Laila a bubble bath with candles around the tub and told her to relax while he cooked dinner. The water was warm against her skin as she sinks into the bathtub, a minute or so later there is a knock on the bathroom door before Harry wanders in with a glass of wine "Here you go, my love," she smiles up at him as she takes the glass "Thank you! So, what's for dinner?"
He leans over kisses her nose and winks "You'll find out when it's on the table. Now enjoy." He leaves her to it.
34 minutes later.
Laila walks into the bedroom and Harry has laid out a dress grey dress on the bed for her to wear. She smiles and starts to get dressed, underneath she puts on some lacy lingerie she had brought for the trip. When she's dressed, she goes in search for Harry, as soon as she saw him, she blushes but can't help but laugh.
"Harry!! What are you doing?" he's stood in the kitchen in just an apron and his boxers, he looks up at her and grins. "You've heard of the Naked Chef right?" he winks. "But he isn't actually naked!" she laughs at him. "I'm not either! I was thinking about it but I thought that would be unsanitary. I see you're wearing the dress I picked out for you." She makes her way over to him.
"Yeah, but the view would be...very sexy," she squeezes his behind "What's for dinner?" she looks around him on the kitchen side "Ah, ah, ah go and sit down," he moves, so she can't see, she sighs, "Fine!" Laila pulls out her phone and sends a picture she took earlier.
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Laila looks over to Harry, biting her lip and he catches her checking him out. "You realise I'm not dinner right?" He says. She looks up catching his eye, "might not be dinner, but there is always dessert!" She winks twirling her hair. He chuckles turning back to cooking.
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She puts down her phone as he comes over with 2 plates, placing them on table. "Ooo spaghetti and meatballs!" he pours them more wine, Laila twirls her fork collecting the spaghetti "Did you ever see the film The Lady and the Tramp?" she looks over to him. "I have. Mila made me watch it once." He laughs. "Do think we can do a Lady and the Tramp kiss?" she hold up a a string of spaghetti and he chuckles "We can try. Let me put it in my mouth first" Laila cracks and can't help but laugh "OH MY GOD!!"
"Come on, let's give it ago!" He takes the end of the spaghetti and lifts the other side to Laila, she takes it in her mouth and begins to get closer to Harry until their lips are just above each other's. He brushes his lips lightly over hers before pulling away. "Come on, eat up" he smiles at her and she rolls her eyes at him.
After dinner, he takes their plates. "I'll wash them up," she offers. "You can or I can put them in the dishwasher," he jokes, "Actually, you load the dishwasher. I'm going to start up the hot tub!" she gets up from the table "Already done, my love!" he winks at her. "Oh OK!" she stands and lets her dress fall off her shoulders until it's a puddle on the floor.
He looks her up and down. "I didn't bring a swimsuit, but this will do?" say asks as she makes her way to the back door. His eyes never leave hers, she grins, knowing she had him hook, line and sinker. He quickly closes the dish washer and chases after her, she squeals running from him and towards the door.
@lem-20​ @aussieez​ @secretaryunpaid​ @irisofpurple​ @khoicesbyk​ @txemrn​ @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer​ @tea-me-kah​ @casualpostqueen​ @beautifuluknownvoid​ @wombatsxkookaburras​
Their moans fill the night sky, both are blissfully happy.
Series 2 - Chapter 1
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Baby Love - Part 10
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A/N - Finally an update!! 💕
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chrisevans I'm so excited to announce that Y/N and I are expecting!! We are both over the moon.... i cannot even put into words how happy i am right now.
Mama and baby are both doing great and Dodger is thrilled that he's about to become a big brother.
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It was a few weeks after the premiere, middle of May, my 5th month in my pregnancy that Chris finally put out the announcement and surprisingly it went well....better than i could ever have imagined. The messages from Chris's fans were amazing! Of course there was still some haters but nothing that was too awful or couldn't be ignored. It was nice that it was out now and i didn't have to worry about someone finding out and leaking it to the press.
Chris was scheduled to start filming 'Defending Jacob' a series for Apple TV mid June through to July. The good thing being it was filming in Massachusetts, 20 minutes from home so he wouldn't have to stay away.
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Chris was finally upstairs getting ready so he could head to set, he had been whining this morning about wanting to stay home with his girls.
I was currently laying on the sofa in a sports bra and shorts, with my now 6 month belly showing while i watched some crappy daytime show.... i had removed Chris's t-shirt when i started getting hot flushes.
"Okay im ready to.....go. Jesus christ why are you half naked right now?" I looked round to see Chris looking me up and down like i was the tastiest thing he'd ever seen. I rolled my eyes looking back at the TV "hot flushes, i sweat through my shirt...i feel like I'm burning alive"
"Such a drama queen" he chuckled
"Excuse you?..... you wanna try going through this??" I snapped, i knew as soon as it was out of my mouth it was uncalled for and instantly felt bad "I'm sorry i didn't mean to snap.... is the damn AC even working?" i said almost feeling like i was gonna cry. Chris came walking over crouching in front of me with a cold cloth and draped it across my forehead.
"That should help a little and i got you some ice..." he passed me a cup of ice chips and i cried.
"Hey! Whats wrong?"
"You're just the best boyfriend ever"
"Awww" he chuckled pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"Don't.... I'm all sweaty and gross"
"I like you all sweaty" he wriggled his eyebrows making me laugh "and you're not gross..... you're beautiful. I nearly had a heart attack seeing you laying here looking like this.... now i really don't wanna leave"
"You have to, stop making excuses"
"I dont want to leave you alone like this..."
"I wont be, Scott's coming over we're gonna go for lunch later"
"Oh.... "
"You're okay with that right?"
"Yeah of course" he smiled before leaning in to give me a kiss.
"Hey! its just me!" Scott yelled from the front door on cue.
"In here!" I yelled reaching my hands out to Chris to help me up into a sitting position.
"Yikes! what is going on with you you're a mess" Scott said looking concerned.
"Thanks! Thats just what i needed to hear Scotty" i scooped out an ice chip and popped it in my mouth.
"Hot flushes" Chris told Scott and he pulled a face.
"I'll be okay in a minute, it'll pass. Though im pretty tempted to go jump in the damn pool right about now"
"Stay outta the pool sweetheart, maybe a lukewarm bath or shower would help?"
"I'll be fine Chris, you need to go or you're gonna be late"
"I don't wanna leave you alone...."
"Err hello? Im here, she's not alone" Scott said coming to sit next to me on the sofa.
"Can you put your shirt back on.....i don't feel comfortable...." Chris started to say while looking me over again.
"Stop! I am not putting that thing back on when i feel like I'm in the pits of hell Evans!" I said pointing at the soaking wet t-shirt on the table " besides Scott's seen me in my bathing suit plenty of times.... I'm wearing more now than i was then! also incase you forgot.... I'm not his type"
"I feel insulted!" Scott gasped before smiling at his brother.
"Just go to work! I will call you if i need anything, we'll be fine".
Chris sighed but nodded, he leant in and gave me a kiss and finally left for set.
"Geez he always like that?"
"No, he's got a little more protective as the pregnancy has gone on but that was new"
"He's probably just worried about you. This is the first time he's had to really leave you since you've been pregnant"
"He'll be back tonight! He needs to chill out. I know i sound like a bitch and i really don't mean to but i literally feel like Satan himself is roasting my body!"
"You want some more ice chips?"
"Yes please".
After another 30/40 minutes i finally felt myself cooling down.
"Oh thank god! I think it passed"
"For now"
"Thanks!" I laughed "I've had a few hot flushes here and there but nothing like that... that was brutal!"
"Well I'm glad it passed, why don't you go take a shower and we'll go get some lunch, it will do you good to get some fresh air, we can even take Dodger"
"Sounds good to me".
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Scott and i grabbed lunch at a small family run cafe that was kinda tucked away, not a lot of people actually knew about it which was the reason we chose this place when we'd have lunch....it also had a small outside seating area where we could sit with Dodger.
Once we were done with lunch we took Dodger for a walk in the park where he found a new friend, they ran around together for a good half an hour.
"Wow he's gonna be beat" Scott laughed as we sat on a bench watching the two dogs running around.
"Good! He has too much energy!"
I chuckled "i'll be wanting to sleep and he brings me his toys wanting to play its exhausting" i said exaggerating, truth was i loved that Dodger always wanted my attention.
"Well he's gonna have to learn to share you when my niece arrives"
"Do you think he'll be okay with the baby?"
"Im sure he will, Dodge is a good boy"
"The best, i just worry. I worry about everything lately though" i laugh rubbing my hand over my belly "you ready to head back?"
I whistle and call for Dodger and he comes running straight over allowing me to attach he's leash.
"Lets go home bubba" i scratched behind his ear before handing the leash to Scott.
We got back to the house and let Dodger out of the car, he ran straight towards the front door and started growling and scratching at the door.
"Hey stop!" Scott said quickly and Dodger turned to look at him before starting again this time barking loudly.
"Whats his problem?"
"I don't know....."
"Maybe Chris is home?"
"His car isn't here....." i opened the door and Dodger ran inside sniffing everywhere.
"Hey Chris you home?" Scott called out but i already knew he wasn't, this didn't feel right.....
"Scott, somethings wrong....."
"What do you mean?" He asked turning to me looking concerned.
"I don't know its just a feeling i have"
Dodger suddenly ran past us and up the stairs, we followed him up to find him sitting outside mine and Chris's bedroom scratching at the door.
"Chris....." Scott called again thinking Dodger just wanted to get to him but no answer, the house was silent.
Scott stepped forward and opened the door and we both gasped at the what we saw. The whole room was trashed.
"Scott..... what if someones still in the house?" I turned to him with wide eyes as panic set it.
"Stay in here with Dodger, I'm gonna check the house..."
"No! Just call the cops, stay in here with us!"
"I'll be fine! They're probably long gone, Dodger would be going crazy if they were still here...but i just wanna make sure".
"Please be careful! I'll call the cops"
"Okay lock the door behind me".
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes @bellamy-barnes @buchanansebba
Baby love tags @jennmurawski13 @mybabyboytony @ms-betsy-fangirl @vampgirl1997 @ajosieface @afuckingshituniverse @chmedic @esoltis280
@southerngracela @bethabear12 @letsdisneythings @sellulii @katiew1973 @princess-evans-addict
@deidrahouseofpain @siren-queen03 @shipatheart @little-dark-empress @xxloki81xx @lizzyclifford13-blog @booktease21 @lets--be-honest @thevelvetseries @farfromtommy @mery-be @drakelover78
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serenityseventeen · 3 years
Love & Letter: To The Thirteen Boys I've Loved Before
The Thirteenth Letter
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To: Lee Chan
From: Y/N
How are you, Chan?
I feel like I've seen this kind of storyline before. A summer romance that ends with you ghosting me.
I've been looking for work as I've told you before summer ended. I wonder what you are doing now. Now that the summer dance club where we met is closing, I can't see you anymore. You don't answer my calls either which leaves me to assume that you and I weren't dating seriously.
Gosh, I should have seen the red flags when you and I seemed to progress too fast into our relationship; but I just ignored them because you had me flipped out, falling for you head over heels. The way you spoke to me, smiled at me, gazed at me, the way you acted around me, I was convinced that you were just confidently liking me.
To begin this strange love story, should I start from the beginning, Chan?
Well, I graduated from grad school with my degree. I noticed that I was gaining a bit of weight so to try and burn it off, I joined this summer dance club. You were one of the members and immediately, when I spotted you practicing in front of the people, with confidence, your moves swift, I was amazed. I didn't expect that someone like you would fall for me.
Chan, you look like a genuine, passionate dancer. You told me that you've been dancing all your life and from that first impression, I was able to tell that.
When I joined the dancing club, I had not danced in a while. Yet, you taught me with so much care. I didn't ask for your help but you approached me first whenever I was struggling to learn a choreography. You taught me head-on and took the lead.
Your leadership skills are also amazing, Chan.
Before we both knew it, we were learning and practicing for long hours in the summer, sweat trickling down the sides of our heads to the point where our hair was wet. Your hair was wet from sweat a lot of the time but to me, you looked extremely masculine and handsome that way. We practiced so much that it was nighttime by the time both of us decided to call it a day. We were usually the only ones left.
Before we started dating, you would always give me water and wipe my sweat for me. It hadn't even been two weeks of getting to know each other when we had our first kiss in the practice room.
You and I were exhausted and leaning against the wall, sipping water.
“This is fun,” I commented.
I know you probably don't know, but I noticed you staring at my lips. I just didn't want to say it out loud in fear of ruining the nice atmosphere. The air conditioner was blasting cool air and since I was feeling so sticky, I just closed my eyes and let the floating cool air brush over my skin.
I don't know what you were doing but I'll guess that you were staring at my lips; because that's when I felt a pair of soft lips press onto mine. I was flustered at first, having your arm block all my possible exits, leaving me in your enclosed space. Our lips locked for a few seconds before I pulled you in closer, deepening the kiss. I placed my hands on your jaw, caressing you gently as your kisses became more passionate. It just felt like the right thing to do as my heart burned with fluttering butterflies.
Since it was summer, we both had quite a lot of time on our hands, but from time to time, I had to study too. I'm planning to start training in my line of work soon.
Well, we were able to hang out around each other a lot. I, believing you liked me, treated you like my boyfriend. You treated me like your significant other. We were dating. You behaved so sweetly around me, showering me with soft kisses on my cheek, surprise dates. Spending time with you was fun and wild.
When people left the practice room, we would linger with the practice being our excuse, but then I would be sitting down on your thighs, facing you, my arms wrapped around your shoulders and your hands holding my hips. We would be kissing, making out, cuddling.
I enjoyed every second of it. I was falling for you fast, I was falling for you hard.
What about you?
How did you feel about me?
Sometimes, I would find it strange how easily you told me that you liked me, and every time, it sounded genuine. Whenever you're walking me home on a hot summer night, you always tell me that you like or love me before you leave. I would say the same back to you.
I don't think you're a fuckboy or something like that. You seem way too innocent for that. To me, you seemed like a mischievous boy that was also a masculine man.
At the same time though, what we had seemed to be mainly physical.
No, sorry. I shouldn't be thinking of it that way.
You and I spent a lot of time together and with you, I was very happy. I was able to forget about anything hard and just have fun, in the moment, with you. Whether it was me straddling you on the couch, us sleeping together, waking up together, cooking together, I was happy through it all. We had fun and refreshing summer dates at the beach playing in the water, splashing waves at each other before you pull me in and give me a passionate kiss with the golden summer sunset in the back.
But now, I start to realize everything; from the incredibly fast pace of our relationship and the way we found joy in our physical desires. Now, I realize it.
In the end, I barely know who you are, Chan. You never really talked about yourself. You told me a few things, like how you had a younger brother, how you wanted to become an idol, how you dreamed of performing on stage, but during those summer months we spent together and dated, we were still learning about each other. You were learning about me and I was learning about you.
Yet, the way you treated me and made me feel special makes me sure that I do love you. I probably love you more than you love me but, of course, I can never know that.
I can't reach you now and it seems as if your number was fake all along. I don't see you in the places we used to hang out. When I asked the dance club members, it seemed like they knew more than I did about my boyfriend, but every answer was different.
Some told me that you auditioned for a company and got accepted.
Some told me that you were already a trainee.
Some told me that your family was planning to move.
Some told me that you were continuing your life as usual but didn't specify any details.
I don't know what to believe. If you are an idol trainee then, well, good for you. I guess I was just something to fulfill your desires that had been kept inside for a long time. If you got accepted, well, good for you again. I hope you debut since it's always been your dream.
If you're purposely ignoring me, I don't know why you would, but as you can see, I have a few theories. If you didn't love me back, you could have just told me that you wanted a summer fling instead of a summer romance and relationship because then, I would have rejected you firmly.
Were our memories nothing to you?
We never properly broke up either, why is it that you're suddenly ignoring me? Where did you go off to? Are you ghosting me? Why did you suddenly disappear like that? Did you never love me? Was our relationship nothing?
I have so many questions, why won't you answer them?
I'm afraid that the person I loved wasn't the person I loved at all. I hope that you didn't lie to me.
If we ever meet again, what would you say? What would you say to my sincerity? What would you do?
I hope that you can remember these memories just as much as I will. I hate thinking that I was just an escape for you, a goat that you used to fulfill your desires. If you really are who I know, then I won't have any doubts that you would remember everything.
Chan, you seem like a pure guy. You never really lied to me. You would always play around with me, making me feel like a youngster in love. Just looking at your face, I could see the purity and curiosity you have within yourself.
Up until now, I will believe that you gave me all of you. I will continue to believe that you encountered something unfortunate or fortunate and now, we can't meet nor contact each other. I will continue to believe everything positive because I loved you.
I won't wait for you though, Chan.
I remember this one thing you told me, do you remember it too?
Now that I think about it, it seems like you asked that on purpose, perhaps foreshadowing your future disappearance.
We were leaning against a fence, watching the orange and purple ombre sunset and its reflection on the rippling waves of the ocean.
You had your arms warmly wrapped around my waist, your head buried in the crook of my neck, when you asked with a muffled voice, “If you had to wait for someone who was indefinitely coming back, what would you do?”
You kissed my neck softly with your gentle lips, tightening your hands. I felt my heart thump out of my chest.
“Hmm... I don't think I would wait.”
You seemed to be a bit surprised by my answer. I didn't think of this question as anything special then, just pure curiosity.
“Why not?” You asked, planting another kiss on my neck afterward.
“They are leaving and it's indefinite when they would come back. I wouldn't wait for them, when they come back, they just do. I shouldn't worry myself with waiting.”
You nodded gently and then brought your hand to my chin, kissing me again.
I'll do exactly as I said.
I won't wait for you. I loved you and since your comeback is indefinite, I'll also write this. I can't tell you it in person, so I can't get your answer, but I will consider it this way, even if you do appear in my life again.
My last words to you, who I can't reach.
I hope you're doing fine.
I'm breaking up with you.
Yours truly,
© serenityseventeen
7/14/21 - 10:19 am
a/n: GoSe today!!! I'm excited, I'll watch the episode when I eat! + I've finished this series, hooray! I'm sure one day, when I'm a better writer, I'll come back and possibly revise this. Thank you to everyone who read this series!
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Dangerous Love (Pt. 09 of 13)
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne (Batman) X Harley Quinn's sister!Reader
Word count: 3K
Summary: You're Harley Quinn's sister, Havoc, one of the many villain's of Gotham. But you've been caught, and has been tortured constantly for an year in Belle Reve. But when your think your life can't be anything else than the nightmare you find yourself into, Bruce Wayne, the Batman, takes you in for a project. He has a program to rehabilitate villains, and you're his lab rat. But soon enough confusing feelings start getting in the way. You know falling for Bruce is stupid. But can you keep your heart under control?
<- Previous part (08)
Next part (10) ->
{Justice League - DC Masterlist}
Some Dreams Become True
Two man hold you, one on each arm, walking you through the rocky path of the Wayne House. They're just making sure you can walk. When you see Bruce, tears fill your eyes. You want to run, but you don't think you can. He's nervous, hands clenched into fists, a hard expression on his face, eyes on the man holding you.
When you're climbing the few steps to his front the door, feeling Bruce's eyes on you, the man holding your right arm let go, and you use the last bit of strength to turn around, hitting him in the chest with the heavy metal handcuffs.
He lets out a groan, falling down. The other man is quick to respond, pushing you violently to the floor. You feel a sting on your leg, hurting on the already injured skin.
“Get your hands off her!” Bruce yells, stepping forward and placing a punch on the man's jaw. Everyone backs up, hands raised, straight back into the trucks. “(Y/N).” He comes to help you up, and you're thankful for having his arms to sustain your weight.
You pull him with you as you move to get inside, out of those men's sight. When you're in, he pushes the door closed, and you just can't help it, you fall into his arms, hiding your face on his chest. “They beat me.” It comes out as a whisper, a low cry. “In the truck, just now, they... They said you'd think I got them from the mission but I didn't.”
Felling vulnerable isn't your thing. But you spent so much time playing as the tough one, it has a hint of freedom to accept that you're breakable, human. And with Bruce... You feel you can be fragile... You don't have to hide it.
“I'll have them fired.” He says, his chest vibrating with the anger in his voice. “I swear to God I'll–” He stops suddenly when your legs fail and, if it wasn't for him, you'd fall. Bruce picks you up bridal style, and, since you can't look at him right now, you hide your face in the crook of his neck. “Let's get you cleaned up, ok?”
Nodding, you feel as he carries you upstairs, to the room you missed so much. Bruce sits you down on the bed, carefully taking off your shoes. “Do you need help? In the shower?” He speaks low, not sure if he should say it.
“No, I think I can stand up for a while...”
“I'll be right here the whole time, so if you fall or need anything, just call me, ok?”
Nodding, you give him a small smile. Bruce takes some clothes and puts them in the bathroom for you before taking you there. When he leaves, you get inside the box, opening the warm water and taking everything you'll need and laying it on the floor around you. Slowly, and trying not to moan from the pain, you take your clothes off and start washing away the dust and blood. You wish you could wash away the bruises too, but that only time can provide.
It hurts, but you have to wash your hair too. You take so long that Bruce asks if you're alright a few times, and starts making some questions, just so he can make sure you're well. You step out of the shower, dry yourself and your hair before dressing up. As soon as you open the door, Bruce comes, picking you up again and taking you to the bed.
Then, he starts attending to all the wounds, no matter how small. Your heart is a confusion of feelings, and the butterflies give you no rest. After a little more than two weeks, you're finally back in the place where you feel safe. With the man who has been unbelievably gentle. He asks permission to lift your shirt and that's when he sees the four inches of stitches on your left side, just below the ribs.
“What was that?”
“One of the terrorists cut me. The soldiers wanted to heat up a knife and just burn it, but Floyd... Deadshot... Made them call the doctor to stitch it up.” Your voice is low, and you flinch a little when he touches the wound.
It takes almost an hour until he stops, gathering all the medical stuff he used before giving you two painkillers. You don't know what to say, you're completely lost. During the mission, you had more than enough time to think about how you'd feel to be back here, but now it's different. It's real... And you have to apologize for what you did before you left.
“Bruce... Before I left I... I kissed you and I shouldn't, I- I was so scared and I didn't want to go so I had an impulse. I'm sorry.” Your heart is beating fast now, so you look down at your hands.
“Why did you kiss me? Tell me the truth.” Bruce moves closer, his hand coming to your cheek. You can't help but close your eyes and sigh, melting into his touch.
How is it possible that he doesn't know how you feel yet? You're sure you failed to hide it under his sharp eyes. “I... I really wanted to kiss you because it's- it's a sign of affection, right?”
“A kiss on the cheek is a sign of affection. On the lips... It means a completely different kind of affection.” His fingers trail the outline of your jaw, your chin...
“I know, I... I just...”
“On the times you thought I was a dream, you said you could fall in love with me. Do you remember what I said back?”
“What?” How does he know... “Was that... Was that real? Did you really came here and...” You don't know what to think. Why would Bruce do such a thing? Not only bother to come but to stay and hold you... Why did he hold you like that? “But- but you–” You stop talking because Bruce leans closer, closer than he ever was. You feel his lips brushing on yours, so softly that it makes you wonder if this might be a dream all over again. But the pain is very real, so this must be too. “What are you doing?” You question him, struggling to control yourself, to stand still.
“I'm trying to explain how I feel about you without using words.”
Before you can say anything, you feel his lips on yours, fully this time. It takes no time until you react, your arms around his neck as you move your lips at his pace, trying to move closer. But a sting on your side makes you jump, and Bruce starts pulling away.
“What was–” Screw your beat-up body. Right now, you couldn't care less. You pull him close once again, not wanting the kiss to be so brief. You waited for a hell of a long time for this, and you won't let a wound ruin it.
You're happy when he gives in to the kiss, and his lips are so soft, so warm... Imagining it didn't get anywhere close to the real thing. There's a small cut on your bottom lip, and it burns a little, but you don't care. This could last forever.
“(Y/N)–” He breaks apart again, but you push yourself forward, chasing his lips, groaning a little when your body complains. You use his shoulders to sustain some of your weight, pulling him into the kiss again. It probably comes out as too needy, but overthinking won't do any good now. Bruce kissed you. He kissed you. Against all odds, against every possibility, Bruce might like you. So you want to have it, to taste his kiss for as long as you can before trying to understand what's going on.
“(Y/N), slow down.” He tells you when you pull away to breathe. “Slow down.”
“Sorry,” you mutter, foreheads touching. Bruce helps you sit back down, resting your back on the headboard, and fixing the pillows around. “What- What was that about, Bruce?”
“Doesn't it make things clear?”
“I know, I just... I need you to say it because I keep thinking that I'm a criminal and it's been a while since I've been trying not to have feelings for you because we're on different sides and... The dreams that weren't dreams happened, the birthday party, all the rest but I... I'll be forever telling myself I'm misreading the signs if you don't tell me...” It comes out all confusing, and you feel pathetic.
“I tried so hard not to fall for you.” He begins, moving the hair away from your face. “That's why I disappeared a while after you got here. My feelings started confusing me so I thought it would be better to call out the project. But I couldn't. Your beauty was the first thing that caught my eyes but after that... Everything you are, it just got me. You got me.”
Biting back a smile, you look down at your hands. “So... I'm the first criminal of Gotham who actually got the Batman.” Such a bad joke.
But a low giggle makes you raise your head and stare at him. “I guess we can say that. But you're not a criminal anymore.”
“That's not what they think.” You tilt your head towards the door.
You're still speaking when Bruce stands up and walks to the other side of the bed. You watch as he takes his shoes off, pulls the blanket away, and sits beside you. “Come here.” He says, and you move as carefully as you can. Bruce puts an arm around your shoulders, and you rest your back on his chest. You don't know why he's doing this, but who are you to argue. It feels good to be held by him. “It's this ok?”
“Yes,” you mutter, closing your eyes. “Being... Being away from you was the worst part of the Suicide Squad, but... It was also a constant reminder of who I am. Or who I was. Havoc.”
“Tell me how you felt.” He asks.
“Therapy session?”
“No. I just want to know everything about you. And help as much as I can.” Softly, he caresses your hair.
You don't want to go back there, but you did wish you had Bruce there to tell him everything that confused you. That made you feel bad. “You know what Havoc means, right? Great destruction, devastation. Something or someone who causes ruin and damage. And I used to be so proud of it.”
“Who gave you this name?”
“A newspaper used the word to describe me in an article about my very first assault to a bank. The place was wrecked.” You speak low, and despite the fact that you hate to remember what you did in the past, there's a good feeling, of pure bliss to be like this with Bruce. His arms are the best place in the world, and your sore body can rest. “And I did that because I wanted to, just for... Fun.”
“Sometimes I get the feeling that your idea of fun was influenced by your sister.”
“Well, my life was terrible until I started hanging out with her so yes... I guess I allowed that world to shape me.”
“Do you still think about returning to your old life?” You feel the expectation on his voice, and also a little bit of vulnerability. Bruce is scared that he likes someone who may still slide back into the crime life.
“On my birthday, before going downstairs I was thinking about it.” You turn around slowly, just enough to look into his eyes. “And I was going to ask you for help.” You smile when he caresses your cheek. “I'm sure now that I don't want to go back... I had money, cars, jewels, but those were only things. You... You showed me things aren't enough. So I made the decision to try. To really try. But I don't know what to do. I supposed to be graduated by now, and have a job, you know... To have started my own life, but... I have nothing.”
“If you want to study I'll pay for your college.”
“I can't let you do that.” Biting back a moan, you turn your body towards him, so you're laying your head on his chest. “It's expensive and... It would be weird.”
“You have to let me take care of you. Not only when you're injured.” He rests his chin on the top of your head, and you close your eyes. “So I'll pay for your college. Then help you find a good job.”
“Hm...” You mumble because you're so tired that you can feel yourself drifting off to sleep. “Will you be here when I wake up?” You manage to ask.
“I'll try, but Batman needs to be on the streets tonight.” He answers in an apologetic tone.
“That's alright, Batman. I understand.”
“Now try to rest, sweetheart.”
“I love it when you call me that.” Whispering, you smile to feel his chest vibrating when he giggles.
And for the first time in a long, long time, you drift off to sleep peacefully, feeling safe and sound, in the arms of someone you truly care about, and who also cares about you.
Your dreams aren't bad. Not as bad as they used to. But yet, you're awake in the middle of the night, completely alone. As you check the clock, 3 a.m., you imagine what Batman is doing right now...
Your body feels numb from the painkillers, so that makes you more secure to stand up and walk around. You do what you usually do, standing in by the window looking down. But then you remember you can go there now. That Bruce doesn't lock the door anymore. Smiling to yourself, you go to the bathroom to wash your face before going to the garden, just to shake the sleep away. The girl in the mirror looks so different from the one you used to see a couple of months ago... Her eyes are different, softer, not desperate, and full of uncertainty. How is it possible that a person can change so much in such a little time? Despite the bruises, your skin does look better, and so does your hair.
Your hair...
The dark roots look bad, and the faded lilac color suddenly seems too odd. In a rush, you search for the box dye Bruce got you. The hair is the only thing that remains of your past. The bruises will heal with time, but it's your job to fix the hair.
You know what to do, so you have no trouble avoiding a mess. Maybe this is something superficial, silly even. But you meant what you said to Bruce, you do want a different life, a restart. You dyed your hair lilac because you wanted to look wild and crazy, like the Joker or Harley. Now you don't need to look like someone else, you feel secure enough to just look like yourself.
You use all three boxes, so you'll be sure to have nice coverage. You're scared now, afraid of how you'll look. When your hair is completely dry, you brush it, moving to stand before the mirror, eyes closed.
Taking a deep breath, you open up your eyes. You're smiling even before you notice, and there are some tears in your eyes. Bruce chose the right color because it merges perfectly with the natural color. Running a hand through your hair, you pull it over your shoulders. You're mesmerized by how it looks. You can't wait to show Bruce so you decide to check if he's back already.
Leaving the room, you walk through the house, calling him. But after a while, it's clear he's not here yet.
“Miss Quinzel?” Alfred calls, and you turn to look at him. “Do you need anything?” He raises his eyebrows at you. “That's a nice change, Miss Quinzel.”
“Thank you, Alfred. I was just checking if Bruce was back already.”
“Master Bruce just got back. He's at the... Cave.”
“Follow me, please.”
Alfred guides you through the place, to an office in the back of the house. Then, he moves closer to a clock on the wall, and before you can ask what's he's doing, he pushes it to reveal a hole in the wall. “You can go in, Miss Quinzel, he's down there. Careful with the stairs.”
“Ok.” The stairs are dark, so you squint your eyes to try and see better. They take you to a huge, open area. It's a cave indeed, but it looks like another building underground. You'd never guess this was under the house. “Bruce?” You call him, your voice echoing through the place.
There's a whole lab here and a complete hospital room. On the far left, a gym, with more types of equipments than a normal gym would have.
“I'm here.” Bruce comes from behind a wall, wet hair, still buttoning up his shirt. “How did you get in here?”
“I- I'm sorry. Alfred brought me here, through a hole behind a clock. I didn't know I couldn't–”
“Hey, it's alright.” He walks your way, and his face lights up when he gets closer, and a smile comes to his lips. “You look beautiful.” Bruce takes a strand of hair in his fingers before bringing them to caress your cheek.
“I just dyed it and... I wanted you to see it because I really liked it.”
“That's what matters.” Bruce bends down, and you close your eyes to receive the kiss.
You tiptoe when you feel his lips on yours, surrendering into the kiss and wrapping your arms around his neck. You still can't believe this is real, that Bruce actually wants to kiss you. You can't help but wonder what this is. What's this means... You know how a relationship works. A person can be either single, dating, engaged, or married. Sometimes it's complicated, and maybe that's the best you can get with Bruce. These thoughts make you pull away, breaking the kiss without even noticing.
“Something wrong?” Bruce asks, looking a little confused.
“No, I was just... Thinking... It was nothing.”
“(Y/N), we're supposed, to be honest with each other, remember? If you're not ok with me kissing you like that you just have to say and–”
“No!” You burst out, shaking your head slightly. “Please, that's not it.” The thought of not kissing Bruce is just absurd, unbearable even, that you just cut him off, keeping him close by holding the collar of his shirt. “That's not it but I... I can't tell you.”
“It's about me, then.” He affirms. “The last time you didn't want to tell me something it was about you dreaming of me.” Bruce places a soft, delicate kiss on your lips. “Tell me what's bothering you. Please.”
Taking a deep breath, you step away, turning your back at him. It's easier if you're not looking into his eyes. “My mind is always working, you know. I'm always thinking and... I was just wondering what this is. What we're doing, what we... What we are, you and I.”
“What do you think we are?”
“I wouldn't be asking if I knew, Bruce.” You sound defeated, shy.
“Tell me what you want, then.”
“I can't. Haven't you noticed that this is crazy? Dangerous, even. You're a hero and I'm a villain. And I do want to try and change my position in this but... It's still complicated and I don't want us to be complicated. I'm tired of complicated things.” Bruce moves closer as you speak, so you hide your face in his chest.
“Do you want us to be together? Officially?”
“It's not about what I want, it's about–”
“I want us to be together.” He interrupts, strong arms embracing you. “Now I need to know if you want the same. It's not about me or about you, it's about both of us.”
Be brave, just say it. You just have to say it. “I want to be with you... Like... I want us to have, Uhm... A relationship status? Is it how people call it?”
He giggles, pulling away just enough to raise you face his index finger. His eyes are gentle, calming, and you realize you don't have to be so desperately nervous around him. That you trust him more than you ever thought you could trust anyone. “Do you want to be my girlfriend, (Y/N)?”
Biting your lip to hold back a smile, you nod. The smile comes anyways, but you push yourself forward, tiptoeing to kiss him. This is insane. This is... Real. You thought you'd die in that prison, or in any other, or maybe on an alley after you lost a fight... But this is so much better.
You're still kissing when a beep starts. Rolling your eyes, you pull away and step down, looking at the source of the noise. “Come.” Bruce takes your hand and guides you through the cave, to a high tech computer with six huge screens, a table full of buttons, and a chair. On the screen in the middle, you see what looks like a call. Bruce moves closer to the table and presses a button, and five people appear on the screen. You know them from the news. They're the other superheroes, so you step away just before Bruce connects, so they won't see you.
“Bruce. We have a problem.” The woman says, Wonder Woman. “An alien spaceship is hovering over Washington.”
“They haven't made contact yet, but the ship has several weapons, which I imagine they will use.” It's Superman who speaks this time.
“I never liked that Independence Day movie.” A younger boy mutters, but nobody seems to pay much attention.
“Is anybody in Washington?” Bruce asks.
“Just Clark and I. But the rest is coming too. And we need you.” Wonder Woman answers.
“Alright.” He looks down for a moment before looking at you. “I'll be there.” He says before hanging up.
He seems to be a little sad, but you don't mind that he has to go. It's his job, to protect Gotham and the world. Smiling, you walk over him, placing a kiss on his cheek. “Go get them, Batman. I'll be waiting for you.”
@fionanovasleftnut @glitterypinkkitty @mybabyboytony @chipster-21 @agustdpeach @yaakimoon2 @chloe-skywalker
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cosmicbash · 4 years
Hey, So I'm having a bad week and would really like an outed Kells and Em fic, it could be as angsty or fluffy as you want, I just need a happy ending. A little joy from a situation like that would be really nice right now, Thanks P.S. I've been reading your writing for a while and I think they're really great!! I hope you keep having Inspiration to do so!!!
Sorry I'm so late replying to this!! Ive had a shitty busy week myself and i feel horrible its taken me so long!!
I feel like instagram would be Em and Kelly's downfall. Just because the younger rapper is constantly on it, posting little snippets to interact with his fans, going Live, and of course posting pictures.
Slip ups are inevitable once he and Marshall start spending more and more time together.
Because Colson can't just cut back, when he does that fans start speculating. Questioning why exactly he's suddenly getting more secretive or searching through what he does share with a fine tooth comb to spot a new mystery girlfriend.
So Colson continues posting away on instagram and filming his lives, even when he and Marshall are together. Ignoring the headshakes and looks the older rapper shoots his way everytime he's on live laughing it up.
At first it's awkward, Marshall and him keep alternating who's going to duck into the bathroom or step out for coffee. But eventually they get used to it and comfortable enough that Colson can walk around their hotel room filming while Marshall naps on the couch.
The blonde even gets cheeky enough to start teasing his partner, like snapping photos of their shared brunches, or taking after sex selfies that always get Marshall hiding under the blankets or kicking him.
Really Colson should have seen it coming. You can only fly so close to the sun before you get burned afterall.
The mistakes start piling up soon enough.
Marshall accidentally yelling to ask him something when he's recording a live, Colson walking a bit too close to the couch and flashing the hoodie clad rappers back, the bottom of Marshall's AA necklace in the back of a breakfast shot, and more minor incidents that branch out from there.
At first Colson can just brush the unfamilar voice and thankfully covered up body as one of his assitants or friends. But as soon as that necklace peek gets out the internet does its thing and speculation over a possible collab strikes up.
The assumption being he gave everyone the glimpse on purpose.
Of course he's relieved the public isn't immediately jumping to the crazy possibility of them banging. Even though thats exactly what theyre doing. But him and Marshall AREN'T actually making any music together, and neither of them has publicly squashed their beef. Afterall, what better cover than pretending to still hate eachother?
But now that's all out the window. Colson's lack of an immediate excuse and rapid deletion of the photo just convincing the media their theories are correct.
Paul is of course furious, reaming both of them out over the phone about how they better get on a track together or figure out some new cover. And Diddy, well Diddy rarely comes off his self made throne to speak to Colson, let alone acknowledge most of his success, but the rapper actually does inquire to him about the whole spectacle. And Colson can't help but find himself wishing he had a guy like Paul who knew about them and could just simply yell at him because he still has no idea what to even say.
They settle on quiet ambiguous statements from their labels about how the two of them are working towards mending their beef and that a collaboration isn't exactly out of the question at this moment.
It works. For about a month or two, mostly due to them being apart yet again. The major hype dies down and Colson avoids any and all questions relating to Marshall in his lives and on twitter. The two of them are able to breathe a sigh of relief as temporary as it may be.
Until the next time they make time to see eachother. Colson's got a small charity event in Detroit that he plans on using as an excuse to linger around the city and steal some much needed time with his secret boyfriend.
Of course all eyes are on them yet again, questioning whether the young rapper might also be stopping in to work in some music with his rival.
With paparazzi tailing him more than ever it's impossible for him to just go to Marshall's place like he'd planned. Instead forcing him into renting a suite and wasting most of the day stressing over just how the hell he's supposed to sneak Marshall in with the bastards sitting outside the building like hawks. The other rapper isn't exactly helping either, just sending his usual cryptic texts telling Colson not worry about it but never expanding on what his plan is either.
By the time the blonde finally finishes his busy day and drags himself back to the room he has fully accepted that their rendezvous is not going to happen. Marshall had stopped texting him more than two hours ago and he wasn't about to act even more like a spoiled child by blowing the man's phone up. Colson's just given up. He can't even muster the energy to give the paparazzi outside his hotel more then an annoyed comment about how his life doesn't revolve around collaborations and the finger before slipping inside.
Marshall's presence in his hotel room, already stripped down to his night tee and briefs almost looks like a mirage. But when he shuts the door and crosses the room to bury his face in the other man's neck he smells like ivory soap and that woodsy beard oil the blonde bought him and Colson can't help but hug him closer.
He's so relieved to see him he doesn't even snark back at Marshall's muffled comment that he looks like shit.
The moment is sweet and Colson honestly should have realized it was just the calm before the storm but he's too caught up in complaining about the media and basking in his partner's soft agreements to care.
Before taking off to take his shower he hands Marshall over his phone, suggesting the brunette look through the mess his instragram comment section has become, all the questions and posts he's been tagged in over that little picture and their statements. Because why not? They would inevitably end up laying against eachother in bed scrolling through them all together anyway, at least this way Marshall can get a headstart.
And Marshall does actually swipe through them for a bit, spending more time admiring some of his partners pretty posts than he does reading the never ending stream of comments. The rapper rarely gets on the app himself except to post the occasional merch drop and promo. Social media isn't his forte, and it's not like he could follow Colson's account anyway. Navigating the app and searching for his boyfriends account was too much work when he could just asks for selfies over text.
Thats why when Marshall finishes his browsing and begins backing out of a post back to Colson's homepage he doesn't even care to pay much attention to what he's tapping. The flash of black and loading wheel that lights up the screen completely missed when he tosses it across the bed in lieu of playing around on his own phone.
The livestream he accidentally starts mainly films a blank ceiling through the rest of Colson's shower. The occasional creak and shift on the bed from Marshall's weight and blare of music from his own phones speakers all anyone tuning in can hear.
It doesn't take a brain surgeon for fans to realize the Live has been started unknowingly, but thats not going to stop any of them from filing in.
Maybe if Colson hadn't set his phone to silent the string of text messages might have alerted Marshall to his mistake. But the older rapper relaxes back on the bed less than a foot away blissfully unaware until Colson finally exits the bathroom.
Neither of them notice the phone when Marshall sits up and scoots to the edge of the bed, his body briefly flickering past the frame. They don't see the explosion of comments flying past the screen while they talk and Colson shoves the other man back onto the bed again. Bouncing the phone high enough to almost flip it if fate didn't decide to just scoot it closer to their tangling bodies.
Colson's whole upper body and face is in frame from then on. His cheeks flushed and smile cocky while he straddles his unseen partner. Marshall's fingertips peeking onto the screen where they're tickling the skin covering his ribs.
Its not until after Marshall's sat back up and begun peppering kisses down the front of his throat that he finally catches sight of his half blanket covered phone. An amused accusation about the other rapper trying to sneakily film them prompting Marshall to scoff and reach out for it.
"Probably just the app, shits always opening up to the camera on my phone-"
The rush of comments speeding past the screen and the unmistakeable red dot next to LIVE has Marshall freezing. His wide eyed face fully on screen for 10 seconds before Colson finally pries the phone from his hands to see whats got him so spooked.
Instead of panic, anger is what rushes through Colson's veins. A slew of curses leaving his mouth, before he finally manages to end the live. Phone promptly flying out of his hand against the wall afterwards.
The blonde wants to scream and thrash around. And thats what he does, fingers tearimg at his hair in frustration.
It takes Marshall's fingers softly prying them down for Colson to finally open his eyes again. The utterly terrified look on his partner's face chasing away his residual rage. "Fuck Colson I'm sorry-" its not the first time he's heard Marshall apologize, but it is the first time the man has ever done it while looking so scared of his response.
All the months he'd spent dreaming about his rival making such an expression have nothing on the real thing. And that smug powerful feeling he'd imagined was completely absent now. Just an uncomfortable knot seizing up his chest in it's place.
"I'm not--" his own voice feels tight. Tears threatening to bubble up in his eyes while the reality of the whole situation continues to wash over him. "I'm not mad at you, alright?"
He's mad at the media, at his fans, the rap industry, everything that makes him feel like this little slip up and intimate moment of theirs going viral will ruin their lives.
Colson's sick of hiding who he is and who he's with. Its utter bullshit. Its 2019 for chrissakes, who gives a shit who's banging who? They both make bad ass music either way and liking dick shouldn't change that.
Pushing up off of Marshall, Colson moves to climb off the bed. His hopefully not smashed phone across the room his current focus. But the older rapper snags his wrist and wont let him take more than one step.
And thats when Colson realizes just why Marshall looks so terrified. The man's worried that this is it, that he's going to just leave.
Run away from their problems and abandon the relationship they've been cultivating. Just go full scorched earth.
And that hurts.
So instead the blonde softens his expression and climbs back into bed, onto the other man's lap to hug him tightly. "Fuck Marsh--" He's not about to let the media ruin another relationship. "I love you."
The responding hug is so tight it hurts but Colson doesn't stop. "I fucking love you."
They're falling back onto the bed, legs tangling and Colson's teeth grinding while he rubs his face along the older rapper's shoulder. "I love you"
He doesn't even know what else to say. Now that the words are out it's all his tongue can shape.
"Colson-" Marshall's warm palms are cupping his face, pulling him back so they can stare at eachother
"I love you-" that one hurts the most, maybe because they're eye to eye and just looking at Marshall's soft expression and the possibility of losing it makes him want to crumble. "Please-"
He chokes back a wet sound in the back of his throat before they kiss. Pressing as close as he can, practically trying to glue their mouths together permanently.
Marshall's afraid to lose him just as much. They're idiots for ever thinking it might be a possibilility.
The media can get blown, and so can the industry and their so called fans. The cats out of the bag now and theirs no turning back. If they don't like them together than tough shit. They've both dragged themselves up out of the pits before, this will be no different.
Except, this time they have eachother to lean on.
"I love you to you cornball."
(((Ffffff this sat in my drafts cuz I got distracted by work and life. Im so fucking sorry anon!!!)))
((Also! Thank you anon! For the compliments! Im glad you enjoy my works!))
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