#also im glad youre still drawing even if you dont share it !
I know this may be random, but do you watch kaguya sama: love is war? Or atleast know all four openings of it? Cause oh boy, let me tell you I connected the openings with RyuDai, ShinaDai, MineDai, and MasaDai.
This is from the same anon who's shy in sharing my art, but thankful to you for giving me motivation to continue improving my art, as well as the same anon who dragged my sibling to rgg. Update, they love Onomichio, they will literally say goodbye to me in Onomichio style with all the motion, pose, and intonation of voice, like they will seriously greet someone in Onomichio style this is not a joke.
i dont know a single thing about kaguya sama im so sorry anon </3
but thats so cute your sibling's obsessed with ono michio- like if theres one thing to become obsessed with from rgg im so glad its that thats so wholesome :')
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ganondoodle · 4 months
I just wanna say firstly that i adore your artwork and takes6on Zelda in general! Secondly, much as I wish you never had to deal with the frustrations of creating (especially when you tack on the stress of being on any kind of social platform), I'm glad you talk about your struggle. I've heard people talk about art block every day since I learned what Art was, but nobody ever mentioned "painting oneself into a corner". It's such an apt description that is so infuriatingly relatable that I had to stop eating to thank you for putting it into words. I really appreciate that you're willing to talk about your setbacks in a place like Tumblr, and still share your arts and thoughts. All the best from US of hellscape A, i hope you're doing well.
Thank you!
i used to call it artblock as well, its the most normalized term i guess; i randomly started calling it painting myself into a corner when i got stuck or frustrated on a painting bc welll, it sure feels like it, you painted the walls all around you and dont know how to get out now
it usually happens when i stop having fun and just draw what i want and instead keep subconsciously forcing myself into arbitrary rules; in my case its usually trying to be too perfect, i try to adhere to the sketch, i try to make every block of color have a perfectly clean edge, separate the drawing into way too many layers and am afraid to delete or erase anything, i tense up my whole body as frustration builds bc of impatience as this method of painting does not work for me at all and in the end lose motivation on it all and my nerves are stretched thin (i work best when i think as little as possible, just kinda loosely letting my hand do what it wants on few layers and no specific plan, after losing that its hard to get it back)
having those low moments with your art is normal as your skill grows, but even knowing so, and having gone through it countless times, it never stops making you feel like shit, and its especially frustrating when it happens when you just got enough time to work on stuff or have alot of ideas but you cant get it to work
(and funnily enough it also tends to happen after another work of mine got more attention than i thought .. even worse when it was just a sketch bc now i got the pressure on me to actually finish it and the fear of it doing worse once done looms over the whole thing- which doesnt mean i dont want people to interact with my wips, bc that also has an extremely demotivating factor to it bc it makes me think no one cares or it sucks and doesnt deserve the time i would need to spend on finishing it; also .. alot of my wips stay wips forever, which is fine, but like .. you cant always expect a finished tm version to happen)
i do find it a little funny you praise me for talking openly about it bc i am notoriously unable to shut up ever and only recently got better at NOT talking as much about it when i feel as shitty as this bc it doesnt really help anyone and gets annoying really fast xD (im also notoriously unable to not post absolutely everything bc i got no one to show it to and otherwise it will just collect dust on my harddrive so i might as well throw it out there no matter how much i might hate it, someone else might still enjoy it anyway)
and greetings back from the -not really much less of a hellscape- that is germany o/
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finanah · 9 months
akito shinonome fluff alphabet !! akito x reader
ok umm ermm i dont like the heizou smau and unfortunately my genshin rephase has ended so ill probably not touch it at all ermm i dont think anyone cares so its ok >_<!! the divder is so fat guys pls someone send me a like smaller one i can save on my PHONE bc my pc is still broken help
not enough akito stuff under the akito tag so here i am
contents = mentions of heavier bleeding in the “injuries” part, no other warnings
i tried not to specify reader too much guys woohoo not proofread idk the wordcount
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
i feel like akito would like seeing you when you’re passionate about a hobby or dream, especially since he does the same. However if you don’t have any, maybe just your excitement for anything materialistic that you might like.
if you’re also someone who enjoys music and singing like he does, he’d probably admire that over everything.
great minds think alike!
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
ok i actually have no idea help..
i would guess either your hands, your waist or lips
lips in a more romantic way, hes a touch starved guy so something as intimate as a kiss 100% has him giggling
you know that totally hot thing some guys do when they walk past you?? like the doorway doesnt have that much space and he just slightly moves you by your waist its so akskj i feel like hed do that n likes seeing your reactions out of it
i like waists too so i dont see why anyone WOULDNT like them.. i mean during hugging, back hugs, tickling etc i just think theyre nice and i feel like he would too
hands bc it’s satisfying to see you do literally anything.. holding the microphone, writing, the feeling when u play with his hair or draw circles on his back when you cuddle (idc hes SO small spoon coded) he just likes the feeling of it
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
if you’re like me and hug anyone and everyone he would be SICKK of you and enjoy it
he’d be embarrassed, totally
hes not a fan of pda, since whenever he sees a lovey dovey couple in public he gets irked by it but when hes the lovey dovey couple in public hes embarrassed
i mean as long as you’re not all hot and steamy in public i think hugs should be allowed!!
indoors hes a cuddlebag 100%
he likes being little spoon, or just laying on you as long as it doesnt crush you
but if you’re tired, or just want him to hold you he’d never refuse either, hes like.. 60/40?
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
if you go out anywhere, its a store that includes sweet shit cuz this guys sweet tooth is insane
if you have one too, its either he’s glad you share tastes OR you’re fighting over the last piece of cake
he’d really like indoor dates too, like where you just cuddle and watch movies
im sure hed like themeparks too, even tho im not sure if he enjoys wild rides like that i think hed just love the fun atmosphere
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
i think hes the type of guy who doesn’t like feeling vulnerable, but when he does let it out and you react in a more caring way than he expected, he’d loosen up a little.
hes such a cutie too, if something is on his mind he’d tell you in a blunt but monotone way, like in a way where it wouldn’t hurt you? it may still hurt you but he tries..
im not sure if he’d cry around you, in the first couple months of getting used to being in an established relationship, maybe he’d keep it a little more private (hes scared that you’ll think hes a wimp)
but once he gets used to you, and is sure you wont point and ridicule him for showing any type of emotion, you’re gonna be his safespace and anytime hes mad at someone its a gossip session
i want to bite him so badhes such a cufie
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
ok so im not entirely sure if he wants kids, he would 100% marry you definitely but will look out if you want to pursue your dreams (if you have any) like he does, and if you do he doesn’t want your kids to be neglected, neither for you to tire yourself out by doing both of those things
and if hes aware of the terrifying package that comes with pregnancy, both during and after i think he’d let you fully decide on wether you’re having kids
i still think that he’d love the idea of two kids, one boy one girl since he grew up with a sister. he thinks that despite the little fights he has with ena, he loves her and knows that they look out for eachother
he wouldnt mind having less either (for your health probably) or having two girls or two boys, the idea of having a little version of him and you running around is enough
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
in the beginning of the relationship, he observes
hes outspoken but i dont think (i doubt) that hes ever been in a relationship and is probably a newbie at it, so he just speculates on what you like, what your hobbies are, how you feel about things etc so he doesn’t hurt you and knows what to order/buy for you when you go out
its very heartwarming, he likes seeing your reactions when you recieve the very thing you’ve been eyeing but never had the time to get from him all like “how did you know?!” and by this you’re just boosting his ego
whenever you reach a goal, or pass a test he would (very discreetly) give you a kiss on the cheek or forehead if he doesn’t have anything on him, a peck or a snack for a small milestone!
but if its something insane like, getting into your dream school, debuting, or anything important hed take you out as like a little celebration
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
he loves it, and he doesnt
he loves doing it when you’re alone or when no one can notice, like under the table, in your pockets (more obvious but he doesnt realize) holding his pinky, etc
if someone points it out hes pulling away so fast LMAO
if you keep his hand in place and not let him pull away hes just gonna sit there with a red face saying “oh yeah…” and completely ignore any of the comments
in private, hes holding your hand all the time
like if you’re the small spoon for once, and end up falling asleep hed hold your hand and fall asleep on his own
hand holding is something that one of you has to initiate in some .. discreet way.. hes too embarrassed lol but if you show no sign of making the move he’ll force himself eventually (he wants to hold your hand too bad)
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
if its something minor like a paper cut, hes gonna call you clumsy and dumb .. though if its like a super deep one and youre genuinely in pain hes sweating buckets
“seriously, how do you even get a papercut..”
if you like.. break a bone, or get a BAD injury hes on the verge of tears
like, hes so worried its kinda funny. hed be checking up on you 24/7 and get you little snacks
his schedule is tight but will stretch it out just so he can know you’re okay, but if its like an injury where you somehow got a deep cut and youre bleeding like crazy (while hes there) he suddenly has all medical knowledge
to sum it up, hed be worried regardless and tend to whatever injury you have
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
i don’t see him as much of a prankster, but he would probably tease you alot. like, if you’re in gym class and absolutely cannot do it anymore hes gonna tease you for it and call you a slowpoke
i don’t think hed go too far, he’d just make little harmless comments to rile you up for fun
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
hes touch starved and i doubt that his love language is physical affection, tho he does like holding you his primary love language would be quality time and acts of service
i can see him being all of them tbh, like words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service and gift giving is just so him, the physical touch too.. hes just everything i love him
if you’re upset, he’d make you some food, scoop you up and reassure you and just hear you out (if the setting is right lol) hes just such a cutie
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
i think ill have to be vague with this one because this is more like akito x reader where i dont wanna specify anything about reader and akito.. like the imagination is up to u
but if anything, if you’re like past the marriage line, his favorite memory would be the day you got married and your honeymoon, i mean.. its marriage what do you excpect
if you’re also someone with a singing career like him, he’d love all the times you two practiced eachothers lines and choreographies. he just loves the idea of sharing a similar dream to someone as close as you
he loves all the minor memories too, whenever you two cuddle, whenever you reassure him, whenever hes reminded that you see him as your safespace etc
he just likes the entire memory of you
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
ill specify this as a nightmare inside the relationship circle, since i think this is what would apply in this alphabet
hes scared of hurting you in a way where you’ll see him in a bad light forever and would never want to even be on his radar
he hates the idea of being a source to your problems, it makes him sorta insecure that if he just didn’t exist, you’d probably be happier
in general, hes scared of being the reason of loosing you and just hurting you to such a degree
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
his specified addiction to cheesecake and pancakes lol.. or that he can’t own up to his feelings and just denies any confrontation about them
he likes playing with your hair, and theres just something about anything that you own that makes it super fun to use
like if hes taking a shower at your place and just looks at the shampoos you have, he’s totally using them
like not in a weird way, its just the thought that “whats so special about it?? let me just..”
like he just thinks anything yours is sacred (he has multiple hairties of yours and keeps them on his wrist)
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
im sorry i cant see this guy using petnames.. like maybe “dumbass” or just anything teasing but its just generally your name.. unless you ask him to use a nickname or just something people call you hed do it
i just dont see him using darling, cutie or princess.. its corny imo
you guys to yourselves, if you see him saying that thats u.. its just such an ick for me
i can KINDA see him using babe, since its kinda common (i dont see him using baby) and slightly sweetheart maybe idk
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
he loves it, he lives for it, it might be a little difficult to spend time together since his schedule is all messy but during school time or keeping him company while hes training is something he likes
he might be pent up and a little angry during some training sessions, and MIGHT say something mean without paying attention
if you get angry at him for it, he would just not notice and brush it off (during the moment) but would realize what he did and apologize when hes calmed down
this is a more personal hc but if you continue to ignore him and do NOT wanna speak to him bc umm why are you taking your anger out on ME??? he would have to corner you and beg for you to stop ignoring him
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
if you write songs and sing etc, obviously your songs since they have your voice in them
he mightttt make a song abt u, or just make a spotify playlist with songs that remind him of you
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
he’d be pretty open after awhile of being with you but miscommunication would be quite a problem regardless, especially in the beginning
he’d be a little shy of telling you too much, so when hes comfortable he would tell you most of the things he has on his mind
basically he just needs time to open up
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
id be SCARED of this guy so on a personal perspective it would take me AWHILEEE to even talk to him.. + id confess over text cuz im not going thru the embarrassment
if you’re friends and you somehow find out from a few interrogations that he has smth for you, confessing wouldnt be a problem
i feel like he would also maybe confess.. im not sure, it would take him awhile tho cuz.. tsundere
anyway, i think like if you’ve been friends for awhile PROBABLYY like a year.. unless you’re bold!! if you just met like as 1st years and liked him in 2nd it purely depends on how good your relationship is
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
this totally depends on the type of upset person you are, so if youre more like “angry do not talk to me i hate you get away” type of upset, but still want him to relentlessly chase after you for forgiveness (am i toxic..oops) he’d probably have to figure out that you’re this way, like hed think just an apology would cut it but would realize hes VERY wrong
i dont see him being the chasing after you type, but his soft spot for you would force him to since he misses you too much
if youre a more reasonably upset person, he would apologize and take you out maybe.. as i mentioned he doesnt like being a source of you being sad or angry, so hes gonna try his best
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
he’s not the showing off type, but if youre like for an example exceptionally pretty or talented at something, he’d babble and babble on about it
like how nice your hair is, how clear your skin is, how you’re practically glowing next to him, how good your grades are, how good you are at a type of sport, how organized you are.. literally anything that his little observation duty got out of you
vbs and the sekailoids are sick of him, and he gets embarrassed when confronted about how much he talks about you (he notices how much he talks about you but just cant stop)
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
he doesn’t want you to fight for anything, like in a perspective where youre battling against something alone. he wants to be there for you and with you
he wants you to know that he’ll be there for you regardless of how different your dreams are, he wants to support you!!
in conclusion, he would fight beside you if its about your dreams, and would fight for you if its something like bullying
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
he can’t read you fully, but he knows more than you’d think he does
ive said it like thrice LOL but this man is observant!!! he knows what you like and what you dont, your preferences and can already guess what you would choose in a store or public setting
in conclusion!!!! he can’t fully read how you feel, but he hes definitely better at it than the majority of people
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
if you want it super fancy, he’d try his best to make it in a more luxurious way so it fits your taste
before proposing, it would take him a few months to fully study how you would like it, if you want it expensive or just more thoughtful
based on the person he is and the type of person he would like, he’d do it purely all with love, yes.. no 3 million diamond ring with 1000 roses on a yacht
he would also like someone who isnt too high class, so a ring is a ring, he’d do it on a place where its super pretty (example like a mountain with a breath taking view) or the beach at night!! he wants to propose in private because he doesn’t dig public exposure of something so intimate
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
whenever you two cuddle and theres some music in the backround.
he loves your presence and anytime you’re cuddling while he sleeps, hes just so comfortable and calm
he likes off-school mornings where you two had a sleepover too!! he just wakes up happy
whenever you two watch a movie under a kotatsu with some snacks!!
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this is very long!! but its also the whole fluff alphabet lol.. i dont this think is ooc tbh maybe the “begging for forgiveness” part but its probably more accurate than not
plz no steal inspo is ok with creds @finanah2024
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uselessmicrowave · 1 year
HII i was the anon asking for a matchup hehe (both bots and cons, literally anyone) im just so interested and excited abt the matchup since its my first time doing one :DDD
Im quite short, around (5'6), i have a darker shade of green eyes (w long lashes) and long black hair with pink highlights that end around my mid back, (it's quite curly too); im very pale, and i mean "the first time they see me they tell me im a vampire" kind of pale, i have plump lips that are pink, kinda like a blushy pink! I have an ear piercing, and some snakebites, tho it's not pierced, its those ones where you can hook them on, ive also got a thing for silver rings (one is vine like and the other is a silver snake that goes up halfway on my pointer finger [i love snakes]; on my right hand tho is a single gold ring)
On how i dress, i usually do not give any fucks- literally, i just throw anything on (my usual fit is a black shirt, and some soft pants)
I'm an INTP (for some reference since i really suck at describing things) Me as i describe myself, am a very quiet person, quiet as in "my friends forgot i was in the backseat" kind of quiet, im usually a homebody, literally, another reason why i get called a vampire is that i hate sunlight, alot, i dont like going out as much as my friends do, since i hate loud and public places tho i would really be down to hangout with them whenever. I always keep to myself and refrain from ever speaking out, always observing, and just listening; but when i get closer to someone and get to know them more i usually get loud and very talkative. Even tho im always patient doesn't mean i wouldn't punch someone if they mess w me or my friends, as i could really have a high temper; on a side note, im very patient! Really im not even kidding i literally put up with someone's shit for 3 years and still going.
Hobbies or things i generally like/ like to do is art!! Mostly digital art, you'll always see me with my tablet everywhere i go, and i rarely share them as i have absolutely zero confidence, i also love to read! (Fav being tolkien books, both LoTR and TH) i also write my own stories and could be so into world building, its taking me 3 years to actually build my world properly. I love music like its not even funny; aside from seeing me w my tablet, i guarantee you'll always see me wearing earphones and jamming, im a sucker for roadtrips while i gaze outside just daydreaming and forgetting about reality (im a hardcore daydreamer). I really dont have a certain music taste since i just play whatever sounds good!!
Hello anon! I’ll match you up with TFA Prowl!
Prowl is fascinated by your piercings. How do you get one? Does it cause daily issues? How do you take care of them? What are the other kinds (He'll keep these questions to himself though, but he will encourage you if you start rambling about it or want to talk about it)?
He's also very quiet compared to the other bots, and he'd prefer to have a 'home date' or just hang out with you somewhere outside in a quiet and shady area.
Prowl is glad you get talkative when you two are alone, because he really won't speak up about anything unless it's dire or bothering him an insane amount.
He is very interested in your digital art process, he'd love to watch you draw if you'd let him.
You'll have to introduce you to your favorite authors and books if you want him to understand a specific reference/joke.
He's amazed that you had taken three years to... make a world? He doesn't completely understand but, tell him about it, please, he'd love to hear about it.
If he sees you wearing headphones/earbuds, he'll ask what song or what artist you're listening to, especially if you look like you're enjoying it.
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6kuros · 2 years
As a fellow creator who is also disturbed and upset by the revelation of pizza tower being a product of 4chan type people, I'm wondering how you handle it? I still want to draw fan art but Im struggling to not get uncomfortable. Basically, I have both love and hate for the game now, and you seem like a cool person so Im wondering how you deal with that. Love your pizza tower fan art sm btw!
im really glad that you enjoy my art, and also am flattered you think im cool!!!
first of all, id like to mention that the art i posted just now was art that i had finished last night, before everything about mcpig came to light and i just wanted to post it since i already had it done…still unsure if im going to draw consistent pizza tower in the future honestly, id like to because its a lot of fun and i really do love a lot about the game. ideally, the current situation would change somehow so i can do that without any discomfort for myself or others, but the only way i foresee that happening is if the devs actually remove the racist shit from the game
what makes me feel (kind of) okay about producing fanart for the game despite what emerged is mostly the fact that as long as i am not reproducing the harmful contents of the game, nor directly supporting the people behind it, im not putting any harm into the world or perpetuating the 4chan stuff i guess? the only thing im really worried about is possibly getting people to want to buy the game by putting my fanart out there, but considering the games popularity from streaming and youtube videos i dont see my own art as contributing to that much. that makes it easier for me not to feel unsettled when i draw fanart for it, but i think that depends on how you view the relationship between fanart and source material, especially in an interactive space like the internet. if you think your art risks sending the message that you approve of negative aspects of a piece of media then its probably better not to share that art
theres also the fact that from the messages that were revealed i get the impression that at some point mcpig had a sort of disdain for "cringe leftists" being fans of the game i guess, and i would consider myself someone who he would/would have found cringe at one point lol. so by being into the game its kind of a fuck you idc that you hate me, this thing you made is being enjoyed by cringe leftists. considering the tone of some of the messages was "if people get mad at me im just going to be edgy in response" i dont even think disengaging with the game would even bother him at all. but all of that is really just speculation and i dont want to insinuate that engaging with bigoted media is proactive just because you are a marginalized person or have progressive politics. its important to actually weigh the harm of your actions and what effect you have with your consumption of said media i dont really know if thats a good answer though, and if it holds up to any sort of moral judgement. i do think its possible to enjoy problematic media, but considering how new the game is its not the kind of thing i can look at and be like "this piece of media is from x years ago and doesnt do real harm now". my worst fear is that there are pizza tower fans who are going to see the awful shit in the game and replicate it, bc the game somehow makes them thinks theres nothing wrong with it or that they can do so without consequence. just from a scope of the fandom there seem to be a lot of young teenagers so Yeah. im concerned in that regard and id like to beam a message into kids' brains thats just like Hey this character design/behavior fucking sucks Dont do this
so, by posting my art anyway i hope i can contribute to a portion of the fanbase that is outwardly against the bigoted content in the game, as an alternative to mcpig dick riders/defenders. and if there are any fans out there involved in the community who dont know better, hopefully they can learn, and avoid perpetuating bigotry
all that being said, your feelings on the matter may be very different, and you dont have to abide to any of this thinking. if a piece of media is upsetting you, its okay to step away from it as long as you need. maybe see how you feel when you come back to it and if the hateful feelings are still there, there is no obligation to engage further
(and as a bottom line if anybody reading this is considering playing pizza tower i suggest you pirate it instead of paying for it)
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aztarion · 7 months
Happy Valentine’s Day, lovely person 🌹
It’s been wonderful to see your art! I really love how you draw Mason and your style in general and am looking forward to seeing more of your art!
Here’s a romance-themed OC question for any OC(s) of your choosing (no pressure to answer on Valentine’s day itself, or at all):
What combination of random objects would your OC use to describe their LI? What do they represent? Bonus question: What would their LI use to describe them?
im sorry i didnt get to this earlier, i was waiting to be more awake but im literally getting worse LOL. but it made me so happy ;_; thank you thank you thank you, for being far too kind abt my art 😭 im so fuckingglad i finally got a tablet during my crazy ass wayhaven renaissance because there could not be a sweeter group of people to share stuff with 🫂♥️
for the oc ask… well i just gotta do dev/mason theyre in my minds microwave 24/7 rn (hope the ceiling fan falls on them btw)
some of this is a bit more association than true description of character bc i could go on forever listing stuff for both of them.. but for dev w mason it would be two big things at their current standstill:
- marlboro reds; her favourite — she is in the middle of quitting smoking in book 1 so him constantly lighting up with her cigs of choice, as well as just being rude and grating on her already thin nerves, drove her barking mad insane. by book 2 she is floundering hard and asks for one after he shows up at the station. when he says no and that she’s supposed to be quitting she gets a bit pissed and makes him put out smokes anytime thereafter out of pettiness. also reds…… strong, numbingly intense, addictive, etc. sums up the early stages of their arrangement :D
- definitely the wolf cub from the carnival game! deva is hugely sentimental (to a concerning degree — she is a hoarder yay disaster apartment option) though would never admit to it. she still keeps raggedy decades old stuffed animals from when rook was around that she just cannot say goodbye to 🤦‍♀️ and she refuses to let herself get attached to mason on any meaningful emotional level so those budding feelings in book 3 kind of manifest on the wolf cub without her realizing it (i was so glad there’s a little part abt the detective saving their carnival prize after the apartment gets flooded because Very Deva, that thang is her whole support network) (plus when mason inevitably bails during the night she has smth to cuddle because objects dont leave no sir . Rebecca get this girl a therapist)
- and one smaller thing im still playing w is red jasper crystal 🙇🏻‍♀️
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maybe she sees them in the crystal store. I colour pick from these when i draw him LOL
for mason wrt deva — not an object but just straight up chaos tbh. at where they are in book 3 i imagine every time he sees the detective his brain is going question mark question mark. and hes definitely not sentimental in the way Dev is that certain objects would have any sort of emotional stir in reminding him of her. mason definitely goes more on how she makes him feel; really fucking good, really fucking confused, really fucking messy (like her apartment which he HAAAAATES), and on a few occasions now… weirdly serene. cant make sense of it; doesnt even understand why hes bothering TRYING to make sense of it but here he is and it’s happening and it has never happened before and THAT is probably the best way he could encapsulate her at this point in their relationship… other than, yknow, encapsulating in other ways 🫢
ty so much for sending this and sorry for sleepy rambling!!!! AND COME OFF ANON LET ME DRAW SMTH FOR YOU♥️♥️♥️
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irotinmyroom · 3 months
Could u tell me more about Mason aka your creepypasta oc?? They seem interesting-
IM GLAD HE SEEMS INTERESTING!! i pretty much just made him (and i havent fully perfected his story yet) but ill just put some things about him here!! i'll probably make a big post later explaining his story, like i did with my other oc elias which you can find here (i dont rlly like the art on that post anymore so dont judge!!!!)
ANYWAYS starting off, he's practically a ghost, or some paranormal entity (haven't really decided yet and a ghost sounds too cliche to me) and he kinda just aimlessly wanders around the forest, not really able to accept that he's actually dead.
i'm not gonna get tooo in depth with the story cause i havent really figured out the full story yet, but the basic premise is that before his death, he was a pretty socially awkward kid, and didn't really fit in much at school, but he still enjoyed it either way!! he had (and mostly still does) a strong love for photography, human nature, wildlife and SCIENCE!! in his science class specifically, he met this guy named cole, and they bonded over their shared liking of science. cole was quite popular, and practically led him on (knowing that mason started developing feelings for him) leading to his eventual death. (will elaborate on that in the post i make later on when i figure stuff out!) after his death, he got revenge on bro!! leading to him wandering around in the forest which he died in and soon finding slenderman, and slenderman taking him in as a 'proxy'!!! (i have a type(?) (kinda) of a slendermansion au) though he still lives in the forest, not really.. remembering much of that specific encounter, causing him to get lost a LOT.
FUN FACTS ABOUT HIM CAUSE!!! needs to be included
favorite animal is foxes!! his favorite flower is sunflowers, and he LOVESSS statues!!! he also really enjoys writing and literature in general! (he has a very big vocabulary!!!)
he has a unilateral incomplete cleft lip, which im not very good at drawing, but its there! also freckles spread across his nose and cheeks, and he also has heterochromia. (green and brown!!) his nose pretty much constantly bleeds, he WOULD be that kid in class that has to go to the bathroom/nurse for a bloody nose daily.
in his post-death form, he has a huge messy hole/gash in the side of his stomach, as well as a similar one on his left calf that expands onto the front of his leg a bit. he's semi-transparent with his form taking on a green-ish tint!
he has a hard time seeing things up close, so he occasionally will wear glasses, although rarely.. another little small detail is that he found a tube of mascara in the woods once and curiously just kinda.. put it on and has been wearing it ever since, even though its so messy due to how he just goes for it and CANT CLEAN OFF HIS FACE!! the fact that he probably smells like burning leaves is another thing i put in my notes app 4 some reason but you get the vision
something i was thinking about and jotted down in my notes app about him is that if he was a type of painting (in his post-death form) he'd be a messy, soft watercolor with sharp and ragged lineart (if that makes sense?) and also with types of art, i feel like he'd be performance art. just a thought i had that i thought was rlly cool!!
tldr i love my oc!!!! thank you for the ask, anon!! sorry about this being super long and also kinda hard to understand, but i promise ill make it easier to read whenever i do make a big post about him!! thank u for reading
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kosmicdream · 1 year
Well, Chapter 6 of Nasty red Dogs is finally complete. This chapter took about a year to make and it was one of the hardest chapters to make. A lot of factors played into this, but probably the hardest one was my day job making the whole process much slower. This meant that there was a lot more time for me to sit and think, sometimes this was a benefit, but in general I am a massive over-thinker, so that dragged down a lot of my enjoyment of the process as I kept over analyzing all my choices. 
But, it wasn’t just chapter 6 that was tough. For a while, i have been struggling with Nasty Red Dogs. This isn’t a surprise, its something i face with every long-term project and it makes sense that I would hit that moment at some point. NRD is 5 years old now and while its getting closer to being complete, we still have a few more chapters to go. My process for it is much slower, so a single chapter can end up taking a long time. Still, this past chapter was both the longest in length for a NRD chapter and also took the longest to make, so it was a very tedious process.
I have dont a lot more writing and rewriting than I normally would do, and while I don’t consider myself much of a perfectionist, it was really starting to creep back in my mind in a way I haven’t experienced in years, but more so targeting my writing than anything. I also got very critical over my drawings, but I have felt that way outside of NRD too. I am still very proud of the end result of this chapter, but I don’t think im out of the storm yet. It took years for me to refind my footing with FFAK and Eggshells, but I eventually got there and both projects, and I, got stronger for it. I expect that to happen here too, its just pretty draining and difficult. Regardless of the struggle, I am glad that it’s bringing deep feelings like that out of me because I feel like that’s the whole point of trying to make something that takes so many years to finish, cuz it really creates a situation where you are having to challenge your own personal demons on a mundane, daily level and sorting through those feelings. I don’t really know if the story is going to end up “good” or even how i want it to, but I know I’ve changed from it as an artist, and that already makes it invaluable to my journey to make great stories, which has always been my deepest dream to do on this planet.
That being said, I need a break from NRD to rebuild my stamina again. As I said, we’re nearing the end of the story.. But not quite there. I do expect there to be at least 3 more chapters, but considering how I originally planned for Chapter 5 & Chapter 6 to be a single chapter, that could change. It is still all written though, and has been, but pacing the scenes often changes as I’m actually “on the set” and “directing” the moments. While NRD is on hiatus, I will be returning to FFAK, which I have been pretty desperate to return to as I’ve been looking forward to ARC2 for literally years. I also know ARC2 of FFAK is tremendously long, possibly 4x longer in length than all of NRD (my expected length of ARC2 is around 4k or 5k pages).. So Of course, i get anxious when I’m not drawing it for too long. As I mentioned before, I already kinda got through a really huge block with FFAK that took years to address & heal from and I’m very happy to say that I’m in a great place with the project again, in a way that i haven’t felt in years (even if it still feels very different and new.) So returning to it makes me tremendously happy, which I will need to be in high spirits to feel like I can tackle the next NRD chapter. Anyway, I just wanted to share some of my thoughts on this past chapter and as always- thanks for reading my comics. Every day, Its the first thing i check are comments on them and it is always the last thing i do before sleeping. They are always on my mind, but also so are the readers, and I want to deliver my story to those who are willing to listen to them. -kosmic
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meruz · 2 years
im gonna reply to some asks but not that many bc the last time i tried to type up one of these posts i accidentally closed the tab and lost like several paragraphs so now im scared
lots of heavypaint questions
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its the fan tool on heavypaint!! which is a free drawing app that i love a lot. and the fan tool is my fave its kind of a crutch actually im trying to use other tools gkfdhgsdg but its so fun i can do a whole painting using it exclusively. heres a video of it in action while i mess w the configuration options. u can slide the noise jitter up and down so its more or less streaky hehe ^^
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thank you!!! heavypaint ROCKS!!!!! I love it... its like the only art program ill be a shameless shill for lol
also im flattered you think of my art while playing splat...i should draw more splat i feel like i havent done enough.
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my phone!! I have a samsung galaxy note 20 that I am still not done paying off LMAO.... but I've been a galaxy note user for years. combined with heavypaint its a shockingly good mobile sketchbook.
I'm sorry it's crashing on your tablet... I don't have a tablet so I don't really have an advice. Unfortunately because HP is a small dev app it can be kind of finicky... especially in between updates. I think if you reached out to vaughn ling/heavypoly he'd probably respond though! he seems to keep up with the community pretty well.
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@hellisrealsign nice nice.. I'm glad our tastes match up a little! hopefully that means you don't mind my frequent fandom jumping LOL. I promise to always be true to my homestuck-loving infinity-train-loving self.
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idk is it worth it to read any shounen manga for female side characters?????? (??) HEAVILY DEBATABLE. on one hand the casual observer would say no but on the other hand femslash shippers are the strongest people on god's green earth and will endure great tortures for paltry table scraps.
I think mha is a good manga but it's still a shounen, some of the tropes they squeeze the girls into kind of suck. I can kind of put my annoyance aside because regardless im still a big fan of cool fight scenes and the power of friendship but I think your mileage will vary depending on how much tolerance you have for that kind of story...? There's an awful lot of chapters afterall. I will say this: though toga and ochako aren't the main characters they're not in the background either. the path of their relationship spans multiple arcs across the entire manga and is both plot relevant and relevant to the greater themes/thesis of the story. it's pretty clear that the mangaka and editorial team are dedicated to giving these characters the time and page space to play out. it's not perfect but thats better than a decent amount of big shounen femslash in my opinion? shrugs
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Thank you! for both the compliments and the concern. but I want to assure you that... to be perfectly honest I don't think I'll ever stop posting my art regardless of AI. I don't want to make this into a hot take like this is an entirely personal opinion and I don't expect any other artists to share my position but: Everything about my art that I consider valuable is inherently impossible for AI to replicate and everything about my art that is replicable and monetizable is not something I'm interested in owning or protecting. (this is also why at the end of the day i dont really care that much about art theft, tracing etc. and i think 90% of the time style theft is just silly)
I believe art should be freely shared and to restrict that is to make art into a product which is morally despicable and moreover uninteresting... to me. lol. I DO RECOGNIZE HOWEVER I'm very lucky to have both more of an online audience than I even want + a fulltime job that takes the pressure off any of my other art to make money. it's totally valid for other artists to have differing opinions on this especially depending on personal circumstances. AND also I make art that is primarily a product above all else for work everyday so im a hypocrite but. yeah thats my two cents.
I love posting art online LOL. I do it because its fun for me.
HAPPY NEAR YEAR!!!!!!!!!11111111
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gomzdrawfr · 6 months
Hi! I was wondering if I should send this non-anon or not, but preferred to keep my identity a secret, I guess.
Dunno why but felt like saying this after seeing your posts. I was once a shipper in the fandom, liking both canon x canon and canon x oc ships, until I saw something that made me uncomfortable with the first of the two. That is until I've reached your account.
Sure, I was cautious with ship content (not that I'm saying it's a bad thing. Just made me kinda uncomfortable after that incident) but when I let my guard down and saw some of your posts, I realized that maybe not every shipper is as....uh...y'know the type of people I'm talking about right?
All I'm saying is...thank you. Because of your adorable posts (and the balance of both types of ships [canonxcanon and ocxcanon. I love PriceRaven so much istg]), I tried to look for artists like you. Thanks to you, I can also go and try to find artists similar to yours in context of shipping. And I did and I did not regret it (even if I don't ship anymore, but it was delightful to see the things people create now that I've...healed from it?).
I'm still trying to be careful in the fandom with the things going on. But seriously though, thanks a lot! If there's one thing this fandom needs is people like you. Ones who don't cause a fuss and also knows boundaries when shipping as well. No hate, no discomfort. If people say otherwise and hate on you because of shipping content, damn them. They should be grateful if anything as you did nothing wrong and just wanted to create what you wish.
Anyway, sorry for the long ask (end up ranting. Sorry bout that). But yeah, hope you have a great day! Maybe one day, if you allow me, I could sketch out Raven? If it's alright with you.
Thank you again!
hi!! thank you for the ask and hey no worries, you're welcome to rant in my ask or share your experience
Im sorry for what you went through, fandom often do come with its uhhh moments to say the least, im glad you've healed from it and is able to enjoy things the way they are at your own pace
its definitely good to curate your own space, adjust your settings and block out on things that are uncomfortable, even though there are still some things that will definitely pop up despite the cautious measures, but hey! shit happens and the most important thing is to understand that you're not alone in this, and take a rest from the media once in awhile
Im actually really touched that you find my page a nice place to visit ((yes PriceRaven is like my bread and butter I cant live without them and will yap about them forever)) which also lead you to other artists!
im straightforward, Im okay with almost anything interest wise in the fandom (ships/dynamic/fics genre etc), if im not okay with it i'll just move on or mute/block certain words, simple as it should be.
Although people do find my angst stuff "threatening" LMAO but eh im over it pft if they dont like it then its fine let them be
as the saying goes "no matter how perfect the apple is, someone will still hate it" so fuck it yk, it is what it is (my life motto and also blog's motto HAHA)
Thank you for your message though, Im really grateful for it and im genuinely happy, enjoy your stay here
AND OFC YOU CAN DRAW MY OC RAVEN!! FEEL FREE TO SEND IT TO ME ONCE YOU DID :D (take your time ofc dont mind the excited goofball i am)
have a good day as well!!
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hiddenjam · 2 years
Some help for my mom - UPDATED
Hello friends, you probably don’t know who I am since I haven’t been active here from years, and I rarely post anything, some of you even messaged me wondering if I was still alive, I'm so sorry if I ever worried anyone, I'm alive! I just don’t have time and motivation to be active these days, thanks a lot for you lovely persons who dmed me tho ♡ this and other reasons are why I regret letting my depression drown me for too long, because I’m feeling so tired right now, so lonely, but I’m also feeling desperate and helpless because I need your help. So my mom has been very sick from some time ago, but just recently, she got diagnosed with a brain tumor, and she needs a surgery urgently, like doctors gave her 2 months if we do nothing, and 1 has already passed, but the cost its high and I don't have enough money to help her.
I know I said before I was going to do commissions, but my time has been shortened since I also work long hours and taking care of my mom at the same time its really tiresome, physically and mentally, not that I complain in helping her tho. So maybe this year, hopefully I’ll make some progress with that. I'm sorry I'm rambling, I'm not very good with words, back at the matter… 
I’m feeling REALLY ashamed to be asking for help, but like I said Im feeling desperate to help my mom, I only live with her and I need her just like she needs me right now, she’s suffering a lot, and the feeling of helpless its horrible because I can’t help her like she needs to. 
So please, please, consider donate to make her surgery, she doesn’t have much time left, even if its a small donation, every cent no matter the amount its important to us, and it will help to do it as soon as possible. 
And if you can’t donate but still wants to help, then share this link to reach to others, really, anything right now its important to me, thank you for reading, and thanks a lot for your help.
Tbh I still don’t know everything about this tumor, but I shared more info and details in the fundraiser link, and even if you need a commission (I mean a drawing for a donation) you can dm me, I've never done a commission before, but I will try my best to do it, really by this point I’d do anything to help my mom. 
Thanks a lot and take care ♡ ♡ ♡ This is the donation page: https://gofund.me/347d39a2
EDIT: My mom survived the surgery with the help of everyone!! Thanks a LOT for all donations & shares! by changing the doctor we managed to give her a second chance in life 🥺 Also the tumor turned out to be benign!
Her doctor talked about her case on facebook !
SO GLAD we found him, the first doctor was charging us 22k while this doc charged us 10k (I put 3k from my saves) and it turned out all good! its amazing the improvement that my mom has shown ever since the 1st day of the surgery. And she's smiling 🥺❤️
Right now the only problem is the radiosurgery, and its another expense 😭 I dont know when this gonna end, but docs say hopefully is the last time, the probability is never 0 but she will need to be checked from time to time. In the meantime I will share the fundraiser for the radiosurgery, yeah I know, its shameless, but I really hope not to be in this position ever again after this. This time, Im no afraid of the outcome, I'm hopeful but need to be patient.
Once again, please, I need your help, I dont know If I should do another post about it, but for the moment I will just add it here in the ogpost: https://gofund.me/da136114
Once again thanks for your consideration <3
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ineffablyendless · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you'd like to know better!
Tagged by @munsonsbabygirlie , thank u Chromie! Last year, technically, that i keep forgetting to do but this feels like a nice way to start the New Year!
Book Im currently reading:
American Gods by Neil Gaiman! I'm trying to get a bit more into reading this year, but its been a hot minute and im crawling by slower than I expected. That being said I've got a whole list waiting for me, and I'm incredibly enjoying AG so far <3
What I usually wear:
Blue, if I'm being honest. Its not my actual favourite colour, but it's my comfort one. I can't reliably say jeans even: ive really grown into a good pair of slacks. Tho i suppose if youre trying to imagine me, think blue jeans, a battered second hand pair of yellowing high tops, a white tshirt and an old plaid shirt, and ive been told i wear my hijab a very recognizable way 😭 also blue
How tall I am:
157 cm last i checked, 5 feet exactly in american measurements i think...?
My star sign. Do I know any celebrities or historical event that shares it:
Im a libra! Im sure plenty of people got born and big events happened in the first half of October, but nothing comes to mind immediately. I suppose i dont care enough to remember, lol
Do I go by a name or nickname:
Nickname. I go by Choice in all cyberspaces. It's a name that endeared itself to me many years ago, its nothing close to my actual name, and I enjoy the broad line of separation between my lives on and offline. Irl tho, i usually dont go by a nickname, at least nothing used by anyone outside family, and thats even MORE closely guarded. So.
Did I grow up to be what I wanted to be as a child:
I was an angry, suicidal, incredibly hurt child, and I had no true ambition besides finding joy and holding on to it with both hands. I wanted to be content and left alone, most of all. I wanted to be happy.
I'm a lot happier now. It's an uphill battle. Baby me would be glad to see where I am now tho i think. I hope
Something I'm good at vs Something I'm bad at:
I am. Very good at speaking. I take pride in this, many have told me I have the innate talent with words and the know how to lead a team and control a room. I know how to get myself listened. On paper, I know what I want said. Many things. Words are a power I wield well.
I am, sincerely, not very good at empathy, nor sympathy. I struggle to look outside my periphery, to crawl outside my own head and pop my own bubble. I have come across as-not cold, but callous, cruel, a little uncaring. I feel less remorse for this than I should, I think. I try, but thats not enough sometimes. I sincerely do not care of other opinions and perspectives as default. I like to think im better at it now. I'm aware of it. But its still a problem
If I draw or write, what's my favourite of anything I created this year?
Im taking that to mean 2022. I guess this line from my fic A Cosmic Kiss?
Millenia ago, a comet had come to strike down the surface of the earth like a Holy hand clearing a table, and decimated all that had ever existed, and it had been the end of things. It had been the beginning. It had moved with the leisure of treacle towards its purpose in the indifferent void, but close, close, pulled into the orbit of the earth with speed to singe the atoms of air. Creation, by the guide of Destruction. Life, then Death, then Life again. Such was the way of things. Fires that last are the ones that waited. Paradoxes; sudden, and not. 
Such was their way.
It was the first thing that struck me to write the one shot, the one partially inspired by Puppet History, and would be the ongoing theme of the fic. Its quite good, i have to admit. Im glad the fic went over well.
Dogs or cats:
Cats. Nothing against a sweet puppy, but I prefer the chill leisure of your everyday feline thank you very much.
Something I would like to make content for:
All my fandoms. All of it. I write less than I honestly should; Sandman and Watcher and Good Omens and OFMD
Something I was excited about that turned out to dissappoint me:
*blinks* Oh God, i cant think of anything. Theres that book carnival, but it was a surprise, and it exceeded my poor memory and expectations, even if I didnt find what i was looking for. Hmm. If anything dissapointed me, it doesnt come to mind.
Hidden talent:
I have no idea ❤
Something I wish to have at this very moment:
A bite of chocolate. Maybe a cookie. But I'm broke enough to keep an eye out for the bank account and i cant afford such luxuries. Im even out of cocoa. Sigh.
Tagging @freddykicksasses @ennas-aesthetic @wannabecoyote @waistcoat35 @youre-platinum-pussycat
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stilettomafiosas · 2 years
I dont have a lot of good words to really express how I feel, but god did reading your ramble feel cathartic and I mean it in very connecting and touching way. you described stuff that I also feel and struggle with all the time, ESPECIALLY as an autistic person who's still learning to unmask. I try to express things through art as much as I can and my art is extremely personal for me, no matter what im drawing. im personally still working on trying to balance creativity and my energy, but im genuinely really happy for you that you're able to have conversations through art. both you and your art are big inspirations for me. and uh I dont know what other words to use! so basically I hope you're having a good day and thank you
this is so so kind of you oh my gosh... I am so happy to hear that ;~; it's such a relief to not just know in my head that I'm not alone with these struggles, but to hear it from someone right here—and absolutely not to say that I'm glad you also have so much difficulty in communication and the problems it brings in everyday life, but it's so grounding to hear that you do understand and relate to it!
I'm so glad that you've found some comfort in art as well: it is SO deeply personal and I know not every artist feels that same degree of vulnerability in (or profound attachment to) their work, so it's nice to hear that you relate to your own art in a similar way C,: it's amazing to have that...! not only the pleasure of maybe giving someone else inspiration/enjoyment through your work, but that moment of connecting with someone else as they become however briefly an audience to your feelings and what's on your mind, even if you could never properly express those feelings/thoughts in words to someone's face. it's so special!!
THANK YOU so so much for telling me this, I'm touched to hear it! I'm so happy that I can be an inspiration to you and I hope to continue to earn that honor :,) I hope you're having a wonderful day as well! please continue making and sharing your art, the world is better for it!!
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
ahhh thats the palace hes there in there in that yep
he might as well be dead i mean the pythia that he once knew is dead
flashback wooooo
your descriptions are alwasy SOOOOO
omg theyre at nikis right probably
“my pythia” why dont you go crawl up you own a— anyways. this is a pg zone (i just dont curse)
i want to slap him around a bit, just a tiny bit just like hang him from the ceiling and wack him like he’s a piñata at a five year olds birthday
tommy is so baby brother
NOTNIN THE PHYSICAL SENSE *spins around very quickly like a tornado*
why is schlatt
i think schlatt would look nice with a black eue it would bring out how much kf a d— anyqays
i need more people to draw this tattoo because every singly one is so ahhhhh like i have no clue how this is supposed to look bjt every design peiple make makes sense and i need more im so curious to see how people see
i love the way wilbur thinks i want to take his brain and poke around in it like its so intriguing
also like idk as a person feeling your pulse is always so… intimate? i do it a lot, like just feeling my pulse reminding myself that im human, we all have a pulse. idk its comforting in a way just feeling the way the blood pumps through your body regardless of the world, that youre alive no matter what as long as that blood keeps pumping. like even when everything feels out of place, youre still human.
sorry anyways
anywho thats why hes fiddling with the cuff then hes nervous aboht them seeing
im gonna send a prayer your way schlatt.
god hes so idk his brain man and the way you write and god i love this fic so much
im cool and chill
the vessel.
thats cool.
i just like god this fic man
ah yes tommys tattoo
just saying on… july 28th i said it was from wilburs murder attempt!! im so smart sometimes
anyways im so normal aboht this fic
oh me too wil lets fist bump over our shared fear of failure and disappointment
me when he realizes that they werent empty he jsut didnt know they were allowed to not be empty
i loveddddd the way you formatted it it was super neat and idk im just a sucker for interesting formats of swifching between past and present and like idk yeah it was cool
- 🪿
hi goose this is a few days old now but finally getting around to answering this!
aaa thank you I'm so glad you like my descriptions :D it was definitely a bit tough getting back into the glass writing groove with the style I use for the descriptions and stuff so I'm glad it turned out ok
"my pythia" made my skin crawl to write
YEAHHH TATTOO TIME. every single time I see fanart of the tattoo I freak out (/pos) so much because all the interpretations are SO cool. I love seeing what people come up with because I myself have no artistic ability, I can only describe what's in my head through words, so when people are able to actually put that into art form it just makes me so happy
yes exactly that's why I wanted it on his pulse!! I wanted it to sit right over the reminder that he's human! that he has blood pumping through his veins! everyone has that blood and that heartbeat and I wanted the tattoo to sit right above that both because of the connection to his heartbeat, but also because it's the place other people can feel your pulse. it's the connection point almost between your pulse and others, if that makes sense.
(random fun fact, I can't feel my own pulse on my wrist. doctors and nurses can't get a pulse from my wrist either. like there have been many times I've gone to the doctor and the nurse has tried to take my pulse and they frown and readjust their hand and then they try the other wrist and no matter what it doesn't work and I'm just sitting there. the only place you can get a pulse off of me besides straight up feeling my heartbeat is on my carotid artery on my throat)
aa thank you I had a lot of fun describing wilbur's thought processes in this chapter, especially with the alternating format
you were RIGHT about the vine tattoo you got it and it was so funny I had to just not say shit but i was like yup, several people have already figured it out :)
aaa I'm so glad you enjoyed!! I had so much fun with the format of this chapter. I plotted it out a bit before my trip, and I specifically wanted to finish ch 25 before my trip because I knew ch 26 was going to be the one I'd most want to write after I got back. I needed a REALLY good exciting chapter to come back to and the alternating format was going to be the way I sucked myself back into the story after being out of that headspace for 3 weeks straight, and it worked. it was just so cinematic in my head y'know? I can perfectly picture the flipping between past and present with like different color grading and lighting and music and all that
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sadisthetic · 2 years
I love your String Theory Au. It hurts so beautifully.🥺 Personally I have always been drawn to the trope of healing through pain. Like I can imagine that after the pain of severing the bond, Jay's string is constantly hurting when he is near Nya. Like most people instinctively avoid their ex's after a breakup but Jay can't because they are both part of the team. When they decide to retie their strings Jay still feels pain when Nya limits or rejects his attempts to show affection. This would cause some tension as Nya feels rushed or pressure in the relationship and makes her draw away from Jay. Jay's insecurities would spiral as he would wonder if this was the mistake that would cause Nya to cut the bond again. They would rely on others a lot at the beginning to communicate and set boundaries. This is where a lot of the platonic bruise would happen. Cole would help Jay feel comfortable with expressing his need for affection without fearing rejection. Nya would confide in Kai or Lloyd about needing some boundaries. I also feel their relationship would be heavily stunted at the start because Nya is unaware of the affects the original bond had on Jay until they have their first major disagreement. Nya would unintentionally blurt out that rebonding was a mistake and cause Jay to have a panic attack while clutching his string to his chest. Either Lloyd or Cole would pull her aside and reveal the damage caused by the broken bond. The angst just continues while they try to slowly mend themselves and their bond. 😭
well firstly i gotta say. string theory is a very different concept from string of fate sjhgerghsldfjl
secondly. thanks! im glad you like it! you really took off with the idea didnt you lol. though personally i imagine their "working it out" phase a bit different. a lot more awkwardness and like tacit mutual understand and also little communication between the two (bc its so awkward) at the beginning. the angst isnt over but worst of it has passed at this point. they reset. and i dont think their string would be under threat of being cut again. thats bad on nyas end because shes the one to instate the relationship and she would be a total flake if she wanted to break it off again so easily. also. its important to note they arent quite dating. their relationship immediately post skybound is ambiguous. the string isnt a symbol that theyre together. its a symbol that they care about each other. and that theyre going to work through difficulties. theyre friends no matter what feelings the other has for the other. and if/when they do decide to get together for reals they Still would be friends too
i like angst. and im sorry about shutting down your ideas a bit but i think their angst would be a bit more narratively productive. for nya to say retying their string was a mistake even accidentally means she hasnt changed at all. and i think jay would have a better sense of nyas boundaries at this point. they both grown in skybound and i think the shared trauma of it would give them something to bond over also
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lukarion-ven · 1 year
Hellooo! I just wanna say that your art makes me smile so much!! And i love your content with venti x oc TvT. If its too much trouble would you be willing to give some tips on drawing and how you do color for an aspiring artist. I cant wait to see more of your works!!
thank you so much, im glad my works that i do for fun make you smile! especially my venlune works, which i didnt expect would get attention ;w;
i dont consider myself a very skilled artist yet, and im also not an art student, but im willing to give some (personal) tips i learned along the journey i went through in making art!
(assuming anon means art in general not comics)
1. (this is obvious but some actually dont do this, ok tbh even i dont because im lazy lol) watch tutorials from the internet, like youtube. there are a lot of videos available there from pro artists!
2. practice anatomy first, or linearting. you can start learning more about rendering later. if you want to focus more on making pretty but simple art, then you should study how to draw anatomy decently first, then you can just use some flat colors if youre not confident yet or still practicing your rendering! because from what i observed from my past artworks, detailed rendering doesnt do much if the anatomy and lineart aren't done well TT (anatomy doesnt have to be accurate by the way, as long as it looks aesthetically pleasing to the eyes youre good! imo at least)
3. steal some processes from other artists, then mix it with your own. it helps in experimenting and building your own style that you find comfortable to do! but you dont really have to find a specific style, you can draw inconsistently, if that's what makes you enjoy art! dont pressure yourself in finding a style, take your time! it even took me almost a decade to find mine (yes i just found a style im satisfied with recently that i can actually make consistently TT)
4. for rendering, im not confident in giving tips regarding it yet, because im still struggling with lighting and such. but im willing to share my process next time with images! just ask again if youre interested ^^
5. the most important part, have fun with the process! this sounds cliche, but to me this is what my goal is currently. i used to enjoy making them so much when i started, so im doing my best to feel happy with the process again, not only focusing on the result! also i believe in [happy process = good result] hehe
my bad im not good with words and im currently sick so i hope what i said is still understandable >w<;;
goodluck with your art journey, anon! <3
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