#also like Jen breaking the 4th wall
She-Hulk Season 1 Review: 8/10⭐️
Just finished She-Hulk, and I gotta say
yes, it's pretty mundane and does not have a lot of literal kick-ass scenes but I really like it. The characters are amazing from the beginning and I personally really like how they dealt with the theme.
Is the CGI the best? No, not really. But I'm not personally really picky on it, I care more about themes and stuff. Is the storyline always consistent? No. But that reflects real life in many ways. Do we have a clear idea of who the villain is? Weirdly this is the biggest issue I had with the show. Is Titania a villain or is she just the influencer part-time villain? I honestly can't tell
Overall this is a tricky show because some people don't care about the theme/character and want the action and all the perfect GCI effects. While people like me who appreciate a good theme and characters will love this show.
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soul-music-is-life · 1 month
PLL: Summer School Random Recap Ep 1 & 2
*read at your own risk: THIS HAS SPOILERS*
Tag spoilers if you're going to share.
Just a few of my favorite moments from the first two episodes of PLL: Summer School (PLL: Original Sin, Season 2):
Faran being right all the time:
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Ripped out of the headlines. Faran...PREACH, girl. (side note: Sullivan really annoys me. I'm salty AF that she still has a license to practice psychology after not being an adult for the girls in PLL. I get it...A apparently threatened her kid, but woman...YOU ARE THE ADULT!). Also I don't trust her. And I don't like her.
Noa also being right, but in a more blunt manner:
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Ah, Noa. Still my favorite. Perhaps it's her characterization or perhaps it's the way Maia portrays her...but I feel like she steals the screen when sharing it and when alone. No surprise given she was my favorite in the first season (still get chills watching that scene with her running through her complex to the roof with A chasing her). But she's upped the game this season. She comes across as so natural in her delivery. Nothing against the others. But sometimes I can tell I'm watching an actor play a character with them, but Maia is Noa. A+. No notes.
Imogen Emison reference?
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Wait...wait WAIT...was this an EMISON reference? Am I the ONLY one who saw this?! "Pip gets Estelle in the end." Plus it was an LGBTQ couple who adopted her baby!!
Mouse is coming into her own and I love it:
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Mouse and Ash are my OTP. And they play well off of each other.
Calling out the OG PLL:
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Was this a shot at PLL and how easily Mona and Charlotte just cruised out when they wanted? Because I love it.
Greg is so not here for this shit:
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The first time I laughed so hard I had to pause. Greg is an asshole, but I feel his frustration on the cult shit. And Kelly's "Quiet!" afterwards...peak comedy.
Kelly channeling her inner Alison DiLaurentis:
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Oh my GAWD. This was some straight up Dark Alison DiLaurentis on crack shit (or Mona, since..ya know...she ran her best friend over with a car). I'm developing this theory that perhaps Kelly is in on Bloody Mary (goddamn, am I blanking on the Big Bad's name? I think I am). I'm fairly certain her mother and the pastor are evil. I paused when Mouse was reading something on the Spaghetti site and it was word for word worship talking about Bloody Mary being the second coming of Jesus. Also, I just hate religion as a whole. Like Greg, I too, am an atheist.
Mouse's Grandma being the "fun" Grandma:
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Okay, so I was super excited that we might have been getting a semi-Grandma Marin character, but after watching I have this awful feeling that this might be a dementia story in the works (I don't know if I believe the "sleepwalking" bit). But she seems like she's going to be a wonderful addition.
Tabby's very pointed reference within a reference:
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Tabby out there breaking the 4th wall. And I'm here for it. Given that the writers retconned/rewrote the Ezria adoption due to backlash, I'm kind of glad they read the criticism of Tabby making too many references that piss the viewers off and basically flipped a middle finger at the people who will find positively anything to bitch about. I think it's funny writing. Trolling AF, but still funny.
I hate it when writers cave to the viewers. And as much as I hated the idea of Ezra getting Imogen's baby...I thought it was so dumb to cave to the viewers whining about Ezria getting the kid. People harped on that so much. Ezra can die in a fire for all I care, but I'll go to my grave thinking that the people who complained about Marlene caving to fan service in PLL with the couples in the end are the same people praising the fan service here. And I hate hypocrisy more than I hate fictional characters. I'm a cynic.
Noa being real:
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Noa complaining about the fitted sheet was ironic given I was trying to do laundry while watching. Accurate. Side note: I don't know how I feel about this Jen character. I feel like Shawn (Sean? How is it spelled?) is one of the few non-toxic partners in the show (Ash is still bae). I'm all here for bi-representation, but I don't like love triangles and I don't want them fucking with Noa and Shawn/Sean.
And speaking of love interests:
I love this kid and want to protect him:
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I've seen buzz of people not trusting Christian...and I get it. First of all...this is PLL. And second of all Christian is a very...themed name for a show that is most likely going to have the faith-based cult be psychopaths.
But I am going to be pissed AF if they make him a bad guy after everything Tabby went through. Also, let's not make the first prominent black male a problem please (not counting the Dollar Store fake Eddie Lamb or Faran's dad, who hasn't really been villainy).
Final thoughts: Goddamn, Sandy ate it hard, bruh. I was kind of excited to see that rivalry between her and Kelly.
Loved seeing the power of speaking up about the sexual assault. HATED Wes still being a character and also telling Tabby to have sympathy for her rapist's mother? No. Sorry. She raised a rapist...who raped TWO girls. And she was victim-shaming Tabby. Where is that Bloody woman with the knife when you need one?
Speaking about someone I hated seeing: Sean's mother is a raging thundercunt.
Also: I've seen mixed thoughts about the couple setting a firm tone with Imogen about the baby, but I'm not going to lie...I get it. Most likely they know the shit going on in their town (move, MOVE NOW WHILE YOU STILL HAVE THE CHANCE!). I do think they were kind of snappy with her, but as viewers we have no idea how often she shows up after having signed a legally binding document about the adoption.
Love interest wise: Don't know how I feel about Ash following the girls to that cabin, but also...why TF would they even GO there?! I like this Christian guy for Tabby. Henry kind of annoyed me crossing Faran's boundaries, but Faran punching Greg out was *chef's kiss*. And Shawn(Sean)/Noa are adorable.
Parents: I'm shifting to Tabby's mom being a favorite just because I think she's going to have the most screen time. It was nice seeing Lea Salonga again though. I still hate Faran's mom and I hate that they are all buddy-buddy after everything she did to her child.
New characters: Please don't let this swim coach turn into a creep, please don't let this swim coach turn into a creep. Also curious about the guy Imogen met at the Ice Cream place. And well...I'm already in love with Christian (but then again I love Noah Alexander Gerry). Jen is a bit wooden. Can't tell if it's the character or actress.
Curious about everyone's thoughts.
Honorable mention I forgot to screenshot and caption:
Mouse: "You're like Linda Hamilton from the Terminator movie. Don't ask me which one, I'm not Tabby. And you (Noa) are basically the Flash." Faran: "Fair." Noa: *shrugs* "Okay."
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corhore · 2 years
Aight I’ve been seeing many people say She-Hulk was breaking the fourth wall before Deadpool and thats true, but they also add in that she’s been doing it since the beginning of her comic debut. 
I’m sorry hombre’s, but thats not true. As the internets #1 She-Hulk fan I shall explain. 
So when She-Hulk first debut she was a lack for a better term a literal copy of Bruce. Her first comic cover is even a reference to Hulk #1
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Even though Jen was more coherent and more in control of her Hulk form than Bruce she still was essentially a savage rage monster like him. 
And she stayed that way up until the book ended. I gotta be honest my dudes if Jen stayed this way she would've been dropped into limbo and forgotten fast. It was a below average book and take on Jen. 
It wasn’t until the infamous John Byrne got a hold of her and created Sensational She-Hulk. 
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This is the book (one that everyone should read btw) everyone references when they talk about Shulkie breaking that fourth wall. Now John Byrne isn’t exactly the most liked guy in the comic community, but like him or not he did to Shulkie what Frank Miller did to Daredevil. 
He re-invented her to what she is today and why she became a loved character and ultimately why she’s getting a show. 
Now here’s the real kicker. Other than some other appearances in other books after Sensational She-Hulk ended so did Jen’s fourth wall breaking. 
Yes you heard me right. Jen hasn’t broken the fourth wall that much in the last 25 years. I can count all the times she has since the 2000s on one hand. The thing is Marvel doesn’t need or want her to anymore. Deadpool unfortunately has stolen all her thunder. Marvel for whatever reason doesn’t feel the need to make her break that dreaded wall anymore. 
Even though we had a few characters in recent memory to have also broken the fourth wall it like Gwenpool and Squirrel Girl Marvel feels that Jen fits better with being the Sassy Lawyer type rather than the goofy sassy 4th wall breaker. Something that I disagree with of course. 
So why does everyone associate She-Hulk with breaking the fourth wall? Well thats because Sensational She-Hulk is so iconic it transcends status quo’s. Its a character defining book. Hell even When Mariko Tamaki was writing grey savage She-Hulk she even wrote her breaking the fourth wall cus even the writer of I am Not Starfire had good taste in She-Hulk media.
So inconclusion:
She-Hulk has broken the fourth wall before Deadpool.
She hasn’t always been doing it.
She doesn’t do it anymore.
Marvel should absolute have her break the fourth wall again. 
And I want her to crush my head with her thighs. 
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the-sprog · 1 year
I want to write a marvel fic w all the characters that can break the fourth wall and explore how different each of theirs is.
Spider-man, or at least Peter Parker, has shown various degrees of fourth wall breaking. He doesn't seem to be aware of it in most of his media, but he does things like mention how things are written in speech bubbles, reference the audience, sometimes even directly addressing us.
Then there's Deadpool and Gwenpool. They're both aware of the 4th wall, often reference the audience and way panels look. Gwen is also able to take advantage of it in a more direct way than Wade. Like yes Wade can pull some cartoon logic sometimes because he can take advantage of whichever media he's in, but he can't outright jump from a panel to another to avoid an attack like Gwen can. Wade can do it through the writer, Gwen does it herself.
She-hulk's is more reminiscent of Fleabag's 4th wall breaking. She does it by talking directly to the audience or mentioning the fact she's a fictional character to us, but no other character is aware of it (with the exception of other 4th wall breakers). While for the 3 I mentioned before to the rest of the cast it looks like they're just talking to themselves or making jokes or using some kind of powers, for Jen people are unaware she's even doing it. Even if she can and does use it to her advantage like Gwen and Wade.
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metalphoenix · 2 years
Jen, Matt and Jess in court
This is kind of an addition to my last post
*Matt is representing Jessica Jones against someone who is being represented by Jennifer Walters. All hell breaks loose for some reason and Jen turns into the Hulk*
Matt: *slight fear* Jessica what the fuck am I sensing???
Jessica: I don't even know dude.
Matt: *trying to figure out wtf is going on while also being annoyed because he can't do shit right now with all these people here*
Jessica: *Placing herself between Matt and the chaos knowing full well he can handle himself but everyone else in the court doesn't so now she has to "protect" this dumbass lawyer who can totally defend himself*
Jessica: Calm the fuck down I got this.
Matt: *opens his mouth to protest*
Jessica: Don't you fucking dare out yourself, I got this covered congrats you're just a helpless blind lawyer now.
Matt: *glaring* I am not helpless!
Jessica: Thats why I told you, you fucking idiot! If you were helpless I wouldn't have had to say it! Now shut up!
Matt: *Sulks*
Jennifer: *listening to them bickering knowing full well who Matt is because of 4th wall breaking powers* Hey guys! What are you arguing about?
Jessica: *still standing protectively in front of Matt* My lawyer's an idiot
Matt: *offended noise*
Matt: Can someone please tell me what's going on?!
Jessica: Well she's like two feet taller now and green.
Matt: *visible confusion*
Jen: no no she's right
Matt: ha ha guys real funny to fuck with the blind guy
Jen: What? no we're not. I'm She-Hulk.
Matt: Haha Ya right Hulk's don't grow big and turn green.
Jessica: Dude what the fuck do you think a Hulk is???
Matt: *defensively* a really strong guy
Jen and Jess: 🤦
(this came from a conversation I had with @marvelvibesss so they get credit for some of this!)
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luna-rainbow · 2 years
@feralgoblintea just tagging you for writing thoughts.
I'm just thinking She Hulk would have been a tighter first episode if it gave more of a hook at the beginning. For example if it trimmed down the exchange between Jen and the annoying male lawyer (it's still possible to show that he's an arrogant dick without belabouring the point), have the friend make the joke about hulking out and Jen just laughing it off like it's a silly joke, take Jen all the way to the court room scene -- then the woman bursts through the walls and Jen's friend urges her to do the thing and Jen is like not here, until she is finally decides to transform in front of everyone. Then Jen turns to the camera and breaks the fourth wall to go into exposition mode.
This way there is suspense for the audience because they didn't know what to expect at this point (since She Hulk hasn't been introduced), and it's a memorable way to show that Jen has full control over going in and out of She Hulk. It also calls back very tightly with Jen's opening speech about power and responsibility (although notably - the argument here is "do you have a responsibility to not abuse that power" vs "do you have a responsibility to proactively use that power for good"...which...given the trend from CACW to now I'm really wary of what will come out of this).
The 4th wall schtick is nowhere near as fun as Deadpool. It needs to happen more frequently, and it would probably work better as a way to undercut a lot of those annoying interactions with male characters. Jen rolling her eyes at the camera as Bruce starts mansplaining just after she talked about mansplaining, for example.
The exposition dump was way too long and really kinda boring. The main theme is Jen didn't want to be a superhero (which as I addressed in my other post, I don't see why Bruce wouldn't have completely understood and supported). It would have been an interesting angle if she was ambivalent about whether this meant she needs to become a superhero, and Bruce tries to talk her out of it because of his own experiences...and then Jen eventually decides that it is worthwhile to be a hero despite the difficulties Bruce went through.
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I didn't like She-Hulk, but I wanted to
Obviously this is just my opinion so you're free to disagree and all that.
When I went into watching She-Hulk it was sometime after hearing about how bad it is "worst show ever" "she sucks" but I had chalked up most of it to bandwagon hate / sexism / the anti-woke crowd (which to be fair does and has review bombed stuff before). So I went into this thinking "alright, I'm not getting on any hate bandwagons, I want to give this show a fair take, I'm sure it's not that bad / not bad / let's judge it based off its contents". It just felt like wasted potential when I finished watching it.
(read more because this post is getting long)
Needless to say, I was disappointed...so much disappoint. Like did they want to fail? tf happened in the writer's room? Look, I'm not a lawyer nor do I study law nor do I have any idea of how it works so I'm not gonna criticize the lawyer stuff, just the characters + plot stuff.
The fact that the dude she went on a few dates with and sleep with, who then later ghosted her, turned out to belong to some evil villain hate group? It was stupid, I didn't like it, I feel like it would have worked better if he was just a regular guy who ghosted her (and it still tells a lesson about Jen Walters and what she has to deal with as a woman dating). It felt cheap and cliché that he was some baddie rather than some regular douche? I dunno, maybe someone else can provide a different take or explain it some to me. But that's just a personal nitpicky thing, not like "worst thing ever" yknow.
Daredevil was...something. His introduction during the Leap Frog episode was...fine? not entirely out of character but some of lines didn't fit his voice? and look I like happy Matt Murdock too, and I don't want just some dreary sad Daredevil, like he can be happy. It just felt that the writers didn't necessarily have a handle on his voice? Also that weird walk of shame was unnecessary and weirdly demeaning lmao now that I'm thinking about it.
I didn't mind Jen besting the Hulk, I thought it was funny and had that classic sibling rivalry vibes (well, cousin vibes in this case but you know). Her having a better handle on her rage due to sexism she experienced as a woman was dope and made sense to me.
The fourth wall breaking was...a...choice. It was a choice that was fine at first though there reached a point where there was too much wall breaking, especially in the episodes leading up to the Finale. Like, it had funny 4th wall moments but then the next episode it would start to be a bit too much 4th wall breaking at once? not sure if that makes sense.
The finale made me want to hit my head against a wall because just why? It's this weird mess of 4th wall breaking that doesn't work?
Also the episode starts at afternoon/night and then it skips to morning when Jen rewrites the story? The writers' room / Kevin Fiege Bot was like the best example of what not to do? does it count as lampshading? If it counts as lampshading then it's what not to do when lampshading. Like She-Hulk isn't Gwenpool or Deadpool, she shouldn't be breaking reality and rewriting her own story like that.
Also I didn't like the mustard ketchup suit Daredevil had? I get that it was an OG Comics reference but the colors clashed? and not in a good way. taste is subjective and all that, and red + yellow can look good but meh.
Look, there's fun moments and characters beat. It's not the worst thing ever but I just can't get behind the ending, it sours the whole thing a bit for me.
It had fun moments like with the rogue magician summoning demons, Leap Frog, and whatnot. Like I'd throw She-Hulk scenes on a funny marvel comp video, but it felt flat in terms of character building?
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wonderlandmind4 · 2 years
It’s 1:15am and I am FINALLY watching the last episode of She Hulk:
Does Matt show up again? I need a devil to make me feel better
They put her in they holding cell!?
I love Pug. So much. He’s so wholesome
That’s such bullshit. She’s not out of control.
Bless Pug’s heart. Protect him at all costs
…are we shocked that it’s Emil talking?
Omg the Disney plus break was hilarious
😂😂 Kevin is basically AUTO from WALL·E
“Oh, would not mind seeing Daredevil again, a woman has needs” bitch she gets all of us
“Historically, we’ve been light in that department” I’m fucking cackling🤣
“I smash 4th walls and bad endings….and sometimes Matt Murdock 😏” OMG JEN 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
But also, get it Jennifer. Write your own ending and call them out!
Have we EVER seen Matt in an actual plaid button up!? A LIGHT PLAID BUTTON UP and he’s so smiley and happy and look at his hair! LOOK AT IT ….he stayed for a week 😭 honestly, him and Jen have so much chemistry!
Bruce 🧐
Huh. I enjoyed that episode but why with the short episodes still!? It just makes it seem rushed.
Also it’s late and I’m tired and sick so these are just reactions with no real thought process right now. I loved the show a lot though!
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dvaderstark · 1 year
My opinion on the Multiverse Saga so far.
So I know that Phase 4 was incredibly divisive and with Quantumania’s reception Phase 5 has already started the same trend. I don’t know if I am just easily pleasable but here are just quick thoughts on the Multiverse Saga.
WandaVision- Outside of having mild issues with the finale, great show. 9/10
Falcon and the Winter Soldier- Loved Walker. I mean I liked other things but by himself I loved this show. I thought the Flag Smashers were interesting but not too sympathetic in the grand deal. 8/10
Loki- Fantastic show. Enjoyed every character. HWR is fantastic in the finale. Favorite D+ show so far. 10/10
Black Widow- Fairly standard MCU movie. I liked Natasha and her family, Yelena especially. Also while I was not outraged, Taskmaster was boring. 6.5/10
What If?- Outside of some continuity issues, namely I am still confused as to how Thanos got 5 stones in 2015 in the Infinity Ultron episode and thinking that the Thor grows up as an only child episode could have gone in a more interesting way than he becomes a party fratbro douche, I really enjoyed this show. Hyped for the Tony and Gamora episode once Season 2 happens. 8/10
Shang-Chi- Just rewatched it last night. Fantastic, one of the best origin movies in the franchise. 9/10.
Eternals- It’ll have to take a rewatch, but I remember liking this movie in theaters. Maybe it was just because the sense of scale was impressive and made it an experience but I enjoyed it. Also some of the characters were great (Druig, Makkari, Thena, Gilgamesh) but it was kind of a mistake to have 10 new characters. 5.5/10
Hawkeye- Really liked this show. Great checking in on an underrated character, great seeing Yelena again and Kate is a great addition. 8/10
No Way Home- Loved this movie. Cemented Holland as my favorite live action-Spider-Man. Just an experience to watch it in theaters. 10/10
Moon Knight- I really hope Isaac comes back in some other project. He made this show. Other than that, nothing too special though the ending of the fourth episode is about as stunned as I have been watching anything ever. 8/10
Multiverse of Madness- Definitely requires a rewatch but I remember liking the movie for the most part but thinking that in spite of Olsen’s amazing performance, Wanda’s story was mishandled. Also the trailer did seem to imply the multiverse aspect would be played up more. 7.5/10
Ms. Marvel- Loved Kamala, loved Bruno and thought the first 3 episodes and finale were great, but the villains sucked and the 4th and 5th episodes were fairly boring. 7.5/10
Love and Thunder- I do think this movie has some good parts. The ending was great, when he did have screentime Gorr was great, Thor and Jane’s romance felt real unlike in the Dark World. But I agree with the point of the movie was too jokey. Also Korg seemingly dying but being reduced to a face that still makes annoying jokes and stating the obvious annoyed me almost as much as 3PO seemingly dying in Rise of Skywalker and then there being a back up memory file. 6/10
She-Hulk- Liked this show. Didn’t think there was anything special about it good or bad. Thought the last 2 episodes were great. Liked the fourth wall breaking though disliked Matt and Jen having sex since I was a huge Matt/Karen shipper from Daredevil Netflix. Also while the CG wasn’t that good I never thought it was terrible. 6/10
Werewolf By Night-Just really liked this, hope they do this sort of special more often. 9/10
Wakanda Forever- Loved this movie. While Ironheart’s introduction was a little clumsy and Ross’s plot is also clearly all set up, everything else is great. Namor is a great villain, I thought Shuri was thankfully a way better character than she was in any prior movie and Ramonda was just sublime. 9/10
Guardians Holiday Special- Just loved this special. Gunn has done no wrong in the whole franchise. Can’t wait for Guardians 3. 9/10
Quantumania- Loved Kang though his introduction has been clumsy. Scott is great as always and so was Janet. Also parts of it were just so wonderfully bizzare. On the other hand, Hope was just so irrelevant, and Cassie’s character change was kind of too abrupt. 6/10
Guardians 3- Just I have basically no words. It's absolutely fantastic. Rocket and Star-Lord in particular are done so well but it is just such a great finale to Hunt's trilogy. 9/10
Secret Invasion- This show generally sucked. Good first episode and the individual performances are great and Sonya is fantastic and that's it. Hated Talos's death, hated the Rhodey reveal. Hated the surprisingly low amount of intrigue and surprise. Also insane that Fury couldn't find the Skrulls a planet considering that Thanos's planet with the garden is empty. 3/10
Loki Season 2. Fantastic. If this is Loki's finale then it was a great ending to one of the best MCU characters ever. OB is fantastic the expansions to every old character except for Sylvie is done really well. OB is fantastic. In spite of his real life issues Majors is awesome. 9/10
The Marvels- Loved Kamala, The primary dynamic between the three leads is great, the Young Avengers setup was cool. The sequence where the Flerkens eat the SABER people was actually really funny. Kamala's family are great. Fury is entertaining. On the other hand the movie is too short and Dar-Benn is not a terrible villain but could have been great. 7/10
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ireallydontcare5 · 2 years
I liked the throwback hulk series intro even though it was really out of place and would have felt cooler for the intro in another episode and I liked the 4th wall break that went meta going to Marvel Studios similar to how she used to step off panel and talk to the writers in the comic (especially after very lackluster and forced feeling wallbreaks all season) that was nice. Those are my only positives because GOD, this show's writing is so sloppy and lazy. The 4th wall break took over a lot of the episode probably because the writers didn't know what to do. Nothing really happens at the event, Titania shows up for no reason and does nothing again, we're introduced to FREAKING Skaar but its a blink and you miss it moment and he looked a little weird, Matt randomly shows up again more out of a cutesy moment (which is not completely a bad thing) with weird lines. Abomination.....??? But then its all for nothing because she basically retcons most of the season. The motive flies out the window so was the whole point just to embarras Jen with the unconsented sex tape because the blood is not a thing anymore? Anyway, also why was everthing taken from Jen so quickly without a fight, she could have definitely had an adequate case against what was done to her but they probably didn't feel like going that route writing wise. It would have been cool to have had a tiny connection to Captain America New World Order, too since there are light theories she could show up there. It's like ideas with potential but then you piss on them. Things were just too rushed. It wasn't a terrible finale I don't want to trash it too much, but it definitely wasn't what I would call good, very lackluster. I just don't think the writers had the right layout in mind on top of it having a short runtime for the episodes. Pug is a cutie though, a good guy, so thanks for him. I liked him and Nikki more than I liked Jen this season to be honest. Despite all that, I wouldn't mind a season 2...with all new writers and a soft fresh start.
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wikiangela · 2 years
she-hulk episode 6!
yaaay a wedding episode, this is gonna be fun (that 4th-wall break was great, I love when she does that lmao)
damn you agreed to be a bridesmaid for someone you haven't talked to in years? I'd maybe go to the wedding because I love weddings but that's it lmao - and I wouldn't even invite people I went to high school with wtf lulu 😂
I love how the title card keeps changing every episode, this is so great 😂
I like Mallory, I'm happy we're getting more of her haha
"I'm a nice guy" 🤮 aaand he jumped out of the window lmao - no but the fact that he just "kills himself" instead of getting a divorce is a hilarious concept 😂
"you'll find someone. don't feel bad" - oh my god how those things piss me off 😑 you don't need a guy to be happy dammit 😒😑😂😂
in the show it's like 2023/4? I guess? right? who the hell still asks team Edward or Jacob even in 2022??😂 jfc this is so middle school sns 😂😂 at least it made me laugh🤣
Titania is here yaaay!! I love the way she speaks in this show, it gives "an entitled influencer" and I'm living for it 😂😂
they're making Jen do everything and Johnathan is a dog. this is so funny but also like..... wow Lulu's a bitch 😂😂😂
I love that it's "Lulu and her groom" and we just don't get his name because it's "her day" 😂 such a bridezilla move 😂😂
I love the story with Mallory Nikki and Mr immortal this is so entertaining and funny and so interesting - generally my fave thing about this show is seeing "regular" people with powers (as in non-superheroes) and how they use their powers in their lives and get in trouble lol there's so much potential there, if watch fuckin seasons of this
aww I love that Josh seems to like Jen for Jen 🥺 this is what she needed to hear
okay, she-hulk looks awesome and while Jen looked good too, that dress fits she-hulk better than any other bridesmaid tbh 😂
oh wow Lulu's drunk and excited about she-hulk - didn't expect that 😂😂
Nikki is like, the best friend ever, obviously she told Jen, I mean, it might be just trolling on the internet like Mallory said but it might be serious (and we all know it's serious 👀👀)
oh no, someone's like observing her all the time?! it has something to do with the guys that tried to get her blood for sure
I loved this episode tbh, it was great - loved seeing Titania in general but also seeing her get her ass kicked lmao - Jen was great and I really hope Josh turns out to be a genuinely good guy, she's had enough disappointment lol - and Nikki and Mallory team up was fantastic, I loved them and how they handled Mr immortal haha - he was hilarious too 😂
I can't wait for the next one and pls give me Matt Murdock already!!!
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Watch With Me: Hart to Hart 1x13
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Episode Title: Color Jennifer Dead
Original Airdate: January 7, 1980
Why this One?: The red dress. That's it. That's the whole thing.
Favorite Quote?: They didn't need music in those movies. What movies? You know, the ones where the boy would look at the girl right in the eyes. Like you're looking at me? Yeah, and he'd say I love you. Ahh yes, it's all coming back to me. And the music would swell and they'd start to dance.
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OK, maybe it's not ENTIRELY this red dress but it's made of sequins and fits like a mermaid suit? so even if this was my only reason it would be a good one.
this episode also features jen-in-jeopardy which means protective!jonathan and we don't kinkshame here.
our girl is having a portrait painted of herself in this SKIN TIGHT SHINY DRESS for her husband for the anniversary. the painter is this new and upcoming arteest.
jennifer wants to see it but he says she can't see it until it's done-done.
of course this fool isn't going to charge jennifer for the painting - gonna give it to her as an anniversary gift. I don't get how the people that can absolutely afford to pay always get the freebies.
anyways, there's a weird guy waiting outside in a fancy cruella deville car. I think this guy might have played Eddie Van Blundht senior on the x-files.
anyway, some guy comes in to talk to the artist with two henchmen. One who keeps using one of those weird hand exercise things and Van Blundht Sr.
Senior kills the artist because you know what happens when artists die?
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Money can't buy sense. Why would you bathe a dog in the kitchen. In a bucket. When your dog is sink-sized and you actually do have running water in your house? AESTHETICS?
(but jfc, freeway is cute)
Jonathan promises Jennifer that he will give her no more expensive presents.
Spoiler alert, for their 5th anniversary he gives her a 10carat diamond ring. He wanted to get a carat for every year they were married, but they were "all out" so he got her one she could grow into.
i am not amused by Jonathan's disdainful opinion of grooming parlors.
they're drying the dog on the kitchen counter. I bet that house has 15 bathrooms. Use one of them.
this is an entire scene of them flirting with each other
they find out from the news that the artist died in a drunk driving accident
the artist was a member of AA - he hadn't had a drop of alcohol for five years.
Jennifer wants to go to his apartment to look around.
jonathan wears a super-fly brown leather jacket.
dig his groovy threads, man.
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Artist's girlfriend is in the apartment and talks about how she doesn't believe it was an accident AND all of his artwork is missing.
LOOK. Benihana was a real *thing* in the 1980's. I had my 4th birthday there. That's why they're having a dinner meeting with the cops there, too.
Jennifer speaks perfect japanese.
the lieutenant's girlfriend wants to meet the Harts - she's a big fan.
this weird lady just reached out and petted Jennifer's hair and Jonathan is cracking up.
The shady guys from artist's appt are going through all the art they stole. He has gotten rich killing artists and then selling their newly expensive paintings.
OH NO, Peterson actually sent the portrait of Mrs Hart to the gallery.
The Harts are favorites of the paparazzi. gotta get the picture back so they cops dont' figure out who murdered the artist.
walking around enjoying some ice cream, Jonathan stops to buy Jennifer a single red rose because these mfers are ROMANTIC.
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But lo, they see the painting on the wall of a gallery! What!
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What's that doing there? Let's contact the owner of the gallery and FIND OUT.
They almost get run down at the address of the gallery owner.
And then they sort of accidentally break into his house and stumble on his dead body.
"So you just walked in and discovered the body?" what, like you're surprised?
Lieutenant shows up with his girlfriend and he wants to be dismissive and tell them to leave the cop-work to the cops, but the girlfriend is pitching for the harts.
they end up back at the gallery - they don't want the portrait to disappear! - but guess what. It's already gone.
they have a bit of fisticuffs with the guys who are trying to sell the portrait and i can't believe they couldn't get a more similar looking stunt double for Stefanie.
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For some reason, the fact that Jennifer was in the gallery has made this guy decides she has to die. that's no bueno.
the harts buy tickets to a ball for that night - the ball that the bad guy is throwing.
jonathan is starting to feel his spidey sense tingling about the guy throwing the ball, the artist's former teacher and coincidences.
Anyway, they're going to chase down the private collectors.
Next stop is bad guy's house.
Jonathan never carries business cards or cash. Useless.
this bad guy tells Jennifer to wear something colorful to the party. REMEMBER THIS.
he still wants to kill jennifer, which just seems stupid
my favorite scenes happen in the hart bedroom. coincidence? I just love it when they're getting ready to go out and they're all domestic and shit.
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Who, she asks in all seriousness. Who in the hell wears heels with their towel?
Jonathan, like all other normal human beings, is barefoot.
they're finally putting it together that the paintings will be more valuable now that he's dead.
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It's really not much of a party if your house man isn't also in your bathroom while you're wearing towels. With heels. I guess.
they always to the hollywood costume company for costumes. I feel like I've been there but I would have been no bigger than a junebug so.
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This is it. This is why we've come.
But guess what. At this BeauxArts Ball, everyone else is dressed in black and white. (also "hot stuff" is playing in the background, which is pretty much everything.)
there is a disco ball and confetti falling like snow. Everyone is in masks and partying down. This is the backdrop for the final chase/fight.
Wherein the bad guy plays to assassinate Jennifer since she's in all red and easy to see.
this guy is trying to kill Jennifer with a comically large gun but he accidentally hits a man wearing an actual suit of armor. Of all the luck.
the harts hide in a closet, which has a bunch of paintings all lined up...but the jennifer portrait on an easel with a spotlight. how very convenient.
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More importantly, check out those gams.
Jonathan is dressed as the phantom of the opera, which makes these chase/fight on the catwalk above the party all the more perfect.
with one shot, Jonathan takes the comically large gun and shoots the bad guy off the catwalk. then he rides a rope up to save the girl.
the episode ends with them returning home all worn out.
Jennifer is complaining about her aching feet but I sort of feel like this one is on her. She's been wearing her shoes since her shower and that isn't anyone's fault but hers.
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look at these besotted idiots. JUST LOOK AT THEM.
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jennifer realizes they never got to dance.
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so they start dancing to no music because of course they do
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just go be in love you big dumb idiots i love you sfm.
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Bit of extra context jen breaking into marvel studios was essentially a 4th wall joke at the writers using the same tropes in all super hero movies of the end fights and end of the series, and having her talk through with A.I kevin feige 'a different ending' for something different. Outside of a mini fight against our world regular human security guards trying to get her back, she doesn't force anyone to her will lmao. She just talks. Wasn't my kind of thing personally, bit cringey, but i can appreciate they tried to do something against the formula (in one way, they didn't change much in the jokes tone phase 4 has)
They also tell her they fixed the error that let her break through so she cant/won't be doing that kind of thing again in future appearances. She'll just be aware of more than whatever her and other 4th wall characters were aware of prior. It was just for the series. I'm not a fan of those kind of 4th wall breaks but the kilgrave comparison in that post and the trying to make it out like she's a villian for it was more than a bit exaggerated imo especially since they said they hadn't watched it 😂 they didn't force matt into being a fuckbuddy or mind controlled or even imply that. He randomly appears as part of the whole 'kevin can control what all the characters do and when they appear cause they're fictional' bit of the finale, but he has the same agency a fictional character can have as he did before the episode.
Thank you for the context dear, I appreciate it.
That sounds like a good idea but perhaps the execution wasn't good? Dunno. I'm just really in the dark here, all I know is from what people tell me and certain gifsets I've seen (and my criticism is always directed at the writers, not Jen, because again, I don't know her! 😂).
If anything I'm surprised Feige would be fine with that AI having his name, he's doing such a terrible job with this Phase that you'd think he wouldn't want his name on it lol Also, is that AI different from The Watcher, then? On a higher level? Is it entirely different? This is all so weird, I'm glad I skipped it 😂
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randomboo256 · 2 years
She Hulk: Attorney at Law Review
I may generally stick to video games, but on occasion I do shuffle over into film/tv reviews. In this case, I've decided to take a good look at Marvel's most recent disaster endeavor: She Hulk: Attorney at Law. Over a long 9 weeks of steady episode releases, the newest Disney+ miniseries in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has finally concluded it's first season of episodes, and oh god what a long ride it was to get here.
For those somehow unaware, the show is about Jennifer Walters, the cousin of Bruce Banner (who, needless to say, is the Hulk). When she was in need of a blood transfusion, Bruce was the only one compatible and.. oh wait that's the comic storyline. In the show, she was casually taking a car ride with Bruce when he crashed out of nowhere and, somehow, his blood got into the open cut on her arm. This just happens a few minutes into the show, and uh... were they strapped for time or something? I mean yeah, the comic origin didn't make the most sense, but it was better than this. Whatever I guess... So uh, anyway so after getting a splash of his blood in her system, she suddenly got milder version of his Hulk powers. However, she doesn't want to be a superhero. She wants to be a lawyer, and the rest of the show is chronicling those misadventures.
I wrote a decent thread about the first episode when it originally came out, and to summarize, I felt that the main girl herself, Jen, was a rather uninteresting lead. She didn't have a particularly strong personality other than "smug girl with hints of self esteem issues". But even then, they barely did anything with that but crack smug jokes while occasionally trying (and failing) to make you feel for her. She feels less like a character and more of a lazy writer self-insert, which isn't helped by the 4th wall jokes, which I'll get back to shortly. Other than that, I thought that the CGI looked awful (and it is) and that everything felt really stiff, especially the humor. This show is meant to be a comedy and spoiler alert I hardly laughly once. The only joke that I remember laughing at was the lowbrow "Captain America is a virgin" joke which was literally like the first joke of the first episode (from my memory. I ain't rewatching it to check.) Talk about going downhill fast. Overall, episode one was a pretty bad first impression, and unfortunately it doesn't go much up from here.
Now before we move on, about those 4th wall jokes. They weren't very good. Like, I get it. It's She Hulk. It's part of her thing. But like, these jokes were not executed well. They all felt forced and they mostly amounted to Jen just making some smug comment to the camera, although admittedly the joke where she said "do you even remember this guy?" and she makes the show do a "previously on" for a minor character was pretty good. I liked that one. The rest were lame. Also the massive 4th wall break in the finale is really funny in concept but in execution it was so painfully drawn out, and as per usual with Disney, felt too corporate self congratulatory. Anyhow I'm getting ahead of myself.
When it comes to our main girl, by far my biggest issue is that she just becomes a master of being a Hulk basically instantly. I know She Hulk works differently ok. While Bruce and He-Hulk are basically two different people in one body, Jen and She-Hulk are still the same person. I'm fine with that. The problem is that there's no difference at all. They could have easily made it so that Jen and She Hulk are one woman expressed in two different ways. Maybe Jen is more quiet and reserved while She-Hulk is more bombastic and open. They're still the same person, but they act differently.
One of the most controversial moments in the show happens in the first episode. When Bruce is trying to help Jen learn how to control her powers, she explains that she needs no help and that she's already an expert on controlling her anger because she's a woman and being a woman is bad or whatever. It's essentially an excuse for why the show can completely skip over the "learning how to control herself" aspect of the storyline. It's never mentioned again. The moment was controversial for two reasons. For one, a lot of "antisjws" were pissed that she mentioned feminist talking points. Whatever. Fuck those dumbfucks. For two, more importantly, it essentially brushes aside any potential character development solely on the basis that "I'm a woman, and therefore I am already good at this." which is an extremely lame cop-out under the guise of looking "progressive". Rather than actually being progressive by baking in progressive themes into the storytelling, we had our main character stare into the camera and yell "WE'RE PROGRESSIVE" in hopes for some quick twitter likes when someone clips her rant and reposts it with "Yass queen slay". I want to be totally clear, I'm entirely ok with, and in fact encourage, including progressive themes in your work. However, you have to actually put the effort in and properly include them. This right here was just flat out lazy writing.
What if they included these themes as a central emotional point in the series? The idea of what society expects from women and how they have to put up with it could work well as a backbone to a She-Hulk story. Maybe Jennifer is "what society expects", while She-Hulk represents "what society wants to lock away". She-Hulk is Jennifer's personality unaffected by both her own anxiety and society's inhibitions. Maybe Jennifer starts off ashamed of being She-Hulk before learning to embrace herself and fuck society or whatever. You get the jist. It's a concept that flows very naturally into the premise and it makes for a far more interesting lead character all while avoiding having to be a superhero show, as the show is adamant that it isn't. But alas, that is not the show we received.
So what did they do with the whole Hulk angle? If it's not tied into her character arc (spoiler alert: she doesn't have one), what is it for? Well, She-Hulk is super famous, and Jen Walters isn't. That is basically it. I'm sorry, but am I watching a Hulk show or fucking Hannah Montana? Like she's a nobody who has an alter ego who's a big celebrity which is just such an uncreative take on this concept. Look, I get it. It doesn't want to be a superhero show. Again, I'm fine with it. But, they really do nothing with the fact that she's a Hulk both thematically and plot wise. It just feels so underutilized and it really begs the question of "Why am I even watching this?". (The answer is that it's an MCU show and I want to keep up.)
Ok, so the fact she's a Hulk means nothing. So what the fuck do they actually do in this show? Not much. There's very little in the sense of a coherent plotline throughout the show. It reaches a point where She-Hulk has a very elongated 4th wall joke in the finale that basically just exists to lampshade the fact that the writers planned none of this out. It's basically just "Yeah, we know the show is shit. What are you gonna do about it?" Was this show written by the Rick and Morty people or some shit?
Oh it was. Well, that explains a hell of a lot.
Anyway, so there's no real storyline throughout the show, despite the show somewhat pretending otherwise. The only real ongoing element through most of it was Jennifer Walter's Ultimate Quest for Cock (JWUQfC for short) as I like to call. JWUQfC, despite the name, was a pretty uninteresting dating storyline that was mostly just her thirsting for a date, failing to find a good one, repeat, repeat, and then she fucks Daredevil. That's basically it. Her whole dating storyline was mostly just "Omg it's like so hard being famous because guys don't wanna date the real me, yknow?" Ah yes, how relatable. I too am upset that my own immense fame is getting in the way of getting some quality dick. This storyline really demonstrates that this is a show made by upper class white women for upper class white woman. That is the best way I can describe how the writing feels. All of the situations she gets herself in are so detached from the ordinary human experience that it completely fails at getting me invested with her. It doesn't help that the characters in general act more like caricatures. Most of the dialogue is so bad at convincing me that any of these are real people.
But hey, despite my complaints suggesting otherwise, it's not a drama. It's a comedy. A really unfunny one with bad characters, bad CGI, mishandled messages, and a overwhelming lack of reasons to exist. This show was a colossal fuck up. Look, I didn't hate it. It wasn't like offensively awful, but it was really frustrating and generally just excruciatingly boring. It's mostly frustrating in the sense that it had so much missed potential, as I think I've shown already. It doesn't help that this show was LONG by MCU standards. 9 whole episodes of forgettable blandness. At least Wandavision was a pretty interesting watch despite the mediocre writing. She-Hulk just feels like a complete and utter waste of time.
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diamondsandlemons · 1 year
she-hulk episode one has predictably not impressed me. first and foremost the cg is bad always (cg animators unionize pls pls pls) but it’s even worse that Jen has curly hair in normal mode but straight hair in hulk mode which would look worse even if it was the real actor doing it. (also when she’s standing next to he-hulk you can clearly see she’s so much smaller than him like at least try to commit, c’mon)
also like... I thought seeing Mark Ruffalo Bruce again would be interesting bc I remember liking him in some of the other movies, but idk man in this show he just seems old and tired. not really putting any energy into the performance (which granted may also be because he’s mostly cg and not actually there)
I’m holding out hope there might be some cool lawyer stuff coming up (I’ve heard rumors to the contrary but I don’t have a source for that) and I kinda like the little bit of 4th wall breaking. thats certainly an interesting stylistic choice, but I hope they commit to it
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mikireyna · 1 year
Best of 2022: Best Female
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Best Female: Nadja (What We Do in the Shadows)
If you look up girlboss in uber dictionary, you won’t see a picture of Nadja from What We Do in the Shadows. But you should! She is a strong female who needs no man but sure wants one around and still gets things done. 
Nadja can do it all. Seriously. She traveled to Europe to join the Supreme Council with hopes to make love to Laszlo while doing kickbutt work. Only to find out that Laszlo didn’t go and she got stuck with bunch of stuffy shirt old men. And you know what she did? Still kicked butt and…well…Not did anything. But she sure did try and did it any ways when she came back home. Nadja went ahead and built that Vampire Nightclub of her dreams. With the blood sprinklers that didn’t work until needed to! But she did it anyways!
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Nadja was pretty amazing this season and I really think we don’t talk enough about that. She was also pretty happy too. She finally made friends with The Guide and even Marwa. Over all, besides losing the nightclub in her greed, was all gains for Nadja this season. She even got girls night to watch Momma Mia. Plus! She finally has the chance to watch Momma Mia 2: Here We Go Again. All plus and no loses. Except for the nightclub. 
All in the while she was still playing nice with the rest of the gang. I really liked that this season we got more of Nadja just doing her. Being the best dressed and most successful vampire in the show. 
And she finally got Laszlo to get rid of his stupid cursed hat. Nothing but gains. All respect for the girlboss vampire of Staten Island.
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My Honorable Mentions for Best Female
 1) Jen (SheHulk: Attorney at Law)- She handle everything thrown at her with stride and epic 4th wall breaks.
2) Yor (SpyxFamily)- For being a fake mom, she really trying her best with dealing with a five year old.
3) Barabra (Abbott Elementary)- She really is the mom of the school and love how she can get things done.
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