#also ive not posted anything before but there is no getting me to draw wanda with straighter hair im taking that artistic liberty
marblerose-rue · 2 years
OK GUYS. if i post about my mlp/marvel au how many people would be interested in it
EDIT this is me teasing it heres scarlet glow and spangle leapthrough
ANOTHER EDIT scarlet glow -> scarlet static (a HUGE thank u to @/hibiscuit-rose for coming up with the name!!)
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ladyeliot · 4 years
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It will always be you
Prequel: Stay with me
Pairing: Tony Stark x Avenger Female Reader
Summary: The snap has happened, the return of Wakanda has not been as you all expected, but now you have to face reality, and you just can't stop thinking about him, about Tony.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff.
Word count: 4101
A/N: Post Infinity War. Some of the dialogue is taken from the film. Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
Reader Powers: Psionic. You use psionic force to track any sentient being. You also create psychic shields to protect yourself. You can project psychic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind, causing them pain.
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Life is a continuous struggle of choices that you have to make without stopping to think for a second. It is said that hope is the last thing to be lost, probably because the choice you made almost left you without it. You must also learn that happiness is the last thing to be found, probably because the choice you have made has made you unhappier than you will ever be. Your life has been full of choices, you might have regretted many of them, but you decided at the time to make them, so you never allowed yourself to regret your actions, until that day.
Three weeks after Thanos snapped, hope was completely lost. The new facility has been uncharacteristically silent, no one has been able to say more than two words in a row, and you had barely managed to say one since your return from Wakanda. Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, James Rhodes, Bruce Banner and you, those were the surviving Avengers, the ones that life had given you a second chance, but it didn't really feel like one.
You were in your old room, old because two years ago one of your decisions had taken you away from that place, yes, you were against the Sokovia Accords, that had led you to take the side of the Captain and to fight against the side of Iron Man, who had been the person who had saved you from the madness that your powers had generated in your mind. But even if you had turned against him, you knew you owed him everything. Evidently this was something he didn't understand, which led to a wide rift that had never been bridged on either side, and which led to a breakdown in your relationship of closeness.
Every corner of that room had been kept exactly as you had left it that night when you fled with Wanda. Your drawings together with the charcoals scattered on the desk, the book 'In Search of Lost Time' by Marcel Proust on the bedside table and that bracelet that Tony had given you for your 26th birthday that you had left next to the open jewellery box on the bed. It was really painful to see all of this, knowing that those facilities would probably never be what they once were, that Wanda would not suddenly appear at your door, that you would never sit around the dinner table and that Tony would not occupy the armchair next to your bed to try to cheer you up after a mission that hadn't gone so well. You didn't know whether frustration was taking over the fear and sadness or whether you just didn't know how to control your feelings on that occasion.
The days were long, each of you working in silence trying to make sense of what had happened, looking for a solution that would never come to the problem. You shared the hours, but the solitude that enveloped you was too austere to realise that there was a person by your side. You didn't know Thanos' location, however, even if you did, especially if you did, it had become clear that you could not stand alone against his entire army.
"Would you like some?" asked Natasha offering you a plate with a veggie sandwich on it, which you took with an almost soundless 'thank you'.
Yes, actually that had been your first word in five days, since you said goodnight to Bruce last Sunday, food and sleep were not high on your priorities, especially when you spent the night using your telepathic detection trying to find some sign of life that would make you believe Tony was alive, but it was useless. Your psionic senses allowed you to track any sentient being, you were able to scan large areas, but your ability did not address the entire universe.
That night your spirits seemed to be running low to the ground, three weeks without having achieved anything that would allow you to have any lucidity in your plans was too long as the situation stood. You could hear in the background a soft murmur coming from a conversation between Natasha and Steve, but you weren't really paying attention to it, it was all in your thoughts. But at that instant, an inner burst made them evaporate. A signal came into your brain, a psionic emanation that alerted you to the presence of a spaceship entering the stratosphere, with a fixed direction, yours. You rose from your chair, standing upright, capturing the attention of the people around you. You closed your eyes, heightening all your senses, taking in all the information that was coming to you, at that moment you felt it. You opened your eyes and looked at them.
"He's here," were the only words you could utter before you rushed outside. Your companions soon followed your path, asking questions to explain what was happening, but your inner euphoria prevented you from saying a single word.
That ship appeared above you as you raced across the garden, night was falling relentlessly and you could only glimpse a halo of light that seemed to direct the ship as it landed delicately on the wide grassy esplanade. The five of you paused, taking in the scene, discovering how a side door opened to project a flight of stairs. When you saw his face for the first time your lungs deflated, letting out all the air they had accumulated over a long period of time. Your body went rigid and you didn't react until Steve ran past you and approached the ship to help him down.
He looked terrible, it was evident in every facial feature and in his body movements, you knew what you had been through, but you had no idea what Tony had been through since his disappearance in New York, although you could get a pretty good idea. Before your eyes were Steve and Tony in custody, reunited again, after all that had happened, none of it mattered, at least not to you, and perhaps you had a vain hope that it didn't matter to anyone else either. Even so you didn't know how to act when your eyes connected with his, for a slight moment you wanted to approach him, offer him a hug and tell him that you were relieved to discover that he was there, with you, after all, but you chose to stay where you were, next to Natasha.
It wasn't until you headed inside that the stiffness disappeared from your body. A whispered 'are you okay' from Steve made you react again and pay attention to Natasha's words that were projecting all the information gathered during those days.
"The governments are destroyed," she reported as she projected images showing the missing, like Wilson, Maximoff and Parker, among others, "the working parts are trying to do a census, and it looks like he did it. He did what he said he would do. Thanos wiped out 50% of all living things."
Silence echoed around you, you were sitting in an armchair, somewhat away from the other members, playing with your fingers, trying not to look up, until he spoke.
"Where is he now?" asked Tony. "Where?"
"We don't know," Steve informed him from beside you, sitting at a table. "He opened a portal and went through it. We looked for Thanos for three weeks, with deep space scanners," Steve looked at you, "and satellites, and we found nothing." He looked at Tony. "Tony, you fought him."
"What are you talking about?" asked Tony from his wheelchair. "I didn't fight him. No, he wiped my face with a planet while the wizard gave away the store. That's what happened, there's no fight..."
You took a breath and sighed, because you could contemplate what was about to happen right now, the nerves were there along with the negativity and failure of some of the superheroes on that planet and others, and you knew it could explode at any moment.
"Tony, I'm going to need you to focus..." Steve repeated again hoping that Tony would offer him some clue as to the whereabouts of Thanos.
"I needed you," interrupted Tony in a raised tone. "as in past tense.  That trumps what you need. It's too late, buddy. Sorry." He used a second of his silence to look at Steve and another second to look at you, who stood beside him. You took in most of the feelings hidden in his gaze, and none of them were positive or forgiving. "You know what I need? I need a shave," he tried to get out of the wheelchair, taking everything on the table in his stride. "I don't believe I ever remember telling you this..." he ripped out the IV that connected the drip to his left arm. "To the living and the dead, What we needed was a suit of armor around the world! Remember that? Whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not," he looked back at you and Steve repeatedly. "That's what we needed!”
The discussion continued, avoiding an upset Tony explaining everything he thought about the current and past situation, ignoring the suggestions Rhodes was giving him to calm down and take his seat again.
"[...] Bunch of tired old wheels!" he pointed at Steve. "I got nothin' for you, Cap! I've got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options! Zero, zip, nada. No trust - liar."
Almost ipso facto he turned to you ripped off the reactor prostrate on his chest and handed it to Steve in his hand, leaving those present virtually speechless, if you still had any left.
"Here, take this. You'll find him, if you put that on. You hide-"
After those words you gazed again into his eyes full of resentment at the past, before his body could take it no more and he collapsed in the middle of the room.
In the hours that followed, you were the shadow of a ghost gazing at him from a distance from the door frame of one of the recovery rooms in the new complex. On the one hand fearing his reaction against you when he woke up, while on the other hand wanting to hear it because you knew that sooner or later it would come but you wanted it to come as soon as possible so that you could face it. Those words she had said to Steve were harsh, but they were really nothing to what you expected might happen. It seemed absurd at the time to have entertained the idea that it might have been forgotten.
"Bruce gave him a sedative," Rhodes said, looking up at you, who were leaning against the doorframe. "He'll be unconscious for the rest of the day. Do you want to sit down?"
"No...I'd better..." but Rhodes didn't allow you to finish your words, as he had risen from the armchair next to Tony and offered it to you. "Thank you."
The door to the room ajar to offer you some more privacy. As you turned your gaze towards him you realised the fragility his body conveyed in those moments, he had spent weeks wandering through space not knowing if he was going to get the chance to return home again and yet he had been able to stay alive and find himself there. You closed your eyes and settled back on the couch, you remembered the first time you did that with Tony, he had spent too much time without sleep after the events after the Chitauri invasion, he could barely sleep because of the nightmares and he begged you to stop them every night, so with your eyes closed you concentrated and invaded his mind with caution releasing the tension you found in it and giving him the peace he needed. When you opened your eyes again, her expression seemed to have changed, she seemed to have found some relief inside her, that fact made you smile. But a knock on the door woke you up.
"We need to talk," Steve's words sounded serious.
A new piece of information about Thanos' whereabouts came as a surprise, but for you the surprise came right after.
"Wait, is this some kind of punishment or something?" you said completely dumbfounded, just outside the room where Tony was, with what Steve was proposing. "Why me?"
"Because we need someone to stay with Tony," he said calmly crossing his arms.
"Is it because I'm the smallest of the whole team? Because I could really knock you all out right now with the blink of an eye," you said crossing your arms too.
"It's because Tony needs you," Steve lowered his tone, "and you need him."
There was nothing but truth in those words. You didn't know if Tony really needed you, but what you had assumed was that you'd needed him for a long time, and you'd put a lot of things before that need, creating your close relationship to go to shit, basically.
"I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you on this mission," Steve said frankly. "And he wouldn't forgive me either if I said that happened."
You lowered your face as you nodded, accepting his words and the job you had been given.
"Be very careful," you said before Steve disappeared from in front of you to take a path that you had no idea what could be in store for them.
From that moment on, the hours went by really slowly, you took your position in that armchair again, you needed to have a clear mind, you couldn't continue martyring yourself with all the events that had happened, so you started reading 'In Search of Lost Time', that book that had been forgotten on the bedside table since you left that place. News was nil, you barely got a sign of what might be happening and you knew it would probably be days before you got it. 
Night was falling on the compound again, Tony was barely making any sign of waking up, which also gave you time to consider how the situation would play out, and various possibilities for coping with it. Some of his belongings had been salvaged from the ship, and his helmet, or rather what was left of it, stared at you from the dresser in the room. Without having a reason in mind you approached him, causing a blue light to suddenly flash across his eyes, showing you his figure in the middle of the room.
"Is it on?" a figure of a seated, completely haggard Tony appeared before your eyes. "Hey, Ms. Y/L/N, Y/N," your brow furrowed, but you approached his reflection. "If you find this footage don't put it on social media, it'll be really tearful," his words brought a sad smile to your face. "I don't know if you'll watch these videos. I don't even know if you're still... Oh god, I hope so..." there was a silence from his words, but you could see him bring his hands to his face, something inside you cracked. "I guess it's easier to do this if you know the chances of seeing you again are practically nil," something inside you made your heart shrink. "I probably should have realised this a lot sooner," he fell silent, "yeah, but I was busy trying not to hate you too much, you know, when you decided to abandon me and choose the other side," exhaustion almost prevented him from keeping his eyes open. "Anyway, anyway that made me realise how important you had been to me," he let his gaze wander, "I tried to be there for you ever since I met you and... god, this is getting too depressing," he ran his hand over his face. "I just want you to know that I wish you were here, because you're the only person I'd like to share my last hours with," he nodded slightly, you knew what he was trying to say with those words, which made your eyes water. "Don't feel bad about this, I mean, if you stay prostrate for a couple of weeks... and then move on with immense guilt..." he hid his face in the palm of his hand and closed his eyes, you wiped away a tear that ran down your cheek keeping the bitter smile you had been wearing all along. "I want you to know... when I've fallen asleep, it will be like the nights we spent together. I'm fine. All right," he gestured towards you. "I'll dream of you. Because it will always be you."
Suddenly, as if nothing had happened, his image disappeared in front of your eyes, leaving you with hundreds of feelings invading your body and mind. You looked up and there he was, still there, sleeping pleasantly, barely knowing what had just happened. You hurriedly wiped away the last tear running down your cheek and sat back down, putting your feet up on the couch, unable to take your eyes off him. Perhaps those thoughts were drawn from his most desperate moments, believing that his life was about to come to an end, perhaps he was unwilling to show them to you now that he had resumed the course of his life, so even though it was not possible you tried to send them to a hidden place in your mind.
You had hardly slept in those three weeks, your mind hadn't rested for days and you didn't know why, but finding yourself curled up in that armchair next to Tony was giving you back the tranquillity your body hadn't known for too long. It was impossible to stop your eyelids from closing, on the contrary you were willing them to do so and for sleep to warmly invade your body, no matter how long you could stay asleep. That's how it happened, making the hours pass without you even noticing. 
Like a little gust of wind, something in your body made the light enter through your eyelashes. Slowly you opened your eyes, feeling in various parts of your body a tightness due to the position in which you had fallen asleep in that armchair. You discovered that a woollen blanket covered your limbs, but what kept you alert was the bed next to you was completely empty. Tony wasn't there. You jumped up, looking around, the bedroom door was ajar and Iron Man's helmet was missing.
"Tony?" you asked, raising your voice, stepping out into the hallway. "Tony! Where are you?"
You barely heard an answer, so you were thankful those powers were within you, you stopped in the middle of the corridor and closed your eyes, your receptors picked up a signal coming from downstairs, it was him. You found him leaning on the kitchen counter, his eyes closed as he tried to stand. You ran to him, grabbing his arm to hold him up.
"What do you think you're doing?" you said, leading him to the nearest armchair in the living room.
You discovered that he had shaved, taken a shower and was wearing one of his Tom Ford suits that were so recognisable to you. That meant he had been wandering around the house unsupervised for over an hour without waking you up. You knelt down next to him.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" you asked with a worried look on your face as you contemplated that he was extremely tired. "Bruce gave a set of instructions for you to follow, you can't just walk around..."
"It was your turn?" he cut you off with an angry tone. "Be my babysitter? How did you do it? Did you draw lots?" his countenance was serious, you could still see the puffiness in his eyes and his face fully dehydrated. "Whoever draws the shortest stick gets to look after poor Stark, all right, listen..."
"No! You listen to me," you cut him off, raising your tone above his, standing up and resting your hands on each armrest "Tony, we all lost. We all fought and lost, none of us made it," your face was three feet above his. "So now all we can do is try, in some completely illogical way, to move the situation forward. And if we can't, at least look to the future by doing our best to honour those we have lost."
Silence flooded over you.
"So please don't make the situation more complicated," you continued, lowering your tone, almost begging him. "If I've stayed with you it's because Steve has made me understand some things, because yes, it wasn't really my intention to stay with you from the start, but then I realised that if anyone had to stay with you it was me. I realised that if I had to risk my life again I didn't want to go on the mission, because that would mean never seeing you again.And I've also realised that I've needed you for a long time, that I'm finally by your side and I have no intention of separating from you. Whether you like it or not." Tony cut his gaze with yours by ducking it, but brought his right hand over yours.
That gesture provoked you to bring your other hand to his face, placing a gentle caress on his cheek.
"I know there are a lot of things we need to talk about, but one thing we do have is time," you explained as Tony intertwined his fingers with yours. "So please, don't do anything more stupid and don't disappear," maybe it was the atmosphere generated by the situation, but you risked saying the next words. "Because it will always be you."
Tony closed his eyes a little regretfully, a little embarrassedly, and brought his free hand to his face.
"I knew you saw that," he added calmly removing his hand from his face. "Well, at least I've saved myself from having to repeat it in person."
"I'm not sure I got it right," you said falsely. "You know, there was a lot of interference, and besides, I couldn't really understand what you were saying, so..."
"Sorry, there was only one pass for the film," he said wryly which caused you to smile widely as you rediscovered that the old Tony was still hidden in it. "We won't know when there will be a revival."
"Too bad, I really liked that movie," you sat down on the armrest without letting go of his hand and looking up at him.
"Really?" he asked for the first time modestly, and putting aside all the irony that surrounded the situation.
"Totally," you nodded, trying to express all the many feelings through your eyes.
Silence again kept you company, until Tony somewhat uncomfortably broke it.
"I suppose you know that by now I would have kissed you and created a fully effective plan to make love to you for hours until you begged me to stop in pleasure," he stated lamely, "although I think if you give me a couple of hours..."
"All right, Don Juan," you cut him off with a chuckle, "we'd better leave all that for later, and I'll take you back to bed now."
"I think it's a good start if you take me to bed," he continued with his insinuations.
You got up from the armrest and helped him put his arm around your shoulders, even though he repeatedly told you he could walk unaided. 
"Have we heard from the team?" he asked, slowly climbing the steps of the ladder.
"Soon," you said with a halo of hope. 
You definitely made it back to the room, having made it successfully through the journey. You helped him get rid of the shoes and shirt that his pride had forced him to wear, but which now made no sense when he was going back to bed.
"See, you're finally going to get what you wanted, I'm undressing you," you said jokingly causing a smile to appear on Tony's face as he lay back down. "You rest, I'll be here. I'll always be here."
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statticscribbles · 4 years
Summary: Bucky/Reader; Post CW you’re on the raft after having been captured with the rest of team Cap, you’re , avoiding using your power unless absolutely necessary
TW: Torture, discussion of miscarriage
You can hear Wanda humming under her breath again and you let your powers trickle out telling the guards to come to you. You can hear their boots, moving closer, away from Wanda. Clint sneers as they pass, you can hear the anger in his laugh. The guards stand awkwardly at your door unsure what led them to your cell. They shuffle back and forth peering in and find you sitting curled against your bed; head between your legs trying to stop the nausea rolling through you again. One laughs, harsh and grating and the other kicks the door startling you and causing you to shift and whimper as you make it to the steel bowl they call your toilet.
You can hear Clint and Sam’s doors unlock, their daily interrogation starting. They cast a look at you and you sigh, both are free of shock collars, and Clint’s black eye is almost healed. Sam looks thinner, sick and you can tell his lip is scabbed over, you wonder how many times he bit back screams and angry comments. The guards leave you alone for the next two hours, as they bring Clint and Sam back you can hear Scott shouting something and you feel your powers surge as one of the guards pulls a taser. The guard drops the taser and the rest of them grumble and one snatches it up handing it back to him.
“Come on, just zap him.” You can tell the guard that you’re manipulating is gaining his control back; he turns sneering at you and pulling his baton out, lighting it up.
You hiss as your head starts to pound; your powers are draining you faster these days. Being kept on a constantly fluctuating equilibrium has your head spinning; the lack of food is also a worry. You’re trying to ease off using them, you know the shock collar registers how intense your powers are, and you wonder why no one’s shocked you. Ross starts a walk through and you know why when he stops at your door and nods. You can feel the agents dragging you out and you’re fighting against your powers. Don’t fight back. Don’t fight back. Don’t fight back. Don’t fight back. Don’t fight back. Don’t fight back. The guards throw you against the ground and you stagger up as best you can. The scrubs you’re wearing still allow for you to move your arms but it doesn’t help much when you see the guard you controlled leering over you. The baton flickers as he turns the electricity off.
“Wouldn’t want to hurt you too badly, you still gotta tell us where the Captain took Barnes, Y/N.” You can hear Scott laughing, Clint joins him and you can vaguely see Wanda’s lip quirk up.
“Like hell she’d tell you where either of them are.” Ross stalks over to you, smirking darkly. You tense backing yourself up so you’re in the middle of the room. You can feel the cool air from the sea. The smell of it makes you feel sick and you wince as you vomit again. Ross’s eyebrows rise before his face darkens.
“Oh.” You panic, your powers forcing him backwards as he watches you in understanding. You feel a low jolt from the collar that stops your powers; too tired to fight back you curl around yourself and wait for more punishment.
“Solitary sir?” You can hear someone’s boots stomping next to you and you curl your hands around your stomach and whimper. Your hair is grasped forcing your face up so you’re staring at Ross again.
“I have a much better idea.” You can see he holds out his hand and he flicks the dial up on the remote but not pressing the alert to send the shock for you.
You can feel your hand breaking as his boot slams into your stomach as you try to keep your arms locked around it. The other guards stand awkwardly back as Ross gives you another kick before dropping you back to the ground. You whimper and try to twist away from him. But as he steps back the other guards take his place. You can feel the first three kicks in your hands but after that they drop, your body screaming at you to use your powers. You squeeze your eyes and let go, letting your powers force the guards back to where Ross stands. They make it halfway towards him before the shocks rocking through your body cut your powers off. The guards practically run back, returning to their assault sneering. They pause to catch their breath and Ross shocks you as they move away. He laughs as he steps forward and you groan in pain as two of the guards bring you back to your cell. They leave you on the floor and you lay there for a moment trying to figure out how injured you are. You can feel your hand healing, and you wince as you look at the bruising on your face in the mirror they’ve given you.
You grimace lifting your shirt and see dark bruises against your stomach. You touch it softly, fingers ghosting over a barely there bump before you stretch slowly and lay down on your bed as the lights flicker. You curl up wrapping your hands around your stomach as you drift off.
You dream of Bucky, you’re back in the house you shared for a moment before it morphs into something in between your house and the avengers compound. You’re warm and safe wrapped in his arms as he runs his fingers through your hair kissing you softly. You smile teary eyed when he pulls away and he swipes his fingers against the tears smiling back at you. He kisses you again wrapping his hand around you pulling you closer to him. You press your forehead to his and smile again.
“We’re going to be a family, I love you so much.” He nods smiling again and you pause expecting him to say it back. Instead you catch the shimmer of red around the room.
“Wanda?” Your breath hitches as the dream fades and you wake in the dark, cold and alone. You can hear footsteps, rapid and a group. You’re not sure if it’s a good idea to sit up, so you lie on your side hand drifting back to your bruised stomach. The door is silent when it opens and you’re grabbed and can see a needle plunger moving down as they inject something into the IV port on your hand. They let you go and you sway, confused. You take a few stumbling steps as the sedative takes effect rending your powers just beyond your reach. You can see Ross’s teeth gleam in the dark. You can hear muffled screams and shouts and your feet stumble over each other as the other guards drag you out.
Your head throbs and you try to lift it, unsuccessfully as it lawls against your shoulder. You can see Wanda screaming, the sound and her movement startles you but the fear that crawls up your spine is why no one’s punishing her.
“Sir, the med bay is prepped, are you sure this is safe, what if her powers effect- yes sir.” You’re dozing on and off as they place you in a chair. The straps around your arms make you jump but the panic kicks in when you see something in the sides of your vision circle around your head.
“Just enough so she passes out. Not enough to damage anything.” Your vision goes dark before the shocks finish making their way through your body.
You wake back in your cell groggy and can hear everyone stirring as you sit up and vomit on the floor.
“Fucking hell. You okay Y/N”
“What did they do?” Your voice is surprisingly steady after weeks of disuse.
“We don’t know they said they were taking you to an interrogation. We were hoping you could tell us what happened..”
“They brought me to the medical bay, there was a chair, they shocked me with it.” You sit back against your bed sighing trying to piece together what you remember through the pain. You had woken up suddenly, you remember your arm burning and your head spinning but other than that you draw up empty darkness.
“Sorry.” You press your palm into your eyes rubbing them as you sniffle.
“They didn’t ask me anything, just shocked me, and cut my arm I think?” you look at your arms no bandages or new cuts have appeared but your IV appears to be a fresh one.
“They replaced my IV, I think that’s all they did.” You cringe when a guard walks by and wrinkles his nose at the sick on the floor. He mumbles into the radio on his shoulder and you see two more guards appear and pull you out. One hands you a paper cup and nods encouragingly.
“Take it.” He shoves the cup closer to your face and you wince, shaking your head.
“It’s to stop the nausea. Take it. Or I’ll make you.” His smile darkens when you throw the cup to the floor. He knocks your feet from under you and you land on your knees as he grabs you by the collar tugging it up, cutting your airflow off. You can hear Scott and Clint yelling but almost as soon as it happens it stops. One of the doctors they have on staff appears, injecting something into the IV. You watch as he refuses to meet your eyes.
“That wasn’t so bad, they’ve even finished cleaning your room.” The guard turns back to the doctor as you’re led away. You see Ross walking up and catch only a few words of their conversation.
“It –take — will it?”
“Not long—few hours– mess though, safer — monitor her.”
“No. Mutant’s breed mutants, they shouldn’t get safety.” Ross stares at you as he says this. The smile he had has dropped off and he turns away leaving you to your cell and your fear.
Scott’s led away for interrogation again and the guards ignore you. You try to pull at them with your powers when they take him. The guards turn slightly but the shock that pierces your concentration has them no more than hesitating when they bring him back to the interrogation room. You rub your throat slightly and let out a slight scream of annoyance.
“ Y/N you okay?”
“They’re shocking me again.”
“So that’s not surprising, you’ve been given a lot of leeway, I’m sure they’re tired of waiting for you to give up answers, so they’re trying to hurt you to get them. They’ll probably bring you for another ‘chat’ in a few days.” Sam tries to reassure you, but you can’t help the twinge of fear that runs through you.
“I- I think they weren’t shocking me for a different reason.” Your breath hitches, and you try not to panic as heat licks against your skin and a vice strangles your stomach with pain.
“Care to enlighten us then?” You stare at your hands as they tremble; you watch the way the IV jerks up and down as your hand shivers. You can see the edge of the tape peeling upwards from the sweat now pooling on your skin.
“I should have said something before, I should have told him before we got separated..” You look up to see one of the guard’s smug smiles. He taps your remote and shakes his head.
“It doesn’t, doesn’t matter now. It’s too late anyways.” You let the words tumble from your mouth against Sam’s protests. The guard nods, laughing as he hits the button to shock you. You can feel a scream tearing out of your mouth and you thrash as the shocks pass through you. You end up falling from your bed onto the floor as the shocks cause you to convulse. As they ease away you tremble, blood dripping from your nose and now from in between your legs. You try to stagger up but a low level shock makes your arms give out. You try to still yourself but the tremors wracking your body leave you unable to control your own limbs.
“Y/N? You okay? Talk to us, please..”
“Fine.” You croak out turning your face so you stop tasting blood for a moment. You take a shaky breath in and sigh.
“I’m okay just surprised me.” You try not to laugh at your own lie. You let the pain swallow you up. As your vision spots and black splatters creep in you decide that it might be safer to sleep through it.
“Can you at least let me set up the IV; she’s massively dehydrated and that’s just to start, I don’t even want to think about anything else, let’s just finish this then?” The doctor’s face swims towards you before pulling back and showing Ross sneering.
“She’ll be fine, her powers will heal her.” You just stare as his face moves away and the black retakes your vision.
You don’t remember waking up. The dryness in your mouth is almost a welcome reprieve from the vomit you usually spew, but it sends a bolt of fear to your heart and you can hear your breath stutter. You try to brush your hands against your stomach but find your scrubs have been replaced by a jacket with lengthy sleeves securing your hands across your chest. You know you now mimic Wanda’s position; you can feel the jolt from the collar. You look out and see one of the guards smirking.
“Ross gave us the all clear. Try your powers and see what happens.” Your head’s swimming and you get shocked for remaining silent. You can tell he’s turning the dial up again and you can feel your powers surge as the drugs clear from your system finally. The remote drops, his boot crushing it as he unlocks Sam, Clint and Scott’s cells. He’s shot in the head halfway to Wanda’s. They fire at your door, the bullets cracking the glass and the sound and movement enough to startle you to lose your hold on everyone.
“Solitary. Now.” Ross’s voice crackles over the speaker as one of the guards shoves you farther back into your cell, turning you to face the wall. He presses you as close as he can to the concrete and laughs. Your cell goes black and you can’t tell if you’ve squeezed your eyes shut or not. The light on your collar vanishes as well but a light shock lets you know it’s still active. They soundproof your cell. They skip your meals and let nothing enter your cell. You’re not sure how much time passes but suddenly the light on your collar turns on.
You squeal which unfolds into a scream as you’re shocked into silence as one of the men turn you back around, the blackness leaves your cell and they leave as well. They do not return for the rest of the day. None of the guards make their morning rounds and this causes a glimmer of hope. The lights dim and flicker well past dinner time and when you see a figure walking up you finally allow yourself to relax. Steve gets Sam out first Wanda and Clint are next and Sam helps Scott as Steve gets you out.
“Y/N, you okay?” You stare at him as he snaps the collar off your neck.
“Fine. I’ll be fine.”
“Okay good, I’m bringing you all with me, to a friend, he’ll keep us safe while we try to find out where it’s best for each of you to go.” Steve nods to everyone and you follow him to the jet. You curl in on yourself the minute you see a seat keeping your eyes down and refusing to look at anyone. You feel someone sit next to you and you try not to jerk away as an arm wraps around you. Your peek from behind your hair at Wanda and she offers you a sad smile and a puff of air as both of you cling to each other. You can feel her warmth prodding at your mind and you shake your head, shielding the rest of your face behind your hair. One of your hands drifts down to your stomach and you choke slightly when you feel a scar running across it. Wanda grimaces and you can see Sam through your curtain of hair looking worriedly at you.
“Y/N, you excited to see Bucky, Steve said he’ll be at the place we’re going to.” You cringe curling further into yourself.
You failed. You only saved yourself. You failed. You only saved yourself. You suck in a breath trying not to panic as Steve suggests everyone get some sleep. You’re not sure when you fell asleep but you start awake and end up falling from the seat smacking your face against the floor of the jet.
“Nightmares?” You sit up and watch Steve move over to Wanda, he tucks a loose strand of hair away from her face, and pulls the blanket that’s slipped down back over her. He checks Scott, Clint and Sam as well. Giving Clint an extra blanket and sitting on the seat close to you.
“I’m right here if you want to talk. I know it’s going to take time to undo all of what happened, but I want to make it right.” You furrow your brow.
“Not your fault, we knew what we were getting into..”
“You didn’t.” You think back to when you first met Steve, after Bucky had returned to you and explained how he was a fugitive, how he was a murderer and assassin, in turn you explained about your powers, how you’d sneak into his head and cut the nightmares off before they got too bad, how you made his brain patch the good memories first. You talk about betrayal as you run with him. You both come to terms with the lies, content to push them to the back for the moment.
You don’t tell him of the night you spent together, or the mornings you’d spent heaving your breakfast into the toilet. You decide to wait till everything has calmed down. At the airport you know you’re not going to go with them. You try to tell him but all that slips out is an ‘I love you’ before he’s gone and rubble is blocking him from you. You’re brought to the raft within the hour. You shake the fear from your head and look at Steve putting a smile up.
“I’m alright for now. Will I be able to see Bucky when we land, I have a lot to tell him.” Steve nods but you know something’s wrong with how he refuses to look in your eyes.
“Is Buck okay?”
“He’s better than he’s been, there’s people there helping him get rid of the codes, and help him be safe-“ Steve swallows rubbing his face with his hand.
“In order to do that though, he went back under, until they fix it, until he doesn’t have to be afraid.” You don’t care that your screams and sobs wake the rest. They pile around you content to hold you and keep you sheltered as best they can.
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missmonsters2 · 5 years
Drive Her Crazy || Part VII
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PAIRING: Wanda Maximoff x OFC/Reader
Summary: AU. Meet Wanda, the new ‘It’ girl. She’s built her social standing as a social influencer through Instagram and vlogging on Youtube. Queen Bee in her social circle, she’s got everyone wrapped around her finger. She’s perfect, you think. Girls like that require a little finesse, and you’re ready to play the game.
Warnings: Non-healthy relationship, psychological games, eventual smut. 18+ only.
Note: Jealousy games yikes. Also happy 100 followers! I’ll be posting another prompt request soon :)
Count: 4489
You were lying in bed while Natasha slept. It was still the early hours of the morning, and you would give it another hour or two before Natasha would wake up to start her day.
When you had come into her home after leaving Wanda’s hotel, you were still so riled up that you started kissing Natasha as soon as she opened the door. The enthused woman immediately returned your attention, leading you to her bedroom and letting you fall on top of her. 
You were kissing her roughly, moving your body against hers as she ran her fingers through your hair. 
It felt good. 
You wanted to continue. But you couldn’t. 
The image of Wanda writhing underneath you stopped you from taking it over the line with Natasha.
And that had never happened to you with any other girl. You knew right then it could never be anyone but Wanda.
You stopped kissing Natasha, letting out a quiet sigh, and smiling at the redhead beneath you.
“Sorry, I just...don't want our first time being like this...I’m not quite ready.” You told Natasha, who graciously just rubbed your cheek and kissing you softly with an understanding smile. 
You spent the entire night chatting softly together as she lay partially on your shoulder and your arm around her. She fell asleep at some point, but your mind was too wired to do the same. 
When it felt appropriate, you got up as quietly as you could to avoid waking Natasha.
You think she would appreciate some breakfast.
Wanda had spent the night in the hotel room, lying on her back in the same state you had left her in. 
She mussed her hair messily and sighed.
She was obsessing. 
Had you already reached Natasha’s? Were you kissing her with those same lips you had just kissed her with? Touching Natasha with those hands that were just on her?
Were you worshipping Natasha’s body when you should’ve been worshipping hers?
The temptation to call your phone or even show up at Natasha’s had crossed Wanda’s mind, but she resisted it. 
Wanda was sure you wanted her, it was obvious. She was the right choice for you. No one would fit you better than her. 
But if you insisted on being friends, then she would have to step up her game.
Wanda slept for a few hours before the day started. She had the hotel set her up with a driver to send her home with all her gifts. When she got home, Vision had returned. He looked incredibly hungover, and the sight sent Wanda fuming.
“Wanda--” Vision started, but she cut him off.
“Are you fucking serious?” Wanda seethes at him, and the volume made him wince and put his palm to his eye.
“Not so loud,” Vision pleads. A baffled look enters on Wanda’s face.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Wanda says, sarcasm dripping in her voice. “Is me being pissed that you went missing during my birthday, worrying me, but only for me to find out that you were just blackout wasted giving you a headache?”
Vision sighs, grabbing a glass of water and rummaging through the cabinets for Advil.
“Wanda, love, I am so sorry,” Vision said as he took two pills. “I don’t know what happened. I was signing my contract, and we just had a couple drinks to celebrate, and it just got out of control so fast.”
Wanda scoffs, crossing her arms. “Do you know how embarrassing it was for me for you to go missing without saying anything? You were the one who made such a big deal about performing for me!”
She uncrossed her arms, bring her hand up to grasp her temples with her middle finger and thumb. 
“I am happy for you, Vision,” Wanda said tiredly. “I really am that you’ve finally got signed on. But you promised me you were going to be there. Do I mean so little to you that you would go and get that drunk elsewhere on my birthday?”
Vision went over and knelt in front of her, grabbing her hands in his.
“No, love, not at all. I’m sorry, I messed up. Let me still sing you the song I wrote,” Vision pleaded Wanda, putting her hands to his mouth. She pulled away, a frown on her face.
“I am not in the mood to listen to your song, Vis. I’m really upset.”
“Wanda, please. It’s just a birthday. I promise to make it up to you.”
Wanda’s eyes widened in disbelief. 
“Just a birthday? Vision, it was my birthday. It was my birthday, with all of our friends and people I work with. It was near humiliation for me. I was so lucky that I still got a performance dedicated to me.”
Vision frowned, “Who?” He demanded.
“Lady Phantom,” Wanda answered with a sniff of her nose. 
Vision got up and groaned. 
“Seriously?” He asked, “her?”
Wanda looked offended. “What’s the supposed to mean?”
“Wanda, there’s something off about her. Since she showed up, everything has been going weird between us.”
Wanda scoffed, she couldn’t even believe what Vision was saying. 
“Don’t blame your lack of attention to me on her! You put yourself in this situation. I have supported you for years, Vis. Always at your side with you pursuing music, even when no one was listening. I put my career aspirations aside to make sure you were comfortable. But the second you get recognized by some hot shots, I’m on the back burner?” Wanda narrowed her eyes at Vision as she spoke. 
“I want a break, Vision,” Wanda said, frowning deeply.
“Wanda, no,” Vision pleaded, coming in to hug her, but she moved out of the way.
“Vision, I’m serious,” she said. She took off her engagement ring, putting it in his hand. “I need time to think, and we need time apart.”
Vision took the room, staring at it sadly before looking at Wanda again. He wanted to say something but with the look on her face, he knew she was serious. And when Wanda was serious, there was nothing that could change her mind.
He sighed, putting the ring into this pocket, grabbing his jacket and walked out the door. 
When Vision was gone, Wanda sighed. She took a seat and rubbed her temples to relieve the oncoming headache. 
She wanted to call you, but the fear of you not picking up, or worse, Natasha picking up your phone for you made her not. 
Natasha had been the one to tell you about a gala Tony was hosting for the 75th anniversary of Stark Industries. 
You hadn’t seen or spoken to Wanda in a couple weeks, but you heard once again from Natasha that the two of them had gone on a break. 
The news made you smirk internally.
So, you got dressed up in your chic custom made tuxedo, your slightly sheer white dress shirt unbuttoned enough to show your collarbone and the dip to your chest. You had an untied bowtie wrapped around the collar of your shirt, sitting perfectly on either side of your chest. You were rolling up the sleeves of your jacket and then used your fingers to delicately moved your curled hair over to one side. 
Natasha came in with her tight red dress that fit her curves perfectly and showed off her back. 
“You look unbelievably sexy,” She commented at the door, leaning against it with her arms crossed.
You looked at her through the mirror and smirked before turning around to walk towards her. She stood up straight, grabbing the lapels of your jacket and smoothing them out.
“Not looking shabby yourself, Miss Romanoff,” you said in return, moving in to kiss her lightly, moving your hand to caress her bare back.
“Mmm,” Natasha hummed. “Keep that up, and I may end up keeping you here.”
You chuckled against her lips and pulled back.
“I’m sure Tony will be displeased with me if I keep his favorite publicist from his party.”
“Favorite?” Natasha mused. “I’m his only publicist.”
“Not if we don’t get a move on now to the party,” you say, ushering her along to get out to the car waiting. 
She laughs huskily.
You two were the last to arrive at the party. They were all standing in a circle, and your eyes caught Wanda’s briefly. She was beautiful in her silver dress that ended just before her knees. It was a long sleeve, but the arms and her collarbones to her chest were all transparent lace designs. 
She was staring at you, unashamed with her hungry look that no one noticed.
Clint had made a joke wondering what took the two of you so long while Bruce stared at the two of with a clenched jaw and drink in his hand. Vision was here as well, though standing a couple persons away from Wanda rather than next to her. 
You kept your hand deliberately on Natasha’s waist, pulling her closer to you as you all talked in a group. You could feel Wanda’s eyes on you, and you soaked it up. Leaning over, you brushed your lips against Natasha’s ear, asking her if she wanted anything to drink. She nodded, and you pressed a light kiss to her neck, your eyes meeting Wanda’s for a split second before walking off. 
You were at the bar, ordering a drink for yourself and then Natasha’s drink when you felt someone stand next to you. You looked over to see Wanda with a blazing fury in her eyes.
“I know what you’re doing,” she says, and you’re taking a sip of your drink before turning to her.
“And what’s that?” You asked her with a cock of your brow. 
“You’re trying to get a reaction out of me,” Wanda said, leaning against the counter, purposely moving her hair over her shoulder to draw your attention to her defined collarbone.
You licked your lips subtly, but Wanda still caught it and smirked. You immediately drew your attention back up to her eyes.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” You tell Wanda. “I’m just here to enjoy my night with Natasha.”
With that, you walk off, two drinks in hand as you return to the redhead’s side. She smiles at you, taking her drink and gives you bedroom eyes. The two of you chat some more before you pull her onto the dance floor with you. Your hand is dangerously low on her back while she’s pressed up against you with that smile that made every man turn into a stuttering mess. 
As you were leading the dance, you could see Vision tentatively ask Wanda for a dance. She looked at you on the floor, catching your eye once more. She smirked at you before agreeing to Vision, who then led her onto the floor. Wanda stared at you the entire time as she pressed herself closer to Vision and allowed him to guide her.
Your jaw clenched slightly as the way Vision was pushing his luck, caressing Wanda’s back, sliding further down intimately.
And Wanda not stopping it. 
You turned your attention back to Natasha, smiling seductively at the woman in your arms as you spun her out before pulling her back in and dipping her slightly in your arms. 
When you pulled her back up, you sighed a little.
“What’s the matter?” Natasha asked as you continued the dance. 
You look into her eyes and just smile a little sheepishly. “Nothing. You’re just...so incredibly attractive. I just wish I could kiss you right now.”
The redhead usually was not one for public displays of affections, but her lips quirked up as she eyed you. 
“What’s stopping you?”
You slowed your dancing, your eyes fluttered as they dropped to her lips. 
“I might just really kiss you, Romanoff.”
Natasha tilted her head up, her own eyes moving to your lips.
“Don’t tease,” she whispers. Your dancing comes to a full stop as the song ends, but you lift your hands to cup her jaw, moving in to kiss her deeply and slowly. Your eyes open to look past her to see Wanda standing with Vision, jaw clenched at you.
Soon enough, you pull away and peck Natasha once more softly on her lips.
“Thank you for the dance,” you tell her, and she grins at you. You take a step back and bow slightly with the end of the dance. 
“Find me later,” she mouths at you before walking off to find Tony to talk to some of the guests.  
The party is starting to get a little full, so you walk out into the hallway to get some air. 
As soon as you step out, though, someone grabbed you by the arm. 
You looked over to see the social influencer next to you, pulling you further away from the ballroom. 
Wanda dragged you to the washroom, pushing you up against the wall and trapping you between her arms. 
"You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?“ She asked eyebrows pinched in irritation. 
"Doing what?” You asked innocently. Wanda frowned even more deeply hearing your response. 
"Don’t play dumb with me. You’re being all over Natasha on purpose. Don’t you think you’re being a little cruel to me?“ Wanda asked, closing the distance between your bodies.
You raised your brow at her. "Only as cruel as you being all over Vision in front of me. You didn’t think I would notice?” 
Wanda only pressed her body right against you perfectly, her thigh between your legs and pressed against you intimately. 
Your breath hitched, and Wanda smirked as she lowered her head to your neck and sucked at the skin there, being careful to not leave a mark. 
Your hands clenched together in a fist as your eyes shut close. Wanda peppered kisses all the up your neck to your jawline before lightly swiping at your lips. There was a slight pause as Wanda watched you with half-lidded eyes before smashing her lips against yours. 
She kissed you wildly, her hands wrapped up in your hair and thigh pressing against you more firmly. 
You moaned into her mouth, and she pulled back slightly. Wanda’s face was still insanely close to you as you both shared the same air. 
“Fine, keep your hands all over Natasha. Just remember that only I can make you feel this hot. You can do whatever you want, but I know it’s me you want underneath you, writhing as you fuck me.” Wanda hissed, her mouth so close that the words vibrated off your lips. 
Suddenly, your body felt cold as she pulled away. You opened your eyes to see Wanda standing there looking smug as she licked her lips, and walked out of the washroom, leaving you alone.
You relaxed against the wall, leaning your head back as you let out a big sigh, smiling to yourself.
This was how you wanted someone to react in a situation like this. 
You didn’t want them to cry or beg for your attention.
You wanted them to demand it.
And oh, Wanda certainly did a great job of claiming it.
You stayed in the washroom for a couple more minutes before returning back into the ballroom. You spotted Wanda at the bar, talking casually with Clint and Sam. She noticed you as well, only looking at you in her peripheral before returning her attention to Clint and Sam. 
The next thing you noticed was Natasha and Bruce talking heatedly in the corner. Judging from the situation, you could tell Natasha was getting visibly angry with whatever Bruce was saying to her. 
Walking over, you came up to the two of them with a smile, effectively stopping the conversation as you put your hand on Natasha’s back.
“Everything alright?” You asked, more towards Natasha as you eyed Bruce.
He was certainly reaching his limit faster than you had expected. You couldn’t blame him, though. Perhaps he had caught you passionately kissing the redhead on the dance floor.
“Everything is fine,” Natasha said, tone a little clipped. She grabbed your hand, smiling curtly at Bruce.
“If that’s all, we’ll be off now.” Natasha pulled you away from the scientist, and you just followed her.
She still looked a little upset with her eyes focused, brows tightened, and nostrils slightly flared. Once you felt far away enough, you stopped, tugging Natasha to a stop as well.
She turned around to you and softened at your expression.
“Are you okay?” You genuinely asked. Natasha sighed, dropping your hand, but you stepped closer in response.
“Yeah, just...it’s really complicated with him as I told you,” she replied, closing her eyes for a brief second as she ran her fingers through her hair. 
You could feel it. Bruce was just a step away from snapping and doing whatever he could to get Natasha back. 
Whatever you had with Natasha was ending. 
The only question was if you were going to let her go before that happened. 
You put your hand on Natasha’s arm, rubbing it up and down to comfort her.
She opened her eyes, staring at you with a small smile.
“Do you still love him?” You asked her softly. 
The question made the redhead freeze momentarily, but it was the answer you needed, and Natasha knew.
“But I really like you too,” she softly told you. You returned her soft smile with your own.
“But it’s not really over between the two of you, is it?” You ask her, dropping your hand and putting the other into your pant pocket.
Natasha pursed her lips, eyes watering just ever so slightly. “I don’t want things over between us. You’re amazing, and we’re good together. We make sense.”
“Sometimes the love you want doesn’t always make sense,” you tell her, and it fits perfectly in both your guys’ situations.
Natasha just gives you a sad lopsided smile as she goes in to embrace you tightly.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbles against your shoulder. You return the hug equally as tight, rubbing her back up and down.
“Don’t be. Not like we made it official or anything,” you joke and she chuckles. “We’re still friends, Nat. I want you to be happy, so go get ‘em, tiger.”
Natasha pulls back, kissing you one last time on the cheek and smiles before leaving you.
You sigh, a little relieved that you were able to end things on good terms with the redhead, but now you were stuck in a different predicament.
Wanda would eventually find out that you and Natasha ended. 
And while she was on a break with Vision, a break was only a break until it officially ended or they get back together.
You needed to find a new distraction and quick. 
The game was still on, and Wanda was quickly getting the upper hand.
And you never lose a game.
Wanda was eyeing you like prey the moment you had entered back into the room. Clint and Sam were talking to her about something, but she had tuned it out a while ago, just nodding at the appropriate places.
She watched as you walked over to Natasha and Bruce and huffed a little.
Seriously? After that hot moment in the washroom, you still walked to Natasha first?
She watched from her peripheral the entire time as Natasha was dragging you away before the two of you chatted. Then she was hugging you, and you were returning the hug so intimately. 
The hot burning jealously pooling in her gut made her grip her glass a little tighter.
“So, how are things between you and Vision?” Clint asked, bringing Wanda’s attention back. 
“Huh? Oh, I guess it’s okay,” Wanda answered. Honestly, she hadn’t really been talking to him since the day she told them they needed a break. From what others have told her, he was currently staying with Tony. 
“Yeah, I saw the two of you dancing earlier,” Sam commented. 
Wanda nodded, relaxing her grip on her cup as she took a sip.
“Yeah,” she said for lack of anything else to say. 
“Any thoughts on getting back together?” Clint asked, neither hinting that he wanted them to or not. 
Wanda glanced over at Vision, who was already staring at her. She turned her attention back to Clint.
“To be honest...no,” Wanda answered honestly with a sigh. “Maybe it seems like I’m overreacting over him not showing up for my birthday, but it’s more than that. I guess things have been changing for a while, I just kept holding on thinking that I could make it work.”
Clint gave her a sympathetic look while Sam put his hand on her shoulder, comfortingly.
“We’ll support you no matter what, Wanda. Just, maybe let Vision know that as soon as possible, so he’s not holding out hope longer than he needs to. It’ll get messy if that happens.” Clint advised her, and Sam nodded in agreement. 
Wanda gave them both a half-hearted smile and nodded as she hugged both of them. They left her alone after a moment, and Wanda sighed as she left the premises again, this time to stand outside.
It was a little brisk, and she regretted not bringing a jacket as she wrapped her arms around herself. 
Suddenly, a jacket was being wrapped around her shoulders. Her heart flared up as she turned, hoping to see you, but it was only Vision standing there. 
“Hey,” he greeted her softly.
“Hey,” she returned quietly. 
The two of them stood there silently next to each other for a couple minutes. 
“I’ve had a lot of think about over the last few weeks,” Vision said, breaking the silence.
The two of them turn to face each other, and Vision had his hands in his pockets.
“I messed up. Real bad, and I know that. I’ve taken you for granted over the years we’ve been together. You were right. I think a part of me has always wanted to be in the same league as you, and when I wasn’t, the insecurity made me drag you back.” Vision confessed, regret in his eyes.
“But, I want to change that. I have a chance to change all that,” he started and pulled out Wanda’s ring from his pocket. “I will be a better man, the man you deserve. Someone who supports you in your career aspirations too. I have to leave to New York to work on my debut. If that goes well, I will go on tours.”
He grabs Wanda’s hand, pushing the ring towards her. “I want you to be there with me. I want to do this together and reach new heights together. Whatever you want there, I will happily give you.”
Vision finishes his speech, holding out the ring and waiting for Wanda’s response.
To be honest, this is the most romantic thing Vision has ever said to her. Months back, this would’ve made her heart flutter, and she would’ve been crying as she said yes.
But now?
Now all she could think of was you.
Your eyes, your smile, the way you looked at her, the way you put her in the center of your universe to make sure she got what she wanted.
The hot explosion she felt when you guys kissed, and the hot liquid fire she felt pool in her belly when your hands were intimately on her. 
She wanted you.
And Wanda would be the only person to have you. 
She pulled her hand gently away from Vision, giving him a sad smile. 
“This break has given me a lot to think about as well,” she told him. “It made me realize that things have been different between us for a while, even if I may not have shown that to you. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but my heart is no longer in it.”
Wanda watched as Vision’s expression turned to heartbreak, and she put her hand on his cheek. He pressed his face further into her hand, his own hand holding it there as his other lowered the ring.
“I am so happy for you, Vision, to get the recognition you have always wanted. You’re a great man, but you’re just no longer the man for me. You’re going to reach new heights, even without me.”
Vision couldn’t say anything, a large lump stuck in his throat and a burning in the back of his eyes as he looked at the love of his life. 
He swallowed the lump painfully, looking at her once more.
“I just have to know one thing,” he said, voice a little raw. 
It was all he could think about. He had noticed some Wanda looking at you occasionally tonight. Tony had filled in him what happened at the party, and it didn’t sit well with him. 
“Are you in love with her?” He asked quietly. 
Wanda was silent as if to contemplate her answer. She looked at Vision, a resigned expression on her face. 
“It has nothing to do about why we’re ending,” she finally says. It’s enough for Vision, and he nods, shutting his eyes painfully.
Wanda tippytoes up and kisses Vision at the corner of his mouth before coming back down. She drags her hand out of his while he slowly hangs on before her hand slips from his grasp completely. 
Wanda walks away, simultaneously feeling sad but also relieved. She wanted to go back in to find you.
You, on the other hand, had been around the corner, listening into the conversation of what Vision and Wanda were saying. You had noticed she was missing and had gone out to offer her your jacket knowing she didn’t bring one.
You hadn’t expected that Vision had been already out there. Your hands clenched your bicep a little tighter as your arms were crossed, and you listened to Vision romantically confess that he wanted Wanda back. 
But Wanda, to your astonishment, rejected him. You had expected her to play it out a little longer to wind you up a little more. God knows the burning rage of jealousy you felt today watching her all over him while dancing revealed to Wanda that she could also play you like a fiddle. 
But this was her edge.
And it was beautiful to you. The way she obsessed over you and was unraveling was a work of art. 
Perhaps the game was ending sooner than you thought. 
It was now a matter of who was closing in on who. 
You licked your lips, still tasting the remanents of Wanda from earlier. 
Getting up from leaning against the wall, you decided that you were heading home for tonight.
Otherwise, you’d find yourself the prey caught in Wanda’s trap. 
Not that you would mind, you thought with a smirk. 
But you would be the hunter before you would be the prey.  
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