#also like he's not a martial artist and he can be a dirty fighter
risingsouls · 1 year
She drove her knee into his groin before walking out of the gravity chamber. "This is the reason whs I learned martial arts: to protect myself from idiots like you who think they have power over the female species!"
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Sensing the woman's unwanted intrusion and impending attack, he dodged the knee handily. " What are you talking about? I don't care what you did or why you did it. Do you want a fucking cookie or something? Go bother someone who cares. "
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loregoddess · 19 days
Found this in my drafts while going through it to move stuff into the queue, and honestly this is just an outline for a proper analysis post but I’d need to replay TriStrat a couple of times to finish polishing it, and I dunno when I’m gonna get around to that so, here, have a 2-year old outline that still reads mostly clearly instead.
Mirrors (narrative device for characters who are the same but also opposite), Anna and Avlora as Narrative Parallels
early childhood -Anna taken in (explicitly by the person who killed her parents) and “given a place” in House Wolffort as its future steward; very close to father figure -Avlora’s parents’ fate unknown, taken in by Svarog, but still had to fight her way and earn her place as Aesfrost’s general; no apparent attachment to father figure
combat style -Anna specializes in stealth, reconnaissance, spying, etc., rouge-like fighter, WILL fight dirty (evasion heavy) -Avlora is the face of the army, no trickery to her fighting, very up-front and “honest” and “honorable” (can inflict damage to self, deals more damage at lower health)
mentors -Anna’s mentor was Archbald (former Hyzante Saint and general) who betrayed Hyzante and forfeited his sainthood by freeing the Roselle, a long-range archer, finds new “family” in House Wolffort -Avlora’s mentor is Groma (former Aesfrost general), who is wracked with guilt due to the belief that she was responsible for killing innocents (specifically the Roselle in the fort where Archibald had freed them from), leaves Aesfrost of her own volition after becoming disillusioned with its values, a close-range martial artist who (until joining House Wolffort) leads a seemingly solitary life
present -Anna remains steadfastly loyal to House Wolffort, following Serenoa to whatever ends he chooses to lead the house to (although she would have remained by Benedict’s side in the Frederica ending, except that Benedict asked her to leave), and despite being known more or less as Wolffort’s spy, she is basically well-liked and accepted by the people, also shown to be good with children; notably willing to diverge away from Benedict’s judgments and plans -Despite her loyalty as a knight, Avlora looses faith in Gustadolph’s rule and swears her loyalty to Cordelia (Avlora sees herself in Cordelia, and admires Cordelia’s blooming strength and resolve), chooses to sacrifice herself for Cordelia (but survives and joins House Wolffort on the golden route to end the war and return to Cordelia’s service), is despised by the people of Glenbrook but resolves to atone and continue forward (notably a child is who helps adults see that Avlora is willing to commit to atoning; Cordelia is also put in a poor light due to the peoples’ lost faith in the royal family and has to similarly regain their respect and trust through her actions), willing to stand by Cordelia’s side no matter what (despite raising her, Avlora doesn’t seem too attached to Svarog or interesting in following after him, not the way Anna literally inherits Benedict’s role)
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bunabi · 1 year
ok so, this will be the quick and dirty run down of some of the issues
I mentioned that the gundam build fighters had the theme of international cultural exchange, recognize multiple ethnicities within japan and learning from outside influences? having a rival explicitly drawn differently with facial feature with a distinct accent showing another Japanese ethnicity? several prominent women both fighters and people who's perspectives shape and grow others?
try fighter episode 1 has the main character use martial arts that summon a divine wind, ya know a kamikaze. a later episode has him unlock a new level of power that causes the sun to rise behind him.
this same character is a martial artists and fights his elder fellow student who is a master and has been wandering the world learning other fighting styles to incorporate.
the entire fight episode between them includes the hero giving a monologue about how the pure martial style has been corrupted by foreign influences and weakened. then he defeats his fellow student with the pure original style.
also the rival of a different ethnicity and cultural from another part of japan? with his won distinct style? replaced with a new character who is drawn the same as all the other japanese characters and loses the distinct accent. the unique building style is now just big combiner robots.
the multi-ethnic cast is sidelined or erased.
also the title of strongest fighter Majin, which used to refer to the strongest fighter is now reserved only for men. women can compete for the title of Lady.
its also a harem comedy where 2 women characters fight over the main guy.
honestly the devaluing of women in the spinoff is a whole thing, especially compared to the first series. we went from the most dangerous rival is a woman trained as a living weapon to the main woman character decides she can't compete straight up and becomes back up for the boys on her team. like her gundam literally turns into weapons and power armor for men so THEY can fight better
Honestly not sure what you're talking about, so I'll just watch it for myself if/when I get to it and make my own judgment. 😅
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I like the flavor of like, at least when Zevran first joins the party he's not a particularly skilled fighter in a straight up way. That Alistair notices his skills are just so-so, and Zevran replies "well, I fight dirty so it's not a problem". Like a true rogue assassin, he's good at assassinating not battle.
I like the idea of that changing over time (I can't help but give Zevran duelist as his second specialization even though bard is probably better, due to his relationship with Isabela, and I like the thought of him getting better at fighting after spending time with the party dueling darkspawn.)
Cannot commit to that vibe with Kamil though he's gotta be like a good strong martial artist with it when he needs to.
Also like the idea that Kamil can use smaller swords pretty well, as a rogue could in origins.
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hopeaterart · 2 years
Maybe an odd question, but how do the turtles' opponents in the Battle Nexus fight? Weapons, fighting styles, etc. Just out of curiosity (and wondering what those fights would look like!)
Hold on a minute
Drako: Dirty. He fights dirty. He's big and has a tail and claws and teeth and knows how to use them. He doesn't have any real technique though, all brute force and no finesse.
Usagi: Kendo and aikido practiconer. This said, he also knows how to dual wield, and His fighting style changes almost entirely to something dance-like when he does.
Leatherhead: Pretty... feral? He's big and has claws, teeth and a tail. Plus, Mona and Spike taught him how to throw punches.
Shinigami: She's a magician! Even when she's not using magic, there's something captivatung about her fighting style, almost like watching a performance. Not above turning herself into a cat to dodge attacks. Uses a kusari-fundo as a weapon.
Slash: He's a street brawler, so his fighting style is reminescent of boxers and MMA. Uses brass knuckles when he gets serious, and usually wears spiky elbow and knee guards (which add an extra punch to his hits).
Bludgeon: Blind fighter type of deal. Uses his opponents' strength against them, often goes for tackles and ground moves.
Mona Lisa: She's basically her culture's equivalent of a karate brown belt.
Mondo Gecko: Everything's fun and games until the 'normal teenager' starts breaking out capoeira moves while skating while doing tricks with his bladed yoyo.
Koya: Revali from Breath of the Wild if he was allowed to go feral.
Jennika: She takes judo classes, and is pretty decent at it! (Orange-green belt) Plus, she can always rely on her poison if things get too dangerous.
Tigerclaw: Was a master martial artist in numerous disciplines before becoming a mutant, and fully embraced his mutation once it happened by confusing his opponents by switching to something more 'feral' and back.
Kitsune: Sorceress, uses illusions and fire magic to fight, but her actual fighting skills are fairly mediocre. Can also summon a big dragon, but that's a but much for a tournament.
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pikahlua · 3 years
in terms of popularity do you think Uraraka is popular? like comparing her to the other shonen female leads like sakura, mikasa, nobara/maki(now) or makima? she ranked 16th in the last popularity poll which makes me wonder what is it about her character that hori wrote that failed to stick with the audience? or is just the lack of screentime her character has gotten?
I can't believe I'm about to say this, but this question is a little too meta for me lol.
I'm referring to the surface question rather than what I think you really mean by it. Like, I don't actively keep up with who is popular. I just incidentally might learn about these things. And you referenced a bunch of characters to compare Uraraka to whom...uh...honestly I had to Google some of them lol. I do not read/watch any of those manga/anime.
But I think you're really asking:
In what ways does Uraraka's character hit or miss with the audience? Why does it turn out like this?
First of all, I would just point out that you should note how you phrased the question. You didn't ask me why is Uraraka not as popular as other characters in her own manga, or other popular characters in other popular manga. You compared her to other women characters in other manga, specifically female leads. Uraraka is in many ways a character drawn to fit a token trope of shounen manga.
“Female lead.”
As if a woman can't be the main character of a shounen (they can, see Maka Albarn of Soul Eater and Emma of The Promised Neverland).
As if each manga can only have one female lead (there can be more, see Winry Rockbell and Riza Hawkeye of Fullmetal Alchemist).
I just want people to really consider how we think (or don’t think) about these things. It’s important to examine that.
Second, I’ll knock out the obvious issues with Uraraka’s popularity. She lacks screen time, she lacks meaningful personal motivations and character development outside of her relationship with the male main character, and she’s fairly removed from the main plot of the story. The saddest part is that it didn’t have to be this way.
Third, my general opinion on the matter: Uraraka is popular.
She’s very popular. I don’t think I’ve encountered a person who hasn’t been moved by her character/story. The problem is...we haven’t seen her in years.
I don’t think people hate Uraraka. I don’t think people even dislike her role as a romantic interest for the main character. In the beginning.
She disappeared as a character the moment her crush developed in the final exam arc. When it was Izuku crushing on her, it was cute. Because when Izuku was crushing on her, we got to see what he saw in her. She is a great character. I freaking love her. I also want to believe Izuku loves her, but...he doesn’t think about her anymore??? He doesn’t even think about their friendship that much either. It’s so bizarre. He used to treat her like a queen, and not in that creepy pedestal way (well, aside from how he used to treat EVERYONE like that). Now he barely notices her. I don’t know what to make of that other than the fact that I hate it. They do have some nice friend/romantic moments in the Joint Training arc (season 5) that almost get us back to those basics, but they ultimately don’t go anywhere.
But really, I think people like Uraraka...when she shows up. She just doesn’t often do that. And when she does it’s so brief that it just isn’t enough.
Who is Uraraka the character? I’m talking about the Sports Festival, of course, but I’m also talking about the martial artist.
The reason Uraraka is great...or was...is because she was destined to be a combat character on equal footing with many of the male fighters. She was allowed to get dirty. She was allowed to get ugly. She was allowed to be a mess. She was allowed to be competitive. She was allowed to be intimidating. She was allowed to be scary. She was allowed to be awesome.
Nothing illustrates this better than Bakugou vs. Uraraka.
If I did a poll of reaction YouTube channels watching that episode for the first time, I guarantee 75% minimum would have cried at least once during that episode. Real tears. Because Uraraka’s story, her character, her motivations, they are real. And they are universal. They aren’t feminine or masculine, they are purely relatable.
That’s a big part of why I love it when Uraraka interacts with Bakugou, or Iida, or Kirishima, or Asui, or anyone in a friend/comrade/competitor relationship. She’s so goddamn real, exactly the kind of girl I would expect to enroll in a hero school.
But when she’s forwarding the romance subplot? She’s stale. She’s flat. She’s boring. She’s not real at all. She’s just gone.
A part of me secretly hopes she’s a deconstruction of the female lead/romantic interest trope and fully rejects her crush, not because I have anything against IzuOcha (I don’t, I want it to be more interesting) but because she just deserves better and it’d be a nice twist on such a stale trope. It’d be the only thing that could justify the boring romance subplot, even if it doesn’t justify how boring it is. It could end with some commentary on how love is incompatible with hero work, which is a subplot we’ve seen a few times like with Kouta’s parents. Would that conclusion be worth it? Probably not. But it’s better than nothing, I guess.
I miss feral Uraraka, the one who scared the shit out of Bakugou. I miss her so much. Give her back.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
I would like to read more about your opinions of Terry and Mike. It could be thoughts about their dynamic back in Karate Kid 3 or present day or both. Do you think they might have stayed in contact? Do you think Mike could now be considered a 'friend' of Terry's rather than just a hired gun? What do you think it was like when they were boss/employee and sensei/student while also living together, since Mike lived with Terry for a while when Terry hired him. Anything you want to talk about regarding these two, because I think it's very interesting and I don't know how much the show will give us.
I've no idea what the showrunners are going to do because Mike promo is so scarce, but I can talk about what I personally feel is in character for both Mike and Terry? Would that help? Or maybe what I can vaguely squeeze out of what we were given? I don’t know. Here are my thoughts, make of them what you will!
I think Mike would've stayed reasonably pissed off at Terry purely because Terry and John put him through an incredibly difficult training literally, the way he sees it, for nothing and he lost anyway, which didn't do anything good for his track record or professional career as a martial artist. He didn't fly to LA back in the 80's to lose. You don't fly to LA to lose at anything. Not when some weird Billionaire who personally oversees to your teaching gets in touch with you as one of those lightning in a bottle once in a lifetime crazy opportunities, winning should be an assured thing, right? Not to mention that Mike also did a lot of Terry's dirty work that could've landed him or juvie or jail or at least earn him a seriously bad police record, like antagonizing Daniel and nearly throwing him and Jessica off a cliff with Snake and Dennis. Mike, as an adult, doesn't regret that as much as he realizes it was dangerously compromising, especially because it didn't even lead to him being a champion after he was already prominently featured in Karate magazines and was infamous enough to have The Bad Boy of Karate nickname. So what good was it then? It was literally risk without significant reward and the way he sees it, he only went backwards. Hey, he did get to sit pretty in Beverly Hills with a car and an allowance, he supposes, which feels like a fever dream even now. But, then again, being a bit of a mercenary indulging, the way I envision, the occasional odd job (Why do I feel he's a waiter nowadays, among others? He's dressed like a waiter in that promotional image), Mike might've done weirder things still since then.
He just doesn't remember when.
He was also probably disqualified and blacklisted from competing again.
All those dirty shots he gave Daniel under Terry's instructions?
Which were recorded? Yeah.
As for Terry? Terry doesn't feel he's got the champion he was promised by Mike. He doesn't feel he received the fighter he sought out for John's cause. Maybe he and John would've never developed so much bad blood if Mike Barnes simply won. Terry didn't get his money's worth and he in effect could've scammed or held back on the promise for 20% dojo ownership he and Mike agreed on...supposedly on paper, by noon...which seemed very shifty in the first place and the power play here is very skewed because when this all happened, Mike Barnes was a teenager too and people forget that. Sure, Mike might've gotten a compensation in the form of 'Here's some money, you punk, now get out of my mansion', but he never received his dues because around this time, John and Terry would've fallen out majorly or would've at least started falling out and Terry, I feel, wasn't taking it well and it had a majorly bad impact on his psyche to know he's failed his Captain, so maybe he wouldn't have cared just what Mike Barnes does so long as he's out of his sights, even though he might've went out of his way to repair the collateral in later years, when he was more stable because he would've tactically realized that having a friend in Mike Barnes is better than having an enemy with a grudge that could do bad things for his squeaky clean image if everything that happens in the past gets out because I think post-Rehab Terry is still very much a snake. Could've even done it post-rehabilitation in the sense of -"Mike, I realize what I did was wrong. I'm a changed man now."-
And Mike going like:
-"The fuck you are!?"- Absolutely not buying it and for good reason.
That phone call didn't go too far.
Thing is, from the rewards and proceits Mike was promised, he could've been as rich as Daniel Larusso, if not richer, but I imagine his life was very volatile in the shadow of his own loss, and ever changing since. He cannot get over how close he was to owning prime real estate in The Valley, but having his momentum stolen by merely doing what he was asked; winning a point, losing a point, Mike might be on a vaguely 'Yeah, we buried the hatched, but I'm still bitter with him even though he could be useful one day considering this mofo still owes me bigtime and one day, I don't know when, I don't know how, someone will cough up my reward' relations with Terry because for all of Terry's wise sayings about bygones being bygones, forgiveness and mistakes being made in the past, Mike might rightfully feel John and Terry fucked up his life and done him dirty. Especially Terry. John's in jail, but, Terry moved on to proceed living his rich, lavish existence the same as always with no scathing on him or his reputation, while Mike Barnes could've very well struggled to maintain a career and a living after the 80's whatsoever, undoubtedly slumming it occasionally, the way Johnny Lawrence did.
Not just in Karate, but in general.
Making his general penchant towards anger even deeper.
Remember John and Terry reunited and Terry cynically asked John if he wanted a cheque written? Present day Mike Barnes would probably bluntly retort that 'Yes, I want a cheque written, old man. Upfront.' and maybe Terry gives him a fondly amused look as he says 'Plan on failing me again, Mr. Barnes?' and maybe Mike holds up his hand to show off his wedding band that we see on his hand and reply with a 'Unlike you, I've bills to pay and mouths to feed.' and maybe Terry's internally struck by that in ways he didn't expect to be, because it is almost like their seats switched in a sense; Now Mike Barnes of all people is doing something toxic, awful and materialistic for the sake of devotion by falling in with this weird rich guy again and Terry is doing it just for the heck of it. Mike Barnes has something to fight for. Mike Barnes changed as much as he didn't change, but Terry almost envies him, not a lot, but enough for it to sting him a bit.
Schlossberg and Hurwitz being subversive by writing just one man in this damn show as a responsible father in spite of his own personal flaws and shortcomings, please and thank you, tired of the neglectful, absent, 'find your daddy' arcs.
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scover-va · 2 years
whats the haunted house au and do u have any hcs for it
Aside from some shit about Chandrelle, Lazarus, and SWK, majority of this is made up on the spot, because I develop aus more easily by talking about them than just thinking about them. Fun fact! Au was thought of because I was listening to I Ain't Done (The Crane Wives) and was like "Heehoo dead lovers" and then the brain train just went on from there. Like always, info under the cut. Also it contains descriptions of violence and death, so proceed with caution!
So basically, it has a similar type of vibe to Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion, where you got the protagonist going through a large haunted house with all the inhabitants tryna kill them. The protagonist in this case would be Lionel himself, though I haven't fully figured out WHY he's an the haunted house. Probably something Carla related, I'd imagine she's the main villain here
And instead of going by their canon names (or their canon titles, ie the platformer, the fighter, the sorceress, etc.), each of The Hex characters got their own titles. Oh and also none but FPP and Reggie have a connection to Lionel in this au, they're just vengeful spirits who are having their anger used against them
Super Weasel Kid/SWK, who in this au is an actual human kid, is titled The Forgotten, a kid who was once a popular kid in school before quickly losing said popularity. In this au, he basically had a hyperfixation on weasels, hence the association here. Think of Gin from YTTD, it's like that. Anyways, after falli g out of popularity and quickly becoming hated by the rest of the school, a few kids cornered him after school, attacking and killing him. Carla finds his spirit, and lets him stay at the haunted house. Aka an abandoned house she's basically made into a little hangout for herself. SWK would only attack if aggravated, though you can lose him by getting out of his line of sight. Unfortunately, he's pretty quick. He's covered in several wounds like cuts and bruises, though the most prominent one would be a large, bloody bruise on the side of his head from having his head slammed into a wall numerous times, which was the killing blow. You can get through his section without killing him, though you can kill him if you want to. Killing a ghost basically just makes the soul stop existing. Bam, gone.
Second would be The Taken, Bryce. He used to work in a small family restuarant with his grandma, having no known parents or siblings. Well, obviously his grandma knows his parents, but seeing as how they abandoned him, she doesn't care to make a reunion happen. They didn't deserve it. Moving on, Bryce eventually got kidnapped from his home in the middle of the night, waking up blindfolded and bound. Unlike in canon, he gets no formal training before being forced into an underground fighting ring, one that was most certainly illegal. All the fighters had been in a similar situation as him, taken from their homes in the middle of the night. He only ever knew of one that made it out, a woman who made a connection to one of the employees working at the underground ring who got her out in exchange for carrying out his dirty work. Bryce didn't know for a few months what would happen to those the ring deemed unworthy, though got to witness it for himself after winning his first fight. Bhakto, a martial artist monk who came from a long line of fighters, had lost far too many fights to be considered entertaining. The outcome was known at this point, being beaten by a lowly chef. Bryce had to watch as the crowd cheered for the first time for Bhakto, the man being shot in the head. Bryce did his best to try and avoid his fate, but when he eventually met the same ending of no longer being entertaining to watch, he was shot execution style in the back of the head by the ringleader. He went back to the restuarant, watching over his grandma, who had set up a memorial for him, since he was legally pronounced dead after being missing for so long. Carla visited the restuarant one night, saw Bryce, and talked to him when no one was looking. He only attacks if you attack him, only fighting in self defence. It's possible to get through his section without killing him, and it's honestly recommended considering the circumstances. Obviously, he has a gunshot wound in the back of his head, and no other visible injuries.
Next up are The Lovers, Chandrelle and Lazarus. A dead married couple who got killed in their own home. They're always seen in the halls together, very rarely apart, with Lazarus constantly ready to protect Chandrelle like a loyal knight. Chandrelle's kinda the reason they got killed, having been associated with some dangerous people. She and Carla vaguely knew each other through work, since Chandrelle knew one of Carla's coworkers. In the haunted house, Chandrelle attacks on sight due to feeling no remorse or guilt, whereas Lazarus only attacks if Chandrelle is attacked. Even if he himself is attacked, he won't violently fend for himself, just simply blocking the attacks. You have to kill Chandrelle to pass The Lover's section, though Lazarus can't be killed in this section. Because if you're attacking him, then chances are Chandrelle's close enough to attack you, and Lazarus can block attacks. You can't. They're both covered in burn scars. As well, Chandrelle has a gunshot wound in her forehead, and Lazarus has one in the side of his head. A mercy, compared to the flames. Chandrelle's acquaintance, Vallamir, told Carla about the dead married couple, and so they were brought to the haunted house.
Next up, The Wanderer, Rust. Rust, a dead single dad, died trying to protect his son. They got attacked by a group of robbers, and Rust fought back to keep his son safe. Rust ended up getting killed in the process, having no idea what happened to his son, and being found wandering the streets of the city in the middle of the night. Carla let him take refuge in the haunted house, and in his confused, grieving state, he agreed. Wandering the halls of the mansion, floating around in search of his son, he doesn't attack for the first half of his section. He'll simply just be searching. And then *something* changes in him, and he becomes violent on sight, never losing track of you once he finds you. He can attack far range, so distance really only works if you are around a corner or something, logically unable to be shot at. The trigger that sets off his anger is Lionel/the player finding a strange device, turning it on. On it is a map and buttons in accordance to the areas in Rust's section. Pressing a button in one of these locations makes Rocky's voice sound out, which Rust immediately starts trying to follow, and sees you as being the reason Rocky's here and possibly in danger. Hence the constant attacking. He'll only switch his focus away from you when he hears Rocky's voice, leaving you safe until he sees you again. He has several gunshot wounds in his body, none of them having been immediately fatal, but he still didn't last long once shot. You have to stealth your way out of Rust's section, unable to kill him, leaving him to forever search for his son.
Next, Lazarus makes a return, now being titled The Widow. Angry and grieving, he now attacks on sight after Chandrelle gets killed, still maintaining that loyalty. He just looks miserable at this point. He no longer tries to defend himself, though his injuries slowly heal, so you have to kill him in one go. Because doing it slowly over the course of his section won't do anything, the new injuries going away. Same with Chandrelle, killing him is mandatory, and you can't get out without killing him first, finally letting The Lovers rest in peace.
Last of the main 6 would be FPP/???, The Unknown. FPP is completely obscured, only hints of a hat and a trenchcoat being visible. He doesn't float like the others, just walking around his section, searching. How he attacks and how often is constantly changing. Sometimes he'll only fight in self defence. Sometimes he'll attack on sight. Sometimes he'll perfectly track you down. Sometimes he won't. Sometimes he attacks far range. Sometimes he attacks close range. There's no predicting what can happen, strategy being thrown out the window. You just simply have to follow the messages on the walls. Instead of being made directly by Lionel like in canon, FPP is actually made by Carla. Made up of her resentment of Lionel, FPP is basically a copy of Lionel, having no real identity, being only one of three non-ghosts in the mansion. FPP can be dealt with in one of two ways. Killing him isn't an option though, as any damage dealt to FPP is immediately also dealt to Lionel, and vice versa. FPP attacking Lionel in an attempt to kill him is basically a murder-suicide. So, you can either get out by following the messages, or by going through basically a story arc. FPP is the only one you can peacefully deal with, since he's made up of Carla's resentment and anger towards Lionel. Basically, Lionel has to man up and apologize for what he did. The route you take doesn't change the story going forwards, it's just that the forgiveness route gives more depth to Lionel and FPP.
I still need to...actually figure out where Reggie and Jeremiah fit into all this plot wise. I don't wanna make Reggie the exact same person as Barry, so I need to figure out a reason as to why there's a duplicate. Probably something to do with Lou/Satan. We'll see. I'm thinking for their section, it's like. Borderline horror type shit. Like. If they catch up to you, it's an instant death. And also it's dark. And you can't ever see where they are until it's too late, just following dimly lit lamps. Very very creepy. Only way of knowing where they would be would be Jeremiah's scuttering and the creaking of Reggie's wheelchair. If Jeremiah kills you, it's a black screen with a gunshot noise, followed by the gameover screen. Reggie's, however, is a dimly lit look at his face for a couple seconds. And also a minute or two of choking noises in the background when the game over screen pops up. Fun.
Last up for the inhabitants would be Carla herself, The Vengeful/The Clown. Sado doesn't properly exist as a separate person in this au, instead just being Carla's alter ego. A Jekyll and Hyde situation. While creating FPP, Carla had used herself as the test experiment, hence the alter ego. Like in canon, Carla and Lionel's friendship ends after he starts being an egotistical asshole, the two of them having started constantly being at odds. Something huge happens (though i haven't decided what), causing Carla to grow hateful and angry. At some point after this huge, undecided event, she runs into Lou, and ends up getting a proper association with the devil. So that's. Fun for her. Anyways, thanks to all this, she ends up now being able to see spirits, hence why she's able to bring the others to the haunted house. During her fight, Sado goes first. It's basically a huuuuuuge chaotic shit show. Because it's Sado. What the fuck else were we expecting. Anyways, after defeating Sado, the appearance changes go away, now revealing a wounded Carla. She shouts at Lionel a bit, before her fight starts up. Where Sado's was more performative, like you're in some sort of circus performance, Carla's is...not that. It's hand to hand combat, no weapons allowed, and she is VERY easily able to stand her own ground. Losing to her shows a game over screen of Lionel becoming one of the spirits in the haunted house, eternally tormented by those you didn't kill.
When you do beat Carla, blah blah blah more shouting, there's two ways to go about this. One, Lionel talks things out with her, and Carla lets him leave. Two, Carla gets so fucking pissed off with Lionel that she kicks him out. Obviously there's more to it than that, but y'know.
Buuuut yeah! And THAT is what I got so far for the Haunted House au. Holy fucking shit that took a while to type out. I'll post more details (maybe even short fics, we'll see) about the au as I come up with them
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guynamedultimax · 3 years
Obligatory Friday Night Funkin’ fighting game AU post (part 2 of idk how many)
Even though I’m a lazy fuck I know there’s people out there who wanna read this so let’s just get it over with
-AGOTI: Trapped in the Void like in his own mod’s continuity, has tentacle-based powers that allow him to raise pillars from underneath the ground like he did in the Void. Usually freestyles and is pretty damn good at it. Chaotic neutral, hangs out with Tabi and Ayana when not busy.
-Aldryx: AGOTI’s older brother, they’re mostly the same but he is more composed and responsible...even if you can barely notice it. Has been scouting for AGOTI ever since he disappeared in the Void under the “orders” of Solazar. They have the same powers, but Aldryx prefers a more aggressive rock beat in comparison to his brother’s freestyling.
-Solazar: Solazar is a unique type of fighter, a Composer. They’re exceptionally well-versed in most types of music and have their own unique fighting style that can’t be easily imitated. Most of the times Composers are figures of great wisdom and/or power. DD is also secretly a Composer but rarely uses all of his powers. Sol is to this day one of the few other people who is actively fighting off DD’s rise to power and is trying to push his adopted screen demon sons to cooperate with GF and BF’s efforts to stop DD (despite the fact that one of them is friends with Tabi, who still has beef with GF).
-Nikusa: Not doing anything for her until her part of the FNF Entity mod drops but she exists in this universe.
-Tabi: Before Funkin Fightin’ was a thing, GF was in love with Tabi but nonetheless used him to try and conquer her father’s empire. When he turned music into a form of fighting, Tabi didn’t know how to hurt a fly, and so GF ditched him to DD, who turned him into what he is today. He is now out to personally get GF, DD and anyone who might get in his way for revenge. Uses a fight style similiar to BF’s but isn’t afraid to play dirty against someone who he feels has wronged him. After the restaurant incident he’s a tournament member who is wanted by the authority.
-Ayana: Before Pico, BF dated her, and while she still clearly loves him, it’s clear for her that he moved on. Still, she knows GF’s up to no good and is repeatedly trying to warn BF about it. She and Dalia have Tabi hidden in their house. Has a fighting style similiar to that of Mommy Mearest, although unlike her she actually fights fair and doesn’t try to seduce her opponents.
-Dalia: EDM has been less and less mainstream as time went on, but Dalia still isn’t afraid of spewing out good tracks. EDM artists are known for being glass cannons in the Funkin Fightin’ business, and she’s no exception, she’s the second strongest EDM artist on the block. Is in a relationship with Ayana. She is also prone to stopping her sets to help her friends back at Apollo against demons.
-Miku: In-universe she’s BF’s older sister, and due to her working specifically in the Vocaloid industry, GF’s parents can’t lay a single hand on her. More often than not she insists on protecting her brother as if he was still little. Has Camellia as musical backup during her Funkin Fightin’ fights due to her being mostly a martial pacifist.
-Sarvente: Nuns shouldn’t fight, am I right? Sarvente is one of the few people who is in DD’s tournament to promote her church. Still she knows in the moment she’s going to go full power she’s going to scare away literally everyone in the arenas. Has been costantly receiving funds by a mysterious sponsor alongside Ruv.
-Ruv: As a former hitman, he knows exactly how to fight. He just needs to learn to do it to the rhythm of the typical Russian ballads he listens to in his free time. Has refused to fight Sarvente even in her demon form. Is also in the tournament for the church, but also to avoid other hitmen sent to kill him for his retirement. Also has been receving funds by a sponsor.
-Selever: The mysterious sponsor. Has found a way to enter this universe (and is doing money with cryptocurrency), but if he interacts directly with Ruv or Sarv, or if he gets found and defeated by a being of higher power like Composers, Updike or Auditor, he’s sleeping with the fishes. Annoying as ever, half of the tournament opponents have beef with him due to him behaving like an annoying asshole. Also calls for Rasazy’s backup with some attacks and plays dirty like hell. His goal is to defeat DD so he can live with his parents in peace.
-Shaggy: In this continuity the entirety of Mystery Incorporated is alive and well and not dead of old age. Not even Shaggy knows how he has his powers, but he isn’t really complaining, as long as his friends are left in peace by the supernatural. Is fascinated by Funkin Fightin’ and is choosing a musical style on which to base his rhythm.
-Matt: Originally trained other people in various sports, but after his loss with BF he became obsessed with trying to defeat him in Funkin Fightin’. Trains under Shaggy to achieve this goal. Still, he has a code of honor and wants a fair fight by any opponent. Doesn’t have a specific musical style yet and is not willing to use Wii Sports music like one would expect from him.
-Zardy: Isn’t partecipating in the tournament and interacts with nobody. There is only one rule: don’t enter his maze for absolutely no reason. He’s going to wreck you with Halloween songs and by swinging around his farming tools. The only ones allowed in are Tricky, Monster and Starecrown for the Friday night poker game, where he is prone to winning at least against Tricky; Starecrown and Monster are just too 300 IQ for him to face head-on.
-Camellia: Remember when I said Dalia’s the second strongest EDM artist on the scene? Guess who’s first. His techniques as a Composer are known for breaking many body parts, so Masaya Oya only ever works as backup for BF’s sister Miku. But if you actually manage to bring him to a Funkin Fightin’ fight on his own you’ll regret it deeply. Dude is as strong as Shaggy and Matt COMBINED.
-Sky: BF’s number one fangirl and leader of his two-member fanclub, her beef is mainly with GF, but to beat her she has to go through BF first. Behaves a lot like Knives Chau from the Scott Pilgrim franchise. Writes fanfics. Has a very...weird fighting style, and does it to the beat of anime openings apparently.
-Starecrown: The, erm...OTHER member of BF’s fanclub. Is unironically best friends with Sky due to their shared interest in BF and usually carries her around as if he was her pet. Is very polite and tries not to come off as scary with his stares, but it’s beyond his power. Nobody ever even understands his fighting techniques, only the musical screeches he emits when he does it to the rhythm.
NEXT TIME: Hopefully everyone related to Bob, Undertale/Underverse characters, Eddsworld cast, CJ & Ruby, ENA, Nonsense, if possible even more
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I personally believe Trunks is actually just an awful person to train with, and I don’t mean in the way that he’s not good at fighting, but in the sense that compared to the Z fighters, Trunks just fights like he’s in a street brawl than as a martial artist, especially without the sword.
 While Gohan did teach him some martial arts, the main thing was to be pragmatic, something he really honed in on rather than anything else, it was a necessity to survive after all. As such, the mindset to be pragmatic means he’s going to take cheap shots where he can, and while he does make an active effort to tone it down, chances are he might instinctively try to push some dirt in your eye, or create dust clouds to act as a smoke screen so he can get a hit from a better angle. He also might hit his partner as they’re powering up, or do some hit and run techniques.
Though despite all the dirty tricks, he's very respectful to his partner, which just is funny to me that such a polite boy is utterly disrespectful in a fight. Unfortunately, because of these habits, it can be a bit difficult for Trunks to find partners that put up with his way of training, no matter how much he promises he'll cut back on his pragmatism.
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kaediisarchive · 3 years
Final thoughts on the 2021 Mortal Kombat movie.
LOTS of spoilers under the cut! Do not look at this post if you don’t want to see spoilers!
And remember, this is all just my opinion. It’s not like an actual in-depth review because I’m not a film student; this is just my perspective on what I saw as a fan of this franchise.
Sub-Zero and Scorpion were great. Opening fight was great.
“Eddy Tobias” namedrop lmao
I love the snow preceding Sub-Zero’s attack. Very foreboding.
Score is AWESOME. My favorite soundtrack is probably the one that plays when Sub-Zero is attacking them in the city towards the beginning.
Sonya rigging her house with a secret bunker and trap doors is smart and fits her character.
I like that the dragon logo has an integral meaning to the story.
Loved Jax vs Sub-Zero. Not mad about the origin change of Jax’s arms. I like that he had to work through his feelings of inadequacy and failure; people don’t just immediately bounce back after something that traumatic. I also like that his arcana manifests to protect Sonya rather than in the heat of battle. It shows his emotional priorities and what separates him from people like Kano who manifest their arcana in a fit of rage.
Sonya “Throw Hands on Sight” Blade lmfao. They nailed her fighting style too and I am happy.
Kano is the best thing about this movie. No competition.
Kotal reference!
Nightwolf reference!
Shang Tsung’s soul magic being black and wispy and foreshadowing Noob Saibot.
I love Liu Kang in this. He is 1000000% a Wholesome Boi. I like that he’s younger and unhardened and not the fully realized champion version of his character yet. Let him grow into it so it feels earned later on. I like that he’s the underdog, and I like what they’ve set up for him in the future. Also, the casting for him was perfect and they nailed his fighting style, too.
That little “the FUCK” that the Kano actor improvised(?) in the middle of Liu Kang’s lines made me laugh more than it should have. I don’t know why that moment got to me so much but it did.
I love Kung Lao. And they nailed his fighting style, too! Great to see variation that represents the characters (though there were less shining examples, which I’ll touch on later).
Egg roll scene is best scene.
Kabal! I love his dry humor. And his voice reminds me of Duke Nukem, which I’m not mad about. It complemented his dialogue well.
Not mad about Kung Lao’s death because it was meaningful. His fatality on Nitara was sick, too.
Liu Kang taking the ribbon from Kung Lao’s hat and wearing it in his honor, giving an origin for his signature headband is FANTASTIC.
Sub-Zero was a GREAT final boss. They really built him up appropriately to make him feel like it.
Scorpion’s fatality! And his skull face!
Not sure how I feel about Sub-Zero being wholly evil and there being no involvement from Quan Chi. It’s more straight forward for sure. It makes him an interesting (and badass) character, and I’m really behind this portrayal in that he is one of the most believable characters in the movie, but I’m not sure if I like the implications for later films in how this has simplified the dynamic in the entire Shirai Ryu vs Lin Kuei plotline. Having Quan Chi be the Machiavelli was always one of my favorite MK twists. And how do we eventually end the feud now? If Bi-Han / the Lin Kuei were wholly responsible, why should Hanzo EVER make peace with Kuai Liang down the line? The complexity feels like it’s been stripped down a bit, but I do love this iteration of Sub-Zero. I truly do. That’s why this is in the neutral category and not the negative XD.
Why didn’t Jax tell Cole when he saw the mark? Why wait until his family gets attacked? Maybe he didn’t want to do it in front of his family to keep them out of it, but that ends up endangering them more. Not a gripe, just a curiosity.
Sound editing was a bit too intense at times for my taste. I have tinnitus, so...big boomy bass with very mild voices is a chore for my ears to switch between. My ears were ringing within the first twelve minutes.
Torn between “fuck you Reiko” and “Reiko deserved better”. He deserved just a little bit better, but Skarlet says “get fucked” anyway.
I don’t like the “shaky cam” used in the fight scenes. Not my cup of tea. Very hard to visually process at times.
Whatever cosmic force is picking the champions for Earthrealm is doing a shitty job at it.
Why did they change the location of the Sky Temple to a desert? Again, not a gripe, a curiosity.
“We will not see another full moon before the tournament begins” THEN WHERE IS THE TOURNAMENT BUDDY???
Not sure how I feel about the “arcana” concept. It’s an okay plot device but kinda hammy.
Kitana’s fan! But why? Why is it there? I could understand the Kotal and Nightwolf references because Sonya has been researching, but why is Kitana’s fan randomly in an Earthrealm temple? Purely cheap fanservice.
Nitara was really cool. Shame she had to die, but her death was cool and there have to be some characters that get killed off. Wish she had more screentime though; feels like another instance of fanservice just having her show up basically as a namedrop and a quick kill.
The phrase “Are you okay?” was said WAY too much in this film. So much that I actually notices how often it was said, and I usually don’t pick up on these things.
Pretty sure a camera operator fell at one point in a Sonya scene because the camera jerked around violently all of the sudden then stabilized. Whoops.
How did Sub-Zero know to take Cole’s family to the gym? WHY did he take them there?
Opening scene was awesome, but it’s emotional impact felt stunted. I feel like the order of events should have been twisted a bit. Hanzo find his wife and son should have been the big emotional climax of the scene, but it felt like a passing moment and gave him no time to mourn and no time for the impact to truly set in with me. It was an “oh no they died” moment instead of an “ OH MY GOD THEY DIED THIS IS SO FUCKED FUCK YOU SUB-ZERO” moment. I dare say that the Legacy web series did it better in spite of their lower budget and overall quality; the series of events had better pacing and gave more emotional impact because of it. I said what I fucking said don’t @ me.
Wish we got more Scorpion. I love Sanada, I love him as Scorpion, but they didn’t give us the time we needed with his character to truly get a grasp of him.
Cole Young is like white bread in a parade of decorative cakes.
Raiden, a normally passionate and protective character whose fatal flaw is that he involves himself too much in events because he cares about the people in his realm and ends up fucking things up because of it, now seems to not care in the slightest. He feels completely uninvolved save for an occasional pop in to give a nod of disapproval. I don’t like this unemotional take on one of the most emotional characters in Mortal Kombat.
Small complaint from my perspective as a martial artist but uh...”Throw your uppercut!” was a bullshit line in a bullshit scene. If you’re locked up with someone like that and the guy has his arms around your neck, you physically cannot uppercut. You cannot fit your arms between his arms because they are cinched tightly around your shoulders/neck. YOUR HEAD is between your fist + bicep and HIS HEAD. In that situation, the guy has also left his body completely unguarded, so the most logical thing to do since you CANNOT reach his head is to go for BODY BLOWS. Beat him until he lets go to protect himself, catch his floating rib with double strikes, or punch the dude in his fucking liver as hard as you can to DROP HIM. Cole is supposed to be an experienced fighter, yet he makes one of the most rookie mistakes a fighter could ever make. Normally I wouldn’t care to point out mistakes in fight choreography or whatever because it’s MK and I expect ridiculousness, but this is the WRONG kind of ridiculous. It’s just NONSENSE.
I have SO MANY issues with Mileena. I’ll make this as short as I can. I don’t like the design of her mouth. I don’t like her weird stacked voice. She shows NO personality, not in her acting or even her fighting style, just an evil minion that got angry because she almost got her ass kicked. The turned one of the principle characters of the entire franchise and a fan favorite into a GRUNT. There is NO mention of Kitana outside of literal “fan”-service. Not even a reference to one of the most important plotlines in all of Mortal Kombat. And then they KILL HER OFF!!! When they do inevitably bring in Kitana WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY GOING TO DO SINCE THEY KILLED OFF MILEENA???? I’m heated and biased and they did my girl dirty.
Speaking of doing characters dirty, poor Reptile. They turned him into an actual animal. What a waste.
Why are they so mean to Sonya if she doesn’t have a mark? She wouldn’t be as much of a “liability” if they would take the time to prepare her and teach her how to defend against fighters that have unlocked their arcana. Mind-numbingly stupid logic.
This movie relies A LOT on prerequisite knowledge to work. It’s like they want fans to fill in the blanks for them. But not everyone watching is already a fan; this isn’t an obscure release, this is a blockbuster movie released worldwide. These gaps in lore and prior knowledge don’t make sense for such a broad audience.
Cole Young literally could have just been Johnny Cage.
Where was Raiden when his temple was being assaulted?
No but for real that’s the most boring decision they just ripped off Jax’s MK11 heater effect and Baraka’s blades (I know they’re tonfa and they aren’t attached and I DON’T CARE). Also, now he’s suddenly good at fighting again? After being dog shit this entire movie??? And tanks Goro?????
If Raiden is an Elder God in this continuity, why is he allowed to help Earthrealm AT ALL? It seems like favoritism and bends the rules that the Elder Gods are supposedly bound by way too much. They really just shouldn’t have made him an Elder God; I honestly think they just said it to introduce the concept without a fuck given towards the actual lore of the Elder Gods.
Cole REALLY should not have been involved in that last fight. Especially not after Scorpion shows up. It should have been Scorpion vs Sub-Zero ONLY for the final fight. Cole tag-teaming Sub-Zero with Scorpion cheapens Scorpion’s revenge.
Camera work in the final fight was not good, especially in the first portion. At one point Cole gets thrown into a fence, but it cuts to an awkward inverse angle that makes him look like he’s bouncing off of a trampoline. This continues to happen and ruins several shots for me.
Honestly Scorpion should have just possessed Cole. Permanently. No switching back and forth. No more Cole, only Scorpion.
Lots of dead characters come back as revenants and / or with upgrades.
Kano comes back with cyber eye.
Mileena comes back with full teeth.
Liu Kang becomes MK champion, wins tournament, and kills Shang Tsung. As it should be.
Cole Young helps Liu Kang become champion somehow idk maybe he sacrifices himself or something just please don’t make Cole the champion I will start a riot.
Next movie will start IMMEDIATELY at the tournament since there was supposedly less than a month until the tournament starts in this movie.
New characters coming in will be Kitana, Shao Kahn, Jade, Quan Chi, Kuai Liang, Noob Saibot, Ermac, and Johnny Cage.
This movie was good, bloody fun! It’s not an A++ Oscar-winner, but if you expected that going into it, you played yourself. It was Mortal Kombat; it was stupid, it was gory, and I had a blast watching it. Kano and Liu Kang were the best parts of the movie for me, with Scorpion and Sub-Zero tied for third. Also I popped a lot for the cheap nostalgia hits. I’m overall satisfied with what we got in spite of my complaints, and I only complain so in-depth about the things I love lmao so trust me when I say I’m not actually mad, just nitpicky. I’ve watched it twice now, and I would watch it again. It’s like a 6.8/10 for me.
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A SHOUT OUT TO MY FAVE ANIME GUYS - PART 1 (Because they also deserve it, you know....)
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SPIKE SPIEGEL (Cowboy Bebop)
His Deal: Main protagonist of Cowboy Bebop. Bounty hunter born on Mars. A skilled martial artist that practices Jeet Kune Do. Well acquainted with guns. Owns a mono racer Swordfish.
His Criminal Past: Before teaming up with Jet Black aboard the Bebop, he was part of the Red Dragon Criminal Syndicate. But after being tangled up with his former colleague Vicious (and fell in love with Julia), he decided to leave the life of crime. Unfortunately, his past kept on creeping back to him during the course of the series.
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His Deal: Looks mean but he's actually a good guy. Can make a good house husband since he does all the work in their household. Takes good care of Taiga Aisaka, his eventual love interest.
The Tiger and the Dragon: Taiga and Ryuuji crossed paths on their second year of high school when the latter accidentally bumped into her. Thing got even more interesting when one night Taiga "attacked" Ryuuji in his home to retrieve the love letter intended for Ryuuji's friend Yusaku Kitamura. What's more, Taiga discovers that Ryuuji has a crush on her friend Minori Kushieda. The two then decided to help each other out with their respective crushes. And then chaos ensues... 😅
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ALPHONSE ELRIC (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)
His Deal: Younger brother of Edward Elric. After performing human transmutation with his brother to revive their mother, he lost his physical body in the process. His soul is retrieved by Ed, though it is now enclosed in a suit of armor.
Polar Opposites: While his more famous elder brother is a bit stubborn, Al is kinder, more patient. Amidst battling his own insecurities, Al cares deeply to the people closest to him, even risking his own life in the process. Cases in point: Al protecting Xing princess May Chang and his ultimate sacrifice to save his brother Ed, both happened during the Promised Day arc of FMAB.
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ASHITAKA (Princess Mononoke)
His Deal: Former Emishi prince. Have to leave his village to find the cure for the curse bestowed upon him by a demon he faced (in a shape of a wild boar). A skilled archer and sword fighter.
Caught in the Middle: While traveling far and wide in search for the cure, he was caught in the crossfire between to warring factions - the people of Irontown led by Lady Eboshi (one of the most complex antagonist in the Ghibli canon) and the forest creatures, spearheaded by San.
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MAKI SEIJI (Bloom Into You)
His Deal: The Student Council's resident aromantic (though he admires people in love and even gives love advice). The one who first to discover what's going on with Touko Nanami and fellow freshman Yuu Koito.
Yuu's Lifeline: Maki has been a key figure in guiding through Yuu's journey especially regarding her relationship with Touko. His shining moment came in Episode 39 of the manga, during their day-off at the batting range. While Yuu admitted that she does not care about romance anymore, Maki made her realize that: 1) they are not the same (aromantic) as Yuu claimed to be; 2) she's been in love with Touko all this time (as Maki repeatedly telling her beforehand); and she's just running away for the fear of getting hurt. That moment became a turning point for Yuu, as it sets its stage for the fateful Episode 40.
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His Deal: Former Detective of the Public Safety Bureau then was demoted to Enforcer after his frustration on the Sibyl System. He was assigned at Division 1, working with the likes of Shinya Kogami and Nobuchika Ginoza. He also has a prosthetic left arm.
Daddy Issues: As he appears to be the father-figure of Division 1, he's actually the biological father of Inspector Ginoza. Although their relationship can be a little strained at times, they do care about each other, esp. when Ginoza seeks advice to her father. Tragedy struck when Masaoka fell into the hands of Shogo Makashima, in an attempt to save his son's life.
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SHUN KAZAMA (From Up on Poppy Hill)
His Deal: Student at Konan Academy. A regular contributor to "The Latin Quarter Weekly", the school's newsletter. Have a bit complicated family backstory (I won't spoil it here for those who have not seen the movie!).
Jackass Moment: In one of the attempts in voicing out their disgust on the impending demolition of the Latin Quarter, the clubs made a bit of a scene during the school's lunch break. Shun - an active supporter to the cause - jumped from the Quarter's rooftop, hit a tree, then fell on a pool full of water. Umi Matsuzaki - the heroine of the movie - lended a hand to help Shun out.
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DUTCH (Black Lagoon)
His Deal: Former US marine that fought in the Vietnam War then went into hiding and become a mercenary. He is the leader of the Lagoon Trading Company.
A Lover Not A Fighter: Dutch is more into negotiating to clients in a peaceful manner and giving orders to the rest of the crew. But he can be one dangerous fellow if the need arises (he's an ex-Marine after all!). But 'til then, he leaves all the dirty work to their resident trigger- happy colleague, Revy.
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NAGISA "NAGI" AMANO (Weathering With You)
His Deal: Hina Amano's younger brother. And he's pretty much a scene stealer in the movie.
Ladies' Man: At a very young age (elementary school age?!?), Nagi has been pretty smooth with girls. This came in handy, when he seeked the help of her girl friends to escape on the foster care facility, and also save Hodaka as well.
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JET BLACK (Cowboy Bebop)
His Deal: The captain of the Bebop. He can be one hell of a tough guy but he knows how to do house chores as well. On occasion, we may see him either cooking or tending his bonsai trees.
The Black Dog: In a series that deals about the past, Jet's backstory is no exception. Before living a life as a bounty hunter, he is a detective of the Inter Solar System Police (ISSP). But during his years as a cop, his girlfriend Alisa left him (as shown in a flashback on Session 10: Ganymede Elegy) and was betrayed by his former colleague Fad during a case against Udai Taxim (another flashback, this time on Session 16: Black Dog Serenade) that cost his left arm (hence why it is in prosthetic) and ended his career in law enforcement.
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sweet-teeth-mfs · 4 years
Mafia Jin Universe
EXO!Mafia Cast List (w/ bonus kink list)
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What would happen if you made an entire team of face men? 
What tired expectations might people have of men who look like that, and how could you use those prejudices against them - to not only defeat them, but eradicate them completely? 
Boss Suho may be descended from the old families, and he may have the ears of most of the Houses, however, his plans are anything but traditional. It’s unclear quite how high he wants to climb within the crime world, but with a successful ‘company’ front, low headcounts, sustainable profits, and some of the best con men in the game on his payroll, ...the sky’s the limit. 
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Z. Tao
Position: Assassin; knives and ropes specialist, Legendary Level Mercenary. 
Originally only participating on select high-level missions, Tao’s abilities as an espionage operative and deadly martial artist proved too good to pass up and he was added to the team on a permanent basis. He often grumbles loudly about wanting peace and quiet but he’s secretly in love with pretty much every one of his team mates and eggs on their stupid jokes and post-mission antics just as much as the next person.    Kinks: soft/size kink, baby talk, aftercare, sugar!daddy
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Position: Hacker; tech specialist, Spy; Hidden Right-hand. 
Appearing to all but a select few as ‘just the resident hacker’ of the group, Baekhyun is actually the hidden right-hand to Boss Suho. As such he is able to secretly feed information both ways, making sure that the team is never splintered through betrayal or infighting. Finds technological ineptitude particularly grating in his fellow team mates, yet has nothing but nostalgic love for everything analogue. 
Kinks: switch, nimble, dp, blindfolding, submission, soft->harsh!dom
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Position/s: Gunman; precision sniper, Body/wetwork; rookie. 
Eager to please, but also easy to upset. Sehun is far too serious for his young age, spending a good deal of his time trying to needlessly prove himself to his elders. As a sniper he is unparalleled (except perhaps by Minseok or Kris on a really good day) but where he shows real promise is in tactical body/wetwork, quickly becoming irreplaceable within any operation after his recent addition to the team. Spends too much time with the face men. 
Kinks: dom->pleaser / attention seeker, watcher/voyeur
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Position/s: Finance, Producer; public face.  
Whether its moving money in the shadows or front page day-trading, if backing is needed Luhan is the man to provide or procure it, however his love for cheap thrills means he can be more of a liability to the team than initially expected. Often has to be rescued from himself, although, this can make him quite effective as a distraction. Prefers to work with Minseok operating as his personal bodyguard. 
Kinks: oral fixation, soft!fem dom, watcher/voyeur, threesomes, brat
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Position: Point-man, Head of Wetwork, Operator; No. 2. 
Nothing but the best; trained, disciplined, explicit. Taking orders from Suho alone, Kris runs all field operations, calling out plays and controlling the team. Whilst he is nothing but professional on the job, he’s the first to get in trouble the second he’s off the clock, and has way too many vices to name, ...well, maybe not before he gets to know you personally... 
Kinks: daddy, sport fucking, exhibitionism, attention, excess
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Position/s: Lead Tactical Bodywork, Honey-trap; face man. 
Experienced and hard-working, Yixing works tactical operations under Kris, most often assuming the position of inside-man prior to an operation’s start. Is an experienced fighter and rightly so leads tactical bodywork ops, but his work as a honey-trap/fake mark has resulted in some unexpected successes across a handful of missions, causing Suho to promote him to full time face man. 
Kinks: sexy™️, baby girl, dirty talker, over stimulation, spontaneous sex
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Position: Planner, Close-work Thief and Con-artist; face man. 
Dae works best in the center of an operation, up close and personal with the mark. Used primarily for moving thievery and con work, Dae can also stretch to long-term undercover work and intimidation/bodywork. Likes to play at honey-trap but can’t stop falling for the marks. Can successfully lift objects off of marks without breaking eye contact, enjoys repeatedly stealing Chanyeol’s watch and waiting for him to notice.  
Kinks: tease, voyeur, punishment, overstimulation, bondage, Sir ™️
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Position/s: Information & Tech; voice/comms, Character actor; grey man. 
Kyungsoo’s day job within the team is one of comms operator/tech operator, where he handles all communication between the Boss and the team. He also assists in job running and tech production, however he is increasingly called upon to do on-site tech work, requiring him to develop skills as a character actor con-man. In this capacity he specialises in portraying forgettable ‘grey men’; the unremarkable man right in front of you, the man you’d almost never suspect...  
Kinks: over-stimulation, control/restraint, soft!dom
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Position/s: Guns, Fighter, Tactical body/wetwork, Swordsman; sword specialist. 
With experience in multiple martial arts, Minseok is the team’s main fighter and specialises in sword and gun work. Whilst he is usually in the thick of any physical body/wetwork, he also moonlights as the team’s resident poker player/pro gambler, one who actually works better inebriated. 
Kinks: dom (possession), edging, control, over-stimulation, baby girl
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Position/s: Getaway Driver, Contact; accidental inside man. 
People know Chanyeol, and Chanyeol knows people. He can get you in anywhere, whether its by knowing someone on the inside through longstanding upper-class social connections, or by slipping a bribe to a doorman he’s known personally for years. Devastatingly hopeless with all weapons and technology, he instead contributes to the team as a makeshift getaway driver. Tao is also trying to teach him to throw knives, with... mixed... results. 
Kinks: threesomes, switch, voyeur, public sex, playful!dom. 
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Position/s: Distractor, Con-artist; specialist in long-cons, Honey-trap; face man. 
Kai is the not-so-secret weapon within the team, and is regularly called upon to assume both soft and hard cons as well as the occasional long-con. Kai continually demonstrates his incredible versatility and unique ability to charm everyone and anyone who is lucky enough to come across his path. Pampered, sweet natured and curious, Kai’s ability to flip between personas is what makes him one of the best face men in the game. 
Kinks: pleasure, attention, restraints, baby talk, over-stimulation. 
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SDJ / Suho
Position/s: Point-man, Director of Operations, Lead man; Boss.  The title says it all, Suho works as head of the team, leading from the ops room unless called in for Point-man work. Playfully dominant with a sharp disciplined edge that cuts like a knife, he likes nothing better than a well-done mission produced with flair and (hopefully) minimal damage. 
Kinks: soft!daddy, cherishing, baby girl, baby talk, control
© Sweet Teeth 2020
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onebadwinter · 4 years
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Name: James Buchanan Barnes
Meaning of Name:  James: It means "supplanter," one who follows., Buchanan: The place name is thought to derive from the Gaelic elements buth, meaning "house" and chanain, meaning "of the canon.",  Barnes: Warrior,  Nickname(s):  Bucky, Winter Soldier, Captain America, The Man On The Wall, Bucky Barnes, Buck, Sarge, Prisoner #56898,, Солдат, The Asset, The New Fist of HYDRA, Fallen Comrade, The Shooter, Ghost, Manchurian Candidate, Semi-Stable 100-Year-Old Man, Canary, Sidekick, W.S., Jim Barnes,
Age: Unknown, a few years younger than Steve Rogers, originally. But willing to make fit Steve’s age, properly if requested and I’m willing.
Birthday/Place: Unknown, March 10th or 20th, 1910-30s. Shelbyville, Indiana.
Species/Nationality:  Human/Super Soldier, American, Ice Elf on his mothers side,  American, Badoon,  German, The Chosen, Canadian, Scandinavian
Accent: American
Language spoken: English, Spanish, Hindi, Portuguese,Galician, German, Russian, Ancient Greek, Latin, Thai, Japanese, Old Norse, Aramaic,
Powers/Abilities:  Super Human Strength, Enhanced Reaction Time, Sensory Array, Extended Reach, EMP Discharge, Expert Spy, Electrical Discharge, Bionic Arm, Master Martial Artist, Expert Marksmen, Expert Assassin, Skilled Shield Fighter, Acrobatic, Advanced Scouting, Peak Human Condition, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Endurance, Enhanced Stamina, Regenerative Healing, Cybernetic Enhanced Physiology,
Pet: Mole (Orla)
Illness/Allergies:  Not prior to, or after, being genetically altered. PTSD, Brain Damage. Apathy.
Occupation:  Solder/Assassin/ Experiment
Faceclaim: Sebastian Stan
Description: Looks just like Sebastian Stan in his twenties. Has blue grey eyes, light to dark brown hair,  has a metallic robotic arm. Scars litter his body from injuries sustained during the plane explosion that had originally killed him, plus wounds that followed from his time as a Winter Solder, and a wound between his shoulders from his time as Captain America, as well as several others.
Outfit/Accessories/Jewelry: Tactical outfit, casual clothing, half face mask, goggles, Bionic arm, guns.
Height: 5′9″
Weight: 234 (Counting Cybernetic arm)
Body Build: Athletic
James was born James Buchanan Barnes in Shelbyville, Indiana in the early to late 1920s. Where he was raised on Army bases by his mother Winifred and his father George. He was born the eldest of four children. For most of the beginning of his life he and his family moved from base to base, as most army family's tended to do. Along these moves James had grown up being an Army brat, picking up on and getting actively involved in the army, even for such a young child. The happiness of course, as in most cases, didn't appear to last for too long. As in his young age his mother had died tragically early in his life.  Leaving the young James to help in raising his younger siblings while his father had continued to work in the army.
This had affected James' early maternal emotions in wanting to protect others. James had learned these skills while taking care of his younger siblings through the years. As well as picking up how to fight in a skillful manner. To the point that he became a sort of mascot to the base his father seemed to come to settle on. On this base it is here that James comes to meet a boy only a few years older than himself, Steve Rodgers. Here they begin to form a close friendship. James coming to learn all about Steve's home life, and eventual becoming an orphan, as well as Steve's weakened sickly life style. This is until they are both eventually separated  off and on until James is older.
This too, also did not last very long, either. When tragic news had come to the teenaged James that their father had died in an accident while away training on another base in a base in Virginia where they had finally moved to. After this event, James, old enough to not be sent to an orphanage has his siblings taken away from him, where they are sent away and eventually taken in by other families. James chooses to remain on the base and indulge in his enjoyment of the man who everyone called Captain America. Which James had been a huge fan of for the last several years since Captain America had started to appear on magazines and on bases. 
During these days he tended to get into some trouble but showed he had the potential of being great, one day, if he had worked hard enough and remained focused on joining the army as more than just a mascot. At some point however, while Captain America had been visiting a base, James took the chance to actually meet his 'hero', and when offered a training position on a S.A.S Unit, he took it. Leading him taking fighting lessons from the very same people who also trained the Sentinel of Liberty.
During this training James was considered to be a perfect match in partnering up with Captain America. This all in mostly an attempt to capture the attention of America's you, so they would invest in the building war against the Axis. But it also was to the dirty work. While fighting against the axis. James and Captain America, who James had accidentally stumbled upon one evening when walking in on Steve getting dressed, found out that Steve, his friend from many years ago had gone on to become Captain America, his hero. Which was a bit weird, he had to admit in some part. But eventually he got over it, because it was also so cool. 
The two eventually ended up fighting the Nazi's, and doing other heroic things in attempts to protect America and strike down evil. All that *Yawn* hero stuff, you want to know more about, read a Steve Bio. Anyway, eventually while trying to take down Baron Zemo who was trying to destroy and experimental Drone Plane, James had tried to stop the explosion and ended up getting blown the fuck up, as you do. With Steve being tossed into a frozen lake and freezing. James had apparently died. Or well, he literally died.
For quite a few years that followed James' death, he had remained frozen in the icy waters that his body landed in after Baron Zemo had blown the plane up. All but his right arm had frozen over in the icy coffin, as it had somehow become severed before the soldier landed in the waters. Upon being discovered by Hydra, James was soon revived but had suffered from severe brain damage and amnesia following his revival. This of course had lead to James no knowing who he was for many years to follow. During his time with Hydra they had used him to assassinate other political or enemies in general of their interest.
That was until one mission led to James kidnapping Sharon Carter,  many years after James' death and revival. Afterward the young woman brought it up to Steve and several others, which prompted Steve to look into it himself and finding out that it was indeed his former best friend. Which would lead to Steve trying to protect and save James, and several attempts to try and bring the other man back to his senses, or as the case was, remember who he was before all of these tragic events happened to him.  However, in Steve's attempt to reclaim his friend he had managed to do a bit more damage. Which results in the Cosmic Cube that James had on hand, being shattered.
In the years to follow James had tried in mostly success, at being the hero he had always dreamed himself of being in his childhood. At first he had to do this from within the shadows as the people had still not trusted him. Nick Fury had given him his missions and the chance to redeem himself, however. But these circumstances did not last long when it appeared that Steve had been assassinated, one day while going to trial for having instigated the Civil War over some accords, against the US Government and such else in the like. James had witnessed Steve's assassination and quickly, with the help of others he had befriend that were also Steve's friends, taken revenge on the person responsible, Crossbones, and Sharon?
However, it came to be found that Steve was not necessarily dead, just stuck in a time loop and Sharon was being manipulated and then framed for the assassination on Steve. Whose body had been taken over by Red Skull. James at this time was portraying himself as Captain America and was sent to fight off the Possessed Steve, who had by then started a Hydra Empire in the United States. During this fight James had sustained quite a lot of damage in order to give Steve enough time to fight of Red Skull. After this James decided to then go after sleeper agents for a while until Natasha got her own memories wiped by the last remaining of them, which ended fairly well for James in the end, not so much Natasha herself.
James continues on about whatever doing his Winter Soldier thing, going to prison, breaking himself out, with the help of Natasha, before she got he brain wiped of all memories of him that is. Things are good? Well as good as they can be for a short while. That would be until Kobiks arrived on the scene and started doing whatever it is she enjoys doing. She's made out of the shards of Cosmic Cube, by the way. Steve, who keeps retiring, not retiring and now is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D  since Nick killed a Watcher and James confronted him before Nick eventually peaces the fuck out to REPLACE the Watcher he killed, and left James to take Nick's place as "The Man on the Wall". Anyway. So Kobiks revitalized Steve, making him YOUNG, again, because Steve keeps getting older and James is has Infinity Formula in his vains from having died prior, again.
Moving on, James and Steve and everyone of their besties fight Kobiks new band mates who I guess then becomes protectors of Earth.  But who cares about that.  What's important to note here is that Helmut Zemo, son of Baron Zemo, he's mad, okay. He tries to kill James with the same plan his father tried to do before, intentionally this time, blow up a fucking plane. This family is absolutely, #Original.  However, the plan fails, much worse this time, for Helmut because James manages to escape with his life from the explosion and takes out Zemo for daring to even try to front him.  With having survived all of the attempts on his life, and mortal wounding up until now, and being abel to stab God Steve with a shard of the Cosmic Cube, since God Steve is all " Let me be a fucking asshole."
Afterward, all is returned to peace and Steve is back to not being a fucking asshole again, as well, they save Kobics by once again reforming the Cosmic Cube. But wait, there's more. James and Hawkeye soon team up to go on wild and crazy adventures together. Also, Thanos comes along and dusts most of everyone and Steve brings them all back, with the help of whatever Heros managed to not get dusted. It's a happy ending for all involved, except for Thanos,...and ...his army. But who cares about anyone of them? I am sure they'll be back, right?!  James now lives a moderately 'peaceful life', continuing his teamwork along side Hawkeye and occasionally teaming up with other heroes on the fly every so often, as he would see fit. ....But I don't know, how would you guys feel about this being an evil run? Hehehe.
Knows a lot about Weapons.
Is good in a fight, just using a hunting knife.
Likes Heroics and Idolized Captain America in his youth.
Probably pretty good at engineering and science, but had never been trained in it. He is a Fixer, however.
Acts stupid, but is actually very intelligent.
Believes in mythology.
Interested in conspiracies.
Tinkers with things when he’s nervous.
Believes in magic.
Becomes tired when it’s too hot.
When he’s bored he will rearrange things.
Sings to himself.
He believes in dragons.
Is annoyed by Stuttering.
Interested in fairies.
Bothered by not knowing things.
Swears at every opportunity.
Extremely flexible.
Names and talks to his his personal weapons.
Gets uncomfortable in places with no windows.
Dark sense of humor.
Charming, Honest, Ruthless, Punctual, Brave, Loyal, Elegant, Brutal, Forgetful, Resilient,Driving,  Headstrong, Dangerous, Rustic, Elusive, Unfathomable, Objective, Aggressive, Distant, Sadistic, Ashamed, Just,  Earthy, Honorable, Erratic, Self-Contained, Depressive, Tainted, Unlucky, Sarcastic,  Moralistic, Tense, Light Hearted, Casual,
Likes:  Taking care of his family, Adventure, Tigers, Gothic Literature, Botany, Mathematics, Cats, Science, Technology, Philosophy, Weapons, Peace and Quiet, Taking care of the people he loves, Protecting Others, Captain America,
Dislikes: Goldfish, Hydra, Centaurs, Winter, Jack o'Lanterns, Vampire Hunters, Shoes, Television Comedies, Politics, Performance Arts, The Guilt of what he’s done, Steve getting them into trouble,
Fears:  Deep Water, Windowless Rooms, Being Trapped, explosions, Extreme Heat, Strange Noises or any noises at all in the middle of the night, Being held Captive.
Personality Tests:  ESTP/INTJ-T, Type 8 The Challenger, Type 7 The Enthusiast, Type 5 The Investigator, 8w7,
Other: Pisces, Tropes,
Spouses:  N/A
Children:  One or more.
Significant Other: N/A
-> Father: George M. Barnes
-> Mother: Winifred C. Barnes 
Sibling(s):  Rebecca P Barnes, Evelyn Harlee Barnes, Harrison Douglas Barnes
                                                                             Alternate Universes
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daleisgreat · 4 years
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
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A movie podcast I listen to, The Big Picture, did a recent episode on the 10th anniversary of 2010’s Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (trailer). Coincidentally enough, that film remains in my backlog box all these years later, so I made sure to re-watch it before giving that podcast a listen. For those unfamiliar with this film, it is based on a series of six graphic novels of the same name by Bryan Lee O’Malley released between 2004 and 2010. The basic gist is that Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) falls for newcomer to town, Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). In order to win her over Pilgrim has to defeat Ramona’s “Seven Evil Ex’s.” Scott spends the rest of the film exploring Ramona’s mysterious past and dueling her ex’s while practicing with his band, Sex Bo-Bomb, as they progress through a battle of the bands tournament. Sex Bo-Bomb is one slick act! Stephen Stills (Mark Webber) is the doom-and-gloom frontman of the band. Kim Pine (Alison Pill) is a 2010 take on Daria and effectively nails her vintage expressionless glares and blunt quips. Young Neil (Johnny Simmons) is the affable, DS-loving, always ready alternate for Sex Bo-Bomb. Their #1 fan and also other girlfriend of Scott Pilgrim is one Knives Chau (Ellen Wong). Knive’s arc is probably my favorite of this ensemble cast as her journey from adoring fan and girlfriend to her final destination is a fascinating quest to see develop and a faithful translation from the books.
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I first heard of the books on the videogame podcast, Team Fremont Live where they reviewed the first book and their breakdown of it caught my attention when they dissected all the nonstop videogame references that are peppered regularly throughout it. The film captures that imagery to a T where it feels like Pilgrim is living in a real life videogame. In this world suspending disbelief is required because it is jam-packed with extraordinarily choreographed battle scenes, makes anyone capable of instantly pulling off bombastic martial arts moves in the blink of an eye without any training whatsoever, and quirky little animations of objects like Mario Bros.-esque coins and pixelated items inserted throughout that any videogame fan will pick up on. The fighting game fan in me popped a little each time a thunderous “KO” blared out each time Pilgrim emerged victorious after an evil ex duel. As a lifelong fan of videogames, it was fun picking up on all the references and Easter eggs in the background throughout. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World hit at an interesting time where Michael Cera was the only established star at this point in 2010 and was riding the last wave of critical success coming off of Arrested Development, Superbad and Juno. Brandon Routh is noteworthy appearing here as one of the evil ex’s after flaming out in his single appearance in a Superman film. However, a few other stars are here right before they exploded into bigger success like the aforementioned Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Chris Evan is here as another evil-ex shortly after his two Fantastic Four films, but a year before donning the Captain America costume for the first time. Anna Kendrick is here in a small role as Scott’s sister Stacey while in the midst of her initial Twighlight run. Finally, Brie Larson is here as Scott’s evil-ex, Envy Adams and she is the lead for her band, Clash at Demonhead in my personal favorite musical performance of the film as they belt out “Black Sheep.”
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It is worth repeating that I highly recommend suspending all disbelief going into Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and simply roll with it. The battle scenes are a hoot to take in and feature a ton of CG that holds up well ten years later. It is also worth pointing out this film is part absurd videogame battles, part early 20s love triangle drama and to a lesser extent part musical with several performances from Sex Bo-Bomb and other bands throughout the film. Director Edgar Wright tracked down a few bands to play the tracks for some of the featured bands in the film such as Beck performing the handful of Sex Bo-Bomb songs in addition to a slew of other tracks from artists like The Rolling Stones and Blood Red Shoes that perfectly supplement the outlandish tone of the film. It is not too often on here I recommend hunting down the soundtracks for a film, but the soundtrack for Scott Pilgrim vs. the World I wholeheartedly recommend! I think the Scott Pilgrim vs. the World BluRay may have set the record for amount of extra features for a single film in the near seven years of movies I have covered on this blog. A rough tally on my notes gives an approximate sum of nearly five hours of bonuses, and then four feature length commentary tracks on top of that! I will not detail every bonus, but will give some highlights of the ones that stood out for me. There is just under a half hour of deleted scenes with or without commentary from Edgar Wright. Most of them are extended scenes from the first act to trim out excess background info, but an alternate ending is what stood out the most that Wright explained he changed because it did not go over that well in test screenings. I can always appreciate a good blooper reel, and an excellent 10 minute reel is compiled here that I would rate right up with the stellar ones in the Marvel films.
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There are three features grouped together in the ‘Docs’ section of the extras tallying up to a little over an hour. If you only had time for one of the five hours of bonuses I would go there because that has the core making of documentary which breaks down collaborating with Bryan Lee ‘O Malley, nailing the casting, detailing the extensive stunt training and interviews several of the bands about being featured in the soundtrack. Speaking of the soundtrack, there are four music videos included. Definitely check out the four minute animated short, Scott Pilgrim vs. Animation that is essentially a prequel to the film that dives into Scott and Kim’s former relationship. There are 12 ‘Video Blogs’ totaling 45 minutes that are raw on set interviews with the cast and crew between takes that sees the crew up to all kinds of mischief to kill downtime. This BluRay easily has the largest photo gallery of any home video I have covered with several hundred photos. One gallery is labeled ‘storyboards’ but each storyboard panel is nearly identical to the excellent quality of the art in Bryan Lee O’Malley books so that is essentially a free comic book adaptation of the movie buried in the extras! I experienced all four of the commentary tracks in one re-watch of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World via jumping around to a different commentary about every five minutes. Edgar Wright is on two of them, one with Bryan Lee ‘O Malley and writer Michael Bocall and the other with photography director Bill Pope. The other two commentaries are split among nine cast members, with Michael Cera and the rest of the leading cast on one and the ancillary cast members on the other cast commentary track. Wright has tons of nonstop insight and production facts on his tracks, and the cast tracks are have a lot of fun anecdotes such as Cera failing at trying to get additional people on the commentary via phone call. On top of the commentary I had on during my re-watch was also a factoid subtitle track to really take in the extra features. Despite going on now for three paragraphs about the bonus features, I think I only touched on about half of what is available, and it is truly astonishing to see how much they crammed into one BluRay disc.
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A part of me thought going into this that Scott Pilgrim vs. the World would not hold up after 10 years. I would chalk that up to thinking I may have got easily won over with all the hype from being vastly into the books back then and being too caught up into the build to the film’s initial release. I can put those reservations to rest thankfully as I immensely enjoyed this ode to videogame fandom as much as I first did in 2010. Throw in a plethora of extra features to last all year to make Scott Pilgrim vs. the World one of my highest recommendations yet! If you want even more commentary from me about this film than below I have embedded the podcast I originally recorded 10 years ago shortly after seeing the film on its opening weekend. I bring on a couple other special guest hosts that are also ardent Scott Pilgrim fans and we review the film, soundtrack, the books and the videogame. Enjoy!
I brought on a couple other Scott Pilgrim experts on as guest hosts on my podcast to review the film, books, videogame and soundtrack shortly after they all released 10 years ago. Check it out in the embed above for more Scott Pilgrim goodness or click or press here to queue it up for later. Other Random Backlog Movie Blogs 3 12 Angry Men (1957) 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown 21 Jump Street The Accountant Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Atari: Game Over The Avengers: Age of Ultron The Avengers: Infinity War Batman: The Dark Knight Rises Batman: The Killing Joke Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Bounty Hunters Cabin in the Woods Captain America: Civil War Captain America: The First Avenger Captain America: The Winter Soldier Christmas Eve Clash of the Titans (1981) Clint Eastwood 11-pack Special The Condemned 2 Countdown Creed I & II Deck the Halls Detroit Rock City Die Hard Dredd The Eliminators The Equalizer Dirty Work Faster Fast and Furious I-VIII Field of Dreams Fight Club The Fighter For Love of the Game Good Will Hunting Gravity Grunt: The Wrestling Movie Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Hell Comes to Frogtown Hercules: Reborn Hitman I Like to Hurt People Indiana Jones 1-4 Ink The Interrogation Interstellar Jay and Silent Bob Reboot Jobs Joy Ride 1-3 Last Action Hero Major League Man of Steel Man on the Moon Man vs Snake Marine 3-6 Merry Friggin Christmas Metallica: Some Kind of Monster Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpions Revenge National Treasure National Treasure: Book of Secrets Not for Resale Pulp Fiction The Replacements Reservoir Dogs Rocky I-VIII Running Films Part 1 Running Films Part 2 San Andreas ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Shoot em Up Slacker Skyscraper Small Town Santa Steve Jobs Source Code Star Trek I-XIII Sully Take Me Home Tonight TMNT The Tooth Fairy 1 & 2 UHF Veronica Mars Vision Quest The War Wild The Wizard Wonder Woman The Wrestler (2008) X-Men: Apocalypse X-Men: Days of Future Past
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Neashi Tamiki, regarded as The Fifth Pierrot, was an Islander who once lived in the Destiny Islands. Awakening in Twilight Town in the wake of the Heartless Attack, the girl was reborn as a Nobody with no memory of her past life. She later became involved in numerous incidents and conflicts regarding Organization XIII's Project; "[Project: Pere Noel]". After graduation, she later entered the Organization as their 15th Member, Shenxai, the Capricious Artist.
~Information Bio~ Name(English Translation): Neashi Tamiki Hiragana: なし=たみき Romaji: Nashi=Tamiki Other Names: Princess/Oujo-Chan(Xigbar's pet name), The Fifth Pierrot(Pere Noel's code name), Number XV(Rank), Shenxai(Nobody name), The Capricious Artist(Organization title). Age: 16(KH1 to Early-358/2 Days), 17(Mid-358/2 Days to KH3), 18(Post KH3) Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Heteroflexible Race: Islander(Asian decent) Hair Color: Green Eye Color: Dark Teal Weapon: Halberd(Naginata, later Guandao) Element: Paint Lesser Nobodies: Pictomancer Occupation: Human(Formerly/Post-KH2), Nobody/Vessel(Slain in KH2) Affiliations: Destiny Islands(homeworld; formerly/Post-KH2), Twilight Town(Formally), The World that Never Was(Slain in KH2)*The Pere Noel Project(Graduated), Organization XIII(Slain in KH2). Alignment: True Neutral Inspiration: Me, Elluka Clockworker and Chirclatia, Platonic, Lemy Abelard, and Seong Mi-na ~Neashi's Theme~  Sunday Afternoon at Tamagawa River by Guitar ~Headcanon voices~ Japanese Seiyuu: Nana Mizuki Voice Actress: Caitlin Glass ============================================================== ~Personality and Traits~ "I can't believe I'm doing this again, "They" will pay for this humiliation." -Neashi's vendetta against "First Santa Clause" Neashi was a hardworking and creative individual and a thief, determined to become a well-known artist. Coinciding with her artistic lifestyle, she acts as a critic, particularly for anything related to art such as painting and catering, having such great taste within the creative world, though is still practicing to become better in her skills. Neashi is often relaxed and confident, but a little childish, occasionally teasing her peers to provoke them. In Addition, she had a tendency to mood swing. Xigbar often instigates her and she usually vented her anger toward him by attacking the Nobody. When faced with stressful situations, she'll try to escape if not fight back. She would also delay her heists or her missions' completion should her life be at risk. Although confident in her abilities as a Thief and a Fighter, she was against killing and refused to murder anyone; especially Sorcerers and stronger Organization members, knowing the crime would risk her being hunted down and executed, occasionally, however, she would threaten to end Xigbar's life if given the choice to cripple the Organization or to finally get him off her back, making her a hypocrite. Neashi also has a personal grudge against "Mr. Pere Noel", the founder of the "Pere Noel Project", vowing to get her hands on them for using her to do their dirty work. Neashi isn't very open with showing affection, often acting apathetic and sarcastic, even berating Demyx for his laziness, this was mostly due to her Trauma and [Mr. Pere Noel]'s manipulation, causing her to have some difficulties in forming relationships. Despite this and the fact she's a Nobody, she has a soft side, caring for the children of Twilight Town, including her youngest partner Nemu, and the friends she does trust to ease their misfortune as best she can, even going as far as to dedicate her thievery into making money to help them or bring back rare items. Having a liking for boyish things like combat and swordplay, Neashi fully embraced her Tomboyish lifestyle. Despite this, she does have a small liking for feminine things such as dresses, though doesn't do them very often. She does, however, make a few exceptions during certain occasions such as light makeup and accessories. She also acts stern at times, such as when she is doing house work or her missions for the Organization. Despite that, she does have fun and enjoys relaxing. Unbeknownst to most of her peers, she has a fear of thunder and lightning as a result of her PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Having witnessed her parents's death in a thunderstorm two months prior to the islands being destroyed by the Heartless. Becoming depressed, withdrawn, broken, and amnesic. Having lost her memories of her friends, relatives, and deceased family as a result of it, even after becoming a Nobody, her trauma is still caked into her mind, and any lightning based triggers such as a simple thunder spell will cause her the to suffer from an attack of PTSD before fainting, then waking up with no recollection of the attack. As Neashi begins to remember most of her past life, the more self aware she became, and as a result she became slightly depressed due to the pain in her past life, although still retains most of her outward personality as an attempt to hide it. The only ones who know of this was Demyx, Roxas, Xion, Nemu, Dimitri, and later Xigbar. When working for the Organization as Shenxai, she began to present herself as intimidating to her foes and the denizens of light outside the Castle That Never Was so no one would take advantage of her. When off the clock however, she's actually pretty chill and whimsical, albeit apathetic due to her depression. Thereby was more excepting about her demise because of it. Eventually before said demise, she began to realize the true horrors the Organization is causing regarding Kingdom Hearts and Sora and Kairi, as such she rejected her previous desire for revenge against [Mr. Pere Noel] and embraced her newfound desire for freedom and safety for herself, her young comrade Nemu, and her childhood friends. After becoming a Somebody again, she regains all her memories of her childhood and teen years prior to her trauma, in addition to finally regaining a heart and all of her human emotions. But while she was at first genuinely happy upon gaining a heart and her freedom, she became even more emotionally temperamental and visibly stressed due to her experience in both Pere Noel and Organization XIII, thus became very paranoid and anxious around any mentions of either groups and it's former members, in addition to becoming suspicious as to why the Organization had became Somebodies without the use of Kingdom Hearts. But at the same time she had became more worrisome about her friends, having to chase after Braig to "save him" from Master Xehanort and apologizing to Kairi for leaving her behind, meaning that she now acknowledges her friend's well-being or frustrations. ============================================================== Skills and Talents Despite coming from the life of a simple Islander, Neashi was able to have some success as a thief and fit well into the lifestyle and work required in Twilight Town. Although working alone, Neashi's connections to Pere Noel and the Organization allowed her to be well informed on her targets and more easily break into homes and avoid their inhabitants. Due to being a Nobody, Neashi was also resistant to being attacked by both powerful and lesser Nobodies by smell, also given the ability to control her own Dusks. In spite of that, she herself is also rendered helpless to the Darkness if not wearing the clothes made from the same material that makes up the Organization's standard attire. When fighting, she shows great skill with the naginata in both athleticism and grace. However, there are times where she does mess up and ends up either stabbing herself or stabbing someone important. Given the power of paint and thinner, she'll manipulate them in hopes of killing and/or trapping Heartless with them. She's weak against fire and lightning magic but can withstand ice. Outside of weaponry, she is skilled in martial arts such as physical combat, which can only be used in self defense. She also trains herself in Parkour to make her escapes from the police during her heists easier, in addition to making herself healthy. Neashi is shown to have a skill in drawing in any forms of media from sketching to painting. She can also cook for herself, be it microwavable to home cooked delicacies. Despite that, she does have trouble making homemade Sea-Salt Ice Cream, for she usually makes it either way too Salty than it's attended amount and/or give it an inappropriate color scheme. Naturally, as a Nobody and later a Organization member, Neashi can command the lesser Nobodies and use Dark Corridors at will. ============================================================== Character Connections Braig: An apprentice guard from Radiant Garden and Neashi's first friend, the memories of him were tragically forgotten when she grew older and became a Nobody. She met this capricious man at a young age after being transported from her world to his, he didn't think much of her at first but later grown fond of the child and vice versa, but they were later forced to part ways by Master Xehanort to avoid confusion from the public and to prevent the girl from foiling his plans, this resulted in her having trust issues. Like his Nobody, he's shown to act as a father-figure to Neashi in place of her birth parents. She was later horrified to learn that he and Xigbar are the same person and is working for the 13 Seekers of Darkness. Xigbar/Fourth Shadow: Neashi's Mentor from the Pere Noel Project, "Adopted Parent", and later her partner, she first met him in a Nobody territory under "Mr. Pere Noel's" last order. Though completely unaware of the Freeshooter being Braig's Nobody, her resurrecting memories allowed her to recognize his Somebody's scent thus earning his trust, though not fully. Despite that, they always get into fights both verbal and physical even threatening death on each other albeit, for naught, she is also often annoyed by his constant teasing, joking, and pranking, and is very aggravated with him making her do his errands such as buying him alcohol. Like his Somebody, he's shown to act as a father-figure to Neashi in place of her birth parents. He soon finds out that Neashi is starting to grow depressed, thus ruling her out as a potential vessel. She was later horrified to learn that he and Braig are the same person and is working for the 13 Seekers of Darkness. Dimitri: One of her former employers during her previous heists and later partner for the Pere Noel Project, she was first hired by this man due to her multiple thefts, and ever so often she would get ripped off and blackmailed by him, often getting half of the profit than she wanted. They were both surprised when they discovered that both of them are in the Project together, both being monitored by Xigbar as Second Dealer and Fifth Pierrot, and even worse being relocated to her apartment as a way to keep an eye on him. She is often disgusted with his greed and philandering with multiple lovers and wishes that she doesn't become one of his women. He's one of the few individuals who is aware of Neashi's growing depression and the first person to discover she had PTSD. Nemu: Her young neighbor and later partner for the Pere Noel Project, she was quite surprised to learn that someone their age was part of the Project as its Third Sleep Bringer, also being monitored by Xigbar. She also expressed both amazement when she saw how intelligent they were, hence satisfying her wonder as to why they're in the Project, though is often disturbed by their lack of communication, leading her to wonder if they had Mutism, regardless, she was able to bond with the young Nobody, even acting like a older sister to them. They lived in a studio apartment a few floors underneath Neashi's two bedroom one. They're one of the few individuals who is aware of Neashi's growing depression. Even though she became aware of Nemu's past life, she exonerated the child of their misdeeds due to their past abuse and manipulation. Sora: An Islander from the Destiny Islands and Neashi's childhood friend, he's also the reason she became a Nobody due to his influence. She first met the young boy after Master Xehanort sent her home, She was resistant at first but later developed a close bond with the boy, even becoming a sister-figure to him. She gives both him and Riku a few pointers in fighting growing up. Sadly, the memories of him were tragically forgotten after witnessing her parents' death 2 months prior to the Islands being destroyed. When she met him again, she only sees him as a ploy to the Organization, but feels like she knows him due to his resurging memories, thereby doesn't really show herself as a threat to him in particular. Riku: An Islander from the Destiny Islands and Neashi's childhood friend. She first met him after meeting Sora, she gives both him and Sora a few pointers in fighting growing up, she sees potential and trust in Riku thus becoming good friends. However, the memories of him were tragically forgotten after witnessing her parents' death 2 months prior to the Islands being destroyed. She eventually met with him again as a Nobody, under the impression that he was an Organization Impostor, she was taken aback when she saw his face however, feeling like she saw him before. Kairi: An Islander from the Destiny Islands and Neashi's childhood friend. Though never first met at Radiant Garden, she later meets her on the Islands and developed a close bond with her. However, the memories of her were tragically forgotten after witnessing her parents' death 2 months prior to the Islands being destroyed. When she was visiting the Islands one day, she accidentally ran into Kairi, but eventually became good friends(again) despite being a Nobody. Neashi was surprised to learn that she was one of the Seven Princesses of Heart and became genuinely horrified when Saix kidnapped her just to use her to anger Sora. ???/Mr. Pere Noel: Her Employer from the Pere Noel Project and later her target of Vengeance. She was first hacked by the mysterious person one day and was forced into the Project as "The Fifth Pierrot." She eventually grew to despise them after receiving many heists that almost got her killed and/or caught, she willingly stayed in Pere Noel in hopes to one day meet and punish them. She was though certain that the Organization's Leader is him due to Pere Noel being a funded Project by Organization XIII. Eventually she gave up on seeking revenge against him in place of wanting to escape due to discovering the horrors the Organization is creating. Demyx: A member of Organization XIII and later her friend and partner. She first met the young Nocturne after confronting Xigbar sometime afterward, at first she thought of him as an idiot and berating him for his laziness, even during their first mission together in the Organization, but later grows fond of the Nobody's company, even allowing him to hide in her apartment from Saix and stating that he's more tolerable to be with than Xigbar, although she doesn't show it and is quite irritated with his cowardice behavior. They also express their same interests for Music and Games, and he's one of the few individuals who is aware of Neashi's growing depression, proving his belief that Nobodies do have hearts. Eventually due to their closeness, they ended up having a secret relationship with him, but it was mostly on and off due to the Organization's rules, despite this however, she was genuinely regretful of his demise. Character Trivia ~ She's the only character known for having green hair. ~ She currently has 6 piercings on her face and ears. 4 thick rings(2 on her bottom lip and 1 on each ear lobe). And 2 thin rings on the helix part of her right ear. ~ Her Naginata fighting style is similar to that of Seong Mi-na from Soul Caliber. ~ Pere Noel is French for "Father Christmas" or "Santa Clause", the program is based on the fictional criminal organization under the same name from the Evillious Chronicles during the Sloth/Pierrot and Greed/Wrath arcs.
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