#also just oliver's character after he ages up is so fun for me to think about
saline-coelacanth · 1 year
What was Arin, Sora and Wyldfyre reaction to Oliver crystal king form? I can see Lloyd telling them to not be scared before giving Oliver tofu to calm him down
Ok, so first I feel the need to explain a bit of the timeline idea I had from rewatching part 1. So Oliver joins the team a little bit before they go to Imperium, and although he is initially told to stay at the monastery with Kai, he ignores that order and ends up following them anyway. He mainly ends up sticking with Lloyd for a bit until the part where Sora regroups with everyone and then she and Arin go off to save Riyu.
This is another point where Oliver is told to do one thing and then he ignores those orders to do his own thing as Lloyd tells him to stick with him and the others, but Oliver gets worried about Sora and Arin's safety and decides to go after them. He gets chased by some of the Imperium soldiers and this is when he goes into Outburst/Crystal King/Whatever I end up calling this form. Pretty much, he gets tired of these soldiers getting in his way so he goes a bit apeshit and just starts destroying anyone in his path. He eventually does arrive to help out Arin and Sora and they are both pretty terrified when they see him.
For added context, Arin grew up in Ninjago. He knows about the Crystal King and he knows all the stuff the Crystal King did. So, he is rightfully freaked out to see Oliver busting into the room, beating up bad guys relentlessly while looking EXACTLY like how he did when he was the Crystal King.
Sora doesn't have as much knowledge about the whole Crystal King stuff other than things Arin probably told her, but Oliver is still very intimidating. It doesn't help that she's dealing with the whiplash from first meeting him and realizing, "Oh, he's kind of just a goofball. A little weird, yeah, but he seems harmless." And then she sees him being a genuine threat to the enemies, she sees him fighting Ras and holding his own, and also seeing Arin's reaction to this whole thing would definitely make her freaked out.
Now eventually, Oliver does calm down and turns back to normal when he sees how freaked out his new friends are of him. He panics a little bit and tries to explain everything, but it's a stressful situation and they don't really have time since they need to get Riyu to safety and get back to the others, so they just put a pin in that for now.
After things calm down, Oliver pulls Arin and Sora to the side to explain some things and also to ask them not to tell Lloyd or the others about what happened because he's scared of what they'd think if they knew how ruthless he was against Imperium. They promise not to say anything and are pretty supportive of Oliver since they realize that he really does care about them and has a good heart.
And for a little bit of added context, Lloyd and the others haven't seen Oliver for a really long time. And even before the merge, he had been doing a great job at keeping his cool and trying to be good to make up for everything he did as the Crystal King, and the fight at Imperium was the first time Oliver had snapped like that in a long time while the ninja were around (or in this case, just Arin and Sora). He probably had some outbursts while on his own, but again, the ninja weren't there to see it. After Crystalized, Oliver puts a lot of pressure on himself to be good and to not fall into his evil nature, so even though he was ultimately using this other form for good, he's still scared that the others, especially Lloyd might not see it that way. Because his Outbursts, even when he was a little kid, has always been a bit of that evil nature coming out and making him violent.
Yeah that was a long explanation but TLDR, Arin and Sora were pretty freaked out, at this point in time Wyldfyre hasn't seen him in that form yet (and also pretty much just met him), and Lloyd and the other ninja don't even know about him being able to do that yet so they wouldn't have any reason to talk to Arin, Sora or Wyldfyre about it as of now
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ladyofthebears · 7 months
I am genuinely, consistently confused by people who are team green solely based on the argument that Rhaenyra should have saved Alicent. Not only because the dance of the dragons is meant to directly parallel the Amethyst Empress and the Bloodstone Emperor but also because it seems their arguments are built on this very shakey ground of “Rhaenyra should have stopped her father from marrying alicent and everything that happened after that was because of her inability to act.”
Lets take a second and look at it from both a book and show stand point.
In the book, Alicent is much older then Rhaenyra and consistently has beef with her 8 year old step daughter. Perhaps she was coerced into marrying Viserys, perhaps she was abused in the book, but what was a literal child meant to do about it? A child who just lost who own mother to be placed on the knee of a knew women who tells her to call her “step mother”.
In the show, Rhaenyra and Alicent are at a similar age. In the show, both of them are being taken advantage of and changed by older men. Unfortunately, Alicent is being taken advantage by two man and ultimately is married to Viserys. Rhaenyra had only lost her mother half a year earlier and whilst Alicent was her closest friend, she very obviously felt blind sided and hurt by the revelation. Perhaps if Rhaenyra was older and not so emotionally fraught, she would have been able to take a step back and realise that Alicent was the victim in that situation. Unfortunately, she was also just a girl, a girl who felt alone and now felt her best friend was abandoning her as well. I am not saying Rhaenyra was right to push Alicent away, I am saying her feelings were valid. I think what further made it worse was the fact that Alicent was so quickly giving Viserys everything he had ever wanted- a son. Ultimately, both of these characters are but girls, they make mistakes, they misspeak, they lash out. Rhaenyra distances herself from Alicent not realising Alicent is a victim, Alicent is forced to bear children and bears a healthy boy and is pregnant with another, Rhaenyra feels discarded and unwanted and becomes even more distant and angry. Alicent tries to offer an olive branch but Rhaenyra indirectly insults how Alicent is being forced to live. Granted, Rhaenyra apologises afterwards but those words had to have hurt Alicent. Rhaenyra, in her ignorance of the truth of Alicents situation, cannot move past the apparent betrayal of her best friend. Alicent tries again to bridge the gap but ultimately stumbles and accidentally brings up the fact she had a male heir with no problems, something Rhaenyras own mother was unable to do. And around and around they go, with Rhaenyra and Alicent both tryingbut ultimately alienating eachother. The breaking point is when Rhaenyra is taken to a pleasure house with daemon. You can argue with me all you would like, but Alicent was a victim to Viserys and Rhaenyra was a victim to Daemon. She famously says that they were meant to burn together, but that is only so because Daemon made it so. From a young age, he favours her, he takes liberties with her, he gives her gifts and makes her feel special and scene. He is TEXT BOOK grooming her. So when Rhaenyras uncle (who has always been so special to her and given her rare gifts and indulged her) invites her our for a night of fun, she says yes. And when he initiates sexual contact with her, she reacts. She feels wanted and seen by him, and she is a 17 year old girl coming into her own, and she reacts to his escalation of grooming. And ultimately, when he once again plays with her emotions to make her desire him as he desires her, she leaves and finds her pleasure elsewhere. I am not here to argue about Criston Cole- they were both consenting and whilst one could definitely make an argument about the power dynamic on either side, I am not that person. During the confrontation, Alicent lashes out at Rhaenyra for having freedom she did not have and seemingly squandering it. She immediately is on the attack accusing Rhaenyra of things loudly and harshly. She insults not only Rhaenyra but also Rhaenyras family which she is now a part of. And in doing so, completely alienates herself from Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra, feeling cornered, tells a half truth and evades Alicent. And when Alicent speaks to Criston Cole, she does so softly and kindly. Looking at the two confrontations, it is no wonder one party was more willing to be completely honest as opposed to another.
At the end of the day, Alicent and Rhaenyra started out loving each other. Ultimately they are forced apart by the decisions and actions of men around them until what they had is so broken and unrecognisable it can no longer be fixed.
Alicent, at her core, was a victim. Unfortunately, her pain leads her to continue the cycle of abuse until she is almost unrecognisable from the girl she once was. She over reaches and abuses the excess of power she has from her husband (and rapists) sickness. She instills fear and hatred into her children, and continues her own parental abuse onto them. She became the abuser she once sought to escape.
Rhaenyra, was also a victim. She was much more privileged than Alicent in many ways, which is what allowed her to not be trapped in a loveless and painful marriage as Alicent was. She manages to make the best out of her situation, loving her husband as a life partner and not a lover. She breaks the cycle of abuse started by Targaryens generations before by not marrying her children at 13, by not picking favourites among them, by loving them and teaching them to be honourable boys. She ultimately is caught in the trap of her groomer and marries him, and he unsurprisingly abuses her. Whilst he fought for her and stood by her side, he ultimately hurt her too. Rhaenyra spent her entire life feeling discarded and alone, first by her father, then by her mothers death, then her friends apparent betrayal, by her uncle time and time again coming and going and speaking ill of her dead brother and taking his egg, by the realm once Aegon is born. She manages to be a healthy and loving parent despite her very obvious abandonment and attachment issues.
Unfortunately, all the children grow under their respective parents cycles, and the dance happens because ultimately, evil men did evil things.
Rhaenyra was a girl. A girl who could not realise her friend needed saving, a girl who felt alone. And Alicent was a just a girl, a girl forced into a widowers bed by her father, a girl who only knew pain until she thought it was normal and expected. They both deserved so much better at such a young age.
But ultimately everyone must grow up and change, and they changed so much and grew so separately, they could never again fit together as they once did.
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zabala0z · 9 days
Sorry for not posting, school has been wild and I got accepted into an acapella group!!!! I’m at the sleepover for it rn, I got kidnapped
MAG 121: Far Away
OLIVER BANKS??? Okay but this confirms my theory that Oliver Banks was like the same guy from MAG 32 and MAG 42, like I PREDICTED it guys. I SAID IT. He’s actually quite nice and one of the few avatars who doesn’t wanna kill Jon which is a plus. Also best power cause holy shit. GEORGIEEEE 🫶🫶🫶
MAG 122: Zombie
Glad Jon’s awake but he sounds like hell. Can he like sense tapes now? Is that now one of his abilities??? Not very useful but maybe later it will be.
Anyways, creepy ass statement. Is this The Stranger? I’m going to say it is. They haven’t found Daisys body which is making me think…👀👀👀 who knows. But I’m emotionally attached to every character. AND WHAT IS MARTIN DOING WITH PETER LUKAS??? Bro???
MAG 123: Web Development
So Melanie is not super happy and I can’t even blame her. Like she’s so valid cause I’d be suspicious on Jon after 2 people died and he lived. Although she sounds like really pissed and it’s worrying. I need to see a statement about The Flesh because how did it attack everyone??? Sent mangled pigs??
The fact if u don’t follow Peters orders, you go woosh, makes me nervous. Like I can’t tell who’s the worse boss. If you work there, you gotta either have your trauma be resurfaced or disappear like come on 😭😭 fun that the tape recorders keep coming up. Not. Fuck them.
Yay!! the web!!! Don’t like it!! I wonder if Brian from MAG 100 was in the text of code.
MAG 124: Left Hanging
Oh surprise, surprise, it’s Simon Fairchild. AGAIN. At his old ass age. Again, very The Vast core cause duh. He seems like…a nice person to talk to. Like if he didn’t send people to the emptiness of the ocean, space or the sky, I’d have a decent conversation with him. Who was the cable car monster wtf.
MARTINNN :( bro. Get out of that situation, I don’t have a good feeling about it. Peter Lukas already deals with The Lonely like come on. Their conversation was so awkward. Made me awkward. Jesus. I just need them all to be okay.
Okay I think that’s everything! Posts might be slower since I got so much going on this year like my god. But, I’m definitely going to set aside time to still listen because this podcast sustains me. I live it. Anyways!
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directdogman · 1 year
hello there dog!!! firstly, i just want too say im incredibly proud too see how far you have come, dialtown is so special too me, and for not only that game to be so loved, but also for you too be so involved in the community, is amazing keep up the great work! i do have a question, i am working on a theory pertaining to my favorite characters gingi/milton, and if i may, i have a couple questions about him specifically, if you don't mind of course :) 1. what made you come up with the design/personality of gingi?
2. what are your personal feelings/thoughts on gingi? are you satisficed with them as a character? or are there anything you wish you could change now? 3. this is a wierd one but, gingi generally does not really care what he looks like/what others think, so im really curious why hes so meticulous with making his phone/type head, and if he is so bent up about it, why not try to get someone like Oliver to make him a more proper one? instead of replacing the rotten flesh over and over
4. idk if you can answer this one, but i dont think it can hurt to try...was gingi around, before callum lost his mind?
if you cant answer this, then i have another, what flower would best represent gingi?
Milton question:
ok so....did Callum just straight up cheat on his Marla with Milt?...or am i mistaking something? what i read on the wiki says that milton and Callum had a romantic...fling?
2. did norm know milt? where they friends?
3. does mingus know at least some of the extent of miltons involvement with callum?
4. are there any plans with milton? he seems like such a cool character with crazy potential
that's my questions done, again thank you if you answer! and if not, thank you for making a truly special game, cant wait too see more gingi and dialtown in the future
1)Design for Gingi was primarily based on Frankenstein's aesthetic applied to a the chupacabra. Personality was largely ripped from quite a few unpublished stories/ideas I had before making DT. There's a few protagonists in other things I'd written as potential new game/story ideas that are eerily like Gingi.
2)I'm really really happy with Gingi as a character and I wouldn't change anything that I've established. I like how Gingi starts the game and changes by the end because it's pretty vast, but also not a complete change (and it happens very very gradually.)
TBH, outside of Gingi's interactions in DT, the fandom doesn't really know anything concrete about Gingi due to Gingi's poor memory. Until Gingi formed real human relationships, there was nothing to anchor to, just fragmented and barely remembered individual interactions. Honestly, the bigger picture is really interesting and I'm very happy with Gingi as a protagonist and I'd love to make sequels to DT as I've had concrete ideas for where the character would get up to in potential sequels for years now!
3)Gingi's flesh-head is a bit of a mystery. Gingi doesn't have the same adverse reaction to rotting things that most people do, but does have a general chip in its shoulder about being judged as lesser by others. Gingi (generally) does not make efforts to change its appearance to be seen as less repulsive by others, as we can plainly see from the fact Gingi often forgets (or refuses) to wear clothes.
4)I have all the main character date of births written down, so I could tell you Gingi's exact age... but it's more fun if I don't.
1)I'm not really sure why the wiki says that. There's no canon materials that state that Crown + Milt had an affair together. I think someone just read between the lines and stated their hunch as a fact.
2)Norm and Milt met but didn't know each other well. There was a cut mention of Milt in Norm's dialogue, but after a lot of head-scratching, felt the topic was too forced. Norm wouldn't have volunteered the information unless it was relevant to the scene and Gingi would not have asked.
3)Mingus knows about Milt, though not intimately. The only person alive during Mingus' lifetime who could've talked about Milt to her was her grandmother Marla, who was a husk of a person for Mingus' whole life (and in particular, talking about Milt would've hurt too much for her given their closeness.) Mingus knows about Milt from her obsessive study of her paw paw's presidency, but not much more than any historian/social studies teacher would. A lot of information I'd consider very important about Milt was never put to paper.
4)I'm not 100% sure why the fandom likes him as much as they do, given how little of him the fandom has seen (and how little information there is about him out there so far.) I just wanted a few references to him included in canon so I could potentially reveal more about him one day without fans wondering how this SUPER important character had never been mentioned. It's incredibly likely that I'll show more of Milt in future DT stuff due to how instrumental he was in Crown's decision-making + rise to power. There would be no practical way to expand on Crown without discussing Milt more.
There's a much bigger picture that the fandom hasn't seen much of that Milt is very important to, though it isn't often relevant to the modern day events of DT. Understanding Milt isn't important to understand DT itself, but is to understand both Crown and exactly how the world (and by extension, Dialtown itself) ended up exactly the way it did. And with time, I will discuss that some more.
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iriswestallenn · 9 months
The discourse on Saltburn is so interesting to me because you either choose to take the movie as a fun romp or a movie "that had nothing [new] to say." Or that things happened just for shock value.
While there's definitely an argument to be made that this film had nothing/little to say, (as I am struggling with some themes they seemed to drop halfway through as well,) I just took this movie as a fun romp haha. You have to sit back and remember... they drew curtains back after a major character death and the entire room was RED! They isolate their black family member. They put a deer costume on Oliver during his bday party. A DEER. This movie was never trying to be subtle.
I've seen some crazy takes like "rich people good?" lmao Felix is arguably the 'nicest' family member right? Jacob Elordi and the script honestly do a really good job showing he's just as shitty as his family. After telling Oliver about his life, he asks Oliver, what about you? Cmon, what else? Siblings? ANYTHING interesting about you? Oliver should not have lied... if he didn't though, do you actually believe Felix would have kept talking to him? Felix gathered his family around and told them exactly "what happened" to Olivers mom and dad. No one would DO THAT! Especially if you've invited this person to your home!!
This internet age refuses to accept multiple things can be true at the same time haha when Felix learned from Farleigh that Ollie and Venetia hooked up, Felix STOMPED to the breakfast table. Folded his arms, ignored Ollie, made no eye contact. Then admitted he didn't want Ollie to be with Venetia, he had a problem with THE LAST GUY he brought to their home being with Venetia. They bring a new "poor" person their home every damn Summer. Multiple truths: 1. Felix shouldn't have been friggin killed. 2. Felix was a shitty person. Jesus
I understand the shock value critique. None of the three big scenes came across like shock value to me personally. I think it's because 1. It was all coming from Oliver. Oliver slurped the tub water, he fucked the grave, he put the period blood back in Venetias mouth. I think if everyone in the family was also doing weird fucked up shit, I'd be like, oookay. Now how is everyone here a weirdo? lol but it was just Oliver. 2. I thought this was a cannibalism movie lmao so I was actually expecting worse!
Obviously people can have different opinions but this movie and its discourse have been super interesting to me. I really enjoyed this movie but my main negative is that it does present itself in the beginning of the movie as though it has something to say but it doesn't have much to say? You're also not made aware that Olivers main objective was the house. Or if it wasn't the house at the start, at what point did it become about getting everything from the family?
Remember the friend Ollie had at the school that he later dropped? That friends last words to Ollie were, "he'll [felix] will get bored of you." Or something like that. That was so dumb lmao Venetia says this exact thing later in the movie. Why not make that friends last words to Ollie about status? Tie that into what Farleigh begins to tell Ollie and make Ollies goal clear to the audience even before the "plot twist."
That scene in school with the tutor. Oliver read the whole summer reading list. He came to college ready to go by the rules and succeed. There's no clear turning point imo. When Farleigh gets there late, doesn't care, definitely didn't read the reading list, and the tutor is like, "I knew your hot mom. We weren't friends, I just admired her from afar." I wish there was more focus on Oliver realizing following the rules would get him nowhere he wanted to be.
I ended up enjoying this movie because I'm satisfied with how fun it was, how GORGEOUS it looks, and how great the performances are. Not good, great performances truly. It's so sad that this could have been a 'no plot, just vibes' kinda movie. But instead there is some semblance of a plot lol it's just not fully fleshed out. I still think people are taking it way too seriously and the genuine distain for it is odd but there's a tug and pull here for sure.
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canonically47 · 4 months
this might be an odd request but do you have any dc2 headcanons? Literally any character or ship, but only if you want to!!
not odd at all!! here are some hcs :3
first, of course, the queer hcs (of course, most aspec):
Tumblr media
not pictured, but to me, krystal is aroace, oliver is a demisexual bicurious aromantic trans man, and marcus and nina do not exist.
i see a bit of myself in riya in the way she rejects people and then gets villainized for it just because she's expected to end up with them, and also i think she'd have the "i'm too good for anyone" attitude which i absolutely fw. tess and lake are aroallo icons that we do not deserve but desperately need. kai is the funkiest guy in the cast and yk damn well i'm right about his labels. and also yul fucking sucks.
i have no ships besides jaiden, which is not very surprising since this cast has the least chemistry with each other. of course, that's not an indication of whether or not shipping them is valid, and also, the season 1 cast has a ton of chemistry and i only ship gabellie. (yes, out of this series that has given us a clusterfuck of so many ships, i only have two.)
i like to think connor has social media which he uses to give advice to youngsters he wishes he could've received at their age.
riya and yul have thrown their careers out the window and the show ended up damaging their reputations so much they can't get back in their respective scenes. also since grett is definitely going to break up with yul, i'll just throw in the hc that, after that, he'll just become more of a waste of oxygen than he already is and waste his life away. riya will probably be able to find an okay-ish job tho i have faith in my incredibly annoying evil wife.
rosa maria, lake and maggy all kept contact after the show and regularly went out. the friends ever me thinks.
kai applies for summer camp counseling and is the most beloved counselor everytime. he organizes the most fun activities and all the kids love him.
ally is a scene kid. i will die on that hill.
oh yeah also karol. she definitely is a character that exists.
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kitkatt0430 · 8 months
idk if youre still doing in it but tommy merlyn, oliver queen for the character ask game?
It's been a while, but not that long so sure :D I do enjoy answering these, after all
Tommy Merlyn
1: sexuality headcanon
He's bi. Definitely bi. More into women than men, but he's an equal opportunity flirt.
2: otp
Tommy/Oliver or Tommy/Oliver/Laurel - there are a few other ships for him I like, but not to the point I'd call them an OTP
3: brotp
Tommy & Oliver & Thea where Tommy is the unofficial third Queen sibling - after all, he is actually Thea's sibling for real already
4: notp
Tommy/Thea for what are probably pretty obvious reasons. I feel so bad for Thea in season 1 knowing that part of her freak out in season 2 over having her biological parentage kept from her is knowing that she hit on her own brother and her mother never warned her.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
In the Earth Prime universe, Tommy took Laurel's last name and became Tommy Lance. After his dad tried to blow up half the city and nearly killed Tommy along with it, he's not exactly keen to stay a Merlyn. So it makes sense that when he married Laurel, it was the Lance family name he wanted to honor and continue.
6: favorite line from this character
I really like this exchange:
Tommy: Dinah Laurel Lance always trying to save the world. Laurel: Hey. If I don't try and save it, who will?
It's very cute. And I do enjoy Tommy/Laurel even they're not an OTP to me, so having them be flirty while also kinda summing themselves up at the same time? He wants to support Laurel even though no one ever really taught him how to do that and she wants to save people be it as part of CNRI or as the Black Canary.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Tommy struggles a lot with his feelings of not being good enough and when I was his age (when this show began he was older, now I am, how dare time work like this) so did I. Admittedly, for very different reasons. I've definitely found my sense of self confidence and self worth, though, and I'd like to think that Earth Prime Tommy did too, even though we didn't get to see it happen.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
He can be a little misogynistic at times. I do see it as something he's growing out of over the course of S1. End of season Tommy is way less prone to making an ass of himself objectifying women the way start of season Tommy is, so at least it's something he's got character growth about.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll, definitely
And now for...
Oliver Queen
1: sexuality headcanon
Bi or pan. Oliver definitely has a crush on Barry going on by the time the Flash season premier rolled around.
2: otp
Barry/Oliver and Tommy/Oliver
I used to really like Felicity/Oliver and then the ship became canon and I just... didn't like the way they kinda brought out the worst in each other at times *shrug* a good example of being careful what you wish for, I suppose. Some ships are better left to fanon.
I actually really like the show Laurel/Oliver as exes, that was a fun dynamic for them. Though for the comics its Dinah/Oliver all the way.
3: brotp
Oliver & Dig, Oliver & Barry, Oliver & Tommy
Oliver & Dig especially though. It is fun seeing their friendship grow and be tested and come out stronger in the end. I was glad that if Oliver had to show up one last time on the Flash that Dig was there to see him and say goodbye.
4: notp
McKenna Hall and Isabel Rochev
The former... I do like her and Ollie on the show, they're cute but... she's a cop and comics Oliver would never.
Isabel having been one of Oliver's father's affairs and her only sleeping with Oliver to get revenge on a dead man who chose not to abandon his children is gross and squicks me so much when it happens on the show.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Oliver tells Barry that he can inspire people with hope because he inspired Oliver first. Meeting and becoming friends with Barry made Oliver want to be a better version of himself and he just feels comfortable around Barry/trusting Barry in a way he doesn't with everyone else.
6: favorite line from this character
So I don't know what my favorite line is, Oliver gets a lot of good zingers in, but I really love this exchange with him and Malcolm every time I rewatch S1
Malcolm: What are your thoughts, Oliver?
Oliver: I think the vigilante needs a better code name then "The Hood" or "The Hood Guy."
Malcolm: I agree. How about Green Arrow?
Oliver: Lame.
And then what is Oliver's final code name? The Green Arrow, of course.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Honestly, I don't really know that I relate to him. He's a very different person from me which is probably what makes him such an interesting character to delve into when writing.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Joining the cops??? I thought his inability to stop lying to people about shit could not be topped and then the final season happened. Comics Oliver would disown show Oliver over that one. He may not have been an real police officer, but working with the cops like that was just... crossing a line that should not have been crossed with this character.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
so many problems, I love this character anyway :D
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snowandwolves · 9 months
yooyoyo it's the lengthy ask anon (i nearly typed "ass anon" and that should give you a clue as to how crazy this week has been jfc) back again with some qs because the lighthouse au will forever be in my heart 💕
is there anything you learned about Ava through writing this fic, particularly being in her pov?
uh do you think they ever revisited that conversation about public acts?
is there any particular places you see them visiting together? places Ava visits by herself?
what made you pick "Somebody to Love" as the heartbreak of the century?
did they ever play with the ouija board or the um other things they found in the everything shed?
how did you come up with the idea of Suzanne restoring the truck?
do you think Bea ever gets good enough at cooking that she has dishes she confidently makes for Ava?
which martial arts does Bea have proficiency in?
do you have an idea as to what distracted Bea to leave the rations storage door open?
also after that, when Ava went into town and showed Mary, Cam, and Lilith that "proof of life" pic, just how much shit did they give Bea?
as always, pick and choose or ignore, i totally don't mind - i hope your week has been good and if not, that the weekend gives you some respite! (or at the minimum some yummy veggies? lol'd hard at your tags about broccoli bc i couldn't help but think about Ava making that comment about her asshole in chapter two lololol)
hard relate on the crazy week because that has been me this past week and this is genuinely the first day i feel like i have room to breathe lmao i hope you’ve been having a gentler, slower time this week though! 🥺 right, ok, on to the questions 😂
1. just like,,, how complex of a character she is. in the show, you know she loves life, you know that she’s a glutton for experiences, you know that she wants to live more than anyone else. but when you really get down to how much she’s had to survive to get to that point—all the pain and suffering and grief—you can’t help but love her more. especially, when i had to ask myself how she must’ve felt. that… was an experience lmao
2. yes. ava had to shop for underwear at some point…?
3. GRANDPOP OLIVER! i was genuinely so sad i couldn’t find a way to get him into the story, but in my head, he’s alive and kicking and prone to bursting into tears in the presence of his pseudo-granddaughter. ugh, i wanted to write that reunion 😭
4. this is gonna sound nerdy, but with ava’s age and her mom’s, i figured it was the song that would make the most sense considering what music was like at the time. I Will by The Beatles was also a contender though.
5. ouija board is a horrible idea in a huge ass compound where there’s no other person for miles and miles 😂 as for the uh other things, i’d say they’d have a conversation about it but bea would prolly be like “who knows whose bodily fluids that leather has soaked up”
6. genuinely have no idea 💀 i was like “oh they prolly need a car but also no one to do maintenance here so,,, maybe suzanne knows how” and just went with it 😂
7. yes!!! ava would teach her how and they have fun with it while they google recipes and the cultural background of each dish together. i’m thinking bea would make her waffles from scratch and ava cries into it because she used to have it with her mom 🥹
8. aikido is one. i remember doing research for that for sixth to the ninth hour lmao as for the others, imma say she’s prolly a jack of all trades type (though this is more because i don’t know which to pick. she seems like she could do it all)
9. actually i did think about this 😂 bea definitely didn’t mean to. it’s just the door gave up being a door and it didn’t close properly. she didn’t think to check because she didn’t expect the door to… not door 💀
10. a hell of a lot. so much so that bea put her phone on do not disturb as soon as ava got back with the groceries 😂
ok but what are your thoughts on celery 😭 jk, thank you again for this anon!!! 💙
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magicalyaku · 2 years
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After the first week of February I decided I would only read sequels. I made true on that for a few books until my library app fucked me over and didn't download Simon Snow 3 which I intended to start reading during my break at work (where I have no internet). I was so mad! 8D I was sulking afterwards and started a different book once I got home and the resolution was broken. Instead the theme of the month can easily be "I have never read so many books with adult characters in a row."
Das Verbotene Kapitel / The Lost Plot (The Invisible Library 8) (Genevieve Cogman): I honestly wasn't too invested in this. I was like for the first two days, but the writing style of this series always takes so long to read for me. I used to like it, but right now I just lack the patience. Also, it's the eighth volume. High time for it to end, really. Halfway through I switched to the audiobook to listen to while gaming and well. I'm not good at listening while doing other things. Maybe I'll pick the book up again in a few years to give the second half a proper read. I was content though with what I heard of the end.
The High King's Golden Tongue (Tales of the High Court 1) (Megan Derr): I said "I need more fantasy buhu *sad face*". And then I looked at my TBR and realised that out of 50 books only 3 have absolutely no magic, ghosts, different worlds or planets or whatsoever. Uhm. Well. Errr ... That didn't stop me from going through this recommendation list for queer fantasy books. uAu" Found this book. Sounded alright. Read the preview pages. Sounded alright. Looked it up in the library, uhuh available immediately! Borrowed it. Read it for the remainder of the day and a few hours of the night. uAu~ I can safely say I had fun reading this book. It's not fantasy with magic and creatures, just old kingdoms full of queer people. The worldbuilding is good, with all the different regions and languages being a major plot point. I liked the adventure, the characters (Sarrica's and Lesto's friendship is great), the pining. Good times!
The Pirate of Fathoms Deep (Tales of the High Court 2) (Megan Derr): The follow-up to Golden Tongue! I was unsure at first if I wanted to read the sequels (there are of 5 volumes in the series at the moment), but vol 2 is about Lesto who was my favourite character in vol 1, so no choice. It's like that 5.5 chapter of a boys love manga though. In the 5 chapters of the main story everything is tame until the bonus 5.5 chapter where they can finally do things. In High Court 1, there's exactly one smut scene. In vol 2, there's a million. And the book is only half the size! D: There is a small adventure going on and given the setting it makes sense that it progresses the way it does, but the 3 books afterwards are full length again, so why is it only this one character who gets the short one? u_u He's happy in the end, so all is well, but I would have liked a little more. I guess I have to continue reading the next volumes in the hopes to get a few glimpses. u3u
Husband Material (Forever Material in the German edtion) (Alexis Hall): After two books with middle-aged man and their (amourous) adventures, we slowly inch back to the younger generation. From end-thirties to mid-twenties! Books written by adults for adults, you know. Adult problems. Brrrr. At least, it's funny. Silly even. Was the first one this silly? I think, Oliver and Luc did well sorting through their various issues. I enjoy Luc’s narrative voice. And I loved the ending! xD It must be such a sore point for many people but I was like HELL YEAH!!!
Out of Nowhere (In the Middle of Somewhere 2) (Roan Parrish): I already read the first and third volume of this series, so reading volume 2 was inevitable even though Colin was not the most likeable character in vol 1. And well, he has issues let me tell you. Daniel of vol 1 was a mess but he managed to get a new start and build something for himself in that place. Will of vol 3 may not have the healthiest lifestyle but he was not unhappy with the direction of his life before meeting Leo. Whereas Colin is absolutely miserable and has no idea what to do about it. It was intruiging to read how he and Rafe managed. You know, there's this thing about this kind of books where the characters meet exactly the kind of person they need to survive and to thrive. Even with all the shit going on in this particular one, it's still comforting. xD
Wayward Son (Simon Snow 2) (Rainbow Rowell): The gang is 20, so it doesn't break the streak! I had fun reading this. Curiously, I liked it better than volume 1. Not quite sure why. (Maybe because of Suffering Boys.) Volume 1 was interesting in the way it felt like the 8th season of a series you haven't seen any episodes of before. Now this is the rare look at what happens to the heroes after the series ends and I'm here for it. I also found it remarkable how Baz was described as that utmost evil and ruthless being at first and turns out now he is the most loving and patient boyfriend of all times. xD
Pictures of You (Tina Winter): German author here. It's very basic in the theme and kind of predictable. But in a comforting way. Sometimes it's nice to know where everything will go so you can just lean back and enjoy the ride. The characters were pretty good and the setting was well illustrated. I mentioned last month that my visualisation abilites are not very good but I had no problem seeing the photos the protagonist takes which was pretty neet! I also very much appreciated how all the important conflicts actually happen and are resolved! That’s not a given. xD
Ring of Solomon (Aden Polydoros): I like Mr Polydoros' other books and I appreciate very much how all his books are different from each other. This one is contempory middle grade with a touch of magic. It was pretty okay, but I think it could have been a little bit deeper, a little more ambitious or challenging or complicated. Just more. Yes, it's middle grade but kids are always smarter than adults give them credit for, right? I feel, if you really want them to adore a book you have to give them something challenging that is a little bigger than themselves so that they can grow into it.
Reforged (Seth Haddon): Another gay king+knight story that made me realise I very much have a weakness for this kind of setting. xD Which is so weird because when I look through YA books and see a heroine who is a queen or princess fighting for her kingdom I immediately click away ... Well. This was a solid book. Not quite as joyful as A Taste of Gold and Iron or The High King's Golden Tongue but still solid (also it's a debut). The author clearly put thought and love into his main characters and probably the worldbuilding. Sometimes it was just written in a way that confused me at first, because the actual thing was named late. There's that other paladin guy who works alongside our hero. When he's introduced, it's written "They never got along." and then 90 pages later: "Now that XX was dead, he was his closest friend" And I was like "What?! I thought you hate each other? Did I read wrong? Let me leaf back real quick!" I mean, there is the possibility that among all those people he doesn't get along with this one is still the best but ... that's kinda sad. 8D So, there's small things like that. But the overall story and intrigue was well done I think.
Keeper of the Lost Cities 2: Exile (Shannon Messenger): I stayed at my parents's place for a few days to take care of the cats and thus my commute to work was twice as long as usual, so this came in from the library at just the right time. I listened to the audiobook though, so it was still a struggle for the first 8 hours. I'm so bad with audiobooks. 8D But the beginning was also very slow. It picked up speed around the halfway point, I'd say and also Keefe is my favourite character so I appreciated hearing more of him. I still find it a little odd how some of the characters' attitude towards Sophie is. Guys, she's only thirteen and didn't know about her powers for the longest time! How do you expect her to be perfect at everything and solve everything this very second? Geez. I'll probably continue with the 3rd volume at some point but I should really think about reading it instead of listening. :'D
On to the next month! As of writing this I already have read the best book of March, I swear. xD I’m possibly still high enough to even make a fanart happen.
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joeey-dee · 1 year
What are your other favorite Arrowverse ships if you have any?
Hmmm… good question. 
I guess Canarrow is a given by now, lol. Not going into detail here now why. 
I really liked Roy and Thea, I think they were a good fit and helped each other grow and move out of their comfort zones and the lives they knew and with that changed their outlook on what their lives are going to be like because of the environment they grew up in. Roy learnt that he could be more than a petty thief and that if someone like Thea Queen not only believed in him but actually loved him, other people might give him a chance too and see him for who he is, not the circumstances he grew up in and that shaped him into who he was at the beginning. She gave him a chance and with that pushed him towards believing in himself and that he could be more than what everyone thought and always told him. He didn’t need to be stuck in the situation he was in at the start of the show. 
And Roy in return taught Thea to look beyond a person’s first appearance, to understand what less fortunate circumstances could lead to and the path someone could be pushed into simply by circumstances and desperation. Roy also pushed her to be more than the spoiled trust fund princess that she was or pretended to be at the beginning of the show, he helped her grow up and look passed her own wants and needs. 
They were good for each other and in their case the bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks and the spoiled rich girl actually worked very well, their relationship was very realistically portrayed in my opinion and that made me root for them. 
Moira and Walter were also a couple a got attached to. And I was really sad when they broke them up, even though I completely understand Walter’s reasons and support his choice. Their story was also very relatable and I loved how positive Walter’s presence in the Queen women’s life was portrayed. Stepparents get a bad rep on TV or in movies way too often and that saddens me, because I grew up with at stepdad and he’s the best. I was around the same age as Thea was when my dad died which led to me having a lot more patience and understanding with Thea’s behavior than most of the fandom. I guess I could relate. So, yeah, Moira and Walter have a special place in my heart because Moira got a second chance at love and some happiness after losing her husband and son in such a tragic way. 
I also very much wanted Laurel and Tommy to end up together, those two were so great together and brought out the best in each other. They were a much better fit than Oliver and Laurel in my opinion. They had their issues but I feel they could’ve worked passed those had Tommy lived, Laurel just needed to put Oliver in the past once and for all were romance was concerned. 
I also like Oliver with Helena or McKenna, Sara is my all time favorite but I could’ve easily seen either of those relationships work out in a positive way, once they’d dealt with some issues. McKenna would’ve been very interesting given she was on the Hood Taskforce and her learning her boyfriend was who she’d been hunting for months would’ve made for some great storytelling, plus given her character I could’ve easily seen her becoming Oliver’s inside person at the SCPD. 
Helena was a great character too and I felt her and Oliver’s involvement was very rushed, I would’ve loved for them to stretch it and make her turn on him all the more impactful. They could’ve even brought her back later on reformed and have them fall back into each other and a relationship, and have her become the Arrow’s partner in the field. 
Both Helena and McKenna had a lot of potential that was never really developed and their storylines felt very rushed, unfortunately. 
Lyla and John are also a couple I like, even though they do have some serious issues… but still, I think in they work very well together and they have great chemistry and are a lot of fun.
I think those are the major ones, it is possible I missed some that I enjoyed. I guess Quentin and Donna were pretty great together too and Felicity and Ray had a lot of potential too and would’ve been the better fit than Oliver and Felicity. 
Thank you for your question I hope I answered it to your satisfaction, otherwise just let me know and I elaborate some more, lol. 
I hope you have a great day.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Ask gameee: Sk8 the infinity, Shinkami and Anya from Spy x family.
This posy will be long!!
Favorite character: Reki, but I'm also going to Sketchy.
Least Favorite character: It's Adam, but I do think he's fun as a villain.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Reki/Langa, Joe/Cherry, Shadow and that woman he was crushing on, Nanako/Oliver 😭, and Oka/Tadashi
Character I find most attractive: It would be expected of me to say JOE, and he is attractive, but I gotta give this spot to Nanako. In fact, also to Masae. Beautiful, caring women.
Character I would marry: I'd be down to marry... hmm... I'd marry Nanako in a heartbeat. Or Cherry.
Character I would be best friends with: Joe, hands down, Joe. We can get on Cherry's nerves together.
A random thought: Miki, the green haired chick from episode 2, I think she has the potential to be skater. I actually wrote a whole fic with this idea called "You're Lime Green Jell-O".
An unpopular opinion: Reki actually has some great fashion sense and I would wear his hoodies. I want every single color.
My Canon OTP: Okay, since it's not exactly stated if they are canon, I'm not going to say Renga, but I will say Nanako and Oliver. Because... 😭
My Non-canon OTP: But I will say Renga here.
Most Badass Character: REKI. Look, I don't care what anyone says, that kid was the first to ever humiliate Adam. His plan involving the rain was solid! He's also crafty, makes skateboards!! Like the other characters are badasses in their own right, but Reki's race with Adam in the rain? That took the cake for me.
Most Epic Villain: Hands down, Adam. He's easy to hate, but you gotta admit he is an interesting character.
Pairing I am not a fan of: I do not like Adam and Langa together.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Kiriko, I actually wanted to see more of her and her investigation of Adam. But I hope for her return in season 2.
Favourite Friendship: Love it romantically, but I also love Reki and Langa as friends, too. They just click so well!! I also love Joe being like a big bro to Reki.
Character I most identify with: Reki, yes, Reki. A lot of how he felt about himself was relatable to me and his personality is similar to my own. Also, big siblings. I am a big sibling, the eldest, and have siblings just about all three of his sisters' ages and it be like that.
Character I wish I could be: Sketchy. Seems to have a lot of fun.
When I started shipping them: Ooh, when did I... okay in my early days of being in the fandom. It's actually one of the first ships I started shipping due to what my first ship was. (I'll let you guess who was my first ship, and yes, still ship it.)
My thoughts: I just love this ship! First off, individually, I do adore both characters.
What makes me happy about them: I like that they are friends in canon. That there is that foundation of their relationship.
What makes me sad about them: I actually don't have anything really sad about them. I'm just happy the ship exists.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Again, I really don't have anything here. I haven't actually read that much ShinKami fics enough to pick up on a recurring trait that may annoy me.
Things I look for in fanfic: I'm not really picky, to be honest. So I kind just explore when it comes to ShinKami.
My wishlist: I would love more interactions with them. Even just a single shot will do for me.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Okay, personally, for BNHA, I don't care for any ship to be canon. An ending doesn't need to have canon ships to be a good ending, that's just me. I don't hate the idea of ships being canon at the end though. But I don't mind Kamijiro, still a purple-yellow ship. For Shinsou? I actually don't have anybody. Maybe Midoriya, I like ShinDeku, too.
My happily ever after for them: See them partner up some more in the future.
How I feel about this character: That she deserves happiness and everything else she wants. She's adorable, she's precious, she's funny.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Damian and Becky
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Gotta bring up Becky here again because her friendship with Becky is just too adorable. And I love Becky!
My unpopular opinion about this character: Hm, do I actually have one?? I don't think I do.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: There should be like those comedy segments, like shorts of Anya's antics with Bond, Becky, Damian and the other kids as guest stars.
Favorite friendship for this character: Again, Becky and I also adore her and Bond as pals! He's the best!!
My crossover ship: I actually don't have one!
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floripire · 1 year
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@founderscouncil's jed is a big one, considering i came up with flori after reading about one of ace's wanted plots. i also like @d3adthings' pj and flori together because i think they'd be great. also, @ofvalor and i made flosie a thing - josie and flori - and i love everything about them. there is also @fatecrafted's werewolf, sylas priestly, who i love. sweet werewolf himbo who comes from a huge pack and has a lot on his shoulders. @loetise's allie is also someone that i very much adore and consider an otp for flori. platonically, flori loves the anti squad (mia, loren, faith) so fucking much. she'd fight, die and kill for them. they are her family. they're my platonic otp for sure.
flori's in her late teens, early to mid twenties. so i would prefer to ship with muses in that same age range.
when the clothes come off and stuff below the belt gets mentioned. i may rb nsfw posts on here but i mostly write it out on discord.
sorta kinda? i mean, ideally i would love for our muses to have chemistry but truthfully? if you're okay with it, i'm okay with it. so long as we keep each other in the loop about it. i've said it before and i'll say it again: i'm here to write and have a good time and i would like that to be the case for both/all of us.
bear in mind, this is me throwing characters out there that i would think go well with flori - this is not me saying this should happen asap: - xavier thorpe - scott mccall - kira yukimura - maybe even liam dunbar - tory from cobra kai - hawk from cobra kai - michelle jones-watson - mcu!peter parker - mcu!harley keener - across the spiderverse's hobie brown - any of the 1996!yellowjackets ladies - olive stone - season 4!cal stone - tj morrison - apollo burns - juan ruiz - tilda weber - jack morton - alyssa drake - lilith bathory - hamish duke - randall carpio - tally craven - abigail bellweather - scylla ramshorn - raelle collar - your oc(s) and i am forever patiently waiting for the day where someone picks up colton gobbo as a fc so we can ship together lmao. look at how he looks at her in the gif.
just let me know that you'd like a ship and we can get the ball rolling. see #4 for more information.
i'm ship obsessed! not just about my own but about your ships as well. if we're mutuals and you've got a ship going? chances are i will ask about them. prompted, unprompted. i will love them as much as you do, i can assure you that.
heck yeah!
tvd: bonnie x happiness, first and foremost because bonnie's my girl. bonora has always intrigued me. klaroline seems fun. steroline. forwood. i've also read a couple of tylena fics here and there. i could see bonnie x elena x caroline. also bonnie x caroline. i haven't read as much bonnie x elena stuff yet, i don't think. to: i've always been a huge fan of gia x elijah and i will mourn the fact that they weren't endgame forever. i also ship @witchfirst and @savagevillain's characters together. legacies: i shipped emma x alaric for a minute before i jumped ship to dorian x emma who are, imho, superior. when it comes to the students, these are my ships: josie x rafael, mizzie, mizziethan, hosie, hafael, handon (as written out on the dash by my mutuals, specifically because i'm not as much of a fan of them in the show), handosie (forever mourning the fact that they did not go there), i'd be cool with hizzie too. cleo x kaleb. kaleb x jed. i shipped both kaleb x alyssa and jed x alyssa. and also kaleb x alyssa x jed. i was also - and mind you, this was way before cleo was even introduced - a big lizzie x kaleb stan. josie x jed is also adorable. idk if jed x lizzie was ever a thing but i'm putting them on the list also. jed x hope. cleo x hope. ethan x hope. hope x maya. i wanted more for finsie to be honest. brock x wade has always been a beloved crackship of mine; they never talked in the show but in my head, they are in love. dana x sasha x connor; sasha x connor; dana x connor; dana x sasha.
stolen from @witchwrld & @seesgood
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justadekusimp · 2 years
Hello! Can I request a BNHA and AOT matchup???
My name is Irene
My Pronouns are she/they
My MBTI is INFP (I don't think this is the most accurate for me but its close enough lmao)
I am a huge jokester, i have social anxiety (im pretty good at hiding it though) i am a major Empath and extremely curious, so much so that I'd get in trouble as a kid because I asked to many questions, im as stubborn as I am awkward (both of which are a lot)
I do a lot of photography, graphic design, drawing, reading, and working out. I also do some videography but not enough to call it a hobby.
I am 5'6, I am decently muscular, I have olive skin and Hazel eyes, my hair is a shoulder length wolfcut and its dark brown on top and a dark red underneath.
My likes are: working out, anything in the horror genre, video games, drawing, chocolate oranges, sage green, dyed hair, cats & dogs (especially my dog Ricky), alternative rock or any kind if music really, dance, basically anything considered to be creative.
My Dislikes are: eggs, Texas drivers, pick me's, people who bash on stuffed animals, the color yellow, the sound of people brushing their teeth, and loud areas.
My favorite color is Sunset Orange, favorite music genre is Alternative Rock.
I am one of seven kids, two older and four younger (ages range from 4-32)
Id prefer male characters but if you think a female character would fit better then I'm 100% okay with that.
Thats pretty much it, thank you and have a fan-freaking-tastic day!! <3
Sorry for taking so long.
These are gonna be a bit lazier cuz I'm smashing them all into a short period of time.
BUT, I Will be doing compatibility match ups In it's place.
Here you are Irene!
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Katsuki Bakugo
Wow, you managed to pull him. Not an easy task.
I could kinda tell from the start that Bakugo would be your MHA match, but you are also able to consider Kyoka Jiro or Hanta Sero as your MHA match.
Contrary to popular belief, I don't believe that Bakugo would like someone who is exactly like him.
I think he would be happy with someone like you.
Someone stubborn yet, empathetic.
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Reiner Braun
Um, so- have fun with him.
It's Season 4 Reiner btw
Not sure what to tell you for this one.
Lemme check my chart real quick.
Alright, so you understand each other deeply like, you just get each other, I don't think you would start an official relationship, but you would definitely be a thing.
Hope you enjoyed your matches Irene!
Thank you for your request!
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slapplebees · 9 months
This Is Me Throwing Up: A Shitfucked Dissertation on Matt Demon, UPS, and the Detrimental Effects of What I Now Call Canon
I am on Mr. Bones' Wild Ride, the Isekai of a Lifetime, and I am pulling over on the side and spilling my guts, which is to say I am writing this for you to understand what I am going through.
As per your dissertation, your gunshot through my chest if you will, I gathered the following big boy major points:
1) Matt's previous lives haunt the narrative. It's the death symbol, it's the propaganda machine, it's the Came Back Wrong, it's causing the kitsunes (Louis included) a lot of distress.
2) Matt is a people pleaser and has to act totally normal to lessen their worry. He lives a lie, acting for his LIFE and feeling trapped in it.
3) Dan is his salvation. It is through Dan that Matt is able to find joy in acting and be himself. He also finds a familiarity in Dan, for he sees that Dan is running away from something and finding solace in his art. Matt falls in love.
Sick wonderful awesome, tasty spicy finger-lickin, I wanted to put screenshots but the bitches got blurry. We trudge forward.
Ok, so Matt is a big major liar because of the people around him. Totally their fault, and his personality is a product of him fitting his personhood to their wants. The only exception to this rule is Dan, but what happens when he stops being that exception?
Here's where "post-Chapter 3 isn't real" comes in. Or rather, you can split the narrative or the timeline in two and have the dividing line be the ending of Chapter 3. You can divide the narrative between what I now call Canon and whatever comes after, the forever epilogue, the fix-it, the Rest of It.
Pre-Ch3 and the most relevant things that lead up to it (TGD / Mafia / the 1980s???) are the Canon that gets wrapped up kind of neatly in Chapter 3. Mafia Matt's death, Olive Garden (minus Olive)'s final confrontation/s (Ch2, Basement) with that monster that killed Olive, Dan's first comeuppance, the multiple Earth Gang therapy arcs, the aftermath and resolution of the Bunny Boys' drama all happen on or before Ch3.
Post-Ch3 has many arcs that are important (and fun and really good don't get me wrong) but are noticeably a different flavor to pre-Ch3. Matt's final life, the Beach Arc, Dan's Death Loop, Atty. Louis and the Reformed Tamers arc, The ENTIRE Revolution, UPS, Downs Canon and Candy Crush Canon, and of course ARMAGEDDON.
(Also, not in the list above is the assumed eternal Slice of Life story of the Earth Gang because they are allowed to exist and have basically no drama post-Ch3.
I have nowhere else to put it but here, BUT I think their storyline stops being written and has a whole different vibe, because the "story" is just the Rest of their Lives. Someday it will end, the humans will age, and I will NEVER be able to confront that. So their story does not exist and I am not looking at it, nosiree-)
So, these arcs post-Ch3 are the extension of Ch3. I think we MAYBE told a perfectly good story throughout Canon, like if we made a show, we could end it at Ch3 and have a solid fuckin show.
Post-Ch3 is like the really well-written fix-it fan fiction that follows (/pos!!!). Except it's by us, and it's everything we could ever want, and it's why we can end the world and lose our minds and feel happy and have all the pairings and KILL people and REALLY let lose.
A lot of post-Ch3 is like a whole new thing on its own I feel, and a lot of it isn't set in stone and it has no timestamps on the timeline and has a brainrot headcanonny feel because that's exactly what it is. I say this out of love: post-Ch3 is us looking at Canon, the thing we've made and we start thinking long and hard about the implications.
Back to Matt.
The Matt you talked about in your fucked up little dissertation is a product of the Canon. The Matt who is haunted by himself, the Matt who plays a character as an escape, the Matt who was born for the stage and lives for the stage and loved Dan because of the freedom Dan allowed Matt, which seemed to stem from Dan's understanding of what Matt was going through.
Dan was a breath of fresh air to Matt because he never brought up Matt's past lives.
In the Renaissance, Dan is first confronted with Matt's amnesia and the idea that he isn't who he was in his past life, and Dan inadvertedly does the kindest thing he possibly could. Dan is distraught for the duration of their initial bar conversation, before he decides to move on and write a new play. He buries the OSHA script (for a whole host of reasons), then shifts his focus to protecting the Matt he has in front of him, rather than digging up the previous Matt from his fucking grave and making him do a little dance.
As a result, it's their longest life together. For a minute there, it's the happiest either of them ever are. And then it ends, Matt dies, and what does Dan IMMEDIATELY follow it up with?
The Mafia Era. Without knowing it, Dan not only brings up Matt's past life, but the piece of shit does a whole revenge plot about it.
It's really funny whenever we talk about how Mafia Dan alludes to the Renaissance as if they both remember it, but with the knowledge that Matt believed Dan was special and loved him and felt safe with him because He Never Did That, it's suddenly a change in the script that chills Matt to his fucking bones.
Imagine their initial meeting. It starts off small with Dan chatting up Matt in the bar, courting him with this fucked up drug plan, telling him to quit his job and join his emo band (drug empire). Dan acts like they knew each other, something Matt is familiar with considering everyone in his theatre group did the same, recognizing him for his past self's Oscar wins, acting like they know him, and making him retreat to his stupid acting defense mechanism he learned in kitsune college. However, Dan of all people doing this to him feels wrong, but Matt has this inkling that it will pass. That he can trust Dan to drop it eventually and treat him like a normal person.
Imagine the safety of the kitchen. When Dan (as expected) forgot about his anger for a moment because Matt was in his home again, cooking with him again, as if the world outside Dan's home did not exist. It was the escapism of the stage, but there was no audience. Dan and Matt were free, yet they were not performing for anyone. Matt was content and happy, safe enough to tell Dan he wants this (the kitchen, the co-existence, the intimacy) for them forever.
Imagine the switch-up, when Dan remembers his fucking revenge plot. Imagine Matt wondering what the hell he did wrong, throwing anything at all at Dan to be allowed into his home again, and Dan outright refusing to because he's fucking petty. It's acting all over again, it's Matt trying to do what he does best, attune his personality to whatever the other person wants to make them feel comfortable with him. Acting to make them less disgusted with him. Acting in a way that makes them stop Looking At Him Like That. But Dan doesn't budge. He responds to nothing that Matt does and Matt has no idea what to do or how to act. He's acting because it's all he knows how to do, but this time he doesn't have the script.
Dan used to give him that script. Write Matt his plays and give him a role he can breathe in. Do that thing that Matt loves him for. But Dan's left that life behind. He is still running away from something (running from his brother, the Renaissance; awfully running from, Matt ), and Matt can SEE that, but he's doing it with THIS. This isn't art. It's malice, it's violence, it's becoming that bloodstreaked little thing Dan disappears into when he plays Mafia Dan, in which his words aren't his own and his steps are clumsier than they should be, unrehearsed and unfamiliar. Because he's fucking lying.
This isn't the honest, true Dan who Matt fell in love with in a life (in lives) he does not remember. And yet he is. He is the same Dan, in the way he walks in front of Matt during their raids of rival groups in the black market. He's the same Dan in the way he protects Matt by instinct alone. Matt can see the way Dan does not hesitate, his body and mind agreeing on something for once, suddenly gaining a practiced precision they did not previously have. But so what? It's wrong. Dan's tapping into old habits, the habit of keeping Matt alive, something he learned in the Renaissance, their happiest days, only to crush him. Only for the satisfaction of pushing Matt to the brink, of killing Matt himself.
Can you imagine the betrayal? Imagine the immense confusion Matt felt holding Dan's body as it went cold, as he muttered so much fucking NOTHING into Matt's ear, talking about things Matt doesn't remember. At this point, I don't know what he says. Neither does Matt. Dan could've said, "I've won," "I'm sorry," "where did you go?" and Matt wouldn't understand a single word. Because what the fuck is he talking about? Who the fuck is he talking to? Because it isn't Matt. It isn't anyone Matt identifies with, it isn't a person Matt knows how to be. And it fucking sucks, it fucking hurts how Matt can feel Dan trying to stay awake to get it all out, talk honestly for once in this life, and Matt can't respond. Dan kept him in the dark, in the same way everyone else made him feel, and Matt has no idea who he's holding anymore because he's become just like everyone else. And yet, he doesn't know why it hurts to lose Dan, and he doesn't know why he's grieving this fucking asshole.
But his soul knows.
His cursed kitsune soul still Loves Dan, still Loves the fading thing in his arms, and his soul knows that the person Matt Loved (the person he is anchored to) is dead.
You know when Louis went through something similar? When Louis realized the Matt he Loved is dead? And he broke up with him and broke his bond to him and fell ill for like a week?
Is that what Matt went through? When he lost the safety he found in Mafia Dan, maybe he felt something break in him and he felt himself get sick. Except Matt was a drug lord, so he had access to his awful fucking Demon drugs. So, he tried to self-medicate, and it made everything worse, and a long time passed,
enough time that Dan made his way back to him, carefree as ever, mostly healed, sure of himself again,
and Dan looked at Matt across the basement, with this blank expression as if he's burying something, weighing his options,
and then, Dan smiled at him like they didn't know each other.
And Matt feels a tug in his heart because it felt right. Dan felt familiar again. Matt could feel the anchor between their souls mending.
But Matt didn't fucking trust him anymore.
Matt kills Dan in the basement to silence his own stupid heart. He refuses to hope that they can be together again. He refuses to give Dan the chance to one day hurt him in a way Matt can't describe, to hurt him in a manner only possible if he knew Matt in a previous life and used that knowledge maliciously.
Because holy fuck it's terrifying when other people know something you don't. Matt feels terrified that the kitsunes, Louis, and Dan know him better than he does. It's something Matt has grappled with his entire existence. When he stops broadcasting to the world that he's lost his memories haha, he's pretending that he isn't vulnerable.
Matt has a blind spot, and it's his past life. It's a blind spot anyone can take advantage of. Matt knows anyone could lie to him; they could say they knew Matt in his old life and do whatever they want to hurt him and Matt fears this is the case for everyone he encounters.
Louis knew Matt for all his past lives, down to his very first one. If Louis was a little less kind, he could tell Matt they were friends in his old life, and that he saved Matt's life. He could have trapped Matt to Love him by making Matt feel indebted to him. It's not like Matt could refute his claims. And yet, Louis was kind, and did not pressure Matt into anything he didn't want.
If Jack and Benjy were a little less kind, they could arrest Matt on the spot the second he arrives at the beach. They could lie and pin any crime they wanted on him because they know he's the Tamer Boss, they could have the one of the greatest criminals in Hell's history in custody and he (Matt) would have no idea how to defend himself in court. But they were kind, and called a lawyer to consult with them on his case. Hell, they didn't even arrest Dan.
Even so, Matt can't simply believe in the kindness of the people around him. Not everyone is going to be like Louis or Jack or Benjy, and it really stings that Dan was the one who proved that.
From Matt's perspective, Dan was his greatest fear. Dan clearly knew him from a previous life, with the way Dan treated Matt and spoke to him in the bar. While everyone else who knew Renaissance Matt (his theatre company, the kitsunes) were all just a bit annoying (asking him for an autograph, asking him what happened between him and his previous director, looking at him sadly from across the room or like you said chatting him up as if he didn't have amnesia), Dan was Out To Get Him. Matt just barely got out of that unscathed, but when he sees Dan in the basement, acting like everything he did in the Mafia Era didn't happen? It raises alarm bells in Matt's head.
This is exactly what Matt wanted from Dan. Maybe Dan knows this. Maybe he's trying to earn Matt's trust. Maybe he's manipulating Matt. Maybe this is what he wants. Maybe he's going to do it all over again.
I have to fucking kill him.
And Matt dies.
And he forgets.
(And here is where I initially began my dissertation,)
And when he returns, the story is a little different.
It's post-Ch3 or post-Canon, and the world that molded Matt into the recluse theatre kid he used to be, has been slowly changing since the early 70s. The kitsunes in the college ask Matt about Louis, Dan has long since retired from producing plays, Louis is a lawyer and boss of the Demon Tamers, and revolution is brewing.
And Matt remakes himself.
Because when Matt respawns in the college, the kitsunes ask him about Louis instead of giving him an unhealthy dose of Came Back Wrong Syndrome.
Because when Matt meets Dan, who has long since retired from producing plays, he's avoiding Matt's gaze and walking into the sea. (And, Matt feels a tug in his heart when he sees that orange piece of shit go.)
Because when Matt meets Louis, who has loved Matt for basically all of his life, he's a lawyer and the guy Matt was looking for, and they date and He breaks things off with Matt.
Because when Matt meets Jack and Benjy, who have been trying to catch Matt since Ch3, they don't fucking arrest Matt on the urging of Atty. Louis, thereby releasing Matt from the legal repercussions of his previous life.
Because Mafia Matt still haunts the narrative. Dan is scared to death by him, Louis loved him, Jack Daniels wanted to catch him, but one by one each of those people let that go.
Matt is free, and as the single lucky person who does not remember the dreadful Canon, he is able to simply exist.
Yes, everything comes back to him eventually. At the end of the end of the world, he remembers everything Dan did to him, all the time he spent lying, all the millennia Louis was at his side.
But in that moment, by virtue of remembering everything, he knows himself fully, and his fear is abated. His blind spot dissolves, and he is able to confront his whole self.
Also, it super helps he has a psych degree at this point, like major plus points, big ups, that thing saves his life and helps him be ready to understand who he is ok bye happy 2024 @schmoft <333333
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xaracosmia · 10 months
Tumblr media
name / alias: lyss age: 27 pronouns: he/him ooc contact: phantomthieves on twit other characters in xc: Tim Drake
name: Roy Harper age: 29 pronouns: he/him series: DC Comics canon point: Post Titans Convergence
app triggers: hard drug addiction, underage substance abuse, death by fire, (violent) amputation, child death, paternal death, general violence
“Roy never was one for using proper code names. Maybe because his was Speedy. Too much insecurity and self-doubt. He tries to cover it up with flippant remarks, but it’s not enough.”
“Roy wants to be Dick’s equal, but doesn’t have a prayer. Not that that’s a sin, but Harper’s a reactionary, always competing with someone… Ollie, Dick, even himself… and coming up short.”
“Roy Harper was a scared, lonely boy. Speedy was an over-anxious sidekick. I’m Arsenal, human weapon, super-hero, father, and my own man.” 
“Speedy. Red Arrow. Arsenal. What does it @#$%ing matter? They're just different masks covering the same lying face. They're not who I am. Neither was the other name they used to call me. “Hero.” That was the biggest lie of all.”
Roy is a bundle of nerves. Even if his laissez-faire attitude may lead those who don’t know him very well to think otherwise, it’s not hard to see once you’ve been around him long enough. This isn’t to say he’s shy or anxious in the typical sense—though, sure, he has his days—but that he’s constantly on edge in some way, shape, or form. He combats this well enough by being… well, Roy (see: a jokester, womanizer, etc), and that works for him most of the time. 
He knows how to be the comedy relief—the leader—the father—the asshole—the love interest. He’s a social chameleon, taking on the role that’s best suited for the current scenario. 
At his core, beyond those roles, Roy is a good person who wants the world to be good, even if he’s exhausted by the process. 
something your muse struggles with: 
Roy can be extremely headstrong. He has good intentions most of the time, but once he has his mind set on doing something—whether that means saving someone else or sabotaging himself—it’s hard to distract him from that goal. He’s also insecure and full of self-hatred. Fun!
your muse’s greatest strength: 
He’s caring, occasionally to the point of detriment, but even still, that’s a good thing. He knows how to put others before himself.
history / background: 
Roy’s father was a forest ranger. His mother—who knows? Roy certainly doesn’t. He always wondered, yeah, but wondering never brought him any answers, and, though he sometimes gave his father shit about her absence, the death of his father—in a forest fire while saving a local man—cut that short quickly.
The man—a member of the Navajo Nation—he saved ended up taking Roy in, raising him on the reservation. He learned many things from him and the members of the tribe, including archery, which he was extremely good at. When Roy got older, Green Arrow, a hero known for his renowned archery, was visiting nearby the reservation, and after many, many attempts at getting his attention, Green Arrow—Oliver Queen—ended up taking him in as his ward.
He moved to the City with Oliver, learning much more about the world at large as he did so. Unfortunately, though Oliver was his mentor and guardian, he often wasn’t around, leaving Roy to his own devices. During this time, Roy became a member of the original Teen Titans along with Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Wonder Girl. He was a later addition to the team, initially rejecting the offer during the team’s creation, but became just as close to the rest despite his occasionally standoffish attitude. They grew up together.
As Roy entered his teenage years, without anyone there to guide him, he ended up getting involved in the darker side of the city, taking up drug usage—specifically, Roy became addicted to heroin. When Oliver found out, he didn’t support Roy on his path to recovery. No, instead, disappointed in his ward, he kicked Roy out onto the streets. Luckily, Hal Jordan—Oliver’s best friend—and Dinah Lance—Oliver’s future wife—ended up taking him in. It was rough, but eventually Roy was able to overcome his addiction.
The Teen Titans had started go lead separate lives by then and Roy was no exception. He was invited to join the Central Bureau of Investigations and accepted, becoming a drug enforcement agent for them. There, he often went undercover. During one undercover mission, he met Cheshire—an assassin—and fell in love with her. Knowing they were never meant to be, what with her being a villain and him a hero, Roy ended up ghosting her… which meant he never found out that Cheshire had actually gotten pregnant with their daughter until later.
Through a series of trials and tribulations, their daughter, Lian, eventually came under Roy’s custody. He did his best to raise her as a new father, bouncing around cities and jobs to do so. He ended up joining an extension of the CBI, Checkmate, though his relationship with them ended up rocky at best. Still, because of his connections with them, when he began working with the Titans again, the government eventually coerced him into forcibly becoming the leader of the Titans, much to his dismay.
His new life with the Titans lasted a long time, rotating through its existence and new members often. Eventually, Dick Grayson would return, becoming the leader of the Titans once more after a long talk with the original Titans, but this didn’t last, either.
Roy ended up forming the Outsiders with outside influence, forming a group of vigilantes who operated “outside the law.” He almost died during his missions with them, but this didn’t stop him from continuing, and he…
oh my goodness. He eventually stopped being a part of the Outsiders, too, because he wasn’t meant for their line of work. He instead became a member of the new JLA, taking on the name “Red Arrow” instead of “Arsenal,” but after a series of events that led to the loss of his arm and the loss of his daughter, he would return to the “Arsenal” name, leave the JLA, and relapse.
During this time of grief in his life, he made many bad decisions. He joined up with a new “Titans” team by Cheshire’s suggestion, one led by Deathstroke that was poopoo peepee. He became more cruel in enacting justice on others, not caring who died in the process. Eventually, though, he came to his senses (IRT his new attitude) and once again overcame his addiction, agreeing with an old friend to reform the Titans naturally and as they remembered it.
His daughter, Lian, has since been brought back to life.
powers / abilities: n/a
inherent abilities:
He can pretty much turn anything at his disposal into a weapon. He’s the best marksman in-universe (or up there). His specialty is archery, but he’s just as good with firearms. He can fight hand-to-hand if he needs to. HE CAN PLAY DRUMS!
items / weapons:
Arsenal costume
Roy collects weaponry, so I’ve bunched them below.
Bow & quiver collection—Roy has a favored bow above the rest, but he keeps all of them in a good state. He has normal arrows in his quiver, but he also keeps a variety of trick arrows. Please check here for the trick arrows… there’s too many to list.
Gun collection
Knife collection
Miscellaneous weapons—blunt objects, kunai, polearms, nunchaku
starting ability: n/a starting item: Bow & quiver collection
He’s ¼ Navajo (specifically Táchii'nii clan) because I like that better than the canon. I also gave him brown eyes instead of green or blue (DC can’t decide anyway).
Roy has a prosthetic arm in the form of a cybernetic enhancement.
His birthday’s November 1st… He’s the baby of the original Titans yay…
discord id: roywazhere passcode: GRRRRRRR
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
C, J, R and S for the fandom ask game!!
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
I attempted to like Cisco/Caitlin, but their platonic besties game was too good and I got too invested in their friendship to be comfortable shipping them. Which is a shame since there are a lot of good fics for that ship, I have no doubt. I just... have no interest in reading them.
Then there's more recently Chester/Allegra. Relationships with big age gaps have to do more to convince me there's chemistry there and since Allegra is 24 and Chester is a few months away from 32, they've got an approximately eight year gap. I've shipped bigger age gaps than that (Harrisco... and also ColdFlash) but those ships typically have so much chemistry on screen that it's difficult to unsee once I've noticed. But Chester and Allegra just don't have that. I mean, I am less drawn to canon ships in general since non-canon ships give more room to play by being divergent by default... but this really isn't that issue for me. They're just... bland.
But I do think that's a hallmark of the Flash's current cache of writers who apparently thought KillerBlaine was a good idea. Mark Blaine's only real impression on me is that he doesn't know how to keep his shirt on and he lacks the charisma, personality, and badass leitmotif of Zaveid (Tales of Zestiria/Berseria) needed to pull that off. ... this said be nice so I should probably stop here.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
Glee. I'm never going to be able to get into the show itself. I tried but i didn't care about high school based drama shows while in high school, so not even the music could make me enjoy the utter slog it was otherwise. But despite the drastic divide over whether Blaine is a good person or terrible and somewhat emotionally abusive boyfriend (which... he does canonically assault his boyfriend in a parking lot so you can imagine where I am on that divide), there's a lot of interesting fics (prose is so much more accessible to me than tv for high school and college type dramas) and fandom meta.
That said, since I'm never going to actually watch the show all the way through or even halfway through, I have no intention of ever contributing to the fandom beyond commenting, liking/kudos-ing, or reblogging. But there's fun to be had in fandom without necessarily having to enjoy the canon its built off of as long as people can be nice to each other... while also liberally blocking those who can't.
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Well, Hartley/Roderick is certainly a pair so rare that I wrote the first fics about them on Ao3. But though they're canon, Roderick is basically a clean slate upon which any personality may be placed. So he's less interesting than basically any character on the show with a defined personality of their own beyond 'loyal minion'. Which is probably why I can only think of one other person, off the top of my head, who also writes for that ship. I think there's more than that now, but not by much. That was a definitely a ship where when I first wrote for it I was hoping that even if there didn't wind up being much interest for the ship itself, people who enjoyed my writing would consider reading the fics anyway.
It was definitely Hartley's devotion to Roderick that drew me to the ship in the first place. It's still what I like most about them.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
So I've got two contradictory headcanons about E2 Oliver.
1.) E2 Oliver drowned in what was a tragic accident. We know that the E2 version of the Hood was Robert Queen thanks to a brief news clip seen on the Flash and, in the final season of the Arrow, Oliver was able to briefly take E2 Oliver's place by pretending to be him, rescued and returned home after all these years so that means E2 Oliver at the very least never made it home himself.
But since E2 Malcolm wasn't evil that means he never orchestrated the undertaking which means he would have no reason to put a bomb on the Queen family yacht. So in order for it to have been lost at sea, the ship must have run afoul an actual accident of some sort and sunk. Assuming E1 and E2 Robert Queen were similarly preferential to Oliver's survival over their own, then E2 Robert must not have managed to find Oliver in the aftermath of the ship's sinking or he might have killed himself to ensure Oliver had enough rations, similar to how E1 Robert killed himself and his bodyguard.
All of which tells me that odds are Oliver died and it was probably that grief which fueled Robert's time as the Arrow.
Admittedly, this is what everyone in E2 thinks happened, no doubt, but canon never actually confirms one way or another that E2 Oliver is 100% dead as a doornail dropped into the ocean, so I say it counts.
2.) While it doesn't change Robert's motivations or belief that Oliver's dead... Oliver did not drown when the yacht sunk. Instead he was rescued by a member of the League of Assassins and was given no real choice about joining. We don't know that E2 Sara was on that boat - or even exists? do we know if E2 Laurel has a sister named Sara? - but E2 Oliver has taken the slot that was E1 Sara's and become an assassin. Only he never tried to leave and remained an assassin up until the universe got red sky-ed to death.
I have no idea if I'll ever use these headcanons in anything, but they're there waiting should I ever need them.
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