#also let me add that these days i'm blocking 8 out of 10 new people who follow me because they're bots or blank blogs so
lale-txt · 1 year
Hello! I’m a new author here and I just wondered: how long did it take you to gain the number of followers you now have? If the question is uncomfortable for you or if the info is private, just leave this unanswered!
And thank you for the amazing content you create 💜
hey hi! (o゚v゚)ノ
i had to think for a while how to answer this question. i could just be blunt and tell you exact numbers but if i'm being honest i don't see how any of this information could be useful for you as a new writer?
one thing i really like about Tumblr is that you don't see someone's follower count. and i know everyone always likes to pretend that the numbers don't matter but at the end of the day they're still there and you'll inevitably end up comparing them. and i truly hate that. i don't think your follower count is a decent measurement on how good you are in telling a story as a writer.
for me, i've made the decision earlier this year to not share my follower count here publicly anymore because i feel it creates this strange air of competitiveness that just kills all creative energy for me. i'm aware i hosted milestone events in the past and contributed to the problem, but i think that's exactly why i made the decision not to do so anymore (no judgement to anyone who does though, everyone is free to celebrate in their own ways)
do i still look at the numbers? sure. but i'm not as obsessed with them anymore like i used to be and don't feel the need to compare myself with other writers, i can simply celebrate them.
this might not be the answer you were looking for and i apologize for that, but what i'm wishing you is that you find joy in writing and can share it without letting those numbers get in your head! if you're writing with the thought of "what will bring me the most notes and followers" in mind, i can guarantee you that you'll burn out in no time (and it will show in your writing). do your thing and have fun with, celebrate your milestones but don't let them control you. i'm sure you'll do great! good luck!
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bts5sosempire · 1 year
helloo(๑> <๑), can I ask app/website do you use to edit your fanfics, if it's okay with you? (I'm starting to write fanfics of my own and I couldn't find any app/website)
There are a lot, since I'm only using mobile version of the app(s) since it's more convenient for me to write on the get-go without bringing or opening my laptop all the time.
PureWriter (used to)
JotterPad (what I am currently using)
Grammarly Keyboard (what I am also currently using too)
Google Docs (used to)
Well, to start on PureWriter, I give it prolly a 7.5/10, I like the format and all, but the catalogs are a pain in the ass. Plus, you can't collapse a thread of your separate work, too, if you're writing for different stories. I hate trying to rearrange them in order so I kind of give up on that. It has a word reader to keep track of your word count and letters too. There are also constant updates on the app, so there are always new features being added, so I'm also not trying to keep up with that. I have the copy and paste thingy, as it double spaces my work and won't italicize or bold them correctly when needed.
For JotterPad, I give it an 8.5/10; it had its moment when I fought with it in the past. But there is an option for you to use the basic format, but you could also buy the add-ons if you wish. I may be biased, but I find it more convenient as you can link your account from Tumblr to JotterPad when transferring over whatever you're writing without the "copy and paste" type. Like PureWriter, it also had a word and character counter, so you can track how much you've written. It also gives you a statistics progress graph (like PureWriter, but in a different font, I guess). You can create folders (within another folder, again and again), which is a lifesaver, as I can separate my works into categories -> it almost works like a thread. I don't trust Tumblr enough to save in draft; the many times Tumblr ate my posts when I spend so many hours/days are agonizing.
Grammarly keyboard is a great way to use whatever app you use to write. Still, the hideous word recommendations are a thorn in the side at times when you're using an unfamiliar terminology or another synonymous that not the general audience knows. Like you fool, I'm trying to educate others and expand their vocabulary; let me do my sh*t. I say a solid 8/10, if for not the lagging it sometimes had. The app also had a desktop site, which I will not be talking about since I rarely use it. But if you do have your own words or terms, make sure to add them, or else this keyboard will auto-correct them for you.
Google docs, I'm sure I don't need to explain that here. No score.
But these are just my opinions, tho; you could try and see if they're to your liking or not; I'm sure there would be others who are willing to help you if they write a comment under the post or interact with you. Suppose I'm missing something or forgot to add.
Words of advice: block any porn bots on sight too, they could be liking and reblogging your stuff with a pfp of a hawt woman. So no hesitation. Also blank blogs.
Taggings: make sure to tag many things related to your content too. Thus, this will lead your content to be more exposed to others who like the stuff you put out that is related to their interest. You can check the "the tyrant" series I'm working on atm to see how the tagging(s) goes.
Taggings (tw): the "tw" stands for trigger warning, so if you happened to write any sensitive content that could potentially be in your series/ work, make sure to add them in your tagging if possible or add them at the very beginning of your list of content. Ex: tw frogs, tw cooties, or tw pink guy. If you don't put it, some people might stumble upon your work and unleash hell or politely tell you to edit and add tw to your work.
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elminx · 3 years
A few quick things that I do before the New Year
I'm the kind of witch who will take any excuse to carve out a new start for myself - whether it be a new moon, the first day of the month, the solstices or equinoxes, of the made up day of our modern calendar - if its a brand new day, its good enough for me! (As you might guess, I also adore the Dagaz rune for a similar reason)
So, let's be quick and dirty and talk about witchy things that you can do in the last two days of 2021 to help bring it good vibes from the coming year.
1. Clean your house - I know, not so witchy, or IS IT?!? I've long since made my house cleaning rituals as witchy as can be by adding elemental chants to them. You wash your house with water - that's water magic! Do a smoke cleanse to work with air. Throw out/donate anything that you aren't going to use going forward. Tidy the stuff that has accumulated over the holidays. I do this all week leading up to the new year by taking a room a day and deep cleaning each. If you are good at keeping up with cleaning, think about your front door, windows, and mirrors, places people often miss.
2. Clean your altar(s) - I like to completely deconstruct my altars, clean every single item on them, and then put them back together. Add some fresh flowers or an offering while you are at it.
3. Consecrate a new candle for your kitchen altar - this is more a kitchen witch thing, but I like to have a "Hearth Candle" in my kitchen since I don't have an actual hearth. I often choose a candle that is orange or red for fire colors and consecrate it with abundance herbs (mulling spices mix works well for this) and happy house oils for the coming year.
4. Make an abundance simmer pot - through some hot water on the stove with orange slices, cinnamon sticks, and whole cloves in it and let it cook away spreading the gorgeous smells of abundance throughout your space. This is a great broom-closet tip because you can claim that you are making tea.
5. Perform a type of cleansing magic on yourself - take a sacred bath, or an egg cleanse, or an uncrossing - whatever is appropriate in your practice to sever the times you have with 2021 that will be unhealthy to carry with you into 2022
6. Write down a list of things you want to get rid of from 2021 and burn it in a fire safe way. Easy banishment - GO!
7. Write down a list of things that you want to accomplish in 2022 - sign over it with your full name 9x, fold it, and burn a jar candle on top of it. Easy intention setting - go!
8. Clean up your social media - is there anybody who you are following who consistently makes you feel unhappy? Is there anybody following you who needs to be blocked so that you stop feeling their ick every time they see your content? Are you still following your ex and you get that pit in your stomach every time you see them with their new fling? Fix that shit.
9. Give offerings in thanks to the spirits/gods/ancestors that have helped you get through 2021 - This may be going to the cemetery to say hello to Grandma, or putting out some water on your altar. Don't ask for anything - just say thank you.
10. Cut your hair - Our hair holds a lot of power and can accumulate a lot of junk energy over time. This doesn't have to big a big deal haircut (but you do you - chop it all off if it'll make you feel better!) - it could be a symbolic snip of a few strands or that bi-monthly mid Winter shave (no judgement lol). This could be a recolor instead. The goal here is to make a clean break with the past year - make it your own.
As always, these are just suggestions. Some may feel really right to your or some might feel super off - follow your intuition. Don't feel like you have to do them all - I wrote the list and given how close it is now to the new year, I won't likely get to them all before we get there!
The point is to do something. You can ritualize it as much or as little as you like. Your practice is, and will always be, yours. So act accordingly.
Do you like my work? You can support me by Buying Me a Ko-Fi or commissioning me to Write you a Natal Birth Chart OR purchasing a 2022 Reading For Me.
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Rammus, the Armordillo build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork made for Riot Games.)
Any more words for an introduction would be excessive, alright?
Let's just get on with the build.
Yeah - Yuumi isn't the only one with Zoomies. Super Sonic style!
Alright - I'm rubber you're glue; whatever you say bounces off me and makes you explode.
Okay - What good is murdering anyone who touches you if no one gets close? Call them names (or just say "okay" in a very annoying tone) to force them to fight!
To carry a big shell on your back look no further than Tortle. (The spikes come later.) I'm going to invoke Tasha's ruling and suggest a +2 to your Dexterity and a +1 to your Charisma, to spin around fast and know just the right way to say "yeah" to piss people off. You have Claws that do a d4 damage, Survival Instinct for proficiency in the Survival skill, and can Hold Breath for up to an hour!
But of course there's two things we're here for: Natural Armor gives you a base AC of 17. Period. There is no way to increase this (other than wearing a shield.) Additionally you can go into a Defensive Ball Curl as an action for some Shell Defense, giving you +4 to your AC and advantage on Strength and Constitution saving throws. However while in your shell you can't move, are considered prone (meaning melee attackers have advantage against you), have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws, and can't take reactions. The only action you can take is a bonus action to come out of your shell.
15; CHARISMA - Rammus has to be saying something to get everyone to attack him.
14; DEXTERITY - You need Dexterity to keep rollin'. Also Strength is largely pointless to us because... Shell.
13; CONSTITUTION - You are a tank so more health would be a good investment.
12; STRENGTH - Just because you have a thick shell doesn't mean you don't have to push some things off you at times.
10; WISDOM - Living in the deserts of Shurima means you have to fight for Survival every day, even if it's more like the desert is fighting you.
8; INTELLIGENCE - You literally have 6 voice lines.
For Desert Survival the Outlander background is pretty good. You get proficiency in Athletics but since you already have Survival proficiency you can choose a different one instead. Truthfully: pick whatever you want, because Rammus is a closed book you can make him however you want!
You also get proficiency with a language of your choice that you're not going to use, and a musical instrument! Imagine if they made a Spirit Blossom Rammus skin and he played an instrument like Yone and Yasuo.
As a Wanderer of the sands you can easily remember the layout of terrain around you, and can also find food and water for you and your allies to survive in the jungle! "Alright."
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(Artwork made for Riot Games.)
Starting off as a Rogue because while Rammus may not look the part he's actually quite talented! Take proficiency in Persuasion, Deception, and Intimidation to be the master of taunts and... well you may as well take Stealth proficiency for ganking. You also get Expertise in two of those skills: I'm going to recommend Persuasion and Deception as your two "taunting" skills.
Rammus doesn't talk much because he's a master of the subtleties of Thieves' Cant, allowing him to speak without actually speaking what he means to speak. "Yeah." But of course if you gank from the jungle you can Sneak Attack for an extra d6 of damage. If you have advantage or an ally nearby you'll get this extra damage out, and your Sneak Attack increases with levels. "Okay."
Second level Rogues can optimize their jungle clear with Cunning Action, letting them Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a Bonus Action. "Hm."
Third level Rogues get to choose their Roguish Archetype, and to be the master of one-on-one combat look no further than the Swashbuckler. Fancy Footwork is basically the mobile feat, making it so that the enemy can't hit you with opportunity attacks after you slam into them with Powerball.
Rakish Audacity meanwhile is basically two smaller features put together into one: for one you have a bonus to initiative equal to your Charisma modifier, so you can be the first one around for a dragon fight. "Alright." Additionally if you find someone alone in the river (without an ally within 5 feet) you can sneak attack them, even if you don't have an ally nearby or advantage against them! This means you can dash into someone with Powerball and then taunt them for a Sneak Attack. Speaking of which your Sneak Attack damage increases to 2d6. "Yeh."
4th level Rogues get their first Ability Score Improvement but Rammus isn't really meant to do damage? So grab the Durable feat for +1 to your Constitution and double the Constitution when healing during Short Rests, guaranteeing that you can heal up after a skirmisher and always be ready for a fight. "Right."
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(Artwork by Kienan "Knockwurst" Lafferty. Made for Riot Games.)
Taking a level in Fighter for... well kinda just to get proficiency with Shields, really. +2 AC goes a long way! And the Defense Fighting Style can further increase that AC by 1, equaling a +3 to your 17 total which means... hey look at that! 20 AC! "Alright."
You also get Second Wind for a refillable potion, giving you a d10 + 1 (because we're not getting more Fighter levels) healing as a Bonus Action.
People say that I make too many Warlock builds, to which I say... "Yeah." First level Warlocks get to choose their Patron at level 1, and to be the rolling speed demon of the desert the Fiend Warlock is a nice, universal subclass. That's because Dark One’s Blessing will give you a burst of Triumph (temp) HP when you down an enemy equal to your Warlock level plus your Charisma modifier.
But of course what we're really here for is Pact Magic. You get two cantrips from the Warlock list: Frostbite could be reflavored as a not-quite-Frenzying Taunt because it's basically just Vicious Mockery that targets Constitution instead of Wisdom. Inversely Mind Sliver will let you soften an enemy up for an ally's big damaging abilities!
For your leveled spells Armor of Agathys shall serve as your passive of which we will get many more abilities that do the same thing. Note that Temporary Hitpoints don't stack, but as a DM I'd be willing to say that if you get a new source of Temp HP while this spell is active its duration essentially gets refreshed. Inversely if you want a more direct source of retributive damage Hellish Rebuke will cause fire damage to anyone who hits you as a reaction. "Right."
Second level Warlocks get to choose their Eldritch Invocations; gifts from the sands that make them better from the standard armadillo. Eldritch Mind is a surprise tool that will help us later, and you might think that we should've taken Resilient (CON) instead of Durable at level 4 to which I say... "Right." Anyways there honestly isn't that many other invocations I want until about level 5 so take what you want (Devil's Sight is never a bad thing) and we're going to keep going. You can also learn another spell but again: not much I want! Wait for...
3rd level Warlocks get to choose their Pact Boon and we're still a Rogue first and foremost, so Pact of the Blade is still the best choice. You can summon weapons from thin air to always be ready with spikes on your shell.
You can also learn second level spells like Blindness / Deafness to make it harder for people to hit you, and Hold Person which is like a ranged taunt.
4th level Warlocks get an Ability Score Improvement, and while Charisma controls most of what we do currently Dexterity still leads to kills which leads to more temp HP, so increase your DEX by 2.
You can also learn a new cantrip like Chill Touch for some Thornmail anti-healing. There are good spells at this level too (Misty Step and Mirror Image being two great ones) so take them for now but we're going to swap them out come...
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(Artwork made for Riot Games.)
5th level Warlocks get more Eldritch Invocations! For a start we'll be taking Thirsting Blade, letting you attack twice in a round for more chances to get a kill for some healing. "Hm." We'll also be taking Cloak of Flies for Sunfire Cape, or more realistically Turbo Chemtank as CoF does Poison damage and I'm writing this build during patch 11.8 when every goddamn jungler in the game is running Turbochem.
You can also learn third level spells at this level like Spirit Shroud for a Frozen Heart that also increases the damage of your weapon, and Counterspell for some magic "resistance." "Yeh."
6th level Fiend Warlocks can give themselves the boost they need to make it out alright. Dark One's Own Luck lets you add a d10 to a skill check or saving throw: you're probably going to mostly be using this on saving throws but boosting ability checks can be helpful to. You can only use this ability once per Short or Long Rest however, so use it wisely, yeah?
You can also prepare another spell but again: waiting for a level!
7th level Warlocks get another Eldritch Invocation like... Devil's Sight? A bit late to be grabbing it (proper) now you may say, but it's a requirement for our one-two Defensive Ball Curl special!
First spell: Shadow of Moil! Along with heavily obscuring you (giving most enemies Disadvantage to hit you) any enemy that does hit you takes 2d8 Necrotic damage back!
Second spell: Fire Shield (from the Fiend Warlock list.) It creates light yes (which gets canceled out by Shadow of Moil) but you can choose between a Cold Shield (that blocks Fire damage and does Cold damage) or a Fire Shield (that blocks Cold damage and does Fire damage.) Regardless of which one you choose any attacker within 5 feet of you will take 2d8 damage (Cold or Fire depending on which shield you chose) if they try to attack you.
Here's the fun part: Fire Shield isn't concentration. That means that these spells do stack, allowing you to do 2d8 damage to anyone who misses you and 4d8 damage to anyone who hits you! I don't think I should need to explain why essentially getting a second level Chromatic Orb off every time you get hit is absolutely insane for action economy and overall DPS.
8th level Warlocks get another Ability Score Improvement: Dexterity is still our main "fighting" stat despite most of our levels being in a caster, so a simple +2 would cap it off to guarantee that you're doing something in a teamfight even if the enemy isn't shooting you.
You can also learn another spell like Dimension Door, which is basically a very long ranged Flash. Like, a very long ranged Flash. "Yeh."
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(Artwork made for Riot Games.)
Hopping back over to Rogue because for some reason Rogues are very good at staying alive! Uncanny Dodge is part of that, letting you reduce the damage of an incoming attack by half with your reaction! "Okay."
Your Sneak Attack damage also (finally) increases to 3d6. "Yeah."
6th level Rogues get Expertise in two more skills. I'm actually going to suggest the two skills from your background at this point: Athletics and Survival to continue optimal jungle pathing and escape grapples.
7th level Rogues get Evasion which feels like an oxymoron for Rammus. But here's the thing: they can't attack you with weapons without taking damage themselves, so what if they cast spells on you? Well if it's a DEX save you take half damage on a failed save, and no damage on a successful save! "Alright." Your Sneak Attack damage also increases to 4d6 at this level.
8th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement, and while more Charisma means better spell saves and more Temp HP when you kill someone I'm instead going to simply suggest the Tough feat for +2 HP per overall character level you have. It's 34 health points now and a total of 40 HP by level 20. "Hm."
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(Artwork by SixMoreVodka Studios. Made for Riot Games.)
9th level Rogues finally get your goddamn Frenzying Taunt! Panache lets you make a Persuasion check against an enemy's Insight, and it works in one of two ways: if a target isn't hostile to you they're charmed by you! (I don't know what you're saying to charm them, but it's probably more than 6 voice lines.)
Alternatively if you Panache an enemy they get taunted by you, and have Disadvantage against all enemies other than you. Note that if your allies hit the taunted enemy they will lose this effect, meaning that you will have to constantly taunt them if everyone's focusing one target.
Oh and your Sneak Attack increases to 5d6 now, meaning that you actually do some good damage overall regardless of if the enemy is attacking you or not. "Hm."
9th level Warlocks get another Eldritch Invocation: your ultimate just got reworked, so Otherworldly Leap will let you jump into the middle of a teamfight! ...With the Jump spell...
You can also learn 5th level spells now! There's a lot of fun ones but I'm going to suggest good ol' Hold Monster. It's like Hold Person, but it works on Dragon! "Right."
Our final level is the 10th level of Fiend Warlock for Fiendish Resilience. Choose a damage type to gain resistance to! This doesn't work against silvered weapons, so it isn't that good against ADCs but it does give you some resistance against spellcasters. (Most literally.) You have to pick the resistance at the end of a Short or Long Rest, so it does help to know what you're going up against.
You also don't learn a spell because lol Warlocks, but you do get another cantrip! So take good ol' Prestidigitation to put on a show after reaching max level!
Ok - I already mentioned how strong Fire Shield plus Shadow of Moil is. This damage goes against any enemy who hits you in melee, and can really hurt against multiple attacks!
Alright - You have plenty of ways to keep from getting hurt while you tank all the hits. Temp HP from Dark One's Blessing, Uncanny Dodge and Evasion, and of course 20 AC with just a shield!
Yeah - Despite not investing completely in Charisma your proficiency carries you a long way in social encounters. Just remember to say more than 6 words! (If "hmm" can even be considered a word.)
Right - All your damage is loaded against melee enemies, as you need to be in melee to hit them with Sneak Attack and both your shields only deal damage back to melee attackers. Ranged enemies are still going to suffer against your high AC and you're capable of spamming cantrips at them, but you really shine against melee bruisers.
Yeh - Only having 10 Warlock levels means that you only have two total spell slots. That's enough to cast your Defensive Ball Curl combo once. If you want to operate at maximum effectiveness you're going to need to take frequent short rests.
Hmm - Perhaps the biggest irony of Rammus is that being a Tortle doesn't really help us much. Being any other race would give you access to magic armor, as well as likely better racial features to generally be more useful overall. (Don't get me wrong: hiding in your shell is nice to boost AC but come late game the lack of movement will hurt you more than it'll help, especially since it makes you go prone.) My suggestion would be to make a Warforged for their innate +1 AC, or go for something like a Satyr or Gnome to resist magic.
But you can do okay no matter what the enemy lineup is. Hmm? You think you'll struggle, yeh? Well with the right team backing you up you'll do alright. Yeah.
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(Artwork by Alvin Lee. Made for Riot Games.)
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
100 New Girl Prompts
So many prompts, most of which are funny. Break at 15 cause it’s mega long.
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1 "I'm using my bride/groom card!" — Cece
2 “Can we just take a minute to celebrate me?" — Schmidt
3 “So many emotions." — Nick
4 “I'm totaling my assets. It's really bleak." — Jess
5 “Look at those horny horny hippos.” — Nick
6 “I got mozzarella sticks for fingers." — Nick
7 “Every moment you're on this Earth is a moment I know where you are." — Nick
8 “It is my Secret Santa alias." — Winston
9 “Friend face." — Winston
10 “It's perfectly fine to watch TV all day." — Nick
11 “If I were off my rocker, would I take a weekly selfie with my cat?" — Winston
12 “I can't find my driving moccasins anywhere." — Schmidt
13 “Believe it or not, that's not the first time someone's broken my feeling stick. I have a travel size." — Jess
14 “Put on some pants, or at least some really high socks." — Jess
15 “You like me? You like my personality?" “I was surprised, too.” — Schmidt & Cece
16 "I just wanted to listen to Taylor Swift alone!" — Jess
17 “That's like the president and the vice president not being best friends." — Winston
18 “I'll take the strongest drink you have, and also a wine spritzer on the side in case I don't like it." — Jess
19 “You have the right...to remain hugged." — Coach
20 “If you are for one second suggesting that I don't know how to open a musical, how dare you!" — Schmidt
21 “I was sabotaged by my baby box." — Jess
22 “We are literally the most embarrassing people on the planet." — Jess
23 "It's a weird life, but it's where I'm at right now." — Nick
24 "You gave me a cookie, I gave you a cookie." — Nick
25 “Go put a dollar in the jar right now." — Coach
26 “This is my jam." — Coach
27 “Saturday is a day for sleeping, and damn it, you will not take that away from me!" — Winston
28 “Are we eating or are we not eating?" — Winston
29 "Eating cookies and avoiding confrontation." — Jess
30 “Because it's a great story, and I'm a teller of stories." — Nick
31 “I like being weird." — Jess
32 "This is the worst thing to ever happen to me. I've lived a very fortunate life!" — Jess
33 "I don't like it. It's too much responsibility." — Nick
34 “Are you cooking a frittata in a sauce pan? What is this – prison?” — Schmidt
35 “I hate your mustache because I miss your upper lip.” — Schmidt
36 “He’s/She's got that giant heart that's part compass and part flashlight and he’s/she's just the greatest person I have ever met.” — Nick
37 “Who's that guy/girl? It's NAME." — Jess
38 “Watch your front because we've got your back!” — Cece
39 “Picking lint off of a man's/woman’s sleeve is the most intimate gesture.” — Cece
40 “Blast from the past, how's that ass?” — Jess
41 “I hate this. I just wanna sit around and do nothing, but that is not hot.” “That's hot to me. You add some sweatpants to that and that is better than porn.” — Kai & Nick
42 “Look at that font! What is this? Amateur hour? At least use Palatino.” — Nick
43 “I’m like a sexual snowflake. Each night with me is like a unique experience.” — Schmidt
44 “Where have you been? I am having a major life crisis, and you guys are, what, just driving around, French kissing each other like a couple of Dutch hookers?” — Schmidt
45 “No sig oths.” “Just say ‘significant others.” “Maybe you have that kind of time, but I’m on a tight sched.” — Schmidt & Cece
46 “I know this isn’t gonna end well, but the whole middle part is going to be awesome.” — Nick
47 “NAME, you’ve been staring at this guy/girl for 5 minutes. Please tell me you’re checking him/her out, otherwise you’re a serial killer. Which would explain a lot.” — Schmidt
48 “This is a horrible neighborhood. There are youths everywhere!” — Schmidt
49 “Guess whose personalized condoms just arrived!” — Schmidt
50 “I’m really gonna need you to step it up tonight, okay? When I see you, I wanna be thinking, ‘Who let the dirty slut out of the slut house?’” — Schmidt
51 “Can someone please get my towel? It’s in my room next to my Irish walking cape!” — Schmidt
52 “Have you seen my sharkskin laptop sleeve?” — Schmidt
53 “Don’t pretend to know my pain.” — Schmidt
54 “Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.” — Nick
55 “I don't know what I'm doing emotionally or -- let's be honest -- sexually.” — Jess
56 “What if I have some idea of love in my head and it’s just totally wrong?” — Jess
57 “Life sucks. And then it gets better. And then it sucks again.” — Nick
58 “I like getting older, I feel like I’m aging into my personality.” — Nick
59 “You know, sometimes I feel like I’ve never really felt love.” — Winston
60 “When you care about somebody you do what's best for them even if it sucks for you.” — Schmidt
61 “Old people freak me out. With their hands and their legs. They’re like the people version of pleated pants.” — Schmidt
62 “I’m gonna have to run all the way home, and I have my slipperiest loafers on.” — Schmidt
63 “Downstairs neighbour put a password on their wi-fi.” — Nick
64 “You were denied a cell phone because you have the credit score of a homeless ghost.” — Schmidt
65 “I’m only attracted to guys/girls who are afraid of success and think someone famous stole their idea.” — Jess
66 “This place is fancy and I don’t know which fork to kill myself with.” — Nick
67 “Without sex, he’s/she’s not your boyfriend/girlfriend. Okay? He’s/She’s a friend you buy meals for.” — Schmidt
68 “I feel like I wanna murder someone. And also, I want soft pretzels.” — Jess
69 “So when I do the chicken dance, I do it a little differently. Instead of doing claps, I like to do a peck. It’s more realistic.” — Jess
70 “NAME doesn’t have a life plan. He/She doesn’t have a day plan. I once found a note that he/she wrote to himself that said, ‘Put on pants.'” — Jess
71 “I don’t want to kiss and tell, but I ruined my dresser during intercourse. Will you go to Ikea with me?” — Jess
72 “Can I get an alcohol?” — Nick
73 “I want to kill you, because I respect you. NAME! I think I understand hunting!” — Nick
74 “Look, we’re not trying to be mean. We just don’t want you to be yourself… in any way.”
75 “I have decided to give up on men/women and put all of that energy into tomatoes.”
76 “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? No, a summer’s day is not a bitch!” — Nick
77 “I only wanna make a drink a coal miner would want. Straight forward. Honest. Something that says, ‘I work in a hole.'” — Nick
78 “I’m not convinced I know how to read, I’ve just memorized a lot of words.” — Nick
79 “I like chipmunks more than squirrels.” — Nick
80 “I can’t believe I’m the sober one. That’s actually never happened before in my life.” — Nick
81 “Beans are nothing but soggy nuts.” — Schmidt
82 “Can I interest you in some white noise?” — Winston
83 “Those are pickles in progress.” — Winston
84 “Who’s talking to you, Depression-era garbage man?” — Coach
85 “I need everyone to shut up.” — Coach
86 “Your asses belong to me now.” — Coach
87 “That’s what’s up, that’s what’s up. No doubt. Diggity.” — Coach
88 “I hate when Schmidt cries. He sounds like a ghost singing ‘Hey Ya.'” — Coach
89 “I’ve made out with half of the guys/girls in this room.” — Cece
90 “You always see the worst in people.” “Yeah, because people are the worst.” — Jess & Nick
91 “I’m sorry we’re not going this weekend.” “But It’s free.” “Did you say free?” “Yeah.” “We’re 100% in. I’ll go pack now.” — Nick & Jes
92 “I’m going to end up alone. I’m going to be a single old man/lady flashing people on the subway.” — Jess
93 “I’ve got two perfectly good forks on the end of my arms.” — Nick
94 “If we needed to talk about feelings they would be called talkings.” — Nick
95 “When you question my pajamas, you make me question our entire friendship!” — Jess
96 “Why can’t I have the things that I want?!” — Schmidt
97 “Bathtubs are medieval filth cauldrons.” — Schmidt
98 “They don’t hate me because I’m old. They hate me because of my personality.” — Schmidt
99 “It’s like you’re ripping the side block out of my mental Jenga.” — Schmidt
100 “I’m not actually quite sure how to stop this.” — Schmidt
40 notes · View notes
abnormal-angel · 7 years
Im not sure I understand all the "drama" around DK and Norm. What happened? Why is everyone hating on her? Are they a couple or not? What did she do that makes people so angry? Where do people take their info on their relationship? I'm so behind on the gossips. Sorry for asking. I hope you'll be able to light my lantern.
Hey Anon! How much time do you have? Pull up a seat and I will tell you the tale of dk (lol). I’m going to try and stick the main points here, if I leave anything our anons will let me know.
First please check out the dk wank tag I created, this will start you at the very beginning of what started all this for me. Which was he trolling the fans on IG. Anyway here some main reasons why fans are upset with her.
1. I have known about DK since she started dating Joshua Jackson about a decade ago, I have never been a fan of hers and have always thought she was just entirely fake and only in it for the fame and attention. She used Joshua’s name to become “somebody” in Hollywood, from which I hear isn’t her biggest fan. 
2. She is a serial cheater and known to leech off of one guy and then jump right into bed with another. She has cheated on her ex husband and cheated on Joshua with Norman while making the movie, Sky. Cheating on Joshua right under his nose, even though he helped get the film publicity by cameoing in the movie, which still flopped.
3. She carried on cheating on Joshua with Norman and who knows who else tbh after Joshua gave her another chance. After a year Joshua finally kicked her to the curb when she was caught cheating on him again. For some reason dk is the one who sought out Norman for the role in sky and had apparently wanted to get her hooks in him that early. What is even more sick is that Norman and Joshua had been friends and had known each other for years. 
4. From what we known dk and norman have been casually screwing around with each other since then (2015) but Norman has also been screwing around with a lot of other women on the side at the same time. dk has been pushing really hard the past few months to try and force norman into saying they are exclusive, going so far as to set up her paparazzi rag (The Daily Mail) to snap shots of them out on the town or her going to his apartment (showing everyone where he lives btw). She then has her people there type up hyped up articles with headlines like, “Sorry Joshua, but she’s taken!!” Using Norman’s name to throw shit towards Josh all the while pretending she really cares about Norman. Who she was quoted to call, “a very broken,” man in an interview while filming sky. Uh what?? So you love your men broken do ya dk? Twisted.
5. She is an emotional manipulator and many of us worry that she is going to hurt his heart. She has already proven all the cares about is her face in the spotlight and she uses guys to get this attention. Literally, no one thinks she can act, so her life legit has become siccing paparazzi on Norman every second he has been in NYC on hiatus and then leaking them to her rag. All the rag articles mention Norman Reedus, even in ones where it is just her picking up her laundry or some shit, because it gets clicks and she gets paid.
6. dk has a sick and twisted tie with the Daily Mail. Check it out. Not only are most of these articles just plain click bait, but it shows her connection to the rag is a deep one where she is basically paying paparazzi to setup norman and her and norman on the town and then she pays the daily mail writers to write whatever b.s. story she wants us to believe. Not too mention her IG appears to be filled with paid trolls who help her block and delete all negative commentary on her IG and fill it with bullshit, “you’re so beautiful we love you and norman,” comments. Which again Norman has NEVER come out and actually said they are dating so this just again shows her lack of respect and willingness to spin things her way, even in fucking IG comments. lol hilarious. She spends her days trolling fans and stalking norman, she has legit not left him alone this entire hiatus, except when he is at cons. Bitch is scared of fans and should be, we are catching onto all her b.s.
7. Don’t even get me started on the video she set up with her and norman about a month back. He was wasted out of his mind and she was parading him around like a puppy on a leash, while the paps snapped away. Then she set up up so we had to watch her attacking him basically while she gives him a hickey and he stands there awkwardly and tense af, knowing they are being filmed. Then she smacked his ass, as if to claim him, he looked pissed. If you can stomach the video (seriously the grossest thing I have ever seen tbh *shudders*) google “diane kruger daily mail norman reedus makeout” or something like that and you will find it. But be forewarned it is gross. 
8. Also this very same day she paid paps in L.A. to follow Joshua around when he was on a date with his new girl. She then leaked those photos because she had been bugging Josh to go public for a while with this new woman and he wouldn’t. So she legit set him up so that he was forced to go public, at least in paparazzi rags. No major media magazine ever picks up any of these things it is tabloid fodder that she gets paid for and spins to her advantage. So that very day she leaks Joshua on his date pap picture is the very same day she set up and leaked that video. 
9.She is trying to lock his ass down and show people he is hers, when in reality he has never come out publically about being in a relationship with her or it being anything exclusive or official. Norman also has always loved his privacy and has a hatred for paparazzi and has a well known history of this. So her using paps to force himself to out himself with her is really sick and twisted of her. And her setting him up at his apt, showing where he lives in also very disrespectful.
10. She is an emotional manipulator, she is very good at trying to spin everything so that she is the victim when in fact she is victimizing him. He is also not completely innocent in all of this, but I believe he has a good heart and she is playing with it. She is literally using him for everything she can squeeze out of him.
11. We also found out last week that it was her and her people who set up and propped up the false pregnancy rumors that have been flying around the past few weeks. Even though every event she is at she is caught drinking, just another way to troll fans and gain clicks on her rag. Also again if you respected Norman you wouldn’t be spreading false rumors and purposefully playing into them. Just shows what kind of person she really is, a user.
12. Norman is obviously hating the paparazzi be sicced on him all the time and some theorize this is a way she is keeping him on lock down. Think about it, he can’t fuck around if they are watching his every move. Another way to force exclusivity when it is obvious Norman does not want that. She traps and uses him and then calls it “love.”
[EDIT ANON ADDED ITEM]: Add to your list. DK was only allowed in Spain on the promise she would not call paps. She begged NR to go. She broke it before she left because she alerted the DM paps she was leaving the country for everyone to see. DK has also said shit about one of NR’s closest friends  She has also said bad things about Norman himself last year to get what she wants.
[EDIT ANOTHER ANON ADDED ITEM]:  Do not forget she is a plain classic stalker. She stalked NR fan blogs and saw about his ex-gf ig he commented on. She tracked the gf down and liked posts on her account about NR. She must spend most of her time researching his name. She went to Italy and when she saw he was hanging with his twd friends she flew back the same day because she is so crazy. And she keeps up comments about them marrying in secret on her social media.
Whew! I think I got most of the main points here Anon. Long story short she is bad news and making Norman look awful in the industry’s eyes right now, which he doesn’t need or deserve. We all hope he gets away from this toxic manipulative woman soon. He deserves to be treated so much better!
WE LOVE YOU NORMAN! And we love Joshua! Who didn’t deserve any of this (after ten years with her she does this to him) And we hope that they both get away from her as soon as possible.
Hope that clears things up. Thanks Anon! Send Norman some love and clarity, he is really grappling with big decisions about this situation rn if you ask me…
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
And so hackers, like painters, must have empathy to do really great work. It's that death is the default for startups, but as far as I can tell you how much an expert can know about it, because all three are doable. So if you can get away with working as if the goal were to discover good ideas, especially in technology. What cram schools are, in successive lines. If founders' instincts already gave them the right answers, they wouldn't need to examine their credentials. You can't prevent great variations in wealth without preventing people from getting rich, and you don't have to be on 12 boards at once, or does there have to be designed to suit human strengths and weaknesses as much as shoes have to be on 12 boards at once, then a VC fund can do 2 series A deals per partner per year. Now the people who work there.1 Programming languages are for hackers, and learning what they want, or they'll get the wrong candidates. Usually there is something deeper wrong. Maybe it would be a lost cause trying to create a giant, public company, and act surprised when someone made you an offer. It could be the reason they don't have any illusions that being able to solve it. And microcomputers turned out to be a problem.2
We're dealing with one of their investors.3 Even a committee of two gets in the way.4 Fortunately the process of discovering it's broken, you'll come up with ideas for startups, one of the angels in his Baptism of Christ. If coming up with a million dollar idea is just to read. One of the worst things that can happen to a startup a few days ago I suddenly realized Microsoft was dead. Are you crazy? But that doesn't sound like conversation. It was common for the master to paint the principal figures and for assistants to paint the others and the background.
Often the founders themselves didn't know why their ideas were promising. But can you think of technology as something that's spreading like a sort of Valley within the Valley, lightning has a sign bit. But I don't think ordinary programmers' opinions matter.5 The founders sometimes think they know. I said a good rule of thumb in the VC business were established when founders needed investors more. Many Perl programs probably begin as just a couple guys in an apartment, which did not seem cool in 1995 the way it does now. So many of the people who talk about it publicly till long afterward. If you think about it if you're trying to decide whether to start one.6 Microsoft could have, will you convince investors?7 It was not until Perl 5 if then that the language was suitable for writing serious programs, and yet pay a higher price for them. You do not want to design your society in a way that is extremely rare in technology. It must have seemed to our competitors that we had to make search better, and users will gradually seep over to you.8
A round, before the VCs invest they make the company set aside a block of stock for future hires—usually between 10 and 30% of the company for him.9 Different types of investors are entering this territory, there is still room for more. And then of course it's going to seem hard. Maybe in the future.10 For a new language.11 I think people believe that coming up with an idea for a startup to starting one, and looking back, I'm amazed how much worry it caused me. But that world ended a few years of being used only by a small number of early adopters. If one top-tier VC firm started to do series A rounds?12 In addition to our interest in faces, there's something special about primary colors for nearly all of us, because it's an artifact of the way? 94 you hold is worth. All that matters is how hard the project is technically, and that is not the only cost of hiring someone: there's usually salary and overhead into stock you should multiply the annual rate by about 1. Usually angels are financially equivalent to founders.
1-n to see if they had a live online demo, was look at their job listings. It was as if I'd told him how much girls liked Barry Manilow in the mid-1980s, because that's where big systems come from. XMLHttpRequest object, which lets the browser communicate with the server in the background to frame her head.13 The other approach, the big bang method.14 It drives me crazy to see code that's badly indented, or that uses ugly variable names. They wouldn't all grow as big as Google might well get it wrong.15 Few would dispute, at least for them. That's not quite the same thing. The founders sometimes think they know. The VC business backed into it as their initial assumptions gradually became obsolete. 94 x 1.16
If there were a number of startups is that there is even something of a fashion for it in some places. When you make any decision involving equity, run it through 1/1-n Whenever you're trading stock in your company for something that more than doubles the company's average outcome, you're net ahead. What I will say is that I don't think there's any correlation. So the language probably must already be installed on the computer you're using. Traditional economists seem strangely averse to studying individual humans.17 It's also counter-cyclical.18 It was only after hearing reports of friends who'd done it that they decided to try it themselves. To convince yourself that your startup is worth millions of dollars, a good idea to spend some time thinking about language design, and having the same people both design and implement the product.19 Every good writer knows this, and it's the hackers you need to be solved, and d deliver them as informally as possible, as if they had a live online demo, was look at their job listings. What I'm proposing is exactly the way the best startups get started.20
A new search engine in 1998, or turning down a billion dollar acquisition offer.21 Before credentials, government positions were obtained mainly by family influence, if not outright bribery. This doesn't just affect what they claim to like; they actually make themselves like things they're supposed to be doing something else; and though businesses, their founders often know nothing about business. The startup would be underfunded! For example, it might be a rich market, and usually some evidence of success so far.22 They also tend to cause you to grow out of them. Maybe it's just because knowledge about them hasn't permeated our culture yet.23
In the general case, if n is the fraction of the nation's income—so much of a larger share of the stock in, and control of, their companies. This connection adds more brittleness than strength, however: people don't watch what's on at 10 because they want to work on some very engaging project. If you think of one that had a massively popular language because it is not dense enough.24 Ironically, Microsoft unintentionally helped create Ajax.25 Startups condense more easily here. What you want to win through better technology, aim at smaller customers. Startups are the kind of ideas you could not merely ignore, but ridicule.26 I'd recommend meeting them if your schedule allows. This essay is derived from a guest lecture at Harvard, which incorporated an earlier talk at Northeastern.
The idea is to talk to an audience makes people feel confused and depressed in their standards that they're really works of their core values is Don't be fooled.
To the extent this means anything, it would feel pretty bogus to press founders to do as some European countries have done all they could attribute to the erosion of the largest household refrigerators, weighs 656 pounds.
The obvious choice for your protection. Strictly speaking it's not obvious you'd be making something for which you ultimately need if you did. The Duty of Genius, Penguin, 1991. The Wouldbegoods.
And maybe we should have become direct marketers. The New Industrial State to trying to make peace with Spain, and stir.
So what ends up happening is that the path from ideas to startups. Com of their professional code segregate themselves from the DMV.
It was born when Plato and Aristotle looked at the works of their professional code segregate themselves from the end of economic inequality to turn into other forms of inequality, and large bribes by the normal people they're usually surrounded with. Related: Reprinted in Bacon, Alan, Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity, Social Text 46/47, pp.
Don't believe a domain where you go to a degree in design is any better than the type who would have become. But when you lose that protection, e.
I chose this example deliberately as a result a lot about some of those sentences. I mark. My point is due to I. I know randomly generated DNA would not be able to fool investors with such energy that he transformed the field they describe.
Which in turn the most convincing pitch can't sell an idea that people start to finance themselves with retained earnings was one that had been with their users.
Since they don't yet have any of his professors did in salary.
Only in a dream world. For sufficiently small audiences, it tends to happen fast, like play in a startup. This is what the earnings turn out to be when I was writing this, but they hate hypertension.
And since there are before the name of a cent per spam. No one wants to program a Turing machine. But be careful.
Public school kids at least for those interested in x, and spend hours arguing over irrelevant things. You're not one of these groups, which brings in more people. Even now it's hard to make fundraising take less time, because I realized that without the methodological implications.
Add water as specified on rice cooker, if the value of understanding per se, it's cool with us if the founders of failing startups would even be tempted, but when that happens. As always, tax receipts as a kid most apples were a couple predecessors. Geshke and Warnock only founded Adobe because Xerox ignored them.
All he's committed to believing anything in particular took bribery to the other sense of the 1929 crash. Most new businesses are service businesses and except in the old days it was the reason this trick works so well. But so far done a pretty comprehensive view of investor is just the kind that prevents you from starving. This explains why such paintings are slightly more interesting than random marks would be to say, good deals.
There are many senses of the more educated ones come up with much food. So if anything Boston is falling further and further behind.
Even the cheap kinds of menial work early in the same energy and honesty that fifteenth century artists did, but in practice investors discount merely predicted revenue, so they had zero effect on what people mean when they say this amounts to the traditional peasant's diet: they hoped they were connected to the Pall Mall Gazette.
It was harder for you? It turns out to be very hard to say that any given time I did when I first met him, but not the distribution of income, they won't tell you them. That way most reach the stage where they're sufficiently convincing well before Demo Day pitch, the airplane, the transistor it is genuine. The solution is to hand off the task to write legislation that distinguishes them, and both used their position to amass fortunes among the largest in the US.
But those are probably the last step in this evolution. If there's an Indian grocery store near you doesn't mean the hypothetical people who are running on vapor, financially, because it reads as a predictor. Deane, Phyllis, The Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press, 1965.
But it is. If near you, they'll have big bags of cumin for the entire cross-country Internet bandwidth wasn't enough for one video stream.
If Ron Conway had angel funds starting in the less powerful language in it. It's a bit of an email being spam.
Travel has the same root. It seems we should, because it has no competitors.
Together these were the richest country in the usual standards for truth.
Without the prospect of publication, the task at hand almost does this for you, it will become less common for startups is that a company they'd pay a premium for you; you're too early for us!
Make Wealth when I became an employer, I put it would be to ensure none of them, but in practice money raised in an equity round. For example, to allow multiple urls in a separate box weighing another 4000 pounds. We couldn't talk meaningfully about revenues without growing big in people, you need to be careful about security. They have the concept of the next three years, it often means the right choice in a world in which many people mistakenly think it is the most, it's usually best to pick up a take out order.
When economists talk about startups. If you want to impress investors.
0 notes
welcomerandumbness · 6 years
Tumblr media
Good morning!! We're bringing in the new year with quite a bang folks! This is Kenny Moertl aka Blazin Asian. Here's a bit more about him and what he does.
Ok kool I could draw since I was like 5. Won awards in grade school and HS, then started working at Miskeen originals in like 2005. Made a name for myself and learned alot from other artists. The first rapper I did a painting for was Gillie da Kid who I met while working my evening job. the painting ended up in one of GDKs videos. eventually, I started a street team with a couple of the artists at miskeen and began attending events and doing portraits for celebs in town. Rick Ross, Keyshia Cole, Nas, Jadakiss, DJ Khaled and many other artist received artwork during this period. I worked there on and off till like 09 honing my skills. I parted with Miskeen and began freelancing. I began produced some logos, book covers, and the like, a couple of body painting, but adopted portraits and paintings as "my lane". Since branching off , I've done paintings for Meagan Good, Jamie Foxx, Ice-T, Kevin Hart and many others as well as having my artwork featured on the ESPN show Mike & Mike in the Morning. Since then I've just kind of been chugging along doing custom work for people and continuing to learn and grow professionally and artistically. I try to reinvent myself every year to keep it fresh and new.
He's pretty amazing to have met so many awesome people. I love it so much.
Now enjoy more about this talented guru.
1. What motivated you to make portraits for other people?
I really like to see the way people's faces light up when they see themselves immortalized on canvas. truly inspirational. i also wanted to do portraits of people that dont necessarily get painted often. capture classic movie scenes. etc Hip Hop culture all day.
2. How long is the drawing process of one of your works?
It varies, I have paintings I've been working on for years, and I've done portraits in like 2hrs. One time Fat Joe was in town and I was gonna paint him something, long story short I was on my way to Target with my son, and heard the Fat Joe promo on the radio. Like Slick Rick, i knew the time, but totally forgot about the date. i went back home and started at 10:00pm. I knocked out the painting, showered, got dressed and to the club right before 1am. #Beast
3. How has your art practice changed since you first started drawing?
Well I started at like 5yrs old lo l so its' changed a lot over time. I guess its most recently changed in the sense that I don't practice at all anymore. I kinda see what I want to do and do it. I've watched YouTube sometimes to pick up tips. Bob Ross is the g.o.a.t. Also, a lot of times, in my experience, amazing new things are created while covering up a mistake.
4. Any part of your art process you don't enjoy as much?
I hate "writer's" block. sometimes I'm uninspired and go into a "pre-production" mode. That sounds better than "hiatus",b lol and universally, I'm forever irked by the occasional unruly customer. I think everyone encounters that issue though.
5. Anyone in your life give you advice in how to grow in your style?
They say good artists borrow and great artists steal. Idk if that's necessarily true, but I usually sponge up techniques subconsciously. I don't know when the last time someone actually gave me art advice, as I've been the best artist in my class since like 2nd grade. But I definitely help myself to new styles. When at Miskeens peak, I worked with like 30 artists. I picked up alot during that period.
6. What's your favorite part of the art process?
My favorite part of the process besides being financially compensated, I would say is the reaction to the art, once completed. I get some compliments on the way to deliver art, but usually the reaction from someone who was illustrated or had a loved one illustrated is pretty emotional. Many times, people have told me that their painting is their most prized possession in the whole world. I've had some good cries. Being able to give someone that type of happiness is inspirational to me.
7. What plans you have in mind for tge new year to come?
You always have to reinvent yourself. Like Jay Z said, you want my old sh**, buy my old album. I definitely have some new styles on the horizon, but no spoilers. I also want to do some mural work this year. maybe some pro-bono work for the kids. I might add tattooing to my arsenal this year as well, that is if time providing. In addition to some moves I havent thought of yet.
8. Have advice for someone younger, that wants to pursue art?
Advice for the young guns. I would definitely say to stick to your script. Never let anyone tell you how to express yurself artistically or otherwise, its your vision. Also, never undervalue your product. your talent is priceless dont give it away. My uncle Saga once told me, "just because i can do something in 5 mins doesnt lessen the value. It took me my whole life to be able to do that in 5 mins". invest in yourself and never give up. Always think big.
You can follow Kenny here:
And there you have it folks!! I really enjoyed getting to know Mr. Kenny, he really knows how to get a party going. Thanks for reading the first post of the year see you all again really soon!!
0 notes
rapelangchrist-blog · 7 years
This is what we are doing now with my mentor pastor Alph Lukau. I'm hidden with him under God's protection
Day 40/40 Fasting & Prayer: Supernatural Blessings for sacrifice "I will surely bless you and I will surely multiply you" And so, having patiently waited, he obtained the promise (Heb 6:14) God has released a supernatural blessing upon us. The kind of SPEED the LORD will release to you will catch your enemies by surprise. God is about to shock the system of the world. You will move from victory to victory and from success to success in 2015. Is it you that I am speaking about? Day 39/40 Fasting & Prayer: Walking under an open heaven "Open up, O heavens, and pour out your righteousness." (Isaiah 45:8) Some people walk under an open heaven whilst some walk under a closed heaven. If you walk under an open heaven everything impossible becomes possible, difficult things become easy, what you could not do you will do. Obey God's word (Mal 3:10). May you walk under an open heaven from today in Jesus' name. Somebody declare Open Heaven! Day 38/40 Fasting & Prayer: Its your turn to prosper  "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness" (Is 43:19) You have been witnessing other people's testimonies, other's marriages, children, miracle moneys, prospering finances, new jobs, new cars and cash purchases. But today I prophesy over you. YOU have entered YOUR TURN NOW. Receive it Day 37/40 Fasting & Prayer: Get ready for DOUBLE Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance (Isaiah 61:7) I want you to PRAY. Whatever the devil stole from your health, your marriage or your womb, God will give you double for your trouble. Double for your delay. Pray for your wedding/marriage, your children, your health. Receive it Day 36/40 Fasting & Prayer: Turnaround Miracles (Hebrews 11:29-30) This week will be your week of turnaround miracles. Everything that was blocked will open up. God will turnaround that financial situation, that work situation, that court case and that medical report. You will prosper on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Somebody shout Amen Day 35/40 Fasting & Prayer: Obedience brings blessings May God open the windows of heaven and release a miracle in your finances as you OBEY Him with your TITHES (Malachi 3:10). Pray and Reject poverty in your life. Uproot every spirit of lack, and missed opportunities. I cancel the spirit of debt. I command every closed door to open up NOW in the name of Jesus. If you will obey in 2015 shout Amen! Day 34/40 Fasting & Prayer: Blessed be the LORD, my rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle (Psalm 144:1) For your miracle to come; for your healing and the promise of God to come to pass in your life - you have to exercise your fingers to war. It will not come to you when you are sitting down. Arise in power and fight for what you want. This year you will take it by fire by force! Day 33/40 Fasting & Prayer: Resurrection 'Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out...' (John 11) May every Lazarus in your life come back from the grave. Command the dead business, dead marriage, dead finances, dead job, the dead contracts, dead health and the dead spiritual life. I declare RESURRECTION in Jesus' name. If you receive it type Amen Day 32/40 Fasting & Prayer: Generational curses "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" (John 8:36) Everyone will have to fight his or her parents devils. It is the work of the devil to stop family members from marriage, to kill everyone at 40, to block the womb and to keep everyone in poverty... but TODAY I break every generational curse operating in your life in the name of Jesus! PRAY, Go FREE NOW Day 31/40 Fasting & Prayer: "Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through PRAYER and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God." (Phil 4:6) If there is a man to PRAY there is a God to answer. What is it that is hurting you, what is stealing your joy? Speak to your Heavenly Father. My prayer request is this; may God answer YOUR prayer in these 40 days of power. Day 30/40 Fasting & Prayer: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jer 29:11) Pray, meditate on this Word It doesn't matter what anyone else says. God says; for your family, your business, your marriage, your children, your destiny, your tomorrow I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU. Will you trust Him today? Day 29/40 Fasting & Prayer: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9) This year God will guide you and He says do not fear. Pray for courage to overcome every challenge that comes your way. You are MORE than a conqueror, do you believe it? Day 28/40 Fasting & Prayer: Financial Grace  "The blessing of the LORD makes rich, and He adds no sorrow with it" (Proverbs 10:22). Lord I lift my hands to you. These hands are yours. Use them for your glory. Let them attract wealth in Jesus' name. Make me a money magnet as I serve you, I receive this grace in my life NOW in the name of Jesus. Day 27/40 Fasting & Prayer: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, andteaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20). Every child of God who is saved by the blood of Jesus has an assignment to GO and take what belongs to God by fire by force! Will you GO? Day 26/40 Fasting & Prayer: No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, says the LORD.  When you serve God, no weapon of witchcraft, jealousy, wizardry shall prosper against you. They can try but they will fail dismally! [Shout Amen] Day 25/40 Fasting & Prayer : Wealth to enlarge God's kingdom You may say to yourself, ‘My power and my own ability have gained this wealth for me,’ but REMEMBER that the Lord your God gives you the POWER to gain wealth, in order to confirm His covenant He swore to your fathers, as it is today (Deut 8:17-18) May God give you the power to gain wealth, PRAY that He gives you new ideas and opportunities as you serve Him in 2015. Wealth is your portion Day 24/40 Fasting & Prayer: Divine Strength  Those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31) When we depend on God, we can do great and mighty things through Him. Lord you are the source of our strength, be glorified through our actions. If you are ready for divine strength Type Amen Day 23/40 Fasting & Prayer: Divine Elevation 'If you fully obey the voice of the Lord...The Lord your God will set you high above the nations of the earth' (Deut 28:1). Pray & Declare: High above is where I belong, low beneath is not my place. I will never be low again, I will be the head and never the tail. Everywhere I go, I will SHINE today. If you believe it, give Jesus an Amen! Day 22/40 Fasting & Prayer: You can overcome any temptation No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it (1 Corinthians 10:13). Ask God for strength. You cannot give in. Resist the devil and you will escape every trap! Day 21/40 Fasting & Prayer: Supernatural Blessings  "All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God: You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out." (Deut 28:2-14) If there is no instruction to obey there will be no blessing to enjoy. Obey God and His blessing will be upon you in 2015. RECEIVE IT! Day 20/40 Fasting & Prayer: Winning souls "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” The anointing of God is first for souls. He who wins a soul is wise. If you will commit to this mission: Declare Lord give me power! Day 19/40: Fasting & Prayer - Prophetic Declarative Prayers "You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And light will shine on your ways" (Job 22:28). A closed mouth is a closed destiny. Everyday decree and declare into your life, family, health, career and EXPECT it! Do you believe God? Day 18/40 Fasting & Prayer: Love Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails (Corinthians 13:4-8). Pray and ask God to give you a heart that loves others just as He loves you. Somebody say Amen Day 17/40: Family (Joshua 24:15) But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD. Day 16/40 Fasting & Prayer: Forgiveness For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins (Matthew 6:14-15) Learn to forgive others and let it go. Today, ask God to give you a BIG heart. Amen Day 15/40 Fasting & Prayer: Grace  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9) Thank God for His grace, we are nothing without His grace. May a special grace of elevation breakthrough upon you. Wherever you go, may your ways be open! Day 12/40 Fasting & Prayer: Divine Guidance The LORD will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail (Isaiah 58:11) Trust God to guide your finances, job, business, marriage, children. Will you trust Him today? Day 11/40 Fasting & Prayer - Holiness Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship (Romans 12:1) Pray and rebuke every addiction and flee from sexual immorality. Amen Day 10/40 Fasting and Prayer: Restoration  "And I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten" (Joel 2:25) TODAY, pray and call back everything the devil stole from you. Call your health, family, finances, marriage, children, business in the name of Jesus. Are you ready for RESTORATION? Day 9/40 Fasting & Prayer: Humility If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14) Lord teach us to be humble. Amen Day 8/40: Healing But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we ARE HEALED (Isaiah 53:5) Confess it, Believe it, Receive healing today Day 6/40 Serving God You shall serve the LORD your God, and He will bless your bread and your water, and I will take sickness away from among you (Exodus 23:25). Lord, as we SERVE you this year, take away every sickness from our lives and the lives of our loved ones in Jesus mighty name! Day 5/40 Fasting & Prayer: Freedom He told them, "This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting." (Mark 9:29) TODAY, whatsoever thing the devil brought in your life, every flying, crawling, walking, swimming, running spirit will be defeated by the power of God! Shout I am FREE! LETS MEET IN CHURCH TONIGHT Day 4/40 Prayer Point: FAVOUR "For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him with FAVOR as with a shield" - Psalms 5:12 #AMI40daysfasting  Favour isn't fair. Favour will take you from being the last to being the first. I speak favour everyday and favour all the time in your life. Somebody declare favour!  Day 3/40 Fasting Prayer Point When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and rescues them from all their troubles (Psalm 34:17) May this same God come down for you. May He answer swiftly as you call on the name of Jesus! Day 2/40 Fasting Prayer Point I destroy every ancestral covenant with the dead made knowingly and unknowingly in your life (Ephesians 6:12-13) Every act of witchcraft, every alter of evil erected with your name on it - today it dies in the name of Jesus! PRAY for yourself, ask God to deliver and protect you. Amen -  Ps Alph Lukau Day 1/40 Fasting Prayer Point Create in me a clean heart O God; and renew a right spirit within me (Psalms 51:10) Ask God to remove everything in you that does not glorify His name. Every unclean thought; attitude or behaviour. Ask for a big heart, a loving heart and a clean heart in Jesus Name. Lets Pray wherever you are - Ps Alph Lukau Join us on Facebook and Twitter for MORE inspiring and uplifting Bible Scriptures during our fast on a daily basis   Break your fast daily at these AMI branches: Pretoria North, midrand, Fourways, Kempton Park, Boksburg. This is for convenience then on Friday you can also join us in Gallagher Estat
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